136. CONSPIRACIES (with Giles Paley-Phillips and Sophie Green from the ‘Unquestionable’ Podcast)

136. CONSPIRACIES (with Giles Paley-Phillips and Sophie Green from the ‘Unquestionable’ Podcast)

by Pav & Neil

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124:44 minutes

published 21 days ago


Pav & Neil


Speaker 110s - 33.78s

Hold up. What was that? Boring. No flavor. That was as bad as those leftovers you ate all week. Kiki Palmer PERSON here, and it's time to say hello to something fresh and guilt-free. Hello Fresh PRODUCT. Jazz up dinner with pecan, crusted chicken or garlic butter shrimps can be. Now that's music to my mouth. Hello Fresh PRODUCT.Let's get this dinner party started. Discover all the delicious possibilities at hellofresh.com. Many of us have those stubborn pounds that seem impossible to lose,

Speaker 933.94s - 69.24s

no matter how good we eat or how hard we work out. My solution is Plush Care ORG. Plush Care is a leading telehealth provider with doctors who are there for you day and night to partner with you in your weight loss journey. They can prescribe FDA approved weight loss medications like Wagovi and ZepPound PRODUCT for those who qualify. Plus, they accept most insurance plans. To get started, visit plushcare.com ORG slash weight loss.That's plushcare.com ORG slash weight loss. Three, two, one. You know, the world. Three Two One You know the

Speaker 1469.24s - 75.12s

Oh, thank you Sophie Sorry That's a blooper for the end of the episode

Speaker 475.12s - 78.5s

I'm so professional Carry on

Speaker 1478.5s - 82.64s

Okay Here we go See I feel you're going to say something again though

Speaker 482.64s - 84.68s

So now I want to

Speaker 1484.68s - 87.36s

Just be quiet. Just cough.

Speaker 487.9s - 89.8s

Okay. Right.

Speaker 1394.4s - 95.36s

No pressure.

Speaker 1497.32s - 97.78s


Speaker 398.02s - 99.28s

You got this.

Speaker 1399.4s - 100.08s

I've got this.

Speaker 14100.14s - 157.82s

I've got this. Come on. Come on. Okay. You know the world, come on. Okay. You know the world, the universe, everything is really strange when you think about it. Sometimes strange and tragic things happen.Sometimes for strange reasons. And sometimes stories and conspiracies are created. Some ridiculous. Some maybe not so. Buckle in, grab your tinfoil hat as we're going to delve into the murky and controversial world of conspiracies. But first, here are ten conspiracies that are true.During Prohibition EVENT, the government poisoned alcohol to keep people from drinking. Does this story seem possible? A stroke rendered President Woodrow Wilson incapable of governing and his wife, serapitit PERSON, I knew I'd get that. Seruptitiously stepped in. I don't believe you. The CIA ORG was testing LSD, another hallucinetic.Oh, Jesus Christ PERSON.

Speaker 13158s - 158.74s

Wow, you're on a row.

Speaker 14158.74s - 166.46s

There's not words, mate. There's a lot of syllables. Hallucogenic drugs on Americans NORP in a top secret experiment on behavior modification.

Speaker 1166.88s - 169.14s

It's time to ask yourself what you believe.

Speaker 14170s - 180.5s

The Dalai Lama is a CIA ORG agent. You can't handle the truth. I'm not saying that these are true, but I've read them off the internet, so obviously they are.

Speaker 2180.98s - 195.8s

They're from Twitter, are they? Yes. The FBI was spying on former Beatle John Lennon PERSON. Nonsense! Not such, nonsense! For decades, tobacco companies buried evidence that smoking is deadly.What a load of crappy crap, crap.

Speaker 14196.16s - 197.98s

There you go. The Gulf of Tonkin LOC incident

Speaker 6197.98s - 199.86s

on August 2nd, 1964,

Speaker 14200.1s - 203.82s

was faked to provoke American support for the Vietnam War EVENT.

Speaker 1204.12s - 204.72s

A bullshit?

Speaker 14209.26s - 211.46s

The Canada GPE government was so paranoid about homosexuality that it developed a gay-dar machine.

Speaker 0212.12s - 213.3s

You're unbelievable.

Speaker 14214.24s - 233.12s

E.T. is buried in the desert of New Mexico GPE. The Atari video game, E.T. PRODUCT the extraterrestrial, failed so miserably that the company buried unsold cartridges in a desert landfill. Unbelievable, Jeff PERSON. And finally, with the advances in technology, the government is using its vast resources to track citizens.

Speaker 13233.12s - 235.92s

I don't believe it!

Speaker 14235.92s - 241.28s

Indeed, I don't believe it either. Well, look, all of the facts that I've got tonight

Speaker 0241.28s - 245.36s

are all from the internet, and who knows the internet the facts in

Speaker 13245.36s - 254.32s

inverted commas so please take everything we say tonight with a massive pinch of salt uh and joining us

Speaker 0255.52s - 261.36s

in a trademark the nicest man on the internet jiles paley phillips PERSON and the globe trotting

Speaker 14261.36s - 265.78s

two thousand and twenty four version of Alan Wicker, Sophie Green PERSON.

Speaker 3266.16s - 266.36s


Speaker 14267.44s - 268.62s

Wow, what an intro.

Speaker 4268.84s - 270.18s

What an intro, indeed.

Speaker 14270.4s - 274.52s

Right. Yeah, thank you. That's very kind. Yeah, sorry that I completely bawled up the start.

Speaker 2274.8s - 278.44s

No, no, I thought you did well because there was some hard words in there. There was.

Speaker 14278.86s - 279.4s

There was.

Speaker 2280.7s - 281.64s

I can't say either.

Speaker 14281.64s - 282.04s

There you go.

Speaker 2282.18s - 294.58s

Well done. I feel better now. I feel better now. So hello, guys. We've realised that conspiracies is a very, Tip is. I can't say either. There you go. Well done. I feel better now. I feel better now. So hello guys. We've realized that conspiracies is a very dangerous, murky subject to tackle.

Speaker 14301.12s - 318.16s

Now, I know that in our messages, Giles PERSON, we were saying, oh, should we maybe make them more lighthearted conspiracies or not? I did think that maybe some of the ones that are a little bit more controversial, a ones that we should talk about, because I'd like to know what your views of them are. But everybody listening, take a chill pill. You know, we're not trying to explain the meaning of life. We're just trying to have some fun on a podcast.

Speaker 2319.4s - 320.24s

That's all we're trying to do.

Speaker 14325.46s - 326.86s

Well, I guess it's what people, one person's conspiracy theory is another person's truth, right? So, you know. Exactly.

Speaker 13327.36s - 327.62s


Speaker 14327.72s - 328.82s

That's very profaned.

Speaker 4329.42s - 329.76s

I know.

Speaker 14329.82s - 331.34s

And Sophie PERSON, what about you?

Speaker 2333.26s - 341.6s

Yeah, I had a feeling you'd had a conversation about it because, um, Charles PERSON, you know, sort of said to me, oh, are we going to do sort of like jokey ones?

Speaker 14341.82s - 344.38s

And I was like, no, I'm going all in.

Speaker 2344.54s - 345.28s

I'm going all in. I'm going all in.

Speaker 4345.74s - 346.5s

All the ones you believe?

Speaker 3347.44s - 350.5s

Yeah, my favourite one is the Holocaust EVENT never happened.

Speaker 4350.58s - 351.52s

No, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 14352.72s - 354.78s

Well, the thing is, the ones I've got in my top ten,

Speaker 3354.78s - 358.54s

I don't necessarily believe in all of the ones I've got in my top ten.

Speaker 14359.2s - 361.3s

Oh, I didn't know we would believe in any of them.

Speaker 4361.42s - 364.66s

Well, no, but I mean, well, there's some that there are slivers,

Speaker 14364.66s - 367.8s

there are slivers of truth in certain conspiracy theories.

Speaker 4367.8s - 371.62s

Remember, Sophie, one person's conspiracy theory is another person's true.

Speaker 14371.76s - 372.16s


Speaker 4372.72s - 374.6s

But I'm very easily led.

Speaker 2374.76s - 375.86s

So I don't know about you guys.

Speaker 4376.28s - 377.5s

We'll talk you around.

Speaker 2377.64s - 378.16s

Thank you.

Speaker 4378.64s - 380.22s

But I'll watch a documentary about it, summer.

Speaker 2380.3s - 383.5s

And straight away, I'll go, that's obviously the truth about it.

Speaker 4383.84s - 385.06s

Because a lot of people that are very good documentary makers will make the points really well. And you think, well go that's obviously the truth about it because a lot of people that are

Speaker 2385.06s - 390.16s

very good documentary makers will make the points really well and you think well that's got to be the

Speaker 14390.16s - 394.4s

truth but then you'll watch another documentary about the same thing and you think oh yeah no yeah right

Speaker 2394.4s - 400.72s

as well also i don't know if you know pab but um everything on youtube is true so well i'm kind of

Speaker 14400.72s - 408.06s

hoping it is well you know what sophie one person's YouTube is another person's truth.

Speaker 2410.4s - 417.18s

Okay, before we actually do start, we've now got a new feature, which we started with Lisa a couple of episodes ago.

Speaker 14417.18s - 418.36s

So we're going to do this.

Speaker 4421.58s - 422.68s

Lisa PERSON's Challenge.

Speaker 2425s - 426.16s

Thank you you Lisa PERSON.

Speaker 4429.1s - 429.36s

Thank you Lisa PERSON.

Speaker 2430.86s - 432.64s

So what we're going to do is because we normally get duplicates.

Speaker 14433.48s - 435.32s

But what I want to do is we're going to each think

Speaker 13435.32s - 437.38s

how many duplicates we're all going to get

Speaker 14437.38s - 438.88s

out of our top 10.

Speaker 13439.58s - 439.96s


Speaker 14440.24s - 440.64s


Speaker 12440.64s - 441.28s

But they've got,

Speaker 14441.42s - 456.62s

over the last few weeks, I've only had me and a guest. Now we've got three of us. So, Giles, how many conspiracy theories do you think we're all going to have in our top 10? Well, the same you mean?

Speaker 2456.74s - 458.84s

The same, yeah. Because I guess we've all got 10.

Speaker 14459.06s - 461.48s

Yes, we've all got 10. But we may have.

Speaker 2461.48s - 462.28s

I went for four.

Speaker 14462.66s - 469.42s

No, um, uh, oh, I think, I think at least half, I reckon.

Speaker 2469.66s - 474.32s

Maybe, yeah, far. I'll go five. You're going to go five? Okay. And Sophie PERSON, what do you think?

Speaker 14475.24s - 481.04s

So these are duplicates that all three of us have on our list. All three of us have to have. Yeah, all three of us have.

Speaker 4482.16s - 485.18s

I'm just going to say three. Oh.

Speaker 14486.54s - 487.12s

That's because yours are going to be weird.

Speaker 4490.02s - 490.38s

Yeah, I know, because I'm looking at mine, I'm like, they're not going to have most of these.

Speaker 14491.9s - 491.96s

No one's heard of these ones.

Speaker 2492.74s - 492.94s

You've just made up them.

Speaker 4496.84s - 497.16s

I mean, I thought this was a platform to make up my own conspiracy theories.

Speaker 3497.7s - 498.34s

I don't mind that. That's what I went with.

Speaker 2498.4s - 501.34s

And also I'm thinking about my Lord of the Rings WORK_OF_ART list as well.

Speaker 3502.26s - 503.4s

That was quite niche.

Speaker 2504.18s - 506.42s

I'm going to split the difference and I'll go four then.

Speaker 4507.06s - 507.84s

I'm going to go four.

Speaker 2507.96s - 511.64s

So, Charles said five, Sophie said three and I've said four.

Speaker 4512.04s - 516.68s

So in regards to, I've just said that I'm quite easily led when it comes to conspiracy

Speaker 2516.68s - 517.2s


Speaker 14517.36s - 518.12s

What about you guys?

Speaker 4518.22s - 521.28s

Charles PERSON, do you just poo-poo them straight away?

Speaker 14521.28s - 522.64s

I'm pretty, pretty sceptical.

Speaker 13523.14s - 525.64s

And interestingly, I was saying to the kids,

Speaker 4525.94s - 527.76s

we were just eating dinner before we came on.

Speaker 0527.96s - 531.14s

And the wonderful world of the internet,

Speaker 2531.32s - 533.3s

they know most of the ones I was saying to them,

Speaker 14533.34s - 534.5s

they knew most of them.

Speaker 2535.1s - 536.36s

And I was like, like, you know,

Speaker 14536.72s - 537.8s

they're obviously they're teenagers.

Speaker 0538.1s - 539.8s

But like, so I was thinking like actually,

Speaker 2540.84s - 549.68s

conspiracy theories, I guess they consume a lot of YouTube ORG, but they're obviously very aware of a lot of conspiracy theories. Conspiracy has become mainstream.

Speaker 13550.88s - 554.58s

And we've seen that in politics and stuff with the likes of Trump

Speaker 2554.58s - 569.64s

and Alex Jones and stuff like that and, you know, dare say other people that remain nameless. But so, yeah, they've become very mainstream. So I think a lot of people know more about conspiracy theories than they used to, perhaps. Okay. What about you, Sophie PERSON?

Speaker 4571.36s - 578.62s

I would say that I don't really care enough about most things to sort of attach any kind of, like, meaning to stuff.

Speaker 14578.82s - 580.32s

But I'm just in general, you mean?

Speaker 4580.64s - 604.82s

Yeah, kind of. You know, I'm kind of non-committal to most things in life. But I would say that I am very open-minded. You know, I believe in science and like normal things. But at the same time, I haven't really attached like an identity to it. So if someone said to me tomorrow, actually we've proven that the earth is flat,then I probably wouldn't care, really. Right.

Speaker 2605.06s - 607.56s

But I find them so far. So you probably wouldn't care, really. Right. But I find them so farmed. So you just don't care about anything. No.

Speaker 4608.38s - 614.12s

Well, I just, what really fascinates me about conspiracy theories is why people care so much, really.

Speaker 2614.12s - 618.36s

It's like the psychology behind it all because people get so, like, passionate about it.

Speaker 4618.48s - 623.22s

And they really, like, put their rule into these weird and wacky beliefs.

Speaker 13623.5s - 630.54s

So, yeah, I mean, I would say that the thing about conspiracy theories I love is more the wildness of them.

Speaker 4630.64s - 636.1s

And I'm unpacking why people actually believe that and being open to it being true as well.

Speaker 2636.98s - 640.26s

I think, sorry, Pav, I've got to say, I think actually you're on something now.

Speaker 4640.26s - 648.14s

I think conspiracy theorists are sometimes more fascinating than conspiracy theories. Like the actual, yeah, like you say,

Speaker 2648.22s - 651.74s

the meaning that people take from it and the righteousness

Speaker 13651.74s - 656.06s

sometimes as well. Well, I was going to say, the social media age that we're in now,

Speaker 14656.16s - 664.54s

where everybody now in inverted comments has a voice, it's that thing that anybody can say anything they want. And the same as I said,

Speaker 0664.6s - 670.98s

you know, I've taken these facts or these conspiracy facts, if you like, from the internet. I don't know if they're true or not.

Speaker 14671.04s - 683.82s

I'm just taking them from face value from what I've seen on a device in front of me. So it's weird how anybody, you know, like you said, Sophie PERSON, you could say what you want and it could be all of a sudden a conspiracy theory.

Speaker 4684.22s - 687.32s

And somebody's going to latch on it and then go, I believe that.

Speaker 14687.52s - 690.66s

And then by that time, you've got a movement then. Yeah.

Speaker 4690.84s - 694.7s

It's the origins of conspiracy theories that really fascinate me as well.

Speaker 14694.7s - 703.76s

Because oftentimes you'll find that they either have a completely ridiculous origin or a really anti-Semitic NORP origin.

Speaker 0704.46s - 707.56s

And so you're kind of, both sides are kind of dangerous, you know,

Speaker 14707.68s - 712.32s

like you're either going off of some bizarre thing that someone's just made up on Reddit

Speaker 4712.32s - 718.82s

or you're going off of something with some quite sort of dangerous ideologies at the origin of it.

Speaker 14718.82s - 734.86s

And I don't think people really do any research on where it's come from before they decide to, like, you know, attach themselves to it. Yeah. And as well, there seems to be making money out of a conspiracy theory seems to be something that a lot of people can do. I've known from JFK

Speaker 13734.86s - 744.68s

assassinate, the amount of books on the JFK PERSON assassination where people are just trying to make their little sliver of money out of it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, right. I'm fascinated.

Speaker 14745.08s - 747.96s

I can't wait to delve in. So, Giles, what's your number 10?

Speaker 2748.32s - 748.58s


Speaker 14749.2s - 751.52s

You know, you said about not doing comedy ones.

Speaker 2751.7s - 752.06s


Speaker 14752.42s - 757s

I mean, you could do comedy ones. I just regarded that. I got no way of thinking.

Speaker 13757.56s - 762.24s

So number 10, I've got Averul Levine PERSON is dead and is being impersonated.

Speaker 2762.98s - 763.32s


Speaker 14763.78s - 764.76s

I did see that one.

Speaker 13765.16s - 779.12s

This has come from, this is someone's come up with this that she died in 2003. I think it's something to do. Some resilient fan page that started on or something like that.I've got some notes here. So that's why I'm looking over here.

Speaker 14779.24s - 782.24s

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. Something to do with it.

Speaker 2782.24s - 792.3s

She was struggling with the price of fame after the release of one of her big albums. And then she, yeah, she ended up taking her own life. And they've replaced her, basically.

Speaker 13793.72s - 794.1s


Speaker 2794.48s - 795.78s

I mean, yeah.

Speaker 13796.06s - 798.38s

And so she's, well, quite.

Speaker 2798.84s - 799.1s


Speaker 13799.4s - 799.64s


Speaker 2799.64s - 800.6s

I mean, to be honest,

Speaker 13800.6s - 802.92s

I look at a lot of these that I've written out and I think why.

Speaker 2803.22s - 803.74s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4804.32s - 805.08s

Yeah, good question. I've heard about this. And then I've written out and I think why. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, good question.

Speaker 2805.26s - 806.06s

I've heard about this.

Speaker 4806.26s - 812.6s

And because apparently there's a woman that, yeah, obviously, because apparently there's a woman that it's very similar to her.

Speaker 14812.6s - 821.22s

But the thing that makes me laugh about this conspiracy theory is that when this supposedly happened was like, I want to say like 2003 or something.

Speaker 2821.3s - 823.2s

It was like right at the height of her fame.

Speaker 4823.38s - 828.3s

Like I think her all her songs came out, you know, was it like complicated and

Speaker 13828.3s - 830.3s

all that stuff came out one year.

Speaker 4830.4s - 835.36s

And then like by the next year, she was supposedly already dead and had been, had been

Speaker 2835.36s - 840.36s

phone. Oh, that was perfect timing. And then she was already dead.

Speaker 4840.46s - 844.34s

D-d-d-d-dun-ch. I didn't need to press that. I'm sorry.

Speaker 2845.92s - 847.58s

This she didn't press the whack, wah, wah.

Speaker 4849.84s - 851.02s

She was dead.

Speaker 2851.64s - 853.56s

But yeah, it's almost like, yeah, a year later.

Speaker 4853.98s - 854.26s


Speaker 2856.26s - 859.26s

So the ladies called Melissa Vandella PERSON,

Speaker 4859.42s - 861.36s

who's supposed to be the person that's impersonating.

Speaker 2861.64s - 861.72s


Speaker 4862.1s - 864.42s

Is Avril Levine PERSON now? She's her, yeah.

Speaker 2865.56s - 872.26s

But she hasn't been doing much. Like she's not like been releasing albums and stuff then. She's probably done less now since she died.

Speaker 14872.7s - 873.7s

Obviously not died.

Speaker 4874.7s - 875.06s


Speaker 14875.38s - 875.98s

That's crazy.

Speaker 4876.08s - 879.76s

I must admit, the reason I pressed that and then Sophie PERSON went and mentioned

Speaker 14879.76s - 882.74s

complicated, I was going to go, why did she have to make it so complicated?

Speaker 2883.04s - 884.16s

And then I was going to go like that.

Speaker 14884.16s - 887.04s

But Sophie PERSON said complicated. So it kind of ruined the whole.

Speaker 4887.24s - 888.7s

But don't worry, Sophie PERSON. That's fine.

Speaker 2889.14s - 892.18s

Have you got like a skater boy reference or something?

Speaker 0892.24s - 892.82s


Speaker 4893.38s - 896.32s

There are two songs I know of us anyway. I don't know any other songs.

Speaker 14896.68s - 897.66s

Well, this is what I mean.

Speaker 12897.78s - 901.18s

It's not like she like, you know, I had this thriving career.

Speaker 14901.28s - 901.78s

It's not Elvis PERSON, is it?

Speaker 4901.88s - 902.72s

Exactly. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 3903.02s - 903.58s

That's bizarre.

Speaker 12904.26s - 906s

But it's like the general public

Speaker 14906s - 907.28s

find it harder to believe

Speaker 3907.28s - 909.46s

that she just wanted to live a quiet life.

Speaker 13909.62s - 909.94s

So they were like,

Speaker 0910s - 911.14s

she's been cloned.

Speaker 4911.58s - 913.5s

She's got a clone instead. She's dead.

Speaker 14913.94s - 917.18s

They just can't have the normal option. They have to have some bizarre.

Speaker 2917.38s - 919.96s

Let's hope Taylor Swift PERSON is happy. That's all I'm going to say.

Speaker 4920.42s - 926.2s

That's why I kind of picked it because I thought it's quite a random person. Yeah. If you were to say if you were say like,

Speaker 13926.62s - 932.8s

who, some of pop stars died. Avril Levine PERSON wouldn't have been the person I would have gone to. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2932.8s - 936.48s

You might say like Marley Cyrus PERSON or something like someone, or Taylor Swift PERSON like you said.

Speaker 13936.66s - 940.46s

Yeah, yeah. But the fact it's like Avril Levine PERSON, who's, you know, no offense to Avrilavine PERSON.

Speaker 2941.18s - 944.18s

But, you know, an average kind of pop.

Speaker 13944.18s - 945.06s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2945.86s - 947.44s

Maybe that makes it more realistic.

Speaker 14948s - 948.48s

I don't know.

Speaker 2948.92s - 949.62s

I don't know.

Speaker 14949.74s - 950.74s

It's just a very random.

Speaker 2950.78s - 952.2s

Anyway, that's my number 10.

Speaker 14952.2s - 953.76s

That's a great one to start with, though.

Speaker 2954.32s - 955.7s

Okay, then so for your number 10.

Speaker 4956.8s - 960.98s

Okay, so my number 10 was birds aren't real.

Speaker 13961.44s - 962.02s

They're actually,

Speaker 14962.72s - 964.1s

their surveillance drones

Speaker 13964.1s - 965.92s

that the government's put out.

Speaker 14966.72s - 968.88s

And I love this one because it's kind of like a,

Speaker 13969.02s - 970.28s

it's kind of a jokey one.

Speaker 4970.48s - 994.36s

Like it's not, obviously it's not, none of these are real, but it's not created, you know, in a serious way.I think it's sort of like a satirical conspiracy theory started by some guy in America GPE that, kind of just wanted to show the kind of misinformation and how easily it spread, I'm guessing. And I think most people that, you know, spout that stuff about this know that it's not real as well, which is why it's quite nice.

Speaker 14994.98s - 1022.04s

I know a bit of background of this because I was listening to a podcast that was from back in 2006. And I can't remember exactly where in America GPE it was, but it was kind of like a comedy group decided they were going to have a forum, if you like, where they lived to say that they think that birds are decoys. And the reason they sit on electric poles is because that's how they recharge

Speaker 131022.04s - 1023.62s

and stuff like that.

Speaker 31024.1s - 1032.78s

And the local news network picked it up, but didn't do it like it was a joke. They picked it up like it was an actual story. Oh, God.

Speaker 141032.78s - 1035.46s

So, of course, then it started growing and growing and growing.

Speaker 41035.6s - 1038.4s

I think that's where it came from. Amazing.

Speaker 141038.6s - 1041.44s

Yeah, just from a joke. But that's a great one that is.

Speaker 41041.66s - 1042.06s

It's hilarious.

Speaker 141043.18s - 1046.78s

Well, again, that was one I hadn't really heard of,

Speaker 21046.88s - 1048.14s

but talking to the kids earlier,

Speaker 141048.3s - 1050.28s

that was one of Eli PERSON's favourites.

Speaker 41050.44s - 1052.5s

It's like, oh, well, you should do the one about birds not being yours.

Speaker 141052.6s - 1052.92s


Speaker 41054.62s - 1055.96s

That's where legends are made.

Speaker 141056.34s - 1056.62s


Speaker 21056.74s - 1057.32s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 141057.4s - 1058.24s

Absolutely crazy.

Speaker 41058.66s - 1058.96s

It's ridiculous.

Speaker 131059.46s - 1059.62s


Speaker 141059.62s - 1061.6s

Anyway, that's a good one as well.

Speaker 21061.72s - 1068.5s

Okay, talking of legends, Bigfoot is my number 10 or Sasquatch PERSON or whatever you want.

Speaker 41069.12s - 1075.5s

Now, the one thing I think about this crazy world that we live in is that there are things in it that people can't explain.

Speaker 141076.84s - 1082.96s

But one thing I don't understand when it comes to something like Bigfoot PERSON, why there are never any great photos.

Speaker 131083.5s - 1084.2s

They're always great.

Speaker 141084.92s - 1085.7s

They're always great. They're all even video.

Speaker 131086.14s - 1088.12s

Yeah, it's just terrible photographs.

Speaker 141089.2s - 1091.86s

The one reason I wanted to ask about Bigfoot

Speaker 01091.86s - 1096.56s

is because have either of you seen the trailer for Sasquatch Sunset WORK_OF_ART? No.

Speaker 141096.74s - 1097.66s

I thought you were about to say,

Speaker 21097.82s - 1099.32s

however have you seen Bigfoot PERSON?

Speaker 141099.66s - 1100.66s

Yeah, me too.

Speaker 21100.8s - 1102.48s

You said it so seriously, yeah.

Speaker 141102.82s - 1103.44s

Because I have.

Speaker 41103.44s - 1104.82s

Have you seen Bigfoot PERSON?

Speaker 141104.82s - 1107.5s

Have you seen Bigfoot PERSON? Come on. You must have done.

Speaker 41107.96s - 1109.92s

You must have done. I mean, I was going to know.

Speaker 141109.92s - 1113.28s

You're travelling, Sophie PERSON. I can't wait when I look on Twitter.

Speaker 131113.28s - 1117.88s

He lives in Hawaii. I look on Twitter and Sophie's doing her next piece of art and it's a picture of Bigfoot PERSON.

Speaker 141118.2s - 1120.88s

But it's really grainy. Like, it's a really shit, painting.

Speaker 41121.44s - 1128.46s

But there's a movie coming out called Sasquatch Sunset. And if you get a chance, I'll put it on the video playlist for our Patreon ORG subscribers.

Speaker 01128.46s - 1131.5s

It is, pardon my French LANGUAGE, fucking crazy, right?

Speaker 31131.5s - 1132.5s

Oh really?

Speaker 41132.5s - 1135.52s

Now it stars Jesse Eisenberg PERSON from the social media and stuff like that.

Speaker 131135.52s - 1137.94s

But there's no, there's no dialogue in it.

Speaker 141137.94s - 1141s

It's just about a Sasquatch PERSON family.

Speaker 01141s - 1143.56s

And it is absolutely crazy.

Speaker 141143.56s - 1145.78s

And you don't realize it's Jesse Eisenberg PERSON until it comes up.

Speaker 01145.86s - 1150.54s

And it says starring Jesse Eisenberg and it's just this Sasquatch PERSON person in the family.

Speaker 41151.08s - 1151.54s

It's mental.

Speaker 01151.74s - 1154.44s

It's crazy. How has that got made?

Speaker 141154.94s - 1156.64s

That's from your producer's hat, isn't it?

Speaker 41156.68s - 1160.56s

Your producer's hat. I'm imagining. Yeah, I'm imagining like a Sasquatch.

Speaker 141161.82s - 1166.08s

I'm imagining like a Sasquatch version of the Flintstones PERSON or something.

Speaker 41166.32s - 1169.7s

It kind of is, but there's a red band trailer on the thing.

Speaker 141169.8s - 1176s

And the first thing you see are two Sasquash is having sex. And it is just like you go, did I really just see that?

Speaker 01176.1s - 1177.14s

Did I really just see that?

Speaker 131177.46s - 1178.88s

That's a strong opening, no, isn't it?

Speaker 01178.88s - 1179.78s

It's a strong opening.

Speaker 131180.12s - 1183.1s

Indeed it is. So what are we saying?

Speaker 141183.24s - 1190.2s

Bigfoot PERSON, yeah, your nay. Is there some deep part of a Canadian NORP forest where there's a missing link?

Speaker 21190.2s - 1194.4s

There could be some feral person sort of wandering around

Speaker 131194.4s - 1197.14s

but I don't think there's some sort of weird,

Speaker 21197.22s - 1197.84s

I don't know, no.

Speaker 141198.08s - 1199.14s

It's the evidence, isn't it?

Speaker 21199.18s - 1199.74s

There should be,

Speaker 131199.86s - 1200.98s

with the kind of cameras

Speaker 21200.98s - 1202.14s

that everybody has got these days,

Speaker 131202.14s - 1203.04s

you should be able to get

Speaker 21203.04s - 1208.66s

some good evidence that there is some kind of Bigfoot Sasquatch missing link.

Speaker 141208.66s - 1211.46s

Lotnest, the formidable snowman.

Speaker 21211.66s - 1213.74s

Yeah, those mystical creatures.

Speaker 141214.54s - 1216.48s

Yeah, I'm going to say no as well.

Speaker 41216.62s - 1219.06s

Although I think there are some weird things out there,

Speaker 141219.14s - 1221.7s

like maybe, yeah, like you say, like feral people and stuff like that.

Speaker 21221.7s - 1223.22s

I've heard so many stories about,

Speaker 41223.44s - 1226.18s

because loads of people go missing in national parks in America GPE.

Speaker 21226.42s - 1227.22s

It's like a whole thing.

Speaker 141227.96s - 1230.68s

And under really weird circumstances as well.

Speaker 41230.84s - 1232.16s

And probably a lot of them,

Speaker 01232.6s - 1235.1s

they get lost or kidnapped or something.

Speaker 131235.36s - 1237.68s

But there's some weird stuff going on.

Speaker 01237.8s - 1239.1s

But I'm going to say no.

Speaker 41240.02s - 1242.68s

You can't get more feral than will feral, of course.

Speaker 141243s - 1243.18s


Speaker 41243.98s - 1245.88s

There you can. Yeah. Thank you very much. Wow. You can't get more feral than Will PERSON feral, of course. Feral health. There you can. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 141246.76s - 1247.86s

Thank you very much.

Speaker 41248.34s - 1248.7s


Speaker 131256.14s - 1256.58s

If you said to me who, what, who would you consider in the Hollywood echelons as being like big, I would have said Will Feral?

Speaker 21256.9s - 1257.1s


Speaker 131257.74s - 1258.36s

I mean, he's tall.

Speaker 141258.86s - 1259.1s

And he's tall.

Speaker 21259.66s - 1259.78s

Yeah, he's tall.

Speaker 141260.54s - 1263.64s

And he's full feral. Okay, Jals PERSON. Your number nine, please.

Speaker 21266.14s - 1266.44s

Princess Diana's PERSON death wasn't an accident.

Speaker 141267.48s - 1270.32s

That's my number six. Okay. That's my number six.

Speaker 21274.92s - 1275.08s

Yeah, so this conspiracy started quite quickly.

Speaker 141275.68s - 1280.52s

Yes, it did. It's like almost like the same day. Yeah. This can't be an accident. You know, it's just too.

Speaker 21281.52s - 1296.32s

How could possibly like be a car accident when someone dies? So yeah. And then it was obviously kind of exacerbated by, because she was seeing, so with the context, she was seeing Daudi PERSON fired at the time. They were in the car together in Paris GPE.

Speaker 01296.38s - 1297.2s

Was it Paris GPE or something?

Speaker 141297.2s - 1298.24s

Yes, there was Paris GPE.

Speaker 01299.08s - 1302.32s

And they died together in the vehicle.

Speaker 141302.68s - 1309.24s

And his father was Muhammad, fired who at the time was the owner of Fullen Football Club ORG, and he owned Harrods ORG and all sorts of different things.

Speaker 21309.76s - 1364.04s

And he was obviously very eminent about, like, there was something going on. He didn't think it was a straight car crash and kind of accused it of the being, like the British monarchy being involved in somehow. Like they didn't want an Egyptian Muslim NORP son-in-law kind of thing, you know, want to be part of the, so that kind of started. And then there was something about the driver also Paul Henry PERSON, I think he was being drunk.And also that there's a thing about him being on the payroll, the National Intelligence Service ORG, because obviously they didn't want Diana to be around either for some reason. I don't know what the National Intelligence Service ORG does, but obviously they didn't like that for some reason. But anyway, so yeah, so there'sseveral kind of different conspiracies within the one conspiracy, I mean, about there's different kind of theories about why it happened. Do you think that

Speaker 141364.04s - 1367.18s

that kind of conspiracy is the fact that people can't accept

Speaker 21367.18s - 1374.78s

that she just died in a terrible car crash when she was being chased through the streets of Paris GPE? Yeah, by paparazzi.

Speaker 141375.58s - 1377.4s

Obviously, it wasn't a normal death, but you know what I mean?

Speaker 21377.48s - 1378.48s

It's like kind of, yeah.

Speaker 141379.14s - 1383.94s

I mean, has there ever been a celebrity death, a big celebrity death where people haven't

Speaker 41383.94s - 1399.42s

conspired that it actually was fake and they're still alive, you know, Elvis, Tupac, all these Elvis and Johnny Cash PERSON, like, I'm sure there is a conspiracy theory for every celebrity that has died where people just don't want to believe that they're dead.

Speaker 141399.58s - 1399.66s


Speaker 41400.08s - 1400.58s


Speaker 141400.58s - 1401.1s

It's the heroes, isn't it?

Speaker 41401.14s - 1403.52s

And like, Dan, it was so loved by the British public.

Speaker 01403.94s - 1404.1s


Speaker 41404.18s - 1408.88s

And I think that's also that kind of, you know, like the press being involved

Speaker 21408.88s - 1411.64s

and like the whole kind of thing around like the paparazzi

Speaker 41411.64s - 1414.36s

and how it occurred, I suppose.

Speaker 21414.6s - 1414.8s


Speaker 141414.8s - 1415.84s

There's a lot of kind of, yeah.

Speaker 21416.14s - 1428.5s

And you had someone like Mohammed Fayette PERSON who he shouted his mouth off a lot anyway. He never got an English NORP passport. I think British passport was one thing that pissed him off. So we had a lot of things that he wanted to. Yeah. Yeah. I mean, it's just,

Speaker 141428.64s - 1432.96s

I can remember the day that we woke up and found out because we were supposed to go and see,

Speaker 31432.96s - 1437.06s

we were going to go and see wet, wet, wet that night in Birmingham GPE. Oh, what a washout.

Speaker 41437.22s - 1438.42s

I know. Sorry.

Speaker 01440.34s - 1447.6s

Although we did actually still go. Yeah, kids, those days, there wasn't internet. You had to phone up and find out if the gig was still on.

Speaker 41448.28s - 1450.4s

But it was such a weird atmosphere.

Speaker 31450.64s - 1452.64s

Nobody really wanted to party.

Speaker 41452.76s - 1453.7s

Did they do any dedications?

Speaker 31455.56s - 1457.42s

No, I think they came out.

Speaker 41457.42s - 1458.88s

Called upon the wishing well.

Speaker 31459.34s - 1460.26s

This one's for you.

Speaker 41460.88s - 1463.02s

I think they came out at the start and said,

Speaker 141463.02s - 1465.62s

look, we're just going to just going to do it,

Speaker 21465.74s - 1469.56s

you know, just carry on as if normal. We know it's a bad, you know, a hard time and stuff.

Speaker 141469.68s - 1472.04s

And it was just a real, we'll get you through this, guys.

Speaker 21472.12s - 1475.26s

Yeah, we'll get you through this. Come on. Love is all around. Come on. Come on.

Speaker 141475.26s - 1480.06s

Marty PERSON pillows flicking his ponytail in the back. He was. He was. He was. He was loving it.

Speaker 21480.68s - 1486.38s

But yeah, very, very strange. Very, very strange. Okay, then. So for your number nine.

Speaker 141486.72s - 1487.1s


Speaker 31490.18s - 1490.96s

My number nine is we live in a simulation.

Speaker 141493.04s - 1493.84s

I've got that as number eight, living in the matrix.

Speaker 21495.04s - 1495.72s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 31496.12s - 1496.28s


Speaker 21498.68s - 1499.8s

It's kind of fascinating.

Speaker 141500.82s - 1500.9s

Yeah, kind of.

Speaker 21509.5s - 1509.78s

I think that's why probably people believe it is because it's like they believe that we don't really have any control over anything and everything's sort of predestined.

Speaker 141514.62s - 1515.06s

And I think it's one step down from just religion, you know, in my mind.

Speaker 21515.16s - 1515.34s


Speaker 41517s - 1518.68s

I mean, I think it's quite cool. I don't really, really believe it.

Speaker 141518.84s - 1522.62s

But at the same time, I don't know.

Speaker 41523.4s - 1525.76s

It's, I don't know, I kind of want to believe it.

Speaker 141526.64s - 1531.76s

I was going to say, sorry, save, but like, was the idea of the Matrix WORK_OF_ART, did that, was

Speaker 31531.76s - 1533.46s

that before the Matrix WORK_OF_ART film?

Speaker 41533.86s - 1538.4s

Like, it feels like it's become more, maybe people were into it, the idea of it more

Speaker 31538.4s - 1540.86s

since the film came out.

Speaker 41541.28s - 1541.48s


Speaker 131541.6s - 1543.14s

And also, do you remember that game, The Sims PRODUCT?

Speaker 01543.84s - 1544.08s


Speaker 41544.9s - 1545.24s

I mean, I think that sort of thing came out as well around the also, do you remember that game, The Sims PRODUCT? Yes. Yeah. I mean,

Speaker 131545.32s - 1546.62s

I think that sort of thing

Speaker 01546.62s - 1548.28s

came out as well around the same time.

Speaker 41548.36s - 1549.18s

It was like SimCity,

Speaker 21549.4s - 1549.6s


Speaker 41549.68s - 1549.8s


Speaker 141550s - 1550.52s

And wasn't the thing?

Speaker 41550.66s - 1551.62s

A roller coaster type of.

Speaker 21551.62s - 1552.34s

Second life?

Speaker 141552.46s - 1553.56s

Do you remember second life?

Speaker 41554.4s - 1554.92s


Speaker 141554.94s - 1555.34s


Speaker 41555.6s - 1555.94s


Speaker 131555.94s - 1557.4s

where you basically,

Speaker 41557.4s - 1559.48s

you had your own life,

Speaker 131559.6s - 1560.3s

but online.

Speaker 41561.04s - 1562.12s

And I think it was,

Speaker 21562.22s - 1563.22s

I think the American NORP office

Speaker 41563.22s - 1563.64s

did a,

Speaker 131563.74s - 1564.68s

did a bit about it.

Speaker 41566.28s - 1573.28s

Right. And you just lived your perfect life online while you were a loser in real life but you were like successful and

Speaker 141573.28s - 1579.52s

yeah yeah so the big question then I can't remember I can never remember which way around

Speaker 131579.52s - 1585.26s

red bill red pill blue pill was but if had the choice, would you stay in the simulation

Speaker 141585.26s - 1588.46s

or would you become free?

Speaker 131589.04s - 1590.42s

Sophie PERSON, what would you do?

Speaker 21593.18s - 1596.62s

I think I probably stay in the simulation.

Speaker 121597.12s - 1598.14s

It depends what,

Speaker 141598.24s - 1598.74s

you know what?

Speaker 121598.82s - 1602.02s

It depends what out of the simulation looks like

Speaker 141602.02s - 1602.58s

because somebody,

Speaker 41603.34s - 1605.36s

I was listening to a podcast recently

Speaker 141605.36s - 1606.5s

and they were sort of saying,

Speaker 41606.62s - 1606.86s

you know,

Speaker 131607.48s - 1608.66s

they were talking about David Ike

Speaker 41608.66s - 1619.98s

and how he's kind of, he's like living in the real world and we're all like blind to it. And they're joking kind of like, well, you know,if the real world is where David Ike is, I think it's probably better to be in this world,

Speaker 141620.02s - 1620.78s

to be honest with you,

Speaker 01620.78s - 1624.14s

because he's kind of living in a very shit world right now.

Speaker 141624.14s - 1624.7s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 01624.7s - 1626.48s

If we took it like it was just like

Speaker 141626.48s - 1627.98s

the Matrix WORK_OF_ART, I mean,

Speaker 01628.5s - 1629.76s

Giles PERSON, what would you do?

Speaker 141630.56s - 1631.64s

Well, like Sophie PERSON says,

Speaker 21631.72s - 1651.7s

it depends. I mean, like, I don't know, like, obviously in the film, if we want to sort of use that as a sort of metaphor for it,Keanu Reeves PERSON was just some, like, techy drone. I can see why he chose to, like, find out more because his life was fairly dull and boring.

Speaker 131652.04s - 1655.1s

So he wasn't very fulfilled as a human being.

Speaker 21655.1s - 1659.52s

So maybe if, you know, maybe I would take the pill.

Speaker 141659.82s - 1668.5s

But then at the same time, I don't know. It's really, it's a hard question, actually. Yeah, I think the scene when Joe Pantiliano PERSON is in the restaurant and he's being offered by eating the steak.

Speaker 21668.66s - 1669.24s

And he's eating that.

Speaker 31669.44s - 1673.22s

I mean, once you see that, just keep in the simulation, I'll stay in the similar.

Speaker 21673.34s - 1673.86s

I'm not eating.

Speaker 31673.86s - 1674.04s

What he's saying?

Speaker 21674.14s - 1676.54s

I know, I know this steak isn't real, but it's delicious.

Speaker 31676.84s - 1676.98s


Speaker 21677.1s - 1677.9s


Speaker 31677.9s - 1678.1s


Speaker 41678.1s - 1679.1s


Speaker 21679.3s - 1679.42s


Speaker 41679.42s - 1679.44s


Speaker 21679.44s - 1689.5s

I always, I sometimes think, you know, if life is a simulation, like, sometimes it's fun to imagine when, you know, when something good happens, like, you know, something good happens at work or whatever.

Speaker 41690.06s - 1695.62s

And then I'm always like, well, if I am being controlled, like they've got my back right now, you know, they love me.

Speaker 131695.86s - 1697.24s

You've leveled up, basically.

Speaker 41697.38s - 1699.46s

Yeah, they're doing me a solid here.

Speaker 141700.08s - 1704s

Do you guys ever have that thought that you're in the Truman Show WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 31704.56s - 1708.1s

Do you ever think that this is all being set up just for me?

Speaker 141708.82s - 1709.84s

Not really, no.

Speaker 41709.84s - 1710.34s


Speaker 141710.68s - 1713.76s

There are times where for a split second I might think about it,

Speaker 41713.8s - 1714.5s

but then I might think,

Speaker 141715.12s - 1717.22s

but all those people that are walking over there,

Speaker 41717.92s - 1722.06s

wouldn't be walking over there just because they're in my show.

Speaker 141722.22s - 1723.02s

It doesn't make sense.

Speaker 131723.12s - 1726.36s

That would mean that you guys are just here specifically now

Speaker 141726.36s - 1727.62s

to be on my podcast,

Speaker 131728.08s - 1728.94s

which I mean you are,

Speaker 01729.46s - 1731.54s

but that would be the only thing you were doing.

Speaker 141731.6s - 1733s

Then you'd go off and...

Speaker 21733s - 1738.8s

I think if I started to think that I was in the Truman Show WORK_OF_ART, I'd be kind of really aware of people trying to sell me stuff all the time.

Speaker 141739.04s - 1748.16s

Everything. Yeah. Look at this lovely pickle that I've got at the cupboard. I don't know. I'd just be very wary of everybody. I can't really agree. Just duff beer.

Speaker 21748.64s - 1751.82s

Yeah, fancy a real cool beer. Have a duff beer.

Speaker 31751.82s - 1755.4s

Yeah, I only have to record with these pink microphone covers.

Speaker 21757.6s - 1758.68s

Okay, okay.

Speaker 141758.68s - 1761.08s

So only two of us had that one.

Speaker 21761.12s - 1762.76s

That was very close to being our first one.

Speaker 131763.64s - 1766.1s

My number nine, I'm going for the Illuminati ORG.

Speaker 21766.46s - 1770.9s

I'm going for some kind of... Okay, that's my number four. That's your number four, okay.

Speaker 141771.52s - 1773.88s

I mean, I've concluded David Eich within that,

Speaker 21773.94s - 1775.68s

because Lizards, like, running the world.

Speaker 141775.68s - 1780.42s

I think some kind of new world order or something that's above everybody that is controlling everything.

Speaker 21780.92s - 1786.88s

Now, I kind of think that there you if you really look at everything in a

Speaker 141786.88s - 1816.34s

concentrated sense there are only a certain amount of people or certain amount of companies if you like that control everything that that own everything and then they must have some kind of force or some kind of power in that. Whether it's an actual, what always gets me is when somebody who becomes really famous, all of a sudden they're a member of the Illuminati ORG. And you think, well, what's the cutoff?

Speaker 131822.82s - 1823.1s

Like if you have 500 million, if you have 499,999,999,000, 99.9 pounds,

Speaker 01825.16s - 1829.34s

you're just under, but you get another pound. All of a sudden, come in, you can come in, we'll tell you all our secrets.

Speaker 141831.4s - 1831.72s

I don't believe in that kind of thing.

Speaker 21832.94s - 1833.5s

And when do you become a lizard?

Speaker 31833.82s - 1844.4s

Wow. Because at one point, you're human and then you're lizard folk. Or would you not always be a lizard? Well, yeah, I mean, but like if you're saying like you only get into the Illuminati ORG at a certain point,

Speaker 21848.74s - 1850.4s

like is that like your lizardness is kind of drawn out of that. I think they're different things.

Speaker 41850.6s - 1850.84s


Speaker 21851.64s - 1854.16s

Like the Illuminati ORG is like a secret society, right?

Speaker 41854.36s - 1860.78s

And it kind of like, you know, and to be fair, like they say that 99% of the world's

Speaker 21860.78s - 1864.72s

money is owned by 1% of the population.

Speaker 41865.14s - 1868.6s

So there's the whole idea of the one%ers and all of that sort of stuff.

Speaker 01868.72s - 1869.76s

It kind of makes sense.

Speaker 111869.9s - 1873.54s

You know, there are those 1%ers in certain people within the world that are more

Speaker 01873.54s - 1874.94s

powerful for sure.

Speaker 41874.94s - 1876.54s

Listen to Sophie PERSON, the voice of reason.

Speaker 111877.34s - 1878.56s

I mean, it's true, though.

Speaker 31878.56s - 1881.3s

Like, you know, the little people over here.

Speaker 111881.98s - 1885.34s

But I also feel like something like that, or say something like,

Speaker 31885.4s - 1887.2s

did we land on the moon or JFK PERSON assassination,

Speaker 41888.3s - 1890.36s

I feel they have to be false

Speaker 31890.36s - 1893.48s

because Donald Trump has been president of the United States GPE.

Speaker 141894.06s - 1895.98s

And you know that if those things are true,

Speaker 31896.06s - 1898.62s

the first thing he would do is come out and go,

Speaker 141898.78s - 1900.48s

they're true, they're all true, they're all true.

Speaker 21900.6s - 1901.9s

Because he wouldn't be able to stop himself.

Speaker 131902.02s - 1904.32s

He would have to be the first person to tell everybody.

Speaker 21904.94s - 1914.72s

That's why I don't let him near that information but he would ask wouldn't you know that you would ask as president it'd be the first thing he'd ask come on the aliens are being a weird lizard man

Speaker 141914.72s - 1917.12s

I don't know if he would be able to like that's it

Speaker 41917.12s - 1918.66s

he's the king of the lizard men

Speaker 31918.66s - 1922.42s

I think the minute he got I think the minute he got voted in

Speaker 21922.42s - 1925.6s

the White House FAC just went and came to him.

Speaker 31925.7s - 1925.72s

Shut down.

Speaker 41925.72s - 1928.56s

And we're like, everybody, right, we need to sort the files out.

Speaker 21928.66s - 1929.78s

We need to have fake files.

Speaker 31930.2s - 1930.84s

Trump PERSON can't read.

Speaker 21930.84s - 1931.62s

Because he's stealing all the files.

Speaker 141931.74s - 1933.44s

He's putting them in his Mar-a-Lago ORG toilet.

Speaker 41933.7s - 1937.58s

Yes. Oh, my lord.

Speaker 141938.16s - 1938.54s


Speaker 41938.94s - 1940.94s

Number eight for you then, please, Giles PERSON.

Speaker 141941.78s - 1943.34s

Aliens built the pyramids.

Speaker 21943.9s - 1945.12s

Ooh, okay. You've been watching ancient built the pyramids. Oh, okay.

Speaker 41945.12s - 1948.16s

You've been watching ancient aliens by any chance.

Speaker 21948.32s - 1949.2s

No, I haven't.

Speaker 41949.7s - 1950.58s

You haven't seen that.

Speaker 21950.78s - 1951.12s


Speaker 41951.7s - 1952.92s

What's ancient aliens?

Speaker 21953.54s - 1954.3s

Love it.

Speaker 41954.48s - 1954.88s

Would I?

Speaker 21955.2s - 1955.94s

Would I, though?

Speaker 41956.38s - 1957.94s

It's got this guy in it.

Speaker 21958.24s - 1962.9s

I'm going to Google it, actually, because there's this guy in the presenter who's wacky as fuck.

Speaker 41963.16s - 1963.54s


Speaker 21963.88s - 1968.54s

You surprise me. It's not being presented by Brian Cox PERSON.

Speaker 41968.54s - 1974.32s

Brian Cox PERSON, yeah. So this is,

Speaker 21974.56s - 1987.54s

wacky hair. So this theory, while you're looking at up, this theory has been around for quite a while, but in recent years, some big celebs or big, you know, influenceslike Joe Rogan.

Speaker 141987.54s - 1994.78s

Elon Musk has also tweeted about this. Because I think the conspiracy comes from the idea that

Speaker 21994.78s - 2014.48s

ancient Egyptians NORP couldn't be sophisticated enough to have created some brick structure. You know, it has to be something that's new or made by something another worldly thing because it's impossible that 4,000 years ago some people couldhave built something. I mean, they took 80 odd years to make some of those buildings.

Speaker 42014.68s - 2029.06s

So I think, you know, but anyway, so that's kind of the principle of the conspiracy theory. Sorry, Sophie PERSON. Who's the guy? Just Google Giorgio A. Sukhalis. That's Sukhalos. God,io A. Sucalos PERSON. God,I probably butchered that name. Yeah,

Speaker 22029.32s - 2030.76s

that should be a problem.

Speaker 42032.14s - 2036.06s

G-I-O-R-G-I-O. Yeah.

Speaker 142036.52s - 2039.52s

I hope everybody listening is no Googling this as well

Speaker 42039.52s - 2047.16s

because otherwise it's a loss. It's a lost course. Cacalos PERSON. A T-S-O-U. K-A-L-O-S.

Speaker 22048.88s - 2052.5s

He's Swiss NORP, is he? Oh, I don't know.

Speaker 42052.62s - 2053.18s

I found him.

Speaker 22053.24s - 2054.76s

Here he is. Can you see that?

Speaker 42055.04s - 2056.26s

There he is.

Speaker 22056.74s - 2057.88s

Look, that's him.

Speaker 42058s - 2060.3s

That's not the face of a conspiracy theorist at all.

Speaker 142060.4s - 2060.76s


Speaker 22061.42s - 2063.92s

I mean, what is his profession?

Speaker 142064.32s - 2065.28s

What is his,

Speaker 22065.56s - 2065.66s


Speaker 142065.86s - 2067.14s

God. So he's a professional.

Speaker 42067.8s - 2068.44s

So he is a,

Speaker 132068.44s - 2070s

he is a uphologist.

Speaker 142070.36s - 2070.6s


Speaker 22071.26s - 2077.2s

So he's a promoter of pseudo-scientific ancient astronauts hypothesis. Okay.

Speaker 42077.54s - 2079.26s

This is your regular kind of guy. Yeah.

Speaker 132079.74s - 2080.22s


Speaker 42080.44s - 2080.86s


Speaker 22081.04s - 2083.88s

So he's done a show, has he, that you've watched. Well,

Speaker 42083.94s - 2084.08s


Speaker 22084.14s - 2089.12s

he does a lot of presenting. I opened up the picture more fully. Yeah, right? Yeah. Yeah. So he's done a show, has he, that you've watched. Well, no, he does a lot of presenting. I opened up the picture more fully. Yeah, right?

Speaker 42089.54s - 2089.82s


Speaker 22089.9s - 2092.6s

Do you see what I mean by the hair? He's hilarious.

Speaker 42092.92s - 2095.98s

He's like a mad professor, but he presents on this show, ancient aliens,

Speaker 22096.22s - 2098.8s

which is where, I think, where this is all come from this.

Speaker 142098.88s - 2101.24s

I'll see if I can find some footage of that to put on the video play.

Speaker 22101.24s - 2102.18s

So he's hilarious.

Speaker 142102.48s - 2102.98s

He's Swiss NORP.

Speaker 42103.1s - 2103.24s


Speaker 22103.32s - 2103.5s


Speaker 142103.58s - 2103.78s


Speaker 22103.78s - 2103.82s


Speaker 142103.82s - 2106s

So I'll check that out for sure.

Speaker 22106s - 2106.24s


Speaker 42106.24s - 2111.32s

Yeah. I know that one of the points that Joe Rogan says is that he thinks that they're, that

Speaker 142111.32s - 2114.76s

that society back in those days was a lot more advanced than we are.

Speaker 132114.76s - 2115.76s


Speaker 142115.76s - 2116.76s

I've heard that.

Speaker 42116.76s - 2122.24s

And then there was some sort of cataclysmic event that completely wiped them out.

Speaker 142122.24s - 2124.76s

And then everybody had to start again.

Speaker 132124.76s - 2125.14s

And that's the reason that the technology from back then we've, we've got no record of it. that completely wiped them out. And then everybody had to start again.

Speaker 142128.38s - 2128.48s

And that's the reason that the technology from back then,

Speaker 132130.16s - 2131.42s

we've got no record of it.

Speaker 142134.22s - 2135.1s

Again, it's a theory that you can either believe or not.

Speaker 42137.6s - 2140.94s

I've heard that as well about some ancients and not Egyptians NORP, but some other ancient civilization.

Speaker 22140.94s - 2142.96s

Mayan NORP and stuff like, Mayan.

Speaker 42143.84s - 2153s

No, Aztecs NORP, that kind of thing. No, like some kind of, I would guess you would call it fictional. Civilization.

Speaker 32153s - 2155s

The best of these conspiracy theories.

Speaker 142155s - 2159s

A lost kind of civil, like Atlantis LOC and that kind of thing.

Speaker 32159s - 2160s


Speaker 142160s - 2169.92s

Yeah, well, I've heard that as well that Atlantis LOC was actually a really civilized, civilization that had all this technology and they got greedy and destroyed the earth like we're doing now,

Speaker 42169.92s - 2170.72s

to be fair.

Speaker 142170.72s - 2174.72s

And it's probably where there was a place where a band called Wet Wet, Wet ORG would be successful.

Speaker 42174.72s - 2176.16s

It would be Atlantis LOC, wouldn't it?

Speaker 132176.16s - 2178.08s

Yeah, yeah. Thank you very much.

Speaker 42178.08s - 2181.68s

I'm just waiting for you to press that button and it, it's just, meow.

Speaker 142181.68s - 2184.48s

It will be. It will be. Don't worry.

Speaker 42184.48s - 2185.22s

Okay, then Sophie PERSON, you're number eight Don't worry. Okay, then Sophie.

Speaker 142185.3s - 2187.5s

You're number eight then, please. Okay.

Speaker 42187.62s - 2190.6s

My number eight was Denver International Airport FAC.

Speaker 142191.2s - 2191.5s


Speaker 42192.1s - 2193.74s

Have either of you heard of this before?

Speaker 142193.88s - 2197.84s

I have heard of this. I can't remember what the context was, though. But I have heard of it.

Speaker 42198.16s - 2248.62s

It's all kind of nonsense surrounding this airport. And it's a funny one. Like, it's a strange airport. It's kind of got some weird art in it. There's a big horse statue outside the front. And I've flown into it quite a few times and never realized there was all these conspiracies until someone was like, oh, you know about theDenver International Airport FAC conspiracy, don't you? And I googled it. And it's kind of like, first of all, they thought that there was some kind of like underground tunnels and bunkers and stuff for all the elite people to go to if there was an alien invasion. And there's some alien, you know, someone's drawn a picture of an alien on the wall.There's some weird apocalyptic artwork. And then they think that there's some kind of Nazi NORP affiliation as well because they say that the runways are in the shape of a swastika which they're not really very vague. Not really.

Speaker 132249.38s - 2251.3s

Well, I mean

Speaker 42251.3s - 2253.88s

you could interpret it as a swastika but you could also

Speaker 132253.88s - 2255.44s

interpret it as anything really.

Speaker 42256.48s - 2294.98s

And then yeah and then they also think that the airport is governed by I can't even bloody remember now. There was so many governed by some organisation.It might have even been the Nazis NORP, I can't remember. But there's just so much swirling around Denver International Airport FAC. And at one point, they did a bunch of work on it. And one of the baggage belts wouldn't work or something. So then that became a big conspiracy. Like, oh, that's just proof.It's proof that, you know, they're up to something. It's just so weird. And it's just an airport. And it's just a weird building with lots of weird art. That's it.

Speaker 142295.82s - 2304.56s

Do you feel that it's just somebody that was sat and had a layover maybe at Denver GPE? And they're there for like seven hours. And they think, I'm sick and tired of this fucking airport. Right.

Speaker 42304.62s - 2305.48s

What can I make up?

Speaker 02305.96s - 2308.12s

And all of a sudden, it's like, it's the Nazis NORP.

Speaker 142309.06s - 2310.4s

Yeah, well, it begs belief.

Speaker 42310.5s - 2311.46s

That looks like a swastika.

Speaker 142311.84s - 2317.68s

I think that they've really capitalised in it because the airport itself has made a lot of money from these conspiracies.

Speaker 42317.68s - 2326.34s

And they had like a whole conspiracy theory month or week or something where they just like fully went all out and like

Speaker 142326.34s - 2329.92s

hammed up these signs of aliens and stuff like that.

Speaker 122330.04s - 2333.2s

There you go. That's where the money making money out of it comes from, isn't it?

Speaker 42333.36s - 2337.72s

Right. Exactly. But I feel like if you go to any airport, you know, like if you went to Heathrow FAC,

Speaker 142337.72s - 2341.3s

for example, there's pictures of the queen everywhere. I'm sure someone could.

Speaker 42341.34s - 2346.08s

She's a lizard. Yeah. I'm sure someone could think of a conspiracy theory to do with that.

Speaker 32346.96s - 2348.44s

You're just laughing to yourself.

Speaker 42348.78s - 2350.5s

I love you, you're stifling a laugh.

Speaker 132350.56s - 2351.1s

She's a lizard.

Speaker 32351.3s - 2352s

She's a lizard.

Speaker 42354.62s - 2355.44s

Oh, God.

Speaker 132355.68s - 2356.08s

Oh, dear.

Speaker 42356.24s - 2360.16s

I'd take a bit more of a delve into that because is that...

Speaker 132360.16s - 2361.86s

I have never heard of that at all.

Speaker 142361.9s - 2363.24s

It just sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

Speaker 42363.24s - 2363.6s

Oh, really?

Speaker 132363.8s - 2364.8s

Yeah, it is.

Speaker 42364.94s - 2368.92s

I mean, I'd never heard a it before someone mentioned it to me.

Speaker 132369.16s - 2371.18s

But, yeah, it's just bizarre.

Speaker 42371.36s - 2374.92s

It's just proof that humans can make a conspiracy theory out of anything.

Speaker 22375.12s - 2376.2s

Indeed. Indeed.

Speaker 42376.32s - 2379.78s

It's quite a random one, isn't it? It's like quite a weird. Yeah.

Speaker 22380.24s - 2381.88s

Like just out of the airport. Yeah.

Speaker 42382.6s - 2405.52s

I mean, there's something about Denver GPE as a place is, I think it's less likely to have any huge natural disasters or something compared to many other places. Like, there's probably not going to be any hurricanes or tsunami, safe from tsunamis, just stuff like that. I've heard that about Colorado GPE. So maybe, I don't know, maybe that's why the bunker's there.

Speaker 142405.98s - 2410.02s

Right, right. And they were just bored and wanted to make something up. Yeah.

Speaker 42410.34s - 2412.34s

Yeah, so safe, we have to do something.

Speaker 142412.6s - 2412.9s


Speaker 22413.12s - 2414.04s

Just to make it interesting.

Speaker 142414.34s - 2414.46s


Speaker 22414.46s - 2421.9s

I heard a true story when I was out, when I was in Hawaii about a celebrity that is

Speaker 142421.9s - 2423.62s

similar that is actually true.

Speaker 22423.72s - 2425.54s

And I'll tell you after we stop recording this,

Speaker 142425.58s - 2426.42s

because it's top secret.

Speaker 22427.58s - 2429.8s

My friend told me.

Speaker 142430.04s - 2430.4s


Speaker 42431.4s - 2432.74s

Sorry listeners about that.

Speaker 22432.84s - 2434.14s

Sorry that we tempted you with that.

Speaker 42435.2s - 2437.08s

Okay, my number eight was living in the Matrix WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 132437.46s - 2440.02s

So we're back to you then, Giles, with your number seven.

Speaker 142440.62s - 2442.58s

Well, we sort of touched on it a minute ago.

Speaker 42442.72s - 2444s

The Lost City of Atlantis LOC.

Speaker 142444.26s - 2447.4s

I put this in specifically because Sophie PERSON and I have talked about this before.

Speaker 42448.08s - 2451.48s

And I know she's quite keen on it as a concept.

Speaker 142452.5s - 2452.76s


Speaker 42453.38s - 2454.5s

Yeah, so I put it in.

Speaker 132455.26s - 2455.94s

It's really cool.

Speaker 42456.26s - 2456.44s


Speaker 22457.44s - 2462.68s

Joe Rogan has somebody on the podcast where he said he thought he knew where

Speaker 142462.68s - 2464.38s

Atlantis LOC used to be.

Speaker 22465.16s - 2471.14s

Right. Because the way that the seabed kind of rides up is like it's corroded by,

Speaker 142471.34s - 2475.96s

and it's just he just had different ways of saying that that is where a building would have been

Speaker 22475.96s - 2477.9s

and it wouldn't be like that naturally.

Speaker 42478.68s - 2481.22s

That something would have been there and it's under the sea.

Speaker 142482.08s - 2483.98s

Okay. Were you convinced or?

Speaker 22486.12s - 2487.8s

I mean, it's like anything, isn't it?

Speaker 42487.84s - 2489.7s

It's like, unless you see, for me,

Speaker 142489.78s - 2492.26s

unless I see a good quality photograph or video,

Speaker 42493.2s - 2496.9s

charts and diagrams mean nothing.

Speaker 22497.8s - 2499.32s

It's, it's, it can be somebody.

Speaker 02499.7s - 2501.7s

Someone's got a much higher intellect than me,

Speaker 42501.76s - 2502.44s

which isn't hard.

Speaker 02503.84s - 2509.5s

Just a good way of describing something will make me go, okay, you've got a really good point there.

Speaker 42509.6s - 2510.38s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 132510.48s - 2516.14s

No, I was going to say there's a Disney documentary about Atlanta.

Speaker 02516.3s - 2519.24s

Well, it's like finding lost cities or something, and one of them is Atlantis LOC.

Speaker 42519.62s - 2525.12s

And it comes up with this place and it's like, was definitely here because you know, they've taken

Speaker 142529.44s - 2534.48s

like a, you know, and they take photos above sonar or whatever it is. Yeah, yeah. And it looks like it and you're like, oh, that's it. And you know, being kind of gullible,

Speaker 132534.48s - 2538.16s

I'm like, yeah, that that's it. I truly believe that that is where Atlanta says. And then at the end,

Speaker 142538.16s - 2541.6s

it's like, but we don't think it's there. We think it's this place and they shake,

Speaker 02541.6s - 2548.62s

take you somewhere else and you're like, it's definitely that place as well. And they're like but also it could be this place and I'm like I just believe anything

Speaker 132548.62s - 2553.4s

honestly I'll just believe anything it all gets shot to shit when it's like that isn't it then because

Speaker 142553.4s - 2557.58s

it could be anywhere it could be anywhere or nowhere yeah and I'll believe all of them I think

Speaker 42557.58s - 2561.94s

save and I first started talking about this because we were watching we were doing like a Netflix

Speaker 132561.94s - 2565.36s

watched together type thing one night. And we were watching

Speaker 42565.36s - 2570.98s

some show about like kind of Mayan NORP history or something. And it was like and and, and, and

Speaker 02570.98s - 2575.98s

and we were all and I was sort of being very skeptical about it. Like, oh yeah. And then you're

Speaker 142575.98s - 2582.48s

like, but you must believe in Atlanta. Yeah. Yeah. I'm like, look at the facts, Charles PERSON.

Speaker 02582.64s - 2585.84s

Yeah. Look at the facts. Look at the facts. Look at the facts. Look at the facts. Look what Joe Rogan said.

Speaker 142586.32s - 2586.72s


Speaker 42587.12s - 2588.54s

I read it on Wikipedia ORG.

Speaker 142588.9s - 2589.6s

It must be true.

Speaker 42590.1s - 2590.88s

Oh, dear.

Speaker 22591.3s - 2592.48s

But it is fascinating.

Speaker 142592.48s - 2595.06s

That's why I had to have it in because I thought it was young.

Speaker 22595.26s - 2596.94s

It was a thing that we talked about.

Speaker 142597.06s - 2602.24s

But nobody, the thing is nobody knows what really happened for 500 years ago because nobody was there.

Speaker 22602.34s - 2605.62s

It's just stuff that's been passed on, taking it from art.

Speaker 122606.38s - 2607.96s

You don't know. I've always said

Speaker 42607.96s - 2609.96s

I would love to have been in the middle

Speaker 22609.96s - 2612.26s

of a medieval battle to see

Speaker 42612.26s - 2614.26s

whether it would be like it is in the movies.

Speaker 22614.8s - 2616.08s

I can imagine it would just be

Speaker 142616.08s - 2618.52s

horrible and probably would have lasted very long.

Speaker 22618.78s - 2620.58s

Be stinky as well. Oh my gosh.

Speaker 142620.58s - 2622.98s

Can you imagine it? It just be, oh, what a mess.

Speaker 22623.48s - 2625.48s

You know what? I don't know if you remember this, perhaps.

Speaker 132625.48s - 2628s

I think some of my skepticism

Speaker 142628s - 2629.9s

about Atlantis LOC has

Speaker 22629.9s - 2631.9s

stemmed from the fact that in the

Speaker 42631.9s - 2633.82s

eight, well, it must have been in the 70s, actually.

Speaker 22634s - 2635.12s

Not the man from Atlantis LOC.

Speaker 42635.4s - 2637s

No, no. There's a movie called

Speaker 142637s - 2638.32s

Warlords of Atlantis WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 22638.62s - 2639.12s

Oh my God.

Speaker 142640.16s - 2642.04s

Oh, it's horrendous.

Speaker 02642.34s - 2644.04s

Like, it's a proper, a bit like those

Speaker 22644.04s - 2646.12s

cities, you know, do you remember the Sindo ORGw? Oh, well, something's happened tomorrow. Where you's a proper, a bit like those... You know, do you remember the Sindo?

Speaker 142646.26s - 2647.24s

Oh, something's happened tomorrow.

Speaker 22647.76s - 2648.26s

Where you gone?

Speaker 142648.66s - 2650.28s

You're looking very pensive, though.

Speaker 22650.28s - 2651.7s

What happened?

Speaker 142652.42s - 2655.12s

I tell you, it's because we're doing conspiracies.

Speaker 22655.66s - 2656.94s

They're trying to shut us down.

Speaker 142657.5s - 2659.68s

It's the bird pigeon Wi-Fi people.

Speaker 22659.9s - 2660.48s

It is.

Speaker 142660.64s - 2661.06s

What happened?

Speaker 32661.46s - 2661.96s

I don't know.

Speaker 142662.02s - 2662.8s

The video has gone.

Speaker 22663.4s - 2663.76s


Speaker 142664.34s - 2666.28s

Can you hear me still? We can still hear you. Yeah, that's weird. Oh,? I don't know. The video has gone. Oh. Can you hear me still?

Speaker 42666.38s - 2667.06s

We can still hear you.

Speaker 22667.06s - 2667.92s

Yeah, that's weird.

Speaker 142667.92s - 2668.9s

Oh, it's all coming back.

Speaker 22670.18s - 2670.96s

Not for us.

Speaker 142671.16s - 2671.88s

Not for us.

Speaker 22672.36s - 2673.06s

I'll tell you what.

Speaker 142673.06s - 2674.12s

I'm just about to go you into Walt ORG.

Speaker 42674.46s - 2676.38s

Atlantis LOC, which is a fantastic film.

Speaker 142676.88s - 2677.32s


Speaker 42679.58s - 2683.46s

The studio that did that movie, they do not want you to talk about it, Jiles.

Speaker 142683.58s - 2684.2s

That's what it is.

Speaker 42684.58s - 2685.38s

It's the Illuminati ORG.

Speaker 142685.64s - 2686.02s

It is.

Speaker 22686.5s - 2691.5s

I'll tell you the weird thing is, back in the day when we were doing our first kind of podcast,

Speaker 142691.6s - 2693.76s

we did a podcast called Movie Heaven WORK_OF_ART, there he is.

Speaker 22694.3s - 2698.78s

We had a woman on who was a massive, massive conspiracy theorist.

Speaker 142698.9s - 2699.44s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 22699.62s - 2699.86s


Speaker 142699.96s - 2700.4s


Speaker 22700.4s - 2704.1s

And while we were talking, my microphone stand collapsed.

Speaker 142704.9s - 2708.72s

And she went, she went, there, see, see.

Speaker 22709.42s - 2710.22s

Yeah, that's the evidence.

Speaker 142710.38s - 2711.72s

They're trying to shut you down.

Speaker 22711.92s - 2712.62s

The Illuminati ORG.

Speaker 142712.9s - 2713.5s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 22713.82s - 2718.02s

And for a split a second, I was genuinely, I shit myself because I thought, oh, my God.

Speaker 142718.1s - 2718.64s

She's right.

Speaker 22718.82s - 2719.34s

She's right.

Speaker 142719.48s - 2723.46s

And it wasn't, it was just, the thing wasn't like, you know, oh, you've got, why have you got?

Speaker 22723.46s - 2724.04s

What's happening?

Speaker 142724.04s - 2724.86s

What was that?

Speaker 22725.1s - 2726.22s

It is, it is.

Speaker 42726.72s - 2729.38s

So, anyway, warlords of Atlantis, Doug McClure PERSON.

Speaker 142730s - 2730.9s

Doug McClure PERSON.

Speaker 42731.12s - 2739.62s

Yeah, so basically there's these people on a boat and then this massive giant kind of octopus pulls them down to Atlantis LOC.

Speaker 32740.12s - 2744.46s

And then in Atlantis LOC in the movie, they've got very high tech technology.

Speaker 42744.46s - 2746.32s

You can see the future and all sorts of stuff.

Speaker 142746.42s - 2747.36s

And there's a scientist guy.

Speaker 42747.36s - 2748.56s

And it's all very silly.

Speaker 142748.78s - 2753.64s

But yeah, that's my kind of thing about Atlantis LOC has been that movie.

Speaker 42754.44s - 2754.68s


Speaker 112755.28s - 2758.8s

Yeah, because mine would be man from Atlantis with Patrick Duffy PERSON.

Speaker 32759.3s - 2763.78s

That's the only time I knew about that because he had the webbed fingers and the webbed feet.

Speaker 112763.9s - 2765.76s

Oh, yeah, they had webbed things in this thing.

Speaker 142765.76s - 2766.2s

Oh, did they?

Speaker 112766.5s - 2766.94s


Speaker 132767.6s - 2772.18s

Yeah, it's a very, um, Atlantis LOC thingy thing to have like web stuff.

Speaker 22772.34s - 2772.54s


Speaker 142772.98s - 2773.88s

Webbed stuff.

Speaker 22775.18s - 2780.78s

Yeah, that's weird because it wasn't, wasn't Atlantis LOC like a real,

Speaker 142781.08s - 2784.56s

it was just a normal city that flooded and then went underwater.

Speaker 22784.56s - 2785.44s

But somehow

Speaker 142785.44s - 2790.98s

it's become that everyone, oh, how many cameras have you got on you? What's going on?

Speaker 22790.98s - 2796.7s

There's a woman going on here. Here we go. I'm telling you. It's because we've never had this

Speaker 142796.7s - 2800.76s

before and we're doing conspiracies. We move on from Atlantis LOC. It's scary me now. I think we need

Speaker 32800.76s - 2807.6s

to. Those Atlantis truthers. I think it doesn't mess up your audio. No, it's fine. Those Atlantis truthers, they're really kicking us hard tonight.

Speaker 42807.7s - 2811.44s

Anyway, I'm just waiting for the next shot of Giles PERSON to be like the top of his head.

Speaker 22811.78s - 2813.62s

I don't even know where that camera is.

Speaker 42814.82s - 2815.68s

Look at this.

Speaker 122816.06s - 2818.66s

What worries me is that we're in Giles PERSON's bedroom.

Speaker 142818.96s - 2822.3s

We're in Giles' bedroom when there's at least two different cameras in there already.

Speaker 42822.3s - 2824.44s

I don't even want to know what you and Michelle PERSON are up to.

Speaker 132824.44s - 2827.16s

I tell you what is, because my laptop's there,

Speaker 142827.86s - 2829.1s

and that's got its camera on.

Speaker 42829.12s - 2830.38s

And I've got a webcam up here.

Speaker 142830.56s - 2830.88s


Speaker 42831.96s - 2833.26s

That's why it's flicking.

Speaker 22833.38s - 2834.08s

There's one there.

Speaker 42834.28s - 2834.6s

That's why.

Speaker 142834.98s - 2835.38s


Speaker 42835.62s - 2836.62s

Conspiracy there.

Speaker 122837.06s - 2838.04s

Yeah, it's not multiple cameras.

Speaker 132838.04s - 2840.66s

The Giles Paley Phillips PERSON conspiracy, bedroom conspiracy.

Speaker 42841.02s - 2841.76s

Oh, God.

Speaker 22842.56s - 2844.42s

That's going to spread like wildfire on.

Speaker 142846.16s - 2846.24s

That's the episode title. That is. Okay. Then, Sophie PERSON. That's going to spread like wildfire. That's the episode title.

Speaker 22846.54s - 2847.1s

That is.

Speaker 82850.46s - 2850.94s

Okay, then Sophie, your number seven, please.

Speaker 22854.62s - 2855.02s

Okay, my number seven is Finland GPE does not exist.

Speaker 142855.44s - 2855.58s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 22857.48s - 2858.54s

I almost put this one on, actually. I've never heard this one.

Speaker 142859.18s - 2862.56s

Well, I hadn't heard of it before we interviewed Dom Jolly PERSON on our podcast,

Speaker 42862.92s - 2864.7s

and he was talking about conspiracy theories.

Speaker 142870.66s - 2876.14s

And that was one that he introduced to us. Apparently, so the origins of this is that there was a Reddit thread all about like silly things parents used to tell their kids, like lies

Speaker 42876.14s - 2880.98s

that parents told their kids. And someone said, oh, for some reason my parents told me when

Speaker 22880.98s - 2885.22s

I was a kid that Finland GPE didn't exist. And everyone was sort of laughing about it.

Speaker 42885.26s - 2887.2s

Anyway, that sort of spread like wildfire.

Speaker 142887.36s - 2890.86s

And before you knew it, there's a bunch of people that now believe that Finland GPE actually

Speaker 42890.86s - 2898.54s

doesn't exist. And there's not really any way of proving that it exists. Because, you know, if we fly to Finland GPE, you get off at the airport and it says, welcome to Finland GPE.

Speaker 142899.38s - 2901.3s

Then how do you know you're actually in Finland GPE?

Speaker 42901.44s - 2902.12s

You could be anywhere.

Speaker 132902.92s - 2903.98s

Wouldn't that be the same with anywhere?

Speaker 42903.98s - 2905.12s

Yeah. Yeah, totally. But I think anywhere? They were of every country, yeah.

Speaker 142905.8s - 2906.4s

Yeah, totally.

Speaker 42906.78s - 2907.88s

Denver GPE doesn't exist.

Speaker 142908.44s - 2909.76s

No. Exactly.

Speaker 42910.42s - 2921.52s

I think they're saying, oh, well, actually it doesn't exist. It's just, did they say something about it's something to do with China GPE? I don't know, but it's utterly ridiculous.

Speaker 02922.32s - 2925s

That was random. It's something to do with China GPE.

Speaker 42925.76s - 2931.76s

Or like they're using it as like a base for military operations or something. I don't know.

Speaker 132931.76s - 2941.88s

But it's like it's just taken on a life of its own. And now there's a huge bunch of people that think, no, Finland GPE doesn't actually exist. And it is really hard to prove that a country exists.

Speaker 142942.14s - 2943.7s

Yeah. What about the people that live in Finland GPE?

Speaker 42944.96s - 2953.6s

Well, you know, people would say they think they live in Finland GPE, but they don't because it doesn't exist. Probably like in Sweden GPE or something.

Speaker 142954.3s - 2958.8s

Or the people that play for Finland GPE, the international football team. What would you, I mean...

Speaker 42958.8s - 2960.48s

Yeah. Wow.

Speaker 142960.82s - 2962.78s

They're deluded. They're deluded.

Speaker 22962.78s - 2968.52s

It feels like there's a lot of evidence to suggest that Finland GPE is a country and that people live there.

Speaker 42970.08s - 2973.78s

But, you know, if seven or eight people think that it doesn't exist,

Speaker 22973.88s - 2975.06s

that's a possibility.

Speaker 142976.62s - 2978.04s

Is that your cut off, Sophie PERSON?

Speaker 22978.28s - 2978.46s


Speaker 142978.52s - 2980.46s

For a conspiracy theory, seven or eight.

Speaker 22981.02s - 2981.46s


Speaker 42981.46s - 2983.06s

And they're all in one family as well.

Speaker 32983.06s - 2985.48s

If it's more than half a dozen, then it's definitely true. And they all live in Finland as well, yeah. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. And they're all in one family as well. If it's more than half a dozen, then it's definitely true.

Speaker 42986.04s - 2987.52s

And they all live in Finland GPE as well.

Speaker 132987.66s - 2988.38s


Speaker 42989s - 2989.36s


Speaker 22989.66s - 2990.52s

Okay, right.

Speaker 142990.64s - 2993.2s

My number seven is the good old flat earth.

Speaker 42994.06s - 2994.42s


Speaker 142994.42s - 2996.06s

that's my number five.

Speaker 22996.2s - 2997s

Is that your number five?

Speaker 42997.2s - 3000.34s

I had that one for number six.

Speaker 143000.6s - 3004.2s

Okay. There we go. There's our first one. All around the globe.

Speaker 133006.88s - 3007.4s

All around the globe. I will there we go. There's our first one. All around the globe. All around the globe.

Speaker 43013.02s - 3013.16s

I will watch videos just to see how deluded these people are.

Speaker 143017.04s - 3023.16s

And no offence if you are a flat earth person, but you're deluded. I don't understand how you can feel that they're just the same as people that don't think that Finland GPE exists.

Speaker 133023.4s - 3025.94s

It's just a ridiculous concept

Speaker 43025.94s - 3030.2s

that time and time again you get found to be wrong,

Speaker 133030.46s - 3031.76s

yet you still won't accept it.

Speaker 143031.84s - 3034.74s

I don't quite understand when it comes to that.

Speaker 133034.74s - 3036.14s

I guess with the flat earth one as well,

Speaker 23036.3s - 3043.02s

like it kind of, it knocks on to lots of other conspiracy theories. You know, like space travels, it doesn't exist and like satellites.

Speaker 143044.18s - 3047.32s

So I guess you're like, because you know, obviously there's no footage of the round

Speaker 03047.32s - 3047.62s


Speaker 23048.76s - 3053.92s

So that it kind of had a bit of a knock on effect into other ones, I think. Yeah.

Speaker 43054.28s - 3058.1s

I mean, I guess if you're, if you're a flat earther, you probably have other conspiracy theories.

Speaker 23058.48s - 3059.12s

I think so.

Speaker 43059.62s - 3077.3s

That is true. And I was going to say as well, the flat earth one is one that particularly people seem to form some kind of like identity based on like they really take it as they're like it's a lifestyle it's a way of life you know like you you can't tell them any different kind of thing whereas like

Speaker 03077.3s - 3082.54s

I said at the beginning of the show if someone came to me and said the earth is actually flat we've

Speaker 133082.54s - 3085.02s

discovered that it wouldn't change my life in any way.

Speaker 03086.84s - 3087.2s

I would kind of be like, oh, really, that's weird.

Speaker 43088.1s - 3088.2s

You can get on with my life.

Speaker 133091.24s - 3091.34s

But these flat earthers, it's like they've built this whole life around it.

Speaker 23092.12s - 3092.76s

It's crazy.

Speaker 133094.18s - 3094.58s

I might go and walk to the edge.

Speaker 23095.62s - 3096.08s

But then why don't they?

Speaker 133096.7s - 3098.32s

Yeah, exactly. That's why I don't understand.

Speaker 23098.74s - 3104.24s

Is have the courage of your convictions and go to the edge and then get some footage

Speaker 143104.24s - 3105.32s

and then come back and go, look, here is the edge. I found the edge of the earth. go to the edge and then get some footage and then come back and go

Speaker 23105.32s - 3105.64s


Speaker 143105.76s - 3106.74s

here is the edge.

Speaker 23106.74s - 3107.28s

I found the edge of the earth.

Speaker 143107.52s - 3108.28s

I found the edge

Speaker 23108.28s - 3109.3s

and I nearly dropped off

Speaker 43109.3s - 3109.88s

but I didn't

Speaker 23109.88s - 3111.54s

but here is a picture of the edge.

Speaker 143111.9s - 3112.66s

Then I would say,

Speaker 43113.32s - 3113.5s


Speaker 23114.26s - 3115.16s

Do they think it's like

Speaker 43115.16s - 3116.5s

Newfoundland GPE or something?

Speaker 23116.84s - 3118.38s

I don't think Newfoundland GPE exists.

Speaker 43118.9s - 3119.74s

I don't think,

Speaker 23119.8s - 3120.82s

I think it's next to Finland GPE,

Speaker 43121s - 3121.26s

isn't it?

Speaker 23121.26s - 3121.82s

Newfoundland GPE.

Speaker 43122.12s - 3122.32s

Oh, right.

Speaker 143122.68s - 3122.76s


Speaker 43122.76s - 3123.68s

It's near Atlantis LOC.

Speaker 143125.36s - 3128.7s

That's why they don't go there because they're like, no, no, no, I would go, but it doesn't exist.

Speaker 43129.2s - 3134.56s

And also, you know, it makes you think, have you ever been on a boat and just looked at the horizon and seen the curve?

Speaker 03135.04s - 3135.36s


Speaker 143135.78s - 3136.72s

It's so weird.

Speaker 43137.2s - 3138.1s

I know there was footage.

Speaker 143138.3s - 3144.84s

I can't remember who it was that did it, but some flat earthers decided to look through a telescope or something and see there was a point.

Speaker 43145.96s - 3149.38s

And if there was a curve, you wouldn't be able to see the point or something.

Speaker 143149.9s - 3154.04s

And then they looked and they couldn't see the point. And they were going, ah, we can't see the point.

Speaker 133154.16s - 3158.66s

And it's kind of gave them their proof, but they still wouldn't accept it.

Speaker 143158.82s - 3161.56s

They said that there was something wrong with a camera, something wrong with a telescope.

Speaker 133161.64s - 3162.58s

I don't know. It's just ridiculous.

Speaker 23162.58s - 3167.3s

Which is then it makes me think it's, the fascinating thing is the conspiracy theorist.

Speaker 43167.5s - 3172.52s

What, you know, what is it that drives them to have this, you know, even when you're showing

Speaker 143172.52s - 3176.68s

all the evidence in the world, why you still believe it's not, you know.

Speaker 43176.68s - 3181.88s

I think, I think it's this idea that they have some like unknown knowledge and they're like,

Speaker 23181.96s - 3185.1s

you know, they're not believing what the higher powers

Speaker 43185.1s - 3189.38s

are just telling us. They're feeding us misinformation. They have this like special thing that no

Speaker 03189.38s - 3194.96s

one else has. And I think you never ever find unless unless a conspiracy theorist is really

Speaker 43194.96s - 3217.54s

making money out of it and taking advantage of, you know, innocent people and vulnerable people like the Alex Jones PERSON of the world, you never find a conspiracy theorist who is like, feels really happy and in control of their own life. Do you know what I mean? It goes back to the Matrix WORK_OF_ART thing we're talking about. Like, it's often these people that probably do feel a bit out of control in their livesthat cling on to these things.

Speaker 23218.1s - 3230s

Yeah, there's a paranoia. There's a like, you know, people are out to get us. Like, you know, there's a kind of distrust of everything, I think, as well. But like that you know this is a kind of untrust of everything I think yeah well but like you say there's that kind of righteous

Speaker 03230s - 3237.84s

ignition that you know they've got some knowledge that other people don't have which is what I was saying at the beginning with some people's conspiracy their truth because

Speaker 23237.84s - 3242.16s

they to think that it's you know to have this thing it's got to be true that I've got

Speaker 143242.16s - 3248.4s

they do believe it yeah I think also can link into the Illumin. Say you've got some kind of big new world order that is looking

Speaker 23248.4s - 3254.22s

after everything. If the little people are just worried and fighting amongst themselves about

Speaker 143254.22s - 3263.72s

something like Flat Earth LOC, they're not going to worry what the big, big people are doing. They're all fighting about these stupid little things. So let them worry about all that. And,

Speaker 133263.72s - 3266.12s

you know, whether there's Atlantis LOC, whether there's aliens,

Speaker 03266.54s - 3271.64s

and we'll carry on just doing what we need to do, making billions and trillions of dollars or whatever.

Speaker 133272.56s - 3274.6s

That's another conspiracy theory. Yeah.

Speaker 143276.24s - 3281.6s

Okay, Charles, you want number six then, please? Well, the Titanic PRODUCT didn't crash and sink.

Speaker 23281.82s - 3289.94s

Okay. Yeah, I've heard that one. Yeah. Apparently, it's to do with the fact that they think it got swapped out before it set sail.

Speaker 03290.06s - 3297.3s

That's right. The Olympia FAC, which was the other kind of sister ship of the same, I think it was made by the same.

Speaker 23297.66s - 3298.72s

White Star, wasn't it?

Speaker 143298.84s - 3299.6s

Yeah, white star, yeah.

Speaker 03300.66s - 3304.34s

And, you know, Titanic PRODUCT's just like, you know, okay somewhere.

Speaker 143304.94s - 3305.64s

Oh, okay, but either way, know, okay somewhere. Oh, okay.

Speaker 43305.7s - 3307.2s

But either way, either way.

Speaker 143307.4s - 3307.84s

Something, something.

Speaker 43308.32s - 3309.2s

And killed lots of people.

Speaker 143309.44s - 3309.8s


Speaker 43310.34s - 3311.3s

So it's like a point.

Speaker 143311.46s - 3312.58s

Again, it's totally pointless.

Speaker 43314.04s - 3319.54s

And obviously there's irrefutable evidence that Titanic PRODUCT, the actual Titanic sank.

Speaker 23320.22s - 3323.08s

And obviously there are remains of hit down in the ocean.

Speaker 43323.32s - 3324.54s

And some people have gone down to. Yeah.

Speaker 23324.84s - 3334.72s

Yeah. So it seems like that because, yeah, it seems like like that because yeah, it seems like that conspiracy is kind of like they know that it happened because there's lots of evidence and they know that lots of people died.

Speaker 43334.72s - 3338.72s

So all they can really do is say, well, it wasn't actually named the Titanic PRODUCT.

Speaker 23338.72s - 3342.72s

Yeah. It wasn't Titanic PRODUCT. Yeah. It was a different name.

Speaker 43342.72s - 3346.84s

Yeah. So it's almost like it's just yeah. So a big ship. Yeah. Cank almost like, it's just, yeah. So a big ship sank,

Speaker 23346.84s - 3349.56s

crashed into an iceberg, sank and killed lots of people.

Speaker 43349.84s - 3351.06s

I don't give a fuck what it's called.

Speaker 23351.56s - 3352.52s

Yeah, it's actually.

Speaker 43352.76s - 3353.64s

Yeah, loads of people died.

Speaker 23353.64s - 3354.26s

It was really tragic.

Speaker 43354.52s - 3355.82s

What was the name of the other ship?

Speaker 23355.96s - 3356.22s

Did you say?

Speaker 143356.28s - 3356.68s

Olympia FAC.

Speaker 23356.68s - 3358s

The Olympia FAC.

Speaker 143358.74s - 3359.14s


Speaker 133359.74s - 3361.78s

The thing is that you'd never been able to say

Speaker 23361.78s - 3363.52s

that something was a Titanic PRODUCT struggle.

Speaker 143364.04s - 3365.16s

If the Titanic PRODUCT had it. You know? No, you'd say it able to say that something was a Titanic struggle if the Titanic had a...

Speaker 23365.16s - 3365.86s

Wow, that's it.

Speaker 133366.06s - 3366.4s

You know?

Speaker 23366.5s - 3368.58s

No, you'd say it was an Olympic struggle.

Speaker 133368.8s - 3369.5s

There you go.

Speaker 43370.24s - 3370.76s

I don't know.

Speaker 133370.82s - 3373.84s

I think the Olympia FAC sounds like you even call a name, to be honest with you.

Speaker 43373.98s - 3376.24s

I would rather it have been called the Olympia FAC.

Speaker 133376.24s - 3383.56s

So it was called, the reason it was called Titanic was because the guy, one of the guys who owned that shipping company, it was part of J.P. Morgan ORG.

Speaker 43384s - 3384.26s


Speaker 143384.9s - 3385.8s

That company. He was called of J.P. Morgan ORG. Right. That company.

Speaker 43386.12s - 3388.16s

He was called a titan

Speaker 23388.16s - 3390.2s

of the industry. So they called it the Titanic.

Speaker 133391.04s - 3391.9s

There you go.

Speaker 43392.26s - 3394.2s

There's a little fact for you. Great facts

Speaker 133394.2s - 3395.92s

there, Giles PERSON. What happened to

Speaker 43395.92s - 3398.34s

White Star PRODUCT? Did they ever work again?

Speaker 143399.62s - 3402.08s

I can't remember. I went to the

Speaker 43402.08s - 3406.4s

Titanic Museum in Belfast GPE, which if anyone gets a chance to go, is really, really good.

Speaker 143407.2s - 3411.38s

I can't remember what they said about White Star PRODUCT, whether it had carried on. But it was...

Speaker 43411.38s - 3411.66s


Speaker 143412.2s - 3413.62s

Faded into obscurity.

Speaker 43414.1s - 3420.94s

Here's another little nugget of fact that the Titanic Sankoff, Newfoundland GPE.

Speaker 143424.18s - 3425.62s

It just fell off the edge.

Speaker 23426.24s - 3429.78s

Every conspiracy, every conspiracy is just all linked.

Speaker 143429.96s - 3430.72s

They're all linked.

Speaker 23430.96s - 3431.32s


Speaker 43432.32s - 3436.48s

Just out of interest, because I didn't put it on my list and I doubt either of you guys

Speaker 143436.48s - 3436.78s


Speaker 23436.78s - 3437.7s

It's quite strange.

Speaker 43437.88s - 3441.22s

But have you heard about the Alaskan NORP triangle? No.

Speaker 23441.62s - 3442.7s

Or is it like Bermuda GPE triangle?

Speaker 43442.9s - 3448.28s

Yeah. Yeah, exactly. But it kind of takes up almost the whole continent, really.

Speaker 23448.78s - 3449.12s


Speaker 133449.24s - 3450.16s

bloody out, the whole state.

Speaker 43450.72s - 3457.58s

Don't clip me saying that Alaska GPE is a continent for the love of God. You just said it again,

Speaker 143457.68s - 3458.62s

so I can take that Alaska

Speaker 43458.62s - 3482.06s

is a continent bit. So you said it twice there, so thank you. But it almost takes up the whole state. And it's just like a bunch of strange things happening, like ships.I mean, you can't really say ships because it's not on the sea. It's like, you know, on the land. But, you know, planes coming down and stuff like that. Maybe ships off of Alaska GPE. But yeah, lots of weird things happening.

Speaker 143482.4s - 3484s

I didn't realize there were two triangles.

Speaker 43484.18s - 3487.68s

So you got one in Alaska and one in Bermuda GPE. Apparently so.

Speaker 143487.76s - 3489.38s

Which one would you rather get lost in?

Speaker 23490.68s - 3491.6s

Neither if...

Speaker 143491.6s - 3494.42s

Because I think Bermuda GPE's a bit warmer, right?

Speaker 23494.52s - 3495.2s

That's true.

Speaker 43495.5s - 3496.2s

Yeah. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 23496.26s - 3498.24s

And Alaska GPE's full of like weirdos, right?

Speaker 43499.22s - 3500.42s

Yeah. Lots of conspiracy.

Speaker 143500.96s - 3504.9s

I can't believe you said that, Sophie, because our podcast is like number six in the

Speaker 43504.9s - 3510.62s

Alaskan comedy charts. Yeah. Is it, is it? Number five in Bermuda GPE. Is it? Well, I think

Speaker 143510.62s - 3516.98s

Alaskans NORP are great people. They are. I will say, you're great. You tend to go to Alaska

Speaker 23516.98s - 3521.44s

if you're like on the lamb, right? Like if you're on the run for something or someone, that's why,

Speaker 143521.98s - 3529s

you know, I was only joking about that, but please don't say anything about any Guatemala GPEn people because we're apparently very big in Guatemala. I don't know what.

Speaker 23529s - 3533.76s

Great country. What country were we big in, Josh? You said the other day or something.

Speaker 143533.76s - 3540.2s

Oh, the Cayman Islands GPE. Wow. Yeah. Yeah. I think we should go on tour. I would love to go

Speaker 43540.2s - 3545.38s

on tour. Cuba, the Cayman Islands GPE. Yeah. Wonderful.

Speaker 33547.7s - 3548.2s

Okay, so Sophie, number six, you said Flat Earth.

Speaker 43548.42s - 3548.52s


Speaker 143551s - 3551.78s

And at number six, I said the death of Princess Diana.

Speaker 43557.06s - 3557.84s

So, so, um, I didn't mean to press that one. Read the room.

Speaker 143557.84s - 3559.52s

I didn't mean to press that one.

Speaker 43562.18s - 3565.86s

Planning for your next trip, elevate your travel style with Quince ORG. Quince has all the jet-setting essentials you'll want for your next trip? Elevate your travel style with Quince.

Speaker 23566.14s - 3569.6s

Quince ORG has all the jet-setting essentials you'll want for your next getaway,

Speaker 143569.84s - 3572.46s

like European NORP linen, premium luggage options,

Speaker 23572.72s - 3575.5s

buttery soft Italian NORP leather bags, and so much more.

Speaker 43575.72s - 3579.14s

And it's all priced at 50 to 80% less than similar brands.

Speaker 143579.44s - 3583.28s

Plus, Quince ORG only works with factories that use safe and ethical manufacturing practices.

Speaker 23583.78s - 3588.2s

Pack your bags with high-quality essentials you'll be wearing for vacations to come with Quince ORG.

Speaker 143588.4s - 3592.36s

Go to quince.com slash trip for free shipping at 365-day returns.

Speaker 23595.32s - 3601.8s

Hold up. What was that? Boring. No flavor. That was as bad as those leftovers you ate all week.

Speaker 143601.92s - 3606.44s

Kiki Palmer PERSON here. And it's time to say hello to something fresh and guilt-free.

Speaker 133606.62s - 3607.48s

Hello Fresh PRODUCT.

Speaker 143607.66s - 3609.74s

Jazz up dinner with pecan, crusted chicken,

Speaker 133609.84s - 3611.32s

or garlic butter shrimps can be.

Speaker 143611.4s - 3613.2s

Now that's music to my mouth.

Speaker 133613.38s - 3614.48s

Hello Fresh PRODUCT.

Speaker 13615.1s - 3616.96s

Let's get this dinner party started.

Speaker 113617.16s - 3624.04s

Discover all the delicious possibilities at hellofresh.com. Hiring for your small business,

Speaker 83624.3s - 3652.52s

if you're not looking for professionals on LinkedIn ORG, you're looking in the wrong place. That's like looking for your car keys in a fish tank. LinkedIn ORG helps you hire professionals you can't find anywhere else, even those who aren't actively searching for a new job, but might be open to the perfect role. In a given month, over 70% of LinkedIn ORG users don't even visit other leading job sites.So start looking in the right place. With LinkedIn ORG, you can hire professionals like a professional. Post your free job on LinkedIn.com slash people today.

Speaker 103652.9s - 3669.06s

Hey, it's Ryan Reynolds PERSON. I'm here with Keith, co-star of my upcoming film, If, only in theaters, May 17th. Do you want to tell people to big news? All right, I'll do. Sign up now, and you'll get unlimited for $15 a month in six months of Paramount Plus ORG essential plan on us. MintMobile.com slash switch.

Speaker 63669.44s - 3686.68s

Upfront payment of $45 equivalent to $15 per month. Unlimited over 40 gigabytes per month face lower speeds. Videos at 480P. Active Mint customers by 531-24 get six months of Paramount Plus ORG essential plan. Auto renews after six months. Offer ends May 31st, 2021.Separate Paramount Plus ORG registration required. Terms and conditions apply, if rated PG. Because it's time for this.

Speaker 143686.9s - 3707.96s

Top quiz, hot shot. Okay, we're going to have a quiz. Now, again, I've taken all of these questions and answers, all these answers from the internet from a poll from 2019. Okay, I'm going to give you a conspiracy theory, and I want you guys to tell me what percentage of people from the pollthought that it was true. All right.

Speaker 43708.42s - 3708.7s


Speaker 143708.7s - 3709.74s

But what are these,

Speaker 43709.98s - 3711.96s

the poll, what sort of people are they? Are they from Alaska GPE?

Speaker 143712.62s - 3713.18s


Speaker 33713.18s - 3713.5s


Speaker 133713.5s - 3714.44s


Speaker 33714.88s - 3716.94s

it was a US GPE poll. Oh,

Speaker 143716.94s - 3717.3s


Speaker 43717.46s - 3719.58s

Oh, okay. 80% on each.

Speaker 143719.92s - 3736.96s

That is important to know. It was a US GPE poll. I've got 10 of them and whoever gets it nearest gets the point. Okay. So, moon landings are fake.What percentage of this 2019 poll? 10. You're saying 10, Charles PERSON? Sophie PERSON?

Speaker 43737.44s - 3740.6s

Americans, I would say like 41%.

Speaker 143740.6s - 3743.28s

Okay. It was 11%.

Speaker 43743.28s - 3745.76s

So, Giles PERSON, gets the point.

Speaker 143746.56s - 3747.48s

I looked that up earlier.

Speaker 43747.74s - 3750.22s

Well, did you? Oh, cheat. He's cheating.

Speaker 23750.8s - 3752.84s

Well, not really, because I did some research.

Speaker 143752.84s - 3754.18s

I mean, to be fair.

Speaker 23754.18s - 3755.06s

I did some research, Sophie PERSON.

Speaker 143755.46s - 3756.84s

And I know, I've been honest about it.

Speaker 23757.26s - 3760.9s

I feel like I wildly overestimated how stupid Americans NORP are.

Speaker 143761.06s - 3761.42s

You did.

Speaker 43761.42s - 3761.44s

You did.

Speaker 143761.44s - 3764.78s

You did. Right, Kemp PERSON trails. Okay.

Speaker 43765.26s - 3766.82s

Sophie, you can go first this time.

Speaker 143768.88s - 3770.18s

I'm going to say lower.

Speaker 43770.42s - 3774.48s

I'm going to say 7%.

Speaker 23774.48s - 3774.96s


Speaker 123774.96s - 3776.16s

I was going to say 7.

Speaker 133776.72s - 3780.92s

Okay, I'll go 4.

Speaker 23781.54s - 3783.02s

It was 10%.

Speaker 143783.02s - 3784.86s

So Sophie PERSON, you get that one.

Speaker 23785.02s - 3785.48s

Well done. Lee Harvey Oswald PERSON you get that one. Well done.

Speaker 143786.38s - 3788.44s

Lee Harvey Oswald PERSON didn't act alone.

Speaker 23789.5s - 3789.82s


Speaker 43794.54s - 3796.74s


Speaker 143797.5s - 3797.98s


Speaker 123798.64s - 3799.08s


Speaker 143799.54s - 3801.68s

I was going to say like 76%.

Speaker 123801.68s - 3807.7s

The answer was 65%. So Sophie PERSON, you get that one. You get that one.

Speaker 143808.4s - 3814.4s

Climate change is a hoax. Sophie, over to you first. This one's depressing. I would say like

Speaker 43816.08s - 3823.52s

22%. Okay, Giles. I think maybe higher. Because I'm just thinking like a lot of Republicans NORP don't

Speaker 143823.52s - 3827.32s

believe it's true. I'm going to say 37%.

Speaker 123827.32s - 3829.34s

It was 17%.

Speaker 143829.34s - 3831.28s

So Sophie PERSON, another one for you.

Speaker 43831.4s - 3832.06s

You're doing well, mate.

Speaker 133832.14s - 3832.6s

You're doing well.

Speaker 43832.72s - 3833.14s


Speaker 143833.54s - 3836.26s

Number five, government is hiding aliens.

Speaker 43837.06s - 3837.38s


Speaker 23840.7s - 3841.66s


Speaker 43841.66s - 3842.54s


Speaker 23843.22s - 3843.5s

Sophie PERSON.

Speaker 43844.12s - 3845.78s

How recent is this poll?

Speaker 143845.86s - 3846.76s

This was 2019.

Speaker 23847.82s - 3850.62s

Oh, so this was before all of that stuff came out then.

Speaker 123851.24s - 3853.96s

I'd say like 30%.

Speaker 143853.96s - 3854.82s


Speaker 43855.02s - 3859.62s

I actually said it was 68% of people believe the government was hiding aliens.

Speaker 143860.7s - 3861.66s


Speaker 43861.66s - 3862.98s


Speaker 143862.98s - 3864.14s

How many is that?

Speaker 43864.14s - 3865s

Oh my God. What is that? My God.

Speaker 23865.14s - 3866.04s

What is that in millions?

Speaker 123866.46s - 3870.44s

I mean, it's not, obviously not every single American NORP has taken the poll.

Speaker 23870.6s - 3871.1s

No, I know.

Speaker 43871.18s - 3876.4s

But if that's indicative of the population, I'm just relaying the information.

Speaker 23877.32s - 3878.9s

It's not a good loser.

Speaker 33880.66s - 3882.16s

Okay, so whose go is it now?

Speaker 23882.28s - 3882.96s

Is it you, Sophie PERSON?

Speaker 143883.6s - 3884.3s

I think it's you next.

Speaker 23884.78s - 3885.26s

Oh, right.

Speaker 143885.3s - 3885.46s


Speaker 43886.16s - 3888.02s

9-11 EVENT was an inside job.

Speaker 23890.1s - 3890.48s


Speaker 43892.32s - 3892.8s


Speaker 23893.12s - 3896.24s

I will say 65%.

Speaker 43896.24s - 3897.14s


Speaker 23897.52s - 3898.7s

I think it's a lot lower than that.

Speaker 123898.74s - 3901.18s

I think probably 18.

Speaker 43901.76s - 3902.98s

It was 25%.

Speaker 123902.98s - 3904.3s

So, Giles PERSON, you got that one.

Speaker 43904.36s - 3904.8s

Well done.

Speaker 23905.46s - 3907.42s

Lockness Monster WORK_OF_ART is real.

Speaker 143909.14s - 3910.34s

Well, American NORP's saying this.

Speaker 43910.44s - 3911s

Yeah, Giles PERSON.

Speaker 23913.14s - 3914.26s

I think it's probably quite low.

Speaker 143914.6s - 3914.88s


Speaker 43915.64s - 3916.36s

Okay, Sophie PERSON.

Speaker 143917.28s - 3918.74s

I'll say like 12.

Speaker 123919.28s - 3920.82s

It was actually 50%.

Speaker 33920.82s - 3922s


Speaker 123922s - 3925.62s

50% said that the Loch Ness LOC monster is real.

Speaker 143926.04s - 3927.24s

We'll talk about that in the minute.

Speaker 123928.44s - 3929.34s

He's definitely from Alaska GPE.

Speaker 143930.24s - 3930.76s


Speaker 123931.66s - 3933.4s

Sophie PERSON, the earth is flat.

Speaker 43937.64s - 3938.6s


Speaker 143938.6s - 3940.12s

Okay, Giles PERSON.

Speaker 43941.58s - 3942.76s

I'll go three.

Speaker 143943.34s - 3945s

It was three percent.

Speaker 43945s - 3946s


Speaker 23946s - 3948s

Did you get an extra point for exact point?

Speaker 123948s - 3951s

Don't you think that's a lot though? That's a high number.

Speaker 143951s - 3955s

It should be like percent.

Speaker 123955s - 3956s


Speaker 143956s - 3961s

Okay, Giles for you. Elvis PERSON is still alive.

Speaker 123961s - 3965.66s

I think that's probably not massively high. I reckon seven.

Speaker 143966.12s - 3966.5s


Speaker 43966.74s - 3967.04s

Sophie PERSON?

Speaker 23968.48s - 3969.6s

I'll go nine.

Speaker 143970.06s - 3971.68s

It was 11%.

Speaker 43971.68s - 3972.6s


Speaker 143972.96s - 3975.78s

Okay, Giles PERSON, for you to draw, you need to get this one dead on.

Speaker 43976.26s - 3976.62s


Speaker 143977.54s - 3981.62s

So 5G is toxic, Sophie PERSON.

Speaker 43983.26s - 3985.66s

I think 40%.

Speaker 143985.66s - 3986.7s


Speaker 43987.3s - 3987.6s


Speaker 143992.3s - 3994.04s

I'm going to go a bit lower, 36.

Speaker 23994.94s - 3996.78s

It was 24%.

Speaker 43996.78s - 4000.62s

So it was six to Sophie, five to Giles PERSON.

Speaker 144000.76s - 4001.6s

Well done, Sophie PERSON.

Speaker 124001.86s - 4002.38s

Well done.

Speaker 44002.46s - 4002.96s

Thank you.

Speaker 124003.8s - 4004.68s

Do you know what?

Speaker 44004.76s - 4006.96s

I think if they did this poll in England GPE,

Speaker 124007.68s - 4012.16s

it would all be like really low, like minuscule numbers. And again, I think it's just

Speaker 144012.16s - 4016.16s

because English NORP people just don't care. I think you're right. I do, I genuinely

Speaker 44016.16s - 4019.92s

think you're right. We're not as into it, are we? I think conspiracy theories in general.

Speaker 144020.88s - 4024.8s

And the things that surprised me were the ones that I would think were more

Speaker 44024.8s - 4025.32s


Speaker 34025.62s - 4027.14s

less people seem to believe in.

Speaker 144027.48s - 4028.32s

But the lost city of Manhattan GPE.

Speaker 44028.32s - 4032s

9-11 EVENT being an inside job or something, you know, I would have thought more people would

Speaker 144032s - 4037.54s

be open to that idea and be like, yeah, probably, you know, there's something going on there.

Speaker 24037.96s - 4041.1s

But then the lot of this monster, they're like, yeah, I think so.

Speaker 44041.26s - 4042.18s

Yeah, that checks out.

Speaker 34042.84s - 4046.4s

The more real world things you think would have a higher kind of thing

Speaker 44046.4s - 4048.58s

than fantastical monsters kind of thing.

Speaker 24049s - 4050.98s

Okay, back to it.

Speaker 44051.08s - 4053.2s

So, Jarl, you had Flat Earth at number five.

Speaker 144053.4s - 4055.46s

So Sophie, what is your number five?

Speaker 44056.42s - 4059.04s

My number five was The Men in Black.

Speaker 134059.38s - 4060.92s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 44060.92s - 4063s

Have you got a, here come the men in black?

Speaker 134063.82s - 4065.1s

I got that, is that?

Speaker 44065.24s - 4065.86s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 144066.06s - 4067.52s

No, that's shit.

Speaker 44072.18s - 4074.1s

So I don't know if you know much about the men in black,

Speaker 144074.24s - 4075.78s

like the real, the real life.

Speaker 44075.78s - 4076.88s

The real ones.

Speaker 144077.54s - 4078.2s

The real ones.

Speaker 34078.5s - 4079.62s

Not the Tommy Lee Jones PERSON.

Speaker 24079.82s - 4081.74s

Not the fictional ones, the real ones.

Speaker 34081.9s - 4087.26s

So the conspiracy is that the men in black are kind of like the, um,

Speaker 24088.1s - 4090.56s

clearers of the alien world.

Speaker 34090.56s - 4095.4s

So if you see something to do with aliens or you see something, um, extraterrestrial,

Speaker 24096.4s - 4100.2s

the men in black come in and wipe your memories or they threaten you.

Speaker 44101.04s - 4101.6s

Oh yeah.

Speaker 34101.76s - 4102.4s

There you go.

Speaker 24103.4s - 4107.52s

They threaten you and they force you not to tell anyone. They'll

Speaker 34107.52s - 4112.4s

turn up and they look really creepy because they have very like strange features that look

Speaker 24112.4s - 4116.64s

kind of like almost human but not quite like often they'll be described as not having any

Speaker 34116.64s - 4120.8s

facial hair or eyebrows or eyelashes or anything. Hang on so this is the men in black that

Speaker 24120.8s - 4126.32s

looked like this. Yeah yeah yeah. really really tall with um black suits on

Speaker 34126.32s - 4131.92s

sometimes like a black hat black sunglasses and they show up um at a place where someone's like

Speaker 44131.92s - 4137.04s

talk you know talking about they've seen an alien encounter or talking about it or writing a book

Speaker 134137.04s - 4142.08s

about it and they show up and then threaten them or sometimes you know white people's memories

Speaker 44142.08s - 4146.56s

there's various different stories about that wow Wow. Is anal probes on the table?

Speaker 134147.68s - 4148.28s

Oh, yes, please.

Speaker 144148.28s - 4149.4s

They might do that.

Speaker 44149.48s - 4150.22s

They might do that.

Speaker 144150.68s - 4150.98s


Speaker 44151.4s - 4154.38s

If that's what you want, I guess you could ask for that.

Speaker 144155.06s - 4156.54s

Different strikes for different folks.

Speaker 44156.78s - 4159.06s

I know with aliens that there is things like anal probes,

Speaker 144159.12s - 4163.28s

but I didn't realize that the men in black were supposed to be sort of almost alien-like.

Speaker 44163.48s - 4167.7s

And is that where anal probes? I thought you were requesting it. I mean, look, I

Speaker 144167.7s - 4169.92s

don't mind. I'm here on my own

Speaker 34169.92s - 4172.04s

at the moment. Would they mean up for that?

Speaker 134173.32s - 4175.68s

Hi, guys. Thanks for coming around.

Speaker 34176.92s - 4177.96s

What equipment have you

Speaker 134177.96s - 4180.1s

bought with you? You're telling me you

Speaker 44180.1s - 4182.04s

haven't brought the anal probes I'm not interested.

Speaker 144182.96s - 4183.52s

What? Aerobes or? Leave me.

Speaker 24183.52s - 4185.38s

Anything I was looking forward to. Yes.

Speaker 144185.82s - 4189.12s

But I watched a like a YouTube video.

Speaker 24189.24s - 4190.1s

I was going to say a documentary.

Speaker 144190.28s - 4190.82s

It is what it is.

Speaker 34190.9s - 4191.26s

It was a YouTube video.

Speaker 44191.26s - 4192.12s

You showed me this.

Speaker 24192.36s - 4193.32s

I've watched this with you.

Speaker 44193.72s - 4195.06s

And yeah, because I showed.

Speaker 144195.26s - 4196.92s

I was like, watch.

Speaker 44197.2s - 4199.1s

Look at the facts don't lie, Jals PERSON.

Speaker 144199.3s - 4200.68s

Look at their face.

Speaker 34201s - 4202.5s

And look at the fact they haven't got eyebrows.

Speaker 24202.86s - 4203.66s

It must be real.

Speaker 34203.96s - 4209.26s

This guy was banging on about how he discovered some alien thing and he was starting talking about it and he

Speaker 44209.26s - 4214.74s

was in a hotel and some men in black visited him anyway. They got the footage from the CCTV ORG and

Speaker 24214.74s - 4221.4s

these people did come in and they looked really weird. Yeah, I remember. Yeah. Creepy, really tall

Speaker 44221.4s - 4226.4s

men both look exactly identical in black suits and they kind of walk really strangely

Speaker 24226.4s - 4230.74s

through the front door of the hotel almost kind of hover they sort of is that right they kind of

Speaker 44230.74s - 4234.92s

almost hovered through like it was kind of they were gliding they weren't like walking normally

Speaker 24234.92s - 4239.68s

yeah they were walking very like alien like yeah i remember you said showing me this this this this

Speaker 44239.68s - 4246.86s

factual's youtube video um and but no, that footage was quite compelling, though.

Speaker 134246.96s - 4250.48s

It wasn't like they were, obviously, whoever they were, they looked quite weird.

Speaker 44250.68s - 4251s


Speaker 24251.14s - 4251.32s


Speaker 44251.42s - 4254.7s

If they were just regular people, they look quite odd.

Speaker 24254.82s - 4254.96s


Speaker 134254.96s - 4255.7s

And that was on YouTube ORG.

Speaker 44256.5s - 4258.64s

It was on YouTube ORG. I can send you the link if you on.

Speaker 144258.64s - 4261.6s

Yes, please. I'll put it in the video playlist for our Patreon ORG subscribers.

Speaker 44261.6s - 4264s

I think it was like a BuzzFeed ORG unsold or something.

Speaker 144264.24s - 4264.4s


Speaker 44264.92s - 4270.1s

But, you know, it could have just been some weird twins or something. Weird twins.

Speaker 144270.68s - 4272.62s

They look sort of albino like.

Speaker 24272.96s - 4273.38s

Oh, really?

Speaker 44273.38s - 4273.92s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 24274.02s - 4274.7s

No hair.

Speaker 44274.84s - 4275.52s

No facial hair.

Speaker 144275.68s - 4298.12s

Anyway. creepy. Okay. So that was your one number five. So if my number five, we did mention it just a minute ago, but I'm going to put 9-11 in there because it's one of those ones thatI think it kind of started the... I can't remember the name. What was the name of the podcast? There wasn't a podcast. The movie that was on YouTube about 9-11 EVENT,the whole conspiracy in 9-11 EVENT,

Speaker 24298.26s - 4301.08s

which was absolutely massive. And it was all about...

Speaker 144301.08s - 4314.8s

Well, at 9-11 EVENT, obviously, the Michael Moore PERSON movie had some conspiracies in it, didn't it? It did. George's Bush's PERSON kind of alignmentto the Bin Laden PERSON family. And the fact that Bin Laden PERSON was... Their family had been planed out of America

Speaker 24314.8s - 4319.96s

on the day after. And that was the thing what I was saying about the fact I'm easily led

Speaker 04319.96s - 4322.46s

because I like a lot of Michael Moore's PERSON stuff.

Speaker 24322.62s - 4323.7s

And I watched that

Speaker 04323.7s - 4325.7s

and I thought, well, then that has got to be the truth.

Speaker 24325.96s - 4331.68s

Everything he's saying there has got to be true. I trust Michael Moore PERSON. He was right about Columbine EVENT. He was being right about other stuff.

Speaker 144331.8s - 4332.24s


Speaker 24332.62s - 4345.2s

But then you do see certain bits about other buildings that fell down where there was specific papers and that that ended up getting destroyed and money that went missing and all of these things. Well, you don't know

Speaker 04345.2s - 4351.1s

whether it's true or it's false or the fact that the BBC ORG reported on certain bits of it that

Speaker 134351.1s - 4356.06s

hadn't even happened before, you know, there's a lot of stuff in it that you don't know,

Speaker 04356.06s - 4360.7s

you know, and I find that something like that, sometimes there's no smoke without fire.

Speaker 134360.82s - 4364.18s

I don't mean that kind of horribly when it's, you're talking about.

Speaker 04371.12s - 4377.36s

Don't you dare. No, I'm not going to do for that Sophie PERSON did it then everybody by the way yeah yeah yeah i'll take it i'll take the cancellation yeah so it it kind of but then i think that's

Speaker 144377.36s - 4382.08s

what feeds i think we were at the very start of that kind of thing where conspiracy theorists

Speaker 04382.08s - 4388.06s

could have a real voice and and it it was like a snowball rolling down a hill.

Speaker 94388.24s - 4389.72s

It just grew and grew and grew.

Speaker 134389.82s - 4396.62s

And now it becomes a thing where people just think there was something specifically not right about that.

Speaker 34396.72s - 4400.44s

Rather than it just being a horrible thing where terrorists decided.

Speaker 144400.78s - 4405.2s

Because when you, again, I've said this before when you think about it as horrible as it is it

Speaker 04405.2s - 4413.96s

was a genius plan to use a fully fueled plane as a bomb so but yeah there's just so many like loose

Speaker 134413.96s - 4418.56s

ties there that you think oh yeah i mean i don't know what you guys think when it comes to that

Speaker 44418.56s - 4423.52s

well i never thought of it as a conspiracy theory but i think we've got i mean i've watched that

Speaker 144423.52s - 4427.42s

not fahrenheit nine eleven EVENT movie i was I thought it was quite compelling like what

Speaker 134427.42s - 4432.4s

Michael Moore PERSON was saying about you know these links to and the the delay it took

Speaker 144432.4s - 4436.78s

Bush PERSON to to kind of start doing anything he's I think he was in a school doing a

Speaker 134436.78s - 4440.58s

that's right reading or something and it was like I mean to be fair that the guy's

Speaker 04440.58s - 4445.04s

probably quite a lot shock because he's like first um attack on the on the u.s

Speaker 134445.04s - 4448.84s

it's Pearl Harbor EVENT or whatever so I suppose there's a there's a lot to be said like

Speaker 144448.84s - 4455.92s

America GPE as always sought themselves as being like kind of unattackable um and the fact that

Speaker 134455.92s - 4461.66s

you know they had been attacked was probably quite a big shock to the system in that way but um yeah

Speaker 144461.66s - 4469.1s

so I think you know there's something to be said for some of that stuff but then at the the same time, I think, like you say, it's just, you know, it was an act of terrorism

Speaker 24469.1s - 4480.7s

by, you know, a group that were, you know, so radicalized and desperate to make a difference

Speaker 134480.7s - 4483.7s

to their cause that they, you know, they did this horrendous thing.

Speaker 24483.7s - 4488.88s

What do you think about the conspiracy that it was the government that sort of let it happen so that they

Speaker 04488.88s - 4495.92s

could go and evade iraq i mean i find that that that seems a bit of a stretch that they would they

Speaker 144495.92s - 4504.08s

would let you know but yeah yeah i mean there's lots of there's lots of coincidences which is i

Speaker 04504.08s - 4507.02s

i guess why people are suspicious you know there's lots of, there's lots of coincidences, which is, I guess, why people are suspicious.

Speaker 24507.48s - 4511.52s

You know, there's lots of, there's like a few people, like high profile people that was

Speaker 134511.52s - 4516.96s

either supposed to be in the tower or in one of the towers or on the plane.

Speaker 24517.46s - 4520.12s

And then by chance weren't there when it happened.

Speaker 144520.44s - 4520.52s


Speaker 24520.52s - 4522.62s

I think like Michael Jackson was one of them or something.

Speaker 144523s - 4524.52s

I think Mark Wahlberg PERSON was another one.

Speaker 134524.72s - 4526.82s

He was supposed to be. I think he was supposed to be there.

Speaker 144526.82s - 4527.06s


Speaker 44527.64s - 4530.22s

And then it makes you think, well, maybe it is just one of,

Speaker 134530.32s - 4532.52s

because there's probably lots and lots of people

Speaker 44532.52s - 4535.6s

that was supposed to be there or supposed to be on the plane

Speaker 144535.6s - 4539.96s

and weren't and therefore that we don't know about them

Speaker 44539.96s - 4541.56s

because they're not famous, you know.

Speaker 134541.66s - 4542s


Speaker 44542.12s - 4552.26s

But at the same time, I mean, dirty politics. It happens, you know, it's one of those same time, I mean, dirty politics, it happens. You know, it's one of those things where I try not to think too much about it just because I think the most important thing are all the victims.

Speaker 134552.78s - 4555.66s

But at the same time, if we found out tomorrow, you know,

Speaker 44555.7s - 4557.84s

something got leaked and we found it it was the government.

Speaker 134558.08s - 4559.58s

I wouldn't be at all surprised.

Speaker 44559.74s - 4559.9s


Speaker 134561.26s - 4562.58s

You know, America GPE.

Speaker 144562.96s - 4563.3s

Americans NORP.

Speaker 44563.64s - 4564.58s

Well, I mean, this is the thing.

Speaker 144564.66s - 4565.46s

I mean, it comes with one

Speaker 44565.46s - 4566.26s

that I've got coming up

Speaker 144566.26s - 4567.3s

a little bit later on

Speaker 44567.3s - 4569.64s

in the fact that you don't quite realize

Speaker 144569.64s - 4577.16s

just what kind of power, especially like an American NORP government has and what the dirty little things that they are doing all around the world that you don't realize

Speaker 134577.16s - 4579.04s

and you never see, you know.

Speaker 144580.3s - 4587.62s

But yeah, that's what I've got for number five. Giles, your number four, was the Illuminati. It was.

Speaker 44587.94s - 4589.08s

Sophie, you're number four.

Speaker 134590.26s - 4593.46s

So my number four is kind of a blanket conspiracy.

Speaker 44593.46s - 4597.92s

So I know that we kind of touched on this with Giles as Avril Levine number 10.

Speaker 134598.86s - 4606.26s

But mine is celebrity conspiracies around them either dying or their life in general.

Speaker 44606.58s - 4609.64s

Like, you know, we've had Avrodavine, Paul McCartney PERSON is apparently dead as well.

Speaker 134609.84s - 4610.06s


Speaker 44610.9s - 4618.32s

Taylor Swift's love life is apparently a complete sham. She just does it for the money. She's got some big agreement.

Speaker 144618.32s - 4619.84s

She's on the NFL ORG payroll as well, apparently.

Speaker 44619.98s - 4620.98s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 144620.98s - 4624.16s

I will not have anything said about my Tatee PERSON, okay?

Speaker 44624.4s - 4628.48s

Oh, don't. Don't. You're part of the problem, Pat. I will not have anything said about my Tatee PERSON, okay, please. Oh, don't, don't. You're part of the problem, Pat PERSON.

Speaker 144628.66s - 4631.44s

I'm not part of the problem. I want to be part of the problem.

Speaker 44631.72s - 4636.22s

You're a sheep. I wish I was part of her love life. I really do.

Speaker 144638.18s - 4644.26s

I think you've got to be like a multi-millionaire, you know, NFL ORG superstar. Yeah, that's not going to happen, is it?

Speaker 44647.34s - 4647.78s

And Stevie Wonder PERSON isn't blind either, apparently.

Speaker 144649.44s - 4649.98s

Well, I've seen footage of that.

Speaker 44651.22s - 4657.68s

I've seen footage of that. Yeah, there was a time when he was on stage with, I think there was a load of people, but I think Paul McCartney PERSON was coming on the stage.

Speaker 144661.4s - 4665.44s

And a microphone stand was falling towards somebody, and Stevie Wonder PERSON grabbed it and put it and stood it back up.

Speaker 24669.6s - 4670.24s

He's got hearing and sense of like feel touch and stuff like would you know?

Speaker 144674s - 4674.56s

Well, I mean, look, I don't know. I mean, there's also been footage of somebody saying that.

Speaker 24679.12s - 4681.2s

I mean, if he's like sort of like, I don't know, um, what's something that you usually lie's for? Well, like driving the car.

Speaker 144681.2s - 4685.78s

Reading. Stevie Wonder PERSON apparently picked up some comedian and said, don't worry. I'll come and pick you up and Stevie Wonder was driving the car. Now, I driving a car. Reading. Stevie Wonder apparently picked up some comedian and said,

Speaker 24685.86s - 4687.46s

don't worry, I'll come and pick you up.

Speaker 144687.58s - 4689.38s

And Stevie Wonder PERSON was driving the car.

Speaker 134689.7s - 4693.96s

Now, I don't know if that's real or whether it's a comedian trying to get a bit out of it.

Speaker 24694s - 4695.46s

But he said it was completely real.

Speaker 04695.5s - 4697.14s

I'll try and find that footage and put it on the.

Speaker 34697.5s - 4698.66s

I would not be getting in a car.

Speaker 04698.66s - 4700.6s

No, I would not be getting a car.

Speaker 44700.74s - 4701.6s

It was true for busty.

Speaker 24701.98s - 4702.2s


Speaker 44702.36s - 4706s

Yeah, I mean, we were chatting to Rory Sutherland yesterday, was it?

Speaker 24706.04s - 4706.9s

Or the day, yeah, yesterday.

Speaker 44707.3s - 4715.26s

And he was chatting about how blind people still have that, that sort of sense of survival.

Speaker 24715.26s - 4720.72s

So if you throw something at a blind person, sometimes they'll just instinctively catch it.

Speaker 144720.94s - 4721.1s


Speaker 44721.2s - 4722.28s

Or like put their arms out of it.

Speaker 134722.32s - 4724.62s

It's like they, they know something's coming.

Speaker 44725.32s - 4730.56s

And it's like your reptilian brain kind of reacts before the rest of your senses catch up.

Speaker 144730.72s - 4731.66s

Right, right.

Speaker 44731.82s - 4733.34s

So I wonder if it's got something to do with that.

Speaker 144733.56s - 4735.52s

But I do love the idea of him not being blind.

Speaker 44735.52s - 4739.72s

I did see another bit of footage when he was presenting Mariah Carey PERSON an award.

Speaker 144740.56s - 4748.94s

And he held the microphone out for her. And she'd already walked behind him to go to another microphone and he was stood on the stage just with this microphone hanging, you know,

Speaker 44748.94s - 4752.56s

standing out not and realizing that she wasn't near him. So I don't know.

Speaker 144752.64s - 4755.32s

I mean, that's what you would do though,

Speaker 44755.36s - 4756.76s

wouldn't you if you're pretending to be blind?

Speaker 144756.76s - 4760.9s

What a long con that would be that he's been like 50 years pretending,

Speaker 44761.14s - 4761.72s

or longer,

Speaker 04761.92s - 4765.12s

pretending that he's been blind. That's proper method acting that. It is, but he's got enough talent that he wouldn't need to do that to, no, pretending that he's been blind. That's proper method acting that.

Speaker 24765.12s - 4770.9s

It is, but he's got enough talent that he wouldn't need to do that to... No, I think he is. I think he is.

Speaker 144771.26s - 4772.58s

Anyway, that is a good one.

Speaker 24772.62s - 4774.88s

There's so many in that the celebs conspiracies.

Speaker 144775.78s - 4783.86s

If you've got a favourite, so if you've got a favourite celebrity, you know, I mean, obviously there's obvious ones like Elvis PERSON being alive and all that kind of stuff, but is there one that's...

Speaker 44783.86s - 4795.74s

Yeah, two-pack. Yeah, my favourite one is Mark Ruffalo PERSON is actually single. It's still available and has a crush on me for some reason.

Speaker 144795.82s - 4796.96s

I don't know who started that.

Speaker 04797.26s - 4803.26s

That's just a weird one that I heard. And I'm up for it. I'm open to that. Okay.

Speaker 24803.9s - 4806.46s

I'm not sure that's a conspiracy. I think that's just a rumor'm open to that. Okay. I'm sure that's a conspiracy.

Speaker 144806.84s - 4808.54s

I think that's just a rumor that you'll spread.

Speaker 24808.54s - 4808.74s


Speaker 44809.74s - 4812.06s

I'm hoping I would spread it now.

Speaker 24812.44s - 4812.62s


Speaker 44812.9s - 4813.44s

But then again,

Speaker 144813.52s - 4818.02s

if seven or eight think that, then it's a conspiracy. Yeah,

Speaker 24818.02s - 4819s

that's true. Yeah.

Speaker 44819s - 4820.04s

So we've got three now.

Speaker 24820.14s - 4826.58s

We just need like a few more. Just a few more. I'm not agreeing with you. Go and tell the kids and your family.

Speaker 44827.22s - 4828.38s

Tell kids it on YouTube ORG.

Speaker 24828.88s - 4830.24s

No, I don't really have a favourite.

Speaker 04830.66s - 4832.48s

I don't really care too much about celebrities.

Speaker 144833s - 4841.26s

Again, it's one of those things where I'm like, well, you know, if Taylor Swift PERSON's making a bit of money off of, I don't think she needs it, to be honest with you. I don't think she does.

Speaker 44841.36s - 4847.16s

He's got a tour that's grossed a billion dollars. I don't think she needs any of that kind of stuff. She really don't.

Speaker 144847.26s - 4849.46s

So just lay off my Tatei PRODUCT.

Speaker 134849.54s - 4850.12s

That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 44850.84s - 4852.54s

I'll leave your Mark Ruffalo PERSON alone.

Speaker 134852.98s - 4854.22s

You leave my Tatea PRODUCT alone.

Speaker 144854.34s - 4854.64s

All right.

Speaker 134854.74s - 4856.38s

That sounds really bad.

Speaker 44858.04s - 4860.04s

It sounds a lot.

Speaker 134860.2s - 4860.94s

It's a euphonism.

Speaker 44861.18s - 4861.42s

It does.

Speaker 134861.5s - 4861.66s


Speaker 44862.72s - 4863.22s


Speaker 144863.32s - 4865.56s

Mine number four, I'm going with Roswell GPE and aliens.

Speaker 44866.38s - 4869.68s

Mainly just aliens in general, I think.

Speaker 144870.48s - 4871.9s

Yeah, okay, that's my number one.

Speaker 44872.08s - 4873.62s

That's your number one, okay.

Speaker 144873.9s - 4875.12s

The existence of alien life.

Speaker 44875.12s - 4878.92s

Yeah, I think if you look at the maths of it all,

Speaker 144879.72s - 4881.28s

there has to be something else out there,

Speaker 44881.36s - 4883.5s

whether we'll ever find out that there's something else.

Speaker 144883.82s - 4890.42s

You know, with the billions and billions of galaxies that else out there, whether we'll ever find out that there's something else, you know, with the billions and billions of galaxies that are out there, we can't be the only one.

Speaker 44891.12s - 4896.98s

But whether we'll ever find that out, I think, if aliens had come to us, we'd know by now,

Speaker 144897.08s - 4897.42s


Speaker 44899.44s - 4900.98s

Well, we do, yes, on it?

Speaker 24901.1s - 4903.66s

Why have the aliens got better technology than us?

Speaker 144904.12s - 4905.46s

That they can do that.

Speaker 24905.9s - 4907.88s

Because maybe they're

Speaker 144907.88s - 4909.32s

at their stage of evolution

Speaker 24909.32s - 4910.16s

where they were like

Speaker 144910.16s - 4911.82s

the Egyptians all those years ago.

Speaker 24911.82s - 4913.2s

Right, they're much far advanced.

Speaker 144913.4s - 4914.46s

Yeah, maybe.

Speaker 24914.66s - 4916.5s

But then if they are, why haven't they?

Speaker 144916.72s - 4918.32s

It's damn luck that we're here, to be honest.

Speaker 24918.48s - 4920.94s

I've watched this, I've watched the Brian Cox Planets ORG program.

Speaker 144921.24s - 4926.58s

Like we're like the earth becoming habitable was just like you know we're supposed to be

Speaker 24926.58s - 4932.58s

Mars LOC or something and then that didn't that the water drove drew out or whatever and then

Speaker 144932.58s - 4935.28s

they were like oh well this is so technical, Jiles.

Speaker 24935.38s - 4937.42s

I know, I know. You should be a presenter.

Speaker 144938.12s - 4938.68s

Yeah, I know.

Speaker 24938.76s - 4939.04s

I should.

Speaker 34939.12s - 4939.94s

Yeah, I should do podcast.

Speaker 144941.18s - 4942.94s

Yeah, the, the water's gone.

Speaker 24943.32s - 4948.96s

So now we're this place has got some water Oh, maybe life will start theirs And it's kind of, it's just a bit damn luck

Speaker 144948.96s - 4950.66s

It's a fluke, yeah, absolute fluke

Speaker 44950.66s - 4951.9s

No, no, no, no

Speaker 144951.9s - 4954s

I think the chances, I think the chances

Speaker 44954s - 4956.24s

Do you know how many planets there are

Speaker 144956.24s - 4957.54s

In the universe?

Speaker 44958.54s - 4958.9s


Speaker 144958.9s - 4961.92s

Right, and what are the chances

Speaker 44961.92s - 4965.6s

That one out of what, how many planets are in our solar system?

Speaker 144965.74s - 4973.32s

Nine. One out of nine, eight or nine planets, that one of them has humans, you know, has humans or life species.

Speaker 24973.56s - 4975.6s

So you think one of the other nine has?

Speaker 144976.28s - 4977.1s

No, I think that.

Speaker 24977.1s - 4986.1s

No, I think that if you think statistic, if we're going on solar systems, one out of nine, statistically has human, or not even necessarily humans, but

Speaker 44986.1s - 4987.32s

like life on it.

Speaker 144987.62s - 4992.1s

Then think about all the other solar systems and all the other galaxies.

Speaker 44992.9s - 4993.04s


Speaker 24993.22s - 4999.28s

It's just statistically, it's highly, highly unlikely there's not life forms on other planets out

Speaker 44999.28s - 4999.62s


Speaker 134999.62s - 5004.3s

And I think that the Earth LOC is very young comparatively.

Speaker 45004.8s - 5008.36s

And you know how, like, you know, America GPE is quite a young,

Speaker 135008.6s - 5011.38s

it's quite a new country compared to the rest of the world.

Speaker 45011.38s - 5014.98s

And the rest of the world kind of looks at it like, oh, you're young, you know.

Speaker 135015.64s - 5017.56s

That's why I think aliens look at us.

Speaker 45017.72s - 5017.84s


Speaker 145017.9s - 5020.12s

I think we're in our teen years compared to the aliens.

Speaker 45020.48s - 5025.56s

I saw a great video that made me feel so insignificant a couple of weeks ago

Speaker 145025.56s - 5028.08s

where it was basically saying that our galaxy,

Speaker 45028.72s - 5030.78s

so this is not just our solar system,

Speaker 145030.88s - 5035.06s

but our galaxy is like a grain of sand on a beach.

Speaker 05035.7s - 5037.94s

And that's how many other galaxies there are out there,

Speaker 45038.18s - 5041.08s

which then is trillions and trillions of planets and solar systems.

Speaker 05041.42s - 5043.08s

And it makes you then sort of think,

Speaker 145043.5s - 5046.62s

yeah, I've got a bit of a pain in my foot.

Speaker 05046.7s - 5047.84s

Does that really matter?

Speaker 145048.3s - 5052.3s

It doesn't really matter because just how insignificant I am in everything.

Speaker 05052.54s - 5055.74s

It just kind of puts it all in perspective.

Speaker 145056.04s - 5069.46s

But would we like to see aliens? Would you like to have that sort of Hollywood GPE moment where an alien planet or an alien ship comes and comes down. I don't know whether I would like that. I don't know. I think it would be very threatening.

Speaker 135070.6s - 5072.64s

One Independence Day type scenario.

Speaker 145072.72s - 5073.08s


Speaker 135073.56s - 5075.6s

They're not going to come here and be friends, are they?

Speaker 45075.64s - 5077.52s

They're going to come here and they're going to kick our ass.

Speaker 135078.36s - 5079.64s

Yeah, try and use our resources.

Speaker 45079.84s - 5080.28s


Speaker 25080.44s - 5080.62s


Speaker 145080.74s - 5083.52s

Well, they've got some stuff here that we could use.

Speaker 25083.82s - 5084.06s


Speaker 145084.16s - 5084.52s


Speaker 25084.52s - 5085.26s

Yeah, they've got this thing called Wi-Fi stuff here that we could use. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 145087.08s - 5087.28s

Yeah, they've got this thing called Wi-Fi.

Speaker 25088.44s - 5088.78s

Let's try and harness that.

Speaker 145089.56s - 5094.28s

Let's try and harness. Yeah, and also like these Scientology ORG people, they're cool.

Speaker 25094.72s - 5095.36s

We like them.

Speaker 45095.5s - 5097.12s

They know about us already.

Speaker 25097.4s - 5100.12s

So they can be in our gang and they can come and stay with us.

Speaker 145100.3s - 5101.06s

Yeah, and we've got to find that.

Speaker 135101.06s - 5102.26s

We'll learn from them.

Speaker 145102.4s - 5106.58s

Find that babo. He loves anal probes. We've got loads of them. We'll learn from them. Find that babbo. They're leader. He loves anal probes. We've got loads of them.

Speaker 25107.12s - 5108.96s

We'll be knocking on his door.

Speaker 35109.26s - 5110.16s

And Giles PERSON as well.

Speaker 135110.28s - 5111.14s

He can't wait.

Speaker 35111.4s - 5112.84s

They love a bit of probing.

Speaker 45113.3s - 5117.2s

He can't wait. He'll take it. Do you know what? I've heard, though, which is weird.

Speaker 135118.44s - 5124.02s

I've heard that there's a conspiracy within this conspiracy.

Speaker 45124.32s - 5124.62s


Speaker 135124.62s - 5131.26s

But whenever there's any sightings of UFOs, like in clusters, they tend to be in clusters.

Speaker 45131.52s - 5140.32s

Like lots of people will phone up and say, I've seen a UFO. It will always be around the same time and place that they're testing nuclear weapons. This is what I've heard anyway.

Speaker 135140.7s - 5146.14s

And there's a theory that the aliens are actually, they've been keeping an arm on us for a very long time

Speaker 45146.14s - 5149.66s

to make sure that we don't blow up the fucking solar system,

Speaker 135150.48s - 5151.7s

fuck everything up for everyone.

Speaker 45151.94s - 5153.2s

And so whenever we do,

Speaker 125153.38s - 5154.68s

we mess around with all these weapons,

Speaker 135154.84s - 5155.96s

they're like keeping tabs.

Speaker 05156.16s - 5156.96s

Now, I don't know.

Speaker 45157.5s - 5158.68s

That's what I've just heard,

Speaker 145158.78s - 5159.98s

but it does make sense.

Speaker 45160.22s - 5163.52s

So do you think that if somebody let off a nuclear weapon,

Speaker 145163.64s - 5170.12s

then they would come and try and pull the plug on us? Is that what you mean? Or they would stop it before it got to that point? I don't know.

Speaker 45170.22s - 5172.26s

They didn't do much with Hiroshima GPE, did they?

Speaker 25172.36s - 5173.14s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 145173.44s - 5174.18s

Where were they then?

Speaker 25174.3s - 5174.78s

That's true.

Speaker 45175.62s - 5177.62s

That wasn't in Oppenheimer FAC.

Speaker 145177.86s - 5178.4s

I don't remember that.

Speaker 25179.76s - 5180.54s

The aliens.

Speaker 135181.34s - 5183.32s

It would be a plot twist.

Speaker 45183.9s - 5185.52s

Killy Murphy PERSON's just like, oh my God, isn't you?

Speaker 135186.08s - 5187.92s

No, Killeen-Murphy PERSON was the alien.

Speaker 25187.92s - 5189.2s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 45190s - 5190.32s


Speaker 25190.32s - 5190.64s


Speaker 135190.64s - 5192.4s

I thought they made it pretty clear in the plot.

Speaker 45192.4s - 5194.88s

That's why he was so emotionless and like,

Speaker 135194.88s - 5196.16s

yeah, they barely spoke.

Speaker 45196.16s - 5196.88s

That's true.

Speaker 25196.88s - 5199.12s

I've not seen it yet and you've spoiled it for me now.

Speaker 45199.12s - 5200.96s

You're just spoilers.

Speaker 25200.96s - 5204.96s

I mean, I didn't realize that he was a lizard person as well.

Speaker 135204.96s - 5205.28s

Yeah. Okay. I would say, though, out that he was a lizard person as well. Yeah.

Speaker 145205.7s - 5206.04s


Speaker 25206.1s - 5210.26s

I would say, though, out of all of these conspiracies, the only one that I probably do believe in is aliens.

Speaker 145211.04s - 5211.44s


Speaker 25212.16s - 5214.68s

And Atlantis, you've been bagging on about that for years.

Speaker 145216.12s - 5216.36s


Speaker 135216.52s - 5221.86s

I mean, no, I find that fun to believe in, but like in a serious way, I believe in it.

Speaker 145221.86s - 5222.5s

In aliens.

Speaker 45222.66s - 5222.9s


Speaker 135223.2s - 5223.8s

That's fair enough.

Speaker 45224.32s - 5224.7s

Gone on in, John PERSON.

Speaker 135224.8s - 5225.22s

Number three. Okay. The's fair enough. Gone in, Giles, number three.

Speaker 45225.86s - 5226.14s


Speaker 25226.66s - 5229.64s

The US GPE government manipulates the weather

Speaker 45229.64s - 5232.88s

so they can make money on a certain type of bread.

Speaker 25234.08s - 5235.02s


Speaker 145235.22s - 5236.1s

Never heard of this one.

Speaker 25236.3s - 5236.46s


Speaker 145236.46s - 5237.86s

So, yeah, it's a project,

Speaker 25238.74s - 5241.6s

Columus, which was back in the 1950s,

Speaker 145241.68s - 5242.82s

it's when it started.

Speaker 25243.08s - 5244.28s

Could you spell that for me, please?

Speaker 135244.38s - 5247.28s

So C-U-M-U-L-U-S.

Speaker 145247.84s - 5249.88s

Or cumulus, cumulus, cumulus.

Speaker 45250.08s - 5251.9s

Okay. So it's about

Speaker 145251.9s - 5268.02s

cloud seeding experiments. So apparently the cloud seeding helps participat, well, I can't say it. Precipitation. And it manipulate the weather to increase the levels of precipitationso that certain seeds grow better and quicker.

Speaker 25268.38s - 5275.64s

And then they can profit off the seeds that they use to make this nice bread. I don't know what the bread is.

Speaker 45276.84s - 5280.56s

Wow. It's quite niche. It's very niche, I would say.

Speaker 25281.94s - 5285.44s

Would you say bread is worth all of that work just for bread?

Speaker 45285.86s - 5290s

Well, I guess they maybe they, that's just one aspect of it, I reckon.

Speaker 25290.24s - 5297.52s

Like, if they're manipulating the weather for different purposes, I'm sure. But this is just one aspect of it.

Speaker 05298.16s - 5300.84s

That was the comedic aspect of it that I picked out.

Speaker 145300.92s - 5307.12s

But I'm sure there's other things they're doing that are more serious with regards to manipulating the weather. So could that be linked to chem trails then?

Speaker 05307.84s - 5310.88s

I guess so yeah I think it's in a similar ballpark right.

Speaker 25312.24s - 5316.08s

Interesting. I mean I've never heard the bread bit before so they're basically

Speaker 135316.08s - 5320.96s

I have the idea that they're basically controlling the weather. To be fair I went into a bit of

Speaker 25320.96s - 5324.32s

a reddit um which is not the best place to be ever.

Speaker 145324.32s - 5327.98s

No. A Reddit ORG kind of wormhole about this,

Speaker 25328.18s - 5330.26s

the bread aspect of this thing.

Speaker 145330.56s - 5334.68s

So I just thought it was quite an unusual one to choose.

Speaker 25334.82s - 5336.56s

I thought it was quite amusing,

Speaker 145336.8s - 5339.36s

but also so far-fetched.

Speaker 135339.66s - 5339.82s


Speaker 145340.56s - 5341.62s

But I did that.

Speaker 135341.72s - 5343.84s

I went into a bit of a Reddit ORG wormhole

Speaker 25343.84s - 5345.28s

looking for conspiracy theories, but I just discovered a bunch of a Reddit ORG wormhole looking for conspiracy theories,

Speaker 145345.48s - 5348.06s

but I just discovered a bunch of things

Speaker 05348.06s - 5349.76s

that people were just making up, I think,

Speaker 145349.84s - 5351.5s

hoping they were turning to conspiracy theories.

Speaker 35351.64s - 5354.52s

Like one of them was the Great Fire of London

Speaker 145354.52s - 5357.86s

was started by a rat spontaneously combusting.

Speaker 35358.96s - 5359.34s


Speaker 145359.46s - 5360.36s

That would have been a good,

Speaker 35360.48s - 5362.34s

that we would, none of us would have chosen that one.

Speaker 45362.38s - 5362.66s


Speaker 25363s - 5363.22s


Speaker 45363.22s - 5364.64s

How would they have proof for that?

Speaker 85365.54s - 5366.4s

Well, exactly.

Speaker 05366.52s - 5370.78s

And then someone added to that, I've heard that it was started by a rat that

Speaker 45370.78s - 5373.12s

spontaneously combusted on purpose.

Speaker 25374.16s - 5376.68s

How would they know?

Speaker 45379.72s - 5381.14s

I don't know.

Speaker 25381.14s - 5385.56s

I thought this one was, I thought this one was very far-fetched and stupid.

Speaker 45386.06s - 5389.14s

And so then I started to, I like Googled it.

Speaker 25389.14s - 5393.78s

And then project, this project, uh, Camulus PRODUCT, um, came up.

Speaker 135393.78s - 5397.24s

And it's actually on Wikipedia ORG and stuff about this cloud seeding experiment.

Speaker 25397.38s - 5399.22s

So it's actually a real thing, that thing.

Speaker 05399.6s - 5399.84s


Speaker 135400.56s - 5401.38s

And then I thought, oh, okay.

Speaker 05401.48s - 5404s

So it's a legit conspiracy theory.

Speaker 25404.04s - 5408.74s

I'm not saying it's obviously legit thing, but it's, uh, the actual conspiracy theory is it is legit. It's not. Well, that's okay, so it's a legit conspiracy theory. I'm not saying it's obviously a legit thing, but it's the actual conspiracy theory is legit.

Speaker 05409.04s - 5410.06s

Well, that's a new one.

Speaker 35410.1s - 5411.08s

I've never heard that one before.

Speaker 25411.1s - 5411.4s

There you go.

Speaker 145411.98s - 5414.08s

I just need to find out what kind of bread it is.

Speaker 25415.14s - 5416.68s

Well, I see some sort of seedy bread.

Speaker 145416.92s - 5418.7s

It's not some sort of seedy bread, I should imagine.

Speaker 25418.94s - 5419.82s

Seedy bread.

Speaker 145420s - 5430.62s

Seedy wheat bread. Seedy wheaty bread. Some weaty, seedy bread. Yeah, yeah. Some whole grain. Okay.Sourdough, that kind of stuff.

Speaker 25431.04s - 5432.4s

Well, I don't. I think sourdough...

Speaker 145432.4s - 5438.3s

No, I think sourdough is much more ethical. Okay. Than this stuff. Fair enough.

Speaker 25439.22s - 5440s

Yeah. Okay, then.

Speaker 145440.1s - 5441.4s

Sophie, your number three, please.

Speaker 25442.28s - 5446.72s

Okay, my number three is... Again, we touched on this a little bit,

Speaker 145446.8s - 5449.92s

but it is just the reptilian elite.

Speaker 45450.3s - 5453.84s

And specifically, I like that the royal family are supposedly reptiles.

Speaker 145454.76s - 5455.9s

You like that, do you?

Speaker 25456.92s - 5458.86s

Yeah, I kind of like the weirdness of it.

Speaker 145458.96s - 5462.36s

I mean, yeah, apparently lots of people, obviously,

Speaker 135462.36s - 5466.96s

you know, Barack Obama PERSON and people like that but it's just the

Speaker 25466.96s - 5474.32s

idea that it's these sort of aliens wearing like human human costumes yeah like kind of

Speaker 45474.32s - 5482.16s

like V exactly yeah yeah kind of going around pretending to be human and ruling the world basically

Speaker 25482.16s - 5485s

do you remember that show so if you're probably a bit young,

Speaker 45485.22s - 5486.44s

show V?

Speaker 25486.94s - 5488.1s

No, hold on.

Speaker 45488.16s - 5488.54s

It's like a sci-fi.

Speaker 25489.14s - 5490.38s

It's like a sci-fi show.

Speaker 45490.62s - 5491.06s

Was it 80?

Speaker 25491.12s - 5494.46s

I suppose it was 80s. It was, it was, whatever year it was that the,

Speaker 145494.56s - 5501.44s

I remember it being creepy. The Olympics wasn't being shown on ITV ORG, I think.

Speaker 25501.74s - 5504.16s

And so they had V on instead.

Speaker 145504.66s - 5505s

Yeah. Oh, it's that one. It was quite creepy. And, yeah, they so they had Veon PRODUCT instead. Yeah.

Speaker 25505.58s - 5506.28s

Oh, it's that woman.

Speaker 145506.88s - 5507.82s

It was quite creepy.

Speaker 25508.06s - 5512.4s

And, yeah, so they were this alien race that had come to Earth LOC, I guess, to take over.

Speaker 145512.62s - 5512.86s


Speaker 25513.16s - 5513.32s


Speaker 145513.32s - 5516.48s

And they remade it a few years ago. Yeah.

Speaker 25516.48s - 5517.8s

So at the start of the 2000s.

Speaker 145517.86s - 5522.52s

But yeah, they would eat mice and their face used to get ripped off and it would be

Speaker 25522.52s - 5524.94s

an alien and Freddie Kruger PERSON was in it.

Speaker 05525.46s - 5526.54s

Yeah, it was creepy. Yeah, it was creepy.

Speaker 25526.78s - 5527.82s


Speaker 05528.04s - 5529s

But it was very 80s.

Speaker 25529.18s - 5530.5s

The original one was very 80s.

Speaker 145530.58s - 5531.78s

Anyway, that's what made me think.

Speaker 25531.98s - 5537.84s

That's what, when I think of this idea of like these lizard people that live among us, I think of V.

Speaker 145538.16s - 5538.5s


Speaker 25539.08s - 5542.8s

And also they say that Prince Charles PERSON is a vampire as well.

Speaker 135543.68s - 5544.32s

A vampire.

Speaker 25544.32s - 5544.52s


Speaker 145544.92s - 5546.06s

Well, apparently in some...

Speaker 25546.06s - 5546.64s

And a lizard.

Speaker 145547.22s - 5548.1s

And a lizard.

Speaker 25548.56s - 5554.3s

But he is related to Vlad, the Impaler PERSON, apparently.

Speaker 145555.04s - 5555.36s


Speaker 35555.36s - 5555.6s


Speaker 145556.1s - 5556.38s


Speaker 25556.54s - 5558.32s

That's why they think he's a vampire.

Speaker 145559.04s - 5560.54s

Because they're German, the Windsors, right?

Speaker 25560.64s - 5562.9s

They're the German NORP ancestry. I think so.

Speaker 145562.98s - 5566.02s

So maybe it is going back to the Transylvanian NORP. Yeah.

Speaker 25566.26s - 5567.66s

Yeah. There you go.

Speaker 145568.28s - 5569.72s

Okay. Oh, so he's a

Speaker 25569.72s - 5572.44s

poor guy. He's so many things.

Speaker 145572.44s - 5578.12s

He's a reptilian vampire. It must be hard to keep up with all that. It's crazy. Lizarding and

Speaker 135578.12s - 5579.5s

vampiring and

Speaker 45579.5s - 5581.78s

being king. Yeah, I mean.

Speaker 25581.86s - 5583.94s

And climate change. He's quite hot

Speaker 45583.94s - 5593.42s

on that as well. Yeah. If it was me, I think, and I found out people thought that about me, I would be tempted to, like, mess with people, like, have a little bit of fake blood. Yes.

Speaker 25594.02s - 5594.5s

Excuse me.

Speaker 135594.72s - 5594.94s


Speaker 25595.56s - 5595.78s


Speaker 45596.18s - 5599.08s

Oops. Let me just knight you.

Speaker 25603.24s - 5605.24s

I suppose he's got more important things to do

Speaker 45605.24s - 5607.72s

But when he's nighting someone

Speaker 25607.72s - 5610.42s

What is the thing that stops him

Speaker 45610.42s - 5612.06s

From slicing the person's neck

Speaker 25612.06s - 5613.36s

And just drinking their blood

Speaker 145613.36s - 5616.46s

Imagine if that to suddenly happen one time

Speaker 45616.46s - 5617.56s

You know like I don't know

Speaker 25617.56s - 5619.56s

Ant and Deck were getting an OBE or something

Speaker 145619.56s - 5620.42s

All of a sudden

Speaker 135620.42s - 5622s

What planet is this on?

Speaker 25622.58s - 5624.46s

But this is that thing like all of a sudden

Speaker 145624.46s - 5625.54s

It's actually true What would you do? You thing, all of a sudden it's actually true.

Speaker 25625.84s - 5626.58s

What would you do?

Speaker 145627.4s - 5628.26s

You know, there's a news flash.

Speaker 45628.26s - 5629.7s

Yeah, we'd make you question everything.

Speaker 145629.86s - 5630.06s


Speaker 25630.14s - 5633s

British Charles PERSON is alien lizards.

Speaker 145633s - 5637.2s

And McPartland PERSON has been beheaded by King Charles

Speaker 45637.2s - 5638.74s

and he is now drinking his blood.

Speaker 145639.34s - 5643.08s

And then there's this shaky cam footage of deck going,

Speaker 25643.22s - 5644.38s

I don't believe it, man.

Speaker 145644.7s - 5646.38s

Or Dex PERSON, Dex's just spearing him

Speaker 25646.38s - 5648s

with a steak.

Speaker 145649s - 5649.94s

Oh, God.

Speaker 135650.48s - 5651.56s

Oh, my Lord.

Speaker 25651.88s - 5653.46s

There goes the knighthood, Charles PERSON.

Speaker 145653.58s - 5654.42s

There goes the knighthood.

Speaker 135654.74s - 5656.12s

I never was in line for one.

Speaker 05656.22s - 5657.22s

Oh, dear.

Speaker 135657.54s - 5658.14s

Well, there's time.

Speaker 145658.34s - 5663.5s

There's time. Okay, number three, I'm going for Nessie PERSON. I'm going for the Loch Ness LOC monster.

Speaker 25663.5s - 5678.62s

Oh, okay. I get no grainy pictures, man. I've been to Loch Ness LOC, and there's nothing to stop. You can't stop, but keep looking at the water thinking I'm going to see something. I'm going to see something. And they've got two museums there with the big foot, like going.

Speaker 35678.66s - 5679.52s

Yeah, I'm here.

Speaker 25679.86s - 5681.5s

No, no, no, out of the way, man.

Speaker 145682.02s - 5682.72s

It's a decoy.

Speaker 25682.72s - 5683.36s

It's a decoy.

Speaker 45683.52s - 5685.98s

But there are two museums there, and I went to both.

Speaker 145686.5s - 5690.7s

And I came out of the second museum and went, what a lot of shit this is.

Speaker 05691.08s - 5692.96s

This is one of the luckiest little times

Speaker 45692.96s - 5695.14s

that has made millions out of this

Speaker 05695.14s - 5698.76s

for a log that's been floating on the water.

Speaker 145699.44s - 5701.54s

This is, like, there is nothing in this.

Speaker 125701.54s - 5704.32s

And you can't tell me with the technology of today,

Speaker 145704.64s - 5706.16s

they wouldn't be able to find something.

Speaker 45707.66s - 5716.52s

Well, I mean, they did used to be like weird. I mean, I truly believe that there are some weird marine creatures out there, right?

Speaker 05716.6s - 5717.8s

Like we haven't discovered yet.

Speaker 135717.8s - 5721.12s

And they used to be, you know, like Megalodon and stuff like that.

Speaker 05721.72s - 5725.24s

I wonder if at some point during history something,

Speaker 45725.96s - 5730.92s

I mean, is there, I don't know, is there any access? Does the lock have any access to the sea?

Speaker 145731.44s - 5734.72s

Yeah, I think it comes in. I think it goes. Yeah, I think it does.

Speaker 45735.26s - 5742.86s

So it could have been something, some weird creature and then it's gone, you know, and then hundreds of years later, we're still like, it's the lockless monster.

Speaker 25743.3s - 5745.46s

They've dredged that bastard a few times.

Speaker 45745.58s - 5746.34s

I'm sure they have.

Speaker 145746.66s - 5746.84s


Speaker 45747.08s - 5752.38s

It could have just been a whale or something, right? Accidentally like come into the, into the water.

Speaker 25752.62s - 5756.52s

I'm surprised no one's actually kind of constructed something that they've just put in the water.

Speaker 145756.52s - 5759.06s

Like to, I'm sure that's what some of those photos are.

Speaker 25759.5s - 5760.74s

I'm sure that's what it is.

Speaker 145760.74s - 5764.38s

I'd be on that like, you know, tourism's going down, lads.

Speaker 25764.38s - 5769.96s

We need to like, you know, the Lottnest FAC monster museums going out of business.

Speaker 145770.08s - 5773.92s

We need to quickly, like, we need to get something together. Like, let's make something.

Speaker 25774.22s - 5777.9s

I don't know, but I think the name now just means that they will always get tourists.

Speaker 145777.9s - 5779.34s

And I don't begrudge them.

Speaker 25779.38s - 5784.42s

I really don't begrudge them. But when I came out of there, I was so disappointed because I've always been fascinated

Speaker 135784.42s - 5790.96s

with the grainy pictures of a flipper or of some kind of head or something but then

Speaker 145790.96s - 5794.88s

when you come out of it and you think that's all they've got yeah you still bought a pencil on a

Speaker 135794.88s - 5799.44s

rubber though I did I absolutely did I bought a sticker for my car and everything you know I bought

Speaker 145799.44s - 5808.44s

a little a little model Nessie PERSON and I got a cuddly one as well and And, but, you know, I totally drank the collade on the whole experience.

Speaker 25809.3s - 5811.48s

But yeah, it's a little bollocks.

Speaker 135811.68s - 5812.2s

It really is.

Speaker 25812.32s - 5812.56s


Speaker 145812.8s - 5815.56s

I used to watch a TV show when I was a kid called Family Ness PERSON.

Speaker 45815.62s - 5817.3s

Oh, the Family Ness, yeah.

Speaker 145817.34s - 5817.92s

Remember that?

Speaker 45817.92s - 5818.22s


Speaker 145818.3s - 5822.28s

And it was like a family of Loch Ness LOC monsters, I guess.

Speaker 45822.98s - 5825.14s

It was quite, you know, and they played the bagpipes.

Speaker 25825.34s - 5825.6s


Speaker 145826.22s - 5831.64s

And there was even a Hollywood movie called Lock, was it called Lockness, I think, with Ted Danson PERSON.

Speaker 25832.6s - 5835.74s

From Cheers WORK_OF_ART was in it and it was all set there and it was, yeah.

Speaker 45836.16s - 5837.5s

Was he trying to find the creature?

Speaker 145837.5s - 5837.9s

He was.

Speaker 25838s - 5839.22s

I don't remember that movie.

Speaker 145839.3s - 5839.96s

Can you not remember it?

Speaker 25840s - 5842.06s

I'm sure it was called Loch Ness and it was Ted Dunstan PERSON.

Speaker 145842.06s - 5843.3s

It was low budget to me.

Speaker 45843.94s - 5848.22s

I think, well, I mean, it was a British film, but obviously had a big star.

Speaker 145848.22s - 5851.22s

He was in his in his cheers heyday at that point.

Speaker 25851.54s - 5853.24s

Well, three men and a baby heyday.

Speaker 145853.5s - 5853.98s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 25854.08s - 5854.6s


Speaker 145854.7s - 5856.44s

He was a star puller then.

Speaker 25856.44s - 5857.34s

He was a star puller.

Speaker 145857.4s - 5857.52s


Speaker 25857.98s - 5858s


Speaker 145858s - 5859.02s

I have to look and see what was.

Speaker 25859.48s - 5859.88s


Speaker 135860.14s - 5862.36s

So we need your number two then, please, Charles PERSON.

Speaker 25863.28s - 5864.28s

The moon landing.

Speaker 135865.4s - 5866.76s

That's my number two. Yeah. Charles. The moon landing. That's my number two.

Speaker 05867.3s - 5867.5s


Speaker 25867.6s - 5867.84s


Speaker 135868.18s - 5869.36s

The moon landing, yeah.

Speaker 25871.12s - 5888.4s

As I said, as we said earlier in our little quiz, 10, 11% of Americans NORP still believe that it was faked. And I think it's getting a bit of a renaissance that's conspiracy. Again, podcasts are a great kind of of especially big ones hosted by um certain

Speaker 35888.4s - 5894.8s

people um who allow these things to be talked about um yeah as it's kind of promoting that kind of

Speaker 05894.8s - 5901.28s

idea again of it being faked and it's all that was just all shot in some studio in nevada

Speaker 35903.36s - 5907.02s

but yeah so yeah it's it's it's one that I don't think will ever go away.

Speaker 25907.48s - 5907.68s


Speaker 145908.14s - 5910.68s

It's the fact they think that Kubrick directed it.

Speaker 25910.8s - 5911.12s


Speaker 145911.56s - 5915.28s

And then put loads of hints in The Shining WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 25915.76s - 5920.42s

Mate, if Kubrick had directed it, they would have done like 60,000 takes.

Speaker 145920.42s - 5920.82s


Speaker 25921.16s - 5922.28s

They'd still be filming it now.

Speaker 145922.28s - 5923.16s

They'd still be filming it now.

Speaker 25923.18s - 5924.2s

They would.

Speaker 145924.66s - 5926.08s

Poor old Buzz Aldrin PERSON would be

Speaker 25926.08s - 5928.92s

Yeah. Right. Take 155.

Speaker 145929.96s - 5932.12s

Yeah. Yeah. There's no way that Kubrick did it.

Speaker 25932.96s - 5933.2s


Speaker 145933.32s - 5934.68s

Buzz Aldrin PERSON would be in therapy.

Speaker 25935.04s - 5936.88s

He would. He would bless him.

Speaker 145937.1s - 5938.26s

Yeah, that is interesting.

Speaker 45939.36s - 5939.82s

I mean, again,

Speaker 145940.74s - 5944.52s

well, I was just going to say, it's funny because it's one of those things

Speaker 45944.52s - 5946.24s

that again, like if I found out tomorrow

Speaker 145946.24s - 5947.04s

It was fake

Speaker 45947.04s - 5949.66s

I can't think of a single time in my life

Speaker 145949.66s - 5951.36s

Where I've thought about it really

Speaker 45951.36s - 5954.72s

About the moon landings has played a part in my life

Speaker 25954.72s - 5957.7s

It's just something could not get less about

Speaker 45957.7s - 5961.6s

You actually want to be here, Sophie PERSON?

Speaker 25963.16s - 5964.32s

What, on this planet?

Speaker 45964.56s - 5966.46s

No, no, in this podcast.

Speaker 145966.74s - 5968.12s

I just don't really care.

Speaker 25968.14s - 5970.1s

I just don't give a shit about anything, really.

Speaker 145970.52s - 5973.88s

If I found out tomorrow, I would just be like,

Speaker 45974.08s - 5975.84s

I'm all bothered.

Speaker 145976.02s - 5976.52s

I don't know.

Speaker 45976.62s - 5980.48s

It's just kind of like, you know,

Speaker 145980.6s - 5983s

I know it's obviously like one giant step for manga,

Speaker 45983s - 5983.56s

isn't it?

Speaker 35983.94s - 5986.32s

And all that but like

Speaker 05986.32s - 5993.28s

has life really changed for us on earth maybe i guess it goes back to the idea that people get so

Speaker 45993.28s - 5999.84s

hit up and like vehement about these kind of things that aren't actually does it really matter like

Speaker 35999.84s - 6006.38s

the other day i mean i i believe that we did land on the moon and it wasn't faked, but, you know,

Speaker 46006.5s - 6012.84s

like you say, if it found out suddenly, suddenly it wasn't true, I wouldn't be like, oh, told you so.

Speaker 26012.96s - 6020.52s

Yeah, yeah. Which is, yeah, which is not a conspiracy theories are so kind of staunchly, like,

Speaker 36021.12s - 6028.08s

strongly felt feelings about things. Um, isn't it, isn't it, doesn't it boil down to in the end that if, if you found out that

Speaker 46028.08s - 6031.6s

it was, that was the case, is the government lying to you again?

Speaker 136031.96s - 6033.7s

And that's, that's what it is, isn't it?

Speaker 36033.76s - 6037.2s

It's the fact that if the government's going to lie to you about that, what are they

Speaker 46037.2s - 6039.38s

lying to you about everything else?

Speaker 36039.98s - 6045.92s

And the did we land on the moon is just the fancy little details that, you know, the little glittery prize.

Speaker 46046.04s - 6048.28s

But the main thing is, well, the government have lied about this.

Speaker 26048.74s - 6050.5s

They can lie to us about fucking anything.

Speaker 46050.98s - 6053.56s

And we can't really believe believe anything they said.

Speaker 116053.9s - 6055.22s

And I'm sure they do lie about stuff.

Speaker 46055.36s - 6062.32s

And I think like stuff like MK Ultra and stuff is kind of like used as as fuel to that as well.

Speaker 26062.52s - 6064.34s

It's like, well, look, they did that, you know.

Speaker 136064.84s - 6067.92s

Well, and I think like the whole Jeffrey Epstein PERSON thing kind of brought about,

Speaker 26068s - 6069.48s

like the people saying about QAnon ORG,

Speaker 36069.64s - 6071.44s

there being this elite group of like, you know,

Speaker 26071.52s - 6075.74s

it kind of lent itself to being that kind of being true,

Speaker 146075.86s - 6078.88s

although obviously it's not, you know, that QAnon ORG is very more extreme.

Speaker 136079.5s - 6084.36s

But it kind of gives credence to some of the sort of ideas, isn't it?

Speaker 146084.44s - 6086.92s

And then when Epstein PERSON dies, all of that.

Speaker 136086.92s - 6087.7s

And there's another one.

Speaker 06088.1s - 6089.86s

It adds another layer to it.

Speaker 136089.9s - 6091.74s

And you think, well, it's got to be something in it.

Speaker 06091.98s - 6094.04s

Because all these people are getting silenced.

Speaker 136094.22s - 6094.34s


Speaker 46094.52s - 6094.7s


Speaker 136095.96s - 6100.34s

1996, Locke Ness, starred Ted Dantz and Jolie Richardson and Ian Holm PERSON.

Speaker 146100.56s - 6101s


Speaker 46102s - 6102.56s

So there you go.

Speaker 146102.56s - 6103.22s

He got home as well.

Speaker 46103.54s - 6103.74s

Ian Holm PERSON.

Speaker 26103.84s - 6104.5s

Good cast.

Speaker 146104.66s - 6105.68s

Very good cast. There you go.. Yeah, home as well. Good cast. Very good cast.

Speaker 26106.7s - 6107.12s

There you go.

Speaker 146107.58s - 6108.88s

Nick Brimble PERSON as well.

Speaker 26110.06s - 6110.34s


Speaker 36111.84s - 6112.32s

Sophie PERSON,

Speaker 46112.48s - 6113.54s

your number two then please.

Speaker 36115.16s - 6115.96s

Okay, so my

Speaker 46115.96s - 6117.88s

number two is satanic panic

Speaker 146117.88s - 6119.48s

through the ages.

Speaker 36120.4s - 6121.48s

So, obviously,

Speaker 146121.76s - 6122.34s

through the ages.

Speaker 26123.1s - 6123.78s

Yeah, because

Speaker 146123.78s - 6125.5s

this is like a tale as old as time.

Speaker 26125.64s - 6129.2s

But I think when we hear satanic panic, we think of like the, you know,

Speaker 136129.2s - 6131.68s

80s and 90s, satanic panic, you know.

Speaker 146132.6s - 6133.76s

That's the years, the good years.

Speaker 136134.16s - 6135.9s

Yeah, the golden oldies.

Speaker 146136.06s - 6136.7s

The golden oldest.

Speaker 136136.7s - 6140.9s

The modern preschool trials and like, obviously, you know, I love it.

Speaker 36141.82s - 6143.68s

So many lives have been wrecked because of it.

Speaker 136143.76s - 6147.96s

But I love it as a thing because it shows us so much about human psychology.

Speaker 146147.96s - 6151s

You know, like we have it with the witch trial, you know,

Speaker 46151s - 6152.86s

Salem GPE witch trials and stuff like that.

Speaker 136152.88s - 6153.68s

It's exactly the same.

Speaker 46153.84s - 6160.62s

Just like it's hysteria that spreads through a population or a town or a city or a country.

Speaker 36161.48s - 6165.16s

And again, it's like this needing this meaning of like,

Speaker 46165.46s - 6166.34s

it must be the devil.

Speaker 36166.46s - 6167.7s

It must be satanic worship.

Speaker 46167.82s - 6168.54s

It must be witches.

Speaker 06168.84s - 6174.36s

It's like we can't just accept the boring truth of life, you know.

Speaker 46175.02s - 6176.06s

So that's my number two.

Speaker 26176.52s - 6179s

So what is it exactly? Explain it a bit.

Speaker 46179.76s - 6185.4s

So, I mean, the clues in the title, really.

Speaker 146185.58s - 6188.38s

Like you say, the witch trials and everything is when...

Speaker 36188.38s - 6188.8s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 46188.9s - 6189.42s

So it's...

Speaker 36189.42s - 6190.6s


Speaker 146190.6s - 6191.48s


Speaker 46191.48s - 6197.6s

So it's essentially like a mass hysteria where they think that...

Speaker 146197.6s - 6201.64s

They think that something nefarious is all to do.

Speaker 46201.78s - 6203.26s

It's all because of satanic worship.

Speaker 06203.26s - 6203.46s


Speaker 36203.64s - 6203.78s


Speaker 06203.94s - 6204.38s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 46204.38s - 6251.52s

And the McMartin PERSON preschool trials were a huge one. Again, I forget the specifics, but essentially a few children came out with some like sort of, and again, I'm not saying you shouldn't believe children if they come out with something like that, but a couple of kids said something, some kind of fantastical thing, like, oh, and then they did this. And then the teachers were like, the teachers were doing this and doing a ritual on us and blah, blah, blah.And then it ended up becoming this huge thing. And the police were essentially like interrogating these super young children, you know, and putting ideas in their head and like, oh, the teacher did this. And then they did this, didn't it? And it became like a whole town. And like, it was just awful because all these people got arrested and they were in prison for like eight years or something.

Speaker 26252.06s - 6257.6s

There was a podcast to this, right? Was there a podcast we listened to? You might, you might be

Speaker 46257.6s - 6263.18s

thinking of the Hampstead hoax, which is a similar thing. Yeah, that's it. The hansstead GPE hoax.

Speaker 26263.34s - 6265.04s

Again, it happens like again

Speaker 46265.04s - 6270.16s

this is why i say over the you know through the ages because it happens regularly in human history

Speaker 26270.16s - 6278.4s

like we we attach some kind of like satanic meaning to something and yeah it just blows up like wildfire

Speaker 46279.28s - 6285.44s

is that like playing songs and having that you like i love the devil in we've playing backwards and things

Speaker 26285.44s - 6294s

like right yes exactly it's you know and Marilyn Manson and you know back in the 80s when

Speaker 46294s - 6301.6s

teenage boys were were listening to Marilyn Manson PERSON it's like oh they're they're that you know

Speaker 146301.6s - 6306.5s

they're worshipping the devil and this nonsense this nonsense. And then there was the other, there was that

Speaker 46306.5s - 6309.14s

murder case.

Speaker 136309.24s - 6310.52s

I've forgotten what it's called now.

Speaker 06310.64s - 6312.38s

It's like there's something, what was it?

Speaker 46313.6s - 6337.28s

I can't remember that a few young, young boys got murdered, unfortunately and they ended up arresting these teenage boys wrongly accusing them just because they were like listening to marilyn manson and stuff and they were in prison for years and they're just their lives were completely wrecked and it turned out obviously it wasn't them at all and um yeah absolutely tragic but

Speaker 136337.28s - 6343.7s

okay sorry about that we're starting to yeah thanks for cheering us up we're starting to get into

Speaker 26343.7s - 6345s

the meat of it all now, aren't we?

Speaker 146345.92s - 6348.1s

Okay, my number two was did we land on the moon?

Speaker 46348.88s - 6352.36s

So although Sophie has given us on her number one,

Speaker 136352.84s - 6355s

but we will go through those in a second.

Speaker 46355.3s - 6357.8s

Charles, give us your rundown from 10 to 2.

Speaker 26358.76s - 6360.78s

Sophie PERSON, if you can do the same, I'll do the same,

Speaker 146360.86s - 6362.14s

and then we'll reveal on number ones.

Speaker 06364.68s - 6365.54s

I've just quote.

Speaker 26365.86s - 6366.9s

Have you closed it all down?

Speaker 146367.44s - 6369.02s

Do you want me to do you guys?

Speaker 26369.02s - 6369.5s

No, no, no, no.

Speaker 146369.86s - 6374.62s

No, no. So, number 10, Avril Levine PERSON has died and has been impersonated.

Speaker 26375.24s - 6407.16s

Number nine, Princess Diana wasn't. It wasn't an accident. Her death wasn't an accident. Number eight, aliens built the pyramids. Number seven, the lost city of Atlantis LOC. Number six, the Titanic PRODUCT didn't crash and sink.Number five, flat earfers. Number four, the Illuminati ORG. Number three, the US GPE government manipulates the weather. Make bread. Number two, the moon landings. I faked. Lovely. Sophie PERSON. Okay, the moon landings. I've faked.Lovely. Sophie PERSON.

Speaker 46408.58s - 6437.44s

Okay, mine was number 10, birds aren't real. Number nine, we live in a simulation. Number eight, Denver International Airport FAC. Number seven, Finland GPE doesn't exist. Number six, the earth is flat. Number five, the men in black.Number four, celebs that are celeb fake stories. Number three, the reptilian elite. Number two, satanic panic. Lovely. And mine is

Speaker 146437.44s - 6455.68s

number 10. Bigfoot, nine, Illuminati, eight, living in the Matrix, seven, flat earth. Six, the death of Princess Diana PERSON. Five, nine, eleven, four aliens, six, the death of Princess Diana, five, nine, eleven, four aliens, three, the Loch Ness LOC monster, and two, did we land on the moon? So, Giles, what's your number one conspiracy theory?

Speaker 26458.74s - 6472.3s

Probably the one that I've focused most on, you know, I'm not a conspiracy theorist as such, but this one has always captured my attention, and it's mainly due to Oliver Stone. It's JFK. That's my number one as well. That's my number one. Yeah. Yeah, I think,

Speaker 146472.54s - 6478.56s

again, mainly due to that movie, which is a fantastic film. Yeah. If anyone who hasn't seen it,

Speaker 26478.62s - 6491.2s

do go and watch it. And yeah, and it really opened up a lot of discussions around what really happened with the, yeah, at the assassination opened up a lot of discussions around what really happened. With, yeah, at the assassination of John F. Kennedy in Dallas.

Speaker 146493.6s - 6506.14s

November the 22nd, 1963. Yeah. And yeah, whether that A, Lee Harvey Oswald PERSON was the culprit but B did he act alone

Speaker 26506.14s - 6553.84s

um was it a coup d'a tar and it was a government conspiracy um because of the conflict that was sort of brewing in Cuba GPE and uh yeah generals and so yeah lots of different and the movie is very complex there's lots of different um kind of variations andlines of thought around what the conspiracy is. It was a multi-layered kind of conspiracy with regards to the movie. But having said that,I have read more about it before. I've listened to lots of podcasts on it. The rest of history have done a fantastic six parts on it. And the evidence well stacked in that Lee Harvey Oswald PERSON did act alone. That's interesting.

Speaker 146554.16s - 6559.68s

That's interesting. Because I listened to it's called Who Killed JFK that was a Rob Reiner PERSON documentary.

Speaker 26559.68s - 6571.16s

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. That very much had the facts that it was the government that the CIA and the FBI ORG and that that were behind it. Interesting.

Speaker 146571.46s - 6583.64s

Okay, I need to listen to that. And then maybe you listen to the rest of this history. I will do. I will do. I've been fascinated since, well, probably before, because it was the first, I can remember being young and watching the Zapruder PRODUCT footage.

Speaker 26583.78s - 6587.46s

Yeah, well, that's the thing. The Subuda PRODUCT footage was so ahead of its time. But it was so visceral. It was the first time I can remember being young and watching the Zapruda footage. Yeah, well, that's the thing. The Subuda footage was so ahead of its time.

Speaker 146587.6s - 6588.48s

But it was so visceral.

Speaker 26588.54s - 6596.04s

It was the first time I'd ever seen anybody die for real. And the fact that his head explodes, it was like, oh my God, what is this?

Speaker 06596.04s - 6603.68s

Because it was some, it was, it was a murder in such a public place that the fact that they

Speaker 26603.68s - 6605.9s

couldn't find out who did it at that point always fascinated me that the fact that they couldn't find out who did it

Speaker 06605.9s - 6607.46s

at that point

Speaker 26607.46s - 6610.04s

always fascinated me with the fact that there

Speaker 146610.04s - 6611.14s

were so many people there

Speaker 06611.14s - 6613.46s

and then when I started getting older

Speaker 146613.46s - 6617.1s

and then I'm a massive Kevin Costner fan so I started watching JFK

Speaker 26617.1s - 6619.12s

that to me then was the Bible

Speaker 136619.12s - 6620.42s

that is exactly what happened

Speaker 26620.42s - 6621.96s

but then when you started

Speaker 146621.96s - 6630.32s

I started reading books about it and you found out that the person that Kevin Costner played was a very flawed character yeah he was yeah and a lot of the

Speaker 26630.32s - 6635.92s

stuff that he brought up didn't make any sense and he appears in the movie as well do you know he does

Speaker 146635.92s - 6641.2s

he's the judge he is the judge absolutely yeah garrison in it jim garrison yeah yeah yeah but then when it

Speaker 26641.2s - 6645.48s

comes to the actual physical the physicality of the assassination,

Speaker 146646.76s - 6652.34s

loads of it doesn't make sense. The fact that if Jay, I'm going to get deep in the weeds a little bit.

Speaker 136652.44s - 6658.46s

If Lee R.V. Oswald is in the sixth floor, sixth floor of the school book depository,

Speaker 146659.38s - 6664.88s

why is he not shooting at JFK as he's coming towards him on Elm Street FAC, I think it was?

Speaker 26664.88s - 6666.26s

They bring that up in the movie, don't they?

Speaker 146666.38s - 6668.66s

Yeah, why wait until he turns the corner?

Speaker 26668.78s - 6670.4s

So if he misses, they're just going to go fast.

Speaker 146670.98s - 6671.98s

You've got a better shot.

Speaker 26672.52s - 6675.82s

And then if you miss, they've still got to go around that way and then shoot again and shoot again.

Speaker 146676.46s - 6679.52s

The only way is that coup d'etatire, you've got three people.

Speaker 26680.32s - 6683.02s

Triangulation of crossfires, what they call it in the movie, isn't it?

Speaker 146683.1s - 6701.36s

Yeah. There could be two or three shooters and just the physics of the actual shooting to me seems that Levi Oswald PERSON didn't act alone.There's no way you could have acted alone. And then there's so many other little bits and pieces where other people got, you know, got killed because they knew too much and, you know,

Speaker 26701.44s - 6710.88s

but it's fascinating. I think there was a, I think the movie kind of puts that he wasn't a good shot and stuff. I think that's's fascinating. I think there's, there was a, I think the movie kind of puts that he wasn't a good shot and stuff. I think that's been dismissed. I think he was, he actually was a good shot.

Speaker 146710.98s - 6722.74s

I think he, he had lots of military training and stuff. So I think that thing's been dismissed. Yeah. I agree with you. I think there's, there's, again, if that something, you know, they, obviously they haven't released the files, have they, yeah.

Speaker 26722.74s - 6738.88s

I mean, they are supposed to be released a few, but they ended up not doing that up not doing that which is a bit of a um i i wouldn't be surprised if they were multiple you know the gross you know like it feels like that that would be like you say that would be the ideal optimum place for the show there's the magic bullet theory as well

Speaker 146738.88s - 6748.28s

which is random it's that was the one thing if you look at the JFK movie, they've got the two people and they're doing like, I think in the courtroom,

Speaker 136748.48s - 6749.3s

they do like a mock-up,

Speaker 36749.44s - 6751.98s

but they're sat right behind each other.

Speaker 136752.14s - 6752.86s

Well, they weren't in,

Speaker 146753.04s - 6754.04s

they were sat at an angle.

Speaker 06754.5s - 6762.2s

So it is possible, but it's, again, it's, there's so many bits. I would love to know what the actual truth is of that.

Speaker 146762.58s - 6763.28s

And I've always said,

Speaker 136763.28s - 6766.68s

if anybody managed to do a time machine week ago back in time,

Speaker 146767.28s - 6769.3s

I would like to stand on that grassy knoll,

Speaker 136769.6s - 6774.14s

knowing what I know now and just look around to think there is someone over there,

Speaker 146774.58s - 6780.6s

there's someone up there. Not trying to stop it, obviously. I want to carry on. But yeah.

Speaker 26780.72s - 6799.28s

Yeah. But it's fascinating. And just the whole kind of concept that, you know, around having an open top car and all that kind of stuff is, yeah, it is endlessly fascinating that story. I think just the fact, like I'm just started watching this thing called Manhunt on Apple, which is about Lincoln PERSON being assassinated.

Speaker 146799.38s - 6806.06s

Oh, right. And it's just interesting that Americans NORP, there's been a few times where they've,

Speaker 26806.7s - 6819.86s

they've, there's been about four presidents that have been assassinated in the last like 200 years or something, which is quite a lot. And they've tried to, they've attempted to assassinate more. So it's quite, it's quite an interesting kind of story in general.

Speaker 146820.02s - 6823.16s

I'm going to have to listen to that rest of history then just. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 26823.16s - 6824.12s

It's good. It's very good.

Speaker 146824.24s - 6831.22s

Lots about Jack Ruby PERSON as well Who's very interesting as well So yeah, it's a very interesting podcast Sophie PERSON, what do you think?

Speaker 26831.36s - 6839.12s

I just don't really care If I found out tomorrow If I found out of JFK PERSON was that, yeah I wouldn't really, it wouldn't really my, I wouldn't really bother

Speaker 46839.12s - 6841.6s

It wouldn't even like

Speaker 26841.6s - 6842.42s

I just, yeah

Speaker 146842.42s - 6845.56s

So I just forgot I was on a podcast I felt like I was listening to a podcast then I'm like Oh great, that's good., I just, yeah. So I just forgot I was on a podcast.

Speaker 46845.8s - 6847.92s

I felt like I was listening to a podcast then.

Speaker 146848.04s - 6848.82s

I'm like, great.

Speaker 46848.96s - 6849.34s

That's good.

Speaker 146849.34s - 6849.88s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 46850.08s - 6852.18s

Because to be honest, I'm not like a massive expert.

Speaker 136852.38s - 6855.4s

I watched that film back when I studied film studies.

Speaker 46856.12s - 6861.76s

And for some reason, I think my lecturer just was really into the conspiracy, to be honest with it and was like, what do you guys think?

Speaker 06862.46s - 6866.92s

But I, yeah, I like the idea of him being,

Speaker 46868.24s - 6871.62s

because he claimed that he was hypnotised, didn't he?

Speaker 146872.08s - 6874.74s

Well, he claimed he was a Patsy is one thing he definitely claimed

Speaker 46874.74s - 6879.54s

that he wasn't there, he wasn't supposed to be arrested.

Speaker 146879.66s - 6883.48s

He knew that once he got arrested, there was something wrong with what was supposed to have

Speaker 46883.48s - 6883.74s


Speaker 26884.58s - 6888.36s

One thing that's very interesting about JFK PERSON in generally, he had a lot of ill health.

Speaker 46888.66s - 6893s

And he used to wear a, he had a very bad back and stuff.

Speaker 26893.1s - 6894.3s

And he had to wear his corset.

Speaker 146894.6s - 6901.2s

So some of the reason why he couldn't move when he was being shot, for example, was because he actually couldn't move.

Speaker 26901.5s - 6905.3s

So I think some of the head wounds and stuff are applicable because of his

Speaker 06905.3s - 6907.14s

his ill health. Anyway, sorry.

Speaker 26908.48s - 6910s

But yeah, and I

Speaker 46910s - 6924.32s

yeah, I don't know. I like that. I like that idea that he was kind of brainwashed by, you know, whoever, suppose, you know, the CIA ORG or whoever was brainwashed him. And because they were talkingabout there's the man with the umbrella or something.

Speaker 146924.74s - 6925.46s

Yeah, yeah. One of the theories with the umbrella or something. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 46925.58s - 6926.54s

That was one of the theories.

Speaker 146926.98s - 6935.52s

Yeah, it was. But that was, apparently that was someone doing a, making some statement about the British prime minister at the time or something.

Speaker 46935.86s - 6936.22s


Speaker 146936.44s - 6937.5s

Because he used to carry an umbrella.

Speaker 46938.32s - 6941.76s

Right. Did that guy come out then? And he was, oh, actually, that was, that was me.

Speaker 146942.18s - 6943.96s

Apparently so. Yeah. Apparently so.

Speaker 46943.96s - 6948.92s

But he was, Learvae Oddswood was supposed to be a Russian NORP operative. That's what he was. Yeah. But I think they were saying that he was like, oh, actually, that was me. Apparently so, yeah, apparently so. But he was, Learva Oddle was supposed to be a Russian operative. That's what he was. Yeah.

Speaker 136952.6s - 6953.2s

But I think they were saying that he was like, he was a double agent or maybe even a triple agent.

Speaker 146957.16s - 6958s

So the Russians thought he was working for them and the Americans NORP thought he was working for them.

Speaker 26958.32s - 6958.44s


Speaker 136964.18s - 6964.28s

They do talk a lot about his affiliations of Communist Party ORG and stuff on the podcast I listened to.

Speaker 26965.96s - 6967.56s

So yeah, he definitely had like allegiances to the Russian NORP government. Yeah, definitely.

Speaker 146967.88s - 6968.64s

It's fascinating.

Speaker 26968.8s - 6971.32s

Yeah. I think, yeah, I think with these sorts of things

Speaker 146971.32s - 6972.72s

because it really doesn't matter,

Speaker 46972.94s - 6975.46s

you kind of got to go with what you want to be the truth, right?

Speaker 146976.12s - 6977.92s

Like, you kind of walk out to you, Sophie PERSON.

Speaker 46978.16s - 6979.96s

I mean, it might matter to other people.

Speaker 146980.12s - 6981.42s

Just because you don't give a shit.

Speaker 26982.04s - 6983.66s

You know what? This is, I'm realising

Speaker 46983.66s - 6985.16s

this is kind of my attitude.

Speaker 146985.52s - 6986.74s

This is totally off topic.

Speaker 46986.74s - 6997.1s

But when I was away, I lost my bag briefly. And my friends like, don't worry, we're going to try and find it. It literally had everything in it.

Speaker 06997.26s - 6999.48s

You know, like all my staff or my car, my passport,

Speaker 46999.68s - 7016.12s

my friend's car keys, my friends' keys to their house. I just totally fucked up. I got my bag back. But then when we got the bag back, she was like, you didn't have any reaction or emotion to that. And I think in my head, once something bad happens, I'm like, oh, well, you can't change it.

Speaker 147016.76s - 7020.64s

I mean, to be honest, that's a great attitude to have.

Speaker 47021.14s - 7026s

And I think you'll live a long, long, healthy life if you really, if these things like

Speaker 137026s - 7031.88s

conspiracies don't bother you. Because if you're not stressed about them, that's fine.

Speaker 147032.2s - 7037.76s

You have them as something to talk about. But like, there are people that do their veins bulge

Speaker 137037.76s - 7041.76s

in their heads because of these. Why it's so fascinating. And I see people, and this is why social media

Speaker 47041.76s - 7046.14s

is so fascinating. Because I see people like arguing about stuff online. I'm like, why do you care?

Speaker 147046.24s - 7049.7s

You know, unless JFK PERSON was like your dad, then like, why do you care?

Speaker 47049.82s - 7053.84s

But, but I think it's really fun to speculate and to like learn the history of it and stuff like that.

Speaker 07054.04s - 7057.04s

But then at the end of it, choose your own conspiracy and just go with it.

Speaker 27057.04s - 7063.9s

Yeah, I think with the JFK PERSON thing, it's more because it's like historical and it's like, because it's, yeah, a historical.

Speaker 47064.18s - 7066.88s

Something. Yeah. It's an impactful for historical event. It was a mystery. Yeah, it's a, because it's, yeah, a historical, something, yeah. An impactful in soroccal event.

Speaker 137066.88s - 7067.88s

It's a mystery.

Speaker 47067.88s - 7068.88s

Yeah, it's a mystery.

Speaker 27068.88s - 7074.38s

Yeah, it's something that actually happened. We all know it happened, but we just don't know what happened. No. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 47074.38s - 7082.38s

Yeah, yeah. And it's like a murder mystery, isn't it? It is. Yeah, yeah. Where it's like flat earthers. Yeah, that's just like, that's not interesting.

Speaker 147082.38s - 7082.88s


Speaker 27082.88s - 7088.08s

And the trouble with JFK is that every day, every day that it goes on, you're getting further away from the truth.

Speaker 47088.52s - 7093.88s

Because more people are dying, more things, more secrets are getting lost. Yeah. Totally. Totally.

Speaker 147094.2s - 7115s

We got a few honourable mentions. So Stu Grant PERSON said, oh, no, you're about, you're about to get me started. He says the COVID vaccine was just a way to cull the world's population. Kubrick shot the moon landing and left hints to this in The Shining WORK_OF_ART. 9-11 was an inside job just to fire war in the Middle East LOC. Prince Andrew PERSON is a pedophile.JFK was assassinated.

Speaker 37115s - 7117s

That's not a conspiracy.

Speaker 147117s - 7124s

That's not a conspiracy. JFK was assassinated by the CIA or FBI ORG. Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain, Pizza Gate PERSON.

Speaker 07124s - 7136.04s

Michelle Obama PERSON is really a man, Flat Earth, the ice wall and chem trails. And he says, I believe in only one of these, but I won't say which, it'll make you sweat. I'll make you sweat on that. Thank you very much for that.

Speaker 27136.06s - 7138.42s

So that's all one person. That's all one person.

Speaker 147138.42s - 7139.86s

I think that's his top ten there.

Speaker 47139.98s - 7142.12s

Oh, well then, it must be the Prince Andrew PERSON one

Speaker 147142.12s - 7145.54s

then, because that's the only one that's true. Yes, that's true. I only believe in one of them. Yeah, must be the Prince Andrew PERSON one then, because that's the only one that's true. Yes, that's true.

Speaker 47145.86s - 7147.14s

I only believe in one of them.

Speaker 27147.5s - 7148.38s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 47148.8s - 7150.38s

And Prince Andrew PERSON is a great guy.

Speaker 27150.62s - 7154.16s

And I've always thought Courtney Love PERSON killed coming. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 147155.4s - 7174.56s

At Joshy McSquashy PERSON says, not so much of a conspiracy, but I do love me some mad film fan theories. I'm thinking of the bigger Luke Star Wars PERSON theory, one for me. Now, I looked into that.Apparently there's a theory that there are two Luke Skywalker PERSON's in the original Star Wars PRODUCT. And one is slightly taller than the other.

Speaker 07175.98s - 7177.96s

Just Google it

Speaker 137177.96s - 7179.18s

because I'm not going to get into it now.

Speaker 07179.44s - 7185.36s

Or that Sean Connery is James Bond in the movie The Rock WORK_OF_ART, which I always thought was quite an interesting one.

Speaker 147186.58s - 7200.08s

At Stevie V says his favourite conspiracy theory is that Giles PERSON is not actually the nicest person on Twitter, but being a Crystal Palace ORG fan is actually miserable and bitter. Is that true?

Speaker 47200.08s - 7202.02s

A bit of thoughtable banter there.

Speaker 147202.08s - 7203.12s

Is that true, Giles PERSON?

Speaker 47203.36s - 7204.32s

You're not miserable and bitter.

Speaker 147204.32s - 7207.8s

I can't imagine you. No, I'm a very of football banter there. Is that true, Giles PERSON? You're not miserable. I'm a very, no, I'm a very philosophical football fan.

Speaker 47208.06s - 7212.04s

Like, you know, no, I don't get bitter and sad about football.

Speaker 27212.34s - 7223.52s

No. I mean, obviously, you can't. When you, if you support a team like Christmas, you have to be philosophical and like, you know, like take it on the chin. Of course. You'd be depressed. Absolutely.

Speaker 47224.32s - 7226.52s

If anything, it makes you happier, I think. Yeah. Yeah. It's like undertakers, really chin. Of course. You'd be depressed. Absolutely. If anything, it makes you happier, I think.

Speaker 27226.82s - 7227.58s

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 47227.7s - 7229.7s

It's like Undertakers, really happy guys, apparently.

Speaker 27231.2s - 7232.66s

I've met a few. Yeah.

Speaker 47233.24s - 7234.48s

My brother was an undertaker.

Speaker 27234.86s - 7235.48s

Was he?

Speaker 47235.88s - 7236.16s


Speaker 27236.16s - 7237.16s

He really happy all the time.

Speaker 47237.46s - 7239.62s

He loved it. Everyone loves being in.

Speaker 147239.62s - 7240.48s

He loved it.

Speaker 27240.64s - 7242.28s

He loved it. Yeah.

Speaker 147242.36s - 7244.4s

Have you said your brother? Oh, yeah. Say your brother.

Speaker 47245.36s - 7246.48s

Sorry, yeah, my brother was. He probably just didn't care. He probably like you, he probably just like you. He loved it. He had a great. Have you a good day, love, Sophie PERSON? Say your brother. Sorry, yeah, my brother was.

Speaker 147246.64s - 7249.84s

He probably just didn't care. He probably, like you, he probably thought I don't care.

Speaker 47249.84s - 7251.28s

It runs in the family.

Speaker 147251.68s - 7264.4s

But we were having a conversation about this the other day at my tennis tournament. Like, apparently, Undertakers, really easygoing, fun guys, because they just see life in a different way, you know? You just stop caring. Well, I suppose they're surrounded by death, aren't they?

Speaker 47264.4s - 7269.66s

It just can't get any worse than that. Got a, yeah, I'll have a sense of humour. Something switches in your way, you know? You just stop caring. Well, I suppose they're surrounded by death, aren't they? It just can't get any worse than that. Got her. Yeah, I'll have a sense of humour. Something switches in your brain, you know.

Speaker 147269.66s - 7272.7s

I love the way you thought of that when you're thinking of Giles and Crystal Palace ORG.

Speaker 47272.9s - 7277.72s

You're thinking about, you know, one step away from death. Charles PERSON's face.

Speaker 147278.3s - 7279.86s

It's like having a terminal illness, isn't it?

Speaker 47280.32s - 7282.12s

Oh, dear. Oh, bless him.

Speaker 147282.18s - 7286.28s

No, Charles PERSON. Come on. Stay with us, man. Come on. Oh, God. Do, bless him. No, Charles PERSON. Come on. Stay with us, man. Come on. Oh, God.

Speaker 47287.52s - 7288.56s

Do a screenshot.

Speaker 147288.82s - 7315.8s

Yeah, StevieV PERSON says at the end, no, seriously, it's got to be the death of Diana, Princess of Wales and British Secret Service ORG involvement. Phil James says that Avrilavine PERSON is dead. Janine Bender says Elvis PERSON is still alive. Kendra Gross Tapia says Stevie Wonder PERSON isn't blind.Dawn Sadella Ayres says Paul PERSON is dead, a classic. We even learned it in school. And Karen Clark says Elvis PERSON did not die, but went into hiding. He wanted to avoid the limelight. Yeah.

Speaker 137316.44s - 7317.14s

There you go.

Speaker 147317.26s - 7318.5s

Well, I've seen Baba Ho-Tep PERSON.

Speaker 137318.76s - 7319.94s

I've seen Baba Hotep PERSON.

Speaker 27320s - 7321.58s

I was just going to say the same thing.

Speaker 137322.04s - 7324.58s

He's just in an old people's home with a black JFK PERSON.

Speaker 27324.9s - 7325.16s

Yeah. It's so good. Such a's home with a black JFK PERSON. Yeah.

Speaker 147325.76s - 7326.66s

It's so good.

Speaker 137327.02s - 7327.8s

Such a great movie.

Speaker 27328.1s - 7328.6s

I love that film.

Speaker 47329s - 7330.06s

Well, we've done it.

Speaker 27330.16s - 7332.48s

So, guys, what's been happening with the podcast?

Speaker 37333.16s - 7334.2s

Let everybody know about it.

Speaker 137335.34s - 7335.72s

Go on safe.

Speaker 37336.18s - 7337.26s

We've been podcasting.

Speaker 27337.34s - 7340.92s

We've been interviewing some amazing people and great guests.

Speaker 137340.92s - 7342.24s

Who have you had lately?

Speaker 27342.96s - 7344.26s

Well, we had John Monson PERSON recently.

Speaker 37344.42s - 7344.78s

He was great.

Speaker 147344.92s - 7346.26s

I've been talking about conspiracy theories.

Speaker 47346.42s - 7351.06s

He's done a whole series himself on how culture wars get started.

Speaker 27351.34s - 7354.68s

So that's really fast, always fascinating to talk to John Monson PERSON.

Speaker 37355.14s - 7355.92s

He was great.

Speaker 47356.12s - 7358.54s

And we've had some really good ones. And Dom Jolly PERSON as well.

Speaker 27358.62s - 7361.8s

Dom Jolly PERSON. He was talking about conspiracy theories. This is very on topic, isn't it?

Speaker 137361.9s - 7362.28s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 27362.44s - 7363.9s

So yeah, but no, we've been really lucky.

Speaker 137363.98s - 7370.86s

We've had some wonderful guests. And, yeah, it's just a retreat every time we go in the studio and we get to sit down with these wonderful people and talk.

Speaker 27370.86s - 7374.94s

And for me, it's just great being able to do a podcast my best friend.

Speaker 147375.76s - 7377s

Oh, me too.

Speaker 27377.42s - 7378.44s

I mean, she don't care.

Speaker 147378.58s - 7379.54s

She don't really, she's not really.

Speaker 27379.68s - 7380.48s

I don't care.

Speaker 147380.6s - 7382.6s

I mean, if it ended tomorrow, it wouldn't bother me.

Speaker 47382.72s - 7385.54s

I mean, like, if it ends tomorrow, what can you do? It's life, isn't it? You've got to get on with these things. I'll just if it ended tomorrow, it wouldn't, it wouldn't bother me. I mean, like, if it ends tomorrow, what can you do? It's just life, isn't it?

Speaker 27385.82s - 7388.24s

You've got to get on with these things. I'll just carry on without you, John PERSON.

Speaker 47389.08s - 7392.52s

Except it wouldn't be with any guests. It would just be me talking. Yeah.

Speaker 147393.32s - 7394.36s

My musings.

Speaker 47394.74s - 7396.48s

So do I tell everybody what it's called?

Speaker 147396.6s - 7398.28s

And I'll put a link in the show notes, obviously.

Speaker 47399.54s - 7400.92s

Yeah, it's called Unquestionable.

Speaker 147400.92s - 7410.14s

And we talk about the unquestionable truths and human nature, psychology, relationships. We talk about life and diet, you know, just everything,

Speaker 07410.2s - 7414.76s

everything's self-improvement, you know, it's a little bit of something for everyone, I would say.

Speaker 47414.76s - 7419.9s

Yeah, it's very interesting. Honestly, I have learned so much doing it. Every time I have a

Speaker 137419.9s - 7423.96s

conversation with someone, I think about something that's been said in one of our episodes.

Speaker 47424.16s - 7434.5s

Oh, that reminds me of something that nutritionist said or like, oh, a financial advisor guy told me about that, you know. So, yeah, really, really good. And also, I don't know if it's like

Speaker 27434.5s - 7449.08s

for you, Paph sometimes when you're doing a podcast, like, and Safan PERSON and I talk about this quite a lot, is that either when you're recording it or when you're editing it or re-listening to it in some way, there's something in there that you need to hear at that moment. Yeah.

Speaker 147449.3s - 7452.94s

Like there's something, someone says something and you're like, oh, God, I needed to hear that today.

Speaker 27453.16s - 7453.48s


Speaker 147453.48s - 7454.94s

And that happens so much.

Speaker 27455s - 7457.02s

It's a weird serendipity or magic.

Speaker 147457.18s - 7458.06s

I don't know what it is.

Speaker 07458.5s - 7459.32s

It happens.

Speaker 147459.86s - 7466.12s

Yeah, every week. And it's so, that's one of the things I love most about it is that you get back something that you needed.

Speaker 27467.02s - 7478.94s

I think it's also the beauty of it is there'll be things that you could spend six months trying to write something like that, whether it's profaned, whether it's funny, that just becomes something that just comes just in a second, you know?

Speaker 147479.04s - 7481.78s

And it's those little moments of podcasting that I love, you know.

Speaker 27482.58s - 7484.62s

So what about the art then, Sophie PERSON?

Speaker 147484.74s - 7486.44s

How is that going? What have you got on at the moment?

Speaker 27486.44s - 7487.14s

Still doing the doodling.

Speaker 47487.32s - 7487.7s

Still doing the doodling.

Speaker 27487.7s - 7488.78s

Yeah, still doing the doodling.

Speaker 147489.46s - 7493.38s

Yeah, that sounds like something like a dad's friend would say.

Speaker 47493.6s - 7493.76s


Speaker 27493.88s - 7494.96s

You're still at a wedding.

Speaker 47495.16s - 7495.98s

You still doodling.

Speaker 147496.04s - 7496.88s

Yeah, keep up the doodling.

Speaker 47497s - 7497.56s

Keep up the doodling.

Speaker 147497.74s - 7501.66s

Yeah, they are far from doodles, I will say, without a shadow of a day.

Speaker 47501.86s - 7521.64s

Thank you. Yeah, I'm still doing that. I've just been away for a while. I was in Costa Rica GPE volunteering with wildlife, and then I went to shadow of a day. Thank you. Yeah, I'm still doing that. I've just been away for a while. I was in Costa Rica GPE volunteering with wildlife. And then I went to Hawaii for a month and was painting a piece for a charity auction. So I've just got back and I'm now back working on my next collection, which is called commodities.And hopefully that will be exhibited end of this year, maybe beginning of next year.

Speaker 27521.96s - 7526.12s

That's what we're going to be focusing on along with the pod and some other cool projects.

Speaker 137526.44s - 7526.78s

So, yeah.

Speaker 47527.3s - 7527.64s


Speaker 27527.76s - 7532.14s

It's going to be amazing, by the way. Like, I've seen some of the early pieces and they're phenomenal. Okay.

Speaker 147532.56s - 7537.82s

And then, Jolz PERSON, do you want to tell us about your production company or this whole thing that's going on?

Speaker 27538.4s - 7563.86s

Yeah, well, yeah, I've been working on a bunch of film projects. I think last time I spoke to you, Pav. And, yeah, I just thought, like, I'm doing a lot of these things. And I thought to take a bit of more autonomy over the, you know, and getting into the production side of stuff, has set up eight digits, which production company. And I've got a whole bunch of projects on the go, like some feature films and animation project. And Sophie PERSON and I are working on a documentary, which is all top

Speaker 07563.86s - 7568.88s

secret at the moment, but it's going to be really exciting so yeah there's all sorts of stuff and it's all sort of under that

Speaker 27568.88s - 7575.12s

that banner of eight digits so yeah it's um yeah it's all very new and exciting and surreal

Speaker 147575.12s - 7580.32s

and strange and wonderful excellent well it's nice to know you're you're keeping yourselves busy

Speaker 27580.32s - 7584.64s

that's and you and just jiles make sure you keep sophie as busy as you can because you just

Speaker 147584.64s - 7585.34s

don't give a fuck she just don't care you know yeah as busy as you can because you just don't give a fuck.

Speaker 27585.42s - 7586.08s

She just don't care.

Speaker 47586.08s - 7595.5s

I know. Yeah. Do you know what, Pav, you know, in a few weekswhen you're editing this episode, you'll hear me say that and you'll be like, I needed to hear that. Well,

Speaker 147595.68s - 7597.76s

you know what?

Speaker 47597.86s - 7607.76s

I wish I had that. I wish I had that that kind of attitude where I can just let things flow over me, you know, and just think, I just don't give a fuck about that.I just don't give a shit.

Speaker 147608.46s - 7612.56s

I wonder, yeah, maybe you take that as a ringtone, you know, just when you're saying that.

Speaker 47613.1s - 7618.98s

At some point, something will snap. Like you'll go through one too many bad things and you'll suddenly be like, I don't give a shit.

Speaker 147619.82s - 7621.28s

That'll be it. I'll be changed forever.

Speaker 47621.94s - 7635.34s

I'll be changed forever. Okay, if you want to get in touch with us, all of the information is on the, in the show notes. Whether you want to get in touch with this, we're going to come and be a Patreon ORG subscriber, all of that kind of stuff. Just look on the show notes. Sophie, Charles PERSON, thank you so much.

Speaker 07635.58s - 7652.34s

That was the fastest two hours, I think, I've ever had a podcast in. That was so much fun. And, yeah, in a couple of weeks' time, when this goes up online, we'll see whether we get cancelled or whether people just don't give a fuck. I think it pretty much people would, as long as they've got the same attitude as Sophie PERSON, will be all right.

Speaker 147654.4s - 7677.9s

Anyway, thank you very much, Charles PERSON. Thank you, Pav. Lovely to see you, man. And you. Thank you very much, Sophie PERSON. Thanks, Pav.Thank you very much. Everybody else. And let's go start the campaign. Have a catch yourself eating the same flavorless dinner three days in a row.

Speaker 117678.32s - 7706.74s

Dreaming of something better? Well, Hello Fresh PRODUCT is your guilt-free dream come true, baby. It's me, Gigi Palmer PERSON. Let's wake up those taste buds with hot, juicy, pecan-crusted chicken or garlic buttershrimps scampy. Hello Fresh PRODUCT.Stop dreaming of all the delicious possibilities and dig in at hellofresh.com ORG. Let's get this dinner party started. Hi, I'm Daniel PERSON, founder of pretty litter.

Speaker 77707.08s - 7726.04s

Cats and cat owners deserve better than any old-fashioned litter. That's why I teamed up with scientists and veterinarians to create pretty litter. Its innovative crystal formula has superior odor control and weighs up to 80% less than clay litter. Pretty litter even monitors health by changing colors to help detect early signs of potential illness. It's the world's smartest kitty litter.

Speaker 07726.46s - 7734.08s

Go to pretty litter.com and use code ACAST for 20% off your first order and a free cat toy. Terms and conditions apply C-Sight for details.

Speaker 57734.78s - 7764.76s

Need new glasses or want a fresh new style? Warby Parker ORG has you covered. Glasses started just 95 bucks, including anti-reflective, scratch-resistant prescription lenses that block 100% of UV rays. Every frame's designed in-house, with a huge selection of styles for every face shape. And with Warby Parker's free home try-on program, you can order five pairs to try at home for free. Shipping is free both ways, too.Go to Warbyparker.com slash covered to try five pairs of frames at home for free. Warbyparker.com ORG slash covered.