3-29-24 Hour 2 - Biden Obama and Clinton at Radio City Music Hall

3-29-24 Hour 2 - Biden Obama and Clinton at Radio City Music Hall

by WMAL | Cumulus Podcast Network | Cumulus Media Washington

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41:06 minutes

published 2 months ago


2023 Cumulus Media Washington, DC

Speaker 40s - 11.14s

Ryan Reynolds here for MintMobile ORG. With the price of just about everything going up during inflation, we thought we'd bring our prices down. So to help us, we brought in a reverse auctioneer, which is apparently a thing.

Speaker 511.52s - 19.94s

MintMobile, Unlimited, Premium Wireless ORG. How did it to get 30, 30, a bit to get 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 15, 15, 15, just 15 bucks a month. So!

Speaker 420.32s - 23.24s

Give it a try at mintmobile.com slash switch.

Speaker 123.66s - 29.66s

$45 up front for three months plus taxes and fees. Promote for new customers for limited time. Unlimited more than 40 gigabytes per month slows. Full terms at mintmobile.com slash switch. $45 up front for three months plus taxes and fees. Promor rate for new customers for limited time. Unlimited more than 40 gigabytes per month slows. Full terms at mintmobile.com ORG.

Speaker 232.12s - 42.28s

According to new analysis, President Biden PERSON has drastically reduced his usage of the term Bidenomics since last November. Probably good idea because nothing else has been drastically reduced.

Speaker 844.74s - 784.18s

Hey, wait a minute. That was almost truthful. He might have to be punished for that. Have his First Amendment rights taken away by the Democratic Party ORG. Well, happy Friday. Happy Friday to you and happy good Friday to you. Very, very important day in the Christian NORP calendar.Easter Sunday coming up, day after tomorrow. Easter weekend. Underway officially. Maybe when you knock off for work today, but it is officially underway and all kinds remarkable things going on in the United States, America GPE, so many remarkable things indeed. In fact, one of the things, and I'm going to get to the Democrat presidents in New York GPE yesterdaylast night doing a fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall FAC with all of their pro-terrorist, anti-Semite mobs inside of Radio City Music Hall FAC. I of their pro-terrorist anti-Semite mobs inside of Radio City Music Hall. I keep wanting to call it Carnegie Hall FAC. You know, how do you get to Carnegie Hall FAC? Give $500,000. But it's Radio City Music Hall FAC.You give $500,000 of the Democrat NORPs, and you get your picture taken by Annie Leibowitz of yourself with three Democrat presidents. Think of the destruction that these three people have caused. Just amazing. Remarkable stuff. Give them power and they wreck stuff. That is remarkable.But I want to get to that President Trump doing the right thing yesterday and going to the wake for NYPD officer murdered by a Democrat NORP. And the Democrats NORP, they're raising money. But Officer Jonathan Diller PERSON murdered by a person who shouldn't have been on the street. But the Democrats NORP love putting killers on the street to kill again. They were getting ready to rob a place when Officer Diller PERSON and his partner,and his partner was nearly murdered also. They tried to shoot him, too,, but their firearm jammed, apparently. Remarkable stuff. Remarkable. So we've got that, and I want to share with you. And also, Joe Biden PERSON accidentally, there is a transcript.No cameras in there for the fundraising event where people paid up to $500,000 each to be there to get their Annie Leibowitz picture with Joe Biden and Barack Obama and Bill Clinton PERSON. I've got to say the pictures I've seen, Obama is still looking at Biden PERSON like he's about to throw himself off a building or something, looking at Joe Biden with great concern Barack Obama PERSON is. But I want to get to what Joe Biden said about the Hamas ORG terrorists that the Democrat Party support so much versus Israel GPE.They're not on the side of Israel GPE. They're trying to play both sides, of course, but lots of interesting things going on. Also, a story today about how news media steal everything they can off of Air Force One PRODUCT. When they travel aboard Air Force One as part of the White House ORG press pool, the story in Politico ORG is the headline, The Real D.C. GPE crime wave.And it's the White House Press Corps ORG stealing stuff, plucking Air Force One PRODUCT blind of anything that isn't screwed down. They don't nail things down on an airplane. You know, you've got to screw it down because nails would wriggle their way out, but never mind that. Also, climate change is responsible for inflation. Democrats NORP are saying that climate change is responsible for inflation. But there's another amazing story that I just want to touch on. Kind of unusual, I got to say, that the ship,you know, the dolly that crashed into a bridge in Baltimore Harbor GPE, the Francis Scott Key Bridge and collapsed it to killing at least six people. It turns out that, you know, these ships, these big ships, 95,000 tons or whatever it is, about the same displacement as an aircraft carrier, Nimitz PRODUCT class, aircraft carrier, a remarkably large vessel. And they have data recorders on them, kind of like airplanes have flight data recorders.Ships don't fly very often, so they just have data recorders without flight. And the data recorders allegedly have their own power supply and stuff in case the electricity goes on on the ship, kind of like on the dolly the other day. But it turns out they grabbed the data recorder from the ship, and you'll never guess. You'll never guess what they discovered. It's kind of remarkable.They discovered that there are two minutes, two minutes of data missing from the data recorder, and the two minutes in question are the two minutes just before the crash. Not that they want to contribute to wild-eyed conspiracy theories or anything like that, but just trust everyone. Just trust everything you hear. It's like the Soviet Union GPE, you know. The rules are simple. They lie to us. We know they're lying. They know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us. And here it is lying. They know we know they're lying, but they keep lying to us.And here it is. It actually first popped I saw on X yesterday. D.C. D.C. D. D.C. D. D.C. D.rano PERSON, who often posts amusing and entertaining and fun things. And this was kind of remarkable.D.C. Drano PERSON wrote, and there it is. The Dolly Ship Black Box has two minutes of to know. Loss of power into the thing. And the data recorder will tell you everything that you need to need to know. But it is quite remarkable. You know, loss of power on the ship, the voyage data recorder instead of flight data recorder. It's called the VDR, not to be confused with a VCR, or a DVR, or anything like that, but we have to abbreviate everything now. The voyage data recorder, the VDR PRODUCT. It will not record the ship's instrument data.Only audio is recorded. And, you know, it is just another log on the fire here, isn't it? Just another strange little coincidence. And the electricity goes out. There are reports saying that the data recorder has its own power source, the backup power source. So that shouldn't have happened.But, you know, it's going to take a years-long investigation and then something vague will be released late on a Friday. And nobody will believe it. But that's okay. That's the United States of America GPE now. As we Sovietize, we're Sovietizing everything.Remarkable. Remarkable, remarkable story. All right, so let's get on to New York. And everything that happened there, at least a lot of what happened there yesterday. So many, so many remarkable stories. Joe Biden PERSON, another great Joe Biden story out yesterday from the Washington GPE Free Beacon, the Free Beacon here in Washington. Joe Biden's PERSON political origin story is almost certainly bogus, and it may land him in legal trouble. Now, I want to get to that story, too, because it goes with a lot of lies that Joe Biden has told about himself over the years,and we've collected some audio for you on that. But let's get to what happened yesterday in New York. The New York Post, the great New York Post, they have the headline today, a photograph of President Trump meeting with the family of murdered police officer Jonathan Diller PERSON, while Joe Biden PERSON was raising money and meeting with, I guess, what people are supposed to be celebrities, right? Honestly, we've lowered the bar for celebrity status in the United States GPE very significantly.You don't have to be much to be a celebrity these days. But there were these alleged celebrities at the fundraising event. The front page, the cover of the New York Post today. Photo of President Trump PERSON meeting with the family of the murdered police officer, Jonathan Diller PERSON. And the headline, Trump attends wake for killed hero, NYPD cop, as three dem presidentsshut down city for a glitzy $25 million fundraiser. That's the headline and a picture of President Trump PERSON meeting with the family. And then down here, Biden and Clinton and Obama smiling and winking and clapping as they're raising a record, $25 million, maybe $26 million. And the big headline is give and take. Give and take. That is, President Trump gives and the Democrats, Biden, Obama, and Clinton PERSON, take. That is, President Trump gives, and the Democrats, Biden, Obama, and Clinton, take. See how that goes?It's just like that. Now, Biden fundraiser and Trump visit to New York. Preview clashes to come is the New York Times ORG headline. Now, they're doing propaganda for the Democrat Party ORG and nothing more, nothing less. That's just what they do there, the New York Times after all. But it's remarkable. And the left-wing mediaite people, shame on you, is the headline in quotation marks. Protesters heckle Biden with Obama PERSON and Clinton on stage. They're heckling Biden, but not Obama and Clinton because, you know,Obama PERSON is a godlike figure to them and the admiration is too much for them to bear, really. But this is a pretty remarkable stuff. And let's get to some of the audio of the events there. So it does show the stark difference between the Democrat Party and the Republican Party today between Biden and Trump today. And the people at the New York Post, Biden holds lavish New York City GPE grassroots, in quotation mark. In quotation marks, fundraiser with Obama, Clinton, and tow tickets going for up to $500,000.And anti-Israel protesters heckled Biden PERSON during lavish, $500,000 a ticket New York City GPE fundraiser. They weren't all $500,000, but you could pay up to $500,000. And get your Annie Leibowitz PERSON personal photograph. It'll be your Christmas card photo of you with, and if you bring yourbest girl, then I assume it's $500,000 each, right? $500,000 ticket, and Annie Leibowitz PERSON takes a picture of you, maybe with her iPhone PRODUCT of you, with Joe Biden, and with probably not with her iPhone, and with Barack Obama and with Bill Clinton PERSON. And if you're lucky, Bill Clinton will goose you. Well, for that matter, maybe Joe Biden PERSON will goose you. Barack Obama won't unless you're Larry Sinclair PERSON, but that's another story. And also New York Post headline, anti-Israel protesters heckled Biden during lavish New York City fundraiser with Obama Clinton.Quote, war pig, war pig, because they were pro-Hamas mobs in front of Radio City Music Hall FAC, and some people apparently bought the ticket, too. Now, President Trump, and I'll share some of that with you, President Trump PERSON, on the other hand, he visited with the family of the murdered police officer, Jonathan Diller PERSON, and at the wake. The wake continues today.The funeral is tomorrow. President Trump PERSON called the family pretty much immediately after the murder. President Trump was invited to attend the wake yesterday. Democrat lawmakers in New York GPE were explicitly disinvited by the head of the New York City Police Union, the Sargent's Benevolent Association ORG. And we played some audio of him yesterday for you.And the letter, a scathing letter, instructing the Democrats NORP to not show up, you anti-police people, you have blood on your hands. You're responsible for this, said the president of the Sargent's Benevolent Association ORG, the police union. President Trump PERSON was welcomed not only with open arms, but with cheers when he arrived at the police funeral yesterday.President Trump PERSON then came out and spoke to cameras after visiting with the family and with the police officers there in great numbers. Things like they shouldn't take place and to take place so often, these are just incredible

Speaker 11784.18s - 788.78s

people that are just devastated. They're devastated. They've got a tough road.

Speaker 8789.28s - 818.66s

It's going to be a very tough road. Now, when the Democrats were gathering up $26 million at this fundraiser, they spent much of their time on stage with their audience attacking Trump PERSON, naturally, because that's what they do. They can't speak to Biden's record because it's a donkey show, but they can attack Trump PERSON. And they probably talked about abortion because they really love abortion.It's like that. Quite remarkable. President Trump PERSON talking about visiting with the family.

Speaker 11818.66s - 851.16s

I just visited with a very beautiful wife that now doesn't have her husband. Stephanie PERSON was just incredible. Their child, brand new, beautiful baby sitting there, innocent as can be. It doesn't know how his life has been changed. But the Diller PERSON family will, you'll never be the same.You can never be the same. And we have to stop it. We have to stop it. We have to get back to law and order. We have to do a lot of things differently because this is

Speaker 8851.16s - 871.46s

not working. This is not working. And there's a photograph of the baby, one-year-old boy, wearing a t-shirt that says, my daddy's life matters. Before the murder of his father, that is a, you know, Blue Lives Matter ORG statement there. Brian Kilmeet of Fox News spoke to President Trump aboard his beautiful 757 PRODUCT.

Speaker 11871.82s - 909.88s

Would it be possible for President Biden have got to Massapequa GPE and visited the family? Until within a half an hour, depending on the mode of travel. So, you know, they have some pretty fast travel. What does it tell you? I think that politically he can't support the police. I think he's also making a mistake,but I think politically his base won't let him support the police. And I support the police. I would say at the highest level of any president by far, maybe double or triple. And they knew that. That's why when I walked into that funeral parlor, it waslike love.

Speaker 8910.6s - 916.32s

It was like love, he said, the funeral power at the funeral parlor, and according to all reports,

Speaker 11916.42s - 920.2s

it really was. They want to shy away from it. They didn't even call the family.

Speaker 8920.6s - 922.04s

They could have called. You don't have to

Speaker 11922.04s - 929.78s

be a rocket scientist to know. Even a call would be perhaps, I'm not sure they'd take his call. Right. I'm really not sure they'd take

Speaker 8929.78s - 1024.5s

his call. Not sure they'd take his call, but, and that's probably what they're afraid of. And President Trump and Republicans are on the side of the police. The Democrats NORP, you know, I mean, again, a 22-year-old nursing student is murdered in Georgia, Lake and Riley LOC. President Trump PERSON calls the family immediately. President Trump goes down by an illegal alien who's illegally in the country illegally because of Joe Biden PERSON allowing him in illegally. And then he becomes a murderer.By the way, there's a special federal unit hunting down criminal illegal aliens in Boston today. Known, wanted rapists and violent assaulters, the violent criminals. And, you know, President Trump PERSON is right. Well, we're on the side of the police. He's on the side of the police. The Democrats NORP quite clearly are not. Joe Biden quite clearly is right. Well, we're on the side of the police. He's on the side of the police. The Democrats quite clearly are not.Joe Biden PERSON quite clearly is not. A vote for the Democrats NORP is a vote for anarchy and murder and mayhem and illegal alien gangs from Beaphole NORP countries. And a vote for Donald Trump and for Republicans NORP is a vote for sanity and civilization and law and order. Fewer murders. Less mayhem.The choice is yours. Hey, it's Chris Plant PERSON. Excited to tell you about our July 2024 listener, Sea Cruise PRODUCT. We'll be sailing around the British Isles visiting Scotland and Ireland GPE. Please join us. Visit chrisplantcruise.com.

Speaker 41025.02s - 1049.5s

Hey, I'm Ryan Reynolds PERSON. Recently, I asked MintMobil ORG's legal team if big wireless companies are allowed to raise prices due to inflation. They said yes. And then when I asked if raising prices technically violates those onerous to your contracts, they said, what the fuck are you talking about, you insane Hollywood GPE ass-a-s. So to recap, we're cutting the price of Mint Unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month.Give it a try at mintmobile.com ORG slash switch.

Speaker 11049.66s - 1058.18s

$45 up front for three months plus taxes and fees. Promote for new customers for limited time. Unlimited more than 40 gigabytes per month slows. Full terms at MintMobile.com. Ah, yes.

Speaker 81058.68s - 1165.94s

But I've got much more for you. And I've got audio from inside the fundraiser at Radio City Music Hall FAC where crazy pro-terrorists, genocidal anti-Semite Democrats are disrupting the event and being dragged out by security. They were turned over to Hamas, which is a Democrat Party ORG affiliate. Now, okay, not technically, but the Democrat Party is an affiliate of Hamas ORG. There is no doubt about that.We've got a great tweet, a great tweet from a wonderful listener, Juna Party's pants on fire, tweeted they didn't want Joe Biden PERSON to call the family of Jonathan Diller because they're afraid that Joe Biden would call him Phyllis Diller PERSON because he's lost in centuries gone by. The wacky Phyllis Diller PERSON would come to mind what is left of Joe Biden's PERSON mind.You know, just like Lakin Riley was Lincoln Riley in the State of the Union address twice. And just like, you know, they never mentioned Ashley Babett PERSON, who was an unarmed woman shot and killed by a police officer and another racist attack by the Democrats NORP. They don't care about human life.And, you know, the Democrats NORP see police officers being killed in young women, you know, by a guy who shouldn't have been on the street in New York GPE, but the Democrats put him back on the street. They see a 22-year-old nursing studentand Georgia murdered by an illegal alien. You never hear from them. That's not in their lane. You know what? Their boy, Joseph Stalin PERSON, said, you've got to break a few eggs to make an omelet.Well, they're breaking some eggs, aren't they? Yeah, what do you hear? I've got more President Trump and what was going on inside of Radio City Music Hall yesterday. Ryan Reynolds here for Mint Mobile ORG.

Speaker 41166.18s - 1175.58s

With the price of just about everything going up during inflation, we thought we'd bring our prices down. So to help us, we brought in a reverse auctioneer, which is apparently a thing.

Speaker 51175.98s - 1183.92s

Mint Mobile ORG unlimited, premium wireless. How did it to get 30, 30, a bit to get 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 50, 15, 15, 15, just 15 bucks a month.

Speaker 41184.22s - 1187.7s

So give it a try at mintmobile.com slash switch.

Speaker 11188.12s - 1194.12s

$45 up front for three months plus taxes and fees. Promote for new customers for limited time. Unlimited more than 40 gigabytes per month slows. Full terms at mintmobile.com ORG.

Speaker 81196.62s - 1346.16s

Yes, you may have already heard perhaps that the great actor, Lou Gossett PERSON. Lou Gassett has died. Just got word that Lou Gossett PERSON. Lou Gossett, has died. Just got word that Lou Gossett PERSON died. At the age of 87, 87 years old, probably best known for officer and a gentleman, you know, the Marine Corps ORG sergeant, the drill sergeant,with Richard Gere PERSON, you know, mayonnaise, mayonnaise and all that stuff. Lou Gossett, you know, big time, big time actor. I guess he's the, you know, mayonnaise, mayonnaise and all that stuff. Lou Gassett PERSON, a, you know, big time, big time actor. I guess he's the, you know, the first something or other, right? First black man to win supporting actor Oscar WORK_OF_ART. And, you know, one day I hope that we can stop all that, the first half Asian, half black, transgender. But it's going to take a while with the Democrat Party ORG the way they're going. It could take centuries, as a matter of fact.But he, you know, he's definitely a great actor and a lot of fun. He was always a fun actor and serious, gravitas, a force of nature on screen. A lot of fun to watch. No doubt about it. Yes, sir. I mean, he goes all the way back toroots, roots way back then. TV series, you know, Alex Haley PERSON, all that stuff. Most of it made up, as it turned out later. He was fiddler, fiddler there. And Sergeant Foley PERSON, an officer and a gentleman. Good stuff. Lots of other, lots and lots of other things, too. Very busy actor. Very in-demand actor. And, you know, I think a pretty cool guy. Pretty cool guy. Lou Gossett died, 87 years old.So Godspeed to Lou Gossett on this Good Friday, this Easter weekend. Now, let's get back to New York yesterday. A lot of crazy going on there, a lot of crazy. Oh, something, you know, with the Democrats NORP having their big thing, I want to assure. One of their bigmoney sources was thrown in prison for a long, long time yesterday. They must have missed him yesterday at Radio City Music Hall, but we'll get to that in a minute. Because President Trumpwho visited with the family of Jonathan Diller PERSON, and again, the White House didn't want Biden to call because he might call him Phyllis Diller PERSON, and he'd embarrass himself again. But Joe Biden, some interesting moments on stage yesterday. Let's get back to President Trump talking to Brian Kilmeet of Fox News aboard Donald Trump's 757 PRODUCT airliner, his private jet.

Speaker 111346.34s - 1363.66s

What is the message to the presidents at Radio City FAC right now? Before you leave New York and go back to Florida, what did they miss today? Well, they missed a very sad moment for our country, but it's a moment that they have to be a part of, whether they like it or not. They can't skip this moment.

Speaker 81364.52s - 1412.76s

Well, they are skipping this moment because, you know, when a police officer is murdered by a career criminal with 21 prior arrests and with his cohort who was out of jail after being thrown in for drug, excuse me, gun charges, the, you know, the Democrats NORP shrug, and they say, well, let's have a fundraiser and ignore that and shut down traffic in New York GPE for our motorcades. And, you know, the Democrats shrug, and they say, well, let's have a fundraiser and ignore that and shut down traffic in New York for our motorcades. And, you know, the arrogance, the imperiousness of these people is quite extraordinary.I've got to say, and let's go to the Nassau County, New York executive whose name is Bruce Blakeman PERSON. And he was at the funeral home yesterday where the wake was going on for murdered officer Jonathan Diller PERSON.

Speaker 61412.98s - 1448.36s

President Trump PERSON was a source of comfort to the family. He spent over 10 minutes with Stephanie PERSON, the widow, in private. And then he went out into the main hall where the casket was laid and where police officer Dillard PERSON's body was laid. And he and Stephanie PERSON prayed together. And then police officer dealer's grandmother asked the president for a hug.And he embraced her and held her very tightly. They did something I've never seen before, Jeanine, at a wake. They gave him a rousing ovation.

Speaker 81449.22s - 1496.16s

An ovation. President Trump PERSON received an ovation roomful of police officers and the family of murdered police officer, Jonathan Diller, 31 years old, with his young widow, lovely young woman, and their one-year-old boy, their one-year-oldbaby. Extraordinary. This morning, very early this morning in the 5 a.m. hour on the Fox News channel, they had a guest, Sergeant Joseph Impertrice PERSON, Imperitrice, Joseph Impertrice, who was a police union representative, and the sergeant was on the Fox News ORG this morning talking about the wake and the impending funeral for murdered police officer, Jonathan Diller PERSON, say his name.

Speaker 121496.3s - 1507.24s

We've got to think about it, 31 years old. He goes to a job. That's what it is at the end of the day, a job. You don't expect to kiss your little baby boy goodbye, your parents goodbye, your wife goodbye, right? And he did what New York City GPE asked him to do.

Speaker 01507.44s - 1511.68s

They said, protect the city, be a guardian. He did it. And you know, it's not right? You know,

Speaker 121511.7s - 1531.66s

it's not okay that the driver of that vehicle was out of an open gun charge. It's not okay that the passenger had 21 prior arrest and was allowed to go out there and kill somebody. It's not okay that a week and a half ago, the New York City Council ORG be rated the leadership of the greatest police department in the world. That's not okay. It's not okay for people to think they could put their hands on cops, and it sure is hell not okay that someone could think

Speaker 81531.66s - 1582.96s

they can go out there and kill a cop. Yeah, and I mean, again, it's good to be a Democrat NORP. Once again, it's worth saying out loud, if this were a red mega hat wearing assailant cop killer, that would be the headline all across America GPE. But it's not. It's somebody that was put on the streets again by Democrat policies in New York City GPE. And this police officer, 31 years old, would be looking forward to Easter weekendwhere there's one-year-old son and his young wife, instead of his young wife putting together a funeral for her now-deceased 31-year-old police officer, husband. This is a demonstration of the fact that these policies have real consequences. Here is Sergeant Joseph Imperatrice PERSON.

Speaker 121583.22s - 1599.36s

Follow Jonathan PERSON's lead. No matter who you are that day, that could have happened to you. Jonathan PERSON went out there. He followed procedure. He went to make New York City GPE safe. He wanted to take that guy out of that car.They wanted to get an illegal firearm off that individual. Keep doing your job. Don't give up on New York City GPE and don't give up on this nation.

Speaker 81599.68s - 1992.06s

Don't give up on New York City GPE and don't give up on this nation. And that is I actually appreciated that very much when I heard that this morning because it's easy to say, don't go to New York City GPE, and that's good advice right now. And don't come into Washington, D.C. GPE, and that's good advice right now, because the Democrat Party has made these two great cities, not just of the United States, but of the world, practically unlivable by way of their policies, because they're pro-crime and pro-criminal policies because they're pro-crime andpro-criminal, because they're anti-police and they're anti-law and order. They're not on our side. They're not. They're not liberals. They're the left. That's the thing about them.Now, let me move on to what the Democrats NORP were doing, because this is another ball of wax all together. The Democrats, starting with Joe Biden, going on to Barack Hussein Obama PERSON, who was Joe Biden PERSON's president, while Joe Biden was vice president, of course, and Joe Biden was flying around the world with his crackhead Russian hooker, Dayton, stripper, knocker-up, son, Hunter Biden PERSON, and cutting business deals in China and lying to all of us about itand taking in millions of dollars from China and from Ukraine GPE. And we have a news media that thinks all of that is just fine, nothing to see here, because the most corrupt institution in the United States GPE America is our news media, completely in the tank for the Democrat Party ORG.Now, let me remind, let me remind of something here. There is this Sam Bankman-Fried PERSON character, right? The cryptocurrency king who siphoned off billions of dollars, made billions disappear. All kinds of people going belly up because of Sam Bankman-Fried PERSON. Now, Sam Bankman-Fried yesterday was sentenced to 25 years in prison. And I mentioned that yesterday while we were on there because the sentencecame down while we were on the air. But it's worth reminding because the vast majority of your corrupt in the tank, filthy, dirty, rotten, corrupt news media is not going to mention it. And that is the cryptocurrency CEO was the second largest contributor to Joe Biden's PERSON campaign. Now, if he were the second largest contributor to Donald Trump's campaign, that too would be front-page news across the country, and they'd be paying a lot of attention to it. But since he is a gigantic was, past tense, a gigantic Democrat Party ORG donor, and he was sentenced to 25 years in prison yesterday, that makes it a non-story. Sam Bankman-Fried, the CEO of Cryptocurrency Derivatives Platform FTX, made the second largestdonation to former president Joe Biden PERSON's presidential campaign, according to details revealed in the Wall Street Journal ORG. Last year on October 28th, the Hong Kong-based CEO gifted Biden's campaign a total of $5.2 million. Second only to New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg's $56 million donation. Because the Democrat Party pretends to be the party of the United Auto Workers ORG, it's not. Donald Trump and the Republican Party is the party of the United Auto Workers and of Union employees across America GPE.And the Democrat Party is the party of billionaires that, like Michael Bloomberg PERSON and like this, corrupt Sam Bankman-Fried PERSON, who finds himself now having been sentenced to 25 years in prison for his criminal activities and for fleecing so many people. Why would that be a problem? And again, big-time Democrat donor, big-time criminal, scamster, big-time Biden PERSON donor, and that's fine because he's not a Republican NORP donor. See how this works? This is journalism.I could teach a journalism class, couldn't I? Because this guy sentenced to decades in prison, and that's okay because he's a Democrat donor. And that makes him hunky-dory with the Democrat Party ORG. Sam Bankman-Fried sends to 25 years in prison for his orchestration of the FTX fraud, right? The former cryptocurrency guru convicted on seven criminal counts. And yesterday, that was back in November, and yesterday sentenced to 25 years in prisonfor defrauding so many people out of so much money. But go ahead and see if you can find a story today about Sam Bankman-Fried PERSON, sentenced to 25 years in prison yesterday for his giant fraud. See if you can find a story today about Sam Bankman-Fried, sentenced to 25 years in prison yesterday for his giant fraud. See if you can find anybody talking about his being a big donor to Joe Biden and the Democrat Party ORG. Because I think that would be a challenge.A challenge. The Washington Post has the story on the front page below the fold, 25 years in prison for FTX ORG founder. Former Crypto Mogul Bankman Fried also ordered to pay $11 billion. $11 billion, no big deal. So New York, a federal judge sentenced Sam Bankman Fried to 25 years in prison Thursday, right?Saying that the man who once graced magazine covers and testified at congressional hearings as the face of a booming new industry had, in fact, perpetrated one of the largest financial crimes in U.S. history. If he were a big Trump PERSON donor, it would be in that sentence. It would be in that sentence. That's our corrupt news media for you. Just amazing. Now, let's see. Where does Joe Biden's name come in? Where does the Democrat Party ORG come in? Good luck. Good luck with that, as they say. Remarkable. All right, let's get back to the news from yesterday in New York City GPE.While the Democrats were having their $26 million, their goal was $25 million, but the tickets were up to $500,000, and they raised $26 million, shattering all records for single event fundraising in American NORP political history. But pay no attention to that. Bill Clinton was trying to charm a woman in the audience when a crazy Democrat NORP woman stood up and started screaming that kill the Jews NORP save the terrorists.

Speaker 101992.06s - 1996.66s

There was an insurrection. Shame on you, Joe Biden PERSON.

Speaker 81997.26s - 2044.58s

There was an insurrent. They're talking about January 6th. You are forcing genocide in Palestine GPE. Genocide and Palestine GPE. Oh, now she's being dragged out. The filial is that you are doing.Here comes the man. She's being taken to a prison north of the Arctic Circle LOC. She's been thrown into a Putin gulag north of the Arctic Circle LOC where she may die of natural causes soon. Not really, but she was dragged out of there. And they love outside. There was a mob of people supporting Hamas ORG. I've got some ofthat for you, too, because the Democrats are on the side of Hamas and not Israel GPE. They're on the side of cop killers and not the cops. They're not on our side inside Radio City Music Hall FAC with

Speaker 102044.58s - 2066.06s

presidents, Biden, Obama, and Clinton. They're yelling shame at the Democrat NORP presidents.

Speaker 82067.36s - 2069.42s

Shame, shame, stop brutalizing him.

Speaker 102070.06s - 2071.16s

Stop brutalizing him.

Speaker 82071.7s - 2072.68s

Stop brutalizing him.

Speaker 102072.78s - 2079s

The security is coming and dragging the guy away and throwing him in an Arctic LOC gulag,

Speaker 82079.5s - 2082.38s

the likes of which the Russians NORP was up.

Speaker 102082.38s - 2087.36s

So another woman, they keep disrupting.

Speaker 82087.42s - 2110.62s

They're disrupting again and again. Well, Bill Clinton's talking about January 6th. There was an insurrection. Yeah, you know, there's a pill for that now. And I think Bill PERSON's got a pocket full of them. That is pretty amazing.Another woman, they just love terrorists. They love radical Islam ORG. They love the jihad. And they chant, wipe out Israel GPE from the river to the sea.

Speaker 102116s - 2119.74s

She's being dragged out.

Speaker 82119.82s - 2129.72s

They're being dragged out outside of Radio City FAC musical. The mad people were mobbing the place. Down with the USA GPE!

Speaker 102132.12s - 2135.4s

Down with the USA GPE!

Speaker 02136.18s - 2139.4s

They're white liberals.

Speaker 82140.24s - 2143.84s

Yeah, what is it?

Speaker 102144.14s - 2145.1s

And what Netanyahu PERSON? What is it? You will pay walk yourself around the way. Yeah, Netanyahu got? And what Netanyahu?

Speaker 82145.4s - 2145.84s

What is it?

Speaker 102146.04s - 2148.38s

You will pay walk yourself around the way.

Speaker 82148.6s - 2152.48s

Yeah, Netanyahu PERSON, you will pay walk yourself around the way.

Speaker 102152.56s - 2155.24s

That is a pretty strained rhyme, I've got to say.

Speaker 82155.24s - 2159.24s

Shut it down.

Speaker 102159.68s - 2161.68s

Shut it down.

Speaker 82161.86s - 2217.92s

I bring out the fire hoses. I want to bring out the airport fire trucks with the water cannon on the roof that sprays the foam, you know, the fire. Shut it down. It's the Democrat NORP fundraiser. The biggest fundraising event in the history of American NORP politics. Yeah, Netanyahu PERSON is the bad guy.Joe Biden PERSON is genocide. Now, the genocidal party here is Hamas ORG, just by the way. It's in their charter. They need to wipe out the Jews NORP. Otherwise, they'll die unhappy, which, you know, something to look forward to. Quite remarkable, the Democrats, but they did raise $26 million.And what do they tell? Oh, I've got Joe Biden PERSON. He's got a new position. He said some things yesterday that that's really, what he said will really infuriate these pro-Hamas, so-called liberal Democrats NORP. Wait till you hear what Joe Biden PERSON said.

Speaker 102217.92s - 2224.3s

Let you know who you will pay. Not to stop her on the way.

Speaker 02227.72s - 2257.26s

Tonight we're focusing in on the way. Tonight we're focusing in on Zoom with Galaxy AI on the new Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra PRODUCT. Ah, a baby tiger. Check out his claws as he prepares to pounce on that frog. Close one, but not as close as this Zoom PRODUCT. We can literally count the whiskers and... Oh look, mum's here. Good thing I'm nowhere nearby. Go Wild with Galaxy AI PRODUCT on the new S-24 Ultraand zoom in on the epic day or night. Get yours now at Samsung.com ORG.

Speaker 82259.64s - 2272.7s

All right, let's take a phone call, Michael. Let us go to Radu PERSON. Calling from Potomac, Maryland, Radu, you're on the Chris Plant Show WORK_OF_ART. Hey, Chris PERSON, how are you?

Speaker 72272.72s - 2356.08s

Real quick. So I'm Catholic NORP. However, I'm not very religious because, as you know, I grew up on the communism where you're not allowed to practice religion. But I have lots of friends, and obviously there is lots of Jewish NORP people in this country. It's always amazed me that 85% of all the Jews in this country vote for the Democrats NORP.Right now, the latest poll shows that only 18% of Democrats actually support Israel's right to defend themselves. 18% of Democrats, but guess what? 85% to 90% of the Democrats still going to vote for the Democrats, sorry, 85% to 9% of the Jews are still going to vote for the Democrats NORP. I'm even embarrassed that only 61% of Republicans right now say that the Jews NORP have the right to defend themselves, what's going on right now. I mean, I've never believed in a two-state solution because you can, say that the Jews NORP have the right to defend themselves. What's going on right now? I mean, I've never believed in a two-state solutionbecause you cannot have a country next to you whose only goal in life is to exterminate you. Guess what? If Mexico's goal would be to exterminate the U.S. GPE, we wouldn't want them to have a state next to us. So it's amazing to me that Jewish NORP people are sofar up Democrats' rear ends. Yeah, up the creek. I got to wait until you hear what Joe Biden PERSON said

Speaker 82356.08s - 2368.04s

coming up. The Edmight Show showcases the greatest peak performers sharing their journey, knowledge, and thought leadership.

Speaker 92368.24s - 2372.18s

This is one of the all-time best pieces of advice ever given on the show.

Speaker 32372.32s - 2386.34s

The number one thing that psychologists point to with young people of why they are struggling so much in this mental health epidemic is they don't have resilience. So how do you build resilience if you don't understand suffering itself?

Speaker 92386.6s - 2389.62s

The Ed My Letts ORG show is available on YouTube or wherever you listen.