Blood in the Water | The Dungeon Run | The Stormborn - Chapter 4, Episode 4

Blood in the Water | The Dungeon Run | The Stormborn - Chapter 4, Episode 4

by The Dungeon Run

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About This Episode

115:17 minutes

published 16 days ago


Speaker 110s - 16.02s

You're about to watch another exciting episode of the dungeon run. But did you know that you can actually be part of the adventure? Tune in live on Wednesday nights at 6 p.m. Pacific Time, and you can make your voice heard and help determine the fate of our adventurers. Hope to see you there.

Speaker 317.1s - 25.76s

Welcome to the dungeon run. Step into our magical tower. Grab yourself a bread blob. Let's have some adventures with our friends, shall we?

Speaker 1425.84s - 27.54s

Yeah. That was cute.

Speaker 328.48s - 29.64s

It was real cute. It was on the paper.

Speaker 1430.2s - 31.46s

I read it. I read it. I read it good.

Speaker 333.52s - 35.92s

We are sponsored by Eldridge Foundry ORG.

Speaker 1436.08s - 40.58s

We talk every episode about all the awesome minis you can create and print with them.

Speaker 1041.1s - 42.6s

You can see them here on the show.

Speaker 1443.04s - 46.52s

Gorgeous effects, attire, and items, mounts, and so much more.

Speaker 346.8s - 51.78s

You can literally spend hours customizing your characters because I know I have.

Speaker 1452.08s - 54.38s

I don't know about you guys, but I definitely have.

Speaker 354.68s - 59.52s

And then you can get them printed in traditional or double-sized.

Speaker 1059.86s - 65.24s

So if you like to paint a much bigger mini, you can have it printed double size for your mantle.

Speaker 365.24s - 67.08s

It's like action figure size.

Speaker 1067.2s - 68.96s

At that point, I mean, is it a large?

Speaker 368.96s - 69.8s

It's a biggie.

Speaker 469.8s - 71.04s

It's a mega mini.

Speaker 371.04s - 72.04s

It's a mega mini.

Speaker 472.04s - 72.84s

A mega mini.

Speaker 1272.84s - 74.08s

I like it.

Speaker 376.2s - 84.24s

Double size is often for display purposes, and I love them because it allows me to get even more work in the painting of those minis.

Speaker 1684.24s - 85.2s

So check it out.

Speaker 1285.2s - 88.2s

Or if your character can grow larger or something like that, you could use that.

Speaker 388.7s - 88.88s


Speaker 1689.3s - 94.28s

So use our discount code, the dungeon run at checkout to get 20% off.

Speaker 394.78s - 99.74s

Die Hard Dice ORG is the place to go for gorgeous dice and accessories.

Speaker 16100.28s - 100.86s

That's right.

Speaker 12101.82s - 105.58s

Right now, they are inviting everybody to enter the dungeon

Speaker 4105.58s - 107.66s

where you can unlock all kinds of free loot.

Speaker 3108.02s - 110.12s

For any order over $40, you get free shipping,

Speaker 4110.3s - 111.56s

and it only gets better from there.

Speaker 6111.78s - 133.98s

Orders over $60, get free stuff, and it only scales up. You get more and more free stuff and more awesome free stuff, gorgeous metal and polymer dice, Magic the Gathering PRODUCT Lifeling counters, which Josephine PERSON can explain to us what those are.Check it out and get free dice. Check it out at And don't forget to use our coupon code dungeon run at checkout for a discount on us. I said checkout a lot.

Speaker 14134.04s - 135.24s

They're great. I love life game.

Speaker 4135.92s - 170.08s

Nice, nice, nice. Our show is made possible by Patreon ORG. slash the dungeon run for all the incredible bonus content. Starting just $5 a month, you can get access to cool behind the scene stuff and our after show short rest the short rest for this chapter are off the chain if you haven't been catching them they're so much fun I think yes yeah our other one the other night was very long yes you can also get the VODs of fun shows like the dungeon cool down free interactivity a spot in our patron exclusive D&D game run by yours truly. In fact, I have a game on Sunday where I'm

Speaker 6170.08s - 175.82s

gonna try not to kill the people. They are hanging off a cliff. We'll be fun. I don't

Speaker 4175.82s - 182.18s

know. I don't know. We'll see. You left them on a cliffhanger? Yeah, I did. I'm not a

Speaker 14182.18s - 185.16s

literal cliffhanger. They are trapped in a tunnel with a very powerful guy and they took his weapon. And he's not happy. You're doing me very proud. Yeah. I did. Like a literal cliffhanger? They are trapped in a tunnel with a very powerful guy

Speaker 4185.16s - 187.24s

and they took his weapon and he's not happy.

Speaker 6188.36s - 189.54s

You're doing me very proud.

Speaker 14189.54s - 191.34s

Patrons, good job.

Speaker 4191.34s - 192.84s

Make his life hard.

Speaker 12192.84s - 194s

They rolled very well.

Speaker 14194s - 195.24s

Thanks, Serena PERSON.

Speaker 12195.24s - 196.76s

Yeah, thanks, Serena PERSON.

Speaker 4196.76s - 197.76s

Thanks, Serena PERSON.

Speaker 12197.76s - 198.76s

You're welcome.

Speaker 4198.76s - 200s

New patron shout out.

Speaker 12200s - 202.76s

Thank you to Jeff Stein and Jay Lee PERSON.

Speaker 4202.76s - 204.76s

Welcome to the community.

Speaker 12204.76s - 206.02s

There's so much more fun to be had.

Speaker 4206.1s - 206.76s

Head on over to dungeon.

Speaker 12206.92s - 209.78s slash a dungeon run and get into it.

Speaker 0210.12s - 213.98s

As you might know, or maybe you don't because you're new here,

Speaker 12214.22s - 219.52s

we are an interactive show where you have the chance to affect our story in unique and surprising ways.

Speaker 4219.98s - 224.16s

Use our custom Twitch ORG extension or the link you can find in the about section of our Twitch page.

Speaker 12224.16s - 226.4s

Or you can just enter exclamation point.

Speaker 4226.52s - 229.48s

Donate in the chat and get the link that way.

Speaker 12229.72s - 232.14s

There's two ways to help or challenge our players.

Speaker 4232.14s - 236.56s

You can choose to give them advantage or disadvantage to any player and the DM.

Speaker 5236.76s - 237.2s

The DM.

Speaker 3237.5s - 265.88s

Or you can choose to join the battle between forces of light and shadow. You can donate to either side through purchasing glimpses and bursts. A glimpse of lighter shadow can help a little while a burst will move the needle a lot. When enough light or shadow has been gathered by either side, a force card will be unlocked. These cards are guaranteed to affect the game in surprising ways, and they get stronger as they go. In addition, during this particular chapter in celebration of Josephine PERSON,

Speaker 9266.12s - 273.56s

I have introduced that our glimpses and bursts also reveal prophecies.

Speaker 3274.16s - 277.34s

So, keep a look out for those as we continue.

Speaker 6277.98s - 356.06s

And if there isn't anything else, with that, let's step into the unknown. The The We return to our

Speaker 3356.06s - 359.08s

Coco Aldershadow, Faye Wild's PERSON sister,

Speaker 6359.76s - 362.2s

Cristobald de la Cruz PERSON, devoted wizard,

Speaker 3362.88s - 369.32s

Valkorio Lunaris PERSON, a confidant's echo. Octavius PERSON box cutter, fiery lover.

Speaker 6370.32s - 371.5s

Oh my God.

Speaker 14372.26s - 373.22s

Wow, say.

Speaker 3374.34s - 378.3s

And Yuri Advour PERSON, ever-changing changeling.

Speaker 9378.66s - 380.28s

After defeating the avatar

Speaker 3380.28s - 382.94s

of blood, our intrepid heroes

Speaker 9382.94s - 384.28s

now face the final vestiges

Speaker 3384.28s - 385.44s

of the corruption,

Speaker 9385.84s - 387.26s

corrupted God, blood.

Speaker 14387.64s - 392.66s

It started as they were leaving the sewers, battered and beaten, and some recently turned

Speaker 9392.66s - 393.42s

from death.

Speaker 3394.36s - 419.96s

Our heroes found themselves under the rays of a blood moon. The entire city was covered in a saturated red light that hid sharp edges, deepened the shadows, and manipulated divine magics. Before they could get used to this new disorienting experience, down came the blood rain.And with it came the acrid smell of burning meat, as it seared the skinned from their bodies.

Speaker 12420.32s - 424.42s

Oh, I love it. Sorry, when you said burning meat, I was like, hmm. Barbecue.

Speaker 3425.28s - 427.14s

I did say acrid.

Speaker 14427.6s - 429.4s

Yeah, my brain deleted that.

Speaker 12429.4s - 431.08s

Wait, it was burning her skin?

Speaker 14431.36s - 431.72s


Speaker 12431.72s - 432.48s


Speaker 3432.48s - 434.48s

Yeah, because it was revealing again.

Speaker 4434.48s - 435.72s

There was a description of like people like, how it gave me then.

Speaker 5436.12s - 437.04s


Speaker 12437.04s - 437.68s


Speaker 14437.68s - 438.68s

It's rough.

Speaker 5438.68s - 439.76s

No, no, very rough.

Speaker 3439.76s - 441.32s

I almost died again.

Speaker 12441.32s - 442.12s


Speaker 5442.12s - 445.64s

They ran for the Lunarama ORG stage as quickly as they could.

Speaker 4446.06s - 448s

Otto PERSON built a glass bridge and Valcario

Speaker 5448s - 449.8s

cared for his father. Then

Speaker 4449.8s - 451.56s

the Mephits PERSON began to fall.

Speaker 5452.24s - 454s

Falling like sacks of coagulated

Speaker 4454s - 455.84s

blood. These corrupted Mephits

Speaker 5455.84s - 457.92s

reminded the party was only a matter of

Speaker 3457.92s - 459.68s

moments before an unprecedented

Speaker 9459.68s - 462.02s

danger would rear its ugly head.

Speaker 3462.66s - 474.12s

Coco and Slushy PERSON did quick work of many of the Mephits PERSON as they reached, raced to the mansion, as gassed scooped up their father in desperate attempt to escape.

Speaker 9474.12s - 475.12s


Speaker 3475.12s - 477.12s

Uh-uh. Uh-uh.

Speaker 12477.12s - 480.12s

Uh-uh. Uh-huh. Ronald PERSON.

Speaker 3480.12s - 490.06s

Gules PERSON. As if it couldn't get any worse, the disfigured ghouls began to devour the disoriented corruption methods, resulting in visceral, gory explosions.

Speaker 1491.06s - 492.38s

As they entered...

Speaker 5493.18s - 497.18s

Serena PERSON almost took a bite of cookie right when you said that.

Speaker 3497.62s - 498.64s

Continue, please.

Speaker 5498.64s - 499.6s

Just put it down.

Speaker 3499.9s - 500.34s


Speaker 5501.58s - 507s

As they entered the eerily dark estate, Christopal PERSON announced they were in an apocalypse.

Speaker 1508s - 509.58s

As far as his education could tell,

Speaker 5510s - 512.02s

the world was ending everywhere.

Speaker 1512.9s - 515.16s

With this knowledge, the party ran to confront Vizet

Speaker 3515.16s - 519.2s

and discover her role in this death and destruction.

Speaker 6519.86s - 522.12s

They climbed the stairs nearly slipping on the blood

Speaker 5522.12s - 524.56s

as it disturbingly dripped up the stairs.

Speaker 3525.76s - 527.52s

Something was wrong.

Speaker 6528.88s - 535.92s

The hallway elongated until Val led the charge, and suddenly the house responded, allowing the group to reach Vizzi's office,

Speaker 3536.32s - 548.56s

throwing open the door, a flash of black lightning revealed it bloody-eyed and possessed Vizette PERSON just in time for her to use another bone gauntlet to snap the neck of Lucky ORG.

Speaker 14549.66s - 552.82s

R-I-P-Lucky. Yeah. Not so lucky.

Speaker 5553.42s - 555s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 3555.5s - 555.86s


Speaker 5556.1s - 557.76s

He was in my session zero.

Speaker 3558.24s - 561.42s

Almost made that comment in this recap,

Speaker 5561.62s - 562.2s

but did not.

Speaker 6562.34s - 563.18s

Thank you for that, though.

Speaker 5563.26s - 564.32s

I appreciate it.

Speaker 3564.86s - 567.42s

So what I said is snap the neck of Lucky bowels now former, made that comment in this recap, but did not. Thank you for that, though. I appreciate it. I was going to be going to open up for God PERSON.

Speaker 5567.42s - 568.1s

What I said is snap the neck of Lucky ORG,

Speaker 14568.78s - 571.18s

bowels now former peg-legged butler.

Speaker 5572.22s - 574.64s

The group desperately called out to Vizzi,

Speaker 14574.84s - 577.48s

and in response, the remains of the blood god,

Speaker 6577.76s - 579.66s

looking for an escape from the unknown,

Speaker 3580.1s - 582.54s

jumped from Vizzi into Coco PERSON's gaunt.

Speaker 6583.42s - 584.76s

The Zet PERSON, still breathing,

Speaker 3586.76s - 615.78s

fell into her brother's arms, as his father and brother quickly began to scour the office for information. As Crystal Ball and Coco PERSON attempted to determine what having the blood god in the bone gondlet truly meant, Uri PERSON asked if they could see it. As Uri PERSON placed their hands on the item, everything went white. And the group found themselves in a familiar jungle.They were now in the realm of the gods lovingly named the Gauntlet PRODUCT. Yes.

Speaker 6617.06s - 622.24s

Orienting themselves, the unknown quickly realized that Val PERSON's family was missing.

Speaker 3624s - 641.18s

Dissinant rises from purple graves, proud to keep them strong. Singing to the home of caves could prevent all that is wrong. In familiar territory and exhausted, the group bonded.Baths were taken. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 19641.18s - 643.32s

Oh, bath time.

Speaker 3643.32s - 644.82s

That's good.

Speaker 19644.82s - 645.68s

It was so good.

Speaker 3645.92s - 647.3s

Experiences were shared.

Speaker 19648.06s - 652.44s

Debates about right and wrong were had, and love grew.

Speaker 3653.48s - 656.5s

In the morning, the wind began to blow.

Speaker 19657.4s - 661.08s

Reading this as a sign of Itha PERSON, they made their way toward the source.

Speaker 17661.72s - 670.6s

Large rushes of wind began to pulse, attempting to keep them from gressing, but with patience and determination, our party found themselves on a mountainous

Speaker 19670.6s - 676.9s

summit overlooking a landscape of beautiful purple lavender. Smell strong in the air.

Speaker 3677.98s - 685.38s

Val PERSON, reminded of saint, sang her song, matching the prophecy and allowing them to move forward.

Speaker 19686.54s - 693.32s

How far does the crow fly when it is safe and warm, mimicking images, mimic written witnesses to the crow's form?

Speaker 3694.34s - 701.5s

As he sang, the wind picked up, transporting the group to fly high into the sky, entering Itha PERSON's realm.

Speaker 9702.38s - 706.4s

Seemingly able to fly without magical assistance, they soon saw a small

Speaker 3706.4s - 892.66s

croken animus sitting on the edge of a cloud. As one of Itha PERSON's forms, the croken played charades in the clouds desperately relaying a message. After a hybrid in and out of character riddle game, the message was revealed. Toshi needs new bottle. Uri. Now sufficiently warned by Itha PERSON, the demigod of air departed quickly, disappearing in the vastness of the sky and clouds above. The unknown continued their journey towards Toshi and Mara PERSON, as if their deep desire enough pointed their feet in the right direction.The sky soon darkened and reddened with every step as a giant blood moon revealed itself through a break in the clowns above. Though this unheavenly body's span is seemingly astronomically distant, it speeds ever forward as the scene unfolds below. Arisen PERSON new from gods now old and with the unknown stand, together made to withhold, now rise hand in hand. Uri PERSON identified the place, but the coagulated corruption of the clear waters of the Lake of Dreams was now horrifically unrecognizable.Toshi PERSON, the Mantic Martianess, avatar of the demigod of water, the oracle, and most importantly, Chrysabal PERSON's forgotten water genocene mother, floating among the blood-covered marble-white columns. Surrounded by the demigod of blood's corrupted and weakened form, a swirling rotational mass of viscera, Toshi PERSON stood toe to toe with the weakened blood god. On her wrist, the mate to the bone gullet,and Mara PERSON behind a nearby pillar. Somehow hidden from the undulating mass of flesh and gore, as Toshi made eye contact with Yuri PERSON, she nodded with a smile. Mara PERSON sensing the moment they were waiting for, rushed forward, slicing the bone gauntlet from Toshi PERSON's wrist and slipping it on. Toshi PERSON realizing their divine releases,their divine essence to distract the blood god as Mara and Yuri PERSON's hands meet. In that moment, we return to our heroes in the middle of a vision. It starts as all visions do, with a smell. It's the pungent smell of cedarand a hint of pixie dust. An obfuscated humanoid falls through a world of nothing but whites, blacks, and grays. If the humanoid was conscious, they might take notice of the stretched and distorted images of moments in time and space that reflect back at them. The cedar is replaced with the dust of a sparsely lit room at dusk and the hint of pixie dustshifts to that of cotton candy.

Speaker 6893.58s - 896.34s

A roiling mass of bright light

Speaker 3896.34s - 950.3s

floats in the depths of the black whites and grays, an entirely still ball of dark smoke circling around it. The two masses rotate around one another forever, caught in a dance of light and shadow. The humanoid startles awake. Their face awash in shadow with just the edges of their features beginning to show with the light as they plummet towards the roiling mass.Horror and fear fill their eyes as they fall helplessly towards the rotating masses, and as if in response to that fear, the humanoid shifts from one form to another. First an elf. Then a Goliath PERSON, teafling, blonde human, dwarf, and finally a black-bobbed-haired human with green eyes. The dusty room scent is replaced with the smell of flowers and vanilla.

Speaker 6951.2s - 954.88s

The two roiling masses suddenly shoot towards the humanoid.

Speaker 3955.34s - 1021.1s

First, the still mass of dark smoke slams into the humanoid's chest, and as the smoke clears a glimpse of a dark-skinned teafling is quickly replaced by a blinding light as the roiling mass of light slams into the humanoid. As the humanoid continues to fall, body limp and twirling among the grays, blacks and whites, a portal opens through which a storm can be seen. It is just as they pass the threshold of that portal that a flash of light reveals the humanoid's features. The telltale features of one Ray of Stone.The vision ends. Water comes and water goes. Their love will show you the wise. The tears of lofts forever flow. Today, they fall for goodbye. The vision ends and you return back to that chaotic scene in the gauntlet.Everybody roll an issue down.

Speaker 161021.1s - 1025.32s

Oh, no, come on. Advantage. Yes, we, come on. Advantage.

Speaker 201025.6s - 1026.84s

Yes, we have some advantages.

Speaker 41026.84s - 1030.76s

We got a lot dropped before this.

Speaker 201030.76s - 1031.38s

Yes, we did.

Speaker 31031.38s - 1032.5s

Yes, we did.

Speaker 171032.5s - 1037.24s

Oh, boy. Carrie, you have advantage from City Racing Girl ORG. Oh, thank you so much.

Speaker 31037.24s - 1039.88s

Adam, you have advantage from City Racing Girl ORG.

Speaker 171039.88s - 1044.24s

Thank you, City Racing ORG. Morgan, you have advantage from Shoe ORG for I Guy.

Speaker 41044.24s - 1045.46s

Yay, thank you.

Speaker 161045.8s - 1047.72s

Serena, City Racing Girl ORG,

Speaker 41047.88s - 1049.84s

and Josephine, City Racing Girl ORG.

Speaker 161050.02s - 1052.24s

I have advantage from Idaho Judd PRODUCT,

Speaker 71052.84s - 1054.06s

but I have a disadvantage

Speaker 31054.06s - 1056.6s

so it's countered from the dungeon speed ride.

Speaker 61057.52s - 1058.12s


Speaker 121059.76s - 1060.36s

Oh, boy.

Speaker 191060.68s - 1062.38s

Let me turn this back over here.

Speaker 71062.5s - 1063.64s

That is rough.

Speaker 191064.44s - 1065.76s

Rough. Here for now. Okay is rough. Rough. Rough.

Speaker 31065.76s - 1067.76s

Here for now.

Speaker 121067.76s - 1068.76s


Speaker 91068.76s - 1069.76s


Speaker 191069.76s - 1070.76s


Speaker 31070.76s - 1071.76s

Not bad.

Speaker 191071.76s - 1072.76s

All right.

Speaker 31072.76s - 1074.24s

15, higher than 20.

Speaker 41074.24s - 1075.24s

Anyone higher than 20?

Speaker 31075.24s - 1076.24s

What'd you get there?

Speaker 41076.24s - 1077.24s


Speaker 31077.24s - 1078.24s


Speaker 41078.24s - 1079.24s

Oh, nice.

Speaker 31079.24s - 1080.24s


Speaker 41080.24s - 1084.76s

So first is Otto with a 23.

Speaker 11084.76s - 1085s

Then Val with a 21.

Speaker 01088.38s - 1089.32s

15 to 20?

Speaker 11089.32s - 1092.28s

Dirty 20. Dirty 20 for Crystal Ball PERSON.

Speaker 01092.28s - 1094s

Cool, cool you guys, cool.

Speaker 31094s - 1095.48s

I got 15.

Speaker 01095.48s - 1097.28s

Actually, you got a 30.

Speaker 41097.28s - 1097.68s


Speaker 31097.68s - 1098.68s


Speaker 11098.68s - 1099.68s

Wait, what?

Speaker 31099.68s - 1101.44s

Because the magic.

Speaker 11101.44s - 1102.44s


Speaker 31102.44s - 1103.44s


Speaker 141103.44s - 1107.28s

Suddenly, Yuri PERSON seems to move with a unnatural, not unnatural,

Speaker 31107.4s - 1111.22s

a natural divine speed that you did not see before.

Speaker 141111.42s - 1112.38s

And it looks like this.

Speaker 121112.44s - 1113.14s

And it looks like that.

Speaker 31114.22s - 1115.06s

Like she was in front of it.

Speaker 121115.06s - 1116.18s

It's got to leave.

Speaker 31116.9s - 1118.7s

It looks a lot like 80s.

Speaker 121119.2s - 1120.04s

80s workouts.

Speaker 191121.76s - 1122.66s

Just about a dirty 20.

Speaker 31122.96s - 1124.06s

I'm in a unitar.

Speaker 61125.46s - 1126.7s

Do you want to know what I got?

Speaker 191127.3s - 1127.82s


Speaker 61128.16s - 1129.8s

What did you get? You're the only one left?

Speaker 141130.14s - 1130.44s


Speaker 191130.84s - 1131.84s

Coco got an eight.

Speaker 31131.96s - 1133.56s

You guys, pretty impressive.

Speaker 41133.76s - 1134.08s

Nailed it.

Speaker 191134.42s - 1136s

You got one of our warriors, doesn't he?

Speaker 41137.4s - 1138.16s

All right.

Speaker 141139.46s - 1141s

The God's most favorite warrior.

Speaker 41142.28s - 1142.86s

That's right.

Speaker 31143.86s - 1145.66s

Where we last left off,

Speaker 141145.76s - 1151.82s

you were in the middle of this roiling blood storm above you.

Speaker 31152.12s - 1154.46s

There was a protective barrier that was keeping out

Speaker 141154.46s - 1157.54s

the corrupted methods from falling into where you were.

Speaker 191158.48s - 1162.48s

We just saw Mara slice the hand off of Toshi PERSON,

Speaker 31162.98s - 1167.5s

slip the glove on, and touch Yuri PERSON's hand, and that's

Speaker 191167.5s - 1172.9s

when everything went white. Right before that, you saw Toshi PERSON release their water

Speaker 31172.9s - 1178s

essence into the sky, and Toshi PERSON's body falls limp into the...

Speaker 191178s - 1184.6s

It's onto the marble dock. It's not Toshi's body, it's Krista Ball's PERSON mom's body,

Speaker 81184.6s - 1185.76s

whatever her name was. Correct. not Toshi's body, it's Christobal PERSON's mom's body, whatever her name was.

Speaker 31186.42s - 1191.76s

Correct. Because Toshi PERSON has left. Toshi's, so, to clarify, because there was a question about what a

Speaker 81191.76s - 1197.28s

god, the difference between a god, a demigod, an avatar, all of that. So a demigod is a minor god.

Speaker 31197.66s - 1204.96s

A god is a major god, and an avatar can be either major or minor. And the person who houses that

Speaker 81204.96s - 1207.36s

particular god's essence is the

Speaker 31207.36s - 1214.56s

avatar. So Toshi PERSON is the avatar when the water essence is there. When it is released, it is no longer

Speaker 51214.56s - 1219.76s

Toshi. It is whatever the name is of Christabel PERSON's mother. That is correct.

Speaker 91219.76s - 1222.88s

My brain literally just put that into ballet terms.

Speaker 61224.88s - 1225s

I was like, demi god, small play. Demi. Yeah. My brain literally just put that into ballet terms.

Speaker 91227.92s - 1228.72s

I was like, demigod, small play. Demi.

Speaker 51228.72s - 1229.72s

Yeah, like an avatar.

Speaker 61229.72s - 1231.12s

Just a pleia.

Speaker 31231.12s - 1233.96s

Debtz and regular pleia.

Speaker 41233.96s - 1234.72s

Grand pleia.

Speaker 31234.72s - 1235.72s

Grand pleia.

Speaker 41235.72s - 1240s

You know, use whatever method works for you.

Speaker 31240s - 1241.04s

Whatever metaphors work.

Speaker 41241.04s - 1241.68s

We're not here to judge.

Speaker 31241.68s - 1242.4s

We're not here to judge at all.

Speaker 41242.4s - 1243.28s

Okay, sorry.

Speaker 31243.28s - 1244.16s


Speaker 41244.16s - 1247.04s

So, starting at the top of the round,

Speaker 31247.54s - 1248.86s

Yuri at 30.

Speaker 41249.36s - 1250.18s

Oh, yeah, right.

Speaker 31250.8s - 1252.12s

Wait, what's happening?

Speaker 41252.12s - 1253.82s

Okay, you are grasping hands.

Speaker 31254s - 1256.32s

Does anything happen in grasping?

Speaker 41256.32s - 1257.82s

When you come back, yeah,

Speaker 191257.9s - 1262.06s

when you come back from this vision and whiteout,

Speaker 61263.44s - 1266.06s

Yuri PERSON has both bone gauntlets on her

Speaker 81266.06s - 1268.02s

hand. Okay. And Mara PERSON is

Speaker 61268.02s - 1270.1s

missing. Come on.

Speaker 81274.06s - 1276s

Where'd she go?

Speaker 31278.04s - 1280.12s

Told you she was my other half.

Speaker 81281.64s - 1282.2s


Speaker 41283.36s - 1285.08s

Um, cool.

Speaker 81285.74s - 1287.88s

I am 70 feet away.

Speaker 41288.12s - 1290.88s

Yeah. Your speed is 150.

Speaker 81291.48s - 1292.32s

Your God.

Speaker 191292.44s - 1292.84s


Speaker 41294.44s - 1295.6s

Speed, speed, speed.

Speaker 191296.56s - 1297.6s

Do do, do, do, do.

Speaker 41298.52s - 1299.78s

Do I look cool?

Speaker 31300.16s - 1300.34s


Speaker 41300.34s - 1305.04s

So, right now, right, before you even begin to move,

Speaker 191305.04s - 1307.62s

you are wearing both of these bone gauntlets

Speaker 41307.62s - 1310.4s

that seem to be, now, as I've described before,

Speaker 191310.82s - 1314.02s

sinking into your skin and becoming your hands.

Speaker 31314.48s - 1317.36s

Your eyes are no longer pupils,

Speaker 41317.56s - 1321.36s

but only glowing blue, ice blue lights.

Speaker 191322.02s - 1323.22s

Your entire eyeballs.

Speaker 31324.06s - 1324.7s


Speaker 41325.32s - 1328.6s

The essence of Toshi is still up there in the sky.

Speaker 31328.6s - 1331.94s

It is still above the roiling mass

Speaker 141331.94s - 1334.26s

of the weakened demigod of blood.

Speaker 41334.26s - 1337.14s

And mom is dropped to the ground,

Speaker 31337.14s - 1339.82s

but still surrounded by the.

Speaker 41339.82s - 1342.78s

They sort of fell out of that onto the dock.

Speaker 141342.78s - 1344.86s

And the roiling mass just seems to be slow.

Speaker 31344.86s - 1346.18s

I mean, it's not their turn yet.

Speaker 41346.18s - 1347.62s

Okay, we don't know what it's doing.

Speaker 31347.62s - 1348.62s

You don't know what it's doing,

Speaker 141348.62s - 1352.38s

but it's clearly, I think you can probably tell

Speaker 61352.38s - 1353.64s

that that's what it wants.

Speaker 31353.64s - 1354.56s

That's what it is.

Speaker 61354.56s - 1355.38s

It wants the to-

Speaker 31355.38s - 1358.94s

It wants the godly essence of to-y-ye.

Speaker 41358.94s - 1363.84s

I say, I remember now, and I go,

Speaker 141363.84s - 1366.08s

jumping, swooshing.

Speaker 41367.42s - 1369.46s

So in the blink of an eye,

Speaker 31369.62s - 1371.66s

so swooshy.

Speaker 141371.96s - 1373.08s

In the blink of an eye,

Speaker 31373.08s - 1374.86s

as Yuri PERSON moves forward,

Speaker 141375.6s - 1377.98s

small pieces of metal

Speaker 121377.98s - 1379.58s

seem to appear in the sky

Speaker 31379.58s - 1381.22s

and tunk, tunk on their body

Speaker 121381.22s - 1382.32s

as they begin to move forward.

Speaker 141382.62s - 1384.02s

And by the time they have leaped

Speaker 61384.02s - 1389.88s

to the, the, theaped to the marble corridor.

Speaker 31389.88s - 1390.56s


Speaker 51390.56s - 1391.32s

What is it called?

Speaker 31391.32s - 1392.36s

My brain is that what you?

Speaker 41392.36s - 1393.36s


Speaker 01393.36s - 1405.62s

The white marble gazebo, by the time they reach the white marble gazebo, they are fully clad in what looks like silver, full plate male.

Speaker 41405.98s - 1406.32s


Speaker 31406.54s - 1415.92s

It gleams white and blue where the light shines off of the armor, giving you very, very

Speaker 01415.92s - 1416.76s

yury vibes.

Speaker 31416.76s - 1420.56s

As you have seen them only once or twice before, their true form.

Speaker 41421.08s - 1425.8s

This feels like the full plate version of their true form.

Speaker 31426.1s - 1429.16s

Wow. Hearts, little hearts all over.

Speaker 41429.72s - 1431.96s

They're armor. Little hearts here.

Speaker 31432.12s - 1435.72s

White, black, red, pink, all over.

Speaker 41435.72s - 1445.62s

That's nice. Warrior. And as they move forward, in one hand appears a long white metal long sword.

Speaker 31446.04s - 1452.04s

In the other, a large, intricate, deep maroon mace.

Speaker 41453.5s - 1454.18s


Speaker 31454.4s - 1455.04s


Speaker 41455.5s - 1459.8s

150 feet is enough to get you beyond where you need to go,

Speaker 141459.96s - 1461.56s

and you literally can run around.

Speaker 31461.56s - 1464.26s

I want to get two, I suppose.

Speaker 191464.44s - 1467.44s

The demigod is where also the water is.

Speaker 31467.96s - 1468.22s


Speaker 91468.54s - 1472.84s

So the water is above the demigod of blood,

Speaker 31472.94s - 1475.64s

about 25 to 30 feet high.

Speaker 101475.8s - 1478.68s

So you will have to leap that high.

Speaker 31480.62s - 1481.74s

You might not try.

Speaker 101481.74s - 1482.84s

Try leaping.

Speaker 31482.84s - 1485.52s

Make an athletics check or acrobatics,

Speaker 61485.52s - 1487s

whichever's better for you.

Speaker 31487s - 1489.92s

You're adding 15 to all of your rolls.

Speaker 01489.92s - 1490.72s


Speaker 61490.72s - 1491.92s

Yeah, I think it'll be fine.

Speaker 41491.92s - 1493s

I mean, you're...

Speaker 61493s - 1494.16s

You have advantage.

Speaker 31494.16s - 1495.12s

You have a advantage.

Speaker 21495.12s - 1496.8s

Josephine PERSON, you have advantage

Speaker 91496.8s - 1498.4s

from the Dungeon Speed Run EVENT.

Speaker 31498.4s - 1499.12s


Speaker 91499.12s - 1501.68s

Okay, thanks, dungeon speed run.

Speaker 181502.88s - 1503.2s


Speaker 31505.96s - 1507.12s

It's a lot.

Speaker 91508.42s - 1508.94s

This is big number.

Speaker 181509.62s - 1511.18s

Matt PERSON was,

Speaker 31511.9s - 1514.24s

what you say the numbers? 34.

Speaker 181515.6s - 1516.84s

God level stats, right?

Speaker 31516.94s - 1517.68s

God level stats, guys.

Speaker 61518.04s - 1522.86s

As Yuri PERSON moves forward, these metal pieces appearing almost out of nowhere,

Speaker 181523.26s - 1525.8s

slamming onto their body, forming this full plate.

Speaker 191525.8s - 1530.84s

As the full plate finishes, they leap as if it was a small hop,

Speaker 91530.84s - 1533.98s

but yet they leap to 30 feet in the air,

Speaker 31533.98s - 1536.56s

sailing over the water essence.

Speaker 201536.56s - 1538.72s

You can easily touch it if you like.

Speaker 31538.72s - 1541.72s

Yes, I'd like to twirl into it.

Speaker 91544.62s - 1545s

As Yuri PERSON slurping up slurped it up.

Speaker 31545s - 1547s

You drink it in.

Speaker 51547s - 1549s

Flips over the top of it,

Speaker 141549s - 1552s

dives straight into the water essence,

Speaker 31552s - 1555s

and the water expands as they float.

Speaker 161555s - 1560s

Cross style in the air, their eyes shining through

Speaker 141560s - 1562s

their full plate male.

Speaker 31562s - 1565.5s

An ascension has occurred.

Speaker 161565.5s - 1566.62s


Speaker 31566.62s - 1567.62s


Speaker 121567.62s - 1568.7s

Gotta collect them all.

Speaker 141568.7s - 1571.12s

Any other, that is your action and your movement.

Speaker 31571.12s - 1572.24s

You have a bonus action.

Speaker 161574.08s - 1575s

He doing one.

Speaker 141579s - 1580.18s

You act like I have healing words.

Speaker 161580.18s - 1581.12s

Roll it D20 for me.

Speaker 141581.12s - 1585.94s

Wisdom check add 15 in addition to which. Wisdom save or just a. Wisdom check. Yep, it's wisdom check. Word prepared. Wisdom check add 15 in addition to which you have.

Speaker 121585.94s - 1587.06s

Wisdom save or just a-

Speaker 141587.06s - 1587.76s

Wisdom check.

Speaker 121587.76s - 1588.86s

Yep, it's wisdom check.

Speaker 141588.86s - 1589.86s

So 30.

Speaker 31590.76s - 1595.2s

Yuri PERSON, you recall suddenly that your battle form

Speaker 141595.2s - 1597.24s

that you are in has an ability

Speaker 01597.24s - 1600.12s

to protect your friends in a 100 foot radius.

Speaker 141601.04s - 1601.94s

Of course it does, yeah.

Speaker 31601.94s - 1605.9s

It gives them advantage on all checks against paralysis.

Speaker 141607.08s - 1607.48s


Speaker 31608.38s - 1608.92s

Got it.

Speaker 51609.24s - 1610.7s

I'm only like 25 feet up.

Speaker 31610.82s - 1611.14s

Okay, okay.

Speaker 51611.24s - 1611.58s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 31612.04s - 1613.18s

And I will come down.

Speaker 141613.38s - 1615.08s

I'm not flying, I don't think.

Speaker 61615.34s - 1616.28s

Why I just thought you were floating?

Speaker 31616.78s - 1617.78s

Oh, I'm...

Speaker 61617.78s - 1618.56s

You are a little bit.

Speaker 141619.06s - 1620.58s

I mean, you've ended your movement.

Speaker 31620.58s - 1621.34s

It's like, fine, it's great.

Speaker 141621.36s - 1626.92s

It's up to you whether you want to stay aloft or if you would like to move slowly.

Speaker 31626.92s - 1627.8s

My God.

Speaker 141627.8s - 1628.72s

You're like Michael Jordan PERSON.

Speaker 31628.72s - 1630.12s

And I'm gonna stay up here.

Speaker 141630.12s - 1631.04s

I'll help you.

Speaker 31631.04s - 1634.58s

No, I would like to float back down

Speaker 141634.58s - 1639.54s

and sort of body block the body of Christopal PERSON's mother.

Speaker 31639.54s - 1641.22s

All right.

Speaker 101641.22s - 1644.16s

Do I have a healing word that would be this?

Speaker 31644.16s - 1645.56s


Speaker 91648.22s - 1648.66s

Yeah, your action, bonus action, and movement are dead.

Speaker 31650.42s - 1651.9s

Oh, the bonus action was... Unless you didn't use that bonus action.

Speaker 101652.06s - 1652.84s

You can use that.

Speaker 31652.98s - 1654.54s

Oh, is that the 100 feet?

Speaker 141654.64s - 1658.78s

No, no, yes, I will envelop 100 feet to my friends.

Speaker 41658.88s - 1659.8s

Protect my friends.

Speaker 31659.8s - 1662.24s

All of you feel a warmth.

Speaker 41663.3s - 1665s

This reminds you of Yuri PERSON.

Speaker 141666.8s - 1671.08s

The numerous, you know, you can find your own moment

Speaker 41671.08s - 1675.12s

in interaction with Yuri PERSON that brings back this warm memory.

Speaker 191676.06s - 1677.58s

If you have blood in your body,

Speaker 141678.18s - 1679.74s

yeah, sure.

Speaker 121679.74s - 1683.3s

You are now resistant to any paralysis

Speaker 31683.3s - 1687.3s

that is impacted upon you by gaining control of the blood in your body.

Speaker 141687.3s - 1688.5s

Moving forward, right?

Speaker 121688.5s - 1690.76s

So like we're still paralyzed for this time.

Speaker 31690.76s - 1692.08s

You're still paralyzed for this turn

Speaker 121692.08s - 1693.24s

if you were paralyzed before.

Speaker 141693.24s - 1694.24s

Got it.

Speaker 161694.24s - 1697.5s

All right, Yuri PERSON, that is your turn.

Speaker 141697.5s - 1699.18s


Speaker 31699.18s - 1701.56s

Question, so based on what you just said,

Speaker 141701.56s - 1703.38s

am I still paralyzed or?

Speaker 161703.38s - 1704.76s

Were you paralyzed before?

Speaker 31704.76s - 1705s


Speaker 161705.12s - 1706.68s

Then that would be the end of your turn.

Speaker 141706.78s - 1707.68s

It's the beginning of your new one.

Speaker 31707.8s - 1710.1s

You now get to save against that paralysis.

Speaker 161710.38s - 1711.76s

If you save, you'll get your turn.

Speaker 31711.84s - 1712.78s

If you do not, you do not.

Speaker 161713.02s - 1715.6s

Okay, but I'm not resistant against paralysis now.

Speaker 151715.7s - 1718.8s

You are. You can roll the save for the paralysis.

Speaker 31718.8s - 1719.7s

With advantage.

Speaker 141720.62s - 1721.28s

Oh, nice.

Speaker 31723.9s - 1724.9s

Um, yeah.

Speaker 141727s - 1729s

Wait, uh, what was I rolling? Constitution saving girl. Oh, yeah. Wait, what was I rolling? Constitution saving girl.

Speaker 31729s - 1731s

Oh yeah, no, I'm dirty 20.

Speaker 141731s - 1734s

That passes, and you are allowed.

Speaker 31734s - 1735s

Your turn.

Speaker 141735s - 1737s

Your turn is, you have a turn.

Speaker 31737s - 1738s

Yay, I have a turn.

Speaker 141738s - 1740s

Okay, so.

Speaker 31740s - 1741s

Get a morrow.

Speaker 11741s - 1742s


Speaker 31742s - 1747.58s

So I'm going to, how far away am I from Toshi PERSON's body?

Speaker 11748.24s - 1752.28s

From Toshi PERSON's body, I don't remember where we established you one.

Speaker 161752.28s - 1752.86s

I have it.

Speaker 31753.12s - 1753.5s

Thank you.

Speaker 121753.6s - 1754s

I knew somebody.

Speaker 31754s - 1755.44s

You are 30 feet away.

Speaker 121755.64s - 1756.5s

Yeah, you're 30 feet.

Speaker 31756.6s - 1758.68s

I think I'm, or Val's echoes 30 feet.

Speaker 121758.82s - 1759.7s

Val PERSON is a little further.

Speaker 31760.54s - 1761.82s

Val, you are 90 feet away.

Speaker 121761.96s - 1762.16s


Speaker 31763.84s - 1771.74s

Overwhelmed by. How dare you. Overwhelmed by the spectacular godlike form of Yuri PERSON.

Speaker 121772.66s - 1775.94s

Otto PERSON is sort of like, you got this.

Speaker 21777.44s - 1780.28s

But wants to help out where he can.

Speaker 31780.28s - 1786.24s

And so I'm going to use my movement to get up on like Toshi PERSON.

Speaker 121786.24s - 1792.9s

Okay. Up on Toshi PERSON. And I'd like to cast floating disk under Toshi so it rises her up.

Speaker 21792.9s - 1797.9s

Great. And then, great. Yeah. So I'm going to go ahead and to the-

Speaker 31797.9s - 1804.24s

Mark PERSON your spell cast. Yes. So I cast floating desk, which by the way, when I got this

Speaker 121804.24s - 1806.86s

spell, I didn't think I would use it this much. It is my go-to spell.

Speaker 31806.86s - 1809.26s

It smells like grease. I use grease all day. All the time.

Speaker 121810.3s - 1813.56s

However, you have constantly found a new and inventive way to use.

Speaker 31813.62s - 1814.7s

Yes, you use it.

Speaker 121815.6s - 1817.3s

I quite like the umbrella use.

Speaker 141818.64s - 1822.48s

Like it's mostly, I think, meant in the book as like things to carry heavy stuff.

Speaker 41822.78s - 1824.4s

Yeah. So I'm actually using it correctly.

Speaker 141824.4s - 1825.5s

Yeah, right. This time. Yeah. Yeah.. Yeah. So I'm actually using it correctly. Right.

Speaker 31825.5s - 1826.5s

Yeah, this time.

Speaker 41826.5s - 1827.5s

Yeah, this time.

Speaker 141827.5s - 1831.5s

So, and how that looks is Otto PERSON stomps his foot

Speaker 121831.5s - 1835.5s

and from below Toshi PERSON, a disc pops up.

Speaker 61835.5s - 1838.5s

And I want to use the rest of my bonus action

Speaker 121838.5s - 1841s

to dash into the disc pushing it.

Speaker 61841s - 1842s

Pushing it.

Speaker 121842s - 1845.24s

It responds to your action, obviously,

Speaker 61845.4s - 1846.72s

so easily able to push it.

Speaker 121847.24s - 1848.74s

You move 30 feet towards,

Speaker 31848.94s - 1850.8s

how far do you have to be, actually?

Speaker 121851.7s - 1852.76s

So you have 30,

Speaker 31852.86s - 1854.8s

so you can use your normal movement to just get there.

Speaker 121854.8s - 1856.64s

Yeah, I got there, and then I...

Speaker 41856.64s - 1858.18s

To do it, and then I moved as another 30 way.

Speaker 161858.18s - 1859.94s

Oh, yeah, because you bonus action dash.

Speaker 121860.1s - 1860.26s


Speaker 41860.4s - 1861.9s

Just rogue stuff.

Speaker 141862.08s - 1863.16s

Just rogue stuff.

Speaker 41863.16s - 1864.24s

To the...

Speaker 141864.24s - 1865.06s

As you are pushing that disc, a tendril of the... to push. Just rogue stuff. Just rogue stuff. To the,

Speaker 121867.7s - 1868.3s

as you are pushing that disc,

Speaker 141870.44s - 1871.74s

a tendril of blood comes and makes a swipe.

Speaker 41871.94s - 1872.44s

I don't like it.

Speaker 61872.58s - 1872.9s


Speaker 121873.6s - 1874.14s

Swipe at me.

Speaker 61874.94s - 1876.74s

I have clearly coming from

Speaker 41876.74s - 1878.84s

the undulating mass in the center of the gazebo.

Speaker 61878.84s - 1880.24s

Even if I'm body blocking,

Speaker 41880.4s - 1881.74s

because I'm body blocking Toshi PERSON.

Speaker 61882.04s - 1882.2s


Speaker 41882.66s - 1883.48s

Give me one second.

Speaker 61883.58s - 1885.76s

Let me do this and then I got you.

Speaker 121885.76s - 1886.76s

All right.

Speaker 61886.76s - 1890.24s

So does a, of course I roll like that.

Speaker 31890.24s - 1892.24s

Does a, well, 24-hs.

Speaker 61892.24s - 1893.24s


Speaker 21893.24s - 1894.24s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 31894.24s - 1895.24s

Do you have advantage or disadvantage?

Speaker 121895.24s - 1896.24s

I had advantage from Idaho GPE.

Speaker 41896.24s - 1897.24s


Speaker 31897.24s - 1898.24s

Thank you.

Speaker 41898.24s - 1899.24s

Even better.

Speaker 31899.24s - 1900.24s

That was worse.

Speaker 41900.24s - 1901.24s

So 24 hit your AC.

Speaker 121901.24s - 1902.24s

It does.

Speaker 31902.24s - 1903.24s

All right.

Speaker 41903.24s - 1908.88s

You take 13 plus 5, so

Speaker 31908.88s - 1911.94s

18 necrotic damage, which is doubled.

Speaker 61912.24s - 1913.96s

Question, I have uncanny Dodge ORG.

Speaker 31914.24s - 1915.74s

So does that have that?

Speaker 41915.98s - 1917.8s

Certainly does. So you just take the straight 18.

Speaker 61917.98s - 1919.36s

And you have the necrotic.

Speaker 41919.68s - 1922.08s

Oh, no, you don't. You gave it back. No, I gave it back because

Speaker 61922.08s - 1924.02s

you were, I felt bad.

Speaker 31924.46s - 1925.56s

Kind of almost killed him.

Speaker 121926.06s - 1927.02s

So I got 19?

Speaker 31928s - 1928.62s


Speaker 41928.74s - 1929.1s


Speaker 121929.32s - 1929.4s


Speaker 41929.66s - 1932.18s

Yuri PERSON, you have a reaction.

Speaker 31933.4s - 1937.14s

You recall that you are very protective of those that you love.

Speaker 121937.7s - 1940.68s

And since the demigod of,

Speaker 11941.58s - 1942.28s

oh yeah, I guess.

Speaker 81942.48s - 1943.4s

I forgot that.

Speaker 31943.74s - 1948.94s

The demigod of blood made physical contact with someone within 30 feet of you.

Speaker 11949.26s - 1954.2s

You can use your reaction to make an attack with either of your sword or mace.

Speaker 141954.2s - 1957.2s

To flavor it a little bit, just so you see what you're looking at.

Speaker 11957.8s - 1968.66s

As Otto PERSON is straining to push the floating disc, the tangle comes up and it just sears my midsection and it causes me to cough

Speaker 31968.66s - 1973.56s

and continue pushing as much as like that. I feel like as you go, there's like a hand that

Speaker 01973.56s - 1983s

reaches out and then I'm going to take my sword love. Yes. And I will slash at the demigod.

Speaker 41983s - 1987.24s

Make an attack roll as your normal mace attack and add 15.

Speaker 141988.24s - 1988.96s


Speaker 31990.12s - 1993.84s

You have advantage from the Dungeon Speed Run EVENT.

Speaker 141994.24s - 1995.32s

Thanks, Dungeon Speed Run.

Speaker 01995.44s - 1996.56s

Damn, thanks.

Speaker 31996.64s - 1997.08s


Speaker 01997.2s - 1998.18s

They came through.

Speaker 121998.68s - 1999.54s

Ooh, yeah.

Speaker 31999.84s - 2001.5s

It's over 30.

Speaker 122001.9s - 2002.38s

I don't know.

Speaker 32002.5s - 2003.14s

Over 30.

Speaker 122003.64s - 2003.94s


Speaker 32004.46s - 2005.58s

Over 30. Definitely hits. know. Over 30. Yeah. Over class is 40.

Speaker 122005.58s - 2006.86s

Definitely hits.

Speaker 142007.66s - 2009.9s

You may roll 2D12.

Speaker 122010.3s - 2010.94s


Speaker 32010.94s - 2011.26s


Speaker 122011.26s - 2011.86s


Speaker 32011.86s - 2013.56s

I'll mark this down so that I remember.

Speaker 122013.8s - 2014.92s

And add 10.

Speaker 32015.7s - 2017.42s

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 162018.78s - 2019.22s


Speaker 32021.42s - 2021.92s


Speaker 162022.08s - 2023.12s

We never get to use these.

Speaker 32023.26s - 2023.66s

I know.

Speaker 122027.06s - 2028.1s

Add 10 to that. 24. Nice, oh, we never get to use these. I know. Add 10 to that.

Speaker 32028.38s - 2028.72s


Speaker 122029.2s - 2029.7s

Nice, nice, nice.

Speaker 92030.22s - 2031.64s

What kind of damages do?

Speaker 52033.56s - 2035.34s

It is definitely radiant damage.

Speaker 92035.98s - 2038.7s

Since you use the sword, it's definitely radiant slash it.

Speaker 32038.7s - 2039.46s

Well, it's just radiant.

Speaker 52039.7s - 2042.42s

And you did 24, you said?

Speaker 122042.54s - 2042.7s


Speaker 32043.24s - 2044.3s

Okay, so.

Speaker 122045.14s - 2045.48s

I say, uh-huh.

Speaker 92046.86s - 2047.38s

I say, stay off him.

Speaker 142049.32s - 2050.18s

Um, and as you... That's my owl.

Speaker 92050.52s - 2057.78s

As that tendril sears across Otto PERSON's belly and begins to finish its swing,

Speaker 32057.78s - 2063.5s

you lop off that particular tendril and it goes flying through the air and splatting on the ground.

Speaker 122063.66s - 2063.78s


Speaker 92064.18s - 2068.5s

The blood thinner than when it was before you cut it off.

Speaker 142069s - 2069.14s


Speaker 32070.1s - 2072.68s

All right. Next is...

Speaker 142072.68s - 2073.22s

Me, I think.

Speaker 32073.38s - 2073.62s


Speaker 142073.86s - 2075.5s

Yeah. So Val PERSON is...

Speaker 32075.5s - 2076.28s

You are 90 feet.

Speaker 142076.46s - 2081.58s

90 feet. The Echo is only 30 feet because I had been using Echo Avatar PRODUCT.

Speaker 32082.02s - 2085.7s

So basically, I'm blinded and deafened 90 feet back.

Speaker 142085.82s - 2086.24s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 32086.32s - 2089.3s

So I'm just standing there, but I will try to move a little.

Speaker 142089.3s - 2091.94s

Val PERSON will try to move a little bit if I can save against that.

Speaker 42092.04s - 2092.68s

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 142092.8s - 2093.18s

Okay, cool.

Speaker 32093.64s - 2093.96s


Speaker 42094.78s - 2095.22s

Thank you.

Speaker 32095.34s - 2097.14s

From your friend.

Speaker 142097.7s - 2098.36s

Con save?

Speaker 52098.78s - 2099.38s

Yeah, con save.

Speaker 142099.42s - 2100s

Not great.

Speaker 22101.6s - 2102.8s

What is your thing, right?

Speaker 142102.9s - 2103.38s

Can I.

Speaker 22103.54s - 2103.82s


Speaker 142104.16s - 2105.36s

16 is a save.

Speaker 32105.36s - 2105.98s


Speaker 22106.98s - 2107.26s


Speaker 142108.94s - 2109.42s


Speaker 32109.94s - 2112.04s

So blood in your body begins to pump again.

Speaker 142112.4s - 2113.52s

I hope everyone's all right.

Speaker 32114.62s - 2116.36s

I'm going to move 30 feet closer.

Speaker 142116.54s - 2116.7s


Speaker 32116.98s - 2119.78s

The echo is also going to move 30 feet closer.

Speaker 42120.06s - 2123.22s

What does, because I'm seeing it's very weird,

Speaker 32123.3s - 2126.56s

so it's like Val and the echo are like moving in lockstep 30 feet.

Speaker 42128.82s - 2130.9s

So what does the blood form look like?

Speaker 32130.96s - 2132.46s

Is it sort of a cloud right now?

Speaker 92132.7s - 2143.92s

If you can imagine if you took what looked like, if you took a coagulated liquid and let it float in space with no gravity, it's like that.

Speaker 42143.92s - 2148s

But then it's sort of a long gaites and then spins around

Speaker 92148s - 2151s

Toshi PERSON or where Toshi was in very fast form.

Speaker 32151s - 2157s

So it's undulating and rotating, but it's this long mass that seems almost like

Speaker 92157s - 2162s

it elongates like Plato PERSON and then scrunches and elongates again.

Speaker 32162s - 2165.2s

So, but Toshi PERSON is now out of the line of fire.

Speaker 92165.2s - 2167.9s

And now 30 feet back where you were,

Speaker 32167.9s - 2170.2s

because Otto PERSON pushed them in that direction.

Speaker 92170.2s - 2172.8s

I'm gonna attack, first one of my attacks,

Speaker 32172.8s - 2176.9s

without hitting Yuri PERSON, I would like to use my metallic breath weapon.

Speaker 92176.9s - 2177.3s


Speaker 32177.3s - 2180.2s

Enervating breath, I wanna try to make it incapacitating.

Speaker 92180.2s - 2183.7s

And it's coming from your, the echo, which it can do, yes.

Speaker 32183.7s - 2186.58s

You certainly can aim it in that direction without hitting your aim.

Speaker 92186.62s - 2186.84s


Speaker 32187.06s - 2188.04s

Con saving throw 15.

Speaker 92188.16s - 2188.28s


Speaker 32188.8s - 2189.42s

Con saving throw.

Speaker 92190.08s - 2192.36s

I have advantage from Idaho Jud PERSON.

Speaker 42192.96s - 2194.06s

That's Idaho GPE.

Speaker 32194.06s - 2194.12s

Good Idaho GPE.

Speaker 42194.12s - 2194.66s


Speaker 32195.66s - 2196.02s

Uh, uh,

Speaker 42196.02s - 2197s


Speaker 32197s - 2197.22s


Speaker 142197.22s - 2197.92s


Speaker 42197.92s - 2199.92s


Speaker 142199.92s - 2200.66s

that's a 22.

Speaker 62200.66s - 2201.74s

Yeah, that succeeds.

Speaker 142201.74s - 2203.52s

Uh, so, uh, yeah, okay.

Speaker 42203.52s - 2206.82s

It, it, it roar is out this just blasting.

Speaker 32206.82s - 2207.6s

No, yeah.

Speaker 42208.7s - 2212.78s

And that doesn't work, so Echo PRODUCT just goes to work.

Speaker 02212.88s - 2213.08s


Speaker 42214.02s - 2216.72s

It's piercing, which, you know, I mean.

Speaker 32216.84s - 2218.86s

It's coagulated blood, so it does have a form.

Speaker 62219.02s - 2219.9s

So piercing still works.

Speaker 02219.9s - 2222.5s

So just trying to poke holes in this, cause some leaks.

Speaker 42222.88s - 2223.52s

Like a water balloon?

Speaker 32223.86s - 2224.72s

Yeah, kind of, yeah.

Speaker 42226.5s - 2227.5s

Yeah, okay, great. Advantage?

Speaker 32227.5s - 2230s

Morgan, you have advantage from City Racing Girl ORG.

Speaker 42230s - 2231s

Thanks, City Racing Girl ORG.

Speaker 32231s - 2233s

Yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 42233s - 2237s

That is 25 to hit.

Speaker 32237s - 2238s

That hits.

Speaker 42238s - 2240s


Speaker 32240s - 2241s

Give a second roll.

Speaker 42241s - 2243.5s

Well, I use my first one to attack.

Speaker 62243.5s - 2248.78s

That's max damage. That is 14 points of piercing damage.

Speaker 22248.78s - 2250.32s

Is it magical?

Speaker 62250.32s - 2251.38s

Not that one.

Speaker 22251.38s - 2253.24s

Zero damage.

Speaker 62253.24s - 2254.24s

That sucks.

Speaker 22254.24s - 2256.32s

Yeah, hand axes in Val PERSON's hand.

Speaker 62256.32s - 2257.48s

Okay, got it.

Speaker 42257.48s - 2258.82s

All right, that's good to know.

Speaker 62258.82s - 2260.02s

The Echo PRODUCT's...

Speaker 22260.02s - 2262.86s

The Echo PRODUCT uses the rapier.

Speaker 62262.86s - 2264.18s

Val PERSON has...

Speaker 42264.18s - 2266.02s

Echo Night PRODUCT would be extremely

Speaker 32266.02s - 2268.7s

O-P if we all got to use the magical weapons

Speaker 42268.7s - 2271.08s

like they were just passing back and forth

Speaker 122271.08s - 2273.44s

So that hand axe is the magical eye

Speaker 42273.44s - 2275.22s

Yes and Val PERSON has it

Speaker 122275.22s - 2277.24s

He's 60 feet back

Speaker 32277.24s - 2278.8s


Speaker 42278.8s - 2280.88s

Yeah right

Speaker 32280.88s - 2284.06s

So not blind he can't probably

Speaker 42284.06s - 2290.72s

I mean you seem to try to throw something blind, but there's people in the way.

Speaker 32290.72s - 2293.28s

Yeah, maybe it is dark. You would make this.

Speaker 42293.28s - 2294.88s

A hundred percent.

Speaker 32294.88s - 2295.92s

A hundred thousand.

Speaker 42295.92s - 2296.96s

A hundred thousand.

Speaker 32296.96s - 2297.92s

Oh, no!

Speaker 42297.92s - 2301.12s

Yeah, it's going to not dark.

Speaker 142301.12s - 2302.32s

Yeah, he's got to know.

Speaker 42302.32s - 2304.88s

Is everybody okay? Did he get it?

Speaker 142304.88s - 2305.02s

Why does my arms smell like cello? It's on. Yeah, he's got a little. Is everybody okay? Did he get it?

Speaker 192306.92s - 2307.68s

Why does my arms smell like cello? That's dark.

Speaker 42308s - 2308.5s

Oh, no.

Speaker 192308.76s - 2309.08s


Speaker 42309.48s - 2309.98s

It's fine.

Speaker 32310s - 2310.32s

That's fine.

Speaker 62310.68s - 2310.96s

All right.

Speaker 32311s - 2314.34s

So then it will use Unleashed Incarnation, the Echo PRODUCT one time.

Speaker 62314.46s - 2319.9s

It's frustrating, seeing it does no damage to this time just cold breath.

Speaker 52320.08s - 2320.2s


Speaker 62320.32s - 2321.26s

So breath again.

Speaker 52321.38s - 2321.66s

All right.

Speaker 72321.96s - 2322.64s

Dexterity saving throw?

Speaker 62322.9s - 2324.52s

Yes, that is dexterity.

Speaker 72324.52s - 2324.8s


Speaker 62325.06s - 2326s

Yes. 15. He has disadvantage on dexterity saving throw? Yes, that is dexterity. Dex? Yes, 15.

Speaker 72326.18s - 2328.1s

He has disadvantage on dexterity saving throws.

Speaker 62328.22s - 2328.68s

I'm kidding.

Speaker 72328.88s - 2329.54s

I like that.

Speaker 62330.88s - 2331.96s

It's still a 20.

Speaker 52332.58s - 2333.8s

It takes half.

Speaker 42333.92s - 2334.08s


Speaker 52334.68s - 2335.8s

Takes half of 2D10.

Speaker 32336.92s - 2339.08s

So where are you, my friends?

Speaker 42339.38s - 2339.86s

All right.

Speaker 32341.24s - 2342.66s

Seven reduced to three.

Speaker 42342.96s - 2343.92s

Three cold damage.

Speaker 32344.54s - 2348.08s

But doubled to six because it is vulnerable to cold damage.

Speaker 42349.2s - 2349.86s


Speaker 32350.22s - 2351.06s

Everybody hear that.

Speaker 42351.38s - 2352.72s

Vulnerable to cold damage.

Speaker 142352.84s - 2353.5s

Yeah, I'm watching.

Speaker 42354.42s - 2354.44s

I'm studying.

Speaker 32354.44s - 2355.98s

As water usually is.

Speaker 42356.36s - 2361.44s

So you and the echo are now face up on this dude.

Speaker 32362.28s - 2363.46s

Or whatever this thing is.

Speaker 42363.56s - 2364.28s

It's not really a dude.

Speaker 32364.62s - 2366.22s

Yeah, I got to have front row seats.

Speaker 42366.58s - 2367s


Speaker 142367.54s - 2367.88s


Speaker 32368.46s - 2369.1s

That's my turn.

Speaker 142370.7s - 2371.06s


Speaker 42371.72s - 2373.3s

Next is...

Speaker 52373.3s - 2373.88s

Christabel PERSON, I think.

Speaker 142373.92s - 2374.42s

Christabel PERSON.

Speaker 52374.84s - 2375.1s


Speaker 142375.26s - 2376.58s

Chris Stable PERSON, what is your dexterity?

Speaker 42377.8s - 2378.16s


Speaker 142379s - 2382s

My dexterity is a...

Speaker 42382.68s - 2383.04s


Speaker 32383.56s - 2384.12s


Speaker 42384.38s - 2389.18s

Okay, you go before the environment goes so go ahead great I'm

Speaker 32389.18s - 2395.06s

gonna try and unparalyzed myself with my resistance roll yeah whof

Speaker 162395.06s - 2399.2s

con save 14 14 that unfortunately doesn't

Speaker 12399.2s - 2401.12s


Speaker 32401.12s - 2406.16s

those with advantage yeah I don't roll well doesn't hit the con is zero yeah Yeah. I don't roll well, doesn't it?

Speaker 12406.32s - 2407.3s

His con is zero.

Speaker 162407.52s - 2407.68s


Speaker 12408.28s - 2410.44s

I can't speak or anything, right?

Speaker 142411.04s - 2411.84s

No, you cannot.

Speaker 12412.48s - 2414.18s

Do you have any mental spells?

Speaker 142414.52s - 2414.84s


Speaker 162416.66s - 2420.8s

But I can't, no, but I need to either move my hands or speak to do them.

Speaker 142421.24s - 2421.96s

Cemetery verbal.

Speaker 162422.14s - 2423.74s

I can't do anything.

Speaker 42423.78s - 2424.76s

Okay, wait a minute.

Speaker 122424.94s - 2425.86s

I have gassed. Yes, you do. Gass is going to say. Somatic verbal. I can't do anything. Okay, wait a minute. I have gassed.

Speaker 162425.86s - 2426.32s

Yes, you do.

Speaker 122426.32s - 2427.22s


Speaker 162427.22s - 2428.86s

Gas is going to say.

Speaker 122428.86s - 2430.36s

I have gas.

Speaker 42430.36s - 2431.32s

I have gas.

Speaker 12431.32s - 2433s

Gas is going to say.

Speaker 92433s - 2435.32s

That'll propel you forward.

Speaker 142435.32s - 2436.36s

Bad decision for lunch.

Speaker 162436.36s - 2440s

If the bloods for imogeny dies, so do we.

Speaker 142441s - 2441.44s


Speaker 162441.44s - 2442.12s


Speaker 142442.12s - 2443.24s


Speaker 162443.24s - 2444.96s

No, no, that's true.

Speaker 142444.96s - 2446.2s

We are made of blood. If the, remember this, no, that's true. We are made of blood.

Speaker 162446.58s - 2449.7s

If the, remember this, this is out of game.

Speaker 52450.22s - 2455.88s

It was said back in the day, if the primogeny dies, all the air disappears when we were fighting Itha PERSON.

Speaker 142456.14s - 2456.5s


Speaker 122456.74s - 2458.62s

Because they have the primogony of air.

Speaker 162458.78s - 2461.26s

So we have the primogeny of blood.

Speaker 122461.46s - 2461.9s


Speaker 162462.26s - 2465.36s

So please stop hitting the primogeny of blood. Now, none of the corrupted gods have ever been identified as primogeny of blood. Whoa! So please stop hitting the primogeny of blood.

Speaker 82465.66s - 2467.92s

Now, none of the corrupted gods

Speaker 32467.92s - 2469.86s

have ever been identified as primogeny.

Speaker 162470s - 2470.46s


Speaker 82470.62s - 2471.54s

Take that as you will.

Speaker 32471.66s - 2471.98s


Speaker 62472.2s - 2474.12s

But this is what Cocoa, this is what

Speaker 162474.12s - 2474.5s

Chris PERSON is what-Col.

Speaker 62474.76s - 2476.7s

And this is what Gass PERSON said. And this is what Gass said.

Speaker 162476.92s - 2478.38s

Thank you for saying that out loud because

Speaker 82478.38s - 2480.7s

that's why I've made no...

Speaker 162480.7s - 2482.88s

I'm sitting there going, I can't, I failed.

Speaker 32483.16s - 2485.18s

Okay, so Gass PERSON is going to say that.

Speaker 162485.2s - 2485.44s

It's good.

Speaker 32486.44s - 2490.38s

Gas is then going to just, uh, much.

Speaker 82490.56s - 2491.82s

The echo and you kind of like,

Speaker 162491.88s - 2495.14s

gas is still by, um, uh, auto.

Speaker 92495.14s - 2503.02s

And so gas is going to use, if you'll allow me to do this, because we've established that they can use control water. Yes. Right?

Speaker 162503.36s - 2512.76s

Would like to freeze the end of Christobal PERSON's mom's arm to stop the blood. I'm assuming she's bleeding profusely from a lot off arm.

Speaker 32512.76s - 2514.16s

She is still bleeding profusely.

Speaker 162514.96s - 2516.84s

The weird thing about the blood is it sort of...

Speaker 32516.84s - 2517.44s

Oh, yeah, that happens.

Speaker 162517.44s - 2525.36s

It sort of floats in the air and begins to float as if it's space and just sort of float in the air in a glob form.

Speaker 32525.6s - 2526.94s

So gas doesn't have a ton of time.

Speaker 162527.06s - 2533.42s

Gas is going to freeze the stub so that it's kind of trying to stabilize for a

Speaker 02533.42s - 2538.96s

better term, a water genocci, because gas doesn't know how to treat medieval water genocci.

Speaker 162539.28s - 2544.96s

And then it's going to, oh, I just realized it could have done defensive against, sorry,

Speaker 62544.96s - 2545.62s

your attack. I apologize. Having seen auto get hit, gas is going to... Oh, I just realized I could have done defensive against... Sorry, your attack.

Speaker 162545.94s - 2546.94s

I apologize. Huh?

Speaker 62547.04s - 2549.04s

Having seen Auto PRODUCT get hit,

Speaker 162549.16s - 2553.6s

Gass PERSON is going to move up to Otto and run interference. She has Steel Defender PRODUCT.

Speaker 72554s - 2558.18s

She could have done that, but I don't technically think she was right next to you anyway. Okay.

Speaker 162558.34s - 2568.1s

So that is Gass PERSON turn. That's Cristobal PERSON's turn because he's still on the ground. Okay. All right. Next is the

Speaker 32568.1s - 2605.96s

environment. It is now the demi-god of blood's weak-informed turn. Okay. The whole time this has sort of, you can see thelake itself is made of this god. The god is in the lake and just part of it is coming up through the gazebo. But what you see is that part that seems to be coming out of the lake into the gazebo stops moving and rotating. It begins that just sort of, again, like the other blood coming from Toshi PERSON's arm, sort of a glob of blood floating in space.And you hear it say,

Speaker 62606.18s - 2611.9s

I will eat you. And it attempts to engulf Yuri PERSON.

Speaker 32612.62s - 2612.94s


Speaker 62613.86s - 2618.72s

Make a strength or dexterity saving throw, whichever is better for you. Remember, always add 15.

Speaker 162620.88s - 2624.22s

That's what I'm going on. That's what Christy PERSON.

Speaker 32625s - 2629s

Josephine you had an advance from Braba PERSON.

Speaker 12629s - 2631s

Thanks, Braba PERSON.

Speaker 142631s - 2637s

Ha. Okay, you said Dex PRODUCT or Strength?

Speaker 32637s - 2647s

Um, yep, Dex or Strength, whichever's better for you. Okay, those are not great, but...

Speaker 142650.6s - 2651.4s


Speaker 32651.4s - 2652.4s


Speaker 142652.4s - 2656.6s

Oh. The blood god envelopes all of Yuri PERSON,

Speaker 32656.6s - 2671.76s

as if this floating blood bubble, a twenty-foot radius just splo-c all over Yuri PERSON, making her disappear from view. That is...

Speaker 142671.76s - 2673.8s

Them in this form.

Speaker 32674.04s - 2689.12s

That is his action... His bonus action is he attempts again to steal everyone's blood. If he already been paralyzed, you are now immune to the effect. A second.

Speaker 162689.12s - 2694.24s

Question for you. How close was Yuri to Gass PERSON? Where was Gass PERSON?

Speaker 32694.24s - 2697.12s

It was right next to... Right next to...

Speaker 92697.12s - 2698.12s

30 feet.

Speaker 62698.12s - 2699.12s

So yes.

Speaker 02699.12s - 2700.12s

Okay, just want to make sure.

Speaker 32704.28s - 2709.64s

I'm trying to look at spells and I don't know where to find them.

Speaker 02710.44s - 2711.18s

There we go, spells.

Speaker 32712.68s - 2718.32s

So with his bonus action, he attempts to paralyze everyone in a hundred-foot radius.

Speaker 02719s - 2720.14s

You three have already failed.

Speaker 32720.34s - 2724.08s

Coco PERSON, you have not yet failed the paralyzation check.

Speaker 02725.42s - 2727.96s

Oh, no, but you've succeeded, so that would mean you're immune as well.

Speaker 142728.8s - 2737.8s

You hear the coagulated blood god scream in what sounds like frustration.

Speaker 162741.76s - 2743.1s

All right, Coco PERSON.

Speaker 142744.18s - 2744.6s


Speaker 32745.6s - 2746.32s

Cool. Cool.

Speaker 62746.76s - 2748.62s

Coco PERSON, you suddenly get a tingling

Speaker 32748.62s - 2751.04s

that slushy

Speaker 62751.04s - 2752.9s

is available.

Speaker 32753.46s - 2753.68s


Speaker 62756.44s - 2758.6s

Coco PERSON, so is that an action?

Speaker 32759s - 2760.6s

Bonus action to summon slushy

Speaker 92760.6s - 2762.66s

from the realm in which he's from.

Speaker 32763.24s - 2763.54s


Speaker 192766.94s - 2779s

Summon to summon slushy. Okay, so a cloud of cold air begins to rise around you and it begins to swirl and swirl until it forms a large winter wolf who seems to be sort of a...

Speaker 32779s - 2780s

Big boy!

Speaker 192780s - 2782s

Let's get him!

Speaker 32782s - 2784s

Sorry, wasn't Slushy PERSON already out?

Speaker 192784s - 2786.14s

Was he? Yeah, he was already out

Speaker 32786.14s - 2787.22s

because he went running.

Speaker 162787.34s - 2787.8s

That's right.

Speaker 32787.98s - 2789.8s

Where was Slushy PERSON in the apologies?

Speaker 142790.02s - 2790.28s

Thank you.

Speaker 32790.66s - 2791.7s

Slushy is 30 feet away.

Speaker 142791.9s - 2792.36s

30 feet.

Speaker 32792.52s - 2793.52s

So next to gas.

Speaker 142793.72s - 2794.46s

That's right. Thank you.

Speaker 192794.82s - 2795.14s

No worries.

Speaker 142795.52s - 2798.4s

So do I wait for Slushy PERSON's turn in order to like...

Speaker 162798.4s - 2799.54s

It's up to you.

Speaker 32799.72s - 2801.82s

Either Slushy goes first or you go first, you decide.

Speaker 192801.82s - 2804.22s

Okay, so this is weird, but I...

Speaker 32804.22s - 2805.26s

I love weird.

Speaker 192805.26s - 2807.28s

I'm going to see if...

Speaker 32807.28s - 2810.96s

I'm going to see if I can charm this.

Speaker 192811.38s - 2811.8s


Speaker 62812.1s - 2813.94s

But not with a charm spell.

Speaker 192813.94s - 2816.3s

I am going to play bagpipes.

Speaker 32817.2s - 2817.7s


Speaker 72818.56s - 2820.36s

All right, where did you get these bagpipes?

Speaker 192820.66s - 2821.06s


Speaker 32821.86s - 2821.88s

You've had them in my bag.

Speaker 72821.88s - 2822.64s

You've had bags.

Speaker 32822.64s - 2824.38s

She's had them forever.

Speaker 72824.38s - 2825.34s

We've had bagpipes.

Speaker 32825.34s - 2825.58s


Speaker 192825.9s - 2829.34s

I pretty much remember that from us creating Coco PERSON together.

Speaker 32829.5s - 2832.24s

All this is sitting there and Coco PERSON just whips out of it.

Speaker 182832.82s - 2835.6s

That is the most faith thing ever.

Speaker 32836.14s - 2838.02s

It will take your action to pull these bagpipes from your pack.

Speaker 192838.04s - 2838.54s

I'm going to.

Speaker 42839.94s - 2841.62s

You can see it's sort of like compacted.

Speaker 32841.66s - 2847.54s

It's like a small bag and then they unfurl the click, click, click, click, and begin to inflate the bag.

Speaker 42847.74s - 2849.5s

So that is, that's going to be your action.

Speaker 162849.84s - 2850.16s


Speaker 182850.16s - 2852.54s

Yeah, it's a like, you have to put the black.

Speaker 162853.48s - 2854.84s

Bonus action bagpipe?

Speaker 182855.04s - 2856.48s

With your, you know what, Adam PERSON?

Speaker 162856.48s - 2860.02s

Because I still have a bonus action because Sluschle PERSON was already out.

Speaker 42860.42s - 2867.2s

With the inspiration of a divine being amongst you, I will allow.

Speaker 62867.2s - 2868.8s

Sorry, you don't need to question you.

Speaker 42868.8s - 2869.2s

It's okay.

Speaker 62869.2s - 2870.9s

No, you are advocating for a player.

Speaker 42870.9s - 2871.7s

That's not questioning you.

Speaker 62871.7s - 2872.9s

That's not a difference.

Speaker 192872.9s - 2878.8s

So I'll absolutely allow your bagpipes to be a quick bonus action and in your action to play it.

Speaker 32878.8s - 2879.8s

Okay, I'm playing.

Speaker 192879.8s - 2880.8s


Speaker 32880.8s - 2882.7s

And it is beautiful, you guys.

Speaker 162882.7s - 2883.8s

Slash, oh yeah.

Speaker 192883.8s - 2884.4s


Speaker 32884.4s - 2885.34s

We're going to roll a performance trick for me. We're going to need a performance trick here. You have advantage? And it is beautiful, you guys. Slash, oh yeah. Terrible.

Speaker 192887.84s - 2888s

We're going to roll a performance trick for me.

Speaker 32889.3s - 2889.38s

We're going to need a performance check here.

Speaker 192891.16s - 2892.14s

You have advantage from the dungeon speed running. Oh, thank you.

Speaker 122892.24s - 2892.8s

Okay, okay.

Speaker 192894.4s - 2894.76s


Speaker 32896.26s - 2896.62s


Speaker 122898.12s - 2898.82s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 192898.82s - 2899.56s

Oh, 19.

Speaker 32900.26s - 2900.78s

All right.

Speaker 192901.5s - 2904.2s

19 versus 18.

Speaker 32904.38s - 2904.82s


Speaker 162904.82s - 2905.32s

Now, you realize that the blood god is, All right. 19 versus 18. Yes.

Speaker 62911.12s - 2911.6s

Now, you realize that the blood god is not charmable,

Speaker 192915.24s - 2915.42s

but this is a distracting thing, and you succeed at that.

Speaker 32916.9s - 2917.08s

He doesn't like music or any?

Speaker 62921.44s - 2921.48s

Yes, especially harmonious or even with bagpipes that are sort of, you know,

Speaker 192922.8s - 2923.64s

a little dissident on occasion.

Speaker 62927.22s - 2928.64s

It's clearly just, and you can see the body sort of reacting to that and sort of that dissonance happening.

Speaker 192929.2s - 2930.76s

So they will be a disadvantage.

Speaker 62931.76s - 2932.48s

Val PERSON's deaf.

Speaker 192932.78s - 2934.3s

I just remember the Val PERSON's dead.

Speaker 02934.3s - 2938.1s

I just remember the Val PERSON and it's like, we.

Speaker 192940.6s - 2941.3s

What's happening?

Speaker 32942.98s - 2947.38s

So the next V-20 PRODUCT role that they have, though, there'll be a disadvantage.

Speaker 192947.84s - 2949.12s

Okay, okay, thanks.

Speaker 52949.12s - 2950.32s

And so Slushy PERSON's turn now.

Speaker 192951.24s - 2953.92s

Okay, so Slushy PERSON takes this as the cue.

Speaker 32954.46s - 2954.66s


Speaker 192954.78s - 2955.82s

Yeah, slushy nose.

Speaker 52955.82s - 2957.42s

To blow cold breath.

Speaker 192957.42s - 2957.78s

Cold air.

Speaker 32958.02s - 2958.78s

I got it!

Speaker 192958.96s - 2964.44s

And he runs 30 feet forward, and as he skids and stops, cold air comes from his mouth.

Speaker 32964.84s - 2966.6s

Make an exterior saving throw at disadvantage.

Speaker 192969.22s - 2971.9s

We're going to call that at 13.

Speaker 62972.52s - 2973.14s

You know what you're saying.

Speaker 32973.14s - 2973.48s

Oh, sorry.

Speaker 62974.14s - 2974.34s


Speaker 32974.84s - 2975.12s


Speaker 62975.3s - 2977.28s

I'm a mother.

Speaker 32978.94s - 2981.54s

Next up is Yuri PERSON.

Speaker 62982.08s - 2982.86s

Oh, what are you?

Speaker 32983.4s - 2986.64s

Just to warn you, we're still a Coco, so just to let you know that...

Speaker 52986.64s - 2987.36s

Oh, yes.

Speaker 192987.52s - 2987.82s


Speaker 32988.36s - 2988.84s


Speaker 192989.22s - 2992.36s

So he succeeds, but still takes half the damage.

Speaker 32993.28s - 2997.18s

And you know it's cold, so just roll regular damage since he'll take double of the half anyway.

Speaker 192998.1s - 2998.9s

So roll 48.

Speaker 82999.4s - 2999.84s


Speaker 193000.64s - 3001.32s

Do you need more D8s?

Speaker 33001.32s - 3002.86s

Yes, thank you.

Speaker 193003.24s - 3003.74s


Speaker 33004.04s - 3004.48s


Speaker 193004.64s - 3006.3s

Thank you. Ohie. Please, thank you.

Speaker 33006.3s - 3008.1s

Oh boy. Yeah.

Speaker 193008.1s - 3010.3s

Three, six, seven.

Speaker 33010.3s - 3012.1s


Speaker 193012.1s - 3014.6s

What's the seven?

Speaker 33014.6s - 3015.9s


Speaker 193015.9s - 3017.4s

14 damage? Great.

Speaker 33017.4s - 3018.4s

Thank you.

Speaker 193018.4s - 3020.9s

That is 14 is the double.

Speaker 33020.9s - 3022.1s

14 is the double.

Speaker 173022.1s - 3024.9s

You took seven, but doubled to 14.

Speaker 193024.9s - 3026.06s

Um, um, uh. 14 is the double. You took seven, but doubled to 14. Um, um,

Speaker 33026.96s - 3027.82s


Speaker 193028.94s - 3030.36s

it is now Yuri PERSON's turn.

Speaker 33031s - 3032.1s

May I?

Speaker 193033.54s - 3036.78s

During Coco PERSON's turn,

Speaker 33036.88s - 3038.34s

could I have taken a legendary action?

Speaker 193038.82s - 3039.94s

Before Coco PERSON's turn?

Speaker 33040.34s - 3040.82s

Yeah, or before.

Speaker 193040.82s - 3041.54s

Yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 143041.74s - 3043.4s

You have a legendary.

Speaker 193043.4s - 3048.28s

So Coco PERSON, right before you do all of what you just did,

Speaker 143049.3s - 3051.76s

Yuri PERSON seems to kick into action.

Speaker 193052.48s - 3053.46s

Why is that before?

Speaker 143053.88s - 3054.64s

Wait, yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 33054.64s - 3056.54s

You can do a legendary action anytime, but.

Speaker 143058.04s - 3060.08s

You can still do it after her turn before her turn.

Speaker 33060.72s - 3063.06s

I think it has to, I mean, I guess,

Speaker 143063.18s - 3066.02s

I guess Yuri PERSON could take one afterwards and then take the regular turn

Speaker 33066.02s - 3066.86s

I believe you can

Speaker 143066.86s - 3068.04s

I thought the rules of

Speaker 63068.04s - 3069.24s

legendary action are just

Speaker 143069.24s - 3071.08s

at the end of anyone's turn

Speaker 63071.08s - 3071.86s

You use that

Speaker 143071.86s - 3073.62s

distraction of the bagpipe

Speaker 63073.62s - 3075.42s

I thought it had to be before

Speaker 143075.42s - 3076.98s

couldn't be before after your turn

Speaker 63076.98s - 3078.52s

but if not I'm totally fine with it

Speaker 143078.52s - 3080.82s

so Cocoa your actions happen

Speaker 63080.82s - 3082.7s

Yuri PERSON before your turn

Speaker 143082.7s - 3083.78s

you are left to turn

Speaker 63083.78s - 3085.46s

you are completely enveloped, which means...

Speaker 143085.46s - 3086.1s

But you hear,

Speaker 63086.42s - 3086.88s


Speaker 143088s - 3091.14s

Is that my sister?

Speaker 33091.8s - 3093.56s

Very lightly through the...

Speaker 53093.56s - 3095.18s

Somehow no immediately.

Speaker 63096.38s - 3097.8s

She's never played him before.

Speaker 53099.26s - 3101.08s

That sounds like something Coco PERSON would do.

Speaker 63101.3s - 3101.92s

It's like a...

Speaker 143101.92s - 3102.7s

It's a family.

Speaker 123103.06s - 3103.78s

It's a Faye-Wong PERSON.

Speaker 43104.94s - 3108.76s

So you have three legendary actions each round.

Speaker 33108.76s - 3110.24s

Each round?

Speaker 143110.24s - 3113.76s

Right. Sometimes the action will take more than one action to take.

Speaker 43113.76s - 3114.76s


Speaker 33114.76s - 3118.5s

Depending on what you want to do, I will indicate to you how many actions it takes.

Speaker 193118.5s - 3120.5s

Okay, well look, this is all very new to me.

Speaker 33120.5s - 3121.5s

Of course.

Speaker 143121.5s - 3123.5s

Could I?

Speaker 33123.5s - 3125.06s

Like you-Josephine PERSON or I... Like you as Josephine?

Speaker 143125.46s - 3126.02s


Speaker 33127.88s - 3128.1s

This is both.

Speaker 63128.74s - 3129.04s


Speaker 43129.52s - 3130.32s

Okay. Cool.

Speaker 53132.62s - 3136.68s

Could I theoretically cast a wall of water

Speaker 63136.68s - 3137.52s

between us?

Speaker 143138.18s - 3139.34s

Between you and the...

Speaker 193139.34s - 3140.82s

To sort of push them off?

Speaker 43140.9s - 3141.58s

Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 53142.16s - 3142.52s


Speaker 143142.86s - 3144.92s

Let me look the spell up real quick.

Speaker 53145.84s - 3146.96s

Me too. That, absolutely. Okay. Let me look the spell up real quick. Me too.

Speaker 143147.34s - 3150.1s

That Wall of water

Speaker 193150.1s - 3151.86s

is a

Speaker 63151.86s - 3153.92s

there it is

Speaker 193153.92s - 3156.16s

a third level spell

Speaker 63156.16s - 3157.54s

of the vacation school

Speaker 43157.54s - 3159.12s


Speaker 193159.12s - 3162.02s

you are, we'll see

Speaker 143162.02s - 3164.22s

if you see this. We'll see what they do and then you may not be

Speaker 33164.22s - 3166s

looking in the right direction. Yeah, may not be looking in the right direction.

Speaker 143166.12s - 3168.06s

They're completely, so yes, you certainly can.

Speaker 33168.16s - 3171.98s

So you create a wall of water on the ground at a point which you can see within range.

Speaker 143172.02s - 3173.32s

You can certainly see the ground below you.

Speaker 33173.7s - 3176.9s

You can make the wall up to 30 feet long, 10 feet high, and one foot thick.

Speaker 143177.02s - 3182.86s

Or you can make a ringed wall up to 20 feet in diameter, 20 feet high, and one foot thick.

Speaker 33183.22s - 3184.64s

The wall vatishes when the spell ends.

Speaker 143184.78s - 3186.56s

The wall's space is difficult to rain. There's additional stuff if there are, yeah, yeah feet high, and one foot thick. The wall vanishes when the spell ends. The wall's space is difficult to rain.

Speaker 33187.6s - 3190.96s

There's additional stuff if there's ranged attacks.

Speaker 143191.44s - 3191.66s


Speaker 193192s - 3193.78s

I'm going to try and just sort of...

Speaker 143193.78s - 3194.16s

The ring?

Speaker 193194.48s - 3194.76s


Speaker 33194.9s - 3198.8s

Let's do the ring and where it's sort of shunted from me, ideally.

Speaker 143199.1s - 3199.26s


Speaker 33200.18s - 3200.62s


Speaker 143200.62s - 3204.66s

Yeah, I'll make that a dexterity saving throw.

Speaker 33206.82s - 3210.7s

Your dexterity saving throws are your spell saving throws plus 10.

Speaker 143212.32s - 3213.52s

Nice. Spell save DC.

Speaker 33213.94s - 3214.1s


Speaker 143214.7s - 3215.18s

That one.

Speaker 93215.74s - 3216.26s


Speaker 33217.7s - 3219.5s

The spell save DC is 27 now.

Speaker 93220.18s - 3223.54s

Yeah, your spell save DC is 27. That's, that's fun.

Speaker 143224.12s - 3224.32s


Speaker 33224.32s - 3225.2s


Speaker 23233.04s - 3233.2s

So you create this 20 foot high, 20 feet wide, and one foot thick wall of ringed water.

Speaker 163233.4s - 3233.46s


Speaker 143243.76s - 3244.12s

And it throws the blood god from you, tossing it into the air as it splashes back down into the lake and begins to undulate up again.

Speaker 33245.58s - 3245.74s

Wait, it's not trapped in the circle?

Speaker 143246.68s - 3247.54s

Then she is no longer... No, it is not...

Speaker 33247.54s - 3247.88s

It is...

Speaker 143247.88s - 3249.68s

You want to put between you and it, right?

Speaker 33250.02s - 3251.8s

Okay, well, yeah, then it can be a wall, I guess.

Speaker 143251.8s - 3252.6s

Do you want to circle around?

Speaker 33252.6s - 3253.84s

You were to circle around it yet.

Speaker 143254.08s - 3255.32s

Around it is...

Speaker 33255.32s - 3257.26s

Oh, I thought you were saying around you to throw it off.

Speaker 143259.38s - 3261.32s

But you mean to lock it in with you.

Speaker 33261.74s - 3263s

No, to basically...

Speaker 143263s - 3264.92s

Does it...

Speaker 53264.92s - 3265s

Whoa, between us and, you know... Yeah, does... If she's making a circle and she's like, to lock it in with you. No, to basically. Does it...

Speaker 43265s - 3266.84s

Whoa, between us and, you know.

Speaker 33266.84s - 3269.6s

Yeah, does, if she's making a circle and she's like,

Speaker 143269.6s - 3271.84s

if this is Yuri PERSON and this is the blood god,

Speaker 33271.84s - 3273.64s

the circle goes like that.

Speaker 43273.64s - 3276.14s

Around it to remove from the correct.

Speaker 143276.14s - 3278.66s

Right, so that's sort of what I have imagined

Speaker 33278.66s - 3280.26s

is throwing it off of her.

Speaker 43280.26s - 3284.06s

So it's no longer encompassed all around you at all.

Speaker 143284.06s - 3286.18s

You're able to toss it off of your form.

Speaker 43286.54s - 3287.98s

It is now your turn.

Speaker 143288.08s - 3289.98s

That was a third level spell.

Speaker 33290.08s - 3290.98s

That cost you one action.

Speaker 143291.56s - 3292.42s

Complex geometry.

Speaker 43293.52s - 3295.82s

Especially of fluids.

Speaker 53295.96s - 3298s

Does that count in last round or this round?

Speaker 43298.04s - 3302.1s

No, that was last round, so your legendary actions reset, and it is now your turn.

Speaker 53302.28s - 3303.78s

It's 20 feet in diameter.

Speaker 43304.62s - 3307.52s

Can we say Valzacca PERSON is within the circle of water with it?

Speaker 53307.66s - 3309.54s

That's up to Yuri PERSON.

Speaker 03309.54s - 3311.04s

And honestly, I might just drop it.

Speaker 63311.12s - 3313.26s

I think I was just trying to get it off of you.

Speaker 43313.46s - 3315.28s

I don't think it serves great purpose.

Speaker 63315.28s - 3317.24s

Otherwise, I'm going to drop it once.

Speaker 43317.4s - 3318.78s

It just pushes it away.

Speaker 63319.7s - 3322.56s

As they are, as this blood god has tossed off,

Speaker 33322.68s - 3327.66s

the ground around Yuri PERSON is covered in that slick blood that you've seen before.

Speaker 143328s - 3329.62s

But Yuri PERSON is not at all.

Speaker 33330.44s - 3330.66s


Speaker 143330.82s - 3331s


Speaker 43331.56s - 3336.28s

I'm going to go with a one-two punch with the love and desire.

Speaker 143336.42s - 3336.58s


Speaker 43337.34s - 3337.86s

Hold on.

Speaker 33338.86s - 3339.74s

Here's my name's my weapon.

Speaker 143340.74s - 3341.38s

All right.

Speaker 63341.38s - 3344.12s

So make two attack rolls forming.

Speaker 203344.38s - 3344.98s


Speaker 03344.98s - 3346.26s

Remember adding 15 to that?

Speaker 63346.32s - 3347.6s

You have advantage on,

Speaker 33347.86s - 3350.82s

you have advantage on the first roll from Braba

Speaker 63350.82s - 3353.24s

and the second roll from the Black Kakari PRODUCT.

Speaker 33353.48s - 3354.2s

Whoa, okay.

Speaker 63354.6s - 3355.18s

Thank you.

Speaker 33355.18s - 3356.44s

Thank you.

Speaker 63358.3s - 3358.74s


Speaker 33362.34s - 3363.74s

Second one was a Nat 20.

Speaker 143363.9s - 3365.72s

I said love and desire.

Speaker 33365.72s - 3366.72s

So love first.

Speaker 143366.72s - 3367.92s

Love first.

Speaker 33367.92s - 3370.12s

Love is 35 to hit.

Speaker 143370.12s - 3374.76s

Okay, that hits for sure.

Speaker 93374.76s - 3376.88s

So you said plus 15?

Speaker 33376.88s - 3378.12s

Plus 15, yeah.

Speaker 83378.12s - 3378.92s


Speaker 33378.92s - 3380.96s

And then the other one's a Nat 20.

Speaker 143380.96s - 3382.48s

Oh, good Lord.

Speaker 03382.48s - 3383.52s

Yeah, that hits.

Speaker 33383.52s - 3384.52s


Speaker 143384.52s - 3388.38s

So what's the damage for your long sword is 2D12.

Speaker 03388.38s - 3388.72s


Speaker 33389.22s - 3391.14s

Plus 10, radiant.

Speaker 03391.34s - 3391.56s


Speaker 33391.78s - 3394.8s

The mace, you choose upon contact with your target,

Speaker 143394.94s - 3396.8s

whether it is cold or fire.

Speaker 33397.1s - 3397.6s


Speaker 143397.72s - 3399.86s

Because desire can be cold or hot.

Speaker 33400.22s - 3401.72s

Remember who Christobald PERSON just yelled.

Speaker 143402.1s - 3402.3s


Speaker 33402.54s - 3403.3s

It doesn't matter now.

Speaker 143403.8s - 3404.7s

It doesn't matter, baby.

Speaker 33404.7s - 3405.62s

In contact now.

Speaker 143406.94s - 3409.9s

I will cleanse this,

Speaker 33410.46s - 3411.4s

Demigod PERSON.

Speaker 143411.46s - 3412.22s

Totally get it.

Speaker 53413.7s - 3416.54s

Your mace is 2D20.

Speaker 143417.1s - 3418.2s


Speaker 53418.32s - 3418.94s

Good word.

Speaker 33418.94s - 3419.82s

But because you crit.

Speaker 53420.38s - 3421.28s

So I'll double that?

Speaker 143421.52s - 3422.6s

In fact, you triple it

Speaker 163422.6s - 3424.66s

because it is a dangerous critical

Speaker 33424.66s - 3425.6s

with your mace.

Speaker 163427.44s - 3429.38s

Guys, godly, godly stats.

Speaker 143429.74s - 3430.18s

God's stats.

Speaker 163430.98s - 3431.68s

They're crazy.

Speaker 143431.88s - 3434.46s

This is not even, like, we would be here for three hours

Speaker 33434.46s - 3437.52s

if we went through all the abilities that you could make a major god.

Speaker 163437.52s - 3442s

Okay, so the sword, the love does 27.

Speaker 33442.62s - 3442.86s


Speaker 143443.64s - 3446.68s

And, um, oh my gosh. The mace. 27. Okay. And, oh my gosh.

Speaker 33447.32s - 3447.34s

The mace.

Speaker 143447.34s - 3448.26s

You do 3.

Speaker 33448.26s - 3449.02s

40, 20.

Speaker 143449.26s - 3450.06s


Speaker 33450.06s - 3450.96s


Speaker 143451.26s - 3452.56s

Well, I don't just triple

Speaker 63452.56s - 3452.94s

what it.

Speaker 143452.94s - 3453.8s

You can just triple it

Speaker 33453.8s - 3454.52s

just to make it easier

Speaker 143454.52s - 3455.36s

for, since it's a show,

Speaker 63455.44s - 3455.92s

call it out.

Speaker 143456.22s - 3456.38s


Speaker 33456.46s - 3457.78s

Oh, maybe I should roll them.

Speaker 143457.9s - 3458.4s

Let me do it.

Speaker 33458.46s - 3458.82s

Roll them.

Speaker 143460.04s - 3460.62s

What were the first two?

Speaker 93460.64s - 3461.58s

I enjoy math problems.

Speaker 33461.78s - 3463.24s

No, I mean, I think I got it

Speaker 93463.24s - 3466.18s

because it's 15, three times, so it's 45.

Speaker 33466.18s - 3468.78s

45 plus your 10 on top of that.

Speaker 93468.78s - 3469.08s


Speaker 33469.08s - 3469.68s


Speaker 43469.68s - 3471.34s

55 cold.

Speaker 143472s - 3481.92s

Which, you all just watched Yuri PERSON sluff off this coagulated blood god.

Speaker 43482.16s - 3486.36s

It's to describe the smells and the energy around

Speaker 143486.36s - 3488.1s

you, all of

Speaker 33488.1s - 3489.5s

this is very exhausting.

Speaker 43490.24s - 3491.76s

Right? It's, the

Speaker 33491.76s - 3494.2s

essence around you has fallen with blood rain.

Speaker 143494.32s - 3496.08s

There's these methods that are now starting

Speaker 33496.08s - 3515.08s

to burn through the protective layer above you and begin to slowly flap onto the ground, though not moving yet. But these, she sluffs this blood god off of her, back into the lake. And as it rises, she pulls both of her weapons, slicing and smashing at the same time.

Speaker 43515.54s - 3528.92s

And as desire embeds itself in the blood god's bulbous head tentacle. Blah. It splats everywhere.

Speaker 33528.92s - 3532.96s

Blood no longer coagulated into water.

Speaker 183532.96s - 3540s

And what in front of you is a three foot roiling mass

Speaker 33542.12s - 3543.88s

of black ooze.

Speaker 23543.88s - 3545.56s

Oh, oh, yeah. I know, I'm excited. of black ooze. Oh.

Speaker 33546.72s - 3547.36s


Speaker 23547.88s - 3548.72s

I know.

Speaker 33548.98s - 3549.96s

I'm excited.

Speaker 63552.42s - 3553.86s


Speaker 83554.16s - 3554.38s


Speaker 63554.7s - 3555.06s


Speaker 83555.18s - 3555.5s


Speaker 43556.96s - 3559.72s

Otto PERSON was like in a hospital show pushing the gurney.

Speaker 83559.72s - 3562.76s

You hear.

Speaker 203564.06s - 3566.88s

A few of these methods have fallen on the ground

Speaker 83566.88s - 3569.28s

and they begin to pick themselves up

Speaker 33569.28s - 3573.26s

And as I described before, it's as if their skin is this same black ooze

Speaker 63573.26s - 3574.68s

And as they pick themselves off the ground

Speaker 33574.68s - 3578.68s

That ooze off their face as they pick themselves up

Speaker 63578.68s - 3581.9s

And you can see what is meth-it bones as they sort of walk

Speaker 33581.9s - 3588.32s

And they look as if slime is off of this black ooze slime dripping from their bones.

Speaker 203588.32s - 3602.5s

And as Uri PERSON separates the coagulated blood god from this corruptive essence, they all scream and melt.

Speaker 33603.14s - 3603.34s


Speaker 43603.64s - 3603.94s


Speaker 33604.94s - 3611.64s

The moon above you stops its movement towards you.

Speaker 63611.74s - 3616.4s

That vast unheavenly body in the sky no longer speeding toward you.

Speaker 33617.08s - 3629.5s

And it is huge, taking up almost the entire sky above you until suddenly it also explodes in the sky behind it a very large

Speaker 63629.5s - 3635.68s

white crescent moon. Okay. That's good good news.

Speaker 33635.68s - 3640.24s

The blob did? No, the moon. The moon. The moon above you, the blood moon.

Speaker 63640.24s - 3645.02s

The blood, the blob is still. The blobs, they all melted in the ground.

Speaker 33650.22s - 3651.04s

All that remains is the sphere of undulating corruption.

Speaker 143654.18s - 3654.34s

And that is where we can stop our initiative.

Speaker 33654.66s - 3655.94s


Speaker 63656.36s - 3657.18s


Speaker 33657.76s - 3657.9s


Speaker 123662.18s - 3662.34s

I think that you have to do what you did to remove Christopold PERSON's corruption.

Speaker 33663.46s - 3676.3s

That's corrupted matter. That's the reason all of this is happening. I know the blood God wouldn't do that because we all have blood. That is quite a lot of corruption. I am not sure I can hold all of it. Can we store it in something?

Speaker 163678.68s - 3679.14s

I can make it and can I stand up?

Speaker 33680.18s - 3698.24s

I assume I'm unfrozen. Yes, of course, of course. Is there clean water at all? The lake is now, again, as as Yuri PERSON described before, a crystal clear lake. Underneath it, beautiful coral with teeming life, seem to return, exiting from the coral and beginning to swim around. Great.

Speaker 143698.24s - 3699.24s

I can help.

Speaker 163699.24s - 3701.24s

Yari PERSON, whoa.

Speaker 143701.24s - 3703.24s

Whatever you're going to do.

Speaker 163703.24s - 3710.24s

No, I've got, Cristobal PERSON just reaches down, pulls up a handfuls of water, creates a five-foot cube around it, and freezes it. Great.

Speaker 33710.8s - 3715.56s

And it freezes solid and thunks on the marble dock.

Speaker 163716.08s - 3717.84s

Do we have a bag of holding I do know?

Speaker 33717.94s - 3720s

We do, but I'm not putting that in my bag.

Speaker 43720.2s - 3720.52s


Speaker 13720.88s - 3722.16s

Because it's all gicky.

Speaker 33722.66s - 3724.5s

You're, do you cure it?

Speaker 13724.5s - 3725.04s

Can we shrink?

Speaker 163725.1s - 3726.8s

Wait, wait, wait.

Speaker 33727.82s - 3729s

What happened?

Speaker 163729s - 3729.58s

Oh my God.

Speaker 13730.16s - 3731.46s

Literally, oh my God.

Speaker 33731.46s - 3740.52s

I was going up to that. If you want, Yuri PERSON, your full plate armor can come off in small pieces and sort of float and turn into flowers and disappear.

Speaker 63741.22s - 3741.82s


Speaker 143742.86s - 3745.22s

It's as if those metal pieces,

Speaker 63746.76s - 3748.56s

as those metal pieces you saw before as she moved, clanged onto her body,

Speaker 143748.74s - 3752.76s

they now seem to slightly float off of their skin

Speaker 63752.76s - 3755.94s

and, again, sort of morph into beautiful flowers

Speaker 33755.94s - 3757.3s

and butterflies and disappear.

Speaker 143757.54s - 3758.42s


Speaker 163758.78s - 3760.94s

Did you, I'm sorry, real quick,

Speaker 123760.98s - 3762.34s

did you absorb Toshi PERSON?

Speaker 163762.7s - 3773.98s

Yes. Got it. Yeah. Sorry, so whatever was. I just wanted, real quick. Did you absorb Toshi PERSON? Yes. Got it. End the jump. Yeah. Sorry, so whatever was. I just wanted to clarify that.Yes.

Speaker 143774.74s - 3778.7s

Well, I had some memories come back to me. Yeah?

Speaker 123779.86s - 3781.64s

You all saw what I saw.

Speaker 143781.98s - 3784.56s

I just saw falling and light and dark.

Speaker 23784.56s - 3786.5s

I did, but I don't think I understood.

Speaker 143786.92s - 3787.6s

And smells.

Speaker 123788.16s - 3788.96s

Somebody smells.

Speaker 143789.76s - 3790.96s

Are you okay?

Speaker 23790.96s - 3794.2s

Did you not understand what we saw?

Speaker 123796.2s - 3796.64s

Lumbra PERSON?

Speaker 143798.48s - 3803.9s

When Val PERSON says that, a dark shadowy spiral begins to form

Speaker 33803.9s - 3817.28s

until you see what looks like the form of umbrith standing next to Yuri PERSON as you last saw them. The black smoke-skinned teethling. Its eyes white, no pupils.

Speaker 143818.44s - 3842.94s

You see, when I entered this world at first, their essences were freed from them, given to me in a way, given, taken. Yeah. And I forgot for a bit, I think they chose to have me forget.

Speaker 33842.94s - 3855.86s

From the form of Umbrith PERSON, a prophecy erupts. Okay, dokie. Okay, opening notes.

Speaker 173855.86s - 3858.04s

Crystal Ball's PERSON dropping to his knees, by the way.

Speaker 143858.14s - 3859.58s

Oh, no. Oh, my God.

Speaker 33859.58s - 3863.32s

In twilight shadow, child's birth learned.

Speaker 163864.58s - 3870.44s

A watery secret. A quarter-wish turneded, with water's clarity,

Speaker 33871.18s - 3881.2s

revealed the fate. Behold not but a birth, an open gate. A cry echoes the walls as the shadows

Speaker 143881.2s - 3886.9s

stir unseen, the innocent vessel for a blight unclean.

Speaker 33887.62s - 3890.16s

Heaned ye, seekers of the morrow.

Speaker 83890.36s - 3891.6s

Don't think about it. Don't write it.

Speaker 33891.72s - 3896.74s

Beware, in his first breath, the world's despair.

Speaker 83897.5s - 3900.62s

When that prophecy finishes, that prophecy is brought to you by...

Speaker 33902.72s - 3903.32s

Where is it?

Speaker 173903.6s - 3905.18s

Can you airdrop us that?

Speaker 33905.18s - 3907.56s

Yeah, that sounds a long time.

Speaker 173907.56s - 3909.56s

All of these and I'm gonna give them to me.

Speaker 63909.56s - 3911.64s

Couldn't keep up, yep.

Speaker 173911.64s - 3915.68s

That prophecy was brought to you by the likes of C-Tar

Speaker 63915.68s - 3918.02s

and the Dungeon Speed Run EVENT.

Speaker 93918.02s - 3918.98s

Thank you.

Speaker 173918.98s - 3920.18s

Thank you.

Speaker 93920.18s - 3924.6s

Um, I don't know what any of that means.

Speaker 173924.6s - 3928.06s

Uh-huh. Do I feel like I can, I don't know what any of that means.

Speaker 93930.52s - 3933.52s

Do I feel like I could end that corruption,

Speaker 03933.68s - 3936.4s

like that corruption can be destroyed?

Speaker 33937.18s - 3941.06s

You recall, from an experience you had in a one shot

Speaker 123941.06s - 3943.32s

where you saw the birth of a fetid father,

Speaker 143943.32s - 3947.06s

you know that love destroys corruption.

Speaker 63948.22s - 3948.8s


Speaker 33949.98s - 3953s

But your weapons also named love.

Speaker 143953.3s - 3954.36s

How convenient.

Speaker 123956s - 3956.52s

Ah, yes.

Speaker 143957.66s - 3959.92s

Forgive me for not recognizing you.

Speaker 123960.02s - 3961.54s

I did not mean any disrespect.

Speaker 143962.04s - 3965.54s

You do not have to get on your knees for me, Christopal PERSON.

Speaker 33968.08s - 3969.04s

Or you can.

Speaker 123969.22s - 3969.94s

I don't mind it.

Speaker 143970.18s - 3971.7s

Truly, this is different.

Speaker 123972.3s - 3973.68s

I'm looking at Umbrith PERSON.

Speaker 63974.06s - 3975.26s

This hasn't happened before.

Speaker 73975.38s - 3977.08s

Now that you're actually looking at Umbrith PERSON,

Speaker 123977.16s - 3979.36s

you can see that as Uri PERSON speaks,

Speaker 153979.6s - 3981.6s

their mouth moves the same words.

Speaker 143981.86s - 3984.7s

You just hear no sound coming from them.

Speaker 33984.7s - 3987.48s

Yeah, so then my head immediately goes back down.

Speaker 143988.02s - 3992.02s

And as you kneel, a swirling cloud of white,

Speaker 33992.8s - 3999.04s

light begins to form what is the Asimar version of Luminath PERSON.

Speaker 143999.62s - 4003.04s

Also, the same, mouth moving with the same words,

Speaker 164003.14s - 4004.82s

but no sound coming from it.

Speaker 144005.12s - 4008.38s


Speaker 164008.38s - 4010.12s

I'm confused.

Speaker 34010.34s - 4012.62s

Yeah, can...

Speaker 124012.62s - 4015.82s

You are the avatar for Lundra PERSON?

Speaker 94018.22s - 4018.78s


Speaker 34020.28s - 4027.36s

But you're the avatar, but you now have Toshi PERSON's essence as well.

Speaker 124028.36s - 4029.4s

That's true.

Speaker 64030.62s - 4032.6s

Light, shadow, water.

Speaker 124035.46s - 4037.04s

Something new, perhaps.

Speaker 154038.06s - 4042.46s

You must be incredibly remarkable to be able to hold so much.

Speaker 124043.78s - 4048.12s

Well, it's not, it's a Fay PERSON thing, really.

Speaker 154049.24s - 4050.72s

We break the rules of it, you see.

Speaker 124053.28s - 4054.5s

You have it in you.

Speaker 144055.62s - 4057.98s

It's so scary, though.

Speaker 204058.82s - 4060.84s

That makes sense.

Speaker 144062.04s - 4063.46s

What makes sense?

Speaker 124063.52s - 4065.12s

No, please, please elaborate gas.

Speaker 144065.12s - 4066.32s

Go ahead, guys, please.

Speaker 34066.32s - 4068.88s

I would love more information from you.

Speaker 174068.88s - 4069.56s

Please, forgive me.

Speaker 34069.56s - 4072s

The amount of sense is really limited.

Speaker 174072s - 4073.76s

Forgive me, Father.

Speaker 124073.76s - 4078s

The rules are, as you well know, are,

Speaker 174080.16s - 4084.24s

the primogeny must embody and pass down genetically.

Speaker 154085.06s - 4091.6s

Without a genetic follow, they cannot cordently attach to any other creature.

Speaker 34093.26s - 4101.48s

Yuri PERSON is different, in that they are not from this plane, they are not even from this reality.

Speaker 154102.68s - 4108.4s

It must be that they can break the rules. If you are Archfay NORP,

Speaker 14108.4s - 4122.66s

as you say you are, that would make sense. Power greater than our own. What with who our parents are?

Speaker 124123.4s - 4126.48s

And then gas teams, you see a look of

Speaker 14126.48s - 4133.76s

astonishment or even gas face as if they have realized something that brings them joy. You

Speaker 124133.76s - 4144.24s

have ascended, just as Mab and Thelshin PERSON have. It would appear so.

Speaker 154144.24s - 4146.88s

Bower to be. Does it so to be

Speaker 14146.88s - 4148.88s

to be

Speaker 124148.88s - 4149.62s

a pancake

Speaker 14149.62s - 4150.8s

on the ground

Speaker 124150.8s - 4152.76s

to be one of the gods

Speaker 14152.76s - 4153.82s

does it hurt

Speaker 34153.82s - 4154.34s


Speaker 64154.34s - 4156.44s


Speaker 34156.44s - 4159.18s

no I feel much the same

Speaker 144159.18s - 4160.04s


Speaker 34160.04s - 4161.9s


Speaker 144161.9s - 4164.34s

it's a bit

Speaker 124164.34s - 4166.1s

will you like float now

Speaker 94166.1s - 4166.64s


Speaker 124166.64s - 4169.18s

Mara PERSON what happened to Mara

Speaker 144169.18s - 4172.02s

Mara PERSON is

Speaker 04172.02s - 4172.92s


Speaker 174172.92s - 4174.38s


Speaker 04174.38s - 4176.64s

An umbrith form again swirls in shadow

Speaker 174176.64s - 4178s

in what appears is Mara

Speaker 144178s - 4181s

we are

Speaker 04181s - 4183.1s

one so to speak

Speaker 144183.1s - 4187.86s

you just became one with a lot of things.

Speaker 24188.02s - 4190.82s

Well, it's not really so different than usual, is it?

Speaker 144190.98s - 4195.8s

I was just going to say you have always sort of contained like multitudes.

Speaker 34197.02s - 4201.72s

In a weird way, it makes sense, I think.

Speaker 144203.06s - 4206.64s

Yuri PERSON, is that what I call, you're Yuri, right?

Speaker 194206.64s - 4209.92s

Otto, you can always call me Yuri PERSON.

Speaker 94209.92s - 4212.88s

Okay, because I don't think I could call you like,

Speaker 144212.88s - 4214.58s

God of lumber.

Speaker 194214.58s - 4216.42s

I, that's like too much.

Speaker 124216.42s - 4219.7s

Oh, no, lumber, that's not, that's not, yeah, anyway.

Speaker 144219.7s - 4221.26s

What do we call you?

Speaker 124221.26s - 4222.52s

Yuri PERSON, right?

Speaker 144222.52s - 4223.8s


Speaker 124223.8s - 4225.26s

You're all my friends, Yuri PERSON, it's good. Can me? I'm gonna, right? Oh. You're all my friends.

Speaker 174225.54s - 4226.34s


Speaker 124226.9s - 4227.7s

It's good.

Speaker 174229.26s - 4229.9s

I'm gonna... Okay.

Speaker 124231.46s - 4234.16s

There's nothing in there, but that was...

Speaker 174234.96s - 4238.64s

I like to slide because it is now an icy block,

Speaker 124238.78s - 4242.16s

and I'm imagining, you know, like, that Nintendo, that Mario game

Speaker 174242.16s - 4244.84s

where there's, like, penguins and they're pushing ice.

Speaker 144245.2s - 4245.4s

Yep. Yes. Yep.

Speaker 174245.46s - 4245.82s


Speaker 144246.32s - 4246.64s


Speaker 124246.92s - 4250.96s

But also, what is your mother's name?

Speaker 84251.86s - 4252.7s

I don't know.

Speaker 64252.76s - 4253.38s

He doesn't know.

Speaker 144253.6s - 4255.3s

Okay, but that place, but...

Speaker 64255.3s - 4255.98s

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 124256.04s - 4256.54s

Near you, right?

Speaker 64256.84s - 4256.86s


Speaker 164256.86s - 4257.8s

That just reminds it.

Speaker 144257.84s - 4259.26s

I'm going to cast mass heel.

Speaker 124259.46s - 4260.06s

Mass heel.

Speaker 144260.14s - 4260.38s


Speaker 164260.84s - 4262.66s

On everyone.

Speaker 124263.4s - 4263.64s


Speaker 144263.64s - 4268s

Just healed. Okay. on everyone just... Yuri PERSON, looking at the floating...

Speaker 164268s - 4273s

On the floating disk, the body of Christobald PERSON's water genocci mother who is unconscious

Speaker 144273s - 4278s

slaps her hands together and a boom!

Speaker 84278s - 4281s

Reverberates out from them.

Speaker 124281s - 4283s

It cast mass heal.

Speaker 84283s - 4285.1s

It should heal everyone at 700 hit points.

Speaker 124285.34s - 4285.62s

Good. Oh, sorry.

Speaker 144286.18s - 4287.26s

What are you joking?

Speaker 34287.6s - 4289.22s

Just for clarity.

Speaker 144289.54s - 4291.6s

It is a ninth level spell.

Speaker 34292.3s - 4295.4s

A flood of healing energy flows from you into injured creatures around you.

Speaker 144295.52s - 4297.24s

You restore up to 700 hit points,

Speaker 34297.66s - 4301.24s

divided as you choose among any number of creatures that you can see within range.

Speaker 144301.76s - 4302.28s

Can I ask?

Speaker 34302.28s - 4304.12s

Can we have extra hit points?

Speaker 144304.28s - 4307s

Creatures healed by this spell are also cured

Speaker 34307s - 4310.8s

of all diseases and any effect making them blind or deafened.

Speaker 144310.8s - 4314s

This spell has no effect on undead or constructs.

Speaker 94314s - 4316s

Val PERSON finally.

Speaker 64316s - 4318s

Val PERSON's been watching.

Speaker 34318s - 4321s

When he goes blind, he can see any here through the echo.

Speaker 84321s - 4322s

But yes, yeah.

Speaker 34322s - 4325.62s

But the echo disappears and Val PERSON finishes walking down.

Speaker 64329.7s - 4330.48s

Chris Ball PERSON, that was very clearly a very powerful spell that you,

Speaker 44331.12s - 4335.34s

wish level.

Speaker 64337.08s - 4337.62s

What were you asking? Sorry.

Speaker 44346.38s - 4348.26s

I was going to ask if you could help the blood god I know that we he's

Speaker 34348.26s - 4351.76s

been not great but also

Speaker 44351.76s - 4354.66s

blood is life we need

Speaker 34354.66s - 4356.5s

wait but was that the blood god

Speaker 144356.5s - 4357.94s

or I do think that it was corrupted

Speaker 124357.94s - 4359.92s

right right because whether the

Speaker 204359.92s - 4362.08s

what was at the center of it was

Speaker 124362.08s - 4364.54s

the black ooze the frozen

Speaker 144364.54s - 4365.68s

I'll point down to the block.

Speaker 124365.84s - 4368s

So can we cure that?

Speaker 144368.26s - 4368.9s

Mara PERSON says,

Speaker 124369.84s - 4373.56s

it was a mimic.

Speaker 204375.4s - 4377.7s

Corruption mimicking water,

Speaker 124378.74s - 4384.62s

taking its form, using its powers to corrupt.

Speaker 34386.84s - 4387.2s

So that wasn't even the real blood god,

Speaker 124388.9s - 4389.9s

or promogeny, it was just a mimic?

Speaker 14392.9s - 4393.72s

I do not believe there is a god of blood.

Speaker 34394.2s - 4394.56s


Speaker 04398.94s - 4399.1s

I don't, is there like a list or like, there is?

Speaker 34399.4s - 4399.44s


Speaker 04400.2s - 4401.16s

Do you have it?

Speaker 164401.82s - 4401.98s

Do you know this?

Speaker 34402.26s - 4403.26s


Speaker 04403.88s - 4404.22s

Christopal PERSON!

Speaker 164405.38s - 4405.46s

You've had this with the entire time.

Speaker 04406.42s - 4406.5s

You're like, Sharon PERSON, what do you think?

Speaker 34407.36s - 4407.44s

There's like a blood god?

Speaker 04408.7s - 4408.82s

You're like, oh yeah, there's a blood god there.

Speaker 164410s - 4410.56s

You saw it too.

Speaker 04411.26s - 4411.36s

What do you mean?

Speaker 164414.84s - 4415.36s

When we were in the far north and we were in the tower.

Speaker 04415.7s - 4416.22s


Speaker 164417.08s - 4419.98s

What are you talking about? Yeah, there was a whole bunch of statues, remember?

Speaker 04420.14s - 4420.42s


Speaker 124420.92s - 4422.18s

Okay, well, there was...

Speaker 164422.18s - 4423.7s

Wait, the one that was sunken underneath the eyes.

Speaker 124423.8s - 4424.12s


Speaker 94425.12s - 4426.78s

I legit don't think you were there for that.

Speaker 44427.66s - 4429.16s

Might have been in the...

Speaker 94429.16s - 4430.7s

Yeah, you were in...

Speaker 44430.7s - 4433.02s

Jason Charles Miller PERSON was there.

Speaker 164433.02s - 4435.56s

Oh, sorry.

Speaker 34435.86s - 4436.26s

It's okay.

Speaker 94437.3s - 4437.78s


Speaker 34437.78s - 4440.18s

Do you want to catch Ottawa GPE?

Speaker 44440.18s - 4442.08s

But I don't even...

Speaker 34442.08s - 4443.42s

I remember...

Speaker 64443.42s - 4445.22s

There was venom. Right. Water. Oh, right. Because it's I remember. There was venom.

Speaker 44445.86s - 4446.26s


Speaker 64446.48s - 4446.9s


Speaker 44447.08s - 4447.6s

Oh, right.

Speaker 164447.98s - 4448.48s

I was water.

Speaker 44448.48s - 4448.54s


Speaker 164449.54s - 4449.96s


Speaker 124450.96s - 4451.48s


Speaker 164452.52s - 4454.1s

Light? No.

Speaker 34455.34s - 4457.18s

The elements. Yes. Light.

Speaker 164457.98s - 4458.54s

And shadow.

Speaker 34458.8s - 4460.36s

Which is umbra and luminous.

Speaker 164460.36s - 4462.66s

The seven elements of this world.

Speaker 124462.9s - 4463.26s


Speaker 144464.12s - 4465.48s

Please rise. Okay. I'll take Christopal PERSON's hands this world. Oh. Please rise.

Speaker 124466.68s - 4468.64s

I'll take Christopal PERSON's hands.

Speaker 34468.96s - 4471.66s

Wait, okay, I'm looking at the two.

Speaker 124473.78s - 4475.8s

Is Lumbra here right now?

Speaker 144476.16s - 4476.42s

No, no.

Speaker 44476.96s - 4480.64s

Lumbra PERSON, Lumbra is within me.

Speaker 144480.64s - 4483.28s

They are the avatar of Lumbra.

Speaker 44483.4s - 4483.96s


Speaker 144485.2s - 4490.5s

They're just like best friends. If you need something, if you need a new name, you call me. They are the avatar of Lumbra. No. They're just like best friends. If you need something, if you need a new, you call me the god

Speaker 64490.5s - 4491.88s

of changing tides.

Speaker 144492.1s - 4495.74s

Ah, it's hard for me to, okay, God of changing sand.

Speaker 154495.74s - 4496.54s

Yeah, that's a nice casual way.

Speaker 144496.54s - 4498.44s

I mean, like a normal chum.

Speaker 124499.04s - 4504.8s

But I just mean, Lumbra PERSON is not really here anymore.

Speaker 154505s - 4505.76s

It's contained within me. Because there is no. I mean, Lumbra PERSON is not really here anymore.

Speaker 144508.3s - 4512.5s

It's contained within me. Because there is no, you are, yeah,

Speaker 64512.5s - 4517.6s

sort of like how Medellon PERSON absorbed a god before

Speaker 144517.6s - 4520.4s

and became something different, his own symbol.

Speaker 124520.4s - 4523.8s

I think you are your own thing now that you can take,

Speaker 144523.8s - 4527.44s

you didn't consume Lumbra PERSON or anything like that but it's kind of like the same thing

Speaker 124527.44s - 4536.48s

Mara looks at Otto PERSON and says I know why we like you oh my god I forgot you were here

Speaker 34537.68s - 4546s

you're so pretty too okay I you are so handsome this I, I... Go easy on him, please.

Speaker 124546s - 4548s

You are absolving a lot.

Speaker 24548s - 4551s

Um, Lombra PERSON,

Speaker 124551s - 4553s

you said correctly.

Speaker 24553s - 4559s

I, uh, I've always had many beings within me,

Speaker 124559s - 4562s

many personas, one could say.

Speaker 24562s - 4567.06s

Lumbra PERSON was driven mad by this.

Speaker 124568.06s - 4570.26s

The opposition of light and shadow,

Speaker 204570.98s - 4574.14s

forever bound as an energy source,

Speaker 124575.36s - 4577.88s

repelled from one other like magnetism.

Speaker 144579.06s - 4584.5s

Oh, they couldn't contain it without that affliction.

Speaker 124585.62s - 4591.88s

And part of that is why they almost acquiesced to me,

Speaker 144593.1s - 4594.58s

as opposed to taking over.

Speaker 124594.58s - 4596.74s

Mara PERSON begins to speak in a prophecy.

Speaker 144598.12s - 4601.7s

In shadows cast by a newborn's light,

Speaker 204603.04s - 4606s

the moon's face high in the night.

Speaker 144606s - 4610s

From falling stars' corruptions embrace,

Speaker 34610s - 4614s

the child shielded from the cosmos to base.

Speaker 144614s - 4619s

A paradox born from sacrifice, Daya PERSON,

Speaker 34619s - 4623s

the arrival of an other-worldly fire,

Speaker 144623s - 4630.1s

falling through black and white and gray, absorbed the madness and made it right.

Speaker 34632.66s - 4633.14s


Speaker 124635.66s - 4653.16s

So you fixed, not fixed, changed things. You are, I think what was different from the timelines that failed, right?

Speaker 34654.08s - 4656.4s

That prophecy is brought you by Abba Gil Deborah PERSON. Thank you.

Speaker 124656.4s - 4665.88s

Now they are, if I am understanding, you are three primaginy at this point.

Speaker 154666.08s - 4671.08s

Your light, dark, and Toshi.

Speaker 124671.34s - 4673.32s

But those don't exist anymore.

Speaker 154673.76s - 4675.52s

They do within Yuri PERSON.

Speaker 124675.68s - 4677.74s

It's just the changing tides.

Speaker 154679.44s - 4680.2s

That's singular.

Speaker 124681.5s - 4682.6s

A singular force.

Speaker 34684.24s - 4686.44s

In the world, Mora says. In this world, Mara PERSON says.

Speaker 24687.58s - 4692.6s

In this world, essences form personalities

Speaker 34692.6s - 4694.94s

when they are bonded with an avatar.

Speaker 24696.18s - 4697.46s

Outside of an avatar,

Speaker 34698.7s - 4703.94s

their personalities are ever-changing with the element they embody.

Speaker 24710.26s - 4723.28s

Absorbing light and shadow and Toshy results in a new being. Okay. So then umbraith and luminous are gone.

Speaker 34723.28s - 4725.4s

They're still here if you want them to be. Can I turn into the half and Umbraith and luminous are gone.

Speaker 24727.36s - 4727.9s

They're still here if you want them to be.

Speaker 154729.9s - 4730.78s

Can I turn into the half and half? Sure, absolutely.

Speaker 24731.2s - 4734.64s

One half of them is Tiefling, one half of them is Asimon PERSON.

Speaker 154734.74s - 4737.8s

But it is not them, it is now you.

Speaker 24738.64s - 4741.36s

It was never them, Christopal PERSON.

Speaker 154742.08s - 4744.12s

It was always us.

Speaker 94747.12s - 4748.72s

Wait, you just said that.

Speaker 144748.72s - 4749.72s


Speaker 34749.72s - 4750.72s


Speaker 154750.72s - 4752.76s

I changed back to your eight.

Speaker 34752.76s - 4754.76s

Christopal PERSON is going to stand up.

Speaker 24754.76s - 4767.16s

They've been, those essences were absorbed when I arrived to the city of class before I met you.

Speaker 34771.36s - 4776.78s

We had no knowledge until now.

Speaker 174781.48s - 4785s

Were the gods ever really helpful, Christopal PERSON?

Speaker 144785s - 4792s

Yes. They brought me back to life.

Speaker 164792s - 4793s


Speaker 94793s - 4798s

It is one of a few things I thought I had.

Speaker 144798s - 4801s

You still live.

Speaker 34801s - 4807s

Brought back by the remaining essences of Lumerath PERSON and Lumbra.

Speaker 144807s - 4808s


Speaker 154808s - 4812s

And yet I was putting my faith in a...

Speaker 24812s - 4818s

not a lie, but not in a truth.

Speaker 34818s - 4822s

Well, Lumbra PERSON was a truth as you.

Speaker 24822s - 4825.38s

Was, but not has been.

Speaker 34825.88s - 4827.38s

Not since I have known them.

Speaker 24828.22s - 4829.68s

You understand, right?

Speaker 34829.8s - 4832.6s

That I have ostensibly been...

Speaker 154836.6s - 4837.4s


Speaker 94838.76s - 4842.02s

They still do exist within me.

Speaker 154843.52s - 4845.16s

They are still here.

Speaker 144846.04s - 4846.22s


Speaker 154847.34s - 4849.52s

That which you worshipped exists

Speaker 24849.52s - 4851.6s

only changed.

Speaker 154852.64s - 4855.58s

Did you know this was going to happen?

Speaker 24858.42s - 4860s

As we've...

Speaker 154861.5s - 4862.6s

I knew

Speaker 144862.6s - 4864.28s

things were changing

Speaker 24864.28s - 4866.26s

as we arrived in the gauntlet.

Speaker 34867.42s - 4871s

The prophecies, it's like it was stirring something within me.

Speaker 24871.26s - 4874.38s

Um, how come you didn't warn me? We took a whole bath together.

Speaker 34875.3s - 4878.84s

Well, I didn't know fully.

Speaker 24879.64s - 4880.62s

But you knew something.

Speaker 34883.46s - 4892.02s

It's like you're not even you anymore. I am me. I am. As we have always been.

Speaker 94893.48s - 4904.44s

Understanding the weight and shifting feelings that Christabel PERSON, because like we've been

Speaker 174904.44s - 4905.98s

traveling for a really long time, I understand

Speaker 34905.98s - 4915.26s

your body language. I understand how much, well, no, but understanding how much Lumbra PERSON had been

Speaker 144915.26s - 4932.24s

involved in your teaching of me. I'm going to walk up to Christopal PERSON and I'm going to say everything you're feeling right now is important and it matters.

Speaker 174933.6s - 4936.84s

And I'm so sorry.

Speaker 144938.06s - 4942.72s

I'm so sorry that that.

Speaker 174944.96s - 4954.46s

And I think overwhelmed and not knowing how to comfort him, but knowing that I just want to be like a human right now in this moment.

Speaker 144954.6s - 4958.12s

I'm going to attempt to hug you if that's okay.

Speaker 174958.28s - 4960.02s

And you don't have to hug me back.

Speaker 144960.82s - 4965.92s

But I like to, if you do recoil, I like to just kind of put my hand on you.

Speaker 24966.2s - 4967.52s

Yeah, he'll probably pull back.

Speaker 124967.64s - 4968.18s

That's why I figured.

Speaker 24969.14s - 4970.28s

I put my hand on your arm.

Speaker 124971.2s - 4976.04s

And I say, that doesn't change the things you've done on your own.

Speaker 64976.98s - 4979.24s

It doesn't change the person you are now.

Speaker 124979.72s - 4980.66s

It doesn't change.

Speaker 164981.98s - 4990.32s

Are gods, you are who you are because of you, Christopal PERSON. You are bold, you are kind,

Speaker 124990.32s - 5005.68s

you are smart. Lumber ORG didn't do that. You did that. I care about you so much. You've taught me so much. Lumber ORG didn't teach me anything you did. And I'm so sorry that this hurts.

Speaker 25005.68s - 5012.54s

Now I know that Lumbra PERSON did not make me.

Speaker 35012.54s - 5017.38s

Their will is not what made me.

Speaker 25017.38s - 5021.06s

You did.

Speaker 35021.06s - 5026s

I am here because of you. Gastifer PERSON. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah. I am here because of you.

Speaker 125028.22s - 5029.34s

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 65029.86s - 5030.26s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 35030.82s - 5031.44s

I think... Got you, got you, got you, yeah.

Speaker 125034.74s - 5042.9s

I do not understand these feelings you are all experiencing.

Speaker 65044.46s - 5048.28s

Perhaps I am even beginning to understand

Speaker 35048.28s - 5070.32s

slightly what it is to have feelings. I also am saddened, disappointed. But now we have someone on our side.

Speaker 65070.32s - 5075.32s

You yourself mentioned many times, Father,

Speaker 35075.32s - 5090.3s

that having the gods on your side is important. They decide for us. Now, and forgive me if I'm wrong, Yuri PERSON. You have lived and know the life of a mortal.

Speaker 145095.02s - 5107s

Yes, but I have to say, it's not just now. Have I not been by your side and protected you all this time? Of course you have.

Speaker 155107s - 5111s

I have looked out for you since I've met you.

Speaker 145111s - 5128.14s

Is that not stand up to Lumbra PERSON? This is not to do with you.

Speaker 155128.14s - 5137.18s

This has to do with me. The things that I put stock and value in are disappearing.

Speaker 65137.18s - 5138.18s


Speaker 25138.18s - 5171s

Perhaps, Father, it is time for you to put stock in yourself. Perhaps. I move over to the floating disk with Christopal PERSON's mother on it? After the mass heel, how does she look?

Speaker 35171s - 5188.76s

I mean, she looks as if she's fully healed and sleeping soundly on this disc. Chest rising and falling slowly with the rhythm of sleep what will you do with her

Speaker 155188.76s - 5197.76s

my gesture to my mother's body what would you like to do with her?

Speaker 165197.76s - 5215s

Return her to her life wherever it was before this you don't want to speak with her

Speaker 145215s - 5222s

imagine you were to wake up and discover you have a child you never knew existed

Speaker 155222s - 5225s

and now grew to be 25.

Speaker 145228s - 5233s

I imagine that I would know what that would feel like.

Speaker 155236s - 5241s

I do not want that for her.

Speaker 125243s - 5247.04s

That is not fair. I do not know her. That is not fair.

Speaker 155248.6s - 5249.6s

I do not know her.

Speaker 145251.56s - 5252.16s

So you don't know how she would feel either.

Speaker 155257.3s - 5258.9s

All you can know is how you feel and what you need.

Speaker 145263.34s - 5267.56s

There's no part of you that wishes to speak with her. What if you just... May I look over at Gast PERSON?

Speaker 165269.56s - 5270.08s


Speaker 155272.8s - 5281.1s

It would cost too much. Very well.

Speaker 145281.1s - 5295.7s

I mean, this place isn't meant for her now anyway. This is a place for... The gods, so to speak.

Speaker 25295.7s - 5296.9s

There can be time.

Speaker 145299s - 5304.9s

We can take a rack with us and keep her safe.

Speaker 25306.4s - 5311.84s

We can keep you separate. It's getting hot in here.

Speaker 155317.84s - 5319.02s

I see.

Speaker 145322.98s - 5324.24s

What do we do now?

Speaker 125324.24s - 5326.24s

I'm in. I suppose we deal with this and I pushed the ice cube. What do we do now? I mean...

Speaker 145326.24s - 5329.6s

I suppose we deal with this and I push the ice cube.

Speaker 95329.6s - 5330.6s


Speaker 155330.6s - 5334.4s

Do we destroy this?

Speaker 95334.4s - 5338.4s

We have to heal it or something.

Speaker 125338.4s - 5343.5s

Christopold PERSON, could you remove the ice encasing it?

Speaker 155343.5s - 5344.5s


Speaker 175344.5s - 5345.56s

The ice melts in that small three foot diameter. remove the ice encasing it. Yes.

Speaker 145352.34s - 5352.88s

The ice melts in that small three-foot diameter, undulating black mass,

Speaker 175353.96s - 5355.26s

rises into the air.

Speaker 125357.42s - 5359.3s

I'll take out the sword.

Speaker 175368.36s - 5368.94s

As Yuri PERSON pulls and manifests the long white sword that they have called love,

Speaker 125371.76s - 5371.98s

there is a flash of lightning from the sky above.

Speaker 145372.94s - 5373.08s

So what does this mean?

Speaker 35374.5s - 5374.62s

I'm not saying we shouldn't do it.

Speaker 145378.26s - 5378.74s

I just want to make sure, yes, this is a mimic, yes,

Speaker 35383.36s - 5384.08s

but is this still what's left of one of the fat involved?

Speaker 145385.06s - 5385.6s

This is corruption.

Speaker 65385.88s - 5386.32s


Speaker 145389.16s - 5390.04s

I don't know if it is an entity so much as an element.

Speaker 205392.64s - 5392.94s

Element from the new one created.

Speaker 25393.72s - 5394.94s

What a piece, yeah.

Speaker 145396s - 5397.6s

Must be cleansed.

Speaker 25397.96s - 5399.08s


Speaker 155400.04s - 5400.28s

Are you okay with us?

Speaker 125400.5s - 5401.12s


Speaker 155402.08s - 5403.08s

And I'll slice through it.

Speaker 25405.96s - 5408.04s

As she, they, excuse she they as they slice through

Speaker 145408.04s - 5410.4s

this undulating black mass

Speaker 125410.4s - 5413.82s

it's as if

Speaker 145413.82s - 5416.06s

if you've ever

Speaker 25416.06s - 5418.02s

seen moving images or

Speaker 145418.02s - 5420.32s

camera and it slows down and stops

Speaker 25420.32s - 5422.22s

it is similar to that as the sword

Speaker 145422.22s - 5424.28s

touches the black mass

Speaker 35424.28s - 5428.5s

and then time returns and it is banished.

Speaker 145428.5s - 5429.5s

It wasn't there before.

Speaker 35429.5s - 5431.5s

I feel like, oh God.

Speaker 145431.5s - 5434.5s

And it rewinds time.

Speaker 35434.5s - 5437s

We're at the beginning of the battle.

Speaker 145437s - 5438s

And we wait.

Speaker 35438s - 5442s

You all wake up in an icy capper.

Speaker 145442s - 5443s


Speaker 35443s - 5444s

Don't you dare.

Speaker 145444s - 5446.42s

And Christobal PERSON's not even there. Oh, my God.

Speaker 85449.72s - 5451.12s

It's done.

Speaker 145451.3s - 5455.96s

You know, I don't want to be any different for any of you.

Speaker 35456.7s - 5460.3s

The jungle sounds begin to return to the jungle around you.

Speaker 145460.68s - 5461.32s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 35461.4s - 5462.48s

We're in the gauntlet still.

Speaker 145463.02s - 5464.78s

Sorry, I just, like, wasn't expecting that.

Speaker 35464.84s - 5469.32s

You know what I mean? Like, a lot of that's happened I thought we'd, oh, why are we still in here?

Speaker 195469.5s - 5477.08s

And gas says, there is no world to return to. What? What? The apocalypse. What do you mean?

Speaker 145478.08s - 5485.38s

Well, as father indicated, we escaped an apocalypse. Wait, but that means that...

Speaker 35485.38s - 5486.76s


Speaker 145487s - 5488.12s

But we could stop it.

Speaker 35489.5s - 5490.46s

The apocalypse?

Speaker 125490.78s - 5492.24s

That's what I thought we were doing.

Speaker 25492.36s - 5493.26s

Should we have stopped it?

Speaker 35493.78s - 5494.18s


Speaker 25494.18s - 5496.34s

I do not know how we would have done so.

Speaker 125496.58s - 5497.18s


Speaker 25497.18s - 5499.6s

But Val PERSON just got his dad back and his dad dead.

Speaker 125499.66s - 5501.56s

I'm sorry. I'm saying that so loudly.

Speaker 35501.9s - 5504.64s

In Gass PERSON says, everyone is dead.

Speaker 45505.76s - 5506.14s


Speaker 35507.04s - 5509.92s

That is an apocalypse by definition.

Speaker 125510.34s - 5511.12s

So we failed.

Speaker 35511.12s - 5512.42s

I'm sorry I was not clear,

Speaker 125512.58s - 5515.82s

but this was the world ending that we experienced.

Speaker 35516.18s - 5520.12s

Well, I just thought that it was a time thing

Speaker 125520.12s - 5523.34s

and that when we would fix the corruption,

Speaker 35523.72s - 5525.82s

then it would rewind things,

Speaker 155525.92s - 5527.62s

and we would have a world to go back to.

Speaker 35527.7s - 5530.02s

I didn't know that it was the end,

Speaker 155530.26s - 5531.66s

and there's a whole world,

Speaker 35531.96s - 5534.3s

and you've lost a lot, you've lost a lot,

Speaker 155534.46s - 5536.14s

and I...

Speaker 35536.14s - 5542.96s

And I accidentally cast in my freak out.

Speaker 155543.1s - 5544.72s

I cast mirror image,

Speaker 35548.58s - 5550.32s

and it's just a bunch of owlin because I miss home.

Speaker 155553.88s - 5554.56s

You cast a mirror image and those mirror images.

Speaker 35561.52s - 5561.62s

As you cast that spell, you also morph yourself to look like a different owl and that image pulls off.

Speaker 125565.66s - 5565.78s

You morph again and another image pulls off and sure enough they're in a how pulls off, and sure enough, there are, how many?

Speaker 35566.32s - 5566.72s


Speaker 125568.6s - 5568.78s

So there are now four different helmet,

Speaker 05570s - 5570.54s

one of which looks like Otto PERSON,

Speaker 95573.28s - 5574.22s

seemingly mirroring each other's movements.

Speaker 125575.98s - 5576.08s

I don't know how this place works.

Speaker 35577.74s - 5578.1s

I thought this place was not real.

Speaker 125580.92s - 5581.02s

I thought it was just like a test place for gods,

Speaker 95582.76s - 5582.88s

but if the world is real,

Speaker 35586s - 5587s

then everyone I know is dead? Wait.

Speaker 125587s - 5589s


Speaker 05589s - 5590s


Speaker 125590s - 5593s

Oh, I...

Speaker 05593s - 5596s

I know a lot.

Speaker 125596s - 5604s

I do not know everything, and I only know what my father could verify, and I also verified.

Speaker 25604s - 5605.42s

As far as we can tell

Speaker 35606.18s - 5608.96s

Everything was under an apocalypse

Speaker 55609.6s - 5614.84s

But you say apocalypse like it's a specific thing like I'm supposed to know that it takes an hour and the world's just gone now

Speaker 95616s - 5620.78s

What do you mean there was an apocalypse? I mean

Speaker 55622.88s - 5626s

the world it's gone!

Speaker 35626s - 5643s gone. The world and timeline that you know are gone. Without more information, I cannot give you more information. I lack the knowledge of this magnitude.

Speaker 125643s - 5648s

Then we'll bring it back. We failed. No Then we'll bring it back. We failed. No, we'll bring it back.

Speaker 35648s - 5654s

I can only imagine that if you had failed, you all also would have perished.

Speaker 125654s - 5685s

We'll bring it back. We'll bring it back. We have a God now. And who knows, all of us have a thing. We'll bring it back. And it'll be fine.It'll be just fine. This is part of it. This is part of the simulation. This is part of it. This just could be also a test, you know? This could not exactly be real, exactly.And we could just be in a test.

Speaker 205689s - 5694s

Zosazeros ORG took you or what you were, Lumbra,

Speaker 25695s - 5697s

and put you in time out.

Speaker 205699s - 5701s

Lumbra is not in time out anymore.

Speaker 45703s - 5705.14s

Lumber does not exist anymore.

Speaker 205705.32s - 5706.12s

That's not true.

Speaker 45707.86s - 5710.42s

The domain of Lumbra exists.

Speaker 205710.64s - 5712.76s

Because you still have magic, right?

Speaker 45713.5s - 5714.86s

Can you try to count the spell?

Speaker 155715.32s - 5719.62s

Also, we know that all individuals who die

Speaker 205719.62s - 5722.02s

go to the city of glass.

Speaker 155722.02s - 5722.68s

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 125724.9s - 5725.38s

Okay. Okay, okay, okay, okay, okay. go to the city of glass. Oh my gosh. Right.

Speaker 155725.7s - 5726.58s

Okay, okay.

Speaker 205727.44s - 5729.54s

Okay, okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 125729.72s - 5735.54s

And like when Bada PERSON was saying, okay, okay, okay, all of the little mimics are saying, okay, okay, okay, okay.

Speaker 35736.42s - 5740.8s

All right, yes, there must be something we can do in somewhere that we can find them.

Speaker 125740.8s - 5745.96s

And from the city of glass, some were able to be restored.

Speaker 145747.1s - 5750.5s

Right? Some of the souls within it.

Speaker 155750.84s - 5752.88s

Yes, as well as there's a Ross.

Speaker 145753.34s - 5760.42s

So, let us go to the city of glass. Yeah.

Speaker 95760.98s - 5762.44s

Let us find them there.

Speaker 145762.94s - 5763.22s


Speaker 95763.38s - 5765.62s

But I thought you said it was all gone.

Speaker 145766.44s - 5768.38s

Well, as though it never...

Speaker 175768.38s - 5768.54s

City of glass isn't a world.

Speaker 125768.72s - 5770.52s

City of glass is somewhere else.

Speaker 95770.72s - 5771.48s

Oh, okay, right.

Speaker 145771.48s - 5772.98s

So, so everyone was just...

Speaker 35772.98s - 5773.84s

Mara PERSON says...

Speaker 175773.84s - 5777.9s

Oh, the city of glass is within the gauntlet.

Speaker 35779.5s - 5781.44s

The realm of the gods.

Speaker 125782.16s - 5785.36s

It is simply Lumbra PERSON's former realm.

Speaker 175787.44s - 5793.76s

So it's just like everybody just changed caves a little bit. Is that what that means?

Speaker 35793.76s - 5795s

We can find them.

Speaker 25795s - 5799s

They also probably experienced excruciating pain.

Speaker 125799s - 5800s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 35800s - 5806.56s

That's, we can find them. Well, that's what's important is that if... No, it's okay, you're right.

Speaker 65806.56s - 5810.84s

That your loved ones, souls, at the very least, must be there.

Speaker 145811.08s - 5815.68s

And then, you're right, there are still gods, and maybe we can...

Speaker 65817.84s - 5818.78s

Okay, we'll fix this.

Speaker 145819.34s - 5820.12s

We'll fix it.

Speaker 65820.56s - 5821.14s

We have to.

Speaker 125821.6s - 5822.54s

I have to fix it.

Speaker 145823.26s - 5823.72s


Speaker 125824.22s - 5825.36s

It's going to be okay.

Speaker 145825.36s - 5833.36s

Yeah, we are very powerful. Even now, more and more is revealed to both of us.

Speaker 125833.36s - 5838.64s

The power is expansive.

Speaker 145838.64s - 5841.28s

It's a lot.

Speaker 125841.28s - 5843.44s

It is quite a lot.

Speaker 25843.44s - 5865.76s

But what is this? I... I want to go home. I've never wanted to go home before. I don't have a hole.

Speaker 125869.66s - 5869.96s

Can I try to take us to the city of class? Sure.

Speaker 25870.78s - 5875.7s

As Yuri closes their eyes, Mara PERSON does as well,

Speaker 35875.92s - 5879.4s

and Mara steps into Yuri PERSON's body,

Speaker 145879.52s - 5880.72s

and they form into one.

Speaker 25881.54s - 5886.02s

And do you want to bring Toshi PERSON with you?

Speaker 95887.46s - 5888.22s

I mean the...

Speaker 125888.22s - 5889.3s

The body of Toshi PERSON.

Speaker 95889.72s - 5890.08s


Speaker 145890.42s - 5892.42s

No people left behind.

Speaker 35892.64s - 5892.94s


Speaker 145893.12s - 5893.8s

Yeah, for now.

Speaker 65893.8s - 5896.86s

The world around you, that was white beach

Speaker 145896.86s - 5898.62s

sands in a clear lake

Speaker 65898.62s - 5900.44s

with a marble white gazebo.

Speaker 145901.78s - 5904.02s

Before travel in the gauntlet was

Speaker 65904.02s - 5907.12s

you traveled to the jungle. The thing you came from,

Speaker 35907.3s - 5928.88s

disappeared in a new place came. Here it's very different where the jungle seems to creep in and envelop everything around you and then recede. And as it recedes, and the jungle disappears, you are in the familiar black sands outside of the city of glass.

Speaker 95930.5s - 5933.8s

The city is as big as you remember it.

Speaker 35934.3s - 5948s

Towers in the distance, the 12, towers in the distance, each showing the current face all lit full. Wow.

Speaker 65948s - 5953.48s

From this distance you can see that the city is busy.

Speaker 35953.48s - 5966.38s

There are many souls in the city. It's as if you're looking at, before you were looking at a New York City GPE with very few people in it. Now you're looking at something similar to New York City GPE full of people.

Speaker 155967.26s - 5980.18s

So if Luminath PERSON and Umbrith are no longer presiding over the city of class who maintains the two rules here? You do.

Speaker 125981.1s - 5983.58s

And now, I think it's your dad, right?

Speaker 155984.52s - 5990s

He was a governor of Luminat ORGh, but Luminat is... Do you do it now?

Speaker 145990s - 5994s

I suppose so. But your father is...

Speaker 35994s - 5999s

It feels like a heartbeat. It's like... Like, do you control your heartbeat?

Speaker 145999s - 6001s

Mm-hmm. Yeah. It feels like that.

Speaker 36001s - 6005s

Your father would still be running things day to day.

Speaker 146005s - 6007s

And, um, Mizier PERSON.

Speaker 26007s - 6010s

Right. Oh, right, yes.

Speaker 206010s - 6017s

But it seems like our guesses are correct that they do seem to all be here. Look at it.

Speaker 26017s - 6022s

I just really want to talk to Zosazzoz PERSON right now.

Speaker 146022s - 6026.2s

Can I tell, like, what gods are in the gauntlet?

Speaker 26027.42s - 6029.4s

Yeah, you're going to have to roll on that one.

Speaker 146029.94s - 6031.04s

That's a wisdom check.

Speaker 36031.46s - 6032.64s

Add 15 year wisdom check.

Speaker 146034.48s - 6035.78s

You also have...

Speaker 66035.78s - 6037.64s

You also had advantage from the Black Kakari.

Speaker 36038.28s - 6039.08s

Thank you.

Speaker 66039.08s - 6039.12s

Thank you.

Speaker 146039.12s - 6039.16s

Thank you.

Speaker 66039.16s - 6039.72s


Speaker 56043.4s - 6047.12s

Uh, 31.

Speaker 66047.46s - 6048.34s

Most of them.

Speaker 56049.48s - 6051.54s

You can't tell individual identities,

Speaker 66052.08s - 6055.06s

but it feels like most of the gods that you are aware of

Speaker 126055.06s - 6057.94s

seem to be somewhere within the gauntlet.

Speaker 146058.3s - 6059.7s

There are some exceptions.

Speaker 66060.2s - 6060.32s


Speaker 146062.18s - 6062.54s


Speaker 36063.7s - 6064.36s


Speaker 146064.36s - 6067.86s

Zazerang PERSON is still here? I don't know.

Speaker 36068.36s - 6071.78s

You know. You know. Yes, I know. Yes. I do know.

Speaker 146071.78s - 6074.6s

That Zosera-Ros exists outside of the gauntlet.

Speaker 36075.4s - 6079.3s

Yeah. Okay. The realm, the astral realm is outside.

Speaker 146080.68s - 6086s

Astro realm, inside of that is the gauntlet. and sort of around that but not part of it is the world.

Speaker 36086s - 6087s

Oh my gosh.

Speaker 146087s - 6089s

I'm like seeing like space jelly.

Speaker 36089s - 6091s

It's just like a big jello cube.

Speaker 146091s - 6095s

There's a plane of sphere, just like a map of the world, you know, very similar.

Speaker 36095s - 6098s

You want to speak to those azurans NORP.

Speaker 126098s - 6103s

I don't know if there's like a godline or something.

Speaker 36103s - 6108.08s

Why don't you try it?

Speaker 146109.6s - 6111.28s

I mean, Yuri PERSON literally.

Speaker 26114.24s - 6117.2s

There's no phones, clearly. So Yuri PERSON, you attempt to send a sending to

Speaker 146117.2s - 6119.52s

Zlera PERSON because you know them, you've met them.

Speaker 36119.52s - 6120.88s

Because you dialed on your knuckles.

Speaker 146121.92s - 6123.92s

That's not how you can't say.

Speaker 196123.92s - 6130.04s

There is a, you can tell that there is, as you well know,

Speaker 36130.3s - 6131.86s

there are rules to the world,

Speaker 56132.16s - 6133.88s

and one of the rules of the world is

Speaker 196133.88s - 6135.98s

Zuzerazeraz cannot interact

Speaker 36135.98s - 6137.42s

with anything outside of the other.

Speaker 186138.04s - 6139.04s

Right, right, right.

Speaker 196139.98s - 6141.18s

Zezerazeros PRODUCT is useless.

Speaker 146141.76s - 6145.72s

It's a big surprise. We have to just do this on our own.

Speaker 126145.96s - 6146.14s


Speaker 146146.26s - 6148.8s

That's what made you so special to begin with.

Speaker 156148.9s - 6151.84s

What go where? Well, we need a new world, right?

Speaker 126152.1s - 6154.54s

Yes. And the astral dwarves built the world.

Speaker 156154.8s - 6159.94s

Yes, so we build a new world. So it could be built again. If we have astral dwarves.

Speaker 126160.9s - 6174.76s

Do we have astral dwarves here? I mean, some have had to die sometime, right? This is a city of glass. It's where the afterlife is. Maybe we can find them here. Or maybe...

Speaker 156174.76s - 6178.2s

Or the information that they would possess.

Speaker 126178.38s - 6178.76s


Speaker 146179.3s - 6181.26s

To do it ourselves and...

Speaker 126181.26s - 6181.9s

I don't know.

Speaker 146181.9s - 6183.3s

You could take the memories of...

Speaker 126183.3s - 6189.9s

Not take, but use the memories of everyone here that's inhabiting the city and build anew.

Speaker 146190.4s - 6193.46s

To recreate the world as they saw it.

Speaker 126194.68s - 6195.98s

The old world.

Speaker 146196.18s - 6202.18s

Can you remind me, sorry, the astral dwarves, they are not in a physical form or they are?

Speaker 36202.22s - 6203.08s

They all died out.

Speaker 146203.56s - 6203.94s


Speaker 196204.1s - 6204.96s

They all died out.

Speaker 126205.28s - 6206.2s

And where are? They do not, you do not know that. We don't.? They all died out. Correct. They all died out. And where are?

Speaker 196206.32s - 6207.74s

They do not, you do not know that.

Speaker 126207.74s - 6208.26s

We don't.

Speaker 36208.32s - 6208.88s

Yeah, we've never.

Speaker 196208.88s - 6210.14s

I was thinking resurrection.

Speaker 126210.82s - 6211.12s


Speaker 36211.86s - 6214.62s

The only extra dwarf that you knew of, there are two of them.

Speaker 86214.62s - 6215.22s

It was like bad.

Speaker 196215.52s - 6216.72s

One was Nagrock PERSON.

Speaker 126216.92s - 6217.24s


Speaker 86217.42s - 6220.78s

And then there was another one that Nagrock PERSON interacted with that you've never met.

Speaker 36220.88s - 6221.08s


Speaker 86222.44s - 6222.92s


Speaker 196223.3s - 6223.48s


Speaker 86228.76s - 6232.28s

Do you want to find your family?

Speaker 196233.48s - 6236.92s

I want to figure out.

Speaker 126237.98s - 6239.18s

What can be done?

Speaker 36240.22s - 6243.34s

I... Okay, not God PERSON or maybe God?

Speaker 126243.42s - 6243.76s

I don't know.

Speaker 36243.86s - 6245.22s

Can I sense the fetid born?

Speaker 146246.6s - 6246.9s


Speaker 126246.9s - 6247.7s


Speaker 146247.7s - 6248.66s

Oh, a perception check.

Speaker 36248.66s - 6250.26s

That's very good.

Speaker 146250.8s - 6252.94s

Or wisdom, whichever is better for you.

Speaker 26253.3s - 6255.48s

You have your last advantage from Guy Vox PERSON.

Speaker 146255.78s - 6256.98s

Thanks, Guy Vox PERSON.

Speaker 36257.42s - 6260.48s

That's a lot.

Speaker 146261.02s - 6265.5s

You sound so exhausted by your amazing roles.

Speaker 36267.84s - 6268.74s


Speaker 66268.74s - 6271.68s

it's 39.

Speaker 146272.06s - 6272.5s


Speaker 36274.08s - 6277.42s


Speaker 146277.42s - 6278.78s


Speaker 36279.74s - 6280.58s

Part of you

Speaker 146280.58s - 6284.08s

knows that the

Speaker 46284.08s - 6288.18s

fetid-born or some form of corruption is around you.

Speaker 146288.18s - 6291.94s

But now that you're a god, it's hard.

Speaker 36291.94s - 6301.94s

You understand now why the gods were so concerned. It's as if you ever had floaters, like ice floaters, have you ever experienced that?

Speaker 26301.94s - 6302.94s

Some of you have.

Speaker 196302.94s - 6303.94s

So it's like floating particles.

Speaker 26303.94s - 6304.94s


Speaker 196304.94s - 6305s

It kind of like floating particles. Yeah.

Speaker 66305s - 6307s

It's a kind of like as a ghost thing.

Speaker 196307s - 6314s

They're often capillaries in your eyes that are either inflamed or a variety of reasons

Speaker 56314s - 6315s

why it happen.

Speaker 46315s - 6317s

But when you try to look at them, they move.

Speaker 196317s - 6319s

And so you can never look at them.

Speaker 36319s - 6321s

And that's sort of how it feels.

Speaker 96321s - 6330.04s

It's just on the edge of your vision and when you try to, your godly vision and when you try to focus on it, it moves out of the way. So you know it's there. It's just

Speaker 36330.04s - 6333.42s

hard to verify who, what, where, what they are, all that.

Speaker 146333.42s - 6339.28s

All right, well, the fetid borne out somewhere.

Speaker 56339.28s - 6343.4s

They are assuredly in the gauntlet.

Speaker 146343.4s - 6345.08s

They are, okay. They're within the gauntlet. They're within the gauntlet. They're within the gauntlet. They are, okay.

Speaker 56345.14s - 6347.64s

They're within the gauntlet. They're within the gauntlet.

Speaker 146347.86s - 6353.3s

They're within the gauntlet, so there's still a threat, they're still alive themselves. What else do they want?

Speaker 156355.14s - 6357.22s

Probably to destroy the gauntlet.

Speaker 146357.86s - 6362.54s

We can't let them corrupt this place, too, if we mean to rebuild.

Speaker 156363.42s - 6369.88s

We should go see my father and um

Speaker 206369.88s - 6376.08s

and let's see and tell them what has happened I'm sure they are overwhelmed

Speaker 156376.08s - 6388.38s

by everything going on agreed as you take your first steps into the city of glass, that is where we'll end.

Speaker 206388.9s - 6393.66s

It's okay. It's okay.

Speaker 156393.66s - 6394.26s

Oh my God.

Speaker 26395.86s - 6397.72s

Bois guys.

Speaker 156398.72s - 6399.94s

Love you too.

Speaker 36401.44s - 6405.06s

It doesn't feel like it, but I promise you you're on the right track.

Speaker 16406.62s - 6407.58s

On the right track.

Speaker 36407.58s - 6409.24s

The world is gone.

Speaker 16409.5s - 6410.68s

Also, well done.

Speaker 56411.04s - 6412.72s

That was some heavy stuff.

Speaker 46413.24s - 6416.38s

And you guys, Morgan PERSON, I always love it

Speaker 66416.38s - 6417.9s

when you get angry in character.

Speaker 36418.7s - 6419.4s

I love that.

Speaker 56419.9s - 6423s

Your passion is so raw and real.

Speaker 66423.34s - 6424.52s

I don't know what this is egg.

Speaker 36426.2s - 6427.34s

I'm sorry I yelled.

Speaker 146428.88s - 6432.6s

I'm glad you stopped yelling at gas.

Speaker 36432.72s - 6434.22s

I think Chris Ball PERSON was going to have to start yelling at you.

Speaker 146434.22s - 6434.72s

I am sorry.

Speaker 36434.96s - 6436.66s

I'm sorry that it came out at gas.

Speaker 46436.66s - 6437.56s

I get it.

Speaker 206438.28s - 6440.28s

Gas clearly understood that that was not at guest.

Speaker 166441.32s - 6444.64s

Gas will apologize to Gast PERSON at some point.

Speaker 206445.12s - 6447.3s

I can't believe we're about to do this.

Speaker 166447.3s - 6450.88s

At the end of the show, we like to read off the names.

Speaker 206450.88s - 6451.92s

Oh, yeah, sorry.

Speaker 166451.92s - 6454.58s

We like to read off the names of certain higher level patrons

Speaker 66454.58s - 6457.38s

in the styles of their choosing for Team Force of Light

Speaker 166457.38s - 6458.34s

and Team Force of Shadow ORG.

Speaker 46458.34s - 6460.22s

This is for you, my friends.

Speaker 36460.22s - 6463.52s

Tonight we have suggestions.

Speaker 166463.52s - 6466.24s

For Team Force of Shadow ORG, we have a suggestion from Idaho Judd.

Speaker 36467.14s - 6469.36s

Barker PERSON at a carnival sideshow.

Speaker 166471.22s - 6472.86s

Step right up, step right up.

Speaker 66473.12s - 6473.86s

So ready.

Speaker 46474.1s - 6474.28s


Speaker 56474.74s - 6475.96s

I love this character.

Speaker 46476.06s - 6476.64s

Step right up.

Speaker 96476.86s - 6478.74s

We got the bearded woman here.

Speaker 46478.9s - 6479.2s

You know.

Speaker 86479.3s - 6480.22s

This Team Force Shadow.

Speaker 146480.44s - 6481.08s


Speaker 46481.32s - 6481.42s


Speaker 86481.42s - 6482.18s

Thank you so much.

Speaker 146482.24s - 6484.78s

Also known as the Lincoln Break EVENT.

Speaker 86486.64s - 6488.1s

I love. Oh, me. I, shadow. Yeah, thank you so much. Also known as the Lincoln PERSON break. I love, oh, me.

Speaker 146488.1s - 6489.64s

I'm doing great.

Speaker 166489.64s - 6490.44s

Great beard.

Speaker 196490.44s - 6490.68s


Speaker 86490.68s - 6493.32s

I don't want to, no, no, I'm not performing.

Speaker 66493.32s - 6493.92s


Speaker 86493.92s - 6495.38s

Oh, no, no, no.

Speaker 66495.38s - 6496.38s


Speaker 86496.38s - 6498.12s

Your beard is doing the work though.

Speaker 66498.12s - 6500.62s

I mean, you don't even need to perform that beard is, yeah.

Speaker 196500.62s - 6501.76s

Oh my gosh, I think I'm nuts.

Speaker 86501.76s - 6502.76s

Oh, no, no, no.

Speaker 166502.76s - 6503.76s

No, no.

Speaker 86503.76s - 6504.76s

No, no.

Speaker 196504.76s - 6505.16s

It's just, I've never seen a woman with such a beautiful beard. No, no, no. Oh, yeah. I think I'm nuts. Oh, no. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to throw you into the line line.

Speaker 36507.82s - 6507.92s

It's just, I've never seen a woman with such a beautiful beard.

Speaker 186508.24s - 6508.32s

No, no, no.

Speaker 36509.64s - 6509.68s

Oh, no. Oh, no.

Speaker 56509.78s - 6510.98s

Oh, my gosh.

Speaker 186511.08s - 6512.34s

It's really gorgeous.

Speaker 56512.72s - 6513.08s

Thank you.

Speaker 186513.08s - 6514.88s

Dad, can I have a sale waffle?

Speaker 56516.12s - 6517.64s

You absolutely can, yes.

Speaker 186518s - 6519.66s

Those are so expensive, honey.

Speaker 56519.9s - 6520.6s

No, no.

Speaker 46521.24s - 6522.08s

Listen, wait.

Speaker 36522.5s - 6524.28s

We only go to the side show once a year.

Speaker 56524.4s - 6525.12s

You know, yes. I am a gateway the side show once a year. You know, fine, yes.

Speaker 36525.18s - 6527.92s

I am a gateway guy into fun.

Speaker 56528.52s - 6531.02s

There is an Idaho GPE judge stand right next to the fail waffle.

Speaker 36531.16s - 6532.22s

You know what I love potatoes.

Speaker 46532.54s - 6533.02s

Okay, great.

Speaker 186533.02s - 6535.2s

Can somebody do some kind of his best?

Speaker 36535.2s - 6536.46s

I don't want to be like this.

Speaker 196536.56s - 6536.96s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 186537.5s - 6538.98s

I don't want to be like this.

Speaker 196539.14s - 6542.98s

Well, we have the three-headed goat who might be able to chew some of that beard off you.

Speaker 146543.14s - 6543.64s

Oh, sweet.

Speaker 196543.64s - 6545s

That sounds painful. That sounds painful. Oh, sweet, look at that goat.

Speaker 86545s - 6547s

That sounds painful.

Speaker 196547s - 6548s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 86548s - 6550s

That's really, yeah.

Speaker 196550s - 6552s

What is my life?

Speaker 86552s - 6555s

I'm actually a plastic surgeon now who specializes

Speaker 196555s - 6560s

in facial reconstruction and removing of hair follicles.

Speaker 86560s - 6562s

You might have seen her Instagram.

Speaker 146562s - 6564s

It's called the Black Kakari PRODUCT.

Speaker 46564s - 6565.22s

That's right, yes, yeah, that's the name of our practice. called the Black Kakari PRODUCT. That's right.

Speaker 86565.34s - 6566.76s

Yes, yeah, that's the name of our practice.

Speaker 146567.06s - 6570.76s

I'm Jill, I'm Jill Kakari, and my partner is Michael Black PERSON.

Speaker 46570.88s - 6571.52s

That's me.

Speaker 86571.94s - 6572.6s

Michael Black.

Speaker 46572.6s - 6573.52s

There we go.

Speaker 186574.58s - 6575.6s

There we go.

Speaker 166577.28s - 6579.6s

We just worked out a new thing called the Tuo Mask PRODUCT.

Speaker 46579.82s - 6580.44s

Here, put it on.

Speaker 166580.5s - 6581.82s

It'll get rid of that beard right away.

Speaker 186581.82s - 6583.46s

I made a lot of money.

Speaker 56583.84s - 6586.64s

So you need an accidental sideshow character,

Speaker 166586.64s - 6588.88s

so here, can you do this?

Speaker 66588.88s - 6590.64s

Would love you to be decisive.

Speaker 166590.64s - 6591.84s


Speaker 66591.84s - 6595.28s

If you want to get rid of the beard, put on the two-o-mas.

Speaker 46595.28s - 6596.68s


Speaker 186596.68s - 6598.48s

Here's your fail off, I'll be quiet, honey.

Speaker 46598.48s - 6599.52s

Monty PERSON's doing business.

Speaker 86599.52s - 6601.44s

I'll do it, I'll do it.

Speaker 46601.44s - 6602.48s

I quit.

Speaker 86604.48s - 6605.92s

I'll just get the three-headed goat.

Speaker 96606.16s - 6607s

You know, that was...

Speaker 46607s - 6608.88s

That was appropriate for tonight.

Speaker 186608.96s - 6609.44s

That was weird.

Speaker 96610.64s - 6611.5s

I think we did it.

Speaker 186611.5s - 6613s

I thought, I was going to have...

Speaker 86613s - 6614.5s

I would say we have...

Speaker 46614.5s - 6616s

Oh, wait, I'm the...

Speaker 86616s - 6617.88s

I'm the side-jured-jol-gay-lid.

Speaker 186618.12s - 6620.72s

I like the plastic surgery firm of black kakari.

Speaker 76620.84s - 6621.4s

Yep, yep.

Speaker 186622.4s - 6624.3s

I also thought you said long beads.

Speaker 76624.8s - 6626.16s

I was like, what's weird about that?

Speaker 186627.06s - 6629.9s

Thanks for being my wife as I jumped in being dad.

Speaker 76629.9s - 6631.16s

You got it, no problem.

Speaker 186631.32s - 6633.52s

I love the side show that has no side shows.

Speaker 46633.84s - 6634.98s

Just the bearded lady.

Speaker 186634.98s - 6635.68s

Just the bearded lady.

Speaker 06635.94s - 6643.64s

For Team Force of Light ORG, we have a suggestion from, it's a little bit inspired by Brendan

Speaker 46643.64s - 6644.16s


Speaker 56644.46s - 6646.94s

I had to take it and tweak it a little bit.

Speaker 06646.94s - 6649.34s

So it's the first challenge of the new season

Speaker 66649.34s - 6652.04s

of Top Chef set in the Faywild LOC.

Speaker 06652.04s - 6653.04s

Oh my God.

Speaker 166653.04s - 6655.18s

Well, chefs?

Speaker 46655.18s - 6656.08s


Speaker 06656.08s - 6657.68s

Dun, tun, tun.

Speaker 166657.68s - 6660.52s

And by the way, I'm saying this as a small mushroom.

Speaker 46660.52s - 6662.02s

And I'm a chef sharpening my knives.

Speaker 166662.02s - 6662.82s

That's right.

Speaker 46662.82s - 6664.22s

I'm the knife.

Speaker 56664.22s - 6666s

I'm a banana. It's knives. That's right. I'm the knife.

Speaker 46667.2s - 6667.32s

I'm a banana.

Speaker 196668.82s - 6669.86s

It's the Haywild ORG TV.

Speaker 66673.86s - 6674s

Well, chefs, you've made it here to top Chef Faywild LOC,

Speaker 146675.16s - 6675.56s

and we're very proud of you.

Speaker 46677.68s - 6677.9s

So for tonight's first challenge,

Speaker 146681.04s - 6683.14s

you have 30 minutes to cook a festive life preserver using only the ingredients

Speaker 46683.14s - 6685.44s

found in this box of Angel Devilsen PRODUCT.

Speaker 146685.44s - 6686.44s


Speaker 66686.44s - 6689.68s

Let me cut that vendor ill.

Speaker 186689.68s - 6691.14s

The timer starts now.

Speaker 66691.14s - 6693.34s

Look, we need to team up, all right?

Speaker 146693.34s - 6695.34s

Neither one of us can brave up for our life.

Speaker 36695.34s - 6697.18s

Like, we're terrible at this.

Speaker 66697.18s - 6700.02s

I have knives. Do you guys wanna just make one big meal?

Speaker 86700.02s - 6701.52s

Wait, I have just jewels.

Speaker 36701.52s - 6703.72s

Oh, oh.

Speaker 46703.72s - 6705.32s

I hate to be invari variably equacious,

Speaker 146705.92s - 6707.58s

but I only know how to make banana bread.

Speaker 46709.54s - 6710.26s

We should cheat.

Speaker 196710.26s - 6711.12s

You cook your own kind, fascinating.

Speaker 46711.12s - 6712.7s

Listen, at my restaurant in Atlanta,

Speaker 196712.86s - 6714.34s

I make a fantastic braver.

Speaker 46714.64s - 6716.34s

Yeah, not to be an angel devil sit on your shoulder,

Speaker 126716.42s - 6717.18s

but we should cheat.

Speaker 46719.08s - 6720.26s

We should absolutely cheat.

Speaker 66720.26s - 6721.5s

I agree with your knife.

Speaker 46721.66s - 6722.56s

I agree with you.

Speaker 66722.86s - 6725.2s

Does anybody know how to fend a rill, though? Does anyone know how to fend a rill? Does anybody know how to fend a rill though?

Speaker 46725.2s - 6727.2s

Does anyone know how to fenderill?

Speaker 66727.2s - 6729.4s

Does anyone know how to fendrill?

Speaker 126729.4s - 6731.2s

I only know how to make pygant

Speaker 46731.2s - 6733s

All I do is fendorill.

Speaker 126733s - 6734s

Pick me up.

Speaker 166734s - 6735s

Pick me up.

Speaker 126735s - 6737s

Let me fenderel.

Speaker 196737s - 6738s

All I do is fender real, fendor rome.

Speaker 146738s - 6741s

All I do is fendorill, fendor rift a rift a rift.

Speaker 196741s - 6742s

You're just tripping.

Speaker 36742s - 6745.02s

And now is time to judge these pieces.

Speaker 146746.22s - 6747.26s

How did 30 minutes?

Speaker 36748.38s - 6749.34s

Yes, yes, perfect.

Speaker 146750.22s - 6755.48s

Here we have something that was created by the living banana.

Speaker 36756.92s - 6759.16s

She calls it City Racing Girl.

Speaker 86760.58s - 6761.3s


Speaker 196761.3s - 6762.84s

This is from their world, does it not?

Speaker 86763.08s - 6763.96s

Yes, yes, of course.

Speaker 196764.98s - 6766.84s

It doesn't make me think of home.

Speaker 86766.98s - 6768.8s

The texture just doesn't quite have it.

Speaker 166768.8s - 6770.94s

But it's supposed to simulate Earth LOC.

Speaker 196771.18s - 6773.84s

Hey, as the knife, I'm making it.

Speaker 36775.22s - 6776s

Go on.

Speaker 196776.1s - 6781.2s

I put it in there to make everybody the dungeon speed run.

Speaker 66781.64s - 6782.16s

Do you know what I mean?

Speaker 146782.88s - 6783.82s

Is that what that is?

Speaker 66783.82s - 6785.34s

To give them the dungeon speed run.

Speaker 146785.94s - 6787.5s

I'm going to go make a big job.

Speaker 56790.14s - 6790.56s


Speaker 146791.94s - 6793.72s

Thank you, Team Force of Light ORG.

Speaker 56794.34s - 6794.78s


Speaker 66795.24s - 6799.24s

I feel like the Dungeon Speed Run EVENT is used as a euphemism for going to the bathroom.

Speaker 46799.44s - 6800s

So many.

Speaker 146800.22s - 6801.18s

Seven out of ten times.

Speaker 66803.08s - 6804.1s

I mean, not drugs.

Speaker 56804.48s - 6805.66s

It could have been anything. I read it not drugs. It could have been anything.

Speaker 46805.82s - 6806.54s

I read it his last.

Speaker 146806.54s - 6808s

It could have been a lot.

Speaker 46808s - 6809s

It could have been a lot.

Speaker 146809s - 6809.9s

Dungeon speed run.

Speaker 46810.1s - 6811.34s

We love you.

Speaker 146811.34s - 6812.14s

We apologize?

Speaker 76812.14s - 6813.66s

Or no, it's good, honestly.

Speaker 56813.96s - 6814.48s

No, you're fine.

Speaker 76814.48s - 6815.44s

You know what you're getting into.

Speaker 56815.68s - 6816.7s

We're letting me be your name.

Speaker 76816.7s - 6818.66s

We laughed to stop ourselves some crying.

Speaker 56819.26s - 6822.2s

I love that the banana only makes bananas.

Speaker 76823.4s - 6824.14s

You're a monster.

Speaker 56824.14s - 6826.02s

You know, it cuts off a part of

Speaker 36826.02s - 6828.28s

themselves. Sneesh down, baby. Kneesh down.

Speaker 76829.4s - 6831.88s

Padma Elfshee PERSON. Very nice. I haven't watched

Speaker 36831.88s - 6834.2s

a show on too long. I was to say Padma PERSON's not the host

Speaker 166834.2s - 6836.18s

anymore. Ify PERSON is now

Speaker 36836.18s - 6838.38s

hosting a podcast about the new season of Top Chef WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 76838.42s - 6839.64s

Yeah, I just see that. Yeah.

Speaker 36840.36s - 6842s

Listen to Iffy's podcast about Top Chef WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 166842.08s - 6843.76s

Oh my God. Just watch Iffy PERSON in general.

Speaker 76843.8s - 6844.88s

I know, right. He's enjoyable.

Speaker 166845.58s - 6846.4s

Thank you, everyone.

Speaker 46846.8s - 6847.92s

I'm sorry, players.

Speaker 56848s - 6849.08s

I love you.

Speaker 46850.24s - 6853.62s

I believe in you, and I think we can make this work.

Speaker 56853.86s - 6855.94s

And I'm excited for next episode.

Speaker 196856.44s - 6857.94s

But until that time,

Speaker 146858.5s - 6859.32s


Speaker 196860.1s - 6860.76s


Speaker 46862.68s - 6869.44s

I love you, Mom!

Speaker 146870.56s - 6871.46s

It started.

Speaker 196872.28s - 6873.26s

It started.

Speaker 46874.04s - 6874.52s

It started.

Speaker 196874.88s - 6875.42s

It started.

Speaker 46875.72s - 6879.98s


Speaker 196887.44s - 6889.64s

As a simple dungeon run. As a simple dungeon run.

Speaker 46894.14s - 6911.82s

Let the dice roll! I don't say really