SYMHC Classics: S.S. Sultana

SYMHC Classics: S.S. Sultana

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21:47 minutes

published 1 month ago

American English

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Speaker 80s - 33.62s

When you think about the future, what kind of technology do you envision? Whatever the future holds, artificial intelligence will undoubtedly be at the heart of it all. Join Graham Class as he hosts Season 2 of Technically Speaking an Intel ORG podcast and hear from the minds transforming healthcare, retail, entertainment, personal computing, and more with the help of AI. Tune in every other Tuesday and explore the latest technology that's changing our world today and creating a more accessible tomorrow.Listen to technically speaking an Intel podcast on the IHeart Radio app, Apple Podcasts ORG, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Speaker 134.1s - 63.84s

What's up? This is your boy, a little Duvall, and check out my podcast, Conversations with Unc on the Black Effect Podcast Network ORG. Each and every Tuesday, Conversations with Unc Podcasts WORK_OF_ART feature casuals and in-depth talk about ebbs and flows of life and the pursuit of happiness. Unlike my work on stage, I tap into a more serious and sensitive side to give life advice and simply offer words of encouragement yet remind folks to never forget to laugh. Every Tuesday, listen to Conversation with Unc, hosted by Lil Duvall on the Black Effect Podcast Network, IHard Radio ORG app, or wherever you get your podcast.

Speaker 464.48s - 68.56s

Presented by AT&T. ORG Connecting changes everything.

Speaker 769.44s - 115.36s

I'm Tracy from Stuff You Missed in History Class WORK_OF_ART. Are you a small business owner or even someone who dreams of entrepreneurship? Then check out season two of Mind the Business ORG, small business success stories from IHeart podcasts and Intuit QuickBooks PRODUCT. Join hosts Austin Hankwitz and Janice Torres PERSON as they interview entrepreneurs sharing insights around starting and nurturing a small business. You won't want to missthese inspiring stories of entrepreneurship and discovering ways to business differently so you can too. Happy Saturday. On April 27, 1865, the sultana exploded and sank on the Mississippi River, so that was 159 years ago today. And it was the deadliest maritime disaster in U.S. GPE history.

Speaker 8116.08s - 140.4s

This episode originally came out on June 11, 2014. And please excuse how we said Cairo, Illinois GPE. Welcome to Stuff You Missed in History Class, a production of IHeart Radio. Hello and welcome to the podcast. I'm Holly Fry PERSON.

Speaker 7140.6s - 142.02s

And I'm Tracy V. Wilson PERSON.

Speaker 8142.32s - 145.74s

And it is time for another maritime disaster installment, which

Speaker 7145.74s - 148.02s

I feel slightly odd saying

Speaker 8148.02s - 263.8s

that makes listeners happy, but many people really love maritime disaster stories. So it's a big draw for some reason. It is. It's fascinating. People are drawn to the sea and to sea-going vessels, and you know, there's a certain romanceto all of that. And these are always fascinating because, you know, usually the wreckage sinks and there's an ongoing mystery that kind of draws people in, I think. This one, not so much mystery, but a little bit. We'll get to that towards the end. And this particular disaster that we're talking about today is unique in a number of ways. One is that it took place on a river rather than out at open sea. Another is that it was likely caused by corruption more than anything else.The really sad part of it was that it caused the death of many, many soldiers, even though it was not part of a battle. And it actually, even though it was horrific, really got lost in the shuffle of a very busy news cycle and a certain degree of numbness that had taken place because the public had at this point developed overexposure to stories of death and high numbers of deceased. And so this really wasn'ttalked about very much at all, even though it ranks as the worst maritime disaster in U.S. history. And so to give you context for why this horrific event may have gotten lost in the shuffle in terms of public knowledge, it took place in April of 1865, which was an incredibly important month in U.S. history. On the 9th of April, General Robert E. Lee surrendered at Appomattox Courthouse, and on April 14th, President Abraham Lincoln PERSON was assassinated as he watched a staging of our American cousin at Ford's Theater. On April 26,John Wilkes Booth PERSON, who had assassinated the president, was captured and killed. So it, in that context is maybe not so surprising that a steamboat sinking on April 27th, which is the day after all of the John Wilkes Booth PERSON stuff happened, didn't make headline news. But it was nonetheless a huge tragedy. The Sultana ORG was built at the

Speaker 7263.8s - 278.68s

John Lithuberry Shipyard in Cincinnati, Ohio. It's a side-wheel steamboat, and it was about 260 feet long and 42 feet wide. The ship was legally cleared to carry up to 376 passengers with a crew of 85.

Speaker 8279.32s - 301.58s

And the sultana PRODUCT was built as a really impressive ship for the time. Her safety equipment in particular was cutting edge, including a full complement of the latest and greatest technology available at the time. The boilers had safety gauges. There were multiple pumps to fight fire, and there were more than 300 feet of fire hose on board, as well as dedicated buckets and axes for firefighting.

Speaker 7302.54s - 314.1s

On February 3, 1863, the Sultana was launched from Cincinnati, Ohio GPE, to begin her career along the Lower Mississippi. She primarily ran from St. Louis to New Orleans GPE and

Speaker 8314.1s - 327.84s

back. And while the sultana PRODUCT was intended to be used in the cotton trade, for the years from 1863 to 1865, the U.S. War Department ORG often commissioned the steamer as a cargo and troop transport for civil war needs.

Speaker 7328.44s - 343.08s

As the war came to an end, many Union ORG soldiers who had been prisoners of war were released. Soldiers coming from prison camps at Cahaba and Alabama and Andersonville and Georgia were sent to Vicksburg, Mississippi LOC to await transport to go north.

Speaker 8343.72s - 372s

And because the government was flooded with all of these soldiers that were trying to get back home as the war was wrapping up, the government actually offered steamships $5 a head if they would carry troops back home. And for most of them, they went up to Cairo, Illinois GPE, and then routed to wherever their personal home was from there. And for a comparison, that amount, $5 per head, is estimated in one estimate I saw, at around $65 per person today.

Speaker 7372.58s - 384.44s

On April 21st, 1865, the sultana departed from New Orleans GPE. Captain James Cass Mason was at the helm, and the ship carried more than 100 passengers and a cargo of livestock.

Speaker 8385.38s - 404.24s

So the sultana made a stop at Vicksburg, Mississippi to take on recently released Union ORG POWs and to perform repairs. And this stop was basically riddled with bad decisions that would seal the fate of the sultana PRODUCT and its passengers. The ship's engineers had identified a problem with one

Speaker 7404.24s - 416.12s

of its boilers. But to replace the boiler was going to take several days, and those were days during which all these union soldiers, which were so lucrative to have on board, would instead go home on other vessels.

Speaker 8416.96s - 428.04s

So instead of losing potential cash, the decision was made that they would patch the boiler quickly, which would only take about a day, instead of installing a whole new replacement boiler.

Speaker 7429.04s - 449.54s

Then there was the matter of loading all the troops on board. At $5 a man, it was really lucrative to take as many POWs as possible, and kickbacks of as much as a dollar and $15 a person were being paid to military officers in charge of troop loading. This was so they would sort of look the other way while the boats were loaded way beyond capacity.

Speaker 8450.54s - 458.68s

And when it comes to ignoring capacity limits, this particular voyage comes with some downright

Speaker 7458.68s - 463.62s

shocking numbers. Like, I am not kidding. Brace yourselves. So we talked about earlier how the

Speaker 8463.62s - 490.12s

sultana was legally certified to carry a little less than 400 people, fewer than 400 people. More than 2,000, yes, 2,000 soldiers were loaded on board while the captain and army officials lined their pockets with all of this money. So in the end, the ship was at more than six times normal capacity. Many of the men could barely find a place to stand, let alone sit or lie down.

Speaker 7493.6s - 562.02s

I'm Tracy V. Wilson PERSON from stuff you missed in history class. Did you know small businesses make up 99.9% of all businesses in the United States GPE? The world is powered by entrepreneurs. And if you're a small business owner or even someone dreaming of starting your own business, then you'll want to check out season two of Mind the Business ORG, small business success stories from Ruby Studio, from IHeartMedia, and Inuit QuickBooks ORG. And every episode hosts Austin, Hankwitz, and Janice Torres PERSON talk to entrepreneurs about howthey've grown from the lessons of launching and nurturing a small business and how they have found success being their own boss. From the excitement of first starting out to finding the right tools and resources to process invoices and payments like QuickBooks Money PRODUCT, you won't want to miss these inspiring stories of entrepreneurship and discovering ways to business differently so you can too. And if you're a small business owner or even someone dreaming of starting your own business, then you'll want to check out season two of Mind the Business ORG, small business success stories from Ruby Studio, from IHeartMedia, and Intuit QuickBooks ORG.The wait is almost over.

Speaker 3562.94s - 567.96s

Get ready for the 2024 NFL season as the full schedule is announced.

Speaker 0568.8s - 574.88s

Every rival, every rematch, every rookie debut, every game revealed.

Speaker 3575.62s - 589.64s

The 2024 NFL schedule release, presented by Verizon, coming in May. Live on NFL Network, ESPN2, and streaming on NFL Plus ORG. Terms and conditions apply to NFL Plus ORG. Visit slash schedule release to learn more.

Speaker 6590.72s - 615.54s

Hi, I'm Cindy Crawford, and I'm the founder of Meaningful Beauty ORG. When Dr. Sabah PERSON and I decided to do a skincare line together, he said to me, we are going to give women meaningful beauty. And I said, that's exactly right. We want to give women meaningful beauty, which means each and every product is meaningful. It has a reason to exist.It's efficacious. You're going to get results. And then you just go out and live your life.

Speaker 5616.08s - 629.78s

Meaningful beauty. Confidence is beautiful. Learn more at meaningful

Speaker 7632.68s - 644.56s

The top deck, which was known as the hurricane deck, as well as the second deck and the bottom main deck, were all completely packed with men who crushed onto the ship. They were all eager to get home after the time they had spent in battle and some of them in prison camps.

Speaker 8650.22s - 672.58s

Yeah, at this point, many people will ask, you'll see sometimes in the literature and it sometimes comes up of like, why would all of these men agree to get on this ship if it's clearly so dangerous and horrible? They were POWs. They just wanted to get home and end the horrible things that they had been through. And so there were so many of them that the hurricane deck began to sag really badly from the weight of all of the men,and it actually had to be buttressed with stanchions to prevent a cave-in.

Speaker 7673.08s - 686.68s

After assuring one of the army officers that the ship had carried similar loads before, Captain Mason left Vicksburg at 9 p.m. on April 24th, but it had one more stop to make before it moved on toward Cairo, Illinois GPE.

Speaker 8687.6s - 726.66s

So on April 26th, the Sultana docked at Memphis GPE to pick up coal for the rest of its journey. And some accounts kind of hint that there may have been additional repairs to the damage boiler, like they may have put another metal plate over problematic areas. But just the same, they loaded with coal, they may or may not have done those repairs, and sometime between midnight and 1 a.m. on the 27th, the sultana left port at Memphis GPE and continued north.It did not get very far. In addition to the heavy load that the sultana carried, the journey was slowed by rushing downstream waters of the Mississippi LOC, because melting snow had actually led to the river flooding in certain areas.

Speaker 7727.34s - 740.58s

Around 2 a.m., the boiler that had been repaired instead of being replaced, gave out and exploded. And shortly afterward, two of the remaining three boilers also blew, so a really aggressive fire broke out.

Speaker 8740.88s - 779.96s

Within minutes of the explosions, the two smokestacks were completely compromised and they fell onto the hurricane deck. Many men were killed immediately in the collapse and those that survived jumped from the ship in panic. There have been some interesting write-ups that I've seen in my research that kind of suggests that people should have tried to fight the fire rather than jumping. But one, it's hard to know if that would have done any good because this is pretty catastrophic at that point.And two, you have to take into consideration the fact that the people that were not crushed by the smokestacks or catapulted from the vessel in the explosion were often suffering from severe burns and scalding from the steam and fire.

Speaker 7780.62s - 793.32s

Well, on top of the whole question of whether they should have fought the fire, there's the fact where if people are crushed onto the deck so hard that they can't even move, how could they reasonably try to fight a fire?

Speaker 8793.92s - 798.6s

Right. Well, most of the people are alluding to the people that were not crushed that jumped.

Speaker 7798.94s - 799.52s

Oh, I see.

Speaker 8799.78s - 802.9s

I can't say that I would behave any differently in a situation like that.

Speaker 7802.96s - 805.86s

I mean, I think your survival instinct just kicks in and you're like, I got to get out of here.

Speaker 8805.92s - 807.7s

This is not a safe place. Right.

Speaker 7807.98s - 850.74s

So the fire spread really rapidly toward the stern, which forced more people to jump overboard. And the river was quickly filled with bodies and with jumpers who were barely clinging to life. A lot of these men had just been released from prison camp. And so they were incredibly weak to begin with. Some of them were sick. They were swimming in the current and trying to tread water and trying to hang on to debris just to float.And all of these things quickly depleted their energy. This was also a time when people didn't generally just learn how to swim when they were children. So a lot of people in the water were, you know, imperil just for not knowing how to keep themselves afloat. Yeah, it's not like today when you grow up

Speaker 8850.74s - 889.18s

and you go to the pool in the summer and you take swimming lessons. Like it was not uncommon for people to have no idea how to swim at this point. And in addition to these people that were in the water being physically taxed by the exertion, the water was extremely cold. We mentioned earlier that, you know, a lot of the heavy water was due to the fact that snow was melting, snow and ice was melting and water was coming downstream. And that water was super cold. So hypothermia claimed many lives as well.Some survivors clung to some of the livestock animals that had been killed in the blast. There's one survival story that involves a man who allegedly floated for 10 miles down the Mississippi LOC on a deceased mule.

Speaker 7889.6s - 915.58s

Official reports list 1,547 deaths. Although most historians estimate now that it's closer to 1,800 men who were killed. We don't know the exact number of lives claimed by the tragedy because so many men were herded onto the ship at Vicksburg GPE. In the end, the explosion of the sultana's boilers and the ensuing panic killed close to the same number of Union troops as were lost at the Battle of Shiloh EVENT.

Speaker 8915.84s - 929.48s

The remnants of the sultana drifted downriver before sinking to the bottom of the Mississippi River near Memphis GPE. Bodies washed up four days and some even as late as a month later along the banks of the Mississippi River near Memphis. Bodies washed up four days and some even as late as a month later along the banks of the Mississippi LOC.

Speaker 7930.5s - 943.16s

News of the tragedy first broke when a young man drifted onto the banks of the river in Memphis and told centuries what had happened. This information was quickly relayed and officials scrambled to try to mount a rescue effort.

Speaker 8944s - 983.76s

The SS Bostonia 2 was the first rescue vessel on the scene, and it arrived really quite quickly. So remember this happened at 2 a.m. The Bostonia PRODUCT arrived there at 3 a.m. The SS Arkansas, the SS Jerry Lind PRODUCT, the SS Essex, and the Navy gunboat USS Tyler PRODUCT,also joined in the rescue effort. The USS Tyler was manned almost exclusively by volunteer crew that had to be mobilized really rapidly from Memphis GPE because the regular crew that would normally man the ship had already been discharged. Again, we're coming to the end of the war and everybody's kind of shuffling home. More than a week after the tragedy on May 4th,

Speaker 7983.92s - 1043.18s

the Tiffin, Ohio GPE paper reported the incident as follows. The scene following the explosion was terrible and heart-rending in the extreme. Hundreds of people were blown into the air and descending into the water, some dead, some with broken limbs, some scalded, were born under by the restless current of the Great River LOC never to rise again. The survivors represent the screams as agonizing beyond precedent. Some clung to frail pieces of the wreck as drowning men cling to straws and sustainedthemselves for a few moments, but finally became exhausted and sunk. Only the best of swimmers, aided by fragments of the wreck, were enabled to reach the woods and take refuge, until rescued by boats sent from the landing to their assistance. There were about 15 women and children aboard, and as near as can be ascertained, not more than two or three had been found at the hour when this account was written. So, Tracy PERSON, before we talk a little bit about

Speaker 81043.18s - 1049.62s

the investigation that followed this tragedy, do you want to just take a quick word from our sponsor? Let's do. Okay.

Speaker 71052.98s - 1121.4s

I'm Tracy V. Wilson from Stuff You Missed in History Class WORK_OF_ART. Did you know small businesses make up 99.9% of all businesses in the United States GPE? The world is powered by entrepreneurs. And if you're a small business owner or even someone dreaming of starting your own business, then you'll want to check out season two of Mind the Business ORG, Small Business Success Storiesfrom Ruby Studio, from IHeartMedia, and Intuit QuickBooks ORG. And every episode hosts Austin PERSON, Hankwitz PERSON, and Janice Torres talk to entrepreneurs about how they've grown from the lessons of launchingand nurturing a small business and how they have found success being their own boss. From the excitement of first starting out to finding the right tools and resources to process invoices and payments like QuickBooks Money PRODUCT, you won't want to miss these inspiring stories of entrepreneurship and discovering ways to business differently so you can too. And if you're a small business owner or even someone dreaming of starting your own business, then you'll want to check out season two of Mind the Business ORG,small business success stories from Ruby Studio, from IHeartMedia, and Intuit ORG QuickBooks. The wait is almost over.

Speaker 31122.32s - 1127.34s

Get ready for the 2024 NFL season as the full schedule is announced.

Speaker 01128.34s - 1134.28s

Every rival, every rematch, every rookie debut, every game revealed.

Speaker 31135.02s - 1149.02s

The 2024 NFL schedule release, presented by Verizon, coming in May. Live on NFL Network, ESPN2, and streaming on NFL Plus ORG. Terms and conditions apply to NFL Plus ORG. Visit slash Skidre PRODUCT release to learn more.

Speaker 61150.16s - 1176.28s

Hi, I'm Cindy Crawford, and I'm the founder of Meaningful Beauty ORG. When Dr. Sabah PERSON and I decided to do a skincare line together, he said to me, we are going to give women meaningful beauty. And I said, that's exactly right. We want to give women meaningful beauty, which means said, that's exactly right. We want to give women meaningful beauty, which means each and every product is meaningful. It has a reason to exist. It's efficacious.You're going to get results. And then you just go out and live your life. Meaningful beauty.

Speaker 51176.68s - 1194.7s

Confidence is beautiful. Learn more at meaningfulbeautcom ORG. And now we will get back to civil war discussion or post-Civilwar discussion and cover kind of what

Speaker 81194.7s - 1225.7s

happened in the aftermath of all of this. So General C. Washburn, who was a commanding officer at Memphis GPE, opened an investigation into the Sultana ORG's explosion and sinking almost immediately after being informed of what had taken place. Special Order 109, which was issued by Washburn PERSON, established a military commission to investigate the incident, and they moved really quickly. They did not drag their feet. They began taking testimony at 1130 a.m. on April 27th,so just nine and a half hours after this had all happened.

Speaker 71226.24s - 1234.2s

Several days later, Secretary of War, Edwin M. Stanton, issued Special Order 195 LAW to start a separate investigation.

Speaker 81234.74s - 1250.06s

And there was a rumor that a Confederate NORP bomb had been aboard the ship. But in the end, these military investigations determined that the mismanagement of the boilers and the overcrowding of the ship were the real causes. Even

Speaker 71250.06s - 1276.12s

so, the alternate possibility that sabotage was involved continues to be examined and debated due to a, quote, secret revealed in 1888. How this information came to light is a little nebulousas it's reported in two different ways. In one, Confederate messenger Robert Loudon PERSON claimed on his deathbed that he had in fact sunk the sultana with a coal torpedo. Other accounts say that an acquaintance of his revealed the

Speaker 81276.12s - 1322.72s

information shortly after he died. Yeah, and Loudon PERSON is also often referenced as a, basically a spy for the Confederates NORP. And I would say that more accounts seem to document that his friend, William Streeter PERSON, was actually the one that revealed this information. But just so you understand how this could have worked, a coal torpedo was basically a metal casing that would be filled with gunpowder,and then it would be rolled in wax and cold dust. So it could basically masquerade as a lump of coal and be tossed into a regular coal bin, and nobody would notice it. The incendiary would then be shoveled into a boiler with the rest of the coal in the course of regular travel for a steamship, and this would cause the boiler to explode once it was heated, of course.

Speaker 71323.94s - 1331.54s

Naturally, there's no definitive evidence on this alternate version, so it's really unlikely we'll ever know for certain whether sabotage was involved.

Speaker 81332.12s - 1352.68s

And as for the follow-up to the official investigation, the ship's captain was killed in the incident, and the only charges that were filed were against a federal army officer, Captain Frederick Speed PERSON, and he had basically been one of the people that took the $1.15 in kickbacks to allow the overloading of troops onto the sultana at Bixburgh GPE.

Speaker 71353.44s - 1357.88s

On January 9, 1866, his court-martial began in Bixburgh GPE.

Speaker 81358.52s - 1392.4s

And in the January 31st, 1866 edition of the Daily Empire ORG, which was a newspaper out of Dayton, Ohio GPE, an article ran entitled Heavy Charge, 1,110 murders. And this article detailed Captain Speed PERSON's court martial trial. The article states, quote, it is alleged that in April last he chartered the steamer sultana PRODUCT for private speculative purposes, placing 1,86 paroled prisoners on board, and thus did overload the said steamer sultana PRODUCT,whose legal carrying capacity was 376 passengers.

Speaker 71393.56s - 1427.64s

The article goes on to describe the accident, quote, about seven miles above Memphis, Tennessee GPE, was destroyed by an explosion of her boiler or boilers and by fire, and thereupon a large number to wit 1,110 or thereabouts of the paroled prisoners on board, whose names are unknown, lost their lives by drowning, scalding, and burning, and that the 1,110 paroled prisoners would not have so lost their livesbut for the misconduct of the said captain's speed the overloading, said steamer sultana.

Speaker 81428.88s - 1488.36s

And on June 9th of 1866, so this was more than a year after the tragedy took place, Captain Speed PERSON was indeed found guilty of neglect, and he was dismissed from the army. However, aside from being disgraced and being booted from the service, there wasn't a whole lot in the way of punishment.When Brigadier General Joseph Holt, who was Judge Advocate General of the U.S. Army ORG, when he received the case file and the court martial findings, he actually dismissed the charges against speed and the case was closed on September 1st of 1866. And there's some speculation that really it was a case where he came to understand that this was not an uncommon thing, that many other officers did similar things and let ships be overloaded. And he didn't want this one man to become sort of the example to be made of the situation, even though clearly there was a lot of horrible aftermath of his poor decision-making.

Speaker 71488.96s - 1514.26s

While the incident was reported in the Ohio GPE newspapers because of the large number of Ohio GPE residents on board, and in the St. Louis papers, because that was the Sultaness GPE home port, much of the rest of the country was so engaged with the news surrounding President Lincoln PERSON's assassination in the end of the war that the event was barely noted. In a lot of papers, it was several pages in before the incident was even mentioned.

Speaker 81515.28s - 1550.8s

And the Mississippi River has actually shifted course throughout the years, as most people know. If you don't know, it is actually about two miles east now of where it ran by Memphis in 1865. So it's really shifted quite a bit. And in 1982, an archaeological expedition located what is believed to be deck planks and timbers from the sultana. And these artifacts were actually found under a soybean field on the Arkansas side of the river. So where it would have sunk, but then the river has since shifted over quite a bit. While the Titanic PRODUCT disaster was also

Speaker 71550.8s - 1579.02s

incredibly tragic, unlike the Sultanate GPE has a cemented place in history, and its story is really widely known. But for comparison, the Sultanah was less than half the size of the Titanic PRODUCT, and it lost between 1,700 and 1,800 passengers, compared to the Titanic's 1,517 deceased. Both of these are, of course, terrible, but it's sad that the Sultana ORG tragedywas eclipsed by other news at the time and largely forgotten.

Speaker 81579.74s - 1625.96s

Yeah, it really did kind of not get a fair shake in terms of being reported. There are many theories about why that go beyond the sort of heavy news cycle that was going on. Some people have kind of hinted that perhaps because the Titanic PRODUCT had a lot of rich and famous people on it, that was a more sensational story to report and that kind of seeded it as a historical marker. Whereas with this, it was unfortunate and it was a lot of uniontroops, but we didn't even know many of their names. It's really sad. And I am very sadden that it kind of gets left out of the story a lot of the time. Thanks so much for joining us on this Saturday, since this episode is out of the archive.

Speaker 71625.96s - 1669.12s

If you heard an email address or a Facebook ORG URL or something similar over the course of the show, that could be obsolete now. Our current email address is History Podcast at ORG. You can find us all over social media at Mistin History ORG. And you can subscribe to our show on Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, the IHeart Radio app, and wherever else you listen to podcasts. Stuff You Missed in History class is a production of IHeartRadio.For more podcasts from IHeartRadio, visit the IHeartRadio app, Apple Podcasts ORG, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows. The wait is almost over.

Speaker 31669.76s - 1675.06s

Get ready for the 2024 NFL season as the full schedule is announced.

Speaker 01675.84s - 1679.8s

Every rival, every rematch, every rookie debut,

Speaker 31680.2s - 1697.4s

every game revealed. The 2024 NFL ORG schedule release, presented by Verizon coming in May. Live on NFL schedule release, presented by Verizon, coming in May. Live on NFL Network, ESPN2, and streaming on NFL Plus ORG. Terms and conditions apply to NFL Plus ORG. Visit slash schedule release to learn more.

Speaker 21703.2s - 1727.08s

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Speaker 71727.5s - 1761.36s

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