Neville Goddard - Super Special Announcement πŸ’β€β™‚οΈπŸ’πŸ»πŸ™‹The Neville Goddard Podcast πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈπŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ with Mr Twenty Twenty 😎😎

Neville Goddard - Super Special Announcement πŸ’β€β™‚οΈπŸ’πŸ»πŸ™‹The Neville Goddard Podcast πŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈπŸ•΅οΈβ€β™€οΈ with Mr Twenty Twenty 😎😎

by Mr Twenty Twenty

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About This Episode

7:53 minutes

published 17 days ago


Mr Twenty Twenty

Speaker 00s - 472.48s

Oh my God, I almost didn't do the podcast today. But here we are. My name is Mr. 2020. You were listening to the Free Nevel Garden WORK_OF_ART podcast. It is 705 a.m. The 2nd of May.And today, we just doubled the size of the new book I'm writing. How cool is that? We just doubled the size of it. And I'm obviously celebrating. And what's not so obvious is I'm celebrating to the point that I almost kept doing the podcast this morning. But here's what happened.Before I got out of bed this morning, I did my Joseph Guttert PERSON to Imagineings. In a very specific way, I imagine specific events of today having gone my way. If you want to explore how I do it, Joseph Gotter to the ORG. It's just 27 bucks. It'll rock your, Joseph Goddard to the It's just $27. It'll rock your world.But I seem to digress. Because we explore in there for quite some time what I mention a little bit about in a podcast. Because a podcast is different than a product, and a product is different than a book. And a book is really cool to write. It's just another way for me to celebrate exploring who I am and how this works. And I am infinitely curious, how much of you do you celebrate every single day?Because here's what I notice. A lot of people are trying to get to the end of something, or they're hoping something will end. All right? I can't wait till I'm done swimming. I can't wait till this book is done. I have to finish cooking and then we can eat.Ending, ending, ending. If only the routine and the ruts and responsibilities would end, boy, I could hit the lotto. Wouldn't that be cool? We seek endings instead of celebrating and seeing from celebrations. What if you just started celebrating more and having more to celebrate? I'm a massive fan of daily wins.I am not a fan of daydreaming. Someday. So I'm writing a book. One of my one-on-one guys we were chatting last month about writing. Actually, two of them. And I may have mentioned it both of them.I can't remember. I talk to a lot of people and I say a lot of things. But I'm writing a book in May. And I eagerly looked forward to writing a book in May. This is back in April. And so here we are in May and yesterday was May 1st and I didn't know it was May 1st until I knew it was May 1st.And suddenly it's time to write a book. And can you hear the smiles? I'm celebrating. I can unleash a book into the world. So I can entertain. What's the first chapter going to be?Do I even want chapters? I can entertain what's what's the first thought what's the worst the first what's the worst thought what's the first sentence who's the first person going to be that writes me saying oh my god this is really different 20 20. Cool, yo. Is it you?Is it one of the two? I don't know. But today we doubled the size of the book. And I was so busy celebrating here in the portable, the disposable hot tub that I almost didn't do the podcast. And I've got a live call in 21 minutes. And I still got a shower and get back there and make my tea.Oh my God, what a day it's going to be. I got an interview this morning. Can you tell him celebrating my day? Can you? How about you? I want you to celebrate you and your day more.Instead of imagining it's a war to complete, to build. All right. Joseph Goddard to ORG. That's my crass commercial today. Because if you do what we do, you'll get what we get. If you don't do what we don't do,well, if you don't do what we don't do, you'll also get what we get. So you've got to do what we do and don't do what we don't do, well, if you don't do what we don't do, you also get what we get. So you've got to do what we do and don't do what we don't do. But meanwhile, if you decide, you know what, that sounds pretty cool, I'm going to make up my own damn way of doing it. It's sort of like making up your own damn way to type. Yeah, personally, I like using, I mean, like I type, I learned how to type and typing class. I took typing one three times and typing two twice, I think.And there were a lot of pretty girls in the class and the none, but I seem to digress. But I love that I know how to type quickly. And I love that I love typing, enjoyably. And I just want you to fall in love with your life. We'll tell you a little bit more on how I... I'm going to invite you another way to do that in just a moment. But for right now,I want you to imagine something very specifically with me. Ready? I want you to imagine a you that celebrates you and your days and your delights a lot more. What if you double the amount of celebrations you had every day? Uh-huh. Imagine that now as we go into the silence. So here's what's cool about Remarkable. Ready? Join ORG.Remarkable is a small group of people who've put skin in the game with a commitment of 12 months. Oh, let's let that scare you off, okay? We get together once a month for a live call. We've got a private Facebook group, and I share shit in there that I don't share anyplace else. Well, some of it drips into the dream-driven days,but I seem to digress. But if you want to dance with us on a regular basis and explore some cool shit that you're probably never going to find elsewhere. I mean, it's a big world. You might find somebody doing the exact same thing, some exact other place. But if you want to dance more with us, if you're getting gold from the podcast, join You also get like $1,500 worth of bonus goodies as a member.There's a monthly payment plan if you want to do that, or you can play it all up front and get an additional bonus. But you can get details at ORG. It's an ongoing emergent. It's a lot of fun, and it just might relieve some of the emergency out of your life. So you can dance and delight more and celebrate you.Join ORG. Thanks for listening. My name is Mr. 2020 and you've been listening to the Free Neville Goddard ORG podcast.