Episode 786 - One Game at a Time

Episode 786 - One Game at a Time

by ArsenalVision Podcast LLC

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80:02 minutes

published 1 month ago


2017-2024 ArsenalVision Podcast LLC. 580297

Speaker 30.88s - 84.54s

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Speaker 287.96s - 99.78s

We're showing you can do it, it is out of God again. It's another class goal for the goodness. Martin! What's the next to my James! Oscar PERSON!

Speaker 4103.56s - 165.54s

In an absolute pivotal moment for Arsenal ORG's season, Manchester United ORG come through in a penalty shootout, meeting Eric Tegh Hogg will most likely stay as manager when we go to Old Trapper FAC. This is the Arsenal Vision ORG post-match podcast. My name is the Black Man's where I almost tripped over that. But you get the idea, right?I was panicking there. When that fourth goal went in for Coventry, which VAR ORG ruled out correctly for toenail fungus being offside, just shows you toenail hygiene, very important. Could win you an FAA ORG cup tie. I was worried that Ten Hogg PERSON would be buried under Wembley and not available to manage Manchester Unitedwhen we go to Old Trafford FAC. But I think those fears have been allayed. I suspect he will still be there. And that should be just the lift we need. But we have business to attend to before that. We have to discuss the Wolves ORG game that was. We have to look forward to the Chelsea game that will be just the lift we need. But we have business to attend to before that. We have to discuss the Wolves game that was.We have to look forward to the Chelsea ORG game that will be. Maybe discuss a few bits and bobs from the things that were in Arsenal ORG this weekend that were kind of interesting and give you an update on a major, major event that is coming for all of you to hopefully participate in, if possible. But first, it is incumbent upon me to introduce Clive PERSON. You can find them on Twitter, Clyde, Clive, PFC ORG, hello, hello.

Speaker 1166.02s - 166.56s

Hello, indeed.

Speaker 4166.66s - 231.76s

I do want to thank the Chicago Gooners for hosting myself and Paul and obviously Big Mike and Tim PERSON and everybody who is there for the Guner Palooza EVENT and the live podcast and just a fantastic event.Getting together with people in person is the best. It's just the best. And I know there are a lot of people listening who aren't able to do it as often as they'd like. But any chance you get to do it, it's just a reminder of how special this whole thing is. So thank you to everybody who was there.I had a blast. I did drink malort. I do regret it. I did a lot of karaoke. I don't regret it. So two updates.Update one is about our big end of season event. And we can officially announce now that it is coming. It will include Ars blog, Andrew, Gunner blog, James, and hopefully, as importantly, maybe less importantly, but still relevant. Clive, Tim, Paul PERSON, and myself,is now become a seasonal tradition. We do it on the last weekend of the season, so it will be the Saturday night before the Everton ORG game. This year, though, we are not at Union Chapel FAC, which is sad. We shed it to hear for that. But we are at the Alexander Palace Theater. I am told that is sometimes referred to as Ali Pally PERSON,

Speaker 0232.12s - 236.86s

by people to know. But the Alexander Palace Theater ORG, we will be putting tickets on sale

Speaker 4236.86s - 374.96s

tomorrow, Tuesday, April 23rd for patrons. And then the following day, Wednesday, April 24th, for Jen Pop Pop PRODUCT for everybody. So if you're a patron, you get a first shot at those tickets, which I think is the least we can do for your support for the pod. And thank you for that. But if you're unable to support in that way, and we totally understand that's the case for some people, no problem. I think given the size of the theater, there should be some tickets available on Wednesday is my hope.And so everybody will get a shot to show up there. And we had a very special guest last year and right. Obviously, everyone knows that. We'll try to make this special. But I think it'll just be special. As I said, to get together, we'll have drinks with people, you know, after the show. And it just turns into a night of revelry and celebration of the season. And who knows, maybe there will still be something on the line when Everton come to the Emirates ORG. And what would be really funny is when Manchester City lose their next four games consecutivelyand Liverpool and Arsenal win out, what will be funny is if Everton ORG are safe and they come to the Emirates knowing that a heavy loss guarantees us the title over Liverpool ORG. I, for one, would enjoy that scenario very, very much. So we will see what happens there. The other announcement really quickly. So as of time of recording, the fundraiser is currently at 116,141 pounds.We have literally, okay, 9,000 pounds to go to max out our matching donations. Okay, the 25,000 pound donation goes in this week. If you can get us nine more thousand pounds somehow, we will get to 150,000 pounds. And that means the 150,000 pound matching bid will be matched every single pound, and we will have done 300,000 pounds for the child refugees,the Zattery GPE refugee camp and the coaching for life program. It is an astonishing contribution. And I think given that this thing kicked off after we had lost to Byron PERSON and lost to Villa PERSON, the mood around the football was down, didn't stop anyone from saying, I still want to do something good for the world, for humanity, for this community. And I just cannot thank you enough.It means the world. We will draw the VIP ticket to the Bournemouth game at the end of the week. So final week to give, if you can get us nine more thousand somehow, we will max out all our matching donations. So we'll leave at that, except that Clive PERSON has raised a finger.And when that finger goes up, you stop talking and you say, Clive PERSON, what would you like to add?

Speaker 1375.26s - 401.22s

I may, I just look through the comments on all the donations. And I do it every now and again. And it's incredible people's stamina and their kindness and the words that they put alongside. I wish we could reply to every one of them, but some of the words are just beautiful.And I have to say, just my own personal thanks, there's so many things happening in the world. And there's so much things that reasons not to do something like this, and people are finding a reason to do something like this. I just want to say, thank you.

Speaker 4401.86s - 433.86s

And you said the word stamina. If I was a professional, I would use it as a segue to talk about rotation and why doesn't why doesn't McHill Arte dea ORG rotate more? What about the stamina of our players? But I'm not going to do that.I want to start in a weird place. I just want to quickly touch on two non-Arsonal things because I think they're fun and I think they're worth touching on quickly. So the first is just that FAA Cup EVENT semifinal between United and Coventry ORG.Can't just get like 90 seconds of your thoughts on that and obviously the offside call at the end and just the general calamity that is Manchester United ORG. I mean, they are an absolute shower of shit.

Speaker 1434.76s - 439.92s

Yeah, I watched it in a bar full of many light of people and I had that smug, arthur top of the league face on.

Speaker 2440.04s - 446.5s

It needed to be punched, you know, and as their world just sort of folded around it.

Speaker 1446.5s - 525.24s

And to be honest, mate, no one was watching the game because it was done. It was done. And then suddenly you saw this, you saw this thing for me in front of your eyes. And it wasn't my luck.I mean, commentary played really, really well. They were fitter. They were faster. They had a good plan to get down the sides for cupbacks. I mean, this was good stuff. And if you're, honestly, in some ways, everybody won in a strange way because the cup final probably needed to be a bigger cup final.People can debate that if I think I'm right or not. May and I didn't win, but they won the game. Corunty ORG didn't win the game, but they won everyone's hearts with how they played. And I just think it was just a fantastic performance on them. Conchardt went to Wembley last year in the playoffs and lost to loot PERSON on penalties. That was tough enough.This one is very tough, but that club's on the way forward. One of ourics academy players, Ben Sheath PERSON played for for them and i thought he was brilliant absolutely brilliant and ran fortunate to miss the decisive penalty i i really it almost like rekindled my uh not rekindled my not rekindled my love for football but it's so good to see a lower league team do that well against against uh the biggest club in the world he says a quote so-quotes. So, yeah, it's good.

Speaker 4529.7s - 580.54s

I got to say, I don't, I think Ten Hogg PERSON is an idiot. Like, I really, really do. But I don't think he's a feckless, moronic coach. Like, he must know how to coach a football team. So my only conclusion can be that there are players that aren't playing for him. Because if you kick the ball three yards past the Manchester United ORG attackers,you have 60 yards of green grass in front of you to run into. I mean, Casamiro is not trying. He's not trying. And that didn't just extend to his open play lack of running around. His penalty said, I'm not trying. Everything about his game right now says, I'm a celebrity, get me out of here.He just does not want to be there. So I thought it was really, really interesting to watch that. It's comical. I think, obviously, he's going to go. But as long as he's there, teams are going to continue to get 20, 25, 30 shots a game against them. And it's going to be a lot of fun to watch.

Speaker 1580.98s - 585.48s

I just hope we do, Elliot, when the moment comes. We will. We will. Oh, by the way, we will.

Speaker 4585.72s - 588s

100%. They have no ability to stop.

Speaker 1588s - 590.24s

I mean, the only thing they do well is counterattack.

Speaker 4590.7s - 629.22s

And so the only downside, right, is when a big club plays against them, they get to play minnow football, which actually suits them a little bit because it forces them to be more compact. I think if you sit off them and let them come to you, if you low block them, you could get 30 shots a game on them, like with no problem. So obviously the game ends with a bit of a controversy.I don't know where I stand on this, because at the end of the day, if we're going to do the VAR thing, then that's offside, I think. And, you know, a lot of people said it shouldn't be offside.And I understand it. But having said that, I kind of think if there was no VAR, the flag goes up because with the naked eye, it looked very offside. Like I thought, oh, well, that was offside. So I think it might have there was no var, the flag goes up because with the naked eye, it looked very offside. Like I thought, oh, well, that was offside. So I think it might have wrongly gone up,

Speaker 0629.22s - 634.42s

but because it stays down, then when it's very close, it looks close. Look, I don't know that we want

Speaker 4634.42s - 686.62s

toenails being an offside. But once you decide to draw lines, the lines are going to be as accurate as possible. Maybe the solution is you don't draw lines. And if it can't, if the naked eye can't judge whether it's on or off, then the benefit goes to the attacking team, which was sort of always how the offside rule was implemented. I don't know about that,but I do know that VAR comes into the headlines this weekend because of the Forrest PERSON game. And so before we get to Wolves ORG, I just want to ask you about Forrest PERSON's tweet, which any one of us could have written, except that's the problem. Any one of us could have written it, and it was on the official club account. If you haven't seen it, you can look it up, but essentially it was like a fan raging againstVAR and accusing the VAR referee of being a Luton ORG fan, which is why they ruled in favor of Everton and against Forrest PERSON. Dale Johnson has come out and predictably, you know, given his view that Vaugh PERSON was right about everything,

Speaker 2687.34s - 696.16s

not only right about everything, but also just morally and ethically right and run by good people who deserve to be philosopher kings ruling our society.

Speaker 0696.58s - 702.58s

So, Clive, thoughts on the Forrest PERSON admin going full fan on Twitter?

Speaker 1703.46s - 804.12s

Yeah, there are two words you can't say to a referee, right? You can't call him a see you next Tuesday, and you can't call him a cheek. You can do anything else. You can say anything else you like to them, but you can't say them two words to them.You just can't, and the cards will come out, and they will circle the wagons. So the moment you sort of question someone's integrity, that's it, mate. They're not listening. He is a shut. It's over.I think the fact that Clattenbergs at Forrest PERSON and some of the referees may not like him, may not understand his role, that's going to make them circle the wagons even more against Northern Forest, who seem to be at odds with the Premier League ORG full stop, also over the deducted points, etc. On the three incidents, I'd say one's a definite. The first one, when he kicked through the back of the leg,I think you could say maybe. The handball, a little bit lucky, you know, not to be given, but I can live with that one. But it's the last one, the one when he takes him from behind. I mean, that should just be a penalty. And everyone said at this point,so I'm only repeating the analysis from yesterday and today. Once the referee circles, he got the ball, and the VAR then sees he hasn't got the ball, it should be sent to VAR ORG. And to me, I'll say to my mate, Mark, at work today, we had our pre-pod chat.I said to him, for me, decisions will always be sort of interpreted differently. When you have a failure of process, that's the stuff you need to fix. When the referee said he's got the ball, at that point, it's a failure of the far process not to make him look at that again to help him, because all he was doing was doing his best job to see what actually happened.

Speaker 0804.84s - 809.28s

So failure of process, that shouldn't be happening, mate, and that's the stuff they should be most mad about.

Speaker 1809.74s - 814.02s

They should have targeted their tweet towards that. I think they've got a lot more sympathy.

Speaker 4815.38s - 824.5s

Yeah, and I mean, the fundamental controversy is that they had flagged and claimed that the VAR is a Luton ORG fan,

Speaker 0824.5s - 829.64s

and that that would make the VAR incapable of objective analysis

Speaker 4829.64s - 914.98s

of the refereeing decisions. Look, my take on this is slightly nuanced, unfortunately, which means everyone's going to hate it. But it's that I do think that the PGMOL is not currently fit for purpose. I think there's a lot of reasons why I think the way they recruit is not correct. I think the Premier League ORG needs to take some ownership and control over thisand start bringing in the best referees from around the world and paying them top wages so that when you go to the Champions League, the referees seem less good than the Premier League ORG referees. The best referees in the world should be playing in the league with the most money. Not that money is the most important thing in the world, but there is no shortage of resources to recruit the best.And I understand grassroots football and I understand the importance of developing things in grassroots football. And I understand criticizing referees, makes these grassroots, puts grassroots referees in jeopardy,in danger, literally in danger physically, in some cases where they're assaulted and attacked. Like, it's a bad moment for all that stuff. But in terms of running the game, you can't run the game where you have this little consistency and this little trust in the process. But the reality is also that referees are always going to make controversial calls and someone's always going to feel wrong by it. My ultimately nuance take is, I don't think a clubaccount can put this out, in part because we live in a conspiratorial moment, and I think it is red meat for people that want to see conspiracies and want to question the integrity of the entire competition.

Speaker 2915.54s - 916.8s

That's not good for any of us as fans.

Speaker 4917.46s - 994.78s

Once we believe the integrity of the competition has lost, none of us win. There's no winning to say, oh, well, it was rigged from the start. If it's rigged from the start, why are we watching? Why do we care? And so I don't think it's good to bring the integrity, call it the integrity of the win. There's no winning to say, oh, well, it was rigged from the start. If it's rigged from the start, why are we watching? Why do we care? And so I don't think it's good to bring the integrity, call it the integrity of the competition in a question. The other thing I would say,just point blank, is if you're one of the clubs, you have an audience with the PGMOL and you have an audience with the Premier League ORG and you have the halls of power in which you walk to go talk to people and rally support and find a way to change it. You know, it's like when people in parliament or in Congress ORG or whatever, you know, complain about the process, like, you're the power, your power. Go fix it. You know, so I don't know, Clive PERSON, I just, I don't love stoking conspiratorial beliefs, especially in a moment where I thinkwe're all very vulnerable to them because the dynamics on social media. I don't like calling into question the integrity of the overall competition. I think the referees, and I've always said this, more than being bent, are just not good enough. I think that the process by which VAR ORG intervenes in the game is murky and unclear. And so consistency has been a problem. And there have been process errors. So all things being equal, that's where I stand on it. We can move on to the wolves game, but I'll give you a final thought on it. I just think, let's get this better without fully calling into question the integrity of the competition overall.

Speaker 1995.04s - 1052.54s

Yeah, process needs to be better. I often ask myself a question, how robust are the processes around? Have they popped off to PWC to get them looked at properly? You know, it just makes me wonder, look, these guys have been brought up refereeing games from grassroots right to the top level. Then we put the same guys in charge of all the processes.I just want to see, you know, better quality people around this all. Because I think your point around being the best league in the world, well, we need the best admin and officials around the game. And no matter where you've got to go to get them and pay them, there's enough money sloshing around. When you see the agent's fees going out the door, let's sort this out first. You know, let's make sure we have the very, very, very best people. Maybe from other industries that are really process driven,that can look at things and really make them better. If you want to be the best, you've got to pay for the best. You've got to really get the best quality people.

Speaker 01052.64s - 1055.3s

And that's what we need to go to help these guys,

Speaker 11055.38s - 1097.54s

because they know the game, they love the game. They know all the rules. We don't know the rules. We don't know all the rules and scenarios. They do, and they've studied for years, in different scenarios, literally on pitchesunder pressure. They've done this. They've earned the right to be here, but they need to be supported. They need to be open to be supported and not be a little thiefdom there. So if you want to grow the game, we have to broaden the quality people around the people that we rely on.I used to play football Sunday mornings. I turn out there's no ref. May it break my heart. We can't play a game without them. We have to recognize that. There is no game without them.And we have to bring them in. You know my views on this anyway. Well said.

Speaker 41097.64s - 1097.8s

All right.

Speaker 21097.84s - 1099.46s

So, I mean, we're 16 minutes in.

Speaker 41099.5s - 1160.66s

We haven't talked to Arsenal ORG. And I apologize to that. But I do feel, honestly, at this point, those are the stories that are really dominating a lot of people's thoughts. The Wolves ORG game was actually not much of a story because I think it was a very dominant performance in a game where one team had very little to offer. The other team had very little left in the tank. And so I think we did whatneeded to be done while controlling it. There are a few really interesting talking points, I think, in it vis-a-vis how we might set up for Chelsea ORG and a few interesting talking points vis-a-vis sort of rotation and squad use coming out of the game. The game itself, not a game of big incident. So we can just sort of start, I think, with this, Clive PERSON. I don't know if we can connect to what a player feels.Because fans sometimes feel things more acutely than players. For players, it is a job, they have to pick themselves up, they have to get their job done. But I saw a lot of people tweeting, talking, not just tweeting, but talking, you know, people I physically talk to, about the season like it was over after the Byron PERSON loss.Yeah.

Speaker 21160.8s - 1163.24s

You know that it was league's gone, Champions League ORG's gone,

Speaker 41163.36s - 1215.14s

who are we going to sign this summer, already talking like that. If the fans are thinking that way, then there's certainly at least in the corner of some of the players' minds, a bit of that looking to the future stuff going on,a bit of resignation. And McKell PERSON, I think, had a big job on his hands to refocus them because as we sit here, we are top of the league, and if we beat Chelsea tomorrow,we'll be top of the league, well, we could be level top of the league with Liverpool ORG, but we could be four points clear of City who don't play their next game until Thursday. So there was a big opportunity, and we seized it. How difficult do you think it was for McKell PERSON and is it in general to refocus everybodyafter a Champions League ORG exit like that and the villa loss? How impressed are you that the team was sort of able to rally psychologically to put the focus and energy into this game to deliver the victory in a tough place to go and win, even if they were very, very underpowered?

Speaker 11215.76s - 1268.06s

Yeah, I think I was edgy and nervous about it because because of the hurt, the grief we went through. Now, the villa game really hurts. We spoke last week. And then obviously the buying game, we could sort of just about accept it. We didn't have enough, the grief we went through. Now, the villa game really hurts. We spoke last week. And then obviously the buying game, we could sort of just about accept it.We didn't have enough, you know, enough petrol in the tank. But you know what? Missed opportunity, maybe from the first leg, we can just about talk ourselves around. When it comes down to it, we go into walls.This game was always a worry anyway, but maybe the villa game was the one to worry about, you know? And as soon as have I said that first volley in the first minute or so, well, I just settled down, you know, and I was quite pleased to see the team that was picked,that it was a serious team, because I've not, I stayed away from this rotation chat, and, because if you're playing 55 games the season, and you come to the last five,if I'm shay, we need to rotate. Nah, mate.

Speaker 01268.18s - 1269.8s

The manager just goes to the player and says,

Speaker 11270.22s - 1359.82s

I need five more games from you. You get what you deserve for the last 10 months. That's a conversation that generally happens. And Scott PERSON sort of alluded to something online, and I thought it was very very intelligent. You know, it wasn't so long ago we were be moaning,and I'm going to paraphrase what Scott PERSON said, you got me thinking this way. It wasn't so long ago we were be moaning, and I'm going to paraphrase what Scott said, you got me thinking this way. It wasn't so long ago that we were moaning about our physios and all the injuries that we've had. And, but now all of our key players touch wood have been fit for most of the season.And the fact they've rattled up these games is down to us and our good work in the background to make sure these people are honed. Every now and again, we look a bit tired, no doubt about it. The sack has held on for the whole game and had his best period of the game probably the last 15 minutes at the weekend.And so I don't think we're experts. I don't think we understand what goes into selection. I don't think you understand all of the nuance around selection. The game plan, how you want to start games, how you want to end games. What I do know, Elliot, is from talking to people like yourself, managing game state is very important for Arsenal ORG.Very important. Getting that first goal is very important. And so having strong teams to start games seems to be the way we go. Get our goal, then we manage the game thereafter. And I think that's very important to us.When we don't get our first goal, I worry. I generally worry. And so game state, that drives our selection. And that's what we should be looking at for us going forward.

Speaker 41361.18s - 1369.62s

Yeah, I got to be honest. I'm feeling a little bit attacked, or at least a little infringed upon. Because it seems like everybody else has stolen my whiskers.

Speaker 01370.96s - 1371.4s


Speaker 21371.64s - 1372.74s

I'm supposed to be the worrier.

Speaker 01373.24s - 1381.04s

Everybody else is worried about a thing I'm not worried about in the sense that this is where I think sort of correlation and causation gets deeply misunderstood.

Speaker 41381.34s - 1390.06s

People, the fact that we have so many more players who have played a lot of minutes than City is actually one of the reasons we're competing for the title.

Speaker 21390.4s - 1393.4s

Because it means our best players are fit.

Speaker 01394.06s - 1399.58s

And in fact, credit to Adam Ray Vogue PERSON on Twitter for this factoid, because I think this is relevant.

Speaker 41399.58s - 1423.68s

In Liverpool's title winning season, they had six players with more minutes than city's most used player. We currently have six players with more minutes than city's most used player. Now, again, that's just those things are associated. It doesn't mean that they are going to lead to the same outcome, which was Liverpool running away with the lead in that season.

Speaker 11424.1s - 1424.62s

Too late.

Speaker 41425.32s - 1478.18s

I am as well. But like, some people see it as a bug. It's a feature. When you go in any season, one of the first criteria for being able to have the season you hope you're going to have is that your key players are fit and play a lot.If Pekayo Saka had 1,500 minutes this season, we would not be competing for the title. Same with Sileba PERSON. Right? We saw it last season. We saw it last season.And so, well, I am not trying to dismiss a question about rotation. I'm not trying to dismiss the need for a deeper squad. You're always trying to make your squad better. You're always trying to use your squad better. And we have maybe a few too many players, Clive PERSON, that we have recommitted to that the manager simply does not trust when the chips are down.Eddie and Ketty PERSON has played about 114 minutes in the Premier League since the new year. Reese Nelson and Smith Row PERSON, this blew my mind, have played fewer minutesin the Premier League ORG this season than Thomas Party. That seems impossible, and yet it's true.

Speaker 11478.64s - 1566.48s

And so I do think that there is work to do on the squad. Yeah, please, please. I hold you that for a lot. There's just a couple of us here today. I think I'm absolutely fine with us recommitting to these guys Worked you on the squad. Yeah, please, please. I hold you in that for a lot. There's just a couple of us here today.I think I'm absolutely fine with us recommitting to these guys because they become saleable assets. If we don't recommit, we are absolutely dumb letting go academy, homegrown graduates with everything we book is pure profit. We're absolutely done. We don't control that story. We have to control that story. We have to control that story to allow us to reinvest in these squad going forward because we've done a lot ofvery good things in the last three to four years, but selling well isn't one of them. But we've improved all our contract renewals and now this is the year to see what we can sell. The lone army coming back, players have had some minutes, not enough maybe for some people, had enough minutes to make sure they're still relevant and people know their names. And so I think this is a chance to get some money back and really invest in this squad to allow maybe a higher level of quality around these players in a game that's forever changing,with tournaments growing euro's coming up in the summer all of our favorite players that are jogging around now they're going off with their countries in the summer it just makes you wonder how much time we're going to get now we've got a game in l a late july i wonder how many players are going to be there a yeah i just wonder it could be crazy isn't it it? Yeah. Yeah, it'll be interesting. I mean,

Speaker 41567.36s - 1697.76s

so look, ultimately, our best players are available to be picked and we're picking them. And that's what good teams do. They keep picking their best players. I think this, this game felt like one where I don't know that wolves ever scared me particularly, but what scared me is just that we wouldn't have the energy in our legs to punish them. This was a weak wolf's team. Let's be honest. The team they put out there probably gets relegated if that's the team they have to put out all season long.Okay? It's not a good one. But you still have to go and do the job. And I think what we saw in this game is what makes us a little bit different than Liverpool ORG, for example, which is we just have the ability to close out the light to the opposition and give them nothing. And when you do that, one moment, or in this case, two moments of execution are enough to give you the win.They had five shots in this game total. I believe that's right. You have five shots. And they had 0.1 expected goals. So we did close out the light a bit. Let's do this.Instead of going through the moments in the game, because there were some interesting moments, I think there are a few positions and areas that are up for debate and that are interesting. And, you know, the one that does seem to be generating the most conversation right now is the left back position.And I think it's because we largely feel really good about 10 of the 11 players we start with. And that 11th player, that left back, is a debate. I think we'd like Tami Asu PERSON to be fit because I think he gives us comfort, a little bit of ball playing, a lot of defensive solidity. I think we'd like Timber PERSON to be playing, although at this point, I think we really have to accept what I've been trying to say for months and months and months, which is he's coming back next season, and we're going to have to see what he iswhen he comes back, because we've only had a limited viewpoint. So it's Zinchenko and Kivior PERSON. I have no problem with anyone that prefers Kivior or Zincenko PERSON. I think both players are flawed in their own ways. I think Kivior PERSON is a centerback, learning left back, and, you know, playing it to the best of his ability with limitations and strength.And I think Zinchenko PERSON is a guy who I think probably is a little bit better, frankly, but at 60 to 70 minutes just seems to fall apart and starts making all kinds of mental

Speaker 01697.76s - 1704s

mistakes and plays the game in a different way that might create a little more vulnerability in our overall structure. So it's a tough one.

Speaker 41704.54s - 1722.28s

But Wolves had one chance in this game that I regard as a chance, and it did come down Kivior PERSON's side when he was beaten pretty poorly in a duel down the touchline. I do think that Wolves ORG tried to target that side. I definitely think he had a better second half, the first half, and grew into the game. But overall, what's your take on his performance in that position generally?

Speaker 11723.06s - 1840.86s

See, I knew that question was coming. So being a good podcast, I watched the first half today, and just with my eyes on Keviel PERSON, and what I will say is he started the game really well, actually, crossing the first minute that led to havers his volley, another cross later in a half, and he was running downhill.And there was one long clearance from Saar PERSON, and he got underneath it. Then he got Rob PERSON from behind with a back to switch player and someone nicked it from behind. And then he did the thing with the ball hit me in the face and he ran Jail Gomez PERSON, who's a very good player by the way. I'm trying to learn about him. I did see a soft asshole linked to him. I didn't know what he is. I'm still going to learn and see if he's good because he looked good to me. He nicked off him and great shot, great safe. Right? So then after that, he settled. Nothing to see here. And you're absolutelyright. All of stars, well, first four kicks went straight to the left hand side. And whether you say he's targeted him, but I'll give you another scenario earlier. Because I watched when he went to our right-hand side, the last, and soon as we get the ball back on our right-hand side, we get shots. So everyone knows our right side is elite. Our left side takes a bit more time to build. And so go to our left because then whatever happens,we want to switch a point attack to our right. And that gives your opposition time to organise. If they lose a ball around Ben White, Siliber, Odega PERSON's base, you've got a problem, mate. Transition on that side, Saka PERSON runs in behind. It's a shot or a cross. So going left is not always about Kiviel PERSON.Because Sintchenko PERSON was there, I would go left as well. Because you keep it away from our right-hand side. Absolutely do. So the progression and development of keep it away from our right-hand side. Absolutely do. So the progression of the development of our team is develop that left-hand side. My thing about Keyfior PRODUCT is,I think it's nomenclature that people have used. You use the word unusable. And I didn't agree with that. I think it's usable. I did?

Speaker 41841.58s - 1843.16s

When did I seem unusable?

Speaker 21844.3s - 1845.22s

Pods back.

Speaker 11845.92s - 1847.12s

Pods back, right?

Speaker 41848.7s - 1849.06s

It must have been an instant reaction. That's it.

Speaker 11851.3s - 1944.12s

That feels very much more like an instant reaction comment. I think people are rallied against that because I think he is usable. I don't think he's the answer. I don't think he's the answer. But I think, you know, Gary Nevel's got eight league championships in his back pocket and he wouldn't have any of them without Wes Brown PERSON. Does it mean a John O'Shea PERSON?You need these squad players that come into your group to allow you to recover people from injury who are touch better, like Tommy Asu PERSON, for example, and Zinchenko PERSON, potentially, when Zinchenko plays, and we're not playing with four defenders, we're playing with three. It's a different game model. And trust me, if we go 1-0 down to Chelsea tomorrow,on Tuesdays, as we're talking on Monday, we go one and out of Chelsea tomorrow. I'll be looking at Zincenka PERSON to come on because we need to get people further forward to take control of that game, like it against Bayern ORG. So I think we have a pub in that position,but it's not massive. It's not massive. Not now we've got people coming back. For example, this week, we got spurs at the weekend. Brennan Johnson PERSON plays on the right-hand side, and he was clocked to one of the fastest two playersin the Premier League last season. So I'm thinking, you know what, I really want Tommy Aziz PERSON back for that game. He's a bit sharper, a bit quicker, a bit more experienced. But Kivior PERSON absolutely can play against walls and absolutely can probably play against Chelsea ORG tomorrowapart in the game if we need him to. So for me, if I misquoted you, apologies, Elliot. Very usable. A squad player.

Speaker 41944.12s - 1947.8s

It sounds like the kind of thing I'd say in the wake of the game on the instant reaction.

Speaker 11947.96s - 1968.16s

I just don't want to stand up for it because it's certainly not my perception. It's okay. It's okay. Because you're not the only one that thinks that, right? So Paul PERSON's got concerns as well, right? But it's okay to have these concerns. The language around it is important because people then think,we've got an agenda. You know it's like, we're us guys where we say the wrong things, etc. So basically, for me, it's very

Speaker 01968.16s - 1970.26s

usable in certain scenarios.

Speaker 11970.38s - 2036.68s

In other scenarios, I get nervous. He's a squad player on squad player money, development money. He's not a player we've taken from Man City that we want to take us over the line. And for me, when I look at the squad,I look at the more experienced people on good money that we want to take us over the line. And for me, when I look at the squad, I look at the more experienced people on good money that we are seeing as primary players to take us to the next level. That's the stuff that I really concerns me. The young players, I don't know why about them. The players that don't have experience,they're 55 grand a week. I don't wait about them. You know, the fact we can use them is really important. We brought in the centre-backed last year when Steve went out. It didn't wait about them. You know, the fact we can use them is really important. We brought in a centre back last year when Stephen PERSON went out. It didn't work out, did it? Cedric PERSON, maybe, maybe he's a bit unusable.You know, that's the phrase. I think we just need to recognise this player is absolutely critical to us. We're not for 90 minutes of every game. It allows us to get to where we need to get to. And I think, you know, very, very interesting positioning that we do have a weakness there. And I am looking at left backs by you choose me, but I do think this player is good enough to get, so we need to get

Speaker 42036.68s - 2047.66s

to this season. Yeah, I think there's a big point being missed here too. A couple seasons ago, Kieran Tierney would be injured at the end of seasons, and Granite Shaq of finished seasons playing left back.

Speaker 12048s - 2048.74s

Yeah, good point.

Speaker 42049.12s - 2079.78s

We have four left backs we can use in the Premier League ORG now. That's a very big advantage, because you could make an argument that if they were all fit, timber might be choice one, Tommy might be choice two. And then somewhere you have Zincenko and Kibior's choice three and four. Find me a club with that quality at choice three and four at any position.So you want me to praise Kivir, I'll praise him for this. Whether he's our third choice or our fourth choice left back, that's for you to decide. That's an incredible level to be at for

Speaker 02079.78s - 2090.92s

a third or fourth choice option in this kind of squad. And he is a converted centerback. And so I give him absolute credit for that. This has never been for me a question of Kivior Stinksen's Inchenko PERSON's great or vice versa.

Speaker 42091.06s - 2156.46s

It's a question for me of right now, who gives us a little more? You know, I have seen Zincenko start games for an arsenal that was on a hundred point pace for half a season last season. I've seen him play for City ORG. I'm more familiar with him in his game. And so maybe I'm more comfortable with that.Whereas Kivior PERSON, I'm still learning about this player and I'm seeing, you know, some of the cracks. And by the way, some, you know, there's still some scars, I'll admit from last season, the falling down in the box and not getting up on the Brighton ORG game, you know, when he came on at Anfield FAC, you know, granted that was at centerback. I'm not killing the guy. We just all have our comfort level.I know that Zinchenko PERSON makes a lot of people nervous where I think there's a big difference and here's what I think creeps into the evaluation. Rightly or wrongly, by the way, I don't mean wrongly. Mentality.There are things in Zinchenko PERSON's game that belie a mentality that people don't regard is serious enough or focused enough on winning and on defending. Kicking the ball out for a player who was injured is a good thing to do, a sporting thing to do.But I also understand why there's a feeling that you need the dark arts. You need to be ruthless. Let the referee handle that.

Speaker 02156.66s - 2161.12s

When he kicked the ball out, you know, in the villa game, people booed, right? They did.

Speaker 42161.56s - 2223.02s

And then he tried to nutmeg a guy on the edge of our penalty box. People don't like that. It's not serious. It's not serious approach to that situation. It's in his game. It's who he is. It's his personality. And so I understand that Zinchenko PERSON gives off, I think, an aura in terms of his mindset that I think makes people very uncomfortable. But if you set that aside and you just look at the kind of errors they both make, I think they both have some vulnerability. That's actually kind of similar.But I think Zinchenko PERSON maybe has a little more ball progression. So it's definitely almost a personal taste thing. As I've said, and we'll say again, I don't think Zinchenko can play beyond the 70 minute mark. Because I think he just, as he gets fatigued, what little discipline he has completely goes,which is not great. But Clive PERSON, like, I don't have a problem with either of these guys starting. If you look at it in the context of they might be currently third and fourth choice or joint third choice left back. And that's a hell of a decent place to be, really, if you think about it.

Speaker 12223.12s - 2239.54s

I think the way I look at it earlier, I just look at the team and what the team needs. And so when I look at the team, I say, okay, I'm more worried about our attack than I am about our defense, if I'm ICE of you. Because that's where a team that lacks energy, that's where we lose it first.

Speaker 22239.82s - 2239.9s


Speaker 12240.66s - 2345.4s

So, and so if I'm worried about our attack, I think defence first. I don't think inverted left back first. I think, you know what? I want four totem pole standing there. You know what I want it, Elliot? I want exactly we do it at the weekend.I want the gain state in our control. Now, Kivil ORG could have stepped on these heels, tripped the guy up, penalty. We go one-n-nought-down, and that gain-state discussion disappears. And I'm begging for, Xincha PERSON, come up to the bench we need to get back and control this game and pin them back. And so I don't go too heavy one way or the other. I just look at how I look at football and say, structurally, I like this, I like what we're doing.I do think, you know, Ben White PERSON's improved so much that he almost embarrasses the other fallback. I mean, the guys literally are playmaker at the moment on occasions. The amount of balls into the final third he played, crosses he has, his ability to defend.I mean, this guy has gone on a level. And I can remember the start of last season, people were saying he is not a fullback. You know, that was the chat. We've made a mistake. We spent, we've blown 50 million.A year and a half, 80 months later, here we are. And for me, he has no peer in the Premier League ORG. You know, maybe Trent PERSON, the way he does it, that's it. You know, and I think he's that good. So anything on the other side is going to look not quite as good. But you can see what we need to have, you know.And so there are development points in Key He Key Hills ORG game that I think just around aggression, he did some great front-foot stuff in this game, got over-excited a cut of times. But I love seeing a player develop. So I'm that sort of person, and I'm, when I see this, I think, oh, next time you can do this, you can do that. That comes naturally to me to give people time.When I had seen Chinko PERSON play, excuse me,

Speaker 22345.82s - 2347.68s

I love how he controls the game.

Speaker 12348.56s - 2399.64s

The ticket at a base with Thomas Party, where Thomas Party likes the right-hand side of the beach. With Decker and Rice PERSON, I'm not quite sure of the mix. The Decker and Rice PERSON likes the left side of the pitch. I've always had this thought about this. You know, he likes the left side of the double pivot.And so the mix has never been quite right for me in that area. And when we're in charge of games, mate, you don't ask me, you're asking for a centreback. No chance. I want to see Jinchenko PERSON in the ball doing his stuff.But we have them both. We have Tommy Asu PERSON and we can do what we like. And that's the most important thing. And for me, they're all very usable. In fact, one of them, the youngest one on the cheapest money,without him, where are we this season? Because the other two have been significantly injured. And so we're here now because of the whole group. Now we've got choices to make, which, you know, nice place to be.

Speaker 42400.94s - 2411.34s

I think given the cap problems in Chenko PERSON tends to have and given the way he fades in games, I sort of wonder, we're not going to move to our Chelsea ORG preview fully yet, but we're on the topic, and I think this is one of the big, big talking points.

Speaker 22411.84s - 2414.2s

I sort of wonder if Zincenko PERSON was being kept

Speaker 42414.2s - 2418.6s

for the Chelsea ORG game and Tommy's being kept maybe for the Spurs ORG game. Exactly.

Speaker 12418.94s - 2419.74s

That's where I am.

Speaker 42419.78s - 2462.16s

And I would be okay with that approach. The only issue I have is, and this is where it gets tough, the fans were pretty clear how they feel about Zinchenko in the villa game. They got on his back early, and they boot him off. You know, not everybody. I don't want to say everybody did that, but there was some of that. And I think Zincenchenko PERSON has shown he's a very emotional guy.Do you worry at all just about the very, very short fuse the fans have with Zinchenko PERSON right now? And giving him a start in a very big game at home with that kind of scrutiny. I have kind of thought that's how he's going to line up. But, you know, that is in my mind. I'm wondering if it's in your mind at all. It was in my mind.

Speaker 12462.32s - 2509.92s

I think, you know, even though I've got a leaning and a bias towards more physical fallbacks that control their sides and not number 10s playing fullbacks, shall we say. But I enjoyed it last season, didn't I when we were on 50 point, 100 point base. I didn't say much then, did I, you know? So we were controlling every single game. So I'm being honest here.But towards end of season, maybe we lost some stability. I was looking for four centrebacks or four defenders and a double pivot, because I believe this is the time of year that we're in, where you control your life. So I do have less of a liking for that. However, I do think the villa game was unique, and I don't know what everyone's still talking about villa game.There was a lot of nerves around. There was. And Zincenko PERSON is not somebody that calms your nerves naturally. No.

Speaker 42510.12s - 2512.82s

He plays into the risk, he plays into it.

Speaker 12513.46s - 2577.04s

And if someone else was doing the same things, I think they would have just felt the backlash from the nerves that we all felt, as we could see the game maybe moving away from us. And it was just the nature of the game. I don't think it's personal. There was a little bit of grumblings when he came off. But I was there, mate, watching it.And, yeah, I haven't seen that for a while at Arsenal ORG. But I threw it away in my mind, to be honest. And he's only a good cross or a good pass away from getting back into our good books, you know. And to be honest, once I know I'll go in the second half in the home game where he had an outstanding half, things change very quickly in football.Leaving your mind open to improvements and developments is the key as a fan. Because if he has a good moment against Chelsea ORG, that conversation around Villar PERSON will look quite embarrassing. You know, so my mind's open to that. If you ask me honestly about him, Elliot,I've said me and you and Tim PERSON had a conversation a few months ago and I asked a question, do you think we should go another contract with him? And it was a pointed question because I thought we should be talking to him by now and we weren't.

Speaker 22577.76s - 2579.36s

The injury record is interesting.

Speaker 12580.08s - 2599.16s

And I think positionally, and I said before if I'm him, I'm looking to get myself into midfield permanently. Maybe the next phase of his career will be as a midfielder. And I think he should be looking at that. If I also can't do it for him, he made me to think about his next phase of his career.Yeah, you know, it's interesting.

Speaker 42599.26s - 2611.4s

Sometimes it's not about individuals. It's about the game evolving too, because if you look a few seasons back, City were conquering everybody with Kencello at fullback, and Liverpool ORG were conquering everybody with Trent Alexander Arnold at fullback. And now you see Cancelo PERSON getting absolutely

Speaker 02611.4s - 2615.68s

brutalized at the far post, getting beat to have Barsa ORG go out to PSG and getting beat for

Speaker 42615.68s - 2627.78s

Barsa to lose the classical. Right. And you look at Trent Alexander Arnold and Liverpool ORG can't control games defensively when he plays there and he's targeted. And Zinchenko PERSON has become a bit of a liability for us.

Speaker 22633.5s - 2633.96s

And you look at what city have tried to do, right, with centerbacks at fullback and defensive fullbacks.

Speaker 42636.84s - 2657.64s

You know, not that Walker PERSON can't get up the pitch also, but he's sort of a unicorn. But, you know, with Ake or a kanji or whoever's playing it at fullback for city. And we've done it with Ben White on one side. And Liverpool might have had their best run of the season with Trent PERSON, not even in at fullback. I think wide forwards have just gotten so tricky and so pacey and so good. And teams are really, really putting fullbacks under pressure.

Speaker 02657.98s - 2676.56s

They're switching play. Backpost arrivals are really important. And I certainly think Kivior, for example, is better on those backpost arrivals than Zincol PERSON. So the game is changing a little bit too in terms of what teams are asking their fullbacks to be and to do the physicality of that position.Maybe they're realizing, because if you look at like Martinelli and Sacken PERSON,

Speaker 42676.6s - 2688.56s

who they've struggled against, some of those big fullbacks, the ones you think they just twist into the ground, but those big bodies are harder to get past. They can physically bully you so you wear down over the course of the game.

Speaker 12688.88s - 2693.34s

I think the game's changing a little bit, Clive PERSON, and that isn't necessarily the fault of those

Speaker 42693.34s - 2698.12s

fullbacks who play that way. It's just more about what's needed in that position. Exactly.

Speaker 12698.28s - 2700.88s

So protect your half spaces, mate. That's what it's all about. Yeah.

Speaker 22701.02s - 2702.8s

Box out your back pose. You've got to do that.

Speaker 12703.46s - 2736.12s

And I think maybe the next development for us is not to invert from full back, but maybe to invert from centreback. We want to try to get the three at the back because we have redundancy if we have four standing there, right?So on occasion, do you want a centre back to say, I'm going to go into midfield and we still have our three. We have our size protected, but we still got a chance to get our boxing midfield that way.John Stone's first one to do it, and you can see this happening with Arsenal ORG. There's a player that we're linked to, you know, his Mandé, Diamanday, I think from sport in Lisbon GPE.

Speaker 02736.86s - 2740.72s

Can play centre-mid, can play right, centre-back, left-center-back, strong lad.

Speaker 22741.38s - 2744.3s

You can see someone like him stepping into midfield.

Speaker 02744.62s - 2746.32s

You can see Saliba PERSON stepping into midfield

Speaker 12746.32s - 2774.62s

if you had to, and Gabriel PERSON's sweeping. I think the next phase of development and evolution could be just that. You know? Rather than invert from the sizewhen if you switch point attack, you're sort of stretched. Invert from the middle. With switch point attack, you're still in position and then you can recover inside to your zone 14 spaces. It makes a lot of sense, invert from the middle with switchpoint attack, you're still in position,and then you can recover inside to your zone 14 spaces. It makes a lot of sense tactically, and a lot of sense risk-wise. So maybe that's the next phase for us.

Speaker 42779.54s - 2788.04s

Yeah, and it is still interesting to me that we think about this so much because we've been excellent defensively. And I do think attack is a space where we need to level up. I mean, if you look at our expected goals allowed, we're dominantly best in the league.

Speaker 02788.12s - 2795.52s

We've conceded the fewest goals in the league as well. If you look at our expected goals four, despite our goal tally looking good, once again, we're massively overperforming XG.

Speaker 42795.92s - 2823.36s

And that is a high wire act that you don't want to have to depend on as much as we've depended on it the last two seasons. This was a weird game, by the way, in the sense that we had, was it 24 shots? Does it feel like a game where we had 24 shots?You know, it didn't feel like we were battering them, but then you look at it. And, I mean, it's crazy. I think, I mean, am I right in saying that, like, they blocked a ton of shots in this game? Yeah, they did.

Speaker 12823.36s - 2825.32s

Yeah, go ahead. No, I was going toD. Rep is saying, yeah, go ahead.

Speaker 42825.76s - 2828.24s

Now, I was going to say, it shows you how nervous we all were.

Speaker 12828.74s - 2843.54s

Because trust me, I remember every single jewel that we lost in our defensive third. Every single header. I remember every single one that we lost. But we can't remember 24 shots, can we? We can't remember that.

Speaker 42843.54s - 2870.04s

They blocked nine shots, Clive PERSON. So nine blocked shots. That feels like a lot. I mean, maybe it's not. I don't know. They also restrict us to things like Rice PERSON took a bunch at the top of the box.They did a good job getting compact in central spaces when we, you know, attack. So, but we did enough. Look, I think we can do some quick hits on some players in this game that are interesting. You know, Trussart PERSON is certainly one I want to talk about. Kai Habert's played left eight again, which I know people don't love, you know, when having...

Speaker 12870.04s - 2872.62s

I love to talk about the attack, Elliot, because I've got some thoughts.

Speaker 42872.74s - 2873s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 12873.2s - 2874.06s

So let's do this.

Speaker 22874.18s - 2877.46s

Let me do some ad reads because people are hankering for those right now.

Speaker 42877.46s - 3093.18s

I can feel people saying enough already get to the ad read. So let me do those, and then we'll do some quick hits on that and turn our attention to Chelsea ORG. So first things first, we wanted to let you know that whether you're a world class athlete or a podcaster like Clive PERSON, which is also a world class athlete, we all understand the importance of mental and physical well-being and proper recovery for top-notch performance. It's why I'm excited that Unified Healing ORG is sponsoring this episode of the Arsenal Visionpodcast. Unified Healing ORG is new and super innovative global network of wellness centers powered by the energy enhancement system or EE system. It's because they're two E's and then they turn to, you get the idea. If you haven't heard the E system yet, you want to listen up. It is a technology that promotes wellness, deep relaxation, rejuvenation, whether you're here in the U.S. or hundreds of other locations around the globe,access to a center is easy and affordable. Interested in experiencing the E.System technology for yourself? You should be. Go to Unifiedhealing.com slash Arsenal Vision ORG to learn more and find a center near you. That's Unified, Unified, U-N-I-F-Y-D, healing.com slash Arsenal Vision ORG. No material testimonials on the Unified Healing ORG website are intended to be viewed as medical adviceor substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice or physician or your other qualified health care provider with any question you may have regarding medical condition or treatment and before undertaking a new health care regimen including the E-System PRODUCT. Okay. Disclamer. Done. Now, including the system. Okay, disclaimer. Done.Now, this podcast is sponsored by Better Health ORG. See, we healed your body. Now we're going to heal your mind. Better Help isn't online therapy. It's just therapy. I tell the story of my mom, because I think it's a perfect example.My mom is 82. She doesn't drive anymore. She's done therapy her whole life. It's been really helpful for her. She's someone who had challenges in her in her upbringing and childhood that she's worked through her whole life. It's been really helpful for her. She's someone who had challenges in her, in her upbringing and childhood that she's worked through her whole life. And I think therapy has been really, really helpful process for her. But at 82 and withoutdriving, it's something that she hasn't really been able to continue with until I was able to recommend better help. And so I think there are a lot of people out there that want to do therapy, but for one reason or another, going to an office, finding a therapist, going and meeting with them driving home, or if you can't even drive, you can't get access. It's a critical part of health. We shouldn't think about it as thing you do when you're in crisis. We should think of it as something you do to help you find and connect to your happiness. And right now, I think a lot of us could use that because our mental health is challengedmore than ever by social dynamics online. So give it a try. Learn to make time for what makes you happy with BetterHelp. Is it BetterHelp.com slash vision today to get 10% off your first month. That's BetterHelp, H-E-L-P-L-C-V-V-Svision. And last but not least, the one that most people asked me about of all the things we get sponsored on this podcast, and that's NordVPN ORG. When I was on my vacation, which I did not want to be on, let's be clear about that I wanted to be watching Arsenal ORG. The only reason I was able to watch the Bayern Munich ORG tie.The only reason I was able to watch the Villa PERSON game, which now that I think about it, I wish I hadn't, was because of NordVPN ORG, because I was able to VPN back and watch Paramount Plus, VPN back and watch Peacock ORG. And you can VPN and sign up for services in other countries where they're less expensive. How about that? That's crazy, right? There's a little life hack. You can sign up in the UK and watch match of the day. NordVPN is one-click app on your computer, on your phone. Boom, you can browse if you want to browse. It also has threat protection so it can remove all the different variousthreats that you may have getting on your computer if you are watching on dodgy streams. Not that anybody would be doing that, but if you are. So, NordVPN ORG is here, okay, to get you a huge discount off your NordVPN ORG plan. That's right. A huge, huge, it's absolutely huge, huge discount off your NordVPN ORG plan. Okay?NordVPN.com slash Arsenalvision ORG. You get the Nord plan plus four months for free, and it's completely risk free with 30-day money back guarantee. Get your exclusive NordVPN ORG deal. NordVPN.com slash Arsenalvision. That's NordvPN. dot club slash Arsenal Vision. Try it now with a free 30-day money-back guarantee.Club! Is that enough for that? Indeed.

Speaker 13094.1s - 3096.14s

Okay. The attack.

Speaker 43097.8s - 3137.9s

Kai at 8 is the thing Mikkel PERSON wanted to do at the start of the season. Kai at 9 is what he became over the course of the season. But I think it was always premature to believe that we would not see Kai at 8 again. We did see it in this game with Jesus up front, Trissard PERSON on the left. It's a lot of things that people may be expected we'd move past. Martinelli PERSON not started. Trissard PERSON preferred.Kai preferred at 9. Georgino PERSON not starting. So it's a bit of a switch up. And it's Jesus PERSON's hard work in the box that leads to the Gopher Trissard that's beautifully taken. What do you think of the attack right now?I think as crazy as it sounds, here we are in April. And I think we're still searching a little bit. We're still searching just a little bit for the click, you know?

Speaker 13139.14s - 3140.84s

You're in your attacking click.

Speaker 43141.46s - 3147.66s

I hope forever we're searching because we need to keep changing our face, right?

Speaker 13148.1s - 3286.5s

We need to keep changing it. And that's because as soon as we do something for five games a row, someone will find a way to stop it. So we've got to change it again. And that's it. We've got to get comfortable with that. And so I thought when we started the game, I didn't know where people were playing. You know, Chosar PERSON was going, sent it forward. Havers is spinning into Saka PERSON's channel. Then he went centre forward.Jesus PERSON tucked into him in Phil if Havert PERSON's got robbed, has a higher-up player. And I really quite like the relationship between them all. And we just got to move towards that. If you look at the players that we had on thepitch, I thought we had our more experienced attackers on the pitch to try to deliver in a game where everything was on the line, shall we say? You know, lose this game, then the bottles will be coming out against us and allthe narratives would reappear. So I quite liked it, but as the game went on, and again, it's maybe my own biases, I thought, Haverses PERSON' responsibility andavailability is quite unique, and I've grown comfortable with it. I've grown comfortable with his work rate and effort. He's pressing from the front. We sort of used him slightly behind Jay-Zus in sort of the Rice PERSON role to press him behind there,and he read that beautifully and got some turnovers. I didn't quite lead to attacks. I just think he's our premier forward that I feel comfortable with. It's made me think about the summer side differently. It's almost like a backfill for him as a centre forward rather than going big and a centre forward that gives a lot of what he has. Because I think the real win is back to what we said earlier. It's in the half spaces.It's in those wide areas, attacking mids and wide area. That's where the goals come from now. People start out wider and leave those positions and come inside. We spent five years watching Salomon PERSON, Manet PERSON, didn't we? They didn't play a centre for, did they? Look at their goal records, etc.So I think that's where I'd like to see us go. So, Jesus PERSON, I know he's your boy, etc. But I find myself not, although I thought he had a decent game and he emptied his soul for the amount of time is on the page, I findmyself looking for more certainty about what he's going to do next. I just find myself almost like getting, and by the way, I need a slapy if I'm wrong. I find myselfalmost getting angry by not knowing what he's going to do. He doesn't look like himself to me, by the way, I need a slap here if I'm wrong. I find myself almost getting angry by not knowing what he's going to do.

Speaker 43287.24s - 3289.46s

He doesn't look like himself to me, by the way.

Speaker 13289.46s - 3293.88s

I, you know, when you like a player, you tend to give them excuses, right?

Speaker 43293.92s - 3324.56s

So I realize me saying maybe there's still fluid on that knee or he's just not all the way back, is me protecting a player I like. And maybe I wouldn't protect other players in that way. So I want to be cautious of that bias. But I will confess that I don't see the effervescent, vibrant player that arrived a year agoand had so much dynamism in the way he attacked the box and got on the end of chances and created space in tight areas. He did create the opening goal with his work in the box.

Speaker 23324.66s - 3325.38s

And his work rate and his. And he's his work

Speaker 03325.38s - 3331.48s

rate and his battling continues to be there. But the level of skill and technique that we're used to

Speaker 43331.48s - 3337.42s

seeing from him does not look like him to me right now. Yeah. So when you watch the game of your

Speaker 13337.42s - 3444.2s

nervous as hell, the players that you're not quite, you know, they're not quite informed. You get edgy for them. You know, so you know, if Kevill PERSON's got a ball bouncing around him, I'm saying, go on, knock it, knock it, quick, quick, kick. Okay, that's good, we're okay. I mean, it's natural. We're fans, right?We support the players. We know when someone's not tipped up for a five-minute period, which happens, right? And they fight for it, come out the other side. When ball goes into Jay-Zus PERSON, I don't mind that he's unpredictable. But if he's unpredictable and the teammates are not reading him, that he's unpredictable, but if he's unpredictable and the teammates not reading him, then he's unpredictable, not good.If he's unpredictable slowing down the attack, then that's not good. So in my mind, I say, yeah, I want you to be unpredictable, but maybe it'd be unpredictable off the sides. When the defender doesn't know what you're going to do, it's a one-on-one duel, and you can kill him from there.You know, when the centre of forward has a ball, I want to know he's going to roll in and lay it I want to know he's going to spin down the size and hold it I want to know that he can physically win of the first phase ball in the air I just want a little bit more certainty if I can see it with my eyes then the players can run off himin a more cohesive way so that's just appeared that we're going through when jesus first arrived at him he could do what he liked he could spin left he could spin right. And wherever he went, Martinelli PERSON went back to where he left. Do you mean?And the two of them are working together. So he could do what he likes. He'd go, wide space, it didn't matter. He popped in the centre of all, and we were good. Those relationships haven't had enough time to solidify this year. So I'm questioning it a little bit more.But we are talking first world problems here, aren't we? We've just about scored to most goals in the league and conceded the least. And he's out there and he's playing 70 minutes a game now. So he's only around the corner from maybe finding his form. And I know he's only got five games to go, but we only need one big moment at the right time. And life's good, right?So we've just got to stay with him.

Speaker 43448.22s - 3481s

Yeah. So one of the players that I think is so interesting to analyze clive because he's he's unique to our team in a certain way is leander trisard PERSON right i think he takes the goal brilliantly i think he means it by the way it's a brilliant finish 45th minute i think the perfect time to score i think one of the biggest things that's changed between the villa game and and this wolves game to some extent versus when we were really red hot. When we were red hot, we're getting that early goal. And when Arsenal ORG get a lead, boy, are we something. I mean, I know we've thrown a couple of them away earlier in the season, but since the new year,getting early leads has been the key to making games very comfortable for us. Because teams

Speaker 23481s - 3485.8s

try to come out and once they try to come out, like they're dead. I think the Villa PERSON game is a great example.

Speaker 43485.88s - 3534.58s

We should have been ahead a couple of different times. I think it was a very good first half. But you could see us fade a little bit in the second half. And by the very end, it was a little too open. And there was a chance in Villa PERSON took it. And that was that.In the Wolves ORG game, you know, I saw us dominating. I didn't see a goal coming necessarily, if I'm honest. And then Trussard pulls that out after great work from Jesus PERSON. I find myself when Trissard PERSON starts from the left frustrated by him and not seeing the clean technique and the execution I'd like. But the guy just has a knack for finding the back of the net.And you cannot underestimate the importance of that skill. You know, the Porto ORG tie, this game, so many goals that he scored that aren't just well-taking goals, but important goals. I feel like, did he score against Byron PERSON? Am I?

Speaker 13535.3s - 3541.94s

Yes, we'll second goal against Byron PERSON. Two, yeah, I mean, lovely finish again, right? A good chance, but a lovely finish.

Speaker 43542.54s - 3553.94s

How do you evaluate this kind of player, a player who can look a little loose, maybe not completely at the level until he's in front of goal and all of a sudden he's scored you a critical goal?

Speaker 13554.74s - 3611.42s

It's back to partnerships and relationships again, Elliot. So what I like about him is, he's got the personality to say, I'm going to, I'm going to send up the to go in I'm going to the penalty spot I'm going in because I know that's where the ball's going to land it doesn't come to me first phase I'm going to move out second phase get it then he's a proper adult right so he doesn'the doesn't mind where he goes he knows where he knows where the action is as he goes there but give an example just a simple example so we play four at the back a moment and we sort cradle of the team with our fullbacks. They, why, it's a bit more, you know, attacking a touch more than, say, Kivoy PERSON in this game. But those two fourbacks now have got everything inside of them when they have theball. So when Sinchenko plays, Troszard PERSON now has to be on the outside of him. So the outside line, because Sincenko PERSON inverts, he has been on the outside line. I just think the partnership is Sincenko and Martinelli PERSON. Because Martinelli is happy on the outside line. Because Sincenko Invert, he gets me on the outside line. I just think the partnership he's Sincenko and Martinelli, because Martin Nelly PERSON is happy on the outside line. It's Kibior and Trotsard PERSON, if you see what I mean.

Speaker 23611.78s - 3613.62s

Trotsar go on the inside.

Speaker 13614.18s - 3616.06s

Now then, and Trotsar PRODUCT becomes a goal threat.

Speaker 23616.28s - 3618.56s

So you can see the selection. People talk about selection.

Speaker 13618.68s - 3650.52s

They need to try to work it out and understand it. I don't. I'm learning all the time. You can see why that works, can you. You know, if you have an inverted fallback on left-hand side and a trossar, we're now wondering where our width is coming from on that side, you know? And so, so that's the way it goes. And I want trussard near that box, mate, because I trust him to hit laces on both feet. I trust him to do it. And when the pressure that is hottest,you soon work out who you trust you work it out real quick at the moment

Speaker 23650.52s - 3653.8s

Martin Ellie PERSON might be the sharper winger

Speaker 13653.8s - 3664.74s

at his moment in time earlier I do not trust him to finish I've got no recent track record you know it's a terrible thing to say it's true isn't it that's how you make your decisions right

Speaker 23664.74s - 3665.62s

you know it's just no thing to say. It's true, isn't it? That's how you make the decisions, right? Yeah, it's not wrong.

Speaker 43665.62s - 3666.12s

Yeah, it's not right.

Speaker 23666.66s - 3667.88s

And it's just no track records.

Speaker 43667.92s - 3668.54s

So we go from there.

Speaker 13669.6s - 3674.06s

Isn't this a thing that fans stress about, but actually good teams need to have, right?

Speaker 43674.08s - 3707.34s

Which is we love Martinelli PERSON and we think he's quite good and he might go on to be fantastic for us next season. At the moment, his form isn't at the top, top, top. And you know what? We've got a Leandro Trissar PERSON. You know, I don't think, PEP was legendary to fantasy Premier League ORG players for driving themnuts by picking attackers that they weren't expecting and leaving an attacker that you would, in your fantasy lineup on the bench because they had those options, you know, and I think if you want to be a team at this level, you have to be able to say, you know, my left winger is not in the absolute, you know, roaringest of form. So I'm going to pick my other left winger who can't stop

Speaker 03707.34s - 3717.86s

finding the back of the net. That's a good problem to have. We tend to see it's a bad problem because we're like, oh, no, Martinelli PERSON's not in top form. Players sometimes aren't in top form. And when you have another guy who finds the back of the net every game, that's a good thing.

Speaker 13717.92s - 3770.02s

It's not a problem. Exactly that. And we got to accept it as, as watchers. And, you know, we're playing spurs at a weekend earlier Elliot. And the spurs defend in a two, three, right? So, and the two fallbacks midfield don't want to run backwards. I know which left side do I want to play that spurs game. I want it to be Martin Ellie PERSON. I want it to be him.Did you see what Newcastle did to them with Gordon and Harvey Barnes and Isaac PERSON, they ran in, ran in, ran in, I want Martin Eli and Saka starting that game with Haverts ORG starting that game. I want the runners starting that game, not the people going to feet, they can get robbed, and then we were in the transition. I want them running backwards continuously, and so if Martin Eli PERSON is, if he's kept away in a cotton wall until they're not saying he should be, but you see what I mean?I want it to pay that game because the game state will suit him.

Speaker 43770.68s - 3781.78s

If anything, the bigger problem is that we don't have a Trussard PERSON on the right. You know what I mean? And we have to just keep flogging Saka PERSON. There's a couple other performances I want to touch on in sort of a quick hit section here if we can, okay?

Speaker 03782.78s - 3786.7s

Because there's a little bit more on this bone. One is David Raya PERSON.

Speaker 43787.12s - 3792.14s

I think recently both Gabriel and Saliba PERSON have looked a little nervier and less comfortable than I'm used to seeing them.

Speaker 03792.3s - 3796.92s

Saliba PERSON in particular just seems like he's a little bit nervier.

Speaker 43797.46s - 3810.36s

I think in general, he just struggles with long straight balls a bit. You know, his heading is no his accurate. He doesn't always judge the flight of the ball as well as he could, but he's looked a little nervier. And I think Javid Raya PERSON has just been a nice, calm influence for the most part.

Speaker 13810.84s - 3813.02s

In this game, they went to Raya PERSON a lot.

Speaker 43813.26s - 3814.88s

He obviously is the big, big save.

Speaker 03814.96s - 3819.04s

I mean, there's no world where Arsenal ORG don't deserve to beat wolves in this game.

Speaker 43819.44s - 3819.64s


Speaker 13819.8s - 3821.32s

But that's not how football works.

Speaker 43822.12s - 3847.54s

And that one moment, if he doesn't get a fingertip to that, wolves are ahead and they have something to protect and we're tired. And it becomes a very different type of game. So I think Raya PERSON has been good. I think he looked short. I think he gives comfort to Gabriel and Saliba PERSON,who look like they kind of need it right now. So just a quick thought on Raya PERSON's performance and big save and cool and collected with his feet.

Speaker 13848.06s - 3868.4s

Yeah, I thought it was really good. There was one chip-free kick into the box area when he got up, took the catch and need Laminor in his back. And he was down in a while. And I love that. Don't chip the point to my box, mate. You're going to get this.You know, I mean? It's very important that you send that message back. I thought there were a lot of... Can I stop you on that? Yeah, you're going to get this. You know what? It's very important that you send that message back. I thought there was, there were, but you know what? Can I stop you on that?

Speaker 43868.52s - 3871.64s

Yeah, because we talked about that in Chicago when it happened.

Speaker 13872.3s - 3876.98s

He understands the moment because he didn't go through, I mean, he didn't like take him out

Speaker 43876.98s - 3880.52s

and give the referee a decision to make. There's nothing in it. He's protecting himself,

Speaker 03880.68s - 3885.08s

but he doesn't do it in a way that creates a decision for the referee. I thought it was

Speaker 43885.08s - 3886.5s

really savvy.

Speaker 13886.8s - 3969.84s

Yeah. He won it, caught the ball, and whatever happens thereafter, it's down to,I'm sorry, mate, you've got to get out of the way. And so I thought he was good. There's one goodmovement by walls with Doyle and Gomez PERSON on the right hand side and basicallycross came in and he read it. He realized where he is on the stretch, but it's good. Can we put pressure on the cross? So he won't place he could go and he read it. He realised where he is on the stretch but it's good. We put pressure on the cross so he one place he could go and he read it and kept it and slowed it down. I thought it's really good.Distribution across the area one game at one point made me a bit nervy. I thought he was really good because Elliot, I'll be straight with you. You know my views I thought he was really running into form but he foundthe buying game a little bit big. You know, he was a bit nervous in that home game. And it unsettled me and unsettled us. And we conceded in that period. And for me, I felt we lost a tie in that period. And that's an experience.And how could I, even though he's 28, he's never been there before. You know, we're not sure how we're going to react until that moment comes, you know? And so, yeah, so I thought his recovery and poise was really good. It's very difficult to say he needs to talk more. I sometimes feel he needs to talk more, you know,and really take charge verbally. But they might be talking all the time, and I just can't see it or hear it. So, yeah, I really liked his performance. And we both went for him, didn't we? We stopped rising separately.

Speaker 43970.12s - 3973.76s

And that tells you there was something he was giving off that we both liked.

Speaker 13974.76s - 3981.52s

Sometimes you have to have the combination of quality, but also just like heart.

Speaker 43981.66s - 3994.54s

I don't know any other way to say it, commitment to the cause. And Declan Rice, really, I lied those two things in this game. I mean, I think he had quality in the game. I think he was a little unlucky with a couple of his shots. He had the, I want to say side foot from the top of the box.

Speaker 13994.66s - 3996.34s

It just went wide of the post.

Speaker 43997.36s - 4008.62s

But Clive, the way he was running around in the last 10 minutes when you could tell he was absolutely gassed, but he would not lose a duel. He would not let a loose ball go. He showed a lot of leadership in this game. He and Odegaard PERSON both in the way they finished it.

Speaker 04009.04s - 4013.98s

I don't think it was Odegaard's best game in the first half, but he wins us the game, you know, or at least me.

Speaker 44014.1s - 4025s

There is no better goal. I mean, there are better goals, but one of the best goals in football is the, I'm biting my fingernails off that we hold on to the lead, and then you get the second goal to make it safe

Speaker 04025s - 4030.78s

so you can have a nice easy ride like that that goal feels great it's like the the um jesus

Speaker 44030.78s - 4048s

goal against united in the home game uh where he puts dallow on his ass those goals those goals are just great rice and oedegaard you know i think such a critical part of our spine and how we play but rice in this game was fantastic and the way he finished it even though he was clearly gassed showed a lot of leadership and a lot of heart yeah i thought a part of our spine and how we play. But Rice PERSON in this game was fantastic. And the way he finished it, even though he was clearly gassed, showed a lot of leadership and a lot of heart.

Speaker 14049s - 4143.66s

Yeah, I thought a few of our players stepped up in the last phase of the game. Again, the changes from the bench made us maybe a bit stronger. You know, when you play all your cards, like against Villal PERSON, the changes made us a bit weaker, shall we say? And we weren't able to push the game in the last quarter. In this gameI thought we pushed it big time we pushed it and we we stayed energetic you knowparty came on and just gives a little bit of presence in there and people knew where they would be they knew the ball's going to come through we chipped the balllong where we needed to we clipped the line when we needed to we played in the right areas and when Decker and Rice the ball drops to him needed to. We clipped it in line where we needed to. We played in the right areas. And when Decker and Reitz, the ball drops to him, sometimes he can pass his way out of trouble.But sometimes he just runs his way out of trouble. So he beats the press by running it out. You know, and I think it's an interesting one. You know, we've had this conversation before. I had it with my son as well. Do we want to make him a Stephen Gerard, Declan Rice PERSON?Is that what we want him to be? And, you know, I started off thinking that. I thought he was a Shackery PERSON placement, and that's where he's going to be. You know, you see him play 60, I know he needs to be there. Maybe I shouldn't be putting him in a box, but it is important that we understand this because our next signing needs to be a true partner.What's he going to be? Is he going to be like him, a 6-8? Or is he going to be a ball playing player, a passer first, it gets on the ball, and maybe he bodyguards. I don't know.I change the mind all the time, but it's difficult to watch him play like the day of the weekend and not think we'd be misusing you if you got you standing in front of two centrebacks. You know, so maybe we've just got to create those options earlier,but yeah,

Speaker 44143.7s - 4197.22s

I thought he was excellent on the day, really good yeah agreed um special player really special player i just i think this game was one where you get your nose in front and you hold on to it and he was a critical part of us being able to do that do you feel that the manager is going through a crisis of confidence in his bench a little bit and his subs? He waited to make them. He didn't make as many as he could, obviously. We got the result and that's all that matters. But do you have a concern that at this time, this is a naturaltime of the season to shorten your bench, so to speak. You know what I mean? It's a natural time of the season to restrict the number of players you use because you're simply trying to get over the line at this point. But when you still have Chelsea ORG and you trying to get over the line at this point. But when you still have Chelsea and you go to Spurs ORG and you still have to go to United and you're still playing every three days, you also have to balance that against energy levels. Would you like to have seen him go earlier to the bench and go deeper into the bench?

Speaker 14197.74s - 4299.4s

I think against Chelsea ORG we're going to see a little bit more bench usage because the turnaround is really, really quick. After this game on Tuesday, we've got to Sunday for Spurs ORG. I think we have a clean week. So this is the risky one, if you see what I mean? They're all risky.This is the risky one from an energy point of view. Where are we going to be? We're at home, though, right, against Chelsea ORG. And the energy will come from people watching in the stand and going to lift us. Again, controlling gain state is very important. She's team.We don't want to give a young Chelsea ORG team something to hold on to because they will try their best to do it just for fun. You know, they literally got nothing else to play for apart from bloodying assholes nose. Just for fun.As we sit here today, Cole Palmer PERSON potentially was sick, missed training, may not be playing in the game. They have a young team that had quite a big disappointment, two disappointments at Wemble this season. Let's see where they are, right? See what they have to play for.For us, I just think we just got to find it again. We've got to find it with the smart rotations on those positions which we know we're going to rotate, but make sure we can react from the bench. It would be offensively or defensively. And we have most of our players super fit now,more match fit than they were two, three weeks ago. When it comes to the players that would like the Smith-Ros, your Nelsons and your Eddies, I'm afraid they're game state players now. If we're ahead, you get people out, that's that type of thing.But the core people that we want to win, win us the games, we know who they are. You know, we know who they are. And I that type of thing. But the core people that we want to win, win us to games, we know who they are. You know, we know who they are. And I think that's the way it's going to stay for next few games. You've got some big exciting games to come. And we're going to find that about this group, right? But they, you know, I'm a lot happened today than I was after the

Speaker 44299.4s - 4319.2s

buying game. That's for sure. A little frustrated by Bernardo Silva because he denied us the chance to have Chelsea go 120 minutes, which would have been nice, but it is what it is. You want to take a stab at, and by the way, if they do miss Cole Palmer PERSON and I, I sort of doubt that they'll miss him, but if they miss him, that's huge, because obviously

Speaker 04319.2s - 4322.08s

you want to attack down our left-hand side.

Speaker 44322.48s - 4355.46s

I don't care if it's, if it's Inchenko or Kivior PERSON. There's a vulnerability there. If it's Tomiyasu PERSON, I'll feel a lot better. But that's another story. Meanwhile, Spurs ORG, we should mention sitting and relaxing, soaking up their four-no-lost to Newcastle for 15 days before they play us.So they will be fresh, whether that will mean that they're rusty or, who knows, we'll have to see this time for discussing that. After the Chelsea ORG game, this is the week, though, right, Clive PERSON? I mean, Chelsea ORG at home spurs away. It feels like this is the pivotal moment.You want to take a swing at how you would line up for Chelsea ORG?

Speaker 14356.26s - 4389.06s

Yeah, Chelsea ORG, they tilt right, you know, like we tilt right on our attack. And so they go into the Cold Palmer, Maddewiki PERSON side, go on that side. Mara Augusto is a nice overlapping fallback. Good player. One of the players that has done well for them. And they do well.They've got Nicholas Jackson PERSON, who's quite sprinty on the transition. So they're not a bad team. And you know, they're better team data-wise than they are maybe positiony. And they have got thatpotential to do some damage, but their back line is shocking, mate. And that's where we have to play.

Speaker 44389.06s - 4390.38s

They score a lot, but they concede a lot.

Speaker 14390.48s - 4477.6s

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, the back line is shocking. Yeah, honestly, it's shocking. So we have to play there. We have to play there. So what teams are doing now,they're trying to break our press, I've been the centerbacks. We've all seen that on TV now, break our press, or they go long to try to get the territory and get us to play out. So if I was doing the same thing, picking on either,Bayam went to, sorry, Villa went to Ben White, you know, with Zaniola PERSON out on the right-hand side, and at the weekend we saw walls went straight into Keyville GPE from the, from Minute 1. Keep us back, get second balls, win territory that way. So let's see if Chelsea ORG tried to something similar. I don't think they will. But yeah,let's see what they do. But I think for us against them, I just want to make sure that we have a similar call group again. It didn't bother me if it's the same team. It doesn't worry me.I do have a concern about Spursy PERSON's speed in wide airs, but Chelsea ORG, not so much speed. It's more, how can we control the ball? If it is Zinchenko PERSON, it is Zinchenko, and we control the game and get the game stand and shut the game down.You know, so, but we tried that game to feel like that. And we toss our toe this time didn't go in. You know, and if he does that, we are in a different place as a club, you know? So, hey, look, I don't mind what we do, mate, long as we continue the same know? So, hey, look, I don't mind what we do, mate, long as we continue the same focus we showed at walls, because it was good. You know, at a time,we could have felt sorry for ourselves. I thought it was really good. Yeah, I can't decide how I feel

Speaker 44477.6s - 4579.78s

about what we saw at wolves, what it means for what we'll see against Chelsea ORG. My suspicion is Georginoo PERSON comes back in. Maybe Zincenko PERSON comes back in. Kai moves back to number nine. Martinelli comes back in and, you know, runs that left side ragged with Zincenko PERSON having access to play him in. I don't know.I suspect that's what might happen. I still think we're the better team, no matter who we put out. They do carry a threat, especially if Cole Palmer PERSON plays. But your point is they are shocking at the back. And we, I think what we need at the Emirates ORG is the supportive energy, not the nervous energy. As I've always said, it is not my job to tell fans how to fan.But against Villa PERSON, that energy felt nervy. We need it to feel, you know, just more full-throated in this game to help lift the energy levels. Because to your point, the one thing that is beyond question is that these players are tired. You know, Saka PERSON, you can see it. Odegaard PERSON, I think you see it a bit. Declan Rice PERSON at the end of the game, you saw it.But this is how it goes. As I mentioned earlier, the good teams play their best players at this stage of the season, Clive PERSON. So, I mean, I think we can win the title. Like, whisper it? I think we can win the title. Like, whisper it. I think we can. There's no reason we can't beat Chelseaand can't beat Spurs and can't be United ORG. All those games taken together feel like a lot. But Clive is the message that McKell PERSON just has to drum into these players. Now, the most important message, one game at a time. Don't think about whether you can win the five remaining games. Think aboutwhether you can beat Chelsea. Then think about whether you can beat Spurs ORG. Then think about whether you can be Bormmouth. Because in any one of these games won off, I like our chances. So is that the key now. With five games to play, don't think of them as a cluster of five games, just one game at a time.

Speaker 14580.42s - 4661.44s

Yeah, just think about the Chelsea one is the next one. This could be the toughest one, because he is the next one. That's it. But they have a short turnaround too, right? So there's no excuses there. I think the schedule is a whole other discussion. It's a whole podcast in itself really. But the fact that we have spurs and a massive disadvantage at the weekend is another story itself.But if we do get through these next two games, we can sit there and say, okay, we're in a, we turn the corner now. And I think, it sounds crazy. A week off now, it's like a rest. And we're going to have a chance to have that bit of time to have a thing and a look. Chelsea ORG, I think it's on, mate. It's on for us to beat them.Spurs ORG, different entity. It's just a completely different game. It's not like a normal game. The fans were edgy against Villa PERSON. The fans were edgy against Byron PERSON. And the reason why we can look on the pitch and we can see there's a good match-up in certain areas. There's a good match-up physically. It's a good match-up experience-wise.And it becomes like, okay, this is real. And the fans know and the mistakes get over index against chelsea i think i think we're better than them i think we'll all feel it and i think we'll support them accordingly to get over the line spurs is the one mate and i don't think there'll be any spare tickets flying around for that one at the weekend that's for sure yeah well and going to

Speaker 44661.44s - 4706.48s

that stadium's no fun so we'll just have to see it played out. Look, it is a weird situation to go from the disappointment of the defeat against Villa and the disappointment defeat against Byron PERSON to suddenly finding yourself in a position to go four points above City with four games to play. City obviously still having six games to play in that position. But it will change the psychology of the run in a lot if we can do it. And I think in the abstract,when you look at any one of these individual games we're playing, I like our chances in them. You know, everybody knows the odds of winning all five may not be as high as you'd like, but in any one game, I think we will be favorites and I think we should be favorites. So I do think it's still

Speaker 24706.48s - 4711.84s

there for us. And it is, it is probably going to be the case that McKell PERSON is going to have to

Speaker 44711.84s - 4765.32s

push the key players to the limit to get us there. But I think he can do it. So, you know, I think we leave it there. We'll have an instant reaction live after the Chelsea game tomorrow. Then maybe what we'll do with some patron content on Wednesday and we'll have our regular Thursday main pod to cover the Chelsea ORG game and look ahead to the Spurs ORG game. We'll have a little more information at that point to do it. And I've had some time to really digest and dissect what's happening, including what happensin the Liverpool game on Wednesday. City don't even play till Thursday. So that's going to change things a lot as well. And so here we go. It's still on. I mean, if you wanted anything in football, you want to be in the title race with five games to go. And we very much are. And hopefully we'll still feel that way with four games to go. So big, big chance to take another step towards something special. We'll leave it there. Clive's on Twitter. Cloud Peefstein, Cloud. Thank you very much.

Speaker 14766.32s - 4767.02s

My name is Smith,

Speaker 44767.02s - 4828.48s

the company on Twitter and Gunner PERSON. Help us get to that target on the fundraiser with just, I think, what I say, nine grand to go or something like that, and then we're there. We're home free,and it's last week to do it, and then we will announce the winner of the drawing. So, big game tomorrow. Hope you enjoy it wherever you are. We love you. We will talk to you after Arsenal ORG,and you'll see you. We will talk to after our still 10. Jusia. I'm Mark Chapman. I'm Mark Chapman.

Speaker 04828.72s - 4856.7s

Welcome to the Planet Premier League ORG podcast. Each week, S. Fabricas, Nader Minua and myself talk all things Premier League ORG. As a player, you don't have time to talk. You don't have time to make a plan. You just need to deal with wave after wave after wave. We watched Coach Carter PERSON and he said, oh, afterwards the game's just about doing this for your teammates. talk. You don't have time to make a plan. You just need to deal with wave after wave after wave.We watched Coach Carter and he said, oh, afterwards the game's just about doing this for your teammates. And I remember looking around halfway through the film and half the squad was asleep. Planet Premier League ORG. Listen, wherever you get your podcasts.