Ep 158. Chris Ramsey - S17 Ep.7

Ep 158. Chris Ramsey - S17 Ep.7

by Avalon Television Ltd

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56:29 minutes

published 10 days ago


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Speaker 50s - 81.54s

Hello and welcome to the Taskmaster podcast. It's me, Ed Gamble PERSON, back again. I'm still hosting it. We are going to be talking about series 17, episode seven today. We're getting into the business end of this series and what a great series it's been. I absolutely love all of them. Look, I loved a lot of them beforehand, but you know what? I feel like I'm family with them now, especially Nick Mohamed PERSON. I want to keep him in my cupboard and just check that he's okay every day.We are going to be chatting to a very special guest about this episode, everything that went on. If you've not seen episode seven of series 17, of course, don't listen, you silly Wally PERSON. We are going to be talking to the brilliant Chris PERSON Ramsey about episode seven. Chris, of course, was on Series 13 of Taskmaster. Came very close to winning it, but Sophie Duke PERSON had triumphed in the end. Looking forward to chatting to Chris PERSON, having a bit of a catch-up and talking about episode seven of Series 17 of Taskmaster ORG. Here we go.Welcome Chris to the Taskmaster ORG podcast. Hello, thank you for having me. Oh, look, always a delight to have you on the podcast. You, of course, were one of the big hitters of Series 13 EVENT, I like to say.

Speaker 781.54s - 83.66s

I might get that on a T-shirt.

Speaker 584.2s - 90.32s

Big hitter of Season 13, Ed Gamble PERSON. Yeah, it was, you know, it's one of me fondest memories of tele.

Speaker 790.42s - 99.5s

Not that I'm, not that I'm, you know, I mean, I might have semi-retired from stand-up, but it's one of, still remains one of the best things I've ever done, and I'm still a huge fan of the show.

Speaker 599.68s - 103.1s

Yeah, you did say that like you were 80 years old doing an after-dinner speech.

Speaker 7103.4s - 107.74s

I just, yeah, I remember, yeah, that young that young young Ed Gamble PERSON he's still gone he's

Speaker 5107.74s - 124.24s

every week he watches it every week every week until until Taskmaster ORG finishes in probably you know 2100 I will be watching it every week absolutely now Chris I think having known you for many many years before you did Taskmaster

Speaker 8124.24s - 129.46s

even then now when I see your face, I do think, no way.

Speaker 5129.58s - 131.12s

Yeah, that's followed us around.

Speaker 7131.2s - 159.12s

Yes, this is what I was going to ask, has it stuck? Many things I tweet out. Anything I tweet out, I've got a stand-up gig, I'm recording a special, or I'm doing this, or I'm flogging this, or I'm doing a book. No way, is always a top, top comment and a top reply on Twitter ORG. Yeah, it's, yeah, I didn't, again, I don't hear it in my voice when I'm saying it until afterwards.And I go, yeah, that is absolutely ridiculous. It's caught unified. It's immediately car unified. And they knew what they were doing.

Speaker 8159.44s - 160.98s

And they said, what do we pick him to say?

Speaker 5161.24s - 172.96s

Let's make them sound the most ridiculously jordy that we can. And, you know, it did the business. It was good. It absolutely did the business. I'm thinking, I'm thinking merch line. I'm thinking a new book called Chris Ramsey PERSON, No Way.

Speaker 7173.22s - 173.56s


Speaker 5173.94s - 174.58s

No way.

Speaker 7174.8s - 183.16s

You say you said you're retired, but another, another stand-up tour called. You never know. Norware ORG tour. No-way. No-way. That was offensive.No way.

Speaker 5183.36s - 189.76s

No way is a good. Good one for a tour. Yeah. No way. There you go. Maybe way. Actually, yeah, no way. No way is a good one for a tour. Yeah, no way. There you go. Maybe. He's coming back, guys.

Speaker 7190.04s - 191.12s

I'm not going to read it here first.

Speaker 5192.16s - 202.04s

Yeah, you don't need to write that done. Someone will shout at you in the next hour or so. But let's talk about Taskmaster series 17 episode 7.

Speaker 0202.36s - 206.82s

Already your series seems in the rearview mirror Chris PERSON can you believe they're on

Speaker 7206.82s - 216.02s

series 17 already madness and then it's obviously because we're in the industry whenever we see anyone or speak with anyone who's involved in it you mention you mention them the one that's

Speaker 0216.02s - 228.92s

currently on telly and they're like three further down the line so yeah i mean 20 series 21 is probably already getting filmed now it's mad yeah but that's how much of an incredible show it is. And it's, this line-up's brilliant.

Speaker 5229.3s - 230.62s

I love this film line. It's a fantastic line up.

Speaker 7230.74s - 248.48s

It is. We're going to go through the lineup with you. Yes. But I would say as well, also, that's reminded me of particularly painful moments when I'm speaking to people involved in the show. I'll mention something from the series I filmed because it's a fond memory for me,and I feel like we've shared a moment, and they go glassy-eyed, and they clearly can't remember what the hell I filmed, because it's a fond memory for me, and I feel like we've shared a moment, and they go glassy-eyed, and they clearly can't remember what the hell I'm talking about.

Speaker 0254s - 255.28s

Let's go through this lineup.

Speaker 5255.28s - 260.16s

How familiar are you with the current contestants before you went in and watched the show?

Speaker 7260.88s - 277.7s

Obviously, I know John Robbins PERSON, and I know Nick Muhammad PERSON of well Nick Muhammad what I'm a very strange memory of Nick Mohammed PERSON because when me and you first started stand up together and we did the Edinburgh Fringe EVENT. Yeah you had I just

Speaker 5277.7s - 296.02s

you know I had done some stand up in the North East LOC and then I did a bit I hadn't even I don't think I'd done London and then we go off to Edinburgh GPE. Me and you were doing a showcase together. And I'll never forget this sort of crushing feeling of when you were like oh my mate Nick PERSON's doing this show and you took me to see him and it was the one way he wasthe third guy on the moon.

Speaker 7296.44s - 297.96s

Yes, yeah, yeah. Can you remember?

Speaker 5298.34s - 300.04s

Yeah, it was the whole moon landing

Speaker 7300.04s - 301.88s

show, right? It was incredible. Yeah, and he

Speaker 5301.88s - 303.9s

played the guy who didn't go on the moon.

Speaker 7304.06s - 306.74s

It was the whole, the joke at the beginning I remember was,

Speaker 5306.9s - 310.84s

was Neil Armstrong, Buzz Alderman PERSON, the other lad. So he basically played the other lad.

Speaker 0311.32s - 317.26s

And I remember sitting watching it and I was like, oh, I only do stand-up. And this is,

Speaker 5317.5s - 321.02s

I'm just going to go on and tell some stories. And this is like, it was so good.

Speaker 8321.32s - 325.6s

Yeah. And it was so well crafted. And I remember what I was dejected i walked out and then you took us to

Speaker 7325.6s - 330.16s

see colin holt PERSON straight after that and he was ridiculously fantastic as well and i just felt like a

Speaker 0330.16s - 336.64s

one-trick pony i felt like like like basic you know to use uh to use the uh what you keep calling

Speaker 5336.64s - 342s

herself basic basic bitch she keeps call herself yeah so self-identifies as a basic

Speaker 7342s - 347.38s

bitch yeah i'll just use basic but i did i felt like that and then. And then obviously, I'm just, like, I just love Nick PERSON.

Speaker 5347.42s - 348.56s

Like, he's just such a lovely fella.

Speaker 7348.82s - 349s


Speaker 5349s - 361.04s

He's just such a nice guy. And I'm so happy that he's doing so well. And I'm, I'm so happy that he did well in this episode as well. Yes, because, I mean, look, clearly the nicest man in the world, the nicest contestant in the history of Taskmaster ORG.

Speaker 0361.32s - 365.6s

But also was stacking up before this episode to be one of the worst contestants

Speaker 7365.6s - 367.48s

in the history of taskmaster, I would say.

Speaker 0367.48s - 369.28s

Fantastic. Wow, really. Wow.

Speaker 7369.54s - 375s

I mean, he's very bad, but is so... It's so lovely.

Speaker 5377s - 392.42s

Let's chat about the prize task, then. We can chat more about the contestants. The prize task, if anyone feared that Alex PERSON was running out of ideas for prize task categories, he is not. The snazziest hollow thing. Absolutely ridiculous. I don't know.

Speaker 7393.54s - 404.84s

I'm mainly in awe when I'm watching it, mainly in awe of where they come from for these angles, obviously for the tassiest hollow thing. What would you take? Oh, I have absolutely no idea.

Speaker 5404.94s - 407.06s

I've given up on this podcast saying what I would take

Speaker 0407.06s - 409.58s

because I think it's normally rubbish.

Speaker 7409.86s - 413.1s

I think, because I was okay at Price House ORG. I was just okay.

Speaker 0413.48s - 421.6s

I mean, I would have probably ended up doing something similar to what Sophie PERSON did. Yeah. Like putting glitter on something that's already hollow. But it's so hard.

Speaker 7421.74s - 424.76s

Like, how do you define the snazzy, Chris PERSON? It's a tricky one.

Speaker 5425.12s - 429.52s

Well, it's, yeah, it's so hard, like, how do you define the snazzy, Chris PERSON? It's a tricky one. It's, well, it's, yeah, it's, it's so open-ended, almost, almost deliberately for comic effect.

Speaker 7429.8s - 430.08s


Speaker 8430.72s - 432.64s

Yeah, it's, it's brilliant.

Speaker 7432.94s - 450s

And I genuinely don't know. I genuinely, I don't know, maybe, I remember being really impressed when I was a kid, when my dad, this is another, this is, I'm doing another standardly jordy thing that you're never going to let us forget. And I don't know why I do this when I speak here. And I don't know why

Speaker 8450s - 454.82s

I'm about to see this. But I remember as a kid being, remember as a kid being really impressed

Speaker 7454.82s - 459.92s

where my dad made a little hole in the top of an egg shell and then another little hole in the

Speaker 8459.92s - 465.06s

bottom and he blew the egg out. Yes. So I would probably put glitter on that. And then he'd be like, it's an egg. I'll be like, ah, but I blew, I blew the egg out. Oh. So I would probably put glitter on that,

Speaker 5465.26s - 466.12s

and then he'd be like, it's an egg.

Speaker 8466.18s - 468.8s

I'd be like, ah, but I blew the egg out.

Speaker 5469s - 470.46s

Oh, no, that's quite good, actually.

Speaker 7470.94s - 471.1s


Speaker 5471.1s - 473.76s

I mean, it's, you know, of course that's your childhood.

Speaker 7474.22s - 477.86s

Up in the Northeast LOC is your dad blowing an egg to a show.

Speaker 6478.1s - 478.74s

Yeah, he goes.

Speaker 7479.18s - 482.18s

Yeah, that was a big D in the Ramsey PERSON household when he did that.

Speaker 5482.52s - 483.54s

Whole family was over.

Speaker 6484.78s - 487.6s

We had Sky PRODUCT, but, you know, that's all so good.

Speaker 5490.76s - 491.48s

See what I mean?

Speaker 6491.54s - 498.66s

Like, as I said it, as I said it, I'm like, why? Why do I give him this ammunition? Oh, God, I'm sweating.

Speaker 5498.66s - 505.94s

No, but I think that's a really good shout for a snazzy hollow thing. Because I would say even the act of blowing the egg

Speaker 7505.94s - 509.4s

well I would have on the video clip I would have went looking at it's it is hollow look at the video

Speaker 5509.4s - 515.26s

and it would be a pretty harrowing video of me blowing an egg out um but yeah do you think

Speaker 7515.26s - 518.52s

you think Greg PERSON would be impressed because that to me sounds like he would have done that during

Speaker 5518.52s - 523.32s

his childhood in Shropshire GPE yes so I'm on the fence he'd either be blown away by it and wouldn't

Speaker 7523.32s - 525.12s

expect it or I'd be like yeah we'll do that all the time.

Speaker 5525.36s - 525.84s

It's probably.

Speaker 7532.88s - 533.44s

Yeah. I thought he would like the, what was it that John PERSON, what was it? There was something he hated.

Speaker 5535.52s - 535.82s

The Faberjay egg was John PERSON's.

Speaker 7538.68s - 539.04s

Yeah, he hated it. He hated it. He said it like three times when I hate that egg.

Speaker 5546.04s - 554.44s

Yeah. He didn't like the Faberge egg with the task in it, be snazzy. I mean, I could see what John PERSON was going for, and it is a rare miss for John PERSON in the price task. He's normally very, very good at these. But it just hit Greg in the wrong spot, didn't it? He just hated the Faberjeet PRODUCT egg.

Speaker 7554.68s - 555.4s

Look, Vaubeen PERSON there.

Speaker 5555.64s - 557.14s

You think he's going to love this,

Speaker 7557.22s - 558.44s

and you can't work the man out.

Speaker 5558.58s - 559.28s

You can't work them out.

Speaker 7559.62s - 561.62s

Because I think the egg itself was quite snazzy.

Speaker 5561.84s - 563.7s

You know, I wouldn't have it in my house necessarily.

Speaker 7564.44s - 581.2s

But I can't. Yeah, Faberger. Weirdly, Faber's PRODUCT egg, it's a big point of reference for me in my life. I say Faberjeet egg, probably more than most people say Faberjeet egg. I use it as reference, I used it as a reference quite a lot. I was buzzing when I saw the Faberger PRODUCT egg. I was like, this is fantastic. You use it as a reference for expensive things for you?

Speaker 5581.24s - 585.38s

All the time. So many people don't get it. And I use it all, in my head, I don't know.

Speaker 7585.44s - 588.64s

I think it, I think when I was, it must be when I was a kid, again, when I was first

Speaker 5588.64s - 592.14s

discovering things that were expensive. I'm sure there was a documentary or something about them.

Speaker 8592.22s - 597.06s

So in my head, I will have made it the day I've got a faberge egg and never, not until.

Speaker 5598.66s - 603.76s

Can you remember the last thing you described as, as being like a faberje egg because it was so expensive?

Speaker 7604.06s - 611.34s

You know, I could tell you exactly what it was. It was something like I was talking about an a lot I was talking about me mate's house with an alarm and he was getting an alarm he was talking about

Speaker 5611.34s - 615.04s

getting the next alarm up like a better one it was you had to pay like a monthly

Speaker 0615.04s - 625.54s

subscription and I remember my exact words were well you don't need that because it's not like you've got a load of faberjeet eggs in the house but he's not even 30 yet and he went, what?

Speaker 7625.66s - 630.56s

And I had to explain what it was. The hardest bit is explaining to someone what a faberjeet egg is.

Speaker 5631.1s - 634.84s

I might drop it from me repertoire. No, it's been on Taskmaster ORG now.

Speaker 7635.02s - 656.56s

There's going to be plenty people now. It's out there in the mainstream, Chris PERSON. But John got one point. I think he was unlucky to get one point, especially when Joanne got two points for a boot full of chips. Yeah, I, yeah. And as well, I thought that, well, it's crisps he loves more than chips, in it. Greg PERSON, crisps is his thing.

Speaker 5656.72s - 657.7s

He loves crisps, yeah.

Speaker 7657.74s - 659.54s

She might have done better after I had crisps in it.

Speaker 5659.8s - 664.1s

He doesn't not like chips, I'd say.

Speaker 7664.38s - 665.9s

This is a very nice way of seeing that.

Speaker 5666.16s - 669.04s

Well, there's been, I think there's been more, I think there's been more, I think there's

Speaker 7669.04s - 676.02s

been more on this series where the prize tasks have commented on Greg PERSON's body shape than normal.

Speaker 5676.38s - 678.28s

I think they're getting, they're getting above the station.

Speaker 0678.54s - 679.1s

They are.

Speaker 7679.1s - 680.5s

They need, they need with them back into shape.

Speaker 5680.94s - 685.36s

Like, I, I brought in a prize task that was a mannequin full of mini eggs on my series.

Speaker 6685.68s - 691.04s

And he loved that. But at no point did I say, I've put mini eggs in here because you're a fat gobbler.

Speaker 5693.4s - 695.24s

See then, back in the day

Speaker 7695.24s - 698.04s

when we had respect for the taskmaster,

Speaker 8698.5s - 699.96s

series 13 in previous,

Speaker 3700.08s - 702.08s

one war frightened, he ruled with an iron fist.

Speaker 0702.22s - 705.18s

He's let them get away with murder now. They call him fat and throwing chips up and all kinds.

Speaker 5705.56s - 713.32s

And I saw Greg PERSON recently, and he's lost a fair bit of weight, you know, and I'm starting to think it's because of this, because of this series.

Speaker 7713.88s - 719.04s

Well, you know what, it isn't might stick a few extra years on his life. You know, if he's going to take a couple of insults, then fair enough,

Speaker 5719.12s - 722.34s

they're doing the man of surface. Yeah, 12 more series of Taskmaster ORG.

Speaker 7722.5s - 724.22s

There it is. There it is. You'll be buzzing.

Speaker 5725.12s - 726.1s

Oh, God, yeah.

Speaker 7727.2s - 727.94s

God, yeah.

Speaker 5728.58s - 732.52s

No, I thought it was, it wasn't as good as Johns personally.

Speaker 7733.02s - 737.8s

The boot itself was snazzy, but I think by putting chips in the boot, it's no longer hollow.

Speaker 6737.92s - 740.72s

I think you're taking away the hollow nature of it. I would agree.

Speaker 7741.14s - 741.52s

I would agree.

Speaker 5741.68s - 742.96s

It's stuffed with chips now.

Speaker 7743.32s - 744.14s

It's very stodgy.

Speaker 5744.56s - 745.92s

Stodgy stuffed with chips. Yeah.

Speaker 7746.04s - 751.14s

And I'm not eating chips out of a shoe. I know in Australia GPE they do that thing with a drink a beer out of a shoe, but I'm not eating chips out of a shoe.

Speaker 5751.52s - 759.42s

Which is not? Not even if it was like the restaurant's thing. If there was a, you know, a chippy on big market. And they...

Speaker 7759.42s - 762.48s

Would never happen. Would never happen. There'd be absolute hell on.

Speaker 5762.84s - 763.68s

There would be absolute hell.

Speaker 3763.78s - 764.42s

There's straight away.

Speaker 5764.48s - 764.8s

Look at you.

Speaker 3764.9s - 769s

A London man straight in with, oh well, a restaurant might do that. Not a chance up here.

Speaker 5769s - 770s

Not a chance.

Speaker 0770s - 771s

Absolutely not a chance.

Speaker 7771s - 776s

Peter PERSON would nick the shoes. They wouldn't get them. They'd run out of shoes. They'd run out of shoes.

Speaker 5776s - 780s

It was two points for Joanne PERSON's boot full of chips.

Speaker 3780s - 783s

Now, Nick's, Nick got three points.

Speaker 8783s - 785.62s

Despite the fact I think Greg PERSON didn't like this.

Speaker 3785.96s - 800.34s

I really like this. It's a very Nick prize, the soundtrack to the film Sleepy Hollow WORK_OF_ART, so it's a good interpretation. He's very sweet the way he delivers it, describes some orchestration as snazzy. I thought this was good. It was gentle, sure, but it was good.

Speaker 7800.62s - 813.58s

I thought it was really nice, really clever. And, yeah, also made even more hilarious that they weren't allowed to sing or play any of the songs whatsoever. And he just had to, he just had to, I love moments like that where it's like, yeah, we're not even going to, we're not going to

Speaker 0813.58s - 818.02s

pay. We're not going to pay for this. Yeah, you can't do it. Yeah. Humming it in his ear,

Speaker 8818.12s - 823.04s

sensually. Yeah, I thought that had everything. But again, I don't think there's anything Nick

Speaker 0823.04s - 826.46s

Mohammed can do that I won't enjoy because I just think he's...

Speaker 8826.46s - 835.24s

Honestly, even though he shattered me dreams of being good in Edinburgh GPE by being so incredible, I just think he's just a lovely guy.

Speaker 0835.8s - 836.36s

Yeah, he is.

Speaker 8836.52s - 838.52s

And sure, it wasn't a high impact prize.

Speaker 7838.64s - 840.48s

I mean, that's what you kind of need to be in the price task.

Speaker 5840.56s - 842.4s

You need to be, like, quite explosive.

Speaker 7843.16s - 845.4s

And sometimes you do get marked down for

Speaker 5845.4s - 849.48s

trying to be too clever yeah so well there's a massive chance Greg PERSON could have went it's not

Speaker 7849.48s - 856.56s

hollow it's flat it's an LP rubbish yeah um but Steve PERSON I mean look Steve this series is

Speaker 5856.56s - 860.58s

basically the king of the prize tasks I think consistently he has had the best

Speaker 7860.58s - 864.94s

price tasks and I put him up against anyone in task master history really the effort he puts

Speaker 5864.94s - 868.8s

into them yeah it was um I'm gonna go out on

Speaker 7868.8s - 879.12s

a limb here and explain to you that I didn't really get what he did. Okay so cards on the table I've known each other sometime here I didn't understand. He

Speaker 5879.92s - 885.16s

tricked Greg PERSON into delivering a hollow promise to go to someone's stag to.

Speaker 7885.52s - 886.08s


Speaker 5895.76s - 895.96s

But that video was solicited by Steve through Andy Devonshire under the pseudonym Kat Zipsa PERSON, which is an anagram of prize task.

Speaker 7896.74s - 907.9s

That was very clever. Right. I understand. So that was made just as almost like a, what are then things called that people do? Where they pay for them. Cameo.Yeah, like a cameo, but a friend of a friend,

Speaker 5909.64s - 915.96s

oh, this is me mate's thing. Are you going to, can you just do this for a friend? Right, so we had no intention of going there. No, absolutely not. Well, the guy didn't exist.

Speaker 7916.64s - 919.82s

I understand now. It was a hollow promise because Greg PERSON had no intention of going to the stag do.

Speaker 5920.44s - 922.32s

Well, that's absolute genius.

Speaker 7922.66s - 923.78s

Yeah, it's great.

Speaker 5923.78s - 925.84s

I mean, he's put so much work into it.

Speaker 7926.14s - 928.56s

The snazzy element, I guess maybe said,

Speaker 5928.66s - 930.04s

because he said he'd be dressed as a minotaur.

Speaker 7930.1s - 930.84s

That's quite snazzy.

Speaker 5932.14s - 933.04s

Sorry, sorry.

Speaker 7933.64s - 935.04s

The minotaur's quite snazzy.

Speaker 5935.1s - 938.26s

If you saw someone dressed as a minotaur, you wouldn't say it wasn't snazzy, Chris PERSON.

Speaker 7938.48s - 939.88s

I definitely wouldn't say it was snazzy.

Speaker 5940.52s - 943.16s

Yeah, but if I said to you, that's quite snazzy, isn't it?

Speaker 7943.18s - 943.78s

What would you say?

Speaker 5945.36s - 946.62s

No, see, snazzy for me.

Speaker 7946.68s - 953.22s

He's like glitter, disco, disco. Do I mean? Oh, I'll come to your stagie dressed as disco stew from the Simpsons. Snazzy.

Speaker 5953.48s - 954.38s

Snazzy? Okay.

Speaker 7954.54s - 970.6s

Well, that's why I only got four points, maybe. What I would say about this, and I kind of have an issue with it across some of Steve PERSON's prize tasks and across, you know, general prize tasks. What is the prize? Because there's no, there's no physical prize to be won at

Speaker 5970.6s - 974.8s

the end of the show. Because all he's done is tricked Greg PERSON into doing that video, which is very

Speaker 7974.8s - 981.84s

impressive and very funny. But there's no physical prize. There's no physical prize. So what does they have on at the end when Nick PERSON walked on? What did they have? Oh, I can't remember.

Speaker 5982.58s - 985s

Well, they were gone. So what was it just the video? A laptop?

Speaker 7985.24s - 985.88s

It was just the video.

Speaker 5986.08s - 989.2s

All the very fact he's done that is the prize in itself.

Speaker 7989.2s - 991.44s

He's letting them, they're walking all over him, mate.

Speaker 5991.86s - 993.02s

This needs to be nipping the bud.

Speaker 7993.34s - 994.68s

I'll tell you, there's a revolt.

Speaker 5994.84s - 995.74s

You'll not be hosting soon.

Speaker 7996.16s - 997.32s

They'll be guest hosts.

Speaker 5998.08s - 999.04s

They'll shun them off.

Speaker 7999.22s - 999.78s

Shock on this.

Speaker 51000.56s - 1003.08s

The previous prize task he did was absolutely incredible,

Speaker 81003.44s - 1014.94s

the cryptic crossword. But again, I guess the prize was the copy of the Guardian ORG or whatever, but it doesn't feel, it feels like he's done something amazing, and the memory of what he's done is the real prize, so I don't know.

Speaker 71014.94s - 1024.86s

Yeah, I suppose, like, it's like your wedding, isn't it? You don't need get anything at the end of your wedding, but it's a nice day you have. It's the memories. It's like a holiday. Do you not get gifts and stuff?

Speaker 51025s - 1026s

Not up here.

Speaker 71026s - 1027s

Sorry, what?

Speaker 51027s - 1033s

No one gave you a hollow egg or anything?

Speaker 71033s - 1039s

No, but I did have a really awkward moment actually in my wedding where someone I thought might have left a gift.

Speaker 51039s - 1044s

There wasn't a gift and then you think, did their gift get stolen or did they not bring a gift?

Speaker 71044s - 1049.84s

But you can't go to them. I think your gift got stolen because then they go, I didn't get you a gift. not bring a gift? But you can't go to them. I think your gift got stolen because then they go, I didn't get you a gift. Really are, but still haunts us to this day.

Speaker 51051.14s - 1053.78s

So you've never found out whether they brought a gift or whether.

Speaker 71053.84s - 1064.18s

Never found out. Because you can't, where is that conversation go? By the way, did you get me a gift? Did you put a gift on the gift here at the wedding? Because it might have been stolen if so. Oh, no, I didn't.Okay.

Speaker 51064.32s - 1073.92s

Chris PERSON, you are doing absolutely nothing for the reputation of people in the northeast where you're saying at your wedding you suspect one of the gifts might have been stolen from the gift table either that or the

Speaker 71074.48s - 1078s

so-and-so didn't bring one i don't know if i can swear but i thought that other didn't bring one

Speaker 51078s - 1083.2s

yeah upset um so if you got the five points for a conch shell now i thought that this was good

Speaker 71083.76s - 1095.8s

but it felt straightforward to get the five points, don't you think? I was surprised that I got the five points. I wouldn't give that the five points. But again, I was surprised at how genuinely furious he was about the Faberger PRODUCT egg.

Speaker 51095.92s - 1106.78s

That's because of my previous with Faberjeet eggs. Yeah, just the conchel with a bit of glitter on it. I mean, yeah, it's fine. It's true, it's true project. It's pretty root one, but it's solid.

Speaker 71107.26s - 1112.46s

But five points, I mean, when it's next to Steve PERSON's, you know, it's a tricky thing.

Speaker 81112.6s - 1116.9s

But it was five points to Sophie PERSON, and we love it anytime Sophie gets any points whatsoever.

Speaker 71116.9s - 1120.3s

Well, maybe that was the markdown. Maybe because Steve PERSON wasn't a physical thing. Maybe that's what happened.

Speaker 51120.72s - 1132.14s

Yeah. Thank you. Steve got four points. Nick got three points. Joanne got two points. And John, for the Faberjaye egg, got one point. Hi, Joanne PERSON.

Speaker 11132.3s - 1132.76s

Hello, Greg PERSON.

Speaker 51133.4s - 1134.14s

Snazzy, hollow.

Speaker 11134.34s - 1140.72s

My strategy is literal now. So I'm just literally just basic bitch instinct, literal. Answer the brief.

Speaker 41140.92s - 1142.96s

You keep referring to yourself as a basic bitch.

Speaker 11144.24s - 1146.24s

I'm quite old, and I don't know what that means.

Speaker 41146.36s - 1148.64s

It means... Steve PERSON? Steve and I was asking me.

Speaker 11149.6s - 1152.06s

I drink wine out of a petrol station. I shop in Zara ORG.

Speaker 41152.18s - 1153.86s

I'm a basic bitch. So it's a

Speaker 11153.86s - 1156.1s

straightforward simplistic woman. Exactly.

Speaker 41156.7s - 1158.44s

So, I'm not going to overthink it.

Speaker 11159.32s - 1159.8s

Here it is.

Speaker 51160.82s - 1161.98s

It's a boot full of chips.

Speaker 21164.16s - 1165.28s

Task one.

Speaker 11165.58s - 1166.42s

What have you caught?

Speaker 21166.56s - 1167.94s

Fast this correct answer wins.

Speaker 51168.22s - 1177.68s

You may only give one answer. Now, of course, they're holding a fishing rod with a string attached to it that goes all over the house, all around the garden. Brilliant.

Speaker 01177.68s - 1184.56s

And then right at the beginning of the task, Sam Manil PERSON clips the word fish onto all of their backs. Yeah.

Speaker 51185.12s - 1193.68s

Now, Chris PERSON, I struggle to imagine how you'd react to this, whether you would absolutely hate this task and get really all frustrated,

Speaker 71193.98s - 1203.94s

like, red-faced angry Chris PERSON, or whether you'd be like, whether you'd be like, oh, I love cheers in string. Genuinely, I'm on the fence as well. It depends what dear your catch is on.

Speaker 01204.04s - 1205.88s

But when I watched it I did think

Speaker 51205.88s - 1208.74s

I would just grab a handful of all of that

Speaker 71208.74s - 1211.66s

and just bring it to me I don't think I would have followed it

Speaker 01211.66s - 1214.06s

I think I would have just grabbed the whole thing

Speaker 11214.06s - 1216.12s

and just started pulling but then I realised

Speaker 01216.12s - 1218.28s

it was around the bottom of the bath and I realized it would have all

Speaker 11218.28s - 1220.48s

snapped and yeah it would it be

Speaker 01220.48s - 1225.78s

as I watched them do it I thought oh yeah I'd have made a fool of myself if I did that um I yeah again I had one of a fool of myself if I did that.

Speaker 71234.58s - 1244s

I, again, I had one of them, we had moments where even though I'm on the telly and even though I know all of these people, when sound man Neil walked in, I went, oh, I know him. Like, even though I know the hosts of the show and I've been on the show, I'll just like, oh my God, I know him. He did my mic?

Speaker 51244.4s - 1247.58s

Pathetic. It's more exciting to see members of the crew on screen.

Speaker 61249.98s - 1250.28s

Because we see all those other guys so much, you know.

Speaker 71251.72s - 1251.8s

It's exciting to see Neil.

Speaker 61252.22s - 1252.56s

It was good.

Speaker 71253.38s - 1253.72s

He was good as well.

Speaker 61254.62s - 1255.18s

None of them had a clue.

Speaker 71257.04s - 1257.14s

None of the clue that he put something on the back there.

Speaker 51258.28s - 1258.78s

Well, you don't expect it to hear.

Speaker 71259.34s - 1259.52s

That's a thing.

Speaker 51259.96s - 1260.04s

That's the thing.

Speaker 71260.78s - 1280.32s

I mean, I told you didn't know. When I went to the house, when the shoulders to the room, that is your dressing room, I searched all over for cameras and microphones. I thought they'd bugged me room. I sweat. I sweat the room for bugs, like Jack Reacher PERSON. But yeah, I thought, I was very, very astounded at how quick Nick Mohamed PERSON did that.He just followed that string.

Speaker 51280.46s - 1285.18s

Incredible. It was amazing. And look, he's a happy guy, but I've never seen him happier.

Speaker 71286.56s - 1290.5s

He just kept in to that room. This is great. This is great. This is a good one, this, Alex PERSON. And he found the fishy.

Speaker 51291.74s - 1293.22s

He went, I've caught a fish.

Speaker 71294.6s - 1294.98s

He was so happy.

Speaker 51295.5s - 1295.66s

It was lovely.

Speaker 71298.94s - 1305.96s

But that's what's so lovely about the show. Obviously, the moments of frustration, the moments where they make fools of themselves. But when someone just gets genuine childlike joy by following a bit of string and getting a fish out of a cupboard,

Speaker 01306.44s - 1307.2s

it's brilliant.

Speaker 31307.66s - 1308.26s

It's brilliant.

Speaker 01308.52s - 1309.64s

That's the beauty of the show.

Speaker 31309.98s - 1311.2s

And they're my favourite bits in it.

Speaker 71311.32s - 1315.54s

And again, hats off to the team. I mean, how long did that take to reset that string?

Speaker 51315.54s - 1317.82s

Oh, my God. I can't imagine.

Speaker 71318.12s - 1321.06s

It's like a night. It's like something you have to do in a nightmare. Yeah.

Speaker 51321.9s - 1327.76s

There's an episode of taskmaster new Zealand uh of

Speaker 71327.76s - 1333.68s

series two david koreos PERSON and he gets a task that's only given to him which is to untangle a string

Speaker 51333.68s - 1338.72s

that's like three times as long as that all over the house and he spends hours untangling the string

Speaker 71338.72s - 1353.7s

oh and it's only him who has to do it oh every when me and rosy did Rosie did the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, every single night before going on, she would hand us this tiny little bracelet that you wore every night.

Speaker 51353.82s - 1356.46s

And every night, I had to untangle that bracelet.

Speaker 71357.38s - 1358.48s

It was horrible.

Speaker 51359.18s - 1360.88s

Every, miss can you untang me a bracelet?

Speaker 71361s - 1368.86s

They're about to go on in an arena and I'm just like, keyhole surgery, untangling this thing. And I got flashbacks when I watched that. Yeah, awful.

Speaker 51369.32s - 1372.18s

Every night I had to do that. Keep you busy, stop you being nervous,

Speaker 71372.32s - 1375.98s

that sort of thing. Yeah, she might have had sort of a motive to that.

Speaker 51376.06s - 1381.62s

But it was just, yeah, every night. And it weirdly became my thing. Like, if it wasn't tangled, I'd be like, oh God,

Speaker 71382.06s - 1388.9s

we're going to have a stinger. No, to me, it looks like a very frustrating task.

Speaker 51389.04s - 1393.68s

I think I'd run around giddy like Nick PERSON for a bit and then absolutely start freaking out.

Speaker 71394.04s - 1400.54s

So there was dead ends, there was false bits, there was bits where it went to nothing. There was a bit where it went through the box. That was just intended to wind you up.

Speaker 51400.98s - 1410.48s

Yeah, I mean, John PERSON, the perfect person to find this. He's kept a fairly level head John PERSON throughout the series so far, but he wants to do everything right and he wants to make sure

Speaker 01410.48s - 1424.02s

he's covered all, covered all bases. So he finds the key on top of the pineapple, as to Sophie PERSON, actually, and finds it going through the box with a little arrow. It's so frustrating. Yeah. I wouldn't have

Speaker 51424.02s - 1429.92s

gone, oh, that's got nothing to do with it. I would have gone, so what does the arrow and the little hole mean? And that would have led me down a whole other path.

Speaker 71430.14s - 1451.22s

Well, didn't it just mean that that's the way you're following the string? Yeah. I'm sure. Yeah. Yeah. Again, it's that thing of watching it's easy, but when you're there, you don't know what's going on. But it turns outthat the best way to win that task was to just follow it. I don't know how Steve PERSON ended up back at the thing with a wellie. I don't know how's going on but it turns out that the best way to win that task was to just follow it I don't know how Steve ended up back at the thing with a wellie I don't know how he ended up back there I don't know what was going on

Speaker 51451.22s - 1460.46s

yeah sometimes Steve PERSON's amazing the prize task especially but then he's very good at the creative tasks in the housewhen he has to do like a little film

Speaker 71460.46s - 1463.1s

he's a bit wasted just following a string in he a man of his

Speaker 51463.1s - 1466.68s

yeah he's not an academic prowess he's not a string follower it's a string leader mate he's a bit wasted just following a string, any, a man of his, yeah, a man of his academic prowess. He's not a string follower.

Speaker 71467.64s - 1469.82s

It's a string leader, mate. He's a string leader.

Speaker 51470.9s - 1478.78s

So he finds the boot, which is very funny. He gets to the point where I think he's just like, yeah, found a boot. He just wants it to be over, doesn't he?

Speaker 71479s - 1482.72s

100%. Yeah. And I can't say that I wouldn't have ended up there myself as well.

Speaker 51482.72s - 1508.56s

But like I say, my frustration would have probably went the other way. I'd probably just gathered them all up and just started pulling them. And then they snapped and things. Yeah, just yanking. Just throwing me toys out of the pram. Joanne PERSON guesses fish.And then 15 minutes later actually decides it's the fish. I mean, I'm really enjoying Joanne PERSON on this series. I think she is actually way better than she gives herself credit for, but she is chaos at the same time. Yeah.

Speaker 71509.08s - 1523.18s

So chaos is a perfect way to describe it, because there's a couple of moments. Obviously, I don't want to jump ahead, but there's a moment later on as well, but it was where she grabbed the, she picked the fishing rod up and just went,what's where is this court? And just started just absolutely ragging it.

Speaker 01523.4s - 1523.84s

Do I do this?

Speaker 31523.98s - 1534.64s

Do I do this? And she just started. Do you know what, do you? Do I do this? And she just started. Do you know the point I mean? It reminds us of Rosie PERSON because Rosie sometimes, like, if Rosie PERSON makes, has to stir something in the house,

Speaker 11534.64s - 1553.4s

it's so loud. Like, it's so loud if she's making like something, she's like, chit, chit, chit. It was exactly that. It was that kind of, that almost toddler like, I'm gonna get this, I'm just going to bang it.And she does it later on as well, when they're in the lab later on, she does the same thing. She like just goes for it and there's no, there's no revving up.

Speaker 71554s - 1554.74s

It's just like, bang.

Speaker 51555.24s - 1560.64s

I would say for context for the listener, I'm sure Rosie PERSON is loud when she stirs something in the kitchen.

Speaker 71560.64s - 1566.58s

But also, Chris PERSON is one of the least tolerant men towards certain things

Speaker 01566.58s - 1567.46s

I've ever met in my life.

Speaker 51567.62s - 1573.22s

Like, tiny little things that no one else notices are like they're turned up to 25 plus volume

Speaker 71573.22s - 1595.92s

when Chris PERSON is. So I went through a stage because I hate hearing someone stir their coffee in here and a ting in on the cup. I went through a stage when I lived in Manchester GPE when I was younger. If someone was stirring really loud their coffee on the train, I would shout speech from down the carriage. So if you were in Get Out ORG, there's nowhere you're being hypnotised.

Speaker 51596.16s - 1599.8s

Oh, nah, you've got no chance. I'd get up and leave. Yeah.

Speaker 61600.28s - 1601.38s

Oh, God, would you not let off?

Speaker 51602.94s - 1603.58s

How are you, man?

Speaker 61606.5s - 1609.64s

But also, I don't think that she'd be interested in you, famously in that film.

Speaker 51610s - 1611.28s

Yeah, no, I don't think I'm going to type.

Speaker 71614s - 1616.94s

I mean, Sophie PERSON, she gets it.

Speaker 61617s - 1617.94s

This is what I like.

Speaker 71617.98s - 1619.98s

I like it when Sophie PERSON actually does the task properly.

Speaker 51620.1s - 1624.1s

Even though it takes her 38 minutes, 10 seconds, she actually gets there

Speaker 01624.1s - 1631.26s

because quite often she misses the mark a little bit. And she's so surprised. The surprise in her voice when she says, oh my goodness, I did it.

Speaker 71631.36s - 1637.04s

She can't believe she's found it. I feel like, have you ever been, do you drive? You don't drive.

Speaker 51637.12s - 1638.84s

I drive, yeah. You drive, yeah.

Speaker 71639.1s - 1647.02s

Have you ever been driving late at night and you see the white lane on the road and you're driving and you get home really late from gig and you go to sleep and you shut your eyes and you still see

Speaker 81647.02s - 1651.58s

the white line yeah i'll be like 38 minutes of following a string i feel like you shut your eyes

Speaker 51651.58s - 1656.24s

and you can still see that string i'm serious i think that's still there i think you can feel it

Speaker 81656.24s - 1660.9s

in your finger still that is a hell of a long time to be yeah i should probably see a chiropractor after

Speaker 51660.9s - 1665.3s

that it's bad it's bad but she got the two points.

Speaker 71665.42s - 1666.2s

This is what matters.

Speaker 51666.54s - 1666.74s


Speaker 71667.28s - 1668.38s

Nick got the five points.

Speaker 51668.56s - 1669.66s

John got four points.

Speaker 71670.32s - 1671.26s

Of course he did.

Speaker 51671.32s - 1672.42s

He's very efficient, John PERSON.

Speaker 61673.36s - 1674.42s

Joanne got three points.

Speaker 71674.6s - 1675.5s

Sophie got two points.

Speaker 61675.84s - 1678.84s

And Steve PERSON got nought points because he guessed the wellie.

Speaker 41680.8s - 1684.06s

Sophie PERSON, tell me about how you use people's eyes in life.

Speaker 01684.26s - 1686.68s

Oh, yeah. You can read eyes very easily. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, like, I look into us you use people's eyes in life. Oh, yeah, you can read eyes very easily.

Speaker 41686.88s - 1687.1s


Speaker 01687.54s - 1689.84s

Yeah, I mean, like, I look into us, I see a lot of sadness.

Speaker 41692.24s - 1694.96s

This demonic, naturally very demonic.

Speaker 01695.08s - 1695.66s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 41696s - 1698.74s

You must be right as well, because you knew straight away it wasn't the mannequin.

Speaker 01698.92s - 1702.44s

Yeah, because he gets this sparkle of delight when he knows you've got it wrong.

Speaker 41702.54s - 1703.04s

That's it.

Speaker 21703.16s - 1704.42s

That's when he's getting excited.

Speaker 41704.72s - 1707.24s

Yeah, I mean, time-wise, she took a good while.

Speaker 01707.46s - 1707.78s

Did she?

Speaker 21708.1s - 1709.46s

Yeah, John 9 minutes 16.

Speaker 41710s - 1713.72s

Joanne took 18 minutes 20 and Sophie 38 minutes 10.

Speaker 01717.22s - 1718.1s

Task 2.

Speaker 51718.4s - 1733.14s

Perform a recognisable piece of classical music without using any musical instruments. You may not hum, sing, whistle, or that sort of thing. Most accomplished performance wins. You have a maximum of 30 minutes. Now, this is a good task, I think.I would have been awful at this.

Speaker 71733.38s - 1736.74s

I'd have been terrible at this. I hated these kind of tasks.

Speaker 51737.1s - 1744.22s

Absolutely despised them. And I do remember at one point when we had to do, I think it was when me and Ardle PERSON had to do a song.

Speaker 71748.38s - 1761.5s

And I turned to Alex PERSON and I looked him in the eye and it was a throwing the toys out of the prime moment and I turned and looked at them and I said I hate drama school crap like this. And he just, he looked a little bit dejective because obviously they put a lot of tap

Speaker 61761.5s - 1777.24s

they put a lot of effort into these tasks but I get really embarrassed. So if it's like do classical music or, you know, do a song or act out something, I weirdly get extremely self-conscious. So I was watching it immediately self-conscious and embarrassed for them,

Speaker 71777.58s - 1782.06s

then blown away at how well some of them did it. Some.

Speaker 51782.32s - 1783.68s

Some is the key, isn't it?

Speaker 71783.74s - 1795.36s

Yeah. I think I'd struggle because I'm very ashamed of this, but I don't think I know the names of any pieces of classical music. So I know exactly what I would have done. As I was watching it, because I always think what would I've done here.

Speaker 51795.82s - 1812.66s

I know exactly what bit I would have done, but I wouldn't have been able to tell them what it was called. I would have had to say, this is a direct quote of what I would have said. I would have had to have said, it's the one where they're all getting readyand home alone. Great.

Speaker 31815.08s - 1815.48s


Speaker 51815.92s - 1816.68s

Yeah, perfect.

Speaker 71817.22s - 1818.44s

That would have been difficult to do.

Speaker 31818.56s - 1820.76s

I could have said Beethoven's Fifth Symphony WORK_OF_ART,

Speaker 71821.32s - 1821.92s

but that,

Speaker 31821.92s - 1823.12s

just because that one that was.

Speaker 71823.32s - 1825.74s

Do do do do do that one. Oh, yeah. But then I don't know just because that one that was. Da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 01826.74s - 1828.62s

But then I don't know where it goes from that point.

Speaker 71830.36s - 1836.58s

I mean, Joanne described Sophie's music as the one from the Dulox ORG advert. Yes, so that they're my...

Speaker 51836.58s - 1838.78s

Yes, they're my frames of reference.

Speaker 71839.02s - 1840.16s

Yeah, that's exactly it.

Speaker 51840.24s - 1844.24s

Yeah, I believe if I was sitting there and I did mine, she'd go, oh, the one from home alone, when they're getting ready. I go, yes.

Speaker 71845.54s - 1855s

Yeah. But I would have probably started it by going, we slept in. You know what I mean? And I'd find out however to do it. John PERSON was extremely impressive.

Speaker 51855.56s - 1865.26s

Yeah, I mean, it was amazing. I mean, this is what I mean about John PERSON. He wants to get things right. He wants to do it right. He spent so long working on it, tuning the rubber band harp to the sound of a guitar. to do it right. He spent so long working on it, tuning the rubber

Speaker 71865.26s - 1870.62s

band harp to the sound of a guitar. Where do you even start with that? I've got no idea.

Speaker 51870.62s - 1874.7s

Like, was he moving, if there weren't sounding right? Was he moving them further up so

Speaker 71874.7s - 1880.2s

they were more sort of taught or doubt? It was, it blew my mind. I've never, yeah, incredible.

Speaker 51880.2s - 1882.46s

It was incredible. I don't know where he found that big coat hanger.

Speaker 71882.46s - 1888.32s

That was the surprising part. It was all kinds of crap by that line around the Taskmaster House FAC.

Speaker 51889.28s - 1892.32s

Yeah, that was above and beyond, in my opinion.

Speaker 71892.76s - 1893.76s

It was beautiful.

Speaker 51893.96s - 1897.32s

Again, I would have hated to have done myself, but it had so many beautiful moments.

Speaker 71898.06s - 1901.08s

I do believe Joanne PERSON tapped out basically the way I would have as well.

Speaker 51901.64s - 1902.84s

I don't think she tapped out.

Speaker 71902.94s - 1905.5s

I think she genuinely thought this was the only way to do it.

Speaker 01905.56s - 1908.52s

I think her brain like short-circuited.

Speaker 31908.66s - 1911s

And she thought, well, if I can't hum, sing or whistle,

Speaker 51911.46s - 1915.18s

then I'll have to do charades. I'll have to do an interpretive dance and act it out.

Speaker 71915.24s - 1916.72s

Okay. Yeah, fair enough.

Speaker 51916.9s - 1924.08s

And I think it's like, I love this interpretation. I think it's so funny because it's within the rules of the task. Yeah. And to act it out like that, it's not.

Speaker 71924.58s - 1925.58s

And he got it, he guessed it.

Speaker 51925.92s - 1928.86s

Yeah, she performed a recognisable piece of classical music,

Speaker 71929.04s - 1930.48s

but she didn't perform it musically.

Speaker 51931.14s - 1932.42s

She just performed the title of it.

Speaker 71932.72s - 1938.54s

And I thought, I mean, sure, when we got to the point where she was saying, third syllable sounds like, and then she just said, oh,

Speaker 51938.94s - 1942.68s

I think she'd run out of ideas, maybe.

Speaker 71942.86s - 1951.34s

Yeah, I mean, I didn't get it. Like, if he hadn't have said it, I wouldn't have got it. If Greg PERSON hadn't have got it. But, yeah, no, you're right, because it's how it affects other people interpret it.

Speaker 81951.38s - 1954.44s

It's how your brain takes that information in and digests it.

Speaker 01954.56s - 1962.1s

Very much like when I had to walk through a door with the biggest shoe and the biggest hat, and I walked past all of the craft and material.

Speaker 71962.44s - 1962.62s


Speaker 81962.66s - 1963.66s

Four or five times.

Speaker 71963.72s - 1965.98s

And at one point, went, why's all that here? And then just went

Speaker 81965.98s - 1967.68s

and found the person in the room with the biggest sheet.

Speaker 71968.62s - 1969.92s

Yeah, it depends, I suppose.

Speaker 51970.02s - 1978.36s

You just have a brilliant thought. I can't believe you're back on the podcast. It's a chance for you to expunge that task from your memory, because that was probably your worst performance on the show.

Speaker 71979.4s - 1988.36s

And that's the one that's come out to play. Yeah, yeah. It's still quite embarrassing for us. Yeah, I sometimes remember it in the shower and have to make a noise to get the memory of me here.

Speaker 51989.3s - 1989.66s


Speaker 71989.9s - 1991.74s

But I love Joanne PERSON's interpretation.

Speaker 51991.98s - 2000.56s

I thought it was very good. I mean, sure, compared to John and Nick PERSON, it probably didn't deserve any more points just because theirs were genuinely so impressive.

Speaker 02000.72s - 2010.12s

I mean, let's talk about Nix PERSON, and we're going to save Sophie and Steve PERSON for the end. Nix PERSON was, I mean, look, this plays to his strengths perfectly, doesn't it, this task?

Speaker 52010.84s - 2012s

He's, you know, he was

Speaker 72012s - 2016.2s

genuinely a conductor for a long time. I didn't know that. That's incredible.

Speaker 52016.5s - 2017.94s

Yeah, he's conducted, he's conducted

Speaker 72017.94s - 2020.88s

orchestras. He is, you know,

Speaker 52020.94s - 2034.66s

he does a character who's a conductor in his first ever Edinburgh GPE show. He had a whole sketch of him being a conductor. He loves classical music to be able to get those glass bottles and make them sound exactly like that bit of classical music that everyone recognises.

Speaker 72034.9s - 2037.66s

And then he can just do the beginning bit and then he's done and out.

Speaker 02037.74s - 2038.3s

It was perfect.

Speaker 72038.62s - 2053.5s

It was phenomenal. It was absolutely phenomenal. Again, I wish it had shown him, you know, filling them up. And, you know, he must have had trips back and forth to the kitchen, filling them up. It's, again, a level of, it makes us feel again how I felt when I went and saw his own with you.

Speaker 82053.76s - 2057.98s

I watch and I go, I would never do that. Like, that is, it's incredible.

Speaker 72058.1s - 2061.18s

It's like party trick on steroids.

Speaker 52061.52s - 2065.48s

It's really clever, really creative and great to watch.

Speaker 72065.86s - 2066.3s


Speaker 52066.74s - 2068.46s

could he emcee the hyena

Speaker 72068.46s - 2069.56s

on 23rd of December?

Speaker 52069.74s - 2070.22s

I doubt it.

Speaker 72070.22s - 2082.78s

He really couldn't bless him. I love the guy. He's a great bloke, but he absolutely get eaten alive. For those of you who don't know, the hyena was an unbelievably roughcomedy club in Newcastle.

Speaker 52083.5s - 2084.02s


Speaker 02084.44s - 2091.8s

So bad London folk know about it. Excuse me, I'll have you know I started comedy in the North East

Speaker 52091.8s - 2093.04s

when I was at Durham University ORG.

Speaker 72093.4s - 2096.96s

Yeah, Durham GPE. Durham GPE in it, though. Yeah.

Speaker 02098.22s - 2114.82s

Sophie plays Vivaldi's four seasons. I mean, I would say the thing, Johns was amazing and impressive. I don't think when they played the music with Johns, it necessarily sounded exactly like it. Sophie PERSON's, Sophie's was the same, I think.She's just smashing. She's got rhythm. Yeah.

Speaker 52114.9s - 2117.62s

But I think it was slightly better than it she got credit for.

Speaker 72117.72s - 2135.58s

But she just looked so insane when she was doing it that I thought there's no way this can be good. She looks like she's lost her mind. Yeah, I didn't, again, I didn't get it until they put the music over the top of it. But, yeah, I think she threw herself into the performance. I think sometimes you get a bit of, you know, you get a bit of sort of love from that.You get a bit of love for that from the taskmaster.

Speaker 52135.66s - 2138.8s

Yeah. And, yeah, I mean, she made a big error,

Speaker 72138.9s - 2150.56s

thrown her sticks away halfway through. That was, uh, and just slapping away. Then you got, you could have been slapping the whole time. But it was, again, it was,I was surprised at how good you did there. Yeah,

Speaker 52150.68s - 2173.08s

I mean, two points, fine, but there was no one else who was going to get one pointother than Steve Pemberton PERSON. This was genuinely quite bad. As it, he keeps changing the music that he says it isin the studio. I don't know why. So he found that he could do, why was he doing the thing on the top of the glass that was the constant know why. So he found that he could do that. Why was he doing the thing on the top of the glass that was the constant hum? I think he found that. He was like, I'm going to do that somehow. It doesn't fit with the song at all. I tell you what that felt like

Speaker 72173.08s - 2187.2s

to me. You know when you're writing an Edinburgh GPE show, you're writing a new stand-up show and you get your title first and then you try and fit everything into your title instead of going, do you know what, I need to change the title because this doesn't fit. He basically found that. That was, he thought, this is me bit. This is me, you know what, I need to change the title because this doesn't fit. He basically found that. That was, he thought, this is me bit. This is me, you know what I mean?

Speaker 02187.3s - 2195.08s

This is the bit that's going to blow everyone's mind. And he had to work backwards from that. I think that was the problem. And it was pointless and you couldn't really hear it.

Speaker 72195.52s - 2203.72s

And then I'm going to have to skip all the way at the end because the moment when he bowed at the end, I rewound that and watched that again before they played it again.

Speaker 02204.06s - 2213.24s

Like it was so, and it was that, oh, like, he was so angry when he put, it was, but there's an old, on Harry Enfield chums, there's an old sketch where Tim Nice But Dims

Speaker 62213.24s - 2216.3s

holding a glass of wine and people keep asking him the time and he keeps pouring the wine.

Speaker 72216.42s - 2227.02s

And it was that, it was, it was so slapstick. It was just beautiful, beautiful moment. But why was he holding other bottles? There was a table in front of him. I don't know.

Speaker 52227.32s - 2228.44s

He was holding all of them.

Speaker 72228.44s - 2230.4s

Like, you know what this does this.

Speaker 52230.48s - 2232.02s

You know what this does to people's brains.

Speaker 72232.32s - 2234.22s

You know what the pressure they're under.

Speaker 52234.46s - 2242.78s

And Alex PERSON, for his lovely as a man he is, he's standing off camera and he's saying little snipey things and he's quite dead pan and the whole crew are there. And you know, they're right there.

Speaker 02242.98s - 2266.36s

You can't tell if they're like, yes, you're nailing this. Oh, or yes you're making a fool of yourself because they're just happy with both of them so even someone has sort of switched on as steve you know you will hold all the bottles for no reason yeah panic it's like being in a nightmare honestly he looked like you know when you go to the shops and you don't take a bag because you're not i'm not going buy much. And then you get there and you buy more than you're expecting.

Speaker 52266.62s - 2267.22s

You're like, knock it now.

Speaker 72267.22s - 2268.54s

That was absolutely it.

Speaker 52270.9s - 2272.14s

Yeah, totally.

Speaker 72273.36s - 2276.18s

Well, he got one point, whether it was Beethoven or Green Sleeves PERSON,

Speaker 52276.24s - 2277.1s

he got one point.

Speaker 72277.7s - 2281.68s

Two points to Sophie, three points for Joanne PERSON's Belero-Solero,

Speaker 52282.06s - 2283.08s

four points for John PERSON,

Speaker 72283.44s - 2284.84s

and a very well-deserved.

Speaker 62284.94s - 2286.1s

Five points for Nick Mohamed. It-deserved five points for Nick Muhammad PERSON.

Speaker 72286.22s - 2287.82s

It's a very good episode for Nick PERSON.

Speaker 62309.18s - 2310.36s

It does feel a bit smug though, doesn't it?

Speaker 72312.98s - 2313.14s

But the conductors are smug, aren't they?

Speaker 62314.74s - 2316.06s

And a lot of a time, not needed.

Speaker 72317.1s - 2317.32s

When are they ever needed?

Speaker 32318.18s - 2318.24s

I've watched orchestras.

Speaker 62319.68s - 2320.94s

They're never looking up at that dickhead.

Speaker 52322.86s - 2323.22s

Task three, part one.

Speaker 82325.68s - 2326.04s

Take Alex PERSON to one side and do the following things to him.

Speaker 32327.98s - 2328.42s

Confess your favourite piece of kitchen equipment.

Speaker 52330.46s - 2341.4s

Scream a body part of your choice in his face. Declare a gardening tool in a silly voice. You have three minutes. Now, obviously, Chris PERSON, when I saw this and I saw what the next part of the task is, which is obviously get the most orange juice in this vase.

Speaker 02343.14s - 2343.48s

Only your chosen items may touch oranges.

Speaker 52344.26s - 2358.24s

You have five minutes. In my head, I just imagined, wouldn't it be incredible if someone said, if someone said, juicer, hands, and then it really doesn't matter what the next bit is, does it? Funnel.

Speaker 72358.24s - 2364s

Funnel. Yeah. So now what people listening to this and what people watching Taskmaster

Speaker 52364s - 2368.2s

might not know is, that might have been days apart.

Speaker 72370.56s - 2371.02s

That could have been, definitely hours.

Speaker 52371.7s - 2371.94s

Definitely hours.

Speaker 72373.14s - 2373.58s

Yeah, it would have been hours, yeah.

Speaker 52374.48s - 2374.54s

And you forget about it.

Speaker 72375.92s - 2376s

And you're doing so many tasks in the day.

Speaker 52376.26s - 2376.62s

So you do it.

Speaker 72381.7s - 2382s

I remember, like, as soon as it was take Alex PERSON to aside and do this, straightway, I went, right.

Speaker 82383.58s - 2390.08s

In my head, I was like, it's a short one. But then you go, even if you know that it's going to come back you you know you think i'll pick feet and then you've got to do

Speaker 72390.08s - 2395.44s

with feet it's it's it's like what greg said if you're like you like you know don't you know something

Speaker 82395.44s - 2400.4s

you know it's going to come back to haunt you kind of thing but i remember when i found out when

Speaker 72400.4s - 2413.02s

the show that it was going to be orange juice i don't know why my brain went to this this, but I was like, for Steve PERSON, I went, oh, when he's out loud, I went, he's nailed that with armpit. Just putting them in, I just thought, oh, it'll be dead easy.

Speaker 52413.22s - 2414.36s

Like, it's like me toxic trade.

Speaker 82414.46s - 2420.52s

Sometimes I think stuff that's really difficult would be easy, like gassed on from Beauty and the Beast WORK_OF_ART, yeah, just stick it in, just, that'll be able to nail that.

Speaker 52420.7s - 2436.34s

And then when I saw him do it, I was like, oh, yeah, no, that's a nightmare. Maybe not, while he was grating away. I mean, what, if, if you didn't know what was coming, and it's difficult to know with hindsight, what do you think you would have gone with? Gut reaction for kitchen equipment, body part and gardening tool.

Speaker 72437.16s - 2447.9s

Kitchen equipment, I'd have probably, I'd have probably, oh, God, I'd have probably said, like, microwave or something, you know. That would be a nightmare. Body part, I'd have probably said, elbow's the first thing that comes to my mind,

Speaker 02447.96s - 2448.72s

and I don't know why.

Speaker 52449.3s - 2450.36s

And gardening tool,

Speaker 02451.52s - 2452.7s

I'd probably said brush.

Speaker 72453.36s - 2455.5s

Mm. So I'd have had an absolute stinker.

Speaker 52455.8s - 2459.7s

But the thing is, you've got it. I don't know, man. If you could get a microwave, you're putting,

Speaker 72459.94s - 2463.62s

just put all the oranges under the microwave or something or shut them in the door.

Speaker 52464.14s - 2466.74s

Yeah, maybe. Squeeze them out. You just have to have the vase in the right place.

Speaker 72466.74s - 2468.4s

But I don't have to do all that with my elbow, wouldn't I?

Speaker 52468.98s - 2471.5s

No, because you can, ah, you're making the mistake that John PERSON made.

Speaker 72471.92s - 2488.56s

Oh, yeah. You can touch the equipment with your hands. You just can't touch the oranges. And that's what I mean about it doesn't stuff. But what you got remember as well, as a comedian doing this show, when they go take Alex PERSON to the side and say, you're also thinking of jokes in yourhead so you're like oh well i'll say wacky things i'll say crazy things you're not thinking i'll say

Speaker 02488.56s - 2492.8s

the most practical boring things here because you don't know what's coming next and again that's the

Speaker 62492.8s - 2497.52s

genius of the show but yeah that's what i was going to say with steve when he held all the stuff

Speaker 02497.52s - 2502.64s

with john at the end when he used his forearms and that's what it does to you you go i'm so scared

Speaker 82502.64s - 2508.54s

to break the rules we all we all live in fear of of the Joe Wilkinson PERSON foot on the red mat moment.

Speaker 72508.68s - 2510.26s

We all live in fear of that when we're doing the show

Speaker 32510.26s - 2512.34s

because you don't want them to bring up the big, you've nailed it.

Speaker 52512.42s - 2514.48s

No, you haven't. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 72515.14s - 2518.84s

There is absolutely no doubting that if I was doing this task,

Speaker 52518.84s - 2526.92s

I would have only had the option of touching the oranges with my penis. So 100% that's what would have happened.

Speaker 72527.12s - 2528.16s

Get him back on.

Speaker 52528.4s - 2540.64s

Get him back on this show. Yeah. Well, John PERSON got to use his forearm and he just really went for it. I didn't think the forearm's necessarily better than the armpit, particularly.

Speaker 72541.26s - 2545.6s

But I just think John PERSON put so much effort into these tasks.

Speaker 52545.6s - 2558.4s

It was quite brutal. He was like smashing them with his forearm, like a wrestler. Yeah, it was mad. And at one point when Alex PERSON was like, please don't break your form, I was like, yeah, he could possibly break his arm here. On an orange. Yeah, on a, what a sad way, imagine that.

Speaker 72558.4s - 2580.14s

What an embarrassing way to hurt yourself. I've got a bad neck off PlayStation VR PRODUCT. That's sad enough as it is. Rosie PERSON gave us a fright when I was on it once, and I've nipped a nerve in my neck, and it's been doing his in for years. Yeah, but he said,he did really, really well, but then what was he, what was his garden, what was his garden equipment that he had?

Speaker 52580.52s - 2584.76s

Because he had a pan. The pan was helpful. He had the baltie pan and a rake.

Speaker 72584.92s - 2586.98s

I believe he had a rake. Right, okay. Which Nick PERSON had a pan. The pan was helpful. He had the bulty pan and a rake. I believe he had a rake. Right.

Speaker 52587.62s - 2589.32s

Which Nick PERSON had as well.

Speaker 72589.64s - 2589.84s


Speaker 52590.68s - 2596.78s

And I think Nick PERSON actually found the best option, which is getting all the oranges in and then using the solid end of the rake.

Speaker 72597.12s - 2598.24s

But he did smash the jar,

Speaker 52598.32s - 2599.9s

though, didn't he by doing that? Yes, he did.

Speaker 72600.04s - 2611.68s

He wasn't accurate enough. But he was basically, essentially, you know, doing like wine, wine production. Yeah, yeah. Pressing it down. Another good way of doing it.If you chose feet, you could walk around on the oranges.

Speaker 52612.28s - 2613.54s

But then how'd you collect the stuff?

Speaker 72613.88s - 2615.02s

Yeah, it's good point, Chris PERSON.

Speaker 52615.02s - 2616.4s

You're not going to fit your foot in that jar.

Speaker 72616.78s - 2619.12s

When it broke, I was like, oh, it got real here.

Speaker 52619.34s - 2619.98s

It just got real.

Speaker 72620.92s - 2622.98s

It's plastic flooring, though.

Speaker 52623.02s - 2641.68s

So I wonder if you could just find the edge and then just pour it all in like a long funnel oh you're good yeah good you are good that would have been yeah that would have been really good um joanne uses a spatula and a hose um and sophie uses a spatula and garden she is and also apparently her boobs that's what she picks

Speaker 72641.68s - 2652.8s

there is a there is a there is a bit of a yeah yeah, yeah, there is a bit of a, what does she say? She's sort of, what was the word she used? She said she kind of used them to hold it in place, to hold the jaw in place.

Speaker 82652.86s - 2653.74s

I think that counts.

Speaker 72654.36s - 2665.76s

Again, you can use your hands so it's fine. I mean, isn't there, so. Whereas, I've got to be carefully. Isn't there a thing where someone bangs their, isn't it a world record where someone smashes stuff with their boobs?

Speaker 82666.48s - 2669.84s

I'm sure I've seen a clip somewhere. I'm sure you've seen a clip somewhere.

Speaker 72671.16s - 2676.7s

Wow, that hurts. No, is it? Someone... I've seen it.

Speaker 52677.02s - 2689.12s

What website did you see the clip on, Chris PERSON? I don't think I mention that on here. I don't know how... I'm sure it's a thing. I'm sure to watch it's a watching sort of thing. I'm sure someone with a heavy chest manages to smash

Speaker 72689.12s - 2695.36s

them oranges together. Hey look glad you didn't let's be honest there wouldn't be in the broadcast it would have been would have been an awkward woman for

Speaker 52695.36s - 2704.48s

everyone involved in that time yeah but yeah I love that her and Joanne PERSON both kicked off about the spatula being too flimsy yeah oh no oh no mine's

Speaker 02704.48s - 2707.46s

metal and like you know mine's like a skillet handle.

Speaker 52707.64s - 2708.1s

It's not.

Speaker 02708.56s - 2710.66s

Yeah, mine's got a juicer on one end of it.

Speaker 52714s - 2718.92s

It was, I mean, the whole thing was chaos and messy, as all my favourite taskmaster tasks are.

Speaker 02719.36s - 2735.88s

No one really tried to use the hose. It was completely useless. Let's talk about Steve, who had an absolute mare again this week. He tries to use everything. So he tries to use the hose that it was completely useless. Let's talk about Steve, who had an absolute mayor again this week. Using a cheese, he tries to use everything. So he tries to use the cheese grater and his armpit, and he's grating his top while he's got the orange under the armpit.

Speaker 52735.88s - 2739.76s

Yeah, I don't, yeah, they go right through.

Speaker 72739.76s - 2743.88s

It's like, when someone's like, like, grating and their hands going near the grater,

Speaker 52743.88s - 2746.34s

I'm like, oh my god, it's like loads of little knives.

Speaker 72746.5s - 2748.38s

They're really sharp, especially their ones that they had.

Speaker 52748.86s - 2760.16s

And yeah, when he was, I found it quite upsetting when he was, when he was grate in his armpit. Yeah. I say, if I'm grating a bulb of garlic or something, I grate myself every single time.

Speaker 72760.4s - 2762.2s

Right. Okay, well, there you go. Yeah.

Speaker 52762.34s - 2764.56s

Yeah. So my fear's real. My fear is real. Yeah.

Speaker 72765.06s - 2767.34s

Yeah. So what he had, he had a grate, he had, sorry, he had a greater, he had a

Speaker 52767.34s - 2771.46s

great, he had, sorry, he had a grater, he had armpit and he had hose. I think he had a hose as well.

Speaker 72771.46s - 2774.44s

I don't think he really touched them. He didn't touch the hose, but yeah, he was, he was, he was,

Speaker 52774.44s - 2778.92s

he was completely knackered. Well, what was he had no, that, he had a greater to break the skin,

Speaker 72778.96s - 2781.62s

because you're not going to, you're not going to break it with just your armpit, like I say,

Speaker 52781.62s - 2798.48s

unless he had gassed on from beauty in the beast. Unless he could, he could have done the Knit Muhammad PERSON technique, which I think he's pretty much feels like one of the only ways to break it with just your armpit, like I say, unless he had gassed on from Beauty and the Beast. Unless he could, he could have done the Knit Muhammad technique, which I think he's pretty much feels like one of the only ways to do it, apart from what John PERSON did, which is get the, get the oranges in the vase or break them down a bit with the top of the greater, get them in the vase, and then push the greater down onto them.

Speaker 72798.94s - 2800.18s

I don't think the grate would have fit.

Speaker 52800.3s - 2808.22s

I don't think the great way fit in the top of that jar, mate. I really don't. Thinking back now, I don't think it would have. Well, there you go. He was screwed. Yeah.

Speaker 82808.28s - 2811.24s

He was screwed. Yeah, so he was forced to grate his own body.

Speaker 72811.72s - 2816s

It was horrible. It was very unsettling. As Greg PERSON said afterwards, it was very unsettling to watch.

Speaker 52816.42s - 2817.14s

Very unsettling.

Speaker 72817.86s - 2818.02s


Speaker 52818.26s - 2819.74s

One slip, your nipples gone.

Speaker 82819.92s - 2821.16s

You slip wrong, your nipples gone.

Speaker 52822.52s - 2824.92s

That should be on the warnings for every greater.

Speaker 72824.92s - 2828.84s

I didn't mean that to rhyme, but, you know, rhyming helps to remember things.

Speaker 52832.24s - 2854.98s

Joanne PERSON uses a spatula and a hose as well and does a very good job, gets 119 millimeters, giving her four points. John is untouchable, nearly 200 millilitres, gets the five points. Nick PERSON, very strong, breaks the vase that might have slowed him down. Three points. Sophie, 107 milliliters gets the five points. Nick, very strong, breaks the vase that might have slowed him down, three points.Sophie, 107 millilitres, pretty solid, two points, and Steve PERSON, 13 milliliters. Yeah, yeah,

Speaker 72855.22s - 2857.54s

microscopic amount.

Speaker 52857.98s - 2858.86s

Microscopic amount.

Speaker 72859.32s - 2860.26s

And as Alex PERSON said,

Speaker 52860.64s - 2863.62s

you can carry on luggage.

Speaker 72863.96s - 2864.1s


Speaker 52864.1s - 2865.52s

because it was less than 50 milliliters.

Speaker 82865.72s - 2866.04s


Speaker 22867.04s - 2869.28s

Forgive me, Alex PERSON, for I've sinned.

Speaker 72869.58s - 2870.26s

Sounds bad.

Speaker 22871.34s - 2874.6s

It's a cheese grater. What's it called?

Speaker 32874.64s - 2875.9s

A garlic crusher? Garlic press.

Speaker 22876.22s - 2880.9s

Either will be. Forgive me, father, for I have a bulty pan.

Speaker 32881.48s - 2883.86s

Scream a body part of your choice in his face.

Speaker 02884.28s - 2885.16s

Little toe!

Speaker 32885.52s - 2885.92s


Speaker 02886.56s - 2897.86s

Arm pitch! Boop! Boop! Boop! For all! Declair a gardening tool in a silly voice.

Speaker 12898.1s - 2914s

Hoose pooh. Who's pipe? Who's pipe? Shears. Shears, shears, shears, shish. Ooh, whey. Mick.

Speaker 22914s - 2919s

Garlic crusher, little toe rake. Yeah.

Speaker 32919s - 2920s


Speaker 22920s - 2931s

Oh. Oh. This is one of my favourite live tasks of the series so far.

Speaker 52931s - 2944s

Paint the face on your ball, you may not touch your balls with anything other than your tools. Most attractive face wins. Also, you may not remove your helmet. You have 200 seconds. I absolutely love this. Every single one of them made me laugh when they came up.

Speaker 72944s - 2955.64s

It was wonderful. It was, again, joyous again that joyous childlike just So you know it was it was it was it was craft that you would do at a school club kind of thing

Speaker 02955.64s - 2972.64s

It was like yeah it was it was really really pin the tail on the donkey-esque Just lovely joyful task and there were all I was I don't know how Nick PERSON's fell off. Don't know how that happened. But also there were all, I was impressed by all of them. I think, I don't think I'd have done very well on that. I'm not very artistic.

Speaker 52973.02s - 2973.68s

And that was really good.

Speaker 72974.28s - 2975.7s

The way the hair came from, by the way.

Speaker 52975.84s - 2978.1s

Did they just have clumps of hair?

Speaker 72978.54s - 2980.86s

I think they had hair on them.

Speaker 52980.96s - 2981.46s


Speaker 72981.82s - 2989.52s

They were free to stick on. But Sophie PERSON, I think, found the key was not stick any of the hair on because that immediate, you can't do a full head of attractive hair.

Speaker 82989.72s - 2993.18s

You're only going to make them look like the old lady in the bath in the shining.

Speaker 02995.4s - 2999.68s

I was trying to me, I was trying to think of an analogy that wasn't really offensive.

Speaker 73000.16s - 3001.28s

And you've absolutely nailed it.

Speaker 03001.4s - 3002.64s

There's no point going over that again.

Speaker 73003.2s - 3003.52s


Speaker 63003.9s - 3004.36s


Speaker 73004.52s - 3010.88s

It was, yeah. It wasn't, it wasn't over that again. Yeah. Yeah. It was, yeah. It wasn't, it wasn't, it was really creepy. Yeah. It looked like it had been pulled out of the bottom of a hoover.

Speaker 83011.08s - 3011.36s


Speaker 73011.6s - 3023.48s

I think she did really, really well. And I love that moment where Greg PERSON was like, can I give, can I give Nick PERSON some advice? If you move your head up, the ball will move up as well. Oh, God.

Speaker 83023.9s - 3025.92s

It's just beautiful. Them live tasks are fantastic. So good in the room as well. Oh, God. It's just beautiful. Them live tasks are fantastic.

Speaker 33026.16s - 3027.26s

It's so good in the room as well.

Speaker 83027.7s - 3033.5s

And weirdly, you can't, the energy of it doesn't translate that well to TV.

Speaker 03033.74s - 3038.26s

Even though it's brilliant on TV, when you're there in the room and everyone's doing them live tasks, it's phenomenal.

Speaker 73038.36s - 3039.84s

It's like the best comedy club you'd ever be in.

Speaker 53040.2s - 3048.68s

Well, it's also that a distinct feeling that I think you only get in the room of, I can't believe people are cheering this, that people are getting behind this like it's sports.

Speaker 33049.32s - 3050.12s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 53050.12s - 3051.42s

And I'm painting a face onto the ball.

Speaker 33051.7s - 3054.84s

I mean, we had to do one where we had like these, it's one of my favorite live tasks,

Speaker 53054.9s - 3059.96s

actually, where we had these like visors on. So they were like hard hats with big full face visors.

Speaker 03060.28s - 3063.12s

And we had to paint a self-portrait onto the visor.

Speaker 33063.36s - 3064.04s

Oh, brilliant.

Speaker 53064.54s - 3068.18s

And that was so much fun. But it's people cheering. They're cheering your drawing.

Speaker 73068.46s - 3068.74s


Speaker 53069.54s - 3070.64s

When does that happen?

Speaker 73071.18s - 3083.96s

Again, and again, I could talk about this till the end of time, but how they keep coming up with these. How? So they've never done a helmet with a rod on with a ball dangling in front, paint something on that ball. They've never done that.

Speaker 53084.1s - 3086.58s

They've never done a version of that. Yeah. It's ridiculous.

Speaker 73087.12s - 3089.52s

It's absolutely ridiculous. Yeah.

Speaker 53089.6s - 3095.28s

I loved it. I mean, Sophie PERSON's was simplistic, but I think she proved that Simple is better in this,

Speaker 63095.36s - 3098.8s

because, you know, it was genuinely quite striking.

Speaker 73098.92s - 3103s

I absolutely loved Greg describing Sophie and John's ORG as a Dream Date territory.

Speaker 53103s - 3106.1s

Yeah, it was made by,

Speaker 73106.22s - 3110s

I mean, you know, the whole thing is set up for Greg and Alex PERSON to be as funny

Speaker 53110s - 3117.52s

as they possibly can, but that whole end was made really, really more entertaining by the fact that Greg PERSON was genuinely

Speaker 83117.52s - 3119.56s

treating it like he had to marry one of these balls.

Speaker 73121.7s - 3124.64s

He's like really, really good, like he was speed dating them.

Speaker 53124.9s - 3133.74s

It was beautiful. It was just a beautiful moment. Jo, he was speed-dating them. Yeah. It was beautiful. It was a beautiful woman. Joanne PERSON's was absolutely nightmarish. So I can see. And Steve's, Steve's looked like a League of Gentleman ORG character.

Speaker 73133.98s - 3139.66s

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, you can tell. You could tell straight away. You could tell straight where when they were all up. You knew which one was his.

Speaker 53139.9s - 3149.74s

Yeah. Immediately. Immediately. He's done a few things this series that have been particularly Steve Pemberton PERSON, very inside number nine, very League of Gentlemen. But that one, for some reason, is the most so far.

Speaker 73150.2s - 3151.82s

And that's how his brain is.

Speaker 53152.14s - 3156.08s

Yeah, well, there was a moment where when he had to shout the body part in Alex PERSON in a weird voice.

Speaker 73156.42s - 3159.72s

I was like, yeah, that's him. That's him. That's a big gentleman. That's inside of him.

Speaker 53160.4s - 3219.62s

That's definitely the bloke. Joanne gets one point Steve gets two points Nick gets three points Dream Date WORK_OF_ART territory John gets four pointsand Sophie gets five points been a strong episode for both Nick PERSON and Sophie you've been lagging behind in the series so far Nick PERSON wins the episodewe are absolutely over the moon for Nick with 19 points John PERSON very close behind as he always is on 18 points Sophie on 16 points Jo Sophie on 16 points, Joanne on 13 points, and a crushing eight points for Steve PERSON, which is so hard to get that low.And it's Steve, who's been brilliant in the series so far, a real Duff PERSON episode for him, meaning he's now in third in the series on 106, being beaten by Joanne on 118, John PERSON's still in the lead, 131, Sophie on 99, not that far behind Steve, and Nick on 91. The bottom two remain the same. They're going to have to really put a rush on for the last three episodes, I'd say. I remember when the lineup first came out, I was like John Robbins PERSON. I was like, John Robbins will win this.

Speaker 73220.46s - 3226.24s

Straight away, I thought, John PERSON, as soon as I saw the lineup, I, I was like, that this is his, he's gonna really go for this.

Speaker 53226.24s - 3231.32s

Not take it too seriously, but really try, really try.

Speaker 73231.32s - 3237.24s

And the moment I saw him tune in elastic bands on a giant, uh, coat hanger, I thought,

Speaker 53237.24s - 3257.98s

yeah, I was right. Well, we'll see if that continues. Everything can change in three episodes. Um, Joanne, looking very strong at the moment and you know who knows what steve's up to i mean we could possibly go out on her limb and say that sophia and nick might not race through to win it in the last three three left yeah what's the what's the

Speaker 73257.98s - 3263.72s

no i doubted everyone else would have to have a stinker yeah john would have to have

Speaker 53263.72s - 3267.3s

three of those steve episodes that steve had, and I don't say that happening.

Speaker 73267.7s - 3268.34s

No, no.

Speaker 53268.46s - 3284.52s

Well, thank you very much, Chris PERSON. We'll see if your predictions bear true. Thank you so much for coming back on the Taskmaster ORG podcast. We, of course, always ask our guests to rate their experience on the Taskmaster ORG podcast between one and five points in the style of the Taskmaster. Chris PERSON, we hope you've enjoyed yourself, but give it a points score.

Speaker 73285.16s - 3285.6s

Five. Five, five, you've enjoyed yourself, but give it a points score. Five.

Speaker 53286.36s - 3287.44s

Five. Five. Five.

Speaker 73288.34s - 3288.92s

Love it.

Speaker 53289.28s - 3290.48s

It's killed an afternoon.

Speaker 73291.44s - 3291.68s


Speaker 53291.76s - 3301.74s

That's what we want. We want to kill your afternoon. And I was thinking that some of these sort of light, seemingly anti-jawdy jibes might take the point score down.

Speaker 73302.28s - 3304.58s

There, you've honestly, for what you normally do,

Speaker 53304.58s - 3308.38s

you've gone very easy on this episode, and I do appreciate it.

Speaker 73309.42s - 3311.88s

You know, it's going to really send us off with a little skipping me step.

Speaker 53312.9s - 3317.96s

All right, well, go and enjoy your afternoon, Palmo GPE. Wrong, wrong city.

Speaker 73318.26s - 3319.1s

It's the wrong city.

Speaker 53319.4s - 3320.78s

Yeah, is it, is it?

Speaker 73323.28s - 3325.44s

Chris PERSON, thank you so much for coming back on the podcast.

Speaker 63326.32s - 3326.52s


Speaker 53326.94s - 3327.52s


Speaker 63330.56s - 3331.36s

There we are.

Speaker 53331.44s - 3375.14s

Always great to talk to Chris PERSON. Lovely, some lovely revelations about Chris's youth in the northeast of England GPE there, blowing through an egg, etc. Thank you very much to him. Thank you very much to you for listening. Of course, you can go and catch up on all of Taskmasteron all four Channel 4's On Demand Service ORG. And the next episode will be next Thursday at 9pm and we will be back here with another episode of the Taskmaster podcast to discuss episode 8, series 17 of Taskmaster ORG. And we will be joined by Sophie Willen PERSON.Of course, Sophie Willen PERSON, one of the stars of this series of Taskmaster. And I mean joined by Sophie Willen PERSON of course Sophie Willen one of the stars of this series of Taskmaster ORG and I mean she's a general superstar she's fantastic can't wait to chat to Sophie come back here and listen to that next week but for now goodbye