May 13: The Hull Show – Buy or Sell: 2nd Best Nugget | Broncos Rookie Minicamp Notes | What We Learned – HR 3

May 13: The Hull Show – Buy or Sell: 2nd Best Nugget | Broncos Rookie Minicamp Notes | What We Learned – HR 3

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About This Episode

40:39 minutes

published 20 days ago

American English


Speaker 50s - 48.76s

This KFK podcast is presented by Bank of Colorado ORG. There's only one Colorado and one community like Greeley GPE, the place we've called home for years. Family-owned, community-focused banking, Bank of Colorado ORG. There's only one. Member FDIC ORG. Because by the time you read about it in the wall streetIt's already too late.

Speaker 048.98s - 52.78s

Nobody knows if the stock is going to go off, down sideways.

Speaker 952.96s - 55.14s

The only problem you're going to have is that you didn't buy more.

Speaker 155.38s - 59.32s

Let me lock in that trade right now and get back to it with my secretary with an exact confirmation.

Speaker 960.24s - 63.3s

Buy or sell time, Angel PERSON, here we go.

Speaker 265.12s - 73.82s

Let's just go right here. Nuggets and six. You're buying that stock today on this 13th day of May? Yes.

Speaker 374.32s - 94.44s

Nuggets and six. Yeah, that's what I predicted this series would go as. I thought, I don't know what I thought. It's been a while, but I feel like the momentum is all on the nuggets right now. And you can go back home, really defend home court. I don't know what I thought. It's been a while, but I feel like the momentum is all on the Nuggets ORG right now. And you can go back home, really defend home court.And then it's a do or die back in Minnesota ORG. I feel like they could get that one too.

Speaker 295.68s - 128.3s

I think they got it in six. And again, people give me crap because I said Nuggets in five. That Nuggets ORG? The team that just won the last two games? Yeah, this would have been done. We just haven't seen it.But, you know, I'll take six. Fine. I don't care. As long as they get, I don't care if it's in seven. As long as they get it done. So I'm buying it as well. Are the Rockies going to do something? Are you buying Rocky stock today? They've won four in a row, Angel PERSON. No. No.Just, this is just a blip in the radar back to terribleness starting tonight.

Speaker 3131.72s - 142.24s

No, and it's not even, oh, I've seen this before with the Rock ORG. It's no. I don't, I don't buy it. When will you buy it? Five game winning streak? No, I mean, you got to get back to 500 before I get interested.

Speaker 2145.5s - 173.3s

Yeah, and play tonight at 740 against the Padres ORG. No, unfortunately, I'm not buying it either. I think we. Yeah. Then play tonight at 740 against the Padres. No, unfortunately, I'm not buying it either. I think we'll see kind of more of the same. Bad teams can beat good teams. Four in a row, though. I mean, the way they beat the Giants ORG in the last game of that series,9 to 1, then 4 to 2, then 8 to 3, then 3 to 1. I'm, my interest is not peaked, but it's, it's kind of like I'm glancing out of the corner of my eye. It's going on over there. What are you guys? What are you doing?

Speaker 3173.3s - 196.22s

You guys doing tonight? I mean, I'm going to be watching abs tonight and Nuggets tomorrow, so they're still not going to get, get me that much. But yes, it would be better if the Rockies ORG were good. I'm rooting for that. I hope they win tonight. I don't even know who's pitching.Oh, Dakota Hudson. He's pitching against Randy Vasquez PERSON. So there we go. Had to look that up, though.

Speaker 2196.36s - 197.92s

There you go. So I don't know the rotation.

Speaker 3197.92s - 253.5s

That's why they put it out there. Yeah. Buy or sell? Whose stock are you buying is the number two on this Nuggets roster today? Jamal's or AG ORG because I think those go back and forth. One rises, the other one falls.Jamal PERSON had a fine game. That was more like a Jamal PERSON game, though. He had 19 points. Of course, the crazy half-court shot is what we're really talking about. Whose stock are you buying as the number two as the Robin to Nicola Yokich's Batman PERSON? I think it's still Murray PERSON because when he is on, this team just plays at a different level.And it's not like you needed to rely on Aaron Gordon last night, but it's a nice surprise when he has those types of games where it's like, okay, okay, Murray PERSON, you don't have to, we don't need a flurry in this game. Yokic PERSON is going to, he's slowly getting back into traditional Yokage form. And Gordon PERSON was just like, all right, you're going to let me have this game. I'm going to go after it. I'm going to buy that

Speaker 2253.5s - 290.92s

Jamal's the better basketball player, but Gordon PERSON's the second most important. Because, again, it's not always the point totals with him. It's the other things that he provides, the selflessness as he talked about even. It's the defense and everything there.All right, final one, and we fade her down. Angel, buy or sell interest in the movie, Passengers WORK_OF_ART. My wife and I watched it. We both agreed we wanted to watch it. I kept seeing videos. It was in 2016.I'm 99 years old. I don't watch movies when they come out anymore. I watch them 87 years later because marketing works, and they just kept showing me passengers with Chris Pratt and Jennifer PERSON.

Speaker 3291.3s - 292.5s

Jennifer Lawrence.

Speaker 2292.74s - 295.66s

Very 2016 cast right there.

Speaker 3295.76s - 299.26s

It's like, oh, let's get two of the hotter actors right now in terms of popularity.

Speaker 2299.9s - 304.36s

And you throw Lawrence Fishburn PERSON in there for fun. Don't get me started.

Speaker 3304.84s - 306.8s

Buy or sell interest in seeing that movie.

Speaker 8307.34s - 313.1s

I've seen probably 40% of that movie on TikTok ORG, just from clips.

Speaker 3315.14s - 320.02s

It gets my interest a bit from like, okay, this isn't kind of interesting plot.

Speaker 0320.14s - 336.22s

Things go wrong in space. He's by himself. And then, oh, he's going to wake this girl up. Maybe she's a scientist and figure this out. No, it's just a pretty girl that he likes. He wants something more than just a regular coffee.Yep. Yep. And then it just loses.

Speaker 2336.3s - 337.32s

Pretty much that.

Speaker 3337.74s - 340.12s

Those of you that have, this could be some spoilers.

Speaker 2340.54s - 343.6s

Angel, are you cool with the spoiler? I'm fine. I'm not going to watch this movie.

Speaker 0343.6s - 347.16s

I don't want you to, man. The first half was cool.

Speaker 2347.56s - 434.84s

Okay, so basically they get on, it's probably a bunch of rich people. Earth LOC has become so populated that now they're finding other life on different planets. And if you have the money to get on, this plane's going to put you in, what do you call it? They're going to cryosleep. And it's going to take 120 years to get you to this next, to this other planet called Homestead FAC 2. And so you'll be alive.Everybody that stayed on Earth LOC is gone, but you start your life again when you wake up. They were supposed to wake up four months before they arrived at Homestead FAC and just treat it like a cruise ship, you know, drinking at the bars, eating at fancy restaurants on the ship. It was like a cruise. Well, it runs into a bunch, the ship runs into a bunch of craters, and it makes the ship malfunction.And it's such a smart ship that it repairs itself for the most part, but there was one of the pods that got broken. That's Chris Pratt's PERSON pod. He wakes up. And now he's like, oh, yeah, I'm here. I'm going to meet everybody.This is great. And then, oh, it turns out nobody is awake yet. He finds out that he still has 90 years of the 120 years, 90 years to go. You do the math. Chris Pratt's like a 30-year-old, 34-year-old at the time. I don't know how old he was.He doesn't have another 90 years. He's going to die on that ship alone. That premise is actually pretty cool, trying to see how he's going to figure this out if he's going to... Almost Martian NORP-esque. Yeah. Which is a much better film.

Speaker 3434.84s - 442s

Yeah. So he goes crazy. He thinks about ending it all at one point. There's a robot on the ship

Speaker 9442s - 451.7s

that's the bartender and he talks to him, but the droid has no feelings or anything, so he's just kind of saying what he was programmed to say to him, but at least at some company.

Speaker 2452.52s - 543.7s

So he goes about a year of that. He takes advantage of all the amenities on the ship and everything. But he finally looks at this pot. He sees Jennifer Lawrence in there, and he starts reading up on her. He gets her file on everything.And he figures out that he's in love with her. He's reading all of her books. And he debates for a long time whether or not to wake her up. He wakes her up. And they fall in love. Surprise, surprise.It's just you, man. If you can't get that, then, you know, you're in trouble. They fall in love. It somehow slips that he was the one who brought her back or brought her out of the pod. And then she hates him. She's depressed.She's thinking about killing herself. And then randomly a captain wakes up, Morpheus from Matrix WORK_OF_ART. And he's like, oh, what's going on? The pods are starting. So his actually did break, just like Chris Pratt. The ship is starting to malfunction. Side note, Chris Prattis a mechanic. He's like a really good mechanic and an engineer. They find out that a crater, when it hit, it busted a bunch of holes into the ship, and they have to go repair them. Otherwise, the ship will collapsein like a week. And then all the pods will break. Everyone's going to die. They double team it. They fix the holes. Ship is good. He fixes a week. And then all the pods will break. Everyone's going to die. They double team it. They fix the holes. Ship is good. He fixes a pod somehow.There's one pod. The captains and he fixes it. But it can only hold one. And he asks the girl, hey, you can go now. It's over. And she chooses to stay with him.Surprise, surprise. So that was the movie. That sounds awful.

Speaker 0544.2s - 552.92s

I was like, I'm sitting there halfway through and I'm like, we're kind of into it. My wife's like fist bump, you know? She's like, good job. This is a good movie. This is interesting. First half was cool.

Speaker 2553.52s - 570.36s

Because I'm thinking, all right, what if this ship is some like, they just, it's a money grab, and they're really not going to send them to where they're supposed to go and they've got to figure out how to fix the ship or, you know, reroute it or go back to Earth LOC or they find out that really what

Speaker 0570.36s - 583.24s

happened was Earth LOC was gone and these are the only, I don't know, something, right? Yeah, you could have turned that into a weird Adam and Eve PERSON type of thing. Could have, yeah. But instead, it was basically a love story.

Speaker 2583.66s - 626.04s

She hated him. But then she fell back in love with him because he was going to go sacrifice himself out there and fix the hole and weld it shut or whatever he's going to do. I was just like the grand premise here is really a hole is in the ship and they have to go. It's like Titanic WORK_OF_ART. Imagine if Titanic WORK_OF_ART at the end of it, you have all this love story happening. But then it turns out Jack PERSON just needs to get out there and fix where the iceberg hit and they're good to go and they get home or whatever or they die there.I don't know. That's so it really bummed me out. This is why I don't watch a lot of movies, Angel PERSON. Because most of the time I get excited about a movie and it's usually just like, it's okay.

Speaker 3630.08s - 631.72s

I watched, over the weekend, I watched Rise of the Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART. Oh, yes, definitely I want to see that.

Speaker 2632.62s - 633.32s

No spoilers.

Speaker 4633.56s - 634.12s

No spoilers.

Speaker 2634.12s - 641.38s

It's the first one in this reboot of the Planet of the Apes, which is from like the 60s, 70s, I guess, with James Franco PERSON.

Speaker 3641.78s - 643.98s

It's like the one that starts all of this off.

Speaker 2644.06s - 645.68s

Yeah, I've seen all of them up to this one.

Speaker 3645.68s - 646.3s

Making the Smart Monkeys WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 2646.46s - 646.66s


Speaker 3647.06s - 648.46s

I've never seen these films.

Speaker 2648.56s - 649.6s

Oh, you've got to go back and watch them all.

Speaker 3650.18s - 650.94s

I'm working on it.

Speaker 2650.94s - 651.56s

Did you like it?

Speaker 3651.84s - 656.22s

I did. Okay, then you will like the other ones. Yes, it was fun. Caesar PERSON's a cool character.

Speaker 2656.9s - 660.12s

And then I'm looking forward to the next two. And then the new one.

Speaker 3661.42s - 664.8s

I am a Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART guy.

Speaker 2665.04s - 669.64s

I have the box set from the 60s. Wow. I will just say.

Speaker 3669.86s - 674.7s

They kind of creep me out a little bit. The first two are good from the 60s. First two are good.

Speaker 2675.4s - 730.54s

The rest, not worth the box set, bro. They get weird with aliens and mind control and all this stuff. Then they re-did it with Mark Wahlberg PERSON. Yeah, it's Tim Burton's film. And that's by itself. That's not a part of anything.But the James Franco PERSON one was really good because they're trying to find a cure for Alzheimer's. And they're testing it on apes. That's all I'll give you, because that's an easy one to know. I think those movies are fantastic. I definitely want to say.I would have much rather see that movie. Like, this is what Hollywood does, though, Angel PERSON. Is they get a movie like passengers. Judging by the optics, it's really cool because you see a lot of shots of space and it's really beautiful. And they put these suits on and they're floating around for a while. It's just, this is just Hollywood GPE.We're going to get people to buy this because it's Chris Pratt, it's Jennifer Lawrence, and they're floating around for a while. It's just, this is just Hollywood. We're going to get people to buy this because it's Chris Pratt, it's Jennifer Lawrence, and they're in space on a ship. It doesn't need to be a great story.

Speaker 3730.74s - 743.58s

Well, I referenced it. The Martian came out in 2015 with Matt Damon PERSON, and it was a huge success. So it's like, hey, people like that isolation and space type of thing. Let's do that with who's the top actor? Chris Pratt, he was in the Guardians WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 2743.68s - 768.02s

Let's do that. And let's just meet that be the story. That's the story. I mean, it is kind of interesting. Like, they know they're going to die on that ship. They're never going to get to their destination.But they're also on the ship where they can eat whatever they want. They drink whatever they want. Spend as much money, you know, because you can now just take people's little bracelets and stuff. They took, like, the captain's bracelet. And it gives them free food whenever they want on the ship.

Speaker 0768.58s - 773.42s

There will be nothing left for the people there when, you know, they wake up. But, hey, we had fun.

Speaker 2775.56s - 790.84s

So that one, and, you know, they figured out how to, like, plant stuff and gardens and all that, so they didn't have to. It was kind of a neat concept. It just wasn't executed. So there we go. That's my, I would not urge you to buy any stock in watching any interest in that movie.

Speaker 3791.38s - 792.46s

Yeah, I think it'll be fine.

Speaker 2792.58s - 792.86s


Speaker 3793.24s - 800.98s

Yeah, it's a bummer. And this is what, I don't know if you guys have noticed this, but Facebook ORG, TikTok, Twitter, mainly Facebook.

Speaker 2801.88s - 819.1s

It just, you go to your videos, you start scrolling videos, and I just get little snippets of movies all the time. And that was one I just kept getting. And I was like, this looks pretty damn good. I want to see this. And so I put it on the list for the past month or two. And maybe if they're pushing it that hard, stay away.

Speaker 3819.82s - 820.04s


Speaker 2821.18s - 822.78s

Yeah, that happens on TikTok ORG a lot.

Speaker 3822.78s - 831.1s

You'll get like a movie of the week, and it's just the same movie in random clips. I get a lot of modern family clips, and I've never watched the show. Oh, I would recommend that.

Speaker 0831.1s - 834.86s

It pops up on there, and it piques my interest, but it's like, I don't want to watch this show

Speaker 2834.86s - 837.44s

just because TikTok ORG has been influencing my brain.

Speaker 0837.88s - 838.32s


Speaker 3838.52s - 838.96s

Brainwash you.

Speaker 2838.98s - 911.36s

I will say Modern Family WORK_OF_ART's good. Like, there's not a lot of sitcoms or 30-minute shows, whatever, that I love. Office ORG, I can rewind. I'm probably breaking a record, re-watching that. Modern family's up there for me. It's in that same world where I can watch it in any season and it's still good.First Advantage ORG text line is 888-530-0-043. Our Chippers Lane's poll question of the day, now that this thing is two to two, it's all tied up. How do you see this series ending? Nuggets in six, wolves in six, Nuggets in seven, or wolves in seven. And I mean, a lot of Nuggets ORG fans follow me. So, of course, we're going to go.Nuggets in six is getting the majority, 59%. 38% say Nuggets in seven. And then the four Wolves ORG fans that know about my social media account, we got, well, 3% say Wolves ORG in 7.20 minutes after the hour, we're going to take a short break here. When we come back, what did Bo Nix do over the weekend? It was their rookie, the Broncos ORG rookie mini camp. And I think maybe so far so good. Also, we have some updates on the NFL ORG schedule. We'll get the full schedule coming up on Wednesday. So we've got a couple, though, a little

Speaker 8911.36s - 930.28s

teasers, if you will. We'll be right back. Podcasts are available at 1310K.

Speaker 1931.12s - 944.84s

Hey, it's Andrew Bogish from CBS Sports Radio ORG. You're listening to The Whole Show on 1310 KFKA ORG. 25 minutes after the hour.

Speaker 2946.58s - 1058.86s

There's a lot of rumors surrounding Tim Conley, Angel, and with the current situation, with the ownership, with both sides, the two sides fighting there, with Glenn Taylor, and then him backing out of the deal to sell 100% over to Mark Lour and Alex Rodriguez. So it continues to spiral and be this dramatic thing. Conley PERSON has an opt-out in his contract, so he could do that. I mean, Angel PERSON, he might. If you were a hot market GM, there's going to be a lot of opportunities. I thought I saw that the Pistons ORG have already targeted him.So I'd be fine. Get him over out of the west. How about that? Yeah, go make the Nuggets Killers in the East LOC. Yeah, that's fine. We'll play him in the playoffs. Handle then later. Or play them in the championship. But this could be a really, this is bad timing too for Minnesota ORG. They feel like they finally got it. They finally have a team that might be a regular contender.Even if they lose in the series to Denver ORG, they could probably be right back here with that same kind of cast. But if you're Tim Conley, why would you want to stay? If you're not sure what the ownership situation looks like, now he's getting equity. It's a big deal. He wanted equity from the Nuggets ORG. And that's part of the reason they didn't stay with himbecause he wanted a heck of a lot more than just a contract. He wanted to be involved in some of that area where he's making money off the team. So that would give him, that's the incentive to stick around, but you don't know what this is going to look like, man. And if you get new ownership in, who knows what they're going to want to do,ultimately. But that would be a big, big task for Con PERSON you get new ownership in, who knows what they're going to want to do, ultimately. But that would be a big, big task for Conley, wouldn't it, to go and try to rebuild Detroit GPE? That'd be a big one. Now you've got your team in Minnesota ORG. So this is kind of a little interesting side story to follow along.

Speaker 31059.24s - 1070.1s

Yeah, and Detroit does have a top 10 pick, I believe. They did the lottery over the weekend, if you care about that. The Rockets had two picks in the top four, and they didn't get either one. One or two.

Speaker 11070.34s - 1071.36s

It's the Hawks ORG.

Speaker 31072.32s - 1073.94s

Weird. Pistons ORG being the worst

Speaker 21073.94s - 1134s

team in the league this year, not picking at like five. Not really a big lottery guy. I don't like it. I mean, the only thing I can say is that it doesn't being the worst team doesn't guarantee you that you're going to get it.So you can't just tank, tank, tank. I guess. You want the worst team to get it, yeah. First Spanish LANGUAGE text line 888-3-30-0043. Bo Nix had his first rookie mini camp this weekend. And a lot of the insiders that I follow and talk to,and then of course Sean Payton talking about Bo PERSON, they were really pumped. I mean, he was almost like he was as close to perfection as you can get. And that's what you want. And again, you cannot take this and really make it a thing. But Angel PERSON, if it was the reverse and it was like,Bo Nix was missing open receivers all day and throwing interceptions and just couldn't hit, we'd be freaking out. So, yeah, I'm not saying take this as the end all be all, but it's much better than the alternative.

Speaker 31134.88s - 1166.1s

Yeah, and rookie minicamps, you're not doing too many like installs or running through, hey, we're going to run the first 100 plays in our playbook and you need to know them by tomorrow. You're not really seeing a ton of the linemen, the defensive linemen's doing team stuff. It's a lot of seven on seven drills on air, things like that. So it's more used to get the rookies used to, hey, this is how NFL ORG works. This is how our practices.This is what we expect from you, no attitudes, no moaning, complaining off on the side, whatever. And, you know, we'll work out.

Speaker 21166.24s - 1224.32s

Yeah, you're working out. You are throwing passes and playing against each other and that kind of thing, but not full on just yet. And then, of course, we've got to see their practice uniforms. And it just looks like the Bears ORG out there. They look just like the Chicago Bears ORG. So I don't know.Obviously, a lot is going to be made of this connection potentially for hopefully years to come. But Bo Nix and Troy Franklin, the other guy out of Oregon, they went and got Bo Nix's number one option who just lit it up. And I still feel like that was one of the steals of the draft. They got him in the fourth round. So a lot of us are talking about Bo Nix and the excitement factor surrounding him.But I'm thinking Troy Franklin, whether it's Bo Nix or not starting quarterback this year for Denver ORG, Troy Franklin might be the one to watch out for. Again, I do feel like that was a steal. We do have some of the schedules release going on. What is that? Wednesday, Wednesday night?

Speaker 31224.74s - 1225.74s

Wednesday or Thursday. The full that? Wednesday, Wednesday night? Wednesday or Thursday?

Speaker 21226.16s - 1259.84s

The full special? Let's see. I think it's Wednesday. We got the first matchup, though. The Kansas City Chiefs and the Baltimore Ravens ORG. Thursday, September 5th.This will be at Arrowhead Stadium FAC. And it's, of course, the rematch of last year's AFC championship game. Chiefs won 17 to 10, I think. Something like that. So we got that one Thursday.And we also have Friday night football the very next day. All right.

Speaker 31259.94s - 1262.36s

And that's going to be Green Bay and Philadelphia GPE.

Speaker 21262.82s - 1270.12s

That's the Brazil GPE game, right? Mm-hmm. You feel about games on Friday. I like it.

Speaker 31270.46s - 1270.6s


Speaker 21271.36s - 1306.42s

The timing of it's going to be strange because, you know, you're probably going to have some college football games that Friday as well. You'll have high school football, obviously. So can you draw that attention from it's like, it's like Thursday night, Thursday kickoff, all right, the season's here. We'll wait until Sunday and then everybody else is playing.Now it's like, oh, wait, I'm going to watch the Eagles and the Packers ORG. Do you ever think the NFL ORG is going to take too much? And one of the things that's worked so much for the NFL ORG was that the, you know, distance or distance makes the heart grow fonder or whatever that is, usually going, hey, Sunday's the day.

Speaker 11306.6s - 1307.56s

Oh, and there's a Monday night game too.

Speaker 01307.6s - 1324.24s

That's cool. Well, now there's a Thursday night game. And now there's a Thursday night game. And late in the season, they're Saturday games. Do you ever think the NFL ORG will get to the point where they're just oversaturating and they're not packing as much of a punch for their big, big day?And that's Sunday and then Monday night? Maybe.

Speaker 31324.56s - 1348.64s

I think with the rise of streaming deals, I think Netflix is trying to get a playoff game and Peacock GPE as well. That could draw away some fans. The potential of expanding the season, another to 18 games and two by weeks, could see some different things going on, but I think the popularity of the NFL ORG is at an all-time high right now.

Speaker 21350.14s - 1392.06s

Yeah, and it's funny because you just look at it from our perspective here today as we sit, and we're just so excited about what the Nuggets ORG are doing and what the abs are doing, it's hard for me and I think a lot of fans to really jump into, oh, football's coming up. You know, we're not that far away from it. But when the time hits again, we are creatures of habit.You know, if your teams are in the playoffs right now, you're having a blast. If your baseball team's legit, you're having a blast. But then when that goes away and slows down, you're right back into the NFL ORG. Because right now, my interest level for the NFL ORG is, it's not an all-time low. It's just low because we have had every night has been absolutely thrilling.

Speaker 31392.56s - 1403.88s

Yeah, and it's the season of everybody's good. Everyone's doing great in practice. Everyone's having a good time. Everyone's got the best potential in the league. And it's like, okay, no, it's not all true.

Speaker 21403.88s - 1546.34s

Well, it is an exciting time for Broncos ORG fans because you potentially have your franchise quarterback. When the time comes, I will get all in on this. But, you know, rookie mini camp just, you know, again, it's better than the alternative of, hey, he was missing, missing throws left and right. He wasn't very good.So I'm glad for that. Sean Payton PERSON said a lot of this is we're getting, learning about the huddle, snap count, breaking the huddle, under center, shotgun, learning those processes. He's handling the install well. He had a pretty good practice today.He's grinding through it. He's doing good with it. The rookies will go through another mini-camp practice Sunday before they all are folded into the Broncos ORG off-season workouts with the rest of the players. Peyton said Saturday he saw in the early going many of the same qualities they saw when the Broncos ORG decided to make the pick. They're seeing it.They were seeing everything as good as advertised so far. And I'm pumped. I'm at the stage where, again, the patience has to be there. It's going to be difficult. We're already getting a sample of it because we're building it up. Rookie Manny Camp PERSON was great.Bonix PERSON is going to be great. If they start him, be ready for the struggle. If they don't start him, be ready for, I suppose, have some faith in what Sean Peyton's doing with him. He might not be ready and they don't want to throw him to the wolves and ruin him. So that is going to be the decision.That one's going to be a big time story that we're talking about here on the show is whether or not Bo Nick PERSON should just go ahead and start a quarterback. Rookie mini camp's going to tell you, oh, look at him go. He's rocking and rolling. I still don't know what the best option is going to be. I don't believe the Broncos ORG are necessarily going to be that good.They might be about what they were last year, maybe a little bit worse. Do you feel like with no pressure that gives Bo Nix PERSON a chance to really learn more with no pressure added to it? I mean, there's pressure, but not as much as like, hey, we expect you to take this great team that we have and you better be good. It better all work. There's going to be expectations there. If the fan base can really just commit to no expectations, I think you're going to be a lot better off.

Speaker 31547.12s - 1554.34s

Well, yeah, and you're in this weird dynamic. Is he a C.J. Stroud or is he a Bryce Young? Yeah.

Speaker 21554.58s - 1574.2s

I don't know if the Texans expected them to be as good as they were this year, but they were. And now they are ramping up into win now mode. Yeah, they think they're in a window right now. If you're Houston GPE, you think you're in a window. And JJ Watts trying to get on that bus right now. Last week he said, hey, if you need me, call me.

Speaker 31574.3s - 1591.24s

But don't call if you don't need me. I can play 15 snaps a game. If I'm Houston GPE, am I messing with that? No. I'm not messing with that. You like what you have.This is your new team with Ryan's and Stroud PERSON. These are your guys. You can get them for cheap, maybe. You can get them for cheap? I'd get him as a

Speaker 11591.24s - 1595.28s

hype man. Strength and conditioning coach, maybe. If you could get him for

Speaker 31595.28s - 1599.4s

essentially nothing compared to what you're paying other guys? Or is it a

Speaker 21599.4s - 1603.38s

distraction? It's like, oh, you're trying to capture what you couldn't get here while

Speaker 31603.38s - 1609.86s

you were here. Maybe that was the first thing that actually entered my head was like, oh, now you want back on this bad boy.

Speaker 21609.94s - 1625.58s

Okay. Yeah. But I'm a JJ Waugh PERSON guy. I don't mind seeing JJ Waugh PERSON if he can play at a high level. But there's probably a reason you decide to retire is you're not able to give it that much anymore. 36 minutes after the hour.Angel, let's jump out real quick and get the latest on the local sports flash.

Speaker 61626.18s - 1653.08s

There's only one sound like the key, tumbling the lock open for the first time. One feeling like finally seeing your place after you've emptied all the moving boxes.That moment when four walls and a roof become the home you've always wanted. If you're on the search for that special place, we're the community bank that'll help you get there. Bank of Colorado, there's only one. Member

Speaker 41653.08s - 1668.76s

FDIC, Equal Housing Lender. This is Adam Mottis with DNVR ORG, the DNVR bar and the DNVR Nuggets podcast, and you're listening to The Whole Show with Brady Hall WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 21671.38s - 1740.32s

Tonight on KFCA ORG, we have it for you. Game four between the Colorado Avalanche and the Dallas Stars ORG. And the abs losing 4 to 1 in game 3. That one was tough, Angel, because I thought game 2, it really felt like, okay, the abs lost, but the way they came back was, you know, like, oh, this team no matter what, they're going to come back, they're going to go on this absolute fury and they're going to wina game or flurry, I should say, they're going to find a way. But this game on Saturday night, you know, Dallas ORG didn't get out to a monster read or lead right off the bat, but they just kind of chipped away. And it was actually the third period that Dallas ORG put this one away. And the aves did not have anything for them coming back. How concerned are you about this Ave LAW series right now? Another game at home.But the follow up to game two's loss, or excuse me, game three's loss, or game two, I guess, right, was this. And I didn't think Georgie PERSON was necessarily the problem either. I didn't feel like the supporting cast was really there for Colorado GPE.

Speaker 31741.28s - 1779s

Yeah, I mean, you want to see more of the offensive guys to get going. You know, Natushkin held scoreless in that game three. McKinnon and Taze PERSON or, yeah, McKinan had the assist, Tase on the goal, or no, both assists and then Miko has the goal. And George, he's doing, he's doing his best and you don't want to put the pressure on him to save a game because, you know, that's just not going to happen. You have to make it easier for him. And getting insurance goals helps.You know, you're able to score with 10 minutes in the second period, tie the game up, and then give up a goal five minutes later. And it's like, okay, we're going to have a back and forth type of game, but it never really got to that point, especially in the third.

Speaker 21779.1s - 1796.98s

Yeah, the first two games, it was Dallas ORG gets up to a quick lead, and then the aves come back and go crazy and they win. I felt like they, some don't like it, but I feel like they stole game one. But because of the way they did it, I thought, ooh, you feel like you're playing with House Money ORG now. You can actually go do this thing.

Speaker 31796.98s - 1809.6s

So a lot of it is when you do look at the goalie, Odinger PERSON is, I mean, he was playing extremely well.

Speaker 21810.48s - 1881.48s

And he has been. I mean, he's a solid goalie. He's going to be a difficult solve for the abs for sure. But just going back into the series, when you win in overtime, you make the comeback, you win. And then Thursday, it felt like it was going to be the same thing. You make this epic comeback.That gave me a lot of confidence. This game took the life out of me right now. But every time you kind of count against, you go against this team, they find a way too to get it done. But I thought Keeler's story in the Denver Post this morning, the title was basically Georgie PERSON deserved better.He's been the most critical of Alexander Georgi PERSON of than anybody, but he's saying, hey, man, this guy cannot do it on his own. When it's just opportunity after opportunity and he's got these blind spots where he cannot, he cannot be effective, bad things are going to happen for this team. And that was one of the things that was so big for the abs when they won their Stanley Cup was they were able to really assist Darcy Kemper PERSON a lot.They helped him out every step of the way. This one felt like he was kind of stranded on an island on Saturday night.

Speaker 31882.62s - 1905.22s

Yeah, and you know, you get 29 over 23 shots. Dallas blocked 24 of those. Even at the face-offs, you had two minutes under penalty minutes with Dallas ORG. So, you know, just got to play better hockey. And that's a very cheap answer, but it's just we know this team can play better than that. They can respond quickly when they can.Well, they seem slower in this game Saturday.

Speaker 21905.38s - 1905.62s


Speaker 31905.9s - 1929.74s

Is that because of what Dallas ORG is doing to them? Ruffing them up, man. I mean, they got guys that are packing a punch. I mean, that's sometimes the formula to beat a finesse type of team like the abs where they use speed as their weapon. You try to get physical with them. And we've talked about the abs don't really have that enforcing type of player on the ice, you know, like a Landisog PERSON type of guy.But you got to find other ways to win. And again, you know, don't put all of it on Georgie PERSON.

Speaker 21929.9s - 1966.3s

Well, and I was talking about the physicality that the stars are bringing. He's like, hey, they are checking harder than us. They were, I mean, they were just a lot more aggressive. They were disciplined in how they were doing it. So this team's punching you. You know, you feelDallas ORG probably feels like you stole that game one and they'd be running away with this thing, maybe ready to sweep this thing tonight if it wasn't for that. But you have to fight back and you, I mean,those comebacks are awesome. You can't count the abs out, but just like the nuggets, what's going on in these first periods?

Speaker 31966.94s - 1984.98s

Oh, we'd love to see the abs play with a two-goal lead. See how they handled that, you know, a type of momentum swing like that, especially when you're at home where the crowd's on your side. You get up two goals and, you know, you're going to play pre-event for, you know, depending on when you get them. But this avs team with the lead, I feel like we just haven't seen yet.

Speaker 21985.88s - 2035.86s

No. In this series, game one, lead, I feel like we just haven't seen yet. No. In this series, game one, they were outscored 3 to nothing in the first. And then in game 2, it was 1-0. And then Dallas won't have scored 3 in the 2nd. And then we know what the Aves did in that 3rd and made it interesting. And then Saturday night was 1-0-0.So every first period of this series, again, it just looks so much like the Nuggets ORG. I mean, one nothing comparable to basketball is probably like a 10-point game or something. I don't know if you can even do that. But that's certainly kind of how it feels right here. And then you need mid-second period all the third to really make this awesome comeback. And it's the old adage, man. I mean, you're playing with fire a lot. It's difficult to come back, especially when you have a tough,Dallas ORG is just kind of that old school hockey type team, just rough and tough, solid goalkeeping, and they are going to make you feel it.

Speaker 32036.6s - 2051.3s

Let's hope that there's just some weird losing atmosphere over at Ball Arena FAC for the last week. Nuggets two home games, the Ab's first home game here. Hopefully that just gets cleansed from the Nuggets of success over the weekend, and both these teams can win at home this week.

Speaker 22051.42s - 2062.42s

Well, that's the other thing. When the abs are rolling, the Nuggets ORG slow down. And when the Nuggets ORG start rolling, the abs slow down. So hopefully this week is the balancer.

Speaker 32062.74s - 2066.74s

There's a giant tug-of-war rope rope in ball arena and they're both pulling on it

Speaker 22066.74s - 2094.92s

no we want the wins no we want the wins josh cronkey PERSON said it's our turn let us have it's what it feels like right now it's kind of wild the the narrative surrounding each of these teams as we start every week i mean last week we started with um oh no nuggets are in trouble oh but the but the abs, even though they lost, it feels like they won. And then it's the nuggets on Friday night. Oh, here we go. Now we got something.Then the abs on Saturday. And then the nuggets followed up with their win.

Speaker 32095.48s - 2124.84s

So if we could just get them both to their conference finals, they could just sweep both of them. I don't want it to, like, I just don't want it to end for both because it's so, you know how spoiled we are right now? Pretty much every night, we are watching Colorado GPE playoffs, whether it's the abs or the nuggets. That is, and imagine if the Rockies were on like a 10 game winning streak right now, and we'd be going, wow. And then Bo Nix PERSON is in rookie mini camp and he's

Speaker 22124.84s - 2132.24s

looking good. And that's exciting. We would rookie mini camp, and he's looking good. And that's exciting. We would be, we'd feel like spoiled rotten right now. But I just don't know if the universe is going to allow that.

Speaker 32132.32s - 2132.66s

I'm not sure.

Speaker 22132.66s - 2136.12s

I think out of the four, you can only get two at a time.

Speaker 32137.2s - 2137.62s

We'll see.

Speaker 22138.3s - 2217.68s

Avs need it tonight, man. This is it. I mean, you don't want to say it's the series because it is two to one, but this thing goes back to Dallas ORG, right? So, yeah, it's kind of a nervous time between these two teams, or between the stars and the aves.But you got this game at home at Ball Arena, 7.30 tonight, 7 o'clock pregame here on KFCA ORG, and then this series shifts back to Dallas ORG. So, yeah, this is a crucial time for the Colorado Avalanche, 48 minutes after the hour. I want to shout out to Renaissance Insurance Group ORG. Ryan Hicks PERSON is the man, the myth, the legend. Call him at 970, 674,88, 25.He specializes in risk management, commercial, and personal insurance needs for Weld in Larimer County GPE. And they're also the go-to for workers' compensation and farming operations. That is Renaissance insurance in Windsor, but servicing all of Northern Colorado ORG. 49 after the hour. It's the whole show powered by Chevron ORG. We're on Northern Colorado's ORG voice 103.1 at 1310 KFKA. 10KA. 10-K-A.

Speaker 82221.4s - 2221.48s

303.1 and 13-10 KFKA.

Speaker 92223.86s - 2232.58s

Hi, this is Earl Boykins, former Deer Nugget PERSON, and you're listening to the whole show on 1310 KFKA ORG. Hi, this is Earl Boykins, former Dider Nugget, and you're listening to the whole show on 1310 KFKA.

Speaker 72235.06s - 2237.68s

The next time you get angry over a bad play, remember you need teamwork to win, not arguments.

Speaker 02238.3s - 2238.42s

Now we know.

Speaker 72239.96s - 2240.2s

And knowing is half the battle.

Speaker 02243.82s - 2254s

Hey, hey, what do you say? We all had a special day. Now turn to a friend and say what you learned today.

Speaker 22258.1s - 2311.74s

What do we learn on this 13th day of May? And we learned that when the Nuggets ORG are playing Nuggets basketball, the style we have become accustomed to, they can beat just about anybody. I think Minnesota ORG is a fine basketball team, dare I say maybe a great basketball team. But the Nuggets ORG are a team of destiny.I really believe that. And if game three would have looked like game two, then I would have said, oh, boy, the windows closed, time for big decisions to come up. But they got right back to who they are, which has been there the whole time. So I learned that this team is back to its championship form, and they can win a lot of games when they're not.And I think they got used to that. Now they know, okay, we can't sleepwalk through everybody. Minnesota ORG will punch us in the mouth if we're not ready. So this team is refocused, ready to go. Now they're bringing their best. Angel PERSON, what did you learn?

Speaker 32314.3s - 2352.7s

Yeah, that the Nuggets ORG feel like the Nuggets again. And I'm not going to be like the Wolves fans were last week and say, oh, the series is over. I don't think this series is over just yet. But if you can go out and handle Game five EVENT and do it in front of your home court and really, you know, set the wolves up to say, hey, you're on the execution block, here we go, we're going to finish this in six.Or Minnesota pulls, gets a wake-up call themselves and makes this a seven-game series. I think the champions coming out of this series either way. We just hope that it's the Nuggets and that we can postpone those talks we may have had in the summer. And instead, let's plan for another parade.

Speaker 22352.8s - 2398.8s

Yeah, I think there's still going to be some interesting discussions to be had by the Nuggets in the future of a guy like KCP PERSON. And Jamal Murray, too, who's coming up on a contract year. But right now, you are still very much in that window with the same pieces, pretty much. So finding a way to get it done at home tomorrow night gives you full control of this series. And it's, yeah, ball arena, man. This place hopefully is just absolutely knocking.And these guys can really use that because they needed some time away. Hopefully now they can bring that energy back to Denver and find a way to go up three, two. That would just sound so good, wouldn't it? Three in a row for the Nuggets ORG. Avs tonight against the stars, do they get it done tonight, Angel PERSON? I think they do.

Speaker 32398.9s - 2402.4s

I think they respond to a loss like that and get a good win.

Speaker 22404.74s - 2405.92s

I'm a little concerned.

Speaker 32406.38s - 2409.5s

I'm not going to say it out loud, but just take my concern.

Speaker 22410.5s - 2411.72s

That's all I'm going to do.

Speaker 32411.8s - 2412.62s

That's all I'm going to do.

Speaker 22412.86s - 2426.58s

All right? That's going to do it. Good night, Northern Colorado ORG. This KFKA podcast is presented by Bank of Colorado ORG.

Speaker 52426.58s - 2438.38s

There's only one Colorado and one community like Greeley, the place we've called home for years. Family-owned, community-focused banking, Bank of Colorado ORG. There's only one. Member FDIC ORG.