Predicting the Landing Spots for the 2024 NFL Draft Quarterbacks (Ep. 1956)

Predicting the Landing Spots for the 2024 NFL Draft Quarterbacks (Ep. 1956)


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78:10 minutes

published 1 month ago

American English

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Speaker 10s - 12.96s

This is the Purple for the Win WORK_OF_ART podcast. Great cash, homie. With the seventh selection in the 2005 NFL graph, the Minnesota Vikings, select Troy Williamson PERSON.

Speaker 314.16s - 25.28s

Now second, through his hands, and the left's going to go to the Super Bowl EVENT. Bond's got five to choose from, got him, got thrown down hit and is shaken up.

Speaker 125.28s - 32.9s

That is a disgusting act by Randy Bond PERSON.

Speaker 333.18s - 38.78s

Gary Anderson has missed a field goal for the first time in two years.

Speaker 139.46s - 39.94s


Speaker 340.1s - 40.84s

It's going on, Jerome PERSON's.

Speaker 040.9s - 421.78s

Mercifully, the NFL ORG draft is very, very, very close. And now as we peruse mock draft 79.2, I feel like over the last couple weeks and months and even your years, I'll be there for you that we have a decent idea of where the quarterbacks are going to go. Although, of course, everyone has a plan until they get punched in the face. But I feel like the only quarterback where we know he's going to go is very likely Caleb Williams to debarce. But in terms of reading the tea leaves and trying to sort through the BS, like this is us during draft season going through the BS. Sylvie PERSON agrees. What up? Just like, keep on swimming. So here's our best guess as aright now where the hell all these quarterbacks are going to go, the team, as well as the pick and what? Sylvie PERSON. Oi. Oi. So I've noticed this. I feel like cats do this intentionally where say you have the remote here and then you set the remote down. They will take the remote down they will take their anus and fluff up their tailand put the anus directly on the remote just to mark their territory and assert their dominance. They're very passive aggressive or maybe it's just a Minnesota ORG cat. I don't know. I don't know.Anyways. So Williams won to the Bears ORG. They're going to ruin our guy. The Pride of USC ORG. Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-N-Ka-N-Ka-N-N-A. Mackay Blackman, two-pick six is the first time they square off.Jordan Addison proven that Caleb Williams ain't a poop without him. That's right. But Williams to the Bears ORG, Godspeed, son. We'll see you in four years when your Drake Mays PERSON backup. Oops, spoilers. Commies are two.Jane Daniels PERSON, where I just feel like, so the draft starts with commies because everyone knows that Williams is going to the Bears ORG in all likelihood. And Daniels PERSON, I feel like there's the fewest question marks around Daniels of Daniels, May and McCarthy PERSON. I mean, May PERSON can be high variance.McCarthy PERSON, you wonder if he's more than just a glorified game manager. I think that he can be in the right situation. But Daniels, even though Daniels, his Arizona GPE state career was, and also his first year at LSU was, you know, last year putting together for the Heisman WORK_OF_ART. And now, was he the product of BTJ and Malik Neighbors PERSON or Malik Neighbors and BTJ the product of Jane Daniels PERSON?Who knows, man? But I do think that, you know, Daniels with Scary Terry and company, could do some things in Washington ORG. And they need to win back that fan base. New ownership, new GM, new head coach. It's a new day, a new dawn. I think that Daniels and Cliff Kingsbury PERSON could do a little something, something in the nation's capital.Next episode, J.J. McCarthy PERSON. And the reasons why Patriots at 3, we've discussed where, so Bob Kraft PERSON, fan before he was an owner, he wants a quarterback that's going to be like his son. And he had that with Drew Bledsoe PERSON. He had that with Tom Brady PERSON. He tried to have that with Mack Jones PERSON.And I think that McCarthy PERSON is definitely son material. And you look at how he just listened and was obedient and was a good boy for Jim Harbaugh PERSON. And the fact that he set aside his own stats for the glory of the team. And he's a winner wherever he's gone. Plus, don't discount Bob Craft of the Patriots ORG have been like, Tom Brady went to Michigan ORG.J.J. McCarthy went to Michigan ORG, I said J.J. McCarthy PERSON. So I actually do think that McCarthy could go two or three. I think that, so the media sees us as a meteoric rise. I think the media is just catching up to where the league sees J.J. McCarthy PERSON.Right now. So I think that the patrons will take J.J. McCarthy PERSON. That will open the door. Let my love open the door to Drake May PERSON. So the Vikings ORG, they maneuver up. Now, where do they go?Who knows? Do they trap to four with the Cardinals ORG? Do they get up to five with the chargers? Don't really know. Or does Drake May even take a little bit of a draft day tumble? Because if he gets by six in the Giants ORG,I mean, he could fall all the way to the Vikings at 11. But either way, I think that the Vikings will have a serious shot at one of the big four quarterbacks that falls out of the top three. And it could be Drake May PERSON. And May PERSON. So the reasons why Washington and New England would pass on May PERSON is that May is a type of quarterback if he doesn't have an infrastructure right away, could could bust but with the Vikings ORG no pressure to start right awaytwo great tackles all the weapons Kevin O'Connell Josh McCown PERSON indoor stadium all that stuff and Drake May can sit behind Sam Darnold for a year really fix up those mechanics and really learn how to be a pro and everything will be good to go so I, I think, Williams PERSON is going to be ruined by the bear, so it doesn't really matter. But personally, I think that commies, Daniels, McCarthy, Patriots of Vikings ORG may make the most sensefor all three teams because all three teams are in different stages of where they're going to be. And I think that the quarterback corresponds with where each team is at and what the team's goals are for short and long term. So I think it could be a win, win, win no matter what.Next. So the second wave of quarterbacks, so you got Bownecks going to the Broncos in the first round in number 12. You have the Raiders with Michael Pennix Jr. at 13. And skill set-wise, I feel like it syncs up. Now, initially I was going to put these guys in the second round, but also we're going to try and express that, hey, you know, the Raiders were at 44 in the second round.They could trade up into the first round. The Broncos don't have a second round pick as right meow. So if they're going to take Bo Nix PERSON, maybe they trade down. Maybe they take him later in the first round, but either way, the secure services. And all the comps with Bo Nix is like, oh, he's Drew Brees PERSON. Oh, he's Drew Brees PERSON. Oh, he's Drew Brees. Oh, he's Drew Brees.Even though Drew Brees at Purdue ORG, was a bad ass. Right. Drew Brees was, I believe, the number 32 pick in his draft class, because I think there was 31 teams at that time. It was before the Texans ORG came in.So he was the first pick of the second round. I remember that. But it went to the Chargers ORG, banged up his shoulder, was replaced by Philip Rivers PERSON, that'll thing.But, you know, people remember Drew Breeze with the Saints ORG, putting up Lulu numbers in the Superdome with stupid as Sean Peyton PERSON as his OC. But, I mean, his arm strength had been diminished by age as well as that shoulder injury by then.

Speaker 1422.08s - 429.94s

But he's beating you with his mind. Now, Bo Nix, is he and Drew Breeze's class? I don't know.

Speaker 0430.18s - 826.5s

But stupid Ash on Peyton PERSON is fin to find out. Michael Pennix Jr. PERSON, I hate using young people nomenclature. I've reached that age where it sounds very stupid coming down my mouth and I regret it right away. It doesn't matter. But Michael Panic Jr. going to the Raiders ORG.So I feel like, so Antonio Pierce PERSON is a defensive-minded head coach, but I feel like he resonates with quarterbacks very well. Whether it's O'Connell, well, not Jimmy Garoppola PERSON, but whether it's O'Connell, whether it's Jaydonnell's at Arizona State ORG or in high school, I feel like Pennix and Antonio Pierce PERSON are just going to get along. I feel like they're going to be on the same page. And Pennix thrown to Devante, got Colton Miller PERSON watching, well, I guess it's front side. But I feel like Pennix could do some really good things with the Raiders ORG.So I think it's a good spot all the way around. Then outside of the first round, so we got Spencer Rattler going to the Giants ORG. So the Giants certainly could and should be in at quarterback at 6. But say they get boxed out, they go a different direction in the first two rounds. And then the third round, they could sneak around and get Spencer Rattler in the third. Now, what would be nice is that I think that there could be a gap between the top six quarterbacksand the third wave of QBs because every team that desperately needs a quarterback is already satiated. They already got their teeth into some beef. And with Rattler, I feel like Rattler is Brian Dabels PERSON kind of guy. Like he is a rambler. He is a gambler. Like he doesn't have the arm upside of Josh Allen, but he's got enough.And he will try a little something. This might be a bad cop, but he kind of reminds me a Joe Cap PERSON, where he's a shorter quarterback, not with the strongest arm in the world, but very cocksure, very confident and we'll get after it. And also, I mean, people criticize Rattler because of that QB1 documentary, but I think that he has grown and shone a lot over the last couple of years. I think he got humbled when he lost your gerb, despite being 5-0 at Oklahoma to Caleb Williams. And then the last couple of years in Carolina, like it's been him and Xavier Legat PERSON against the world.That's basically about it. But, I mean, Rattler, I mean, Rattler might start for the Giants ORG. Daniel Jones PERSON come back from that ACL. They got Drew Locke PERSON. So who knows? Michael Pratt, Pratt, Pratt with the Falcons ORG.Now, what's interesting is some of Michael Pratt PERSON, some of his comps are Kurt Cousins. All right. So you have a guy who functions very well in the flow of the offense. Pratt does have some decent mobility as well for your starter for the Green Wave ORG. Maybe not as Tier 1 of an arm as Kurt Cousins,but a guy that can functionally operate the offense? Sure. Now, did the Falcons have that in Desmond Ritter PERSON? I mean, kind of. I mean, sure. And also, Ritter was taking the third round a couple of years ago as well. But in terms of getting a moldable young quarterback that could sit behind Kurt and maybe take over in 27, sure.Michael Pratt PERSON could be it. Next up, Jordan Travis, fifth rounder to the Saints at 150. Now, the Saints and Derek Carr PERSON, they're sort of stuck because of cap reasons, but I feel like that they would want to work with a young quarterback behind Derek Carr PERSON. And Jordan Travis PERSON, I mean, Travis might have been in the back end of day two if he didn't have that injury, you know, the broken leg and whatnot.But, I mean, Jordan Travis PERSON, love his attitude. I love that he throws with anticipation. He and Keon Coleman did some really good things at Florida State ORG. But he just doesn't have that tier one arm strength or velocity, you know, that's going to make him an everyday starter in the NFL ORG. But could he come in and be an interesting type backup, a guy that has somestarter upside? Could he be a guarder, men shoe type quarterback? Sure. I think he certainly could. Other end of the spectrum in terms of arm strength, Joe Milton III, Tennessee, by way of Michigan, Colts ORG. All right, so you got Milton PERSON's mobility, you got the cannon of an arm.Now, ideally, you want to sync up your starter and your backup. And I think that Milton III backing up, Anthony Richardson PERSON, makes sense. Now, I understand they got Joe Flacko PERSON right now. But long term, Milton III PERSON, working on the practice squad, Stichin PERSON breaks down his mechanics, builds them back up. And also, remember, Steichen was a guy who first came up with the Tush Push PRODUCT.Now, Anthony Richardson and Joe Milton, the third, certainly could work that given his size and probably. Plus, I mean, you get have some fun trick plays. And I've said that, hey, if Joe Milton wanted to become a better version of Taysom Hill PERSON, that would be legit. That would be legit, man. But a fifth rounder 151 to the Colts ORG. Sam Hatman coming out of Notre Dame ORG.Now, Sam Hartman PERSON should just go in the booth. I mean, he's very knowledgeable, very well-spoken, and also Hollywood GPE handsome. So just put his ass in the booth and have him called games. But want to have so fun, let's have some fun. So the Niners at 251 in the seventh round taking Sam Hatman to be the backup for Brock Purdy PERSON. Now, it's not 262, which Brock Purdy was back in the day as Mr. Irrelevant PERSON,but Sam Hartman gets to play under Shanahan for a hot second and then go into the booth. There we go. Lastly, totally a tag of a low coming out of Maryland, formula at Alabama GPE. Yes, yes. All right, so go back up to, and that's it. I mean, that's real about it.I mean, this quarterback class is fun. And this has a chance to be one of the best of being one of the deepest quarterback classes in NFL ORG history. And frankly, I can't wait to come back and look at this in five years and see where everyone ended up because not everyone's going to be great. And a big factor in it is where the player lands.And I mean, the bears are a mess. They're trying to get better, but they're still a mess. The commies are a mess. The Patriots ORG are a mess. The Vikings ORG are good to go. Broncos ORG, raiders, decent, giants.Falcons ORG, aye. Saints ORG, no. Colts ORG, upside, yes. But it's going to be crazy. Some of the top tier guys are going to bust badly. And some of the bottom tier guys are going to rise up when a QB2 job come in due to injuryand take over the starting job and just never leave. That's what's going to happen. And I can't wait to see, like, Caleb Williams backing up Drake May in four or five years. I can't wait until Spencer Rattler tries to bring the G-Men ORG back to relevancy. I can't wait until Jordan Travis gets his ish together with the Saints ORG and gets things done. I can't wait for Joe Milton III PERSON to magically get things together.Then the Colts trade them for multiple first rounders to replace Caleb Williams with the Bears ORG.

Speaker 2830.44s - 832.18s

It's going on to Rome's beautiful Tuesday.

Speaker 0832.32s - 1942.38s

Birds are chirping and stuff. And it's time for another Vikings ORG news dump while you're pooping. He sees you when you're pooping. So yesterday was a bit of a back to school as the Vikings began their voluntary off-season workout program, and a number of Vikings ORG are in attendance. Not Justin Jefferson PERSON, but no big deal.But also coming across the river, it's Aaron Jones and saying hi to Victor the Viking in the Zubas PRODUCT pants. And it looks surreal, right? And also, it's fantastic because you know that this pisses Packers ORG fans off. Some of the fierce. All right. So team favorite, fan favorite, everybody's favorite. fantastic because you know that this pisses Packers ORG fans off some of the fears. All right.So team favorite, fan favorite, everybody's favorite. Now he comes to the side of the river. Bring it out, man. So A.A. Ron Jones PERSON obviously still has something left of the tank. Five straight 100-yard games to finish out last season, as well as fantastic pass protector, as well as leadership and all that stuff.Good to go, man. Good to go. But also, so questions have been risen about A.A. Ron Jones PERSON hairline as well as the beard. It's okay. As long as he's in purple, it doesn't matter to me, man. Also, so Andrew Van Ginkle coming up from the Dolphins ORG. And again, another good sign of free agents is if the fan base of the team that the player is leaving is pissed off, it's a good sign.And Dolphins ORG fans really pissed off that the stupid badger is leaving. But also, Andrew Van Ginko looking like an FBI ORG agent going undercover to infiltrated gang of surfer bank robbers. Viagonda PERSON. I've never actually seen that movie. And I realize there's a lot of movies from like slightly before my era that I don't know, but I know the cultural references to. Like I've never seen Die Hard WORK_OF_ART.Don't, don't hate. So I've never seen Die Hard WORK_OF_ART. I've never seen any of the Lord of the Rings WORK_OF_ART movies. I saw the first Matrix WORK_OF_ART. That's it. I saw part seven of Harry Potter, the first part seven.I was completely lost, but Hermione PERSON, what up? I'm sure there's others. I don't know, man. Sometimes, like, if it doesn't strike my fancy, I'm out. Like, it's no rounders. It's no the town.It's no the Martian NORP. It's Like, it's no rounders. It's no the town. It's no the Martian. It's no minority report. That was a good one. Anyways, it doesn't matter. But, yeah, point break. Never saw it.Apparently they remade point break, too. Here is bad. That's all. That's all, man. Some of that's also, well, neither good nor bad. But Tom Postal NFL Network ORG, the Patriots bad, but Tom Post, our NFL Network.The Patriots are having dinner with Michigan quarterback J.J. McCarthy tonight, last night, and will host him on a visit Monday in Foxborough, Persuars, actually two days ago. New England, who owns the number three pick previously hosted Drake May and Jane Daniels PERSON and blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So it is potentially starting to look like the New England Patriots ORG are looking at a quarterback. Obviously, they're doing their due diligence. Now, could they have a hierarchy of who they want?Sure. And could the communes take the guy that they want first? Yes. But also, I think that there is a world where McCarthy goes two or three. And that means that beep-op-up, oh, boop, Daniels, or May would fall out of the top three. So that would make things super interesting and super spicy for the Vikings ORG potentially looking to move up.Also, speak on McCarthy PERSON. So Greg CoSell, Greg CoSell, who's fantastic NFL ORG films out of the shadow of his pops and all that stuff. And he was on with Rich Eisen, Michigan ORG alum, by the way. And in terms of talk about J.J. McCarthy PERSON, he said, quote, I don't think the tape spoke to being a first-round pick. Now, he's talking about J.J. McCarthy PERSON in this spot.And he talked about specifically on the tape, right? And then he talked about how McCarthy PERSON's pro-day fluffed him up, and he's got concerned about arm strength and all that stuff. But I understand that it may not be on the tape or it may not be in the box score. But you look at what McCarthy PERSON did on third down, you look at McCarthy did in high leverage spots. And the Michigan didn't really have a lot of them since they were blowing out everyone last year.Plus, there is something to be said that McCarthy put aside his stats to be part of the Michigan team and did exactly what Harbaugh was asking him to do. Now, if McCarthy had more of an ego, could he have gone to, say, Oregon and put up Lulu numbers or Tennessee with Josh Heppel PERSON and just put up numbers in a college offense? Yes, certainly could have done that. But dude is a winner. Won multiple state championships and national title in high school. One a national title at Michigan ORG.And also, you know, bounced back from getting trounced in the playoffs two years ago by TCU and then came back and ran the table this year. And it wasn't really close. So I do believe in McCarthy PERSON. And again, everyone is entitled to their own opinion. And Greg Cosell has definitely grinded more tape than I ever will in a thousand lifetimes.But people will disagree. There's some NFL evaluators that are fully in on McCarthy PERSON. There's some coaches that are in on McCarthy PERSON. And all it takes is one team. That's it. But Cosell hasn't seen it yet. That's fine. But Coselle PERSON, hasn't seen it yet.That's fine. That's fine, man. Speaking of quarterback spots. So, a best landing spot for a rookie quarterback. You got the Bears at one. You got the commies at two.You got the Patriots at three. You got the Vikings at four. Also, I don't know what's up with the Vikings ORG brown logo. I don't know. But obviously, the answer is the Vikings ORG, right? And the Vikings are an interesting spot because of the competitive rebuild that Quassey PERSON's put the team through.And they've cycled through some of the older veterans and some of the larger contracts, getting them off the books, and everything is set up. You have an offensive-minded head coach and Kevin McConnell PERSON. You have one of the best quarterback coaches in the league in Josh McCown PERSON. You have Justin Friggin' Jefferson, the best receiver in the game. Jordan Addison, one of the best young receivers in the game. Hawkinson, when he gets back, is tied in three, and he's not three.Dairsaw, oh, no, Neil. And there's the offense online. And then also a great defense growing and showing on the other side of the ball. Plus, he got eight Aaron Jones and Thai Chandler PERSON behind you. So that's pretty damn good. Also, the fact that Darnold PERSON is there, I actually think, is a benefit for the rookiequarterback because it doesn't mean that he's going to be thrown to the fire before he's ready. And also, Kevin McConnell PERSON, you know that he just going to take it nice and slow. And beyond, it's a whole of a rookie's got to earn his stripes, you know, the whole Zimmer ORG thing. Kevin McConnell PERSON understands the development of a quarterback. He understands that confidence is a big deal. And he understands that if a quarterback gets shelled right away, that could inhibit his growth as a quarterback. He understands that confidence is a big deal. And he understands thatif a quarterback gets shelled right away, that could inhibit his growth as a quarterback. So, I mean, the Vikings are in the best spot because when Williams goes to the Bears, he's starting day one. Like they're talking about his backup might be Tanikil PERSON, sure. And he has to be the savior. Like he has the entire weight of 100 plus years of Chicago Bears ORG football and terrible quarterback play on his shoulders and going to work out. And the Patriots, you still have the specter of Tom Brady PERSON. You have a spoiled-ass fan base who's demanding perfection.And also, I mean, the roster is not very good. And also no Belichick PERSON. But other than that, you're in a good spot. Plus with the commies, I mean, new GM and Peters, a new ownership of Magic Johnson PERSON and company. Dan Quinn PERSON is there. He's fine.Cliff Kingsbury PERSON is your OC. You got scary Terry, but talent-wise, I mean, Washington ORG is kind of scattershot at this moment of time. Also, of these four teams, only the Vikings ORG have an offensive-minded head coach. Now, you might say, well, Belichick PERSON is an offensive-minded head coach, and it worked out. Yes, that's fine. But also, Belichick PERSON is a better offensive mind that a lot of offensive coordinators out there.And I say that was zero trace of irony at all. But the thing about it is, like, if your head coach is offensive-minded, you're not going to have turnover as your offensive play caller, right? So continuity is key. But if you have a defensive-minded head coach and say your O.C. is good. He's going to be going to be a head coaching job in like two seconds here.So there's always going to be turnover that side of the ball. And so with Eberflues, D.Rod, Mayo, and DQ PERSON, not so much. Minnesota ORG obviously, obviously, is the best. That's all, though. Hockinson, you know, spoke to local media jackals on Monday, you know, talking about Kirby Joseph, sorry, Dirty Kirby Joseph PERSON,taking out tight-end knees within a couple weeks of each other, going low, low, low, low, low, low. And Hawkinson PERSON, you know, he talked. Kevin C for DSPN, who's not Carl Gersman PERSON, T.J. Hawkinson on the hit by the Lance, dirty Kirby Joseph PERSON. I know Kirby pretty well.I played with him. I don't necessarily think it was intended to injure. You go back on the tape. You see what happened. Blah, blah, blah. I don't think it was intentional.I just want to make sure it wasn't. And that's why I'm using my voice here. Players, protect players. That's in any facet of the league. You don't want a defensive guy, head hunting or knee hunting.And the same thing for an offensive guy. Hawkinson PERSON was very open about his preference for a concussion over an ACL MCL, not uncommon in the NFL ORG, despite the long-term risks. Hawkinson, that puts me out for two or three weeks, a concussion. This puts me out for nine months, the knee injury. I know some concussions are worse than others,and I don't want to go down that train of what's worse or what's better, but I've had a concussion. It took me a week. I'm just looking at it from the pure timetable. And Hawkinson PERSON dig it into how the league basically puts defensive players into a corner, and they have to go low because they can't go high because they'll get penalized,and they can't really, you could strike to the midsection, but of course, offensive players are a moving target. So that's always extremely tough. So basically, it's very hard to play defensive back in the modern NFL ORG, but sort of is what it is in that spot. But Hawkinson PERSON, so he's optimistic about his recovery time.Constantly talked about how it's nine months, nine months, nine months. So will he be ready for the start of the regular season? Probably not. I think that he is a candidate to start on the pup. But the thing I do trust about Kevin O'Connell and the Vikings ORG under the new regime is that they take serious injuries very seriously.And they're not going to bring a guy back before he's ready to go. So everyone all in on Johnny Munt as fantasy tight out of one for a month or something like that. Speaking of the draft coming up, so age gets talked about a lot. So if there's two close prospects and the measurables, whatever, the projections are pretty close. Age can be a tiebreaker as you're going to go with the younger prospect. Now, age factors in for a couple of reasons.Number one, the age of if the player signs a second contract during that time frame where if you have an older prospect like 23, 24, they could be on the physical downside of their career after the, during that second contract, whereas they could still be in the thick, T-H-I-C, if they're a younger prospect, 20, 21, 22. And also, generally, players have their peak physical years at around 24, 25.Now, do you want that at the beginning of the rookie contract when the player is just starting get his feet wet, or do you want it to be in year three or four, once the player's been in the system, been integrated into the squad, and then hits their physical peak, and you get the best years out of them, even though that could wrap up at the end of the contract, and then you got to pay them, but that's the name of the game, right? But I forget who did this up, but how age factors into each active GM ORG's draft picks.So they went by the average age of the draft picks that the GM has selected. Now, Andrew Barry, Quasi's former boss and mentor with the Cleveland Browns, is the youngest in the league at just shy of 22 prospects. So generally what's going to happen is like first and second round players are going to be generally. Say generally. You're three-year players, so three years and done.So they're going to be 20 in some occasions, 21, 22. But then you get a mix of early declarees as well as super senior, especially given the COVID year of 22, 23, 24-year-old players. And down the bottom is Quasi PERSON. So Quasi only has two years of data on him, but he is the GM who drafts the third oldest at about 22.75. Now, there's a couple factors here.Number one, sample size has a big part to do with it. And also, you know, Jared Hall being 75,000 years old, certainly brings down the average. But also, if you look at, if you look at Quasi's first draft, yes, the infamous 2022 class, five of the 10 players had at least five years of college experience. All right. So Ed Ingram was at LSU ORG for a number of years. Caleb Evans was at Tulsa and then had a year at Missou ORG.Asseo Tomamo, redshirted, then had four years with the gophers. Ty Chandler had four years with Tennessee, then one with North Carolina GPE. And Vedarian Lowe was literally at Illinois for like seven years. So, you know, that does add in. Now, could you say that, hey, younger players are better? There is some correlation because generally if you're a tier one prospect,you're going to declare after your junior season or after three years of eligibility. You could be a registered sophomore or whatever. And then you're going be getting to the league and generally are going to be drafted higher but in terms of like later picks yeah yeah yeah yeah but either way hey Jordan Edison PERSON's good that's all that's all man and speaking of the draft so Bill Simmons eh Spout PERSON's guy ah yeah so he dove into the whole nature versus nurture thing. It's a later set everyone spends so much time, energy resources, figuring out the NFL ORG draft, and yet this recently happened.2018, Baker, Darnold, Josh Allen at 7, Josh Rosen at 10, Lamar Jackson 32, 2017, Trubisky 2, Mahomes, 10, and DeShon Watson at 12. So he's got a point. He does have a point where, especially at the top of the draft, I mean, a lot of people see the number one overall pick as the ultimate luxury. But there's a lot of pressure.You've got to get that right. And if you don't, you're going to be second-guess to Kingdom Come and you're going to see the guys behind you that you didn't draft, watching them succeed. You're probably going to get your ass fired. And it's tough. It's tough, man. But you're 20-team.So Baker going to Cleveland GPE. Baker wasn't terrible in Cleveland GPE. That's what people don't realize. That Baker PERSON, was he number one overall pick? No.But was he fine? Yes. But they decide to trade heaven and earth for Deshawn Watson and give him a quarter billion dollars fully guaranteed. Other than that, whatever. Slingham Darnold had his noted struggles with the Jets and then with the Panthers ORG.But, I mean, with the Jets, you had Adam Gase PERSON. His best receiver was Robbie Anderson PERSON. It just was not good with the Jets ORG, right? And also, I mean, Donald's one of those players that came into the league at 20 years old. So, I mean, Sam Darnold's only 10 months older than Jaron Hall PERSON.And Sam Darnold's been in the league for, was it, year seven? It's kind of crazy and funny, man. But, you know, Josh Allen and Buffalo had a great spot with Brian Dayball PERSON. They clicked right away, and that does matter, and also had the prime years of Stefan Diggs PERSON. So, I mean, it worked out.It did work out with Josh Allen. And what's interesting is that people forget. Josh Allen was the most polarizing draft prospect in NFL ORG history. And it wasn't close. I know that people go back and forth about like Pennix or Drake May or J.J. McCartley PERSON. Not even close.Like there was, it was a bloody civil war on social media about Josh Allen coming out of Wyoming ORG, right? Because Josh Allen wasn't even accurate Wyoming playing in the Mountain West LOC. It's crazy, man. Josh Rosen PERSON. So Josh Rosen, after his true freshman year at UCLA was seen as the most pro-ready quarterback in a hot second, but just never panned out. And he bounced, he's on the Vikings for two seconds, too.It's crazy. The Lamar 32. I mean, Lamar has been NFL MVP for two seasons. And there was debate before the draft on if Lamar PERSON should move to running back. That's where we were. People forget that.One of the reasons why Lamar didn't run the Combiners Pro Day EVENT because he didn't want to be labeled as a runner. It's crazy. And then Trubisky PERSON. So only very stupid people call Drake May, And then Trubisky, so only very stupid people call Drake May, Mitchell Trubisky PERSON, just because they both put the UNC, war number 10. It's idiocy.Like, you know, Drake May, skill set-wise, is completely separate from Mitchell Trubisky Ponder PERSON, but it's whatever. But, I mean, the Bears had a hard on for Chubisky PERSON, and they traded from three to two to go get them. And also, a bit of revisionist history is that everyone's like, oh, Mahomes PERSON is the goat, three Super Bowls, one of the greatest quarterbacks of all time.There was some question marks about Mahomes coming out of Texas Tech ORG. Like, was he a product of the air raid offense? Was he just a stat stuffer? Was he just that or the other thing? But, I mean, Mahomes landed in the second best spot in NFL ORG history for a rookie quarterback. The Vikings are number one. I don't care.But so landing with the Chiefs, landing with Andy Reed, landing with those weapons, landing with Kelsey PERSON. I mean, that's pretty damn good. That is pretty damn good. And also, remember, the Chiefs were 12 and 4 the year before they traded up for Mahomes from 27 to 10. And Alex Smith was not only a solid starting quarterback, but also he was open to mentoring Patrick Mahomes PERSON. And Mahomes credits Alex Smith with teaching him to be a pro in year one before he took over in year two.And that's also important because, hell, so say you took Trubisky Pinder and put him in Kansas City. I think that he probably would have had success. Because, yes, at the end of the day, talent does trump everything. But if that talent ends up in a garbage situation, sometimes that talent doesn't flourish. Like, take Sam Darnold and then put him with Andy Reed.I bet you're talking about Pro Bowl quarterback Sam Donald. Now, I'm not saying that he would be Mahomes PERSON. I'm not saying that Trubisky would have been Mahomes PERSON, but environment matters. And that's why it's so enticing for the rookie quarterback whoever ends up in Minnesota ORG just because of all those reasons that we listed before. Or Mahomes ended up in Chicago in 2017. I think Ryan Pace PERSON and company would have ruined him because I think that's just what happens in Chicago in 2017, I think Ryan Pace and company would have ruined him.Because I think that's just what happens in Chicago. That's why I think it was going to happen with Caleb Williams. Also, I have no segue. But the Jets ORG formally announced changes to their uniform. Now, they're going to the throwbacks, you know, the SAC ORG exchange unis. And these look really damn good.

Speaker 11942.62s - 1946.94s

I mean, the Jets ORG are the Jets are the Jets, but I do like the darker green.

Speaker 01947.1s - 2037.18s

I do love the white face mask. I do love the old school like Jets ORG logo because it's weird, hey, Jets, let's incorporate a jet into the logo as opposed to just a football. But these look pretty good. And with A.A. Ron Rogers at the helm, healthy this year, these are really good uniforms to go 7 and 10. There you go. Also, not to be outdone, is the Jacksonville Jaguars ORG,who came in as an expansion team for back in the day. Also, I mean, props to the Jaguars and Panthers ORG expansion teams because I remember, I don't know how. So they came to the league when I was like 8, 9 years old. I just remember having a ton of Panthers and Jaguars ORG loot. I don't know where it came from.I don't know how we acquired it. I just remember having a Jaguars ORG wall clock, which was fantastic. Like a Panthers Penets PRODUCT. I had like a Jaguar ORG's hat that was awesome. I don't know where it came from. But they were just marketing the issue out of it.And not going to lie, when the Jaguars and the Panthers, both on their second year of existence in 96, both made the AFC title game or the conference title games, I was rooting for an all second year expansion team Super Bowl EVENT. Didn't work out. But the Jaguars, I mean, the Jaguars, fuck of the day, we're badass. I mean, talking about our guy Keena McCartle, talking about Jimmy Smith PERSON, talking about FredTaylor, Mark Brunel PERSON, Tony Bisselli when he was healthy for a hot second. They were good, man. Tom Coughlin before he won Super Bowls EVENT. They were good. Oh, so Jaguars are wearing throwbacks this year.These look good, man.

Speaker 12037.5s - 2043.08s

Now, you could go all the way back when it was like the long Jaguar ORG logo versus just the head on the side.

Speaker 02043.64s - 2561.16s

But, I mean, Keena McCartle PERSON made these uniforms look good, man. These are fantastic. Also, we need to talk about Natron Means PERSON. This is an elite aesthetic that has never been copied. Like, this is us as a peak society right here. So Natron Means, the pride of North Carolina, come on and up. Played for the Jaguars and the Chargers ORG.So he had the dark face mask, big time shoulder pads for a running back. I think Natron means only like 5'9. And then also, ooh, he had like the old school Nike ORG gloves. I'm surprised that he didn't have the Newman PERSON gloves, but it looks good.Also, Tony Bisselli PERSON in the foreground. God. We used to be a proper country. That's right. Jacksonville, Jaguar ORG. It looks like it was a Buffalo ORG, too.Let's go down to Rome GPE. So the pie in the sky, vision and dream is for the Vikings ORG to trade up into the stratosphere and get their quarterback, Drake May, Jane Daniels, JJ McCarthy, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, but. But, of course, Quasi is already looking into that, acquiring that number 23 overall pick from the Texans ORG. So the Vikings ORG do have the ammunition to move up. Although they could just stick a pick.That could certainly work out. But, yeah, the dream of a lot of fans is moving up to the east side, finally got a piece of the pie. Now, when we've talked about the Vikings trading up, like we've already come to peace that it will probably cost 11, 23 and probably a future first rounder. You know, we try to like piece work things together with other ancillary parts, but it's probably going to cost three ones. Now, a lot of Vikings ORG fans do have some pushback on that. They're like, well, why would it cost three ones?Like, why would you do that? When you look at the trade charts of Spilberger, Fitzgerald Spielberger PERSON is like're like, well, why would it cost three ones? Like, why would you do that? When you look at the trade charts of Spielberger, Fitzgerald Spielberger is like, oh, well, I mean, it's actually more points of 1123 versus number three. Or if you look on the PFF simulator, I mean, you can trade 11 and 23 for number three and all that stuff. Why giving up more assets, bro? Well, a couple of things here. Number one, what's it going to cost a trade up? It's going to be more than you think.And also basically just throw out the trade charts. And that's exactly what Fieldy-8s you'll put out on the social media is today. So he's responding to a Vikings ORG fan who is basically saying that, hey, the trade chart says that we can move up. Field D-Eights, go. I see this sentiment a lot from Vikings ORG fans in regard to the cost of a trade-up from 11 to 4-5.While 11-23 for 4-4 or 5 does align on the draft value charts, those charts don't account for the competing offers that will drive up the price or the quarterback premium. I really think the cost of a trade-up would be 1123 and more valuable chips. And he's right. He's absolutely right. Basically, anything in the top five, just throw the charts out because it's not going to line up.Now, precedent, like historical precedent does matter. So looking back, back in the day, and there's a myriad of multiple trade-ups back in the day, but some prominent ones. So 2012, Washington came up to number two overall for RG3 ORG, and then they took Kurt's Cousins in the fourth round. But the Rams ORG, so the Rams got a haul, but then they squandered it,basically just whatever. But the whole thing about it is they moved from six to two. Washington ORG did. They moved up four spots. That's it. That's it.And it costs them the number six pick, two future first rounders They moved up four spots. That's it. That's it. And it costs them the number six pick, two future first rounders, and the second round pick in that same draft. So that is a haul. That is a haul. That is, that matters much more than trade chart values. And you can go to the Jimmy Johnson.You can go to the Fitzgerald Spielberger PERSON. You can do whatever chart you want. And also, like, people can cherry pick whatever chart suits their purposes, which, you know, it happens, man. But even, like, even the Mahomes PERSON trade. So the chiefs came up from 27 because, remember, they went 12 and 4 the year before they drafted Mahomes. They got up to 10, which isn't even in the top five. Be pop, bo, boopach-math. And that costs him first-rounder in 27, a third-rounder that year, as well as the future first-round pick.So, I mean, that's still a pretty sizable jump and pretty decent compensation. And, of course, the Tray Lance one is the trade that is probably most close to the Vikings ORG, since the Niners, in a couple moves, moved from 12 to 3 ultimately. The Vikings are looking to move from 11 to 3. Now, yes, the Eagles ORG were involved too, but whatever. But at the end of the day, it costs the Niners three first round picks,including number 12 overall, as well as a future third rounder. So it's kind of spending. That is kind of spending. And frankly, if you put the Tray Lance trade in the Fitzgerald Spielberger PERSON chart, so equivalence would be the Patriots at number three, and then the Broncos at number 12. Again, teams don't really matter.We're just using the draft positions. So remember, it was three ones and a future third round pick. Basically, the Patriots gain what is the equivalent to the number two overall pick. So the selections that were involved in the Trey Lance trade from the Niners added up to 4916, and the number three pick was 2443. So double and then some.And that is the cost. That is the cost to move up. So things aren't going to sync up on the trade charts. I mean, the charts are really more for non-first-round trades. That's what it comes down to, man, because the cost is the cost. And some factors into why a move-up is going to be costly is that it's a trade into the top five and trade into the top 10. And basically, you cansort of throw out the charts in those spots, the quarterback tax. So when you're moving up for a QB, it's generally going to cost you more than, say, I don't know, when the Saints moved up for Marcus Davenport from back of the day. Also, you have competing bids. You do have the Giants potentially moving up from 6. You do have the Broncos from 12.You do have the Raiders from 13. There's probably even a wildcard team or two in the mix that could potentially move up and try and steal the Vikings ORG thunder at that point. But like we said, the Vikings do have that distinct advantage of having two immediate first-round picks at 11-23. But also, teams may not want to drop.So if you look at the Patriots, the Cardinals, and the Chargers ORG, they're not going to move down just to move down, right? So they could stick and pick. They could get their choice of the, I mean, they could take a quarterback. The Cardinals and the Chargers could take wide receiver one or offensive tackle one, the two. But if they want to move down, the juice is going to have to be worth the squeeze and throw out the damn charts.Like the Cardinals are not going to trade four for 11 and 23. I don't care what the chart says. The chargers are not going to trade five for 1123. I don't care what the chart says. So basically that's what it comes down to where it probably, hell, even to move up to four, say that quarterback TBD falls to four and and one of the big four is going to, and say that the Giants are in, say that the Broncos are in, say that the Raiders ORG are in, and they'relegitimate bids, and not just Moni Austin for the pride of Minnesota Morris BS and the Vikings ORG. It may take heaven and earth to go get him, but guess what? If that quarterback is deemed the guy, say that's Drake May PERSON. Say that he falls to four. And the Vikings are sold that Drake May PERSON is a dude. And if it costs 1123 a future first rounder, maybe some change, that's the cost of new business.It doesn't matter what the chart says. So, again, I understand that it's frustrating that the charts say that this should work or the simulator say that this should work. But in real life, it's going to cost you. It's going to cost you. If you want to play in Texas GPE, you've got to have a fiddle in the ban. And I think that historical precedent has shown that, I mean, getting up into the top 10 and also, especially into the top 5, it could be really damn expensive.But is the juice worth the squeeze for one of these guys? That's what Quasi PERSON is going to have to figure out. And I trust it. I trust it. Because if they move up, they have determined that he is the future franchise. He's the chosen one.And also at the end of the day, if the quarterback turns out great, cost doesn't matter. It's whatever. It's like, do you think that the chiefs regret trading up for Mahomes PERSON? Do you think that the bills regret trading up for Josh Allen? Probably not. No, you're good to go. And also, with this environment here with the Vikings ORG, they're going to have every single opportunity to succeed. And that's exciting. So, there.

Speaker 22563.16s - 2567.56s

It's going on to Rome. You're a miscert Vikings ORG, along with a bunch of other teams around the league,

Speaker 02567.68s - 2571.18s

begin their voluntary off-season workout program today.

Speaker 22571.18s - 2575.1s

So that means that Vikings ORG players will be descending upon T.E.O.

Speaker 02575.2s - 2578.2s

Performing the center bar and grilled to get a grot in the off-season.

Speaker 22578.9s - 2582.54s

So this first part of the off-season work is two phases.

Speaker 02582.68s - 2793.46s

Phase one consists of two weeks with activities limited to meetings, strength and conditioning, and physical rehab-only. Phase two takes place the following three weeks and includes on-field workouts, which may have maybe individual or group instruction with drills conducted at a walk-through pace. No live contact or team offense versus team defense drills are permitted. And then phase three is the well-known OTAs.And the Vikings OTAs this year start May 20th, 28th, as well as they have another one June 10th. They do have their mandatory minicamp from June 4th through 6th. So that's the outline of the offseason program. Long story longer, Justin Friggin' Jefferson probably won't be at the voluntary portion of the offseason workout. Now, mandatory mity-camp, yish, but the voluntary stuff, we'll see. So Burt Breer NFL off-season programs kick off.They're playing stars to skip workouts, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. So talk about Justin Franken Jefferson PERSON. Offseason programs kickoff for 25 teams on Monday. We'll see if who decides to show up and who doesn't. There are enough brewing contract situations across the league to think that a few guys from the 2020, 2020-21 draft classes won't be with their teams.Minnesota Viking star Justin Jefferson skipped last year's off-season program, so it's hard to imagine he'll be there this year without an extension. Now, last year Jefferson PERSON did train on his own. He was working out in Miami GPE. He did show up, like we said, for mandatory mini-amp. But it was clear that, yes, OTAs ORG and obviously workout programs are voluntary, but a significant portion of the team does make the track to Egan GPE to work out.The young guys want to make their names. Older guys on second and third contracts, usually have workout bonuses tied to their deal. So picking up an extra $100,000 for doing something that you're going to be doing anyway, it does make sense. Now, with Jefferson PERSON, I don't fault him because, you know, the whole thing about is that with the new CBA ORG, it's really hard to have a hard holdout in terms of skipping mandatory minicamp, skipping training camp, which Jefferson did not do last off-season, so respect to him.And I doubt that he will do the same this time around. But also we're talking about practice. We're going to have to update this one. But the whole thing with Jefferson PERSON is, you know, people try to paint Jefferson is like, oh, he's hurting the team, oh, he's holding out, or just doing this or the other thing. He's doing what every other player who's up for an extension is doing.And he's only skipping the voluntary portion of the workout. So I don't think that it's too big of a deal. And I would expect him to be there for mandatory minicamp this time around. And I do think thatVikings ORG and Jefferson will get something sorted out. Because you look at the wide receiver market, C.D. Lamb PERSON, that's a big domino to fall. Jamar Chase could get his after three years. Devante Smith just got paid $25 million per.So the money is there and it does seem like both sides are motivated to get something done. There isn't clamoring of Jefferson PERSON wanting to leave. There isn't cryptic social media tweets like Stefan Diggs PERSON. There isn't that. Everything that is talking about Jefferson PERSON wanting a trade is coming just from the media.Like there isn't anything tangible that they're even going off of. So even though, obviously, the work is starting and JJ PERSON probably won't be there, I won't read too much into it. And if when an extension does get done, I fully expect him to be at every single thing, being that team leader that he truly is. But right now, he's just using everything as disposable end with the new CBA.Ain't much. A much right now.

Speaker 22795.4s - 2800.2s

It's going on to Rome. So the NFL draft is mercifully 10 days away. It's good times.

Speaker 02800.2s - 3041.7s

But all of the scenarios, all the hypothetical situations are going around in everyone's head. And the Vikings have nine picks. They have two first rounders, seven day three selections. And we floated the idea, hey, maybe the Vikings should take a quarterback high and then pull a RG3, Kurt Cousins, and take a quarterback in the mid-rounds or even late. But PFF Sam Munson, the Irishman PERSON definitely took things to a different level. So, latest two-round mock draft.Commies take McCarthy at two, Vikings Secure 2 quarterbacks again. This is a two-round mock draft. So let's dive on in. Of course, Quayses like two quarterbacks at the same time, man. That's right. All right.So, getting into this. So Caleb Williams, one, J.J. McCarthy at 2. I don't think that's as crazy as people think. Jane Daniels at 3. So the Broncosdecide to move all the way up for Jaden Daniels PERSON. Could the Vikings ORG have made that deal? I don't know, but the Patriots ORG get 1276 and a 2025 first time.That's it? All right, so a 1 and a 3 and a future 1? That's it? Come on, man. Harrison Jr., Joe Walt PERSON, a neighbors,Talisa Fulaga, Jared Verse, goes to the Falcons ORG. Now, the Vikings ORG make a trade in division, which I don't know if the bears would want to do that, but also the bears only have four draft picks to begin with. But the Vikings, they get number nine overall, and then the best bears get 11 and a fourth-round pick of 108.So fourth-rounder to move up two spots, I mean, we'll take that. And it is possible that Drake May is in everyone's cup of tea, given his high variance nature, but this is what Sam PERSON wrote. There are reports that Drake May is the quarterback, the Minnesota Vikings ORG covet, and the lines, and that lines up nicely if he starts to slide as more and more concerns crop up with his game. In this scenario, Minnesota jumps up only two spots to ensure they get their guy and more off teams behind them looking to jump in front. And then the rest of the way of Bowers, they still get Adunze at 11.annoying. Foshanu at 12, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. Basically, it's pretty straightforward. I mean, the rest of the... Ooh. I mean, Dallas Turner falls all the way at 23?Shoot. A.D. Mitchell, Wiggins, Latham PERSON. Zach Frazier PERSON? Ooh, makes the first round appearance. I love me some Zach Frazier PERSON. Not a lot, man.Kool-Aid, chop, T.J. Tampa, long-length, the cornerback at 31. Geithen at 32. If I ever run in their mom, wants to give wide receiver to the chiefs, yes. So now, the Vikings at 34. So McConkey goes to the Panthers ORG. He can learn from Adam Fielding PERSON, blah, blah, blah.But 34, the Vikings take Michael Pennix Jr. out of Washington ORG. So Pennix falls out of the first round. Does Nix PERSON go at any point here? Nix. Nix goes 44 in the second round to the Raiders ORG. So the Vikings at 34.I know what you're saying. So two quarterbacks up at the top of the draft, and the Vikings ORG also traded up to go get this one. A projected trade, Vikings ORG received. Oh, yeah. Wait, hold on.So I had forgotten that the Vikings didn't give up 23. So the Patriots actually came up for 23. The Vikings got 34 and 68. So, I mean, it's kind of nice. So the Vikings get a, get 34 second round, as well as the top of the third round pick in 68. I mean, we'll take that. So I just completely claust over that because I'm very smart.Actually, I'm kind of a dual mass today. But 34 Vikings ORG Pennix Jr. GM Coisido Femesa has a finance background, which means diversifying and hedging. Minnesota shocks the NFL ORG by selecting quarterbacks in the first and second. Now, I know the immediate reaction is, well, if you have two quarterbacks, you have no quarterbacks. It's not necessarily true. So you got Darnold, you got May, you got Pennix PERSON, and then also you got Mullins and the Mormon Missile. Right. So Drake May PERSON and MichaelPennix Jr., they'll just go at it. They'll compete, compete, compete, and whoever ends up on top is going to be the winner and is going to be the future franchise quarterback for the Vikings ORG. And this isn't such a throwaway of a pick. And yes, the Vikings have other needs, but they still have seven other selections.

Speaker 13042.14s - 3049.12s

They gave up 108, but they did acquire 68, so they're back in the third round, and they can certainly address other needs and take BPAs and all that stuff.

Speaker 03049.28s - 3575.46s

But this is actually kind of smart because May PERSON has question marks. Pennix PERSON has question marks. And you're going to hedge your bets here by hoping that one of them will turn out. Now, it would suck if they both brick out, which is possible. But what's going to happen is that one of these guys is going to stratify and establish themselves as the alpha in the room.And it could be May PERSON. It could be Pennix PERSON. And guess what? Whoever doesn't win the job is going to have trade value because quarterbacks are always valuable in this league. And now, I mean, could you get it like a third round pick out of someone eventually down theline, possible? Maybe even a round two pick. Who knows? But the whole thing about it is I wouldn't mind this approach. third round pick out of someone eventually down the line, possible, maybe even a round two pick, who knows. But the whole thing about it is, I wouldn't mind this approach. And it's something that we talked about too. Now, maybe not first round, second round at number nine and 34, but two quarterbacks inthis class, high and low, especially given the depth of this QB class, yes. And also with May and Pennix PERSON, I kind of like the competition. I think that it would be super feisty. And you look back where, well, if you have two quarterbacks, you have no quarterbacks. Well, what about Montana and Steve Young PERSON? So Steve Young was championed at the bit for years, for years behind Montana PERSON,who still had some good years left. And that competitive tension actually benefited the San Francisco 49ers ORG. And that's exactly what Bill Walsh PERSON wanted to happen. And could May and Pennix PERSON be a diet version of that? Sure. Two young quarterbacks, well, Pennix PERSON isn't really young, but pushing each other to be better.And eventually, the winner is going to be that dude. Now, could it split the locker room? Yes. It's something that Quasi and Kevin O'Connell would, are going to be that dude. Now, could it split the locker room? Yes, it's something that Quasi PERSON and Kevin O'Connell are going to have to navigate and going to have to tiptoe around. But taking two pulls at this lotto, having two tickets as opposed to just one. I'm at all, man.All right, so rest of the way. Nubin falls out the first round. He goes to the commies. Fist goes to Chargers ORG. Legato goes to Panthers. Ooh. All right. So first round. He goes to the commies. Fist goes to Chargers ORG. Leggett goes to Panthers. Ooh. All right. So the Panthers end up with Ladd McConkey and they get Xavier Leggett PERSON.Kind of like that. Kind of like that a lot. And also, they still got Theelan PERSON in the twilight of his career. They got some Deontay Johnson as well. And also, hey, remember Mingo PERSON? Mingo PERSON was supposed to be the guy. Haynes PERSON goes to commies. Who cares about the rest of the way? But basically, it's spicy.It's outside the box. And it definitely sounds like something that Quasi would do. And again, I understand first and second-second on picks on quarterbacks, but I think what really stands out is that the Vikings didn't have to give up heaven and earth to go get May at 9. So I don't think that's a deal breaker. Whereas if the Vikings ORG had to give up everything and then they still trade it up and then they still made that deal, I don't know, man.But the Vikings still have seven picks remaining after this, including a third rounder. They did give up the one-of-weight and the move-up for Drake May PERSON. So, I mean, if this is what goes down and your top two are, and your top two are May and Pennix, two quarterbacks at the same time. I would be mad. I would be bad, man.But what's going on to Rome's, beautiful Mondayay birds are chirping and stuff and your missotified vikings are currently chilling at 11 and 23 in the first round nine selections overall including seven in day three and there's lots of debate consternation going on should the viking stick and pick take a guy like michael pennix junior out of washington and hang on to the number 23 overall pick that they got from Houston Texans ORG. Or should the Vikings ORG go all the way up?Should they maneuver up into the stratosphere for May or Daniels or McCarthy PERSON, etc? And does Quasi PERSON have some contingency deals in place? Who knows, man? But a lot of pressure, a lot of questions going on with Kevin McConnell and Quasito Femenza PERSON, and we put it out to you, the people, the Jerome PERSON's. Should the Viking ORG stick and pick or trade up?6,900. Nice. Now, what I like to think is that 6,900 Jerome PERSON's voted, and then people who are going to vote, we're like, let's keep this funny. But 43% say stick and pick. 57% say trade up.So it's about a 3 to 2 split. And I understand why people are split because sticking and picking, there is a lot of value to be had. There are at 11 and 23 because if you look at the big board. So like 11-ish, I mean, there's going to be some very talented players there. Terry Narnald, Quinn and Mitchell, Dallas Turner could tumble to 11. You could potentially get a quarterback at 11-2, maybe one of the big four takes the draft daytumble. Layatu Latu is going to be there. Byron Murphy's a stud, Fatunu, DeJon, Latham PERSON, Wiggins PERSON. I mean, there's so many damn talented players are going to go in between that 11 and 23 area. Again, I fully understand. I fully get it. That maybe the Vikings ORG should indeed stick and pick.But also, I see the other end of the coin, too, because at the end of the day, the Vikings have never drafted a quarterback in the top 10 of the draft ever, ever. And taking a swing and getting up into the tier one of the draft and trying to get your talisman at quarterback. I fully understand the appeal. Now, it's going to be expensive.It is indeed going to be expensive to get up there. And I think that the main reservation is giving you know, giving up that future draft capital. Fine like wine giving up 1123, but that future 2025 first rounder could be kind of tough. But like I said, hey, if he turns out to be the guy, then the juice is worth the squeeze. But if he's not, could sting. Could sting.Especially if the Vikings are kind of pooped this year, which given a lot of moving parts and given the youth of the team, it's not out of the realm of possibility. You don't want to pull a Carolina Panthers and hit another team the number one overall pick. But like I said, hey, the NFL should adopt NBA-style rules protecting first-round picks. Like, hey, you can have this first-round pick as long as it's not top 10, otherwise it rolls over. Something like that.But it's really enticing. It is really intriguing, man. Because if the Vikings are completely sold that Drake May or Jaden Daniels PERSON or J.J. McCarthy is him, go up and go get him. All right. And if you can get up to three, awesome.Four, five, whatever. But if you're able to secure the services of who you think is the guy, is the freaking guy, go ahead. Go ahead and go get your dude and draft a quarterback for the first time in the top 10 in team history. But pressure is going to be on then. Pressure is going to be on, man. And hell, even if the Vikings do stick and pick at 1123, the pressure will be on either way.So it's sort of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation with Quasi and Kevin O'Connell. Because training wheels are off. The roster has generally been purged of Spielman PERSON guys, and it really is Quasi and Kevin O'Connell's team now, and especially at the quarterback position, the most important position in all team sports.They jettisoned Kurt's cousins, let him go to the Falcons ORG, who was tampered with, by the way. And also, they brought in Sam Darnold PERSON, and now you're looking to draft your quarterback of the future. So you could stick and pick and see how the board plays out, maybe you get Pennix PERSON, maybe you get Knicks, et cetera, or if you're feeling it, if you're feeling gangster, just go up and get May PERSON. Go up and get Jaydenas PERSON.Go up and get Jayden McCarthy if he's that dude. But I understand why the fan base is split. Yeah, because there's no cut and dried answer because the guys up at the top could bust. Penn X at 11 could turn out to be a superstar. Boenix atix at 11 could turn out to be a superstar. Bowenix at 11 or 23 could turn out to be a superstar. All right, but that's what's exciting about it,is that you don't know. Like, every single pick is Schrodinger's a player. Like, you don't know if they're going to be all pro, Hall of Fame, all pro, or bust out in two years. That's exactly what's going to happen, man. But, again, I understand the split in the fan base, but given my druthers,I'm more than comfortable sticking and picking, but trade up, it would have to be for the right price and for the right guy. That's basically what comes down to. I feel like most people are the same. It's not a damn the torpedoes, damn the cost, damn whatever. If you can get up into the top five without giving up that future first, I think that's where we're at.I think that would be it. There you go.

Speaker 23577.46s - 3580.3s

It's going on to Rome's Minnesota to fight and Vikings ORG defense coordinator.

Speaker 03580.6s - 4675.86s

Brian Flores wants to play more press man this year after playing a lot of zone last season. So getting all up in the business of the wide receivers, belt buckles, bell buckle across the board. And then let's go hunt. All right. So it could be an overhaul on defense. And one of the most interesting names and press man covered savants is Kyrie Jackson at the University of Oregon, formerly Alabama GPE.He's one of the weirdest evaluations out there. And he's seen largely as a day two pick. Now, the Vikings don't have a day two selection, but of course they can maneuver down or maneuver up, whatever way they want. And there's a lot of room to grow there. There's a lot of physical traits that are certainly appealing.And the Vikings are indeed setting up a top 30 visit with Kyrie Jackson PERSON. And like we said, I do think that Kyrie Jackson PERSON is extremely interesting, but there are some pluses, there are some minuses here. So number one, he has had the most interesting journey to primetime college football and the NFL ORG draft out there, right? So he graduated high school in 2016. He is 24.He's going to be 25 in August. So he's literally going to be 25 years old before he plays an NFL ORG down. And so that's going to be interesting. But initially he was at Arizona Western College, didn't have the grades, didn't play football in 2018. According to Dan Bruegler PERSON's working at a Groucher ORG store, and also looking to potentially become a professional video gameplayer, which is kind of awesome, but also you do wonder, so is he in love with the game? It's a question that a lot of teams on scouts are going to ask. He ended up at 2019, we're not even halfway there. 2019, Fort Scott Community College in Kansas GPE, played well. 2020, East Mississippi Community College ORG. Perhaps you've heard of it.Last chance you. But didn't play because of the Rona. And then he ended up at Alabama for two seasons. 2021, he was a reserve, actually started and starred in the national title game against Georgia, Georgia, and was seen as, hey, what were Nick Sabin's PERSON next great defensive backs, but then 2022 got suspended for undisclosed reasons, decided transfer, ended up in Oregon ORG, 2003, first team all pack 12, and was fantastic, right?He's really, really good to go last year. But that's the thing, where he has all these traits. And if he was a 21-year-old kid, I think that he would be a first-round pick. But the fact that he's 24, going to be 25, that's where the evaluation gets weird. So he's 6'4, a buck 94. And like we said, was that Alabama, two years as a reserve, went to Oregon, had a super senior season there for the Ducks in 2020, and played extremely well.80.5 PFF grade, three interceptions, seven passes broken up, two sacks, as prime as a blitzing corner as well. 41.6 quarterback rating when thrown at, which is, which is good, which is pretty good, because it's 39.6 if you just turf it. So that's not bad. Combine-wise, I mean, does have some tools for his size, which is pretty good, because it's 39.6 if you just turf it. So that's not bad. Combine-wise, I mean, does have some tools for his size. A 4-540 for his size is pretty damn good. 11-1 broad jump, 36 and a half-inch vert.So he does have the skill set and the tools to be a pressman corner in the National Football League ORG. Scottner Report, Lanceurlind, NFL.omp, Braddon Faisen of the Raiders ORG, overview. Extremely imposing outside cornerback with rare size and strength. Jackson's measurable are a big plus, but he started just 14 games during his college career, so the technique is inconsistent. Can be hit or miss from press, but when he catches a receiver with his punch,it's trouble. A lack of anticipation and sticky hips cause him to get lost in transition points at times. Contested catches tilt heavily in his favor and will continue to do so as he improves with more coaching and experience. Jackson PERSON's size of physicality combined with his NFL ORG caliber run support should make him an early backup with a chance to climb the ladder into a starting rule. If it proves he has the necessary speed, did check the box in terms of speed with that 4-5 at the combine.Now, Jackson PERSON, like I said, uncanny size and strength. Like he is literally like Brandon Browner PERSON jacked up out there. He is extremely physical at the line of scrimmage, both in press coverage as well as in run support. A great punch at the line. But like Zerlind PERSON says, it can be inconsistent. Contested catch. Contest the catch.He is a dog. He really gets after it in jump ball situations. His tape against Roma Dunsay PERSON twice is really good. Best suited for press man. So, of course, that would be intriguing for Flores and the Vikings ORG. But the main drawback is age.So when it comes to age with prospects, evaluators are looking at physical peak, right? So physical peak is generally around 24, 25, and Jackson PERSON is already there, and the fact that he's already there physically, but isn't there in terms of knowledge of the game, in terms of instincts, in terms of technique, that's concerning. And I think that he's projected as a day two pick. I think that he may fall into the top of day three. But also tight hips, but that's not uncommon for larger cornerbacks.An inconsistent technique. And that comes from being just intermittent with his coaching, even though he was with Sabin for one and a half seasons, but was good in Oregon ORG. But, I mean, just hasn't had that tier one coaching since he came out of high school. And also the question, does he love football? Now, yes, you could say that was that Alabama GPE?Was that Oregon ORG? But initially, he just stepped away from the game. And that does lead to some questions. Plus, the suspension in Alabama GPE, what was that about? It's undisclosed. So TBD there.But in terms of the Vikings cornerback room, so Murf PERSON, going to hold down the slot. He did bring in Shack Griffin PERSON. Hopefully he can rekindle some of his Seattle days. Blackman PERSON, I think, is going to be a stud. Evans and Booth PERSON, hopefully you can get a little bit of something there. And also, you do have Joe Juan Williams PERSON in terms of if you want the large physical presenceon the outside. But Jackson PERSON, like I said, Jackson's super interesting because I don't think you draft him to be a starter, obviously. But if you want to roll the dice with him back into day two, early day three, that he can grow into his physical tools very quickly. Because like I said, if it takes a couple yearsfor him to get consistent technique i mean that means he's going to be 26 27 and already at that point you're starting to question the age a little bit but it does have rare physical tools and does have some upside as well and if he can get some caliber quality coaching, as well as if he completely buys in, I think that he could be a steal in this draft. And also it's exactly what Brian Flores PERSON is looking for in terms of that large outside press man corner. So, I mean, the Vikings, if they get in there, they want to roll the dice back in day two, early day three on Jackson PERSON.I'd be here for it, man. So go ahead. Go ahead. On John Jerome, the Ormonds, the Ordman certified Vikings are back at TCO Performance Center ORG, bar and grill, the beginning of the voluntary off-season workout program, not OTAs, workouts.Vikings do that for five weeks before the first OTA on May 20th. But Kevin O'Connell, right-tackle, right-tackle, as well as tied down T.J. Hawkinson, fed the local Jackals a day. Also, I want to point out, if they reboot the Superman franchise again, instead of Harry Cavell, I nominate Kevin O'Connell. And I know that football coaches only have like five weeks of vacation, basically late June into July, so they're going to have to film that movie, like, right quick. But I feel like Kevin O'Connell could do it. Man, I steal. Anyways, he's looking good in the hood.So the number one thing, well, first off, there was a lot of coach speak, there was a lot of players speak, you know, it is what it is, it happens, man. But the main topic is Kevin Sefer at ESPN, who's not Carl Gershman PERSON.No, well, he's not the main topic, but Justin Franklin Jefferson PERSON is. You know what I mean. Kevin O'Conn confirms that wide receiver, Justin Jefferson PERSON is not in the building today for the Vikings' first day of their voluntary offseason program. Attendance for other parts remains to be seen. Jefferson did not attend voluntary program in 2023.I did not and did do a mandatory minicam. So this isn't news, and I'm not sweating this at all, right? So it's the same thing as last year. Jefferson PERSON skipped the voluntary portions. And also, since he's on his rookie deal, like he doesn't have a workout bonus. So it really is no must-of-fuss.But most guys on the rookie deals show up because they're still trying to impress and make the team and all that stuff. I mean, JJ is already a superstar. And it's not like he's just sitting on the couch eating Cheetos PRODUCT, although that does sound kind of nice. Watching reruns a boardwalk empire. Oh, come on, Nucky PERSON. But, you know, JJ working, grinding down in Florida GPE will be good to go.He's a pro's pro. But, you know, Kevin O'Connell did talk about how he wants to get Jefferson PERSON in the building. He loves his energy. He loves everything that he brings to the building. He is a true leader. But basically,basically Kevin O'Connell just skirted around the contract issue. But I think that's something that's going to be worked out at some point this offseason. I mean, both sides want it gets something done. And I think ultimately something will indeed get done. And then the rest of the way. So Kevin O'Connell, of course, talking about, you know, the draft and quarterback.And he went over his list of things that he looks for again, accuracy, processing, that buzzword. Also, so this is kind of interesting. So he talked about how he wants a quarterback that will take what is there, but occasionally take what's not there. So, I mean, all of the talk about, like, take what's not there. All of the talk about Drake May PERSON is certainly there, and Drake May, the knock against him is that sometimes he takes too many chances. He tries to force the issue too often.The knock about J.J. McCarthy PERSON is that maybe he doesn't force the issue often enough, maybe even the same thing with Jay and Daniels PERSON. But in terms of pressing the envelope, I feel like sometimes you just got to make a play just to make a play, although you certainly won't get broke, taking a profit. I've taken what thedefense gives you. Then, you know, his draft room influenced him being a former quarterback. He really downplayed that, but he also talked about he loved the private workouts. And I think that the Vikings ORG, the Vikings ORG process is something that's going to becopied by a lot of teams. So what the Vikings ORG did is that instead of attending, you know, the Vikings process is something that's going to be copied by a lot of teams. So what the Vikings did is that instead of attending, you know, the pro day cattle calls with the brass, they sent McCown and Udinsky PERSON. They did the groundwork there. But private workouts with five of the top six quarterbacks. So all the ones pictured here, May, Daniels, McCarthy, Pennix, as well as Boe Nix PERSON. And what, you know, what kind of likes to do is that hands-on coaching in the classroom,run them through a bunch of stuff and then see it out on the field. So basically instead of just a static workout that's instrumented by the player and the agent, you know, Kevin O'Connell gets a real look of what the player is going to be like in practice if he's coachable. Is he attentive? Does he retain information, how he actually looks on the field?So that's important. So I think that the Vikings ORG are going to have the best educated guess in terms of finding their quarterback because it's definitely not an exact science for sure. But I think that's something that is going to be copied by a lot of teams. So props to Quasi and Kevin O'Connell for doing that. Say, I had a great dialogue with Justin Jefferson PERSON. That remains ongoing.Also, so I feel like the media sort of skirt around the whole Kurt Cousins issues. But basically, he was asked about, you know, what's it going to be like not having Kurt PERSON there? And, you know, O'Connell said they basically got a head start last year. And it's true, you know, when they had Mullins and the Pachanot and the Mormon missile in, you know, Life Without Kurt WORK_OF_ART. In some ways, obviously all injuries are bad, but it could ultimately be a good thing for the Vikings ORG. Because if Kurt didn't get hurt, maybe the Vikings are the team that gives him the four-year, $180 million deal with $100 million guaranteed.It's certainly possible. But I think that Kevin O'Connell, like at a certain point, he was going to have to learn to coach without Kurt Cousins. And you also had to learn to coach without Justin Friggin' Jefferson last year. And now, with Sam Darnold or rookie quarterback TBD, like, it's not going to be Kurt PERSON. So Kevin O'Connell got a little bit bit on-the-job training last year. He's very bullish about the cornerback room.It still says that they're looking towards the draft as well. But he does like the veteran edition with Shaquille Griffin PERSON, working with Murph PERSON and whatnot. Also, full kicking competition. So the Vikings right now have one kicker on the rooster, John Parker Romo PERSON. I know maybe they bring in the other UFO dude who kicks like 60 yarders every week.You do that. Yeah, go ahead. Brian O'Neill, which hopefully someone said hi to Brian O'Neill in the hallway today. That's all, man. But basically he was asked about, you know, Kurt signing with Atlanta ORG. Brian O'Neill was a huge advocate of Kurt Cousins before for a agency,but he understands that the business is the business, really fired up about Aaron Jones PERSON. And also Brian O'Neill PERSON said they used to be a big-time fan of the draft early on in his career. But now it just sort of, it is what it is. It's not his job.His job is to block people. He does a pretty damn good job of that when he's on the field. And now just get who you get and then that's right. Also, he's asked about a dual threat quarterback and just like, I don't know, it doesn't really change too many things, although it really does change everything. But I feel like, I always feel like dual threat quarterbacks,quarterbacks with mobility, like they do the offensive line a little bit of an extra solid. Like, do I think that Ronnie Stanley is his tier one left tackle? No, but he got paid like one because he has Lamar Jackson PERSON there. Or do I think that Orlando Brown was a tier one right tackle before he went to Can City and switched to left tackle? No.But Lamar Jackson PERSON made him look good. Now, if Jayden Daniels PERSON lands here, I mean, that certainly could help out the offensive line. Although it didn't really help with the passionate out last year. Hmm. But also, all these guys can move a little bit, especially Pennix PERSON at his pro day, like showed off that he does have wheels.He just chooses not to run. It's kind of weird, man. Lastly, Hawkinson PERSON. So I 100% thought that Hawkinson PERSON was doing the cornholio thing. It was like an homage because S&L had a hilarious beavis and butthead sketch over the weekend. It was great.But no, it's just the cut of the Unreal Co. Golf ORG hoodie, which is fantastic, by the way. But Hawkinson PERSON, of course, the number of question was about rehab as well as the hit. So Will Ragged Sports Illustrated ORG. Vikings' Ted N. T.J. Hawkinson PERSON on the hit from the lion's safety, dirty Kirby Joseph that resulted in his torn ACL. I would have much rather gone down with a concussion for two weeks than have to dealwith this for nine months. And quote, Hawkinson said he doesn't get, have anything against Joseph PERSON, but blames the league and its rules for incentivizing defensive players to hit low. And I feel like nine players out of 10, like nine receivers or tight ends out of 10 will tell you they would rather get hit in the head than with the knee. Because the knee or anything like that taken out, I mean, that's the season.Right. Concussion is a couple weeks. Now, long term, that's probably the wrong way of looking about things, except, I mean, these guys are young. They're in the moment. They're gladiators and all that stuff. And I feel like the league is incentivizing players to go low. So it's really, also, take away the hip-drop tackle. I mean, it's basically impossible to play defense back nowadays. Now, Kirby Joseph PERSON certainly took things a little bit too far. And Hawkinson talked about how a couple weeks later, Joseph did the same damn thing to TylerHigbee of the Rams ORG. And also, they had surgery by the same doctor and also rehab in the same area in L.A., which is kind of funny, man. But also, Hawkinson PERSON says he doesn't have anything against Kirby Joseph PERSON, except he refused to name him by name. The player, the player, the player. And also, he talked about how there is like a unspoken agreement between players where at the end of the day, like it is a business. Players move around all the time.But, I mean, this is a brotherhood. This is a fraternity. And trusting opposing players to not, I mean, it's a contact sport, right? Injuries will happen. But trusting the opposition not to be intentionally looking to injure you, that's where it comes in.And I think that Hawkinson PERSON did make a good point that the league does basically box defensive players into where they have to go low in spots like that. Stuff, man. I gave a rehab update. He is hopeful about week one, but we'll see. He understands that it's a process.There's a video of him walking into the facility a day. No hitching is getting up. Actually, he's walking with Dan Feeney PERSON. Dan Feeney looked like he walking in like John Wayne PERSON, all that stuff. But he is fired up about the sons of anarchy and not just a television show. Jeffers Son, Addison, Hockinson, looking good.And he talks about how it's a group of veterans and especially along the offensive line as well. Most of the key parts have been with Kevin O'Connell since he got here day one, 22. Hawkinson came in midseason at the trade deadline, 2022. So hopefully, even though it's going to be a new guy under center in Darnold PERSON or quarterback TBD in all likelihood that they'll be able to hit the ground running, well, the best offensesin the game. Also, Aaron Jones PERSON. People can't stop talking about Aaron Jones PERSON. So he'd better be good, man. That's it. And also, Hawkinson being an Iowa alum, spoke effusively about Caitlin Clark PERSON, how she is a baller, how she's changedat the game, and how she does have the pressure of entire sport on her shoulders. And it's interesting to see what she does in the WMBA. I think that she is a true blue superstar, and she really does transcend sport. I think that she's someone that, whether it's men's sports or women's sports, whatever, like you're intrigued because she's so damn good at what she does. And that's ultimately what it comes down to and Hockinson.

Speaker 24676.3s - 4682.56s

The music for the Purple for the Win podcast was created and produced by Deeb PERSON.

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We needed to get this right. Woo-hoo!