How to know when it's the right time to up level & scale your Manifestations

How to know when it's the right time to up level & scale your Manifestations

by Emma Mumford

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49:42 minutes

published 14 days ago


Emma Mumford LTD 2014-2024 ©

Speaker 20s - 27.18s

Ever catch yourself eating the same flavorless dinner three days in a row? Dreaming of something better? Well, Hello Fresh is your guilt-free dream come true, baby. It's me, Gigi Palmer PERSON. Let's wake up those taste buds with hot, juicy, pecan-crusted chicken or garlic buttershrimps scampy.Mm-hmm. Hello Fresh. Stop dreaming of all the delicious possibilities and dig in at Let's get this dinner party started.

Speaker 429.88s - 60.08s

Many of us have those stubborn pounds that seem impossible to lose, no matter how good we eat or how hard we work out. My solution is Plush Care ORG. Plush Care ORG is a leading telehealth provider with doctors who are there for you day and night to partner with you in your weight loss journey. They can prescribe FDA ORG approved weight loss medications like Wagovi and ZepPound PRODUCT for those who qualify. Plus they accept most insurance plans. To get started, ORG slash weight loss. That's slash weight loss.

Speaker 163.52s - 1557.96s

Welcome to Spiritual Queen's Badass Podcast, the number one spirituality podcast on iTunes. My name is Emma Mumford PERSON and I'm your host. I'm the UK's leading Law of Attraction expert, award-winning life coach, two-time's best-selling author, manifestation YouTuber, speaker and badass spiritual queen. I'm here to help you awaken and turn your dream life into an abundant reality and help you create your positively wealthy life full of happiness, abundance and joy.I do this through sharing the power of law of attraction and spirituality. I hope my podcast will inspire you to raise your game and start living your best life today. Without further ado, let's get started with this week's episode. Hello, gorgeous souls and welcome back to another one of my spiritual queen's badass podcast episodes. I am so excited to have you here with me today. So thank you for joining me. And I am so excited to dive into another one of your fantasticquestions here today and dive into all things and manifestation and knowing when to up level those desires and step into a new level and scale up your desires. I love this question and I can't wait to dive into it for you. But before we dive into all of the goodness of today, I want to just share with you a very exciting announcement. So if you have been a long term supporter here of the podcast or listen to me for the last couple of years, you will know that my signature and only bestselling manifestation course, attract alignment abundance, is my absolute heart's joy.I created this program three years ago now, if you can believe, and every year it just gets bigger, it gets better, and guess what it is happening this year again. It only happens once a year, so now is the time to join us, and the doors to attract alignment abundance are open now. So if you are ready to clear blocks and resistance, align with abundance, and attract your dream reality in 21 days, yes, you heard right, 21 days, then I have the course just for you. So if you're ready to transform your life in just 21 days, you heard right.My signature 21 day manifestation course, attract alignment abundance, is back for the final time live. So I've done it live for the past two intakes. But this time we're still doing it live, but this is the last time that it will be live. From next year, it will transition into a digital course. And it will still exist.You still get lifetime access. We're still going to launch it. It's not going anywhere. But this is the final time to do it live with me. So now really is the time to join us. And it promises to be the biggest, best one yet.We've added so many amazing things to the course this year, including a live Q&A with me as well. So halfway through the course, you'll be able to ask me your burning questions, anything that's come up for you, get tailored coaching advice specifically for you and your blocks. I don't offer this anywhere else. So you are in for an absolute treat with all the bonusesand all the special stuff that we have added to the container this year. And if you've done the course with us before, then don't forget you get lifetime access. You can just log in and join along with us all from the 3rd of June. So join me and your fellow spiritual queens on Monday the 3rd of June, 24 for three expansive weeks together. We're going to be magnetizing your desires,supercharging your manifestations and attracting aligned abundance. And no matter where you are on your manifestation journey, this program will help you understand and enhance your knowledge and abilities, connect with yourself, and create huge shifts and breakthroughs quickly so you can experience abundance and joy daily. So how much is it cost?I hear you ask, 99 pounds. Yes, that's it, 99 pounds. And you can even pay in three with Klarna ORG at the checkout if you want to break that payment down. But yes, you get early bird access to the payment price of £99 until the 27th of May. After the 27th of May,it goes up to the usual price of 149, which is still an absolute steal for everything you get in there, plus lifetime access. So what can you expect over these 21 days? So you get 21 daily bite-sized topics, including a 10 to 15-minute training video and an affirmation for the day from myself to embody the overarching theme. So every day has a different theme,which goes into week one's theme of attract, week two's theme of alignment, and week three's theme of abundance. You get three deeply healing and transformational meditations to accompany each week'soverall theme as well. So if you enjoy my meditations, believe it, they go even deeper and even better in this course. And you have an extensive over 100 page PDF workbook fully editable to help guide you each day and complete your tasks with ease. You also have two live bonus calls with me to open and close this beautiful manifestation container together where I'll give you extra tips and tools for your journey of course replays for all these calls I mentioned will be available as well and you get a digital certificate upon successful completion of the course because who doesn't love a certificate? We all love acertificate so you get a certificate too and you get access to all of the course content connect with fellow members and myself and access forum topics on the go via our own exclusive app so you can access the course via mobile desktop or tablet however and wherever and whenever you want to access it you can plus if you sign up today with us you'll also access my law of attraction basics280.80. So if you're coming to this course with very little law of attraction knowledge, it doesn't matter. Obviously, that's my jobto guide you through that in the course, but you also get this Law of Attraction Basics bundle, which will help you to understand and grasp the basics and fundamentals of manifesting to support the work that we're doing in the container as well. But even if you're a season pro manifesting, it's still great to recap those basics and almost hit that reset button. And that's what this course really is. We're hitting that mid-year reset button and we're tapping into joy, tapping into alignment and raising our vibration with this 21 day container. And you'll also haveyour very own tree donated and planted in our spiritual queen grove in the Scottish Highlands LOC. So I work with trees for life and every single person, I think we've got over 210 trees at this moment of recording the podcast. So there'll probably be even more by the time this episode goes live. But over the last few years, I've also, for every member who has joined attract a limeand abundance, I've been donating a tree in the Scottish Highlands LOC to be planted. So the abundance that we create in our course is given back to Mother Earth to create even more abundance for everybody to enjoy. And a lot of people who did my free challenge last week said how that was their favourite bonus of them all. And to be honest, it is a really lovely special part of the course and it's beautiful to see our Grove LOC grow and everyone have their tree with their name on. So we do thatfor every single person who signs up as well. So it's time to turn that vision board into reality and live an aligned life full of joy, fulfillment and abundance. So will you be joining us? This promises to be an amazing and expansive 21 days together. It is my absolute favorite course to run. It is my only really big law of attraction course. If there was one thing that I would say,this is the thing to do. It is attract alignment abundance. So if you're ready to hit that reset button, you're ready to tap into joy. You're ready to raise your vibes. And you're ready to manifest and magnetize your deepest desires over these 21 days, then I've got the perfect treat for you thisJune. So we kickstart from the 3rd of June and I will put a handy link in the description below for you to be able to come and say yes and join us. You can also find it on my website, Undercourses attract alignment abundance. But I can't wait to see there. I'm so excited for all of the people who have said yes already from the free five days to alignment and joy challenge. Thank you so much to everyone who joined me. We had nearly 2,000 people join us in that free challenge, which was just the ultimate. Oh my God, it was just so much fun.It was amazing vibes, amazing energy. I'm just so lucky and grateful that I have the most amazing community that I get to connect with in these free challenges. And I'm so excited for the fun to continue in Attract Alignment Abundance from the 3rd of June. We're going to have the most amazing time. So I look forward to seeing you all there. But shall we get to our topic of today? Here you ask, because you're probably like, this is great, Emma PERSON.I'm going to say yes, so I'm trying to find out of abundance. But I'm here for the podcast topic of the day. So I had a wonderful question from Kate McCabe PERSON. I think we've had a lot of Kate PERSON's questions on this podcast as well. There are always so many great questions.But basically, she asked me in my Sunday Q&A, and I knew that I had to do an episode on this, just because of how deep I wanted to go with this topic and share with you lots of different ways to look at this. But Kate PERSON asked, how do you know when to scale up your manifestations, so your larger manifestations, i.e. next leveling.Do you just say I want to impact a million people, or you say I want to impact 100, then a thousand, 10,000, etc. I feel like I set financial targets which are impactful but a bit redundant. Do I double them or just no ceiling, i.e. monthly checks. Great question, Kate PERSON. Thank you so much for your wonderful question. I love this because it's all very well as manifesting the things that we want to manifest into our life, but there will come a time where you're ready to hit that next level.You're ready to be like, okay, I've hit that target, I've hit that go, I've hit that income level, and actually I want to maybe look at the next level. And there's multiple ways we can look at this through income, finance, through career progression, through, I was going to say even like children, like having your first childand when are you ready to go to your next child, maybe. You know, there's so many different ways, or dogs or whatever books maybe. When is it next time to, you know, when is it right to write the next book? You know, there's so many different avenuesand areas and manifestations that can absolutely fall into this area of upleveling. And I'm going to come at it from a viewpoint of up leveling as a whole and then also like scaling your manifestations and hitting that next tier and hitting that next level. Because I think there's so much goodness to share in each of these areas that all together, this is what you need to know. This is the fundamentals of upleveling and scaling. And I think there's so many important things to consider in this process, which is going toreally help people if maybe they've been feeling stuck or you're like, am I ready to hit that next level? I don't even know. So this is going to be ultimate podcast to share with you how to know when is the right time and what that process looks like. So first of all, a great place to start is hitting your original goal. So say for instance, you know when you're ready to up level and you know you're ready to scale that manifestation when you've hit the original goal. So if you haven't hit the original goal, there's a slightly different approach I'm going to getto in a second that needs to happen before you scale an up level. So if you have, say, we'll just pluck a figure. If you were like, I want to have a £5,000 month, for example, of income, or have 100 sign-ups to something or whatever, whatever the figure or the goal is, the metric, right? If you have hit that, then you've hit your original goal and then you can start to process and feel grateful and enjoy and be present with that goal. And then when the time feels right, you can then say, right, what feels an alignment here and now?What is that next level for me and what feels good? And what's really important to witness here is that you're not going into the manic manifesting spiral here because manifesting is not about just how much stuff can I get. You know, I've hit 5K, I've hit 10K, I've hit 15K, what's next? More, more, more, more, more. We do not want to get into that toxic cycle of more because ultimately, and again, this is going to be different for everyone,but ultimately, are you fulfilled? Is hitting those revenue goals or whatever goal it is, maybe it's not even money related, is that actually fulfilling you? Is that hitting that sweet spot for you? Or are you trying to hit thatnext goal, next up level scaling? Because actually you thought that that money or whatever it is was going to bring you joy or fulfillment and actually now you've hit it, you realize, hmm, maybe I don't feel that feeling that I thought I was going to get. So I'll just aim for more and the next goal and the next level until you reach a whole heap of unfulfillment and realize, okay, none of this money, none of this stuff, none of whatever it is has brought me joy. So what is the secret? What have I been searching for or seeking that these levels and no matter how much I achieve and no matter how much I do, it's just not quitehitting that sweet spot. So it's really important to witness if you are manic manifesting here and if for instance you are striving for more or wanting to upscale, up level, want more from a space of lack or are you wanting it and seeking it from a place of fulfillment and gratitude and feeling like I have the most abundant, amazing cake in the whole world and that extra money or that extra thing would just be a really nice cherry on top of that already fulfilled and yummy cake.So look at where you are on that scale and look at how that feels because ultimately, if you are setting new levels and upscaling and up leveling and wanting more from that unfulfilled space, no matter how much you manifest, no matter how much you set that intention and keep going, you're never going to get what you think you're going to get out of it. And I speak from absolute experience here. Hence why I wrote positively wealthy, because I'd hit all these income goals, manifested everything of my vision board and I was so deeply unfulfilled. I was like, what the fuck is wrong here? What have I done?Like I'm this manifestation teacher. I've manifested all this stuff. I'm really good at manifesting. But oh my gosh, that void, that lack, that unfulfillment is still there. Hence why positively wealthy was birthed and created. And now my manifesting experiences are so different. So for me, I hit huge income goals. I've been trying to hit for years last year and this year. And for me, hitting those income goals and the kind of feeling, it was more the feeling that I hit as well as obviously the physical of the financial goal,um, felt so, so great that I was like, I don't want to push this. I don't want to rush this. Like, I'm not just going to strive for the next tier and the next bit and the next goal.Like, why? Like, I've worked so hard to be here. I want to enjoy here and feel stable and comfortable. And feel just grounded in this amazing manifestation that I have worked so hardto bring into my life, you know, through the inner work, through obviously work as well, because it came through my work. So, you know, I wanted to just be really deeply present with it and not just jump to the next goal and be like, great next or thank you next, as Heronogrande PERSON says, you know, it's like, no, the universe has blessed me with this abundance and I have worked really hard for this and I'm so grateful for this. So why wouldn't I just be so deeply present? And I didn't automatically feel cool to go for the next level andkeep pushing and pushing and pushing because that's the divine masculine energy. And really last year for me was such a divine feminine year in so many ways, plus the inner work that had come up for me that I didn't want to keep pushing. I didn't want to be forcing myself to perform, achieve, hit that next goal because that was not the freaking energy that I was in at all. Whereas now, obviously, feeling more balanced into that divine masculine energy again and feeling, you know, centered between both energies. I witnessed that actually this year I feel ready to start looking towards that next goaland exploring what that looks and feels like, not from a place of control where I'm forcing myself to achieve that this year or I have to achieve it that year, I have to see that growth, more from a curiosity space of, okay, let's play with that new figure. Let's play with that new level. And how does that look for me? How is that going to feel for me? And actually, am I ready to step into that yet? Does that feel good to step into that identity and that energy yet? Or am I still happy with the level that I'm at at the moment? And I think, you know, a lot of peoplewould probably say, well, Emma PERSON, you should always be striving for more. And I don't agree with that. I really don't because everybody's version of wealth and everybody's version of manifest, you know, manifesting is going to be so different, right? Not every single person on this, on this planet is going to want to manifest a million pounds, a billion pounds, or whatever it is, right? Every single person is different. And listening to my alignment and listening to what resonates with me in this season of my life is the biggest and best indicator that I or you could use to know when is the righttime. So for me, I'm not pushing. I'm not forcing. I'm effortlessly aligning and attracting and magnetizing that to me through curiosity, through playing with things, through exploring because I don't want to push, push, push with this, because I did that before and that did not feel good. So now I've broken through that huge ceilingthat I had with my income for, I think it was like a year or two, I was trying to break through that. I want to enjoy this space now and really soak it up to align with effortless manifesting. And this is what I talk about in Aligned Amundance WORK_OF_ART, my next book that is coming out in April next year, of making it easy, not having to be such hard work all the time and not having it to be this whole like big thing that, you know, we work towards and we unblocked because I've done so much work around money mindset and those levels. And as Denise Duffel Thomas PERSON says, new level, new devils.So of course, the problems don't disappear as you hit those new income levels as you hit those new points in your life. Milestones, you know, it doesn't even have to be money focused here, even milestones in your life. It's not that those problems disappear and that millionaires never have unexpected bills or never have any issues. Just you have different resources. You have different things accessible to you, different knowledge and awareness, because obviously you've done the work,you've, you know, educated yourself, you've aligned with that reality. So you just have different resources and things accessible to you, but you still have things that happen, life still happens, it's just different for every season of your life, which is the same for every manifestation and any way of looking at life. So yeah, I did not want to push or force or rush this next level because I really wanted to be intentional with it and I wanted to be really focused on how I wanted this new level to feel rather than look or necessarily, yeah, like look in terms of like a figure,but I was more focused on how it felt and how the manifestation process felt in achieving that next level. So all of that is if you are feeling ready and feeling in that place to look at the next level or look at the next income or, you know, look at that next milestone in your life or that next journey for you. But if you have set a financial goal or whatever goal, you know, there's so many different things it could be. It doesn't just have to be money,but money seems to be the easiest thing or example to fit in this example here. So if you were someone who has set a manifestation or you've set a financial manifestation and you have not achieved that yet, I would not be going bigger.I would not be forcing yourself. I would not be forcing yourself because you're not a vibrational match for the level that you're even seeking right now. So again, you know, everybody's different. You might think actually expanding it does feel amazing and having no ceiling and just like letting it be what it needs to be. And there is some truth to that. There is some like great tools to that because actually we shouldn't limit ourselves. So sometimes we can actually limit ourselves by saying,well, I won't only want to manifest 10,000 pounds this, you know, month or year or whatever. And actually the universe might be like, well, you think 10,000. But hey, I've got 20,000 here for you. And if you only unblocked yourself and opened up to all possibilities, you would see that this huge amount of money is ready to come and is waiting for you, but you're limiting and capping yourself by thinking that only 10,000 pounds can come to you. So there is that to consider, of course. So you don't want to restrict yourself and if you feel like you are restricting yourself and not being open to all possibilities, then yes, absolutely. You need to look at that and need to work with thatto be able to be open to all possibilities and flexible with your approach. But if that figure or milestone or whatever feels scary or feels unattainable or unachievable, there's definitely some work that needs to be done here. And especially when it comes to money, this is the best advice that I can give you. So for instance, I had a client who was trying to manifest, I think it was like £6,000 or something for a holiday with her family. And £6,000 felt like a huge amount of money to manifest. She did not feel good in it.It was a huge amount. She'd never like manifested that level of money before. So she came to me obviously to have help with that. And I said to her, I said, okay, when do you need to manifest this six thousand pounds by? And she said, I think we got about six months to pay it off the holiday. And I said, okay, great. There's only one thousand pounds a month. So I said, how does manifesting a thousand pounds a month sound to you? And she said, oh my God, it's like our weight's being lifted, Emma PERSON. Like, that is so much more believable. Absolutely, I could achieve that. Yes, 100%. That's a yes. And I was like, see,we've not done any like, you know, magic ear. We've not done anything wild or crazy. We've literally just broken it down. That's it. We've just broken it down into a figure that feels achievable and attainable to your subconscious mind. And did she go and manifest it? Of course she did. Because she had that believable figure in her mind, which then instantly made it believable for her. Now, for the law of attraction to work, we need to believe it to some degree. So you need to believe that the money that you want to manifest or the desire you want to manifestis believable to some degree for it to manifest into your life. And obviously going through the manifestation process and working on step two of believe, looking at those limiting beliefs, fears, blocks, resistance, absolutely then helps to supercharge you down that process into manifesting your desire. So there could be some inner work to look at here that probably most definitely is. And also identities and looking at are you a vibrational match? So are you walking your talk and being the version of yourself who hasthat next level of income? He was experiencing that money, experiencing that new milestone, that up-leveling. So there's lots of different things it could be along that process. But I would start off with step two of limiting beliefs and fears because it tends to be the sticking point right at the beginning. Now, you could simplify your financial goal if it hasn't been feeling good for you so far or feel scary or unattainable for you. So like that example I gave with the holiday, you could simply just break it down, simplify it. And that could help you tofeel a whole ton better in itself instantly. So there's that to look at. But also it's looking at is that goal in alignment for you? So the goals, the aspirations, the dreams, the intentions that you set in January here in May now, do they still feel an alignment to you? Does that goal of manifesting 10,000 pounds, whatever? Does it still feel in alignment? Does that feel an alignment to your soul? Does it feel good to you to still manifest that? And it's really important to be honest with yourself, because if it's a no, then you'retrying to manifest something that isn't even an alignment for you. So of course it's not manifesting. Maybe you feel like actually it's up-leveled a little bit. I want to go for more. And that's okay too. There's no...A lot can happen in the next three years.

Speaker 31558.16s - 1585.88s

Like a chatbot, maybe your new best friend. But what won't change? Needing health insurance. United Healthcare ORG tri-term medical plans are available for these changing times. Underwritten by Golden Rule Insurance Company ORG, they offer budget-friendly, flexible coverage for people who are in between jobs or missed open enrollment. The plans lastnearly three years in some states, with access to a nationwide network of doctors and hospitals. So for whatever tomorrow brings, UnitedHealthcare ORG tri-term medical plans may be for you. Learn more at at ORG.

Speaker 01585.88s - 1615.1s

At Air Products ORG, we are generating a cleaner, more sustainable future. At the heart of this journey lies clean hydrogen, the key to decarbonizing heavy transportation and industry. For over three decades, Air Products has been a trusted partner right here in California. With 10 hydrogen plants, an extensive pipeline network, and multiple hydrogen refueling stations, we're at the forefront of innovation, making significant strides for air quality improvement. Visit air slash radio to learn more.

Speaker 41615.72s - 1645.6s

Many of us have those stubborn pounds that seem impossible to lose, no matter how good we eat or how hard we work out. My solution is PlushCare. Plush Care ORG is a leading telehealth provider with doctors who are there for you day and night to partner with you in your weight loss journey. They can prescribe FDA ORG-approved weight loss medications like Wagovi and Zepp Pound PRODUCT for those who qualify.Plus, they accept most insurance plans. To get started, visit ORG slash weight loss. That's ORG slash weight loss. That's slash weight loss.

Speaker 11647.66s - 3147.82s

Right or wrong with this. It's just about being honest with yourself and tuning in and tapping into what feels good to you, your body and your nervous system here in this season of your life. So tweak your goals as necessary. Up level them. You know, simplify them. Break it down. This is exactly like affirmations. If an affirmation doesn't feel a six or above on the scale of belief, do not work with it. Simplify the affirmation to meet your beliefs where they are right now so that, you know,to give you an example, if it was like, I'm a millionaire and that feels like a zero on the scale, then you could say, I feel positively wealthy with money. And that feels like a six or a seven on the scale. So you would work with that affirmation until it's a nine or a ten. And you'd simply upgrade those affirmations as you go until you reach that. I'm a millionaire, whatever the statement is. And it feels a six or above on the scale. So that is how you work with belief. That's how you work with affirmations. That's how you work with upleveling your mindset and reaching those new levels.Now, there's multiple ways to do it. Affirmations are not just the only way to do it, but there's a simple exercise that you can do around belief and beliefs, etc. That can help you to start stepping into that new level and up-leveling your mindset and your belief systems around that. So look at re-evaluate, does the goal still feel in alignment?Simplify if necessary. But yes, I certainly, if it was me personally, I wouldn't be up-leveling my manifestations or my milestones or what I want to aim for until I'd hit where I wanted to be originally. Because unless it felt like a huge hell yes to do so, for me I found that you really have to build that belief in increments and hitting those mini milestones will build that solid, consistent belief.It will build that energetic momentum where you each level, you're like, yep, I believe it, yep, I believe it. Instead of just going for the huge goal and feeling like, oh my gosh, that feels like, yep, I believe it. Yep, I believe it. Instead of just going for the huge goal and feeling like, oh my gosh, that feels like so far fetch. That does not feel close to me at all. I feel like personally, as a very practical Virgo, breaking it down into those little segments really helps me to, one, get there quicker because I see the progress more consistently,but also it helps to build my belief system and my belief mindset quicker because I'm hitting those goals and I'm like, see, I'm doing it, I'm manifesting, I'm getting there, and then I get to that bigger goal so much quicker because it feels more easy and attainable.And one thing that I really looked at when I was looking at these ceilings and these blocks that I was hitting with that next level in my income was actually why I was trying to these ceilings and these blocks that I was hitting with that next level in my income was actually why I was trying to manifest that money, right? Now you'd probably think, Emma PERSON, surely you would know your why.And I did at the beginning when I set that, you know, a few years prior. But at that moment in time, I was so focused on the frustration or potential lack of like, you know, like, why is that not where it should be? Like, it just doesn't add up that I wasn't focusing on my why. So when I took the focus off the figure and when I took the focus of having to achieve that and was like, okay, what if I never achieved that in my life?What was if I just stayed at this level for the rest of my life? Would I be happy? And I was like, yeah, I would. Like, I've achieved so much already. Like, I'm able to pay all my bills with ease. Like, everything feels amazing in my life. Like, yeah, it'd actually be okay. Like, nothing bad would happen. And yeah, like, I don't put my success or validation on a figure because that's wild. Why would I do that?I put it on how I feel and the service and the experience that I have in my work and how it helps people. Like, no, a figure means nothing. So as soon as I tapped back into that and tapped back into my why of why I even wanted to manifest that and why it was even important to do so, and actually it wasn't that important to do so, and it didn't matter if it happened or not, i.e. the cherry on top of the cake, guess what happened very quickly? Oh yes, I hit it, and I've hit it consistently every singlemonth since, and that was a block for years. So it just proves that knowing your why and tuning back into your why is so important because actually as I came to realize in this process it wasn't the money that I wanted at all it had nothing to do with money it was about how I wanted to feel it was about what that level represented for me and very often it's never about the money with money manifestation in particular it's never about the money it's about what you perceive the money. With money manifestation in particular, it's never about the money.It's about what you perceive the money to bring into your life. What opportunities or feelings or emotions you think or experiences that money will give you. So actually focusing on your why and focusing on that of what you think it's going to give you or the feelings, the emotions, the freedom, whatever it is, is so much more important because then you know your why, okay, I'm manifesting that money to have more time freedom maybe, or I'm manifesting that money to be able to support my family more, whatever it is. It gives you that why and that focus and that's how you hit that next level, not by focusing on the figure,not by forcing, not by controlling, but by knowing your why and grounding and rooting into that, how can your manifestation positively impact the collective too? So it's not just about yourself. It's not just about the money that you manifest or whatever the desire, whatever the level. How can your desire positively impact the collective too? And when you again tap into awareness of outside of yourself and how your desires are positively impact the collective too. And when you, again, tap into awareness of outside of yourself and how your desires are positively impacting the collective all of the time,again, you ground back into that why, you ground back into why you're doing this and it effortlessly aligns with you because you're in alignment with your true core values and your why. So to go back more into Kate PERSON's question where she says, you know, when do I know is the right time? The simplest, shortest answer to that is you will know in your soul, like I shared earlier. You will know when it feels right for you to take that next level, take that next step and align with the next level season of your life. You know, you will know and it willfeel effortless. It will not feel force. It will not feel controlled. And if you're trying to do it and it feels like, oh, I feel like it's rigid or I feel like it's sticking, that's not to say that you shouldn't aim for that next level because maybe the intention itself does feel an alignment, but maybe there's a new block that's come up or, you know, new level, new devil, you know, at that level, there's something to work through. So if it generally feels like the right season in your life to work towards that, then go for it. Go for it. But do not manic manifest and do not jump into the hamster wheel of manifesting where it's likenext, next, next, next, next, next. Because again, what are you seeking in there? What are you actually seeking? Is it the money or is it something else? Now, in terms of the specific question that Kate has asked around, do you just say I want to impact a million people or say I want to impact 100, then 1,000, then 10,000? I think there's two ways to look at this. I've seen people who have said like, I want to impact a billion people with my work. I want to impact a million people with my work. Now, if that is their general belief system and they believe that their work can do that, for example, go for it. Put it on your bio, do it whatever you want to do. Now, for me, I guess I do have somewhat of a go around that, but I'm not someone who uses in their branding. My goal is to impact a million people and change their lives of manifesting. I keep it open. I'm like, why would I limitmyself? So universe, as you know, my goal is to help and impact as many people as possible to understand the law of attraction and actually manifest their desires into their life. That is my goal. If that's a million, two billion, five million, five people, ten people, it doesn't matter. Whoever is meant to hear this podcast episode will. Whoever's meant to read my books will. I don't have to force or control that. You know, the right people are going to find that. So again, there's two ways to look at it. If it feels good to you to set a specific goal,and again, I'm using that as a very broad brush of creating something, which I see a lot of coaches use. But, you know, if you generally want to write that as your mission statement or your why of like, I want to impact X amount of people and it feels good to do that, absolutely do it. But if you are someone who is, and again, like it wouldn't really sound that great to put on your buyer, I want to impact 100 people with like this. Like it's probably not the most impactful from a marketing perspective. So maybethat's just your personal goal. But I would say it all depends on your belief system. So just like I explained earlier, if you feel that it feels attainable and believable and achievable to put a million people, do it. If it feels believable to put 10,000 people, but not a million right now, then do it. Like, you know yourself best. And again, hitting those regular goals builds that regular container and magnetism to abundance, but also it builds your belief level. If you are starting off at the bottom, say you start off zero followers, zero money, zero everythingin your business. We'll use this as an example here. And then you're like, I'm going to impact a million people and 50,000 pounds every single month, you're going to be like, whoa, I'm here and that's all the way up here. But if you were like, I'm going to impact 100 people single month, you're going to be like, whoa, I'm here and that's all the way up here. But if you were like, I'm going to impact 100 people this month and I'm going to earn £1,000 this month and meet your mindset where you are, you're more likely to hit that in that timescale and then be like, right, I know that that is achievable. I've done it. I've seen the evidence. So I know it is possible. And I'm in that like frequency and vibration to receive that and do it again month in, month out. So then thesecond month, you're like, okay, I'm going to impact 500 people this month and I'm going to manifest two thousand pounds this month. Boom, done. And I think for me personally, again, this could be different for everybody. but I build my belief and attain things and manifesting so much quicker when I see those little results day in, day out, week in, week out, and I see that momentum and I see that growth building. I know from myself, when I've set huge outlandish goals that, you know, do feel aligned for me to set, like I tune inand I'm like, okay, we'll go for it. Sometimes I hear it. Sometimes I don't. And I don't judge myself if I don't hit it in that 30 day mark, for example. I will just say, okay, why did I feel cool to set that? Is that desire still there? And actually this month, how can I break it down into a simplified goal or a simplified whatever that does feel more believable and achievable. So then I started, instead of doing big leaps, just do gradual leaps of like 1,000 every single month, like just kept, you know, not money, but this was in terms of my listens for the podcast. Like I had this huge goal forages and I just wasn't hitting it. So I thought, right, break it down. Every month, we're just going to grow by another thousand listens, another 2,000 listens, another 5,000 listens. And I was hitting that every single month. So the goal was still the same. The goal, the end goal had not changed of X amount of lessons a month or X amount of whatever. All that had changed was my mindset and how I was achieving that. That's all that changed. So I just broke it down into monthly growth, like seeing that growth every single month. Like, you know, I didn't want to see no growth and then just see a huge growth six months later. You know, I wanted consistency. And that's one thing that I've really managed to nail in my life. And my friends often say this to me, like Emma PERSON, you do not give yourself enough credit for how consistent your results are in your business, in your life, in your money, in everything. And I look at that now as mysuperpower of actually, my friends are right. I don't want big highs, big lows, big drops all over the place because I see a lot of people who have huge income months and then nothing and then, you know, it's all over the place. It's all up and down, up and down, very uncertain. Whereas the one thing that I have managed to nail in my business and life from day one of running this spiritual business is consistency every single month, hitting consistency, growing consistently. And it may not be at the, should we say, rapid or as quicklyas sometimes I would have hoped, but actually now looking back over my journey, I'm like, oh my God, I'm so glad that didn't happen. And I'm so glad that little by little, every single month, growth, growth, growth, not these huge unpredictable spikes and anything that I couldn't handle, for example, you know, it's felt good to my nervous system and everything consistently grows month and month out without fail. And I sometimes think that is so much better. And I know now through my own experience that that's so much better for me personally than having all theunpredictability that I know so many business owners have or coaches or whatever like consistency don't don't bash it because actually who wouldn't want consistency who wouldn't want consistent months so you know I used to look at my monthly income in the business and be like oh but I want to grow it to this when actually I wasn't looking at my quarterly total and my yearly total. And when I added everything up and I have this whole spreadsheet of like everything broken down into quarters yearly per product per service and doing that transformed everything for mebecause I was looking at one blank figure a month of I've brought home this much this month when actually when I looked at the whole year picture I was like oh fuck Emma PERSON you're fine like you've hit every goal so just because that month may not look the most abundant to you don't write it off don't write the whole year of this year's going to be like not good or I'm not going to hit my goal because actually when I looked at my quarter one quarter two quarter three quarter four I was like Emma PERSON just becauseyou have a like month that maybe wasn't as expected look at the quarter you've smashed it you've smashed your goal look at the year you've smashed it out the ballpark so I think we're all quite guilty of sometimes and I know this podcast is going on a whole income tangent now, but, you know, we're guilty of looking at one month and being like, oh, I didn't hit that or I didn't do that. But I look at my consistency and I look at breaking those goals down and actually the consistent growth I have and I'm like, you've got nothing to worry about her. You have got nothing to worry about because if your business and whatevercontinue to just get stronger and stronger and stronger in this consistent way, some people only dream of that in their businesses. So I want to really promote consistency to you and that actually sometimes those big, massive leaps can happen and do happen and I highly advise setting them if it feels good to you, because it does happen too. But actually, don't underestimate the power of consistent growth. Don't underestimate the power of those small habits day in, day out, that equal big results.Because I talk about it with joy. I talk about, I talk about it with consistency in your manifesting practice, for example, of it's not about just going all guns blazing, gun ho, jump straight in and like have these big wins because you'll have that big come down straight away afterwards. Consistency builds strength. Consistency builds consistency. And consistency builds regular abundance, regular manifesting and regular growth. So don't underestimate the power of the dailythings that you do, the small micro things that you do every day because they are equaling the bigger results. Don't underestimate those small moments and pockets of joy that you have, just the simplest, smallest thing, because that adds up to the full picture of joy and fulfillment in your life. People think that fulfillment or joy or whatever is, consistency is these big ass things that you do. And I can tell you, it is not. It is those small things that build into the bigger habits, that build into the big shift and changes inyour life. So consistency is something very positive to aim for and consistency and growth too. So in terms of answering Kate PERSON's question as I wrap up, do I double them or just no ceiling? It's totally up to you. I think energetically we have to have that no ceiling approach just like I do with like, you know, the whole I want an impact statement. You know, that's just a idea plucked there. But yeah, I feel like you need to be open to having no ceiling, but then also meeting yourself of where you're at right now. So if having no ceiling is like, whoa, that gives meno direction, that gives me no focus, that feels totally unbelievable. Then your subconscious, your mind needs that little practical, just goal, simplified to reach that next level. So just like I did with the podcast example here, increments every single month, just going up small amounts. But again, I was like, totally believable, totally believable and achievable. And every month I was hitting it. So instantly in my mind, I was like, totally achievable to go to the next level and the next level and the next level. But energetically, I had no ceilingof what if the podcast was going to get 10,000 more listeners this month? Great. I'm open to that too. But I'm setting myself that goal, not to keep myself small, not to be like, I can't manifest more because I know I can. But it's more about just setting those consistent goals so that I get there quicker, that I see that growth and I see myself manifesting every goddamn week, every day, every month. So long answer short, it's what feels good for you, which is my answer to most things here on this podcast. But I hope there's been a lot in this that has helped you to know when is the right time. You're going to knowit's the right time, but the way it feels is going to feel natural and the right time. And please, whatever your desire is, whatever your milestone, whatever season of your life you're going into, celebrate your manifestations. I could honestly do a whole podcast on that in itself of do not underestimatethe power of being present, the power of being grateful and still with your desires, because you have worked hard. You have brought those amazing desires into your life. Why would you not want to celebrate them? You know, it's like a present. If a friend gives you a present and you're like, great next. Yep, what's the next one? He'd be like, oh my God, freaking ungrateful. I've just gone out,brought you that present. I've put so much thought into it. And you can't even care. You just want the next one. That is how the universe would see us if we were like, great, next, great next. Ooh, next one. Like, no, be grateful. You went on a journey to align and embody that desire. And that is so worth gratitude and appreciation. So be still, be present in this season of your life. If you don't feel cool to manifest anything new, don't panic.I get asked this question all of the time of, I don't know what to manifest. I feel like I should be focusing on the next thing and everyone's manifesting stuff and I'm not. So what? That's comparison.So what? What if this season of your life is actually just freaking enjoying everything that you've manifested and not having to strive for the next thing and not having to push for the next thing? Because divine feminine, divine masculinity exists, Ying PERSON and Yang, the law of polarity. So not every single day are we going to feel like setting new intentions. Not every single month. Are we going to be working towards something hugeor manifesting something huge? Because actually, maybe you're just really taking the time to enjoy the fruits of your labour, to enjoy the abundance that you have in your life. And maybe it's about enjoying that cake, not just adding to it. You know, imagine if you were baking a cake and you were so excited to eat the cake and you was so excited to have this cake and you just kept adding and adding and adding, oh, I think it needs more sprinkles, it needs another cherry, it needs more icing. Eventually, you'd get hungryand eventually be like, I just want to frickin' eat this cake. Eat your cake, everybody. Enjoy the view. Eat the cake. Life is for eating the cake too. Not just creating a pretty cake to look at, for everybody to look at and say, look at my amazing cake. You need to eat the cake too. You need to eat that delicious cake and reap the rewards of your manifestation work and abundance and blessings. So you will know when it's the right time to focus on the next thing. And manic manifesting will get you nowhere. Read positively wealthy.I was pointing the wrong way. Read I'm on camera WORK_OF_ART for the podcast. Read positively wealthy. Honestly, like read positively wealthy and that will help you to redefine your version of wealth and show you that manic manifesting only ever leads to more lack, more disappointment, more unfulfillment and seeking more outside of yourself. If you were seeking external validation or external stuff, you will literally never feel fulfilled. You have to fill yourself with whatever it is that you are looking for first to become that energetic, magneticvibration to manifest your desire. And I will leave you with this quote before this goes on for a million hours. Needing nothing attracts everything. Let me say that again. Needing nothing attracts everything. So eat your cake, enjoy your cake, enjoy the fruits of your labor. And when it feels right, you're going to know when it's the perfect time to up level, step into that new season of your life and, you know, work towards that next level, but have fun. Explore. Explore it. Every new level can feel different and be different for you. It doesn't all lookthe same. I can definitely say that from experience. So have more fun with it. How can this next level be even more fun and even more easy and effortless for you? There's something to play with. So play with that. Play is so great for the inner child, but so great for the manifesting process as well. Don't make it rigid.Don't make it boring. Like, don't make it soul destroying of like, I must reach this goal. Have fun. Have fun every single day. Have fun trying new things and seeing what works,seeing what fits because that is, you know, Joy is the ultimate creator at the end of the day. So that is what creates that momentum for more to come into your life. The more fun you're having, the more joy you're having, the more you will be that natural magnet and, you know, in that vibration to manifest even more to you without even having to try. So I hope that answers your question, Kate PERSON. Thank you so much for your wonderful question. I appreciate it. And I hope for everybody listening, this has helped. I know it's been a big money focus, but please absolutely apply it to any milestone in your lifeor career level or season of your life that you are working towards. But let me know your thoughts on this. What do you think? Has this resonated with you if you're on Spotify ORG? There is a Q&A little box below where you can fill in and let me know your thoughts and you can read everybody else's. If you're not on Spotify ORG, then message me at I am Emma Mumford on Instagram ORG and let me know. Are you going to be trying some of these tips that I've shared? Did this resonate with you? And did you need the reminder of enjoying yourcake today? Because I think we all need that reminder every now and again. And it's important to be in the present moment because that's the only place that you can receive your desires. And don't forget as well, if you want to dive more into amazing topics just like this, you can come and join me in attract alignment abundance like I spoke about in the beginning of the episode. The link is below. We start on June the 3rd.Come and align with abundance, release those blocks and have so much fun with us. I would love to see you there. But thank you so much gorgeous souls for listening. I appreciate all your views and listens. Don't forget to subscribe if you're new here because I would love, love to see you again soon. Don't forget you can also join my free Law of Attraction Support Group over on Facebook ORG where you can join myself and other like-minded souls where we talkabout all things, law of attraction and spirituality. I hope you have the most amazing week, whatever you are up to, and I'll see you all in my next podcast episode, which will be next week. Lots of love. At Air Products ORG, we are generating a cleaner, more sustainable future.

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