Phillies 20 Games over .500, Now 5 Games up on the Braves - Skinny Jordan Davis? - Eagles Depth Chart

Phillies 20 Games over .500, Now 5 Games up on the Braves - Skinny Jordan Davis? - Eagles Depth Chart

by Farzy Show

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56:45 minutes

published 13 days ago


Copyright Farzy Show

Speaker 20s - 21.26s

Welcome to the show, everybody.

Speaker 121.26s - 24.64s

This is the Farsely PERSON, my bookie, my bookie.

Speaker 224.64s - 295.2s

MyBooky ORG. MyBooky ORG. Dot A.G. I, this Farsner. This is The Farsi Show presented by MyBooky, my bookie. MyBooky.orgie ORG. This is dealer time. This is straight up dealer time. 624 live start today.Again, as I always, I should just, you know, maybe instead of apologize, I'll just be on time. That's just an idea. But I'm a little frazzled coming into the studio today. We have a lot to get into. Phillies are over, you know, 20 games over 500. There are now five games up on the Braves who have lost six of ten.Oh, what a bunch of bums. Okay. And Alec Bohm leads Major League Baseball and RBIs, three run, home run yesterday, five RBIs in the game. Cody Clemens PERSON. Cody Crush PERSON. Cody Crush is his name. That's what we're calling him. Cody Crush. And if the Phillies ORG thought we were a little unruly,potentially a little unfair about Spencer Turnbull PERSON going into the bullpen, just wait until you send Cody Clements PERSON back down to the minors after this performance. Now, he's got to keep it up for, I'm going to put it out there a week and a half. I think Trey Turner comes back in a week and a half. That's just, I'm spitballing here, but that's where I think he's coming back, okay? So he's got to keep it up for a week and a half in order to stay up here at the major league level.Love, love to have him up here at the major level, especially other than Cody Clemens, Phillies ORG haven't been able to get a pinch hit, hit other than Cody Clemens this season. That's ridiculous, okay? So I love Cody Clemens PERSON to stay up there. Phillies get dominating 11 to 5 win over the Washington Nationals ORG, take advantage of opportunities, exclamation points.The Alec Boat PERSON through run home run was an exclamation point. The Phillies get the win, 20 games over 500, five games up on the Braves ORG. We have historical numbers, the historical numbers with your Philadelphia GPE affiliates continue. We also have to get into the Eagles autism fundraiser over the weekend, which looked beautiful.Looked awesome. We'll go over the numbers that they raised. They, of course, released those numbers. That's incredible. We'll also get into Skinny Jordan Davis. If you haven't seen it, it's in a thumbnail of the show.But this came out. I'll just show you right now. This comes out from Capri FAC or Capri. At Dubbs only 863511 CARDINAL. If you, if I would have, it took me a minute. Like I saw the face and I went, oh, it looks like Jordan Davis,but that's not Jordan Davis. No way that's Jordan Davis. That's Jordan Davis. Slimed down considerably. And this feeds into, no pun intended. That was not a pun.This goes into what we're going to get into today, which is the Eagles ORG depth chart, especially on the defensive side of the football. E.J. Smith put out his first depth chart ahead of OTAs, ahead of mini-camp, if you will. And one of the things that was really interesting was the defensive line and the cornerback positions. And on the defensive line, as you would assume, Jordan Davis is right up there, him and Jalen Carter on the first squad.But I saw this and I went, huh, skinny Jordan Davis. Our friend Jeff Kerr PERSON put this out as well, for the people on the podcast of putting our pictures. This is Jordan Davis towards the end of last season. Our friend Jeff Kerr PERSON put this out there. And that is, that's how I know regular size Jordan Davis.Pretty remarkable. We'll get into all that and more on today's program. We got NBA ORG playoffs we're going to talk about, but we are going to start up with this. Just I'm a little uncomfortable on the show today. So I have this fear of snakes.Okay, well, I shouldn't say fear anymore. I dealt with it. Okay. So we moved into this new home a year ago, a little over a year ago. Wow, almost a year and a half ago, actually. And it's close to a marsh. All right. Like our neighbors and us, we are backed up against a marsh. My brother-in-law has a marshy backyard, you know, and he says that they got a creek go through it, creek going through it. And he found a snake in his basement one time. It's a nice, finished basement.It's a nice house, you know. And he found a snake in his basement. And I have not liked snakes. I've never liked snakes. It goes back to my childhood. I just don't like snakes.I think it has to do with my huge fandom of Indiana Jones PERSON. But anyway, my missus, my lovely missus, she says, hey, I'm going to the store. There's this big bag downstairs in the basement. Would you mind going and getting the bigbag in the basement?

Speaker 0295.42s - 306.26s

I love you so much, so beautiful. Absolutely. That's what's why I say to my wife, and she asked me something, I, of course, comply. And you're so beautiful, I love you, so I'm like, oh, absolutely. And I go down to the basement, and I grab the bag, and I turn. Now, of course, the. And you're so beautiful. I love you, so I'm like, oh, absolutely. And I go down to the basement, and I grab the bag, and I turn.

Speaker 2307.64s - 309.44s

Now, of course, the studio is in the basement.

Speaker 0309.64s - 312.46s

I should probably point that out in case you haven't figured that out.

Speaker 2313.06s - 318.46s

And I turn, and I will say it's a messy basement.

Speaker 0318.94s - 322.88s

So I see something lying in the middle of the floor,

Speaker 2323.3s - 358.58s

and I just think it's a wire to one of my tools. You guys know I just built those floating shelves and I still have stuff all over the place in that portion of the basement. And I look down and the wire moves. And I look down like, that's not a wire. That's a snake. And it's, yeah, it was a little snake.It wasn't even little. It was like two feet. Garder's snake. I think it was an anaconda. I think it was an anaconda. I don't know my snakes well.And my wife goes, what? I go, oh, is it a night?

Speaker 1360.34s - 362.78s

Immediately, little tilts wants to come down and see the snake,

Speaker 2362.78s - 475.38s

which I know is a horrible idea because then she'll have nightmares for like at least a month. And at least that's what I thought was going to happen. She still came down and she really wanted to see it. And there was no stopping her. So she saw it and she started laughing and then giggled and ran away. I think she was mocking me.I think my four-year-old daughter was mocking me on the snake. But here's what I, here's where I am. Here's what I'm at. If you have a fear, okay, if you have a phobia of something and I thought I did have snakes, and really up until this point, I really did have a phobia of snakes. And then I moved to the freaking suburbs. And not only did I move next to the, move to the suburbs, I moved next to a wildlife kingdom living next to a marsh where we get foxes and raccoons.We get snakes. But anyway, not only did all that happen, right? Chipmunks, we have chipmunks, which are adorable. Yeah. So I'm doing the landscaping because I enjoy doing my own yard work, right? And I found like six or seven snakes as I was doing it, cleaning out the flower beds.Now, previously, if I was still Citymark ORG, City Mark would have screamed and ran like a little girl if I felt like a snake in my backyard in the city. But no, in the suburbs, I have now learned to deal with it. So if you have a phobia, here's what I suggest. If it's snakes, maybe it's spiders, I don't know. Whatever you got. Just hang out with them for a minute and have to deal with them. The minute you have to deal with them, it's like, well, I can't really be a scaredlittle, you know, scared about it anymore. I just got to deal with it. So when I had landscaped this year, I kind of got over it. Last year, mowing the lawn saw some snakes. Freaked down a little bit, but I've gradually gotten better. So for your phobia, just expose yourself to it in an area where you got to deal with it.And that's how you get over it. That's my life advice today.

Speaker 0475.68s - 477.48s

Do do, do, do, do, the more you know.

Speaker 2477.66s - 603.04s

There you go. Speaking of baseball, let's get into your Philadelphia Phillies ORG. I just have to check the chat before I move on from that topic real quick. I just want to see how you guys go. Nope, still. Cool.All right. We're all cool. All right, there we go. Let's talk baseball, ladies gentlemen, because I'm just going to do the thing. Oh, here's Sean Kilrain PERSON. Here we go. Sean Kilrain PERSON. Here we go.Sean Kilrain PERSON, guard of snakes are good. They get rid of those rodents, which is a good thing. That's what everybody says to me, but I would just like to get rid of the snakes. My wife's cat likes to get rid of the rodents. Just make sure you check the shape of the head of the nope rope. Okay.Could not handle living near a mars. Sean Gillespie PERSON. April said the thing about the head. Don't like any wild animals in the house. Outside, okay, inside not so much. Yeah, here's the thing.There was a tiny little snake that got in here maybe when we first moved in. And I noticed one of the windows in the basement was a jarred, you know, was open. And I was like, oh, that's how it got in. So I make sure I close that, sealed it off a little bit, right? And then to come down and see an even longer one, I'm not kidding. Like maybe, I would say between a foot and a half and two feet QUANTITY was the size of this thing, the length of this thing. I, um, yeah, it was, uh, I thought, I thought, I thought I thought it solved the problem.I did not solve the problem. So anyway, uh, the moving truck's coming tomorrow. No, um, but yeah, it's a, it's a wild thing, man. It's wild thing. All right. Thank you guys in the chat.April. Be sure to check the head. Uh, we had a snake in our kitchen when we first moved here, scared the crap out of it. Yeah, I, I don't doubt it. Especially in the chat. April, be sure to check the head. We had a snake in our kitchen when we first moved here. Scared the crap out of them. Yeah, I don't doubt it, especially in them parts, especially down south.Now what I'm saying? Anyway, all right. Let's get to your Philadelphia Phillies ORG. Before all of it, I just want to show you this. This is the earliest I've ever done this for you guys. For the people on the podcast,

Speaker 0605.24s - 605.76s

I'm doing the picture of the standings.

Speaker 2607.92s - 702.14s

The Phillies are five games up on the Braves ORG. Now, are the Braves ORG living rent-free in my head? Yes, the Braves ORG are living rent-free in my head. However, my message to you's guys on Friday, my message to you guys last night after the Locked-on Phillies ORG postcast was very simple. Cherish everything.These don't happen. You got to go back to 1993, you got to go back to 1976 for the start to the season that Phillies are having this year. So I'm cherishing everything. And one of the things I'm going to cherish is right now being five games up, five games up in the NL East on the Atlanta Braves. Now, why would I care about that when the Phillies are 20 gamesover 500 and have the best record in baseball when only one team in all of Major League Baseball ORG has a better run differential than the Philadelphia Phillies, and that's the LA Dodgers ORG. Why would I care? Well, because the Phillies set it out in the beginning of the season, not to be the best team in baseball, not to have the best record in baseball. I mean, that's certainly something that you're striving for, no doubt about it,but it wasn't vocalized. It wasn't illustrated for us that that's the Phillies goal to be the best team in baseball and 20 games over 500. No, the goal was the wind of the vision. Be better than the Braves ORG. It was very simple. Be better than the Braves. And the Phillies have gone out there and they've been better than the Braves this year.

Speaker 1702.22s - 708.24s

They're five games better than the Braves ORG. I know it's all going to come down to when they face the Braves again,

Speaker 2708.34s - 803.32s

and there's a lot of season of play, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. But as I said, the first two months of the season, where the Phillies ORG have been playing like gangbusters, and they've come out like gangbusters, I should say, has been amazing to watch. So I'm going to bask in every second of it.I'm going to enjoy every second of it because this time last year, we were talking about, they got this big series coming up with the Mets ORG. They can't get over 500. Oh, this team is really struggling. Trey Turner PERSON, what are you doing?Kyle Schwarber PERSON, what are you going to get hot? Nick Castiano's PERSON is actually hitting the ball. Alex Beaumont PERSON. I thought I was going to have more home runs by now. This last year is Aaron Nola going to figure it out? Last year, these were all the problems we were having. And there are consistent problems that we've had with the fill. Let's slow start on offense, not figuring it out with the rotation. And now you got thebest rotation in baseball. You have the best runs per game in baseball and you have guys like alec boem Zach wheeler bryson stott now Aaron nola Bryce Harper ranger swares you have the league leader in wins in rangers swarez you have the league leader in rbis in alec Bohm. It's a pretty good year. It's a pretty good year.So I'm going to enjoy every second of it. Am I going to look at guys like Nick Castellos PERSON? Hey, three hits yesterday. Good job by you. Breaking out of it. Again, fingers crossed.It's like the fifth time this season that we've been like,

Speaker 1809.48s - 809.54s

maybe we can get Cassiano's and break it out of it. Yeah, maybe. But there's plenty of still to talk about with this Phillies ORG team.

Speaker 2813.46s - 819.14s

I know people are talking about trade deadline moves already, which is great, maybe adding another outfield bat, another arm in the bullpen, all this stuff. I've seen it now speculated.

Speaker 1819.24s - 825s

David Murphy had a column yesterday about potentially adding a catcher to this Phillies ORG team,

Speaker 2825.7s - 838.06s

which would probably be the end of Garrett Stubbs PERSON, unfortunately, but that's just something that's being talked about. So I'm basking and enjoying every second of this with the Phillies ORG. And most recently, they just completed the sweep of the Washington Nationals ORG.

Speaker 0838.16s - 850.22s

And this is a series that I always refer to as a prove it series. If you're that much better than the Braves ORG, and you should be that much better than the Washington Nationals ORG. And the Phillies ORG bust out the brooms yesterday to complete the sweep

Speaker 2850.22s - 984.62s

of the Washington Nationals ORG. And they did it with an 11 to 5 win. Let's say that on the 11 to 5, the runs that were scored at the top of the ninth inning, do you guys have no respect for special Turnbulls PERSON, ZRA? What the hell, fellas?But anyway, see, you can still, still things to criticize. But anyway, a couple of things about yesterday's game. Number one is Cody Clemens PERSON. Guy ties it up for you in the bottom of the ninth inning in game two of the series against theNationals ORG. And not only does he tie it up, he's down to the final out of the game. You're about to lose to the Washington Nationals ORG. And Cody Clemens PERSON is like, I got you. And Cody Crush blast that baseball Saturday night deep into the night intocenter field at Citizens Bank Park ORG. Not only did he hit that home run, not only did he hit it with two outs, not only was it the final out of the game, he steps up there, well, it could have been the final out of the game. Not only does he do that, he goes up there and hits the hardest ball he's ever hit, 106 miles per hour QUANTITY off the bat. That's the hardest ball he's ever hit in his Major League Baseball ORG career.Good timing, Cody Clemens PERSON. Good timing. And then yesterday, he steps up there, and part of that big fifth inning that the Phillies ORG had, if you remember, Winker got the home run off Nola, got the 2-0 sinker up in the zone, and Winker PERSON just put a great swing on it and talk about a ball that was blasted,406 feet to right field. The Nationals went up 3-2 in that fifth inning, and then the bottom of the fifth inning. Schwabber works the one-out walk. Barnes comes into the game, Williams PERSON goes out. I thought this was interesting that they were bringing in Barnes PERSON at this point, but they brought him in, Williams PERSON goes out,he'd only allowed two runs to that point. Stott PERSON works a walk. Harper PERSON gets a single to right field. You got bases loaded one out. Alec Boebom PERSON steps up. He has the line drive, the sharp line drive to right field for the out,but that rules as a sacrifice fly. Schwarber scores the tie ball game 3-3. Barnes goes out, Garcia PERSON comes in. Clemens PERSON is up at the plate. Clemens PERSON, if you remember, hits that foul ball down the left field line. Winker, who had already made two spectacular catches in left field,

Speaker 1984.82s - 997.44s

comes rushing in to make the catch and gets a little wall shy. The wall, the wall's right there. You got to be careful of the wall. It looked like he didn't know the angle.

Speaker 2998.9s - 1429.28s

You know, it's a foul ball. I got to go after it. Simple as that. He stopped short. The ball bounces maybe two feet short of the wall. He's pissed at himself. I see to go after it. Simple as that. He stopped short. The ball bounces maybe two feet short of the wall. He's pissed at himself. I see him there yelling at the wall. I thought that was funny.He retreats back and I had this thought and I've had this thought for a couple of weeks now. Every time the Phillies ORG get a second chance, every time you give the Phillies another out, they come back and they hurt you. So in that particular situation, that would have retired the side. It only would have been a 3-3 ball game, and that would have been it. However, Winker let the ball drop in foul territory, so Cody Clemens PERSON gets another hack.And Cody Crush, crushes the baseball into the right field corner, two runs end up scoring, a thing of beauty. It goes from a 3-3 game to a 5-3 game. And then Nick Castiano PERSON says, let me get in on S. And then he gets an RBI single for you. It's a 6-3 ball game by the time he close out that fifth inning.Brandon Marsh worked and walked Garrett Stubbs PERSON ended up by striking out, unfortunately there in the bottom of the fifth. But it goes from a 3-2 ballgame in favor of the Nationals to a 6-3 ballgame in favor of the fills all in that fifth inning. And the best part about it, no snakes. Anyway, so then you keep going there to the six-inning.Bryce Harper adds a two-run double. It makes an 8-3 ballgame. I figure at this point in the sixth inning, that right there, that is the cherry on top. But then Alec Bowen, of course, had that little prize for you in the bottom of the eighth inning. But Cody Clemens really helped the Phillies ORG jump out in this ballgame. And he was fantastic at being able to watch him do that.I love what I'm seeing from, and I hope it stays up at the major league level, especially if you're talking about a guy, it's actually reliable coming off the bench to grab a bat. I mean, think about this issue. Cody Clemens PERSON got me thinking about this.Good old Cody Crush PERSON got me thinking about this. The Phillies this year, aside from the big-name players, if you will, Cody Clemens and Mundo Sosa PERSON. And Christian Pache has even won a game for you this year. Johann Rojas PERSON is figuring it out at the plate. This is the supporting cast that you have here.Whitmeryfield PERSON has been a disappointment to this point so far this season, but Christian Pache and Mundo Sosa and now Cody Clemens PERSON, helping to win baseball games. This is how you get 20 games over 500, is everybody is contributing. Everyone has this mindset of my turn.And what's really amazing is for these not so well-known players, for these guys to have this kind of experience in the first two months of the season, what I love about it is that you can look around this clubhouse and see a lot of guys that you could say, all right, they're just going to play some hero ball. Whereas they're going to sit back and let Bryce Harper or Kyle Schwarber PERSON. They're going to go back and they're going to, we're going to let those guys do their thing.But every single guy in this lineup, when given the opportunity to be in the lineup or be in the field, even if it's a defensive replacement in the ninth inning, they find ways to make sure they're helping the team win. The best example of this now is Cody Clemens PERSON. The guy right before that was Garrett Stubbs PERSON. Garrett Stubbs PERSON had not a great year.We'll call it that. I won't call it getting thrown under the bus by Zach Wheeler PERSON, but Zach Wheeler acknowledged the dip in pitching to Garrett Stubbs PERSON as opposed to JT. Brio, Muto PERSON, something that I think everyone understands. And it's also understandable to think that you're not going to be on the same page of the catcher that never catches you.And then Garrett Stubb goes out and he gets at RBI 40 against the Mets ORG. And then he also goes up there and he helps you by catching Aranola's last two starts where Aaron Nola PERSON was just incredible. And Aaron Nola yesterday was good. We'll get to him in a second. But also that complete game shutout,four hitter against the Mets ORG. And then yesterday seven innings allowing two run runs, three runs in total, two home runs. But he kept it going for Aaron Nola PERSON. Everybody is contributing on this Phillies ORG team, and that's how you get to 20 games over 500.So Cody Clemens, the latest newer name to tip your cap to. Number two, Aaron Noah PERSON. Aaron Nola yesterday, the knuckle curve is just devastating. I mean, if you have two strikes on you, whether it's an 02 count or a three two count, that knuckle curve is coming and you're out. That's just to let you know, you're gone. That's the way that works. Yesterday he had it working for him as well, and he improved a six and two on the season. A wide strike zone that got slimmer as the game went on. ButAaron Ola goes out there yesterday. It's the one, two, three first inning, a seven pitch first inning. Comes out there in the second inning. He's able to record his first strikeout. That was of Garcia PERSON using none other than the knuckle curve. He walks Senzel. He gets Gallo PERSON to fly out to right field or left field.And then Ruiz PERSON steps up there. And while he's at the plate, Senzel gets picked off first base by Aaron Nola PERSON. Love to see it. Go into that third makes the leap and grab. This is where I was a little concerned about Nola PERSON. Third inning, he's at the bottom of the order.He'd face the minimum. Ruiz PERSON is up there, and he pulls a shot down the right field line, and I thought it was gone. Castianos PERSON makes the catch on the warning track. Then Winker steps up there and hits the ball on the screws to a leaping Bryson Stott PERSON, who got every inch of air his vertical will allow him to getand snag that ball out of the sky to catch that line drive. Beautiful play by Bryson Stott PERSON. And then Young PERSON stepped up there and struck out. The first two balls were hit on the screws. Then he strikes out Young PERSON on none other than the knuckle curve ball. So he had that going for himself.Going to the fourth inning, this is where they got to him a little bit. Abrams grounded up, second start things off. Vargas PERSON reached. Bryce Harper, the only knock I have on Bryce Harper at first base now, and I still acknowledge best defensive first baseman since Travis Lee or Rico Bronia PERSON. That's where we're at as far as these two, you know, the best defensive first baseman.But the one thing he does struggle with is limiting the aggression, realizing that you being out of position means that somebody else has to get to first base. So instead of in this particular situation, getting the second out of the fourth inning, he dives in front of Cody Clemens PERSON instead of booking it to first base. So the ball hit to the right side of the infield, Bryce Harper dives over instead of retreating to first base, letting Cody Clemens PERSON make the play.He springs to his feet, fires the first, and the throw doesn't even allow Aaron Nola to cover first base. So Nola doesn't even make it to first base. He's got to reek back and make the catch on Bryce Harper's PERSON throw. Now you've got a runner on first. Rosario PERSON steps up and he, well, he gets an inside sinker that I still know how he got the bat head around on the ball, but he did. And he pulled it down the right field line for a home run.It was a two run, home run. Now it's a two-two ball game. Garcia then flies out to first. Senzel works another walk, and then he gets Gall PERSON to strike out. This one actually on a high fastball, so that was good to see.

Speaker 01429.36s - 1430.88s

A little bit of a change there for him.

Speaker 21431.34s - 1766.48s

Then the fifth inning, Winker gets the home run off him on a 2-0 sinker. Again, stay down. Both home runs were on sinkers for Aaron Nola PERSON. It's a 3-2 ballgame, Philly's rally in the fifth.And then the sixth inning, Rosario PERSON hits a deep-fly ball to left field. Marsh makes a great play on it, heading up in the fifth. And then the sixth inning. Rosario hits deep fly ball to left field. Marsh PERSON makes a great play on it, head up against the wall. But it was a pretty easy inning other than that. Another strikeout, this one of Garcia PERSON again,this one on three pitches. And again, the knuckle curve. Seventh inning, he starts it off with a walk. So a little nervous. High pitch count. Not terrible, but he's up there in the seventh inning.So you know the complete game is not going to happen for Aranola. But he walks in Zendel to start things off. Gallo PERSON fouls out to Clemens, who at this point took over, or called off, I should say, Bryce Harper at first base, enjoyed that, but he recorded the out. Ruiz flies out to center field, Winker PERSON Grounds back out to, has a comebacker to Aaron Nola, and he has that real slow play to first for the final out of the game for him, that seventh inning.101 pitches for Aaron Nola yesterday. Go seven innings allowing two earned runs, both coming on home runs, and three runs in total, because the first run scored technically was an unearned run, thanks to the error by Bryce Harper PERSON. But throughout the game, I never felt like he was losing control. And he got the Phillies to the seventh inning.They have an off day today. You were able to go into the bullpen, Dominguez PERSON, at a okay outing, didn't allow a run. I'll take that from him, allowed a couple of base runners, but I'll take the idea of him not allowing a run. And then the ninth inning, Spencer Turnbull PERSON got gotten to, i don't know how i don't know how committed to thegame the defense was in that top of the ninth inning but that's the way that shook out so cody clements aaron nola deserves shoutouts and then finally alec bone i've said it enough already but i'll say it one more time because it just feels so great to say he leads the league excuse me he leads the majors in rbis of 42 five in yesterday's game had a couple of sack flies and then just had the monster home run off tanner rainy in the bottom of the eighth inning got a two-o fastballand turt on that pitch. I originally thought it made it to the walkway in left field. It made it, I mean, if I had to guesstimate, like 10 rows back, 12 rows QUANTITY back, he just belted it, and he knew it. The second he made contact dropped to bed and just enjoyed the home run trot. This is absolutely incredible what we're seeing from this Phillies team this year.Everywhere you look. And to see Nick Castiano's get three hits yesterday, Bryce Harper got three hits yesterday, a couple of areas, Bryce Harper, Alec Bohm, Nick Castianos, all three of those guys, at least two RBIs in the game yesterday, at least two hits. Because I think the Bome only had the one hit. Bome had the one hit.He also, yeah, Bome had the one hit. So, yeah, Harper, Clemens, Castianos PERSON, Bome all had at least two RBIs, and Castellanos, Harper, and Clemens, at least two hits. Not too bad. Good day at the office.And also, I heard this, I think I still have the stat. Uh, man. Kyle Schwabers walked seven times in two games. The last time a player, this is a player, walked seven times in two games, was 1968.I found that a little shocking because we lived through the Barry Bonds PERSON thing. And if I heard that correctly yesterday from Tom McCarthy PERSON, which I think I did because I went back and went, and I was like, wait, hold on a second. Because I thought, like, Barry Bonds PERSON? No? Seven times in two games, 1968, until Kyle Schwarber did it yesterday.And the day before, obviously, combined. So that's pretty incredible. In total, your Philadelphia Phillies ORG, as I've mentioned, best record in baseball, five games up on the Atlanta Braves ORG, who lost yesterday. It wasn't even close like 7 to 1.Was the final score yesterday's game for that team? So not ideal for them. Yeah, 9 to 1. They lost to the Padre's history, 9 to one. They lost to the Padre's history in nine to one. Padre is now 500 on the season. But here's the numbers for your Philadelphia Phillies ORG and where they're at.The 34 and 14 record ties their in 1993 to start in 48 games of franchise history. So right now, the 2024 Phillies ORG. This is where we get into the history. And I should appreciate what's going on right now.The 2024 Phillies, the 1993, Philadelphia Phillies, and the 1976, Philadelphia Phillies ORG. That's pretty great. That's pretty great. The Phillies are now 20 games over 500. Didn't do that until September 27th of last season DATE.And with the Phillies ORG winning this series in the fashion of a sweep, it's their sixth sweep of the season. They had seven sweeps in all of last year. How about that? Not too shabby. Not too shabby at all when it comes to your Philadelphia Phillies ORG.

Speaker 01768.28s - 1769.48s

They have the off day today.

Speaker 21769.64s - 1773.52s

They set up a three-game series with the reigning champions,

Speaker 01774.14s - 1779s

the Texas Rangers, starting tomorrow night, 640 in South Philadelphia GPE.

Speaker 21779.92s - 1834.02s

That's how that one goes. All right, let's get into your Philadelphia Eagles ORG here, ladies gentlemen. I showed you the pictures before, but I'll get to them a second. But first, I want to make sure I do this. Because first, the good. Let's get to the good.Eagles ORG Autism Foundation, record-breaking seventh Eagles autism challenge. 8.1 million dollars MONEY raised and counting. 38,000 donors, over 38,000 donors, over 5,600 participants in the Philadelphia Eagles Autism Foundation ORG tweeted out two days ago, thank you for that support to the community, the Philadelphia Eagles ORG community.That's, it's, it's, I, all the pictures from this look great. The videos of Jason Kelsey with his daughter Bennett PERSON going up to, uh, swoop. Bennett PERSON not really feeling so comfortable.

Speaker 11836.16s - 1837.32s

That's like all kids are.

Speaker 21837.52s - 1841.12s

I don't understand the kids that love mascots, like the little kids that love mascots,

Speaker 11841.5s - 1844.12s

those parents, you guys are so lucky, you guys are so lucky.

Speaker 21845.1s - 1877.76s

Little Tuts when I did the polar bear plunge at the ballpark and the fanatic was running around. I'm a, I, the fanatic is the reason I'm a sports fan. The earliest memories, like sports memories I have are the Philly Fanatic and I had a Philly Fanette PRODUCT. I remember this, like, above my crib, okay? Because I was in the crib until I was 15. No, I just remember this because of pictures.And I remember before we moved out of our house in Ambler, when I was like four years old, I remember that pennant coming down. By then it wasn't a crib anymore.

Speaker 01877.84s - 1887.38s

It was a bed. But I remember having that in my room, and it was the Philly Fanatic PRODUCT. It was like a 1983 pennant of the Philadelphia Phillies ORG. And the fanatic was on it.

Speaker 21887.42s - 1950.4s

And I just remember like, oh, like, I just loved that image. And when I got older and we moved back to the area, I started going to Phillies ORG games and stuff. I just always loved the Philly Fanatic PRODUCT. So if parents, you guys have a secret about one, snake removal, two, getting your kids adjusted to mascots, I'd love to hear it.But Bennett, Kelsey, really wanted the C-Swoop, then didn't want a C-Swoop PRODUCT, then Swoop PERSON gave a present, and then things were kind of cool after that. But that was pretty awesome of the Eagles Autism Challenge yesterday or two years ago. And then seeing Nick Siriani PERSON walk with everybody and then a fan, an adoring fan, be able to get a picture and an autograph with them. That was great. Look, all the criticism you could have to a player, to a coach, whatever,seeing them take that kind of time to be with the fan base, that's a beautiful thing. And that's something I greatly appreciate and greatly respect. And the Eagles ORG doing what they're doing for autism is amazing. So I absolutely love that. So great to see all that.

Speaker 01951.48s - 1954.08s

That was the good.

Speaker 21956.48s - 1956.88s

Now, for the young kids, I might be watching,

Speaker 01960.02s - 1960.14s

this isn't going to be good for you. This is bad. Don't do this.

Speaker 21961.12s - 1962.38s

I don't like this.

Speaker 01965.4s - 1967.94s

What was this? Okay. Did you see this?

Speaker 21969.18s - 1969.36s

Let's get to this first.

Speaker 01972.18s - 1972.28s

This is Darius Slay saying, damn, what happened today?

Speaker 21974.36s - 2552.9s

My mention's going crazy. Huh. Why was mentions going crazy? Well, because of this. So, Terrellins, Terry Lins PERSON? Terry Lins PERSON, I guess.Terry S-6-8, I guess was getting a tour of the locker room with the Nova Care Complex and gave the finger to Darius Slay's PERSON lot. That's actually, no, that's Lincoln Financial Field FAC. And she gave the finger to Darius Slay's PERSON locker. I don't like that. No, I don't, I'm not telling anybody how to act or how to be, but, you know, I'm just going to tell you, I don't like it.The doors are open for a beautiful reason, you know, helping out a charity, helping out the Eagles ORG charity, raising money to combat autism, and you take that opportunity to flip the bird to a player, no pun intended. I don't like it. And Daria Slade PERSON, that's why your mentions were blowing up. Now, I will say that Terry PERSON was, she was taking some heat for some people. She was posting,I'll tell you, if you want to see the full thread, you can go out and check out Terry Lynch PERSON, if you'd like. Terry S-6-8 PERSON. At T-E-R-I-S-6-8. You can check it out. She posted a lot of the DMs of people disapproving, and people being personal.People be impersonal. That wasn't nice either. Two wrongs, in my opinion, do not make a right. But she stands by what she did. She stands by what she did. I find it a little off-putting. Speaking of being off-putting, Jordan David PERSON lost a light. Well, wrong picture. Once again, I showed this earlier,but here it was one more time. Jordan Davis is really, really slimmed down. And for me, and I know everybody else, one of the things you're concerned about this season when you think about this defensive line. Number one is, well, okay, without Fletcher Cox PERSON, how are they going to do without Fletcher Cox PERSON? And then number two is Jordan Davis ready to step up.I think a lot of us have an extreme amount of confidence in Jalen Carter having himself a great sophomore season, if you will, in the NFL ORG. I know I do. The other thing is can Jordan Davis keep it up for a 17 game schedule and not at the week 13, week 14, Mark B.I'm pretty done. I'm pretty tapped out. Nothing left in the tank. And he comes in looking like that. All right, fella, go out there and do your thing. Go out there.Show everyone that you can play past week 14 DATE, into week 15, 16, 17, 17, 18. Show that you can go out there and handy your business. Because that's been the number one knock on him, unfortunately. Now, we'll see the balance of, you know, if you lose your strength, with the weight loss, whatever.But the man looks like he's ready to go out there and play some football and play for the long haul. I mentioned looking at E.J. Smith's depth chart, I mean, your top three defensive tackles are as expected. You're looking at Jalen Carter, you're looking at Jordan Davis, and then you're looking at Milton Williams. Those are one, two, three punches right there for your Eagles ORG. On the defensive end or edge rusher category, you're going to have Josh Sweat. You're going to haveBryce Huff. You're going to have Jaylux Hunt out there on the prowl. And of course, Brandon Graham. After that, a bit of a drop-off. Then you look at the linebacker position. Right now, he's got, as you would expect, he's got Devon White, and he's got Arm Nacobi Dean PERSON. After that, a bit of a drop-off. Jeremiah Trotter, obviously. Maybe he emerges, but he's number two right now on that depth chart behind those two linebackers, interior linebackers. Look at the quarterback position. He still has James Bradburybeing here, but this is where it gets juicy. This is where the spicy meatballs come in. On the depth chart from E.J. Smith of ORG, you're starting cornerbacks are Darius Slice and Quentinon-Mitchell PERSON. How about that? Down on the depth chart, a wee bit,number three is James Bradbury PERSON as an outside corner, then Cooper to Gene PERSON on the outside corner position. Inside, you still have Vante Maddox PERSON, you have Eli Ricks, you have Keely Ringo PERSON, also for outside corner rolls as well. In the safety position, he had Cooper to Gene PERSON as a fourth safety.So deep down the depth chart, no doubt. But does highlight that Cooper to Gene PERSON is a guy to watch for a potential safety replacement, whether it's CD-D-Deuce, whether it's Blankenship PERSON, whatever, whoever. Injury happens, one of the first corners they could be looking at to say, all right, well, don't you go back there and play, could very likely be Cooper to Gene PERSON, which I do find very interesting because his versatilityis what makes me think of him more as a safety in what could be a very crowded cornerback position group, this year at least for the Philadelphia Eagles ORG. Maybe his future is at corner and he stays at corner. When we talk about the versatility that he has, he does lend himself to being more of a,I'll use this word, even though I don't like it. Hybrid. That's what E.J. Smith PERSON used in the story. Generally speaking, hybrid. I understand. He's versatile. So you could be looking at a safety this year as well for Cooper to Gene. But that's the way the depth chart shook out as far as the defense side of the footballwent for the Eagles, according to E.J. Smith ORG Great piece. Great piece. Worth, worth your read. Hey, you know what else is worth a read? The Game Time PRODUCT app. Download the Game Time app to your phone. Have herself an amazing time with the GameTime PRODUCT app. Download the GameTime app. Use promo code Farsi. Get $20 off your first ticket purchase. So you want to go to one of these Phillies games against the Rangers ORG? Game Time PRODUCT app.Download the app to your phone. Use promo code Farsi and get $20 off your first purchase. They also have last minute ticket deals, flash ticket deals. They even have ticket deals for an hour after the event starts. So if you go to a concert or a comedy show, you might miss the opening act. You might miss the middle, but you see the headliner at a great discounted rate as well. All that on the Game Time PRODUCT app. So download the app to your phone. Use promo codeFarsi when you create an account and get $20 off your first purchase. They also, this is fantastic. You get a panoramic view of your seat before you buy it so you know exactly what you're getting and where you're getting it at the GameTime app. Download the Game time app. Use promo code far as you get $20 off your first purchase. How about my bookie? A.G. Phillies ORG, hot start. Want to get some action on the Phillies? GameTime app is where it's at. Excuse me, MyBooky ORG app is where it's at. So download the MyBooky ORG app and use promo code Farsi and you get up to $1,000 redeemable cash bonus at MyBooky, mybooky.a.g. Bet on the fills, bet on the NBAconference finals? You can do that on MyBooky, my Also, if betting on sports isn't your thing, expand your horizon. So you bet on the world of television, you can bet on the world of politics. And my bookie, my bookie. My bookie. Use promo cofar as you get up to $1,000 a dreamer. Cash bonus and buy bookie.Buy bookie. How about the incredible people at PhL Sports Nation, Philadelphia Sports Nation ORG, enhancing your Philadelphia GPE sports fan experience across all social media and blogs.That's p.l sports ORG. Let's get into the chat, check, and see how you guys are doing on this fine Monday morning. Off next Monday, by the way. Off next Monday, by the way, for Memorial Day. So we're going to all some fun right there. James Alexander, good morning.Philly GPE's hottest team in the city. Hell yeah. Ibi-H, what's going on? Good morning, everyone. Good morning, Sean Gillespie PERSON. Good morning, Sean Kilrain PERSON.IBAH, Phillies win, Braves ORG, lose. Nick PERSON's eliminated. What a beautiful day. Thank you, Buddy Christ PERSON. Buddy Christ, good morning, beautiful people. You're what? Betty Christ PERSON, I thought this was funny.I don't really go back and watch the show. Sometimes I'll go back. I'll listen to the podcast. But I was flipping around on the old YouTube and I saw the thing with the thing and I saw it was a freeze frame of me.I was like, oh, that's the show, you know? And it was your comment up there and I just thought that was, I was like, I really hope my mom sees this. I hope my mom stumbles upon it the way I stumbled upon it. But it is great.It is great. Dynasty 215 WORK_OF_ART, what's going on? I don't know if this is true. But just read this is the first time in Major League Baseball ORG history that a team has played 700 baseball this far into the season. Where did you see?That's news to me. Let's see where they,

Speaker 02555.02s - 2561.96s

first place I'll look is usually ESPN ORG, bottom of the story.

Speaker 22563.24s - 2566.3s

We'll have the fun facts every once in a while

Speaker 02570.3s - 2581.38s

let's go here Phillies because if that's the case that's pretty incredible Philly GPE 700

Speaker 22581.38s - 2586.04s

hopefully the 700 level doesn't come up and that's not it for no opening to know Philly 700. Hopefully the 700 level doesn't come up.

Speaker 02587.14s - 2587.3s

And that's not it.

Speaker 22588.68s - 2592.38s

No, opening to know.

Speaker 02593.86s - 2602.26s

Wow. Holy pots and pants. A tweet from Jake Taper PERSON. Excuse me.

Speaker 22608.56s - 2609.58s

He comes up. Yeah, all right.

Speaker 02610.04s - 2611.28s

If that's the case, that's awesome.

Speaker 22612.08s - 2613.1s

That's pretty incredible.

Speaker 02614.6s - 2619.08s

Cody Clemens PERSON doing big things while he's back,

Speaker 22619.5s - 2681.96s

while he's here back-to-back days. Yeah, it's pretty fantastic. I mean, think about this again. The Phillies and pinch hits haven't been a thing this year, other than Cody Clemens PERSON. That's pretty remarkable.I want to say, does Schwabber PERSON have one? The Phillies ORG have one. It's at most, too. But I know what happened in the last couple days and I want to say it was Cody Clemens here's my snake information thank you Sean Gillespie thank you April once againoh wait hell of that IBH were you did you read Ricky Tiki Tabby PERSON as a kid or maybe as an adult I don't know but Ricky Tiki-Ticby PERSON as a kid? Or maybe as an adult, I don't know. But Ricky Tiki Tappy PERSON, he was a mongoose, and he would take care of the snakes. That's probably another reason why I'm terrified of snakes, or was at least until I had to deal them. Indiana Jones PERSON, why did it have to be snakes? I hate snakes.

Speaker 02684.6s - 2685.8s

And Ricky Tiki Tiki Tavi

Speaker 22685.8s - 2688.3s

Where the Mungoose got the snakes

Speaker 02688.3s - 2690.68s

Because the snakes, what were the snakes going after

Speaker 22690.68s - 2774.52s

In Ricky Tiki Tappy? PERSON I don't remember This anybody else getting this? No I'll remember later It's what I'll lead the show with tomorrow But yeah, Mungoose PERSON is a good idea Definitely cherish the Phil PERSON's streak early in the season.Cody Clements needs to be everyday starter. I won't go that far, Das PERSON. I'm not going to go that far. I want to keep them at the major league level as of right now. Ooh, Das, morning Farsi PRODUCT with a pH. Thank you.Cody Clemens reminds me of a young Dustin Padraoya PERSON. Wow. Yeah, I can see it. I can totally see it. Good morning, Mark PERSON. Good folks.Hey, what's going on, Mike Fuji PERSON? Fighting's a red hot. As Cody Clemens never played the outfield, Phil PERSON's need to figure out how to find a place for him. I know he has in college. I feel like he has at the majorleague level. I know they used them a lot of first base last year. Was he in left field the other day? I feel like he was a late replacement in left field. And it was kind of comical because he doesn't have a lot of experience out there.

Speaker 02779.14s - 2780.14s

Beepo pop.

Speaker 22783.78s - 2847.2s

Yeah, not a lot. He has. Yeah, not a lot. He has, let's see. He has, I think, I want to make sure this is right before I just throw it out there. Cody Clemens PERSON has more appearances in the game as a pitcher than he does as an outfielder.And he appeared in a game in the outfield last year. So, so there you go. Cody Clutch Clemens PERSON continues to produce. He had two doubles today knocking in two runs, three RBIs in the Philly sweep. Now about 321 on the year. 321, but I think I got 345 on base percentage, that's pretty damn good. More Bay. Nice to see you. It's all I'll say. I'm not going to go any further with Uh, more bay.

Speaker 12848s - 2848.08s

Nice to see you.

Speaker 02848.66s - 2848.74s

It's all I'll say.

Speaker 12850.18s - 2852.48s

I'm not going to go any further with that.

Speaker 22853.44s - 2856.72s

Jeff PERSON, what's going on? Three of the four lower seeds win in the second round of the playoffs.

Speaker 12858.36s - 2862.52s

Everyone is high on the Minnesota Timberwolves.

Speaker 22864.9s - 3123.32s

Yeah, everyone's really high on Anthony Edwards right now, Ant-Man, and rightfully so. All of that yesterday, the Pacers just destroying the Knicks ORG. Destroying the Knicks ORG. A record high field goal and three-point percentage in the first half for the Pacers ORG,destroy the next. Jalen Brunson misses, I think, all the first half for the Pacers ORG? Destroy the next. Jalen Brunson misses, I think, all the fourth quarter with the hand injury. Dante DiVincenzo, what do you finish with? 39. Yeah, credit to the Pacers ORG. Pascal Seaccombe, Tarese Halliborne PERSON. I saw somebody in our fandom, our fan group.Our fan base tweet something about Tyrese Halliburton PERSON not taking over a game. And then in the last three games in the series, he's taken over. And it's been pretty wild to watch. Going so well, they actually pitched to Harper with two on and first base open, Sackfly PERSON followed. Yeah. How about that?The first month of the season, it seemed like every single time the Phillies had Bryce Harper walked to go to J.T. Romuto, or then later, Alec Bohm, home run. Big hit. Something happened. So, yeah, you got to pitch to Harper PERSON now. Oh, April, this is very nice. April, every year I am so thankful for all the EaglesAutism Foundation does. My kid is on the spectrum and seeing how much the Eagles ORG are doing makes me love them even more. April, that is beautiful. How great is that? Sean Keller PERSON,I remember having those penits as well in the 80s. Eagles ORG as well, Phillies ORG and the Phillies far as me. Those penits are great. My brother has the pennant now, which is bull,because that pennant was above my crib and my bed first. And then when we lived in Rochester GPE, New York for three years, which was preschool in both my years of kindergarten, that was still in my room. So I called Bull PERSON on my brother for that.The answer? You really got to know the Farsi Show WORK_OF_ART to get that reference. Bome PERSON is going so well. They actually pitched to Harper 2. Yep, there you go. Oh, did I already hit that?M. Scusi PERSON. M. Scusi PERSON. Wow, that's a great name. B. MoCare ORG. Shouldn't it be using this, but you don't know the story behind it.I'll look at more of the story behind it if that's a reference to the lady in the middle finger. Oh, a troublemaker. That's not good. April, Glad Real Face, roasted not the time of the place. I agree.Das PERSON says the same thing. Tim M PERSON says the same thing. Tim PERSON, she's a troublemaker. The algorithm always has her account pop up on my Twitter ORG. Had to mute. There you go, Das PERSON.Davis, look a damn good. Look slimmed up. Jordan Davis be able to play starving? That's funny. Jordan Davis took hungry dogs a little too literally. Oh, here we go.What's up, doctor? Johnny G PERSON, what's called on? My number one and number two are the Flyers, then Eagles ORG. Then the Phillies ORG, not the biggest baseball fan in general. However, I haven't been this excited for the Phillies since 0,8,09 DATE. Yeah, those were some fun years DATE.Yeah. 0809. Yeah, those were some fun years DATE. Wait, wait, hold on. Mongooses can handle a cobra. They were cobras in Ricky Tiki Tavi PERSON, no? That was a vicious book that I look back on, and especially if I think Ricky Tiki Tavi PERSON was protecting a baby. I think Ricky Tiki Tavi PERSON was protecting a baby.I can't be sure. But those are the kind of books I grew up on in the 80s. Maybe that's why I repeated kindergarten, because those are the books that was focusing on. They're not getting my doctrine. Dazz PERSON, put it in the left field,

Speaker 03123.32s - 3125.16s

move Marsh back to center, and Bench Pache. All right. Adam, put it in the left field, move March PERSON back to center,

Speaker 23126.16s - 3381.94s

and bench Pache PERSON. All right. Adam PERSON, what's going on? Good morning. Ketchinowski PERSON. Kachianowski PERSON?Kachanowski PERSON? Yaksha-Mash PERSON. Can't do worse than Schwarber PERSON. Sean Kilwright PERSON. See you later. Farzey on the Sully Squad ORG.Thanks for hopping on. Yeah, hey, what time are we doing the show, guys? Hold on. I think I just got the thing with the thing. I think I just got the link because I'm going to be on with our Sully Squad ORG guys. What time are we doing the show?Is it six or eight TIME? Oh, Ferdinand the Bull WORK_OF_ART. My son loves that movie. Oh, 627. Okay.Sean Gillespie PERSON. Saw the cartoon as a kid. Ricky PERSON was a beast. Ricky PERSON was a beast. Ricky PERSON ain't taken no gup from no snakes. You know what I'm saying? Uh, there you go. Thanks, everybody in the chat. You guys are wonderful asper usual. Let's get to the morning rush by Sky Motorcars. Skymotor ORG cars. Skymotor There we go. All right, Phillies have the update today. They'll be back at it tomorrow, 640 start time against the Texas Rangers. Phillies are the update today. They'll be back at it tomorrow, 640 start time. Against the Texas Rangers, Phillies are open up a three-game series with the reigning world champions that have fallen on a little bit of a hard time as of late. They are an even 24 and 24 on the season.John Gray, they'll send to the hill to take on Ranger Suarez PERSON. That's right, Ranger on the Rangers ORG. John Graham, God PERSON forbid. Ranger against the Rangers ORG. John Gray 2-1 with a 208 ERA. Ranger Suarez 8-0 with a 137 ERA on the season.As for your NBA ORG playoffs, oh my goodness gracious. So the Pacers, as I said, annihilated the New York Knicks ORG. 130 to 109. Dante DiVincenzo did have 39 points in the loss. Tyrese Halliburton dropped in 26 points. And if I remember correctly, six of 11 from beyond the arc, six to 12 from beyond the arc, worth his 26 points.Three Pacers had 20 points. Halliburton PERSON, Nemhard, and Seacum PERSON. Pascal Seaccom with 20. Damn, son.They shot 54% from beyond the arc to the New York Knicks ORG, 37%. Wow. That's something. So now the Indiana Pacers will face the Boston Celtics ORG. This is the first time these two teams have met in anything other than the first round of the playoffs.So that's interesting. Pacea's 47 and 35 on the year. And now they're going to take on the Boston Celtics ORG. As for the Western Conference, absolutely amazing. The Minnesota Timberwolves last night came roaring back to win this game 7, 98 to 90. They won the fourth quarter by nine points. They won the second quarter, excuse me, the third quarter by 14 points.They just kept on rolling in that second half. Uh, they had a 20 point deficit in total, uh, 20, yeah, 20 point, uh, largest comeback. That's pretty incredible. Uh, and yeah, they were awesome. Jamal Murray at 35 points in that game. Uh, yeah, so that's what incredible. And, yeah, they were awesome. Jamal Murray had 35 points in that game.Yeah, so that's what you got. Game seven goes to the Timberwolves on the road in Denver GPE. Not too shabby. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. Make sure you guys hit like and subscribe on the Farzee Show WORK_OF_ART YouTube channel.Make sure you guys hit like and subscribe on the Jacob Media ORG YouTube channel. And also tomorrow night after the Phillies ORG postcast with yours truly on the Locked On Sports Philadelphia YouTube channel. So make sure you guys like and subscribe to the Lockdown Sports Philadelphia ORG YouTube channel as well while we're bringing your Phillies ORG postcast needs.

Speaker 03382.24s - 3382.84s

Thanks for watching.

Speaker 23382.94s - 3383.4s

Thanks for listening.

Speaker 03383.66s - 3384.54s

Have a great rest of you today.

Speaker 23384.92s - 3393.2s

My name is Mark Farzetta snake-free environment i hope see you guys tomorrow bye