#350 Lola Berry on the Power of Voice, Knowing When to Let Go, and Making Choices from the Heart

#350 Lola Berry on the Power of Voice, Knowing When to Let Go, and Making Choices from the Heart

by Emma Dunwoody

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50:41 minutes

published 1 month ago

American English

© 2024 The Human Design Podcast

Speaker 20s - 80.8s

I would like to begin by acknowledging the traditional custodians of the land on which we meet today, the Iraquois people of the Bungalung Nation GPE, and pay my respects to the elders past, present and emerging. Are you ready to win at the game of life? Well, throw out that rulebook and get down to the business of being the best and most authentic version of you.Welcome to the Human Design ORG podcast. We're changing the rules around success, abundance, purpose, love and life, where we're creating a planet where everyone can thrive in a world that loves and supports each other. I'm your host, Emma Dunwoody PERSON, a qualified master coach, human design expert, podcaster and entrepreneur that is living the life of my dreams,breaking all the rules while doing it, making a huge impact and living my design and manifesting miracles on the daily. Join me as I break down and simplify everything you need to live in alignment with your human design, teach you how to recondition your unconscious mind for greatness and to take back your power so you can manifest your heaven on earth and serve the rest of the planet at the same time. It's time to give up the fear and step into your highest potential, to reach for the stars, to know and live your greatness. It's what you deserve and it's what the planet really needs from you. So buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Speaker 081.52s - 117.46s

This is your monthly reminder to go to the show notes and check out the body graph chart software. I know you've heard us talk about this before, so I'll keep this very short and very sweet. But if you want to know the tool that we've used to bring in over 20,000 new leads and five figures and passive revenue into our business, then go check it out. It's amazing. Stop sending people away to other people's websites to get their human design chart. Instead, use this tool to put it on your own website. You won't regret it.And use the code, Human Design Podcasts, all lowercase, altogether, human design podcast to get 50% off for a year.

Speaker 2118.68s - 150.54s

Hey, hey, everyone, and welcome to today's episode. Well, I am super excited to have today's guest because she is someone who has inspired me for years. I've been an entrepreneur since 2011 and this human being, whether she has absolutely no idea of any of this, obviously, has been a really big figure in that entrepreneurial journey. So Lola Berry PERSON, welcome to the podcast. I'm so pumped to be here.

Speaker 3150.7s - 156.84s

After sitting down next to you at lunch, I was like, you're a legend, so it's nice to be here. Oh, wow.

Speaker 2156.96s - 200.12s

Thank you. Well, you're a legend, you know. As we, you know, connect and speak right now, you're an author, you're an entrepreneur, you're a podcaster, you're now an actor, like you're doing all of the things. And for the listeners out there, yes, Lola PERSON is a manifesting generator. She's a 5-1 emotional M.G cross-of-informing.And, yeah, far out. Like, that's a lot. So let's go back to the beginning a little bit. I know that your journey really started, and please correct me if I'm wrong, because you needed to eat in a different way. You had to eat gluten-free.And that kind of started this whole snowball. Is that right?

Speaker 3200.92s - 204.26s

Yeah, I was always a bit of a food nerd, I think.

Speaker 2204.26s - 209.04s

Even growing up, like, mum used to always say at kids' parties, I'd be the one not playing

Speaker 3209.04s - 212.38s

games, but like having seconds and thirds at the party table.

Speaker 2212.76s - 213.98s

So I've always been a foodie.

Speaker 3214.14s - 215.94s

And then I started working in Morning Talley ORG.

Speaker 2216.58s - 219.74s

And I remember I was doing morning TV and I was shopping.

Speaker 3219.96s - 261.82s

I lived in Melbourne at the time and I was shopping at Param Market ORG one day. And someone came up to me and said, I watched you on TV this morning. Great segment, but you should never wear yellow. It makes you look pudgy. And I was like, oh, oh. And then I got really self-conscious that I was overweight,and I would never introduce myself as a nutritionist. I'd always introduce myself as a foodist, I'd always introduce myself as a foodie, even though I had a full Bachelor of Health Science, majoring in nutritional medicine degree. And I think that that was something that kind of like spurred me to just understand like what my body thrived off and cutting the gluten was probably one of the first things that I was

Speaker 0261.82s - 277.5s

like, oh my goodness, I feel less inflamed. And so that was an initial kind of like, it wasn't like I had an autoimmune condition, like a lot of other people that get there that way. Like I was just getting, and there was like YouTube hate about like how fat I was and

Speaker 3277.5s - 279.72s

that I was a failure of a nutritionist.

Speaker 0279.9s - 280.34s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1280.4s - 283.74s

And I was just like, it was so confronting as someone.

Speaker 0283.86s - 285.76s

I started morning TV when I was 23.

Speaker 3286.06s - 293.38s

So being so young and impressionable and having like all these strangers say that about my way was really confronting.

Speaker 2293.98s - 303.84s

So how do you handle that? Like, I mean, I worked in TV from 18 till, well, actually on and off till I was in my early 30s, you know? Like, I get it.

Speaker 0303.88s - 304.7s

It was awful.

Speaker 1304.84s - 306.06s

And the things that were said to

Speaker 0306.06s - 316.52s

me were like off the charts. And I worked just in the sales department. Like, I wasn't in front of the camera. Like, who cares what, what my body looks like? But at 23, how do you handle that?

Speaker 2316.52s - 334.84s

When someone actually thinks that they have the right to tell you their opinion, and as a line five, people, we all know this, right? These are other people's projections being projected onto you. But at 23, you don't know that. So how do you navigate through that? That would have been hard. Can you teach me what line five means? That means

Speaker 3334.84s - 340.5s

people project what they feel onto who you are. Yeah. Oh my goodness. So with a line five,

Speaker 2340.5s - 345.7s

right? So as human beings, so let's just step backwards, take a step back from human

Speaker 3345.7s - 351.68s

design. As human beings, from a behavioral perspective, we see the world as we are, not as it is.

Speaker 2351.68s - 383.3s

So we're always projecting our own perceptions onto everybody else. However, when we put the filter of human design over the top, line fives have this expanded or like this intensified projection field where we, because I'm a line five as well, we walk around and it's like we have a beacon on our head that says, we can save you, we can rescue you, we can solve all your problems. But what happens is unresourced, the unresourceful expression of that is that people actually project their wound onto us.

Speaker 0383.3s - 390.02s

So they will literally accuse us of the thing that is their wound that they need to heal. Because the line 5 is also the healer, right?

Speaker 2390.64s - 406.22s

So our primary journey is to heal ourselves first, and then we universalize. We take it to the world. We give it to everybody else. But we have to be really careful early on in our journey when we're unheeled, when we have a lot of unresorceful

Speaker 0406.22s - 415.54s

stuff and unheeled stuff going on inside of us, because then we really attract the most awful projections. Like, people used to come up to me drunk at parties and go, oh, my God,

Speaker 2415.94s - 422.5s

I thought you were such a bitch, but it turns out you're lovely. And I'd be like, are you fucking

Speaker 3422.5s - 426.64s

kidding me? Like, I'm the nicest person on the planet. Like it used to destroy me.

Speaker 2427.76s - 430.2s

But again, it's this line five projection.

Speaker 0430.2s - 433.48s

So, yeah, people, I mean, the collective consciousness,

Speaker 3433.68s - 439.26s

the female collective consciousness has been conditioned to, you know,

Speaker 0439.4s - 442.6s

really criticize, judge and even brutalize their own bodies.

Speaker 2442.86s - 445.08s

So being a line five, that would have very

Speaker 3445.08s - 450.66s

much been projected onto you. Well, thank you for schooling me. I love this. I knew I'd have so much

Speaker 2450.66s - 456.88s

fun on this podcast. I'd be like asking me questions. But yeah, that makes a lot of sense as well.

Speaker 3456.96s - 462.18s

And then like you said, like being really young and not being able to process and know what's mine

Speaker 2462.18s - 465.56s

and what might have been somebody else's projection was like

Speaker 3465.56s - 494.2s

a big learning. And to be completely honest with you, I don't think I ever got a hold of that until I started seeing a therapist and could start to process what was my own stuff that I needed to work on and heal and, you know, digest and grow from and learn and I guess lean into as well as some of that discomfort. but then it takes a lot of power to then be like actually that's got nothing to do with me but for me that's come through both

Speaker 2494.2s - 512.48s

therapy and hypnotherapy yeah yeah I love I've never done therapy per se I mean I've done every modality I've done a couple of sessions of therapy but I've done lots of hypnotherapy now. I just freaking love it. Yeah, but it's so fascinating

Speaker 3512.48s - 517.52s

because when we look at our design, we can really see like, wow, yeah, far out. That is the

Speaker 2517.52s - 522.7s

thing that so often the thing that is our greatest challenge is also our greatest superpower. So

Speaker 0522.7s - 525.02s

tell us a little bit about,

Speaker 2525.32s - 550.94s

you Kate, your morning TV, you're healing yourself. Like the Lola Berry PERSON that I know really well is that, that entrepreneur. Like I think did you, like I remember seeing you kind of in this same sort of echelon with like Marie Folli Oaks PERSON. I remember following her when I was building a business. Like obviously Lisa Messenger PERSON, which was so weird when I was building a business. Like, obviously, Lisa Messenger, which was so weird when I was sitting at lunch with you and Lorna Jane PERSON and Lisa

Speaker 1550.94s - 556.24s

Messenger. And there was some other incredible women as well. And I was just like, this is

Speaker 0556.24s - 560.3s

freaking me out because these are the women that I followed for so many years and so inspired.

Speaker 2560.96s - 567.84s

So where do you go next? It's so funny. It's, it's. I love hearing. It's nice to hear you say that,

Speaker 3567.92s - 574.16s

but like I have always been a person that has just stayed in their lane. So I've never been,

Speaker 0574.26s - 579.22s

I've never been able to, and I told you to a friend about this last night, I'm not great at stepping

Speaker 3579.22s - 584.2s

outside myself. I'm kind of looking in. I'll always be like, this is where I am right now.

Speaker 1584.32s - 589.5s

I'm going to honor this moment. I'm going to stay present to this project, which is why I think to the outside,

Speaker 3589.62s - 595.02s

it probably seems like I'm entrepreneurial, because I don't feel like I am, but I know that when I'm doing a project,

Speaker 0595.18s - 599.46s

I'm going to honor that and give it every part of my heart, soul, spirit.

Speaker 3599.96s - 624.3s

I don't want to leave anything. What's that saying? Don't leave anything like, you don't want anything left. Yeah, you want to give it. You're all. And I do that with any business venture, whether it's writing a book, whether it's setting up a smoothie bar,whether it's working in television, whether it's learning to be a voice actor, or whether it's like, you know, whatever that is. Like for me, I've been doing scene study at the moment. I've had to do a really intimate scene.

Speaker 0624.38s - 633.94s

So I've been to work really hard on that. And's just like I went wherever I am I'm like well I'm going to be here fully I'm going to give it my all and then I think as a result of that

Speaker 3633.94s - 649.68s

that's how I've written all the books and that's how I've had the businesses some failed some succeeded but I think I've just like honored that calling gone for it giving it a red hot crack but then also sometimes you've got know when to let go too, right? Yeah. And, you know, this is the thing, like being a manifesting

Speaker 2649.68s - 702.38s

generator, so, you know, buckle up, lo-la, because I think I'm about to blow your mind again. One of the cool things about our energy, because I'm also an MG, is that we do have these huge growth periods, you know, like we just skyrocket. And then all of a sudden we hit this plateau. And often in the plateau, MGs will quit all the things, even though they're not meant to quit. They're just like, it's a time of integration.It's when things are kind of starting to make sense, you know, become, you know, from my perspective, long-term habits, all the behavioral stuff is really integrating. And, you know, like you have got, have tried so many things. Has there been a time in the past where you're like, damn it, why did I quit that? Why did I let that thing go? Because in hindsight, it was just, you know, maybe I shouldn't have done that.It's funny.

Speaker 3702.58s - 726.78s

So my whole motto is just don't have regret like don't have regret and so like that's how I've kind of made a lot of my more adult decisions in my 30s I would say is like I want to give this thing a shakeso that I don't regret it 10, 20, 30 years down the line that's why I did IVF and froze embryos with my partner things like that where I was like oh you know I don't want that regret down the line. That's why I did IVF and froze embryos with my partner. Things like that

Speaker 0726.78s - 735.44s

where I was like, oh, you know, I don't want that regret down the line. Like I just, that's why I give things a shape, but I've never looked back. Like the smoothie bar is a great example. I was so

Speaker 3735.44s - 800.34s

excited to set it up. I knew that working in like a consumer business like essentially grab and go take away. I knew that that wasn't my passion straight out of the gate. And I verbalised that with my business partner. I said, I don't know if this is for me. And I said, but I'm here to learn. And we went with it.And it was just having a smoothie bar in Melbourne. It meant that it bled money in winter. It's too cold for smitties. No. And even though we'd launch toastys and soups, it just wouldn't. It flew in the summer. And it would die money in winter. It's too cold for smooties. No, and even though we'd launch toasties and soups, it just wouldn't, it flew in the summer and it would die in the winter. And I think we got to our third winter of my business partner said, I'm out. And I think heexpected me to buy him out. And I sat down with my hip note and my therapist, and I said, I need to get my ego out of the way to make this decision. And I was so close to buying everyone out. And I said, I don't want bricks and mortar for me at this stage of my life. I don't want a business. I didn't live in Melbourne at the time, which would have tied me back to Melbourne. And I just said, I've got to get my ego out of the way and sell this business. And it was a hard.

Speaker 0800.4s - 803.94s

It took me a couple of weeks. And I was really emotional because, like I was saying,

Speaker 3803.94s - 829.72s

the heart gets in there. And you really wanted to do well, like on so many levels. And it did do well in many ways, but it also didn't do well financially. And it was such a gift. Like I learned P and L. I learned what it was like to hire and fire. Like I learned what it was, how to discipline. And I learned how to like, it was really hard for me because I wanted to be friends with all of all the people that worked with us.

Speaker 0829.82s - 834.42s

And my business partner was like, you're doing this wrong and it's going to backfire on you and it completely did.

Speaker 3834.8s - 894.34s

And so it was me that then when things would go wrong, I'd have to go in and be like, guys, this is what's going wrong. If these new rules aren't adhered to, we're going to have to fire and hire. And I hated doing it. But what a brilliant lesson to sit in that fire and discomfort and to go, okay, actually, I'm doing it, but it's probably not my passion. And so I've never really to answer a question, I've never really had regret about letting go of anythingbecause I've always felt like it's made space for the new thing or the passion and I've never regret, yeah, I've never regretted anything I've gone for that's failed and I've never regretted anything that I've done and then moved on from like writing nutrition books. Like I remember the beautiful goodbye email that we wrote to my publishers at the time after doing 10 or 11 books together in regard to the nutrition and wellness space. And it was so beautiful and it was like themost beautiful parting. And I just think, I've never regretted. I don't know why. I don't

Speaker 2894.34s - 898.8s

know what I've ever. Well, I love that. It's funny because I'm the same. Like, I'm like, I don't do

Speaker 3898.8s - 904.5s

regret. You know, that's my thing. I just, I don't do regret. But I also love like, you know,

Speaker 2904.56s - 940.24s

again, you're really speaking your design in so many ways because you're also a line one. So it's like you've got into the details, you get into the minutia of things, you find out. And it's like everything that you also just talked about was your emotional authority is like how you're actually designed to make decisions. So although you have very fast energy, you know, big, impactful, multi-passionate, you also have to make decisions over time.So when you said, look, it took you two weeks just to go through the process. Like, that's how you're designed to make decisions. You're not designed to make decisions in a 24-hour, like, you know, click the fingers we're done.

Speaker 0940.88s - 942.44s

It's this process over time.

Speaker 2942.56s - 1005.1s

So I love it. And that line one is such the authority, you know, this is, it's the investigator. It's the one over time. So I love it. And that line one is such the authority. You know, this is, it's the investigator. It's the one that gets all the information that crosses the T's and dots the eyes. And again, like, I can just hear you speaking all of your design, which is really beautiful. And I think the other thing with being an MG is like, you get in, you get what you want and you get out. Like part of your whole purpose,I often talk about the container of our purpose. It starts with type. And an MG, like a large part of the container of your purpose is to demonstrate human potential. So hearing all of these different things that you've tried and succeeded and some haven't succeeded and like going through this whole process is really demonstrating to,you know, those people watching along that, you know what, success doesn't look like, you know, the story or doesn't have to look like the story that you were taught at school.You don't have to get good marks, go to university, pick one thing and go forever because us, MGs don't do that. Like we're going to do a bunch of

Speaker 31005.1s - 1113.98s

different things is there anything that you want to respond to yeah I mean totally like at 32 or 31 was when I started acting training like what like you know I'm 38 now and I'm like I'm so wrapped that I did that it's come with loads of failure because that is the world of acting you're auditioning and it's a world of rejection and you're just like, whoa, this is a resilience game more than a talent game some days. But I wouldn't have it any other way because when people say to me, why did you get into acting?I remember I called an acting school and I just auditioned for co-hosting a TV show for Channel 7 in Australia GPE. And I was really nervous about the AutoCue PRODUCT. And so I'd learned it by rote, which means I'd just read it over and over and over and over and over. And I'd written it over and over and over. Not a spot of acting training, really. I'd done acting at uni ORG, but that was it.And I got there on the day and I fucking loved it. Like, time stopped. I just was like, oh my God, this that was it. And I got there on the day, and I, again, loved it. Like, time stopped. I just was like, oh, my God, this is my passion. I need to host a TV show. This is unreal, but the feedback I'd always get as, oh, you know, there's a lot of other girls that want to do that as well, that are ahead of you in the line.You know, we've already got, you know, we've already got the Sonia Kruegers PERSON, we've already got the Rachel Finches PERSON, we've already got like, and it'll always come back and they'd be like, your best at being the segment girl, the wellness segment girl. And I was like, yeah, but I want more. And so I called up an acting school and I said, oh, I see you have a TV presenting course. I may as well skill up in auto queue so that fear is negated.And they said, it's full. And they said, have you thought about acting? And I said, I'd rather swim with sharks. And they said, well, that's a great place to start from. Yeah. And I enrolled the next day.

Speaker 11114.82s - 1117.88s

I enrolled in, yeah, and I haven't stopped training since.

Speaker 31118.52s - 1145.18s

And there was a moment. I had a really distinct moment. I was working in my favorite acting coach. We were doing a really hard Tennessee William GPE scene, and I had to have a really distinct moment. I was working with my favorite acting coach. We were doing a really hard Tennessee William scene and I had to have a southern bell accent and it was a really loaded scene. And there was a moment where he was directing all my peers were sitting in the theater. My scene partner was on stage with me and something happened where I could feel electricity running through my veins.And I just looked at him. I mean, Gooseontan story now. I just looked, and I'm in Goose Mountain ORG store now.

Speaker 01145.26s - 1146.3s

And I just looked at him.

Speaker 31146.66s - 1186.76s

Yeah, it's why I do it. I tell you, and I remember I held my hand after the scene. I held my hand on my heart and my coach did the exact same thing. You mirrored me and I said, I don't know what just happened, but that's why I'm doing this. It's bigger than me.Yeah. And so that's what I always remember when acting school gets hard because it gets hard. And it, you know, it takes while to find the right fit and the right school. than me. Yeah. And so that's what I always remember when acting school gets hard because it gets hard. And it, you know, it takes well to find the right fit and the right school. And I've done lots of improv and voice training too, which is like essentially you're falling on your face. Every day improv school is really hard.And I just always come back to this moment where I was like, no, that was bigger than you. And you need to honor that feeling in your heart. And yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 21186.86s - 1234.78s

I just want to share that story because that's a big barometer for me. Yeah, and I think that that's the thing. So a large part of, again, human design, we get people out of their head and into their heart because basically what, or at least into their body, one of the primary pillars of human design is that we don't make the best decisions with our head. We have this incredible supercomputer between our ears, but it's not meant to be leading.And we live in a world where it leads. And we're moving to a new time, this whole new paradigm, where we have to get back in the body because the body is the one that leads, the heart, the soul. And, you know, like what you're talking about, that's you being completely lit up. And I love what you said, you know, I'd rather swim with sharks.Like one of the places that are manifesting generator thrives is outside their comfort zone. Yeah.

Speaker 01235.04s - 1242.08s

You know, like that's where they come to life. So I love it. And I just have to geek out, human design geek out with you just for a moment.

Speaker 21242.82s - 1320.2s

One of the channels that you have, and I get that this is not going to mean anything to you, is the 1222. And this is going to be where, you know, that feeling came from. And it's this energy. It's kind of called, the channel itself is called the design of a social being. But this is, this is all about the voice. It's all about when you're connected to your emotions, to your heart, you're in the mood. And that's a big player.Like if you're not in the mood, you can have just as much unresourceful impact as you can have resourceful impact. But this energy, it's like channels, it's a channel, the 12 holds the channel, meaning that literally source is moving straight through, like coming straight into your throat. And this energy can move any room. When it is fully aligned, it is absolutely that feeling that you were talking about.Like it has the power to move every room. And I think it's, I think it's a thing that, you know, when I sat down, when I met you, when we're talking, it's that that piece that you just said, I want to be friends with everybody that worked for me. That's the 1222 PRODUCT. It's this beautiful, like just said, I want to be friends with everybody that worked for me. That's the 1222. It's this beautiful, like, makes people feel really at home and you feel really connected to them.So, yeah, again, you're just speaking your design. It's such a large part of the way your energy moves. Does that resonate with you?

Speaker 31320.82s - 1374.18s

Yeah, I love it. It's so funny having done so much voice work as well. And like, you can hear in your voice and feel it when it's coming from this very real part of you. And even yesterday, I teach yoga here in LA GPE. And I was teaching a class themed around Satya, which is truth and truthfulness to live a truthful life. And I was, and I taught the class and I was saying goodbye.And people walking up, Americans NORP are very forward about what they think. They're like, oh my God, this is the best in class I've ever done. And I'm like, I was just like, I'd planned the sequence. I'd plan the music. But like when I share these little like moments, it's weird. It's like my voice changes, too. It's like, it comes from a very deep part of my soul or something.And I'm not saying I'm some, like, a conjured or anything like that.

Speaker 21374.18s - 1376.96s

But you are. Like, this is, this is the podcast.

Speaker 31377.12s - 1380.84s

Yes. This is how all of our energy works, you know. Yeah, so cool.

Speaker 21380.84s - 1383.94s

So, let's not diminish our superpowers there, Lola PERSON.

Speaker 31384.52s - 1439.4s

Well, it's just, it's, thank you, by the way. It's, it is nice when you do feel that. And it's funny when I feel from that space, my voice feels strong. Like it feels in my body. I'm like, oh, I feel really strong when I'm in this space. And I feel whatever the opposite of anxiety is is what I feel.Like I feel grounded and clear versus when I feel like out of alignment or in an uncomfortable situation, not the, not the discomfort that you were talking about where we like thrive. You know how like, I love feeling out of my compass and being forced to adapt. But like when I feel discomfort and like potentially a bit unsafe, I'll notice like my voice will change and I'll feel like an unease in my heart, whereas like when I'm like connected, clear, open, my voice is stronger. Fascinating, isn't it? Well, again, like in human

Speaker 21439.4s - 1443.64s

design, being a manifesting generator, it means you've got a channel. And for you specifically,

Speaker 31443.64s - 1445.58s

you've got a channel from a motor to the throat.

Speaker 21445.7s - 1448.14s

I know that doesn't mean anything to you, but it will to a lot of my listeners.

Speaker 31449.08s - 1454.72s

So, you know, like one of your most powerful attributes is your voice.

Speaker 21455.6s - 1461.9s

And the key to it is getting the hell out of the way, you know, getting the mind out of the way.

Speaker 31461.9s - 1465.86s

And letting it just, you know, letting yourself speak from that place that

Speaker 21465.86s - 1493s

you were talking about. So let's talk about the acting. I just love that you are like, okay, well, not only did you start in your 30s, but now you've like, you have like bitten off the whole thing. You're like, oh, well, I'm committed to this thing. I'm going all out. Like I'm moving to LA GPE. Like, what's that even like? How, how do you even do that? I thought we couldn't just move to the States GPE. Well, it takes a lot of work. You know, it's brutal.

Speaker 31493s - 1499.98s

LA GPE is, I call it the brutal, the brutal, beautiful beast. That is LA. Because you'll have

Speaker 11499.98s - 1506.24s

days where you're like, what is going on? I feel like I'm standing in the eye of a storm right now.

Speaker 31506.54s - 1544.9s

And then all of a sudden, something will just like click into place and you're like, oh my God, that thing that happened a year and a half ago has just paid off today now in this way. It's like it's also a city of open communication and relationships. So it's all about like speak, like it's interesting when you say, talk about voice and being like always speaking and communicating.It's a very LA GPE thing. I don't know how else to articulate that. But I mean like to get here and to be living here for those listening that are like, oh my God, like yes, it does involve visas and lawyers

Speaker 01544.9s - 1548.02s

and a lot of money to get those visas and lawyers.

Speaker 31548.96s - 1560.4s

And so it's for me, this is my third or fourth year of spending half the year over here, although this year we're basing ourselves here, but it's Matt's first year on a visa.

Speaker 01560.64s - 1562.36s

So, like, he's finally come with me.

Speaker 11562.36s - 1572.42s

So for the last three years, I've done long distance for half the year while my beautiful boyfriend's been stunning Byron Bay GPE. And this year

Speaker 01572.42s - 1578.38s

feels exciting and a bit different for me because it feels so real because we're grounding

Speaker 31578.38s - 1584.54s

here, you know? Yeah. So what is it like doing long distance? Like seriously? Like how do you

Speaker 21584.54s - 1598.44s

manage a long distance relationship? Because again, like I just love following you on Insta. I love how much you're always posting about the joy of him and his adventures just as much as yours. So how do you do the long distance thing?

Speaker 31599.34s - 1650.18s

When we met, we were each other's first Bumble date, like six years ago nearly. And when we met, we were already both, I think Matt was three years into his therapy journey and I was about a year and a half, two years. And so we were already working on ourselves consistently. Yes, through like Matt PERSON's really into breath work and meditation, but like also classical therapy, as was I.And I was more like hypno and therapy. And I think as a result of always like having this non-biased person and entity that we were able to check in with, it meant that we weren't putting our own baggage onto one another. And so it's meant for a, and I think a very healthy relationship.

Speaker 01650.88s - 1657.86s

And obviously it's not the norm to have a long-distance relationship for three years or half of three years every year.

Speaker 31658.54s - 1685.88s

And so, yeah, I think having that mental health plan has been really important for both of us because we both, when we feel unsafe and ungrounded, we both fall into different forms of anxiety. And so having that core and being able to come back to that has allowed us to like move through any discomfort without blaming the other person for

Speaker 21685.88s - 1713.5s

that discomfort. Yeah, I love that. And so again, from a human design perspective, we talk a lot about this new paradigm that we're moving towards. And what it's going to do, it's moving us from this, the energy of the planet is moving us from this like man, man, woman, husband, wife thing into this very, it's about intimacy so it used to be about procreation and now it's about intimacy and so we're moving to this whole new model and i mean

Speaker 01713.5s - 1719.26s

we're seeing in our external reality like all the lines are being blurred when it comes to you know

Speaker 21719.26s - 1749.72s

sex relationships and intimacy so whenever i hear stories like this i'm like yeah it's just more evidence that we are feeling safer to rewrite the rules and do it the way that feels correct for us. And, you know, I think it's interesting. Again, you were just speaking your design. Like, you've used the word safety a number of times. And that line one is what we call a foundational line. It's all about, you know, when you've got the answers to create a safe foundation, then that's where you thrive from.

Speaker 11749.82s - 1755.18s

But when you're missing, when there's a gap of information, that's when that anxiety comes in for you. Does that resonate?

Speaker 31755.18s - 1755.64s

Big time.

Speaker 11755.82s - 1756.88s

Oh, mate.

Speaker 31757.76s - 1758.7s

Big time.

Speaker 21758.88s - 1759.48s

Yeah, big time.

Speaker 31759.48s - 1766.88s

I was in a situation a week ago where I didn't feel safe and it rattled me and straight away emergency

Speaker 21766.88s - 1773.56s

therapy session and then had to get the courage to speak up and it was like all my self-doubt

Speaker 31773.56s - 1791.12s

all my mechanisms that like would and a lot of anxiety that would usually stop me from stepping forward had to take a back seat because I was like, I've got to, I have to rectify the situation to feel safe. Safety is huge for me. Like, yeah, it is safety. And

Speaker 11791.12s - 1797.74s

then I also don't like the feeling of feeling suffocated. Like I have to feel free to be me.

Speaker 31798.24s - 1803.54s

Yeah. Yeah. It's fascinating again. Like it's that line five thing that's a big as well. Like,

Speaker 21803.54s - 1831.24s

they want to have a massive impact. They tend and generators as well because we have what's called a boda to the throat. Like manifesters as well, we're energetically independent. So that can often mean that they are, you know, we feel more free spirited. We're that whole like being, you know, being sort of shut down, controlled, any of those things can feel really uncomfortable for your energy because it's meant to sort of be big and

Speaker 01831.24s - 1839.96s

impactful. So, yeah, that makes so much sense. So how's that, so you're in LA GPE. You're super

Speaker 21839.96s - 1846.3s

excited because you're there with your favorite human. How is the acting going? Like, yep, you're in year three.

Speaker 11846.48s - 1851.96s

So does that mean you've got relationships? Have you had small parts? Like, tell me a bit about where you're at and the actual journey.

Speaker 31852.98s - 1865.9s

Yeah, so I did my first audition with my first agent when I got here, like literally three years ago. And I remember thinking it was such an ego check. I was like, oh my God, I've got my agent. Tick. Woo! I'm going to be the next, I've got my agent. Tick. Woo!

Speaker 11871.48s - 1883.76s

Going to be the next Margot Robbie. And then the audition came through and the first audition read like Kristen Bell PERSON type and I was like, great. I've got the comedy bones for sure. No probs. And then I kept reading the audition and I was like, oh my God, this is an ad for vagina

Speaker 31883.76s - 1913.58s

deodorant. And I was like, okay. And I had to barrel the camera and be like, this is my audition. I had to say, I'm your fanny godmother. And I had to make a makeshift wand and say, this deodorant is safe to use on your whole body. From your pits, point to my armpits, to your privates, point to my vagina. And then to your feet and point to my armpits, to your privates, point to my vagina, and then to your feetand point to my feet. And I remember, I did an American NORP accent, and I was like, this is too funny not to do with an Australian NORP accent.

Speaker 01913.78s - 1914.88s

Like, I'm your funny godmother.

Speaker 31915.74s - 1924.28s

And I hit, stand, and submitted it. And I was, and I didn't get even a call back. And I remember thinking, fuck, this is going to be a long road.

Speaker 11924.52s - 1930.4s

Like, this isn't an overnight, like, they talk about overnight successes and all that. And I was like, nah, this is going to be a long road. Like, this isn't an overnight, like they talk about overnight successes and all that. And I was like, nah, you've got a strap in.

Speaker 31930.76s - 1936.18s

And I had an actor friend who's had a lot of success here go, buckle in.

Speaker 01936.68s - 1937.98s

He goes just buckle in.

Speaker 31938.46s - 1977.06s

And he says it to me every time I get here. And I always get emotional because I feel so seen. And so that was my first kind of like taste, then COVID ORG shut a lot because I was here for a lot of the COVID stuff. And so that shut everything down. And then I bumped, went bustled around with different agents and it was like a bit of a shitfight, if I'm honest. And then last year I focused really heavily on voice acting. And I was like, imagine being an eight-year-old little turtle or something, you know, like in an animation. Oh, sign me up. And I just loved voice acting school because it's a bit gentler. Some of the

Speaker 21977.06s - 1984.32s

acting schools, it's like trial by fire. And yeah, yeah, yeah. I could tell you so many stories.

Speaker 31984.32s - 1986.24s

And so voice school just-

Speaker 21986.24s - 1987.88s

You absolutely have to share at least one story.

Speaker 31988.14s - 1991.38s

All names are. You can leave the names out, but I'm so curious.

Speaker 21991.94s - 1993.18s

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll share.

Speaker 31993.94s - 2028.86s

And yeah, voice school was so nurturing and, like, you'd get out of the booth and they'd be like, all right, go lula, cheering you. And I was like, oh, this is fun. And so I decided to write to, to like the big voice agents in Australia GPE and I really wanted a voice agent.And they also often have other arms where they look after your social media stuff and sometimes like commercials. And commercials is great for actors because you make great money and you get to act. It's not like the Golden Globes or the Oscars EVENT, but it's a really great stepping stone to being a full-time working actor.

Speaker 02029.4s - 2030.8s

And so I was like, great, this would be awesome.

Speaker 12030.86s - 2033.04s

So I wrote all these agencies and donuts,

Speaker 02033.2s - 2036.8s

no response, no nothing. And then I got connected to a friend,

Speaker 32037.1s - 2068.46s

and he was like, do you want me just talk to my agent? And he was a voice actor. And I was like, oh, what's your agent? And I knew it. As soon as he said, I was like, I've emailed them five months ago, no response.He goes, yeah, just let me have a chat. I go through this whole audition process with this agency, like top of the pops agency, full auditioning. And by the, the audition process itself was three months long, Emma PERSON. Like, it was a beast. So that time I got to this final audition with five people in the room,they were like, so, like, we were chit-chatting, it was really good vibes.

Speaker 12068.6s - 2070.56s

And then eventually they're like, so what are you here for?

Speaker 32071.14s - 2098.58s

And I was like, I'm like, I'm like, they're either going to like me or not, right? And so I was like, oh, guys, this is a really Australian NORP thing to say. But I just said, I'm not here to fuck spiders. And they just like burst into laughter. And then like an hour later called me and they're like, Lola PERSON, we're not here to fuck spiders.We want to sign you. And it was like a beautiful little lesson in like just be yourself, you know,

Speaker 02098.64s - 2100.56s

and just own who you are.

Speaker 32100.86s - 2145.7s

And don't let anything color that. Like just be you. And so that was a really nice win in the agency world and then I've just been essentially just training my butt off and then it's really funny because like my work when I come back to Australia GPE I get lots more kind of like speaking and doing live events and get to interview so many more actors and stuff like that because of all this trainingevents so it's all kind of like moving in the right direction but I definitely haven't booked an acting job as other than stuff that I'm still low life that makes sense. I'll hire me and be like, you know you have all this acting training. Can you actually do this for this campaign? And so it's totally paying off in that way. But as far as me like getting to act in like a period piece from 1883. No, that hasn't happened yet.

Speaker 22146.22s - 2154.96s

Yeah. It will. Far out. It's so will. And I really want to get to the podcast in a minute, but please, you've got to give us one of the stories. One of the things that's like, you won't

Speaker 32154.96s - 2176.26s

believe this stuff happens. Okay, okay. As in class, and I did a scene from Succession WORK_OF_ART. Do you know the TV show Succession? So I played a character called Jerry PERSON, who's fantastic. And in this scene, I am verbally berating a younger character in the show while he masturbates. Right. That is the scene. That is the scene.

Speaker 22176.44s - 2178.56s

So it's already intense and you said nothing.

Speaker 32179.18s - 2192.9s

Already intense. Anyway, so I run the scene. My beautiful, lovely, funny teacher was like, okay, we ended the scene. And the scene ends with the other actor climaxing. That is how the scene ends.

Speaker 22193.26s - 2193.68s

Yeah, right.

Speaker 32193.94s - 2227.6s

And the teacher's like, and I chose to play for power. I was like, she's not getting turned on by this. She wants power. She wants to move up in the business. Anyway, and that is how it was played in the show in the end anyway. But aside from that, the teacher's like, Lola PERSON, it's not sexual enough.I need you to feel this one in your clit. And I was like, what? I'm sitting there in pajamas because it's a nighttime scene. And I hear the whole class start snickering. And I'm like, oh, my God. Anyway, it was just one of those moments where you're just like,what is my life right now? what is my life right now? What is my life right now?

Speaker 22227.66s - 2255.92s

And it's that whole like, you know, that blurring of the lines. Like you are out there being so vulnerable trying to do this role to the, you know, do this thing. And someone has the freedom or the authority is a better word to, you know, like give you that feedback. Like, fuck, that's intense. I suppose those things really, you know, they create real resilience, like real resilience.Yeah.

Speaker 32256s - 2301.6s

My boyfriend says that's my superpower. He's like, your superpower is resilience and adaptability. Although, as the older I get, I'm so like not willing to bend with some of my, I'm like, no, no, this is something that I need now, whereas, but resilience, I think, is one thing. Like, it's like even all the auditions I've done since I've got heat, just so the listener knows, like, when you do an audition, you don't hear if it's a yes or no.You only know if you get a callback. So you'll put your blood, sweat and tears into an audition, hit, submit, send it to your agents, and you'll never hear a word again. You won't get feedback on it. You won't be like, we love to, we need someone blonde. Or, you know, none of that.You literally hear nothing, zero. It's wild. Yeah.

Speaker 22301.86s - 2311s

I tell you what, that would have been a few hours. Like, there'd be a few hours with your therapist with the whole acting thing, right? Oh, yeah.

Speaker 32311.22s - 2318.32s

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. We've spent, we've spent, few, mate, are you kidding? We spent whole sessions on it, and I'm like, what do I do?

Speaker 22319.04s - 2320.34s

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 32320.34s - 2321.88s

But it's great to have that support, huh?

Speaker 22323.88s - 2326.36s

All right, let's talk about this podcast of yours.

Speaker 32327.5s - 2328.92s

I love the title.

Speaker 22329.22s - 2362.78s

Like instantly when I heard you share the title with me at the lunch, I was like, oh, I bet she's a line three. But you're not. You're a five one. And it's called fearlessly failing. So one of my traits is the ability to fail.Like I'm really good at it. I'm really resilient. I'm the ultimate experiential learner. So, you know, then I started listening to the potty. Like I just freaking love it. So where do you get the inspiration?Like what did you respond to that was like, that's it. I'm going to start a podcast. And it's going to be about fearlessly failing.

Speaker 32364.7s - 2377.22s

I, so it was born years ago. The pot is like, I don't know how many X we are now, but we're heaps. Like, it is three Eps a week. It's mental. Like, I love it. I love it.It's like my baby. So it's been going to Yonks GPE.

Speaker 02377.34s - 2384.32s

But the reason why it existed is like, my boyfriend inspired it actually because he is a

Speaker 12384.32s - 2384.72s


Speaker 02385.68s - 2389.58s

And so he was like, you've got this great skill set in me.

Speaker 32389.74s - 2415.8s

Like, why don't I help you create it? And I was like, what do I want to do? Interview people about what. And I was like, not just success, but like the growth along the way and the lessons along the way. And that's where, like, why I was called fearlessly failingbecause I think when we fail is we get to grow, we get to skill up, we get to learn about ourselves and failing really isn't failing. Like really it's just like lessons essentially.

Speaker 22416.16s - 2420.28s

I always say it's like you're winning or learning. Like that's really yeah. Such thing is failure.

Speaker 32420.62s - 2456.78s

Yeah, big time, big time. And it's interesting. I've interviewed a few people that are like, please don't use the word failure. Like you need to use the word lesson or learn. And I've obviously adapted that for those guests, but I kind of like fake. Like, I like, I'm definitely someone a bit like the way you said, like, oh, run towards a failure. Like, it doesn't bother me too much, like to fail. Obviously, like, yes, sweaty palms and all that kind of thing. It's not like, I'm not like, woo, this feels great to be making a dick of myself at acting school.But it's still, I'd rather do it and come out the other side and be like, I did that scary thing.

Speaker 02456.78s - 2462.94s

And so that's why I love celebrating failure. And I, over the years, the pod has transformed

Speaker 12462.94s - 2465.48s

where, because I am so passionate about acting, I'll always now, like, I the years, the pod has transformed where, because I am so passionate about acting,

Speaker 02465.6s - 2470.68s

always now, like, I'm like, if I can get a writer or a director or an actor, I'm just like,

Speaker 32470.86s - 2477.06s

well, I'm going to learn off this person. So it's become this journey in and of itself, the pod.

Speaker 22477.82s - 2490.22s

Oh, my God, I love it. So, um, I have to ask the obvious question. I think I actually asked you at lunch, but I'm going to ask you again. Um, what are, who are your favourite guests so far? You can give me a couple.

Speaker 32491.64s - 2520.08s

There's a beautiful actor I interviewed called Owen Teal, his off Game of Thrones. He's the character, spoiler alert, that kills John Snow for the watch. He knows his like stabbing line. And he was just, he was in Australia GPE doing the play and they invited me to the opening of the play. And I said,I'm only going to fly down for the opening if you let me interview Owen Teal. I'm a massive Game of Thrones fan. And now like, no Orleans GPE media commitments are done. And I was like,

Speaker 02520.12s - 2524.68s

oh, wow, I shot my, you know, gave it a, gave it a crack, thought nothing of it. And I said,

Speaker 32524.68s - 2533.04s

no worry, something I didn't change. It was two days later, they're like, Owen has said yes. And it'll make me so emotional telling the story. But anyway, I did the interview.

Speaker 02533.16s - 2534.64s

I didn't say I was an actor.

Speaker 32535.18s - 2543.22s

I just did the interview. I went, I interviewed, I researched very heavily. That's that. I think that you said, I've got that in my human design.

Speaker 22543.34s - 2544.44s

Like, cross the team. Yeah.

Speaker 32551.38s - 2556.64s

Like eight to 12 hours a guest. I'm like pretty OCD about it and so I was ready for that pod and he was incredible we had to go to a special location to record it and straight

Speaker 22556.64s - 2560.28s

away he was like can someone make sure all the ventilations turned off it's going to affect

Speaker 32560.28s - 2566.24s

her sound like he was just protecting me from the second we sat down, did the interview and then

Speaker 22566.24s - 2570.56s

right at the end he was like, you've got a spark.

Speaker 32571.24s - 2573.9s

And he said it up with, yeah, it makes me cry.

Speaker 12574.4s - 2575.24s

He goes, you've got a spark.

Speaker 32575.32s - 2576.26s

Don't ever let it go.

Speaker 02576.56s - 2579.52s

And I said, well, I'm an actor. And I said, it's so brutal.

Speaker 32579.9s - 2583.5s

And I said, I did an audition for Barbie PERSON, the Barbie movie. Yeah.

Speaker 12583.66s - 2588.64s

And I said, I had to do the whole audition in my bikinis and just do like a 360,

Speaker 32588.8s - 2593.04s

like turning my bikinis. That was the beginning in the audition. I said, it's fucking hard made.

Speaker 12593.12s - 2596.68s

It's so brutal. And he goes, it is brutal.

Speaker 32597.1s - 2621.44s

And he said, but the readiness is all. And he says, stay ready. You will get your opportunity. And that stuck with me. And he just grabbed me, he hugged me, and then he gave me this double hug. And I was just like holding, I was like, do not cry when you first meet.Oh, until, do not cry. Like, he was just like, I just felt so, it's like when somebody has a sparkle in them and they see that sparkle in you, it was that.

Speaker 12621.44s - 2627.82s

Like, and I was like, and I asked him, I asked some people when they come on the pot

Speaker 32627.82s - 2633.1s

if they could have a superpower, what would it be? And he said, you know, when people get sad hearts?

Speaker 12633.24s - 2637.14s

And I go, yeah, and he goes, I wish I could heal those hearts.

Speaker 32637.74s - 2649.52s

Oh, wow. I was like everyone else's invisibility or be able to fly. You want to heal sad hearts. Like, he blew me away. Anthony Lopalia blew me away as well, another Australian NORP actor.

Speaker 12650.1s - 2654.6s

He told a great story about rejection that I always remember.

Speaker 32655.24s - 2661.66s

And that was about an agent not wanting to sign him after he'd done Empire Records ORG,

Speaker 02661.66s - 2662.86s

which is an amazing movie.

Speaker 32662.86s - 2666.36s

It's one of my all-time favorite movies, Empire Records ORG.

Speaker 22666.52s - 2667.48s

I freaking love it.

Speaker 32667.84s - 2715.2s

My kids now love it. Like my 16-year-old is like, best movie ever, Mom. Well, you'll love this story, and he had done that. I think he'd just turned 40, and his agent had passed away. And so a friend, and he was kind of being handballed around the agency a bit, and their friend said, do you want me to call this really big agency?And he goes, yeah, all right, let's find out. I'm ready for a change. Like, I think I need a change. And two days later, the friend called back and said, would you like the feedback? And he said, of course, he's a straight shooter. There's no flies on Anthony PERSON.And he said, the friend said, the feedback is that ship has already sailed. And this is before, and he said, within three months I signed with a new agent and signed without a trace,

Speaker 12715.2s - 2723.94s

which is a, I think it was an NBC network drama. He was the lead for eight years. Yeah, he's done

Speaker 32723.94s - 2726.84s

massive stuff post 40, like massive.

Speaker 22727.38s - 2733.96s

Oh. That person that made that decision is, you know, Julia Roberts PERSON with the bags, big mistake, big mistake.

Speaker 32734.26s - 2736s

So he confronted him, Emma PERSON.

Speaker 12736.42s - 2737.54s

Oh, I love it.

Speaker 22737.84s - 2740.8s

So he ran into him at the Emmys or the Golden Globe EVENT,

Speaker 32741.02s - 2752.8s

something backstage, and he walked up to that agent and he goes, you were right. That ship had sailed, just not into your port. Oh, that is so good.

Speaker 12752.98s - 2755.1s

And I said, where do you get those balls?

Speaker 22755.18s - 2760.84s

Like, I don't have that curry. I don't have that. I was like, I want that. But he takes no prison. He's fantastic.

Speaker 32761.04s - 2773.76s

Like, go get a great voice as well. Like, I always listen to people's voices before I interview them. And I was like, oh, this is a great half-Australian, half-American Bronx GPE. Like, great Brooklyn GPE.

Speaker 22773.76s - 2787.18s

Yeah, he was fantastic. Oh, that's so epic. Oh, my God, that's so good. So what have you learned from the podcast? Obviously, you've told me a couple of really cool stories, but what are your greatest lessons that you've taken from the podcast? Obviously, you've told me a couple of really cool stories, but what are your greatest lessons that you've taken from the podcast?

Speaker 32790.9s - 2795.56s

When someone says no, say okay and get on with it.

Speaker 12798.66s - 2801.24s

Say okay, okay, and just get on with it.

Speaker 32801.4s - 2805.22s

Like, I think it comes back to that projection piece that you brought up earlier.

Speaker 12805.6s - 2808.68s

It's often got nothing to do with you if somebody says,

Speaker 32809.12s - 2811.68s

no, well, you're not right for this role, or I don't want you for this,

Speaker 12811.7s - 2813.34s

or this isn't right.

Speaker 32813.44s - 2824.64s

Okay, cool. On to the next. Like, and that ability to let go and keep moving forward, that's a great, a really handy lesson that you can implement, like, straight away. Yeah.

Speaker 12824.72s - 2827.76s

You know, if you're connected, you can be like, okay, that's okay.

Speaker 32827.86s - 2829.82s

That's not who I am.

Speaker 12830.06s - 2830.84s

And so that's okay.

Speaker 32830.96s - 2842.96s

So I like, I think that's been a really big one. And then another person that I loved him doing was Trent Dalton, who is an Australian NORP author. He wrote Boyce Volley's Universe and Lolo and the Mirror WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 22842.96s - 2848.4s

My son was an extra in that because his bestie was his dad directed it.

Speaker 32849.4s - 2855.06s

Wow, what a beautiful show to be part of. Fantastic. So Trent Dalton PERSON cried.

Speaker 12855.14s - 2858.94s

We were both crying in the interview and I was like, oh my God, I didn't expect to cry

Speaker 02858.94s - 2859.62s

this interview there.

Speaker 32860.14s - 2870.22s

And he's a heart-led person. Yeah. And I remember thinking when I walked away from him that if I make choices from the heart, it won't let me down.

Speaker 22871.02s - 2872.14s

Oh, I love that.

Speaker 32872.28s - 2880.36s

That is so, so powerful. And, you know, like one of the biggest things just to sort of almost back that up from a human design perspective is,

Speaker 22880.46s - 2885.5s

you know, being a manifesting generator, your gut is everything, you know, like trusting your

Speaker 02885.5s - 2892.34s

gut over everything else is really, really important. So, yeah, I love that. Well, I'm going to let you go.

Speaker 22892.46s - 2903.86s

I could talk to you forever. I'm super conscious of your time. Thank you so much for being here with me, Lola. It's been so much fun. Thank you for having me. I feel so lucky we met that day.

Speaker 32903.86s - 2911.56s

Like, literally I was coming to L.A. like a week later. So it feel so lucky we met that day. Like literally I was coming to LA like a week later. So it was so lucky that we were able to connect and make this happen. And

Speaker 22911.56s - 2917.18s

please, please stay in touch. I cannot wait just to watch your journey as well. It's been an honor.

Speaker 02917.18s - 2922.9s

Thank you. Thank you so much. I'm actually going to be over there. I've got a few podcasts

Speaker 32922.9s - 2925.24s

interviews that I have to do in person over there,

Speaker 22925.34s - 2930.68s

and we're doing a bunch of stuff. So I'm absolutely going to look you up when I'm over June. I think

Speaker 32930.68s - 2937.14s

it's June-ish that we're there. Let's do an LA GPE hike. Let's do an LA hike or a green smoothie

Speaker 12937.14s - 2945.54s

or, yeah, 100%. I would absolutely love that, I think, and I think you're going to have the best time ever. And I'll give you all the tips.

Speaker 22945.88s - 2947.08s

I'll tell you where to go. Sounds great.

Speaker 32947.72s - 2948.16s


Speaker 22948.42s - 2960.36s

Sounds so, so good. So, Lola PERSON, can you just share it with my beautiful listeners? Where can they find you? The podcast, we obviously talked about it, but the podcast, website, Insta.

Speaker 32961.14s - 2982.22s

Yeah, the pod is just wherever you listen to podcasts. So Apple, Spotify ORG, whatever, float your boat. And my instra is Yamo you listen to podcasts, so Apple, Spotify, whatever, float your boat. And my Instagram ORG is Yom-O-Lola Berry from when I was an nutrition influencer. I haven't changed it. I've just kept it the same. And yeah, I just share my little wins and behind the scenes. And that's me. That's me, Gant PERSON. Oh, my God, I love it. Well, thanks everyone

Speaker 22982.22s - 3038.1s

for listening along. I trust you got what you needed from today's episode. Once more, thank you so much, the amazing Lola Berry PERSON. And thanks everyone for being here. So I'm going to let you go. And I look forward to having you on the next episode. Bye for now.Thanks, everyone, for being here all the way to the end of the podcast. I hope you got lots of value out of it. I certainly had a lot of fun doing it. Could I please ask that you share this podcast with friends if you found it valuable? And also, bonus points, could you leave a review for me as well on Apple ORG? It would be greatly appreciated. If at any point you would like to be on the podcast or you've got questions that you'd like me to discuss on the podcast, by all means, get on my socials and DM me.Everything you need is there in the show notes. Have an awesome day. Bye for now.