ZERT Coffee & Chaos 62 – Improving Your Fighting Position In Life

ZERT Coffee & Chaos 62 – Improving Your Fighting Position In Life

by Firearms Radio Network

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0:00 minutes

published 22 days ago

American English

Firearms Radio Network LLC

Speaker 00s - 42.2s

You're about to listen to a podcast from the Firearms Radio Network ORG. For more, visit firearms radio.net. Welcome back to the Zerk Coffee and Chaos ORG podcast,

Speaker 142.2s - 62.72s

the show we talk about anything and everything relating to what it means to be a survivalist and a prepared individual in today's society. I'm your host, Chris Bartagone, ZP002, back with me on the show today is Paul Taylor PERSON. Paul PERSON, Mr. X. How's it going, man? Hey, glad to be here.

Speaker 363.6s - 65.14s

It's always glad to have you here, man.

Speaker 165.22s - 87.3s

You know, I like when you, when you hit me up and we get to do these shows. I'm really excited when, you know, we get a couple of different hosts on here or a couple different guests on here with some repeat hosts. You know, I haven't had a show in a minute. Sorry, had a pen just come loose in the pocket there. It's been a minute.

Speaker 387.3s - 93.3s

I was wondering what you're going back there. Yeah, sorry. The pen just kind of popped out there. Didn't want that to cause a problem in the middle of the show.

Speaker 194.66s - 158.42s

But, you know, I like having, obviously, the ZERT instructors on, members of Zert that have been around for a minute like yourself and Jamie PERSON as well. You know, we've had Jack from Oklahoma GPE on the show before. We've had Ivan PERSON on the show. Lou and Luke and Mike have been on. In fact, their picture just popped up today from a year ago when they came down and did the, they did the TACMed ORG class.So it's always great to have people on the show and to sit here and did the, they did the TACMed ORG class. So it's always great to have people on the show and to sit here and talk. And, you know, when I see some of the comments and some of the posts that are happening, obviously, on the Facebook pages, it just, it's awesome. I wish I could respond to every single one and get everyone, every member from Zert ORG on this show at some point. That would be just a, that would be a wild time. But it's always great to have you back. Get them all on all at once.God, just a giant auditorium of ZERT members on a big giant screen. Oh, you know what?

Speaker 3158.46s - 163.58s

You could probably do a live feed later on in the year.

Speaker 1163.58s - 334.98s

Well, you know what? We probably could. And we will probably do that. There's options on this thing. I showed you a little bit of them before as we were getting ready and then had to go figure some technical stuff out. But, you know, coming up with topics for a show each week when we produce the amount of shows,obviously we put out a new show every week. So there's 52 shows in a year and coming up with the right topics for our listeners, I think is important. Today is the time of this recording is a Thursday. And we actually release on Thursdays. So when this show airs from when it will record is probably a couple of weeks. In fact, today's show that aired on Spotify and Apple ORG was our show that we did of the ultimate prep, the end of life prep that you and I did.So, folks, if you are listening today, that show, you've probably already heard it. But as always, this show is on Spotify and Apple ORG or wherever else you listen to podcasts. And it is also available in video form over on our YouTube channel. So if you haven't gone over there and followed and liked the channel, then please do so and click the bell so you get notified when the videos pop up. Comments on the YouTube ORG videos are great. We ask that people, in yesterday's, in one of the episodes that record, we ask that people ask questions.We love seeing comments, and that's great. But if you have any questions for any of us, then please put them in the comment section on YouTube, or on the just the straight audio section of Spotify or Apple ORG, and we will do an episode where we address questions. So that'll be fun. and we will do an episode where we address questions.So that'll be fun. With all that being said, the topics, like I said, are a challenge to come up with at times. So I always throw information over to you and over to Jamie PERSON. And it's always good. We have a staple of revolving topics that we can always revisit, but it's always good to bring something new to the table. And today's topic came from you.And, you know, you said, let's do a show about improving your fighting position. I'm like, okay, I'm like, yeah, you know, I just don't really want to make it to another firearms-related show, and you're like, no, it's got nothing to do with firearms or very little to do. I mean, you can always probably relate anything. Yeah, sure,

Speaker 0335.06s - 353.76s

you can relate anything to back to firearms, but you said there's more to it. And when you introduced it to me and when you told me about it, I really liked where you were going with that because I think that there's probably a lot of people out there that can relate to this and can probably learn something from this.

Speaker 1354.14s - 358.48s

So give us a little bit of history on what you were talking about.

Speaker 3360.18s - 388.64s

Yeah, and it was funny because right before we got online, you had said something about, you know, you had to fix something there on your computer. Right. And right before you hit this record button, he said, man, I'm always, I'm always learning. And I was like, holy cow, this is exactly what we're talking about right now. And it's got nothing to do with shooting a gun. It's got everything to do with, you know, improving thatfighting, you know, that fighting position, so to speak, that analogy.

Speaker 0388.64s - 393.6s

Right. The analogy, yeah. And yeah, of course, you know, I got, you know, most of my adult life,

Speaker 3393.7s - 420.46s

I was, you know, as you know, I was in the military. So a lot of the stuff that I've, I've learned as an adult, you know, is a reference or some type of analogy that goes back to that. And, you know, it got me thinking because we're always, you know, you'll hit me up with the text. It's like, hey, you got any ideas for a video? And we actually went back and forth quite a bit today. Right.We did. I don't know. I don't think that we're running out of stuff.

Speaker 2420.6s - 422.44s

No. I try to get deep. Right.

Speaker 3422.54s - 499.34s

You know, I'm trying to, you know, think about like the deep stuff and maybe, maybe something can hit home sometime. And I'm just doing stuff around the house. And as I'm doing stuff, I was like, you know, we should, we should just make a goal of always trying to seek some type of maybe not self-improvement. But I think when it comes down to it, it is self-improvement.You know, trying to, trying to upgrade the conditions, whatever we're working on at that time, we're trying to make it better. And in the military, any time we were, you know, we were an objective valley point or a patrol base or any time we were out in the field doing a mission, you know, especially in Ranger School ORG and any other school that I went to. We always had priorities of work. Okay.And part of those priorities of work was, you know, improving our fighting position. And nobody had to tell us to do it. It was just something that needed to be done. You know, if we were making a foxhole, you know, we were always, you know, improving the grenade sump or, or, you know, vegetation around that foxhole would die. So you would have to go out and, you know, always improving camouflage. And it wasn't something that like you're, you know, you shouldn't be stagnant.

Speaker 2499.66s - 505.3s

You shouldn't just, you know, go through all day like, well, you know, there's nothing to do because

Speaker 3505.3s - 526.64s

that fighting position could always be improved. You could, you know, double check, triple check your, you know, your left and right limits, making sure sectors of fire interlocked, you know, and I'm speaking specifically, like, as a squad leader role, but there was always something that you could improve in that fighting position.

Speaker 2526.76s - 529.84s

You didn't want to get lazy, get bored. Right.

Speaker 3529.84s - 534.48s

You know, because that's when, you know, certain things start taking over.

Speaker 1534.74s - 534.94s


Speaker 2535.02s - 538.24s

And keep your mind focused and on track.

Speaker 3538.38s - 543.5s

And I just think that maybe this is a topic that we can maybe discuss a little deeper.

Speaker 1543.7s - 618.68s

Well, I think that we can, you know, deeper. Well, I think that we can. You know, I mean, and I think that you can, you can take what you just said there, right? And you can kind of spread that out over and pass just military, just your everyday life. A civilian, someone who is, you know, who never went to, who never went into the military, 100%, somebody who even went into the military retired or just is out of the military now can definitely take some of that that they learned and put that into their regular life. But I think it'simportant, you know, the thing, the piece that you just said about never wanting to stay stagnant, I think that's what happens to a lot of people. They get complacent in their everyday routine and they miss other things. You know, it's funny because as we get older and we were, you were creaking and groaning over there, and you were like, oh, God, you know, and we're talking, just talking about staying stagnant,like people that retire, I mean, I don't understand that sometimes. Watch that I'm retired.

Speaker 3619.08s - 619.8s

No, no, no, no.

Speaker 1619.92s - 624.18s

You're retired, right, but you're doing stuff.

Speaker 3624.28s - 625.08s

You're keeping moving.

Speaker 1625.08s - 638.46s

Like the people that go and retire and just kind of, I don't want to say, like just wait for and to watch there, but it's just like that don't do much. You know, they just, they are stagnant. I think that's the worst thing that you can do.

Speaker 3639.74s - 642.2s

Well, and I, you know, and I'm going to go ahead and say this.

Speaker 1642.32s - 642.44s


Speaker 3642.54s - 670.1s

I think, I don't know about you, but I've been there. You know, I've had rough spots and I've had times where, you know, and I'm going to go ahead and say this. Yeah. I think, I don't know about you, but I've been there. You know, I've had rough spots and I've had times where, you know, you're, you've dug yourself a ditch and you're trying to figure out how to get out of it. And we talked about this before, you know, finding that purpose, finding, you know, finding a reason to go out and, you know, not be stagnant. And I like, you know, my mom's retired and she's living down in Florida GPE.

Speaker 0670.28s - 681.06s

And I can tell you, she, her daily activities is more than me, like, because of all this stuff that she does in this retirement area with your friends and all this stuff.

Speaker 2681.16s - 690.96s

So, I mean, I think most people should look forward to retirement and hopefully save up whatever to be able to travel and kids are out of the house.

Speaker 0691.54s - 696.06s

You know, what worries do you have other than, you know, spending time with your grandkids or whatever?

Speaker 3696.06s - 705.24s

But that's when you go and do the stuff that you've been waiting to do, see the world, travel the United States GPE, you know, hop, you know.

Speaker 0705.54s - 706.1s

Yeah, of course.

Speaker 3706.34s - 707.64s

Yeah, there's always that.

Speaker 2707.9s - 708.82s

But you have to have the means.

Speaker 3709s - 709.38s


Speaker 1709.48s - 770.72s

But you have to have the means to do that. And, you know, hopefully you have planned for retirement. They always tell you when you're a kid growing up, starting the workforce, like, you know, plan for retirement, right? 401Ks. All of those things are to plan for retirement. So when you are no longer collecting a check and a salary,you don't need to. You have that nest egg that you're supposed to just kind of live off of until it's gone. You know, there's some, I don't want to say regret, but I wish I had done that a lot sooner. but I wish I had done that a lot sooner, you know, because you just, hey man, if you don't, if you don't plan for that at a young age, life's going to get hard. And this whole, and this world's only going to get worse. Who knows?I mean, you know, what's going to happen. But so I guess taking it back to when you were in the military, so was, this was obviously when you were on deployment or just in total, like when you were, when you were in? Like when did you find yourself always improving your

Speaker 3770.72s - 786.6s

fighting position? I mean, I think it's one of those things where they kind of shove down your throat, you know, from day one. And, you know, the biggest thing is improve your, your fighting position. That's when you're in the field, you know, and that's not the analogy of it.

Speaker 0786.76s - 811.3s

You're literally any time. And, you know, every, you know, whenever I was a, you know, a Marine NORP infantryman, you know, you're digging a foxhole. You're constantly improving that sucker. Sure. Go become a sniper and you have hide sites. You know, we're spending a lot of time in hide sites and you're, you're improving your hide site,you know, improving the camouflage and the loopholes and, and all that, Ranger School ORG, 1,000% because,

Speaker 3811.4s - 817.06s

uh, you're always, you know, you're, it's patrol base activities every evening.

Speaker 0817.06s - 825.84s

You're in the field for, you know, 60, you're not in the field for 60 some days, but I think, but that kind of reinforced it,but, yeah, 1,000% when you're deployed

Speaker 3825.84s - 875.78s

and, and, you know, fighting position basically to me is the equivalent of saying improve your situation. Whatever situation that you're in, you know, that's, you know, it's a, you know, I was, I was talking to somebody the other day and they talked about how they were kind of disappointed in people that they were helping out, helping with their house. Yeah. Because there's issues with that home now. And it's like it's kind of one of those things like, man, I spent all this time and effort helping them.And now their house is kind of falling apart. Right. Well, it's up to us to have the initiative, whether it's the cars we drive, where we live, our situation, we should constantly be trying to improve stuff. And sometimes it doesn't take money.

Speaker 1876.06s - 877.46s

No, just takes a little bit of time and effort.

Speaker 3877.62s - 878.08s

Well, right.

Speaker 1878.24s - 882.46s

And so, you know, I think we were talking about today and you were telling me what you

Speaker 3882.46s - 882.82s

were doing.

Speaker 1882.94s - 913.3s

And, you know, you said, is it spring yet? Because then I can do it spring cleanup. you're a you know you have a house now and you have a range so you always have you you always are looking for work and that's something that you hear people say in training when when doing this stuff you know okay you've cleared this area now go look for more work. Is that something that you've heard or you say when you're teaching, especially, you know,tactics or stuff like that?

Speaker 3913.74s - 913.86s

Oh, absolutely.

Speaker 1915.66s - 921.6s

I mean, that's really big thing in CQB. Right. When you're clearing rooms, you should, you shouldn't be that number four guy that's standing around doing nothing.

Speaker 0921.74s - 933.38s

Right. You need to be looking for work. There is a window or a door that you can be pulling security out of. If you're standing there wondering what happened or what's happening, you don't need to be

Speaker 3933.38s - 934.62s

on that team. Right.

Speaker 0934.62s - 938.66s

You know, it's like you're looking for proactive individuals, you know, in the military.

Speaker 2938.86s - 944.62s

Right. You know, same thing. Now that I'm a civilian, and it pays to be proactive.

Speaker 1944.9s - 1001.88s

Right. It pays to to be proactive. Right. It pays to go out there. Yeah. And now how that translates over to everyday life, civilian life, in your life, and you as the listener, and then you know, you and even me, you know, I don't get out of work.I don't go home and just, okay, take my shoes off, kick my feet up, and then I'm just not doing anything. I know that there's stuff to do. And it's as simple as, you know, I mean, is your laundry piled up for four days? Could you, you know, are other dishes in there? And that's not really improving your fighting position, but it's always moving. Keep, you know, movement is key, right?Like you don't want to get lazy. You don't want to get complacent. But I can tell you, even in my life, there are times when you do. I mean, there's been, you know, Saturday is where I get up and I don't want to do a damn thing.

Speaker 31003.04s - 1005.86s

Well, I think we need to take breaks. Sure. It's like, you know, when you're Well, I think we need to take breaks. Sure.

Speaker 11006.22s - 1009.02s

It's like, you know, when you're on a diet, you need that cheat day.

Speaker 01009.7s - 1013.1s

You know, you need that day to kind of, you know, enjoy yourself.

Speaker 11013.26s - 1022.6s

And I know with us, with you and me, the big thing, you know, the relief other than shooting guns, you know, that time that we get to kind of not think about anything is riding motorcycles.

Speaker 01023.24s - 1038.76s

Yeah. I use that to kind of get away from the world. It's just me in the open road. And that you need those breaks sometime. And I know fixing stuff around the house here, you know,there's always, you know, we get stuck in this mindset that,

Speaker 31038.98s - 1051s

oh, I got to constantly be doing something. There's so much stuff to do that I can't, you know, you see it people all the time, they don't take vacations because they're just too busy. Man, you need that vacation to reset.

Speaker 21051.42s - 1056.88s

You need that cheap day, you know, or that just day that you're just relaxing and let your body

Speaker 31056.88s - 1069.14s

recover, let your mind recover. You're right. So on. But for some people, and it's hard, you know, I know when you just refer to that, you know,

Speaker 21069.14s - 1076.7s

not getting stagnant and keep your mind busy, that could also be a little bit of a detriment

Speaker 31076.7s - 1084.6s

because I know that when my mind is always staying busy, unfortunately, it's on work stuff.

Speaker 11089.9s - 1179.78s

There is never, there's very, very small amounts of time when I can turn it off, you know, with obviously being at the helm of Zert ORG and trying to always improve this community and give as much as we can for the members to the Clark Armory side of my world. I mean, it's a lot and it's constant. You know, I've been trying to, so we're talking about improving your fighting position. And obviously that just correlates to a lot of things.But I've made it a point as I've gotten older to improve some of my health situations. And what that means is just wanting to eat better, right? I went and I got a knee replacement. And leading up to that knee replacement, I ended up dropping like 30 pounds. And then I did a good job about keeping it off.And lately, I've lost some of that. And I've put some back on. And, you know, I don't like that. I definitely don't like stepping on the scale and not seeing it go down or staying the same and seeing it go up. So I've made it a point to make sure that I'm moving at least 30 minutes a day.So that's taking walks. Now, people go and they take walks and they kind of, either whether they listen to music, to just drown out the noise, but I find myself when I go on these walks, I'm just running through the day of work. And I hate it. I hate it. I don't know how to turn it off, man.I can't, you know, it's very, very hard for me. You know, it's funny.

Speaker 31179.82s - 1187.5s

You should say that because, you know, we talk about it before. I've talked about a couple times on here two years ago. I walked the C&O Canal FAC.

Speaker 21187.76s - 1187.9s


Speaker 31188.06s - 1221.78s

And when I did it, I don't know if I was in the right frame of mind. But I can tell you, you know, I was, I did a veterans event a couple weeks before that, you know, out in Colorado GPE. And during that event, they, at the end of each each day they had us tell the group we got in a group setting and they wanted us to go over like a couple positives and a couple negatives of each day and you know the longer you're in the call you're the longer you were there in Colorado

Speaker 11221.78s - 1227.8s

the more the negatives didn't matter okay and the more we put emphasis on the positives.

Speaker 31228.1s - 1259.86s

And I tried to do that when I walked the C&O Canal FAC. And it took me 11 days to do it. It was 185 miles. Wow. But I recorded a lot of stuff. I put a lot of this information.A lot of these, every evening I kind of wrote a paragraph on, you know, through the day. And I noticed how my paragraphs changed. And, you know, the things that upset me in the beginning of the walk were, you know, all the trash left behind. It was, it was all the static. But what's-All this stuff that I couldn't do anything about.

Speaker 11259.86s - 1264.24s

But what's amazing to me about that, Paul PERSON, is that you noticed those things.

Speaker 31265.26s - 1266.62s

But you were present?

Speaker 11266.62s - 1270.7s

I noticed it because it was, I saw a change.

Speaker 31270.92s - 1274.32s

The change was relevant because I was doing it every day.

Speaker 11274.38s - 1275.18s

There wasn't a break.

Speaker 31276.48s - 1281.16s

You know, there was not just a physical change, but there was a mental change in my head and my heart.

Speaker 11281.84s - 1283.02s

I mean, and that's.

Speaker 31284.04s - 1285.2s

But you were present, you were present in the moment is kind of where I mean, and that's... But you were present...

Speaker 11285.2s - 1288.36s

You were present in the moment is kind of where I'm going with that, right?

Speaker 31288.48s - 1289.76s

You weren't...

Speaker 11289.76s - 1290.76s

There was no distractions.

Speaker 31290.88s - 1291.96s

No, you weren't yet.

Speaker 11291.96s - 1293.06s

You didn't have work as a distraction.

Speaker 31293.06s - 1294.28s

You didn't have work as a distraction.

Speaker 11294.52s - 1298.14s

You weren't scrolling through Facebook ORG to see what people were posting.

Speaker 31298.28s - 1302.36s

You were present in the moment and you noticed those things.

Speaker 11302.42s - 1308.56s

And I think, obviously, that's a lost art, whether it's impossible for people to do it,

Speaker 31308.8s - 1314.18s

I know that I would have a hard time doing it.

Speaker 11316.02s - 1371.26s

Just for, I mean, and I'll give you an example of why, and then please continue, I think self-care is important for everybody. And I carry my stress in my shoulders and I know it. And I can tell you why I know it is because I go and I get a massage once a month to try and relieve that. And every month, that's where they spend their time.It's an hour. I remove, I had to start removing everything from my person before going in there because even in the hour while music is playing, the vibrating of my phone on the chair in the room continues to happen. So, I mean, good for you, man. I love that that's what you did. I think that is so important. And I think that is something that people should strive to do is when you're in something that requires you to be

Speaker 31371.26s - 1381.64s

present in the moment, be present. I'm trying to, I actually took a picture, took a snapshot of something that somebody wrote. I'm trying to find it right now. I'm not trying to be disrespected.

Speaker 11381.64s - 1385.32s

No, no, you're fine. Listen, you've got to have visuals. We do that on this show from time to time. I should have saved it on here. I'm not trying to be disrespected. No, no, you're fine. I can't find it. Listen, you've got to have visuals.

Speaker 31386.84s - 1389.22s

We do that on this show from time to time. I should have saved it on here.

Speaker 11389.66s - 1401.58s

That's okay. I looked at it right before we started talking. So I need you to keep talking right now. So when you, when you started this walk, you noticed and you started the writing from day one on the walk.

Speaker 31402.98s - 1403.02s


Speaker 11403.26s - 1405.26s

And the funny thing is, is it was pretty much,

Speaker 31405.86s - 1420.98s

like, it was for me because I wanted, you know, one of the things I do love about Facebook ORG is, is like, I love the,like, so when I wake up every morning, it doesn't show up immediately, but at the very top of Facebook ORG, I'll type in memories. Oh,

Speaker 11420.98s - 1424.42s

it'll show me all the memories from the previous year, five years ago. Yep.

Speaker 21424.54s - 1430.36s

And some of the, like, I wanted to remember every one of those days in what I went through.

Speaker 11430.36s - 1437.9s

And hopefully, you know, in the future, when I wasn't at that place, I might be, I might be stuck in that ditch again.

Speaker 21438.2s - 1444.84s

I can kind of fall back on that and I can see how that helped me and kind of helped me, you know, help pull me out of that ditch.

Speaker 31444.84s - 1445.6s

And I can see how that helped me, and kind of helped me, you know, help pull me out of that ditch.

Speaker 21456.04s - 1456.1s

But, yeah, it wasn't, I don't think that I was thought that it was going to hit me as spiritually as it did, you know.

Speaker 31456.34s - 1473.76s

Right. But it was one of those things where, you know, when you were, I'm going to go back to something that you were talking about earlier, about, like, losing weight. And I think, you know, we talk about improving your fighting position. Your body is the most important fighting position.

Speaker 01474.1s - 1484.86s

Because we can sell a house and buy a new one. We can sell a car. I can get rid of guns, buy new guns. Nothing in this world of material value is really that important.

Speaker 31485.74s - 1487.62s

I think we need to take care of ourselves.

Speaker 21487.88s - 1488.18s

You're right.

Speaker 01488.22s - 1491.46s

And not just the physical aspect, but the mental aspect.

Speaker 31491.46s - 1498.42s

This right here, I mean, your mind, your body, everything, that's the fighting position.

Speaker 11499.54s - 1500.3s

You know, your family.

Speaker 21500.76s - 1500.9s


Speaker 11501.08s - 1507.7s

That's, that's, you know, the most important fighting position is us as beings because everything else is just materialistic.

Speaker 21507.7s - 1510.3s

And that's what we focus on mostly all the time.

Speaker 31510.38s - 1510.74s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 11510.98s - 1607.1s

And I mean, right. And I've had family members who have experienced dementia and Alzheimer's. And there is nothing more debilitating and sad to see than somebody that experiences that. And it's, you know, it's horrible. And it was my, it was my grandparents on my mother's side. And watching that was, was painful.You know, I'm not saying that training your mind every day will cure that. But keeping a sharp mind is is very, very important. And that's one of the other things I noticed over the last year. Like things were, we're, I don't want to say clear or not as sharp, but they, I felt like I was lacking in things. And I've gone and I've gone to the doctor. I've done tests and, you know, we're improving all of that situation, you know.Because seeing your bodies, I don't want to say wear down or breakdown, but you see physical limitations. And I think it's important, like you just said, to make sure that you do whatever you can to keep this tool, this most important part of you, going. Like you said, you can put brakes on a vehicle to improve the braking, but you can't, there's not much you can do. I don't know, I take that back. There's a lot you can't, you know, there's not much you can do. Well, no, I take that back.There's a lot you can do to your body.

Speaker 31609.06s - 1612.44s

Yeah, one of those stupid things that I don't do the illegal stuff.

Speaker 11612.98s - 1613.76s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 31614.38s - 1621.84s

I mean, I, the funny thing about the military was I, I had complete disregard of what

Speaker 11621.84s - 1623.42s

condition I was going to be when I got out.

Speaker 31623.58s - 1659.52s

Right. So I did all the stupid stuff. And now you kind of pay for it with your knees. But it doesn't mean that I might not be able to run anymore, doctor's orders, but it still doesn't mean that I can't do stuff. So I think it's up to us to focus and prioritize and kind of take advantage and be happy about the stuff that we can do.You know, I've got buddies that lost their legs and their arms and stuff, but, you know, they're not, you know, Debbie Downers every day.

Speaker 01659.82s - 1673.32s

They're, you know, they look at, hey, at least, you know, I'm still alive and I, you know, and whatever they're, you know, it's, and I'm pretty sure everybody's, you know, we all deal with demons and all that stuff.

Speaker 21673.32s - 1680.38s

But on a day to day basis, man, it's one of those things where, you know, is that, is that glass, half empty or half full?

Speaker 01680.7s - 1680.92s


Speaker 11680.92s - 1773.72s

You know, we should be, you know, it's that difference between optimistic and being pessimistic. You know, being pessimistic. We've talked about mindset on this show multiple times. You know, we've talked about it in the frame up of preparedness mindset should the world go sideways even more than it is tomorrow, whether China GPE invade. We've always talked about that mindset.But I think that you need to have that warrior's mindset that you're never out of the fight, stay in the fight, whatever that situation, however you want to put a bow around that, that needs to be every single day. It's, you know, the fight or flight, right? Like you either are going to give up or you're not going to give up. And I think having that mindset is important across all things, not just if the end of the world happens, the zombie apocalypse, whatever the case may be, it's daily.the zombie apocalypse, whatever the case may be, it's daily. And improving your mental health, your physical health, why would you want to give up that fight? And again, I know I'm speaking from experience. I know that there's been times when it's like, all right, maybe just one more cheat day. But at some point, you need to look at yourself in the mirror and say, enough. Like, you're giving up and you shouldn't.

Speaker 31773.72s - 1802.5s

Well, I think that's a lot of the problems. And like, we don't, you know, whenever I put pounds on, I wasn't just, I didn't just, you know, gain all this weight in one day. You know, one day turns into two, two days turns into a week. Right. You know, a week turns into a year and like motivation levels and whether you're feeling sorry for yourself or, you know, I'm not that guy anymore. And just, you know, and it's not that you quit.It's just all of a sudden after a while, it's like, you know, how did this happen?

Speaker 11802.5s - 1811.56s

Right. And it's always, I'm going to. Whether it's on a physical or a mental or spiritual side. Yeah. You know, like you're talking.And, but, you know,

Speaker 31811.6s - 1816.88s

we always talk about this, you know, the first day of your, the rest of your life is today. Right.

Speaker 11817s - 1818s

And that's what I was about to say.

Speaker 31818s - 1819.08s

No matter what you're going through.

Speaker 11819.2s - 1841.44s

And everybody says, yeah. No, no, no, everybody says I'm going to start tomorrow.I just heard my buddy say on Sunday. He was like, well, maybe I'll just eat like shit today. And then I'll just it. No, no, no. Everybody says I'm going to start tomorrow. I just heard my buddy say on Sunday. He was like, well, maybe I'll just eat like shit today and then I'll just start tomorrow. And I'm going to quote Apollo Creed from Rocky 3 WORK_OF_ART. There is no tomorrow. There is no tomorrow, rock.Like, you know, it should go today. Just to kind of echo what you said.

Speaker 31841.44s - 1842.72s

It's just like New Year's resolutions.

Speaker 11843.24s - 1844.82s

Well, I'm going to wait until January 1st.

Speaker 31844.94s - 1846.04s

Why don't you start today? Right. If you wait until January 1st, then the 20th of January, you said. It's just like New Year's resolutions. Well, I'm going to wait until January 1st. Why don't you start today?

Speaker 11846.14s - 1846.38s


Speaker 31846.66s - 1850.38s

If you wait until January 1st, then the 20th of January, you're going to quit and wait

Speaker 11850.38s - 1852.1s

until January 1st or next time.

Speaker 31852.76s - 1858.12s

So there's especially our health, but it's not even, I mean, it's, you know, and we get

Speaker 11858.12s - 1863.96s

wrapped around our, you know, our bodies right now, but I'm fighting position could be anything.

Speaker 31863.96s - 1866.94s

And I think all that goes back to our mental health. Right.

Speaker 01867.16s - 1872.68s

You know, but it can be, you know, right now, you know, we, we talked about this in the

Speaker 31872.68s - 1893.98s

beginning of the show, trying to save as much money as I can, all these projects in my house. Right. So I'm doing a lot of this stuff myself. I just got done drywalling my, you know, my master bedroom, brother-in-law help with electricity and everything. But while I'm saving money, I'm also learning stuff. So it's

Speaker 11893.98s - 1901.86s

kind of seeking self-improvement there. Yeah. Yeah. You know how to change the brakes in your

Speaker 31901.86s - 1911.1s

truck, you know, or whatever. It's, it's, it's, you're kind of, you're stimulating your mind, improving, but there's,

Speaker 11911.1s - 1933.68s

there's a sense of, at the end of the day, there's that sense of accomplishment, you know, and I don't know if you've ever seen this, and I'm pretty sure you have, there's a Marine Corps officer that got in front of, I don't know, Marine Corps Army got in front of West Point or Annapolis GPE. And he said the very first thing you need to do, very first thing you need to accomplish every day to be successful is make your bed. Yes.

Speaker 01933.78s - 1938.48s

Because when you make your bed, you've just accomplished the first goal of the day.

Speaker 21938.48s - 1939.66s

You accomplish something.

Speaker 01940.12s - 1964.8s

And I don't even know if it's make your bed, but when you start out the day on a high, where you just accomplish something, man, it's all, man, it's, I don't want know if it's make your bed, but when you start out the day on a high, where you just accomplish something, man, it's all, man, it's, I don't want to say it's uphill or downhill, but now you're kind of motivated to, to, you don't just roll out of bed. It's like, oh, I'm not worried about, man, you accomplished number one. And now it's, you know, you're on, you're, you're one and oh at that point.

Speaker 31964.98s - 1985.24s

It's, it's, it's, you're on the good track for the rest right. Right. Right. Right. No, that, and that's a good point. Um, just going back, I, I, a, a, a, a, a thought pop up, you know, when we're, we're, we're, we're talking about our, our, our, our, our physical and mental position improvement.

Speaker 11996.16s - 2000.18s

But, I mean, how many people out there have you talked to or have had conversations with that hate their current job? J-O-B ORG, their current just over broke?

Speaker 32001.02s - 2002.06s

So many.

Speaker 12004.34s - 2061.24s

And you can just, now there's a different. They hate your situation that they're in. Right, right. But just it's a job or a relationship. Right. Right. Yeah, exactly.I mean, you know, but the job portion of it, I mean, there's been times when we've all hated that. And it's, I don't want to say that it's easy to improve that but it's not that it's really hard you can always go out and improve that situation you know there might be other things you know like if you don't like where you live and you want to improve that or even you know I mean the relationship or the marriage thing there can be some sticky situations with that but you know I think that's what we're talking about here.It's if you are unhappy in your life in a lot of, or in any way, unpack that and see what it takes to improve that situation. Tom PERSON, I finally drew that out of you.

Speaker 32062.18s - 2062.8s

Which part?

Speaker 12063.12s - 2066.5s

40 minutes of, I'm trying to let you get it.

Speaker 32067s - 2068.38s

Oh, you're trying to let me get it.

Speaker 12068.38s - 2068.82s

Thanks, Paul PERSON.

Speaker 32069.32s - 2070.8s

Hey, look at that, folks.

Speaker 12071.14s - 2072.58s

Paul PERSON's here teaching me things.

Speaker 32075.84s - 2084.4s

Obviously, it starts with that first glance into the mirror and being honest with yourself.

Speaker 12085.72s - 2161.36s

And I think that's a very hard thing for some people to do. To step up, look at yourself in the mirror, the full picture, not just a portion of it, and say, what do I need to fix? What's not healthy in my life? And I don't mean body healthy. I just mean, in general, what's not healthy in my life. And I don't mean body healthy. I just mean in general,what's not healthy in my life and what do I need to fix? And whether this is an unpopular opinion or not, anybody else's feelings when it comes to that don't matter. It doesn't. So if you are in a shitty relationship or situationand it's making you not happy and unhealthy then you know the other person's feelings aren't as important as yours um and again if your boss really relies on you because you do a great job but you're you literally are miserable 40 plus hours a week and they're going to they're going to really struggle without you it doesn't matter yours your mental health matters yeah and it's funny that and i was thinking about this earlier uh we spend

Speaker 32161.36s - 2228.5s

so much time through our day some people more time than others, focusing on other people's lives. You know, we watch these TV shows and we watch this stuff, you know, these reality shows. And we get online and we follow people on Facebook ORG and we like their stuff and we think, oh, man, I wish I would, you know, I wish I had a life like that. And most people don't realize that, you know, the grass is always greener on the other side, whether it has to do with a relationship or a job. And I put a lot of stuff on social media.That doesn't mean everything's perfect. Right. You put on social media the stuff that you want people to see, whether it's everything. I mean, I've had situations where I've had friends and on social media all of a sudden they get a divorce. You're like, where the heck did that come from? They just posted the other day.But the whole point of this is we're watching all these other people's lives without focusing on our life.

Speaker 12228.68s - 2248.2s

And that's where that focus needs to. Well, let me just piggyback on what you just said there. You're also watching these other people's lives through a filter and you don't even know it because everything that they're putting up is what they want you to see, right? No, nothing is real on social media. I mean, for the most part, right?And I say that with a...

Speaker 32248.2s - 2249.48s

All my videos are real.

Speaker 12249.68s - 2258.5s

Right, exactly. All of Paul PERSON's videos shooting is are real. When he's on his range, what he does there is real. But, you know, the people that are out there...

Speaker 32258.5s - 2264.98s

The people that are out there posting that, you know, all, like, everything is

Speaker 22264.98s - 2265.8s

peaches and

Speaker 32265.8s - 2273.14s

rainbows, I guarantee you that they have a shitstorm happening behind the scenes.

Speaker 12274.6s - 2295.76s

But, you know, it's social media. It's for the masses. Everyone needs to be, everybody needs to be like, oh, God, what is that person doing? I guarantee you they're probably doing exactly what you're doing every day and struggling with what you're struggling with. They just want to make it look like they don't. And that goes for all of us, man.I don't know. Yeah.

Speaker 32296.5s - 2308.2s

Yeah, I mean, the way that I look at it is liking somebody's selfies every day or taking a selfie myself and posting online is not improving my fighting position.

Speaker 12308.46s - 2308.72s


Speaker 32309.44s - 2345.22s

So what is, you know, what do I need to do to benefit, you know, myself and my future and all that. And I fail. I'm not going to sit here and say that I've got all the answers. I'm not a motivational speaker. I'm not, you know, you know, I try to every day be learned something about being a fire arms instructor and putting this information out. But I think that's part of it too is, you know, when we wake up in the morning and we don't need to have a honey-do list of 10,000 things to do, but starts with making your bed and having a list.Right. You know, having, I mean, I'm looking right now at a dry raceboard with 10 things that I need. things to do, but starts with making your bed and having a list.

Speaker 22349.68s - 2350.58s

Right. You know, having, I mean, I'm looking right now at a dry race board with 10 things that I need to do.

Speaker 32350.94s - 2360.1s

Oh, yeah. Prioritized. Yep. And every day, try to accomplish some of that. Yeah. And part of that should be, you know, take a walk.Oh, yeah.

Speaker 22360.1s - 2364.86s

Part of that should be, you know, get spiritually right.

Speaker 32365.16s - 2381.12s

You know, that should go on the list at the very top. Read a book, you know, learn something, watch a YouTube video on how to change your breaks. I don't, like there's so many things we have. Learning is learning. Whether you do it. We have technology at the tip of our hands.

Speaker 12381.28s - 2389.7s

Right, right. Back in the day, whenever I was younger, it was all anybody had was a dictionary and an encyclopedia Britannica WORK_OF_ART. Yeah.

Speaker 32390.7s - 2392.74s

You know, now you can learn anything.

Speaker 12392.98s - 2478.62s

Right. And like I said, you know, people crap over YouTube ORG, firearms instructors. I get it, right? I mean, like, I think there's a certain, there's a certain understanding what you can learn and what you can't learn. But for me, like, I have just embarked on a journeyof trying to learn and understand photography more than just using my iPhone and turning on portrait mode to take a picture of something. And it is very, very challenging. And I know that there's probably people out there that maybe they're listening to this or watching this. And they understand photography like you understand firearms or ammunition, right?And so it's very easy for them. They're like, what? I mean, if you talk to a guy who shoots long range and, you know, like he'll talk to you about Mills ORG and MOA, like, you know, it's just another, like, it's just talking points and they know it. But to a novice, to somebody who is green, it is all overwhelming to understand focal lengths and aperture rates and this and the other thing.So I've made it a point to try and learn something every day and do this. I just put up a picture of me taking a photograph of the trees behind, you know, my deck.

Speaker 32479.6s - 2480.5s

I found the sniper.

Speaker 12480.86s - 2500.02s

Exactly. It could have been a where's Waldo PERSON type situation. But, you know, and then I put up a picture the other day of a picture of Stella PERSON that I took. And the raw picture versus what somebody who knows what they're doing did to it. I'm like, oh my God,

Speaker 32500.52s - 2504.66s

two different things. I always knew Stella PERSON was model material and that picture was proved it.

Speaker 12504.66s - 2505.84s

She is. She is. That's going to be a print. I'm going Stella PERSON was model material and that picture was improved it. She is, she is.

Speaker 32505.88s - 2507.84s

That's going to be a print I'm going to send out to everybody.

Speaker 12509.18s - 2511.46s

Better be above the fireplace

Speaker 32511.46s - 2513.46s

the next time I show up your place.

Speaker 12513.46s - 2514.4s

It might be.

Speaker 32515.78s - 2518.1s

So I've tried to improve

Speaker 12518.1s - 2519.98s

just some of my

Speaker 32519.98s - 2523.28s

the tools in the toolbox, if you will.

Speaker 12524.02s - 2530.26s

Now do you think this small focus on photography and seeking improvement there,

Speaker 32530.56s - 2533.7s

do you think that's helping take your mind off work?

Speaker 12534.5s - 2535.4s

Maybe a little bit.

Speaker 32535.4s - 2536.58s

Yeah, kind of.

Speaker 12536.7s - 2546.66s

It allows me to stop and focus on trying to capture that cool picture or the picture that I think is cool. The moment. You're trying to capture that cool picture or that the picture that I think is cool.

Speaker 32546.66s - 2547.92s

The moment. You're trying to capture that moment.

Speaker 12547.96s - 2548.18s


Speaker 32548.64s - 2558.56s

And I've always been torn on that, you know, being present in the moment versus trying to document being present in the moment.

Speaker 12559.1s - 2559.78s

You know what I mean?

Speaker 32559.78s - 2569.5s

Like, I don't, if I go on vacation, I don't want to constantly be enjoying the vacation through the viewing screen on my phone.

Speaker 12569.9s - 2580.42s

So I can snap pictures to then show it on social media. Hey, look at what I did. Instead, I just want to put my phone in my back pocket and enjoy the moment.

Speaker 32581.26s - 2582.26s

Yeah, I agree with that.

Speaker 12582.26s - 2586.28s

But, you know, when I, when I did this walk, when I did this

Speaker 22586.28s - 2591.94s

hike, every day I told myself, I'm going to take a picture every day, just one picture. It wasn't

Speaker 12591.94s - 2597.62s

like that was video. I wasn't doing like the video, like follow me around with my camera always on.

Speaker 22598.38s - 2603.04s

But I can tell you, I took one picture on that walk that I'm really glad I took that picture.

Speaker 32603.16s - 2606.84s

Okay. Because that's a picture that I'm going to hang above my fireplace.

Speaker 22607.86s - 2613.06s

And that kind of was symbolic of, you know, it was at 9 a.m.

Speaker 32613.16s - 2649.48s

And the fog was, I think I showed you the picture. Yeah, yeah. But I was glad, like, you know, it's good to have those, those memories and that to fall back on because that reflects on that, that entire journey and that entire experience. And, like, I got to tell you, and I hate to be morbid. And we always go back to this, you know, Stella PERSON's not going to be around forever. No, of course not.And when she's gone, you're going to look at that pitcher. And you're going to be happy that you took it. Oh, yeah. Even though in the moment, you just want to enjoy Stella PERSON playing with a ball.

Speaker 12649.6s - 2699.34s

Right, right. 100%. I mean, I get that. And I, you know, it's funny, if you scroll through my pictures on my phone, there are probably more pictures of Stella PERSON than any of my other dogs. And that's okay.You know, I just obviously decided to document a lot more. I mean, I have a bunch of pictures with Bailey PERSON, but it was probably a time when I just wasn't doing as much with it. But you're 100% right that I do want, I enjoy the documenting of it. But I just don't, like you said, you took one picture a day.I don't want to spend the entire time looking through the beautiful scenery of my vacation through my phone.

Speaker 32700.04s - 2722.5s

I agree with you. There's, there's, there's, I saw a picture online and it was a sporting event event, and there was, like, the picture was of, like, 50 people. They all had their cameras out, and they're looking through the lens of the camera. And right in the middle is one old guy, and he had the biggest smile on his fit, bigger than anybody else, because he was living in the moment, not living through the lens of his camera.

Speaker 02722.56s - 2722.92s


Speaker 12723.12s - 2723.98s

So I agree with you.

Speaker 02724.58s - 2726.6s

But it is nice to go get that one picture.

Speaker 12727.3s - 2728.54s

You're 100% right.

Speaker 32728.54s - 2731.54s

When I record stuff, I very rarely ever watch that stuff back.

Speaker 12731.64s - 2731.86s


Speaker 32731.94s - 2732.6s

I mean, you know that.

Speaker 12732.72s - 2839.46s

Yeah. And what's funny is, so you just talked about a fog picture and I was able to pull one that I literally on the drive to work, just zoning out, I stopped because I came up over the hill. This was one morning, I can't remember how long ago, but I came up one morning and I came up over this hill and I saw this. And I immediately stopped the truck, hopped out. And this was just with my phone. I could only imagine if I had an actual real camera, but I snapped this picture.And obviously, for those that are just listening to this, there's a picture of a, of a, the sun was just coming up in the morning, but it was super foggy. And it's just a super back road. And it's just kind of a really, I don't want to say eerie picture, but it just, I love that picture. And, you know, it's one that I've always kept in there to kind of just go back. And it was one that I've always said that I wanted to turn into a print. But, you know, going back to the question that you asked me, yes, this attempt to learn photographyhas allowed me to shut off some of the, okay, you know, what's the promotion going to be for tomorrow at Clark Armory or to not, you know, wondering, like instead of wondering all day if it's going to do well or whatnot, you know, I can focus on other things. I try and see the beauty in other things. see the beauty in other things. I just think that some of these pictures that these people producethat these amazing photographers produce are just, they're mind-blowing. You know, for me, that's what it's been.

Speaker 32841.08s - 2877.24s

Well, I mean, there's so much, you know, you talk about work and this whole photography thing. And, you know, we live in a world that we're surrounded by so much, quote, unquote, noise. They're just noise everywhere. I'm not talking about the noise of, you know, cars, but noise is, you know, defined by me as distractions. Stuff that I don't want to say it doesn't matter.But when it comes to our mental health, you know, we constantly, our mind isn't always going in the right direction because there's always noise going on.

Speaker 22877.24s - 2905.46s

Right. And I think that we have to find ways to shut that noise off, even if it's an hour every day. Yeah. You know, and some people, like you said, getting a massage or yoga or going for a walk or maybe or maybe having a conversation with somebody, an old friend that you can, you know, mentorship.Yeah. You know, having some type of of talking with somebody just to, you know, when we talk on the phone, we talk a lot about guns. We do. You know, and talk about stuff that, and I like to, you know, when we talk on the phone, we talk a lot about guns. We do.

Speaker 12905.46s - 2911.42s

You know, and talk about stuff that, and I like guns, you like guns. We also talk a lot about motorcycles. Yeah, we do too.

Speaker 32911.46s - 2915.64s

We are planning a motorcycle trip in the near future, yeah.

Speaker 12917.48s - 2921.24s

To, even if it's a couple days, to get rid of the noise.

Speaker 32921.48s - 2921.68s


Speaker 12921.78s - 2925.46s

And I'm pretty sure we'll talk about work a little bit, but there's going to be other stuff to talk about.

Speaker 32925.46s - 2926.4s

No, you know what?

Speaker 12926.5s - 2929.28s

I think that's part of that improving that fighting position.

Speaker 32929.62s - 2930.06s

I agree.

Speaker 12930.38s - 2938.84s

Is, you know, is just, you know, I've, I've been working on this house like almost every day since I moved in.

Speaker 32939.3s - 2958.74s

And I finally got to the point with this room and my brother-in-law looked at me yesterday and he goes, you know what? You don't just need a break. He's like, I see everything that you're doing. You just don't need a break. You deserve a break. Yeah.And Chris PERSON, you work hard. You deserve a break. So we need to take those breaks every now and then.

Speaker 12958.74s - 2966.88s

I am. I am. And that's part of that improving that fighting position too. Yeah. We need that time to reset. I think you're right.

Speaker 32966.88s - 2967.5s


Speaker 02968.34s - 2969.98s

And it's good for your body.

Speaker 32970.12s - 2979.78s

Obviously, one of the other things, and I don't know if people realize how important it is.

Speaker 02980.3s - 2985.72s

I'm sure that they do, but there's probably a lot of people that, well, maybe they do.

Speaker 12985.84s - 3089.06s

I don't know. I won't begin to assume. But getting the right amount of sleep and the right kind of sleep is really, really important for improving both your mental and your physical fighting position, your health. fighting position, your health. You know, it's funny, and I don't know if you, you know, on that Garmin ORG watch, it tracks sleep. I know that I was tracking my sleep.And, you know, Jamie PERSON will argue this all the time. Sometimes you don't want to do that because you don't want to live by the data that you're seeing every day, right? Like, oh, God, no, I slept like crap. Okay, maybe you didn't sleep like crap. Maybe the watch says I slept like crap. Okay, maybe you didn't sleep like crap. Maybe the watch says you slept like crap, but I wear my watch to sleep so I can track mysleeping habits and to see how much sleep I'm getting. I started doing that when I was working for an ammunition manufacturer and I literally would go to sleep just completely stressed and spent. And I wanted to see how it was affecting my, A, my sleep and then B, my physical and mental health, because I was just constantly getting just beat up by my superior on everything that needed to happen. And so much so where I had had enoughand I had resigned from that position because it was literally taking its toll on me. And that's not good. But having the right amount of sleep makes that first task that you start the next day, I mean, it makes it, you know, that much better.

Speaker 33090.38s - 3100s

I'm going to agree with both of you on that. I'm kind of with Jamie PERSON. I don't need a watch to tell me that there's stuff going on. Right.

Speaker 23100.16s - 3101.72s

That my sleep is good or not.

Speaker 33101.84s - 3170.92s

I know in the morning, I know when I'm tossing and turning all night because my mind isn't in the right spot because I'm thinking about stuff when I should be thinking about getting a good night's sleep. How many hours of sleep have we lost? How many times am I waking up in the middle of the night, you know, so on and so on? And I think part of that is, you know, is by the time, sometimes by the time, at least when I go to bed, you know, I knowwhether or not how productive I was through the day. Productive for me, productive with the things that I want to accomplish. How many things did I put off? Yeah. So then you're going to bed thinking about that. Yeah.And, well, I just wasted another day. Yeah. So I can tell you, I get the best night's sleep when I work hard. Yeah. When I deserve it. And I can put my head down.It's like, and you go to bed and the last thing that goes through your mind. And it's funny because my brother-in-law would say this all the time. You know, we get done doing farm work. And he look over at me and he goes, today was a good day. How many days do you go to bed saying, you know, we get done doing farm work and he look over at me and he goes, today was a good day. How many days do you go to bed saying, you know, excuse me.

Speaker 03171.24s - 3171.26s


Speaker 13171.58s - 3177.94s

And really mean, man, I got, I got for myself, whether I'm working on my house, the range,

Speaker 03178.1s - 3185.32s

chores, working on your relationships. Yeah. You know, with your family, your kids. How many times can you go to bed saying, today was a good day?

Speaker 33185.48s - 3185.64s


Speaker 13186.1s - 3187.38s

And I think that's what it's all about.

Speaker 33187.7s - 3189.2s

You're 100% right.

Speaker 13189.32s - 3206.54s

I mean, it is. You know, every, you've got to strive to have a good day every day. It doesn't always work. And I know that probably sounds, you know, cheesier like an ice cube song. Today was a good day. Didn't even have to use my AK for all my OGs out there.You'll know.

Speaker 33207.86s - 3211.96s

Um, but it, it's a good day because I, you sure.

Speaker 13212.14s - 3269.04s

You had to. I mean, then you, you know, who knows. But accomplishing tasks is important. Having the, the understanding that you need to do that, and sometimes it does require making a list, you know, but being able to check one of those things off is going to be great for you. You know, there's, there, and it's not, it, it doesn't just come easy. I have toremind myself when I get home and I finish making dinner. Okay, there's still, you still have to find work. There's still work to be done. Yes, it sucks. Go down, get the laundry out. I despise folding laundry.It's the worst. But it's got to be done. Nobody else is going to do it. And some days it sits down there for an extra day and you just hit that dryer one more time and get a fresh dry in and you, then you got to bring it upstairs and put it all

Speaker 33269.04s - 3278s

away. But you know what? But have you ever had like when you get it done and you look at that pile of folded clothes? You're like, isn't there a little bit of a sense of a confidence?

Speaker 13278s - 3283.3s

100%. 100%. You're like, yes. You feel good about it. I can wear my favorite t-shirt.

Speaker 33283.38s - 3287.12s

Right. Exactly. You're like, you're not sitting there worried about it anymore.

Speaker 13287.28s - 3290.08s

You know that you don't have to do it anymore and it's gone.

Speaker 33290.18s - 3293.98s

You know that you'll have to do it again, but then you can.

Speaker 13293.98s - 3294.68s

In a month.

Speaker 33294.94s - 3299.64s

Well, yeah, then you attack it then too, you know, like, yeah, 100%.

Speaker 13299.64s - 3300.28s

It does.

Speaker 33300.28s - 3310.16s

It brings a sense of relief and joy and, ah, you get that, that, just that take that deep breath like, I did it, you know.

Speaker 13312.32s - 3373.36s

Folks, we went, we went a couple of different places on today's episode. And I don't think when we set out to do these, we, we ever set out to solve the world's problems or solve anyone's problems or solve our problems for that matter. All we do is sit and we engage in a conversation and hopefully bring light to some of the things that maybe all are thinking about, wondering about. maybe y'all are thinking about, wondering about. And, and, you know, I know that Paul PERSON and I will probably recap this or AAR this episode after we get done. But I think it's important. And it, again, it starts with you and your journey, understanding that you have work to do, you probably will always have work to do, and not being afraid to do that work.Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 33373.48s - 3408.42s

And it doesn't matter, you know, what it is. There should always be, you know, some type of effort and not just to get stuff done, you know, because stuff needs to get done. But it is, it is, you know, part type of effort and not just to get stuff done, you know, because stuff needs to get done. But it is, it is, you know, part of that mental health aspect of whether you're making your bed or you're folding that laundry. You know, our primary focus should be, you know, everyday learning, becoming better, you know, better individuals, better fathers, better homeowners, better gun shooters, better, I've got to bring it back to the gun.

Speaker 23408.42s - 3420.68s

Yeah, yeah. But the focus should be, man, there's, there's a thousand different fighting positions out there using that analogy. And, man, I get to, you know, I get to go to sleep better at night when I, when there's that sense of accomplishment.

Speaker 13420.98s - 3448.76s

And I get to say, today was a good day. Yeah. All right, folks. Well, that's going to be it for today's episode. We really, really appreciate you spending some time listening and or watching this episode. And as I always say, when we close these shows out, is that we want you to stay safe out there.And we will see you next time. And until then, ZP002, out.

Speaker 33449.62s - 3451.32s

Mr. X PERSON, out.

Speaker 13452.38s - 3453.4s

All right, see you.

Speaker 33453.4s - 3456.68s

This podcast has been a production of the Firearms Radio Network ORG.

Speaker 03456.96s - 3459.42s

For more, visit FirearmsRadio.net ORG.