Service Geek Live May 11th, 2024: "Overcoming Challenges and Seizing Opportunities: This Week on the Pestgeek Podcast"

Service Geek Live May 11th, 2024: "Overcoming Challenges and Seizing Opportunities: This Week on the Pestgeek Podcast"

by Franklin Hernandez

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125:50 minutes

published 19 days ago


Copyright Pest Geek Podcast 2023

Speaker 00s - 56.74s

Frank DePesky here. Well, I'm here today because Hermie PERSON is getting her nails done. The car's getting washed for her. And, you know, she's, you know, passenger princess today. So I thought that while I was sitting here waiting for the next three hours for her to be done with her nails, I would just do a podcast about what's happened in the last week because it has been interesting last week of things that have been happening. I'm trying to check and make sure that, yeah, we're live. Let me double check.All right, audio is good. I have to double check everything because, you know, you never know. Actually, today's topic has nothing to do with SCM or SEO. I should have done that, but we're doing a live podcast on a weekly basis,

Speaker 156.74s - 62.58s

and I thought I'd do a special edition catching you guys up on what's been happening.

Speaker 062.72s - 795.98s

Two weeks ago, hey, we had the pleasure of going to Michigan GPE, to Kalamazoo, Michigan, and meet the folks over at Pest Pros of Michigan, Maria Sorrentino, Tony PERSON, Michelle Coy was there. Laura PERSON, I keep forgetting your last name, I'm so sorry, had a very awesome presentation on hiring. And it was very enlightening for those of you that want to grow. You're going to have to learn to hire.Hiring isn't easy. A lot of you are scared of it. But I want you to think of hiring as something that you have to add to your repertoire and you have to add as a skill set. Now you can do two things to add a skill set. You can either learn it.There's a huge learning curve. You can hire it out and subcontracted or delegated. That's pretty much the only way. You have to buy the time, and the only way you can buy the time is to buy the experience, but obviously that's going to cost you more.So there's always a trade-off. How long is it going to take? You still got to learn to hire. Even if you hire a recruiter, you still have to learn to injury. You're still going to be a 50-50 crapshoot.You're still going to go through the pain of having to lose people. You know, it's ironic that we went to that conference, me and Irmi PERSON, because she's a manager at a very large company, and she has five people under her. And I have three people that I employed two people that I employed I employ a third one as a contractor but I still have to manage thoserelationships let me cut this so that I can it's gonna be a I got to thank Will from Wisconsin for this cigar this is a Padron ORG large range gauge I'm sure this is exquisite. Padron ORG, you're never going to go wrong with Padron ORG. I'm having a what is known as a cafe with leech, which is a latte. I had my breakfast, and I said, I'm going to have a latte, and I'm going to enjoy Will Cigar from Wisconsin GPE.This thing is a beauty. Man, that's a fat ring gauge. I don't smoke anything under 60 ring gauge. I'm like, dang, dude, but you're a big guy. You know, look at me. I'm a little guy, but I got a big mouth, you know.I have a big mouth, humongous mouth, which I use not in coordination with my ears, always. But, hey, you know, it's part of what makes me unique. Yes, I do need to learn to listen more. I've been told repeatedly, profusely. And I get better at it. I mean, I do listen when I'm engaged and when I have to lean in into a conversation. However, most of the time, my brain is all over La La Land on five things that I need to do. And I don't hear, you know, things of, you know, hey, you know, I'm talking to you. And it's like, I'm sorry, but I'm gone.You know, I'm talking to you, and it's like, I'm sorry, but I'm gone. Got my daughter calling me. She's over in Philadelphia GPE now with her mom. I'll have to call her back when I'm done with this. And just this week, you know, I've been, we've been looking to hire already another technician for do specialty stuff to do our exclusion service, to do backup, you know, auxiliary guy part-time that you know he works you know because i'm looking for people that want they're already employed and they want to move up in life and aren't necessarily unemployed and desperate for a jobthat's just my strategy it works for me me. Anytime you make a decision in desperation, it always doesn't turn out right. So I don't hire out of desperation. I don't do marketing out of desperation. A lot of people say I'm too slow to react sometimes. But I've learned that when I do react, I'm the one that has to pay for it. I understand it's my pocketbook. And you can give me all the advice you want, but at the end of the day, I have to execute.And because I have to execute, I also have to can give me all the advice you want but at the end of the day i have to execute and because i have to execute i also have to take responsibility for all the results and so i'm i'm a little bit more cautious at 53 than i was at 43 than i was at 33 i'll be 54 now in june and experience i am not as fast as i used to be. I'm going to light this bad boy up. And I really had a good conversation with him and his wife. They're wanting to grow. You know, he went into this game after 35 years of being a technician. He's 57 now, Will PERSON. And that was an interesting conversation because, because again everybody's in a different place everybody's in a different place in life everybody has a different tolerance level of what theycan tolerate how much stress they can take on and you know into you know somebody's financial position and you know what they've gone through and what they've been through or what they're going through, there's no way that you can give advice on a situation. I can do a general podcast on scenario case studies and this and that. But at the end of the day, the consulting part comes in where you actually know the person that, you know, and know them what their limits are what their what their fears are what theirfinancial limitations so he went into this in in covid believe it or not during covid 2020 2019 he told me terrible time to start i know because i started in 2009 uh when the market crapped and that was an incredible so you know he's starting up at 57 is way different than a guy starting up at 37 how much pain he can take uh you know obviously he's got his finances in order he's got um you know his retirement in order um he doesn't want to screw that up and he has a house and you know you paid off your house or whatever what is the financial tolerancethat your spouse can take i mean is your spouse willing to go 50 100 000 200 000 in debt to grow a company um at that at that stage in their life no so the circumstances are different every time for me the circumstances are different now that i own a home again uh i owned the home when i started up and I had bought a condo and the plan was for me to use the profits to invest it into real estate, not grow my business, just use my profits, grow at a 20% a year, go gradually grow with profitand reinvest the rest, never to scale a business. And a divorce later cost the house and the condom. Things happen to people. I mean, people are hurting. I'm talking to people all over the place that if they're not dealing with a disease problem, they're not dealing with, you know,I had to deal with burnout and chronic fatigue. And I had to figure out what was wrong. It took $20,000 in lab work to figure it out. Do I want to be stressed with five new technicians training and running around and going and saying no. I've got an opportunity now to grow in a market that has opened up for me in Gainesville GPE. I'm looking to buy a company over there, right around.And I have a technician with a lot of experience who I know personally is a friend of the family. And, you know, he wants to start something up in life. He already had startup experience, which failed. You know, which was very difficult.And so opportunities appear, but I have placed myself in a place where I can take on opportunities. And I can choose which opportunities I turn down, which when I accept, what I pass on, what I don't feel pressure to do. And now at the end of this week, yesterday, you know, my technician, my only technician, which we stayed with because I was able to get route efficiency and I was able to, you know, he works 40 hours a week, produces what two guys used to produce yet. He's not stressed out, but he's been with me for years.Interestingly enough, I offered him to give him his certified operator, make him a certified operator so that we can grow so that I can start another branch in another county. And I said, look, you know, things are looking up. The economy did take a hit for, you know, six months to a year. But I'm investing a lot more. He's starting to show.He's starting to see the new initials. Just last week, he had a record week to come $1,900 on 40 hours. The week before that, he took $1,700. I mean, and he's not working more than 40 hours a week to come $1,900 on 40 hours. The week before that, he took $1,700. I mean, and he's not working more than 40 hours a week. Why? Because I paid my people well. I charge super expensive. And I grow at a 20% and we had a 21% growth this last year was 17% profit margin. I mean, you can't beat it. I mean, I'm like the dream, right? He hits me up that,hey, I'm leaving Miami GPE. I want to move to Texas GPE. I got an opportunity to go work with a large company over there, where it's a lot less expensive. He can make less money, but he can own a home here. He doesn't stand a chance of owning a home. I mean, the starter home right now, you need $50,000 in the bank to buy a townhouse,and it's $500,000. I get it. I understand. I told him, bro, I love you. You know, I wish the best for you. I'm not going to ever try to hold you back. And, you know, it's a good company you're going to go work for. It's not even in pest control. It's a merchandise manager for a beverage brand that his buddy works there and got him a job.And he's decided. I was already in the process of hiring people. I just didn't expect that I'm going to have to hire two technicians now again because he was a technician too doing lawn and ornamental, GHB, startups, cleanouts. I mean, the guy was a pro. And now I have to hire two guys with no experience and train them up in the next60 days most likely. Luckily, I was recruiting and I had a database of people that I liked that I wanted to interview. I called them both up and they said, yeah, man, I'm still interested. Why? Because they have a job. One of them has a job right now and he wants to move out of that career. He doesn't want to be in a kitchen anymore. And the other guy has been a manager at a landscape company. He's been, you know, basically a team leader with, you know, with a crew chief. And he's managed, you know, teams of four or five people. But he doesn't want to do landscapinganymore. He wants to move up in somewhere that he can either upgrade his skills, but he knows all about plants and diseases, and he knows 90% of the plants. That's going to save me a year's worth of training. Great guy, you know, I asked him how much you wanted, was in range with what I can pay to start up more than I'm paying the other guy because he has management experience. And I look for managers.And I look for people that have management experience. This guy looks like he doesn't have to be managed too much and he's a good team player and he's got a great attitude so you know when you're growing and these are going to be the brakes you have opportunities galore all of a sudden all the opportunities pop out of the sky where I have to make a huge investment. I got a guy working in Venezuela right now on my pages and on my website and upgrading. We're going to create a new website for the new market. I have him working on that. Eric PERSON is transitioning over to SEO from media andmarketing. His daughter is starting to take over the media stuff. And we're building a nice little marketing team. I'm getting into ads right now. I'm doing LSA. Next month, I'm taking my termite license in June.

Speaker 1796.46s - 803.48s

So all this is going on all the time. And then I got to take step back and say, it's all part of the game.

Speaker 0803.98s - 907.38s

Play a mental game with myself. Say, Frank PERSON, it's all part of the game. It's all part of the say, it's all part of the game. Play a mental game with myself. Say, Frank PERSON, it's all part of the game. It's all part of the game. It's all part of the game. It's not anything weird that's happening. It's not the universe conspiring against you.It's not people stabbing you in the back. I mean, he was honest enough to give me two months notice and come to me and say, you know, I hate to tell you, but I want to do this. And I'm going to blow it. You know, go for it. I'm never going to hold you back. I'm going to make my daughter a technician ID holder because she's 15 now. She can be one. And if anything happens in the future in the nextthree years, you know, I'm looking out that I will have a certified operator that can step in, even though she's 18, doesn't know anything, legally step in. And if anything happens to me, I'm always having to think two to three steps ahead of what's coming, and a lot of times you get blindsided. And the game that you've got to play with yourself is to keep saying this is a game. And I understand it's part for the course. It's not personal. It's not anything that's gone wrong. You've done everything right um you've done a lot ofthings wrong too and you know you move forward um and this is where we're at i hope you guys can see me enjoy this cigar with me i don't know if you're having a cigar um i don't know who's online um you know all of these things we're adding new services this year we're adding you know pest intrusion detection service which is huge down here with old homes where we're doing smoke testing you know to try to find where other companies have failed and they haven't failed it's just that there's an intrusion that nobody to look for it that's an opportunity forus termite is going to get added we added exclusion services last year and then nobody to look for it, that's an opportunity for us. Termite ORG is going to get added.

Speaker 1909.8s - 910.82s

We added exclusion services last year.

Speaker 0912.32s - 914.92s

It's going pretty well with that. We're adding minor exclusions and major exclusions.

Speaker 1915.78s - 917.96s

Most of them are minor.

Speaker 0922.98s - 1071.92s

So, I mean, guys, this is what running a business is like. I wish I could change that. So nobody's confused about. People are logging. Oh, he's going to talk about SEO and he's talking about something else. My bad. I was actually looking at where to change that and I keep forgetting this is new software that I'm learning to use. But it allows me to do what I want to do, when I want to do it, how I want to do it. It gives me freedom, which is really what most of us are really wanting.Let me see if I can open up the chat over here in the chat room. Yeah, there we go. All right. So, you know, I got a couple of people on from different on Facebook ORG. We're on Twitter ORG. We're on LinkedIn ORG.I think we're on LinkedIn ORG. LinkedIn ORG is being a pain right now with us. We're on YouTube Live. And we're also doing a ton of software of software guys that allows us to automate redistribution and publishing, which is it's an enormous amount of work manually. So we've invested a lot in automation this year to automate our SEO with AI, AI in the background AI inside the website, to auto link and do stuff and do internal linking. I mean, I got a software that can do 20,000 interactions inside the website at one time, fix things.Because we're not going to be able to spend the money on labor, even overseas. I mean, we're building a team in Ecuador with two people. And Ecuador GPE is right now going through turmoil with communism. And there's power outages everywhere and people can't even work. So even if I hired a personand their power has gone all day long, how do they get internet? Venezuela GPE is having the same problem with a lot of areas just not having reliable internet. Lucky that guy I hired lives in a big city. And know he speaks Spanish LANGUAGE so I speak Spanishso it's easy for me to do a lot of these things because also the language. So when we're talking to people about growth and opportunities, understand their skill sets. You've got to do an inventory of your skill sets and say, what am I good at? I'm having a friend that I'm trying to help. His skill set is just pest control. There's no way he can.I mean, I do video after video, after video showing him. And he becomes overwhelmed, and it's overwhelming for him on how to do a lot of the SEO stuff and how to do the website stuff and how to do this and how to do the other. Skill sets are important. You have to acquire them or you have to pay somebody. For instance, you know i i padfor the last three years a cleaning lady that saved me six hours a week that i don't have to clean a

Speaker 11071.92s - 1082.36s

house for 150 bucks that i pay somebody to clean my house they're there for six hours on average

Speaker 01082.36s - 1254.88s

and now i'm paying them an extra 50 bucks to do the laundry they're there for an extra hour you know and i'm there usually doing the time so i do the laundry wash it and put it in the dryer and they're folding it for me it saves us an enormous amount of time um so where can i buy time you know if you've got to mow your lawn, hire somebody to mow the lawn, but you don't spend two hours mowing the lawn. They're not going to do it as good as you. I don't care. You know, Ermi PERSON's having a fit because she doesn't fold the clothes right the same way she does.She doesn't put them in the right place. They don't smell the same, this, that, and I says, yeah, you're right, but you're telling me to delegate because I got to delegate. And then when I delegate, you say, I don't like the way you delegate it because the person isn't doing. Okay, fine. When she's here, why don't you tell her how she's doing it wrong? No, but, you say, I don't like the way you delegate it because the person isn't doing it. Okay, fine. When she's here, why don't you tell her how she's doing it wrong? No, but, you know, I don't want to offend her.That's the problem. People want to delegate and they want to find someone that does it just like them, but they're not willing to tell the person how they want it done, which way they want it done, and how they're doing it wrong because they don't want to seem mean. So you can't delegate, you can't manage.Me, it's like, hey, she does it 80% right. I'm happy. All I got to do is put it away, you know. And it takes me 15 minutes to put the laundry away. Why? Because I have a princess at home.Not because she wants to be a princess. Because I treat her like a princess because she works in enormously long hours. She leaves the house at 6 in the morning, gets home at 7 o'clock at night, Monday through Friday. And the last thing I want her to do when she's home on Saturday is work. The last thing I want to do is when I'm Saturday in work.This isn't work for me. A lot of people are like, man, you spend all this time doing the pie cut out. This isn't work. This is fun. This is me telling you what goes on in my week, giving myself a little bit of therapy, letting you know you're not totally insane that you're not alone in this, that you have to talk it through.And sometimes we just have to talk it through. And the words coming out of my mouth has to hit my brain, make it down to my heart, and be able to accept a lot of things. And I have no one sometimes to verbalize it with because everybody around me doesn't understand. She doesn't understand. As much as she tries to understand me, she listens to me and she just becomes a listener when I have to vent. But at the end of the day, she lives in corporate America GPE. And even she has struggles where shehire somebody and now it's a mission. We say like hire, higher, slow and fire fast, right? She can't do it because she's got an enormous um HR department that doesn't allow her to make those decisions and now it's an entire process to try to move if she makes a bad higher so it isn't always clear cut and easy and as easy as everybody makes it to me um you know Alan Foyer had an excellent class he He did an entire day, which was exhausting. My brain shuts down after a little bit because, you know, hey, man, I got ADHD.My head starts to wonder.

Speaker 11256.2s - 1256.76s

I had to take notes.

Speaker 01257.76s - 1270.04s

She's taking notes. But he had a beautiful class on how they hire, train, and fire people and execute this. But Alan also has 35 years of experience,

Speaker 11272.26s - 1272.36s

it being in the last, I think, 20 years at this company,

Speaker 01274.76s - 1301.52s

being the technical director. And again, you have to build up the experience. Laura talked about how it took her 10 years to learn how to hire and fire in corporate America GPE, how to build her team the way she wanted to build. It took her 10 years. So this idea that because you take a class, you read the book, you know, you have a lot of shelf knowledge,bookshelf knowledge, but you still have to pay the price and learn and do these things. And you can't just do it and expect that because you listened to a book, took the class,

Speaker 11301.82s - 1308.74s

spent an entire day with Alan PERSON without execution and without doing um the work

Speaker 01308.74s - 2229.56s

and failing at it and getting better at it every time you do it and it is painful because there's emotions involved um it's just here here and here that you have to make all the connections and it doesn't always happen the way you wanted to you know he showed like you know 20% of his hires immediately don't make it laura was talking that 30 to 40% of people decide they're going to quit got to hydrate um they're going to quit within the first 30 days you knowyou wish some of your people quit quickly to avoid you the pain of having to fire them you know I was having there's this thread going on with SkyLes Juan I always butcher her name I can never pronounce it it's French NORP I have enough trouble with English and Spanish to speak French. But about how, as a Christian NORP person, when you have to fire somebody, they throw it back at you. That, oh, you're a Christian NORP. You know, you should have a little bit more compassion than this.And, you know, and what Alan PERSON was talking about is you know people you give them all the opportunities you turn the other cheek you put them in a in a program to correct themselves and when they don't they knew the rules coming in you were clear and then when you have to fire them you've given them every opportunity you've turned the other cheek you've walked the extra mile you took off your cloak and you put it on them to, you know, to save them from their errors. And at the end of theday, you know, there's no way these people are going to fix themselves or they're not a fit for the organization or they're not a fit for the job. And you have to make the decision to fire them. And then it gets thrown back in your face that, well, you're a Christian NORP. Like being a Christian NORP requires me to be tolerant of everything. To somehow have more compassion than Christ PERSON. Even Christ PERSON got pissed off, went into the temple, turned over the tables,and beat the people with a whip. You know, Jesus, you know, saying, hey, John the Baptist PERSON came, you know, eating and drinking, and you said he has a demon. Here the son of man comes. He doesn't eat and doesn't drink. He sits, you know, doesn't, I'm sorry, John PERSON doesn't eat, doesn't drink, doesn't hang out with a bunch of sinners and he has a demon. The man, Jesus PERSON comes and he eats and drinks and with sinners, you know, and he's a glut. I mean, you can't win in this world. No matter what you do, as a leader, if you want to lead and you want to manage, you have to listen to your people. You have to listen to good advice, surround yourself with wise counsel. But at the end of the day, you're not goingto make everyone happy when you make these decisions. You know, you're going to piss off people. And not everybody's going to be happy with your decisions. At the end of the day, you're not going to make everyone happy when you make these decisions. You know, you're going to piss off people. And not everybody's going to be happy with your decisions. At the end of the day, your decisions are not always right, but there's still your decisions. They're the best decisions you can make with the information you have, with the intel you have, and how you're going to manage that. When you have to fire a customer.I had one this week that the customer, it was six calls to get the contract. This is an $89 a month deal. Six calls. Then he wanted to change. He wanted me to call him every single time because he wanted to be there for every service.I said absolutely not. I told you in the initial consultation that I did for you, that we don't do that. You give us a key or you leave the gate open. Well, I travel a lot. Then you've got to give us a key. We put a lockbox. So he gave us the lockbox. He put the key. He wanted the shrubs done. Then he tells my guy, no, I don't want the shrubs done becauseI don't have the money. I can only afford the lawn, but you sign both contracts. So we had to go back and cancel that contract. Then he calls me, I'm traveling, and I want to suspend the service for next month. The lawn looks a lot better, and I want to be there. And I said, but we already had this discussion three times. I told you in the initial interview when I interviewed you that that wasn't going to be possible. I told you when we did the initial service, that wasn't going to be possible.You called me last month, and I told you it wasn't, now you want to continue to do this. I said, I'm going to refund you your money, and I'm going to be possible you called me last month and i told you it was now you want to continue to do this i said i'm going to refund you your money and i'm going to cancel your contract because i'm not going to keep on we've had seven conversations and for an eighty nine dollar service that you can't even afford and this is where i realize this is not my customer because traditionally a year ago i was charging a hundred and twenty nine for that what do i've learned about pricing that if I dropped the price to meet market demand I will end up with 80% of people thatjust want an instant solution once they get the relief they fire you and then we end up having to do twice the work for somebody when if I go to a rich guy's house and I said this is $400 a month he says when can you start here's my card and it's a done deal but the guy that doesn't have the money that wants to get things done is has to negotiate everything and feel he has to get more value and has to get the upper hand and has to be unreasonable and I can't make him happy so I finally said look I'm going to refund you the money we're going to cancel the contract said, no, you don't have to get that way. I'm a niceperson and this and I said, yeah, but I've already had these conversations. And I don't need to stress, you know, I don't need to keep going through this with you for an $89 service. It's just not worth my time. Well, he says, well, let's just keep it the way it is. I said, okay, but understand if you call me again with the same issue, I'm canceling your contract. I can't help you. You know, I'm not a customer service agent that sits there and says,I am so sorry for your experience, Mr. Customer. Let me talk to my manager and see what we can do to satisfy you. No, in the sales process, I already told you what to expect. I was clear. I was honest. I was transparent.You can either afford it or you can't. This is a luxury service. So the moment your weeds are gone, you're going to call and cancel. I just had another guy do that. We solved this problem and for three months and then he canceled. That's fine. When he calls me back next time, it's going to be the price. The price discount. I get them is no longer available. This is what we do as small companies that are boutique that are specialized you know i talk to people all the time i say why are you selling your services for less than market price to appease a customer that wants to beat you up simply because you're small and because he feels impotent and incompetent to go up against a large brand and tell him thatgo to aty ORG and say no i'll tell you what, I'll sign the contract. But next month, when I don't feel like having your internet because the cheaper deal comes along, I want to cancel it. They're going to say, yeah, there's a $250 cancellation fee. We don't care if you give us a bad review. We're AT&T. And we're going to stick it to you, and you're going to go to collections, and we don't care.Here I am a small local company providing high value high service to you giving you what you want and you have to continuously beat me up about everything because the large brands what you went to will never allow it they could care less and then you want to you want to get so much out of me you want to squeeze me because you feel you can because I'm a small company. What that tells me about that client is that that's not the client I want. Because that client is always going to do that.It's always you cannot change the M.O. of people. You cannot rewire people. We're not psychologists. We're not therapists. We're not public servants. We are small business owners trying to make a living providing high value, high quality, high service, higher than you're going to get at any national brand for sure. And then on top of that, you're asking me to beat the price. What I always tell people, I just had five last week telling me, hey, you know, but your price is outrageous. I said, no, you you asked for this you went out of your way to find me because understand that i only do sceo so you'relooking for something very specific that you went out of your way that you didn't want everything else i explained to you what the value proposition was you said you liked it and what you want is me to match the price and i already told you i was the most expensive company if you're looking at price shopping you can forget about price shopping it isn't going to work with me okay and then you and then what are they end of doing in the end they signed the contract because they couldn't get it anywhere else they know they can't so why do i feel i have to drop my price i don'tfeel i have to drop my price i never feel guilty about my price you know when i used to sell 20 and 30 thousand dollar products i didn't buy it an alash when you got a four million dollar home five hundred and ninety nine dollar initial is it nothing so i don't care when you want to buy five thousand uh dollar pair of golf clubs you buy them when you want to buy that bentley you buy it you know this is the conversation I was having with Will PERSON about you know why do why do companies feelthat they need to play this game when the company went out of their way to find you understand that if you're a small little business on the internet there's 20 giants around you somebody went out of their way to find you because they wanted what you were offering. If you're asking for a unique service, you're asking for personalized service, you want to deal with the owner. See, I don't care if I have 10 employees. Chances are I'll still be, you're just still be dealing with me as an owner. They're not going to be calling a call center in South America LOC or in, you know,somewhere in the Philippines or in India GPE where they're going to be, everybody's transferring their call. You're going to be dealing with a local guy. You're going to be dealing with me. I'm always going to respond. And if anything goes wrong, I'm going to be the first guy on site saying,we got to fix this or we should have never done this. And these are the things that understand as a small business owner, why do you compromise yourself? You do things out of desperation, but you need to learn sales, you need to learn management, you need to learn marketing, you need to learn self-confidence.What I find is when I did a lot of assessments with people coming to work for me, what I found the number one thing was low self-esteem. That is the number one thing that I keep finding an assessment is people with low self-esteem. You need to know your value. You need to know your worth.The fact that you went into business, you're in the elite 20% of the population that ever tries. If you can stay in business for more than a year, you beat the odds. If you can stay in business for more than in a year, you beat the odds. If you can stay in business for more than five years, you beat the odds. If you stayed in business for more than 15 years, you've beaten all the odds. And it says something about your persistence, your tenacity, your perseverance,your character, the things you have to do to stay in business. Don't sell yourself short. The fact that you're not able to grow scale that's another matter because that has to do with skills you have to acquire that you haven't yet acquired the faster you can acquire sales and marketing skills the better for you if you have to take a door to door sales course you will learn so much from a door to door sales course. I'm going to take one because I want to take it because I want to teach it and I want to teach my people how to do door to door to door at least cloverly door to door sales. See, you can implement door to door any wayyou want to. You can be, look, I'm an advisor. I've always been a customer service rep. I've been a sales representative at companies. Why? Because my role is really an advisory role. I'm a consultative salesperson. I'm not high pressure. I've never been that way. I'm not aggressive.I simply show up to your door and say, hey, this is what we're doing. Would you be interested in knowing more about it? No, okay, thank you. Next person. I don't waste my time with people.A quick no is better than a maybe. I don't like maybe. I used to tell people when I did the in-home sales and I was selling $20,000 decks. Listen, I'm not going to buy tonight. I'm not going to be pressured.Look, I'm not going to pressure you. I'm going to present to you our product. My product is going to be the most expensive product on the market. And at the end of the day, I'm going to do my job as a salesperson. I'm going to ask you to buy. You can say, no, I'm a big boy and I can take it I don't want is I want to think about it I don't want to maybe I don't want to have to talk to my wife because your wife is already here I don't want anyexcuses I want you to tell me a yes or a no and I'll be happy with either and I'll pick up my suitcase and I'll walk out of your house and I'm not going to give you brief but I just want honesty and that would disarm them automatically and say okay let me going to give you brief. But I just want honesty. And that would disarm them automatically and say, okay, let me listen to what you have. You see, and I can join, and I can enjoy my sales presentation, which I used to love doing. Because I love talking about our product. I love talking about our capabilities. That's what I sell. And this is what a lot of peoplein door to door miss that they despise the tactic without figuring out how they can bring their personality into it. They don't have to become a drone. You know, those are the things that I'm looking at folks that I see constantly. You know, I said, you know, the fact is that they were doing marketing. And I was talking to Will PERSON about this. And I said, thank you, Will PERSON, for the cigar again.This means a lot, brother. You have, you could have shown up with a $6 cigar, and I would have been happy. I know this was expensive. I know what this cost. You know, and you didn't have to do it. I'm never into, I'm not boozy, man.I could sit with somebody. Okay, I won't drink a Budweiser PRODUCT with you. But I'm not boozy, man. I could sit with somebody. Okay, I won't drink a Budweiser PRODUCT with you. But I can drink a beer. You know, I can have a cheap bottle of wine. I can do something else. You know, we can have, you know, scrambled eggs and ham, and I'm happy.I'm not, you know, that guy. So thank you. Not only one, he gave me two cigars. I got the other one at home. And he brought me two. But, you know, I was sitting in him and says, you know, here's why the marketing fails.And a lot of the time, the marketing fails. And people don't get it. Understand that customers are being bombarded with 50,000 marketing pieces a day. Okay. I sat there and I said, look around you, how many signs. customers are being bombarded with 50,000 marketing pieces a day. Okay? I sat there and I said, look, look around you how many signs there are trying to sell you something just where we're standing.We count at least 20. The key to selling and the key to marketing and the key is that there has to be a need. The timing is everything. There's a need or a want. There's the ability to pay for it and the willingness to pay for it. They're not the same thing. A lot of people have the ability to pay for it. They're not willing to pay. A lot of people are willing to pay. They just don't have the money. And what, what you're the brain is beingbombarded with so many information on a monthly basis. Okay. That on a daily basis, 50,000, the brain has to literally shut itself off from all that. So when your marketing is ineffective, understand that you're not ineffective. Your marketing is not ineffective all the time is that you're not, you didn't reach the person that had a need or a want, a willingness to pay and a desire to pay at the time that that marketing piece came out.You don't have enough of it.

Speaker 12230.2s - 2233.62s

But literally, the brain shuts itself off to everything it doesn't need.

Speaker 02234.56s - 2599.06s

Because if not the brain would overwire itself and go insane. Notice that if you're looking for to buy a red Audi ORG 5 series, all of a sudden you start seeing red Audi ORG five series everywhere. This is also a law in the law of attraction. If I am looking right now to buy, like I said, I'm looking to buy a route in Gainesville GPE, and I'm focused on buying a route in Gainesville, and I put out enough messages on Facebook to buy a route in Gainesville, and I pick up the phone, and I start calling independent operators and say, hey, look, you only have one route? Have you ever thought about selling? Now I see opportunities everywhere. When I'm shut down to those opportunities, I can only look at so many opportunities at time. My brain can only process so many things at a time. So when you're doing when you're doing postcards, do they work? Yes.But you still have to do about 13 of them over over every two weeks. It won't work once a month. It's every two weeks to about a thousand people and then you will pick up one because there's going to be a need or a want, an opportunity and they're going to be, oh, this company keeps showing up now. Think about this in marketing. If you do the GMB in a local area, and you decide to send out 5,000 postcards every two weeks, which will be about, you know, $5,000. I'm talking real numbers. And then you decide to run Facebook ORG ads, Facebook leads, and then you decide to run Facebook retargeting ads,and then you run some local ads on the LSA, and then you run some ads for GPP ORG, okay? And you target it all within three to five miles of you it's going to be about a year's worth of investment for you to start seeing a real ROI but if you don't do that you don't stand the chance of against the big companies if you're doing marketing why because you're hitting these people every time they turn around and they went online and they searched they found you locally then they clicked on your website and all of a sudden they're retargeting ads hit them on facebook then all of a sudden they get a targeted ad on facebook all of the sudden they seeyour truck running by because now they have you in their site but they're not ready to make a decision yet because they're shopping around they're price price shoppers. You're not going to get an automatic response from that. This is why because it isn't until there's a need or one online that people start looking because people don't talk to their neighbors. The company that can do referral business alone is usually not in a major market. If you're in a major market, that's not going to happen. I've already proven that. And I prove it by talking to people all the time time i keep asking the same pointed question over and over i sound like a broken recordyou see so to compete and to get online marketing to work and to get any marketing to work it's about repetition and time and money and patience and what happens is you run out of money because you did all of that out of desperation. You bought the marketing program that the agency sold you. You bought the Yelp ORG. You bought the Angie's List hoping it's a magic bullet and you buy it out of desperation. And no, it's about. So now what am I doing? I'm doing seven social media channels per day, one video per day. And now we're going to crank it up to five videos a day on social media.Then we're going to take those videos that we take the data back and say, okay, this video that we did this short, and one day got 4,000 views. So we're going to run this video on our YouTube ORG ad because that video gets local traction because people liked it. So I get the data back. It took me a year to get data back and figure out where our top 10 videos are so I can run ads against the videos. Then I will start doing Instagram and Facebook ORG retargeting ads. And then, you know, we're going to expand our ad campaign for our target keywords, which are low-price keyword, but they're very exclusive that nobody's targeting.That allows me to get the maximum amount of clicks, which gets signals, but also gives me a very low cost of acquisition, even though it might only produce two calls a month, but I only spend 50 bucks on it. I'm going to do LSA ads now when I start doing termite next month because we're going to go into the summer and I want to be able to do termites. And once I do, I sell a $15,000 to $3,000 job, I don't mind paying $120,000, you know,which is going to cost me for an LSA call. I don't mind that. We're targeting only the high-priced areas because I'm not wasting my time on the low-priced areas. I want to go where the money is. So the people that had the opportunity,the willingness to pay and the ability to pay, and I win three times. It's slower. It's not as broad. I'm not taking a shotgun approach because I don't have the money for shotgun yet.I have to be really strategic with a knife like a surgeon and cut this very carefully. That's what I do. So now this is what we're gearing up to do. Now I got an in-house agency that we can run ads. We can do social media. We can do this. And I don't have to depend on an outside source to milk me $1,000 a month to run two campaigns. And then where does my ad budget go? I don't have the ad budget. So, you know, I don't know if anybody's got any questions. I see there's a lot of people online right now. You got any questions from you? I'll just, you know, sit here, answer yourquestions. You know, just ask me here on Facebook, on YouTube ORG. Wherever you're at, just ask me the question. I'll try to answer it. And hang out with you, folks. You know, I've been on 43 minutes talking with a cigar in my mouth.

Speaker 12600.32s - 2607.36s

But that's what's been going on, folks.

Speaker 02608.2s - 2624.88s

Yeah, one hell of a week. But, you know, hey, Long Ashes ORG, too, you all. You know, this is awesome. Let's see here. I'm on. Yeah.So anybody on Facebook ORG, man. Let me see who's on Facebook ORG watching. I guess somebody's there.

Speaker 12625.98s - 2630.46s

Oh, Gustavo. Hey, Gus in New York GPE. How you doing, brother?

Speaker 02633.6s - 2650.44s

Gus is in my, also my, he was in my SEO class. He implemented a lot of things that I taught him. Things started working, turning around for him. By the way, I got a, it's a private SEO group. It's only available for those that take my SEO class and are serious about SEO.

Speaker 12650.72s - 2669.04s

I don't want everybody in that group sharing my stuff. If you're not serious, if you just want to toss it around and maybe try to learn. You know, I was, I was talking to comment with me and says, yeah, those are ask cold.

Speaker 02669.24s - 2674.66s

People who always ask questions, never bit to anything, never do anything, and they just want free information all the time.

Speaker 12675.04s - 2677.52s

But, you know, I don't have that amount of time.

Speaker 02677.58s - 2730.96s

So this is the free information I give you the best I can do on this podcast, give you the real deal, be the real person, and not try to, you know, if all of the sun you eat a little rainbow and you're a purple unicorn, you're going to crap out butterflies. You know, that's not the real game. That's not the real deal. That's not what running a business is really about. It's not about people that, oh oh i started from nothing and i made it to a multi zillionaire in just 10 years there's a lot behind that story that you don't get toldbehind the scenes so i don't know you got any questions let me see here um and there may let me see am i not seeing your comments uh let's see, I'm going to type this out.

Speaker 12731.6s - 2732.26s

All right.

Speaker 02733.62s - 2738.9s

I pull that out on Facebook ORG. Let's see if it comes out. I'm testing this software, too. I'm learning how to use it.

Speaker 12754.4s - 2764.88s

This is good practice for me to be out here doing this in my spare time imagine that a business owner that does a podcast and has spare time what the hell is that but yeah folks hey though I like the

Speaker 02764.88s - 2768.4s

hat guy walked by and he's that really cool hat you know i got a cool

Speaker 12768.4s - 2776.64s

hat um yeah i make this this is a little cigar shop right next to me and there's a coffee shop

Speaker 02776.64s - 2780.72s

over here in a restaurant right there and this is the little breezeway but it's nice because it's

Speaker 12780.72s - 2788.88s

a breezeway the wind the wind is blowing my car wash the car is getting washed while, you know, passenger princess does their nails.

Speaker 02789.76s - 2794.98s

And, you know, I'm glad it isn't the hair.

Speaker 12795.06s - 2799.26s

The hair last week was hair day, and that was eight hours on hair.

Speaker 02801.18s - 2825.66s

Yeah, you know, just know this, guys. If you ever see a woman out with highlights, this is one thing you're going to know. She's going to be high maintenance. So good thing is she has her own money. That's the best thing, you know. So I just drive her everywhere.I'm like driving this Daisy here, you know, doing this.

Speaker 12825.96s - 2830.5s

I don't know. Who else? Can I see? Let me see who else is. I don't know who's on Facebook ORG,

Speaker 02830.72s - 2990.96s

on YouTube ORG. Let me see. I'm going to go on YouTube because I know some of you guys are there. It's telling me you're on YouTube ORG on two channels. Yeah, I'm live now on YouTube. I can see myself. And I got some people there. So you guys on YouTube ORG, man, you know, pest control questions. I'm going to answer while I wait for your questions. I'll go out on a limb.You know, trampants. I was in, it's funny because I was in Michigan GPE, and Alan PERSON brings up trampants. And, you know, people should know what trampants are most people don't know so then I was having a discussion with two ladies and she's I don't know what trampants are what the hell of trampans I said well trampans are ants that have veryunique characteristics the reason they're able to go around the world is because they're hitchhikers they're known as trampans because they hitchhike usually on ships planes anything that they can hitchhikers. They're known as tramp ants because they hitchhike. Usually on ships, planes, anything that they can hitchhike on to move across the country. They usually have characteristics that allows them to survive anywhere. So basically they're omnivorous ants. They're usually omnivorous. They'll eat proteins, carbs, sugars, oils, lipids, whatever.And they usually will multiply through budding and they usually when they get disturbed then they will break up those nests and distribute it think of them as a terrorist network okay here in florida what are trampants ghost ants are tramp ants odorous house ants are tramp ants. Odorous house ants are tramp ants. Big headed ant in Florida GPE are tramp ants. We have, I think, like, five trampant species here in Miami Day ORG. I think four or five.So that's what a tramp ant is, and why you should know about that. Can't post message to some of the channels. Okay, that's fine. You know, so basically that's what it is. Cool shirt. Thank you, bro. These are little palms.My girl got me this shirt because she says I wear the same thing all the time. I mean, look, I'm really low maintenance, really low, uh, low maintenance, man. I, I wear the same thing every day for years. I woke up with a black shirt and gray shorts and I had 14 of them, so I didn't have to think about what I was going to wear because I worked for my office and I don't see customers. And then when I go out, I wear the uniform. And then so, you know, she comes in in the morning. I'm wearing the same clothes in the evening. I'm wearing the same clothesall week. So she buys me these little nice shirts um so that i can look different and look sexy for

Speaker 12990.96s - 3000.88s

her so thank you Andre PERSON brand thank you for that brother um you know you got a question for me bro

Speaker 03002s - 3025.24s

about anything that you burning questions. Like, what's my favorite cigar? This is a damned cigar. You can't go wrong, bro, with a Padron ORG cigar. Padron is consistent. That's one of the things I love about them. Padron ORG doesn't care. I mean, when was the last time you saw in advertising on anywhere from Padron ORG? Padron doesn't advertise.

Speaker 13026.32s - 3028s

Padron ORG is Padron.

Speaker 03030.26s - 3051.68s

They have consistency in their product. They are high quality. They're pricey as hell. I don't think the cheapest Padron ORG I can buy is probably like that big for, I don't know, 16 bucks here in Miami GPE. Something like this, I don't know.This is probably in the 40 price, you know, $40 range. I doubt it's a $23 cigar. It's more than that usually.

Speaker 13053.62s - 3056.68s

So, yeah, so this is, you know, this is what we need to be like.

Speaker 03056.68s - 3060.66s

We need to be like Padron Cigars ORG, you know, consistent quality.

Speaker 13062.04s - 3063.84s

We don't apologize for our pricing.

Speaker 03064.46s - 3163.14s

We don't have to go out there and kick every door down to everybody to let us in. You know, we're unique in what we do as small little companies. And I'm not talking about a solo operator. I'm talking about a company with four or five, ten technicians. You know, that's what you need to do is need to be the high quality company in your area. Build the best team that you can build. Hire the best people that you can hire. Charge the highest prices you can charge and deliver on your promises.Nobody ever gets upset by paying for quality. You know, women that have 27 purses that all cost $400. Jimmy ORG Shoes. I mean, I walk into a house and I see Jimmy Shoes. women that have 27 purses that all cost $400. Jimmy shoes. I mean, I walk into a house and I see Jimmy Shoes ORG. Those things are minimum $800 a piece. And they're Jimmy Shoo, not Jimmy Shoes ORG.They're Jimmy Shoe and their Jimmy Shoes ORG shoes. You know, I see that stuff and I'm like, okay, so you don't care what you spend your money on. You know, I give you stuff and I'm like, okay, so you don't care what you spend your money on. You know, I give you quality. I give you consistency.I give you service. Whenever you call, we're there. We don't give you excuses. You know, that's what you're really wanting. That's what we sell. And, you know, so back this week, I raised my prices on some things again.Because I noticed that when I dropped the prices too much, so it's finding that balance of where that sweet spot is in pricing, where it is finding your sweet spot. So I don't know. If anybody, I mean, I've been here 52 minutes. I'm probably going to do, I don't know, I'll hang out.

Speaker 13163.14s - 3166.08s

I got people here that are watching

Speaker 03166.08s - 3180.08s

wanting to know um you have burning questions you know that don't involve an STD um you know you can

Speaker 13180.08s - 3186.8s

answer i don't know anything about that so at this point bram out i'm out of i'm out of i'm out of

Speaker 03186.8s - 3193.28s

material i'm just making crap up as i go i mean you guys don't make it easy for me but um yeah man i

Speaker 13193.28s - 3199.2s

enjoy the time that we spend here i enjoy this um you know if you ever need consulting

Speaker 03199.2s - 3807.1s

understand i got very limited time but i can do consulting for you especially on startup consulting um you know you can do one for you, especially on startup consulting. You know, you can do one session, do another session as you need it. You know, I can probably take on maybe five people a month on consulting right now. The academy's up. I mean, I've got the new technician.By the way, let me plug it. The new technician course, if you're hiring a new technician and you don't have a course for them to get them started it's free has about 16 lessons in it it's about 13 hours of training a maybe a little bit more it has quizzes um it's free i'm offering i'm giving it away on my SEO course um is you know it's out there i think it's 300 bucks i can't even remember i got my german roach protocol course that i'm doing i'm sharing that what we do in our company with people. So if you don't have a Roach PERSON course, I'm going to be starting up doing a local CEO courses,and we're going to do it on Saturdays. I won't be able to do stuff during the week, but a lot of people who can't, solo operators can't do anything during the production day, but we can get together maybe two hours a month. You get two CEUs and, you know, and things like that. And then throughout the year, you get them. And, you know, I'm going to be doing them in Spanish too. If you're in South Florida LOC, there's no Spanish CEOs available. I can do both. You're sending your people to English LANGUAGE courses. They're sitting there. They're getting the CEU, but they didn't learn anything.Or all they got was a chemical presentation on how to use a product, which doesn't help them. We're going to try to do a one day, me and Eric, a one day local marketing course that is going to be an eight-hour course. Because my SEO course that I did live I did it live for seven weeks seven hours on SEO alone and that's for local SEO that's for GMB Google ORG business profile stuff um how to do local service pages things like that I'm putting out stuff in our group on a weekly basis of things that I find that Google ORG is telling you that you have to do.So that's available. But we're thinking of doing one. We might do it in Fort Lauderdale or West Palm GPE. So that kind of like between West Palm and Miami, people can drive up for a one-day course. We'll probably do it on a Saturday one-day course for marketing. It'll be the most extensive marketing course you'll ever take.I mean, this is 80% more than you probably want to know on how to do, on all the things you can do and how to do them correctly. And then if you decide this is for you to do to integrate or bring it, do it a little bit at a time, the good thing is holistic so that you can implement it linking it to each other and it's holistic and it's local and it's hyper local SEO and sce and hyper local marketing um that's working for us right now and again what i teach today next yearcould be totally worth this because the market changes so quickly um you know a lot of people say well you said this that you this, and now you're saying you do that. Yeah, because things change. You know, you can't stick to something for three years sometimes, even though you want to. You know, what's working, what's not right now, I'm going to give you access to that mastermindgroup. Also, if you know people in South Florida LOC, then I'm starting a network because we need to network together with other industries in order for us to be able to have an upper hand. And, you know, I'm willing to pay for referrals.And I'm trying to create a local group in South Florida LOC of air conditioning people, plumbers, real estate, you know, home inspectors, you window washing, people who, real estate you know home inspectors you window washing people who's heck you might have a doggy washing business that you do wash it you notice the customer has fleas and ticks hey give this guy a call your dog has ticks your dog has fleas you know things like that trying to figure out how we network how do we do it and how do we do things togetherto to get us to be more competitive together and then maybe we can duplicate this in the market and help other people so this is why we're the service geek podcast also why am i the service geek well first of all i've always had a heart for serving people it really comes down to that that i'm a servant leader i served served in my churches. I serve people. I serve my employees. I serve my customers. I serve my kids. At the end of the day, I serve my family. I'm a servant at heart.And what I do, we are in a service business. We're always served. No matter what we do, we're in the people business where we're serving people. We don't serve entities.Even if you're selling to corporate America GPE, the relationship is built on you building relationships with people. We're service people. Okay. And so it's the service key podcast now that's going to be transitioning from just pest control into other markets and other things. Because I have been in service businesses my entire life. I prefer service business.I always had. I've had a distribution business. I had a pager business back in 80, what was it, 95. I had that before, you know, cell phones. You know, I had that. I've had a landscape business.I've got a pool cleaning business. You know, I understand service businesses. And you don't always, you know, what understand service businesses. And you don't always, you know, what do you need help with? What do you need to understand that we can get a group together of people like-minded, that are servant people that just not are uninterested in being the biggest, the baddest, and just basically using everybody. But honestly working togetherto help other people. So that's what I'm about. That's what I've been doing this whole time. I'm looking at the next 15 years of my life. I want to grow my company, eventually probably sell it, or seeing if one of my kids ever want to get into this business, and then I get into more consulting and training, which is my real passion. And I'm an advisor at heart. I'm a pastor at heart. That's who I am.And I can't change how God wired me as much as other people would want me to change and want me to do things differently. I got to do what makes me happy at the end of the day. Spending here, having a cigar, drinking a coffee, being on a laptop, talking to it for an hour, going on a class, teaching a coffee, being on a laptop, talking to it for an hour, going on a class, teaching an hour class, doing a CEO course, preaching at a church,and bringing the gospel message, teaching at a church. Those are the things that make me happy. It is not the money. The money is a result of things I worked really hard at that i cared about and i've nurtured and therefore it produces an income but if you ask me if i could how would what would make me happy um probably being a youth pastor again dealing with young peopleum pastoring that's what would make me happy if I didn't have to work, but I refuse to take a salary from a church. Therefore, God has to provide it. I refuse to take a salary from the people that are giving me their hard-earned money to an organization, and then we would have to be really about outreach. I would never take over a church or pastor a church or start a churchwithout being focused on outreach and giving back to the community and somehow giving food away to the hungry, you know, medical care to the needy. You know, at the end of the day, you could call me a bleeding heart Republican NORP.Call it whatever you want. I care for people. This is why it's hard for me to do a lot of things because i have i can't just look at the money um you know we got hard decisions to make had a conversation with eric about we got to make some difficult decisions i don't want to cut any of the things that i do for you and the pricing and all that but at the end of the day our ROI isn't there right now. We need to change what we do. We need to pivot. And unfortunately, that's the market. And that's being in business. And those are the hard decisions that businessowners have to make. When I cancel a subscription to an app, it doesn't really bother me because I don't see it as, well, this is a mega company who has VC investment, has tons of money. They've gone to recruitment stages to get where they're at. It doesn't help, has tons of money. They've gone through recruitment stages to get where they're at. It doesn't help, doesn't hurt me that I cancel a subscription to a $49 or $200 service. It's still skin off my back. It doesn't bother me at all. When there's a personal relationship and I got to tell you, listen, I can't afford you anymore. Or I can't afford to dothis. We're going to have to do this now. Can you do it? Can you transition? Can you work with me so that I don't have to cut your legs? Because I have no choice. The economy's bad. I got to admit. We're still holding our own.We're still growing a little bit. The investments I made three months ago are now paying off. This is where I talk to people about patients. That your ROI isn't going to be there. I already know that with SEO and a lot of the marketing I'm doing, the ROI isn't going to start paying me and getting the calls in and producing the income for at least 90 days.And I'm prepared to make those investments. You've got to invest in a brand new site that's going to cost $5,000, $6,000 to build out initially. And the ROI won't be there for a year. And we're working on our relationships and our connections to get some contracts, and they fall on my lap sometimes. And people acknowledge the work that I've done, and they've seen my integrity, they've seen my consistency.The only thing you can say about me is that at least I'm still here. I'm still doing the same thing, saying the same thing. Nothing changes. Nothing is new under the sun. It's just that'm still doing the same thing, saying the same thing. Nothing changes. Nothing is new under the sun. It's just that you need to hear it again and you need to hear it again. And some people just need to hear it and get validated.Some people a year from now is going to hear this message and get encouraged by it and go start up. So I never know the impact I'm making in the world that I'm making in people's lives, how I'm enriching people's lives.

Speaker 13807.1s - 3809.22s

And I won't know a lot of this until I get to heaven.

Speaker 03809.7s - 4178.62s

I won't know what my true contribution to society was until I die and get to heaven. Some people will forget me immediately. What legacy do I leave behind? You know, there's a in a movie called I think I was told this I forgot who told it to me this week I'm sorry the movie Troy WORK_OF_ART and and there's a there's a scene in the movie says this is why you will not be remembered and Iwant to be remembered for the good I did in the world at the end of the day that's what motivates me that's what drives me. That's what drives me is that. What drives me isn't money. What drives me isn't success. It isn't broke. At the end of the day, I want my kids to say, yeah, he showed us how to be successful and he paved the way for us. But at the end of the day, he was a darn good dad. He was always there. For my wife to say, yeah, he was caring and loving and he was always there from my wife to say yeah he was caring and loving andhe was always there um those are the things that i want to be remembered by by my friends that said whenever i needed him he was there i've never asked a penny you know i was just having a conversation with joel last night we were going to go out on his boat um joel and i met like four or five years ago when i was um he was starting up and he had an and problem and he couldn't solve it couldn't solve it he couldn't solve it he couldn't solve it he reached out to me not knowing who I was and I said bro let's do this um you know next week I gota little bit of time on my hands I'll drive up to that house with you. We'll take a look at that ant problem. I'll tell you where you're failed. And I did. I drove 50 miles to go meet him. Didn't ask him for a penny.He'll tell you the testimony. I never asked him for anything. I just wanted to help him because he was starting up. He was hurting. He was frustrated with his house. He followed what I told him.Yes, it did take him three months to solve it because of the ant problem, the way that aunt behaves. But he solved it. And then he learned to solve it from that point on. And we became great friends. You know, I've been to his wedding.I've been to his kid's birthday. He invited me out of his boat. Hermie PERSON pinched a nerve in her neck. There's no way she's going to be on a boat jumping up and down. She won't be able to function. You know, today we might take her to urgent care.And, you know, we talk every day and we challenge each other every day. What's good about him, he's done more in four years to grow his business than I've done in the last 10th. And I'm happy about that. Every day we talk. Every day he challenges me on some stuff. I challenge him on some stuff because he's great at certain things that I suck at. And I am great at certain things that i'm suck at and i am great at certain things he sucks at and you know those are the friendship so he drives you know like like like liketwo weeks later he says hey bro um you know are you home and and i'm like yeah bro i'm home why and he says bro i'm going to drive over there and i'm taking some cigars for you so his payment to me was for cigars. Hey bro, I take it. You know, I'll take cigars as payment any day of the week. I don't care if you send me a $5 cigar or a $50 cigar.I will be eternally thankful. And I will praise you on the air. I will plug you. I'll give you a backlink. You know, I'll do whatever I have to. Because one of the things that I've learned in this world,and it's called the law of reciprocity. Jesus PERSON called it the law of sewing and reaping. It's the same thing. He says, if you give and you give abundantly more than you can, and you give it abundantly that you cannot, then you cannot give it anymore. God is going to fill you up so much and usually the the bible says he isn't filling you of finances he will fill you up in here um those are the things that god says he will do for youand then on top of that comes the relationships and the things but so many people are afraid to give because oh man you know i've done this you know it took me 15 years to learn this and i'm not going to give my talent away fine i'll do it i don't care this is why i'm in a private group uh help roaches are invading i forgot it this is uh christian allen's PERSON group um great guy i've you know who i've met personally. We went up to Tampa GPE. I met him. You know, great kid. He's doing great. He's doing way better than I ever did,starting up. And I said, dude, I'm going to go on your group. And on a weekly basis, I'm going to give some free advice to these homeowners on how to solve their roach problem. And I'll invest an hour in them 30 minutes really what i invest on a weekly basis um on that group and then he has another DIY group i'm going to go in and start investing in people because why most of the people there are in the foreign country some of the people are in africa they can't solve that roach problem some people don't even have accessto the if i told them all the products to use like gel bait only and gave them the answer they still couldn't solve it because they don't have access to the, if I told them all the products to use, like gel bait only and gave them the answer, they still couldn't solve it because they don't have access to the product. We want to offer hope in the world. I want to, I want to be the change in the world that I want to see. So if you say there, I won't give away my advice or my knowledge because people are going to know it and they're going to do it themselves. Guess what? Those people are. My customers are rich people. They're in the top 10% of the money makers they're making over 150 000 a year 250 000 gross household didn't come the rest of thepeople i'll give it away for free because they're never going to afford me anyway so you know zig ziggler PERSON said it this way if you give enough people in the world what they want eventually you will have what you want i want admiration i want love i want kindness i want respect from people and respect doesn't bother me too much because i earn that but admiration um those are the drivers you say but that's kind of a little self-centered and selfish yeah but at least i'm being because I earned that. But admiration, those are the drivers. You say, but that's kind of a little self-centered and selfish.Yeah, but at least I'm being honest about it and telling you why I'm doing it versus you hoarding your talent, not giving it away. The only thing you can give away to God really is the most important thing you have is your time because it's limited on earth.

Speaker 14179.56s - 4185.86s

Once you, I give away this hour, I will never get this hour back. Never. I'll never get 15 minutes back of counseling that I give away this hour, I will never get this hour back. Never.

Speaker 04185.92s - 4334.88s

I'll never get 15 minutes back of counseling that I give to somebody. I will never get any of that back except in gratitude and internal and eternal gratitude when I get to heaven. Where you get into heaven and you hear Jesus PERSON says, well done, good and faithful servant. That's really all I want to hear. At the end of my days, that's what I want to hear. Well done, good and faithful servant.In the least of these you were faithful, I will put you in greater things. There are people out there that I've been having conversations with who feel that they should have been paid $70,000 a year for working for a company. And they were never appreciated. But they never went out and upgraded their skills. And instead, they're still hurt about that today.I never want any of my people that work for me to ever feel hurt that I couldn't pay them what they wanted some of it is outrageous you're never going to make a hundred thousand dollars with me with two employees but my tech right now like I said he's making he's on route to make 70 something thousand this year on 40 hours a week no weekends he comes in when he wants to he leaves when he wants to. He leaves when he wants to.As long as the route get done, I don't care. I work everything around him and his family. He called me, he says, hey, bro, on Monday, you know, can you not put so many stops? Maybe only two to three put the extra stops on Thursday. I will work extra long. I need to take my sister to immigration.I said, fine. Done. It's no skin off my back to move and tell a client, hey, sorry, I got to move you. Because my technician needs the time to do something for his sister.When he's willing to work it on Thursday and spread it out during the week. It's no skin off my back to reschedule all that and inconvenience myself to help him. Because at the end of the day, he's a darn good employee. I can't complain. So, again, those are the things, folks, that matter to me.That if you ask me what makes me get up in the morning is hope that I haven't lost hope that I can make a difference in the world that I can change things

Speaker 14334.88s - 4340.06s

for people I can't change it for everybody you know I can't change it for the guy that says I

Speaker 04340.06s - 4365.46s

don't want to grow the scripture says look at a man skilled in his work. And he will not stand before mere men. He will stand before kings. When you focus on being the best, it doesn't matter who appreciates it right now. Somebody will appreciate you for it. It just might not be now.The problem with this society generation is that I want it now.

Speaker 14366.06s - 4366.64s

I want it.

Speaker 04366.68s - 4443.66s

I invested in taking that certificate. You didn't give me the raise. Well, guess what? You're with the wrong person. A lot of people were bitter that they gave five years of their life, five years, 10 years, 18 years of their life. The writing was on the wall on year one that you were never going to be appreciated.Why did you stick with that company? The church I was at, I saw the writing on the wall, they were never going to appreciate me, never going to give me a raise, never going to recognize the 60 hours I was putting in game, paid 40 that I was loving to do.And I saw the writing on the wall, and I said, look, you're not being fair here. And my buddy Eric decided he's going to stay with him for another 18 years, 12 years, and got totally screwed. And then it hurts. By year number one, if you didn't get the raise, if they're not raising their prices to give you a raise, because my raises to my people are automatic. Believe it or not, they're automatic.They don't have to work for a raise. It's a merit raise. But if you're working for me and I raise my prices and automatically raise for you, because if you're making 18 to 20 percent production and I raise my prices every year, you automatically get a 5, 7 percent raise. But you're working for people that will never raise their prices. You're asking them for a raise,

Speaker 14443.66s - 4449.26s

even though they're asking you to do more. They're not giving you the raise. They're not giving you the recognition.

Speaker 04450.56s - 4476.28s

They're not appreciating you. And you're still choose to work for them. That says a lot about your self-esteem. And you need to overcome that. You need to quit that company, go work for somebody else that's going to appreciate you. Insisting that people change. Insisting people change their character. You don't have time for people to change their character.

Speaker 14479.54s - 4479.84s

Listen, as an employer, you don't have time for your employees to change their character.

Speaker 04483.98s - 5057.04s

They either have character, they have the right character, they have the right soft skills, or they don't. As Dennis Kuchab PERSON, a wise house environmental says, you can't teach integrity and you can't pay for it. You can't buy it. Integrity is something you can. People either have it or they don't. You don't have the time for your boss to get integrity. Time is too short. At the end of the day, when somebody has to fire you, lay you off, because the business isn't doing what they're going to do it.When I have to do it, I have to do it. That's part of being in business, and I realize that it hurts, but it's part of being in business. So you go get those certificates. You go get an ace if you want to and prove to yourself that you're the most knowledgeable guy. And guess what? And if nobody pays you for that ACE certificate, at leastyou know that one day you're going to stand before kings and you're going to be greater. You might be the next technical director at a small company. Go learn management. Go learn sales. Take a sales course. Pay for it yourself. My company doesn't invest in me. Your company isn't worth a dime.Like I said, I offered my tech. I said, bro, you've been already with me. Three years you qualify. I want you to get become a certified operator. My other guy that I'm looking to work with and he's got about a year he will have to make up because he has 17 years of experience. He'll have a year in Florida GPE.And as soon as he gets his year, I'm getting him certificate. I want him to be certified. I want people to have pride in their work. In order to have people pride in their work, they first have to have pride in their work, but then I have to recognize that pride in their work, that I appreciate them, that I want them to strive for more i want everyone in my company no matter who they work who it is to make at least 50 000 a year that's the goal i set i don't care if you're a c sr ORG i don't care if you're a salesperson i don't care if you're my my media person i want everyone that works for me to eventually just make 50 000 a yearthat's higher than any a color company. Well, that isn't enough. I would never work for you. I said, I can't help you, bro, because you've got 17 years of experience doing specialty work. I'm not looking at hiring you.I'm looking at hiring a person that has never done it, grooming them and rewarding them for sticking with me during the hard times. And then in the good times, you get rewarded. It's bare and pay. It doesn't matter how long you've been here. I want you to earn it.I want you to advance from a tech one to a tech two to a tech three. And if being a tech two is your sky limit, understand that it's going to be a limit how much you're going to make because there's only so much you can take on. There's so many, some money customers I can add to that route. But understand that you will still get a raise every because every year I raise my prices.And you get merit bonuses and things like that. So, you know, set goals for yourself and for your company that are reachable, but some of these goals might take you five years. It's not impossible. It's just you can't have it now. Set a goal that you're going to be in the next five years, you're going to be an ace.Set a goal that in the next two years you're going to be a certified operator somewhere. Set a goal that you're going to learn termite, that you're going to learn a new skill. Set new goals in your life, regardless of, if you look at the company you work for and saying they won't appreciate it, I'm telling you, you're at the wrong company. Do it for yourself. Feel good about yourself that you accomplished it. Tell your kids, you know, I tell my kids all the time, you know, you need to do better and you need to learn more. And, well, why don't you apply? My kids see me studying all the time.My kids see me, my daughter is like you're always learning something new. She goes, dealing with you is like dealing with Google ORG. My daughter is impressed by me. That's the biggest compliment I could ever have. You know, go show your kids that at 53 years old, you went and got a certification that only 1,200 people in the world have.That you went out and got that termite certificate at 40, at 50. Go, you know, the biggest example, the biggest thing you can do is always to show your kids how you're striving for more. Therefore, they can't come to you with BS excuses. Well, look at you. You don't do any better. You're not doing anything new. Because they will. They're thinking that, you know, you work a job, but understand that job puts food's on the table.I had to remind my son that the room he has is because I pay for that. That the phone, the thing he has, the computer, this, the after school program, the computer, this, the, the after-school program, the tutoring that I pay for is because I make the money. And he doesn't deserve anything because he hasn't earned it. I pay for it.And he's going to be 18. He's 10 years old. In 8 years, I remind him that you're going to be 18. And then when that happens, guess what? You better have figured it out as a man. Because I'm raising you to be a man. And the reason you have chores and the reason you have responsibilities is I'm trying to teach you responsibility because work ethic and character is a home job. It doesn't take a village bullshit it doesn't take your teacherit's not the school's responsibility to teach your kid character it's not the it's your responsibility and if you've been an absent father and what we have in america today if we have a bunch of kids that don't understand work ethic is because we have a bunch of parents that didn't teach him work at them. Didn't hold them accountable to learn to work. He takes out the trash area.He blows out the backyard. He scoops the poop out of the cat litter. He changes the pads. He does his homework. He goes in and does his I-Exl training that he has to do to keep his math score up. And then after that, he can go play.He can go outside, do whatever he wants to do. But until the chores get done, the homework gets done, and the responsibilities you have here get done, you don't get to go anywhere. And I make it clear that I don't owe you crap. I let my kids know, I don't owe you crap.I owe you to give you an opportunity so that you have every opportunity that I didn't have. Because I didn't have a father. And I reminded, I didn't have a father coming up. I had to figure it out. You don't have to try to figure it out. That's why I'm here to help you. But understand that if you resent that, you're going to hurt yourself and you're not going to be a man. Because I guess what, when you get fired from your first job and nobody will hire you because you have no character that's on you because i did not not teach you that so understand you might not like it right now because you're 10 but understand you're going to remember this the rest of your life so understand thatwe're complaining about kids that can go work 18 hours and go. Look, I'm not complaining about kids that are smart and education. I'm a big fan of education. People think, well, Frank PERSON, you know, it's against education and against degrees. I'm not against education and I'm not against degrees. I'm against the way it's sold, telling you that you cannot be successful as you have a degree.My daughter, she wants to be a chemical engineer, a medical chemical engineer. That's what she wants. She's 14. That's what I want to be, dad. That's what I want to do. I said, okay, great.Let's go and start looking at internships before you're 18, before you graduate, where you can get into these companies and learn what that's about. I said she's got a four-year paid college right now. Let's get you some scholarships, and let's get you this. My daughter has an enormous amount of work of it. I want you to come work for me next year.And I'm going to pay you, and I'm going to pay for your car, and I'm going to pay for your insurance, because you would not be able to afford that on your own. But I want you to work for me. And I want you to have this, and I want you to have that. Why?Because I told us, if you want to be a chemical engineer, I don't want you to get a bachelor's degree. I want you to go all the way and get a PhD. Because that's where you're going to get the respect. That's where you're going to make the money. And if I have to pay for that PhD WORK_OF_ART myself so that you're not in debt when you get out, I'll pay for it. If you want to go all the way, my son is 10 years old and lazy as hell. And I got to push him. And I'm going to push him. And at the end of the day, look,you're either going to come work for me. You're going to go learn a skill. But you're not going to go work out a dead and job. If you want to spend the next eight years to your 28, figuring out who you are as a person, and then complain about how the world doesn't give you respectand how every job doesn't pay you a living wage because you were a lazy ass and you didn't want to go work for me and you didn't want to go earn a degree and you didn't want to go learn a skill that you can do something with that's on you bro that's not on me because not every kid is going to grow up to be a lawyer, a biologist. I don't care if he's an air conditioning tech.Just be the best damn air conditioning take you can be, have integrity and learn a skill

Speaker 15057.04s - 5061.3s

and be that person that you need to be to be successful.

Speaker 05062.18s - 5578.64s

I don't measure success by how much money you make, but I'm telling you kid, if the way the world is going, you better learn a skill. I don't care if you want to be a prompt engineer because if you go online tomorrow and you say, dad, I learned how to do prompt engineering and I can make $150,000 a year for companies doing prompt engineering, I'll be proud as hell with you. That's all you do. Because you've got an education.I don't care how you got it. I don't care that you learn a skill on your own. I mean, I had a guy working for me that had 15 jobs. He didn't know what he wanted to be in life. But he learned how to be an appliance repair person, appliance repair man, by watching YouTube ORG videos. And he went out and worked for a company, working repairs. But the guy, the promises never came through with.The guy said, I'm going to give you a percentage. And then turned out, he paid him like $8 an hour, something ridiculous. So if you can go out and you can online and learn something, you can go take a door-to-door sales course and become a door-to-door salesperson selling solar, making $100,000 a year, have added, kid. I'll be proud of you. I don't want you to have so many opportunities that you don't know what to do with.I want to provide all the opportunities I never had as a father so that you can be a useful, productive member of society. I'm teaching them how to be a man and what it's like to be a man. I had to figure out what it was like to be a man. I'm going to tell you a story. My father died when I was five, raised by a single mom in Jersey GPE. The three role models that I had in my life, my uncle hung himself at a factory when I was 18. The other guy I had around me was a drug dealer.The guy that my mother was dating was an alcoholic and verbally abusive. And I had to learn how to ignore all that and say, that's not who I want to be. I had to have enough self-assurance and self-confidence in myself that that's not what I want to be. My son has a good example of what a man is like. Because today men have been emasculated and feminized to death, and they have no idea what it's like to be a man.You have a bunch of kids that are 28 years old with no father in their life. And that's why I became a youth pastor. You're starting to see the pattern of why I do what I do. So my kids can't say you're never there because I'm at every recital. I'm at every parent-teacher conference. I'm there when they need help with the homework.I just took my kid to soccer. I hate soccer. I hate being. I'm sitting out. I've got chronic fatigue syndrome that hasn't been diagnosed. And I'm on medication to, but if I go out in the sun for twohours, I will have bodyache, pain. I will be in bed the next day for two days. That's why I'm not in the field. That's why you see me in the shade with a hat and a cool breeze, even though it's hot out here, because I can no longer pull that off. So I have to make it work. I have to learn how to do it. And I tell my son, look, I want you to be, you see the example?This is what being a man is. You take responsibility. You learn to provide because the Bible WORK_OF_ART says that a man that doesn't provide for his household is worse than an infidel. So this bullshit about we're going to live together and it's 50-50 and we're going to go out to dinner and it's 50-50. And that's bullshit. You go out, you pay for the meal.You make yourself responsible that you can earn a career and make the money so that even if she can't work and doesn't want to work, that's her prerogative. You can still support a family. So you better figure out what you're going to do because at eight years old, I'm starting to get into his head. You see, this home that I have, the cars, this happens because Ipaid for it and I had to learn to do it myself. I can make life easier for you. I'm just going to make it easy. That you don't step up to the plate and take on responsibilities. This is what being a man is. This is what being a biblical man is. I'm sorry that you get offended. You don't like it. You'll disagree with me. You'll send me hate mail. You're going to tag me on this video and said, I'm an idiot. I don't care. I'm raising my kid to be a biblical man. video and said I'm an idiot I don't care I'm raising my kid to be a biblical man with biblical values not religious that's what I'm raising him up to me so those are those are thechallenges of doing everything you got to balance everything out I got 17 balls in the air right now I guarantee you one's going to drop I I'm going to drop an egg. So what? At the end of the day, what's important? What's a priority? You know, what's vital? What's urgent? And at the end of the day, I got to make choices all day long. And I got to make decisions all day long. And I got to make decisions all day long. And some of those decisions are good. Some of those decisions are bad.But at the end of the day, I made them. I'd rather make a decision than be indecisive. We meet, hey, bro, I want to do this, this isn't. Let's do it. No, I can't do it right now. And because of this, I can't do it because we don't have the funds for it.Maybe in six months revisit the idea with me and we'll talk about it again. I'm not saying no. I'm just saying it right now. And because of this, I can't do it because we don't have the funds for it. Maybe in six months revisit the idea with me and we'll talk about it again. I'm not saying no. I'm just saying no right now. The thing I had to learn how to get good at is say no, be candid. Because what I'm finding is I get surrounded by people something that don't know how to say no. And they say yes and then they don't do it. I said, let your yes be yes and your no be no. When I tell you no, I can't be part of that church thing and I can't do this and I can't take on more responsibility.Be gracious and accept my no. I don't owe you an explanation of why I have to say no. I owe you to be honest with you and say, right now I can't do that. Let's talk about it again in six months, three months. Revisit, call me back. It won't happen. No, I'm not going to get involved with that.That's a definite no. And you've got to get good at saying no. And we don't want to say no to people because we want people to like us. Part of being a biblical Christian NORP is let your yes be yes and your no be no. And we don't want to say no to people because we want people to like us. Part of being a biblical Christian is let your yes be yes and your no be no. Don't lolly gag and just be decisive. People know they can count on me. Like, you know, I've been trying to, we've been, I'm trying to remodel the rest of my house. Wife, he's like, you know, I want thebathroom. I said, right now, I don't have the mind frame and I'm investing too much money. The bathroom isn't going to happen. Forget about it. Gene PERSON might not like that answer, but that's the answer. I remodeled the downstairs.I remodeled the downstairs bathroom. The whole downstairs has new tile. Next thing I can do in the next year is the patio where we spend a lot of time in. I want to install the jacuzzi. We're going to, we chose for a lesser grade that will maybe last a year on the remodelwhere we put artificial turf until we can afford to put the papers that I want, which are like $5,000. But it isn't going to happen this year. No. Because I refuse to allow people to pigeonhole me and, you know, press me. I got about 30 minutes and then that that car should be washed.She should be, no, she still has about another hour. To vision haul me and say, yeah, but you got to do this and I don't have to do anything. The only thing I have to do in this world is die because i don't even have to pay taxes there's many a ways you can figure out legally not to pay taxes you can get a trust put the business in a trust you can keep

Speaker 15578.64s - 5588.58s

investing every penny and not pay taxes on the profit as an employee you can go out and get an LLC put your

Speaker 05588.58s - 6250.32s

vehicle under the LLC and write it off there's a lot of things you can do to legally not pay taxes but I got to die and my years are limited I got grays I don't have a guarantee on tomorrow so I tell people no all the time I got grace. I don't have a guarantee on tomorrow. So I tell people, no, all the time. I got good at it. Where I wanted, I always was the person that told yes to everybody. And yes and yes.And then I got overwhelmed. And then I couldn't do it. And then people are like, but call, you know, you told me, man. No, now it's yes or no. I want a consulting with you, bro. I want five minutes of your time.Bro, it's $159. I get people at all the time. I want to call you and pick your brain on something. Look, if it's a quick question, shoot me a text. If I can answer it quick, yeah, but I can't guarantee you an hour of my time. I'm too busy. And as I get busier, the knows become more and the yes has become less. So I say yes to a few things in order so I can be committed to them, but I got to say no to about everything around me. That's just a reality.So I don't know if I'm helping anybody here, if I can help you, if I can do anything for you that's going to help you. Be better, be a better technician, be a better father, be a better employer. You know, what are the things you have to learn? And I'm sorry, I've learned them along the way, why I have no hair, why I have a beard that's gray. It comes from a lot of stress. What did I learn? How to manage to stress better? By saying no. When that customer, I alreadyknow that customer isn't going to buy because he's already asking for things that I'm never going to do. That's the time I say, listen, we're not for you. I wish you luck and, you know, have a nice day.We're not going to continue this conversation. It's fruitless to waste another minute of my time on a client that isn't going to buy. Learn that you don't keep holding on to things that aren't going to work. I held on to a marriage four years longer than I should have because I wanted to try to save it.But I really knew it was done. Yet I still tried. I already learned when things aren't working, I shoot it in the head really quick. This is not working. This relationship is not working the head really quick. This is not working. This relationship is not working. I hired you.This is not working. I tell people, look, I'm going to take you out for three days so you can work with me, see if this is for you. But I need to know by the end of the week, if it's for you, if you're going to show up. And if this isn't for you, you can't see yourself doing this long term. I rather know now. I don't hire anybody that needs a job.I hire people that want to do better. Not anybody. Like I had a guy call me and call me, no, but I rather know now. I don't hire anybody that needs a job. I hire people that want to do better. Not anybody. Like I had a guy call me and call me, no, but I need a job and you advertise the job. And I said, did you fill out the application? Did you fill out the resume? Did you do the video interview? No, no, no. I want to talk to you. I said, because I need a job. I said, that's right there. You're desperate and I don't want you. I don't want to. I feel bad that you don't have a job, bro. And I feel I have compassion,but at the end of the day, you're not going to be the best thing for me and this is not going to be for you. Desperate people make desperate choices in the moment. And then they get to regret it and everybody around some regrets.You speak English LANGUAGE, no. I can't work for me. Do you have papers? No. I will not pay you under the table. You can't work for me.It's that simple. I have experience spraying. Definitely can't work for me. I mean, I'm not going to, the guys think that that's a, that's a badge of honor. Bro, I, you know, I know how to mix chemicals in the tank and spray it.I said, I can teach a monkey to do that. That's not what I need. You, you, you, you don't know what it's going to be like working for me. Did you, did you bother look up my company to see what I'm about before you apply for this job? No, you're not serious about learning anything. Because if you're really serious, I'm everywhere. And if you would havelooked up my company, you would have seen I've had 1,800 videos out there of a podcast. You're going to be, you're going to have a heck of a time fooling me that you know something. Especially when I take you out in the field and I test you, you're going to have a heck of a time fooling me that you know something especially when I take you out in the field and I test you you're going to have a heck of a time how you doing so you know that's that's it go folks I think yep I think I'm going to see if that car's watch I got to go run a couple of more errands for the princess that she wanted me to do yeah I've dubbed her the princess now because she says, she told me the other day, well, I want to be passenger princess. I don't want to drive.I don't want to do this. I don't want to, you know. So basically I drive her everywhere now, especially on the weekends. So that's it, folks. This is where I'm is where I'm at man I'm a minute 38 you guys suck you don't ask any questions I love you I hope that you're absorbing I know a lot of you just absorbing this a lot of you already know this that what I'm telling you is the truth you just sometimes need to talk it throughyou can't talk it through with your friends you can't talk it through with your family because nobody understands 90% of people you're going to talk to about business don't get it of what you're going through because 90% of people have never owned a business actually it's more like 95 have ever owned the business they have no idea Even if you talk to your wife and she sees what you're going through, she doesn't understand. Sometimes you need to talk it through. You need to talk it through with somebody. Find yourself a local friend that you can talk to.That's going through it, how they're overcoming. A lot of the times, you need to just verbalize it so that it makes sense in your head because I'm a verbal person. Like she sees me there like, who are you talking to? I'm all the long because I'm talking it through so that I can hear it to see if it makes sense. Some of you need to give yourself permission because nobody's going to listen. You ask your wife about starting a business.She's going to say no. You're done. You talk to them about doing something, she's going to say no. You're done. You talk to them about doing something. You're going to say no. Sometimes you're going to say, guess what? I'm tired.I've done this. And I need to give myself permission to do it. And I'm going to do it. And that's going to be the end of it. Things you need to do, you want to do that you need to give yourself permission to do. So, you know, like I said, there's my pesky group. You can always ask questions there about this podcast. You know, you can drop a message in there. I try to to answer it i can always answer it in my weeklysessions that i'm doing um we switched it over from mondays at 8 a.m to tuesdays at 3 p.m and then my son had a change in schedule with his soccer and all this and i had to take over and now it's 4 p.m because this soccer's at i pick him up at 3 from school by the time i get home to 3.45 i can do the podcast on tuesday, 3 p.m. But now it's going to be 4 p.m. Because I got to do the soccer thing on 6.Again, you know, you keep changing your times, man. I can't predict when you're going to be on, bro. Sorry to hear that, brother, but my family's going to come first. You're not paying for this. I'm doing it for you. Like, I don't know what totell you, brother. Trophy. Trophy yellow smiling. I don't know what that is. Whatever. You're going to have to need to explain it to me, Andre PERSON. I love you guys. Hope you're doing well. I hope you guys. Hope you're doing well. I hope you have a wonderful week. Hope this helps you digest and you're having fun doing what you're doing.It's not always going to be fun, but you can play a game with yourself every day. Tell yourself every day. This is the game I chose to play. Yes, I got my ass handed to me today by a linebacker. That side swiping, I didn't see it.But oh, well, I shake it off and next play. I mean, that's the secret really to making things that you don't hold on to the grudges, that you make decisions quickly, and when things happen to you, you move quickly past it. And yes, you can have your moment of pouting and, you know, say you can lay in that field while your ribs hurt,and you can, but at one point you've got to get back up and you've got to decide I'm going to play this game because this is the game I love. This is the game I chose. I'm going to play it. And there's going to be a come of day where I got to retire or I got to play a new position or I got to pivot. I'm not going to be able to play quarterback forever. So one day I'llprobably be a coach. That's life. And that's where I've come to accept that I'm looking from my opportunities 10, 15 years down the line, preparing my platform so that I can have something in the future because I'm not always going to be able to do pest control. So hopefully that helps. I'm going to sign off for now and end the stream. And I'm going to finish the rest of the cigar while I check on my car to see if it got washed and go run a couple of errands for princess and and go home enjoy the rest of the daywhich I was supposed to be on a boat with Joel PERSON at the air and sea festival or something in Lauderdale GPE and we couldn't make it. Sorry, Joel PERSON, thanks, bro. I love you. Always thankful for your encouragement for being there. My buddy Jose Solano in New Jersey GPE,who you talk a lot too. I don't talk to him as much as I like to. Dennis at Wise House Environmental in West Palm and Broward, Maria Sorrentino. I got to meet her partner, really cool guy, loving guy. Man, what a humble woman being. Say hi to him for me.That, you know, I thank him that he took the time to talk to me I probably did most of the talking but he was a good listener you know he's probably tired of

Speaker 16250.32s - 6266.14s

listening me talk you know Philly you know up in Columbus GPE,

Speaker 06269.02s - 6270.36s

Hershey GPE, I'm sorry, not Philly, Hershey, and his wife,

Speaker 16272.56s - 6272.72s

who I, two years ago I couldn't have on the podcast.

Speaker 06275s - 6649.12s

I was so ill, I couldn't bring on the podcast. You know, all the people that always check up on me, call me, hey, bro, how you doing? You know, they don't call me to get anything at me. They just want to know i'm doing and we build friendships and i hope that i can do more uh for the people um my friend who signed off for me to so i can have my term my license eternally grateful uh for his generosity and help and and just willing to just do it without wanting anything back.The people that make an impact in your life, be grateful, be thankful. Hey, Mr. Diaz, the Blue Pest Control in Cincinnati GPE. Hey, I mean, I actually lived in Cincinnati GPE. I lived on the other side of Cincinnati GPE in northern Kentucky, and I trained in Cincinnati when I used to work for you all. I used to manage stores. So I know, I love downtown Cincinnati GPE. Wouldn't want to live there, but I love visiting. Being over the bridge. I love it. You want to be happy. Learn to be grateful every morning,every day for everything. You know, Paul PERSON said be thankful in all things and for all things. Even when it's bad, be thankful. You can learn to have gratitude, and it will cleanse your heart and your soul from bitterness and anger. That boss that fire, you be thankful. Because now you have another opportunity. The employee that quit, be thankful. All of your problems on a daily basis, be thankful.You know why? Because somewhere out there in the world, there's a person living in a cardboard box in Haiti GPE somewhere in a shelter made out of wood and metal wishing they could have all the problems you have. There are people in Cuba GPE right now that I know that are wishing they had all the problems I had.I escaped from California. I've been in pest control for years. Open up my own company a year ago. All right. Let me see. And I'm going out of here.I'm reading this out loud here, brother. I'm sorry. Show. Yeah, you want to show the, nope, I want to show it. Yeah, I can't go any lower on the screen. But yeah, man, congratulations on being your first year in anniversary.Love it, brother. Yeah, man. Yeah, it's definitely different than California, brother. Hope you're handling the winter as well. You know, that was my... The first time I was in Columbusand I was in Ohio GPE, worst winter they ever had in 20 years lucky me i came from florida you know um and i was i was living in in there with all the snow so yeah i know the midwest well lived there eight years um travel all over the Midwest as a salesperson. And I loved it. I love being there. That's just, man, be thankful.It puts everything in perspective. You know, the whole world is talking about gratitude. Jesus said it 2,000 years ago. In all things, give thanks. Come to me with Thanksgiving in your heart. You know, in your heart with praise.Cast all your cares upon me because I care for you. You know, caring and being able to do that, I do 90% commercial, a bitter residential. I'm just wondering. I can't mess and let me see here cancel that oh okay oh wait a minute there we go I did that just so I have to work so I have work in the winter yeah yeah that's awesome bro I'm so happy for you manwow 90% residential but you have to do a lot of door knocking and a lot of one-to-one sales because it's hard to pick up commercial business unless you can do door-to-door. You know, that's awesome. So yeah, man. You know, if you're suffering from anxiety, you know, come to me with prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving that is the cure for anxiety that that is a lot of the issues we're having is just a lot of a lot of self-centeredist in theworld a lot of people just thinking they're entitled and they deserve something when they haven't earned it and they can't be thankful for anything because they feel the world owes them something. If you find yourself in that condition, if you find yourself bitter and angry, let it go. Be thankful for the opportunities you have. You know, my Eric's brother is in Ecuador GPE. Things are tough.Wishing they could be here. There's a lot of people wishing this country. I hate it when people criticize this country of all the problems and everything it has and yet there are people killing themselves to come over the border. I have family members that escaped from Cuba on a boat, on a raft, to go over to Mexico GPE, to come across the border, to come to immigration, and become political asylum and ask for political asylum because there's no food in Cuba GPE.There's no medicine. You put that crap in your pocket about having the greatest medical attention in the world. My sister-in-law is laying in a bed where they can't even find the medication that she needs for pain and an anti-inflammatory that requires a prescription. They can't find it and she's been in pain for months.I can't send it because it requires a prescription for me to buy it. I would have to acquire it illegal and send it to them. For all you communist NORP bastards out there that you know have that position that off you know

Speaker 16649.12s - 6654.96s

i should get $20 an hour just for breathing um good luck with that i don't sympathize with you

Speaker 06658.24s - 6842.24s

go live somewhere else go move to canada um Denmark is the best one of the best economies in the world for employees. Go move somewhere like that. Leave. You know, you bitch and moan about the way things are in this country when the rest of the world is living on a dollar a day and you're complaining about what you have. It's all the billionaires faultto control everything i can't do anything about billionaires bro you i'm deaf to it don't talk to me about shit i can't do anything about it makes no difference to me that bill gates and all these guys have billions of dollars and i and then walmart refuses to pay people when they're billionaire company hold on i got Princess calling me. Yes, honey. Absolutely. Whenever they call, I'll answer it. Okay, Daly PERSON. Yep, bye.I have another delivery from somewhere of something she ordered, and they say they've been calling and I don't answer but again I'm probably on this nope nobody's called they're wrong they need to answer again nobody's called all right I'll be answering the day recent nope nobody called okay so yeah so you know you have this mentality that all these billionaire companies, you know, their average, you know, reality is that 54% of businesses that pay for wages in this country, 54% of the wages that arepaid are paid by people like me who cannot afford to give you $70,000 a year before you sit, because you think you're, I can't pay you $20 an hour because you want to come into my restaurant and wipe tables down and think you deserve $20 an hour. It isn't the reality. I don't care if you get mad at me, get pissed, you know, decide you're not going to subscribe, you're going to leave nasty messages, and you're going to tell me how evil I am and that I'm for the evil empire. Somebody hurt you, bro, and you need you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're, you're,78% of American NORP business are self-employed with no employees. The percentage of people that work for corporate America in those kind of jobs that are making $9 to $12 an hour for flipping a burgeris very small in all reality. It's not the majority of America GPE. So you're pissed off that people shouldn't be billionaires. Well, I don't care. The fact is that that's always happened.It always will happen. And it's always going to happen until Jesus Christ PERSON comes in. We're not going to change it. Jesus PERSON says the poor will always be among you. Nothing we can do about poverty except do what we can about poverty.

Speaker 16843.24s - 6845.28s

You know that the greatest that the greatest

Speaker 06845.28s - 7487.76s

way out of poverty is to be self-employed to start your own business i'm still waiting me let me let her know because she won't believe me if i tell her Nobody has called from the gate. You know, I get people who deliver my Instacart PRODUCT. They don't speak English LANGUAGE. They're working for Instacard ORG making more money than they could for somebody else. I got to respect the hustle.I got to respect the hustle. The way out of poverty is for you. I mean, look, you say, well, it's just nobody gives me an opportunity. I say, you're full of crap. I'll prove to you that you're full of crap right now. The easiest thing to learn to do is clean windows right it requires a bucket of sponge a rod a sweeper and maybe another another another wiping rag right and you can go out right nowinvest fifty dollars start walking around the neighborhoods and shopping centers and offering people to clean their shopping windows for five 10 bucks 15 bucks it'll take you 20 minutes to clean windows for 15 bucks once a week once a month i don't have 50 bucks i can't help you go borrow it I don't have 50 bucks. I can't help you. Go borrow it.You'll find it if you really want to do it. And go walk by shopping centers. I say, look, I look, I'm unemployed and I'm cleaning windows. I'll clean your windows. If you don't like the way I clean your windows, don't pay me. I'm going to walk inside and it's $15 to clean your windows.Right now, you're unemployed on welfare living somewhere in a bad situation and yet you can take a bicycle strap that bucket to the back figure a way to strap that rod to it and go ride your bike for five 10 miles you'll get exercise and you go to a nice shopping center and you clean windows you go buy one shirt that you look super nice in and you go clean windows the fact that you think you're stuck and you can't do anything that doesn't say you're stuck and you can't do anything because people find opportunities all the time. It's your mindset. I can't overcome your mindset.I can't change the way you think. I saw a guy running through a neighborhood. Listen to me. I got to respect the hustle. I don't care if he doesn't have a license. I don't care if he doesn't have a license I don't care if he doesn't have insurance the fact that he triesbut I saw a guy in a neighborhood this was like two years ago with a bicycle he took one of those little kitty trailers that you carry your kid on little trailers you put in a neighborhood. This was like two years ago with a bicycle. He took one of those little kid trailers that you carry your kid on little trailers you put in the back of a bike. He put a piece of wood on it, a flatbed, and he had a lawnmower on it with a bucket on top and a rig.And he was driving riding through the neighborhoods mowing lawns on his bicycle I have more respect for that guy doing thatthan the guy who sits at home and says I don't have any opportunities because that guy is the quintessential entrepreneur, the spirit of an immigrant who came to this country with nothing, grew up without a father in welfare, and figured it out on his own.So the fact that you say you don't have opportunities is total bullshit. Is what you want is I want to show up somewhere. Somebody pay me $20 an hour. I put zero effort in. And I want to be able to work three days a week, spend the rest of my time playing video gamesso I can have work-life balance. I have no respect for you. This is hard for you to understand. But this is reality. This is the land of opportunity. I don't care who's in the White House FAC.I don't care who's in the White House FAC. I don't care about the Republican Party ORG. I don't care about the Democrat Party ORG. Yes, they make life harder and things are harder for people because they made bad decisions. That still doesn't excuse you from sitting there, sitting there and not making an effort to make yourself better. They can't figure out how to find me in the gate. They haven't been calling.You see, that's what we as entrepreneurs and people who go out and get our own and had to hustle and had to work and go through a bunch of bad employers to figure it out figured out that nobody was going to give it to us and the fact that 78% almost 80% look at the 8020 rule are self-employed with no employees, the businesses in America GPE. Only, only, only, I think I'm looking at the numbers. As part of the course I'm teaching on entrepreneurship and startup entrepreneur,I'm going to have a course coming out on that to help people start up. entrepreneur. I'm going to have a course coming out on that to help people start up. But only about 10% or less have four employees or more. The majority of the small business right here, this small business, this small business, walk down Main Street America, all these ware warehouses these are not mega billionaire companies these are mom and pops who take home less than $50,000 a year in income risked everything so that they can start a business so that you can come work and bitch and moan about how we're exploiting you and not paying youwhen when the customer walks in through the door and is not willing to pay your prices and always beating you up on your price this is what you don't see so forgive me if i have you if i seem to have no compassion for you the fact is my compassion is i'm giving you the information you refuse to do nothing with it and then you blame everybody else for the predicament you're in. Because if you want to learn anything, you go to YouTube. And if you want to learn how to do SEO, there's one million videos. But I got to spend a hundred hours, you know, investing and watching these videos before I can find a client. Yeah. And if yougo to college, you got to spend four years. And if you start a job, you're going to have to work your way to the bottom. And if you start as an apprentice you're going to have to work your way to the bottom. And if you start as an apprentice, you don't know anything, you're going to make $15 an hour and have to learn. And guess what? That's called paying the price. It shouldn't be that way.Well, you are delusional, my friend, because that's the way it is all over the world. And nobody's ever going to change that way. The fact that you wanted to be easier than it really is because you had parents did not teach you the value of work and they not teach you how to stand on your own two feet and did not teach you what it's like to have work ethic that's not my problem my problem is to find the person that wants to get ahead move ahead ahead, get up, do,and that's the guy I'm going to hire. And it's like a needle in a haystack. Here's what it's like, it's like finding a needle in the haystack, and then you have to remove every little straw in that haystack to find it. That's how hard it is. So when I'm sitting on my end of the table and you're bitching about that, that's the moment the conversation ended. Next, we have no time for it. Well, now I really have to go because it's 430.Let me ask her. Not on the internet watching videos. What the hell you monitoring me? No, hell no. Furthermore, hell no. I'm actually doing a podcast smoking a cigar waiting for you to finish and by the way how long before you finishshe's giving me crap about not answering the game. The phone is right here. I send her a screenshot. Nobody's called. You're probably on your phone because I'm always on my phone. I get it.I can see why she would think that I'm always on my phone. I'm always watching something. I'm always talking to one of you guys. All right, bro. I'm going to call it a day too because, you know, I got things to do. But this is a three-hour cigar and, you know,Mr. Will PERSON gave this to me and there's no way I'm throwing this cigar away. A cigar this expensive. And like I said, I can talk for three hours. I've done four-hour podcast, by the way. If you've been following me, you know, that I can do it.I can't, Will PERSON, I can't hire Mr. Diaz no mr. Diaz oh there's Will there's Will PERSON there he is there he is thank you will if you haven't been watching me this is your cigar this is the one you gave you brother I'm gonna smoke this thing until it burns my finger and gets down to the nub because it's so damn good and I'm so thankful for you for doing this for me um so yeah

Speaker 17487.76s - 7495.04s

let me see i'm gonna have to go working on my feet now like 15 minutes um there you go all right so

Speaker 07495.04s - 7545.42s

i got 15 minutes before i have to pick her up so i'm going to go ahead and call it quits folks thank you so much for being on hanging out with me on a saturday you guys have nothing to do with your life that you gave two hours of your life to be here with me, you losers. Thank you for being on. I love you. I will see you on Tuesday at 4 o'clock p.m. where I'll be doing some training and I will be doing some marketing, training, sales training, pest control training. Let me know, man. Send me your questions, comment on this group. Tell me what you want me to talkabout. I will do the research for you. I will put in the hours and I will come back with you with the answers that I know and I will talk to my people that know something more than I do, the people I've surrounded myself with, that I can call on any moment's notice and ask them a question and they will answer me. So thank you so much. Guys, have a pestacular day.