464: The FIRST Star Wars Expanded Universe Story - Marvel Comics

464: The FIRST Star Wars Expanded Universe Story - Marvel Comics

by Richard and Sarah Woloski

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About This Episode

84:36 minutes

published 17 days ago

American English


Speaker 40s - 5.66s

The following feature presentation is part of the Skywalking Network ORG. Skynet PERSON.

Speaker 68.18s - 17.54s

I think we should record and get this party started. This is what you can look forward to on episode 464 of Skywalking through Neverland.

Speaker 418.08s - 23.68s

The fact that this beat out like every other adult novel, that's saying something.

Speaker 624.08s - 31.58s

Now, I do have to say that as we go through these issues, you can really tell that these comics are written by a bunch of men in the 70s.

Speaker 432.12s - 39.1s

Every midi-chlorian in our old body is just going to go, whoo? I said Han and Chewy PERSON. Where's Chewy? Who is that?

Speaker 540.6s - 42.24s

I do not expect us to go this way.

Speaker 442.72s - 46.64s

What are your impressions of the first expanded Star Wars WORK_OF_ART story?

Speaker 547.34s - 51.3s

Uh, should have consulted with George. Are you ready?

Speaker 751.56s - 52.84s

Up to Neverland LOC.

Speaker 153.1s - 54.08s

Here we go.

Speaker 757.2s - 61.42s

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Speaker 161.76s - 64.3s

To all who come to this happy place, welcome.

Speaker 564.7s - 66.12s

Disneyland FAC is your land. When I first made Star Wars, everybody in happy place, welcome. Disneyland is your land.

Speaker 266.62s - 70.8s

When I first made Star Wars WORK_OF_ART, everybody in Hollywood said, well, this is a movie Disney ORG should have made.

Speaker 171.18s - 74.14s

You're more than just fans. Your family.

Speaker 075.72s - 77.86s

Best day ever!

Speaker 778.66s - 79.48s

Secrets were.

Speaker 079.86s - 84.24s

It's about family, and that's what's so powerful about it. Hey, hey.

Speaker 784.72s - 86.36s

You use a bird to write with.

Speaker 086.52s - 87.56s

It's called tweeting.

Speaker 788.2s - 91s

When we visit the world of Disney ORG, we never growled.

Speaker 091.46s - 95.24s

It's a Peter Pan, Never, Neverland that keeps us young in heart.

Speaker 396.24s - 104.02s

This is Jedi Master Obi-One-Kinobi, and you are skywalking through Neverland LOC. I have a good feeling about this.

Speaker 4104.74s - 137.38s

Hey, Skywalker PERSON's. Do you recall the first ever expanded Star Wars WORK_OF_ART universe story? Long before Thrawn, Mara Jade, and even Exarcoon PERSON, there was Crimson Jack, Sergei X, and Jackson PERSON. If you know, you know. And soon you will know.But first, we want to welcome you back to Skywalking through Neverland I am Richard Woloski And now everyone please say hello To my sweetie wife Sarah PERSON, the marathon girl

Speaker 6137.38s - 155.04s

Yeah, that's right I'm in training for that Halloween half marathon And I'm really kind of nervous about it. So I'm trying to be on my game because we have a real busy summer coming up. So I'm like, okay, if I can train before the summer, then it'll somehow work out that I'll be fine in September.

Speaker 4155.36s - 158.12s

You ran, what, eight miles yesterday without any problem?

Speaker 6158.3s - 170.42s

I ran eight miles yesterday, all while watching the movie, Mean Girls, the Musical WORK_OF_ART, which is a really great movie to run through. And it took all the way through the credits to get eight miles for me.

Speaker 4171.22s - 179.82s

So, but I did it. And now today my legs are like great. They're like doing good. So I'm very excited about this. So when you're running your Halloween marathon,

Speaker 6180.2s - 189.3s

normally you're going to have like your earbuds in it listening to music. Right. You can listen to monster music. But if you have that Mean Girl WORK_OF_ART soundtrack, that will motivate you.

Speaker 4189.72s - 197.84s

Well, but also the Halloween Half Marathon, when you're actually doing that, you know, there's the streets of Anaheim GPE come out to cheer you on.

Speaker 6197.84s - 198.38s

Very true.

Speaker 4198.58s - 203.9s

And it's way more inspirational and fun than like running on a treadmill, you know.

Speaker 6204.34s - 208.14s

So, but I do like running on a treadmill because I have my water right there, I got my

Speaker 4208.14s - 220.82s

sweat towel right there. And the bathrooms right there. And the bathrooms right there. Yeah. But, yeah. So I'm using the porta-potties.And a half marathon, if anyone doesn't know, is 13.1 miles. So. Needless to say, it'll be Sarah PERSON, not me.

Speaker 6221.36s - 221.82s


Speaker 4221.98s - 224.74s

I'll be cheering her on from the treadmill.

Speaker 6225.3s - 227.14s

It's true. It's very true. But you're doing very well, so... I'll be cheering her on from the treadmill. It's true. It's very true.

Speaker 4227.72s - 231.36s

But you're doing very well, so we can't wait to follow your progress.

Speaker 6231.54s - 232.26s

Yeah, I'm excited.

Speaker 4232.64s - 234.24s

We'll watch your career with great interest.

Speaker 6234.64s - 237.04s

Thank you, Palpatine PERSON. I understood that reference.

Speaker 4237.04s - 238.24s

Yes, you did. Of course you did.

Speaker 6239.32s - 245.48s

We are your enthusiastic podcast destination for the many decades of your Star Wars, Disney ORG,

Speaker 4246.04s - 254.04s

Marvel, and pop culture fandom. So it's time for your weekly wookie hug. And your little

Speaker 6254.04s - 276.38s

sprinkle of pixie dust for our family of Skywalker PERSON's. Now, we are live on the Skywalking through Neverland YouTube channel right now and on live on X and live on Twitch, wherever you want to join us and on Facebook ORG. But it really helps if you subscribe specifically to our YouTube channel.

Speaker 4276.8s - 292.2s

Which, yeah, if you, please, please subscribe and then you'll get the notifications. You'll know when we're going on at the last second. Yep. During the summertime, just to forewarn you, we'll be going on with very little notice. When I say very little notice, I mean no notice.

Speaker 8292.4s - 306.7s

And last week, we'd ask the Skywalker PERSON's, once again, can you please get us to another tier on YouTube ORG for our subscribers? And every week, we ask the Skywalker PERSON's, and they always come through. And we asked can can you

Speaker 4306.7s - 316.64s

get us to 8870 and guess what they got us there oh they did it that is exciting they got us to

Speaker 6316.64s - 323.72s

8870 okay so what do you think next week next week can you get us to 8875 let's do it

Speaker 4323.72s - 329.34s

our goal to is to get to 8,900 by...

Speaker 6329.34s - 329.94s

In two weeks.

Speaker 4330.12s - 333.14s

Comic Con Revolution, which is this weekend.

Speaker 6333.14s - 333.72s

This weekend.

Speaker 4333.92s - 342.18s

I know it's a pretty big ass to get us to 9,000 by Houston Comic Palooza, which is the weekend after that.

Speaker 6342.32s - 342.96s

But you know what?

Speaker 4343s - 343.66s

I'm putting it out there.

Speaker 6343.9s - 383.28s

So far, they haven't been letting us down. So you know what? It doesn't hurt to ask. Yeah. Well, in this episode, we break down the first ever Star Wars WORK_OF_ART expanded universe story. This was in 1977.Marvel Comics furthered their Star Wars WORK_OF_ART comic series after the immense popularity of the film, of course. And coming up, we will go over this story the immense popularity of the film, of course. And coming up, we will go over this story and reveal lots of Fetum, fast facts, and give lots of behind-the-scenes fun nuggets of information. And we will also be joined by Carrie Gordon PERSON, who is the podcast manager at Comic Palooza, and also the co-host of the Metal Geeks ORG podcast.

Speaker 4384.22s - 416.34s

All right, now, we are being sponsored by Small World Vacations ORG, and they are a diamond-level Disney Vacation Planet Travel Agency and can help you book your trip to a Disney ORG park around the world or on a cruise, a Disney ORG cruise. And best of all, this service is free, free of charge. So check it out at smallworld vacations.com for ORG a no-obligation, And best of all, this service is free, free of charge.So check it out at smallworld vacations.com for a no obligation price quote and tell them skywalking through Neverland LOC sent you. Or whisper, Skynet PERSON.

Speaker 6417s - 431.38s

Skynet PERSON. We want to hear that in the comments, everyone. Skynet PERSON. All right, we are recording this episode from Long Beach, California on May 12th, 2024. So, Richard, what happened today in Star Wars WORK_OF_ART history?

Speaker 4431.8s - 454.68s

A lot happened today in Star Wars WORK_OF_ART history. Now, I'm going to narrow it down to a couple of the book tie-ins to Return to the Jedi WORK_OF_ART. Oh, yes. The novelization by James Kahn is released this day, May 12th, 1983, 41 years ago. The nation's largest bookseller, B. Dalton ORG. Did we go to B. Dalton ORG?

Speaker 6454.98s - 457.44s

They were big back in New England LOC. I did.

Speaker 4457.44s - 463.86s

They reported that they sold more copies than any other book in the chain that the chain has ever carried.

Speaker 6464.2s - 464.5s


Speaker 4464.76s - 474.22s

That's saying something because B. Dalton ORG went back. They got a great history. And I know that Return of the Jedi WORK_OF_ART was their biggest book of all time at that time.

Speaker 6474.22s - 478.06s

So this would be like what, about two weeks before the actual film was released.

Speaker 4478.3s - 480.2s

Oh, well, no wonder. Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 6480.36s - 482.06s

They didn't care about spoilers back then.

Speaker 4482.32s - 483.5s

Spoiler, no. No.

Speaker 6483.62s - 485.1s

They're like, here you know, here's the movie.

Speaker 4485.48s - 495.22s

PM Magazine, which was like an entertainment tonight kind of magazine in the Boston GPE area, they spoiled everything like the week before Return of the Jedi WORK_OF_ART came out.

Speaker 6495.34s - 495.7s


Speaker 4496s - 520.9s

They wrote like a review? No, no, they did it on air. When something was on television having to do with a Return of the Jedi WORK_OF_ART, of course, we all watched it because we couldn't record it and watch it later. It wasn't going to be on YouTube. So we watched it. There was no spoiler alert.There was no nothing. And this is, we didn't have remote controls. So we had our sprint to our zenith to change the channel or turn down the sound. But they went through everything and like bullet points.

Speaker 6521.74s - 523.16s

Oh my gosh. That's terrible.

Speaker 4523.32s - 527.22s

So it wasn't like, okay, first, Luke and Leah PERSON are sisters and the...

Speaker 6527.22s - 528.32s

Our siblings.

Speaker 4529.1s - 529.84s

Your siblings.

Speaker 6530s - 539.2s

Yes, yes. Yeah, I'm just, I'm getting so aggravated just thinking about this. And I think it was Tom Bergeron PERSON. That was the host of this PM magazine. Oh, my gosh.

Speaker 4539.2s - 546.16s

Yeah, so Tom PERSON, I'm coming for you. But you know what? We're getting up on a whole different tangent of vendettas.

Speaker 6546.32s - 548.16s

Yeah, so what else happened on May 12th?

Speaker 4548.16s - 552.92s

Or also, also, the Return of the Jedi WORK_OF_ART storybook is released.

Speaker 6553.28s - 565.44s

Yeah, not only is this the first children's book to occupy the number one spots on the hardcover fiction bestseller list, but it is the bestsellingfiction book of 1983.

Speaker 4565.98s - 566.94s

And look, there's mine.

Speaker 6567.1s - 568.76s

There's mine right over here.

Speaker 4569.04s - 569.74s

Now, wait a minute.

Speaker 6570.4s - 578.74s

So if the Return of the Jedi WORK_OF_ART novelization sold the most copies, how is it that not the best-selling

Speaker 4578.74s - 579.5s

fiction book?

Speaker 6579.5s - 580.86s

That was for B. Dalton ORG.

Speaker 4581.38s - 591.66s

The Jedi story book still went to number one, but this is the first children's book to occupy the number one spot on the hardcover fiction bestseller list.

Speaker 6592.04s - 594.72s

There's like all different tiers in the New York Times ORG bestseller list.

Speaker 4594.84s - 601.02s

Oh, okay, got it. The fact that this beat out like every other adult novel, that's saying something.

Speaker 6601.22s - 605.12s

That is. And this is my original book. Oh, my goodness. Can I touch it?

Speaker 4605.12s - 606.34s

No, you cannot touch this.

Speaker 6606.7s - 606.94s

All right.

Speaker 4606.96s - 611.1s

This is mine. It kills me. I can't get this, this, uh, wall and book.

Speaker 6611.64s - 612.3s

Oh, no.

Speaker 4612.3s - 615.84s

This sticker. This price tag on it.

Speaker 6616.22s - 618.08s

I hate when, when they do that.

Speaker 4618.22s - 618.4s


Speaker 6618.4s - 621.3s

It's not like that easily take off a bowl.

Speaker 4621.66s - 623.12s

I get why they do that.

Speaker 6623.24s - 626.24s

So like you're not walking out with a stickered book, but...

Speaker 4626.24s - 626.52s


Speaker 6627.14s - 628s

But you know what?

Speaker 4628.14s - 631.6s

Even back then in 83, I bought the books, but I didn't read them.

Speaker 8631.86s - 632.1s


Speaker 4632.44s - 643.44s

Because I didn't read back then. And plus, I didn't want to know what happened. But, yeah, so these two books came out on this day. And that was May the 12th, 1983. Okay.

Speaker 6643.86s - 647.42s

Well, you know, let's shout out one more thing that happened on this day in 1983.

Speaker 4647.74s - 648.22s


Speaker 6648.58s - 651.18s

Domino Gleason PERSON was born.

Speaker 4652.28s - 655.82s

Hey, he's like in my age group.

Speaker 6656.14s - 656.8s

That's cool.

Speaker 4657s - 661.42s

Yeah, so he was born the same day. Ollie's Return to the Jedi WORK_OF_ART tie-ins came out.

Speaker 6661.42s - 661.52s

Oh, my gosh.

Speaker 8662.28s - 668.18s

We all know Domino Gleason as being the actor behind General Hux in the Star Wars WORK_OF_ART sequels.

Speaker 6668.68s - 675.26s

And he also played his character in Resistance WORK_OF_ART. And he's in The Attraction Rise of the Resistance WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 4675.8s - 678.3s

That's a pretty big get.

Speaker 6678.6s - 681.08s

If you're an actor. That's a good triptych there.

Speaker 4681.2s - 699.88s

Yeah, you're in a Disney ORG park. And not to mention he's also part of the Harry Potter universe. And he's also now part of the office universe. Their peacock is doing the follow-up to the showthe office because it's so successful. Oh. So Domino Gleason will be one of the leads. Wow.

Speaker 6699.88s - 702.06s

In the new office series. So that

Speaker 4702.06s - 703.86s

was actually confirmed. Yes. Oh, yes.

Speaker 6703.92s - 710.92s

Oh, fun. Yeah. And just to give you a little background on the new series, it's not Dunder Mifflin PERSON, none of the same characters.

Speaker 4711.14s - 711.32s


Speaker 6711.42s - 715.84s

It takes place in the Midwest around this fledgling newspaper.

Speaker 4716.44s - 716.96s


Speaker 6717.26s - 723.08s

You know, because newspapers are dying, so you're following this staff trying to keep this newspaper up.

Speaker 4723.48s - 727.06s

And so we're not following the characters, but we're following the crew, the documentary

Speaker 6727.06s - 729.18s

crew that shot the office.

Speaker 4729.7s - 734.74s

Now we're going to follow that same crew to shoot behind the scenes of this newspaper plant.

Speaker 6734.94s - 738.12s

Oh my gosh. That's a fun twist, isn't it?

Speaker 4738.12s - 738.78s

That's a good spin.

Speaker 6738.94s - 739.66s

Yeah, I like it.

Speaker 4739.98s - 744.4s

Yeah. And I'm sure we're going to see some of the Dunder Mifflinites pop up here and there.

Speaker 6744.5s - 748.82s

Okay. And happy 41st birthday to Domnall Gleason PERSON.

Speaker 4749.16s - 749.42s


Speaker 6750.86s - 751.32s

Dernal? Dernal. Domenal.

Speaker 4751.8s - 752s

Is it Dominal?

Speaker 6788.6s - 795.64s

Yes. All right. Now with that, let's welcome Carrie Gordon as we break down the first Star Wars WORK_OF_ART Expanded Universe Story by Marvel Comics. We are so excited to not only break down the Marvel Comics that kicked off hundreds of novels, comics, and video games into the Star Wars saga,

Speaker 4795.64s - 799.92s

but we have our good friend Carrie Gordon PERSON here with us now.

Speaker 7800.3s - 803.8s

Carrie is the podcast manager at Comic Palooza EVENT.

Speaker 1804.16s - 811.96s

He's the co-host of the Metal Geeks podcast and also a past guest on Skywalking through Neverland to talk about the monkeys.

Speaker 7812.6s - 814.24s

Hey, hey, Carrie PERSON.

Speaker 1816.08s - 817.34s

Hello, hey, hey.

Speaker 7817.84s - 824s

So we're going to try to figure out a way to roll the monkeys and metal into the same genre.

Speaker 4824.64s - 825.92s

I do it every day.

Speaker 0826.72s - 829.2s

It's a natural progression for me. It's okay.

Speaker 4829.88s - 832.34s

I'm sure someone out there has already rolled in

Speaker 6832.34s - 835.32s

like warrant with the monkeys or

Speaker 4835.32s - 838s

Strider or Cinderella PERSON with the monkeys.

Speaker 6838s - 841.22s

Surprisingly, there has been a fair amount of heavy metal

Speaker 7841.22s - 843.92s

covers of monkey songs. Are you kidding me?

Speaker 4844.1s - 845.04s

I'm not kidding you.

Speaker 6845.32s - 845.52s


Speaker 7845.92s - 848.2s

I'll have to send you some links and you could check them out.

Speaker 4848.78s - 850.14s

I do not expect this to go this way.

Speaker 5850.38s - 851.6s

Yeah, I'll have to send you those links.

Speaker 4851.68s - 852.44s

You'll be surprised.

Speaker 5854.44s - 856.42s

Well, this is taking a whole new direction.

Speaker 4856.5s - 857.86s

This is a whole different show now.

Speaker 5858.44s - 858.64s


Speaker 4859.18s - 859.7s

I'll say.

Speaker 5859.7s - 862.56s

But once again, thank you for joining us.

Speaker 4862.62s - 864.14s

It's going to be a really fun episode.

Speaker 5864.98s - 865.8s

Thank you for having me back. We want to thank you for joining us. It's going to be a really fun episode. Thank you for having me back.

Speaker 4866.1s - 871.76s

We want to thank you for bringing us to Comic Palooza, Houston, in just a couple of weeks.

Speaker 5871.82s - 878.58s

This is a convention that's going on May 24th to the 26th weekend, the real Star Wars weekend.

Speaker 4878.82s - 879.72s

That's right.

Speaker 7879.72s - 880.84s

That's May 25th.

Speaker 4880.84s - 881.48s

That is true.

Speaker 5881.76s - 883.18s

Is that Saturday, right?

Speaker 6883.3s - 883.7s


Speaker 4884.1s - 886.52s

Saturdays this year are like all Star Wars holidays. May the 4th was on Saturday. Now May 25th. That is true. Is that Saturday, right? Exactly. Saturdays this year are like all Star Wars holidays.

Speaker 6886.76s - 888.68s

May the 4th was on Saturday.

Speaker 4889.2s - 890.78s

Now May 25th is on Saturday.

Speaker 5891.12s - 894.88s

I saw the May the 12th be with you special on...

Speaker 4894.88s - 895.5s

The Simpsons WORK_OF_ART?

Speaker 5895.74s - 896.1s


Speaker 4896.4s - 897.36s

That was fun.

Speaker 5897.92s - 902.16s

We're going to party like every midi-chlorian and our old body is just going to go,

Speaker 4902.26s - 903.36s

woo, raise the roof.

Speaker 5903.36s - 903.78s

That's right.

Speaker 4904.62s - 907.06s

Now, tell us about this convention about Comic Palozo EVENT.

Speaker 5907.9s - 928.22s

So, speaking of Star Wars WORK_OF_ART, we can talk about that real quick. One of our guest is Vivian Lera Blair, who is young Princess Leia PERSON on Obi-Wan. So that's going to be fun. She's going to be, we have a lot of different guests this year, Star Trek WORK_OF_ART guests. We have Anton Mout and Rebecca Romaine., John Cena, if you can see him.

Speaker 0928.4s - 935.06s

I haven't heard that joke before. And we have some of the Back to the Future WORK_OF_ART cast. We have Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd PERSON.

Speaker 5935.78s - 937.1s

It's going to be a good weekend.

Speaker 6937.64s - 938.56s

Also for office fans.

Speaker 5938.56s - 939.18s

Plus you guys.

Speaker 6939.86s - 940.26s


Speaker 5941.46s - 942.72s

Yeah, Office WORK_OF_ART fans.

Speaker 6942.82s - 944.36s

We have three cast members from the office.

Speaker 5944.76s - 960.16s

We have people from Charmed WORK_OF_ART. We have some legendary comic book creators, Stan Sakai PERSON, who created Usagi Yojimbo, Chip Zadarki PERSON, who I'm excited for. One of my favorite writers and artists. So there's a lot of good stuff coming to the show.

Speaker 4960.8s - 962.94s

Now, what is your main function at Comic Paloosa LOC?

Speaker 5963.42s - 1026.54s

So I'm the podcast, manager, director, whatever you want to call it. It is a program that I started. It's been over 10 years now. Just a way to support local podcasters and other podcasts. We were one of the very first shows to really have a program for podcast, and we gave them their own stage.Ming Chen from Comic Bookmen ORG, he has a shared universe, his podcast network. He's been an integral part from the very, very beginning. What we try to do, we open it up to the public. A lot of local shows and now other shows from out of Houston GPE are they apply, they go through a process of being accepted and then they get to do live shows we have special programming uh like you know podcasting 101 we have pod houston ORG which is acommunity group that does stuff and then we've been trying to bring in specialty shows like you guys i think you're perfect for the for what we do a comic pelusa you cover all the all the bases that we have at the show, you know.

Speaker 41026.88s - 1028.58s

Yeah, Star Wars, Disney, Marvel ORG.

Speaker 71028.74s - 1030.68s

We'll be doing a whole bunch of panels.

Speaker 41030.84s - 1032.22s

And I just, I can't wait.

Speaker 71032.48s - 1037.38s

I think we threw like 30 panels at you and said, which ones can we do? He said, I'll do them all. It's like, yeah.

Speaker 51037.58s - 1037.9s


Speaker 41038.68s - 1044.04s

So, which is cool because you guys, we have, it's not just celebrities and stuff like that all

Speaker 51044.04s - 1044.26s


Speaker 41044.44s - 1045.38s

There's so much

Speaker 51045.38s - 1052.06s

other things to do there's special attractions there's a kid area there's the uh like atasha showdown

Speaker 41052.06s - 1058.56s

which is a bunch of really cool looking cars there's programming all weekend there's a there's a rave

Speaker 51058.56s - 1068.14s

there's wrestling there's cosplay content there's a lot of stuff so you guys were generous enough you're you're doing uh actual programming in the kids, which is really cool in Kidopia FAC.

Speaker 61068.8s - 1069.68s

Oh, that's going to be fun.

Speaker 51069.68s - 1070.98s

That'll be fun. We look forward to that.

Speaker 41071.06s - 1073.74s

Yeah, that'll be a lot of fun. And this is just over three days?

Speaker 51074.18s - 1075.34s

Over three days, yeah.

Speaker 41075.68s - 1079.8s

You sure, that's not a typo? Is that supposed to be three weeks? There's a lot of going on.

Speaker 51079.98s - 1081.18s


Speaker 41081.54s - 1082.5s

It really is.

Speaker 51083.1s - 1086.04s

Well, we so look forward to all of the programs.

Speaker 41086.12s - 1089.5s

I've never been to Houston GPE before, so this is going to be a blast for me.

Speaker 51089.58s - 1091.42s

If we can turn down the temperature a little bit.

Speaker 41091.62s - 1093.46s

I don't know if I can promise that.

Speaker 51094.02s - 1096.38s

It's getting high up there again, yeah.

Speaker 41097.42s - 1099.08s

Well, we're going to be in a convention center.

Speaker 51099.08s - 1100.88s

We're going to be in a very cold convention center.

Speaker 61101.28s - 1102.82s

Okay, okay, I'm fine with that.

Speaker 41102.82s - 1103.42s

We're all set with that.

Speaker 51103.86s - 1103.94s


Speaker 41104.26s - 1106.16s

I don't think you're going to be outside very much.

Speaker 51106.6s - 1107.76s

Okay. All right, good, good.

Speaker 41108.1s - 1111.66s

That's how we like it. Yeah. Car to the convention center,

Speaker 51111.74s - 1113.88s

convention center to the car, to the airplane. We're good.

Speaker 41114.62s - 1119.96s

Now, we're going to be doing a more in-depth version of this classic Marvel ORG Star Wars comic

Speaker 61119.96s - 1124.96s

breakdown that we're doing today. So if you want to see more of this,

Speaker 51125.28s - 1127.5s

join us at Comic Palooza, Houston GPE,

Speaker 41127.76s - 1129.66s

and we'll put the website and our schedule

Speaker 61129.66s - 1130.64s

in the show notes.

Speaker 41131.04s - 1131.52s

Very cool.

Speaker 61132.36s - 1133.66s

I'm excited for you guys to be there.

Speaker 41133.76s - 1134.84s

It's going to be a good weekend.

Speaker 51135.3s - 1136.92s

It's going to be a blast.

Speaker 61137.24s - 1141.08s

Remind me to pack the no-dos and lots of coffee.

Speaker 51141.68s - 1143.22s

All right, so now with that,

Speaker 41143.22s - 1151.3s

let's travel back to 1977 and find out what happened after Han and Luke got their medals on Yavin IV WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 51152.06s - 1156.94s

Now, Carrie PERSON, did you read these comics when you were a kid or the storyline?

Speaker 41157.68s - 1161.96s

I actually still own every single issue of this comic series.

Speaker 51162.46s - 1162.76s


Speaker 41162.76s - 1164.9s

Most of them from my childhood, actually.

Speaker 81165.9s - 1167.6s

Yeah, all 107 issues.

Speaker 41168.16s - 1170.3s

When was the last time you went over this,

Speaker 51170.42s - 1172.02s

this particular arc,

Speaker 41172.1s - 1173.9s

which is the first,

Speaker 71174.06s - 1176.96s

the first story arc in Star Wars

Speaker 41176.96s - 1178.26s


Speaker 71178.8s - 1180.66s

That's right, because the first

Speaker 41180.66s - 1182.36s

issues were just

Speaker 51182.36s - 1185.08s

from basically the movie.

Speaker 41185.2s - 1186.08s

Yeah, it was the adaptation.

Speaker 51186.5s - 1186.78s


Speaker 41186.94s - 1187.82s

Issues 1 through 6.

Speaker 51188.36s - 1193.68s

It's been a long time. I'll be honest with you. 30 years, maybe plus. Oh.

Speaker 41193.9s - 1194.2s


Speaker 51195.16s - 1200.74s

This will be really fun because you get to see how the Star Wars WORK_OF_ART universe expanded from here.

Speaker 41201.18s - 1203.38s

I just exposed my age, didn't I?

Speaker 51204.06s - 1204.58s

It's okay.

Speaker 41204.68s - 1207.18s

You know what? You're still younger than me, so you're fine.

Speaker 51207.98s - 1211.64s

Now, this four-part story arc can be found in the issues.

Speaker 41212.06s - 1218.18s

New planets, new perils, eight for a duba three, showdown on a wasteland world, and the

Speaker 51218.18s - 1220.06s

behemoth from below.

Speaker 41220.78s - 1237.04s

Now, with so many dangling story threads, like finding a new rebel base, and the empire and, of course, Luke's Jedi training, this story arc continues Han Solo's story and how he still owed Jabba a lot of credits, and no Rebel Alliance ORG could protect him.

Speaker 61237.6s - 1245.84s

All right, now, starting this new story arc with Han and Joey made a whole lot of of sense because Marvel ORG could do so much more with these characters

Speaker 41245.84s - 1248.16s

whereas Luke PERSON and Leia

Speaker 61248.16s - 1249.86s

they were responsible for

Speaker 51249.86s - 1252.08s

the rebellion and they were

Speaker 61252.08s - 1253.94s

central to finding a new rebel

Speaker 51253.94s - 1256.04s

base which was going to be the basis for the sequel

Speaker 41256.04s - 1258.14s

and come on it's Han and Joey

Speaker 61258.14s - 1260.1s

everyone wants to see them right exactly yeah

Speaker 41260.1s - 1262.02s

now George Lucas PERSON was prepping

Speaker 61262.02s - 1263.84s

the Empire Strikes Back during this time

Speaker 41263.84s - 1279.26s

so the Marvel ORG team had free range up to a point as to where they could go. Now, Lucasfilm ORG did give them a list of storylines. They could not tread like more of a Vader, his background, more of Luke PERSON's training,

Speaker 11279.46s - 1282.14s

because those were going to be in the sequel.

Speaker 01282.84s - 1285.06s

Then came Jackson Gate PERSON.

Speaker 71286.6s - 1286.86s


Speaker 01287.36s - 1292.76s

It's common knowledge that Lucas PERSON did not like this green space bunny and red spandex.

Speaker 41293.18s - 1298.16s

So in the Empire Strikes Back era, Lucasfilm ORG paid more attention and influenced the direction.

Speaker 51298.34s - 1299.46s

And what could and could not be done?

Speaker 01299.66s - 1299.94s


Speaker 61300.04s - 1300.28s


Speaker 51300.94s - 1301.48s

What, Carrie PERSON?

Speaker 61301.84s - 1303.82s

They finally brought Jackson PERSON back, though.

Speaker 41304.36s - 1304.68s


Speaker 61304.8s - 1305.1s

Yeah. They did. They snuck him Jackson PERSON back, though. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 41305.3s - 1305.9s

They did.

Speaker 61306.32s - 1312.12s

They snuck him in every once in a while while Lucas PERSON was still ahead of Lucas film.

Speaker 41312.38s - 1314.7s

And afterwards, like, okay, Jackson PERSON for everybody.

Speaker 51315.1s - 1316.72s

They learned they can merchandise them.

Speaker 61317.02s - 1317.42s


Speaker 41317.66s - 1317.9s


Speaker 51318.04s - 1318.48s

So, oh.

Speaker 61319.26s - 1319.58s


Speaker 41319.78s - 1319.92s


Speaker 51319.92s - 1324.14s

Yes. Oh, there you go. Mine's still in the box. Yeah.

Speaker 61324.48s - 1326.58s

It's a great figure. Oh, you're so cute. Oh. Mine's still in the box. Yeah. It's a great figure. Are you so cute.

Speaker 51326.94s - 1329.16s

Oh, yours is still in the box. Wow.

Speaker 41329.5s - 1332.4s

See, I told you I should have kept mine in the box. No.

Speaker 61332.52s - 1333.54s

She should play with it.

Speaker 41333.98s - 1335.36s

Yeah, you should play with it.

Speaker 51335.66s - 1336.76s

Carrie, do you like Jackson PERSON?

Speaker 61337.06s - 1338.32s

Did you like Jackson PERSON back then?

Speaker 51338.32s - 1339.68s

I did.

Speaker 61339.68s - 1343.2s

Yeah, he was one of my favorite new characters back in the day.

Speaker 51344.34s - 1351.5s

That was like that weird era in the 80s were a lot of the,

Speaker 61351.5s - 1354.5s

there was a lot of anthropomorphic characters.

Speaker 51355.2s - 1362.48s

Yeah. Like Asagi Jojimbo and then like Captain Carrot PERSON, if you remember Captain Carrot. I don't.

Speaker 41362.48s - 1365.92s

These are the characters that really appealed to the Star Wars WORK_OF_ART audience.

Speaker 71366.38s - 1377.9s

A green bunny rabbit? Every kid loved Bugs Bunny at the time. I'm not sure kids these days know who Bugs Bunny PERSON is, but he was like Bugs Bunny anti-counterpart.

Speaker 41378.44s - 1390.7s

And he were a fun red space suit. He looked like Mork PERSON. You put Mork and you put Bugs Bunny into one and you get Jackson PERSON. He looked like morgue. You put morgue and you put Bugs Bunny into one and you get Jackson PERSON. He just needs some suspenders, some rainbow suspenders. Give him

Speaker 61390.7s - 1397.32s

the Grinch color and he's good. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah. All right. Well, Lucas did not like Jackson PERSON,

Speaker 51397.62s - 1403.48s

but I guess he did like Hoogibs since they were main characters starting in 1981. Yeah,

Speaker 61403.54s - 1405.26s

he had no, he had no issues with the who jibs.

Speaker 51406.16s - 1406.98s

God love them.

Speaker 41407.26s - 1409.16s

All right, so we're going to give a summary

Speaker 61409.16s - 1412.22s

of this four-issue story arc before we dive in.

Speaker 41412.78s - 1415.1s

So after the award ceremony on Yavin 4 FAC,

Speaker 61415.5s - 1425.9s

Han Solo and Chubaca head out to pay their debt to Jabba the Hut PERSON, but they are attacked by pirates led by Crimson Jack PERSON. Oh, I love Crimson Jack and his Unitarred PRODUCT.

Speaker 41426.6s - 1430.46s

It all comes down to the Unitards PRODUCT and spandex body suits.

Speaker 61430.58s - 1467.94s

Yep. All right, well, with their reward money from the Rebel Alliance ORG stolen, the smugglers then decide to lay low on the planet Aduba 3 LOC, and there they take a job defending a moisture farmer from a local gang known as the Cloud Riders ORG. However, they can't defend the village alone, so they hire several mercenaries, including Jackson PERSON.Now, during the Cloud Rider attack, the behemoth, a giant reptilian monster, is summoned, and Hansolo PERSON may be the village's only hope for survival. Now, this arc was written by Roy Thomas, Howard Chakin PERSON, and Donald F. Glutt PERSON. Does that name

Speaker 41467.94s - 1468.52s

sound familiar?

Speaker 51469.66s - 1470.84s

Howard Chacon PERSON, I've met.

Speaker 61471.32s - 1472.66s

Oh, of course. I've actually

Speaker 51472.66s - 1475.68s

had him signed some of my early, early copies of Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 41475.94s - 1476.88s

Was he in the good mood?

Speaker 51478.7s - 1481.88s

It was Howard Chacon PERSON. He was Chacon PERSON.

Speaker 41482.02s - 1483.26s

That says it all.

Speaker 51483.68s - 1487.22s

We had Roy Thomas one time as well. Yeah, he was really nice.

Speaker 41487.5s - 1494.5s

Oh, I can imagine. But Donald Glutt, he is the author of the Empire Strikes Back WORK_OF_ART novelization. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 61495.04s - 1497.4s

And it wasn't until we started breaking down these issues.

Speaker 11497.52s - 1499.96s

Like, wait a minute, this can't be the same Donald Glut PERSON.

Speaker 41500.22s - 1505.6s

This is awesome. We met him at a friend's party, at Craig Miller's party a couple of years ago. We're talking to him.

Speaker 71505.66s - 1506.84s

I didn't even know it was him.

Speaker 81507.38s - 1509.88s

And he mentioned something about writing The Empire Strikes Back WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 71509.94s - 1512.6s

It's like, wait a minute, you're not Lawrence Kasdan PERSON.

Speaker 81512.82s - 1513.9s

You're not late bracket either.

Speaker 71515.74s - 1517.3s

I said, are you Donald Glutt PERSON?

Speaker 61517.58s - 1518.62s

He said, yes, yes, I am.

Speaker 41518.92s - 1525.12s

Now, I do have to say that as we go through these issues, you can really tell that these comics are written by a bunch

Speaker 61525.12s - 1532.8s

of men in the 70s. I didn't get that at all. I'm just saying. An artist, men artists in the 70s, too.

Speaker 41532.8s - 1537.04s

Who are the artists here? All right? I mean, that's all comics over, right? In that time? Yeah.

Speaker 61537.84s - 1545.4s

Totally. Well, the artwork is by Howard Chakin, Frank Springer, Tom Palmer, and Alan Cooperberg PERSON.

Speaker 51546.04s - 1547.74s

And, yeah, they studied some anatomy.

Speaker 61548.44s - 1557.08s

You also studied Akira Kurosawa, because some of the influences in these issues come right from Akira Kurosawa's Seven Samurai WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 51557.52s - 1560.04s

Look at the cover of episode or issue number eight.

Speaker 61560.12s - 1560.72s

It's completely.

Speaker 51561.04s - 1561.28s


Speaker 61561.38s - 1561.72s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 51561.76s - 1563.4s

That is the Seven Samurai PRODUCT.

Speaker 61563.4s - 1566.24s

And knowing Lucas is a big fan of a Kara Kurosawa PERSON,

Speaker 41566.38s - 1570.04s

they said, hey, we'll throw in Jackson and Seven Samurai WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 51570.18s - 1571.58s

Hopefully they'll balance.

Speaker 41571.76s - 1572.7s

That makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 51572.8s - 1573s


Speaker 61573.24s - 1574.08s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 41574.2s - 1577.62s

Also, I mean, you get a huge, from that behemoth,

Speaker 61578.2s - 1581.16s

you get, like, huge Godzilla PERSON vibes, right?

Speaker 41581.16s - 1586.18s

Yeah, and right at this time, Marvel was producing a Godzilla King of Monsters WORK_OF_ART comic series, which was doing very well. So adding in a Godzilla vibes, right? Yeah, and right at this time, Marvel was producing a Godzilla King of Monsters comic series,

Speaker 61586.42s - 1587.74s

which was doing very well.

Speaker 01587.9s - 1596.4s

So adding in a Godzilla PERSON clone was a very safe bet. But still, Lucas PERSON is like, all I'm looking at is that giant green bunny.

Speaker 61597.88s - 1603.08s

Well, maybe the comics were interested in starting a whole multiverse crossover with the Godzilla.

Speaker 41603.32s - 1603.92s

Godzilla PERSON.

Speaker 61604.16s - 1607.6s

King of the monsters. And the behemoth, you throw the Zillow PRODUCT beast in there?

Speaker 41608.42s - 1613.86s

Marvel ORG, are you listening? What is giving you these ideas? All right.

Speaker 61613.98s - 1631.3s

With that, I think we are prepped and ready to dive in. All right. Now, this is the issue, new planets, new perils, which was published October of 1977. We do have to say this is issue seven of the entire Star Wars Marvel Comics ORG run.

Speaker 41631.56s - 1631.92s


Speaker 61632.18s - 1632.76s

So, wow.

Speaker 41632.92s - 1636.06s

And right at this time, I was running around in my Darth Vader Halloween costume.

Speaker 61636.38s - 1637.14s

What were you doing, Gary PERSON?

Speaker 51637.14s - 1639.54s

I was three years old when this came out.

Speaker 61640.22s - 1643.8s

I was not born. Yeah, we know, okay?

Speaker 41643.98s - 1678.8s

We know. All right. Now, this story opens as Hans Solo and Chewbacca PERSON are saying their farewell to Luke Skywalker and Princess Leia PERSON. Han is to get back to Tatawain to pay off Jabba the Hut PERSON. And Luke and Leah PERSON, they're going to stay behind and help the rebellion scout a new home planet for the rebel base.Now, Leia confirms to the readers that Darth Vader is still alive and once he establishes himself for the empire, the Yavin GPE system will no longer be safe. At this point, the Yavin GPE system is not safe. As soon as Darth Vader got away, that was the moment you should be packing your bags.

Speaker 61678.8s - 1685.76s

I have a question now. So, I mean, I think a new Hope makes it pretty clear that Darth Vader survived.

Speaker 41686.02s - 1690.5s

Yeah. Oh, yeah. He flew away. And then it, like, stopped flipping and he was okay. But was this...

Speaker 51690.5s - 1692.24s

Yeah, he was in that washing machine type of.

Speaker 61692.24s - 1699.24s

Yes, exactly. And was this like the first moment that we really, I mean, got complete confirmation that he was alive?

Speaker 51699.96s - 1706.42s

From seeing Star Wars WORK_OF_ART, yeah, because he flew away. Right. Okay. But so the comic just makes that even more clear, I suppose.

Speaker 41706.42s - 1710.68s

So Princess Leia PERSON, she's confirming to the readers once again.

Speaker 61711.12s - 1711.32s


Speaker 41711.62s - 1718.18s

Since in 77, we couldn't stream Star Wars or in our DVDs or Betamaxes or VHSs PRODUCT.

Speaker 61718.34s - 1718.58s


Speaker 51718.78s - 1720.42s

We had to go, wait a minute, did Darth Vader survive?

Speaker 61720.5s - 1723.42s

So now here she is confirming that Darth Vader did live.

Speaker 41723.56s - 1724.22s

Okay, I see.

Speaker 61724.66s - 1725.3s

Okay, cool. All right. Now, along the way to pay back Java, the Millennium she is confirming that Darth Vader did live. Okay, I see. Okay, cool.

Speaker 41725.46s - 1742.04s

All right, now, along the way to pay back Jabba, the Millennium Falcon is captured by space pirates and a hijacked Star Destroyer PRODUCT. And who leads the space pirates but the red-bearded man and a tight black spandex leotard Crimson Jack PERSON?

Speaker 61742.46s - 1743.42s

I love this guy.

Speaker 41743.58s - 1746.04s

Okay, let's take a moment and just appreciate Crimson Jack PERSON.

Speaker 61746.8s - 1749.64s

His beard is like amazing. Yeah.

Speaker 41749.9s - 1757.68s

I want to take a moment and notice, I don't remember this as a kid, of course, but a lot of the artwork, it was shaking, right?

Speaker 51757.78s - 1759.54s

It's so Jack Kirby-esque.

Speaker 01760.04s - 1760.14s


Speaker 41760.14s - 1766.74s

Like the space scene that you just showed, I'm like, that's just Jack Kirby's PERSON design right there.

Speaker 61767.34s - 1770.38s

Okay, does he specialize in spaceships a lot?

Speaker 51771.06s - 1779.18s

Not spaceships, but like just cosmic type of stuff. Like the panel was like the all the black dots and the pink.

Speaker 61779.58s - 1782.02s

That is totally he just designed. Nice.

Speaker 51782.06s - 1785.56s

It's a great little homage there. Awesome.

Speaker 61785.68s - 1786.98s

And Chui has like eyelashes.

Speaker 51788.08s - 1790.46s

Chewy looks like from the holiday special.

Speaker 41790.46s - 1790.62s


Speaker 51790.82s - 1792.22s

He looks like Mala PERSON.

Speaker 41792.22s - 1793.36s

He looks like Mala PERSON.

Speaker 51793.56s - 1794.26s

Yes, he does.

Speaker 41795.56s - 1796.14s

All right.

Speaker 61796.14s - 1798.52s

Now, without so much as a fight,

Speaker 51798.84s - 1801.8s

Han gives up the reward he just got from the Rubble Alliance ORG.

Speaker 61801.94s - 1803.42s

That's not the Han Solo, I know.

Speaker 41804.06s - 1806.6s

Now, there's a Fatun ORG fast fact here,

Speaker 81806.84s - 1810.7s

and this is where we paused to give behind the scenes nuggets and additional information.

Speaker 41811.3s - 1823.72s

Now, in 1997, there was a five-part comic miniseries, Rebel Thief by writer Wyndham PERSON. And here, Han claims he returned his reward money back to the rebels. Oh.

Speaker 61824.48s - 1825.12s

And... Which seems odd. Oh. And.

Speaker 41826.04s - 1826.12s

Which seems odd.

Speaker 61826.54s - 1826.88s


Speaker 41831.92s - 1833.06s

So I think I'm going with the with the Marvel ORG comics outline. Their story.

Speaker 61835.34s - 1835.62s

Like he took the money, but then it was immediately stolen.

Speaker 41839.06s - 1844.52s

Yeah, but he's not going to tell anyone, yeah, some pirates boarded and we gave back the money without a fight. He's like, no, no, we, I gave back the money. So either it was.

Speaker 51844.52s - 1846.5s

I think it gave back the money to impress Princess Lai PERSON. Exactly. Yeah. Yeah. He was like, no, no, we, I gave back the money. So either it was. I think he gave back the money to impress Princess Lai.

Speaker 41846.5s - 1851.42s

Exactly. Yeah, yeah. He was like, look what I did. Either it was stolen or he gave it back.

Speaker 61851.72s - 1860.58s

There's still a price on his head by the time we see the Empire GPE strikes back. So the main point is the money never got the job of the hut. Right. All right.

Speaker 41860.58s - 1872.84s

Now, not having the money to pay back, Jabba, Han says, without that treasure, Jabba will soon have a price on our heads. That'll make us the target of every bounty hunter at this side of Aquilae LOC.

Speaker 51873.48s - 1875.82s

Well, I thought Harrison Ford was actually really here for a second.

Speaker 41875.86s - 1878.52s

I know. I know, but, you know, Carrie PERSON, it's me. It's me.

Speaker 51878.66s - 1882.8s

Oh, yeah, that wasn't Harrison Ford PERSON. That was me. All right, now this.

Speaker 61882.8s - 1884.9s

Yeah, we could actually understand you a little bit more.

Speaker 51885.3s - 1886.68s

Yeah, I know.

Speaker 41887.42s - 1888.74s

That's it right there.

Speaker 51888.78s - 1889.46s

Let's get all with this.

Speaker 41889.76s - 1890.24s

All right.

Speaker 61890.38s - 1891.22s

Fetume PERSON, fast fact.

Speaker 41891.32s - 1893s

Oh, another Fetum ORG fast fact.

Speaker 61893s - 1916.38s

Another one, Aquile was one of the first planet names seen in the first draft of the Star Wars story treatment all the way back in 1973. So that's really cool. And in the shooting script, Luke referenced Aquilae LOC, but then the line was cut out as happens. So it shows you how Roy Thomas PERSON probably had like this list of planet namesthat were taken from a script and he could reference them.

Speaker 41916.56s - 1925.66s

I love that. I love that. It's like, okay, if it's not going to use it in the movie, let's take out all these character names or planet names and we'll just throw them in whenever we need.

Speaker 51925.86s - 1939.3s

I appreciate that because they could have just gone off on the road and done whatever, but they were actually still trying to keep it canonized and then a little tidbits like that. It's very interesting.

Speaker 61939.78s - 1950.1s

I never paid attention to that. It's kind of like when you read the books that, like, you see a movie first and then you read the book and then you get like so much more information from the book because they have more time to lay that out.

Speaker 41950.4s - 1955.74s

Marvel ORG could have just crossed, promoted something else like the planet of Spider-Man.

Speaker 61956.12s - 1961.24s

No, a whole different Spider-Man PERSON. We're not promoting our Spider-Man PERSON comic series. Oh, I get it.

Speaker 41961.24s - 1961.44s


Speaker 61961.68s - 1965.4s

So the planet of Brooklyn GPE, Queens or something. So highest Yeah. So the planet of Brooklyn. Exactly. Or something.

Speaker 41965.58s - 1968.6s

So highest regards to Roy PERSON for taking that step.

Speaker 61968.98s - 1969.46s

All right.

Speaker 41969.5s - 1983.14s

Now, back to where they started, Han and Chui lay low on a duber three. The pair make their way through a deserted spaceport only to find a group of citizens surrounding an insect priest on a bantha that is pulling a coffin.

Speaker 61983.82s - 1997.38s

Now, I want you guys to notice like this world building that Howard Chakin PERSON doesn't use the canteena aliens in the crowd, but he uses all new designs. Now, at this point, do you think they've created this comic before Star Wars WORK_OF_ART came out?

Speaker 41997.38s - 2002.74s

If this came out in October, which means they probably were writing it in August.

Speaker 62003.2s - 2003.36s


Speaker 72003.46s - 2005.3s

So they had seen them. They had the movie.

Speaker 62005.46s - 2007.26s

They had reference stills.

Speaker 42007.34s - 2007.58s


Speaker 72007.58s - 2009.94s

So they could have used the canteen of creatures.

Speaker 52010.12s - 2016.64s

But I love the world building here because we don't see any of those cantina creatures that you would think that we're going to put in all of those.

Speaker 72016.7s - 2018.1s

Because that's the scene that everyone loves.

Speaker 52018.7s - 2021.46s

So we're going to tie this in to the film.

Speaker 72021.54s - 2025.22s

That little blue guy in the middle panel does look a little like snagletooth, but...

Speaker 52025.22s - 2025.68s

He does.

Speaker 42025.96s - 2026.16s


Speaker 52026.16s - 2027.6s

I think he's the only one.

Speaker 62028.06s - 2030.94s

Yeah, the rest are like totally different. I mean...

Speaker 42030.94s - 2035.3s

But the guy above him with the long green neck, he looks like...

Speaker 62035.3s - 2036.8s

He looks a little like E.T. PERSON honestly.

Speaker 42036.96s - 2037.98s

I was thinking that too.

Speaker 52038.22s - 2038.44s


Speaker 62038.62s - 2040.9s

Just not as wide of a face and he's a different color.

Speaker 52041.62s - 2042.04s


Speaker 42042.46s - 2042.76s


Speaker 52042.9s - 2044.34s

He was trying to phone home that day.

Speaker 42045.2s - 2046.9s

That guy, I came to the wrong planet.

Speaker 52047s - 2048s

He phoned a Dupa three PRODUCT.

Speaker 42048.52s - 2048.76s


Speaker 62049.16s - 2050.34s

And the guy next to him

Speaker 42050.34s - 2052.14s

looked like he got punched in the mouth way too many times.

Speaker 62052.3s - 2052.62s


Speaker 42052.84s - 2055.4s

So Han says that he can't identify

Speaker 62055.4s - 2060.7s

the exact religion of the insect priest. And then he says, I guess I shouldn't have, oh, I'm sorry.

Speaker 42060.92s - 2069.52s

Go ahead. This is my turn. Okay. Han then says, I guess I shouldn't have skipped so much Sunday school as a kid. Which, what does that say to you?

Speaker 72070.36s - 2073.68s

That Sunday school is canonized back in 1977.

Speaker 42076.18s - 2077.24s

But what religion?

Speaker 52079.56s - 2080.34s

The force.

Speaker 42080.54s - 2080.94s

The force.

Speaker 52081.14s - 2081.76s

Yeah, the force.

Speaker 42081.98s - 2083.84s

Now, at this point, all my friends.

Speaker 52083.84s - 2085.1s

They forced you to go to forced Sunday school.

Speaker 42085.66s - 2086.92s

I would have gone to that.

Speaker 52087.4s - 2089.36s

And all my friends were going to Sunday school.

Speaker 42089.6s - 2093.88s

And, you know, I was like, every Sunday morning, I woke up and I was sick so I couldn't go.

Speaker 52094.6s - 2100.98s

So, but if I had read this back in 1977, it's like Sunday school, yeah, I want to go see Han Solo PERSON.

Speaker 42101.28s - 2101.92s

But that's the problem.

Speaker 62101.96s - 2102.9s

You didn't read these comics.

Speaker 42103s - 2106.8s

You just looked at the pictures. Exactly, yes. All right.

Speaker 62107.3s - 2115.9s

Well, so meanwhile, the citizens all around are shouting, he ain't putting no borgs in our mound. Wait, wait, what?

Speaker 42116.14s - 2118.22s

Did he just say, borg?

Speaker 62118.22s - 2118.52s


Speaker 42118.98s - 2123.94s

Like, are they talking about this borg? All right.

Speaker 62124.54s - 2125.88s

Ernest Borgnine PERSON, maybe?

Speaker 52126.26s - 2128.86s

I don't know, but look at this design.

Speaker 62129.08s - 2145.1s

Okay, so this is 11 years before Borgs were invented for Star Trek the next generation. And I really feel like perhaps the people creating Star Trek WORK_OF_ART kind of looked at some of these pictures and we're like, hmm, there's a, there's a inception of an idea there because

Speaker 42145.1s - 2151.08s

they've got that, uh, metallic arm, metallic body and the half face, like the face, like the face,

Speaker 62151.08s - 2155.9s

it's got like a round eye hole on one of the eyes, like the Borgs PERSON have. Yeah.

Speaker 42156.24s - 2161.6s

True. So maybe that guy shouting was like, hey, we can't, we can't cross the streams with the franchises.

Speaker 82161.86s - 2168.04s

Yeah. So bury your Star Trek WORK_OF_ART figure, figure your character somewhere else. All right.

Speaker 42168.1s - 2171.18s

Now, Han and Chui intervene. Yes.

Speaker 62171.38s - 2171.68s

Wait a minute.

Speaker 42172.54s - 2178.82s

I said Han and Chui. Where's Chui? Who is that? How'd that get past QA ORG?

Speaker 82180.42s - 2180.94s


Speaker 72181.34s - 2184.5s

Okay, we're going to bring this to Howard Chacon PERSON and explain yourself.

Speaker 42184.9s - 2185.88s

Yeah, this is bad. That's, yeah. Some editor is like, yeah, we're going to bring this to Howard Chakin PERSON and say, explain yourself. Yeah, this is bad.

Speaker 62186.6s - 2187.02s

That's, yeah.

Speaker 82187.72s - 2189.42s

Some editor is like, yeah, you know what?

Speaker 62189.74s - 2190.28s

Good enough.

Speaker 52190.48s - 2190.8s


Speaker 62191.08s - 2191.5s

Good enough.

Speaker 82191.64s - 2193.36s

There's no hair on the whole face.

Speaker 52193.44s - 2196.9s

No podcast in 47 years is going to pick this apart.

Speaker 62197.3s - 2202.82s

Wait, and then his hair, so Chewy PERSON's hair, it looks like he's got a like a buzz, what is that, a buzz cut?

Speaker 42202.86s - 2203.22s

What is that?

Speaker 52203.22s - 2204.06s

Yeah, a flat top.

Speaker 42204.06s - 2204.8s

A flat top.

Speaker 62204.84s - 2205.36s

Thank you. But it sort of like, it looks like it sort of quaff buzz what is that a buzz cut what is that cut a flat top a flat top thank you

Speaker 52205.36s - 2210.44s

but it's sort of like it looks like it's sort of quaffed up it's like yeah at the same time

Speaker 42210.44s - 2215.7s

yeah it's like a lot of hair product going on there a lot of 80s hair for for chewy there

Speaker 52215.7s - 2222.44s

oh my goodness I think he was trying to to draw him as he was jumping down or something so his hair was

Speaker 62222.44s - 2225.04s

sort of like floating up maybe?

Speaker 52225.76s - 2226.32s

Because I don't know.

Speaker 62227.94s - 2228.16s

No, I think you may be right.

Speaker 52229.68s - 2230.1s

Are you a Harvard ORG chicken apologist?

Speaker 62233.78s - 2234.02s

No, no, no, but never do that again.

Speaker 52236.48s - 2236.88s

We don't need to see Chewy PERSON's skull.

Speaker 62240.82s - 2241.12s

Wait, wait, before we go on, I have a question about Chewy PERSON's bandalier.

Speaker 42242.74s - 2242.8s

Is it on the correct shoulder?

Speaker 62243.58s - 2243.74s

Yeah, the left shoulder.

Speaker 52245.16s - 2245.26s

So they got that right.

Speaker 62245.54s - 2245.98s


Speaker 52246.64s - 2246.78s

Okay, got it.

Speaker 62247.78s - 2248.58s

See, one out of three.

Speaker 52249.84s - 2250.32s

Oh, okay, got it. Left shoulder, yeah.

Speaker 62250.56s - 2252.6s

Good for pointing that out.

Speaker 52252.64s - 2252.98s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 62253.52s - 2255.78s

And going with the, what do they do right?

Speaker 42257.38s - 2257.82s


Speaker 62258.06s - 2258.6s

All right.

Speaker 42258.64s - 2264.32s

Well, here, the insect priest, he gives Han a sack of credits to give the Borg PERSON a proper burial,

Speaker 62264.32s - 2266.08s

though the citizens don't

Speaker 42266.08s - 2268.26s

want this cyborg buried on their sacred

Speaker 62268.26s - 2268.84s


Speaker 42270.06s - 2276.16s

Now, Han doesn't really care what they want, and he jumps on the Bantha and off they go. If you're going to pay me,

Speaker 82276.48s - 2277.94s

I'll do it. He doesn't care

Speaker 42277.94s - 2289.58s

about the citizens. However, these citizens they aren't too happy to hurl stones at Han and Chewy PERSON and demand go on back where you came from, you dirty Borg Lickers. That needs to be a T-shirt.

Speaker 52290.08s - 2291.04s

That needs to be a T-shirt.

Speaker 62291.14s - 2291.82s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 52291.88s - 2293.08s

Go back to where you came from.

Speaker 62293.42s - 2294.52s

You have two weeks.

Speaker 52294.64s - 2295.32s

You should make that.

Speaker 42297.38s - 2298.58s

That's so great.

Speaker 52298.84s - 2299.4s

That's gross.

Speaker 62299.9s - 2302.14s

But that, another fight breaks out.

Speaker 42302.14s - 2302.68s

Yeah, look at this.

Speaker 52302.78s - 2303.98s

Calling me a Borg Licker.

Speaker 42305.38s - 2306.06s

You know what? Call me a Trekkie before. Calling me a Borg liquor. You know what?

Speaker 52306.1s - 2308.1s

Call me a Trekkie NORP before you call me a Borg liquor.

Speaker 42308.46s - 2309.48s

Yeah, but you know what?

Speaker 52309.52s - 2321.72s

Han and Chewy hold their own, and the ruffian soon scurry away as the insect priest, who Han calls Para, is kicking butt from out of the shadows, and he smites one creature.

Speaker 42322.14s - 2322.52s


Speaker 62323.28s - 2324.94s

That is the funniest thing I've ever seen.

Speaker 42325s - 2325.26s

I know. I love that. I mean, they even had to write the word Smite. That is the funniest thing I've ever seen. I know.

Speaker 62325.38s - 2325.7s

I love that.

Speaker 42325.7s - 2328.32s

I mean, they even had to write the word smite.

Speaker 62328.76s - 2329.1s


Speaker 42329.26s - 2333.94s

I guess if you're a religious figure and you hit someone, it's going to make that smite.

Speaker 62334.24s - 2334.5s


Speaker 42334.5s - 2335.26s

Sound effect.

Speaker 62335.46s - 2336.06s

Okay, nice.

Speaker 52336.16s - 2337.56s

No ca chow, no capo.

Speaker 42337.78s - 2338.6s

It's a smite.

Speaker 52339.32s - 2347.8s

Now, after the burial, Han and Chewy head for the nearest canteena where Han picks up a blue-skinned woman with the line,

Speaker 42348.44s - 2351.04s

what's a nice girl like you doing in a place like this?

Speaker 62351.48s - 2352.48s

That's very Star Trek WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 42352.82s - 2354.48s

Picking up a blue-skinned woman.

Speaker 52355.44s - 2360.76s

Now, Chewy PERSON, he stays behind to grunk with a few ladies himself.

Speaker 62361s - 2361.92s

Is that catwoman?

Speaker 42363.08s - 2367.36s

Well, okay, so this is what I mean by guys in the 70s are drawing this comic.

Speaker 62368.58s - 2369.34s

Hold on, hold on.

Speaker 42369.44s - 2370.02s

Give me a second.

Speaker 52370.94s - 2371.58s

Okay, I'm back.

Speaker 42371.92s - 2372.24s

All right.

Speaker 62372.5s - 2373.16s


Speaker 42373.4s - 2385.14s

Carrie, this is the call-out to all the cosplayers at Comic Paloza EVENT. I want to see these three women. The red, the yellow, and the blue. This has got to be a cosplay trio.

Speaker 52385.98s - 2387.16s

The blue. We should.

Speaker 62387.52s - 2389.62s

The blue looks like it's straight out of

Speaker 72389.62s - 2391.66s

the Galactic Star Cruiser PRODUCT, actually.

Speaker 52391.82s - 2393.76s

Yeah, I can see that too. She's at least

Speaker 62393.76s - 2396.1s

covered up. Yeah, but

Speaker 42396.1s - 2398s

look at the one in the yellow. She looks like Madonna.

Speaker 62398.24s - 2399.94s

She does. Oh my gosh. She's

Speaker 42399.94s - 2401.64s

Madonna in the Star Wars WORK_OF_ART universe

Speaker 62401.64s - 2403.3s

with a dunce cap. Yeah, she

Speaker 42403.3s - 2409.48s

tracks. She has like a unitarred with a cut up on the belly, and then she's got like pointy boobs. Those pointy boob cups.

Speaker 62409.6s - 2410.22s

Yep, yep.

Speaker 42410.46s - 2417.9s

And some star, like, cultured leggings. Cospaliers, don't let us down. This just screams to be made.

Speaker 62418.2s - 2419.56s

I wonder who would ever get this.

Speaker 42419.56s - 2420.88s

The more obscure, the better.

Speaker 52421.12s - 2421.52s


Speaker 42421.52s - 2424.74s

Oh, that's how, that's how, that's, those are the cosplayers that really get me.

Speaker 62424.8s - 2434.72s

You can walk by in a realistic costume, screen accurate costume. It's like, okay. But you walk by me in a costume like this, that's very obscure. And forget it.

Speaker 42434.8s - 2435.04s


Speaker 62435.5s - 2439.22s

You're a page 18 in episode, in issue number seven.

Speaker 42441.68s - 2442.12s


Speaker 52442.32s - 2446.02s

That'll be the best come online anyone could ever say to a, to a cosplayer.

Speaker 42447.44s - 2448.96s

If you even knew who they were, that's it.

Speaker 82448.98s - 2449.62s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 42449.92s - 2450.32s

Is she?

Speaker 52450.36s - 2451.22s

Oh, my God, that's funny.

Speaker 42451.26s - 2451.52s

All right.

Speaker 62451.58s - 2458.74s

From there, Han is confronted by three monks, it looks like, in these green robes who have a proposition.

Speaker 42459.4s - 2464.08s

Unless, of course, you have an unfortunate aversion to dying.

Speaker 62464.28s - 2464.86s

That's right.

Speaker 42465.46s - 2465.82s

All right. Next issue will be called aversion to dying. That's right. All right.

Speaker 62465.9s - 2468.84s

Next issue will be called trouble in paradise.

Speaker 42469.02s - 2469.56s

Or will it?

Speaker 62469.72s - 2471.22s

Or will it. Should we check?

Speaker 42471.22s - 2471.64s


Speaker 62471.96s - 2478.62s

Nope. It is called eight against a world, at least on this cover. Yeah.

Speaker 42478.86s - 2479.66s

Marvel ORG wasn't too consistent.

Speaker 52479.66s - 2481.26s

They're standing on a planet. Yeah.

Speaker 42481.56s - 2484.74s

It wasn't too consistent with their issue titles.

Speaker 62484.9s - 2485.86s

This is a cool cover, though.

Speaker 42485.86s - 2486.6s

I really like it.

Speaker 62486.7s - 2486.9s


Speaker 42487.08s - 2497.88s

But the cover reads, in this issue, the deadly mission of Luke Skywalker PERSON. Roy Thomas and Howard Chacon PERSON, do you not know who Luke Skywalker PERSON is?

Speaker 62498.02s - 2501.14s

Yeah, that's really funny because it's all about Han.

Speaker 42501.26s - 2502.98s

Where's the editor on this?

Speaker 62503.14s - 2503.42s


Speaker 42503.7s - 2510.26s

That's Han Solo PERSON, guys. Do you think anyone's going to read the cover? No, they'll look at the picture. All right.

Speaker 62510.32s - 2524.68s

Well, this issue picks up where a green-skinned alien with bloodstriped pants, he's ticked off that Han was talking to his blue-skinned girl, which we saw in that last issue. And Han keeps calling for Chewy PERSON for backup, but he's nowhere to be found.

Speaker 52525.2s - 2532.92s

I was going to ask, does everybody in the future of Galaxy Far Far Away WORK_OF_ART have pants to have that have that stripe on the side?

Speaker 62533.18s - 2533.72s

The blood stripe?

Speaker 52533.88s - 2537.3s

Oh, yeah, the green alien has pants with the blood stripe, too.

Speaker 42537.42s - 2538.68s

Well, they're all from the military.

Speaker 62539.28s - 2541.24s

I guess. They're all from the Imperial Navy ORG.

Speaker 42541.86s - 2557.84s

That's a good catch. They all have nice big boots, too. All right. Now, there seems to be a lot of confusion, not just with the, at the, the, all from the Imperial Navy ORG. That's a good catch. They all have nice big boots too. All right. Now, there seems to be a lot of confusion. Not just with the issue titles, but someone thought to put in deleted scene Luke PERSON in here.Not too much makeup, Luke PERSON. This is deleted scene Luke PERSON.

Speaker 62558.18s - 2561.04s

Okay. He's got the, the tattling outfit.

Speaker 42561.18s - 2563.06s

He's got the Gilligan PERSON hat and the goggles.

Speaker 62563.32s - 2565.42s

Yeah. That's really funny. Yeah. All right. Well, the alien got the Gilligan PERSON hat and the goggles. Yeah. That's really funny.

Speaker 42565.54s - 2565.86s


Speaker 12566.58s - 2572.34s

All right, well, the alien starts a fight and starts throwing Han around the bar, and

Speaker 62572.34s - 2578.04s

Han knocks into an alien's drink, and the alien says, that was my drink, you just knocked over, Skyboy PERSON.

Speaker 42578.28s - 2579.58s

Skyboy, wait a minute.

Speaker 62579.82s - 2581.36s

Yeah, it sounds like Sky Guy PRODUCT.

Speaker 42581.36s - 2584.02s

Yeah. Which is Asoka's name for Anakin PERSON.

Speaker 62584.48s - 2588.2s

So, how much is that 30 years before Asoka says Sky Guy PRODUCT?

Speaker 42588.3s - 2596.28s

We're going to ask Dave Voloni PERSON about this. And you see Han Solo PERSON being thrown under this table. And above, you see a Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART crossover.

Speaker 82596.54s - 2596.86s


Speaker 42597.58s - 2600.84s

Yeah, this is right after they did their Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART adaptations.

Speaker 62601.58s - 2604.7s

So they're just pulling from all of their past work. I like it.

Speaker 42604.7s - 2613.98s

Now, after Han gets battered around, he's thrown into the air only to be caught by his wookie co-pilot. The alien attacks Chui with no results.

Speaker 52614.68s - 2617.72s

Okay, I got to say Chui looks much better in this issue so far. Yes.

Speaker 42617.9s - 2620s

I totally agree. His face

Speaker 52620s - 2621.36s

is covered by fur finally.

Speaker 72621.54s - 2623.56s

Yeah. Yeah, he looks

Speaker 62623.56s - 2625.7s

like so good here. It's like night and day.

Speaker 52625.92s - 2628.3s

He must have been freshly shaved in the last issue.

Speaker 62628.88s - 2629.28s


Speaker 52629.54s - 2630.62s

I think so too.

Speaker 42630.78s - 2632.88s

Maybe all that grunking made his hair grow back.

Speaker 62634.1s - 2639.76s

Now when Chubaca PERSON is bored by this feeble attempt, he throws him out the window with a shaboo.

Speaker 42639.76s - 2640.12s

Shab boom.

Speaker 62640.92s - 2642.32s

This is a cool panel down here.

Speaker 42642.36s - 2643.24s

That's a very cool panel.

Speaker 62643.4s - 2646.78s

Oh. The green guy's upside down and his tongues hanging out.

Speaker 42647s - 2650.18s

And one of my favorite 50s song, Shaboon WORK_OF_ART, shaboon.

Speaker 62650.88s - 2655.22s

That they play at sunset on Farsland PRODUCT.

Speaker 42655.32s - 2655.68s


Speaker 62655.9s - 2656.3s

There you go.

Speaker 42656.86s - 2671.62s

All right. Now, here's another instance where the artists were just confused. Now, Han turns around to someone to inquire about the job where the last issue left off. And instead of the three monks, there's this guy. The one had just the tattooing farmer

Speaker 72671.62s - 2677.46s

outfit. Yeah. So there's the three monks who came to offer Han a job. And then they

Speaker 42677.46s - 2682.66s

somehow turned into one character. Maybe the budget was cut. We couldn't afford the green

Speaker 72682.66s - 2688.48s

robes or three monks. It's very odd. Like, why this change? No extras that day.

Speaker 62688.76s - 2694.46s

Mm-mm. No. So there's a lot of confusion over there at the Marvel ORG offices, but you know, we'll look the other way.

Speaker 42694.78s - 2697.58s

All right. Well, this guy needs protection from... Continuity, right?

Speaker 62698.08s - 2706s

Absolutely. All right, this guy needs protection from the devil and his men. And he is referring to Sergi PERSON, what is it, Sergi?

Speaker 52706.18s - 2708.16s

Sergi X. Arrogantus PERSON.

Speaker 62708.32s - 2710.06s

And the cloud riders.

Speaker 42710.24s - 2712.58s

All right, time for another for Tomb Fast fact.

Speaker 62713.1s - 2716.12s

A Sergi X PERSON, he was based on the renowned artist,

Speaker 42716.44s - 2724.34s

Sergi Aruganus PERSON. He was a DC artist and creator of Gru the Wanderer PERSON. Carrie, you are a fan of Gru the Wanderer PERSON?

Speaker 52724.34s - 2738.24s

I am a fan of Gru the Wander PERSON, and this is a weird leadback to Comic Palooza because Stan Sikai PERSON, who was the original letterer for Gru the Wanderer PERSON.

Speaker 42738.54s - 2739.94s

Oh, no kidding. Wow.

Speaker 62740.74s - 2742.5s

The circle is now complete.

Speaker 42742.74s - 2743.18s


Speaker 62743.48s - 2747s

I think most fans know Surgi PERSON for his marginals,

Speaker 42747.22s - 2753.48s

which were the little cartoons in the Mad Magazines, that little cartoons in the margins of the main panels.

Speaker 52753.48s - 2762.46s

He also did the animation. I can't remember the name of that show back in the 80s. It was a, there's little characters that were, Sergio Ergonus PERSON was a.

Speaker 42762.52s - 2763.92s

Oh, was that him? Yes.

Speaker 52763.92s - 2767.12s

That was like the bloopers and practical jokes with Dick Clark and Ed McMahon PERSON.

Speaker 62768.18s - 2770.76s

Just when you said that, that image popped in my head.

Speaker 52770.86s - 2771.88s

I can see that.

Speaker 42771.96s - 2773.84s

That's, it's right there.

Speaker 62774.18s - 2778.24s

Oh, my gosh. He gets around. Yeah, and he also has a very distinct look.

Speaker 72779.08s - 2779.94s

You don't say.

Speaker 42780.24s - 2784.34s

And he just begs to be used as a comic book character, like with his big mustache.

Speaker 62784.96s - 2785.14s

Yeah. And so, yeah, this is so cute. And later he would write Dark Horse's ORG, And it just begs to be used as a comic book character, like with his big mustache.

Speaker 72785.34s - 2804.52s

Yeah. And so, yeah, this is so cute. And later he would write Dark Horse's Star Wars Tales WORK_OF_ART. And he illustrated the Star Wars Galactic Frays book and Travel Guide WORK_OF_ART. And then also did some other titles for Dark Horse, including Sergio Arragones PERSON Stomps Star Wars.

Speaker 52806s - 2806.44s

That is so Mad Magazine ORG.

Speaker 42807.28s - 2808.64s

That's very cute. I remember this, yo, yeah.

Speaker 52809.04s - 2811.52s

He did destroy the Marvel Universe at one point, too.

Speaker 42811.7s - 2812.6s

Oh, my gosh.

Speaker 52813.18s - 2814.14s

Stomps Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 42814.22s - 2815.84s

Okay, stomps the Marvel Universe ORG.

Speaker 62815.96s - 2816.36s


Speaker 52816.84s - 2819.14s

Yeah, but this is, look, go back to his look.

Speaker 62819.6s - 2822.68s

This guy, this guy just begs to be a comic book character.

Speaker 42822.86s - 2823.56s

That's a really great.

Speaker 62823.56s - 2824.34s

That's a riot.

Speaker 52824.7s - 2828.38s

Go back to the cover of that Stomp Star Wars WORK_OF_ART, that little character down below?

Speaker 42828.38s - 2833.18s

Yep, that's him. That's the guy from that blooper show. Oh, that's right. Yeah, with a little Mario PERSON mustache.

Speaker 52833.56s - 2835.6s

His little caricature of himself that he did.

Speaker 42835.78s - 2836.68s

I love that.

Speaker 82837.28s - 2837.6s

All right.

Speaker 42837.68s - 2848.52s

Now, back to the story. Every year at this time, Sergei PERSON and his gang come down from the hills to exact tributes from the village and the way of stealing supplies and their wives and daughters.

Speaker 62849.2s - 2850.82s

Again, written in the 70s.

Speaker 42851.18s - 2861.7s

Yeah, the farmer doesn't have much money, but he can offer Han and Chewy PERSON food and shelter. So at this point, Han needs a gang, so the vetting and hiring process begins.

Speaker 62861.7s - 2865.52s

Now, this comic is all about gathering these eight for aduba.

Speaker 42865.88s - 2878.7s

So let's get into it. First of all, we have Hedgy, and he's a porcupine-like spiner with a green Dr. Strange PERSON cape, and he uses his quills as deadly weapons. All right. He's in.

Speaker 62878.92s - 2888.02s

Yeah, absolutely. Oh, and I do have to say here that Han, well, he's taken up space in an office and he's interviewing people, and he decides for some reason that he wants to take his shirt off.

Speaker 42888.38s - 2898.74s

Yes. Because he knows who's coming next. A Mesa Fox Train. And this is why he's shirtless. Han thought that Amazing would come in first.

Speaker 72898.9s - 2912.94s

It's like, oh, man, I feel really awkward right now in front of Hedgy PERSON. But, you know, I got to push on with this. So, Amazza Fox Train, she's a sultry mercenary, dead mother of the Black Hole gang, and an old fling of Hans PERSON.

Speaker 62913.18s - 2919.66s

Of course. Yeah. And she asks, why solo? Don't you want to see if I've still got away with a blaster?

Speaker 42920.66s - 2923.86s

I've never heard annuendo so on the nose as this.

Speaker 62925.62s - 2927.14s

You already got a shirt off, so.

Speaker 42927.66s - 2929.34s

Yeah, she's not wearing much.

Speaker 62929.48s - 2931.06s

No, no, they're halfway there.

Speaker 42931.28s - 2931.94s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 62932.24s - 2933.02s

So guess what?

Speaker 42933.22s - 2933.8s

She's in?

Speaker 62933.96s - 2938.32s

Yep. All right, here also, we have Don Juan Quixote PERSON.

Speaker 42939.12s - 2947.7s

And he prays to join the Holy Mission ORG so he can continue to be worthy of the name, Jedi Knight. Wow.

Speaker 62947.82s - 2949.14s

And Han thinks he's nuts.

Speaker 42949.34s - 2955.24s

For some reason, all right, you're in. Now, Carrie PERSON, who does he look like to you? I don't know.

Speaker 52955.44s - 2959.2s

I mean, it's on the tip of my tongue, but I, what are you trying to get to?

Speaker 42959.2s - 2960.32s

I'm thinking Vincent Price.

Speaker 52961.22s - 2962.34s

Oh, well, yeah.

Speaker 42962.56s - 2963.44s

I can see that.

Speaker 52963.54s - 2966.98s

You have Peter Cushing in Star Wars, I think the Marlville GPE writer is like,

Speaker 72967.34s - 2970.68s

we could use Christopher Lee, but would he ever be in Star Wars? Let's go with Vincent Price.

Speaker 52970.84s - 2975.86s

Vincent Price with a goatee. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, spitting image to me. I love it.

Speaker 72975.86s - 2983.84s

Also in the mix is Jim Doshun PERSON, also known as the Star Killer Kid, or as I call him, discount, deleted scene,

Speaker 62984.44s - 2985.32s

Luke PERSON kid. Right.

Speaker 42985.74s - 2986.2s


Speaker 62986.58s - 2987.6s

He's Timu Luke PERSON.

Speaker 42987.86s - 2988.1s


Speaker 62988.16s - 2988.38s


Speaker 42989.88s - 2995.12s

And once again, they were looking at the deleted footage in the photographs and said,

Speaker 62995.2s - 2996.82s

hey, they didn't use this Luke PERSON.

Speaker 42996.92s - 2997.9s

We're going to use this Luke PERSON.

Speaker 52997.9s - 2999.18s

We want him with a Gilligan PERSON hat.

Speaker 32999.6s - 3001.32s

And that robot looks like from Futurama WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 53001.86s - 3002.16s


Speaker 43002.26s - 3002.96s

Oh, yes.

Speaker 53003.06s - 3004.3s

This is Effie PERSON.

Speaker 33004.4s - 3004.94s

That's Effie PERSON.

Speaker 43005.06s - 3007.16s

And he's a tractor droid with an attitude.

Speaker 53007.78s - 3010.78s

And he doesn't want to be viewed as being owned by Jim PERSON.

Speaker 43011.26s - 3011.82s


Speaker 53012.18s - 3012.64s


Speaker 73012.86s - 3017.14s

He's got the very self-righteous attitude later seen in K2SO in Rogue 1 PRODUCT.

Speaker 53017.38s - 3018.6s

Don't ask him to hold anything.

Speaker 63018.72s - 3018.92s


Speaker 53019.62s - 3021.06s

He'll drop it and run over it.

Speaker 43021.5s - 3025.12s

Now, Hansi PERSON's used for a robot, so he lets them both in.

Speaker 53025.24s - 3027.42s

He doesn't call him a droid, calls him a robot.

Speaker 43027.78s - 3028.82s

All right, you guys are in.

Speaker 63029.32s - 3031s

All right, everyone rise?

Speaker 43032.08s - 3035.38s

Last but not least, who is Jackson PERSON.

Speaker 63035.38s - 3035.9s


Speaker 43036.46s - 3040.32s

This is the green-furred rabbit-like leppy with a mean disposition.

Speaker 73040.88s - 3046.16s

Now, when the green-skinned alien who roughed up Han earlier tries to cut in front of Jackson

Speaker 63046.16s - 3052.98s

and then calls Jackson a rodent, well, this sets Jackson off the way calling Marty McFly PERSON a chicken

Speaker 73052.98s - 3058.56s

and Back to the Future did. And Jackson PERSON gives him a hard cut chop.

Speaker 43059.94s - 3062.36s

His leg extends too. It's like Mr. Fantastic.

Speaker 53063.22s - 3065.46s

Yeah. Oh, yeah, totally does.

Speaker 73065.86s - 3068.46s

After seeing this, Han brings him into the mix.

Speaker 03068.62s - 3069.48s

Yep, of course.

Speaker 43069.56s - 3074.74s

Now, Haunton PERSON does call him a rabbit, which makes rabbits canon.

Speaker 63075.1s - 3075.72s

Oh, like ducks.

Speaker 53075.72s - 3082.8s

We have Sunday school, and we have rabbits, and like they mentioned in the Star Wars WORK_OF_ART novelization, ducks.

Speaker 63082.98s - 3083.18s


Speaker 43083.38s - 3085.76s

Ducks and rabbits are now canon.

Speaker 63086.8s - 3093.04s

And in my opinion, Jackson is a clear standout of all the Marvel created Star Wars WORK_OF_ART characters.

Speaker 43093.62s - 3094.78s

I mean, how could he not be?

Speaker 83094.86s - 3096.2s

He's in a nice red suit.

Speaker 63096.54s - 3097s

It's green.

Speaker 83097.5s - 3098.66s

He's a bunny.

Speaker 43099.3s - 3106.3s

And Fetum Fast Fact, you may know one of Jackson's descendants, Bucky O'Hare PERSON.

Speaker 83106.44s - 3106.96s


Speaker 43107.42s - 3108.94s

Oh, do you know him, Carrie PERSON?

Speaker 63109.16s - 3111.3s

I do. One of the hardest NES PRODUCT games ever made.

Speaker 53111.86s - 3113.48s

Oh, Super Nintendo PRODUCT.

Speaker 63113.86s - 3114.74s

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 53115.28s - 3120.26s

Yeah, he was seen in comics and in toys and the video game.

Speaker 63120.26s - 3120.68s


Speaker 43120.92s - 3128.2s

Also an animated series that was created by Star Wars writer Larry Hama and artist Michael Golden PERSON.

Speaker 63129.12s - 3148.4s

All right, well, as Han reflects on how Jim reminds him of Luke PERSON, the story then segues to the fourth moon of Yavin, where Luke and his droids are setting out on a mission to find a new rebel base. And Princess Leia really wants to go with him, but General Dodona PERSON tells her she has to stay there as a leader and a symbol of the rebellion.

Speaker 53149.1s - 3151.62s

Her buns are much bigger here. Yeah.

Speaker 63151.9s - 3152.26s

Hey, what did it?

Speaker 43152.56s - 3154.28s

Carrie PERSON, this is a children's show, okay?

Speaker 63154.52s - 3155.18s

What are he talking about?

Speaker 53155.24s - 3158.36s

Oh, the hair buns, I got it. They were just drawn, they were drawn that way.

Speaker 63159.72s - 3161.34s

Now, Luke PERSON here looks great.

Speaker 43161.92s - 3163.42s

He does look a lot like Mark Hamel.

Speaker 63163.42s - 3164.82s

Yeah, but this.

Speaker 43165.46s - 3166.52s

Post-car accident. Leia does not look like Carrie Hamill PERSON. Yeah, but this... Post-car accident.

Speaker 63166.82s - 3168.88s

Leah does not look like Carrie Fisher PERSON here.

Speaker 43169s - 3173.08s

No, but I guess this is what they meant on the cover by the deadly mission of Luke Skywalker PERSON.

Speaker 63173.48s - 3176.56s

We'll give him three panels and off we go. Yeah.

Speaker 43176.8s - 3181.78s

And then Luke has some inner thoughts here of Ben, Han, and Darth Vader.

Speaker 63182.68s - 3186s

And I guess because you only saw Vader for a few brief seconds,

Speaker 43186.4s - 3187.76s

he forgot Vader PERSON had a red

Speaker 63187.76s - 3189.96s

lightsaber and not a yellow one.

Speaker 43190.28s - 3194.06s

They kept giving all the characters yellow lightsabers and the toys and the

Speaker 63194.06s - 3196s

comics. Yeah. Maybe it

Speaker 43196s - 3197.58s

only turns red when he's really angry.

Speaker 63198.6s - 3199.84s

Well, technically...

Speaker 43199.84s - 3201.58s

It's like a mood lightsaber.

Speaker 63201.66s - 3218.84s

Yeah. From the 70s. I love it. All right. Luke is then starts to think about Han and how Han saved him from Darth Vader. And then, you know, how Han has a good heart. And then the story then segs back to Han Solo PERSON.So that's pretty neat.

Speaker 43218.96s - 3250.12s

Yeah. What Marvel ORG did here was very interesting. When we left the Han Solo storyline, Han was thinking of Luke when he was speaking with Jim, the discount deleted Luke PERSON, then that segued into the Luke storyline. Then as Luke was thinking of Han, segwayed back into the Han storyline. I really love that technique, and I give Marvel a lot of credit for that. Right now, the next morning,Han and Chewy have their star hopper crew ready to rock when Sergei X PERSON in his gang of cloud riders show up.

Speaker 63250.12s - 3254.54s

Oh, oh, here they come in the background and then bam, here they are. Woo.

Speaker 43254.68s - 3259.94s

Yeah, and Sergei PERSON says, forget the farmers. He can offer a minimum sum to Han.

Speaker 63260.06s - 3260.8s

A minimal sum.

Speaker 43260.94s - 3262.22s

Minimal sum. Yeah.

Speaker 63262.46s - 3263.38s

But he never says for what?

Speaker 43263.78s - 3268.18s

Honestly, like the sum, the farmer, the discount farmer came and said, hey, we'll pay you.

Speaker 63268.46s - 3275.52s

He never says how much. And then Sergi PERSON comes and says, oh, I'll pay you. Never says how much. I want to know how much we're working with here. Yeah.

Speaker 43275.62s - 3277.66s

How does he know what the farmer offered?

Speaker 63278.22s - 3298.3s

Yeah, I don't know. But, Han, to his credit, he says no deal. And I feel like this is really showing Han's growth over the course of the first film that we just saw him in. Because only a smuggler with a heart of gold would not take any money offered and run and not do the work. Like he's being offered money to do the work.

Speaker 53298.48s - 3298.64s


Speaker 63299.02s - 3304.6s

Yeah. That would have been like last week. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, he really wants to help the society from a perceived threat.

Speaker 43305.26s - 3309.98s

Kind of the Cinderella PERSON story, right? No matter the cost. Yeah, exactly. Yeah, he really wants to help the society from a perceived threat. Kind of the Cinderella story, right? No matter the cost. Yeah. So now here,

Speaker 63310.14s - 3315.36s

Sergei PERSON and the gang leave, but not without the warning. If... Wait, what does Sergei sound like?

Speaker 43315.54s - 3326.08s

If you persist, you will soon be nothing. Just one more lifeless corpse twisting in the desert wind. That's very poetic of him. That's very poetic.

Speaker 63326.08s - 3327.24s

That was very poetic.

Speaker 43327.24s - 3329.3s

Yeah, does that sound more like a Sergi X PRODUCT?

Speaker 53329.6s - 3330.24s

I don't know.

Speaker 63330.36s - 3331.34s

Carrie PERSON, you want to try?

Speaker 43331.72s - 3333.86s

I'm not going to give it a try, but I'm good with that.

Speaker 63334.16s - 3335.46s

Yeah, there you go.

Speaker 43336.7s - 3336.92s


Speaker 73337.16s - 3339.4s

I'm happy with the Sergi X PRODUCT voice.

Speaker 43339.56s - 3340.58s

Okay, I love it.

Speaker 73340.68s - 3341.12s

All right.

Speaker 43341.56s - 3345.82s

Well, so ends the first half of the story with a promise of the next title,

Speaker 53346.6s - 3348.52s

Showdown on a Barren World WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 43349.22s - 3349.52s


Speaker 53349.68s - 3350.4s

Will they stick with it?

Speaker 43350.98s - 3351.36s


Speaker 53351.66s - 3352.54s

The next issue.

Speaker 43352.76s - 3355.82s

Issue 9 starts with a semi-altered title.

Speaker 63356.2s - 3362.52s

Instead of Showdown on a barren world, it's been changed to Showdown on a Wasteland World WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 43363.04s - 3364.36s

We'll give them that.

Speaker 83364.44s - 3365.36s

They're getting better at.

Speaker 63365.46s - 3365.6s


Speaker 83365.6s - 3366s


Speaker 63366.48s - 3366.76s


Speaker 83367.02s - 3368.86s

They just need to look at the last panel of every issue.

Speaker 53369.36s - 3369.78s


Speaker 63369.9s - 3375.38s

No kidding. And then see like, oh, wait, we had monks come to talk to Han.

Speaker 43375.38s - 3376.24s

To a Duba three.

Speaker 63376.76s - 3377.04s


Speaker 43377.22s - 3380.12s

And now we'll reduce them to a moisture farmer.

Speaker 63380.42s - 3381.04s

It's very odd.

Speaker 43381.26s - 3398.78s

Guys, people are going to be dissecting this in 47 years on a podcast. Get your act together. All right. Now, Han and the Star Hoppers PERSON are making their way through a rocky canyon. And Don Juan is now wearing a full suit of classic knight armor and holding a lance.

Speaker 53399.22s - 3403.6s

He's taking Jedi Knight PERSON to a whole new level.

Speaker 43403.6s - 3405.22s

This is so funny.

Speaker 53405.52s - 3409.5s

And I mean, if you think about it, at this point, we didn't know what Jedi Knights looked

Speaker 63409.5s - 3409.78s


Speaker 53409.82s - 3410.94s

They didn't look like that.

Speaker 43411.24s - 3413.14s

That's safe to say.

Speaker 53413.14s - 3419s

But the Marvel comics, you know, the artist heard Knight PERSON, and I'm sure this is what

Speaker 63419s - 3419.74s

was in their head.

Speaker 53420.86s - 3421s

And so...

Speaker 43421s - 3422.06s

A little too literally.

Speaker 63422.66s - 3424.5s

It's very, very much.

Speaker 43424.72s - 3428.06s

And couldn't afford to buy clothes for the female.

Speaker 63428.68s - 3429.16s


Speaker 43430.04s - 3430.92s

For a mesa.

Speaker 63431.48s - 3431.64s


Speaker 43431.64s - 3434.44s

Yeah. Poor Mesa LOC has just this tiny little red bikini.

Speaker 53435.04s - 3435.24s


Speaker 43435.98s - 3437.5s

I'm happy with that.

Speaker 53438.44s - 3438.96s

All right.

Speaker 63439.02s - 3440.16s

Well, I ain't cosplay in her.

Speaker 43441.04s - 3441.44s

All right.

Speaker 53441.44s - 3443.24s

Okay. Carrie PERSON, that's going to be you and me.

Speaker 63444.38s - 3444.94s

All right.

Speaker 43446.06s - 3446.08s

Hans PERSON sees a bird... I'm good. All right, Hans, he's a bird.

Speaker 63446.78s - 3448.22s

I'm good.

Speaker 43450.92s - 3451.34s

All right, Han sees bird-like creatures in the distance,

Speaker 63456.44s - 3457.08s

and Jim PERSON tells him that they are bloodthirsty scavengers called High Hounds,

Speaker 43459.84s - 3462.56s

and these shrieking quasi-humans descend on the village and go for the maze stalks.

Speaker 53462.98s - 3466.48s

So the star hoppers are put into action right away to defend the village.

Speaker 43467.02s - 3468.1s

They're earning their keep.

Speaker 63468.38s - 3479.24s

And in the middle of this great struggle, Jackson PERSON comes on to a maze. Of course. And he says, hey, how about a possible team up? I got a hunch we could make beautiful blaster music together.

Speaker 43479.24s - 3486.3s

Once again, another t-shirt that needs to be made. You know what? I want to hear this by everyone at Comic Palooza EVENT.

Speaker 53486.62s - 3487.98s

I want to hear Blaster PRODUCT music.

Speaker 43490.08s - 3492.54s

Carrie PERSON? That sounds like homework for you.

Speaker 53492.98s - 3495.5s

It's just a grind core. It's just super fast.

Speaker 43497s - 3502.2s

I think that's a very good approachable line to someone at a convention.

Speaker 63503.1s - 3507.9s

I think it shows where they are in fandom, and it's like, hey, this is, I'm putting this out

Speaker 83507.9s - 3508.16s


Speaker 43508.7s - 3508.98s


Speaker 63509.34s - 3509.62s

All right.

Speaker 43509.66s - 3513.18s

Now, as a high hound targets, a young bikini-clad girl.

Speaker 63513.3s - 3514.44s

Another bikini-clad girl.

Speaker 43514.88s - 3515.5s

Which I'm happy with.

Speaker 63515.5s - 3515.92s

I'm just saying.

Speaker 43516.3s - 3523.84s

Han storms in on a bantha and rescues the damsel in distress and says, maybe this place is worth saving after all.

Speaker 63524.74s - 3527.72s

Han, what about Leah PERSON? But I guess at this point, they're not.

Speaker 43528.34s - 3534.26s

Leah PERSON hasn't been wearing her bikini yet. He hasn't seen her on Saturday Night Live WORK_OF_ART and her gold bikini.

Speaker 63534.46s - 3537.28s

Well, she's got a very tight-fitting dress in these comics, though.

Speaker 43537.4s - 3538.06s

Leah PERSON does.

Speaker 63538.06s - 3549.98s

Very much, though. Now, knowing they are beaten, the high hounds retreat, and the girl that Han saved is Mary PERSON. She's the daughter of Ancho PERSON, the village spokesperson. All right. Meanwhile.

Speaker 43550.52s - 3551.1s


Speaker 63551.58s - 3557.34s

Back at the rebel base, Princess Leia is concerned for Luke PERSON and wishes she could have gone with him.

Speaker 43557.66s - 3560.22s

Now, there's a meanwhile in a meanwhile.

Speaker 63560.64s - 3561.02s


Speaker 43561.3s - 3578.34s

This is the first. Luke and the droids have come upon an unnamed planet in the Drexel system. As Luke is sending a transmission to Leia PERSON, he suddenly exclaims, no, it is impossible. It, it. And just then, the transmission cuts out, fearing he is in trouble.

Speaker 73578.96s - 3580.96s

Leah PERSON races out to save her friend.

Speaker 63581.54s - 3583.48s

In a way no body can ever be contorted.

Speaker 73584.18s - 3584.66s


Speaker 43584.96s - 3585.16s


Speaker 63585.16s - 3586.18s

what is she doing there?

Speaker 53586.72s - 3588.44s

I think it's the beginning of a run.

Speaker 43588.54s - 3588.94s

I don't know.

Speaker 53589.22s - 3589.96s

She's yogi-ing.

Speaker 43591.4s - 3591.64s


Speaker 53591.64s - 3592.14s


Speaker 43592.18s - 3592.6s

I'm not a,

Speaker 53592.64s - 3594.14s

I'm not a chakin

Speaker 63594.14s - 3595.86s


Speaker 43598.44s - 3599s

All right,

Speaker 53599.04s - 3599.26s


Speaker 43599.26s - 3600.62s

back on a doba three PRODUCT,

Speaker 63601.02s - 3602.4s

Mary PERSON's shaman grandfather

Speaker 43602.4s - 3604.08s

tells Han that he

Speaker 63604.08s - 3604.92s

and his companions

Speaker 43604.92s - 3611.44s

are not needed here. He then speaks of a mystical solution he once beheld in his youth.

Speaker 63611.56s - 3614.6s

Yeah, so he's thinking to use this mystical solution instead of...

Speaker 43614.6s - 3616.3s

No spoilers, no spoilers just yet.

Speaker 63616.3s - 3625.92s

Okay, okay. Now, it's not long before Sergei X and the Cloudwriters ORG descend on the village with blasters ablazing. Some of these panels are really great.

Speaker 43626.28s - 3626.94s

They are, yeah.

Speaker 63626.94s - 3628.56s

They are poster worthy art.

Speaker 43628.72s - 3629.92s

Or t-shirt, t-shirt.

Speaker 63630.12s - 3631.44s

Or t-shirt-worthy, yes.

Speaker 43631.74s - 3633.44s

And then some, not so much.

Speaker 53633.58s - 3634.42s

Not so much.

Speaker 63635.24s - 3636.44s

Yeah, but this.

Speaker 43636.64s - 3637.36s

That's Chewbacca PERSON.

Speaker 53637.56s - 3638.6s

That needs to be a t-shirt.

Speaker 63638.72s - 3642.72s

I was going to say, like, just suppose this Sergei X PERSON with his gun blaster blazing

Speaker 53642.72s - 3646.26s

right next to that poor Chewbacca PERSON that no one can tell is Chewbacca.

Speaker 43646.56s - 3646.78s

All right.

Speaker 63646.78s - 3649.34s

Now, before we go on with this next part, I just go to apologize, okay?

Speaker 43649.66s - 3649.92s


Speaker 63650.06s - 3655.6s

All right, so Sergei PERSON demands their tribute and says, and that includes the cream of your crop.

Speaker 43656.14s - 3665.2s

Oh, I can do it in the Sergei PERSON voice. And that includes the cream of your crop who just reached the age. I like them. With that, he calls out Mary PERSON.

Speaker 03665.5s - 3671.24s

On behalf of Marvel ORG and of Skywalking through Neverland and the Metal Giggs WORK_OF_ART podcast, we're sorry.

Speaker 43671.98s - 3672.84s

That does not age well.

Speaker 53673.06s - 3674.66s

No, not whatsoever.

Speaker 83675.02s - 3675.6s

It's terrible.

Speaker 53675.6s - 3678.26s

Back in 77, that shouldn't have aged well.

Speaker 83678.46s - 3678.94s


Speaker 63679.4s - 3680.42s

All right, let's move past this.

Speaker 83680.42s - 3680.88s

All right.

Speaker 43681.26s - 3683.98s

Han and the Star Hoppers begin firing back.

Speaker 83684.4s - 3689.54s

And Han thinks to himself, right now, I sure wish we had some of that force I keep hearing about.

Speaker 43690.24s - 3697.92s

Really? Really? That is not the Han soul I know from Star Wars WORK_OF_ART. The one who called the Force a hokey religion. And it

Speaker 03697.92s - 3699.7s

was simple tricks and nonsense.

Speaker 63700.64s - 3701.1s

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 43701.56s - 3704.04s

I don't think Roy Thomas had seen Star Wars WORK_OF_ART at this

Speaker 63704.04s - 3711.18s

point. I mean, at this point Han would have seen Luke PERSON fire, you know, use the force to fire, the proton torpedo.

Speaker 43711.68s - 3719.34s

And seeing him practice with a lightsaber on the Millennium Falcon PRODUCT, but still, but still right now, it's still too early for him to be believing in the force.

Speaker 63719.52s - 3719.8s


Speaker 43720.6s - 3720.98s


Speaker 53721.22s - 3721.84s

It's true.

Speaker 83722.48s - 3726.64s

This is the time in comics where a lot of expedition was done with people singing to themselves.

Speaker 63726.86s - 3727.08s


Speaker 83727.32s - 3727.8s


Speaker 43728.02s - 3728.92s

Inner monologues.

Speaker 83728.96s - 3729.12s


Speaker 53729.12s - 3730.32s


Speaker 83730.86s - 3741.8s

During the battle in chaos, Effie, the droid you love to hate, steps in front of a blast meant for his partner, Jim PERSON, and is destroyed with a bazaq.

Speaker 53742.26s - 3742.78s


Speaker 43743.04s - 3745.12s

A moment of silence for Effie PERSON.

Speaker 73745.26s - 3746.16s

The poor thing.

Speaker 53747.24s - 3750.2s

All right, here the Star Hoppers then take another casualty

Speaker 43750.2s - 3754.38s

as Don Juan Quixote PERSON comes to the aid of a mesa

Speaker 63754.38s - 3758.5s

and a cloud rider races in and blast the Jedi night from behind with a

Speaker 43758.5s - 3760.38s


Speaker 63760.74s - 3761.18s


Speaker 43762.08s - 3765.96s

All right, and now the knight, he speaks very nightly.

Speaker 63766.5s - 3771.14s

Farewell, comely damsel, at least you shall live.

Speaker 53771.56s - 3775.3s

I mean, you would think that armor is pretty heavy.

Speaker 43775.48s - 3777.76s

It would protect him from a blast like that.

Speaker 53777.96s - 3778.88s

Yeah, you'd think so.

Speaker 63778.88s - 3779.62s

Why else wear it?

Speaker 53779.96s - 3781.96s

Yeah, and I don't think he could walk very fast.

Speaker 43783.4s - 3785.94s

He's a very old gentleman and wearing a suit like that. I'm not think he could walk very fast. He's a very old gentleman and wearing a suit like that.

Speaker 53786.06s - 3788.24s

I'm not sure he could walk any quicker.

Speaker 63788.64s - 3806.3s

I had to get out of that blast range. So now with two of the eight down, Mary PERSON's shaman grandfather then raises his arms and calls out, Hear me slumbering one. Emerge from your bedchambers of stone. Save us whose ancestors once worshipped you.

Speaker 43806.88s - 3820.46s

And the carnage of battle continues. Sergei X. Aragantus and his surly banned Occupy's second place in Han Solo's PERSON priorities. Quite obviously, the real battle is yet to begin.

Speaker 63820.82s - 3823.18s

Because out of the rocks comes this...

Speaker 43823.18s - 3824.1s


Speaker 63824.18s - 3824.9s

Bohemoth. Behemoth.

Speaker 43825.04s - 3825.92s

Behemoth. Behemoth. Behemoth. Behemot Zilla.

Speaker 63826.24s - 3827.56s

Yeah. Beast.

Speaker 43828.24s - 3834.9s

So this is the end of part three. Next issue, it says, Day of the Behemoth. All right.

Speaker 53834.9s - 3835.98s

Do they get it right?

Speaker 43836.22s - 3836.64s

I don't know.

Speaker 53836.64s - 3839.08s

I don't know. Let's see. Let's see. Let's see.

Speaker 83839.56s - 3843.06s

What do you think?

Speaker 43843.06s - 3849.98s

Hold on. Hold on before we get to the day the behemoth, part nine, ends with this exquisite pen-up of Han,

Speaker 63850.58s - 3851.8s

Hone, Luke PERSON.

Speaker 53852.12s - 3853.6s

Exquisite is definitely a word.

Speaker 43853.68s - 3855.42s

Shui and Leah PERSON, I think.

Speaker 53855.6s - 3858s

It's excruciating is what it is.

Speaker 43858.56s - 3861.54s

This is quite possibly the worst poster I've ever seen.

Speaker 63861.82s - 3864.8s

It looks like the end of a sitcom, you know, like.

Speaker 43864.8s - 3865.58s

The freeze frame? Yeah, the freeze frame at the end of a sitcom. You know, like... The freeze frame?

Speaker 63865.66s - 3867.32s

Yeah, the freeze frame at the end of a sitcom.

Speaker 43867.32s - 3872.34s

And for some reason, Leah PERSON's like laying on the floor, sitting on the floor.

Speaker 63872.88s - 3874.54s

Chewock has put on a few pounds there, too.

Speaker 53874.62s - 3875.02s


Speaker 63875.26s - 3877.76s

Looks like the Sasquatch from Six Million Dollar Man WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 53878.02s - 3879.22s

He's widened a little bit.

Speaker 43879.74s - 3882.54s

Yeah, and Luke PERSON has this, like, silly grin on.

Speaker 63882.54s - 3888.16s

However, I got to say, Howard Chakins, his illustration here, except for Leah PERSON,

Speaker 43888.7s - 3893.58s

matches, well, better matches the actors than what we had seen in this comic.

Speaker 63893.74s - 3895.08s

Look at Chewy PERSON. Look at Chewy PERSON.

Speaker 43896.12s - 3899.12s

That is a great rendition of Chewbacca PERSON.

Speaker 63899.28s - 3900.44s

I don't think you're right.

Speaker 43900.44s - 3904.58s

I mean, okay, in comparison with what we've seen in the issue. All right.

Speaker 63904.82s - 3905.96s

So take that in before we move on. All right. So mean, okay, in comparison with what we've seen in the issue. All right. So take that

Speaker 43905.96s - 3908.06s

in before we move on. All right. So the previous

Speaker 63908.06s - 3910.06s

issue promised Day

Speaker 43910.06s - 3912.16s

of the Behemoth. So let's see.

Speaker 63912.22s - 3913.32s

Did Marvel ORG stick with it?

Speaker 53913.7s - 3915.6s

Nope. It's called

Speaker 63915.6s - 3917.76s

the behemoth from below.

Speaker 53918.1s - 3919.9s

They got one word right. Yeah.

Speaker 63920.2s - 3921.9s

I do think this title

Speaker 43921.9s - 3923.12s

has a better ring to it.

Speaker 63923.54s - 3925.04s

Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah. And this is the issue written by Donald F. Glutt PERSON. it. Yeah. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 43927.16s - 3927.5s

And this is the issue written by Donald F. Glutt PERSON.

Speaker 63927.88s - 3928.32s


Speaker 43928.96s - 3929.12s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 73929.46s - 3929.64s


Speaker 63932.4s - 3932.58s

So, and he once again wrote the Empire Strikes Back WORK_OF_ART novelization.

Speaker 43932.76s - 3933s


Speaker 63933.36s - 3933.4s


Speaker 43933.64s - 3933.72s

All right.

Speaker 63938.82s - 3939.24s

Now, the story continues as behemothzilla tears out of the mountain,

Speaker 43945.54s - 3950.26s

using an energy beam that emits from the top of his head that beast destroys every cloud rider in its way. It ignores Han and the others since it was summoned only to kill the enemy.

Speaker 63954.04s - 3954.24s

Now I have a question. Godzilla PERSON, he like had energy from his mouth?

Speaker 43957.22s - 3957.34s

Yeah, he had a, uh, the energy beam.

Speaker 63957.74s - 3957.88s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 43958.3s - 3962.24s

Okay, okay. But this guy has energy from his head. Yeah, from somewhere on top of his head.

Speaker 63962.32s - 3971.62s

They don't really show you where it just suddenly emits from the top of his head. Okay. Now, okay, all right. Suddenly, Don Juan Quixote PERSON reappears.

Speaker 43971.72s - 3975.02s

Wait a minute. Oh, hold on. Didn't we to see him go down in the last issue?

Speaker 63975.34s - 3977.38s

We did, but Kerry PERSON was right.

Speaker 43977.74s - 3983.7s

His armor saved him from the Cloud Rider's PRODUCT blast. Yeah, we never saw his body hit the ground. Yep.

Speaker 63984.34s - 3985.14s

So, you know what? Okay, that tracks. Good job, Carrie PERSON. Asterix C last issue. Yeah, we never saw his body hit the ground. Yep. So, you know what?

Speaker 43985.18s - 3986.42s

That, okay, that tracks.

Speaker 63986.7s - 3987.3s

Good job, Carrie PERSON.

Speaker 53987.66s - 3989.7s

Asterick PERSON, see, last issue. Yeah.

Speaker 63990.48s - 3992.1s

Yeah, it does say that right back.

Speaker 43994.86s - 3995.92s

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 53996.16s - 3997.52s

Now I want to see Effie PERSON come back.

Speaker 43998.36s - 3999.5s

And so begins.

Speaker 53999.5s - 4002.08s

Characters dying and coming back in the Marvel

Speaker 64002.08s - 4002.62s


Speaker 44003.84s - 4008.62s

Now, with most of his gang dead and knowing there's no way of bringing the behemoth down,

Speaker 84009.24s - 4010.7s

Sergei PERSON comes up with an idea.

Speaker 44011.12s - 4024.5s

If he kills the shaman who's controlling the beast, he may come out of this alive. So he dives right for the old man. He's almost in range. He's almost there. Almost there. And splat.

Speaker 74026.94s - 4032.36s

The behemoth steps on both Sergei X, King Kong PERSON style,

Speaker 44032.58s - 4036.6s

and he also steps on the shaman and kills him.

Speaker 74036.82s - 4038.32s

Okay, but the guy who's controlling him.

Speaker 44038.36s - 4039.02s

Which one is which?

Speaker 74039.12s - 4041.84s

Is Sergei PERSON the splat or is Sergei the wamp?

Speaker 64043.22s - 4044.28s

Carrie PERSON, what do you say?

Speaker 44045.32s - 4048.46s

Well, Sergei PERSON was on that, he was on a bike.

Speaker 64048.74s - 4051.04s

So maybe he was more of the wamp.

Speaker 44051.66s - 4052.54s

Okay, okay.

Speaker 64052.98s - 4056.38s

See, I would go with, Sergei PERSON starts with an S, so he's the splat.

Speaker 54056.78s - 4057.18s


Speaker 64057.42s - 4058.48s

But that's, that's just me.

Speaker 54058.54s - 4060.18s

They're both splat.

Speaker 64060.34s - 4060.7s

It's okay.

Speaker 54061s - 4061.24s


Speaker 64061.36s - 4063.1s

And the shaman starts with a W?

Speaker 54064.18s - 4065.38s

Also starts with an S. I don't know. But now there's no one who's okay. Yeah. And the shaman starts with a W? Also starts with a Ness.

Speaker 64066.8s - 4067.72s

I don't know.

Speaker 44067.92s - 4073.84s

But now there's no one who's controlling the behemoth and the creature has now gone rogue.

Speaker 64073.98s - 4075.5s

So Han decides it's time.

Speaker 44075.58s - 4088.46s

He pulls everyone together and announces that the only way to kill the monster is if they all work together. Now, this is really cool panel. I love this. This is all, what, eight of them, seven of them? Seven.

Speaker 64088.7s - 4089.7s

Seven of them.

Speaker 44089.7s - 4090.52s

We're one down.

Speaker 64090.74s - 4091.96s

Oh, yes, the, uh,

Speaker 44092s - 4092.6s


Speaker 64092.9s - 4093.92s

Effie PERSON died. Hold on, hold on.

Speaker 44093.98s - 4097.8s

What happened to Jim, Luke PERSON, his pants?

Speaker 64097.92s - 4100.1s

Jim PERSON. This count,

Speaker 44100.1s - 4105.58s

Discount deleted scene, Luke PERSON. Hey, Jim PERSON. Jim PERSON lost his pants.

Speaker 64105.7s - 4109.18s

So, hey, if a maze doesn't have to wear pants, why do I have to wear pants?

Speaker 44109.58s - 4113.34s

If you're not wearing night armor, you're wearing a bikini bottom, basically.

Speaker 54113.88s - 4118.6s

I don't think we've seen his lower half earlier, because this just takes me right out of the front.

Speaker 44118.6s - 4120.76s

Even Jackson PERSON is like, I want no part of this.

Speaker 54121s - 4121.28s


Speaker 44121.5s - 4123.18s

Well, Chewy PERSON's not wearing any clothes, so.

Speaker 54123.26s - 4124.38s

He didn't skip leg day, though.

Speaker 44124.52s - 4124.88s

That's for sure.

Speaker 64127.8s - 4128.84s

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 44128.84s - 4132.12s

Now, the creature shoots his headbeam at them.

Speaker 64132.38s - 4136.76s

But, uh, Carrie PERSON, does that look like it's coming from his head or another part of his body?

Speaker 44137.98s - 4139.76s

He looks like he's relieving himself.

Speaker 54141.9s - 4144s

Sarah PERSON and I went around in circles on this one.

Speaker 44144s - 4144.62s

I was like, where?

Speaker 54144.88s - 4149.9s

Well, because I was, my job was to find the pictures of the panels that you had made notes on.

Speaker 44150s - 4152.44s

And I'm like, I don't know what panel you're referring to.

Speaker 64152.44s - 4153.16s

A less, less here a guy.

Speaker 44154.52s - 4156.08s

You won't see what we're seeing.

Speaker 74156.54s - 4157.86s

That's even scarier.

Speaker 54161.06s - 4163.06s

Yeah, that was coming from both ends.

Speaker 44163.68s - 4164.3s

Oh, boy.

Speaker 64164.7s - 4165.62s

All right, all right.

Speaker 44165.7s - 4170s

Well, meanwhile, we have to catch up with Princess Leia PERSON and what's happening with her.

Speaker 54170s - 4171.86s

So she's on her way to find Luke PERSON.

Speaker 44172.3s - 4176.12s

And the last time she heard from him, he had seen something presumably terrible.

Speaker 64176.44s - 4178.14s

And then the communication was lost.

Speaker 44178.86s - 4179.56s

Last issue.

Speaker 64180.12s - 4181s

Last issue.

Speaker 54181.5s - 4181.6s


Speaker 64181.82s - 4186.66s

Indeed. So now she wishes Han Solo PERSON was here to help out. And that's it.

Speaker 04187.02s - 4188.22s

That's all we hear from Princess Leia PERSON.

Speaker 54188.56s - 4188.8s

All right.

Speaker 04188.84s - 4190.98s

Because we're back to the behemoth battle.

Speaker 64191.58s - 4205.76s

And the brave Jedi knight that he is, Don Juan, he takes a lickin and keeps on ticking because he leads the creature away from the others. And his lightsaber starts interfering with the accuracy of the creature's head laser and the closer the Jedi gets with his

Speaker 44205.76s - 4211.8s

laser sword, the crazier the behemoth axe. And I really like this panel here that's showing

Speaker 64211.8s - 4216.56s

like it's a swoosh. There's a swoosh of the lightsaber and behind the lightsaber swoosh,

Speaker 44217.02s - 4222.08s

the creature looks like he's even more pixelated, like dot pixelated from the comic book.

Speaker 64222.44s - 4225.02s

It's kind of a neat effect in a comic. Well done.

Speaker 44225.36s - 4225.54s


Speaker 54226.26s - 4230.6s

Chewbacca then gets the idea and picks up Han and races toward Don Juan.

Speaker 44231.3s - 4235.12s

Han sees what Chui's plan is as they sprint toward the old Jedi.

Speaker 54235.84s - 4239.8s

Han snatches the yellow-bladed lightsaber and runs toward the creature.

Speaker 44240.52s - 4251.58s

All right. Look at this panel. Do you think Lucas saw this, saw Han with a lightsaber and thought, we need to see Han Solo with a lightsaber and the Empire Strikes Back. And boom, there we are.

Speaker 64251.76s - 4253.82s

That's pretty cool. Yeah.

Speaker 44254.28s - 4254.84s

I like it.

Speaker 64254.84s - 4258.06s

Do you see how much impact these Marvel ORG comics have on future films?

Speaker 44258.76s - 4261.36s

I wonder if George ever read these.

Speaker 64261.56s - 4263.56s

Well, he did because he didn't like Jackson PERSON.

Speaker 44264.42s - 4267.8s

Why not, though? He's so cute. Han then hurls himself

Speaker 64267.8s - 4274.08s

towards the creature and plunges the lightsaber right into its torso. The behemoth rises in pain

Speaker 44274.08s - 4280s

as its body begins to glow from within. Yes. All right, now we cut to the aftermath

Speaker 64280s - 4285.22s

where the last fading image of the behemoth is swept away by the winds of a doobah three.

Speaker 44285.64s - 4286.62s

All right, I'm going to call cheat.

Speaker 64287.08s - 4291.26s

This is a cheat moment because they built all this up with a behemoth. Yeah, right.

Speaker 44291.32s - 4295s

And we don't even see him explode like the stave puff marshmallow, oh, man.

Speaker 64295.04s - 4297.6s

Right. So we see the behemoth start to begin to glow.

Speaker 44297.76s - 4299.42s

And then we see the aftermath. Yeah.

Speaker 64299.42s - 4300.6s

And Chui fronks again.

Speaker 44301.08s - 4303.36s

Chui, and I'm going to call shenanigans.

Speaker 54304.72s - 4305.12s

Frank. Yeah, he fronks. Even Chooey PERSON's like,'m going to call shenanigans. Fronk.

Speaker 44305.24s - 4311.46s

Yeah, he fronks. Even Chui's like, hey, you know what? We need to see this thing just blow apart.

Speaker 64312.26s - 4313.28s

Picks or it didn't happen.

Speaker 44313.86s - 4314.18s


Speaker 64314.68s - 4316.72s

Well, instead we get this yellow mist.

Speaker 44316.86s - 4317.94s

Is that supposed to be the creature?

Speaker 64318.24s - 4321.4s

The aftermath of the energy from within.

Speaker 44321.86s - 4323.72s

But still, I call shenanigans.

Speaker 64323.94s - 4325.08s

Mm-hmm. I'm sorry. All right, from call shenanigans. Mm-hmm. I'm sorry.

Speaker 44325.6s - 4331.26s

All right. From here, the story takes a weird turn. These three panels from the end. Okay.

Speaker 64331.26s - 4337.64s

Mary starts flirting with Jim PERSON, which totally confuses him, since she never even looked at him twice.

Speaker 54337.88s - 4338.12s


Speaker 44338.12s - 4339.46s

Doesn't I feel like a Monkees ORG episode,

Speaker 54339.76s - 4340.72s

bringing it back to the monkeys?

Speaker 44341.46s - 4342.88s

Oh, my gosh.

Speaker 64343.04s - 4343.26s


Speaker 54343.26s - 4345.5s

Where everyone always flirts with Davey PERSON.

Speaker 64345.5s - 4346s


Speaker 44346.08s - 4346.32s


Speaker 54346.66s - 4350.9s

So Jim is the Davy Jones PERSON of this episode, of this issue.

Speaker 44351.06s - 4351.52s

Poor Han.

Speaker 64351.72s - 4352.66s

Hans PERSON like Hey.

Speaker 44353.38s - 4353.58s

Han's like Hey.

Speaker 54353.58s - 4357.18s

Han is the, I would say Mike, the leader.

Speaker 44357.52s - 4358.52s

Yeah, I can see that.

Speaker 54358.68s - 4358.94s


Speaker 44359.54s - 4367.32s

Then Mary gives Mike Nesmith or Han a peck in the cheek and thanks him for saving their village.

Speaker 54367.54s - 4371.22s

And also bringing out the man in the Star Killer Kid PERSON.

Speaker 44371.8s - 4373.56s

Did we miss those panels too?

Speaker 54373.78s - 4375.08s

Are we missing some pages?

Speaker 44376.42s - 4378.14s

Are we missing some pages here?

Speaker 54378.14s - 4382.7s

I think as Jim PERSON stepped up and fought, you know, like a man for his village, I suppose.

Speaker 44383.34s - 4383.74s


Speaker 64384.06s - 4385.46s

Okay, yeah, we'll go with that.

Speaker 44385.54s - 4386.62s

He'll be a man later.

Speaker 64388.14s - 4389.64s

She'll make him a man later.

Speaker 44390.18s - 4390.62s

Oh, boy.

Speaker 54391.16s - 4392.36s

Yeah, everyone is confused.

Speaker 44392.56s - 4394.88s

Han, the Star Killer Kid PERSON, the readers.

Speaker 54395.42s - 4395.66s


Speaker 64395.78s - 4398.84s

But then Han thinks to himself, so I didn't get the girl.

Speaker 44399.28s - 4400.12s

Who cares?

Speaker 84400.6s - 4402.26s

She was kind of young anyway.

Speaker 44402.92s - 4407.3s

See, Han does have morals, okay? And he's got a deep desire not to go to jail.

Speaker 64407.44s - 4412.44s

No. All right. Then Han thinks to himself, and if only for a minute... Oh, I'm sorry.

Speaker 44412.56s - 4413.48s

Oh, okay, I get this.

Speaker 64413.78s - 4419.8s

And if only for a minute, I got a little feeling of what it's like to be a Jedi night. How?

Speaker 44420.3s - 4427.3s

Han, have you never seen Star Wars WORK_OF_ART? Do you remember your dialogue? That's so weird. You thought they were old wizards.

Speaker 54427.3s - 4428.7s

It's a hokey religion. Yeah.

Speaker 74429.54s - 4431.2s

Yeah, that doesn't track.

Speaker 84432.04s - 4432.82s

Hans PERSON got morals.

Speaker 44433s - 4438s

We'll end with that because this is really the end.

Speaker 84438.24s - 4440.38s

This first story arc.

Speaker 44440.38s - 4450.92s

But if you want to see more of these characters, Marvel returns to Aduba 3 with the Star Hoppers in Issue 16, The Hunter with Valance the Hunter PERSON.

Speaker 84451.24s - 4451.76s


Speaker 44452.04s - 4453.32s

The end.

Speaker 64453.56s - 4456.26s

Isn't that character a current?

Speaker 44456.52s - 4457.04s


Speaker 64457.5s - 4458.6s

Yes, he is.

Speaker 44458.9s - 4461.22s

I forgot that he was introduced so long ago.

Speaker 54461.46s - 4466s

Yeah, in Bounty Hunters WORK_OF_ART, the actual new series

Speaker 44466s - 4467.6s

from Marvel ORG. It's been going.

Speaker 54467.78s - 4469.74s

I'm not even new. It's a couple of years old.

Speaker 64469.86s - 4472.54s

Oh, wow. Yeah, and there's Jackson PERSON on the cover.

Speaker 44472.8s - 4474.36s

Jackson PERSON disembodied head.

Speaker 64475.24s - 4478.08s

Yeah. Is he the only one that comes back from the...

Speaker 44478.08s - 4479.36s

No, no. The rest.

Speaker 64479.52s - 4480.26s

Oh, they do. Okay.

Speaker 44480.26s - 4482s

Yeah, but Jackson PERSON is the most recognizable.

Speaker 64482.28s - 4482.68s

Of course.

Speaker 44482.84s - 4489.2s

So, Carrie, after reading this story arc, what are your impressions of the first expanded Star Wars WORK_OF_ART story?

Speaker 54490.12s - 4511.7s

Should have consulted with George. It's not bad. It is late 70s comic writing, you know. It's, I mean, they probably didn't have much to go with. They probably saw the movie and they're like hey continue the story and do what you want and they how would they know right it's like some of

Speaker 74511.7s - 4517.94s

the old non-canon novels because they had those old hon solo PERSON novels and the in the lando novels

Speaker 54517.94s - 4523.14s

and all that kind of stuff and it was it's not canon now right i think like we said earlier that

Speaker 44523.14s - 4529.7s

marvel was taking a little bit of a karakurisawa. They thought they were hitting in the right direction. And they want one Jackson

Speaker 64529.7s - 4535.74s

too far. So I get major vibes of, I believe it's the Mandalorian Season 2 EVENT. Is it the village?

Speaker 54535.82s - 4539.2s

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I got Mandalorian NORP vibes for sure.

Speaker 44539.2s - 4543.76s

Yeah. Mandalorian and Karadun and Gros PERSON. Yeah. They come into that village and help them.

Speaker 74544.38s - 4546.88s

You mentioned that. You mentioned something earlier about Faloni PERSON.

Speaker 64547s - 4551.8s

I think Faloni is such a nerd about Star Wars WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 54552.04s - 4557.14s

He probably has pulled influences in facts from everywhere.

Speaker 64557.22s - 4562.8s

He probably read all these comics and like, I'm going to pull that type of that scenario and that character.

Speaker 54563.84s - 4564.8s

You know, he did.

Speaker 44564.9s - 4574.14s

He's such a bandboy. Oh, we know for sure that Lucas film has pulled from not only the Marvel ORG comics, but also the Ewks PRODUCT and droids animated.

Speaker 64574.18s - 4577.36s

Oh, yeah. That's right. And Jake Kazdan PERSON. Isn't it, John PERSON?

Speaker 44577.6s - 4583.24s

Yeah. He loved the idea of the Cloudwriters and their name that he used them in Solo, a Star Wars WORK_OF_ART story.

Speaker 64583.54s - 4587.8s

They're not the same characters, but he loved the name Cloudwriters ORG.

Speaker 44588.14s - 4608.6s

So he just yanked that part of the Marvel Comics ORG and used it. And he even admitted to that on social media. Since we've been doing the classic Marvel ORG Star Wars comics, we've been pulling references out that, hey, okay, you know, this has got to be a reference to something they pull from, they pull in the future for the comics.

Speaker 64608.84s - 4613.7s

Yeah, I love that. And like Dave Filoni PERSON's done that too, plucking stuff out of the books, like drawn.

Speaker 44613.86s - 4614.5s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 64614.5s - 4623.74s

You know, it's a huge example. In every classic Marvel ORG issue, an episode, we'll say it, and look out for these, these foreshadowing references. The Fatum Fast Facts.

Speaker 44624.04s - 4629.06s

Mm-hmm. So, Caring PERSON, thank you so much for joining us. I hope you had as much fun as we did. I did.

Speaker 54629.14s - 4634.62s

It was fun to relive these stories. I'm going to have to... I know all this stuff is probably on Marvel Unlimited PRODUCT.

Speaker 44635.56s - 4637.48s

I don't have to go back and reread all this stuff

Speaker 54637.48s - 4640.12s

because I don't want to pull all my old comics out.

Speaker 44640.4s - 4645s

You know, it's too much. Yeah. Yeah. Me too. It's all Marvel Unlimited PRODUCT. All right.

Speaker 54645.1s - 4649.94s

So anyone going to Comic Paloza EVENT? You're going to see an extended version of this.

Speaker 74649.94s - 4657.32s

Well, we go into the legacy of these characters and stories and some excerpts from the Star Words WORK_OF_ART column.

Speaker 64657.56s - 4666.72s

That's where the fans could write into Marvel ORG and place their satisfaction or dissatisfaction with the storyline. And Marvel ORG replies to them and it's pretty hilarious.

Speaker 44666.72s - 4668.62s

It's Twitter for the 1970s.

Speaker 64670.76s - 4673.28s

It's the way for trolls to troll back in the 70s.

Speaker 44673.32s - 4675.66s

Yes, one letter at a time.

Speaker 64676.78s - 4683.1s

So, Carrie, if anyone wants to reach out and talk to you on social media and ask you about the Metal Geek ORG podcast, where do they go?

Speaker 54683.74s - 4688.14s

So our website is metalgeeks.net. We're just putting out a new episode today.

Speaker 44688.14s - 4696.1s

You can find us on all the places where you download your podcast or on Spotify and Apple and all those good places at Metal Geeks ORG on all the socials.

Speaker 54696.5s - 4711.8s

You know, just come have fun. If you're on Facebook, we have the Metal Geek Society ORG where we talk about all that stuff. You know, our show is we're heavy metal fans that talk about geeky topics. And that's what it is. If you're, if that describes you, we, we have a place for you.

Speaker 44712.34s - 4716.18s

Great show. Great show. So we're going to see you in a couple of weeks now.

Speaker 54716.3s - 4742.42s

We're going to see you a couple weeks in Comic Paloosa LOC. So I'm excited for it. May 24th in, 24th to 26th in Houston Memorial Day weekend, which is that following Monday at the George R. Brown Convention Center FAC, like we talked about, the top of the show, so much fun stuff to do. If you're back to the future fan, if you want to come see John Cena for real, not fake, you can see him. He'll be there on Sunday. Okay.

Speaker 44742.54s - 4744.6s

How many envelopes will he get to sign?

Speaker 54745.6s - 4752.08s

I don't know, but if I never hear, I can't see a John Cena joke again, I'll be happy.

Speaker 44752.6s - 4761.9s

Very much so. All right, with that, we get one word to say, cut shop. Forp. Fatum. Pow.

Speaker 54768.08s - 4770s

Well, that wraps up up Episode 464 of

Speaker 44770s - 4771.82s

Skywalking through

Speaker 54771.82s - 4773.08s


Speaker 64773.08s - 4775.36s

We want to thank Carrie Gordon

Speaker 44775.36s - 4777.52s

And all of you Skywalkers NORP who listen

Speaker 64777.52s - 4788.32s

Every week And please please subscribe to our YouTube channel Grab someone's phone by you And subscribe to our YouTube channel Just search Skywalk ORG phone by you, and subscribe to our YouTube channel. Just search Skywalking Through Neverland on YouTube ORG.

Speaker 44788.82s - 4793.16s

And your phone will give you those notifications when we're going live at the spur of the moment.

Speaker 64793.46s - 4823.12s

Yeah. Well, are you interested in our books? We have autographed copies available of Today in Star Wars History, Parts 1 and 2, and Skywalking Through My fandom WORK_OF_ART. We will also be going to several conventions in the near future, and to get all the info on those dates, including thisweekend, starting this weekend, just head to our website, skywalking through neverland.com, and look for the event calendar tab. You'll get all the details right there. Now, do you want to support

Speaker 44823.12s - 4841.86s

Skywalking through Neverland in other ways? Well, consider supporting us through the Skywalking Force, which is our Patreon. The Skywalking Force has access to bonus content in the form of our Zoom PRODUCT discussionson the latest Disney Plus ORG shows. And we have special surprises every now and then from the Disney Parks.

Speaker 74842.14s - 4843.8s

Oh, yeah. Yeah, and this bonus

Speaker 44843.8s - 4855.9s

content starts at only $5 a month. So head over there to skywalkingforce.com ORG and have a look at all the options. And thank you to those who are already part of the Skywalking Force ORG.

Speaker 64856.26s - 4871.9s

Now, we would also love to thank our sponsor Small World Vacations ORG for their support. Are you thinking of a trip to a Disney ORG park? It looks like Christopher Marino PERSON is. He's heading to Tokyo Disney Sea FAC. That's so exciting.

Speaker 04872.24s - 4885.5s

I am. In June, well, I hope you're called Small World Vacations ORG. Their vacation planning service is free of charge. So head to smallworldvacations.com and check it out and tell them that Skywalking through Neverland sent you. Now, we are part them that Skywalking through Neverland sent you.

Speaker 44885.98s - 4902.82s

Now, we are part of the Skywalking Network ORG. SkyNet. Where you can find other great shows like Talking Apes WORK_OF_ART. And we just put out an episode today where we reviewed Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART. We want to know your thoughts on the film and the Lawgiver WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 64903.54s - 4906.84s

We also have the MaxEffects ORG podcast.

Speaker 44907.18s - 4908.32s

The Neverland Clubhouse ORG.

Speaker 64908.52s - 4909.86s

Totally tell me everything.

Speaker 44910.1s - 4911.04s

Star Warsologies WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 64911.38s - 4915.92s

And the YouTube shows Collectopolis, which just put out a WonderCon EVENT,

Speaker 44915.92s - 4917.44s

2024 episode.

Speaker 64918.04s - 4921.86s

And today in Star Wars WORK_OF_ART history.

Speaker 14922.78s - 4924.52s

You can find us on social media.

Speaker 64924.72s - 4945.22s

We are at Skywalking Pod ORG, nearly everywhere. And also, you can search YouTube and Facebook for Skywalking through Neverland. And we will pop right up. You can also email us. Share at Skywalking through Neverland.com. There are a few of you who like to email us after every episode that you listen to,which is very cool, and give your thoughts. So we love that.

Speaker 44945.9s - 4952.18s

Now, don't forget to stick around for bloopers and other fun bits that didn't make it into the show. And...

Speaker 64952.18s - 4955.18s

Always remember. To Fatoum PERSON.

Speaker 44955.88s - 4958.5s

To Crunk PERSON. And...

Speaker 74958.5s - 4963s

Never land on Alderan LOC.

Speaker 04963.22s - 4973.18s

Some imagination, huh? Huh? Ha-ha.

Speaker 74978.16s - 4978.64s

To our Skywalkers and Tweetwalkers PRODUCT, thanks for listening.

Speaker 04982.6s - 4982.92s

Skywalking through Neverland is created and produced by Richard and Sarah Woloski PERSON.

Speaker 74984.82s - 4985.18s

Original music by Rob Dellinger PERSON.

Speaker 04987.08s - 4987.38s

Creative consultant Mark O'Gushwitz PERSON.

Speaker 64989.1s - 4993.64s

Technical advisor, Peter Heitman PERSON. Facebook administrators, Donald Wicks, Joey Pittman, and Norma Heitman PERSON.

Speaker 44998.06s - 5013.48s

Skywalking through Neverland LOC is intended for entertainment and information purposes only. Any sounds, music, and clips played during this podcast are the property of their copyright holders. All original content is property of Skywalking through Neverland. All rights reserved. Sorry, had to be said. So I'm going to need you to do the

Speaker 65013.48s - 5014.42s

Clappy Claps this week.

Speaker 45014.6s - 5020.4s

Clapy Claps PRODUCT coming your way. What are the Taylor Swifties PERSON?

Speaker 65020.4s - 5021.06s

The Swifties.

Speaker 45021.66s - 5022.14s

Trekkies NORP.

Speaker 65023.52s - 5026.04s

The Star Wars WORK_OF_ART fans. Do Star Wars fans really have?

Speaker 45026.12s - 5027.4s

No, we don't really don't.

Speaker 65028.32s - 5030.44s

People have tried to like the Star Warriors PERSON.

Speaker 45030.88s - 5031.2s


Speaker 65031.48s - 5032.66s

Or the wars.

Speaker 45033.34s - 5034.74s

It doesn't really lend itself.

Speaker 65034.96s - 5035.2s


Speaker 45035.32s - 5036.18s

Kind of like the name Sarah PERSON.

Speaker 65036.52s - 5040.18s

You can't really make that a big name.

Speaker 45040.18s - 5044.26s

When I had a, when I was young, my sister had a friend named Sarah, I called her Sasa.

Speaker 65045.88s - 5046.3s


Speaker 45047.18s - 5047.92s

There was a glitch.

Speaker 65048.04s - 5048.64s

Won't you do it again?

Speaker 45049.02s - 5050.12s

There was a glitch in the audio.

Speaker 65050.12s - 5050.34s


Speaker 45050.46s - 5051.38s

I'll do it again.

Speaker 65053.46s - 5056.52s

I don't control the glitches, okay?

Speaker 45056.9s - 5059.42s

I see the waves and there's a big glitch right there.

Speaker 85059.84s - 5060.38s

Here we go.

Speaker 45063.08s - 5063.64s

All right.

Speaker 85064.82s - 5066.04s

I love those who jibs. All right. Now love those who jibs.

Speaker 65066.14s - 5066.42s

All right.

Speaker 85066.46s - 5068.18s

Now, let's give a summary.

Speaker 65069.24s - 5069.46s


Speaker 85069.46s - 5070.38s

Who the who jibs?

Speaker 65070.38s - 5070.76s


Speaker 85070.86s - 5071.06s


Speaker 65072.36s - 5073.34s

Little who jibs.

Speaker 45073.4s - 5073.76s
