Stormy Daniels Takes The Stand

Stormy Daniels Takes The Stand

by The New York Times

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26:18 minutes

published 23 days ago


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Speaker 40s - 26.76s

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Speaker 328.24s - 73.94s

6.41 a.m. Feeling a little stressed because I'm running late. It's the fourth week of Donald J. Trump's PERSON criminal trial. It's a white-collar trial. Most of the witnesses we've heard from have been, I think, typical white-collar witnesses in terms of their professions. Got a former publisher, a lawyer, accountants. The witness today, a little less typical.Stormy Daniels. Porn star in a New York GPE criminal courtroom in front of a jury jury more accustomed to the types of witnesses they've already seen. There's a lot that could go wrong.

Speaker 776.36s - 132.42s

From New York Times, I'm Michael Babaro PERSON. This is the Daily ORG. Today, what happened when Stormy Daniels took the stand for eight hours in the first criminal trial of Donald J. Trump PERSON? As before, my colleague Jonah Bromwich PERSON was inside the courtroom. It's Friday, May 10th. So it's now day 14 of this trial, and I think it's worth having you briefly and in broad strokes catch listeners up on the biggest developments that have occurred since you were last on,which was the day that opening arguments were made by both the defense and the prosecution. So just give us that brief recap.

Speaker 3132.62s - 139.84s

Sure. It's all been the prosecution's case so far. And prosecutors have a saying, which is that the evidence is coming in great.

Speaker 7139.84s - 151.8s

And I think for this prosecution, which is trying to show that Trump falsified business records to cover up a sex scandal to ease his way into the White House in 2016, the evidence has been coming in pretty well.

Speaker 2151.8s - 164.56s

It's coming well through David Pecker, former publisher of the National Enquirer, who testified that he entered into a secret plot with Trump PERSON and Michael Cohen, his fixer at the time, to suppress negative stories about Trump the candidate.

Speaker 3164.82s - 169.32s

It came in pretty well through Keith Davidson, who was a lawyer to Stormy Daniels PERSON in 2016

Speaker 1169.32s - 171.7s

and negotiated the hush money payment.

Speaker 3172.16s - 199.44s

And we've seen all these little bits and pieces of evidence that tell the story that prosecutors want to tell. And the case makes sense so far. We can't tell what the jury's thinking, as we always say. But we can tell that there's a narrative that's coherent and that matches up with the prosecution's opening statement. Then we come to Tuesday,and that day really marks the first time that the prosecution's strategy seems a little bit risky because that's the day that Stormy Daniels PERSON gets called to the witness stand.

Speaker 7200.06s - 214.12s

Okay, well, just explain why the prosecution putting Stormy Daniels PERSON on the stand would be so risky. And I guess it makes sense to answer that in the context of why the prosecution is calling her as a witness at all.

Speaker 3214.12s - 256.6s

Well, you can see why it makes sense to have her. The hush money payment was to her. The cover up of the hush money payment in some ways concerns her. And so she's this character who's very much at the center of the story. But according to prosecutors, she's not at the center of the crime. The prosecution is telling a story and they hope a compelling one. And arguably that storystarts with Stormy Daniels. It starts in 2006 when Stormy Daniels says that she and Trump PERSON had sex, which is something that Trump PERSON has always denied. So if prosecutors were to not call Stormy Daniels says that she and Trump had sex, which is something that Trump has always denied. Right. So if prosecutors were to not call Stormy Daniels PERSON to the stand, you would have this big hole in the case. It would be like effect, effect, effect, but where is the cause?Where is the person who set off this chain reaction?

Speaker 10257.54s - 260.6s

But Stormy Daniels PERSON is a porn star.

Speaker 3260.9s - 282.6s

She's there to testify about sex. Sex and pornography are things that the jurors were not asked about during jury selection. And those are subjects that bring up all kinds of different complex reactions in people. And so when the prosecutors bring Stormy Daniels PERSON to the courtroom, it's very difficult to know how the jurors will take it, particularly given that she's

Speaker 0282.6s - 296.28s

about to describe a sexual episode that she says she had with the former president. Will the jurors think that makes sense as they sit here and try to decide a falsifying business records case? Or will they ask themselves, why are we hearing this?

Speaker 7296.82s - 302.52s

So the reason why this is the first time that the prosecution strategy is for journalists like

Speaker 10302.52s - 310.86s

you a little bit confusing is because it's the first time that the prosecution strategy is for journalists like you, a little bit confusing, is because it's the first time that the prosecution seems to be taking a genuine risk

Speaker 7310.86s - 321s

in what they're putting before these jurors. Everything else has been kind of cut and dry and a little bit more mechanical. This is just a wild card.

Speaker 3321.66s - 324s

This is like live ammunition to some extent.

Speaker 7324.22s - 327.02s

Everything else is settled and controlled and they know what's going to happen.

Speaker 3327.66s - 329.4s

With Stormy Daniels PERSON, that's not the case.

Speaker 7329.94s - 337.78s

Okay, so walk us through the testimony, when the prosecution brings her to the stand, what actually happens?

Speaker 3338.44s - 370.58s

It starts as every witness does with what's called direct examination, which is fancy word for saying prosecutors question Stormy Daniels. And they have her tell her story. First, they have her tell the jury about her education and where she grew up and her professional experience. And because of Stormy Daniels's PERSON biography, that quickly goes into stripping and then goes into making adult films. And I thought the prosecutor who questioned her, Susan Hoffinger PERSON, had this nice touch in talking about that, because not only did she ask Daniels PERSON about acting in adult films, but she

Speaker 10370.58s - 375.3s

asked her about writing and directing them, too, emphasizing the more professional aspects of that work,

Speaker 0375.52s - 383.46s

and giving a little more credit to the witness as if to say, well, you may think this or you may think that, but this is a person with dignity who took what she did seriously.

Speaker 3384.16s - 387.82s

Got it. What's your first impression of Daniels PERSON as a witness?

Speaker 7388.4s - 394.26s

It's very clear that she's nervous. She's speaking fast. She's laughing to herself and making small

Speaker 3394.26s - 399.74s

jokes, but the tension in the room is so serious from the beginning, from the moment she

Speaker 7399.74s - 404.38s

enters, that those jokes aren't landing. So it just feels like really heavy and still and

Speaker 3404.38s - 406.04s

almost oppressive in there.

Speaker 7406.6s - 408.86s

So Daniel PERSON's talking quickly,

Speaker 3409.42s - 410.28s

seeming nervous,

Speaker 2410.78s - 417.48s

giving more answers than are being asked of her by the prosecution, even before we get to the sexual encounter that she's about to describe.

Speaker 3417.72s - 422.2s

All of that presents a really discomforting impression,

Speaker 7422.4s - 422.86s

I would say.

Speaker 3423.36s - 429.96s

And how does this move towards the encounter that Daniels PERSON ultimately has?

Speaker 7430.28s - 434.56s

It starts at a golf tournament in 2006 in Lake Tahoe, Nevada GPE.

Speaker 3435.32s - 473.96s

Daniels meets Trump PERSON there. There are other celebrities there, too. They chatted very briefly. And then she received a dinner invitation from him. She thought it over, she says, and she goes to have dinner with Trump PERSON,not at a restaurant, by the way, but she's invited to join him in the hotel suite. So she gets to the hotel suite, and his bodyguard is there, and the hotel door is cracked open, and the bodyguard greets herand says she looks nice, this and that. And she goes in, and there's Donald Trump PERSON, just as expected. But what's not expected, she says, is that he's not wearing what you would wear to a dinner with a stranger, but instead, she says, silk or satin pajamas.

Speaker 2474.32s - 503.86s

She asked him to change, she says, and he obliges. He goes and he puts on a dress shirt and dress pants and they sit down at the hotel suites dining room table, and they have a kind of bizarre dinner. Trump PERSON is asking her very personal questions about pornography and safe sex, and she testifies that she teased him about how kind of vain and pompous he is. And then at some point she goes to the bathroom,and she sees that he has got his toiletries in there, his old spice, his gold tweezers.

Speaker 7504.14s - 505.34s

Very specific details.

Speaker 3505.8s - 545.62s

Yeah, we're getting a ton of detail in this scene. And the reason we're getting those is because prosecutors are trying to elicit those details to establish that this is a credible person, that this thing did happen, despite what Donald Trump PERSON and his lawyers say.And the reason you can know it happened, prosecutors seem to be saying, is because look at all these details. She can still summon up. Right. She comes out of the bathroomand she says that Donald Trump is on the hotel bed. And what stands out to me there is what she describes as a very intense physical reaction. She says that she blacked outand she quickly clarifies she doesn't mean from drugs or alcohol. She means that she says that the intensity of this experience was such that suddenly

Speaker 2545.62s - 551.1s

she can't remember every detail. The prosecution asks a question that cuts directly to the sex.

Speaker 3551.66s - 563.5s

Essentially, did you start having sex with him? And Daniel PERSON says that she did. And she continues to provide more details than even, I think, the prosecution wanted. And I think we don't want to go chapter

Speaker 7563.5s - 577.1s

and verse through this claimed sexual encounter. But I think we don't want to go chapter and verse through this claimed sexual encounter, but I wonder what details stand out and which details feel important, given the prosecution strategy here. All the details stand out, because it's a story about having

Speaker 3577.1s - 594.92s

had sex with the former president, and the more salacious and more private the details feel, the more you're going to remember them. So we'll remember that Stormy Daniels PERSON said what position they had sex in. We'll remember that she said he didn't use a condom. Whether that's important to the prosecution's case,now that's a much harder question to answer,

Speaker 0594.92s - 601.9s

as we've been saying. But what I can tell you is as she's describing having had sex with Donald Trump PERSON, and Donald Trump PERSON is sitting right there,

Speaker 3602.7s - 605.3s

and Eric Trump PERSON, his son is sitting behind him,

Speaker 0605.3s - 612.34s

seeming to turn like a different color as he hears this embarrassment of his father being described to a courtroom full of reporters at this trial.

Speaker 3612.84s - 617.74s

It's hard to even describe the energy in that room. It was like nothing I had ever experienced.

Speaker 0618.2s - 619.86s

And it was just Daniels PERSON' testimony

Speaker 7619.86s - 622.58s

and seemingly the former president emotions,

Speaker 0623.02s - 624.66s

and you almost felt like you were trapped in there

Speaker 7624.66s - 641.4s

with both of them as this description was happening. Well, I think it's important to try to understand why the prosecution is getting these details, these salacious, carnal, pick your word, graphic details about sex with Donaldson PERSON.

Speaker 3641.48s - 658.3s

What is the value if other details are clearly making the point that she's recollecting something? Well, I think at this point we can only speculate. But one thing we can say is this was uncomfortable. This felt bad. And remember, prosecutor's story is not about the

Speaker 10658.3s - 668.76s

sex. It's about trying to hide this sex. So if you're trying to show a jury why it might be worthwhile to hide a story,

Speaker 3669.12s - 678.28s

it might be worth providing lots of salacious details that a person would want to hide. Exposing them to how bad that story feels and reminding them that if they had been voters

Speaker 7678.28s - 690.32s

and they had heard that story. And in fact, they asked Daniels PERSON this very question, if you hadn't accepted hush money, if you hadn't signed that NDA, is this the story you would have told? And she said, yes. And so where I think

Speaker 0690.32s - 694.58s

they're going with this, but we can't really be sure yet, is that they're going to tell the jurors,

Speaker 3695.04s - 699.06s

hey, that story, you can see why he wanted to cover that up, can't you?

Speaker 7699.5s - 707.56s

You mentioned the hush money payments. What testimony does Daniels PERSON offer about that and how does it

Speaker 3707.56s - 712.36s

advance the prosecution's case of business fraud related to the hush money payments? So little evidence

Speaker 7712.36s - 716.66s

that it's almost laughable. She says that she received the hush money, but we actually already

Speaker 3716.66s - 722.26s

heard another witness, her lawyer at the time, Keith Davidson PERSON, testified that he had received the hush money

Speaker 7722.26s - 731.54s

payment on her behalf. And she testified about feeling as if she had to sell this story because the election was fast approaching,

Speaker 3731.78s - 736s

almost as if her leverage was slipping away because she knew this would be bad for Trump PERSON.

Speaker 7736.24s - 738.88s

That feels important, but just tell me understand why it's important.

Speaker 3739.08s - 744.04s

Well, what the prosecution has been arguing is that Trump PERSON covered up this hush money payment

Speaker 7744.04s - 746.62s

in order to conceal a different

Speaker 10746.62s - 752.82s

crime. And that crime, they say, was to promote his election to the presidency by a legal means.

Speaker 3752.9s - 757.78s

Right. We've talked about this in the past. So when Daniels PERSON ties her side of the payment into the

Speaker 7757.78s - 763.8s

election, it just reminds the jurors maybe, oh, right, this is what they're arguing. So how does the

Speaker 3763.8s - 766.18s

prosecution end this very dramatic and from everything you're saying,

Speaker 7766.26s - 770.6s

very tense questioning of Stormy Daniels PERSON about this encounter?

Speaker 3771.08s - 790.52s

Well, before they can even end, the defense lawyers go and they consult among themselves, and then with the jury out of the room, one of them stands up and he says that the defense is moving for a mistrial. On what terms? He says that the testimony offered by Daniels that morning is so prejudicial, so damning to Trump

Speaker 0790.52s - 801.34s

in the eyes of the jury that the trial can no longer be fair. Like, how could these jurors have heard these details and still be fair when they render their verdict?

Speaker 2801.78s - 803.62s

And he says a memorable expression.

Speaker 3803.72s - 810.78s

He says, you can't unring that bell, meaning they heard it, they can't unhear it, it's over, throw out this trial, it should be done.

Speaker 7810.96s - 812.38s

Wow, and what is the response from the judge?

Speaker 3812.8s - 838.78s

So the judge, Juan Mershahn PERSON, he hears them out. I mean, he really hears them out. But at the end of their arguments, he says, I do think she went a little too far. He says that. He said there were things that were better left unsaid.By Stormy Daniels PERSON. By Stormy Daniels PERSON. And he acknowledges that she's a difficult witness. But he says the remedy for that is not a mistrial, is not stopping the whole thing right now. The remedy for that is cross-examination.

Speaker 2838.78s - 841.78s

If the defense feels that there are issues with her story,

Speaker 10842.12s - 856.14s

issues with her credibility, they can ask her whatever they want. They can try to win the jury back over. If they think this jury has been poisoned by this witness, well, this is their time to provide the antidote. The antidote is cross-examination,

Speaker 0856.6s - 867.6s

and soon enough, cross-examination starts. And it is exactly as intense and combative as we expected.

Speaker 10871.68s - 892.38s

We'll be right back. Negative thoughts can be hard to shake.

Speaker 3892.8s - 894.46s

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Speaker 7894.8s - 897.46s

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Speaker 0897.92s - 920.76s

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Speaker 9921.32s - 937.84s

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Speaker 8937.84s - 950.76s

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Speaker 9951s - 964.54s

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Speaker 8965.44s - 967.88s

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Speaker 9968.18s - 971.08s

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Speaker 8971.08s - 973.56s

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Speaker 7976.44s - 983.8s

So, Jonah PERSON, how would you characterize the defense's overall strategy in this intense cross-examination of Stormy Daniels PERSON?

Speaker 3984.38s - 989.9s

People know the word impeach from presidential impeachments, but has a meaning in law, too.

Speaker 7990.02s - 1008.68s

You impeach a witness and specifically their credibility. And that's what the defense is going for here. They are going to try to make Stormy Daniels PERSON look like a liar, a fraud, an extortionist, a money-grubbing opportunist who wanted to take advantage of Trump PERSON and sought to do so by any means necessary.

Speaker 31009s - 1013.22s

And what did that impeachment strategy look like in the courtroom?

Speaker 71013.58s - 1017.5s

The defense lawyer who questions Stormy Daniels is a woman named Susan Necklace PERSON.

Speaker 31017.66s - 1021.7s

She's defended Trump PERSON before, and she's a bit of a cross-examination specialist.

Speaker 71021.9s - 1025.32s

We even saw her during jury selection bring up these past

Speaker 31025.32s - 1030.72s

details to kind of confront jurors who had said nasty things about Trump PERSON on social media with.

Speaker 71031.06s - 1035.44s

And she wants to do the same thing with Daniels PERSON. She wants to bring up old interviews and

Speaker 31035.44s - 1041.62s

old tweets and things that Daniels PERSON has said in the past that don't match what Daniels is saying

Speaker 71041.62s - 1045.58s

from the stance. What's a specific example, and do they land?

Speaker 31046.26s - 1048.02s

Some of them land, and some of them don't.

Speaker 01048.46s - 1052.04s

One specific example is that Necklace ORG confronts Daniels

Speaker 71052.04s - 1054.2s

Daniels PERSON with this old tweet where Daniels says

Speaker 01054.2s - 1057.34s

that she's going to dance down the street if Trump PERSON goes to jail.

Speaker 31057.64s - 1060.32s

And what she's trying to show there is that Daniels PERSON is out for revenge,

Speaker 21060.42s - 1063.18s

that she hates Trump PERSON, and that she wants to see him go to jail.

Speaker 31063.24s - 1110.92s

And that's why she's testifying against him. Got it. And Daniels PERSON is very interesting during the cross-examination. It's almost as if she's a different person. She kind of squares her shoulders and she sits up a little straighter and she leans forward. Daniels PERSON is ready to fight, but it doesn't quite land. The tweet actually says, I'll dance down the street when he's selected to go to jail. And Daniels PERSON goes off on this digression about how she knows that people don't get selected to go to jail. That's not how it works. But she can't really unseat this argument that she's a political enemy of Donald Trump PERSON.So that one kind of sticks, I would say. But there are other moves that Necklace ORG tries to pull that don't stick. Like what? So unlike the prosecution, which typically used words like adult, adult film, necklace seems to be taking every chance she can get to say porn or pornography or porn star

Speaker 01110.92s - 1127.58s

to make it sound base or dirty. And so when she starts to ask Daniels PERSON about actually being in pornography, writing, acting, and directing sex films, she tries to land a punchline, necklace does. She says, so you have a lot of experience making phony stories about sex appear to be real, right?

Speaker 71127.7s - 1136.4s

As if to say, perhaps this story you have told about entering Trump PERSON's suite in Lake Tahoe and having sex with themwas made up.

Speaker 31136.48s - 1201.1s

Just another one of your fictional stories about sex. But Daniels PERSON comes back and says, the sex in the films,it's very much real, just like what happened to me in that room. And so when you have this kind of combat of lawyer cross-examining very aggressively and the witness fighting back, you can feel the energy in the room shift as one lands a blow or the other does. But here, Daniels lands one back. And the other issue that I think Susan Necklace PERSON runs into is she tries to draw out disparitiesfrom interviews that Daniels PERSON gave, particularly to in touch very early on once the story was out. This is kind of like a tabloid magazine. But some of the disparities don't seem to be landing quite like Necklace ORG would want. So she tries to do this complicated thing about where the bodyguard was in the room when Daniels PERSON walked into the room as described in an interview in a magazine. But in that magazine interview, as it turns out, Daniels mentioned that Trump PERSON was wearing pajamas. And so if I'm a juror, I don't care where the bodyguard is.I'm thinking about, oh, yeah, I remember that Stormy Daniels said now in 2024 that Trump PERSON was

Speaker 71201.1s - 1238.22s

wearing pajamas. I'm curious if, as somebody in the room, you felt that the defense was effective in undermining Stormy Daniels PERSON credibility. Because what I took from the earlier part of our conversation was that Stormy Daniels PERSON is in this courtroom on behalf of the prosecution to tell a story that's uncomfortable and has the kind of details that Donald Trumpwould be motivated to try to hide. And therefore, this defense strategy is to say those details about what Trump PERSON might want to hide, you can't trust them. So does this back and fortheffectively hurt Stormy Daniels PERSON credibility in your estimation?

Speaker 31239.14s - 1287.02s

I don't think that Stormy Daniels came off as perfectly credible about everything she testified about. And there are incidents that were unclear or confusing. There were things she talked about that I found hard to believe when she, for instance, denied that she had attacked Trump PERSON in a tweet or talked about her motivations. But about what prosecutors need, that central story, the story ofhaving had sex with him, we can't know whether it happened. But there weren't that many disparities in these accounts over the years. In terms of things that would make me doubt the story that Daniels PERSON was telling, details that don't add up, those weren't present. And you don't have to take my word for that, nor should you.But the judge is in the room, and he says something very, very similar.

Speaker 71287.62s - 1287.8s

What does he say?

Speaker 31288.64s - 1312.16s

And why does he say it? Well, he does it when the defense, again, at the end of the day, on Thursday, calls for a mistrial. With a similar argument as before? Not only with a similar argument as before, but like almost the exact same argument. And I would say that I was astonished to see them do this, but I wasn't because I've covered other trials where Trump PERSON is the client. And in those trials, the lawyers again and again

Speaker 71312.16s - 1317.76s

called for a mistrial. And what does Judge Mershan say in response to this second effort to seek a

Speaker 31317.76s - 1345.52s

mistrial? Let me say to this one he seems a little less patient. He says that after the first mistrial ruling, two days before, he went into his chambers and he read every decision he had made about the case. He took this moment to reflect on the first decision. And he found that he had, in his own estimation, which is all he has, been fair and not allowed evidence that was prejudicial to Trump PERSON into this trial. It could continue.

Speaker 101346.08s - 1348.38s

And so he said that again.

Speaker 31348.38s - 1360.38s

And then he really almost turned on the defense. And he said that the things that the defense was objecting to were things that the defense had made happen.

Speaker 21360.62s - 1361.58s

How so?

Speaker 31361.86s - 1377.2s

He says that in their opening statement, the defense could have taken issue with many elements of the case about whether they were falsified business records, about any of the other things that prosecutors are saying happened. But instead, he says, they focused their energy on denying

Speaker 101377.2s - 1384.3s

that Trump ever had sex with Daniels PERSON. And so that was essentially an invitation to the prosecution

Speaker 31384.3s - 1402.96s

to call Stormy Daniels PERSON as a witness and have her say from the stand. Yes, I had this sexual encounter. The upshot of it is that the judge not only takes the defense to task, but he also just says that he finds Stormy Daniels's PERSON narrative credible. He doesn't see it as having changed so much from year to year. Interesting.

Speaker 71403.14s - 1429.64s

So in thinking back to our original question here, Jonah, about the idea that putting Stormy Daniels PERSON on the stand was risky, I wonder if by the end of this entire journey, you're reevaluating that idea. Because it doesn't sound like it ended up being super risky. It sounded like it ended up working reasonably well for the prosecution. Well, let me just assert that it doesn't really

Speaker 31429.64s - 1434.32s

matter what I think. The jury is going to decide this. There's 12 people and we can't know

Speaker 71434.32s - 1482.84s

what they're thinking. But my impression was that while she was being questioned by the prosecution for the prosecution's case, Stormy Daniels PERSON was a real liability. She was a difficult witness for them and the judge said as much. But when the defense cross-examined her, Stormy Daniels PERSON became a better witness, in part because their struggles to discredit her may have actually ended up making her story look more credible and stronger. And the reason that matters is because, remember,we said that prosecutors trying to fill this hole in their case. Well, now they have. The jury has met Stormy Daniels PERSON. They've heard her account. They've made of it what they will. And now the sequence of events that prosecutors are trying to line up as they seek prison time for the former president really makes a lot of sense. It starts with what Stormy Daniels PERSON says with

Speaker 31482.84s - 1485.58s

sex in a hotel suite in 2006.

Speaker 01486.02s - 1501.46s

It picks up years later as Donald Trump PERSON is trying to win an election, and prosecutors say suppressing negative stories, including Stormy Daniels' PERSON very negative story. And the story that prosecutors are telling ends with Donald Trump

Speaker 31501.46s - 1512.9s

orchestrating the falsification of business records to keep that story concealed. Well, Jonah PERSON, thank you very much.

Speaker 71513.06s - 1513.58s

I appreciate it.

Speaker 31514.16s - 1530.94s

Of course, thanks for having me. The prosecution's next major witness will be Michael Cohen, the former Trump PERSON fixer,

Speaker 71531.24s - 1560.42s

who arranged for the hush money payment to Stormy Daniels PERSON. Cohen is expected to take the stand on Monday. We'll be right back. The questions around retirement have gotten, well, tiring.

Speaker 61560.86s - 1605.6s

Instead of, have you saved up enough, shouldn't they be asking, what is it that you love to do? And how can we help you keep doing it? The truth is, you're not slowing down. So your retirement plan should be more of an action plan, a hiking plan, a music plan, a sailing plan. The point is, whatever you're passionate about, Lincoln Financial ORG can help make sure you never stop. Lincoln Financial ORG has the products to help protect and grow your financial future, so you can keep doing more of what you love. Make your pastimes last a lifetime at slash action plan. Lincoln Financial Group ORG, marketing name for Lincoln National Corporationand its insurance companies and broker-dealer affiliate, Lincoln Financial Distributors Inc. 2024, Lincoln National Corporation ORG. Here's what else you need to know today.

Speaker 71606.2s - 1673.34s

On Thursday, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Nanyahu PERSON issued a defiant response to warnings from the United States that it would stop supplying weapons to Israel GPE if Israel invades the southern Gaza city of Rafa. So far, Israel GPE has carried out a limited incursion into the city where a million civilians are sheltering, but has threatened a full invasion. In a statement, Netanyahu PERSON said, quote, if we need to stand alone, we will stand alone. Meanwhile, high-level ceasefire negotiationsbetween Israel and Hamas ORG have been put on hold, in part because of anger over Israel's incursion into Rafah GPE. A reminder, tomorrow we'll be sharing the latest episode of our colleague's new show, The Interview WORK_OF_ART. This week on the interview, Lulu Garcia Navarro PERSON talks with radio host Charlemagne the God about his frustrations with how Americans NORP talk about politics.

Speaker 11674.94s - 1690.48s

If me as a black man, if I criticize Democrats, then I'm supporting MAGA ORG. But if I criticize, you know, Donald Trump and Republicans NORP, then I'm a Democratic shill. Why can't I just be a person who deals in nuance?

Speaker 71692.9s - 1737.38s

Today's episode was produced by Olivia Nat and Michael Simon Johnson PERSON. It was edited by Lexi Diao with help from Paige Coward PERSON, contains original music by Will Reed PERSON and Marian Lozano and was engineered by Alyssa Moxley PERSON. Our theme music is by Jim Brunberg and Ben Landfurt of Wonderly ORG.That's it for the daily. I'm Micahawarrow PERSON. See you on Monday. You want control of your financial future. That's why when it comes to managing your wealth,

Speaker 51737.66s - 1761.8s

Schwab ORG gives you more choices. Like full-service wealth management and advice when you need it most. You can also invest on your own and trade on Think or Swim ORG, the powerful award-winning trading platform. Plus, you'll get low costs, transparent pricing, and 24-7 live help. Because Schwab ORG understands it's your financial journey, and they believe you should have choices in how you invest. Visit to learn more.