139. A Jam-Packed Royal Update

139. A Jam-Packed Royal Update

by Podcast Royal

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59:54 minutes

published 1 month ago


Podcast Royal

Speaker 00s - 45.46s

Welcome back to podcast Royal WORK_OF_ART. Before we get into all of it, and boy, is there a lot of it randomly. This is a big week for anniversaries and birthdays. So we wanted to start by wishing the Prince and Princess of Wales a happy 13th wedding anniversary on April 29th. We've got Princess Charlotte's birthday on Thursday, May 2nd. And then we've got Prince Archie PERSON's birthday.He'll be five on May 6th, which is next Monday in Charlotte will be nine, which is incredible. So lots to celebrate. This is like the big week or season of celebration. So how are you this week? I get to see you on Saturday, which is so exciting because it's been way too long.

Speaker 146.12s - 66.62s

I know. Oh, my gosh. It is so great here right now. My city is the weather could not be more perfect. I think the pollen has died down. We are, you know, in that like, I don't know, mid-70s, great weather. So it just feels like a really fun time of year.

Speaker 066.7s - 72.26s

Like you said, we've got all the celebrations coming from our royals and a lot of good, fun

Speaker 172.26s - 73.16s

news this week.

Speaker 073.6s - 105.5s

Yeah, it's a good news week DATE. And listeners, you know that Jessica and I lived in the same city for years and years and years until I just moved in December. So we used to see each other, you know, what, like once every week or two. And now, like, I haven't seen you in a hundred years. So I can't wait to have some time with you.But let's start with some good news. So we're going to kick off the Royal Rounddown with King Charles PERSON and his health update. So for whatever reason, midweek last week reports about the King's health were really frightening. Did you see this?

Speaker 1105.5s - 110.48s

They were, they were like, provide in funeral plans and like so on. And it was just really

Speaker 3110.48s - 115.7s

disheartening. Well, I'm happy to tell you that those reports were rubbish because on Friday,

Speaker 1115.86s - 120.88s

Buckingham Palace released a wide-ranging update on King Charles PERSON. The news was overwhelmingly

Speaker 0120.88s - 231.26s

positive. So let's get into it. So the palace said that Charles PERSON is set to return to public engagements. Doctors are pleased with his progress in his cancer treatment. And today, Tuesday, the king poignantly made a public facing visit to a cancer treatment center today as we report today, Tuesday, alongside his wife, Queen Camilla PERSON. They met with medical specialists and patients for about an hour and emphasized the importance of early cancer detection and learning more about the support they offer at the University College Hospital McMillan Cancer Center ORG. So this is the first official public engagement since the king himself was diagnosed with cancer, which he announced, of course, publicly on February 5th.So since his diagnosis, he has continued working and hosting small audiences, but it hasn't been public facing. And, you know, we did see him at Easter church service, but that was kind of a one-off situation. Today, the 30th is his first public-facing engagement. It is a milestone. So royal aid stressed that while the king's appearance in public shows that people can continue to work with cancer and can can return to work when they're deemed able to do so by doctors. Everyone has their own path as they're treated for the condition. So this visit marks the first in a number of external engagements that he will undertake in the coming weeks. And a spokesperson for Buckingham Palace ORG said that his majesty's treatment program will continue, but doctors are sufficiently pleased with the progress made so far that the king is now able to resume a number of public facing duties.forthcoming engagements will be adapted where necessary to minimize any risks to his majesty's continued recovery. And the palace confirmed that the king was greatly encouraged to be resuming some public facing duties, very grateful to his medical team for their continued care and expertise. So I'm going to stop there for a second and let you weigh in before we get into a little bit more like the photo that he and Camilla PERSON released. So this is good news. What did you

Speaker 1231.26s - 248.5s

feel like when you heard this on Friday? I agree. I think it's great news. You know, the story about the changes to his funeral plans just reminded me so much about how hungry the media is to publish clickbait. Yeah.

Speaker 2248.5s - 253.92s

You know, it's kind of a callback to some things that happened, you know, with the with the Princess of Wales a few months ago.

Speaker 1253.92s - 266.44s

And they put so much weight on going viral or getting lots of views on an article to the point that I think they'll take stories to the extreme or take this out of context, which makes it really hard to trust the media.

Speaker 3266.98s - 267.12s


Speaker 2267.22s - 272.52s

You know, I think it's very possible he did make updates to his funeral plans, but it's not

Speaker 3272.52s - 274.06s

uncommon for people to do that.

Speaker 1274.18s - 278.66s

I mean, people update their wills, their financial accounts, you know, all kinds of

Speaker 3278.66s - 279.26s

different things.

Speaker 2279.26s - 282.76s

So, you know, it doesn't mean that something bad happened.

Speaker 3283s - 305.48s

And I am really glad to see the statement come out from Buckingham Palace. You know, he and Camilla, they looked really happy in the photo that was taken. So, you know, I'm really hopeful we'll see him at some more events this spring and summer. Like, you know, I know we've got trooping the color coming up and we're all looking forward to that. And I think, I think putting on an announcement like this that he's back to work and he's doing well,

Speaker 0305.56s - 308.4s

I think it really does a lot to boost the public mood.

Speaker 1308.4s - 358.38s

If we see him out and about more and more, I do think it will help minimize some of that feeling that. And I don't know the best way to say this, but sometimes it can feel like if we know some of our favorite oils we're used to seeing aren't there, the event could feel a little anticlimactic, you know? So hopefully that it minimizes some of that. And I think we've seen him, you know, working behind the scenes, we've had a lot of royals at these sort of typical week-to-week engagements, you know, with the exception of Easter. And so we're going into spring and summer.We've got these big fun events coming up, events that bring in a lot of tourists and get the public really excited. And I think that, you know, if we can expect to maybe see him pop up at some of these,

Speaker 0358.38s - 481.48s

I think that gives the public a lot to look forward to. Yeah, absolutely. And in its statement on Friday, the palace also announced this is exciting that the king and queen will host their majesties, the emperor and empress of Japan GPE for a state visit in June. And alongside this announcement, they released this gorgeous new photograph of the king and queen that were taken to celebrate their first anniversary following the coronation, which was last May 6th. That's next week. How has it been a year since the coronation?And my God, what a year it has been since the coronation. But the photo was taking in the Buckingham Palace Garden on the morning of April 10th TIME. That was the day after Charles and Camilla celebrated 19 years married. The photo was taken by Millie Pilkington PERSON, who will come up again later in this episode. She is a favorite of the Prince and Princess of Wales and has photographed their children, has photographed them. And in the statement, it was said that theking and queen are deeply grateful for the kindnesses and good wishes from around the world throughout the joys and challenges of the past year. So as for, as you just mentioned, Jessica Trooping the color, Royal Ascot, Buckingham Palace Garden FAC parties, all of those things are revving up as spring turns in the summer. The king's attendance has not been confirmed yet, but, and this is from Buckingham Palace ORG. Again, planning continues for ways in which their majesties may attend such summer and autumnengagements, though nothing can be confirmed or guaranteed at this stage. So briefly, because the royals are back at work, which is very exciting. Camilla had a really cool engagement this week. It was actually yesterday the 29th DATE. She hosted the maiden yacht crew at Clarence House FAC to celebrate their win in the ocean globe race. So the maiden crew became the first ever all female crew to win in around the world yacht race,which I didn't know there was such a thing, but I assume I guess there is this month after they departed 153 days prior back in September 2023. So even more historic, this crew is the most diverse professional sailing crew to ever sail the world. So pretty good news all the way around from the king and queen. Any additional thoughts from from you? Because this is, this is good stuff.

Speaker 1482.24s - 498.26s

Yeah, you know, I don't think think that we and i'm going back here to to the garden parties and trooping the color and i really hope we'll see king charles at trooping the color but i was sitting here thinking um i don't think we should expect to see the princess of wales

Speaker 0498.26s - 502.46s

at a lot of these events the summer we all know she she really deserves to be recovering at home

Speaker 1502.46s - 526.54s

but i was thinking what would be a really fun way to have her presence at some of these events? And I was thinking about, you know, the garden parties. We see her at those a lot. And I thought it would be so much fun. If there was a way, a creative way to honor her. So she's got some sort of presence without, you know, physically being there. I would really love to see the palates do something like

Speaker 3526.54s - 538.24s

display flowers from gardens around Adelaide Cottage FAC or maybe display if she has photography she's taken in the past of flowers or something like that would be really, really kind of exciting.

Speaker 0539.06s - 540.7s

Yeah, that's really, that's a great idea.

Speaker 1540.7s - 543.06s

And, you know, we know that she's a keen photographer.

Speaker 0543.22s - 549.26s

I'm sure that she's, I mean, in all these years, has taken many photos of the gardens. And you know she has. So that's a great idea. And, you know, we know that she's keen photographer. I'm sure that she's, I mean, in all these years, has taken many photos of the gardens. You know she has. So that's a

Speaker 1549.26s - 570.04s

great idea. Yeah, I think if there was a way to bring her in without actually making her have to do any work, it would be a lot of fun for the public. But anyway, either way, we've got a lot to look forward to this summer. And I am glad we've had this great news on King Charles come out of London because last week, Rachel, we had some weird and kind of scary news come out of London. And I know,

Speaker 0570.24s - 576.08s

you know where I'm going with this. Yeah, this was a crazy story. So last Wednesday morning,

Speaker 1576.08s - 583.62s

media outlets were notifying the public that these five horses escaped from a morning military

Speaker 0583.62s - 585.2s

exercise in our Buckingham Palace ORG.

Speaker 1585.48s - 590.16s

And to be more specific, actually read in the telegraph, they reported that they were

Speaker 0590.16s - 593.1s

part of rehearsal exercises for trooping the color.

Speaker 1594s - 596.56s

So that's kind of why we're talking about it here.

Speaker 0596.6s - 597.3s

It's a little bit relevant.

Speaker 1597.8s - 600.12s

But I got online that morning on Instagram ORG.

Speaker 2600.12s - 621.12s

And I was greeted with these very disturbing videos of these horses galloping through the streets of London. One of them was a white horse and it was drenched in bright red blood. I saw that. It was so jarring. That early in the morning when I saw that, I was really kind of taken aback.

Speaker 1621.18s - 631.32s

I had to rewatch the video just to make sure it was actually real. But apparently the horses were part of the household cavalry and they were spooked by a loud noise

Speaker 2631.32s - 645.68s

from some nearby construction work being done. And it caused them to throw the servicemen who were on them and they escaped into the city, which still sounds kind of wild to me. But I heard a couple of the horses

Speaker 1645.68s - 652.14s

managed to travel nearly five miles away from where they were rehearsing. And unfortunately,

Speaker 3652.44s - 658.7s

the event wasn't completely without injury. So we saw the horses crashing into a double-decker

Speaker 1658.7s - 694.02s

bus. I think there were some other vehicles they collided with, which I'm assuming is the cause for all the blood we saw in the white horse. And I also read that four people were injured. I will say I'm happy to report that the horses were eventually captured. They were later treated by a veterinarian. And I haven't heard any follow up since then, but I thought it was really interesting that the horses were selected for this particular job because of their temperament. And I was thinking,you know, a military horse should be able to tolerate these noises. So I have to imagine it was quite a

Speaker 0694.02s - 702.96s

startling noise. I mean, you have to think so because, yeah, they're trained to be able to, I mean, trooping the color is filled with noises. You know, it must have been really jarring for them.

Speaker 1703.84s - 713.62s

Well, I did share the video on our Instagram account, but I tried to be nice and I did put a content warning up because I didn't want anyone to be shocked like I was.

Speaker 0713.62s - 719.28s

I tried to cover up anything that would make someone's stomach turn. But they barely miss

Speaker 3719.28s - 728.76s

some people walking and riding scooters in the city. And I was just thinking, could you imagine being in London walking to work one morning and see horses galloping toward you? I don't know what I would do.

Speaker 0729.18s - 749.74s

No, I can't. And that white horse with the blood on him just is a very jarring image to watch, you know, from a million miles away, let alone if that's rambling towards you. So I'm glad that no one was, you know, more seriously injured. And, you know, we care about the horses. We care about the people. It's just really, really jarring. Yeah.

Speaker 1750.5s - 794.96s

Well, I mean, if that wasn't crazy enough, I also read last week that the big Ben clock apparently stopped working for a few hours. And I think it also occurred on the same day on Wednesday around 9 a.m. The clock chimed an incorrect number of times that didn't match the actual time of day. Then it proceeded to stop keeping time altogether and was frozen at 9 a.m. until I think sometime after 10 TIME. So interestingly, they just spent around 80 million pounds doing some restoration work to the clock. But they did have service people come out. They got it working again.And I will say this isn't the first time that the clock has frozen briefly like this, but just kind of an interesting set of events going on the same day last week.

Speaker 0795.08s - 828.16s

So I don't know. Yeah. I mean, I don't really put much stock into this, but it's Mercury and Retrograde or something like that. Like, what is going on? Like, it's just something's off off off kilter here. That's,that's very, very weird. Well, William PERSON is back to work. He's fully back to work. He's sharing dad jokes or I guess kid jokes. It's Charlotte PERSON's favorite joke. And it's, it's really good to see him back and, and especially making jokes while he's at it. So in honor of Princess Charlotte PERSON's ninth birthday tomorrow, Thursday, May 2nd, I'm going to share her favorite joke. This is going to be a little bit. You're going to, I'm going to ask for some

Speaker 1828.16s - 851.1s

crowd participation. Will you help me? Sure. It's a knock, knock joke. So those don't really work solo. But anyway, so this, this joke is told by Charlotte PERSON's dad while on a visit to St. Michael's Church of England High School on Thursday, April 25th. So William PERSON was asked to tell a dad joke. He delivered. So he, it's a knock, knock was asked to tell a dad joke. He delivered. So he, it's a knock, knock, knock. So he began the joke with knock knock, knock. And the students answered,

Speaker 0851.7s - 857.26s

who's there as is customary for a knock, knock joke. William PERSON then said, interrupting cow.

Speaker 1858.46s - 864.18s

Interrupting cow. Who? I totally like bombed that joke. I'm not going to just anyway.

Speaker 0864.84s - 868.9s

Before they, I almost forgot to interrupt you. I tried to say it slowly. And I was like bombed that joke. I'm not going to just anyway. Before they, I almost forgot to interrupt you. I tried to say it slowly.

Speaker 2869.06s - 901.04s

And I was like, is she coming? Is she coming in? Anyway, so before they could finish, if you didn't get the joke,which I bombed, before the students could finish asking the question, William PERSON actually has good comedic timing. And he interrupted them with moo. And the students giggled.I mean, that is kind of a dad joke. It's actually kind of funny. But William PERSON said that's the greatest one I could think of. It's clean and broadcastable. So that's pretty,I haven't told an knock-doc joke in a hundred years. So what did you think of his joke or really Charlotte PERSON's joke? Well, I have to say,

Speaker 1901.08s - 904.58s

I think your version might have been better. I don't know.

Speaker 0904.58s - 905.76s

As far as making me laugh.

Speaker 1905.88s - 909s

My first reaction to his joke was, want, want.

Speaker 0909.22s - 910.64s

You know, that's a bit overdone.

Speaker 1910.72s - 915.36s

And then I remembered that that is actually what qualifies a joke as being a dad joke.

Speaker 0915.46s - 916.96s

So I guess it was pretty appropriate.

Speaker 1917.56s - 924.1s

I think the mark of a successful dad joke is that it does elicit that want, want kind of response.

Speaker 0924.26s - 927.34s

So we'll call this one a win. And my bad for

Speaker 1927.34s - 933.72s

expecting something more clever. Well, as the youth say, William PERSON, I guess, understood the assignment.

Speaker 0934.48s - 940.96s

You're more cool and Gen Z speak than me. But so he actually visited the school after a boy named

Speaker 1940.96s - 1014.44s

Freddie Hadley, who was sitting next to him as he told the joke, Freddie invited William to an event for male mental health last fall. And he asked William PERSON on social media if he could support the school's hashtag, Am I Manly Enough WORK_OF_ART campaign, which encourages boys to discuss taboos and stigmas surrounding their mental health. So you know what? It just goes to show that sometimes a DM really pays off. William even told Freddie PERSON, your letter worked.So shoot your shot, your letter worked. So shoot your shot, people. You just never know. So then later that same day, William PERSON went to Woodgate Valley Urban Farm to learn more about various initiatives in the area that support mental health. So while there you met Snowflake, the Guinea Pig. I do love how Royals NORP share these anecdotes about themselves and their family while doing the most random activity. So William PERSON is stroking snowflake, the guinea pig while he's talking. And he divulged that George, Charlotte, and Louis PERSON not only have a guinea pig, but that they, as children do,always forget to clean up after the guinea pig, leaving him to do it. So what do you think about this? They apparently they've got oral of the dog and they've got a guinea pig. You know, I think we've all been there, right? We've all wanted the hamster or the bunny rabbit or the goldfish. And then the first time you have to clean a cage or

Speaker 21014.44s - 1024.48s

clean the water in the bowl, you kind of rethink your decision. But I think it's pretty funny to think about the heir to the British throne cleaning up after a guinea pig. It's, it's very relatable,

Speaker 01024.48s - 1025.44s

very down to earth.

Speaker 21025.56s - 1029.6s

I wonder what other pets they have around Adelaide Cottage FAC. Surely there's more than that.

Speaker 11029.72s - 1045.74s

Probably. But yeah, I mean, I think I have to admit all of us non-royals are probably thinking, if I were, you know, a prince or a princess, I would probably just pay someone a lot of money to clean up the guinea pig for me. Correct. Yes, I would. But, you know, I think probably just pay someone a lot of money to clean up the game big for me.

Speaker 01046.52s - 1046.74s

Yes, I would.

Speaker 11051.12s - 1051.28s

But, you know, I think anytime they share a story like that, it makes people smile.

Speaker 01052.02s - 1055.68s

So I love it. Yeah, I love those little anecdotes. They shared engagements.

Speaker 11058.94s - 1070.7s

Well, you know, we've been talking about everyone back to work this week. And I do have to say one of our busiest royals right now is the Duchess of Edinburgh PERSON. She actually, this week, traveled to Ukraine as the first member of the royal family to visit the country since the

Speaker 01070.7s - 1091.42s

start of the Russian NORP invasion. So that's pretty cool. That's huge. That's that's really huge. And the reason she was there was really good. She was doing work with women, men, women and children impacted by the war and also helping support survivors of conflict-related sexual violence, which she continues to, she just is amazing. I, you know,

Speaker 11091.52s - 1101.78s

it's not a secret that I love her. Yeah, yeah, she's been doing a lot. And I also want to mention something that she did last week. So she was out about in London and she had her own little

Speaker 01101.78s - 1105.52s

needle. I love this, by the way. Yeah, okay, first we have to talk about

Speaker 11105.52s - 1112.3s

the gorgeous Bula London PRODUCT dress she was wearing. Gorgeous. Did you see that? Oh, my gosh. Oh, I saw it.

Speaker 01112.46s - 1119.62s

And yeah, she's great. She was at the Orbis Visionaries reception at Abbey Road Studios in London.

Speaker 11119.62s - 1129.6s

And while in the neighborhood, like I said, she stopped to take a photo at the Abbey Road FAC crossing, kind of recreating that iconic 1969 Abbey Road FAC album cover that The Beatles did.

Speaker 01130.18s - 1135s

It's a picture I think probably everyone listening to the podcast can think of as we're describing it.

Speaker 31135s - 1138.08s

But the dress was this bright coral color.

Speaker 01138.26s - 1145.8s

It had bell sleeves, some button detailing up the side, and a pretty high slit that went right above the knee.

Speaker 11146.16s - 1159.02s

So I feel like when we see a slit like that, it's pretty rare for royals, but I did really like the stress. I thought it was the perfect spring look. I thought it was really fun to see her creating the Beatles PERSON photo.

Speaker 01159.32s - 1179.58s

And I have to ask you, Rachel, are you a fan or do you have a favorite Beatles PERSON song? Yes, I'm a fan. If it comes down between Beatles PERSON song? Oh, yes, I'm a fan. If it comes down between the Rolling Stones and the Beatles PERSON, it'll always be the Beatles. For me, I hope that is an alienate listeners. I like the Rolling Stones ORG too. But man, do I have a favorite Beatles PERSON song?There's so many eight days a week. I want to hold your hair. I like the older Beatles PERSON stuff.

Speaker 11179.7s - 1207.4s

Like she loves you, all that stuff. What about you? So the Beatles PERSON are one of those things that I feel like every time I hear one of their songs, I enjoy it. And I always forget. I don't know.It's like, I always forget about them. But then I hear their music and I'm like, man, this is great. I can't think of a favorite one off the top of my head. But my sister and I were on vacation a year or two ago now. We went to a resort. And they had a Beatles cover band one night.

Speaker 01207.56s - 1211s

And I thought it was going to be goofy, but it was actually so much fun.

Speaker 21211.08s - 1213.24s

We ended up dancing and every song was great.

Speaker 01213.9s - 1225.76s

Yeah, I love, I love like, please, please me, P.S. I love you. Like the early, I mean, not that the later stuff isn't great. It is. But I just like the poppy stuff. I don't know.I like that era of the Beatles. Yeah. And our friends at the Tinapy stuff. I don't know. I like that era of the Beatles PERSON. Yeah.

Speaker 11225.92s - 1234.92s

And our friends at the Tina Betty podcast, they're big Beatles PERSON fans. They were one of our very first interviews that we had.

Speaker 01234.98s - 1236.44s

That was our very first interview.

Speaker 11236.56s - 1250.98s

If I'm not mistaken, they're great. And shout out to them because they're so supportive. And we love you guys. You guys are great. They do a lot of British culture on their show. And I tagged them in our Instagram post about Sophie PERSON because I knew they would love seeing that picture.

Speaker 01251.26s - 1265.46s

Yeah, that's a cool cultural moment. Plus she looked gorgeous. One of my faith, I love Beulah GPE, London. She, like, that's one of my favorite looks from her. And I like pretty much all of Sophie PERSON's looks. So, well, back to the event.

Speaker 11265.56s - 1322.08s

So she was attending the reception because she's the global ambassador for the international agency for the prevention of blindness. And I help envision we know is a really big area that she's passionate about. She's been involved in this for a long time. I know listeners probably remember, we reported on the podcast. Last year, she visited Ethiopia GPE. I think it was in thefall for World Sight Day. And she connected with the Orbis ORG charity and she learned about causes, screening and treatment for trachoma and the work being done to eliminate that by 2030. So I think this was a really great move of Buckingham Palace to share that photo of her at Abbey Road FAC on their Instagram account. And I hope she got to jam out to some Beatles PERSON at this event. But, you know, Rachel PERSON, as I'm talking about jamming out to the Beatles, I'm thinking, don't you have.I can't take that here. Go ahead. Being of jam, don't you have some very juicy news for us next?

Speaker 01322.86s - 1328.74s

Yes, my God. That was like, I don't know if that was like the best transition or the cheesiest transition.

Speaker 11328.98s - 1381.76s

I'm not sure. But yes, we're going to talk about the strawberry jam of it all. But before we get into that, so I do want to drop, I'm calling this the Sussex GPE corner, some quick Sussex GPE update. So Prince Harry last Wednesday paid tribute to Sergeant First Class Elizabeth Marks PERSON. He presented her with the prestigious Military Times ORG Soldier of the Year award in a virtual appearance that appearsto have been filmed in the backyard of his home in Montecito GPE. So if you saw this picture, listeners, and you were like, what medals does Harry PERSON have on? Well, let me tell you, he wore four medals on his chest. I wanted to point out what they are. They are the operational service medal for Afghanistan GPE, the Queen's Golden Jubilee Medal, the Queen's Diamond Jubilee Medal,and the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal WORK_OF_ART. So I have a feeling listeners. Maybe you were wondering about that and just hadn't had the chance to look it up. So there you go. And congratulations to Sergeant First Class Marks PERSON. Also, it was confirmed this week

Speaker 01381.76s - 1607.22s

that Harry will be in London on May 8th, giving a reading at the 10th anniversary service of the Invictus Games, which he founded in 2014. So there will be a service at St. Paul's Cathedral FAC to mark the milestone. Interestingly, that's where his parents were married in 1981. So then shortly after he and Megan will travel to Nigeria GPE together, and Megan will not be in the UK, by the way, but she will be with him in Nigeria. They will highlight the Invictus Games there as well, meet with service members, take part in a variety of cultural activities and are there on behalf of Nigeria GPE's chief of defense staff, which is the country's highest ranking military official.So last year, if you'll remember, Nigeria as well as Columbia and Israel, where the newest countries added to the Invictus games back when it was in Dusseldorf last September. Okay. So as Jessica PERSON mentioned, this is like, this is just kind of honestly to light, like for fun. This is not that serious. But as Jessica mentioned in a previous episode when we were discussing Megan PERSON's lifestyle brand American Rivier Orchard, Buckingham Palace ORG has been selling goods for a long timethrough the Buckingham Palace ORG shop. So just as the world collectively waits for one more celebrity or influencer to reveal that they were one of the 50 to get that strawberry jam sample from American Revere Orchard ORG. We've got Chris Jenner, Chrissy Teigen, Tracy Ellis Ross, Mindy Kaling, Delphina Blackier, who is a nacho Figuer's wife, Tracy Robbins, Abigail Spencer, Kelly McGee, Zas, uh, Zash PERSON, Dashman PERSON. Um, anyway, Buckingham PERSON, there's others that have come out, but it's there are people out there, actually, Jessica, that are like, that have like a roster of 50 and they're like,because you know how the jam jar say like nine of 50 or 12 of like people like, people are actually filling out like as people like I'm just like I want that much time and I am a royal correspondent so like if you got good for you guys if that's your hobby then go for it anyway so Buckingham palace last week I think it was last Wednesday the 24th is promoting its own strawberry jam on social media in a clip interestingly people got a lot attraction out of this set to Mozart PERSON's dissonancequartets. So you can read it to that's what you will. So again, yeah, last Wednesday, the Buckingham Palace ORG shop wrote on Instagram, our strawberry preserve is made using only the finest berries and is delicious served in a variety of ways. Then they put a strawberry emoji. So the shop offers different ways to use it as someone in the video clip, someone's spreading the jam onto a scone.The Mozart's Dissonance Quartet is playing and they say or right, whatever. Some of our favorite ways are shown here on a scone as part of a cream tea on a crumpet with a croissant or on toast. So then this is just such like, this is like what is life. Like anyway, cans of the Buckingham Palace ORG strawberry preserve can be purchased at the palace in person, an online gift shop. We've talked about the Buckingham Palace ORG shop before.And according to their description, it's made in the UK GPE using only the finest soft fruit. I would expect nothing less from Buckingham Palace ORG. So the spread according to the explanation, why am I going on and on about this, is delicious on toast, perfect with scones at afternoon tea time or just right inside a Victoria sponge cake. So they also have honey.I'm just curious why they chose strawberry jam. They also have like honey preserves, marmalade, other products available at Buckingham Palace ORG, obviously. And then at the Palace of High Rood House in Scotland, and then Windsor Castle also. So in that, the Buckingham Palace ORG shop, jam costs, I think, like almost four pounds or something like that. And Megan PERSON's product isn't available to buy, so we don't know how much that's going to cost. So, okay, a lot of people said that this was throwing shade. Maybe it was an attempt to bond through jam or is this just nothing at all.

Speaker 11607.3s - 1613.64s

I'm curious of your thoughts. First of all, I need to go take a break to make some toast because

Speaker 01613.64s - 1621.8s

all this talk about jam. It looked really good. I got to say. No, so, okay, one of my little royal

Speaker 11621.8s - 1625.38s

pet peeves, I see this so much in the media.

Speaker 01625.64s - 1630.84s

So many outlets do this where they try to draw connections to everything that the

Speaker 11630.84s - 1691.04s

royals do. It's like something is always some kind of a strategic gesture or a nod or a hidden message or show of support. And I really just don't always think that's the case. I think a lot of times things are just coincidental or they're made out to be a bigger deal than they are. I will say this particular move, I think, was strategic. And I honestly think it was a good one. So, you know, I don't, I don't think King Charles PERSON or any members ofthe royal family have anything to do with this kind of decision. I think they're probably minimally involved, if at all, with the marketing and merchandising across their gift shops. I'm sure the king is consulted on big decisions or changes, but, you know, day-to-day sales and marketing, they've hired a team that manages all of that. So, you know, I'm thinking back when I was in sales, our company CEO never reviewed my emails or phone calls or asked questions about how I brought inbusiness. You know, as long as it's ethical, it's honest, it's in line with company standards.

Speaker 01691.7s - 1692.58s

New business is a win.

Speaker 21692.82s - 1696.46s

So to me, I don't see this as throwing shade or bonding.

Speaker 11696.96s - 1757.92s

I think it's a business decision. They've been selling these products for years. They did it first. They have the product available and in stock. And I think they seized an opportunity to bring in more business, which I think it's pretty smart. So, you know, like you said, the product is affordable. It's just under four pounds for a jar.They said it's high quality ingredients. It's actually so authentic, Rachel PERSON. They have a disclaimer on their site that says some fruit stones may still be in the jar. And best of all, income from these items in the shop does go toward the Royal Collection Trust, which we know is a registered charitable organization. So, you know, like you also said, Megan PERSON's product is not available for purchase. So I also kind of think that a lot of the target audience buying Buckingham Pallis preserves are probably not American Riviera Orchards target anyway. You know, I feel like,you know, if you want to buy Buckingham Pallish PRODUCT jam or preserves, like you're, you're going to

Speaker 01757.92s - 1768.4s

buy it regardless. You can buy both jams. You can actually do that. I mean, you can't currently because Megins PRODUCT isn't for sale. But when it is for sale, you can have both jams. It's okay. It doesn't all have to be a competition.

Speaker 11769.1s - 1782.16s

Well, I think if they see a really big jump in sales right now, then they're doing what they should be doing as a business, you know. And I couldn't help it think of that line. It's not personal. It's business. And I know everyone's thinking of the godfather when they hear that.

Speaker 31782.26s - 1787.96s

But the rom-com princess that I am, all I can think of is Tom Hanks PERSON and you've got mail quoting the godfather.

Speaker 01788.46s - 1794.26s

Two great movies, but you've got mail in particular. But back to the jam.

Speaker 11794.26s - 1856.1s

So, you know, we really don't have a lot of information about the product that Megan PERSON sent out, except that it appears to be that this first batch has 50 jars, like you said. And an unknown, you know, number have been gifted to influencers. I mean, I assume 50 of them were given away. We haven't had 50 people come out yet. But currently, there's no product available for purchase.And I don't really know what that means for, I'm going to call them R.O. R's ORG business strategy. You know, we really don't know if they actually plan to sell this specific product. If I had to take a wild guess, I would say probably one of the first episodes of her cooking show will have her making this jam, possibly alongside a celebrity or something. So I think there are still a lot of unknowns. And I just don't think it's fair to criticize Buckingham Palace ORG shop for, for, you know, getting creative and making a sale. Like I said, they've been having marmalades and preserves in their shop for decades. So that's

Speaker 01856.1s - 1933.92s

my two cents. What do you think? First of all, I just thought of this. What if you're, because you know, all these people, celebrities, influencers are coming out on social media and they've got their their jam jars and it's like, what, like 22 of 50. What if your number 50? Like, you're just like, oh, out. Like, okay, I guess I was the last person she thought of. But anyway, first of all, like I said, not everything has to be a competition. It's, it's, I don't think it's that deep. I think you're right. I think I'm not a marketing professional, but everybody's talking about the strawberry jam right now because people are truly invested for whatever reason in trying to, you know, like piecemeal who all isgetting this jam and like literally making a chart with, you know, filling in the in the numbers, which I, again, I wish I had that much time. But I think that like why not capitalize on something that's in the news right now? Like it's not it's not shade. It truly is pretty strategic and smart. So yeah, not everything has to be a competition. Not everything is, you know, a battle royale, no pun intended or kind of pun intended.And yeah, it's just like if it's in the national or international conversation right now, why not sell some jam jars? You know what I? Because you can't even buy Megan PERSON's jam right now.

Speaker 11933.96s - 1935.68s

I was going to say any business would do this.

Speaker 01935.78s - 1939.76s

And it does bring into question, you know, again, back to the strategy.

Speaker 11940.72s - 1953.82s

Why are they putting out the jam if you can't buy it? You know, is there a plan for it to be available for purchase? I mean, maybe that, like I said, this product is not even going to be one of the products.

Speaker 01953.82s - 2077.74s

Maybe it's just something that she makes on our show. I'm sure it is eventually. But I think that, yeah, I don't doubt that there will be like a strategic rollout with the show and all this stuff. Anyway, I think that, you know, again, you can have it both ways. I don't doubt that there will be like a strategic rollout with the show and all this stuff. Anyway, I think that, you know, again, you can have it both ways. You can have Megan selling jam and you can have the Buckingham Palace ORG shop selling jam.And everyone can live happy eating this jam. And I'm really hungry right now. Like I skipped lunch and I want a scone with jam on it. I don't care whose jam it is. Just give me some good tasting jam. Anyway, so there's that. There's your little juicy news story of the week. I think it's a big old nothing burger. And I think it's a strategic smart move on Buckingham Palacepart. I agree with you. Okay. So as we close the Royal Rundown, as we know, April 29th, Monday DATE, this past Monday marked 13 years since William and Kate PERSON's royal wedding back in 2011. To mark the occasion, the couple released and never seen before black and white photo from their wedding day. They credited it to Millie Pilkington PERSON. We told you she'd come back up again. She's a royal favorite. So they captioned the photo very simply 13 years ago today. And while most people know that Kate had a wardrobe change throughout the day, so obviouslywe had her gorgeous Alexander McQueen ORG wedding gown. We've talked about this on the show before, how she changed into a different dress for her reception at Buckingham Palace ORG. William apparently also had an outfit change as the day went on. I know we got a DM on Instagram on this. So listeners, you'll remember that William wore the red tunic of the Irish NORP guards,which he was Colonel in chief at the time. Now that is a role that belongs to Kate PERSON, but he later changed into the black uniform of the Blues and Royals ORG, which you see in the recently released photo from Millie Pilkington PERSON. So there's the answer to that question. It's a different uniform.And I don't think a lot of people knew that. I feel like I vaguely knew that. But I think more people know about Kate's outfit change than Williams. So gorgeous photo. That was a great day. And happy anniversary to the Prince and Princess of Wales.

Speaker 12078.36s - 2087.72s

Happy anniversary. You know what struck me in that photo. What's that? I don't know why. For some reason. I just noticed how young they looked.

Speaker 02087.72s - 2094.86s

They do. I mean, there's been a lot of life lived in three kids from then to now. And in William PERSON's

Speaker 12094.86s - 2100.28s

hair. God bless him. His hair. He's lost some hair over the years. But you know what? Haven't

Speaker 02100.28s - 2105.12s

haven't we all lost or gained something in the past 13 years. But yeah, 13 years.

Speaker 12105.24s - 2105.7s


Speaker 32107.66s - 2108.16s

And so you know how every year,

Speaker 02108.56s - 2112.46s

um, every year has like a different theme or a different gift that you're supposed to give.

Speaker 12113.64s - 2114.6s

The other person or whatever, like the first year is,

Speaker 32114.6s - 2115.66s

I think paper or whatever.

Speaker 12116.24s - 2117.5s

13 is lace.

Speaker 02117.5s - 2133.08s

And so that makes me think of Kate PERSON's dress. Because there's obviously a lot of lace detailing. So I wonder what, um, what gets, what one gets someone, what do you get a male lace related for your anniversary? I don't, I don't have these

Speaker 12133.08s - 2139.9s

answers. Well, it depends on their interests. You could get them like a handkerchief with

Speaker 02139.9s - 2147.64s

lace. Oh, yeah. That's a good idea. I know. It's a good idea. But I think that, and this is way too granular, but I think that the lace is supposed to

Speaker 12147.64s - 2152.18s

symbolize that you have to be delicate with your relationship and holding it together because

Speaker 02152.18s - 2152.94s

lace is delicate.

Speaker 12153.86s - 2157.52s


Speaker 02157.52s - 2161.94s

You can use your handkerchief to pat your tears of joy as you think about all of your happy memories.

Speaker 12162.3s - 2163.92s

And all, all to come.

Speaker 02164.42s - 2165.72s

So happy anniversary.

Speaker 12166.78s - 2169.62s

Let's pivot to our next segment.

Speaker 02169.92s - 2172.7s

So we have a listener question this week.

Speaker 12173.16s - 2174.52s

I love it when we get listener questions.

Speaker 02174.6s - 2175.96s

This does not happen every week.

Speaker 12176.06s - 2176.58s

So cool.

Speaker 02177.2s - 2179.8s

Yeah, we had a follower on Instagram ORG.

Speaker 12179.8s - 2180.8s

Ask us,

Speaker 02181s - 2184.86s

what is the significance of the order of the elephant in Denmark GPE?

Speaker 12185.24s - 2214.5s

And this question came up because it popped up in a photo. And occasionally it does. So I thought it was a really good time to talk about it. So we got on Thursday, the Danish royal family released the first official portrait of King Frederick and Queen Mary in their new roles following Queen Margaret's abdication. In the portrait, which was taken in the green room at Christian's Board Palace FAC, both Frederickand Mary PERSON are wearing the order of the elephant, and they've got it draped over their chest.

Speaker 02214.8s - 2219.56s

So I did. Really bad A photo, by the way. This is a cool photo. Yeah.

Speaker 12219.72s - 2322.36s

Yeah, it was a great picture. And actually I shared on our Instagram account, and that's where we got the question about the significance of it. So like I said, you know, I was really glad she asked this because I do remember last fall when Crown Prince Christian turned 18, Queen Margaret Fisdowed the order of the elephant on him. And we saw him wear it for the first time. So I do think this is something worth discussing on the pod.All right. Let's talk about this. So the order of the elephant is Denmark GPE's oldest and highest order of chivalry. The elephant, and bear with me here because I had to do a little bit of research on this. So I learned myself going through this, but the order of the elephant can be traced all the way back to the 1400s. At that time, there was like a Christian NORP fellowship.I think it may have been a Catholic NORP fellowship specifically, but they had an order that was represented by this badge that depicted the image of the Virgin Mary holding Christ PERSON. And the badge was attached to this chain of small elephants. And it was worn around the collar. Well, following the Protestant Reformation EVENT, the particular elephants and it was worn around the collar. Well, following the Protestant Reformation, the particular order and badge was suspended. But later on in the 1500s, King Frederick II PERSON re-instated this order. And when he did, the original badge was changed from animage of the Virgin Mary in Christ to an ornament in the form of an elephant. So the small elephant, it's only about, I think, five centimeters in height. It's not very big. It's made of gold, and it's covered in white enamel. It's got a tower on its back. It's got this more rider holding a spear, and it's decorated with diamonds across,

Speaker 22322.72s - 2324.78s

and it has the monarch's monogram on it.

Speaker 12325.04s - 2352.08s

So I know everyone's wondering why an elephant from my research. It's believed that the elephant was chosen to represent defenders of Christianity ORG as well as purity and chastity. And I'm veering off here from what I read online, but this is just my thoughts and opinions after everything that I read. I sort of wonder if the image of the elephant was inspired by India GPE.

Speaker 02352.58s - 2356.72s

So much later in the 1600s, the Danish had a presence in India GPE.

Speaker 12357.24s - 2387.04s

But part of me wonders if someone in the 1400s maybe traveled there, maybe they were a missionary, I don't know, Maybe something inspired them by the elephant. And that's my thoughts because we know elephants don't live in Denmark GPE naturally. So they had to get that inspiration from somewhere. So I don't know. But anyway, that's all I could find as far as maybe what inspired the actual elephant was that it represented defenders of Christianity ORG, purity, and chastity.That's really interesting.

Speaker 02387.76s - 2388.12s


Speaker 12388.52s - 2423.02s

Yeah, very interesting. So the order is almost exclusively bestowed on Danish NORP and foreign royals and heads of state. There have been a few exceptions though where non-nobility have received the order. I think there was someone like in the early 2000s, actually, that was a commenter that got it for something that they did. But since the 1500s, close to 900 people have been bestowed with the order.Queen Margaret herself is responsible for 68 of those during her time as queen. And this is another interesting kind of fun fact.

Speaker 22423.12s - 2431.6s

When a member of the order passes away, their elephant that they received must be returned to the order to be given to a future member of the order.

Speaker 12432.16s - 2450.8s

They kind of rotate them out and you can inherit them from someone else who has had one. But there are two of the ornaments, the little elephants that have been reserved to be on display for the public. So one is at the Chancellor's Museum in Paris GPE, and one is here in the U.S. at the Dwight Eisenhower Presidential Library ORG.

Speaker 02450.92s - 2457.48s

In my home state of Kansas GPE, randomly there isn't an ornament. So cool. Random, but cool.

Speaker 12458.22s - 2511.36s

And if you are wondering, who are some of the members of the Order of the Elephants ORG? So in addition to our Danish Royals, King Charles PERSON, is actually a member of this club. And pretty much all the monarchs that we talk about on the podcast. So some of their, you know, some of their spouses as well are included. And some that I saw on the list in addition to those were crown prince and crown princess of Norway GPE, crown prince of, so I'm sorry, Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden GPE, Princess IngridAlexandria of Norway, President McCrone of France GPE was on the list. And I actually scrolled through a few times just to make sure I wasn't making a mistake here, but actually did not see Queen Camilla PERSON on it. So I don't know if the list was wrong or if at some point we might see her receive the order since Charles PERSON is now King. But that's pretty interesting little deep dive I went into. So thank you for our listener for asking about that because I hope we all learned something.

Speaker 02511.56s - 2533.94s

And like I said, that was the best I could do on. I read several different sites trying to get research on the history of that and what the meaning was. And that's the best I could find. Like I said, I put a little bit of my own thoughts and curiosity on, you know, what might have inspired that, but really interesting. I love when we go on a deep dive around here.That's really interesting. I always love learning new stuff. Me too.

Speaker 12534.74s - 2538.94s

Well, let's go ahead and move on to Royals around the world because I think we've got a lot

Speaker 02538.94s - 2539.94s

to talk about here as well.

Speaker 12539.94s - 2543.54s

Yeah, really, this segment has been like really popping off these.

Speaker 02543.82s - 2551.56s

That's a weird way to phrase that, but really popping off and just going gangbusters these past few weeks. So, yeah, what have we got?

Speaker 12552.34s - 2564.14s

Well, you mentioned a few of our British birthdays and anniversaries at the top of the show. We've also got a birthday today as we're recording. King Carl Gustav of Sweden is 78 today. So happy birthday.

Speaker 02564.64s - 2584.54s

Happy birthday. Why is everybody born? Like, because we had those two, oh gosh, Luxembourg and Belgium birthdays, Filippe and Henri PERSON, like, why is everyone born right now? Like, what is, I guess it's like summertime. Summertime when everybody's making babies, I guess, anyway. Well, also we've got another one. So a happy 30th birthday.

Speaker 12584.54s - 2587.1s

This is a big one to Princess Rajwa of Jordan PERSON.

Speaker 32587.86s - 2606.12s

We all know she is a soon-to-be mom. She turned 30 on April 28th. And we got a new portrait of her. I think we actually got two, Rachel. I think I saw another one floating around online. But this was the first one that was released that I shared in our notes. And in this picture, she is wearing a long sleeve, deep blue

Speaker 12606.12s - 2662.54s

velvet. It's actually, it looks like a dress, but it's a matching two piece top and maxi skirt. And she's got the top part tucked into the skirt. And then it's kind of gathered at the hip. And there's a sparkling brooch sort of embellishment at the side there. But she's wearing her hair long. She's got it parted down the middle. It's tucked behind one ear. And then the other side,she's got it draped over her shoulder. And she is in diamond earrings. And the other photo, I believe she was in a black dress with a tiara. I did not pull that one online. I didn't have time to do that.It just kind of popped up later on. But her husband, Crown Prince Hussein PERSON, he also shared a different photo of her on his social media account. She is wearing in that picture what looks to be a red collared shirt dress and it looks like there may be on an evening out together. I do have to assume that picture was not super recent because you can tell she's clearly not pregnant in that picture.

Speaker 02662.76s - 2666.62s

She's not pregnant in this or if she is, then she's not really showing.

Speaker 12666.9s - 2671.24s

Yeah. But he shared a sweet little message to go along with a photo. So happy birthday to her.

Speaker 02672s - 2673s

Happy birthday. Yeah.

Speaker 12673.34s - 2674.2s

New decade.

Speaker 02674.4s - 2676.36s

Big decade. Yes.

Speaker 12676.96s - 2716.5s

All right. So another thing we've got that we want to chat about here real quick. I know last week I mentioned that Finland was on an official visit to Sweden GPE. And I said we would not do a big recap on that Finland was on an official visit to Sweden GPE. And I said we would not do a big recap on that since Finland GPE does not have a royal family. But I know a lot of listeners like to hear about Sweden GPE's royal family. And we got some really beautiful images fromthis event. So I did want to briefly mention it. So we'll run through a couple of things here. But King Carl Gustav PERSON and our dancing queen Sylvia welcomed the president of Finland and his wife to Sweden GPE. Rachel, did you know that this particular visit from Finland to Sweden GPE is actually a tradition?

Speaker 02717.12s - 2731.7s

I did not know that, but I do know that I was sitting at dinner and dancing queen came on. And I told my boyfriend that it was after Queen Sylvia PERSON. And he was not as impressed as I hoped he would be with that fact. He was like, okay, who's Queen Sylvia PERSON? So anyway.

Speaker 12733.22s - 2755.18s

Well, so traditionally when a new president is elected in Finland GPE, and they make an official visit to Sweden GPE to signify their special relationships. So we know these two countries are geographically connected and they share a lot of other commonalities. So President Stubb PERSON, he was just elected in March, which means he really didn't waste any time at all making this

Speaker 02755.18s - 2761.44s

trip. And he and his wife were welcomed by the Swedish NORP royal family to stay at the King's

Speaker 32761.44s - 2766.44s

Castle guest apartment during their visit where they were met by staff.

Speaker 02766.5s - 2767.26s

And this is pretty cool.

Speaker 12767.38s - 2769.66s

All the staff were a Finnish NORP descent.

Speaker 22770.08s - 2773.58s

And that is also a tradition of this particular visit.

Speaker 12773.78s - 2834.28s

So like I said, we won't dive into all the details of the visit. But I did want to mention some of the fun stuff that I think us and our followers really like to talk about. One of those being the banquet, the dinner, the pomp and ceremony. So, you know, the king and queen did host a dinner at the palace like they always do when they have visitors.And when I saw photos from this evening, I mean, my jaw dropped at how beautiful this banquet was. I mean, if you did not see the pictures online, I think I may have shared some on our stories, but crystal chandeliers, gilded walls, silver candelabras, glass dimware, I hope I'm setting the scene, crisp white linens. They had pink floral arrangements kind of towering over the table. There were printed menus by the table. I could just go on and on over this. It was really, really beautiful. And Rachel PERSON, I know, I think I know whatyou're going to say, but would you like to know it was served at this dinner? You know, I won't.

Speaker 02834.34s - 2838.02s

I don't know if I do because I'm really hungry right now. Like I told you I skipped lunch,

Speaker 12838.02s - 2841.54s

but go ahead and tell me. Well, we're moving on from Jam PRODUCT. We've got a little bit different

Speaker 02841.54s - 2846.58s

menu here. So the menu included a course of

Speaker 12846.58s - 2856.08s

fresh rot cauliflower. Wait a minute. What is fresh rot? So I sounds terrible. Is that good?

Speaker 02856.54s - 2860.76s

I actually, I think it's a Swedish thing. I didn't have time to do a ton of,

Speaker 12860.76s - 2871.66s

of research on that. I think it's amazing. I think it was, I think it may be some catfish, maybe some catfish of some type.

Speaker 02873.18s - 2879.56s

But yeah, so, okay, cauliflower, early vegetables, dill oil, hollandase, and lemon.

Speaker 12880.4s - 2893.2s

And then the next course was Icelandic NORP, sea carrots, shredded peas, potato confi, black currant leaf, and slightly smoked butter sauce.

Speaker 02893.2s - 2905.52s

And then we had spring lamb with sage, rosemary, wild garlic, lavender, Latva artichoke, baragoul, which I think is a French NORP,

Speaker 12905.88s - 2910.22s

a French NORP dish, and then roast lamb.

Speaker 02910.78s - 2912.32s

And then to finish it off,

Speaker 12912.7s - 2917.18s

the guests were served, boiled rhubarb with tahiti vanilla,

Speaker 02917.56s - 2920.22s

lemon verbena, and musk madra.

Speaker 12920.82s - 2923.52s

So this is done because I'm really hungry.

Speaker 02923.78s - 2927.62s

I can't say that I've had all of that or that I'm super familiar with all of it.

Speaker 12927.82s - 2931.14s

But from what I read, it sounds pretty delicious.

Speaker 32932.42s - 2933.82s

That sounds amazing.

Speaker 12934.4s - 2936.3s

I'm sure that fresh rot is delicious.

Speaker 22937.04s - 2941.52s

And it may have been, I may have said catfish rot might have been what it said.

Speaker 12942.02s - 2943.54s

And I may have just missed a word there.

Speaker 02943.54s - 2950.18s

But I think, I think it's a certain way, maybe the way the fish is prepared. If we have someone who's

Speaker 12950.18s - 2954.56s

familiar with Swedish NORP cuisine, please inform us, please educate us. Because I want to know,

Speaker 02954.62s - 2959.5s

because I did actually look that up, Rachel PERSON and I didn't get like a solid, a solid answer.

Speaker 12959.72s - 2968.36s

But I think it may be the way that the fish is prepared. Well, I, again, I'm sure that it is amazing, just like everything else at this, at this event.

Speaker 02968.88s - 2973.68s

Well, we also had a lovely Tierra PERSON moment, which I'm going to let you talk about some of that.

Speaker 12973.68s - 2978.64s

But I do want to say, so Queen Sylvia PERSON showed up in this really stunning hot pink ball gown.

Speaker 02979.16s - 2982.04s

It was actually a rewear, but I love this dress.

Speaker 12982.18s - 2992.98s

It appeared to me to be made of this like a thick, weighted, structured material. It was fitted at the waist and it had a full skirt. I really liked it.

Speaker 02992.98s - 2998.54s

What did you think of this one? Well, I really like that color. And she looks absolutely beautiful.

Speaker 12999.24s - 3015.52s

And yeah, this is a hit for me. Well, I don't know if you can tell by the picture. So I actually included another close-up picture underneath just so you could see a better view of this. But at the event, the queen was actually seen in photos with a really unfortunately timed eye issue.

Speaker 03015.82s - 3047.86s

So one of her eyes looked super, super red, like there was blood in her eye. And a lot of people were talking online about what might have happened. And the palace did confirm not to worry. They said she's fine. The redness was caused by a cold draft in her eye and they said sometimes that can worsen during months of the year when it's cooler outside and you know, warmer inside. And so, you know, nothing to be concerned about that it did make for a few I think alarming pictures for people. Yeah, that's if you don't know what's going on, that does look a little bit alarming, I will say.

Speaker 13048.82s - 3083.94s

So one more thing before you mentioned the Tierra, I do want to talk about Princess Sophia PERSON's dress on the first day of the state banquet when they greeted the president and the first lady. So she was in the cutest, classiest, like lemon lime colored knee-length bouquet dress. It had this rounded neckline, gold button details. It's called the Eleanor dress. And I think the designer is Andeata ORG. I'm not familiar with that designer, but she had it paired with black Versace ORG pumps and a black headband. And I thought this was really a win for me. I thought it was a really adorable look.

Speaker 03084.58s - 3089.6s

This is awesome. This is very, once again, this is very Jackie Kennedy PERSON for me. It is.

Speaker 13089.6s - 3100.18s

Very classic and just, I love that color. I don't, I don't think that color would look great on me, but it looks great on her. I loved it as well. So, okay, tell us about this Tierra PERSON. Well, we've

Speaker 03100.18s - 3181.1s

talked about Princess Sophia's Tierra PERSON so many times on this show and how she keeps changing out the settings on it. And, you know, this isn't really news anymore. But ever since Jessica reported on Princess Sophia of Sweden's Tierra PERSON, it's constantly changing settings. I'm now on Tierra Watch PRODUCT, always looking for her to make an update. And as Jessica just reported, state banquet in Stockholm on Tuesday held in honor of the Finland GPE state visit.For this occasion, Sophia debuted London blue topage gemstones on her palm at Tierra PERSON. So these new jewels, as people reports, perfectly complimented her navy blue Oscar Delaer PERSON into ball gown. They were actually the darkest stones she's ever worn on the tier. So this was the seventh setting that she has worn on the tier. Yeah, I know. She's, she received it. listeners, if you don't remember as a wedding present from King Carl Gustav and Queen Sylvia PERSON when shemarried Prince Carl Philip in 2015. So she does wear other tieras. This one, the palmette tiera is Sophia PERSON's favorite. It's kind of like the Cambridge Lover's knot is for the Princess of Wales. And over the nine years that Sophia has been in the Swedish NORP royal family, she has worn pearls, turquoise, lighter blue, topas, and citrines at the top of the palmetz. And she's also sometimes worn it without additional jewels as well. So this is from royals around the world, this is definitely, if not my favorite, Tierra PERSON, it's one of them.

Speaker 13181.66s - 3185.92s

Yeah, I think it's definitely one of the more fun ones to play with for sure.

Speaker 03186.12s - 3230.82s

And I think as a Royal Watcher, I find myself looking out for the changes. Every time she wears it, I want to see what she's done to it. So I actually was thinking I wanted to go back and look at all of the different variations again and try to pick my favorite of all of them. I know. I want to do like a side by side by side. Seven different settings.I think that's so cool. Like I wish that the British royal family would do something that like with that much frequency like that i just think it's kind of fun you know i mean like what color what color settings is sophia going to have this time i think that's kind of fun okay well as we wrap up royals around the world and the episode um prince now okay i should know how to say this by now. We've talked about him many times.Is it Wachim PERSON? How do you say this, Jessica PERSON? You usually report on him.

Speaker 13230.82s - 3253.22s

You know, I think that kind of comes down to like maybe what language do you speak or, you know, how do you say it in your language? When I see this name, I would typically want to say Wachim PERSON, but I think I have heard other people say Joachim PERSON. So I don't know exactly how the royal family says his name. Well, we should, I should probably have done my

Speaker 03253.22s - 3385.18s

more due diligence on this. But anyway, Prince Joachim PERSON, we'll call him that. It is opening up to the Washington Post ORG of all places, but it makes sense when you realize that his family lives there now. They live in Washington, D.C. GPE, about how he felt about his kids' titles getting stripped. So this was a huge new story when it happened. We covered it back, I think it was September 2020. No Secret to You podcast Royal listeners about the drama that went down when Queen Margaret of Denmark unexpectedly stripped her younger son, Prince Joachim PERSON's children of their royal titles back inSeptember 2022. There was a lot going on that month. That's the month Queen Elizabeth PERSON died and just a lot going on. But now he and his wife, Princess Marie, are speaking out about it to the Washington Post ORG. They moved last summer to Washington, D.C., with their family. And he took a job at the Danish NORP embassy. So Margreth, who surprised most, if not all, when she abdicated the throne in January in favor of her eldest son and heir to the throne, King Frederick, she, Queen Margreth shocked Joach, Marie and their children, Nikolai, Felix, Heinrich, and Athena, when she made the decision to remove the kids' titles back in 2022. Just as a reminder, Joachim shares his eldest two children, Nikolai and Felix with his ex-wife, Alexandra, and then the younger two children are with Marie PERSON. So beginning in 2023, the four children lost their his or her royal highnesses or their HRH status, and they became known as count or countess of Mon Pazat PERSON, excuse me.So Marie, who again is the mother of Eynrich and Athena, and the stepmother of Nikolai and Felix PERSON said that it was, this is a quote, complicated for the family and that quote, we weren't happy about the way that it happened. So Marie said it was about more than just the HRH ORG title. It's a family thing. She said, it's complicated.It's also their name. It's their identity since they were born. So it's more than just what people see as a title. So in D.C. GPE, Joaquin told the Washington Post ORG that he and his family have the freedom to kind of fly under the radar, which must honestly be nice. He said, we've lived here for seven months nowand very few people know who we are, Danes apart. And then a year and a half after Marguerath PERSON's decision, Joachim PERSON spoke of his family. And he told the outlet decisively, we've moved on. So maybe we all should too. But anyway, what do you think

Speaker 13385.18s - 3429.12s

about their candor here? Well, you know, I think this whole thing is, and then there's pros and cons to this, but I think there's also probably some misses on both sides. So on one hand, it does feel to me, I don't, you know, I think if the queen wanted to make the decision to remove their titles, I think that, you know, she, I'm sure, had some justification for doing that given, you know, they're living in a different country. They're, you know, separated. And, you know, she's done a lot of things that are maybe a little bit different from tradition. She went ahead and abdicated. And, you know, it just really seemed like she's done a lot of planning for her retirement and what she wanted that to look like. So I'm sure she had her reasons for doing

Speaker 03429.12s - 3436.26s

that. I do think she probably could have done it in a way that they didn't feel shocked by it,

Speaker 13436.26s - 3464.78s

maybe. And I don't know what the circumstances were that led them to not feel like they were given a fair warning. But I also don't really know that it's appropriate or even relevant to be speaking to outlets, news outlets in the U.S. GPE, kind of talking about how you weren't happy about it. That feels a little, you know, I mean, we've talked about, you know, going online or on television. Well, no one's ever done that before, Jessica PERSON.

Speaker 03465.14s - 3471.12s

Right. Yeah. And airing dirty laundry like that. And I just don't really or on television. Well, no one's ever done that before, Jessica PERSON. Right. Yeah. And airing dirty laundry like that. And I just don't really see the point. Like, what are you trying to accomplish by doing that?

Speaker 23471.22s - 3493.44s

You know, it doesn't seem like the most effective way to handle it if you've got an issue with it. So I don't like that either. But, you know, they may feel like they lost some of their identity or, you know, that could be a con to them. But like you said, a pro is they have the ability to be sort of anonymous in the U.S. GPE and, you know, kind of build their

Speaker 13493.44s - 3499.22s

life how they want here. So yeah, that's that's my thoughts. What do you think? Yeah, I mean,

Speaker 03499.22s - 3508.18s

I think that hopefully this is the final word from about this because as he said we've moved on and so we all should too.

Speaker 13508.72s - 3510.84s

I know that it was a big deal when it happened.

Speaker 03511s - 3552.08s

I know that it's kind of around the time that all the stuff in the British royal family was happening as well and about titles and this and that. And, you know, I just, I think that the family seems happy here and that we should probably just tell this story and lay it to rest. And, you know, and Margrath PERSON for her part did apologize for kind of blindsiding everyone, but she didn't change her mind. So, you know, Margrath PERSON, if we've learned one thing about Margrath PERSON, that she's going to do what she's going to do. Like, she does what she wants. And, you know, good for her. So, yeah, I just, I hope that this is probably the last word about this issue.

Speaker 13552.58s - 3560.8s

And with that, that's our episode. Good full episode. Yeah, I hope everyone enjoyed it. And I know I had a lot of

Speaker 03560.8s - 3567.88s

fun. We have a lot to look forward to in the spring and summer months. And Rachel, I'm looking forward to seeing you in a few days.

Speaker 13568.24s - 3568.56s

Me too.

Speaker 03568.74s - 3569.08s

Me too.

Speaker 13569.08s - 3572.32s

Looking forward to being back with our listeners next week.

Speaker 03572.5s - 3578.12s

So thank you again for joining us for episode 139.

Speaker 13578.68s - 3583.38s

And come join us off the podcast on Instagram at Podcast Royal ORG.

Speaker 03583.8s - 3590.48s

You can also reach out to us through email at hellopodcastroyal ORG at gmail.com.

Speaker 13590.76s - 3594.52s

And we'll see you next week. Bye. Bye.