5-9-24 Hour 1 - Biden Lies about Inflation, Shocking None

5-9-24 Hour 1 - Biden Lies about Inflation, Shocking None

by WMAL | Cumulus Podcast Network | Cumulus Media Washington

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40:59 minutes

published 24 days ago


2023 Cumulus Media Washington, DC

Speaker 60s - 43.76s

Hey, US GPE cellular customers. I've got good news, so don't hit skip forward just yet. I'm talking about their special customer event, Us Days EVENT. What's Us Days? It means exclusive offers just for their customers, just to say thanks, like up to $1,200 to upgrade to any new phone. No, I didn't misread that. That's up to $1,200 off. They must really like you all. Us Days at US Cellular, exclusive offers just for you, just to say thanks. Right now, U.S. Cellular customers could get up to $1,200 to upgrade toany new phone. Visit uscellular.com for terms and restrictions. The New York Times

Speaker 843.76s - 54.48s

today published a report on independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr.'s health issues, including a dead worm in his brain. Or, as that's known in libertarian circles, a running mate.

Speaker 458.44s - 978.34s

It's a shout at the libertarians. But libertarians, come on. What's a libertarian? It's a libertarian. A libertarian is a conservative that smokes pot. Is that right? That's what they say. I didn't coin that or anything, but a lot of people say, hey, who is the leading jihadi in the world?Who is the number one? And when it comes to the global jihad, you think it's the Ayatollah Ali Khahmani, maybe? You think? You got to say, you got to say ha. A ha.Try the soup. Ha! Where's the spoon? Who do you think is the lead jihadi in the world? You think it's the Ayatollah in Tehran GPE? I say Tehran GPE.I like to add a syllable to it. I don't really. That's kind of like Kiev GPE to me. I don't say Kiev GPE. It's Kiev GPE. I've just shut up, you know?It's not Paris GPE. It's not Deutschland. And it's not Kiev GPE. Maybe it's the head of Hamas, that's the number one jihadi in the world. Do you think maybe it's the number one jihadi is, come on, huh? I'm not entirely sure. But I wasn't until this morning, and now I do know who the number one jihadi in the world is. Do you know, Michael, who the number one jihadi in the world is. Do you know,Michael, who the number one jihadi in the world is? Getting a loose-sight block this afternoon at an award ceremony. That's right. It's Joe Biden PERSON. Joe Biden is the most important jihadi in the world. Another great victory for the Democrat Party ORG. They call themselves liberals. Don't believe them. They're not liberal at all. This is, here is the Israeli NORP Minister of National Security, their national security person, like their national security advisor, whose name is Itmar Ben Gabir. And itmar Ben-Gabir PERSON has a,he's got an ex X account, of course. And he wrote last night, early this morning, Hamas Hart Biden PERSON. Hamas ORG, and he got one of these emojis. It's a big red heart. It's not a little one. It's a big red heart.Hamas Hart Biden PERSON. Because Biden, you see, has, he's announcing that if Israel defends itself against Hamas, which is backed by Iran, then the United States of America GPE will cut off all military aid. No bombs for you. And the front page, the cover of the New York Post today, the headline, Giant Word, betrayed with a photograph of Joe Biden PERSON sitting on a chair across a table from Benjamin Netanyahu, and Joe Biden PERSON's got his cue cards, his cheat cards. Bowden vise to cut off weapons if Israel tries to finish off Hamas ORG.Great news for Hamas, great news for the Ayatollah in Iran GPE. But really, they couldn't do this without Joe Biden PERSON. Joe Biden PERSON is the guy. Robert Gates, the former defense secretary and CIA director, both Republican NORP and Democrat administrations, famously said that Joe Biden PERSON's been wrong about every major foreign policy issue and decision for more than 40 years.And Joe Biden PERSON continues to be wrong about every foreign policy issue, and now he's the president of the United States GPE. Betrayed is the headline, vows to cut off weapons to Israel GPE in the middle of their war against a genocidal death cult called Hamas, backed by Iran GPE. Of course, Iran depends on the U.S., the Democrats, from Barack Obama to Joe Biden PERSON, for billions and billions to fund the jihad, the worldwide jihad.Joe Biden gave Iran $6 billion recently for five hostages that they were holding. Remember back in the day when we didn't negotiate with hostages and we don't trade money for hostages? They still attack Ronald Reagan PERSON. Oh, it was arms for hostages. And he said that Ronald Reagan PERSON. Oh, it was arms for hostages. And he said that he didn't think that that was the deal.But they do it out in the open now, and they're very proud of it. And they'll still attack Reagan for things that happened 45 years ago, but never mind that. Yes, so Itimar Ben Gabir, the Israeli War Cabinet, Hamas Hart Biden PERSON. Biden PERSON is the number one hero of Hamas, Israel betrayed by Biden. Biden PERSON is not, he's not on our side. These people are just not on our side.How many times do I have to say it? It's so true. So we've got Joe Biden, the number one jihadi in the world, and that's just the sad truth, the sad truth of it all. And we have Israel going into Rafa and messing with, because that's where the, you know, the brigades of Hamas murderers are located. And Joe Biden PERSON handed them. Hedid this really ridiculous interview with CNN yesterday, which is so embarrassing that the idiot anchor woman will doubtless get all kinds of golden statuettes and lusite blocks on a pay raise for the suck-up job that she did. Honestly, she should be out on the street in fishnet stockings saying I'm a journalist available for presidential interviews. Pretty amazing stuff. I love those fishnets talkings.Don't you love those are great? But never mind that. Joe Biden also said, he also said that in this CNN ORG interview that when he took office, inflation was 9%. That's what he said. He lied that inflation was 9% when he took office and he's made it so much better.And that is an extraordinarily dishonest and false claim by a serial liar. And then this dim-witted Democrat sitting across from him with CNN ORG said, nothing. That's what she said because that's her job. And Aaron Burnett, she'll get a loose-site block for her shelf. She'll get a golden statuette because she's a fluffer from some valley in California thatthey pulled her out of to do this fake interview with the President of the United States GPE and just let him get away with murder. I mean, honestly, if Joe Biden PERSON were doing interview with Aaron Burnett and he shot somebody in the middle of Fifth Avenue FAC, she wouldn't say anything. She just keep asking the question on the sheetand the questions on the sheet in front of her. So I've got pieces of this Joe Biden interview with Aaron Burnett, which is a complete embarrassment to journalism, which is a difficult thing, and setting the bar pretty low or pretty high depending on how you want to.But that is, wait till you hear the stuff that he lied yesterday. Oh yeah, inflation was 9% when Joe Biden PERSON took office. Lion's sack of juia. I got to tell you, these people. Now, speaking of lion sacks of juia, in Denver, they have a left-wing mayor who was elected by left-wing idiots, who are mostly super-stoned on marijuana that is supercharged. It's not, you know, your father's marijuana. They're smoking. It's a different level altogether. But the illegal aliens, illegal aliens in Denver, and Colorado is not a border state, but there are tens of thousands of illegal aliens there.And the illegal aliens have sent to the mayor's office a list of 13 demands. Their demands, and that's what they call them. They've got a list of demands. And as you might imagine, it involves free stuff that other people like us will, in the end, have to pay for for criminals and illegal aliens to move into your daughter's bedroom and shower with your daughter in junior high school. Just the men, though, not the men. And that's because the Democrats NORP are in charge and they're sick. The Democrat Party has become a sick institution.Just amazing. So a list of 13 demands for the mayor of Denver GPE from illegal aliens that are encamped. Now, I think that they're a left-wing organizers behind it, of course, and they're Democrats NORP. They're all Democrats, because the Democrats NORP are not on our side, not by a long shot. And he's going to capitulate. He will prostrate himself. He will cowtow to them. He will get on the ground and grovel and roll and curl up and he will do whatever. They want the illegal aliens because theDemocrat Party is not is not showing up for work. They're almost impossible to believe, but the key word there is almost. So we got that. And they've been learning from the troglodytes on campus or the would-be, the wannabe troglotites on campus, who are aspiring members of Hamas ORG. You see, some of them are converting to Islam ORG. Have you seen this? Some of the students on campuses. Some of them are converting to Islam and praying five times a day because now they're, they want to kill the Jews so much. The Democrat Party is so close to being the Nazi party. And they don't know it, of course, because they're not well intellectually or in any other way. But what do you hear this story out of Denver GPE? And they are learning from the people, and they're calling themselves an encampment, which is the same terminology being used on the college campuses from the pro-Hamas ORG, pro-genocide, anti-Semites, the movement that theDemocrat Party has started. And never forget that Adolf Hitler's party was the Socialist Workers Party of Germany. And somehow they've been able to erase that from history, but never mind that. And the number of Chinese communists, the number of communists from China GPE that have crossed our border illegally is just extraordinary. We have, now let me just show you with this, Joe Biden's first year in office, 2021. There were 342 Chinese nationals that were nabbed crossing the border illegally in 2021, 342 of them.So far this year, we've got more than 24,000 Chinese NORP nationals. And they don't come here on their own. They couldn't afford to come here on their own. The Chinese NORP government is backing this wave of illegal aliens from China GPE. And here's the thing. We can't deport them because China will not accept people that we deport back to China GPE. And we can't send them back to Mexico GPE because Mexico won't accept. And Joe Biden's open border combined with the fact that the Chinese NORP government,these people can't fund their own travel from China GPE. And they can't just walk away from whatever it is they're doing as slaves in China GPE. And they come here and now we're stuck with them by the hundreds of thousands because Joe Biden PERSON is, you know, on the side of open borders and the globalists who want to destroy the United States of America GPE. It is an amazing thing. Yeah, last year in all of 2023, about 24,000, it was 24,000, 125 Chinese NORP nationals.Again, 342 Chinese nationals in 2021. Then in 2023, 24,125. Now in 2024, we're already outpacing that. So far this year, we've already got more than we had last year and all of last year with more than 24,000. That's an increase of more than 7,000 percent in the number of Chinese NORP nationals. They're communists and they want to destroy the United States America GPE.And so does the Democrat Party. So the Democrat Party, number one jihad party on the planet earth. And they are here to destroy. And they're doing a heck of a job, I've got to say. Amazing stuff. And when the Israeli NORP government is tweeting out, senior members when the Israeli government is tweeting out senior members of the Israeli NORP government are tweeting out Hamas Hart PERSON Biden Hamas ORG loves Bidenyou know that we're in a pretty strange place the Democrat Party also did you see the Democrats Democrats NORP in it was Portland right where they burned how many police cars did they burnthey burned a whole lot of police cars. At least 15 police cars were burned at the training facility. And they are, they're Democrats. They're anti-police. They're anti-American. They're pro-Jihad. They're pro-communist China GPE. The Democrat Party is not on our side. Just extraordinary stuff. And there is a group that is proudly claiming responsibility for the attack, the violent criminalarson attack. Portland police chief Bob Day and Mayor Ted Wheeler PERSON, another lefty, left-lefty. Federal law enforcement agencies spoke about, they're calling it vandalism. Vandalism took place during a pro-Palestinian protest. And the idiot mayor there, Wheeler PERSON,who's a far-left-winger, says, we don't find this behavior acceptable, nor are we going to tolerate it as he does not lift a finger to do anything about it. And it's just 15 police cars burned to the ground. Why would that be a problem?Got to tell you, setting on fire at least 15 police cars at the Portland Police Bureau's training facility. Yes, sir. And what's the Biden administration doing about all this? Police Bureau's ORG training facility. Yes, sir. And what's the Biden administration doing about all this? Well, they're looking for ways to accommodate more of this and to stoke the flames, as it were.Bernie Sanders and another left-wing Democrat NORP Roe Kana planning on wiping out all medical debt in the United States America GPE. You know, like all the student debt. They haven't even gotten, like, $100 billion in student debt. And the Supreme Court said it's illegal, but they don't care they're doing it anyway. And the news media goes along with it because they might as well be burning police cars themselves.Now Bernie the Bolshevik and Ro Kana PERSON, radical extremists, planning on eliminating medical debt in the United States of America because the communists NORP are here. AstraZeneca ORG pulls their COVID-19 vaccine from the market. Just don't say that it causes blood clots or anything like that. Marjorie Taylor Green and the Speaker of the House ORG. Mike Johnson PERSON got an update on that.And the Kennedy PERSON cover-up. We are at 888-630-9625. Seeking the truth never gets old.

Speaker 7978.66s - 1008.06s

Introducing June's Journey, the free-to-play mobile game that will immerse you in a thrilling murder mystery. Join June Parker PERSON as she uncovers hidden objects and clues to solve her sister's death in a beautifully illustrated world set in the roaring 20s. With new chapters added every week, the excitement never ends. Download June's Journey Now on your Android or iOS device or play on PC through Facebook ORG games. President Trump has

Speaker 41008.06s - 1163.2s

already spoken this morning outside the courthouse in New York GPE where the radical left lynch mob assembles every day they can because they want to jail or hang their political enemiesbecause they're the left. In fact, I laughed out loud at the front page of the Washington Post today, which happens a lot. Laughed out loud on the front page. The headline is Russia GPE remastered. Can you say mastered because that makes me feel very uncomfortable, you know? Under Putin PERSON, liberalism is no longer on the syllabus.No kidding. Really? You think commies and liberalism don't go well together? Maybe that should bring the Washington Post to start discussing Bernie Sanders PERSON on his plans, because that's crazy. Now, I don't know if they're aware of this at the Washington Post ORG,and Mary Ilushina PERSON, who ought to know better, communism is the opposite of liberalism. It's not liberalism at all. It's totalitarianism, and Putin is a killer commie, former KGB ORG colonel, and there was never anything liberal about him. And by the way, liberalism wasnever on the syllabus in Russia GPE. Never. There was never a moment where liberalism was on the syllabus. What you think during Yeltsin or something? Don't be ridiculous. During the Soviet days, that's not liberalism. That's totalitarianism. When the Soviet Union GPE allegedly collapsed, but really it just moved over here and became the Democrat Party ORG. Liberalism was not on the syllabus then.It's never been on the syllabus in Russia GPE. The Soviet Union, you know, 1917 forward the Bolshevik Revolution, Lenin PERSON and Stalin and the whole gang. Liberalism was never on the syllabus, but in the Washington Post, they lie about everything all the time. Amazing stuff. Also, they've got their lead story today is border closure cuts off aid flow. Israel seized Rafah crossing into Gaza GPE. Agencies warn supplies running dangerously low because the jihadis can't feed themselves. President Trump just commented on this moments ago.I'm going to share that with you. And Joe Biden's big CNN ORG interview coming up. He's crazy. Afford anything talks about how to avoid common pitfalls,

Speaker 31163.2s - 1168.06s

how to refine your mental models, and how to think about how to think.

Speaker 21168.14s - 1183.42s

Paula, while certainly you can mess up on a million dollars a year, it is far less likely than it is on $30,000 a year. Right. I would meet wonderful people that were struggling with a budget that was super tight. It was 100%. You need to make more money.

Speaker 31183.5s - 1188.26s

Make smarter choices and build a better life. Afford anything. Wherever you listen.

Speaker 41191.66s - 1420.96s

A real newspaper in Washington, D.C., unlike the Washington Post ORG, The Washington Times, their lead story is tawdry testimony, just a blip for Trump PERSON. Pollsters find more interest in inflation, comma, abortion issues. But they just keep trying. They just keep trying. The Democrats NORP and their lynch mob, crooked judges and crooked prosecutors. I said prostitutes. There's a little Freudian slip. Unintentional, but definitely Freudian. Also, they've got a front page story above the fold showing the destruction inUkraine of the rubble where a building used to be in a man wandering through it. Russia GPE escalates infrastructure war. Relentless assaults on Ukraine GPE grid, cut off services, comma, power to civilians. There are no chance to end the war. They're not chanting ceasefire in Ukraine, ceasefire with Russia, even though hundreds and hundreds of thousands of human beings have been massacred in the war that Putin, and again, the Washington Post today, wanted to observe that Putin isn't a liberal. No kidding. Guys are a whole lot of years behind thecurve on this. I don't know where you've been. You should probably listen to my show. You'd be a lot more well-informed down at the Washington Post ORG. Remarkable stuff. But I want to get to Joe Biden PERSON because Joe Biden did this, this fluff interview with a fake CNN ORG anchor, who's not a journalist at all, but a Democrat Party ORG fluffer.And she sat down with Joe Biden PERSON, and they just looked at each other, making goo-goo eyes. They're really excited to be sitting down with one another. And Aaron Burnett is her name. She shouldn't be paid to be a journalist, that's for sure. But let me just go into some.And we'll hit on the major topics as we go because they come up. But some of the lies that he tells are striking enough where Aaron Burnett should have spoken up. But she's a fake journalist. She's just a Democrat NORP hack with a microphone and a camera crew pretending to be a journalist. Let's go to Soundbite number one as Aaron Burnett of CNN asked Joe Biden PERSON about the economy, because the economy, they keep telling us that the economy is great, the Democrats NORP and the media.Keep telling us, but I repeat myself, keep telling us that the economy is wonderful. You should just feel lucky to be here in the time of Joe Biden PERSON. In fact, a fun story in the Washington Times today on the commentary section. That 70s show, a redo. Is Biden taking America back to the age of Jimmy Carter PERSON? Yes, Jimmy, yes, he is taking us back to the age of Jimmy Carter PERSON.And inflation and stagflation and war in the Middle East and hostages, American hostages, that Joe Biden PERSON's not talking about. Nobody's talking about because the Democrats NORP. But let's go to Soundbite number one. Here's Aaron Burnett and Joe Biden PERSON sitting down. This is why the White House agreed to go sit down with CNN ORG and with Aaron Burnettbecause they know they're going to get a manual digital act of journalistic gratification performed upon them by Aaron Burnett. It started like this. It's also true right now, Mr. President, that voters

Speaker 01420.96s - 1457.58s

by a wide margin trust Trump PERSON more on the economy. They say that in polls. And part of the reason for that may be the numbers. And you're aware of many of these, of course. The cost of buying a home in the United States is double what it was when you look at your monthly cost from before the pandemic. Real income when you account for inflation is actually down since you took office. Economic growth last week, far short of expectations.Consumer confidence, maybe no surprise, is near a two-year low. With less than six months to go to Election Day, are you worried that you're running out of time to turn that around?

Speaker 41458.06s - 1459.04s

We've already turned around.

Speaker 11459.38s - 1460.64s

We've already turned around.

Speaker 41461.68s - 1528.98s

Paddles. They had to call him the paramedics at that moment to revive Joe Biden because he fell sideways out of his chair under the ground like he was riding a bicycle. Fortunately, he was wearing a helmet during the interview. Now he wears a hockey helmet everywhere he goes and rides a three-wheeled bike. Now he's got a three-wheeled bike and got a hockey helmetand he's got a bell on his handlebars of the three-wheeled bike because Joe Biden PERSON. Now, she did set it up. If you want to buy a home, it costs you twice as much to buy the home with interest rates and the insurance and the down payments. And young people can't buy homes. And it's how you build a lifetime of wealth and generational wealth to be passed on. And that's done away with and real income is down when you take into account inflation.And Joe Biden PERSON gasped, well, he turned around. So Joe Biden then he said that, no, people in Michigan GPE think that everything's really good.

Speaker 11529.18s - 1536.82s

Look, you look at the Michigan GPE survey. For 65% of America GPE, people think they're in good shape economically. They think the nation's not in good shape.

Speaker 01536.82s - 1537.62s

The Michigan GPE survey.

Speaker 41537.76s - 1538.68s

They're personally in good shape.

Speaker 01539.1s - 1539.38s


Speaker 11539.46s - 1542.58s

The polling data has been wrong all along. The polls are wrong.

Speaker 01542.58s - 1560.48s

You guys do a poll with CNN ORG. You guys. How many folks you have to call to get one response? You people. The polls are wrong. You guys do a poll with CNN ORG. You guys. How many folks you have to call to get one response? You people. The idea that we're in a situation where things are so bad, the folks, I mean, we've created more jobs.We've made, we're in a situation where people have access to good paying jobs.

Speaker 41561s - 1681.7s

Yeah, if you think delivering Uber ORG Eats is a good paying job. But we've created more jobs is a big lie. First of all, it's coming out of the Wuhan Red Death out of Wuhan, China GPE, which the U.S. government knew very early on came from the Wuhan Institute of Virology ORG. New documents reveal, not because the government released them, but because they were leaked. And an actual reporter got a hold of these documents showing, hey, wait a minute, the State Department said early on,oh yeah, this came from the Wuhan Institute of Relogy ORG, but never mind that. So the jobs went away. And then when the Wuhan pretty much went away, the jobs bounced back because this is the United States America GPE. We have the strongest economy in the world we always have. Just because we're the United States of America GPE and we're the model of free enterprise and capitalism, which the Democrats NORP oppose and try to destroy and tear down. Hence, Bernie Sanderssaying we're going to eliminate all medical debt, just like student debt, because they're commies. They're not free market people at all. Yeah, look at the Michigan survey, 65% of people say they're in good shape economically. Yeah, yeah. No, it's just they keep telling us everything's great. And if you suggest otherwise, then you don't know what you're talking about. That's what the left says. That's what information dominance is all about.Honestly, these people. Can I say these people? I prefer those people. Actually, isn't those people better? I think those people is better. Remarkable stuff.So Joe Biden, he says, no, things are really good. Now, Aaron Burnett actually said, and she starts fudging the numbers now, not starting with Joe Biden PERSON being in office, but talking about a much broader timeline. So it's just America and not Joe Biden's PERSON presidency that we're

Speaker 01681.7s - 1690.58s

talking about. But there's real pain. I mean, grocery prices are up 30%, more than 30% since the beginning of the pandemic.

Speaker 41690.88s - 1694.72s

And people have more in groceries than they have at any time, really, in the past 30 years.

Speaker 01694.72s - 1700.54s

I mean, that's a real day-to-day pain that people feel. No, it really is.

Speaker 11701.1s - 1707.92s

And it's real. But the fact is that if you take a look at what the people have, they have the money to spend.

Speaker 41708.46s - 1861.04s

Yeah, see, you have the money to spend because we're all making so much more money. Now, she just said in the last Q&A, that real income is down because ofinflation, but then he says, oh, no, people have the money to spend. Now, here's one of the things about interviewing Joe Biden PERSON. It is possible that he really doesn't know because he's so limited mentally and intellectually that in the end, the left and the news media will let him off the hook by saying, well, he's senile, he's a moron. He has no idea what he's talking about.You can't hold him responsible for the state of the academy, or for what he says about the economy, certainly, because his brain, she's a broke. She's a no good, that brain of his. And so why would you even consider holding him accountable when you know perfectly well that his brain is broke?So there are two possibilities. He's lying. That means that he is knowingly telling untruths. Or, B, his brain does not allow him to understand the numbers that he's trying to discuss. And that is a very distinct possibility. You have to concede that.It may be that he's very severely brain damaged. But again, she said, now, the price of groceries, she said, up 30% since the beginning of the pandemic. Okay, but what about since the beginning of Joe Biden's PERSON presidency since you're interviewing the president? And up 30% because they're up more than 20%just since he took office. Now, Joe Biden is angry, and he loves going back to this thing that Snickers PRODUCT bar costs more than it used to, but it's still the same size, or maybe the Snickers PRODUCT bar costs the same, but there's a little bit less Snickers PRODUCT bar in there, because somebody taught him the word shrinkflation, which every school child knows,means that you pay the same amount for a bag of chips, but there are fewer chips in the bag because everything's more expensive for the people making the chips, the potatoes, the transportation of the potatoes, because gas prices and energy costs and running your plant, your facility more expensive, employees more expensive, their insurance more expensive, everything's more expensive. And so naturally, the price of a bag of chips is going to go up. But here's Joe Biden on the Snickers PRODUCT bar again.

Speaker 11861.04s - 1865s

It angers them and angers me that you have to spend more. For example,

Speaker 41865.38s - 1869.94s

the whole idea of this notion that Senator Casey PERSON talked about, shrinkflation.

Speaker 11870.52s - 1875s

Senator Casey PERSON invented it. Same price for a smaller bottle of juice or something.

Speaker 01875s - 1879.54s

For example, Stickers bar, they did a thing. Snickers. It's like 20% less for the same price.

Speaker 11879.92s - 1886.2s

That's corporate greed. That's corporate greed. Greed. And we've got to deal with it. And that's what I'm working on.

Speaker 01886.64s - 1888.02s

You're working on government greed.

Speaker 11888.42s - 1889.62s

He wants more government greed.

Speaker 41890.04s - 1925.08s

Corporate greed. That's an anti-capitalism line that the Democrat Party ORG is peddling. No, that's basic economics. That's Econ 101. As anybody that's ever run a lemonade stand could explain that to Joe Biden PERSON. But Joe Biden PERSON was too busyshowering with his daughter at strange and inappropriate age rather than running a lemonade stand with his daughter. Joe Biden PERSON, and here it is. Now, it's true, we have the strongestgross domestic product. We have the strongest economy in the world. We always have. We have forever and ever where the United States of America GPE. We have the strongest economy in the world. always have. We have forever and ever where the United States of America.

Speaker 11925.26s - 1930.68s

We have the strongest economy in the world. Let me say it again, in the world. It's going to say it again.

Speaker 01930.8s - 1932.98s

The GDP last week was far short of expectations.

Speaker 11933.24s - 1935.2s

Oh, it wasn't. Look, GDP, no, it wasn't.

Speaker 41935.42s - 1936.54s

Look at the response to the market.

Speaker 01936.54s - 1937.02s

He says.

Speaker 41938.06s - 1939.78s

She doesn't say, yes, it was.

Speaker 11939.9s - 1941.72s

No, you just said, no, it wasn't.

Speaker 41942.34s - 1945.44s

And the correct answer is yes, it was, but she doesn't correct him at all.

Speaker 01946.22s - 1947.56s

Just amazing.

Speaker 41947.94s - 2007.72s

Now, here comes the biggest, maybe the biggest lie of all, where Joe Biden PERSON says that when he came into office, that inflation was at 9%, which is a whopper, a gigantic, very serious brain damage lie. The reality is on inauguration day, inflation was 1.4%, 1.4%. Joe Biden drove it to 9%. During Donald Trump's last year in office, it was down to 1.2%. It went up to 1.4% by the time inauguration day rolled around because gas prices had already started going up because the energy industry was running for cover because Joe Biden had won the election. So prices had already started going up before inauguration day. But here's Joe Biden with Aaron Burnett saying, oh yeah, when I took office, inflation was 9%. And she lets it go like we're living in North Korea GPE.

Speaker 12012.54s - 2014.94s

No president's had the run we've had in terms of creating jobs and bringing down inflation. It was 9% when I came to office.

Speaker 42015.54s - 2017.02s

9%. No?

Speaker 12017.78s - 2020.02s

No, it was 1.4%.

Speaker 42020.02s - 2118.5s

Not 9%. But the liar with his depends on fire. Liar, liar, liar depends on fire. And he said, no, he drove it up to 9.1% in June of 2022, but it was 1.4% in January of 2021 when he was inaugurated. And she lets him get away with it.And nobody's had a jobs run like we've had. No, we're counting the 12 million jobs that went on hiatus because we shut down the economy over the Wuhan GPE red death out of communist China, funded in part by Anthony Fauci PERSON, who lied to us about it repeatedly. And the Wuhan Institute of Virology ORG and the gainof function research that they were conducting there. But that is one of the biggest lies. And of course, Aaron Burnett doesn't say, no, Mr. President. Inflation was 1.4% when you took office. It went up to 9.1% under you because she's not there to do that. She's there to get Joe Biden PERSON elected. And she teed up a couple of the actual issues, but then she is not serious enough.She's intellectually dishonest, journalistically dishonest, and maybe not intellectually up to the task. Maybe she doesn't come armed with the knowledge and the information that she might need to respond to the President of the United States GPE when he offers up a lie like that one. Just amazing. Aaron Burnett, she's really taken it to him, but I think it's Trump PERSON's

Speaker 02118.5s - 2124.3s

fault. Why should people here believe that you will succeed at creating jobs where Trump PERSON failed?

Speaker 12124.72s - 2130.28s

He's never succeeded in creating jobs, and I've never failed. Right.

Speaker 42130.64s - 2232.62s

Another lie. That's just not true. Untrue. He got the Wuhan GPE red death on his watch. And so millions of jobs did go away for a period of time and then bounce back, and he takes credit for the bounce back because he was there.And he says when he took office, inflation was 9% when in reality it was 1.4% on inauguration day and 1.2% earlier in the year under President Trump PERSON. And gas prices were $2.11 a gallon and he got him up to $5 a gallon, which drives food prices up and the price of everything up. But that's why you do your interview with CNN ORG, because, you know, again, they're going to lube up their fingertips and come in for the deep tissue massage and never catch you at anything.And the Washington Post is not fact-checking him and giving Pinocchioes today because they're not a legitimate newspaper, and Glenn Kessler PERSON is not a legitimate fact-checker. Let's go to the telephones, Michael, and Hillary Clinton was on morning joke today, lying up a storm over there, and they helped. We've got that coming up. And President Trump at court and Israel GPE,we've got all that betraying our allies because they're Democrats NORP and they love jihad. Jihad hates Western civilization and so does the left. Let's go to Mike calling from Middletown, New Jersey. Michael, you're on

Speaker 52232.62s - 2261.84s

the Chris PERSON Plant Show. Hello, Chris. Thanks for taking my call. You know, I wonder if Ms. Burnett might have asked Mr. President PERSON, asking him, isn't the government that's greeting that's causing this priest problem? I mean, he wants tax rates at confiscatory levels. And as Reagan once told Carter PERSON in the 80 debate, we have inflation because the government is living too well. Tax firms are at their highest levels ever, but spending can't keep up with that. Well, you're absolutely right,

Speaker 42261.9s - 2339.88s

of course, about the government greed and the government spending and a trillion and a half dollars here and a trillion and a half dollars there. And pretty soon you're talking about real money, to paraphrase a senator from yesterday who used the word billions in its place. And they're creating inflation, of course, with the government spending. And they put out, I think, a trillion and a half dollars in this so-called infrastructure bill, Michael. And they've only spent a couple hundred billion of it because it was just a stupid number that they threw out there so they could brag and the WashingtonPost ORG could say, oh, look, they really care. They're spending a trillion and a half dollars on infrastructure, having no idea where the money was going to go. It became a slush fund for left-wing environmental groups and stuff. But a great Ronald Reagan line, Mike, with the government as living too well. Going back to the Carter PERSON debate. And yeah, you want to talk about shrinkflation and inflation? Let's look at government spending and what they're doing to the value of theAmerican NORP dollar here at home and around the world. The Bigger Pockets portfolio of podcasts are worthy of your investment.

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Speaker 72344.66s - 2350.22s

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Speaker 32350.36s - 2364.3s

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