5/9 Thursday Night LIT Stream

5/9 Thursday Night LIT Stream

by CrunkChocolate

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77:57 minutes

published 23 days ago


© 2024 Shades of Blue Media LLC


Speaker 40s - 33.56s

It says streaming. All right. Make sure everything's popping on Twitter ORG. Let's see if the homies are up here. We can see our beautiful faces. Let's see.Yeah, we are alive, baby. Let's go. It is May 9th, 2024. We got the homie Mitch PERSON sitting on the stage. I see you Mitch going to bring you upin a second, bro. Mitch PERSON is looking very fresh, y'all. I just want to put you out there. Like, you know,this man, when you get up here, it's a model. Like, he's coming.

Speaker 233.68s - 34.6s

GQ on a Thursday?

Speaker 135.06s - 35.34s


Speaker 435.5s - 41.14s

it's actually too much. It might be the only Shays ORG' content right here. You know, a shirt that's funny in the same show.

Speaker 741.38s - 42.76s

He went to the Met Gala with

Speaker 442.76s - 48.28s

an old girl, Angel Reese PERSON. Hey. Man, man.

Speaker 648.4s - 50.44s

How you doing, Lando PERSON?

Speaker 450.6s - 52.64s

Let's start with you. How's going? I'm good, man.

Speaker 652.64s - 108.72s

I'm good. Obviously, before we got going, going here, I went on a wonderful Knicks ORG rant, and I'm not going to do it again because I was just too beautiful to mimic. But I'm beautiful. I'm lovely.My Knicks are 2-0 on the Fulham ORG. We chatted a little bit about Champions League ORG games. And before we get going here any further, like, review, subscribe, comment, get at us, Shades of Blue Pod, Shades of Blue NW PRODUCT. We're back with the NW ORG now. Charlie, teacher appreciation week, sir, my love, my thankfulness to you. You are a great and humble man, and we appreciate your profession, appreciate what you do.I will be sending you some money tonight for a beer on me. Love, brother. Just want to get that out there. how are you i'm good man uh you

Speaker 7108.72s - 114.16s

you giving away money now i got to follow that that's that's jacked up um but it's all good i have

Speaker 6114.16s - 121.12s

a good money bear on me i will echo the teacher appreciation uh comments my wife is a teacher

Speaker 7122.08s - 154.52s

uh so i know how hard that profession is um how, I guess, to a certain extent, disrespected it can be in this moment in these last few years. And so anybody that is doing that and taking their time to sacrifice for our kids is a special person. So I never had any doubt about that. But kudos to Charlie PERSON and to any and all teachers that are out there doing their thing. We appreciate it.And thank you all for listening, ready to get into it. Not chairs being thrown.

Speaker 4154.68s - 191.88s

Oh, my gosh, what a celebration. That's crazy, bro. Okay, we got to hear the story when we bring Mitchell on in the next couple of minutes. Thank y'all for that. Greatly appreciate it. I'm coming to you very stinky.I'm glad you can't smell me. There are two workout classes today. Greatly appreciate it. I'm coming to you very stinky. I'm glad y'all can smell me. There are two workout classes today. We went to Slack. I said, hey, you're running point CC? And they were like, nah, he's out. I was like, okay, let me rush home. You got time to shower. We just got to show up. Sometimes we've got to just come through. So I'm glad you can't smell me. I might pull a tear, can eat a little bit. But let's wait and get our first guest on the stage, man. Let me go ahead and bring him up. Let me see if he wants to look. Nope. There we go.

Speaker 1193.56s - 195.36s

It was looking sketchy there for a second.

Speaker 4195.6s - 202.4s

You in a way, like. We like a little tension up here. You know, just keep it on your toes, a little suspense. Yeah.

Speaker 1203.2s - 217.18s

I feel like you talked me up really high before I came onto the show. I feel like the model might be a little much, but I appreciate it. Thank you for having me. I appreciate it. What's going on, Mitch PERSON?

Speaker 5218.66s - 219.4s

Not much.

Speaker 1219.46s - 223.06s

How's it going, guys? I hope you guys lose. This is great.

Speaker 0228.82s - 229.98s

Wow, way to jump in both feet.

Speaker 7234.12s - 235.04s

Arsenal ORG supporter, the club that chose to play for a draw.

Speaker 1236.58s - 238.6s

It's coming a viking ass, huh?

Speaker 4245.6s - 247.76s

I mean, I'd rather have had a draw at the Etienne than I lost the Atead PRODUCT so I'll take that I mean and that trepidation

Speaker 1247.76s - 249.8s

and that trepidation that

Speaker 0249.8s - 251.88s

mindset right there

Speaker 1251.88s - 253.68s

it's the sole purpose

Speaker 4253.68s - 255.38s

why at the end of this season

Speaker 1255.38s - 257.38s

you may ask ourselves questions

Speaker 6257.38s - 262.06s

in the sense of maybe we'll need to risk it for the biscuit. Let me tell you

Speaker 1262.06s - 291.66s

last season we were in a title race with you guys the entire way until the end when we faltered. We got a grand total of, I mean, let me do the math on it. I think it's like carry the seven, zero points against Man City last year. Not one, not even fucking close. This year we got four, which we have to take as just like in that contexta huge improvement and a huge step up

Speaker 0291.66s - 293.3s

if Arsenal ORG doesn't win the title

Speaker 1293.3s - 320.62s

it comes down to our failures to beat Fulham ORG multiple times and stuff like that not or just a bad run of form in December in general and forgetting how to play the sport for a little bit. Not going to the Etiata FAC and not winning, you know?Like it comes more down to that than anything. I'm more than happy with our performances of how they wore against City this year. So let me counter this, right?

Speaker 4320.84s - 339.24s

Just that somebody who watches the fire, because some people on our pilot like Crunk will not watch Arsenal matches, Liverpool ORG matches. Like, I love watching opposition. I would even bet on you all. And that day, I was actually driving to Philly GPE. And when I kept watching in my car, very unsafe, I'm getting out the highway, I'm watching my car. I'm like, they're really going to lose. Like, they're going to lose the, I'm thinking about

Speaker 0339.24s - 344.98s

the villa match, right? And I'm just like, it doesn't suck because you're a great team. You're one of

Speaker 4344.98s - 354.98s

the best teams in Europe LOC. But how does it feel? And I'm not being fac it doesn't suck because you're a great team. You're one of the best teams in Europe. But how does it feel? And I'm not being facetious or, you know, talking shit. I'm just like, how does it feel to know, hey, we're second again and we made progress at the same time?

Speaker 1356.1s - 433.92s

Yeah, I think, you know, you're lucky you're asking someone like me who's just like an eternal optimist. Because the way that I've been looking at it is like i do still think we win the league i still think that is completely possible and i think we win the league but if we don't uh it's going to be disappointing but it's not going to be like oh my god we need to blow everything up we need five new players this window like um there's no need for an overreaction and i think thatas a fan i need you like you need to look at the moments of the season of just like fuck this is an awesome season like this is no matter what if we if we win the league if we get second this is a great season there are so many years where we were so bad bad that now we are in a place where we are challenging for a title against this very, very good man city team is a great place to be. Like, this is where we want to be. And our title window is not going away anytime soon. If we failed to win the league this year, our core is still pretty young. I think we, I said thisto a friend the other day i forget this specific number i said but i think we win like five of the next like 15 titles or something like

Speaker 7433.92s - 440.48s

you think you're going to have long-term success not just short-term you're 15 years years

Speaker 1440.48s - 449.12s

like that that alone is reason for for us to be like, a team that is very good for a long time.

Speaker 7449.46s - 453.9s

McHale Arteta PERSON has no, has expressed no interest in wanting to leave the team anytime soon.

Speaker 1454.58s - 506.7s

Declan Rice PERSON is fucking thrilled to be at the club. Martin Odegaard PERSON's our captain. Like, there are so many core pieces of this Arsenal ORG project that are going to be around for a long, long time, because they love the team and love the, what's being built, that if we don't win the title this year, it's going to suck. It's not going to feel good.But, like, man, this is a really fun season. And we're not going to go away anytime soon. Like, after last season, people are like, oh, Arsenal's going to fall off next season. Anyone who said that was not thinking critically. Like, that is just simply not, was not going to be the case. So I can rest easy knowing that Arsenal is going to be good for a while. I will see us lifted major trophy within the next few years.I hope it's this year. I will cry real tears. I've never seen Arsenal ORG win anything but an FAA ORG cup. So it would be absolutely wonderful if I could witness that.

Speaker 7507.4s - 521.26s

So you said that not only you think you will win this season, which means that we have to drop points somewhere along the way. Where do you think that happens in your mind?

Speaker 1522.16s - 597.6s

You know, the thing is about the last three teams you guys play is that all three teams took points away from us this season. Fulham, Spurs, and West Ham ORG took points from us during the course of this season. So these aren't, this isn't a cakewalk for Manchester City ORG. Granted, Manchester City ORG is really fucking good.We all know that. You guys know more than better than anyone um but i i you know if if i don't think that you guys are going to drop points at some point this season then what the fuck am i doing here like right like we're we're in this position where we can still realistically and mathematically win the league and and up till the final day if you guys win your next two games we're still mathematically in it in the final day.And these are three teams that are not bad teams. It's not like you're playing chef with United ORG. And they've taken points away from us. I don't know exactly where it's coming from because I think hypothetically Spurs ORG is your best, or is the best chance to take points off you. And I think within the context of that fixture makes no goddamn sense.Like Man City cannot beat Spurs ORG. For sure.

Speaker 7598.48s - 602.72s

Like during the North London Derby EVENT, they were saying like on the broadcast, like, oh,

Speaker 1602.94s - 616.1s

man city is never won at Spurs ORG's new stadium. Like, cool, they're going to drop six on them now. I appreciate you telling me that. They're going to win six-nil now. Thanks for giving me no hope whatsoever.

Speaker 7616.1s - 617.44s

I really hope that happens.

Speaker 1617.64s - 641.94s

Yeah, it was like, I will say that like watching Spurs ORG fans' heads kind of implode a little bit, it's been kind of funny because they're in a really, like, tough little brother situation where if, like, fans want them to throw against you guys, which is really funny because it can, like, potentially tank their own Champions League ORG chances.

Speaker 0643.32s - 646.78s

And those are kind of so,'re kind of significant as we speak.

Speaker 1647.34s - 659.48s

But like, how funny would it be if they threw against you guys and then missed out on Europe LOC entirely? Granted, their other two games are pretty easy. So that's not going to happen. But like, again, back to this rivalry.

Speaker 6659.68s - 695.84s

And how many times it's just so exemplary of really being that strong. I want to get to that in just a moment. Pin on that. Shout out to George in the YouTube chat. What out my guy. I see you. Amy PERSON, let's go. Shady gang. Love to see you. D.T. says we won in an F.A. Cup this year. That's a start. Yep. I completely agree with that. I hope we can, we can shala, brother, please.Mitch PERSON, my guy, this concept of throwing and the benefits, the you know, the rivalry being so strong

Speaker 2695.84s - 696.54s


Speaker 6696.54s - 700.06s

you think they would do that

Speaker 2700.06s - 715.56s

just to not see you win it. And then for you to in return, the Arsenal ORG camp, I'll say, well, do it or you don't get Europe next year kind of shit.This is so like brother, sister, hatred. I love to see this from afar.

Speaker 6716.06s - 747.18s

So explain to me this whole thing because I need your viewpoint on this whole concept of throwing this game, which I,by the way, I'm quite pissed off at people even thinking that this is a thing. These are fucking professionals. I do not think Andrew PERSON would even contemplate it. Honestly, I was so proud of Angel's the other day. Side note, I saw him yelling at the team from the sideline while they were down, literally staying, stop fucking going to send it backwards.That is dope. That just from a fan perspective, that is dope. So please, give me your stance on this whole concept.

Speaker 7747.6s - 766.72s

Oh, real quick, Mitch PERSON. So just to point out to Lando, not only do we play their rival, right, but then they're playing United ORG. And so United fans aren't going to want to lose or aren't going to want to beat Arsenal ORG and help us. So it's like both,

Speaker 0766.72s - 770.94s

both fan bases are kind of like, should we, should we throw it or whatever. But go ahead, Mitch PERSON.

Speaker 1771.5s - 786.46s

I think the United thing's different because there's like a genuine rivalry between Arsenal ORG and Man United ORG. And it probably, probably if you ask some Man United fans, a lot of them probably hate Arsenal more than they hate Man United. I or sorry, more than they hate Man City ORG.

Speaker 7787.6s - 791.24s

I personally don't, I think I hate United more than I hate Spurs ORG.

Speaker 1791.74s - 798.12s

But part of that is I'm an American NORP fan and like, I just fucking hate Manchester United fans. For sure.

Speaker 6798.12s - 803.76s

I really like this perspective because he's so right about the difference in the rivalry

Speaker 2803.76s - 805.24s

and who is more hated,

Speaker 6807.86s - 813.56s

which is such a wild concept to think about in this world. Spread love, peace, happiness. But we're out here literally saying, who do I hate more?

Speaker 1814s - 911.78s

Yeah, exactly. It's about being a hater. And, Lando, with your question, I think that there's something you have to understand about Spurs ORG fans. And it comes from a deep little brotherness within them where their gauge of a good season is how good they are compared to us. So if they get top four, if they get fourth and we finish fifth, that's a great season for Tottenham. If they get fourth and we get first, it's a horrible season for Tottenham ORG. So in the minds of a Tottenham fan, that is the gauge.We are the line on whether a season is good or bad. Because, let's be real, they're not winning their own trophies. Like, what else are they going to gauge it on? I totally agree with you guys that I don't think that Tottenham Hotspur ORG, the team, throws that game. I just do not see it as a thing. Ainge PERSON has been on the record of being too competitive of a person to let, like, a potential.Because, again, if Spurs ORG do get a result on you, it's not like immediately handing the league to us. It's like, oh, you've helped us along the way. And I do think that'd be very funny. It would be a great way to win the league if Spurs ORG are the ones to help us. But these are professionals. They're going to try to play a game.We're not going to see match fixing because they hate us that much. Although it would be true hatership if they did. And I maybe respect it a little bit, but I kind of think it's a little brother shit. So I'm not going to give them any respect.

Speaker 4912.7s - 920.94s

So I just want to hop back in here real quick. And I believe Mitch PERSON, tell me if I misquote as you, you said Spurs ORG is like the best chance to beat us, right?

Speaker 0921.54s - 924.32s

I don't think we'll run over some previous results,

Speaker 4924.44s - 930.58s

just from the last four matches. Spurs lost four nil to Newcastle on April 13th. Charlie PERSON, you're about the basis,

Speaker 7930.7s - 935.94s

I'm just stating facts here. You're about talking. I'm believing in Jeexes ORG. Call for it in the

Speaker 0935.94s - 942.6s

season. Arsenal took care of Spurs. Three was tighter than it should have been. Y'all dominated.

Speaker 7943.32s - 946.92s

Then Chelsea shut them out, 2-0 last week.

Speaker 0947.56s - 950.2s

And then, Sunset, Liverpool ORG thrashed them.

Speaker 4950.76s - 953.56s

Like, I know they could probably get up right.

Speaker 0953.6s - 956.22s

They're going to have a good game against Burnley ORG, feel good about themselves.

Speaker 5956.5s - 960.58s

But they're also playing city in the best form of the season.

Speaker 4960.7s - 970s

Like, this is the most fit we have. Literally everybody's available for PEP. You're coming in ready. And here's the thing, Eric PERSON, stop this little city, typical city mindset.

Speaker 7970s - 976.32s

Yo are the goats. We are. We run England GPE. Where is come to mute your microphone? Where we need

Speaker 1976.32s - 1001.6s

somebody to mute your bike? Oh my God. You go. Oh my God. Uh, you hear. I feel like you should know this as a city fan. This fixture exists outside of context of, like, things that make sense. Like, in past years, Spurs have gone on terrible form before and after playing City ORG and won that game.

Speaker 41002.4s - 1008.34s

Was that in the past year? Nope. Did people get in trouble the year before? Nope. Did people get trouble the year before? Nope. Like, come on.

Speaker 11008.52s - 1011.84s

Was Phil Foden the FWA player of the year? Nope.

Speaker 41012.5s - 1013.6s

Kevin DeBlinus PERSON cooking.

Speaker 11014.4s - 1014.88s

Come on, man.

Speaker 41015.04s - 1017.44s

I'm someone that's looking for hope.

Speaker 11018.16s - 1022.52s

And if I have to try to find it in a team that I hate, so be it.

Speaker 41023.68s - 1024.32s

You know?

Speaker 11024.6s - 1042.74s

Like, me saying, like, I think city drops points isn't rooted in, oh, yeah, I think the team that hasn't lost since December is going to lose. Like, that that's a stupid thing to say. I just think that if my team's going to win the league, I need you to do that. And in order for me to be hopeful, I got to say that you guys are going to drop points.

Speaker 41043.82s - 1050.76s

Nah, I'm just giving you shit, but you're definitely like somebody's got to come through for you to make it happen. I hope so.

Speaker 11050.98s - 1065.58s

I would love it to be West Ham ORG. It's going to be Moyes PERSON' last game. He can help two of his former captains in Artetta and Rice lift the Premier League ORG. Be beautiful way to go out for David Moyes PERSON. I would really appreciate that.

Speaker 71066.7s - 1084.3s

No, I was going to ask if United ORG would try and throw, but I don't know if they could even play any worse than what they do when they're trying to win if they were going to throw. So you wouldn't know what the difference was. So we can't count to do anything.

Speaker 11084.52s - 1085.68s

Eddie, like that man's been bringing up Garnacho being not, throw so you wouldn't know what the difference was so we can't count me never do anything eddie like

Speaker 71085.68s - 1092.16s

that that man's been bringing up garnacho PERSON being not like being off side um he has been bringing up

Speaker 11092.16s - 1120.46s

that play for months at this point like he is very petty and does not like us so like he is going to try to go all all out to try to beat us because he's probably not going to have a job after this season at United. So if he can say like, oh, I stopped Arsenal ORG from winning the league, he's going to use that in every job interview for the rest of time because he's bald. Just as how, sorry for the drive by Charlie PERSON.

Speaker 41123.12s - 1137.52s

It's okay. I mean, hey, you know, I'm not following. Charlie PERSON, don't take it straight. I mean hey you know I'm not following can get Charlie PERSON no I'm taking it straight I'm sorry but I'm sorry about me peps and we all can get it I guess that's fine yeah two out of three of those are winners let's

Speaker 61137.52s - 1142.72s

stay for the record Eric Ten Harris thank you DC three greatly appreciate that one I feel

Speaker 41142.72s - 1165.06s

the same as I need to shave my head so please don't look too close um but, I know we're coming to the end of this time period. I want to get you out here on this. Let's talk about Champions League real quick. Let's just look ahead. I know you saw what happened this week. We got a final of Real Madrid ORG for Richard Dortmund. I'm going to ask you this question. I'm not going to ask you who wins. I'm going to ask you, do you think Dortmund can score two goals against Real Madrid?

Speaker 11167.14s - 1171.94s

Yes. Yes, I do. So you think we can have a game. We can have a really good game.

Speaker 41172.56s - 1180.66s

I think we can totally have a game. And I have an inability to think reasonably about this because

Speaker 11180.66s - 1185.02s

it would just be so romantic if Dortmund ORG won.

Speaker 41189.8s - 1194.54s

And I'm just like so in love with the thought of Marco Royce's last game for Brissia Dortman lifting the Champions League ORG that I cannot think of any other scenario.

Speaker 11195.04s - 1259.42s

And yeah, I know Real Madrid, devil magic in the Champions League ORG. We literally fucking saw it yesterday. But oh man, would it be cool? Marco Royce's time at brisio dormant ORG is so fucking painful to think about just like like they've won a title they made a champions league final but like man they were game away last season and couldn't be the team in 10th placelike that was heartbreaking there multiple times where they've been like leading door like leading at christmas and then just like impl imploded and then imploded to the Byronaut. And it would be so cool if he could go out winning a Champions League for Brucey Dortmund ORG. I think it'd be awesome. Also, this is kind of a rag-tag Dortmund ORG team.And it'd be kind of fun to see them beat this like this Real Madrid ORG team. Like I'm just, I'm always going to root for an underdog and so like that's I'm like I have to put it all in the Dortmund ORG basket I mean like I've got a jersey right here come on Dortmund ORG let's go and it's an old one too so I'm not a bandwagon

Speaker 41259.42s - 1265.62s

I just in a Bamiyang PERSON era I remember that I genuinely like I have like a, I think it's on my parents' house.

Speaker 11265.7s - 1302.64s

It's like a black Abamiang jersey for Dormand PERSON. Like he was like one of the first players that I like fell in love with watching the game. Because like I started following the sport pretty late. I mean, I'm pretty young myself. I'm 22. But like I started following the sport in 2014.And like those like Marco Royce PERSON obamying like Dortmund teams were like the first thing was like oh my god I love this and then I followed Dortmund ORG for long enough and they hurt me enough times to where I was like I'm gonna put them on the back burner a little bit and a little more focus on Arsenal ORG this man said he's 22

Speaker 41303.36s - 1317.82s

this ages me during this teacher appreciation week because I started teaching in 2012. So we definitely could have shared a class together, Mitch PERSON. This is really crazy. I don't know what to say after that, but I will ask you to please let the people know where they can find you and all the great things you do.

Speaker 11318.92s - 1324.94s

You can find me on Twitter at Mitch Piotter PERSON, spelled, you know, just like that. Oh, there's got my hands, right?

Speaker 41325.92s - 1331.98s

And you can hear me yapping about Arsenal and American NORP soccer on the shirtless Plantain Show WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 11333.08s - 1335.96s

Check it out. It's wonderful. All right.

Speaker 41336.06s - 1341.72s

Thank you so much for coming, Mitch PERSON. Really appreciate it. Let's go uniting. The only time I ever said that in my life.

Speaker 71343.52s - 1372.24s

I wanted to happen, but I don't believe it. Yo, you know, Lando PERSON, you said that you can't, you know, something about the rivalry between those twoteams and just kind of the clubs and how they kind of go back and forth. He talked about it being a, you know, a big brother, little brother kind of set up. But they have their own fake holiday, St. Totteringham's Day,from when they are guaranteed to finish over Tottenham ORG. Who makes up a holiday?

Speaker 21374.12s - 1388.78s

It's like they hate them so much that they have a special day. I don't know if they get school days off or not. They had to find that out from teachers over there. But I mean, they have their own little made-up holiday to celebrate when they, when they guaranteed to finish over them. That's wild, man. That's wild.

Speaker 71388.88s - 1391.52s

That's another level. Rivalry is something last. Something crazy.

Speaker 61392.04s - 1401.06s

That is. So you're a Knicks fan. How would the Knicks in Brooklyn GPE, would you consider that

Speaker 71401.06s - 1406.08s

a rivalry? It's not, man. This is something I like to remind folks.

Speaker 61406.38s - 1420.72s

It's, it's, I'm not saying this because I am on the next side, but it's just the reality of it. The team has moved, you know, actions speak louder than words and what they've done to the Nets ORG. It's a little sad, you know, the days of Petrovich, Kerry Kittles PERSON, you know, going on to

Speaker 71420.72s - 1421.64s

the Kenyon, Henry, Andy PERSON.

Speaker 01422.02s - 1423.74s

Kenny Anderson PERSON, of course, Kenny Anderson.

Speaker 71423.88s - 1425.08s

My apologies, blasphemous that I'd enlist him first, in fact. Yeah, the, the Kenyon Park Day. Kenny Anderson PERSON, of course, Kenny Anderson. My apologies.

Speaker 01426.92s - 1427.56s

Blastomist that I'd enlist him first, in fact.

Speaker 61433.3s - 1544.52s

Yeah, the Nets ORG have been, unfortunately, tossed around. And it's Derek Coleman PERSON. Yes, thank you, D.T. Man, I love the concept that we can talk vintage basketball names and vintage sports names in the spa. This is a wonderful, wonderful community. I love this.Derek Coleman, absolutely, Syracuse, badass. Shout out to the Orangeman ORG. So it's not. Our rivalry is a little bit stronger with teams like the Pacers, teams like the Bulls ORG, teams that we feel like, yeah, but, you know, we're not really bothered by that anymore. At least I'm not. A lot of people forget we won that series. So I like to remind folks that while that's a short glimpse, it's more of a glimpse and a memory because of what it was, but also because of the fact that we haven't won in modern time, right?It's been in the 70s since we've won. So we need to get back to that winning ways. And the Knicks have been a laughing stock for years. But in regards to our rivalry, the nets don't touch us. The nets don't touch us in New York GPE.They don't touch us in our own city. It's Brooklyn GPE. It's what they were trying. It's not Manhattan GPE. When you, everyone, it's the garden. It's the fact like that it's, it's just the majesty of it, man.Going into Fifth and Seventh Avenue, being able to be down there with all those people. It's, it's, there's just a different vibe to it. Nick's heat, absolutely 100%. That's up there as well. Paces for me were a little bit different because, you know, Rick Smith's PERSON killed me, the Davis brothers killed me, Mark Jackson killed me. Obviously, Reggie PERSON, I try not to say his name as much as possible. I don't even smoke Reggie PERSON. All that. Like, I do not vibe with those Pacers ORG.They were tough. The Cavs, too, if you remember the Mark Price PERSON era, they were a little bit, they were dope and dangerous. But yeah, man, nah, nah, the Nets ORG, we over them, been over them for some time, too.

Speaker 71544.92s - 1549.14s

That's probably how Arsenal fans talk about Tottenham ORG, too. Wow.

Speaker 61549.66s - 1551.24s

The Enlightenment.

Speaker 71551.5s - 1552.82s

He just gave me.

Speaker 41553.08s - 1558.38s

But I was the difference is this. Well, actually, you know, it's very similar because the Knicks ORG haven't won any things.

Speaker 61558.5s - 1559.18s

No, no, that's it.

Speaker 41559.24s - 1626s

Exactly. And it's it. It's not on. 20 years, but, you know, again, other than FA Cups EVENT. But they have the whole, like, came, never won a trophy thing other than the Audi Cup EVENT as we know. And yeah, like you got to have a rival and everybody likes to be better than somebody.So hey, you know, Arsenal is better than Spurs ORG. You got, what's his name? You got Spurs is theoretically better than Fullum PERSON, I guess, if you want to bring it in. But then Chelsea ORG looks at all of them and goes, hey, we actually win big trophies. And so, you know, London, God PERSON bless them. Man United ORG fans all there.They just like, well, we had a good run before 2012. And now we suck. Shouts to all those United ORG fans. So, boys, we got a little situation here. You know, sometimes things happen in life. Looks like like our other guests we were really excited to see them looks like they can't make it tonight so i wanted to see how did y'all want to pull it we're about halfway through our normal hourum do we want to start just talking about what city's about to do this weekend do we want to look ahead to champions league i mean got some pictures in front of us we got some pictures

Speaker 61626s - 1630.08s

in front of us wait scarfo you're trying to pull up if you're trying to pull up scar boy PERSON asked to join

Speaker 41630.08s - 1637.6s

oh scar boy scar boy we got one big plus legend i mean pull up on us you know we got we all up

Speaker 61637.6s - 1643.52s

you know shady gang is always welcome to join we should we should just do like a uh roundhouse

Speaker 41644.08s - 1645.88s

well you get anybody that wants to jump on.

Speaker 61646.04s - 1649.74s

Yeah, you know, jump on, turn your camera on, bring you on.

Speaker 41649.74s - 1651.48s

Folks call that a little wake and take.

Speaker 71651.98s - 1654.64s

Not a wake and bake, a little wake and take, a little jump on.

Speaker 41654.76s - 1655.28s

Well, we're here.

Speaker 71655.42s - 1656.12s

We get on.

Speaker 41657.04s - 1657.7s

Give me five.

Speaker 61657.82s - 1658s


Speaker 41658.24s - 1662.62s

So coming up, we are the 7.30 Saturday matchup.

Speaker 61663.14s - 1664.14s

Obviously, we got full of them.

Speaker 41664.74s - 1665.46s

10 a.m., we got a little bit of a snoozer. These are all Eastern Standard Times Saturday matchup. Obviously we got full of them. 10 a.m.

Speaker 61665.5s - 1667.38s

we got a little bit of a snoozer. These are all Eastern

Speaker 41667.38s - 1669.66s

Standard Times adjust accordingly to my

Speaker 61669.66s - 1673.74s

L.A. GPE people and my central people. Sorry, but East Coast, First Coast LOC. Hollat me.

Speaker 71674.68s - 1695.2s

Everton, Sheffield GPE, 10 a.m. Hold on. West Ham ORG. Charlie PERSON. Charlie PERSON, you can't agree toostrongly. You got, you helped us build up a West Coast LOC following. They might take offense to you being so strong in your agreement back. He's learning.

Speaker 41695.44s - 1696.66s

First Coast LOC or whatever he said.

Speaker 71696.82s - 1700.48s

31 out of 33 years, I've been in the Eastern Times ORG.

Speaker 41700.62s - 1701.42s

I'm just saying.

Speaker 71702.48s - 1703.4s

I'm just saying.

Speaker 41703.76s - 1704.68s

One raise Virginia.

Speaker 71705.76s - 1711.84s

Look. He's right on East Coast sorry I am Hollywood MCFC ORG came to hang out with us in Chicago

Speaker 41711.84s - 1718.12s

from the East Coast I did the 430 games I was there okay so we can't we can't

Speaker 71718.12s - 1723.98s

he's a bit of a high weather he's down for that West Coast LOC weather but when it

Speaker 41723.98s - 1727.8s

comes of what he reps bro he stays East Coast hey we we we love you. We love yours. Charles PERSON. Let's go.

Speaker 61728.02s - 1731.6s

Oh, you got out here? You think I'm claiming things that I ain't really did? Come on, man.

Speaker 71731.98s - 1734.96s

Like, I know where my heart is. I know where home is. I don't be all here.

Speaker 61735.32s - 1739.86s

Just staying off and different places and something. Come on. I ain't from Houston GPE,

Speaker 41739.86s - 1772.18s

Atlanta, Vegas. Like, no, I'm bringing you, you know, Southernwood ORG. I can't be straight. Now, great hits, great slaps 15 years of hits but boy my man got ran and i will not be associated with that type of behavior colonizer and i am not i'm too dark for that for black man trans over here um but yeah uh what y'all got this weekend man how much we beat in fullen by i'm going to i think we went about two we're in we're in Fulambah? I'm going to, I think we went about two. We're in great form right now.I promise you, he is going to me.

Speaker 61772.18s - 1774.1s

He is going to jinx us so bad.

Speaker 71775s - 1776.2s

I don't play on the pitch.

Speaker 61776.2s - 1782.72s

Look, he didn't even say, he didn't even say, you know, how y'all think it's going to turn out. He was like, how bad are we beating them?

Speaker 01782.72s - 1792.72s

It's like, the idea of a draw or a loss is not even in his head. It's not even a remote possibility. And I'm just saying, I hope that I pray

Speaker 71792.72s - 1799.48s

to God, he is right. Start some place in the table looks like, then you can't even find any matches

Speaker 41799.48s - 1806.24s

on one football. They don't even care. I mean, literally hit it in. the early morning game gives us the ability to go in there

Speaker 71806.24s - 1810.4s

we get the win and then we can put pressure on arsenal we've been playing second so they've

Speaker 01810.4s - 1819.76s

been able to put a little bit of pressure on us and we had to see we could respond we go out there we we beat them you know if we if we hang a couple on them then arsenal feels like

Speaker 71819.76s - 1826.66s

they got to come out and they got to play. Maybe that is just what United ORG need. And from a time-

Speaker 61826.66s - 1828.34s

Give up three instead of giving up 15.

Speaker 71828.78s - 1829.7s

Yeah, yeah, no doubt.

Speaker 61829.88s - 1833.72s

From a timing perspective, the following week, we both play at 11 a.m.

Speaker 71833.84s - 1844.04s

May 19th. So I find that a little interesting as well. Because that's the final, right? The last week of the season, they always go at the same time. We got Tottenham ORG in between there, though.

Speaker 41844.1s - 1845.12s

But yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. So I see my man setting up Scarf Boys of the season. They always go at the same time. We got Tottenham ORG in between there, though. But yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 71845.12s - 1845.64s


Speaker 41845.76s - 1846.08s

All right.

Speaker 71846.12s - 1849.2s

So I see my man setting up Scarfoys ORG in the background.

Speaker 41849.88s - 1850.88s

He's almost there.

Speaker 71851.26s - 1856.08s

So, Lando, what's your score prediction for Fulham ORG?

Speaker 41858.04s - 1859.04s

We are fresh.

Speaker 61859.42s - 1863.16s

I'm going 3-0. I feel the confidence.

Speaker 71863.7s - 1864.48s

We'll go 3-1.

Speaker 61864.66s - 1871.88s

I'm going to go 3-1. I'm gonna go 3-1. There's always, you know, we got to get the Sharpie Charlie ORG clean sheet.

Speaker 71871.88s - 1876s

This man gave me all of that for saying win by two.

Speaker 41876s - 1878s

No, I'm just saying it comes away.

Speaker 71878s - 1879.24s

It's like you set it up.

Speaker 41879.24s - 1883.76s

It wasn't even like a possibility of a loss or a drama or whatever.

Speaker 71883.76s - 1886.46s

You think Peppa's going in there like, hey guys, it's going to be tough.

Speaker 41886.46s - 1889.54s

We might win, we might lose. No, how are we getting these goals?

Speaker 71889.54s - 1893.28s

He's going to say, if you're going to handle your business, we're going to lose this game and we're going to lose the season.

Speaker 41893.28s - 1906s

God better come out there and play. Damn right. We got trophies to play for it. It was up there on the wall. It's been there all year. Nobody's won four yet.And with that, let's bring in the scarf. Yet you. You ready, boy? All right, he's ready. Let's bring him to the stage.

Speaker 81906s - 1911s

Let's go. Good evening, everybody. How are you? Can you hear me all right? You good, bro.

Speaker 41911s - 1912s

Yes, sir.

Speaker 81912s - 1916s

How are we feeling? How are we feeling? It's just a beautiful day, man.

Speaker 41916s - 1918s

It's a beautiful day to be a city team, that's for sure.

Speaker 81918s - 1919s

It's a beautiful day to be a city fan.

Speaker 41919s - 1929.08s

That's right. You got that right. Yeah. So we were talking about Fullam ORG. I know you heard us. What do you think is going to happen this weekend when we pull up Saturday morning in America GPE?

Speaker 81929.64s - 1948.76s

Yeah, it's a 6.30. It's a 6.30. I'm a little nervous about that one. As hopefully everybody knows, it's Mother's Day weekend. So it's going to be no pub for me. I'm staying home, hanging out with the family.I've been to Citiband ORG for a long time, and my mom is starting to get on the wave. She really does like to watch the games with me. So I think I'm going to stay home and watch with her.

Speaker 01948.76s - 1950.56s

She's a big fan.

Speaker 81950.56s - 1954.1s

She has the pink Paisley ORG kit. She rocks that one.

Speaker 01954.1s - 1958.1s

Oh, I'll hang on home and watch with her.

Speaker 81958.1s - 1986.66s

As for the actual match, man, I hesitate to be as confident as I am. But man, they're like a mid-table team. And this is like, what? We're the champions, man. We're the treble winners. We're going for history here.We're chasing ghosts out here. I don't think it's going to be Fulham ORG who stops us on that. It sure could. I mean, they have a couple of good players. Tyler Adams PERSON plays on that team, if I'm not mistaken, is he fit and healthy?

Speaker 71986.96s - 1990.04s

No, no, no, no, no. He's at home. Yeah, he's in Bournemouth GPE.

Speaker 81990.42s - 1993.66s

They got my cousin, Jeddard Robinson PERSON.

Speaker 01994.1s - 1994.38s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 81995.54s - 1996.22s

That's right.

Speaker 01996.42s - 1996.94s

That's right.

Speaker 81997.34s - 1999.26s

Is that Tim Ream PERSON as well?

Speaker 01999.3s - 2000.18s

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 82000.6s - 2001.84s

If he go, he's hit down?

Speaker 72001.94s - 2002.7s

Because he was hurt, right?

Speaker 42003.06s - 2005.02s

This is not the high little I know about Phulham ORG. Let's see. Yeah. Their last matchup against Br down? Because he was hurt, right? This is not my time little I know about Philem ORG. Let's see.

Speaker 02005.14s - 2005.32s


Speaker 42005.5s - 2012.62s

Their last matchup against Brinford, they did line up with, no, Tim Raine PERSON was not there.

Speaker 62013.02s - 2014s

I worry about Harry Wilson PERSON.

Speaker 82014s - 2015.14s

I think he might be done.

Speaker 62015.94s - 2016.14s


Speaker 52016.46s - 2021.26s

But no, I mean, the thing that's got me worried most is the time of day.

Speaker 42021.46s - 2023.52s

And when that's the case, you know, I'm feeling good.

Speaker 52023.62s - 2024.24s

I'm feeling good.

Speaker 82024.68s - 2028.16s

I think a sharp, a sharpie clean sheet is kind of the bare minimum, to be honest.

Speaker 42028.96s - 2049.94s

Yeah. Three one feels good. You're like, buddy. The whole club has said in every player from PEP down, manager all the way down, we have, they said a while ago, we have five finals left, right? Once we lost the Real Madrid ORG, we turned our attention. We only got to focus on this. These five Premier League matches, we won two, We got three left. And then, of course, we know we get to celebrate at Wembley and play those bombs. So it's like,

Speaker 02050.24s - 2058.12s

when you think about City ORG in a final, you think about first or second place, whatever game in hand, verse 13th in the table, a team that has not

Speaker 42058.12s - 2067.14s

won since April 14th. Their last four, draw, draw, loss, win back to April. So it's like we're everybody's

Speaker 52067.14s - 2071.58s

getting saying they do. I mean, we're going to do this man. Like it's it's really boring

Speaker 42071.58s - 2075.92s

content. It's like, oh my God, can we be scared? Does Alex O'Obe PERSON scare me? No. Like, come on,

Speaker 72075.92s - 2082.02s

man. Like, let's be real here. What about William PERSON? No. Oh, no. Like he's not going to go

Speaker 42082.02s - 2089.46s

scoring it. I don't know. I don't have any fear. Like, if anything, I want to sit with people, get against wolves. Can we get filed? That's what I care about.

Speaker 02089.94s - 2094.26s

That's what I care about. That's what I'm about to tear them up because they like to play football.

Speaker 42095.14s - 2096.68s

They like to come out and play. They don't sit back.

Speaker 62100.58s - 2106.22s

You're not a little bit scared at the fact that we haven't seen this version of city in a while. And by this version, I mean, arrested city that might come into it overconfident.

Speaker 42108.4s - 2129.22s

We haven't seen the people. We just saw it against wolves. We were rested for a week and dominated. And like, when you're that fit and, you know, we, father Rubin PERSON, shout to your, y'all people, could be out here starting. You know, we might get a fit John Stone's PERSON effort pushing in the midfield. I think we should just keep the same 11. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.That's the real conversation here, y'all. Let's talk about it.

Speaker 62129.96s - 2130.04s

Yeah, we can do that.

Speaker 42130.06s - 2162.22s

We can do that. We need changes from last week. So if we want to take time to look at the menu, the lineup from last week, I think it's actually the best question right now. As a supporter, it's like, we won 5'1.We had a lineup of Edison ORG, right to left, Walker, Kanji, Ake PERSON, shout out to the black line, Vardial, Roderian, Kova, Holding PERSON, Silva, Debrino Foden, and Holland GPE up top. Is there any need to make changes in bring in a greelish, Dacu, Dias PERSON? I'm going to start with the guest, Scarf Boy PERSON. You think we should make any changes,or should we keep it as is?

Speaker 82163s - 2191.68s

No, I'm feeling pretty good about that. I suppose, well, I suppose I would bring in one of Greelish or Doku PERSON. It doesn't make sense to play them both out. I suppose I'd like to see Phil on the right, which means Bernardo PERSON misses out. That's tough, but it is what it is. Yeah, yeah, I'd probably stick Greelish in there, bring on Doku 65 minutes or, you know, if we need a goal.Yeah. But I mean, overall overall the back line is right midfield is just about right i like where we're at lando what you thinking man changes or stay put

Speaker 42192.48s - 2198.24s

fan pack i'd like to maybe go ahead and get a jeremy doku PERSON start you know if we're looking

Speaker 62198.24s - 2219.18s

at what we can possibly bring but the thing about it at seniority we know kevin starting bernardo on the way out i think he gets the start. That's the concern. As much as I don't necessarily agree with it, I love Bernaddo PERSON for fucking, I mean, come on. I love Bernadol ORG. But, yeah, plus also 6-9 rating in this Wolves ORG game per foot mob.

Speaker 02222.24s - 2223.3s

Doku for Bernadro PERSON.

Speaker 62223.44s - 2229.5s

That's my hot take right there. I agree. Don't change it, but I'm going to take right there I agree don't don't change it But I'm gonna go right right there Give me some doku electricity on the right

Speaker 42229.5s - 2233.18s

Terrick PERSON what you're thinking man If you're pep we're making changes Or we're gonna stay at that

Speaker 72233.18s - 2312.8s

I'm probably going to Stick with what I You know what we just went with I like the idea of You know maybe bringing in um bringing in jack but i would i would still play rodry excuse me i would still play uh bernardo on the righti just move phil and kdb and rodry PERSON in the midfield i would just take um i take uh kovitch out um so if i were going to bring grealish on, I like what I've seen from Dooku PERSON coming off the bench. The energy, the pace that he comes in with is just, it's tough for anybody to keep up with, especially, you know, Jack PERSON is good for getting wingers and, or excuse me, right backs, left backs, whatever, getting them in, you know, in a position where they got an early yellow card and then you bring in doku to run at you when you're already on a yellow. You're already thinking about, I can't get too close to this kid. It's a deadly combination. So I can see,I could see maybe bringing Jack PERSON, but if it's me and I'm Pep PERSON, I'm probably just sticking with what we have and I'm going to ride this lineup the rest of the way through.

Speaker 42313.7s - 2417.9s

So here's the only thing I'm thinking of. We have two matches in London. They're literally 80 hours apart. You got Saturday morning, I'm using American NORP times here, right? Or if you want to use UK GPE time,Saturday at 12.30 and a Tuesday night match, which I believe is at like 8.30 London time against Spurs ORG. So your only thought is like, hey, if we go with not a weaker lineup, just a different look against Fulham, maybe you do give Kevin PERSON that rest. Maybe do give Bernardo PERSON that rest. You bring in the two real wingers,let Phil play in the 10, and then, of course, make subs if you need. That's the only thing I can think about maybe kept thinking is like, hey, we want to be as fresh as possible for when we go to Spurs. However, you could flip it like we did against Wolves ORG. Take care of business early, get up 3-0, and then like you said, bring on on Doc, Giles, Alvarez PERSON, get everybody in. So I'm going to say my only half my high take is this, take out Kovitchitch, move Bernardo back beside Rodry. So now you have that three in the middle of Grealish on the left, Kev in the middle, and Phil PERSON on the right where he can come in on his strong foot.And it's just a more, for me, an attacking lineup for Phil PERSON. You got the overlaps that he could play with either Walker or Kyle PERSON. And then, of course, Kevin PERSON's feeding the beast. So that's the only thing I can see. I think obviously one of us is going to be correct, right? Somebody's going to be right.But I'm excited to see, like, how it looks. Now let's move to the other side of things. We do have a team technically ahead of us in the table. And I'm going to start how it looks. Now let's move to the other side of things. We do have a team technically ahead of us in the table. And I'm going to start with Scarford PERSON again. Then I'm going to hit Terrick and Lando PERSON. Scarford, do you think Man United can nick a point off of Arsenal ORG?Big match on Sunday, only match of the day.

Speaker 82418.94s - 2458.64s

You know, after listening to Mitch PERSON, I think that might be a little bit more of a possibility than we think. You know, it's parked to bus men United ORG. We don't really expect them to play. We expect them to absorb pressure for 60 or 70 minutes. And like you said, maybe Nick PERSON a point at the end. As for Arsenal ORG, like, I think they kind of control the game.I think they're going to dictate the game a little bit more. This, like, it's bottler season. Like, either you finish the season perfectly or, this, like, it's bottle or season. Like, either you finish the season perfectly or, like, now is the time to bottle it. And that's kind of been their reputation in the past couple of years. And so if they're going to live up to that reputation, I think this is the game where they put the cap on the bottle, you know.

Speaker 72459.92s - 2525.84s

So how you feeling about those racks? I give them a negative chance. Like my number would be like, instead of like 50% chance, it would be like negative. They're below zero. They have no chance at all. And I think, you know, I go into these matches assuming that the are the teams that we're trying to chase down or in a in this competition with Arsenal ORG was at one point in Liverpool ORG.I go into it assuming they're going to win every single match. So I absolutely don't think that United ORG has any hope of winning this game. They look so poor. Now granted, they've been without a few players. At some point, you think they've got to be able to string together a draw because they've looked as bad as they have recently. But I just don't see it happening. But I pray to God, I'm wrong.And I hope they, I hope they prove me wrong and go out there and just get a point. They don't need to win. Just get a point. Thanks. Lando, what you're thinking, bro? Real quick, Charlie, I want to just get a point they don't need to win just get a point backs lando what you

Speaker 42525.84s - 2530.74s

think you bro real quick charler i want to get some comments that we have george PERSON over there says

Speaker 62530.74s - 2540.74s

leave it up to the pep or leave it up to the goat pep of course definitely you know ride or die with him gavardo d s stones walker is what he's going with the back line um amy actually says

Speaker 72540.74s - 2566.38s

west coast best coast charlie i think you have something explaining to do when it comes to what you rep. Just get it out there. Make sure let it be known that T started that beef. Um, look. Oh, I just wanted to make sure we gave them all the respect because they came and hung out with us. They, they always hold us down. I just don't want to, I want to make sure that they know we got love for the West Coast LOC. This is like the East Coast West Coast. We got love for the West Coast.

Speaker 42566.72s - 2576.1s

This is true. Yeah, we got love for it, but I'm just not going to be a colonizer. You know, I know where I'm from. Where I'm from. Get that. I'm going back in my booth.

Speaker 62579.12s - 2596.54s

Have you guys noticed there's a little bit of some false gold going on out there with some of these fixtures and some of these matches? What do you mean? A little bit of some players playing with some freedom. Sense of no pressure. Seedness coming to an end. I saw a little bit of a joke on Twitter that Phyllum PERSON was out there flying kites during training.That wasn't a joke.

Speaker 72596.62s - 2597.28s

I seen the picture.

Speaker 62597.7s - 2598.76s

That was real.

Speaker 72599.04s - 2599.76s

I know, I know.

Speaker 62599.86s - 2601.44s

Their mug was on there with days.

Speaker 72601.6s - 2602.24s

Oh, go ahead, man.

Speaker 62604.78s - 2608.48s

T has an unknown appreciation for kites.

Speaker 72608.6s - 2609.24s

Please continue.

Speaker 22609.9s - 2612.84s

I'm just saying, like, I've never actually flown a kite, to be honest, which I've

Speaker 72612.84s - 2617.7s

never actually flown one. But, you know, I've seen them out there with them, you know, whatever. But yeah, go ahead, man. My bad.

Speaker 62620.1s - 2622.96s

Scarf Boy PERSON, with this incredible kite flying impersonation.

Speaker 72623.2s - 2624.26s

That is just marvelous.

Speaker 22627.12s - 2634.38s

You were cooking a stew from a witch is what you were just doing, Charlie PERSON. Can sign me up.

Speaker 82634.44s - 2634.8s

I'm ready.

Speaker 22634.9s - 2636.78s

Put me on a plane. Mime school.

Speaker 42637.78s - 2650.02s

This is where, you know, stereotypes are real. Like, say, I'm not flak heights. Like, okay. Last guy that flew, floor might have been like third grade I don't know bro like you know a spot called Mount Trashmore Virginia Beach LOC but

Speaker 82650.02s - 2655.1s

that was it like that was you know what's gonna cut yet this year no not this your

Speaker 42655.1s - 2661.48s

man come on see it's not in the trunk I don't keep that thing on me that's one thing

Speaker 82661.48s - 2665.58s

I don't keep on me I hear you I hear you sorry sorry to let us know I don't mean to be on me. That's one thing I don't keep on. I hear you. Sorry, sorry to let us.

Speaker 42665.7s - 2667.36s

I don't mean to be like that.

Speaker 82668s - 2668.72s

Cheers, George.

Speaker 62669.28s - 2694.6s

Yeah, Moldello, Papa PERSON. He wants a corona. I feel you, brother. Yeah, I'll get us back on track. My bad. Dude, I just feel like there's some at ease, no pressure players playing into some freedom.They're going to nick a draw. I'm going to two. I'm going to too. And it'll be a late draw. He keeps Ten Hagen a job for another year. You know, this is like the fake made-up trophy

Speaker 82694.6s - 2700.4s

that gets that guy at least until Christmas of next year. I'm pulling for him. Conardier PERSON.

Speaker 42700.4s - 2781.38s

I think that man is done. Once you get abused by Crystal Palace ORG, four nil, embarrassing Crystal Palace ORG, you don't have the managerial, like, ability to even get young players ready to play centerback. You're playing Casamiro, who has Jamie Caricka PERSON said it. He's lost his legs.The game left him. We see it. And Alisei PERSON and Mateta and Azze PERSON just embarrassed them. There's no coming back from that. That man's out. I don't know who they get. I don't care.But I will say, Arsenal ORG is going to dominate them boys. Arsenal might put six on them. Y'all remember when Liverpool got crushed United, 7-0? A 6-0 wouldn't surprise me because Arsenal ORG is cooking. Like, they are in form. They are ready.They're fully fit. And, man, united sucks on defense like it's just you can't go from being really bad on defense it's like the pacer series right lando you don't just become better on defense at the end of the season you are what you are you can think about it you can try really hard but those habits have been built those skills are not there unless they just get magically fit and, you know, it's 2022 again, I don't see this happening, bro. Like, at least five, at least fiveArsenal is my goal. I'm putting money on that. Over four and a half goals are arsenal. Because they, they're them. Now, they're going to be second place. Somebody's got to win a silver

Speaker 62781.38s - 2798.74s

medal. But they're going out in blast. It truly upsets me that I have to sit here and try to rationally explain how I can, like, combat the five-nil against United ORG. You've put me in a predicament where I'm trying to defend them and come to their aid, and I absolutely hate it with every fiber of my being.

Speaker 42799.44s - 2806.56s

I just rash for it glossal. It would be nice, but I hate even admitting that at the same time.

Speaker 62806.72s - 2807.16s

Make it cute.

Speaker 42807.28s - 2808.88s

We beat them six. Remember that?

Speaker 62809.6s - 2817.48s

Five to make it cute. It's a whole bar. You need to send that to Sunshine. I should.

Speaker 42817.74s - 2820.84s

I'm going to hit her up with that one. That's a good one. But, yeah, man.

Speaker 72821.84s - 2823.48s

But Charlie said, oh, go ahead, Terry PERSON.

Speaker 42824.68s - 2826.14s

Oh, dang, I hit the wrong button.

Speaker 72827.14s - 2831.1s

That's the one I wanted. That's what you said. They got at least that. They got at least that coming.

Speaker 42831.28s - 2905.86s

Come on, man. They want to cook. Because you're the thing. You're thinking about next year, right? You're like, hey, we had the best goal of the international league. We scored the most goals.We had the best defense. We just happen to slip up against. Like, they're trying to get their mind right. The young manager, Arteid PERSON in the chat earlier, Artepto's only 42. That man going to be here for a minute.There's nowhere else for him to go, right? He's not like Pep who moved Barcelona to the Germany GPE coming over here. Like, he's going to be an arsenal. He played on the winger. He wants to have that same stability. I love what Mitch PERSON said about that, right?We're looking ahead. Yes, it sucks to not win for them. So they're like, hey, let's just be dominant as they get into their second year of Champions League, a third race in the Premier League, knowing as Pep's last season, well, presumably maybe getting another piece. Maybe they get that striker.Maybe they go get Tony or they go get Victor O from Napoli ORG. They're building something and it's fun because we know Liverpool ORG's dead. They're done, dusted. And so it's fun because we know Liverpool ORG's dead they're done dusted and so it's fun to have a rival like we need that without a rival what are we doing you know so I love it um Scarf Boy PERSON I want to talk to you a little bit because you you saved us man it just would have been us three talking so I want to get you some some more time can you tell me what are yourwhat are your predictions for the Champions League ORG who Who you got? Oh, that's tough.

Speaker 82906.4s - 2973.1s

I mean, I'm a little bit torn. Appreciate Dortmund for settling us all their best players over the years, you know, Gondouan and Erling Holland PERSON. Pretty funny to me that Jaden Sancho PERSON decided to leave Man United and ended up in the Champions League ORG final for it. That was pretty hilarious.But it's Real Madrid ORG, you know. They've got the black magic. They've got one hand on the trophy since Christmas. And I think it'll be a... We're Man City ORG. We don't do feathers in the cap.But I think it'll be a feather in the cap for us to go out against the eventual champions. You know, that kind of would mean something to us. That being said, it's... And you got the Michael Royce PERSON storyline, too, that's always going to be kind of fun. That being said, 6-0 to Madrid GPE.I mean, come on. Like, it's one of those games where I don't even know if I'm going to watch. Like, it kind of feels like a foregone conclusion, you know, in the Champions League final, you don't really get a David versus Goliath PERSON, but as much as it could be, this is that. You know, European NORP royalty versus, what, the third

Speaker 02973.1s - 2980.44s

best team from a Farmers League? Ooh, call in Bundesliga Farmers League ORG when you got Leverkusen

Speaker 42980.44s - 2995.8s

in the undefeated in the East UEL final. You got Bayern Munich ORG who literally should have been playing extra time who got done. You got Jordan PERSON who's there. I'm just saying, man, they got some talent over there. But yeah, they're not Real Madrid ORG.

Speaker 82996.06s - 3009.24s

They're not. Yeah. No, I hate to say it, but it is what it is. I suppose I will cheer for, for Dortmund ORG. I have a dormant scarfs that I really like, actually. It's somewherepacked up right now, unfortunately.

Speaker 63009.8s - 3026.08s

George gives you a shout out, by the way, on YouTube. Says, way to rep that scarf, brother. You got D.T. and hear that saying, somebody call out Jake PERSON. Crunks, right? A conji is a part of that list? Definitely. And forwhat? What, 19 million? God, what a fucking steal. Yeah. Yeah, you know, when 19 million? God, what a fucking steal. Yeah.

Speaker 83026.72s - 3045.88s

Yeah, you know, when you think about tournament, it's always kind of funny. They really do a good job of selling their best players for a lot of money. You know, Dembele PERSON went for a lot of money. Sancho PERSON went for a lot of money. And then you havethe city transfers where you get Gondwan for 30 million or a kanji for what, 25. Erling Holland PERSON, the best young player, the world has seen in a long time.

Speaker 43046.52s - 3049.44s

They like us.

Speaker 83049.48s - 3051.76s

I don't know what their deal is, but they get on with us.

Speaker 43052.06s - 3054.32s

I mean, it's better to sell to us than to sell to buying, right?

Speaker 83054.74s - 3057.7s

Like, you hate seeing the go right to your direct rival.

Speaker 43058.3s - 3061.56s

So I think they say, hey, let's just ship them out, get the most money from the league has the most.

Speaker 83062.28s - 3063.1s

You cash out.

Speaker 43063.14s - 3067.86s

I'm looking at their squad, thinking about who could we get in the future I love a I you know me

Speaker 83067.86s - 3074.1s

really great talent started up that match that's another kid on the bench I

Speaker 43074.1s - 3079.02s

believe he actually played for City at one point I forgot his name so we got

Speaker 83079.02s - 3085.98s

about the METI yes we fully sold him over oh Oh, that's right. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 43086.06s - 3088.46s

You know, we'll get somebody in the next few years for sure.

Speaker 83088.82s - 3093.94s

Does anyone think that we've given them like first ride or refusal when it comes to like some of our academy players?

Speaker 43095.44s - 3095.84s


Speaker 83096.46s - 3097.16s

It wouldn't surprise me.

Speaker 43097.24s - 3098.2s

I mean, it's a great place to go.

Speaker 63098.56s - 3101s

Like, yeah, I have nothing to make that judgment off of.

Speaker 43101.08s - 3104.44s

This is where we play some sort of complete speculation sound.

Speaker 63104.44s - 3105.24s

But I mean, I have nothing. But I would we play some sort of complete speculation sound. But I mean,

Speaker 43105.24s - 3111.46s

I have nothing. But I would just say, I'd be okay with something like that. Like, those are the

Speaker 63111.46s - 3142.28s

types of talks that you want to have good relationships with clubs like that. You know their business model. And clearly there's a bit of success that can be had with what they try to do. I think it's dope if we say, hey, look, we're getting a little bit of a farm system ourselves. Come over here anytime and come kick it. Speaking of, kicking it. Why was Florentino Perez at fucking the Etti had like the week before? Did anybody notice that his Spaniardaz PERSON was up there chilling?I know he wasn't trying to get the Paella and Manchester GPE. I don't know what his ass was doing there.

Speaker 43142.4s - 3143.1s

He was an anti-net?

Speaker 63143.56s - 3149.72s

100%. Yeah, there's film. Film of him leaving. Yeah, Caldoun PERSON was walking him out to his car.

Speaker 43150.26s - 3152.34s

Was he showing love to Davy Silva? Was that the same day?

Speaker 63153s - 3155.48s

No. It wasn't a match day. This was like midweek.

Speaker 43155.86s - 3160.72s

This was like, yeah. Yeah. I'll send it to you in the Slack. I just thought that was interesting.

Speaker 63161.28s - 3163.6s

Very interesting. But we're the four.

Speaker 43167.38s - 3168.42s

That's true. A lot of speculation was, was, was interesting. Very interesting. But we're the four. That's true.

Speaker 63170.4s - 3170.62s

A lot of speculation was there, too.

Speaker 43171.44s - 3171.76s

A lot of people were saying.

Speaker 73172.72s - 3177.88s

Yeah, let's think about that. Because I mean, when they bring in Mbapé PERSON, who's got to drop out?

Speaker 43177.94s - 3178.68s

Is it Rodrigo PERSON?

Speaker 73179.96s - 3181.46s

I don't think anybody has to drop out.

Speaker 43181.86s - 3183.22s

I mean, who's your front line?

Speaker 73183.64s - 3183.86s


Speaker 63183.98s - 3185.44s

Where are you going with that, then, Charlie PERSON?

Speaker 73185.44s - 3186.32s

You're going to have to give me.

Speaker 43186.56s - 3187.84s

Inbape Radigo PERSON.

Speaker 73189.52s - 3193.58s

And a three in the middle of Los Negros, Los Negros and Blanco,

Speaker 43194.58s - 3197.58s

true and many holding Kamavenga and Jew PERSON.

Speaker 63198.84s - 3203.74s

So, and maybe your Davies PERSON, like, they are ready to dominate the world.

Speaker 53204.14s - 3205s

I am very scared.

Speaker 63205.68s - 3206.62s

I am very, very scared.

Speaker 43208.38s - 3210.86s

I've understood it that Inbape doesn't like playing striker.

Speaker 63211.48s - 3212.66s

That's what I've heard as well.

Speaker 43212.76s - 3231.14s

He wants to make those decisions. You got Don Carlo PERSON there. Don Carlo PERSON tell you to play striker. You're going to get that nine shirt. You're going to play striker. Like, you can always flow.Like, it's a fluid thing, right? Like, nobody stays in one space. You know, there are going to be times that you do the overlaps. You make balls like it's.

Speaker 83231.14s - 3239.18s

And you've got to get into Paris GPE too. You can't stay in Paris GPE by yourself like that, you know. Yeah, that's real.

Speaker 43239.44s - 3242.4s

But Scarf Boy PERSON, thank you so much for the time. And let the people know where to find you.

Speaker 83244.42s - 3246.78s

Madison, Wisconsin GPE at the Ford Madison Games.

Speaker 43246.98s - 3248.28s

No, left side of the flock.

Speaker 83248.7s - 3250.16s

No, I'm just on Twitter.

Speaker 43250.32s - 3251.08s

I'm at Scarfoil ORG.

Speaker 03251.26s - 3253.98s

I hate tweeting at Union Omaha ORG fans.

Speaker 83254.06s - 3256.62s

It's casual. Come find me at the Highbury in Milwaukee GPE.

Speaker 43257.64s - 3259.96s

All right, Midwest ORG's on. Thanks for the time, bro.

Speaker 73260.2s - 3262.28s

Appreciate you, man. Thanks.

Speaker 43262.28s - 3273.52s

Love. And guys, we have one of our original guests on the stage. Let me bring them right up. Thank you so much, sir, for making it. Shout out to the homie, Nichols-Odian PERSON. How you doing, bro?What's up, man?

Speaker 33273.52s - 3278.98s

What's up? I'm sorry about it earlier. I was having some technical difficulties, but thank you for having me.

Speaker 43279.34s - 3288.5s

Thank you so much. Appreciate it. All good, all good. So I do recall, you came on earlier, thank you for coming early in the season and return guests.Chelsea ORG fan, correct?

Speaker 33289.34s - 3292.4s

Yeah, yes, yes. I'm reping proud, of course.

Speaker 43292.7s - 3299.32s

Hey, of course. So talk to me about your club. You know, we lit out for y'all. The Sterling thing didn't really hit, but Cole PERSON, come on. Talk to me about.

Speaker 33299.4s - 3362.44s

Oh, man. I don't know. Like, I can't imagine this season without Cole Palmer PERSON. And it's really not much to go off of even still, right? Like, now they're in a shout for six, now that they're, you know, finally decided to be a little bit serious, right?But, oh, man. Like, you know what the first moment I realized Cole PERSON was a serious player? The first time I saw him on the ball, like like the way he's just so smooth and confident and like just the way he like you're like you know certainly it's just glide they don't even look like they're running that's Cole Palmer I was like oh this boy's filthy it's like oh yeah there's that man's city you're polished like you see it and then but it's not just that like he has the grit he has the toughness like obviously you've seen what uh you know the Chelsea men's theme were this season and it was and it's not just that. Like he has the grit. He has the toughness. Like, obviously, you've seen what, you know, the Chelsea ORG men's theme were this season. And it was a place ofadversity, you know? It's kind of where you find out who really has the toughness to play for Chelsea ORG. And I think you saw that in Cole Palmer PERSON.

Speaker 43364.54s - 3373.06s

Agreed. I would say this, man. It reminds me of almost like the transfer portal on college where a team gets two stat and players got to look elsewhere. They got to go

Speaker 53373.06s - 3395.28s

shine. And look, I'm not going to start. I know I'm not. Pep knows I'm not. I got to get out. And to see what he's doing, I didn't think he was this great. And Terrick PERSON, I want to give you credit, bro. You called it now. Do I think we lost anything? Like right now? No, we're still great. We're still going to win a double. But I want to give Tariq PERSON some love because you were on it from the beginning that Cole PERSON was somebody that we should be keeping. How are you feeling now?

Speaker 73396.48s - 3457.9s

You know, again, I didn't want Cole PERSON to leave. I thought we should have kept him, as you already stated. Once we were going to bring in Daku PERSON, it was like, okay, I didn't know much about Daku. I just knew Cole PERSON, you know, when he had real chances, he was able to shine. And so I just wanted us to give him a consistent goal in the lineup. But sometimes, you know, it's easy to take you it for granted if, you know, it's like you grew up with somebody, you know, you've known somebody for a long time, you don't see them as everybodyelse sees them. And so it, it's easy for us to overlook Cole PERSON to a certain extent because, oh, he, you know, he grew up with us. He's been with the academy since he was like nine or whatever. And then you go somewhere else and they see who you are today. They don't see, you know, they just see you now and see what you can be. And so I think you've said this before, Charlie PERSON, that it really was a, the rare win-win for everybody involved, right?

Speaker 03459.18s - 3463.72s

Cole PERSON got what he needed, which was the opportunity to showcase himself.

Speaker 73464.22s - 3532.44s

He was able to shine. It worked out, of course, very well for Chelsea ORG. And we got some money for him. And then we were able to bring in Daku PERSON, who's done his thing. The good thing, I think, is I've not seen anybody comparing the two. Like when we brought in Holland and Liverpool ORG brought in Darwin Nunez PERSON, there was always that comparison. And there was no way Nunez was going to live up to that. Thankfully, I've not seen anybody trying to say, oh, well, we brought in Doku PERSON and he couldhave been, you know, because they're not going to compare. It's just, it's not. And so, he has taken his chance. He was waiting for it. He wanted it. He said, Prim PERSON soon come. He believed in himself.And when he got that chance, he made the most of it. And I think that's the, for any player, especially a young player, your chances are not guaranteed. So when you get them, you have to make the most out of them. And this cat did it. And so more power to him.You know, he's done well for himself. So, yeah.

Speaker 63533.2s - 3547.08s

He could potentially be the first or second best academy player that is chosen to leave city. Baham Diaz PERSON is one that comes to mind. I just think he's overall been quite successful.

Speaker 73547.56s - 3549.74s

Yeah, but I think coal is better.

Speaker 63550.64s - 3553.3s

And this is where I say there's a good conversation to be had.

Speaker 73553.54s - 3559.58s

I mean, you know, I say Sancho in Dortmund ORG is probably maybe top.

Speaker 63559.94s - 3560.96s

But yeah, those are the three.

Speaker 73561.12s - 3564.52s

Those are the three greatest attackers to leave in this.

Speaker 63564.6s - 3576.32s

Can you imagine if we would have kept all of them? Oh, my God. Well, Sancho PERSON wasn't meant to be kept. There are a few things in this conversation. I think we have to know, which is the personal decisions and the entourage and the decisions that they make.

Speaker 73576.74s - 3586s

For sure. It's been, let's be clear here. Centro ORG's made bad decisions. I want to be very, very understanding. Absolutely.

Speaker 63586.5s - 3590.36s

I think two of them were good. I think choosing to go to United ORG was bad. But I think the time

Speaker 73590.36s - 3594.94s

he chose Dortmund ORG to leave, smart, the time he'd go to go back to Dortmund. He's like,

Speaker 43594.98s - 3597.82s

I got to get out of here. Tintan PERSON doesn't know what he's doing. So, but what do you think,

Speaker 73597.88s - 3604.56s

Lenthal PERSON? There's, I think there's conversations to be had about all the steps.

Speaker 63605.12s - 3607.66s

Leaving city in the first place, obviously is another one.

Speaker 03608.28s - 3612.7s

Not in the academy also, but just a player that I feel like I put in this conversation

Speaker 63612.7s - 3614.48s

because we've put the contract there.

Speaker 03614.86s - 3615.94s

We've wanted the extension.

Speaker 43616.14s - 3619.22s

The extension never came, and it hurts us, and that's Leroy Sane.

Speaker 63620.12s - 3622.56s

Ler Sane PERSON chose to leave as well.

Speaker 43622.92s - 3626.98s

So these are conversations where did it work out on the other end?

Speaker 63627.04s - 3716.92s

In my opinion, Sancho Ness should have never, he went to Dordman PERSON. That's fine. It was his choice, but I think he should have been a little bit more patient and not chose United ORG. I think choosing United ORG, I don't think the right questions were necessarily asked. And I think there was freedoms given and more to incentivize a player like Jaden Sancho PERSON, where I think we're looking at the wrong things,like the freedom to be able to just come and go as you please, or yeah, you just, you know, you can do these types of things, and that's not what a young player needs to be focused on. A young player needs to be focused on understanding that he's coming into structure. You don't know how to win yet. Come into a situation where, now,the successful conversation to that is Nichols' very Cole Palmer PERSON here because of the fact that he has been given some freedoms there, so much so to where I want to have a conversation with Nichols about the absolute disgrace it is to, like children, argue about a fucking pen,but it's been clear that that was given to Cole PERSON. And we know, again, that's certain freedoms, but also notoriety that you've earned because of the play, because of his play and his style. So Cole PERSON, in my opinion, I think T's right. I lean a little bit more towards Baham because it hurts me that Cole PERSON's doing the things that he's doing. It's the inner, it's within the pram that bothers me about the whole situation. You want to go fucking do your thing and I let it go? I don't care. You want to go do your thing in Juventus? I don't give a shit. With Chelsea ORG, I got to see youtwice a year. And for that, I say it bothers the shit out of me. And that's a minimal, right?

Speaker 33717.04s - 3815.82s

I can see you more. So that bothers me. That'sinal, right? So, um, yeah, I mean, and it's funny, the transfer, I feel like almost didn't happen,you know, like people who were in Barkola and Tocuda GPE, they tried to sign the lease day and like, Christopher PERSON was about to take him the court for it, you know, it was a whole thing until they,and so Obama PERSON came in at the end, you know, and it's everything about it. Like he came in at the end of the deadline right didn't have much of a like preseason with the team they comes in he plays well he establishes himself as a leader of sorts i mean like that situation with everton you know he wasn't just him connor galore you know was a wearing arm band and he got involved as well.And, you know, a couple of the other vets got involved. But Paul Palmer PERSON, like, stood his ground in that moment. And, I mean, like, they seem to be good, like, you know, as good as one could be. Obviously, you know, we don't know everythingthat happens behind the scenes, but there seems to be a respect for him. You know, it's easy to forget. He's still only, what, 21? You know, like, to me, like, I, I wonder if Chelsea stumbled upon their next lampard, you know, like, just that, that's player that's, you know,we use the term franchise player, but, like, that player who's going to be here for the next 10 years, you know, he sets the standard, he obviously has the quality and the talent and, you know, he sets the standard. He said, you know, he obviously has the quality and the talent and, you know, willing to take the responsibility in the big moments. Like, oh, man, like this ownership group has done a lot wrong, but identifying Cole Palmer PERSON, that's a pretty big win.

Speaker 43816.78s - 3831.04s

Huge win. I just want to get out on the cold topic before we switch to the big topic that I know you want to talk about. Here are his stats in from really, 31 matches played 21 goals, 9 assists. That is 30 goal contributions in your first year as a starter. How many of those people from pens?

Speaker 63831.78s - 3834.6s

Huh? I think I just want to be critical

Speaker 43834.6s - 3836.44s

for a moment. I'll be that guy. How many goals

Speaker 63836.44s - 3838.1s

from Penns ORG? I believe.

Speaker 43838.96s - 3840s

I think it's nine.

Speaker 63840s - 3840.76s

Nine. It's nine.

Speaker 43841.5s - 3843.18s

What we're like going to admire today.

Speaker 63843.44s - 3845.08s

How long come out, bro. Come on.

Speaker 43845.74s - 3846.28s

Come on.

Speaker 63846.44s - 3848.34s

The woman was double digits from the spot.

Speaker 43848.6s - 3850.42s

You remember the city years DATE? You got to make them.

Speaker 63850.52s - 3854.1s

You can get all the opportunities. But if you don't make them, it doesn't count.

Speaker 43854.18s - 3859.28s

But I know my man wants to get to the WSL ORG race.

Speaker 63859.52s - 3860.78s

And I'm going to just let you tell us.

Speaker 43860.86s - 3862.44s

Sir. Go ahead. Talk to him. What you got, bro?

Speaker 63862.68s - 3865.38s

Yeah. I see you kind of sad.

Speaker 73865.42s - 3866.06s

It's not over.

Speaker 43866.22s - 3866.96s

It's not over.

Speaker 33867.56s - 3869.32s

He's over. He's going on Sunday. It's open.

Speaker 43871.96s - 3876.3s

Bro, I can't imagine how mad I would be if I was a city.

Speaker 33876.98s - 3933.82s

Talk, like, eight, two minutes and change away. So close. And like, you know, obviously it wouldn't have been wrapped up then, but then you just go into the final day needing a draw. And I think like you know obviously it would have been wrapped up then but then you just go into the final day needing a draw and I think at that point it would have been like they would have taken care of business but I just can't believe like when Emma PERSON said it's over I was like oh this shit's really over you know it's like there's no there's not going to be a fairytale right you had the heartbreak against Barcelona ORG. Oh, I went out. I actually watched that game in public. Oh, God. That was, that was tough. And then losing to, I don't know, Liverpool ORG, I don't know how or why.There's somehow, like, just this annoying bogey team for Chelsea ORG. They put some real random losses on Chelsea in recent years. And, yeah, Emma had me in the first half. She was like, it's over. I was like, okay, I'm going to start to, you know,rationalize

Speaker 03933.82s - 3939.94s

the M-A ORG era. And, you know, it was a good run. I can't wait this year for the U.S. GPE women's national team.

Speaker 33940.56s - 3970.06s

And then, for his, Arcelo PERSON, of all people, Jonas, and of course, Black City and, of course, the goals. and then Sarasel PERSON of all people Jonas and of course Black City PERSON has scored the goalsI still believe it and then and then is why I love this team so much making up all of the goal difference in one match I was like if you all score five or sixand make it close I'll be cool with that no we're just going to go ahead and score, we're just going to go ahead and score eight. We're just going to go ahead and take the lead on goal difference now. Oh, I love this.

Speaker 73970.6s - 3981.94s

That was the thing that hurt my heart the most. It was one thing for us to drop points, okay, but to turn around and see you all go get eight, I'm like, oh my God. You know, if you could get five,

Speaker 03982.24s - 3986.44s

five, four, I'm like, that's still a big win. Okay, cool. Eight?

Speaker 73986.68s - 3988.46s

Who does that?

Speaker 33989.5s - 4021.96s

It's the way, like, they understood the assignment, too, because, like, after every goal, it was like, all right, get the ball, take it back. We want more, more, more, more. Goro PERSON had her fucking game face on, bro. Oh, I love. I just, I just, I can't believe, like, I've been so lucky to watch Emma Hayes at Chelsea ORG, really, truly.You know, like, and I will, even though obviously I was a fantastic and I will miss her in the WSL, I will miss it with Chelsea ORG. And I hope Bon Panthers Store ORG can continue this legacy. I have two points to make.

Speaker 44021.96s - 4049s

First, the parallel between in the WSL, Chelsea, and Man City ORG is so similar to Man City and Arsenal in the Premier League ORG. It's the same dynamic. We know how to win. We win these titles. You all are trying to get won in this era, and you just can't get over that hill yet.And what I also want to say is this. We know none of this would be happening if Boney PERSON, if Cadeja Boney Shaw PERSON didn't.

Speaker 04050.28s - 4051.4s

That was so sad.

Speaker 44051.46s - 4052.16s

There's the thing.

Speaker 04052.44s - 4060.08s

You all have dealt with Sam Kerr PERSON. You had it early in the season. You were able to go out and get reinforcement. Shostomai Ramirez PERSON. Kat PERSON's coming back healthy. Like the team is the team.

Speaker 44060.56s - 4064.82s

But it just sucked at the timing to see Bunny go down when she did when clearly we were

Speaker 04064.82s - 4069.4s

going to go to the title. Like everybody saw it. We were not being stopped. We had won 14 in a row.

Speaker 44070.4s - 4075.28s

Biggest record ever for a single season. It just, that hurt my heart to see her go off the pitch like that.

Speaker 04075.36s - 4080.2s

And then the reports that came out and then knowing she had surgery, they suck. But hey, you got to play the matches.

Speaker 44080.82s - 4082.4s

And I'll just have me sick.

Speaker 64083.16s - 4088s

I'm sorry. You look like, I can't even think of the mean, but you just look really sad right now. It's really

Speaker 44089.66s - 4094.6s

I feel for you bro. My whole goal was to cover everything including the glasses and just leave the mustache

Speaker 74095.6s - 4100.72s

We need the one with the the crying old man. That's the one we need because that's how I feel right now

Speaker 54101.36s - 4105.96s

You mentioned you mentioned the 14 wins in the row, and you did the hardest part.

Speaker 64106.3s - 4107.34s

You beat Kelsey PERSON.

Speaker 54107.9s - 4108.1s


Speaker 64108.12s - 4109.3s

You beat, man.

Speaker 74109.42s - 4110.32s

I'm not a whole lead.

Speaker 34110.7s - 4112.22s

Literally beat the entire league.

Speaker 44112.78s - 4114.52s

Like, that's crazy.

Speaker 34114.82s - 4117.8s

And then, hey, you know, but shouts are something they came through.

Speaker 44117.86s - 4134.36s

They didn't stop. They kept going. Our defenders didn't defend. Should have cleared the ball. But, man, it sucked. It really hurts.But I'm happy for you that you get that joy. I'm happy for Cole PERSON that he gets the ball out. Maybe y'all push Newcastle ORG. Maybe you don't. But at least you got you up a conference league coming.

Speaker 74134.86s - 4137.8s

That's what I was going to ask. Do we get into that sixth play spot?

Speaker 34139.4s - 4172.38s

You know, this fucking team, like, because they've been so poor and so inconsistent most of the season. And yet, like, these past few weeks, it's like this looks like the semblance of a team kind of, right? Like, strong performances against Tottenham and West Ham, you know, I value those London derbyes. So it's like, okay, and the schedule left is not too difficult. I think it's Brighton ORG. I think Sheffields ORG.No, I could be wrong about that.

Speaker 04176.38s - 4179.66s

Newcastle ORG at some point.

Speaker 34180.08s - 4196.62s

Taunner PERSON has to play city, right? So I think that the place for you, the race for European NORP spots is not over. I'll say that. I do think that Chelsea ORG can win out if they are serious. And if they went out, I think they'll move up at least one place.

Speaker 64197.5s - 4211.02s

You follow your club pretty well. There was a rumor that you flew out a Portuguese manager from Portugal to London to interview him. Are those rumors correct? Oh, is that a Marine NORP?

Speaker 34211.66s - 4211.9s


Speaker 64212.5s - 4217.38s

I wasn't going to say it's all speculation. This is where I pressed a speculation button and say, I'm speculating.

Speaker 34220.82s - 4230.62s

I don't know how much validity there was to those rumors, but I thought that he decided to just stay for another season, right?

Speaker 64230.68s - 4232.34s

Yeah, he did, but I'm pressing you on the flight.

Speaker 34232.54s - 4237.56s

Did you fly him out or not? I don't know. I wouldn't throw him out.

Speaker 64238.6s - 4239.18s

He threw him out.

Speaker 24241.32s - 4242.14s

He's on a hot seat.

Speaker 64242.6s - 4243.98s

That's what I'm alluded to.

Speaker 24244.06s - 4245.06s

He's on the hot seat, though. I saw him enter'm alluded to. He's not a hot seat, Doug PERSON.

Speaker 64245.16s - 4246.94s

I saw him answer the press conference

Speaker 24246.94s - 4248.46s

about questions about next year,

Speaker 64248.58s - 4250.56s

and he literally said in English LANGUAGE,

Speaker 24250.76s - 4252.78s

I haven't had any conversations about next year.

Speaker 34254.5s - 4254.88s


Speaker 64254.98s - 4255.16s


Speaker 24255.3s - 4255.78s

I mean he,

Speaker 34255.94s - 4260.52s

what do you mean you haven't had any fucking conversations about next year?

Speaker 24261.02s - 4262.76s

But do you understand what the hot seat is,

Speaker 64262.82s - 4263s


Speaker 04263.44s - 4264.9s

That'd be troublesome, dog.

Speaker 24264.96s - 4274.94s

I'd be start prepping that resume if you haven't had conversations about next year. So what's what the hot seat is, papa? That'd be troublesome, dog. I'd start prepping that resume if you haven't had conversations about next year. So what's your whole take on this, dog? You flew him out, admit it. Yeah, yeah, you know, you know,

Speaker 04275.18s - 4283.38s

sometimes, sometimes the partner's not acting right and you do some stuff, you know, you get to

Speaker 34283.38s - 4289.9s

talk to someone on the internet. It is what it is. Like, points were made, decisions were made.

Speaker 44289.9s - 4291.5s

We put that in the ad.

Speaker 34291.5s - 4294s

But y'all didn't lose the contact.

Speaker 44294s - 4296.5s

You just like, hey, not right now. Little bit taller later.

Speaker 34296.5s - 4304.5s

Right, right. It's like, you know what? They're starting to turn it around. I'm going to give them another shot. But I'm like, we'll keep in touch. We'll keep in touch.

Speaker 44304.5s - 4320.18s

Yeah. The D. Y'all still sliding in the DM but we'll keep in touch. We'll keep in touch. The D. Y'all still sliding in the DM. Like, it's real. Vanish mode is happening. Vanish mode conversations are occurring. Nobody will see the proof, but they're talking. They're still communicating, and you just hope you're some different other doesn't know your past code. But do you make a change?

Speaker 74320.42s - 4331.24s

I mean, because they're, they're kind of at playing their best right now, and it took forever to get here, and that would be frustrating because it took them flying out a little honey bunny to see what's up on the weekend.

Speaker 24331.96s - 4333.72s

We got all this talent that we brought in.

Speaker 74333.86s - 4378.72s

We can go down the list of all these players that all have amazing potential, but it took until now to actually start to see it play together. Is it a fluke? Is it, oh, you know, he's gotten spurred on by the potential of somebody else taking his spot? Or did he just take this long to figure it out? And would you disrupt that now after you just had a horrible season, but it's starting to come together? Why mess with it if you think that you can continue this, I guess, a little bitof momentum into the off season and start the season off next year in a much better place? A lot of the, you know, we were trying to figure this out is over with now. If you bring in somebody else, you got to start all over again.

Speaker 34380.82s - 4382.9s

Yeah, I agree with you on that.

Speaker 04382.9s - 4388.5s

So I guess to answer that, I think you'll ultimately end up staying.

Speaker 34388.78s - 4447.2s

I think especially for the reason that you ended with, like they're actually starting to play like a team kind of, you know. There was some, you know, in the middle of the season, it really seemed like the whatever the participant was trying to communicate wasn't landing but it seems to now and I agree with you on that like you know to have to start over and then also I don't think the manager market if you want to call it that is great this summer you know like shabby PERSON's not leaving Ammarin's not leaving um Luke and Gay PERSON, you would assume, it's probably going to at least stay at PSG ORG.So, you know, like, who do you really go get? Like, I don't want a reunion with Google ORG. I don't want to reunion with Potter PERSON. I don't want no parts of Eric Ten Hogg PERSON. Like, I think they're probably better off just staying with Pasadino PERSON for another yearfor no other region for the stability you know and yeah

Speaker 44447.2s - 4463.52s

i agree with that love that so i think that's a great way to go out you know looking ahead to the year wishing you all the not the best but i hope y'all score some goals i can't root for chelsea come on bro um so let the people know where to find you and let them know everything you're doing

Speaker 34465.08s - 4492.9s

yeah so you can find me at uh nichols od Nikosotian ORG, as it is on my screen there. And I-C-H-O-L-S-O-D-E-O-N on Twitter and Instagram. I also do look forward the culture podcast. Check out our content over there. You know, podcast of four. You know, five, stuff. For, and oh, sorry, what's not tagging?It's basically black soccer is what we do, what we talk about.

Speaker 44493.34s - 4493.98s

Let's go.

Speaker 34494.7s - 4494.74s

Love it, love it.

Speaker 44495.52s - 4498.24s

Thank you so much, man. You take it easy, all right? Thanks for jumping on.

Speaker 74499.3s - 4500.32s

Yes, appreciate you.

Speaker 44501.46s - 4529.74s

Man, what a night. You know, shout's to the homie, Mitch PERSON, the older. Shout to Scarfoie, really saving us. You know, Mark's to the homie Mitch, The older. Shout out to Scarfe Boy PERSON, really saving us. You know, Scarfe, 14, through ready scarves on deck. And then, of course, the homie Mark PERSON was able to join us at the very end. I experienced some technical difficulties.Another wonderful lit stream. I believe our last lit stream of the season is next week per crunk. But I will say this. I think if we win the title, we got to have a celebration list i think i think i'll be down for that you know what i'm saying

Speaker 64529.74s - 4537.1s

would i be down for that oh yeah 100 percent i mean 100 they've got to yeah yeah

Speaker 44537.1s - 4542.6s

celebration d t3 i don't know what crump's talking i think crump forgot the calendar he's got a lot

Speaker 64542.6s - 4545.18s

going on i think he just messed up a little bit. We're going to make that happen.

Speaker 44545.98s - 4554.54s

You know, we win a P. We won't win a trophy. Get ready for the double. I think we deserve it. Maybe get everybody come through. Get something big and friend going, man.That would be lit.

Speaker 64555.92s - 4577.12s

And everybody check on Crunk tonight. I hope that he's doing well. I know personally, I'm going to get at him here in a little bit. Down by 20 to the Cavs ORG. A little bit of a problem at home game, too. Certain clubs in the semis can only go up to two. Certain clubs in the semis can only go up to O.Certain clubs in the semis can only go up to O. So I just want to go ahead and get out there. Let's go ahead and check on Crunk PERSON. Everybody check on Crunk PERSON with love.

Speaker 44577.44s - 4581.8s

Please. This man was coming in just like some personal life stuff. He said he took it to the Celtics ORG.

Speaker 54582.48s - 4589.76s

That's great. I'm fucking cash until we got to face them, bro. I'm talking that cash until we got to face them. They need Chris PERSON stops.

Speaker 44590.12s - 4596.88s

But, you know, Cleveland ORG was dude. They bounce back. But I will say, y'all, let the people know where to find you start with Terek and then we hit up Mlando GPE. Terek PERSON, where can the people find you, sir?

Speaker 74597.12s - 4609.78s

Hey, just real quick. I saw a picture of Scarf Boy PERSON on Twitter and he didn't have a scarf on. And I actually felt it felt like this dude is on here naked what is he doing he's yeah he's really

Speaker 24609.78s - 4613.56s

Scarford PERSON he ain't rocking this like I almost I almost posted something on this

Speaker 74613.56s - 4633.76s

picture but I was like nah I'm let it go but it was it was jarring to see him without one because I've always seen him with one on so you know it is what it is but anyway it's your boy Terrick T-A-R-I-K-P-E-R-S-O-N on Twitter ORG, Terrick Peterson on Twitter and on Twitch ORG. Landu.

Speaker 64634.44s - 4649.66s

At Shades of Blue N-W. ORG Get at us. Like, subscribe, comment. Let me know what you think of us. Let us know what you think of us. Any comments? Comment on the mustache. Comment on Cleveland being up 20. Comment on the Nix. Comment on the list stream tonight. Get at us.

Speaker 44650.42s - 4652.82s

Oh, how does Rangers ORG looking? Did they come back or is Carolina ORG?

Speaker 64653.04s - 4657.2s

In the third, 1-1-15 minutes in. So we got plenty of time.

Speaker 44657.44s - 4673.54s

All right. We've got to tap into that. And, of course, I am not Crone Chocolate PERSON. The captain is home getting itself together. I am Sharpie Charlie ORG, so at Sharpie Charlie on Twitter. Thank y'all so much for coming. And, of course, you am not Crone Chocolate. The captain is home getting itself together. I am Sharpie Charlie, so at Sharpie Charlie ORG on Twitter. Thank y'all so much for coming. And of course, you know the vibes.Shady gang, shady game, shady game, shady game. Peace.