Ep.3 Going way back w Gilby Clarke (Guns n Roses / Solo artist

Ep.3 Going way back w Gilby Clarke (Guns n Roses / Solo artist

by Riki Rachtman

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74:03 minutes

published 1 month ago




Speaker 00s - 211.34s

The Cat House private rock and roll dance club opened in 1986. And back then, we had a good circle of friends. Most of my friends were in bands that were just starting to get record deals. And it was always weird for me, that one guy at Ricky Rackman PERSON that wasn't in the band. I mean, even my roommate, Tammy Down, who helped me open the Cat House FAC, he started a band called Faster Pussycat ORG.He got a record deal. They went gold. They went out on tour. And as all of our friends in our circle got bigger, they helped the cat house get more notoriety. The biggest example of course is Guns and Roses ORG,who not only played the Cat House FAC a bunch of times, filmed the It's So Easy Video at the Cat House FAC. Axel wore a Cat House shirt in the Paradise City GPE video and Slash still gets up on stage with the Cat House shirt. Those guys always help build Cat House. Axel wore a Cat House shirt in the Paradise City video and Slash still gets up on stage with a Cat House shirt. Those guys always help build Cat House ORG. It was great. And all of us have some incredible stories that we're going to share with you on this podcast. Sex, drugs, rock and roll. It's kind ofcliche, I guess, but that is really what the Cat House FAC was all about back then. Sex, Drugs, Rock and roll. It's kind of cliche, I guess, but that is really what the cat house was all about back then. Sex, drugs, rock and roll. And I didn't allow cameras in the cat house, but we all have our memory or what's left of it. I want you to skip ahead from 86 to 1991. I had sort of started to get comfortable with my new job as the host of MTV's Headbanger's Ball FAC. One of my good friends was working at a nightclub doing sound. But in just a few days, he'll get a call to become a member of the biggest rock and roll band in the world. Joining me on episode three of the Cat House Hollywood podcast is Gilby Clark PERSON.Gilby spent four years as the guitarist of Guns and Roses ORG. And, oh, yeah, we've got lots of stories of the time with guns. And just as the Cat House FAC was just opening, I mean, Gilby was there every step of the way. Hmm, what do you think we're going to talk about? Are we going to talk about guns and roses or stories that have Ace Freely PERSON,Sebastian Bach PERSON? What about girls playing softball? What about the time that I almost took Gilby out of Guns and Roses ORG? Yeah, we got stories, and we're going to sit down and share them with you. It's Hollywood GPE. It's summer.It's nice and warm. You can feel the electricity in the air, can't you? Well, the cat house hasn't opened yet, so let's get up those stairs, get somewhere comfortable to sit down and tell some stories. Because this is episode three of the Cat House Hollywood ORG podcast. Coming to you from the Cat House South Studios in Race City, USA GPE.This is the Cat House Hollywood podcast, episode three. We don't really have sponsors on the Cat House Hollywood ORG podcast. Sometimes I wish we did, but there's one way that you can sponsor this show is buy stuff from CathouseHollywood.com ORG. CathouseHawlewood.com ORG is the only place to get true, high quality, authentic catouse Hollywood GPE merch.You've also got OFITG ORG and some pretty rad headbangers ball items as well. Go to cathouse ORGholywood.com and use the code Hollywood 3 and get 10% off a cathouse hoodie or hat. That's cathouseholywood.com. The fun thing about this for me is Gilby Clark PERSON has been one of my closest friends for how many years?

Speaker 1211.34s - 226.5s

There's only one of years. For many decades. But unless it's something like this, there's so much about you that I don't really know because these are things that you never really talk to your friends about. So we're going to go way back to see what we can remember.

Speaker 0226.94s - 230s

But for instance, you are not originally from Los Angeles.

Speaker 1230.16s - 251.06s

You're Cleveland GPE, right? Cleveland GPE, yeah. I was born and raised in Cleveland, Ohio GPE. I left there, I believe the year was 77, but I left with my family, with my mother, my brother, my sister, and my grandmother. I was those teenage years, you know, I was starting to get in trouble.I was kind of a bad kid, you know, in Ohio GPE, you know, just.

Speaker 0251.06s - 255.26s

Wait, wait, wait, wait, so I was kind of a bad kid, so we should move to Hollywood GPE.

Speaker 1255.78s - 256.52s

Yeah, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 0257.2s - 258.72s

Was that really the thought process?

Speaker 1258.72s - 278.56s

Yeah, well, the thought was, was my parents had just gotten divorced and I was getting out of control. So it was kind of like a change of scenery. She just, you know, the direction I was going was bad. Some of her family had already moved to California, so she thought, you know what, change of scenery.Let's move to California. And so we moved to California.

Speaker 0279.18s - 281.22s

You were playing guitar at that time.

Speaker 1281.22s - 281.94s

Yeah, it already, yeah.

Speaker 0282s - 287.78s

So I was probably like 15, 16 years old. And I was already playing guitar. So when I got. Yeah, it already, yeah. So I was probably like 15, 16 years old. And I was already playing guitar. So when I got to California,

Speaker 1288.78s - 326.14s

music for me was my way of kind of figure out people in California. You know, like you walk down the street in California and people go, hey, how you doing? Like everybody's smiling. Why wouldn't you be? It's beautiful here.You know, in Ohio GPE, it's a little more sarcastic in Cleveland GPE, you know, so people would say, hey, how you doing? You'll never met me. I go like, fuck you. You don't know me. So it was my way of adapting was, you know, I played guitar, meeting people that liked music, going to see shows in Hollywood GPE and things like that. I had one year of high school in California, and I met a lot of guys that were in bands. Where did you go to high school?

Speaker 0326.2s - 328.6s

I went to aviation in Redondo Beach GPE. Okay.

Speaker 1329.2s - 366.52s

But I went to one year. But I had a job. I worked at a music store. I went to high school. I had my band. I actually had a band.We were playing high school dances. We were playing in Hollywood GPE. We were playing all over the place. And I really wasn't sleeping very much. And my mother would say to me, you know, you're killing yourself. I mean, it's great that you have a job. You have your band in school.But, you know, you got to give something up. She was thinking the band. And so I quit school. So I gave it up. And I moved to Hollywood GPE full time. You know, I got an ad in the paper with Jonathan and John and Kyle from Candy ORG and I moved in

Speaker 0366.52s - 370.38s

with them in Hollywood GPE. So this was 1980.

Speaker 1370.76s - 375.42s

81. Oh, this early? Yeah, yeah. It's probably like 81. 81. 80, yeah. Okay, so you guys

Speaker 0375.42s - 381.5s

were all young. Yeah. Got in the band Candy ORG. Candy was, and let me see if I can explain it

Speaker 1381.5s - 386.34s

pretty good, I would say taking a little Bay City GPE Rollers

Speaker 0386.34s - 395.42s

in a good way with punk it up a little bit and just like I'm in a street punkier version of the Bay City Rollers which is a good which I like.

Speaker 1395.52s - 402.04s

I agree. Now people would say like in LA week I'd say we were across between the Bay City Rollers and Ramones NORP, which was fairly

Speaker 0402.04s - 403.98s

accurate, you know. And Candy

Speaker 1403.98s - 405.18s

started doing pretty good. Yeah, yeah. We started, you know. And Candy started doing pretty good.

Speaker 0409.24s - 409.36s

Yeah, yeah, we started, you know, we were doing really well with local shows.

Speaker 1414.24s - 416.74s

You know, we were selling out the Trubidor, you know, selling out the whiskey, the Woxi, the Palace ORG. And who were the bands that were playing at this point?

Speaker 0418.76s - 424.18s

They were playing that were the club bands around here. I mean, we really weren't like any of the other bands that were out at that time, you know, rat.

Speaker 1424.28s - 430.4s

I mean, I think Motley Crew ORG was already bigger at that point. But, geez, I don't know. I can't remember all those.

Speaker 0430.52s - 435.02s

Because you weren't. Oh, yeah. But you weren't a heavier rock band.

Speaker 1435.04s - 475.96s

Not at all. So who would you play with? Because people would think you're kind of almost like a, not like a replacements, but bands that you would play like that. Yeah. It's alternative to the metal scene.You know, we played with weird bands. I mean, remembering off the top of my head, bands like DeMalls ORG. Let me see, we played with a white sister. I mean, black and blue.You played black and blue. I'm trying to think. We played with rat. That's why I remembered that. But a lot of times we headlined our own shows. You know, we were just one of those odd bands whereall the metal guys would go to our shows because the girls were at the shows, you know? And so, you know, a lot of times I've said they were just our own shows that we played.

Speaker 0476.28s - 481.98s

Because Candy ORG was a band that sort of used the cat house formula in the way of like, get the girls

Speaker 1481.98s - 485.82s

there and people will come. And Candy really was like and I don't want to say like a boy band, but it was a like get the girls there and people will come and candy PERSON really was like

Speaker 0485.82s - 490.5s

and i don't want to say like a boy band but it was a band that the girls all like different

Speaker 1490.5s - 499.82s

members like they did sort of in the Beatles ORG exactly very much so yeah everybody had their thing of which because the guys all kind of had their different personalities and there was a brief

Speaker 0499.82s - 505.76s

time that you left candy yes that's true and that's where I came into the picture. Do you know the whole story?

Speaker 1505.88s - 534.32s

Because you weren't there. Yeah, because I was, so things weren't, we had our major label record deal. We did our tour and all that kind of stuff. And we were on MTV ORG, believe it or not, but it was before MTV ORG really mattered.And so things weren't, the label wanted us to get rid of our singer. And it just, things just weren't working out. I always wanted to take the band in a harder, not a metal direction, but a harder rock division, a direction. But Kyle PERSON, you know, was a pop guy.

Speaker 0534.44s - 535.48s

He wanted to be more Barry Manolo PERSON.

Speaker 1535.48s - 562.18s

Yeah, exactly. He wanted to be more Barry Manolo PERSON. And I want to be more Billy Idol PERSON, you know. So when, I think there was a moment, actually, it was then where I was going to start another band, and the guys wanted to keep candy going. That's where they auditioned you, and they found Ryan PERSON.But Ryan PERSON was a guitar player, you know, so they were thinking about getting a new singer and a new guitar player. And then I ended up coming back and becoming the singer guitar player with Ryan PERSON on guitar.

Speaker 0562.68s - 580.6s

So what I was told happened is, and that's where I became, because I was good friends with, became good friends with Ryan Roxy PERSON, and I went to audition, and they didn't say that I would have gotten the gig, because I probably wouldn't have. But then you came into the picture and said, look, you guys don't have to audition a singer. You have one. I'm going to be the singer of candy.

Speaker 1580.6s - 609.72s

Yeah, yeah. Well, I think what it was, was I, when we used to have those fun bands like trash and stuff where we would do covers and things like that and, you know, guys from different bands and stuff would hang out and we'd have so much fun. And it always seemed like I was like the lead singer of that band. Like, I was always singing more songs. So it was kind of Jonathan PERSON's idea. He goes, you know what? Let's, you know, Gilby's not the best singer in the band, but at least he can be a front man and do all the other stuff. And also when they found Ryan, you know, it was like, Ryan was like a perfect fit for the band, you know, Gilby's not the best singer in the band, but at least he can be a frontman and do all the other stuff.And also when they found Ryan PERSON, you know, it was like Ryan PERSON was like a perfect fit for the band, you know.

Speaker 0613.18s - 614.2s

And this was probably around 1984, 85. Yes, I agree, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1614.2s - 616.12s

And this was a fun time in Hollywood GPE.

Speaker 0616.26s - 617.34s

I agree. I agree.

Speaker 1617.68s - 621.12s

There was so much different kind of music.

Speaker 0621.28s - 623.64s

I mean, definitely metal was king at that time,

Speaker 1623.7s - 633.08s

but it was definitely getting lighter, you know, with bands like Warrant ORG and, you know, that kind of stuff was coming in and the country club scene kind of came in, like...

Speaker 0633.08s - 640.7s

Which was a club in the San Fernando Valley, which is about 15 miles from Hollywood, but a million miles away in the way of culture.

Speaker 1640.94s - 645.06s

Exactly. But there was, there was so many different scenes because there was Cat House ORG.

Speaker 0645.72s - 645.86s

There was scream.

Speaker 1646.86s - 653.78s

There was white trash. There was Bordello PERSON. And it was also, like I said, that, you know, the country club scene. There was a lot going on back then.

Speaker 0655.88s - 656.2s

You would go out more than just the weekends.

Speaker 1657.44s - 657.76s

Actually, we would go out the weekend.

Speaker 2659.68s - 659.94s

Matter of fact, yeah, there was less to do on weekends.

Speaker 1661.1s - 664.46s

There was more to do during the week. So do you remember what it was like when Candy ORG was playing some of the clubs at this time?

Speaker 0664.78s - 664.98s


Speaker 1667.7s - 722.66s

I mean, I remember because we went through a lot of phases. Like said, before and when we got the record deal, things were going really, really well. We were, like I said, we were headlining the palace, the whiskey. And I remember the whiskey closed for a while. Do you remember this? And they did, the whiskey did a best of, like for a week. They had all the big bands that headlined the whiskey over the years in Candy actually headlined one of those nights.And I do remember those shows. Like I remember, it's so funny, I look back on them now, and it's so funny. Like, we didn't have, like, roadies and tax and things like that. You know, we carried our gear in the back of our car to play a headlining show at the whiskey and things like that. But I do remember the camaraderie. I just remember guys used to always come to the show. I saw you at the shows.I remember the G&R guys like Slash came to the show all the time, Tamey PERSON. I mean, granted, you guys probably weren't there to see candy. You were there to see candy.

Speaker 0722.66s - 723.84s

I was there to see candy.

Speaker 1724.1s - 729.38s

I like candy. I'd wear candy T t-shirts the time that the whiskey was closed

Speaker 0729.38s - 745.84s

was the time that the whiskey became a dance club for a short time and i was and i don't know if you well because you don't listen to any podcast whatsoever but the time that the whiskey was a dance club i was a dj this girl trina PERSON came down grabbed down, grabbed me. I was DJing. She goes,

Speaker 2745.9s - 749.66s

I'm having an after party. I went to her after party, and that's where I met Tamey PERSON.

Speaker 0749.86s - 754.26s

Oh, wow. So that's how all that stuff. So it's fun when I talk to somebody, especially like you,

Speaker 2754.66s - 760.8s

that all these things that they all kind of branched out, but so much of it circled into just

Speaker 0760.8s - 765.48s

a moments of happenstance. Yes. You know, that if I didn't go try to audition for candy,

Speaker 2765.58s - 766.56s

I might not have met Ryan PERSON,

Speaker 1766.62s - 771.08s

might not have met, you know, if I wasn't DJ at that point. Well, actually, Ryan was the one who brought me to Ice.

Speaker 0771.66s - 772.6s

The first time I met you.

Speaker 1772.6s - 772.62s


Speaker 0772.82s - 777.78s

ICE ORG was a dance club, but I was a DJ. I was like a rock DJ, but wasn't playing rock and roll.

Speaker 1777.9s - 780.66s

It was not our scene. Yeah. But we didn't care about that.

Speaker 0780.74s - 787.84s

We went for the girls once again. We went for the girls. We had a great time. So do you remember around? Okay, so Candy ORG's playing.

Speaker 2788.14s - 796.48s

Then comes 1986. And I knew you. I knew Ryan PERSON very well. Steve West PERSON was hanging out sort of a little bit with us.

Speaker 1796.88s - 801.96s

And I decided to open up Cat House ORG. Do you remember the first time that you came to Cat House ORG? Absolutely.

Speaker 0802.38s - 802.72s

You do?

Speaker 1802.8s - 807.26s

Yes, I do. Yes. I remember, first of all, it wasn't real crowded. No.

Speaker 0807.26s - 811.16s

The first night, the first night was 100 and something. Second night was 59 people.

Speaker 1811.28s - 811.76s

I remember that.

Speaker 0812.32s - 820.44s

And at this point, just so people know, a point of reference, this is the most famous location was on 836 North Highland.

Speaker 1820.84s - 832.02s

The first year, it was at the Osco's disco, which you can see in the movie, thank God it's Friday, and we've talked about. It's in Beverly Hills GPE, which is now a mall. Yeah, we spent a lot of time at Osco's ORG, you know, that, yeah, that was great because they had the

Speaker 0832.02s - 837.6s

upstairs too, and it was a weird, I don't even remember if there was a stage there or it's just

Speaker 2837.6s - 843.62s

kind of a weird design is what it was. But what I remember was you had the little membership

Speaker 0843.62s - 847.2s

cards. And I'm sure I'm probably still have.

Speaker 2847.2s - 849.5s

I don't think the membership card started at that club.

Speaker 1849.96s - 850.68s

Yes, I did.

Speaker 0850.68s - 853.22s

No, I'm pretty sure they stuck.

Speaker 1853.32s - 853.82s

You know what?

Speaker 0853.82s - 856.46s

You would know better than me, but I'm not necessarily, Gilby.

Speaker 1856.66s - 859.6s

Not necessarily. Well, I remember getting the membership card.

Speaker 0859.86s - 877.78s

And I remember, I don't remember if I had like six or nine, but I had one of the first 10 ones and stuff. And I remember finding that. I mean, I haven't seen it in a few years, but I remember I still have that card somewhere in my stuff. Do you remember what the old club was like? Like when you would walk in the, do you remember the stairway at all?

Speaker 1878.06s - 882.52s

Yeah, yeah. Would yours, did we enter through the back stairway?

Speaker 0882.62s - 883.1s


Speaker 1883.52s - 899.6s

We'd enter through that back stairway that was on Lasiena FAC. Yeah. Which was a dilapidated stairway. Yeah, yeah. Well, that whole place. The whole thing was like your leg could fall through the floor at any time.Yeah, yeah. I don't think I've ever seen that club in with light. You probably have, but, you know, it was definitely.

Speaker 0899.6s - 899.88s

I don't remember.

Speaker 1900.8s - 921.36s

Definitely, you know, look good in a dark. But I remember we played, and I don't remember if it was Cat House or if it was like a white trash night. But we did some acoustic show, and I was in Kill for Thrills ORG. And we did it there. It was definitely at Oscos FAC. It was definitely upstairs.That's why I don't think it was white trash. I'm pretty sure it was a Cat House night.

Speaker 0921.36s - 931.7s

Did you ever do like an acoustic night? Which is funny because, and maybe now I figured out who it was, the first time we ever had a band play the Cat House because the Cat House FAC was a rock dance club.

Speaker 1931.94s - 945.34s

People would show up, our Joseph PERSON would be the DJ, and the dance would be packed. People were dancing and going crazy. But the one night we decided to do a Christmas party was when Guns and Roses had the EP Live Like a Suicide WORK_OF_ART. So we made that the record release party, and we had acoustic, this is before MTV Unplug. decided to do a Christmas party was when Guns and Roses had the EP Live Like Suicide WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 2948.2s - 950.56s

So we made that the record release party and we had acoustic. This is before MTV ORG unplug. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 1955.24s - 955.36s

We had Guns and Roses, Faster Pussycat, L.A. Guns, Jet Boy ORG.

Speaker 2955.64s - 959.2s

Wow. And I wonder if you were the surprise guest.

Speaker 1962.08s - 962.18s

It might have been because I remember playing the acoustic show there.

Speaker 0962.3s - 964.28s

Yeah. And it was definitely kill for thrills.

Speaker 1964.92s - 979.8s

It's weird. But what I really remember were the earlier nights where it wasn't that crowded and listening to the music. I mean, of course, Joseph, you know, every time I walked in, he would play the Archie PERSON song, you know, or some, you know, bass city roller song or something like that.

Speaker 2980s - 991.1s

So it was always funny. You know, it's like I always seem to, you know, go see Joseph first and then walk around. But yeah, I remember the earlier days, like I always seemed to, you know, go see Joseph first and then walk around. But yeah, I remember the earlier days, like I said, where it wasn't that crowded before it really took off.

Speaker 1994.8s - 998.64s

My memories of the crazy nights were the Highland nights. Which, which we'll get to because we were at the 836 North Highland.

Speaker 0998.94s - 1001.3s

I mean, we're at the Los Yeniga location for one year.

Speaker 11001.5s - 1006.4s

That place eventually got low because it just wasn't sanitary. Yeah, yeah. It was.

Speaker 21007.12s - 1022.48s

And we moved to 836 North Highland in 1987. Wow. And that's really when not only everything changed for the Cat House FAC, but everything changed for music altogether. 1987, what do you remember about the L.A. GPE music scene at this point?

Speaker 11022.48s - 1053.82s

Well, once again, it was really getting nuts. There were so many bands that I would see these huge ads in the magazines, L.A. Weekly or BAM ORG or whatever, that I've never seen before. I've never heard of them before. But apparently they were headlining, once again, whether it was the Trubidor or the Country Club ORG or whatever. But there were so many bands.But what I remember was it was kind of a small group of guys that had been around Hollywood GPE for a long time, and we knew everybody, these people weren't all from Hollywood GPE.

Speaker 01054.24s - 1055.08s

No, definitely not.

Speaker 11055.12s - 1073.3s

They definitely weren't. You know, like said, bands were coming up, and I was like, I don't know this band. Like, how come they're selling out this place? Or are they really selling out this place? So I just remember really being confused.But I did feel like there was a core group of guys that really were the Hollywood GPE guys that were been there the whole time.

Speaker 01073.34s - 1079.02s

There was a big difference between the bands and, you know, selfishly, I like to call it the cat house scene.

Speaker 11079.1s - 1083.82s

Yeah. That I lump in the guns and roses, L.A. guns, Faster Pussy Cat, Jet, Boy, Junkard ORG, all those in the cat.

Speaker 21083.82s - 1084.08s

I agree.

Speaker 11084.52s - 1085s

In the cat. And that wasn't the same as the Sunset Strip with the warrants and Roses, L.A. Guns, Faster Pussy Cat, Jet, Boy, Junkard ORG, all those. I agree. In the cat.

Speaker 21085.12s - 1090.5s

And that wasn't the same as the sunset strip, the warrants, and the stuff like that.

Speaker 11090.72s - 1113.86s

People seem to lump that all in together, the Cat House days with the Sunset Strip LOC and all that. And I agree. It really was different. Cat House ORG, you know, was a dirtier club. Like you said, it really was more, you know, of Guns and Roses and Faster Pussy Again WORK_OF_ART. That's what I always thought of it like, you know. I mean,the first time I saw there's the Black Crows ORG, right? Black Rose ORG play there and Allison

Speaker 01113.86s - 1134.12s

Chains, I remember that. I remember Allison Chains ORG seen them and it was it was like, I almost like didn't understand it. You know, they were, like to me they sounded more like Black Sabbath ORG, you know, and it didn't like it wasn't adding up to me. Like I liked it. You know, they were, like, to me, they sounded more like Black Sabbath ORG, you know, and it didn't, like, it wasn't adding up to me.Like, I liked it. I could tell the songs were really good and stuff, but I wasn't, you know, really getting the idea of what they were doing.

Speaker 11134.16s - 1135.48s

Do you know who opened up for him that night?

Speaker 01135.48s - 1135.92s

No, I don't.

Speaker 11136.08s - 1136.62s

You don't.

Speaker 01136.7s - 1139.9s

See, because you don't listen to the show. A band called Mukie Blaylock ORG.

Speaker 11139.96s - 1141.44s

Mookie Blaylock, yeah, yeah, exactly.

Speaker 01141.44s - 1142.06s

Which ended up becoming.

Speaker 11142.96s - 1146.32s

Well, Pearl Jam ORG, But they were, exactly.

Speaker 01146.58s - 1150.72s

It was Pearl Jam ORG. Yeah. It was the band they started because of their mother love bone.

Speaker 11150.82s - 1192.86s

Yeah. Because Andrew Wood PERSON passed away. And I have a Mother Love Bone story. So Kill for Thrills ORG. We had our major label deal and we were going to go out on tour. And Rip Magazine ORG was presenting our tour.And it was like three LA band or three new bands or something and it was Mother Love Bone, Junkyard and Kill for Thrills ORG. And we had this tour as all set in everything and a week before the tour, you know, he died. And they tried to resurrect that tour like still make it happen with different bands and stuff, but it never happened. It actually never ever happened.But that was our big break. I think it was a big break for all those bands because we were all on the same level at that time.

Speaker 01192.86s - 1195.52s

And for people that don't know about Mother Lovebone ORG,

Speaker 11195.66s - 1205.98s

you would have known because Mother Lovebone ORG would have been with the Allison Chains and the Sound Gardens and the Pearl Jams ORG. And they were really, really good. They were very, very good. I never saw them play live.

Speaker 01206.2s - 1213.72s

I did see him play, but I don't remember where it was. So around 1987, all of our friends are getting record deals.

Speaker 11213.86s - 1221.34s

Things are changing right away. Where are you in 1987? Financially, job-wise. I was in Kill for Thrills ORG.

Speaker 01221.5s - 1232.88s

I mean, financially, I was probably, there were those years, too, where all of us were working at Madam Wongs ORG. Right. You know, Jonathan PERSON. Madam Wongs was a nightclub that was sort of by Santa Monica GPE.

Speaker 11233.04s - 1236.48s

That I ended up doing a party at once a year. Yeah. Well, I'm getting married there.

Speaker 01236.56s - 1236.84s


Speaker 11237.1s - 1242.02s

But it was more of the alternative bands, like the motels.

Speaker 01242.24s - 1249.68s

Smithereens ORG. Smithereens ORG, the police, police you know early on and stuff bands like that would play there uh berlin GPE you know it really wasn't uh you know

Speaker 11249.68s - 1278.4s

like a rock club you know but but i mean rock bands did play guns and roses ORG played there you know i think everybody played there at one time but you were working there i worked that i did sound so my like day job when it was a night job you know to get by uh i did sound at a lot of theclubs i did all of them i you know like i did wongs I did sound at a lot of the clubs. I did all of them. You know, like I said, I did Wong's ORG, both of them. Chinatown FAC. I did the whiskey. I did the roxy. I did lingerie for a long time.Geez, I don't even remember all the places. But yeah, but that was kind of my day job to make some money.

Speaker 01282.06s - 1282.52s

But you were the guy back then that everybody, like you'd play.

Speaker 11288.18s - 1293.82s

We'd always get up on stage and play with everybody. Everybody would get up on stage. was always my go-to was what was my go-to song that's the only song they'd ever let me sing this was cheap trick surrender

Speaker 21293.82s - 1298.24s

that's the only like for like decades for decades it was like oh riggies here i guess we'll

Speaker 11298.24s - 1306.32s

have to do cheap trick surrender what are some of the bands that you remember playing at the cat house in the early days you mentioned the well once, yeah, I do remember the Black Crows ORG.

Speaker 01306.66s - 1308.4s

What was your impression when you saw the Black Crows ORG?

Speaker 11308.4s - 1340.84s

I loved them because they were Stonesy NORP, you know? Like, I thought they were fantastic. I mean, you could tell, once again, the good bands, you could tell right away they were good, you know. Allison Chains, like I said, it was kind of something was dark about that whole night. Like, it just, it was hard to wrap my head around what that band was. Because the bass player, Mike was like a metal my head around what that band was because the bass playerMike was like a metal kid you know, but the singer wasn't, you know, it was definitely, um,in odd, odd bearing. Um, who else do I remember? I don't think I saw guns at the cat house. I honestly can't remember that. Cat House ORG was open.

Speaker 01340.92s - 1344.72s

There were only two people that were ever snuck into the club underage. One was John 5.

Speaker 11344.9s - 1349.7s

Yeah. And one was John PERSON 5. Yeah. And one was Daniela PERSON. You have been married to Daniela PERSON for how long? 28 years.

Speaker 01349.84s - 1350.96s

28 years.

Speaker 11351.04s - 1359.32s

Isn't that nuts? So you were going out with her, how long? She's 28. So it's probably like about 35, 36 years. Yeah.

Speaker 01359.94s - 1361.88s

Wait a minute. Yeah. Okay.

Speaker 11362s - 1364.12s

Well, she wasn't old enough to get in back then.

Speaker 01364.12s - 1373.16s

Right. And just to put that story in perspective, when I met Daniela PERSON, the first thing I asked her was how old she was.

Speaker 11373.24s - 1377.28s

Right. And she lied to me. Right. She told me she was 18 and she was 16.

Speaker 01377.48s - 1379.26s

And he was 35 at the time.

Speaker 11379.48s - 1413.12s

Yeah, I was 35. I think I was 21. Right. So there were years of that relationship. I honestly did not know how old Daniela PERSON was truthfully until we got married, which was like six years later or something.So her, Daniela was born in Israel GPE, but grew up in South Africa GPE. So her reason to me of not having an ID was, well, I grew up in South Africa GPE.I don't have a driver's license and blah, blah, blah. She never had that ID and she was too young to get in Cat House ORG. So it was always like, Ricky, Keith, please. Can Danielle she wants to come tonight? So she had

Speaker 01413.12s - 1423.56s

to go in through the back door. Right. And they're still married, even though it was a relationship that was based on lies. Yes. It's still together through all the Cat House ORG here and everything.

Speaker 11423.72s - 1430.42s

We're going to take a break for just a minute. A matter of fact, we're going to take a coffee break, if you will. Some of you know where I'm going with this, right?

Speaker 01431.14s - 1515.64s

You know, a lot of bands have been releasing their own coffee. Have you noticed that lately? Every band has their own coffee. When you pick up one of those bags, look on it. You know what you'll see? The name of another coffee company.You see, all they do is just license their name off to some coffee company and they just make the coffee. Do they really care about what goes in the bag? If you pick up a bag of Cat House coffee, you know what other name you're going to see on it? None. Cat House Coffee, because we are there every step of the way. Leah Vendette PERSON and I were there when we picked out the beans, picked out the blend, are there for the roasting. Pick it up in Mooresville, North Carolina GPE. We take it to the Cat House South Office in Mooresville, North Carolina GPE, put the stickers on the bag, and Karen PERSON ships it out. And we ship it out fresh.Arabica PRODUCT, small, craft roasted, a specialty coffee. Try Cathouse Coffee ORG. Go to Cathousecoffee.com and use the code Hollywood GPE 3. And you'll get 10% off your entire order. That's cathouse ORG coffee.com. I'm reminiscing with my friend Gilby Clark PERSON.And it's weird to go back at that time because I think that we were just living in a time that that is that is so special to so many people, especially us that were there. I mean, we had a really good time back then, didn't we?

Speaker 11515.88s - 1541.22s

Oh, yeah, yeah. I mean, once again, we always say this, but it really was nuts because I don't, besides those early days at Osco's ORG, I don't, I don't ever remember walking in that door that that place wasn't packed. It was packed always, you know, in the beginning to the end years at whenever it went to Highland GPE, it was packed. I mean, I always remember when I walked in, the first thing I did was hang out with Colleen PERSON at the front

Speaker 01541.22s - 1585.36s

and then I go upstairs and hang out with Marina PERSON. Who was in the coach. At the coat check. And that's kind of my thing. Go see Joseph PERSON. You know, you were always running around doing something, you know.But, but yeah, I mean, I was kind of, like I said, I almost felt like an employee, to be honest, you know,because it really was. I knew everybody there. I knew the bartenders, everything. But yeah, I mean,like from my perspective of playing a show there, there were definitely a lot of girls there, you know? And it was, you know, pretty hot girls. They always look good. They dressed the part.Whether they were Hollywood girls or Valley girls or, you know, the Inland Empire GPE, I don't know. But they definitely dressed the part. The other thing about the cat house, when you'd walk in, something that we really never talk about much on the podcast is the motorcycles

Speaker 11585.36s - 1597.06s

because this was when the motorcycle culture was really starting and you know gilby PERSON and i have ridden all over and we've probably ridden 100 000 miles together oh yeah absolutely in all the years

Speaker 21597.06s - 1602.08s

and stir just so many times and so many rides but we didn't start with the most glamorous

Speaker 11602.08s - 1606.68s

motorcycle journey in our very beginning but But the toughest motorcycles we had.

Speaker 21606.78s - 1607.06s

That's right.

Speaker 11607.4s - 1609.52s

The 250 Ccc Honda Rebel PRODUCT.

Speaker 21609.64s - 1610.24s

Honda Rebel PRODUCT.

Speaker 11610.56s - 1613.56s

And for people that don't know a motorcycle, Harley has how many C Csys PRODUCT?

Speaker 21613.9s - 1615.32s

Well, at least a thousand.

Speaker 11615.4s - 1616.18s

At least a thousand.

Speaker 01616.42s - 1616.54s


Speaker 11616.72s - 1620.12s

So if you take about five Honda Rebels PRODUCT, five Honda Rebels,

Speaker 01620.36s - 1629.06s

is a little bit less than the amount of CCs that one Harley Davidson ORG has. But I don't remember if we wrote our rebels to the Cat House FAC.

Speaker 11629.06s - 1630.62s

We always had to park kind of at the end.

Speaker 01630.88s - 1637.2s

Right. We didn't really pull up right to the front. You know, we always kind of pulled up and left them down at the end where they blended in.

Speaker 11637.34s - 1638.7s

But the reason is we didn't have money.

Speaker 01638.86s - 1639.92s

No, we didn't have enough money.

Speaker 11640.02s - 1641.32s

We never, I mean, come on.

Speaker 01641.38s - 1645.18s

I mean, a Harley was still, as it is today, an expensive bike to buy, you know.

Speaker 11645.26s - 1650.72s

But once the whole Harley thing kind of took off in the 90s, you'd go to Cat House ORG and it was like bikes.

Speaker 01651s - 1653.12s

Oh, the second you walked in, it was just a lineup.

Speaker 11653.12s - 1695.68s

I mean, to be honest, I look so forward to riding my bike to Cat House ORG. I mean, I'd be honest, all week I looked forward to that. That ride there was so much fun and the pull up and that. And it was great. I mean, years later, obviously, we did have Harleys PRODUCT and stuff and we got the pull up and that and uh it was great i mean years later obviously we did have harleys and stuff and we got to pull up with our harleys and it was just so much fun because there was also um you know guys can be competitive you know in the music world abouttheir bands and my band's better my band's bigger whatever but that motorcycle camaraderie was really cool you know a lot like said a lot of us guys that had the bikes out front, we stood out front hanging out on the bikes and talking on them and, you know, have girls sit on the bikes and things like that. It was definitely like a different world besides the music.

Speaker 01696.3s - 1701.42s

And it also made it cool because when you'd show up at the cat house, before you ever walked in the door, there was a vibe.

Speaker 11701.58s - 1727.8s

Because when you walk outside and you see 40, 50 motorcycles. And the other thing, it wasn't like a lot of people spending a lot of money on crazy motorcycles. No, no, no. It was some people with their cool bikes. And so we had that feeling of the bikers from the second that you walked into the club.Yeah. Now, there was a time for you that you were working at Madam Woggs ORG. And this was probably in the late 80s, I'm guessing, where the finances weren't so great. Oh, no, yeah, oh, yeah.

Speaker 01727.8s - 1734.72s

I mean, beyond all the 80s to the 90s, up until the G&R years, I mean, we were always struggling, always.

Speaker 11735.34s - 1736.76s

Then out of nowhere, you get a call.

Speaker 01737.04s - 1737.3s


Speaker 11737.4s - 1738.1s

How does this happen?

Speaker 01738.56s - 1740.82s

How does the call from Slash happen?

Speaker 11741.14s - 1742.8s

Well, this is about 91.

Speaker 01743.78s - 1745.8s

I had, so after Kill for Thrills ORG,

Speaker 11745.92s - 1748.62s

I had a band called the Blackouts ORG. And it was,

Speaker 01748.62s - 1757.12s

yeah, yeah, it wasn't around for very much, for very long. It was definitely, when did Cat House ORG close?What year? 92 or three.

Speaker 11757.22s - 1765.9s

Okay, so this was, like I said, it was 91 is when it was because we played, I don't think we, yes, we did play Cat House ORG.Blackhouse played Cat House ORG we did

Speaker 21765.9s - 1766.9s

I'm positive

Speaker 01766.9s - 1781.3s

I'm positive I remember we played like the coconut teaser we were more you know we were definitely more like on the black crows kind of sideJoe Dogg PERSON from Dogs DeMore was in the band with me

Speaker 11781.3s - 1818.86s

things weren't really going very well like you know Kill for Thrills ORG was candy and Kill for Thrills was fairly easy getting a record deal. It happened pretty quickly. But the blackouts, we thought it would be a lot easier getting a record deal, but we didn't.Matter of fact, the song that I shopped on the demo was Tijuana Jail WORK_OF_ART, which became a song on my first solo record. So there was word around town in 91 that Izzy PERSON was quitting G&R. Now, you got to remember, 91 in Guns and Roses was getting a little detached from the Hollywood GPE scene. To be honest, I didn't even know the illusion records were coming out. They became like the biggest band in the world and kind of lost touch to me.

Speaker 01819s - 1819.98s

Which was weird.

Speaker 11820.2s - 1829.14s

Yeah. Because this was a band from the Cat House ORG scene. And all of our friends, I mean, it was like, it was kind of weird that pretty much everybody we knew had like at least gold records.

Speaker 21829.28s - 1841.52s

Yeah, oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. With L.A. Guns and Faster PRODUCT. Absolutely. I don't think Jet Boy ORG went gold, but they saw it hit. Yeah.That everybody we knew kind of had hit records, even poison for that matter. Yeah. But then Guns and Rose ORG took it to a whole other level,

Speaker 11841.52s - 1851.28s

which was always surreal to me, still sometimes when you walk into a sporting event that plays Welcome to the Jungle WORK_OF_ART. Yeah, yeah. You know, I don't know how it is for you. I don't even think about it.

Speaker 01851.32s - 1890.24s

Yeah. But I think it was when, like, Paradise City GPE came out and you saw them playing in front of that huge audience. For me, anyway, like I said, I love that first record. Like everybody loved that first record. You know, like I said, and then Dizzy came in the band and Matt PERSON came in the band. There were some changes in the band.So, be honest, I wasn't paying attention as much as I did before. So word was out that Izzy PERSON was leaving the band. And I remember, I go, God, you know, who are they going to get and stuff? So I called Josh Richmond PERSON. Josh has been around for, and I've known Josh once again about as long. I went to acting classes with Josh in like 81 or something.

Speaker 11890.82s - 1984.06s

So I called Josh PERSON because I know he'd been working with him. I go, hey man, what's going on and stuff? He goes, yeah, it looks like Izzy PERSON's going to leave. And I go, well, if they're looking for a guitar player, throw my name in the hat. And sure enough, I was working at the lingerie doing sound. And I came home at like two in the morning. Danielle goes, hey, slash called the lingerie doing sound. And I came home at like two in the morning. Danielle PERSON goes, hey, slash called. I go, slash PERSON.And then put two and two together. What was he calling me for? So I checked the message. And he goes, yeah, we're looking for a new guitar player. He didn't give me any more information. He goes, can you come down to play with us?And it was that day. Like, he called me that night, but I wasn't around. He goes, come this afternoon and play two or three songs with us. I literally listened to the songs in a cassette on the way and, like, didn't play on my guitar, was just hearing them in my head. And I played with them.I played like three songs with Matt Duff and Slash. And it went well. You know, it just seemed really, really natural. And that happened again. And let me clear this up. After that rehearsal, I went back home with Joe Dogg PERSON.And Joe Dogg PERSON, you know, I said was in the black house. He was in Dogs to Moore PERSON. And when I ran into him, he says, he goes, oh, my God, I just got a call from Slash. You know, they're looking for a guitar player. And I'm going, oh, they are. I just got back from rehearsing with them.So my thought was, oh, I guess I didn't get the gig. They're calling Joe PERSON. Sure enough, by the time I got home, I got another call from Slash. He goes, hey, can you come down again tomorrow? So I did that for three days. I played with them.Didn't hear anything from them. And then the next Monday came along. And this is a true story. I'm sitting in my apartment.

Speaker 01984.66s - 1986.96s

Before you tell the story, tell me about the apartment.

Speaker 11987.34s - 1988.16s

Tell me your finances.

Speaker 01988.36s - 1993.42s

The apartment was on Alfred off of Melrose Place in Hollywood GPE.

Speaker 11994.36s - 1996.86s

It was, did you know where that is?

Speaker 01997.4s - 2003.94s

Alfred was basically one block east of La Cianoga, and it was off of Melrose Place FAC.

Speaker 12004.02s - 2005.4s

Not Melrose, Melrose Place FAC.

Speaker 02005.58s - 2007.24s

Remember that tiny little street there? Yes, yes, yes.

Speaker 12007.6s - 2019.1s

So Danielle and I had a little one-bedroom apartment there. And back in those days, I'm sure you did the same thing. MTV ORG was always on on your TV, but the sound was probably never on.

Speaker 02019.1s - 2020.26s

Yeah, it was a fish aquarium.

Speaker 12020.36s - 2023.14s

Yeah, exactly. It was a fish aquarium. That's what I've always explained it.

Speaker 02023.44s - 2027.46s

So I'm sitting on the phone and of all people who am I talking to, Ryan Roxy PERSON.

Speaker 12027.94s - 2053.94s

I'm on the phone and Ryan PERSON and I weren't in a band together at that time. We were still friends. Talking to Ryan on the phone and as I'm talking to him, I look up and my picture is on MTV ORG on the news thing. I swear to God, this is true. And I look up and go, what the fuck? Next thing now I get a beep.I go, hey, Ryan PERSON, I got to take this. And on the line, it's slash. He goes, hey, man, you got the gig. Learn all the songs. We're leaving next week. I swear to God, he goes, all right.And I go, and he hung up.

Speaker 02054.1s - 2056.82s

So you were in the band before you even, they knew anything.

Speaker 12057.02s - 2061.12s

They had already issued a press release. They already announced it. Yeah. So then I clicked over.

Speaker 02061.22s - 2065.4s

You found out you were in Guns and Rolls by seeing a picture of you on MTV News ORG.

Speaker 12065.56s - 2073.88s

Yeah, I swear to God. That's the first thing that I found out. And so I clicked over to Ryan PERSON. I go, hey, Ryan, you're not going to believe this, but I got the G&R ORG game. What at your stomach? I mean, did you?

Speaker 02074.38s - 2106.56s

You know, I'm not a nervous person. I'm not a nervous person. There was so many things I was thinking of. I mean, the reality of what I was thinking of is I got to learn 50 songs in a week and play, you know, an arena show with these guys next Monday is my first show with them. And I got to learn 50 songs. And by the way, we didn't, I didn't rehearse with them. You know, they just said learn the catalog and left me with that. It wasn't like learn the set list, which would be 25 songs. It's no, learn 50 songs.

Speaker 12106.98s - 2113.5s

That's what I was thinking of. And I wasn't nervous. I was just like, if I want this gig, this is what I have to do to get it, you know?

Speaker 02113.9s - 2124.9s

Our perspective, and I speak of the L.A. GPE scene, Gilby was the guy that was everybody's friend because you got along with everybody and you were the guythat wasn't in the band that got the gold record. That's true.

Speaker 12124.9s - 2127.18s

Everybody else had all their bands.

Speaker 22127.9s - 2132s

And so when people said like, when they said like, yeah, Gilby got the job filling in for

Speaker 12132s - 2136.36s

guns and roses, everybody was stoked because like, oh good, our friend Gilby got like,

Speaker 22136.48s - 2137.86s

because everybody else got a break.

Speaker 12137.98s - 2138.72s

Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 22138.82s - 2142.34s

Because pretty much, if I look, all of my friends that were musicians, everybody

Speaker 12142.34s - 2145.16s

even like Ryan Roxy, who's still out on the road with Alice Cooper PERSON.

Speaker 22145.26s - 2145.68s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 02145.88s - 2147.42s

Everybody got gigs.

Speaker 22147.42s - 2155.78s

So we're all happy because Gilby got the gig playing with Guns and Roses ORG. Yeah. So the first show was...

Speaker 12155.78s - 2191.98s

First show was in Boston GPE. And I remember this because another Ryan PERSON thing, but I believe it was electric angels. I'm pretty sure it was electric angels. So I got to Boston GPE for the very, you actually were playing two nights in Boston GPE. And when I got there,the electric angel guys were in town playing at a show in town like the night before. So I went out with all the guys, like, you know, with Jonathan, John and Ryan PERSON and all the guys that hung out with them. And it's the first time I ever drank Yeagermeister PRODUCT. They were drinking Yeagermeister PRODUCT. Oh, Yeager PERSON.This is great. Just cough syrup. I kept drinking. I got so hammered.

Speaker 02192.22s - 2195.42s

Which in my whole time, I'm trying to think if I've seen you hammered.

Speaker 12195.46s - 2235.18s

No, nobody's seen me hammered. I always know when to stop, you know. I hope I do. So hanging out with the guys all night, what was good about that was I got hammered. And the next day I had the worst Yeagermeister PRODUCT hangover. And I think that that hangover took the edge off for me.I really do because it didn't go away. Like all day. Like it didn't go away. And there's so many other things that go through your mind besides, you know, oh my God, I got to remember all these songs. But other things like, like, you know, what do you wear? It's not like there's uniforms, you know. It's i got to remember all these songs um but other things like likeyou know what do you wear it's not like there's uniforms you know it's like this guns and roses i mean we all wore what we wore we like we didn't have stage clothes we but you still spent a lot of time

Speaker 02235.18s - 2238.72s

to look like you don't care what you're wearing oh absolutely i mean we you know we we looked at

Speaker 12238.72s - 2260.68s

what keith richards was wearing and we go okay let's get the black pants the scarf but yeah i mean even things like that i mean if you know that guns guys from back then, it wasn't one of those bands that really talked a lot amongst each other. Everybody was kind of in their own world. I mean, the band besides Axel PERSON hung out a lot together, but it's not like I can really go, hey, slash, what do I wear tonight?I mean, that's not cool.

Speaker 22261.02s - 2286.62s

You know, it's just not cool. So it's just things like that was stuff that was on my mind. You know, what the, what the fun do I wear tonight? You know, what, you know, what guitar? I didn't, you know, these guys had already been out for a couple months, you know, and the illusion records were just coming out. But, you know, I didn't have enough guitars. I really only had four guitars to my name. You know, slash probably had 20 on the road with him, you know. So it's, you know, things like that were the things that I was thinking of at that time.

Speaker 02286.82s - 2290.22s

The first time you walked on stage, obviously, was the biggest state crowd you've ever.

Speaker 12290.58s - 2294.86s

Well, no, that's not true. In Candy, we opened for Rick Springfield PERSON on a tour, so we did play arenas.

Speaker 02295.18s - 2300.46s

But headlining, it was by far the biggest show is a headlining band. Were you nervous walking out there?

Speaker 12300.84s - 2328.96s

No, never. Yeah, I'm not nervous, Ricky PERSON. It's so odd because I'm just not a nervous person. Like I was excited. I was anxious. Like I was like ready. Like I'm fucking ready for this. I mean, my whole life, like you said, everybody else got gold records. I, you know, this is my moment. What was odd is when I got out there, the audience was so receptive. And I really believe that just because Izzy PERSON and I don't look that different, people really didn't know Izzy PERSON wasn't in the band.

Speaker 02328.96s - 2344.22s

And I think that that, like Slash had always said back then, he was really amazed at how that transition went so smoothly. You know, it was just kind of accepted. Like people didn't, you know, rebel about it and stuff. And it was a big move for the band.

Speaker 12347.62s - 2415.66s

But what I didn't realize was what i never done before all the bands i've ever been in we barely played even a headline set 45 minutes maybe an hour they played for three hours and when i didn't realize about that as a musician or a singer you rarely eat right before the show because you don't want to feel heavy and stuff like that you know so like i hadn't eaten for a couple hours before the show you know went and during the show and the show's going on the show's going on and the show's going on and like i'm getting hungry like like like you know we're drinking too the band was big drinkers i'm drinking i'm like i go this is a different buzz you knowand uh and finally i said to my guitar tech you know i said hey man i'm starving can you go get me some pizza or something of course he went and got me the pizza matt is doing a drum solo and one by one all the guys whether it was duff slash or axel was coming out to man dude are you okay like they're you know really because are you okay is everything going well and stuff and when axel came and check i mean i literally had a piece of pizza in my mouth going yeah i'm fine what's going on, don't worry about me.I'm fine. I was just fucking starving. That's all. And that's what I remember about the first show, you know, is I had a terrible hangover. I was hungry and it was really fun.

Speaker 02416.22s - 2423.88s

There wasn't a lot of time in between being Gilby that some people knew from these bands to walking out and being like Gilby Clark

Speaker 12423.88s - 2445.62s

and Guns and Roses. Like it happened, did it like really hit really hit you quickly like all of a sudden it's like gilby um i don't it no it didn't hit me quickly it didn't um to be honest i didn't i don't think about things like that it just i mean also you know we go through our lives like i'm sure once you you know had cat house had Headbanger's Ball FAC, you were recognized more.

Speaker 02445.88s - 2447.96s

And you get used to it. You get used to when

Speaker 12447.96s - 2482.68s

you go to the gas station and somebody's looking. You know, you just kind of got you, you don't always assume, oh, everybody knows who I am. But even in the early Hollywood days, like you said, I've been around for a while. I've been in a couple bands. I mean, you know, if you werearound Hollywood GPE, I knew people. I knew guys at the gas station at the grocery store. So I was kind of used to that. I mean, granted, this is a whole different level. You know, it was, uh, I mean, you know, that band was huge, you know, but I still think that, you know, people knew who slash was. I knew who Axel PERSON was. You know, we still, you know, I still had a little bit, you know, that people didn't know who it was. So all of a sudden

Speaker 02482.68s - 2490.32s

you went from, you know, living in your apartment. All of a sudden, you're making some good money being with guns and roses. And then I come into the picture to fuck everything up.

Speaker 12490.44s - 2491.16s

Yes, he did.

Speaker 02491.24s - 2523.02s

You ruined my... All right. So, how does this happen? So, I mean, obviously, there were a lot of things going on during those days. You played how many shows with Guns and Roses ORG? Well, at that time, I don't remember if it was...I've been in a band from maybe a year. But remember, that tour was a two and a half year. Yeah. And we were on, now, also, that tour was so long, we never had long breaks ever. Like, it was, the longest break was maybe two weeks,you know, in between an American run to like a European NORP run or something. We never had a lot of time off.

Speaker 12523.8s - 2550.5s

And we had an unexpected break. We were playing in the Midwest somewhere. And Axel PERSON, something happened or whatever, but the show was cut short. So we went home before we were about to start the next leg of dates. Like we had like a week off or something. And I remember you calling me and go, hey, we have this celebrity motorcycle race,motorcross race that we're doing. I know you ride, you know, you basically called all your friends that rode motorcycles.

Speaker 02550.82s - 2552.38s

That rode motorcycles on the street.

Speaker 12552.52s - 2552.92s

Yeah, street.

Speaker 02553.16s - 2555.58s

We didn't have any dirt really know what we were doing on dirt.

Speaker 12555.58s - 2561.62s

But I think all of us thought motorcross, what's the big deal? We all grew up on it. We were younger.

Speaker 02561.74s - 2576.88s

But it is a different level at that time. And I said, yeah, that sounds like fun. Now, Daniela PERSON did caution me and go, what are you doing riding motocross? You know how I go, Danielle, Motorcross PERSON, you can't get hurt in the dirt. I think she even said something to me like, he better not.

Speaker 12577s - 2577.78s

Yeah, get her.

Speaker 02577.94s - 2579.06s

Yeah, something like that.

Speaker 12579.26s - 2584.68s

So, of course, with the day before, we all went on a test ride, you know, check out the bikes,

Speaker 02584.78s - 2586s

check out the track and everything.

Speaker 12586.38s - 2589.42s

And sure enough, man, I went down and I broke my wrist.

Speaker 02590.26s - 2592.08s

Which is kind of important when you're a guitar.

Speaker 12592.16s - 2594.96s

Yeah, yeah. Yeah. And he's breaking anything.

Speaker 02595.08s - 2596.24s

Danielle PERSON was so mad at me.

Speaker 12596.26s - 2613.22s

She was so mad. She was so mad. I mean, I was kind of mad at myself because I really didn't see it coming. I mean, I really believe what can happen, you know? And, but what's funny was my friend Andrew PERSON was with me at the time. And,uh, he drove me to the nearest hospital because it was like out of Lake Castaic LOC or something.

Speaker 22613.22s - 2614.28s

It was a long ride.

Speaker 02614.46s - 2617.12s

And my, my wrist was, was broken bad. And,

Speaker 12617.16s - 2629.56s

you know, he gets in the doctors and he's telling doctors, be very, very careful. He plays guitar. You know,all this kind of stuff. But, um, yeah, that was, uh, I'll never forget having to make that phone call to slash and telling him what happened.

Speaker 02629.84s - 2631.16s

And he was not happy.

Speaker 12631.24s - 2655.6s

No. But what did, because I don't, now, they gave me permission. I did ask. I did ask. You know, I didn't, I wasn't going to do anything. Like I said, hey, man, you know, we have this like celebrity motorcycle race. I go, celebrities. We're not going to do anything crazy. I'll be careful and all that. And he goes, oh, yeah, yeah. Don't worry. He goes, if you feel good, you know, do it.Do you remember who was racing in that race with us? Well, I remember Kelly Nichols PERSON. Didn't he break his arm too?

Speaker 02655.76s - 2660.24s

Yeah. Then I brought Kelly Nichols in that was in L.A. GPE guns and Fast for a while.

Speaker 12660.24s - 2662.5s

And then he broke his arm in the race too.

Speaker 22662.8s - 2665.22s

So they decided not to let any of me and bring

Speaker 12665.22s - 2670.5s

my rocker friends in anymore but the other actors you know what actors were oh you know i do

Speaker 02670.5s - 2676.66s

there was some some matt leblanc PERSON oh my god that was in friends he was in it but who's so there

Speaker 12676.66s - 2682.38s

was another one that was thank you thank you yeah mark paul gossler who he was a great great guy

Speaker 02682.38s - 2685.24s

done tons of television but a lot of people might remember him

Speaker 12685.24s - 2687.06s

from being Zach on Saved by the Bell WORK_OF_ART,

Speaker 02687.24s - 2688.78s

but he's done a lot of TV since,

Speaker 12688.94s - 2690.8s

and he comes from motocross family.

Speaker 22690.98s - 2691.84s

And he was amazing.

Speaker 12691.98s - 2693s

He was like a professional.

Speaker 02693.14s - 2702.28s

I got a lap like three times in the first lap. Like everybody did eight laps, I did like two. But I didn't break my arm. But that was a tough time.

Speaker 12702.28s - 2733.7s

Yeah, that was a hard time. What was hard about that was, you know, obviously, you know, I told the guys what had happened. And we did have, we were about a week later, we were about to start a whole European NORP run. And when you do a European run, it usually takes months and months because while you're there, you've got to cover everything. And I knew from breaking my wrist, I had to have surgery that I was going to be out for a while. And so, of course, we went to specialists and all that kind of stuff.But Axel, when he heard about it, he goes, fuck it, call Izzy PERSON. And so they called Izzy PERSON, and Izzy took my place. Were you scared?

Speaker 02734.08s - 2735.02s

Yes, absolutely.

Speaker 12735.38s - 2747.1s

I really thought, like, you know, when it was going down, I go, that's it. You know, Izzy PERSON's going to go play back with them. They're going to get the old band back together and feel good about it. I really thought that that was it. I said, all right, you know, I had my run. It was good.

Speaker 02747.26s - 2753.64s

Why didn't he stay? I'll tell you exactly what happened. So they went there and I'll never

Speaker 12753.64s - 2759.02s

forget because it happened really fast. It was kind of like, you know, one day, all right, let's get Izzy PERSON.

Speaker 02759.02s - 2771.42s

And two days later, they were in Europe about to start the tour. And but what gave me confidence was I'd gotten a phone call, of course, at like three in the morning, because they're 10 hours ahead of us from Slash going, hey, how are you doing?

Speaker 12771.84s - 2793.24s

I'm going, I'm doing, okay. How's your arm doing? I go, well, you know, the doctor says two weeks, isn't it going to be shorter than two weeks? And I'm like, oh, these are odd questions, you know, to be asking me and stuff. He goes, yeah, you really need to get your shit together and get back out here, right? And then click another phone call. It's Izzy. Hey, uh, Gilby, how you doing?

Speaker 22793.24s - 2802.2s

He goes, you know, how long is this going to take and everything? I go, well, you know, it's probably going to be a couple weeks. He goes, well, yeah, you got to get out. I can't stand these

Speaker 02802.2s - 2805.12s

guys. He really just didn't want to be there. He didn't want to be there.

Speaker 12806.12s - 2819.86s

Yeah, he didn't want to be there. He was over it. He's done. He was done. And, you know, it's the same thing. Like, you know, that worry to me that it's over, well, like said, one day, it just wasn't Slash wanted me there.You know, Axel PERSON wanted me there. You know, it definitely.

Speaker 02820.16s - 2821.5s

So you were on good terms with Izzy PERSON.

Speaker 12821.74s - 2822.34s

Oh, absolutely.

Speaker 02822.56s - 2822.66s


Speaker 12822.78s - 2826.7s

When was the last time you were in contact with him?

Speaker 02827.3s - 2829.94s

Well, well, maybe a couple years before, you know?

Speaker 12830.12s - 2830.82s

Like, I mean, I would...

Speaker 02830.82s - 2836.26s

But you haven't heard of him recently, have you? No, I haven't talked to him in years. Nobody has. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Do you know what he's doing?

Speaker 12836.52s - 2839.5s

No, I don't, honest. I'd be guessing if I said, you know.

Speaker 02839.6s - 2842.16s

Like, I know Matt Sohrm PERSON talks to him every now and then.

Speaker 12842.68s - 2858.26s

And, uh, in, yeah, yeah. But, I mean, I did talk to him. Like, even when he was in guns, we still were in contact and, you know, run into him places, you know, and stuff. We'd hang out and talk. But I knew Izzy PERSON, like, before guns, you know, so, you know, we definitely had a good relationship.

Speaker 22858.44s - 2862.2s

Because like I said before, we really were sort of like an inner circle.

Speaker 02862.2s - 2865.4s

It was a small group of guys that really were like the Hollywood GPE guys, like you said.

Speaker 12865.86s - 2872.92s

But when the Guns and Roses ORG stuff kind of started, it was not a lot of rock and roll camaraderie hanging out with the bands.

Speaker 02873s - 2878.12s

I mean, when I see them live, as much as I really love Guns and Roses ORG, I don't see camaraderie on stage.

Speaker 12878.2s - 2928.38s

No, no. And it's not like that at all. Yeah, the band, I mean, that's like the, look, there's a lot of positives about the band. Don't get me wrong. And I really believe that the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the, the band, I mean, that's like the, look, there's a lot of positives about the band, don't get me wrong. And I really believe that the, the, thestrong individuals make what made appetite for destruction such a great record, you know, but what comes with that is, you know, maybe every, and I'm not saying, hey, the guys don't get along, they get along.It's just that the band never was that, you know, that brotherhood kind of thing, you know? It was always, everybody had their own thing, you know, and stuff. It's just, I, I never really felt that brotherhood thing with, with them. I mean, maybe Slash and Duff feel that between the two of them. But I, you know, look, I was really good friends with Slash. Spent a lot of time with them. Did records together besides guns and all that kind of stuff. But it never felt like that.

Speaker 02929.2s - 2932.64s

I assume before you have met the guys in the Rolling Stones ORG, right?

Speaker 12933.62s - 2935.8s

No, not all of them. I've never met Kate PERSON.

Speaker 02935.8s - 2938.5s

Really? And I've never met me. Okay. That I'm shocked.

Speaker 12938.56s - 2941.12s

I know. People say that to me. I'm shocked. Well, when am I going to meet?

Speaker 02941.5s - 2953.7s

I'm going to walk up to Keith Richards. He's going to go, oh, hey, Gilby. Right. Right. Because I've always said, you to Keith Richards. He's going to go, oh, hey, Gilby. Right. Because I've always said, because I've been very blessed, and people said, like, you know, if you met everybody you've wanted me, and I'd say, I'd really like to meet Keith or Mick.

Speaker 12953.8s - 2992.9s

So I would have taken for granted that you would have met them, but you haven't. I haven't. Would that be if you could meet any musician living? Oh, absolutely, without question. But the thing is, I think a lot of people feel this way. To meet someone that's your, like, without question. But the thing is, I think a lot of people feel this way. To meet someone that's your idol, you don't want to just go, hey, I'm Gilby, you know, blah, blah.And, you know, you want to kind of like, you know, hang out and go, hey, man, how's that telecaster? Because I have spent time with Ron Wood PERSON, you know, and I have played guitar with Ron Wood and talked to him about guitars and had those conversations you have with your contemporaries. But, you know, like I said, I never had those conversations you have with your contemporaries. But, you know, like I said, I never had that, you know, that moment. Look, I've been to Stone PERSON shows. I've been to backstage.It just never, never really happened the right way.

Speaker 02994.12s - 2994.24s

But are there a pinch me moment?

Speaker 12997.28s - 3024s

I mean, I know, I know people that you played with. But, like, what were some of the moments? Then it's hard to remember. But, like, even over the last few years, you know, doing the Kings of Chaos stuff with Matt PERSON, you know, playing with Robin Zander PERSON is the greatest thing ever, you know. We did quite a few shows playing surrender and hearing Robin Zander PERSON in front of you sing it, you know, is incredible. Billy Gibbons PERSON, we played many shows with Billy Gibbons.I mean, every time I just sit there and my jaws down, you know, and it's incredible.

Speaker 03024s - 3025.68s

He is one of the greatest guitarists, isn't he?

Speaker 13025.68s - 3027.02s

One of the greatest guitars ever, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 23027.1s - 3028.42s

I mean, Jimmy Hendricks PERSON thought he was.

Speaker 03028.48s - 3035.22s

That's good enough for me. Exactly. So the Guns and Roses ORG thing ends. A little bit of bitterness? Say again? A little bit of bitterness?

Speaker 13035.62s - 3042.4s

No, no, honestly, not at all. Honestly, I mean, I would tell you if I did. In all, honestly.

Speaker 03043.24s - 3045.16s

How many years did you spend in guns and roses

Speaker 13045.16s - 3048.42s

well really like about four or five years yeah um

Speaker 03048.42s - 3053.18s

I felt on the tour as the tour was ending

Speaker 13053.18s - 3210.1s

that the band was over my that was my honest you know intellectual conclusion this band's over you know duff duff physically looked terrible you know the alcohol abuse was so bad that you know he was bloated you know I Duff PERSON, Duff physically looked terrible. You know, he, the alcohol abuse was so badthat, you know, he was bloated, you know, I, I didn't think he had many days left, you know,Axel and Slash were not seeing eye to eye, you know, Axel PERSON saw the band one way, Slash saw it another way, I didn't see them meeting. It's not like I was trying to be in the middleor whatever, you know, it just, it, it, it was fractured, you know. So towards the end of the tour, I got an offer to do a solo record because before Guns, you know, I had to deal with Virgin ORG publishing.You know, I was, you know, a songwriter. And they offered me a record deal once I got the Guns ORG gig to do a solo record. Look, I didn't want to do a solo record. I'd much rather do a Guns and Roses ORG record, but the band was not going to make a record for a long time. So I got the offer. I asked the guys, these are my songs.Do you have any interest in them for Guns and Roses ORG in the future? And they said, no. I go, is it okay if I make a solo record? It said, absolutely. Keep yourself busy. So I did.I made the solo right after. So when you say, was I better, I was already, you know, on tour doing my solo record.I had already made, during my break, I had made the Slash a Snake Pit record with Slash and was going to go on a tour.I was on the road for five years straight. The guns thing, you know, basically Slash called me and said, you know, actually he didn't call me. He says, hey, meet me at Casabega FAC. He goes, straight. The guns thing I basically slash called me and said you know actually he didn't call me he sayshey meet me at Casa Vague FAC he goes Axel PERSON doesn't want you in the band anymore he goes I don't know what it is I honestly don't he goes just go with it I'm not saying this is permanent I'm just saying this is where it is you know he wants to work on some new music he doesn't see what we're doingyou know is viable And that's also at the time when Slash decided to make the Slash the Snake Pit record, because he didn't like Slash the stuff either, but he wasn't kicking Slash out of the band. So basically, once again, they didn't fire me, but my paycheck stopped. And then a week later, Slash, like, had this revelation, he goes, what the fuck are we doing? So what are we going to replace Gilby? And he called me, he goes, you know what, everything's fine. You're going to replace Gilby? And he called me, he goes,you know what, everything's fine. You're, you're in the band. Don't worry about it. But my paychecksnever came back. And that was it. So like I said, I never officially was fired from the band, but it just kind of ended.So, and I was busy. You know, I had my solo record. I had Slash this thing. It wasn't until many years later. And also, remember,it's not like I was not in the band and the band and the band was doing anything. Right. It didn't do anything. They didn't do anything. It wasn't until many years later. And also, remember, it's not like I was not in the band and the band was doing anything. Right. It didn't do anything. They didn't do anything.

Speaker 03210.7s - 3221.02s

There were bands skipping away from Guns N'Row's ORG. There were bands that it's just coming to me now that you also played in that we don't remember you were in Hart ORG. Yeah.

Speaker 13221.32s - 3227.5s

Yeah. Yeah. I did a tour with Hart and I made a record with Heart ORG. I made a couple records with Nancy Sinatra PERSON.

Speaker 03233.12s - 3233.44s

Which when you were involved in a really bad, a couple of bad motorcycle accidents.

Speaker 13236.88s - 3247.98s

And I remember one time seeing you at the hospital, and there were flowers from Nancy Sinatra PERSON. I'm like, dude, you got, I mean, that's pretty badass to get flowers. What is like working with Nancy Sinatra PERSON? Nancy PERSON is the sweetest person in the world. And what's great with Nancy PERSON is we have our Italian NORP thing.

Speaker 03248.16s - 3271.54s

My mother's main name is Santorelli PERSON. So when I was playing with Nancy Sinatra PERSON, I had never gotten so fat in my life because we would go out and have a full on Italian NORP meal at 3 o'clock in the morning afterthe show. But she was sweet. She's just one of those people that you know as you go through life and you meet stars and stuff like that, they live in their own world, whether you say, hey, I got a new car,

Speaker 13271.6s - 3288.98s

they don't even hear you. Nancy PERSON's not that person. Oh my God, what kind of car did you get? That's the way Nancy PERSON is. Like she truly, if you're in her circle, she loves you and she cares about you. She doesn't bring everybody into her circle. But if she does, she really, truly likes you and cares about you. And that's what you get from her.

Speaker 03289.74s - 3293.96s

Do you remember the Cat House 20th anniversary at the Key Club FAC?

Speaker 13294.22s - 3296.32s

Was it the 20th one? Because we did a few.

Speaker 03296.68s - 3297.08s


Speaker 13297.26s - 3299.12s

Was it the one, Tracy PERSON was in it?

Speaker 03299.36s - 3299.84s


Speaker 13300.32s - 3301.5s

Was Adler PERSON in it?

Speaker 03302.44s - 3304.14s

He might have done a song.

Speaker 13304.3s - 3312.24s

Yeah, no, yeah. I think he did do a song or two, because I think Stefan PERSON played bass. Because I'm trying to remember the Key Club ORG one. Don't you remember who?

Speaker 03312.68s - 3314.3s

Wait, was the only ones we did at the Key Club FAC?

Speaker 13314.4s - 3314.86s

I thought we did.

Speaker 03314.86s - 3318.98s

That was the 20-year anniversary. Okay. The 30 was the whiskey.

Speaker 13319.54s - 3323.96s

We never did a 10-year anniversary. So that's, okay, so the Key Club FAC and that...

Speaker 03323.96s - 3327.5s

Are you actually not remembering who played with you that night?

Speaker 13327.54s - 3328.38s

No, I don't, no.

Speaker 03328.66s - 3329.1s


Speaker 13329.46s - 3331.9s

Oh my God, no, I do remember that. I do remember that.

Speaker 03332.32s - 3333.94s

Lemmy, Stephen Piercy PERSON.

Speaker 13334.32s - 3334.64s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 03334.68s - 3337.68s

Every, but do you remember going up there with, because when we were playing with Lemmy PERSON?

Speaker 13337.68s - 3339.12s

I remember because I didn't know the song.

Speaker 03339.2s - 3348.32s

Right. Yeah, I really didn't know the song. You know, when we were doing it. But it's when he came up to do it and it just happened on the spot. Like I said, I figured it out quickly.

Speaker 13348.48s - 3350.5s

So it was you, Lemmy PERSON.

Speaker 03350.62s - 3350.78s


Speaker 13350.98s - 3352.44s

But wasn't, I think so. Wasn't Tracy PERSON?

Speaker 03352.78s - 3362.8s

You, Lemmy, Tracy Guns PERSON. I thought it was Adler PERSON on drums. Maybe it was Adler PERSON on drums. It could have been. Yeah. I think Stephen Piercy's PERSON singing.Yeah.

Speaker 13362.94s - 3366.04s

Piercy PERSON, it was definitely their singing too. Yeah. Do you remember much that you remember? Obviously not. No, Piercy PERSON, it was definitely their singing too, yeah.

Speaker 03367.86s - 3369.96s

Do you mean, is there much that you remember? Obviously not. Now that you brought up the lemmy thing,

Speaker 13370.06s - 3380.12s

I remember it distinctly. Like, I remember, because I said, it's just I never really learned motorhead songs. You know, I mean, first of all, I never learned, like, I'm not someone who sits around and learns cover songs.

Speaker 03380.4s - 3387.44s

You know, if we have a show and they go, oh, we're doing a song, then I learn it. But I remember, I said, I didn't really know, you know, the song.

Speaker 13387.6s - 3392.28s

And, of course, everybody in the audience knew it. And I knew it in my head, but I didn't never really play it.

Speaker 03392.32s - 3397.14s

But, yeah, I remember playing it. Yeah. So then we decided to do this. So there was obviously.

Speaker 13397.26s - 3415.74s

Now, the 30th, I remember. Okay, but first, before we even did the 30th, I hit you up because this great idea that Live Nation ORG had about doing Cat House Live at a festival, which everybody seemed to like except me. And I got to tell you, Ricky PERSON, I don't mean to interrupt you, I had the greatest one of the greatest days ever at thatday. I loved it. I had so much fun.

Speaker 03415.86s - 3419.84s

Because we did a Cat House Live Festival EVENT, I think they were like probably 14, 15,000 Pia.

Speaker 13420s - 3425.98s

I mean, it was ridiculous. It was great. It was great. Huge festival with every band. Some of the bands I approved, some of the bands I didn't.

Speaker 23426s - 3428.4s

Yeah, I remember you were going through a hard time with that.

Speaker 13429s - 3434.84s

So I pretty much put Gilby in charge of the All-Star Jam Band ORG, and you delivered.

Speaker 23435.04s - 3437.08s

You really, you really delivered.

Speaker 13437.28s - 3439.5s

But what happened to Dan PERSON sucked.

Speaker 23439.76s - 3440.18s

It was hard.

Speaker 13440.18s - 3445.82s

But tell us about who was in the All-Star Band for the Cat House Live Festival EVENT because this you put together.

Speaker 03445.98s - 3446.1s


Speaker 13446.24s - 3461.5s

Now, now you got to realize this was a different time by this time. Doing even the 20th or doing those cat house shows were so easy. If somebody was in town and I called him, hey, man, Ricky PERSON's doing this thing. Do you want to come? Everybody said yes.There wasn't even a hesitation.

Speaker 03461.84s - 3464.7s

All these bands have played the Cat House FAC, I didn't really pay him. No, exactly.

Speaker 13464.7s - 3476.46s

I mean, we had every. Motorhead probably played a billion times. All he wanted was some jack. Yeah. You't even a hesitation. All these bands that played the Cat House FAC, I didn't really pay him. No, exactly. I mean, we had every... Motorhead probably played a billion times. All he wanted was some Jack PERSON. Yeah. You never had a problem. But in the new...Like I said, and this is... I'm not talking about the Key Club ORG one. The Key Club ORG one was pretty easy.

Speaker 03476.46s - 3477.24s

That was the 20th anniversary.

Speaker 13477.44s - 3477.54s


Speaker 03477.84s - 3482.5s

This was Cat House Live was actually Cat House's like 29th anniversary.

Speaker 13482.64s - 3513.08s

Yeah, yeah. So the Irvine PERSON show, when you told me about it, I didn't even think twice, oh, this is going to be easy. You know, well, I'm not going to play that many, eight songs, maybe 10 songs or whatever. But when I started calling, like, all the big peoplethat we all know, some of them didn't even call me back. No, and everybody wanted lots of money. Everybody wanted a lot of money, man. It was really hard, like really hard. But I got a good core group of guys together that were in townand were available. Had Brent PERSON fits on drums. It played with Slash and is played with lots of different people over the years. Evan Seinfeld PERSON on bass.

Speaker 03513.26s - 3522.92s

Who's in Biohazard PRODUCT. It was in biohazard. It's been in many Cat House days. And I played guitar. And then for the guest, we had Brent Muscat PERSON played. No.

Speaker 13523.34s - 3525.2s

Yeah, yeah, Brent PERSON came out. Yeah, Brent came out and played. Okay. Brent came Muscat played. No. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Brent came out.

Speaker 03525.44s - 3526.98s

Yeah, Brent PERSON came out and played.

Speaker 13527.16s - 3527.34s


Speaker 03527.74s - 3528.38s

Brent PERSON came up and play.

Speaker 13528.88s - 3530.52s

Phil Lewis PERSON sang.

Speaker 03530.62s - 3530.86s


Speaker 13531.28s - 3532.34s

Me and Tammy PERSON did a song.

Speaker 03532.48s - 3533.8s

Yeah, you and Tammy PERSON, I was getting there.

Speaker 13534.06s - 3534.94s

You and Tammy PERSON did a song.

Speaker 03534.94s - 3536.5s

Oh, you're starting low and working way up.

Speaker 13536.5s - 3536.88s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 03537.34s - 3546.84s

Yeah. Chips Enough ORG came out to play a song. Actually, he played a song that Phil PERSON was playing. You know Betancourt PERSON came out and played with us. Michael from Steel Panther ORG. Michael from Steel Panther.

Speaker 13547.44s - 3550.76s

Michael from Steel Panther did a great job of Brownstone PERSON.

Speaker 03550.96s - 3557.68s

Yeah, he did. Great job. And then we had Sebastian Bach and Ace Freely PERSON. Which was pretty damn awesome.

Speaker 13557.74s - 3558.18s

Pretty awesome.

Speaker 03558.22s - 3564.26s

I got to be honest. That I stood back. I watched you on guitar with Sebastian Bach PERSON, who I think is just a great friend.

Speaker 13564.26s - 3579.38s

I love Sebastian Bach PERSON. It was you, Sebastian Bach, and I'm watching fucking Ace Freely on guitar with Sebastian Bach, who I think is just a great friend. I love Sebastian Bach. It was you, Sebastian Bach, and I'm watching fucking Ace Freelie PERSON on guitar, and you guys are playing, and it's great. And in the middle of the set, what happened? Well, I'm going to get, I'm going to get it. So anyway, because it was great.

Speaker 03579.7s - 3620.32s

When I got Ace PERSON, that was great. Like, well, you got Ace PERSON. How did you do that? I just called him. I haven't known Ace PERSON for a long time and stuff. Like I said, it was hard getting people. So I got Ace, that was great. Like, well, you got Ace. How did you do that? I just called him. I haven't known Ace for a long time and stuff. Like I said, it was hard getting people.So I called Ace PERSON. Ace PERSON wanted a fee, but his fee wasn't ridiculous like some of the other people I called. It was very reasonable. And like I said, you know, transportation, hotel, all that normal stuff that guys need. He was very reasonable. He was excited about doing it.And so I told him who was at. I said, look, we're probably going to get people that are at the show to come and sing and all that kind of stuff. And I called Sebastian PERSON. Now, granted, I've worked with Sebastian PERSON a lot in recently, too. And I called him.He didn't get back to me. I sent him a text, and he didn't get back to me.

Speaker 13620.92s - 3718.82s

And I put on the text, hey, we're doing an all-star jam. I got A's, blah, blah, blah, blah, whatever. Never got back to me. So the day of the text, hey, we're doing the All-Star Jam. I got Ace PERSON, blah, blah, blah, you know, whatever. Never got back to me. So the day of the show, like, said, you know, remember my band played earlier in the day, and then we had that show later. During that time, you know, I had a dressing room, you know, because for both bands that were playing. And Ace PERSON was already there. And I went over to Sebastian PERSON, you know, I I saw him like he I think he'd just played a set or something like hey Bazhey man you know I called you I text you I never heard back for you I'd be so great you're such a huge kiss fan come up and sing a couple and he goes I got a problem with Ace and I go oh you do and he goes yeah now this is in Sebastian PERSON's bookthe background of what happened but Baz and Ace PERSON had an issue over a songwriting thing. So Baz obviously is the biggest Kiss fan, but he, you know, was disappointed in the way Ace PERSON behaved in this. So, you know, he didn't want to do it. And I go, oh, man, I go, you know, people know you love Kiss to have you on the show and Ace PERSON up there and you not do it. You have to do it. And he goes, you know what? You're right. Let Ace PERSON up there and you not do it. You have to do it.And he goes, you know what? You're right. Let's do it. Let's do it. So he came up. Now, Ace PERSON doesn't know anything that Baz PERSON didn't. I didn't say anything, right? And so they came into the dressing room. And the next thing you know, they're buddies again. They're talking. They're hanging out. What song are we going to do? Blah, blah, blah, blah. And so we were going to originally do three Kiss songs, but because Extreme ORG went way over their time limit, like not a little over, way over.Most bands that day played 35, 45 minutes. Some of the bigger bands might have played an hour. I think Extreme played two hours.

Speaker 03718.82s - 3720.46s

Which, no offense to the guys in the stream.

Speaker 13720.46s - 3721.44s

Of course I. I know those guys.

Speaker 03721.58s - 3726.48s

But that was what I had big issues with live nation because i didn't want

Speaker 13726.48s - 3731.86s

extreme on the bill and even they even said that they probably didn't belong on the bill because it was

Speaker 23731.86s - 3737.14s

a cat house show and live nation insisted they're there are boston and a lot of people left when

Speaker 13737.14s - 3740.68s

they were playing because you're sitting here watching all these bands and then they're doing this

Speaker 23740.68s - 3745.22s

acoustic version of no more words or whatever it's called and And like I said, I'm not slamming extreme law.

Speaker 13745.22s - 3745.62s

No, of course not.

Speaker 23745.62s - 3747.38s

They just didn't belong on that chaos bill.

Speaker 13747.5s - 3775.16s

And they even knew it. So it had gone so late. So here you guys are on stage. So we're playing. And like I said, you know, look, Ace is the headliner of the All Star Jam EVENT. And the All Star Jam EVENT was really only like six songs.And so we had to cut one of the Kiss ORG songs. So we're literally standing on stage, me, Ace, Sebastian PERSON, talking. Look, we got time for one more song. Is it, it wasn't Rock and Roll all night. That's the one that got cut. It was Deuce PRODUCT.

Speaker 03775.48s - 3814.76s

It was Deuce PRODUCT. And so Sebastian PERSON goes, let's ask the audience. So he goes, what son do you want to hear this or this? And they said, Deuce PRODUCT. So we started playing Deuce PRODUCT. And the next thing you know, halfway through the song, the stage started movingbecause it was a circular stage so you can switch it. And they were cutting us. They basically cut the power and cut us and we're like moving. And like we're all standing. None of us had any idea what was going on. But we're facing the audience.And next thing I know, we're facing the loading dots. But apparently Sebastian PERSON made kind of fun of it. And he was like running backwards and everything. But, yeah. So there's at that time maybe 12,000 people there. Ace Freely, Gilby Clark, Sebastian Bach PERSON,Evan Seinfeld PERSON. Everybody's on stage.

Speaker 13815.38s - 3819.68s

And they cut the set short. And who do you think everybody got mad at? You.

Speaker 23820.12s - 3822.18s

Everybody's like, Ricky PERSON, why would you do that?

Speaker 13822.22s - 3864.88s

I'm like, no, that wasn't the case. That was not what happened at all. But then we did the very last Cat House, which was the Cat House 30th anniversary. And a lot of people don't understand why I would go to such small venues, but I sold out the whiskey and Roxy ORG without ever announcing a band. And nobody ever, when Twisted Sister ORG played, I don't even know if you knew. No, no, I didn't know.Nobody knew. You were really good about know. Nobody knew. You were really good about that. Nobody knew. I got a great band. Because so many times people say, you know, hey, band's too big to mention. And nobody knew.And it was the fastest salad on the sunset strip with it, nobody knowing who played. And that was just a fun two nights. It was so great. I think you were probably the only band that played both nights. No, I didn't play both nights.

Speaker 03865.02s - 3873.6s

Are you sure? Wait, maybe we did. Frankie B both nights. No, I didn't play both nights. Are you sure? Wait, maybe we did. Frankie B. played the Lachie ORG. Yeah, Frankie PERSON and her studs. His daughter, which is another band you need to check out Frankie B and the Studs ORG.

Speaker 13873.6s - 3876.1s

Frank in the Studs ORG. That was so great watching them.

Speaker 03876.3s - 3889.84s

It was a great lineup. Like so you had Junkyard ORG, you know, pussycat. It was just a L.A. You had a really, really... Black Cherry. Yeah, black, he had a really good lineup, you know.It was really, really strong. And then we did another All-Star Jam EVENT, but that was more just like everybody in all the band.

Speaker 13889.84s - 3922.14s

Yeah, yeah. Do you remember what Corey Parks did that day? Oh, the fire! The fire! Oh, my God, that was so crazy. Corey Parks PERSON is just this like really hot,six-foot-six bass player chick that was in Nashville GPE pussy that I have no problem saying, could kick my ass. Oh, absolutely. Yeah, yeah. She's a tough chick. So, yeah. So she was playing, we weredoing a motorhead. And she came down out of the audience into the front and she did the Gene Simmons PERSON ball of fire out of her mouth and it, man, it like lit the place up. I'll never forget that. I thought

Speaker 03922.14s - 3924s

it was the demise of my career because I thought she

Speaker 13924s - 3935.24s

had burned half of the audience. But she knew what she was doing, man. But it was really fun. It was the fastest sellout on the sunset strip, singing out the whiskey and the Roxy ORG without

Speaker 03935.24s - 3941.9s

a band ever announced. Hollywood in the late 80s, we had places that we would go other than the

Speaker 13941.9s - 3953.14s

clubs. Like we would eat at the same places, right? Like what were some of the things that you really remember that were part of that era? Well, I remember like the Tropicana Hotel, not Tropicana, the Strait Club ORG.

Speaker 03953.34s - 3954.6s

Which we did go to as well.

Speaker 13955.3s - 3960.22s

Not that I remember. The Tropicana Hotel. And what was the little...

Speaker 03960.22s - 3960.52s

Dukes ORG.

Speaker 13961.24s - 3962.42s

The coffee shop.

Speaker 03962.52s - 3963.12s

Yeah, coffee shop.

Speaker 13963.22s - 3964.12s

It was called Dukes ORG.

Speaker 03964.62s - 3965.04s

Dukes ORG. Yes, and it eventually moved up to. It was called Dukes. Dukes.

Speaker 13965.36s - 3967.18s

Yes, and it eventually moved up to sunset.

Speaker 03967.38s - 3967.74s


Speaker 13967.9s - 3975.86s

Yeah, that's what I remember. I remember going there for breakfast or being out all night and come on, let's just stay up and go have breakfast at Dukes ORG. Ben Franks PERSON.

Speaker 23976.1s - 3976.36s


Speaker 03976.44s - 3985.76s

He used to do Ben Franks PERSON all the time. They had a great barley soup I used to remember. What else? It would be commonplace to go to a place to get your flyers printed

Speaker 13985.76s - 4010.04s

and see musicians doing the same thing well it was uh Bruce uh Cici PERSON's place that did all the flyers the one on Santa Monica GPE in like Crescent Heights or something is CCBruce PERSON's parents own that print shop and they used to make everybody's flyers softball games oh my God the Sunday soft Softball games. Oh my God. The Sunday softball games. Those were, oh my God.

Speaker 04010.08s - 4011.98s

This is something that people don't realize.

Speaker 14012.1s - 4053.58s

When I say that all of those bands that you all know from the LA rock scene, when I say it was a camaraderie, first of all, none of us ever thought we'd be. I mean, I'm the only guy that didn't really get a big record deal or anything. But nobody ever thought that we were all going to be rich and so rich or famous. I agree. I agree. And we all hung out away from the clubs too.It was a family. The Sunday softball games were so much fun. So we would do the Sunday softball games at Hollywood High ORG. And most of the guys were still in there like skinny, the black fizzy jeans and eye makeup still on and stuff, but with a baseball cap, like a, a wife beater on. But, but we also, remember, we let girls play, you know, and, you know,not to be a sexist, especially because they were all better than me.

Speaker 04053.8s - 4059s

Yeah. Well, some of us were better. Some of us weren't so better. But I'll never forget one

Speaker 14059s - 4115.6s

time, uh, because it was a big deal to let the girls play. Because remember, there was a lot of girls in the scene and stuff, you know, that hung out. And it was a fun day, you know, the Sunday softball games, you know, after hanging out in the club. Because like I said, everybody looked different and smoking and drinking in the afternoon and everything. But I'll never forget letting the girls play and somebody's girlfriend was playing second base. And she was one of the catalysts.I was saying, no, you guys can't just have it a boys club. The girls have to play. And my brother was playing center field and somebody hit a ball. And my brother threw the ball in, just a normal throw from center field to second base. And he broke her hand. He broke her hand, just throwing the ball into the mitt.She caught it and it broke her hand and it was like the end of the girls playing and stuff. It's like, you guys play too rough. Well, there's only we're just playing. We just play. It's not too rough or whatever. But those are fun, man. I remember those.

Speaker 04115.6s - 4125.1s

And you know, I told the story, your wife told the story she said, because that was at a time when I was still drinking, that she said she remembers me walking with this like tiger coat and these girls. I do remember the tiger coat. Yeah, yeah. I said she that I walking with this, like, tiger coat and these girls.

Speaker 14125.1s - 4127s

I do remember the tiger coat. Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 04127.22s - 4132.56s

Yeah, that I would show up like, I'm ready for this lot-ball game. And I'd just like, long furry tiger coat and these girls.

Speaker 14132.9s - 4141.72s

Well, once again, I just remember everybody still basically dressed from the night before and, you know, hung over or still drinking or smoking or whatever.

Speaker 04141.84s - 4145.26s

This is obviously a time that'll never ever be duplicated.

Speaker 14145.56s - 4250.66s

What is it that you miss? Well, the camaraderie, to be honest. You know, the, I, even though there was healthy competition, which there was, I mean, guys were proud of their band. My band's better in your band.My band sold my records. My band sold more merchandise. You know, that was, that's healthy. But, you know, I, you know, my daughter Frankie is in a band, and they're young, and the same age we were at that time, 25 years old. And, you know, she complains because that camaraderie isn't here anymore. It's not there.It's like, you know, if So, if Faster Pussy Cat hadn't played a show, they were on tour tour or whatever we're going to play at the Cat House FAC, everybody went. There wasn't a reason they just went. It's just that was the place to go and the place to be. And it was where we went on Tuesday nights, you know, or Thursday nights with Bordello PERSON. That doesn't exist today. And like I tell Frankie, I said, you know, Ricky PERSON was an important part of the success of therock world during those years. Cat House ORG was important. You know, you did something that nobody else did. It was a rock, like a rock dance club. I go, that can exist today, you know, but you need somebody with balls that's going to do something like that to do the normal thing or you don't have to do the numbers to see if it's going to work or not.You just did it. It was an idea. Well, think about this. All of us guys were rock dudes, you know. If somebody said, hey, I'm going to a rock dance club. We were going on, I'm not going to rock dance club.No way. But we went every single Tuesday night, you know. So that's what I'm saying is you know sometimes you have to attempt that you know do something different and you did do that

Speaker 04250.66s - 4432.42s

I want to thank Gilby Clark for hanging out with me in the Cat House Hollywood FAC but would you say in the Cat House FAC Hollywood Park no you'd say on the Cat House I want to thank Gilby Clark for hanging out with me on the Cat House Hollywood ORG podcast. That doesn't sound right either, does it? You know what sounds right? Seeing Gilby Clark PERSON live.I can't even tell you how many times I've seen him and he's great. For the month of April, you can catch Gilby Clark, April 12th at the Yamava Casino Highlands, California. Okay, I think he wrote that wrong. Yamava Casinoino Highlands, California. Okay, I think he wrote that wrong. Yamava Casino in Highlands, California. That's much better. Ooh, I need some Cat House ORG coffee right now.April 26th, go check out Gilby at the Canyon Club in Agora Hills GPE. And April 27th at the Canyon Club in Montclair, California. Go see Gilby. He's great live, and I'm pretty sure one of those Canyon clubs didn Montclair, California. Go see Gilby. He's great live, and I'm pretty sure one of those Canyon LOC clubs didn't let me in one time.I don't remember which one it was. I want to thank everybody for hanging out with me today on the Cat House Hollywood ORG podcast. I had a good time. I hope you had a good time being here as well. I want you to remember that CathouseHawleywood.comand Cat House Coffee ORG are great ways to sponsor this podcast because I say I don't have sponsors, but I do. I guess it's me that's sponsoring it. Also, check out the other podcast. RickyRackman Radio, the triple R. Episode 3 of Ricky Rackman Radio ORG, was about my story hosting the Pornhub Awards EVENT. That's right, I hosted the Pornhub Awards EVENT.And Leah Vendetta PERSON was with me, and she joined me, and she's going to co-host with me, as we discuss what it's like hosting the Pornhub Awards EVENT. It looks like in July, like I think July 21st, maybe 19th, 20, 21st, something around there. It looks like I'm going to be a tour guide at the Punk Rock Museum ORG. Yes, I would say I am a medal. I claim that and wear it like a crown.But my roots are in punk rock, and I love me some punk rock and have some great memories. So I am going to be a tour guide, and each group is only going to have 30 people in it. So if you want to be one of the 30 to hang out with me and we'll walk around the museum and I'll tell you stories and we'll chat, we'll take pictures, I'll sign whatever you want, but you're going to be stuck with me and 29 other people. So that'll be a tour at the punk rock museum. I believe that's going to happensometime in July. Maybe the punk rock museum has the information now. If not, keep on checking my websites and all my social media. Don't forget, go to cathouseholywood.com, and you can get 10% off any cathouse hoodie or hat by using the code Hollywood GPE 3. And if you go to cathouse ORG coffee.com, you can get 10% off by using the code Hollywood GPE 3.I did have a good time, and I hope you did as well. I am Ricky Rackman PERSON. Remember to keep one foot in the gutter, one fist in the gold.