Game 6 Preview: Anticipation High for Drama in Philly

Game 6 Preview: Anticipation High for Drama in Philly

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29:35 minutes

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Speaker 00s - 14.24s

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Speaker 116.1s - 19.36s

It's the Mike Francesa podcast on the Bet Rivers Network ORG.

Speaker 219.36s - 344.64s

The Mike Francesa podcast on the Bet Rivers Network, and it's brought to you by Casamigos Tequila PRODUCT. Casamigos Tequila PRODUCT is brought to you by those who drink it. A dramatic game six tonight in Philly as the Knicks ORG is. What is clearly what has become a classic, classic first round series, feels much more like a conference final, dramatic in so many ways. Game time tonight, 9 o'clock after the bucks and paces, play game 6 in Indiana GPE.When you think about a first round series and realize that there have been two games in the series where teams have come from behind by five and more points in the last 30 seconds. That had only happened three times in the last 30 years in the NBA ORG playoffs. It has happened twice in this series. The Sixers gave away game two, where the Knicks ORG grabbed it and seized it, either one you want, and then the Knicks gave away game five in overtime, or they seized it.Now, you know, the two-minute report that the NBA ORG puts out, you know, always causes a little consternation. They said Maxie PERSON walked on the four-point play. Okay. So it never should have happened. So Nick PERSON should have covered the point spread.Blah, blah, blah, blah. A, that stuff you can call all the time. How about the fact that on the flagrant foul, that should have been an offensive foul. That was in the report also. It should not have been a flagrant one. It should have been an offensive foul. That was in the report also. It should not have been a flagrant one.It should have been an offensive foul on Bruncelain PERSON. So there were a lot of reversals at the end of the game. It just means the referee, the officials have to be tighter. That's all. The game officials have to be tighter. And you just, you know, go with the bounce of the ball.Sometimes they're right. Sometimes they're wrong. All right. Game six this evening. No, Bogdanovich PERSON, the bounce of the ball. Sometimes they're right. Sometimes they're wrong. All right. Game six this evening, no Bogdanovich PERSON, obviously, for the rest of the playoffs. So the Knicks rotation has tightened to seven. That has meant extra work for McBride, who has averaged 30 points in the last two games,but he has responded. He's responded with important points in the extra minutes, and he has been a very big factor. Robinson got in, obviously, came back in game five, and was a big factor, and B. he doesn't have the extra day here. Hart, who played all 53 minutes.Brunson and O.G. all played 50 minutes or more in that game, and B. played 47 minutes in that game is remarkable, him dragging that leg around for 47 minutes. But he did. He wanted to be a triple double, although he didn't score well. And, of course, Maxie PERSON had a game that will establish him.Listen, he had already come on like gangbusters. He had established himself in the regular season, but the postseason is where you solidify reputations. And he has now solidified his reputation as a bona fide backcourt star in the NBA ORG. No question about it with what he's done in this series. And with his dramatic three-pointers that led to a incredible come-from-behind for the sixes.Listen, before the series started, I thought we'd go seven. I still think we probably will. The Knicks will have opportunities tonight. Why not? Every game seems to be that way, except one in the series. That was game three.Otherwise, this series has been that tight where it's up for grabs and teams are not every game seems to be that way except one in the series that was game three otherwise the series has been that tight where it's up for grabs and teams are coming from behind on numerous occasions throughout the game this far into it there's not anything new we know where the points are coming from we know who has to to step up like Harris did in game five, gave them 19 big points. You have to get some secondary scoring somewhere.They obviously have two guys that you have to worry about and it's not going to change the Knicks have got to use their double teams on Invite ORG judiciously make it harder for Maxi make him give up the ball up top don't make it so easy for him to get the ball because once he gets the ball in space he's going to score they can't handle them off the dribble they can't handle them from the three point line line so they have got to bottle him up run some extra people at him just to make him give up the ball and hope he can't getit back into 24 second clock make Make somebody else score. That's clearly what you're trying to do if you're the Knicks ORG. Make somebody else score. Also, take your opportunity breaks, especially with Hart PERSON. Heart's great at going end-to-end. Take those.Run and beat when you can. Obviously, the minutes when it beats off the floor have killed the sixes in the series.

Speaker 0346.08s - 353.04s

That's why he has, you know, stayed on the floor so many minutes in the second half of these games, even though he clearly wears down.

Speaker 2354.96s - 1193.36s

But last game, it was Maxi, Maxi. I mean, Embedit made some big plays, but Maxi, Maxi, Maxi, Maxi, with an incredible, incredible performance. If you're the sixes, you're trying to make it as hard, make, runs into as much of volume shooters as they can,get the ball out of his hands, and see if you can catch the other guys on a cold night DATE, where you know Hart PERSON's going to go to the basket, where you know Hart's going to go to the basket, where you know OG PERSON is going to go to the basket and stick that shot if they leave them open. And they get scoring off the bench now with McBride PERSON, who is, you know, they need to come in the game now and get double the points. That's the way this was shook out. Now they only have seven players.Especially if Dante PERSON isn't on, then he's going to ride McBride PERSON more minutes. That's what happens. Either if Dante PERSON's in foul trouble or if he's just not scoring, and he hasn't had a great series scoring-wise.Harts PERSON had an amazing series in terms of everything, in terms of effort, in terms of the amount of minutes he's played, in terms of how many points and rebounds he's given in the Knicks ORG. Same thing with OG. OGs play defensively, offensively, has been just outstanding in this series. Hey, we've had five games. It couldn't be a tighter series. Hey, we've had five games. It couldn't be a tighter series.We're here in game six now. There's a very good chance to go seven games. I picked the Nixon seven before it started.I have a feeling we'll be at the garden for that game Saturday night or Saturday day. We don't know the time yet. We know it's Saturday. We don't know what time yet because the NBA ORG hasn't set that up yet.We do know that they've been pushed back to 9 o'clock this evening. But the bottom line, it's all there. And you really, you want to take advantage of this game that's a cushion it allows the nicks ORG to do some things here to be aggressive to be overly aggressive to try some different things if they want to see if they can get this game and get this thing over with without having to face an elimination game knowing they have two guys that can belethal scoring. You know, Knicks would go into Game 7 EVENT with one distinct fear, and that is if they get an A game out of MB, they're in big trouble, as we saw with the 50-point game, which was one of the great 50-point efforts in the history of the playoffs on just 19 shots. So this amazing series, and it has been as close as a series could be.Now, game six, the drama continues. Listen, whatever happens the rest of the playoffs, you're going to remember this series as being just an absolute classic because it has been. Check out my playoff special at Bet Rivers for tonight's game.The Francesa Playoff Special, available on the Bet Rivers ORG app. Go to the Bet Rivers ORG app for all of your wagering needs and to pick up some bonus goodies from them. So check it out onthe Bet Rivers ORG app. Now, both the Yankees and the Mets will be in action this afternoon. Trying to split four-game sets. Yankees ORG won last nightafter losing two straight to Baltimore ORG. They didn't have to score a lot. They didn't have to score much at all because obviously they pitched the shutout. Game four of the series before the Yankees come home to take on the Tigers. Mets ORG will be on their way to take on the Tampa Bay team, which has struggled since getting swept by the White Sox ORG. And it's now four games under 500, so they're looking to break out this weekend. Tough loss for the Mets last night.These Cubs games, they lost the game 3-1 when Diaz PERSON gave up the home run to Morrell game 1. They won the game 4-2. On Tuesday, they get beat last night. This Imanaga, the Japanese NORP pitcher, has been just sensational. The left hand, the 5-0 with a 0.780 RA.And we all know bottom and knife. Now, I thought, I thought Alonzo PERSON was out of the plate, and I thought he had access to the plate, so I don't think that the plate was blocked. He got his hand over the plate in time.He just didn't touch the plate. His hand stayed elevated above the plate, and it allowed them to put the tag on him. So I don't buy the obstruction. I don't buy the reversal. I don't buy the reversal to plate. I think he was out.I think they made the right call. It's a tough loss for the Mets ORG. But you know what? I thought they made the right play. It happens. What are you going to do? You know, Alonzo PERSON gave it all he had he would have been safe he beat the throw he just did not put his hand down if you watched it enough times he hadhis hand over the plate in time he just didn't touch the plate he elevated his hand and that's when they tagged him so he was there in time he just did not touch the plate. He elevated his hand, and that's when they tagged him. So he was there in time. He just did not touch the plate. So that was the end of that. And the Mets ORG went down in defeat, struggling to score runs. Cubby PERSON's playing good baseball.Game four this afternoon. Brown against Houser PERSON, and I would think this is a big start for Hauser PERSON to stay in the rotation because he's been getting beat up pretty good. You know, the MET pitching has been great in terms of the hits given up, and they'vekept the ball in the ballpark, but they've also walked the ballpark, and that can continue. They've got to have better command of the strikes on, or they're going to get themselves in big trouble. They've gotten very good pitching so far,except here with Hauser PERSON, who has pitched terribly, and I would think is pitching to stay in the rotation right now. We'll see how that shakes out this afternoon. Now, just a couple of reminders.Number one, we will have a Nick postgame tonight. We will either be putting the finishing touches on what will be a dramatic Nick victory in game six, orwe will be preparing for a game seven on Saturday at Madison Square Garden. So we will have that for you this evening right after the game's over. Remember, it's going to be a little later because the game doesn't tip until after nine this evening. Of course, they need the games tonight. So Knicks are going at, they're going with 630 with theMilwaukee, Indiana game six. And then the Knicks will come your way right after 9 o'clock. So it'll be a little later this evening, but we will have it up this evening. And tomorrow, on the morning podcast, we will have our derby selection. I will either have Brad with us or I will have his information, one or the other. And I'll give you my selection. And obviously the pressure is on because last year I gave you a $31 winner in the derby.I'll try and duplicate it. I love handicapping the derby. I've always been very successful with the derby. I never do well with the Breeders' Cup EVENT. I don't know why. It's in California a lot. I don't likeCalifornia tracks. I don't like handicapped in California tracks. Keenland ORG's been kind of weird when it's been there. I don't have any real excuses. I just haven't done a good job during the Breeders' Cup. I really haven't. But I've done a great job during the Derby EVENT in my life. I've been right about the Derby so many times. It's been, it's my best betting race of the whole year. I look for closes. I look for closers at a price. And I have not done the work yet. I will do it this evening and have it for you tomorrow. And I will also have Brad's information, or Brad, one or the other, will be up.So that will be tomorrow. People have been asking me about that. It'll be tomorrow's program, and obviously we'll either be putting the finishing touches on round one and looking ahead to round two, or we will be preparing for the two most dramatic words in the sports lexicon, and that is, of course, game seven, which would be at the Garden on Saturday.So we have a big weekend coming up. The ranges have not been, schedule-wise, have not been established yet. I think it'll be Sunday, Tuesday, but again, that could change. Could change.I don't know what they're waiting for unless they're waiting to use the garden on Saturday if the Knicks ORG don't play. That could be one of the reasons why they've hesitated. I'm not sure, but they haven't put the series up yet. It will be the Nix. It will be the Rangers and the Hurricanes ORG.Games 1 and 2 will be at the Mass Square Garden FAC. We don't have a schedule on series up yet. It will be the NICS, it will be the Rangers and the Hurricanes. Games one and two will be at the Mass Square Garden. We don't have a schedule on that series yet. I would think that it would be Sunday, Tuesday. But again, if the garden's going to be vacant and the NBA isn't going to start until Sunday, you know, the NBA might have already told them that they're locking in a game seven on Saturday and then a game one on Sunday.If with the Knicks, if the Knicks don't go seven, if they go seven, they're not going to play them Sunday. They won't open that series until Tuesday if they play Saturday. I mean, they could open Monday night, but I think they'll open Tuesday. Again, they'll have to dance around the range of schedule, so the Nixon Rangers ORG both in the garden at the same time. Remember, they can play on the same day.I've been at the Garden FAC when they do it. The turnaround is amazing. It takes them four hours to turn it around, but they are marvels at what they do there. And I have been there for both games when they have played both games on the same day.It has happened. It's not the best situation, but it has happened. So everyone's waiting on the Rangers ORG. I don't know when they're going to announce that because they might be thinking about moving up if the Knicks ORG don't play. Again, remember, game one for the Rangers ORG is going to be at the garden.And if there's a game seven for the Knicks ORG or a game one for the Knicks, it's going to be at the garden. So you know that too. So there's more garden basketball coming your way and there's plenty of hockey action coming your way at MSG FAC. So this is starting to look like one of those classic springs. Nothing better. Nothing better in this city than when the garden is active in May. It is an incredible place to be, and none of that has changed. None of that has changed.I remember that almost every year on Mother's Day when my mother was still around, I would always have to be at the garden on Mother's Day Sunday. It was almost like it was automatic we were at the garden on Mother's Day Sunday. It just almost like it was automatic we were at the Garden on Mother's Day Sunday. It just seemed like we were there every single year.Remember, with those Ewing ORG teams, they went to the second round every year. They might not, they never won it. They went to the finals twice. They should have won in Houston in game six. I mean, we can go, they really should have won that series in five games.It wasn't for Sam Casale PERSON. It would have. And they threw game six away. I can remember it to this day. That Oakley pass, up one. When he threw it the length of the floor trying to get an easy basket and threw the ball out of bounds. What a crusher that was.And that was a game the Knicks ORG had in their grasp. And then hanging around Houston GPE, very hot weather. Incredibly hot and humid outside. Hanging around there for game seven and I stillremember dog and I were going in to do our show and we were going in through the rocket offices into the building and we were doing our show from from the garden I mean from the building in Houston for game seven. And who do we bump into in the lobby of the rocket officers? Kenny Smith PERSON, as he's just coming in. And Kenny PERSON had had it, now I know Kenny going back to high school.So he had had a rough series. And he said, I remember him saying to me, hey, tonight's my night. Tonight's my night.

Speaker 01193.86s - 1196.66s

And you know what? He hit some big baskets in that game

Speaker 21196.66s - 1276.7s

as they toppled the Knicks ORG pretty easily for game seven and won a championship. So that year, which was, you know, an amazing year. You know, we split up a lot. I went to Vancouver GPE twice. Dog went to Vancouver three times.We split up. I stay with the Knicks for game seven against the Pacers ORG. At home, dog went back to Vancouver GPE. Then I went back to Vancouver for game six. You know, we thought the Rangers were going to win in five. They lost the game five at home.We spent too much time that day talking about how everyone should celebrate once the Rangers ORG won. They didn't win. We had to go back to Vancouver GPE. And I remember that night in Vancouver GPE. And we were going, Dogg PERSON and I from Vancouverback to Houston GPE. And for the game six, it was Saturday in Vancouver and we were going to be Sunday in Houston for game six. And the celebration in Vancouver after they won that sixth game was like they had won the cup.

Speaker 01276.82s - 1291.2s

They were going crazy outside the building. They were rocking cars. It was like it was just like you would see another place had they won the championship. The people treated it like they had won. They were going crazy.

Speaker 21292.86s - 1464.78s

And I remember being on, we were sitting on the floor at the gate at the Seattle GPE airport because we went from Vancouver to Seattle to Seattle and then we're waiting for a flight to Houston and we had hours to kill till the flight to Houston GPE and so now we're on the floor in an empty airport just hanging out waiting for the plane which I think was like three hours later, to get to Houston. And of course, he's rooting for a seventh game. I'm like, you've got to get out of it. What are you talking? Let's win this thing tonight, get a championship, and get out ofhere. No, he was rooting for the seventh game. He always wanted an extra game. He always wanted the next game. He always wanted drama extra game. He always wanted the next game. He always wanted drama. And he loved the root against their local teams anyway. So we were sitting... We were in the upstairs press area in the first row.Sitting next to Van der Holyfield PERSON, remember during we were sitting next to us that day we were talking to him a lot because he was just happened to be sitting next to us as we were up there for game six and I remember like dog don't we don't we don't want to stay in use in three more days come on and he was rooting like crazy. And that game obviously came right down to the buzzer, right down to the final seconds.Nick PERSON's lost it. We had a hang around. I remember on Monday we did our show from Houston GPE and there was a playoff in the U.S. Open EVENT. I think won by Ernie Ellsif I remember, right? But there was like a three-way playoff, and we were watching it while we were doing our Monday show from Houston GPE. And I still remember walking into those offices, and Kenny Smith PERSON walking in, of all people. And then it was Kenny Smith PERSON who helped deliver that rocket championshipin what it was the one that got away with Riles PERSON? You know, in game five of that series was the O.J. Simpson PERSON game. Nick's lost game three at home. One game four, one game five. And game five on that Friday night was the O.J. Simpson PERSON game. And Sunday in Houston GPE, Houston won. And then Wednesday night in Houston, Houston won.But the Knicks and Rangers ORG played 49 playoff games that year. The Knicks went to the seventh game of the NBA ORG finals. The Rangers won the Stanley Cup in seven games after having played the dramatic seven games against New Jersey GPE.

Speaker 01466.34s - 1476.8s

Which is a game six guarantee, and then all the drama of seventh game a year like nothing we a year unlike any other

Speaker 21476.8s - 1707.84s

without any question you know we had a lot of dramatic runs the pink Cadillac the yankees in 96 which was a great great championship and a great season and You know, we had a lot of dramatic runs to pink Cadillac, the Yankees in 96, which was a great, great championship and a great season. And fun to finally, we did the whole thing with the montage and the Cadillac ORG and the whole thing. If you go back that far with us. And that was an incredible championship.In my lifetime, 96 was the most memorable championship for the Yankees that I ever experienced. It meant so much. And to have what we had in 94, and then have the Yankees in 96, but 94 was so unbelievable. I think it had those like to figure out schedules and what we did and everything else all the time. And we were in person on every Nick and Ranger ORG home game, except I think one Ranger ORG game where there was a conflict. And something likehalf the road games so we were at like of the 49 games one of us was at the Rangers ORG or the Knicks at 38 or something of the 49 gameswe went to Indiana 38 or something of the 49 games. We went to Indiana GPE. We went to Vancouver, twice, I went to Vancouver three times. We went to Houston GPE. And it was just an incredible spring like we've never had now this year beginning to resemble that. The Rangers ORG sweep.They have a big series with Carolina ORG. Going to be an extended series. Going to be a long series. Probably going to go seven games if the Rangers ORG can win. As tough a series as they're going to get, probably in the whole shooting match. Everybody says that.Maybe the two best teams this year, squaring off. So you have that now into the second round. And then the Knicks, I think, will get a very favorable... Because I think Indiana GPE is going to win that series because I don't think the guys are coming back. I think Indiana will win in six. I don't think you're going to see the freak and Lillard PERSON nowafter you haven't seen them. Indiana GPE held his head high with game... I mean, Milwaukee held his head high at game five. I don't think, I wouldn't be surprised if it's close, but I don't think Indiana will lose tonight. That would be a terrible loss if they did.And I like the Knicks ORG in that matchup. So I think we have a very good chance of getting both teams into the conference finals EVENT, which is, you know, deep. Now you're getting into the conference finals, which is, you know, deep. Now you're getting into the middle part of May. You make it to the conference finals.You've made it to June. So this year's starting to, in subtly, not yet, but starting to resemble that a little bit because a lot of years that garden's been dark. Most years there's been no playoff games there. And now both teams with a chance to get deep into the postseason.So there are a lot of exciting days in store over the next couple of weeks. We'll see you later.

Speaker 11708.24s - 1711.82s

Thanks for listening to the Mike Francesa podcast on the BetRivers Network ORG.