Tottenham (a) - Preview, starting XI & predictions | The biggest derby in years!

Tottenham (a) - Preview, starting XI & predictions | The biggest derby in years!

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41:35 minutes

published 1 month ago

British English

2022 941608

Speaker 20s - 23.18s

To the left-hand side for Vieira PERSON, who'll play through to Gabriel Jesus, who's in here for Arsenal ORG. Gabriel Jesus PERSON, to finish it off. Oh, what a way to do it! Gabriel Jesus seals the points for Arsenal ORG. He's back, and he's back with a bang!

Speaker 023.44s - 24.72s

Into the penalty area, it goes.

Speaker 224.82s - 30.18s

Gabriel's get her, and it's into the back of the net a bang. Into the penalty area. It goes Gabrielle. Heller and it's into the back of the net. Arsenal taking early lead through Gabrielle.

Speaker 131.3s - 37.22s

You're listening to The Chronicles of Aguna, the Daily Arsenal podcast with me, Harry Simiw PERSON.

Speaker 241.68s - 43.88s

Good morning, everybody.

Speaker 144.1s - 49.02s

Happy Saturday. How's it going? It's North London Derby Day tomorrow.

Speaker 049.6s - 1588.02s

And the stress has kicked in. The anxiety has kicked in. I haven't had a very good night's sleep. And I suspect that tonight's sleep is probably going to be even worse, even more broken up because of how big this North London Derby is. Now, this is a game that means everything to us as supporters. There's no doubt about that. It's the game that you look for when the fixtures come out. It's the game that you look at and think, oh, I need to be quite pumped and ready for this one.I've grown up in North London GPE. So for me, I've got Spurs ORG fans in and around me everywhere I turn. I go to the shop at the end of the road. If I'm wearing anything, Arsenal ORG, someone will make a comment, vice versa. In this area, if you're wearing something Tottenham ORG,you'll probably get a comment from an Arsenal ORG fan. This is a rivalry that you just can't escape. This is a rivalry that is right on our doorstep. And this is one that I believe has intensified more and more, actually, over the years have gone on. When I first got into football, when I first started following and supporting the Arsenal, Tottenham ORG were irrelevant. That's the truth of it. Tottenham ORG were a side that, you know, might have a little bit of a run here and there in a cup competition, but we're never going tocompete for the Premier League. We're never really going to win the FA Cup either, to be honest with you. At that point, it was kind of League Cup or nothing for Tottenham Hotspur ORG. Now, over the years, that gap between the two sides, not in terms of trophy count, but it has closed in that Tottenham Hotspur ORG, particularly under Mauritio-Pocetino, began to compete for a top four spot regularly. Arsenal ORG started to lose their grip on those spaces as well at that time and that kind of coincided. And the rivalry as a result became more and more intense and closer.rivalry as a result became more and more intense and closer. We're at a point now where Arsenal are challenging for the Premier League title and Tottenham are pushing for a Champions League ORG spot. So although we're not quite in the same bracket in terms of what we're looking for from the remainder of the season, there is plenty to play for both. And of course, Tottenham Hotspur ORG are a good enough side that we should pay them the respect that they deserve.And we've got every right to be feeling physically sick before this game is what I would say to that. Let me say a few hellos because there's loads of you in the live chat. Good to see you guys. Thank you, as always, for joining me bright on early on a Saturday morning. It's not a normal time for us to live stream, but we're doing it anyway. So yeah, appreciatethose of you that have adjusted your plans to be with us. I put a poll in the chat. Who's going to win the North London Derby EVENT? What's the result going to be? What's the outcome going to be? And the three options are obviously Tottenham win, draw, and Arsenal ORG win. Guna PERSON 73 in the chat says, I'm not clicking on that poll. If I click win, I'm worried that I'll curse it. And I obviously can't vote, lose or draw. If you've got it in you to vote, then please do, because I'm interested to see how you guys are feeling. A big hello to Hacker to Super Mick Arteta PERSON.We've got Mafia Boss Jr. PERSON is with us as well. Jid 2 Osuo says, good morning Harry PERSON. I think this is another three points in the bag. Junior PERSON saysremember Harry PERSON, it's Mother's Day soon and you owe your mom for bailing out bailing you out with the kids a few days ago. Yeah, I mean, I don't know what I do without my mom bailing me out. Yeah, I'm a massive man child, really. Big good morning to Andy. We've got Chris PERSON as well who says,Hey, Harry, good morning. Would like your take on if we should sweep in for Rashford PERSON. In my opinion, Arsenal is not a church, nor is Artetta and Alchemist. I like Rashford PERSON, but can we afford another project player? And he's gone for 5-0 to the Arsenal tomorrow. Bloody hell. We'll come back to the Rashford PERSON thing later. I'll put a star on that one so that it prompts me to come back to it.Joey says, Morning Harry and fellow Gooners, I'm up unwillingly at 5.30 this morning. At least I've got you lot to spend my time with. Good to see you, mate. And yeah, I had one of those mornings as well where I was like, I've had a really, really busy Friday and it was really, really busy. And by the time I got home last night, I was absolutely shattered. And I thought, you know what? I'm going to sleep in a bit tomorrowbecause I'm working on a game later today for BBC London Sport. And then I am on the TalkSport Breakfast show tomorrow morning, which means I have to leave my house at about 5 a.m. And then I'm going to come back freshen up and go straight to the North London Derby EVENT. And then after the North London Derby, we'll be bringing you reaction on the Chronicles of Aguna. I'll be doing the 90 Min show, Sunday Night Edition WORK_OF_ART. And yeah, so I figured I needed a bit of a rest today, at least this morning anyway.I needed a bit of time to kind of recharge the batteries. And I too, like you, Joey, ended up waking up way too early and I found it impossible to get back to sleep. This is what the Derby EVENT will do to you. Mario says, morning all, and of course, Mayman, Harry, Odegaard, Parte, Rice PERSON play. We will win this game. It will be tough. I don't think they will play like they do,but if they do that, sorry, if that is the case, we'll pick them off in spaces. What else have you got? Claudia says, Spurs were very fortunate when we played them at the Emirates ORG. Vieira was playing left eight. There was no Martinelli or Troside, and I'm sure Enquette PERSON started up front. I can't remember, without checking, I can't remember exactly what the lineup was that day. But I actually thought we were quite poor in the reverse fixture.I actually thought that if anyone probably edged it, it might have even been them. And I don't like saying that, but that was how I felt coming away from the game. Iyoku joins us from Canada, where it's 3.40 a.m. Welcome, my friend. What are you doing up at that hour? Is it work? Is it kids? It could be either of those two things. Are you just finding it difficult to sleep like me because of what's coming up tomorrow afternoon? All right. Let's talk a little bit about, first of all, what Mikhail Arteutas had to say in the pre-match press conference. He gave this press conference to the media yesterday,and he was asked, as you'd expect, lots of questions about the title race. And he was asked how he feels about our title chances. This is what he said. We are there. We have to look at ourselves and try to perform in the best possible way to win our matches. And I can't wait to see what happens. That's what we discuss. It sounds a bit repetitive, but that's what we have to do. He was asked whether it's a two-horse race, of course, Liverpool ORG, in a lot of people's eyes, dropped out of contention the other night when they lost the MerseysideDerby. I can understand why people think that, because when you look at the standards that Manchester City have set over the last few years, there is no margin for error. And that's why when we lost to Aston Villa, our only defeat of 2024, by the way, it felt like the end of the world. We feel like that because we've been conditioned to feel like that because of the standards that that team have set over the years. And you know that if you want to finish above them, you've got to be at that level.There is no margin for error. But when you look at the points, when you look at how many games are left, I think it's disrespectful to rule Liverpool ORG out of this title race. He was asked how pleased he's been with April. He said, look, it's been great, not just the results, but the performances as well. We had a big one in the last London Derby against Chelsea ORG, and now we have another big one.I'm sure if we're going to do it, we're going to have to beat Spurs ORG as well. He was asked about how much tougher the squad is this season. He said, look, availability, as we've mentioned before, is something key. It's true that apart from Jurian PERSON, we're going to be very close to having everybody available, and that's a huge boost. That elevates the training sessions, the competition between the players, and to pick the right lineup and gives you the ability,I should say, to pick the right lineup to change the game, it's really important. He was asked about our schedule in comparison to Spurs ORG. Obviously, Spurs haven't played for a little while, but he did say, Mikhail Arte de PERSON, that we're going to be fully ready. We've had a bit of time as well to recover and prepare for the Chelsea ORG game from the Chelsea game. I'm sure the team is going to be fully ready to go again on Sunday.So no excuses from Mikhail Arteta PERSON about the schedule, about the way that the fixtures have panned out. And considering some people say that he is literally a carbon copy of Pueaureola PERSON, I'm really surprised. He hasn't come out to talk about tiredness. Yeah, I mean, he must have forgotten to pick up on that part.He's been asked about selection headaches. He says, yes, it's a good headache. Of course, it is. He was really impressed with Ange Postercoglu's PERSON job so far. He said that he's been following him for a little while, that there's a really clear direction and identitywith regards to how his teams play. He says that he's been really clear direction and identity with regards to how his teams play. He says that he's been really, really good. There was lots of talk about Kai Havert. Obviously, Kai Havert's, you know, I think over the last few months has proven to people that really kind of questioned and doubted the decision to bring him in that they were wrong. And, you know, Mikhail Arteza PERSON didn't sit there and take the credit for this decision.He said that it was a collective club effort. He said it wasn't my decision. It was our decision. We were super aligned with the club's vision. And then obviously on the sporting side, we made a recommendation. A lot of people were involved, and then you need the ownership to back you as well and makethese things happen. We were very convinced that they were characters first and that they were players with the right qualities to fit within our model, our club. And sometimes it takes a bit of time. That's inevitable. Sometimes you're going to make mistakes.I try to minimize them and I try to at least generate the environment and everything that the players need to fulfill their potential. So Mikhail Alteta PERSON, you know, saying that it was inevitable. to at least generate the environment and everything that the players need to fulfill their potential. So, Mikhail Artetta, you know, saying that it was inevitable that Kai Habits PERSON was probably going to take a little bit of time. And I do believe, and I'm sure you guys would agree, that the move to centre forward has been massive for him. We've heard a lot this season about this ridiculous supercomputer, which gives Arsenal a 26.6% chance of winning the title right now.Michel Arteta said, I don't know what to say. Hopefully we can trick the computer and make it a bit higher. Maybe it needs to update the software. He was basically making a bit of a laugh and joke about it. He was asked whether the result at Tottenham two years ago, of course, we were in the hunt for top four. That night when we arrived at Tottenham Hospital Stadium FAC and we were beaten quite comprehensively. He was asked whether that was a low point for him. Mikhail Artetta PERSON very cleverly said, my memory's failing me.I'm more focused on the last one. That's more positive. And I love that. I love that kind of answer. He was asked whether Jurian Timber PERSON is going to be available for the game. Jury and Timber, of course, was in action on Monday night for the under 21s.It was called a banger of a goal as well in that game. Mikkel said, we have to make that decision tomorrow after the training session. He's very close, but I don't know if this has come around too early. He is very, very close now. He was asked about, you know, P-a-cogluse tactics. Will he change them?Will he tweak them? And that leads me on to a really important talking point, I think, because one of the things I've said about Spurs this season when I've been asked to pass comment on them on other shows or whatever is that I think they've got the right principles underpinned. I think that people keep talking about the Tottenham ORG way, whatever that is, and that it consists of playing exciting, attacking football, the kind of football that gets the fans in the door, that gets the punters in, if you like,that people can identify to. And Ange Poster Coglu PERSON has done that. He's brought that. He's brought that feel good factor. Particularly at the start the season, I thought that was really kind of clear. And it was like Angmania ORG, wasn't it?The whole league was looking at Tottenham ORG and thinking, bloody hell, like nobody was, well, nobody's serious. There were some people, but nobody serious was predicting them as title contenders. But people were looking at it and going, how has this guy come in and made such a big difference in such a short space of time? And does it highlight and shine a light or maybe how toxic things were at TottenhamHotspur by the end of the Antonio Conte PERSON sort of tenure, which I think, yeah, is an accurate way of sort of assessing what spurs were going through and where they've come to. I do think, though, over the course of the season, when it comes to Angeposta Cogluse PERSON side, things have leveled out a little bit in that it was attack, attack, attack at the beginning and everybody loved it and they were blowing most teams away and they were on this incredible run of form. And then I always remember that game against Chelsea ORG at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium where it just felt like Spurs ORG hit a brick wall. They lost at the timeto a really poor Chelsea side actually. Nicholas Jackson PERSON, who people have been talking about loads recently, as a striker that isn't able to apply the finish and touch, isn't as cold in front of goal as he needs to succeed at this level. And Chelsea ORG went there and absolutely battered spurs, and it could have been more. If Chelsea ORG had their shooting boots on, if they were more ruthless,it could have been a lot more. And that highlighted, I think, not a crack, not a problem, but maybe a slight shortcoming when it comes to the application of the Ange PERSON way and the insistence on never veering away from that. Because I know a lot of Spurs ORG fans, friends and mine, who came away from that game thinking,okay, this is the way we want to play, this is the way we want to do things. But when we went down to nine men, we could have found a way of nick in a draw, had we just been a little bit more defensively resolute. We'd have needed probably a bit of luck along the way. But Chelsea certainly aren't the ruthless operators that maybe Manchester City are or the Arsenal ORG have becomeor that Liverpool ORG are or whatever, generally speaking. So I know a lot of Spurs ORG fans came away from that game thinking, look, this is all well and good playing this way and we love it and it's enjoyable and it's exciting. But I think a lot of them at that point went, okay, but what are you going to do when we come up against opposition that can slice through us, particularly in situations where we're up against difficult circumstances, i.e. we've lost a player or we don't have our best players available.And Spurs ORG went on to have some injury problems off of the back of that game. And the level, it dropped quite significantly. Now, I'm not saying that Antipostoclou PERSON hasn't done a good job or that Angpostercoglu PERSON doesn't deserve praise for what he's been able to do. I think when you look at where Spurs were, the fact that they're in, you know, the race for the Champions League ORG spots going into the last few games. I don't think they're going to make it, by the way.But I think that does tell you that, you know, they are on the right path. They're on the right track. I think there's a big question now going into this Derby EVENT as to whether or not he comes out and says, guys, we're going to play our way. We're going to go for Arsenal ORG. We're going to play the high line. We're going to high press. Or if he looks at Arsenal ORG, looks at their strengths, looks at the way that they were able to expose Chelsea ORG, who also tried to play on the front foot and goes, okay, I'm not saying that we change our principles.I'm not saying that we change our ideas moving forward and in the bigger picture. But on this occasion, in order to be competitive, we're going to have to tweak it a bit. And I always wonder how that goes down with players, because I think if I were a player, I'd like to think I'd be realistic about where my team are at, where I'm at as an individual. And I think there would be games and there would be circumstances where actually slightly tweaking the approach is probably justifiedand maybe needed. And so I'm really, really fascinated to see what Tottenham ORG are going to do. I know how we're going to approach this game. I know that Mikhail Arteta PERSON is a big believer in the impact of atmospheres, in the impact that crowds can have on games. And I think he will be instructing his players to go out there nice and early, be confident, play their games, struck their stuff. And the more we keep hold of the ball, the more we look confident,the more we look like we're not in any danger, and the less risks we take, I think, in the early stages of the game, the more that that starts to show to the Tottenham Hotspur faithful that actually Arsenal ORG are here and they mean business. And no matter how good an atmosphere is, no matter how good a set of fans claim to be in terms of their vocal support, when you're feeling nervous, it's really, really tough to generate an atmosphere. I know that from experience.The games where I'm most nervous when I'm in the stands, I'm not singing, I'm not channing, I'm standing there, biting my nails, and panicking and worrying about every single action and every single movement. So I think if you can go there and show Tottenham ORG that you're really confident and that you believe in your own game and that you're going to take the game to them, I think a lot of people will go into their shells, not just on the pitch, but off it,which then has an impact on the atmosphere, which I think helps our cause when it comes to trying to take three points here. Spurs ORG will leave spaces. Spurs ORG do leave gaps. We could leave gaps too if we're overly aggressive in the way that we press, and we know that they are probably going to try and work the channels,given that Saliba and Gabrielle are going to try and push up. It's going to be interesting to see, you know, whether Spurs try and pull those two guys out of position. And that's where the fullbacks rolls come into it and are really, really important. And my team selection, which I'm going to share with you in a bit,is reflective of that and takes that into consideration. But, yeah, I mean, there's no reason as an Arsenal ORG fan not to feel confident. We are the better side. We've got lots and knots to play for more than Tottenham ORG have to play for. And listen, this is our moment and we've got to go out there and seize it.You know, we've got to go out there and make another statement victory. And if we do, we can sit back after the game and we can watch Manchester City ORG travel to Nottingham Forest, the side who are in desperate need of points, and yeah, there'll be disappointment if they managed to get the victory because you're running out of games and you need them to drop bloody points at some point. But what you also do is you're able to process whatever that outcome is therewithout feeling any regret about your role in it. And I think disappointment is much easier to process and to live with and to cope with when you know that you did all that you can. And so Arsenal ORG need to go out and win this game. They need to. It'll be a real, real shame if we were to draw, for example, and then City ORG were to go anddraw. That wouldn't be a disaster because you'd still be going into the last few games in the same situation, needing Manchester City to drop points, needing them to drop two points somewhere between now and the end of the season. But it would feel like a real opportunity missed. And I feel like if we have that disappointment of an opportunity missed, that could beenough to tip the balance even more so in city's favour. Because I think confidence at this point in the season is a really fragile thing. I think it can either be sky high and up here, or it can be really low. And I think when you know that the games are running out, any little setback, it can have a lasting effect. Now, Arsenal have proven to us this season already that they can bounce back from disappointments.They did it when they dropped points against Aston Villa ORG. The following Premier League game, they went up to Moline U FAC and they won. They weren't great, but they got the job done. Arsenal know that they do have it in them these days to go out on grind results. In the past, you looked at Arsenal ORG teams and you went brilliant side, fantastic, free-flowing footballing side.When it's all going great, it's great, but my God, when it's not, they look soft-centered, they're unable to dig in, they're unable to grind out, results. I don't feel like that about this Arsenal ORG team,but I do feel like with the games running out, we just have to win every single game. And if we get over the line as a result of that, then what an achievement that would be. To play 18 games in 2024, win 16, draw one and lose one would be some return. And we'd be worthy winners of the Premier League ORG. Equally, if Manchester City ORG win all their remaining games,you look at the points tally that they're going to finish on. You look at the run that they've been on since around about December, and you'd have to say that they two are worthy winner. So, yeah, the margins are so fine. They're so, so fine. I was at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium yesterday for some filming with Premier League ORG productions.I have to say, listen, I was raised by a Greek NORP family who believe in when you go to somebody's house, you take a gift, you take something, you know, whether that be a bunch of flowers, a box of chocolates, a glass of wine, a glass of wine, a bottle of wine, maybe even some food. You know, I spent the night before in the kitchen preparing a tray of lasagna, but when I got to the door for some reason, I don't know why. It was confiscated from me. But yeah, didn't even get to take it home and eat it myself. But yeah, look, it's an incredible stadium.I was standing right in front of that. Is it the South Stand FAC? I think it is where it's all one tier. And you can see why they can generate a really electric atmosphere at that place. And they will try before the game to get behind their side and make it as difficult for us as possible. But I really do feel like we have what it takes, given the way that we play,given the characters that we have in the group to go there and not silence that crowd, but certainly to reduce the volume that they're outputting and producing. And if we can do that, I really do think it makes it just a football match and it levels the playing field. Because in a derby, particularly in your home derby, you're looking at the crowd aren't you to give you that extra bit of edge and that extra um bit of something that you need maybe to go on and win it. Let's have a look at some of the Premier statistics ORG ahead of this one.Hold on a second. Let's share the screen with you guys. I'm trying to get faster at this stuff. I'm not very good at here. Here we go. There we go. Head to head. In the Premier League, 63 matches between these two sides. Arsenal ORG lead the way with nine more wins than Tottenham in the Premier League era, 24. Tottenham with 15 and there's been 24 draws along the way. If you go back to the game earlier last, earlier this season, I beg your pardon, back in September, it was a two todraw at the Emirate Stadium. Go back to last season, we won 2-0 on the 15th of January at the Tottenham Hot Spurs Stadium after beating them 3-1 at home earlier in that season. And if you go back to the campaign before, it was a case of the home side coming out on top. Spurs beating us 3-0, that damaging defeat on the 12th of May 2022. And in the September of that season, we were three-one winners. So if you look back over the last five results, there have been three Arsenal victories, one Tottenham ORG win and a draw.If we take this on to the form guide, Arsenal have won four of their last five, just that defeat to Aston Villa, sandwiched in between two victories either side, Luton and Brighton ORG, comfortable wins, two nil and three nil. We won at Wolves by two goals to know and we beat Chelsea ORG, obviously five-nil. Spursy ORG's last outing, which was a little while ago now, I beg your pun, was a drubbing at the hands of Newcastle ORG. They did beat Nottingham Forest ORG at home before that.They were held to a 1-1-drawer at West Ham ORG. They did narrowly beat Luton Town ORG, and they were defeated at Fulham ORG. So I guess if you want to look at, if you want to look at, you know, where the two teams are at, I know that it's a Derby EVENT and some people will say, well, form guide means nothing and it goes out of the window. They've had some heavy defeats against Newcastle and Fulham ORG. Granted, both of those were away from home, but they looked sosoft-centered in those games. And that should give Arsenal confidence. You look at the Forrest game, they won that one by three goals to one. But if you look at the Luton ORG game in particular, if we're focusing solely on those recent fixtures, they weren't very convincing in that, not at all. And so Luton and Forrest PERSON have both been to the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium FAC recently and shown that you can cause them issues and can cause them problems. So why shouldn't we be confident going there this weekend?

Speaker 11589.16s - 1592.2s

Season so far, spurs are in fifth.

Speaker 01592.4s - 2153.74s

We are top as it stands. 18 wins for them, 24 for us. They've had six draws. We've had five. They've lost eight times. We've lost five.Average goals score per match, Arsenal nearly on 2.5 per game. Spurs just over two, so they do have goals in them. Average goals conceded per match, though. This is the real big difference. Spurs concede on average one and a half goals per game. Arsenal are less than 1.7.6.We've had 10 more clean sheets this season than Angposter Cogloucly ORG side. 16 to their six. When it comes to chances created, and I always tell you, be wary of this because I don't have a clue how the Premier League work it out, though. Tottenham ORG seemed to create more, apparently. Anyway, top player statistics, the leading goal scorer in the Premier League across these two sides is Jungmin Son with 15, Pekai Osaka just won behind him on 14.And Kai Havers, you know, that guy that was a complete waste of money, he is in third on 11. When it comes to assists, you've got Bukai Osaka and Hulmin Son PERSON joint top in that one, which is interesting. Saka on 9, Sond on 9, Odegaard comes in behind them on 8. It's weird with Odegaard because he creates so much for this Arsenal ORG team, but this season, I feel like it hasn't translated into assists.And I know that people are going to look at that because we're in a generation where people only look at stats, but do not let that fool you with regards to how impactful and important he has been to this Arsenal ORG team. Again, this season, it's just a superb, superb player. When it comes to tackles, Pedro Porro leads the way on 82. Declan Rice is in second on 73, and Eves Basuma comes in third on 72.Right. So, I've been having to think about the team that I would pick. There's a couple of debates for me. Who plays at left back? Who plays in midfield and who plays on the left wing? We keep talking about those three positions as the ones that are always, well, normally up for grabs in that side. They're obviously positions that Mikhail Arteza PERSON feels more confident rotating in than some of the others. That's probably to do with the personnel that he has available to sort of call off the bench.But the team I'd go with is the same one that played against Chelsea the other night. Raya in goal, White, Saliba, Gabrielle and Tomiasu PERSON across the back. Parte, Rice and Odegaard PERSON, the midfield that we'd all been waiting to see for so bloody long, that tore Chelsea ORG apart apart that had incredible physical presence that defensively did a really wonderful job, but that also allowed us to break lines so quickly and get the likes of Havert's and Odegaat, Saka and Trossard PERSON on the ball niceand early and put them in situations from which they caused Chelsea ORG plenty of damage. And then up front, like, how can you not continue and persist with Kai Habits PERSON up front? Like, you just can't leave him out of this team. Unless there's a problem, unless there's something that we don't know about, he needs to be starting this game because he's just been fantastic. He's been really impactful, both in the buildup, defensively from set pieces, offensively from set pieces.And he scored another couple of goals the other day as well, which means his confidence will be sky high. Leandro Trossard PERSON, listen, I've questioned at times whether or not he's better from the bench, whether he's just that type of player that is more effective when he gets thrown in at a certain game state and is able to go on and impact the game that way. But again, form dictates that he's got to play. He scored the opener against Chelsea ORG.He scored the opener against Wolves ORG. You know, he's just popped up with some really important goals throughout the course of the season. He's a clinical finisher and I really, really want to see him in the starting line up. He's harsh on Gabriel Martinelli PERSON, who I think probably really want to see him in the starting line-up. It's harsh on Gabriel Martinelli PERSON, who I think probably has a part to play in this game at some point because of how he stretch his teams and he's running power. But I just thinkin a game like this, you know, I'm at the point now where I'm not calling for Martinelli to start because Trosard PERSON has done so much that he deserves that opportunity. Some would argue, as Oisim does in the chat, that maybe Martinelli's running power and ability to sort of pin fallbacks back could help us in dealing with maybe Pedro Porro PERSON. Whoever plays on that left-hand side is going to have to do plenty of defensive work. But the reason I want to see Parthame and Rice PERSON in that midsfield is that if we do see that spurs are creating overloads on that left-hand side and that Tommy Asu PERSON is having to livewith a winger but also a fallback coming forward, having Parthé PERSON in the middle gives you that flexibility to say, OK, Declan PERSON, you go out there and you support a little bit on that left-hand side. And that's why last season, I thought our midfield was so effective when Parte PERSON, Jacques and O'Donogar were all fit because Parte PERSON, and he's not quite there yet in terms of full fitness, but Parte was strong enough on his own to say to Granite, Jacker PERSON, at certainpoints in a game or when we were dealing with particular threats. Go out and support the left back. Go out and support the left wing. It's why we were able to carry Alexander Zincenko's PERSON lack of defensive ability throughout most of last season. I'd argue that in the end it caught up with us. But, you know, that's the difference between having somebody like Thomas Pate PERSON in themidfield and not having Thomas Pate PERSON in the midfield. So that's my starting 11 to face Tottenham tomorrow. Let me just run you through that one more time for those of you listening on all the O'Reilly PRODUCT. In goal, White Silibe, Gabriele and Tomiasu across the back, Pate, Risenoda, Guard in midfield, Saka, Trosard and Havert PERSON in attack.Have you got any questions? Get them in. We'll take as many of those as we possibly can before we sign out. I've got a couple that were sent through on X, which I want to touch on as well. So get those in now.Let's take this one from Jiru PERSON. He says, seeing your lineup, if you were to make one change that wasn't Tommy or Trosard PERSON, what would it be? I mean, I'm not massively against Georgino PERSON playing in midfield. You know, I think that Georgino is someone that's been really helpful to us this season.I'd argue that away from home against Spurs, you want Parte more than Georgino PERSON. But if Georgino was named in the starting 11 for any reason, I'm not going to be sitting there going on, what a disaster. He had a bit of a disaster game in the reverse fixture earlier in the season. But Georgino, for me, has shown over the course of the season that he can be trusted. So that would probably be the one that I'd maybe make.Everything else, though, for me, has to stay like that. That is the best Arsenal ORG team available to us right now, in my opinion. And that's what I'd go with. Z says, hey Harry, good morning. In your opinion, based on Arsenal ORG's record atthe stadium, how they perform, etc. Which one is the harder fixture for Arsenal ORG? Are you talking about Old Trafford FAC as well? Talking about Man United and Arsenal ORG. I think they're both tough games, man. I really, really do. I'm just kind of hopingthat maybe Manchester United ORG, you know, are... Man United are not going to win a Champions League ORG position. I'm just maybe hoping that they look at it and they go, well, we don't want to be in the Conference League or, you know, maybe results go...It's difficult to know how the result's going to go. But I don't think that the United want Man City ORG to win it, particularly. I don't think that they want Liverpool ORG to win it. I think we're kind of the lesser of the three evils, if that makes sense. Not suggesting anyone's going to lay down, apart from Spurs when they play Man City ORG. I really think that's going to happen. Anyway, what else have we got in the live chat? Owen says, keep the winning team, Super Subs, Jay-Zus and Martinelli PERSON. Yeah, I mean, the ability to bringthis level of player off the bench is so key, isn't it, in terms of getting you over the lining games. And that's why it's really important that we have these players available now at this point. Benny says, would you keep Parte for next season? He's definitely better than Georgineo PERSON, but the best ability is availability. It's a tough one, isn't it? Because if you'd have asked me this three weeks ago, I'd have been saying, no way. At the end of the season, you've got to let him go, you've got to move on from Thomas Partey PERSON. You've got to find the next version of Thomas Parte, if you like, and he's such a good player that that's not going to be easy to do. But I'd havesaid to you, no, time to cut your losses, time to move on from him. If Thomas Parte PERSON has a really massive part in a running that then sees us go on and win the Premier League ORG title, how are you going to feel about just letting him go or trying to get like a very sort of minimal amount of money for him in the summer? I guess you need to be ruthless. I guess you need to be able to make those decisions when they comein order for you to do really, really well as a team and as a club and to constantly, you're not going to get everything right, but to get as much right as you possibly can.

Speaker 12155.32s - 2191.96s

But yeah, I mean, I'd be tempted if he's to stay fit for the remainder of the season and keep showing what he showed against Chelsea ORG, I'd be tempted to say, let him go into the final year of his contract then. Don't sell him now. Let him go into the final year of his contract. And I'd imagine that by the time that contract comes to an end, we'd be in a position to go out and get someone who can come in and fulfill that role. At the end of the day, guys, and this is the thing I keep saying to people, how much do you think that we're going to get for Thomas Pate in the summer if we were to let him go,given the injury issues that he's had? You know, you're probably going to be lucky if you get

Speaker 02191.96s - 2435.76s

10 million for Thomas Partey PERSON. That's not reflective of his quality as a player. That's because he's had injury problems for the best part of three seasons now. He's not at an age where a club's going to drop a big amount of money on him and be willing to take that gamble or risk. Thomas Partey PERSON's probably going to be quite content with that as well because I would argue that whatever deal he gets next in his career,he's not going to be on the wage that he is at Arsenal ORG. So if he was able to get another year, squeeze another year out of earning whatever it is that he's on, which is quite a substantial amount of money. I'd imagine he'd be probably quite content with that as well. It's another year in the Premier League ORG. Yeah, I think that unless a mega offer comes in in the summer from maybe a Saudi NORP clubor something like that, then I think you just let him run down his contract because the money you're going to get in is going to be minimal. It really, really is, and people won't accept that and will maybe argue with me about that, but I really do believe that's the case. Right, let me take a couple of your questions that were sent over on X. The first one comes from Matt Randolph PERSON. Which team do you think will benefit the most? Tottenham from having two weeks rest following a bad result or Arsenalwho have the momentum but could be suffering for some potential fatigue. Well, I think the fatigue thing is a thing, but I think if you can't find that bit of energy when you are chasing a title, then you never will. So I'd expect the players not to use that as an excuse. We've already highlighted that we've got some good options from the bench that can help usfreshen it up. And if you go back to the game against Chelsea ORG, we did manage to take a few players off around about the 70th minute mark and give them a bit of a breather and a bit more recovery time ahead of this one. So I'm not going to use that as an excuse. Unless I've watched them play and think, my God, physically, we're not at the level, then I'm not going to be bringing that up. John Nott says, should the Merseyside Derby EVENT be a warning for our players to make sure that we turn up and play? Absolutely.A Derby EVENT is a derby and anything can happen. I would argue that Liverpool went into the Merseyside Derby in a worse state and we're going into the North London Derby EVENT, but it is a warning sign, you're right, that we should be taking this game very, very seriously, and I'm sure the guys are. I'm sure they are. Okay, in terms of my prediction for this one, I'm going to go for Tottenham Hotspur ORG, Niel, Arsenal 2.That is my prediction. So I fancy Arsenal ORG to go out there and win. I'm hoping they go out there and win. I'm hoping they go out there and win. I think we're certainly good enough to do it. I'm hoping that we have a bit of a rubber the green on the day and we get the result that we desperately need as we chase this Premier League title. Oh man. The more I talk about it, the more nervous I get. Big thank you to everybody fortuning in as always. We'll be back on Sunday night with some reaction to the North London Derby EVENT, whatever the outcome. So make sure you join me for that. Fingers crossed, we're talking about a victory.I'm going to be at the Tottenham Hotspur Stadium tomorrow. I'm part of the BBC London Sport ORG commentary team, part of the team bringing you the game that build up all the rest of itwhich is exciting looking forward to that it might be a welcome distraction for me as well thinking about work a little bit does help younot worry about the nerves at least once you're at the ground anyway when you know that you've got to do this by this time and you've got deadlines etc etc but thanks to everybody for joining me.Really, really do appreciate it. And we will be back tomorrow, as I say. Don't forget if you're listening on audio, please do leave us a review. If you're watching us on YouTube ORG, subscribe to the channel, leave a like on the video. All of that stuff really, really does help. And I've got some really exciting news about the Chronicles of Agunathat is almost at the point where I can tell you. We've been doing, or I've been doing some work

Speaker 12435.76s - 2443.84s

in the background, because, yeah, I want to take some next steps with this thing. And I feel like

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we've got the subscriber base across obviously YouTube ORG and the audio platforms at the moment to do this, to make it work. And I'm not going to tell you exactly what it is yet. But I'm hoping in the next couple of weeks I'll be able to give you the full download. Yeah, really, really exciting times. But that's only been possible, or it's only possible, hopefully it gets over the life,because of you guys and how amazing you've been in terms of your support, the interaction, all the rest of it. And, yeah, can't wait to share, hopefully, some very good news with you in the next couple of weeks or so. Up the Arsenal ORG. Come on, you gunners.Catch you all soon. Until the next one. Take care so. Up the Arsenal ORG. Come on, you gunners. Catch you all soon. Until the next one, take care of yourselves. Have a great Saturday.