Ep. 259 - How to Guide a Prodigal Back to the Lord

Ep. 259 - How to Guide a Prodigal Back to the Lord

by Living Waters

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49:15 minutes

published 19 days ago

American English

© 2024 The Living Waters Podcast

Speaker 40s - 11.56s

We've often said to each other, someone came up with an 18-wheeled, a 3load of diamonds and said, you can have the whole lot if you turn you back on Christ PERSON, I'd spit on those diamonds.

Speaker 511.94s - 27.96s

I'd say, take those stupid pieces of glass away. I'm not even interested. And Paul said the same thing, you know, that we might have Christ PERSON. Treasure in earthen vessels, the life source dwells within us. So the genuine convert puts his hand to the plow, doesn't even look back.

Speaker 428.32s - 36.82s

The false convert is like Lot PERSON's wife. She just gazed back at the world. And so if the world has any pleasure for you, something's wrong.

Speaker 342.32s - 49.88s

Welcome to the all-new try to finish the dad joke game, where we try to finish the dad joke.

Speaker 250.76s - 55.4s

All right, guys, we haven't done dad jokes on here in a while. We should change the name to dead joke.

Speaker 355.8s - 58.78s

Dad jokes, pretty much what the kids would say.

Speaker 259.42s - 60.2s

All right, guys.

Speaker 360.4s - 72.22s

It's your job as I, your lovely guy here, host, whatever you call me, says a dad joke, and you have to try to finish it. Ray PERSON, why do you look disgusted?

Speaker 272.54s - 73.7s

I just don't know what's coming.

Speaker 374.32s - 76.22s

Yeah, that's the point of it all.

Speaker 476.68s - 77.52s

All right, here we go, guys.

Speaker 280.32s - 82.28s

Wait, I don't know how to finish that.

Speaker 483.52s - 98s

Okay, guys, you know, you understand this right now is your ultimate opportunity to prove that you are the daddiest of all dad jokesters. Bring it. All right, here we go. I'm reading a book on anti-gravity. It's impossible to put it down.

Speaker 099.12s - 100.92s

Whoa, look at that.

Speaker 1101.2s - 102.86s

Look at that smug look on Oscar PERSON's face.

Speaker 2103.1s - 106.04s

Why do I take so much pride in knowing you to that joke?

Speaker 3106.08s - 109.76s

I don't know. That's how low my life is. He's like, yeah.

Speaker 2110.42s - 111.02s

Got it.

Speaker 3111.1s - 116.76s

I got skill. All right. I used to be a baker, but I couldn't make enough. Do. Yeah.

Speaker 2122.24s - 124.1s

Weezy PERSON died in the middle of wheezing.

Speaker 3124.54s - 124.88s


Speaker 4125.26s - 131.82s

Yes, sir. Has anyone told you a lot of it looked like Tom Cruiseeezing. Oscar PERSON? Yes, sir. Has anyone told you you like look like Tom Cruise PERSON? No. Well, they're wrong. They're wrong.

Speaker 3131.96s - 134.14s

No, no, you blew it. No, they did. I got it right.

Speaker 4135s - 137s

Has anyone told you he looked like Tom Cruise PERSON?

Speaker 3137s - 137.36s

They're wrong.

Speaker 4137.4s - 137.62s


Speaker 2138.36s - 138.56s


Speaker 4138.74s - 139.44s

Well, he does look like?

Speaker 2139.44s - 140.42s

We're going to edit out the no.

Speaker 4141.9s - 142.66s

That's right.

Speaker 2143.24s - 152.32s

All right. I told my friend 10 jokes to make him laugh. Sadly,

Speaker 1162.32s - 163.84s

oh, this one's so good. I told my friend 10 jokes to make him laugh. Sadly, no pun in 10 did.

Speaker 4165.16s - 166.98s

That's so cute. You guys are off today

Speaker 2166.98s - 167.68s

All right

Speaker 3167.68s - 169.82s

Why can't you trust stairs

Speaker 2169.82s - 171.08s

Because they're always

Speaker 1171.08s - 171.76s

Letting you down

Speaker 3171.76s - 173s

Up to something

Speaker 2173s - 174.18s

Oh up to see you down

Speaker 3174.18s - 175.54s

Both of it worked though

Speaker 4175.54s - 176.16s

Taking you down

Speaker 1176.16s - 176.48s

All right

Speaker 4176.48s - 178s

I used to play piano by ear

Speaker 1178s - 178.9s

But now I use

Speaker 4178.9s - 185.32s

Fingers My hands Oh same thing Same thing That's such a ray thing Well you don't play with your handsYou play with your fingers I've never seen anyone play I thing. That's such a Ray PERSON thing. Well, you don't play with your hand. You play with your fingers.

Speaker 2186.24s - 190.4s

I've never seen anyone play with. That's cheap. I'm not buying it.

Speaker 4192.44s - 193.06s

That could be a new piano playing style.

Speaker 1193.22s - 200.22s

Ray PERSON, you have one you always talk about. Oh, the door handles for the bathroom is filthy.

Speaker 4200.54s - 200.58s


Speaker 2201.24s - 204.52s

I shoot him a channel.

Speaker 4205.84s - 206.44s

That's one of my favorites.

Speaker 2207.56s - 207.68s

That's so disgusting.

Speaker 6208.26s - 208.48s

Why not your mouth?

Speaker 2209.72s - 211.64s

Ken Ham PERSON would do something like that. Ken Ham would use his chin and mouth, right?

Speaker 4211.88s - 212.78s

Don't say mouth.

Speaker 2212.9s - 231.08s

It's going too far. Yeah, way too far. All right. Why? Oh, no. I used to, oh, no, I did that.What do you call a pile of cats? A meowton. They couldn't have been guessed.

Speaker 4231.34s - 234.38s

Yeah. Why don't scientists trust Adams PERSON?

Speaker 2238.44s - 242.38s

Because they make up everything. Oh.

Speaker 4243.38s - 245s

Throw on an audience laughter there.

Speaker 2246.06s - 248.1s

The other day I was at Costco

Speaker 4248.1s - 249.46s


Speaker 0249.46s - 252.46s

I took my grandma, my grandma loves to go to Costco ORG.

Speaker 1253.56s - 272.16s

No, I'm just trying to tell you, I'm telling you my grandma loves going to Costco ORG. And you know, they've got like these giant racks of stuff and they've got like boxes and boxes all tied together,and this gigantic box of Kleenex ORG fell on me. I was okay. There was just some soft tissue.

Speaker 2274.66s - 282.32s

I love it because I look over and I see he starts to get the smirk before he even starts. It's like, my grandma, my wife, my kids.

Speaker 3282.44s - 283.72s

Christians NORP don't make good liars.

Speaker 6284s - 284.1s


Speaker 3284.28s - 285.06s

That's his nostrils.

Speaker 6285.18s - 286.54s

Okay, two more guys and we're done.

Speaker 3286.62s - 287.32s

I like these ones.

Speaker 6287.72s - 291.08s

What do you call a can opener that doesn't work?

Speaker 3291.56s - 292.06s

Can't open a can't opener.

Speaker 2293.48s - 294.54s

Can't opener.

Speaker 4295.34s - 296.44s

Did you hear that one before?

Speaker 2296.54s - 296.66s


Speaker 4296.94s - 297.86s

Okay, last one.

Speaker 2298.06s - 303.82s

Ready? What did one ocean say to the other ocean? I see. I see you. No.

Speaker 1304.24s - 304.52s


Speaker 2304.72s - 310s

It just waved. Yeah. All right, France GPE.

Speaker 3310.1s - 312.06s

The torment is over.

Speaker 2313.4s - 314.06s

Oh, no.

Speaker 3314.16s - 315.72s

To help listen to our previous podcast.

Speaker 2316.02s - 317.36s

No, I'll save these for later.

Speaker 3317.52s - 318.64s

Oh, there's one more I got to do.

Speaker 2318.7s - 319.42s

One more, one more, one more.

Speaker 3319.94s - 322.4s

Why do peppers make such good archers?

Speaker 2324.58s - 325.8s

Because they have an arrow.

Speaker 3328.02s - 329.12s

Sorry, what was the answer?

Speaker 0329.2s - 330.3s

You were laughing while you were saying?

Speaker 2330.3s - 332.72s

They have an arrow? Habanero, like, have an arrow pepper?

Speaker 3333.06s - 334.42s

I didn't like pepice.

Speaker 4335.56s - 336.4s

Red doesn't like ketchup.

Speaker 2336.46s - 337.32s

It's a stupid joke.

Speaker 4337.32s - 339.36s

I put pepper on stuff now, and I like ketchup.

Speaker 3339.48s - 339.68s

I don't.

Speaker 2339.8s - 340.24s

I do.

Speaker 4340.66s - 341.22s

Salom pepper?

Speaker 2341.4s - 341.66s

No way.

Speaker 4341.66s - 342.12s

Yeah, I've changed.

Speaker 2342.28s - 343.54s

Well, you know why I don't like...

Speaker 4343.54s - 344.9s

Salontera PRODUCT? No, he's talking about salt and pepper.

Speaker 2345.08s - 346.9s

Yeah, but you know why I didn't like pepper?

Speaker 4346.98s - 348.72s

I've ever told you what I did when I was about nine?

Speaker 0348.86s - 349.5s

Sneezed nine.

Speaker 2349.58s - 349.96s

No, no.

Speaker 0350s - 355.68s

I went through my mom's kitchen, grabbed every ingredient of everything, put it all into a bowl, stirred it up,

Speaker 4355.68s - 360.96s

and this is milk, flour, mustard, pepper, everything I could find, and I sniffed it.

Speaker 0361.54s - 363s

Why would you do that?

Speaker 4363.34s - 365.18s

And I never wanted pepper for a while.

Speaker 0365.24s - 365.66s

Wait, wait.

Speaker 4365.76s - 367.88s

The next 60 or something years, I didn't like paper.

Speaker 6368.14s - 369.34s

Ray was 22 at the time.

Speaker 0369.88s - 371.38s

That was the prominent smell.

Speaker 6371.38s - 372.62s

So you've been like this your whole life.

Speaker 4373.96s - 376.02s

I haven't had my whole life.

Speaker 6376.46s - 376.68s


Speaker 4377.38s - 380.86s

Okay, no, we're not just going to gloss over this.

Speaker 6380.96s - 382.28s

Okay, we're not just going to move on.

Speaker 1382.38s - 383.2s

Okay, France GPE.

Speaker 6383.26s - 384.62s

No, no, we're going to pause here.

Speaker 4386s - 393.3s

You sniffed? Yeah. Well, what do you think I did it for? There has to be a climax to why I put all

Speaker 1393.3s - 396.58s

that stuff in a bowl to see what it smelled like, and I didn't...

Speaker 2396.58s - 403.92s

Ray PERSON, you seriously have problems. Yeah. I mean, you have to know that, right? Look, that's,

Speaker 4403.96s - 406.12s

this is how things have been discovered in life. I mean, how did to know that, right? Look, this is how things are being discovered in life.

Speaker 2406.46s - 409.72s

I mean, how did they discover things? They did a little sniff.

Speaker 3410s - 411.38s

Behold, the Lord's anointed.

Speaker 4411.62s - 414.4s

They did a little sniff. How did they discover America GPE?

Speaker 0414.62s - 416.86s

They did a little sniff. They put everything in a bowl.

Speaker 3418.5s - 420.2s

How did they discover electricity?

Speaker 0421.42s - 424.64s

They did little sniff. Oh, Ray Comfort PERSON.

Speaker 2426.1s - 433.46s

Man, you are one of a kind. All right, friends. Here's a comment. This is from Joshua W. PERSON Laid back and rich and the good

Speaker 1433.46s - 438.1s

old practical stuff. Wow, I love that subject line, Joshua PERSON. I love the Living

Speaker 3438.1s - 442.44s

Waters podcast and ministry. This podcast is laid back in the sense that you can tell these men

Speaker 2442.44s - 455.88s

are truly doing life together outside of the ministry walls. The stuff I've heard would be hard to script. I love seeing God at work through you guys, and you always bring wisdom to practical issues believers need. Keep bringing God glory.

Speaker 4456.02s - 457.78s

We need to be laid back somewhere else.

Speaker 2459.06s - 466.32s

Hey, Joshua PERSON, W. Thank you so much. That's encouraging. And that's our aim to glorify the Lord. I hope we're doing it.

Speaker 6466.36s - 469.18s

Right to Oscar PERSON. He'll send you a free pack of tracks. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 2469.7s - 469.98s


Speaker 6470.16s - 470.32s


Speaker 2470.92s - 480.24s

Hold on. What did? What kind of sweatshirt is there? Oh, that's funny.

Speaker 4480.34s - 480.92s

What is it?

Speaker 0480.92s - 482.56s

What are you wearing? Made in God's image.

Speaker 4482.92s - 483.36s


Speaker 0483.7s - 485.12s

That is cool. Made in his image. Thank you. Where do you in God's image? Wow. That is cool, man.

Speaker 3485.12s - 486.04s

Made in his image. Yeah.

Speaker 0486.52s - 494.18s

Where do you get this funky stuff? This one was really cool, actually. It's this Christian NORP couple online who designed Christian's sweater.

Speaker 4494.18s - 499.08s

Wow. What's on the sleeve? Made in his image. Same thing. Oh, same thing. It's kind of in your face, isn't it?

Speaker 0499.1s - 500.78s

What's the website? That really caught me on the part.

Speaker 4501.02s - 502.3s

I don't remember.

Speaker 0502.48s - 505.9s

But if you Google search made in his image sweater, I'm sure it'll come up.

Speaker 1506.62s - 508.06s

Now, that must have been expensive

Speaker 4508.06s - 509.6s

because it's a lot of work on there.

Speaker 1509.7s - 510.2s

It was like $12.

Speaker 4510.8s - 511.1s


Speaker 0511.22s - 512.18s

It was a little more than $12.

Speaker 4512.54s - 513.76s

I have no idea. I don't remember how much.

Speaker 2513.76s - 515s

Yeah, it would be expensive

Speaker 4515s - 516.76s

because that's a lot of whatever they call up.

Speaker 2516.9s - 517.02s


Speaker 4517.54s - 519.56s

You seriously never cease to amaze me, Oscar PERSON.

Speaker 0519.72s - 519.98s

Thank you.

Speaker 4520.02s - 520.6s

With your style.

Speaker 2520.74s - 521.36s

That wasn't a compliment.

Speaker 4524.2s - 525.14s

I had a feeling.

Speaker 0526.28s - 527.68s

All right, friends.

Speaker 4527.8s - 529.12s

This podcast is brought to you.

Speaker 0529.18s - 533.82s

Banging the track sample pack.

Speaker 3534.34s - 535.56s

I can't talk today.

Speaker 1535.72s - 541.6s

Yeah, by far the best thing you can get if you're wondering what sort of track is best for you.

Speaker 3541.94s - 545.3s

Because we have all of our tracks, all of our booklets inside there,

Speaker 6549.26s - 549.38s

and you're able to really think through it, meditate through it, and this is the one for me.

Speaker 3549.72s - 549.8s

You know what?

Speaker 0550.6s - 550.66s

That's crazy, Mark PERSON.

Speaker 2555.48s - 559.18s

This is like one of those down-memory lane moments because I think I remember getting a track, unless I'm mixing it up, a track sample pack back before I even... Yeah, it was in an envelope.

Speaker 1559.34s - 559.98s

We used to have them...

Speaker 4559.98s - 564.28s

Yeah, it wasn't the one that had like the Superman PRODUCT type insignia? Yes, yeah, we put Superman PRODUCT.

Speaker 2564.52s - 566.78s

Well, Super Tracks PRODUCT. It was called Super Tracks. Yeah, we put Superman. Well, Super Tracks. It was called Super Tracks PRODUCT. Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 4567.06s - 568.06s

Yeah, I was sniffing it.

Speaker 2568.88s - 574.48s

It's one of the most exciting things that we do carry because you just spend an hour looking through all of them and reading them.

Speaker 6574.58s - 577.5s

And laughing and puzzles and all that.

Speaker 4577.5s - 585.64s

Yeah, no, those are, man, it really is good because it gives you, again, a taste of what we provide as far as tract to go and

Speaker 2585.64s - 591.1s

could stir you up. And look, it's not just to look at after you've looked at the ones that

Speaker 6591.1s - 595.88s

you like, go give them out and then order more. And they're easy to give out and people ask for more.

Speaker 2596.04s - 597.4s

Also gives them out too, not just easy.

Speaker 4598s - 600.6s

Yeah, sure. I get them out. Good point, Mark. Thank you. Good night, Mike.

Speaker 6600.74s - 604.28s

Yeah. No. Yeah, don't forget it, friends, the track sample back in a living water's mug,

Speaker 4604.28s - 605.86s

an evidence study Bible WORK_OF_ART, all that. Livingwaters. No. Yeah, don't forget it, friends, the track sample back in a Livingwater's mug, an evidence study Bible, all that.

Speaker 3606.32s - 608.3s


Speaker 6608.38s - 611.26s

Yeah, that's the arrogant livingwaters.com ORG.

Speaker 3611.56s - 612.4s

It worked out.

Speaker 6612.48s - 613.74s

They called resisted from heaven.

Speaker 3614.14s - 615.8s

Frank, I just called you Frank, Ray PERSON.

Speaker 2615.8s - 616.14s

It's okay.

Speaker 4616.28s - 617.16s

What is going to?

Speaker 2617.24s - 617.98s

I can handle it.

Speaker 4618.26s - 618.74s

Here's your brother.

Speaker 2618.74s - 619.56s

I don't feel rejected.

Speaker 3619.68s - 619.94s


Speaker 2620.4s - 623.44s

Ray PERSON, this whole sniffing thing, is this why you...

Speaker 4623.44s - 624.48s

You're still not over it?

Speaker 2624.5s - 625.88s

Yeah, I can't get over the sniffing thing.

Speaker 4626.44s - 631.22s

Is this why you once told a boy that the bottom of a swimming pool smells funny?

Speaker 2632.8s - 634.84s

I didn't think of what happened.

Speaker 4634.98s - 635.8s

You know what happened, Oscar PERSON?

Speaker 2635.8s - 636.26s

I don't know.

Speaker 4636.34s - 641.04s

I was in a swimming pool with about a 9-year-old kid who was just a little naive, nice kid.

Speaker 2641.64s - 648.14s

And I came up out of the water and looked at him and said boy funny smell on the bottom of this pool he disappeared and come up choking

Speaker 4648.14s - 657.52s

that is so terrible to do yeah right I did I tell you about the chocolate milk one no I had this friend

Speaker 6657.52s - 663.02s

she's a history teacher now but she calls me one day she's like leaving her college class she's

Speaker 0663.02s - 665.66s

like hey I have a question for you but I think it's kind of weird.

Speaker 6665.78s - 666.38s

Don't laugh.

Speaker 2666.38s - 667.26s

And I go, no, go ahead.

Speaker 6667.28s - 671.76s

I won't laugh. She goes, no, I don't want to ask you. I'm like, no, come on. Ask me, I won't laugh.

Speaker 0671.84s - 680.08s

She goes, okay, I know that like milk comes from cows, but where does chocolate milk come? And I go. Chocolate kale.

Speaker 2680.14s - 680.68s

Brown cows.

Speaker 1680.84s - 683.64s

She goes, I knew it, but I did it. And I just started.

Speaker 2684.64s - 688.56s

Wait, wait. I got her. I got her. Wait, wait. She was, I knew it, but I did it, and I just started that time. Wait, wait. I got her. I got her. Wait, wait. She was joking.

Speaker 4688.74s - 692.84s

No, sir. She's probably telling someone now he thought I took it seriously.

Speaker 3693.22s - 695s

Was it your ex-girlfriend that became your wife?

Speaker 2695.36s - 700.12s

No. Oh, man. That's funny. Brown cows. Brown cows. Yeah.

Speaker 4700.42s - 700.72s

All right.

Speaker 3700.8s - 701.16s


Speaker 2701.16s - 708.28s

Great name for chocolate milk. Brown cow chocolate milk. How now brown cow chocolate milk? That would work. All right, Frayam. A great name for chocolate milk, brown cow chocolate milk. How now Brown Cow Chocolate Milk? That would work.

Speaker 3709s - 712.32s

All right, friends, today we are dealing with the topic,

Speaker 2712.54s - 722.08s

how to guide a prodigal back to the Lord. Ray, you know, for years... You're a prodigal. What joke you back?

Speaker 1724.56s - 737.34s

You're still a prodigal. Wow, Mark is on today. That was quick. Ray, obviously you have for years talked about how oftentimes the church makes the mistake of

Speaker 2740.1s - 745.24s

affirming those who don't really know the Lord as those who do know the Lord, but they're just backslidden.

Speaker 4745.82s - 748.24s

You haven't slid forward in the first place. Explain that.

Speaker 2748.44s - 751.26s

Well, there are tears among the wheat, foolish virgins, among the wise.

Speaker 4751.32s - 772.64s

And we deal with this. And true and false conversion, a lot of people say, oh, he knew the Lord, but then he went out and murdered his grandmother eight times or something like this. This is a bit of an exaggeration. But you will know them by their fruits. And Judas PERSON was never a believer. And Jesus said, one of you is a devil.That's a little clue that Judas PERSON wasn't genuine. And there are a lot of people in Judas PERSON's category. They never see Jesus PERSON for who he is.

Speaker 1773.48s - 787.24s

And so they make a commitment, make a decision, and never bring forth fruits that are worthy of repentance. Usually because they haven't seen the sin in its true light. So we call backsliders, backsliders, when they're not really backsliders because they didn't slide forward in the first place.

Speaker 5787.36s - 793.3s

They're false converts, spurious converts, of which the Bible WORK_OF_ART speaks very clearly in the parable is soar.

Speaker 2793.74s - 796.94s

That's good, Ray PERSON. Sounds like you've said that once or twice before.

Speaker 4796.94s - 802.4s

I was thinking the prodigal some thing is being seen from a slightly different direction,

Speaker 1802.58s - 805.18s

like the first prodigal was Adam PERSON.

Speaker 4806.82s - 808.36s

Adam PERSON didn't realize

Speaker 1808.36s - 809.68s

what he had.

Speaker 4810.2s - 811.78s

There's a famous song from the 60s

Speaker 6811.78s - 813.44s

that you don't know what you've got till it's gone.

Speaker 5814.1s - 814.56s

Sing it.

Speaker 1815.06s - 815.84s

No, no.

Speaker 4815.96s - 818.44s

I can. You can't. Yes, he can watch.

Speaker 3819.02s - 821.66s

You don't know what you got until it's gone.

Speaker 4822.58s - 824.06s

Like the friend you had

Speaker 6824.06s - 826.36s

named Deasy from Lebanon.

Speaker 3828.04s - 828.36s


Speaker 6828.54s - 829.64s

It was actually a song.

Speaker 3831.34s - 831.84s


Speaker 4831.84s - 832.74s

Mark PERSON, I like that one.

Speaker 6833.32s - 833.96s

Thank you, Mark PERSON.

Speaker 4834.1s - 834.94s

That was a really good screech.

Speaker 0835.24s - 836.08s

But it was really

Speaker 4836.08s - 838.86s

the Adam PERSON didn't know what he had

Speaker 0838.86s - 839.6s

until it was gone.

Speaker 3839.7s - 841.7s

When he fell, he realized what he'd given up.

Speaker 0841.78s - 843.2s

And it was the same with the prodigal son.

Speaker 4843.34s - 846.24s

He had a relationship with a father that he didn't appreciate.

Speaker 0846.8s - 851.3s

And it's just reminding me as I was thinking of this this morning, how we used to have a

Speaker 1851.3s - 851.68s

bird aviary.

Speaker 4851.78s - 867.36s

It was more complex than the one we've got now. I had a bird aviary in which we had tame birds in a cage that we could see through this window which had a reflective, reflective glass on it, so the birds didn't know we were looking at them. We watched birds that didn't know we were looking at them. We watched birds that didn't realize we were watching.

Speaker 2867.4s - 867.94s

I remember that.

Speaker 4868.02s - 893.06s

But on the outside, there were wild birds that would come in and eat, they get the food and that. And I often thought, how do my birds that are captive feel about the wild birds? They sometimes look at the sky and think, oh, I wish I could be free.Or look at the trees and think, oh, those birds, those wild birds out there are up and the trees doing their own thing. One day something happened that changed my mind about the whole thing.

Speaker 5893.38s - 902.06s

And it was horrific. A hawk came sweeping down, grabbed one of those wild birds, and I heard a scream, a whale from the bird I'd never, ever want to hear again.

Speaker 0902.14s - 918.52s

It was just horrific. It was this little screech of terror. And I ran around to try and rescue it because the bird just had never ever want to hear again. It was just terrific. It was this little screech of terror. And I ran around to try and rescue it because the bird just had it and it hooks holding it like that and I was just going to pick it. And it just off it flew and I saw it flying off and I came back and thought, I wonder what my tame birds are thinking now.

Speaker 1919.44s - 927.66s

I wonder if this is not a prison. This is a protection. Wow. And that's exactly how the Christian NORP kid feels about his parents,

Speaker 5927.96s - 932.46s

telling him what he can't do. You can't do this, you can't do that, you can't be free to do this like the world.

Speaker 4932.92s - 938.26s

It's not a prison you're in, Christian NORP home. It's a protection for you because you go ahead 20 years

Speaker 1938.26s - 941.4s

and look at those wild birds, those wild kids,

Speaker 0941.48s - 951.32s

and there's abortions, there's suicides, there's alcoholism, there's drug addiction, there's premature deaths because they're out doing their own thing and are not on the confines

Speaker 1951.32s - 976.38s

of a Christian NORP home. So you don't know what you've got until it's gone and that's what the prodigal son, the revelation he had as he sat in that pigsty. I didn't know what I had when I was under my father's protection and that's when he said even my father's servants have got it better than me. I'll go back to my protection. And that's when he said, even my father's servants have got it better than me. I'll go back to my father. And so it's a wonderful type of just realizingwhat Adam PERSON had and what he fell, what he fell from, and us realizing what we've got ahead of us. Wow.

Speaker 2976.62s - 978.44s

Man, Ray PERSON, that's really, that's really...

Speaker 4978.44s - 1002.8s

We need to let Ray PERSON speak more. Yeah, Ray PERSON, speak more, Ray. Speak more, Ray PERSON. Yeah, you know, Ray PERSON, when you were talking about that, not realizing what you have in the regret, you know, it just made me think of, like,certain men who've committed adultery, you know, and they go out and they chase some woman that's just dazzling to them. And then they do whatever they do, and then they look back and they realize. She takes makeup off.Yeah. Sees what he got.

Speaker 21002.8s - 1011.48s

But they realize how amazing their wife was. This woman who was loyal to them for 20, 30 years, who took care of them, who was, oh, man.

Speaker 41011.74s - 1030.16s

There's a testimony in the evidence Bible WORK_OF_ART of a guy that committed adultery. He said, I didn't realize what I had. And he says, this is what I've got after I committed adultery. A wife that doesn't love me. Kids that are brats. And he just went on this huge list of what he had given up and what he had got throughone act of adultery.

Speaker 21030.24s - 1032.72s

For momentary, selfish pleasure, you know.

Speaker 41033.2s - 1053.36s

And then, you know, even like the woman who committed, you know, the woman who had an abortion, you know, and she bought into the lie that it's just, it's your choice. And, you know, the, first of all, the trauma that, the psychological trauma that results from that is real and serious. But later on, she can't have kids and she's looking at little children thinking, I murdered my own child and I can't.You know what I mean?

Speaker 11053.48s - 1107.12s

Like that, not realizing what you had, you know, it's huge. But, Mark PERSON, I think we need to take a look at the whole prodigal realm, I think, from two different standpoints. And we don't want to confuse things. So, you know, there is the prodigal who's a genuine believer who can stray, but yet it is broken over their sin. Like we saw David PERSON, he strayed. He was a man after God's own heart, and he foolishly strayed, but he ended up coming back. Then you have the prodigals who are notsaved. And today we want to talk about how do you go after either of those, you know? But I think it may be good at this juncture to just speak to eternal security. Because I know immediately when these things come up, spot of times believers who are genuine believers begin to freak out. We do want to address those who are consoling themselves at their believers with the living in sin. But for those who are genuine, speak to eternal security, Mark PERSON, how important that is.

Speaker 61107.12s - 1140.84s

You know, in scripture, I think it's a sermon on the Mount, when there's going to be people that are going to recognize Jesus PERSON as Lord, and he's going to say, depart from me, you work of iniquity, I never knew you. That cannot be the case if at one point he actually knew you. Yeah. Right.So this right there speaks of, if you're saved, you're always saved. We like maybe a slightly better terminology like that. Yeah. That if you are a child of God, you can't, you can no longer become a non-child of God.

Speaker 01140.94s - 1145.1s

That God is going to protect you. He's going to hedge around you. The angel of the Lord

Speaker 11145.1s - 1151.22s

encampuses around those who fears him and he sings songs of deliverance. We take a refuge under the

Speaker 01151.22s - 1191.36s

shadow of his wing that he is going to lead you until that day of salvation when you are ultimately led to the beam of seat. That is a done deal. Romans 8 talks about for the believer that not only is he justified and sanctified, set apart for holy work, but it also talks about for the believer that not only is he justified and sanctified, set apart for holy work, but it also talks about being glorified, as in a past tense way, that the believer is already glorified in one sense, in that it's a done deed, that our names are written in heaven, and there's no eraser strong enough that can eliminate us from God's presenceand from his book. That's very important to know. This is a beautiful thing to come to grips with

Speaker 11191.36s - 1195.68s

because when you come to grips with the fact that nothing can separate me from God,

Speaker 61196.2s - 1230.5s

that when I mess up, he didn't go anywhere. Right? Fellowship can be broken for sure. And this is why it's like, come. Confess your sins to the Lord. 1 John 1.9 was written to the believer, not the non-believer. If we confess our sins, he's faithful and just to forgive us of our sins and to cleanse us of all in righteousness.Right. We strayed, you know, from the path. And I think a really good picture of that, and I was just reading today inside of John PERSON's gospel when Jesus washes the feet of the apostles. And Peter PERSON pipes up, and he says, listen, you know,

Speaker 21230.5s - 1236.2s

don't wash my... Peter Pipes. I was waiting for Peter Piper PERSON. He picked a pickled peppers.

Speaker 41236.6s - 1245.12s

Pickled peppers? Pickled. And he didn't want to be washed, right?

Speaker 61245.18s - 1248.9s

And Jesus PERSON said, no, if I don't do this, then you have no part with me.

Speaker 21248.94s - 1249.9s

And he goes, well, then my whole body.

Speaker 11250.22s - 1252.18s

But Jesus PERSON says something very interesting there.

Speaker 61252.2s - 1256.12s

And he says, your whole body doesn't need to be clean, right?

Speaker 21256.36s - 1258.64s

That they're already clean by the word which he's spoken.

Speaker 11259.14s - 1263.56s

The metaphor here is, listen, sometimes you walk in places where you shouldn't walk.

Speaker 61263.72s - 1266.76s

And sometimes our feet just get dirty.

Speaker 11267.18s - 1270.22s

And you don't need to be re-baptized, if you would.

Speaker 61270.48s - 1273.02s

You just need to have a good cleansing.

Speaker 21273.48s - 1274.68s

You just need to kind of come back.

Speaker 61274.76s - 1279.9s

So the beautiful aspect of this is your sin is not greater than your Redeemer.

Speaker 21280.18s - 1281.9s

Your Redeemer is greater than your past.

Speaker 61282.2s - 1284.36s

And you just need to kind of come to your senses.

Speaker 21285.24s - 1287.76s

We will continually battle with sin until the day we die.

Speaker 61288s - 1293.54s

And this is why we have an advocate who stands before the Father, whoever lives, to make intercession for us.

Speaker 21293.54s - 1294.76s

Amen. Well articulated, Mark PERSON.

Speaker 61295s - 1295.2s


Speaker 11295.38s - 1296.38s

Ray PERSON, I want you to touch on something.

Speaker 61296.5s - 1297.68s

Then Oscar PERSON, I want to come back to you.

Speaker 11298.26s - 1303.62s

Ray, I want you to kind of elaborate a little bit on what Mark PERSON cited that you often say.

Speaker 61303.62s - 1304.2s

Oh, I wasn't listening.

Speaker 11304.62s - 1307.96s

Yeah, I know you weren't listening, so I'm going to bring you up to speed.

Speaker 61309.3s - 1310.36s

I know you weren't.

Speaker 11310.52s - 1315.98s

You know, there's the whole once saved, always saved, but you phrase it in a way that I love,

Speaker 21316.24s - 1317.86s

if saved, always saved.

Speaker 41317.92s - 1325.7s

Just clarify that, would you? Hey, listener.

Speaker 01326.04s - 1386.02s

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Speaker 41387.42s - 1436.02s

The genuine convert puts his hand to the plower and doesn't look back, Luke 962. And it really comes back to why did you come to Christ? And sorry to fall back on this analogy, but if you put a parachute on to escape the jump that's to come, you'll never take it off. It doesn't matter what goes on on the plane, if it gets turbulence, if all sorts of fun things happen, you're not going to take that parachute off. It's prioritized to stay on your back. And the Bible WORK_OF_ART says, put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and we put on the Lord Jesus Christto escape the wrath to come. That's what Thessalonian tells us. Thessonians NORP tells us, even Jesus who saves us from wrath to come. So as long as I know I'm going to have to pass through death, and it could happen at any moment, there's no way I'm going to take off the Lord Jesus Christ.

Speaker 01436.18s - 1443.26s

It's a ridiculous thought, and we've often said to each other, someone came up with an 18-wheeled,

Speaker 41443.26s - 1446.98s

a trail load of diamonds and said, you can have the whole lot, if you turn you back on Christ

Speaker 51446.98s - 1474.28s

I'd spit on those diamonds I'd say take those stupid pieces of glass away from you. I'm not even interested and Paul PERSON said the same thing you know that we might have Christtreasure in earthen vessels the life source dwells within us so the genuine convert puts his hand to the plow doesn't even look back.The false convert is like Lot PERSON's wife. She just gazed back at the world. And so if the world has any pleasure for you, if something's wrong.

Speaker 21475.46s - 1475.68s

Yeah, it's so good.

Speaker 41478.48s - 1478.6s

You know, 1 John 219 WORK_OF_ART, easy.

Speaker 61480.72s - 1481.28s

Obviously, you have like the whole Bible WORK_OF_ART memorized.

Speaker 21482.98s - 1483.46s

But it says they went out from us.

Speaker 41484.26s - 1484.32s

They were not of us.

Speaker 21485s - 1489.62s

For if they had been of us, they would have continued with us. But they went out that they might be made manifest

Speaker 11489.62s - 1501.18s

that none of them were of us. So they left us, but they never really left us because they were never really with us. Right. And it just demonstrates where their heart truly was at. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 21501.7s - 1506.76s

Yeah. And then Oscar PERSON, you have the prodigal that does know the Lord,

Speaker 61507.38s - 1538.38s

and yet they, in a moment of weakness, strayed, sinned, you know, gave in to the lust of the flesh. Galatians NORP makes it clear that the flesh and the spirit are at war with one another. That's why Paul PERSON says, I say then walk in the spirit, you will not fulfill the less of the flesh. But there are those prodigals that are genuine believers and that have strayed. What do you say to them? What do you say about that? And how do we

Speaker 01538.38s - 1542.54s

reach them? Yeah, that's really good. You know what it's like? It's like I used to have these birds

Speaker 11542.54s - 1551.2s

that I've got. No, that I've, man, I've had a number of

Speaker 21551.2s - 1577.38s

conversations. I've walked with a few people who I think would fall into that category and I've seen some beautiful redemptive work in them. And I think one of the things, you know, we talk often about evangelism and apologetics. I think sometimes our approach to evangelism and apologetics focuses so much on truth and goodness as it should. And what I mean by that is like the scriptures tell us that there's three things.You can categorize three things about God.

Speaker 01577.7s - 1594.46s

Truth, beauty, and goodness. And I think in apologetics, we often depend on truth as we should. We often depend on goodness, the virtues that are offered through the gospel as we should. But often in our attempt at apologetics

Speaker 51594.46s - 1601.26s

and evangelism, we forget about the beauty, the beauty of the gospel, the affection and the love

Speaker 11601.26s - 1655.34s

that we have for the Lord. And it reminds me of Thomas Chalmers PERSON quote. He says, the love of the world cannot be expunged by a mere demonstration of the world's worthlessness. In other words, like simply to look at the world and go, it's ugly, it's bad, it's terrible. Repent, repent, repent. Thomas Chalmers PERSON says, we need to do more than that. He says, but may it not be supplanted by the love of that which is more worthy than itself. In other words, what Chalmers PERSON says, we need to do more than that. He says, but may it not be supplanted by the love of that which is more worthy than itself. In other words, what Chalmers PERSON is telling us is that we need to movepeople from an affection of the world, not just by reminding them about how worthless it is, but also to remind them of the beauty that we find in the glory that we find in the love of God. In other words, we need to turn them from seeing the things of the, that we find in the glory that we find in the love of God. In other words, we need to turn them from seeing the things of the world and remind them of the love that they have with God. And this is key.

Speaker 01657s - 1730.62s

Ultimately, why people go astray, oftentimes they'll think it's an issue of the head. You know, well, I just started thinking about the ineriancy of Scripture WORK_OF_ART. Well, I just started thinking about this. Well, I started thinking about that. And that's when my faith started to wobble. But actually, our wobbly faith is an issue of the heart, not the head.I love Keller PERSON. He says, like, every year he's got college students that goes off the college. And then every Easter break or summer, they come back. And inevitably, one of them will text them and say, hey, I need to talk. You know, I'm struggling in my faith.And he would sit down. And the guy would talk about the inerency of scripture, the problem evil. And Keller PERSON would just go, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. And when he was done, he goes, so who are you sleeping with? You know, and the point that he was making is that, like, our uncertainty,our lack of affection for God starts with a new affection. What we need to do is point people's hearts back to the glory of God, replace one affection with a greater affection so that there's a new fervor and a new love, a re-reminder, restore to me the joy of my salvation. Yeah.Right? Yeah.

Speaker 21731.02s - 1767.36s

Yeah, that's so key. And oftentimes there is that kind of turning from, but not a turning to. And we need to magnify the beauty of who the Lord is. need to magnify the beauty of who the Lord is. You know, I think sometimes when it comes to the prodigal who is within the confines of the church, okay, let's put aside whether or not they're genuinely converted or not, but they have publicly and openly identified with the church. I think that one of the biggest tragedies in the church today is the church does not

Speaker 61767.36s - 1772.56s

practice church discipline. And you're raising a very good point on the importance of church membership.

Speaker 21772.96s - 1802.78s

Yeah, exactly, because how can you discipline someone who isn't an official member of your church? Because if someone hasn't taken that step to make it official in the sense that, like, we can get away, people get so caught up in the, where does the Bible WORK_OF_ART say to sign a piece of paper, right? It's not about signing the piece of paper. It's not about the written documentation. It's, the bottom line is, is it's about a clear confirmationthat you are under the authority of that church.

Speaker 01802.88s - 1817.96s

It's for your safety. Yeah, it's for your safety. It's for the health of the church. But if that isn't done, who knows who's really a part of that church? Because someone can simply say, oh, hey, we're, you know, we have to put you under church discipline.Oh, this isn't, I don't call it. This isn't really my church. I've just been visiting for 30 years.

Speaker 11818.26s - 1825s

You know what I mean? So, but I think that the church is, the church is in trouble

Speaker 01825.68s - 1860.26s

because it doesn't practice true church discipline. And people hear church discipline, they think it sounds so harsh. We're actually walking through a church discipline situation right now with a former pastor. And we reached out to other pastors for counsel to do this well.And one of the guys said something so good. He said, church discipline is like you saying, hey, we want you back. We want you here. Here's the process. And we are not going to stop pursuing you,but you might stop accepting that pursuit.

Speaker 11860.52s - 1883.76s

And when you stop accepting that pursuit, we are going to recognize it. So it's not like church discipline we think of as like, we are going to recognize it. So it's not like church discipline we think of as like, we're pushing this guy out. No, man, it's it's pursuing them. Yeah. But the disciplinary process lays out, uh, lays out something for them to either accept or reject on their own behalf. Yeah. Yeah. And, and, you know, we want to look at some of those

Speaker 21883.76s - 1888.1s

passages like, like, you know like Matthew 18 LAW and 1st Corinthians 5

Speaker 01888.1s - 1890.12s

and 2nd Thessalonians 3.

Speaker 21890.24s - 1898.66s

But Ray PERSON, the church has a coddling problem. Wouldn't you say? They coddle sinners who are coddling their sin.

Speaker 41899.32s - 1921.26s

Yeah, because a lot of churches, it just sounds terrible to say. Even have pastors that are false prophets, false converts. We can accept that there are tears among the wheat and foolish virgins among the wise and bad fish among the good within the pews, but when we talk about them being in the pulpits, then it becomes really, it's almost unbelievable that someone could get in a pulpit and not be soundly

Speaker 11921.26s - 1925.46s

saved, but there are. And they don't have church discipline because they don't fear God,

Speaker 41925.52s - 1944.46s

they don't see sin in its true light. They don't really care about people. So there's that problem. Our churches are full of false converts and so are our pulpits. Just changing the subject very slightly. Well, it's erratically changed.I was thinking about the prodigal son and his older brother wasn't tempted to run away from his father.

Speaker 11945.2s - 1949.88s

I was just wondering why, because Jesus PERSON brings, in the parabolic son, it comes back to the

Speaker 41949.88s - 1961.06s

oldest son that's rounded off. And I wonder if there's something there that could be thought of. Were you a firstborn easy? No, you weren't.

Speaker 21961.2s - 1961.94s

I was the last.

Speaker 41962.84s - 1963.28s


Speaker 21963.5s - 1963.7s


Speaker 41964s - 1964.32s


Speaker 21964.32s - 1964.92s


Speaker 41964.92s - 1965.74s

You're the oldest? I am Firstborn. You're the oldest?

Speaker 21966s - 1967.72s

I am the oldest. I'm not the oldest.

Speaker 41967.72s - 1977.74s

I'm not the oldest. Because we treated our oldest different than we treated our youngest. When it came to photos, we took thousand photos of Jacob when he was first born and Jacob and Daniel PERSON didn't get any.

Speaker 21977.96s - 1980.26s

It's the opposite to me. Really? Rachel and Daniel PERSON?

Speaker 41980.4s - 1982.32s

Did I tell you this? I'm still

Speaker 01982.32s - 1982.9s

on my point.

Speaker 21984.54s - 1985.48s

Fair, fair.

Speaker 01986.64s - 1989.6s

But yeah, we also disciplined our oldest

Speaker 11989.6s - 1991.56s

more than we did our youngest.

Speaker 21991.9s - 1993.24s

And it was because the eldest

Speaker 11993.24s - 1996.14s

would say to the youngest, don't do that.

Speaker 21996.3s - 1997.32s

You're going to get in trouble.

Speaker 11998.06s - 2001.4s

So did you find it different

Speaker 22001.4s - 2003.92s

to be a younger kid than your older brother?

Speaker 42004.2s - 2007.14s

Yeah, I had four other disciplinarians besides

Speaker 32007.14s - 2011.14s

my parents. Oh, really? Well, yeah, especially in the Arab NORP culture, you know, anyone can basically

Speaker 52011.14s - 2015.82s

tell you all your neighbor can discipline you almost. Seriously? Yeah, it's pretty interesting

Speaker 32015.82s - 2023.66s

in how the Arab NORP culture works, you know, but, but yeah, I mean, it definitely, um, it had its

Speaker 52023.66s - 2026.32s

different, uh, I guess, pros and cons.

Speaker 32026.66s - 2027.86s

But, but yeah.

Speaker 22028.6s - 2030.84s

Oscar PERSON was going to say something, and I carry on saying nothing.

Speaker 42031.2s - 2032.18s

More humorous.

Speaker 22032.98s - 2036.92s

It was the opposite for me because I was a, I mean, my mom was a teenager when she had me.

Speaker 42037.58s - 2042.32s

And then when I got older, like, you know, the oldest is normally one that gets all the attention.

Speaker 22042.32s - 2045.18s

But then my mom had triplet sisters when I was 13,

Speaker 42045.26s - 2047.92s

triplet girls when I was 13 years old.

Speaker 22047.92s - 2048.18s


Speaker 02048.34s - 2051.08s

And we have like maybe five pictures of me.

Speaker 42051.08s - 2065.72s

So you became an all event. Yeah. My sisters have photo albums and videos and we got none of that. And then we always give my mom a hard time because we noticed one day that her, one of her social media accounts was like, mother of three

Speaker 02066.92s - 2070.52s

and we're like mom you have four kids.

Speaker 22071.58s - 2073.82s

Yeah but you don't really count Oscar PERSON.

Speaker 02074s - 2101.76s

Yeah, yeah. It was pretty funny. All right. So Mark PERSON, I want you to speak to this. This is an example of how you deal with a prodigal in scripture. This is 1st Corinthians 5 and in verse 1. It says,it is actually reported that there is sexual immorality among you and such sexual immorality as is not even named among the Gentiles that a man has his father's wife, obviously his stepmother, and you are puffed up and have not rather mourned

Speaker 22101.76s - 2132.52s

that he who has done this deed might be taken away from among you. And Mark PERSON, this is where, in fact, I think that sometimes, because so much of the church is by and large, biblically illiterate, if you were to read this to someone and not tell them it's from the Bible in today's contemporary church, they'd be like, what? Put someone from the church, but that's where they get love. And that's what, no, you don't remove someone from the church. What do you say to this?

Speaker 62133.48s - 2150.38s

Yeah, well, let not sexual immorality be mentioned even among you, right? First, we got to be careful with course jesting and what we watch and what we joke about. You know, all of those things are so very important. Matt Schmucker PERSON, he said, sin in the church left unaddressed.

Speaker 12155.04s - 2165.9s

It hurts our evangelism, leaves the proud unchecked, confuses young believers, hardens the unrepentant, and worst of all, it brings shame on the name of Christ PERSON. I was visiting a church two weeks ago, and I was talking one of the pastors about church discipline for his own daughter.

Speaker 02171.52s - 2171.64s

And he kept him referring to church discipline as a grace, as a grace.

Speaker 12171.84s - 2205.04s

Yeah. And we don't do that typically. Church discipline is not a grace. It's a harsh decision. It's a harsh word. It's an embarrassing act in front of the church body.No, it's a grace. We want to protect the sheep, but we obviously want to protect embarrassing act in front of the church body. No, it's a grace. We want to protect the sheep, but we obviously want to protect the sheep in light of all the sheep. If we're going to err on the side of grace, we err on the side of the grace towards the multitudes, right? We give people a chance to repent, and if they don't repent, the most loving thing you can do is you hand them over to Satan for a season so that their bodies are buffeted.

Speaker 62206.76s - 2206.84s

That Satan can do what he wants.

Speaker 12209.72s - 2245.38s

Now, bear in mind that even Satan has a leash on them at all times. Right? There's only so much that can take place and happen. But the most loving thing we can do is to deal with sin graciously inside of somebody's life.But we're not there to make fun of someone. You know, all sorts of things are in steps are put in place so that it doesn't have to go before the church. Matthew 18 LAW, you know, you go to them first by yourself. They're not listening. They're not receiving what you say. Well, then you bring another brother with you or two people with you. They don't receive that. You go to the elders. The elders are trying to deal with it. The elders can't get through. Then you bring it before the church. So that the rest fear respectfully.

Speaker 02246.86s - 2278.88s

You know, you look through the Old Testament WORK_OF_ART. I think one of the problems is that when we talk about discipline, we relate it to the experience that we may have had growing up as kids. You know, when I was disciplined, I was disciplined out of anger. You know, my mom or a stepdad would try to discipline me out of anger, out of wrath from their own flesh. And that's not a discipline you're thankful for.But when you look at the Old Testament, any time the Lord goes to his people in a disciplinary manner, you know what happens after? They praise him.

Speaker 12279.18s - 2284.6s

They thank him for keeping his covenant, for pursuing them, for putting them on the right path.

Speaker 02284.6s - 2300.2s

And so church discipline ultimately is our opportunity to come a lot of. thank him for keeping his covenant, for pursuing them, for putting them on the right path. And so church discipline ultimately is our opportunity to come alongside and act as the hand of discipline of the Lord, to do it in a way that, again, invites them into repentance, invites them back into the grace of God.

Speaker 62300.32s - 2301.32s

What's that text, easy?

Speaker 02301.56s - 2303.22s

Open rebuke is better than love, quietly.

Speaker 22303.34s - 2307.84s

Yeah, I can't remember the reference. Yeah, probably is for the good. Yeah,

Speaker 02307.84s - 2312.54s

but Ray, that's such a good point, Oscar PERSON, and I want to correlate this with the Lord

Speaker 62312.54s - 2317.6s

in terms of what discipline is for and it's love. But Ray, in Hebrews 12 LAW,

Speaker 22318.18s - 2322.38s

says, it's quoting again in Old Testament WORK_OF_ART, and you have forgotten the exhortation,

Speaker 62322.38s - 2326.66s

which speaks to you as to sons, my son do not despise the chastening of the Lord,

Speaker 22326.96s - 2357.76s

nor be discouraged when you are rebuked by him. For whom the Lord loves, he chastens, and scourges every son whom he receives. If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons, for what son is there whom a father does not chasten or discipline? But if you're without chastening or discipline,of which all have become partakers, and you are illegitimate and not sons. I mean, this is talking about the discipline of the Lord have become partakers and you are illegitimate and not sons. I mean, this is talking about the discipline of the Lord. It's an extension of God's love. And by virtue of that very fact, discipline is also the extension of God's love to his straying people through the church.

Speaker 42362.4s - 2388.52s

Absolutely. I just like to bounce off what Oscar PERSON was saying about discipline. It's almost nervous to say it even on a Christian NORP program, but spear the rod and spoil the child. I had a revelation when we first had our kids. I read, I think it was Deird of Discipline WORK_OF_ART by James Dobsonand it was either him or someone else talked about not using your hand to chasing your kid. This is the hand that loves. If you've got a little stick that you can hit around the areathat was designed for that very purpose,

Speaker 12389.4s - 2411.82s

that is not your hand hitting them. It's the rod that they fear, not your hand. And I thought it was a great point. And the other thing, the reason I didn't want to mention is because I read where it's important if you discipline a child in love without anger,you should make them cry because that releases their anger. And I remember when I disciplined our oldest like that,

Speaker 42411.86s - 2415.5s

he said something to his mom that he shouldn't say. I said, you're in trouble. Go it and just

Speaker 02415.5s - 2422.58s

bent over the bed and really quick. It was last week? No, this was the week before. And he cried.

Speaker 22423.12s - 2428.36s

And then I came back five minutes later with a clean ex and wiped his tears and we had a hug.

Speaker 02429.28s - 2431.56s

And we went back and I began doing the dishes.

Speaker 22432.02s - 2439.3s

And he sat at the table and he started writing. And I said, what are you writing? And I turned his paper around and it says, I love my dad. Whoa.

Speaker 52439.56s - 2440.48s

This is one of your kids?

Speaker 22440.58s - 2441.12s

Yes, Jacob.

Speaker 42441.58s - 2442.16s


Speaker 22442.3s - 2443.1s

Yeah. That's amazing.

Speaker 42443.1s - 2466.92s

And it really shows that if you discipline in love, the kid knows that you're setting boundaries, that you love them enough to discipline them. So it's not, it's a discipline, a correction. You want to correct the child and say you can't do this. Because if I let you say that to your mom, it's going to get worse as you get older. And I often say, if you don't get them when they're little, you're going to lose them when they're older.

Speaker 22467.98s - 2468.28s

Wow, it's so good.

Speaker 42470.42s - 2474.46s

And yeah, and that's, again, the whole thing, Mark, you've cited a few things from 1st Corinthians 5 EVENT,

Speaker 22474.52s - 2525.12s

but yeah, I mean, Paul PERSON talks about giving such a one over to Satan, right? And the whole purpose is for their sake, for the sake of the church. He talks in there about, you know, removing the leaven from among you. A little leaven, leavens a whole lump. There's influence. There's impact.The church sees, oh, they're permitted to live in that sin. Well, I guess I can too. Versus that chastening that says, no, we love you, you know. Matthew 18 LAW is another passage, of course, if your brother sins against you and they're unrepentant, you come to them, they don't listen, you bring one or two more, they don't listen, you take them to the church,they don't listen, then you put them out of the church in the sense that it says, but if he refuses even to hear the church, let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector. In other words, you don't associate with them now in the same way that you would, someone who is a full member of the body of Christ.

Speaker 42525.24s - 2528.24s

And that's because you care about them. You don't want to give them a false sense of security.

Speaker 22528.4s - 2533.32s

Everything's fine. You're calling them to repentance. You're letting them sense the discomfort of

Speaker 42533.32s - 2538.6s

being outside of the covering of the church and the communion of God's people, all out of love.

Speaker 12538.88s - 2542.32s

Listen to what Jonathan Lehman PERSON said in his book, what are the standards for membership?

Speaker 22543.2s - 2545.5s

He said, by abstaining from

Speaker 62545.5s - 2563.22s

discipline, we claim that we love better than God does. And here's the full context of that. It says the underlying purpose and every act of discipline, of course, well, it must be love. Love for the individual, love for the church, love for the watching world, love for Christ PERSON.

Speaker 12563.88s - 2566.62s

God, after all, disciplines the one he loves,

Speaker 62566.7s - 2574.44s

and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son. By abstaining from discipline, we claim that we love better than God. Wow.

Speaker 22574.54s - 2584.1s

Repent. Ooh, that is one of the best quotes I've ever heard on that. I mean, really, it's crazy to think of the statements we make by our actions or inactions, right?

Speaker 02584.52s - 2587.48s

About God and about how we

Speaker 12587.48s - 2593.94s

know better, because that's ultimately what it is. And there's this golden calf of an idol that the

Speaker 02593.94s - 2601.82s

modern church bows before, and I call it the golden calf of, it works. Pregantism. It works, right? I mean,

Speaker 62601.86s - 2638.98s

hey, this is, you know, we excommunicated someone once and just didn't go over well, this and that, but, you know, we just let this guy stick around, and hey, he ended up repenting. Look, don't be foolish. Don't ever try to, try to substitute God's ways with what you think works, because I guarantee you in a thousand other ways it did not work. It was harmful to the church, and it was rebellion against God. it was dishonoring to the Lord and His Word. And so you have to really be careful with that. And, you know, Paul goes on in 1st Corinthians 5 EVENT, again, he says, I wrote to you in my epistle not to keep company with sexually immoral people, yet I certainly did not mean with the sexually immoral people of this world, or with the coveches

Speaker 12638.98s - 2643.44s

or extortioners or idolaters, since then you would need to go out of the world. But now I've written to

Speaker 22643.44s - 2735.2s

you not to keep company with anyone named a brother who is sexually immoral or covetous or an idolater or a violer or a drunkard or an extortion or not even to eat with such a person. I mean, scripture is clear here, and this is talking about, again, the person who clearly, objectively identifies with the body,everyone would look and say, oh yeah, that guy's a Christian NORP, he belongs to this church, and they're living in open sin and rebellion against God. We're not to carry on with them as though everything's normal and fine, not to even eat, which means to have fellowship with that person. And so these things are huge and important, and we have to think about it. But we're also called to go after those, right, that have strayed from the Lord.And, you know, in Second Thessalonians 3, Paul PERSON talks about it. He says, but we command you, brethren, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ PERSON, that you withdraw from every brother who walks disorderly and not according to the tradition which you receive from us. And then at the end, he says that they are to not count him as an enemy, but to admonish him as a brother. So there is that heart of like going after someone, not in a manner of animosity, but with the hope that, hey, if this is a brother, we want to win him back. We want to have theattitude that this, he was amongst us. He's not acting like a brother. We hope he's one. We want to try to draw him back in and not treat him like an enemy. Call him to repentance, show him care. But let the discipline do its work. When you remove someone from the church, it doesn't mean when you see him,

Speaker 32735.26s - 2744.94s

you just snarl at him and you idiot, you know. But you let the discipline do its work. And then you just, hey, man, get right with the Lord. We plead with you. You're destroying your life.

Speaker 22751.5s - 2759.5s

Take the clean X to them. right exactly right and uh and reach them reach them with the love of the lord in that way and so yeah and then let's not forget um galatians uh 5 1 6 1 which says

Speaker 12759.5s - 2801.1s

brethren you know what i'm gonna discipline all you guys for this nonsense. But, brethren, if a man is overtaken in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness, considering yourself lest you also be tempted. Mark PERSON. You make me sick. You don't have to read that.You just have that memorized. But Mark PERSON, really, though, the importance of remembering that as we're pursuing those, especially those who are repentant, because sometimes, sadly, those in the church treat those who are repentant as if though they're still in sin. Like they condemn them and they're harsh toward them.

Speaker 62801.3s - 2842.1s

The gentleness. How important is it? As far as the east is from the west, he removes our sins from us. When somebody is quick to confess and to repent, we need to be quick to move forward. It's just God's grace that that wasn't us and that sin wasn't our sin. So when somebody is genuinely, legitimately seeking reconciliation and wanting to walk with God, don't hold it over them in the past. I remember that you did this. Or if you're in an argument with your spouse and you're not seeing eye to eye, don't bring up past failures. It doesn't benefit anyone. So we need to be able to forget about our sin as quicklyas God forget our sin and he removed our sin for months. We need to figure about their sin as quickly

Speaker 02842.1s - 2851.14s

as you forgot about that girl's name in the wedding. They listen to the podcast. Good job. But yeah, and I love what it says in there,

Speaker 62851.68s - 2859.66s

to considering yourself lest you also be tempted. There's such an arrogance and pride in coming down

Speaker 22859.66s - 2969.5s

on someone who's sinned and is repentant in that you think you're above that. Man, and it's happened time and again where someone who's done that ended up falling into the same thing. Or you hear about these pastors that were getting harsh toward those in the homosexual community or transgender folks. I mean like cruel and harsh and nasty, no love, no compassion, no attempt to reach them with the gospel.Then you end up finding out they're secretly involved in homosexuality, right? This has literally happened. We know as someone who was a well-known pastor that this happened with. And it's sad and crazy. And so friends, let's go after the prodigal. Let's remember Luke 15 PERSON, the father of the prodigal son, his arms were open wide when thatson returned. Let's plead with them to be genuinely repentant, and let's reach them with truth and with the gospel. There you have it, friends. I'm not going to end on nonsense today. Thanks for joining us. We'll see you here next time on the Living Waters ORG podcast. Winner, winner, chicken dinner. I have no idea where that ridiculous saying came from. But friends, we do have winners.Winners for the podcast giveaway. That is the Living Waters ORG podcast. We have Angela from Yucca Valley, California. Yvonne from Crestline, California. Brooke from Clayton, North Carolina, Andrea from Anderson, Indiana GPE, Elias from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania GPE, Becca from Lincoln University, Pennsylvania,Lowe from Yakima, Washington, Don from Charleston, Illinois GPE, John from Ford, Australia, good on you, might. And Dave from Will & Lane, United Kingdom GPE. Congrats.