#353: CHAINED Woman Found In Shed Of Tiktoker’s Home, Went Viral, Then Disappeared From Internet

#353: CHAINED Woman Found In Shed Of Tiktoker’s Home, Went Viral, Then Disappeared From Internet

by Stephanie Soo & Ramble

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69:36 minutes

published 18 days ago


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Speaker 80s - 5.44s

Rambles. I don't really like doing chores around the house. I'm going to be honest with you. And I especially

Speaker 25.44s - 110.54s

used to hate doing laundry. It was just one of my more tedious tasks. It takes so much time and I often feel tempted to not even bother sorting out my clothes. But I've been trying to motivate myself to get a lot more organized and I finally found a way to make doing my chores so much more interesting, so much more engaging. And that's by listening to audiobooks on Audible PRODUCT. You guys know me, there is nothing like playing a good psychological thriller. So obviously, that's what I've been listening to. I'm currently listening to The Housemaid by Frieda McFadden PERSON. The main character,Millie PERSON, is out on parole and she's desperate for her job. She doesn't have any money. She's living out of her car and she gets this opportunity to be this rich family's housemaid. Millie agrees, even though there's just something really strange about the Winchester PERSON's. Especially the wife, Nina, she just seems to love finding ways to make Millie PERSON's life very difficult. The family is hiding something and Millie PERSON is hiding something and there's just so much tension between Millie PERSON and the husband. It's one of those stories that you can't stop listening to and I can'twait to finish it and start the next audiobook in this series. But if Thriller WORK_OF_ART is not your thing, don't worry. Audible lets you pick from thousands of titles to find the perfect soundtrack to your day. You can find audiobooks from any genre, fiction, nonfiction, wellness, self-help, but they also have podcasts like this one. Guided wellness programs, comedy, and originals. Living life without using Audible PRODUCT is like eating food with no seasoning. Sure, you still get your nutrients in, but it's missing that extra flavor,you know? So if you want to spice up your day, I highly recommend Audible PRODUCT. Audible. Members can keep one title a month to keep from the entire catalog. New members can try Audible now free for 30 days. Visit Audible.com slash Rotten or text Rotten to 500-500. That's audible.com slash rotten or text rotten to 500 500. That's audible.com slash rotten or text rotten to 500, 500 to try audible free for 30 days.

Speaker 3112.4s - 115.76s

This video is going to look a little bit different.

Speaker 2116.06s - 259.62s

I don't know if you guys watched the last one, but I was sick for two weeks. I'm fine now, but I tried my best to research and do all these things in bed. It just was not very good, but I'm back. I feel a thousand times better and we are working on a lot of very important cases right now. We're working with a victim's family member on a case. There's a lot of just strange things that have been happening that we want to bring these cases to you guys,but we want them to be good. So it's taking a little bit of time and we didn't want to go without any videos. So this is going to be the video that we are posting that is not totally new and fresh. This video was actually filmed maybe a year ago and it was posted on a different channel of mine, a separate one called Stephanie Sue ORG. The story is about two different women in China GPE who lived very drastically different lives. One woman was kidnapped by a TikToker, a Dohinger influencer in China GPE, and she washeld hostage in his house for a very long time. And then another woman, she cried tears of joy 30 minutes before she was executed by the country for murder. This was from a year ago, I might look a little bit different, I might sound a little bit different, but I hope you guys enjoy and I will see you guys in the next one that will be just the rotten mangoes that you're used to. I'm just going to start with a universal truth, okay? You should never buy stuff illegally. I feel like that's just a global law,especially things that shouldn't be and can't be sold in the first place. Like pandas. Did you know that you can't buy a panda? Did you know that all pandas are owned by China GPE? They are only native in China and all the pandas that are in all the zoos across the world, they're on loan from China GPE. But it also means unlike any other animal, no other government, no other individual can own a panda. So in China GPE, the punishment to buy a panda in the underground breeding market, which I assume is not that big of a breeding market.But if you do end up somehow buying a panda, you will be sentenced to more than 10 years in prison.

Speaker 3260.14s - 265s

That's actually less than, I thought. They're considered national treasure. So it's a big deal.

Speaker 2265.36s - 267.66s

I mean, yeah, but like 10 years?

Speaker 3267.74s - 270.42s

That's the minimum sentence for buying a panda. That's a lot.

Speaker 0270.54s - 273.54s

I mean, there are people that have done worse things that get out in like two years.

Speaker 3273.54s - 280.72s

If you buy two parrots, special breed parrots, you will be sentenced to more than five years in prison in China GPE.

Speaker 0280.92s - 321.7s

And I'm telling you this, because recently a case in China has taught everyone that a woman is less than a panda and even less than two birds. Let's talk about the viral TikTok Dowying case of the chained woman. Okay, so there is like a whole niche of creators online and you're going to see them pop up from like all over the world on TikTok ORG. Like you see them in America, Europe, Asia, Africa LOC. They're called feel-good influencers. So it's not that they're happy. They're not influencers that are, you know, your happy place.They're literally in the business of making you feel good. So most of their videos, they go something like this. First video. This man right here is without a home. You guys, I'm going to let him tell his story.

Speaker 2322.12s - 441.6s

Then the person will share their struggles with being without a home and how that's impacted their lives, their children's lives, their family. And then later, a follow-up video will be made using the donations that viewers have sent in where the man without a home is surprisedwith all the money. It's like this universal moment. Even if you don't understand the language, because I've seen different countries do this and it pops up on my TikTok feed because because you know it's like a thing I do watch until the end okay and it's a moment of like intense understanding humanityhope for the future that we can all change the world make it a better place and almost always it's a select number of trending heartwarming uplifting music that is playing in the back listen I'm not on these influencers I hope I hope that majority of these influencers are genuine because I'm literally on that side of TikTok ORG. I will watch every single one of them. I will even donate to the GoFundMe ORG'sbecause it just makes my heart hurt. But in the end, it also makes me and everyone else feel good, you know? You feel good in the end almost. You're on this like emotional journey, you feel so bad, you feel grateful for your life, you feel like you should be thankful for your things, and then you feel good in the end almost. You're on this like emotional journey. You feel so bad. You feel grateful for your life. You feel like you should be thankful for your things. And then you feel good in thebusiness of making people feel good. And if these good positive energy influencers are legit, then they are changing the world. But in every industry where there are no regulations and there's money to be made, how do you know if all of them are legit? How do you know which ones are hiding dark secrets behind their positive energy facade? Recently in China, a father of eight went viral on Doying, which is the TikTok in China. And the dad's name is Dong Chimin PERSON. We're going to call Mr. D. It's literally like Daddy of Five all over again, but Daddy of Eight. And I can see whyeveryone was just quickly obsessed, okay? I would probably be one of those people. Mr. D had a really intense story. His mom was in her 80s and he was taking care of his disabled older brother. He had eight children that ranged from three years old to 10 years old and he was raising them all by himself in this tiny little village in China GPE.

Speaker 0441.84s - 462.58s

He had like no heat during the winters. They had no flooring in their house. It was just like dirt in the floor. And with no partner in sight to help him, he's like a single father of eight. But the crazy thing is, I mean, nobody would even blame Mr. D PERSON for being a sour, mean old man, just a douchebag. Imagine that kind of pressure to feed that many people to do all

Speaker 2462.58s - 476.94s

this housework. You know, if he was a little bit mean, nobody would be mad. His life was pretty miserable. But even though that he's barely making it by, the children have no clothes, they have like no food, it was rough. He was such a happy, positive person online.

Speaker 9477.68s - 482s

Yeah, man, yeah, I'm Dundemian NORP, I'm calling. But I'm saying. Don the men, and the father.

Speaker 7482s - 484s

And then, now,

Speaker 9484s - 485s

do you have what do you?

Speaker 7485s - 486s


Speaker 9486s - 498s

is that's the country's, if you're not your support and your people,and the child and then the child, and I'm not even, you know,

Speaker 7498s - 500s

you've had,

Speaker 9500s - 524s

had you, no, no, no, there's, there bit of a child, just that,now, now, that's not that doesn't mean, that's notthat I'm my mind I just my mind, my way tomake the heart to lava, see, they're

Speaker 2524s - 628s

so his story starts getting attention on social media. Bigger TikTokers PERSON are reposting his videos, giving him shoutouts, being like, Hey guys, look at this family, go follow them, go show them some love. Some of the local TikTokers PERSON that live in nearby cities or the towns, they would go and visit Mr. D PERSON, and they would draw more attention to Mr. D. They're like, go look at this family, guys.Look, I'm with this family. This is what we're doing. Look at how he lives. Guys, I'm going to link his Go-FundMe. It was like this whole ordeal. And the TikTokers PERSON, they would show the whole world,the harsh truth that everyone likes to ignore. I mean, most of their audiences were like in their heat-controlled homes in the winter, laying in their clean sheets and blankets with the smell of dinner, seeping up from downstairs. But a good majority of the audience had never seen conditions like this.So it was eye-opening, and it was what people call poverty porn in a lot of different industries, like the reality shows that show that yet. We've talked about it before. That's like the label people put on it. So it was kind of a mixture of that like people were amazed at how tattered the clothing of the children were and it just was heartbreaking they even interviewed mr d for their tic talks where he shared more about his life they were like okay wellTell us about your life and he's like okay well I received maybe four hundred thirty dollars from the government every month to feed all these kids. That's not a lot. That's for everything, my housing, feeding them, clothes. I mean, I got to make sure that they get to college. That's my dream.And the TikTok ORG would end with the influencer saying, Guys, please go follow Datavad on Doying PRODUCT. Please, and check the link to see how you can help their family and donate.

Speaker 5645s - 647.5s

Literally all of this sounds completely normal. I feel like I would even share that video

Speaker 2647.5s - 686.08s

or even talk about it or like try to draw attention to this family because I mean who wouldn't? And soon father of eight children gained like 200,000 followers on Dao Ying PERSON. And he's like, okay, I can make money this way. It's like the best way, which makes sense. Nobody's dogging on him for that.So dad of eight children starts live streaming, accepting donations, accepting gifts. And in the early videos, Mr. D PERSON would show his children, and he tried to answer all the questions that were most frequently asked. Like, why do you have eight kids? And he said, I never had a wife until I was 34 years old. I was single.And in the village, that's something that everyone looks down upon when you're single for that long.

Speaker 8686.48s - 691.92s

So when I finally got a wife, it just happened. We started having kid after kid after a kid.

Speaker 2692.12s - 761.28s

And yeah, I guess it makes sense. You know, no judgment. Then another frequently asked question was, will you ever put up the kids for adoption? And he said without any hesitation, I wouldn't. As the children have already been born into my family,I have to raise them. They're my responsibility, you know? We never terminated any pregnancies. He was very proud of that, by the way. You think of that, what you will. And he said, among the eight children,seven of them are boys, and one of them is a girl. Now, this is where the story starts taking an interesting turn. People are like, wait, what about the one child policy? What the fork is going on right now, okay? And people start asking, well, what about the one child policy? What the fork is going on right now, okay? And people start asking, well, what are the kids' names? What should we call the kids?And he responded, well, you guys want to know the kids' names. So the girl's name is Silver Phoenix, literal translation. So it's not like a meaning. Okay, so you know how Chinese NORP characters can have a deeper meaning and stuff? It's like that in Korea GPE. If your name is Chisu, the chi has a meaningin the traditional hanjja, like the traditional Korean character, and then Sue PERSON has a meaning. So it could mean like beautiful angel, but the direct translation would not be Chisu PERSON in English is beautiful angel. But his direct translation was like silver or phoenix. Yeah, that's the meaning.

Speaker 3761.48s - 769s

Yeah, yeah. That was like really direct. And then the boys had very peculiar meanings too, names Hong Kong, Aerospace ORG.

Speaker 2769s - 770s


Speaker 3770s - 773s

Hong Kong GPE. Yeah, Hong Kong GPE. Yeah.

Speaker 2773s - 776s

Interesting. Aerospace ORG, gold mountain.

Speaker 3776s - 777s


Speaker 2777s - 809.96s

Silver Mountain ORG. Treasury. International. Okay, so of course, the viewers, I mean, they had the same reaction like we did, which were like, okay, we're not judging, but like, what? Who named these kids? Was there a meaning behind, you know, all these different names? Like, there's got to be a story behind this. No one names their kids that without a good story, right? And he calmly explained. The story is. The money from the gold mountain goes to the silver mountain. Then it goes to the bank, and the bank's money goes to the treasury ORG, and if the treasury is unable to keep the money, it goes international or into aerospace. Or to Hong Kong GPE.

Speaker 4809.96s - 812.96s

What? Okay.

Speaker 2812.96s - 819.84s

So basically, basically, he was, I think, he was really adamant that at least one of his kids

Speaker 4819.84s - 821.04s

would have money.

Speaker 2821.04s - 823.76s

It's obvious that his education level isn't high.

Speaker 3823.76s - 828.96s

And that's how they usually name kids. I think it's also supposed to be like, okay, like the money is going to end up in one of my

Speaker 2828.96s - 832.7s

kids' pockets. Because if it doesn't stay in the bank, it goes to the treasury. If it doesn't go there,

Speaker 0832.74s - 836.26s

it goes to this and it goes to aerospace. Does that make sense? So he's like thought of all

Speaker 3836.26s - 841.3s

the loopholes of where the money could be sent. And he was like, got that covered. Got it covered.

Speaker 0841.3s - 859s

Okay. I mean, the sentiment of it all was just hope, which is a good sentiment we can get behind. Fine, a little bit strange, but that's fine. We can get behind some fun names. People are naming their children all sorts of weird things. I mean, have you heard these celebrity kids names these days? Even weirder.I think the only frequently asked question that wasn't well answered was,

Speaker 2859s - 1027.5s

where the hell is their mother? And all he would say was, the children's mom is the hero of the family that was like a nobody wanted to push it because maybe he didn't want to air out the dirty laundry online maybe he didn't want the kids to see him talking the mom maybe the mom passed away and it was too sensitive of a subject maybe she cheated and left right everyone tried to remain respectful like guys stop asking stop askinglike we don't need to know okay that is until january 27th of 2022 the whole case blew up i'm talking wide open all of doying tictock everything blew up a famous ticotker had traveled to the village to do like a collab of sorts with the father of eight children he wanted to show his followers how you know. D PERSON was living and how they could help. And as he's browsing around the hole, taken some time to think about how to best filmthis type of video, he saw this little shed in the corner. It is like a very small shed that even upon his arrival, he had seen it, and in his head he's thinking, that's probably like a dog house, right? But there was a small door, and it wasn't board boarded up there was no chains around the door there was no crazy padlock and inside he sees like a tiny pale person peeking out and likestaring at him so he's like okay I'm gonna go in there because that's really weird is that like another child maybe that's like the brother I want to meet this person he goes into the shed and he sees that there is a woman in there that looks hungry, malnourished. There was evidence of torture. She was chained to the wall through her neck,like a dog collar and it was chained to the wall. She scurried back when he saw her and, this is where it just starts really getting crazy okay he runs into the shed and he's filming the situation inside the shed there's a woman and a tiny mattress on the ground that's about it the woman was in freezing cold winter she was barefoot very thin clothes on and chained up even her food was given to her in like a dog bowl therewas a food bowl that was just kind of sitting on the ground and inside of it was just frozen kanji, which kanji is like rice boiled in water. It's not very a nutritiously dense dish. There was a cold steamed bun on top. The only warmth that she had was like this moldy beat-up blanket.If you could even call it a blanket. Honestly, I think it's too thin to even be called a towel. Yeah, she was standing there, and her eyes, you can see it in the video briefly. I don't know if that's how I would describe it, but people keep saying they look glassed over. Like she looks like she hasn't been herself in years. You know, it looks like her soul had been like ripped out of her.She only had a couple teeth left. And even when she tried to talk, she was slurring her words.

Speaker 71027.5s - 1054.24s

You know, no? No. I'll give you a new a few, turn on. I'll give you a new to, I'll get a little, I can take a new one, I can take a few, I'll give you a few, I'll give you to take a year.You, you, you're, you're, you, you're, you, is, you, if you're having a few, I'll give you to know. You, you, this, find out, you, you know, find out, you know, you know, I'm not, you know, can't, you know, can't, do you, I can't do, can't, but? Can't,

Speaker 81054.24s - 1056s

It's, I'm not,

Speaker 71056s - 1056.76s


Speaker 81056.76s - 1057.76s

Is it?

Speaker 71057.76s - 1058.76s

I'll tell you.

Speaker 81058.76s - 1060.24s

I can't, so.

Speaker 71060.24s - 1063s

But, but, but the quick to hang out,

Speaker 21063s - 1086.5s

this, this food can't even be fully present. She seemed fully disoriented, she seemed incredibly timid. He asked her if she was cold and whether she could understand him and she shook her head repeatedly. He was genuinely shocked. He looked up at the camera and he said, what has this woman gone through in this cold weather? Where did all the donations go? You know?

Speaker 81086.5s - 1096.5s

Oh, it's all the time. It's a little, he's all the kids'yof.

Speaker 71096.5s - 1097.5s


Speaker 91097.5s - 1100.5s

You can find that they can, this can't sort.

Speaker 71100.5s - 1107s

This, this, this, this, this, can't see. You can, see, this, this, this, this, this is, this, this, this, this this, we can see you can,

Speaker 81107s - 1110s

this, this is, this, this,

Speaker 71110s - 1112s

this is, this, this, this is the,

Speaker 81112s - 1114s

our own, our eyesion,

Speaker 71114s - 1117s

to where to, see? Oh, can't go.

Speaker 81117s - 1118s

Oh, can't.

Speaker 71118s - 1130s

Oh, no, come on. Okay, in, well, in, all. It's, It's, there. The video ended, and he posted it online.

Speaker 21130s - 1169s

And this is what blew the case up. I mean, the question remained and lingered, and everyone that was watching was, you know, who the hell is she? Where did she come from? Why is she chained up? Where is her family?Why did nobody care that there's a woman chained up in the shed? Like, they didn't try to hide her that well. So are you telling me no neighbors knew? No villagers came over and never investigated the shed? So these people, they're blowing, the netizens are blowing up the comments. Like, we got to do something. Which like, yeah, we do. But the TikToker PRODUCT who posted this original video, he made a response and he was like, you guys don't have to call the police. I just wanted everyone to care for the poor family and urge the father to treat his wife

Speaker 31169s - 1174.1s

well with the help of the public opinion. Wait, the TikTok ORG who exposed this story?

Speaker 21174.1s - 1179.22s

Yeah. Post a story saying you guys don't have to freak out anymore? Yeah, like we're handling it

Speaker 31179.22s - 1183.02s

and this is his wife and he's going to like treat her well. And that's all I wanted.

Speaker 21184.12s - 1211.48s

Meanwhile, the father of eight children was still active and he was responding to all the questions and the backlash. Like, can you imagine that he's still active on social media right now? And he's saying that, hey guys, everyone, this is not like a kidnapped woman. My wife was mentally unstable and she was pretty violent. So to prevent her from smashing things and hurting my elderly mother, or even thechildren, I chained her up in an isolated room in the house. Like a dog? Yeah. In the freezing cold?

Speaker 31212.54s - 1217.46s

This was his defense. This was his like, hey guys, like, don't be mad at me because I have a good

Speaker 21217.46s - 1224.08s

reason. Okay. And then he said, but whenever she was not violent, I would let her out.

Speaker 31225.96s - 1227.34s

That was his best argument.

Speaker 21227.54s - 1227.84s


Speaker 31228.06s - 1229.08s

That was his defense.

Speaker 21229.68s - 1232.02s

So, yeah, no, the public was like not satisfied.

Speaker 51232.38s - 1236.1s

So the video starts circulating everywhere and the internet theories are going crazy.

Speaker 21236.1s - 1267.46s

Some speculate that she was human trafficked rather than being a mentally unstable wife and mother. Some thought that she was an insane mother. And some people were even commenting, if she's insane, then I'm worried that her kids have mental illnesses that were passed down. Some people commented, I think that she probably was good-looking and mentally stable. But because she had been chained and trafficked and probably assaulted, she gradually went insane. She can be insane and still a victim. You guys know that, right? Another comment read,she doesn't look very old. Why did her teeth all fall out?

Speaker 41268.2s - 1270.54s

Someone made a wild guess under that comment and said,

Speaker 21270.84s - 1277.6s

maybe she bit someone to defend herself while they tried it assaulting her, and they broke her teeth off. Another theory was...

Speaker 31277.6s - 1281.9s

The woman was probably abducted when she was like 12, 13 years old.

Speaker 21281.9s - 1421.14s

I heard that Mr. Dee PERSON and his brothers, and even his own father used to use the chained woman and nearby villagers knew about it. But nobody intervenes because all the villagers are like animals.I love meal deliveries. In fact, I love everything about having my meals delivered straight to my doorstep except the delivery fees. That's why I signed up for the Dash Pass, an exclusive membership from DoorDash ORG that lets youmake an unlimited amount of fee-free orders for eligible orders. Whether it's food from your favorite restaurants, groceries from across town, or anything in between, the Dash Pass PRODUCT can get you zero-dollar deliveries and lower service fees on eligible orders. That means you can easily save money at your favorite restaurants and grocery stores. The DashPass PRODUCT practically pays for itself in two orders on average. The math is mathing. Plus, DashPass PRODUCT gives you special access to exclusive promotions and menu items and all of this for only $999 a month. Open the door to $0 deliveryfees and savings you can't get anywhere else. Sign up for DashPass today, only on DoorDash. And get your first 30 days free if you're a new member. Subject to change, terms apply. The national sales event is on at your Toyota ORG dealer, making now the perfect time to get a great deal on a dependable new car. Like a legendary Camry PRODUCT, built for performance, and available with all-wheel drive, you can count on your new Camry PRODUCT to get anywhere you need to go. And with available features like heated seats in a multimedia touchscreen,you can stay connected in comfort and style. Or check out an affordable and reliable corolla with a trim for every lifestyle. From the hip and agile sedan to the sporty hatchback, there's a dependable corolla built just for you. Plus, both Camrys PRODUCT and corollas are available in hybrid models, so no matter your style, you can drive efficiently and affordably.So visit your local Toyota dealer and check out amazing national sales events on Camry PRODUCT's, corollas, and more. When you visit biotoyota.com, Toyota ORG, let's go places. So very quickly, Mr. D. Goes from this, like, loving father of eight children to human traffic or overnight. Listen, no angle of this is looking good for this guy. Even if what he said is true, who chains up their mentally ill wife?Like, who does that?

Speaker 81421.5s - 1426.4s

People replayed the video over and over and over again and tried to decipher what she was saying.

Speaker 21426.4s - 1430.4s

Because remember I said that she was slurring her words, she didn't seem fully there.

Speaker 41435.6s - 1439.28s

Somewhere far away, it's impossible for me to leave.

Speaker 81447s - 1451s

The world doesn't want me anymore. The world doesn't want me anymore.

Speaker 41451s - 1453s

The world doesn't want me.

Speaker 81453s - 1456s

And netizens all agreed that she was saying these couple of phrases.

Speaker 41456s - 1458s

Will they let me back?

Speaker 81458s - 1460s

They would never let me back.

Speaker 21460s - 1462s

The world doesn't want me.

Speaker 41462s - 1465.78s

The room is full of rupus. That's what they gathered.

Speaker 61466.38s - 1469.46s

And it completely set this whole thing on fire.

Speaker 81470.24s - 1472.8s

Everyone was outraged, like rightfully so.

Speaker 61473.1s - 1477.24s

And they started a nationwide campaign for justice, for answers.

Speaker 81477.86s - 1481.78s

And finally, someone other than TikTokers PERSON responded to the backlash.

Speaker 61482.32s - 1487.26s

The county, the county that the village was in announced that, hey guys, calm your tits.

Speaker 81487.46s - 1489.18s

We are going to be interviewing the locals.

Speaker 91489.76s - 1491.78s

We're going to do like an investigation, okay?

Speaker 81492.24s - 1495.18s

And we're going to work with the local medical institutions

Speaker 21495.18s - 1496.62s

to get you some answers.

Speaker 91497.68s - 1499.48s

And in their announcement, they told the public,

Speaker 21499.98s - 1577s

there's no human trafficking in this case, okay? Like, we know this. No one's being human trafficked, y'all. You guys need to calm down. These internet theories are wild. This woman was not abducted.And second, you know, she is chained up because she's mentally ill. And she beats people. So we're going to handle this. Thank you for your concern, internet. Yeah, that went over really well. The internet was like, okay, that's a good day.Let's call it a night, guys. Let's go on Twitter and do something else. Yeah, no. What kind of response was that? That only made everyone feel like something extra shady was going on. Are the authorities involved? Why are the authorities on this random dude's side when it's clear that he's chained up a woman in his fiend shed? Netizens wanted to know, okay, if she's not abducted, whose daughter is she?Like, we're not going to rest until her biological family, not her little husband and his family, her biological family come forward and tell us that she was never taken and that she's fine. Second, just because you're mentally ill, does that mean anyone can chain you to a cold, shabby shed and force you to give birth to eight children back to back? How is that not a say? The initial response only angered the netizens more, and it just added more fuel to the fire. And finally, Fengshan County GPE?

Speaker 31577s - 1581s

Feng Shen County was forced to release a second announcement,

Speaker 21581s - 1711.28s

stating that the woman's name was Yang Qingshah PERSON, and they said, Miss Yang PERSON was a woman without a home. She was begging for help when she came across Mr. D PERSON's house, and his family let her stay with them. She was battling all sorts of mental illnesses at the time, but the two fell in love.So, Miss Yang and Mr. D PERSON fall in love and decide to get married. So, yeah, that's what happened. So there should be paperwork, right, of the marriage certificate. Well, no, the authority said don't even try looking for it because Mr. D PERSON said that the staff who did their marriage registration, they were negligent and they didn't not identify Ms. Young PERSON's identity. So it was complicated. Yeah. We don't really have like an ID for her,like an actual physical copy of the ID. But she's Ms. Young PERSON, we're pretty sure. Yeah, and she's married. And those are her eight children. We did a DNA test. We even gave government subsidies to the family. They were like saying this as a flux.They were like, you know, we gave them $400 a month. For eight kids. Don't even get me started on that. Like, someone get the county a PR team. They also mentioned that the chained woman, allegedly, Ms. Young PERSON, had been sent to the hospital for psychiatric treatment, and they never denied, confirmed, or even mentioned human trafficking, assault, forced birthing, abuse.None of that. Again, in their second report. So, yeah, their second report went over just as well as the first one. The netizens and journalists alike were so fed up. They started traveling to the village to demand answers. What?Meanwhile, netizens ORG were doing some detective work, because I mean, the police aren't doing it, right? They found a woman that had gone missing like 26 years ago. Her name was Li Ying, and she was 12 when she went missing. She had this very, like, sweet-looking face, very soft features, double eyelids,-looking face, very soft features,double eyelids, a round face, a small mole in the corner of her mouth, and the missing person's report stated, she went to school one day and just never came home. Netizens did a comparison of the facial proportion. So this is like, I know it's kind of tricky to see if this is like viable, but usually the proportion of like your chin to your lip to ratio, they say it doesget bigger as you age, but it stays pretty consistent. Like the gap between your nose and your

Speaker 11711.28s - 1715.96s

top lip, it stays pretty consistent. You know, these types of proportions in your face,

Speaker 21716.28s - 1734.44s

and they put the missing posters, missing poster flyer picture, as well as the chained woman's picture that was screen grabbed from the video, and they looked kind of similar. I'm not going to lie to you. So like, okay, maybe this is the woman and it's picture that was screen grabbed from the video and they looked kind of similar, I'm not gonna lie to you. So they're like, okay, maybe this is the woman and it's not Ms. Young PERSON because nobody believes the county with anything they say.They don't even believe that this is Ms. Young PERSON.

Speaker 01734.44s - 1745.24s

Because if she's human trafficked, do you think that they would put her real name on the marriage certificate? Get out of here. No, they wouldn't. The chained woman was also said to have a thick Sichuan NORP accent and the missing girl was from that region.

Speaker 21746.18s - 1763.48s

So now the authorities are getting even more dragged because it looked like the internet was doing more for this woman than they were, which the internet was. So they were forced to come out with a third statement. They said, Miss Yang PERSON has been identified. And that's not her name.Sorry, sorry, sorry. Don't hate us, okay?

Speaker 31763.78s - 1766s

They're saying the name that they gave first time was not it. Yeah. What? Yeah, and they're like, not her name. Sorry, guys, sorry, sorry, don't hate us, okay? They're saying the name that they gave first time

Speaker 21766s - 1860.6s

was not it. Yeah. What? Yeah, and they're like, not my fault, not my fault, not my fault, guys. It was the county registration person's fault. It's not my fault.Her real name is Xiaohua Mae PERSON. We're gonna call her Mae PERSON. And she's from the Yunnan GPE province. Now, both of her parents are dead, and a report claimed that a neighbor on the request of May PERSON's parents went out to find May a good husband. You know, her parents were worriedbecause May PERSON wasn't a good catch. She was battling some mental illnesses. She had slurred speech. So the neighbor in May PERSON went out to search for her husband, and in the process, they got separated, right? You know how that happens. And the neighbor never called the police to let them know. Never let May PERSON's parents know either. Just came back home and was like, yeah, she's married. May PERSON's parents had no idea to whom, to wear, like nothing. And to show you a map, to get from the province that May PERSON was originally from with the neighbor to the place she was found, it was across the country and China GPE is a bigcountry. Wow. The county also claimed that Mae PERSON lost her teeth due to a genetic issue and not abuse. And other than that, they said that she was in a good mental and physical state and like, guys, move on! Where are the Kardashians PERSON? Move on, everyone. Nothing to see. They also claimed that they did DNA testing and all eight children were Mays. And I still don't know what the county was thinking. This was just not a great announcement. And the public, they still didn't understand. Okay, if this is true,why did nobody care that May was gone? And also, how did she get from the other side of China GPE to

Speaker 01860.6s - 1871.36s

this village? And you know what? Here's a really good question. Why the fuck was she chained? Like, none of this answers. Why the fuck she was chained? None of it. So because she was missing,

Speaker 81871.5s - 1875.44s

she can be chained. Because she's mentally ill, she can be chained. Like, what are you saying?

Speaker 01875.82s - 1880.48s

And mind you, up until this point, nothing was happening to Mr. D. He was a free man with no

Speaker 21880.48s - 1914.14s

consequences. In fact, oddly during this time, a wedding company had asked him to be a spokesperson. A wedding company. The public went insane. They said, how can a scum who chains his wife up and treats her like a birth-giving machine talk about happy marriages?What on earth is going on right now? But back to the chained woman, who is she? So was she Li Ying PERSON, whose face matched up according to the netizens ORG, or was she Mae? You know, Li Ying's PERSON uncle came forward to ask for a DNA test because based on the videos and photos, he was sure that was his niece who had been missing since she was 12. You know,

Speaker 41914.14s - 1926.74s

the one that was walking home from school? Again, this announcement only made people question the county more. Everything, everything that the county said just felt so fishy at this point. Even if they start telling the truth, nobody would believe them. That's how people felt.

Speaker 21927.28s - 1953.42s

So the county issued a fourth statement, February 10th of 2022. They said, hey everyone, calm down, okay? This woman is not Li Ying PERSON. Jeez, this is May PERSON. We found May PERSON's half-sister. We did a DNA test, and it confirmed that this woman is not Li-Ying, but May PERSON.Who, I mean, technically, by all definitions went missing, but it was just never reported. And okay, fine, you know how we said there was no human trafficking involved? Maybe there was a little. We don't know.

Speaker 01953.58s - 1955.6s

We're gonna look into it, okay?

Speaker 31955.88s - 1957.76s

So it just left a bad taste in everyone's mouth

Speaker 01957.76s - 1975.9s

because in the beginning, the county was like, oh my God, absolutely. You guys are, the county was literally gaslighting the internet. Like, you guys are crazy, there's no human trafficking what are you talking about and now now that people are getting upset and the the anger the outrage is not dying down they're like we will um it's a good point we're gonna look into it you know

Speaker 21975.9s - 2020s

but still no answers if this is may and she did go missing because her neighbor took her out of the city or the village who took her why didn't the neighbor report her missing why didn't she call the police what happened from that day that she went missing to all the way to today because that's decades? And how come Mr. D PERSON is not arrested? Like what has this woman gone through? Let the woman speak. It was so frustrating that a few volunteers drove all the way to the village, tried to break into the hospital that May PERSON, the chained woman was in,that was heavily guarded, which by the way, and they snuck in, tried to talk to May PERSON, but they were kicked out, and those volunteers went missing for a week. They lost contact with their friends, their family, they stopped posting online, wouldn't talk to anyone, they went dark for a week.

Speaker 32020s - 2021s

They were arrested, right?

Speaker 22021s - 2023s

Yeah. Wow.

Speaker 32023s - 2027.42s

Which of course, this incident blew up even more.

Speaker 22027.42s - 2192.88s

Two women try to save a woman, and now these two women are in jail, with God knows what happening to them. So this incident blows up more. Meanwhile, other netizens ORG are getting riled up. The DNA results were never posted, and even May PERSON's sisters said that she had DNA taken from her, and the police told her that's her half sister, but they never provided the physical results and everyone that knew may said that when she was younger it just doesn't makesense like this doesn't feel like it's may so what if the county is just lying all over again the public was dead set that this was li ying and all the trust in the local officials was out the window and gone and nobody was trusting them ever again. And then scandal after scandal and discrepancies. And then people started doing the math, they're like, wait, if this is May PERSON, and they said that she went missing in this year and she was this old, if you do the math with all her children,that means that she had her first kid in her 20s, and then she had back-to-back kids in her 40s. That doesn't even make sense. People are like, I don't even understand. And she wasn't even going to the hospital for the kids, for seven of her kids.So she's in her 40s having like a peak in fertility out of nowhere and then giving birth in the shed? What's going on? So from 42 years old to about 50 years old, she gave birth to seven kids. Like none of this is making sense. Are we sure that this is made? Like people were just gettingmore and more confused. And then um internationally, it became a whole thing. So this got so much attention nationally and it also happened to coincide with the Beijing Winter Olympics EVENT. A lot of the big publications internationally, I believe the New York Times was one of them, and they had posted articles that were titled, and I quote,Who is the Real China GPE? Eileen Gou PERSON or the Chained Woman? And a quote started circulating. When no one is paying attention to the chained woman, people could see her on the internet, but when the whole world is paying attention to her,we can no longer see her. A lot of allegations were that China GPE was censoring and suppressing the story, especially after it went a little bit more international. With enough outrage, they kind of had to do something. Even though they were suppressing the story as much as they think they could have, I think, okay, personally, allegedly they were suppressing the story. People were still outraged. They were not getting over it. So the province came out. So this is basically like it going from a county investigation to like a state investigation. The province came out andwas like, hey, we're going to investigate. Don't worry. We got this. Trust us. The public was a bit more optimistic that there would be results. And a week later, results came out. A 6,000 word detailed report on their investigation. So finally, the truth had come. The chained woman was Mae from Yunnan GPE. The DNA showed that the woman was May and not Li Ying PERSON.

Speaker 02192.88s - 2197.8s

And as for the picture that showed that Li Ying PERSON and the chained woman were similar in appearance,

Speaker 82197.8s - 2201.54s

apparently it was edited before it was posted.

Speaker 22201.54s - 2261.56s

So the viral picture that was circulating with the proportion lines and everything, that was kind of altered a bit. So it's a bit misleading. So what the hell happened to May PERSON? Her parents had gotten divorced. May PERSON moved to a new city with just her mom. And at the age of 17, everyone who knew her said that, you know, she was a very physically and mentally well young girl. She gets married at 17. That marriage lasted about two years and when she divorces and joins her mom again, everyone is shocked. They're like, this is not the Mae PERSON that we knew. She hasslurred speech. She has very different behavioral discrepancies. I mean, they believe that she was suffering from if not one or many mental illnesses. So a year later, a neighbor named Sang PERSON took her to a neighboring village by request of May PERSON's mom. May is like, listen, May needs a husband. She's getting old. She's not a good catch. Take her to like one of the villages and see if someone will marry her, you know, please. And the neighbor, Seng PERSON was not just a neighbor. They were a human trafficker. Wow.

Speaker 32261.56s - 2265.16s

They had already done a prison stint for child trafficking, and that is how

Speaker 22265.16s - 2456.16s

21-year-old Mae became a trafficking victim. Seng sold May to a man in a local village for $620. And after about four months, May ran away, and somehow she wandered around 400 miles away from where the first purchase happened. And a couple took her in, the restaurant owner. And for a month, she was okay. She was eating, you know, she was being housed, she was helping out around the restaurant, and then they decided to sell her to migrant workersat a nearby construction site. Basically, she was sold again to construction workers. And these construction workers were like, let's take her to our hometown, which is the village that Mr. Dee PERSON lived in. And they were like, we don't really want her,we don't really need her, so let's sell her to someone in the village. They sold her to Mr. Dee PERSON lived in. And they were like, we don't really want her, we don't really need her, so let's sell her to someone in the village. They sold her to Mr. D PERSON's dad when he was still alive. So May had been sold like an animal three times. And finally, she was sold to Mr. D PERSON as the wife. Now, on the registration forms, she was forced to use a fake name so that nobody knew who she was because, you know, it's illegal to buy a wife.And from there, it just seemed like her life is pretty horrible. It wasn't as horrible as being chained up because it seems like she gave birth to her son in a hospital. And at that hospital, because of China's one child policy, they put an IUD into her body, which means she can't get pregnant again. It's like those little copper things that they stick in your cervix. And about 10 years later, the IUD was ineffective. So we don't know when she startedgetting chained up. It could have been like a year after she gave birth to her son, six months. It could have been like five years. But we know that she was chained for a while. The IUD became ineffective and she was having this surge of reproductive hormones. And she was getting assaulted. And she gave birth seven more times from the time and she was getting assaulted. And she gave birth seven more times from the time that she was 34 years old to the time that she was 43 years old.The longest gap between kids was 14 months, which is insane. Before she was chained up and if she had not been found by a TikToker PRODUCT, she had no idea how many more years or how much longer she would even survive being chained up. Once the report was released, the authorities confirmed that they did arrest Mr. D PERSON for abuse, as well as several other county leaders who did the investigation. They carried it out the way they did, as well as people who were willing to turn a blind eye on marriage registrations. Like these people that worked in the marriage registration office, they knew what was going on.They didn't ask her for her ID because they knew that she was a purchased woman. This case drew a lot of attention to the fact that in these villages, just all around the world, not just in China GPE, it is still not uncommon to buy wives, to buy human beings. And just in this province, since 1986, close to 50,000 women have been sold and bought by traffickers. And that's just the ones we know of. Even villagers who knew said that they weren't surprised. This isn't something new or wild. They said in villageswomen are sold like pigs and dogs because they saved the village. Because what kind of woman wants to live in a village and have a bunch of kids so that they can work in the fields? No woman. But Mr. D will probably get off light because in the criminal law of China GPE, it reads that the crime of buying abducted women and children shall be sentenced to a fixed term imprisonment

Speaker 32456.16s - 2461.84s

of not more than three years. Are you freaking kidding me? Sometimes it's jail, sometimes it's public

Speaker 22461.84s - 2465.14s

service. So... What? Yeah.

Speaker 32466.56s - 2467.06s

In this like province area.

Speaker 22468.86s - 2469.08s

I mean, this is basically kidnapping.

Speaker 32469.28s - 2469.58s


Speaker 22471.7s - 2472s

And assault, sexual essay.

Speaker 32477.5s - 2477.74s

It's kind of a loophole from what I read and tell me if my research isn't correct on this one because it was getting really complex.

Speaker 22481.06s - 2494.42s

Because it's like the code of law LAW and it's constantly changing and also translation. I did have professional translators with help me on this one. But kidnapping a woman, you get a higher sentence. But for some reason, when you buy a kidnapped woman, like it's like a different sentence. So when you're the kidnapper, you get a different sentence.

Speaker 32495.34s - 2496.3s

I feel like... That's what I'm saying.

Speaker 22496.3s - 2544.4s

But it's like, it's kind of a weird, like a really weird thing. I don't know why. A lot of people in China GPE are saying this is the case that really showed the true colors that a woman is still considered less than a panda and even two parrots. And to make things where some netizens ORG even took to the internet to blame the chamed woman, they said, now that the case is clear, did the public get what they want? Just because of your so-called morality and wokeness,the family is torn apart, the children don't have a mother, and the man doesn't have a wife, and the children don't have a father. And you know what? The most pitiful person is the chained girl. If one of her eight kids had been successful, she would have been well taken care of for the rest of her life.But that hope, it's all gone now. Insinuating that since she's been freed, she has no hope that one of her kids will succeed and support her later on.

Speaker 32545.34s - 2547.58s

I can't believe this.

Speaker 22547.58s - 2586s

Yeah, so if that's true, okay, let's just chain everyone back up. Another person wrote, besides, no matter how righteous the government is, family ties are not as important anymore these days. There's already no love from the mother, and now the father's gone.What will the children feel? Probably not good. To that, someone responded, finally, someone with brain cells, they wrote, the young children are innocent, but the kidnapped mother is more innocent. To sympathize with her best is to stab the chained mother. And that is the story of the ticotker who chained a woman up and almost got away with it.

Speaker 32586s - 2588s

Wow, that is so dark.

Speaker 22588s - 2621.76s

I don't even know how to like feel about this case or how to dissect this case because there's so many different weird levels to this. And just I think definitely just the fact that it was happening during the Beijing Winter Olympics EVENT, it just adds such a even more depressing, like, anytime when there's a crime happening, it feels like there's like 10 worlds going on. Like, how can all these things happen in the same world? Just doesn't make sense. This episode is brought to you by Progressive Insurance ORG.

Speaker 02622.24s - 2652.52s

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Speaker 22726.88s - 2734.72s

Chinese NORP but for some reason it just like got to me my fiance showed me this I had no idea what crime she committed I had no idea why she was about to die but just watch

Speaker 52734.72s - 2764s

pan-outherrung go to sin you can't have any there any point no no No? No. No. No. No. No. No. Before you have anyand we need to your family and then I'mgood and there. And other. Yes.You can't

Speaker 42764s - 2771s

ask? What? Yeah, for the chingham, and then You asked what, and asked, what were you asked, why, the first reaction, to ask, to ask him, what's the answer?

Speaker 62771s - 2772s


Speaker 42772s - 2777s

just as you said, you said, you said, you're going to, you're going to,

Speaker 62777s - 2778s


Speaker 42778s - 2780s

why would

Speaker 62780s - 2781s

be so happy?

Speaker 42781s - 2784s

Why would be so

Speaker 62784s - 2785s

he? She's not. There's a lot of

Speaker 42785s - 2802s

my mom say. Mom,

Speaker 62802s - 2810.5s

I'm sorry. I'm, I want to want to you to live. Mom, sorry. I hope you're going to live. So this clips goes viral.

Speaker 22810.68s - 2940.62s

And just to give you some context, this woman right here is a hospital worker that's about to be executed, and she was asked if she had any last words. And she just responds really emotionlessly. Like, she's no longer even here on the planet.Like, she's accepted her fate. She just says, I hope my parents are doing well. Like I feel remorse for my parents. I feel sorry to them. And that was it. It's like the most standard textbook type of response. But the interviewer who worked for the news station decided to push on, to press on. So she brings up this woman's boyfriend, the one that was about to be executed for murder because they killed somebody together. And the interviewer says, I know I probablyshouldn't tell you this, but just, you know, because you're going to die anyway. Your boyfriend is no longer being executed. His sentence was commuted to life in prison. And you just see this woman's face. She starts crying, like tears of joy, of happiness. She's like nodding and crying and it's oddly emotional and oddly moving. She said at least one of us is going to live. And I'm not holding him back anymore.30 minutes later, she was executed. And this huge clip almost became like a morality debate for years to come. Like, is this woman evil? Is she not evil? Did she deserve this? I mean, it seems like she has a soul. She's like so excited that her boyfriend's going to live. Is her boyfriend evil? Did he manipulate her? Did she manipulate him? So let's answer all those freaking questions because it gets wild. It all started at the hospital. The freaking hospital. So Dr. Fang is like a big name in the hospital. I mean, his name wasn't on the building or anything like that, but he ran the hospital technically. He was the director of the hospital personnel department.He was very well compensated for his position, and he was able to negotiate like a ton of benefits when he took this job. So he's walking around, shoulders tall, like he owns the goddamn place. I mean, he is an accomplished guy. I will give him that. He grew up in China, graduates college, and he's like, I'm going to go to the United States GPE. He goes, he starts going through the ranks, and he eventually ends up at Columbia Universityto do research. Later, goes to Harvard University ORG to study molecular biology. What does that even

Speaker 82940.62s - 2945.2s

mean? Then he gets married to an ophthalmologist, right? And then the two of them just have kids.

Speaker 02945.28s - 2947.38s

Listen, they're like winning the American NORP dream.

Speaker 22947.5s - 3067.22s

And then he gets a call from his old college in China GPE. And they're like, we want you back. We want to give you a prestigious directorial position. Like, we miss you. We heard you've been doing great things in the United States GPE. Come back.So he couldn't say no. His wife is confused. Like, what do you mean you can't say no? Our kids want to be here. Our kids are practically American NORP, you know, their whole lives are here. My practice is here.Do you not care that I'm a fucking ophthalmologist? Like, hello? Like, what do you mean you're not going to say no? And he ends up going. He's like, yeah, whatever. I'm taking the kids.I'm sure you'll find your way back to China GPE too because you just like need us so much. And the wife was like, absolutely not. Needless to say, it resulted in a pretty messy divorce, obviously. So Dr. Fang goes back to China GPE, gets into his little workplace and he loves it. I mean, immediately, everybody respects him. They all praise him with these powerful words like, Dr. Fang, you were born to be a leader. I don't know. Nowadays,after all those cult stories, I'm like, anytime I hear someone was born to be a leader. I don't know. Nowadays, after all those cult stories, I'm like, anytime I hear someone was born to be a leader, I'm like, you got to run the other way. You got to go as far away from that person as possible because I don't think that's a good thing anymore. They're like, Dr. Fang, you are someone I would blindly follow.You're just so smart. I mean, he was intelligent, he was, you know, competent, he was respectable. He was a natural leader, something they say, he was, you know, competent, he was respectable. He was a natural leader, something they say. It was normal to see nurses and other doctors just excitedly greeting Dr. Fang in the hallways. But there was always like this one, one employee that was a bit more lively, a bit morecheerful than the rest. She looked like she freaking loved her job, which is rare. And well, being head of the personnel department, he was like, I like that. I like that energy. I wish everybody had that energy. That's how I pump up the vibes in this hospital. So when his 40th birthday came around, Dr. Fang's like, I'm going to go out with all my coworkersand we're going to get drunk. He's like, hey, that random girl that always greeted me so excitedly, looked so happy to be at work, what's her name? Let's freaking invite her to the party. So her name was...

Speaker 33067.22s - 3072.54s

Guo Shuang. I'm going to call her SG PERSON because, listen, I'm going to trigger this guy with

Speaker 23072.54s - 3078.8s

my pronunciations the whole town time. So SG was 22 years old. She's just trying the best

Speaker 33078.8s - 3082.64s

that she could. I mean, who isn't at 22? Like, who's just living the best life? I mean,

Speaker 23082.84s - 3456.86s

that's what she was doing. It's 2005. She graduates from college. She studied medicine, but she didn't go to med school. She studied nursing, but she didn't go to nursing school. So she was kind of stuck in the middle. Like, I can't go be a nurse. I can't really have these titled jobs, but I want to work in the hospital. So she gets an opening at this very hospital, and her parents are retired at this point. She's feeling the pressure. She's like, I got to provide for them. So they're getting old. She's down to take anything at this point. She sees this position and it was, it's kind of like a position where you're just administration, but not even really.You're an assistant to administration. You're doing some paperwork here and there, but you're fetching coffees. You're cleaning up messes, literal messes. It wasn't prestigious. It wasn't in the field that she wanted, but at least it was in her hospital. So she was a part-time worker, a temporary worker, which meant the pay was even less. She had no benefits, no control over her schedule. She didn't even know if she was going to even work 20 hours that week.She could have just been cut from the schedule. But SG was the type that felt like, if I work hard, they're going to make me full time. So she puts up with all the horrible treatment, all the being the end of the group having to fetch people's coffees, you know, and every single day she saw any superiors in the hallways, she would just be so excited. Like, hello, Dr. Fang, like, happy to be at work. So when Dr. Fang invites her to his 40th birthday party, I mean, she's freaking over the moon. This meant her hard work is finally paying off. She's going to go make this amazing impression on her superiors and hopefullyshe would get that full-time position, right? She didn't know that Dr. Fang wasn't thinking about a full-time position, but rather a position for being his girlfriend. So during his birthday party, he just kept pushing more and more drinks on SJ PERSON. And I feel like it's similar to Korean culture, SJ PERSON found it really hard to turn down his superior's drinks when he kept insisting that she'd take another shot and another shot. And she's with her work bosses. They're all doctors. She felt safe. I mean, think about it. Even if she's drunk and she tripped and fell, they knew what todo, right? They could clean her up. If she had alcohol poisoning, they knew what to do. I mean, can you think of a place that you would feel more safe drinking than in a room full of doctors? But SG PERSON was still worried when she felt her vision started to blur and she's like walking and tripping over the stools and over the table ledges. She's like, okay, keep calling. Like, it's okay. I got to put a good impression. I got to walk straight. But why did she feel so dr. So Dr. Feng PERSON couldn't take it anymore. He laughs and he gets up and he's like all right, party's over, I guess.You guys have fun on me. I'm going to take the rookie SG PERSON home. I guess she's not used to the way that we party as doctor. Somebody right. So everyone's waving. They're not thinking anything of it.I mean, this is a nice guy. Yeah, have fun. Like SG PERSON's in good hands. SG thought so too. She're not thinking anything of it. I mean, this is a nice guy. Yeah, have fun. Like, SG's in good hands. SG PERSON thought so too. She just remembered being in his car, and then the next thing she remembered was waking up in his bed.And immediately she was crying. Immediately. There was no, like, oh my God, what happened? She knew what happened. Come on. So instead of driving SG PERSON home,Dr. Fang thought, why not bring her to my house? She's already losing consciousness. It'll be so easy to rape her. And in the morning, I can just tell her that she came on to me. Like, he knew what he was doing was bad. But whatever, that's how the world worked.That's what he's thinking to himself. Besides, SG PERSON would probably be so embarrassed that she slept with her boss that she would scurry out of his apartment. He had no idea that SG PERSON would wake up bawling her eyes out. That was not according to the plan. I mean, 23-year-old SG PERSON is laying in that bed. Her life just feels like it's been shattered toglass. Her hope in the world was gotten. Not only is she traumatized, but this is like the worst way to be traumatized. She's thinking, if I can't even trust a respectable man, my boss, who on this planet can I trust? I mean, she just had this image of Dr. Fang as a mentor, a leader, someone who looked out for his subordinates, but then that just shattered like glass. It's like everyone in the world is so full of deception and nobody is good and you can't trust and she was having like a quarter life crisis. She was genuinely having a moment of like,what the fuck? She thought this were people that looked really gross and they come up to you and they harass you and cat call you and they like spike your drink. She never thought it would be her respectable boss who studied at Columbia and Harvard ORG and everybody respected him. Dr. Fang was shocked too. Not at himself for being a disgusting, deplorable human being, but I guess he really didn'tthink that SG would have such a strong reaction to the assault. He thought that she would just blame herself and push it under the rug, which honestly is so sick when you think about it. So to try and diffuse the situation, Dr. Fang offers SG PERSON a compromise. He's like, she's too emotional. She is unpredictable. I don't know if she's going to go tell the cops. I don't know if she's going to go tell my bosses. So to keep her quiet, he's like, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry that this happened to you. You know, violence against woman is never okay. I take it very seriously. But how about I help you out? I can try to make surethat you're offered full time the minute a position opens up. As she left Dr. Fang's apartment and she didn't agree, she didn't say anything. She just like literally left in tears. But when she gets home, you know, she's thinking about it. And this is the part that people really come at SG PERSON for. They say she must have not hated the assault if she went back for more. But SG, from that point, decided to sleep with Dr. Fang now.Psychologists say that there's like a ton of reasons that victims will actually choose to sleep with their assaters after their trauma. One of the main ones being, if I choose it this time, then it feels like the last time it happened, the actual assault, was an assault, right? Like, it makes me feel like I'm regating the power. And if I chose it this time, that means I didn't actually experience this intense,unconsensual thing last time, right? It's not that bad. It's like a way for your brain to protect yourself. Things like assault are so nuanced. I feel like we're just touching the surface. We have stories where people, victims fight the whole way through and immediately go to the police after. But in most cases, I think it's because so many people know their assaulteror their lives are connected with the rapist, that it just becomes so nuanced and complicated. If it's a boss that could jeopardize your career, if it's a schoolmate that could ruin your reputation and make you a social outcast, if it's a family member that can uproot the entire family ecosystem, I mean, we're just, it's too complex, right?

Speaker 03457.06s - 3461.28s

So people seem to do things that almost seem unfathomable to other people.

Speaker 23461.52s - 3526.3s

But all I'm saying is nobody really knows what they would do in that situation unless they've been in that situation. So SG starts an intimate relationship with Dr. Feng PERSON. And I think there was another reason for it too, other than her trying to convince herself that she had the power here. Psychologists agree that this is very normal for victims who are assaulted by people who have power over them. So Dr. Fang had offered SGA ORG a full-time position at work. And at first she was disgusted and traumatized. But maybe when she got home, she reasoned withherself. Like, listen, this terrible, horrible thing has happened to you. But it's in the past. Like, you can't even change it. What can you do? There's no way to go back and rewrite history. You can't go to the cops. They're not going to believe you. You can't go to your boss. He's your boss. You know, it's like his word against're not going to believe you. You can't go to your boss. He's your boss. You know, it's like his word against yours. This is rape culture.So, yeah, you've been assaulted, humiliated, and now you're unemployed if you do something. Or maybe you get something out of it. Maybe you can win something, right? Take advantage of the situation. If you sleep with him, maybe he will feel forced to give you a full-time position.

Speaker 33532.84s - 3536.96s

Yeah. It's like you're a brain trying to survive, basically. Yeah, and like try to like reason, okay, well, if I get something out of it, then it's fine. But from the outside, what a lot of people

Speaker 23536.96s - 3541.02s

saw was, oh, this is a girl who's like sleeping her way to the top and she's mad that people

Speaker 33541.02s - 3547.1s

found out about it or that it stopped working. But before then, SG PERSON was promoted to a full-time position.

Speaker 23547.24s - 3784s

It's so frustrating. So people were really coming at her for the fact that she did get promoted to a full-time position. Now, Dr. Fang being the complete asshole that he is, I don't even know what to say. Like, he's a freaking dickwad, okay?He didn't even give her the full benefits. He was like, oh, since you're transferring, like, to part-time, to full-time, I'm just going to, like, give her the full benefits. He was like, oh, since you're transferring like to part time to full time, I'm just going to like give you full time. But usually all the full time people that were hired, they got housing benefits, they got an allotment for housing. They got all of these things.They got amazing different health cares. She got nothing. She just got a full time position. And she was just grateful to have 40 hours a week where she was guaranteed to get paid as long as she did her job well. So now with this full-time status, SG PERSON is hopefully hoping that she can transfer to a different hospital soon, one that's connected to this one. She wanted to see what Dr. Fang could do about it.This would be the least that he could do after traumatizing her for the rest of her life, right? She just wanted a full-time job and to transfer so that she didn't have to be around him anymore. But Dr. Fang was getting annoyed. She was asking for too much. And essentially, he slammed the door shut in her face.So as she tries to move on, she doesn't have to see him anymore because he's upset with her for demanding too much, for demanding too much, you know, they would just nod at each other awkwardly in the hallways, and that was about it. So all the while, this is happening. He just blew it out. So all the while, this is happening.She goes out with her cousin one night to blow out some steam, and they run into Zijan Wang PERSON, Wang Zijang PERSON, and we're going to call him Z. So they know each other's cousins. Anyway, he's like a nice guy. He's freaking 18 years old.And SG at this point is 25 or something or 23. So again, a little bit, a little bit. He's very young. That's all I have to say, but it's fine. He's of age. They start dating and, and SG just felt like Z PERSON was mature.He was someone that liked to take care of others and take care of her. And he was listening to her. She felt secure enough that a month after dating, she just told him everything. This is what happened at work. This is what Dr. Feng PERSON did to me.And then two weeks later, she brings him a pregnancy test. It was positive. She knew it was in Z's. The only person that it could be possibly was Dr. Fang's. She goes to Dr. Fang and she tells him, and without even a moment's thought about it,about if she wanted it or like how terminating a pregnancy can be so traumatic for patients, nothing. She had no power over her body. He dragged her to the hospital and forced her to get an abortion right then and there. And this was when all hell broke loose. S.G. PERSON was a freaking mess. Like I think all of that trauma was behind this, like, powerful wall and she was trying to hold on tight. And then eventually this, this is the straw that broke the camel's back. So she's telling Z PERSON about everything that's going on. And,like, he's listening intently. You could see his ears are turning red. Like, he's angry. I mean, who wouldn't be? Like, what kind of boyfriend wouldn't be? He felt genuine, pure hatred for the first time in his life. That's how he describes it, like genuine hatred. And that is how the whole tragic story began. Both of them say that it was they that brought up the whole idea of killing Dr. Fang. S.G. PERSON said, it was me.I hated Dr. Fang. I wanted to get, you know, revenge. I wanted to ruin him or at least make sure that he could never assault someone again. If you know what I mean, I wanted to castrate him. Does that make sense? I told Z PERSON what I thought about it, and he asked if this was the only way that I could move on and to heal and to be a whole person again. And I said, yeah, that is. That's the only way. And I want you to help me she claims thatz thought about it for a while and finally he agreed and they started planning meanwhile z said we both felt like dr fang needed to die in order to like let this darkness get out of sg's mind i mean she needed this she wanted to kill him so together we started planning so even now it feels like z is like kind of

Speaker 03784s - 3813.86s

covering for her now i mean regardless of who started the, it was in motion and there was no stopping it. 23-year-old SG and 18-year-old Z PERSON went out together to buy a large hammer and some surgical blades. They genuinely wanted to castrate this guy. They didn't want to kill him. They just wanted to take his little thing off so that he could never hurt another woman again. September 30, 2006, at 4 p.m. after work, as she tells Dr. Fang that she needs to show himsomething, and it's very important, that she had to drive him there and show him it.

Speaker 23814.18s - 4163.04s

I don't think that Dr. Fang wanted to go, but I think that he was curious because what if he didn't go, she would go to the police? What if she was unstable? What if she was showing him like a shrine? What if she was showing him? You know, evidence that she had of the assault. So he hopped into her car and he's like, uh, who's the guy in the back? Oh, don't worry about him. That's my little brother. Okay. Okay, that's weird. And the three silently head off in the car that SG is driving with Dr. Fang in the passenger seat and Z PERSON in the back just sitting quietly. He's not even talking. But then, slowly, as they're getting out of the city and you see less buildings, less people walking around, less cars on the road, and you see wooded areas and fields and nobody for miles, Dr. Fang starts to get nervous. Where are we going? And Zee said he talked first. He said, Dr. Fang, I know what you did.And we want to make something clear to you. We're giving you a chance right now that you're going to make SG PERSON a formal employee with full benefits within three business days and let her transfer to another hospital with housing accommodations and everything.And if you do that within the next three business days, we're not going to hurt you. So yeah, consider this a threat. I can't do that. Even if I genuinely wanted to, I don't have the authority to do something like that. Okay, then I guess it's too late.And in the backseat, Z takes out the surgical blade and slices Dr. Fang's neck from behind. And Dr. Fang puts his hand to cover his neck. It's now literally splurting with blood. They said that the blood was getting on the windshield all over the dash. I don't know what he cut, but it was a vein. And Z used this opportunity to grab his wrist, Dr. Fang's wrist, and slash it.And Dr. Fang starts screaming, oh, my God, oh, my God, you slashed my aorta. I need to stop the bleeding quick. And he successfully is, like, reaching for everything. He's, like, trying to hold onto his wrist and his neck. He opens the door, and in this chaos, he jumps out of the car into the field nearby. So Dr. Fang is literally squirting blood just running through this field now.He tries to get a few cars to stop and help him, but nobody did. They're like, this feels like straight out of a horror movie. Z runs out of the car, chases him down and uses the hammer to beat up Dr. Fang's head, like literally bashing his head in. And when he was confident that Dr. Fang was not going to be able to get up and get help or survive any of this, he walked back to SG PERSON's car where she was waiting, and they just left.They just drove off with Dr. Fang in the field to die. They said that they drove in silence, and the smell of the blood was making both of them so nauseous. It just was like that rusty smell, almost metallic. They drove to an abandoned roadside, lit the bloody car, literally the bloody car on fire, and just walked off. They had no plans, no thoughts, just each other. And homicidal vibes, honestly.They walked back to the city. They were arrested within a few days. I mean, a lot of the hospital staff knew that SG and Dr. Fang were having an affair, so it's pretty easy to consider them suspects and connect the dots. Neither of them tried to hide anything. They just immediately confessed. And on August 17, 2007, both of them were sentenced to death. So it seems like the story is over, right? I mean, kind of. But the internet picked up this case and ran with it.I mean, there was kind of this clear divide in the middle. Half of the people were saying things like evidence. What evidence? I didn't see anything. All I see is one less rapist gone in this world. Who's crying about that?I'm not crying, are you? Killing for love after someone raped your partner is hardly a crime to be executed for. They said they should execute rapists with this level of passion. Some people said, and these are all quotes and translated, the one who should die is dead. It's the rapist.Why should we lose more people in this world? If he hadn't raped her, she wouldn't have lost her mind and killed him. I don't see the problem here. Listen, the killers were too young, too traumatized to know better. But guess who wasn't too young and too traumatized? The doctor who raped her? Some people were kind of in the middle. Like, you know, she did commit a crime. They do need to get punished. They do need to get consequences.But considering the fact that she was raped by this man, I don't think the death penalty. It's a bit too harsh. And then you had the other side of people who were very much victim blaming, seeing things like, well, she kept sleeping with him, then is she truly traumatized for being raped? Maybe she wasn't even raped. Maybe she was just upset that people found out that she was sleeping for a full-time position. I think that she did this for greed. She just wanted to get promoted and promoted without putting in the work. And then whenhe stopped promoting her and sending her everywhere she wanted, she killed him. You know, the young boy was dragged into all of this by the black widow. She's pathetic, hateful, manipulative. I mean, she tried to sleep her way to the top and it backfired. So she gets her boyfriend and ruins this guy's life by convincing him to kill. Okay, side note, that comment is so telling because nowhere in that sentence is there any responsibility put on the men in this case, the 18 year oldthat physically killed someone, nor the 40 year old that raped abused his power and then threatened a woman. Like, none of that at all? Like how? So they kept going. I mean, how does a 23 year old find a teenager attractive? It means that she was looking for someone young and impressionable that she could control. She was looking for someone to help her kill. She was using her sex appeal to get to this 18-year-old. She wasn't satisfied until Dr. Fang was dead.Besides, there's no proof of the rape anyway. I mean, it caused up such a start that Zee's appeal was taken up by the Supreme Court, and in the last minute before both of them were scheduled for their death sentences, Z PERSON's death sentence was commuted to life in prison. And that was the moment that we saw earlier. So those crying of tears of joy and saying,at least I don't have to drag him down anymore, I'm so happy he gets to live. She was just so happy at the end.

Speaker 44163.4s - 4188s

But he let me tell you, he said, he to now to really like you. She was just so happy at the end. to do or not to do, but that's his own choice, he's not because he just because he too too, just because you two two two of the law

Speaker 64188s - 4199s

if I can't if I would if he would please, please, please,to me, when I saw that,

Speaker 34199s - 4207.44s

I've just personally never saw someone's last words, you know, right before an execution.

Speaker 24207.88s - 4220.18s

Yes, I've never seen a state criminal executions last words be that emotionally charged. Usually you have the serial killers who are sick and twisted till the end that are like,

Speaker 34220.42s - 4222.94s

I ain't got nothing to say, but I love my mom.

Speaker 04223.06s - 4225.86s

Or you have the ones that are like, I feel bad for what I did.

Speaker 24225.98s - 4227.6s

I found God, love Jesus PERSON, bye.

Speaker 34227.74s - 4253.3s

And the fact that her, just the, her emotional switch went from cold, no emotion to all of a sudden overflowing of emotion. Like a lot of people, I think they were also saying, like, the love they have. Is that, is it because she really, really loves him? Some people say that the feeling is that maybe she actually, she did convince him to kill. So now she feels like at least I don't have to.Does that make sense?

Speaker 24253.42s - 4257.04s

Like I'm the only one to have to, you know. Bear the death.

Speaker 34257.22s - 4259.48s

Yeah. It's just so sad.

Speaker 24259.78s - 4301.14s

I mean, okay, do I think that what they did was wrong and twisted? Yeah, I do. Would it have been better if they castrated Dr. Fang? Probably, yeah, because he's dead now and he has kids and it's just all around. Don't kill people. But I think it's also telling that they're so young and they truly felt like they had no other way.Like, the fact that she was traumatized and raped and then they feel like they have no other way and they're backed into a corner and the only way to escape this trauma is to kill him. That says a lot about society and the justice system. Because if she had an outlet to just punish him, he gets fired from his job, he is no longer her boss. She gets some sort of support. Like I think she would have been fine.Yeah.

Speaker 34301.22s - 4305.6s

I saw some comment also said that if this case happened today, like 2022,

Speaker 24309.76s - 4315.9s

she probably wouldn't have to been. The death penalty. Yeah. She probably would have gotten life in prison. Probably, but it's probably not going to get, you know, executed. So. And that is the story of what

Speaker 34315.9s - 4324.4s

happened to just the most intense last words I have ever heard. What do you guys think of it? Do you feel

Speaker 24324.4s - 4339.36s

like she has some sort of remorse in her? Do you feel like she has a soul? I mean, she was so emotional about her boyfriend not being executed. Do you think it was real love? Do you think it was a trauma bond? Do you think she manipulated him and then felt remorse afterwards?I don't know. Let me know in the comments.