190. Anime Trivia with ChatGPT

190. Anime Trivia with ChatGPT

by The Strictly Series

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49:33 minutes

published 16 days ago

American English

The Strictly Series


Speaker 40s - 17.32s

Welcome, everyone to Strictly Anime ORG, a podcast for anime reviews and discussions. My name is Courtney.

Speaker 017.5s - 18.94s

And I am Carl PERSON.

Speaker 419.08s - 36.8s

This is episode 190, and we're playing anime trivia with ChatGPT ORG. There will probably be spoilers throughout this episode because we need to spoil in order to answer these questions. So you've been warned. I'll be totally honest. We're just, we're winging this.

Speaker 036.8s - 37.5s

We're winging it.

Speaker 437.8s - 58.58s

We have not used chat GPT that much. I'm like vaguely familiar with it. But we wanted to play anime trivia. And I figured having a neutral third party give us our questions is fun. Because I was looking at like anime trivia websites and a lot of them have a decent amount of anime. We haven't watched. And then filtering through

Speaker 058.58s - 63.76s

that just kind of gets tiring. And we wanted to play together as a team and answer questions together.

Speaker 464.38s - 74.58s

But then like one of the two of us is going to see the answers. So I was like, you know what? Screw it. We're going to have chat GPT. Do all the legwork for us. So that is why we're playing with chat GPT.

Speaker 075.3s - 91.7s

Although AI is still sort of in its infancy. And, you know, it's a pretty hot topic right now. But yeah, I don't know how artificially intelligent chat GPT is when it comes to anime.

Speaker 491.86s - 98.18s

Because we did a pre-show to kind of test the waters. The things that generated were pretty interesting.

Speaker 098.18s - 109.34s

Yeah, everything was spot on, but we asked for an extremely difficult question from Jojo PERSON. And it gave us one from Jojo part six.

Speaker 4109.96s - 191.34s

And immediately we're like, that is not the right answer. There is no way. We had to tell Chad GBT that it was incorrect. And then the response was pretty interesting. But yeah, for any of our patrons, you can hear that on the pre-show pretty soon. So yeah, we will have to take these chat GBT answers with a grain ofsalt and maybe do a little research if we're doubting any of the answers. And I guess along the way, if we think an answer is correct, but you guys know that it's incorrect, please reach out and let us know. But again, this is all for fun. We're just, we just want to play some trivia. We just want to have some fun here. And if any of you guys like this episode, like this format, let us know if you want us to play more trivia. We actually are going to have more trivia exclusively on our Patreon page for our amazing patronsbecause, yeah, I imagine there's plenty of other questions that we could try our hand at. So if you want to hear more trivia after this episode, head over to patreon.com slash a strictly series. All right. So, um, I mean, again, we're kind of just flying by the seat of our pants here. We want to answer these as a team, but we're going to take turns picking what anime we ask questions, ask for questions from? That's horrible grammar. I'm sorry.So Carl, you can go first. What anime do you want me to generate a question from?

Speaker 1193.96s - 195.04s

Or for, or whatever the great grammar is.

Speaker 0202.54s - 202.96s

I mean, why not start with one anime that we are very, very familiar with, which is Attack on Titan WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 4203.18s - 203.44s


Speaker 3207.48s - 207.54s

So we're going to start off with just like basic questions and if they seem too easy,

Speaker 4210.56s - 211.34s

if we want to do a couple from an anime, we can ask for more difficult questions.

Speaker 0213.94s - 214.54s

Carl PERSON's going to keep score just to see, I guess, how we do.

Speaker 4217.24s - 253.38s

But again, it's more just, it's for fun, as we've been saying. I'm trying to just make it easy because I feel like we're going to do a shit job or something. So I'm asking chat, GPT, generate a trivia question from the anime attack on Titan LOC. Again, spoiler warning, moving forward. If you come across an anime that we're going to ask questions about, you haven't watched yet or you don't want spoilers, probably skip ahead. But here we go. ChatGBT, GBT says, an attack on Titan LOC, what is the name of the military organization tasked with defending humanity from the Titans? It's the scouts? Yeah. I mean, it's a specific

Speaker 0253.38s - 258.4s

regiment, right? Because there's a scout regiment, right? Yeah. I mean, there's a scout regiment,

Speaker 4258.52s - 272.16s

the Survey Corps, then there's the Wall, the Garrisonison PERSON regiment, and then the military police. But I'm sure what it's asking for is the Scouts or the Survey Corps ORG. So are we going with the Scouts ORG is our final answer?

Speaker 0272.26s - 274.72s

Yeah. Or Survey Corps ORG? I mean, it's...

Speaker 4274.72s - 276.36s

The Survey Corps of the Scouts ORG?

Speaker 0276.56s - 283.9s

I think they use it interchangeably, like depending on the translation or maybe it's like between Mang PERSON and anime.

Speaker 4283.98s - 296.14s

It's the same thing. I consider it the same thing. Scouts or Survey Corps ORG. Okay. So and anime it's the same thing i consider it the same thing scouts or survey corps okay so i'm going to ask chat gbt to generate the answer the answer is the scout regiment also known as the survey corps or recon core ORG i've never heard

Speaker 0296.14s - 308.2s

recon i've never heard recon i've heard survey corps maybe it was like the hulu no translation and then scouts was like the Hulu ORG translation, and then Scouts was like the Crunchyroll ORG.

Speaker 1309.24s - 309.78s

Don't hold me to that, though.

Speaker 4312.84s - 313.16s

All right, do we want to try our hand at another attack on Titan question?

Speaker 0314.54s - 322.12s

Maybe intermediate difficulty? I want to know how intricate and detailed it goes with generating difficult questions.

Speaker 4322.5s - 334.3s

Okay, so I'm asking for an intermediate difficulty question from AOT ORG. And it says, what is the name of Aaron Yeager's PERSON adopted sister who joins the Scout Regiment alongside him? Excuse me, first of all.

Speaker 0335.22s - 338.42s

First of all, as a...

Speaker 4338.42s - 339.5s

That title is question.

Speaker 0339.72s - 342.18s

First of all, we know the answer is Mika-Sah.

Speaker 4342.5s - 360.12s

Second of all, I reject this question because I am an Aaron Mika-Sha PERSON shipper, and I know the anti-shippers like to use the argument that they're siblings, but whatever. Okay, generate the answer to GPT ORG. The answer is Mika-Sai Ackerman PERSON. Okay.

Speaker 0360.42s - 361.94s

I should just be like, that's wrong.

Speaker 4363.18s - 366.5s

Do we want to do one more of extremely hard difficulty?

Speaker 0367.24s - 368.22s

Yeah, why not?

Speaker 4368.44s - 401.46s

So when we were testing this out earlier, we noticed that asking chat GPT for like intermediate level or difficult level wasn't producing actually challenging questions. But if we wrote extremely hard difficulty, then it started to give us a bit, like, a bit better questions. So we're going to go with extremely hard difficulty for Attack on Titan WORK_OF_ART. In Attack on Titan WORK_OF_ART, what is the name of the man who inherits the colossal Titan and is responsible for the destruction of Wal Maria ORG in the series opening episode?This is not difficult.

Speaker 1401.56s - 407.84s

That's not difficult. It's, I mean, it's Bertold PERSON, but. Yeah.

Speaker 0408.08s - 411.58s

Yeah, that's for the identity. What's the name of the man?

Speaker 4412.12s - 416.02s

The name of the man. Berthotototor to Tor PERSON.

Speaker 0416.18s - 419.7s

Yeah. Okay, generate the answer. It's Bertolt Hoover PERSON.

Speaker 4420.52s - 424.56s

He is the one who inherits the power of the colossal titan and participates in the destruction of

Speaker 1424.56s - 425s

Wal Maria

Speaker 0425s - 429.74s

alongside Reiner Brown and Annie Landhart PERSON. While spoilers.

Speaker 4430.1s - 430.44s

I mean.

Speaker 0431.14s - 433.26s

All right, what terminology can we use?

Speaker 4433.44s - 435.06s

What was the terminology used for this?

Speaker 0435.36s - 438.4s

Generated trivia question of extremely hard difficulty

Speaker 4438.4s - 440.26s

from the anime attack on Titan LOC.

Speaker 0440.94s - 446.78s

I mean, that's as far as you can go when it comes to like denoting difficulty.

Speaker 4447.54s - 452.88s

Almost impossible difficulty. We should use these for all the anime.

Speaker 0452.88s - 456.76s

The caveat is though when we were testing it out earlier, extremely hard difficulty,

Speaker 4456.76s - 461.04s

it actually produced a question from a manga instead of an anime, even though he explicitly

Speaker 0461.04s - 468.3s

wrote anime. So I don't know, we'll see. Oh, wait, so that's three questions so far, right?

Speaker 4468.4s - 478.94s

Sure, yeah. Here's an almost impossible AOT question. What is the name of the small remote village where Historia Rees PERSON grew up under the false identity of Crystal Lynn PERSON? See, this is challenging.

Speaker 0478.94s - 480.04s

Okay, that's, yeah.

Speaker 4480.4s - 481.08s

I don't know.

Speaker 3481.8s - 482.68s

I don't know the answer.

Speaker 0482.68s - 490.92s

I honestly don't know either. I don't just say like, ermict or something.

Speaker 4491.42s - 499.62s

Okay, now, okay, this is, I think this is the terminology we need to use because, yeah, this is tough. I have absolutely no idea. Do you want me to generate the answer?

Speaker 0500.04s - 503.1s

Yeah, well, yeah, I'll just say ermic just for fun.

Speaker 4503.36s - 507.68s

Okay. The answer is Ragako Village GPE. What? Is that right? Isn't that Connie's Village? Yeah. Well, yeah, I'll just say, or make it's just for fun. Okay. The answer is Ragako Village. What?

Speaker 0507.82s - 508.34s

Is that right?

Speaker 4508.54s - 509.5s

Isn't that Connie's Village GPE?

Speaker 0509.78s - 513.22s

Yeah, that's Connie's Village GPE where he found his mother.

Speaker 4513.22s - 517.76s

Historia Rice grew up there under the false name Crystal Lens LOC before joining the military.

Speaker 0518.68s - 521.18s

Hold on. We need to fact check this.

Speaker 4521.38s - 526.54s

Oh, my God, Chad, GAPT PERSON. I'm on the AOT Wiki really quick.

Speaker 0527.84s - 536.46s

It was born. It just says a farm in northern Wall, Shina GPE.

Speaker 4537.6s - 541.68s

What if you put Historia, Ragaco Village GPE, and see if something pops up?

Speaker 0541.68s - 546.5s

No, Raghiko does not appear in her article on the AOT Wiki ORG.

Speaker 3546.72s - 548.72s

Okay, wait, that is incorrect.

Speaker 4549.44s - 552.3s

Tell J.F.PT ORG, you're wrong.

Speaker 0553.36s - 555.48s

It says, my apologies for the error.

Speaker 3555.68s - 556.72s

Here's the correct answer.

Speaker 4556.88s - 562.46s

In the small remote village where Historia Rice PERSON grew up under the false identity of Crystal Lens is Stoas LOC district.

Speaker 0563.32s - 565.2s

That's not true either.

Speaker 4566.32s - 571.92s

Stohas is where they ambushed Annie PERSON, I'm pretty sure.

Speaker 3572.34s - 576.28s

What if I tell it that is incorrect? Is it going to explode?

Speaker 0576.28s - 583.78s

Well, because, you know, I know there are people who work on improving, like, the

Speaker 2583.78s - 588.96s

AI's, like, data and answers that it generates.

Speaker 0589.46s - 593.32s

It says, you're right. I apologize to the mistake. Here's the correct answer, which I'm pretty sure

Speaker 2593.32s - 597.66s

is also wrong. The small remote village where Historia Rice PERSON grew up under the false identity

Speaker 4597.66s - 603.02s

of Crystal Lens is, quote, unquote, the Rice PERSON family estate or, quote, unquote, the Rice family

Speaker 0603.02s - 607.8s

chapel? No. I I mean the chapel is the

Speaker 4607.8s - 613.68s

underground you know the underground where the founding Titan LOC ceremony the

Speaker 3613.68s - 619.38s

transition takes place the answer is she grew up on a farm okay that's that's

Speaker 1619.38s - 625.96s

all it is I think chat GPT ORG is just like pulling at straws here. Okay. Well, I wonder if

Speaker 3625.96s - 635.88s

like you saying that's wrong is like a way for it to improve itself, but you know, I doubt it. All right. Well, either way, we got it wrong. So it is what it is.

Speaker 4636.3s - 637.8s

That's dumb. Let's

Speaker 0637.8s - 639.96s

pick a new anime.

Speaker 4640.2s - 652.64s

So I'm going to pick My Hero Academia ORG. Okay. For My Hero, Chad PERSON, Gpti, asked, what is the name of Izuku Midoria's PERSON childhood friend who becomes his rival and attends UA High School ORG? Perfect.

Speaker 0652.64s - 659.46s

That is none other than My San Dere Boy, Bakugo PERSON. Katsky Bakuggo PERSON.

Speaker 4660.24s - 669.76s

All right, let's generate the answer just to make sure ChatGPT ORG knows what the fuck it's talking about. The answer is Kotzky Baku PERSON.

Speaker 0670.16s - 670.96s

There you go.

Speaker 4671.18s - 677.22s

So now do we want to just jump right to an almost impossible difficulty question? Yeah.

Speaker 0677.7s - 681.3s

Or you could do hard and then almost impossible.

Speaker 4681.62s - 698.28s

Okay, so hard difficulty from the anime, my... Sorry, guys, you're going to hear me typing throughout this. My Hero Academia ORG. In My Hero, what is the name of the hero who can harden his body like Rock PERSON? And what is the hero name he adopts? That's Kudishma PERSON?

Speaker 0699.16s - 702.46s

Harden his body like rock. What was the other part?

Speaker 4702.62s - 704.26s

What is the hero name he adopts?

Speaker 0709s - 720.92s

Oh. Right? Is Kudishima yeah the red head yes i just don't remember oh yeah was it red riot oh oh i think you're right red do right i just knew

Speaker 4720.92s - 725.62s

it had something to do with red okay that's That's a pretty good question. Yeah, that one's good.

Speaker 0725.74s - 726.88s

All right, generate the answer.

Speaker 4727.9s - 731.48s

The hero who can harden his body like rock in my hero is Eijiro PERSON,

Speaker 0731.64s - 735s

I said Kurishima, Kyrishima, and his hero name is Red Riot PERSON.

Speaker 4735.22s - 736.22s

Let's go.

Speaker 0736.22s - 737.42s


Speaker 4737.54s - 738.86s

So, what was that?

Speaker 0739.12s - 741.64s

I think we got five questions right?

Speaker 4741.72s - 742.18s

I don't know.

Speaker 3743.68s - 747.38s

If you're keeping score at home, let us know if that was accurate.

Speaker 0747.86s - 749.78s

Do we want to do almost impossible difficulty?

Speaker 4750.08s - 753.1s

Yeah, let's see if it can get super tricky here.

Speaker 3753.2s - 753.42s


Speaker 4754.2s - 757.38s

I'm scared it's going to pull something from like season five.

Speaker 3758.24s - 765.74s

In My Hero, what is the full name of Shoto Toroki's PERSON eldest brother who has the ability to manipulate ice and what

Speaker 4765.74s - 768.74s

rank did he achieve in the pro hero billboard chart?

Speaker 3769.84s - 770.36s

One more time?

Speaker 0770.74s - 775.7s

What is the full name of Todoroki PERSON's eldest brother who has the ability to manipulate

Speaker 4775.7s - 779.92s

ice and what rank did he achieve in the pro hero billboard chart?

Speaker 0780.36s - 781.16s

Was he a pro hero?

Speaker 4782.22s - 782.7s


Speaker 1783.84s - 785.32s

Yeah, the one with all white hair.

Speaker 2785.32s - 785.88s

I mean, yeah.

Speaker 4786.92s - 791.82s

I don't think he was on the hero billboard chart.

Speaker 0791.86s - 793.6s

Yeah, I don't think he...

Speaker 4793.6s - 794.66s

Well, here, let's see what it says.

Speaker 0794.74s - 795.78s

I mean, I don't know the answer to you.

Speaker 4796.08s - 796.94s

No, I don't.

Speaker 0797.2s - 798.88s

But I know who it's talking about.

Speaker 4798.96s - 802.76s

It's the white-haired one who's really pissed at their dad all the time. Yeah.

Speaker 0803.46s - 804.7s

Okay, generate the answer.

Speaker 4805.78s - 808.66s

Toya, Todorori PERSON, is that right? Fact-checked.

Speaker 0809.28s - 809.94s

What does it say?

Speaker 4809.94s - 812.1s

Wait, then it says the poem Billboard chart.

Speaker 2812.38s - 815.72s

He achieved the rank of number two under the hero name Dobby. That is not right.

Speaker 0815.72s - 817s

Okay, no, that is...

Speaker 2817s - 818.22s

That is not right.

Speaker 0818.38s - 821.98s

So it was talking about, this is big spoilers for my hero.

Speaker 2822.12s - 822.56s

Sorry, everyone.

Speaker 3822.76s - 823.88s

I mean, we said spoilers.

Speaker 0824.18s - 831.38s

Yeah, Davy is secretly a Tororoki PERSON. But yeah, he's not on the...

Speaker 4831.38s - 834.04s

Wait, so is the first part correct. Is it Toya PERSON?

Speaker 0835.04s - 838.4s

Yeah, his name is Toya Tororoki PERSON. That's his real name.

Speaker 4838.6s - 838.98s


Speaker 0839.24s - 841.02s

But, yeah, he's clearly a villain.

Speaker 4841.78s - 847.08s

That is incorrect. Let's just see. Wait, what is Dobby's real name then?

Speaker 0847.64s - 849.26s

His real name is Toyotoroki PERSON.

Speaker 4849.36s - 851s

No, no, what's the white-haired one?

Speaker 0851.6s - 856.08s

Oh, the other brother? Let's see. Family.

Speaker 4856.24s - 858.88s

Wait, so now I don't remember. Can Dobby manipulate ice?

Speaker 0859.66s - 861.12s

No, he just has blue flame.

Speaker 4861.26s - 862.32s

Yeah, that's why I was confused.

Speaker 0862.52s - 867.2s

Oh, no. The brother is Natsuo Turoki PERSON. Oh, my God, okay.

Speaker 4867.6s - 870.2s

His quirk is frost, according to the My Hero Wiki ORG.

Speaker 0870.32s - 871.86s

Yeah, that's what I was thinking of, Natsuo PERSON.

Speaker 4872s - 873.54s

No, that's correct.

Speaker 0873.7s - 874.96s

I don't know what the fuck.

Speaker 4874.96s - 875.34s


Speaker 0875.9s - 882.96s

Oh, my God, Chad GPT PERSON. I think they need a dedicated anime team at ChatGPT ORG.

Speaker 4883.34s - 923.4s

Well, okay, clearly almost impossible difficulty is even too difficult for chat GPT. But either way, we didn't get the question right on either side. We didn't know Natsuo PERSON's name and we didn't know. Okay, I don't, Dobby is a villain. Well, here, let me just read the corrected answer from chat GBT. The full name of Toroki PERSON's eldest brother who has abilityto manipulate ice which is incorrect is toyotototori um later adopts the villain's persona daubi however as of my last update um it's not explicitly mentioned in the anime or manga about the billboard chart or the pro hero chart so i think it's pulling information from multiple sources okay we may

Speaker 0923.4s - 925.54s

all its wires crossed we really got to be careful

Speaker 4925.54s - 928.46s

with these impossible difficulty questions,

Speaker 0928.7s - 929.68s

but it's fine.

Speaker 4930.22s - 943.1s

So it looks like hard difficulty is good, so far, but impossible. We may want to tread lightly. Okay, what is the next animewe're going to ask questions from?

Speaker 0943.94s - 949.46s

Hmm. I was just thinking of it. To your eternity. Oh, what is the next anime we're going to ask questions from? I was just thinking of it. To your eternity.

Speaker 4949.68s - 950.34s

Oh my God.

Speaker 1950.78s - 958.18s

Yeah. I mean, we know the anime pretty well, but I want to see if Chat GPT knows it a little bit better.

Speaker 0959.2s - 960.48s

What if I rewrite this?

Speaker 4960.58s - 971.58s

Okay, generate a terrific question from the anime to your eternity. Do not include any spoilers from the manga. I should probably add something like that, right? Because we're anime only

Speaker 0971.58s - 979.48s

over here. Okay. Yeah. So, to your eternity, my updated wording, what is the name of the main

Speaker 4979.48s - 985.72s

character in to your eternity who takes on various forms as it learns about the world. Isn't that fushi?

Speaker 0986.32s - 986.54s


Speaker 4987.42s - 989.6s

Or is it like the orb?

Speaker 0990.06s - 990.76s

The orb.

Speaker 4990.88s - 991.18s

Let's see.

Speaker 0991.38s - 992.58s

The orb of confusion.

Speaker 4993.54s - 995.12s

Yeah, fushi. Okay, cool.

Speaker 0995.12s - 997.72s

Okay, so there's one there.

Speaker 4998.48s - 1017.72s

Of hard difficulty. Okay, generate a trivia question of hard difficulty from the anime to your eternity. Do not include any spoilers from the manga. Into Your Eternity, what is the name of the girl who lives alone on a deserted island before encountering Fushi PERSON? Is that season two?

Speaker 11018.84s - 1020.34s

No, no, it's the end of season one.

Speaker 01020.76s - 1024.1s

The old, was it Pyrene PERSON? Was that the name?

Speaker 41024.32s - 1027.74s

No, wasn't Pyrene PERSON? Yeah.

Speaker 01028.08s - 1028.52s

Oh, fuck.

Speaker 41029.22s - 1031.14s

You said the old lady? Yeah.

Speaker 01032.22s - 1037.98s

Yeah, it was the one that Fucci ORG was helping and she started to get like dementia.

Speaker 41039.22s - 1040.78s

Okay. Well, yeah, maybe you're right.

Speaker 01041.48s - 1042.3s

Read the question again.

Speaker 41042.94s - 1050.9s

What is the name of the girl who lives alone on a deserted island before encountering Fushi PERSON? I can vividly see this character in my head. Yeah.

Speaker 01051.58s - 1057.3s

I'm picturing the old lady that he lives with her for quite a while.

Speaker 41057.38s - 1058.66s

Oh, who travels with him.

Speaker 01059.18s - 1061.08s

But they're just on the island. Yeah.

Speaker 41062.2s - 1062.56s


Speaker 01062.76s - 1065.04s

I don't know if that's the right name, though, but my gut is telling me Pairin PRODUCT. Okay, let's see. Generate the island. Yeah. Okay. I'm going to say, I don't know if that's the right name, though,

Speaker 41065.12s - 1074.48s

but my gut is telling me Pairine PERSON. Okay, let's see. Generate the answer. What? The answer is March. She's a young girl who lives alone on a desert island before encountering Fushi PERSON.

Speaker 01074.72s - 1080.96s

Okay, that's where I think it's crossing storylines again. Oh, no. Because I don't know,

Speaker 41081.28s - 1085.1s

March PERSON didn't come from a deserted island. Yeah, she came from a village. Yeah, village.

Speaker 01085.28s - 1087.78s

And then she was offered as a sacrifice.

Speaker 21087.96s - 1089.38s

My apologies for the mistake.

Speaker 31089.7s - 1090.56s

Here's the correct answer.

Speaker 21090.68s - 1094.4s

The girl who lives alone on a deserted island before encountering Fucci ORG is named

Speaker 31094.4s - 1095.02s


Speaker 21095.32s - 1096.18s

No, okay.

Speaker 01096.44s - 1097.94s

That is not correct.

Speaker 41097.94s - 1105.4s

JetGP PRODUCT is anime confused right now. Okay. Well, we know the, is the answer, Pyrene PERSON? Let's look it up. Let's see. Guys, we know the, is the answer, Pyrene PERSON? Let's look it up.

Speaker 01106.6s - 1107.36s

Let's see.

Speaker 41107.92s - 1114.66s

Guys, this is the most botched anime trivia. You've probably ever heard in your life, but I'm having a lot of fun.

Speaker 01114.66s - 1117.18s

I think I might actually, no, Piron PERSON.

Speaker 41117.46s - 1122.06s

Okay, yes, yes. Pyrene PERSON is from... It's the younger girl as Pyrene PERSON. No,

Speaker 01123.14s - 1129.72s

Pyrene PERSON is from the apothecary diaries. What? That's a character from the apothecary diaries.

Speaker 21129.72s - 1134.4s

I think I was getting my storylines crossed. You're pulling a chat GPT right now.

Speaker 41134.62s - 1136.28s

Pure on. I knew it started with a P.

Speaker 01136.34s - 1137s

Yeah, you're right.

Speaker 21138.2s - 1139.12s


Speaker 41139.12s - 1140.64s

I shouldn't talk. I suck at names.

Speaker 01140.9s - 1152.36s

Yeah. Well, I don't know if the... Yeah, she was the one on a deserted island. I might be, now I'm second guessing myself, but yeah, that was the O.P. Right? At the end of it.

Speaker 41152.64s - 1155.9s

I mean, it's like the last episode or two of the first season.

Speaker 01155.9s - 1161.14s

Or was it the, I don't even know anymore. Oh, someone correct me if I'm wrong.

Speaker 41161.26s - 1162.2s

No, we got, we got to look this up.

Speaker 11162.24s - 1162.88s

It's going to bother me.

Speaker 41163.7s - 1169.7s

Okay, so, yeah, it's episode 20. It's Pioran PERSON, according to the 2 Year Eternity Wiki.

Speaker 01170.62s - 1183.7s

Yeah, and even on the synopsis on the Wikipedia page for 2 Year Trinity, season one. I mean, it says here, elsewhere a kind man enters his home hut on abeach, which, yeah, that tells me that they were on an island.

Speaker 41183.96s - 1204.9s

Okay. Well, if anything, this is testing our knowledge even further because we know when something's not correct. Okay. I'm going to do Chainsaw Man WORK_OF_ART as the next anime. What is the name of the protagonist in Chainsaw Man WORK_OF_ART and what is his unique ability?

Speaker 01205.62s - 1210.4s

Hmm. Would it be in chainsaw man, and what is his unique ability? Hmm. Would it be the chainsaw man?

Speaker 41210.4s - 1212.02s

The chainsaw man.

Speaker 01212.2s - 1216.6s

His name is Denji PERSON. Yeah.

Speaker 41217.38s - 1247.3s

And he becomes a chainsaw. He becomes the chainsaw man with the help of Pochita, the chainsaw devil. The protagonist in Chainsaw Man is named Denji PERSON, and his unique ability is transforming parts of his body into chainsaws. Very good. Okay, let's see what hard difficulty grants us.In Chainsaw Man, what is the name of the devil hunter organization that Denji PERSON works for, and what is their primary goal? The hunter association.

Speaker 01249.08s - 1251.36s

Is it not the devil hunters?

Speaker 41251.72s - 1262.04s

I don't remember. I don't know. I mean, their goal is to, their primary goal is to fight off devils. Yes.

Speaker 01262.04s - 1272.14s

But they also want to find the gun devil, don't they? That's like one of their primary objectives in that overall mission. Yeah.

Speaker 41272.6s - 1274.9s

I wouldn't call it like the main goal.

Speaker 01275.72s - 1285.44s

It's like protecting society from devils, essentially. But like, yeah, part of it is to find the gun devil. Well, yeah, I'm pretty sure they're called the devil hunters.

Speaker 41285.68s - 1289s

The devil hunters. Okay, that's the answer? Yes.

Speaker 01289.1s - 1291.58s

All right, generate the answer chat GPT ORG.

Speaker 41291.76s - 1299.4s

And hopefully it's correct. The devil hunter organization that Dengue works for in Chainsaw Man WORK_OF_ART is called Public Safety Devil Hunters ORG.

Speaker 01300.04s - 1302.3s

Oh, okay, public safety.

Speaker 41302.64s - 1309.64s

Their primary goal is to eliminate devils and protect humanity from their threats. So, I mean, we were half right. Well, I mean, devil hunters is still right.

Speaker 01310.06s - 1311.92s

Are we giving ourselves a half point?

Speaker 41314.42s - 1316.1s

I don't know. Yeah, sure.

Speaker 01316.1s - 1318.1s

I would say it's all or nothing.

Speaker 41318.34s - 1321.82s

Okay. So then the public safety part, are we not counting that?

Speaker 01323.24s - 1329.76s

It's kind of like the thing with Attack on Titan WORK_OF_ART where I was like Survey Corps or Scouts ORG. It has to be that accurate, right?

Speaker 41330.5s - 1332.28s

Okay, so we're not getting that one?

Speaker 01332.4s - 1333.9s

I would say not.

Speaker 41334.04s - 1339.24s

Okay, we're playing on hard mode. What is the next anime we're asking questions from?

Speaker 01341.28s - 1342.7s

Let's do Code Gios PRODUCT.

Speaker 41343.08s - 1344.32s

Oh my God. Okay.

Speaker 01344.6s - 1347.7s

Yeah, I always say code Gios is a fucking blur.

Speaker 41348.38s - 1351.06s

I want to see if that's the same case for ChatGPT,

Speaker 01351.52s - 1356.46s

where it just starts crossing stories and plot lines here.

Speaker 41356.66s - 1366.72s

All right. Generate a trivia question from the anime Code Gios PRODUCT. Do not include any spoilers from the manga. Well, whatever. What is the name of the protagonist in Code Gios PRODUCT? And what power does he possess?

Speaker 01367.3s - 1371.86s

Okay. Well, that's La Louche PERSON v. Britannia.

Speaker 41372.32s - 1374.8s

Or Lelousch Ram PERSON. What does it?

Speaker 01374.98s - 1377.22s

Oh, he had like a different last name.

Speaker 41377.44s - 1380.5s

Yeah. Right? To conceal his identity. Lusch Ramm PERSON.

Speaker 01382.04s - 1383.54s


Speaker 41384.3s - 1384.7s


Speaker 01384.84s - 1386.76s

Why can I not remember names?

Speaker 41386.96s - 1388.34s

I'm so bad, you know what I thought on.

Speaker 01388.8s - 1389.44s

You all know.

Speaker 41392.48s - 1393.88s

La Lusch Lampereuse PERSON?

Speaker 01394.2s - 1394.78s

That's it.

Speaker 41394.86s - 1397.56s

Lampereuz or Lelousch Vibetania PERSON.

Speaker 01398.76s - 1400.9s

His power is the power of Gios PRODUCT.

Speaker 41401.32s - 1402.08s

That is right.

Speaker 01402.14s - 1405.08s

Oh, I'm like about to ask another question. Generate the answer. The protagonist in code Gios PRODUCT is Lel right. Oh, I'm like about to ask another question. Generate the answer.

Speaker 41406.18s - 1416.12s

The protagonist in code Gios is Leloush Lamper Rouge PERSON, and he possesses the power known as Giaz PRODUCT. But his real name is...

Speaker 01416.12s - 1420s

Neibritania PERSON, you're right. Okay, yeah, I just wanted to make sure. That's not till later, though.

Speaker 41420.08s - 1427.24s

Yeah, what? I'm surprised that Chad GPD PERSON didn't mention that that because it was so specific about someone else's name.

Speaker 01427.46s - 1428.04s

That's true.

Speaker 41428.9s - 1440.84s

All right. Generate a hard difficulty question from Code Gios PRODUCT. What is the name of the resistance group led by Leloush in Code Giaz PRODUCT? And what is their ultimate objective? Fuck, I don't remember.

Speaker 01440.84s - 1442.82s

The resistance group? Yeah.

Speaker 41443.66s - 1445.98s

He's zero. Correct. Did he have? Yeah, I mean, everyone. The resistance group. Yeah. He's zero. Correct.

Speaker 01446.74s - 1447.5s

Did he have?

Speaker 41448s - 1454.94s

Yeah, I mean, everyone that was following him. I mean, the 11, the, what they call him? They're not the resistance group, though.

Speaker 01455.08s - 1457.72s

That's who they're, like, fighting for. Yeah.

Speaker 41458.04s - 1463s

Their ultimate objective is to take down the empire of Britannia GPE.

Speaker 01463s - 1464.78s

The Polly Britannian Empire.

Speaker 41464.9s - 1470.34s

Yeah. And establish Britannian NORP Empire. Yeah. And establish freedom for the 11these.

Speaker 31470.68s - 1471.22s


Speaker 41477.18s - 1477.68s

I don't, the only thing that comes to mind is his name, his code name zero.

Speaker 31478.3s - 1478.6s

I'm sure.

Speaker 41481.5s - 1486.28s

Our friends are listening to us that are screaming at us right now. Okay. Well, if we can't think of it, should I generate the answer?

Speaker 01486.74s - 1487.54s


Speaker 41489.24s - 1492.52s

The resistance group led by La Lush is called the Black Knights ORG. Oh.

Speaker 11493s - 1499.04s

Their ultimate objective is to overthrow the Holy Britannian Empire and create a world where people can live free from oppression.

Speaker 01499.24s - 1502.7s

So we were half right. That rings a bell now.

Speaker 41502.84s - 1504.3s

Okay. Well, shit.

Speaker 01504.38s - 1506.64s

Because right, Suzaku PERSON is like the white knight.

Speaker 41507.68s - 1509.98s

I don't know if there's any real relation.

Speaker 01510.08s - 1513.48s

I mean, that's the juxtaposition, I guess. All right.

Speaker 41513.54s - 1520.96s

The next anime that I'm going to pick for us is Cowboy Bebop PRODUCT.

Speaker 01520.96s - 1524.12s

But do I delete the part about no manga spoilers?

Speaker 41524.84s - 1525.16s

Yeah, there is no. Is that going to throw a chat to be it off? It was a manga adaptation. B.B. Oh. But do I delete the part about no manga spoilers? Yeah.

Speaker 01525.52s - 1526.94s

Is that going to throw a chat?

Speaker 41526.94s - 1540.58s

Yeah. It was a manga adaptation, but Cowboy Bibop PRODUCT is the complete series anyway. All right. Cowboy Bbop PRODUCT. It reads, what is the name of the main character spaceship in Cowboy Bbop PRODUCT?

Speaker 01541.26s - 1548.2s

That's a trick question. Like, main character, if they were referring to Spike, then it's Swordfish 2 PRODUCT.

Speaker 41549.14s - 1550.7s

Oh, otherwise it's the B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B.

Speaker 01551.12s - 1555.9s

Yeah, well, that's Jets PRODUCT. Well, they, like, each have their own individual ship names.

Speaker 41555.9s - 1563.24s

Yeah, that's true. But main character... I know, I didn't, it didn't even say who it is. But, yeah, if we're talking main character, it's Spike-Spegel PERSON.

Speaker 01563.54s - 1565.08s

So you're right. And it's Swordfish PRODUCT, too. Correct. All right, let's see what the answer is. But yeah, if we're talking main character, it's Spike Spiegel. And you're right. And it's Swordfish 2.

Speaker 41565.24s - 1572.94s

Correct. All right. Let's see what the answer is. The name of the main character spaceship and bebop is the B-Bop PRODUCT.

Speaker 01573.6s - 1574.66s

Okay, no, that's stupid.

Speaker 41574.66s - 1578.02s

Okay, maybe they think Jet is a main, I mean, technically Jets a main character.

Speaker 01578.26s - 1589.2s

Well, they need to specify that. Like, yeah, the four, five, I guess, technically. Crew members of the B-Bob PRODUCT, they're all main characters, but they, most of them have their own ships.

Speaker 41589.32s - 1592.98s

I think we still give it to ourselves because we did name both the Bebop and Swordfish PRODUCT, too.

Speaker 01593.16s - 1597.84s

Okay, sure. Technicality on that one.

Speaker 41598.72s - 1605.36s

All right, generate an trivia question of horror difficulty from cowboy bebop.

Speaker 21605.9s - 1608.94s

What is the name of the bebop's resident hacker?

Speaker 41609.3s - 1614.08s

And what is the mysterious past he's trying to escape from?

Speaker 01614.92s - 1616.72s

She's trying to escape from.

Speaker 41617.44s - 1618.52s

I mean, it's Ed PERSON.

Speaker 01618.66s - 1618.92s


Speaker 41619.5s - 1622.42s

But is she escaping anything?

Speaker 31622.92s - 1623.74s

I think she was...

Speaker 41623.74s - 1624.84s

I don't think she's like escaping.

Speaker 31624.84s - 1627.58s

I remember she was dropped off at a daycare

Speaker 01627.58s - 1630.2s

and then she just left or something?

Speaker 31630.36s - 1632.64s

Yeah, unless like in her introductory episode

Speaker 41632.64s - 1636.06s

isn't she being haunted? Like she's in trouble for something

Speaker 01636.06s - 1640s

for hacking essentially. Yeah. I forget what it was.

Speaker 41640s - 1641.74s

But it makes it like mysterious past.

Speaker 01643.36s - 1644.82s

Okay, well this one's going to be

Speaker 41644.82s - 1655.58s

a shot in the dark because I don't know what the hell. Chad Jeep PERSON is going to give up. Generate the answer. The resident hacker is Edward Wong Hao Pepilu, Terufsky PERSON.

Speaker 01655.92s - 1658.58s

The fourth, also known as Ed PERSON.

Speaker 41658.92s - 1668.14s

Ed PERSON's mysterious past involves her searching for her father who left her when she was a child. I mean, was she actively searching for her father? I think he was searching for her, kind of, like passively.

Speaker 01668.42s - 1670.9s

Yeah, they just both trailed off.

Speaker 41671.02s - 1676.76s

Yeah, they like, they happened to bump into each other, and they were like, oh, shit, let's reunite. Mm-hmm.

Speaker 01676.92s - 1677.24s


Speaker 41677.5s - 1680.12s

Well, I don't know. Do we give this one to ourselves?

Speaker 01680.68s - 1681.9s

No. Okay.

Speaker 41682.98s - 1701.26s

I mean, it's just, he is playing hard mode. She is being stupid right now, but it is what it is. That's okay. I'm having a blast here because of how dumb... How dumb chat GPT is with some of these answers. But anyway, what's the next anime we are going to ask questions from?

Speaker 01701.42s - 1707.48s

I wanted to see if we could do like a very niche anime that we've both watched.

Speaker 41708.44s - 1712.4s

Let's go back to 2021 with Fenna Pirate Princess PERSON.

Speaker 11712.48s - 1713.72s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 31714.06s - 1714.48s


Speaker 41714.86s - 1716.62s

Is there a hole in there, Pirate Princess PERSON?

Speaker 01716.84s - 1718.76s

I don't know. We'll see what.

Speaker 41719.06s - 1725.2s

Okay, I'll get really cool. We'll see how smart. I'm just trying to help chat GBT out as much as possible. Also, it's an anime original. Yeah. Also, there isn an anime original. Yeah.

Speaker 01725.28s - 1729.18s

Also, there isn't much I remember from that anime. Okay,

Speaker 41729.22s - 1729.66s

here we go.

Speaker 01729.82s - 1732.86s

This is really testing our knowledge. What is the name

Speaker 41732.86s - 1737.3s

of the legendary treasure that Fenna PERSON is searching for throughout the series? Oh my God.

Speaker 01737.8s - 1745.08s

It's the thing from like Joan of Arc WORK_OF_ART. Yeah, the one piece. From Joan of Arc WORK_OF_ART? Remember like John of Arc? The Holy Grail?

Speaker 41747.16s - 1750.68s

I don't think that's it. But it's like it has to do with Joan of Arc WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 01751.6s - 1761.14s

I feel like it's Jonah PERSON. The Templar ORG. She's part of the Templars ORG. Wasn't it? Holy Grail. I have no idea.

Speaker 31762s - 1765.68s

I'm never thinking that or like the Ark of the Covenant,

Speaker 01765.82s - 1767.16s

but we can't use two answers.

Speaker 41767.32s - 1767.9s

We can just.

Speaker 01768.16s - 1773.78s

Oh, we are. This is our, we can do whatever we want. I am going to say Holy Grail.

Speaker 41774.7s - 1783.36s

Okay, generate the answer. It's the Eden of Paradise LOC. I think that's like a thing.

Speaker 01785.04s - 1794.98s

Okay. I mean, yeah like a thing. Okay. I mean, yeah, I'm on the Fena ORG Wikipedia article. I think it does mention finding Eden LOC.

Speaker 41795.28s - 1808.16s

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Okay, I'll give it that. Okay, so it does know, like, kind of niche shit. Well, do we want to do another general trivia question or a hard difficulty question for this one? Because I know that Fena ORG is pretty obscure for us.

Speaker 01809.44s - 1814.64s

I want to see how detailed they can go. Let's see it's hard question. Okay.

Speaker 41816.22s - 1823.64s

What are the names of the two clans involved in the longstanding feud in Fena Pirate Princess PRODUCT? And what is the significance of the emblem they carry? Dang.

Speaker 01823.64s - 1824.16s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 41824.86s - 1844s

There's Yuki Maru's PERSON clan. Yeah. I don't remember. Oh, my God. That's really hard. We're not going to get this one, but.Yeah, you're right. It's Yuki Maro's clan, and then it's, um, basically the what, it's like the, the Japanese NORP people and then the British people. They're both wanting.

Speaker 31844.22s - 1846.96s

They're both at odds with each other because of Fena ORG essentially.

Speaker 01847.78s - 1851.52s

I don't remember the significance of the emblem. Oh, it's

Speaker 41851.52s - 1853.26s

the goblins.

Speaker 01853.82s - 1855.02s

The goblins?

Speaker 41855.2s - 1859.84s

Yeah. Something with the goblins because their masks are all goblins. Okay, I don't know. Okay.

Speaker 01860.44s - 1871.94s

The goblins. Generate the answer. The two clans are Red Links and White Moon. The significance of the emblem that Carries that Red Lings Clan carries a Red Crescent Moon emblem,

Speaker 41872.44s - 1881.58s

while the White Moon Clan ORG carries a full moon emblem. White Full Moon emblem. These emblem symbolize their allegiance and their conflict. I don't remember it is.

Speaker 01881.58s - 1884.44s

I think any of that is from this show.

Speaker 41884.82s - 1893.02s

What was it? Red, Red Links, L-Y-N-X, and then White Moon. That doesn't sound right.

Speaker 01893.1s - 1894.42s

I don't recall that at all.

Speaker 41895.84s - 1898.9s

I looked up Red Links, Fan of Pirate Princess.

Speaker 01899.7s - 1907.14s

Nope. The chat, G-P-T is going crazy. That is incorrect.

Speaker 31908.46s - 1911.36s

I don't know if it's pulling from like another.

Speaker 01911.56s - 1913.16s

Is that pulling from like one piece?

Speaker 41913.16s - 1914.86s

The orphans and the nobles?

Speaker 01915.48s - 1917.62s

No, that doesn't sound right either.

Speaker 41917.74s - 1922.28s

The orphans carry a crest featuring a Phoenix, representing their rebellion against the ruling nobles

Speaker 01922.28s - 1924s

who carry a crest featuring a lion.

Speaker 41924.16s - 1945.28s

None of that sounds right. Okay, I'm just going gonna get feedback that that is not factually correct okay um anyway i'm pretty sure yuki maro's group is called the goblins or something like that um i mean on the wikipedia page now seven or was it samurai Oh, they reside on Goblin Island LOC.

Speaker 01946.9s - 1946.98s

That's, I think, where you got it.

Speaker 41947.34s - 1957.82s

Oh, okay. Well, shit. All right. What anime should I choose? Should we do Domestic Girlfriend WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 01959.94s - 1960.44s

Sure, I mean, I don't remember much from it. I don't either.

Speaker 41962.04s - 1974.96s

All right. Generate a question from Domestic Girlfriend WORK_OF_ART. Do not include any manga spoilers. In domestic girlfriend, what is the name of the high school student who finds himself in a complicated love triangle with his teacher and her younger sister? Is it not?

Speaker 01975.18s - 1978.18s


Speaker 41978.54s - 1980.78s

No. Nochi PERSON? Nuts. Nutsuo PERSON?

Speaker 01981.22s - 1985.5s

Yeah, I'm remembering what I called him by in my synopsies. Maybe it's Natsuo PERSON. I know the girl's last name is T by in my synopsies. Maybe it's Natsuo.

Speaker 41985.88s - 1989.24s

I know the girl's last name is Tachibana PERSON. I don't remember this guy's last name.

Speaker 01989.88s - 1990.62s

And then the...

Speaker 41990.62s - 1991.86s

Because you got Hina Tatsubana PERSON.

Speaker 01992.24s - 1992.9s

Was that Rui PERSON?

Speaker 41993.36s - 1993.62s


Speaker 01994.06s - 1995.04s

That was the blue-haired one?

Speaker 41995.28s - 1996.28s

Yeah, I'm Team Rui.

Speaker 01996.88s - 1998.78s

Yeah, I forget the other girls' name.

Speaker 41999.18s - 1999.42s


Speaker 02000.1s - 2008.58s

Hina Tachibana PERSON, like, from Tokyo Revengers, Hina Tachibana. Oh, yeah. Wait, was she related to Rui PERSON? That's her older sister.

Speaker 42008.86s - 2010.46s

That's the whole plot of the show.

Speaker 02010.9s - 2014.6s

You know, domestic girlfriend is one of those shows where you want to forget.

Speaker 42015.52s - 2024.22s

But yeah, I guess the answer is Natsuo PERSON. Okay, generate the answer. Natsuo Fuji PERSON. Okay.

Speaker 02025.18s - 2030.28s

I'm glad I remember that part of domestic girlfriend.

Speaker 42030.5s - 2033.58s

Do we want a hard difficulty question? Sure.

Speaker 02034.28s - 2035.44s

Let's just go for it.

Speaker 42036.8s - 2043.12s

What is the name of Natsuo PERSON's best friend who is also his classmate and confidant throughout the series? I do not remember.

Speaker 02044.16s - 2045.46s

He had a best friend?

Speaker 42045.58s - 2050.26s

Yeah. I only picture those three of them. That was the person he went to as soon as he slept with Rui PERSON.

Speaker 02051.12s - 2052.58s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 42054s - 2056.62s

And he like slept over at his house at one point, I think.

Speaker 02056.82s - 2059.52s

I can't put a name to a face right now.

Speaker 42059.58s - 2063.06s

All right, well, bring up the wiki so we can fact check this shit because I'm about to

Speaker 02063.06s - 2066.6s

generate the answer. Fumia, Kourimoto PERSON?

Speaker 42067.36s - 2067.84s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 02068.24s - 2074.22s

He has Natsuo PERSON's best friend and advisor. It works part-time at a bar.

Speaker 42074.44s - 2083.6s

Oh, okay. Well, we suck as domestic girlfriend questions. What's the next anime? Is it my turn to pick?

Speaker 02083.72s - 2083.96s


Speaker 42085.5s - 2085.72s

Let's go back to like a mainstream one where it can turn to pick? Yeah. I was just looking.

Speaker 02091.46s - 2091.64s

Let's go back to like a mainstream one where it can have like a bigger pull to pull from Death Note WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 42093.48s - 2099.02s

I was literally thinking Death Note WORK_OF_ART too. Okay, great. Is there a manga? I'm just going to say don't put manga spoilers.

Speaker 02099.7s - 2100.54s

Yeah, there's a manga.

Speaker 42106.72s - 2107.5s

What is the name of the detective who is determined to capture the mysterious killer known as Kida in Death Note WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 02108.44s - 2109.14s

Is it L?

Speaker 42109.94s - 2109.98s

I think so, right?

Speaker 02114.14s - 2115.48s

I was thinking of Light PERSON's father who's like the actual detective.

Speaker 42117.26s - 2118.48s

Then write the answer.

Speaker 02118.76s - 2119.4s


Speaker 42119.92s - 2120.42s


Speaker 02120.9s - 2121.86s


Speaker 42123.6s - 2130.72s

We got that one correct. But now we move on to hard difficulty. And I trust nothing anymore.

Speaker 02131.62s - 2135.26s

I wonder what would happen to you said if you put permadeath difficulty.

Speaker 42135.7s - 2147.58s

We can try. If Chubit PERSON understands that. It does not. What is the name of Light Yagami's father, who is also a high-ranking police officer involved in the Kira PERSON investigation? Oh, his last name is...

Speaker 12147.58s - 2148.5s

Mr. Yagami PERSON.

Speaker 02149.14s - 2151.14s

I want to say it's such with an H.

Speaker 12152.06s - 2153.38s

I don't remember.

Speaker 42153.38s - 2155.5s

Hiroichi Yagami PERSON.

Speaker 02155.98s - 2159.02s

I'm going to go with Mr. Yagami PERSON.

Speaker 42159.58s - 2159.82s


Speaker 02160.56s - 2163.56s

I'm curious if I was spot on or close.

Speaker 42163.68s - 2165.26s

Okay, generate the answer.

Speaker 02166.1s - 2166.56s

Oh, wait.

Speaker 42167.02s - 2169.54s

So it just came to me.

Speaker 02170.98s - 2172.58s

It was with an S.

Speaker 42172.96s - 2174.4s

Same sound.

Speaker 32174.56s - 2177.24s

Or no, yeah, so I'd I say, hoichi PERSON?

Speaker 02177.54s - 2179.1s

What I say?

Speaker 32179.58s - 2181.24s

Koichi, yagami.

Speaker 02181.84s - 2185.12s

I'm thinking all that. Okay. Try the perma death one. Okay. I want to see that. Okay. Try the permadeath one.

Speaker 42185.2s - 2191.26s

Okay. I want to see what it generates. Generate a trivia question of permade death difficulty?

Speaker 02192.48s - 2200.68s

You know, like in video games, like that's the hardest difficulty because there's no game or it's game over if you die.

Speaker 42201.34s - 2207.6s

Okay. In death note, what is the name of the Shinigami who drops his death note into the human world setting the events of the world into motion?

Speaker 02207.74s - 2214.94s

I mean, it's just easy. Yeah. Okay. Maybe it doesn't understand from a death. That's fine. I generate the answer.

Speaker 42215.34s - 2216.54s

I want to see what answer it gives.

Speaker 12216.58s - 2217.6s

So we're going to generate it.

Speaker 02217.64s - 2218.06s

Yeah, Ryuk PERSON.

Speaker 12218.14s - 2218.32s


Speaker 02218.68s - 2220.4s

All right. We got a freebie there then.

Speaker 42220.78s - 2226.48s

All right. We're obviously going to go with Jojo PERSON's Bazaar adventure. Oh yeah.

Speaker 02226.8s - 2229.78s

That's rich in trivial lore.

Speaker 42230.16s - 2248s

If I can spell adventure correctly? Okay. Generate a trivia question from the anime Jojo's Bizarre adventure WORK_OF_ART.Do not include any spoilers from the manga. In Jojo PERSON, what is the name of the first protagonistin the series? And what is his famous catchphrase? Uh-oh And what is his famous catchphrase? Uh-oh.

Speaker 02248.28s - 2249.58s

His famous catchphrase?

Speaker 42249.68s - 2251.38s

Well, we know it's Jonathan Joe Star PERSON.

Speaker 02252.06s - 2254.3s

Hey, what is it? TV!

Speaker 12254.3s - 2256.64s

What is his catchphrase?

Speaker 42256.64s - 2257.76s

He doesn't have a catchphrase.

Speaker 12257.88s - 2259.3s

I mean, Joseph PERSON has catchphrases.

Speaker 42259.3s - 2260.12s

Joseph PERSON has one.

Speaker 12260.56s - 2261.62s

Jolotro PERSON has one.

Speaker 02261.74s - 2262.76s

Jolke PERSON has one.

Speaker 22263.58s - 2264.7s

Jolene PERSON has one.

Speaker 42267.56s - 2267.72s

Does Jonathan PERSON have a catchphrase?

Speaker 22269.5s - 2270.84s

Watch, we're about to be schooled about our favorite anime

Speaker 42270.84s - 2273.18s

It's probably gonna pick like yari yadi da zee

Speaker 02273.18s - 2275.36s

And get confused with Jotoro

Speaker 42275.36s - 2276.24s

Do you want me to

Speaker 02276.24s - 2277.36s

Yeah, go

Speaker 42277.36s - 2288.32s

Generate the answer? I'm scared Jonathan Jostar His famous catchphrase is farewell my friend Oh, I mean the end of part one. Oh.

Speaker 02289.04s - 2292.56s

Is that a, do we consider that a famous catchphrase, though, for Jonathan PERSON?

Speaker 42292.56s - 2294.08s

No one quotes that.

Speaker 02294.12s - 2294.46s


Speaker 42295.12s - 2295.9s

That's fine.

Speaker 02296.04s - 2299.26s

We don't need this point. It's pointless.

Speaker 42299.62s - 2326.82s

Okay. Then we will try a hard difficulty question. Of hard difficulty from jojo in jojo what is the name of the mysterious stone mask that plays a significant role in the series and what is its connection to the powers of the characters so it sounds like we're just talking part one and part two here.

Speaker 02328.76s - 2328.78s

Isn't it called the stone mask?

Speaker 42329.96s - 2334.62s

That's what I thought it was called too. It's called the stone mask and I mean it makes people into vampires.

Speaker 02334.78s - 2335.98s

That's how Dio PERSON gets his powers.

Speaker 42337.02s - 2339.34s

Oh my God, I'm scared for it to generate this answer.

Speaker 22339.34s - 2341.58s

It's going to say something like...

Speaker 12341.58s - 2342.74s

The Redstone of Asia LOC.

Speaker 22343.14s - 2344.08s

The one piece.

Speaker 02344.88s - 2345.42s

All right, generate the answer. The one piece. All right.

Speaker 42345.5s - 2350.24s

Generate the answer. The mysterious stone mask is called stone mask.

Speaker 32350.24s - 2357.58s

Okay, we got that right. It has the ability to grant vampiric powers to those who wear it when exposed to blood. There, we got it right?Yeah.

Speaker 42357.76s - 2360.04s

It just made us doubt ourselves.

Speaker 02361.08s - 2363.74s

It's like asking, what does a cook do?

Speaker 42364.28s - 2365.72s

I want one more from Jojo PERSON.

Speaker 02365.84s - 2367.96s

I wanted to give us something. That was weak.

Speaker 42368.96s - 2370.18s

Maybe it'll do a different part.

Speaker 02370.18s - 2375.04s

Do like hardest, most impossible, extreme difficulty.

Speaker 42375.14s - 2377.82s

No, because you know what happened last time during a free show.

Speaker 02377.82s - 2380.34s

It made up its own head canon.

Speaker 42380.58s - 2397.38s

It even gave us manga stuff. I was like, what? Okay. So it's another hard difficulty question for Jojo. In Jojo, what is the name of the stand wielded by Joltrokujo in part three? And what is its most iconic ability? I mean, obviously it's star platinum, but which one are we going to call

Speaker 02397.38s - 2406.6s

iconic? Star finger? Star finger? I mean, it's either that or the world, right?

Speaker 32406.6s - 2407.52s


Speaker 02408.22s - 2409.3s

But I don't think.

Speaker 32409.3s - 2410.52s

I mean, or a punches.

Speaker 02411s - 2415.34s

Yeah, I feel like that is what GPT ORG would recognize more.

Speaker 42415.66s - 2416.32s

Is the world?

Speaker 02417.26s - 2417.82s

I don't know.

Speaker 42418s - 2418.68s

Stopping time.

Speaker 02419.06s - 2419.46s


Speaker 42420.32s - 2420.78s

I don't know.

Speaker 02421.24s - 2422.16s

Let's see what it says.

Speaker 42422.26s - 2422.4s


Speaker 32424.4s - 2428.5s

Star Platinum PRODUCT, its most iconic ability is its incredible speed and precision,

Speaker 02428.66s - 2432.28s

which allows it to perform feet such a stopping time for a short duration.

Speaker 42432.74s - 2436.24s

Okay, first of all, stopping time doesn't have anything to do with speed and precision.

Speaker 02436.74s - 2439.84s

Yeah, that's different. Completely different ability.

Speaker 42439.84s - 2445.58s

But, I mean, it's not incorrect. Speed and precision, like the auto-unchesauto-pro punches, whatever, stopping the bullet,

Speaker 02446.18s - 2454.5s

and then the world ability to stop time. Yeah. I think we give those to ourselves. Okay, sure. At this point, it's a toss-off.

Speaker 42455.5s - 2457.64s

What's your pick for our next anime?

Speaker 02458.12s - 2461.86s

Let's go mainstream again. Demon Slayer PERSON.

Speaker 42462.02s - 2467.52s

Demon Slayer PERSON, okay. What if it gives us something from this season?

Speaker 02468.34s - 2471.48s

Oh, shit. Well, it's fine.

Speaker 42471.58s - 2478.64s

I mean, if you're saying exclude manga spoilers, that's the other thing. Like, how much does it know about, like, what's correct?

Speaker 12478.98s - 2482.58s

We've probably accidentally spoiled manga stuff somewhere along the line.

Speaker 02482.76s - 2485.42s

If we did, we're sorry, we have no idea because we're anime only.

Speaker 12486.34s - 2489.96s

What is the name of the breathing technique used by Demon Slayer PERSON in Demon Slayer,

Speaker 02490.04s - 2495.56s

and how does it enhance their combat abilities? Well, it's total concentration breathing.

Speaker 42495.8s - 2496.06s


Speaker 02496.76s - 2500.04s

And I mean, it makes them stronger and more precise?

Speaker 42500.28s - 2502s

Makes them suyokunarero.

Speaker 02503.22s - 2504.74s

I mean, how do we define that, right?

Speaker 42504.74s - 2505.28s

Yeah, how does it define that, right?

Speaker 02505.5s - 2506.38s


Speaker 42508.38s - 2509.26s

How does it enhance their combat abilities?

Speaker 02510.78s - 2510.96s

They are stronger.

Speaker 42512.22s - 2515.26s

Increases strength, increases precision. Based on whatever element they're associated with.

Speaker 02515.3s - 2517.12s

Yeah, I mean, it just makes them better.

Speaker 42517.4s - 2517.66s


Speaker 02518.94s - 2519.8s

I don't know.

Speaker 42520.1s - 2532.58s

All right, generate the answer. The breathing technique used by Demon Slayers PERSON is called total concentration breathing. It enhances their combat abilities by increasing their strength, speed, and agility, allowing them to effectively fight against demons.

Speaker 02532.78s - 2534.88s

I think we got that one. Yeah, too yuku PERSON and I do.

Speaker 42535.86s - 2549.46s

All right, moving on to a hard difficulty question for Demon Slayer PERSON. In Demon Slayer, what is the name of the Demon Slayer who wields a distinctive breathing style called the Thunder Breathing PRODUCT? And what is his role within the Demon Slayer Corps ORG? I mean, it's Zenitsu ORG.

Speaker 02549.86s - 2551.72s

His role is to be a fucking coward.

Speaker 42552.36s - 2556.38s

His role is the third member of the main trio of the anime.

Speaker 02556.92s - 2557.54s

I don't know.

Speaker 42557.66s - 2560.88s

What's their, shit, what is their, like, official title at their, because they're, like,

Speaker 02560.92s - 2563.62s

lowest ranking. Oh, right. There's rankings.

Speaker 42564.4s - 2565.78s

I don't know the ranking names.

Speaker 02566.3s - 2566.8s

I don't know.

Speaker 42567.72s - 2579.4s

Survey core. I was just going to say his role is just Demon Slayer, right? That's the name of the Demon Slayer core. But there is rank. We're not going to get it right, but there are rankings.

Speaker 02579.56s - 2582.22s

Are you thinking of the Kazuki? No, that's a kizuki.

Speaker 42583.06s - 2583.08s

There's like.

Speaker 02583.16s - 2585.48s

They have rankings. There's. Like upper, upper rank, lower rank? No, they do. But there's like They have rankings. There's,

Speaker 42585.66s - 2586.2s

like upper,

Speaker 02586.44s - 2587.3s

upper rank, lower rank?

Speaker 42587.3s - 2591.1s

No, they do, but I thought like in the demon slayer core you have like different levels

Speaker 02591.1s - 2593s

I mean there's the Hashira, yeah.

Speaker 42593.16s - 2594.3s

I mean, they're like cream of the crop

Speaker 02594.3s - 2602.92s

but even in, because remember they, they join the demon slayer but they're like at the lowest level. Yeah, they are level one.Well,

Speaker 42603.02s - 2612.12s

it says, um, the thunder breathing style Demon Slayer is Zanitsu Agatuma PERSON. His role is that of a demon slayer.

Speaker 02612.42s - 2613.8s

Oh, shit. God.

Speaker 42614.3s - 2623.9s

Okay, well, but he initially struggles with his lack of confidence and self-doubt. Despite this, he possesses incredible potential due to his unique breathing technique. Well, I guess you were right. You said Demon Slayer PERSON.

Speaker 02624.14s - 2625.06s

Yeah. You're right. All right, we're going to go with Hunter Hunter. Well, I guess you were right. You said Demon Slayer PERSON. Yeah. So you're right.

Speaker 32625.98s - 2626.28s

All right.

Speaker 42626.34s - 2627.6s

We are going to go with Hunter Hunter PERSON.

Speaker 02628.24s - 2629.46s

Oh, that's a good one.

Speaker 42629.72s - 2632.84s

I'm scared. And I feel like I probably forgot a lot of Hunter Hunter PERSON.

Speaker 02633.86s - 2636.86s

It was like 100-something episodes.

Speaker 42637.22s - 2642.4s

Yeah. Hunter PERSONx Hunter. Are you going to add the X?

Speaker 02642.9s - 2643.12s


Speaker 42643.44s - 2647.48s

Okay. I got to give ChatGPBT PRODUCT as much accuracy as possible.

Speaker 02647.48s - 2650.74s

So hopefully it spits out as much accuracy as possible.

Speaker 32651.24s - 2656.08s

But all right, let's see what kind of basic trivia question it gives us for Hunter Hunter PERSON.

Speaker 42656.64s - 2664.1s

What is the name of the main character in Hunter Hunter PERSON and what is his primary motivation for becoming a hunter? My boy, gone freaks.

Speaker 02664.1s - 2673.46s

Gone freaks. He wants to find his absent father. I'll say that and just go adventure out into the world and see what, we'll see what's out there.

Speaker 42673.96s - 2688s

Well, Chat G.P.T says the main character is Gone Freaks PERSON. His primary motivation for becoming a hunter is to find his father, Gene Freaks PERSON, who is also a legendary hunter and has been absent for most of Ghos LOC life.

Speaker 02688.56s - 2691.1s

We should give bonus points.

Speaker 32691.22s - 2691.96s

We called it.

Speaker 02692.34s - 2695.94s

We knew it was going to say absent father. I'll give it that.

Speaker 42696.12s - 2709.44s

That was good. Moving on to hard difficulty question for Hunter Hunter PERSON. In Hunter Hunter PERSON, what is the name of the martial arts technique used by gone freaks during the Heaven's Arena arc? And what is its main principle?

Speaker 02710.36s - 2715.5s

Well, it's Nen. I don't know. Main principle is...

Speaker 42715.5s - 2718.04s

He didn't have Jodonkin PERSON by then, right?

Speaker 02718.76s - 2727.1s

No, but they were, like, being introduced to Nen. Jadjankin PERSON was like they learned about some special move based

Speaker 42727.1s - 2735.5s

on their own non characteristics so what is what is its main principle it's the it has the

Speaker 02735.5s - 2744.22s

properties of rubber and gum it has to do with the person's aura isn't it it's not asking like

Speaker 42744.22s - 2746.14s

what what type of nen he's using?

Speaker 02746.6s - 2749.06s

I mean, yeah, I remember like, yeah, the categories.

Speaker 42749.18s - 2753.4s

I don't know which one he fell into. I mean, this is definitely a hard difficulty question.

Speaker 02753.58s - 2753.88s


Speaker 42754.5s - 2760.08s

Okay, I mean, yeah, Nen, and then I guess main principle is the properties of rubber and gum.

Speaker 02761s - 2763.62s

Okay, well, let's see what chat GPD has to say.

Speaker 12766.76s - 2769.7s

The martial arts technique used by gone freaks

Speaker 42769.7s - 2773.88s

during the heavens LOC arena arc and hunter hunter is called Ren.

Speaker 12776.68s - 2777.32s


Speaker 42777.68s - 2781.56s

It goes on to say its main principles to enhance one's aura, output, and control

Speaker 12781.56s - 2785.14s

allowing the user to increase their physical ability significantly.

Speaker 22786.04s - 2786.32s


Speaker 02786.72s - 2788.36s

I think it's called men.

Speaker 22789.32s - 2789.8s


Speaker 02790.4s - 2791.58s

Just say you're wrong.

Speaker 22791.68s - 2792.52s

It's called nen.

Speaker 02792.88s - 2793.74s

I want to see what it says.

Speaker 12793.74s - 2796.66s

That is incorrect.

Speaker 02797.16s - 2800.48s

It is called men.

Speaker 42801.42s - 2801.72s

Oh no.

Speaker 02801.88s - 2803.06s

It ought to correct into men.

Speaker 42803.62s - 2804.92s

It is called men.

Speaker 22805.8s - 2806.18s

Oh, no. You're correct. Andrected to men. It is called men. Oh, oh.

Speaker 42806.54s - 2808.96s

This is you're correct, and I appreciate the correction.

Speaker 22809.22s - 2814.1s

Goon uses the men technique during the heavens LOC arena, arguing hunter-hunter.

Speaker 02814.26s - 2815.54s

Thank you for pointing that out.

Speaker 22815.62s - 2815.86s

You know what?

Speaker 02815.9s - 2824.02s

I'm not going to correct it again. Now millions of users of chat GPT are going to be given false information on Hunter-Hunter PRODUCT.

Speaker 22824.08s - 2829.38s

Men. Oops. That was auto-corrected. Okay, I typed in Nen and then it changes Hunter Hunter PERSON. Men, oops. That was autocorrect. Okay, I typed in Nen PRODUCT and then it changes to men.

Speaker 02829.94s - 2830.18s

That's fine. Whatever.

Speaker 22831.06s - 2831.18s

Oops, all right.

Speaker 02832s - 2836.2s

Well, that's that. We're like 90% more accurate than Jet GPT PRODUCT.

Speaker 42836.46s - 2851.12s

Well, and with that, I think we can conclude this round of the most botched anime trivia ever to happen, not only on this podcast, but probably in the history of anime mankind.

Speaker 02851.38s - 2863.72s

Thanks to chat GPT ORG. What is our final score? Let me see. We have a score of 15 out of a possible I don't know.

Speaker 32864.64s - 2867.36s

Which is not bad, I guess.

Speaker 02867.94s - 2869.22s

Yeah, let's see.

Speaker 42869.66s - 2872.76s

We missed a couple here and there.

Speaker 02872.96s - 2877.12s

But then it's also like, do we count the ones where to chat GPT ORG obviously got the answer

Speaker 42877.12s - 2879.08s

wrong, but then we got the answer right?

Speaker 02880.1s - 2881.4s

Yeah, I mean, it's hard to say.

Speaker 42881.7s - 2885.86s

Moral of the story here is don't use chat GPT to generate your anime trivia.

Speaker 02887.16s - 2892.26s

But that's not going to stop us because we're going to keep doing it for our Patreon ORG bonus episode.

Speaker 42892.26s - 2892.74s

Well, you know what?

Speaker 12892.8s - 2900.2s

This just makes me, you know, more power to Brian from TV and movie trivia pod because, you know, he puts in in work with trivia questions.

Speaker 42900.44s - 2908.6s

Actual, actual well-thought-out questions and extensive research behind them to make sure that they are factually correct.

Speaker 12908.76s - 2916.64s

So, yeah, major props to Brian because what he does is definitely difficult, but it makes for more accurate trivia.

Speaker 42916.94s - 2919s

Better trivia, for sure.

Speaker 02919.56s - 2921.6s

Well, thank you guys for listening.

Speaker 42922.32s - 2925.72s

If we got any of the answers wrong, let us know.

Speaker 02925.82s - 2928.3s

Because I'm sure we got some of them wrong along the way.

Speaker 42928.46s - 2932.46s

Obviously, chat GPT got them wrong, but let us know if we got any wrong as well.

Speaker 12932.94s - 2934.2s

But yeah, I hope you enjoyed this.

Speaker 02934.2s - 2938.56s

And like we said, if you want to listen to more trivia, that is absolutely botched and inaccurate,

Speaker 12938.8s - 2940.5s

then head over to our Patreon page.

Speaker 02940.98s - 2943.16s

Subscribe to Strictly WORK_OF_ART anime on your favorite podcast service.

Speaker 22943.32s - 2944.66s

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Speaker 02944.76s - 2948.84s

Follow us on Instagram at the Strictly Series WORK_OF_ART on Twitter at Strictly Series and check out our website,

Speaker 22948.96s - 2953.2s

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Speaker 42953.2s - 2957.36s

the Strictly Series. Be sure to check out our other podcast, Strictly Jojo WORK_OF_ART. And as always,

Speaker 02957.58s - s

stay safe, stay healthy, stay weeb. Thank you.