E15: Yo soy a thieving Viking TeleTubby

E15: Yo soy a thieving Viking TeleTubby

by Denis Tyrell

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84:39 minutes

published 26 days ago



Speaker 30s - 33.28s

What's up, everybody, you're listening to the Triple T podcast for Knifakers ORG. My name is Jared Sandoval from Echo Blades ORG. And always I have my buddy, Mr. Dennis Terrell from Terrell Knifemakers. My name is Jared Sandoval from Echo Blades ORG and always I have my buddy Mr. Dennis Terrell PERSON from Terrell Knifeworks I Tengo El Gato in El Pantalones ORG.

Speaker 234.4s - 36.36s

What's that? I have a cat in my pants.

Speaker 336.82s - 39.12s

Yeah, I Tengu El Grande Diablo

Speaker 239.12s - 40.46s

in the pantalones.

Speaker 342.28s - 43.44s

That's the most

Speaker 243.44s - 45.88s

Spanish NORP I've ever heard you say.

Speaker 046.26s - 48.06s

Donde is da la Biblioteca.

Speaker 250.08s - 51.5s

Donde is the banjo.

Speaker 054.92s - 58s

This is as funny as pickle saying dumb shit in French LANGUAGE.

Speaker 258.56s - 59.26s

That's right, buddy.

Speaker 059.6s - 61.12s

From the worst Mexican NORP in the world,

Speaker 361.22s - 64.36s

I'm wishing you a very, very, very merry Cinco de Mayo, sir.

Speaker 066.44s - 73.26s

Oh, yeah. I did my share. I had tacos and beer today. Nice. Tacos in Corona PRODUCT.

Speaker 374.16s - 80.58s

Good, good. I had tacos as well. I'm sure, I'm sure that completely annoys the shit out of every

Speaker 080.58s - 86.84s

real Mexican NORP. Not that you're not real, but like that all we do is

Speaker 186.84s - 91.2s

mock their holiday by eating tacos and drinking beer.

Speaker 391.5s - 112.28s

I like to think of it as celebrating, but either here nor there. How you been? What's new? Not much. Just, did I have really, really,well, it's actually frustrating, but I did have a pretty good amount of time in the shop this weekend.

Speaker 2113.54s - 113.92s

Oh, that was frustrating?

Speaker 3114.74s - 132.26s

Got some stuff done. I really have like these, what I'm realizing are goals that maybe aren't so based in reality with like what I'm going to get done. Oh, yeah. And, you know, I end up with what I end up with. Yeah.

Speaker 0133.4s - 133.96s

So that's the frustrating part.

Speaker 3136.3s - 136.4s

Kim knows when I say, yeah, I'll just be half an hour in the shop.

Speaker 0139.9s - 144.1s

She knows that means an hour and a half, like it or two hours. Yeah. Everything takes longer than you expect, right?

Speaker 3144.52s - 169.22s

Dude. Everything takes way longer you expect, right? Dude. Everything takes way longer. And then when you're nervous about some things. So I finished up the, well, not quite finished, but the tactical tuba cabra. Chuba cabra PRODUCT is pretty much a wrap. Dude, all I got to do is loob it up with some pel pelican oil sharpen it and then uh laser pecker that thing in itself.

Speaker 2172.08s - 175.04s

Loobing it up with oil and laser in your pecker.

Speaker 0175.24s - 183.44s

That's right. That might be the title of the show. I love that. Yeah.

Speaker 3183.54s - 256.8s

That's all that's left though. And I went ahead and did the re-etch on it last night after finishing up the handles. And, man, I don't know why, but etching Damascus GPE is stressful for me. You sounded stressful earlier on the phone. I was pretty stressed. I was like, I didn't want to, you know, it's stressful earlier on the phone. I was, I was pretty stressed. I was like, I didn't want to, you know, it's just there's not enough, um, application, you know, I've watched a billion fucking YouTube ORG's.I've seen it a bunch of times and, you know, but for whatever reason, it's still, uh, just nerve-wracking for me. But I did, uh, buy a very cost-effective bubler. And I was talking with Noah PERSON. And I put the little thing in there. And I was just like watching it in the gator piss. And like, I don't know, those little tiny bubbles in the aqua.They were calming to me. It kind of like chilled me out. But it came out great, man. I'm glad I switched it up and went with the galsall boats and did the, got the thing, the spine all etched up. So it looks great.

Speaker 0257.04s - 266.5s

It always looks better. Well, not always. For Damascus GPE, I think it always looks better. I think sometimes the stone wash with the silver edge can look really cool. Yeah.

Speaker 3267.86s - 293.7s

Who was I talking to? I was talking to Donnie Dulevich PERSON. He had just done one and he had the silver spine. And I asked him what his thought was and what he was thinking. Just out of curiosity, man. The knife came out great.And I liked his response. It was, uh, he, he was saying that there was enough, um, 15 and 20 in the pattern to like,

Speaker 2294.2s - 299.38s

that pop to the spine and, and kind of worked it out. And I was like, I can dig that. I can dig that.

Speaker 3300s - 301.2s

So it came out really good.

Speaker 0301.2s - 307.84s

So I guess there's a, there's a,'s a application and process for, for every single build.

Speaker 3308.56s - 308.72s


Speaker 0308.92s - 338.52s

I mean, when I do classes, because I just finished another class this weekend, we don't have time to do goals, soap boats and all that shit. So, but the most of them like to do the stone wash. But when we do the spine, because they're doing the handle, they actually buff the spine. And for some reason, like buffing the spine and it's nice and shiny, that does it for me. I like it when the spine's nice and shiny. And then you get the stone wash over the knife.

Speaker 3338.58s - 345.3s

That looks good. 100%. I completely agree. That really does make it pop here.

Speaker 0348.18s - 348.46s

So after putting this knife together, right?

Speaker 3351.3s - 354.38s

So, you know, I've had it for a long time. My plan... Too long. Yeah.

Speaker 4354.7s - 356s

Whatever. Fuck off.

Speaker 2356.5s - 362.58s

When I, you know, when I initially, you know,

Speaker 4362.84s - 367.48s

dreamt it up or was putting the handles that I picked for it.

Speaker 2367.72s - 372.14s

I have some purple box elder from Rob's Wildwood ORG.

Speaker 3372.9s - 396.62s

And I chose like a purple liner. And I had, I think I had purple pins too. But they were, it was not, it's not like a dark purple, huh? Yeah, it was like a weird purpleish colors. You'll see. Um, and I'm not against purple. Whatever, dude. Um, you just fuck me all up.

Speaker 0398.5s - 401.32s

All the good thing is the purple telitubby. Like, that's you now.

Speaker 3403.12s - 406.72s

I do look like a purple.'s great that's great now i'm

Speaker 0406.72s - 415.28s

going to be a telotubby PERSON meme fuck off bobby that's your cue telotubby and crocs thank you

Speaker 3417.44s - 424s

you'll so i telotubby PERSON oh i'm going to put that as the show notes

Speaker 0426s - 426.92s

that's pretty good.

Speaker 3427.42s - 429.18s

Anyways, back to what I was trying to say, asshole.

Speaker 2430.96s - 440.54s

The planning, you know, the scheme for your knife really doesn't play out well when you wait a long time, right?

Speaker 3440.92s - 446.1s

And then you come up with like an entirely new etching process that you didn't even,

Speaker 2446.72s - 451.88s

I don't even know if it was around when I started. That's how fucking old this is. But I really

Speaker 3451.88s - 458.86s

intended to do ferric and I have been and we'll probably do more, but I kind of liked it when

Speaker 2458.86s - 464.68s

you, you etch it in ferric and then you sand it back down and you get that like low contrast.

Speaker 3467.22s - 472.56s

You take the, so it's more gray darker gray and and with the 15 and 20 so i thought that would go good with the

Speaker 2472.56s - 482.88s

with the box elder that i had but the shit came out super dark yeah like really awesome dark

Speaker 1482.88s - 486.4s

and then i was kind of like looking at it.

Speaker 3486.62s - 488.76s

And I'm like, I don't know, you know.

Speaker 1488.86s - 494.96s

And then when I finished the box elder, this shit came out so nice.

Speaker 2495.42s - 497.54s

Like it almost looks like a rock.

Speaker 4498.04s - 499.22s

It doesn't even look like wood.

Speaker 3499.6s - 500.66s

I was thinking the same thing.

Speaker 4500.74s - 507.08s

When I saw it on the today, it looks like a like a polished stone kind of thing.

Speaker 3507.08s - 528.7s

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. It came out like crazy. So, I mean, it is what it is. And the customer's happy with it. So that's all that matters. But that's a block from Oleg, right? No, that's Rob ORG's Wild. Oh, it's Rob. Okay. Yeah. That's some just box sale or rural. I mean, it just came out like, I was like, I always take them,

Speaker 0528.7s - 531.02s

I mean, it's still my favorite.

Speaker 3531.54s - 533.1s

Yes, it's still my favorite.

Speaker 4533.1s - 534.66s

The yellow is in it and it looks awesome.

Speaker 3534.92s - 535.24s


Speaker 0535.4s - 538.64s

And then I'll go and I'll show my son and my wife.

Speaker 3540.14s - 541.32s

I'll show them the shitty one.

Speaker 0541.36s - 542.58s

I'll be like, this looks great, huh?

Speaker 3543.66s - 544.9s

And then I'll show them the other one.

Speaker 0544.92s - 546.58s

They're like, are you messing with me?

Speaker 3547.46s - 548.86s

Yeah, it just looked like a rock, dude.

Speaker 0548.86s - 549.66s

So it was pretty cool.

Speaker 3549.76s - 560.76s

And I started thinking about how you really have to, like, envision these things, you know, for the end product.

Speaker 0561.9s - 562.32s


Speaker 3562.76s - 565.9s

I guess it just comes with experience with how much, how many times you,

Speaker 2566.06s - 566.3s

you know,

Speaker 3566.46s - 569.42s

work with a certain material and how it all comes together.

Speaker 0569.72s - 570.68s

But, um,

Speaker 3571.3s - 571.48s


Speaker 2571.52s - 571.6s

it was,

Speaker 3571.6s - 572.22s

it was weird.

Speaker 2572.22s - 573.34s

It was a kind of like a,

Speaker 3573.34s - 575.36s

a moment where I was just like,

Speaker 1575.36s - 578.08s

this is nothing like I originally planned,

Speaker 3578.12s - 578.38s

you know,

Speaker 0578.52s - 579.5s


Speaker 3580.3s - 580.74s


Speaker 0580.78s - 598.86s

I usually pick out the hand material. If I'm going to do liners, stuff like, I'm thinking about the hand material, if I'm going to do liners, stuff like that. I'm thinking about the hand material, like when I'm doing the Damascus GPE or I'm like, before I'm hand sanding the blade, I'm thinking about what the material is. And I usually have it picked out already at that point.

Speaker 3600.16s - 616.8s

Yeah, I mean, for pattern welded, you kind of got to let the pattern kind of speak to you. Sure. Yeah. For mono steel, I think you can make whatever you want look great. Yeah. Cool.

Speaker 0619.48s - 636.88s

What have I been doing this week? Oh, it's Kim's birthday tomorrow for you guys listening would be yesterday uh so my wife's birthday yay she tells everybody she tells everyone she's 32 but not

Speaker 3636.88s - 642.48s

quite oh 30 it doesn't matter neither one's right but i'm not going to tell you the actual one

Speaker 0642.48s - 651.46s

because you're i said 21 i mean you're just because you're brown noser that's why well because kim's awesome that's all so did i

Speaker 3651.46s - 658.48s

did i tell you that we went uh indoor skydiving this week no i picked up somewhere on the

Speaker 0658.48s - 665.74s

socials that that happened because i think originally it was we were potential like cruise or something

Speaker 3665.74s - 667.1s

dinner cruise on the bay right?

Speaker 0667.34s - 671.74s

Yeah, yeah. Well, we changed. But this wasn't for her birthday. Oh, you just

Speaker 3671.74s - 679.86s

get the shit out of her for no reason. I'm going to tell you the quick story. So when we were in December and Cabo with our friends,

Speaker 0680.1s - 741s

Dan and DeMay, she knows I don't like pedicures and I don't want a pedicure and a manicure. That is not my thing. And so she signed us up anyway because you get a free pedicure manicure massage and she knows I just want the massage. And we get down there and the lady goes, okay, so I have you set up for four pedicures. I'm like, no, I'm not doing it. And she's like, no, no, come on, do it. I'm like, no,I'm not doing it. And we had this like five minute argument in front of like this, this beautiful spa. And I'm like, no, I don't want to do it. And then I finally caved and I said, fine, you have to do something that I pick. So that's finally that this was her payback. The four of us went indoor skydiving because I knew it would kind of freak her out, but she would still kind of like it.She says she hated it, but I know she didn't. But it's pretty fun. Have you ever done it? You got a pedicure? I did. No.Yeah, I did get a pedicure in December, but. That's good.

Speaker 3742.54s - 744.08s

That's how you make your crox playing.

Speaker 0747.14s - 748.34s

You're on your way, bro. You're on your way, bro.

Speaker 3748.46s - 775.18s

You're on your way. No, it's not going to happen. Oh, man. Speaking of, not to, I have not been indoor skydiving. I think skydiving is, I don't want to be disrespectful to people that do it. But so a wise person once told me there's only two things that fall out of the sky. That's bird shit and idiots. So I don't want to be disrespectful to people that do it. But so wise person once told me there's only two things that fall out of the sky.That's bird shit and idiots. So I don't fuck around. Lynn PERSON wants to go like really bad. And I, yeah.

Speaker 0776.1s - 785.86s

Yeah, this was indoor skydiving for everyone. I didn't hear that. You're in like one of those tubes with a like, it's like 10 feet across and there's a big fan under you and.

Speaker 3786.06s - 790.96s

And how high up to the roof do you go? You just stay like five feet on the ground? Yeah.

Speaker 0791.16s - 791.74s

You're like.

Speaker 3792.38s - 792.98s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 0793.06s - 793.56s

Shoulder head.

Speaker 3794.26s - 794.94s

Yeah, that's okay.

Speaker 0795.26s - 797.14s

But you're floating like like you would.

Speaker 3797.2s - 797.94s

And if you were free fall.

Speaker 0798.72s - 799.62s

It's really fun.

Speaker 3799.68s - 800.78s

If you haven't tried, you should try it.

Speaker 0801.22s - 805.52s

Where did you go? Union City GPE. It was Union City GPE. That's one I was going to say.

Speaker 3805.86s - 809s

Yeah, the closest one I think is Sacramento or something.

Speaker 0810s - 811.78s

Yeah. That's cool.

Speaker 3812.14s - 828.68s

Yeah, it was good. Nice. Yeah. Now I don't think it's that bad. See, don't be a pussy. I bought ham. This isn't news here.All right.

Speaker 0828.74s - 836.2s

So we got a lot of stuff to talk about. Where are we going to start today? I don't know.

Speaker 3836.28s - 844.42s

It was kind of a boring week, to be honest with you. Not much happened. I mean, I heard some rumblins here and there, but nothing interesting, that's for sure.

Speaker 0844.72s - 848s

Yeah, I agree. Nothing interesting happened. No. I mean, I do some rumblins here and there, but nothing interesting, that's for sure. Yeah, I agree. Nothing interesting happened. No.

Speaker 3848.56s - 871.68s

I mean, I do want to point out the fact that you completely fucking botched the fire and steel thing. It had me reconsidering all kinds of stuff. And then I'm like, you know, the next day I started reading some posts. And I'm like, these fools are not serious. And here I am. I got, what's the word you used?Hoodwinked? Is that?

Speaker 2872.68s - 874.44s

Well, another Canadian NORP term.

Speaker 0875.14s - 940.64s

To be fair, I, okay. So for everyone, Fire and Steel ORG podcast is not over. They basically were saying they ended the show. They only ended their second, whatever they call it, season or whatever.It was bullshit. But I sent Toby PERSON and owner a message saying, I've only listened to the first five minutes. I'm thinking you guys are either full of shit or whatever. And I can't believe you're throwing in the towel. And then they even responded back to me like they didn't confirm or they didn't deny that they weren't ending it.So that's what kind of sealed it for me. So it wasn't just me. And it's they only, they only told everyone in like the last 30 seconds of the show. And I'm not the only one because they lost two patrons because they thought the show was ending. So they canceled their Patreon ORG. So I'm pretty sure the joke is on Toby PERSON and owner for that. Well, they were committed. I mean, full send on the commitment there.

Speaker 2940.64s - 945.26s

Right. I did talk to them.

Speaker 0946.26s - 947.6s

It was like Thursday.

Speaker 2948.14s - 957.38s

And he said, oh, yeah, we're recording right now. Do you want to come on and do the winners? I'm like, the voting's not even over yet. I can't come on and tell you who the winners are. So, yeah.

Speaker 0958.64s - 959.8s

So you still got your way.

Speaker 3960.62s - 961.42s

Well, yeah.

Speaker 0962.28s - 963.16s

Ah, so that's good.

Speaker 3964.16s - 967.38s

Toby, the owner, are Wankers ORG. Toby, the owner are Wankers and we will continue.

Speaker 2969.34s - 971.82s

Your Wankers from the triple twats.

Speaker 3974.32s - 982.56s

So we will be announcing the winners of the Viking Challenge today on this podcast right here.

Speaker 0983.36s - 983.9s


Speaker 3984.7s - 985.3s


Speaker 0985.72s - 992.86s

But we're going to save it to the end of the show to make you fuckers listen to the whole thing. And no fast forwarding. That's cheating.

Speaker 3994.02s - 997.72s

There's not even a fast forward option on this episode. Oh, there isn't?

Speaker 0997.84s - 1002.66s

Oh, we took it away? Yeah. Oh, cool. Yeah. All right. I didn't know I had that power.

Speaker 31003.26s - 1004.32s

It's our form of clickbait.

Speaker 01006.16s - 1008.32s

Keep pushing it. Just try, fuckers.

Speaker 31011.84s - 1012.9s

Oh, man.

Speaker 01013.46s - 1100.6s

So some other exciting stuff happened this week. The Sand Shark PRODUCT sanding machine went up for pre-order. And I am tickled pink, thrilled. Any other kind of euphemisms you want to say for being excited, that they sold out, the pre-order was 25,because they didn't want to go crazy, 25 sold out in like eight hours. Wow. So it was, I was blown away. I did not think,I thought maybe 10 or 15, but I didn't think all 25 and then I'm getting messages from people, hey, I can't buy them. They're all sold out. So I'm probably going to, I am going to open up another drop next week. I wanted to get parts ordered, the machining of the parts underway. I didn't want to be like, get too ahead of myself. So sometime next week and you'll see messages and IG posts and all that shit about the second dropopening up. But I do have to say that I do my website through GoDaddy ORG and they froze my account because they're like, what's going on? Like, what do you mean pre-order? Like you got to, and I basically had to send them proof of like my bank statement, my like the invoices for parts that I ordered when it was going to be available because

Speaker 11100.6s - 1109.42s

they want to make sure I'm not scamming people, which, you know, I was not upset that, I was not upset that they were, they were verifying this. But, you know, they turned it

Speaker 31109.42s - 1117.06s

around in a day. So it was pretty good. Wow. That's a trip. Well, congratulations, man. That's,

Speaker 01117.12s - 1123.34s

that's a big deal. It's been awesome. I've been super excited. And now there's going to be like

Speaker 31123.34s - 1130.96s

a truckload of parts coming to, coming to the house. I don't know where I'm going to put them. But yeah.

Speaker 01132s - 1137.48s

Damn. Yeah, I had a couple people messages me that they got in on the pre-order and I was like, man, right on.

Speaker 31138.52s - 1142.9s

Yeah. Yeah. I mean, I wasn't hoping it bombed, but that would have been funny.

Speaker 01144.1s - 1144.58s


Speaker 31146.64s - 1148.84s

So much for your second version.

Speaker 01149.16s - 1149.54s


Speaker 31151.34s - 1153.16s

I'm going to keep you on that old prototype.

Speaker 01153.84s - 1154.18s


Speaker 41155.3s - 1155.82s

Oh, geez.

Speaker 01155.98s - 1157.78s

No, that's really freaking awesome, dude.

Speaker 21158.7s - 1159.36s

Yeah, it was good.

Speaker 41159.36s - 1164s

I was pretty shocked when I read that you're, that you got them off that quick, man.

Speaker 31164.06s - 1164.46s

That's cool.

Speaker 21164.96s - 1165.68s

Yeah, it was good

Speaker 01165.68s - 1179.6s

so uh what else what's on your side well you know i kind of i had a pretty uh pretty big uh day on

Speaker 31179.6s - 1194.62s

thursday for me um i was fortunate enough to to wake up for the 6,2010th day consecutive DATE without the use of drugs and alcohol.

Speaker 11195.68s - 1198.58s

And that math converts over to 17 years.

Speaker 31199.58s - 1200.2s

Good, that's, buddy.

Speaker 11200.6s - 1201.12s

Thank you.

Speaker 31201.3s - 1202.48s

I do appreciate that.

Speaker 01203.46s - 1206.56s

You know, I've thought about for a long time,

Speaker 11207.02s - 1212.44s

you know, I've learned over the years that it's something that I don't necessarily just share

Speaker 01212.44s - 1218.74s

as opposed to when I first got clean. I used to just run around telling everybody, hey,

Speaker 31218.74s - 1411.6s

yeah, I'm an ex-dopeein, right off the cup, you know, right off the rip and just sharing because, you know, you're, you live a life where things are bad, right? And you make a change for the good and you start, you know, participating in, and, uh, positive things, right? And you get a support group and, and different people in your life. And then, you know, as opposed to all the negative feedback that I used to get when I was, uh, using, um to share and um but i've learned over the years that not everybodyis very um open minded and you know understanding when you you know just voluntarily blurt shit out like that um you know and i'm a recovering addict uh not that there's anything difference between a recovering alcoholic or alcoholism um It's all the same to me. But when I say recovering addict, you know, I get a, you get a different look, right? So I share when it's appropriate, right? But I do feel that we have a responsibility as people in recovery to share that, you know, it is possible, right?And that's kind of my, I mean, that's the whole reasoning for the program that I used is to, you know, to give back and share, you know, that we can change and people do. So, but leading up to that, every year, every time that it's been, it's always pretty emotional time for me, you know, a lot of nostalgia, a lot of, it's not guilt or shame, but it's trying to um, trying to firmly understand and, and remember how shitty things were and that it's not like that today, right? So I don't ever want to forget how it was, um,when I was actively using and how shitty everything was and what a scumbag I was. Um, so, uh, it's a, it's a pretty emotional, um, week, I should say. And then that day is, is really, uh, something else. So, um, it's really good to feel all those feelings, though. You know, it's not that I want to make this about the, you know, something that this show is not really about. But I think it's important because there may be somebody out there that's, you know, maybe even thinking or, um,, you know. And I can just tell you that, um, today my life is infinitely better. And, um, I'm a better husband, a better father, a better friend, a better employee, a better just all around. I laugh just as hard as I ever have. I mean, you could see, you know, I'm pretty, uh, pretty happy go lucky guy, you know, and I do that with all without ever, you know, um, using. So, um, life is good, man. And I just,uh, appreciate all the people that if you are listening and you've been a part of this, uh, from before, during or, you know, in the future, you know, I appreciate the support. Um, and I just special shoutouts to my family my wife and my kids for uh loving me through all that and i uh i love you and i thank you so

Speaker 01412.52s - 1425.6s

no i'm super proudy and i i didn't know you before i know you now and you know i can't imagine what you went through back then and how you felt but hearing you talk about it now we've had tons of conversation about it and i'm happy you talk about it now, we've had tons of conversation

Speaker 41425.6s - 1433.56s

about it. And I'm happy you talked about it. I think you should. It's a part of you. It's behind

Speaker 01433.56s - 1440.14s

you. And I'm super proud of you for, you know, for you and your family. And, you know, good job.

Speaker 31440.14s - 1491.6s

Yeah. Thank you. I really appreciate it. And the important part is that it's, it's not behind me, right? It's a choice that we make every single day. And just kind of want to make sure that that's not clear. Like, I don't have this thing licked. I don't feel like I have this thing licked. You know, there's moments where I'm in situations that I got to make these very basic, fundamental, you know, the tool bag that you build to make a decision every single day, because that's how you get here. It's just for today. Every day you make a decision. I think I heard somebody put a post. It was probably Brian, but it was about, you know, like every time it gets real shitty, I'll think, you know, I'll just get, I'll just get fucked up tomorrow, right?I'll tell myself that every day that that happens, right? And I reconsider. my sponsor used to tell me just just justify it to me jared and we'll get we'll go get hammered together you know and i can

Speaker 01491.6s - 1497.98s

never you know i can never rationalize it right yeah and uh you know and the next day you know

Speaker 11497.98s - 1503.36s

all these feelings are temporary and i and i end up uh thankfully waking up and with a new frame of

Speaker 31503.36s - 1506.32s

mind and yeah that's good like tell me how

Speaker 01506.32s - 1511.12s

it's going to make you feel better and uh yeah how's it's going to make it anything better anything

Speaker 31511.12s - 1516.32s

right you know change it's a really good i've never heard that before but that's a good one yeah um

Speaker 01516.32s - 1524.96s

so it takes work and it and it's you know a commitment and um you know i wish i was uh more active

Speaker 31524.96s - 1565s

in the process than i used to be, but, you know, the lasting, recover, longevity of it all, you know, it's a, it's definitely a journey, but just no disillusions that, you know, every morning, it's a choice, you know, and I just, I'm grateful to have, you know, to consistently make this choice, you know, to allow me to be here right now drinking sparkling water well I'm glad you made the good choice so yeah you don't want to see me after about six or seven sparkling waters boy you'd be in the bathroom peeing. Give me a break.

Speaker 41565.44s - 1566.72s


Speaker 31567.92s - 1568.2s

But yeah, that was cool.

Speaker 41570.62s - 1570.78s

That's good.

Speaker 31571.52s - 1573.44s

I'm glad it's over.

Speaker 01574.46s - 1576.74s

March on here. Yeah, on to 18, right?

Speaker 31578.12s - 1605.64s

Yes, yes, yes. Cool. I had a couple of feedback things, too, that I wanted to talk about was the really importantly. Team Crocs ORG is growing. Where's your mute button? I'm going to mute you.It's here, dude. It's a fact. Team Crocs ORG is growing. Team fresh and clean is growing.

Speaker 01607.48s - 1609.38s

I got a couple more people jumping in on my side. What are you going to make T-shirts for Blade or something?

Speaker 31609.78s - 1613.98s

I'm just going to, you know, just let everybody know, you know.

Speaker 01614.04s - 1617s

If you want to wear Crocs ORG and have a nice fade, then, you know, come hang on.

Speaker 31618.72s - 1621.1s

Those two things should be polar opposite.

Speaker 01622.12s - 1623.28s

No, no.

Speaker 31623.28s - 1626.22s

But the major one was

Speaker 01626.22s - 1628.2s

the question that we asked about

Speaker 31628.2s - 1631.44s

leaving the belts on the ground. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 21632.48s - 1633.3s


Speaker 31633.3s - 1667.5s

at first I got a bunch of people that were, yeah, of course you take them off. Of course you take them off. But my buddy Noah at Antioat ORG we were discussing the project the concept or the topic and so we reached out to an abrasive supplier that just a look at you doing research yeah and uh it you're full of shit that's

Speaker 01667.5s - 1672.72s

what it comes down to there's no basis behind i told you i had no it was like personal belief i

Speaker 31672.72s - 1681.24s

didn't have any facts yeah so jeff's had a had an interesting take on it too that um he at his

Speaker 01681.24s - 1688.62s

company they actually have a uh a machine, when the belts, you know,

Speaker 31688.66s - 1691.7s

you get the belt that's a little wonky and it's not tracking right.

Speaker 01691.7s - 1698.24s

They actually put it in a tensioning machine for a little bit to like help stretch it out.

Speaker 11698.4s - 1700.44s

And sometimes that brings it back.

Speaker 31700.68s - 1704.84s

That's what he was sharing with me that actually by stretching it out,

Speaker 01705.9s - 1713.06s

or keeping it in tension, not stretching it by any means that um it actually is beneficial for those uh wonky ones

Speaker 31713.06s - 1719.3s

and i think the only one that you know is probably makes sense not to recommend to keep on is like

Speaker 01719.3s - 1725.44s

a leather for a stropping i could see that that one, you know, blowing out.

Speaker 31727.48s - 1728.04s

You'll stretch longer and long.

Speaker 01732.28s - 1733.74s

You'll have a frigging 2 by 90, but you keep it up.

Speaker 31739.38s - 1743.96s

So, yeah, but there was quite other people that felt the opposite way, too. But so I think it doesn't matter.

Speaker 01744.6s - 1750.72s

Oh, we should call Miss Busters PERSON and get them to do some actual scientific study. Yeah.

Speaker 41752.48s - 1754.74s

I will still continue to take them off tension.

Speaker 01754.92s - 1770.26s

I don't know. Force of habit. I just see it on there and I'm like, even my compound bow, it always freaked me out at first when I got my compound bow. I'm like that I couldn't take the string off. It just feels weird. Yeah.

Speaker 31770.66s - 1790.3s

I don't, I just, I've never noticed it. I didn't ever pay attention to it until I got back and I looked and I had two belts in tension on my grinders. And I was just like, huh, maybe there's something there. But I guess if you're not leaving them there for like weeks and weeks and weeks, it really doesn't, I don't think it matters about.

Speaker 01790.84s - 1796.22s

I don't know. Keep it coming. Let us know. Yeah. And if there's any other dumb shit we need to talk

Speaker 31796.22s - 1801.2s

about kind of like that, let us know. Yeah. Absolutely. With anything you want.

Speaker 11801.5s - 1808.64s

Dumb shit. If you ever would just want to disagree with Dennis PERSON, send me a message and I'll be sure to call him a dumbassie.

Speaker 31808.64s - 1810.1s

We'll create a topic around it.

Speaker 11810.1s - 1810.26s


Speaker 31812.06s - 1814.38s

And you could anonymously say he's full of shit.

Speaker 01815.96s - 1816.42s


Speaker 31819.92s - 1822.22s

You want to know who's not full of shit?

Speaker 11823.32s - 1824s

Tell me.

Speaker 01824.48s - 1826.38s

Mr. Lawrence Lake at Maritime Knife Supply ORG.

Speaker 11826.5s - 1827.58s

He's not full of shit.

Speaker 31828.16s - 1832.52s

And it was funny because I just, I was, I was, I had the guy in the shop today.

Speaker 01832.6s - 1834.88s

I was talking about Maritime ORG, of course.

Speaker 31834.88s - 1841.4s

And, uh, and, uh, I told the story about Blade Show and how Lawrence PERSON and I were standing

Speaker 01841.4s - 1842.82s

beside each other and we look really like.

Speaker 31842.96s - 1845.58s

And I'm like, okay, maybe we don't really look like.

Speaker 01845.8s - 1849.14s

And then I get on Facebook and I see that Lawrence PERSON updated his picture.

Speaker 31849.24s - 1851.56s

I'm like, fuck, yeah, we really do look like.

Speaker 41851.9s - 1852.58s

No, yeah, you do.

Speaker 01854.24s - 1857.58s

Especially if he's got a hat on because, you know, I got a little bit more hair than him, but.

Speaker 31862.68s - 1869.18s

But if you need anything knife related and you want to get it from a really good looking guy,

Speaker 01869.42s - 1871.18s

you need to go to Maritime Knife Supply ORG.

Speaker 31871.58s - 1872.82s

Who can dunk, by the way?

Speaker 01874.62s - 1876.12s

Well, in his 20s, come on.

Speaker 31879.18s - 1880.96s

Go to Maritime Knife Supply ORG.

Speaker 01880.96s - 1882.34s

I got all you need.

Speaker 31882.96s - 1887.62s

I pulled out the Kidex for the sheath for the class today.

Speaker 41888s - 1889s

Maritime knife supply.

Speaker 31889.48s - 1890.92s

Pins, you name it.

Speaker 01891.08s - 1896.28s

Everything I get at maritime knife supply. So you should too. Absolutely.

Speaker 31896.48s - 1917.68s

Same. The tactical jupacabra is brought to you by steel from maritime, pins from maritime, liners from maritime, and scales I got from Rob's ORG. A gator piss? Did you get the gator piss from maritime? Sure, yeah, I did, actually.That's right.

Speaker 21919.18s - 1920.54s

Via coy, but yeah.

Speaker 31923.24s - 1924.2s

Well, you know.

Speaker 21925.96s - 1932.8s

So, yeah, go to Maritime fly for all your knife making needs, hands down, one-stop shop.

Speaker 31933.42s - 1939.36s

And I can't wait to Blade to get there because we always hang out and have a great time.

Speaker 21939.82s - 1940.52s

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 31940.52s - 1940.86s

Good dude.

Speaker 21941.42s - 1946.3s

We'll do the compulsory picture in the pit of Lawrence PERSON and I. Yeah.

Speaker 31948.3s - 1956.58s

Brothers. Brothers. All right. I think we need to get to one of the two major topics of the podcast.

Speaker 01958.68s - 1964.82s

That I missed out on Trout Opener last week, too. That's something I meant to talk about.

Speaker 31966.26s - 1973.98s

You missed out on Trout Opener? Yeah.. Every year, for many, many, many years, I go up to June Lake LOC for the seasonal

Speaker 01973.98s - 1983.66s

trout opener. But it's May. I know. So I missed it. It opens the last week of April. I think it was last

Speaker 31983.66s - 1986.46s

week. You know, the fish are still there the first week of May, right?

Speaker 01987.26s - 1989.12s

Yeah, but they're not as hungry.

Speaker 31993.52s - 1995.64s

I mean, there couldn't be anything more important than that.

Speaker 01995.64s - 2003.7s

And also, I mean, I do need to tell you that the Oakland Athletics went on a six-game winning streak out of nowhere.

Speaker 32004.06s - 2008.06s

So, like, it was the only thing that, you know,

Speaker 02008.56s - 2011.08s

stop the presses.

Speaker 32011.56s - 2016.64s

Everybody just stop what they're doing and listen to Jared PERSON's favorite team.

Speaker 02017.48s - 2018.54s

Six in a row.

Speaker 32019.04s - 2019.92s

Six in a row.

Speaker 02020.38s - 2023.76s

Maybe the last six they win, but it was fantastic to watch.

Speaker 32024.36s - 2025.94s

Every day I get updates.

Speaker 42026.06s - 2026.4s

I'm like, up.

Speaker 02026.4s - 2027.24s

They got their ass with up.

Speaker 32027.24s - 2028.56s

They got, holy shit, they won.

Speaker 02028.72s - 2029.88s

Did they just sweep the pirates?

Speaker 32030.16s - 2030.56s


Speaker 02031.2s - 2032.04s

Does that team suck?

Speaker 22033.4s - 2033.8s


Speaker 32037.24s - 2037.56s


Speaker 02041.16s - 2042.58s

So I don't know what else.

Speaker 32042.92s - 2047.26s

I mean, I think we can end the show now because those are the most important things for sure.

Speaker 02047.86s - 2062.12s

Oh, no, no. We have to talk about the work for it guys and us, me, mostly, you mostly got shrapnel getting called out on the work for a podcast by my friend, Brian House PERSON.

Speaker 32063.32s - 2065.5s

So where do we start?

Speaker 02066.56s - 2067.58s

You're a thief?

Speaker 32070.44s - 2071.62s

And the liar?

Speaker 42073.66s - 2078.54s

So for anyone that does know, we're talking about maybe we should reel it back in and tell

Speaker 32078.54s - 2079.2s

them what happened.

Speaker 42080.02s - 2080.42s


Speaker 02080.56s - 2081.26s

You're going to play the clip?

Speaker 32081.74s - 2082.18s

No, I'm kidding.

Speaker 02082.18s - 2187.14s

No. I'm kidding. So in our podcast last week, I talked about getting the spoon making kit, which is the two suage blocks, the top, the bottom block, the copper for the spoon and the handle and the rivets. You can buy that kit from Housemade ORG and make a spoon. And scoop, spoon, whatever, spoon. I called a spoon kit, but I guess it's a scoop. But so, and I, in last week's episode, I talkedabout, you know, I was excited to get it. And then I, before I made the scoop, I took it upstairs and I went to Fusion 360 and I made some, I wanted to make, you know, I was going to make, and I am, making these, I wanted a bunch to sell it, like some local fairs here and stuff like that. And I get called out and they played that clip on the Work for a ORG podcast in the opener. And basically, Brian was like, I can't believe someone from the community is stealing and thieving my work. And, okay, and Brian and Brent PERSON and I had already talked about it.And for everyone, don't worry, we're all friends. We all worked it out. But they basically did, I think the whole half or 75% of the show on, you know, other people's work and copying other people's work. But I do want to defend myself here. And I told Brian and Brent PERSON the same thing.

Speaker 32187.54s - 2188.48s

There's no going back, dude.

Speaker 02188.72s - 2200.88s

Oh, no. I got it. And I told them this on the phone. They know all this. So I'm telling you guys, the audience, the 20 people out there are the listening. 19 now.Yeah, right. Don't fuck with Brian.

Speaker 12201.28s - 2202.04s

He's a thief.

Speaker 42203.8s - 2207.48s

So don't send me hate mail about how I'm dissing Brian.

Speaker 02207.62s - 2209.2s

I'm explaining what happened.

Speaker 42210.12s - 2216.16s

So months and months ago when Brian started the Scoop Project ORG, by the way, where did the

Speaker 02216.16s - 2219.32s

Scoop Project idea come from, Jared PERSON? I don't know.

Speaker 32219.38s - 2255.1s

Speaking of stealing ideas, but I know there was this time that, you know, I mean, it really brought up a very emotional time for me because, you know, during this whole, you know, a scenario that we just experienced here with the work for it. Because, you know, last year at the foundry, we were sitting around the table in Florida GPE. Hot as fuck, no matter what time of day it is, sweating our balls off. What is that thing called outside?Weather?

Speaker 02258.56s - 2260.64s

No, the fucking in case you, I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Where you sit outside, that little.

Speaker 22260.94s - 2262.24s

Oh, Lanai LOC.

Speaker 32262.8s - 2264.54s

The Lanai LOC, yeah, that's right.

Speaker 02264.9s - 2273.74s

You lie in the lanai. This actually happened in the shop, by the way. It was not in the Lanai LOC, but go ahead.

Speaker 32274.4s - 2306.42s

At any rate, we were standing around. I think it was at the Lanai LOC because I told everybody that I wanted to make a spoon. And I got laughed at, made fun of, called just the horriblest names, only to find out that this guy wrote it down in his pocket and took it and created an entire billion dollar industry of making scoops. So I don't know, man. I'm a little pissed off, but, you know, I guess.

Speaker 02306.9s - 2324.56s

And 100% this is 100% true because I was one of the people making fun of Jets ORG. Like, what do you fucking, what are you making spoons? Like, what are you? Like, come on, making spoons. Oh, I said I wanted to make copper. Copper spoons. I remember. And we, we all did laugh at

Speaker 22324.56s - 2325.68s

you. I had a good laugh.

Speaker 32327.44s - 2330.86s

Brian was just snickering because I think he was writing at the same time.

Speaker 02331.42s - 2332.06s

This is true.

Speaker 32332.26s - 2345.6s

Yeah, it was weird. He was like, oh, no, I'm just doing something else. But yeah. I mean, I'm calling some reverse thievery here. But that did happen.

Speaker 02345.8s - 2418.46s

But in all seriousness, back to the story. So a couple of months ago, I said, Brian, so like, are people, like, what do you expect of this? Like, he's like, oh, yeah, I totally want people to get them and buy them and make spoons to resell. So that was my plan by the little kid.And Jared PERSON can back me up on this. I had all of the materials to make the swage. I have and still have the ball bearings and everything. So I had all that material to make the switch. But I saw that Brian had it. I said, I'll just support Brian and I'll buy it from him.Unbeknownst to me, I'm going to catch all this shit for I didn't know that Brian was selling and expecting people to buy the materials from him, meaning the actual spoon, like, okay, you buy the making kit, but if you wanted to make more spoons, you were supposed to buy them from Brian. I didn't know that. I didn were supposed to buy them from Brian. I didn't know that.I didn't know he had them for sale. So I thought he expected us, if you wanted to make more spoons, go fucking find them yourself and go do it. So, and that's what I told him and Brent PERSON on the phone.

Speaker 12418.54s - 2425.64s

Like, I didn't know you guys were selling those. I thought you wanted people to go do that. So, or else, I'm not a dumbass.

Speaker 02425.72s - 2435.52s

I wouldn't have told everyone on the podcast, oh yeah, hey, this is what you do. You go to Fusion 360 PRODUCT and you do this. And then you order them from Send cut send. You know, of course.

Speaker 12435.52s - 2435.88s

It was brazen.

Speaker 32436.3s - 2441.74s

It was so brazen. Yeah. I'm giving Brian and Brent PERSON a big middle finger on the podcast. Like, yeah.

Speaker 02443.32s - 2454.28s

So, but we all worked it out. I do think this, you know, a learning experience on both sides. First of all, don't tell Brian what you do it. I'm kidding.

Speaker 32454.7s - 2475.12s

Well, yeah, I mean, secretly I have an Etsy page where I stole Brian's idea and I have a really big announcement right now. I am with all of the money that I made from the copper spoon treachery design thieving, I am now joining Dennis Terrell in retirement after Blade Show EVENT. I just made a fucking killing on these

Speaker 22475.12s - 2483.6s

things. So, buddy, thank you for the inspiration. I really appreciate. We're going to call it Tyrell

Speaker 32483.6s - 2485.34s

Echo Blade Knifeworks PRODUCT. Yeah, exactly. All right. Yep. going to call it Tyrell Echo Blade Knifeworks?

Speaker 02486.38s - 2486.68s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 32486.96s - 2487.02s

All right.

Speaker 02487.2s - 2487.44s


Speaker 32487.96s - 2489.6s

Let's do it.

Speaker 02492s - 2497.38s

But I do think there was some learning on both sides. I think Brian has learned that, you know, they're a little, the kits he sells are a little

Speaker 32497.38s - 2501.58s

overpriced if he expects people to buy them to resell.

Speaker 02501.74s - 2626.14s

I just don't think there's enough money in it for people that want to do it that way. So, and he's looking at other avenues, getting a page set up with send cuts. So good has come out of this. And like Brian has said to us, like the equivalent of like no publicity is bad publicity, like this got so much attention on it, so much more attention on the Scoot project that it's all good. We're all good. You know, it, but it was, it was certainly like, it's one of those moments like, wait, someone's mad at me for what? What? What did I do? Um, so, uh, it was like, I get a message from Brent PERSON saying, uh, can we chat? And I'm like, sure.I'm thinking he's going to ask me some questions. And he's like, fires out of the gate at me. Like, so what's your opinion on stealing designs? And I'm like, what are you talking about? And he's like, the spoon project, the scoot project. You just, it's okay to just steal the, I'm like, what are you talking about?You guys don't even sell those. He goes, yeah, we do. I'm like, oh, I didn't. And mean, seriously, why we were talking on the phone. I had to look it up in a houseman. I'm like, oh, fuck, you guys do sell those. Yeah, no idea.Didn't know. But, you know, I'm on the vein. And then they got into talking on the podcast and B. Cone PERSON said something about, oh, I wasn't sure if I was going to, in my class, want to teach my, my class with my K-tip Gyoto. And Brian correctly said him straight and said, there's no original designs. And Brian, I'm going to bust your balls a little bit. Like,everybody has K-Tip Gyoto PRODUCT that's full tank. Like, there's nothing original there, right? Come on. So I give away my designs. All my patrons have my designs. I've seen my designs from people making knives. And I'll usually send a little tester comment, say, hey, that looks really good. And they're like, oh, yeah, of course it does.That's your design. And I'm like, I love that. I make, I have no problem with that. As long as they're not going to, like, put a Terrell Knifeworks PRODUCT.

Speaker 12626.38s - 2630.84s

Maker's ORG mark on it, try to sell it as mine. All right, right, right. Yeah.

Speaker 02632.02s - 2657.92s

So I think, you know, make your version of whatever the design is, the end product should tell the story, not does that profile look like my profile? Come on. There's not that many designs out there. And especially if you're talking about like full tang knives, there is not that many designs out there that are unique.There just isn't. True.

Speaker 32658.64s - 2686.12s

I think it was, I mean, to kind of bring it all around. I think it's really, really important, and it's a good topic. And I think I may have heard like it's something that should be talked about, you know, for our community to just kind of,it's not like a quit your bitching type thing, but it's a, you know, like chill the fuck out. Let it go. Let it go.

Speaker 02686.44s - 2687.32s

Let it go.

Speaker 22687.7s - 2688.5s

Oh, my God, do it.

Speaker 02690.56s - 2692.3s

That's as much singing as you ever hold on.

Speaker 22692.76s - 2692.78s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 02692.78s - 2693.7s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 12693.92s - 2694.9s

You'll be you'd have to.

Speaker 22695s - 2696.26s

I'd hold it back anymore.

Speaker 02698.12s - 2699.64s

Still my designs.

Speaker 12699.76s - 2700.26s

Go ahead.

Speaker 02702.78s - 2705.48s

See, that was, you're the lyric me.

Speaker 12705.66s - 2707.4s

Oh, I will, yeah.

Speaker 02707.9s - 2708.9s

Catch me in the pit.

Speaker 12708.98s - 2709.92s

Maybe I'll sing you a song.

Speaker 42710.28s - 2710.96s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 12710.98s - 2711.72s

That was beautiful.

Speaker 42713s - 2714.32s

I lived for those things.

Speaker 02714.62s - 2715.92s

But I think it's really important.

Speaker 12716.28s - 2717.68s

It was important for me.

Speaker 32717.8s - 2727.04s

I'll just talk for me to kind of, to hear that, you know, because even my dumbass will see things or I'll post something or

Speaker 12727.04s - 2731.34s

I'll do something. And then, and I get this, you know, I don't know, it's just in our, everyone's

Speaker 32731.34s - 2806.5s

mind, I'm hoping. But, you know, like, oh, that, that looks similar to, you know, and I really got to check myself and understand that, you know, for one, somebody like myself who hasn't been making that long, right? It's almost impossible to have an original anything, right? You're going to have your style. You're going to have your take on it. You're going to have your, you know, whatever you are, your style. But like, for the newer guys, like, we're all just coming into what is, what is Echo Blade style, right? You know, I put a little swoop in the top of mine like a thumbramp right i just i started doing it and i fucking know i saw it somewhere i don't know who what when why and how i'm not the first fucking one to do that right but uh you know that's kind of something that i i tried to put in my knives to make it look uh something different but that's not mine forever you know um like sar Sarah PERSON coding, the stormtrooper. There's a lot of Sarah PERSON code stuff, you know, like happening now and coming out, you know. And the biggest part is like, we're in competition.We are, right? Ultimately, we're in business and, you know, for the full time guys, you know, a lot, right? But not many of us live by each other, right? There's

Speaker 22806.5s - 2812.36s

plenty of, you know, nobody's stealing like money out of each other's pockets. And, you know,

Speaker 32812.44s - 2825.82s

I was thinking to myself, too, if I was going to to literally steal Brian's design and sell spoons, like, it would take me a lot of dollars to break even with how many, how much I've spent

Speaker 02825.82s - 2833.5s

supporting housemaid, right? Like, I literally am like a, guilty housemaid fanboy, like,

Speaker 32833.5s - 2844.78s

marketing just, I mean, I should have a housemaid, you know, I should fucking, uh, Ryan PERSON was talking about getting the gator piss on there. I said have house made. Yeah, get the lightning bolt

Speaker 02844.78s - 2845.28s

in your neck.

Speaker 32845.48s - 2864.38s

Yeah, that would go really well, especially today. Get what I need to say? You'd be Frankenstein PERSON. Yeah, no, there's a lot of implication to those lightning bolts, buddy. But, yeah. So, I thought it was, it was cool.It was a little bit like, oh, fuck, right?

Speaker 22867.52s - 2867.54s

Well, the first five minutes, I was like, man, they're really giving it to us. It was a little bit like, oh, fuck, right? Well, the first five minutes, I was like, man,

Speaker 32873.32s - 2880.14s

they're really giving it to us. Yeah, these guys. And I'm like, but I'm with you. You know what I mean? Like, we, you know, I'm a firm believer, you know, the, the ship sinks, the rat jumps first,

Speaker 22880.14s - 2887.42s

but I'm going down with you, buddy. Don't you worry. We're in this together. But I was like, God, I wish I would have did something, you know?

Speaker 32889.72s - 2895.4s

And, you know, when it, obviously you're not going to, like, for knife designs, right?

Speaker 22895.56s - 2898.02s

Everyone's, there's only so many knife designs, right?

Speaker 32898.32s - 2904.34s

And there's the, you know, you see you can, and you do, everybody does this.

Speaker 22904.4s - 2907.2s

They'll pick, oh, I kind of like that, even if it's subliminal.

Speaker 32907.76s - 2909.12s

I like that part of the design.

Speaker 12909.2s - 2912.5s

You don't remember where it came from, but you kind of incorporate that in your style.

Speaker 32912.5s - 2915.34s

And then you pick something else and you incorporate that in your style.

Speaker 12915.7s - 2921.36s

Maybe the way the back of the handle flares or like, there's little things.

Speaker 02921.82s - 2991.72s

And eventually, all those things morph into your style. And at the end, people like, oh, yeah, that's a Tyrol knife works or that's an Echo Blades PRODUCT or that's a Claudio Sabral PRODUCT or, you know, these makers, you get to recognize their styles. They didn't start that way. Nobody starts with this magical style that everyone recognizes, right? It always looks like something else.Yeah. But when it comes to tools and machines and stuff like that, like, you know, the only way to not get stuff copied is to patent it, but that's only good. Okay. And everyone says, oh, you should just patent it. Right.Patent it costs, patenting costs of fortune. Okay. It only, patent is only useful if you're willing to litigate over it, right? If you're willing to spend the money and get a lawyer and sue someone over patent infringement, that's what it's good for. Maybe there's a little thing like, hey, I have a patent. Here's the patent number. Go look it up. Cease and desist without having to get it.Maybe that works, but, you know. Yeah,

Speaker 32991.74s - 2994.28s

what do they have to change? Like, it's a small percentage of,

Speaker 02994.32s - 2996.14s

it's like 30% or something.

Speaker 32996.22s - 2997.24s

I don't know. Like some deviation.

Speaker 02998s - 3010.46s

And it has to be significant. And what you patent, if you try to patent something, and by the way, guys, I have five U.S.patents, so I do know what I'm talking about. What the fuck did you patent?

Speaker 33011.18s - 3015.02s

When I was at Oracle, I have five U.S. GPE software patents.

Speaker 03015.74s - 3015.98s


Speaker 33015.98s - 3020.9s

I have the plaques and everything. But, and I've had to fill out.

Speaker 43021.18s - 3024.48s

I know, right? But I've had to fill out the paperwork for a patent.

Speaker 13024.48s - 3028.84s

And it's fucking endless of justifications.

Speaker 43029.26s - 3034.34s

And part of a patent is why, like, is there anything on the market?

Speaker 03034.34s - 3107.94s

If there's anything on the market that's similar to your thing, they won't file the patent. Right. So it's like, oh, you can't file a patent for a two by 72 grinder. There's no fucking way. Like, or a surface grinding attachment or you name it. It would have to be something absolutely unique that isn't on the market.And you haven't talked about publicly and and and. So, yeah, and when people say, oh, you should have patented it. No, no. It's not that easy. Only big companies with lots of money patent things, typically. But that's my spiel on patents. But it's all good. We're all friendly. You know,I don't think Brian's in the poor house by people stealing, you know, his scoop projects. I wasn't the only one. And I think I wasn't the only one that was confused that he expected people to buy the materials from him. I think there was some confusion there. We worked it out. You know,yes, I have 10 from Sankatsen ORG that I got. And I'm going to sell them and they're going to be. I'm actually going to get Brian. I think I'm going to get Brian to autograph one. We'll call it the housemaid copy spoon.But yeah, there's a better name there. Give me a minute.

Speaker 43108.42s - 3109.18s

Yeah, I know, right?

Speaker 33111.84s - 3113.06s

It's not house made.

Speaker 43113.14s - 3113.82s

It's house stolen.

Speaker 03114.5s - 3123.9s

Yeah. We'll come up with something. But Brian, yeah, I need your signature on that, you know,

Speaker 33124.06s - 3149.62s

because people have been asking you to hand-make those sign them I need you to sign these I hope he charges you no it's gonna kick me the nuts it's gonna charge you the delta for the money you saved on the blank right yeah no that was interesting because I, I think subconsciously,

Speaker 13149.9s - 3154s

somewhere down the line, it's going to happen, right?

Speaker 33154.14s - 3155.06s

You're going to say something.

Speaker 13155.32s - 3156.32s

I'm going to say something.

Speaker 33156.44s - 3157.56s

And we're going to piss somebody off.

Speaker 13158.24s - 3158.66s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 33159.08s - 3160.22s

You know, it's going to happen, right?

Speaker 13160.52s - 3164.76s

And I was just like, I didn't think 15 episodes in, you know,

Speaker 33164.76s - 3165.8s

we were already going to be

Speaker 13165.8s - 3170.06s

causing problems. I'm surprised it wasn't episode five. I think we did pretty good.

Speaker 43170.62s - 3177.62s

Yeah, I guess so. We're ready for you, fuckers. Come on. Oh, oh, something else I do want to talk about

Speaker 13177.62s - 3186.2s

from last week's episode. So you were making fun of me because maybe I was, you know, I had a couple of glasses of wine and you're like, oh, yeah.

Speaker 43186.54s - 3192.62s

And you were saying that everyone gets to hear the real me.

Speaker 33193s - 3197.56s

I think everyone's used to hearing me on YouTube and I'm all super serious.

Speaker 03197.94s - 3204.44s

And, you know, but Jared PERSON always says, oh, yeah, you get to see the real me when we're shooting the shit in the shop or we're talking.

Speaker 33204.96s - 3205.12s

And all you guys need to come to Blade, yeah, you get to see the real me when we're shooting the shit in the shop or we're talking.

Speaker 03210.8s - 3214.52s

And all you guys need to come to Blade Show EVENT and, you know, let's see. Yeah, and you'll be super annoyed with him, talk shit about the dumb shit he says.

Speaker 33215.64s - 3216.84s

No, that's just you.

Speaker 03217.16s - 3217.96s

Oh, my bad.

Speaker 33221.42s - 3222.46s

That's just you.

Speaker 03222.58s - 3223.94s

I'm talking about everybody else.

Speaker 33224.04s - 3224.52s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 13225.38s - 3229.18s

You make the whole don't meet your hero a real.

Speaker 03230.72s - 3233.74s

Yeah, but for everybody else, not Jared PERSON, for everybody else,

Speaker 33233.74s - 3237.28s

come talk to me at Blade and you'll hear the real me.

Speaker 03238.3s - 3239.62s

You may not like it, so get ready.

Speaker 33240.24s - 3240.9s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 03241.82s - 3245.74s

Now, I think the YouTube ORG persona, I mean, you have to be, right?

Speaker 33245.98s - 3246.22s


Speaker 03246.94s - 3253.22s

Yeah, it's not a pussy-ass bitch fest, you know, so come listen to the triple D and you'll get that.

Speaker 33253.6s - 3253.82s


Speaker 03255.76s - 3257.64s

Oh, that had to be said.

Speaker 33258.48s - 3258.64s


Speaker 03258.68s - 3259.14s

All right.

Speaker 33259.6s - 3261.42s

Well, we've got to get to the Viking Challenge EVENT.

Speaker 03261.72s - 3264.1s

We've drawn people out this long.

Speaker 43264.38s - 3269.3s

Anything else you want to get to the Viking NORP challenge. We've drawn people out this long. Anything else you want to get to you before we get to that?

Speaker 03272.68s - 3273.24s


Speaker 33274.16s - 3278.36s

How about you tell us about how you finished the handle?

Speaker 03278.36s - 3283.06s

What did you do to that tactical chupacabra at the very end? What did you do to it?

Speaker 33283.78s - 3298.8s

Well, I haven't done it yet, but I do have plans to use this premium wax from Pelican NORP paste. Our buddy over at Pelican paste ORG. I just fuck that.

Speaker 13299.26s - 3299.64s

Travis PERSON?

Speaker 33301.86s - 3304.34s

I use Pelican paste ORG over at Pelican paste.

Speaker 13304.5s - 3308.1s

If you want to use Pelican paste, go check out the Pelican paste from Travis Pelican Pace. If you want to use Pelican Pace, go check out the Pelican Pace from Travis Haynes PERSON.

Speaker 33308.62s - 3358.32s

The premium wax, which I did. I did do a test on the first part, but I'm going to, like I said, I'm going to loop it all up with that oil and give it a nice shiny coat. Food safe. Corrosion corrosion resistance help, all kinds of goodness from this stuff. And it smells like, dude,citrusy, California oranges. So I had Mr. Nick Tobin PERSON. He said this. He said me from pickle cuttersreached out to me and said that he was just absolutely shocked that he was in Florida GPE and went to go buy some oranges. And they said they were from California. And he didn't buy him. And I was like, I don't blame you because we send all the shitty ones over there.He said the same thing to me.

Speaker 03358.32s - 3370.26s

And I had to set him straight that most Florida GPE oranges are used for juice. But eating oranges come from California. That's right. Because the, you know, the pretty oranges that, but eating oranges come from California. That's right. Because the pretty oranges that you eat, those come from California.

Speaker 33370.9s - 3375.32s

There's a joke there. I'm going to leave it alone. Don't.

Speaker 03379s - 3389.46s

However, when you're done with anything, leather, your blade, handles, make sure that you hook it up and show it some love with some pelican paste.

Speaker 33389.76s - 3397.4s

And make sure you go check out Pelican NORP paste for all of your premium wax needs. That's right.

Speaker 03397.52s - 3423.62s

And since we're doing sponsors, I want to shout out Frank Machado over at Two Bastards, Texas Smithy, and Supplies ORG. I was showcasing his hammer to my student this week. He hammered out his knife with a two bastards fat peen, straight peen hammer, and he loved it so much. He called up Frank PERSON or is calling up Frank to get one of his very own. So it's that easy, folks.

Speaker 13423.74s - 3426.66s

All you have to do, have that hammer in your hand,

Speaker 03426.7s - 3430.62s

and it will become your favorite hammer. So go get one.

Speaker 33431.12s - 3433.04s

Put the mean pain in your hand and...

Speaker 03433.04s - 3436.76s

That's right. The fat peen, everyone wants to hold the fat peen.

Speaker 13437.12s - 3437.66s

That's right.

Speaker 03440.44s - 3443.72s

Frank PERSON's wife must be shuddering every time she hears our ad read.

Speaker 13443.72s - 3450.56s

I don't know. I think it's great. I think it's advertisement not only for Frank PERSON's wife must be shuddering every time she hears our ad read. I don't know. I think it's great. I think it's advertisement not only for Frank PERSON's business, but I don't know.

Speaker 33450.76s - 3454.9s

I think it's helping his home life. When the fat peen is on the scene, you better believe.

Speaker 03455.76s - 3456.76s

People agree.

Speaker 33457.26s - 3457.82s


Speaker 03459.92s - 3463.2s

And thank you for the text message and the message, Frank PERSON.

Speaker 33463.24s - 3464.08s

I appreciate that, man.

Speaker 13465.46s - 3466.1s

All right.

Speaker 33466.16s - 3467.8s

Let's get to the Viking Challenge EVENT.

Speaker 13469.14s - 3470.18s

Where did we start?

Speaker 33470.18s - 3476.06s

We got to announce the participating channel winners.

Speaker 03476.36s - 3484.3s

We got to talk about the top judges and the top viewer, the viewers that won in the viewer entry.

Speaker 33484.46s - 3485.9s

Where should we start, Jared PERSON?

Speaker 03486.8s - 3492.52s

I want to, I want the viewers.

Speaker 33492.96s - 3493.5s

You want the viewer.

Speaker 03493.7s - 3493.94s


Speaker 33494.06s - 3495.86s

See everyone wants some of the viewers.

Speaker 03496.54s - 3498.12s

So let's do that last.

Speaker 33498.12s - 3502.34s

And then tell me, uh, about the participating channels.

Speaker 03502.64s - 3504.24s

The participating channels.

Speaker 33504.42s - 3504.94s

All right.

Speaker 03505.46s - 3556.76s

So I'll remind everyone how this works. The viewer votes. So viewers vote for their favorite YouTube build of the 15, 14 that there were. Viewer votes. So the viewer voting counts for 50% of the waiting. And then the judges, and there's five YouTube ORG channels that are judges,their votes count for the other 50% of the waiting. Okay. So I'm just going to break you down and break it down and give you the final, after all that stuff's been calculated. And I'm going to give you the top four because the top four become the judges in the next challenge. And then the winning judge of the current judges stays in the judge's tier. Okay. Make sense.

Speaker 33556.88s - 3563.04s

Gotcha. Yep. I'm following you. And by the way, I have zero idea who won. Nobody, I haven't told anybody.

Speaker 03563.34s - 3565.74s

Even the participants, nobody, nobody knows.

Speaker 23566.24s - 3568.92s

This is, this is it.

Speaker 03569.18s - 3580.26s

Okay. So at number four, we have Matt Duncan at Mystic Mountain Forge ORG for his spectacular acts.

Speaker 13580.74s - 3583.3s

I love, it looked really cool.

Speaker 23583.58s - 3585.14s

Loved it. It's a good job, Matt PERSON.

Speaker 33585.86s - 3586.86s

Yep, love his channel.

Speaker 03589s - 3595.56s

Number three, in third place, relatively new or smaller, one of the smaller channels,

Speaker 33595.8s - 3599.58s

Harpy and Knives ORG did a fantastic build.

Speaker 03600.2s - 3626.4s

Really loved it. It just looks really cool. So go check out Harpy and Knives in third place. In second place, spectacular built, loved it,Blackbeard PERSON projects, did just an amazing sword. And he did a bunch of videos leading up to this. This video was really the last part of the build. So he did a bunch of videos up leading up to this this video was really

Speaker 13626.4s - 3632.72s

the last part of the build so he did a bunch of videos leading up to this um sword build and he

Speaker 03632.72s - 3640.96s

kept it um really authentic um so really nice it beautiful it turned out beautiful so i kind of laughed when

Speaker 33640.96s - 3658.12s

to listen to his video because i he doesn't very talk that much. But when when he did his little intro like he was you could tell he was pretty passionate about and and really wanted this thing to go. Because he was like, I need to get in here. So good for you, man.

Speaker 03658.44s - 3673.06s

Yeah. So great job. In number one, some dickhead decided to make a sword and has taken number one some dickhead decided to make a sword and has taken number one and that would be yours truly so

Speaker 23673.06s - 3673.4s


Speaker 43673.4s - 3678.36s

no these guys don't want me in the bracket

Speaker 03678.36s - 3687.26s

next time so yeah so I made number one on this one so I will be a judge on the next one.

Speaker 33688.08s - 3688.66s

Thank you.

Speaker 03688.96s - 3722.98s

Thank you. I had a really fun time doing this blade. It's always weird, you know, if I win the challenge because then I have to announce myself, so it's weird. But you guys voted, the judge has voted out of my hands. I appreciate it. I did spend a lot of time on this build. So, voted out of my hands. I appreciate it.I did spend a lot of time on this build. So yeah, thank you all for the encouragement. And it was fun bill. I'm pretty sure it all came down to the pictures. What? You don't like to build?You just like the pictures?

Speaker 33723.74s - 3733.48s

I think, you know, how you represent, how you represent your build takes a really true photographer.

Speaker 03734.32s - 3741.92s

Oh, yes, yes, because you took the, I get. I was trying to figure out your angle here, but there's a couple builds.

Speaker 33741.92s - 3745.12s

Like, I want to talk about a couple of my favorite builds.

Speaker 03745.34s - 3745.68s


Speaker 13746.54s - 3747.96s

In the, in the challenge.

Speaker 03749.88s - 3799.24s

I got to tell you guys the story of so Green Beetle ORG, Steve at Green Beetle ORG, he had just a catastrophic failure on his press. So he's on like the, I don't know what, the fourth forge weld. So he's got a big brickof steel, like a big billet that's like three inches by three inches by whatever, six inches. And his press breaks, it's going to be weeks to get parts like he's dead in the water. And this is a really complicated Damascus GPE. He can't hand hammer it. You know, he's dead in the water. And he shows us the picture of this block of steel. And everyone almost in the Discord chat says, oh no, you still got to do a video.That's your entry picture. His video of like this block of steel and he did like, you know,

Speaker 13799.54s - 3804.04s

the last supper and someone's holding the block of steel and like hieroglyphics

Speaker 43804.04s - 3812.28s

with someone holding the block of steel. And like superimposed it in like 20 different pictures about how it was historically accurate.

Speaker 13813.08s - 3814.18s

I mean, it was everywhere.

Speaker 03814.38s - 3824.9s

It was so well done. It was really good. It was super funny. And Phil at PJT forging. He did the helmet.

Speaker 33825.5s - 3827.2s

Love it. Awesome. Yeah. Loved it. Awesome. Awesome.

Speaker 23827.32s - 3827.7s

Loved it.

Speaker 43828.24s - 3832.84s

And then one of the judges builds, all the judges' builds are awesome.

Speaker 03833.12s - 3834.22s

We'll get to the judges' builds.

Speaker 43834.22s - 3840.92s

But my favorite judges build for the comedic factor, of course, had to go to Tony and Bubba PERSON.

Speaker 23842.02s - 3848.98s

And, yeah, Bubba always makes a wonderful appearance on Tony Savario's PERSON built.

Speaker 43849.28s - 3850.86s

And all of the bills are awesome.

Speaker 03851.1s - 3851.42s

Like I'm,

Speaker 13851.72s - 3852.92s

you know,

Speaker 43853.16s - 3855.46s

I'm not leaving anybody out,

Speaker 13855.52s - 3856.04s

but there was,

Speaker 03856.18s - 3873.98s

it was so fun. I had such a good time. And going into this challenge, like I didn't love the Viking NORP theme because there's only, and this shows in the viewer entries and stuff, there's only, you know, all the viewer entries are a sax, a, uh, an axe,

Speaker 13874.22s - 3886.78s

or a sword. So there's like really three entries and that's all there were. But then again, you think of samurai challenge. There was only like three, pretty much. So it wasn't any different. Yep.

Speaker 43887.54s - 3890.98s

But, so those are the participating channels.

Speaker 03891.94s - 3894.76s

Let's do the judges. Okay.

Speaker 23895.18s - 3899.7s

So, and the judge, everybody votes on the judges, even the judges themselves.

Speaker 03900.34s - 3908.58s

Um, at number one, sorry, let's go number three. Okay. So wait, number three.

Speaker 33908.58s - 3909.08s

Were the judges.

Speaker 03909.84s - 3910.3s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 33910.38s - 3916.06s

So the judges were, uh, Tony Severio PERSON knives, uh, rain, just in it, rainy day

Speaker 03916.06s - 3916.58s


Speaker 33916.92s - 3917.26s


Speaker 43917.3s - 3919.96s

Uh, we have JP ORG at JP's blade works.

Speaker 03920.7s - 3926.24s

Um, John, who is the reigning champ at Old Hickory Forge FAC,

Speaker 33926.68s - 3929.52s

and then my buddy Spencer at Heavy Forge ORG.

Speaker 03929.88s - 3930.3s


Speaker 23930.5s - 3931.76s

So those are the five judges.

Speaker 03932.36s - 3939.86s

Okay. At number three, sorry, we have a two-way tie for number three. Oh, wow.

Speaker 33940.22s - 3945.3s

Between Tony Severio Knives and Rainy Day Forge ORG.

Speaker 03946.2s - 3946.76s


Speaker 33947.12s - 3947.36s


Speaker 03947.46s - 3958s

Both awesome builds. Good job, boys. And there's not that many votes here. So the votes between third and fourth is really one vote.

Speaker 23958.7s - 3959.14s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 03959.34s - 3965.92s

Yeah. So in second place, John at Old Hickory Forge FAC.

Speaker 43967.12s - 3975.26s

So the new champ, the new top judge, Spencer at Heavy Forge ORG, laying down the knowledge.

Speaker 03975.66s - 4028.4s

If you watch his video, I get Spencer PERSON on the phone and he starts talking like, you know, phase diagrams and carbide da, doda, da, doda. And I'm like, whoa, dude, talk to me like I'm an idiot. But he goes into so much about wutes and doing that edge bar that he did for his sword is crazy town. Like that is such a hard, it's such a hard forge well that he did, that kudos to, um, to Spencer PERSON for making that sword. And I love it when he's, uh, he's tested, he's talking about at the end. He's like, yeah, you know, mostly these swords come in around two and a half pounds QUANTITY, but mine's closer to four, uh, you know, but mere mortal men, they have swords that are like two and a halfpounds, but, you know, Spencer's arms are like two feet across.

Speaker 34029.4s - 4045.18s

Yeah, we talked about that on a couple of episodes ago. And congrats, man, that thing, the sword was beautiful. The video was crazy. I think what I was, what did I say? I felt dumb and smart at the same time. It's like, I was just like,

Speaker 14045.3s - 4048.24s

he started going on with those charts and stuff.

Speaker 34048.62s - 4052.28s

But yeah, that edge bar had me just in awe.

Speaker 04052.44s - 4071.24s

So well deserved and congrats, man. Yep. I'm thrilled to be in the judge's bracket with Spencer PERSON for the next one. We'll announce what the next one is at the end. All right, viewers, we had 37 viewer entries. Wow.

Speaker 24072.24s - 4076.3s

I think it was almost twice as much as we've ever had.

Speaker 04077.18s - 4079.24s

So it's just getting bigger every time.

Speaker 24079.76s - 4085.4s

So I think we had like 17 or 15, something like that in the Samurai Challenge EVENT.

Speaker 44085.98s - 4088.4s

I don't remember exactly, I'm guessing, but around there.

Speaker 24088.8s - 4089.74s

And 37.

Speaker 04091.24s - 4141.62s

So surprisingly, and this is how good these top five builds were that every one of the votes cast was for one of these top five builds. Wow. There was no votes for any, like these guys, like their, their, um, builds were just stellar. So obviously on the podcast, we can't show you.You guys can go look them up. I'm going to have a video that's going to come out later this week, probably Thursday. You'll see the winners and there'll be all of the, there'll be the winners, but you'll see a little montage of all of the, um,the viewer entries. That's cool. Yeah. So again, we had a tie. So for the top five.Oh, what?

Speaker 34142.08s - 4147.58s

How does this voting go? This is, uh, open to everyone and then the judges.

Speaker 04147.86s - 4152.04s

All judges, all participants vote. Okay.

Speaker 34152.76s - 4158.04s

And we vote for are your, you vote for your favorite first, favorite second and favorite third.

Speaker 04158.94s - 4215.36s

So only the, it's so weird. Only these five got votes for first, second and third. It's not like even like some other one got like, oh, my third favorite build is this. All votes were for these top five. That's how, you know, when you see them, you're like, oh, yeah. So there was a tie for fourth, okay, between.I could butcher some of these names, but Johann Fagerland and Clayton Tudor PERSON, okay, these guys both tied for fourth. Okay, so sorry guys, you're on the bubble just out of the prize pool, but nonetheless, good job, amazing builds. At number three,okay, Sean Beena PERSON. Okay, you took third, so you're in the, we need to talk about sponsors too,

Speaker 34215.46s - 4219.62s

so I'm going to mention that after. Yep, yep. Number two,

Speaker 04221.76s - 4232.9s

James A, F-Seth. So James takes number two. James Asseth So James takes number two And I think I called this one

Speaker 44232.9s - 4235.38s

About a number one

Speaker 14235.38s - 4236.42s

About a month ago

Speaker 04236.42s - 4258.52s

When I looked at this one And I said man This one is definitely in the running And Jacob Christian Soared With the wire braiding. Amazing build.So Jacob Christian took number one. What's his forge name?

Speaker 34259.28s - 4259.86s

I don't.

Speaker 04259.92s - 4291s

I only have his name because I'm doing these through email, so I don't have his forge name here. But if I have it, I'll put it in the in the video on Thursday. But Jacob, you take number one. So I want to talk about our sponsors. Okay.Maritime knife supply of $500 spread across the winners. I think it's 300, 200, 100. So maritime knife supply, putting up some gift certificate money to the winners. I think it's 300, 200, 200. So Maritime Knife Supply ORG putting up some gift certificate money to the winners. Awesome.

Speaker 34291.54s - 4304s

Just awesome. Thank you, Lawrence PERSON. We got Mosa US ORG that's putting up mosaic pins, which includes a custom pin for these guys.

Speaker 04304s - 4329.42s

They can pick a custom pin. So there's a bunch of pins. I don't have it in front of me. So I don't remember the exact numbers of pins, but it's really cool. And knife print, the folks at Knife Print supplied some amazing prizes, including for first place, a 2x72 grinder kit. Nice. Yeah, plus some

Speaker 34329.42s - 4337.04s

a certain number of dollars for water jet cut water jet services for all of, for everybody.

Speaker 04337.28s - 4354.38s

So you guys can get yourselves some water jet cut knives. Go use knife print. So want a big shout out for our sponsors, knife print. You know, I use knife print. So I want a big shout out for our sponsors, knife print. You know, I use knife print. Check it out, knife print for all your knife designing needs and for water jet

Speaker 34354.38s - 4362.68s

cutting. For all your knife stealing design needs. Check out. That's right. They do have a draw

Speaker 24362.68s - 4366.94s

off a image feature right there you go

Speaker 34366.94s - 4374.2s

uh mosa if you want mosaic pins to notch up your knives that extra little notch uh go get yourself

Speaker 24374.2s - 4380.42s

some some some mosaic pins and of course we all know and love uh lawrence from maritime knife

Speaker 34380.42s - 4390.16s

supply get all your stuff from maritime fantastic bestelin ORG yeah so last thing to announce

Speaker 24390.16s - 4400s

is the next challenge bestelin blade works is jacob PERSON oh thank you thank you and you did call that

Speaker 04400s - 4405.2s

you yeah you called them out as a as an arm maker spotlight so So good for you. Yeah. And great build, man.

Speaker 44405.66s - 4405.88s


Speaker 04408.2s - 4417.56s

But the next challenge, which I'm actually glad I'm in the judges, because I still got to do a build.

Speaker 44417.56s - 4419.44s

But I don't like this challenge.

Speaker 04419.66s - 4420.94s

You fuckers picked it.

Speaker 34421.14s - 4423.14s

The guys in the thing were laughing at me.

Speaker 04424.52s - 4426.02s

The next challenge is. Have guys in the thing were laughing at me. The next challenge

Speaker 34426.02s - 4427.52s

is... Have you seen the fallout?

Speaker 04430.32s - 4431.9s

The next challenge

Speaker 34431.9s - 4434.12s

is the apocalyptic challenge

Speaker 04434.12s - 4435.78s

where you have to use

Speaker 34435.78s - 4438.12s

reclaimed material.

Speaker 04441.16s - 4442.38s

And everyone

Speaker 34442.38s - 4444.3s

in the discord is laughing

Speaker 04444.3s - 4445.04s

at me,

Speaker 34446.16s - 4446.24s

saying that,

Speaker 04446.62s - 4446.68s

ha, ha,

Speaker 24449.68s - 4451.52s

I want to see what Dennis PERSON is going to do with this one.

Speaker 04452.12s - 4463.38s

So, yeah, it will be reclaimed material, apocalyptic, you know, fallout kind of theme on the next one.So. That's cool. Yeah.

Speaker 34468.36s - 4475.98s

I personally am smiling. Because I just watched the beginner series from the triple t and we discussed uh you know buying steel from a known source and you're fucked

Speaker 04475.98s - 4486.04s

hey i'm sure i have some leaf spring i have have some 5160 PRODUCT from a

Speaker 34486.04s - 4491.08s

We want to see rip a car apart, a bike chain, something, man, come on.

Speaker 04491.46s - 4505.72s

Yeah, I'm thinking I'm going to have to do something funny on this one because I don't know what the build is going to be. Maybe I'm going to reclaim some gold from something and do gold in life.That's what I'm going to do. Oh from something and do golden life. That's what I'm going to do.

Speaker 34506.26s - 4515.02s

Oh, yeah, that's real genius. When does that challenge come out? Is that any dates yet?

Speaker 04515.94s - 4518.22s

It's usually October-ish. October?

Speaker 34518.46s - 4520.62s

We usually do them April, October-ish.

Speaker 04521.12s - 4523s

So I don't have the timelines.

Speaker 34523.52s - 4539.08s

Stay tuned. Join the Facebook ORG group. If you're anti-Facebook ORG, then just watch my triple-tees. You'll see an announcement around July, August time frame.

Speaker 04540.14s - 4552.8s

And I'll do Instagram ORG posts on it and yada, yada, you'll hear about it. So, so, or just join the Facebook ORG group and make it easy. It's a really good group.

Speaker 34553.52s - 4589.64s

It was really cool to watch everybody, the post progress picks of the build and stuff. And everybody did a fantastic job. Congrats to everybody to all the winners and participants. Really, really cool one. And thank you for putting this on. You do a fantastic job. Congrats to everybody to all the winners and participants. Really, really cool one. And thank you for putting this on. You do a fantastic job for this community during your late night thievery events. But you know, you still find time to give back and create theseawesome, awesome challenges that just, you know, breed and, you know, focus on community. So thank you, Dennis PERSON.

Speaker 04590s - 4595.82s

Yeah. Well, from the knife making community to you from all of us, we thank you for this

Speaker 34595.82s - 4601.9s

challenge. It's a lot of fun. Yeah. Well, you can't steal everything, right? Oh, one other

Speaker 04601.9s - 4645.38s

thing I did want to update. I'm still collecting. I still want to remind people, if you're going to Blade Show in Atlanta, I'm still collecting names and tables. If you want to be part of this scavenger hunt, all you got to do is say, I want to participate,I'll drop off one of the coins at your table. Let me know if you want to be part of that. Otherwise, I'm just going to walk around and put them on tables that I know. So if you want to get locked in, and I think there's only going to be 28 or 29 of these things, you want one of the coins to, and you want all these people to come by your table because they're looking for the, to do the scavenger hunt, then let me know.Reach out to me or put it in the, um, the podcast IG.

Speaker 34645.7s - 4651.54s

You're not going to hand out 29 coffee scoops, are you? Oh,

Speaker 44651.54s - 4652.02s


Speaker 24652.1s - 4653.14s

that's funny.

Speaker 34654.98s - 4658.66s

If you want a completely stolen coffee spoon,

Speaker 14659.28s - 4659.96s

coffee scoop,

Speaker 34660.06s - 4662.26s

go see Dennis PERSON and get in on the scavenger out.

Speaker 14662.5s - 4664.04s

Why did I think of that?

Speaker 44664.2s - 4664.64s

Damn it.

Speaker 14664.7s - 4666.42s

Because I'm a genius and you're dumb.

Speaker 44669.18s - 4671.5s

We're going to give one to everyone except Brian.

Speaker 14672.1s - 4672.54s


Speaker 04672.96s - 4674.28s

Oh, that's fucking great.

Speaker 14675.88s - 4677.24s

Oh, all right.

Speaker 04677.38s - 4678.18s

That's enough.

Speaker 14678.28s - 4679.9s

I've had enough beating for one night.

Speaker 04680.56s - 4687.54s

Oh, we still have a couple things here. What did you do for your triple T? What did you do for your triple T?

Speaker 34688.74s - 4690.22s

What did I do for my triple T?

Speaker 04690.68s - 4694.74s

It's like it's so long ago, I don't remember. What was triple T last week?

Speaker 34697.12s - 4700.2s

I'm just one highlight the fact that you don't know.

Speaker 04700.94s - 4703.26s

The Sand Shark, I did the Sand Shark video.

Speaker 34705.32s - 4707.9s

We talked about that already. What are you messing with me for?

Speaker 04708.4s - 4709.9s

Jesus. It's so good.

Speaker 14711.1s - 4718.08s

Your face. You're ridiculous. My brother, when I was golfing with my brother last weekend or whenever that was, he was,

Speaker 34718.84s - 4725.02s

God PERSON bless his silly little heart, but he was like, you guys got to do it live and show your faces and do this.

Speaker 14725.08s - 4726.06s

It's the only way.

Speaker 34726.18s - 4728.56s

And I'm like, no, we're not doing that.

Speaker 14728.76s - 4729.54s

Nobody wants to see that moment.

Speaker 34729.6s - 4730.76s

I wish we would have done that.

Speaker 24730.86s - 4733.3s

That would have been great because you were like, what?

Speaker 14734.98s - 4736.04s

Oh, that's great.

Speaker 24736.84s - 4739.46s

So who did you have for a Maker Spotlight PRODUCT?

Speaker 34740.18s - 4740.58s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 14740.7s - 4741.9s

That's Maker Spotlight PRODUCT.

Speaker 34742.94s - 4746.78s

I had, okay, I even forget.

Speaker 04746.86s - 4752.88s

Anyway, I got to go back and look at the notes. Who did you have? You go first.

Speaker 34754.44s - 4822.46s

I had our buddy, Mani, over at Parable Knives ORG. I absolutely love what this guy does. The reels are great. The information is great. Had several conversations with him about some stuff. Always dropping some tips and knowledge. Um, does a lot of, uh, you know, testing of stuff of his, of his knives on, um, IG. Um, and just really, really cool stuff and awesome maker. And I just thought, you know, he's got 5,084 CARDINAL followers. And it is Parable Knives ORG, P-A-B-L-E-Nives and IG. So if you're not following them already make sure you do go uh stop by check them out say what's up tell them triple t sent you and uh but yeah really just awesome awesome stuff so i thought he he deserves some uh a shout out and some love so

Speaker 04822.46s - 4825.24s

keep it up, manny.

Speaker 34827.88s - 4828.06s

This week I wanted, oh, I also want to go over the comment,

Speaker 04830.42s - 4887.4s

but this week I wanted to just highlight a maker that didn't have all that many followers. So I, like I always do, just kind of going through my feed and my notifications and stuff.So I'm picking Nolan Knifeworks, 348 followers, but it's got some really cool knives. You know, it's been doing some stone washing, some cool handles. So yeah, go check him out. Give him some love. I think is Jesse at Nolan Knifework ORG. Give him a follow. Let's get him up way beyond the 348 followers.Absolutely. Good stuff. Because we're talking about Viking Challenge, I wanted to do my comment of the week is actually fromPhil at PJT Forging ORG. Okay.

Speaker 34887.9s - 4890.32s

He put this one in the Discord PRODUCT chat and I,

Speaker 04891.22s - 4895.8s

Phil PERSON's a really funny guy. You got to go watch his video if you haven't. Yes.

Speaker 14896.36s - 4896.96s

Good watch.

Speaker 04897.54s - 4902.5s

And so he puts this, he pasted this comment into the Discord PRODUCT chat and some guy,

Speaker 14903.38s - 4906.28s

Solid underscore Jackson PERSON, whoever that is on

Speaker 04906.28s - 4953.28s

YouTube, says to Phil PERSON, please stop trying to be entertaining. You're not funny when you try. You're obviously skilled and content is good, but you're, you're aping other creators excessively. And then Phil PERSON responds with this super nice, hey man, I'm sorry you don't find my sense of humor to your taste. I've used humor as years as a coping mechanism and blah, blah, blah, that goes on for like another sentence. And then the guy responds with interesting response. Thank you.Just be yourself. Don't force it. It will still be funny because you naturally want to be. Let your skills be for yourself and don't copy others. And Phil responds with, just kidding, tool. I'm hilarious. be funny because you naturally want to be, let your skills speak for yourself and don't copy others. And Phil responds with, just kidding, tool, I'm hilarious.

Speaker 44960.32s - 4960.82s

Which made me laugh so hard when I read that.

Speaker 34961.5s - 4962.56s

That's cool.

Speaker 04964.06s - 4969.5s

Yeah, he's funny. He is funny. He's funny. He's funny guy. I threaten if I'm ever in the

Speaker 34969.5s - 4975.7s

UK GPE, I'm looking them up and we're going to get together. For sure. I mean, if, how many guys

Speaker 04975.7s - 4984.88s

he did at least a couple minutes of him dodging lettuce? He was dedicated. With some blades on that.

Speaker 34987.32s - 4989.96s

I mean, every time I was like, he's going to get, no, he's got, was like he's going to get no he's got no he's going to

Speaker 04989.96s - 4991.24s

no he's going to no he's going to

Speaker 34991.24s - 4995.2s

no I think he like sliced a couple

Speaker 14995.2s - 4997.86s

things here and there but yeah I wanted to see a big

Speaker 34997.86s - 4999.9s

old patch of head of lettuce stuck on the

Speaker 14999.9s - 5001.98s

fucking on the horn there but it didn't happen

Speaker 35001.98s - 5005.06s

finally he does finally do it in the side of the tree.

Speaker 15005.56s - 5005.84s


Speaker 05006.32s - 5016.22s

And then pulls out of it. Yeah, that's good. Yeah, the dude's a tool. He always makes me laugh on every video, especially his costumes.

Speaker 35017.08s - 5020.6s

I love the press. The googly eyes and the fucking press just kill me, dude.

Speaker 05021.14s - 5026.96s

I do want to point out that both Honor at Dyes and Every film and Phil PERSON had the same costume.

Speaker 35027.26s - 5029.46s

So you guys must shop at the same store.

Speaker 05029.64s - 5039.18s

It's really embarrassing. That is. All right, man. I think we're done. I think we're done.

Speaker 35039.34s - 5041.82s

I'm done. I'm tired. Yeah.

Speaker 05042.62s - 5045.44s

Well, hopefully we don't get canceled next week,

Speaker 35045.66s - 5047.7s

and we'll see you again.

Speaker 05048.06s - 5049.28s

Yeah, I got to go think about

Speaker 35049.28s - 5066.22s

what else I could steal this week. Yeah. I'm exhausted from all my stealing. Just fucking, it's a full-time business here. Oh. So, Yo, soy