E1884: Inflammatory Anti-Israel Protests Spread Across Elite US Campuses

E1884: Inflammatory Anti-Israel Protests Spread Across Elite US Campuses

by Wayne Dupree

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92:15 minutes

published 1 month ago

American English

2023 The Wayne Dupree Podcast

Speaker 110s - 25.38s

Every day we rise, challenging ourselves to work for what we believe in. At U.S. Border Patrol ORG, protecting our borders is more than a job. It's a calling. Agents answer the call, working together to keep our country and communities safe. If you are ready for a new mission, join U.S. Border Patrol ORG and go beyond. Learn more at CBP.gov slash careers. for a new mission, join U.S. Border Patrol ORG and go beyond.

Speaker 347s - 69.88s

Learn more at CBP.gov ORG slash careers. The University led us to the situation, unfortunately, through bringing the police here. That was the last thing that the students wanted, that the faculty wanted that was very evident

Speaker 1069.88s - 87.24s

today, and the faculty woke out in support of those students who were unjustly suspended and who were also arrested by NYPD ORG. Now the climate on campus has changed a lot of students before they were scared of the

Speaker 087.24s - 100.76s

university intimidation tactics because the university has used and has unleashed a lot of scary tactics. You notice the first day when the students were at the other lawn of this university

Speaker 10100.76s - 189.76s

before the police came and arrested them. Today as we can see there's much more than that. It's time for us to show that yes we want to be visible. The university should do something about what we're asking about the genocide that's happening in Gaza GPE. They should stop investing in this genocide that our people is now suffering from. All right. Welcome to the show, ladies and gentlemen. My name is Wayne Dupree, and it is a Tuesday, April 23rd, 2024. We're only a few months away from the general election, the 2024 general election this year. It is a presidential election. So please mark

Speaker 4189.76s - 194.26s

that down on your calendars. Let me introduce the godfather of conservative radio, Mr. Hutz

Speaker 2194.26s - 205.62s

Bailey Jr. Hello, Wayne, and Jason, and everybody today is primary day in Pennsylvania GPE. I'll be going to do my Democrat NORP Party duty to get Summer Lee out. I'm a Democrat now.

Speaker 4207.56s - 208.58s

I won't be for long, but I am right now.

Speaker 15209.7s - 210.06s

I am today.

Speaker 4210.8s - 212.8s

Card carrying.

Speaker 15217.52s - 218.16s

And let me introduce the Imam of Minnesota, Mr. Jason Robinson PERSON.

Speaker 2221.16s - 221.82s

Hot Wayne, audience, happy Taco Tuesday.

Speaker 4223.82s - 224.06s

Taco Tuesday's perfect day to share the show.

Speaker 15225.54s - 226.2s

Help us beat the big tech algorithm.

Speaker 2227.1s - 228.2s


Speaker 15229.18s - 231.4s

See, Signor PERSON.

Speaker 2232.76s - 233.24s

Sinko, sinko, single.

Speaker 4233.46s - 234.46s


Speaker 15235.18s - 237.1s

Brother, choose.

Speaker 3238.18s - 240.02s

Sure, sure.

Speaker 4243.36s - 251.1s

I'm glad you brought up that about the voting. If you have some information about what's going on up there in Pennsylvania GPE.

Speaker 2251.92s - 262.44s

I don't know. It's hard to read it. You know, I keep seeing these polls. But Pennsylvania GPE is the most corrupt state in the country. Right.They've got employees that steal elections.

Speaker 15262.6s - 265.54s

Yeah. I was going to say Minnesota GPE might like a word with you.

Speaker 2266.44s - 266.64s

That's true, too.

Speaker 15267.5s - 268.42s

That's true, too.

Speaker 2270.58s - 270.78s

And, you know, I'm watching that thing.

Speaker 14273.28s - 273.36s

I'm watching that freaking Palestinian NORP do.

Speaker 15274.82s - 275.14s

Why don't we go back to his own country?

Speaker 14275.48s - 276.12s


Speaker 2279.76s - 280.56s

You know, this immigration is going to kick us in the, man.

Speaker 14304.38s - 304.68s

Not only that, why is it that all the anti-American NORP factions in this country is more funded than the people that live in this country that need help to do stuff?

Speaker 15305.14s - 307.44s

I saw something that kind of shocked me a little bit.

Speaker 14307.44s - 308.12s

It shouldn't have.

Speaker 15308.22s - 309.54s

It really shouldn't have, but it did.

Speaker 2310.18s - 314.84s

Ben Berkwam says Columbia ORG professors, professors.

Speaker 4315.38s - 315.66s


Speaker 2315.9s - 320.06s

Come out in force to support anti-Israel protesters,

Speaker 4320.52s - 322.4s

refuse to condemn Hamas ORG killers.

Speaker 2323.78s - 325.26s

The frickin' professors. The freaking professors.

Speaker 4325.7s - 329.8s

The National Guard ought to shut that damn company down, that college, whatever.

Speaker 2330.7s - 332.58s

I mean, it's National Guard ORG time.

Speaker 4333.12s - 335.48s

I was going to say, that was my final thought yesterday.

Speaker 2335.6s - 336.98s

I was going to watch these protests,

Speaker 3337.06s - 340.4s

and there's a bunch of independent journalists that are on the ground

Speaker 15340.4s - 342.48s

at like seven or eight different campuses.

Speaker 4342.98s - 345.26s

And folks, this is getting whitewashed in the news.

Speaker 15345.4s - 348.9s

These people aren't like stop bombing Palestine GPE.

Speaker 2349.8s - 353.52s

These people are like chanting death to America GPE,

Speaker 15354.36s - 356.7s

chanting Israel GPE needs to go.

Speaker 0356.9s - 362.34s

They're handing out flyers talking about very hateful things we can't say

Speaker 15362.34s - 373.44s

on some of these platforms. These are violent. Like Hutch said, in Columbia ORG, university, the professors joined the party. I'm like, you've got, like every one of those people should be fired that day.

Speaker 2373.5s - 376.54s

Absolutely. And they block Jewish NORP professors from coming in.

Speaker 15376.88s - 409.86s

Right. Yeah, they were blocking Jewish NORP professors from getting in. And, and these people are citing anti-American NORP slogans and they are wishing the most vile things on the Jewish population over there and it's like, wow, we've, it's one thing if you, it's one thing if you're like, stop killing Palestinian NORP civilians. You know, that's one argument you can make. But boy, death to America GPE, when you're onAmerica GPE, like what country allows people to cheer? And they're not even

Speaker 2409.86s - 413.18s

American NORP. You saw the guy. Right. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 4413.82s - 416.1s

That's, that's, you'll want to

Speaker 2416.1s - 420.08s

be deported. You ought to be deported. Well, she was

Speaker 4420.08s - 422.04s

kicked out from her school. Yes,

Speaker 15422.06s - 425.6s

she's whining because she's kicked out of her school. And I don't have access to food. It's like, whatever. Go back to Somalia GPE. Right school. Yes, she's whining because she's kicked out of her school. And I don't have access to food.

Speaker 4425.76s - 428.54s

It's like, whatever. Go back to Somalia GPE.

Speaker 15429.04s - 432.5s

She ain't got, she ain't got no place to stay and she ain't got no food.

Speaker 2432.62s - 438.64s

I'm like, go chew on some of them leaves and get high over in Somalia like they used to do a Mogadishu GPE. Right.

Speaker 15440.64s - 441.5s

I was watching.

Speaker 4441.5s - 444.72s

I don't let people in the country that hate the country.

Speaker 15445.28s - 446.46s

I was watching this mess of America. And the country. I was watching this yesterday.

Speaker 4446.46s - 448.8s

And she breeds a creature with

Speaker 15448.8s - 453.66s

whomever. And that creature hates America as much or more than she does.

Speaker 4453.9s - 483.44s

We were talking yesterday about Occupy Wall Street EVENT. Or we kind of brought it up. Like, okay, based on the video that I'm getting ready to show I'm seeing Occupy Wall StreetVives and minutes but ties. Okay, I'm I'm seeing that somebody has where did they get all the tents? Well, it's fully funded man. I mean this yep

Speaker 3483.84s - 485.28s

This thing is fully funded.

Speaker 4485.28s - 489.44s

And we knew something was going to happen before the election.

Speaker 3489.86s - 493.04s

We, you know, usually it's a race thing.

Speaker 4493.14s - 527.5s

But this thing is a little bit bigger. And it looks like our enemies are not afraid now because of the failed leadership that is in Washington, D.C. GPE, all over, they are not afraid to put their footprint or their whole handprint down on destroying America GPE. And if anybody has been telling you about the colleges, it's been Hutch and J. Rob PERSON. Let me play this.

Speaker 8527.5s - 554.82s

A Gaza Solidarity Encampment, early Wednesday morning, with dozens of tents occupying the south lawn of the campus outside the main library. As we broadcast, students have been threatened with suspension and discipline action, but are still refusing to leave until their demands are met. They spoke about what they're calling for.

Speaker 14554.82s - 559.68s

Down down with occupation. Down down with occupation.

Speaker 3559.68s - 563.68s

Same same.

Speaker 8563.68s - 570s

My name is Merriam Alwan, and I'm with Columbia, SJP, students for justice in Palestine GPE.

Speaker 3570s - 577s

And we are here today to demand that Colombia divest immediately from all states in Israeli NORP apartheid.

Speaker 8577s - 579s

Over 33,000 Palestinians NORP have been killed.

Speaker 3579s - 587.34s

And as we speak, our president is testifying in front of the house in a game of political theater that is conflating anti-Zionism with anti-Semitism

Speaker 14587.68s - 598.38s

We want to focus the attention on what's going on in Razzay and and read read tell Columbia ORG that we are not going anywhere no matter how much government suppression we face okay

Speaker 7599.62s - 606.74s

I'm like I got you buy exactly I mean we faced police brutality. We have faced countless policy changes.

Speaker 3606.92s - 612.32s

I mean, my group, along with Jewish Voice for Peace, was suspended in the fall semester completely illegitimately.

Speaker 7613.5s - 617.14s

And I filed a lawsuit to counter that action.

Speaker 2617.88s - 621.5s

And it seems like the repression is only getting worse and worse and worse.

Speaker 4622s - 624.34s

But the more they repress us, the more we rise up.

Speaker 7624.4s - 628.72s

And that's why we've escalated. That's also why we've escalated here today not only are they not listening to us

Speaker 4628.72s - 635.76s

when we peacefully protest when we attempt to just pass referendum for student voices to even be heard

Speaker 7635.76s - 639.04s

they don't even want to listen to the students they don't want to know what the students think

Speaker 4640.08s - 645.32s

get your hey job they believe me they hear what y'all are they hear what y'all are saying,

Speaker 7645.48s - 652.94s

but what y'all are saying is something that America GPE shouldn't be standing for,

Speaker 4653.62s - 656.14s

especially on American NORP campuses.

Speaker 7656.14s - 660.22s

So that's why some of these, I hear some of these presidents,

Speaker 4660.36s - 662.06s

are trying to stop this stuff from happening,

Speaker 7662.62s - 668.76s

but it's not going as fast as it is spreading.

Speaker 2669.86s - 671.78s

I just thought of something real quick.

Speaker 3671.88s - 673.42s

When did all this madness start?

Speaker 2673.76s - 675.5s

It started with Barack Obama PERSON.

Speaker 0676.3s - 681.18s

When you're a little kid during a Barack Obama PERSON administration and you're listening to all

Speaker 2681.18s - 684.02s

these leftists, that's what you turn into right there.

Speaker 4684.12s - 687.94s

This is a direct descendant from the Obama PERSON administration.

Speaker 2688.74s - 691.9s

All that hatred, all that Muslim NORP outreach and everything else.

Speaker 4692.44s - 696.56s

The kids were, they didn't have anything in their mind yet.

Speaker 2696.98s - 702.48s

But they've had all those years from Obama PERSON until now to get it percolated.

Speaker 3702.82s - 704.02s

And now you have that.

Speaker 2704.22s - 716.36s

That's, I'm sorry, but it's unacceptable. But she memorized a couple words, a couple big words and came out anti-Semitism, anti-Zyat, da, da, da, da, come on, lady. You don't know what you're talking about.

Speaker 4718.06s - 725.78s

Occupy Wall Street started September 17, 2011 under Bush PERSON administration during the presidential election.

Speaker 2727.2s - 733.22s

But it was fiddled after he lost. Remember, Obama PERSON used to go down there. And Nancy Pelosi

Speaker 4733.22s - 820.02s

used to go down there. The Democrat. Well, I mean, if you have some record of Obama PERSON going down there, show me. But I mean, I know the Democrats NORP went down there. And when I saw this happening with the college things happening yesterday, I was like Democrats NORP are probably going to try to infiltrate what's happening just like they did where I got about Wall Street with this. But I don't think that this is going to last until the election. I think that come to a head during the conventions. And I really think that there's going to be massive, I mean, you know, we saw videos of hundredsof thousands that look like in Washington, D.C. GPE We're going to see massive protests protesting our government, our things that our government does. I don't think they're going to D.C. GPE, but it's easy to, well, I'm not telling them what to do, but Chicago, Bedrock, Minnesota, Wisconsin GPE, bedrock. And the reason why I say Wisconsin GPE is because it's up north. And there's a whole lot of people coming across the border up north.Jay, how bad is Wisconsin close to what Minnesota GPE is?

Speaker 15821.24s - 846.1s

You know, there's buckets of it, like kind of on the part up by Michigan where you get some Islamic NORP stuff. I mean, Minnesota GPE, we tend to get the smallies. Wisconsin GPE's actually have a lot more of just crazy traditional liberals like the crazy white cat ladies. You see more of that than some of the pro-Islam stuff. But it's starting to spread because it's

Speaker 3846.1s - 850.1s

on that western side of Michigan GPE. I mean, that

Speaker 15850.1s - 856.26s

western side of Michigan GPE, you might as well be in an Islamic NORP country in some of those counties. It's

Speaker 2856.26s - 858.06s

crazy over there. I mean, some of them even

Speaker 15858.06s - 860.72s

have Islamic NORP City councils. Right.

Speaker 2861.06s - 861.66s

And Trantic.

Speaker 4862.34s - 946.74s

And if you've been watching the show for a few years, we've been telling people, go to your city council, get a group of y'all, get elected, and start changing stuff. Because what's happening is while, and I don't even think it was social media at the time, but while the GOP was counting their donations and stuff and buying plants for the offices in Washington, D.C. GPE, George St.eros and his buddies were getting city council, getting Muslims NORP on city councils.They were getting more liberal-type voices and city councils. And one day you go outside, you look, you're like, how did that happen? How did that happen down the street? When did that get put up? When did that church turn to a mosque? A mosque.Wait a minute. There's another church that just turned to a mosque. They're bringing that dome in around it. Hey, Johnny, yeah, yeah. Wait a minute. There's another church that just turned to a mosque. Where? They're bringing that dome in. Hey, Johnny PERSON, yeah, yeah. I'm talking.Man, there's a foot. What the hell is that? What? There's a dome going down the street. That's what was happening. And, you know, a lot of Americans NORP like, you know, it's happening.

Speaker 2947.78s - 962.14s

We got complacent. You know, you got these people, especially the ones that come over and they're the first generation from Pakistan GPE or from wherever. They had a hard life, man. They're coming here. They're working. They're not.Americans NORP get a political office for the pay.

Speaker 15964.06s - 964.32s

These guys are getting it to change the world.

Speaker 2965.5s - 966.04s

Change the world. Yeah. Well, it to change the world. It changed the world, yeah.

Speaker 15970.68s - 979.26s

Well, it's funny when you think about those college students, and we met with a group from our church that we went through a class with. Last night, we had dinner, and we said, you know, part of the gap with these young people, A, their life's way too easy.

Speaker 14979.62s - 980.8s

They're living on college.

Speaker 0980.92s - 996.36s

Their college classes aren't difficult because they've dumbed them down so much. They don't have, they don't have to work to pay for college. Their college classes aren't difficult because they've dumbed them down so much. They don't have, they don't have to work to pay for college. They just take it out on a loan. Even their food's paid for. So they've got super easy life and they're completely detached from their faith.

Speaker 15996.36s - 1013.4s

So they look for something to fill that emotional need that you have. And in these students', they've filled that God space, God's shape with free Palestine GPE. And like I say, there are legitimately atrocities being committed

Speaker 21013.4s - 1020.02s

over there because the last 50 years. Yeah, yeah. Because those two nations have been at war.

Speaker 151020.4s - 1030.32s

And anybody who want like both sides have done plenty of awful things. And that's why I've been a proponent of we just need to stay out of it like they either get in or get out.

Speaker 21030.32s - 1032.64s

You can't now. We can't stay out of it now.

Speaker 151033.08s - 1033.28s

All right.

Speaker 21033.82s - 1034.48s

If we do.

Speaker 151035.38s - 1039.34s

Now I apologize for saying Obama went to Occupy Wall Street EVENT.

Speaker 21040.08s - 1052.72s

But speaking out of press conference back in November 2016, he said he heard about it. And the Occupy Wall Street protests are a reflection of a broad-braced frustration about how our financial system works.

Speaker 41053.12s - 1055.08s

So he might not have been there.

Speaker 21055.42s - 1055.92s

I remember.

Speaker 41056.68s - 1091s

Now, that I remember. I remember that talking point because Pelosi PERSON said the same thing. A lot of the Democrat leaders were seeing the same talking, which the Democrats NORP do at that time. They get those pieces of paper and they, they're on point when it comes to messaging. They're on point.Our side has never been on point with messaging. That's why the message gets messed up. It gets screwed up. What? Lost in translation. But with them,I don't know whether there's the money. I don't know whether it's, it's, it's, it's, it's,

Speaker 21091s - 1098.9s

it's because it's a unit party. It's because it's a uniparty. Yeah, but the Republicans NORP are doing their job when they fumble like that. Yeah,

Speaker 41099.06s - 1099.24s


Speaker 21099.36s - 1100.22s

I mean,

Speaker 41100.36s - 1101.14s

I know it sucks,

Speaker 21101.28s - 1101.62s

but I mean,

Speaker 41101.66s - 1119.54s

it's starting to be pretty clear. But they're always on point. Even if they disagree. You might, they might disagree for about five seconds. But when it comes down, when it's time to party, everybody is dressed up and they are, they are rocking to the party.

Speaker 21121.6s - 1150.26s

You know what I keep thinking? I keep thinking about all we have charge of the House of Representatives ORG. We had it by 12 seats. Yes. How is the border still open? How is that being funded? I mean, it's it's right in front of us.It's right there. They're doing it despite us. They just voted for $90, however many billion dollars for a freaking former communist country. You know, Ukraine was the seat of Russia's Navy.

Speaker 151151.06s - 1162.8s

Well, and what's interesting, too, is Ukraine, prior to the war, everybody understood it was the most corrupt nation in Europe LOC. It was the money laundering capital of...

Speaker 21162.8s - 1164.64s

They made a movie about it.

Speaker 151164.76s - 1177.7s

Right. Yeah, it wasn't even like a dispute. And now we just... And, you know, how many more administrative officials do you need to see driving around in a $600,000 car with a $30 million mansion to go...

Speaker 21177.7s - 1178.54s

With gold bars.

Speaker 151178.94s - 1181.66s

Right. Yeah. I wonder where all the money's going, you know.

Speaker 21181.66s - 1185.98s

$2,000, $3,000 an ounce. This guy got a big old bar.

Speaker 151188.84s - 1190.18s

Yeah, again.

Speaker 141191.36s - 1192.94s

Well, and he has to flee the country,

Speaker 21193.02s - 1194.94s

it's easier to put in a suitcase that way.

Speaker 41196.54s - 1199.22s

Because I got to say at some point that comes to an end,

Speaker 151199.22s - 1202.14s

and there's going to be a lot of people in that government

Speaker 41202.14s - 1204.38s

that are going to be scaddling out of Ukraine GPE.

Speaker 151207.72s - 1211.92s

And maybe here, too. Right. I got a little word of advice for you college students in New York

Speaker 41211.92s - 1214.58s

and the rest of you people that don't know a damn thing about life.

Speaker 151215.48s - 1218.5s

Keep your face out of the camera because we're not forgetting this.

Speaker 41218.92s - 1222s

No, yeah. We're not forgetting this at all. This is Nazi NORP stuff.

Speaker 21222.68s - 1227.08s

We have to kill this. Or it'll kill us.

Speaker 151228.96s - 1233.18s

I just want us to get to the point where when people are chanting death to America GPE, we just

Speaker 21233.18s - 1239.74s

kick them out of America GPE. Right. Is that too much to ask? Yeah. Yeah. No, no, I posted something

Speaker 41239.74s - 1244.96s

a while back. I posted a meme. I was like, did you ever think that you would get to a place where

Speaker 21244.96s - 1248.4s

you saw death to America GPE in America cities?

Speaker 151249.24s - 1250.48s

Or Rich PERSON's kids.

Speaker 21251.12s - 1254.62s

And there's no repercussions to that, none.

Speaker 41255.66s - 1256.88s

I mean, you know, they go up.

Speaker 151256.98s - 1257.96s

What are you doing on Saturday?

Speaker 41258.28s - 1260.62s

Oh, as they're drawing up the sign.

Speaker 21260.76s - 1262.12s

We got a protest going on.

Speaker 41262.82s - 1267.02s

What you're death to America GPE. From the river protest going on. Death to America.

Speaker 21267.7s - 1270.28s

From the river to the sea in New York City GPE.

Speaker 151270.82s - 1276.76s

Right. Yeah, I mean, this weekend, I saw a protest where they were burning an American

Speaker 21276.76s - 1279s

flag and burning a Bible WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 151280.08s - 1287.2s

And we let that happen. But what's ironic in New York City GPE, if you would have burned the LGBTQ flag, it would have been a hate crime.

Speaker 41287.28s - 1287.98s

You get locked up.

Speaker 151288.06s - 1290.22s

Yeah, you get locked up. You would have got locked up. Yeah.

Speaker 41290.68s - 1292.84s

Element O.P. flag. Yep.

Speaker 151294.16s - 1297.62s

I got another report here.

Speaker 41298.4s - 1301.42s

This morning, we're getting a look at new video from California.

Speaker 51301.74s - 1310.74s

Pro-Palestinian protesters barricading themselves inside a college campus overnight. The school forced to close today for student safety. We're seeing demonstrations like

Speaker 131310.74s - 1315.26s

this happen across the country on college campuses. Cleo Green is in our studio this morning with

Speaker 11315.26s - 1365.92s

more because tensions have been escalating. Yeah, Mark Deere PERSON, and with that video you just showed us, as of 830 last night, the organization Humble for Palestine GPE says that students, Palestine rather, has said students have been arrested, though. It's not confirmed from University Police ORG, so we're still waiting for more information there. But from coast to coast, there have been multipleprotests that we've seen in response to Israel's attack on Gaza GPE. This has been happening for weeks now, and it's growing. This is the latest video from overnight from New York University ORG. You can actually see police in riot gear here, dismantling the encampment, arresting multiplepeople, students accused of ignoring a deadline to disperse. At Columbia University ORG, protests are entering a six-day. More than a hundred people have been arrested there. Students say there has been a rise in both anti-Semitic and Islamophobic

Speaker 121365.92s - 1378.38s

incidents. There were people outside of campus one time with signs that said death to all Jews NORP. That is awful and nobody should be having to experience that. So overnight, Colombia GPE,

Speaker 11378.52s - 1410.26s

they just announced classes for the rest of the semester will be held virtually due to security concerns. Now, we haven't seen any campus protests like that here at home here in Texas, but Governor Greg Abbott PERSON shared his thoughts on X-ing Ivy League universities are showing that their time has passed. There are a little more than monuments of our past. Now they are accomplices of the chaos they help to sew. So a little cryptic there for your own understanding.We're going to talk about the White House's announcement coming up at about 630. Dia, I'll set it back to you.

Speaker 21411.92s - 1418.98s

She sat there and said that it was horrible that they said death to Jews NORP with a freaking Palestinian NORP cup fever around her neck.

Speaker 41420.02s - 1470.18s

You know, I was thinking what, everything that we're talking about is happening. But I was thinking I was like, these college kids are seeing something. And whether they want to believe it or not, just like Occupy Wall Street EVENT, hey, hang out in a tent, play a guitar, have, have a rape sessions and, you know, different things like that. But not, I don't believe all of them are out there. Well, I mean, and I was like, they could be. But in looking at that line, the camera going down that line, I was like, darn, that doesn't even look like America GPE, except for the building behind it. Right.

Speaker 21470.34s - 1472.36s

That doesn't look like America GPE at all.

Speaker 41472.58s - 1475.18s

We should start calling these Democrat NORP protests.

Speaker 21475.86s - 1477.08s

Yeah. Because that's what they are.

Speaker 41477.32s - 1524.54s

That's who's funding it. I call it pro-Hamas ORG. I have never called it pro-Palestine, even though, even though you might see it on the tweet. I'm only, now, that's only what the media is calling it. I call it a pro-Hamas ORG because that's, you know, that's, that's who they are quietly supporting. They're supporting Hamas because Hamas controls Palestine GPE if if you want tocall it. You know, I mean, and that report was that report happened last night. That was this morning report that they that they locked herself in the school wars. I was like, God,

Speaker 21524.54s - 1531.96s

you see how they brainwashed her? You see what she said? She said, the Israel attack on Gaza GPE. That's not what happened. Right.

Speaker 41532.32s - 1535.14s

Gaza attacked, Hamas attacked Israel GPE.

Speaker 21535.84s - 1538.36s

Israel didn't attack Gaza GPE.

Speaker 141538.6s - 1542.66s

Israel reacted to Gaza GPE's freaking animalism.

Speaker 21542.66s - 1548.06s

And these folks don't understand that the Palestinians elected Hamas ORG.

Speaker 141548.66s - 1551.26s

Hamas attacked Israel GPE.

Speaker 151552.8s - 1558.38s

And at that point, if you are going to be a nation that attacks another nation

Speaker 21558.38s - 1562.66s

or whatever you want to call what Palestine is or the Gaza Strip GPE is, like buckle up

Speaker 151562.66s - 1563.22s


Speaker 21563.58s - 1567.72s

I mean, if somebody did that in America, I mean, look what happened after 9-11 EVENT.

Speaker 151567.88s - 1583.36s

We went flat in the country and we, I mean, we, yeah, now we can make arguments about 9-11 EVENT, but I mean, Israel, that's why, like, we have enough stuff in America GPE to worry about. These are going to turn into Summer of Love 2.0 EVENT.

Speaker 41583.88s - 1594.26s

Yeah, well, exactly right. Right. But I think it's political. It's almost like what happened before Barack Obama PERSON got elected. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 31594.84s - 1601.54s

Because it happened a couple of, the October of Wall Street itself happened a couple of months before the election.

Speaker 41602.46s - 1603.72s

See, I look at it different.

Speaker 21603.8s - 1612.2s

I think it's exactly what happened in 1968. I think it's going to help our side. Like Richard Nixon PERSON got more votes than anybody in history.

Speaker 41612.68s - 1616.72s

But see, back then, back then the thought pattern was different.

Speaker 21617.64s - 1622.98s

It was a different, a different boogeyman, but they were still out there in the streets protesting,

Speaker 41623.18s - 1626.76s

and the cops ended up breaking their heads and the Democrats NORP got crushed.

Speaker 21627.26s - 1646.14s

Right. But then between that Nixon time and Obama PERSON's time, things changed. Oh, yeah. And that's why Obama ascended the power, because now, not only do you have, well, the Icar, the Wall Street was starting to end by the time he got in the office.

Speaker 41646.66s - 1746.44s

But then you had that transformational type of person to look toward on their side. And that's why he ran away with it like he did because they were like, yeah, now things are going change because we did this and we did that and stuff. These people don't want Joe Biden PERSON. I tell you and stuff. These people don't want Joe Biden. I tell you that right now, they don't want Joe Biden PERSON. They might want somebody else, but they don't want Joe PERSON.And like y'all were talking about, you know, maybe I might start be coming around. Maybe they don't want an election. Maybe, and I'm just throwing it out there, maybe you're going to see protests at ballot stations and polling stations and stuff, you know, you might see it. And this has had nothing to do with Donald Trump. This has everything to do with the American NORP institution of government and who the American government government who the American government supports Israel GPE.They want to stop that at all costs. And right now, again, if y'all listen to Hutch and J. Rob, they've been talking about this for the last year and a half going on two years now. They've been talking about how the American NORP institution, the American education system, our colleges, have been infiltrated. And when stuff like this happens, it's like putting gasoline, it's like putting kerosene on a brushfire board. It's like, whew, foo, foo, foo, foo, foo. You can't put the fire out quick enough.

Speaker 21747.44s - 1750.96s

I think we're a little slow to react, but I'm starting to see some signs

Speaker 31750.96s - 1753.54s

like the New England Patriots ORG owner

Speaker 21753.54s - 1764.44s

said Columbia ORG gets no more money for me. That's right. You know, things are starting to wake up, I think. I hope. I still have hope for our humanity. Yeah, but then the government

Speaker 41764.44s - 1766.3s

to write a chat. Yeah, but then the government write a check.

Speaker 21766.7s - 1767.54s

Yeah, maybe.

Speaker 41768.76s - 1769.72s

I was looking at,

Speaker 21769.88s - 1771.9s

I posted a,

Speaker 41772.5s - 1774s

I was posting memes

Speaker 21774s - 1775.82s

to my account last night, and I was like,

Speaker 41776.82s - 1813.24s

okay, all right. You want to print money in D.C. GPE? You want to give Ukraine $61, $65 billion or whatnot65 billion, what not? Why don't you stop taking taxes from the American NORP people and start in the name?Now, look, I know it's a, seriously, honestly, I'm just being facetious. But if you all want to print money that you don't have and give it to another country, stop taking money from Americans NORP and start printing money in place of the taxes.

Speaker 151814.28s - 1833.68s

What you bring up actually an excellent thought experiment or logic test, if we can spend, you know, 30% more money than we collect. And they and the Democrats NORP make the argument that we can continue to ramp up how much we spend with no concerns for anything.

Speaker 31834s - 1837.08s

Then why, and we can print all the money we want.

Speaker 151837.22s - 1839.12s

Why are we paying taxes?

Speaker 41839.44s - 1839.76s


Speaker 151840.2s - 1852.78s

We really, you know, if you're telling us, you know, either there's a number that you can't overspend by or you should live by a budget or you don't have to. And if you don't have to live on a budget, then, yeah, you don't need my money.

Speaker 21853.26s - 1866.24s

I'll tell you the downside of that. Alex Jones wrote a piece the other day. This is the final act of Cloward and Piven PERSON. All right. If you look at it, it is designed to collapse itself.

Speaker 31866.6s - 1868.38s

And it's about ready to do it.

Speaker 21868.92s - 1869.18s


Speaker 31869.26s - 1873.48s

Even the IMF warned the Biden PERSON administration about our spending.

Speaker 21874.3s - 1878.12s

The IMF ORG. International Monetary Fund ORG.

Speaker 41878.56s - 1878.78s


Speaker 21878.94s - 1881.46s

I put another meme out there last night, too.

Speaker 41881.56s - 1893.48s

I don't know if you outside, but that was like, you know how they're so over the top with TSA ORG and airport security? Right.

Speaker 141895.48s - 1897.5s

But they don't care nothing about border security.

Speaker 41897.92s - 1898.22s


Speaker 21898.76s - 1900.06s

What about the vaccinations?

Speaker 41902.44s - 1904.42s

Nobody's vaccinated coming from down there.

Speaker 21904.76s - 1905.6s

Coming from over, yeah.

Speaker 41906.6s - 1906.84s


Speaker 21907.04s - 1911.58s

I mean, it's like a C in seven years, you know.

Speaker 41913.08s - 1924.94s

Again, we're talking today about the spreading of the new, the Nazis NORP.

Speaker 151926.64s - 1928.74s

I don't even know what you call it, you know.

Speaker 41928.74s - 1929.32s

I don't either.

Speaker 151929.5s - 1933.82s

I don't either because seriously, they're not Americans NORP.

Speaker 41934.5s - 1935.8s

They hate America GPE.

Speaker 151936.34s - 1937.96s

They might be Americans NORP.

Speaker 41938.4s - 1945.72s

But the majority of them are infiltrated type cells, I guess.

Speaker 21946.34s - 1952.16s

I'll tell you one of these days, we have to stop pretending and stop acting like a piece

Speaker 41952.16s - 1955.6s

of paper makes you an American NORP because it doesn't.

Speaker 21956.4s - 1963.36s

That's what we got. We're going to have the Balkans LOC here real soon. We're going to be at each other's throats in our own country. And China GPE's looking at us like, yeah.

Speaker 31964.86s - 1966.28s

Yeah, keep it up.

Speaker 21967.18s - 1969.52s

Yeah. Divide yourselves. We're coming.

Speaker 151969.52s - 1972.28s

Well, you see it all over Europe LOC right now. Yeah.

Speaker 141972.36s - 1975s

I mean, Europe's a few years ahead of us.

Speaker 21975.5s - 1978.86s

We're, I mean, with the illegal immigrant part of it,

Speaker 141978.9s - 1982.2s

we're doing a better job ourselves, tearing ourselves apart politically,

Speaker 151982.46s - 1986.3s

which is so sad because the everyday Americans NORP,

Speaker 01986.76s - 1992.46s

whether you're Republican or Democrat, probably agree on 80% of stuff, you know, and they just

Speaker 21992.46s - 1993.56s

drive that wedge.

Speaker 01993.88s - 1997.88s

When I was growing up, man, I mean, my friend's family, some of them are Republican NORP.

Speaker 151998.2s - 1999.3s

We all got along.

Speaker 21999.6s - 2001.64s

I mean, our parents got along.

Speaker 152001.74s - 2002.86s

They went to parties together.

Speaker 42004.24s - 2015.32s

Look, we lived on the corner for, which is crazy. Most of my life, our house has always been on the corner. Nice.

Speaker 32015.42s - 2016.48s


Speaker 22017.04s - 2019s

I mean, it never fails.

Speaker 32019.3s - 2019.96s

I don't know why.

Speaker 42020.44s - 2021.8s

And we've been always.

Speaker 22021.8s - 2022.94s

I probably did it on purpose.

Speaker 42023.48s - 2023.62s


Speaker 22023.7s - 2024.36s

Well, yeah.

Speaker 42024.62s - 2065.1s

And even right now, my house is on the corner. And the house I had before this was on the corner. But, and we've also been blessed with the sun going down in the front, in the front of the house. You know, it rises up behind us and it goes down in front. Beautiful. But with saying all that, when you look ateverything that is happening with these colleges and stuff, it's like, you know, I did, I mean, this is something that we never saw, never even close to seeing when we were growing up.

Speaker 22067.22s - 2068.32s

Except for the Vietnam War EVENT protests.

Speaker 42071.16s - 2075.4s

That, that now, but that was America GPE, that wasn't, Vietnam GPE people over here holding flags and stuff like that.

Speaker 22076s - 2076.78s


Speaker 132078.56s - 2079.12s

I mean, I got you.

Speaker 42083.28s - 2124.14s

This, this, this, this, this pro, this pro Hamas thing, they've been getting people in this country for the last 30, 40 years. You know, some of them working at the factory, some of them working beside you. And quiet, too, quiet. The Russian Yuri PERSON thing. I mean, it's the same thing. You know, you bring them in here as a little kid.Just like you were saying early, you bring them in here as a little kid. Just like you were saying early, you bring them in here as a little kid. And the next thing you know, they're 18, 19 years old. No, they're 20, 21 years old. They're going to college. Hey, we're going to study a focus group. Join, join.Oh, yeah, okay. You know, we're joined. Then the next thing you know is 10.

Speaker 22124.88s - 2125.78s

Then it's 15.

Speaker 42126.02s - 2129.46s

When it comes to Islam, there's two Islams NORP.

Speaker 22129.92s - 2131.32s

There's Mecca and Medina GPE.

Speaker 02132.18s - 2136.12s

Mecca Islam was when Muhammad PERSON wasn't in power.

Speaker 22136.2s - 2144.08s

He didn't have enough soldiers to fight. So they did what you said, Wayne PERSON. They were calm and collected and they acted like everybody else, like they're doing here.

Speaker 32144.34s - 2148.94s

Once they get to 7 or 8% of the population then they moved to mecca

Speaker 22148.94s - 2153.58s

and that's when they start cutting heads off that's what it is like in in london GPE right now in

Speaker 112153.58s - 2162.02s

france and sweden in sweden the weapon of choice for the Islamic NORP immigrants or whatever you want

Speaker 22162.02s - 2165.92s

to call them is the hand grenade.

Speaker 112166.9s - 2167.62s

That's interesting.

Speaker 22168.38s - 2169.06s

But you know what, too?

Speaker 42176.52s - 2176.82s

Y'all bring it up overseas and stuff, how they are ahead of where we are.

Speaker 152183.24s - 2186.1s

You would think a fully functioning nation with an awesome government would see that and say, okay, we're going to stop it before it comes over here

Speaker 22186.1s - 2188.78s

so that it doesn't cross our shores.

Speaker 152189.06s - 2189.5s

No, no, no.

Speaker 42191.28s - 2193.64s

We send a

Speaker 02193.64s - 2196.82s

first class

Speaker 42196.82s - 2205.7s

Learjet to bring Ebola in the country. You remember that? I do. To Georgia, as a matter of fact.

Speaker 22206s - 2207.82s

Fauci PERSON had a little bit to do with that too,

Speaker 42207.98s - 2223.56s

putting vaccines over in Africa LOC. I bet he did. Experimenting on these people. What do you mean, Lyridja PERSON? Yeah, they went over there, they got Ebola, and they brought in the country under Barack Obama PERSON.Ebola. That was killing people in other country.

Speaker 22224.8s - 2227.32s

Killing them nastily, bad, bad death.

Speaker 42227.86s - 2229.82s

Ebola is a really bad virus.

Speaker 152230.12s - 2235.28s

And we are experimenting on it in multiple labs around the world.

Speaker 22235.6s - 2237.32s

Again, we aren't sending our best.

Speaker 42237.32s - 2239.52s

A big one right in Maryland GPE, by the way.

Speaker 22240.12s - 2240.28s


Speaker 152240.44s - 2242.02s

We aren't sending our best.

Speaker 22242.12s - 2247.46s

I mean, I think we're the only country that sent a nuclear missile at the moon LOC.

Speaker 152247.7s - 2250.68s

So, I mean, what does that tell you?

Speaker 22250.86s - 2251.62s

Did we do that?

Speaker 42252s - 2252.3s


Speaker 22252.94s - 2253.3s


Speaker 42253.54s - 2255.94s

It was a nuclear missile at the moon LOC.

Speaker 22256.76s - 2258s

But it missed fire or what?

Speaker 42258.54s - 2259.56s

Nothing happened to it.

Speaker 22259.86s - 2262.58s

I mean, it went to the moon with nothing to happen to it.

Speaker 42265.56s - 2268.64s

Let me see. I make sure, because I remember.

Speaker 152270.4s - 2274.3s

I'm going to say I've got to grab a tinfoil hat for this one. Okay.

Speaker 42276.72s - 2277.76s

Let's see.

Speaker 152278.56s - 2281.32s

Project A, Project A.

Speaker 02283.4s - 2288.88s

I was going to say A19 PRODUCT.

Speaker 42290.4s - 2300.5s

Well, actually, Project A119 PRODUCT was a top secret proposal to detonate hydrogen bomb on the moon. But.

Speaker 22301.38s - 2304.56s

Who thinks of that, man? Yeah.

Speaker 42305.18s - 2328.56s

But no, there was a, let's see, the U.S. GPE military almost blew the moon up with a new. See, see, that's what I'm talking about. But that, now, that was in the 50s, but there was something else that happened in the in under Barack Obama PERSON too they did the same thing

Speaker 152328.56s - 2336.34s

but yeah there you go you know I was going to say there's been that online debate going about

Speaker 42336.34s - 2341.72s

the bombing of Japan after World War II EVENT speaking of nukes I was going to ask you guys what your

Speaker 152341.72s - 2345.02s

perspective is on that I think they did it for sure.

Speaker 22345.7s - 2347.78s

No, should they have was the debate.

Speaker 152347.9s - 2348.14s


Speaker 22348.86s - 2416.24s

What? Drop the bomb on Japan GPE. The thing about Japanese, and it's not just Japanese, it's a lot of Oriental countries. But I know you're probably not allowed to say that word anymore, but I was educated in the 60s. The thing about them, they fight to the last man. They don't surrender.I mean, they're women and their women. When we were on Okinawa GPE, their women were grabbing their babies and jumping off cliffs to their death because they had so much mentality that we were going to come in there and just brutalize everything. And what a lot of people don't know is that we probably saved lives by using those atomic bombsbecause we were firebombing the smoke out of Japan in those months leading up to it. And Japan in the 1940s, every house was built a wood. So we were just eliminating whole cities with fire bombs. And then they, two more bombs and it was over. Because I always get, you know, when people say, oh, that didn't happen, you know, how could that happen?Why did they surrender that?

Speaker 152417.14s - 2439.76s

Yeah, no, the bombs definitely happened. And actually, where the conversation started is I think Tucker was on Joe Rogan, and he was talking about us dropping nukes. And then people took that clip and then like the Daily Wire, you know, grabbed it and some of their people were talking about it. But there's been a lot of interesting debates online about it.So I was curious to your guy's perspective.

Speaker 22439.76s - 2479.34s

I think you have to take it in context of what was going on at the time. All the way from the late 20s early 30s japan brutalized the whole world i mean Asia first china caught the most hell if you if you ever want to look into something look into the rape of nan king and look at what the japanese people did to the chinese i mean they took their babies and threw them up in the air and caught them with a bayonet you know i mean it's just brutal savagery.And I think people that make the case that we shouldn't have done that might not know the entire context of what the Japanese NORP army was doing to people, including our people.

Speaker 42481.06s - 2500.96s

To answer your question, I mean, I've seen a couple of documentaries. I've seen a couple of movies on them building the bomb and stuff and then them realizing, they didn't even know what would happen during the test. No, during the test. Right.

Speaker 32501.56s - 2507.62s

They thought that they were shaking their heads and stuff and hoping to see each other on the

Speaker 42507.62s - 2561.9s

other side of the test because they weren't sure they thought that they might do something to the atmosphere. So it's like, okay. But I think once they realize what they had, like we see on here, like we say on the show, sometimes you can't unsee what you've seen even though you want to unsee it. And I think they realizemaybe, maybe we just messed up. But the military side of it was like, we need this. We need this right now. Even though things might be ramping down,we need to show that we're on top. Now, the first one, I think they would have surrendered after the first one. You know, but, you know, you get that Trump beat down and, you know, you got to send that second one, you know.

Speaker 22564.26s - 2569.3s

The other thing is, is that the next step, the next step was we had to invade Japan GPE.

Speaker 42570.14s - 2570.36s


Speaker 22573s - 2575.04s

Wait, did China GPE, wait.

Speaker 42576.84s - 2586.48s

Which one was on our side? China GPE was on our side. China GPE, yeah. Okay. All right. Yeah, there's some, it's a crazy story about that one too.

Speaker 22587.12s - 2604.38s

Because Japan also occupied Korea GPE. Yeah. All during that time from, from like, like for 40 some years. They outlawed the Korean LANGUAGE language,Hangul PERSON. You had to speak Japanese NORP. Spanish LANGUAGE. What did you? That would be today.

Speaker 152604.98s - 2605.32s


Speaker 42605.76s - 2608.66s

I only know that because I served there.

Speaker 152609.98s - 2620.66s

The, the, the missile order, what you call it, that NASA sent toward the moon was in 2009, which was under Barack Obama PERSON.

Speaker 22621.58s - 2625.44s

But, yeah, they, they wanted to find out if there was water up there.

Speaker 152627.44s - 2628.18s

For what?

Speaker 42628.2s - 2629.68s

You're going to bottle it and bring it back?

Speaker 22630.98s - 2638.62s

We don't have enough. I remember this guy and I can't find him any of you.

Speaker 42638.62s - 2673.1s

I'm serious. But again, it was like, he was like in Hutch's, he was like in a hutch like type cabin and he was smoking a cigarette at night with that one light on behind his head. And it looked like he was standing between the wall and the bump beds. He was like, I'm not saying a nuclear missile at the effing moon. Though they know the moon regulates the oceans and tides.

Speaker 152673.48s - 2675.42s

Let's light it just to see what it looks like.

Speaker 22679.46s - 2682.62s

Well, you can cancel Christmas.

Speaker 152682.96s - 2685.16s

You know, he's like, but I mean,

Speaker 42685.26s - 2685.9s

he was so,

Speaker 22686.02s - 2687.04s

he was so cool with it.

Speaker 42687.16s - 2693.36s

And everybody, you just waited on pins and needles. What's going to happen is the moon going to blow up? You know, and it didn't.

Speaker 32693.48s - 2696.82s

But that's the craziness of our government.

Speaker 42697.6s - 2699.46s

That's the craziness of the people up there.

Speaker 32700.08s - 2700.36s

You know,

Speaker 42700.44s - 2700.64s


Speaker 02700.88s - 2701.16s


Speaker 42701.16s - 2710.9s

they're, it was far and misery at the moon. I saw a guy.

Speaker 22711.24s - 2711.96s

Make it nuclear.

Speaker 42714.72s - 2718.16s

I saw a guy try to, you talk about the government being crazy.

Speaker 22718.96s - 2738.18s

This guy was explaining how we could fix Congress ORG. He had like five points. But one of them was make the congressman, make his salary different. Whatever the median income is in your state, that's your salary. And I was like, whoa, now that makes a little bit of sense.

Speaker 152740.5s - 2745.58s

Yeah, but that's presupposing that their main source of income is their congressional salary,

Speaker 32746.48s - 2755.64s

which I would argue that for them, their congressional salary is certainly their C or D income,

Speaker 152755.76s - 2757.16s

other than just a few of them.

Speaker 32757.86s - 2764.46s

I mean, these guys bring so much in from campaign and speeches, books, and whatever else.

Speaker 152764.46s - 2771.62s

They probably get a binder on their second day of speaking engagements and different things

Speaker 42771.62s - 2774.52s

and how much each one is and stuff.

Speaker 152775.12s - 2778.5s

And they're set as long as they don't bounce.

Speaker 42778.7s - 2808.02s

Well, actually, they can bounce checks. Whatever. But, I mean, as long as they, you know, every weekend, they're speaking at something and bringing in $10,000, $15,000, you know. I mean, and that's on top of their salary that they get for less than half a year worth of Congress ORG time. That's what gets me. They make six figures and they don't even work half a year.They were part-time.

Speaker 22808.28s - 2809.66s

They should conferred it all to Zoom PRODUCT.

Speaker 42810.08s - 2811.04s

It should all be Zoom PRODUCT.

Speaker 22811.2s - 2811.98s

It should all be Zoom PRODUCT.

Speaker 42812.5s - 2813s

Why not?

Speaker 22813.7s - 2814.08s

Why not?

Speaker 42814.08s - 2815.2s

Why would you make a guy?

Speaker 22815.4s - 2825.46s

You think you're going to make a guy from California. Go back and forth to Washington, D.C. every weekend. He's not going to be corrupt. Right. How's he going to afford it? Right. Speaking of Zoom PRODUCT, to afford it? Right.

Speaker 42826.54s - 2830.52s

Speaking of Zoom, we had left the Columbia University ORG talk,

Speaker 152830.62s - 2833.46s

but they're going remote learning for the rest of the year, too.

Speaker 22833.68s - 2834s


Speaker 152834.88s - 2835.94s

That's good for them.

Speaker 22835.94s - 2837.52s

I don't want them to learn anything else.

Speaker 152838.02s - 2843.2s

How would you like to be paying like 90 or 100 grand a year for your education?

Speaker 22843.66s - 2847.08s

That's how much Elon Omar's PERSON tuition was.

Speaker 142847.46s - 2847.74s


Speaker 22847.92s - 2849.38s

$90,000 a year.

Speaker 142849.84s - 2850.12s


Speaker 152850.54s - 2852.32s

That's half for mom's salary.

Speaker 142852.86s - 2853.02s


Speaker 22853.62s - 2855.52s

Now you're doing it on a Zoom PRODUCT call.

Speaker 142856s - 2861.94s

I wonder, I wonder if that's Omar PERSON's brother's daughter.

Speaker 22862.56s - 2867.32s

And in Israel, Passover is being celebrated while families mourn hostages still in custody.

Speaker 142867.88s - 2876.54s

Also today, the head of the Israeli Military Intelligence Corps is resigning over what he calls the failures surrounding the October 7th attack.

Speaker 152877.04s - 2878.98s

Alexis McAdams PERSON has more.

Speaker 42879.92s - 2884.38s

Anti-Israel protests continue on Ivy League campuses across the country.

Speaker 02884.38s - 2893.8s

The president of Columbia University shifting to all virtual classes, releasing a statement writing in part, the decibel of our disagreements is only increased in recent days.

Speaker 42894.26s - 2895.04s

We need to reset.

Speaker 02895.62s - 2901.8s

Jewish NORP students on campus say they just don't feel safe, a rabbi at the Ivy League school telling students to head home.

Speaker 62901.8s - 2906.24s

People have been saying for a while now that they don't feel safe, and a lot of that had to do with the rhetoric,

Speaker 92906.72s - 2919.28s

but I want to be clear now, this has now gotten into physical safety. I no longer feel physically safe. The fact that this is spreading is not surprising to me. At Yale University in New Haven, Connecticut GPE,

Speaker 62919.28s - 2945.66s

police removing protesters from encampments on campus leading to arrests. These protests come as Jewish NORP students prepare to celebrate Passover, a major Jewish holiday, focused on freedom. And in Israel, some Israelis finding it hard to celebrate, one of the community's hardest hit by Hamas attacks on October 7th, setting a communal table in Tel Aviv GPE. That table has empty seats representing those who have been killed, taken hostage, or are still fighting.

Speaker 02947s - 2950.4s

We're a broken community, but with the hope to continue.

Speaker 62950.74s - 2955.1s

Now more than six months after those attacks, the focus remains on getting the hostages home.

Speaker 12956.56s - 2959.96s

We are holding on to the hope that our hostages will return.

Speaker 62959.96s - 2965.86s

So here at Columbia University ORG, the school says they'll add safety and security measures to help keep students safe.

Speaker 02966.02s - 2969.86s

Reporting in New York City, I'm Alexis McAdams, Fox 32, Chicago.

Speaker 62970.58s - 2971.8s

I need to move.

Speaker 42973.1s - 2976.1s

She's in New York City, but she's from Fox News Chicago.

Speaker 22976.82s - 2977.78s

That was weird.

Speaker 42980.52s - 2981.64s

We need to move.

Speaker 22981.96s - 2986.16s

We need to move from the East Coast LOC because the East Coast is getting ready to get blown to hell.

Speaker 42987.98s - 2988.82s

That's a lot.

Speaker 22988.94s - 2990.6s

That's a lot of Palestinians NORP again.

Speaker 42991.04s - 2991.72s

That's a lot.

Speaker 22992.24s - 2993.3s

Just look at the border.

Speaker 42994.68s - 2995.1s


Speaker 22995.52s - 2999.76s

I'm thinking, do we go to Puerto Rico GPE or like where do we build the compound guys?

Speaker 43000.2s - 3000.48s

Switzerland GPE.

Speaker 23002.28s - 3004.02s

There's nowhere else to go, man.

Speaker 43004.02s - 3004.64s

We got to fight.

Speaker 23004.72s - 3005.9s

No, no, no, it has to be.

Speaker 43006s - 3006.54s

It has to be.

Speaker 23007.68s - 3009.32s

I ain't giving this place up yet.

Speaker 153009.7s - 3010.88s

You want to talk to Eeyline PERSON?

Speaker 43011.08s - 3012.44s

See if we can get on Mars LOC.

Speaker 23013.28s - 3013.64s


Speaker 153014.84s - 3016.14s

We'll be on the inaugural.

Speaker 43016.22s - 3019.48s

No, we'll be up there and I'll hit it with a nuke trying to see if there's water on it.

Speaker 23019.68s - 3020.12s


Speaker 43024s - 3025.06s

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 153026.16s - 3027.48s

Jesus, Lord.

Speaker 23028.48s - 3030.08s

Jesus PERSON, Lord.

Speaker 43030.24s - 3030.96s

It's frustrating.

Speaker 23032.38s - 3036.56s

But it's scary, too, because you don't know.

Speaker 143038.14s - 3041.24s

Well, actually, you don't know.

Speaker 23041.24s - 3046.36s

Actually, you don't know because at a flip of a switch, see, today is Jewish NORP.

Speaker 43048s - 3048.56s


Speaker 143049.22s - 3049.98s

Today is Jewish NORP.

Speaker 43050.64s - 3056.88s

Flip that switch. It's America GPE next. It'll be specifically white people.

Speaker 23057.5s - 3059.6s

Well, it'll be, it'll be Americans NORP.

Speaker 43060.7s - 3089.8s

Because, you know, I mean, because there are, there are, there are people out there that would come together. And those are the ones that you really want to take out. And I mean, I understand, I understand you saying on white people too. But there are a lot of other people here in this country that would fight alongside white people.

Speaker 33090.76s - 3093.06s

I hope. So.

Speaker 43093.28s - 3094.94s

I'm calm on it. Yeah,

Speaker 153094.94s - 3095.44s

I'm just saying,

Speaker 43095.54s - 3096.06s


Speaker 153097.66s - 3110.84s

Here's the thing, though, like let's say black people, there are black people like Wayne Dupree or Ben Carson PERSON or, or, you know, Clarence Thomas PERSON that would fight along with you're on your own.

Speaker 43111.16s - 3115.48s

What I'm saying is, but you even see how they handle Clarence Thomas PERSON.

Speaker 153116.12s - 3116.54s

Yeah, no.

Speaker 43116.64s - 3122.2s

Last time anybody was called out for racism attacking Clarence Thomas PERSON. They didn't even view him as a black man.

Speaker 153122.78s - 3142.5s

I mean, he, you know, it's when they talk about like the first black person on the Supreme Court, like his name doesn't even come up or his race doesn't come up. They don't count conservative black people as black people, you know, in the, in the mainstream media or the leftist blob. They, I'll tell you why. I tell you why.

Speaker 43142.5s - 3234.4s

I tell you why. I tell you why. It's because there had been some, like for me, I can go into a barbershop. I can say that I voted for Donald Trump PERSON, and I can sit there and I can talk. I can talk to anybody. I haven't, I haven't, I'm not going there just giving talking points. I'm going in there and talking to regular people just like I'm a regular person there are people there are black conservatives right now and I know I know that's probably going to get hate mail there are black conservatives right nowthat don't have any connection with the black community right you know and probably probably the same I know, you can say this radio, but since we're talking my black, there are black conservatives that don't touch the black community, don't know how to talk to them, and fear the black community. And he's like, wait a minute, if you don't know how to talk to me, yeah, I'm going to make fun of you or, or I'm gonna distance myself from you because there's no connection like almost like Barack Obamanow a lot of black people voted for Barack Obama in 2008 but going into going into the next one and especially if you look at him right now a lot of people, a lot of black people look at him like, he didn't do nothing for the black community anyway, because he's not connected to the black community. Well, I mean, he married Michelle PERSON, but he's not connected to black community.

Speaker 153234.4s - 3235.9s

He's not either, big Mike.

Speaker 43235.9s - 3302.28s

His white, I mean, his his, his, um, white, uh, lineage held slaves. And if you want to discard Franklin Marshall Davis Jr., his dad was from Africa LOC. So, I mean, he doesn't have any blackness associated with him. So, you know, but that's, but the answer what, or to give my opinion about what you were saying, there are some like Sunny Johnson.St. Johnston PERSON can go into the hood and talk to Democrats because she hasn't lost that way to communicate. Like I said, I can go to a barbershop. There are many of us that can talk to people in the hood, but then there's a lot that can't. And those are the ones that would get on social media. Like, Rob Smith PERSON. I just got called out for being a black homosexualby the Republicans NORP this time. It's like, man, come on.

Speaker 153304.2s - 3306.72s

It's so funny. I know he is.

Speaker 43308s - 3380.26s

But I mean, believe me, believe me when I say that. Because after watching this for a while, it's like, and then there's a split between black conservatives. Like when you look at some people get up there and they trash black Americans NORP,but then you look at some of the black conservatives to have connection with black America GPE, you were like, I can't believe you just said that. I'm trying to build up connections with these people. And then all of a sudden, you're gonna come out and talk crap about them.Now you're hurting my outreach and talking you know to these people so help me out but then again the same thing happens to uh white people with their with the poor i mean i really feel bad for poor white people because poor white people are are left out there on the island and it's a shame I'm seriousit's a shame it's a shame it's a shame who look like a umum um um um was it's stepchildren red-headed stepchild

Speaker 153380.26s - 3381.98s

I man

Speaker 43381.98s - 3424.38s

box car because I mean, if you drive in the country and I think we all live close to a countrytype of place, we drive down the road, we pass all the trees and stuff, and we see those broke down houses in between the trees. And I mean, you know,everything's not hunky door. And then you're going to track, you're going to pass a trailer part, a large trailer part, okay? Nobody goes in there and does outreach to these, these people, they stay away from there. And, you know, it's like, these are Americans NORP, too.

Speaker 23424.8s - 3443.4s

I saw a documentary about a guy from West Virginia GPE that got a full scholarship, a full ride to college for football. He got there. He had to come home in a couple months because he couldn't afford food. Wow. Then they showed him out there on the side of a highway under a bridge with a five

Speaker 43443.4s - 3445.98s

gallon bucket and a pick getting coal out of

Speaker 23445.98s - 3452.28s

the side of the mountain so he could burn it at home for heat that night. That's real.

Speaker 43452.42s - 3452.92s

That's real.

Speaker 23454.76s - 3456.64s

Hush talks about West Virginia GPE.

Speaker 43457.74s - 3467.82s

We had connections with West Virginia GPE there for a while. What they do with poor white people. Pour the drugs in there. Or the drugs in there or a while. What they do with poor white people. Pour the drugs in there.

Speaker 03468.46s - 3470.36s

Or the drugs in there or send them to war.

Speaker 43474.9s - 3484.32s

West Virginia has lost more Americans NORP per capita than any other state in the country.

Speaker 03484.32s - 3485.34s

Scotch Irish NORP.

Speaker 33485.68s - 3488.72s

A war for American NORP war.

Speaker 43489.22s - 3501.2s

And then when you don't send in the work, like I just said, you load them with drugs and welfare. They are the test bed. West Virginia GPE is a test bed for welfare. You know.

Speaker 23501.54s - 3502.42s

They're guinea pigs.

Speaker 43502.96s - 3503.2s


Speaker 23503.54s - 3506.36s

But if you go to west

Speaker 43506.36s - 3520.16s

Virginia don't believe all that stuff that you see in the movies and stuff if you go to West Virginia that's one of the man it's one of the best places that you have ever been in your life number one is pretty number two the people are

Speaker 33520.16s - 3527.56s

welcoming they are so beautiful mountains beautiful mountains Beautiful mountains and they take care of them.

Speaker 23528.36s - 3534.66s

Did you travel along a long bridge when you were going down there?

Speaker 43534.94s - 3537.92s

It was a long bridge, but it was just clean.

Speaker 33537.98s - 3538.9s

It was a clean bridge.

Speaker 23538.98s - 3540.22s

It was very high.

Speaker 33541.12s - 3545.9s

There's one between Weerton and Stub Steubenville, Ohio GPE that's pretty big.

Speaker 23546.62s - 3546.86s


Speaker 33547.2s - 3551.1s

I mean, there's one in Wheeling GPE, too, a real big one of Wheeling.

Speaker 43551.82s - 3553.58s

This place, this place is good.

Speaker 23553.58s - 3557.16s

But as I said, y'all live toward the country.

Speaker 43557.62s - 3564.98s

All right, you see, you see all these poor people being left by the wayside and they aren't

Speaker 23564.98s - 3565.7s

being targeted. They aren't being targeted.

Speaker 43566.1s - 3567.28s

They aren't being talked to.

Speaker 23568.08s - 3572.76s

But drugs can flow in there easy.

Speaker 43575.32s - 3579.9s

Alcohol, drugs, prostitution, all that stuff flows in there.

Speaker 23580.28s - 3581.42s

They make their own alcohol.

Speaker 43582.04s - 3585.2s

Yeah, I was going to say, I grew up poor white trash in the trailer.

Speaker 23586.2s - 3586.64s


Speaker 43587.04s - 3591.06s

I grew up poor white trash in a trailer and can confirm it's full of drugs, alcohol.

Speaker 153591.78s - 3594.56s

And really it's full of people without hope.

Speaker 33595.24s - 3598.48s

And it's almost like what happened to the inner city black community.

Speaker 153598.48s - 3628.68s

That's why you take a poor white dude from a trailer, put him in the inner city. Like he's going to get along with those people because they're going to connect with each other on a different level where you feel forgotten and you feel like, how do I get out of this mess? And the government gives you just enough to survive, but never to thrive. And then they just dumb you down with some sort of chemical, be it drugs, alcohol, whateverit is. And, you know, that's why people just sit around getting drunk on their porch because they didn't know how to get out of it. I'll tell you what,

Speaker 23628.68s - 3657.56s

I got lucky in my life lessons. Up until the time I was in third grade, I went to one of the best schools in Pittsburgh GPE. My dad had a great job. We had a good house. And then he, his back went out and he lost his job. And we went from that all the way up here to public school in one summer. And I didn't know that there was two cultures. I was an elitist. I was there was one black kid in my school and his dad owned the black radio station in Pittsburgh GPE.Oh, nice.

Speaker 03657.56s - 3665.56s

You know, that when I went to the public school then, I, it was the first time I saw the poor white people you're talking about as I was becoming one.

Speaker 23666.06s - 3678.7s

Yep. And black people, you know, half of the school. And it was, it was really eye opening to me. It, uh, it molded me. You know, the way I looked at something before and the way I look at it now, it's like, damn.

Speaker 153679.3s - 3681.18s

Well, that's what's funny too.

Speaker 23681.56s - 3684.64s

So like, you know, we have people on there that will call us redneck.

Speaker 153684.64s - 3685.9s

So like, no, no, no, let's crack it. I'm trailer trash. Like, if you grew up, poor in the So like, you know, we have people on there that'll call us rednecks. Like, no, no, no, let's correct it.

Speaker 23685.9s - 3686.76s

I'm trailer trash.

Speaker 153687.16s - 3702.8s

Like, if you grew up pouring the trailer park, you knew the difference between trailer trash and not. That's why I was never offended when somebody called us that because trailer trash are the people that don't love America GPE, that don't work hard, that don't do their stuff, you know.

Speaker 143702.8s - 3706.9s

And so just the fact that you live in porn, a trailer park doesn't mean your trailer trash.

Speaker 153707.02s - 3711.56s

So call me that if you will. No, you get that wrong.

Speaker 143711.72s - 3713.86s

I'm trailer trash, baby.

Speaker 23714s - 3715.6s

Shout up to the park drive.

Speaker 143716.98s - 3717.92s

Double wide.

Speaker 153719.12s - 3720.12s

No, no, no, no.

Speaker 23720.24s - 3722.12s

We couldn't afford the double wide.

Speaker 143722.32s - 3723.86s

Those were the big rollers, Hutch PERSON.

Speaker 153724.04s - 3733.9s

I mowed his lawn when I was a kid, because he paid me $5 to mow his law. He had that, I can pay somebody to mow my lawn money because he had a double line.

Speaker 43734.5s - 3735.74s

Five dollars, price.

Speaker 153736.46s - 3738.62s

Did you have group parties and stuff too?

Speaker 43739.62s - 3747.24s

So our trailer park was kind of horseshoe shaped, if it makes sense, where you'd go in and then you'd go on one side.

Speaker 153747.36s - 3751.02s

So the north side of the horseshoe was the sketchy people.

Speaker 43751.02s - 3752.84s

They were into like the hardcore drugs.

Speaker 153753.52s - 3761.4s

And then the south side of the trailer park was the more normal, just hardworking people.

Speaker 43761.52s - 3764.38s

And we'd do cookouts and stuff like that.

Speaker 153764.42s - 3765.68s

But it's funny because i actually

Speaker 43765.68s - 3771.84s

drove through there last summer and it was the same thing you know the first like 20 houses and it's like

Speaker 153771.84s - 3776.92s

oh these are i mean these are poor people but they maintain their stuff their cars are in working order

Speaker 33776.92s - 3782.76s

everything's okay and then you go around to the other 20 trailers and you're like oh yeah let's see

Speaker 143782.76s - 3786s

none of these cars are functioning. The roofing kid.

Speaker 153786.66s - 3789.56s

75 and pala over there with no wheels on it.

Speaker 143789.72s - 3790.6s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 153791.12s - 3791.42s


Speaker 23791.42s - 3792.52s

Oh, rusted out.

Speaker 143792.72s - 3792.96s


Speaker 153793.9s - 3794.8s

Oh, man.

Speaker 143795.3s - 3801.18s

No, yeah, because, you know, I've seen, I've seen some stuff on TV.

Speaker 153801.98s - 3803.98s

Ozark GPE had something like that, too.

Speaker 143805.12s - 3808.12s

Yeah, they're living in a camper. Boy. It wasn't even a mobile. It was a

Speaker 23808.12s - 3811.88s

cat. Yeah, man. They were a step, they were a step down.

Speaker 43812.18s - 3814.96s

They were mobile. They were mobile.

Speaker 23815.8s - 3819.88s

But you know, you know, as some chance, because

Speaker 143819.88s - 3823.64s

we were never poor, but we weren't rich.

Speaker 23824.24s - 3829.46s

And I would probably say at the time in the 70s,

Speaker 143829.7s - 3831.92s

because mom and dad worked.

Speaker 43832.38s - 3836.84s

So our Christmases were super grand.

Speaker 143836.84s - 3843.06s

If you look at a little kid and you see like my dad,

Speaker 43843.24s - 3845.82s

around September or October,

Speaker 33846.12s - 3847.22s

he would get to Sears ORG,

Speaker 153847.72s - 3848.02s


Speaker 33848.14s - 3848.42s


Speaker 43848.42s - 3848.72s


Speaker 153848.72s - 3850.58s


Speaker 143850.7s - 3850.88s


Speaker 153850.88s - 3851.06s


Speaker 143851.06s - 3852.14s

and he was,

Speaker 43852.14s - 3855.12s

and he would ask us to choose 10 things that meet.

Speaker 23855.84s - 3856.76s

We would want,

Speaker 43856.96s - 3857.26s

you know,

Speaker 23857.3s - 3857.7s

we're looking,

Speaker 43857.8s - 3859.6s

looking through the thing and stuff.

Speaker 23859.64s - 3860.68s

I loved looking at that,

Speaker 43860.76s - 3860.96s


Speaker 23861.12s - 3861.38s


Speaker 43861.42s - 3861.88s

me too.

Speaker 23861.96s - 3862.56s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 43862.56s - 3863.48s

And, um,

Speaker 23864.42s - 3869.62s

so when Christmas came around around you know you come down

Speaker 43869.62s - 3878.3s

you look at 10 things looked like a hundred things because my sister and it was my sister me so

Speaker 23878.3s - 3883.3s

actually looking at 20 things but if you're looking at a bike and this and that it looks

Speaker 43883.3s - 3885.62s

everything looks bigger and wide okay um and then you always looking at a bike and this and that, it looks, everything looks bigger and wide.

Speaker 23885.72s - 3886s


Speaker 43887.2s - 3891.18s

And then you always had your Christmas candy and cookies.

Speaker 23891.46s - 3894.1s

And the smell, oh my gosh, sugar cookies.

Speaker 43894.7s - 3898.34s

And then everybody sat around.

Speaker 33900.44s - 3903.44s

Mom went in to cook something, but the parades came on.

Speaker 43904.6s - 3948.92s

I say how I have to say this. We didn't grow up rich. We didn't grow up poor. We grew up middle class. Excuse me, but we hit spots where we needed help, especially when my parents split. So we hit spots where we needed help.And I was, and then we hit spots where we needed help. And I was, and then we had to move from the place. So not only did we move from a house, we moved to a town home that was attached to another home. It's still on the corner.But across the street was the project. Yep.

Speaker 143950.06s - 3952.18s

And from across the projects,

Speaker 43952.76s - 4080.4s

they had steel gate, no, fences. Fences looks like a jailover there. And I would always be afraid to go over there because that's not something that I grew up with. But in watching all this as I'm growing up, I'm like, and I don't want to do that. I mean, I don't want to go through life like this. I've seen the struggles of my parents. I've seen the struggles of, you know, the lights have been off. The electric is, yeah, the electric isn't been off. You're sitting around Christmas and the next thing you know, the water come. There's water that comes through the ceiling. I mean, it looks like a freaking fountain that's coming through the ceiling and you had to hurry up and move everything to the middle of the floor,you know, and, oh, my goodness. Well, I said all that to say this. I am, I am a, I'm not a product. I am a product of what I went through. But I also decided I didn't want to live like that, okay? Which brings me to this.I, and we're briefly talked about this on the show, but I think that at times that I have hurt my children in the way, because I didn't want them to go through what I went through as a kid. So now I'm trying to fix it. So I'm trying to fix it. So they don't have to go through it. But they aren't learning the life lesson that I did or that we went through to make us who we are right now. And sometimes maybeit's okay, you know, for them to go through the hardship so they can learn how to take, because we're not going to be here. 20, 2150, it is 2025, right? 2000, no, it's

Speaker 144080.4s - 4085.26s

224. In 2150, we ain't here.

Speaker 44086.48s - 4100.66s

We ain't here. And as a matter of fact, the memory of us might even be gone because those, those, the photos might be taken off the walls by 2150. The only thing left is the show.

Speaker 24101.26s - 4101.62s


Speaker 44102.46s - 4108.3s

Even that, because, I mean, with AI coming out, you know, you never know.

Speaker 24108.48s - 4111.36s

But you want your children to go through.

Speaker 44111.48s - 4120.86s

You want them to be battle tested. You do. You really want them to be battle tested because if not, they're going to be these kids out here at Harvard and Columbia ORG.

Speaker 04121.28s - 4129.5s

And the next thing you know, if their heads are going to be beat over the head and you're going to be watching TV and you're going to get a phone call that your child is in the hospital

Speaker 44129.5s - 4135.86s

for because they were just standing out looking at what was going on right I mean look at the

Speaker 24135.86s - 4141.8s

difference between our experience and kids today my grand I used to walk to school from fourth

Speaker 34141.8s - 4145.66s

grade I walk to school walk home for lunch walk back to school, walk home for lunch, walk back to school,

Speaker 24145.72s - 4158.34s

and then walk back at the end of the day. My grandson, sixth grade, still doesn't get to walk to school by himself. It's like I keep trying to tell his mom, you got to prepare him for the streets, man. You got to get him out there.

Speaker 44158.76s - 4160.16s

He's got to walk back and forth.

Speaker 24160.24s - 4163.2s

He got to be able to defend himself out there. Yep.

Speaker 154163.7s - 4179.5s

Well, and it's funny to say that about making kids off. So I grew up on the good side of the trailer park and we were poor. But my dad, my dad made it clear to me, the government is not going to get you out of this mess. Right.

Speaker 34179.7s - 4184.94s

And like taking help is not going to make you stronger.

Speaker 154185.04s - 4200.34s

And there's time where, you know, like everybody, I'm sure we dad took help. But I tell the story when I came home with like free government cheese from the neighbors because they got a bunch. And he's like, what the hell are you doing there? And he's like, I'm like, yeah, they got this great cheese. They just give it to you.And he's like, we ain't taking nothing from the government.

Speaker 144200.76s - 4209.08s

Like if we want cheese, we'll go mow lawn. We'll get some money. We'll go buy some cheese. I had to march that cheese back over and go like, answer it. I can't have the cheese.

Speaker 34209.08s - 4215.84s

But it's funny because people that broke out of that circle of poorness, you develop this.

Speaker 154216s - 4220.96s

I'm going to figure it out that these rich elite college kids could never do. I mean,

Speaker 34221.28s - 4229.08s

you're like, I remember sitting there going like, when I first moved out on my own, I was like 17, 18 years old. And it's like, okay, I got to figure out how I'm going to buy food.

Speaker 154229.44s - 4246.5s

And like, what, I got to get up. I got to go work my job. I better be good at my job and not just, you know, I went into sales and I'm like, I need to really refine my skills to be good at this. Or I can't pay for my food. Oh Oh yeah, gum and cheese. That was what

Speaker 44246.5s - 4251.34s

was killer. It was so good. And I had to take it. I never had any. Oh, really? Gum and cheese.

Speaker 154252.26s - 4259.86s

Oh, dude. I heard about it. I had to cut that thing with a, um, with a, with a, with a, like a hatchet.

Speaker 44260.56s - 4265.62s

Yeah, yeah, with a hatchet. I had to slice with a hatchet. And then it came out like an inch and a half thick.

Speaker 154266.62s - 4268.92s

You didn't cut in like a regular piece of cheese.

Speaker 44269.2s - 4271.46s

You need a machine to cut it like that.

Speaker 154271.98s - 4276.9s

But if you're doing it at home, you better make sure that you press it down on both hands.

Speaker 144277.32s - 4279.16s

The other hand is nowhere near the bottom.

Speaker 154279.16s - 4281.14s

You keep your fingers up above the blade.

Speaker 44281.3s - 4282.06s

Yeah, man.

Speaker 144282.44s - 4285.94s

Yeah, it was like the size and shape of Velveeta PRODUCT, but it tasted like deluxe American. Oh, man. Yeah, it was like the size and shape of Velveeta,

Speaker 44286.12s - 4288.08s

but it tasted like deluxe American NORP.

Speaker 34288.44s - 4289s

Oh, man.

Speaker 44289.28s - 4290s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 154290.16s - 4294s

It was a super size of Velveeta PRODUCT.

Speaker 44294.32s - 4294.68s


Speaker 154296.06s - 4299.54s

The thing always looked like a baby when you were carrying it down the street

Speaker 44299.54s - 4303.18s

because it's so long and it looked like a box, you know,

Speaker 154303.26s - 4304s

type of thing.

Speaker 34304.06s - 4308.28s

You get that thing in the house and, you're like, okay, do I put it in the refrigerator or do I

Speaker 154308.28s - 4312.14s

just leave it out because, you know, take a whole lot of space.

Speaker 44312.62s - 4314.98s

Oh, man, you make that into a cheese sandwich, though, way?

Speaker 34314.98s - 4319.16s

You try, you try to, but it, it was probably an experiment, man.

Speaker 44319.56s - 4324.24s

Yeah, you eat melting the whole, yeah, that's probably space cheese, but you ain't melting

Speaker 154324.24s - 4325.44s

the whole thing. That's, that's probably why I don But you ain't melting the whole thing.

Speaker 44325.8s - 4326.64s

That thing.

Speaker 154327.08s - 4327.72s


Speaker 44330.2s - 4330.8s

That's probably why I don't eat cheese today like that.

Speaker 154332.62s - 4332.7s

I get a cheeseburger and I look at the cheese.

Speaker 44333.48s - 4334.44s

I take the cheese off.

Speaker 24334.98s - 4336.22s

Oh, man.

Speaker 154336.46s - 4337.12s


Speaker 24339.58s - 4341.62s

But I guess the point of that story was, and we've all worked our way out of poverty

Speaker 44341.62s - 4343.28s

to make a pretty good life for ourselves.

Speaker 144343.9s - 4350.12s

And that is because, like, we didn't look like, oh, how somebody else going to solve our problem.

Speaker 44350.56s - 4355.72s

It's what do we need to do to figure out how to make this work?

Speaker 154355.86s - 4365.84s

And that's where poor people in America GPE, they've, whatever your race is, they've divested you from the feeling that through hard work and figuring things

Speaker 44365.84s - 4369.74s

out. You can get ahead. And you really can't. You just got to figure it out. And not only that,

Speaker 34370.04s - 4373.7s

when I was growing up, people were embarrassed to be on welfare. Right.

Speaker 44374s - 4378s

I was. That's got to change. Yeah. I know I was.

Speaker 154378.76s - 4382.7s

I'm going to say the number of people that love government cheese in the chat is remarkable.

Speaker 34383.6s - 4385.14s

Really? Yeah. There's like eight people in there that are like, man, the chat is remarkable. Really? Yeah.

Speaker 154385.46s - 4387.76s

There's like eight people in there that are like, man,

Speaker 24387.76s - 4388.8s

I love that stuff.

Speaker 154391.98s - 4394.18s

Happy's claiming it's real cheese.

Speaker 24394.56s - 4396.22s

I don't know about that, Kathy PERSON.

Speaker 154396.58s - 4397.76s

I don't know.

Speaker 24399.5s - 4400.98s

It sure was tasty.

Speaker 154401.54s - 4403s

Oh, yeah, I don't know if it was real.

Speaker 44403s - 4404.5s

I mean, no, no.

Speaker 34404.68s - 4406.92s

No, that thing, man, man, that thing was large, though, yeah, I don't know if it was real. That, I mean, no, no, that thing, man,

Speaker 154407.22s - 4409.92s

man, that thing was large, though, wasn't it?

Speaker 44410.16s - 4410.52s


Speaker 144410.76s - 4411.26s

Yeah, large.

Speaker 44411.52s - 4413.4s

I mean, did they make it anymore?

Speaker 144414.28s - 4415.08s

I don't know.

Speaker 44415.6s - 4416.1s

I don't know.

Speaker 144416.36s - 4420.1s

But, you know, my mom's, no, you don't.

Speaker 44420.4s - 4421.28s

My mom's friends.

Speaker 144421.28s - 4425.52s

You know what the shelf life is on that. You know what? I'm glad, I mean, I was getting ready't know if the shelf life is on that

Speaker 44425.52s - 4427.16s

You know what I'm glad

Speaker 144427.16s - 4429.4s

I mean I was getting ready to talk about the shelf life

Speaker 44429.4s - 4432.06s

Because I remember my mom's friend it came over

Speaker 144432.06s - 4434s

And she was going to make some goulash

Speaker 44434s - 4442.58s

But she looked at the government cheese thing And it was molded on one side You know decided being cut So she just cut that piece off

Speaker 144442.58s - 4446.9s

And she just I was like I don't want that.

Speaker 44447.06s - 4451.62s

That's what my dad. My dad used to do that. He did that with cheese, with bread.

Speaker 24452.32s - 4456.86s

He just cut the little bit off and keep on eating. I'm like, dude, I saw that mold. I can't eat that.

Speaker 144458.86s - 4461.16s

It was green and it was nasty and I'm not eating.

Speaker 24461.16s - 4467.96s

Yeah. Right. Oh, man. And, you know, and so, but, but she did make the goulash.

Speaker 44468.5s - 4479.42s

She did make it. And here I am tasting. And even though she cut the mold off, I'm going to, this tastes moldy. Even though I didn't have any mold on it.

Speaker 144479.72s - 4483.12s

It has a plant in your brain. It has a pang on it. Yeah.

Speaker 24483.76s - 4492.68s

It's like, it's like, if you get a bug in your drink, it's like, no, dump that out. I don't want to bore that. You infected it.

Speaker 154493.8s - 4497.64s

And then if you didn't steal it real good, you'd get that dried out chunk.

Speaker 24498.12s - 4498.84s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 154499s - 4500.54s

Turn colors and turn into it.

Speaker 24501.98s - 4504.64s

Delvita ORG has the same thing.

Speaker 154505.18s - 4505.84s

Yeah, but well,

Speaker 24506.14s - 4507.14s

it used to anyway.

Speaker 154507.2s - 4513.4s

Right. Now you can leave it out for three years. That's another thing, too.

Speaker 44513.72s - 4534.78s

We've talked about this on the show too. Oh, well, let me also add this about cereal. Did your father? My father used we used to get cereal.A couple boxes of different cereal. I don't think I was the one that did it. But maybe I was and I don't remember. But somebody kept opening up each of the boxes.

Speaker 24535.82s - 4537.8s

I think that happened in everybody's house.

Speaker 44538.28s - 4556.38s

Every out, yeah. I think it happened to everybody's house. Yeah. So my dad would buy a new cereal and said, don't touch the new boxes and tell y'all eat the old stuff. But, okay, so thennobody really touched the old stuff. So then he would take all the boxes and mesh them all into

Speaker 34556.38s - 4559.48s

he would

Speaker 44559.48s - 4567s

raisin brand into the fruit loops and Phoenix PRODUCT. It's like, eat this first, and then you can eat that out there.

Speaker 24567.3s - 4571.9s

Go for to get some milk and there's this much left in the carton because Wayne PERSON put it back

Speaker 44571.9s - 4576.22s

like that. That happened in my house.

Speaker 24576.46s - 4578.48s

My dad used to mess some food up, boy.

Speaker 34579.14s - 4583.66s

He tried to make some gourmet spaghettios or something. He'd add stuff to it.

Speaker 24584.84s - 4586.58s

It's like, no, dad, don't put that in there.

Speaker 144586.66s - 4589.28s

No lettuce in my Spaghettios. Oh.

Speaker 154589.78s - 4593.62s

Well, you know, when you're poor, you just made food stretch like, like Juanita PERSON.

Speaker 144594.22s - 4596.56s

Her mom also kept the moldy bread.

Speaker 24596.92s - 4598.52s

She's a survivor like me.

Speaker 154600.18s - 4602.1s

Only that first half is bad.

Speaker 24602.16s - 4603.62s

You can eat that second half.

Speaker 144605.64s - 4606.88s

Wait till the apocalypse.

Speaker 154607.04s - 4608.58s

Yeah, they really did mess with the food.

Speaker 144608.74s - 4609.64s

Remember growing up?

Speaker 24609.64s - 4610.42s

They did, didn't it?

Speaker 154610.52s - 4610.9s

They did.

Speaker 144611.14s - 4615.88s

Remember growing up when you used to get potato chips like lays and they'd have green on them on some of them?

Speaker 154616.18s - 4616.74s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 144617.04s - 4620.04s

It's like this stuff isn't even potatoes anymore. Yeah.

Speaker 24620.72s - 4628.38s

And, you know, some people are like, yeah, you know, they give us the prescription medication that keeps people sick and stuff.

Speaker 44629.04s - 4642.72s

When you go back and, you know, we briefly hit on the food a while ago how when people ate things back during the day, it didn't make us fat. It did not.

Speaker 34642.76s - 4654.18s

I mean, seriously, y'all, the food back then did not make us fat. It did not. I mean, seriously, y'all, the food back then did not make us fat. Now, yes, kids were more active and they played outside and stuff. Understand that. But the,

Speaker 44654.34s - 4660.72s

but kids today come out of the womb fat type of stuff, you know, and that simulac and stuff like that,

Speaker 04660.72s - 4664.94s

you know, that stuff that they add in there and all those preservatives and all that

Speaker 34664.94s - 4669.94s

man-made ingredients and stuff that goes into that.

Speaker 04670.44s - 4673.56s

All that stuff is going into the woman's body and stuff.

Speaker 44673.66s - 4691.98s

And these kids come out, how big was he? Oh, he was 13 pounds. Oh, he was a big baby, you know. Oh, well, Kathy PERSON. Kathy PERSON's laughing. Yeah, I got to say the uh we have the

Speaker 154691.98s - 4705.38s

fat as poor people in the history of mankind like if you look at the number of poor people we have that have obesity like that's usually where you see poor people is they're emancipated or super skinny and whatnot.

Speaker 44706.58s - 4728.8s

I got it, but I do have to say this because I know there's some people, not y'all, I know there's some people are on our side in big, in influencer positions that talk down to big people. They really do. They talk down to them. And there are certain conditions where people go

Speaker 24728.8s - 4734.24s

through depression based on marriages, based on divorce. What Jason said about the hope. When you lose hope,

Speaker 44734.5s - 4741.98s

who cares about yourself? Right. Right. And that's, you know, what it is. Talking, talking down to

Speaker 24741.98s - 4748.26s

people about how fat they are and stuff, that's not helping to me.

Speaker 44748.62s - 4752.82s

Now, I understand there are people out there that just eat until they get tired.

Speaker 24752.94s - 4753.42s

I understand.

Speaker 44754.2s - 4768s

I've seen them before. Sitting pulling up a chair, not at a table, but at the buffet part. You know, they're sitting up there waiting, cleaning out the steak tray and waiting for some more steak to show up.

Speaker 24768.14s - 4770.68s

Crablobs. Those have problems, okay?

Speaker 44771.52s - 4794.92s

But there are people, and I wouldn't say they're mental issues, but there are people out here that have gone through things that have basically hurt their lives, hurt their, I mean, they might even be alone. But then there's a flip side to that too, because then there are people that might have lost everybody. And then they don't want to eat.They're starving to death.

Speaker 24795.96s - 4802.34s

I noticed it during, uh, somebody was talking about this, about how it was the, uh,

Speaker 44802.34s - 4804.5s

hopeless mentality that does this.

Speaker 24804.5s - 4830.48s

And I remember during Hurricane Katrina EVENT, they showed one of the most poorest districts in the country. I think it was the ninth ward or wherever when they were trying to evacuate from this flood. And you looked at so many people that were obese coming from there. It's like these people have lost hope. They don't, I mean, it's sad.It really is. I mean, you're looking at these people going wow that doesn't look like a representative of this country i mean that this is uh

Speaker 154831.2s - 4902.28s

you know what's interesting i think the two things that have really contributed is one people who have lost faith you know like you at some degree you've got to believe there's a god and a higher power than want something good for you. And if somebody's depressed, go get involved in your church, go or join a group in your church. Like, thank me later. But the second thing is people need to feel that they're in control of their destiny and that they can work the way out of it. And that's why not teaching kids skills that they can actually go do something.I mentioned I had the sprinkler guy out last week and I was talking to this young kid and he's going to be buying the business that he's working at. And he's in his early 20s. And he's like, I worked with this guy and he convinced me I could do it and I could run the business because I'm like, man, I got to say you did awesome. You showed up early.You made sure everything was right. Like excellent job. And I mean, just chatting with him. He's like, yeah, it's funny, you know, until I started working for this old sprinkler dude, I never thought about running my own business. And I never thought I could.And like, you get into it and you realize I can do anything. You know what I mean? And but we don't teach our kids that. We teach them like somebody else have to solve your problems instead of you

Speaker 24902.28s - 4904.26s

teaching them to be slaves. Right.

Speaker 154904.96s - 4906.62s

Yeah. And like i talked

Speaker 24906.62s - 4912.78s

about me when i became a salesperson like at 1819 i'm like okay i can make enough money to do something with

Speaker 154912.78s - 4953.2s

this and i was paying for school i read books about being a good salesperson i talked to all the good salespeople okay how does this work what do i do and and i learned a skill set so that i could be an effective salesperson. And so I learned how to sell stuff. And then by learning that skill, it was great because you just determine how much money you made based on what you sold.And that entrepreneurial spirit that kids have, they don't have it anymore because we've thought like, hey, if you can't figure this out and the kid that's going to buy the sprinkler business, like he was so lucky. He just randomly got a job with the old dude who's getting ready to retire in a year or two and wants him to buy the business.

Speaker 24954.58s - 4960.04s

I'll tell you, I was, these kids haven't been exposed to things either.

Speaker 34960.16s - 4967.04s

I mean, my son is in his 30s and he comes over to to the house one day, and I'm building up my radio station.

Speaker 24967.22s - 4981.42s

Right. And there's a shortwave radio sitting there. And he said, what's that, dad? I was like, where do I start? I mean, if you don't know what that is, it's a radio. They don't have radios anymore.No.

Speaker 44982.54s - 4995.54s

No, not only that, you know, I get laughed out all the time when when they, when I start talking about maps, you know.

Speaker 24996.06s - 4997.64s

Maps. It used to be the gas station.

Speaker 44998.36s - 5011.02s

At the gas station. You drive by somebody at the gas station and they have to map out on the hood with their foot up on the... I still have a drawer full of maps.

Speaker 35011.32s - 5012.52s

Put up on the bender.

Speaker 45012.76s - 5013.52s

I love that.

Speaker 25014.14s - 5015.84s

Maps will get you in trouble, though.

Speaker 35016.24s - 5018.78s

I had a map of Washington GPE, D.C.

Speaker 25019.08s - 5028.9s

It was not updated. And I'm looking at this map and it's like, okay, I could go down this interstate, but I could cut right down this J Street or this M Street FAC.

Speaker 35030.9s - 5031.5s

And it's a straight shot to the Capitol FAC.

Speaker 145033.78s - 5034.08s

Lord have mercy, roll up the windows.

Speaker 35034.42s - 5034.88s


Speaker 25038.16s - 5049.72s

Oh, man, outdoor furniture outside. People sitting on it drinking with the brown paper bags. Payday loans liquor store. I'm like, out of here it was long it was long too

Speaker 45049.72s - 5085.86s

look it was long it was huge I thought that I thought that Wi-Fi was the best thing going for GPS man you get in DCthat Wi-Fi is all over the place you know you find yourself yourself at a dead end where they're doing construction and is not even on the thing. The GPS is telling you, keep straight. And you're like, I can't. There's, there's these guard things up here. I can't, you know, and then you're trying to run.You know, I was like, wow.

Speaker 155085.86s - 5108.32s

See, my favorite era of navigation was the MapQuest ORG era. And we all lived through that where you go online. You'd print your map out. And you still had maps in your club box. And then you're following that route. You're looking.And then that one dang time you took the wrong exit and you were off your map quest. And you're like, oh my God, how do I get back?

Speaker 35108.62s - 5111.22s

I don't even know where I am.

Speaker 45111.46s - 5111.74s


Speaker 145112.66s - 5113.52s

Map quest.

Speaker 155114.34s - 5118.02s

I'll tell you something about where I live that's specific to Pittsburgh GPE.

Speaker 145118.74s - 5121.24s

It's a real, they built this city in mountains.

Speaker 45121.88s - 5123.12s

You know, you heard about the three rivers.

Speaker 25123.22s - 5124.32s

There's mountains all around them.

Speaker 45124.32s - 5130.02s

So one of the things they did was all the flat land near the rivers was dedicated to steel

Speaker 25130.02s - 5130.9s

mills and industry.

Speaker 145131.6s - 5135s

The immigrants that came in had to live up on the hills.

Speaker 45135.44s - 5136.52s

They call them the slopes.

Speaker 155137.24s - 5144.24s

Well, so what they did was a million years ago, they built 300 sets of what's called city

Speaker 25144.24s - 5144.8s


Speaker 45146s - 5147.88s

So you could go from up here, down a thousand

Speaker 25147.88s - 5149.58s

steps to down here to go to work.

Speaker 45149.84s - 5151.88s

And then they had inclines to bring you back

Speaker 25151.88s - 5154.08s

and stuff. I've seen those. But the bad

Speaker 45154.08s - 5156s

part about it is the freaking city

Speaker 25156s - 5157.82s

steps have street names.

Speaker 145158.6s - 5161.92s

So I'm in the army doing funeral duty

Speaker 25161.92s - 5163.52s

and I'm trying to find this

Speaker 35163.52s - 5167.18s

funeral home and I'm going up Jones Street FAC.

Speaker 25167.44s - 5170.16s

And all of a sudden, Jones Street FAC is a set of steps.

Speaker 145170.48s - 5170.92s


Speaker 25171.28s - 5172.7s

They're saying, oh, what do I do now?

Speaker 145173.06s - 5174.4s

Oh, my God. You know?

Speaker 45175.32s - 5188.64s

Yeah, I remember seeing that red thing that goes up beside the mountain when I was in fitzburg yeah it's like a train car one train

Speaker 25188.64s - 5194.88s

car it's pulled by a cable that thing looks like it's going up to heaven it does how high that is

Speaker 45194.88s - 5200.76s

going up there you got to go at night at night yeah yeah i bet so you can see the city lights it's pretty

Speaker 25200.76s - 5207.26s

nice there's nothing like pittsburgh at night boy i'm, you know, I won't go into it again,

Speaker 45207.38s - 5213.28s

but there's nothing like that, that city at night. I mean, Baltimore ain't no slouch either,

Speaker 25213.36s - 5217.5s

but Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh is a coup de garage at night, you know.

Speaker 45218.16s - 5219.48s

I still don't go down there.

Speaker 25220.52s - 5222.76s

Yeah. I mean, I haven't been there in years, so.

Speaker 45224.2s - 5225.96s

Yeah. It's too much away.

Speaker 25227.28s - 5227.92s

From you?

Speaker 45228.32s - 5228.6s


Speaker 155229.28s - 5230.36s

Just not safe.

Speaker 25231.08s - 5232.94s

I mean, it's not, I'm not interested, man.

Speaker 155232.94s - 5237.36s

I'm not interested in panhandlers and paying $5 for five minutes to park.

Speaker 25237.86s - 5239.5s

It's just too much of a money trap.

Speaker 155239.56s - 5240.98s

And there's no cops down there anymore.

Speaker 45241.92s - 5247.14s

You know, there used to be, it used to be manageable because you had a police force that understood

Speaker 155247.14s - 5251.62s

the importance of infantry of people walking around,

Speaker 25251.74s - 5253.76s

walking the beat for a hundred some years.

Speaker 155253.98s - 5256.68s

And the unions got in there and canceled that Christmas.

Speaker 25257.32s - 5259.96s

They're all in cars now or bicycles.

Speaker 05261.24s - 5261.44s


Speaker 25262.24s - 5264.88s

But they used to cover that area,

Speaker 155264.96s - 5265.2s

you know,

Speaker 25265.22s - 5267.22s

and they'd move panhandlers along and stuff.

Speaker 155267.72s - 5269.46s

We've talked about that on the show,

Speaker 25269.52s - 5271.22s

and it was funny after you had brought that up,

Speaker 155271.26s - 5282.18s

I had never really considered that loss of that beat cop. But now as, you know, more and more often I see people talking about, like where policing really went wrong was when they got rid of the beat cop.

Speaker 25282.3s - 5290s

I'm sure right. That's true. I used to work in a pizza shop. My boss told me whatever Jerry PERSON and those guys want, you give it to them. They don't

Speaker 145290s - 5291.88s

pay. Right. You knew their

Speaker 25291.88s - 5293.54s

names, but they knew how to get to the

Speaker 145293.54s - 5296.32s

pizza at the pizza shop, but there was a problem. Right.

Speaker 25297.24s - 5298.44s

Which is why you gave them pizza.

Speaker 145299s - 5299.36s

Do you know?

Speaker 25301.54s - 5302.38s

Pizza, coffee.

Speaker 45303.76s - 5329.62s

All right. With that said We are getting ready to roll up out of here We want to thank everybody for tuning in To what we do On a weekly basis We'll be backTomorrow, tomorrow's hump day So we'll be back tomorrow Tomorrow The The which college started The Supreme Court For the immunity There's been a lot interesting cases The, what's called it started?The Supreme Court for the immunity. There's been a lot of interesting cases.

Speaker 155330.28s - 5330.58s


Speaker 45331.06s - 5331.4s


Speaker 155335.16s - 5336.68s

There was something that came down yesterday.

Speaker 45337.16s - 5348.76s

There was something that read that said, yeah, conservatives don't want to talk about. Carrie Lake lost in the Supreme Court. We did yesterday. We kind of brought it up. But, yeah,

Speaker 155348.84s - 5349.7s

I wonder what happened there.

Speaker 25349.82s - 5350.62s

I wonder what happened.

Speaker 45351.18s - 5351.34s


Speaker 25351.36s - 5352.56s

they didn't even offer an opinion,

Speaker 45352.56s - 5352.94s

which is,

Speaker 25352.94s - 5353.88s

they didn't even offer an,

Speaker 45353.88s - 5354.36s

it had to be,

Speaker 25354.44s - 5356.22s

something had to be wrong with the lawyers.

Speaker 45357.34s - 5357.92s

For that,

Speaker 155357.96s - 5358.74s

for 9-0.

Speaker 25359.62s - 5362.08s

Either that or were doomed. And no,

Speaker 45362.2s - 5365.8s

but no opinion. That's big, isn't it? Yeah, even if they thought her case's big, isn't it? Yeah.

Speaker 155366.02s - 5370.18s

Even if they thought her case was crap, they would have said that.

Speaker 45370.22s - 5371.78s

It's something. Right.

Speaker 155371.88s - 5372.68s

Yeah, that's weird.

Speaker 45374.82s - 5384.04s

So we're giving a hit final thoughts. I've got to change things around a little bit. I looked at ABC ORG news and I was like, hmm, I'm like.

Speaker 155384.44s - 5388.48s

I saw Wayne up at midnight last night. I'm like, man, we're getting new graphics today.

Speaker 45388.98s - 5389.58s

Was that up?

Speaker 155391.4s - 5393.26s

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 45393.36s - 5409.3s

I was creating memes, but then I went to sleep right after that. I was like, you know, I'm tired. But, yeah, so we back tomorrow, Hutch and J. Rob PERSON and myself, Jay Robb gives some final thoughts, and then Huch Bailey, Jr. PERSON, give some final thoughts, and then we're out.

Speaker 155409.72s - 5433.84s

All right, folks, thanks for tuning in. Yeah, lots of news this week. We'll get into it all tomorrow. My advice for you tonight, go take a walk. Wife and I have started taking the dog to the dog park doing a couple laps every evening. It just feels so good to unplug the out in nature a little bit.We love our dogs. I hanging out with them is great. So that's my advice to everybody. Go take a walk tonight. You'll thank me later.

Speaker 25434.26s - 5434.94s

There you go.

Speaker 155434.94s - 5438.84s

I don't know what's going on with these congressmen in the GOP ORG.

Speaker 25439.28s - 5466.46s

And they're using of Christianity to further their goals. GOP rep Carl predicts backlash from Christian NORP community for members who turn against Speaker Johnson PERSON. And what that means is against Ukraine GPE aid. You know, it's just, it's beyond me that you could try to label that murder as Christian NORP. I'm sorry.I just, uh, I kind of figured, I got to figure, I got to figure that murder as Christian NORP. I'm sorry. I just, I kind of figured,

Speaker 45466.46s - 5468.38s

I got to figure that they would do that.

Speaker 25469.44s - 5470.26s

I didn't know.

Speaker 45470.86s - 5472.46s

I kind of figured that they were going to do that.

Speaker 25473.08s - 5474.16s

Because again,

Speaker 45474.46s - 5479.16s

from now the way that I saw it, well, we'll talk about it.

Speaker 145479.32s - 5481.84s

Just remember Johnson PERSON canceled religion.

Speaker 25482.38s - 5487.42s

Right. He can't, not Johnson PERSON, Zelenskyy canceled Christianity in Ukraine GPE.

Speaker 45487.82s - 5490.12s

And a Christian NORP community is going to back get out of here.

Speaker 145490.56s - 5490.76s


Speaker 45491.06s - 5491.32s


Speaker 145492.32s - 5492.78s

All right.

Speaker 25493.28s - 5493.76s

God bless.

Speaker 45493.76s - 5493.78s

Every day, we rise.

Speaker 25511.08s - 5512s

Every day, we rise. Challeng challenging ourselves to work for what we believe in.

Speaker 45517.16s - 5518.94s

At U.S. Border Patrol ORG, protecting our borders is more than a job. It's a calling.

Speaker 115523.84s - 5534s

Agents answer the call, working together to keep our country and communities safe. If you're ready for a new mission, join U.S. Border Patrol ORG and go beyond. Learn more at cbp.gov slash careers.