It’s boring, but I guarantee this strategy will grow your Etsy shop

It’s boring, but I guarantee this strategy will grow your Etsy shop

by Scott Voelker

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118:25 minutes

published 10 days ago

American English

© 2024 Rock Your Brand Podcast

Speaker 00.96s - 139.3s

What's up guys? Welcome back to another episode of the Rock Your Brand WORK_OF_ART podcast. And today we are going to be sharing with you a very boring strategy for Etsy ORG and, well, actually, how it will work. Just about guaranteed. And there are some things that need to be done, though. But let me just say, once again, it's kind of boring.A lot of people are, you know, chasing the next hack or the latest trends. Jumping on that bandwagon. That's not what we're doing. I really felt like we needed to address this. And some of this that we're going to be going over, we've said it before.And you're probably going to hear us say it again. Because it's how to build a real business and a real brand. And to be quite honest with you, once you get the thing dialed in, it's pretty boring. There's not a lot of, there's not a lot of pizzazz to it that when you're first starting, it might be all exciting and stuff. But if you follow this strategy and you keep working through the strategy, the chances of yousucceeding are going to be a hundred times better than chasing the latest hack that you just picked up by, I don't know, someone that's saying that you can game the Etsy algorithm or maybe launch a thousand products and, you know, you that's saying that you can game the Etsy ORG algorithm or maybe launch a thousand products and you know, you're going to go ahead and flood the Etsy ORG marketplace. That's not what we're talking about here. So with that being said, we got a lot to cover.We also have a few things that we want to share a little bit later. We've got a couple of stories that we want to share with you as well. So hang tight for those. One of them is how a 26 year old has, well, started a little Etsy side hustle and he's making $38,500 per month. And get this, passively. Is that, is that real? Is that just BS? Well, we're going to expose the truth on that a little bit later so hang tight for that all right Chris PERSON I think I teed it up nicelylet's let's dig in where do you want to start with this bad boy this whole I think

Speaker 1139.3s - 144.68s

I think we need to get on the same the same page here because I was doing the show about how

Speaker 0144.68s - 148.48s

with this mug you can make $20,000 in the next 30 days.

Speaker 1148.48s - 149.82s

That was the one we were going to do?

Speaker 0150.6s - 154.04s

Yeah, I think maybe we should probably take a step back.

Speaker 2154.34s - 158.14s

We'll end this live and then sort that out and come back.

Speaker 0158.48s - 172.54s

And the truth is, like, Scott, with any of these things and you know that the word or the words passive income trigger me, or get rich quick, or $20,000 in a month, all of these things drive me nuts.

Speaker 2172.54s - 176.32s

Because there really are not secrets in the Etsy ORG ecosystem.

Speaker 1176.62s - 259.48s

And the new sexy thing or the new shiny thing or the new whatever is either something that is a fad and is going to go away, or it's just a slightly new way to talk about a really old boring thing. And so what we decided we wanted to do was we wanted to get back to basics and talk about the things that are guaranteed to work. And Scott PERSON, I think a lot of these things apply to business in general and e-commerce in general, not just to Etsy ORG. But if we can master the boring stuff here, if we can masterthe nuts and bolts, especially within the Etsy ORG ecosystem, it makes growing our business, although it might not be like fun and whimsical, right? Slow and methodical. And that's what we want to do because if you're in this to make $500 this month, you're probably, or $5,000 this month, you're probably listening to the wrong people, right? If you want to make $5,000 a month for the next 15 years, then you're probably in the right spot.We're not about one time $4,000, $5,000, $20,000 in 20 minutes a day. We're about doing the things that will grow your shop and your brand over time. And it's fairly straightforward. Like, there's not a lot of icing we can put on this cake because it is very formulaic. It's not artistic. You don't get to color in all the different boxes that you want to color in.

Speaker 3259.48s - 260.72s

We could. We could.

Speaker 1260.72s - 278.76s

If you follow the steps on the business side, then you can let your freak flag fly, your creativity fly on the design side, on some of the things we're doing outside of the business growth and business fundamentals side of this. And it is, like I said, fairly formulaic. It gets boring, but it's important.

Speaker 0279.64s - 294.68s

Yeah, I'm curious in the comments if we could get a little feedback here and see how many of you are just starting right now. Like right this second, you're starting. And I don't mean this second, the second.

Speaker 1294.74s - 359.3s

I mean, like, you're just getting yourself going. You're just starting to enter this world of e-commerce or you might just be thinking Etsy ORG. And I'm also curious for anyone that is selling on Etsy ORG right now, do you think of yourself as building an e-commerce business or are you just thinking about Etsy ORG? I'm just curious because a lot of times people are only focusing on that one platform.And we've seen it in the Amazon ORG space. We've seen it in the eBay ORG space. We've seen it in the Etsy space. And I'm just curious because what I want to share with you and Chris PERSON wants to share with you is real business building strategies. Okay. And things that you're going to do over and over and over again. And once you get this set up, then it's just a matter of rinsing and repeating some of the steps.All right. So who here wants to hear about this boring strategy? I think you do because you're here. But let me know in the comments. And let me also ask you this in the comments. If you guys can do this, you guys know, we love this interaction back and forth.

Speaker 0360.52s - 376.88s

What is one thing that you think will be in this strategy? If you've listened to us for any period of time, I'm just curious, what's one step in this process, in this strategy that you think we're going to, that we're going to share with you here today?

Speaker 1377.9s - 386.26s

I think step number one is already covered in the chat. Filling out your business documents, your business plan with glitter gel pens, 100% part of this strategy.

Speaker 0386.38s - 784.82s

Totally. Mandatory. Totally. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, cool.We got a lot of comments coming in, building a brand. Let's see here. Email, patience, boring yet sustainable brand. Stick to a niche. Email list. Email list.I love it. I do love it. You're right. There are some parts of that that we're going to cover. But I love it that you guys are coming back. You're listening and it's starting to sink in because once it does, you can't see it any other way. And when you see everyone else over there doing the thing, right, the, you know, the hack or, you know, gaming the system or duplicating a listing so you can split test because that was another hack that someone was talking about that we mentioned in a pastlive. We're not doing that. But I just, I love it that you guys that are here that are return, you know, people that are attending these are paying attention and you're getting it. And I really, really love that. We have someone that said giveaway.Yeah, the giveaway would be the list building side of things, which we'll talk more about that, obviously in another video. But to be honest with you, email is definitely part of this. And we're going to get into the strategy here in a second. We'll break it all down. But I didn't even put it in the main part of the strategy, okay?Because I think we need to start somewhere, get the foundation built. And then from there, we add some of those other more advanced marketing strategies, tactics into the overall strategy. All right. So, Chris PERSON, let's get down to business. All right. And let's get, let's kick this thing off.So the very first thing and someone already said it in the comments, the very first thing that you need to do to implement this boring but guaranteed strategy. Like this is what you need to understand. And this here is, some people would say this part is boring. I actually think this part is fun. But it's like doing your research ahead of time to see if the niche that you're going after even has the potential to build a business around. Like that's a big one. Okay. Now, once we do get this, so I'm not going to spend a ton of time here because I'm goingto assume you've been paying attention, you've been, you know, attending our lives, you've, uh, you know, you've kind of adopted our mentality, our framework. And it really starts with we need to know who we are targeting. We need to know who that customer is and where they are and the things that they're searching for. Oh, the big mistake that a lot of people make is they're like, okay, we're just going tojump on a trend because right now this trend is going viral or maybe something on TikTok ORG. Like there was a pickle shirt recently that did like hundreds of thousands of dollars on TikTok ORG and on social media. So all of a sudden, people start trying to create that shirt and sell it on Etsy ORG and that's going to be their business.It's not a business. That's just jumping on something that someone else has already proven to work and you're just going to try to steal some of that traffic. That's not a business. You're not going to be in the pickle shirt business. There's probably not a lot of people searching for that.So we always have to start there in order for all of the other pieces of the strategy to actually work. And if you do this, again, and I did make a bold claim that it is pretty much guaranteed that you will build a business that people actually will buy your products through. Now, again, I can't guarantee that you're going to be able to find a niche for you. business that people actually will buy your products through. Now, again, I can't guarantee that you're going to be able to find a niche for you. I'm not going to be able to be able to find the right products and do the right marketingand send the right messaging. But what I can say is if you do follow this strategy, there is a much greater chance of you succeeding on Etsy ORG and off of Etsy. All right. So the first part is choosing a good niche. And I put a little, a little, well, a little highlighter section here for myself to remindyou, because it's a really important part of this, is you have to make sure people are searching and buying stuff in this niche. That's a huge mistake. And people wonder, I did everything you said. I found a niche. But we look at it and we're like, well, the niche, there's no one searching for anything.I mean, there's barely anybody searching. Or if there are people, maybe there's, maybe there's 500 searches for this one product, but there's nothing else that those people are buying. So you really didn't do the right research and the validation for the niche. But if we have, and we're going to assume that we've done the research, we've done the validation piece, and we are now convinced that, yes, there are people buying in this niche.There is a big enough market there for us to go in along with all the other competition. And I'm going to use wedding niche as one. And we've talked about that one in the past because you can go wedding niche, but then you can do all of these sub niches and really bolt these on to your main niche. So wedding and then it could be like bachelor at parties. It could be groomsmen.It could be, I don't know, a bachelor's party. I think I might already said that one. But you get what I'm saying, right? You're going to be able to find these sub niches, okay? Could be favors, right? Or it could be, you know, decorations for the day.It could be, you know, maybe it's a, I think we said it was like, what's the book that you check in with? I think it's a, oh, guest book or something like that. So there's all these different things that you could add on to that niche. Okay. So that's the very, very first thing.And I would like to know right now in the comments, how many of you feel like you have already done that and you are convinced that that there are people buying products in your niche? Let me know in the comments. Now, if you are wondering, okay, well, I'm not really sure, like how to, how to find that or, you know, I'm not really sure, you know, how to establish if people are evenbuying. It does come down to looking at product research. And we're going to get into that. Okay. But you do have to make sure that people are buying in that niche and they're searching for the stuff that you would be selling.That's a big one. Okay, let that one sink in. All right. Now, we're going to move through this. Chris PERSON, is there anything there that you wanted to touch on as far as choosing a good niche where people are searching and buying stuff in?

Speaker 1785.68s - 790.48s

Scott PERSON, are you familiar with the story of the grasshopper and the aunt? Yes.

Speaker 0790.68s - 798.94s

One of those Aesop PERSON fables. What do you remember about that story? You're going to put me. Chris PERSON does this to me, like where he's going to give me a quiz.

Speaker 1799.8s - 802.7s

I'm suiting Scott PERSON on his nurse race school knowledge. Yeah.

Speaker 0803.3s - 804.48s

Just tell the story.

Speaker 1805.44s - 942.72s

So it's one of those Aesop PERSON fables, right, like the tortoise and the hair. And the grasshopper spends all summer long, looking at all the different brilliant, shiny things, dancing and singing. And the ant is working all summer long, right? The ant is slowly, boringly plotting along, gathering food, doing all of these kinds of things. And come wintertime, right, the ant has food. The grasshopper doesn't because the grasshopper has been chasing all the shiny objectsinstead of doing the one thing that they know that if they do, they would have food, which is collect food and save food for winter, right? So in typical gruesome, Aesop fable PERSON way, right? The Grasshopper freezes to death. And the aunt has all the food for the winter, right? But this is the same thing, Scott PERSON. And when we think about niches and we think about how boring it is,it's very easy to be the Grasshopper because you see something like the pickle shirt. And you go, I can create a pickle shirt. It's a pickle shirt. Let me go get a pickle shirt. Right. You can say, oh, my God, yeah.Let me go. Oh, this is really cool. This is really cool. Let me bring all a pickle shirt. Right. You can say, oh, my God, yeah. Let me go. Oh, this is really cool. This is really cool. Let me bring all these different things into my shop, right? And it feels like you're being productive. The grasshopper thinks he's being productive. But the aunt is the only person in that story that's doing anything, right? Picking up food. What we are looking for, if you're serious about building a business, is a way to consistently have food to pick up, have a way of getting sales.The best way to do that is by pursuing a niche, period, end of story. Because those people are going to stick around. Maybe they don't like the first design that you launch or they don't want a pillow, they want a t-shirt, or they want a mug, they want a pillow. They want a t-shirt or they want a mug. They want a tumbler, right? But those people are going to be around.We know it's something that stood the test of time. If we go the grasshopper route and we chase trends, maybe we get a little bit of food today. But we forsake that long-term, slower growing savings of food that we can build up over time if we use the niche-based approach. So chasing trends is fun and can result in sales. But if we want something that's going to sustain us for the long term, we have to go the niche-based. If you want tips and strategies on how to start, grow, and monetize your business online,

Speaker 2942.98s - 980.82s

check out the Digital Revolution podcast with Eli Adams PERSON. We interview digital experts from around the world that share their personal stories. They talk about what they're currently working on and where they see the future going. But most importantly, they share tactics in their specific area of expertise with the hope of helping you improve your digital presence online. You can listen to the Digital Revolution podcast on YouTube, Spotify, Apple ORG, iHeartRadio ORG, or simply click on the link in the show notes below.Yeah, I think you bring up a good point too as far as it's fun sometimes to try to find the

Speaker 0980.82s - 995.22s

trends and then jump on, right? But the problem with that is, is you have to, you have to have the right mindset to say, that's going to be my job is just trying to find the next trend and jumping on it early. And that's, that's going to be your right.

Speaker 1995.66s - 996.82s

But not too early.

Speaker 0997.5s - 997.98s


Speaker 1998.6s - 1059.06s

It's just the right time. And I think most people understand this if we talk about the stock market. And I'm going to butcher the statistics. I'm sure somebody will correct me in the comments. But they if we talk about the stock market. And I'm going to butcher the statistics. I'm sure somebody will correct me in the comments. But they did a survey of the stock market. And, you know, over time, it almost always grows.Right. But if you sold early, and I think it was like one day below the peak and then bought one day late, if you were trying to sell and buy every day, you missed like 85. It was like an insane, almost all of the gains. And if you were two days off of the peak and the trough and you're selling and buying, you actually lost them. Versus if you stayed in over time, you grew by whatever the percentage was over the last 20 years, right?It's a substantial amount. But if you were wrong by two days on either side, you lost all of that and potentially lost capital in that. The same thing applies to trends. If you're too early, no one cares. If you're too late, no one cares.You have to hit it right on the money with a niche. Nitches are around forever. And there's a reason, Scott PERSON, we did not invent this phrase.

Speaker 01059.44s - 1060.36s

Say it with me now.

Speaker 31060.74s - 1062.38s

The riches are in the niches. Right?

Speaker 11062.5s - 1064.24s

Like there is a reason for this.

Speaker 01064.86s - 1065.8s

And you can try to be

Speaker 11065.8s - 1078.7s

a general store. You can try to be everything to anybody, but it's going to everybody, it's going to make your life a heck of a lot harder. And if you're not doing that and you're just chasing trends, you will strike gold from time to time. But it will go away just as quickly as it came.

Speaker 01079.06s - 1109.3s

100%. Yeah. We got some really good comments coming in here. I wanted to put up Rachel PERSON's here. It's hard to focus at times, yet it's kind of fun to think about a focused client. What else would they buy, like, and share? Exactly. That sounds easier, right? But she goes on to say, finding the trend sounds really exhausting.And then there was a bunch other, yeah, so did fatty pancakes say the same thing. So, yeah, it is exhausting. And Chris PERSON had something to say there.

Speaker 11109.66s - 1117.9s

Question for you, Scott PERSON. So we're talking about chasing trends versus the niche-based approach. If you have a niche-based store, does that mean you can't also jump on trends?

Speaker 01118.22s - 1169.5s

No, absolutely. And the example of that is like if there's trending colors, like uh you know the com I think it's comfy or comfort colors whatever it is um you know there's certain like almost like this here like this green is kind of like a softer green so it would kind of maybe fall in you know that that trending color on a sweatshirt or something and then then there's like a darker green one and there might even be like a uh kind of like a I want to say orange, but kind of like a salmon orange kind of, you know,like it's kind of like that color. And those are really trending right now. Yes, you should probably add your designs to those. That's the kind of trends that I would pick up on. But it wouldn't be like, I'm going to take this pickle design and that's going to be the thing because everyone else is selling pickle designs right now. So that's the difference

Speaker 11169.5s - 1175.26s

between that. Scott, when you first started teaching online business, did you ever think the words

Speaker 01175.26s - 1180.94s

pickle design would come out of your mouth in a serious way? I don't know why that's hitting me

Speaker 11180.94s - 1191.04s

so funny. But it's just like, yeah, you know, this pickle design, right? And it's one of those things where like, could we take that and apply it to our niche?

Speaker 31191.58s - 1197.06s

That's the lens we have to look at this through. And I think that was a great, a great insight from

Speaker 21197.06s - 1201.04s

who was that, Rachel PERSON, who said it's, it's about thinking through the focus of the client.

Speaker 31201.36s - 1210.96s

What else would they buy? So is there a way that I can make this apply to my niche? Right. What's funny or what's what's appealing about the pickle design? Yeah. Can I apply that

Speaker 11210.96s - 1216.44s

to my niche? And does it make sense? And if so, then we create our version of that and we can still

Speaker 21216.44s - 1221.14s

take advantage of the trend. The easier thing is something like colors or styles or something like that.

Speaker 11221.26s - 1225.66s

For sure. Because just because somebody's into bass fishing doesn't mean they don't want a nice looking

Speaker 21225.66s - 1230.62s

piece of modern bass fishing art or they don't want a comfy color sweatshirt or whatever.

Speaker 11231.22s - 1233.76s

But they want to express both sides of their personality.

Speaker 31233.92s - 1235s

People can be more than one thing.

Speaker 11235.6s - 1235.76s


Speaker 31236.48s - 1236.74s


Speaker 11237.02s - 1238.6s

So let's move on.

Speaker 01238.6s - 1632.54s

And I just wanted to say, though, you know, we're not saying that that can't work, but it like people were saying in the comments, it would be exhausting. And I wouldn't feel like I have a real business, right? I would feel like I have a hodgepaggy type shop where it's just like a little bit of this, a little bit of that, you know, I found something over here that people might like. So I'll put that in the store. And all you're doing is you're taking foot traffic and bringing them through it and hoping that something peaks their interest that they're going to want to buy.Like that's not a business to me, even though there are places that you can go to and see all of that hodgepodgey stuff and go, oh, that's kind of nice, you know, but that's not what we're, that's what we're not about. We're about trying to, it also makes it easier for you. All right. So let's move on.Okay. Let's go ahead and move on. So the first part is number one, we have to choose a good niche to make this strategy even work. Okay. And the key thing there, just to remember, and I'm just going to highlight it one moretime is you need to make sure that people are searching and buying. Okay. Let me say that one more time. you need to make sure that people are searching and buying. Okay. Let me say that one more time. You need to make sure and validate that people are searching and buying the stuff that you want to sell. Okay. Number two now, let's move on.We're still into the research stuff here because we need to not just launch a whole bunch of products. We want to a whole bunch of products. We want to find three to five products, okay? But I'm getting a little ahead of myself because the research part is really just trying to identify that there are products selling and they're being searched for. Okay.Now, this could be, this could be seasonal items in those different seasons. Okay. So if you were in the wedding niche, there might be months that are are busier than others. Uh, so you want to see that as well, but you also want to see that there's steady sales throughout Q4 is always going to most likely be your big, your biggest quarter. Always. Okay. But the second part of this is you researched your niche, but now we want to research in demand products.And what I mean by that is an in demand is going to be different for you than it might be for me. This comes down to understanding what do you want your business to generate, okay, in income, in revenue, in net profit. Like what is it? This is where you'd want to sit down and we're kind of building a business plan rightnow, okay? Because once we build that business plan, we know what we need to target. And now we know what our demand is. Okay. And we've done this before. We're going to do it again, right?So if, if let's say your goal is $3,000 a month and I'm just using that number because it's easy math, okay, you want to make $3,000 a month, and I'm just using that number because it's easy math, okay? You want to make $3,000 a month. And I'd like to know in the comments, too, while we're doing this, what is your target that you want to make per month? Drop that in the comments.Let us know. And so what you want to do at this stage is you want to go, okay, $3,000, $100 per day is what I would need to generate. Okay? So we take it all the way down to the per day. We need $100 per day is what I would need to generate. Okay. So we take it all the way down to the per day. We need $100.Okay. Cool. So if I need to make $100, how many sales do I need to make if I make $10 profit? It's going to be $10, right? So, okay. So we need to sell 10 products.So now if I need 10 products to sell, if I only had one product, okay, I would need to sell that product 10 times every single day. So that means I would need 300 sales per month on that one product. Now, you might find that there's going to be products that could do that. There's products that might only do 100. That's okay.Because now we're going to be able to say, well, let's just get three of those products. So what we're doing here is we are trying to see, okay, what is our number? And then is there demand out there that I could see my business generating that type of income? That's what we're doing. Now, what we also want to do is we want to see a surplus.So we don't want to just see like, oh, there's maybe there's three products that are only selling and they're all collectively only doing 10 sales a day. You're like, that means I got to compete with those people to try to take some of theirs. I would rather find one that might be an overachiever where they're maybe instead of doing 10 sales a day, it's combined between three, five, 10 other sellers, they're doing, I don't know, a hundred sales a day.And now I'm like, oh, I only need to get 10 of those. You see where I'm going with this? So the demand would technically be a little bit higher and that way there. If I fall short, I'm still going to hit my demand mark. So this is where you need to get a pad of paper, pencil, pen, and jot down. What are your numbers? What's your target? How much is that per day?How much can you net on a product? That's the other thing that you're going to want to figure out is the products that you sell. If it's a sweatshirt, you might be like, I'm going to make $15 on a sweatshirt. Okay, cool. How many of them do you have to sell? Right. Now you're going to sell maybe a Tumblr and you're like, I'm only going to make 10 on that. Okay, that's part of your, you know, of your income. And that's how much you're going to make on them. So how many of those do you need to sell?And then collectively you're going to come up with that, you know, with those products in that product suite. But that's why we're always looking at three to five products as the main drivers. Not 300, not 500. We want to find three to five products that we're going to kind of build from. And these would be the ones that are going to bring in the traffic, the foot traffic into our shop.And then later we'll get to this. We can launch lower demand products that people might not even be searching for. Yeah, you heard that right. You could sell products to people that aren't searching for what you have this offer as long as we get the right person to come in the shop. You get where I'm going with that, right? It's like if we get the right people in there and we're in the wedding niche and we're in bachelor's partyniche right right well maybe we have a set of pajamas and then we also have some socks that could go along with them maybe they aren't searching for socks they're searching for pajamas but if I get them in there from the pajama I could probably sell them the socks so hopefully that helped Chris PERSON anything you want to add to the research in in the in-demand products area of this strategy. Yeah, I think the biggest thing is just knowing

Speaker 11632.54s - 1657.42s

your numbers. You have to know what you're shooting for. And then backwards engineer it. And it might mean you're not selling that sweet, sweet avocado mug at 10 bucks because you're not going to make any money on it. We're not going to price our T-shirts at $11. We have to focus on higher margin products. And Scott PERSON, there's something that I wanted to address that came up in the comments. It said, real business is done by volume.What are your thoughts on that?

Speaker 31664.96s - 1665.38s

So is the only way to make, let's just say $5,000 a month to sell a lot of products?

Speaker 11670.74s - 1671.4s

Or can you do that with selling fewer products and higher margins?

Speaker 01673.56s - 1696.96s

Well, I think you could, you could. I think you could have three to five products and that could be your business. If there's enough demand, right? Then you would have to say, well, the demand is there. And all I need to do is just create, you know, maybe I'm going to create 10 different styles of pajamas. And we've, we've seen that as a, as an example, we actually use that one site. And they're, that's all they're selling is wedding,

Speaker 11697.36s - 1704.24s

bachelor at pajamas. Yeah. Yeah. And they're doing hundreds of thousands of dollars. All they do is

Speaker 01704.24s - 1726.96s

focus on pajamas. They're not even offering any of the other dollars. All they do is focus on pajamas. They're not even offering any of the other stuff. So could you do it on volume either way, like volume on three to five products, sell a whole bunch of those? Sure. Or could you do it where you had maybe 25 products and that helped to offset the days that one product didn't sell much, but the next day you might sell five and vice versa. Yeah. So.Yeah.

Speaker 11727.08s - 1740.5s

Give me a shout on in the comments. Have you guys ever played that game? I think it was called 24. It was like a math game with flashcards and it had four numbers on it. And you had to add subtract, multiply divide to get to 24, right? Scott, you and I could look at the same card and get to 24, two different ways or four

Speaker 01740.5s - 1747.88s

different ways, depending on the numbers. Yeah, of course. So one way to get to $5,000 a month is to sell $5,000 products at $1 of margin.

Speaker 11748.22s - 1816.8s

We could also sell two products at $2,500 in margin. It's not about the volume. It's about getting you to that number. And personally, I would rather work in a business where I'm selling a thousand products at $5 in margin than $5,000 in margin. And we typically shoot for much bigger margins than that.I think one of the problems that a lot of people fall into is they think, Scott PERSON, that one, price governs everything and two, that to compete, you must compete on price. And both of those we've seen time and time again is extremely inaccurate, especially in the Etsy ORG platform. What people are looking for is a product that stands out to them. And if we're using the niche-based approach, price almost becomes irrelevant, especially for repeat buyers, because they'restarting at the shop level. Additionally, if you're always the cheapest guy on the block, as soon as someone cheaper comes in, you lose that small portion of the market who only cares about price. Because you're not always going to ask Kmart ORG. Right. Every time we bring up price, I bring up Kmart ORG as an example. Because Walmart ORG came in and ate their lunch.Well, guess who's eating Walmart ORG's lunch now? Amazon, T, Moose, Sheen PERSON, right?

Speaker 01816.84s - 1823.66s

Like all these people who can do it at scale less expensively. So if we want to build a business, it's not all about the margin.

Speaker 11824.24s - 1854.54s

It's not all about the margin. It's not all about the volume. It's about finding that right balance and building a solid customer base. And if we can do that, then we can play with those two numbers to say, hey, if I drop this a little bit, my sales go way up and that increases the total amount that I bring in. Or if I increase this, counterintuitively, my margins go up. My overall profit and happiness goes up. And my life is more sane. And I'm still making the same amount of money.And so we have to have those multiple levers to play with. And if we're only playing the price game, then we run into that problem.

Speaker 01855.1s - 1878.06s

Yeah, I just wanted to actually wasn't that one. This one here, we're going to get to this. But how does knowing how many products you need to sell help you actually sell them? Stay tuned because we're going to share how that works. And yeah, that's a great question. But this is, again, you have to go through this process in order to even know that you have a shot of hitting your numbers.

Speaker 11879.54s - 1912.86s

So yeah, it's a good question. But before we move on, and this is the point I actually wanted to bring up before I got sidetracked on the profit margin discussion, so what you're saying is if my people in niche are buying it, I should be launching Tumblr PRODUCT, shirts, socks, and launch those with my own designs. Then after getting some sales, launch an additional number of products. Maybe what we're really talking about here is focusing, especially at the beginning, on the things we know are selling, right? The design styles, the color ways, the product types. So if everybody in your niche is buying a Tumblr PRODUCT, you should probably have a Tumblr.

Speaker 31913.3s - 1919.34s

After we create that foundation, then we can take the designs and apply them to other.

Speaker 11919.46s - 1929.1s

And we'll talk about that here in a little bit. But we can start to launch products that don't appear to have demand on the platform and build out our own little kingdom inside of Etsy ORG of products that no one is looking

Speaker 01929.1s - 2141.84s

for. But if you know, you know. Yeah, yeah, that's good. Okay, cool. Let's move on. We got more to cover here. So we got to keep this baby rolling. All right. So choose a good niche. People are searching and buying stuff and research before you launch products and really understand your number, your target, and then figure out what your in-demand product number needs to be or numbers. The third part is launching three to five in-demand products.All right. And what you're going to do here is now you know that they have the potential to get you the numbers that you want to achieve. So now we need to, of course, optimize those listings. Yes, for SEO. But SEO isn't going to be the thing that's going to get you your traffic at first. I can almost guarantee that and we'll get into how you're going to get those initial sales. But we want to put the time and effort into those three to five products because those are the ones that will bring the right people into our shop.Okay. And the time and effort that we spend on these three to five will help with conversions, meaning if you have a hundred people visit and you got one sale, that's one percent. How do we make those better so we can take advantage of those hundred views and get five sales and increase it to five percent? So those are things that we would do.But knowing that we're working on products that people are already buying. Okay. That's the big thing. That's why we have to figure products that people are already buying. Okay? That's the big thing. That's why we have to figure out that piece first before we even launch those products. And the reason why I'm using three to five, because I think it's something that everyone can do. Now, we're throwing a lot of stuff here out.You know, we have a 100K roadmap. We call it it. It's really going over this exact strategy. If you would like a copy of that, it's totally free. I forget how many pages it is. It might be 30, 40 pages.If you want a copy of that in the comments, just put roadmap. All right, just put roadmap in the comments and we'll make sure that we get you a copy of that because it does outline pretty much everything that we're covering right here because it's our strategy that we've been using for years. We just adopted it or adapted it to to Etsy. All right. So launch three to five in demand products. I know there's going to be, you know, some questions like, well, how do you launch? We're going to get to that. But so far right now, where we are, does this makesense to you? Does this, and I don't mean like, do you get it? Does it sound like something that makes sense as far as a smart business strategy? Does it sound? And I'm just curious if you're getting it. Okay. So just let us know in the comments.If you are getting value from this, do us a favor. Smash the like button. That'll help us reach more people. If you haven't yet subscribed to the channel, make sure that you do. We've got a lot of goodies on this channel. We have actually got Etsy shop audits, which one is going to air tomorrow.Another new one. We do one every Thursday. We do these lives every week. And we also publish Monday and Tuesday and Friday. So if you want to stay up to date on all that stuff, make sure that you subscribe to the channel.Okay, Chris PERSON, I'm going to move on to really the launch side of things here because I know that's what people are going to want to know. And it is part of the strategy. Anything else we have to cover there on the launching the three to five in-demand products and making sure that they're optimized.

Speaker 12142.76s - 2164.8s

Before we get into how to actually do this, you're saying three to five products. Yeah. What are your thoughts on the people that say, and I've seen this three or four times in the comments since we've been on, oh, I need to get to my 50 listings or I need to get to my 100 listings or what was the number we saw the other day, 2000 listings, something like that.

Speaker 22165.32s - 2168.24s

What are your thoughts on using three to,

Speaker 32168.28s - 2171.08s

like that's a big gap between five,

Speaker 12171.12s - 2171.8s

let's just say five.

Speaker 32171.88s - 2173.04s

Let's put it at the high end of ours

Speaker 12173.04s - 2187.76s

and the low end of what we hear other places. Between five and 100, we're talking a difference in 95 listings. How can people possibly make it work with three to five listings? Does it all really come down to that research and knowing your numbers? Or is there a different trick that we're not letting people in on?

Speaker 02187.98s - 2424.42s

There's a big hack that I haven't shared yet. No, I'm just kidding. Three to five is our starting point. Okay, three to five isn't where we're going to end. But the reason why I'm saying three to five is because I don't want to just throw up product and just go, okay, I've got a hundredproducts. Now I got to list them all. Have you ever listed on Etsy ORG yet? Are you, are you that new that you haven't? If you haven't, then you don't, then you don't get it yet. Okay. And that's okay. I'm going to try to save you hours and hours of time, wasted time. okay? Because putting up a good listing takes time. It does take time. You got to do a good title. You got to fill in all the back end stuff.You got to add really good images. Images need to be really, really worked on. You either have to find great mockups or you have to create your own, maybe add a video in there. Like you need to spend time because, maybe add a video in there. Like, you need to spend time because those are what's representing your,your products. And I kind of, I kind of chuckle a little bit when people, they're kind of proud that they've got so many products. But then you look at their listings and their crap. And then they wonder, well, I've got all these products, but I'm not getting any sales. Or I've got all these products. I'm getting some views, but I'm not getting any sales. Or I've got all these products.I'm getting some views, but I'm not getting any sales. Yeah, because the conversions suck because the pictures and the images suck. Sorry, just being, just being real. Okay. Because it's the truth. You can't put up a good listing if you're putting up 100 listings in a week.You just can't. It's impossible. Okay. So you're going to miss things along the way. You can say, I've got 100 listings. I've got a good chance of this thing working.But those 100 listings you got up, you didn't even do hardly any research on the validation. You don't even know if it's going to help you hit your target. But if you narrowed that down, it's going to make your life less stressful. You have three to five things to work on up front. And you know that those are driving sales. You know it.So why not spend your time on products that you validated, that you know are working and spend the time on those? And then once you do that and you start to get those sales coming in, now guess what? You're going to be able to create more products that don't have to have as much demand, but we're bringing in the foot traffic. The other thing is, and here's another thing I didn't even mention,those three to five products, there's something that those have in common that will also increase how much you are selling and how much you are making. And I'm going to tell you how. Because we talked about focusing on a niche, right? Focus on a niche. Well, those three to five products, it's like the pajama example.We have the pajamas. We have maybe a headband and we have socks. And I don't know if they wear headbands. You know what I get. You get what I'm saying. Maybe it's a bracelet or something, right?Something that would go with the pajamas. So it's pajamas. It's the socks. And I'm just going to say headband. It's the three things. Well, if I launch those three things and they're all in demand,someone comes in and they go, oh, I'm going to buy the pajamas. And I'm going to add that. and I'm going to add that. And I'm going to add that. Now you went from the pajamas being 50 bucks all the way up to 100 bucks. So now that one customer, you got paid more. Wouldn't you rather, wouldn't you rather sell that one customer and make more than that $10 thatyou could have made? Of course. So to me, the three to five products is a starting point. But it's also a really great place to start because then when we start to launch, we're not going to be going like,I wonder why there's not any traffic. It's because there's no demand. All right. So Chris PERSON, I don't know if that answered that question in the entirety. I went off on a little bit of a tangent.

Speaker 12425.2s - 2490.62s

It did. And I think if you ignore steps one and two here, you're not picking a good niche. Or, Scott, you're just launching 999 variations on the pickle shirt. I love pickled beats. I love pickled onion. I love pickled corn. Then yes, you're going to need a thousand listings to get to that number. Right. But if you're paying attention to the demand and you're only launching products that you know you can sell to your niche, that number is a lot lower. Will those three to fiveguaranteed get you to that number? Probably not, right? Because you're not going to take the entire market by storm. Is there a possibility that those three to five listings will get you there? Yes. Are they going to get you a good portion of the way there? Absolutely. Because you've done the, you've done the research. You spent the time and Scott PERSON, this is something that drives me bonkers. You spent the time to create a good listing. And I know somebody in the comment said,I have a lot of competitors that are selling really well with like two pictures. Cool. Don't be that guy. Right? Because you don't know where their sales are coming from. Don't be that guy. Yeah. Right? Because you don't know where their sales are coming from. They could be coming from off Etsy ORG. And we've seen this. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 02490.76s - 2493.12s

Somebody selling like woodworking plans. Yep.

Speaker 12494.12s - 2555.72s

Terrible listings. And turns out they have a huge following on YouTube ORG, which is probably what's influencing. And it's the only place to get their woodworking plans. Right. So they rank number one for all of those terms.You don't control that. What you do control is how well you show up and how well you sell inside of the Etsy ORG ecosystem. And we'll get into some of the data analysis and some of that down the road here. But what you need to know is you need to set that foundation. You can always launch more if you see that after you go through the launch and optimization process that you're not hitting that number or you just feel the creative need to launch more products. But if you focus on those three to five, it gives you your bestfirst effort. And it means that you're actually taking the time, energy and effort to launch them correctly, to pay attention to the photos, to write a good title, to write a good description, and then come back when you get into the data analysis phase and say, I did this right or I did this incorrectly and I need to make some changes. If we're doing that 100 or 1,000 listings at a time, you're just joking with yourself if you think you can do even a 10th of that intelligently and thoroughly. Yeah, no, perfect.

Speaker 02556.08s - 3082.72s

Got a lot of good questions and stuff coming in. So we'll definitely address those and answer as many as we can. I should give a little shout out to our backstage past club members. If you see a little badge next to people's names, that just means that they're part of our backstage pass club, which is really awesome because what they do is they get to sit behind the scenes as we record our Etsy shop audits, which we usually batch record three to four. We'll have one coming up here in the next couple of weeks.But they also get their questions answered by priority here on these lives as well. So if you'd like to become a backstage pass club member, you can go to brand forward slash club. And you can you can join there. It's under 10 bucks. And you get to sit in on this.But as we do Etsy shop audits, and we go for about three hours. So yeah, all right. Let's move on, okay? We've got a lot of questions I see coming in there. I'm getting a little distracted because I see so many and I want to answer them all.So let's just go ahead and let's kind of move on here. So launching the three to five products, we talked about optimization. We talked about, yes, we have to, you know, do our, do our SEO. We need to make sure that that stuff is dialed in. If you are brand new, you need help with SEO. We have another free guide for that as well.If you just drop in the comments, SEO, we'll make sure that you get a copy of that as well. All right. It's, it's just basically our, I guess our process that we follow. And it's kind of like a checklist. And you can go ahead and kind of have that. Works well. All right.So that's SEO. Yes, we have to do that because that's not necessarily what's going to get us our views right now. Okay. What's going to get our views right now is basically paying for traffic. And before I even get into that, I want to know right now how many of you are willing toinvest $100 into your business? How many of you are willing to invest $100 into your business to help it grow, to help you get ranked, to help you get some data that could probably bring you in more traffic and bring you in sales? And I'm just asking that question because I hear a lot of people that are like, I'm not going to spend any money on marketing until I start to sell products. And I'm like, wait, wait a minute.What did you just say? You're going to wait until you get sale. Let's, let's talk through this. You're opening up a brick and mortar up the road and no one knows that you exist. How are people going to find you? Oh, they might drive by.Maybe. Are you going to have to buy some signage to go out front and probably let people know you're having a grand opening? You're going to probably buy balloons, right? You're going to probably maybe have, I don't know, a big banner that's printed. That's going to basically go up on the building. You're going to spend some money.And that's not even talking about if you wanted to run something in one of the local, you know, penny savers or if you're going to do a Facebook ORG ad or something to get attention to let people know that you're in business. Of course they're going to do that. Of course, you would do that or you're just going to be sitting there with your employees going like, can't wait for someone to come in. It's business. And so many people treat Etsy ORG as a side hustle that they don't want to spend money on advertising.And it is so important in the very beginning and as you're launching products to leverage what the platform is giving you as far as resources. So the fourth part of this strategy is running Etsy ORG ads, okay, running Etsy ads. And I know some people have had a bad taste in their mouth with running Etsy ORG ads. They're like, oh, I've spent money and I don't get, I don't get any more sales. I just get views.If you're getting views and you're not getting sales, there's a problem with your listing, period. There's a problem with your listing. We did an Etsy ORG shop audit. Not that long ago, it was with a fatty pancake who's actually on with us. I believe she may or may not be still. But there was a glaring, obvious thing that we saw that she should probably fix in her listing.And you can get views, but then if you're not getting the, if you're, if you're getting views and you're getting clicks, the clicks are the big one, because people are clicking in, but they're not buying. Why? And there's a whole bunch of reasons it could be,but a lot of times it's the images. Okay. So running Etsy ads is going to get you traffic day one. Like you're going to turn them on and pretty much you're going to start seeing impressions within hours. Okay.And once you start to see the impressions and the views, it immediately allows you to see, okay, number one, am I being picked up by the algorithm? Because the algorithm is going to see how you've optimized your listing. And it's going to go, oh, you're showing up for wedding or a bachelorette pajamas. And you're like, okay, cool.I must be, I must have did an okay job on my SEO. So that checks that box. Secondly, oh, I can see I'm getting this many impressions. I'm getting this many views. And I got three clicks. Okay, cool.I didn't get a sale yet, but it's only three clicks. And by the way, if you're ever going to gauge like how, how well your ads are performing, you're generally going to need minimum of 50 clicks, but I would say more like 100 clicks. Okay. And 100 clicks averaging probably, I would say on the average people are paying between 20 and 40 cents per click,depending on, you know, how competitive it is. So you're talking, you know, if you got 100 clicks, 30 cents, talking about 30 bucks, you'd have to spend, okay, to get those 100 clicks. If you get 100 clicks and you have not got a sale, there's a problem with the listing. There's a problem with the keywords that are in the listing because you're showing up for the wrong keywords or maybe the keywords are too broad. Okay. But usually at this stageof the game, we are also going to probably turn on ads and you're probably going to make some sales. They might not be as profitable, but that's okay. Because when you're running this and we're launching these products, we're able to immediately start to get sales. And when we do, we're going to be able to start getting reviews. What are reviews going to do? It's probably going to help that conversion that was doing poorly.Because maybe they jumped on your listing and you had zero reviews and you didn't get someone to buy. But now you've got five reviews. Someone comes to that listing. They're like, yeah, I'm going to buy this. Five people already said they love it. Cool.Bumped up the conversion rate. This is also going to help you with ranking on Etsy ORG. Why? Because Etsy ORG wants to promote products, not even just with Etsy ads. They want to push products to the top of the search query because a product is selling. Bottom line, that's what Etsy ORG wants.Etsy ORG doesn't care that you have a better image. They don't care that you have a better title. They don't care that, you know, you think that your, uh, your design is better. They don't care. What they care is how many people purchase that? That's what they care.And that's the one that they're going to put on top. So if you want to, if you want to accelerate your way of getting found and being discovered organically, you got to get some of those other things in place. And sales are a main driver. Reviews is going to help with sales. Okay?People think that, oh, I get reviews. That means that Etsy ORG sees that I got reviews, they're going to push me up in the rankings. No, what helps you get up in the ranking is the review convinces a shopper to buy. And that turns into a sale. That is what's going to bring up you in the rankings. Now, there's some other things, too.If you have competition and let's say that there's 10 listings and you're all competing for the same keywords, they're going to look at sales, but then they're also going to look at conversion rate. So let's say you got 100 sales, your competitor got 100 sales. And you converted at 2%, but your competitor converted at 5%. They're going to rank above you.Why? Because Etsy ORG's looking at the data. They're going, well, if 100 people come here, five people buy, 100 people come here, two people buy, I want to put up the one that's converting the best. Make sense? Let me know in the comments if that makes sense.Does that register of what I just said? Because to me, it makes sense. I don't know. Chris PERSON, I think you think it makes sense. Anything I left out there.

Speaker 13082.72s - 3084.12s

You just offended that you stole my other phrase.

Speaker 03084.78s - 3098.68s

What one was that? It depends. And does that make sense? No, I think there. You stole my other phrase. What was that? It depends. Does that make sense? No, I think you use the analogy of opening a new business. I think the what I like even better is, all right, I'm going to go way up into the mountains and build a cabin to rent out.Right.

Speaker 13098.98s - 3101.84s

But I'm not going to put it on Airbnb ORG. Right.

Speaker 33101.92s - 3103.22s

I'm not going to put up billboards.

Speaker 13103.32s - 3161.42s

I'm not going to do it. I'm just going to wait until people drive by and then search the name of the property or the, you know, the address to find my phone number and send me a text message to ask if they can rent the place, right? I'm not going to let anybody know that it exists. I'm not going to do anything to let people know that it exists. I'm just going to build it. And if I build it, they will come. Maybe. Maybe Bigfoot PERSON will wander through your property. Or maybe somebody just happens to be in the neighborhood looking out and goes, oh, that would be cute.I wonder if I can find the person who owns that cabin way up here in the woods and get their phone number and send them a text message. Or you could put a sign out front that says text this number. You could put it on Airbnb. You could put it on VRBO. You could put up billboards on the highway leading up to the mountain saying, hey, give us a call if you want to rent our awesome cabin, right? But if you don't do any of those things, people don't know that you exist. Now, Scott, one thing that's really interesting in the Etsy ORG ecosystem is people talk about, oh, you have to have a thousand listings or you have to have a hundred sales before you should run

Speaker 03161.42s - 3162.36s

ads or 100 products.

Speaker 33162.86s - 3166.58s

The reason it feels like once you have a little bit of momentum,

Speaker 13167.2s - 3172s

that you get more momentum by turning those things on is because you do.

Speaker 33172.58s - 3172.96s


Speaker 13172.96s - 3174.88s

And somebody, I think it was Sherry PERSON in the comments said,

Speaker 33174.88s - 3180.46s

hey, I just launched a new product and I got like a ton of views and some sales and stuff.

Speaker 13180.74s - 3181.68s

Like, how does that happen?

Speaker 33181.74s - 3188.84s

Well, first of all, if you've had people come to your shop in the past and favorite items, right, Etsy ORG lets people know a couple different ways when you post new

Speaker 13188.84s - 3292.9s

products. But you also have started to create that expectation, which means when traffic comes into the store, they have a chance to see it. If they've bought from you in the past or favorite at an item, they have a chance to see it. And then if we start pouring just a little bit of fuel and Scott, we're not talking about like hundreds of dollars a day. We're talking literally $5 a day in terms of ads here to get the data back. And the other thing you said that I thought was really interesting in,people say, hey, you know, I spent $20 or I spent $50, I spent $100 on ads, and I got nothing out of it. If you spent money on ads on Etsy ORG, you definitely got something out of it. Maybe you spent money on ads on Etsy, you definitely got something out of it. Maybe it wasn't the thing that you wanted, but you got something out of it.If you had $100 a day budget and you didn't spend anything, that means you didn't have demand, right? But you're not out of any money. For the people who are out a little bit of money, $20, $50, $100, whatever it is.The thing you got back is the most important thing for your business. It is the data, the information that Etsy ORG gives us from ads. Not only do they tell us how many people saw it for each individual keyword. Not only do they tell us how many people clicked on it from each individual keyword. But they give us all of the ratios. So we don't even have to do the math of dividing those two together to say,hey, I'm getting a good click through rate. People are coming to my listing. I got 100 people there. It must be Etsy ORG ads doesn't work. Well, if you got a bunch of people to your listing and nobody bought, it's probably a product problem. And it might not be that your product sucks.You're just communicating it incorrectly. So we need to figure out what the issue is. And if we're getting that data back, then we can get that information faster and fix the problem faster and start that organic snowball rolling by getting the data back early fixing it and then selling with those early sales through Etsy ORG ads, getting even more

Speaker 03292.9s - 3297.3s

sales on the organic side, sending our email list traffic, doing all of the marketing things that

Speaker 33297.3s - 3302.82s

we want to do. But the sooner we fix those problems, the better off we are over the long term.

Speaker 03303.5s - 3306.66s

Yep. Yeah. I want to throw this up here.

Speaker 13308.7s - 3315.24s

People say to wait to use ads because most new sellers want to make fast cash and don't think long term.

Speaker 03315.84s - 3352.76s

I couldn't agree more. Yeah. And I think here replies again, spending money scares the shiny object audience. True. It's generally, generally true. So, yeah. replies again, spending money scares the shiny object audience. True.It's generally, generally true. So, yeah, and Jayla PERSON says, oh my God,I can't tell you how many people have approached me asking me how they can start on Etsy ORG to get some extra cash, LOL, because it's so easy. Right. Right. We're not ones that have ever said it's easy.Building a business isn't easy, but it's worth it. And if you do it properly, you can build it over time and have long-term assets. That's kind of how I think of it.

Speaker 13353.76s - 3412.28s

It's not easy, right? You could walk from one side of the United States GPE to the other. That is not easy, but it is simple. Just like building a business is simple, right? How do you walk from the east coast to the west coast of the United States one step at a time, right? Nobody's saying that your feet aren't going to hurt. Nobody's saying that you're not going to have to sleep on the dirt. Nobody's saying that you're not going to have to do these things. But the process itself is very simple. There's a big confusion, Scott PERSON, I think, between simple and easy,because a lot of things that are simple are also fast. They're also easy. The process is simple. The process is boring. But it doesn't mean that you're not going to have to do some things that you're a little bit uncomfortable with. Like looking at the numbers that you get back from the Etsy ORG ads and going, maybe my product sucks.Or maybe if I just use this keyword instead of that keyword, they'll understand what I mean when I say Tumblr PRODUCT or flip-flop, right, instead of whatever I thought that they were thinking.

Speaker 03413.1s - 3486.6s

Yeah, no, that's all good. Also, guess what, guys? If you would like more info on Etsy ORG ads, guess what? We've got a guide. And yes, it's free. So you can check that out. If you want to copy, just put ads in the comments and we'll make sure that we get you a copy ofthat goes through our entire strategy. Basically how to set up your ad, but more importantly, like how we do these little tests when we are launching. And usually five to seven days is what we're doing. Five bucks a day is generally what you start off spending. So it's not terrible. And so for a week, you spend like 30, 40 bucks and you're going to have a goldmine of data. And you might even get some sales.So if you are interested in grabbing a copy of that, just let us know in the comments, put ads. And we'll make sure that we get you a copy of that. All right. All right. So moving on, where am I?Oh, so we launched the three to five products after we've optimized them with our SEO and all of that good stuff. We're running the Etsy ads now, five bucks a day, seven days, just kind of keeping it nice and tight. So this way here, we can get the information and get all the data and let it have time.

Speaker 13486.6s - 3490.4s

A lot of people will put an ad up and spend $5 for the day.

Speaker 23490.44s - 3491.48s

The next day, they'll pull it down me.

Speaker 13491.48s - 3504.56s

Like, it ain't working. I didn't make any sales. The other thing I want to make sure that I'm clear on and something that we do is while we are launching, okay, we're launching a product.

Speaker 03505.02s - 3821.64s

We are okay with making less money on that product. Let me say that again. When we're launching a product, we are okay with making less money, sometimes no money on those ads. And the reason why is because of what I talked about earlier.If we want to get reviews on that, we need sales. Okay. We need someone to buy it. So in the beginning, we're going to reduce it as like a launch price or a launch sale. And generally, we'll do this three times. So our first, our first whack at it when we're doing our first initial launch would be seven days and we would reduce that price to almost break even. I know, not making any money yet. It's okay. Because remember what I said, we got to get reviews. We also want to get sales velocity. Okay. Then what we'll do after that's done, spent five bucks a day. What's that?35 bucks. Okay. Do's that? 35 bucks. Okay. Do it for another seven days. But now we increase our price just a little bit. And when we increase our price, by the way, we're doing this in a sale. So this way here, another conversion, a little tactic is when you run a sale, it has thatlittle green on it. It'll also have a little countdown on it that says how long the sales lasting for. It'll have a deadline. That also increases your conversion. So if you're running ads, you want to make sure that you're running some type of sale because people react to sales.So we want to bump up our price. Maybe if we started with 40% off, we're going to go to 30% off. Okay. And then from there, we'll do that for another seven days. And then we'll do it one more time, increasing the price. And we might level out at 25, 20% off, something like that.And we're going to do that for three weeks. And that would be our launch for that product. Okay. We didn't make any money on the front end, maybe on the first week. The second week might have made a little bit. And then the next one we're starting to make a little bit, right?But to me, it's not even about making money in the first month. It's about how can we get that product that we know has demand because we already did the research, remember? We already did that. So we know that. So we're just trying to set our product up for success because what does Etsy ORG want?Sales, right? We already talked about that. They want sales, right? And the way to get sales is to have better conversions. So what can we do to get better conversions? Reviews, have a sale, okay?And have better images, like all that stuff. Okay? So that's the running the Etsy ads and really launching those three to five products. Now, once we get through that, we're going to be using the data to basically help us convert better. We're going to be looking at the keywords that were shown. And we're going to go, oh, wait a minute here. It's just showing for wedding. You would think, okay, I'm sellingwedding pajamas or bridal or not a bridle, a bachelor's pajamas. And you're like, oh, I showed up for wedding. And I've got, I got 10 clicks from wedding. You might not want to show up for wedding because it's too broad. And when people are, when people are searching and then your things coming up,they're like, oh, those are cool, but they're not really searching for them. So what we want to do is we really want to train the Etsy ORG ads and what they're, what they're showing our ad up against or who they're showing it to. We want to minimize that on a broader term. Okay. Now, that was just a loose example, but you get what I'm saying.And we can do that in the back end of our Etsy ORG ads is we can turn off or pause or however they look at it. It's like a negative keyword and you just toggle it on and off. They say like that's not a guarantee that you're not going to show up, but it does give the Etsy ads algorithm an insight that, oh, they don't want to show up for this. So it must not be related to that.So we're not going to show it for that. Okay. So that's something that we're going to do here in this phase. We're going to be learning from the data. Now, this strategy that we're going over here pretty much is going to be just that. Once you pick your niche, you're not going to really have to do that, although you'llprobably do some subnitch research and stuff and kind of keep building it out a little bit wider. You're going to launch those three to five products, but then you're probably going to launch another three to five products. Okay. You're going to run Etsy ads. You're going to run them again. Okay. And then you're going to launch those three to five products, but then you're probably going to launch another three to five products. Okay. You're going to run Etsy ORG ads.You're going to run them again. Okay. And then you're going to be looking at the data and learning from the data. And I like to call this first whack at it is really like pressure testing or doing a demand test because what we can do, even if we don't get sales, is we can see views and clicks. It's really important, right?If I'm seeing, I'm getting thousands of views. I'm like, wait a minute here. There's definitely demand. I don't need a keyword tool for that. This here's telling me in my account, look at the demand for this keyword. I'm getting some clicks, but how do I get more clicks?Better images. Okay, cool. Right. So we're learning. We're always going to be learning. This is the boring stuff. But the boring stuff is where you're going to see the needle move. Okay. Chris, I'm going to pause there. I got one more thing to add to clean up the rest of this and kind of wrap that part up.

Speaker 13821.64s - 3909.1s

And then from there, we'll move on. Yeah, I think the biggest thing here, Scott PERSON, is understanding what the data means. If no one is clicking on your ads and you're not getting any data, that tells you something as well. Either you're not getting any impressions or you need to fix your image, right? People are seeing your stuff and they're just not enticed enough to click on that. If you are getting clicks on those ads, you're spending some of that ads budget and they're coming to your listing and they're just not enticed enough to click on that. If you are getting clicks on those ads,you're spending some of that ads budget, and they're coming to your listing, and they're not buying, there's something wrong. Either you didn't give them the photos that they need. You didn't properly describe the product or answer their question,or that keyword just isn't right. And I think we see this more often than not, especially when you first start running ads. For the people who have spent, you know, 20, 50, maybe even $100 on Etsy ORG ads, if you go in and you look at that data, you're going to see a few different things that may seem like they are relevant to you. And Scott PERSON, I know you know this example. If we are selling wooden chairs and we go over to and we see in our ads data, we're showing up for wood.We're getting clicks for wood. Awesome. Totally relevant, right? Maybe not because that might not actually be what people mean when they type it in. Yep. And what we need to do is just go to Etsy, type that keyword and see what else shows up. Why would we do this? Because, Scott PERSON, as you've said over and over again, what Etsy ORG cares about is that when they show you for something, somebody one, sees your thing, two, clicks on your thing, and three, buys your thing.

Speaker 33909.32s - 3913.6s

So if Etsy ORG doesn't know what people mean when they say wood, because we're seeing all kinds of

Speaker 13913.6s - 3948.92s

different things here, maybe we don't want to spend money on that. What I love as a as a wood chair manufacturer to show up for wood in the top spot organically, yeah, am I going to pay ad dollars on that? No. Am I going to take wood out of my product description, title and tags? Probably not, but I can sure as heck turn that keyword offand let Etsy ORG sculpt that listing a little bit better. If the keyword is totally irrelevant, you're going to want to turn that off as well, right? In the alternative, if we see that anytime somebody types in wood, we make a sale, then we're going to do everything we can to optimize our listing around that word, would.

Speaker 33949.38s - 3953.96s

And this is the step I think that people miss because they think they can just turn on

Speaker 13953.96s - 4001.7s

Etsy ORG ads. It's exactly the same as organic. It's just traffic that's going to come in and people are going to buy. Because there's not a dollar amount associated with the organic traffic, I think a lot of people miss that they convert at one to maybe on the high end, five, six percent, right? So for every hundred people on the organic side who come into your listing, you sell one to five items. Because there's a cost associatedwith that on ads, for some reason it feels different to people because you're actually shelling out money for those eyeballs, but we have to treat it exactly the same way. If they came in and it's something that interested them enough to click from the search results, why didn't they buy? And if we're not making that one to five or higher percent conversion rate, then it's a listing issue. And we need to address that. Yeah. I want to give a little shout out,

Speaker 04001.7s - 4021.46s

though, to Darlene PERSON. Everyone hit the like. This is great information. I mean, can we listen to Darlene PERSON, please? Can we do that? I mean, there's like 239 of you still on right here. Can we just, we should have 239 likes on this.We really should, Chris PERSON. Maybe we just shouldn't continue unless we get 239. No, I'm just kidding. We won't do that.

Speaker 14021.46s - 4023.8s

I feel like that would not be very us, but.

Speaker 04026.06s - 4419.76s

But Darlene PERSON, thank you for the like. We appreciate you. And also, you're a backstage past club member. So we really appreciate you. And thank you so much.And look it, there's 242 people on now. So now that's just increased the like. So yeah, if you guys have gotten valued, I'm kidding,but not really. I want you guys to help us reach more people and the YouTube ORG algorithm likes to get likes and it likes comments and all that good stuff. So if you guys could help us out, that'd be amazing. All right. Let's, um, fist bump to the like button. Yeah, I like that one. Can you fist bump the like button? That might be hard. All right, cool. Let's move on. Let's wrap this baby up in a nice little bow. So here's the deal. We went through pretty much everything. The last part of this is going to bekind of circling back to research and launching more products. Right. So you're going to live there. So, I mean, think about this now. You've got this customer that you know is buying in this niche or has bought in this niche. And now you've got products that serve that person and you also have multiple products. You have three to five products or more, right? Now you have to think yourself, is there other products that I could sell that same person and then you're going to go back to the drawing board and you're going to start doing productresearch for demand and this is the time that you can decide you know what if I got an extra sale a day from this product I'd be happy cool put it in the shop right because that person coming through the door even though the numbers okay aren't uh aren't a hundred percent uh you know saying that it's going to hit all your demand that one extra product could get more than what you're seeing in the data because you're driving people into the shop that are your target customers and by the way i should have already said thisbut i'm going to say it now if you're wondering what tool we're using for this, it's Everby PRODUCT. We're using Everby PRODUCT to look at all the data, which is a fantastic tool. If you guys would like to try it, if you aren't already, you can go to forward slash Everby PRODUCT, and you can try it out for free. I think you get 10 searches a month. If you want to level yourself up and go to the growth plan, which we have,which is unlimited searches, which you're probably going to want and need. And again, if this is a business and you're investing in it, you're going to probably want it. But that's the only tool we use. The only one is ever be, even for our email marketing, ever be. Keyword research.Ever be. Okay. So I can't stress how important it is to understand the data and to get the data. All right. And the data in this is looking at the research or looking at the data in the research for the products. Okay. And from there, it's a matter of adding those products to your product catalog. Okay. So if you think about it, customer comes in your shop, pretend they walked into your shop.They're walked into your shop and they're like, hi, how are you? Good. Oh, so you're getting married. Yes. I'm looking for some bachelorette stuff. Oh, what are you looking for?Pajamas. Oh, okay, cool. Here's a set right over here. And oh, here's the slippers. And oh, here's a headband that goes with it. And oh, here's a candle that you can get to, you know, go with it for that specialnight that they can take home with them. You see where I'm going here? And then as they're in there, they're looking at other stuff. They're like, well, while I'm in here, I'm going to look at the groomsmen stuff. That's what we're talking about. Okay. So research and launch more products. So I'll speed up this part here so we can get to the other topics that we want to talk to here. Choose a good niche. Make sure people are searching and buying the stuff that you want to sell.Secondly, research in-demand products, preferably three to five, then launch those three-to-five products that are in-demand. Make sure they're optimized. Make sure they're ready for prime time. The next thing is run Etsy ORG ads to get traffic immediately. $5 a day for seven days. I would do the launch process where we go seven days, then another seven,then another seven. We reduced the price. I kind of went through all that before. I'm not going to go through it all again. And then from there, we're going to learn from the data. We're going to learn.We're going to see, okay, is there really demand? I'm looking at the real numbers. Is there real demand here? If there is, cool, how many clicks did I get? How many sales did I get? Could I increase my conversions by, you know, making my images better?Because I'm getting views and I'm getting clicks, but I'm not getting sales. Okay, we got to readjust. And then from there, researching and launching more products. That is the overall boring strategy that is almost bulletproof to fail. It's going to work. And the other cool thing is if you take this entire business that you have built the foundationfrom, guess what? You can take that and put it on your own Shopify ORG store. There's a plug-in out there that you can actually just connect it right over, ports everything over. You got a Shopify ORG store now. Okay?And then you can start selling over there if you want to. You can take those products. You can go over to Amazon ORG. Amazon ORG merch. You can go over there if you want. Do that.Put it on eBay ORG if you want to, any of the other sites. Because now you have these assets. And you also know who your target audience is. You can build an email list. We didn't even go there. We won't go there today.But that's another thing. Part of our strategy is building that email list. This here is the foundation. I would add one piece to this. That would be once you have all this stuff in, then I'm going to go and build an email list.And I'm going to use our fishbowl method, which is basically a giveaway where we're going to bundle our products. We're going to go to Facebook ORG. We are going to spend five bucks a day. We are going to find our audience and we are going to target them. And then we are going to put this bundle that we're going to give away to one person.And we're going to advertise that. And we're going to build away to one person and we're going to advertise that. And we're going to build an email list for people that are signing up. And those people we know are interested and those people we can sell later. Okay. So that would be the overall strategy if I was to add that extra piece there. But yeah, hopefully that was good for you guys. Hopefully you guys learned something today. And let me know in the comments, what's your biggest takeaway today?What's your biggest takeaway? Maybe an aha. Let us know. What is the one thing that you took away from this live training? And Chris PERSON, anything you want to add to that before we move on?

Speaker 14420.72s - 4521.72s

No, I think just recapping that again really quickly. Not sexy. Not going to make $20,000 just selling this sweet, sweet dancing avocado mug. But we do have to just go through the basic boring steps and then repeat the basic boring steps, right? We need to choose a good niche. What is a good niche? Something where people are searching for and buying things, where we can actually validate the demand on the products.Then from there, we're going to launch three to five products, launch them properly, not just create, slap them up and be done with it. We're going to take the time to craft that listing, put a few ad dollars behind them, get the early data back, make sure we're fixing any mistakes that we made or doubling down on the things that are working really well.And then researching and launching more products. And Scott PERSON, you may know this story, depending on who you ask, it goes a little bit differently, but McDonald's ORG was able to add something like 30% to their top line revenue by bringing upand training into their sales staff, that world famous question, would you like fries with that? Right. And so when you're able to have a captive audience, like you're talking about, you can only really get this in the niche-based approach. Then when we have thefries, we have these other things that people weren't necessarily looking for. They came in for the hamburger. They go, yeah, I'll take that weird seasonal thing that you have over here. Right. Or I really like that bass fish wearing a Santa PERSON hat. Oh, wow. I really like the bass fish wearing Easter bunny years. I really like you start to go down that path of increasing lifetime customer value, increasing cart value, and making your life a lot simpler. But you have to focus on the niche and you have to focus at least at first on productsthat actually have demand and potential. Yeah.

Speaker 04521.88s - 4529.54s

Jack PERSON said, I want fries. I remember the one it was always like, would you like to supersize that? Well,

Speaker 14529.6s - 4532.46s

they were trying to like replay the greatest hits,

Speaker 04532.7s - 4550.8s

right? Whereas like you want to supersize, supersize that? And I won. I haven't been to McDonald's ORG in forever. But when I did go,I always supersized, man. Double quarter pounder, get those large fries, get that large soft drink. Man, it was so good. So bad for me.

Speaker 14551.6s - 4556.34s

It's so funny to think that your super size when you were going to McDonald's ORG is the regular

Speaker 04556.34s - 4557.78s

size now. Right.

Speaker 14558.16s - 4560.4s

Have you ever seen the difference in the cups over the year?

Speaker 04560.5s - 4563.64s

Somebody put up an infographic. Like it goes around every few months, right?

Speaker 34563.7s - 4567.76s

It's like McDonald's cups over the years. You know, the small was originally the size of like a teacup.

Speaker 14567.96s - 4576.54s

And now the small is this. It's your 94 ounce vat of Coca-Cola and your nine, you know,

Speaker 34576.58s - 4582.14s

your nine potatoes worth of French fries PRODUCT. Not everything about inflation is bad, I guess. But, you know,

Speaker 14582.22s - 4587.04s

it's bad for the waistline, but not necessarily bad in terms of the overall quantity that you're getting when you do those things.

Speaker 04587.04s - 4741.56s

Well, I love, I love reading all of these comments of the big takeaways and everything. And I just want to, like Rachel PERSON says, stay the course, be patient, continue trying to find my three to five products instead of playing roulette on Printify. And I think that's, that's perfect. I think that's perfect. Focus on long-term success to build your business, to be steady, not fry, and die. Like that. And then Rachel PERSON also says that she is in the process of running a fish bowl giveawayand taking the training now. So that's awesome. Yeah. So what she's talking about, by the way, is our one-day email list training, which basically is what we call our fishbowl method.So I want you to imagine you have a fishbowl because this was actually what we did years ago before we had like landing pages and stuff that we can do this. At a fishbowl, we would be at a gala, at a school gala for our photography services, and we'd have all the nice portraits out. And then we would have a little pad of paper where people could write down their name and then they could fold it over and with their email address.And then they would drop it in the fishbow. They would fold it and put it in the fishbow. And at the end of the night, we had a whole thing, whole fish bowl of all these names. And we'd shake it up. We'd reach in there. We'd pull it.John Smith, you're the winner of our whatever, right? And then we would have all those emails and then we would follow up with those people a week later and say, hey, we noticed that you wanted to win one of our portrait sessions. We're going to give 25% off. And that was basically it. And it was game changer for us way back then. And we're still doing it today. It's just so much easier because we have Facebook ORG ads and we have our products that's a bundle and we can target those people. And it's a lot of fun. And you can build an email list rather quickly.We just had someone the other day, I think it was Shosh, who basically said that she ran one, I think short, seven days, maybe, 10 days, and she built an email list of 100 people. And you spent 50 bucks.So it's fantastic. So anyway, yes, it definitely, definitely works. And building an email list is definitely power. Yeah, cool. Rachel PERSON says the training is great.Awesome. Keep us posted on that. I want to know how it goes once you get that thing live. All right, cool. So we're going to move on. Do me a favor, though.If you guys are getting value from this, go ahead and give us a little like. Give us a little love there. Leave a comment and also subscribe to the channel, give us a little love there. Leave a comment and also subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already. All right. And we're going to keep moving on here.We've got two things, two or three things we've got to cover here yet, Chris PERSON. Looks like we have three. Wow, we've got to get rolling here. All right, cool. Let's jump in here.

Speaker 14742.18s - 4744.02s

Let's do it.

Speaker 04745.24s - 4745.34s

Let me see here.

Speaker 14746.04s - 4746.38s

Okay, cool.

Speaker 04747.32s - 4797.86s

Yeah, that's what we're going to do. Okay, cool. All right. So I wanted to expose the truth on an article that was posted about a 26-year-old kid that says he's making $38,500 a month. And he's only working 20 minutes a day. I mean, I've been in business a long time. I had to look into this.And I got to say, wait a minute here. Is there anything really that easy? And that BS meter just kind of comes up. So let's dig in. Chris PERSON, can you pull up that article and can we dig in and see exactly what they're saying? I want to give my thoughts, my take. And I want to see, is this BS oris this real? And I don't know this person. So I'm just kind of going off of what Tom Olson PERSON here

Speaker 14797.86s - 4811.06s

had reported on their website. So let's let's dig in. And it's funny because this got like almost all of these articles is like a rewrite of a rewrite of a rewrite of something that came from CNBC ORG at some point. Yeah.

Speaker 34811.76s - 4815.5s

But if we look at this, you know, the headline has basically stayed the same.

Speaker 14815.5s - 4858.62s

You'll find you can find the CNBC ORG version or any of the different areas where this is popped up. Just copy and paste or type out the first part of that headline. You'll see all the different people who have written this story. You get a little bit of information from each place. But there's two things, Scott PERSON, that really stood out to me about this. Not his age. But the time and the money. Yeah. 20 minutes a day for $38,500 a month. And then obviously the phrase passive income, because you know that that is a trigger word for me.I know I know 20 minutes a day is technically passive if we believe that number. But the story goes, and I have no reason to doubt that he's hitting those revenue numbers. We don't know what his.

Speaker 04858.74s - 4859.06s

We don't know.

Speaker 24859.18s - 4860.3s

We don't know.

Speaker 04861.42s - 4864.32s

Francisco Rivera PERSON graduated. He didn't know what he was doing.

Speaker 24864.42s - 4866.88s

He worked like at the Apple Store ORG and then he was an online tutor.

Speaker 04866.88s - 4872.04s

And he decided to launch print on demand candles on Etsy in February, 2023.

Speaker 14872.76s - 4911.6s

And the more he worked, it said originally he was working, you know, like four hours a day, five hours a day. And he only made $100 to $500 a month. And then like four or five months later, his sales took off. And now he's only working 20 minutes a day. And he's making $38,500 a month. Now I did a little bit of digging, right?That's going to be his top line revenue. And again, like I said, all of the different iterations of this story have one or another piece of this. He said he's making about 30 to 35% profit on average. So, okay, let's just call it $10,000 a month on the low end. That's not bad for 20 minutes a day.

Speaker 04912.06s - 4915.76s

Yeah. What are your thoughts on seeing something like this? If those are the numbers that we're

Speaker 14915.76s - 4922.84s

talking about, right, $10,000 in profit, 20 minutes a day. Is this something that is, one,

Speaker 04922.84s - 4929.62s

sustainable for the long term? Two, was it caused by working 20 minutes a day, is the other one?

Speaker 14930s - 4934.98s

And then three, is this something that's repeatable for other people? Yeah.

Speaker 04935.12s - 5128.48s

Well, okay. So I can't really say for sure because I don't know this person and I don't know the entire backstory. But I have been in business for over 20 years now. And I have made, you know, more than $38,500 per month. And I don't care what business you're in.If you're generating that much revenue, you're going to be working more than 20 minutes a day. And he might have had a stretch of it was like one week where he was only working 20 minutes. So he's like, ah, 20 minutes a day. And he might have had a stretch of it was like one week where he was only working 20 minutes. So he's like, ah, 20 minutes a day. You know, sounds good. But personally, if you have that many orders, and we're talking candles now, right? So if we did the math on the candles, how many of these candles are you selling per day? You can't tell me that people are having problems with their candles. Now, maybe he was smart enough to hire someone to do all of the support, right?Well, if that's the case, he's paying someone for that. So that 38,0005 comes down even further, right? Because now you're paying someone full time to handle support. I guess the issue that I have with any of these is it's not realistic. Right. And when people see this, it's like, oh my gosh, I would love to only work 20 minutes a dayand sell candles. Of course. Who wouldn't? But in reality, I can almost guarantee that there's probably 50% truth to this. And I know I'm kind of calling BS on it. Sorry.But I'm just saying, I've been in business a long time. And you're selling a candle that the margins are really low. And from there, you have to sell a lot of candles. And you're going to have people complaining about something, right, within that process or they're wondering where it is. Now, we don't even know if there's personalization on these.We don't know any of that stuff. If there's personalization, that requires another step in this, right? So all of that. So did he have a month where he did 38,500 in fourth quarter? Maybe. And maybe now that's all of a sudden you're doing that every single month.So I would want to see more. I would want every single month. So I would want to see more. I would want to see the store. I would want to see sales. I would want to see all of that. So why didn't they put like screenshots? Why didn't they put more proof in here to show that this is actually the case?So my thing is if you're watching this, my reason and wanting to do this and to cover this is to say, be careful of what you believe when you see someone putting up a mug and saying, you can sell, you can make $15,000 a month selling these. And it's going to take you 20 minutes a day.I mean, you have to put your common sense hat on and be like, that's BS. There's no, there's got to be more to the story. And I think if we unpacked it, we'd probably find that. So I just think it's a good headline. People like passive income.They like 20 minutes a day. The four hour work week, right? Tim Ferriss. Do we really think that there's such a thing as a four hour work week? Probably not. But it sounds really, really good.Where are you going, Chris PERSON?

Speaker 15129.66s - 5144.32s

So one of the things that cracks me up is the four-hour work week, the title of the book. Do you know where that actually comes from in the book? Because he's not talking, he's not saying he only does four hours worth of stuff.

Speaker 05144.66s - 5147.74s

He's saying it's four hours worth of stuff that doesn't excite him, that doesn't make him really

Speaker 35147.74s - 5153.52s

happy. That's not the, like, passion side of the business. It's four hours of work, the stuff he

Speaker 05153.52s - 5157.92s

doesn't like to do. Right. And it's all about how to get that stuff off of your plate.

Speaker 15158.12s - 5161.68s

Is it possible to build a half a million dollar a year business? Because Scott PERSON, that's what we're

Speaker 35161.68s - 5166.14s

talking about top line here, give or take is a half a million dollars, right?

Speaker 15170.78s - 5171.9s

$468,000, something like that to get to that number that they're talking about on a monthly basis, right?

Speaker 35174.24s - 5176.98s

It's not impossible to get there.

Speaker 15177.28s - 5242.86s

But it is impossible to get there in four months working 20 minutes a day and have it be sustainable. And that is the thing that I want people to really pay attention to. Can you catch a trend at the right time and hit those numbers if you're doing trend chasing? Yes. Is that something that is sustainable if you're only working 20 minutes a day and never launching new designs?Because that's the other thing he said in here, Scott PERSON, is the only time he spends on the business at all is answering a few customer service inquiries. Well, that means he's just letting Printify send out all of the candles. He's not doing any customization. If he has a design that goes down that dips in sales, that he's not launching any new designs. Right.And I, this is, I don't want people to take this as an attack on Francisco PERSON because it's not. It's an attack on the idea that even if the only active working time that he has is 20 minutes because he's doing that. If he really likes design, he might not be counting that as working time or, and Scott PERSON, I know you fall a victim to this. He's sitting in the hot tub, just hanging out at night and he's thinking about business, right? That's work.

Speaker 05242.86s - 5245.76s

By the way, that's not. That's not, that's not, that's not

Speaker 15245.76s - 5251.48s

it might not feel like work because it's not, it's not sitting in front of the computer.

Speaker 05251.48s - 5256.26s

But mental work when you are an entrepreneur is a huge portion of the business. And it's very easy

Speaker 15256.26s - 5261.16s

for that to consume every waking minute of your life before you sit down. And this is something

Speaker 05261.16s - 5270.78s

Tim Ferriss actually talks about now a lot where he says, I'll walk around for three days thinking about something before I sit down and then it only takes

Speaker 15270.78s - 5275.3s

me 20 minutes to do or it takes me two hours to do. But it took me three days of thought

Speaker 05275.3s - 5280.04s

process to figure out the right way to do it instead of just throwing spaghetti at the wall.

Speaker 35280.36s - 5288.72s

And it's not saying that you can't build a business like this. You absolutely can. But if you're only doing customer service and you're just writing this, it's going to slowly start to go away.

Speaker 15288.9s - 5292.12s

If you're relying just on one product, it's going to slowly start to go away.

Speaker 05292.32s - 5298.9s

So what I think we're both really advocating for here, Scott, is not that we should shout down with Francisco PERSON.

Speaker 15299.3s - 5299.78s

Heck no.

Speaker 35300.18s - 5300.92s

Congrats, Francisco PERSON.

Speaker 15301.08s - 5304.82s

If these numbers are anywhere close to accurate for what you're doing now, that's awesome.

Speaker 35305.16s - 5308.2s

The concern that I would have and what I would say to him, if he was in the room with us right now,

Speaker 15308.34s - 5334.68s

if you guys know him, give him a shout out, invite him on. Love to have a talk with him. Would be, what are you going to do when this starts to a road? What are you doing to plan for the long term? Because everything that we're seeing, everything that they're talking about in this article, it's cool.It's nice. It's nice to have that revenue coming in. But one of those candles goes away. Now we're down to $20,000 or whatever it is. And so if we're not planning for the long term, we're not doing that active work, that can start to disappear very, very

Speaker 05334.68s - 5419.2s

quickly. Does that make sense? Yeah. And I just want to again kind of highlight that we're not saying that, you know, it's not possible to create a business that you can work a few hours a day. The key word there is a few hours a day. If you're going to build any sustainable business, you're going to have to be involved. And like you said, Chris PERSON, work doesn't mean necessarily you're physically typing or you're physically doing anything, thought, thinking, brainstorming, strategy. Like, that's all work. It requires bandwidth.So I just wanted to pull this up because I saw it all over the place. And I'm like, you know what? People need to know the truth from someone that's built several businesses. And I've never, ever had a business where you could generate that kind of money and only work 20 minutes a day. You're still working because 20 minutes a day doesn't get you much. Like, what are you doing in that 20 minutes?I mean, think about this. You go on, you answer a few support emails and you're done for the day. Nothing else you got to do. There's so much. There's so many other things that you would have to do. And like you said, Chris PERSON, if you don't, the business is going to die, right? You got, you got to do something. You gotto market it. You got to keep up on things. You're going to have competition coming and trying to sell those candles against you. So, yeah, there's stuff to do. Now, Scott PERSON, the alternative to

Speaker 15419.2s - 5425.02s

this, do you have to hustle your face off? Do you have to be working 23-7?

Speaker 05425.26s - 5427.54s


Speaker 15431.44s - 5514.86s

So is there a balance that you can find here? And the answer, yeah, right? And that's what everybody's looking for. And if he continues to sell 400, almost $500,000 a year in candles forever and only has to work 20 minutes a day, awesome. But the truth is he's thinking about it more. And if he's not actively thinking about the business, he's probably worried about the things that we were justthinking about, which is working on the business, right? Oh my God, if my top seller goes away, my entire business goes away. Maybe I should build a customer list. Maybe I should branch out beyond just candles and put my really awesome sayings on pillows or whatever, right? Start to branch that out a little bit. Maybe he's designing new things and just not counting that as work. But the truth is it's not 23-7 and it's not 20 minutes. It's somewhere in between.And what you should be looking for here is focusing on the things that matter, right? Are you in a niche? If so, do you have your products up? If so, what else can you launch and sell to those people and then come back once a week or so and take a look at the ads data? Your Etsy ORG business doesn't have to consume your life, although Scott PERSON, I think you would probably agree with this inthe fourth quarter for most people. It will take up much more time than you wish that it did because of all of the orders that are coming in. But the rest of the year, it doesn't have to. You're going to be working more than 20 minutes and you're going to be working less than 23 hours if we're thinking about this from a realistic and long-term standpoint. Cool.

Speaker 05515.08s - 5533.02s

Yeah. All right. So let us know in the comments. Do you feel like that's BS and it's not the full story? Or do you think, yeah, it's totally possible to work 20 minutes a day and make $38,500 per month? Let us know in the comments.

Speaker 15533.6s - 5575.46s

Somebody in the comments said, yeah, 20 minutes a day after three years of 80 hours a week. Yeah. And that, okay, the original CNBC article had a little bit more context for, you know, he was working five plus hours a day with his day job when he was getting started. And part of that difference does come down to getting a product that is in and established and selling consistently, which is what we've been talking about this entire live, right? You will have some lift off of your shoulders and you will be working less than you were at the beginning if you're really trying to hustle and get these things done at the beginning. But it doesn't mean that you can just check out and look at your Etsy messages and be doneand have that level of sales forever. That's not a realistic way to approach. Yeah.

Speaker 05575.6s - 5583.18s

We're going to move on, but I love what Robin PERSON said here. If I'm making that much in 20 minutes, I'm working all day. Give me an hour.

Speaker 15583.36s - 5584.26s

I'm happy with an hour.

Speaker 05584.46s - 5632.78s

Yeah, we'll just do an hour. We'll just do three times that. So if you work, you know, an hour, you would do a hundred grand a month. I mean, come on. I mean, yeah, I mean, why not? Why wouldn't you do it?That's funny. All right, cool. Let's move on. This is exciting. Here we go. So Etsy just announced three exciting new gift features for sellers.And, well, they have been really, really going hard on this whole gift mode. And, well, they've got some new things that they rolled out that are going to make it even better. So Chris, can you pull up the article that was, well, announcing these three exciting new Etsy gift features for sellers? Can you pull that up?

Speaker 15634.02s - 5665.8s

Yeah, we should have that right here coming to us from the often flouted, never imitated properly Etsy ORG seller forum, right? Etsy ORG likes to make their news announcements here. And this comes to us from one of their community managers who says three exciting updates to gifting on Etsy. And Scott PERSON, this came out right around the same time as their Q1 report, which I don't know how much you dove into that,because you're not like a stock analysis guy. But their cost for customer acquisition, not great. Kind of went way up. And so they're saying, hey, we're, like, we're good.

Speaker 35665.9s - 5667.2s

We're doing this gifting mode thing.

Speaker 05667.24s - 5668.16s

This is really what we're about.

Speaker 15668.16s - 5675.44s

And if you actually break down the numbers, a big portion of that reason that that cost per new customer acquisition went up would be the Super Bowl EVENT spending.

Speaker 35675.54s - 5680.12s

If you actually look at the marketing budget and some of those kinds of things, all of the money that goes into that.

Speaker 15680.38s - 5726.56s

If you pull that out, it's fairly close to where it was last year. And what they're really doing here is they're saying, hey, this is our stake in the ground. Gift mode is here. It's not going anywhere. We are all in on gift mode. So we're launching a few new things.The first thing that they tell us in this article is that this week, meaning as of the time of recording this, they're going to start a new television ad campaign in the U.S. and UK, telling people how they can use the gift teasers, which they announced a few weeks back to send thoughtful gifts at the last minute. Right. So it's Sunday morning of Mother's Day and you've forgotten. Eti's got you handled. That's kind of what they're going after here. And we had a long conversation at one point, Scott PERSON, about gift mode and about the gift teasers and we were curious how they were going to market this.

Speaker 35726.9s - 5732.7s

Given that conversation, is the gift teaser a good idea if it's more for the last

Speaker 15732.7s - 5740.24s

minute thing versus like they're going to send it to them today and potentially ruin the surprise angle, which I know is something you were concerned.

Speaker 05740.24s - 5757.04s

Yeah. No, I think so. And I think they even talked about possibly having that kind of blurred out or grayed out so you couldn't see it. Chris PERSON, can we actually watch that video? Is it queued up? Can we get sound on that? Can we? Oh, I can hear it. Yeah. Let's go ahead and

Speaker 15757.04s - 5760.06s

do that. I think that would be fun. Let me know. If not, I can,

Speaker 05760.06s - 5765.46s

I can share the audio on the tab itself. No, you can hear it.

Speaker 15765.94s - 5768.24s

All right.

Speaker 05768.94s - 5769.9s

Oh, no.

Speaker 15772.82s - 5773.32s

What if we don't get down in time to get a birthday gift for Zoe PERSON?

Speaker 05773.86s - 5774.32s

Don't panic.

Speaker 15776.08s - 5777.32s

With Etsy ORG, we can find the perfect gift.

Speaker 25778.86s - 5782.36s

And send her a preview right away.

Speaker 15783.92s - 5784.46s

I love this.

Speaker 05785s - 5788s

Thanks, guys. That, that's a relief.

Speaker 25788s - 5795s

It sure is great to know when something's coming. Don't panic. Gift Easy with Etsy ORG.

Speaker 35795s - 5801s

Was that, Scott PERSON, was the end or a shout out to who was the model

Speaker 15801s - 5804s

with the long, flowy hair back in the 90s?

Speaker 25804s - 5807.66s

Didn't he get hit by a seagull or something on a roller coaster? Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 15808.38s - 5818.62s

Somebody let me know in the comments. So first of all, terrible friends, right, if you're worried that you're not going to get off the roller coaster in time to buy a birthday gift for the person who's right behind you

Speaker 35818.62s - 5823.04s

and it's clearly already their birthday, then you need to do some self-evaluation.

Speaker 15823.48s - 5836.94s

But I think looking at this, Scott, I know you were not a huge fan of their Super Bowl EVENT ad. Is this angle, one, something that makes a little bit more sense and two, something that you think is more likely to resonate with people as a reason to come back and check out gift mode?

Speaker 05837.34s - 5877.26s

Yeah, I do. I think it was a great commercial. I think it, you got the idea, right? It's last minute you're caught upside down as a roller coaster kind of got stuck. And then while you're sitting there, you're like, oh, crap, I forgot a gift. Oh, I could just go to Etsy ORG. So I think it was well done. It was probably not that expensiveto do either because it was just in that one shot. But I think it was really good. And I've been seeing more commercials like this on like primetime TV. So I think they are doing their best that I can see for spending money into the platform, which is really, really exciting. So what else? What else is the exciting new updates here, though? So the GIF mode, you know, that's a thing. But so what can you distill

Speaker 15877.26s - 5892.22s

down like what are the three? Yeah. So GIF mode is rolling out worldwide, right? It was something that was geographically limited. They are increasing the ad spend behind this. And that's something I really want to kind of hammer on for a second, Scott, because you and I have talked a lot about Timu and Sheen PERSON and like the billions of

Speaker 25892.22s - 5896.42s

dollars that their competitors are spending on ads. Yeah. And Etsy ORG's still spending relatively

Speaker 15896.42s - 5902.66s

nothing compared to those. Like you're talking hundreds of millions versus billions. And I know that

Speaker 25902.66s - 5905.5s

for most people conceptually, that sounds

Speaker 15905.5s - 5911.8s

like not that big of a difference, but it's literally orders of magnitude different. And so what

Speaker 25911.8s - 5916.64s

Etsy ORG is really trying to do is just double, triple down on come here for this thing specifically,

Speaker 15916.78s - 5921.36s

versus shop like a billionaire, be everything to everybody. And they need to start using that ad spend

Speaker 35921.36s - 5931.14s

a little more wisely if that's something that they want to do. And it looks like with this angle, you at least understand what it is versus like the Statue of Liberty and all of those kinds of things.

Speaker 15931.14s - 5932.54s

So they're really going to ramp this up.

Speaker 35932.9s - 5937.94s

And we won't know how effective this is in terms of driving sales till the end of the quarter, more than likely.

Speaker 15938.54s - 5945.78s

We'll see sometime around beginning of September, end of August, beginning of September, what those numbers look like in terms of what this does for Etsy ORG's customer acquisition.

Speaker 05946.22s - 5947.32s

So it rolled out worldwide.

Speaker 35947.7s - 5949.44s

They're doing that ad campaign.

Speaker 25949.62s - 5957.1s

Then they added something really cool, potentially, to the gift teaser, which is a video message.

Speaker 35957.32s - 5962.7s

So not only now are you going to get like the photo of the thing that you click reveal on,

Speaker 15962.94s - 5967.28s

but they're going to give buyers the ability to send a video message along with it.

Speaker 05967.78s - 5967.92s


Speaker 15968.38s - 5969.76s

Yeah, that's what I just saw.

Speaker 05969.88s - 6008.5s

And they actually have the staff there. 200,000 people have already received those. So I think that that's, that's really interesting, that they've sent it out to 200,000 recipients already. They are going to be potentially adding video. It says it isn't rolled out 100%,but there is a preview that's being rolled out. So technically the three are they're going to be going hard on video campaigns, right? And they're going to be putting it up on TV. The other one is that they are going to be adding potentially, well, they're sending it out an email for you and they're going to be giving you a preview and they're going to be adding in video.Was there something else that I missed?

Speaker 16009.54s - 6010.64s

They've rolled it out worldwide.

Speaker 06011.02s - 6012.66s

So it was geographically limited before.

Speaker 16013.66s - 6018.94s

So anybody can experience the wonder of Etsy ORG gift mode, whether that's good or bad, is yet to be determined.

Speaker 36019.24s - 6027.16s

Yeah. They do seem to be really serious about this. And we saw this at the end of, I guess, when the Q4 report came out,

Speaker 16027.22s - 6030.56s

they were talking about all of the things that they were really going to double down on in 2024.

Speaker 06030.96s - 6032.54s

They were super excited about GIF mode.

Speaker 36032.62s - 6034.7s

We saw it again when they released their quarter one earnings.

Speaker 06035s - 6041.92s

And they said, look, we think this is really going to do it for us. Now we're seeing it yet again with them saying, hey, we're launching a massive TV campaign.

Speaker 16042.62s - 6044.84s

We're launching across all social media.

Speaker 36048.04s - 6052.36s

And we're giving people even more options. Because the gift teaser thing didn't, it was okay.

Speaker 16053.48s - 6063.44s

With the addition of the video message, I think that is something people will take more advantage of. I don't know if you go to Etsy ORG for that specifically, but it's really about the, you know,

Speaker 36063.44s - 6065.24s

you can get the last minute gift and you know

Speaker 26065.24s - 6071.12s

that they're going to get at least that, even if they don't get the gift on time. So even though

Speaker 16071.12s - 6074.12s

they don't have control over like same day shipping or any of those kinds of things, they're really

Speaker 26074.12s - 6078.62s

trying to emphasize the time in which you will get the gift. And if you are a last minute shopper,

Speaker 36078.62s - 6083.74s

you can still give your friends or family something from Etsy ORG before they even get the product.

Speaker 26085.94s - 6086.48s


Speaker 36086.78s - 6092.14s

So, yeah, so I would say give it a shot, you know, as far as like getting your products

Speaker 26092.14s - 6097.6s

into the gift mode ecosystem, you basically just got to create something that could be

Speaker 16097.6s - 6103.14s

given as a gift and make sure that you include gift in your title and in your tags.

Speaker 06103.14s - 6166.3s

And you might have a shot of being put in that catalog. So that would be my advice there is get yourself involved by creating something that could be giftable. All right. So Chris, one more I think we got. Yeah.This is interesting. This one here is really interesting. Etsy ORG confirms that sellers can use AI and still be considered handmade. And this came directly from Josh Silverman, the CEO of Etsy ORG. And well, he basically said, yeah, you can use AI. Now, it was probably some things that are still going to need to be monitored.But Chris PERSON, I wanted you to look into this article a little bit and what was being said. And maybe we can get a little bit more clarity on what this actually mean for people that are using AI in their designs. So what did you discover?

Speaker 16167.46s - 6195.28s

Yeah, so this one came to us from value-added resource, and they're quoting an interview from axios and chief, where Josh Silverman PERSON came out and he said, look, I think AI-assisted creations should be listed as handmade. And what he said specifically was we had some discussions about it, whether it's handmade or not.Does this actually belong on Etsy ORG? So it's good to know, Scott PERSON, at the very least, that they did have a conversation about this, or maybe he had it in his own ahead, but somebody thought about it from that perspective.

Speaker 36195.68s - 6197.32s

Do these products belong on Etsy ORG?

Speaker 16197.32s - 6234.86s

And we ultimately decided that it was basically the same thing as electronic dance music, right? For somebody to say that somebody using a synthesizer to create music is not music because they didn't play all of the instruments themselves. That doesn't feel right. So we think that AI-assisted designs, much in that same way, are assisting the creative process and should be considered handmade enough to sell within the Etsy ORG platform, right?And they're saying, I think the collaboration between humans and machines, which is a terrifying phrase, to generate art is actually going to be the next frontier. So they think AI art, AI assisted design is the next big thing. I think I would agree with that to some extent.

Speaker 06235.04s - 6238.82s

AI assistance and pretty much everything is going to be the next big thing.

Speaker 16239.74s - 6264.66s

And then this article, like most of the other articles talking about this, kind of talks a little bit about some of the downsides of AI. But the real headline to me here is that even though they've allowed it on the platform, I don't know that we've seen an explicit statement before saying, look, we think that this is a tool, just like any other tool. And as long as you comply with the other rules of the platform, there's nothing wrong with using AI in your design. Yeah. I mean,

Speaker 06264.7s - 6277.42s

it's interesting. But there's still going to be, there's still going to be discrepancies, I think. And is there anything there that he, so is that a quote from him? I think right now where the capability.

Speaker 16277.54s - 6281.96s

Where we are with the capability, we're further ahead than where people are comfortable with, right?

Speaker 26282.16s - 6286.44s

And he used that to say, you know, our AI is so good that people are uncomfortable with it.

Speaker 06287.02s - 6291.36s

And the reason they were talking about that is he was talking about, this is something we talked

Speaker 16291.36s - 6298.5s

about at the end of Q1. And I think we covered the story later on where they were going to roll out an AI sales assistant. And people hated it.

Speaker 36299.76s - 6300.94s

People just didn't like it.

Speaker 16300.98s - 6327.12s

And so they pulled back. It doesn't mean that that's going to go away. Walmart ORG, I know is working on something similar, right? Shopify ORG is where everybody that's in the e-commerce space is working on a way to replace that search bar across the top with a way to more easily find your product. And they think that AI is the way to do that.But all of the experiences, including the experiences that Etsy ORG has had with their AI sales assistant, not so hot. They still think it's the future. And they think that the design side of this is great and it's not going anywhere. Yeah.

Speaker 06327.22s - 6390.62s

So basically what you're saying is they're playing around with AI themselves. They're finding that their AI for chatbot stuff not working so well. And they're looking at, well, as a creator, using AI could be beneficial because now that can help the creator be even more creative, right? Because we've talked about this. If you're just creating AI designs strictly almost like copy and paste, then that takes away from the handmade or the person that's actuallyputting time and effort into creating something. I'm wondering, how are they going to determine how someone just didn't create a whole bunch of designs quickly without a lot of thought, without a lot of design, and they just slap them up there. Is that going to be okay? Maybe they'll let it be like, well, let the customer decide, you know, let the customers say if they're happy with it or not. I don't know how they'll deal with that. Yeah. So I guess in my mind,

Speaker 16390.82s - 6405.2s

and I'm sure I'm going to like the comments on fire here, I'm wondering where that line would be if that line exists at all, right? So if you could create something in Photoshop PRODUCT by drawing the blocks, right? You start with a square and then you add a circle on it and somehow you turn that

Speaker 36405.2s - 6412.02s

into a person, right? Yeah. And I can type into Adobe ORG's AI, give me a person and we both get a similar

Speaker 16412.02s - 6416.64s

looking person. At the end of the day, what's the difference other than the skill set? And I think that's

Speaker 36416.64s - 6422.06s

where a lot of people get, where they want to stand their ground on certain things, especially in the

Speaker 16422.06s - 6429.22s

art world. Right. But getting what you want out of AI is not a sure thing, usually.

Speaker 36429.76s - 6433.44s

And so what typically happens is you'll see people using elements.

Speaker 16433.5s - 6437.14s

And I think pretty much everybody would agree that creating elements is okay,

Speaker 36437.32s - 6440.56s

because it would be no different than going to a stock element website or stock photo

Speaker 16440.56s - 6442.94s

website and buying something from there, right?

Speaker 36443.1s - 6447.46s

That weird line starts to pop up when you're saying, all right, let's do some wall art

Speaker 16447.46s - 6562.22s

and you just create the entire thing in one go in mid journey or wherever. But is it really different than taking the individual elements? That I don't know. I just, I found it extremely interesting that they basically said, yes, they actually did give it a green light instead of a non answer, which has been their stance basically up until now. It wasn't not allowed. Now it's explicitly allowed, and they're saying they think thatthis is going to be the future. And they're considering it handmade. Now, Scott PERSON, there is something that I know is going to come up in the comments. Etsy ORG loves AI for canceling accounts. Like, if you have something, it's going to, it's going to block your account. Like, all of these things could happen. And a lot of that comes down to the handmade policy, which he says AI complies with the handmade policy. Awesome.But if you're selling print on demand stuff under handmade, you need to make sure that you're listing your production partner. That's a great way to get shut down. Even though the design itself, the product itself, can be listed on the platform. That listing can still be in violation if you're not setting that listing up properly, listing your print on demandpartner. And that actually puts it in a subcategory that they call handmade with production assistance. Customers don't know the difference, but it is listed a little bit differently inside of the ecosystem. So even though using AI to assist in your designs is okay, you still have to make sure that when you're creating the listings, that you're doing everything there on the up and up, that you're using unique images, that your mockups correctly reflect the product. And I saw another story recently, Scott PERSON, where somebody wastalking with Printify and they had some back channel communications after the mockup apocalypse, and Etti ORG came out again and clarified that mockups are fine as long as they accurately represent the product. So if we're doing some print on demand stuff with AI, we need to make sure that we're using accurate mock-ups and that we're listing the production partner out. Other than that, if you want to use some AI in your designs, go for it, at least according to Etsy ORG CEO. Yeah, I like that. Okay, we got time for maybe,

Speaker 06562.32s - 6572.52s

we got like five minutes for like a couple questions do we got any questions that came in that we need to address we do uh overcoming child loss with katherine says

Speaker 16572.52s - 6587s

i ran mother's day ads for gift boxes would it be okay to repurpose the listing and change it to sympathy gift box to capitalize on the views clicks and sales yeah i i don't, I don't know, I don't know why not. I think the, I think the only thing

Speaker 06587s - 6623.66s

would be is like, then next year, do you change the title out as Mother's Day? I don't, you could, but I would do that in advance because what's going to happen is if that thing keeps going, you don't want to, you don't want to throw the algorithm off and have you get re-indexed and things. So the Mother's Day in the title, as much as that is helpful, it also possibly could be an issue when you do it again next year. So I would just be careful of that.But I would say right now, if it did well, then yeah, I would keep that listing. Just I would just change it because it does have sales velocity. It's got reviews. It's got all the things that we want.

Speaker 16624.26s - 6648.64s

Yeah, as long as you're not swapping out the product on the back end, if you want to change the title, go for it. Not normally a huge fan of that, but because you started with the Mother's Day angle, I think that would be fine in this case. Veronica PERSON says, you laid out the plan very well. What if we're not doing print on demand business and branding is currently good? Should we take a look at your ads, accelerator course? So if you are running Etsy ORG ads or you want to see the exact process kind of step by step, see a bunch of examples where we go through the data analysis,

Speaker 06648.94s - 6661.86s

then take a look at that. If you have your niche, whether you're doing purely handmade, whether you're doing POD, whether you're doing digital products, right? That course works regardless. You just have to know your numbers and then you're able to come in and take care of that.

Speaker 16663.36s - 6678.34s

We had one other one, and it disappeared on me here, Scott PERSON. Came in right at the beginning, and I guess we've been on long enough now, that it doesn't want to let me go back to it. Let's see if I can find that really fast.

Speaker 06678.34s - 6690.32s

Yeah, if you guys have any quick ones, drop them in. We'll go ahead and try to address those, And then we're going to wrap her up.

Speaker 16695.52s - 6695.6s

So how often are you making your way through that process that we laid out today?

Speaker 06699.94s - 6705.1s

Obviously, once we choose the niche, we don't need to go back through that. But we are going to go through the research, launch ads, learning, and then launching more products.

Speaker 16705.1s - 6709.38s

So when we get into that research and launch more, what does that cycle actually look like?

Speaker 06710.36s - 6809.76s

Well, again, I think you're just rinsing and repeating that process. Now, you did say, well, you're not going into the research phase as much as like the niche anymore, but you kind of can because if you're, if you're investigating another subnitch, then you're going to do that in the subnitch. So all of these things are kind of being done when needed.So for example, if you are going to just try to dominate the bachelorette, you know, subnitch because you want to be in the wedding niche, then that's where you're going to start. You're going to build that out as much as you can. And then from there, you might be like, okay, now let's do groomsmen and let's try to do something there or bachelor party, something, right? And then you're going to go to that and then you're going to build that out. And you're going to need to do some research there. So to me, it comes down to when you are kind ofup and running, you've got all this stuff going on. You're probably just going to think to yourself, how can I optimize what I currently have? Okay. And what I mean by that is also like, how do you look at your ads data on a regular basis, right?You're going to pull that up weekly and you're going to look through it. The next thing is, is like, okay, I'm going to launch. I've got two more products that I want to launch this month or this week. Okay, cool. Then you got to optimize, right?You got to go through that process. Then after that, you're going to run through your launch process. So I just, the tactics are part of the strategy that you're going to be using. So you're just going to go back to those tactics. The launch process is a tactic in a sense. It's a strategy, but it's a tactic. And then you're just going to rerun that, but just on the new products. a tactic in a sense. It's a strategy, but it's a tactic.And then you're just going to rerun that, but just on the new products. So hopefully that

Speaker 16809.76s - 6851.82s

made sense. Yeah. And I think once you get in here, like we said, it's boring, right? It's not, it's not shiny objects, but you are going back through those things. You're looking to see what's in demand. Or if you have an idea that you want to launch like we were talking about, go ahead and launch it once you have that base set. Then you launch those next three to five products. You wait to see what's happening. You come back in and optimize them. And then you go through the process again. It could take you a day. It's more likely to take you a month or, you know, like three, four weeks to really work your way through thatprocess with everything else you have going on in your life or your business. But the goal here is not the number of listings. The goal here is building that long-term sustainable business. And taking the time

Speaker 06851.82s - 6882.02s

to do it right is more than well worth it. Okay. Um, drink savers. I've, I've only had 198 views, but 94 visits and two favorites in 30 days. Zero sales. So the question for you would be 198 views. I'm more, I'm more into like, okay, the 94 visits. So you had 198 views and you had 94 people click in.That's pretty good. Like that's amazing.

Speaker 16882.26s - 6882.98s

It's a 50% click through rate.

Speaker 06883.1s - 6958.82s

Yeah, that's crazy, right? And then from there, you had those visits, you had two favorites, but no sales. So that would tell me we had almost a hundred people that actually went into the listing, but you had no sales. There's probably an issue within the listing. It's probably whatever those clicks were, we need to look at what those clicks came in through, what keyword search. And then we have to say, oh, well, that was too broad. They were maybecurious. They got in, but it wasn't the thing that they were looking for. So now we need to clean that up on the back end. Or you might say, well, they came in, but they weren't compelled to buy because the images were a little flat. They weren't as good as they could be. And then you want to tweak that. I think you're right on the cusp of like where you can start to make decisions because you've had 94 visits, right, in, you know, clicks with no sales. I also think it could be maybe if it's a price thing.So right now, I know we don't talk like prices the thing. It is when you don't have reviews, right? So if you don't have reviews, we got to kind of look at, okay, well, what other lever can we use? Price. And we would just want to reduce the price on that. So that way there, it's going to be like, oh, it's a no-brainer. I'll just go ahead and try that. And then that's going to help you get a review. Well, when you get a review, that'll help your conversion and all

Speaker 16958.82s - 6975.66s

that. Yeah, I think, I think this is a great example of where is the problem. In 30 days, 198 views or whatever, it was under 200 tells me that there's not a lot of demand there. But the people who are typing that in really want something to buy because 50% of them clicked. That problem is not with the ad.

Speaker 06975.88s - 6984.92s

That problem is somewhere on the listing. So we're either totally irrelevant in terms of the keyword that people are clicking on, in which case maybe we add that product to our shop.

Speaker 16984.24s - 7003.36s

irrelevant in terms of the keyword that people are clicking on, in which case, maybe we add that product to our shop. And if we are, then there's an issue with the listing. We're not communicating exactly what the product is in a way. If we're getting 100 people, 95 people, let's just call it 100, to the listing, somebody should have bought by now. And because they haven't, that tells me there's a mismatch with their expectation when they're coming to the listing. Yeah. Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 07003.92s - 7097.94s

All right, cool. I think that's going to do it. So guys, thank you so much for hanging out with us, over 250 of you, and almost 200 of you still on with us now. So that's awesome. We appreciate it.If you guys would do us a favor, though, and if you would like this, if you've gotten any little bit of value from today's live stream, we'd appreciate it. If you have any additional questions that we didn't get to or that we, or that you just have, drop them in the comments.And we might do a follow up of just doing some Q&A. And we'll do that. So that way there we can make sure that every question gets answered. And then also I did mention a bunch of guides here today. I mentioned the roadmap. I mentioned the SEO guide, the Etsy ORG ads guide.If you want any of those in the comments, roadmap, SEO, or ads. And we'll make sure that we get those over to you. All right. That's all you'd have to do to get those. And we'll send them your way. But other than that,I just want to say thank you guys for hanging out with us. You're really making these lives fun and exciting. And hopefully you guys are learning from these. And if you are, if you got anything you want to say, a little review,leave that there too in the comments. We like reading them. We like to know that something we shared helped you. Let us know. All right, guys, that is it. That is going to wrap up this episode.We appreciate you. Take care. Take action. Have an awesome, amazing day. We'll see you right back here next time. Take care, guys.