5-13-24 Hour 3: Avs discussion/Let's Football Go/Final Thoughts

5-13-24 Hour 3: Avs discussion/Let's Football Go/Final Thoughts

by KSE Radio Ventures

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41:30 minutes

published 20 days ago


Copyright KSE Radio Ventures

Speaker 30s - 18.56s

From the Bacchamaker Studios ORG, their passion is justice. They've thrown away. Three three. What's it? Oh my God! KKASE FM HD-1, Brufield, Denver, Boulder GPE.From behind the half-court line. Home of the Nuggets and mile-high playoff basketball.

Speaker 218.94s - 22.94s

Just when you thought that was out, you pull me back in.

Speaker 323.48s - 27.18s

This is Al-too Sports Radio ORG.

Speaker 228.18s - 29.54s


Speaker 329.66s - 30.64s

Let's go!

Speaker 230.98s - 33.12s

Columbus, Hastings, and DMAC ORG.

Speaker 333.5s - 43.64s

Presented by Revitalized Health ORG. Optimized hormone levels, PRP, peptides, and more. Visit Revitalize-Health.com. This series is a wrap.

Speaker 047.6s - 78.9s

Minnesota is better than the Nuggets ORG. The MVP is getting outplayed. They don't have an advantage anywhere. The Minnesota Timberwolves, they are going to win this series. They are for real. They have that guy. You know how rough it's going to be going to Minnesota against them two guys?The Minnesota Timberwoods are for real. This series is a wrap. They're going to sweep the Denver Nuggets ORG, period. Here comes Murray PERSON.

Speaker 279.3s - 163.6s

Cross court past quarter, bounce past corner three holiday. Let's go. Denver leads up by 7, 26 to 19, less than a minute to go in the first quarter. Here comes Murray across the timeline, started by Edwards PERSON. Throws it off over to Yolkich PERSON inside the yard. Backdoor cut is KCP, kick out the corner holiday over to Christian for three.Yes! 20 point lead for Denver and the Nuggets are blowing out the wolves in the first half. And that will be the basketball game. Nuggets lead him by 30 points with seven minutes left to go in Minnesota in game number three. And this thing is over. Tomlin pass off over to Gordon Top with the Njokos ORG down the lane.Right-headed Tomahawk PERSON! For the big Serbian. They lost the basketball. Loose ball, Yolkish LANGUAGE. Front court, quarter. Dog, two hands.Denver's dropped 61 on Minnesota ORG. They throw it away. Murray 3. Oh, shit! Oh, my God! From behind the half court line,everybody's falling asleep, except for me and Jamal Murray PERSON. He knocked that thing home. There's the horn, people. Just when you thought that was out, youpull me back in. 115 to 107 is the final. Denver ORG goes back.

Speaker 6164.44s - 175.2s

Two to two is the series God. Cause with the Godfather. Godfather free reference. How you like it now? I'm just bad as Scott PERSON going to sleep.

Speaker 2179.16s - 188s

How you like those nuggets now? How you like them now, man. Where'd you think seriously, guys? And if you

Speaker 6188s - 206.54s

want to put a voice on the voice of the people, wrap it up with tap tap. Be honest. Be honest on the text line. Shotma's the text line. Voice of the people. Be honest. What did you think we were going to be talking about with the nuggets today at this time? What do you really think we were going to be talking about with the Nuggets today at this time? What did you really think we were going to be talking about?

Speaker 5206.8s - 210.48s

Can they win game five and send it home? Good for you, man.

Speaker 6210.48s - 214.46s

I thought they'd get one. Which one do you think they were going to get?

Speaker 5214.46s - 217.26s

I didn't know, but I'll go back when I said,

Speaker 6217.34s - 222.36s

I said, don't let them win the first game. Don't let them win game three.

Speaker 5222.78s - 223.3s

And they did.

Speaker 4223.46s - 224.36s

I'll be the honest one.

Speaker 5224.68s - 225.58s

I'll be the honest one. I'll be the honest one.

Speaker 4225.64s - 270.2s

I didn't think this was going to happen. I didn't think we're going to be sitting here with this kind of, I mean, maybe they were going to win one, but certainly not this way, not the way they just smoked both times. Go out there, get, but on home court,nobody's won a game on their home court yet. I was hopeful. And I was using the Shack ORG comment and I was using all the ammunition that's coming from the national media. And I'm saying, okay, this is the time that you rally behind this, boys. They're not just taking a shot at Nicola Yocke PERSON. They're taking a shot at you, your team.And I was hopeful that they would take that to heart and it would motivate them. Did I think they were going to win both games? No, I did not. I did not. And I'm more than happy to be wrong about it. But if you felt like it, I know Demak PERSON, you were going to win both games? No, I did not. I did not, and I'm more than happy to be wrong about it. But if you felt like, and I know, DMAQ PERSON, you were going on the hype train.

Speaker 6270.46s - 278.08s

Yep. You thought this was going to happen? I thought they were going to win Friday. I said it

Speaker 4278.08s - 281.82s

multiple times, and I said if they win Friday, they're going to win the series. So essentially,

Speaker 6282.12s - 285.54s

when they were down to nothing for the damn record, I was predicting the Nuggets ORG were going to win the series. So essentially, when they were down to nothing for the damn record,

Speaker 4285.54s - 287.72s

I was predicting the Nuggets ORG were going to win this series.

Speaker 6288.12s - 289.48s

So I'm not backing off now.

Speaker 4290.44s - 291.64s

Well, yeah, you can't back up now.

Speaker 6291.8s - 293.66s

Now it's victory lap time.

Speaker 5293.74s - 301.02s

I was interested to see because game two was such to me an anomaly of anything

Speaker 6301.02s - 303.2s

I've seen from this team for the last couple years.

Speaker 4304.3s - 309.04s

In fact, I was talking to coach, maybe last game, I don't know,

Speaker 5309.2s - 311.5s

it might have been, he might have even been before game three.

Speaker 0312.4s - 332.6s

And he said, you don't expect that from us. He said, we'd be disappointed if it was February and Charlotte GPE. Yeah. And he said it felt more like a game in Charlotte in February than the second round of the NBA ORG playoffs. Correct. But he answered the bell.And whether it was self-pride, whether it was all the trash talk,

Speaker 7333.26s - 359.84s

whether it was a recognition, and we ain't played. Listen, I still believe this. I think they skated through the first round. Lakers ORG are no good. Right. They're not good.Right. And I'm sorry, all you Laker ORG fans in town. They got two great Hall of Fame ORG players that were very consistent and very good. And I'll throw this out at you, go by the Lakers ORG series. Did Denver handle Davis and James best games? I mean, could they be any better, really, than the way they play?

Speaker 4359.94s - 360.96s

No. Those two guys, no.

Speaker 6361.16s - 363.94s

They average just 59 points a game for the whole series.

Speaker 5364.14s - 365.82s

Which is exactly what Anton PERSON is doing right now.

Speaker 6365.92s - 367.6s

They just weathered it the last two games also.

Speaker 4367.6s - 369.18s

Yeah, you beat him last night.

Speaker 5369.26s - 370.02s

He had 40.

Speaker 6370.26s - 371.26s

Didn't he have a 44, right?

Speaker 5371.34s - 371.64s


Speaker 6371.98s - 378.46s

So the only thing that's curious to me if I'm a Minnesota ORG fan is how happy

Speaker 5378.46s - 382.54s

aunt was after losing two in a row at home, but he scored 44.

Speaker 6383.26s - 387.5s

When I said I think they were going to win, it sounds like just a homer take, just the

Speaker 5387.5s - 388.64s

homer of all homer takes.

Speaker 4389.32s - 394.34s

But it wasn't, I don't think, because I was watching what was happening during those

Speaker 5394.34s - 394.96s

three days.

Speaker 6395.6s - 413.8s

Thank God the Nuggets did have three days. You know why? Not for their own rest. But for Minnesota ORG to think about it and the hype that was coming their way was, and they obviously heard it. They obviously heard it.And I sat here, Tyler, and we had this debate. And I said, I don't think there's any pressure on the nuggets.

Speaker 5413.98s - 431.08s

I just think they can play loose. There's no pressure on them because look what in a very short period of time is happening over to Minnesota ORG in terms of pressure. You know what the media after game two was like for the Nuggets ORG? It was an intervention.

Speaker 7432.08s - 435.84s

They were the ones saying, I love you, but hey, listen, you can't do this.

Speaker 5435.94s - 437.46s

You can't be doing this.

Speaker 7437.62s - 440.96s

It was like an intervention that worked. Yeah, yeah. You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 5441.76s - 448.86s

The national media just had an intervention for the Denver Nuggets and the Denver Nuggets ORG, and the Denver Nuggets ORG responded in a very positive way.

Speaker 4449.78s - 453.56s

Because let's keep it real. In order for the intervention to be effective, there's got to be something honest about it.

Speaker 5455.2s - 481.86s

It has to be honest. And they have to see that. And DeBack PERSON, good for you, man. I mean, not a homer-taken. I believe you. Like, you saw what you believed.But I'm not calling out Stephen A for thinking it was over. I'm not even calling out Chuck PERSON. I'm not, like, maybe you call him out for how dismissive he was about it. I believe you like you saw what you believed. But I'm not calling out Stephen A for thinking it was over. I'm not calling out. I'm not even calling out Chuck. I'm not like maybe you call him out for how dismissive he was about it. But I'm not calling out anybody for thinking that the Nuggets ORG did not look like a basketball team that was capable of winning this series. But there was honesty in that and the Nuggets ORG heard the honesty and it worked.

Speaker 6481.86s - 496.5s

And listen, it's not over. In Minnesota is obviously good enough to win in Denver ORG. So I'm not, it ain't over. I get it. But I like the Nuggets ORG chances. And the height of ridiculousness to me was Wednesday night with the Shaquille O'Neal Yokic thing.It was disrespectful.

Speaker 0496.92s - 531.36s

I don't know why a guy, I like Shaq PERSON. I do. I'm entertained by him and I have a lot of respect for him. But that was one of the worst moments of his broadcast career right there, just plain and simple. And then you had to, to me, I really enjoyed going to Yokic PERSON's press conference because then you got a deeper feeling of who he was as a person because he was much more reflective. And you realize how special this guy really is.And you think his teammates are just going to sit there and sort of like, oh, okay, take it? He's not a selfish guy. Aaron Gordon talked about how selfless he is.

Speaker 1531.36s - 552.98s

He's our big fella step in the room, huh? That guy, man, that's where I learned to be selfless. I learned it from him, man. He's the best basketball player in the world, three-time MVP, and he's the most selfless, humble dude that you'll ever meet. So if a three-time MVP can do it, I can do it too.

Speaker 6554.9s - 563.14s

He's the high tide that raises all boats. And the Nuggets ORG are the danger. They are the one that knocks. They just had a badass game, okay? And it was really, I hope, nothing more than that.

Speaker 4563.26s - 568.2s

There is not a better person on the team. They could have asked about where did you learn to be

Speaker 6568.2s - 574.3s

selfish like that too? Aaron Gordon, of all people, truly changed who he, I'm not to say who

Speaker 4574.3s - 588.44s

he was, but as a basketball player, changed a lot of how he played when he got to Denver ORG and he learned what, what Nicole Yokic needed from him. And Aaron Gordon became a different basketball player because of that style of play.

Speaker 5588.44s - 595.3s

And probably has developed a lifetime friendship and brotherhood with Joker and Gordon PERSON. Well, he went to Serbia twice.

Speaker 4595.5s - 629.38s

That's what I'm saying. So, I mean, I just think just here's an interesting thing. I don't know if you guys paid attention to that. And I don't know if it's age or what. I always look for different subtle things. I look for the human in a human being, if you will. And you can talk about all thetrash that the media talk to Joker PERSON and everything. It honestly doesn't phase him. You know, the praise doesn't phase him. The negativity didn't phase him. You know what phased him? When his closest friends and teammates and his wife did a video for him that we played on altitude, and you could see the emotion in his face.

Speaker 7629.76s - 633.18s

Being recognized and loved by those nearest him.

Speaker 4633.94s - 653.88s

And a basketball team's like a family. And you know this with a football team. You spend as much time with them during the season as you do your real family and to have a brotherhood. And I've told people this many time when I retired, I mean, yeah, I was making more money and I wouldn't even the high level moneythat they're making now, but I was making more money then than ever here. I don't miss that. I miss that brotherhood.

Speaker 0653.88s - 663.62s

I miss that going into a competition with your backs to the wall and rise into that occasion. There's no feeling like that. So I was

Speaker 5663.62s - 671.7s

taken back by how he responded to those family videos. I mean, he's watching that one with his daughter and he's, tears on his eyes.

Speaker 0671.8s - 677.14s

I mean, that to me says as much about him as anybody else.

Speaker 5677.56s - 688.56s

Not scoring 44 and then laughing at the press conference. Yeah, what? We want a couple of days. I just, that right there and he's a great player. That showed me it. It's not ready to be in the face. That was 22.

Speaker 4688.76s - 691.18s

22. That was too immature.

Speaker 5691.88s - 698.66s

Do you think Kobe Bryant PERSON would have ever, having lost two games at home, entire series, been that giddy in a press conference,

Speaker 4698.7s - 716.7s

even if he scored 40. And maybe that's just the one thing that is missing, because when you look at the Minnesota ORG team on paper, it's like, well, what could they possibly be missing to be a championship team? They got everything they need more or less. Maybe it's just that man. Maybe he justneeds to mature a little bit. Needs to understand the game a little bit. Well, we'll see what

Speaker 6716.7s - 721.88s

they do with their humble pie here tomorrow night. I think it'll be a war. Yeah, but by the way,

Speaker 4722.12s - 734.22s

that that should scare you also because what just happened to the Nuggets ORG, that's a powerful team over there. That's a powerful team that just had the equivalent happen to them that would happen to the Denver Nuggets ORG. So they could fold or they could rise to the occasion like the Nuggets ORG did.

Speaker 6734.22s - 765.72s

Meanwhile, I'm watching the rest of these series. Come on, man. The Nuggets ORG are so much better than the rest of these teams that are left. And look at what Dallas ORG is now doing to, and I think Dallas is going to win that series. I don't know what you think, but I think they are going to win that series. Boston ORG, they're all over the place, man.They don't know who they are. They should easily win that. They probably will. The Knicks ORG are. It's laughable. I'm laughing at it because the Nuggets ORG are so much better than these guys.But they got to get, they got to get over this hump.

Speaker 5766.1s - 778.06s

Yeah, and there's a big hump. This is a big hump. This is a game, game, big game. I mean, and I think there's a stat out there, people that win game five usually win the series, like 70 some percent.How was the Minnesota ORG?

Speaker 6778.24s - 782.1s

What was a more satisfying win in Minnesota ORG, Friday or yesterday?

Speaker 5782.34s - 791.36s

Yesterday. Because I think, I mean, the surprising, whoa, oh my gosh, what they did? I mean, they blew out Minnesota in game three, but that game was over early.

Speaker 7792.26s - 794.3s

Game four, you're thinking, okay, here's the response.

Speaker 5794.82s - 809.44s

And Denver ORG kept going like they were going. Interesting thing, too. And you're at the press conferences. Michael Ballone after losing two games at home, is he whining and crying and bitching about calls and refs and everything else?

Speaker 7809.66s - 809.78s


Speaker 6810.2s - 811.8s

What's the first thing Chris Finch went to?

Speaker 7812.12s - 812.36s


Speaker 5812.82s - 813.34s

It's illegal?

Speaker 6813.44s - 820.3s

What do you say? Illegal? That was after game three. And I didn't hear last night. But I heard he was saying something else.

Speaker 7820.9s - 821.96s

About the illegal screens, right?

Speaker 6822.2s - 822.38s


Speaker 7822.38s - 825.72s

So now, I mean, automatically he goes to not our fault.

Speaker 0826.12s - 829.94s

And I'm like, and I like Chris Vance PERSON as a buddy.

Speaker 6831.46s - 833.16s

But I'm like, maybe you ain't ready either.

Speaker 5833.68s - 835.7s

And Bud Black PERSON thought those were weak excuses.

Speaker 6836.98s - 838.28s

I shouldn't dog pile on the Rockies ORG.

Speaker 5838.36s - 840.6s

They won four in a row. I mean, he's a great manager, obviously.

Speaker 6841.24s - 841.78s

We also had-

Speaker 5841.78s - 843s

That means they finally won a series.

Speaker 6843.84s - 848.1s

They broke all their bad streaks. Oh my God, you get me on the Rockins PERSON.

Speaker 5848.1s - 854.28s

What are we going to talk about now? They're 9 and 12 at home. It's not bad. They had like 38,000 people there

Speaker 6854.28s - 881.84s

from Mother's Day yesterday. They're on... They're going to make... They're going to have 2.5 mil there. There was a local kid. Ty Block PERSON.He went to Regis ORG. He got the win. He pitched great. Okay, there you go. 30 seconds of Rock kid. Ty Block. He went to Regis ORG. We got the win. He pitched great. Okay. There you go. 30 seconds of Rockies ORG.All right. Let's go. Let's go back to Broncos ORG mini camp. More on the Nuggets ORG. Got to get it going for the ads. But man, just an awesome, awesome weekend.Let's football go next.

Speaker 3882.3s - 885.08s

You've got Columbus, Hastings, and DMAT ORG.

Speaker 6885.12s - 887.02s

Presented by Revitalized Health ORG.

Speaker 3887.26s - 923.88s

Optimize hormone levels, PRP, peptides, and more. Visit Revitalized-Helf.com. Altitude Sports Radio, 925. PhD Presents ORG. Let's football go. It wasn't our home.All right. Run out and hook in. Run out and hook in. Show these people have to play football. Are you ready for football? Let's go.Westminster GPE. Let's go, man. That's what we do, man. Westminster GPE. A few years ago. Stop, stop, stop.Let me correct you. Stop. You were talking about my mom. Go.

Speaker 5924.36s - 931.2s

Yes, you are. You are. It's like you get a nice cup of coffee. And you reach was talking about my mom. I was got. Yes, you are. You are. It's like you get a nice cup of coffee. And you reach you in, grab a little milk, put it in your coffee, put a little cream in there, and you find out it's breast milk.

Speaker 4931.3s - 936.58s

Right. Just kind of ruin the coffee. I mean, now breast milk cures all. I don't know if you heard it's like a new fat.

Speaker 6936.58s - 938.92s

Like, it'll cure, well, anything.

Speaker 5939.86s - 941.1s

Here's a truth.

Speaker 6941.32s - 943.66s

You can win a championship with breast milk.

Speaker 4943.96s - 946s

Brought you by Mountain High Appliance ORG,

Speaker 6946.34s - 948.84s

locally owned and operated since 1993.

Speaker 3949.64s - 953.94s

Colorado GPE's most complete appliance store. Is that the key? Gatorade ORG's overrated.

Speaker 6955.02s - 973.26s

It's Mountainhighappliance.com ORG. God, are they great. Incredible. Louisville, Littleton, Colorado Springs GPE, Glenwood Springs, Denver ORG. Every major appliance line in brand I was told by my wife. That's what weleton, Colorado Springs, Glenwood Springs, Denver ORG, every major appliance lineand brand I was told by my wife. That's what we're, you know, we need to, because we're getting a new, get some new, wait, are you moving?

Speaker 4973.68s - 973.88s


Speaker 6974.22s - 975.18s

All right, let's go.

Speaker 4975.3s - 975.9s

Here we go.

Speaker 6976.06s - 998.28s

A week from today, by the way. No way. A week from today. But you got to do, Fitz PERSON. Oh, I found something out. You know, I'll save it.You got to bring that back up. All right. Maybe in about a half hour, but I was wrong. I mean I found something out. You know, I'll save it. You got to bring that back up. All right. Maybe in about a half hour, but I was wrong. I mean, majorly wrong about something. Like, humiliatingly wrong about something. Ask me in about 20 minutes or so.Go ahead, Josh PERSON. What's first?

Speaker 8998.4s - 1004s

I had that whole Let's Football Go WORK_OF_ART intro ready. And then Tyler started talking about breast milk. And I knew I had to redo the entire thing.

Speaker 61004s - 1019.88s

You did a spectacular job. Redo the entire thing. By the way, Josh Grismer PERSON, fantastic work and Dan Tanner sent us a text that this was the most Dan Tanner sort ofit's always cloudy Eeyore PERSON sort of moment

Speaker 01019.88s - 1022.04s

of all time. He goes on

Speaker 81022.04s - 1024.12s

vacation in Florida GPE where it's supposed to be

Speaker 01024.12s - 1029.96s

sunshine. He lost like 20 something pounds where it's supposed to be sunshine. He lost like 20-something pounds so he could lay around on the beach. Looks great. There's tornado

Speaker 61029.96s - 1036s

warnings where he's supposed to be leaving from today. Will Dan be back here tomorrow?

Speaker 81036s - 1040.06s

You guys might be stuck with me for one more day if you're okay with that. That's fine by me,

Speaker 51040.06s - 1044.38s

but I'm, hey, I saw you guys hugging and kissing Dan PERSON's replacement as he walked in here

Speaker 61044.38s - 1054.3s

a while ago. Oh, Scott PERSON. I never know. I didn't walked in here a while ago. I don't know what I was. I didn't know who the guy was. You guys are jumping up, bro hugging and kissing on guys.

Speaker 51054.4s - 1056.38s

You may want to keep that to go down a little bit.

Speaker 61057.38s - 1059.78s

All right. Next story. Let's get to the first story.

Speaker 81059.78s - 1063.74s

I've been worked together for 15 years. I got his back. I got you. Let's get to the first story.

Speaker 61063.9s - 1065.98s

The Broncos ORG rookie minicamp was

Speaker 71065.98s - 1068.02s

this last weekend and Bo

Speaker 61068.02s - 1069.62s

Knicks shined.

Speaker 71069.98s - 1071.88s

At least to some eyes, I did

Speaker 01071.88s - 1073.68s

want to get head coach

Speaker 51073.68s - 1076s

Sean Payton PERSON's words on

Speaker 61076s - 1077.4s

what he thought of Bo Nix PERSON.

Speaker 81078.08s - 1079.5s

I don't want to use the term

Speaker 21079.5s - 1085.94s

boring. That's not the right term, but yeah, pretty good decisions. So I just wanted to term, but, um, yeah, pretty good decisions.

Speaker 81086.48s - 1101.34s

So I just wanted to focus on that part specifically. Now, boring isn't necessarily, you know, speaking poorly of Bo Nix PERSON. He does exactly what needs to be done when it needs to be done. How did you take that, DMA, because you were there. I want to get your interpretation of this.

Speaker 51101.34s - 1104.5s

That's the dumbest question. You start with DMA. DMA.

Speaker 81105.68s - 1106.42s

I was there.

Speaker 51106.66s - 1107.4s

Were you guys there?

Speaker 81107.66s - 1108.14s

Oh, I'm sorry.

Speaker 61108.22s - 1108.88s

Were you there?

Speaker 41109.78s - 1110.26s

I'm sorry.

Speaker 61110.36s - 1110.96s

Were you guys there?

Speaker 41111.08s - 1112.7s

I'm sorry. I started with DMAC ORG.

Speaker 51112.78s - 1113.72s

I didn't see you there.

Speaker 61114.02s - 1114.94s

If you were there.

Speaker 51115.86s - 1117.1s

Why would I be there?

Speaker 61118.94s - 1119.84s

I was in Minnesota ORG.

Speaker 51119.94s - 1120.38s

Were you there?

Speaker 61120.84s - 1121.1s

Were you there?

Speaker 51121.18s - 1125.94s

I think you were calling me to get on your podcast because I was there.

Speaker 61125.94s - 1126.52s

That is true.

Speaker 51126.64s - 1127.1s

There you go.

Speaker 41127.18s - 1130.52s

This is why when it comes to basketball questions, I'm asking you what you think.

Speaker 51130.76s - 1132.86s

Oh, D-Mack PERSON, were you there?

Speaker 41132.96s - 1133.56s

I was.

Speaker 51133.7s - 1134.4s

What do you think?

Speaker 61134.6s - 1135.52s

I thought he was amazing.

Speaker 51136.98s - 1138.52s

No, it was good.

Speaker 61138.9s - 1141.64s

It was very solid for what you want to see.

Speaker 51143.4s - 1147.06s

I know you guys are just going to think that I'm, you know, this Bo Nix PERSON hype machine.

Speaker 61147.56s - 1147.92s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 51148.08s - 1149.12s

There's no question about that.

Speaker 61149.12s - 1152.62s

But just take a peek at all the other reviews and all the other people because it was packed.

Speaker 51152.94s - 1154.52s

It was packed there.

Speaker 61154.86s - 1167.1s

It was great to meet the other rookies as well. Troy Franklin had a rough day, unfortunately, but Bo Nix PERSON did not. He did a great job with what he had to do. And I get why Sean Payton Tyler PERSON likes him. I do.

Speaker 41167.36s - 1228.38s

Well, to answer the question about the boring thing, it's, uh, for, for a quarterback, it's mostly a compliment. Uh, it also is when you're talking about a dude with the, it's got questionable arm strength. It's kind of the go to, right?Like, well, he's the robot. And here's the good news, though. And I don't mean to say, make that sound like a bad thing. I really do not. Bo Nix PERSON is, as fresh as it gets, as green as it gets, without a thought in his head, and his thoughts will be Sean Peyton's thoughts. That's what they will be. When he's out there on the field, he will be thinking exactly what Sean Peyton tells him to think, which Russell Wilson PERSON was never, ever going to do.And I don't mean that it's shot at Russ PERSON. I mean, any vet. You're never going to get that the way that you will from a rookie. So let's hope that Sean Peyton PERSON has got him playing as boring as you want him to play because that means he's playing within the system that Sean PERSON wants him to play in. At some point, though, as Mike Sanford said, would you ask what do you need?Well, we need that 18-yard dig. So let's hope he's got the arm for that as well. Well, that's a big thing.

Speaker 51228.44s - 1231.68s

That was his only knock. Couldn't throw the deep out on a rope.

Speaker 61231.68s - 1234.56s

I don't get the arm strength thing after what I saw.

Speaker 51234.72s - 1254.1s

I don't know where that like weak arm thing comes from. Certainly didn't present itself on Saturday for whatever that's worth. So I'm not saying Mike and other folks that no football don't know football. I just don't know what the hell they're talking about when it comes to Bo PERSON in that category. Well, two thingsdid you see. Did he complete

Speaker 61254.1s - 1256s

deep outs? Yes. Multiple.

Speaker 51256.18s - 1257.8s

Complete deep outs under pressure,

Speaker 61257.92s - 1285.7s

stepping up into a pocket. To the degree that you can have, but they did run a full non-padded football practice. I don't know, man. You don't know until they put the pads on anyways. So for what it's worth for this box to be checked, he checked it. He checked it before practice. He certainly checked it in the locker room afterwards.He's got every quality that you would want out of a quarterback. He didn't come across like a big dummy like Paxson Lynch, who flunked his first day of rookie minicamp. And he certainly didn't come across like a big dummy like Paxton Lynch, who flunked his first day of rookie minicamp.

Speaker 71285.88s - 1288.78s

And he certainly didn't come off cringy like Russell Wilson PERSON.

Speaker 61289.62s - 1310.44s

And you know what? John Madoka from Mines, would you keep a guy on practice squad, Tyler, who could really ruthlessly, efficiently, smartly run your opponent's offense to get the defense ready. Is that worthy of a practice squad spot? Yeah.

Speaker 41310.62s - 1311.38s

Freshman red shirt.

Speaker 61311.8s - 1312.06s


Speaker 41312.46s - 1318.92s

I mean, that's what they're all asked to do. You wouldn't keep a guy on the practice squad, you the less you felt like he could do that. So yes.

Speaker 61319.08s - 1322.34s

Because Betoko PERSON would only be there for that reason,

Speaker 41322.42s - 1323.78s

but the guy is sharp,

Speaker 61323.9s - 1325.04s

is incredibly smart. That's the only reason why any quarterbacks on the the guy is sharp, is incredibly smart.

Speaker 41325.64s - 1328.3s

Well, that's the only reason why any quarterbacks on the practice squad, though, is to

Speaker 61328.3s - 1332.2s

serve the team. Now, obviously, you want them there for the long-term development because

Speaker 41332.2s - 1337.02s

you hope there's something there. And if you don't think there's something potentially there in

Speaker 61337.02s - 1354.28s

the future, then no, it's not worth it just for that because every quarterback should be able to do that. Yeah, but they let Danucci go. And Sean PERSON was just like, I got to be fair to this guy, you know. And he said that he had a long conversation with Danucci PERSON about that. And watch him at Tocca, he's got zero shot to play in the NFL ORG.

Speaker 41354.58s - 1355.32s

I mean, zero.

Speaker 61355.6s - 1356.4s

Well, then you don't keep him.

Speaker 41357.08s - 1357.4s


Speaker 61357.56s - 1368.04s

But that's- If he has zero shot to play in the NFL ORG, that you don't keep on the practice squad. Okay. But he would be the, the guy to really take a hold of that opponent's

Speaker 41368.04s - 1372.96s

offense. And all right, if you say no, I mean, well, you kind of make that sound overly difficult.

Speaker 61373.54s - 1386.24s

There's scout team cards in front of you. And it literally shows the play. It shows you the route. It shows you the protection. It shows you everything. So, you know, you don't keep a guy in the practice squad that can't play in the NFL ORG. Well, that would be the only benefit of him. That's it.

Speaker 51386.24s - 1392.12s

By letting him go, he could possibly hook up with somebody, didn't release this early

Speaker 61392.12s - 1396.3s

and actually make a team and be, who knows, maybe a second guy eventually.

Speaker 71396.82s - 1401.1s

Maybe. Well, the real reason why Sean Payton PERSON keeps him is because right now in Sean

Speaker 41401.1s - 1408.42s

Peyton's mind, he's sick of people that think they know how to play football, and he wants people that don't know how to play football so he can tell him exactly the way they know how to play football, and he wants people that don't know how to play football, so he can tell him exactly the way they're supposed to play football.

Speaker 51408.42s - 1410.14s

Well, now he's got Bow and Sparky PERSON.

Speaker 61410.22s - 1427.86s

There's no doubt about it. And it feels like that out there. You can feel a sense of relief from Sean Payton PERSON. Like he now has... Nobody that will question him. Nobody who will question him.No. See how Cortland Sutton when he finally get. We'll see.

Speaker 51427.94s - 1430.72s

Bo hits him and gets him about five receptions in game.

Speaker 61430.9s - 1431.96s

He'll be all right.

Speaker 51432.28s - 1432.9s

He'll be all right. All right. Next.

Speaker 61434.12s - 1436.64s

I found this story really interesting.

Speaker 81436.84s - 1444.26s

This is a report that the Jets ORG tried to hire someone else to run the show on the offense in place of Nathaniel Hackett PERSON.

Speaker 01444.34s - 1477.16s

Now, wherever this guy goes, he cannot catch a break. And I don't understand why he's Aaron Rogers guy. But the Jets made a lot of moves to patch up their offensive roster this offseason. They reportedly looked into making significant changes to the offensive coaching staff as well. Connor Hughes PERSON reports that the team made legitimate attempts to hire someone who would run the show on offense, but not get the offensive coordinator title. Nathaniel Hackett PERSON wouldstill have that, but essentially all duties would be taken away from him. Is this man just

Speaker 71477.16s - 1484.06s

incompetent when it comes to running any type of offense? And again, why is he Aaron Rogers guy?

Speaker 01484.76s - 1486.48s

Well, I'd take it a step further as the

Speaker 41486.48s - 1522.76s

organization incompetent. If they're really considering something like that, and they're saying that Nathaniel Hackett PERSON is not capable of running the show, but they're going to keep them on as the offensive coordinator entitled, the organization's incompetent. I don't care how much Aaron Rogers loves him. You can demote him. You could keep them on the roster or on the staff, if you want to do that because that's exactly what you'd be doing. But that's just an insane thought process of talk about weird, like, who do you answer to inside the organization? The answer to the officecoordinator, to answer to somebody else. It's a really terrible idea. Is Nathaniel Hackett a great coach who would appear not, if that's the question? I don't know what to say. That's a

Speaker 61522.76s - 1526.38s

crazy story. I mean, I think Aaron Rod PERSON, I think he just

Speaker 41526.38s - 1530.82s

it's kind of, Aaron Rogers can be a fascinating storyline this year, isn't he? I mean, he kind of

Speaker 61530.82s - 1535.12s

just, he went away, right? It went away. He didn't go away because he's Aaron Rogers and he stayed in

Speaker 41535.12s - 1541.14s

the headlines for all the reasons unrelated to football. We don't have any clue what Aaron Rogers

Speaker 61541.14s - 1545.7s

is going to be like coming off of Achilles PERSON, like, is he done?

Speaker 41549.98s - 1553.06s

I don't know. I don't think so. I think he likes the spotlight. I think he's a good no, no. I didn't mean is he going to quit. I just meant how's he going to perform? I think he's going

Speaker 61553.06s - 1559.44s

for good. I think they cut a shot to make the playoffs. They got a pretty pretty good team, man.

Speaker 41559.5s - 1563.6s

They got some talent around them. I mean, they receivers, good defense. Yeah, I don't know.

Speaker 61564.34s - 1566.64s

And they, they lost John Franklin Myers PERSON. He's now a Bronco because they got his arm, good defense. Yeah, I don't know. And they lost John Franklin Myers.

Speaker 41566.76s - 1572.24s

He's now a Bronco because they got Hazam Reddick PERSON and they just can't, they couldn't afford

Speaker 61572.24s - 1572.44s


Speaker 51572.84s - 1575.12s

Like they've got a pretty solid damn team.

Speaker 61576.68s - 1578.9s

By the way, that is an amazing pickup for the Broncos ORG.

Speaker 51579.48s - 1582.52s

We haven't talked that much about it, but that's going to be great for them.

Speaker 61583.14s - 1587.84s

All right. What else we got? Josh PERSON got anything else? I got one kind of interesting here

Speaker 81587.84s - 1623.52s

for you guys. So NBC ORG will televise a Saturday afternoon game on December 21st. Now, bear with me, this is going to get a little intricate here. One of the two Saturday games on December 21st will be televised by NBCand Peacock ORG. It's an extra game to NBC ORG's existing package. They are moving these up because there will be two games, four teams playing on Wednesday, December 25th, and they want to get those teams and those players an extra day of rest and health, recovery, everything like that. Now, those games will be watched and played on Netflix ORG. We are moving to a streaming service here.

Speaker 71623.52s - 1627s

And although those teams have not been announced yet,

Speaker 21627s - 1630.86s

it is likely that those Christmas games will land on Netflix ORG as an option.

Speaker 81631.48s - 1643.8s

So they will be available on two separate streaming platforms. Do we care about this at all? What's going on? It seems like there's going to be an NFL game here every single day of the week. Well, that's fine by me.

Speaker 61644.9s - 1646.74s

You know, years and years ago,

Speaker 41646.98s - 1649.56s

Mark Cuban PERSON had some lied about pigs get fat,

Speaker 61649.62s - 1650.62s

then they get slaughtered, right?

Speaker 81652.08s - 1653.24s

NFL ORG hasn't gotten there.

Speaker 61653.56s - 1654.9s

They have not gotten there.

Speaker 81654.98s - 1656.58s

There's been nothing that's gotten in their way.

Speaker 61656.7s - 1658.66s

There's absolutely no misstep that they've had.

Speaker 81658.72s - 1659.96s

They've only made more money,

Speaker 61660.06s - 1661.4s

including the streaming business.

Speaker 41661.52s - 1684.08s

They've only made more money. I do think this might become a mistake at some point, though. If you start to separate it every single week into different providers, at some point you just get fed up and you're like, well, you know what, I don't really care that much about this week. Like I'll do it here and there.I'll do it maybe twice a season. You asked me to do it three or four five or six times a season? It gets out of control, man.

Speaker 51686.4s - 1692.88s

The NFL ORG will be king as long until we go into a prohibition for gambling. Yeah, when's that happening?

Speaker 61692.88s - 1699.9s

That'll never happen, so they'll always be king. You take away gambling and you might see some interesting things.

Speaker 51700.4s - 1713.44s

Yeah, I'm with you. I was talking to somebody today or this weekend about it who's kind of an executive with one of the TV groups in Minnesota ORG, and he was talking about that. And, you know, I know that's old school,

Speaker 01713.58s - 1730.9s

but there's a whole lot of old school people out there still wants to football and still betting and doing all the stuff they do, too. A lot of 50 and 60-year-olds that used to getting on TV, click, boom, whatever guy, there it is, click. Well, no, you can draw on the stream. Well, okay, click.Click to that stream. Go to this thing right here.

Speaker 51731.44s - 1733.76s

I'll watch a second game during breaks. Oh, you can't.

Speaker 01733.82s - 1746.82s

I've got to get out that one. Click. And it's going to turn off some people. Maybe not enough. Maybe the simple-minded, low, low-attention deficit people that like to watch Red Zone ORG, they'll be fine with everything.

Speaker 61747.82s - 1759.46s

Hi, I'm right here. Yeah. I'm, I can't. The thought of just like watching a football game, aside from the Broncos ORG, is beyond my comprehension.

Speaker 41760.4s - 1763.92s

But he knows Bo Nix PERSON. But you don't mind.

Speaker 51763.92s - 1767.2s

He can't watch a football game. But he knows Bo Nix PERSON. So you don't watch a football game. But he knows Bo Nix PERSON.

Speaker 41767.48s - 1780.48s

So one time, one time is about getting the biggest-ass TV you can so you can see, you know, boom, boom, all the 4D, 4K, baby, boom, but a day, baby, me, well. And now I said, hey, I'm going to watch it.

Speaker 51780.56s - 1782.7s

I'm watching Octobox PRODUCT on my phone.

Speaker 61783.58s - 1787.6s

Yeah. It's going to be great. Eight screens on my phone. It's going to be great. Eight screens on my phone. It's going to be awesome.

Speaker 51789.68s - 1790.7s

I'm like, come on, man.

Speaker 61791.5s - 1796.5s

Hey, yeah, by the way, opening night, Thursday, September 5th. I guess the schedules must be coming out.

Speaker 51797s - 1797.5s

Is it this week?

Speaker 41797.5s - 1804.06s

Wednesday, I believe. Wednesday. I mean, they just doubt the first game of season is cheese first Ravens ORG, so right up right around the corner. Okay.

Speaker 61804.62s - 1812.54s

The great game. Ravens ORG Chief right around the corner. Okay. The great game. Ravens Chiefs ORG. Come on. Awesome. I'm excited for it.

Speaker 51812.92s - 1813.76s

I can care less.

Speaker 61813.86s - 1814.94s

I know you do. Why?

Speaker 51815.06s - 1816.52s

Why do I care about the Ravens and Chiefs ORG?

Speaker 61816.52s - 1821.84s

Because it's the NFL ORG. Sports in its own. It's the NFL ORG. I can't wait for it to start. Yeah.

Speaker 41824.1s - 1830.08s

You know what? You chose a weird profession. You chose a weird one. I'm not saying, watch it. I can't wait for it to start. Yeah. You know what? You chose a weird profession. You chose a weird one. I'm not saying, watch it. I don't sit

Speaker 51830.08s - 1830.68s

there and

Speaker 71830.68s - 1831.4s

and oh,

Speaker 51831.4s - 1836s

let me get some sweatpants on and because I'm

Speaker 71836s - 1838.04s

erectile defunctions

Speaker 41838.04s - 1841.9s

all of a lot of it. I mean, yeah, hey, whatever.

Speaker 71842.08s - 1844s

I'll probably, I'll see it. It was first game of

Speaker 51844s - 1844.78s

year, good, whatever.

Speaker 41845.36s - 1849.44s

And May 14th, I'm sending there going.

Speaker 51849.62s - 1851.3s

Put in your phone, Scott PERSON.

Speaker 41851.5s - 1852.16s

Put a reminder.

Speaker 51852.72s - 1854.16s

It's less than four months away.

Speaker 61854.48s - 1857.4s

Say, hey, hey, sir, remind me of Chiefs Ravens ORG.

Speaker 51857.4s - 1860.96s

Do you know how much stuff's going to go on to quote Kyle Shannon PERSON?

Speaker 71861.68s - 1862.78s

Tomorrow's not even guaranteed.

Speaker 61866.72s - 1868.44s

You know what Fleetwood Max PERSON said?

Speaker 41868.44s - 1869.76s

Don't stop thinking about tomorrow.

Speaker 51869.92s - 1871.64s

We don't know if Jimmy Garoppel PERSON will be alive.

Speaker 41873.1s - 1876.58s

By the way, the new hunky, hunkiest new Bronco PRODUCT.

Speaker 51877.74s - 1878.6s

Bonnex ORG, okay.

Speaker 61879.18s - 1880.24s

Jonah Ellis.

Speaker 71880.54s - 1882.52s

One of the Jonah PERSON brothers.

Speaker 41882.9s - 1884.14s

You got to take this guy.

Speaker 71885.1s - 1886.7s

Hey, just saying, easy on the eyes.

Speaker 41886.82s - 1890.28s

I mean, like, uh, the guy is like, like, whoa.

Speaker 61891.04s - 1892.84s

What, what boy band did this guy come from?

Speaker 51893.94s - 1894.72s

It's like the Jonah PERSON.

Speaker 61895.26s - 1896.2s

Oh, oh, you disagree?

Speaker 51896.9s - 1897.42s

A little bit.

Speaker 61897.66s - 1898.08s


Speaker 41898.68s - 1899.82s

God, I can't show you a bit.

Speaker 61900.14s - 1901.02s

I don't know, man.

Speaker 41901.64s - 1905.34s

I'm going to say that, uh, Utah GPE were... That dude, that handsome.

Speaker 61907.18s - 1908.94s

He looks like a young Scott Beio PERSON.

Speaker 41909.2s - 1910.2s

He looks like a...

Speaker 61910.2s - 1911.24s

That's very good.

Speaker 41911.28s - 1913.34s

He looks like a young Scott PERSON. Scott PERSON's into him also.

Speaker 61913.34s - 1919.72s

Well, Scott Bayo PERSON not, you know, a lady killer? Well, not like OJ was, but yeah.

Speaker 51919.92s - 1920.32s


Speaker 31920.52s - 1922s

It's PhD ORG on 925.

Speaker 51924s - 1927s

Yo, altitude sports radio, 9025. On 925. Yo. Altitude Sports Radio ORG 925.

Speaker 31927s - 1929s

Watch the show on Twitch

Speaker 61929s - 1930.14s

at twitch.

Speaker 31930.14s - 1942.08s

tv.tv slash altitude SR. Brought you by Safeway ORG. We got some NFL ORG breaking news.

Speaker 61942.26s - 1949.1s

And schedule's coming out Wednesday, huh? So do we know what time-ish? Does it happen during our show? I'm sure Scott PERSON does. Yeah.

Speaker 41950.1s - 1950.48s


Speaker 61952.48s - 1954.12s

Oh, I hope it comes out during our show.

Speaker 51955.24s - 1956.14s

2 p.m. Eastern.

Speaker 61957.5s - 1958.26s

Is that right?

Speaker 41958.66s - 1962.76s

I cannot wait to predict with extreme accuracy.

Speaker 61963.12s - 1963.76s

Oh, it is late.

Speaker 51963.76s - 1967.4s

The results of the season based off the schedule release.

Speaker 41968.24s - 1970.26s

Oh, that's one of my most fun shows of the year.

Speaker 51970.34s - 1970.96s

You know what, though?

Speaker 41971.08s - 1972.8s

It's extremely accurate every single year.

Speaker 51972.94s - 1973.64s

Every year it's good.

Speaker 41974.52s - 1975.5s

It's going to come out later.

Speaker 61975.5s - 1978.62s

I mean, if we play the Raiders in week eight, that's doable,

Speaker 41978.78s - 1980.9s

but week two, that gets a little bit dicey.

Speaker 61981.08s - 1982.88s

These are things you have to concern yourself with.

Speaker 41983.04s - 1984.32s

We're going to miss this one on the show.

Speaker 61990.82s - 1997.1s

You're right. It does come out later. Well, we're still doing it on Thursday. We will still do it on Thursday. The Lions just signed. Scott PERSON's going to love it. Scott will be the, he'll be the guy

Speaker 41997.1s - 2006.18s

about schedule release. May 15th at 5 p.m. Pacific standard time, which is four here.

Speaker 62007.18s - 2008.36s

Yeah, that's not great for us.

Speaker 42008.36s - 2009.14s

What time is that Eastern?

Speaker 62011.2s - 2011.9s

What time is?

Speaker 42012.2s - 2014.9s

Five would be 8 p.m. Eastern, right?

Speaker 62015.16s - 2016.66s

What are we doing here?

Speaker 52017.12s - 2019.04s

I was just, I mean, he was doing the different time zone.

Speaker 62019.04s - 2019.94s

Gris PERSON is in my ear, too.

Speaker 52019.98s - 2020.6s

What are you saying, Gris PERSON?

Speaker 42020.6s - 2023.84s

No, I'm saying at 5 p.m. Pacific, that's six here, Scotty PERSON.

Speaker 62024s - 2024.66s

Right, which is.

Speaker 52024.68s - 2025.58s

And I said 8 Eastern. Yeah. So, that's six here, Scotty. Right, which is. And I said eight Eastern.

Speaker 42025.98s - 2026.14s


Speaker 62026.26s - 2026.94s

So six Eastern.

Speaker 52027.06s - 2027.18s


Speaker 62027.9s - 2029.18s

So Burdo PERSON.

Speaker 52029.46s - 2030.38s

Burdo PERSON will be able to talk about.

Speaker 62030.6s - 2030.9s


Speaker 52031.4s - 2032.48s

Well, he's, he's awesome.

Speaker 42032.78s - 2032.98s


Speaker 52033.6s - 2035.54s

Jared Goff just signed a deal with the Lions ORG.

Speaker 82036.38s - 2037.04s

Let me guess.

Speaker 52037.48s - 2039.82s

Highest paid quarterback of all time.

Speaker 82040.28s - 2040.72s


Speaker 52041.06s - 2041.36s


Speaker 62041.56s - 2042.26s

It's up there, though.

Speaker 82042.62s - 2043.36s

You ready for this, brother?

Speaker 52043.54s - 2043.9s

Let's go.

Speaker 62044.64s - 2045.42s

What do you think? It's not highest Let's go. What do you think?

Speaker 42045.48s - 2046.68s

It's not highest of all time.

Speaker 62047.18s - 2048.46s

What do you think it is?

Speaker 42049.6s - 2054.48s

41 per year. 45. 48.

Speaker 52055.6s - 2056.16s


Speaker 42056.38s - 2056.76s


Speaker 52058.5s - 2059.02s


Speaker 62059.52s - 2059.98s


Speaker 52060.38s - 2060.92s

Per year?

Speaker 62061.02s - 2061.9s

That's not the highest?

Speaker 52062.18s - 2063.7s

If he plays it out.

Speaker 62063.7s - 2071.02s

It's four year, 212. If he plays it out. It's four year, $212. If he plays it out, guaranteed buck 70. Four years.

Speaker 52071.92s - 2073.46s

So 40 plus.

Speaker 62073.58s - 2074.66s

If he plays it out,

Speaker 42074.78s - 2076.32s

it's 53 per.

Speaker 62076.58s - 2078.52s

What's the first?

Speaker 42079.06s - 2101.68s

Okay, so I'm sorry, how much guarantee it 100? What? 70. 170. Wow.So, I mean, yeah, that is, I mean, that's guaranteed him over three years, more than $50 million a year. Dude. Jared Gough PERSON. So the highest paid quarterback in the NFL right now is Joe Burrow, 55 per year.

Speaker 72102.12s - 2106.78s

Justin Herbert at 52 and a half. And then Lamar at 52.

Speaker 52108.14s - 2114.64s

So... I'm saying the highest paid quarterbacks in the league right now, if we're being honest and truthful, really ain't done Jack Squad.

Speaker 42114.78s - 2115.68s

Well, you want to go through the list?

Speaker 52116s - 2120.02s

It won't take long. They really have not. Is that fair? Sure.

Speaker 02120.34s - 2121.42s

The highest paid.

Speaker 52121.42s - 2123.02s

Matter of fact, you have to...

Speaker 02123.02s - 2124.82s

One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.

Speaker 52124.92s - 2128.64s

You have to get to ten before they've done anything. The tenth highest paid player.

Speaker 02128.82s - 2130s

Joe Burrow PERSON, nothing really.

Speaker 52130.46s - 2135.16s

Justin Herbert. Went to one Super Bowl. He went to a Super Bowl EVENT. He's also missed what a season and a half.

Speaker 42135.4s - 2137.86s

Joe Burroughs not fair to say nothing. You don't get credit for going to a Super Bowl EVENT.

Speaker 52138.54s - 2139.6s

So did Jared PERSON golf.

Speaker 42139.76s - 2144s

But he's also been hurt for a season and a half worth of his time in the league.

Speaker 62144s - 2145.86s

I'm backing off. Joe Burroughs PERSON done something.

Speaker 52146.2s - 2147.24s

He's made him to Super Bowl EVENT.

Speaker 42147.36s - 2148.64s

Justin Herbert's done nothing.

Speaker 52148.84s - 2150.14s

Lamar Jackson PERSON's done nothing.

Speaker 62150.42s - 2151.5s

Two MVP's.

Speaker 02151.6s - 2153.7s

What is he done? Two MVP.

Speaker 62153.9s - 2171.2s

Oh, okay. So are we, are we, is that, are we that team now? Are we going to award MVP's? I like having MVP WORK_OF_ART's. MVP's pretty good. Yeah, how's that worked out for him?Nothing, done nothing. He's got, you know, guys. He folds in the playoffs every single year. Jalen PERSON hurts. Okay, I guess he went to the Super Bowl EVENT. Went to a Super Bowl EVENT.

Speaker 42171.38s - 2175.38s

Yeah, now's what he doing. Nothing. He's about to lose his job.

Speaker 62175.5s - 2177.44s

Hey, man, I welcome dudes who can get the wrong.

Speaker 42178.24s - 2179.06s

Deshawn Watson PERSON.

Speaker 62179.18s - 2179.98s

Kirk Cousins PERSON.

Speaker 52180.18s - 2181.62s

You have to get all the way to number 10

Speaker 62181.62s - 2182.94s

until he finds somebody that's won a Super Bowl EVENT.

Speaker 52183.04s - 2183.82s

That's Patrick Mahomes PERSON.

Speaker 62186.12s - 2187.72s

Who's the best quarterback in the league?

Speaker 52188.48s - 2189.12s

Patrick Mahomes PERSON.

Speaker 42189.24s - 2190.4s

So he's a 10th high spade.

Speaker 52190.54s - 2195.04s

Well, but he's got gargantuan money coming his way.

Speaker 62197.24s - 2197.88s


Speaker 52198.44s - 2201.12s

He's got a $60 million season right around the corner.

Speaker 62202.38s - 2205.8s

Plus, you know they're going to tear that deal up and give him another monster deal.

Speaker 72205.8s - 2206.92s

Well, he just teared it up.

Speaker 52207s - 2208.38s

They're not tearing that one up for a little bit.

Speaker 72208.46s - 2209.44s

Two years or whatever.

Speaker 02209.56s - 2210.22s

I mean, whatever.

Speaker 62211.04s - 2213.42s

Is it going to hurt him as far as making big, big money?

Speaker 42213.5s - 2218.22s

Because the one thing, and you heard players hate Kansas City facilities and

Speaker 52218.22s - 2223s

ownership and everything. Is that the kind of owner that's got the kind of money that's going to spend that?

Speaker 62223.42s - 2228.34s

Kansas City does not seem like that from the reviews and everything else. But they're not going to have much of the choice.

Speaker 52228.34s - 2230.38s

They can't even get their fan base to help pay for a state.

Speaker 62230.58s - 2239.26s

They're not going to have much of a choice, brother. I think Mahomes PERSON will walk away as the highest paid quarterback of all time. Well, logic would say that's an easy answer.

Speaker 42239.38s - 2241.28s

Yes. So he'll be fine.

Speaker 62241.28s - 2246.68s

If he's not, the system's broken. But the system's already broken, though.

Speaker 42246.72s - 2249.02s

You've got guys like Kyler Murray PERSON up there as the highest paid

Speaker 62249.02s - 2256.5s

quarterbacks in the NFL ORG. I think it's a simple question. You either got a quarterback who's making 50 per or somebody who's worth it.

Speaker 42256.6s - 2268.26s

I don't know, man. I mean, a lot of guys are not worth it. A lot of guys are not worth it. And it is an interesting question that teams probably need to start asking themselves. Do you really want to pay mediocre quarterback $50 million, or would you rather

Speaker 52268.26s - 2274.4s

start over with a rookie? Well, here you go. Do you think Herbert PERSON's on his last opportunity

Speaker 42274.4s - 2285.96s

prove he's an elite league quarterback? Yeah. You get a brand new coach who did amazing stuff with JJ McCarthy. Herbert's got two more years. Two more years to be in the conversation. If he doesn't do anything next two years, he's

Speaker 52285.96s - 2288.76s

going to be a wandering guy. Go play three years here.

Speaker 42288.88s - 2289.88s

And he'll start every time.

Speaker 62290.04s - 2297.1s

Yeah. Done. Yeah. So. Yes. And good for him. Yeah. Good for him. Good work. If you can get it. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 52298.2s - 2300.04s

You got to, hey, man, you got to plant

Speaker 62300.04s - 2307.84s

your flag with one of these dudes. You got to find yourself a dude. And that's that. You can't, well, listen, unless there's another way to do it.

Speaker 42308.24s - 2321.16s

God, I hate doing this. I hate doing this, and I hate the stupid question of, like, close your eyes. Can you picture the confetti flowing on Bo Nix's PERSON head? Oh, I can. I can't, not yet. Nor can I picture him making $55 million a year.

Speaker 52322.18s - 2323.34s

Yeah, but here's the beauty.

Speaker 42323.7s - 2325.24s

You know what I mean? I just like go by it. Here's the beauty. You know what I mean? I just like to go by it.

Speaker 52325.96s - 2326.72s

Here's the beauty.

Speaker 42327.38s - 2328.78s

You don't have to picture.

Speaker 62328.78s - 2330.9s

It has to be a PG-13 show every now then, Scott PERSON.

Speaker 42331.58s - 2334.44s

You don't have to for the first few years.

Speaker 62334.58s - 2336.78s

That's the benefit of drafting one of these guys.

Speaker 42336.92s - 2337s


Speaker 62337.26s - 2338.52s

That's why you do it.

Speaker 42339.16s - 2339.54s


Speaker 62339.7s - 2343.3s

You don't live in the free agent land where it's got to happen overnight.

Speaker 42344.26s - 2346.5s

That's why they were just, you know, I don't know.

Speaker 62346.6s - 2348.28s

I'm so happy the Broncos ORG are where they're at.

Speaker 42348.38s - 2351.08s

Because all you have to say to yourself is he worth it,

Speaker 62351.1s - 2353.42s

but you have years to figure that out.

Speaker 42353.52s - 2357.2s

You don't have to make that play right now like the Lions did with Jared Gough today.

Speaker 62357.5s - 2358.54s

Is he really that guy?

Speaker 42360.04s - 2361.66s

Man, no, you know what he is?

Speaker 72361.96s - 2364.56s

He runs the system the coach wants.

Speaker 62364.56s - 2366.58s

I would pay Jared Gough. Yes, I would. I the coach wants. I would pay Jared Goff.

Speaker 22366.72s - 2367.3s

Yes, I would.

Speaker 62367.42s - 2367.88s

I'd pay him.

Speaker 52368.3s - 2369.64s

I'd pay him whatever it takes.

Speaker 42369.96s - 2372.2s

Tonight, Avalanche ORG, what?

Speaker 62373.24s - 2374.66s

I think they bounce back.

Speaker 42374.8s - 2375.8s

They've got to get downhill.

Speaker 62376.02s - 2378.26s

They've got to get shortening their passes, get quick, boom, boom, boom.

Speaker 52378.7s - 2386.72s

You've got to speed the game up. If you allow Dallas ORG to sit back and play in that funky that funky, clog-it-up, boring game,

Speaker 42386.78s - 2389.7s

you're going to be in trouble. They're going to come out the gates. They're going to be

Speaker 52389.7s - 2403.92s

explosive out the gates. We're finally going to stop playing from behind the entire time. Nice. Two goals in the first 12 minutes. Okay. And then you win the game five to two. I like it. I'll go with you. I'll roll with you.

Speaker 62404s - 2411.68s

I'll go four to and you get an empty netter there late. Whatever. I'll go with you. I'll roll with you. I'll go 4-2 and you get an empty net or there late. Whatever. I'll go 5-2. I think that sounds pretty good. Dallas ORG has no offense. Not really.

Speaker 42413.26s - 2415.46s

Hey, do you want to pay Bo necks today, $50 million?

Speaker 62416.1s - 2416.26s


Speaker 42416.38s - 2416.92s

Based off what you saw?

Speaker 62416.98s - 2417.56s

Sure, don't.

Speaker 42418.06s - 2418.54s

Sure don't.

Speaker 62418.54s - 2419.8s

I thought it looked good.

Speaker 42420.4s - 2421s

He looked great.

Speaker 62421.16s - 2422.5s

I'm not willing to pay $50 million.

Speaker 42422.94s - 2423.9s

No, not there yet.

Speaker 62424.06s - 2453.28s

But it's off to a good start. 40. I'll tell you this, bro. You got to take your chance at some point. At some point, you got to roll the dice on somebody. And from what I saw, he's as good as anybody else to take a chance on.And we'll see how it goes. And if it sucks in a couple years, you just do it again. I hope you're right, dude. Yeah, man, because this whole, like, free agent crap and trying to find the next Brock Purdy PERSON, that sucks too. So we should all be Bo Nix PERSON fans.Scotty PERSON, so good to have you back here.

Speaker 52453.28s - 2457.58s

It's good to see you. Thanks for bringing a couple of wins back with you. Yeah. What's today?

Speaker 62458.04s - 2459.28s

It's a non-game day.

Speaker 52460.32s - 2466.04s

That's all you got to know. You got to worry about. But we have the avalanche tonight at 7.30 pregame at 7. Gris PERSON.

Speaker 62467.24s - 2472.3s

Dan Tanner is supposed to be back tomorrow. But if not, yeah. Hey, Gris PERSON.

Speaker 52473.56s - 2474.48s

Cross your fingers.

Speaker 62474.58s - 2474.88s

He's not.

Speaker 52475.64s - 2480.24s

Nate and Andy PERSON coming up next. Where's this replacement? Did you get him yet? I know. Man, I'm loving P.T.

Speaker 32480.24s - 2483.64s

And all my homies going to ride today.

Speaker 72483.94s - 2486.1s

And all these mormies look dry today.

Speaker 32486.5s - 2488.86s

And all we want to do is get by today.