Episode 1164: Jon Foreman

Episode 1164: Jon Foreman

by RELEVANT Magazine

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54:06 minutes

published 23 days ago



Speaker 10s - 21.34s

This is the relevant podcast. It's episode 1164.

Speaker 821.64s - 31.18s

This is the relevant podcast. And joining me from Loverland, Virginia. It's Jesse Carey. Hello, hello. From Nashville GPE. It's our managing editor downtown

Speaker 331.18s - 40.68s

Emily PERSON Brown. Hey, y'all. And that's it. We are recording on an unusual day because Emily has been

Speaker 840.68s - 45.5s

sick all week and she is better now. And so we figured we'd jump in.

Speaker 345.58s - 47.58s

But Derek and Marty will not be here today.

Speaker 847.66s - 49.24s

They will be on next episode.

Speaker 950.24s - 52.74s

Emily PERSON, are you feeling better? Yes.

Speaker 352.84s - 57.5s

I feel like a human again. I was not feeling like a human for a few days there.

Speaker 957.5s - 59.18s

She got the bird flu.

Speaker 859.58s - 60.04s

Don't, don't.

Speaker 960.48s - 62.6s

I'm a worse nightmare.

Speaker 862.96s - 64.32s

I mean, it seems to be going around.

Speaker 964.32s - 70.06s

Every time I'm online, doom scrolling, there's some other flu that we need to be concerned about.

Speaker 870.06s - 73.16s

Now we need to be concerned about worms eating our brains like RFK.

Speaker 973.38s - 74.62s

I didn't even know there's a thing.

Speaker 875.16s - 75.84s

I had no idea.

Speaker 375.84s - 76.46s

There's so many things.

Speaker 976.7s - 82.66s

Yeah, it was, I think there's a new COVID strand too called like flirt, which I just think is funny.

Speaker 882.88s - 85.22s

So it kind of was like, I did to take a COVID test.

Speaker 385.22s - 86.66s

Does it give you Riz?

Speaker 987.3s - 89.66s

Like, well, I don't have it.

Speaker 389.76s - 92.96s

So, I mean, I need to get that ASAP.

Speaker 893.16s - 93.74s

I need to catch me.

Speaker 394.16s - 94.66s

I do.

Speaker 895.34s - 98.1s

Listen, we, the three of us know better than anyone.

Speaker 998.3s - 100.76s

Like what kind of headlines move the needle, right?

Speaker 3100.76s - 107.9s

And fear is, is the fear and like gossip are two of the things that you draw people

Speaker 9107.9s - 112.94s

into clicking more than anything else. But so there's always headlines about the next,

Speaker 8113.1s - 118.42s

you know, microplastics or super processed foods or or whatever. And I know we've had this

Speaker 0118.42s - 142.14s

conversation in a variety of ways before. I've stopped worried about any of that. I'm told that like I've known too many people and I know it's anecdotal. I know I'm going against the science before. I've just not worried about any of that. I'm told, like, I've known too many people, and I know it's anecdotal. I know I'm going against the science here. I've just known too many people. Because we're like in the Huberman era right now of like, you guys know Dr. Andrew Huberman PERSON, like Huberman Lab ORG.Emily, are you aware of Dr. Andrew Huberman PERSON? The name sounds so familiar.

Speaker 3142.24s - 143.34s

I feel like I should know this.

Speaker 9143.56s - 163.08s

So he has one of the top podcasts in the world. You probably recognize him because one of those people, if you're like scrolling long enough on shorts or reels or TikTok ORG or whatever, you'll come across one of his clips. He's got a big beard. He's a Stanford ORG neuroscientist.And he's really into like health hacks, you know?

Speaker 8163.12s - 169.76s

And he always has in like, you know, this sleep doctor or this nutritionist who is, you know,

Speaker 0169.8s - 170.36s

I just looked him up.

Speaker 9170.48s - 173.82s

He looks like one of your military guys, like Huberman Lab ORG.

Speaker 8173.94s - 177.9s

He's like super Jack PERSON. He looks like an action hero with a big beard. Yeah.

Speaker 9178.24s - 241.52s

He is. He, he, but he's a Stanford ORG neuroscientist. But he's a big deal in like the podcast world. But he's really into like the ice plunges and, you know, these sleep hacks or intermittent fasting or these weird little diets. And you hear all this stuff like life extension stuff, you know, how you got to sleep like ninehours a night and blue light and all. I don't believe any of it anymore. I just, I, because the people that I've known that have lived longest in my life have some of the, or are still kicking, you know, that are getting up there and have had almost no health problems have the worst lifestyles. I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, I've, know of anyone. It seems like everyone who puts too much time caring about their lifestyle andhealth, it always seems like that's so, that's where it goes wrong. I think there's something about just not caring, you know, that that is, that is the way to stay healthy. So I don't click on the bird flu stories. I don't, you know, worry about, you know, the microplastics or anything. I'm just, I'm just going what I see in the

Speaker 0241.52s - 245.38s

world. I just live in. I'm just living, man. I'm, you know,

Speaker 9245.46s - 245.84s


Speaker 0246.44s - 254.82s

you could, you could spend all your time worrying about the next big thing. Are you guys, I mean, do you guys follow this at all, this logic?I get it.

Speaker 3254.88s - 276.54s

I mean, you're talking about a very hippie lifestyle, and I feel like hippies live for a very long time. So, um, it tracks with me.I mean, I feel like I have plenty of family members who have made some very questionable life decisions. And it's like they're turning 89 this year. And it's like, how have you genuinely, how have you lived this long? It's like shocking.

Speaker 9277.34s - 281.68s

I was using one of those sleep rings, like the aura sleep rings that measure your sleep, you know?

Speaker 3282.32s - 286.12s

It gave me anxiety because like, I'm going to have to look at my sleeve score in the morning.

Speaker 9286.26s - 298s

And I don't want to know how poorly I slept tonight. I found that one in not wearing the ring, I wasn't thinking about it. And I got a better night's sleep. And I think there's something to that when you're overthinking the health stuff.

Speaker 8298.2s - 300.62s

I think it back on. I'm looking at multiple pictures of him.

Speaker 9301.04s - 306.76s

And he's not a doctor, a medical doctor. He's a PhD WORK_OF_ART in neuroscience. And it's like,

Speaker 8306.76s - 320.98s

he looked a lot more natural and healthy 10 years ago. Now he looks, he's my age. He's a few months older than me. He looks so much older than me. But he looks like an action hero. I mean,

Speaker 0321.04s - 347.6s

granted, like he's doing a lot to like build his body and stuff, but it looks like it's aging him more. You know what I mean? Like all these, like, life hacks, like things. It's stressing his body. He looks like he's aging aggressively compared to this photo from just a few years ago. I'm just like, that's the other part of it. It's like people who are doing all this stuff to chase youth in middle age, women with Botox, whatever. It's making them look older. Like, it doesn't make you look younger or feel younger.

Speaker 8348s - 350.98s

It just puts more stress on your body, honestly.

Speaker 0351.14s - 360.04s

You know what I'm saying? Like, I think the people who have these, like, I eat Cheetos PRODUCT and I watch the prices right and I never get out of my recliner and then they live till they're freaking 95 years

Speaker 8360.04s - 370.48s

old, it's because they don't have any stress. They're just chilling. This guy's doing ice plunges and like his body's like shocked and it's like, he's going to die at 68. I'm not saying that, but I'm just saying.

Speaker 9370.6s - 372.2s

That's what I'm saying. That's my whole

Speaker 8372.2s - 383.06s

point. Like I think you just kind of have to, it's like the whole like dude approach to life. Like Big LaBal. I don't know when last time you guys have watched Big Lebowski WORK_OF_ART. You know what I mean? We just live in the moment.

Speaker 7383.26s - 388.2s

You know, if just chilling, you got the bath robe on, you know,

Speaker 9388.24s - 427.34s

sometimes you have an afternoon white Russian NORP as the dude does, you know, you bowl and, you know, your life really revolves around the next community league bowling tournament. There's some, those are the guys. That's the, I don't need, I don't need, I don't need, you know, Huberman and his buddy's telling me, you know, the perfect temperature of my bed and how long I should be in the ice bath for to reduce inflammation. I need the old, burned out hippies who seem to be doing just great. They seem to have the basically the same approach to life they did as like a 60 year old-old as they did when they were like 19. That's who's crack the code.

Speaker 8427.64s - 445.58s

I'm telling you, I'm not advocating for obesity or anything like that. I'm not advocating for disregarding health, normal, healthy lifestyle things. But when I watch like the Mark Wahlberg PERSON thing of like or the CEO thing gets into my TikTok a lot, like the most accomplished people get up at 3 a.m.

Speaker 3445.68s - 459.16s

And they've done more by six and you've done in your whole day. And like, I'm going, that doesn't sound fun. I don't want that day. I don't want that lifestyle. I'd like to sleep. Have you seen that guy who's like, he's like reverse aging himself?

Speaker 8459.34s - 463.12s

Like he's doing all these different things. He's like taking his son's blood and stuff. He looks terrifying.

Speaker 3463.7s - 463.86s


Speaker 8464.38s - 465.56s

And he's my age. He's my age. And he's like literally looks son's blood and stuff. He looks terrifying. Yeah. And he's my age.

Speaker 3465.66s - 466.44s

He's my age.

Speaker 8466.44s - 470.34s

And he's like literally looks so much older and scarier than me.

Speaker 3470.52s - 473.24s

Like it's just like this isn't doing what you think it's doing.

Speaker 8473.72s - 478.82s

You know, on the men's side and on the women's side, the hot dog lips are not making you look youthful.

Speaker 3479.54s - 480.34s

I'm sorry.

Speaker 0480.76s - 482.32s

Like, can we all just stop?

Speaker 3482.66s - 483.88s

Let's just like relax.

Speaker 0484.36s - 485.6s

Let's just eat our Cheetos PRODUCT and watch

Speaker 8485.6s - 489.78s

the prices right and have a good life. You know, like that's the kind of health podcast I want

Speaker 9489.78s - 495.68s

is someone who it's, you know, I don't need, I don't need the latest sleep scientists in here. I don't

Speaker 8495.68s - 505.62s

need, you know, the nutritionist? I want someone that's like, you know what I binge that really chilled me out was this new alien show. Man, this, you know, like,

Speaker 9505.66s - 506.9s

have you seen the new survivor?

Speaker 8507.12s - 507.76s

It's great.

Speaker 9508.7s - 513.44s

Like, their whole day is built around the new survivor tonight at 8. You know, like, that's their big plans for the day.

Speaker 3513.84s - 514.2s

All right.

Speaker 8514.28s - 519.1s

They got a big box of cheese. It's they're living large. Anyway, all right.

Speaker 3519.18s - 522.2s

Well, speaking of living large and stress-free,

Speaker 8522.44s - 524.12s

we have a great show in store for you today.

Speaker 3524.22s - 525.92s

Coming up later, we talked to John Foreman PERSON.

Speaker 8526.46s - 528.18s

That man has cracked the code.

Speaker 3528.34s - 532.36s

He surfs every morning, write songs while he's out on the water.

Speaker 8533s - 567.8s

It's a great conversation. He's a new album coming up, new solo project. He has a new single that released Today. We talked to him about all of that. At the end of the show, we have your feedback, the terrible dating profiles. You do not want to miss that. But stay tuned. the show, we have your feedback, the terrible dating profiles,who do not want to miss that. But stay tuned. Up next, it's Relevant Buzz ORG. You're listening to

Speaker 7567.8s - 590.84s

You're listening to washed out, the hardest part by the hardest part. Well, today's show is brought to you in part by The Grace Project, a compelling new novel by author Kyle Bullock PERSON.

Speaker 8590.84s - 652.04s

The story uncovers the details of a violent crime tied to a small town church and the four members at the center of it all. Their lives collide as they confront weighty issues like racial equality, political divide, and LGBTQ NORP inclusion through the lens of biblical grace. The Grace Project WORK_OF_ART is perfect for individuals or small groups and is available now on Amazon and paperback, Kindle, or download on Audible PRODUCT. Well, today's show is brought to you in part by Company of Saints ORG. If you're looking for an original sound in Christian NORP music, revitalize your playlist withCompany of Saints' new album, Philosophers and Poets WORK_OF_ART, a genre blending fusion of Christian electronic vibes. Explore the depths of faith, philosophy, and poetry through thought-provoking words and melodies. It's not just music, it's a journey of self-discovery and spiritual connection. Stream itnow on your favorite platforms and experience a fresh take on Christian NORP music. Find out what fans of Company of Saints ORG love about the hidden gym. Okay, it's time for... Tell us what's happening at the intersection of faith and culture this week, Emily PERSON.

Speaker 3652.46s - 665.76s

Okay, first thing, they are making a horror movie about Jesus PERSON' childhood. I don't know if you've heard about this. There's a film that is pulling inspiration from the story of the apocryphal gospel of Thomas PERSON.

Speaker 8666.22s - 685.86s

Um, and that focuses on the stories of Jesus PERSON's youth. Um, we explain for us non-seminary grads. So the Bible tells us the story of his birth, his early years, they hid in Egypt GPE. And then we hear about him at like, what, 12 with the synagogue thing, right? Yeah.

Speaker 7685.94s - 689.46s

And then we hear about at 29, right?

Speaker 9689.78s - 690.22s


Speaker 7690.22s - 690.42s


Speaker 8690.52s - 695.06s

But the apocrytha is part of the Catholic canon, but not the Protestant NORP canon.

Speaker 9695.06s - 695.36s

Got it.

Speaker 7695.46s - 695.78s


Speaker 8696s - 699.66s

And so the book of Thomas PERSON, which I've not read, is part of that.

Speaker 7699.78s - 704.14s

And it tells stories of his boyhood that the gospel is.

Speaker 8704.18s - 704.74s

Okay, got it.

Speaker 9704.82s - 704.98s


Speaker 8705.2s - 705.58s

Yeah. So it's like stories of his life from ages the gospel's... Okay, got it. Okay. Yeah.

Speaker 9705.66s - 708.46s

So it's like stories of his life from ages like five to 12.

Speaker 3708.8s - 746.74s

Got it. There's some interesting stories in there. There's some supernatural stuff, which makes sense why this movie called The Carpenter's Son WORK_OF_ART is going to look at this childhood through a horror lens. So there's going to be some spooky elements to it. But I'll read you the film synopsis so you get a little bit of a better idea. The Carpenter's son tells the dark story of a familyhiding out in Roman Egypt GPE. The son, known only as the boy, is driven to doubt by another mysterious child and rebels against his guardian, the carpenter, revealing inherent powers and a fate beyond his comprehension.As he exercises his own power, the boy and his family become the target of horrors, natural, and divine. Okay.

Speaker 8746.9s - 749.28s

I mean, I could see that being...

Speaker 3749.28s - 749.44s


Speaker 9749.52s - 751.28s

I mean, it happened to him in...

Speaker 3751.28s - 758.86s

Look, here, having not read the gospel of Thomas PERSON, but this happened to him in his adulthood.

Speaker 9758.94s - 759.66s

Yeah, the wilderness.

Speaker 3759.98s - 761.56s

He's out there and talking to Satan.

Speaker 9762.44s - 766.16s

Yeah, literally confronted by Satan in the wilderness.

Speaker 7766.72s - 771.2s

We know that his childhood was probably filled with all sorts of horrors and trauma because

Speaker 9771.2s - 802.58s

his birth led to a decree that all kids of a certain age had to be murdered. So his family was on the run to try to avoid him literally being murdered. Like they were, you know, so he had a target on his back from, from Herod PERSON, who was essentially over the entire part of the empire. It's not that, you know, to me, in plausible scenario, that it was probably a pretty scary childhood.

Speaker 8802.58s - 806.56s

Is it like a legit movie, right? Like, it's got like...

Speaker 3806.56s - 808.04s

Yeah, yeah, it's a legit movie.

Speaker 8808.82s - 810.9s

Yeah, let's actually talk about the cast list real quick.

Speaker 3811.04s - 827.08s

So Young Jesus will be played by Noah Jupup, who was in The Quiet Place WORK_OF_ART. Mary PERSON, or well, sorry, she's known as the mother, but we know her as Mary. We'll be played by FK.H. Wigs. And Joseph, aka the Carpenter, will be played by none other than Nicholas Cage. Good.

Speaker 9830s - 831.76s

I wondered what your take would be.

Speaker 8832s - 833.46s

I didn't expect good. Okay.

Speaker 3834.08s - 840.04s

Here's the thing that I, we posted this on this guy. This is the thing that I can't wrap my head around, Jesse PERSON.

Speaker 7840.68s - 846.08s

Aside from just the fact that Nicholas Cage, when he's in a movie, is Nicholas Cage, right?

Speaker 0846.22s - 853.9s

I mean, so to me, it's going to be tough to suspend reality to believe that this is Joseph's the Father of Jesus PERSON.

Speaker 8854.4s - 894.38s

Number two, we know from historical and cultural accounts that back in that era, women got married young. Mary was probably around 14. Most leaders would agree. Okay. Let's say generously, Joseph was 20 when she was 14, right? So you're saying that this is about his boyhood when he's between 5 and 12 is thegospel of Thomas PERSON. So Jesus would be, let's say, eight years old. So that would put Mary at 22 years old. Nicholas Cage is 60 years old.

Speaker 9895.72s - 898.78s

I'm going to, look, I'm going to ignore all of that for a moment.

Speaker 8899.42s - 902.56s

I'm going, hi, hence, she's, this is to ignore.

Speaker 3902.56s - 904.64s

Grandfather, not father.

Speaker 9905s - 911.56s

I'm sorry. Okay. Again, I'm choosing to just, Hans PERSON. That's a big thing. This is to ignore. Grandfather, not father. I'm sorry. Okay. Again, I'm choosing to just ignore the problematic age difference and just say the reason

Speaker 8911.56s - 927.68s

I'm hopeful about this film. Nicholas Cage, late era Nicholas Cage has had pretty good taste. Like, okay, dream scenario, which is an A24 movie. I don't know if you guys saw that. Fantastic movie. Wait, is that the one where he played Nicholas Cage?

Speaker 9928.94s - 931.76s

No, that is the unbearable weight of massive talent.

Speaker 8931.76s - 933.64s

That was awesome. That was a brilliant movie.

Speaker 9933.64s - 962.4s

Yeah, another great movie. The dream scenario is an A-24 film where he's a college professor who everyone has the same recurring dream with him in it. And he becomes like this kind of, it's also like an analysis of like cancel culture. Really interesting movie, but really good taste. If it's 824, usually that's a same. Pig, which is really good, which is about a chef whose truffle pig gets stolen.How do you know these out of top of your head?

Speaker 8962.46s - 963.96s

I've never even heard of half these movies.

Speaker 3964.3s - 965.52s

I'm on an SMDB. There's a lot I'm filtering out. I was with you. I? I've not even heard of half these movies. I'm on as IMDB.

Speaker 8965.68s - 966.78s

There's a lot I'm filtering out.

Speaker 3966.78s - 970.08s

I was with you. I was like, yeah, I've seen these movies.

Speaker 9970.62s - 972.26s

Yeah, yeah, you've seen these, right?

Speaker 3972.36s - 972.9s

They're all like...

Speaker 8972.9s - 978.76s

Where do you see pig? Where do you see it? Like, where is that streaming? I don't remember where I watched it.

Speaker 3978.76s - 978.92s

That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 9979.04s - 980.6s

Like, I don't see these movies on browsing.

Speaker 8980.9s - 983.52s

I like, I knew it was out, so I, like, went looking for it.

Speaker 3983.78s - 984.26s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 8985.2s - 985.22s

He says it's, he says it might be his, um, his, I knew it was out, so I like went looking for it. Oh, yeah. Um,

Speaker 3986.06s - 986.16s

he says it's,

Speaker 9987.04s - 988.16s

he says he, he might be his,

Speaker 3988.16s - 989.86s

um, his,

Speaker 9989.88s - 994.02s

his, his best film. But either way, um, uh, I'm looking where to watch.

Speaker 8994.02s - 997.5s

Not left behind. He doesn't think left behind is his best film. It's shocking. You,

Speaker 9997.5s - 998.46s

you can watch it on,

Speaker 8998.5s - 1010.54s

on Hulu ORG. Uh, it's, it's on Hulu ORG right now, Pig with Nicholas Cage. But either way,he, he, he's had late career good taste. I was left behind. And so, yeah, well, that was clearly.

Speaker 91010.7s - 1014.08s

Well, that's like 10, 15 years ago now. Late career.

Speaker 81014.4s - 1016.82s

I'm saying, like, his prime was the 90s.

Speaker 91017.2s - 1018.54s

You're saying like most recently.

Speaker 31019.6s - 1021.2s

Yeah, I'm saying last like five years.

Speaker 91021.32s - 1022.3s

I'm saying last like five years.

Speaker 81022.3s - 1038.54s

So there was a period where he was obviously prime winning, you know, winning awards, doing National Treasure from the 90s to the mid-zero's. And then kind of fell out of favor for a while. And that's where he's just collected a couple of paychecks, the left behinds.

Speaker 31039.1s - 1040.62s

2010s were not great for him.

Speaker 81040.76s - 1074.8s

We'll say that. So the 2010s, Nicholas Cage Cage WORK_OF_ART is when it got real cringe, real bad, real fast. It was after the National Treasure era. I mean, we watched Left Behind WORK_OF_ART as a joke. We went to the theater and it was obvious. He showed up for two days at filming. It was like, cut me a check. I'll show up for two days, phone it in and I'm done. He did no press for it. It was great.But then he just kind of like, everybody's laughing at him. And then all of a sudden he just reemerged as these like indie films and like doing amazing stuff again. It was just like an interesting.

Speaker 31074.8s - 1082.82s

Well, I think there was a profile of him from maybe a year or two ago where he basically admitted he was doing a lot of movies just for a quick check because he was actually in debt.

Speaker 81083.6s - 1086.12s

And so he bought too many pyramids and castles

Speaker 91086.12s - 1088.12s

and stuff. And he concedes

Speaker 81088.12s - 1089.34s

that. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 31090.08s - 1091.94s

So I think like he

Speaker 91091.94s - 1093.96s

I think there was a while where he was doing a lot

Speaker 31093.96s - 1104.06s

of terrible movies because he just needed money. And it seems like now he's out of that hole. So he is going back to like actually really interesting roles. And this

Speaker 91104.06s - 1132.08s

is how you know it's come full circle for him. Because a lot of people don't remember, you know, he's an Academy Award WORK_OF_ART-winning best actor, right? You know, I think people who, you know, their recollection of Nick Cage PERSON is from like the face-off, con air, like action, you know, kind of where they see his peak. You know, his critical peak was years before when he was working with the Cohen PERSON brothers and doing movies like leaving Las Vegas and like, really, like movies that will go down as some of

Speaker 81132.08s - 1132.3s


Speaker 71133.2s - 1135.04s

From that era, that was the only one.

Speaker 91135.7s - 1137.04s

No, Raising Arizona WORK_OF_ART's good.

Speaker 31137.12s - 1138.28s

Oh, yeah, Raising Arizona WORK_OF_ART was good.

Speaker 91138.32s - 1138.58s

You're right.

Speaker 31138.7s - 1142.16s

And then he did, he did a couple of David Lynch PERSON films back then too.

Speaker 81142.16s - 1143.66s

That was like his one of his big one.

Speaker 31143.66s - 1144.1s

Moonlight WORK_OF_ART was awesome.

Speaker 81144.2s - 1145.96s

And what was the David Lynch PERSON one he did?

Speaker 91146.64s - 1147.3s

That was,

Speaker 81147.52s - 1148.08s

either way.

Speaker 91148.18s - 1149.46s

He was working with really

Speaker 31149.46s - 1150.68s

critically acclaimed directors,

Speaker 91150.8s - 1152.26s

but then he went under the action thing.

Speaker 31152.32s - 1153.04s

Then he had the crash.

Speaker 81153.44s - 1154.12s

But this is how you noticed

Speaker 31154.12s - 1155.44s

come full circle and he's back

Speaker 81155.44s - 1156.82s

to like being like a darling.

Speaker 31157.6s - 1159.96s

Last year or at the most recent Academy Awards

Speaker 81159.96s - 1160.72s

when they did,

Speaker 91161.02s - 1162.84s

they had former best actors come on

Speaker 81162.84s - 1164.08s

and kind of like introduce.

Speaker 31164.72s - 1166.82s

Nicholas Cage was one of the ones they chose.

Speaker 81167.22s - 1172.92s

Could you imagine 10 years ago left behind Eric the Academy Award, say Nicholas Cage, come on and introduce a best actor?

Speaker 31173.08s - 1175.22s

It would have never happened because people are like, Nicholas Cage.

Speaker 01175.22s - 1183.78s

But now he's like, you know, our dude's back. He is, he's making weird, interesting stuff. And he's actually pretty good. So all that to say.

Speaker 81183.92s - 1199.86s

Okay. All that to say, if he's 60 years old, that means he was 55 when Jesus PERSON was born, and that means a 55-year-old was marrying a 14-year-old. Listen, at a different time, I'm not defending it.

Speaker 91199.9s - 1207.6s

I'm just saying, will I see the movie? Almost certainly. Almost certainly. I see the movie? Almost certainly. Almost certainly.

Speaker 71209.14s - 1209.34s

I can't wrap my head around.

Speaker 31210.32s - 1210.34s

I'm not defending that. I'm not defending that.

Speaker 71210.34s - 1211.82s

It's so weird.

Speaker 31212.32s - 1213.98s

Jesse PERSON, I get your point of like,

Speaker 71214.08s - 1216.34s

he actually, he's not necessarily a bad actor.

Speaker 81216.44s - 1217.4s

It's more of just like,

Speaker 91218.02s - 1219.02s

my question is like,

Speaker 31219.08s - 1221.36s

was there no one else available for the role

Speaker 91221.36s - 1222.54s

who was age appropriate?

Speaker 31222.54s - 1223.2s

Andrew Garfield PERSON.

Speaker 91223.34s - 1224.36s

If you're going to go white,

Speaker 31224.56s - 1224.74s

I mean,

Speaker 91224.78s - 1228.08s

because it should be Jewish NORP and ethnically correct casting.

Speaker 31228.64s - 1234.06s

I mean, you could, if you want to go ethnically appropriate, olive-skinned casting, you could go Oscar Isaac PERSON, maybe.

Speaker 81234.62s - 1237.02s

Like, at least the age would be more believable.

Speaker 31238.28s - 1248.7s

Yeah. Again, I'm not defending the political correctness or social acceptability of the decision. I'm just saying,

Speaker 91249.74s - 1272.12s

Nicholas Gage made some entertaining films recently. And if I just put all my concerns in compartmentalize them and just watch it in a vacuum, I'm going to see the movie. That's all I'm saying. I'm fascinated to see how he's going to pull off playing a 35-year-old Jew as a 60-year-old white man.

Speaker 81272.92s - 1281.28s

Once again, I am not speaking to the social acceptability of any part of this.

Speaker 91281.82s - 1282.78s

I'm just saying.

Speaker 81282.78s - 1283.82s

There's another face-off thing.

Speaker 91284.1s - 1284.78s

He's just like.

Speaker 81285.56s - 1285.74s

Yeah. I will say, I mean, again,-off thing. He's just like... Yeah.

Speaker 31286.24s - 1288.28s

I will say, I mean, again, based on the premise,

Speaker 81288.38s - 1290.28s

it seems like they are not necessarily

Speaker 91290.28s - 1292.6s

fully sticking to the text,

Speaker 81292.8s - 1294.7s

that they are taking a few creative liberties.

Speaker 31295.4s - 1298.1s

Well, yeah, because didn't you say that it's a Jesus

Speaker 81298.1s - 1301.5s

and they were hiding in Egypt, but he's like 10?

Speaker 91301.5s - 1301.76s


Speaker 81301.92s - 1304.04s

I mean, it's like, they weren't hiding in Egypt when he was 10.

Speaker 31304.32s - 1305.92s

I mean, that was like a two-year period

Speaker 81305.92s - 1306.66s

when he was a toddler,

Speaker 31306.86s - 1312.48s

you know, so. Yeah. So, yeah, they're making things interesting,I guess.

Speaker 91312.72s - 1316.9s

Again, again, I'm seeing it. By the way, I've been thinking about the movie face off a lot lately.

Speaker 31316.96s - 1332s

Why? You know how they're doing a lot of remakes, you know, like, you know, there's,there's like a new roadhouse or even like fall guy is like a remake of like an 80s show or, you know, there's just, why isn't anyone touched face off?

Speaker 91332s - 1356.3s

Because it's an unassailable premise that the good guy and bad guy switch faces. And you have an actor essentially having to play two roles. Half the movie Nicholas Cage is playing the good guy. Half the movie is playing the bad guy with another guy's face. It's such a good premise. I mean, even just talking about it makes me excited.Like, it's probably his most impressive role because, like you said, he had to play two characters with different faces.

Speaker 81356.6s - 1360.9s

That's no more impressive than Lindsay Lohan playing Freaky Friday Twins PERSON. Wow.

Speaker 31361.08s - 1363.36s

Such a great example. Thank you, Cameron PERSON.

Speaker 81363.98s - 1364.9s

And you know what?

Speaker 91367.2s - 1375.84s

That's a great movie, too. Oh, Such a great example. Thank you, Cameron. And you know what? That's a great movie too. It is. Maybe we can have Lindsay Lohan remake face off. By the way, it's not Freaky Friday PERSON. It's the,

Speaker 31375.84s - 1382.34s

it's the, what's the, Parent Trapp. Yeah. And I bet I'm going to go, Cameron, what is your guess on Rotten Tomatoes WORK_OF_ART for

Speaker 91382.34s - 1385.74s

Parent Traff? Oh, I have no clue because it was pre-Rotent Tomatoes.

Speaker 31385.86s - 1386.62s

So anybody...

Speaker 91386.62s - 1387.58s


Speaker 81387.58s - 1389.12s

Yeah, it would be...

Speaker 31389.12s - 1390.18s

Oh, there were reviews.

Speaker 71390.56s - 1394.4s

They retroactively aggregated reviews of all these.

Speaker 81394.7s - 1396.06s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 31396.28s - 1396.9s

I have no clue.

Speaker 81397.14s - 1400.22s

So 87%.

Speaker 91400.22s - 1401.42s

It's a great movie.

Speaker 81401.72s - 1404.1s

So that's a compliment to Face Off, by the way.

Speaker 91404.38s - 1405.26s

Parentrap ORG, you're welcome.

Speaker 81405.68s - 1407.72s

Parentrap was 87% or Face Off?

Speaker 91408.32s - 1409.68s

Oh, I don't know if Face Off PRODUCT is.

Speaker 81409.78s - 1411.14s

Parenthrap was 87%.

Speaker 91411.14s - 1412.14s

Let's look at Face Off PRODUCT.

Speaker 81412.14s - 1415.26s

93% Rotten Tomatoes.

Speaker 91415.38s - 1415.88s

For Face Off PRODUCT?

Speaker 31415.98s - 1417.6s

93% on Rotten Tomatoes.

Speaker 91417.68s - 1419.36s

A higher score than Parentrap?

Speaker 31420.98s - 1421.92s

I'm telling you.

Speaker 91422.68s - 1424.62s

I'm telling you. Have you watched Face Off PRODUCT recently?

Speaker 31424.62s - 1430.08s

No. I actually haven't watched Face Off PRODUCT ever. But I want telling you. I'm telling you. Have you watched Face Off recently? No. I actually haven't watched Face Off ever, but I want to.

Speaker 91430.44s - 1433.5s

It's just so funny because I know the premise of it.

Speaker 01433.62s - 1440.9s

And I think I need to like build up accepting that because like the idea of it seems so odd to me.

Speaker 91440.94s - 1444.34s

I get Face Off and Con Air mixed up and they came out in the same year.

Speaker 31444.96s - 1446.12s

Both that came out in 97.

Speaker 81446.38s - 1448s

That was a big year for Nicholas Cage.

Speaker 91448s - 1465.34s

What a heat check, man. What a heat check. Like, because Con Air, man, Conair had John Malkovich, Steve Busimi, and Dave, Dave Chappelle PERSON were in it. And they all got upstage by Nick Cage PERSON. Think about that. What a heat check year that guy had.

Speaker 81465.72s - 1470.54s

And John Cusack PERSON. Nicholas Cage, John Cusack, and Malcovic PERSON. Yeah.

Speaker 91470.78s - 1474.46s

That's what I'm saying. It was heat check, man. That's crazy.

Speaker 81474.76s - 1483.38s

They both came out that summer. That's like when I was watching that Spielberg PERSON documentary, Schindler's List and Jurassic Park came out the same year. Like, he did both films.

Speaker 71483.38s - 1485.98s

Hands on. They were both his films. Like, how did he do that? Like, they were both his films. Like, how did he do that?

Speaker 81486.34s - 1493.74s

Like, they were both his babies. It's not like he just, like, produced it. Like, he was like, he created these worlds. Crazy.

Speaker 91494.1s - 1500.06s

Yeah, I know. It's, it's, yeah. Anyway, anyway, we could just do a hold Nicholas Cage.

Speaker 81500.06s - 1507.14s

Nicholas Cage, a 60-year-old white man, will be playing the Hebrew father of a young Jesus PERSON.

Speaker 91507.88s - 1509.78s

So, can't wait to see that.

Speaker 31510.32s - 1510.56s

All right.

Speaker 91510.62s - 1511.18s

What does you have, Emily PERSON?

Speaker 81512.28s - 1515.44s

Yeah, there's a really interesting new study that came out I want to talk about.

Speaker 31515.94s - 1531.08s

So Gen Z is apparently totally fine with AI influencers. There's a new report that found that Jinzi is actually more open to brands who use AI influencers rather than humans to show off their products. And that's really surprising.

Speaker 81531.08s - 1540.68s

AI meaning like when they do an Instagram post or video, it's an AI humanoid talking, not a real human.

Speaker 71540.68s - 1542.56s

Like, wait, hold on.

Speaker 81542.62s - 1548.74s

So Gen Z is open to being influenced by computer-generated influencers.

Speaker 71549.7s - 1550.2s


Speaker 81550.36s - 1552.34s

Yeah, they are totally fine with it.

Speaker 31552.9s - 1578.28s

And I get your shock because I was surprised at this too, because there's been so many studies over the years that say Gen Z really cares about authenticity and they want something like real and genuine. But according to this report, only 35% of Gen Z consumers said that authenticity is like the most important trait. What they really care about is popularity because 47% said they are more interested in someone's follower account than like who's actually influencing them.

Speaker 81578.4s - 1598.2s

So an account of 2 million followers with an AI beauty influencer telling you about a new product is more appealing to Gen Z than an authentic user person of that product who has 20,000 followers telling you this is great. That is crazy to me.

Speaker 91598.2s - 1618.18s

Is there a reason why I'm sure you could kind of break down the speculation of what is it about the dynamics of, you know, kind of social science that would leave Gen Z to be more comfortable with an artificially, you know,generated experience than a human one. Our take was,

Speaker 81618.32s - 1626.64s

my read is that it's just popularity. They just want to like what's popular. And if it's got big numbers, then I like it too. So it's group think, kind of.

Speaker 31627.6s - 1645.22s

I think it is that. Like, I think the report didn't go into it, but just kind of what I've seen. I do think it is a, yeah, like a group think thing. Like, oh, everyone else likes this and I want to be a part of what, you know, culture says is cool. So I don't really care who's leading it. I just want to be part of it.

Speaker 81645.22s - 1655.36s

Think about that. You just said everybody else likes this. So that's the thing. They're not looking at what we like. They're like, oh, but the crowd, millions of people like this. So I like it too.

Speaker 91656s - 1665.04s

That's interesting. That does seem like somewhat generationally unique, you know, because I feel like prior generations, there was an aversion to what's popular.

Speaker 01665.22s - 1668.8s

Like, if it's popular, it's uncool. If it's popular, I don't trust it.

Speaker 81669.2s - 1672.68s

Like, if it's popular, that means they sold out. That means they're not credible.

Speaker 01673.44s - 1701.86s

I'd rather like someone that, you know, has a small following and is more, you know, hasn't done things to appeal to the masses of trades to themselves. I don't, again, there's probably tons of research that people have done of what kind of, you know, move the needle on that. I do wonder how like, this is just me speculating, but like how a generation that grew up with public view counts, like anything I can go to, I see how many likes something has,

Speaker 91701.92s - 1726.56s

I see how many views a YouTube video has, you know, I didn't grow up like that. You know what I mean? Like when we went to, like I said, there was an aversion to what was on like the Billboard top 100. We're like, well, that can't be cool because everyone likes it. But now it's like success is measured not necessarily in artistic merit, but by how many views and what the engagement metrics are, you know?

Speaker 31726.82s - 1746.26s

I mean, I'll say, like, personally, like, I've, I'll be, like, scrolling on TikTok ORG, and sometimes I'll see a video. And if it seems like it's like a long story, I might, I might scroll past it. But if I see it has, like, 350,000 views or sorry, 350,000 likes, there's something in me that's like, oh, this was actually, maybe this is interesting

Speaker 71746.26s - 1769.42s

enough to, like, stick around and watch the full video. Yeah, like a fomo thing. Versus, like, if there was the same video, but it only had, like, two likes, it's like, oh, well, this clearly isn't popular, not worth my time. Like, I find myself doing that. And so I think I'm, you know, cuspur, so I'm, like, on the edge of that.But, I mean, it impacts my own, like, social media use. So I absolutely think that's how Gen Z views it.

Speaker 91769.6s - 1772.22s

Yeah. And I'm not saying that's any better or worse.

Speaker 31772.54s - 1778.32s

I'm not trying to be like yelling at a cloud here. I'm just saying like, you know what I mean?

Speaker 91778.44s - 1803.52s

Like, again, I see the flaws in not liking something solely on the merits because a lot of people like it. Like, that's no way to view the world either. That's not a credible way to measure, you know, what's good and what's bad. But I do think in this particular case that, you know, liking it for the sake of popularity seems to be indicative of just a different way of viewing the world, you know.

Speaker 31804s - 1804.38s


Speaker 91804.8s - 1805.08s

All right. Well, moving on to the last thing. I know we've talked about it a lot way of viewing the world, you know. Interesting. All right.

Speaker 31805.12s - 1832.88s

Well, moving on to the last thing. I know we've talked about it a lot, but we finally have some new details about the office spin-off because it's officially been picked up by Peacock ORG. And we have a plot that actually makes me really excited. I know we had speculated on maybe something at the DMV ORG or at a local church, which hopefully one day that will still happen.But for now, it looks like the documentary crew is going to be following a dying, historic Midwestern NORP newspaper and the publisher trying to revive it with volunteer reporters.

Speaker 81833.62s - 1837.1s

The volunteer reporters thing is what I think the comedy is.

Speaker 01837.1s - 1842.98s

Because when we were talking about the DMV ORG idea, it was because you have a set cast,

Speaker 31843.16s - 1845.52s

but you have all the public characters coming

Speaker 01845.52s - 1850.62s

through. And so, like, that brings the episode by episode fresh comedy. And so the volunteer

Speaker 71850.62s - 1855.28s

reporters is interesting because you could be bringing in new fresh volunteer reporters.

Speaker 01855.78s - 1860.76s

This is, it's brilliant because it's another dying industry, you know, gasping for its last

Speaker 91860.76s - 1868.84s

breath of life, like the paper industry in the 2000s. Yeah, because, yeah, because like the risk of doing something like the DMV ORG is you just remake parks and wreck.

Speaker 01868.84s - 1889.96s

Like some public institution where the mundity is baked into, it's just largeness as an institution, where, you know, the paper company or a newspaper, there's the, like, the low hung, ever-present anxiety of not existing anymore is part of

Speaker 91889.96s - 1890.42s

the show.

Speaker 01890.42s - 1890.86s

Right, right.

Speaker 71890.98s - 1895.52s

The layoffs, the threat of layoffs, the consolidation of offices was a major plot line,

Speaker 01895.78s - 1901.96s

which would be the same case with a traditional small-town newspaper on its last legs, you know?

Speaker 71902.58s - 1902.86s


Speaker 01903.1s - 1909.86s

Because it served as like a metaphor for, you know, like the office culture was like,

Speaker 81909.92s - 1916.9s

this is sort of a dying way of life, you know, and is this a life worth me investing

Speaker 91916.9s - 1917.92s

myself in?

Speaker 71917.92s - 1919.44s

And if not, where do I find purpose?

Speaker 91919.58s - 1921.9s

It's in the relationships adjacent to it.

Speaker 71922.02s - 1926.02s

Or the comedy is we're all sharing the same piece of carpet

Speaker 81926.02s - 1929.96s

just trying to get through the day, even though we know we might not be around in a year.

Speaker 91930.36s - 1935.5s

That's a unique, that's, yeah, to your point, camera, I think that's why it works as well as old paper companies. It's brilliant.

Speaker 31935.5s - 1954.84s

Yeah, I never really thought about, like, the difference between Parks and Rec and the office, but it really is, like, the office had a moving plot line where, like, you said, like, it was trying to transition to like a digital era and that was a really big issue parks and rec ORG it was like the parks and rec department is just a right it's like it was more the characters had to bring

Speaker 01954.84s - 1971.12s

kind of the unique situations um so yeah i'm excited for this i think it's going to be great i mean obviously also being in the media, that seems like extra exciting to me. So I'm curious to see how well or how accurate they get it. But

Speaker 31971.12s - 1976.54s

NPR ORG mentioned this. I was in the car this morning. And NPR mentioned this as a blur in and Steve

Speaker 81976.54s - 1985.96s

in Ski PRODUCT, or yeah, he was like, you know, nothing's more exciting than seeing a show about journalists. You know, like he was like, all the nerds are excited about this one.

Speaker 31986.76s - 1988.5s

So, anyway, yeah, it's good.

Speaker 81988.56s - 1990.04s

When's it coming out? When's it happening?

Speaker 31990.62s - 1998.22s

It's currently still in production, so there's nothing announced yet. But, I mean, if they're working on it now, we can see it as early as this fall. So I'm ready for it.

Speaker 91998.58s - 2002.32s

I'm excited for it, but it all comes down to how good are the characters.

Speaker 32002.32s - 2008.28s

Because at the end of the day, like, you can only, the office, you know, office space showed,

Speaker 92008.4s - 2024.38s

this is about as far as we can take it. Like, because before the officer was office space, which explored the same thing with Mundady PERSON. But what propelled the office was the characters. Like, at some point, just the idea of it only goes so far. So, yeah, we'll see. I'm hopeful, though.

Speaker 82024.76s - 2029.62s

Especially since it's the same brain trust as the office. Yeah, Greg Daniels PERSON. Yeah. Great

Speaker 92029.62s - 2041.3s

Daniels. But if you remember, Greg Daniels was trying to spin off the Dwight Farm Show EVENT and he's done some other stuff that just didn't quite have the secret sauce, you know, the magic.

Speaker 82041.42s - 2045.04s

Is Michael Shore PERSON involved with this? You might have already said that. I apologize. I don't recall.

Speaker 92045.32s - 2046.32s

I haven't seen his name.

Speaker 82046.32s - 2046.6s


Speaker 32046.76s - 2062.08s

I think that's what I was saying. It's like the brain trust isn't quite the same. So it was like the office magic was it Greg Daniels or was it Michael? You know, like, who knows? Because remember, it's Greg Daniels and then the one of the other co-creators is the co-creator Nathan PERSON for you. Oh, that's right.

Speaker 82062.52s - 2062.72s


Speaker 32063s - 2066.28s

So it'll be, I think it will be a different humor.

Speaker 82067.14s - 2067.4s


Speaker 02067.56s - 2067.88s

That's good.

Speaker 32067.88s - 2070.88s

But it's so, I mean, I love that humor, but it will be different.

Speaker 82071.24s - 2071.8s

Well, that's good.

Speaker 32072.12s - 2073.06s

Because you can't go back.

Speaker 82073.16s - 2074.28s

You can't recreate the office.

Speaker 32074.48s - 2075.84s

So like having something fresh.

Speaker 82075.84s - 2076.08s


Speaker 32076.5s - 2076.7s


Speaker 72076.88s - 2077.34s

All right.

Speaker 82077.44s - 2088.5s

Well, for more stories like that, check out Relevantmagin.com ORG. Every weekday, we're covering the intersection of faith culture and everything in between. Thanks, Emily PERSON. All right. Stay tuned. Coming up, it's John Foreman. She's not ready for.com every weekday. We're covering the intersection of faith culture and everything in between. Thanks, Emily PERSON. All right, stay tuned.Coming up, it's John Foreman PERSON.

Speaker 52092.04s - 2117.44s

She's not ready for the head to get colder. She's so used to living on the beach down and floored. Want to take it to the mountains. We can take my friends to yonder. But the heat don't work so when the egg gets colder. I can hold it up.I can hold it up.

Speaker 82121.62s - 2207.9s

You're listening to as Iris, the song is my friends Toyota ORG. Well, today's show is brought to you in part by Crown College ORG, a boldly Christian NORP and academically excellent college providing a lifelong, authentic community. Crown ORG offers on campus, online, and graduate programs, 18 NCAA Division III ORG sports, international service opportunities,and a vibrant student life. Discover why Crown College ORG is ranked top three in America for online Christian NORP education. Visit crown.edu. Today's show is brought to you in part by the after party. Christians NORP have been so consumed by fighting about what political party or candidate is the most Christian that we've drifted away from some pretty clear commands from Jesus PERSON like,love your neighbor and show mercy and offer forgiveness. The free video course from the After After Party can help reframe your thinking around politics and light of Jesus PERSON's commands. Start the first session today and move towards better Christian politics for 2024 and beyond. Visit after hyphen party.org for more information. Again, that's after hyphen party.org. Our guest today is John Foreman. You know him as a lead singer of Switzerland GPE, but he's also, over the years, put out solo albums.And in fact, he has a new one coming out. It's called In Bloom. It's coming out in a couple weeks. But today, he releases a new single called Eulogy WORK_OF_ART. We caught up with him to talk about the new project and how he's embracing change in a healthy way.Here's part of Emily's conversation with John Foreman PERSON.

Speaker 62224.94s - 2225.04s

Every day I do, when did you're going month. It's a solo project, not part of Switchfoot ORG.

Speaker 72225.78s - 2225.86s

I'd love to know.

Speaker 32227.32s - 2228.02s

When did you begin working on this album?

Speaker 42228.5s - 2342.22s

It's funny. I was trying to make a different album. And this is the album that came to me. So I was, I recorded last year, or a couple years ago, departures. And I was hoping to record arrivals. That seems like the logical next step. And so I was chipping away this album. And I was, it felt like I was forcing a square peg into a roundhole. And these, um, these other songs came to me, almost annoyingly so, where they were bright and airy and full of this fertile new soil that didn't represent the record I was attempting to make. And my brother and James McAllister PERSON, who helped me produce the record, both kind of, you know, help me lift my head up and say, you know what, I think you have an album here. I know it's not the album that you were hoping to make, but I think you have made a really great record. I think you should put it out. So that's what friends are for. Tim and James kind of talking sense to me. But yeah,so I feel like this record represents a fertile blooming season in my life, putting to rest a lot of things that felt a little bit like the wrong kind of fertilizer, the stuff that needs to be put into the ground and given away. And so, yeah, it feels like it feels like it's coming out of the perfect time. So I'm very excited for, yeah, spring and summer. What was going on in your life while you were working on this project?

Speaker 32343.48s - 2347.84s

So I've been working on it chipping away for the past couple years.

Speaker 42348.16s - 2398.78s

I mean, you know, I think I'm not the only person that since 2020 is wrestling with loss and trying to figure out what to do with these things in my life that feel like they keep me up at night. And so against the backdrop of all of that, I think the garden has this amazing metaphor for me to find myself in. The idea that tomorrow's fruit is born from yesterday's crap, you know, the stuff that, that hurts us, haunts us,the dead parts of ourselves that we let go and allow to fertilize the future, you know.

Speaker 02398.78s - 2407s

So that's essentially what this record feels like to me. It is certainly a letting go, you know, even just letting go of arrivals and saying,

Speaker 42407.34s - 2440.76s

okay, I'm going to let that go. It's dumb, but it was a big deal for me. You know, and I think that that is, that's the season I'm in right now, saying yes to things that might feel uncomfortable and, and stepping into what that looks like. You know, I think, yeah, in Bloom PERSON, there's so many lines in there that feel likepoignant. Yesterday's tomb, tomorrow's womb. I feel like that sums up this season for me.

Speaker 62441.76s - 2471.82s

I'm a desert and blue. I'm a desert and blue. The wind is torn, the world's at war, but the butterflies and me keep death to fire. That all sounds very introspective. Are you hoping it encourages others to sort of reflect on their own life in a same way?

Speaker 32472.54s - 2479.78s

I'm hoping, like I said before, I'm hoping that this can be the soundtrack for a new journey for someone.

Speaker 42496.88s - 2607.82s

even I propose a toast, you know, singing about, you know, it's singing about both the beautiful and the painful, you know, the bridges I'm still burning. Here's to all the mistakes we've made, you know, like that kind of language, I think, embraces an ability to move forward. And that's what I'm hoping for this album is that this, this, this would be a soundtrack for people that, um, that are looking for freedom and looking for new, new ways to interface with themselves in the world. I am at the phase in my life.My friend did the math and said that at the end of, when this record comes out, or maybe even now, that I will have written and released 300 plus songs. And that's just one of those things where when he said it, I was, at first I was like, that's not true. And then he did the math and I was, I was like, that's a lot of songs. And I'm at the place in life where I'm realizing that who I was when I was 18 or 28 or 32 or 12 or whatever, those parts of myself, they're still there, but I'm moving forward.I want to be able to continue to grow, continue to learn the Bob Dylan line that is referenced at the very beginning of In Bloom comes to mind. Dylan PERSON on that speaker warning, he not busy being born is dying. And I want to be about the business of being born. And that is what I hope that this is a soundtrack for new life and people that are in the business of being busy, being born.

Speaker 62624.28s - 2627.94s

here's to love and here's to life here's to fight and it does seem like you're talking a lot about

Speaker 32627.94s - 2635.72s

just the changes we go through and life and all these different seasons I'd love to know are you someone who likes change and have you kind of always been that way?

Speaker 42637.1s - 2757.86s

I'm usually the guy who's looking forward to things. I have a fairly, I'm a ruthless idealist that's always expecting the best to happen. When I let myself down or I let other people down or when someone lets me down, it can be a shock, you know. What, you're human?Are you kidding me? How could you let this happen? You know, so I think this record kind of wrestles with that. The next song that we're releasing is called Eulogy WORK_OF_ART. And the chorus says, every day I write the eulogy for everything I used to be. I'm still aiming for a better me.I'm the mosaic of a shattered man, broken and becoming who I am. So I think that encompasses this idea that I'm eulogizing the past versions of myself. You know, thankful for where I've been, but looking forward to the future with expectations. I am the broken, shattered mosaic of a man that is yet becoming, yet unfolding, forgiving and being forgiven. You know, I think that many times faith is said in these terms of I was, but now I am with finality. And there's a beauty to that. And yet, we as, you know, for me, humans,if we think that we have arrived, that is a, as if we'll be very let down by ourselves and by others, you know.

Speaker 62759.24s - 2759.3s

That was John Foreman PERSON.

Speaker 82763.7s - 2766s

Make sure to keep your eye out for his upcoming project in Bloom and go check out his new single Ulogy PRODUCT wherever you get your music.

Speaker 72766.76s - 2796.96s

All right, stay tuned up next. It's your feedback. If you're listening to night

Speaker 82796.96s - 2873.36s

If you're listening to Nightbeds, this song is Shiloh, James River ORG version. Hey, if you like this podcast, but you might like it better if there were no ads, you can do that. Head over to Relevantmagine.com and sign it for Relevant Plus ORG. For just a couple bucks a month, you get this podcast ad-free. You get ad-free unlimited reading at Relevantmagizing.com, including the full podcastand magazine archives. Our beautifully designed digital issue and a little more. Check out all the info right there on the Relevant Plus tab at Relevantmagstein.com. All right, it's time for your feedback. Last week, poor Emily PERSON, we got talking about really painful hinge prompts. It started because Emily was telling us about cringe-worthy hinge prompts that she comes across regularly. And we're like, that's not true. That's not real. We need proof. And so she shared theproof. No, this is just your experience. She's like, absolutely not. So we asked y'all for your worst hinge prompts that you've come across in the wild. You did not disappoint. There's a lot of really bad hinge bio things out there. Now, if you all don't know, if you didn't hear last week, so we did a whole game about it. Basically, Tinder, you write a little bio, and some of the other ones, you were a little bio,but apparently with Hinge ORG, you're asked questions,

Speaker 02873.54s - 2884.54s

and you pick three of the questions that you want to answer, so we won't get to know you. So anyway, so you guys sent in not only those, but you also sent in really cringe-worthy bios you came across in the wild. Here's a few of our favorites.

Speaker 32885.6s - 2892.66s

And again, with the prompts, I have to stress, the people picked these prompts. Like, they were not forced to answer these ones. They picked this.

Speaker 92893.02s - 2904.7s

Well, this one isn't a problem, but this shows the flaw of the whole exercise. Kaylee said, I deleted the apps after swiping no on three mullets in a row. I'd rather be single than be seen with a mullet. Kaylee PERSON, it's your problem. The mullet's back.

Speaker 82908.48s - 2943.36s

And the universe is trying to tell you, you just got to go with it, because I'm sorry. Hold on. The mullet had a little moment. Do you remember? I don't know if you watch Bravo ORG shows, but there's a show called Summerhouse and Kyle is on Summerhouse. Anyway, he ironically got a years ago, and that became his thing, right? So they just had the summer house reunion. I watch a lot of Bravo ORG. And as a gesture of him finally growing up and ending the mullet era, they cut his mullet off. I think the mullet's era is ending. And I think like it went from ironic hipsters doing mullet to like dude bros doing mullets. And that's where, and now it's Montana GPE boys doing mullets.

Speaker 32943.36s - 2945.1s

And like every hair's, yeah.

Speaker 02945.48s - 2948.66s

Just like every hairstyle, it does not work for every man.

Speaker 82948.76s - 2948.94s


Speaker 32949s - 2950.66s

Like that, I think that's important to think about.

Speaker 82950.66s - 2955.46s

And the guys that can pull it off are the frat bros that nobody likes. So like nobody likes the mullet.

Speaker 92955.96s - 2977.52s

But my thing with Kaylee PERSON is like, look, it's a dating app, okay? Like, if you see three haircuts in a row, like if there was an equivalent of a female haircut, I wouldn't just discount the entire experience because one is at the, you know, if I've, the bell curve of its trend is on the downslope. I'm not being like, oh, I'm giving up on the institution of dating.

Speaker 82977.58s - 2980.16s

Three Rachel PERSON cuts in a row. This is a trash.

Speaker 92980.62s - 2985.86s

Yeah, yeah, exactly. It's like, look, you're like six months out of date. Like, it's not that big a deal.

Speaker 32986.06s - 2992.58s

Anyway, one girl, Mary PERSON said she came across a guy's profile who had a picture of him looking into a casket.

Speaker 92993.4s - 2997.36s

Again, I don't understand modern dating because that sounds like a very interesting person I would like to have a conversation.

Speaker 32997.36s - 3003.36s

I want to know, like, who took the picture of him? Absolutely not.

Speaker 73003.92s - 3006.26s

Who took the picture of him looking into the casket don't know. Who took the picture of him

Speaker 93006.26s - 3007.3s

looking into the casket?

Speaker 73007.42s - 3008.68s

And then what went through his mind

Speaker 93008.68s - 3009.92s

that was like, yeah,

Speaker 33010.06s - 3013.78s

this is what women want to see is me looking death in the face.

Speaker 93014.02s - 3017.58s

But you're ignoring the biggest question of all is who's in there.

Speaker 33018.48s - 3019.7s

That's also a good.

Speaker 93020.26s - 3021.98s

Something that Marty PERSON has

Speaker 33021.98s - 3023.44s

started doing in our group chat.

Speaker 93023.44s - 3023.7s


Speaker 73023.98s - 3024.18s


Speaker 83024.52s - 3024.8s


Speaker 73024.8s - 3027.18s

it's not the photo per se.

Speaker 83027.54s - 3033.54s

It's picture yourself in that moment wanting to take this photo and taking this photo.

Speaker 33033.92s - 3036.2s

So, like, in our group chat, he'll start sending over, like,

Speaker 73036.2s - 3040.2s

he sends over a lot of, like, TikTok posts and stuff from Christian NORP rappers that's, like, super cringe.

Speaker 33040.4s - 3047.1s

And he's like, imagine you're on that busy street and you're sitting there filming, you know, the influencers in the wild thing.

Speaker 83047.18s - 3049.92s

It's like these people in real life look ridiculous taking this photo.

Speaker 03050.04s - 3057.42s

I'm thinking about the guy at the casket. Hey, can you take my picture real quick? And he's like choosing. And then he loved how the photo looked and he put in his dating app.

Speaker 33057.62s - 3068.76s

The thought process that went into this is just hilarious to me. And again, you get like five options to choose from. Of all the photos you've ever had taken in your life, that was one of the top five pictures.

Speaker 93069.76s - 3070.04s


Speaker 33070.88s - 3072.76s

Again, it seems like an interesting person.

Speaker 93074.16s - 3076.44s

Say, it's not going to be a boring dinner. I'll tell you that.

Speaker 33076.84s - 3078.54s

You're right. Sure, sure.

Speaker 83078.9s - 3092.38s

Grant said one girl told me, so I guess this is in the messaging phase. One girl told me she would order a plate of crack for the table. It was an automatic no for me. What? Beth says this was a guy's bio.

Speaker 93092.6s - 3098.08s

I'm a metalhead. I don't normally speak. Comfort zone is one heck of a drug. I like video games,

Speaker 83098.22s - 3103.78s

believe in the paranormal. Goth girls are totally epic. Again, I don't see why people are complaining. He's

Speaker 93103.78s - 3109.6s

being honest with you. He's like, I know what I like. This is who I am. If you like that, swipe the correct direction.

Speaker 83109.6s - 3113.8s

You should probably know these. These are critical things to know about. I feel like if you found out,

Speaker 93114.04s - 3117.62s

it's like if you found out any of these things after the fact, you'd probably be pretty upset.

Speaker 33117.74s - 3120.8s

I'm just going to lay out the main things I think you're probably going to want to know.

Speaker 83121.28s - 3125.46s

I feel like I really hope that this metalhead guy is friends with

Speaker 33125.46s - 3129.48s

the casket guy, because I do think that that could be a fun friendship for the two of them.

Speaker 83129.48s - 3137.66s

You see, Matthews PERSON, he said, I often think about the girl who under, let's make sure we're on the same page about, I guess that's one of the problem. Let's make sure we're on the same page about.

Speaker 33137.66s - 3157.8s

She put, quote, religion, children, and politics, I guess, although I'm not strict about this. She clearly needed to figure out her priorities, he says. But that's amazing. We need to make sure we run the same page about. And she said, religion, children, and politics, I guess, although I'm not strict about this. Then why'd you pick that?Why'd you pick that answer?

Speaker 73158.48s - 3159.22s

Oh, my gosh.

Speaker 93159.82s - 3160.96s

That's hilarious to me.

Speaker 03162.02s - 3164.3s

Yeah, but I just like she's laying it out, man.

Speaker 83164.38s - 3167.12s

She's letting you know, nothing really matters that much to me.

Speaker 93167.44s - 3170.46s

She's like, actually, on second thought, we don't have to be on the same age.

Speaker 33170.46s - 3173.02s

If you have a good mullet, let me know, because that's really all that matters.

Speaker 83173.02s - 3177.06s

She's like, these are the most important things in the world, but honestly, I don't even really care that much about them.

Speaker 33177.26s - 3180.3s

So that should tell you something about how chill of a hang I am.

Speaker 83181.58s - 3183.46s

You're really reading into this, Jesse PERSON.

Speaker 93183.6s - 3184.96s

I'm not going to read that Tinder one.

Speaker 33185.08s - 3185.58s

Holy cow. Anyway, all right, well not going to read that Tinder one. Holy cow.

Speaker 93186.62s - 3188.16s

Anyway, all right, well, there's more that came from.

Speaker 33188.48s - 3190.58s

Okay, now it's time for this week's.

Speaker 83191.58s - 3193.28s

Editorial question of the week.

Speaker 63193.74s - 3197.48s

Well, earlier in the show, we were talking about, like, I don't know how we got off

Speaker 83197.48s - 3253.96s

on that neuroscientist guy who has, he looks way older than he is. But, like, he's super healthy, quote, unquote. We got to talk about health hacks that society has pushed on us. I'm looking at you ice plungers. I think didn't we just see a report last week that the ice baths have no health benefits? So, anyway, lots of health hacks are out there.There's the beauty health hacks with the scrubs and the facials and the Botox injections and all the things. And then there's the ice baths and the intermittent fastings and the sleep X number of hours and get up at two and do all these things. Hacks all over the place. We want to know this week, what's a health hack that you've tried? The weirdest health hack that you've tried. That's what we want to know. We will read our favorites on next week's show. If you want to tell us what came of it, if you want to tell us your experience, we would love all those details as well. But tell us some health hack that

Speaker 33253.96s - 3278.32s

you've tried over the years. I feel like I'm sure I'll have to think about this more. The first thing that comes to mind, though, is I love a good face mask. Although I can't think of a single time I've done a face mask and like wiped it off my face and thought, okay, I'm much better now. Like I actually don't think face masks work. They're more of just like feel fun for a girl's night, very early 2000s vibe. But I will still continue to buy them.

Speaker 83278.32s - 3287.56s

If you want to see weird ones, like watch like those Bravo L.A. shows like Vanderpump Rules and the Valley, they go down to like these weird like light spas.

Speaker 33287.76s - 3294.86s

And it's like literally they lay down and they have like light on their face for, you know, or whatever. It's just like, well,

Speaker 83295.52s - 3296.78s

there's actually health benefits over.

Speaker 33296.98s - 3297.42s

Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 83297.66s - 3301.5s

But I mean, like, there's all these like trendy of the moment.

Speaker 33301.9s - 3305.52s

They're here one year and that spa has gone the next year. That kind of thing, you know what I mean?

Speaker 73306.06s - 3315.38s

It's really fun. Anyway, hit us up at Relevant Podcast on ORG X, or you can reply to our Instagram story as well. And we will read our favorites on next week's show.

Speaker 83316.14s - 3351.68s

Well, before we wrap things up, I want to thank John Foreman for joining us today. Make sure to check out his upcoming solo projects called In Bloom. It'll be out in a couple weeks. And check out his brand new single Eulogy, which released today, wherever you get your music. All right, onthat note, we'll wrap things up. I'm Cameron String. I'm Jesse Carey. I'm Emily Brown PERSON. We will see you on Tuesday. Have a great weekend, everyone. Thanks for listening to the Relevant ORG podcast.

Speaker 13352.5s - 3390.08s

Check out our features, interviews, and news updates every day at Relevantmagson.com ORG. And make sure to follow Relevant on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram WORK_OF_ART for the latest. For more great podcasts, browse the shows on the Relevant Podcast Network, which you can find at our site. And while you're there, don't miss the all new era of Relevant Magazine. A new issue releases every other month at Relevantmagine.com ORG. Look, I'm going to ignore all of that for a moment.

Speaker 93391.7s - 3392.1s

Relevant ORG podcast network.

Speaker 13396.36s - 3396.52s

We all have that friend who wakes up early to go get everyone, McDonald ORG's breakfast,

Speaker 03398.08s - 3405.84s

but the rest of us sleep in. This is your sign to thank them. And if you're that friend, this is us saying, thank you.

Speaker 23411.14s - 3420.08s

Just a friendly reminder that right now get any size iced coffee before 11 a.m. for just 99 cents. And a satisfying sausage McMuffin with egg is just 279. Price and participation may vary cannot be combined with any other offer or combo meal.