Hour 1: It's Over

Hour 1: It's Over

by Dan Le Batard, Stugotz

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37:34 minutes

published 18 days ago


Speaker 60s - 39.82s

You're listening to Draft King's Network ORG. Say goodbye to your credit card rewards. Greedy corporate megastores led by Walmart and Target ORG are pushing for a law in Congress to take away your hard-earned cashback and travel points to line their pockets. The Durbin Marshall LAW Credit Card bill would enact harmful credit card routing mandates that would end credit card rewards as we know it.If you love your credit card rewards, tell your lawmakers, hands off my rewards. Tell them to oppose the Durban Marshall LAW Credit Card bill.

Speaker 1340.9s - 48.84s

This is the Dan Levatore show with the Stugats PERSON podcast. This is the Dan Levatore show with the Stugats PERSON podcast.

Speaker 963.58s - 121.44s

Stugats PERSON, you have heard me obsess recently on air about everything that I see happening during technological changing times in how we consume just about everything. And now Netflix and Apple and Peacock are getting together to create a bundle for Comcast ORG at a reduced price. And Netflix has bought itself Christmas Day games for the next three years. And the other day, sports stopped for a moment during a pretty busy time in basketball and hockey to laugh with football at the Tom Brady PERSON roast that was live on television. And by every measure I can discern a really enormous investment and a really enormous success. I would like for you guys to get me some numbers. I don't know if there have been estimates on how much that cost to produce.It seemed like a giant undertaking that would cost, I think, more than $100 million to make. I've got to assume. I don't know how much more. I don't have any idea how much it costs to pay all of those people to do all of that.

Speaker 0121.68s - 126.52s

And to throw a flawlessly televised live event. Those are very hard to do all of that and to throw a flawlessly televised live event.

Speaker 11126.88s - 131.6s

Those are very hard to do, very hard to do for three hours without glitches.

Speaker 0132.96s - 135.34s

And Tom Brady PERSON now regrets it.

Speaker 9136.24s - 185.38s

I was surprised that he ever did it at all. Sam PERSON. I was surprised that he had a blind spot about how that might land on his children to be products of a public divorce that has to be very hard because, Dugats PERSON, I know so many people who are broken as adults because of the damages done by divorces that aren't that kind of public. And it really did surprise me that as a father, Tom Brady PERSON would be not knowledgeable about what the impacts of that could be on his children?

Speaker 2186.1s - 196.14s

I know he has his regrets. I understand why, and perhaps it wasn't thought through enough, but most of the roasters went out of their way to not directly talk about Tom Brady's PERSON kids.

Speaker 8196.22s - 197.38s

Oh, but Stugat PERSON's not...

Speaker 9197.38s - 198.48s

Hold on, I was going to say,

Speaker 2198.56s - 202.24s

but they talked about his relationship with Giselle PERSON,

Speaker 9202.72s - 228.52s

his relationship with Bridget Moynihan PERSON, and of course, and they said nasty things, and of course that is going to have an impact on his children. And I'm surprised Tom Brady PERSON, who seems to be pretty prepared for everything, did not think that part throughbefore he went forward with the rose. So he says he wouldn't ever do anything like that again, not surprising that Stugats would be maximum Monday morning quarterback on how did Tom Brady PERSON not see everything.

Speaker 2228.82s - 231.66s

I mean, he saw everything the Jets ORG were doing. I mean, before it happened.

Speaker 9231.78s - 233.1s

That is correct.

Speaker 2233.7s - 314.04s

And it's easy for me to also say after the fact. I'm not a father, right? And I'm not, I don't know anything about divorce, except I've seen what it's done to some of my friends who are adults, who have formative characteristics that come from not knowing as a child, is that my fault that they're no longer together? Why are mom and dad not together anymore? And then to hear the jokes on television of, hey, how about mom cheating with the jiu-jitsu instructor?That's funny, huh? As a child, or getting that at school, or whatever it is, the results are that Giselle Bunchant PERSON, were the quotes from her, or was it just reported how upset she was? Were the quotes, did they have her name on saying she was upset, or was it just reports that said that she was upset? Because when you sign up for that,you're allowing a whole bunch of people who don't have to respect the rules in comedy in that setting to have maximum freedom outside of Bob Kraft. Right. Well, that, Dan PERSON, you have to factor that in. Because Giselle PERSON is watching that and they are laying into her in their relationship and how it ended. And Tom Brady PERSON doesn't get up and say, hey, stop doing that. But the second they go after Bob Kraft PERSON, he stands up and says, no, no more.

Speaker 3314.24s - 315s

You're not doing that.

Speaker 2315.28s - 326.7s

Bob PERSON was there and she wasn't. I felt like the Bob PERSON thing felt like he was just performing because he told Bob, hey, I told them no jokes about you. So they do a joke. So he's just got to get up and be like, hey, don't do that.

Speaker 9326.84s - 332.2s

Wait a minute. Are you not paying attention to what was said on our show and elsewhere? That was not a bit.

Speaker 3332.66s - 333.68s

I'm not saying it's a bit.

Speaker 9333.78s - 352.46s

No, Tom Brady was legitimately mad that Jeff Ross PERSON crossed the line. Andrew Schultz PERSON has said that. Drew Bledso PERSON said that, that tension was not manufactured. In fact, I thought it was super interesting to see how much more comfortable Tom Brady PERSON is with confrontation than the rest of us might be

Speaker 2352.46s - 364.62s

in that circumstance. Because Tom Brady PERSON had no issue in front of a whole lot of people protecting the power by stamping out Jeff Ross PERSON on his home field.

Speaker 10365.38s - 373.18s

My first thought when that happened was, wow, I can't believe that is what is making him do it and not the countless jokes about his family or kids.

Speaker 0373.32s - 375.32s

I hope that his kids didn't watch it.

Speaker 9375.38s - 377.92s

I hope he had the sensibility to say, hey, don't do it.

Speaker 0377.96s - 392.38s

But also in this day and age, that was my entire TikTok feed the next day. His kids probably saw that. And I would say, like, hey, if my dad wanted to do a roast, if he was like, no, you don't, you don't talk about progressive insurance that way. But yeah, go ahead.Talk about Lucy PERSON like that. I would not be happy.

Speaker 12393.02s - 401.96s

I'm a little confused. You guys mean to tell me that Tom Brady PERSON, Tom Brady, made a career decision that negatively affected his family and he didn't think about it?

Speaker 9402.12s - 404.26s

That doesn't sound like that guy. What are you laughing about it?

Speaker 4404.26s - 407.92s

Her dad works for progressive, which is an important part of that story, though, is

Speaker 12407.92s - 408.3s


Speaker 9408.88s - 409.56s

Thank you, Billy PERSON.

Speaker 4409.8s - 417.68s

I would think that you would, yes, you more than anybody around here would totally appreciate making a joke that nobody understands except for a couple of people.

Speaker 10417.92s - 421.76s

I've said he's worked for Progressive ORG before, and I've also talked about his divorce on air before.

Speaker 9421.98s - 436.76s

I've talked about a lot of things. Lucy PERSON, I agree. But welcome to the Metal Arc ORG family, thinking all the things you've said on the show have been heard by all of America GPE. That is how we do it. We think you've heard every single thing we've said for 20 years and remember it. Billy PERSON, more than most.

Speaker 10436.84s - 438.72s

And now they all know my dad is divorced.

Speaker 9438.96s - 439.32s


Speaker 10440.24s - 441.08s

Available, though?

Speaker 9441.28s - 442.32s

No, not available.

Speaker 10442.32s - 443.76s

Shout out Angela PERSON, big fan.

Speaker 4444.9s - 445.66s

Shout out Angela PERSON.

Speaker 10445.74s - 449.42s

I saw you making faces when I said product of divorce.

Speaker 9449.92s - 511.64s

I don't want to dig around in what it is that are the adult damages of that for you. But just imagine. How old are Tom Brady's PERSON kids? I want you to imagine whatever it is that happens on school. And this is the part where Stugats PERSON, I forgive Tom Brady for not understanding, even telling your kids not to pay attention to somebody, turn off thetelevision, whatever, go out for the night. There is no way for this to be avoided once it starts circulating in places like TikTok ORG for kids. And so it's not just your kids what they're going to get, but it's what all their kids at school, all of their friends are going to get, and now your kids are going to school. It is very real remorse that Tom Brady PERSON is feeling. When you do, should not help me with this, because I am not a parent. Help me with what it feels like to love and to know that you've made a decisionthat harms your children and you didn't see it coming.

Speaker 2511.94s - 549.06s

I embarrass my kids just about every single day, I've been doing it for 20 years, so I'm an expert on this subject. It's hard, and especially with Tom's kids, Dan, here are their ages, 16, 14, and 11. Kids are cruel at that age. They are relentless and they are cruel. So what must have happened within those, you ages, 16, 14, and 11. Kids are cruel at that age. They are relentless and they are cruel. So what must have happened within those friends circles, friendly circles, and at school the next day,and it's probably still going on, I would imagine is relentless and uncomfortable for those kids. But it is hard, Dan, because I am playing Monday morning quarterback. It is hard to see all the permutations that could come from, you know, having yourself roasted by Jeffrey Ross PERSON. Did I say that word right?

Speaker 9549.06s - 550.56s

What was the word? What was the word?

Speaker 2551.28s - 552.18s

I can't say it again.

Speaker 9552.18s - 555.98s

We'll try it. That's the closest I'll ever come. We'll try. Permutations?

Speaker 2556.22s - 556.88s

Oh, no.

Speaker 9556.92s - 559.3s

That's it. U-Tation.

Speaker 2559.64s - 560.82s

How do you think you spelled it?

Speaker 9561s - 561.54s


Speaker 2562.38s - 563.7s

Yeah, that's closer.

Speaker 9564.7s - 565.86s

I was going there, Dan PERSON.

Speaker 2565.92s - 566.88s

I was trying to help you out.

Speaker 9566.96s - 568.2s

I was giving it, you know, you asked me,

Speaker 2568.28s - 569.98s

asked an expert about embarrassing his kids,

Speaker 9570.02s - 572.18s

and I was trying to help you out and tell you what it's like.

Speaker 2572.18s - 572.68s

It was helpful.

Speaker 9572.74s - 574.48s

It's hard to see, you know, it's hard.

Speaker 4574.72s - 575.62s

It really is.

Speaker 2575.92s - 578.98s

When you're filming me and I'm smoking cigarettes and I'm doing a bit,

Speaker 4579.06s - 590.06s

the impact it will have of my children, I didn't think of that stuff when I was doing it when I was in the middle of it, and I wish I had, but I did it. But Lord knows, no one has embarrassed their kids more than me.

Speaker 9593.68s - 595.4s

Let me address, though, the idea. Tom Brady PERSON's got nothing on me.

Speaker 2605.28s - 605.46s

Let me address the idea of what the impact of divorce is. The three children you talked about, the youngest are Giselle and Tom. So it's 14 and 11.

Speaker 9611.12s - 652.28s

Right. And the difficulty of those formative years. I will tell you that my wife lost her mother at 12 years old to death. And it is a formative thing that has formed almost the entirety of who she is. And while this isn't death, it can feel like it to kids of that age, even if the parent is still around, because you have lost somebody. And unlike death, in many instances, you blame yourself because you're not adult enough to remove yourself from where the guilt is. This isn't true for everybody, but I've seen it enough at this age and younger. I have a friend who his parents got divorced, and as a toddler, he did not speak for two years after that.Now, that's a toddler.

Speaker 11652.54s - 657.7s

But wherever it is you go to get the things that feel like love for the rest of your life,

Speaker 9658.66s - 674.58s

your parents divorcing is hard enough by itself. Your parents divorcing because cheating may or may not have involved is hard enough itself. But now add to the element cheating may or may not have involved is hard enough itself. But now add to the element this, all of the kids in the school you're in now know every single thing. And all of comedy is piling on to mommy.

Speaker 2674.8s - 689.94s

Right. The other thing with Brady is he didn't have to do this. He didn't have to do it. Like there's no reason to do it. I mean, I act like a jackass because I have to. I embarrass my kids because I have to. Tom Brady PERSON didn't have to do this to his children.

Speaker 4690.24s - 692.9s

Could you say this is a transition into his media career doing this?

Speaker 2694.2s - 698.92s

I don't know why he did it. I mean, that would be my best guess, but I'm still not sure why he did it.

Speaker 9698.92s - 772.94s

He said it did it as a favor to Jeff Ross PERSON because he thought it would be funny. The Roastmaster General suggested it. It made, how many people watched this? Because the numbers were really good. It was a success in every way but this. But what a heartbreak for Tom Brady PERSON to have it be a success in every way but this to create the regret and guilt of, I wouldn't do that again. What a horror for my children. I don't know that there, I mean, I don't know that there's something in the emotional realm that doesn't involve like actual loss that can feel worse to a parent who's actually loving than to have a blind spot about how you harms your child unnecessarily. I don't know how the disappointment.If you don't care as a parent, if you're not trying to be a good parent, if you think kids need to be more adult, okay, but if you're an actually loving person who cares deeply about the kids and is hurt by the product of divorce, if you then on top of that make a giant public mistake that harms them and you didn't see it coming that one hurts man human even i know he's superhuman but that one hurts have you ever wondered if chet homegrin

Speaker 0772.94s - 829.52s

might be a descendant of abraham lincoln or if a ufc fighter could beat an alien in a fight you might have not and that's okay i probably have thought about the ufc one to be honest but chae serrano and jason concepcion from Six Trophies WORK_OF_ART podcast have. If you love basketball, and more importantly, if you love fun, you got to listen to six trophies where Jason and Shea serve up the biggest moments from all around the NBA ORG with their brand of unbridled joy, banter, and pop culture side quests.Each week, they hand out six pop culture themed trophies for six basketball-related activities, stuff like the Denzel Washington and Training Day trophy, given out to the player or team having the best week around the NBA ORG. Or the Lauren Hill PERSON, you might win some, but you just lost one trophy for the team or player that just can't get it together. Plus a bunch more trophies for all the good, bad, or just plain head-scratching moments from all around the NBA ORG.This playoff season, you want to make six trophies, your go-to companion podcast. Follow six trophies on the Wondery ORG app or wherever you get your podcast. Listen ad-free right now by joining Wondry Plus ORG.

Speaker 9830.6s - 841.32s

Don Lebertard. All of us who were watching college football elevated everything the weekend was because we missed football in general so very much.

Speaker 10841.8s - 845.18s

You didn't watch the ending of Utep, Jacksonville State ORG. It was awesome.

Speaker 9845.34s - 845.76s

A doozy.

Speaker 2845.96s - 846.3s


Speaker 10846.5s - 847.94s

Mm-hmm. Stugats.

Speaker 9848.3s - 857.3s

It's such a lane for you. Just everything in college football is awesome. Any single thing that happens, she gets deliriously happy about.

Speaker 4857.38s - 865.26s

Don't you miss viewing sports through that prism, though? Like, I'm envious of Lucy PERSON. Like, I wish that I could still be happy.

Speaker 13865.5s - 879.98s

This is the Dan Levitar show with the Stugats PERSON. Before we get to Lucy and Juju with their thoughts on the WMBA, which tipped off last night,

Speaker 2880.06s - 898.22s

the roast of Tom Brady, according to Variety magazine, was the most watched TV title on Netflix during the week of May 6th. And the second most watched title overall, the special hit 13.8 million views during the May 6th to May 12th DATE viewing window. That's a lot. I expected more, actually.

Speaker 3898.42s - 899.2s

That's number one.

Speaker 4899.72s - 901.48s

I have to scroll down here and look.

Speaker 3901.72s - 907.22s

That's a lot. I expected more, though. It was Brooks Shields and Mother of the Bride ORG. Yes.

Speaker 2907.46s - 913.14s

Yeah. Yep. I saw it. 26.7 million views. Oof. That's crazy.

Speaker 4913.44s - 924.56s

It wasn't great. It wasn't. No. It felt rushed, honestly. There were scenes where I'm like, I think they're just trying to get this movie out. Like, this seems like this is a one-take scene and we're good.Let's just keep it moving.

Speaker 2924.82s - 927.04s

Chris PERSON, you say you're making fun of me, rightfully so.

Speaker 4927.12s - 931.94s

But 26.7 for Brooke Shields, I figured Tom Brady PERSON would get something close to that. Yeah.

Speaker 2932.72s - 933.78s

I expected more.

Speaker 4934.4s - 936.2s

Can I say something controversial?

Speaker 2936.78s - 938.18s

Benjamin Bratt PERSON was in it?

Speaker 4939.48s - 946.56s

Benjamin Brat PERSON, I felt, and I shouldn't, no disparagement to the Brat family or anyone involved with Benjamin Brat.

Speaker 2946.66s - 947.14s

He's 60.

Speaker 4947.3s - 948.22s

I feel like something bad's coming here.

Speaker 2948.22s - 949.36s

Good for 60, but.

Speaker 4949.38s - 949.8s

Always is.

Speaker 3950.48s - 954.5s

I feel like Benjamin Brat showed up one time at our studio unannounced.

Speaker 4954.8s - 955.16s

He did?

Speaker 3955.26s - 956.94s

With Brian Cranston PERSON. With Brian Cranston PERSON.

Speaker 2957.08s - 961.26s

I walked them up. I was in an elevator with just them too. So Dan has wanted Cranston on this show for years.

Speaker 4961.52s - 965.32s

It was the day where Dan PERSON wasn't here. Sedano PERSON got him. Yeah, Sedano and Izzy PERSON spoke to him.

Speaker 2966.38s - 967.94s

But Benjamin Bratt PERSON came along with him

Speaker 4967.94s - 973.46s

because I guess they were in a movie together or something, I don't know. Right. And I was like, wow, Benjamin Brat PERSON. Good looking guy.

Speaker 11973.52s - 973.78s


Speaker 2973.94s - 977.52s

And not that he's still not, but I saw it.

Speaker 11977.52s - 979.62s

And I was like, ooh, 60 came.

Speaker 2980.82s - 981.74s

Still looks great.

Speaker 11981.82s - 983.42s

If I could look like that at 60, honestly,

Speaker 4983.5s - 992.4s

I would sign up right. I mean, if I could look, if right now, me today could switch bodies with 60-year-old Benjamin Brat PERSON, I would do it.

Speaker 11993.02s - 999.04s

But, you know, 50-4-year-old Benjamin Bratt PERSON, that was another animal.

Speaker 41000.04s - 1004.86s

Hey, Juju PERSON. What up? Juju PERSON, what's going on?

Speaker 21005.22s - 1007.44s

Lucy PERSON told me that, because I'm conditioned.

Speaker 51007.66s - 1008.84s

No, damn, damn that.

Speaker 21008.88s - 1010.1s

I see what damn we talk about.

Speaker 41010.2s - 1011.26s

Billy PERSON is an anarchist.

Speaker 51011.42s - 1012.72s

You're going to look at me talking about some damn.

Speaker 21012.8s - 1016.42s

He just leaves that in your lap. I don't give a damn by Benjamin Brad PERSON ass.

Speaker 01016.42s - 1016.66s


Speaker 21017.08s - 1017.34s

I know.

Speaker 01017.38s - 1018.78s

I'm here to talk WMBA.

Speaker 21019.08s - 1020.1s

Who gives a damn?

Speaker 01020.28s - 1021.16s

Yeah, he dropped that in your lap.

Speaker 21021.16s - 1023.24s

The NBA season started last night.

Speaker 01023.54s - 1024.62s

Caitlin Clark PERSON debut.

Speaker 21027s - 1043.8s

The sun stood up in the streets. They stood up in the fire. Duana Bronner PERSON proved herself. I've been doing this forever. I'm breaking records. AT, Alyssa Thomas PERSON.Come on, man, triple double first night. Look out, I think she's on MVP watch all ready. What you think, sis? Lucy PERSON, what's up, my sister? It's good to see you.

Speaker 101044.22s - 1060s

It's good to see you, you know what I mean? see you, Juj. Obviously, Alyssa Thomas PERSON is, Asia Wilson PERSON's the leading candidate for MVP, and I know we're only one game into the season, but the second I saw her walk out in that outfit, before the game started, I said, oh, she's MVP this season. Everybody else can just go home.

Speaker 111060.08s - 1068.58s

It's not worth it. But Alyssa Thomas from the second last year, and you saw that, like, how great she was in that opener against the fever. She's insane. It's not worth it. But Alyssa Thomas from the second last year, and you saw that, like, how great she was in that opener against the fever. She's insane.

Speaker 01068.78s - 1082.58s

It's probably, I would say, the most stacked WNBA, like, year. We've seen in a long time because there's so much star power, especially with this rookie class coming in. I think viewership numbers are going to be insane. And I just want the fever to win. Hell yeah, bro.

Speaker 51082.66s - 1114.52s

And the competition has gotten bigger and better than ever. Like you see with the Valkyries, salute the Golden State, Valkyries, welcome to the league next year expansion team. But it's so much talent that that's the result. It's so many great players out here that's not on the roster and it's shining through because, bro, top to bottom, the sun are, they're not even talked about as one of the top contenders of the championship this year. But you see top to bottom, the sun are, they're not even talked about as one of the top contenders of the championship this year. But you see top to bottom, Dijunay, excuse me, pardon me, three Junae Carrington with the defense on Caitlin last night, locked down.

Speaker 01114.68s - 1128.16s

Like, oh my goodness, like, I think that every team in the W this year, dog, can put their hat in the ring for no, no, no, competition. Like the New York Knicks are doing in the NBA ORG, every team in the WMBA is scrappy right now.

Speaker 101128.74s - 1135.82s

So, Juju, obviously the Aces are the favorite to three Pete this year, win the title. Who do you think their biggest competition is?

Speaker 51137.08s - 1180.96s

I think their biggest competition is themselves, for real. Like they came out last night, put foot in the ass first early in that game. But then as the game go by, they get more comfortable. Then the sun came back. Salute the Diana Tarasi PERSON turning back the clock. Like, oh my goodness.Like that Sun's team, I mean, that Mercury ORG team, excuse me, pardon me. They are, I think that they're scary because they got Natasha Clive and they got old girl Claire Copper from Chicago. They got a team full of slasher. So I don't think that they even have a big man or the type of team that could give the Aces ORG a run or a goal of problem.But like you said, a testament to the scrappiness. They gave them girls a run. So I think that the Vegas Aces ORG biggest competition is themselves.

Speaker 101181.48s - 1193.44s

No, I had the exact same takeaway because I was so excited watching that game when it was a blowout in the first half because I was like, I'm going to get to see Kate Martin PERSON. Yes, like this is themselves. No, I had the exact same takeaway because I was so excited watching that game when it was a blowout in the first half because I was like, I'm going to get to see Kate Martin. Yes, like this is awesome. Then we didn't get to see Kate Martin PERSON. That's okay. Her time will come.

Speaker 01193.44s - 1204.12s

When you're looking at this rookie class, obviously Caitlin PERSON is kind of the name that we're all focusing on just with all the hype that's come into this season. What did you think of her opener last night?

Speaker 51204.12s - 1208.14s

I mean, I'll give her a B. I mean, because like, look, she's a rookie.

Speaker 101208.38s - 1252.44s

That's fair. I give her a B. And the B becomes because of the turnovers. We can't have 10 turnovers no matter who you are. But like you said, I know about Dijunay PERSON. I know about the competition level. Like no one says she's going to come in here and dominate. We say she's going to come in here and do do her thing so as for a rookie on that stage you know everybody in that arena is here to see you you know every all the hopes and dreams are on your base like lebron we haven't seen this type of expectation since lebron and for her to still come in drop a dog like she she dropped the door now no let's not do that that. And she had a 41% usage rate last night, which is the same as she had in Iowa. So I think that I give her a B for last night.

Speaker 21252.92s - 1290.06s

Jujie PERSON, you're a very, you're a very kind grader, an easy grader, a B. She didn't grab a single rebound. Her team lost by 21 points. It was her debut. I don't know how to handle this, because I don't want to criticize Caitlin Clark. But you do, though, if an NBA player had this much buildup and in his first game lost by 21, no rebounds, all the turnovers, the fouls, I'd be crushing them today. So Lucy PERSON says I have to wait five games. New job. She was trying to do too much, trying to show off, probably a little bit nervous. Is that fair? Five games before I can start criticizing Caitlin Clark. I gave her a C, by the way. I mean, you got like you gave her F minus. That's one letter

Speaker 51290.06s - 1294.1s

grade. You gave her C. You gave her 79. I gave her 80. Like, that's all that happened.

Speaker 21294.64s - 1300.52s

I think that, look, brother, I forget five games, brother. Have you with criticize right now if you

Speaker 51300.52s - 1304.62s

want to, but just know that you're doing all this on wax. And whenever she climbed that mountain top

Speaker 21304.62s - 1307.58s

and slay the dragon, you're going to beat on wax saying what you said. So you can, I don't get your five games. Go ahead just know that you're doing all this on wax. And whenever she climbed that mountaintop and Slay the Dragon, you're going to be the own wax saying what you

Speaker 51307.58s - 1311.38s

said. So you can, I don't get your five games. Go ahead. Say what you got to say. I believe in her.

Speaker 21311.38s - 1315.2s

I already said it, but I'm willing to wait five games before I really go in on it. That's all I'm saying.

Speaker 01315.44s - 1320.86s

Like, you know? It's all good. Look, as long as we getting talking heads and our big brothers

Speaker 21320.86s - 1323.62s

like you talking about it, we're already having a good start.

Speaker 51323.78s - 1325.34s

Juju, what's going on with Jordan Canada PERSON?

Speaker 21325.5s - 1326.46s

Is she fine or not?

Speaker 51326.56s - 1329.94s

Like, because she has a little O next to her name of my fantasy team.

Speaker 41329.98s - 1330.74s

And it says if she's out.

Speaker 21330.84s - 1334.14s

She missed preseason games that I have no idea if she's playing in the regular season.

Speaker 41334.88s - 1337.14s

Come on, man, Neighborhood Canada ORG, salute the L.A.

Speaker 51337.22s - 1341.38s

Y'all already know what's going on. But she, I see her running around the gym.

Speaker 41341.62s - 1345.28s

Like, I'm not saying she's healthy, but I seen her doing drills running around the gym

Speaker 01345.28s - 1346.12s

up and down the court.

Speaker 41346.48s - 1348.16s

And that was as recent as Saturday.

Speaker 01348.76s - 1350.32s

So, I mean, I'm putting her into starting.

Speaker 41350.44s - 1351.7s

Wow. Yeah. Right.

Speaker 51351.8s - 1373.06s

Like Dijun PERSON, they had an owe on her name. A lot of players got owes on their name right now. But that's just because, and like we say, we got to hold them accountable. ESPN, be as efficient with these WNBA ORG rankings and nights and totals as you are with the NFL ORG.Let's update these injury reports. Let's make sure we know what's going on because we're enthused about the fantasy season. Don't do us like that.

Speaker 31374s - 1377.24s

Juju, two assists short of your parley. I took it last night.

Speaker 51377.54s - 1396.68s

Oh, my God. It was crushing. We were crushing. Bro, sloop doggie dog, man. Salute to sloop doggy dog, dog, Van de Sluke from the New York GPE. It wasn't even on her, bro.It was because she was passionate to Sabrina PERSON, and Sabrina PERSON didn't have that wet shooting night like she was posed to. But excuses are like buttholes. We all got one.

Speaker 101396.78s - 1420.32s

So I lost the parlay look yesterday, and I'm accountable. All right. Talking women's basketball, but going to the college game a little bit, I haven't been on the show since Lisa Bluter PERSON announced her retirement I am so so sad I was devastated excited for Jan Jensen PERSON she's going to be amazing she's the perfect head coachJuju what was your reaction when you saw Lisa PERSON stepping down after back-to-back national championship title game appearances

Speaker 41420.32s - 1423.82s

we didn't win that that is quite the way to present that

Speaker 101423.82s - 1425.94s

back to back.

Speaker 41426.5s - 1427.9s

Are you talking back national title game?

Speaker 21427.9s - 1429.78s

Are you saying Caitlin PERSON left so she left?

Speaker 101429.86s - 1430.2s

That's it?

Speaker 41430.28s - 1431.86s

No, that's absolutely not what happened.

Speaker 21431.98s - 1434.02s

Lisa's been there for 24 years.

Speaker 41434.32s - 1435.82s

That's pretty much an entire lucy.

Speaker 101435.9s - 1436.54s

That's a long time.

Speaker 21436.54s - 1438.42s

And then she left right when she left when Caitlin PERSON left.

Speaker 101438.96s - 1443.46s

I mean, look, we all get on time Brady for not leaving when he climbed the mountaintop.

Speaker 51443.76s - 1445.78s

So shoot, I feel like she understands.

Speaker 101446.78s - 1449.62s

Lisa doesn't went to back-to-bat championships in Iowa GPE.

Speaker 111450.4s - 1451.88s

Like, how in the hell?

Speaker 21452.18s - 1452.9s

Caitlin PERSON did that.

Speaker 51453.58s - 1458.9s

I mean, nah, that's a teamwork. When you got your lacrosse trophies for being the coach of the champion team,

Speaker 21459.08s - 1463.32s

did you help out at all or was it just all the players? It was all the players. I didn't do anything.

Speaker 51463.52s - 1464.54s

I got to be honest with it.

Speaker 21464.54s - 1467s

I just rolled the ball out. I mean, that's what I did. We were stacked,

Speaker 51467.1s - 1471.92s

jujia. Well, Lisa PERSON was a little bit more involved than you were, I'd say, because she had to

Speaker 21471.92s - 1491.28s

understand, like, Hannah Stelke PERSON, like, it's, it's the, they have so many things that go into a season and confidence getting, like, up and down that roster. Gabby PERSON, I think that she instilled the confidence required that all of them could make it not just Caitlin PERSON excuse me pardon me thank you but yes I think it's

Speaker 101491.28s - 1495.76s

it's a she deserves all the we're supposed to put her wrongs we're supposed to lead some of

Speaker 51495.76s - 1501.28s

these shows with blue to retiring like the same way we do thank you vander vandervere PERSON like we

Speaker 111501.28s - 1504.88s

don't give her enough attention when she retired Stanford for all these years but these

Speaker 01507.6s - 1511.44s

goats are retiring in our faces. And we're like, ah, what's next? Like, nah, bro, that's a legend, sis.

Speaker 101512.82s - 1525.76s

No, I 100% agree. I'm curious. I hope to hear from Lisa soon in the next few days. I wonder how much of a factor like NIL and sort of this new recruiting age, and especially women's college basketball, which is quickly eclipsing the men's played a part in her decision.

Speaker 21525.76s - 1545.72s

Like you drove, Sabin from the game. Yeah, yeah. Like, it's harder now. You have to do double the recruiting. Like, Iowa was active in the transfer portal and bringing Lucy Olson PERSON in. Like, there's so much more that goes with it.So I'm curious if that played a factor in it or not. But let me tell you, Jan Jensen PERSON, that woman is going to lead us back to the national title game and we'll win it this time. Not this year. Not this year. Not this year.

Speaker 51545.78s - 1573.18s

When Addie D. Gets to Iowa City GPE. You feel me? And underrated, like, shoot, Lisa PERSON might want to get her gruel back. She might want to go vacation. Man, it's time for Lisa PERSON to let her head down and enjoy her the fruits of her labor.You feel me? But before we get out of here, last night also, Lofizi, Nefisa Collier PERSON, and them girls, they took down the storm. Now, the storm got Nekka PERSON, they got my girl, I can't think of the cameras and lights.

Speaker 01573.48s - 1574.46s

She knows what I call her.

Speaker 111574.66s - 1575.6s

Scholar Diggins-Smith.

Speaker 01576s - 1593.9s

They got a great roster over there as well as Jewel, Nekagumigwey, and Ezi PERSON. I think that the expectation of the lights are bright for Citiato ORG right now. And I think that the likes are very low for the Minnesota ORG links right now. And they can sneak in and take some of this shine away late season. Look out for the links.

Speaker 21596.56s - 1618.9s

Juju, we're two wins away here from Nick Celtics ORG. I mean, I feel like if you asked Dan for game three courtside seats of the mecca for that series, Dan PERSON will get it done for you. He won't get it done for me. And don't tell him I'm coming with you, but I feel like if you ask him, he will get it done.What do you think? Hey, I'm on it. I'm gonna ask his ass. Okay, but again, reminder, don't tell him I'm coming with you, okay? Right, right.

Speaker 51619.3s - 1622.14s

Because then he won't get it done. I'm terrified for myself just right now.

Speaker 21622.52s - 1634.08s

The way the Knicks ORG I'm playing, what? The way the Knicks ORG I'm playing, we? The way the Knicks I'm playing. We're not, bro, we're not going through these same tests that they are. And we are playing soft as hell. And I, look, man, I'm worried.

Speaker 31634.22s - 1638.98s

Juju's been saying it all year. He really has. Everyone's been praising the Celtics and Juju PERSON's, like, been worried.

Speaker 21639.14s - 1644.66s

They've been the best team, the most dominating team in the NBA, the entire season. They're up 3-1 right now.

Speaker 31644.72s - 1646.26s

What are you worried about? A lot of blowouts.

Speaker 51646.76s - 1648.3s

Right, by the hair of their chin-y-chin.

Speaker 21648.46s - 1650.38s

Choo-Jin'Nix have three and a half players.

Speaker 51650.8s - 1655.88s

I mean, and they all got hard. And they all to drive you, they all will take you to the rack right now.

Speaker 21656.2s - 1660.08s

The Celtics ORG players, they will all shoot a half-court shot in rhythm. That's all they got.

Speaker 51660.82s - 1662.24s

All right, love you, buddy. See you game three

Speaker 21662.24s - 1664.12s

courts out, okay? Yes, sir.

Speaker 51664.24s - 1664.44s

All right.

Speaker 21665.44s - 1668.56s

Spring is the best time to add new challenges to your training.

Speaker 41668.86s - 1724.46s

Just in time for summer and warmer days. Spring's the best time of the year to take a new look at your fitness routine, dial it up a notch, and continue powering on. Challenge yourself. And Peloton ORG's classes were made just for that to challenge you. There's a variety of classes like boot camps, boxing, full body strength,all created to grow your skills or push you to improve what you already excel in. Plus, if you don't know which class to take to reach your fitness goals, guess what? You can join one of Peloton ORG's many programs. Right now, I'm in a strength program with Andy and a core program with Emma PERSON. Their expert coaches like Andy and Emma PERSON, and non-stop vibes will push you to new levels of strength and endurance, keeping you on your toes while giving you the professional coaching you need.With Peloton ORG, you don't need to worry about driving to the gym, making it to class on time. You can do it all from the comfort of your own home whenever it fits your busy schedule. Get your head start on Summer with Peloton at OnePeloton.com.

Speaker 51725.46s - 1731.84s

Don Lebertard. You got to know, I'm a big Colombo PERSON guy. Salute to that boy. Okay, I don't think that's proof.

Speaker 91732s - 1733.06s

I don't think that's proof.

Speaker 51733.26s - 1737.28s

I think that could be a lie. I don't think that's a lie.

Speaker 01737.28s - 1742.58s

I don't think that is evidence. Salute to that boy. It suggests camouflage.

Speaker 51743.26s - 1746.46s

It suggests that Jujud PERSON has no idea what we're talking about.

Speaker 01747.06s - 1748.82s

And now it's just Googling it.

Speaker 51749.18s - 1754.64s

Stugats. I'm not Googling it. My grandmama stayed in the country. I watched the Braves ORG.

Speaker 91754.72s - 1757.64s

I watch Colombo. I watch Mattlock. I watch Andy Griffin PERSON.

Speaker 21758s - 1762.28s

You said, but you go to the pin of the box. Damn. You tell him, Juj PERSON.

Speaker 131763.1s - 1765.68s

Probably a liar. You tell him, Juju PERSON.

Speaker 51765.82s - 1766.5s

Back to you, Stu PERSON.

Speaker 131766.7s - 1769.92s

This is the Dan Lebatar show with the Stugat PERSON.

Speaker 11770.08s - 1805.34s

Here's a start of the day from that big man, Nicola PERSON. Godlike skills put on display. But we're feeling so Plaza Setting records all the time We've become soindifferent We're all bored What the hay Yokin' stat of the day.

Speaker 21806.68s - 1817.64s

Nicola Jokic has more playoff assists than Shaq, Paul Pierce, Mike Conley, Joe Dumars, Alan Iverson, Kyrie Irving, and Damien Lowe PERSON.

Speaker 11818.46s - 1820.7s

How about that? Big game, Dame PERSON.

Speaker 21822.56s - 1835.74s

As I'm listening to that, I legitimately don't know the answer to the question I'm about to ask, which is, is Yokic a scorer first?

Speaker 91839.36s - 1842.04s

I legitimately don't know the answer to that.

Speaker 01842.16s - 1855.82s

He had 13 assists last night, no turnovers. God PERSON bless would I want that from my point guard? He is unlike anyone I've ever

Speaker 91855.82s - 1862.9s

seen that size. Obviously, he's a three-time MVP, but the casual excellence of doing that to the

Speaker 111862.9s - 1865.24s

four-time defensive player of the year,

Speaker 01865.74s - 1870.3s

I in sports Stugats PERSON love when the best at.

Speaker 91870.4s - 1908.12s

This goes at the best at that, whether it's mixed martial arts or anything. I love watching the arts mix. So one of my favorite things is basketball. Okay, top of the key, let's go. It's Jordan and Iverson PERSON. It's the top of the sport.They're guarding each other. What's going to happen? Top of the key, end of the. It's Jordan and Iverson PERSON. It's the top of the sport. They're guarding each other. What's going to happen? Top of the key. End of the game. Those shots are hard to get at the end of the game. Show me the best against the best. And watch everyone on the court who is next to them become spectators just like you. Last night, Denver's up by 11. Top of the key. And Harlan PERSON knows what he's watching. Harlan understands the history of whatlan knows what he's watching Harlan understands the history

Speaker 21908.12s - 1909.44s

of what it is that he's watching

Speaker 91909.44s - 1910.68s

And he says to you

Speaker 21910.68s - 1912.68s

Just like that

Speaker 91912.68s - 1950.8s

Yokic PERSON dancing with Gobert And what I'm seeing when he says The word Gobert PERSON is yes These are two bears dancing When he says go bear And I'm like Yokic PERSON what are you going to do?Go, bear. Go do what bears do, because you're a trained polar bear. And I'm watching you against the four-time defensive player of the year, and you hit the three-pointer in his face, and you're so casual about it. You don't roar at the crowd. You don't flex.It doesn't seem like anything other than the thing you do, like a metronome, just jogging up and down on the court,

Speaker 01950.9s - 1962s

waiting for all of it to end so you can go be with your horses. Like just hoping it all can end, and the defensive player of the year is on you, and he can do nothing,

Speaker 91962.16s - 1970.74s

and you've taken Minnesota's greatest strength, Stugat PERSON's. Because I know we talk about Anthony Edwards. He was on their team last year.

Speaker 01970.86s - 1999.62s

He was great last year. In Gobert, the defensive player of the year four times who's not being played off the court, they have the number one defensive efficiency in the league at the rim. But what happens if you've got a polar bear who takes that out of the rim? What are you going to do when Gobert PERSON can't be Gobert out there? Because the polar bear is going to make a three in his face.And Harlan PERSON's going to shout, framing it. It's a masterpiece. Because it's the best the sport can offer.

Speaker 92000.3s - 2003.42s

Like you can tell me all you want about Jordan PERSON? Right.

Speaker 22003.42s - 2009.2s

The offensive efficiencies of the game today make it so goddamn hard, 13 assists, zero

Speaker 92009.2s - 2020.98s

turnovers from that position when they got the defensive player of the year, the sixth man of the year, when they are a swarming defense and they've got a giant rim protector who can't protect the rim from that guy who goes eight for nine on him.

Speaker 122021.04s - 2031.38s

You want to know how incredible of a playmaker, Yokic PERSON is. He had 13 assists and no turnovers in a playoff game last night. Tony Parker only ever had 13 assists in a

Speaker 22031.38s - 2036.94s

playoff game three times. And he never did it without a turnover. A point guard. A point guard.

Speaker 122038.06s - 2043.34s

Yokic is seven feet. Right. And scored 40. He is entering, Dan PERSON, he's about to, if he can pull this

Speaker 22043.34s - 2057.72s

off and win a championship. He is entering a rare category of guys at NBA ORG history that have multiple titles and multiple MVPs. Like, it's the best of the best. It's Duncan PERSON. It's Jordan PERSON. It's Magic PERSON.It's Bird PERSON. It's Russell PERSON. It's Wilt PERSON. It's LeBron PERSON. That's who it is.

Speaker 92057.98s - 2072.16s

You're not going to be able to explain this to your kids now, never mind in the future. Like, it's not, I'm not telling you 20 years from now. You're not going to be able to explain it. I'm telling you, go ahead, go into your kid's bedroom right now and try to explain it. Because you're not going to be able to.

Speaker 22072.46s - 2077.82s

That'd be an odd thing to try and do, right? Like knock on your kid's door. Hey, want to sit down with you? Maybe I'll do it tonight.

Speaker 32078s - 2080.08s

I'll do it with my 6 year old tonight and I'll record it.

Speaker 22080.2s - 2081.98s

They're wondering, like, is this the talk?

Speaker 32082.98s - 2083.8s

And it's not.

Speaker 22084.4s - 2085.36s

Explain to them. I want to tell you about what unprecedented greatness we're witnessing. like, is this the talk? And it's not. Explain to them.

Speaker 32085.56s - 2089.3s

I want to tell you about what unprecedented greatness we're witnessing.

Speaker 22089.46s - 2090.84s

Listen, kid, I understand.

Speaker 92090.96s - 2094.6s

You live in a time. Skip Bayless chases LeBron 20 years with a pitch for.

Speaker 32094.72s - 2096.78s

Put your tablet down for a second. I got to talk to us.

Speaker 92096.78s - 2144.82s

I got to talk to you. Let me explain to you what this person who was drafted 42nd in the draft is doing to this sport and us dumb-ass media members are so unfamiliar with this kind ofexcellence that as soon as he goes down 02 we're like yeah it's over it's over I want the group to explain something to me please Draymond Green PERSON says this now of Minnesota ORG their body language is badCarl Anthony Towns PERSON walks off the court he's down 3-2 Draymond Green says this now of Minnesota. Their body language is bad. Carl Anthony Towns walks off the court. He's down three, two. Draymond Green PERSON says, it's over. Why do we need to do that? Why the need to do that? Please explain it to me.He's paid to give his opinion. His opinion is the series is over. I know, but why the need to, I'm not saying, I'm not saying his need to give that opinion.

Speaker 82144.94s - 2149.12s

Of course, Draymond PERSON wants to be provocative. I'm saying all of you listening to me,

Speaker 92149.6s - 2171.36s

why do you need to proclaim a series over before it actually is? You want to be right. It's fun. You want to be right, but you're taking the favorites position. Saying it's not over is the actual unpredictable opinion. Saying that Minnesota ORG was going to win that series when it was up to O,everybody was doing that. And I'm asking you, why?

Speaker 22172.02s - 2172.9s


Speaker 92173.9s - 2174.66s

It's fun.

Speaker 22174.82s - 2176.9s

It's fun. It's easy.

Speaker 42177.04s - 2177.64s

You should try it.

Speaker 22177.84s - 2178.3s


Speaker 42179.44s - 2181.92s

I mean, I didn't hear you saying Denver ORG was going to win the series.

Speaker 22182.28s - 2183.94s

I didn't know who was going to win the series.

Speaker 92184.06s - 2184.8s

I like to watch it.

Speaker 22184.8s - 2185.3s

You thought it was over.

Speaker 92185.42s - 2187.32s

I would like to watch it play out.

Speaker 22187.52s - 2191s

Are there any series going on right now that you would like to proclaim over?

Speaker 112191.12s - 2191.96s

Yeah, try it.

Speaker 92192.14s - 2193.3s

Dan, Celtics are up three one.

Speaker 112193.86s - 2194.16s

Come on.

Speaker 92194.32s - 2194.58s

Panthers ORG.

Speaker 22194.58s - 2195.16s

Is it over?

Speaker 92196.08s - 2197.96s

I know you love game sevens, but over?

Speaker 32198.18s - 2199.64s

I mean, that one's over.

Speaker 122201.48s - 2202.28s

There you go.

Speaker 142202.44s - 2202.8s

Thank you.

Speaker 22202.88s - 2203.08s


Speaker 112203.3s - 2204.6s

Come on that one.

Speaker 142204.62s - 2204.98s

Felt good?

Speaker 22205.56s - 2207s

Felt good. Felt good?

Speaker 142209.48s - 2209.64s

Feel as good as I do, huh? Try again. Nick Spacers PERSON?

Speaker 22212.28s - 2212.66s

Nick Spacers? PERSON Well, why would that one be over?

Speaker 142214.34s - 2214.58s

But I don't think it's over.

Speaker 82219.34s - 2219.54s

No, it's not over. It's over. It's over. The Pacers ORG are going to win it.

Speaker 142221.28s - 2222.64s

Oh, wow. What?

Speaker 82226.92s - 2227.18s

Outie listeners, it's Mike, and you know, a lot has changed over the years.

Speaker 142228.12s - 2228.38s

Just look at sports.

Speaker 82230.62s - 2230.92s

There's instant replay, a three-point line.

Speaker 22232.56s - 2232.82s

There were shifts, and then not shifts.

Speaker 32237.16s - 2237.36s

But one thing that hasn't changed over the course of all those things I just mentioned,

Speaker 112238.46s - 2238.64s

the great taste of Miller Light.

Speaker 32239.12s - 2239.34s

That's right.

Speaker 112240.36s - 2240.6s

It's so good.

Speaker 32242.24s - 2249.52s

And it's also less filling. So what's the best thing about Miller Light, the original light beer? Well, Miller Light sparked this debate way back in 1975. We still haven't settled it.

Speaker 72249.78s - 2253.74s

Be like me. I don't pick one. I like it because it's both. Miller Light keeps it simple.

Speaker 32254s - 2258.88s

Undebatable quality. Great taste. Only 96 calories. It's a beer that strips away everything that

Speaker 72258.88s - 2263.5s

you don't need and holds on to what matters most. You don't have to choose what's best. Be like me.

Speaker 32263.7s - 2265.1s

Say both. Miller Light. Great taste. And is's best. Be like me. Say both. Miller Light,

Speaker 72269.88s - 2273.64s

great taste, and is less filling. Tastes like Miller Time. To get Miller Light delivered right to your door, visit millerlight.com slash stand. Or you can find it pretty much anywhere that

Speaker 112273.64s - 2278.62s

sells beer. Celebrate responsibly. Miller Brewing Company, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 96 calories

Speaker 72278.62s - 2281.94s

per 12 ounces. Fewer cows and carbs and premium regular beer.