May 20: The Hull Show – Nuggets Reactions: Malone’s Spurs Comparison, Murray Trade Value | Avs Offseason Moves – HR 2

May 20: The Hull Show – Nuggets Reactions: Malone’s Spurs Comparison, Murray Trade Value | Avs Offseason Moves – HR 2

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About This Episode

44:04 minutes

published 13 days ago

American English


Speaker 30s - 40.6s

This KFK podcast is presented by Bank of Colorado ORG. There's only one Greeley, one team like the UNC Bears ORG, and one bank who cheers as loud as you do. Bank of Colorado ORG. Proud partner of UNC Athletics, member FDIC ORG. All right. We're kind of punting the format here today.

Speaker 741.24s - 57.1s

I didn't do good, the bad, the ugly. I didn't. I'm not doing top story. I'm not doing by yourself. Maybe, maybe. I don't know.Angel PERSON, give me, give me something good. Did you do something fun? Did you do anything that was like cool over the weekend, man? Do you do something fun?

Speaker 657.74s - 58.12s


Speaker 759.56s - 61.1s

I got baptized yesterday.

Speaker 661.62s - 62.3s

Oh, you did?

Speaker 762.42s - 62.82s

I did.

Speaker 663.06s - 66.26s

Susan and Cheryl PERSON are on their, they're working on themselves, too.

Speaker 766.42s - 72.26s

So they really like that. Congratulations to you, Angel PERSON. That is a special, special thing.

Speaker 672.6s - 78.28s

Yeah, my dad, my stepmom came up. My dad got to help with the process of it. So that was really cool.

Speaker 778.28s - 84.48s

Heck yeah, man. Well, that is, you know what? This might be why your demeanor was different when I asked you if the sky was falling.

Speaker 684.82s - 96.28s

I hope it's different. Ultimately, that is the most important thing. So, congratulations to you. Thanks, sir. Yeah, so that was good. Got to see some family.Mm-hmm. Cool. Good. Eat some good food?

Speaker 796.28s - 104.2s

I finished the Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART movies, the trilogy, the newer ones. Thumbs up? Yeah, two thumbs, amidextrous thumbs way up.

Speaker 6104.8s - 105.88s

For talking monkeys.

Speaker 7106.04s - 111.32s

I was so mad today, Angel PERSON. You know what I did? You wore a red shirt.

Speaker 6111.78s - 160.52s

Well, I, funny story on that, too. The shirt that I wore for work that I had packed, it fell out of the bag in my car, and it was on the floorboard of my passenger seat, and it was just covered in dust and dirt and all that stuff. So it's like, you know what? I'm wearing an exercise shirt today because I'm probably going to go for an eight-mile run at the end of the show because it's got to get the frustrations out. You know how much crap I give Michael, Kirkpatrick here, about Star Trek WORK_OF_ART and all that stuff? I literally went up to him this morning.Not even joking. I said, up to him this morning, not even joking. I said, Michael, give me some suggestions of nerd stuff that I should watch this week because I need to do something this week to kind of, you know, I will watch NBA ORG playoffs.

Speaker 7161.68s - 246.5s

I will, but it will be very difficult for me. So I went up to him and I said, and then he went off and then, of course, my mind went, I can't, sorry, whatever it was he was talking about. But I need good news. Something that you did this weekend. Give me something positive. Toby says, well, the sun came up this morning. Yeah, it did. Usually happens. It did. It usually happens. It did.Kay says, go easy on us today. This was a crushing weekend. Well, I did not get the memo, apparently, because our number one was just a bunch of rage. I did get my graduation speech, and I did not fail. It was all right. I rushed it a little bit, little nerves.Note to high schools, and I don't know if all high schools do this or if this is just a small town thing. Put the AC on in there, man. It was like 80 degrees in that gym. And I sweat easily, especially when I have a tie on, and I'm nervous for a speech. So when I get up there, I'm already feeling it. I'm like, this is just going to get worse.The students had no idea what I was talking about when I went to the Michael Jordan PERSON quote that I finished my speech with. I asked if you guys knew Michael Jordan PERSON. They looked at me, blank stare, except for my cousin, Reagan PERSON, she's always bringing it.She's smart as hell. She's going to do awesome. And these kids are probably smart, too, but they didn't know who Michael Jordan PERSON was, and that made me really sad. So that was weird. Well, it is. He's not a dated too, but they didn't know who Michael Jordan PERSON was, and that made me really sad. So that was weird. Well, it is.

Speaker 6247.08s - 252.26s

He's not a dated reference, but you hear Michael Jordan PERSON, it's, he's that basketball.

Speaker 7252.58s - 255.06s

He's the guy that everybody compares.

Speaker 6255.5s - 261.34s

He's the guy that's like second or fourth under LeBron James PERSON or something like that. Yeah. Smitty texting in.

Speaker 7261.64s - 265.54s

So thank you, Angel PERSON. Angel being baptized is the best news I've heard all day.

Speaker 6265.96s - 266.44s


Speaker 7266.54s - 279.32s

So we're just looking for good news. And I mean, you guys are not reaching very far because Toby PERSON, seriously, the sun is coming. The sun came up this morning. Like, I need real good news. No, the world didn't just end. I felt like it.

Speaker 0279.4s - 282s

It felt like it. I'm sitting there in my dad's house.

Speaker 7282.96s - 317.08s

And my dad, you know, at his stage in his life, he doesn't hang on these games as much as I do, as much as he used to. So he was just kind of like, yeah. And then I said, I looked at him. I said, what channel is the Western channel on, dad? We got to, we cannot watch post game. I got to go. What channel? What channel? What channel? What channel? And he's looking at me like, man, you really have not changed at all. You were the same little kid that would not go to school on a Monday following a Broncos ORG loss or something like that.A stomach ache would creep up, Angel PERSON. Perfect attendance was not ever a thing for me.

Speaker 6317.56s - 319.2s

It never was. The classes are out as well.

Speaker 7319.5s - 346.66s

Yeah, true. First Advantage ORG text line 888-530-00-443. It was fun, though. I had a good time doing the speech. I felt like I hit all my key points. I was shooting for 10 minutes my first time doing this, Angel, and it came in at about 914 or something. So, yeah, I guess slow it down next time. It's just different. It's a different feel. It's easy to get up there and just, okay, I just run through it as quick as possible and it'll feel better.

Speaker 6346.84s - 348.24s

I didn't read anything, though.

Speaker 7348.6s - 361.3s

I memorized my points and where I was going. I did read the quotes, obviously. I had a Jordan quote and I had a Joker PERSON quote about failing. So that was the one he said about learning to succeed after failure and all that stuff.

Speaker 0361.38s - 369.48s

I used that. Some guy didn't believe that that was a quote of his. One of this, because I'm sitting up there with the school board guys. And one guy came out to me at the end. He's like, where did you get that Joker PERSON quote?

Speaker 7369.54s - 425.04s

I'm like, it's like a famous thing, man. He said it. He said it. Primary source? Yeah. I mean, we played it on this show.So that was cool. You know, I'm getting to see some family for a moment. That was, you know, it's always exciting to see family. I don't, I don't love the drive out there. The older I get in the further away, because I'm, I'm getting to see some family for a moment. That was, you know, it's always exciting to see family. I don't love the drive out there. The older I get in the further away, because I moved up here in 2005, the more that does not feel like, did I really live here?Did I really, you know, you drive down Main Street and it takes you 22 seconds? There's no stoplights, you know? There's no like, hey, let's go grab bite teeth real quick. Well, there's this one place. And that's, it's that one place, so it's packed. So, yeah,that was interesting. I also found out my, my 400 meter record angel was broken big time. Oof. By a Sean Welles PERSON kid who won it, and he ran it50 seconds. Wow. And then somebody else, another Shinewell's won it, and he ran it in 50 seconds.

Speaker 5425.22s - 425.7s


Speaker 7431.78s - 456.04s

And then somebody else, another Shyamwell's kid, got second place and ran it in like 50.4. So, but it did cheer me up. I needed something. I looked and I was like, I would have finished fifth that year. So that would have been cool if I would have finished in my best time. First Advantage ORG text line 888-530-0-0-4-3.All right, so here's Michael Malone talking about, well, basically kind of loosely comparing the Nugget situation to the San Antonio Spurs.

Speaker 0456.4s - 508.04s

Well, we knew it was hard. You know, something I talked to our team about in training camp. You know, I think the last team would do it was the 17-18 Warriors ORG. And with the rules being what they are now, I think it's going to become even harder and harder to repeat as champions. But the one thing I keep on going back to right nowis that I consider the San Antonio Spursa ORG dynasty, and they never won back-to-back. So losing the hurt of it, the pain of it, it helped us win our first championship. Can we use this year? You know, we tied a franchise record, 57 wins.We went 21 and 6th out of the All-Star break. We really stepped up, beat the Lakers in the first round, and lost to a very talented Timberwolves ORG team, who held the number one seed most of the year until the very end. It is hard. It is hard to repeat.It's hard to win. And we all got to do whatever it takes to not have this film again next year.

Speaker 7508.68s - 521.52s

Well, I'll give you the glass half full today on that. I do feel like Denver ORG is a better chaser than they are the chacey. I think that they couldn't handle the target thing this year. They weren't built for it.

Speaker 6522.56s - 552.8s

No, and that's, you know, I don't blame them for not being prepared because they've never been in that situation. That was kind of the vibe we even got at Media Day was we have to figure out how to remotivate ourselves. And with the way sports works, especially in the NBA ORG, it is hard to repeat. It's very, very difficult. Even if the Timberwolves go on to win it this year, there's going to be, are the Timberwolves going to be a dynasty? And they may not. We don't know. I probably wouldn't expect them to.

Speaker 7553.12s - 597.58s

My gut doesn't tell me that, my gut tells me that Anthony Edwards is a dynasty type player, but I don't know that Carl Anthony Towns PERSON is. I mean, he showed up in some key moments in that game, but I don't know. And Rudy Gobert PERSON, I just can't. I can't. I mean, he showed up in some key moments in that game, but I don't know. And Rudy Gobert PERSON, I just can't, I can't say that about this team. I think they have a good shot to win it. I think so. I'm rude. I'm kind of rooting for Dallas ORG, though, but maybe not, Angel, because I feel like if Luca wins with Dallas ORG, that might make him want to stay there more.And then maybe they work out a long-term deal with Kyrie Irving PERSON. Sure. So that's a tough one. But I have some friends that are Dallas Mavericks ORG fans, and they're texting me last night when the Nuggets are up 20, and they're like, hey, you know, hopefully we can get one on you guys.That's all I felt.

Speaker 6598.12s - 600.5s

And then it just all hell broke loose after that.

Speaker 7601.86s - 669.42s

First Advantage ORG text line 888-530-0043. Here's an interesting note, too. Somebody had texted me this earlier and said, hey, hopefully KCP ORG doesn't pick up his player option. Then they can have Brown Watson, Brown or Watson fill that role and save the $15 million they desperately need.Well, Ryan Blackburn PERSON, NBA Blackburn on social media, I follow him. The problem, he says this, the problem you run into, if you're Denver ORG, the money doesn't just transfer to another player. If KCP declines his player option, the Nuggets ORG are still over the cap. They're actually over the tax. The only thing the Nuggets can really do is use the taxpayer M-L-E, which is a little over $5 million.Some deep contract talk there. But, you know, you would still, I believe looking at their cap or their contracts, Angel PERSON, Christian Brown PERSON has a team option. Peyton Watson PERSON has a team option. Chanchard PERSON has a team option. And Reggie Jackson PERSON has a player option.So, I mean, you're picking up Christians NORP, right? Yeah? Yeah, I think so.

Speaker 6669.48s - 671.9s

And you probably won't have to pay him a ton.

Speaker 7672.14s - 672.62s

$3 million.

Speaker 6673.92s - 674.96s

So you're picking that up.

Speaker 7675.02s - 701.58s

Are you picking up, Peyton Watts PERSON? 2.4. I mean, if what Ryan Blackburn is saying is true, that there's a $5.8 million that they would be able to use, well, you add, then you look at Peyton Watson PERSON, and that's $2.4 million. Well, now we're up at seven.Is there any way you can move Ziegnaudgy PERSON? I don't know. He's got, oh, they signed, ooh. They signed him to a big deal.

Speaker 6702.66s - 703.28s

Whoa, yikes.

Speaker 7704.36s - 724.72s

Yeah, he's good through, he's got a player option in 27, 28. And because they, yeah, they, that was ugly. They picked up his team option and they gave him a deal. And they didn't really use him. Nope. That's a big one.Can you move him? Probably going to have to pay a lot. Yeah. But, I mean, he's not doing anything.

Speaker 6725.34s - 726.72s

No, he's 23 years old.

Speaker 7727.18s - 729.06s

Are you done with the Zit Nagy PERSON thing?

Speaker 6731.14s - 733.74s

I got to see something early on next season.

Speaker 7734.28s - 738.58s

Or, you know, I know they were trying to get him to move to the five spot.

Speaker 6739.26s - 743.96s

It didn't work. I don't know what the thing is with Najee PERSON.

Speaker 7744.24s - 757.94s

Do you think Michael Malone will change the way he approaches the younger players? Julian Strother PERSON had his moments at the beginning of the season. Then he got hurt and then he never really got back into thegood graces. Yeah, and I don't

Speaker 6757.94s - 766.68s

there is this narrative about Malone PERSON and the younger guys and I think Christian Brown PERSON kind of broke that narrative a little bit in terms of, okay, you play defense.

Speaker 0766.68s - 767.24s

He plays defense.

Speaker 5767.24s - 786.46s

You have good energy on the floor, and you can make a couple of shots here and there. Peyton Watson PERSON, I think the maturity aspect is there. I don't know if the execution on the court is fully developed just yet. Strother is a guy feel like, you know, he is the next iteration of the MPJ PERSON type of player

Speaker 6786.46s - 789.7s

for them. Yeah, I do like the floater that he had

Speaker 7789.7s - 793.16s

in Gonzaga ORG. That shot was nice. That's something that I don't think

Speaker 6793.16s - 799.26s

Porter PERSON really has. So that would be if he can do that at this level on a consistent basis and be a three-point

Speaker 7799.26s - 812.16s

shooter, he gives you a different he provides a different look there on offense. And Peyton Watson PERSON, it's not like he's terrible at defense. He's just, he's just not great at it.

Speaker 6812.5s - 827.98s

Yeah, he just, he's kind of, I don't want to find a different word besides Raw WORK_OF_ART to define his talent. But it's just like he's not there yet in terms of how to be spaced out on the floor, how to execute in transition, things like that.

Speaker 7828.62s - 849.28s

So reading some of these insiders with the cap stuff, because it's not, I mean, I know a little bit about it, not as much as I should. I don't know if it's a great thing for KCP ORG to not. I think he will pick up the player option. I just, is he worth more than, is he, he's not, he's not in demand like Bruce Brown was last year.

Speaker 6849.48s - 849.76s


Speaker 7850s - 854.24s

Because I think his stock, he heard his stock this year. Maybe last year he was, but not this year.

Speaker 6854.38s - 858.6s

Yeah, and he's an older player, a guy that, you know, he was old when he, I'm not old.

Speaker 7858.6s - 859.56s

Yeah, he's been in the league a while.

Speaker 6859.56s - 860.46s

He was a veteran guy when they got it.

Speaker 7860.52s - 874.32s

Sure. I think he picks it up. I'd be shocked if he really wants to take that chance. I think he likes the ideas too of playing with Joker PERSON. I think he picks it up. I'd be shocked if he really wants to take that chance. I think he likes the ideas too of playing with Joker. I think he picks it up. So I don't know. The KCP ORG thing, I just don't know. Yeah, I think

Speaker 6874.32s - 880.52s

if KCP ORG does pick it up, I think you start seriously looking at getting Jamal PERSON traded.

Speaker 7882.98s - 888s

I don't think that's out of the world of possibility, out of the realm, as they say.

Speaker 6888.06s - 914.38s

I mean, if you're serious about winning multiple championships with Yokic and his prime, like, we love Jamal PERSON, but you're not healthy enough. You're not nearly as consistent as we need you to be. If you're going to be that two-man guy two-man game works but we can't have the 20 25 30 and then 12 10 15 point games now if you know let's if if you keep jamal and they

Speaker 7914.38s - 919.96s

I just don't think they can realistically try to move imp jay PERSON no I think his contract is just too

Speaker 6919.96s - 926.18s

much and I do think the family stuff is going to be hey hey, how's his head? I do think that's a

Speaker 7926.18s - 954.12s

question. If you're a GM, you have to ask the really tough questions. And this is why I tweeted last night at the end. I just said, hey, I have so much respect for that dude. So much. I just, the fact that he was out there. And he did have some big nights. He saved him a lot in that Lakers ORG series. But if we're just talking about the player, I still have my concerns about him. But he does have those moments where he just, if he gets hot, shooting that three ball is so powerful, man.

Speaker 6954.64s - 956.12s

And they don't have any shooter like that.

Speaker 7956.14s - 993.34s

But let's just pretend. Hypothetical. If you are able to move Michael Porter, Jr. PERSON, is there any consideration, you know, if KCP doesn't pick up his player options, so two big ifs, you go get a point guard and you put Jamal Murray back at two, where he maybe he thrives.Maybe he goes back to Blue Arrow FAC. Maybe his three-point shooting is better if he's a two-guy. And we know there's no, for this Nuggets ORG offense, there's not necessarily a traditional point guard, but you could have a regular point guard. And then Jamal PERSON bring it up once in a while. Maybe that slows things down.You talked about sticky ball with Jamal PERSON. Does that get him out of that?

Speaker 6994.02s - 1007.08s

Yeah, I mean, I can imagine having a point guard and the point guard triggering the two-man game with Yokach and Murray to where they're off getting ready to set up with that two-man game. The point guard is doing something else on the other side of the court.

Speaker 71007.7s - 1077.02s

Yeah, I just thought about that on the drive. I had a long freaking drive. So I'm thinking about everything here. But eventually, Angel PERSON, you've got to start preparing. If you're talking about the long run and you're also looking at Nicole Yokic PERSON, okay, he's got three full years left on the contract now.And he has a player option in 27, 28. So three years goes by quickly. You know, we got two years until you're starting to figure out what the future looks like for him. So you also need to be in this. And this is where I do knock him alone. Is Julian Strother PERSON going to be a guy for you?And I'm not talking Michael Porter, Jr. I'm talking, is that guy somebody that could potentially be a face for your franchise? I'd say no right now based on what we've seen. But those are all realistic questions when you're talking about expanding this dynasty or this window. And let's say Joker PERSON does want to stay past 27, 28. Well, who is that guy that's going with him? Because Aaron Gordon will be done. Gordon, he's got next year's going with him? Because Aaron Gordon will be done.Gordon, he's got next year, and then he's got a player option. I could see him playing for Denver ORG for as long. You know, I could see him, couldn't you see him taking less money to stay in Denver ORG?

Speaker 61079.28s - 1083.46s

And I don't know if he's getting a big deal from anybody else. No, and again, it's, can you replicate his success without Yokic PERSON?

Speaker 71087.94s - 1093.38s

No, he's a different, he was a semi-superstar with Orlando ORG, semi. And then he comes to Denver ORG and he's got a ring now. And he's a very vital part of this team.

Speaker 61096.36s - 1119.8s

Yeah, and just talking about what this team does in the future, I go back to this comment from Calvin Booth in the offseason, talking about his philosophy with this team, he said, quote, I just want dudes that we try to develop and it's sustainable. If it costs us the chance to win a championship this year, so be it, it's worth the investment. It's more about winning three out of six, three out of seven, four out of eight than it is trying to go back to back.Couple points on that.

Speaker 71123.86s - 1142.9s

Do you think Michael Malone lived up to what Booth PERSON just said? I would rather, I would sacrifice winning a championship a year or two once in a while to develop. Who did Malone develop this year? Who did we see get developed? I mean, Christian Brown, but that was last year, and he had his moments or a lot of moments where he's just not there. I think he picked it up as the playoffs went on.

Speaker 61143.78s - 1192.82s

Yeah, and maybe that got shunted because the Jamal injury and you had to mix up the lineups a little bit. Reggie Jackson PERSON wasn't a reliable enough backup guard to, you know, give you what you wanted out of, what you wanted out of the Bruce Brown minutes. Struthers PERSON injury, you know, kind of cut his rookie season short a little bit. So, you know, it could be on-court development. It could be off-court, you know, stuff in practices.Are they doing well in workout? Stuff like that. I don't know. I don't know if the team took that mentality of, oh, Calvin Booth doesn't expect us to win a championship this year. So if we don't win, we'll be all right. I think they're upset and they're frustrated with how the series went.But it's also, okay, we know what we're still building here. It's not, oh, tear it all down. We need to start over.

Speaker 71192.96s - 1215.76s

No, and I think they're really far from that. I think it's a tweak or two. The Jamal PERSON thing would be a big move, though. Would be actually a big tweak. Do you like Calvin Booth's PERSON philosophy? Like just basically saying, yeah, we're not going to say which year it is,but not every year we are going to be championship or bust.

Speaker 61216.54s - 1243.26s

Yeah, I don't think any professional team goes into a year thinking, oh, we don't have a chance or we're not going to try to win a championship. But I think it's more of a professional approach as a GM to say, we are still building for the future. The last five, six years have been building towards that one championship, and that's great. But we want to get multiple.We have this vision of winning more than one, so we have to make sure we can keep doing that.

Speaker 71243.92s - 1408.18s

Yeah, and listen, it's like the Dick Monfort PERSON thing on steroids, because Dick Monfort's saying that, but two levels down. He's saying every four to five years we want to be in the playoffs. Booth saying every, you know, can we win three out of seven or whatever? Like, it's on, if that's on steroids. Nobody really wants to hear a general manager say that we're good if we don't win a championship every year, which is the truth, though, because not every day, it's just not happening.The team that wins it this year, unless it's maybe Boston, is, you know, I don't think if Indiana ORG finds a way to pull off an upset, I don't know that they're a shoe in. And I don't know necessarily that Dallas or Minnesota ORG would be that team. Feel as strong as we did about the Nuggets ORG, at least here anyway. Yeah, this is the tough part. Malone PERSON is, I like Malone. He speaks his mind.Last year in the parade, he's saying dynasty. This year he's saying, hey, this dynasty doesn't mean back-to-backs. He's doubling down on what Calvin Booth PERSON's saying because he's safe. Malone PERSON is safe right now. This is all part of the plan right now for them. It's just how do they get better?We're talking a lot about shooting. Okay. That you either have to find somebody that's better or somebody has to get better. And is KCP ORG going to become a better shooter? Is Jamal Murray PERSON going to become a better shooter? Is Michael Porter Jr. PERSON?I don't know. I mean, Porter PERSON is still very young, but there still is the concern about the injury. You know, that when that could hit, you don't have a power forward really that is a threat from the three. And when he is, it changes everything. Look at what that did.So, yeah, you want to talk about shooters. Angel PERSON, I think this is before you were doing the show. And it was when the Nuggets were first getting into the playoffs with Malone PERSON. And I said, I don't think at that stage, everybody was so damn young. And I said, they don't need to make any massive moves. They have the luxury of taking a shot on a Michael Porter Jr. PERSON in the draft because allthey need is time right now. This was four or five years ago, probably. This was before the bubble. And I thought, the biggest off-season move for Denver ORG is time. Murray PERSON's going to get better. Joker PERSON's going to get better.Gordon PERSON's going to mix in better. Porter PERSON's going to eventually get better. They don't have that luxury as much anymore. Nicola Okic is 29 years old. Can he have another MVP type year? Sure.He probably can. It's going to be very tough. Jamal Murray's 27. I don't know when his birthday is, but my guess is he will be 28 before the season starts or at the beginning of the season.

Speaker 61409.1s - 1410.5s

Michael Porter Jr. is 25.

Speaker 71410.76s - 1434.6s

Same thing. He'll be 26. That's how it works. Gordon's 28. So you, you, those guys are those guys at this stage. I don't know that you're ever going to see Jamal Murray be the 25 a night guy.I'm pretty confident in saying that. Are you? Yeah. I mean, he's, you know, out of five games

Speaker 61434.6s - 1442.06s

during a seven-day week, he probably gets 25 plus three times. Yeah, two or three times. Probably so.

Speaker 71442.06s - 1445.08s

And one of those games is probably some kind of ailment.

Speaker 61445.62s - 1448.56s

He's not completely healthy for five games out of seven.

Speaker 71448.68s - 1451.48s

Well, and to be fair, I said when Anthony Edwards had 44,

Speaker 61451.58s - 1453.24s

you didn't really feel it in that game five.

Speaker 71454.58s - 1460.4s

Jamal had 35. You felt it in the first half. Not so much in the second.

Speaker 61461.4s - 1480.24s

Oh, because that was all, it was like nine points in the second half. And then none of it felt, you know, you thought, okay, here comes the flurry. He's made a couple baskets in a second. No, because that was all, it was like nine points in the second half, and then none of it felt, you know, you thought, okay, here comes the flurry. He's made a couple baskets in a row, and then it just never, and then it transitioned from Murray PERSON's getting hot to Murray's forcing it, or the rest of the team is just giving up threes.

Speaker 71482.08s - 1509.98s

Again, yeah, yeah, I agree with those points. Going back to the Malone PERSON thing, I like his confidence. But you got to admit, him saying that last night, like, hey, look at the Spurs ORG. They were considered a dynasty. That's Malone basically saying, we are the Spurs ORG. We feel like we are the Spurs ORG.Not built exactly the same, but even the spurs. Now, correct? How many championships did they win with Kauai ORG? Was it one or two? I believe it was just one.

Speaker 61510.02s - 1510.26s


Speaker 71511.42s - 1520.34s

But it was primarily those three guys. I think they went out. Didn't they get like Robert O'Rey or something for one of those runs? And then he was a three-point shooter for them. They had Danny Green PERSON.

Speaker 01520.5s - 1524.6s

Danny Green PERSON. Yeah, they had some decent guys. Gallinari PERSON.

Speaker 71525.04s - 1526.66s

Is he on those? I don't think so.

Speaker 61526.82s - 1531.56s

There was Genoblee and Parker and Duncan were the three.

Speaker 01533.16s - 1538.86s

Obviously they won one with David Robinson, too, before Manu and Parker PERSON got there.

Speaker 71539.16s - 1539.62s

Bellinelli PERSON.

Speaker 61539.76s - 1541.18s

Bellinelli PERSON, yeah, there you go.

Speaker 71541.3s - 1575.22s

Yeah, that's a good pull. So you found, and he was a shooter, right? He was. So you find those shooters, too. It you found, and he was a shooter, right? He was. So you find those shooters, too. It was like him and green off the bench were your shooters. Yeah, green, of course.Yeah, so, I mean, you had your core. So who is that core for Denver ORG that is untouchable? And you're not saying Jamal Murray today. Not today. I think it's Gordon, Yokic, and MPJ PERSON. So that's your, and that's going to get some pushback,and I'm not saying you're 100% wrong on that because I think a lot of people are in this world with Jamal Murray PERSON, and I think we've all been in that world with Jamal Murray for the past five years.

Speaker 61575.82s - 1594.52s

Yeah, and the only reason I say MPJ is because he's not as inconsistent as Murray PERSON is. MPJ PERSON is not at the peak of where he could be. Yeah. And where he probably should be. But Murray PERSON shows us his peak and then it fades quickly. Well, and you don't put as much on Porter as you do Murray PERSON.

Speaker 71594.6s - 1648.58s

He plays his role perfectly. You are asking Murray to be the number two. You're begging for him to be the number two. And I'm talking most, like every night. The fact that I do this funny little thing on Twitter before the playoffs, Angel PERSON, and I say, tonight's going to be a Jamal PERSON night.Tonight's going to be an MPJ night. That's not ideal for Denver ORG. It'd be better to just go, well, it's Joker PERSON. You know what? I think it's going to be Jamal over Joker today. Not it's going to be a Jamal night.But it could be Aaron Gordon one night. It could be KCP, kind of. You know, that's a shock. It could be Jamal PERSON. It could be Porter PERSON. It could be Gordon PERSON.You've got three guys there that you can cycle through. And you want to have those guys constantly adding, but you do need somebody that's consistently doing it. Nine out of ten, eight out of ten.

Speaker 61648.94s - 1664.94s

Yeah, we talked about, you know, the end of the super team era, and it's become more of the, you had to have two top tier players. And the Nuggets ORG have that sometimes. Yeah. But it would be great how much better they could be if Jamal was that consistent second player.

Speaker 71664.94s - 1732.68s

So when you're talking about trading, and I won't put it to you yet, because we're not going to get these player options and team options things figured out until after the playoffs. But what are we talking about? I mean, are we really getting on the phone with Dallas ORG? I mean, are we doing that? Listen, this could be the Luca Carmelo thing in Dallas ORG, too. This is why I'm kind of not rooting for them.This could be Luca PERSON saying, you guys should trade me now and get something really good because I'm not going to be here and I will give you two years and then I will LeBron James PERSON this be and I'm gone. And you get nothing for one of the best, well, maybe the top three player in the NBA ORG, you guys get nothing. I could see a scenario where that's Luca PERSON. Like, keep me for two years, great.I'll do what I can. But I will not be picking up that player option in three years. So you should work to trade me now. And you could maybe get some of that core that won a championship in Denver ORG. But then also if you, if Jamal PERSON is a trade for that, then, you know, does that, what does that do with Kyrie PERSON?Do you put Jamal PERSON? They're playing with two point guards.

Speaker 51733.06s - 1733.22s


Speaker 71733.36s - 1817.2s

Do you, do you put Jamal at two with, with a Kyrie Irving PERSON? Listen, this is all just pie in the sky type stuff. But that is, I don't think it's that far-fetched for Luca if he's frustrated at the end of this this year to go, hey, you got me for two years and then I'm done. Carmelo Anthony this thing and go get, because look what the Nuggets ORG did. They took a Carmelo Anthony trade and they became relevant from that point on until the Brian Shaw Cloud ORG took over. And then they still kind of made off of that because Jamal Murray PERSON was a part of the,he was a draft pick that they got. McLean says, what about Bruce Brown PERSON? Yeah, no, we talked about that. He has a team option with Toronto ORG. If they don't pick it up, is he willing to come here for what, Angel PERSON? I mean, can you afford him again?It's the same question. If KCP ORG doesn't take his player option, we're hearing that, well, it's not, they're still going to be over that money. They're going to be over the tax threshold that they're only going to be able to have $5 million to pair with, I don't know, maybe a $3 or $4 million with one of these other, one of these other team option guys, which is Chanchard, Peyton Watson PERSON. I don't know if you get a Bruce Brown PERSON if you're willing,if KCP, Peyton Watson, and Chanchar PERSON are still on this roster. I just don't know how that all works out.

Speaker 61817.2s - 1854.16s

Yeah, I don't foresee Chanchard lasting long for them. And really the KCP ORG thing is up to him if he wants to maybe take lesser because he wants to be a team guy. Sure.If not, you know, I think Bruce Brown PERSON is a fun option to think about because we know the connection and how much he enjoyed his time here. I think he would not have a Nuggets tattoo over the weekend or last weekend. So I think Bruce Brown PERSON would want to come back here.Would he be willing to take $9 million? Nine million? $9 million? Maybe. Because I don't, you know, he made his money last season, but it wasn't, you're on, you've been on two different teams in the last year.

Speaker 71854.26s - 1863.64s

I guess I was stupid in this, Angel. I know we have to break, but I didn't think he, I thought he signed a two-year deal, not a, not a one year and then a two, the second year was a team option.

Speaker 61864s - 1866.04s

So that changes a few things.

Speaker 71866.6s - 1930.24s

But if KCP goes, they don't just get $15 million, at least to my understanding, that frees up. It's $5 million. But then you would have, if you weigh, if you didn't pick up Peyton Watson's deal or Chanchard's deal, well, that comes out to be $9, maybe $10 million. Does Bruce Brown sign a three-year deal at $10 million a year? That's on him again. Same situation you're in last year.Not a lot is really changing, guys. That's the thing. If you want Denver ORG to make moves, somebody has to get traded. That's the big one here. Because even if KCP ORG doesn't pick up his player option, you still don't have that much freedom. It might actually be better if he picks it up as we'retalking ourselves, talking ourselves through this today. 37 after the hour. Let's take a quick break on gel. It's the whole show powered by Chevron. We're on Northern Colorado's ORG Voice 103.1 and 1310 KFCA ORG.

Speaker 41934.64s - 1942.24s

Good morning, Noco with Brian, Gary, and Tanner Schwint PERSON. Weekday 6 to 10 on Northern Colorado's ORG voice. 103.1 and 1310 KFKA ORG.

Speaker 51949.24s - 1953.4s

This is Christopher Dempsey, your Nuggets Insider from Altitude Sports, and you are listening to the whole show on 1310 KFKA ORG.

Speaker 71955.2s - 1975.1s

See, we've calmed down a little bit. You know, again, you just, you get away from it. At the end of the day, it's awful. You were up by 20 and you had a chance to put this team away and move on to a series that we believe, what, would you predict the nuggets in five or six against Dallas ORG?

Speaker 61976.18s - 1980.82s

Oh, against Dallas? Yeah, if that was the matchup. Probably five or six.

Speaker 71980.82s - 1985.9s

Yeah. And then here we go. Finals again. You got the most out of it.

Speaker 61986.54s - 1988.52s

And how about the Colorado Avalanche, Angel PERSON?

Speaker 71989.38s - 2001.34s

That was rough. You go to two overtimes. Just exhaustion by this team, trying to give it all they could muster to force a game seven.

Speaker 62001.86s - 2028.06s

Yeah, and I think with the a abs taking what had happened the week before with Val and Taze PRODUCT and Game 4 in the way it happened, if you had told me then, hey, no, they're going to get two more games and game six is going to be a double overtime game. Probably be like, okay, yeah, I thought this team was dead in the water, but they bounced back in as best as they could. Obviously, I think not having vow hurt them significantly.

Speaker 72028.18s - 2098.44s

Mentally and physically. They got some decisions to make, too. Cogliano is an unrestricted free agent. He's 36. Jonathan Drewan. Duran PERSON. Is it Duran? I always say it wrong. He's an unrestricted free agent. He's 29. I mean, you have a couple of decent names here.Caleb Jones PERSON is an unrestricted free agent. I don't know if they go that route. Sean Walker PERSON, unrestricted free agent. Jack Johnson PERSON, same situation. So they have some questions too surrounding this team.And Val PERSON, the Val thing. They can't just be done with the contract. The only option they have is for him to play or they trade, which I don't think that's impossible. He's that good of a player where a team that's just trying to add another piece that thinks they can compete in the playoffs might go take a chance and pick up a Val Nishushkin PERSON.And like our boy Kyle Fredrickson tells us, though, with the Gazette, the Denver Gazette ORG, he says, hey, who knows where Val PERSON's headspace is going to be? Is this something he wants to keep doing?

Speaker 62099.44s - 2108.98s

Yeah, and I mean, you know, I think on the positive side is he's in stage three of the assistance program. Maybe it doesn't have to get to stage four. Maybe.

Speaker 72109.32s - 2180.34s

Or that's, you know, that's the commitment he's going to make at that point. Or, Angel, and this is a question we didn't bring up last week. How much does the lifestyle contribute to his addiction? Sure. You're on the road a lot. You're beat up a lot.And we don't know 100% what he's going through. addiction. You're on the road a lot. You're beat up a lot. And we don't know 100% what he's going through. But if he has to decide, hey, I have to clean things up. And I don't know where he is. But if the lifestyle of being a professional athlete and traveling all over the place is contributing to that because he just can't get away and that's his that's what you call the trigger right then you don't know where he's going to be mentally so that that is a bigone both teams have these big decisions looming and i i keep and i think the abs have a lot more control in their situation not with val as as much, but they do, than the Nuggets ORG do. Because if what we're hearing is true with the KCP player option thing, then yeah, it's, it's harder than just, oh, there's $15 million. It's free. I don't think it works just like that.

Speaker 62180.98s - 2185.92s

No, and, you know, it's the 15 there. It's the $8 million you're paying Ziknaji PERSON to sit around.

Speaker 72187.12s - 2212.92s

Yeah. You probably move off from D'Andre Jordan PERSON just because he's not really doing much for you. And, you know, if you're going to take the year with the Jamal thing, maybe just use that to develop your younger guys like Strather and Watson and Christian PERSON. And then try to make your big splash with Luca PERSON. Yeah, I feel like we're both talking ourselves into the Nuggets ORG running it back. Do you feel like that?

Speaker 62213.38s - 2225.12s

I mean, it's just you don't have a ton of options. Yeah. And, you know, I think we talked last year like, oh, now the Nuggets ORG have this perception of I want to go play for them. And maybe they still do.

Speaker 02225.22s - 2238.76s

I think Yokic is a big draw for a player that wants a second chance or a guy that won't make it, you know, it's not going to get another contract with this current team. And is Jamal Murray PERSON the kind of obstacle in the way of that?

Speaker 72238.88s - 2265.3s

I think he kind of is. And I just tweeted this out. We'll take a break after this. I just said, I feel like the real play, the only real play, and I'm talking like a move that would actually impact them,the Nuggets have this offseason is to trade Jamal PERSON. Contract situation is about the same as last year. So I don't see Jamal PERSON going anywhere for now. KCP ORG will likely pick up his option, and you're running it back for the most part. 46 after the hour, let's jump out and get the latest on the local sports flash.

Speaker 22268.92s - 2294.74s

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Speaker 12297.36s - 2315.56s

This is Mark Johnson, voice of the Colorado Buffaloes, and you're listening to The Hall Show with my buddy, Brady Hall PERSON, on 1310,FKA ORG.

Speaker 72318.4s - 2359.04s

Welcome back into the whole show powered by Chevron ORG. Oh, it's a rough go, man. I mean, you're really feeling it out there today. You know, the hooligans are, we're down in the dumps. It's, um, we're, I got crap because it's like, we're already moving on to the off season. What's next?Can you give it a day? It's like, this is the time to kind of do it. It's over. I mean, the playoffs are done. This is what happens. Those of you following along.As soon as your season ends, whether it's the Broncos in the regular season or the Nuggets and the Aves in the playoffs or the Rockies on May 1st, you are starting to look at what are the next moves for these organizations. This is the tale as old as time.

Speaker 62359.5s - 2364.7s

It's a little newish with the Nuggets because 2020 was bubble.

Speaker 52364.86s - 2375.32s

You didn't really expect much. 2021, you didn't have Murray and Porter PERSON. 2022, you didn't have Murray PERSON. And any year before that was just the process of building up to what you could do.

Speaker 72375.5s - 2381.78s

Yeah. And now it's we won a championship, didn't win or didn't get out of the second round the next year. Now what?

Speaker 62382.08s - 2383.44s

And you got a three-time MVP.

Speaker 72384.18s - 2444.2s

That forces, that puts the pressure on you. Yep. Because now it's, you got to get the most out of the window. If Joker really retires in 27, then you've got three years. He's got a player option in 27, 28. So you got three to four on this current contract. How do you make the best of this window?And unfortunately, that process needs to start now. But I don't, I feel like you're almost, it's Groundhog's Day for this team. I don't, unless they really want to trade Jamal Murray PERSON. That seems like the only play. 1251 the time. Quick break coming up.We'll wrap up our number two. More from the terrible weekend. Is this the worst weekend in sport in Colorado sports history? 1251 the time. Quick break coming up. We'll wrap up our number two. More from the terrible weekend. Is this the worst weekend in sport in Colorado GPE sports history? It's got to be up there, man. It's the whole show.We'll be right back.

Speaker 42446.3s - 2456.44s

Scores, interviews, and more. Preps rewind with Mike Danson PERSON. Saturdays at 10 in Northern Colorado's ORG voice. 103.1 and 1310 KFKA.

Speaker 62460.04s - 2460.16s

This is Nico Medved, the men's basketball coach of the Colorado State Rams ORG,

Speaker 42470.8s - 2474.36s

and you're listening to The Hall Show on 1310 KFCA. At Allo Fiberman ORG, they know life moves fast.

Speaker 62474.48s - 2477.76s

Hopefully your current telecom provider can keep up.

Speaker 72477.84s - 2582.9s

If not, it's time to give Allo Fiber ORG a chance. Check them out online at ORG, or you call 970505010.50. There we go. And find out why so many people in the area are making the change to aloe fiber. This is a real thing, folks. They are making ground. They are covering ground every single day. So that means word is getting out. And that word is a positive one.55 minutes after the hour. It's the whole show powered by Chevron ORG. It's one of those situations now. The more we talk ourselves through this, it does feel like they're going to kind of just run it back. I mean, you said it with a couple of guys on this roster.DeAndre Jordan PERSON probably doesn't come back. Justin Holliday PERSON, he's a free agent. He had his moments. But again, when we're in those moments, Angel, it's like, whoa, Justin Holliday PERSON's working out for this team. And then he had those times in the playoffs.He was hitting key threes. But when you take a step back and you have two series gone, the Lakers ORG win, the wolves lost, you have to take that broad approach to it. Is Justin Holliday PERSON a big picture guy? You can get him for probably not much.He was getting $2 million this year. But you might be pinching pennies to try to see if you can find just one impact bench player. Because Reggie Jackson PERSON is also, he has a player option. I would imagine he picks that up. I don't think he's testing the waters. I kind of don't want him to. I don't

Speaker 62582.9s - 2585.52s

want him to pick it up. Yeah, that's the same.

Speaker 72585.68s - 2587.12s

Like, KCP ORG, I'm kind of torn on.

Speaker 62587.12s - 2593.28s

If they run it back with the same exact team next year, I wouldn't expect, I wouldn't expect them to go far. I don't know.

Speaker 72595.58s - 2628s

The issues that we keep talking about wouldn't really be addressed unless Julian Strother just has an offseason, just becomes that guy. Peyton Watson gets better in year three. Those are the things you're going to have to hope. So it's just hope that they get better. I don't, I mean, it could happen. I don't love that plan.Final hour of the show. We'll do Buy or Sell WORK_OF_ART coming up next.

Speaker 32631.76s - 2643.16s

This KFK podcast is presented by Bank of Colorado ORG. There's only one Greeley, one team like the UNC Bears, and one bank who cheers as loud as you do. Bank of Colorado ORG. Proud partner of UNC Athletics, member FDIC ORG.