Cloud Citadel: Episode 3

Cloud Citadel: Episode 3

by Haley Whipjack & Amelia Som

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About This Episode

100:34 minutes

published 13 days ago


Copyright 2023 Haley Whipjack


Speaker 30s - 60.22s

Calling all lovers of mystery and fans of a good story. If you haven't already heard me talk about June PERSON's journey, you're in for a treat. It's time to don your detective hat in this free, hidden object mobile game that delves into the captivating journey of June Parker PERSON, a self-proclaimed detective on a quest to unravel the mystery surrounding her sister's untimely death. In June PERSON's journey, you get to play as June, deciphering clues and unveiling secret plotswithin thousands of beautifully illustrated scenes. And did I mention it's set in the glitzy 1920s? New chapters are added weekly, so you will never run out of new thrills to uncover, and you can also personalize and decorate your very own Orchid Island where the story takes place.How sharp are your detective skills? Find out when you download June's Journey on your Android or iOS PRODUCT device or play online via Facebook ORG games. Your detective journey awaits. Are you thinking about getting into Dungeons and Dragons ORG?

Speaker 160.52s - 88.38s

Maybe you're looking to expand your horizons as a DM or a player. If that's the case and it's time for you to check out the dungeon cast, the best D&D podcast out there that helps you passively learn all about the game just by listening. Join co-hosts Will and Brian as they break down the lore of a rich multiverse, 50 years in the making, in a lighthearted and beginner-friendly way. They cover everything from character creation options to tips for dungeon masters. There's something for everyone, no matter how long you've been playing TTRPGs. Find the dungeon cast anywhere you get podcasts or on YouTube. Do you want to watch

Speaker 588.38s - 266.62s

unprepared casters play in person? You can. Hi, I'm the only one doing inserts this week. So this is the energy. We are going to be at GenCon this year. We're doing a live show, our first ever live show, at GenCon this year. GenCon is a big TTRPG convention that takes place in Indiana GPEpolis, Indiana. Our show this year is called Unprepared Casters Live WORK_OF_ART, because I'm really creative with names.And it's going to be happening on Saturday, August 3rd, at 10 a.m. to noon. So it's some nice brunch Dungeons and Dragons. Our show's in the Union Station Grand Hall FAC, which I've heard is an absolutely beautiful venue. It's super close to the convention center.It's not actually in it. It's like a five-minute walk. Again, nice brunch walk vibes. I will be DMing the show, and I'll be DMing for Amelia PERSON. Grace, Aram PERSON,Dylan, Abby, and Laura Tutu PERSON. It's going to be such a good cast. And you'll never guess who Amelia PERSON is going to be playing for the show, unless you have guessed the character that Amelia PERSON plays every time they get to play on our precasters ever. Um, it's only $4 to get your ticket to attend.Uh, I mean, we'll actually be at Gen Con the whole weekend, but this is your chance to sit down, watch this play, watch the show, support us. The link to get your tickets is going to be on our socials. You can also go on the Gen Con ORG website on their event catalog. Look up Unprepared Casters ORG. You'll find it. I'm pretty sure it's the only event with Unprepared Casters ORG in the name or description. We are also once again one week closer to our charity stream for trans lifeline.That's going to be on Saturday, June 8th. We have currently announced many guests. All of the current announced guests are myself, Amelia, Andre Rivera, Pax, Jordan Brown, MoMA O'Brien PERSON, Connie Chang, Pirate Princess Jets, Super Dylan, Matt Denkles PERSON, Brennan Lee Mulligan, and Vic McAulis PERSON. And that is not even half of the folks that are showing up to support Trans Lifeline that day. It's a 12-hour stream from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. Central Time.Our third one in a row, please be there with us. It is going to be such a time, such a hoot and a half. Amelia PERSON and I are already hard at work building the actual game and dungeons for the stream. But if you wanted to submit anything for those incredible players to go through, you can do so on our Patreon ORG. slash unprepared casters.If you're at the $10 tier or above, there's a form. I love a Google ORG form. There's a form that you can submit various traps and riddles into that you perhaps want to subject Vic McAulis PERSON to. That was a lot of things I just said at you. I think I'll leave it there, And I hope that you enjoy the show.

Speaker 2266.62s - 287.66s

And, and welcome. And welcome to unprepared Casters ORG,

Speaker 5287.92s - 303.54s

colon, cloud citadel. I am your host and master of ceremonies, Amelia Somme PERSON, and I'm going back to my roots in saying you can choose to use whatever pronouns you think are hottest. Who else do we have here?

Speaker 7304.52s - 309.42s

Hi, my name is Haley. Today I will be playing for you

Speaker 4309.42s - 316.88s

Rhapsody Deas PERSON, a little dark elf circus performer who's about to do such a good and normal

Speaker 7316.88s - 325.68s

performance for everybody here. Who else is here? It's very dim in the studio since we switch to mood lighting

Speaker 4325.68s - 326.76s

for the noir vibes.

Speaker 5326.76s - 328.22s

And the fog machine also

Speaker 4328.22s - 329.58s

is like not helping.

Speaker 5330.14s - 332.06s

Yeah, it's right next to me

Speaker 10332.06s - 333.1s

which I can,

Speaker 4333.26s - 336.28s

it's why you can't see me. I'm Owen.

Speaker 10338.32s - 347.36s

I will be playing Marion Sylvester who's just having a great time right now. She's feeling really happy.

Speaker 6348.82s - 351.1s

And I was hidden behind Edwin

Speaker 10351.1s - 352.92s

so you couldn't see me, but I'm also here.

Speaker 0353.2s - 359.88s

Hello, I'm Pooja PERSON. I am playing Mayuri PERSON, who is on the case.

Speaker 6361.94s - 363.26s

Damn right she is.

Speaker 5364.26s - 367.02s

Emerging from the cloudy fog you see

Speaker 9367.02s - 379.84s

It's him Ya boy Matt PERSON playing Cisco Fisk The guy The guyest guy Can you figure gun noise Yeah we'll allow it

Speaker 5379.84s - 381.02s

Lasers okay thank you

Speaker 9381.02s - 383.92s

Is it noir enough to do laser pistols

Speaker 5383.92s - 391.02s

I don't want to go against the vibe that we have set up in the studio. Yeah, you know, they're, it's, it's proprietary. We'll figure it out.

Speaker 9391.16s - 396.1s

Okay, cool, cool, cool. Just a little saxophone riff every time it shoots, instead of like a laser noise.

Speaker 5396.18s - 457.08s

It's like, bitt-l-l-da-da-o. What happened last episode is a great question. Fucking nailing it, dude. I'm a professional. I've done this before many times, as you can probably tell. Okay, so the gang all woke up and was super chill and normal about not remembering what had happened the night before and decided to explore the city and try and piece together as much informationas they could about the night prior. Let's see. Everyone sort of searched their bodies to see what had changed, take stock of any injuries. Marion PERSON found a totally normal bloody sword, which she immediately told everybody about.

Speaker 0457.38s - 459.56s

They resolved that then and there.

Speaker 2460.12s - 460.86s

No, no, no, no.

Speaker 0460.96s - 463.02s

No, she definitely put it back in the scabbard

Speaker 2463.02s - 464.24s

and, like, just in the sheath

Speaker 0464.24s - 465.9s

and, like, did not go back to it.

Speaker 2466.84s - 485.42s

So you all went to check on with George about what he had remembered from the night before and determined that A, did a pretty good job of actually closing up the bar and that you guys did not return. So some point between, I believe, 2 and 6 a.m. TIME would have been when you got back to the bar,

Speaker 5485.42s - 543.34s

later looking at ticket stubs in a couple of your pockets to determine, if I recall correctly with the numbers that I said, you would have taken a 130 train from the quad back to the Manhattan district in the outer edge of the Citadel FAC. So with that information in mind, you all being adults with various jobs and obligations, split up. And Cisco PERSON contacted his connect at the bureau, someone who actually doesn't work for the payrolldepartment, but does use that as a code word. Who's planning to get some intel that they will share with you in person at Rhapsody Show WORK_OF_ART. Rhapsody, you went to the Nimbostratus Circus of this guy in Strange. I think that's what it's called.

Speaker 4544.64s - 546.24s

I would know, I named it. I remember all the things that's what it's called. I would know I named it.

Speaker 5546.32s - 672.38s

I remember all the things that come out in my mouth. And had some chats with, what is it, Heath Carolyn PERSON? Yes. Who runs the circus about your upcoming performance. Got ready for that. Marion PERSON, you went to try andcompose yourself investigating the bar for any changes and found a disturbing amount of blood in the cellar despite the fact that immediately outside in the walkway it was entirely clear. And, Mayori PERSON, you were the one who actually helmed the investigation with a train ticket, heading back to the quad where you met Villex PERSON, who seemed to recall you and your friends from the night before,seemed to definitely recall Marion PERSON, and seemed perplexed that you did not recall going to the barkeep's nephew and essentially gave you kind of a broad warning that if you had been exposed to the mist, the idea that someone had removed this much of your mind or your memories indicates that you got in further than you had and you could be at risk to becoming a sleeper again, perhaps. this much of your mind or your memories indicates that you got in further than you had and you could be at risk to becoming a sleeper again, perhaps. Though you don't necessarily know where any of your new friends lie on that spectrum,you haven't quite gotten close enough to figure that out. You all reconvened at the circus, giving Rhapsody PERSON some flowers and good kind words before their big performance, finding the optimal location to view and or smoke weed while viewing the entirety of the show up to the big finale that everyone has waited to see. And where we left off was right before Rhapsody PERSON started to perform. Did I forget anything?

Speaker 4673.78s - 677.26s

Something ominous happened right at the end, yes?

Speaker 5677.42s - 680.04s

Oh, so true.

Speaker 2680.8s - 683.18s

Well, that's like nothing you need to worry about.

Speaker 10683.18s - 686.54s

I was pretty sure that wasn't happening, right?

Speaker 5686.62s - 687.86s

We just ignored that.

Speaker 2687.96s - 688.4s

So true.

Speaker 4688.48s - 689.74s

That actually, I'm so sorry, Mills PERSON.

Speaker 2689.86s - 690.28s

You're right.

Speaker 10690.5s - 691.6s

I think we're misremembering that.

Speaker 7691.66s - 693.86s

I remember it wasn't a clunk.

Speaker 4693.98s - 696.92s

It was a guy not guessing my height correctly for that.

Speaker 9697.06s - 698.96s

Yeah, that is important.

Speaker 10700.14s - 701.18s

And there were no weird sounds.

Speaker 7701.18s - 703.2s

The clunk was the money going into his pocket.

Speaker 9703.44s - 706s

Yeah, it was a clang of gold coins.

Speaker 7706.86s - 707.3s

Yeah, no.

Speaker 5707.46s - 713.52s

Oh, yeah, that is something, I guess I did actually, did neglect to mention, not only the clunk,

Speaker 7713.82s - 719.56s

but the fact that the day of this performance, people from the bureau, which is essentially

Speaker 5719.56s - 722.52s

the governing body of the city, you guys don't really have elections or anything,

Speaker 7722.62s - 728.04s

but you haven't really had, you haven't known that really an option for the city. The city is run by the bureau and that's how

Speaker 9728.04s - 738.96s

things are. But yeah, they came in and insisted on installing a lot of safety measures that they

Speaker 5738.96s - 744.9s

haven't really given a shit to do beforehand, causing you to have to adjust your performance

Speaker 9744.9s - 745.42s

slightly last minute. And right before you went on, yeah, there was, there was like a metal really given a shit to do beforehand, causing you to have to adjust your performance slightly

Speaker 0745.42s - 750.28s

last minute. And right before you went on, yeah, there was, there was like a metal thunk.

Speaker 5751.28s - 755.44s

You hadn't heard it before, but it just sounds like metal. It's probably fine.

Speaker 0756.4s - 757.42s

Just the house settling.

Speaker 9758.1s - 767.8s

The house. Yeah, you know, it's just when you're in a floating city, large, sudden metal noises are a good thing usually.

Speaker 5768.8s - 769.88s

That means it's working.

Speaker 10770.08s - 771.26s

It's the city settling.

Speaker 7772.06s - 773.7s

Yeah, it's the city settling.

Speaker 10775.76s - 781.64s

If Owen, you wouldn't mind doing the, what's it called?

Speaker 5781.76s - 784.44s

The Start the Game Move PRODUCT or whatever it is called.

Speaker 10784.72s - 787.4s

I know all the way. Set the scene? Is that, yes, is it is called i know the wait set the scene is that

Speaker 5787.4s - 792.66s

yes that what is called yeah i don't know that sounds so right that's just what i assumed yeah no that sounds

Speaker 10792.66s - 800.38s

right it's been a long day an even longer night waits ahead little do you know trying to piece

Speaker 5800.38s - 805.66s

together the fragments of foggy recollection you you all split up, as every good mystery

Speaker 10805.66s - 812.7s

crew does, tying down threadbare loose ends. Mayuri PERSON heads to the quad with last night's

Speaker 2812.7s - 819s

train ticket to piece together a timeline of missing memories. Marion PERSON confronts an absence of

Speaker 10819s - 825.74s

skeletons in the cellar beneath the bar. Cisco PERSON makes some calls to a contact on the inside,

Speaker 5826.14s - 830.08s

and they all meet back at the circus to watch Rhapsody PERSON give their final.

Speaker 10830.52s - 832.12s

Sorry, slip of the tongue.

Speaker 5832.74s - 835.9s

First, performance since Celia PERSON's disappearance.

Speaker 10836.76s - 846.26s

The curtains and tent have raised. The openers have opened, and all that waits before us now is the performance of a lifetime.

Speaker 2847.06s - 848.88s

What the fuck, no.

Speaker 9849.38s - 851.42s

That was such a normal scene setting.

Speaker 10851.62s - 854.22s

I don't think anything was suspicious about that.

Speaker 5854.7s - 855.8s

Rhapsody goes home.

Speaker 7857.12s - 859.68s

You go home and the lights are all on you.

Speaker 5860.16s - 860.94s

I mean, you could.

Speaker 7861.4s - 864.2s

Rhapsody hears the monologue and goes on.

Speaker 5867.02s - 869.16s

I like that you called us a good mystery crew.

Speaker 7870.44s - 870.84s


Speaker 9871.42s - 872.38s

To roast us.

Speaker 5872.86s - 875.26s

My favorite thing was getting your live reaction to that,

Speaker 9875.3s - 876.18s

because I posted this here,

Speaker 5876.24s - 877.94s

and I was like, I hope Haley PERSON doesn't read that.

Speaker 2877.94s - 887s

I didn't. I knew I was baking on that, too. I knew Owen was going to read it. I didn't have to read it before. I know. It's fine. on that too. I knew Owen was going to read it. I didn't have to read it before here. The hell.

Speaker 5888.24s - 891.38s

It's fine. Uh-huh. Oh.

Speaker 2893.98s - 902.5s

Okay. Well, let's start with you, Rhapsody PERSON. Oh. I mean, you're the only one doing things right now.

Speaker 5902.5s - 905.24s

Everybody else is sitting down. Sure. Just watching the show.

Speaker 0906.46s - 908.08s

To them, no time has passed.

Speaker 7908.14s - 909.1s

It's been a week for us.

Speaker 0911.52s - 916.1s

As you begin this performance, what's going on in Rhapsody PERSON's mind?

Speaker 7917.52s - 928.44s

I think in Rhapsody PERSON's mind, where there is normally this sort of absence of thought.

Speaker 5928.68s - 932.16s

If you've ever done something performance-based that you've done over and over again,

Speaker 4932.22s - 941.5s

especially something physical, it just sort of becomes rote and what your body does. And it's like meditative more than anything else, even if it's scary.

Speaker 5942.44s - 950.04s

And I think that's what they normally get, but instead it's a lot of tracing through all the

Speaker 4950.04s - 960.54s

steps, making sure that just over and over going through every piece of what's going to happen. I don't know, perhaps he even notices if there's big ominous noises, because he's very

Speaker 5960.54s - 965.12s

focused on what is coming up.

Speaker 4966.14s - 966.36s


Speaker 5967.16s - 1026s

And the music cue starts, and you fall into your performance. I don't really know a very... I'm very usually good at describing things. I don't know how to beautifully describe swinging back and forth on the trapeze.I think this is the first performance since Celia PERSON's disappearance. It is not the first performance you've ever done alone, but it's the first performance you've done where you feel alone. And you are a professional. There is a certainty to each of your actions in movement. And while there is a deep love and respect for the craftthat shines through to everyone in attendance, probably only maybe a handful of people who know you and know who you are when you perform can notice that there's still just something missing. There's just a little bit of the flame of passion that has been snuffed out.

Speaker 21026.26s - 1029.92s

And it is technically exquisite.

Speaker 51030.68s - 1037.86s

You grab the bar all the times you're supposed to, and you let go of it all the times you're not supposed to be holding on to it.

Speaker 71038.08s - 1038.46s

That's right.

Speaker 51038.76s - 1041.42s

And you do all of the flips gorgeously in the air.

Speaker 71044.52s - 1047.1s

You've watched so much Cirque to Soleil WORK_OF_ART in your time, haven't you?

Speaker 51048.22s - 1051.64s

This is, I'm putting a pin in Cirque de Soleil for the VC.

Speaker 41051.94s - 1054.82s

Because that's, yeah, we can't get into that now.

Speaker 51056.86s - 1065.3s

As you are soaring through what I can only imagine is the appropriate length for a trapeze performance.

Speaker 41066.48s - 1070.24s

A few minutes, I guess, it seems like it would get exhausting.

Speaker 51070.54s - 1071.18s

Very much so.

Speaker 41071.34s - 1077.78s

Yeah, trapeze and silks performances, especially solo performances, if they're high intensity,

Speaker 51078.12s - 1079.32s

five minutes.

Speaker 41079.86s - 1083.72s

Because you want to get all the tricks out, because if you're just constantly doing the same thing over again,

Speaker 51083.92s - 1085.7s

that's not an exciting performance.

Speaker 41086.66s - 1086.86s


Speaker 51087.76s - 1091.54s

So I imagine there's sort of like the first part.

Speaker 21091.68s - 1094.6s

I mean, like any performance, you start with the easy stuff and the basics.

Speaker 51094.6s - 1099.74s

You start with the technical stuff that is very simple and most people will be impressed by.

Speaker 41099.86s - 1105.52s

And then you kind of move to the stuff where like anyone who has done this before knows, oh, like, this guy actually knows their shit.

Speaker 71107.6s - 1111.04s

And I think there is a part.

Speaker 51111.2s - 1178.9s

I mean, there are certain elements that are exactly the same. Even when you did a double or dual performance, like there were still parts where you shined and highlighted and did your own things. And now you're essentially doing some of your parts and some of the parts that Celia PERSON used to do, just all in one contiguous line instead of in parallel. And there is this feat that you've done a few times in which there are three different bars set. And my only reference forthis really is, I think, American American Ninja Warrior in which you will be going from one trapeze to the second to the third. And as you go to from the first the second, it is effortless and fluid you do your little trick bendy things you get the momentum as you approachto the third one you feel the bar you're holding on to jerk slightly

Speaker 21178.9s - 1183.24s

and you are not able

Speaker 51183.24s - 1207.58s

to let go at the precise time. And for a split second, you realize you are not going to make it to the last bar. What would Rhapsody do in this moment? Panic. Yeah?Yeah.

Speaker 71208.68s - 1215.96s

Because this was practiced and now it's not going to go how it's supposed to.

Speaker 41216.46s - 1228.34s

If I can't get to the last bar, that presumably means there's nothing else around that I could grab, even on my way down. Correct. Like I couldn't snag a silk or something on the way. I assume we're sort of away from the rest of...

Speaker 51228.34s - 1231.82s

Yeah, that would be a huge safety hazard if they were near.

Speaker 41231.82s - 1236.8s

It would. It would. But man, wouldn't it be nice right now? Wouldn't it be nice if you were older?

Speaker 51239.86s - 1240.76s


Speaker 41241.96s - 1253.54s

So I guess the only thing that Rhapsody PERSON can do is look for or reach for or hope for anything that isn't hitting the ground.

Speaker 71254.92s - 1257s

Anything that isn't hitting the ground.

Speaker 51258s - 1266.76s

As you reach for something that isn't anything that isn't hitting the ground.

Speaker 71274.5s - 1276.34s

If I can ask you to roll to take a risk.

Speaker 41276.94s - 1277.54s


Speaker 51278.02s - 1278.18s

For sure.

Speaker 41279.52s - 1281.28s

This whole thing has been a risk now.

Speaker 51286.52s - 1286.9s

When I'm looking for things to add to this,

Speaker 41287.3s - 1288.58s


Speaker 21289.08s - 1289.96s


Speaker 41290.28s - 1291.02s


Speaker 21293.88s - 1294s

No, I would say, and I'm actually really nervous,

Speaker 41296.88s - 1296.98s

because part of me just wanted to voice of God exactly how this goes,

Speaker 51300.16s - 1300.32s

but I think it's more fun to leave it up to the dice because it's a dice game.

Speaker 41301.1s - 1301.86s

Maybe I die.

Speaker 51302.6s - 1302.9s

I'm falling damage.

Speaker 41310.8s - 1311.72s

Okay. Well, okay, to be fair, at least the entire day we established that they have put in so much safety maneuvers and there is a net when there wouldn't be. For sure, for sure.

Speaker 51311.84s - 1314.38s

Because this is the grand finale of your performance.

Speaker 41314.6s - 1319.52s

So the third trapeze is over the edge.

Speaker 51319.56s - 1319.76s


Speaker 41320.52s - 1330.2s

So you're looking, as you're approaching out over the ocean, I would say, um, golden wings and reach difficult places.

Speaker 51330.5s - 1332.24s

Reach difficult places for sure.

Speaker 41333.04s - 1335.12s

Reach the difficult places, not the ground?

Speaker 71337.28s - 1339.92s

No, it just says reach difficult places.

Speaker 41340.16s - 1340.66s

That's right.

Speaker 71340.86s - 1341.06s


Speaker 51341.2s - 1343.26s

So it's my 2D6 plus 2.

Speaker 01343.46s - 1344.38s

And it's for those two things.

Speaker 51344.6s - 1344.82s


Speaker 41344.82s - 1345.16s

Yeah. You, and you're cool under pressure. Okay, so it's my 2D6 plus 2. And it's for those two things. Yeah.

Speaker 51345.96s - 1347.22s

Yeah. And you're cool under pressure.

Speaker 41347.64s - 1348.56s

Technically, yes.

Speaker 51348.72s - 1350.26s

I've done a lot of falling before.

Speaker 41350.36s - 1351.72s

This is not a new sensation.

Speaker 51351.92s - 1357.46s

I'm not afraid of heights. So maybe just those...

Speaker 41357.46s - 1366.46s

I think those work. Oh, I guess I could. Well, I don't... Yeah, I think those three. Listen, there's a lot of things that could apply to this. This is the element I've designed the character for.

Speaker 21366.76s - 1367.54s

That's so true.

Speaker 01367.7s - 1372.28s

Well, but the other thing is like you're not a solo act, but I don't know if that would be

Speaker 21372.28s - 1376.96s

relevant in this because it's a very, you're doing a singular person action and I don't

Speaker 01376.96s - 1378.42s

think that's something that would be done for too.

Speaker 41378.72s - 1388.96s

Unless typically Celia PERSON would be catching your arms and that's what you would normally be grabbing on to. I mean, probably. We did a lot of duo stuff. So that is one of my negatives.

Speaker 51390.84s - 1393.98s

So we could take that away in that case. Okay. Then we're back to a plus two.

Speaker 41397.36s - 1397.82s

I guess you could just add acrobatics if you want to get back up to a plus three.

Speaker 21399.18s - 1402.64s

Well, it's circus acrobatics. Line by line theory thing.

Speaker 91402.84s - 1406.06s

This is over the edge of the entire.

Speaker 51406.66s - 1407.7s

Yeah, of the Cloud Citadel FAC.

Speaker 91408.06s - 1410.08s

If I fall, it's into the ocean.

Speaker 51412.48s - 1414.22s

We don't know that there's an ocean below us.

Speaker 91414.34s - 1415.12s

That's so true.

Speaker 41415.2s - 1416.22s

I could fall into a mountain.

Speaker 51416.62s - 1417.06s

I don't know.

Speaker 41417.06s - 1417.9s

It just goes back up.

Speaker 101418.44s - 1420.38s

Well, you've never seen a mountain.

Speaker 51420.38s - 1423.26s

You just, there's just everywhere around you is usually just sky.

Speaker 41423.44s - 1424.26s

The ground is so flat.

Speaker 51424.9s - 1430.02s

Never have like, you've maybe once or twice in your life gotten up to the edge to like look down,

Speaker 101430.14s - 1434.8s

but it's just always been blue. Like you've never been able to go that low. Yeah. Okay. So I'm adding,

Speaker 51435.62s - 1441.2s

I think we decided on plus three. Would have been four, but I'm not a solo act. So it's three.

Speaker 101441.7s - 1445.7s

Correct. Two D six plus three. What if I fail now? That would be so true. I don't know. I would really like you to not fail. I picked out these cute little purple's three. Correct. What if I fail now? I don't know.

Speaker 41445.8s - 1447.44s

I would really like you to not fail.

Speaker 01447.44s - 1449.94s

I picked out these cute little purple dices, so.

Speaker 91450.24s - 1453.28s

Maybe I should want you to fail, because last time we played, and I really wanted you

Speaker 41453.28s - 1454.14s

to fail dice rolls.

Speaker 91456.66s - 1459.1s

You're mocking me for you rolling well?

Speaker 41461.64s - 1462.58s

Yeah, I am.

Speaker 91462.72s - 1463.86s

And you want to know what?

Speaker 71463.86s - 1465.14s

What a flex to do that. You want to know what? Motherfucker, it was a six and a four. It you want to know what? What a flex to do that.

Speaker 91465.64s - 1466.3s

You want to know what?

Speaker 51466.44s - 1468.22s

Motherfucker, it was a six and a four.

Speaker 71468.76s - 1472.4s

It's going to be 10 plus 3 is 13 out of 12.

Speaker 41472.88s - 1474.16s

I'm actually so good at that.

Speaker 51474.8s - 1477.1s

Yeah, and you didn't even need the plus 3

Speaker 41477.1s - 1478.48s

because I would have been a 10 anyway.

Speaker 51479.74s - 1485.1s

Okay, as you are leaning into your mythos here,

Speaker 41485.24s - 1485.72s


Speaker 51486.76s - 1489.24s

I want you to mark off one attention.

Speaker 71489.94s - 1490.78s

Oh, no.

Speaker 51491s - 1492.14s

I love attention.

Speaker 71492.26s - 1492.6s

I'm sorry.

Speaker 41492.74s - 1493.54s

Oh, yay, attention.

Speaker 51493.94s - 1494.96s

You add an attention.

Speaker 81495.14s - 1495.44s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 41495.64s - 1496.98s

Not like you get rid of one.

Speaker 51497.1s - 1497.86s

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 01497.86s - 1498.92s

No, I love have attention.

Speaker 51499.12s - 1499.32s


Speaker 41500.4s - 1505.28s

As you are reaching for this, you're just a little bit far off.

Speaker 51505.28s - 1510.66s

And you probably would have been okay, but I think not only changing your entire routine,

Speaker 41510.88s - 1516.6s

but also the added change of the new, like, safety restraints and things that you've been working with.

Speaker 51516.66s - 1552.72s

You've just been a little off this entire night. You've been handling it very well, but it's just sort of culminated here. Yeah. And you feel these golden wings that just carry you a little bit farther. For everyone watching, they don't seem to notice. It's hard for you to tell now because you're still mid-grab.But this would be most notable to Mayuri PERSON, because you can very clearly see the entire outline of these golden wings.

Speaker 01553.32s - 1571.6s

And judging by the response of the audience, most people who are not aware of the mist cannot see it. Both Marion and Cisco PERSON, you also see this little flash just as Rhapsody PERSON makes it toward the last trapezeand

Speaker 51571.6s - 1582.82s

you are able to fly over the edge after that brief bit of panic do your little your twirls

Speaker 71582.82s - 1595.6s

you're still on the third trapeze out. So there's not an option to like I mean you could. There are a net. You could now that you've taken control of the situation you could fall. I will not. It's a safety fall. Nope. Yeah.

Speaker 51596.06s - 1597.76s

It's the lame option. I'm glad you didn't.

Speaker 71597.86s - 1598.52s

We're finishing it.

Speaker 21600.04s - 1601.1s

Yeah. And you

Speaker 71601.1s - 1602.86s

kind of

Speaker 51602.86s - 1606.44s

recollect yourself.

Speaker 21607.32s - 1612.06s

While you're hanging over the edge, what does Rhapsody PERSON look toward?

Speaker 51613.4s - 1622.7s

In that brief moment when you are at the apex, furthest out of the citadel of anyone you've ever known, this is the closest you've ever come to leaving.

Speaker 41623.18s - 1625.28s

It's nighttime, yeah? Yeah.

Speaker 51627.04s - 1630.64s

To stars, always. Every time I'm over the edge, I'm looking for,

Speaker 41630.7s - 1634.96s

there's like a particular set of really bright stars that I always go to.

Speaker 51636.08s - 1672.46s

Yeah. And you do so. And they shine just as bright. And then some clouds kind of wisp-like move over and you're brought back to reality as you begin to fall with the swing of the trapeze and make your way back to the platformon which you started. The audience in uproarious applause as you stand and take your bow. And the rest of the circus concludes.

Speaker 71676.26s - 1677.88s

And you find your way down.

Speaker 51679.78s - 1682.42s

And I go right back to my dressing room to go freak out a little bit.

Speaker 41684.44s - 1686.72s

You all just saw an amazing performance,

Speaker 51686.72s - 1694.54s

some weird gold thing happening with Rhapsody PERSON, and George is there with you.

Speaker 61695.76s - 1712.1s

Mayuri is immediately going to look at Cisco, Marion, and George, to see if they visibly look confused or concerned about what happened just to see if she can tell that they saw something

Speaker 91712.1s - 1730.96s

they did not recognize. I think Cisco PERSON will match your gaze with the like knowing of like you saw that too right that was a weird flash I didn't see him walk on there with a cape hmm did uh George didn't see him walk on there with a cape. Hmm. Did, uh, George didn't see it. Did they?

Speaker 51737.04s - 1737.76s

Uh, I mean, at a glance, George doesn't seem to be doing anything, like, out of the ordinary.

Speaker 91738.16s - 1738.86s


Speaker 51743.78s - 1749.7s

Okay. George is not looking like, you, I imagine you guys are, like, doing the squinty, like, look at each other kind of thing. And George kind of sees you looking at him and it's just like, can I help you?

Speaker 01751.7s - 1754.94s

Does that always happen?

Speaker 61756.64s - 1759.54s

Does this look like all of their other performances?

Speaker 51760.36s - 1761.34s

It's quite spectacular.

Speaker 61762.54s - 1767.08s

I mean, it's different because Celia PERSON's not here.

Speaker 51767.64s - 1768.3s

Oh, of course.

Speaker 61770.6s - 1774.74s

Other than that, I mean, they're at the top of their craft.

Speaker 51776.06s - 1776.3s


Speaker 21777.28s - 1784.4s

Do they use any particular, like, special lighting or fixtures that add visually to the performance?

Speaker 91786.12s - 1787.88s

Like, other than glitter?

Speaker 51789s - 1789.6s


Speaker 91791.4s - 1799.94s

I think, I mean, there's those larger lights down there, but I think they at one point

Speaker 51799.94s - 1810.02s

tried to do lights up on the actual bar of the trapeze, but it was just too distracting, and there was whatever, I don't know, whatever makes the lights light didn't work out very well. Hmm.

Speaker 21811.74s - 1815.2s

What about you, Marion PERSON? What did you think?

Speaker 61816.6s - 1822.2s

Oh, oh, yeah. Um, it was great, I think.

Speaker 101824.8s - 1825.5s

All right.

Speaker 61826.06s - 1837.44s

Um, do, what do we, what do we do now, George? Do we go, uh, congratulate Rhapsody PERSON on an epic performance? Do we, uh, leave them below?

Speaker 51837.44s - 1844.68s

I think that would be a good idea. Usually, usually, usually he likes company. So, um, yeah, I'll, yeah, let's go.

Speaker 91845.1s - 1846.54s

Do we need to bring more flowers?

Speaker 51847.14s - 1849.76s

Or was that for just the beginning?

Speaker 91850.76s - 1853.22s

Honestly, with the markup of everything here,

Speaker 51853.32s - 1857.14s

I think Rhapsody PERSON will be just fine with the flowers that they got. Noted.

Speaker 91858.32s - 1862.42s

And guides you back, sort of backstage,

Speaker 51863.4s - 1869.3s

for lack of a better word, toward Rhapsody PERSON's tent Rhapsody how do they find you?

Speaker 41871.68s - 1882.38s

Like spinning in circles in the mirror at my vanity I think like trying to notice if there's any change because like I feltwings

Speaker 51882.38s - 1884.96s

you felt the gliding

Speaker 41884.96s - 1887.76s

and you kind of felt like where they would attach in your back.

Speaker 51887.96s - 1890.1s

Has this ever happened to Rhapsody PERSON before?

Speaker 71890.98s - 1892.58s

I'm going to go with no.

Speaker 51892.88s - 1894.04s

I didn't think so.

Speaker 41894.1s - 1895.22s

Memory, no.

Speaker 71895.74s - 1897.88s

I don't know what happened last night, you know.

Speaker 41898.18s - 1898.68s

I mean, I did.

Speaker 91898.68s - 1901.32s

We all got drunk and I got pushed off a train, obviously. But.

Speaker 41902.02s - 1905.1s

It's not happening in that time to the fall damage.

Speaker 91905.66s - 1907.02s

There might have been wings involved.

Speaker 41908.76s - 1915.54s

But yeah, like, trying to check the back of, like, my, like, black glittery gymnast

Speaker 91915.54s - 1919.36s

outfit, seeing if there's, like, rips in the back, if there's any signs of anything.

Speaker 41921.64s - 1922.2s


Speaker 71922.52s - 1922.94s


Speaker 41924s - 1924.5s


Speaker 71924.9s - 1927.66s

Good. Feeling very Yeah. Good. Feeling very sane and normal.

Speaker 61930.88s - 1936.14s

Well, well, I'm assuming knock and wait for you. Yeah.

Speaker 71936.24s - 1936.78s

Let us in.

Speaker 41938.66s - 1939.86s

Come on in, darling.

Speaker 71939.96s - 1940.5s

Sorry, sorry.

Speaker 61941.5s - 1950.14s

Hey, Rhapsody PERSON. That was phenomenal and... Oh. Unexpected. Very great performance.

Speaker 91950.52s - 1950.74s


Speaker 71950.82s - 1951.46s

Thank you.

Speaker 61952.56s - 1953.4s

Wasn't it just?

Speaker 71953.82s - 1972.68s

Um... Did you notice anything... Sorry, I know this is the first one you've seen. Did I all seem normal to you, though? New safety and all that. I just wanted to make sure nothing seemed a bit off or out of the ordinary.Nothing seemed jerky or strange. It looked very cool.

Speaker 91972.82s - 1983.92s

I liked the cool light effect that happened. I don't know. I couldn't see what stage lights were. The other stage lights seemed to be white, so I don't know where the color came from. Great.

Speaker 21984.4s - 1985.04s

Maybe it's the glitter.

Speaker 71985.22s - 1987.16s

Maybe it's how, what color is the glitter on your bag?

Speaker 21987.54s - 1989.16s

It's sold silver and purple.

Speaker 71989.28s - 1992.1s

It matches the aesthetic.

Speaker 91993.96s - 1996.14s

I definitely saw gold.

Speaker 71997.24s - 1998.26s

A cape.

Speaker 91998.44s - 2001.24s

Did like a silk cape on your back?

Speaker 72001.24s - 2003.4s

A cape would be very dangerous.

Speaker 92003.76s - 2005.06s

No, no, no cape.

Speaker 72005.4s - 2009.26s

Oh, I thought that was like, part of the danger and amusement was like,

Speaker 92009.32s - 2011.3s

I'm flying around here, and I have a cape.

Speaker 72012.98s - 2016.08s

For which amount of time do you think you saw a cape?

Speaker 92016.64s - 2017.48s

Third trepies.

Speaker 52019.62s - 2022.46s

Just, sorry, we'll get back to this in a second.

Speaker 72022.46s - 2025.64s

You think I put on and took off.

Speaker 52026.2s - 2028.4s


Speaker 72030.76s - 2033.88s

In the span of one trapeze.

Speaker 52037.12s - 2039.36s

My good man, I think you overestimate my ability. I think you're very talented.

Speaker 72040.06s - 2040.4s

And I...

Speaker 52040.4s - 2040.96s

Thank you.

Speaker 72041.36s - 2045.32s

You say you aim high, so I thought that was part of the show.

Speaker 22045.6s - 2051.88s

You could quick change into a game from Trepies 2 to 3.

Speaker 82052.06s - 2052.52s

I don't know.

Speaker 92052.56s - 2054.36s

It seemed normal.

Speaker 82054.66s - 2057.86s

This is my honestly third time here at this circus.

Speaker 92058.06s - 2061.3s

First time watching this show, I usually just stay for the popcorn and then go.

Speaker 82061.5s - 2061.9s


Speaker 92062.8s - 2064.2s

This is so expensive.

Speaker 72065.4s - 2067.18s

A lot of you.

Speaker 22068.44s - 2069.22s

I don't have microwaves. They make the best popcorn.

Speaker 92069.54s - 2069.74s


Speaker 82069.78s - 2070.7s

if you're going to get popcorn.

Speaker 52071.36s - 2072.14s

Popping yourself?

Speaker 82072.54s - 2073.56s

Yeah, that's a lot of work.

Speaker 92074.1s - 2075.78s

But it seemed,

Speaker 52075.94s - 2078.02s

I think highly of your

Speaker 92078.02s - 2078.82s

skills and talent.

Speaker 52079.06s - 2083.36s

So I thought that was what had correct me if I assumed to be wrong,

Speaker 72083.36s - 2088.08s

which it seems like I'm correcting you, yeah. I'd say, I'm correcting you. There was no case.

Speaker 92088.56s - 2090.56s

Then what could that have been?

Speaker 72091.56s - 2091.88s


Speaker 92093.14s - 2094s

Yeah, I mean, it's not like getting

Speaker 22094s - 2095s

wings or something.

Speaker 72095.56s - 2096.38s

It was a cape.

Speaker 22097.5s - 2098.28s

You had a cape.

Speaker 92098.4s - 2099.28s

That was what I saw.

Speaker 22099.4s - 2100.34s

Like, you're his eyebrows.

Speaker 52100.84s - 2101.78s

He just to shoot up.

Speaker 22103.12s - 2105s

Rhapsody PERSON knows, like, bone pale. Oh, like, you say it's not like you're going. And it looks like Rhapsody knows, like, bone pale.

Speaker 52105.32s - 2108.12s

Oh, like, you say it's not like you're going.

Speaker 62108.52s - 2110.9s

And it looks like Rhapsody PERSON dies in front of you.

Speaker 52113.8s - 2116.18s

Rhapsody PERSON, do you need to sit? Are you?

Speaker 92116.38s - 2116.66s


Speaker 52117s - 2118.86s

Maybe he's probably gets that pale.

Speaker 92118.86s - 2119.66s

He's probably busy from spinning a bunch.

Speaker 62120.82s - 2120.84s


Speaker 92120.96s - 2129.1s

Mory PERSON's going to come and, like, you know, weave her arm through your arms just to like kind of help you keep standing.

Speaker 82129.98s - 2139.8s

I was like, it certainly seems like we'll have some things to discuss, which is all right, because we have plenty of other things to discuss too.

Speaker 92140.5s - 2142.98s

Right, yes, all the rest of it.

Speaker 52144.14s - 2146.24s

What the fuck is going on?

Speaker 62146.38s - 2147.6s

I don't know

Speaker 52147.6s - 2153.44s

He's married holding your sword

Speaker 62153.44s - 2155.66s

And she says, I don't know

Speaker 52155.66s - 2157.52s


Speaker 62157.52s - 2162.18s

George darling, darling

Speaker 52162.18s - 2163.04s


Speaker 62163.04s - 2165.14s

Everything's still real, yes?

Speaker 52165.32s - 2166.64s

You and the rest of it, right?

Speaker 102166.98s - 2168.98s

I'm not having some sort of horrific break.

Speaker 72169.66s - 2171.62s

No, no, are you?

Speaker 102172.42s - 2174.3s

I might be, George.

Speaker 52175.14s - 2177.42s

Oh, wait, why would you be having a break?

Speaker 102177.72s - 2177.98s


Speaker 22178.52s - 2180.54s

Why would I be having a break?

Speaker 102180.74s - 2185.9s

I feel like everyone here is talking around something with lights and glitter.

Speaker 72186.24s - 2194.46s

It's such a random question. Did you see a golden flash during the ending trapeze portion?

Speaker 52196.22s - 2196.98s


Speaker 72197.36s - 2199.94s

Wonderful. Did you not? Thank you.

Speaker 52200.68s - 2201.86s

Should I have?

Speaker 102203.12s - 2205.22s

No, you should not have.

Speaker 52206.72s - 2208.06s

We shouldn't have.

Speaker 102209.22s - 2210.22s

Okay, but you did.

Speaker 52211.72s - 2212.22s

And Cisco PERSON clearly did.

Speaker 72213.54s - 2214.1s

I assume you did as well.

Speaker 52214.5s - 2216.34s

I did. I think there's popcorn grease in my eye.

Speaker 72216.84s - 2217.9s

It was golden.

Speaker 52218.24s - 2219.22s

It was gold.

Speaker 72220.42s - 2222.7s

I don't think that's how that works.

Speaker 52223.66s - 2226.2s

This is some crazy popcorn they have here at the circus.

Speaker 72226.32s - 2226.94s

Are we sure?

Speaker 52227.08s - 2227.94s

We're all okay.

Speaker 92228.86s - 2232.26s

I think, have a pretty good day off so far.

Speaker 52233.84s - 2234.24s

Are you?

Speaker 92234.24s - 2237.44s

Other than the fact that we don't remember most of last night.

Speaker 52237.74s - 2239.5s

Aside from that, obviously, yes, yes.

Speaker 92239.82s - 2240.12s


Speaker 52241.24s - 2246.56s

I do think that if we are asking a lot of questions, which it seems like we're doing,

Speaker 102247.06s - 2252.5s

I could potentially go meet my contact and they could help answer some questions.

Speaker 92252.5s - 2257.26s

Or if we have newly developed questions of ourself and or our psyche,

Speaker 62257.72s - 2262.42s

I'm sure he might be able to give some advice for that too if you feel up for it.

Speaker 92262.5s - 2264.86s

And or I don't really know how good of a therapist he could be,

Speaker 62264.98s - 2265.44s

but it's worth a shot if you want maybe for it and or I don't really know how good of a therapist he could be but it's

Speaker 92265.44s - 2271.36s

it's worth a shot if you want maybe just another perspective on what you might be feeling or going through

Speaker 22271.36s - 2277.76s

if that didn't seem like a normal type of show that you normally do in your normal day to day

Speaker 92277.76s - 2286.16s

day life it did not who's your who's your call this person? It's a person that I talked about earlier

Speaker 82286.16s - 2287.22s

that I made a phone call to.

Speaker 22287.66s - 2288.98s

Remember I said I know a guy?

Speaker 72289.24s - 2291.68s

And then I was like, I left it kind of vague.

Speaker 42291.74s - 2293.18s

This is me coming back to that point

Speaker 92293.18s - 2294.9s

as if it would be like a cutaway or something.

Speaker 72294.9s - 2299.46s

But more or less, it's a person I know that has some...

Speaker 92299.46s - 2301.32s

Cut out of this whole episode from then and now.

Speaker 72303.04s - 2304.18s

I know a guy.

Speaker 102304.18s - 2304.98s

I know a guy.

Speaker 92304.98s - 2306.32s

Skip a whole episode now then and now. I know a guy. I know a guy. Skip a whole episode now.

Speaker 22308.62s - 2310.14s

But they

Speaker 92310.14s - 2312.1s

potentially have some information on the other

Speaker 22312.1s - 2314.18s

stuff that we were researching as a

Speaker 92314.18s - 2315.38s

group or a unit.

Speaker 22316.52s - 2318.16s

Which again, I don't know if we could still talk

Speaker 92318.16s - 2320.32s

in this space here. Should we go somewhere

Speaker 52320.32s - 2321.64s

like secluded where

Speaker 22321.64s - 2324.08s

we can't be eaves dropped on if we

Speaker 52324.08s - 2325.14s

think that might be a thing.

Speaker 22325.22s - 2325.94s

Are we in danger?

Speaker 52327.18s - 2328.78s

I don't think we're a danger.

Speaker 22329.04s - 2330.04s

I should, hmm.

Speaker 52331.28s - 2332.82s

I feel in danger.

Speaker 22332.94s - 2333.64s

Does that count?

Speaker 92334.08s - 2337.32s

I actually, I actually do also feel like I'm in danger.

Speaker 102338.06s - 2340.06s

Oh, Marion, thank God PERSON.

Speaker 92341.46s - 2343.96s

We can be in danger together, you and me.

Speaker 72345.24s - 2347.72s

We definitely have things to talk about,

Speaker 102348.48s - 2352.36s

especially given what I learned about some of our activities last night.

Speaker 72353.7s - 2354.16s


Speaker 102354.6s - 2356.22s

There might be some eyes on us.

Speaker 72357.06s - 2359.58s

There might not, but we should talk about it just in case they are.

Speaker 62360.52s - 2361.2s

Some are private.

Speaker 72362.48s - 2363.62s

Where do you suggest?

Speaker 62365.2s - 2367.8s

How private is this dressing room area?

Speaker 52368.92s - 2373.64s

I mean, if it's, it is like relatively private.

Speaker 92373.76s - 2375.46s

You're just kind of in this like lone tent.

Speaker 52375.56s - 2378.6s

It is like a tent though, so anyone could be outside and around.

Speaker 62380.2s - 2386.46s

And there are people probably moving in and out. Yeah, we're in the middle of a circus at the end of the day.

Speaker 52386.46s - 2386.86s


Speaker 62387.22s - 2387.9s

This is true.

Speaker 52388.16s - 2391.5s

It's more about visual privacy here.

Speaker 62392.52s - 2392.82s


Speaker 52393s - 2394.14s

Then, uh, Sam PERSON.

Speaker 92394.14s - 2395.6s

Any walled structures around?

Speaker 52396.4s - 2401.1s

I mean, they're like the tent. This is like an enclosed tent space. But, um,

Speaker 92401.18s - 2404.14s

walled structures that could hold more than against a breeze.

Speaker 52405.24s - 2407.18s

You think you're not fabric walls?

Speaker 62407.3s - 2407.38s


Speaker 52407.88s - 2409.54s

Um, fabric walled structure.

Speaker 62409.78s - 2411.02s

You're thinking about some bricks?

Speaker 52411.1s - 2411.8s

You want some bricks?

Speaker 62412.14s - 2413.3s

Let's see what bricks.

Speaker 92413.56s - 2415.2s

What kind of bricks you got, Mills PERSON?

Speaker 62415.56s - 2417.66s

Yeah, what kind of bricks do I got?

Speaker 92418.08s - 2424.24s

Um, if you wanted to stay in the circus area, the, there are certain structures that are

Speaker 52424.24s - 2424.76s

built in.

Speaker 92424.76s - 2428.98s

So some of the places for food and some of the vendor areas are actually like specific structures.

Speaker 82429.6s - 2432.64s

Nothing that is brick necessarily over here.

Speaker 52434.24s - 2495.94s

The most sturdy thing that you know no one would be like looking for you or would find you is actually a place that when you were younger, you and Celia and George used to go and hide out and you still do sometimes whenever you need to get away from people. It's a structure. It's like a really open for maintenance underneath the tilted seats that lead to the main stage. So there's actually quite a bit of room down there. And then there's also, you would know Rhapsody PERSON, a even lower area that gets to the main stage. So there's actually quite a bit of room down there. And then there's also, you would know, Rhapsody,a even lower area that gets to underground tunnels that are used for maintenance and things. The city does have a decent amount of tunnels that exist just for purposes. You're not supposed to go in them. Some of them are, like, there's, like, doors and seals and, like, you cannot get through. But, like, there are ones, especially this far out in the city that usually aren't really used. They're also sometimes used, there's some that are used for drainage whenever it rains and things like that.

Speaker 42496.44s - 2500.78s

But you could definitely, at the very least, get beneath the bleachers area.

Speaker 72502.44s - 2506.68s

Do we want to just go underground into some spooky little maintenance tunnels?

Speaker 42508.02s - 2508.74s

Find by me?

Speaker 72509.22s - 2512.26s

I don't think many people would try and follow us, so that's good.

Speaker 62512.96s - 2515.76s

And if they do, we can easily spot them.

Speaker 92516.18s - 2519.02s

I don't know what we would do after that, but it's a start.

Speaker 62519.32s - 2523.42s

We would be chased, probably. Well, Marion PERSON does have her sword.

Speaker 102523.84s - 2529.24s

It's not, I mean, I'll sort of pull it out just a little bit.

Speaker 62529.32s - 2532.2s

It's not really used for anything.

Speaker 102532.92s - 2533.78s

Is it bloody?

Speaker 42534.2s - 2538.52s

No, it's, right now it's just, it's been cleaned, so it's just the rusty sword.

Speaker 102538.52s - 2539.32s

I wasn't sure.

Speaker 42541.18s - 2543.06s

All right, well, yeah, that sounds good.

Speaker 62543.06s - 2546.46s

If we can keep an eye on anyone following us,

Speaker 52546.46s - 2548.42s

I think that's a great start.

Speaker 42549.04s - 2550.46s

Would you like me to keep an eye out?

Speaker 52550.52s - 2554.32s

It seems that you're all on some weird thing,

Speaker 42555.08s - 2558.16s

which Rhapsody I assume you'll fill me in on?

Speaker 52558.28s - 2558.8s

Well, of course.

Speaker 42559.34s - 2561.88s

I would never leave you in the dark when I don't have to, darling.

Speaker 52562.58s - 2562.86s


Speaker 62563.74s - 2567.28s

What if it's very dangerous and it would put your life at risk, George?

Speaker 52567.8s - 2568.92s

If it's that kind of secret.

Speaker 42569.3s - 2569.76s

Do you want to?

Speaker 72569.76s - 2570.7s

Oh, then you have to tell me.

Speaker 52570.78s - 2571.24s

Of course.

Speaker 72571.84s - 2572.98s

This is the best kind.

Speaker 52573.12s - 2576.96s

And if you have life-threatening secrets, you've been hiding for my benefit.

Speaker 72577.78s - 2581.28s

I would like to just say verbally, knock that shit off and tell me.

Speaker 42581.84s - 2582.16s


Speaker 72582.36s - 2584.12s

Well, none come to mind.

Speaker 52584.2s - 2584.4s


Speaker 72584.4s - 2585.84s

But if I've forgotten one,

Speaker 52586.4s - 2590.34s

and I'll let you know when you get back. Thank you, darling. That's all I could ask for.

Speaker 72591.44s - 2597.36s

Okay, so you all head toward the, the maintenance area. Cisco PERSON, do you want to hit up your

Speaker 52597.36s - 2600.9s

contact on the way there? Yeah, I was going to say, while we're moving that way, I'd like to keep an eye

Speaker 92600.9s - 2607.1s

out for my contact. Uh, since I've, if I've met him before, I should know what he looks like and vice versa. Yeah.

Speaker 82607.1s - 2611.34s

To know where to spot him out if I can.

Speaker 52611.34s - 2611.6s


Speaker 92612.26s - 2615.94s

You see, oddly enough, not in the exact area you're going,

Speaker 52616.14s - 2666.76s

but sort of at the ground level of this near the stairway case that goes up to the bleachers, ostensibly waiting for you to come down from viewing the show, but you just happened to leave before he even got posted up there. You see an unassuming horned guy with kind of a desaturated orange colored skinand these two horns that start in the middle and kind of just go out. Wearing the same uniform that he works in. I just kind of went to dinner and then came to the show immediately after work, having been there all day. This is Herm PERSON. You know, Herm.It's a member to do mail once or twice.

Speaker 92667.56s - 2672.44s

He usually stays down in the room, though. Hey, Herm PERSON. How's it going?

Speaker 52673.54s - 2678.28s

Pretty good, Cisco PERSON. Pretty good. I don't remember what Herm PERSON sounded like over the phone, to be honest.

Speaker 92679.18s - 2680.82s

I think he sounded like this, yeah.

Speaker 52681s - 2682.56s

Yeah, great. Checks out for me.

Speaker 92683.52s - 2688.44s

He's using a voice changer, if not. She's putting on it.

Speaker 52688.44s - 2691.1s

I would like to take you transfer.

Speaker 82692.42s - 2694.38s

You merely adopted the male.

Speaker 52695.14s - 2697.22s

Yeah, I was molded by it.

Speaker 82699.42s - 2699.88s


Speaker 92700.44s - 2703.2s

Well, these are, am I by myself or am I with the gang?

Speaker 52703.78s - 2704.52s

That's up to you.

Speaker 92710.96s - 2711.42s

I'll probably meet up with Herm PERSON and then bring him to the gang.

Speaker 52714.62s - 2719.78s

That's probably better. Um, and... Herm, like, your entire conversation, though, you guys are standing like, uh, five feet apart.

Speaker 92719.88s - 2721.12s

Basically going to each other.

Speaker 52721.18s - 2730.16s

Uh, like, kind of, you know, looking around and being like, yeah. All right. And you leave and her kind of looks around for a beat and walks about 12 steps QUANTITY behind you.

Speaker 92731.58s - 2732.04s


Speaker 52732.12s - 2739.9s

And then I'll follow through to where George is keeping watch, I assume, or did George just go do George things?

Speaker 92741.2s - 2743.04s

You don't immediately see George.

Speaker 52743.04s - 2745.36s

And then as soon as you're looking for him

Speaker 92745.36s - 2746.56s

you spot them

Speaker 22746.56s - 2747.52s

oh okay

Speaker 82747.52s - 2750.92s

George 12 steps back

Speaker 22750.92s - 2752.12s

guys with me

Speaker 92752.12s - 2753.02s


Speaker 52753.02s - 2755.8s

good to have you on the team

Speaker 92755.8s - 2757.08s

I'm just walking

Speaker 52757.08s - 2766.18s

so team yeah Herm PERSON is a little conspicuous so yeah George pieces two and two together.

Speaker 92766.18s - 2770.34s

Like, Herm PERSON's kind of, like, walking, and then, like, stopping behind, like, the popcorn stand is, like, peeking out.

Speaker 52770.48s - 2778.48s

And then, like, a walk up next to, like, the Dengen ORG. Yeah, just doing, like, NPC actions where you're just standing, kind of looking around. And then you just keep walking immediately.

Speaker 92780.7s - 2784.96s

But, yeah, meets up with the rest of the group before you get to your actual secondary location.

Speaker 52785.76s - 2786.06s

Gotcha. Unless you wanted him to your actual secondary location. Gotcha.

Speaker 92786.7s - 2788.06s

Unless you wanted him to go all the way.

Speaker 52789.9s - 2791.18s

I'll run by the gang first.

Speaker 92792.5s - 2812.8s

Hey guys, my informant is here. His name is Herm PERSON. Don't tell him I told you that. I probably shouldn't have said that now at this point. But really nice guy works in the mailroom. Shouldn't have said that either.It is a really cool guy and he's going to help us get some information. And just remember again, I didn't tell you any of those things just now. My bad.

Speaker 62813.6s - 2814.28s

I don't remember.

Speaker 92815.66s - 2817.12s

I'd love to speak with her.

Speaker 22817.18s - 2818.84s

But before you invite him.

Speaker 62818.84s - 2819.42s

Who's that?

Speaker 82819.54s - 2820.74s

I don't know with that name at all.

Speaker 62820.74s - 2834.1s

Oh, right. I'd love to meet with your guy. But before you invite him, we've, let's not bring up a situation with Rhapsody PERSON's act in front of anyone who's not that.

Speaker 22834.54s - 2835.22s

And, yeah.

Speaker 62835.76s - 2840.62s

Like, Cisco PERSON, I mean, like, not in the way that you didn't tell us what you just told us. I mean, really not.

Speaker 92840.62s - 2841.78s

Oh, yeah, no, of course.

Speaker 62841.9s - 2849.98s

Yeah. To the grave. Wouldn't even mention it. Not a peep. This is more of a, Herm PERSON's telling us what he knows to us.

Speaker 92850.5s - 2860.74s

And then Herm PERSON goes back to his apartment or something. I don't know where he lives. But, yeah, more of it just he's coming to tell us information and that's about it. All right.

Speaker 62860.78s - 2874.14s

We can get information from him and then afterwards discuss what he tells us and also all these other things that we clearly need to discuss. But, I mean, I guess should we get comfortable? Sounds like we're going to be here a while.

Speaker 52874.8s - 2878.14s

Oh, Herman actually is only 12 steps behind. It starts to approach.

Speaker 62878.2s - 2878.9s

Yeah, he's right over there.

Speaker 22878.9s - 2887.48s

And it comes up to you all, like nods at you sis go and says, names Randy PERSON.

Speaker 52890.48s - 2892.46s

Hi, Randy PERSON. Welcome.

Speaker 92894.08s - 2905.64s

Yes, as I mentioned to you all, this is my friend Randy PERSON, that apparently knows some information that we are looking for. So the floor is yours, Randy PERSON. Yeah. So the floor is yours, Randy PERSON. Yeah.

Speaker 52906.54s - 3056.32s

So I started looking through the things that you asked me to. And not a whole lot of movement. There were, well, first of all, least interesting, maybe the most interesting. Uptick and some off-citadel requisitions, the entirety of the documents were practically redacted, or they were redacted by something I couldn't quite crack through the envelopes. It was strange. Not entirelyatypical, not very common. And there were quite a few of them. Otherwise, the only other things I noticed were some invoices for metal and some different types of metal, some joineries, texts, and and, you know, those sorts of things, rivets, all the stuff that comes with that. Mostly metal invoices for construction companies for welding and other supplies that were requisition filed under the parks budget.Requisition filed under the park's budget, given what I know about what's happening, I couldn't find any specific park initiative that those were tied to. Seems atypical, especially in the quantities. I'm talking, like, a lot. Like, those sorts of orders were more common when they, well, when they just did this most recent expansion a few decades ago. Nothing of that scale has really been needed all at once since. Strange. And I did see something, it mentioned you, Cisco PERSON. It was a cross-department memo, but again, most of it was redacted, just something about keepingan eye on you and the usual. And an incident report, also entirely redacted from yesterday. Starting close to, well, it was filed this morning pretty early.

Speaker 93057.76s - 3059.84s

Interesting. Did it show who filed it?

Speaker 53061.28s - 3074.48s

Yeah, attached to the report, or at least not on the incident report, but from the office it was sent out of. It was Agent Banks and Ursa PERSON. Interesting.

Speaker 83075.7s - 3080.28s

Other than that, nothing particularly out of the ordinary.

Speaker 53080.28s - 3089.22s

No more news on the graffiti artist, unless it was in any of those redacted reports, but your guess is as good as mine.

Speaker 93091s - 3117.12s

Well, thank you, Randy PERSON. Keep me posted on any more, I guess, reports that come up with my name on it. I did have a crossing with Agent Banks at some point, but it seemed pretty small. I don't know if they had caught an eye on me for anything I did. It was a pretty normal conversation. You have a lot of those.

Speaker 53117.84s - 3118.12s


Speaker 93118.32s - 3118.52s


Speaker 73118.52s - 3128.52s

Well, I'll keep an eye out to, uh, do I need to keep an eye out on, and kind of gestures to this very interesting looking group of people.

Speaker 93128.52s - 3129.06s

Oh, yes, gang.

Speaker 73129.24s - 3135.16s

Uh, yes, everybody, uh, if you have requests, inquiries for any information that you may be wanting, um,

Speaker 53135.48s - 3136.38s

Randy PERSON is your guy.

Speaker 93137.08s - 3141.9s

Well, my guy that is now the guy of the group. He's our guy.

Speaker 63141.94s - 3143.36s

Our joint guy.

Speaker 73144s - 3144.38s


Speaker 63144.72s - 3153.98s

Well, um, it seems as though you're already keeping it out for the graffiti, the wolf graffiti.

Speaker 23154.16s - 3156.32s

So that's a wonderful help.

Speaker 93156.32s - 3162.4s

But, yes, if you see anything mentioned in my name, I'm Mayuri PERSON.

Speaker 63162.96s - 3164.86s

I write for the paper.

Speaker 53165.84s - 3172.78s

Oh, I mean, I do actually. I've seen your name come up quite a bit just in general, but yeah, I can look that up specifically.

Speaker 63173.58s - 3179.74s

Yeah, definitely more concerned about the last 24 hours or so.

Speaker 53179.78s - 3180.28s

Keep an eye out.

Speaker 63181.18s - 3182.38s

I really appreciate that.

Speaker 53183.38s - 3190.3s

Yeah, and you after that display... Um... Display.

Speaker 73190.3s - 3191.4s


Speaker 23195.4s - 3197.26s

No, sorry.

Speaker 73197.88s - 3201.52s

I had a question for you, but now let's address this.

Speaker 53201.82s - 3203.02s

Well, no, what was your question?

Speaker 73203.78s - 3222.22s

I was wondering if you'd ever had contact with a woman looked rather a lot like I did. A few inches shorter in my line of work. She went missing. But I know she was in contact with some sort of agent

Speaker 53222.22s - 3234.2s

and somebody in the bureau before. I am afraid not. I don't typically interact in that capacity for the bureau. Do you have a name?

Speaker 43234.7s - 3235.12s


Speaker 53236.06s - 3238.54s

That actually does sound...

Speaker 43238.54s - 3240.06s

Wait, what's the last name?

Speaker 53240.5s - 3256.7s

Deus PERSON. Deus PERSON? No, that actually does sound familiar. Celia Deus PERSON. I've definitely seen that somewhere. I will look into it.Please. That's... Hmm. Interesting. What about this display?

Speaker 43256.9s - 3258.78s

Back to this.

Speaker 53259.82s - 3261.82s

Look, if you didn't notice, I can't tell you.

Speaker 73261.88s - 3266.02s

I noticed... I noticed... What did you notice?

Speaker 53266.68s - 3270.02s

You know, this seems and kind of looks toward Mary PERSON.

Speaker 73270.22s - 3273.26s

This seems more like her purview.

Speaker 53274s - 3277.68s

It's the sort of thing you do, right? It is.

Speaker 63278.64s - 3280.84s

And we haven't had a chance to talk about it yet.

Speaker 73281s - 3282.74s

I feel like I'm being accused of something.

Speaker 53283.62s - 3285.16s

No, no, of course not.

Speaker 63289.28s - 3302.06s

Would you happen to know or come about or really have any idea where we might start looking for the Barkeep PERSON's nephew? They don't let Bureau ORG anywhere near that place

Speaker 53302.06s - 3306.26s

so if you know, honestly don't tell me, I don't want to know. Don't want to be responsible. We don't let bureau anywhere near that place. So if you, if you know, honestly, don't tell me, I don't want to know.

Speaker 103306.44s - 3307.28s

Don't want to be responsible.

Speaker 63307.52s - 3308.2s

We don't know.

Speaker 103309.32s - 3309.54s


Speaker 53311.04s - 3319.88s

Oh, and I guess if we're thinking of things, you know, if, if my name comes up, I would love to know as well, I suppose.

Speaker 103320.62s - 3324.3s

I don't think it would. But. And your name is?

Speaker 53324.72s - 3326.08s

Marion, Sylvester. Marion Sy your name is Marion Sylvester PERSON.

Speaker 103326.72s - 3327.64s

Marion Sylvester PERSON.

Speaker 53327.88s - 3329.02s

Marion Sylvester PERSON.

Speaker 103329.38s - 3331.58s

Rhapsody and Celia Dias PERSON.

Speaker 53332.94s - 3341.62s

Sisko Fisk PERSON. I forgot Mary PERSON's last name. I forgot Mary PERSON's last name. Okay, good. I don't feel bad about Mayori PERSON. Last name.Great.

Speaker 93342s - 3343.4s

I think it's cool just being Mayuri PERSON.

Speaker 63343.4s - 3344.52s

It can be Mayuri PERSON.

Speaker 53345.44s - 3345.46s

Mary's like Madonna. We're a mononym here. Yeah. And Mayori. Great. I think it's cool just being Mayuri PERSON. It can't be Mayuri. You don't have...

Speaker 63345.46s - 3346.3s

Mary's like Madonna.

Speaker 93346.5s - 3347.56s

We're a mononym here.

Speaker 53347.74s - 3365.14s

Yeah. And Mayori PERSON, yeah. Okay. I will keep this in mind. If any of you mentioned interacting with me or seeing me, I will vehemently deny it and wipe your memories. Sorry.You'll... What? How? And then... And Mayuri PERSON immediately is like, oh, you'll... What? How? And then...

Speaker 63365.14s - 3366.66s

And Maury immediately's like,

Speaker 53366.78s - 3375.8s

oh, you can do that? Just leaves on the wink and head down. See you later, Randy PERSON.

Speaker 93376.62s - 3377.66s

Thanks for coming by.

Speaker 63377.84s - 3378.5s

This little wave.

Speaker 53380.7s - 3381.94s

So I think that went well.

Speaker 63382.5s - 3383.22s

Right? Hold on.

Speaker 53383.5s - 3386.76s

And Mayoree's going to, like, look out and watch Randy PERSON walk away.

Speaker 93387.44s - 3388.64s

Well, Herm PERSON, walk away.

Speaker 63389.96s - 3392.92s

Yeah, you watch Randy PERSON slant.

Speaker 53392.98s - 3395.16s

Herm was Randy PERSON the whole time. What?

Speaker 23395.6s - 3397.16s

It's always, whoa.

Speaker 53398.86s - 3438.12s

You watch Randy PERSON walk away. And specifically, you do notice Randy kind of talk, stop and talk to George, and George gestures at someone who you cannot see out of your field of view. And Randy PERSON kind of pats him on the shoulder and starts walking that way. And George kind of looks your direction. And Rhapsody gives you one of these, like, one of these, like, lances that means you guys should move from where you're at.Oh, right.

Speaker 73438.24s - 3441.04s

Let's stop hiding in the tunnels then. Where would we like to go to?

Speaker 53441.04s - 3444.52s

Oh, wait, you haven't gone to the tunnels yet. Oh, so true. Let's get in the tunnels. My bad.

Speaker 73444.52s - 3445.42s

Go to the tunnel.

Speaker 83446.64s - 3453.84s

You head into the tunnels, which are dark and echoy.

Speaker 53454.08s - 3473.24s

There is very old lighting that is. If you're like a very efficient Minecraft player and you're, you know, when you only, like you are doing one torch every 10 blocks, unless that's changed. I don't know how Minecraft works these days. Um, like it is incredibly,

Speaker 03473.24s - 3482.16s

or something. Yeah. Um, it is incredibly dim and this tunnel is just a few feet across. It's

Speaker 93482.16s - 3487.04s

barely six or seven feet high. I'll just say seven in case anyone here is a little tall.

Speaker 53487.12s - 3500.54s

You don't have to crouch. But you are there and you're quiet and you hear your voices echo slightly, but there is no sign that anyone else is in here with you.

Speaker 73501.28s - 3502.08s

That's funny.

Speaker 103503.76s - 3512.86s

Sorry, I'm just really hung up on something. He said off Citadel FAC requisitions? Do we normally get to... He did say that.

Speaker 23513.18s - 3514.2s


Speaker 103514.2s - 3517.76s

Are there things? Off the Citadel FAC?

Speaker 53518.24s - 3522.6s

Must be. Yeah. I don't know how much you guys have really thought about it.

Speaker 43523.4s - 3525.46s

There's got to be other things like this. I don't feel like I thought about it all. I was like, I don't know. It you guys have really thought about it. There's got to be other things like this.

Speaker 53525.46s - 3527.2s

I don't feel like I thought about it at all.

Speaker 43527.2s - 3528.2s

I was like, I don't know.

Speaker 53528.26s - 3528.76s

It's a city.

Speaker 103529.82s - 3529.98s


Speaker 53530.12s - 3530.32s


Speaker 23530.44s - 3537.58s

I think when this is brought up, Cisco is going to look at Mayuri PERSON and just give that look of like,

Speaker 53538.04s - 3544.88s

do we rock their world at this moment and kind of give them more information than they can really process or should process?

Speaker 43545.12s - 3556.32s

And I think my, Maori looks back at you and and nods and say we're about to talk about a lot of things that

Speaker 93557.52s - 3564.56s

y'all may not have considered until now. So I guess this will be the first very eye-opening experience.

Speaker 63564.56s - 3565.66s

Uh, do you have any chairs? You might want chairs in the tunnel. Very eye-opening experience.

Speaker 93566.36s - 3567.82s

Do you have any chairs? You might want chairs.

Speaker 53568.28s - 3568.52s

In the tunnel?

Speaker 63570.06s - 3570.82s

I mean, I did mention you should get comfortable.

Speaker 93577.32s - 3578.38s

And like look down this empty tunnel that kind of just extends into the darkness in one direction.

Speaker 63578.68s - 3578.86s

All right.

Speaker 93579.6s - 3579.68s

Bob PERSON a squat.

Speaker 63580.2s - 3582.92s

I'll just squat.

Speaker 23591.44s - 3600.28s

And then we'll begin to explain the concept of the citadel as far as I know in the sense that it is this longstanding floating metropolis that gains its resources from an otherworldly

Speaker 53600.28s - 3605.84s

place that none have traveled to then return back and tell the tells of their

Speaker 93605.84s - 3606.78s


Speaker 03607.48s - 3612s

But we still keep getting Amazon ORG delivery, so that's kind of neat of stuff.

Speaker 93612.26s - 3615.28s

And that's how buildings are built and metals are melted.

Speaker 63617.98s - 3638.36s

And Mayuri PERSON will add to that the fact that I have tried to find anyone. I mean, it's been a long time since I looked because I moved on to other things, but there was a time when I was very interested in finding anyone who made contact, but I never could find somebody.

Speaker 43640.94s - 3651.26s

I look to Marion because my first instinct is like, this feels like bullshit, and I need to know if my first instinct is like, this feels like bullshit. And I need to know if Marion PERSON thinks it's bullshit. Marion PERSON, are they lying to it?

Speaker 103651.86s - 3668.34s

I think Marion PERSON's in a spot where, honestly, maybe a little more receptive to it than she would normally be. Sure. So she's just kind of looking a little, I think she doesn't know what to say.

Speaker 93669.46s - 3721.68s

I think to try and add to the like legitimacy of it, um, as we're going into those details of like, here's the information that we know and like the world so far, uh, and going back and forth from Cisco and Mary PERSON to explain it, hearing how two different people explain something that is like, someone, if you ask someone to be like, oh, describe a house to me, people might start with different things or would like fast, like, get really focused in on different particular bits and pieces about it, that knows like, oh,okay, so wait, they have heard of this. It's just two different ways of it being told, but to at least add to the validity of it and make it feel more genuine, opposed to just being like, hey, ground, a ground. See how that can go as something being explained to somebody.

Speaker 103723.72s - 3726s

So is this, this like below us?

Speaker 93726.84s - 3746.6s

Yes, I think that would, at least below the visible clouds that we can see. It's always, it's too cloudy and never see anything through. Like, obviously we have our clouds up in the sky, but the ones below us are pretty thick and you can't really get a good look through it. Huh.

Speaker 103748.32s - 3765.12s

And while we're on the topic of things that may make little to no sense, I think we should discuss the elephant in the room, which is a Rhapsody.

Speaker 63766.42s - 3781.3s

And I think what we all saw, I don't know to the detail of which everyone saw, but I definitely did see wings. Okay, because I felt wings. I really did. Just for a second, though.

Speaker 73781.3s - 3782.44s

Oh, no, there were wings.

Speaker 103782.92s - 3783.86s

Sorry, do you have wings?

Speaker 73785.7s - 3787.34s

No, I don't.

Speaker 103790.42s - 3792.14s

He doesn't look like he has wings?

Speaker 73792.58s - 3795.46s

I checked after, and I don't.

Speaker 63796.26s - 3800.96s

It might be something that comes when there's a need or when you call upon them.

Speaker 73802.68s - 3807.88s

But what I should explain is the reason I was so cagey about it outside is because not

Speaker 103807.88s - 3811.02s

everyone can see what we saw.

Speaker 73811.02s - 3823.1s

And the city, the bureau, there's a pretty determined need to keep it hidden from those who

Speaker 63823.1s - 3835.4s

can't see it. They're usually called sleepers. But if the three of you saw it, I mean, and of course, rapidly you failed it, that means you are not sleepers. Why?

Speaker 43836.76s - 3837.12s


Speaker 63838.72s - 3839.72s

To which part?

Speaker 43840.36s - 3842.28s

I guess all of it, but more specifically...

Speaker 63842.28s - 3852.34s

More specifically, I was sort of leaning towards why maybe were we

Speaker 73853.26s - 3857.34s

Sleepers, to use your term, sounds a bit rude, and now we are not.

Speaker 63857.34s - 3858.66s

I mean, I didn't pick it.

Speaker 23858.76s - 3860.42s

It's just what the memo said.

Speaker 73860.6s - 3863.76s

It just sounds a little bit mean, but.

Speaker 63864.56s - 3867.06s

We could put in a vote to change.

Speaker 53867.1s - 3868.64s

Actually, we know we can't do that.

Speaker 63870.06s - 3875.66s

But yeah, maybe you start saying if you pick up a different term, maybe that could catch on.

Speaker 73875.66s - 3876.76s

I should say it really kindly.

Speaker 93877.5s - 3877.98s


Speaker 63879.32s - 3882.66s

Unfortunately, I think terminology is probably the least of our problems.

Speaker 43882.66s - 3884.66s

Yeah, that wasn't my question. But I'll get to that. It was...

Speaker 53884.66s - 3886.24s

The question... Just printed out a least of our problems. Yeah, that wasn't my question. But I'll get to that.

Speaker 43887.32s - 3887.66s

The question.

Speaker 53890.08s - 3890.16s

Just printed out a lot of things that refer sleepers.

Speaker 43892.7s - 3893.24s

If we changed it, we had to reprint every single thing. Every is.

Speaker 53893.24s - 3894.62s

A lot of ink.

Speaker 93894.92s - 3896.02s

And we don't have that in the budget.

Speaker 73896.98s - 3897.22s

Right, right.

Speaker 53897.22s - 3899.68s

Why were we sleepers?

Speaker 73900.02s - 3903.32s

And now we're not.

Speaker 53904.46s - 3905.32s

What changed?

Speaker 73906.72s - 3910s

Well, I think that's personal for everybody.

Speaker 53911.08s - 3917.44s

I've known for a long time in keeping the world separate as part of my job.

Speaker 73919.52s - 3922.94s

But it sounds at least for you, Rhapsody PERSON, like you've undergone some,

Speaker 53923.24s - 3927.28s

you've undergone some incredibly difficult times recently.

Speaker 73927.44s - 3928.44s

That could be an impetus.

Speaker 53928.7s - 3929.3s

I'm not sure.

Speaker 73929.9s - 3930.3s


Speaker 53931.06s - 3933.12s

And I don't know about you, Marion PERSON.

Speaker 73933.86s - 3935.32s

I don't think so.

Speaker 53936.78s - 3940.66s

I mean, maybe whatever happened last night could have been a trigger.

Speaker 73940.66s - 3947.76s

We maybe should get to, I would love to go over last night, actually, and see if people found anything.

Speaker 63949.34s - 3954.14s

I definitely did, and I would love to talk about that too.

Speaker 103954.88s - 3959.1s

But if anybody else wants to go first, please, please go ahead with what you found.

Speaker 63959.72s - 3963.34s

I didn't find anything. Next. That was easy.

Speaker 93965.22s - 3970.98s

I talked to my guy who found what he found. And then I watered my plants next.

Speaker 63974.1s - 3975.82s

Deeply efficient. I love this.

Speaker 93979s - 3980.38s

Everyone turns to me.

Speaker 83982.88s - 3985.2s

Great. Saw nothing. Let's go.

Speaker 93985.2s - 3991.2s

I am concerned that we may have killed something.

Speaker 23993.7s - 3994.66s

I'm sorry.

Speaker 53994.66s - 3995.88s

That we may have killed something?

Speaker 23995.88s - 3996.72s

Like, there's a group.

Speaker 83997.06s - 3997.68s

Like all together.

Speaker 53997.94s - 3999.72s

So, um.

Speaker 84000.34s - 4001.44s

Do we own a sword?

Speaker 24001.88s - 4002.32s

Is that?

Speaker 54005.08s - 4006.14s

Wait, wait, wait.

Speaker 24006.32s - 4008.14s

What did we kill something with?

Speaker 104008.88s - 4010.48s

Our sword, I think.

Speaker 94011s - 4012s

Our sword.

Speaker 74012s - 4012.8s

I don't know.

Speaker 104013.2s - 4018.6s

Look, so I was cleaning up, just checking to make sure.

Speaker 94019.14s - 4021.92s

Again, my keys had been moved.

Speaker 104022.72s - 4025.62s

So I went down to get to the cellar just to see.

Speaker 74027.32s - 4032.28s

And there was just blood all over the cellar.

Speaker 54033.88s - 4034.96s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 94035.5s - 4036.48s

Like a lot of it.

Speaker 54036.48s - 4040.58s

And then it looked like something had been dragged out of the cellar, but there's nothing outside.

Speaker 74040.68s - 4041.84s

The outside was perfectly clean.

Speaker 54044.44s - 4047.08s

Why do you think that was us?

Speaker 74048.76s - 4049.16s


Speaker 54052.76s - 4054.06s

Was there blood on the key?

Speaker 74054.38s - 4054.76s


Speaker 24055.68s - 4059.32s

No, there was blood on my sword earlier today.

Speaker 104060.64s - 4061.68s

Our sword, please.

Speaker 54062.4s - 4062.64s


Speaker 104063.32s - 4064.68s

Our sword, please.

Speaker 64066.54s - 4070.06s

But like, it's, I can't, it's not a sword.

Speaker 104070.18s - 4072.8s

I can't, like, it doesn't do anything.

Speaker 64074.04s - 4076.18s

And I will, like, fully un-cheated now.

Speaker 104076.28s - 4078.4s

I would actually think it would be different.

Speaker 64078.4s - 4081.2s

It's, like, it's old, it's rusty.

Speaker 104081.38s - 4083.66s

It's not worth anything.

Speaker 64084.36s - 4086.1s

It's still a weapon, darling.

Speaker 104086.46s - 4089.24s

Sure, but stabbing, I think, is a pretty effective means.

Speaker 64089.32s - 4091.58s

Okay, but I feel like I'm going to be totally honest.

Speaker 94091.76s - 4094.64s

If I tried to stab anyone with this, I feel like it would break.

Speaker 104098.36s - 4099.86s

Yeah, that shit is blunt.

Speaker 74101.12s - 4104.38s

Did you wake up with a sword on you?

Speaker 104104.38s - 4104.66s


Speaker 74105.56s - 4106.74s

In its normal spot? Like, I know your keys removed. I'm just thinking that's up. Did you wake up with the sword on you? Yeah.

Speaker 104106.74s - 4106.84s

In its normal spot?

Speaker 74106.94s - 4108.1s

Like, I know your keys removed.

Speaker 104108.6s - 4115.52s

I'm just thinking, was it possible for someone to have taken the sword and used it when they used your keys and returned it to?

Speaker 24115.64s - 4116.66s

I guess.

Speaker 74117s - 4120.3s

Because it's not only thing you to take the whole, like, scabbard, right?

Speaker 104120.42s - 4121.88s

They could just remove the sword.

Speaker 94122.78s - 4123.14s


Speaker 104123.3s - 4126.38s

And then put it back without much of an issue.

Speaker 74127.96s - 4129.32s

I think Marion PERSON killed someone.

Speaker 104131.62s - 4133.1s

Listen, I'm looking at the facts

Speaker 94133.1s - 4135.2s

they're right in front of me, and I think Marian PERSON's

Speaker 104135.2s - 4135.98s

to have to kill the men.

Speaker 74135.98s - 4136.64s

But what happened to the body?

Speaker 54136.64s - 4139.04s

I think Marion PERSON used our sword to kill some.

Speaker 24141.2s - 4143.06s

Marion PERSON, I can't believe you'd do that with our sword.

Speaker 64143.82s - 4146.74s

Yeah, I specifically said not to kill people with our son.

Speaker 54148.64s - 4152.26s

When we bought it, we said, guys, we're not going to kill anybody with this.

Speaker 64152.46s - 4153.78s

Well, no, no, no.

Speaker 94153.78s - 4154.78s

We're pro-murder.

Speaker 74155.5s - 4159.46s

We are pro-murder, but we are pro-med just existing.

Speaker 94159.88s - 4161.22s

We don't want to act on these things.

Speaker 74161.28s - 4161.92s

To do it, yeah.

Speaker 44163.24s - 4169.14s

Marion PERSON, did you say that the, wherever this thing was dragged, it was clean outside?

Speaker 24169.54s - 4171.56s

Yeah, because it was from the cellar.

Speaker 44171.66s - 4176.72s

It was, it seemingly was dragged out of the cellar, but the outside was clean.

Speaker 94177.7s - 4180.64s

Through the outside of the bar, not like in the bar itself.

Speaker 64180.64s - 4181.92s

Yeah, the cellar is accessed from outside.

Speaker 74182.72s - 4183.52s

Okay, got it.

Speaker 64184.48s - 4189.32s

The only incident report that Randy PERSON mentioned was the redacted one.

Speaker 94190.44s - 4191.5s

I don't know.

Speaker 64191.62s - 4194.98s

If there was a body found outside of bar,

Speaker 84195.04s - 4197.62s

I don't know why they'd redact that instead of investigate that.

Speaker 94197.62s - 4202.12s

Yeah, and again, the inside wasn't clean.

Speaker 64203.46s - 4207s

They'd redact it if there was something weird and sleepy about it, no?

Speaker 104208.06s - 4208.38s


Speaker 94208.58s - 4213.08s

I mean, if anyone were to...

Speaker 104213.08s - 4214.48s

Maybe they didn't clean the inside

Speaker 64214.48s - 4219.06s

because they knew that only you would go inside having the key

Speaker 94219.06s - 4222.76s

or the owner, which I don't think we've met in the past 48 hours.

Speaker 64223.66s - 4224.04s


Speaker 104224.7s - 4227.56s

I don't even... They may not exist for all I know.

Speaker 44227.68s - 4228.38s

It's Marion's Bar ORG.

Speaker 94228.5s - 4229.1s

Don't worry about it.

Speaker 74229.22s - 4230.32s

It is Marion's Bar ORG.

Speaker 94232.14s - 4234.08s

The sole proprietor of this bar.

Speaker 74234.14s - 4234.52s

That's right.

Speaker 94234.52s - 4239s

Someone committed a murder with our sword in the basement.

Speaker 74239.82s - 4241.86s

Our murder with our sword.

Speaker 94245.88s - 4250.54s

Marion PERSON, I guess now is as good a time as any to bring up that,

Speaker 74250.64s - 4254.54s

that's not all you might have done last night that you don't remember.

Speaker 94255.14s - 4255.86s

I'm sorry.

Speaker 74256.84s - 4258.46s

Did I kill something else?

Speaker 64259.66s - 4260.76s

No, no, no.

Speaker 74260.9s - 4263.34s

I think this was a little bit more enjoyable, I hope.

Speaker 64264.52s - 4266.44s

So let me rewind.

Speaker 24267.48s - 4270.46s

In the middle, I went to investigate the train ticket,

Speaker 74270.8s - 4272.86s

the ticket stubs and what might have happened.

Speaker 24273.46s - 4279.34s

And I met this wonderful person who met,

Speaker 64281.5s - 4287.18s

who remember seeing all of us last night at the barkeep's nephew.

Speaker 104287.9s - 4289.58s

That's where our bracelets are from.

Speaker 64290.58s - 4291.16s


Speaker 104291.5s - 4299.08s

But whatever we did last night, they also mentioned that it did get the Bureau ORG's attention, possibly.

Speaker 64300.7s - 4303.48s

And that can never mean in a good way.

Speaker 104305.46s - 4310.92s

Now, they couldn't tell me how we can find the Bar Keeps' PERSON nephew again,

Speaker 64311s - 4314.6s

since I clearly none of us remember what happened or how we got there.

Speaker 24314.6s - 4318.8s

But we did get there, this completely secret place, we got these bracelets.

Speaker 64320.48s - 4326.14s

They did hand me a card, and I will pull out this jack of spades card and hand it around to everybody.

Speaker 24327.52s - 4328.5s

And then

Speaker 64328.5s - 4340.72s

they told me to say hi to Marion PERSON. Because I think y'all might have necked. I did.

Speaker 94340.84s - 4341.76s

Oh, wow, congratulations.

Speaker 54341.76s - 4344.12s

Mary PERSON, your life just got so much more interesting

Speaker 64344.12s - 4345.84s

and you don't even remember it.

Speaker 54346.84s - 4349.34s

I think this is maybe the worst way for this to happen.

Speaker 94353.14s - 4356.04s

Would you have rather figured out the first thing before the murder?

Speaker 104357.28s - 4363.86s

I was going to say, on the plus side, at least this one seems positive and they were left with a very good impression of you, clearly.

Speaker 94364.86s - 4368.88s

So... Just, wow. Okay.

Speaker 104371.44s - 4372.8s

I don't know what to do with this.

Speaker 94374.64s - 4375.2s

I mean...

Speaker 64375.2s - 4377.28s

Shoulder go find you that guy, right?

Speaker 104377.28s - 4383.84s

Yeah, uh, cray-sheddy skin, uh, a hail of an outfit.

Speaker 64386s - 4391.2s

I have no idea why they worked, they worked at the train station, but...

Speaker 74391.2s - 4392.8s

Union ORG benefits.

Speaker 64392.8s - 4396.8s

I can definitely see why they were a member of the secret organization with that vibe.

Speaker 74398.72s - 4400s


Speaker 64403.04s - 4408.4s

Are we now technically members of the secret organization because we have the wrist bracelets?

Speaker 94408.64s - 4408.86s

Or is that...

Speaker 24408.86s - 4409.54s

The friendship bracelets.

Speaker 64409.98s - 4410.64s


Speaker 24411.44s - 4412.52s

I don't know.

Speaker 74412.62s - 4416.58s

I think the only way to find out is to go there again.

Speaker 24417.22s - 4421.1s

But, uh, Vilex ORG wouldn't tell me how to get there.

Speaker 64421.18s - 4433.32s

We have to figure that at ourselves. And I guess this card's supposed to help in some way, maybe? Which card? The Jack of Spades card. Is there anywhere in town with

Speaker 44433.32s - 4440.58s

like a name like Jack of Spades PERSON, anything related to that that might, um...

Speaker 94440.58s - 4448.78s

Is the Jack, the nephew of the Queen PERSON card? And that's the, the queen is the barkeeper.

Speaker 24449.98s - 4451.44s

For sure, exactly.

Speaker 44451.44s - 4454.76s

They let us in because Marion PERSON is a barkeeper, you know?

Speaker 24455s - 4455.52s


Speaker 44455.74s - 4459.7s

And then we all said we're here with the barkeeper.

Speaker 24461.78s - 4466.1s

It's like, does someone want to roll investigate?

Speaker 44468.02s - 4472.7s

Does anyone have anything that they could add to, like, be investigating here?

Speaker 24473.6s - 4485.4s

Yeah, I have my rock, which allows me to use my ability, dot, dot, dot, and a hard place

Speaker 54485.4s - 4490.62s

to help me find either where to go, what to do,

Speaker 24490.62s - 4492.34s

or push me in the right direction.

Speaker 54492.34s - 4494.82s

And I got a whole bunch of really cool power tags

Speaker 24494.82s - 4499.02s

I can use to help me with it, like concrete compass.

Speaker 54499.02s - 4502.24s

It helps me go in the right direction.

Speaker 74502.24s - 4503.54s

Perpetual motion.

Speaker 94503.54s - 4504.84s

This rocking stands still.

Speaker 74504.84s - 4506.18s

It's always moving somewhere.

Speaker 44507.78s - 4509.5s

The terrible truth.

Speaker 74509.94s - 4511.88s

Which leads me to something I may not want to know,

Speaker 54511.98s - 4515.96s

but it's at least a push in the right direction.

Speaker 44516.96s - 4519.54s

But I do get sometimes taken for granted

Speaker 94519.54s - 4522.58s

because I am just focusing on a rock

Speaker 84522.58s - 4526s

to get my advice and information to be a detective on things.

Speaker 04527.68s - 4529.64s

Are you going to talk to your rock in a corner?

Speaker 94530s - 4530.54s

Please do.

Speaker 04531.08s - 4531.8s

It's not in the corner.

Speaker 64531.92s - 4533.9s

I mean, you guys can talk to it, do if you want.

Speaker 54534.26s - 4540.82s

I think those first two power tags will count, but this isn't like a, this isn't a hard truth or like a hard pill to swallow.

Speaker 94540.96s - 4542.04s

You're just trying to find an adjunct.

Speaker 54542.08s - 4542.54s

This is fair.

Speaker 94542.7s - 4542.88s


Speaker 54543.9s - 4545.18s

GPS on this rock real quick.

Speaker 94546.36s - 4552.2s

Yeah, I think that will be good. So I add two

Speaker 44552.2s - 4554.24s

to 2D6.

Speaker 94554.34s - 4555.5s

Whatever I'm rolling here.

Speaker 44559.46s - 4562.2s

Okay, those are numbers.

Speaker 94562.82s - 4565.56s

So that is going to be an eight.

Speaker 54565.88s - 4566.54s

Let's go.

Speaker 94567s - 4571s

Eight is in between seven and nine. Notably.

Speaker 54572.12s - 4597.98s

I can also choose that your investigation exposes you to a danger. The clues you get are fuzzy, incomplete, or part true, part false. Or whatever, whoever you're asking the question can ask you one question as well, you can answer on the same terms. I think it would be really funny if you ask your rocker question and talk to you back. However, I don't think that's

Speaker 94597.98s - 4603.6s

quite the relationship you have with your rock. Is it a talking card? It is not a talking card.

Speaker 54603.6s - 4650.6s

The clue you get, actually, is something that is particular to your rock, is that you've had this rock for as long as you can remember. And anytime you try to get rid of that rock, somehow it always ends up right back in your hand, whether it's like a Rube Goldberg PERSON like series of events that leads to a tiny chef boy or deekan like situation where it's just sort of magically there. There's always an explanation for it, but you've never been able to shake this rock. And you wonder if a card from the deck might have some kind of similar ability. Hmm.

Speaker 24651.94s - 4653.46s

I'm putting one in one together.

Speaker 94653.9s - 4656.18s

I'm going to throw this card. Sorry?

Speaker 54656.88s - 4658.7s

And see where it goes.

Speaker 94659.42s - 4661.78s

You just take the card and like, yeah.

Speaker 54661.78s - 4663.46s

Gambit kind of, you know, X-Men.

Speaker 94663.66s - 4665.44s

See what happens. Yeah. Mm- WORK_OF_ARThmm of, you know, X-Men. See what happens. Yeah.

Speaker 54666.64s - 4693.88s

Mm-hmm. And the card, it like flies and then hovers for just a second. And then moves a few feet toward the entrance that you came into the tunnel from. Kind of hovers. It's still still floating and then it kind of moves vertically just hovering there oh okay

Speaker 94693.88s - 4696.36s

I'm gonna move towards it and

Speaker 24696.36s - 4699.62s

move toward it yeah and as you begin to move toward it

Speaker 54699.62s - 4701.78s

it moves even further away out of your reach

Speaker 94701.78s - 4702.76s

okay alright we're moving

Speaker 64702.76s - 4705.28s

yeah I think we're going now.

Speaker 84706s - 4707.4s

Everybody good to leave?

Speaker 64707.78s - 4708.34s

I guess.

Speaker 84708.34s - 4710.46s

Any other murders we need to talk about?

Speaker 54713.26s - 4717.64s

Yeah, as you guys move a few things to sort of expedite this.

Speaker 94718.48s - 4724.84s

One, you notice pretty quickly that people seem to not be able to see the card.

Speaker 54726.78s - 4735.04s

If they're not supposed to see the card. Two, you are avoiding George. George is explicitly tailing you to see

Speaker 04735.04s - 4740.02s

if anyone is following you, which was the last thing you told them. Uh-huh. It's so true.

Speaker 54740.02s - 4746.04s

And it happens for a while. So George doesn't necessarily think anything is off directly.

Speaker 04748.24s - 4757.16s

To get to where you're going, you need to take a train to the inner ring, which is the ring that surrounds the quad.

Speaker 24758.44s - 4762.82s

And you end up, you know, it kind of gets on a train.

Speaker 54763.16s - 4769.44s

Is the card like sitting in the ticket line for the train station, like waiting its turn?

Speaker 94770.06s - 4770.22s


Speaker 54770.22s - 4771.14s


Speaker 24771.14s - 4771.92s

Do I got to buy a ticket?

Speaker 54771.92s - 4772.92s

Nobody else sees it.

Speaker 94772.92s - 4774.14s

No, they can see it.

Speaker 24774.14s - 4774.58s

And we're good.

Speaker 54774.58s - 4774.74s


Speaker 24774.74s - 4775.34s

Money is safe.

Speaker 54775.34s - 4775.78s

Let's go.

Speaker 24775.78s - 4776.38s

It's just a pair.

Speaker 54776.44s - 4777.68s

I guess it's doing it as a bit.

Speaker 94777.68s - 4781.16s

You don't really know how much like sentience this card is, but it's really funny to watch.

Speaker 54783.26s - 4791.26s

As you, you get your ticket and you approach the next train that's going to that area of the inner ring,

Speaker 94792s - 4795.08s

you all get on the train.

Speaker 04795.08s - 4802.9s

And as the doors are closing, you see George, who has purchased a ticket, make their way toward the train.

Speaker 54803.5s - 4821.72s

And then is stopped by someone who puts a hand on their shoulder. It's kind of in shadow. It's hard to see and kind of takes George into conversation and they sort of look out at you and look back at this person and continue talking and lose the trail.

Speaker 44822.64s - 4827.92s

Does George seem nervous? Yes.

Speaker 54828.64s - 4829.04s


Speaker 44830.64s - 4832.32s

But you are on a train.

Speaker 54832.68s - 4833.24s


Speaker 44833.92s - 4834.32s


Speaker 54835.2s - 4839.14s

The person that they were talking to,

Speaker 94839.64s - 4843.96s

did it look like they were looking up to talk to them?

Speaker 54844.56s - 4847.68s

Down, eye level? how tall was this person

Speaker 94847.68s - 4854.1s

based on the height that i know george PERSON to be which is and you can just cue in whatever height you

Speaker 104854.1s - 4860.22s

want for that mouth movement that we'll a d r it um the mouth movement for our audio podcast that's

Speaker 54860.22s - 4867.72s

right uh george PERSON is pretty tall so i guess of eye level are a little shorter.

Speaker 104868.94s - 4869.28s


Speaker 54869.7s - 4870.18s


Speaker 94870.32s - 4871.74s

What heights did I tell you?

Speaker 54871.74s - 4872.5s

I don't know.

Speaker 94872.58s - 4881.8s

I felt like, like, um, was it, Agent Cody Banks PERSON was pretty tall? Kim PERSON, like, compared to me.

Speaker 54882.16s - 4885.58s

This guy looks like they might be about Agent Cody Bags PERSON' height.

Speaker 94886.02s - 4888.98s

What kind of suit they wear?

Speaker 54889.8s - 4891.62s

I didn't get the name of it. Dang it, never mind.

Speaker 94891.74s - 4893.4s

They have an overcoat and it's dark.

Speaker 54894.16s - 4895.72s

If only I got more information.

Speaker 94896.24s - 4899.4s

Not the cool coat that Felix PERSON is wearing, right?

Speaker 54899.96s - 4900.26s


Speaker 94900.76s - 4901.02s


Speaker 54901.64s - 4902.84s

Was Felix PERSON at the train station?

Speaker 94903.2s - 4904.18s

Or was it wrong?

Speaker 54904.18s - 4907.54s

Felix PERSON was not working the train station because Felix works at the quad. Yeah, yeah. That's what it. Okay. Was Felix at the train station? Or was it wrong? Willix was not working the train station because Felix works at the quad.

Speaker 94907.72s - 4908s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 64908.06s - 4908.56s

That's what it is.

Speaker 94908.62s - 4908.74s


Speaker 54908.88s - 4909.78s

I could remember which station.

Speaker 94909.78s - 4913.58s

Also, Vilix PERSON is much bigger than Agent Banks.

Speaker 54914.26s - 4914.5s


Speaker 94914.7s - 4914.98s


Speaker 54915.24s - 4958.46s

Felix PERSON is very cuddly. You all get off the train station and follow through the residential district. To a series of row houses, any such houses are generally speaking built at a slight curve, especially here in the inner part of the city. It is much more curved. The roads tend to be a wheel and spoke pattern here.So it's on the curve part of the road. And it just kind of slides through the mail slot of one of the houses on the end. Are we going in or?

Speaker 104959.7s - 4961.98s

Yeah, is there like a nameplate or something outside?

Speaker 54962.52s - 4963.18s

There's not.

Speaker 104963.18s - 4964.68s

It just says the barkeeper's stuff.

Speaker 54965.04s - 4966s

It's right on it.

Speaker 64966s - 4966.32s


Speaker 54967.6s - 4969.22s

Big bold lettering.

Speaker 104969.56s - 4971.74s

It says like the tavern holders these.

Speaker 54973.86s - 4974.4s


Speaker 64974.82s - 4978.48s

If it's where we need to be, uh, these bracelets might get us in anyway.

Speaker 104978.72s - 4979.76s

So we may as well.

Speaker 64979.86s - 4982.72s

I guess. Walk up. All right.

Speaker 54984.72s - 4985.34s

You walk up?

Speaker 64988.1s - 4993.84s

This particular unit, not an entire disarray.

Speaker 54994.22s - 5015.06s

These row houses are occupied, but this unit does not seem to be. No lights on. You knock, hear nothing. You turn to open the door and it gives. And you're inside an unfurnished house as the card moves up the stairs.

Speaker 95018.4s - 5029.06s

I'll take the lead going up the stairs. And just keep my eyes out for any traps. Home alone style. You never know.

Speaker 105029.26s - 5031.72s

Stories was this house from like the outside?

Speaker 95033.2s - 5033.66s


Speaker 105035.54s - 5036.6s

That's a lot of traps.

Speaker 55037.86s - 5039.64s

Yeah. There's a bucket

Speaker 105039.64s - 5041.66s

position of our door full of jacks.

Speaker 55042.08s - 5044.4s

No, no, as you go up, you do see there's some furniture

Speaker 105044.4s - 5048.32s

all of it under these thick white linen tarps.

Speaker 95049.34s - 5064.62s

Second floor, third floor, you realize as you get to the fourth floor, as the card goes up through a sort of like trapdoor in the ceiling, that the fourth floor of this house is more of an attic area.

Speaker 25067.3s - 5069.78s

Do you pull down the stairway?

Speaker 95070.08s - 5071.4s

If it is accessible, yeah.

Speaker 25071.84s - 5078.52s

Yeah, you pull down the slatter and as you head up, you find yourself in a hallway.

Speaker 55080.4s - 5084.36s

And it's kind of toward the rear of the house.

Speaker 95084.86s - 5087.24s

So you get up and there's like this attic space.

Speaker 55087.24s - 5125.94s

And then there's an open door and a hallway that goes along the edges of the row houses. And you see this card as you walk through the halls. You see there are doors that ostensibly lead to the other addicts of the other homes and it flies right underneath one of them yeah I'll try for that door it is locked ah man locked. Ah, man. Uh, hmm.

Speaker 95127.26s - 5128.52s

I can try to pick it.

Speaker 55130.3s - 5131.3s

That seems like a very handy skill.

Speaker 95131.62s - 5131.78s

Did we,

Speaker 55132.5s - 5133.66s

if we knocked?

Speaker 95136.14s - 5137.34s

That is also a good skill, too.

Speaker 65139.96s - 5140.04s

Does the keyhole look like one?

Speaker 95142.08s - 5142.68s

We can insert a bracelet through it?

Speaker 105146.02s - 5146.18s

As you go to the keyhole, you see that there is,

Speaker 95148.6s - 5148.66s

it's like the shape of a keyhole and it's filled in,

Speaker 65150.2s - 5150.62s

so you can't actually put a key in there.

Speaker 95151.48s - 5152.32s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 65153.56s - 5154.66s

Sounds like we have to knock.

Speaker 95155.08s - 5156.82s


Speaker 55159.42s - 5160.34s

Who has the most polite knock?

Speaker 95161.96s - 5163.52s

I have the most normal knock.

Speaker 55165.6s - 5168.2s

Sisko's like, bang, bang, bang.

Speaker 65169.34s - 5170.64s

Bureau, open up.

Speaker 85172.12s - 5173.02s

You file your taxes yet?

Speaker 65177.12s - 5178.76s

It's the knock of somebody who already deserves to be inside.

Speaker 85181.48s - 5181.58s

Yeah, you very subtly convey that with the knock.

Speaker 65182.72s - 5185.24s

You do not get a response.

Speaker 85189.6s - 5189.76s

Try your bracelet against the keyhole in case it's like a magnet thing.

Speaker 75195s - 5195.1s

Trying to look at the Disney ORG badge thing. You're trying to get my photos from my ride,

Speaker 65198.94s - 5200.44s

please. Is it on your wrist or do you take it off and like try and hold up the beads or something?

Speaker 85206.26s - 5206.36s

Can we take it off? Is it magically affixed to our No, it's not, there's not like an opening,

Speaker 65208.1s - 5208.22s

but you can kind of slide it off over your wrist,

Speaker 85210.5s - 5210.72s

I guess, unless you have really, really big hands.

Speaker 75212.34s - 5214.28s

Nah, I'll slide it off my wrist and I'll put it around the door handle.

Speaker 65215.12s - 5216.14s

Make it one of our friends.

Speaker 85217.44s - 5218.76s

Maybe it'll open up for us.

Speaker 65219.24s - 5220.04s

Very sweet.

Speaker 55220.62s - 5223.84s

It does not open up when you put it around the door handle.

Speaker 65224s - 5225.1s

Back on my wrist, it goes.

Speaker 95225.6s - 5227.6s

Well, that was a try.

Speaker 55231.12s - 5234.36s

Hmm, can I hear anything on the other side of the door?

Speaker 65235.24s - 5236.8s

Did you put it back on the same wrist?

Speaker 95238.64s - 5239.08s


Speaker 55240.04s - 5240.32s


Speaker 95240.84s - 5241.28s


Speaker 55243.28s - 5245.22s

What do you want me to say?

Speaker 95245.58s - 5248.08s

Are you just rolling dice up for a roomills?

Speaker 55251.36s - 5260.32s

As you take the bracelet off your wrist and put it back on, Cisco PERSON disappears.

Speaker 95261.04s - 5262.16s


Speaker 55262.16s - 5262.86s

What fuck?

Speaker 95263s - 5265.5s

Wait, is it when I take it off or when I put it back on?

Speaker 55265.5s - 5268.5s

It's like, that's when I disappears once it's on my wrist.

Speaker 95268.5s - 5270.5s

Once you put it back on.

Speaker 55270.5s - 5271.5s

Sisco ORG?

Speaker 95271.5s - 5273.5s

Are you-

Speaker 55273.5s - 5274.5s

Are you-

Speaker 95274.5s - 5275.5s

Are you in-

Speaker 55275.5s - 5276.5s


Speaker 75276.5s - 5283.5s

Just waving my arms, I'm just slamming them through where Siscoe ORG used to be, like, way too hard if he were to be there.

Speaker 25283.5s - 5286.9s

Yeah, you hit the wall and it hurts kind of because you're, yeah.

Speaker 75287.54s - 5293.14s

I think he got inside or somewhere, but we shouldn't let him go alone anyway, right?

Speaker 25293.28s - 5294.58s

We should follow him.

Speaker 55297.28s - 5302.92s

I get like, take the bracelet off, put it around the door handle, and then put it back on, right?

Speaker 95304.06s - 5305.68s

That is what he did.

Speaker 55307.42s - 5308.74s

I don't know what part of it.

Speaker 65309.86s - 5311.26s

No, that is what he did.

Speaker 25311.42s - 5312.14s

You observed.

Speaker 65312.14s - 5314s

I love making extra steps.

Speaker 25314.92s - 5315.5s

All right.

Speaker 65316.14s - 5317.4s

I can go next.

Speaker 75318.4s - 5321.72s

But if it works for me, then y'all come along too.

Speaker 25321.8s - 5322.16s


Speaker 95322.72s - 5323.32s

Thank you.

Speaker 25323.9s - 5326.52s

Maybe we'll take it off, put it on the door handle.

Speaker 75327.18s - 5333.82s

Like align into where like Cisco PERSON beads were and then pull it up and put it back on.

Speaker 55334.46s - 5334.74s


Speaker 25335.5s - 5336.5s

Mary PERSON disappears.

Speaker 55337.94s - 5340.04s

Do you think all of that's necessary to get it?

Speaker 25341.12s - 5342.02s

How would you know?

Speaker 75342.32s - 5343.32s

I'm asking Marion PERSON.

Speaker 55343.82s - 5344.54s

I don't know.

Speaker 25345.26s - 5348.48s

I think the two detectives did the detective work and found out that it worked.

Speaker 55348.48s - 5350.26s

I feel like we might as well start with it.

Speaker 25350.36s - 5350.76s

What, like?

Speaker 55351.2s - 5352.88s

I just, well, start with it.

Speaker 65352.92s - 5353.68s

We know it works.

Speaker 55353.82s - 5355.46s

You don't want to do anything else to test.

Speaker 65355.96s - 5356.82s

I'll try.

Speaker 85357.86s - 5360.98s

I was going to ask if you wanted to just trade zies and see if that did anything.

Speaker 55361.16s - 5361.76s

Trades, what?

Speaker 65362.54s - 5365.08s

I mean, are they, do they, they don't look any different, right?

Speaker 55365.2s - 5366.38s

I guess we could try Trades.

Speaker 65366.38s - 5367.6s

No, but maybe there's something.

Speaker 55367.6s - 5370.38s

We each have our names respectively put in these.

Speaker 65370.38s - 5370.9s

I don't know.

Speaker 85371s - 5372.1s

Wouldn't it tell you?

Speaker 65372.56s - 5374.02s

Wouldn't that tell us something about it?

Speaker 55374.04s - 5375.6s

If we could just trade and something would happen.

Speaker 65376s - 5376.46s


Speaker 55376.6s - 5377.88s

What would it tell us?

Speaker 65378.34s - 5380.64s

I don't know that maybe they only work for each person.

Speaker 55380.76s - 5382.44s

I want to know if mine knows I'm me.

Speaker 65382.92s - 5384.32s

Okay, sure, sure.

Speaker 55384.62s - 5385.22s

Why not? Thank you. Okay, so you take mine knows I'm me. Okay, sure, sure. Why not?

Speaker 65385.5s - 5385.98s

Thank you.

Speaker 55387.82s - 5390.76s

Okay, so you take it off. Do you put it on the doorknob first?

Speaker 25390.76s - 5394.7s

No, I just want to trade Zies with Marion PERSON. I want to know if my body rejects it.

Speaker 65394.7s - 5397.44s

Well, I think Marion goes to put it on the doorknop first.

Speaker 25398.94s - 5403.72s

Yeah. And then puts it on. It does not work for you. Either of you.

Speaker 55404.48s - 5406.06s

It knows it's me.

Speaker 75406.18s - 5407.34s

It's the doorna.

Speaker 65408.1s - 5409.26s

Marion PERSON did use the doorknob.

Speaker 55409.26s - 5410.42s

Yeah, I used the doorknob.

Speaker 65410.62s - 5412.92s

So, Rhapsody PERSON would have gone through.

Speaker 55413.2s - 5416.44s

You have to use your own bracelet and your own doornaw.

Speaker 65417.5s - 5419.12s

Our doornaub, guys.

Speaker 55419.24s - 5419.86s

Our doornauz.

Speaker 65419.9s - 5420.18s

All right.

Speaker 55420.32s - 5422.22s

Well, I guess I can have mine back.

Speaker 65423.22s - 5423.96s

You all right.

Speaker 55425.12s - 5426.52s

That's interesting, though, isn't it?

Speaker 75426.54s - 5428.36s

Yeah, I guess. I don't know.

Speaker 55428.62s - 5429.6s

See, we're learning.

Speaker 95429.9s - 5432.64s

Anyways, I'm going to put it over the door knob and then put it over my wrist.

Speaker 105435.4s - 5436.32s

You disappear?

Speaker 45436.66s - 5437.2s

I'll do it too.

Speaker 105437.26s - 5438.04s

I'll do exactly this.

Speaker 45438.12s - 5438.46s

I'll put it.

Speaker 105438.52s - 5441.86s

Now that there's no one else here and I don't feel dumb doing it in front of other people,

Speaker 75441.94s - 5443.52s

I will put it around the doorknob and put up.

Speaker 105443.52s - 5444.42s

That's the reason.

Speaker 75448.3s - 5450.6s

You got to just look cool in front of everybody.

Speaker 25451.14s - 5451.54s


Speaker 105452.36s - 5453.66s

All of the time.

Speaker 75456.72s - 5458.7s

As you all disappear,

Speaker 105459.54s - 5463.56s

you have found that you actually reappear

Speaker 75463.56s - 5467.26s

in front of this exact door.

Speaker 55468.26s - 5475.42s

But you are, first, Cisco PERSON, you almost don't notice anything because to you, everyone else just disappeared.

Speaker 75475.9s - 5478.92s

And then you look around and realize you're not in the same hallway.

Speaker 55479.04s - 5480.66s

You're not entirely sure where you are.

Speaker 75481.1s - 5482.7s

But the door is in front of you.

Speaker 55482.98s - 5484.96s

There's a bit of discussion that happened in between.

Speaker 75486.46s - 5487.3s

So what would you like to do when you find yourself here?

Speaker 45487.84s - 5490.9s

Please don't say, put it on again.

Speaker 25492.76s - 5494.84s

We had direct gone it.

Speaker 45494.96s - 5496.02s

It wasn't a thought.

Speaker 105496.56s - 5496.88s


Speaker 55497.38s - 5500.94s

But now that you say it, maybe.

Speaker 75500.94s - 5502s

No, it's like all I can think about.

Speaker 55502.18s - 5503.1s

That's all I can think about.

Speaker 75503.52s - 5510.6s

No, I do want to, I'm going to look around for a second just to see that nobody was there around me,

Speaker 55510.82s - 5516.18s

not thinking that I teleported, but thinking I had moved, they moved to a different location or something.

Speaker 75517.2s - 5521.64s

But noticing that if this looks like a different hallway or a different location,

Speaker 55522.22s - 5526.92s

could I inspect the door, like, lock on this door?

Speaker 75527s - 5528.88s

Or does it seem to be locked if I tried to open it?

Speaker 55529.12s - 5531.4s

Yeah, it does not seem to be locked.

Speaker 105531.8s - 5532.2s


Speaker 55532.8s - 5534.88s

And the keyhole is an actual keyhole.

Speaker 85535.44s - 5535.78s


Speaker 105537.62s - 5544.08s

I will slowly turn the knob while still looking down the hallway

Speaker 55544.08s - 5550.78s

to see, like, if anyone shows up based on the noise that I make, if I'm just like, hello?

Speaker 105552.62s - 5557.38s

And open the door to see what's on the other side.

Speaker 55558.12s - 5563.18s

You open the door, and the first thing you notice is the music.

Speaker 105564.02s - 5571.4s

There is a very swinging song being played at a tiny little stage.

Speaker 55571.56s - 5575.04s

There is an upright bass dropping a sick line.

Speaker 105575.6s - 5579.6s

There's a sweet saxophone playing.

Speaker 75582s - 5584.9s

We're going to play in music, Matt PERSON.

Speaker 105585.92s - 5586.24s

I'm just adding.

Speaker 45587.96s - 5588.12s

Matt PERSON's doing it for us right now.

Speaker 55590.4s - 5590.78s

You say they're going to put music in here.

Speaker 25591.52s - 5592.2s

I got you.

Speaker 95603.86s - 5604.4s

As you look, there is a spot for a singer who seems to be distracted off the side, smoking a cigarette,

Speaker 25607.84s - 5608.34s

drinking something and talking to someone who is there,

Speaker 95616.06s - 5617.52s

as the drink they're holding is floating right near their head, not being held by their hand.

Speaker 55624.02s - 5627.54s

And as you take all of this in, you see people, there's an area where no one is actively dancing or anything, but there's area where people could if they wanted to.

Speaker 25627.54s - 5633.72s

Very luxurious looking booths, some high top tables, in a bar, and a doorway that leads to

Speaker 55633.72s - 5638.52s

some other area and another doorway that seems to lead to a kitchen.

Speaker 05638.52s - 5647.5s

And as you start taking this all in soon after, one by one, you all appear and see this empty door or this open doorway, Cisco PERSON,

Speaker 95647.7s - 5649.3s

and the scene I just described.

Speaker 05652.52s - 5657.6s

And, guys, you made it.

Speaker 55657.74s - 5660.58s

Oh, I thought I, what happened?

Speaker 95660.64s - 5662.26s

Did you guys not do the do the doorknob thing?

Speaker 55662.56s - 5663.68s

I feel like that's what worked.

Speaker 95663.78s - 5664.46s

We did.

Speaker 55666.36s - 5666.72s

That's how we got here.

Speaker 95670.42s - 5670.52s

Oh, good. Okay. I don't think we were able to, like, converse or explain that.

Speaker 55672.8s - 5677.58s

I didn't. It was all sudden. Very sudden. I mean, hey, you did a great job. We followed your footsteps and we got in, too.

Speaker 95677.74s - 5679.52s

Thanks. I think we make a great team.

Speaker 55680.08s - 5685.52s

Anyway, there's a log here or a musical stage, and the door was unlocked, so I opened the door.

Speaker 25686.08s - 5690.62s

I hope I'm not speaking too loudly for this musical ensemble to interrupt their show.

Speaker 55690.62s - 5692s

You always speak loudly, darling.

Speaker 95692.66s - 5693.82s

Should we all just...

Speaker 85693.82s - 5695.06s

The music is very loud.

Speaker 25697.06s - 5708.34s

As you start saying, should we all just, you hear a voice that is familiar to you, Maryuri, as Vilex ORG is leaning against the bar,

Speaker 95708.58s - 5710.64s

kind of made conversation, sees you all,

Speaker 55711s - 5713.66s

and says, you found us, welcome back.

Speaker 95713.76s - 5716.3s

And as they extend their hand outward,

Speaker 55716.6s - 5719.7s

you see in between two fingers the jack of space.

Speaker 25720s - 5720.2s


Speaker 55720.66s - 5723.72s

As they tuck that back into the rest of the deck.

Speaker 85724.56s - 5726.8s

And... May Yuri PERSON will say,

Speaker 55727.5s - 5732.84s

that is Vylix to Marion PERSON, and then head towards the Lik.

Speaker 95733.34s - 5734.8s

Everybody is the Mareemian NORP.

Speaker 85735.44s - 5738.54s

Yeah, and Marion, as you look toward Villix PERSON,

Speaker 25738.7s - 5741.68s

Vylix PERSON looks towards you with a bit of a knowing glance.

Speaker 95742.5s - 5744.74s

And that is where we will end this episode.

Speaker 25745.94s - 5746.62s


Speaker 95746.62s - 5765.84s

Woo! it's still just me. Amelia PERSON's still not here. If you would like to hear a little bit more from the cast,

Speaker 55766.08s - 5767.98s

maybe what they thought about the episode,

Speaker 25768.1s - 5770.14s

or maybe about literally anything else,

Speaker 55770.26s - 5775.1s

the talkbacks have been such wild sleepover energy, this arc.

Speaker 25775.54s - 5777.98s

You can listen to the verbal component over on our Patreon ORG.

Speaker 95778.1s - 5780.42s ORG slash unprepared casters.

Speaker 25780.58s - 5783.06s

Honestly, they've been such a good time.

Speaker 95783.58s - 5787.64s

A huge shout out to our safety coordinator here at Unprepared Casters, Andre Rivera PERSON.

Speaker 65787.82s - 5791.82s

You can find them at Andre Rivera Art ORG, most places on the internet.

Speaker 95792.66s - 5796.26s

If you'd like to find us on the internet, you can find us on Instagram ORG.

Speaker 65796.72s - 5798.06s

We're at Unprepared Casters ORG.

Speaker 95798.22s - 5800.52s

We're on Twibber at UnprepCasters ORG.

Speaker 55800.98s - 5806.2s

We're on YouTube at Unprepared Casters ORG as well.

Speaker 45806.64s - 5813.68s

You can also buy merch and dice that you could maybe even wear to our live show at GenCon EVENT.

Speaker 55814.1s - 5815.34s

You can get that merch.

Speaker 95815.5s - 5817.68s

It's at ORG slash shop.

Speaker 55818.02s - 5822.66s

If you want to find me, just me, on the internet, you can find me on TikTok ORG.

Speaker 05822.88s - 5823.5s

I'm at Whip Jack ORG.

Speaker 55823.58s - 5824.02s

The bitch IP.

Speaker 65824.44s - 5824.74s


Speaker 55824.8s - 5831.84s

You can find me on Twitter. I'm at Whip Jack. You can find me on Twitter. I'm at Whipjack. DeBHip-P-E-D. Jack, I'm on YouTube. I'm Haley Whipjack PERSON over there as well,

Speaker 65831.96s - 5837.38s

talking at you for just long, long, long periods of time. You can also find Amelia PERSON many places

Speaker 55837.38s - 5843.72s

by going to A very fancy thing that they have set up that I perhaps

Speaker 65843.72s - 5847.28s

should do someday as well.

Speaker 55847.58s - 5865.46s

And also a huge, huge thank you to all of our $15 and $25 patrons who have gotten us to this place in our podcasting career where we can do things like have live shows at JenCon and do things like do three years in a row of charity events for Trans Lifeline ORG.

Speaker 65866.08s - 5870s

And honestly, I don't want to get sappy and emotional about it or anything.

Speaker 55870.76s - 5874.2s

But some of you have been here from the very beginning.

Speaker 65874.2s - 5876.2s

And thank you.

Speaker 85877.28s - 5878.24s

Thank you so much.

Speaker 55879.5s - 5887.34s

Thank you to people such as Jenny Wabom, Fungitore, Dufinius, King Smiley, Ilyanapomnishi, Charlie, Adensoh PERSON,

Speaker 25887.56s - 5898.42s

Happy Little Ghost, Primbono the Muso, Fluffy Sox, Petal, Hollis, Abby Greer, Lumineli, Sarah Lewis, Jane, Florinforta, Lady Drew, Derek Rogers, Talley PERSON,

Speaker 55898.42s - 5926.92s

Talley, Alessa Brian, Lyswian, D.M. Squared, Justin, Tech Remnant, Pete Alexander, Ellen Stanfill, Zebby Lowne, Jack Simonium, Ryan Meese, Silas S, Kyle Boniol, Fay Nightshade, David Loggeman, the Kindhammers, Flinius, Andy Rowland, Rebecca Lawton, Lucas Gehr, Roo, the Mfrix McSar, Sherman Manring, Joey the Dynamo, Caroline, or Boer, Boer, Boer, Boer, Boer, Boer, Boer, Boer, Boer, Boer, Boer, Boer, Boer, Boar PERSON, Boar, Boar,

Speaker 45926.92s - 5927.92s


Speaker 55927.92s - 5933.88s

Cateroher, Dice of Silver, Daddy Diabetes, Sierra, Steps of the Palace, Remix City ORG, Amalia

Speaker 35933.88s - 5938.74s

Amalia might be three pixies in a trench coat, Grimmie Yashitae PERSON,

Speaker 55938.74s - 6012.42s

Bay Wilde, Fyreau, Martin M.H., A.J. Downs PERSON, Demon Slayer One, Elzeon Hero, Mulvin Prime, Bucket Master, Beard AcknowJ. Downs, Demon Slayer 1. Elsian Hero, Moulvin Prime, Bucketmaster PRODUCT. Beard Acknowledge, Rachel Ann, Gandalf the Gay PERSON. Nitherwine, Jesse Dovan, also Dylan PERSON. Cassidy, Mary R., Esker, Can Gisicki PERSON, Cole, South Space, Oliver Neville PERSON,Metorapena, Celtic Lord of Mice PERSON, Enchill, Andromatis Blackshire PERSON, Jade Crown, Feodor Jam PERSON, Bridges Surdock, Andy, Mage 101, A.J. Bissinger, Cobra, 111, Ian Schwarz, Marky Boy 15, Ner the Guy, Valerie Ann, Ian Strong PERSON, Zach Beckles, Courtney Danielle, S.J. Giese, Chauvin, Delilah Rose, Rachel Goodman, Bex Rhodes, Azula's Tale PERSON, Odd Pit Pat, Caroline Hardin, Jordan Richardson PERSON, Landa Litch, Finch, Beatle the Bard, Jack Goodman, Bex Rhodes, Azula's Tale, Odd Pit Pat, Caroline Hardin, Jordan Richardson,Linda Litch, Finch, Beetle the Bard, Jack Lionheart, Nicole, Guilty, Aster, Dino Queen Jules PERSON, Elma Cochran, Marigold Morrigan, DePresso, Justin Friedberg, Stefan Odom, Alan Beck PERSON, Jennifer Wilde, Gabriel the Sorcerer, Fate Grady, Juan Soto PERSON, Tired by, Poison Boy, and a concerning number of bees. Thank you.

Speaker 26016.5s - 6021.76s

Hi, I'm Alexis O'Hannion PERSON.

Speaker 06022.4s - 6086.3s

You may know me as one of the co-founders of Reddit ORG, but more recently, a large part of my identity as being a father to my two wonderful daughters. In my podcast, Business Dad WORK_OF_ART, I'm hoping to open up the conversation about balancing careers and family.The one thing I constantly hear successful people say, without fail, is that they wish they'd spent more time with their kids. That's time no one can get back. So I decided to create business dad to engage in the conversation about how we're spending our time now, providing a forum for successful dads to share their joys and challenges of being a working parent.You'll get to hear from a wide range of business dads, from Rain Wilson and Guy Raz PERSON to Todd Carmichael and Shane Battiye PERSON. And while this podcast, we'll talk about business and we'll definitely be featuring dads, I think everyone can learn something from these incredible conversations as we unpack the expectations we all have about careers, relationships, and ourselves. Business Dad WORK_OF_ART is available now, so be sure to listen and subscribe wherever you get your podcasts.