2 Conspiracy Theories That Will Keep You Up at Night | Guests: Ashton Forbes & Cliff Sims | 5/3/24

2 Conspiracy Theories That Will Keep You Up at Night | Guests: Ashton Forbes & Cliff Sims | 5/3/24

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129:55 minutes

published 30 days ago


© 2024 Blaze Podcast Network

Speaker 140s - 87s

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Speaker 587s - 101s

It's a new day I turn to rain. Welcome to the fusion of entertainment.

Speaker 9101s - 110.98s

And enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck PERSON program.

Speaker 14117.74s - 241.7s

Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck program. It is Friday. What a program we have for you today. Everything from flamethrowing robot dogs to what really may have happened to that Malaysian airliner that just disappeared. An incredible theory, I don't think I buy it, but the guy is credible. The guy who says it is he has the science to back it up, and he actually has what he claims is satellitefootage from the government. It's pretty incredible. He's coming up some point in today's broadcast and so much more. So stand by. We begin in 60 seconds. It's Friday.Sad to think that there are people out there fighting to make it a woman's right to end the life of her baby. Preborn ORG's network of clinics offer love and life. Ensure a baby's safety and well-being. It's a ministry of compassion. You know, otherwise shout your abortion. You want to be on that side?When a woman has an unwanted pregnancy, she usually wants to make the right choice, but the pressures of life are real, and the people around her are often telling her that a baby is just a clump of cells. Preborn shines a light into this darkness, offering hope, love, and free ultrasounds, and up to two years of assistance for both the mother and the baby, all for free. The mother never regrets choosing life. This Mother's Day, why not help bring life to both a mom in need and her baby? One ultrasound is just $28. Five ultrasounds are $140. Every single penny goes toward loving mothers and babies as well.And when you become a monthly sponsor, you're going to receive pictures and stories of the lives you help save. Get involved. Simply dial pound 250. Say the keyword baby. Say the keyword baby.Or go to preborn.com slash Beck PERSON. That's preborn.com slash Beck, sponsored by Preborn ORG.

Speaker 6244.74s - 246.08s

Hello, Stu PERSON. How are you?

Speaker 14246.94s - 247.84s

I'm well. How are you, Glenn PERSON?

Speaker 3247.92s - 253.6s

Good, good. Did you see the octopus murders? I did not, no. You know anything about them? Yes, I do. What do you know?

Speaker 14253.74s - 260.3s

You told me I should watch the series, and it is officially on my list of series to watch. Oh, I've got one of those two.

Speaker 3260.56s - 265.06s

Yeah. I've got a list. Long. Yeah, my list is like, when did I want to watch that?

Speaker 14265.22s - 267.22s

Right. Some of them I don't even remember what they were.

Speaker 12268.34s - 270.36s

Some of them ended in like 2009.

Speaker 14270.46s - 271.18s

Yeah, I know.

Speaker 12271.26s - 272.72s

And I haven't watched them yet.

Speaker 11272.92s - 274.48s

But it is on the list. It is on the list.

Speaker 12274.72s - 275.52s

It sounds really interesting.

Speaker 14275.52s - 276.78s

You should move it up on the list.

Speaker 3276.94s - 284.16s

It is one of these things that you really don't have any idea

Speaker 14284.16s - 291.26s

whether what is being investigated is real or not.

Speaker 3291.26s - 296.46s

And the more they go, the more you're like, this all sounds so plausible.

Speaker 14297.4s - 303.46s

This is, I mean, and it's deep, deep, deep corruption in our government.

Speaker 3303.76s - 312.12s

And it's about a guy who, I don't even know, 20 years ago, was investigating back in the 1980s, so even farther than that.

Speaker 14312.12s - 316.36s

He was investigating, oh, what was it called?

Speaker 3318.26s - 327.8s

It was during the Reagan administration, and there was this new software that was being developed and the Justice Department ORG got involved.

Speaker 14328s - 331.8s

And it was this software that could help, what is it called?

Speaker 6332.76s - 334.78s

Promise PRODUCT, yeah, the Promise software.

Speaker 14334.92s - 366.48s

And I remember these stories at the time. And it was a software that investigators could put things into the computer and say, oh, we're working on this case and this is what happened in court. And it would coelate everything. So if you're working on a case at the FBI ORG, you could type in, you know, the people involved and everything else. And it would pull all of the information in to one source.And you'd be going, oh, well, Fred PERSON's working on the same kind of thing too. And you could coordinate. Okay.

Speaker 3366.62s - 376.24s

Throughout the whole country. Seems pretty basic. Right. Important. Right. And so the company that was creating this, it was just gangbusters.Okay.

Speaker 14376.86s - 465.58s

And then the government got involved and said, we want you to, we want you to build this for the government. And the government's for the government. And the government's, the government got involved and promised this company, all kinds of money and everything else. They developed it. And then the government didn't pay the bill and said, yeah, we're not going to, we're notgoing to, we're not going to, we're not going to use this. And that put the company out of business. And they were like, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, we just did all this stuff for you. Yeah, we're not going to use it. Put them out of business after somebody approached them and said, I think you want to sell your business to me. And they were like, nope, we don't. I think you're not hearing me. You want to sell your business to me. Understand? And they said, nope.Next thing they know, government doesn't end. They're wiped out. About a year later, the software shows up in Canada GPE. And it's being used by Canada GPE. And I believe it was their spy agencies. Okay.Under a different name, what happened, they think, is that the United States used this, brought this into Intel ORG and everything else, then gave it to our allies, and then started selling it to our enemies as well, but not from us, okay? It was no longer the promise system. It's the same system, but not the not named promise.

Speaker 3466.3s - 476.28s

And what they had in it was a back door. So now the agencies on both our enemy list and our friends, we were spying on them.

Speaker 14476.88s - 490.1s

And we could know exactly what they were working on, who they were tying. I mean, all of this stuff. It's pretty smart. Pretty smart. Yeah. Pretty smart. Except mean, all of this stuff. It's pretty smart. Pretty smart. Yeah. Pretty smart.Except that's when the murders started. Oh, okay.

Speaker 3490.28s - 523.38s

It's always an asterisk with the U.S. GPE government. And it just starts to spiral out of control. And this guy, he's a journalist, and he starts seeing this, and he's starting to put it together. And it is an octopus. It is one of those things that you're like, wait, wait, wait. And as he started to learn what was going on, every bit of it sounds like,yes, that's what our government would do. It goes into the arms for, you know, the hostages for

Speaker 14523.38s - 525.72s

arms, what was it, the Iran GPE contra.

Speaker 5534.04s - 543s

It ties that kind of in, shows that the arms were made or packaged by the U.S. government, but they went to an Indian reservation where the native territory outside of the United States GPE,

Speaker 14543s - 619.22s

but right inside the United States GPE, showed how they built this casino, laundered all kinds of money, killing people there. I mean, it's crazy. So this guy, he goes, he says he has one more piece. And he's told all along, he gets phone calls and he's like,I don't think you want to ask these questions. You're not going to be, it's not going to be good. Don't ask, they'll keep asking questions. So he's got one more question. And that's the one that everybody's like, I'm telling you, don't ask that question. He gets a guy that says, I'll tell you this piece of information and meet me here in this small town on this day andwe'll talk. He goes. He tells his brother before if something happens to me, it's not an accident. Okay. He goes. He commits suicide in his hotel room. He cuts his risks so deeply that he cuts the tendons. Ah. Okay? Now, that would explain one cut on one risk. But if you do that on one wrist, how do you then use your hand to do it on the other

Speaker 3619.22s - 620.1s

wrist, okay?

Speaker 16620.44s - 625.18s

He cut himself like 12 times deeply, so deeply, the hands didn't.

Speaker 3626.38s - 627.18s

Ah, right.

Speaker 0627.34s - 631.38s

And then there's like bloody prints all over the walls and stuff, and you're like,

Speaker 13631.48s - 634.24s

this doesn't seem like a suicide.

Speaker 3634.64s - 634.82s


Speaker 13634.86s - 635.08s


Speaker 14636.24s - 717.16s

Everybody walked in and said, whoa, something bad happened here. But then, all of a sudden, police walk in. Oh, yeah, we're investigating. This looks like it could be a murder. Nope, definitely not a murder. This is suicide. We don't even need to look into it. So the journalist dies. Years later, another journalist, he reads about this guy, and he's like, I wonder what that was all about. Okay? And he picks the thing up. And he's now talking to the, this is where the documentary picks up.He's now talking to the same people who are like, you don't want to ask those questions. Okay. He ties this whole thing together. All of the same people, some of the really spooky people that were clearly with the government are dead now or at least thought to be dead. I asked them in the interview today that you can find on Blaze ORG TV.Do you believe they're dead? Like, mm-mm. Nope. And there were several things that I asked them and they're like, no, we're not going to, we're not going to go there. We're not going to talk about that. Mm-mm.Mm-mm. Do you know something? Not saying I do? Not saying I don't. We're not talking about that. It's fascinating.

Speaker 6717.72s - 721.54s

And how deep does this thing go?

Speaker 14721.86s - 762.8s

You're left watching this documentary, honestly not knowing what to believe. You're watching and you're like, I think this is real, but everybody, because they talk about it. Conspiracy theories, when there's a conspiracy, the government will set up people that will tell you half truths and the other half is nonsense. So you blur the lines on everything. So you're not sure what's true and what's not.It's a view into how our government really works like you've never seen before.

Speaker 3763.04s - 764.22s

And it's on Netflix ORG.

Speaker 14764.46s - 766.32s

It's on Netflix called The Octopus Murders WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 3766.4s - 769.12s

Looks like four parts? Yeah. Four part documentary. Yeah.

Speaker 14769.32s - 770.78s

And let me see.

Speaker 3770.84s - 771.96s

Do we have time? Yeah.

Speaker 14775.96s - 783.5s

Where are the cuts? I don't have the cuts. Which ones are the cuts of this?

Speaker 3783.62s - 784.78s

You want to take a quick break?

Speaker 14784.94s - 856.06s

Okay. No, no, no, here it is. The scariest person you met, cut seven. Listen to this. Now, this is the filmmaker or the journalist and the filmmaker. They've been best friends since they were kids. The filmmaker came to the journalist at one point and said, dude, intervention.You got to stop. You got to stop. And he said, at one point I realized my friend wasn't going to stop and I was concerned about him. And so I got into it with him and just said, okay, let me hear it all. He said, and I was like, I think you might be right. And so he got into it with him, both knowing they could die. Listen to this. You guys talk to somescary people. This guy chilled me to the bone. Yeah. He seemed like, he just seemed very confident thatthings happen and nobody's going to question me. And okay, maybe I've killed people. Maybe I mean, he just he had that Things happen and nobody's going to question me. Okay, maybe I've killed people. Maybe I mean, he just, he had that air about him of Stone Cold Killer PERSON in a business suit.

Speaker 12857.56s - 860.34s

Is that what you guys? I'm like, which door is he going to come out of?

Speaker 6860.7s - 861.46s


Speaker 12863.74s - 864s

Because he may or may not still be alive.

Speaker 6864.78s - 871.04s

Do you believe he is? I think may not still be alive. Do you believe he is? I think he might still be alive. There's a chance. I think.

Speaker 12872.88s - 874.04s

He would be 80, right? Yeah, he'd be 80.

Speaker 14876.88s - 876.96s

So, Petty was still spooky in 80 if he's alive.

Speaker 12877.62s - 882.44s

He's still spooky. That guy, was he that, who is the scariest person that you encountered?

Speaker 10883.14s - 890.3s

Well, okay. Bob PERSON allegedly died in 2009. Yeah. So we didn't meet him,

Speaker 14890.34s - 891.62s

but we have a lot of documents

Speaker 12891.62s - 893.48s

and things like that. We met him.

Speaker 14893.84s - 895.5s

We met him. I saw enough.

Speaker 10895.64s - 897.32s

We talked to a lot of people who did know him.

Speaker 14897.32s - 899.46s

And Sherry PERSON, who we interviewed,

Speaker 10899.72s - 982.56s

has an amazing story about going to his apartment, which I think is, you know. Tell the story. Yeah, so Sherry Seymour PERSON investigated mainly the West an amazing story about going to his apartment, which I think is, you know. Tell the story. Yeah. So Sherry Seymour investigated mainly the West, the West Coast portion of the octopus or this story, this Danny PERSON story. And she met with, she started working at about three months after Danny PERSON died.And she was calling all of his sources, much like Christian NORP did. But this is in 1991 and 1992. And Robert Ruth Nichols is a guy who Danny PERSON talked to extensively on the phone and met in person and was, you know, I would say a suspect in Danny PERSON's death. And at least for us.And so she went over to his apartment to ask him about these things. And amazingly, he agreed and he was there with his wife. And at the end of that meeting, he shows her this tape, puts on this tape, which I think they were talking about sort of the manipulabilityability of reality and what, and perception and in the media and things like that. And he, he,it's the Zapruder film with the JFK PERSON assassination film. Um, and he is playing it and then it's, it's not the one that you've seen before.

Speaker 0982.8s - 984.06s

It's the one where a,

Speaker 6984.06s - 987.14s

the driver turns around and shoots JFK PERSON in the head.

Speaker 0987.48s - 994.08s

And then she's like, wait, what? And this is 1992. When the Zabritor PERSON film is, you couldn't just go on the internet and watch it immediately.

Speaker 14994.34s - 996.84s

Right. And it wasn't easy to make fake.

Speaker 10997.22s - 1010.32s

Right. And then he shows her another tape. And that tape, he says, is the one that everybody's seen on the media. And he pauses it and there's a half of a tree missing.

Speaker 141010.5s - 1014.4s

And he says, this is the one everybody's seen has actually been manipulated.

Speaker 101014.64s - 1015.94s

I showed you the real one.

Speaker 141019.44s - 1052.68s

And this is before the internet and CGI. And what his point was just to confuse her. And she would later go back to her friends and say, no, I saw it. There's a tree missing. When you have the internet, there's no tree missing. There's no tree missing.So both of those were fake. She sounded like a lunatic because both were fake that she saw him or that she saw with him. It's an incredible. They show the whole scene. It's amazing.

Speaker 31053.16s - 1061.5s

Let me ask you this. What's the spoiler level of this? Like if I haven't watched the series yet, do I want to watch the series then watch this interview? Do I want to do it? What's your?

Speaker 141061.62s - 1091.82s

I think you could listen to the interview and find out, you know, stuff and understand it. I think it's better if you listen to it. I intentionally did not. It's a three-hour documentary. It's in three nights. Okay. We watched in three nights. Three or four. And you really don't know what turn is next. You really have no idea. I went in and I made the choice. This is for people who have watched it.So I don't explain.

Speaker 61092.62s - 1094.68s

We don't go through the whole thing.

Speaker 51094.68s - 1094.88s


Speaker 01095.34s - 1101.54s

We just go into the things. If you've watched it or you could listen to this and you will be fascinated by it

Speaker 31101.54s - 1103.18s

and you'll want to watch it.

Speaker 01103.34s - 1104.62s

But I don't think there's any spoiler.

Speaker 31104.7s - 1111.34s

There's just too much to cover that you just, it's remarkable. It's called the Octopus Murders.

Speaker 161111.88s - 1119.06s

And it's on Netflix ORG and the interview with the really brave journalist, almost borderline crazy,

Speaker 31119.38s - 1126.02s

so brave, and his best friend filmmaker. The interview is available now.

Speaker 161126.14s - 1139.22s

Came out last night for Blaze ORG TV subscribers and will be available on tomorrow, on Saturday, wherever you get your podcast. You know a thing or two about pain.

Speaker 141139.48s - 1317.38s

For years, I woke up pretty much every day in my life, feeling like there was an elephant tap dancing all over my hands. I tried all kinds of things to fight the pain. I went to every doctor you could possibly imagine, and they did all kinds of tests, and I tried all kinds of things, and none of it worked. Thank God, Tanya PERSON talked me into trying relief factor. Well, I mean, threatened. She didn't talk me. It's more threatened than talked me into, but it worked, and I got my life back. It's not a drug. It's a daily supplement that helps your body fight pain by fightinginflammation. It's 100% drug free. Over a million people have tried relief factors quick start kit and 70% of them have gone on to order it again. I was at the end of my rope with pain. And I just, I was like, I got to the point where I said, I can't do this anymore. I just can't do it anymore. And I was so desperate. My wife was so firm with me. I'm not going to listen to you wine. If you don't try absolutely everything. I didn't think it would work. Three weeks later, I said to her, I don't think this is working. And I stopped taking it.And my pain came roaring back. I just thought it was like, ah, this is my head doing relief factor. 1995. Comes with relief factors feel better or your money back guarantee, so give it a try. Visit relieffactor.com or call 1-800 for relief. That's 1-800, the number four relief. When you feel the difference, you know it works. Relieffactor.com. 10 seconds, station ID. Welcome to the program. So, let's see.By the way, U.S. now has issued travel warnings for major European cities over fear of terrorist activity this summer. So that's good. You got that going for you. You know, don't worry. It's just the Palestinian NORP thing. They're just afraid that in many countries, they're not going to be able to control it. So that's good. Trump PERSON said,we can't let this happen to our country. He said Paris and London are no longer recognizable, thanks to the inundation of jihad, according to the former President Donald Trump PERSON, who warned Wednesday the U.S. GPE must guard against it. He made the remarks.He said his comments were going to get him into a lot of trouble with the folks in Paris and the folks in London. What we've seen happen when Europe LOC opened their doors to jihad. Look at Paris GPE. Look at London. No longer recognizable. They're no longer the incredible culture, tradition.Nothing's wrong with their culture, their tradition. We can't let that happen here. I'll never let it happen to the United States of America GPE. He said he, if he is elected, he is going to bring back the, what was it, the no fly or no, you know, closing the door to all the Muslim NORP nations and everything else. He said

Speaker 131317.38s - 1323.72s

it's coming back. The Muslim ban? The Muslim ban. No Muslims allowed in America GPE. That ban?

Speaker 141323.72s - 1337.5s

When I returned to office, the travel ban is coming back even bigger than before, much stronger than before. We do not want people blowing up our shopping centers. We don't want people blowing up our cities. We don't want people stealing our farms.

Speaker 31337.82s - 1347.74s

It does feel like a ridiculous thing to say, but it also feels like a ridiculous thing to have to say. I think he actually has to point out, you know, we actually don't want people blowing up our cities. Yeah.

Speaker 141347.86s - 1357.36s

Did you hear that 50% of the protesters on campus? They're not actually college students. Yeah. I buy that totally. Oh, absolutely.

Speaker 11357.86s - 1358.22s

More in a minute.

Speaker 141358.64s - 1359.82s

Glenn Beck PERSON.

Speaker 11360.86s - 1361.78s

Hey, some good news.

Speaker 141361.88s - 1363.86s

Another U.S. Regional Bank ORG has failed.

Speaker 11364.22s - 1366.02s

Republic First Bank in Pennsylvania GPE.

Speaker 141366.66s - 1430.32s

This comes on the heels of the bank failures that happened last year, Silicon Valley Bank ORG and the others. And according to Jerome Powell, the chairman of the Federal Reserve ORG, they're going to be more of them because of the real estate losses in the market. That's bad. You need to protect your hard-earned money. And one of the ways you can do that is with precious metals. Bank collapses last year triggered rising prices for gold and silver.The spending gold and silver going up. Now is your best possible time. I bought my first gold over two decades ago. And since then, wow, that's been a really good investment, really good. With over $3 billion in trusted transactions, thousands of five-star reviews, and a 24-hour risk-free purchase guarantee.Lear ORG is the precious metal leader that you can trust. So get your free wealth protection guide and find out if gold or silver is for you. Your IRA, all of your savings, this is all going to be degraded. Call 800-957 gold, 800-957 gold.

Speaker 31431.02s - 1466.12s

And head over to blazeTV.com slash Glenn PERSON. If you use the promo code, Glenn, you'll save 20 bucks off your subscription to Blaze TV. I'm going to day for a I'm going today for a screening of the new movie Reagan with Dennis Quaid. And I've been talking today for a screening of the new movie

Speaker 141466.12s - 1468.44s

Reagan PERSON with Dennis Quaid

Speaker 01468.44s - 1474.38s

and I've been talking to the producers for 10 years about this movie and...

Speaker 141474.38s - 1474.58s


Speaker 31474.78s - 1481.82s

Yeah. And Dennis Quaid is coming in today and we're going to screen it and I can't wait to see it. Where was my invite to this?

Speaker 141482.06s - 1482.94s

Lost in the mail.

Speaker 31483.46s - 1484.8s

I sit next to you every day.

Speaker 141484.8s - 1485.82s

You don't need to mail it.

Speaker 31486.18s - 1487.34s

So you could just tell me.

Speaker 141487.42s - 1502.1s

Gosh, darn it. Now I can't get you in. You want to go? I mean, I definitely want to go. I just don't know if I can, but I would like to. Oh, okay.Well, we'll talk about this out there. We don't need to plan on. I'll let you know when it is. If I can fit it in. If I can fit it in my schedule, I'm not sure.

Speaker 31502.28s - 1518.12s

Thank you so much. I appreciate your efforts on that matter. Yeah, it's supposed to be really good and made by conservatives. So that's not going to be like, you know, because I did notice the series you talked about, and you mentioned it has the Iran-Contra EVENT story kind of talked to it. It was octopus murders.

Speaker 01523.76s - 1524.1s

Right. The kind of, you know, I don't know, movie poster, for like a better term,

Speaker 141528.96s - 1529s

the freeze frame that they promoted with has a little Reagan PERSON silhouette on it.

Speaker 01530.82s - 1530.9s

And I was like, is this like an anti-Ragan NORP thing?

Speaker 141531.36s - 1532.2s

Are they trying to? No, it's really not.

Speaker 01532.3s - 1536.2s

I mean, and I've just, quite honestly, I just blow by that.

Speaker 141536.24s - 1542.22s

You just, I'm like, and Reagan, you know, he rigged the, you know, 1980 election.

Speaker 31542.46s - 1543.28s

Okay, whatever.

Speaker 141543.62s - 1544.08s

It's funny.

Speaker 161544.2s - 1545.72s

I'm so immune. Like, I talk to people all the time. Like, oh, I can't, whatever. It's funny, I'm so immune.

Speaker 141546.02s - 1547.18s

Like, I talk to people all the time.

Speaker 31547.26s - 1548.16s

Like, oh, I can't watch that.

Speaker 141548.18s - 1561.9s

It's so liberal. I'm so immune to it now. Like, I just go into everything I watch, assuming it's going to come from some crazy left-wing perspective. Like, I just watched a documentary on the Reform Party ORG. What is wrong with you?

Speaker 161561.9s - 1562.5s

That was incredible.

Speaker 131563.14s - 1586.94s

I was in quite the adventure. And in it, it's just, like, all just like all sorts of like hardcore left wing stuff. But like I just delete it. Like I just know, okay, what can I get out of this through the muck and the mire of the perspective of the person who made it? And like it would be amazing to be a liberal and not have to do that. I don't even know what it would be like.Oh, they have no idea.

Speaker 141587.32s - 1621.06s

Yeah, they have no idea what it's like. Look, every show I watch, I'm like, oh, okay, there's some crazy left-wing thing. Just insert it. Let me just pass by it and see if I can find something new joy. They're the tolerant ones. We're not.Right, of course. You know what? We've tolerated our whole lives. Every single piece of entertainment I've ever watched. Outside of like, arguably some war movies won't. Outside of like arguably some war movies. Outside of that, you get constant left-wing propaganda in every single thing that you ingest.And I mean, obviously this is, they've talked outwardly about how this is a plan of theirs.

Speaker 61621.44s - 1629.46s

Like, I mean, many of filmmakers have talked about this. We've seen the Disney ORG people behind the scenes. This is intentional. But, like, I also just like watching TV sometimes,

Speaker 01629.58s - 1634s

and I'm not going to only watch conservative television, except, of course, for The Blaze ORG,

Speaker 141634s - 1638.9s

which is definitely worth your subscription. You don't even notice sometimes. You know what I mean?

Speaker 31638.98s - 1645.76s

It's just so prevalent. You just like, I don't know. I was I was watching, uh, I went when my daughter was young,

Speaker 141645.76s - 1651.58s

we went to Wicked. You know, the big Broadway show Wicked about the Wicked Witch WORK_OF_ART and, you know,

Speaker 01651.72s - 1664.22s

Oz. And at one point, Kristen Chenoweth PERSON is singing and she's like, you know, you can be a great leader and blah, blah, blah. Maybe even all of the, all of the great leaders did this. I mean,

Speaker 141664.22s - 1672.2s

even you could be a great communicator. Oh, no. And it's a slam on Reagan PERSON.

Speaker 31672.2s - 1683.54s

Like 30 years. Who even in the audience knows that? I mean, it's like you just, there's some writer going, and I'm going to stab Reagan PERSON in the back.

Speaker 161684.38s - 1687.86s

Poor guy's dying of Alzheimer's. You're throwing an anti-Ragan jokes.

Speaker 31687.86s - 1718.8s

Dude, let it go. Let it go. It's so weird and it's so common. And I just, at this point, blow by a lot of it. What's interesting, though, is how conservative media and conservative entertainment has come such a long way. Oh, yeah. You know, it's really good. A lot of it is really good now. You mentioned, was it, there was a movie that came out.The Italian name, you repraised it for months.

Speaker 141719.04s - 1721.82s

Ferrari ORG. No, that wasn't Ferrari ORG. Italian NORP name.

Speaker 01721.9s - 1723.32s

Wasn't an Italian NORP name? I don't know.

Speaker 141723.4s - 1724.52s

What were you talking about?

Speaker 01724.6s - 1726.54s

What was it about? I don't know. A nun or something like that.

Speaker 141726.92s - 1727.36s

Oh, Gabriini PERSON.

Speaker 01727.48s - 1727.86s


Speaker 141728.02s - 1729.4s

Cabrini. It felt like a pasta.

Speaker 01729.78s - 1731.24s

I want to have some cabriene.

Speaker 41732.24s - 1733.2s

It was like that.

Speaker 01733.36s - 1737.8s

But like that movie, as you pointed out, was like a beautiful film that they did an incredible job with.

Speaker 141738.4s - 1740s

We have gone so far.

Speaker 31740.18s - 1740.34s


Speaker 141740.5s - 1820.22s

We have gone so far. You can watch things now. And let me tell you, there's a, I think it's Netflix ORG. I'm not sure. I'm not sure who did it. It's the man from Moscow GPE, I think it's called.And it's a series with Ewan McGregor PERSON. And it's about the revolution in Russia GPE. I don't know if the people made it understood what they were making, but it is the biggest anti-communist, anti-socialist series I've ever seen in my life. It shows the guy who starts out and he wrote poetry for the revolution, but he was a baron. And, you know, there's no baron.There's no place for you. You know, it starts out in 1919 and they're like, what's your profession? And he's like, gentlemen, don't have a profession. And that just, you know, sets him off. But he was pro-revolution. But now everything gets worse and worse and worse, and you get to Stalin PERSON.He's, because he wrote this one poem in favor of the revolution, at first, they just say, we're going to banish him to a hotel, a very nice hotel, and he can never, ever step foot out of the hotel. If he ever steps foot out of the hotel, shoot him in the head. Okay.

Speaker 61820.5s - 1836.54s

So he's trapped for like 15 years in this hotel and it goes through it. And it's such a good anti-socialist, anti-communist. It has echoes of today all the way through it. And it's really well done.

Speaker 01836.7s - 1840.5s

There's a similar story. I think that applies to Tetris PRODUCT, the movie that came out.

Speaker 31840.62s - 1846.86s

Yes. Apple TV. Really good. I think it was. And really good. And a movie about the game, Tetris PRODUCT,

Speaker 131847s - 1851.62s

but actually just an unintentional anti-communist screed.

Speaker 01851.76s - 1851.88s


Speaker 61851.92s - 1854.9s

Like just how communism ruins an economy.

Speaker 01855.14s - 1868.74s

It's a great one to watch. And by the way, we all know kids were, you know, and all sorts of activists were on campus, ruining campuses. We're going to get to all that. I feel like I need escape moments like this, though.

Speaker 141868.74s - 1885.96s

I have to find some way out of what's going on. I have to tell you that, and you know this, for like the last month, I've watched every, maybe two months. I've watched every episode of Monk WORK_OF_ART. Okay? And it's like, that's eight seasons.

Speaker 31886.9s - 1891.36s

And those are, not the baby seasons they make now. These were like 26 episodes.

Speaker 151892.9s - 1895.36s

It was like, I just, I just had it.

Speaker 31895.48s - 1895.98s

Just roll.

Speaker 141896.24s - 1900.3s

I mean, I don't know if I saw, you know, 80% of the episode.

Speaker 51900.3s - 1906.58s

But I would, you know, I would go to bed and I just put it on and leave it to just let it run.

Speaker 141908.06s - 1923.44s

I just have to not consume all this stuff all day. So we could meet here and tell you everything that's happening right now. I've just, and it's, it has improved my mood and outlook. Monk WORK_OF_ART has? Well, not necessarily.

Speaker 31923.44s - 1925.34s

Well, not necessarily.

Speaker 161925.58s - 1928.9s

Not necessarily Monk WORK_OF_ART. Okay. Because I watch that thing and I'm like, God, this is bad.

Speaker 141929.7s - 1933.74s

Why are you watching 180 episodes of it then?

Speaker 31934.84s - 1936s

I don't understand.

Speaker 161936.14s - 1940.62s

Because it was the only one that had 180 episodes and it was completely mindless.

Speaker 141940.62s - 1946.98s

You know, you're like, oh, I know, the captain's, you know, cohort, the sergeant,

Speaker 161947.06s - 1952.8s

he's going to say this. You had what? They were almost every episode was almost exactly the same.

Speaker 141953.24s - 1958.2s

So watch one. You've watched them all. I find that sometimes when I'm looking for an escape,

Speaker 161958.2s - 1963.86s

I tend to watch like one of these like true crime documentaries. And then I realize that that world is

Speaker 31963.86s - 1967.14s

so bad that I'm going to real life murders to

Speaker 161967.14s - 1967.7s


Speaker 131967.86s - 1968.2s

I know.

Speaker 141968.28s - 1968.42s


Speaker 31968.44s - 1970.38s

That is, uh, it's a terrifying fact.

Speaker 141970.38s - 1978.22s

Um, but, uh, one that I would draw your attention to is, uh, I can't believe you have,I don't think you've seen this. It's the jinx. No.

Speaker 31978.42s - 1993.4s

So the jinks. Never even heard of it. I believe it's the, uh, the pinnacle of the true crime, uh, genre. And it came out in like, I don't know, 2015, 2016, something like that, the first season.Six episodes, I think on HBO, which I guess is now Max. And it's about Robert Durst PERSON.

Speaker 141993.7s - 2012.16s

And the, if you remember him, he was the building baron of New York GPE or something. Yes, we actually used to have our studios in one of their buildings in New York City GPE. 1133, 11th of their buildings in the United States GPE. That's right. And so it's about, you know, he's kind of like the black sheep of the family.

Speaker 02013.06s - 2019.5s

Maybe involved in several murders seemingly somehow getting off over and over again inexplicably.

Speaker 132019.88s - 2021.38s

Lots of weird things.

Speaker 02021.5s - 2023.84s

Everyone kind of thinks he did it, but no one has the evidence.

Speaker 142024.18s - 2024.8s

They go through it.

Speaker 02024.8s - 2025.04s

And the arc of this. Wait, but no one has the evidence. They go through it.

Speaker 142026.44s - 2079.4s

And the arc of this... Wait, this is the guy who participated in it, right? Yeah, so the guy who made the movie actually had made a regular sort of drama about the Durst PERSON family. Like, it was a regular movie with actors. And Durst PERSON saw it and called him up and was like, hey, I want to do an interview about this. I kind of liked your movie. And the director, I think Andrew Durecky PERSON is his name. He's like, yeah, yeah, sure. Let's see. Come in and talk. Now, he knows a lot about this. He obviously did amovie about it. And then wound up building an entire documentary series about going through all these really suspicious things that have happened in this guy's life, who's incredibly wealthy and somehow keeps escaping justice for all this stuff, he of course denies it all. But they ask him about all of this, and they take you through, I think it's six episodes, the ending I will not give away, which is absolutely the most incredible ending of any one of these series you've ever

Speaker 32079.4s - 2113.86s

seen. But part two is coming out, right? So yet they just released, or just are starting to release now on Max, the second season of this, which picks up when the finale of the first one airs. So, like, you can kind of now go inside of how all that was happening. And, you know, what occurred right after the finale airs, which is just insane. So, I don't know.If you like that type of stuff, go back and watch the original if you've never watched it. It's absolutely incredible. And then the second season is starting now, so worth watching. Have you seen, I think it's called The Gentleman?

Speaker 142114.94s - 2122s

It's the Guy Ritchie PERSON, the movie, was called the gentleman or something like that. Remember that? Yeah.

Speaker 62122.12s - 2122.36s


Speaker 32123.18s - 2158.26s

And then there's a new series. It's either Apple ORG or I can't remember. And it's called something The Gentleman. Yeah. And it is fantastic. I like Guy Ritchie PERSON a lot.Do you like Guy Ritchie PERSON? I like his stuff. I will say I have this weird thing that I can never understand the accents in his movies. I can't understand. I know it's English LANGUAGE,but I can't hear it. I don't know what it is. I think I have a mental block on anything that Guy Ritchie PERSON does. There's a certain accent of the people he hires.

Speaker 142158.26s - 2160.14s

Parkney PERSON is the one that throws you all the time.

Speaker 32160.2s - 2161.1s

Yeah, and I can't.

Speaker 142161.28s - 2162.02s

Hello, love.

Speaker 132162.12s - 2162.62s


Speaker 142162.72s - 2163.98s

I don't know why.

Speaker 132164.1s - 2164.52s

I can't.

Speaker 142164.92s - 2165.52s

Like, are they saying English LANGUAGE words? And I hear like, the, and I'm like, that I can't. Hello, love. Yes. I don't know why. I can't. Like, what are they?

Speaker 132165.54s - 2166.94s

Are they saying English LANGUAGE words?

Speaker 142167s - 2169.48s

And I hear like, the, and I'm like, that I think it's English LANGUAGE.

Speaker 32169.76s - 2172.18s

Have you seen the three-body problem?

Speaker 142172.62s - 2173.34s

I have not.

Speaker 32173.62s - 2175.92s

No, this is another one I need to list to my list.

Speaker 142176.04s - 2176.48s

Really good.

Speaker 32176.64s - 2180.44s

You can see, I have no life.

Speaker 142181.54s - 2184.78s

None. All I'm watching are monks.

Speaker 32185.4s - 2191.16s

You're sitting here. You're diving into the deepest, darkest parts of our government and

Speaker 142191.16s - 2192.52s

then going home and watching monk.

Speaker 32194.06s - 2195.6s

That is the Glenbeck PERSON life.

Speaker 142196.56s - 2199.54s

You think about Tanya PERSON, you're like, what a catch.

Speaker 32199.74s - 2199.94s


Speaker 162199.94s - 2200.84s

Oh, no.

Speaker 142201.08s - 2206.28s

She has been walking around for several months going, what the hell did I do?

Speaker 32206.28s - 2211.66s

She thought she was getting this like, you know, high flying, like, you know, jet-setting life

Speaker 142211.66s - 2213.86s

and yours at home watching Tony Shaloo PERSON.

Speaker 162214.1s - 2215.98s

Like a 90-year-old.

Speaker 32216.1s - 2220.66s

I got to see this episode of Monk WORK_OF_ART. Do you want to go out, honey?

Speaker 162220.78s - 2220.98s


Speaker 32221.34s - 2223.24s

Monk is on from 1989.

Speaker 162227.08s - 2231.68s

All right. Let me tell you about Patriot mobile. If you're a leftist, not a Democrat NORP,

Speaker 32231.94s - 2237.52s

a leftist, you're listening to the sound of my voice right now. God bless you. First of all,

Speaker 162237.58s - 2243.24s

keep it under wraps. They might kill you in your own camp. But let me talk to you about

Speaker 32243.24s - 2245.04s

the parallel economy.

Speaker 162246.38s - 2253.66s

People like that are going to be sent to the gulag for listening because they happen to actually catch my voice and they're like, oh my gosh, it's glad back.

Speaker 142255.14s - 2311.16s

You have no idea what it is like to have every corporation in the world slap you in the face. Once in a while there's a company that's like, I actually like these people. I like what they stand for. I like America GPE. It is so refreshing. America's only Christian NORP conservative mobile company,mobile phone company, is a Patriot ORG mobile. They offer dependable nationwide coverage so you can access any of the three major networks that everybody's on, but you don't have to worry that your money is being, you know, sent to places like Planned Parenthood ORG. And Patriot Mobile ORG actually likes you.I know it's a crazy thought. They have affordable, excellent plans. 100% U.S.-based GPE customer service team is going to make the switching easy for you. Make the switch today at patreonmobile.com slash Beck PERSON. We're called 972 Patriot ORG, 972 Patriot, or Patriot mobile.com slash Beck.

Speaker 152312.26s - 2333.24s

This is the Glenn Beck PERSON program. So when was the last time you checked the title to your home?

Speaker 142333.5s - 2338.6s

I mean, you know, you need to have a place to watch 150, 175 episodes of Monk WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 12339.1s - 2347.8s

What do you do if that house gets stolen and you don't have that place anymore to watch Tony Shaloo PERSON over and over and over again.

Speaker 142348.82s - 2354.48s

Well, what could happen? A scammer can forge your signature on a fake transfer document stating you sold your home to them.

Speaker 152354.48s - 2356.74s

And then they can file it with the county and they go through this paperwork.

Speaker 12357.34s - 2359.7s

And all of a sudden, they on paper, own your home.

Speaker 32359.82s - 2394.82s

You're living there. They have access to your equity. They are draining your retirement, really. I mean, we have $16 trillion in available equity in our homes. That's where a lot of our wealth is stored, and that makes you a big time target. If you happen to be the type of person who pays their mortgage over a long period of time, you're the one who can be the victim of this. You need triple lock protection from home title lock. They keep an eye on your title. And if you're ever a victim of fraud, their U.S.-basedexperts can take action to help restore your home back to into your name. Did a Monk WORK_OF_ART ever solve a crime related to home title fraud? Do we know?

Speaker 142395.34s - 2396.96s

I'm not, I refuse to answer that.

Speaker 32397.12s - 2398.38s

The grounds it might incriminate me.

Speaker 142399.62s - 2400.66s

Start up with your address.

Speaker 32400.78s - 2432.76s

See if you're already a victim of this at Hometitleck.com. The promo code is Blaze ORG. Hometitleck.com. They have a bunch of stuff. They're going to give you $100 value to scan your address. See if you're already a victim of this at home titlelock.com. The promo code is blaze. Hometitleock.com. They have a bunch of stuff. They're going to give you a $100 value to scan your title. Also, if you use that code, Blaze, you'll get 30 risk-free days of their triple lock protection for free. So check it out. HomeTidalock.com. Promal code is Blaze. I just did an interview a couple of weeks ago with one of the actual members of the bloody hundredth.

Speaker 142433.38s - 2436.56s

This is Masters of the Air WORK_OF_ART. Have you seen Masters of the Air yet?

Speaker 32436.92s - 2437.74s

No, I'm not.

Speaker 142437.8s - 2525.5s

My wife and I are watching it now. It is so good. It is so good. It is the first time anyone has told the story of the Air War of World War II EVENT, and they take it from the viewpoint of the guy I interviewed. He's like 104 and really sharp. And it is, it's the tale of these guys that are just, I mean, you, the average lifespan was three missions. Three. He's one that made 25 was three missions. Three. He's one that made 25 of these missions.Wow. And they were these young guys. They were not really trained. They just were thrown right into World War II in the Air War EVENT. They're doing the big strata liners, you know, the big strata, what were they called? Fortress, Flying Fortresses PRODUCT.And they're flying over Europe LOC. And you've never seen anything like it. It is as stunning as Saving Private Ryan was when you first saw that. And it's, it is a story of America deciding not to bomb at night. And the British and everybody else was like, you're crazy. You got a bomb at night.They'll see you. They'll know right where to blow you out of the sky. Right. And they did. But we were trying not to, we were trying to be more accurate to not kill more people. Another story you

Speaker 32525.5s - 2539.6s

never learned in school. Oh yeah. This is similar to the book, um, what's his face? You've interviewed him curly hair. Um, uh, this is my, we're so bad. We're like this with everybody

Speaker 162539.6s - 2545.34s

too. You talk to him, prime minister, famous podous podcaster. I don't know.

Speaker 32545.34s - 2545.94s

Malcolm Gladwell PERSON.

Speaker 162546.18s - 2546.56s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 52546.62s - 2548.7s

So, yeah, he had a book out about this,

Speaker 162548.86s - 2551.64s

about the same type of thing, how they developed that theory

Speaker 52551.64s - 2553.34s

and how they developed the idea

Speaker 102553.34s - 2562.16s

that maybe we just shouldn't try to kill as many people as possible on the ground. Right. And it was a massive change for warfare.

Speaker 142562.88s - 2574.06s

Everyone in the world thought it was nuts. Yeah, including a lot of people in America GPE, and in the military. You'll see these guys go out with 40 planes and three of them will come back. You're like, what?

Speaker 112574.44s - 2584s

And there were times where that kind of casualty happened, and they didn't even make it to the target. The Glenn Beck Program.

Speaker 152587.16s - 2590.84s

We have one of the most incredible stories.

Speaker 142590.98s - 2592.48s

I don't know if this is right.

Speaker 152593.58s - 2595.16s

I haven't done enough homework.

Speaker 142595.4s - 2682s

I saw this on the Pat PERSON on Pat show. And this guy comes on and you first hear it and you're like, come on. But this guy's really smart. And he knows the science of what he's talking about. I don't know what to think about it. You're going to love the next hour with our next guest.Let me tell you about the Burn a Launcher PRODUCT. Burn a Launcher PRODUCT is something that I gave to all of the, all of my daughters and my son too and my, because there are situations when you need a gun, but there are situations where you don't need a gun. You're going into a big city and you're surrounded by protesters. You're going to shoot them?You're going to run them over? No. But if you have a burner launcher and you're trapped, you just crack the window just a little bit and it fires tear gas, not pepper spray, tear gas. It is a way for your loved ones to protect themselves, for you to protect yourself when you don't need a gun. It's Burnah, B-Y-R-N-A.com slash Glenn PERSON. We have no room to compromise. We gotta stay together if we're gonna survive.

Speaker 42682s - 2686s

Stay the strength

Speaker 52686s - 2703s

and hold the light It's a new day I'm telling you right This is Welcome to the fusion of entertainment

Speaker 72703s - 2711.14s

And enlightenment This is Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment. This is the Glenn Beck PERSON program.

Speaker 142712.98s - 2901.84s

We are going to share a story with you. If you haven't heard yet, you're not going to know what to think by the end of this hour. This is something that I happen to see on Pat Gray's program, Pat Unleashed WORK_OF_ART. And when I first started listening to it, I'm like, uh-huh, right. By the end, I didn't know what to think. Because the guy who you're going to hear is an investigative journalist, and he's very credible. He's not some crazy, you know, conspiracy theorist.He has scientific knowledge. He knows the math and science that revolves around all of this. But he has the craziest explanation of the mysterious disappearance of Malaysia Flight 370. If you remember right, Malaysia Flight 370 PRODUCT, CNN ORG, I think,did like six months on this disappearance. They just would not let it go. With this information, what Ashton PERSON will bring to the table here, uh,maybe, maybe they should still be doing, uh, a series on Malaysia 370 PRODUCT. What happened to that plane? We go there in 60 seconds. Now, dear listener, it is time for another heartwarming episode ofHow a Lazy Man Cleans His House Gutters WORK_OF_ART and How You Should Not. Now, the lazy man, thinking ahead last year, took all of the leftover fireworks from July 4th and lined them up through the gutter system. Just waiting for the fall leaves to arrive. Then, spring, that man lit the fuse. It was, well, it kind of, it might turn into Dresden GPE, but the leaves are gone after that.Here's a better solution. The leaf filter from leaf home gutters. It's a filter for your gutters. It helps protect your home from flooding, roof damage, rotting, siding, foundation issues, all that fun stuff and so much more. But best of all, you never have to think about your gutters again.Protect your home and never clean out gutters again with leaf filter. America's number one gutter protection system. You schedule your free inspection. You'll get up to 30% off your entire purchase up at Leaffilter.com slash Glenbeck. That's free inspection and up to 30% off at L-E-A-Filter.com slash Glenn Beck PERSON. See the representative for the warranty details and the promotion at leaf filter.com slash Glenn Beck. See the representative for the warranty details and the promotion at leaf filter.com slash Glenn Beck PERSON.Ashton Forbes PERSON, investigative journalist. How are you, sir? Hey, Glenn PERSON. Good to be here, man. How are you doing? Very good. So is it safe to say, I mean, I don't even know how to approach this. I really respect your intellect. You seem to know enough about science that you can pull this off with credibility. But at some point did even you say this can't be?

Speaker 112902.72s - 2904.12s

Oh, yeah, every single day.

Speaker 142904.28s - 2906.3s

So I'm not really a conspiracy guy.

Speaker 112906.4s - 2907.64s

I wouldn't say I'm a UFO guy.

Speaker 142907.72s - 2908.76s

I'm just a normal guy.

Speaker 112908.88s - 2940.52s

This whole investigation started with probably the two most incredible videos in the history of man. You have to be your own harshest critic when you are dealing with something that is this beyond the paradigm. But if you go to the Sherlock Holmes PERSON quote is, once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth. So I've heard that you're a skeptical related to this, and I'm sure a lot of people listening are. I don't blame them at all. So what I want to do with you here today is I want to deconstruct the lie. I want to talk about what really happened with MH370 PRODUCT. And then I wantto talk about the leaker and the science of what it means for us in a civilization.

Speaker 142940.98s - 3056.22s

Okay. Prepare. Strap yourself in because you're about to hear a story unlike any other. In fact, if you don't mind, because I don't want to interrupt you for a good 20 minutes. Let me do the commercial right now. So we get that out of the way and I don't have to interrupt him. Let me tell you about the international felt was start in 60 seconds. International Fellowship of Christians and Jews, October 7th of last year was a powerful wake-up call to the world. Down through the course of history, the hatred of God's chosen people never dies out. We're seeing it here in our own streets.Can you imagine what it feels like to be a Jew in Israel GPE? Can you imagine that? The International Fellowship of Christians and Jews has been helping the people in Israel GPE forever, but they've really doubled down since October 7th. We want to send a message that we stand with you. I'm not going to fight your war.I don't want to get involved in it, but you have a right to defend yourself, and I'll stand with you. I don't want my government sending a whole bunch of stuff, but we can as individuals. Now, we want to send bomb shelters. These are $15,000. I'm asking you today, if you can make that kind of a donation, please donate the full amount. But any amount will help.$5 will help. These are shelters for the bus stops where the children are right up against the border. Have compassion for our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land GPE. Give as generously as you can. Visit supportifcj.org. That's support.ifcj.org.10 seconds station ID. Then we're right back. So Ashton PERSON, I don't think I've ever done that before. I just want to give you lots of room you have, you have about 15 or 20 minutes here to tell the story.

Speaker 113056.34s - 3073.26s

Yeah. Well, so the first thing I want to ask you, Glenn, and everybody else is out there's, what do you think happen to MH370 PRODUCT, and based on what evidence is, the strongest evidence in your mind, based on what you've heard from the media, what have you? And then the last question is, you know, how does a plane crash into the ocean without leaving a debris field? So, and I don't

Speaker 143073.26s - 3109.24s

mean this to put you on the spot, but I just want to understand how really people think about it. Yeah. Quite honestly, I didn't pay that much attention to it because I was concerned about other things, but here's my recollection of it. It took off. There was some sort of trouble. It kind of took like a left-hand turn for some reason. They followed it for a while, and then it just kind of went into the drink, they thought. And I thought that they had found some debris washing up on maybe the African NORP shoreor I can't remember. Yeah, no, that's good.

Speaker 113109.66s - 3121.22s

And so what a lot of people think out there is that this was some kind of suicidal pilot who took the plane from the middle of nowhere and somehow landed it softly in the ocean for some inexplicable reason that you don't do during a suicidal route.

Speaker 03121.82s - 3134.34s

And what I want to tell those people is that this narrative out there is a complete fiction. We searched along the seventh arc, which is where we have these satellite pings, where supposedly we know exactly along this arc where the plane crashed. And we didn't find a single thing.

Speaker 63134.54s - 3163.54s

We found no black boxes. We didn't find a single piece of debris. There is about 1,500 pounds QUANTITY of foam on the seats of these planes that should have been floating. And we found absolutely nothing at all. The suicide narrative, I call it the myth, has been completely debunked. This guy was supported by his family, his coworkers, all the officials, the officials have ruled out him being involved. It's not even technically possible, I don't think, they necessarilyturn up all the APU, the power generators within the 64 seconds TIME from the last communication.

Speaker 113164.02s - 3234.76s

People think that he had some kind of route that he planned out there. The FBI ORG looked at it. It was actually just MH1-50 to Jetta from Kuala Lumpur GPE. And if you look at the flight path, it's exactly the same as what that flight path is. He was actually slated to fly that on February 4th. And the simulation data is from February 2nd.So clearly he was just practicing that route out there. We know beyond any shadow of a doubt, the United States GPE government knows what happened on this plane. And the way we know that is because they have something called Sibbers, space-based infrared system by Lockheed Martin ORG. We never forget who we're working for.That's their real slogan. It's always scanning the Earth LOC all the time with geostationary satellites and they've now incorporated mid-Earth orbit LOC and low-Earth orbit satellites into it. It can produce a Google Earth PRODUCT 3D video playback capability that actually integrates real Google Earth, as well as software called QuickTorrain Modeler PRODUCT, and it's used ground-based computer systems to pull data from these satellites where someone can just log in, pull up location, and track objects.Now, it's official purposes for tracking missiles, but not a lot of missiles that get shot up all the time. So you can imagine how very easily it could be used to track boats, planes, et cetera.

Speaker 143234.84s - 3237s

Okay, so what is this called again?

Speaker 113237.76s - 3305.74s

Space-based infrared systems, cibbers. So if you Google it, you can find a video of it out there on Lockheed Martin's ORG YouTube channel. When you look at it, you can see that these satellites are scanning the whole world all the time. Persistent, Global persistent infrared surveillance. That's the very first words in the video itself. And there's no way that this system wouldn't have caught a rogue 777 flying for eight hours,as well as SOSA system, which is the sound surveillance system. This is a hydrophone system. This is a hydrophone system. This is the one that actually heard the Titan sub implode off the Titanic last year. And if it can hear a tiny sub implode, then there's no chance it wouldn't hear a 777 PRODUCT crash into the ocean. Diego Garcia and Western Australia GPE have hydrophones that should have heard this crash.And they should have been able to pinpoint that just like they did, the Titan PRODUCT sub. We know the Navy has no problem lying about it because they lied about the Titans sub for five days, all the, you know, mainstream media news stations saying, how much oxygen do they have left? And then we also found out of a radar. People don't even realize that radar systems are not limited to line of sight.They actually have something called over the horizon radar, which bounces off the ionosphere

Speaker 63305.74s - 3308.04s

and can see for thousands of miles.

Speaker 113308.74s - 3423.12s

So not only is the Jorne, the Gindali operational radar network from Australia GPE have this, but also most likely, without almost any doubt, the Diego Garcia military base in the Indian Ocean, as well as the Pine Gap American base in Australia, all three of these systems should have had radar capability to track the plane from takeoff to wherever it supposedly landed in the South Indian Ocean LOC. In addition to that, we found spy satellite USA-229.It's a naval ocean surveillance satellite that's run by the Navy, has a sister satellite right next to it, capable of potentially taking 3D stereoscopic imagery using their sensors that was right in the Malacca Straits at 1840 UTC on March 7, 2014 DATE, staring right down at thecoordinates that we see in the MH370 PRODUCT satellite video. Now, in addition to that, you ask, and the one thing I want to say first is that the Malaysian Minister of Defense as well, he says in an interview seven weeks later after the plane disappears that they knew the plane was not hostile. And that's why they didn't send up jets to track the plane. And you ask yourself, how could you know that a Rogue 777 PRODUCT would with no communications is not hostile?You couldn't. They must have had communications with the plane. So this beg the question where communications classified from us that they didn't want to release because they would give up what really occurred on this plane. The last thing I want to say is the debris. Actually, the story that I'm putting forth is the only one consistent with the debris washing up in Africa LOC.It's actually impossible for almost all of the debris to have washed up in Africa from the supposed crash site off the coast of Australia GPE. No one seemed to piece this together, but it couldn't have gone to Russia GPE. It couldn't have been shot down to the South LOC trying to see if that's the case. And even that crash site down there, the very first debris drift models they put together, they threw some boards in the water, immediately found out it was impossible for the debris to have even gotten to the Reunion Island, let alone to South Africa GPE. So then they get a flapperonfrom the United States GPE and they say, okay, let's throw this in the water. And then they go,

Speaker 03423.12s - 3440.18s

yep, okay, this is good enough. It'll get to the reunion island. But they don't realize that they have the flap around sticking out of the water, but the part that's sticking out of the water has barnacles all over it, which means that had to be submerged, which means that, and they need that because they need the wind to blow on it so that it would drift to that location.

Speaker 113440.72s - 3496.08s

In addition to that, they look at those barnacles, and they find out that the barnacles only have four months of growth on them, as opposed to the 16 months since the plane disappeared. Four months is not enough time for that thing to have drifted 2,000 miles. And if you look at the CNN list of what the debris is out there, you'll find a piece of engine cowling that's listed on there, which clearly has an R.R. of Rollsce, that's pretty clearly a triple seven engine colony. This shows up in South Africa, 3,000 miles away. Literally impossible for it to have floated all the way from the supposed crash site.And if you look at the currents in that area down there in South Indian Ocean LOC, they actually go to the east. The debris, if this plane crashes somewhere down there, debris should have washed up all over Australia GPE. So we can conclusively say that there is essentially no way that this plane could have, A, crashed down there in South Indian Ocean LOC,and B, we know with the United States GPE that they must know what happened to the plane.

Speaker 143496.64s - 3546.9s

Okay, so let me ask you this. If this were happening in real time, the first thing, because it's going off path and it's off path for eight hours, you would say that jets would be scrambled. It was a hostile because, I mean, that's logical to think. If they thought this guy was on a suicide path or a suicide mission,at least the defense of the world in all countries would do everything they can to lock on to that. So that gives credence to the sound, you know, the hydrophonic sound being activated, the infrared, the satellites, everything would have been just routinely locked on to a rogue 777 PRODUCT. Do you think? Oh, absolutely.

Speaker 113547.24s - 3551.5s

And especially because people are afraid that they're going to go flying to the Petronus towers and call them to.

Speaker 143552s - 3555.1s

So, I mean, it was like a post-9-11 world we're talking about here.

Speaker 113556.56s - 3574.44s

So the other thing, too, is that if then if that plane didn't crash in the South Indian Ocean LOC, it begs the question of, do those satellite pins correct or not? And if those satellite pins were not correct or misinterpreted or something, now this plane could really be anywhere out there, but here's the problem. You say, well, the ocean is really big. You know, maybe it went somewhere else. The problem is the official

Speaker 03574.44s - 3590.24s

narrative has it running out of fuel. And they say that these satellite pins indicate exactly where it ran out of fuel and that's where the plane should be. If those satellite pins are incorrect, then you throw out all the pilot suicide narrative, you throw out everything up to where this plane turned into the South Indian Ocean LOC,

Speaker 113590.66s - 3683.8s

and that's in the Nicobar Islands. It turns out we have two videos, and one of those is called satellite video airliner and UFOs. And in the bottom left of that video, it has coordinates. It says NROL 22. That's the first launch of the cyber system in 2006. Right next to it has coordinates that are accurate to six decimal places that shift when the perspective changes. We're able to graph that out. That location is the nick of our island. That location is the exact location where they say this plane turned into the South Indian Ocean LOC.Now one more thing I want to say just to conclusively prove this plane didn't crash and stuff in the ocean. 19 family members signed a joint statement saying that the phones were still ringing for up to four days. One of them even proved it on national television. They begged the governments to look into it. So we also have to wonder why the White House was calling the Malaysian government every single day. It's not because they cared about Philip Wood, the one American NORP passenger on board this plane.They were calling because they were trying to set up a cover story. That's the reason for all the obfuscation. That's why when you remember back to it, you go, well, we were looking at the South China Sea LOC, and then they say, well, now it turned over the peninsula of Malaysia, which that should have been obvious from the beginning if they had radar of that from their military radar. And then they say, okay, well, now it made another turn flew over Penang, the closest airport that you would go to and goes to the Nicobar Islands, and then makes a sharp turn into the South Indian Ocean LOC.And that narrative came from United States intelligence sources, unnamed sources on March 13th, March 14th, 2014 DATE. So in my mind, it's very clear. They were trying to develop a cover story for something that happened that they didn't want the world to know about.

Speaker 143684.38s - 3690.1s

Who is on the plane? Anybody important? Yeah.

Speaker 113690.18s - 3825.18s

Oh, yes. So, and the beauties, we don't even really need the MH-370 PRODUCT videos to show that something crazy happened here. We've got 20 free-scale semiconductor scientists and engineers aboard this plane. Far too many people for one plane to be out there. Like my company said out of the rules, like only two to three people.And these are people with highly advanced technical knowledge. Now, the reason why these people are the motive is because when you look at advanced technology, the two major things that are at the cutting edge right now are plasma physics and semiconductors, superconductors, superconductivity. When you look at stuff like AI,uctors, superconductivity. When you look at stuff like AI, quantum computers,they all use superconductive microchips. And these microchips are getting more and more advanced. They had just released a microchip that was smaller than a dimple in a golf ball. In fact, we found a Lockheed Martin ORG patent for a coherent matter wave beam, which is pretty much exact. It's a transducer, something that converts energy from one type to another.That's exactly what we need in order to create the type of anti-gravity effects that we are seen in the MA370 PRODUCT videos. And that patent from Lockheed Martin was out in 2013. It's 10 microns in length. This thing is like the size of the bacteria. That's how small some of these things are. So when you look at this and you ask, why would you do this?Why this plane? Right away, you have to look at those free scale semiconductor employees. Eight of them are Chinese nationals, 12 are Malaysian nationals. They're working for an American NORP company. And the number one target for intellectual property espionage theft is actually foreign nationals that work for American NORP companies.It costs the United States and American companies roughly $600 billion MONEY per year. So I think that there's two different scenarios that I think are plausible here. One is that somebody was on this plane that wanted to be rescued, a VIP, or however you want to look at it. And the United States GPE intervened because they're the ones filming this. Or the other way that you could look at it is that this is a counter-espionage operation, that these people were going to China GPE.They were going to Beijing from Al-Ampur FAC. They were going to give China GPE some very powerful intellectual property. And the United States GPE said, no, we're going to go ahead and just, you know, have that plan blow up in your face, metaphorically speaking.

Speaker 143826.08s - 3842.64s

Okay. We're going to take a break in just a couple of minutes and we'll get to what the film is that you have. But before we get there, tell me how do you just dismiss the pings, the location pings?

Speaker 113843.3s - 3943.8s

Yeah, so I've looked at the satellite p pigs myself, probably one of the only people that actually did. And when you get up to 1840, right before 1840, there's only two phone calls made to this airplane. One of that 1839 unanswered to the cockpit. Again, why would it be unanswered if we supposedly are trying to reach communicationwith them? And why would we not call them more often if they don't pick up? And then after that, there's only 10 rows of data. So before that, there's hundreds of rows of data. It looks normal. And after that, just 10 rows of data for this plane is supposedly going in the South Indian Ocean LOC.There's a pattern change in the data. I talked to the experts from the independent group. Nobody can give me a lot of explanation for why the data changes like this. So the difference between this plane ending in the Nicar Islands and the South Indian Ocean is 10 rows of data on an Excel PRODUCT spreadsheet. And then they call again around 2313, 2315 TIME, and that's it. If you've got a rogue's triple seven going out there, it might be hijacked, what have you.Why would you not give it another phone call? And the real story of what happened to this plane is that there was a fire event related to 500 pounds of lithium ion batteries. Two stacks of it were in the forward cargo bay right next to the equipment center, the electronics bay. And there's 19 witnesses that support this. We have Mike McKay PERSON sees it on fire from his oil rig. Nine witnesses along the coast here loud noise at the exact same time this fire starts.Fire suppression devices go off put it out you've got eight fishermen on a boat who see the plane 10 minutes later it's also been corroborated now that the plane did an emergency descent right after it turned around consistent with what you do during a fire event to get more oxygen into the plane for the passengers you're not going to kill them and it hang on hang on just a second don't go any further

Speaker 143943.8s - 3945.76s

Glenn PERSON back we hit next segment's going to blow your mind And it? Hang on. Hang on. Just a second. Don't go any further.

Speaker 13946.22s - 3946.72s


Speaker 143947.06s - 3948.14s


Speaker 13950.06s - 3950.96s

Your next segment's going to blow your mind.

Speaker 143952.14s - 3952.96s

All right, Rough Greens ORG.

Speaker 13954s - 3954.38s

You know what television needs?

Speaker 143956.44s - 4016.76s

A good cooking show for dogs. Think about it. Be easy. Every episode, same thing. Dog making a batch of kibble food. Turn in the oven all the way up and baking that kibble food until it had no nutritional value left,sniffing it and then walking away to go find some human food. That, I mean, that's a show for you. I'm going to make millions on this dog cooking show. Anyway, if your dog isn't getting good nutrition in his food, maybe it's time you try giving him a little rough greens. It's not a dog food.It's a supplement developed by naturopathic Dr. Dennis Black PERSON. This could hurt the cooking show of dogs, but maybe not. Maybe the dog just opens up the pack, really hard to do with paws, but opens up the pack and sprinkles it, you know, onto, you know, his masterpiece from the oven. The folks at Rough Greens ORG are so confident that your dog is going to love Rough Greens that they have a special deal. Just go to Roughgreens.com slash Beck PERSON or call 833 Glenn 33, and they'll give you the firsttrial bag free. All you pay for is shipping. 833 Glenn 33, 833 Glenn 33, Roughgreens.com slash Beck PERSON.

Speaker 34017.64s - 4023.68s

And head over to BlazeTV.com slash Glenn. Join Blaze TV. You can save 20 bucks if you use

Speaker 144023.68s - 4059.4s

the promo code Glenn PERSON. So before we get into this next segment, I want to make it really clear that I have no idea what's real or not anymore on some things.

Speaker 34059.46s - 4063.02s

I have no idea what our government's capable of, not capable of.

Speaker 144063.1s - 4130.26s

I have zero clue. This sounds so unbelievable, but I don't know all the technology. I don't know enough to be able to say this isn't true. But I'm also not, don't know enough to say it is true. It's Friday. I thought we'd have some fun by looking at something that I don't know.Might be true. Probably not, but could be. I know that Ashton Forbes PERSON has done his homework. He's an intelligent human being and knows the science behind all of this and may be right. I don't know. Ashton is with us. He told me half an hour ago. He kind of feels like every day he's like, I don't know. I don't know. So we're about to show some video here, Ashton PERSON, of the plane and what you, this is the main thing that you say needs to be looked at. Tell me about the video, what we're about to hear and see and where we got the video.

Speaker 114131.52s - 4368.62s

Yeah, so this video has been on the internet since 2014. We've been able to trace it back to an account called Regicide and Non. The very first video, satellite video, says received March 12th, 2014, source protected. It was published May 19th, 2014 DATE. This is nine days before the raw teleenergy data, those satellite pings were first available to the public. And that's why it's so important when we see those coordinates in the bottom left. The second video was supposedly received June 5th, 2014, published June 12th, 2014 on the same channel.Most people ignored this footage. A lot of people have said that they saw it back in 2014. I saw the drone video back in 2014. I ignored it like most people did. I think it's only in 2023, 2024 that we can even begin to understand that what we see there is potentially real because science on the public side isslowly catching up. These private defense contractors, they know this stuff is real. And that's how far ahead they are from us. They are potentially 50 or 100 years beyond what the public might think is possible. We had a $150,000 bounty for the hoaxer to come forward with proof of their source work, you know, because somebody didn't make these with just one shot. It would have taken lots of time and effort to put these together. There's not one discrepancy on a single frame in either video, no errors anywhere. The clouds actually do move and evolve in the satellite video.People don't think that they do because they don't realize how far away the satellites are potentially from the Earth and how each perspective is only a few seconds. The zap of the satellite video accurately illuminates the volumetric clouds in three dimensions. There's no reference copy to copy any of this from, which is a prerequisite for producing CGI. Because we have two videos from different perspectives that are perfectly in sync with one another, and you can see thesame clouds and even triangulate the drone position, this would require a full 3D rendered environment using hardware and software from before 2014. This also predates all commercial AI as well as deep fake technology. So if people think that you could recreate it, I guarantee you this is not some simple recreation in order to pull this off. Now, even more important than that, the details in the videos are scientifically accurate. What we're looking at here is something called macroscopic phase conjugation.It is essentially functionally equivalent to Star Trek WORK_OF_ART warp drive. This is science that would be consistent with what Tesla had put forth and other people like Lieutenant Colonel Thomas Bearden in the 80s. The simplest thing that explanation I could give is that there is an extra dimension that we do not perceive that our reality is painted onto. We're going to bring back the term the ether, which is something that Tesla ORG promoted. This is how we get the negative energy requirement that we need in order for a wormhole to exist. The macroscopic phase conjugation using something called mixed wave interferometry.It's very similar to holography in terms of making a hologram. We have our three pump waves, which is our zero point system that we see with our orbs and creating that triangle formation. And then we have a fourth orb that we do not see on the screen here, which is essentially shooting a phase conjugate wave into that, and then it gets a perfectly reflected beam going back to the other direction.So essentially, we are creating a gravitational wave here through electro-magnetics, and then we are having this plane flingshot, like pulling on a rubber band and letting go at one side from one location to another. So what I'm saying here is this is not aliens. This is our technology. I don't know where we got it.I don't frankly really care. I think it could go as far back as 1943 in the Philadelphia GPE experiment, maybe even the Manhattan Project. But what I want people to know is that Tesla ORG was right. The event that we see in the thermal is an endothermic event.It's an absorption of energy. This is, again, consistent with Thomas Bearden promoted in the 80s, talking about cold explosions, absorbing energy from one location and having to reappear somewhere else.This may even be the first endothermic event ever recorded as far as I know.

Speaker 144368.96s - 4374.24s

Now, basically what you're talking about is we're making a wormhole, right?

Speaker 114374.48s - 4375.46s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 144375.54s - 4380.6s

And so this goes back to an idea that has been promoted by Einstein PERSON.

Speaker 114380.9s - 4383.22s

Einstein PERSON or ER equals EPR.

Speaker 144383.78s - 4386.24s

Leonard Suskein and Juan N Naldesina PERSON have promoted this

Speaker 114386.24s - 4456.48s

which is the idea that Einstein Rosen PERSON Bridge a wormhole could be consistent with Einstein Poloski Rosen which is quantum entanglement we know we can teleport quantum information right that's already been proven but the idea is how do we do that in a macroscopic scale one Naldesina has actually recently in the last four years promoted humanly traversable wormholes as well as papers. So the idea that you could go through a wormhole and you're not going to rip your shreds. In fact, we were just looking recently on my live streams two different defense intelligence agency papers. One called warp drive, dark energy,and manipulation of extra dimensions. And the other one called traversable wormholes, Stargates PRODUCT, and negative energy. Both of these papers pretty much lay out exactly what we see in those videos. And the only thing that people are confused about is how do you get the negative energy requirement? Well, once you add the idea of the ether and we get rid of all this quantum fluctuations and virtual particles that physicists talk about now, that's just the ether with extra steps. So we just go back to the idea of having an ether.And if you have a high enough energy intensity, you break through the shwinger limit. And now our kind of local space time becomes nonlinear. Okay. And it's going to self-correct. Okay.

Speaker 144457.3s - 4477.58s

You're way over my head. I'm sure you're way over everybody else's head. But I wanted you to show you're not an idiot when it comes to science. Now, go back to the video. Let's show it. It's the blue video with the heat signature of the plane, which is, is that the satellite video?

Speaker 114478s - 4482.4s

No, that one's our drone video. So the satellite video is going to be the white and kind of blue one.

Speaker 144482.4s - 4511.4s

And we believe this is happening at night, and it's, you know, false color IR in the satellite. And in the drone video, it's thermal. Okay. So we see the in the thermal video, the drone video, we see one object, round object, coming to the plane and then kind of making a weird kind of path around the plane. Then two others come and they triangulate the plane and spin quickly around the plane, then two others come and they, they triangulate the plane and spinquickly around the center or the nose of the plane. I can't tell which.

Speaker 114512.34s - 4556.52s

Yeah, so what they do right away is they're spinning around it in a spherical formation. This is clearly mapping the plane to some degree. My guess is what they're doing is they're trying to figure out how big the mouth of the wormhole needs to be to encompass the entire plane. So they can produce the exact right amount of energy that's necessary. And then they actually reorient about halfway through. And then they begin to go vertical around the plane in a ring formation, which if you look at the right hand rule in electrical engineering,you'll find that then the vector based on this would be backwards, which when this dark event happened, actually you can see we've overlaid it. The plane slightly moves backwards into this wormhole as well. So this is actually also consistent with electrical engineering principles. Okay. And I have to go ahead.

Speaker 144556.68s - 4558.78s

I'm sorry, we just have such little time.

Speaker 114558.78s - 4595.88s

And I mean, I would urge people to want to know more to go to your website and follow this. But these three things open up. And then there's this like black blotch. This just looks like, what is that? That's energy? Yeah, so this is technically what we're looking at there is a cold event, an endothermic event, an absorption of energy.So I would argue, though, we're looking at there is the mouth of the wormhole. And if you want to think of it in layman's terms, what you think is, you're ripping through the fabric of reality there. So if you think of our reality as a painting, you're ripping the painting off, and you're looking at the underlying canvas there. And it's quickly closing up again right after.

Speaker 144595.98s - 4598.22s

Okay, so let me go to the other.

Speaker 114598.4s - 4611.04s

It's like a black and white or blue and white kind of. You see the clouds. You see the plane coming in. This is secret. This is our satellite tracking system.

Speaker 144611.76s - 4614.14s

Yeah, so we don't look through satellites individually anymore.

Speaker 114614.3s - 4650.48s

I mean, it's 2024, even in 2014. You know, we use ground-based computers, and then they can rebuild using ground-based computers and software tracking mechanism. And that's how we're able to look at it like this without seeing the satellite move Okay, so and then what I was going to say in the thermal video too there was heat signatures in the orbs as wellWhich is consistent with topological monopoles that was only publicly available from the alto university paper in 2015 a year after These videos as well so the science that we see in here Really wasn't even publicly available at the time when these videos were released and made public.

Speaker 144651.14s - 4656.46s

And all of a sudden, in the second video, you see the flash and the plane just disappear.

Speaker 114657.02s - 4664.8s

Now, this seems ridiculously unbelievable.

Speaker 144665.96s - 4682.52s

You know what I mean? Because just, I mean, it's just, you don't see. How could this possibly be true? But the science would show that it's possible if you play it out. But why would we do this?

Speaker 114683.52s - 4721.16s

Yeah. And then why cover it up? And what I would say is that we are potentially looking at the most secret classified super weapons in the United States GPE military arsenal. We dropped the atomic bomb in 1945. That was 79 years ago.And people still think that nuclear weapons are the most powerful weapons we have. No, the military has figured out a unification theory of quantum field mechanics and general relativity. And now we have gravity manipulation and space time manipulation. This type of weapon is unstoppable on this planet. Whoever has this technology controls the planet. This is why thecover up, this is why they want us talking about social issues and nobody looking at what kind of

Speaker 144721.16s - 4725.2s

advanced technology. Why would we allow this to, why did we do this to this plane?

Speaker 114726.24s - 4739.96s

Yeah, and doing this to this plane, again, so you would say that the only logical explanation in my mind, this is a show of force. We wanted China and Russia GPE to see this. We want to say, you're going to try to steal our guys, our guys that know how this technology works. We have to make the microchips, potentially know the plasma physics.

Speaker 04740.04s - 4744.92s

In this case, the microchip producers, that what we see in these orbs here, that's a plasma

Speaker 114744.92s - 4796.5s

field around the orbs. If you look up hypersonic weapons, that's what you need to make a hypersonic weapon work so that they can move the speeds of which they do, is a plasma sheet around them. So within this is some smaller object, and I guarantee that there are very advanced microchips within that small object as well. Okay. And you could argue that those are the reason why we're trying to do this. And they didn't expect these videos to leak, of course, but they would expect China GPE and Russiato have their own satellites and they would have some idea of, well, what did somebody just do to this plane? And this is like, hey, don't mess with us. If you try to do this again, we're going to zap you to wherever we need to. But I agree, it's a huge risk to be filming this. And I think that we've only developed this warp drive technology based on the papers, probably in the early to mid, maybe in late 2000s. So I don't think this was a test, but I also don't think that this technology's

Speaker 144796.5s - 4810.94s

been out there for decades of decades. I think that to get to this point is probably relatively recently. But that's a good question. So let me, I've only got about a minute left. And man, there's just so much to cover with you. But the last question is, who leaked this?

Speaker 114811.1s - 4900.02s

How did we get this? I'm glad we did that. So Edward C. Lynn PERSON is the guy. If you look up his case, he took a plea deal to win to prison for six years and a nine year sentence. His timeline of being the VPU2 Wizard PRODUCT squadrons of spy plane program is from February2014, where he first gets investigated April 2nd, 2014 DATE. The defense argued the classified information and questions available on the internet. The VP squadron has deployments in Diego University of military base. The military was afraid that if this case went to trial, they would have to show what the information was that he leaked the damage national security so badly. I FOIAed the NCIS ORG and they rejected my FOIA in total to be kept secret in the interest of national offense or foreign policy. And he was caught with flight manifest that includes search and rescue code names as well.So if anyone disbelieves or whatever, we have absolute proof that if you just go talk to Edward C. Lynn PERSON, if we can get him to come forward, admit that he leaked these videos. If these videos are real, he is the guy. I gave this information to the AARO, the All Domain Anomily Resolution Office ORG. They responded back a couple weeks ago saying, Mr. Forbes, my apologies for the slow response. AARO ORG is researching several topics. Some of AARO's initial research into MH370 has revealed the U.S. GPE government search efforts after the airliner disappeared. government search efforts after the airliner disappeared from radar. I believe the genesis and authenticity of the videos may be helpful.Can you confirm the date the videos were posted to the Regiside and on YouTube ORG channel? And yes, a quick follow-up call may be helpful. They've ghosted me since then. If these videos are real, they will be able to authenticate them.

Speaker 144902.4s - 4917.16s

Ashton PERSON, I don't, you know, I honestly don't know what to think. But that's pretty much about everything right now. In some ways, I hope that you're right. All the people were most likely dead because of the fire, right? That's my approach.

Speaker 114917.48s - 4945.28s

Yeah, it's not looking good. So I always like to give the condolences to the family. We've got a fire event, Boeing ORG planes. I don't trust at all. I wouldn't surprise me if they spew toxic smoke when they start on fire and kill everybody. So even when we get to the zap, it's not looking great. So I don't want to give anybody false hope out there. What I do want to tell people is thatif this is real, then free energy is real. And that will change our entire planet. If you imagine the implications of free energy, you can see why they would hide this. We have everything to gain from these videos and nothing to lose.

Speaker 144946.02s - 4963.48s

Yeah, that's really what caused the downfall of Tesla ORG. He had free energy, I believe, and you can't put a meter on free energy. And that's the real problem, money always. Ashton PERSON, thank you so much. I appreciate it. God PERSON bless.

Speaker 114963.56s - 4964.44s

Thank you, I appreciate you, man.

Speaker 144964.54s - 5033.36s

You bet. You can follow him, his website, YouTube.com, at just X. Ashton PERSON, or his Twitter is at JustX. Ashton. You decide. I have no idea. Seems crazy. Back in just a second. First, let me tell you about Legacy Box PRODUCT. If you haven't used Legacy Box PRODUCT yet, you're going to want to do it right now. I mean right now. Because not only are they the safest and easiest way to digitize memories to preserve them for the future,but also because right now they're having a Mother's Day sale, and you can save 60% off your order. 60%. Remember, you are your family's historian. I've done this with the VHS tapes and the videos and the stuff from my mother or Tanya PERSON's mom's closet to make sure we have all of the history preserved. Join the over one and a half million families that have trusted legacy box with their memories. This makes a great Mother's Day gift and you don't have to do it on Mother's Day. It's something you can do together over the next few months even.Legacybox.com slash records. Go there now.

Speaker 85034s - 5040.4s

Get even more, Glenn PERSON. Subscribe to the Glenn Beck Podcast Anywhere Podcasts WORK_OF_ART are found.

Speaker 95041.44s - 5062.08s

This is the Glenn Beck PERSON program.

Speaker 145065.04s - 5083.66s

There was, I don't know if this is true or not. I wanted to present this to you today because I think it's a fascinating, philosophical question that we are going to have to deal with in the future because free energy is a part of the future. Will we ever see it? The Glenn Beck Program.

Speaker 155085.74s - 5089.5s

All right, let me tell you about our sponsor. It's Eden Pure PRODUCT. Nothing worse than having

Speaker 95089.5s - 5095.7s

odors in your home that just won't go away. I have teenagers. I know of what I speak.

Speaker 145095.92s - 5178s

Okay. Thankfully, you can get rid of any bad smell now when you get the Eden Pure thunderstorm air purifier. Now, this does not cover the air, whether it's odor from cooking, cigarette smoke, litter boxes, trash cans, mildew, doesn't matter. The thunderstorm will knock it out. It starts working in seconds to clear the room of smells and you don't ever have to replace a filter.Edenpure has sold hundreds of thousands of thunderstorm units so far. They have thousands of thunderstorm units so far. They have thousands of five-star reviews online. Check this out. I have it in my house. It's really, really good.Right now you can save $200 on three thunderstorms for the whole home protection. Three units for under $200. Go to Edenpuredeals.com. I think I needed three of those just in my son's bedroom. I'm kidding. Glenn three, as the discount code, Glenn three, Edenpuredeals.com.Promo code Glenn three. We have no room to compromise. We gotta stay together if we're gonna survive.

Speaker 45178s - 5186s

Stay the strength and hold the light.

Speaker 55186s - 5194s

It's a new day I turn to rain.

Speaker 45194s - 5203s

Welcome to the fusion of entertainment and enlightenment.

Speaker 55203s - 5207.26s

This is the Glenn Beck Program ORG.

Speaker 95209.3s - 5211.46s

Hello, America. Welcome to the Glenn Beck PERSON program.

Speaker 145211.66s - 5215.86s

Man, this has been an incredible podcast so far, I think.

Speaker 95216.4s - 5218.26s

We just came off of something.

Speaker 145218.44s - 5327.38s

I don't even know what to think about it, but it is fascinating to think about the consequences if this kind of technology is real and happening now we're going to Cliff Sims PERSON he is the author of the darkness has not overcome he was a former special assistant to President Trump and a real faith guy he remembers the first time he walked into the CIA ORG and the darkness that he started to encounter.He was there in the room and part of the conversations about moving the embassy from Tel Aviv to Israel GPE. An amazing moment, especially if you're a Jew or a Christian NORP. And he also was in the doomsday bunkers because he was an assistant to the DNI, Director of National Intelligence. So he was in with all 18 different intelligence agencies. The story this guy can tell, and he does tell him in his new book,The Darkness Has Not Overcome WORK_OF_ART, even though it feels like that at times. Cliff Sims PERSON joins us in 60 seconds. This Mother's Day, I know this is going to, I know this Not Overcome, even though it feels like that at times. Cliff Sims joins us in 60 seconds. This Mother's Day, I know this is going to, I know this is going to sound insane, but get your mom a burner launcher, okay? Just get your mom, there's nothing more terrifying than a mother with tear gas in her purse. This is an amazing thing. It looks like a gun, but it's not.It is something that she could pull out and it's not going to cause death. It's a less than lethal situation. And it fires kinetic rounds. It fires tear gas. And Mom doesn't have to be that good of a shot, honestly.And it'll incapacitate an attacker for up to 40 minutes. It's a burner launcher.

Speaker 35327.8s - 5334.06s

I don't want to, if my wife is listening, turn it off, but this is totally what I got my wife from Mother's Day. Is it?

Speaker 145334.1s - 5345.72s

Don't tell her. Yeah, I got it for Christmas for Tanya PERSON. You did? Yeah, I did. I got it for all of my kids for Christmas. That's great.Cheyenne just had an 18th birthday. Happy birthday. Burn a launcher.

Speaker 135345.8s - 5346.68s

I got one myself.

Speaker 05347.02s - 5363.34s

Yeah. Give the gift of safety and security. A great Mother's Day gift for your wife, your daughter, your mom. Anybody who may not want a firearm but wants protection, burner. B-Y-R-N-A.com slash Glenn PERSON.Get 10% off your order right now.

Speaker 145364.96s - 5391.38s

Cliff Sims, the author of Darkness WORK_OF_ART has not overcome and former special assistant to President Trump PERSON. And Cliff, I think right after the launch of GBTV PRODUCT, you were on, because I think you were in, maybe I'd have the wrong person, but I don't think I do. You were involved with the Frederick Douglass PERSON something, and we were talking about that. Were we not?

Speaker 05392.02s - 5403.18s

That's exactly right. First TV interview I ever did in my entire life. I was chairman of the Alabama College Republicans ORG, and we had a Frederick Douglass Republicans push going on at the time.

Speaker 145403.18s - 5439s

It coincided with what you were doing on the show and you had me come on and talk about it. So a little bit of a full circle moment here. Yeah, that's cool. And now look at what you've accomplished. I'm still here. You went up did things. Congratulations. So talk to me about a couple of things. First of all, what it was like being a part of the room and being a part of something as historic as moving the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem GPE. Yeah, well, there's so many

Speaker 05439s - 5457.92s

incredible stories around that topic, but the one that I remember the most is actually the day after the president made good on that promise, which we kind of take for granted now, but was a really kind of an unbelievable moment given that Bush, Obama, I mean, go down the list of President Clinton PERSON,

Speaker 65457.92s - 5461.86s

who had said they were going to do it and then they didn't. Right. That's right. That's right.

Speaker 05462.1s - 5476.86s

And it kind of came this foregone conclusion, oh, you promised to do that on the campaign trail that you don't do it. Well, when we get in the room to start talking about it, and Trump's like, well, hold on just a second. We're doing this. Like, it wasn't a question. Like I said, I'm going to do it. We're going to do it.And so he follows through.

Speaker 145477.54s - 5482.58s

And hang on just a second. What was the pushback from the State Department alone?

Speaker 05483.78s - 5491.3s

Well, the pushback from the State Department, you Well, the pushback from the State Department, you know, the pointy-headed experts over there is really the same as what you heard from

Speaker 145491.3s - 5496.64s

folks like Joe Biden PERSON, who said, you're going to bring the region to the brink of war.

Speaker 65496.64s - 5502.34s

You're going to spark mass chaos in the region, and they paint these kind of crazy, you know,

Speaker 55502.4s - 5509.54s

scenarios of what was going to happen. And right after the president did it, we walk out of the Oval FAC and we're in this,

Speaker 15509.7s - 5514.18s

part of the West Wing called the Outer Oval, right outside the Oval Office FAC, and there's a TV on the wall.

Speaker 05515.02s - 5529.74s

And it's actually showing some of that chaos, some of the things that the protest happening, which frankly at this point look a lot like what we're seeing on college campuses around the country here in the United States GPE. But as we're watching it,

Speaker 65529.78s - 5533.68s

the president's kind of just, you know, watching it unfold. They're burning American NORP flags.

Speaker 05534.16s - 5560.76s

They're screaming, Trump, Trump, you will see, Palestine GPE will be free, you know, things like that. And I had this weird sense that I can only compare to, it's going to be kind of a strange comparison, but I think you'll get it. If you see someone trip on the sidewalk and you look away because you don't want them to see that you saw it happen because you feel this like kind of secondhand embarrassment for them, it's not that the president had done anything wrong.

Speaker 65560.84s - 5561.56s

Don't get me wrong.

Speaker 05561.74s - 5617.84s

It's just when you're watching someone endure that type of criticism and hatred being directed at them. It's kind of an uncomfortable moment. The president's reaction, though, I will never forget. He watched it. And then he looked at me and he said, okay, what's next? As in like, what's next on the schedule today? It did not phase him one bit. And it stuck with me because I think it's a core operating principle I try to apply to my life that anybody should apply to their life is you have to make peace with being misunderstood. The longer you're willing to be misunderstood, the bigger, more disruptive change you can deliver. And Trump PERSON was fearless and unaafraid of the criticism,unafraid of people saying his intentions were, nefarious whatever, if he felt like he was doing the right thing. And I gained a lot of respect for that because you just don't see that among politicians in America GPE.

Speaker 145617.98s - 5652.68s

Yeah, I have to tell you, I may disagree with his tweets or whatever. I find him funny. I find him very funny. But I also really like him. I like him funny. I find him very funny. But I also really like him. I like him on what I have seen from him in real life.Not in the media, not the showman, although, again, I enjoy the showman. But he is a, I think he's an actual kind man that is who he is, knows who he is, and doesn't care about anything else. He doesn't care what people say. No, I think that's right.

Speaker 05652.72s - 5668.82s

And I've said it a million times, and people ask me the same time, oh, my gosh, what's it like working for Trump PERSON and, you know, I have tweets and other, whatever it may be. And I tell them, I'm just telling you right now, you cannot walk in a room with Donald Trump PERSON, no matter what your preconceived ideas are and walk out not liking him.

Speaker 65668.94s - 5673.84s

Yeah, it's going to make you feel like the most important person in the room.

Speaker 05673.94s - 5679.32s

You're going to have fun. It's going to be funny. So I totally agree your experience much the same as mine.

Speaker 145679.8s - 5741.92s

And you always can tell the measure of a man by how they treat the lowest person in the room. When I was out at Marlago FAC and we were shooting something, you know, you don't go to Marlago, you know, look like a bum. But, you know, we had the lighting people there that were just contractors and, you know, my staff was there. And they were just going into this one room and then they were going to break down and go away. And so they weren't, you know, they weren't dressed like I was dressed. And Trump PERSON said to me after the deal, he said, what are you doing for dinner?And I said, I think we're probably going to McDonald ORG's. And he said, tempting. Why don't you come have dinner with us at Marlago FAC? And I was like, okay. And I said, when and who? And it was just this awkward moment.He's like, no, everybody. I mean, he cares about the lowest person on the ladder, which somebody like at that level usually doesn't. You know, he introduces himself to everybody that can't affect him at all.

Speaker 05742.22s - 5743.18s

And that means something.

Speaker 145743.76s - 5747.8s

The most famous person in the world going to introduce himself to someone when they walk up to him.

Speaker 05747.8s - 5748.26s

No, that's right.

Speaker 145748.38s - 5750.5s

And this is the side of them that you don't see in the media.

Speaker 65750.66s - 5756.5s

I mean, I can't even tell you how many times at Mar-a-Lago FAC I have seen with no cameras around.

Speaker 145757.34s - 5762.84s

He'll see people that are working there in various capacities at the big events and things.

Speaker 05763.16s - 5767.52s

And he'll walk up and take out his wallet and hand him 100 bucks and say, great job tonight.

Speaker 145767.68s - 5776.68s

Thank you for what you're doing. So I agree with you. So talk to me about because you were assistant to the DNI ORG. Is that right?

Speaker 05777.48s - 5779.8s

Deputy Director of National Intelligence, yes.

Speaker 145779.88s - 5786.06s

Okay. And that gives you access to all of the spy agencies and intelligence agencies.

Speaker 05786.96s - 5794.74s

That's right. Yeah, the D&I oversees, the 18 agencies, the alphabet soup of ATIA, NSA ORG, you name it all of them. That's right.

Speaker 145795.16s - 5805.4s

So what was your takeaway from that? I know in your book you talk about walking in and seeing all over trans NORP lives or human lives. And this is back in what, 2016?

Speaker 05806.62s - 5809.6s

So this was, yeah, this is 2020, actually,

Speaker 145809.6s - 5811.96s

so it was the last part of the administration.

Speaker 05812.72s - 5831.36s

Man, I had a lot of takeaways from it. On one hand, that job compared to my West Wing FAC job where I was a communications aide, I enjoyed it more in some ways because I wasn't having to argue with the White House Press Corps all day about tweets and the other dumb things that they focus on all the time. So that

Speaker 65831.36s - 5838.8s

was a benefit of it. Also gained an appreciation for some of the real heroes that we have

Speaker 05838.8s - 5860.84s

who are serving in those agencies who are trying to protect the country, but also gained a more disturbing appreciation for the things that you mentioned, the power of the Diversity, Equity, Inclusion Office in CIA ORG, and how it basically bullies people into submission

Speaker 65860.84s - 5863.76s

and is pushing these social agendas.

Speaker 05864.02s - 5982.3s

And you're right, the first time I'll walk into CIA ORG, I will never forget, turn in a corner to walk into the cafeteria at CIA. And there's a giant trans NORP lives or human lives, a poster hanging on the wall and being struck by someone here took time out of their job, which is protecting the country to hand-make this poster and hang it here. And, you know, again, there are a lot of people in the IC who do just want to protect Americans NORP' national security. But, you know, then you see things like, you know, recently, a few months ago,the Office of the Director of National Intelligence ORG published an op-ed internally by a current intelligence officer discussing how being a cross-dresser somehow makes him better at his job. The Biden PERSON administration has even made various DEI benchmarks one of their top goals in what's called the National Intelligence Strategy, which is our entire strategy on how we approach intelligence gathering and analysis in this country. It's one of their top, top goals. And even in the wake of the Chinese spy balloon traversing the continental United States GPE, that same internal magazine from OD&I ORG was devoted to, quote, the importance of words, like making sure no one's feelingsare heard by the word choices that analysts might use when they're writing about the CCP ORG. So this is the importance of words, like making sure no one's feelings are heard by the word choices that analysts might use when they're writing about the CCP ORG. So this is the kind of stuff that given the opportunity to come back in when President Trump PERSON comes back in, I think he's going to have a real opportunity to put some leadership in place in those agencies who will get their focus back where it needs to be, which is on American NORP national security, protecting the American people, you know, and China, number one, first and foremost,our real number one national security threat, not global warming, not a lack of DEI, China GPE is where our focus needs to be, and it's going to be a big opportunity in the next administration.

Speaker 145982.3s - 5997.76s

So maybe we'll have you back on again because I really want to go into the doomsday bunkers and what's in the nuclear football. It's all in your book. But I want to ask you, why did you name the book, The Darkness Has Not Overcome WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 05998.66s - 6049.38s

Yeah, it's a great question. Thank you for asking it. It comes from the Gospel of John WORK_OF_ART, 1-5. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. We're facing persecution and increasingly secular culture. Our politics feel broken and divisive, and we should be fighting for what we believe. But we also shouldn't get discouraged because the light will not be overcome. That's a promise that we can take to the bank.And this book is all about those stories that you're talking about right now, taking you into rooms that you couldn't see otherwise, wouldn't know what's going on in otherwise. But they also give a takeaway from each of those stories straight out of the Bible WORK_OF_ART for how they could apply, lessons that could apply to anyone's life. And honestly, Glenn PERSON, part of me wanting to write the book was, I have a really difficult time in my own personal life,sticking with a devotional.

Speaker 66051.68s - 6063.32s

And so I basically wrote a book. It's not a devotional, but it has some elements of it that is like what I would want to read. Give me an amazing story from inside the halls of power, but then give me a biblical takeaway that can actually impact my life no matter what I'm doing.

Speaker 146063.56s - 6076.74s

I love that. Cliff PERSON, I hope we get a chance to meet again in person and see each other again in person. I admire the effort on this book and what you're doing. Thank you so much.

Speaker 06076.88s - 6078.28s

We'd love to come back on any time.

Speaker 146078.38s - 6131.44s

You bet. Thank you. Cliff's Sims, the name of the book is The Darkness Has Not Overcome WORK_OF_ART. All right, back in just a second. Most nights, I get to sleep just fine. Let me tell you about our sponsor. It's Relief Factor PRODUCT. Then there's some nightsyou lay awake. You stare at the ceiling. And you're like, I'm paying for the student loans of a bunch of snot-nose kids who hate America and Israel GPE. Yeah, thank you, Joe Biden PERSON. Thank you. And my tax dollars are going for that. And then, you're awake allnight. Anyway, it's kind of hard to get to sleep when you have that going on. But just like regular relief factor that you take for pain, relief factor sleep is 100% drug-free. So you get a good night's sleep that you really need without feeling drowsy the next day. And it's a blend of natural ingredients that's designed to promote healthy sleep by reducing anxiety and distress, improving mood, promoting relaxation. I don't have to think about that.

Speaker 06132.98s - 6134.86s

I know from experience it works.

Speaker 146135.04s - 6210.94s

Feel the difference. The first night. The first bottle is 1995. Unleashed the power of great sleep by calling 800 the number four relief. That's 800 the number four relief or go to ReliefFactor.com. Dream big and sleep tight. 10 seconds. Station ID.I didn't really plan it this way, but today's show, I mean, we started with the Octopus Murders, which is a Netflix series. I did an interview with the guy, if you've watched this, I mean, I know you have a million questionsbecause I did. The guy who has risked his life to tell this story that another journalist started to tell in the 1980s and was, I believe, killed for it. And we have that interview with not only the filmmaker,but the author, the journalist that you watched, if you watched the Octopus PERSON murders. If you haven't, you need to. It's amazing. It's about the government. Then the next hour in this podcast today,we talked about what happened to Malaysia what was it 310 or 320 I don't know I didn't watch CNN ORG for that whole 370

Speaker 36210.94s - 6220.54s

that's the one thing I remember about that story was CNN being on it for like months after it had already you know crashed or whatever happened to it now I'm just a fiction writer

Speaker 146220.54s - 6269.42s

here just this is pure fiction but if I were writing a fictional story where there was more to the disappearance of this fiction writer here. Just, this is pure fiction. But if I were writing a fictional story where there was more to the disappearance of this plane and the government was involved, and I had Intel ORG telling me, there's something more here, there's something more here, keep digging. I would imagine that a news company that wanted to tell the story would just hold on to it and hold on to it and hold on to it way after everybody had let go. And there was nothing really to report trying to make this into a story and wait until you could get that person to talk.And, you know, in my fictional mind, that's what happened. They never talked, and it just kind of went away, and they looked foolish for holding on to it for so long.

Speaker 66269.54s - 6270.98s

I don't know. I don't know.

Speaker 146271.82s - 6310.96s

And then this really good interview that we just had with Cliff Sims PERSON. It's kind of a roller coaster ride, because next, I'm going to tell you what we're doing next Wednesday. And I just did an interview for next week yesterday with a doctor, an MD, that is, I think one of the bravest people I've talked to. She has been going after the topic of transgenderism since 2009.

Speaker 06311.96s - 6316s

She has had everyone come against her.

Speaker 146316.62s - 6339.68s

She still has her MD. I don't know how that's happened because she is so frank on it. Next week we're doing a couple of shows on something that you don't want to miss. The interview with her really revolved around the parents. And what do you do when your kid comes home and is like, yeah, let me tell you something.

Speaker 136340.64s - 6342.6s

I'm really a girl, dad.

Speaker 146343.3s - 6344.56s

What do you do?

Speaker 136346.28s - 6355.12s

I talked to her about that, and she had some really good advice for parents, and she has been there, done that several times.

Speaker 146355.68s - 6382.36s

But we'll tell you about the Wednesday night special coming up in just a second. But it's just a fascinating world that we live in, where everything is going to change. That's the one thing I can tell you, you will see more change between 2025 and 2030 than you've seen in the last 15 years. You may see more change than you've seen in your lifetime, all combined.It's going to be a crazy world.

Speaker 36382.36s - 6404.24s

Yeah, no, and there's no doubt about that. It seems like we get more and more focused on crazier and crazier things, right? Like, there's someone, there's been one quote that's been passed around the internet lately, especially with the college protests going on, which basically says that when things get better, we find things to make it worse, essentially very long.

Speaker 06404.64s - 6417.66s

It's the old matrix thing, you know, and it was also in many books before that. But the idea that humans can't survive in a situation where they have very little conflict and struggle. Yeah. They have to find it.

Speaker 146417.82s - 6427.88s

And I mean, it certainly seems like what we're seeing on college campuses, right? Oh, yeah. You know, it's funny because you heard, what was that quote that you've, when things are good? We have to.

Speaker 36428.16s - 6429.62s

I mean, I'm just but yeah.

Speaker 146430.06s - 6436.76s

Because I heard a quote and it made me think of the college campuses as well. And it's, God, these people are stupid.

Speaker 16436.86s - 6437.78s

Yeah, I've heard that quote.

Speaker 36437.86s - 6439.06s

That same question is going around the internet.

Speaker 16439.36s - 6444.18s

Yeah, it has been very accurate. It applies here. Glenn Beck PERSON.

Speaker 146446.14s - 6512.96s

It wasn't you singing along to the backstreet boys that did your car in, although I'm sure it didn't help. I mean, cars do have taste. Well, no. French NORP cars do not. But anyway, it was a computer ship that went down. Now you're on the side of the road waiting for the tow truck thinking to yourself, how long ago did my warranty expire?Bad situation, especially if you didn't have CarShield ORG. For almost two decades, CarShield has been helping millions of drivers avoid the stress of major repairs. They have an A-plus rating from the Better Business Bureau ORG, and they offer plans covering up to 5,000 parts and systems from your engine and transmission to the electronics and so much more. For a low monthly rate, it fits your budget. They have plans that include unlimited miles, 24-7 roadside assistance, and rental options.800-227-60-100. Call 800-227-60-100. Go to carshield.com slash Beck today. You're going to save 20 percent sky-high auto repair bills you're protected from with carsheel.com slash Beck PERSON.

Speaker 36514s - 6549.32s

Head over to blazTV.com slash Glenn and subscribe today. Get the podcast early every week. Use the promo code Glenn and get 20 bucks off your subscription to the program.

Speaker 146549.42s - 6568.64s

Just because it's Friday, I'll just swing into this. Jason Buttrill PERSON just came in, and he's head of research for the shows. And we were going to talk about what's happening Wednesday, and we will. But he just came in. He's like, have you seen the new Harley Davidson ORG? It's insane.

Speaker 26568.88s - 6570.4s

Wow, it's crazy.

Speaker 146571.14s - 6585.34s

All I hear, whenever I see a motorcycle commercial or something like that, because what is this one called? It's the Harley Roadglide CVOST PRODUCT. It's unbelievable. And all I watch and I'm like, I want one of those. And all I hear is, you don't kill yourself on one of those. And all I hear is, you'll kill yourself on one of those.

Speaker 166585.46s - 6596.44s

No, you can never ride a motorcycle from my mom and my grandmother and every female voice in my life. You'll kill yourself on one of those. That's all I hear. But how fun would it be?

Speaker 26596.44s - 6599.66s

How fun? How fun? Up until that point. Yeah.

Speaker 146600.04s - 6611.9s

Pretty crazy. Pretty crazy. Okay. So, Jason, tell me about Wednesday's special. I've already done some things on it, but you're deep in the research on it now for Wednesday, next Wednesday.

Speaker 26612.18s - 6626.86s

Oh, I'm so deep into it that I think that I've lost portions of my soul looking into this. It is, it's going to be dark next week. It's very dark, good. But it is something that you have to know about. We're doing it in our reckoning series.

Speaker 146626.98s - 6628.34s

So we did that for the Biden PERSON crime family.

Speaker 136628.44s - 6635.56s

This is the reckoning. It's about the dark world of transgender, air quote, transgender affirming care or gender affirming care.

Speaker 146635.56s - 6639.34s

It's so dark. It is so, it's so evil. It's just so evil.

Speaker 26639.48s - 6650.02s

And this is, Glenn, so Michael Schellenberger got a leak from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health, W Path. I think the majority of people have never even heard. Have you ever heard?

Speaker 146650.06s - 6651.1s

No, I had never heard of it.

Speaker 26651.26s - 6708.42s

I did not know this, but I mean, like Richard Levine, Rachel Levine PERSON, she, I don't even know what to. He, he, he talks about it as part of the HSS ORG about their standards of care. The American Medical Association looks to them. The entire world looks to them to get their guidance on how they're going to do this quote unquote gender affirming care. And Michael Schellenberger PERSON got these leaks of their private conversations, the things that they say that no one else is supposed to see or hear.He got a leak of a lot of it. And he conceded in it that there's so much here. We're going to show you a little bit of it, but journalists are going to have to take the wheel on this and do more work because there is so much information. Well, we did that extra work. We got someone that was looking on it 24 hours a day for two weeks. I feel so sorry for her because she had to look at this stuff for that long. And just the stuff that she showed me, as we're building the show, I do not know how some of these people are not in jail.

Speaker 146709.2s - 6718.4s

And when you see this, I mean, you're going to be like, how are these people not in jail for the rest of their lives? That's how bad it is. Because they're making room for people like you. Yeah.

Speaker 26719.06s - 6721.48s

Going 160 on the new miles of hour.

Speaker 146721.48s - 6725.38s

No, just because you worked with me. You're a conservative. You're a Christian NORP. I mean, that is so wild. I mean, if you had these conversations out in, just because you worked with me. You're a conservative. You're a Christian.

Speaker 26725.72s - 6734.18s

I mean, that is so wild. I mean, if you had these conversations out in the open, you weren't considered a doctor or a expert. Correct. You probably would go to jail.

Speaker 146734.64s - 6755.54s

That's how bad this stuff is. I think some of these people will. You know, one of the reasons I agreed to call this part of a reckoning series is because a reckoning will happen. I mean, this is based on lies, on distortions, on evil. It just is. And there, at some point, there will be a reckoning.And you don't want to be on that side.

Speaker 26755.84s - 6765.38s

The way they're targeting children is one of the most disturbing things that you're going to see next week. And the crazy thing, Glenn PERSON, is the media has not talked about this at all.

Speaker 146765.64s - 6770.26s

And why? Because they're scared. Because you can't. And I mean, even for us, we usually put these

Speaker 66770.26s - 6773.92s

shows on YouTube, but we're going to do the same thing we did for our election special next week.

Speaker 146774.22s - 6778.22s

So the first 48 minutes are going to be on YouTube ORG. We're going to see it. But it's going to be

Speaker 06778.22s - 6782.64s

free for 24 hours so that you have to see this. We have got to get this out. That's why the most

Speaker 146782.64s - 6785.34s

amount of people we can get to see this, they need to do it.

Speaker 06785.4s - 6811.94s

If they go to glenbeck, blaisTV.com ORG slash glen, use the promo code reckoning. It's active right now for 30 bucks. You've got to do it. There are no excuses not to. I mean, this is the type of stuff that's going to get pushed on kids more and more and more. There's more people.Record amounts of young youth right now are coming out as transgender. Why is that happening? Why is the lobby so huge and going into overdrive with millions of dollars for all of the world, including China GPE, to push this stuff?

Speaker 146812.06s - 6845.42s

Well, when you know these people want to reduce the surplus population of the earth, they are pushing this. One of the reasons, I mean, it's really incredible. Did you see the interview I did yesterday? Yeah. She's remarkable. Yeah. And it's for this special and a follow-up on the special. But this is a doctor who is just fighting hard. And she said, we're raising a whole group of people that are going to be sterile. They won't be able to have children. Won't be able to have sex.Nothing.

Speaker 26850.96s - 6861.04s

I mean, that is, that's really terrifying. Okay. So just off of that, just sterilization, kids are not going to be able to have children when they get older. What if you heard from the experts, them talking about this and saying, ah, screw it? Let's just go ahead and give them the meds,

Speaker 06861.08s - 6867.66s

the hormones, everything. Let's just go ahead and do it. It's malpractice. In any other field, it would be considered malpractice, but they talk about it.

Speaker 66867.66s - 6873.32s

In most countries now, and this is new, it is malpractice.

Speaker 06873.48s - 6874.3s

It's illegal.

Speaker 146874.98s - 6884.42s

England, Norway, Sweden, all of the Norwegian NORP countries, all of them.

Speaker 06884.96s - 6887.42s

Finland GPE, you can't do it. Technically, I think, Norwegian countries, all of them. Finland, you can't, you can't do.

Speaker 26887.62s - 6890.02s

Technically, I think the only Norwegian countries are Norway GPE.

Speaker 146890.38s - 6891.3s

But you know what I mean?

Speaker 36891.38s - 6893.14s

The Scandinavian NORP nations, yeah.

Speaker 146894s - 6913.08s

They're all. And those are the ones that we're leading it, and we always are supposed to look at them for how they do. They're all saying, this is madness. We've got to get away from this. And they're making it illegal now in those countries. And we're still barreling down this road all

Speaker 26913.08s - 6961.84s

by ourself. Yeah. Why? There's portions of this, Glenn PERSON, where I started thinking that I was reading a sequel to the island of Dr. Moreau. Because it's not only, so we're going to show you a full spectrum of what they're doing. We're going to show you specifically like what they're doing to kids, but also even to adults, the things that the procedures they're talking about is, they're like making human beings into abstract art. I am dead serious. And they're justifying it with, well, if it makes them happy now, then we should go ahead and do it.And I'm not going to say right now what some of those things are, but you're going to see and you're like, they're turning human beings into art is what they're doing. And their version of, you know, however they view art, that's what they're doing. And they're saying that it justifies it because that's going to make them feel better right now. It's unbelievable.

Speaker 146962.56s - 6975.04s

Unbelievable. Jason, hang on, because I think I found the ultimate home protection device that I think I'm getting, I'm going to get one and it will travel. Mysterious.

Speaker 166975.24s - 6984.84s

Yeah, yeah, yeah. It's fantastic. I just saw today. It's been out for a little while, but I just saw it today and I want. And I thought, I want one. Like you with a bike?

Speaker 146985.5s - 7073.8s

Yeah, I want one. I want one of these. It's the ultimate protection device. I'll show it to you here in a second. First, let me tell you about real estate agents. What would it take right now today for me to convince you that the next time you're going to either buy or sell a home or both, you should probably have a real estate agent who's really, really competent and trustworthy. Right, nothing, right? I mean, of course, that's what you want. It's a given. This should be easy. This is why I started my company over a decade ago with my brother called real estate agents I trust because the decisions you have to make whenyou're buying or selling a home are some of the most financially important ones of your life. And I didn't even know how to interview a real estate agent. How do you know who to go with? How do you judge them? What are the best practices? Well, for about 10 years, I worked with 500 of the best real estate agents in the country. That's according to the Wall Street Journal ORG. And I learned a lot. And so I started going, well, you know, hey, you know how this works?This is what you have to look for. And we decided we should make a referral service for the people who are the best. This is something I don't charge you for. It's real estate agents. I trust.com. Real estate agents, I trust.com.If you're looking to buy, sell across the street or across the country, this is the place that you go and find the best real estate agent in your area, the one with the best business practices and the one we think you can trust. Real estate agents, I trust.com.

Speaker 97075.32s - 7108.76s

Our opinions weighing you down. Call in and let it out. 8887-27-B-E-C-K. This is the Glenn Beck program. Stu PERSON, happy anniversary.

Speaker 147109.72s - 7123.14s

Thank you. Today, in 2006, is the day we launched. This guy has issues. Glenn Beck on Headline news. Headline, God.

Speaker 37123.64s - 7124.76s


Speaker 147125.22s - 7125.38s

Yeah. 18 years. God. 2006? Yeah.

Speaker 37125.44s - 7127.06s

Been 18 years.

Speaker 147128.18s - 7130.86s

And we look exactly the same, which is incredible.

Speaker 37131.06s - 7132.42s

We're like just maybe better.

Speaker 147132.52s - 7132.84s


Speaker 37133.08s - 7141.74s

Which is great. Both of us. So happy anniversary. Who would have thought it would have ended the way it did? Well, I mean, in catastrophe.

Speaker 147142.04s - 7150.2s

I'm not at all surprised at that. Now, yeah, that's a, I mean, that was an amazing time. And people actually, it was a time where people actually watched CNN Headline News ORG.

Speaker 67150.2s - 7153.12s

I know. It was crazy. It was really amazing time. Are they still even on?

Speaker 147153.9s - 7161.12s

I don't know. I feel like there's a story within the last couple of years that they cleared out almost all their programming.

Speaker 37161.22s - 7165.8s

Like they went to like reruns of documentaries and stuff. So I don't think it's an actual functioning network at this point.

Speaker 147165.8s - 7198.58s

By the way, I just, this is how much I trust CNN ORG in the break. I look up and it says now that Hope Hicks is testifying in the Trump PERSON case. And for just that first second TIME, as I read that, as I read that I thought this is this is crazy because I this is how little I think of CNN I thought the Kairan was reading that Trump PERSON had hope hicks that are coming into testify

Speaker 167198.58s - 7205.46s

for him I got a whole group I call him my hope hicks oh Oh, like, Hicks PERSON. Just Hicks.

Speaker 147205.68s - 7206.66s

Hopefully I like that.

Speaker 157206.78s - 7207.42s

They would be,

Speaker 167207.58s - 7207.96s

they would be,

Speaker 157208.14s - 7209.62s

that's what CNN ORG would call

Speaker 67209.62s - 7210.48s

Trump PERSON supporters.

Speaker 157210.52s - 7211.3s

Like a lucky charm.

Speaker 37211.4s - 7211.56s


Speaker 67211.66s - 7212.18s

A Hogue Hicks PERSON.

Speaker 167213.66s - 7214.76s

CNN ORG supporters

Speaker 67214.76s - 7216s

as we like to call him here

Speaker 167216s - 7217.12s

at CNN ORG, Hope Hicks PERSON.

Speaker 37217.7s - 7219.14s

He's got the rabbit's foot

Speaker 67219.14s - 7219.88s

in his hope Hick PERSON.

Speaker 37222.68s - 7223.14s


Speaker 67224.28s - 7224.76s

All right.

Speaker 167224.84s - 7225.98s

Surprisingly not the truth is actual person. Yeah, that's not the truth

Speaker 37225.98s - 7226.82s

This actual person.

Speaker 167227s - 7227.08s


Speaker 37227.08s - 7230.7s

okay, I want to show you

Speaker 167230.7s - 7232.2s

I think this is the ultimate

Speaker 37232.2s - 7233.62s

home security device.

Speaker 167233.92s - 7234.18s


Speaker 37234.9s - 7236.22s

It's a little pricey.

Speaker 167236.8s - 7245.32s

But watch this. This is the new robot flame throwing dog

Speaker 147245.32s - 7246.62s


Speaker 167246.62s - 7247.5s


Speaker 147247.5s - 7250.28s

so it's a

Speaker 67250.28s - 7251.32s

it's a robot

Speaker 147251.32s - 7255.94s

which just it walking around is enough to scare the hell out of it right

Speaker 67255.94s - 7258.82s

so it has laser sight laser sights

Speaker 147258.82s - 7277.38s

it can prowl the property at night and it's made for like fighting or, you know, war. But it also has a flamethrower strapped to its back. What the heck?

Speaker 37277.38s - 7277.58s


Speaker 147277.98s - 7285.02s

Now, there's fires all around it. Did this thing start the fires? No, no, no. This is going to cause a backburn for forest fires.

Speaker 37285.56s - 7291.86s

Oh, okay. So they sent it out and they sent it out and they're watching like on their

Speaker 147291.86s - 7304.86s

watch this. Okay, that's a little spooky. Look at that thing. Awesome. Just throwing flames. Oh my God. And that's not even

Speaker 37304.86s - 7306.12s

very imaginative.

Speaker 147306.24s - 7308.38s

Imagine what the ho-picks could do with that thing.

Speaker 27308.78s - 7310.78s

There'd be chainsaws on that bad boy.

Speaker 57310.78s - 7315.52s

You put that control into the hands of some hope hicks, and they are.

Speaker 137317.22s - 7318.4s

Oh, my God, just jumped.

Speaker 37318.54s - 7319.3s

It just jumped.

Speaker 137319.48s - 7321.22s

It is an amazing.

Speaker 67322.56s - 7323.82s

How much is this thing cost?

Speaker 147324.16s - 7324.46s

You ready?

Speaker 67324.46s - 7324.48s

You ready?

Speaker 147324.6s - 7324.7s


Speaker 57325.76s - 7326.8s

How much do you think?

Speaker 147327.02s - 7327.58s

How much you think?

Speaker 167327.84s - 7328.94s


Speaker 57329.32s - 7330.08s

I was going to say like $20.

Speaker 147331.56s - 7332s


Speaker 37332.44s - 7333s


Speaker 147333s - 7333.32s


Speaker 37333.56s - 7335.46s

9 grand for a

Speaker 147335.46s - 7337.6s

flame throwing robot dog.

Speaker 37337.78s - 7339.02s

I want one.

Speaker 27339.06s - 7340.4s

Yeah, you can finance that, right?

Speaker 147340.44s - 7340.92s

What's the rate?

Speaker 27341.1s - 7341.6s

Can you imagine?

Speaker 37342s - 7343.1s

Can you go to your bank and be like,

Speaker 27343.14s - 7345.78s

yeah, I need some financing for my flame throwing robot dog? Could you imagine if Can you go to your bank, be like, yeah, I need some financing for my flame throwed robot dog.

Speaker 167345.96s - 7362.52s

Can you imagine if you had like one of those, like, you know, a little box in your yard and somebody comes up to the door that you don't like and just the box opens up and this dog, this robot dog stands up and puts a laser on you. I don't think you knock on the door.

Speaker 37363.4s - 7366.72s

I don't think you leave. I don't think you knock on the door. I don't think you knock. I think you leave. I think you leave

Speaker 147366.72s - 7374.74s

quickly. Yeah. You go to a nine grand guys. You can have a robot flame throwing dog. It just doesn't

Speaker 37374.74s - 7381.36s

seem like there's a better purchase on the market. Yeah. Now our wives might disagree with us.

Speaker 147381.74s - 7385.34s

You think? Yeah. Maybe. Maybe. Yeah. I know. I would.

Speaker 167387.92s - 7388s

Well, you remember, though, if you get a normal dog, you got to feed it.

Speaker 147388.94s - 7389.04s

This thing, you don't have to feed.

Speaker 137389.2s - 7389.4s


Speaker 147390.84s - 7391s

So you're saving money there.

Speaker 167392.82s - 7393.42s

I mean, how long until it just pays for itself?

Speaker 147393.98s - 7395.1s

Right, honey?

Speaker 167396.52s - 7396.88s

I was getting that motorcycle.

Speaker 37397.26s - 7397.48s

You wanted a dog, honey.

Speaker 167398.58s - 7398.8s

You wanted a dog.

Speaker 147401.32s - 7401.62s

What about your motorcycle is 50 grand?

Speaker 167405.7s - 7405.86s

You can have a flame throwing robot dog for nine. Or for 59, you can have a flame throwing robot dog for nine.

Speaker 147410.08s - 7410.78s

Or for 59, you can have a flame throwing robot dog on the back of your motorcycle.

Speaker 37413.24s - 7414.04s

Oh, that's the way to do it.

Speaker 147414.58s - 7414.88s

Oh, really?

Speaker 167415.22s - 7415.48s


Speaker 37417.96s - 7418.58s

Yeah, Mr. Biker PERSON, you got a problem with me?

Speaker 167421.52s - 7422.2s

Take it up with a robot dog with a flame thrower.

Speaker 147424.04s - 7424.22s

I could have 10 of those, actually.

Speaker 167425.04s - 7425.38s

Now imagine that. A motorcycle or 10 of those, actually. Now imagine that.

Speaker 37427.46s - 7428.88s

A motorcycle or 10 of those robot dogs. You're not great at math, but...

Speaker 147428.88s - 7429.68s

Oh, that's 90 grand.

Speaker 37430.88s - 7433.76s

Yeah, that would be 90 grams.

Speaker 147434.14s - 7435.8s

It's like 90 grand. It's like 90. It's like 90.

Speaker 37435.8s - 7437.28s

You definitely get five of them. Yeah. Get five in.

Speaker 147437.28s - 7440.56s

Yeah. I don't know. Maybe they have a six-pack discount. You can get it for 50.

Speaker 37441.76s - 7445.12s

But imagine like a pack of those bad boys showing up.

Speaker 147445.56s - 7448.74s

Seriously, how terrifying would that be?

Speaker 37448.78s - 7450s

If you came around the corner of just

Speaker 147450s - 7450.78s

take the flame throw.

Speaker 157450.78s - 7453s

And six of those things walked up to you.

Speaker 37453.18s - 7454.42s

Take the flame thrower off.

Speaker 147454.5s - 7455.46s

Take the flamethrower off.

Speaker 37455.56s - 7459.06s

Just the dog would freak you out.

Speaker 147459.2s - 7461.08s

Yeah, honestly, you could just get a,

Speaker 37461.46s - 7464.36s

I wonder if you can get one without the flamethrower for like five grand.

Speaker 147464.56s - 7466.58s

And then you just put a fake one on the back.

Speaker 167466.72s - 7467.12s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 37467.12s - 7467.74s

You know what I mean?

Speaker 27468s - 7469.06s

Or you just get two of them.

Speaker 37469.12s - 7469.92s

Just surrounding you.

Speaker 27470.06s - 7471.56s

Imagine being surrounded by those things.

Speaker 37471.66s - 7472.26s

Oh, my gosh.

Speaker 27472.52s - 7473.86s

You wouldn't, I mean, that's scary.

Speaker 37474s - 7476.3s

My German Shepherd is terrifying.

Speaker 27476.92s - 7477.26s


Speaker 147477.26s - 7480.44s

But you can be talked into your, in the back of your mind, you can be talked to

Speaker 37480.44s - 7482.14s

into, oh, little dogs, some dogs are nice.

Speaker 147482.22s - 7482.38s


Speaker 37482.5s - 7483.74s

Like, I've been around your dog.

Speaker 27483.78s - 7484.92s

Your dog is very nice to me.

Speaker 147485s - 7485.16s

Yeah. You know, I don't know it's going to be nice to do an intruder. My guess is nice, right? Like, I've been around your dog. Your dog's very nice to me. Yeah.

Speaker 27485.34s - 7487.26s

You know, I don't know it's going to be nice to do an intruder.

Speaker 147487.38s - 7488.12s

My guess is no.

Speaker 27488.46s - 7490.14s

But, like, you know, one of those things,

Speaker 147490.3s - 7492.6s

there's never been an indication that any of those are nice.

Speaker 27493.06s - 7496.18s

You see a Boston GPE dynamic style dog walking up to you.

Speaker 147496.24s - 7497.18s

You don't start petting it.

Speaker 27497.18s - 7498.7s

No, you walk up and you're like, Terminator.

Speaker 37499s - 7499.18s


Speaker 147499.68s - 7500.02s


Speaker 27500.1s - 7500.72s

That is the future.

Speaker 147501.1s - 7502.28s

That's where it's going.

Speaker 37502.42s - 7504.26s

The war is going to be using that.

Speaker 147505.04s - 7506.7s

Swat teams will be using that. You're not going to be using that. Swat teams will be using that.

Speaker 37507s - 7508.06s

You're not going to see a cop.

Speaker 147508.2s - 7511.8s

They're going to be honestly, I mean, you think cops eat donuts now.

Speaker 07511.92s - 7514.28s

Wait until they have robots to do everything.

Speaker 147514.28s - 7515.74s

Have you seen combat footage from Ukraine GPE?

Speaker 67516.38s - 7517.7s

That's showing where it's going.

Speaker 37517.82s - 7521.5s

But you have, like you'll see troops on the ground like, you know, doing normal troop stuff.

Speaker 67521.6s - 7524.64s

But then all of a sudden you'll hear it zzz, and it's the drones coming in.

Speaker 27524.7s - 7525.48s

Have you seen? Chasing people. Have you seen our tanks in Ukraine, the Abrams PRODUCT tanks, they're like, they know, doing normal troop stuff. But then all of a sudden you'll hear it, and it's the drones coming in. Have you seen...

Speaker 147525.48s - 7526.08s

They're chasing people.

Speaker 27526.24s - 7526.92s

Have you seen...

Speaker 37526.92s - 7530.76s

Are tanks in Ukraine, the Abrams PRODUCT tanks, they're like getting rid of them off the battlefield

Speaker 147530.76s - 7548.04s

because they're all getting taken out by drones. Have you seen the fastest drone made yet? This thing, look it up on YouTube ORG. This thing just is like... You just barely see it. That's incredible.I mean, it is... It's like 200 and some miles an hour. It's incredible. I mean, it is. It's like 200 some miles an hour.

Speaker 37548.12s - 7562.34s

It's crazy. I don't mean to be the emperor arguing in favor of the clone wars, but... Doesn't this? Isn't this probably maybe a good thing? The fact that, like, maybe humans aren't out in the battlefield killing each other, and it's a bunch of robots killing each other instead?I mean, maybe that's good.

Speaker 147562.34s - 7573.06s

Except it may make war more likely to happen. You know? That's true too. You know? Because you could go in, if you're a bad country and you don't care about how many people you kill on the other side, your people aren't being killed.

Speaker 157573.78s - 7574.34s

Look out.

Speaker 147575.44s - 7576.56s

Get the robot dog.

Speaker 157577.06s - 7578.36s

The Glenn Beck Program.