Reflections on "Hayom Yom": Nissan 20

Reflections on "Hayom Yom": Nissan 20

by With Moshe Steiner

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2:06 minutes

published 16 days ago

American English

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Speaker 00s - 125.56s

Pesach EVENT is supposed to be a joyous, liberating celebration with family and friends. But it doesn't always turn out to be exactly that way. Preparing and hosting a Seder EVENT can be a very stressful experience. Fulfilling your obligations to Hashem EVENT by meticulously following all of the laws and traditions of Pesach EVENT, while at the same time fulfilling your obligations to your family and friends by being a gracious and welcoming host. That's a difficult balancing act.Today's Hayim Yom Yom is about taking the laws of Pesach EVENT very seriously and also about being a mensch. Says today's Hayim Yom Yom, the Altairaba ORG once pointed out something very insightful. Says the altar abe, when you host a guest on Pesach EVENT, if somebody drops by to say hello or wish you a good yomtif you're not supposed to offer that person food directly and say herewhy don't you have this to eat or why don't you have this to drink why not because on Pesach EVENT people have all sorts of personal standards and customs in terms of what they do and do not eat. So if you're trying to be a nice guy and say, here, please eat this, you're trying to be nice, but you might be actually putting somebody in an awkward position. Being a nice person is not about doing good things, it's about making the people around youfeel nice and comfortable. So says the Altaraba, make that food available so that should your guest choose to go ahead and have something to eat or drink, he'll be able to make that decision at his leisure. But don't put other people in awkward positions. That's the Altair Abba PERSON's insight on being a mensch.