Tanya: Chapter 42 - Part 2

Tanya: Chapter 42 - Part 2

by Chabad.org: Yehoshua B. Gordon

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10:48 minutes

published 21 days ago

American English

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Speaker 00s - 225.3s

Good morning, welcome. Today's Tanya PERSON portion. Page 219, 220. In the Hebrew, about seven lines from the top, four lines from the end, four words from the end. The line begins with the word La Shone.Four words from the end is Vico Arze PERSON. In the English, the first symbol. A little introduction. We find ourselves at one of the most beautiful points in Tanya PERSON. We are in the middle of chapter 42, beginning with chapter 41 through chapter 50,we have nine chapters which deal with one subject, and that is love of God and fear of God. Ahabur and Yiddah WORK_OF_ART. What it means for a Jew NORP, for a human being, to love God because most human beings don't love God. You know, I was walking down Kingston Avenue yesterday in Crown Heights,and somebody walks over to me and says, Rabbi Gordon PERSON, it's so good to see you. I watch your class every day. Come, let me buy you some seven-layer cake. I mean, I am so ashamed. So the human being doesn't love God.Let's be honest. He loves seven-layer cake. To love God, I mean, come on. I'd love doubles. Love another dessert. For a person to love God is an accomplishment.A person to fear God. We don't fear God. We fear losses in the stock market. We fear unemployment. We fear getting fired. You know the difference between recession and depression.Recession is when the guy next door to you loses his job. Depression is, God forbid, when you lose your job. It's a big difference. We fear the police. We fear the IRS ORG to reach his own. For a person to fear God.Wow. That's an accomplishment. So these nine chapters of Tanya PERSON teach us what it means to fear God and what it means to love God. So in chapter 42, we began expounding upon a verse. A verse in Deuteronomy WORK_OF_ART where it says, and now Israel, what does God your God ask of you only to fear God?What does God your God ask of you only to fear God? So the Gimura PERSON says, wait a minute, is fear of God a little thing? Where the verse says only to fear God, fear of God is a big thing. We learned, and we will learn, the famous story that Rabbi Joachan and Ben Zaki PERSON is about to die. So his students say to him, bless us, Rabbi PERSON. Give us a blessing before you die.So he says, may it be God's will, that your fear of God will be like your fear of man. So they said, that's it. Said Rabbi Yoch PERSON and

Speaker 1225.3s - 231.2s

Madzaki PERSON that famous word, halibai. I wish you would fear God

Speaker 0231.2s - 407s

like you fear man. Because people don't do stuff that it's going to get them in trouble when they know people are watching. The accomplishment is to convince ourselves that Hashem PERSON is watching. And if our fear of God would be like our fear of man, we would be a-okay. Is fear of God such a little thing, asked the Gimura PERSON?And the answer is, yes, we have show and tell. Give me a show and tell. Give me the show and tell. My grandson brought me show and tell, and my seven-layer cake has six layers. Call 911. They can't even let you have the seventh layer.So the answer is that for Moshe PERSON, it's a small accomplishment. What does that have to do with us, says the Altereba PERSON? The answer is that we have to attach ourselves to Mosheh Rabenu PERSON. Moshe PERSON becomes our teacher, our guide, and our mentor, and he teaches us how to acquire fear of God. And in every generation, there are the Moshe PERSON's, there is the Moshe of the generation,the teacher, the Rebbe PERSON, the leader, who inspires us to reach that level of fear of God. Let's look inside now, the Kiyah, this power, this strength, um, me do you in this ability, this attribute, This strength, umidazu and this ability, this attribute, makashir d'athebashem. So we learned yesterday that this comes through intense meditation,that if a person sets the time aside, to meditate about God and about godliness and about creation and about divine providence. You can't acquire a fear of God if you don't spend time on God. You have to allocate the time in your schedule. But if you do, you're able to accomplish it. Why?Because we have it in our DNA. Yes, bechal neesh, from Beis Israel, every soul within the House of Israel ORG has that capacity by any kossah through a suckling. It's like mother's milk. Minishmas, Meesh NORPmer, Meesh, Shrabeinu, Olam.Connected to the fact that we are all connected to the soul of Moses PERSON, our teacher of blessed memory. Moshe Rabinu is a shepherd of Israel GPE, and therefore every Jew is connected to Moshe PERSON. Moshe is known as Raya Mehemna PERSON, the faithful shepherd.So every Jew suckles from the soul of Meishrabi PERSON.

Speaker 1407s - 411s

Raq, however, Mejah PERSON, Hashan eshāshah, Shana'epesh begub.

Speaker 0411s - 642.92s

It sounds so easy. I'm a Jew NORP. I'm connected to Mosherabaynu PERSON. I can acquire fear of God. No problem. The answer is no.Big problem. Why? Because that all works until my soul enters my body. But once my soul is invested in my body, which the Zohar describes as a serpent skin, what does my body want? Seven-layer cake. What does my body want? A good time. Ego, money, a bigger house, a bigger car, a nicer this. That's what bodies want. How can the soul function within the limitations of the body? You want me to fear God?I don't fear God. I fear other stuff. So the problem is, may I, harshina slapshah, nafesh, be goof, being that the soul was enclosed in a body, a whole new set of difficulties arise. Tzriha liegia rabo PERSON, we need a tremendous amount of toil,and summa some powerful energy. Kfulohmukal us to double and redouble our efforts. It's hard work to achieve spirituality in a material setting. We are material people living in a material world. I never heard that song in my life.I don't know what you're talking about. Ha'ahasi, the first one is, Achayim NORP. the first one is the chayim the ahahas hethe first one is you gias bosa step one is a toil hard workof the flesh which means that we have to live a disciplined life we have to make sure not to overindulge. Levatish es haguv NORP, as we learned earlier, that we have to, like the log that went into the fireplaceand doesn't catch on fire, what do you do? You take it out of the fireplace, we learn, and and you break it up sometimes you have to break up the body a little bit when you're in too much pursuit of materialism is it any question that spirituality doesn't get through so levatish as a goofy got to like chop up the bottle he needs or to humble the body shall a yakhshik ale'er an nef, that it shouldn't darken the energy of the soul.Commissioner Boyle, as we explained earlier by Shem Azohar PERSON, it says that the head of the yeshiva in heaven, the Rosh Yeshiva in heaven, was told what to do, was asked the question, what to do if a body,if a Jew NORP doesn't feel spirituality the answer is treat it like a log break it up the gufa to la Salik benaheira the body that cannot absorb the lightthe nishmosa of the soul but actually better we should do it to ourselves than God PERSON forbid it should be done to us behind you the way to break up the body into smaller then God forbid it should be done to us. The Heineu, Al-Udei Yih Uri Chuba PERSON, the best way to break up the body into smaller parts is through meditating and having thoughtsof coming closer to Hashem. May Eme Calais from the depth of one's heart, Commissioner Kossam Shom PERSON, as it says there. So in simple terms, step one of how we can acquire and achieve a fear of God is to spend time meditating about the fact that our body and bodily needs have had a free ride for too long, and we shouldthink about that a little bit and see what we can do to reduce our indulgence. That's number one.