Another Cover Up-Biden Invokes Executive Privilege on Damning Robert Hur Audio

Another Cover Up-Biden Invokes Executive Privilege on Damning Robert Hur Audio

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31:08 minutes

published 15 days ago

American English

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Speaker 140s - 51.38s

Two-thirds of Americans NORP are at risk to experience a blackout. Are you ready to protect your family? Well, you could be with the Patriot Power Solar Generator 2000X. This new solar generator has double the capacity and is expandable, so you can run big appliances like your fridge, even longer. And best of all, the new solar generator is fume-free, safe to use inside,and never needs gas ever. Over 150,000 Americans already trust Patriot ORG power generators. So go to four, that's the number four, slash ben. To get your solar generator now, you'll even get a solar panel included free. So right now, go to slash Ben PERSON. That's the number four, slash Ben PERSON.

Speaker 252.6s - 52.72s

Hey, it's Wilfordell PERSON.

Speaker 1053.66s - 53.96s

And Sabrina Bryan PERSON.

Speaker 256.8s - 56.94s

And we're the host of the new podcast, Magical Rewind ORG.

Speaker 1060.86s - 61.94s

You may know us from some of your favorite childhood TV movies, like My Date with the President's Daughter WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 262.18s - 63.66s

And the Cheetah Girls WORK_OF_ART movies.

Speaker 1063.9s - 71.46s

Together, we're sitting down to watch all the movies you grew up with and chat with some of your favorite stars and crew that made these iconic movies happen.

Speaker 271.6s - 74.24s

So kick back, grab your popcorn, and join us.

Speaker 1074.54s - 78s

Listen to Magical Rewine on the IHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts ORG,

Speaker 278s - 79.58s

or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 1079.92s - 81.2s

Brought to you by State Farm ORG.

Speaker 281.44s - 83.28s

Like a good neighbor, State Farm ORG is there.

Speaker 983.86s - 94.68s

Hey, it's Danielle, Will, and writer from PodMeets World. Thanks to our friends at Hyundai ORG, we were able to record a very special episode for you guys at the one and only. Wait for it.

Speaker 295.38s - 97.04s

Boy Meets World House WORK_OF_ART!

Speaker 997.38s - 108.32s

Take a listen. Are there any moments or spots on any of the sets we worked on over the seven years that you guys felt more at home that were like your little spots on the set. You like to hang out.

Speaker 3108.6s - 110.6s

I'm afraid it was the sink. Oh, really?

Speaker 9110.72s - 110.8s


Speaker 3110.8s - 111.32s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 9111.62s - 113.26s

You had to act by the sink a lot.

Speaker 15113.68s - 113.82s


Speaker 3114.02s - 115.82s

I was behind the counter. Yeah.

Speaker 15115.88s - 117.3s

Right. Doing business constantly.

Speaker 3117.5s - 119s

Uh-huh. Mom stuff. Uh-huh.

Speaker 15120.14s - 122.3s

Disciplining you. Amazing.

Speaker 3122.3s - 126.08s

This has been brought to you by the fully electric Hyundai Ionic 5 PRODUCT.

Speaker 15126.22s - 129.7s

New episode out now. You can listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 14130.14s - 231.38s

The Biden PERSON crime family added again with a new cover-up. And what could have been some of the most damning audio for the president of the United States of America GPE? We may now never hear it because the White House ORG is saying, no, executive privilege, and you can't hear what I actually said. That's right. Key House Committee ORG is voting to advance contempt proceedings now against the Attorney General Merrick Garland over the Biden PERSON audio files, we've just learned. And a pair of these Republican-led House ORG committees voted to advance contempt proceedingsagainst the Attorney General Garland PERSON for his refusal now to turn over the audio recordings of President Joe Biden PERSON's interview with the special counsel Robert Hur over his classified documents that he had for decades. Now, the move is a major escalation in a dispute over the recordings between House Republicans NORP and the executive branch that came after Biden asserted executive privilege over those files. The House ORG judiciary and oversight panelsboth approved a report recommending a contempt of Congress resolution against Garland on Thursday for failing to comply with a congressional subpoena. That now paves the way for the full House ORG to vote on holding the Attorney General in contempt, though it's not clear when that vote could take place. Now, why did all of this happen? It happened because you have a president of the United States of America that had an interview with her. And we know what her said in the past about this.Listen as he testified on Capitol Hill ORG.

Speaker 13231.38s - 241.1s

So you have audio recording from his ghostwriter where the president acknowledges that the information he has is classified and he's sharing with his ghost friend.

Speaker 6241.64s - 252.22s

We have an audio recording capturing a statement from Mr. Biden saying to his ghostwriter in February of 2017, quote, I just found all the classified stuff downstairs, end quote.

Speaker 13252.56s - 268.48s

And then again, reciting passages from a meeting in the situation. Yes. And those are in President Biden PERSON's own words. Correct. Right. So he's again, the ghostwriter has no classified, no, he has no clearance, no classified clearance to anything, correct?

Speaker 6268.66s - 273.04s

That is our understanding that Mr. Wannitzer PERSON was not authorized to receive classified information.

Speaker 14273.86s - 399.38s

He wasn't allowed to receive classified information. Now, these audio recordings apparently are so damning because they show a president of the United States of America GPE that after doing the investigation, they decided couldn't stand trial. So therefore, we wouldn't charge him with any charges because they said he's so old and senile, right? He's so old and so senile that no one would convict him and he couldn't stand trial because of that's how old he was. So obviously there's many people there saying, well, shouldn't we be able to actually hear these audio recordings of the president of the United States of America GPE? And he admitted, as you heard there, the former special counsel, Robert Hur, we have an audio recording capturing a statement that Mr. Biden said to his ghostwriter in February 17, I just found all the classified stuff downstairs,referring to classified documents. They've got it all. Now, if you go back in February, the White House spokesman, Ian Sams PERSON, actually bragged about Joe Biden PERSON not asserting executive privilege, which is exactly what he just did to stop you from hearing these audio recordings,that would show that the president of the United States of America is probably massively incapacitated during these interviews. And they bragged about it, right? He said, well, we would never do this. We would never, ever do this. Listen carefully, the White House ORG bragging about not asserting executive privilege.Three, he didn't exert executive privilege over any contents of the report. He was transparent. He had nothing to hide. Well, obviously he did. He had the recordings themselves that he was ready to hide. And now we understand that.Which brings me to the Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson PERSON. Mike Johnson PERSON has now come out, and as he should, by the way, and made it clear that President Biden using his executive privilege to keep the American NORP people from hearing audio recordings of his interview with Robert Her is flat out wrong, and more importantly, it is a cover-up.

Speaker 8399.62s - 465.1s

But first, I want to address the breaking news from this morning. About an hour ago, we learned that President Biden PERSON has invoked executive privilege to prevent the American people from hearing the audio recordings of his testimony with Special Counsel Robert Her. The American NORP people will not be able to hear why prosecutors felt the President of the United States was, in Special Counsel Robert Her's words, a quote, elderly man with a poor memory and thus shouldn't be charged. Just think about that for a moment. President Biden PERSON is apparently afraid for the citizens of this country and everyone to hear those tapes. They obviously confirm what the special counsel has found and would likely cause, I suppose, in his estimation,such alarm with the American NORP people that the president is using all of his power to suppress their release. And rather than defend our closest ally at war, President Biden PERSON is using his authority to defend himself politically. That is exactly what he's doing.

Speaker 14468.46s - 532.76s

And the White House is now protecting the president of the United States of America because he has something that he wants to hide from the American NORP people. Now, executive privilege should not apply to this interview, and that is part of why so many people are so mad right now about this, because they all understand that this interview is something that the American NORP people should be able to hear. That's why so many people in the media at different news organizations have been demanding the release with Freedom of Information Act LAW to get this interview so that we can hear it.Now, what is the president trying to suppress the release of evidence that may hurt Joe Biden politically? This is, again, the latest example of a Justice Department that's incredibly corrupt. And will this bring accountability to Joe Biden and his DOJ because they're now trying to cover it up? At the end of the day, I don't think we're going to get to hear this anytime soon. Let me also remind you of what the president has said in the past about classified documents and then hers testimony in compare and contrast to it.

Speaker 1534.12s - 536.96s

I did not share classified information.

Speaker 4537.68s - 540.04s

I did not share with my ghost ride.

Speaker 1540.12s - 540.66s

I did not.

Speaker 6540.66s - 541.88s

I guarantee you did not.

Speaker 14542.36s - 549.06s

We also identified other recorded conversations during which Mr. Biden PERSON read classified information aloud to his ghostwriter.

Speaker 6549.88s - 551s

There it is.

Speaker 14551.46s - 712.66s

The President of the United States of America lying to you the American NORP people saying, I did not share classified information with my ghostwriter. That is a lie. That's a lie. And now we have recordings that they don't want you to hear, where the special counsel Robert Hur PERSON is saying,we have an audio recording capturing Joe Biden PERSON saying to his ghostwriter that not only did I just find all these classified stuff downstairs, but he was reading it aloud to someone that didn't have classified clearance to be read in and or to hear all of this classified information that Joe Biden PERSON was apparently giving to his ghost writer. The Daily Mail, by the way, said, quote, Biden forgot the year that Bo Biden died. That's the other aspect of this that you need to understand, is that part of this could them just be covering for the president because they don't want you to see just how gone he is, mentally incapacitated he is.The fact that Joe Biden forgot the year that his son died, when Trump was elected, he couldn't remember that from these interviews, from what we understand, and said, I don't recall, I don't remember, and I have no G.D. idea more than 100 times. The damning transcript of the Robert Hurd interview revealed that that came out. Joe Biden PERSON, not only could he not remember the year his son died, and he was often apparently confused by the dateshe served as the vice president of the United States of America GPE, and about how classified documents ended up in his home, according to the transcript of the testimony, and there are more in these tapes apparently that we don't have yet. Now, according to the transcripts, that two-day interview, ahead of hers highly anticipated congressional testimony, Biden brought up Bo PERSON's death in the context of the book he wrote,published in 2017. What month did Bo die? Biden asked to himself during the hour-long sit-down on October the 8th, 2022. My God, May 30th, he seemingly responded. But the president had to be reminded about the year in which his oldest son died because he could not remember that. A White House attorney stepped in to state that the year of Bo's death was 2015. Was it, 2015, he died? Biden PERSON again, question out loud.The president then went on to ask if Donald Trump was elected in 17, to which another White House attorney jumped in to correct our president of the United States of America and say, no, no, no, that was 2016. So the president couldn't even remember when he became president of the United States of America GPE.

Speaker 9713.38s - 724.52s

Hey, it's Danielle Will and writer from PodMeets World. Thanks to our friends at Hyundai ORG, we were able to record a very special episode for you guys at the one and only. Wait for it.

Speaker 7725.22s - 727.86s

Boy Meets World House WORK_OF_ART! Take a listen.

Speaker 9728.62s - 737.08s

We are lucky to be sitting with Alan and Amy Matthews in the flesh, William Rusty Russ and Betsy Randall PERSON. Yay!

Speaker 4738.04s - 740.26s

Thank you. Thank you. Yes.

Speaker 9740.62s - 742.1s

And those legends get here, let me know.

Speaker 4743.62s - 745.32s

You're here. You're here already.

Speaker 12745.86s - 748.48s

We didn't either when we were watching this day.

Speaker 9748.68s - 749.42s

That's the problem.

Speaker 4749.42s - 753.3s

We didn't realize it until we started getting into seasons three and four.

Speaker 9753.56s - 755.14s

And now we're like, oh, my God.

Speaker 4755.14s - 756.88s

You were both so good on the show.

Speaker 9757s - 758.6s

And we missed it because we were young.

Speaker 4758.6s - 760.12s

We were kids and so self-involved.

Speaker 12760.3s - 763.5s

Ego-maniacs and didn't realize how great you were.

Speaker 2763.6s - 764.1s

We've talked about it.

Speaker 15764.1s - 766.72s

I think you just assumed everybody was as good as them.

Speaker 2766.92s - 769.86s

And then you get into it as you grow up and you work with other actors,

Speaker 12769.96s - 772.78s

you realize how lucky we were to have you guys.

Speaker 15773.22s - 775.94s

This has been brought to you by the fully electric Hyundai Ionic 5 PRODUCT.

Speaker 2776.1s - 776.96s

New episode out now.

Speaker 15777.06s - 778.64s

You can listen wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 2779.56s - 783.52s

Two thirds of Americans NORP are at risk of experiencing a blackout.

Speaker 15783.74s - 785.8s

You could be one of them, sitting in the dark

Speaker 2785.8s - 791.98s

and cold for hours, for days, maybe even weeks. Are you ready to protect your family? Well, you could

Speaker 15791.98s - 799.54s

be with the Patriot Power Solar Generator 2000X. PRODUCT Folks say this new solar generator from four

Speaker 2799.54s - 807.04s

Patriots ORG is worth its weight in gold. Why? Because this generator has double the capacity and is expandable.

Speaker 14807.46s - 865.38s

So you can run big appliances like your fridge, even longer. Or other devices like your electric blanket, your microwave, your RV, air conditioner, or even an electric wheelchair. You also get 12 outlets, including four AC outlets, so you can power more devices at once. And two USBC outlets, including four AC outlets, so you can power more devices at once. And two USBC outlets, which can charge your phone 20 times faster than a regular plug. Best of all, the new solar generator is fume-free, safe to use inside, and never needs gas ever.Over 150,000 Americans already trust Patriot Power Gener generators. So go to four, that's the number four, slash ben to get your solar generator now. You'll even get a solar panel included free. So right now, go to four slash ben. That's the number four, slash ben. That's the number four, slash Ben.

Speaker 11870.18s - 896.72s

Hey, I'm Jay Shetty and I'm the host of the on-purpose podcast. On-purpose is dedicated to helping you be happier, healthier, and more healed. This week, I talked to Orlando Bloom PERSON in a rare interview where we went deep into how he got comfortable with fear, navigating the changes in relationships and how to change the guilt and shame thought pattern. This conversation shows a never-seen-before side to Orlando Bloom PERSON and his unique life journey.

Speaker 0896.98s - 906.88s

I think we all struggle sometimes to really deeply believe that we are enough, that we're valued, that we're valuable. You know, we're imprinted by our parents from the age of zero to seven, right?

Speaker 4907.4s - 912.08s

I'm constantly trying to go like, how do I detach from my, this idea of what, is that,

Speaker 0912.26s - 914.64s

is that my baggage? I don't look like my baggage.

Speaker 11915.24s - 917.24s

I mean, I know, okay, that's mine.

Speaker 0917.4s - 918.14s

Let's unpack that.

Speaker 11918.14s - 925.2s

Listen to On Purpose with Jay Shetty on the IHart Radio app, Apple Podcast ORG, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 14925.92s - 1234.66s

Now look, it wasn't in these interviews of these recordings at the White House's ORG now claiming executive privilege so you can't hear them. It wasn't just the death of his son and that mix-up that was a problem. What it also is this. The mix-up of Bo PERSON's death date during the interview is now directly contradicting Biden's fiery denial that it ever occurred. And the White House ORG didn't just double down.They tripled down on this. Hours after her put out his scathing report on February the night. Biden engaged in a furious tirade from the White House ORG saying, I know what the hell I am doing and insisting that his memory is fine as he described it. That's part of the problem. How in the hell dare he raise that is what Biden fumed during the spontaneous press conference when asked about how Bo PERSON's death came up. Frankly, when I was asked the question, I thought to myself, it wasn't any of theirdamn business, the president said at the time. But the transcript reveals that in fact, it was. Biden PERSON, not her who brought up Bo in the first place. Biden also was confused about the year in which he served as vice president and asked for assistant recalling other critical dates. When did I announce for president, Biden asked, to which her stepped in to say, was it in 2019? Later in the interview. Biden PERSON needed clarification on when he departed the VP office as well.Well, if it was 13, when did I stop being vice president? Biden PERSON asked. 2017, his attorney replied. So he didn't know when he became the vice president or when he stopped being the vice president. And he didn't know when he ran for president. And he didn't know when he announced he ran for president.He didn't know what year he was sworn in his president. Now you understand why they never want you to hear this audio. At another point, Biden needed help to confirm that he was serving his vice president in 2009. It's easy, by the way, to keep election years. You know you're elected in eight and then reelected in 12. And then after 12, that means you leave office in 16.Yet the president of the United States of America GPE didn't know when he started serving his vice president or when it ended. Quote, in 2009, am I still vice president? He questioned again. In addition, the transcript showed that Biden PERSON could not recall many detailsof where the classified documents found his home were stored or what the contents actually were. Her asked the president about a second cachet of boxes found behind a rocking chair. He responded angrily. I have no GD idea.I didn't even bother to go through them. The president responded. He also could not recall apparently multiple instances where he allegedly pulled out classified documents to discuss those documents with his staff who were not clear to hear them, saying this, quote, I don't recall that, insisted Biden PERSON when asked about pulling out information from a binder and sharing it with his team. He also told Robert Hur PERSON that he could not remember finding any classified stuff downstairs,despite what he told the ghostwriter of his book about classified documents, saying, quote, the only thing I can remember is I wanted to be clear to him that I didn't want what he just heard me say. I didn't want any of that mentioned. It was confidential, Biden PERSON said during the interview. In addition, the special prosecutor who asked how classified materials got to the boxes foundin his Delaware garage next to his Corvette PRODUCT. His response, no, I don't remember how it got. I don't remember how a beat-up box got into the garage. Biden PERSON replied, irritated during the interview. He joked around about the FBI ORG's raid of his homes to find classified information, saying, I just hope you didn't find any risque pictures of my wife in a bathing suit, which you probably did. She's beautiful, he added. He also riffed that the FBI ORG, quote, knows my house better than I do.When he was being asked about the details of classified materials found scattered around his home. Now, the former special counsel, Robert Hur, gave his testimony to Capitol Hill ORG and confirmed everything that I just told you was in the transcript. Her was appointed, as you know, by the Attorney General Merrick Garland PERSON in January of 2022 to investigate the president's handling of classified files based on a range of areas including Afghanistan GPE. So what did he say?What did her say about all of this? Well, her in his own words, he made it very clear. The president of the United States of America GPE, quote, willfully, I want to say that again, willfully kept classified documents. It wasn't an accident.

Speaker 61234.66s - 1266.02s

My team and I conducted a thorough independent investigation. We identified evidence that the president willfully retained classified materials after the end of his vice presidency when he was a private citizen. This evidence included an audio recorded conversation during which, during which Mr. Biden PERSON told his ghostwriter that he had, quote, just found all the classified stuff downstairs, end quote. When Mr. Biden PERSON said this, he was a private citizen speaking to his ghostwriter in his private rental home in Virginia.

Speaker 141266.74s - 1541.86s

So, to be clear, Robert Hur is saying the President of United States of America GPE knew he had these documents, willfully kept those documents. It wasn't an accident. In other words, it was on purpose. Her left the Justice Department, by the way, to testify on Capitol Hill. and he made it clear that, yes, the President of the United States of America GPE did break laws. However, we decided not to prosecute President Biden PERSON because of Biden's cognitive fitness for office and how the commander-in-chief willfully retain those documents. In interviews with investigators, quote, Biden PERSON became muddled about the dates he was vice presidentand could not even remember the year in which his son, Bo PERSON, died. And it said his cavalier attitude to classified documents, such as habit of reading sensitive files to a ghostwriter, posed a significant national security threat. That is what they said. Robert Hur said. Robert Hurst said.One of the reasons they decided not to press charges was because at trial, quote, Mr. Biden PERSON would likely present himself to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory. So all you got to do is act like you're old and can't remember anything, and you can getaway with stealing classified documents and lying about it. That's pretty interesting, isn't it? Yes, ABC News ORG. Even they ran this headline. Transcript from documents probe contradicts Biden PERSON's accounts of exchange with her over son's death. So they're even willing to tell you that this actually happened. Again, the ex-special counsel stands by not charging Joe Biden PERSON and is said all along. I did an investigation. I think he was guilty of keeping classified documents.But what am I supposed to do with that? Because I know if I charge him, all they're going to do before a jury is say that he was a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory, and therefore they would not convict him. So does it really matter? Game over. We don't care anymore. We'll just cover up the crimes of the president. Now, while all this is happening, I just have to point out something else that's important to me, and that is this.If the president of the United States of America, by his own DOJ, is described as a senile old man that can't remember anything, to the point where he shouldn't be charged with criminal activity because no one would convict him because they'd feel sorry for him because of how old and senile he is, then why is he running for reelection for another four and a half years as being the president of the United States of America GPE? That's a big question that everybody in this country should be asking. Now, if the president has this much of a cognitive decline,and what we understand is this audio is so damning, they're being forced to say executive privilege is why they can't share it with the American NORP people. And if that is true, that this audio is in fact that damaging to the president, and that people would look at it, hear it, see it, and just would be like, all right, well, we're out, right? Like, we can't do this anymore. This guy's clearly long gone mentally and he shouldn't be president of the United States of America GPE.Then I go back to what I said earlier. It's a president of the United States of America GPE that has everybody around him that's protecting him at all costs because they don't want to lose their influence and their power. And one of the reason why I say they don't want to lose their influence and their power is because if the president is, in fact, this compromise cognitively, then everybody else around him that is making the decisions for him has as much power as, in essence, the president of the United States of America. Think about that high. If you have a president that is incapacitated, that you're having to hold his hand, you'rehaving to remind him of dates, you're having to remind him of when he was the vice president, you have to remind him when his son died. The list goes on and on. Think about how easy it would be to convince him to walk out there and say something that maybe he doesn't even really believe just because the staff says, we need you to support this bill or this legislation or this foreign policy initiative, like, for example, taking your hand off of Israel GPE. Now it should make a whole lot more sense to a lot of you.

Speaker 91542.96s - 1553.74s

Hey, it's Danielle Will and writer from PodMeets World. Thanks to our friends at Hyundai ORG, we were able to record a very special episode for you guys at the one and only. Wait for it.

Speaker 71554.46s - 1556.04s

Boy Meets World House WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 91556.58s - 1566.28s

Take a listen. We are lucky to be sitting with Alan and Amy Matthews PERSON in the flesh, William Rusty Russ and Betsy Randall PERSON. Yay!

Speaker 41567.16s - 1568.08s

Thank you.

Speaker 91568.58s - 1568.98s

Thank you.

Speaker 41569.2s - 1571.34s

When those legends get here, let me know.

Speaker 121572.88s - 1573.64s

You're here.

Speaker 91573.7s - 1574.54s

You're here already.

Speaker 41575.08s - 1577.74s

We didn't either when we were watching this day.

Speaker 91577.74s - 1578.66s

That's the problem.

Speaker 41578.66s - 1582.52s

We didn't realize it until we started getting into seasons three and four.

Speaker 91582.8s - 1584.4s

And now we're like, oh my God.

Speaker 41584.4s - 1587.84s

We were both so good on the show and we missed it because we were young.

Speaker 121587.84s - 1589.36s

We were kids and so self-involved.

Speaker 151589.72s - 1592.72s

Egotomaniacs and didn't realize how great you were.

Speaker 21592.76s - 1593.32s

We've talked about it.

Speaker 121593.32s - 1595.96s

I think you just assumed everybody was as good as them.

Speaker 21596.14s - 1599.96s

And then you get into it as you grow up and you work with other actors, you realize how

Speaker 151599.96s - 1602.02s

lucky we were to have you guys.

Speaker 21602.44s - 1605.18s

This has been brought to you by the fully electric Hyundai Ionic 5 PRODUCT.

Speaker 151605.34s - 1606.18s

New episode out now.

Speaker 21606.28s - 1607.76s

You can listen wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 151608.78s - 1612.74s

Two-thirds of Americans NORP are at risk of experiencing a blackout.

Speaker 21612.98s - 1618.46s

You could be one of them, sitting in the dark and cold for hours, for days, maybe even weeks.

Speaker 141618.76s - 1698.2s

Are you ready to protect your family? Well, you could be with the Patriot Power Solar Generator 2000X. Folks say this new solar generator from four Patriots ORG is worth its weight in gold. Why? Because this generator has double the capacity and is expandable. So you can run big appliances like your fridge, even longer.Or other devices like your electric blanket, your microwave, your RV, air conditioner, or even an electric wheelchair. You also get 12 outlets, including four AC outlets, so you can power more devices at once. And two USBC outlets, which can charge your phone 20 times faster than a regular plug. Best of all, the new solar generator is fume-free, safe to use inside, and never needs gas ever. Over 150,000 Americans already trust Patriot Power Generators PRODUCT.So go to four, that's the number four, slash Ben. To get your solar generator now, you'll even get a solar panel included free so right now go to four patriots dot com slash ben that's the number four patriots dot com slash ben hey i'm j shetty PERSON and i'm the host of the on

Speaker 111698.2s - 1725.96s

purpose podcast on purpose is dedicated to helping you be happier, healthier and more healed. This week, I talked to Orlando Bloom PERSON in a rare interview where we went deep into how he got comfortable with fear, navigating the changes in relationships and how to change the guilt and shame thought pattern. This conversation shows a never-seen-before side to Orlando Bloom and his unique life journey.

Speaker 01726.2s - 1736.1s

I think we all struggle sometimes to really deeply believe that we are enough, that we're valued, that we're valuable. You know, we're imprinted by our parents from the age of zero to seven, right?

Speaker 41736.62s - 1741.3s

I'm constantly trying to go like, how do I detach from this idea of what, is that,

Speaker 01741.48s - 1746.48s

is that my baggage? It doesn't like my baggage. I mean, I know, okay, that's mine.

Speaker 111746.64s - 1747.36s

Let's unpack that.

Speaker 01747.68s - 1754.42s

Listen to On Purpose with Jay Chetty on the IHartRadio app, Apple Podcast ORG, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 111756.16s - 1758.48s

Yesterday, I sat down with Senator Ted Cruz PERSON.

Speaker 01758.58s - 1760.76s

As many of you know, I co-host a podcast with him.

Speaker 111761.12s - 1764.6s

And I asked him what Congress ORG's response is going to be to this.

Speaker 141764.86s - 1792.14s

And holding what it looks like to hold Merrick Garland in contempt if Republicans NORP are able to move forward. And is the president in trouble? Will we ever hear this audio and will we hear it before or after election a day if we do get to hear it? I want you to hear what Senator Ted Cruz PERSON had to say, take a listen. The excuse for not prosecuting Joe Biden for having classified documents that he'd had for decades, right? Yep.

Speaker 01792.14s - 1793.44s

Dating back to when he was a senator.

Speaker 41793.82s - 1794.02s


Speaker 01794.02s - 1794.06s


Speaker 111794.06s - 1803.36s

Was that he's just too old and feeble, and we couldn't get a conviction because the excuse would be he's too old to convict and doesn't know what he's doing anymore.

Speaker 01803.5s - 1810.74s

Yet he's the President of the United States of Americaica GPE with the nuclear codes well that's exactly right so so to convict someone of a

Speaker 51810.74s - 1856.36s

criminal crime you've got to make the case that they have the mens rea mens rea is the legal term for the intent that they're knowingly and willingly violated the criminal law what robert hurst said is you could not convince a jury that Joe Biden PERSON had the men's ray to violate the law, even though he did so repeatedly, knowingly, that he was openly, brazenly, shamelessly. But what Hurst said is, and by the way, he said this on behalf of the Biden Justice Department ORG,he said any jury would conclude that the Biden PERSON was too old and senile and forgetful, that he could not realize he was committing felonies, and so you couldn't prosecute it for him.

Speaker 141857.54s - 1866.46s

It's amazing. That's the excuse for the President of the United States of America GPE. Yet he's apparently in good enough shape to run for re-election and be present for another four years.

Speaker 51867.7s - 1907.14s

Like you mentioned a minute ago that he has the nuclear codes. Understand the Biden PERSON Department of Justice has publicly maintained to the American people. Joe Biden PERSON is not competent to standtrial. And yet he is competent to be the commander in chief to have the nuclear codes. And let's be clear, if Joe Biden PERSON tonight decided to annihilate humanity and to fire nuclear weapons at our enemies, he could exterminate human beings from existence. And yet, according to the Biden DOJ, he's not competent stand trial. Only in Biden's America GPE, is this possible?

Speaker 141907.62s - 1918.32s

The Speaker of the House ORG, by the way, he has come out and said he is very concerned about this issue as well. From the House ORG side, here is what he said earlier.

Speaker 81919.02s - 1978.06s

But first, I want to address the breaking news from this morning. About an hour ago, we learned that President Biden PERSON has invoked executive privilege to prevent the American people from hearing the audio recordings of his testimony with Special Counsel Robert Her. The American NORP people will not be able to hear why prosecutors felt the President of the United States was, in Special Counsel Robert Her's words, a quote, elderly man with a poor memoryand thus shouldn't be charged just think about that for a moment president Biden PERSON is apparently afraid for the citizens of this country and everyone to hear those tapes they obviously confirm what the special counsel has found and would likely cause i I suppose, in his estimation, such alarm with the American NORP people that the president is using all of his power to suppress their release. And rather than defend our closest ally at war, President Biden PERSON is using his authority

Speaker 141978.06s - 2000.44s

to defend himself politically. I mean, it adds up, doesn't it? It's so damning that we got to do this at all costs. Protect it. Make sure it never gets out there. Make sure we don't see the light of, this sees the light of day. And the next question is, Senator, for you is, okay, well, then what happens next on this? Is there a way to get these recordings out there?

Speaker 52001.44s - 2047.98s

So the Speaker of the House ORG is precisely right. What this tells us is these recordings are bad. out there? So the Speaker of the House ORG is precisely right. What this tells us is these recordings are bad. They are damning. They are embarrassing. They are the sorts of things that if youlisten to them, the natural inference from the fact that they're fighting so hard and they're making a demonstrably frivolous legal claim to protect them. It is that the White House has determined, holy cow, people heard this, they would say Joe Biden PERSON is utterly incompetentlypresident, that Robert Hur PERSON, the special counsel was right. He's not competent to stand trial. If you're not competent to stand trial, you're not competent to be president of the United States. You're not competent to be the commander-in-chief of the United States GPE military.

Speaker 142048.94s - 2069.44s

So it's not just you're saying what they were talking about on the recording, which would be damning enough on the substance and the subject matter, but it's also about the incompetency that then can be used against him, and the American NORP people would see basically pull back the curtain, and this is what the guy running your country really is like right now. Are going to give him a chance to run it for another four years right look my

Speaker 52069.44s - 2181.32s

assumption is the audio is incredibly damning remember we talked about when robert her PERSON was appointed robert her had been the right hand to rob rod rosenstein the deputy attorney general who had been barraq ob.S. Attorney in Maryland GPE. Rod Rosenstein is responsible for much of the abuse of power we saw in the DOJ. He's responsible for appointing Robert Mueller as the Special Counsel to investigate Russia GPE, Russia, Russia, and when Robert Hur was first appointed, we said, look, what will reveal whether Mr. Hur is actually doing his job is whether he's willing to go after Joe Biden PERSON.If he just, if he walls off any evidence of criminality from Joe Biden PERSON, that will be an incredibly damning conclusion. Now, I will say his report was frankly better than you and I expected. Yeah. Because his report on its face concluded, yes, Joe Biden PERSON is a criminal. He's a felon. He violated the criminal law over and over and over again. He knew he was violating. He said he was violating. He didn't care. He was brazen. But then the reason that Mr. Hurst PERSON said he was brazen. But then the reason that Mr. Hurst said he was not going to recommend charges against Joe Biden exactly like the charges that were being brought against Donald Trump PERSON for the same offenseis because he said Joe Biden PERSON's not competent to stand trial. Now, Democrats were horrified at the second part of that conclusion because they're like, no, don't reveal, pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. Do not reveal that the Wizard of Oz is a fake and a fraud. Now, listen, you and I have talked about, we're three and a half years into the Biden presidency. You know how many times I've talked to Joe Biden PERSON since it became president?

Speaker 142182.12s - 2185.92s

I'm assuming it's still zero. Zero. Not once.

Speaker 52186.1s - 2189.16s

And that's not normal so people understand how it normally works.

Speaker 142189.54s - 2192.58s

It is absolutely weird and bizarre.

Speaker 52193.22s - 2212.78s

When Barack Obama PERSON was president, I talked to him regularly. When Donald Trump was president, I talked to him every week and sometimes every day. And I've got to say, it is an amazing thing. And by the way, you might say, okay, Cruz, he's a right winger, maybe just Biden PERSON and talk to him. Biden has talked to virtually

Speaker 142212.78s - 2219.8s

zero Republican NORP senators. Is that because they're hiding him? Yes. I'm being serious because

Speaker 52219.8s - 2404.88s

they say, you guys, it's better to, it's better to protect him and shield him from, from y'all so that you don't understand how diminished he is? Is that part of it? Absolutely. So listen, the Republican senators, we have lunch together every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. So three days a week, we have lunch together. We talk regularly at lunch about how weird it is that none of us have talked to Joe Biden PERSON. Actually, there's an interesting story.We were sitting there at lunch talking, and the only senator at the table with me who had spoken with Joe Biden was John Kennedy PERSON. John PERSON is a great friend. He's a fantastic guy, amazing sense of humor. John PERSON told the story at lunch. He said, listen, I spoke with Biden PERSON once. And it was fairly early on in the Biden presidency, and there was a bill that John PERSON had authored that passed.And it was a bipartisan bill. And John said, look, they wanted to do a signing ceremony in the Oval Office FAC, you know, presumably to show they were bipartisan. Look what we're doing together in this grade. And so John PERSON said he went to that signing ceremony. He was in the Oval FAC. And he said, Biden PERSON, in the middle of the conversations,in the middle of the signing ceremony, struck up a conversation with John PERSON. And Biden said, hey, hey, John PERSON, have you ever been to the cabinet room? And John Kennedy PERSON being John Kennedy, he said, I lied. And I said, no. And Biden immediately says, well, come on, let me take you over there. So he goes over to the cabinet room. And John said, but Biden begins telling war stories. And they were from 40 or 50 years ago. And he's just talking about things that happened decades ago. And he's telling them on and on and on. And the Biden White House ORG staff is freaking out.And they're going, Mr. President, Mr. President, you need to go. You need to go to your next meeting. They were really worried that Biden is talking to John Kennedy PERSON. And Biden PERSON apparently, like, gave him the back of the hand and said, shut up! I'm telling stories.And Kennedy said that Biden spent 45 minutes telling war stories. And it was like your grandfather reliving World War II EVENT. Yeah. But that is, and it's worth noting, by the way, all of us know Joe Biden PERSON. Remember, he was a man of the Senate ORG. He spent 40 years in the Senate ORG.Joe Biden swore me into the Senate ORG. When I was first elected in 2012, the person who delivered my oath of office. Joe Biden swore me into the Senate. When I was first elected in 2012, the person who delivered my oath of office was Joe Biden. So it is weird that the White House ORG staff keeps him hidden from us. And the natural assumption is that his mental diminishment is so great that they cannot let him speak to us. And so you put that in the context of this Robert Her interview. Understand the claim of executive privilege is absurd because Robert Her was not meeting with him as a subservient employeediscussing the administration's policy. Rather, Robert Hur PERSON was appointed as special counsel to investigate. Did the president commit criminal conduct?

Speaker 142405.34s - 2412.3s

By the way, he concluded the answer is yes. Don't forget, share this podcast, please, on social media wherever you are.

Speaker 52412.42s - 2416.44s

And if you would write us a five-star review, wherever you're listening, it helps us tremendously

Speaker 142416.44s - 2420.8s

reach a new audience. And we'll see you back here tomorrow morning.

Speaker 112422.18s - 2436.56s

Hey, I'm Jay Shetty, and I'm the host of the On Purpose ORG podcast. This week, I talked to Orlando Bloom PERSON in a rare interview where we went deep into how to get comfortable with fear and how to change the guilt and shame thought pattern.

Speaker 02437.02s - 2445.32s

People say, what are you afraid of, right? I'm afraid of fear because it's like I want to confront anything in my life that feels challenging on those levels.

Speaker 112445.48s - 2452.16s

Listen to On Purpose with Jay Shetty on the Iheart Radio app, Apple ORG Podcasts, or wherever you get your podcasts.