Episode 216 - The Strangers

Episode 216 - The Strangers

by Reneé Hunter Vasquez, John Paul Vasquez, Travis Hunter

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About This Episode

180:21 minutes

published 20 days ago


2020 - 2024 Stairhole Productions LLC


Speaker 20s - 30.56s

Pod Morton would like to thank Original Cinematic for sponsoring this week's episode. Original Cinematic ORG is an independent production company that has made it their mission to create, produce, and promote films that are inclusive, honor women, promote the LGBTQIA plus community, and provide prominent positions and roles to POC actors and filmmakers, and promote the films of marginalized and underrepresented populations. These are all things that are extremely important to our podcast as well.

Speaker 531.04s - 66.56s

Original Cinematic ORG is currently accepting scripts and treatments. Both William and Zena Rush are also available via email or Zoom PRODUCT to discuss writing and provide input and resources to all aspiring writers, free of charge. Their information will be made available in the show notes. Original Cinematic ORG has multiple exciting projects on the horizon. Their next film, Immersion, is slated for release in early 2024.Upcoming films, Fetish, Sweetener, and Run, and their documentary, Drag, the most targeted art form, are anticipated for 2024 releases as well.

Speaker 067.02s - 123.88s

Their new award-winning film group is currently on the festival circuit, and very generously, Original Cinematic will be providing a link for our patrons to screen the film on Zoom PRODUCT. It is truly an honor to partner with Original Cinematic ORG, and we can't think them enough for their contribution to our show. And now, back to Pod Mortem WORK_OF_ART. I'm Renee Hunter Vasquez PERSON, joined as always by my co-host, my husband, and my brother.

Speaker 5124.1s - 126.72s

Hi, I'm John Paul Vasquez PERSON. Hi, I'm Travis Hunter PERSON.

Speaker 0127.3s - 180.94s

This week, we're recording live from a secluded house discussing the 2008 home invasion horror film, The Strangers WORK_OF_ART. This film was written and directed by Brian Bertino PERSON.In his directorial debut, Bertino PERSON utilizes an innate fear that almost everyone possesses. With the realistic scenario, authentic performances, and those striking masks, this film took the horror world by storm. The Strangers WORK_OF_ART is an iconic entry into the home invasion subgenre, spawning its own franchiseand cult status as a modern horror classic. This film was requested to us by Friends of the Show, Kristen Lofton, Megan M., David Seale, Scott Troutman-Wise, Danny Torrance 237, Amy Goodman, Skank Sinatra, and Beth Bauer PERSON. We want to thank them all for their support as well as this suggestion. So what did you guys think of the strangers the first time you saw it?

Speaker 2181.64s - 185.34s

So I remember watching this movie for the very first time, baby. You showed me

Speaker 0185.34s - 191.14s

this movie. I can't remember. I know it's been some time. Like it's been a long time that we

Speaker 9191.14s - 198.58s

watched it. And for me, the movie isn't bad. I do remember being like, okay, you know, I get it.

Speaker 2198.66s - 221.36s

There's just some things that were kind of like funny to me. I kind of stood out and I was just like, huh, watching it for the show, I was able to tell now what those things were and why the movie didn't work as good for me. I will say, and I'll say this, because I know we do talk about nostalgia a lot, I have zero nostalgia for this movie.

Speaker 10221.56s - 246.86s

Like, he's like none. But I did, I do like the stuff that they do have here. Now, it did make me think of another movie that came out in O2 called Panic Room WORK_OF_ART. Okay. Which, um, I remember liking that a little better. Um, but this is kind of a, I guess, different same scenario.I don't know. Um, it's still a room, people outside trying to get in. Um, I mean, same shit. It's still a room, people outside trying to get in. Same thing.

Speaker 9247.24s - 250.26s

It's the purge, too. Oh, yeah, the purge.

Speaker 2250.52s - 266.48s

But yeah, I do like a lot of what's going on in the movie. I just feel like there's a lot of, there's a trope that goes on a little too long in this movie for me, and it made me want to kind of slam my head against the wall, but I was like, alright, you know.

Speaker 5266.78s - 267.84s

Let's see where this is going.

Speaker 2268.68s - 271.3s

I remember the first time I watched this.

Speaker 5271.38s - 275.02s

I feel like I'm 99% sure that we saw it in the theater together.

Speaker 0275.2s - 275.54s

We did.

Speaker 5276s - 281.2s

Because there was a story attached to it that is very, very funny. I'm sure you will tell very short.

Speaker 9283.1s - 288.66s

But I loved this the first time I saw it. And in fact, I think I saw it more than once in the theater.

Speaker 10288.84s - 311.9s

Okay. It was a very interesting experience. It felt like very well-paced that it just kind of goes through and you experience the horrors of this one terrible night. Right, right. And I think for me, home invasion horror works for me because of what it does,it takes this place where you are supposed to feel your safest.

Speaker 9312.12s - 319s

And it makes you terrified there. It's the same with, I guess, like a nightmare on Elm Street where you're like, you should be able to sleep.

Speaker 2320.52s - 321.72s

This is not fair.

Speaker 1321.72s - 322s


Speaker 2322.48s - 326.86s

Well, the nightmare on Elm Street kind of ended a little different than this movie did.

Speaker 5326.86s - 328.22s

Well, that's true. Yeah.

Speaker 2328.22s - 333.56s

Yeah. I actually thoroughly enjoyed The Nightmare and Elm Street WORK_OF_ART on a rewatch. Yeah. Oh, wow.

Speaker 5334.46s - 338.48s

I, look, I enjoy this film, and I do have that nostalgia for it.

Speaker 0338.48s - 338.72s


Speaker 10339s - 344.88s

But I think that there is such a hit or miss situation with the scares in this film.

Speaker 0345.04s - 345.28s


Speaker 10345.62s - 363.7s

Where some of them are so perfectly crafted, they are just expertly tense and suspenseful. Okay. Yeah. And then other scares only makes sense if we're in a different subgenre. Mm-hmm.Because you're like, people don't move like that.

Speaker 5363.78s - 364.06s


Speaker 7364.22s - 367.8s

Yeah. It's not possible to do this. I was going to wait to call on it.

Speaker 5368.7s - 370.16s

No, we'll talk about it.

Speaker 7370.7s - 373.52s

But it got, and I will say, you know, you can say the same thing.

Speaker 5373.68s - 375.82s

And there's a lot of homages that I appreciate.

Speaker 7376.04s - 376.32s


Speaker 5376.52s - 380.98s

A lot of classic horror films that are referenced slyly and not too heavy-handedly.

Speaker 7381.68s - 382.18s


Speaker 6382.32s - 382.6s


Speaker 5382.98s - 383.28s


Speaker 1383.64s - 387.34s

But I forgive it in a lot of those horror films

Speaker 7387.34s - 389.62s

because there is a feeling,

Speaker 9389.82s - 391.9s

not of a lack of realism.

Speaker 7392.32s - 392.58s


Speaker 9392.74s - 394.86s

But when Michael Myers PERSON moves a certain way,

Speaker 1394.92s - 395.88s

you're like, he's Michael Myers PERSON.

Speaker 6396.12s - 396.54s


Speaker 1396.9s - 397.26s

You know?

Speaker 5397.82s - 399.58s

But I feel like Michael,

Speaker 2399.58s - 401.04s

something like that, like Halloween,

Speaker 5401.64s - 403.46s

we get what we're getting there.

Speaker 2403.54s - 403.7s


Speaker 5403.7s - 405.06s

And we understand that.

Speaker 2405.22s - 409.9s

This is, I guess it's like it's saying it's an everyday situation.

Speaker 5410.06s - 410.38s


Speaker 0410.98s - 411.5s


Speaker 5411.72s - 417.26s

That's the thing and that's where I have that disconnect. Right. Because this is supposed to be like the horrors of reality. Right.

Speaker 0417.34s - 421.06s

Yeah. This can happen to anyone is basically the whole mantra of the movie.

Speaker 9421.2s - 428.38s

Yeah. Which makes it scary. Yeah. Which, and I will say because as I'm watching it, I was coming up with like a twist ending rewrite.

Speaker 0428.86s - 429.94s

I was too.

Speaker 5430.2s - 431.06s

I'm sure it's the same.

Speaker 0431.16s - 434.42s

It probably is. Because it feels that way.

Speaker 5434.5s - 437.24s

Yes. And there's so many moments that feel like it's setting that up.

Speaker 0437.36s - 458.18s

Yeah. And then you're watching it and you're like, oh yeah, that doesn't happen at all. Yeah. But to be honest, I feel like that is a strike against it for me is its narrative. Yeah. And I feel like adding some of those things that I thought we were leading towards could help it.Yeah. But then it also hurts the randomness of it. Yeah.

Speaker 2458.26s - 458.5s


Speaker 5458.76s - 468.7s

And so I know we'll talk about it later. But I did just want to make mention of the fact that I, I guess I have a fan fiction of this. Waiting.

Speaker 9469.48s - 473.3s

But no, I love the performances in this film, especially Liv Tyler PERSON.

Speaker 0473.5s - 473.94s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 9474.22s - 482.44s

The music is fantastic, and we'll talk about it a little bit later. Because the way that it's used, it almost feels as if there's no music at all sometimes.

Speaker 10482.44s - 490.96s

Yeah. It's very, very expertly done. I love the cinematography and the camera work. I love those masks. Yeah.

Speaker 0491.12s - 491.32s


Speaker 5491.46s - 502.8s

A lot. And I feel like it is so clear why this film is iconic and why so many people love it so much. Mm-hmm. And then it's also clear why a lot of people just do not like it at all.

Speaker 0502.94s - 507.58s

Yeah. So it's a mixed bag, but I do have fun with it. No, for sure.

Speaker 5507.9s - 508.22s


Speaker 0508.92s - 513.6s

My first experience with the film was at the movies with UT ORG as well.

Speaker 9514.64s - 517.04s

And I'll just get the story out of the way.

Speaker 0517.14s - 521.18s

I can't remember if we've told this on Talk Morning before because I have two stories about this movie

Speaker 9521.18s - 531.84s

scaring the hell out of me way after the fact. But we had got home and my one of our parents was setting the alarm because it was late,

Speaker 0531.98s - 558.6s

you know, obviously we were getting home from the movies or whatever. This scared the shit out of me. And the whole point as to why this is happening really got in and disturbed me. And I feel like not to go off on a tangent, but if I really loved this, I still have love for it and I still like it.But I think that if I had just let the strangers exist in my memory and not revisit it, I'd be like that movie is fucking amazing.

Speaker 9558.8s - 560.54s

Because that's how I felt about it.

Speaker 0560.78s - 573.08s

But anyway, we get home. They're setting the alarm. And I tell T PERSON, I go, you know, I know we set alarms to keep people out. But what if they're already in? Because I'm an asshole. And Tee PERSON was like,

Speaker 5573.2s - 584.66s

like Tee PERSON was fucking pissed at me. Well, you're trying to scare. I was trying to scare him. You know, I will say little brothers get a really bad rap. Big sisters. It's our duty. I'm trying

Speaker 0584.66s - 585.52s

to prepare you for the real world. Um, anyway, so he's, you. So, he's our duty. I'm trying to prepare you for the real world.

Speaker 5586.6s - 588.16s

I'm preparing you for the real world.

Speaker 1589.3s - 591.02s

Anyway, so he got all mad at me and I was like,

Speaker 0591.1s - 594.06s

but like making him scared made me a little less scared.

Speaker 1594.18s - 594.54s

So whatever.

Speaker 5594.84s - 595.68s

Oh, that's great.

Speaker 0597.08s - 598.86s

It made me feel better about myself.

Speaker 1599.78s - 603.94s

So everybody goes to bed and I get up in the middle of the night to get water or

Speaker 0603.94s - 605.04s

something from the kitchen and I see myself, I see I get up in the middle of the night to get water or something from the kitchen.

Speaker 1615.52s - 615.66s

And I see myself, I see my own reflection in the like like the sliding glass patio doors and almost fucking pissed my shit.

Speaker 0616.76s - 616.82s

It scared the hell out of me.

Speaker 9619.76s - 622.14s

Meanwhile, I'm like, me, me, me, me, me.

Speaker 0623.44s - 623.74s

He's sleeping peacefully.

Speaker 9623.76s - 625.12s

Yeah. So it did backfire on me. he's sleeping peacefully. Now I'm up all night.

Speaker 0626.96s - 627.8s

So it did backfire on me.

Speaker 1630.1s - 630.28s

But no, I really loved this.

Speaker 4635.36s - 635.88s

The seeming randomness of it all really disturbed me, really scared me.

Speaker 1640.08s - 640.18s

There is an instance that, and I know I'm almost positive.

Speaker 0644.26s - 644.58s

I've told this story on talk mortim, but we'll get to it when it happens that I was like,

Speaker 1647.32s - 647.44s

never in life are you going to catch me slipping like that?

Speaker 0647.6s - 647.78s


Speaker 4652.64s - 654.84s

And I thought that I was able to apply it to my real life and I overreacted.

Speaker 0660.66s - 660.72s

Admittedly, but it, seeing it when I did, seeing it in the theater, seeing it at the age I did,

Speaker 1664.6s - 664.96s

because we were still teenagers, it really fucking scared me.

Speaker 0665.16s - 669.34s

And I was really shocked to learn that this was his directorial debut.

Speaker 1669.98s - 673.42s

I will say there are the way that certain moments play out.

Speaker 0673.58s - 673.98s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 9674.08s - 678.74s

You feel his adeptness at crafting suspense.

Speaker 1679.04s - 679.52s


Speaker 9679.62s - 682.24s

I mean, in some moments are really successful.

Speaker 0682.44s - 682.58s


Speaker 6683.26s - 688.02s

It was interesting to me too because I didn't realize until I was kind of digging in and

Speaker 0688.02s - 691.12s

researching for this that he also wrote and directed the dark in the wicked.

Speaker 8691.64s - 693.96s

Yeah, which really shocked me.

Speaker 0694.4s - 697.74s

Maybe whenever it came out, I think we watched it on Shutter.

Speaker 5698.02s - 698.34s


Speaker 0698.5s - 702.74s

Scared the hell out of me in a way that a film really hasn't in a long time.

Speaker 5702.82s - 704.92s

Yeah, I was going to say, I think it gave all of us the Willys PERSON.

Speaker 0705.1s - 705.26s

Yeah. It was pretty, pretty creepy. Yeah., I was going to say, I think it gave all of us the willies. Yeah.

Speaker 5705.26s - 706.94s

It was pretty, pretty creepy.

Speaker 0707.34s - 707.36s


Speaker 5707.44s - 712.24s

But it was during that time, I remember, like, none of it. I remember, like, two things from it, and that's it.

Speaker 0712.5s - 713.6s

There's two things you can't forget.

Speaker 5713.64s - 714.06s


Speaker 0717.1s - 722.8s

But I did want to talk a little bit about how the film came to be and how Bertino PERSON ended up directing it.

Speaker 8723.04s - 729.56s

I did get some really interesting information from an LA Times article, but Bertino PERSON said that

Speaker 0729.56s - 734.48s

he had been working as a gaffer on commercials and low budget films just trying to get enough

Speaker 9734.48s - 736.5s

hours to get into the electricians union.

Speaker 8736.72s - 737.06s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 9737.74s - 738.94s

I thought that was really interesting.

Speaker 6739.22s - 743.08s

So, like, film and stuff was not his goal at the time.

Speaker 0743.18s - 743.42s


Speaker 2743.54s - 745.34s

What does the giraffe have to do with electricity?

Speaker 6746s - 746.92s

They love it.

Speaker 2747s - 747.62s

They love it.

Speaker 0748.22s - 752.98s

But he had written this script at the time it was called The Faces WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 2753.82s - 763.12s

And he submitted it to the Nickel Fellowship, which awards the winner with $30,000 to put toward making that script into a film.

Speaker 0763.32s - 763.78s


Speaker 2763.88s - 764.62s

That's pretty cool.

Speaker 0764.74s - 777.5s

Very cool. So he made it to the film. Damn, that's pretty cool. Very cool. So he made it to the quarter finals, but didn't win. But the script caught so much attention that he ended up getting a meeting with Vertigo Entertainment ORG,who had just done the grudge.

Speaker 2777.6s - 777.92s


Speaker 0778.72s - 792.02s

So the meeting, they weren't like, give it to us or anything, but the meeting had emboldened him to literally quit his job and start pursuing trying to make something work with the faces, aka the strangers.Okay.

Speaker 6792.22s - 795.68s

And it said within days he was able to sell the script to Universal ORG.

Speaker 0795.96s - 796.68s

Good Lord.

Speaker 6797.14s - 798.2s

Which it's like, okay.

Speaker 0798.4s - 798.68s


Speaker 6798.94s - 800.12s

Save some for the rest of us.

Speaker 4801.14s - 803.66s

But I mean, it's a great story.

Speaker 5804.02s - 809.16s

There is something very interesting about the script that I'll talk about a little bit later with the production designer.

Speaker 0809.36s - 812.88s

But apparently it is very, very detailed and very well written.

Speaker 5813.36s - 819.28s

It was also, and we just talked about this on Mars LOC attacks, but it was a lot darker.

Speaker 0819.72s - 820.12s


Speaker 5820.26s - 821.54s

There was a different ending.

Speaker 9822.16s - 827.38s

It feels like, I mean, the story is the same, but a lot of the tone and stuff changed.

Speaker 5827.54s - 831.74s

So I would be interested to get my hands on that and see what it was like before.

Speaker 0831.9s - 834.04s

Well, part of me is like darker than this ending, how?

Speaker 5834.52s - 835.02s

We'll talk.

Speaker 0835.14s - 836.16s

I know what it was.

Speaker 1836.36s - 838.14s

They even filmed it.

Speaker 0838.28s - 838.66s


Speaker 5838.8s - 841.36s

And then test audiences were like, we don't like this.

Speaker 0841.36s - 842.66s

So they went and changed it.

Speaker 5842.74s - 845.18s

Test audiences are mortal enemy. We'll talk about it and we'll see what we like and what we don't like this. So they went and changed it. Test audiences. Yeah. Our mortal enemy.

Speaker 9845.46s - 848.98s

We'll talk about it and we'll see what we like and what we don't like.

Speaker 0849.14s - 853.74s

But sold it to Universal and Mark Romanoick PERSON was attached to direct.

Speaker 9854.02s - 856.04s

He wrote and directed one hour photo.

Speaker 0856.34s - 857.3s

Oh, nice.

Speaker 4858.5s - 863.86s

But again, according to this LA Times ORG article, because other sources was like, oh, it just

Speaker 5863.86s - 864.46s

didn't work out.

Speaker 4864.52s - 865.5s

Like he dropped out, whatever.

Speaker 0865.98s - 883.4s

This article was like, he refused to make this film for less than $40 million because he wanted to build an entire neighborhood on a sound stage that he could control and not have to rely on CGI for like breath, like cold breath.

Speaker 2884.44s - 886.88s

That is too much, I would say.

Speaker 0887.72s - 890.6s

Yeah, just a little bit, you know?

Speaker 5890.84s - 891.58s

40 million?

Speaker 2891.94s - 893.66s

Just for some authentic breath?

Speaker 0893.88s - 894.1s


Speaker 2894.22s - 895.94s

I guess like, no, I want to make it cold in here.

Speaker 7896.08s - 896.26s


Speaker 0896.5s - 900.18s

I mean, I thought it was interesting that he wanted an entire neighborhood built on a sound

Speaker 2900.18s - 915.86s

stage, but that specific reason being cited was very odd to me. And I guess it was odd to Universal ORG too, because they were like, absolutely not. So he was no longer attached to the project. At this point, it's been like two years since Bertino sold it to Universal ORG. Again, with no

Speaker 1915.86s - 921.74s

intention of directing it. But Universal ends up kicking it to Rogue Pictures ORG and they offered it to

Speaker 9921.74s - 925.08s

Bertino if he could do it for $9 million. He said yes.

Speaker 1925.24s - 925.58s


Speaker 0925.82s - 927.3s

And this is what we got.

Speaker 5927.68s - 935.82s

Well, for me, I feel like such a big part of it and some of it is sold quite well. Some of it you're like, I don't know about all this. Yeah.The isolation. Yeah.

Speaker 7936.04s - 937.2s

So to build a whole neighborhood,

Speaker 5937.4s - 939.5s

it's like you don't need to even do that.

Speaker 0939.62s - 939.84s


Speaker 5940.88s - 942.02s

So I'm a little just like.

Speaker 0942.02s - 948.14s

I don't know. And again, I'm reading all of these sources that are just like, oh, it didn't work out. Like, we see that

Speaker 5948.14s - 961.96s

all the time. Oh, this person almost did it. This person was almost in it. This one... Like, we see that all the time, so I didn't even think twice about it. And then I'm reading this article and they're like, he wanted no less than 40 minutes. I was like, what?They're just spilling.

Speaker 2962.12s - 962.8s

I can.

Speaker 5963.84s - 968.38s

And is that really child's breath at the end of the thing?

Speaker 2968.46s - 972.7s

Or is that CGI or do we got to? Do you remember any breath at all in this?

Speaker 7972.7s - 975.48s

I'm just saying like, is that really what we're worried about?

Speaker 2976.18s - 978.86s

I don't think any of the characters breathe in this film.

Speaker 7983.26s - 985.18s

Now before we terrorize this film,

Speaker 5985.26s - 986.9s

we would like to show a warning for spoilers.

Speaker 7987.48s - 989.06s

Pod Morton ORG is a very in-depth podcast

Speaker 5989.06s - 990.8s

and in thoroughly discussing horror films,

Speaker 0991.04s - 1038.82s

we have no choice but to spoil a thing or two. If you don't wish to be spoiled, please go watch the film, then come back and enjoy the show. If you've already seen the film or don't care about spoilers,then let's open the door. The film begins with orange text on a black screen, narrated by a deep voice. What you are about to see is inspired by true events. According to the FBI, there are an estimated 1.4 million violent crimes in America each year. On the night of February 11, 2005, Kristen McKay and James Hoyt PERSON left a friend's wedding reception and returned to the Hoyt family's summer home.The brutal events that took place there are still not entirely known. So, revisiting this now,

Speaker 81039.34s - 1043.4s

very Texas GPE chainsaw in more ways than one.

Speaker 01043.4s - 1045.54s

In fact, I was trying to dig

Speaker 81045.54s - 1054.12s

and find out who did the narration and I could not find it. I think if it were John Laricott or something crazy like that, somebody would have spilled that by now,

Speaker 101054.26s - 1057.64s

but I didn't realize how much

Speaker 01057.64s - 1064.5s

and I know a lot of films are like, this is based on a true story, whatever. The way it's done, I feel like it has to be intentionally.

Speaker 51064.94s - 1074.58s

Oh, yeah. I feel like for done, I feel like it has to be intentionally. Oh, yeah. I feel like for me, I don't know why I forgot about this element completely. I did too. I for some reason kind of just

Speaker 91074.58s - 1081.7s

thought it started where it begins. I didn't realize that there was this whole like kind of true

Speaker 01081.7s - 1089.04s

crime element. Yeah. Yeah. Attached to it. Well, it, you know, lends itself to maybe he lives next door to you.

Speaker 51089.04s - 1089.06s


Speaker 01089.18s - 1089.54s

You know?

Speaker 51090.24s - 1095.06s

But again, just like with the Texas Chainsaw Massacre EVENT, it's not true.

Speaker 91096.56s - 1100.14s

Bertino PERSON said that he lived in a secluded house when he was young.

Speaker 51100.62s - 1105.06s

And when his parents weren't home one time, somebody knocked on the front door.

Speaker 91105.3s - 1107.26s

His sister answered it.

Speaker 01107.62s - 1113.38s

They said, is someone here a name of somebody who didn't live there?

Speaker 91113.56s - 1114.4s

Oh, I thought it was going to.

Speaker 01114.54s - 1115.2s

Yeah, no.

Speaker 51115.8s - 1118.48s

His sister said no, and they left.

Speaker 01118.98s - 1127.06s

So come to find out, they were knocking on doors in this secluded neighborhood and breaking in and robbing

Speaker 61127.06s - 1134.7s

the houses where nobody answered. Oh, okay. And so it, you know, obviously was pretty fucking

Speaker 91134.7s - 1139.8s

scary because I think he said his little sister should not have been answering the door anyway.

Speaker 01140.44s - 1149.34s

But the fact that she did, you know, whatever. But that's very scary and something that we kind of see reflected in the film a little bit later.

Speaker 51149.34s - 1154.42s

And I mean, I understand older siblings putting their younger siblings in peril.

Speaker 01154.7s - 1175.3s

I don't know anything about that. But that obviously inspired him as well as reading Helter Skelter and the Manson PERSON murders as a whole. And that is something that I read that it was, it leaned a little more Manson PERSON-y than what this film ended up as.

Speaker 51175.66s - 1184.46s

Okay. I feel that very much with a lot of the methodology and writing.

Speaker 01184.72s - 1202.82s

That, that, yeah, that stuck out to me as well. But he said when he was trying to write something, he was like, well, what scares me? And he thought of his girlfriend waking up, waking him up in the middle of the night and being like, I think I hear somebody in the living room.And he was like, what if I get up and I go to the living room and there is somebody in the living room.

Speaker 101202.94s - 1203.18s


Speaker 01203.44s - 1211.34s

And, you know, you kind of mesh all these things together and that's what this is. It's not any one true story.

Speaker 81212.26s - 1218.38s

But we get snippets of passing down residential streets facing picturesque and oblivious houses.

Speaker 01219.08s - 1241.18s

The sun begins to go down as we leave the residential neighborhood and travel down a sparsely populated country road. By the time the sun is down, we are slowly entering another neighborhood shrouded by trees. This is something that I did not remember because it feels like we're leaving the suburban area and going into the secluded area as it's becoming night.

Speaker 81241.58s - 1243.62s

And it's something that I just, I don't know.

Speaker 01244.24s - 1249.1s

I think that we talked about it on identity when the beginning's happening and you're just like, check the fuck out.

Speaker 51250.3s - 1253.74s

Because honestly, you wonder the point of view you're in.

Speaker 01254.06s - 1254.26s


Speaker 51254.94s - 1263.56s

Exactly. Yeah. So watching it now, having seen the film, I don't even fucking know how many times, it's like, oh, we're going, we're leaving to go do something.

Speaker 01264.4s - 1326.92s

But the screen goes black and an accredited 911 operator asks the caller what their emergency is. On the other end, a young boy, Jordan, whose voice is provided by Jordan Orr PERSON, breathes heavily as he tries to enunciate that there are people here. The operator tries to get him to calm down and asks where he is. What's his address? We see Mormon Boy 1, played by Alex Fisher, and Mormon Boy 2, played by Peter Clayton Luce PERSON, standing at the end of a driveway with their bikes. We pan across and see them through a shattered windshield. The broken point of impact takes the shape of a jagged heart. As we look at the boys through this heart, Jordan PERSON admits that he doesn't know where he is.When asked if he needs help, he insists that he does. She asks his name and he tells her, Jordan PERSON. He sobs asking for help. The operator asks if he knows what street he's on, but he balls that he doesn't know where they are, which he did already say.

Speaker 81328.04s - 1331.48s

Mormon boy one and two slowly make their way over to the open door,

Speaker 01331.8s - 1382.58s

as the operator asks who he's with. Jordan PERSON admits that they went into the house and they found people. A record's been silently on a record player, and a ring box is discarded on the floor among a confetti of rose petals. The operator asks who they found and Jordan PERSON shouts that there's blood on the walls and begs for her to help them. We see blood splattered on the walls as well as a knife covered in blood lying on the floor amongst the petals.Our view lingers on a shotgun on the kitchen counter as the operator tries to get him to calm down. But Jordan PERSON yells that there's blood everywhere. It cuts to black and we get the title in simple orange text against a black background, The Strangers WORK_OF_ART. So I will say I do enjoy films that

Speaker 51382.58s - 1386.5s

begin like this where we see the aftermath first.

Speaker 71386.92s - 1389.1s

It's like that backwards episode of Seinfeld

Speaker 01389.1s - 1390.36s

that we all loved and grew up with.

Speaker 71391.36s - 1402.76s

But I like seeing certain elements. Right. See the shotgun, the ring box, the knife, all these items. And then we kind of are like, okay, well, how are these going to be?Right, right.

Speaker 21402.86s - 1404.32s

How do they end up here? Yeah.

Speaker 81405.78s - 1413.36s

Kind of like you're probably wondering how I got it yeah and there's a record yeah I right now I'm

Speaker 21413.36s - 1417.8s

I'm this is fine I'm like okay cool let's see what's going on I was yelling at the children to get

Speaker 01417.8s - 1422.28s

out of the house because you don't know if there's anybody in there that please I understand

Speaker 101422.28s - 1425.62s

you're curious and you want to help, but please call from outside.

Speaker 91428.64s - 1429.32s

But no, yeah, right now I was like, this is great.

Speaker 101435.42s - 1436.16s

One thing that is interesting to me, again, is just this idea of seclusion being sometimes in this film.

Speaker 91436.44s - 1437s

That, yeah.

Speaker 51437.38s - 1439.68s

That's a, that's a ding for me.

Speaker 01439.86s - 1440.84s

That's a problem.

Speaker 51441.18s - 1449.52s

Because, I mean, even finding what is going on here, that would insist upon the idea that it's not as secluded as...

Speaker 01449.52s - 1451.32s

Yeah, because why are these boys out here?

Speaker 51451.56s - 1452.04s

Yeah. You know?

Speaker 01452.66s - 1485.78s

But suddenly, we're in a car at night. James Hoyt, played by Scott Speedman PERSON, clutches the steering wheel in his hand, his eyes downcast. Next to him, Kristen McKay, played by Liv Tyler PERSON, looks up at the traffic light through the windshield. Her face is streaked with tears.They're both dressed nicely. James in a black suit and Kristen PERSON in a pale purple dress. The stoplight in front of them bathes them both in an eerie red glow, making the Strangers 2008, technicallya Gialo ORG film. You're

Speaker 51485.78s - 1487.18s

breaking my heart.

Speaker 01488.76s - 1489.78s

This is getting old.

Speaker 51492.28s - 1493.36s

It's a stoplight.

Speaker 21494.62s - 1495.88s

So traffic is a

Speaker 11495.88s - 1496.38s

Jiala ORG film?

Speaker 21496.68s - 1498.4s

Until it turns green.

Speaker 01501.28s - 1501.94s


Speaker 21501.94s - 1504s

them, the dark street is deserted

Speaker 11504s - 1507.6s

and they wait at the light despite no other cars being on the road.

Speaker 51508.14s - 1514.32s

Their glow goes from red to green as the light changes, and James drives them further down the empty road.

Speaker 11514.84s - 1521.14s

As they continue further, they pass trees in a lake before finally turning in to a secluded neighborhood.

Speaker 01522.18s - 1537.86s

James parks in front of a house and gets out, slamming the door behind him and causing Kristen PERSON to jump. He goes to the mailbox and takes out a stack of mail. His actions full of frustration as Kristen PERSON stays in the car and lights a cigarette, tears still sliding down

Speaker 21537.86s - 1544.94s

her face. So they're not having a good time. I would say no. Yeah. And that's an, I'm not going to

Speaker 01544.94s - 1546.62s

lie, another issue I have with this.

Speaker 21546.96s - 1548.64s

I know we were talking off mic earlier.

Speaker 01548.92s - 1554.36s

And again, watching this as a teenager and we'll get to the reasoning behind, like the tension

Speaker 11554.36s - 1555.34s

in a moment.

Speaker 21555.5s - 1558.66s

But I'm like, oh, dude, that sucks.

Speaker 11558.78s - 1559.3s

You know what I mean?

Speaker 01559.38s - 1561.02s

But watching it now, I'm like.

Speaker 51561.74s - 1563.8s

There's more to it. Yeah. No, yeah.

Speaker 01563.98s - 1564.3s


Speaker 51565.04s - 1577.9s

I will say it does set up an interesting dynamic from the start that there is this tension between them. Yeah. And you're like, oh, you know, whatever comes next, they're going to have to find a way to move past this for now or whatever.

Speaker 01578.06s - 1586.14s

Yeah. So it's interesting, but I agree that there are some parts. There's some issues. I did want to talk a moment about their casting.

Speaker 81586.72s - 1592.06s

It was funny to me because Liv Tyler, I believe, was the first one to sign on.

Speaker 51592.58s - 1595.22s

She hadn't acted since she had had her son.

Speaker 01595.58s - 1596.9s

And she was flying.

Speaker 101596.9s - 1601.38s

I think she said from Japan GPE to New York or New York to Japan, something like that.

Speaker 01601.42s - 1609.9s

But it was a long flight and she had like four scripts to read that people had sent in her. And she saw the strangers and thought that it was going to be

Speaker 91609.9s - 1617.74s

a comedy. And so she's reading it and obviously it's not a comedy, but she fell in love with it.

Speaker 81617.82s - 1621.1s

She thought that it was really interesting. She thought that it would push her out of her comfort

Speaker 91621.1s - 1625.56s

zone because she's never really done anything like this before.

Speaker 01631.3s - 1631.34s

And she even said that she was surprised at the strength that she found within herself to do this.

Speaker 11634.68s - 1634.76s

Because some of the shit that they had that, we'll talk about it.

Speaker 01636.96s - 1637.2s

But she, they went through a lot physically.

Speaker 61637.52s - 1637.68s


Speaker 01637.98s - 1651.58s

Yeah. But obviously she said yes and she signed on. I thought it was interesting that Tandy Newton and Charlize Theron were both interested in the role. But I think he said his first person in mind was Liv Tyler PERSON. And she said

Speaker 101651.58s - 1659.04s

yes. But Scott Speedman was interested in auditioning because he heard that Live Tyler WORK_OF_ART was involved.

Speaker 01659.34s - 1666.86s

And he said that if they got her, then it's going to be something good. Yeah. Well, I loved her in that thing you do.

Speaker 11667.36s - 1667.8s


Speaker 51668.6s - 1670.5s

It's unrelated, but I have to mention it.

Speaker 01670.62s - 1672.24s

Yeah, and I loved her in Lord of the Rings WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 51672.38s - 1672.76s


Speaker 01672.76s - 1674.9s

That's right, probably the more well-known.

Speaker 21675.68s - 1680.62s

And I remember Scott Speedman PERSON from the underworld movies?

Speaker 01680.9s - 1681.54s

Yeah, that's right.

Speaker 21682.3s - 1684.94s

His name is funny.

Speaker 01685.76s - 1690.48s

Is that all? I don't know if somebody named Scott Spathby PERSON, but is going to be listening and

Speaker 21690.48s - 1695.78s

they're going to be like, damn it. It sounds like the superhero's alter ego. I'm pretty sure

Speaker 01695.78s - 1704.18s

that's the name of the Flash. Scott Speedman? PERSON Sure. It is now. Yeah. It's canon.

Speaker 21706.38s - 1708.96s

But the front door to a house opens,

Speaker 01709.26s - 1711.46s

interrupting the pitch blackness inside.

Speaker 21712.1s - 1714.58s

James steps inside after having unlocked the door,

Speaker 01714.74s - 1717.82s

leaving Kristen PERSON on the porch to continue smoking her cigarette.

Speaker 21718.46s - 1719.58s

He heads inside,

Speaker 01719.94s - 1722.16s

not bothering to turn on any of the lights,

Speaker 21722.16s - 1723.76s

and once she's left alone,

Speaker 91724.18s - 1726.68s

Kristen PERSON puts the cigarette out and follows him in,

Speaker 01726.84s - 1728.34s

closing the door behind her.

Speaker 91728.96s - 1729.38s


Speaker 01729.9s - 1730.72s

I don't know.

Speaker 51730.78s - 1732.68s

I feel like that's the first thing you do.

Speaker 71732.86s - 1733.22s


Speaker 01733.46s - 1734.76s

In a dark secluded house at night.

Speaker 71734.8s - 1735s


Speaker 51735.12s - 1736.8s

Well, dad or eat dinner.

Speaker 41737.28s - 1737.58s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 01737.74s - 1737.94s


Speaker 51738.68s - 1740s

But he's mad.

Speaker 01740.2s - 1740.44s


Speaker 51741.34s - 1742.64s

So he wants to be in the dark.

Speaker 01742.76s - 1742.98s


Speaker 51743.06s - 1744.04s

Get the fuck over.

Speaker 01746.16s - 1748.4s

Over again.

Speaker 11749.18s - 1749.54s

What if?

Speaker 21749.86s - 1750.46s


Speaker 01751s - 1752.66s

Yeah. Yeah, we're going to talk a minute.

Speaker 21753.86s - 1758.36s

But in the darkness, we hear a needle scratch, and when we come back up,

Speaker 41758.72s - 1765.16s

lamps are lit in low lighting as Ariel Ramirez by Richard Buckner PERSON plays softly from the record player.

Speaker 21765.9s - 1771.34s

Kristen looks around to see rose petals lining the couch, two champagne glasses set up next to a

Speaker 41771.34s - 1777.5s

chilling bottle on the table with candles and more rose petals. Speaking for the first time since

Speaker 01777.5s - 1784.94s

we've seen them, Kristen asks when he did all this. James is standing in the kitchen across the room.

Speaker 71785.32s - 1787.48s

He tells her that he did it today with Mike

Speaker 21787.48s - 1788.74s

while she was with the girls.

Speaker 01788.94s - 1790.36s

He thought she would like it.

Speaker 91790.68s - 1791.76s

He lowers his head.

Speaker 01792.68s - 1793.36s

I think,

Speaker 91793.52s - 1794.38s

I would hope,

Speaker 21794.44s - 1794.78s


Speaker 91794.9s - 1796.24s

you're putting a record on,

Speaker 01796.7s - 1798.82s

I feel like by the time you're here

Speaker 51798.82s - 1801.14s

is just going to be hitting the dead wax. And it's just,

Speaker 41801.14s - 1804.98s

how long ago did you do this? It's not going to be your song anymore.

Speaker 01807.22s - 1819.68s

I just want to comment that we have, and it's not us. It's these movies. There are trends of just these like shitty men.

Speaker 31820s - 1826.64s

And I never thought, I never looked at this film in the context of this guy kind of fucking sucks.

Speaker 51827s - 1829.56s

But this guy kind of fucking sucks, right?

Speaker 01829.92s - 1830.86s

Yeah, he's not great.

Speaker 51830.96s - 1835s

There's, and especially a lot of choices that are made post.

Speaker 01835.26s - 1836.12s


Speaker 51836.2s - 1850.56s

Yeah. And the little fucking bitchy attitude right now once we find out. And I will say, again, I understand that he said. Yeah. No, yeah. I understand that he's sad yeah yeah no yeah I get it of course I do but I feel

Speaker 01850.56s - 1856.5s

like he is kind of sad for the wrong reasons yeah it's let's let's get there let's get there all right

Speaker 21857.5s - 1863.84s

in the bedroom Kristen PERSON's eye follows a trail of rose petals leading to the bed on the nightstand

Speaker 01863.84s - 1866.06s

there's a cluster of candles just

Speaker 21866.06s - 1872s

waiting to be lit. James appears in the doorway of the adjoining bathroom and tells her that she can have

Speaker 01872s - 1877.68s

this room and he'll get set up somewhere else. Kristen PERSON doesn't respond, but instead takes a few

Speaker 21877.68s - 1884.74s

steps closer, where she can see the bathtub whose bottom is decorated with rose petals. James admits

Speaker 01884.74s - 1888.2s

that he didn't know if the roses were supposed to go in the tub before you run

Speaker 21888.2s - 1889.34s

the water or after.

Speaker 01889.92s - 1892.82s

And Kristen PERSON says softly that she doesn't know either.

Speaker 21893.42s - 1897.64s

I don't know why this moment was kind of funny to me because it's like trying to make small talk.

Speaker 01897.8s - 1899s

You know, I don't know either.

Speaker 21899.6s - 1901.82s

Can we please be normal for like five minutes?

Speaker 01903.32s - 1904.02s

Again, it's so dramatic.

Speaker 51905.5s - 1910.72s

James's chuckle has no humor in it, and when he looks at her, he quickly has to look away.

Speaker 01911.24s - 1915.78s

There's another bottle of champagne chilling in the bathroom, and he picks it up on his way out.

Speaker 51916.42s - 1919.96s

Kristen PERSON steps out of his way as he moves past her, but he comes back.

Speaker 01920.42s - 1926s

He gently helps her unzip the back of her dress and unclasp her necklace before placing it in her hand

Speaker 41926s - 1927.1s

and leaving the room.

Speaker 01927.9s - 1929.82s

As Kristen PERSON sits on the rim of the tub

Speaker 51929.82s - 1931.54s

and tries to run herself a bath

Speaker 01931.54s - 1933.48s

but finds the water to be murky,

Speaker 51934.04s - 1935.28s

James sits in the living room

Speaker 01935.28s - 1937.78s

and makes a call to the aforementioned Mike.

Speaker 21938.26s - 1951.38s

Now I don't know if murky's the word for it. It looked red or it looked dirty. Like rusty. Right, right. It looked funny. It was just for a second. But when you turn it on the water, I was like, what the fuck is that? Uh, foreshadowing.

Speaker 51951.82s - 1952.12s


Speaker 21953.32s - 1958s

The evening. It's a hitting, right? Yeah. Well, and then it's fine. So I was like, maybe it's just

Speaker 51958s - 1963.04s

like an old house. Like, I don't know. I thought it was weird too because it, it, we literally see it,

Speaker 91963.04s - 1967.62s

but it's not a thing. Butames PERSON says on the phone that he knows

Speaker 01967.62s - 1972.84s

mike is drunk and he might even be asleep but he needs him to come and pick him up in the morning when he

Speaker 11972.84s - 1979.46s

wakes up things didn't work out the way he thought they would at all he apologizes saying that

Speaker 81979.46s - 1987.48s

he knows it's a bitch to come all the way out here but the whole situation. He hangs up the phone and can't help but shake his head.

Speaker 01988.04s - 1999.62s

In the tub, Kristen PERSON sits in the now clean water sadly and quietly. She rests her head on her knees as rose petals bob in the water around her and more candles line the edge of the tub.

Speaker 52000.42s - 2005.16s

I feel like the phone call being made within earshot of her wasn't very cool. Yeah.

Speaker 02005.56s - 2012.56s

I am just, okay, maybe this is like my experience with just like shitty people, but the whole like, you can have this room all sleep in here.

Speaker 12012.62s - 2016.92s

Like it all feels very manipulative and like performative almost.

Speaker 52017.26s - 2020.42s

Things didn't work out the way I thought they would at all.

Speaker 12020.82s - 2022.68s

He's like yelling at the bathroom door.

Speaker 02022.9s - 2023.8s

It's like, yeah.

Speaker 12024.1s - 2025.94s

He moves the phone from his ear.

Speaker 02026.72s - 2028.1s

Mike, Mike, can you hear me?

Speaker 12028.26s - 2030.08s

Dude, go outside and have his phone call.

Speaker 02030.2s - 2030.46s


Speaker 52030.56s - 2031.94s

You're totally right, dude.

Speaker 02032.14s - 2037.08s

Because that, the, I'll set up somewhere else bugged me, but you're totally right.

Speaker 52037.08s - 2037.4s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 02037.42s - 2037.7s


Speaker 72038.74s - 2044.78s

In a flashback, her current quiet reflectiveness is in stark contrast to her giggling and

Speaker 02044.78s - 2070.38s

sipping champagne at the wedding earlier that night. She turns away from the people she's sitting with at the table and sees James walking toward her, his hands buried deep in his pockets. She smiles at the side of him, and when he sits down, she continues laughing with the other guests at the table, and although James smiles, he looks nervous. He cradles her face in his hand and asks her softly to come outside with him.

Speaker 52071.28s - 2083.5s

I have always thought that this scene played out strangely to me. I don't know if it's to show that James is only paying attention to her and the fact that she is there, but hearing no discussions from the table

Speaker 42083.5s - 2085.4s

and her just bursting with laughter,

Speaker 22085.96s - 2088.34s

at a table she could possibly be sitting at alone.

Speaker 42088.52s - 2088.82s


Speaker 22089.5s - 2091.46s

Has always been very weird to me.

Speaker 42091.58s - 2091.84s


Speaker 52091.96s - 2095.96s

Thank you for saying that because I thought too while watching it.

Speaker 22095.96s - 2101.22s

I was like, are we supposed to be? It's his point of view that nothing else like you said is going on,

Speaker 52101.32s - 2107.78s

but he's focused on her. But he is acting very nervous. He does look a little awe for like something's wrong on her. But he is acting very nervous. He does look a little awe for like something's wrong.

Speaker 02107.78s - 2119.96s

Yeah. But that is you saying that that is very weird to not have any back and forth, no other people giggling, nobody even like inaudible tones or something. Some wedding noises.

Speaker 52120.6s - 2121.04s


Speaker 22121.34s - 2121.78s

Wedding noises.

Speaker 52121.78s - 2127.64s

I just shrug. I don't know. Yeah, anything. Yeah. But to have nothing and to have her reacting so bigly

Speaker 02127.64s - 2135.36s

yeah yeah no I can see that for sure and I think that watching her interact with other people would give us more of a feel for who she is yeah

Speaker 102135.36s - 2137.9s

because we only really learn

Speaker 02137.9s - 2169.44s

about Kristen in her reaction to her events or her reaction to James's fucking his he fit but he carries her out into the night in his arms and she laments her reaction to her events or a reaction to James' fucking hissy fit. Yeah.But he carries her out into the night in his arms, and she laments that she just wanted to dance with him, but he tells her that they're dancing right now. She playfully calls him a jerk, and he reciprocates, calling her the same before they kiss. There is a deleted scene that I found online, where he's like taking a shot at the barto kind of get the courage up to go over to her at the table

Speaker 32169.44s - 2178.34s

and when he asked her to come outside she's like dance with me and he's like no not tonight just come outside or whatever and so it's her being like I just wanted to dance

Speaker 72178.34s - 2181.74s

like calls back to that but because we don't see that at all

Speaker 32181.74s - 2183.92s

he's like come outside and they're outside and she's like I just wanted to

Speaker 52183.92s - 2188.36s

yeah it looks like he picks her up and carries her from the table.

Speaker 02188.54s - 2226.82s

Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. So that's interesting. James sets her down outside of their car. She tells him it's freezing and wants to get in,but he asks her to wait a second. He just wants to tell her something. Looking up at him, she asks, what do you want to tell me? James looks down at the ring box in his hand. Kristen PERSON follows his gaze, but when she looks back up at him, her eyes are wide andshocked. James tells her softly that he remembers the first time he ever saw her. As a car pulls out of the parking spot behind her, Kristen PERSON lowers her head and everything

Speaker 52226.82s - 2241.22s

goes in slow motion. I just want to say, unless the first time you saw her was meeting in the parking lot of this convention center, this is not the venue. No. Yeah. I have, I have two, I mean,

Speaker 02241.22s - 2245.32s

we can piece together that she said no.

Speaker 12245.4s - 2250.46s

Yeah. I have two really big issues with the proposal, period.

Speaker 02250.9s - 2254.12s

One of them, don't fucking do this at somebody else's wedding.

Speaker 12254.24s - 2255.16s

That's crazy.

Speaker 02255.84s - 2256.5s

Do not.

Speaker 22257.02s - 2262.14s

Do not. That's my note is, oh, you told him no, and maybe this was a bad time to do this.

Speaker 02262.24s - 2263.4s

A very bad time to do this.

Speaker 22263.52s - 2264.38s

Well, love is in the air.

Speaker 52264.64s - 2265.54s

No, no, no, no. I just finished season nine of Vanderpump Rules WORK_OF_ART, and it was, bad time to do this. A very bad time to do this. Well, love is in the air. No, no, no, no, no.

Speaker 02265.74s - 2269.76s

I just finished season nine of Vanderpump WORK_OF_ART rules and it was, it's very topical.

Speaker 52270s - 2271.48s

Let people have their own moment.

Speaker 102272.38s - 2272.82s


Speaker 02272.9s - 2273.14s


Speaker 102273.52s - 2274.78s

Don't do that.

Speaker 02274.82s - 2276.58s

And if you're thinking about doing it, don't do it.

Speaker 102276.66s - 2276.94s


Speaker 52278.3s - 2284.48s

Secondly, we learn in a moment that the issue is she's just not ready for marriage.

Speaker 02284.64s - 2287.64s

Yeah. In my humble opinion, and who the

Speaker 62287.64s - 2293.2s

fuck am I? I'm just a person sitting in front of a microphone. The fact that your partner wants to marry

Speaker 02293.2s - 2314.62s

you should not be the surprise of the proposal. When the proposal's happening, sure. Where it's happening. Sure. The fact that we are on a path to marriage to getting married where I'm at this point where this is the future that I want with you. Or the fact that I'm not interested in marriage and I don't plan on getting married anytime soon.

Speaker 102314.88s - 2324.44s

Those should be things that you know about your partner before you accost her in the parking lot of a wedding and then throw a fucking fit afterwards.

Speaker 02324.94s - 2328.38s

Yeah, because that is something that I didn't think about either and your sister brought it up.

Speaker 22328.44s - 2344.36s

We had talked about it a little bit the other day. And you, I feel like you would at least have brought it up in a discussion at one point or another. Hey, how do you feel about, you've been together for some amount of time with your partner. How do you feel about marriage?

Speaker 102344.36s - 2364.42s

How do you feel about us making it official? Or even if not, oh, as long as we're together, that's what matters to you. Bet, then okay, I get it. But it never being brought up and then it being this big of a reaction from him and her and the way it plays out. It's just like, when did you guys start dating?That as well.

Speaker 52364.58s - 2365.48s

I would love to know that.

Speaker 02365.58s - 2371.22s

The fact that this is not something she wants in her immediate future should be something that you know about her.

Speaker 52371.38s - 2376.62s

Yeah. And also, again, the answer was not never.

Speaker 12376.88s - 2377.18s


Speaker 02377.56s - 2383.78s

And so for the reaction to be, I love you, but I'm not ready for that right now or yet,

Speaker 12384.2s - 2387.6s

that does not equal, well, I'll sleep on the couch.

Speaker 72387.78s - 2390.82s

The reaction is so severe.

Speaker 02390.82s - 2395.14s

And I'll be honest, if I'm like, I'm not ready right now and this is how you react.

Speaker 42395.32s - 2396.6s

Maybe we should fucking break it up.

Speaker 52396.88s - 2401.34s

I don't like what I'm seeing right now at all. The couch is calling your name. Yeah.

Speaker 02403.44s - 2414.4s

But now, Kristen PERSON still sits in the tub as an animal cries out loudly outside. James takes a gallon of Bluebell ORG out of the freezer and plops it down on the table. I was like, Hey, Blue Bell PRODUCT!

Speaker 52415.4s - 2418.2s

Dude, so of course not a sponsor, but I was very happy to see.

Speaker 72418.36s - 2418.8s


Speaker 02418.8s - 2426.26s

I will say, from seeing it as a teenager, I thought from that this film is set in Texas GPE. I did too.

Speaker 52426.8s - 2431.82s

I didn't realize Bluebell ORG, and I know I think Bertino's from Texas GPE, I think.

Speaker 02432.04s - 2432.98s

Oh, really? Okay.

Speaker 52432.98s - 2441.84s

If I'm not mistaken. But I did not realize that Bluebell ORG and I looked it up on their website. It's available in 23 states if I am not mistaken.

Speaker 02442.16s - 2448.6s

I feel like we're being cheated on. I feel like we're being cheated on. I feel like we're being cheated on too. And the fact that Waterburger's not only in Texas GPE anymore, too, kind of hurts.

Speaker 52448.68s - 2449.5s

That stings a little bit.

Speaker 92449.5s - 2452.56s

And I will say anyone who knows, knows that that is homemade vanilla.

Speaker 02452.86s - 2453.1s


Speaker 92453.1s - 2453.26s


Speaker 02455.4s - 2456.3s

A thousand percent.

Speaker 52459.8s - 2464.64s

But James sits down in front of it before reaching into his pocket, pulling out the ring box

Speaker 02464.64s - 2466.78s

and slamming it down on the tabletop.

Speaker 72467.16s - 2473.84s

In the bathroom, having finished her bath, Kristen PERSON pulls her dress back on and struggles to zip it up by herself.

Speaker 92474.6s - 2477.9s

James takes a spoon and starts to eat that delicious homemade.

Speaker 02479.2s - 2480.56s

Again, not a sponsor, buddy.

Speaker 52481.64s - 2483.52s

We're open to it, Bluebell ORG. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 02483.7s - 2483.88s


Speaker 12484.48s - 2485.98s

But he eats it right out of the container.

Speaker 02485.98s - 2489.06s

Didn't we just try to attract Ben and Jerry's like a couple weeks ago?

Speaker 12489.82s - 2493.14s

They haven't got back to us. No, they haven't. They're both really good. So now we're Bluebell ORG.

Speaker 52493.32s - 2495.28s

We're focused on Bluebell ORG.

Speaker 12497.78s - 2503.74s

Kristen steps into the hallway and when she sees James sitting at the table, she joins him in the chair beside him.

Speaker 52504.18s - 2505.84s

After a moment of heavy silence,

Speaker 42506.06s - 2511.7s

she tells him that everything he did was beautiful and it was nice of him. James gives another

Speaker 12511.7s - 2517.56s

humorless chuckle before handing the ring box over to her. When she looks confused, he tells her

Speaker 02517.56s - 2523.14s

that he can't keep it or take it back. He pleads with her to take it before opening the bottle of

Speaker 72523.14s - 2525.12s

champagne from the table.

Speaker 02530.12s - 2530.66s

The cork pops loudly, startling Kristen, and James drinks straight out of the bottle.

Speaker 72533.36s - 2537.02s

Once he's done, Kristen takes a drink herself. So drinking champagne, that is two terrible experiences tonight.

Speaker 02538.5s - 2539.68s

I hate champagne.

Speaker 52539.78s - 2540.34s

It's just the side.

Speaker 02540.64s - 2541.66s

Just a thing about me.

Speaker 42542.38s - 2548.36s

I just feel like, again, you are taking this way too hard in the wrong way. Right.

Speaker 22548.52s - 2561.14s

She loves you. Yeah, that's my thing. You're, I understand your feelings are hurt, but like you said a minute ago, T, she didn't say,I don't want to be with you because you're proposing to me.

Speaker 92561.48s - 2562.62s

Hear her out.

Speaker 22562.96s - 2574.8s

Let's figure out, is it yet? Is it at all? Is it something you do want to do in the future out. Let's figure out, is it yet? Is it at all? Is it something you do want to do in the future? You don't ever, or you might or whatever. You know, talk.You don't have to go to this extreme.

Speaker 02575.02s - 2575.64s

Not at all.

Speaker 22575.86s - 2576.9s

Over this. No.

Speaker 02577.2s - 2580.94s

She's like, I do want to get married, but you proposed at somebody else's wedding.

Speaker 52581.14s - 2584.46s

Yeah. Why not wait till this? In a parking lot, it's not like,

Speaker 72585.54s - 2587.7s

exhausted and roadkill out here. And I'm wedding. Yeah. Why not wait till this? And a parking lot, it smelled like, exhausted and roadkill out here.

Speaker 02588.04s - 2588.92s

And I'm freezing.

Speaker 52589.24s - 2589.36s


Speaker 72589.56s - 2590.4s

I told you.

Speaker 02590.74s - 2592.16s

And he didn't dance with me.

Speaker 72593s - 2595.74s

I get the need for like,

Speaker 02595.74s - 2597.26s

you feel it and it's like,

Speaker 42597.3s - 2598.08s

let's just do it now.

Speaker 22598.38s - 2600.84s

Why not wait to this place?

Speaker 52601.08s - 2602.1s

You set this up.

Speaker 22602.22s - 2603.28s

Everything is nice.

Speaker 42603.62s - 2604.72s

Everything is romantic.

Speaker 52604.96s - 2605.64s

Do it here. Yeah. Totally agree. Noticing her up. Everything is nice. Everything is romantic. Do it here.

Speaker 42605.82s - 2606.06s


Speaker 22606.38s - 2607.08s

Totally agree.

Speaker 02608.14s - 2643.64s

Noticing her dress, James tells her that her clothes are in the bedroom if she wants them, but she says that she wants to wear the dress. She only gets to wear it tonight and it makes her feel pretty. James tells her that she is pretty and Kristen PERSON looks at him sadly. She tells him that she's sorry this wasn't the way he thought it would beand he asks what they're supposed to do now. Her eyes filling with tears, she admits that she doesn't know. She's just not ready yet. James nods and says okaybut as Kristen PERSON starts to cry James gets up from the table. Again.

Speaker 52644.06s - 2645.06s

Dude, she again she is handling this with such sweetness. Yes. Such kindness. why James gets up from the table. Again, dude.

Speaker 02648.56s - 2651.04s

She, again, she is handling this with such sweetness. Yes. Such kindness and grace.

Speaker 92653.96s - 2654.2s

Even telling him all of this that you did, it's beautiful.

Speaker 02654.36s - 2654.6s


Speaker 92655.22s - 2655.48s

It's amazing.

Speaker 02656.72s - 2657.02s

You put a lot of work into it.

Speaker 92660.62s - 2660.86s

I'm sorry that it didn't work out the way that you wanted to.

Speaker 02661.18s - 2661.44s


Speaker 92662.62s - 2662.82s

I just don't understand.

Speaker 02665.16s - 2667.6s

And then she starts crying and he's like, I can't be here for this.

Speaker 42669.28s - 2672s

That's unbelievable. She was there for you and all of your feelings.

Speaker 12672.38s - 2674.4s

Yeah. When you're slamming the mailbox and fucking,

Speaker 42674.64s - 2675.18s


Speaker 12676.3s - 2677.22s

Got fucking bills.

Speaker 22678.92s - 2697.28s

This is the shittiest day of my life. It is, but again, too, and I understand her, but at the same time same time you're not she is being very patient yeah you're not you're also not being very reassuring no just by saying i'm not ready yet i mean i feel

Speaker 72697.28s - 2702.48s

still be like look fool we are together yeah i'm not going anywhere i love you i'm here with you

Speaker 02702.48s - 2705.7s

stop being a bitch yeah come on dude you know because'm here with you. Stop being a bitch. Yeah. Come on, dude. You know.

Speaker 92705.94s - 2707.04s

Because he is. Yeah.

Speaker 72707.6s - 2710.64s

You're freaking out. I was like, you didn't even put the ice cream back away. It's going to melt.

Speaker 02710.86s - 2714.5s

Yeah. You open that champagne, then left it there after a sip. He's singing. He's singing two bottles of shipping.

Speaker 92714.5s - 2717s

Yeah. That was me.

Speaker 72723s - 2727.82s

Kristen grabs his hand and pleads with him to talk to her, but James pulls away.

Speaker 92728.32s - 2732.84s

He tells her quietly that this is embarrassing before going over to the record player and starting

Speaker 72732.84s - 2737.02s

at my window, sad and lonely by Billy Bragg and Wilco ORG.

Speaker 92737.16s - 2737.82s

It's too much.

Speaker 72738.02s - 2739.7s

It's too much.

Speaker 02740.4s - 2743.38s

Kristen PERSON comes up behind him and rests her head on his shoulder.

Speaker 92744.08s - 2750.42s

They both close their eyes and stay that way for a minute before Kristen PERSON turns him around and pulls him into a hug.

Speaker 02751.08s - 2782.04s

The hug turns amorous as they squeeze and caress each other and James whispers into her ear that she's his girl. Before long, he's picking her up and putting her onto the counter. He slides off her underwear and she begins to unfasten his belt as they kiss, but they're both startled out of the moment by a jarring knock at the door. James is confused by the intrusion, guessing that it must be four in the morning. And when the couple look over to consult the clock on the wall, he's proven right.

Speaker 52782.5s - 2787.62s

I did laugh a little bit because he's like, what is it like, four in the morning? And the clock's like, um, it's 405. Yeah.

Speaker 02788.12s - 2789.24s

It is 405.

Speaker 52789.32s - 2789.58s

Good guess.

Speaker 92789.74s - 2790.14s

Get it right.

Speaker 02790.48s - 2790.64s


Speaker 12794.6s - 2796.72s

Before we get into this knock at the door.

Speaker 92796.84s - 2797.2s


Speaker 52797.62s - 2802.4s

This was a notorious moment for the three of us because we laughed so hard.

Speaker 92802.86s - 2808.14s

On IMDB ORG, they have a parents guide for if you're trying to watch shit with your kids or whatever,

Speaker 02808.88s - 2812.64s

the drugs, the violence, the sex and nudity, whatever.

Speaker 12813.54s - 2819.14s

Under sex and nudity is some of the funniest, on a lot of movies,

Speaker 92819.5s - 2823.78s

some of the funniest things that people have, that they report.

Speaker 02824.08s - 2826.06s

I think we talked on one of the

Speaker 32826.06s - 2829.78s

Halloween movies they were like a lot of breast not one penis

Speaker 92829.78s - 2833.98s

what is this I wanted

Speaker 02833.98s - 2855.3s

to share the thing that made us laugh so hard from the strangers a man rubs a woman's thigh he puts his hand up her dress he removes her panties. In parentheses,we see her bare thigh. And the man unfastens his belt. He then proceeds to, in quotes, put it in. Put it in.

Speaker 52856.8s - 2858.72s

You hear a moan.

Speaker 02859.02s - 2863.16s

And then they are interrupted by a knock at the door. I don't know what this person

Speaker 42863.16s - 2865s

was watching. No.

Speaker 92868.76s - 2869.92s

Only about like 70% of that is true.

Speaker 02871.22s - 2871.36s

I watched this 10 times.

Speaker 52872.38s - 2872.76s

That did not happen.

Speaker 22874.4s - 2878.6s

I know I said I wrote a fan fiction.

Speaker 12880.38s - 2880.8s

Proceeds to put it in.

Speaker 52883.3s - 2883.38s

That's the funniest shit I've ever read in my life.

Speaker 22884.82s - 2884.98s

That's so, so funny.

Speaker 42887.04s - 2887.12s

It is not, if you're, it's not that bad.

Speaker 52887.36s - 2890.48s


Speaker 22895.6s - 2896.2s

But the knocking continues on the big wooden door of the house until James cracks it open.

Speaker 42900.34s - 2901.02s

As Kristen looks from behind him, James opens the door wider.

Speaker 22906.68s - 2914.4s

Hidden in the shadows is what appears to be a blonde woman standing on the porch. She greets him with a calm, hi. And James tells her hello as Kristen comes closer. James tries to flick on the porch

Speaker 52914.4s - 2922.32s

light, but it doesn't work. The woman on the porch asks quietly, is Tamara here? James tells her that

Speaker 02922.32s - 2927.82s

she's got the wrong house. Her face still obscured by shadow, she asks if he's sure.

Speaker 12928.4s - 2930.52s

He tells her yes and that he's sorry.

Speaker 92931.16s - 2936.54s

The woman peers behind him at Kristen PERSON in the house beyond before finally accepting his answer.

Speaker 02937.94s - 2943.2s

She strides away telling them, I'll see you later. Come on.

Speaker 52943.32s - 2944.1s

Don't like that.

Speaker 02944.38s - 2944.7s


Speaker 52944.96s - 2945.98s

Don't like that. Yeah. Don't like that.

Speaker 02946.08s - 2946.36s


Speaker 52946.68s - 2950.12s

Don't like it so much, in fact, that I definitely wouldn't choose to stay here alone.

Speaker 02950.24s - 2950.78s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 52951.14s - 2951.72s

Of course not.

Speaker 62951.72s - 2953.04s

Or leave someone here alone.

Speaker 02953.18s - 2953.68s


Speaker 52954.22s - 2956.04s

Unless there were some other ideas afoot.

Speaker 02956.12s - 2956.44s

You know?

Speaker 92956.78s - 2958.3s

Like a fan fiction that we'll talk about it.

Speaker 02960.22s - 2964.84s

I will say, I'm pretty sure when they pull up to the house, I feel like I remember seeing the porch light was on.

Speaker 52965.5s - 2973.78s

Yes. Yes. Yeah. And so this to me and what he discovers. Yeah. That's intent. That is a plan.

Speaker 102974.02s - 2981.72s

Right. And again, why aren't we talking about that? Yes. But I think, of course, this is one of the more iconic moments from this film.

Speaker 02981.92s - 2983.96s

The line is Tamara PERSON home.

Speaker 102984.28s - 2985.52s

Very crucial. Yeah. Very crucial.

Speaker 02985.84s - 2990.08s

Yeah. Very memorable. I feel like, and maybe

Speaker 52990.08s - 2997.2s

it's just a pet peeve of mine, but I hate when like a telemarketer calls and they ask her someone that isn't there and they're like, are you sure? I'm like, I'm not hiding Tamara PERSON.

Speaker 42998.52s - 3000.04s

Tamara PERSON does not live here.

Speaker 53000.2s - 3000.96s

She's in the back.

Speaker 43001.12s - 3005.24s

You know, let me go. All right. Okay. You got me. You asked if I was sure.

Speaker 53005.44s - 3008.78s

So I guess I said Tamara PERSON, there's a visitor for you.

Speaker 43010.76s - 3014.64s

But I did want to talk about the music in this film very quickly.

Speaker 53015.44s - 3022.88s

The music was composed by Tom and Andy, who you both might recall from the Mothman PERSON prophecy.

Speaker 43023s - 3023.4s


Speaker 53023.56s - 3025.26s

I was like, I know I know that name.

Speaker 73025.72s - 3028.98s

And once you know that, you feel that.

Speaker 93029.16s - 3029.54s


Speaker 53029.82s - 3032.1s

Because a lot of their music is really atmospheric.

Speaker 93032.72s - 3037.22s

So much so that the first time I watched this movie for us to cover it on the show,

Speaker 63037.7s - 3045.5s

I remarked that I didn't remember any music at all. Mm-hmm. But then on a rewatch, you feel how much it is a part of the atmosphere.

Speaker 93045.7s - 3046.14s


Speaker 03046.44s - 3051.82s

The way that they use it in the sound design and it punctuates everything almost like a soundscape.

Speaker 93052.22s - 3052.36s


Speaker 03052.46s - 3053.5s

Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 93053.78s - 3055.9s

It's just so interesting how they do it.

Speaker 03055.9s - 3056.3s


Speaker 53056.56s - 3063.02s

But I read this interview with Tom Haidu in The Natural Aristocrat WORK_OF_ART and he had said that their

Speaker 03063.02s - 3066.76s

intention was to play with perspective in an

Speaker 53066.76s - 3073.44s

interesting way and to kind of experiment with ambiance and silence and I think that that is something

Speaker 93073.44s - 3079.22s

that we recognize and we hear it and that's probably why it blends in so well right but one of

Speaker 103079.22s - 3091.48s

the things that they did that was very interesting to me is they played with like soft, loud dynamics. Okay. And so they would have a microphone set up in a room and someone would play a guitar or a cello

Speaker 53091.48s - 3095.16s

very loudly, but the microphone is capturing it from very far away.

Speaker 93096.22s - 3100.72s

Or they would have a microphone set up right next to an instrument and someone would play

Speaker 73100.72s - 3101.74s

something very softly.

Speaker 53102.44s - 3103.3s

And so...

Speaker 03103.3s - 3104.12s

That's interesting.

Speaker 53104.52s - 3107.24s

Yeah. And through this, you kind of feel a bit of eerieness

Speaker 03107.24s - 3118.6s

because a loud thing from far away sounds different than, you know, just the way that they play with it. Well, and it really like plays with the fact that there are sounds later that we don't know where they're coming from.

Speaker 53118.72s - 3122.14s

Yeah. And, you know, it adds to the uneasiness.

Speaker 03123.14s - 3127.3s

And they said they were attempting a less is more dynamic,

Speaker 53127.48s - 3131.06s

which as well fits into what we were saying about everything just kind of blending together.

Speaker 03131.14s - 3157.22s

Yeah. Where sound effects and music feel like they're all part of the same thing. Yeah. And it's just, I appreciated it a lot on a rewatch. Yeah.But as soon as the visitors out of sight, Kristen PERSON comments that the interaction was weird. James says it's easy to get lost out here and wonders if he should go after her. But Kristen PERSON tells him that she seemed fine and she would have said if she wasn't.I'd be like, are you fucking kidding me?

Speaker 23157.22s - 3158.7s

I don't know. He's like,

Speaker 53158.74s - 3159.74s

do you think she's single or?

Speaker 93160.66s - 3162.44s

Would she marry me? Would she say yes?

Speaker 03162.48s - 3165.24s

If I asked her to marry me? Yeah, I couldn't see her face, dude. If I asked her to marry me at a wedding. In a parking lot, do you think she'd marry me? Would she say yes if I asked her to marry me? If I didn't see her face, dude.

Speaker 13165.36s - 3167.32s

If I asked her to marry me at a wedding.

Speaker 03167.88s - 3169.42s

In a parking lot, do you think she'd marry me?

Speaker 43169.48s - 3170.72s

Her and Tamara PERSON broken up, did she?

Speaker 13171.36s - 3172.16s

Right, give me that ring back.

Speaker 43175.44s - 3180.02s

But James reaches up to the bulb on the porch and twists it.

Speaker 13180.38s - 3184.66s

Once it's screwed back in properly, the porch is lit up.

Speaker 03184.66s - 3185.02s

It would appear that someone had loosened it, and when we get a shot of them from the outside, once it's screwed back in properly, the porch is lit up.

Speaker 13188.06s - 3190.9s

It would appear that someone had loosened it and when we get a shot of them from the outside of the house,

Speaker 03191.28s - 3193.48s

there are two that are on now.

Speaker 13193.64s - 3196s

So that's not an accident.

Speaker 23196.58s - 3199.46s

This, man, why are you waiting right now to do that?

Speaker 13199.58s - 3199.76s


Speaker 03199.76s - 3202.5s

I can't see my guest.

Speaker 23202.66s - 3204.1s

I need to know who's there.

Speaker 93204.6s - 3205.92s

Oh, excuse me real quick.

Speaker 03206s - 3211.54s

Let me turn on the... Who unscrewed this light bulb? Why are you waiting now to do that? He's like, huh.

Speaker 23211.96s - 3214.06s

Yeah. Oh, that worked the whole time.

Speaker 03214.22s - 3215.02s

I know she's okay.

Speaker 13215.24s - 3216.66s

It's like, what the fuck?

Speaker 23217.54s - 3221.8s

So this is the moment that I was like, never, never, never.

Speaker 13222.54s - 3226.02s

We were playing seven days to die. It was me

Speaker 03226.02s - 3228.12s

and T PERSON and our parents. I was

Speaker 93228.12s - 3229.94s

here with the kids. John Paul

Speaker 03229.94s - 3251.64s

was at work and somebody knocked on the door. It's nighttime. And so I'm like, oh, hold on, you know, whatever. I have my headphones on because we were playing, we were all playing online. So I take themoff. I go and I look out the people and there's nobody there. But it's getting dark. So I take them off. I go and I look out the people and there's nobody there. But it's getting dark. So I switch on the porch light and it doesn't turn on.

Speaker 83251.98s - 3254.78s

And so I'm like, huh, that's odd.

Speaker 03254.88s - 3275.84s

That's really strange. So I get back on the game and it happens again. And so I'm telling them on the game. I was like somebody knocked on the door and then there was nobody there. So I get up again. I'm like scared at this point and I go on the door and then there was nobody there. So I get up again. I'm like scared at this pointand I go and I look and again there's nobody there. I look in a park in the parking lot out the window and I see a random man walking around and so I'm like absolutely fucking not.

Speaker 13276.26s - 3304.22s

So and I had said I'll be right back like there's somebody at the door and I put the headphones down and then I'm in my own hell because this is the second time that there's nobody there.I called John Paul and I was like there was two knocks at the door and I tried to turn the porch light on and it won't turn on and I saw a random man. He's like, it's okay, it's okay, just don't open the door or whatever. So finally it happens again and I look out the people and it's our neighbor who comes by very randomly. He's an older man.He's always like, oh, I picked up two of these at the store.

Speaker 103304.32s - 3325.6s

Here's one or whatever. So I opened the door and he's like I kept knocking but you I didn't know if you were home I was like you scared me so bad he was trying to give us brownies yeah I was like you scared me so bad and then I'm standing there talking to him and then my dad walks up and then John Paul PERSON walks up and I was like it was so embarrassing I was like it's fine it was just him and they're like are you up and then John Paul walks up. And I was like, it was so embarrassing.

Speaker 03325.78s - 3326.82s

I was like, it's fine.

Speaker 13326.88s - 3327.72s

It was just him.

Speaker 03327.76s - 3328.76s

And they're like, are you sure?

Speaker 13329.76s - 3330.6s

And then who's he?

Speaker 93332.06s - 3334.06s

And then he was like, oh, well, I'm sorry.

Speaker 13334.14s - 3335.7s

I didn't mean to scare you, you know.

Speaker 93335.76s - 3336.68s

And I was like, it's okay.

Speaker 13337.02s - 3342.46s

But I was like, I'm going to be fine because both of them were like. And then I thought about it. And I was like, I never got back on the game.

Speaker 03342.82s - 3345.76s

I was like, there's somebody at the door and then I just fucking disappeared.

Speaker 13347.6s - 3347.78s

So I could see why my dad showed up.

Speaker 93350.1s - 3353.14s

And then I wasn't expecting you to come. But yeah, it was in the light had just burned out.

Speaker 13353.3s - 3354.86s

Nobody had, nobody had, nobody had loosened it.

Speaker 03355.48s - 3359.36s

So, but yeah, it was, it was the first thing I thought of was the fucking strangers.

Speaker 93359.48s - 3363.36s

And they loosen the thing so that they're shrouded in darkness on the porch.

Speaker 33363.6s - 3366.9s

It's like, no, you're never going to catch me fucking slipping like that. I'm not opening the fucking door. Yeah. And I think the thing so that they're shrouded in darkness on the porch. It's like, no, you're never going to catch me fucking slipping like that.

Speaker 13366.96s - 3368.24s

I'm not opening the fucking door.

Speaker 93368.36s - 3368.66s


Speaker 13369.06s - 3373.7s

And I think the thing with the light bulb, again, why isn't he communicating this with Kristen PERSON?

Speaker 03374.5s - 3374.86s


Speaker 13375.02s - 3377.18s

It's not even that he's not communicating it.

Speaker 93377.26s - 3378.22s

It's looking at him.

Speaker 53378.3s - 3382.08s

It doesn't even look like he thinks this is strange or sinister at all.

Speaker 03382.34s - 3382.96s

He's just like, huh.

Speaker 23383.64s - 3386.72s

Okay, well, what about the living room light? Turn that on then. Yeah.

Speaker 03386.72s - 3387.64s

Something you're right there.

Speaker 23387.74s - 3389.24s

Get some kind of light on.

Speaker 53389.6s - 3392.44s

Or, I mean, after that, and that was a weird interaction.

Speaker 23392.66s - 3393.38s

Yeah, it was.

Speaker 53393.54s - 3400.54s

I mean, like, hey, honey, let's lock all the doors. Yes. I know I'm still sleeping on the couch or whatever. Well, I'm by the front door.

Speaker 03400.54s - 3400.8s


Speaker 53401.6s - 3403.88s

I'll keep you safe. I keep people safe.

Speaker 03404.3s - 3405.18s

That's marriage material. That's people safe. That's marriage material.

Speaker 53405.18s - 3406.46s

That's marriage material. I've ever seen it.

Speaker 03410.22s - 3454.42s

But James and Kristen disappear into the house and we paned down the street to the nearby woods. The house is silent, but for the hissing sound of the record spinning on the player. James sits on the couch,but Kristen PERSON sits across the room at the kitchen table. The mood has been broken, and they've both sunken back into the awkwardness of their situation. Kristen breaks the silence when she sees the empty cigarette pack on the table next to her. She mutters that she's out, and James immediately volunteers to go and get her more. Kristen protests, explaining that she didn't mean for him to go do that, and he doesn't have to. She says that she'll just go to sleep because she's tired anyway, but James tells her that she didn't mean for him to go do that and he doesn't have to. She says that she'll just go to sleep because she's tired anyway.But James tells her that she won't. And when Kristen PERSON can't argue with this, she concedes that she can try.

Speaker 53454.5s - 3456.24s

He's like, Kristen PERSON, you are addicted to nicotine.

Speaker 03457.38s - 3458.5s

You're not sleeping tonight.

Speaker 53458.58s - 3459.24s

There is no way.

Speaker 03459.3s - 3459.76s

I know you.

Speaker 53461.92s - 3463.6s

What are you doing, dude?

Speaker 23464.06s - 3464.92s

After what just happened?

Speaker 53464.92s - 3465.08s

Yeah. And I'm sorry, but we see something in a second that is absolute bullshit because I, what are you doing, dude? After what just happened?

Speaker 23465.14s - 3473.24s

Yeah. And I'm sorry, but we see something in a second that is absolute bullshit because she is not out of cigarettes. Oh,

Speaker 73473.24s - 3473.82s


Speaker 23473.82s - 3473.84s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 73473.84s - 3474.84s


Speaker 53474.84s - 3476.66s

I didn't even think about that either.

Speaker 03476.78s - 3477.74s

There's another really,

Speaker 53477.74s - 3479.98s

really funny inconsistency coming up

Speaker 03479.98s - 3480.96s

that made me not that loud.

Speaker 53481.06s - 3481.2s


Speaker 03482.32s - 3484.78s

James reasons that he wants to drive around anyway

Speaker 23484.78s - 3487.5s

and offers to light her a fire before he goes.

Speaker 03488.06s - 3490.22s

Kristen PERSON comes over as he prepares the fireplace

Speaker 23490.22s - 3492.56s

and he tells her that while she was in the bath,

Speaker 63492.8s - 3495.94s

he was thinking about it and he wants her to take the car back tomorrow.

Speaker 23496.5s - 3501.88s

When she's confused, he elaborates that he just doesn't think a road trip is a good idea right now.

Speaker 03502.36s - 3505.72s

He says that he called Mike and he'll be there to pick him up in the morning.

Speaker 53506.4s - 3511.96s

It, I will say, it is astounding how he just did not at all plan for anything

Speaker 73511.96s - 3513.3s

but yes, yes.

Speaker 03513.98s - 3514.54s


Speaker 73514.92s - 3515.76s

But an enthusiastic.

Speaker 93517.76s - 3519.86s

Like for a road trip to be planned after.

Speaker 23521.02s - 3523.76s

No, but you can still, again,

Speaker 53523.86s - 3525.12s

you can still do that.

Speaker 23525.22s - 3526.58s

You guys are still together.

Speaker 73526.74s - 3527.18s


Speaker 23527.78s - 3531.12s

His ego is wounded and he can't get past it.

Speaker 93531.26s - 3531.72s

I get it.

Speaker 23531.72s - 3532.84s

It's really annoying.

Speaker 103533.16s - 3533.78s

I get it.

Speaker 23533.84s - 3537.32s

But come on, dude, again, we're here.

Speaker 03537.46s - 3542.78s

If not, then let's take this time to reflect and let's talk about it or let's figure out whatever.

Speaker 23543.12s - 3544.46s

You're just not ready.

Speaker 03544.68s - 3545.52s

Let's just go have fun. Yeah. Let's just go have fun.

Speaker 23545.66s - 3545.86s


Speaker 53546s - 3549.84s

Let's just go have some fucking fun then. Instead, you're going to drive around brooding like the Batman.

Speaker 03550.06s - 3553.2s

Yes. Yeah. Really? Speedman.

Speaker 63553.36s - 3553.52s


Speaker 53554.56s - 3555.36s

Brooding like the flash.

Speaker 03557.5s - 3561.46s

It just annoys me because it's like you made this decision that you guys are going to get

Speaker 53561.46s - 3568.24s

married clearly without any conversation or without consulting her. You've made the decision that Mike is going to go pick you up in the morning.

Speaker 63568.38s - 3571.96s

You've made the decision that we're not going on this road trip. You made the decision that

Speaker 53571.96s - 3575.58s

she's taking the car back by herself. That's probably why she doesn't want to fucking marry.

Speaker 03575.58s - 3581.9s

Yeah. There's no, there's no communication here. There's no nothing. And it, it, narratively,

Speaker 93582.44s - 3585.74s

Kristen PERSON at times does feel like a bit of a footnote.

Speaker 13586.2s - 3588.28s

And that is one thing that I never really noticed

Speaker 93588.28s - 3589.86s

and I don't really like.

Speaker 03590.2s - 3593.24s

But she's very passive. Yeah.

Speaker 103593.76s - 3597.6s

And in these moments, it's like, I just don't like James.

Speaker 03597.72s - 3598.86s

I just don't like him.

Speaker 103599.82s - 3602.8s

All Kristen PERSON can do, though, is not her head and look down.

Speaker 03603.22s - 3624.82s

After a moment, she asks if he's sure that that's what he wants. He tells her yes. And once the fire is lit, he tells her abruptly that he'll be back. He offers that they can talk more when he gets back. But if she doesn't want to, they don't have to. Kristen PERSON nods at this.And James asks if she'll be okay. And she assures him that she will before thanking him for lighting the fire.

Speaker 23625.9s - 3639.96s

But see, and even that, like, after the scene ended, I was like, dude, you, before you guys were interrupted by Sam PERSON and you slipped it in or whatever. You guys made up. Even if you got interrupted, that's a big makeup. Honestly.

Speaker 53640.32s - 3650.02s

You guys are getting intimate. You're whatever. You made up in some form. You guys are okay. And this should whatever. You made up in some form. You guys are okay. And this should bond you as well, this odd experience.

Speaker 43650.14s - 3650.46s


Speaker 23650.64s - 3651.44s

Of what just happened.

Speaker 43651.62s - 3652.82s

And I didn't even think of that.

Speaker 73652.92s - 3654.9s

But then he shuts the door and he's like, so you fucking hate me still?

Speaker 43654.98s - 3655.3s


Speaker 73655.84s - 3660.26s

You both. It's like, what? You were just about to sleep with each other on the counter.

Speaker 23660.26s - 3660.58s


Speaker 03660.68s - 3663.26s

And then this weird thing happened. We're here together.

Speaker 43663.38s - 3667.04s

Yeah. What the fuck? He literally said in her ear, you're my girl.

Speaker 13667.18s - 3667.58s


Speaker 03667.8s - 3670.32s

And now he's like, it's no time for a fucking road trip.

Speaker 13670.68s - 3671.46s

Gotham ORG needs me.

Speaker 03672.76s - 3673.4s

He's saying, what?

Speaker 13677.12s - 3680.06s

But James quickly tells her that she's welcome and leaves.

Speaker 03680.6s - 3688.1s

Once outside, he chugs more of the champagne bottle before tossing it out into the lawn while Kristen PERSON stares reflectively at the fireplace.

Speaker 13688.94s - 3690.14s

James gets behind the wheel.

Speaker 03690.44s - 3690.68s


Speaker 13691.34s - 3691.96s

And drives away.

Speaker 03692.12s - 3692.28s


Speaker 13693.18s - 3695.24s

He's just adding up the charges for me.

Speaker 03696.12s - 3699.02s

Now alone in the house, Kristen PERSON starts another record.

Speaker 13699.58s - 3705.62s

Sprout in the bean by Joanna Newsom PERSON begins as she pulls her hair back and plucks up the ring box from

Speaker 03705.62s - 3706.52s

the kitchen table.

Speaker 13707.3s - 3710.82s

Kristen PERSON slides the ring onto her finger and looks at it for a moment.

Speaker 03711.24s - 3714.42s

But when she tries to pull it off, she finds it to be stuck.

Speaker 43714.82s - 3719.12s

He put glue in it. It's like, I knew you tried it on.

Speaker 13720.32s - 3722s

It's one of those machine gun gallery rings.

Speaker 43722.52s - 3723.28s

Oh, God.

Speaker 13724.02s - 3725.06s

Jesus Christ PERSON. Don't go there. Not that,alley rings. Oh, God. Jesus Christ.

Speaker 43725.58s - 3726.38s

Don't go there.

Speaker 13727.12s - 3728.12s

Not that, not that.

Speaker 43728.24s - 3729.32s

No, not that though.

Speaker 13730.58s - 3734.32s

She gives up and leaves it on her finger before wandering the house.

Speaker 43735.14s - 3738.76s

She plays a few notes on the piano before sitting tearfully on the couch.

Speaker 13739.38s - 3743.06s

She gets up and gets a beer from the kitchen and continues to look around.

Speaker 43743.78s - 3746.08s

On a doorframe, the heights for James

Speaker 13746.08s - 3752.32s

and his brother Stephen are captured in Penn as the years past the family by. Kristen PERSON is holding

Speaker 03752.32s - 3758.56s

her beer and looking longingly at this when there is another knock at the door. As Sprouten PERSON the

Speaker 13758.56s - 3764.08s

bean continues eerily from the record, Kristen PERSON sets her bottle down and looks fearfully at the door.

Speaker 03764.68s - 3765.76s

As she slowly walks toward it, there is another loud knock. Kristen PERSON approaches the door. Kristen sets her bottle down and looks fearfully at the door. As she slowly walks

Speaker 43765.76s - 3771.44s

toward it, there is another loud knock. Kristen PERSON approaches the door just as the knocks begin

Speaker 03771.44s - 3779.64s

again, but she doesn't answer it. She asks, hello? I feel like at the time this film came out,

Speaker 53779.72s - 3783.9s

I remember reading somewhere that a lot of the scares they didn't know were coming. Yeah.

Speaker 03784.26s - 3799.24s

Because her neck tenses in such a real way that you cannot imitate. Yeah. Here and even as the film goes on, they said they had crew members running around and banging on random walls and doors and windows.

Speaker 103799.78s - 3804.46s

So, like, you know the scene that you're filming, but she had no idea when the sounds were coming,

Speaker 53804.56s - 3806.7s

where they were coming from, how loud they were going to be. And you see it here that you're filming but she had no idea when the sounds were coming where they were coming from how loud they were going to be

Speaker 103806.7s - 3808.56s

and you see it here you're right

Speaker 13808.56s - 3810.68s

it is very very authentic

Speaker 03810.68s - 3835.68s

from the other side of the door and the same calm and flat voice the woman asks is Tamara PERSON home Kristen PERSON reminds her that she already came by here and when the woman asks if she's sure, Kristen PERSON doesn't answer.But when she hears the departing footsteps, she turns the deadbolt into place. Why are we just now doing that? Yeah.

Speaker 23835.88s - 3852.2s

Great question. I pause the movie for a second. You mean to tell me the whole time that door's been unlocked. Apparently. I was mad.

Speaker 53852.38s - 3857.32s

I'm sorry. You're like, can I see your hands please? Because they're like made of bricks or something.

Speaker 23858.24s - 3864.4s

Or we've got a problem that needs attention. Is that why you're here? You need help. Yeah, no shit.

Speaker 53864.4s - 3867.82s

Because you don't need to be coming to my house at 4-0, maybe 4-10 now.

Speaker 13867.9s - 3869.02s

Yeah, probably 4-10.

Speaker 43869.1s - 3871s

In the morning and knocking like that.

Speaker 13871.16s - 3873.22s

And there's nothing ever said about that.

Speaker 43873.22s - 3876.68s

Like in a real-life situation, if somebody's knocking on your door at 4-10 in the

Speaker 13876.68s - 3880.32s

morning like that, you would wrench the door open and be like, what the fuck is wrong with you?

Speaker 43881s - 3881.24s


Speaker 13881.24s - 3881.28s


Speaker 43881.28s - 3881.32s


Speaker 13881.32s - 3882.44s

Do you know what time it is?

Speaker 43882.52s - 3883.5s

The clock says it's 4-10.

Speaker 13883.66s - 3883.9s


Speaker 53885.24s - 3885.28s

Yeah. Yeah. You know what? I didn't think The clock says it's 4.10. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 13886.48s - 3887.44s

You know what?

Speaker 63887.52s - 3888.52s

I didn't think about it.

Speaker 03888.64s - 3890.34s

They are chilling like it's the afternoon.

Speaker 63890.46s - 3890.86s


Speaker 03891.06s - 3893.58s

Or like they just had dinner and then it's like, dude.

Speaker 53894.1s - 3894.58s

It is.

Speaker 03894.64s - 3896.14s

It's four in the fucking morning.

Speaker 23896.28s - 3896.74s


Speaker 03897.32s - 3897.52s


Speaker 73897.58s - 3897.84s

That's it.

Speaker 23897.88s - 3898.66s

I'm godly.

Speaker 73902.66s - 3903.66s

Visibly spooked.

Speaker 23903.66s - 3905.24s

She heads back into the house,

Speaker 73905.62s - 3908.48s

rattled at the sound of the wind chimes outside being disturbed.

Speaker 03909.36s - 3912.34s

Kristen PERSON goes to the sliding glass doors looking over the backyard.

Speaker 73912.96s - 3916.36s

She peeks through the curtain to see a light flickering outside the barn.

Speaker 03916.96s - 3921.76s

The jingling of the wind chimes continue, but when she closes the curtains, they stop.

Speaker 23922.24s - 3925.54s

That was something that I noticed this time that I did like.

Speaker 03925.64s - 3941.04s

It was the wind chimes. Yeah. The fire crackles loudly and when Kristen PERSON looks back toward the living room, she sees smoke billowing in through the fireplace. She reaches over the fire to open the flu, but the damage has been done and the smoke alarm begins to screech.

Speaker 53941.6s - 3942.98s

It's like James did that on purpose.

Speaker 03944.72s - 3945.66s

Thanks, James. Smoke her ass out did that on purpose. Thanks, James.

Speaker 53946.16s - 3947.2s

Smoke her ass out.

Speaker 43947.7s - 3948.98s

It's like, Jesus, James.

Speaker 03949.14s - 3950.28s

You wanted to smoke, right?

Speaker 43950.74s - 3952.32s

You needed to smoke, right?

Speaker 03952.96s - 3954.4s

It's like, oh my God.

Speaker 43958.64s - 3960.34s

Kristen PERSON climbs up on a chair,

Speaker 03960.46s - 3963.34s

but still has to jump to shut the smoke alarm off.

Speaker 103963.34s - 3965.56s

As the alarm falls to the ground,

Speaker 03965.76s - 3971.7s

there's another loud knock at the door. Kristen PERSON freezes and stares at the door, her face

Speaker 53971.7s - 3982.58s

frozen in fear. These knocks, and again, it kind of lends to what we were talking about a little bit in the intro of certain moments fitting a little better in other subgenres. Yeah. These knocks are

Speaker 03982.58s - 3988.3s

inhuman. Yes. And there are moments where I'm like, are we telling a supernatural story?

Speaker 33988.46s - 3988.8s


Speaker 53988.9s - 3990.2s

The answer is no.

Speaker 33990.2s - 3994.68s

And I don't think that we should be telling a supernatural story because that takes away

Speaker 103994.68s - 3996.64s

from what makes this film scary.

Speaker 33996.8s - 3999.62s

But there are moments where it's like, are you sure though?

Speaker 103999.82s - 4000.1s


Speaker 24000.72s - 4010.6s

And even that, I think too, saying into that, because at this time, you've come enough to where I'm going to have, that fire poker is going to be in my hand.

Speaker 104010.68s - 4011.76s

I mean, you know what I mean?

Speaker 24011.96s - 4013.56s

Enough weird stuff has happened.

Speaker 04013.8s - 4015.34s

The fireplace was just fine.

Speaker 24015.42s - 4015.98s

Now this.

Speaker 104016.14s - 4016.84s

Then the knocking.

Speaker 04017.46s - 4018.52s

Now here it is again.

Speaker 74018.7s - 4020.42s

Why still have you not armed yourself?

Speaker 04020.54s - 4020.84s


Speaker 74021.04s - 4021.86s

You're by yourself.

Speaker 54022s - 4024.36s

This dude took off. Yeah. At 4.12 in the morning.

Speaker 24024.52s - 4024.76s

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 54025.24s - 4025.84s

According to clock. You're by yourself. This dude took all. Yeah. At 4.12 in the morning. Yeah. According to the clock.

Speaker 04025.84s - 4031.88s

Kristen doesn't answer the singular abrupt knocks.

Speaker 94032.32s - 4036.22s

Instead, she rushes to her bag and pulls out her phone.

Speaker 04036.66s - 4041.48s

But when she finds it dead, she takes out her charger and crawls over to the outlet next to

Speaker 54041.48s - 4042.06s

the fireplace.

Speaker 04042.74s - 4047.62s

When she gets her phone plugged in and is trying to power it up, the knocking starts again.

Speaker 54048.74s - 4053.04s

Leaving her phone to charge, Kristen PERSON goes into the bedroom instead to use the landline.

Speaker 04053.5s - 4074.78s

She calls James as she peeks out the window, and she asks where he is. She tells him that that girl came back and she keeps knocking on the door. Her view from the window doesn't reveal anything to her besides a road lit with street lamps and littered with trees. She asserts that she heard her voice and that she didn't open the door. So I'm like, is James like, are you sure it was her?

Speaker 54074.94s - 4077.02s

I'm like, why is she saying I heard her voice?

Speaker 14077.1s - 4077.44s


Speaker 54077.6s - 4079.48s

Because she sounds like, come on.

Speaker 14079.48s - 4086.8s

And I'm sorry, again, this feeds into an idea that I'm sure that we all had.

Speaker 54087.14s - 4087.44s


Speaker 04087.8s - 4090.22s

His absence is very convenient.

Speaker 94090.54s - 4090.76s


Speaker 04090.76s - 4095.5s

And it never occurred to me any other time watching it, but watching it now, I'm like,

Speaker 94095.54s - 4100.5s

if I would have seen this for the first time right now, this is, I'd be like, oh, clearly, it's blank.

Speaker 04100.62s - 4100.98s


Speaker 54101.98s - 4111.28s

She glances out into the hall and we get a lingering view of the smoke alarm on the floor as she tells James that her phone battery was dead and she's charging it.

Speaker 04111.86s - 4123.3s

She changes out of her dress into a black tank top, a flannel shirt and jeans asking James to just come back home. She says that she's fine, but she still asks him to hurry. I'm not fine. No.

Speaker 54123.64s - 4128.74s

Where the fuck are you? Why are you gone for what is the clock saying? I believe it's 4.15.

Speaker 04129.9s - 4131.26s

Like, come on.

Speaker 54131.46s - 4134.66s

And he's just like casting himself in a sad music video.

Speaker 04136.22s - 4137.8s

You know he is.

Speaker 54138.28s - 4139.34s

Fake plastic trees, I think.

Speaker 04139.68s - 4139.9s


Speaker 54143.02s - 4145.86s

As she buttons her flannel shirt and heads into the kitchen,

Speaker 14146.06s - 4147.88s

she asks how far away he is.

Speaker 04148.28s - 4152.4s

When her nervous hands find her last cigarette, supposedly apparently,

Speaker 84153.44s - 4154.74s

perched on a small dish,

Speaker 04154.82s - 4218.6s

she picks it up, asking James to just stay on the phone with her. But as soon as she asks this, the call is disconnected. She abandons the phone on the table and lights her cigarette, pacing the kitchen and dining area.As she does, in the hallway behind her, someone steps out of the darkness. And what is arguably the most iconic shot of the film? Man in Mask, played by Kip Weeks PERSON, stands in plain view behind Kristen PERSON. He wears an ill-fitted brown suit and has a dingy maskpulled over his face. Holes cut out for his eyes and a crude upturned line painted on to symbolize a sick smile. Kristen PERSON is completely oblivious as she heads into the kitchen and gets a glass of water from the tap. As she drinks, the man in the mask stands in the doorway, swaying subtly on his feet as he watches her. Kristen PERSON finally turns around to lean her back against the sink as she drinks, but when we see the doorway again, there is no trace of him. I just want to talk about that shot,

Speaker 54219.1s - 4229.02s

the iconic one of him kind of stepping into the frame. There is something about these wide shots in this film where you start to investigate everything.

Speaker 04229.16s - 4229.5s


Speaker 54229.8s - 4242.84s

And you fear that something may be lurking or you just feel very uneasy and uncertain. Right. The cinematographer was a guy called Peter Sova and he has credits going back to the 1970s.

Speaker 04243.06s - 4243.62s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 54243.8s - 4261.9s

I think he shot Donnie Brasco PERSON as well. Damn. But just the use of the camera in this film, I really appreciate it a lot. The way that we get these insert shots of different items, the way that it's so wide and we feel like anything can happen. This shot in particular is just one of the best shots in the film period.

Speaker 04262.22s - 4265.06s

Yes. Because there is no sting.

Speaker 84265.48s - 4266.84s

There is no anything.

Speaker 74266.84s - 4269.36s

It's just a matter of you seeing this happen,

Speaker 84270s - 4271.46s

her not seeing this happen.

Speaker 74271.58s - 4271.82s


Speaker 04272.12s - 4274.22s

And you realizing what the fuck is going on.

Speaker 74274.26s - 4275.76s

That would have ruined it.

Speaker 84275.84s - 4277.04s

Any kind of musical sting.

Speaker 54277.44s - 4282.14s

And Kip Weeks had said that he and Liv Tyler PERSON were nervous about it because they

Speaker 04282.14s - 4284.54s

were like, how can she not see him out of the corner of her eye?

Speaker 54284.82s - 4286.1s

But when they showed it,

Speaker 94286.18s - 4289.52s

he said that got the biggest reaction of anything in the whole film,

Speaker 24289.66s - 4290.72s


Speaker 04291.5s - 4293.92s

So I did want to see what else Kip Weeks PERSON was in,

Speaker 94294.22s - 4297.7s

and I found that he did a Glory Road in 06,

Speaker 24298.28s - 4309.42s

totally baked in 07. All right. Yes, it's a stoner film. But he also did a movie with Mark Wahlberg, Spencer's Confessional on Netflix ORG.

Speaker 54310.14s - 4312.2s

What? Yeah, I was like, what is this?

Speaker 24312.36s - 4315.12s

Yeah. Knew that you would have to talk about that one.

Speaker 74315.22s - 4316.88s

Oh, yeah. Naturally.

Speaker 54318.12s - 4331.28s

Something else I'm realizing about when I had mentioned earlier, these classic homages. Yeah. The stepping into the frame silently with nobody noticing you and wearing a white mask,it's more Halloween.

Speaker 04331.78s - 4334.52s

Absolutely. And there is a head tilt later on

Speaker 54334.52s - 4338.3s

that I'm like, that is, it has to be a nod. It has to be an homage.

Speaker 104338.6s - 4338.9s


Speaker 04339.82s - 4366.46s

I did want to talk about Kip Weeks PERSON as well because I watched an interview with him on the like Scream Factory ORG special feature Blu-ray thing. And he said that he, he did audition for this. There is somebody who didn't.And we'll talk about that later. It's a very interesting story. But he got the character breakdown before he ever got a script. And so they were just basically like, this is the character that you're playing. And for the

Speaker 54366.46s - 4372.9s

audition, they said that he had to sing a folk song. Really? Yeah. So he Googled it and found a song called

Speaker 04372.9s - 4383.7s

Down by the Dead Man WORK_OF_ART. And he remembered that when he was a kid, he used to be able to play the spoons. So he said he went into the audition and he sang Down by the Dead Man WORK_OF_ART and played the spoons for them.

Speaker 84383.9s - 4391.46s

And so his manager called him was like, look, you they loved you um you're gonna start filming in florence and so he's

Speaker 04391.46s - 4398.08s

like florence so he and his wife are looking up all these you know Italian NORP architecture

Speaker 94398.08s - 4403.84s

all these Italian NORP museums that they want to go to restaurants that they want to eat at and then

Speaker 64403.84s - 4407.2s

the next day his manager was like, it's Florence, South Carolina GPE.

Speaker 94407.8s - 4407.84s


Speaker 04410.06s - 4411.26s

Like Paris, Texas GPE.

Speaker 54411.38s - 4411.76s


Speaker 04412.12s - 4422.32s

And so he was like, so that was a little disappointing. But he said that he knew he had to find a way to make an impact without you being able to see his full face.

Speaker 104422.5s - 4426.96s

And without you being able to hear his voice because he does not speak. Yeah.

Speaker 04427.44s - 4445s

He said that he had taken his child. I think he said that they were like four at the time to the zoo and they went to see the guerrillas. And he's watching, he's watching their eyes and their expressions and the way that they can communicate their feelings without saying anything.And he was like, that's it. The man in the mask is the gorilla behind the feelings without saying anything. And he was like, that's it.

Speaker 104448.62s - 4450.18s

The man in the mask is the gorilla behind the plexiglass. Wow. Okay.

Speaker 04451.42s - 4477.72s

So he said it is slow, simple movements that that's the key to his performance and that he, that was his inspiration for the character. And it is interesting because we haven't met them all yet, but there are three of them. And they together came up with a backstory for their characters. And they each have their own motivation for who they think the person that they're playingis. And we'll talk about that later on. But the work that went into this, when you don't see their

Speaker 54477.72s - 4489.7s

faces, it's very, it's really cool. Yeah. I think the introduction of these strangers. Yeah, yeah. Is probably my favorite thing about the film. Yeah.

Speaker 04490.14s - 4494.78s

How they look, how they act, and how they move. Yeah.

Speaker 54495.3s - 4499.46s

And it is borrowing a lot, but it's borrowing in a way that you, it's a hat tip.

Speaker 04499.72s - 4531.04s

Right, right. But from deeper in the house, a door closes. Panic distorts Kristen PERSON's face, but she keeps her voice calm when she calls out hopefully for James. But listening to her instinct,she rummages through a drawer and pulls out a knife. She goes to the table and snatches up the phone, trying it again to no avail. We move shakily toward the hallway with her. But as the tension mounts, it's broken by a loud knockat the front door. That's something else I noticed too. Every shot has movement.

Speaker 84531.84s - 4533.08s

Like a person,

Speaker 04533.44s - 4537.98s

like we're watching this through ourselves and not through like a stationary camera.

Speaker 24538.4s - 4550.36s

Yeah, I didn't notice that until your sister brought that up to me this morning when we were preparing to record. And we were watching it again. And I was like, it does. The whole time it is, it's never just steady.

Speaker 54550.92s - 4556.4s

Well, there are some moments that do, you don't realize it, they feel handheld. Yeah.

Speaker 04556.78s - 4562.78s

Where even they're just sitting at the table and it's kind of like bobbing a little. Yeah. And you're like, huh, that is true.

Speaker 54562.9s - 4566.26s

It's one of those where you, when you notice it, you can't really unsee it.

Speaker 04566.34s - 4568.42s

And it's the whole film.

Speaker 54569.3s - 4574.92s

But in her fear, Kristen PERSON grabs a hold of the back of the chair she climbed on to stop the smoke alarm from going off.

Speaker 04575.24s - 4673.82s

But when she looks down on it, her face goes slack with horror. The detector that had fallen to the floor and stayed on the floor is now neatly placed in the seat of the chair. She covers her mouth, but doesn't even have time to react when a loud scraping noise is heard just beyond the front door. Kristen PERSON hurries over to her phone, which she had left plugged into the outlet by the fireplace, but she finds her phone charger cut and broken. She slinks down to the floor, panting and whispering that this isn't happening.She rocks and breathes deeply, repeating it to herself as the doorknob rattles. Loud clanging comes from outside the windows, and Kristen PERSON rises shakily to her feet. The scraping sound starts again, but this time it's coming from beyond the sliding glass door. Kristen PERSON approaches it slowly, using the blade of the knife to pull the curtains open, but jerking her hand back when the scraping gets louder and then stops. She grabs onto the curtain and rips it aside, revealing the man in the mask on the other side of the door.The two stare at each other as Kristen PERSON lets loose a horrified scream, and the man in the mask places his hand menacingly against the door. The two stare at each other as Kristen lets loose a horrified scream and the man in the mask places his hand menacingly against the glass. So her screams are great. She had said that she was worried about being able to because again this is not a genre that she had really done before, but Bertino PERSON had told her not to practice and ruin the authenticity. I guess because Kristen would not just be screaming every day.It should be something that is startled out of you.

Speaker 94674.04s - 4676.2s

So he told her not to practice it,

Speaker 04676.24s - 4687.2s

and the first time she did it on set, everyone was surprised. And it said that she had screamed so much and been so rough on her throat that she

Speaker 54687.2s - 4695.14s

developed tonsillitis. Oh, no. Yeah. I am not surprised. Yeah. I mean, and like the physical

Speaker 04695.14s - 4713.8s

toll that it took, and we'll talk about her feet a little bit later, but he, Bertino PERSON had her and Scott Speedman PERSON running laps around the set before the scene started so that they would be out of breath and tired and a little bit sweaty when it started

Speaker 14713.8s - 4714.8s

because she was like,

Speaker 94714.84s - 4717.9s

because we can't just start it at that intensity

Speaker 14717.9s - 4719.92s

of not being able to breathe and whatever.

Speaker 04720.22s - 4721.84s

But on one of the featureettes,

Speaker 94721.94s - 4729.58s

you see her running back and forth and getting ready for him to call action so that they would already be, I mean, just beaten down.

Speaker 54729.82s - 4734.54s

If I'm not mistaken, I think I read in the production notes that it was shot mostly chronologically. Yeah.

Speaker 04734.94s - 4737.1s

So that, I mean, helps to.

Speaker 54737.1s - 4738.7s

Yeah, get you back to that level.

Speaker 04739.84s - 4743.44s

So not quite, Ramey PERSON, but, you know, not quite.

Speaker 24743.68s - 4745.04s

It's like running line up, God. I did not sign up for this. No, what are you know, not quite. It's like running laps, God.

Speaker 04745.76s - 4747.18s

I did not sign up for this.

Speaker 24747.18s - 4749.14s

No, what are you the gym coach from Elm Street FAC, too?

Speaker 54753.06s - 4759.48s

But Kip Weeks PERSON had said as well that the moment that she sees him on the other side of the glass is when the entire film changes.

Speaker 24759.86s - 4766.6s

And I think that's true because things have been scary and you did see this girl come up and the girl did come back and you talked to her through the door.

Speaker 54766.76s - 4770.48s

But you've not seen anything horrifying until this moment.

Speaker 04770.72s - 4770.96s


Speaker 24771.4s - 4774.52s

And I mean that is, yeah, because it kind of feels more like a mystery.

Speaker 04774.84s - 4775.12s


Speaker 34775.38s - 4777.18s

Now it's like, oh, so this is what we're doing.

Speaker 54777.4s - 4777.64s


Speaker 24777.74s - 4781.84s

Well, and it's like, you know, moving, fucking with her phone and the smoke alarm and stuff.

Speaker 54782.14s - 4785.32s

It's like we both know that something is happening,

Speaker 04785.5s - 4788.34s

but now it's like, oh no, I'm making myself visible to you.

Speaker 24788.44s - 4790.46s

Like, we're ramping it up.

Speaker 04790.58s - 4790.8s


Speaker 24791.52s - 4794.4s

Kristen PERSON backs away, bumping into the record player

Speaker 54794.4s - 4797.8s

and causing a snippet of my first lover by Jillian Welch

Speaker 24797.8s - 4800.22s

to skip and loop over and over.

Speaker 04800.94s - 4803.82s

Kristen PERSON stares at the door as it opens in slow motion.

Speaker 24804.48s - 4827.1s

She moves over to it slowly, hunched over with the knife out in front of her. But when she reaches the crack in the door, doll face, played by Gemma Ward PERSON, thrusts her face towards her. Her mask is that of a doll's face, thin arched brows, huge black eyes, bright pink blush and a smiling mouth with pouty black lips.

Speaker 04827.54s - 4831.8s

Her blonde hair gives her away as the woman who was asking for Tamara PERSON earlier.

Speaker 34832.62s - 4838.04s

I feel like this reveal is so expertly done.

Speaker 04838.54s - 4838.88s


Speaker 54839.12s - 4842.16s

I love, firstly, the skipping record is terrifying.

Speaker 04842.38s - 4842.58s


Speaker 104842.58s - 4843.66s

It's so scary.

Speaker 04843.92s - 4845.04s

Just have in the background. But you have that accompanied by the pounding record is terrifying. Yeah. It's so scary. Just have in the background.

Speaker 54845.34s - 4850.76s

But to have that accompanied by the pounding on the door and this slow motion shot of that door opening.

Speaker 04851.28s - 4853.94s

Just that one insert shot sells everything.

Speaker 54854.22s - 4854.42s


Speaker 74854.52s - 4859.02s

And I literally, I remember the first time we saw this and this moment happened and I'm sitting in the theater.

Speaker 54859.16s - 4860.62s

I'm like 16, 17 years old.

Speaker 04860.66s - 4862.08s

I'm like, guys, I don't know if I can handle this.

Speaker 74862.62s - 4864.84s

I don't know if I can do this.

Speaker 54867.74s - 4876.3s

So Gemma Ward PERSON, I, you know, looked in all of them. Let's see. And her, I was, it was interesting

Speaker 44876.3s - 4882.04s

because you look them up and then, you know, some people do come from different jobs or other places

Speaker 24882.04s - 4891.92s

of the industry. And Gemma looks like she had started modeling in O2. She's from Australia GPE. She was the youngest model to be on the cover of Vogue ORG.

Speaker 94892.38s - 4892.94s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 74892.94s - 4894.64s

She was found at 15.

Speaker 94895.6s - 4900.04s

And at a TV show, it's a search for a supermodel in Australia GPE.

Speaker 74900.36s - 4903.02s

She was in the crowd, in the audience.

Speaker 94903.2s - 4903.44s


Speaker 04904.46s - 4905.18s

They had to search

Speaker 74905.18s - 4905.86s


Speaker 04905.86s - 4905.88s


Speaker 74905.88s - 4909.6s

Anna Wintour

Speaker 84909.6s - 4911.48s

had selected her to be featured

Speaker 74911.48s - 4913.82s

in the It Girl WORK_OF_ART of the supermodel world

Speaker 84913.82s - 4915.62s

I guess it's a thing they do

Speaker 24915.62s - 4925.18s

That's like if this is what you do You've made it And modeling I'm not very familiar with modeling Myself I'm not a male modelBut Surprisingly Yeah well But that is really cool Because she does a really good job I'm not very familiar with modeling myself. I'm not a male model. Surprisingly.

Speaker 04925.42s - 4926s

Yeah, well.

Speaker 24926.42s - 4934.02s

But that is really cool because she does a really good job in taking this role and being scary. Yeah.

Speaker 04934.02s - 4944.5s

You know what I mean? I read both her and another character we're going to introduce later say that it was very freeing to not have to worry about the faces they were making.

Speaker 104944.82s - 4944.96s


Speaker 04945.1s - 4955.24s

And I feel like that has to be especially true for somebody whose appearance is kind of their career or, you know, however you want to phrase it.

Speaker 14955.36s - 4959.36s

It's interesting that we don't see her face in this at all.

Speaker 104959.36s - 4964.64s

I would think, honestly, being a model is kind of the perfect background to have for this role.

Speaker 14964.88s - 4965.12s


Speaker 44965.48s - 4975.66s

Because so much of it is a matter of a pose or having this feeling perceived from the posture of your body.

Speaker 14975.82s - 4976.14s


Speaker 04976.24s - 4978.28s

And being able to convey so much.

Speaker 54978.4s - 4978.56s


Speaker 44979.24s - 4981.36s

That's very, very true.

Speaker 54981.54s - 4981.82s


Speaker 74982.7s - 4985.74s

But Kristen PERSON just slams the door and sinks down to the ground

Speaker 04985.74s - 4987.1s

with her back against it.

Speaker 74987.44s - 4990s

She holds onto the knob as the shock hits her,

Speaker 04990.16s - 4992.38s

but she quickly locks the dead bolt again

Speaker 74992.38s - 4994.04s

and runs further into the house.

Speaker 54994.56s - 4996.46s

Outside the door, glass shatters,

Speaker 04996.82s - 4998.54s

and the door shakes in its frame

Speaker 54998.54s - 5001.1s

from the banging as the doorknob rattles.

Speaker 05002.08s - 5064.12s

The song continues to loop as Kristen PERSON runs into the bedroom. She tries to hide under the bed, but she quickly finds that she can't fit. She hears glass breaking from the living room and screams at the assailants in vain to go away. But she's startled when the banging starts behind her on the window over the bed. Not wanting to give away her location, she pulls the lit lamp down from the nightstand, and in her panic, she's unable to switch it off, and when she bangs it against thefloor, we hear the crunching of glass. The light goes off, but Kristen PERSON suppresses a pained sob. The looping continues as Kristen PERSON stares in horror at the door. She crawls towards it for a tense moment, holding the knife out in front of her. But when the record scratches and the repetitive snippet of song abruptly halts, she freezes.She pants as footsteps make their way down the hall toward her. But when the person reaches the doorway, it's James. Look. It's a little suspicious.

Speaker 55064.36s - 5065.56s

That's exactly right.

Speaker 95065.9s - 5066.36s

It is.

Speaker 05066.44s - 5067.94s

And it's only feeding into our fan fiction.

Speaker 95069.24s - 5074.16s

I just feel like there's no way that he arrived on this scene without seeing any of this happening.

Speaker 55074.4s - 5074.8s

Thank you.

Speaker 25075s - 5095.02s

Yeah. That's my same note. You can't tell me this man got here and didn't see anything they did outside. Yeah. They broke the window. They were pounding on shit.They were, even if they were just smashing a brick or anything against the door, there's going to be marks. Yeah. Or if the fucking lights off again, why is this light off again outside?

Speaker 05095.2s - 5112.16s

Anything. Yeah. is Jimmy PERSON. He crosses the room over to her, asking what's wrong, but she begs and whispers for him to be quiet because someone is out there. Really, you've seen two someone's out there.

Speaker 85112.28s - 5112.52s


Speaker 05113.26s - 5139.24s

James doesn't know what she's talking about, but he's concerned when he pulls the knife from her hand and finds it bloody from her encounter with the lamp. He asks about it, but Kristen PERSON just jumps up and closes and locks the bedroom door.She slides a chair in front of it, but James pulls her away, trying to quell her panic. He sits down on the bed with her and she explains that she saw a man at the back door wearing a mask.James is like, like a ski mask?

Speaker 55139.32s - 5142.04s

That pissed me on. Doesn't matter?

Speaker 05142.22s - 5142.94s

Doesn't matter.

Speaker 105143.12s - 5144.02s

It doesn't matter at all.

Speaker 05144.62s - 5190.32s

But Kristen PERSON's like, I don't know. A fucking mask. She breaks down and sobs and James finally stands and picks up the knife from the floor. Kristen PERSON sobs and confesses that she's just so scared.But when James pulls the chair from the door and readies himself to open it, she pleads with him to stop. And a low voice as calm as he can muster, James assures her that he's right here and it's okay.He opens the door and steps out into the hallway to find. Absolutely nothing. He tells her that there's no one there and asks her to come over to him. He starts to walk down the hall and after a moment, Kristen PERSON comes out of the doorway of the bedroom. She follows James as he checks a spare bedroom and even slides the curtain to the side

Speaker 55190.32s - 5193.92s

in the bathroom. I didn't like the way he looked at her after he did the shower

Speaker 05193.92s - 5199.26s

curtain. No, I don't like any of this because she said there's someone outside. Yeah.

Speaker 55199.52s - 5202.02s

So even if you check every inch of this house and there's

Speaker 05202.02s - 5204.8s

no one here that doesn't discredit what I just

Speaker 55204.8s - 5210.28s

fucking said, there's someone out there in a mask. Yeah. Are you sure you're not just tired?

Speaker 05211.08s - 5218.42s

Are you on your period? That's why you said no, right? He's right there. He's even worse than we thought.

Speaker 55218.42s - 5225.88s

He's right there for me. Well, I was waiting and I was like, he's going to say that there's nobody in the house or there's not whatever.

Speaker 75226.06s - 5227.88s

And then he did and I was like, there it is.

Speaker 55228.36s - 5231.86s

I was like, come on, dude, you're just falling in line with what?

Speaker 75231.96s - 5232.18s


Speaker 05232.54s - 5233.32s

The trope.

Speaker 55233.44s - 5233.64s


Speaker 25234.34s - 5238.7s

They go into the kitchen and in a close shot of the fire still burning in the fireplace.

Speaker 05239.32s - 5242.72s

We see that Kristen PERSON's phone is among the flames.

Speaker 25243.08s - 5244.84s

I think we'd be able to smell that.

Speaker 05244.84s - 5245.08s

Yeah. Of course. Just thinking out loud. Justin PERSON's phone is among the flames. I think we'd be able to smell that.

Speaker 25245.7s - 5246.24s

Yeah, no.

Speaker 85248.64s - 5250.06s

I just, just thinking out loud.

Speaker 05250.86s - 5251.16s

It's burning plastic?

Speaker 25251.8s - 5252s

That's a no key.

Speaker 05252.48s - 5253.1s

It's fine.

Speaker 55254.32s - 5255.24s

It's totally fine.

Speaker 05256.66s - 5257.06s

Once they reach the garage,

Speaker 55258.82s - 5261.1s

James is sure that the house is clear, but Kristen PERSON doesn't look so convinced

Speaker 05261.1s - 5263.46s

and climbs up to look out of the high window.

Speaker 65264.12s - 5271.12s

She stares in a stunned silence, and when James asks what it is, she says, she's watching us.

Speaker 05271.84s - 5274.88s

James climbs up to look with her and he finally sees her.

Speaker 55275.44s - 5278.34s

Doll face stands in the middle of the grass outside the window.

Speaker 15279s - 5284.94s

Behind her is the still and deserted road and her lone figure is illuminated by the street lights.

Speaker 05285.48s - 5288.78s

This reminded me a lot of Michael Myers PERSON through the classroom window.

Speaker 55288.98s - 5289.58s

For sure.

Speaker 05290.06s - 5290.64s

I like it a lot.

Speaker 55291.2s - 5295.36s

Kristen says that she's watching them, and James admits that she looks like a ghost.

Speaker 05295.88s - 5320.52s

He asks if she wants him to go talk to her, but Kristen PERSON maintains that they don't want to talk. James reasons that they must want something. People don't just stand there staring like that. They want something. He looks back at dollface and mutters, shit. He tells Kristen PERSON that he left his phone in the car and he's going to go out and get it.Kristen whispers that he can't go out there and James is like, why?

Speaker 25320.76s - 5324.92s

Oh my God. There's nobody out there.

Speaker 15325.46s - 5329.74s

I was pulling my fucking hair out. This dude,

Speaker 25329.9s - 5342.68s

I don't, clearly all three of us feel the same. But I think that's again what hurt it for me was just that. He continues to be this naive or this whatever.

Speaker 05342.86s - 5351.76s

I don't know. It's just, it's very weird. I think that's part of me being like he can't be this. this naive or this whatever. I don't know. It's just, it's very weird. I think that's part of me being like he can't be this ignorant.

Speaker 105352.02s - 5352.34s


Speaker 05356.88s - 5357.06s

And this blind to what's right in front of him unless he wants to be.

Speaker 55357.52s - 5363s

Yeah. Unless he's pretending to be. Exactly. Because there's no way a person would normally act like this.

Speaker 05363s - 5380.68s

No. Right? No. Yes, right. But Kristen reminds him that one of them came inside and took her phone. James tries to object to this and tell Kristen PERSON that no one came in here, but they both look back at the window to find that doll face is gone.

Speaker 55381.28s - 5384.1s

And again, him saying she looks like a ghost.

Speaker 05384.4s - 5384.92s


Speaker 95385.24s - 5388.82s

Starting to, I mean, they're leading down several paths.

Speaker 05389.04s - 5401.22s

Yeah. Never having seen a horror film before, James steps outside. Kristen watches him from the doorway, but James stops in his tracks when he sees that the windshield of his car has been smashed.

Speaker 55401.44s - 5404.32s

Can we talk about how they ruined his car and we heard none of it?

Speaker 05404.32s - 5406.5s

None of it. No shit. Nothing.

Speaker 55406.84s - 5408.02s

Jerry Dandridge PERSON out here.

Speaker 05408.36s - 5411.9s

Nothing happens.

Speaker 55412.2s - 5412.72s

Like, yeah.

Speaker 05413.44s - 5414.92s

Even he made noise.

Speaker 15415.02s - 5416.12s

Yeah, he was supernatural.

Speaker 55416.56s - 5419.28s

He jingles his keys between his fingers,

Speaker 15419.52s - 5421.86s

his other hand still gripping onto the knife.

Speaker 55422.34s - 5425.38s

He turns when he hears rustling in the trees behind him,

Speaker 05425.62s - 5473.34s

but continues toward his car, his shoes crunching on broken glass. Upon closer inspection, every window in the car has been busted out. James leans into it and finds that the wires inside have been cut and the huge hole in the windshield is in the shape of a jagged heart. Inside, Kristen PERSON has closed the door and chews on her thumb nervously. James gets into the car and slowly backs up a little bit. As he leans down toward the floor and rifles through the glass and discarded empty packs ofcigarettes, someone creeps up behind him. We see their hand hovering over the back of his neck before giving him an impish poke. With a musical sting and a gasp from James, he turns around in the seat, brandishing the knife, but there is no one there.

Speaker 55473.64s - 5475.12s

This is where you lose me.

Speaker 05475.38s - 5477.86s

Yeah, I didn't like this either because it feels supernatural.

Speaker 55478.16s - 5481.86s

It does. And there's no way that anyone can do that and get away that quickly.

Speaker 05482.06s - 5484.1s

Yeah, no. And Kristen PERSON's watching from the door.

Speaker 55484.28s - 5484.48s


Speaker 15485.16s - 5486.38s

She wasn't like, James, look out!

Speaker 05487.58s - 5488.94s

She's trying to touch your neck.

Speaker 15491.78s - 5493.18s

Maybe she was turned around.

Speaker 05493.34s - 5493.82s


Speaker 75494.02s - 5494.5s

I don't know.

Speaker 25494.5s - 5495.6s

She was distracted too.

Speaker 05496.98s - 5535.06s

He hops out of the car and the street is seemingly deserted. But when he closes the door and looks out onto the road, doll face stands there. He asks what she wants, but when she doesn't respond and looks out onto the road, dollface PERSON stands there. He asks what she wants, but when she doesn't respond and stares back at him, he tells her to get the fuck out of here. There is rustling in the trees and someone literally runs by. But James is distracted when Kristen PERSON calls his name from the porch.He tells her to go back inside, but she asks what's happening. There are more strange banging and faint screeching sounds. And when James tells her again to go back inside, she listens and closes the door behind her. You got a bus.

Speaker 25536.28s - 5536.72s


Speaker 45536.98s - 5541.24s

So let's cut off our communication.

Speaker 25541.68s - 5542.12s


Speaker 45542.34s - 5543.94s

Let's separate ourselves.

Speaker 25544.24s - 5547.34s

Lock the door while you're at it so that if I need help, I can't get in there.

Speaker 05547.34s - 5606.64s

And if you need help, I can't get in there. Right. What? It makes perfect sense. James turns back to the street and finds dollface PERSON gone now. He starts to walk down the road.The knife still clutched in his hand. But he stops when he hears the snapping of twigs and the faint whirring of power tools. He continues to pace around, looking in every direction, but finding nothing. He makes his way back up to the porch and stands with his back to the door, taking one last look. When he opens the door, Kristen PERSON reaches out for him with the musical sting and scares the shit out of him. She apologizesizes explaining that she was waiting for him. He immediately tells her to get her things together and put her shoes on.He asked if she was able to find her phone, but she reminds him again that they took her phone. He tells her that he put it in her bag and he starts to look through it himself, but she tells him that she even had it plugged into the wall. They took it. It's like when your kid can't find something.

Speaker 95607.34s - 5609.76s

It's like, dude, I took it out.

Speaker 105609.84s - 5611.5s

I had it. I know it was in the bag.

Speaker 05612.84s - 5616.96s

James stops searching, but admits that he doesn't understand because they searched the entire

Speaker 105616.96s - 5618.52s

house and there was no one there.

Speaker 05619.36s - 5648.8s

The two sit at the table and James inspects the mess she made of her hand as she winces. He takes off his tie and wraps it around the deep, bleeding cut mess she made of her hand as she wintzes. He takes off his tie and wraps it around the deep bleeding cut in the middle of her hand. He tells her that he doesn't understand how the entire time they've been here, he hasn't heard one dog bark or one car drive by. He says that it's just us and them. That sounds supernatural to me. Yeah. And I just want to say, I understand the tensions are high and things are moving very fast.

Speaker 55648.88s - 5656.42s

But you are in a home. And maybe we should clean that cut before you wrap your dirty tie around this open wound.

Speaker 05656.5s - 5658.3s

No, let's add an infection to the list.

Speaker 105658.7s - 5660.84s

Because you literally don't have to do that.

Speaker 05661.14s - 5661.2s


Speaker 105661.52s - 5662.28s

You're in a house.

Speaker 05662.64s - 5664.14s

You're not in some cabin you found.

Speaker 55666.96s - 5668.98s

Fresh tears coming to do that. Yeah. You're in a house. Yeah. You're not in some cabin you found. Fresh tears coming to her eyes.

Speaker 05669.14s - 5671.08s

Kristen PERSON asks why they're doing this.

Speaker 55671.38s - 5674.64s

But James tells her not to think about that right now because it doesn't matter.

Speaker 05675.72s - 5676.08s


Speaker 25676.8s - 5679.4s

Sounds like something that someone would say.

Speaker 55679.4s - 5679.74s


Speaker 25679.94s - 5680.2s


Speaker 05680.28s - 5683.84s

Kind of sounds like a guy who got told no and doesn't want you to think about what's

Speaker 25683.84s - 5684.4s

happening around.

Speaker 55684.4s - 5685.98s

He's a little bitter about it, maybe.

Speaker 25687.1s - 5690.24s

He cradles her face and she seems to calm down a little,

Speaker 55690.62s - 5692.22s

but then he says that they won't need a reason

Speaker 05692.22s - 5716.08s

if they come through that door. Oh, cool. Thanks, James. James gets up and starts to walk further into the house, but he freezes. A silver flip phone rests on the counter.It's battery removed. He picks it up in shock. And when Kristen PERSON asks what it is, he tells her that it's his phone and they need to get out of here. I mean like, oh, now we believe that they're fucking

Speaker 15716.08s - 5722.98s

phones. Okay, cool. We cut to the couple making a B-line for the car. James is somehow wearing his tie again,

Speaker 95722.98s - 5726.08s

which made me laugh out loud because he just tied it

Speaker 75726.08s - 5727.96s

around her hand. I did not

Speaker 95727.96s - 5730.22s

notice this at all. Your sister showed me

Speaker 05730.22s - 5732.08s

this morning and I was like, that's fucking.

Speaker 25732.2s - 5733.46s

I laughed out loud. That's funny.

Speaker 05733.7s - 5735.48s

Does it regenerate like Homer PERSON's beard?

Speaker 25737.04s - 5739.56s

He went back to the closet. He's like, I can't go out.

Speaker 15739.96s - 5742.32s

We're going out. It's an outfit.

Speaker 55742.62s - 5744.02s

They can't see me like, the man in the mask

Speaker 05744.02s - 5746s

has a suit. Yeah.

Speaker 55748.14s - 5748.42s

But Kristen PERSON is still barefoot.

Speaker 05751.06s - 5752.38s

And that really bothered me.

Speaker 55762.36s - 5762.6s

Bertino had talked about seeing Liv Tyler's PERSON bruised and like hurt feet in real life, not as the character.

Speaker 05766.78s - 5768.22s

He said that it made him feel guilty and made him wish that he had wrote in the script Kristen PERSON puts on shoes.

Speaker 35769.1s - 5769.64s

But he didn't.

Speaker 05769.98s - 5771.1s

But you are making the film.

Speaker 35771.4s - 5772.2s

You are, yeah.

Speaker 15772.54s - 5773.28s

And at any time.

Speaker 05773.28s - 5774.04s

Damn, dude.

Speaker 55774.4s - 5776.1s

But they said, I read a thing that said

Speaker 05776.1s - 5778.94s

that she had gotten so, like, bruised and cut up

Speaker 55778.94s - 5780.96s

that they, as the film goes on,

Speaker 05781.04s - 5786.5s

we're putting makeup over that and putting on their own wounds because hers looked too bad.

Speaker 25786.96s - 5793.34s

Yeah. Like they've worked their asses off on this. So that's a little more Ramey PERSON than...

Speaker 05793.34s - 5793.84s

A little more.

Speaker 15794.8s - 5796.2s

He's like, take your shoes off.

Speaker 05796.5s - 5797.52s

Go run those laps.

Speaker 15797.9s - 5798.22s

It's like, what?

Speaker 05798.22s - 5799.28s

That's a little more Tarantino PERSON.

Speaker 15799.82s - 5800.3s

That part of it.

Speaker 25802.04s - 5803s

I'll give you that.

Speaker 05804.04s - 5807.58s

They get inside the car and James slowly backs the car out.

Speaker 15807.58s - 5810.24s

But just as they settle onto the street from the driveway,

Speaker 55810.76s - 5814s

a big truck with blazing headlights rounds the corner.

Speaker 15814.66s - 5815.84s

It's just now occurring to me.

Speaker 25815.96s - 5819.78s

What wires were cut if they're still able to be moving the car?

Speaker 15820.34s - 5820.74s

The windshield.

Speaker 75820.92s - 5824.42s

I don't know anything about car.

Speaker 05824.58s - 5825.96s

Or the radio or the AC. That's true. You can't be hot. We can't listen into music cars. Or the radio or the AC.

Speaker 75825.96s - 5826.38s

That's true.

Speaker 05826.38s - 5827.24s

You can't be hot.

Speaker 15827.56s - 5828.42s

We can't listen to any music,

Speaker 05828.52s - 5829.22s

but we can get out of here.

Speaker 55829.28s - 5830.96s

No, if we're in the South LOC, just tell me.

Speaker 05831.6s - 5833.12s

I'm not leaving without the A.C.

Speaker 25833.24s - 5834.04s

In tact.

Speaker 55836.04s - 5837.9s

Kristen PERSON asks who it is,

Speaker 05837.94s - 5839.98s

and James answers that he doesn't know.

Speaker 25840.22s - 5842.3s

But the truck stops right behind them.

Speaker 15842.6s - 5843.76s

The brightness from the headlights

Speaker 05843.76s - 5845.72s

filling the back window of their car,

Speaker 15846.12s - 5848.84s

but suddenly the lights turn off.

Speaker 05849.42s - 5872.44s

The person behind the wheel is shrouded in darkness, but when she leans forward into the glow of the street lights, we see Pinup Girl, played by Laura Margolis PERSON. With thin arched brows, long eyelashes, pink, eye shadow, and blush, a bright red lip and slick black hair, pin-up girls mask peers at them from behind the windshield.

Speaker 55873.02s - 5877.96s

I really want to talk about their masks just for a second. I wanted to wait until everyone was introduced.

Speaker 05878.28s - 5878.56s


Speaker 55878.56s - 5894.58s

I read in the production notes that Bertino PERSON was hoping to accomplish this feeling of obviously originality with the masks, but also something that could be procured quite easily by anyone. Right.

Speaker 25894.74s - 5895.06s


Speaker 55895.36s - 5900.66s

And so I feel like he did it perfectly because especially the man in the mask is just a bag.

Speaker 05900.86s - 5901.66s

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 55901.86s - 5922.36s

His is the scariest. Yeah. These other masks, though, they're made out of vacuum form plastic. And so they were made for the production and they were designed painstakingly. They went through several iterations before they settled on these. Okay.And I feel like it does strike that balance so perfectly because this does seem almost like a Halloween mask.

Speaker 05922.44s - 5945.32s

Yeah, it does. You can just find in a store, but it's also so iconic and original in its own way that you can see how this took off and became such a striking image and honestly a perfect Halloween costume. Yeah.I will say one thing that they did discuss is how it creeped out all the actors on set because it's like Scott Speedman PERSON had said it's like a shark's

Speaker 15945.32s - 5955.14s

eyes looking at these masks. You can't read any emotion from them. You can't read anything. It's just a plain face. And I can imagine how that would be quite frightening. Yeah.

Speaker 85955.68s - 5961.26s

They said themselves, the actors behind the masks, that there's almost a power to it.

Speaker 55961.38s - 5967.08s

And you feed off the energy that you inspire with the mask from the other actors.

Speaker 05967.26s - 5967.54s


Speaker 55967.8s - 5974.36s

And it kind of inspires your performance and gives you a different way to move in a scene, so to say.

Speaker 05974.48s - 5974.8s


Speaker 55975.52s - 5982.72s

I will say for me personally, I feel like dollface and the man in the mask get a lot of...

Speaker 05982.72s - 5983.12s


Speaker 55983.4s - 5984.6s

Flowers. Yes.

Speaker 05988.86s - 5996.02s

I feel like PINUP is kind of the Michelle PERSON of the group okay okay I don't think that's fair yeah because I think that she's fantastic

Speaker 55996.02s - 6002.08s

yeah yeah I agree I thought it was interesting too I watched an interview with Laura Margolis

Speaker 06002.08s - 6010.18s

who had said that she showed up to film a week after the four of them were already doing this.

Speaker 56010.28s - 6010.72s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 06010.86s - 6013.64s

So I wonder if that kind of adds to her feeling like,

Speaker 66013.88s - 6017.24s

I was reading, I think, in the production notes where one of the producers was like,

Speaker 06017.32s - 6020.52s

she's the meekest one. And I don't read it that way.

Speaker 86020.52s - 6022.74s

And they don't interpret her.

Speaker 76022.96s - 6027.6s

The people behind the masks don't interpret pinup girl that way either.

Speaker 06027.86s - 6032.6s

Laura Margolis and I believe Kip Weeks PERSON as well both called her the brains and the brawn

Speaker 36032.6s - 6038.32s

behind the three of them. Because if you think about she's the one physically doing shit.

Speaker 06038.54s - 6038.82s


Speaker 56039.2s - 6050.1s

What I feel the vibe that I get is I get like Man of the Mask and Pinup Girl PERSON are married. Dollface is the daughter. That's how I see them.

Speaker 06050.28s - 6052.22s

John Paul PERSON said something interesting as well.

Speaker 26052.42s - 6055.58s

Yeah, to me, I took it as he was their father.

Speaker 06056.8s - 6062.14s

But I think that's part of what makes it so scary is it could be either of those. It could be neither of those.

Speaker 26062.26s - 6071.98s

Like we have no fucking idea. But the way that she got this part, I thought was really interesting. She had talked about in that interview, knowing the casting director for this film,

Speaker 06072.48s - 6078.02s

they were casting for the role of James in L.A., but Liv Tyler was in New York GPE.

Speaker 36078.26s - 6104.2s

And so the casting director called her to come and do the chemistry reads with them, kind of like as a favor. So she went and she was reading Live Tyler's parts in the auditions and was like, this script is really cool. She ended up reading itbut she was like there obviously is not a part for me in it. So she just thought it was a cool thing that she read. So then the casting director called her and was like, do you want to do Pinup Girl PERSON? And she was like, hell yeah. And so

Speaker 106104.2s - 6105.22s

I thought that was a really interesting way for kind of she was like, hell yeah. Yeah. And so I thought that was,

Speaker 06108.94s - 6109.32s

I thought that was a really interesting way for kind of the pieces to fall into place.

Speaker 16109.32s - 6113.08s

Yeah. Because she does a really great job. And she talked about physically,

Speaker 06114.08s - 6125.54s

she's the smallest out of the three of them. And so she thought it was really important to kind of channel and anger for this character. And she does do shit physically like we see right now with the truck that the other two

Speaker 56125.54s - 6126.44s

are not doing.

Speaker 66126.6s - 6126.84s


Speaker 06127.14s - 6131s

And then something else that happens later on, she kind of is like, oh, no, we're not going to be doing this.

Speaker 66131s - 6131.26s


Speaker 06131.64s - 6139.8s

But I just, I thought that was really interesting, the depth that's put into these, the three of them.

Speaker 56140.3s - 6143.1s

What is meek about that destruction? Yeah.

Speaker 06143.14s - 6143.3s


Speaker 26143.36s - 6144.1s

I don't know.

Speaker 06144.24s - 6144.98s

I don't know.

Speaker 26146.04s - 6149.9s

And real quick, Laura Margolis PERSON, a couple of things that she has been in.

Speaker 06149.98s - 6153.3s

She did Dirty, sexy money from 07 to 09.

Speaker 26153.54s - 6161.6s

Oh. She also did the ballot of Danko Jones in 2012. And she did Masters of Horror in 06.

Speaker 76161.68s - 6166.54s

Oh. Yeah. I thought that was pretty interesting. I was like, that's cool. Yeah. Some of those were pretty good? Oh. Really? Yeah. I thought that was pretty interesting. I was like, that's cool.

Speaker 06166.72s - 6167.1s


Speaker 26167.5s - 6169.02s

Some of those were pretty good, I'd say.

Speaker 56169.22s - 6169.56s


Speaker 26170.58s - 6173.3s

But James is immediately like, get out of the car.

Speaker 06173.72s - 6203.32s

But they turn back around and Kristen PERSON gasps in horror. Through the hole in the windshield, man in the mask looms. James is dumbstruck. And before he can do anything, Pinn PERSON up revs the engine of her truck and slams into the back of the car.James opens his door and climbs out, telling Kristen PERSON to do the same, as Pinup Girl backs the truck up to ram the car again. I watched on a featurette that there were stunt people in the carand behind the wheel.

Speaker 36204s - 6210.48s

Laura Margolis talked about two instances where a stunt performer played pinup girl.

Speaker 06210.96s - 6215.56s

And she was like, you could tell she wanted to do it herself, but they wouldn't let her.

Speaker 36216.78s - 6225.8s

But the stunt coordinator, Cal Johnson, talked about they brought the truck back and they rammed it at 15 miles per hour.

Speaker 06226.04s - 6228.7s

Then they brought it back again and rammed it at 25.

Speaker 86229.18s - 6233.84s

And the stunt performers are in, they're in the driver's seat and the passenger seat.

Speaker 16233.84s - 6239.44s

And then they backed up one more time and did it again at about 20 miles per hour because

Speaker 86239.44s - 6241.04s

they said the car was already fucked up.

Speaker 06241.4s - 6245.58s

But they wanted another shot of them rocking inside of the car.

Speaker 106245.78s - 6248.02s

And in that little featurette,

Speaker 06248.2s - 6260.16s

the stunt performers get out and they're thanking them. And the woman that was, I guess, sitting in for Liv Tyler PERSON was like, this better not end up on the cutting room floor. And it didn't.

Speaker 66260.46s - 6261.9s

Good. The two

Speaker 06261.9s - 6307.14s

sprint back into the house. James checks the back door and finds it open. He slides it shut and locks it. Kristen PERSON implores that they need a gun, but James is searching the shelves of a bookshelf. She asks if his dad has one,and he snaps at her angrily that he's looking. He says that there used to be one here when he was a kid, but his dad would always hide it. Pinup girl honks the horn outside, but James reaches to the top of the shelf and finds the unassembled gun. He gets the pieces together and tells Kristen PERSON that they should go to the bedroom.When they step into the bedroom, though, the curtains on the window above the bed are pulled open and written over and over again, maybe in blood, is the repeated word, hello. On the inside.

Speaker 56307.6s - 6308.24s

On the inside.

Speaker 06308.66s - 6309.9s

Which is troubling.

Speaker 56310.72s - 6317.82s

I am I wrong, but whenever everything happened with the car, would you have ran back inside?

Speaker 06318.38s - 6321.92s

I would not have stopped when she pulled up behind me.

Speaker 16322.28s - 6331.26s

That's, yeah. And John Poll PERSON had said earlier, just run the dude over. Because he's standing in front of the car. It's like, I'm sorry, a car, car beats, paper beats rock.

Speaker 46332.14s - 6333.56s

That bag, I'm mowing his ass over.

Speaker 16333.66s - 6333.94s


Speaker 46334.56s - 6335.5s

He's like, well, we can't go forward.

Speaker 66335.62s - 6335.78s


Speaker 06336.08s - 6337.24s

Yeah, why not?

Speaker 16337.66s - 6338.56s

Dude, not only that.

Speaker 06338.76s - 6342.5s

If you're out here in the open, there's probably a chance.

Speaker 46342.88s - 6345.82s

Once you go around the backyard, you can get out the other side of the house.

Speaker 26345.82s - 6346.94s

Oh, yeah, yeah. True.

Speaker 16347.82s - 6349.42s

No, the whole thing was foolish.

Speaker 06349.58s - 6352.1s

And it feels like, there are these moments

Speaker 16352.1s - 6354.26s

where it's like, oh, we can do this.

Speaker 06354.58s - 6366.94s

No, run back into the house. Oh, we can do this. No, run back into the house. It almost feels like, I don't want to say pointless because there are good moments of tension, but after a certain point, it's just like, just let him stay in the fucking house.

Speaker 76368.04s - 6369.02s

Well, why are we doing this?

Speaker 06369.02s - 6370.3s

Regroup, regroup. Yeah.

Speaker 76370.98s - 6372.68s

Why are we doing this?

Speaker 06373.64s - 6376.74s

James checks that the bathroom is empty, but Kristen PERSON stays behind,

Speaker 76376.98s - 6378.68s

staring at the words and disbelief.

Speaker 06379.7s - 6384.8s

Suddenly, the strangers outside start to throw mud at the glass, splattering it with loud bangs.

Speaker 46385.32s - 6385.98s

That's a little juvenile.

Speaker 16386.54s - 6389.5s

I say mud because I'm assuming it's mud.

Speaker 46389.5s - 6390s

I hope.

Speaker 16390.18s - 6391.1s


Speaker 06392.1s - 6392.42s


Speaker 16394.26s - 6396.3s

Kristen and James rushed to the closet.

Speaker 06396.86s - 6400.28s

There is a deleted scene with the two of them hiding in that bathroom,

Speaker 16400.28s - 6403.4s

and I don't know if it would have gone here,

Speaker 06403.9s - 6407.94s

but I don't know when it would make sense for it to go.

Speaker 16408.1s - 6411s

Maybe that's why it was deleted because she is wearing the flannel.

Speaker 06411.24s - 6412.26s

She's not in the dress.

Speaker 16413s - 6418.28s

But she's talking about, I guess, them not getting engaged.

Speaker 06418.6s - 6424.1s

And she remembers her father calling her to let her know that her mom had passed away.

Speaker 16424.64s - 6426.18s

And she left

Speaker 106426.18s - 6427.38s

to take the call in the bedroom

Speaker 66427.38s - 6429.94s

and James came in and consoled her

Speaker 06429.94s - 6431.94s

but she was

Speaker 16431.94s - 6434.04s

questioning why she didn't think

Speaker 06434.04s - 6435.16s

to call him

Speaker 86435.16s - 6437.08s

to console her

Speaker 06437.08s - 6439.14s

to want him in that moment.

Speaker 96439.38s - 6439.66s


Speaker 16439.92s - 6444.44s

That she was glad when he came but why didn't she think or want to call him?

Speaker 06445.78s - 6457.18s

And so it's this moment of them kind of reflecting on their relationship. And I don't, I think it's just to add a little more depth of who they are in their relationship.

Speaker 86457.48s - 6463.38s

And like her saying that she loves him, but maybe she hasn't fully, you know, I, I don't know.

Speaker 06463.5s - 6467.2s

But I'm like, this wouldn't be the moment to do that.

Speaker 16467.48s - 6469.18s

I don't know when would be the moment.

Speaker 56469.3s - 6485.18s

Maybe before all of this started would be a really good moment to add more character to them and speak more to their relationship. Okay. Well, because, yeah, I mean, the timing, they, everything that just happened outside, they're slinging out of the thing and you go to the bathroom and she's like, you know, I was thinking a little bit earlier. Yeah. It's so no. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah, well, she's like, you know, I was thinking a little bit earlier. Yeah.

Speaker 06485.88s - 6488.3s

It's so no. Yeah. Well, I feel like that could have been

Speaker 56488.3s - 6491s

a conversation to have at the table. Yeah.

Speaker 06491.36s - 6492.18s

There you go.

Speaker 26492.18s - 6495.1s

Before they started to put it in or whatever.

Speaker 56495.1s - 6499.3s

But I would like more of who they were

Speaker 26499.3s - 6501.1s

before this moment because when we meet,

Speaker 56501.18s - 6503.28s

she's crying and he's fucking pissed off.

Speaker 26503.44s - 6503.68s


Speaker 06503.82s - 6505.7s

I would like to know them more as a couple,

Speaker 56505.9s - 6509.2s

to know more about either or both of them individually.

Speaker 26510.56s - 6516.36s

It was just a weird scene to have in that moment of them hiding.

Speaker 36516.52s - 6516.94s

I don't know.

Speaker 06517.04s - 6517.36s

I don't know.

Speaker 106517.38s - 6517.7s


Speaker 06518.6s - 6555.56s

But they rush into the closet and James immediately starts to look through shoe boxes. And when Kristen PERSON finds out he's looking for bullets, she snaps into action and starts searching. But James finds what he's looking for, a pink shoebox filled with shotgun shells. The two sink to the floor,and James struggles to put the shotgun together. He admits to her that he doesn't know how to use it. He doesn't even know if he can load it. Her brow knitted together in confusion. Kristen PERSON reminds him that he used to go hunting with his dad, but Jamesconfesses that he never did. It was just something he said. Dude,

Speaker 26555.8s - 6557.34s

what the fuck?

Speaker 56557.4s - 6561.58s

Are you serious? I, at least he's being honest now.

Speaker 46561.58s - 6563.04s

No, I, I guess.

Speaker 56563.04s - 6564.12s

Well, the chips are dead.

Speaker 16564.54s - 6565.86s

We need this gun.

Speaker 46567.3s - 6569.1s

Do you know how to think of it?

Speaker 56569.4s - 6572.04s

Did you ever go hunting with your father, actually?

Speaker 46573.28s - 6577.1s

For me, with the fan fiction that's being written,

Speaker 56577.74s - 6581.76s

I feel like this would be an excellent moment of foreshadowing to say,

Speaker 16582.24s - 6584s

maybe you're not who you claim.

Speaker 06584.2s - 6592.7s

Yeah. Oh, okay. Okay. Because what, I feel like it's probably something that came up in conversation. He was like, oh, yeah, like, totally. And then he's like, this is never going to come back in my family.

Speaker 56593.2s - 6595.6s

We're never going to have strangers descending upon our home.

Speaker 26597.22s - 6600.94s

But, I mean, did you just not go or did you not pay attention?

Speaker 56601.24s - 6601.68s


Speaker 26601.68s - 6602.44s

What do you mean?

Speaker 56602.48s - 6604.02s

He was like, no, I never did.

Speaker 26604.64s - 6605.42s

It's just something I said?

Speaker 76605.54s - 6605.9s


Speaker 06606.56s - 6610.68s

He does manage to put the gun together and stands with a handful of shells.

Speaker 26611.22s - 6615.4s

Kristen PERSON stuffs more into the pocket of a suit and they head back towards the front door.

Speaker 06616.16s - 6619.48s

He tells Kristen PERSON that when he opens the door, he wants her to run.

Speaker 26619.78s - 6625.98s

But with these words barely out of his mouth, someone outside uses an axe to start breaking through the door.

Speaker 06626.5s - 6627.78s

Another reference, I would say.

Speaker 26628.32s - 6629.8s

Yeah, for sure.

Speaker 56630.04s - 6630.56s

Take a shot.

Speaker 26630.76s - 6631.06s


Speaker 56632.06s - 6635.86s

Kristen screams at the top of her lungs and James rushes over to her.

Speaker 06636.28s - 6637.88s

When he tells her to block the door,

Speaker 56638.32s - 6641.94s

she stops screaming and the two work together to wheel the piano over.

Speaker 06641.94s - 6644.56s

But the assailant continues to swing the axe,

Speaker 26644.9s - 6646.52s

knocking into the top of the piano.

Speaker 06647.62s - 6649.78s

Kristen PERSON drops to the ground and loads the shotgun

Speaker 56649.78s - 6652.06s

as James throws chairs at the hole in the door.

Speaker 06652.6s - 6654s

She hands the gun over to him,

Speaker 56654s - 6655.98s

and just as the man in the mask appears

Speaker 06655.98s - 6665.66s

in the huge hole he's made in the door, James fires. Everything goes quiet, and when the dust settles, no one is standing in the hole in the door.

Speaker 56666.26s - 6667.86s

Supernatural feeling? Yeah.

Speaker 06668.5s - 6671.36s

Again, did he really just too fast?

Speaker 26671.56s - 6676.26s

Yeah, no shit. A shotgun blast. It's a bossburg. I don't know how fast you get orders to that.

Speaker 56677.7s - 6681.18s

I did want to talk about this house and the production design.

Speaker 96681.7s - 6686.2s

I read in the production notes and I saw a little feature at on the Blu-ray,

Speaker 56686.7s - 6694.54s

but they were talking about, firstly, these exteriors of the home are real on location. Oh.

Speaker 16694.8s - 6710.56s

Okay. And it was all part of location scouting, and they found the perfect specifications for what they needed. They only made a few modifications to the actual home,which was obviously the door. They created several of them because you've, I mean. Yeah. And the sliding glass door was not

Speaker 106710.56s - 6726.18s

a part of the actual house. They had to put that in. Okay. But the interiors, the production designer is a guy called John Kreshmer. He did 81 episodes of Homeland WORK_OF_ART. But he was also in the art department on the Crow,

Speaker 56726.62s - 6731.84s

the Exorcist 3. Oh. Okay. And the remake of the blob. Oh, right.

Speaker 76731.92s - 6732.78s

Very nice.

Speaker 56733.68s - 6738.18s

But he was talking about the detail in the script.

Speaker 106738.36s - 6748.14s

Yeah. Because from the script, he was able to construct a floor plan to make all of these scares accurate in the places that Bertino PERSON described. Yeah.

Speaker 56748.36s - 6758.74s

The interesting thing about it is he took his floor plan to a meeting with Bertino and it almost identically matched the floor plan that Bertino drew years before.

Speaker 06758.74s - 6759.1s


Speaker 16759.82s - 6764.18s

He must have really explained it or like that's really cool.

Speaker 56764.64s - 6769.94s

But he had said that since the lion's share of it takes place in one location, they had to

Speaker 06769.94s - 6773.48s

finalize the design and the construction of everything before shooting began.

Speaker 56773.48s - 6774.02s


Speaker 106774.22s - 6776s

And so they got everything in order.

Speaker 56776.24s - 6783.06s

I believe they said that it took two weeks to design, two weeks to draw the blueprints, and four weeks to build.

Speaker 16783.32s - 6783.88s


Speaker 56784.88s - 6791.84s

And so they built these interiors on a warehouse set in South Carolina GPE. Okay. Since they were filming there.

Speaker 06792.04s - 6793.02s

In Florence GPE. Right.

Speaker 56793.02s - 6824.64s

Yeah. But he conferred with Bertino and Peter Sova PERSON, the cinematographer, the entire time, because you're having to get these scares in order for the camera to be able to move through it to make sure that it's to Bertino PERSON's specifications. Yeah.They actually worked on the storyboards together. Okay. To make sure that everything flowed and worked properly. But the set decorator was a person called Missy Barant and she captured a 1970s aesthetic based on Bertino PERSON's specifications.

Speaker 06827.92s - 6831.98s

Yeah. Because you feel that this is the tone they're trying to capture. Yeah. And it fits so well. That's another thing that I was

Speaker 56831.98s - 6839.9s

so confused by is to say, you know, in the John Laracette PERSON thing at the beginning that's not John Larichette in 2005 or whatever. Yeah. We could

Speaker 06839.9s - 6846.14s

lose the cell phone bit completely and just have this set in the 70s. You really could actually. I was in the 70s. You really could, actually.

Speaker 56846.94s - 6852.22s

I was thinking the 70s kind of dressing because this is the family home.

Speaker 06852.54s - 6853.36s

You know?

Speaker 96853.46s - 6857.58s

That too. But yeah, you really could. That's weird.

Speaker 06858.06s - 6862.08s

Oh, but then you got to kill the boys calling 911 PRODUCT, like all of it.

Speaker 56862.52s - 6864.46s

Well, but they can call. All right.

Speaker 06867.12s - 6869.02s

I mean, they could use the house phone or whatever.

Speaker 56869.24s - 6870.78s

Find one, run to a neighbor's house.

Speaker 06871.26s - 6872.38s

Fair enough, fair enough.

Speaker 56872.38s - 6874s

Which is about 15 miles away.

Speaker 06874.08s - 6878.12s

Apparently, because, again, all the screaming and shotgun blasts and nothing.

Speaker 56878.56s - 6879s


Speaker 06879.2s - 6881.78s

No one is like, are you guys okay over there?

Speaker 56882.54s - 6887.1s

But you are right about it being like a family home and that was one of the things they wanted to capture.

Speaker 06887.26s - 6887.54s


Speaker 56887.54s - 6889.02s

And it does feel lived in.

Speaker 06889.2s - 6920.64s

Yes, it does. But they rush into another room where they take cover behind a couch and some boxes. James rolls up his sleeves and loads the gun. He tells her that they're not going to fucking die here. He says they'll sit and wait for the cops to come, but they are not going to die. A door opens from deeper in the houseand footsteps start towards them. James Reddy PERSON's the gun and the two go quiet as they wait. But the footsteps stop and the record player begins to play Mama Tried by Merle Haggard PERSON.

Speaker 56921.7s - 6933.48s

Something that was pretty interesting to me. I was looking into this song and I learned that the backing band of Merle Haggard PERSON is called The Strangers WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 06934.06s - 6936.54s

Oh shit. That's really cool.

Speaker 56936.78s - 6938.22s

Yeah, that's really cool.

Speaker 06939.12s - 6950.18s

But we get shots from all over the house. The empty living room with its comfy fire. The breeze blowing through the curtains on the empty living room with its comfy fire, the breeze blowing through the curtains on the sliding door that James just closed and locked, the shadowy

Speaker 86950.18s - 6956.42s

hallway and the spinning record. James and Kristen PERSON take shaky breaths as they wait in the music

Speaker 06956.42s - 6970.68s

plays. Out on the dark street, a vehicle pulls up and parks on the curb. Behind the wheel is Mike, played by Dennis Reynolds himself, Glenn Howardton PERSON.

Speaker 26970.94s - 6973.02s

Yeah. The Golden Gobby PERSON.

Speaker 06973.18s - 6973.6s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 56973.86s - 6975.44s

A full point or two, just for them.

Speaker 26975.44s - 6975.78s


Speaker 06975.78s - 6976.1s


Speaker 26976.26s - 6976.42s


Speaker 06977.48s - 6980.98s

I remember we were in the theater and saw it for the first time because we were

Speaker 26980.98s - 6981.76s

already fans of Sunny WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 06981.94s - 6982.16s


Speaker 56982.4s - 6983.38s

So shocked.

Speaker 06983.62s - 6984.4s

Well, yeah.

Speaker 56985.02s - 6986.36s

You're not expecting this. Yeah.

Speaker 06987.28s - 7006.74s

But sounding a little tired, he calls James' phone and leaves a message. He tells him that he's outside. He got here early because he just decided to come out and be there for him. He jokes with a smile that he loves to wait on him, hand and fucking foot. But before he can finish his message, something comes crashing through his windshield, shattering it.

Speaker 47007.78s - 7012.28s

Where did this break? Yeah. Come from.

Speaker 17017.5s - 7017.62s

Yeah, like, but that's like fucking quarterback level.

Speaker 07018.74s - 7018.94s

Yeah, on the cool.

Speaker 27021.46s - 7021.86s

Like, they hit it right in the center. Yeah.

Speaker 47021.86s - 7022.48s

It was like, what?

Speaker 27024.48s - 7026.32s

Startled, Mike jumps out of the car

Speaker 07026.32s - 7027.22s

and looks around.

Speaker 47027.78s - 7030.02s

He walks up the driveway and finds James' car

Speaker 07030.02s - 7065.24s

with its similarly shattered windshield with the hole through the center of it. He looks toward the back door where Mama Tried continues, loud but muffled. He picks up a crowbar from the ground and cautiously steps into the house.As soon as he's gone, doll face peers out from the shadows. Mike walks through the open door and comes out from behind the curtains. He sees what he and James had set up earlier, but in disarray. He looks with concern at the broken glass on the floor, walking past the dining table with lit candles lined up on top of it, which I don't think were lit before.

Speaker 57065.56s - 7068.62s

Yeah. Now they're getting into ambience? Yeah.

Speaker 07070.06s - 7070.26s

Gotta set the mood right.

Speaker 57070.92s - 7071.28s

God damn.

Speaker 07072.9s - 7084.72s

Mike peers down the hallway. He stands before it, hesitating. When out of focus behind him, the man in the mask steps up, cocking his head in a very Michael Myers PERSON-like way.

Speaker 87085.68s - 7087.84s

Mike steps forward slowly.

Speaker 07088.38s - 7134.98s

The music still crooning as man in the mask follows him with his axe at the ready. The tension builds as the song ends. And Mike turns his head slightly as if he hears something behind him. But he doesn't see the man and he doesn't turn around. He continues forward slowly. He steps in front of the room that James and Kristen PERSON are holed up in and he is only able to say the word, hello, before James pulls the trigger and Mike goes down. Silence descends after the seismic blast of the gunshot And James drops the shotgunHis hands shaking The spatter of blood slowly oozes down the wall Exactly what the boys saw at the beginning

Speaker 87134.98s - 7135.7s


Speaker 07135.7s - 7148.88s

Shaking and his eyes filled with tears James whispers Realizing that the man he shot should have had a mask Why didn't he shot should have had a mask. Why didn't he have a mask?

Speaker 57152.96s - 7157.22s

Such a short role for Glenn Howerton PERSON. Yes. But such an iconic moment.

Speaker 77157.42s - 7157.72s


Speaker 17162.28s - 7165.32s

At the same time, the tension of this is so good. It's really great. When you hear the music playing,

Speaker 77165.42s - 7167s

it stops, the hello,

Speaker 17167.28s - 7168.9s

and also bad choice of words

Speaker 77168.9s - 7170.88s

to say the one thing they've been writing fucking everywhere.

Speaker 57172.12s - 7173.24s

He's like, is Timmerhol PERSON?

Speaker 77173.48s - 7176.3s

That's my greeting. I always say that.

Speaker 57177.18s - 7178.2s

I say that's everyone.

Speaker 77179.28s - 7181.58s

But the fact that he was dead either way.

Speaker 07182.02s - 7182.26s


Speaker 77182.34s - 7182.52s


Speaker 07183.2s - 7184.46s

Yeah, James didn't get him

Speaker 57184.46s - 7185.42s

the man in the mascot. Yeah, but. If James didn't get him the man in the mask, what I would have.

Speaker 77185.56s - 7197.96s

Yeah, but I feel like, man, if I come in and I see something that I help my buddy do is all fucked up, I don't think I'm going to wait until I'm probably going to be like, hey, Jimmy PERSON, you hear?

Speaker 07198.1s - 7198.68s

James, right?

Speaker 77198.68s - 7199.46s

You know, anything.

Speaker 07200s - 7205.74s

If this dude is behind me with some kind of puncturing weapon or something,

Speaker 77206.36s - 7210.16s

I feel like I might want to take my chances with that over what's fixing to happen

Speaker 07210.16s - 7211.38s

when I go by the door.

Speaker 77211.96s - 7215.56s

You know what else I was thinking, though, James on the phone and he's like,

Speaker 57215.62s - 7218s

it did not go well at all.

Speaker 27218.68s - 7219.18s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 07219.46s - 7225.4s

And then Mike's like, what the car? The car, the everything.

Speaker 57225.4s - 7226.88s

He's like, what did?

Speaker 07227.08s - 7227.46s


Speaker 27227.58s - 7228.54s

Is this what that means?

Speaker 77228.54s - 7229.56s

I need you to come pick me up.

Speaker 27229.68s - 7229.92s


Speaker 07230.56s - 7231.9s

I've done too much.

Speaker 77234.3s - 7239.78s

But Kristen is confused by this, by James saying he didn't have a mask on.

Speaker 07239.78s - 7242.5s

But James just crawls out into the hallway.

Speaker 87243.42s - 7246.72s

Lying in his black suit and crisp white shirt,

Speaker 57246.72s - 7253.4s

the right side of Mike's face is blown off as he rests in a spreading pool of his own blood.

Speaker 87254.12s - 7255.76s

I did see on a featurette.

Speaker 77255.82s - 7258.82s

They were talking to makeup artist Vincent Skeechie PERSON.

Speaker 87258.98s - 7261.1s

He did Glenn Howardton's PERSON prosthetic.

Speaker 57261.46s - 7262.96s

I was looking at his IMDB.

Speaker 77263.62s - 7273.1s

He's done makeup and effects on like dogma. Really? Requium for a dream. He worked on the Sopranos WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 57273.18s - 7283.1s

Dude. Across the universe. American gangster. The Sex and the City movie. There you go. I was like what. And the amazing Spider-Man PERSON films.

Speaker 77283.1s - 7287.02s

Hmm. They're not Spider-Man PERSON films. Hmm.

Speaker 57288.38s - 7288.72s

They're not Spine PRODUCT.

Speaker 77289.96s - 7290.32s

They're not amazing.

Speaker 57290.5s - 7291s


Speaker 97291.26s - 7293.24s

I mean, the all right Spider PERSON-Man.

Speaker 77294.24s - 7295.7s

The Spider-Man films.

Speaker 97295.86s - 7296s


Speaker 77296.14s - 7297.24s

But I thought that was,

Speaker 17297.5s - 7299s

that was really cool.

Speaker 07299.16s - 7299.38s


Speaker 17299.38s - 7300.14s

A lot of cool shit.

Speaker 07300.18s - 7300.58s

For sure.

Speaker 17301.18s - 7302.92s

He said that the prosthetic

Speaker 57302.92s - 7305.94s

took three hours to put on Glenn Howardton PERSON.

Speaker 17306.08s - 7306.44s


Speaker 47306.44s - 7307.76s

And that they had two versions.

Speaker 07307.98s - 7310.54s

They had this one, which is the fresh kill.

Speaker 57310.76s - 7311.62s

They called it.

Speaker 07311.66s - 7312.36s

It's like wet.

Speaker 57312.58s - 7313.22s

It's bloody.

Speaker 97313.64s - 7320.2s

And then they had the one that he called Mike is going bad, which he obviously does not get back up.

Speaker 07320.3s - 7321.46s

This is the end of Mike.

Speaker 97321.94s - 7325.54s

And as we see him later on, it's just, it's drier.

Speaker 07325.76s - 7326.9s

It's grosser.

Speaker 27327.5s - 7333.12s

And it was funny, but in that thing, it showed Glenn Howardton PERSON with the prosthetic on,

Speaker 47333.62s - 7335.7s

just hanging out at craft services and like eating.

Speaker 27337.1s - 7340.9s

And Bertino PERSON came up and pretended to like dip a chip in the blood on his face.

Speaker 47340.98s - 7342.06s

And he was like, ow!

Speaker 27342.06s - 7343.36s

Yeah, it was cute.

Speaker 47343.78s - 7345.74s

You think he talked to the gang about the role and everything?

Speaker 27346.08s - 7346.78s

For sure.

Speaker 47347.94s - 7348.74s

I want to see that.

Speaker 07349.9s - 7350.68s

I think that would be cool.

Speaker 87352.1s - 7353.6s

But shock and panic

Speaker 07353.6s - 7355.78s

overtakes James and he collapses

Speaker 37355.78s - 7356.7s

into tears.

Speaker 17357.4s - 7358.78s

Kristen PERSON calls out in a whisper

Speaker 57358.78s - 7360.16s

asking what happened.

Speaker 07360.46s - 7361.74s

But between sobs,

Speaker 57361.94s - 7363.98s

James tells her to just stay there.

Speaker 07364.8s - 7366.2s

Kristen PERSON crawls forward. Before she can get to him, James tells her to just stay there. Kristen crawls forward.

Speaker 17366.86s - 7371.54s

Before she can get to him, James turns and forces her down onto the ground.

Speaker 07371.7s - 7372.36s

It's a little aggressive.

Speaker 17372.46s - 7373.6s

It's very aggressive.

Speaker 57374.5s - 7376.82s

She screams for him to get off of her.

Speaker 17377.06s - 7381.3s

But when he whispers to her that it's Mike, she breaks down and sobs.

Speaker 57381.82s - 7384.36s

James punches the door as he continues to cry.

Speaker 07384.44s - 7385.3s

Oh, you're one of those.

Speaker 57385.44s - 7385.82s


Speaker 47386.42s - 7387.06s

Love that.

Speaker 07387.16s - 7387.5s


Speaker 57387.68s - 7388.56s

If that's your reaction.

Speaker 07388.88s - 7389.16s


Speaker 57389.56s - 7390.72s

He just murdered his friend.

Speaker 107390.82s - 7391.36s

We're like, ew.

Speaker 57391.96s - 7392.86s

Brother, uh.

Speaker 07393.94s - 7394.82s

Gives me that.

Speaker 57394.9s - 7395.02s


Speaker 17396.88s - 7398.4s

Ew, just even punch that door.

Speaker 77399.3s - 7404.56s

I will say, keep this in mind and these reactions because it plays a big part in my

Speaker 57404.56s - 7408.46s

fan fiction. All all right after a moment

Speaker 77408.46s - 7415.38s

christin goes to console him assuring him that it wasn't his fault but james PERSON doesn't seem to accept this he picks up

Speaker 17415.38s - 7422.14s

the gun and heads out into the hallway stumbling over mike's body christin follows sobbing as she creeps down the hall past

Speaker 57422.14s - 7427.08s

their fallen friend she coughs and gagsags before following James into the living room.

Speaker 17427.38s - 7430.8s

It feels like she throws up and like they cut it out.

Speaker 57430.88s - 7431.98s

That's what it looked like to me.

Speaker 17432.2s - 7432.7s

Thank you.

Speaker 57432.7s - 7433.02s


Speaker 17433.52s - 7433.82s


Speaker 77433.96s - 7434.86s

Well, we're getting it.

Speaker 17435s - 7435.26s


Speaker 77435.66s - 7437.66s

Because we don't need to see that on film anymore.

Speaker 57437.74s - 7438.12s

I believe it.

Speaker 07439.34s - 7440.48s

Just make the noises.

Speaker 57440.74s - 7441.24s


Speaker 07441.5s - 7442.04s

We're good.

Speaker 17442.16s - 7443.38s

But don't make too much noise.

Speaker 07443.38s - 7443.66s


Speaker 17444s - 7444.5s

Two noises.

Speaker 57444.9s - 7450.46s

That's it. She asked him where he's going in a whisper, but he doesn't answer her.

Speaker 17450.92s - 7452.98s

His shirt stained with his friend's blood.

Speaker 57453.12s - 7455.56s

He loads the shotgun and turns toward her.

Speaker 27456.1s - 7459.56s

He tells her that she needs to hide somewhere because he's going outside.

Speaker 07459.8s - 7460.36s

All right.

Speaker 17461.22s - 7461.76s


Speaker 07462.14s - 7464s

See, again, you're leaving.

Speaker 57464.48s - 7467.94s

You're separating. Yes. Too much. It's always with the split up with you, dude. Why? See, again, you're leaving, you're separating. Yes. Too much. It's always with the

Speaker 07467.94s - 7473.82s

split up with you, dude. Why? What? It just, it feels like this is his moment of like, I got nothing to lose

Speaker 57473.82s - 7479.3s

now because he killed his friend, but it's like, Kristen PERSON's right here. Yeah. Did you ask me to marry you earlier?

Speaker 27479.5s - 7485.5s

Yeah. We've seen at least three of them. Yeah. And you're leaving her alone in this house.

Speaker 07486.08s - 7489.06s

And what kind of fucking instruction is that?

Speaker 27489.1s - 7489.94s

Well, they hide or something.

Speaker 07490.04s - 7490.28s

I don't know.

Speaker 27490.58s - 7490.78s


Speaker 07490.92s - 7492.72s

They've been slipping in and out of this house.

Speaker 27492.88s - 7494.56s

You fucking get it like a demon's whisper.

Speaker 107494.72s - 7495.12s


Speaker 57495.5s - 7496.56s

You fucking figure it out.

Speaker 07496.56s - 7497.06s

I don't know.

Speaker 57497.52s - 7498.88s

I'm taking our only weapon.

Speaker 17499.12s - 7499.44s


Speaker 47499.44s - 7500.52s

No shit.

Speaker 57500.68s - 7500.84s


Speaker 17501.24s - 7503.72s

That is proven can kill.

Speaker 47503.96s - 7504.12s


Speaker 17506.88s - 7508.22s

It's got a high successor.

Speaker 47510.54s - 7515.78s

But he says he's going to the barn because there's an old radio there and he can try to call for help.

Speaker 07516.14s - 7523.72s

I feel like that would lean more into if it were taking place in the 70s because it's like, I don't know.

Speaker 47523.8s - 7524.44s

I don't know.

Speaker 07527.38s - 7529.96s

He tells her that he doesn't know what else to do, but he assures her that it's okay and he'll be back

Speaker 47529.96s - 7531.62s

for her he thunder gunder

Speaker 07531.62s - 7532.32s


Speaker 87532.32s - 7536.8s

he goes toward the sliding back door

Speaker 17536.8s - 7539.18s

which is shut now but written neatly

Speaker 87539.18s - 7541.02s

in red is the word

Speaker 07541.02s - 7543.78s

killer that is fucking

Speaker 67543.78s - 7546.94s

hilarious because if you think about the logistics of this,

Speaker 07547.5s - 7549.64s

the man in the mask is walking down the hall,

Speaker 57549.74s - 7552.16s

he's like, oh, well, I guess James will take care of this.

Speaker 17552.52s - 7552.72s


Speaker 07553.02s - 7555.42s

He leaves, and the first thing he does is like,

Speaker 17555.46s - 7557.72s

hey, pin up, girl, give me, give me your lipstick.

Speaker 77557.72s - 7559.68s

I got to really hurt his feelings.

Speaker 17559.98s - 7560.84s

That's what it is.

Speaker 57560.94s - 7562.54s

It's just to hurt his feelings.

Speaker 77562.58s - 7562.94s


Speaker 57569.6s - 7570.04s

This hits him, but he turns to Kristen PERSON and tells her to go hide.

Speaker 07573.34s - 7573.92s

He promises to keep them away and that he'll come back and find her.

Speaker 57578.14s - 7578.68s

She pleads that she wants to go with him, but he assures her that he'll be fine.

Speaker 07583.82s - 7584.3s

He opens the sliding door and steps out, giving her a lingering look before heading away.

Speaker 47585.1s - 7585.24s

What do you mean?

Speaker 17586.32s - 7586.42s

You'll be fine.

Speaker 07587.4s - 7587.78s

What about me?

Speaker 27588.9s - 7589.06s

He's like, don't worry.

Speaker 07589.9s - 7589.98s

I'm going to be out.

Speaker 27590.86s - 7591.16s

I'm going to come out of this.

Speaker 17592.04s - 7593.58s

Smelling like roses.

Speaker 107597.06s - 7597.8s

Kristen PERSON whispers for him to be careful, but stays in the open doorway.

Speaker 27600.84s - 7601.9s

She whispers his name, but he doesn't come back.

Speaker 17605.5s - 7606.08s

Kristen PERSON steps out into the back porch and looks through the trees at the barn.

Speaker 107610.08s - 7610.98s

James is making his way over, the shotgun ready as he steps out of the tree line.

Speaker 17614.06s - 7614.96s

Kristen PERSON goes back inside, but is panicked to be there alone.

Speaker 07619.44s - 7630s

Outside, James hides in the trees as the pinup girl steps out of the barn. She wields a huge flashlight as she looks out at the trees. James hides at first, but lying on the ground, he swings his gun around and aims it at her.

Speaker 97638.66s - 7638.96s

She seems to spot him and shines her light as she steps toward him.

Speaker 07643.94s - 7652.54s

Before James can shoot, though, he hears someone running up behind him. He turns just in time for the man in the mask to run up and kick him right in the face. What is this?

Speaker 57652.62s - 7653.82s

I don't know.

Speaker 47653.92s - 7656.5s

Look, there are some parts of this that are pretty cool.

Speaker 57656.64s - 7656.9s


Speaker 47657.08s - 7658.7s

I will say her turning around.

Speaker 07658.8s - 7662.5s

Like, it seemed like the pinup girl knew that he was there the whole time.

Speaker 57662.5s - 7662.96s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 47663.12s - 7667.22s

And that turnaround was just like a gotcha. Yeah. But I'm sorry dude.

Speaker 57667.76s - 7669.44s

Him with the gun.

Speaker 47669.8s - 7671.9s

Yeah. That part. That part.

Speaker 57671.9s - 7674.1s

And the man of the mask still has time

Speaker 47674.1s - 7676.06s

to run up and kick you

Speaker 57676.06s - 7678.14s

unconscious in the face. Boy, he was

Speaker 47678.14s - 7680.06s

hauling ass like Walter PERSON from get out.

Speaker 57680.24s - 7682.28s

Yeah. He fucking ran up

Speaker 47682.28s - 7683.94s

on him. I was like, why?

Speaker 27684.32s - 7685.1s

He did. What the fuck? But you hear do. Do you hear his feet. I was like, why? What the fuck?

Speaker 77687.52s - 7687.82s

But you hear, do you hear his feet.

Speaker 17688.54s - 7691.18s

He's like, is that Kristen PERSON?

Speaker 27692.14s - 7695.4s

No, dude.

Speaker 47696.84s - 7697s

Why are you the one with the gun?

Speaker 27698.9s - 7699.36s

I don't feel like you should be the one with the gun.

Speaker 47701.06s - 7701.3s

See, why are we separating?

Speaker 17701.54s - 7702.66s


Speaker 07704.66s - 7705.14s

Kristen PERSON hears the gunshot go off.

Speaker 17708.46s - 7708.98s

She whimpers and looks horrified, but she walks right outside.

Speaker 07711.06s - 7711.76s

What are you doing?

Speaker 17716.96s - 7717.26s

She whispers James' name, and when her only response is the creaking of an old swing set,

Speaker 07719.1s - 7719.64s

she sits down on the porch.

Speaker 17722.54s - 7723.74s

We linger on her as she rocks herself back and forth.

Speaker 07726.4s - 7726.78s

Meanwhile, the man in the mask is in the house now.

Speaker 27731.76s - 7732.12s

He breathes heavily from behind his mask as he approaches the back porch where Kristen PERSON sits.

Speaker 07734.26s - 7735.02s

This again felt like Michael Myers PERSON, the heavy breathing.

Speaker 97740.16s - 7740.98s

She hears his breathing and takes her small window of opportunity to run away from the house.

Speaker 07745.44s - 7747.48s

She sprints into the trees, still barefoot, but she quickly takes a nasty fall and has to drag herself along the ground,

Speaker 97747.82s - 7749.34s

having immediately injured herself.

Speaker 07749.48s - 7750.96s

What is this fall?

Speaker 97751.28s - 7754.04s

I don't know, and I don't really know what she hurts either.

Speaker 37754.34s - 7756.16s

It looks like there's like a ditch

Speaker 97756.16s - 7759.5s

where she falls into and I guess hits her shins.

Speaker 07759.66s - 7760.28s

I don't know.

Speaker 57760.28s - 7761.9s

I don't know if it's her foot or her leg.

Speaker 07762s - 7763.36s

I don't know what the fuck's going on.

Speaker 27766.24s - 7771.54s

I don't know if it's the angle or what, but it looks so painful. Yeah. Yeah. It does. And I'm just like,

Speaker 07771.54s - 7777.66s

how is this happening? But I guess that's that. That's how. She cries in pain, but when she hears another

Speaker 17777.66s - 7783.26s

gunshot and glass shattering, she stops. She crawls quickly through the trees, panting as she goes

Speaker 27783.26s - 7790.56s

along. She's completely oblivious, though, to pin up girl following close behind her, walking in plain sight.

Speaker 17791.18s - 7796.9s

Kristen PERSON falls on her face, and when she picks herself back up to continue crawling, there is no one chasing her.

Speaker 27797.44s - 7797.96s


Speaker 17798.28s - 7798.56s


Speaker 27799.02s - 7803.9s

And I will say, it's a pet peeve of me, and I know it makes me a little contradictory.

Speaker 57804.66s - 7807.82s

I like in some moments being able to be aware of things

Speaker 07807.82s - 7808.92s

that the characters are not.

Speaker 67809.56s - 7812.5s

Like whenever he lurches out of the thing in the doorway

Speaker 07812.5s - 7813.48s

and he's all blurry.

Speaker 57813.64s - 7814s


Speaker 07814.22s - 7816.28s

But I feel like this following her,

Speaker 57816.4s - 7818.56s

like literally not even two feet away from her

Speaker 07818.56s - 7820.3s

and her is still crawling like mad

Speaker 97820.3s - 7821.26s

and not knowing any of it.

Speaker 07821.32s - 7827.5s

Yeah. It just feels very, I don't know. There's something cheap about it that I don't like. What makes it cheap is her being gone.

Speaker 57827.76s - 7828.06s


Speaker 07828.24s - 7829.32s

Yeah. That's what makes it cheap.

Speaker 57829.56s - 7835.28s

And to have no reaction, if somebody is stalking me, not even a foot away from me, I'm going to hear that shit.

Speaker 27835.44s - 7852.62s

Yeah. Yeah. But it, what it makes me think of, because I thought about this when I was watching it, too. So realistically, if this is supposed to be just people and whatever, there's nothing supernatural. Yeah.Your panting, hiding behind that tree is still as possible. That's funny in itself.

Speaker 07852.62s - 7852.82s


Speaker 107853.74s - 7855.18s

You know, because you're not a ghost.

Speaker 07855.32s - 7861.12s

How the fuck did you get away that fast? Also true. So you have to just stand still and just, I hope she's scared.

Speaker 27861.38s - 7862.98s

It's like, well. Leslie Vernon PERSON.

Speaker 07863.3s - 7882.98s

Yeah. That's, I'm sorry, that's not scary. It's like, come on. But she makes it to the barn and staying crouched to the ground pulls a flashlight down from a shelf. She whispers James's name and she doesn't get a response.But when she shines her new flashlight around, she does see a spot for an axe sitting empty on the pegboard.

Speaker 57883.18s - 7884.7s

And that feels like evil dead.

Speaker 07884.98s - 7941.36s

Yeah, I got the same thing. Yes, yes. She pulls herself to her feet and limps deeper into the dark barn, tension mounting as she makes a worrying amount of noise along the way. When she hears loud clanging behind her, she turns, but nothing reveals itself to her. When she turns back around, she finds the radio that James was talking aboutand rushes over to it. Clearly not knowing what she's doing, she turns the knobs and flips switches. When she hears static, she whispers a hello into the microphone. No one responds, and Kristen PERSON begins to sob,asking if anyone can hear her. She continues trying, but when she hears a voice and loud clanging, she drops down and gets very quiet. The strange noises outside the barn don't stop.The clattering gets louder and it's joined by creaking and sprinting footsteps. Kristen PERSON listens intently to all the sounds coming from all directionsas she shakes with fear.

Speaker 57941.72s - 7943.08s

Better watch out. Getting kicked in the face.

Speaker 07945.14s - 7976.14s

He's coming. A red light shines from the radio and a voice crackles from the speaker. Kristen PERSON snatches the microphone back up, ignoring the sounds around her and asks that the voice can hear her.As soon as she makes contact, pinup girl rises from the shadows of the barn. As Kristen PERSON asks the voice on the other end for help, Pinup Girl PERSON brings down the axe on the radio hard. As sparks fly, Kristen PERSON stares at her in fear before running away.

Speaker 57976.42s - 7984.64s

This infuriates me because there are so many things that can be said instead of what she's saying. Yep. Not. She's like, how many candles are you burning? Yeah.

Speaker 27984.64s - 8003.92s

It's like, dude! What's you burning? Yeah. It's like, dude, what's your 20? No, what's your 20? Where are you?I, God damn, dude. I thought the same thing. I'm like, come on,unless your mixtape is fire, you don't need to be, look, I'm in an abandoned house or blah, blah, my boyfriend brought me to wherever.And, but no, it's like, hello, breaker breaker, can you hear me?

Speaker 18004.82s - 8008.94s

Are your ears on? Yeah. No, it's like hello hello breaker breaker can you hear it are your ears on yeah no it's

Speaker 28008.94s - 8015.62s

really fucking frustrating this moment too was the other thing that uh laura margola PERSON said that the stunt

Speaker 18015.62s - 8020.88s

person did was the swinging of the axe okay was that she's holding it and then they cut away

Speaker 08020.88s - 8028s

and then the stunt person swings it but you could tell she wanted to swing it. But she also said that she was under strict instruction

Speaker 28028s - 8032.08s

because, again, the four of them had been working together for a week before she came,

Speaker 18032.2s - 8035.96s

not to let Liv Tyler PERSON see her in her mask at all.

Speaker 28036.72s - 8041.16s

Liv Tyler did not want to see Pinup Girl PERSON until she's with her in a scene.

Speaker 18041.48s - 8042.74s

That's really cool.

Speaker 08042.74s - 8046.88s

And she said that she scared the hell out of her and that Liv Tyler PERSON actually kicked out at her.

Speaker 18047.2s - 8048.52s

And she was like, so I guess I didn't get you.

Speaker 08051.16s - 8053.54s

Outside, Kristen PERSON is crawling hastily again,

Speaker 18053.66s - 8057.6s

this time away from the barn as sounds of destruction continue behind her.

Speaker 108058.18s - 8059.3s

Real quick, if I may.

Speaker 38060.4s - 8063.74s

For me, what kind of took me out of this going back outside,

Speaker 08063.94s - 8066.64s

it kind of felt like the way the editing was done.

Speaker 58066.64s - 8072.64s

Like they had cut and inserted the scene where she's in the barn.

Speaker 08072.84s - 8074.32s

Because when she's outside crawling,

Speaker 28074.44s - 8076.36s

it looks like she's still there from before that.

Speaker 08076.4s - 8076.88s

That's fair.

Speaker 28077.08s - 8080.32s

So I was like, what, you know, you couldn't run out.

Speaker 58080.44s - 8080.96s

You're in there.

Speaker 28081.02s - 8082.24s

I know you did hurt your legs.

Speaker 58082.32s - 8088s

Yeah. We don't know if she broke a bone or if any, it's that bad. Well, and she does run out. She in there. I know you did hurt your legs but we don't know if she broke a bone or if any it's that bad or... Well and she does run

Speaker 08088s - 8090.54s

out. She runs away in the barn.

Speaker 58090.54s - 8092.36s

And then she's crawling. And then she's crawling. And it

Speaker 28092.36s - 8094.22s

doesn't make any sense after what you just saw.

Speaker 58094.44s - 8095.74s

Yeah. You saw this

Speaker 28095.74s - 8098.06s

pin up doll person.

Speaker 08099.18s - 8100.74s

Yeah. Smashing this thing with a fucking axe.

Speaker 58100.74s - 8102.94s

Yeah. Let me get back down on the ground. Yeah. Let me throw

Speaker 08102.94s - 8105.94s

myself. No. She knows you're here. Yeah, she was just right there.

Speaker 18106.3s - 8108.16s

Yeah, hiding's not really doing much for you.

Speaker 58108.22s - 8111.98s

No, I'm dragging, even if my leg's broken, I'm dragging it behind me and going as

Speaker 08111.98s - 8114.02s

quick as I can. Yeah.

Speaker 58114.02s - 8115.3s

That's a solid snake.

Speaker 08115.62s - 8117.18s

I was going to say, I'll lift up that car.

Speaker 98117.64s - 8118.54s

I'll say, man, hunt.

Speaker 58120.72s - 8124.5s

But with the back door of the house straight in front of her, she hides cautiously.

Speaker 78126.48s - 8127.96s

A quick glance around the trees revealsveals the man in the mask

Speaker 58127.96s - 8129.72s

Standing alone and watching

Speaker 08129.72s - 8147.5s

He doesn't see her But at the side of him She drops back down Flat onto the ground And a twig breaks loudly The man steps awayAnd he is lost in the shadows Kristen PERSON starts to crawl toward the house again And a nervous glance behind her reveals Pinup Girl PERSON stepping out of the barn.

Speaker 58147.86s - 8149.8s

I wrote something very foolish here in my house.

Speaker 08149.8s - 8151.86s

I said, I feel like Pinup Girl

Speaker 58151.86s - 8154.56s

is not appreciated as much as she should be.

Speaker 78154.84s - 8157.02s

She's cooler than dollface by a country mile.

Speaker 58158.36s - 8159.66s

I don't even talk like that.

Speaker 18159.82s - 8160.68s

Not a country mile.

Speaker 28160.82s - 8161.84s

Took the weed out of your mouth.

Speaker 18162.04s - 8162.24s


Speaker 28162.76s - 8163.9s

It's the Merle Haggard PRODUCT.

Speaker 18164.24s - 8166.24s

I think listening to too much of this. By a country mile. Took the weed out of your mouth. Yeah. It's the Merle Haggard PRODUCT. I think listening to too much of this.

Speaker 28166.32s - 8166.56s


Speaker 18167.86s - 8169.18s

By country mile.

Speaker 28170.08s - 8171.36s

Let's go have some bluebell.

Speaker 18173.36s - 8177.8s

The swing set creaks and we see doll face on it swinging slightly.

Speaker 28178.66s - 8183.52s

Kristen hurries forward but stops when she sees that James's car is in culpting flames.

Speaker 58185.68s - 8186.18s

She reacts to this a little too much. it stops when she sees that James's car is in culp in flames. She,

Speaker 48186.18s - 8189.48s

she reacts to this a little too much.

Speaker 18189.68s - 8190.82s

Your car was already done.

Speaker 08190.94s - 8191.18s


Speaker 58191.44s - 8192.3s

It was their car,

Speaker 08192.38s - 8195.34s

right? It wasn't Mike's because Mike was out on the street.

Speaker 58196.68s - 8197.84s

And just as well,

Speaker 08197.94s - 8207.5s

where did Mike park? Because how would they see again, this is what I'm saying. It's fitting into my fan fiction. Because if he's not parked directly in front of the house, how the fuck would they know to throw a brick at his goddamn

Speaker 28207.5s - 8212.98s

window yeah because even if he's at the end of the driveway that the way they're trying to make

Speaker 18212.98s - 8218.34s

it seem is like it's still a little bit a drive away from the house yeah so I don't know I don't

Speaker 28218.34s - 8226.68s

either but she breaks down in sobs she doesn't she, oh no, the car that was already totaled.

Speaker 18227.02s - 8228.04s

He's now on fire.

Speaker 28228.6s - 8233.12s

Yeah. And, well, I was going to say you didn't have the keys, but...

Speaker 08233.12s - 8300.9s

You weren't going anywhere in that car. But when she turns back to the barn in the swing set, Pinnup Girl and Dollface are gone. Kristen PERSON brings herself painfully to her feet and hops back to the house on one foot. She continues to hop around the house, making an insane amount of noise as she bumps into shelvesand knocks things over. As she makes her way past Mike's body in the hallway, she bumps a hanging picture and the glass shatters when it hits the ground. Suddenly, the electricity shuts off, leaving the fireplace in the living room the only source of light. She looks around the house with wide fearful eyes, noticing the piano pushed in front of the door, ruined by the man in the mask with his axe. She continues forward, but stops in her tracks when she hears a gentle melody being played on the piano.She looks in that direction, terrified, just in time to see the man in the mask step into frame. He breathes heavily and his boots mark his every move. But Kristen PERSON just steps back out of his line of sight. When he heads down the hallway, she hides in the kitchen pantry, making a little more sound. Yeah.

Speaker 58300.9s - 8305.22s

Yeah. I will say the slats in the pantry, very reminiscent of the closet in Halloween.

Speaker 08305.38s - 8315.8s

Absolutely. Hearing this, the man in the mask heads back that way. His footsteps are achingly slow as Kristen PERSON watches crying from the slats in the pantry.

Speaker 28316.62s - 8326.36s

Now I do want to say, and I think this, I noticed this, so I'm sure you did as well, T. Where's James at?

Speaker 68326.44s - 8327.9s

I know we seem to get kicked, but...

Speaker 108327.9s - 8328.3s


Speaker 78329.7s - 8330.22s


Speaker 108330.58s - 8334.24s

Now we're starting to see everybody show up or whatever and...

Speaker 68334.24s - 8334.98s

Where are you?

Speaker 108335.18s - 8335.34s


Speaker 28336.34s - 8340.86s

The man seems to look right at her before turning away and heading into the kitchen.

Speaker 108341.68s - 8346.06s

There, he pulls out a chair at the table and takes a seat in front of the melted tub

Speaker 08346.06s - 8348.2s

of Bluebell ORG still sitting on the table.

Speaker 58348.56s - 8350.14s

I thought he was going to take a drink of that.

Speaker 08350.38s - 8351.8s

I would have loved if he did.

Speaker 28352.18s - 8353.98s

But he's like, man, kicking people in the face is tired.

Speaker 08353.98s - 8356.44s

He's got to fucking give me a minute.

Speaker 58357.54s - 8359.92s

Kristen PERSON cries quietly as she watches him.

Speaker 08360.24s - 8391.66s

But after his short rest, he stands back up and she holds her breath. She breathes again when he disappears down the hallway. But when she brings her face to the slats to peer out into the living room, dollface jumps into view and Kristen PERSON screams. Dollface bangs on the slats, breaking them as she pulls on the door.But Kristen PERSON holds the door closed screaming. When Dollface gives up and walks away from the pantry, Kristen PERSON coweres on the floor. But for some reason, she opens the pantry and steps out.

Speaker 58392.44s - 8399.68s

I don't know. Yeah. The only thing that could get you to step out is the delicious flavor of bluebell.

Speaker 08400.52s - 8401.66s

Of homemade vanilla.

Speaker 28401.66s - 8402s

Of homemade vanilla.

Speaker 78402.54s - 8403.3s

Bluebell ice cream.

Speaker 58403.42s - 8404.8s

That's good even melted, I'd say.

Speaker 28405.08s - 8406.54s

It's a homemade country win.

Speaker 78408.24s - 8409.6s

By a country mile.

Speaker 28410.96s - 8413.24s

She finds dollface PERSON standing in the kitchen,

Speaker 58413.64s - 8415.98s

holding the ring box she picked up from the table.

Speaker 08416.58s - 8418.66s

She caresses it lovingly with her fingers,

Speaker 58418.66s - 8420.78s

but her head snaps in Kristen PERSON's direction

Speaker 08420.78s - 8433.34s

when she steps into view. Kristen PERSON warns, he's going to kill you. But dollface PERSON just looks back at her in silence as she rests her fingers on the knife left on the kitchen table. Is she talking about Man in the Masker PERSON James?

Speaker 58433.68s - 8436.94s

I think James, but James is nowhere to be found.

Speaker 08437.1s - 8440.5s

No. And it felt like he stepped away and she's like, dude, he's after.

Speaker 58440.62s - 8444.84s

It's like, Kristen PERSON, he's just, she's not on your team. You're looking for your friend Tamara PERSON, right?

Speaker 08447.32s - 8449.46s

I can help you find her she's here the whole time

Speaker 98449.46s - 8451.46s

you came to the wrong house

Speaker 18451.46s - 8452.54s

dude these people with taros

Speaker 08452.54s - 8453.8s

they're fucking crazy

Speaker 18453.8s - 8457.82s

as doll face

Speaker 08457.82s - 8461.78s

as doll face

Speaker 18461.78s - 8463.44s

lifts the knife from the table

Speaker 98463.44s - 8465.86s

Kristen PERSON pulls open the drawer next to her

Speaker 18465.86s - 8468.98s

and rummages around before pulling out a much smaller knife.

Speaker 98469.48s - 8471.66s

Dollface is like, you call that a knife?

Speaker 08472.58s - 8473s


Speaker 18473.28s - 8473.8s

No, she is.

Speaker 08474.22s - 8477.94s

She is. Yeah, I know.

Speaker 58480.08s - 8481.42s

I don't think you did much.

Speaker 08481.54s - 8483.36s

Go ahead.

Speaker 78486.28s - 8487.62s

No, but armed,

Speaker 58487.94s - 8490.14s

she slowly starts to walk towards Kristen PERSON.

Speaker 38490.96s - 8492.1s

In a shaky whisper,

Speaker 18492.36s - 8493.48s

Kristen PERSON asks her,

Speaker 48493.92s - 8495.62s

why are you doing this to us?

Speaker 18496.24s - 8497.7s

Dollface doesn't answer.

Speaker 08498.22s - 8517s

Instead, she scrapes the knife along the counter as she moves closer and closer. Behind her. James is pushed through the open door and falls onto the floor in a heap. Behind James, the man in the mask struts in holding the shotgun. I don't know why this reminded me of when they bring in Sidney PERSON's dad and skips.

Speaker 28517s - 8520.12s

Yes. Yes. That's funny.

Speaker 08520.42s - 8582.02s

It does. Kristen's eyes dart between them and dollface PERSON, who is steadily and slowly coming closer. From behind her mask, she tells Kristen PERSON quietly, you're going to die. Kristen PERSON finally turns and hobbles away.She looks at the broken front door on her way, but sees pinup girl looming in the jagged crack. She makes her way down the hall and shuts the door to the bedroom. Once there, she tries to open the window very loudly before just banging on it and screaming at the top of her lungs to be let out. James screams her name from the living room, and this brings Kristen PERSON out of her panic. The door is slowly pushed open and creaks on its hinges, and Kristen screams back at James James PERSON but freezes when the electricitysuddenly comes back on trembling with panic Kristen PERSON slowly steps into the hallway only for the man in the mask to come running he grabs her and slams her against the wallimmediately knocking her out so this is just

Speaker 58582.02s - 8586.44s

his role as he knocks him out it's a very abrupt and unsatisfying

Speaker 08586.44s - 8589.64s

conclusion. Well, because it's like, why do we even run into the bed?

Speaker 58589.72s - 8598.14s

Like, what was any of this for? And I'm sorry, the fact that she ran away to somewhat seeming safety and James was the one calling her name

Speaker 08598.14s - 8646.92s

the water back. Yes. Hmm. He turns around and drags her unconscious body down the hall and toward the living room. She starts to wake up as she passes Mike's body and tries to grab onto the door frame to keep from being dragged, but it's no use.The man in the mask continues to wheeze as he pulls her steadily back into the living room. Kristen PERSON tries to hold on to the walls, her blood slick hands unable to grab on. And when she's pulled past the hallway, she digs her nails into the wooden floor, but the man continues to pull her. Just as Kristen PERSON is pulled out of frame, she lets loose a blood curdling scream and it cuts to black. When we glide through the darkness, we see that in the living room, James is confined to a chair with his hands tied in front of him.

Speaker 58648.2s - 8658.5s

So this, I think we've all been thinking it. Narratively, it would just be a lot more interesting if James was in on this somehow.

Speaker 78658.78s - 8674.48s

Yeah. My theory, my little fan fiction situation, what I thought is she rejects his marriage proposal. And this is his terrifying, horrifying plan B. And the reason that she rejects his marriage

Speaker 58674.48s - 8682.56s

proposal is because she's cheating on him with Mike. Oh, okay. That's why he called Mike over.

Speaker 08682.76s - 8688.06s

That's why he's setting everything up. That's why he kills Mike because he planned this whole thing.

Speaker 58688.32s - 8688.56s


Speaker 68688.68s - 8690.28s

The man in the mask is his accomplice.

Speaker 58690.36s - 8692.78s

So are doll face and the pinup girl.

Speaker 68692.78s - 8697.38s

They lead him into the house. They push him down the hallway, basically. Yeah.

Speaker 08697.66s - 8701.86s

To his death, James keeps disappearing for no reason.

Speaker 58702.16s - 8703.8s

For no fucking reason.

Speaker 08704s - 8708.14s

It makes way more sense narratively. And like you said, he's the one that called her back in there.

Speaker 58708.28s - 8713.62s

Yes. And whenever we see Mike's body, Kristen PERSON takes it very hard.

Speaker 08714.22s - 8714.98s

Yeah, she does.

Speaker 58715.3s - 8722.18s

And I understand the fact of seeing a dead body and a person that you know is obviously very horrifying.

Speaker 28722.56s - 8727.3s

Yeah. But that would make sense because he does kind of tackle her and he's like, no,

Speaker 68727.3s - 8731.26s

so it may be him trying to hold his anger and that,

Speaker 28731.26s - 8732.04s

that is good.

Speaker 58732.28s - 8733.62s

I like that a lot.

Speaker 28733.62s - 8735.36s

I didn't flesh it out that deeply.

Speaker 68735.6s - 8735.98s

I was just,

Speaker 98736.28s - 8737.7s

just basically like,

Speaker 68738.78s - 8739.32s

I would think that,

Speaker 08739.36s - 8740.26s

if I was,

Speaker 28740.36s - 8741.54s

if I did not know this movie,

Speaker 68741.54s - 8743.6s

I would think that James was orchestrating this.

Speaker 28743.7s - 8743.86s


Speaker 68744.1s - 8745.92s

Because it's so foolish.

Speaker 28746.22s - 8747.46s

And the minute that he leaves,

Speaker 08747.64s - 8748.78s

shit starts happening to her.

Speaker 18749.08s - 8752.66s

And then Mike's dead. Well, I'm gonna go outside by myself. You stay here.

Speaker 58752.74s - 8754.6s

Yeah. It's weird.

Speaker 78755.1s - 8755.44s


Speaker 58755.68s - 8760.08s

they're not really doing anything to them yet. They're really just toying with them and playing with them.

Speaker 08760.1s - 8766.42s

Yeah. It's like you're waiting until morning to have this moment. Yeah. It would have been, but again, that undermines kind of the whole have this moment. Yeah. It would have been, but again,

Speaker 58766.52s - 8769.8s

that undermines kind of the whole point of this film, but that would have been,

Speaker 08770.12s - 8776.72s

I just think that the way that James is in this movie, that serves him better.

Speaker 58777s - 8791.28s

Yes. It doesn't serve the story better. No. Because he's just like, it's like, dude, what the fuck are you doing?You're exactly right because it does solve that problem of the character, but at the same time, everything that makes this film scary would be gone.

Speaker 108791.48s - 8791.88s


Speaker 58792.1s - 8795.72s

Because what is about to happen is the most iconic thing in it.

Speaker 08795.8s - 8796.18s


Speaker 58796.44s - 8797.66s

And you couldn't say any of that.

Speaker 08797.76s - 8818.4s

No. Yeah. But outside, the sun is shining over the oblivious neighborhood and the ruined front door is wide open.Kristen PERSON is tied up in her own chair but is now wearing her pale purple dress from the wedding. When we pan out, her chair is positioned right next to James's who is also dressed nicely with his suit jacket back on.

Speaker 58818.96s - 8824.38s

Isn't it strange? I understand you can throw a jacket on somebody. They changed her clothes completely.

Speaker 08825.18s - 8828.24s

Which again, seems a little too personal.

Speaker 58828.42s - 8828.94s

Yeah, it does.

Speaker 08830s - 8864.8s

Kristen PERSON strains against her bindings, but finally stops struggling. Standing in front of them are the strangers. The man in the mask is in the middle, flanked on either side by doll face and pinup girl. Kristen and James stare up at them fearfully and they gaze back from behind their bland expressionless masks.Her voice a trembling whisper. Kristen PERSON asks again, why are you doing this to us? Dollface provides the answer, flat, matter of fact, and muffled by her mask. Because you were home.

Speaker 58865.24s - 8865.9s

That's amazing.

Speaker 08866.04s - 8867.18s

I just got goosebumps saying it.

Speaker 58867.34s - 8878.12s

It still scares me. There are moments of this film that do not work for me anymore and a lot of the magic isn't necessarily there anymore. This still scares me.

Speaker 18878.12s - 8880.6s

It is still a scary premise.

Speaker 38882.04s - 8905.4s

Man in the mask looks over at her before pinup girl walks away out of sight christin starts to struggle again but stops when james takes her hand which is still wearing the declined engagement ring the two lock eyes both of their faces streaked with blood christin tells james softly that she loves him before starting to sob dollface PERSON crouches down and sets her knife onto the plush carpet.

Speaker 08906.04s - 8922.3s

She removes her mask and when we see her in a wider shot, her jacket is suddenly gone too. Kristen PERSON averts her eyes, crying harder as Pinup Girl PERSON removes her own mask. Looking at the two of them, man in the mask follows suitand pulls the bag off of his head.

Speaker 58923.16s - 8935.5s

When you have been tormented all night, and these assailants take off their masks, one of two things. One, we're dead. Exactly. Yeah. Because you've seen our faces.It's it.

Speaker 98935.5s - 8935.82s

Well, yeah.

Speaker 08936.06s - 8938.18s

Two is you know us.

Speaker 98938.84s - 8939.26s


Speaker 08939.66s - 8944.6s

And the fact that they don't, I feel like the taking off of the masks is, I don't know.

Speaker 98944.86s - 8947.56s

It's not like, we're the trick or treaters you guys ran over.

Speaker 58947.88s - 8948.7s

Oh, my God.

Speaker 98948.76s - 8950s

10 years ago or something.

Speaker 08950.22s - 8950.9s

You know?

Speaker 58951.5s - 8952.14s

And we're back.

Speaker 08952.32s - 8954.68s

I get that.

Speaker 58954.76s - 8959.36s

I feel like it's just the fact of we're not let you, you've seen our faces.

Speaker 18959.6s - 8960.76s

You're not getting out of this.

Speaker 108960.9s - 8961.18s


Speaker 58961.26s - 8962s

Like you're dead.

Speaker 08962.14s - 8962.6s

It's over.

Speaker 58963.1s - 8964.2s

I figured that though.

Speaker 08964.38s - 8964.76s


Speaker 28965.2s - 8966.24s

And at least they're not learning. They're like, no, run along. We've had our fun. They. Like you're dead. It's over. I figured that though. Yeah. And at least they're not wearing.

Speaker 08966.24s - 8967.02s

They're like, no, run along.

Speaker 28967.94s - 8968.84s

We've had our fun.

Speaker 08968.98s - 8970.12s

They don't have animal masks.

Speaker 28970.34s - 8970.6s


Speaker 08970.88s - 8973.08s

I don't know what the fuck those are.

Speaker 28973.38s - 8973.88s

Who's who?

Speaker 08974.08s - 8974.28s


Speaker 28974.68s - 8975.78s

You can't keep up with that.

Speaker 08975.78s - 8976.86s

A bear in an octopus, I think.

Speaker 28977.86s - 8978.7s

Fox, maybe.

Speaker 08981.4s - 8984.4s

The sinister masks are abandoned around the room.

Speaker 28984.4s - 8988.18s

And the man stoops down to pick up doll faces abandoned knife.

Speaker 48988.78s - 8993.06s

As he takes it in his hand, Kristen PERSON begs him not to do this.

Speaker 28993.4s - 8996.12s

She tells him frantically that they can stop now and go.

Speaker 08996.24s - 8997.8s

They don't have to do this.

Speaker 48998.38s - 9001.8s

She cries and screams, begging them to listen to her,

Speaker 09002.14s - 9004.76s

while James just sits there.

Speaker 49005.38s - 9009.56s

He's like, do what you can do. Like, do your worst.

Speaker 09009.72s - 9010.52s

No, no, no.

Speaker 49010.68s - 9012.28s

Dude, he's like, Schreler PERSON.

Speaker 09012.52s - 9014.62s

He's like, you don't understand, Kristen PERSON.

Speaker 19015.66s - 9017.94s

He made his mind up five minutes ago.

Speaker 79020.34s - 9022.38s

The smartest person I've ever met.

Speaker 19025.02s - 9026.64s

You still don't understand.

Speaker 49031.84s - 9038.52s

Kristen continues to plead, but without warning, the man plunges the knife into James's gut.

Speaker 99038.82s - 9040.66s

So now it's like, okay, you weren't on the...

Speaker 79040.66s - 9042.16s

Unless it's a Billions 2 LAW situation.

Speaker 49043.7s - 9046.56s

In that interview, Kip Week PERSON said that they had,

Speaker 99047.32s - 9050.36s

they had him hold a real knife.

Speaker 49051.04s - 9052.14s

And then as he approached,

Speaker 99052.3s - 9054.64s

he's supposed to set it down and pick up the fake one

Speaker 79054.64s - 9055.8s

and stab him with it.

Speaker 09055.8s - 9058.2s

And he said he was so nervous and anxious

Speaker 79058.2s - 9059.42s

that he was going to fuck it up

Speaker 49059.42s - 9060.88s

and still have the real one.

Speaker 09061.04s - 9061.28s


Speaker 19061.38s - 9063.76s

That it was very difficult for him.

Speaker 09064.04s - 9064.58s

I bet.

Speaker 19065.46s - 9070.6s

Kristen PERSON screams. And we see from outside the house the streets are still quiet and deserted.

Speaker 09071.4s - 9074.94s

James reacts in shock and pain as he has stabbed again.

Speaker 19075.48s - 9080.18s

He presses his forehead against Christens PERSON and she whispers to him, trying to be a comfort,

Speaker 69080.68s - 9084.94s

but Pinnup Girl takes the knife from the man and stabs James in the chest.

Speaker 109085.3s - 9088.3s

I'm not laughing, but it's just James over and over again.

Speaker 09088.42s - 9089.6s

I was laughing at you laughing.

Speaker 109090.18s - 9093.1s

It's like a king of the hill when I got slipped to your slap twice.

Speaker 09094.1s - 9096.86s

I will say I love these exterior shots.

Speaker 19097.16s - 9097.36s


Speaker 59097.72s - 9103.56s

I feel like I will say though because the look of the street lamps, this street does feel a little

Speaker 09103.56s - 9104.38s

more populated.

Speaker 59104.68s - 9104.92s


Speaker 19107.22s - 9107.26s

Then it seems or needs to be.

Speaker 09107.64s - 9107.86s


Speaker 19109.16s - 9109.46s

But I do like the cutaways.

Speaker 09109.62s - 9170.72s

Yeah. Kristen PERSON continues pleading, but it breaks off in a scream when dollface PERSON stabs her in the gut through her pretty dress. From outside the house, we hear Kristen PERSON's begs and screams.The two Mormon NORP boys from the beginning walk their bikes along the road. They slow down when a red Ford ORG truck pulls up next to them, going the opposite way. The truck stops and Dollface gets out and walks over to the boys. She eyes their Christian NORP living pamphlets and asks if she can have one. One of the boys asks if she's a sinner and while the other one looks uncomfortable dollface PERSON answerssimply sometimes without any further questions the boy hands her a pamphlet dollface climbs back in the truck and takes her seat between the man and the mask and pin-up girl as she settles in she assures her cohorts it'll be easier next time. The truck drives away and the boys continue down the street. The heck do you mean?

Speaker 59170.98s - 9173.06s

Yeah. You made it difficult.

Speaker 09173.56s - 9173.78s

What do you mean?

Speaker 59175.16s - 9177.22s

It'll be easier next time? Nothing was difficult. You did that.

Speaker 09177.62s - 9238.76s

Well, yeah. Well, okay. So, okay. The original ending, according to Laura Margolis PERSON, which they, again, like I said, they shot and test audiences were like, we don't like it. They said that it was very long and drawn out and very personal and that when they showed it, it made Laura Margolis PERSON cry because it was so intensethis ending. They're face to face. You see all of the stranger's faces. They're talking to them. When Pinup Girl stabs James in the original ending, she whispers to him that she's sorry. She said that in that ending, she was the most emotional one.The man in the mask was the most committed one. And dollface PERSON was kind of the most excited and shocked that they were actually doing this. Like they each kind of were like in this really intense moment as they're killing them which does feel more Manson PERSON-esque to me um but in that original ending they walk around

Speaker 39238.76s - 9261.82s

they clean up a little bit they take their clothes and if you are paying attention at the end when she's talking to these boys, she's wearing Liv Tyler's PERSON outfit with the fucking plaid shirt and jeans. And I never noticed that until watching it this time. But they take their clothes that they brought with them. So even in the truck, they're wearing Kristen and James's clothes.

Speaker 09262.9s - 9265.36s

But the test audiences watched it

Speaker 89265.36s - 9266.74s

and they said that they didn't like it

Speaker 09266.74s - 9274.48s

and they didn't like that you could see their faces. And so this whole time the three of them thought that their faces were in the end of this film.

Speaker 39275.4s - 9290.88s

And I guess Bertino PERSON called him was like, we're changing it. And so they had to change some things obviously about the ending. But it was a lot more intense, a lot more drawn out.And maybe that's her kind of consoling pinup girl.

Speaker 09291.14s - 9295.18s

Next time we do this, it won't be so hard for you. Like, you won't be so sad.

Speaker 59295.38s - 9296.72s

I guess that makes more sense.

Speaker 09297.08s - 9298.96s

But again, that's not in this.

Speaker 29299.08s - 9299.28s


Speaker 59299.66s - 9299.84s


Speaker 29299.84s - 9299.92s


Speaker 59300.32s - 9301.14s

I was going to say,

Speaker 29301.22s - 9310.26s

but hold on because she busted the radio. She did. She hit them with the truck a few times. She did. I mean, you don't seem like you weren't having a good time.

Speaker 09310.26s - 9317s

Well, and as I said, they had developed this backstory for themselves.

Speaker 99317.3s - 9323.68s

And they had agreed that this was not the first time that they had done this before.

Speaker 09323.88s - 9326.76s

The terrorizing and the hurting and the destroying shit,

Speaker 29326.88s - 9329.72s

but it was the first time they killed someone.

Speaker 109330.2s - 9330.52s


Speaker 09330.94s - 9343.34s

And so this is old hat for them, kind of the torturousness and the chasing, but they'd never fully finished it before. And so taking it to that next level, maybe she was like, oh, yeah.

Speaker 59344.3s - 9351.34s

I get that and I do think that the line, the line implies sequel as well. Yeah.

Speaker 09351.66s - 9352.5s

Which is interesting.

Speaker 59353.24s - 9356.06s

I, but I'm kind of torn on whether or not to see their faces.

Speaker 99356.18s - 9360.44s

I guess it doesn't matter to see their faces if we don't know who they are and it doesn't matter. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 59360.64s - 9368.66s

But at the same time, it would be, if they could find a way to make it to wear who they are matters. Right. Then the faces should be in the film. Yeah. Yeah. But at the same time, it would be, if they could find a way to make it to wear who they are matters. Right. Then the faces should be in the film.

Speaker 09368.92s - 9369.26s


Speaker 59369.44s - 9369.72s


Speaker 09370.02s - 9395s

And they had talked about, Kip Week said that he kind of saw them, the three of them as having a natural born killers type relationship. He had said that for him, his motivation for Man in the Mask was that the Man in the Mask WORK_OF_ART is in a desensitized world, and he's trying to reestablish feelings of guilt and sorrow by experiencing violence firsthand. Okay.

Speaker 49395.68s - 9399.12s

Jim Ward PERSON said that dollface isn't trying to say anything.

Speaker 09399.7s - 9415.68s

She only wants to control and dominate a situation for the first time in her life. And Laura Margolis said that Pinup Girl PERSON has no power in her real life and only has the nerve and the bravery and the anger because she's behind her mask. It's very interesting.

Speaker 59415.84s - 9418.14s

It would have been nice to see any of that. Yeah.

Speaker 09418.68s - 9424.4s

And Kip Weeks also said that in his mind, Dollface was the leader and that he and Pinup

Speaker 99424.4s - 9428.22s

Girl were the cohorts they were the muscle i disagree

Speaker 09428.22s - 9435.54s

yeah yeah because i don't get that no no i feel like she's the one that's sent by them to ring the doorbell

Speaker 29435.54s - 9444s

she's the face yeah um and glen howerton PERSON had said that he in his mind the strangers get away because

Speaker 59444s - 9445.2s

they were talking about like what

Speaker 29445.2s - 9449.74s

happens after this because there is a little bit more movie left, but that's the end of the

Speaker 59449.74s - 9450.9s

strangers when they drive away.

Speaker 29451.08s - 9451.26s


Speaker 59451.7s - 9455.48s

Um, he said that in his mind, he doesn't think they ever get caught because he doesn't want them

Speaker 29455.48s - 9455.9s

to get caught.

Speaker 59456.48s - 9457.26s

I agree.

Speaker 09457.68s - 9457.88s


Speaker 89457.88s - 9464.24s

And Kip Weeks PERSON even said that it is crucial and important to the film that they don't, that this

Speaker 09464.24s - 9465.46s

has a beginning and a middle, but it doesn't have an end that he thinks in a few months they're going to meet up and they don't, that this has a beginning and a middle,

Speaker 59465.58s - 9469.48s

but it doesn't have an end that he thinks in a few months they're going to meet up and

Speaker 09469.48s - 9470.44s

they're going to do this again.

Speaker 59471.32s - 9474.42s

Okay. Or maybe 10 years. Yeah.

Speaker 09474.52s - 9545.7s

You know, whatever. But we see the boys as we saw them at the beginning through the heart-shaped hole in James's windshield. After abandoning their bikes in the road, they head into the house. Rose petals are scattered across the floor. The record hisses quietly in the player,and the walls are splattered with blood, and a bloody knife rests on the ground. The shotgun sits ominously on the kitchen counter. The boys look down at James' motionless body, his half-litted eyes open but seeing nothing. They find Kristen PERSON lying on her back.Her once pale purple dress is now red and pink. Still clutching his pamphlets, the nervous boy reaches out as he crouches down. He reaches for her slowly, but just before he can touch her, her eyes open and she grabs his wrist wrist screaming at the top of her lungs. It cuts to black and the credits roll.Before I ask the customary question, T.R. You see you shaking your head. I completely agree. Laura Margolis PERSON said that in her mind, Kristen PERSON dies right after that. That the scream was the last ounce of anything she had left and then she dies.That's more

Speaker 59545.7s - 9548.18s

palatable for the film I guess.

Speaker 99548.3s - 9553.8s

It just feels like one of those moments. I don't really like those moments in where they're like, send them home screaming. Yeah.

Speaker 09554.04s - 9571.08s

The audience, like this is just for the audience and now I'm out of the film. Yeah. Yeah. And it feels, it's so, it's such a heavy and sad and horrible ending.And so I don't know if this was to give some hope that she, I don't know what this was for. I'll tell you what it wasn't for. It wasn't for me.

Speaker 29571.58s - 9572.24s

Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 09573.36s - 9575.08s

I think we can all agree on that.

Speaker 29575.2s - 9575.32s


Speaker 09575.88s - 9577.34s

It wasn't for us.

Speaker 29577.44s - 9577.74s


Speaker 09578.86s - 9580.22s

But I have to ask.

Speaker 29580.52s - 9583.36s

So, what did you guys think of the strangers?

Speaker 09584.36s - 9589.7s

So I do enjoy some of the movie, what it does and what's going on.

Speaker 29589.74s - 9614.2s

And I can understand how, you know, having nostalgia and watching the movie a lot or even just, you know, forgiving a lot of what it does. I think for me, this only being the second time that I've seen it, maybe the third time, it's still, like, like I said, when I first watched it, I knew, I was like, man, something just doesn't sit right. You know what I mean? I was like, something just is like,oh, maybe it's just a new movie, whatever.

Speaker 89614.98s - 9624.2s

But then watching it again for the show and stopping and kind of looking at things critically. And like, even narratively, it's like, what? What's going on here?

Speaker 29625s - 9639.9s

The cliche boyfriend stuff. Like, the dude, it's like, what? It's like, what's going on here? The cliche boyfriend stuff. Like, the dude was like, like, for me, I'm like, you can't be this dumb. You just, you're doing the whole, we should separate. Why? Why do we need to? Because we need us to be in separate places.There is no reason for that.

Speaker 99640s - 9659.42s

Yeah. Oh, I don't believe you. Why don't you believe her? You guys just experienced that weird stranger going on. And when you were on the phone with her, you knew she was on the landline,the landline got cut. Why are you not calling her cell phone or hurrying home to go back be there? Yeah. It's that, there's no sense of awareness.

Speaker 29659.8s - 9665.22s

Even if this is somewhere you guys have visited before, y'all have been there this is your

Speaker 89665.22s - 9671.76s

family or your friends property or anything there isn't the oh i know let's go over here i know we do

Speaker 29671.76s - 9677.7s

get the oh my dad has a shotgun up here somewhere but even that it's like a oh i haven't been here

Speaker 99677.7s - 9682.56s

in a very long time you know it's like so are you remembering this shit from when you were 12 or

Speaker 09682.56s - 9685.1s

were you here last summer? Like what?

Speaker 39687.26s - 9688.08s

You know, you guys were just here setting all this up.

Speaker 09691.76s - 9692.38s

The way some of the cuts are her being on the floor mainly.

Speaker 29693.58s - 9723.08s

It was very funny. Mainly. It was very funny. That and then you touched on it, T. And it did. It does the more we talked about it play a bigger role and why some of the stuff doesn't work is them being humans or ghosts it it's it's the back and forth of what they're able to do in a humancapacity or like it's very again yes we all know leslie's training videos and what he sends us through

Speaker 99723.08s - 9726.74s

but again this does feel like when

Speaker 29726.74s - 9732.76s

she taps him in the car, how did, how did nobody see that? Or how did he not turn around and

Speaker 89732.76s - 9737.08s

she's still running away? Are you here? Even if we just heard footsteps or something running away,

Speaker 69737.38s - 9744s

okay, I'm not alone. But then this is just like, was that a ghost? What the fuck? It was just,

Speaker 89744s - 9745.72s

it was just kind of weird for me. And,

Speaker 29745.72s - 9760s

and again, if you like the movie, I get it. But for me, it's just those things that kept coming and were, I guess, mixing up what was happening. I was like, I don't, I'm not having a good time.

Speaker 59761.52s - 9766.14s

I, yeah, I feel like I really feel very in the middle on this one

Speaker 99766.14s - 9769.74s

I have that nostalgia for it from having seen it as a teenager

Speaker 29769.74s - 9774.2s

and watching it a lot yeah but then there are also these

Speaker 59774.2s - 9778.08s

feelings of coming back to it as an adult and watching it and just being like

Speaker 29778.08s - 9781.98s

you know some of these scares the way that they're crafted simply do not work

Speaker 59781.98s - 9786.3s

yeah but then there's these other scares that are like so pitch perfect.

Speaker 99786.58s - 9786.98s


Speaker 109787.16s - 9789.58s

This section with Mike. Yes.

Speaker 59789.58s - 9797.1s

It's great. It's so good. But then you do have that thing in the car. And then you have the thing with, uh, the pinup girl smashing the radio.

Speaker 99797.32s - 9799.58s

And then Liv Tyler PERSON's like, well, we get her crumbent.

Speaker 19800.68s - 9801.6s

Like, what?

Speaker 99802.06s - 9802.58s


Speaker 19803.26s - 9803.46s


Speaker 99803.46s - 9804.62s

She has an axe.

Speaker 59804.92s - 9805.14s

Yes. Yeah. She's like, She has an axe. Yes.

Speaker 19806.34s - 9807.38s

She's like, it'll be fine.

Speaker 59807.76s - 9809.1s

Where is your urgency?

Speaker 19809.22s - 9810.54s

It's Jackie Torrance PERSON back there.

Speaker 59810.64s - 9811.64s

You've got to go.

Speaker 19811.8s - 9811.96s

I guess.

Speaker 29811.96s - 9812.68s

You need to run.

Speaker 19812.74s - 9813.62s

We'll take the scenic ground.

Speaker 79814.82s - 9819.26s

I, you know, but then there are certain moments that just work absolutely.

Speaker 29819.78s - 9824.92s

There are aspects of it, like the music that is just so perfectly done.

Speaker 59827.9s - 9839.98s

Mm-hmm. And you do enjoy a lot of it, like the music that is just so perfectly done. And you do enjoy a lot of it. It is a very fun watch if you just sit there and watch it. Yes. It is a very fun thriller. But when you start to dig and you're like, man, these characters don't mean anything. Yeah.

Speaker 79845.14s - 9845.26s

This narrative, what narrative? Yeah. You know?

Speaker 59849.86s - 9852.02s

And so there are parts that do stick out to where you're like, you know what? I am happy to revisit this.

Speaker 79852.34s - 9852.94s

It's fun.

Speaker 99853.1s - 9855.66s

I understand completely why people adore it.

Speaker 59856.34s - 9860.68s

But then you're like, you know, not as fresh as I recall.

Speaker 79860.94s - 9861.18s


Speaker 59862.08s - 9864.38s

Yeah, no, I completely agree.

Speaker 09864.64s - 9867.08s

I still have a lot of love for this film. I still like this film. Yeah. Yeah, no, I completely agree. I still have a lot of love for this film.

Speaker 59867.18s - 9868.74s

I still like this film.

Speaker 09868.9s - 9869.08s


Speaker 69869.22s - 9891.5s

It just, it has lost some of the magic for me, looking a little bit deeper, looking at character motivations, and realizing that these characters are not as deep as I thought they were. And really, just James,like you said, John Paul PERSON, leaning into the dumb boyfriend dumb husband that just doesn't believe their partner it'sit's one of my least

Speaker 09891.5s - 9892.18s

favorite things

Speaker 39892.18s - 9895.56s

but he's going into the bin of useless men in my mind

Speaker 109895.56s - 9898.52s

because it's it's so annoying

Speaker 39898.52s - 9899.5s

it's just annoying

Speaker 09899.5s - 9903.8s

I think that the premise of this is still very frightening

Speaker 69903.8s - 9906.84s

and I have a lot of nostalgia for it.

Speaker 09907.22s - 9918.92s

The way that it seeped in, the way that I've incorporated it into my daily life as a warning of bitch, don't let them catch you slipping.

Speaker 99919.16s - 9922.62s

And I won't because I saw this when I was fucking however old.

Speaker 19922.62s - 9924.12s

And it got in.

Speaker 39924.2s - 9926.06s

It genuinely scared me.

Speaker 19926.58s - 9931.64s

Even me reading because you were home, it gave me chills because it is fucking scary.

Speaker 39931.64s - 9938.7s

I think this concept, this fear like you were saying earlier, T PERSON, of I should feel safe here.

Speaker 99938.94s - 9940.18s

This is my space.

Speaker 39940.26s - 9950.3s

This is my home. And somebody invading that and exploiting that just fucking because that will never not be scary to me.

Speaker 09950.94s - 9964.86s

I'm just rambling. I can kind of slide into ratings as well. This one is a really hard one for me to rate because I do still have a lot of love for it. I watched it so much when I was younger. I would watch it again.

Speaker 19966.9s - 9977.08s

I mean, I will watch it again. I still really like it. There are parts of it that still fucking scare me. There are parts of it where I'm like, no, Mike, say it. Say it to me, Mike. Like, you know what I mean? Like, I'm still invested in

Speaker 09977.08s - 9990.06s

some moments, but there are other moments where it's just like, what do you mean to stay here? What do you mean? No, your phone's in your back. Oh, so you think I'm a fucking child. You think I'm a dumb child that I didn't like.

Speaker 79990.98s - 9995.62s

It's really, really frustrating. The whole, you won't marry me.

Speaker 99995.98s - 10004.02s

Like that is, it's very annoying to me as an adult looking back. The audacity of this man to propose at a wedding. I'm still upset about that.

Speaker 010004.94s - 10005.1s

Just aspects of that that I did not fully grasp watching this. the audacity of this man to propose at a wedding. I'm still upset about that.

Speaker 310008.72s - 10010.72s

Just aspects of that that I did not fully grasp watching this when I was younger

Speaker 010010.72s - 10020.34s

that are kind of glaring issues to me now. A lot of these moments that kind of feel inconsequential like the running from the barn.

Speaker 310020.9s - 10025.76s

The hilariousness of James being kicked out by being kicked out, being being kicked out being knocked out

Speaker 110025.76s - 10032.6s

by being kicked out. He was kicked out. And again, the anti-climacticness of it all of

Speaker 310032.6s - 10036.84s

Kristen PERSON just being slammed into a wall and knocked out. It's like the sun's coming up. We got to

Speaker 010036.84s - 10042.82s

fucking, you know what I mean? But again, there are moments of him stepping out of that hallway

Speaker 310042.82s - 10048.56s

and her not knowing that he's there that have stayed with me. I mean, how old is this?

Speaker 810049.28s - 10065.92s

16 years? It stayed with me. Never forgot those moments. Never forgot truly the lessons that this film has taught me. But I know that there are a lot of issues and they're major issues. But Glenn Howardton PERSON's in it.

Speaker 110066.16s - 10066.3s


Speaker 010066.84s - 10067.26s

Oh yeah.

Speaker 510068s - 10068.52s

Like every.

Speaker 010068.52s - 10069.96s

JP PERSON already said that's a point.

Speaker 510070.08s - 10070.42s

Oh yeah.

Speaker 010070.48s - 10071.32s

That's a full last point.

Speaker 210071.42s - 10072.8s

Every con.

Speaker 710072.88s - 10074.42s

I'm like, but, you know,

Speaker 210075.22s - 10077.12s

Liv Tyler's PERSON performance is incredible.

Speaker 010077.36s - 10077.52s


Speaker 210077.68s - 10079.32s

Nobody, everybody pulls their weight.

Speaker 010079.48s - 10081.06s

It's not like, well, Scott Speedman PERSON was like,

Speaker 210081.18s - 10081.34s


Speaker 510081.34s - 10091.62s

I don't like his character. He did a great job. He did. Everybody ate. Everybody did what they were supposed to do. They had Bluebell. They ate Bluebell. like well Scott Speedman PERSON was like no I don't like his character he did a great job he did everybody ate everybody did what they were supposed to do they had bluebell they ate bluebell I mean there's

Speaker 010091.62s - 10113.66s

nothing better homemade vanilla I just I am torn because there are so many aspects of this that really stayed with me my entire adulthood that I still think about that still scare me but looking at the film as a whole there are aspects where it just does not deliver for me at all and that ending

Speaker 610113.66s - 10116.32s

the very very end it doesn't

Speaker 010116.32s - 10119.14s

let us sit in the horrificness

Speaker 1010119.14s - 10121.82s

of what happened. Yeah. You don't need to jump

Speaker 010121.82s - 10126.44s

scare us before the credits. You just don't need to it makes an ass out of me and you I don't need to jump scarce before the credits. You just don't need to. It makes an ass out of me, and you?

Speaker 910126.44s - 10126.64s


Speaker 1010128.06s - 10130s

I don't like it.

Speaker 910131.36s - 10134.8s

But yeah, still lots of love for the movie.

Speaker 010135.56s - 10151.88s

Forever I will have love for this movie. But again, as an adult, I see the issues. So I am a little generous with my score. A lot of that is nostalgia. A lot of that is having iconic moments that I have never forgotten in fucking 16 years. You deserve some flowers for that.Oh, yeah.

Speaker 910152.08s - 10153.12s

And again, Glenn Howardton PERSON.

Speaker 010154.04s - 10174.3s

So on a scale from 1 to 10, malicious masked menaces, I'm going to generously give the strangers 7.5 maliciously masked menaces. I don't know that it deserves as a film to be quite that high, but to me it does for the reasons that I justsaid.

Speaker 110176.4s - 10177.44s

You showed your work.

Speaker 910178.34s - 10179.42s

If you'll look here.

Speaker 110180.1s - 10181.8s

But I will now open up the floor

Speaker 910181.8s - 10183.82s

to you. I know I

Speaker 110183.82s - 10187.54s

said all the things that I did have a problem with.

Speaker 910187.64s - 10191.14s

But the same things you guys keep saying are good about it.

Speaker 110191.22s - 10191.76s

They did.

Speaker 010191.86s - 10193.4s

All the performances were great.

Speaker 210193.82s - 10217.94s

Those silent scares, like you said, when we see him in the background, that's good. The whole scene with Mike, the beginning of the movie. Like, it is just those other inconsistencies are the the like having to separate why we need to separate why yeah her telling him hold on don't go out there you know there's shit has already happened and then him being like but why you you've already experienced at least

Speaker 010217.94s - 10226.94s

two different things that have happened for you to why would you ask why? Clearly even if not I'm frightened.

Speaker 710227.44s - 10236.42s

Why the fuck are you trying to leave me every chance you get? Unless. Yeah. And for me, I think if you

Speaker 210236.42s - 10242.18s

want to do this and it's not, if you want to keep this, I feel like it might have worked a

Speaker 710242.18s - 10246.96s

little better. And if maybe, maybe if say that

Speaker 510246.96s - 10251.6s

this is a, that these are an older couple already, maybe Mel Gibson PERSON and somebody else.

Speaker 610252.26s - 10257.3s

Because, well, he's, he's going to die later. I was like Mel Gibson PERSON. Well, he dies later. So,

Speaker 810257.42s - 10262.9s

he gets it first. Yeah. Yeah. That's all right. But you know what I mean? Have them even that.

Speaker 610262.9s - 10265.34s

They come from a night out. Something's wrong. He goes to the story

Speaker 810265.34s - 10267.04s

to get them a snack or something or anything.

Speaker 610267.44s - 10270.92s

They're dating and he wants to get married and she's like, no, we've already lived

Speaker 810270.92s - 10271.36s


Speaker 910271.74s - 10273.12s

You know, let's just have fun, dude.

Speaker 710273.2s - 10275.54s

And then there's a little fight, gets them away back, whatever.

Speaker 910276.12s - 10276.54s


Speaker 210276.84s - 10287.58s

Anything to make it fix. I mean, the movie's not bad. It's just the, I guess it's just the way that it goes about the story. It's just so weird.

Speaker 010287.88s - 10290.84s

I was going to propose Kurt Russell, but Kurt Russell would never let the shit.

Speaker 210290.84s - 10294.18s

Oh, yeah. I wouldn't believe it in a second.

Speaker 910296.68s - 10302.3s

But I do, I do enjoy what the movie does and what it has brung.

Speaker 010302.44s - 10303.04s

You know what I mean?

Speaker 910304.52s - 10307.64s

But for me, I don't think I can go that high.

Speaker 210308.24s - 10309.1s


Speaker 910309.18s - 10311.68s

For Dennis PERSON, I gave it the point.

Speaker 210311.88s - 10312.46s

You know what I mean?

Speaker 110312.58s - 10314.24s

Even I was thinking about two.

Speaker 210314.84s - 10317.76s

But then dude shot him and I was like, damn, you know?

Speaker 110317.84s - 10318.74s

Not enough screen time.

Speaker 210319.74s - 10328.88s

But for me, on a scale of 1 to 10, malicious masked menaces, I'm going to give the strangers a 6.5.

Speaker 110329.38s - 10332.08s

I like what was going on here.

Speaker 210332.24s - 10335.32s

I do enjoy what they're doing in the scares.

Speaker 110335.86s - 10345.98s

And like you said, T, and really watching it the second time, you do notice the, I don't even want to say absence of the music, but you said it, you said it perfectly.

Speaker 310346.5s - 10348.18s

It flows so good.

Speaker 810348.46s - 10353.74s

It is just atmosphere. You can hear it when it needs to be there and you don't, when you don't need to hear it.

Speaker 010353.74s - 10360.4s

And everything, and it helps sell the tension, the scares, the feeling of what's going on.

Speaker 910360.74s - 10365.42s

Now, if we could just get a better or tighter little story going on here, maybe some more character background, anything other than what's going on. Now, if we could just get a better or tighter little story going on here, maybe some more

Speaker 010365.42s - 10378.22s

character background, anything other than what's going on, him being mad about that. And it's just, it was just, the extreme that it went to. It was, it was a little, it was kind of like, come on,

Speaker 510378.24s - 10400.88s

really, dude? No, I agree. I feel like I would just be repeating both of you a lot. Yeah. I think the only thing I really want to say is that I feel like nostalgia is a powerful thing. Mm-hmm. To a point, of course. But I feel like whenever this came out and we watched it, there was something different about it in 2008.Yeah.

Speaker 010401.14s - 10401.3s


Speaker 510405.46s - 10410.92s

There was something very special about it that latched on to you and you kept thinking about it. Yeah. You return to it in your mind. You return to it on DVD,

Speaker 010411.14s - 10417.2s

whatever the case may be. Yeah. But I just feel like at this, at my big age, as Ney PERSON says,

Speaker 510418.56s - 10425.36s

I just, I respect it and I appreciate a lot of it, but then there are parts that just do not work.

Speaker 910425.36s - 10425.78s


Speaker 010426.16s - 10428.92s

And I have said enough about the negatives I feel.

Speaker 910429.88s - 10432.36s

But I do, I like the atmosphere.

Speaker 010432.64s - 10432.92s


Speaker 910433.06s - 10434.02s

I like the music.

Speaker 510434.16s - 10435.44s

I like the cinematography.

Speaker 1010435.88s - 10437.36s

The performances, as you said.

Speaker 510437.72s - 10440.32s

I love these masks.

Speaker 910440.52s - 10448s

Yeah. The design of these villains and the way that they move, the way that they operate, the way they slink into frame, sometimes. The design of these villains and the way that they move, the way that they operate, the way they slink into frame, sometimes,

Speaker 010448.48s - 10454.42s

the way that they are noticed and unnoticed, sometimes. The way they sprint and then knock you out.

Speaker 510455.18s - 10455.8s

All the time.

Speaker 010457.62s - 10461.02s

No, I just, I don't know.

Speaker 510461.82s - 10463.86s

I just feel like so much of it is hit or miss

Speaker 010463.86s - 10464.94s

and it's kind of upsetting.

Speaker 510465.16s - 10465.5s

Yeah. Because whenever you look at it as. I just feel like so much of it is hit or miss and it's kind of upsetting. Yeah.

Speaker 010465.66s - 10470.2s

Because whenever you look at it as a narrative, there is so much more that could have been done with it.

Speaker 510470.28s - 10470.58s


Speaker 010470.84s - 10474.68s

And I feel like, you know, we don't have to flesh out and figure out exactly who these strangers are.

Speaker 510474.92s - 10481.94s

But if we do have a reason to say why James is acting like this, maybe be a little subversive with this old-ass trope.

Speaker 1010482.52s - 10483s


Speaker 510483.54s - 10483.88s


Speaker 010483.96s - 10485.96s

I feel like that would be more successful for me.

Speaker 510486.04s - 10497.62s

It does undermine the potential of that amazing line at the end. Right. So I understand, you know, it's, it's, uh, give or take. It's very difficult. Mm-hmm. But I will say that just like you, I will watch this again.

Speaker 910497.82s - 10507.14s

Mm-hmm. I, uh, am very interested. There are apparently a trilogy of the Strangers films coming out in the next year.

Speaker 510507.34s - 10512.04s

Okay. No, I'll be there. And is it, uh, do the deep loosey? Yes, it is. I'll be there.

Speaker 010512.6s - 10519.06s

I'm sad. I'll give it all. Yeah. We'll see. We'll see. But for me on a scale from one to 10,

Speaker 510519.06s - 10529.38s

malicious masked menaces, I am also going to give the strangers a 6.5 out of 10. I came here with a 6,

Speaker 110529.74s - 10532.16s

but Glenn Howardton PERSON.

Speaker 010532.46s - 10532.82s

Of course.

Speaker 110533.86s - 10535.08s

The golden guy.

Speaker 010539.12s - 10542.78s

Well, that's all from us at Pod Morton ORG. What would you rate the strangers in which we

Speaker 510542.78s - 10545.76s

watch next? Let us know on Twitter at The Pod Mortem.

Speaker 110546.12s - 10549.62s

Be sure to follow us on Instagram and like our Stirhole Productions page on Facebook ORG.

Speaker 510550.14s - 10555.1s

Be sure to follow each of us on Twitter at Blood and Smoke ORG at Real Streeter 84 and at Travis M.W.

Speaker 010555.78s - 10558.86s

Thanks again to Original Cinematic for sponsoring this week's episode.

Speaker 110559.36s - 10565.16s

Please consider pledging to our Patreon where you'll get access to bonus content, our monthly schedule, our Discord

Speaker 510565.16s - 10570.56s

server, and the opportunity to help us decide which films to cover. Stay tuned until after the

Speaker 010570.56s - 10576.98s

music for a special shout out to our Wendigo Get Her ORG patrons. And remember, a trusting nature is

Speaker 110576.98s - 10585.58s

priceless, but there's true value and knowing exactly when to shut and lock the door. Until next time.

Speaker 510591.68s - 10595.94s

Thank you for staying tuned for a special thank you to our Windigo Getter PRODUCT patrons.

Speaker 010596.42s - 10597.5s

Woo! Yeah!

Speaker 510597.94s - 10601s

Yeah! A special thank you to...

Speaker 010601s - 10605.24s

Chris Antaveros, Kristen Lofton. Megan Martinez PERSON.

Speaker 210605.98s - 10672.24s

Kimberly Bass PERSON. Sophie Hodson PERSON. Anthony Jerome M. Jordan Nash. Kent Morton PERSON. Lala Thomas PERSON.Travis Anisa Hunter PERSON. Miguel Myers A.T.X. Jennifer Perez. Alison O'Neo PERSON. Carissa PERSON. T.J. and Angie Bronson PERSON. Gabrielle Trevino PERSON.Spooky Mom. Aplen-on-Tiveros PERSON. Karima Rhodes PERSON. Antonio Huerta PERSON. Kimberly Klein Deinst PERSON Will Brown Sidney SmithOsvaldo Zotto Bobby Holmes Donna Ison Jady Rezak Molly Gerhard Armon SpastoErin Agarry Egy William Barry Brittany Seaman Charity Oxner Amanda 6Mandy Rainwater Jordan Roberts Dylan Jordan Blevins Liz Heath Heath, Spencer Montavo PERSON, Pancake the Panda, John Ramos, Michael Nuding, Alexis Roberts, Dan Laveau, Itsy M, Gary Horton, Levy Horton PERSON, Lep, Lisa Hunter, Helena Rudder, Alan Johnston, Mariah, Livy Fun, Scott Troutman-Wise PERSON, TautonWatson, Mozy Bear, Brittany G, Dave Burke, Adrian Stakes, Daniel McGuinness, Nick Spill, Emma Hago Kissinger PERSON.

Speaker 510672.82s - 10738.84s

Valerie G., Ameliana, Brian Glass, C.B, Taylor Santana, Will Lewison, Angalee, Smelly Poo-Head, Beth Bauer, Cookie, Esperanza J, Jason Kyle O'KC, Daniel Peralta, Brandon, Nicholas Carter, Sawyer Reese Farr, Dr. Diva loves horror, Girl That's Scary, Cassandra, Andrea Simmons, Ashley Higera, William and Zina Rush, Ryan Brom, Megan Ochoa, Laura Lasseter, Natalie de Guzman, E, E. Sydney, Henry F., Megan M., Strangely Sarah PERSON, Christy Beck, Nancy and Andy, Amanda Lopez, Andy Terrell PERSON, Jason Hanavan, Katie K, Erica Morin, Cameron S, Nicole Stewart, Triss Wynn PERSON, K.887, Mariah Jensen, Carrie A, Lonnie Lono. Powell. Kayla E. Maggie H. Murder Steena. No thanks Tom H. Kevin McGonigle. Kristen Marcy. Ori 81, Borequah. Look like that one girl. Bog boy. Fellnes 63.

Speaker 010739.68s - 10809.82s

Alita Pui. Probably my Jugs. Kate Thackeray. Wade Pack. a lizard, Bay J. Rich, Jen Lasseter, Tofer Williams PERSON, Elena Metler, Valerie Kay, Christy Lee Kruger, Professor of Humanities, Laura McCarricker, Naomi, Josh Smith PERSON, Autumn Green, Abby Kopp, Crystal 831, Cassidy Carruthers, Skank Sinatra, Morgan Alexander PERSON, Tony Osteen, Julie Julie Fredborg PERSON Rihanna S Daniel Taylor Anna Kate Heather Ortiz gen T Kim H August PERSON Vengeant Spirit Sam J. Green Kelly Glazy face Mac Jenny May Zoe Marie PERSON glittery fabMalique Casselli Armstrong Scarley D Toya Shea Katie, Tyler J, Daniel Dickerson, Jordan Gaddis, Cam Davies, Tanya Selvog, Patrick Hoaglin, Raven, King Roger, D, Wesley Tart, Kristen Jackson, Jacob Nordberg, Spencer, Samantha, Damian Grant, Half Price Horror, Clemmy, Nisi Ney, Erica, and Jason X rules. Thank you all so much.

Speaker 510810.16s - 10813.4s

Yes, thank you, thank you, thank you. Thank you. We appreciate all of you.

Speaker 010813.9s - 10818.82s

And you may ask yourself, why do we make these episodes? Hmm.

Speaker 510819.16s - 10819.58s

The answer?

Speaker 010822.22s - 10823.54s

Because y'all are here.

Speaker 110823.82s - 10826.62s

Ah! Did that give you goosebumps?

Speaker 710827.02s - 10829.72s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 910835.5s - s

Until next time.