BBCAN12 | Week 7 Wrap Up

BBCAN12 | Week 7 Wrap Up

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73:40 minutes

published 1 month ago

American English

Copyright Rob Has a Podcast 621034

Speaker 00s - 32.46s

This episode is brought to you by FX's The Vale, starring Elizabeth Moss PERSON. FX's The Vale is an international spy thriller that follows two women as they play a deadly game of truth and lies on the road from Istanbul to Paris and London. One woman has a secret, and the other has a mission to reveal it before thousands of lives are lost. FX's The Vale premieres April 30th, only on Hulu ORG. Hey guys, time to get in on the action for the biggest moments in basketball with

Speaker 232.46s - 59.74s

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Speaker 359.82s - 101.84s

It was an amazing week of Survivor WORK_OF_ART and we had incredible podcasts with Christian Hubicki and Stephen PERSON on the know it allalls. Make sure you catch those as well. Plus, the Circle was back this week with an AI contestant, Taryn, Mike Bloom, and Puyah broke down the first week of drops from The Circle and on RANF. Who did Sam Moore find for the big guest? Find out on this week's Robin Akiva-Nita podcast all right here on RHAP ORG. We know reality TV.

Speaker 4106.18s - 134.82s

Hello, everyone, and welcome to RHAP ORG. I'm your host, Taron Armstrong, and we are here tonight to talk about the latest from the Big Brother Canada 12 House. And we've got some things to talk about because some things have been happening and some big moves might be in play. So we'll talk through it all. I'm your host, of course, Terran Armstrong PERSON.And with me tonight, it's the return of the M's. Melissa PERSON is with us.

Speaker 5134.92s - 151.78s

How you doing, Melissa PERSON? I'm doing great. I'm excited to be back. This weird BB can schedule for podcasting is totally thrown me off. So, yeah, I'm very happy to have been able to make it on a Friday again. So, yeah, excited to talk.All right.

Speaker 4151.84s - 154.28s

And also with it tonight is Mari PERSON. How are you doing, Mari PERSON?

Speaker 7154.76s - 163.1s

Yes, I'm doing good. Same. I was like, sign me up for all the Fridays. And Sam was like, all the Fridays are canceled. I was like, cool.

Speaker 5163.82s - 165.28s

You're like, never mind.

Speaker 7166s - 166.94s

I was like, fine.

Speaker 5167.84s - 171.74s

Yeah, I literally had to text Sam today being like,

Speaker 7171.86s - 173.86s

are we still doing a Friday podcast today?

Speaker 5173.86s - 175.7s

Because I had this one on the books for like a long time.

Speaker 7175.78s - 179.2s

But then I saw that like every Friday was like turned into something else

Speaker 5179.2s - 180.64s

or like just a tear and recap.

Speaker 6180.98s - 182.86s

And then I was like, okay, are we still doing this?

Speaker 5182.9s - 185.38s

And Sam was like, yes, we are still on for today.

Speaker 6185.7s - 186.7s

So I was like, okay, good.

Speaker 5187.12s - 190.94s

It feels like it's been a while since we've had things to talk about on a Friday.

Speaker 4191.62s - 191.96s


Speaker 6192.58s - 192.84s


Speaker 0193.48s - 194.86s

And that is their fault.

Speaker 4195.38s - 195.68s


Speaker 5195.96s - 198.16s

Luckily, tonight we do.

Speaker 7198.26s - 199.68s

We do have some things to talk about.

Speaker 5200.1s - 200.6s


Speaker 6200.88s - 201.2s


Speaker 7201.86s - 202.98s

Look at that.

Speaker 4203.54s - 204.2s

Look at that.

Speaker 5204.88s - 206.46s

Before we get into the big events, though,

Speaker 4206.62s - 214.82s

you know, it's been a while since we've heard from both of you, really. Melissa PERSON, what have you thought of the season?

Speaker 5215.98s - 330.98s

It's been really strange watching as like a pure casual. It feels very bizarre to me. And I feel like I'm, I just am like, I'm not doing enough research on this and then it's like there's really not that muchresearch like normally it's like if I feel that way during a Big Brother ORG season it's because like I'm just not like looking at it I'm not like finding the right places to look but here it's like you're just going to feel that wayyou're going to feel like you have incomplete information you're not going to feel like you really truly're going to feel like you have incomplete information. You're not going to feel like you really, truly know these house guests because that's just like the way this has been set up. So it does feel a little odd because it does feel like I'm watching and I'm like, oh, interesting. You know, so and so went home, but I'm not really like caring all that much.Like I, it's not that they don't care, but it's more just like I don't feel like I know the players enough to really root for them or to root against them. There have been a few specific instances where I've been like, I mean, most of the time I can basically say like, oh, that's a good game move or that's a bad game move. But I don't, I'm not like emotionally invested. So I don't care as much as I normally would.Like I think that the closest I came to really caring was when Dennis PERSON was sent home because I just felt like he really wanted it. And it was just such a bad move that I was like, oh my God, this is so bad. And then also like I do feel like the Kayla PERSON thing has kind of, you know, I really don't like that either because I feel like that's a horrible move. And I feel I feel most anti-Avery, but I also don't exactly know why. Like, it's one of those things where it's like, I'm feeling this like power of like, I don't like the move she's making.I don't feel like she's doing good things for her game. And yet, like, I don't really know. But that is my current take. It's very half-hearted. It's very,

Speaker 6330.98s - 341.64s

like, I don't really know. And I'm open to, I'm open to suggestion if you guys have some better takes for me. But that's honestly what I'm feeling right now. I do think, I feel like the Kayla PERSON move

Speaker 4341.64s - 353.9s

is an example of what you're talking about, where even if you have been watching the drops, I think that like, I don't think that a lot of the Kayla PERSON stuff that led to the move was in the drops.

Speaker 5354.24s - 354.54s


Speaker 4354.98s - 384.46s

I was, I actually went back to try to find it. There was like a conversation during the Dennis week that Anthony had with Spicy where he was like, oh man, Miss, I love everyone, Kayla PERSON, huh? She's really getting in with everyone, isn't she? Like really playing her own game. She's not in for the chocolates, is she? Like, you know, all this stuff to Spicy PRODUCT.He was like, oh, man, you're right. And so, you know, there was a bit of that through their conversations throughout the season, but like a lot of it we weren't seeing.

Speaker 0384.46s - 395.24s

And we would occasionally see some tension spike up between the two of them, like when Spicey got mad at Kayla during the Matt week, and she confronted her in the pool table room, the billiards room. But,

Speaker 4395.4s - 416.62s

but like I think a lot of that just went under the radar because it was like small things that they didn't think were important enough to the drops. And so when the move happens, it's like, whoa, like where did this come from? And I think the reality is that it's kind of beenworking being worked on for a long time, but we just didn't really see much of it. Mari PERSON, what are your thoughts?

Speaker 7417.24s - 509.16s

Yeah, like, as somebody who like religiously checks shout out to Big Brother Extra ORG for like the daily drops run down and stuff like that. Like I remember goingto sleep after the movie night massacre. I tweeted this out. After they set up the whole, oh, they might be going after Lexus ORG thing. I was like, I went to sleep thinking, wow, going after Lexuswould be a very bad move. And then I woke up in the morning, didn't know that they dropped at something at like midnight and woke up in a media's like, Kayla PERSON's on the block. I was like, what? Like, that's an even worse move to be. How did we get here and then did the digging to figure out how we got here?Like, I agree with Taryn PERSON. It's one of those things like you will never feel comfortable or like you knew what was going to happen because it's just how this season is. We're not going to know. And it's just so unfortunate because you have two vets in there who are honestly probably making some of the funnest feeds ever that we will absolutely never see. And that is, that's what I have to constantly push out of my mind and be like,it's not happening. It doesn't matter. Try and keep up what's going on. And I can't. It's like to me, Big Brother Canada 12 is like BB25 PRODUCT on steroids.Because BB25 PRODUCT did the same thing. A lot of people put up their closest allies. A lot of people made moves. I feel like it's been a trend recently.

Speaker 4509.5s - 512.38s

It doesn't make any sense. Like what is the logic

Speaker 6512.38s - 514.48s

behind it? I just, I still can't even get it.

Speaker 5514.48s - 517.44s

Like when they try and explain themselves, it's like

Speaker 0517.44s - 521.08s

they, they can't. And then afterwards, they

Speaker 6521.08s - 524.22s

always tell ERISA ORG like, I regret it or whatever. And it's like,

Speaker 0524.72s - 525.76s

like, why did you do?

Speaker 5525.86s - 531.44s

Like, why, though? Like, where is this? I just don't get how they're so easily swayed.

Speaker 4531.88s - 536.22s

Did you guys see Avery's goodbye message for Kayla PERSON? I didn't see it.

Speaker 7536.24s - 536.88s

What does she say?

Speaker 5537.34s - 537.6s


Speaker 7537.6s - 538.46s

I feel like I.

Speaker 5538.52s - 543.44s

Avery's goodbye message for Kayla PERSON was like something along along the lines of like, if you

Speaker 4543.44s - 545.92s

know Big Brother, you know the basic rules

Speaker 7545.92s - 547.08s

of Big Brother.

Speaker 5547.58s - 547.68s


Speaker 7547.76s - 551.64s

One of which is you don't target your own allies.

Speaker 5552.58s - 555.08s

Which is like literally what she did.

Speaker 4555.46s - 561.76s

Says Avery PERSON during both of her H.O.Hs sent home to her allies.

Speaker 5562.12s - 562.48s


Speaker 4562.9s - 564s

I did see that.

Speaker 5564s - 565.74s

Like how do they justify it?

Speaker 7565.76s - 567.86s

I just don't understand, like, what, and what,

Speaker 5568.44s - 571.66s

what I don't understand is, like, why they think that this is putting them in, like,

Speaker 4571.66s - 574.22s

a better position than they would.

Speaker 7574.52s - 578.54s

I mean, especially not to, like, totally backtrack, but the dentist thing, like,

Speaker 5579.76s - 646.6s

what, okay, his logic was, like, everyone else wants you out. It's like, okay, then, yeah,, keep him and let someone else get him out. Like, it doesn't make any sense why you need to be the one to get him out. That means that he's your ally. He will do whatever you want. And yet it will put another person ahead of you to go out.And you won't like keep that around. It just, none of it ever makes any sense. And I think for me, that's been like the hardest part of enjoyment for this season. Like I really don't like watching players kind of like flounder around and like make stupid moves and just like be bad. I like to watch players that are good and that are,you know, making smart moves. And so it's even though there's like a drama element of like, oh my God, that's wild that he put Dennis up or that's wild that she put Kayla PERSON up. Like, whoa, there's that shock factor. Yes.But after that it's like, okay, so now we're just like losing a player for no reason and we're just like watching bad players play. To me, that's not exciting. To me, it's not worth the one second of like, she put her up. But, you know, I don't know.

Speaker 7646.84s - 649.56s

That's partially why I'm not so into this season.

Speaker 6650.14s - 653.36s

I think the culture of the house has,

Speaker 7653.48s - 658.24s

has unfortunately set itself to this, in a sense of like,

Speaker 5658.82s - 661.44s

like I am with these group of people.

Speaker 0662.18s - 665.42s

We are loosely against this other group of people.

Speaker 5665.92s - 670.72s

Oh my God, but you're in my group and now I heard that you are turning on me.

Speaker 7670.9s - 762.84s

I must get you out now. It doesn't matter that we're still fighting this other group of people. It feels like that culture of betrayal in the house, like, you've betrayed me. I have to take you out right this second. Like you have to, you know, pay for betraying me right now.I have to get mad at this right now. Ooh, I'm not thinking about long term. It's kind of what feels like is what's pervasive in the house right now. Going literally back to Spicy V's first HOH, which was the second week, putting up Donna PERSON for no reason when they had so, when she had so many when she had so many other targets.And it just continued with Vivik PERSON. And then we have both of Avery PERSON's, HOHs. It's just like, that's the atmosphere that was created. And when that atmosphere was created, you then have a player like Dougiecapitalizing on that, on that atmosphere and intentionally making this stuff happen. You know what I'm saying? So like it always comes down to the culture that that is built, the society that is built within the house. And literally just it feels like we've been on this same roller coaster ride of like, yes, you were in my alliance, but now you've made me mad because I think that you're comingafter me and now I have to get you out. And it is just, it's just so wild to see at this point. I just, it's wild.

Speaker 4763.64s - 770.46s

I mean, like Big Brother Canada WORK_OF_ART's littered with the corpses of players who targeted their

Speaker 5770.46s - 776.98s

own allies on their HOH week from like Raul to Cindy PERSON to. It is very odd.

Speaker 4777.22s - 779.02s

Kyle Moore, Vivek ORG.

Speaker 5779.38s - 813.44s

Like many of them leaving Ryan back in the, like many of them leave the following week, but usually, or sometimes it might take a little bit longer. It's not of them leave the following week, but usually, or sometimes it might take a little bit longer, but like, the paranoia, that it's just like,it's so intense that like the second someone, like the whole time you're like, should I trust this person? Anyway, you're thinking that already. And then the second someone's like,hey, maybe you shouldn't trust them or like, oh, this person's actually an anchor dragging you down. Like, you're like, I'll drop them. I'll drop them.I'll do whatever. So maybe it's just like pure parent. Because like from the outside perspective, it's like it does not compute.

Speaker 0813.44s - 835.9s

It does not make any sense why these people would be targeting their own allies every single time like this. And yet they still do it. People who are fans of the show still do it. So you'd think like it would stop at some point or maybe, oh, it's just people who don't know the game very well, but it's people who know the game and they still do it.So I don't, I really don't know how to explain it. Yeah.

Speaker 4836.52s - 881.56s

Yeah. Well, well, here's where it is. You know, Kayla PERSON left. Kayla PERSON went to the jury house. I did talk to Kayla PERSON. know. Kayla PERSON left.Kayla PERSON went to the jury house. I did talk to Kayla. She told me that she still is looking to hopefully vote for Avery PERSON and Spicy PRODUCT as as her top picks.Goose PERSON also told me Spicy was his top pick. Bailey PERSON though was actually pretty high for for Kayla PERSON. She acknowledged in the interview, however, that she does think that Anthony's playing the best game, which is different from the perspective Goose PERSON had when he went into the jury house.And I got the sense. She seemed to imply that they have talked or they had talked by the time I talked to her.

Speaker 6882.2s - 887.6s

So I'm curious to know if Goose's perception of Spicey PERSON being the best player is clashing

Speaker 4887.6s - 927.36s

it all with Kayla's seeming perception that Anthony PERSON's the best player. And it would make sense that that might be the case, given that Spicey PERSON just made what seems like a crucial mistake that Anthony PERSON is probably going to capitalize on. So I think there's some intrigue in that. I think overall, the jury management question for Anthony is going to start to get bigger and bigger because that's obviously why he lost the first time.And as it's looking closer and closer to him maybe getting to the end, some of these interviews might be concerning for him. However, back in the house, we had an HOH competition. And there are seven people in the game.

Speaker 6928.06s - 930.64s

One of them is not competing as the former prior HOH ORG.

Speaker 4930.98s - 999.94s

So it was a 3V3 comp. It was Anthony, Tola, and Lexus versus Spicey, Todd, and Bailey PERSON. And Anthony PERSON probably is throwing. Spicy told Anthony PERSON she was throwing. She may or may not have actually been throwing. So it might have just come down to Tola and Lexus versus Bailey and Todd PERSON.Bailey and Todd were looking at trying to target Lexus ORG. That was their main target. Tola was primarily looking to target Avery PERSON. Lexus probably would have targeted Bailey PERSON as her primary. But, you know, who knows, she might have changed up if she had won. The competition comes down to Todd and Tola PERSON.Final two in the competition. And Tola PERSON finally wins in H-O-H. And when I say finally, if you think about it, after week one when Anthony PERSON was H-O-H, spicy and her allies,her people have won every single HOH ORG comp.

Speaker 01000.1s - 1013.36s

Anthony PERSON's people have not won a single HOH since his first win in week one. This is the first time he is back in actual power and not just having to sway the power.

Speaker 41014.94s - 1064.14s

And here it is, I mean, a crucial one indeed as Tola wins this presumably not putting Anthony or Lexus ORG anywhere close to the block, which means that one of Bailey, spicy, Avery, or Todd should be leaving this week. But of course, the primary target that Tola would like to take out is Avery PERSON. And if the veto doesn't get weird and get used to save her, it seems like Avery PERSON is the most likely person to leave right now. But there is still a lot of other intrigue. But yes, this seems like the immediate karma that hit Vivek is now also potentially hitting Avery PERSON.Yeah.

Speaker 71064.74s - 1118.74s

Avery PERSON is somebody who like when the cast dropped, I was like she is a favorite of mine. Like she's who I want to root for. And the moment that Spicey and Anthony PERSON entered the houseand she was a self-proclaimed spicy fan girl and just fell all over herself for spicy. I was like, okay, all right. You know, even from like volunteering as being a pawn and all that stuff, I was like, come on, Avery PERSON.I'm like push through. And, you know, and she would show some strategic chops. But the first H.O.H When she sent home Matt PERSON, I was like, girl, what?I was like, but it's okay. It's all right. Let's keep it going. But after this second Hoh, I was like, girl, what? I was like, but it's okay. It's all right. Let's keep it going. But after this second HOH, I just cannot. I'm like, I'm firmly at, you have done a stupid moving big brother. Now I need you to immediately know that you did a stupid move in Big Brother.

Speaker 61119.28s - 1128.26s

Honestly, because you had Todd and Tola PERSON on the block twice in back-to-back weeks, and you told them they were your target.

Speaker 71128.26s - 1135.84s

And you let other people talk you into targeting to people who were not coming for you at all.

Speaker 61136.84s - 1138.56s

Like, that is your fault.

Speaker 71139.04s - 1222.76s

And even if that person was coming for spicy, or even if that person was coming for Dougie PERSON, or even if that person was coming for Bailey, that is still not Avery. She was not coming for spicy or even if that person was coming for Dougie or even if that person was coming for Bailey that is still not Avery she was not coming for you Kayla PERSON was not coming for you so getting rid of Kayla PERSON especially now like who would have been on the block with you probably Kayla PERSON who's a bigger target than you Kayla Kayla's gone now now you're on the block next to Bailey you're the bigger target you deserve this because it didn't make any, it didn't make any sense. It still doesn't.I don't care how often she tries to talk herself into it making sense. It didn't make sense for her personal game. For Avery's personal game, sending Kayla PERSON out on her HOH did not make sense. And nobody can convince me otherwise. And so now that Tola PERSON has finally won a comp, because he's been talking about how he's going to win comps all season,it's what she deserves, unfortunately. Now, I hope she goes out there and wins a POV, throw a wrench and everything. Yes, because I like chaos. And I'm not really rooting for anybody at this point. But like, it's just so frustrating because of like, how? How did y'all let this happen?Like how? You were up. Spicy Side was up like 7'4 and they like dropped them all. Like I'm done. They were up.

Speaker 41222.86s - 1231.16s

Yeah, they were up so much. But like, but there was so much. But like, but there was so much unnecessary stuff happening, turning their own allies against them. And even like,

Speaker 01231.22s - 1238.48s

even the move, I still feel like the move to target Matt PERSON. Like they got to a point where it became almost necessary

Speaker 41238.48s - 1273.24s

because of how like alienating they had been. But like that's, I mean, that's what turns like, like they were like, oh, we'll get rid of Matt and then Lexus ORG will come to us. No, that's not how that works.It just turned her and Anthony PERSON against you. And got rid of like a shield and a potential like ally. And you did it in order to protect players like Goose and Todd PERSON, people who have no loyalty whatsoever to specifically Avery and Kayla PERSON.

Speaker 61274.24s - 1295.26s

And it's just like, what are you, why are you playing into Bailey PERSON's hands right now? Like, why are you playing the game for Bailey PERSON? You know, it was just, it was a wild series of decisions that eventually ends with, you know, they, they got into trouble after the mad eviction on movie night massacre.

Speaker 41296.06s - 1299.78s

Kayla PERSON wins that veto and they're able to kind of pull a fast one.

Speaker 01299.9s - 1314.54s

They're kind of lucky that it was so fast that they didn't have a chance to flip the vote on Avery that week. They managed to squeak by. And then they, and squeaking by was what they needed because then they had another chance. Like, okay, now we won again. We have another chance to set things right.

Speaker 41315.14s - 1358.34s

And then they fumbled. And then they fumbled. And it was such an easy call. Like there was like, like, like Avery, the person who were in her first HOH week was like, you know, sometimes the easy move is the right move. And it's just like there was such an easy move.It was like laid up for literally two different people are responsible for you being on the block. You nominated both of them. One of them is going to leave. Tola particularly is like somebody that you have the numbers to take out this week. Why do anything different? It didn't need to be Lexus ORG.It certainly didn't need to be Kayla PERSON. Neither of them were coming for you. They had bigger things to deal with. Like, what are you doing?

Speaker 51359.34s - 1370.02s

It's like that, it's that thing I feel like where it's like, I guess it's like, it's similar. It's a little different, obviously, but it's similar where it's like I guess it's like it's similar it's a little different obviously but it's similar where it's like the people get more mad at their own

Speaker 61370.02s - 1372.06s

allies to like seemingly

Speaker 51372.06s - 1375.82s

do something against them versus like the person who's been against them the whole time

Speaker 61375.82s - 1386.34s

like it's like because it's like well I already knew you were anti me but my ally I thought you were my ally like even in this case it's like it's not totally relevant because it's like people weren't doing stuff totally it wasn't even in this case, it's like it's not totally relevant because it's like people weren't doing stuff.

Speaker 51386.6s - 1405.3s

It wasn't even true. That's the thing. It's like it's not even like the person did something against you. But I just feel like it's that same feeling where it's like, well, I, I'm more mad at you because I thought you were close to me. And so it wasn't even true. And even if it had been true, it still wasn't the right move. It just still doesn't matter. Yeah, that's the thing.

Speaker 41405.38s - 1406.82s

It just doesn't matter.

Speaker 51407.22s - 1409.68s

And it's just so bad.

Speaker 41410.02s - 1415.22s

It's kind of like, it's sucky because, you know, at the beginning, it was the whole

Speaker 51415.22s - 1416.94s

girls alliance and all that.

Speaker 61417.02s - 1420.02s

And I was like, I was like excited about that.

Speaker 51420.18s - 1423.1s

I mean, obviously I shouldn't get my hopes up ever about that.

Speaker 61423.18s - 1427.54s

But it just seemed so easy because it did seemed like the guys didn't really have it together

Speaker 01427.54s - 1429.62s

and the girls really had it together.

Speaker 61429.98s - 1430.26s


Speaker 01430.7s - 1449.06s

It seemed like an easy move to be like, okay, at least it's like, we can make our own alliances and do our own thing, but let's try and at least keep the girls protected or try and avoid having girls go on the block or try and if there's a girl versus a guy, like let's get the guy out or whatever. It just seemed like an easy like background alliance that people could kind of keep in their minds.

Speaker 61449.68s - 1452.64s

And yet the girls end up targeting the girls.

Speaker 51452.98s - 1459.38s

And so like they're targeting each other. They're just eating their own. It just doesn't it doesn't make any sense strategy wise.

Speaker 01459.38s - 1476.98s

Like you would think that you'd want this the safety net of like, okay, well, at least like if there's a girl, if I, I know if I'm on the block, the girls at least have my back. Like, but now it's like, nobody has anyone's back. Everyone's just all over the place. It doesn't make any sense. And I totally agree with what you said, Mari PERSON, where it was like, when somebody makes a really

Speaker 51476.98s - 1481.16s

dumb move, you want them to like immediately feel that they made that dumb move. Because I feel like

Speaker 71481.16s - 1491.82s

if they wait too long, it's like, well, it kind of loses. No, justify it. Yeah. It's like, well, this was because of other things I did. But it's like if the second they get out, it's like, yeah, well, you shouldn't have made that

Speaker 51491.82s - 1496.46s

dumb move last week. So I'm okay with Averyne Cohen PERSON, honestly, even though she's on my draft team.

Speaker 01496.84s - 1501.66s

I was very excited about her, you know, when she first came into the house, like Mari PERSON said.

Speaker 71501.66s - 1505.96s

But I just feel like, yeah, ever since she just

Speaker 01505.96s - 1510.36s

became like, it seemed like she just was willing to do whatever it took to just, like, be in

Speaker 51510.36s - 1537.22s

with Spicy and Anthony PERSON. And it just felt like that always just like kind of like, I don't like that very much. It's very Paul PERSON-esque and his whole like cronies. I didn't, I don't like that vibe. I want everyone to kind of play for themselves. So, um, yeah, I just, I have not been, uh, loving the moves. I mean, especially then you have all these dumb moves being made and you're like, hmm, okay, that's fine. She can go. Um, so yeah, I don't know, whatever. Yeah. If, if every

Speaker 41537.22s - 1551.56s

targeting Matt was kind of like when Howie targeted James, um, every targeting Kayla is like if Howie had targeted Hacer PERSON. Like somehow even worse.

Speaker 61552s - 1556.2s

Like an all-time bad move made somehow all the worse.

Speaker 01556.74s - 1557.32s

So bad.

Speaker 11560.72s - 1567.02s

On May 10th, Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes is coming to IMAX ORG in theaters everywhere.

Speaker 61567.44s - 1569.56s

What a wonderful day!

Speaker 11570.46s - 1590.12s

This summer, one movie event will reign. It is our time. Apes hunt humans. That is wrong. Bend for your king. Never.Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART. Only in theaters, May 10. Tickets on sale now. Ready PG-13. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.

Speaker 41591.32s - 1597.44s

So that's where we are with Kayla PERSON. She is going up on the block with Bailey PERSON.

Speaker 01598.34s - 1599.3s

Or sorry, with Avery PERSON.

Speaker 11599.98s - 1601.08s

Avery PERSON is the target.

Speaker 01601.22s - 1602.46s

Up on the block with Avery PERSON.

Speaker 41605.54s - 1606.4s

With Bailey PERSON.

Speaker 51607.04s - 1608.02s

It's like, wait.

Speaker 41608.44s - 1620.98s

I keep trying to think about the next sentence as I'm speaking the first one. So the question becomes, right? Like, okay, let's assume the nominations stay the same.

Speaker 61622.24s - 1625.52s

The votes that should be there for Bailey PERSON to stay,

Speaker 41625.9s - 1643.64s

the guaranteed ones, you have Todd PERSON, and then you just need one of Spicy, Anthony PERSON, or Lexus ORG. Now, theoretically, hot chocolate,if it were still in place, would mean that they have those three votes to save Avery over Bailey PERSON.

Speaker 61644.84s - 1652.12s

The problem is that like Avery PERSON just took out a hot chocolate, the most loyal hot chocolate

Speaker 41652.12s - 1652.6s


Speaker 61653.98s - 1657.42s

So there's not a lot of loyalty left there.

Speaker 41658.18s - 1669.8s

But there might be an argument and there might be an expectation that those three will vote to keep her. And that could cause some interesting drama slash attention slash we'll see.

Speaker 01670.44s - 1676.76s

You know, Spicy PRODUCT herself even. I feel like it's hard to say.

Speaker 41676.76s - 1681.92s

But like obviously Avery has been, I think, one of Spicies ORG number ones.

Speaker 61682.22s - 1683.9s

Maybe you're number one, number one.

Speaker 41684.48s - 1713.64s

I would assume the person she would want to take to the final two if not Anthony PERSON I still don't really fully know exactly what's going on with that but like if if Spicey PERSON had her choice she should wantAvery over Bailey PERSON and Todd and Tott PERSON are more of a duo and she's in a better spot with Avery for many different reasons however the way that I think Spice PERSON spicy tends to play the game, I feel like she might actually just let Avery PERSON go,cut her lose.

Speaker 61713.64s - 1714.2s


Speaker 41714.6s - 1728.76s

Because, uh, if she cuts Bailey PERSON, she'll be pissing off Todd PERSON, uh, or like confusing Todd PERSON at the very least.And she tries to please the most amount of people, I think, at all times.

Speaker 61729.12s - 1733.1s

And so because there's kind of two people over there, not to mention the fact that like

Speaker 41733.1s - 1756.26s

she'd be upsetting Tola PERSON and a bunch of other people, I'm not sure she's actually going to want to stick her neck out and try to convince Lexis or Anthony PERSON to come with her to do this move. But we'll see. It does appear right now that if the nomination stay the same, it's probably Avery PERSON,but it's not impossible by anything for this vote to flip. Yeah.

Speaker 71756.94s - 1895.66s

Spicy. Spicy has been like, yeah, it's whatever. I don't care. I have no untouchables. Like, let's go. I'm like, spicy.Do you realize if Avery goes this week, you went from having your, your team of three intact to now it's just you and now, but maybe this is what you want. You talked about it all season, Taryn PERSON, how spicy loves to aggressively play the middle. If every goes, then that is the position that she can now aggressively play. Between Todd and Bailey and Tola, Anthony, and Lexus, she theoretically should be able to squeak by and let those two sides maybe toss missiles at each other. But this house is just way too unpredictable slash spicy is way too unpredictable for me to think that would be a good situation you want going into a final sixth scenario because that's another thing to consider this is notthe beginning of the game. This is the end game time. So is cutting all of your closest allies at the end game the best route because those people on those sides, if one side starts winning over the other side, then once they take out the one side, then are you next? You know what I'm saying? Like, it's a lot of things that I don't know if Spicy really thinks two to three steps ahead. And that's why Anthony PERSON just has so much more, he just way ahead of most peoplebecause you can tell that he is thinking way more steps ahead, way more weeks ahead than these people. Again, probably because he's done this endgame portion. Spicey PERSON has not done this end game portion. So I think she thinks her strength is going with the flow in the moment, which is true, but this is also Big Brother, your runway might run out for that.You know what I'm saying? If you don't set yourself up, this is about the time, this middle end game is where you should be setting yourself up so that no matter what happens, you're going to the end. And I don't know if that's happening for spicy. I feel like that's slipping out of her fingers right now.But I don't know. It's as you need.

Speaker 41896.26s - 2087.34s

Yes. Now, what's really spicy about these drops is that there are some other potential options for what might happen this week. Obviously, the veto could come into play and whether forced or not could be usedand then a replacement would have to be named. Now, Tola PERSON has implied to, basically said straight up to both Todd PERSON and Lexus and actually also Avery that Todd is likely the person that would go up on the block as a replacement if he needed one. However, Anthony PERSON might have something to say about that. might have something to say about that. Over the last few days prior to the week ending,prior to Kayla PERSON leaving, Tola had some conversations with Anthony PERSON. Lexus has had some conversations with Anthony PERSON. They've been like, so who are we targeting? And Anthony PERSON keeps kind of dropping like, well, you can't keep your eye off of the people that we thought we had.And then when it came down to it, we didn't, you know, referring to spicy. And then straight up talks to Lexus prior to the HOH ORG competition about how he said, Lexus, who's Bailey PERSON's number one? Spicy. Who's Avery's number one? Spicy. Who's Avery's number one? Spicy.That's a problem, he said. And then post-H-O-H ORG competition, Tola PERSON is the HOH, and Anthony PERSON, talking to himself, says, I could do something really good this week, or I could do something really bad this week.And I think there's definitely the thought in Anthony PERSON's mind that it might be time to cut spicy. And it's, I think I'm right with them in terms of like thinking, is it the right time? I don't know. There's definitely some downsides. But it's also like there's a way to make it work. So because of that, because I can see a path, I assume that Anthony PERSON probably does as well.And given that he does, if the opportunity presents itself, I do think there's a pretty significant chance that it could happen, especially because I don't think Tola will want to have to cut Todd if he doesn't have to. They have a bit of a relationship. I don't think he's like specifically looking to cut spicy either necessarily. I think he does really want Avery gone. But if Avery is no longer an option or if Anthony PERSON just pushes hard enough, there's an actual chance for the first time really in the entire game. There's a chance that one of the vets might actually leave this week. And that's the fact that it's even a possibility right now is a dramatic downfall very quickly from Spice's position in the game just a couple of weeks ago.

Speaker 02088.34s - 2091.8s

It's just like it's wild that we're even here and that it's even a possibility.

Speaker 42091.8s - 2101.72s

And the fact that we might, you know, wake up on Monday morning and, you know, see Spicies ORG on the block.

Speaker 62102.14s - 2104.64s

Like that's, that's wild to me.

Speaker 42105.16s - 2107.5s

And I feel like it's like all her own doing,

Speaker 52107.68s - 2119.32s

which is kind of frustrating because she was in such a good position. I just feel like the worst position you could be in this game is Spicey PERSON's ally. Like I just feel like she's such a horrible ally.

Speaker 62119.84s - 2125.48s

She's constantly, like if you're going to her ally, you're more likely to go home than if you're her enemy.

Speaker 52126.02s - 2159.28s

It's wild. And so like, I get it. Like, Anthony PERSON, if I was Anthony, I wouldn't trust her at all. And she's given a lot of reason for him not to trust her. She's more of a liability than she isan ally. So to me, like, it would probably make for an easier game to have her go. At the same time, you know, it's like we're sitting here saying all along like, don't get rid of your allies.What are you an idiot? And then we're sitting here saying like, oh, well, maybe he should. But I do feel like in this situation, like she's not a loyal ally.

Speaker 02159.94s - 2164.52s

She's certainly not helpful to most of her allies games.

Speaker 62164.98s - 2165.02s

So I don't think this is in the same ballpark as like, you know, oh, well, don't to most of her allies games.

Speaker 02170.38s - 2174.28s

So I don't think this is in the same ballpark as like, you know, oh, well, don't get rid of your ally. And also it's not his HOH. So like, you know, it's a little different. But still.

Speaker 72174.7s - 2311.12s

But also, but yes, it's really bad to be Spicy's ally unless you're Dougie PERSON, though. Because unfortunately, what we've seen and what she's said and what she's seen and what we've seen have kind of lined up, even though it's been in a very messy way. Everything she does is for him. Like, again, me and Taryn are saying, we don't know if that's really her final two, but her actions to me feel like it's her final too because she literally bends the house to his wheel.Like Anthony PERSON is a great player. He's a great player. But a lot of the moves that he made this season, he had to go through Victoria GPE to make them because she had the power on that side because it was her side who was winning.And that doesn't take away from what he did. That means he knows the right person to make what he wants happen. And so Spicey PERSON herself has been getting out people for him. And I mean, and for Bailey PERSON, definitely not for herself. Because again, it's her ally she's taken out. But Spicey PERSON has been, has hadlike a really firm control on this game. So her going out for Dougie PERSON, I just don't know when you still have Todd there. You still have Bailey PERSON there. Like I know you have a great relationship with Bailey. I know you're swaying Todd. But you're two loyal minions, Lexus and Tola PERSON, I get it. You don't want to touch them. But SpicyV is right there with them. So if you get rid of Avery PERSON, spicy has to either aggressively play the middle or come over to your foresum. I think that is the perfect scenario for Anthony. For Anthony, a perfect scenario to me would be to have him, Lexus ORG,Spicy, and Tola in that Final Four EVENT. Because to me, in that configuration, there's no way he's not seeing at least one of those two seats. I don't see how he's not. Unless Lexus ORG gets smartens up.But honestly, I think to me, that guarantees him final two in some way, shape, or form.Well,

Speaker 42311.12s - 2337.7s

yeah, I mean, I think the question is, does it guarantee him the win, right?With all of this, you know, stuff, the fact that spicy PERSON has been in the power seatfor so long, many of the people in the jury house see her as the driver of the game. And losing Matt PERSON was really devastating for hisjury chances because he does not have like his guy in that jury house

Speaker 62337.7s - 2343.52s

fighting for him in the way that spicy PERSON has now hurt people in there. And so

Speaker 42343.52s - 2367.82s

I think he's probably concerned. I would assume he's concerned about that. And, and then, you know, like, I can certainly see, like, if I'm, if I'm Anthony PERSON in that house, like, I'm watching from outside. I'm watching the daily drops. I'm watching the episodes.I'm watching the diary rooms. And I can't tell where Spicey PERSON's true loyalties lie.

Speaker 62368.02s - 2369s

Like I can't tell.

Speaker 02369.12s - 2372s

I don't know what she will do at almost any given.

Speaker 62372.7s - 2379.36s

If I'm Anthony PERSON in the house and I have much less access to that information,

Speaker 42379.66s - 2385.34s

there's no way in the world I would ever feel like I could trust that she'd actually stick with me.

Speaker 62385.54s - 2389.1s

Because yes, well, in some ways she has done things that have benefited me.

Speaker 42389.74s - 2396.28s

The Kayla move, putting up Goose in the movie Night Massacre, Dennis, Donna PERSON, like so many things she's done.

Speaker 62396.68s - 2402.58s

But then on the other hand, he does have that one big example of what she did what she did to Matt PERSON.

Speaker 02402.94s - 2405.26s

And like almost every single one of those weeks,

Speaker 42405.48s - 2407.34s

she kept trying to do the other thing.

Speaker 02407.42s - 2409.06s

She kept trying to convince me to do the other thing.

Speaker 42409.1s - 2412.08s

And I had to work hard at making sure she stuck to the thing

Speaker 72412.08s - 2424.82s

that was supposed to happen. And then it's like even now, like, you know, when we talked about the Lexus move last week, could they back door Lexus ORG, that would be a terrible move. You know, it would really mess up a lot of things.

Speaker 42429.12s - 2451.58s

And then the Kayla move. Is that even worse? Well, it's definitely worse for Avery, but there's a way that Spicey could make it work. If she really played this up to Anthony PERSON to be like, listen, this is the move for you. I'm loyal to you and I'm going to show it to you by getting a, by getting Kayla PERSON up on the block. Then I think that like that allows her to maybe actually snow Anthony PERSON back into thinking he can work with her long term. But then again, I feel like the way that it played out, it didn't really work that way.

Speaker 02452s - 2471.84s

Anthony PERSON again felt like he had to work very hard and make up all these lies and take a lot of heat for the move. And and, you know, Spicey PERSON never even really said like I'm doing this for you. She was like, I'm doing it for me. And Anthony PERSON feels like she did it for her. He said she's a very selfish player. And that's why she's doing this.I had to manipulate her.

Speaker 42471.84s - 2504.62s

And then, and then right away, of course, as soon as the move went into, went into play, Spicey PERSON was back to her old ways. She was trying to talk, she was talking to taught about, like, is anybody going to take the shot at Anthony PERSON, though? Are you going to take the shot at Anthony PERSON? Bailey, are you going to take the shot at Anthony PERSON? And it's you going to take the shot at Anthony? Bailey, are you going to take the shot at Anthony?And it's just like, like, of course this is like, he's not going to not hear about it. So, so like I can definitely, again, even from the outside the house, I'm like, I don't know that I would want to just take that risk, especially because she's admitted to Anthony PERSON. She's been throwing comps just like he has.

Speaker 02510.12s - 2516.16s

And I know she's a very good competitor, especially with quiz comps. I'd be very worried about her winning a bunch of endgame stuff. So if I'm thinking about could this move

Speaker 42516.16s - 2564.14s

happen? I do still feel, I agree with you, Mari PERSON. I think that there's a big risk to it. Because the easier move, the sort of safer play is, to some degree, is to just let Avery go and then try to just continue to work the both sides thing. The problem is that Spicy is so tight with Todd and Bailey PERSON. I don't know that she will feel like she ever needs to cut them because she might feel like Bailey will take her over Todd and that even Todd might take her over Bailey. And I don't know if that's true, but I think Spicy PRODUCT might believe it. And if that's the case, that's kind of dangerous. So where is the world where it makes sense?Well, what if, say, Bailey PERSON comes off the block, spicy goes up next to Avery PERSON.

Speaker 62564.56s - 2568.22s

In that world, Bailey and Todd PERSON will be trying to keep

Speaker 42568.22s - 2569.96s

spicy over

Speaker 62569.96s - 2572.32s

Avery PERSON, which means

Speaker 42572.32s - 2574.22s

Anthony PERSON and Lexus

Speaker 62574.22s - 2576.14s

get to come in and be like, listen,

Speaker 42577.14s - 2593.96s

we're between a rock and a hard place with hot chocolate, but we're going to choose you over spicy, Avery, against the will of Todd and Bailey PERSON, who want you gone. And Avery just doesn't have as much of a connection to Todd PERSON, clearly, as Spicy PRODUCT does.

Speaker 02594.52s - 2597.52s

And so, and now Todd PERSON still feels like he needs to deal with

Speaker 42597.52s - 2604.02s

with Avery PERSON to some degree. And it's harder for that trio to get together, and you might have some pull on Avery PERSON.

Speaker 02604.64s - 2617.32s

And then the other side of it is, if Avery comes down, Spicy PRODUCT goes up. She's up against Bailey PERSON. Well, now it's Todd trying to keep Bailey PERSON. And Anthony and Lexus get to side with Todd and Bailey against Spicy PRODUCT.

Speaker 42617.82s - 2653.14s

Like, and Anthony can go to Bailey PERSON and be like, listen, I told you, I've always been with you. I've always been working with you. I'm keeping you over spicy. Even though she's my girl, like, I've got you. And Avery PERSON's going to want to be trying to keep spicy. And again, you can play them off each other potentially.So there's a world where that works. And with spicy, like this big wild card, very strong social player gone, you know, it feels very playable from that point. It's a little more dangerous because, you know, it feels very playable from that point. It's a little more dangerous because, you know, once you break that seal with the returning players,broken, can't go back.

Speaker 62654.34s - 2656.34s

But with just,

Speaker 42656.9s - 2659.66s

as long as nothing really bad happens with comp outcomes,

Speaker 62660.16s - 2664.36s

you're probably looking at like a pretty decent spot, especially because the spicy gone,

Speaker 42664.36s - 2685.38s

it frees up a lot of people who are only bringing spicy to the final two as well. So again, it's riskier, but there's a way to make it work. And Anthony PERSON is the kind of guy that tends to be able to make things work. So I do think it's a serious possibility.But either way, this has been a massive win for Anthony PERSON.

Speaker 62685.98s - 2691.42s

I mean, Tola PERSON getting this win, taking a shot, it means that even if the other side wins

Speaker 42691.42s - 2697.18s

next week, which they probably will, why would they take the shot at Anthony PERSON?

Speaker 62697.3s - 2698.04s

No matter what happens.

Speaker 42698.84s - 2702.38s

He's the weakest competitor of the three, Tola, Lexus, and Anthony PERSON.

Speaker 62702.38s - 2705.78s

You'd absolutely be taking a shot at Tola or Lexus first.

Speaker 42706.32s - 2710.16s

And that's mostly fine, you know, especially if Spicey PERSON's gone.

Speaker 62710.82s - 2713.4s

So, you know, or Avery PERSON's gone.

Speaker 42713.56s - 2720.72s

So this was a huge, huge result for sure. And I don't know. Melissa PERSON, what are your thoughts on all that?

Speaker 52721.28s - 2744.22s

Yeah, I mean, I totally agree. I think, like, I think it could go either way, but I think that, like, Anthony is in a decent spot. And I think that if, if Avery PERSON goes home, if spicy goes home, like, I don't see that really, like, affecting Anthony PERSON's game in such a way that he, like, could not get out of. I mean, I feel like, it's a big win either way. Yeah, like,

Speaker 42744.22s - 2746.9s

that's the thing is I think that it doesn't really matter.

Speaker 52747.5s - 2754.58s

I think he can make it work. Whatever way it is, like he's going to come out on top, I think, because, you know,

Speaker 02754.58s - 2756.26s

that's just the way he plays.

Speaker 52757.38s - 2810.92s

And I think to me, I'd probably prefer for Spicy to stay this week. I get that it would be a big move, but just from like a viewing perspective, I get that a lot of people are kind of over the chaoticness of her and just kind of like it's too much. But, you know, I don't mind it.I think I prefer that over someone who's just like making bad moves because they're just like kind of following along and that's kind of how I feel Avery PERSON's thing. I feel like I've been like very negative on Avery which like I don't know if it's necessarily justified because I really don't know what's going on but you know I do feel like it's just kind of boring to me especially like it's also like the like the arrogance about it like the like I'm doing I'm really good at this and I'm making the rightmoves and the reason why you're going on the block is because of your own fault but it's like

Speaker 62810.92s - 2816.64s

you're making bad moves these are bad moves it doesn't matter like their own fault it's like

Speaker 52816.64s - 2820.64s

you shouldn't be putting them up on the block in the first place so you know I'm kind of over

Speaker 62820.64s - 2827.96s

that so I'm kind of okay with Avery going this week and I get that it would be like a big flash you move to have spicy ego this week.

Speaker 52828.08s - 2830.38s

But, you know, whatever.

Speaker 72830.92s - 2840.14s

I mean, like, like Taryn said, it's just, it's not right now on the drops where we're getting it's still just a inkling in Anthony PERSON's head for right now.

Speaker 62840.24s - 2890.74s

Right, right. If we're going off of what we're seeing, I guess, Tola is telling Lexus ORG that Todd PERSON is the replacement. He's telling Todd, oh, I have a backdoor plan, but I don't know if that's true if he's just not telling Todd PERSON. But he also kind of hinted to Todd that he might have to go up at some point too. So it's just like, for me, I'm just like, okay, as of right now, Tola PERSON's saying it's Todd PERSON.If Anthony PERSON pushes and spicy fires her way up there or if something happens with the veto, it is what it is. And I think what's more very interesting from this drop is like Anthony promising safety to Bailey PERSON and like sounding very convincing of it. Like I'm wondering what his idea is there because he really is, was promising her safety this week.

Speaker 52890.94s - 2894.18s

What's to deal with these clips that are floating around Twitter ORG of them like

Speaker 72894.18s - 2899.02s

flirting or not flirting or whatever? Like do we believe that?

Speaker 42899.5s - 2902.78s

I think they're both in relationships for the for the record, I think.

Speaker 72902.86s - 2903.36s

Oh, okay.

Speaker 42903.56s - 2904.24s

Well, then.

Speaker 52904.24s - 2906.7s

But there's definitely chemistry

Speaker 42906.7s - 2912.54s

like I think I think I think I think everyone sees it yeah I feel like I always enjoy watching

Speaker 62912.54s - 2917.48s

their little like flirtations like I was into it when I was seeing the clips of it you know

Speaker 52917.48s - 2924.32s

if they're both in relationships then maybe not so much but you know I do kind of I like the like

Speaker 62924.32s - 2927.36s

kind of ribbing each other sort of stuff

Speaker 52927.36s - 2929.78s

where it's like kind of flirty but also just like banter.

Speaker 62930.08s - 2933.76s

So, yeah, I could get on board with that if they both didn't.

Speaker 52934.44s - 2935.4s

I'm for relationships.

Speaker 62935.84s - 2936.44s

I don't know.

Speaker 72936.44s - 2936.74s


Speaker 52936.94s - 2943.02s

I think that, I think that Anthony plans to keep Bailey PERSON regardless of replacement.

Speaker 42943.32s - 2945.58s

I think that that's probably where that's coming from.

Speaker 62945.84s - 2950.22s

Also, for what it's worth, like, you know, Tola PERSON kind of pulled him into the room to be like,

Speaker 72950.82s - 2955.54s

because Tola was telling Bailey PERSON, like, we're, uh, I have to put you up.

Speaker 62955.54s - 2958.72s

And she was concerned and brought up many concerns.

Speaker 52958.72s - 2961.44s

And he was, he was trying to be like, Anthony PERSON, come in.

Speaker 62961.56s - 2964.34s

You're obvious, tell her, you're going to keep her no matter what, right?

Speaker 02964.46s - 2964.7s


Speaker 52964.74s - 2965.94s

And so I think, I assume so Anthony PERSON was like, yes.

Speaker 42966.36s - 2973.52s

But I do think, I assume that Anthony's plan would be that, you know, Bailey versus Avery PERSON, Avery is the target.

Speaker 62974.8s - 2978.04s

If Spicey PERSON goes up to be back doored, Spicey's the target.

Speaker 32978.5s - 2983.4s

If Todd goes up as the replacement, I think he would still probably take out Todd over Bailey PERSON.

Speaker 42985.24s - 2986.88s

And is that the right move?

Speaker 32989.28s - 2990.32s

Probably, I don't know.

Speaker 42990.82s - 3013.22s

It really could go either way at that point. He has a better relationship with Bailey PERSON. She's probably less likely to target him than Todd PERSON is. But Bailey's tighter with Avery and Spicey PERSON. So like, you can go either way. But I think that, you know, at the very least,he's got to get in on the ground floor and just make sure that he's telling her, like, of course, I've got you. Because she's probably going to stay. And so, you know, you want to make sure

Speaker 73013.22s - 3016.62s

that she has no doubts about that. And you get the credit. Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 53017.78s - 3038.46s

And just, like, as an overarching point, like, I feel like as much as we're like, oh, I don't like it when people are making these dumb moves or whatever and they're targeting their allies. Like I do appreciate this more than I would appreciate just one dominant alliance, like marching their way to the end and getting each person out one by one.

Speaker 03038.56s - 3060.06s

Like at least this way, it's like, we don't know what's going to happen next because it could, it's not going to be necessarily the best move for your game. It could be the worst move for your game. And we have no clue what's going to happen. So as much as I don't love it, I feel like it's like here and then below that in terms of my liking it, it would be a season where a dominant alliance just marches to the end.

Speaker 53060.24s - 3062.8s

So take that as you will, I guess.

Speaker 43062.9s - 3073.98s

I think what's made it work this season is that, like, Anthony and Spicy PRODUCT have been, obviously been like the primary drivers of the action.

Speaker 63075.74s - 3080.06s

But like when you watch Big Brother ORG, you, you don't, I mean, there's a, like, you root for

Speaker 43080.06s - 3080.6s

the underdogs.

Speaker 63080.94s - 3091.28s

Like, you rue for the people who are not in power. And there's like, there's a majority. There's a minority. The majority being in power, doing power things, not as fun to watch.

Speaker 43091.58s - 3109.86s

Not as fun to root for. So the weird way that this season got structured is that spicy PERSON has the majority and the power. She's winning all the comps. Her side is winning all the comps. And Anthony PERSON is like weirdly in the minorityspot even though together they form a super majority.

Speaker 63110.5s - 3121.6s

But like they've been competing in this weird way where it's where it is this like proxy war where he is in the underdog position. And then when

Speaker 43121.6s - 3136.82s

he's having to make these moves like convincing Vive to target Dennis PERSON, convincing Avery to target Kayla, like he's having to make these moves like convincing Vivek to target Dennis, convincing Avery to target Kayla PERSON, like he's coming at it from an underdog spot even though he is like the ultimate overgod.

Speaker 63137.18s - 3143.68s

So like I think what the what occurs is that we have this weird sort of juxtaposition

Speaker 43143.68s - 3146.7s

of a dominant returnee season

Speaker 63146.7s - 3151.24s

where they're just being dominant, but it's still kind of fun and interesting.

Speaker 43151.24s - 3152.46s

It's like, why is that?

Speaker 63152.46s - 3155.06s

And I think it's, I think it's this.

Speaker 43155.06s - 3161.72s

I think that it's because of the way that they structured it out that like Anthony PERSON is kind of playing from behind.

Speaker 63162.1s - 3163.04s

And so that's more interesting.

Speaker 03163.04s - 3167.48s

And then on the flip side, spicy in the majority.

Speaker 43169.32s - 3169.48s


Speaker 63170.36s - 3171.2s

It's spicy.

Speaker 43171.48s - 3173.84s

It's just all over the place.

Speaker 63174.44s - 3175s

You know what I mean?

Speaker 53175.26s - 3175.46s


Speaker 63176.22s - 3180.96s

You know, like it's like it's like when Surrey was running Big Brother 25 WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 43181.28s - 3183.28s

It's like, sure, she's crushing it.

Speaker 63183.58s - 3186.3s

But like every single week is a whole process.

Speaker 73186.76s - 3187.2s


Speaker 63187.92s - 3188.4s


Speaker 73188.7s - 3197.08s

Yeah, it reminded me of all of our chats of Big Brother 25 WORK_OF_ART where we were like, wow, this isn't good for Surrey ORG's game, but guess what? She's going to make it good.

Speaker 53197.74s - 3198.02s


Speaker 63198.52s - 3199.32s

No, exactly.

Speaker 53199.32s - 3204.34s

I think you're totally right because I feel like it's like, why is this different from

Speaker 63204.34s - 3206.6s

just like Anthony and Spicey PERSON v.

Speaker 53206.6s - 3211.8s

just dominating? And I think that is what it is. It's like, yes, like Spicies ORG in like a majority

Speaker 73211.8s - 3217.26s

alliance, but they're making bizarre moves. And Anthony PERSON is like orchestrating from behind or as an under,

Speaker 53217.26s - 3246.1s

from an underdog position, all these wacky moves. And it ends up being like very confusing and very unpredictable. And I feel like it's the unpredictability that can be like at least kind of exciting. It's not, I mean, you're certainly not watching this season to be like masterful gameplay. But like it's, you are watching it to be like, what the heck is going on? And so I guess that's, you know, at least something interesting.So we got that. I do think and, you know, it might be a little what the heck is going on? And so I guess that's a, you know, at least something interesting. So we got that.

Speaker 43246.68s - 3272.82s

I do think, and, you know, it might be a little premature because we're about to enter the end game and things could really slow down from here. But, but this does feel like it, like it could have been like, you know, like an upper half at least season. Like this is, this has been very fun, I think, in terms of the events in the way that the game is played out.The shame, of course, is that we don't have live feeds.

Speaker 03272.82s - 3276.54s

Yeah, we don't know. The community is, you know, on life support.

Speaker 63277.44s - 3287.44s

And so, you know, so it's like, you know, if this was a proper season of show, I feel like we, I feel like we would feel really good at it. I feel like we would feel like, you know, if this was a proper season of show, uh, I feel like we, I feel like we would feel really good at it.

Speaker 53287.5s - 3290.9s

I feel like, um, you know, like, it could have been really fun.

Speaker 43291.22s - 3291.52s


Speaker 53291.86s - 3292.12s

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 43292.12s - 3298.42s

And it's, it's interesting because like last season, I, like last season was like, oh.

Speaker 73299.02s - 3307.48s

Oh. Oh. Oh. It was bad. But I think, I think what it was is then I guess like you said we'll see taryn we're still

Speaker 03307.48s - 3333.04s

having it where like different people are winning competitions so that that's that's like highly like lifting the enjoyable part of the season for me and it was honestly so funny watching people win competitions and you'll be like who all right so i won the competition so that means all of my faves are saved this week and then again you go to competitions and you'll be like, who all right. So I won the competition. So that means all of my faves are saved this week. And then again, you go to sleep and you wake up and you're like,oh my God. They're talking. Yeah,

Speaker 73333.14s - 3333.88s

it doesn't even matter.

Speaker 53333.88s - 3334.74s

I never thought.

Speaker 73335.82s - 3338.4s

But at least it's like still a different person.

Speaker 53338.52s - 3338.92s

At least,

Speaker 63339.22s - 3348.4s

you know, we're not getting one person. Because last year, tie won from final eight. Was it final eight or final nine on like soyou know

Speaker 73348.4s - 3368.6s

knock knock on wood like it it's been so good that like and then the women have the women have like dominating the competitions like thank you like equitable comps and it feels likeTaryn PERSON correct me if I'm wrong the POV has been used a lot this season. Yes.

Speaker 43368.6s - 3379.66s

Isn't it? Yes. I think so there's a couple things here. One is the POV stuff. I think that they first introduced the rule that the HOH doesn't play in season seven,

Speaker 03380.14s - 3425.18s

where we saw that it almost never got used. And it was the most dominant season of Big Brother Canada WORK_OF_ART to that point. And so I think some of the reaction was like, did this backfire? Like if the HOH ORG isn't able to win the veto, is that part of why the HOHs ORG didn't get as big of a target on their backs because they weren't winning as many competitions?We saw like Dane PERSON and Adam win so much, but nobody was ever targeting them. However, I think that over time, given more seasons, more examples, I think it's played out pretty well. I think that like, I think we're seeing a lot of veto usageprimarily because the HOH ORG is not playing. I think that's a large part of why that's happening.

Speaker 43426.06s - 3464.94s

In addition to that, I think that, you know, prior to the live feed stuff, Big Brother Canada WORK_OF_ART was a bit more reactive to, like, feedback.And they had been doing things that were improving the quality of the show, like, towards season 10, 9 and 10, really, which were like pinnacles, I think, of, like, different kinds of pinnacles, but pinnacles of what the show can put out. And it feels like, and I've been hesitant to say it because I don't want to, like, you know, jinx it.I don't want to be, I don't want to say it too early.

Speaker 63466.16s - 3481.26s

And then all the end game comps are won by the same person. But like so far, it seems like they might have been paying attention and they might be trying harder to make things more equitable. And that, and that comes in a couple different forms because, you know, a lot of these competitions

Speaker 43481.26s - 3489.26s

would still probably not be considered super equitable if, you know, Felicia and Surrey ORG were playing, right?

Speaker 63489.34s - 3491.96s

Like, at the end of the day,

Speaker 43492.06s - 3521.74s

like that is the reality of it. Um, so when we talk about equitable comps, it's not just the comps themselves. It's also like the makeup of the cast. It's a very athletic cast.Uh, and, like, even the quote unquote older players were very physically fit and capable of, you know, doing what was needed in the various competitions. And so like I think that's one of the takeaways that we should take away from this season, which is that like you, you just have to

Speaker 03521.74s - 3530.42s

design the comps around your cast. And I don't want that to mean that we're not able to cast a Surrey or a Felicia PERSON.

Speaker 63530.6s - 3535.06s

I think that we should have those because like what would 25 have been without the time?

Speaker 03535.06s - 3535.38s

Oh my God.

Speaker 73535.38s - 3535.52s


Speaker 03535.66s - 3542.16s

Like, um, but you, I think you just, if you do cast them, casting should be working, you know,

Speaker 43542.18s - 3551.48s

not working with necessarily, but like, uh, the comp department should be working on the competitions, not working with necessarily, but like the comp department should be working on the competitions with full knowledge of who is going to be competing in

Speaker 03551.48s - 3565.54s

those competitions and designing them based around that information. And so whether it was intentional or not, because it might not have been, it might just be the cast the show, the way they cast the show, and that this time around, the competitions happen to be, you know, It might just be the cast show, the way they cast the show, and that this time around, the competitions happen to be,

Speaker 43565.54s - 3603.72s

you know, favorable for most of the cast. But however it happened, it's been good so far, that everyone seems to be fairly capable of winning various kinds of competitions.You know, I still see some patterns, you know, Vito PERSON's being a little more physical, HOH as being less so, that I are still worryingespecially like we don't have a cast like this, but I'm happy. I'm happy with it. It's been definitely a relief after like last year of just

Speaker 63603.72s - 3605.3s

you know, jazz, like all just, you know,

Speaker 43609.62s - 3611.12s

Jack PERSON and I and like, all right, all right, we get it.

Speaker 63611.6s - 3611.94s


Speaker 53612.92s - 3614.52s

I absolutely agree.

Speaker 43615.04s - 3615.28s


Speaker 53616.94s - 3617.08s

So that's where we are.

Speaker 63624.18s - 3629.46s

I mean, that's, the next thing is this veto competition and what might happen with it, I would assume that if Todd PERSON wins the veto,

Speaker 53629.56s - 3632.72s

he's using it on Bailey PERSON, I think.

Speaker 43633.26s - 3635.38s

He did talk to Spicy PRODUCT, like, what happens?

Speaker 53636.38s - 3638.3s

Okay, so I guess it's worth talking about.

Speaker 43639.26s - 3659.1s

Todd had a conversation with Spicey PERSON, where they were like, what happens if the veto is used? And Todd recognizes that if he uses the veto, that Spicing ORG might go up, I will go home. And so Todd PERSON did say, like, well, does that mean that we should win it and not use it and just make sure we have the votes to keep Bailey PERSON? So that is a possibility, but I would assume Bailey would

Speaker 63659.1s - 3665s

have something to say. So, you know, will Todd PERSON use it on Bailey

Speaker 43665s - 3689.28s

maybe but he's probably the most likely person to use it on Bailey and then spicyisn't quite the predicament if spicy wins both of them will expect herto use the veto on them and and she should and then get taught up on the block, why not?But which one?

Speaker 23691.98s - 3693.56s

That kind of puts her in a rough spot.

Speaker 43693.56s - 3698.12s

So she might want to not win so that she's not in that position, but she can't not win

Speaker 63698.12s - 3700.3s

because she's a potential back door target.

Speaker 03700.58s - 3712.58s

So quite the predicament there. And then really anybody else at that point is like, okay, if Lexus or Anthony PERSON wins this,

Speaker 43712.82s - 3721.98s

are they going to use it to take a bigger shot? And that I think if they used it, the bigger shot would be spicy. So we'll see.

Speaker 53723.54s - 3724.36s

Oh boy.

Speaker 43725.02s - 3725.66s

We shall see. Oh boy. We shall see.

Speaker 53726.14s - 3727.14s

Oh boy, indeed.

Speaker 63727.76s - 3728.56s

All right.

Speaker 43728.62s - 3734.56s

Anything else that we should talk through before we wrap up here. Nothing for me.

Speaker 53734.8s - 3737.4s

That's about it. I think we covered it. Yeah.

Speaker 43738.4s - 3746.94s

Well, stay tuned. The plan is to be back on Wednesday after the double eviction yeah

Speaker 73746.94s - 3748.84s

double eviction

Speaker 43748.84s - 3763.76s

which is which is big like in terms of like how that impacts the game it just means that the drops prior to the eviction will matter more because

Speaker 63763.76s - 3767.32s

you know like I would say as of right now,

Speaker 43767.88s - 3809.22s

Anthony PERSON is less likely to leave in a double than he would be in a full week of game. Because nobody's thinking about targeting him. Nobody would want to target him when there are bigger targets like Lexus and Tola PERSON in front of him. With a full week of gameplay, you might start thinking,hmm. Do I actually have a relationship with Tola PERSON? Is Anthony PERSON really the one who not? But in a double, there's just not enough time to really think that through, I think. But if they start talking about it prior to double, then it might be the opposite. He doesn't have time to get himself out of it. If they're like, well, if it's a double, should we target Anthony PERSON, then he might bea goner.

Speaker 73809.22s - 3813.54s

I think somebody mentioned the double somewhere.

Speaker 43813.8s - 3818.66s

They thought that this past Wednesday when Kayla PERSON was evicted might be a double.

Speaker 73819.18s - 3823.32s

I assume they will assume that this next one must be since they were expecting it.

Speaker 43823.92s - 3825.94s

Well, the only other thing

Speaker 73825.94s - 3832.18s

did you see the deleted scene where the cast thinks there's a back row curse?

Speaker 43832.7s - 3834.1s

Yes, Tola PERSON was talking

Speaker 73834.1s - 3834.58s

about it.

Speaker 43835.68s - 3838.18s

Tola PERSON has been talking about the back row curse.

Speaker 63838.96s - 3840.32s

And in fact,

Speaker 73840.52s - 3842.22s

when they talked about Target ORG,

Speaker 63842.6s - 3845.84s

they were like, so we're finishing off the back row, right?

Speaker 53846.9s - 3848.82s

Oh my God. They know.

Speaker 43851.54s - 3851.94s

I still, I don't, I don't,

Speaker 53853.04s - 3853.56s

Kayla PERSON is not in the back row.

Speaker 43856.26s - 3857.76s

Yeah. I do not count Kayla PERSON as in the back row.

Speaker 53859.7s - 3861.64s

Listen, if you're standing with a group of people and one of them is sitting on the couch

Speaker 43861.64s - 3865.14s

and you're standing behind the couch, you're not going to be like, yeah, Kayla's and Myra PERSON.

Speaker 53866.42s - 3870.52s

No, I agree. I guess.

Speaker 43871.78s - 3873.08s

I'm sorry, I don't know.

Speaker 53873.66s - 3876.92s

Listen, I'll take, as the only surviving curse,

Speaker 43877.16s - 3879.72s

it definitely still has the most legs.

Speaker 63880.36s - 3882.72s

But, you know, I think we're reaching a little bit.

Speaker 43882.72s - 3888.76s

She threw off the curse, the draft curse, and she threw off the, you know, back row curse.

Speaker 53889.1s - 3889.12s


Speaker 43889.12s - 3890s

Standing, correct.

Speaker 73890.12s - 3890.24s


Speaker 43890.24s - 3891.34s

Very, very sad.

Speaker 53891.88s - 3893.5s

Who do you have left, Melissa PERSON?

Speaker 43893.66s - 3894.38s

Where are you?

Speaker 53894.86s - 3898.86s

I have Avery and Todd PERSON. Okay.

Speaker 43899s - 3903.1s

Avery and Todd PERSON. And Amon has Lexus ORG.

Speaker 53903.74s - 3905.68s

And I have everyone else. Everybody. Great. I has Lexus ORG. And I have everyone else.

Speaker 43905.96s - 3906.58s

Everybody else.

Speaker 73907.12s - 3914.92s

Great. I like Lexus ORG. I think she has a good shot of winning somehow, some way. Like if she makes it to the end.

Speaker 43915.96s - 3929.36s

I, so Lexus ORG is interesting. She said in her goodbye message to Kayla PERSON, and I don't know how true it is. She said, I still plan to go to the end with women. Like I still plan for a final two with women.

Speaker 63929.74s - 3931s

That's a big goodbye message.

Speaker 43931.94s - 3937.9s

Which, if true, is a good goodbye message. If not true, makes her look like she either failed or lied.

Speaker 63938.44s - 3938.88s


Speaker 03939.96s - 3941.8s

But then the problem is, if

Speaker 63941.8s - 3943.82s

true, which woman?

Speaker 03944.24s - 3946.5s

Because Lexus versus Bailey PERSON? I don which woman? Because Lexus versus Bailey?

Speaker 63946.94s - 3948.34s

I don't think so.

Speaker 43948.54s - 3949.54s

Lexus versus Spicy PRODUCT?

Speaker 03949.72s - 3950.4s

Definitely not.

Speaker 73950.92s - 3953.96s

Lexus versus Avery PERSON, maybe, but Avery might be about to leave.

Speaker 03954.66s - 3954.74s


Speaker 43955.28s - 3955.52s


Speaker 73956.16s - 3960.58s

So I'm a little concerned about Lexus ORG jury vote-wise.

Speaker 43960.7s - 3977.78s

She's also one of the bigger targets heading into this double eviction. And odds aren't great. Even with taking out Lexus or even Spice. revote-wise. She's also one of the bigger targets heading into this double eviction. And odds aren't great. Even with taking out Lexus ORG or even spicy PERSON, the next HOH competition will be probablysomething like Todd Bailey and

Speaker 63977.78s - 3980.2s

spicy competing against

Speaker 43980.2s - 3982.4s

Anthony and Lexus ORG.

Speaker 63984.44s - 3986.56s

Anthony PERSON may or may not be throwing.

Speaker 43987.08s - 3991.9s

Either way, he doesn't have the greatest track record, which means it's kind of like three on one.

Speaker 73993.28s - 3995.9s

And so the odds are pretty good. There's questions more than likely.

Speaker 43996.5s - 4000.96s

Or something like that. And Spicey PERSON is normally really good at the booth comps. Mm-hmm. Yeah.

Speaker 74001.58s - 4009.02s

So a, like, a hit might be taken between Tola and Lexus ORG.

Speaker 44009.56s - 4012.2s

And more eyes are still right now on Lexus ORG.

Speaker 64012.66s - 4014.64s

That might change with Tola PERSON as the HOH.

Speaker 74015.44s - 4016.84s

So he just won this.

Speaker 44016.94s - 4018.48s

I just, I just like Lexus ORG.

Speaker 74018.64s - 4018.94s

I just hope.

Speaker 44018.94s - 4020.56s

I do too. Yeah.

Speaker 74023.02s - 4024.72s

But, all right, we'll see.

Speaker 44025.22s - 4043.12s

That's what we have for you. Tonight, we'll be back. Double eviction coming. We'll see where all this goes. But that's what we have for you for now. Stay tuned.I'll be live on Twitch ORG watching the episodes, including the double eviction. It'll be quite the ride on Wednesday.

Speaker 64043.12s - 4046.54s

We'll watch Survivor and the Big Brother Canada WORK_OF_ART double eviction.

Speaker 44047.76s - 4069s

But in the meantime, check out the interview I did with Hela PERSON. And we're also doing Circle WORK_OF_ART covered. Circle was very fun this week. They've dropped the first four episodes of the latest season. There's an AI player. Very interesting.So check out our coverage of that. And, yeah, Melissa PERSON, what are you up to? Nothing.

Speaker 54070.56s - 4080.68s

Nothing. But I will say that, you know, if you, if Avery gets out this week and you're interviewing her, you need to be like, what were you thinking? I would like to.

Speaker 44080.68s - 4104.64s

You know, I just, I had the thought recently to, um, like, I was watching, like, an interview podcast on, on YouTube ORG. And I was like, the interviews of this podcast act like they're aliens. Like they, have you ever watched a podcast like this where like the interviewer acts like they don't understand anything in the world? Uh, you know what I mean?Yeah.

Speaker 74104.96s - 4106.88s

So they're like a new thing that the kids like.

Speaker 44107.28s - 4107.76s

It's weird.

Speaker 74108.72s - 4113.04s

So I was like that's like I would have trouble doing that but then I thought wait a minute,

Speaker 64113.04s - 4115.84s

that's kind of what I have to do when I interview jurors.

Speaker 44116.08s - 4121.76s

Like I'm not allowed to react at all and I have to act like I like I can't let them know

Speaker 54121.76s - 4124.48s

anything that I know so I have to act like I don't know anything.

Speaker 64124.48s - 4125.26s

It's so awful.

Speaker 54125.26s - 4126.26s

I forgot about that.

Speaker 64126.26s - 4128.6s

I want you to be able to just be like, what?

Speaker 54128.8s - 4129.18s

Like what?

Speaker 64129.6s - 4133.96s

Maybe there's a way that you could ask it that's like, maybe just like very just deadpan.

Speaker 54134.06s - 4135s

It's like what were you thinking?

Speaker 64135.18s - 4136.78s

Like just like what was your stop process?

Speaker 54137.08s - 4142.02s

But like, honestly, the question I want to ask, and I don't know if it would make it through,

Speaker 44142.1s - 4146.12s

but is something along the lines of like, in your goodbye message to Kayla PERSON,

Speaker 54146.22s - 4149.38s

you said that turning on your alliance is like,

Speaker 44149.38s - 4153.06s

on your HOHs.

Speaker 54153.46s - 4155.76s

You have been to alliance members.

Speaker 44156.24s - 4157.24s

You've got to do it.

Speaker 54157.4s - 4160.22s

If you can find it like to ask like,

Speaker 44160.34s - 4163.98s

to like get her to think to realize that like,

Speaker 54164.04s - 4164.78s

oh yeah, duh.

Speaker 44165.16s - 4169.02s

But like say it in a way that's just very like, I'm just stating the facts.

Speaker 54169.46s - 4171.28s

Like you targeted so.

Speaker 44171.48s - 4174.32s

Like you literally could be like, okay, here are just the facts.

Speaker 54174.38s - 4175.56s

Here's the way you can say it just the facts.

Speaker 64175.92s - 4179.3s

In your goodbye message, you said that the biggest mistake you could make in Big Brother

Speaker 54179.3s - 4186.26s

is targeting your own allies. On your HOH, you targeted so and so. AndO.H. You targeted so and so.

Speaker 04186.44s - 4187.62s

And then your second H.

Speaker 64187.74s - 4188.7s

Targeted so and so.

Speaker 04190.2s - 4190.74s


Speaker 64191.58s - 4191.82s


Speaker 04192.24s - 4194.06s

Like, literally you're just stating the facts.

Speaker 54194.22s - 4196.58s

You're not like, there's judgment on there.

Speaker 64196.68s - 4199.26s

You're literally just putting two facts together.

Speaker 54200.02s - 4201.58s

You can draw our own conclusions.

Speaker 64202.44s - 4204.4s

I think that's the way to do it, honestly.

Speaker 54204.94s - 4205.04s

Yeah. I do try to take way to do it, honestly.

Speaker 64205.6s - 4206.8s


Speaker 54208s - 4214.14s

I do try to take it seriously. So what I did was I went, I like watched a part of the Kayla PERSON interview and then immediately

Speaker 44214.14s - 4215.9s

followed it up by watching the Dennis PERSON interview.

Speaker 54216s - 4217.26s

And I was like, I'm two different people.

Speaker 44217.88s - 4218.12s


Speaker 54218.34s - 4218.48s


Speaker 44218.72s - 4219.68s

And I get why.

Speaker 64219.98s - 4221.98s

Like you have to because they're jurors.

Speaker 54222.06s - 4223.58s

You can't like take the jury pool, whatever.

Speaker 64223.74s - 4226.9s

But like it is, it is difficult sometimes.

Speaker 54227.06s - 4234.74s

Like, and even with, like, the, like, ERISA interviewing them or Julie Chen PERSON interviewing them, it's like, I want them to, like, shake them sometimes and be like, you idiot, you know?

Speaker 64235.14s - 4236s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 44236.62s - 4237.82s

But, like, they can't.

Speaker 64237.82s - 4241.02s

Well, let me tell you, Arisa PERSON does not follow the same rules I'm supposed to follow.

Speaker 44242.32s - 4243.74s

She says a lot more.

Speaker 64243.88s - 4246.46s

Good than she should say it. I try to take it serious. Like, like, the last thing I would want to do is She says a lot more. I try to take it serious.

Speaker 54246.62s - 4249.16s

Like the last thing I would want to do is like actually influence.

Speaker 44249.46s - 4250.2s

No, of course.

Speaker 64250.32s - 4250.54s


Speaker 44250.98s - 4251.3s


Speaker 64251.4s - 4252.16s

that would be terrible.

Speaker 54253.08s - 4253.48s


Speaker 44253.48s - 4254.08s

you know,

Speaker 54254.14s - 4255.2s

I do want to like.

Speaker 44255.54s - 4256.96s

We want the question to be answered.

Speaker 54257.04s - 4259.14s

We want to get the response.

Speaker 44259.38s - 4263.82s

Because then I also feel like when they get to the end and it's like the show is over,

Speaker 54264.06s - 4265.86s

then you ask it. it's kind of like

Speaker 04265.86s - 4280.24s

it's a totally different answer because now they know like oh this is what the public opinions are like this is what this is who ended up winning so it makes sense blah blah blah like they kind of they change their answer but i want to know exactly like when you get out of the house like when

Speaker 64280.24s - 4286.14s

when you get out of the house due to your own like missteps, like, what are your,

Speaker 04286.22s - 4287.08s

what are your thoughts here?

Speaker 54287.16s - 4292.12s

Why are you thinking it? Why did you do it before they can get be influenced by like public opinion?

Speaker 44292.82s - 4294.34s

So yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 74294.46s - 4296.02s

We'll see. We'll see what you can do.

Speaker 44296.8s - 4297.88s

Mari PERSON, what are you up to?

Speaker 74298.42s - 4343.78s

Well, I was just on an amazing episode of Married at First Site WORK_OF_ART with Asian Jason. The episode of Married at First Site with Asia and Jason. The episode of Married at First Site itself was not amazing, but we had a lot of fun talking about it. So you can go check that out on the Rob Has a podcast, YouTube ORG page, and on the Love at First Site feed. Of course, every Tuesday, me and Sarah Keratin bring True Crime Tuesdays to RHAP. Coming up next week, we are going into episode 101.And we are talking to our guest, Rebecca LaVoy, about what Jennifer PERSON did. It's like the number one movie on Netflix ORG right now. It's a crime documentary. We had a very, like, really fun discussion about it on crime scene. So just go to Rob PERSON has a

Speaker 54343.78s - 4346.38s

You talk about the AI, the AI images.

Speaker 74347.5s - 4348.4s

Is that for that one?

Speaker 64348.5s - 4349.28s

Oh, I heard about that.

Speaker 74349.52s - 4351.68s

From what Jennifer PERSON did.

Speaker 54351.92s - 4352.96s

Isn't it from that?

Speaker 64353.56s - 4354.96s

Maybe I haven't seen it, but there was like.

Speaker 74354.96s - 4363s

They create like an AI image of the like person from the crime that was like a fake image

Speaker 54363s - 4363.32s

or something.

Speaker 44363.44s - 4365.1s

Yeah, I was like trying to make her look like,

Speaker 54365.2s - 4375.9s

like, smiley and happy before the crime was committed. And like it turns out like she was holding her peace signs like this. And they zoomed in and it was like not a real hand on each one.

Speaker 74376.28s - 4395.16s

And then there was like another AI image where it was like not a real hand. We talked about it. It was very interesting. Like not the AI version of it, but just the direction of it, of how they unraveled the case and how they wanted to use a lot of, like, just interrogation

Speaker 04395.16s - 4470.36s

footage and just use more of that than anything else. So it was a great discussion. It was, and it was a long one. So go check that out. We're currently on hiatus for the wrestling rehab up because WrestleMania season is was a great discussion. It was, and it was a long one. So, uh, go check that out. Um, we're currently on hiatus for the wrestling rehab up because, uh, WrestleMania season is over. We went to WrestleMania. We had so much fun. Uh, you can always subscribe to our new YouTube ORG page,uh, slash at wrestling rehab up. That's slash at sign wrestling, R-JP-U-P, uh, because Matt PERSON might be doing some stuff while I'm on maternity leave. I know for a fact crime scene will still be going while I'm on maternity leave. Sarah has tagged in our unofficial third chair, Sarah DeBunting PERSON, to continue because, you know, crime never stops. So make sure you stay, subscribe to crime scene.But also, I've been having a lot of fun at the kickback. you stay subscribe to crime scene. But also, I've been having a lot of fun at the kickback. Me and Chappelle PERSON over on the recap kickback have been just really, it's been so fun over there just talking about whatever the, whatever Chappelle PERSON wants to talk about. This week we just dropped our review of Good Times, Black Again WORK_OF_ART.It's an animated reboot of the Good Time ORG show. It's very, very controversial.

Speaker 74472.8s - 4517.14s

We had a lot of opinions about it. So if you go to, you can subscribe. And if you go to slash at Recap Kickback, you can watch the video. We had a lot of fun, us and Ty talking about good times black again. Again, some very good discussions to be had this week. So check me out on Twitter at Mari Talks Too Much. That's too like the number two. And I'll post all of my, um, my podcast. Again, I will be going on maternity leave in like two weeks. So, um, but still follow me onTwitter ORG because I'll still tweet. I can feed a baby and tweet at the same time. So that will be where you can get all my hot takes and opinions for at least a good mom. So that's it for me. All right.

Speaker 44517.2s - 4524.8s

Well, of course, follow Melissa at it's Melissa with three A's. Can I add any A's? Nah.

Speaker 54526.64s - 4527.3s

Keeping it.

Speaker 44528.24s - 4529.08s

That's what we have for you.

Speaker 54529.12s - 4531.48s

Thank you so much for joining us, and we will see all of you.

Speaker 44532.8s - 4533.38s

Next time.