Season 5 - Episode 9 - LAFC Recap, On the Road Again, CLB Preview

Season 5 - Episode 9 - LAFC Recap, On the Road Again, CLB Preview

by Outer Roses Podcast

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51:26 minutes

published 1 month ago

American English

© 2024 Outer Roses Podcast


Speaker 50s - 40.28s

The Welcome back to the Outta Roses podcast. My name is Scott. I'm joined here by Matt PERSON. Hey-oh.

Speaker 342.32s - 45.52s

And Aaron. Hello. How are you both doing tonight? Apparently I'm in an A-O mood. There you go. Hello. How are you both doing tonight?

Speaker 645.94s - 47.5s

Apparently, I'm in an A-O mood.

Speaker 347.88s - 48.36s

There you go.

Speaker 649.34s - 50.1s

You do all right.

Speaker 550.46s - 52.46s

Man, imagine if we had a sponsor that was A-O?

Speaker 153.02s - 53.34s


Speaker 353.34s - 53.36s


Speaker 153.36s - 54.32s

It could be like, A-O.

Speaker 354.82s - 55.34s

That'd be good.

Speaker 155.68s - 57.46s

We should just come out with a product called A-O.

Speaker 357.54s - 58.68s

That'd be really easy to market.

Speaker 558.94s - 59.14s


Speaker 360.02s - 61.04s

I don't know what it would be, though.

Speaker 561.12s - 61.48s

I don't know.

Speaker 161.48s - 62.6s

It helps keep clean sheets.

Speaker 563.36s - 64.1s

Timbers could use that.

Speaker 164.4s - 65.66s

We could use one of those.

Speaker 565.76s - 65.92s


Speaker 166.58s - 78.2s

All right. So we have a little bit of an agenda tonight. We don't have a very big agenda tonight, so we'll see how long this episode goes for. We're going to talk about LASC getting a draw at Providence Park FAC.

Speaker 478.32s - 79.4s

There you go. That's where it is.

Speaker 579.64s - 102.94s

Yeah. This is take two. We're going to talk a bit about the Timber ORG's upcoming road trip because they're going to be away for three games in a row and there's some interesting games in there. And then we will do a quick preview of the Columbus ORG crew,the Timber ORG's next opponent. More importantly, let's get into what is in front of us here. Who wants to introduce the beer tonight? Aaron, you brought it.

Speaker 4102.94s - 107.54s

I thought you met the microphone. So we're holding right now

Speaker 1107.54s - 116.76s

Gigantic Spirit Bomb IPA PRODUCT. I mean, Gigantic PRODUCT's good stuff. And I think I gave him a plug on the Wednesday for Portland Brewery Month. It's great play.

Speaker 4116.84s - 124.14s

I like the Lees de Hothran FAC location. I feel like Gigantic PRODUCT is one of the breweries we don't necessarily need to advertise for because they're a staple in the community.

Speaker 1124.74s - 145.38s

Yeah, and they're not on the coast. Yeah, we're not drinking coast up here for once. Yeah. This is a neat-ass can, though. It's really cool can. I actually thought I was the Thompson elk for a second.I think it's just an elk. Oh, there's two of them on there. That's cool. There's fish. There's like, I mean, it's almost like three wolves halling on a moon a little bit. So, behold, the luminous spirit bomb,

Speaker 5145.76s - 149.64s

a radiant golden bruise, is that suffused?

Speaker 2149.92s - 166.66s

With the intensity of citra and lemon drop hops. Bursting with citrusy hop flavors, each sip is an explosive experience, as is channeling the energyof a cosmic gathering. It's not a Dragon Ballsie WORK_OF_ART reference.

Speaker 6167.84s - 175.98s

Cheers, guys. Cheers. Oh, wow.

Speaker 1180.62s - 184.1s

Whoa, that is way smoother than I thought it was going to be.

Speaker 5184.26s - 208.98s

That was like on the nose. Oh, shit. There's a a lot going on there but that's that's that's good that's very chill I like that is all right is very balanced is it's a lemon grass is that what it said it said lemon drop hop lemon drop okay that's pretty good that's good I was expecting this well the other beer that were or are we're going to have that tonight or we're going to save it we'll see well we'll we'll see how it how the podcast goes i will i will least mention it because there was a lot of intent

Speaker 1208.98s - 214.42s

behind it ninja versus unicorn from pipeworks brewing ORG so there's like you can almost make unipiper

Speaker 5214.42s - 219.6s

out of that so yours came through tonight i have to say it's double ipa who knows it's any good

Speaker 2219.6s - 223.58s

but it we'll find out we'll get we'll get to it we'll get to it maybe we'll split one at the

Speaker 1223.58s - 225.84s

end if if we don't want to. That's a heavy late.

Speaker 5225.84s - 226.36s

That's a double.

Speaker 1226.7s - 227.26s

Yeah, we'll see.

Speaker 5227.34s - 228.52s

Might save it for, yeah.

Speaker 4228.8s - 230.36s

Let's talk about that then.

Speaker 1230.46s - 231.56s

So Timbers ORG ended up drawing.

Speaker 5231.56s - 266.52s

What can I say? 2-2 at home against L.A.FC ORG. Match started off in a very interesting way. Yuna Piper comes out to the National Anthem WORK_OF_ART, and there's a lot more information on his socials, if you want to learn more about, like, he basically had an apology that he was going to play it on the trumpet. He knows how to play the trumpet. He's played it in the past, but, I mean, usually he's on bagpipes, right? So it doesn't necessarily go to plan. I don't, how do you guys want to describe this? Because I don't want to say anything like me. I mean, he said it himself in his post.

Speaker 4266.66s - 270.5s

Like, he got nervous, basically had a panic attack up there.

Speaker 5271.28s - 279.06s

Because that's a lot of fucking people. So, like, this was, this was interesting because I had, I was in seats this week.

Speaker 4279.18s - 294.28s

And I was right above where he was playing it. So I'm like, oh, cool. He's like right down below us. I swear they had him out there, like, super early. And I thought he was on his unicycle for a while. I originally thought he was out of breath because he, like, they drug him out there too

Speaker 5294.28s - 304.38s

early or something. But it turns out he was, like, just getting over a cold. And then the nerves hit him. And it just completely fucked. He powered through whatever he could get out of it, which is incredible.

Speaker 1304.38s - 313.52s

Yeah. He's the only person I know that can try and put the national anthropant of 20,000 people with a Darth Vader mask and a trumpet, which is not even his first main instrument.

Speaker 6313.78s - 315.62s

Yeah. Yeah. Dude,

Speaker 4315.78s - 317.8s

like, guys got biggest pair of balls, man.

Speaker 6317.8s - 319.98s

Yeah, yeah. Respect, uh,

Speaker 4319.98s - 322.64s

Unipiper ORG. Everybody fucks up. It's all good, man.

Speaker 1322.78s - 328.5s

Yeah. I, you know what? I don't even think like, I mean, sure, he felt it wasn't great.

Speaker 4328.5s - 333.08s

Yeah, wait, it wasn't a fuck up, let's say. It was, could you guys hear it?

Speaker 5333.24s - 333.42s

A moment.

Speaker 1333.56s - 334.08s

From your guys?

Speaker 5334.16s - 334.56s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 1334.66s - 340.36s

Yeah. Okay. Well, I felt a little back, because I actually thought the Army was going to maybe start singing and there was a little bit, but not really.

Speaker 4340.92s - 346.42s

And I think it went away. There was a bit more. But I, I, I, I loved, to me

Speaker 1346.42s - 354.78s

though, like, see, I didn't expect perfection. I expected something Portland, and that's exactly what that was.It was a maker event thing, right? Like,

Speaker 0354.78s - 357.36s

it was a thing. A maker event?

Speaker 3357.46s - 365.14s

It was, it was a very kind of like handmade thing, right? Like that, and I loved it for that.Like, I feel like there was nothing more Portland than that. Like, I thought that was great. I thought it was, I really enjoyed it, actually. I feel like there was nothing more Portland than that.

Speaker 1365.26s - 372s

Like, I thought that was great. I thought it was, I thought it was, I felt bad that he felt bad. I thought it was fucking great.

Speaker 5372.36s - 374.72s

I really and genuinely liked it, to be honest.

Speaker 3374.9s - 377.14s

And if you thought it was insulting, go fuck yourself.

Speaker 5377.78s - 377.98s


Speaker 3378.78s - 380.06s

Don't listen to our podcast.

Speaker 0380.86s - 382.78s

Have you not been listening? God damn it.

Speaker 5383.6s - 384.2s

Oh boy.

Speaker 0384.28s - 385.88s

Yeah, go fuck yourself.

Speaker 5386.36s - 386.6s


Speaker 0387.08s - 394.06s

Yeah, I felt bad for him, but also like, I think it's mad props that he just kind of pushed through and kind of just,

Speaker 3394.12s - 394.7s

oh, yeah.

Speaker 5394.7s - 395.84s

He could have just like ran off.

Speaker 3395.96s - 396.34s

You know what I mean?

Speaker 0396.66s - 398.64s

That would have been really funny.

Speaker 5398.74s - 406s

However, however, I, it very much felt like a tim and Eric PERSON skit in a way in the best way possible that I was...

Speaker 0406s - 406.5s

It did.

Speaker 5406.76s - 407.94s

And I loved it for that.

Speaker 0408.02s - 409.58s

I was like, this is like so Tim and Eric PERSON.

Speaker 3409.58s - 412.7s

The Tim and Eric PERSON version ends with him running away.

Speaker 0412.96s - 413.38s

Yeah, that's true.

Speaker 5413.38s - 414s

And not even ends.

Speaker 3414.1s - 416.5s

Just everyone looking kind of confused after he runs away.

Speaker 0417.1s - 418.62s


Speaker 2418.94s - 419.34s

That's, oh, man, I love this sketch.

Speaker 6419.5s - 419.96s

I'm in.

Speaker 2420.26s - 420.56s

I don't know.

Speaker 6420.64s - 422.68s

We really have a spot for it.

Speaker 4422.86s - 425.74s

But I love, well, can cut this if you want.

Speaker 6425.74s - 429.36s

But I think of kind of fun as she interviews the interview.

Speaker 4429.6s - 434.5s

No, well, kind of invite Unipiper ORG if he wants to come on the podcast.

Speaker 5434.66s - 436.3s

He just fucking plays the bagpipes in the room.

Speaker 6436.4s - 439.06s

Well, I mean, you know, we could do a little bit of Tash ORG and do redemption.

Speaker 1439.62s - 442.44s

Well, I was actually thinking like it would be.

Speaker 4442.44s - 443.44s

There are hundreds of listeners.

Speaker 1443.9s - 444.1s


Speaker 4444.6s - 445.36s

Tossons of us. I was actually thinking in the front be... There are hundreds of listeners. Yeah. dozens of us.

Speaker 1445.36s - 449.44s

I was actually thinking the front office should give him another shot.

Speaker 4449.68s - 449.84s


Speaker 1449.84s - 457.36s

I think we should do, if anything, I think we should do like a TA like petition to have the Unipiper ORG do it again and get a redo.

Speaker 4457.66s - 461.12s

Because I think that would be really fucking neat because the dude can do it.

Speaker 5461.24s - 462.26s

We know that's the case.

Speaker 1462.64s - 464.4s

And have them come down in front of the north end.

Speaker 2464.5s - 465.38s

We'll help them out. Yeah, yeah. I think it'd down in front of the north end. We'll help them out.

Speaker 5465.56s - 466.1s

Yeah, yeah, there you go.

Speaker 2466.1s - 467.06s

I think it'd be a lot of fun.

Speaker 1467.22s - 467.5s


Speaker 2467.76s - 468.84s

More to come on that.

Speaker 1468.92s - 469.1s


Speaker 2469.22s - 472.02s

But by the way, only my second time seeing him in the wild, too.

Speaker 1472.46s - 472.82s


Speaker 5472.82s - 473.92s

Once in the wild, yeah.

Speaker 1474.18s - 474.86s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 5474.86s - 476.44s

Yeah, I'm shocked.

Speaker 1476.68s - 479.82s

You never just hanging out on Hawthorne FAC and he goes by just...

Speaker 5479.82s - 480.18s


Speaker 4480.68s - 509.28s

That's reasonable because if you think about it, like, when he was, like, really popular and, like, all over the was when arum was up and yeah yeah so yeah we've probably had all right anyway it was actually a soccer match that actually happened to but what a way to open it yeah yeah so timbers actually i mean we can break this down into like each half i just kind of took some notes on this we can just kind of talk about the game in general. Outside of something we'll get to in the second half, I think this was

Speaker 5509.28s - 514.9s

the Timber's best performance of the season. Specifically, Evander, and I thought Mosquara PERSON had a

Speaker 4514.9s - 521.22s

pretty good game. We said he was going to get torched. And I'm going to, I see, okay, I disagree

Speaker 5521.22s - 525.58s

slightly with the mascara had a thing. I watched the replay

Speaker 1525.58s - 526.54s

of their first goal.

Speaker 4526.86s - 527.44s

Oh, he's definitely

Speaker 2527.44s - 528.24s

at fault for his first goal.

Speaker 5528.24s - 529.78s

Just like he's nowhere to be seen.

Speaker 4530.36s - 531.46s

Well, I'm sorry,

Speaker 1531.66s - 533.5s

he's nowhere near where he should be

Speaker 4533.5s - 534.62s

to do any sort of prevention.

Speaker 2534.62s - 536.84s

I think that first goal for LASC

Speaker 1536.84s - 538.02s

is a combination of two things.

Speaker 5538.08s - 538.98s

One, it's a great run

Speaker 6538.98s - 539.64s

and a great ball.

Speaker 5539.84s - 540.04s


Speaker 4540.2s - 542.58s

And two, it's just the one time,

Speaker 5542.88s - 544.04s

and we've done this all season.

Speaker 1544.56s - 557.52s

It doesn't matter who it is. It seems like someone just switches off and it leads to a goal one time. And we've done this all season. It doesn't matter who it is. It seems like someone just switches off and it leads to a goal every time. And that was exactly that. And I think it's, it's a Raho. We're going to go with Arajo tonight. Did you guys listen to the one thing when they did the announcements?I missed it.

Speaker 5557.58s - 561.28s

And I was like, I was waiting for it. I listened to the announcements because in the seats I could actually hear.

Speaker 1561.48s - 567.26s

But they also said David Ayala PERSON. And I don't know if that's, I was told it was a shala.

Speaker 6567.38s - 568.14s

Maybe I'm wrong.

Speaker 1568.64s - 571.8s

But I was like, maybe I don't trust the stadium PA guy.

Speaker 6571.8s - 572.56s

Anyway. Yeah.

Speaker 1572.86s - 578.56s

So, I mean, neither of them pick them up, right? So, well, go ahead.

Speaker 4578.56s - 588.16s

Well, I remember, I just, just watched it. It was a, I think it's O'Raho PERSON goes, goes in to cover somebody on the inside, and then no,

Speaker 0588.3s - 594.44s

and then mascara is right, oh, fuck, right in between him and another person. And, like, should be going

Speaker 5594.44s - 600.88s

to cover. Bogush PERSON, who goes through and scores. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I don't. I think it's his job

Speaker 0600.88s - 607.64s

in that situation. I think it is. He's the only one that's not marking a man. I mean, yes, it, I think what's hard with this,

Speaker 5607.68s - 610.28s

we've talked about this is where the timbers have looked very vulnerable,

Speaker 1610.5s - 614.28s

is if you're going to be that centerback or defender and step and step up,

Speaker 3614.34s - 615.26s

you've got to make the play.

Speaker 1615.56s - 618.12s

And Raho PERSON, unfortunately, it's a good ball and a good play.

Speaker 3618.78s - 620.68s

But yeah, it completely just opened.

Speaker 1620.68s - 632.7s

Like there is, I mean, Kamala Miller PERSON, I think does what he can. I'm not as big on my scare on this one. If anyone, I think Arajo PERSON makes the mistake here. And I wouldn't, it's a soft mistake at that. I just think it's a little bit of, it's a good play.

Speaker 5632.78s - 638.9s

And it's a great finish. I mean, if it ain't Cray Po PRODUCT, I think it could be a little better, I'm honest. I mean, Crapeau ORG didn't have his best game.

Speaker 1638.96s - 642.84s

No, that's a whole other thing we'll talk about in a minute. But yeah.

Speaker 2642.94s - 646.22s

On the other side of things, I thought Evander PERSON was incredible.

Speaker 1646.96s - 649.82s

He definitely had one of his best games, if not his best game as a timber.

Speaker 5650s - 652s

And I keep saying that every week, which is crazy.

Speaker 2652.2s - 658.8s

And probably the best thing we've had all year is the fact that Evander PERSON has been getting better and better with each game.

Speaker 4659s - 660.92s

I mean, the goal is incredible.

Speaker 2661.64s - 662.78s

Just the chest volley.

Speaker 4663.36s - 663.8s


Speaker 1664.1s - 664.3s


Speaker 3664.3s - 664.58s


Speaker 1664.58s - 664.82s


Speaker 3665.26s - 665.74s

Yeah. I mean, let's just. What a finish. I mean, yeah. Just in general,. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 5665.94s - 666.5s

I mean, let's just.

Speaker 3666.54s - 666.96s

What a finish.

Speaker 1667.46s - 668.32s

I mean, yeah.

Speaker 3668.58s - 671.78s

Just in general, I do want to talk about the assist in the goal.

Speaker 5672.24s - 678.98s

However, I will say just, for me, it seemed like a vander on the ball this game was just, it seemed like it went another gear.

Speaker 1679.18s - 680.54s

Like, it just seemed like you could knock.

Speaker 5680.84s - 681.16s

He looked.

Speaker 3681.16s - 681.78s

It was really funny.

Speaker 0681.92s - 734.52s

Actually, just, maybe it was the hair. I don't know. He just looked like, like stronger. Like, he looked big, like more than, it's really funny. Actually, just, I just, maybe it was the hair, I don't know. He just looked like, like, stronger. Like, he looked big, like, more than like I've, like, I've really noticed before. It just seemed like, I was like, fuck, this guy is not losing the ball today. He was another, this is, I think, his best game for results and also, I think, what he did in the run of play.I mean, fucking bossed the game, I thought. I thought he really, like, not like we've said before. This is, this is the different type of Andrew PERSON, I think.It's not like a Vlari or a Blanco. It's going to look very different. But I just thought he was so, a little bit sometimes how Nagby PERSON would look sometimes in games, you know, where I think Nagby PERSON would,I think does a lot of the, the things that are very subtle and very, you know, I would say they don't necessarily always result in, in a goal or a chance creation. But I thought did just a lot. It just seemed like he just, yeah, just seemed like he was not going to lose the ball that day. Hey, man, we saw the dude smile. So I'm happy. Yeah. I mean, he had some

Speaker 5734.52s - 739.64s

energy in this one too. Like, yeah, the celebration when, like, he scores that one. He runs over and

Speaker 1739.64s - 743.26s

pounds his chest. I was like, oh my God, this guy actually has some emotion for once.

Speaker 4743.9s - 751.1s

It's off of a mascara actually. Yeah, a little, little floaty pass from mascara. I was like, oh my God, this guy actually has some emotion for once. It's off of a mascara actually. Yeah, a little floaty pass from mascara. I mean, the two goals we

Speaker 5751.1s - 759.94s

scored were great. The funniest thing was like we, did they officially confirm it for Mora? Because in the stadium, they gave it to Mora. I don't know if they changed it in the end.

Speaker 1760.24s - 764.88s

It doesn't almost look like he gets a touch. I think Mora got it. I think he does get a touch.

Speaker 6765.24s - 765.44s

Okay. Yeah, it's so close. It's hard to tell. I think Moran PERSON got it. I think he does get a touch. Okay.

Speaker 1766.28s - 767.48s

Yeah, it's so close.

Speaker 5767.56s - 768.3s

It's hard to tell.

Speaker 1768.94s - 777s

I, but I kind of love in this, too, you know, considering Hugo Lurice PERSON goalkeeper, see, the second one is like,boy, paging doctor disrespect. I mean, like,

Speaker 0777.06s - 778.5s

fucking smashed it over it.

Speaker 5778.94s - 779.22s

It was like,

Speaker 0779.32s - 779.74s

fuck you.

Speaker 5779.94s - 780.28s


Speaker 1780.46s - 781.56s

could have had the third,

Speaker 5781.64s - 781.86s


Speaker 1781.92s - 783.56s

Because he smashes it off the crossbar.

Speaker 0783.96s - 786.06s

And Hugo Loreses PERSON is just like nowhere to be found.

Speaker 1786.1s - 787.14s

He's just kind of like, oh, fuck.

Speaker 0787.26s - 790.84s

And it just, I mean, that thing rattled the crossbar too.

Speaker 5791.3s - 792.4s

It was quite a strike.

Speaker 1793.1s - 801.28s

I was going to point that out, actually. Is that the closest we've actually come to a hat trick? Because I would put that down to maybe four inches is how close we came to a hat trick.

Speaker 4801.28s - 802.56s

Evander didn't get the first goal.

Speaker 1802.94s - 805.44s

Yeah, he didn't attend. But it was a fraction of an inch that would have gone in

Speaker 4805.44s - 807.7s

because Larice PERSON isn't going to go for it if he doesn't.

Speaker 2808.54s - 809.64s

The more a goal,

Speaker 4809.9s - 810.16s


Speaker 2810.58s - 821.78s

that's a fraction of an inch of that being a Vander ORG's goal, really. Oh, yeah, fair. And then the free kick, like, we were literally four or five inches from the first hat trick. Very close. Very close.Very close.

Speaker 5821.88s - 823.1s

And I would have picked the wrong person.

Speaker 1823.28s - 823.76s

By the way,

Speaker 5823.86s - 824.54s

that's funny.

Speaker 4824.72s - 826.92s

I should do that now since we're talking hat tricks.

Speaker 1827.12s - 834.74s

So we decided before the pod, because last pod, if you've listened, I made my crazy shit

Speaker 4834.74s - 850.84s

prediction being that Mora would get the first Timbers Hat trick. And Matt PERSON mentioned that, yeah, it's going to be a double shot. So we agreed to the rules before this pod because we didn't really think it through at that point look man we'd had how much to drink at that point yeah yeah

Speaker 5850.84s - 880.02s

so so the way it's going to work is if one of us calls for a hat trick as our crazy prediction if we're wrong we have to take a shot if we're right if it actually happens the other people have to take two shots it It'll be a double shot. So I will gladly take my shot now because I didn't get mine right. And we have the ancient bottle ofChavis Regal from the 80s. This stuff's pretty good. I actually like it. Even though it's not fancy.

Speaker 4880.84s - 881.52s

Don't worry about it.

Speaker 5882.04s - 883.02s

You're enjoying it.

Speaker 4883.44s - 885.62s

It probably is is higher quality whiskey

Speaker 6885.62s - 886.12s


Speaker 4886.12s - 889.84s

what you can kind of get now

Speaker 5889.84s - 891.54s

it's a 12 year going on 40

Speaker 1891.54s - 895.1s

because Scotch ORG didn't have the popularity

Speaker 4895.1s - 896.22s

in the video it does not

Speaker 1896.22s - 896.5s


Speaker 5896.5s - 902.16s

it's also weird too

Speaker 1902.16s - 902.82s

because it's like

Speaker 5902.82s - 906.36s

I'm so used to like really peety scotches and it's not well

Speaker 4906.36s - 912.74s

yeah most scotch i mean the bulk of it isn't isn't peedy yeah but that's what i'm used to drinking

Speaker 5912.74s - 916.78s

so when i have this i'm like oh yeah i forgot that you can get scotch it's not not pety all right

Speaker 4916.78s - 923.2s

other things from the first half you guys think of anything else that was important i mean i i

Speaker 5923.2s - 926.94s

thought i wouldn't say we we we definitely didn't dominate the game.

Speaker 4927s - 927.7s

We controlled the game.

Speaker 5927.86s - 929.74s

I thought we were well good for our lead.

Speaker 1930.28s - 931.24s

Like, well good, I thought.

Speaker 6931.3s - 931.44s


Speaker 0932.44s - 954.6s

No, I thought this was maybe not. Well, I will say about it in the first half. And I think that Matt Doyle PERSON pointed this out of just like that little bit of on the ball. And I'll say, you know, kind of possession-mindedness that Aroha PERSON has is the difference. The one thing I noticed that we probably talked about a couple pods ago was like when McGrath was on the ball, how frightened he was. He was just, you know, just sideways pass.

Speaker 6955.3s - 1002.88s

Yeah. Raho just seemed a lot more comfortable, you know, with Kamala Miller PERSON is great on the ball. But I will say that I think the way this team is setting up to play to play a lot of those diagonals, just like we got essentially the two goals. I think you're going to see that more from deep and in different games and different opponents. I think you'll see that a bit more.Tactically, I thought we were pretty switched on, I thought, in the first half. I mean, it was a good half to serve to lead. I mean, I don't know what else I can really say. I mean, maybe, if anything, maybe we can come to this at the end of, it does make you wonder a little bit about, you know, if you've got your,everyone's at full fitness of Moreno Amora having a place in the starting 11. Because that, boy, I mean, I thought this, this to me feels like our best, um, you could say maybe parades for Jala PERSON.I thought Jala was good in the first half. I didn't have no problems there.

Speaker 51002.88s - 1013.82s

We should probably talk about Ajala PERSON. So there was a quote after the game that Ajala PERSON came off because he was just gassed. So he's like clearly not up to like full match fitness in terms of his recovery and everything.

Speaker 21014.04s - 1024.14s

So that is something to watch. And I think I think that is good for now because that does give us, force us into a bit more of a rotation, make sure everybody's staying fresh because we are going to need to rotate guys.

Speaker 51024.24s - 1033.5s

Like I don't think this is going to be one of those geo type teams where or really more Caleb Porter type teams where it's like here's your 11 every week in and out.

Speaker 01033.86s - 1049.88s

Where I think we're finally going to get to and I think Phil will buy into this is we're starting to slowly get to that point where we're going to be able to start play players on matchups and things versus like out of necessity here's our best 11 right like we're finally at like a we now have it seems

Speaker 11049.88s - 1056.16s

like a best 14 15 right so that means we we do have a lot of guys that you know in antony FAC or

Speaker 51056.16s - 1060.44s

you know if antony needs a break me we do play marino and we switch it up and start marino

Speaker 11060.44s - 1069.12s

and asprea PRODUCT or something right yeah i think that's a good good problem to have it's not one we've had in quite a while. It seems like we've been on life support the last couple years.

Speaker 41069.26s - 1070.08s

It's not one we've had.

Speaker 31071.3s - 1072.66s

It's been a few years, yeah.

Speaker 21072.9s - 1074.18s

Think about like 2015.

Speaker 11074.7s - 1077.72s

I mean, you had a Rudy and you had a Audi and you had a Audi, right?

Speaker 21078.02s - 1078.3s


Speaker 51078.6s - 1082.62s

So, I mean, and we had some other players in that mix that we could rotate in and out,

Speaker 41082.72s - 1084.46s

like midfielders, things like that.

Speaker 31084.46s - 1085.12s

So I think that's closer to where, I think we're in, other players in that mix that we could rotate in and out like midfielders things like that like so i i

Speaker 11085.12s - 1092.32s

think that's closer to where i think we're we're in a better situation than than that right now i

Speaker 41092.32s - 1098.56s

think now we just got to figure out the the defensive situation but you know going going into halftime

Speaker 31098.56s - 1106s

feeling pretty good come out a half time a crazy moment we'll talk a bit in depth about it, but you guys are going to love this. So I would

Speaker 51106s - 1118.2s

have had the perfect view of this play. If I hadn't had to go pick up my jersey that I bought for the in-game pickup thing, missed the fucking red card, missed all of it.

Speaker 01118.52s - 1145.6s

I got back to my seat as they're celebrating the goals. Are you fucking kidding? I would have had like the perfect angle to be like, you know, it was on side or not or, you know, the, so anyway, Crapo PERSON ends up getting a red for dogs though. And interesting enough, this is not the first time this has happened this season for LAFC. If you remember from our preview of them, Joe Willis only a few weeks ago for Nashvillealso had a dogso red for the same kind of

Speaker 41145.6s - 1155.66s

challenge. I think it was his was about like a foot and a half QUANTITY outside the box. Ours was like on the box. Ours is borderline, but the hit itself actually happened outside. Yeah. Yeah. There's

Speaker 51155.66s - 1179.44s

there was a lot of things on this play that I think a lot of people had opinions about there was talks about being offside. There was talks about it being not even Dogzo PERSON. There's talks about it being a penalty. They vart it. It was a quick var check. They give the red. Do you think it's the right call? And what are the things that, if it's not a red to you, what is it that you would stand on? So I think

Speaker 11179.44s - 1196.3s

I think in the spirit of the play, it's a very close dogso. very close. I almost would have given that a yellow because of defenders covering. I think the only argument you can make is that even though they're, because he's technically not the last man back at the time.

Speaker 01196.3s - 1230.8s

So that usually is, I think because he's goalkeeper is the only reason I think that that is, and I think that because there, he's got if, if Bwanga goes around him, you know, that he's got, he's probably going to have a clear shot on goal unless someone leaps like four or five feet. Like I think, which I guess you could say is what it could have should. It could have happened. But I would say in the spirit, I think the call was right. In the spirit of the game, it ruined the game for me, to be honest. I thought it was a really good game and i it absolutely affected the outcome obviously and i it definitely felt like so one of

Speaker 11230.8s - 1234.72s

the big things is i don't know if you guys is this is a penalty actually that's not a red card yeah

Speaker 61234.72s - 1241.4s

so that that that is the one thing i felt that this is the rare situation that you know this

Speaker 01241.4s - 1246.48s

came up on redid of maybe should the wall jump here i think it's a great free kick, but still, there is a question there.

Speaker 51246.86s - 1262.4s

So there was a lot of talk about that. I don't know if it was a quote or if I just read someone talking about it. The extra man we would have had on that play is the guy laying down behind the wall. And we didn't have that, right? Because LASC ORG brought so many players forward. They took away our ability.

Speaker 11262.68s - 1273.32s

We would have someone uncovered. That's interesting. So we either go one less person in the wall, we could have done and had someone lay down or that extra person we lost from the red card would have been the person laying down and they would

Speaker 51273.32s - 1280s

have been able to jump yeah so i don't know it's yeah it's i thought it was the whole thing was

Speaker 11280s - 1284.2s

unfortunate i think there's a little big i thought tactically and we've talked about this high line

Speaker 51284.2s - 1290.16s

and this is likely to happen i mean, you could say that maybe this is like one of

Speaker 11290.16s - 1311.72s

those moments that, you know, this is going to happen once a game, you know, or twice a game, and it just happened to be, I mean, because I thought, well, you know, is this a little bit of the timber just switching off right at the start of the first half and not quite be, I'm not sure it's exactly that. I thought it was a really good well-play. I thought it was very lucky, because it could have been off-side. Like, I mean, if Mora, or, I'm sorry,Mora Bravo PERSON isn't holding him on. Like, he's, like, he's jumped the line.

Speaker 51311.88s - 1322.02s

He's a yard off, if not. Like, we did get, like, confirmation that, like, using the geometry and all that stuff, someone said it was, like, an eighth of an inch

Speaker 41322.02s - 1324.24s

offside. Yeah, someone else I read it, right?

Speaker 51324.44s - 1326.28s

Yeah, and I was like, you know

Speaker 11326.28s - 1328.08s

and that's the ruling on the field

Speaker 51328.08s - 1330.2s

is going to stand. I don't have any qualms about that.

Speaker 11330.28s - 1346.16s

Like I don't have any I will say, and this is more of a bigger concern and a worry and this happened in the first half I actually noticed is let's make it, let's, I'm going to make a just an observationbefore I get my opinion. Crapo PERSON is not confident. Actually, that's, I guess I'm an opinion.

Speaker 61346.7s - 1350.16s

He does not appear for confidence when he comes off his line.

Speaker 01350.82s - 1364.9s

Or, because I'd say there is a play. I think Arajo fucking calls Crapo come get the ball in the first half. That's where he kind of goes over there. I think that's the guy gets booked. I actually thought it was a soft booking for L-A-F-C. It happened right in the front of us in the wait, man.

Speaker 51364.9s - 1367.9s

I mean, he pushes him over. Yeah, us in the wait, man. I mean, he pushes him over. Yeah, yeah, but

Speaker 11367.9s - 1369.92s

yes, he does. Yes, he does. Here's the

Speaker 51369.92s - 1379.82s

big thing. In my mind, that is more of a red than a lot of other things because you caused a serious collision that people could get hurt and like he intentionally

Speaker 01379.82s - 1387.14s

did it. Yeah. It's not like I'm protecting myself. It was intent behind it. Regardless how soft it is, it's just like studying someone in need. It's an aggravated foul. If you do it. Yeah. It's not like I'm protecting myself. It was intent behind it. Regardless how soft it is, it's just like studying someone with me.

Speaker 11387.14s - 1388.28s

It's an aggravated foul.

Speaker 41388.74s - 1392.08s

If you do it intentionally, it's in bad faith, right?

Speaker 11392.08s - 1394.38s

That's, that's, that's, that's, yeah, we're, whereas, it was a yellow.

Speaker 41394.62s - 1398.4s

Whereas Creepos PRODUCT was not intentional, he's very obviously going to, to.

Speaker 11398.4s - 1398.72s


Speaker 51399.32s - 1399.62s


Speaker 01399.92s - 1402.56s

And that's, but crepeos one LAW is a technicality.

Speaker 51402.68s - 1402.88s


Speaker 41403.1s - 1408.04s

Right. Yeah. No, I'm not saying you shouldn't have had the... Yeah. Well, maybe he shouldn't have had the red. I don't know.

Speaker 11408.24s - 1415.1s

Yeah. I didn't want him to. But that play was an example of little of things to come of, of why is Oroko PERSON calling for Crape PERSON to come get the ball?

Speaker 01415.3s - 1422.74s

Like, it should be the other way around. And it just, even there was a ball, like, that one that was hit from distance that Crepe PERSON almost gets caught, like, wrong-footed here.

Speaker 31423s - 1433.64s

Yeah. It's kind of sacks. I know they had a lot of buildup that talked about how this is going to be a big game from Boy PERSON, did not have a good game. But, but like, it's a red. It's definitely a foul.It's a fucking terrible tackle.

Speaker 51433.92s - 1438.74s

It's a gunfowlough, yeah. It is just, it is. So you're red. Red, no complaints.

Speaker 41438.74s - 1439.8s

Matt PERSON, where are you at?

Speaker 51439.84s - 1440.32s

But unlucky.

Speaker 41441.9s - 1456.1s

I watched, see, I didn't watch it that closely during the game, but I watched the recap and watched it a couple times and it's just, yeah, I mean, it's a fucking bad hit. It's not intentional.

Speaker 51456.64s - 1471.52s

Yeah, but it's a foul. It's a foul, for sure, 100%. Not going to deny that. I would have hate had that been, had that offside been given a little bit because it's, I always hate those kind of offside because it's not like.

Speaker 41472.36s - 1473.16s

It wasn't egregious.

Speaker 51473.22s - 1473.88s

There wasn't egregious.

Speaker 41473.96s - 1475.98s

It was like basically there.

Speaker 51476.24s - 1479.16s

An eighth of an inch, right, with the geometry and what that.

Speaker 41480.16s - 1480.24s


Speaker 51480.5s - 1487.7s

I mean, I originally, when I looked at it online, I thought maybe it was offside when I, like, because I'm sitting at my scene.

Speaker 41487.8s - 1489.54s

I'm like, I didn't get to see any of it happen.

Speaker 51489.64s - 1494.78s

I'm like, so I'm looking it up. I originally thought it was offside watching it on a replay of it.

Speaker 41495.52s - 1497.34s

Just the lame is kind of offside, though.

Speaker 51497.46s - 1497.78s


Speaker 41498s - 1498.4s

It is.

Speaker 01498.44s - 1499.74s

I'm okay with it not being offside.

Speaker 41499.86s - 1508.04s

I actually would have gone yellow. And the reason I would have gone yellow is for two reasons. One, the players are covering, and I think they do have an opportunity to get back.

Speaker 51508.42s - 1536.4s

Because, two, Buonga's touch is so heavy and away from goal in a way that it's going to take him at least a second or two to be able to get there and get a shot off. And it might not be an accurate shot if he's rushing it. I think there's a good opportunity that those guys can at least get to the line. And in my mind, that's not Dogzo. The other week, when Evander PERSON gets pulled back and the two players are even, we said that wasn't Dogzo PERSON because there is a good enough chance that that guy

Speaker 01536.4s - 1550.16s

gets back in time. I think the same thing occurs here where those guys are recovering and they're already kind of past Prey Po PERSON at the time of the challenge. I think they have the opportunity to get in position to at least make a play on the ball. Yes, they're not a goalkeeper.

Speaker 51551s - 1562.5s

But I think that actually the touch itself throws it kind of in a loop for me because either he's intentionally looking to get the contact and that's the case, then it's simulation, right?

Speaker 01562.5s - 1564.76s

If he's trying to draw the contact, he kicks it away

Speaker 61564.76s - 1573.86s

and he's not really playing the ball, right? Or he takes a wide touch. I think that takes dogso out of the question, but I think it's fair.

Speaker 51574.3s - 1574.5s


Speaker 01574.76s - 1579.68s

The one thing I do want to point out about off sides in this game, I am so fucking sick of it.

Speaker 51579.68s - 1588.06s

And I know we were praising it the other year of I am so sick of them not calling offside until the play is completely done when it's well

Speaker 01588.06s - 1594.12s

offside. Like they need to fucking stop this. They've turned it into more of a crutch of like they don't want to make a decision

Speaker 51594.12s - 1606.2s

and it's not in the spirit of the game to be like, okay, if it's close, let it play out. These are like, there's some offside calls in this game where there were guys four or five feet offside and they let the entire play play out.

Speaker 21606.82s - 1608.7s

And eventually someone's made a waste of time, right?

Speaker 61608.94s - 1610.2s

Yeah. Well, people are getting hurt.

Speaker 31610.36s - 1612.36s

It's happened in previous years, right?

Speaker 61612.44s - 1641.46s

Like, that's like my one gripe. I thought the officiating in this game was pretty bad. But the one thing I noticed that I was expecting an early call for L-A. in the second half is at the end of the second half, I don't remember if it was Bwanga PERSON. I think it was Bwanga. It goes down on the right side and goes down at the end and like the whistle blows, right? And he's like, four or five Lafc players get up around the referee and work him for about five minutes. The entire field is cleared. They're

Speaker 51641.46s - 1647.72s

still working him. And Chara PERSON comes back out to talk, and the second Chara PERSON comes up, they all vanished, right?

Speaker 61648.76s - 1649.88s

We don't do that.

Speaker 51650.32s - 1665.54s

And I think this is something people have to get used to this season. This is the kind of officiating we're going to get, because we do not do that, right? We've talked a lot about this on the podcast of, like, your captain has to really represent you and your interests and your team when it comes to dealing with the referee, right?

Speaker 21665.74s - 1665.98s


Speaker 51666.22s - 1711.78s

A lot of these teams, and especially LAAFC, that it seemed like that is part of their strategy this year, and there's some stats to back that up. They work the referee pretty hard. They're definitely in the boat of we're going to try to make them make hard decisions. They had 22 fouls against the Galaxy ORG. They had 20 fouls against us. They have, I think, six yellows andone red already this season. They have 146 fouls through eight games. So their goal is to just foul until the referee has to make a tough call, right? So we need to be prepared for that, and we don't do that. And this is like a big critique of Chara PERSON, and I'm hoping that if Evander is the future captain here, that he starts taking note of like, we need to be in that. We this is like a big critique of Chara and I'm hoping that if Evander PERSON is the future captain here that he starts taking note of like we need to be in that huddle with their players if that's

Speaker 61711.78s - 1717.92s

happening. Right? Like you need to be there and make sure that it's not one-sided because that's what's

Speaker 51717.92s - 1729.64s

going to happen. These guys are just going to work the referee and the referees is going to start buying into it. These referees aren't like, I don't want to say like they don't have a backbone, but they really don't. If someone works them pretty hard,

Speaker 41729.7s - 1731.78s

we've seen this in previous years with other teams.

Speaker 21731.78s - 1743.74s

If you work the referee like that, you're going to get the calls. And unfortunate for us, that really didn't even come into play. The call he had to make was a pretty, I want to say an easy one,

Speaker 11743.84s - 1760.96s

but I mean, it was going to be yellow or red. Yeah. You know, he went that way. And I think, even though I would have given the yellow, I don't think there's that big of an argument for a red. You know what I mean? No, I, I, I, I, I, I would say the same. I would say the exact same of, I think it's a very soft red. And I think I, there, there definitely was on the night. I really thought, I think

Speaker 61760.96s - 1765.42s

it's, it's a yellow. I have a question for YouTube, but Matt PERSON, did you want to add it anymore?

Speaker 41765.42s - 1777.9s

I've already forgotten everything. God damn it. So I have a question, though, and maybe someone is going to educate me here because I don't know those in terms of a VAR review with cards.Oh, I sure or shit. I'm not going to be the one to do that.

Speaker 11777.94s - 1783.5s

You know, so we're talking about the build up the play, right? Do you think...

Speaker 41783.5s - 1795.34s

Try not to. So having a red card here is obviously is going to change the play, right? Do you think... Try not to. So having a red card here is obviously going to change the game, right? And we've just kicked off the second deck. I think good referees, I think, manage the spirit of the game, right?In my opinion.

Speaker 61795.6s - 1795.8s


Speaker 11796.06s - 1804.68s

Should the referee, if they can, should they had gone to the monitor to see if it was really a red card or not before you even pull a card to go red or yellow? Can you not do that?I thought you could.

Speaker 51804.68s - 1810.12s

No, I think you have to make the call and then you, especially if it's in that situation as a

Speaker 11810.12s - 1811.32s

referee, you want to give the red.

Speaker 51811.68s - 1816.6s

Because if you don't, you can only check to see if it needs to be upgraded to a red or not.

Speaker 01816.72s - 1828.72s

Yeah. Right. Versus his initial thought is do the red, right? Because he can always reverse it back to a yellow. He can also change the call completely. But there's a lot of those scenarios that if it's not red, if it's just a yellow,

Speaker 51834s - 1839.68s

and it's not a red card worthy thing, they're not going to var it. Sure. Right. So I actually think giving the red is actually the right call here so that he has every ability to go check and do

Speaker 11839.68s - 1846.28s

whatever he needs to do versus if he give the yellow and the protest is it should be upgraded to red

Speaker 51846.28s - 1851.4s

then you can check it but if it's not if if there's not a clear and obvious error there then he's

Speaker 01851.4s - 1856.42s

stuck with the yellow right yeah and i i i guess i hate that for that reason of of the

Speaker 11856.42s - 1861.66s

there should be a better process to this yeah because because i'm with you i think i'd be

Speaker 51861.66s - 1867.88s

conservative here again managing the game it's been ch. It was not a malicious foul, right?

Speaker 11868s - 1869.58s

Like, it wasn't like, obviously it's dot.

Speaker 01869.62s - 1871.82s

But I think that's the thing of like, if you take a moment, you're right.

Speaker 11872.26s - 1889.42s

I think that's the problem, I think, with us of like, is it really wrong here? Like, would, well, do you think, well, if we don't know, I guess. But do you think that if a yellow is pulled, do you think that, you know, that would have gotten Vard and gone to a red I don't know that it would have I if it would have if it would

Speaker 51889.42s - 1892.36s

have got Vard PRODUCT I don't know he changes it to a red right right right it's clear

Speaker 11892.36s - 1897.16s

and obvious enough right yeah so I I don't hate the idea that he gives the red

Speaker 51897.16s - 1901.96s

first to ensure that they have the correct process to go through and invalidated

Speaker 11901.96s - 1907.92s

if they need to yeah what I hate is that the center referee gets the final decision here because you have multiple

Speaker 51907.92s - 1909.28s

referees that could be in it.

Speaker 01909.36s - 1920.96s

I know a lot of people have mentioned this online. I saw some Timbers ORG fans talking about it as well as other fans, but it should just be a committee of people on VAR, the three referees or whatever that are on VAR to say,

Speaker 51920.96s - 1926.18s

hey, we decided this is not a penalty or this is a penalty. It shouldn't be the center official.

Speaker 21926.18s - 1948.64s

You have three people. You can create an unbiased panel of three people because if you go back to the LAFC ORG game against the galaxy, all three VAR ORG officials are all the VAR officials said this is not a penalty and it should be a yellow for simulation. The center referee didn't want to admit his error and still gave the penalty and completely fucked that whole game up.

Speaker 01948.88s - 1955.52s

They shouldn't have that power. If there's three unbiased people, I mean, you have three biased people, I guess, too, technically.

Speaker 41955.76s - 1958.16s

But, I mean, it's going to be a lot harder to justify that.

Speaker 51958.16s - 1962.74s

Look, this is Don Garber's MLS ORG. Having a dictator on the field kind of makes sense. Yeah.

Speaker 41962.94s - 1970.56s

I mean, if you want a result. So anyway, that's enough about officiating. We should get off that. Timbers ORG do a great job to close this game out.

Speaker 11970.62s - 1978.58s

Yeah. Like, they really did put a pretty impressive game together. Evander PERSON going to the strikers pop for a while. I don't know if you guys noticed that, but that was kind of interesting.

Speaker 41978.58s - 1982.14s

Chara PERSON right back? Charra PERSON right back. I love that idea, by the way.

Speaker 51982.5s - 1983.3s

Charra PERSON right back.

Speaker 41983.6s - 1983.88s


Speaker 51984s - 1984.2s


Speaker 41984.62s - 1989.28s

Yeah. I would love that because then we could play Perettas, Williams, and Evander PERSON,

Speaker 51989.48s - 1992.44s

or, and still have Char PERSON out there as you're right back, right?

Speaker 41992.44s - 1996.32s

Yeah. I mean, I, I like that idea, but we'll have to see.

Speaker 61996.86s - 2001.16s

Yeah, I, I thought, I mean, the timbers looked, I thought just as, like,

Speaker 42001.2s - 2003.46s

they looked very competitive with 10 men.

Speaker 62003.68s - 2005.42s

Yeah, I agree with you

Speaker 02005.42s - 2009.44s

like like we were saying it's one of the most solid performances i think we've seen

Speaker 52009.44s - 2016.18s

yeah this year's out of the back um and eventually we'll get like a regular game that doesn't

Speaker 02016.18s - 2021.16s

have either a crazy second half or a crazy decision or whatever because we really haven't had

Speaker 12021.16s - 2025.44s

on yeah yeah all right timbers now head on to the road.

Speaker 42025.76s - 2027.12s

They now play three games away.

Speaker 52027.58s - 2029.46s

We're going to talk here in a minute about Columbus ORG,

Speaker 62030.12s - 2032.14s

but they have to go cross country back and forth.

Speaker 52032.24s - 2065.56s

So they have to go to Columbus ORG. Then they come back to L.A.F.C. And then they go back across to Charlotte GPE. So it's going to be kind of a weird couple weeks for the team, three weeks for the team. Didn't get the win we wanted before we went on the road.But I think we did create that impression with LAFC ORG that they need to be kind of scared of us when we do go to their place. And we can definitely get a result from them. What are your guys' thoughts on this three-game road trip? I kind of feel like we should talk about what we're really looking for and what how many points we think we need to get out of this road

Speaker 02065.56s - 2069.72s

trip because this is kind of a weird one too because we only have one western conference game

Speaker 62069.72s - 2076.12s

mixed in there with two eastern games and maybe those are winnable eastern games we'll have to

Speaker 02076.12s - 2081.06s

talk more about that but yeah it's interesting bonus points is what you're asking yeah like how

Speaker 42081.06s - 2085.08s

how many bonus points or should we even consider getting bonus points?

Speaker 52086.8s - 2086.92s

I mean, we should always try to get points, right? Yeah.

Speaker 42087.24s - 2089.16s

But what is realistic in your eyes?

Speaker 22089.82s - 2091.46s

So I, Matt, you want to go first?

Speaker 42091.5s - 2093.68s

I got thoughts on this, but I always go first.

Speaker 22093.9s - 2095.22s

First of all, fuck LA GPE.

Speaker 42095.32s - 2096.4s

We're getting three points there.

Speaker 12096.56s - 2097.46s

I've got to do it.

Speaker 52097.7s - 2098.06s


Speaker 12098.38s - 2100.1s

Nice. We don't have to do it. I don't really care.

Speaker 52100.14s - 2129.08s

I want to see an L-AFC red card for Dogzo PERSON. That's right. Against Columbus, I'm a little bit worried because we don't have Crapo PERSON. But, you know, honestly, the other guy, what's his name? Pantamus PERSON. Pantanus PERSON.Pantamus PERSON. Pantamus PERSON. James Pantamis PERSON. That is fun to say. So Pantamus PERSON, did it right? Yeah.Good. He did really well, and maybe I shouldn't be that worried about him.

Speaker 42129.96s - 2136.06s

I mean, he's Crapos backup on the Canadian NORP national team. Yeah. So that's not a bad. Yeah.

Speaker 12136.06s - 2143.84s

And going into Columbus ORG is kind of a jump forward, playing his former coach also. Oh, yeah, well, for Nancy PERSON.

Speaker 42144.14s - 2156.92s

Yeah. Yeah. Overall, I think we should definitely three points from LAFC ORG. I'd like to see at least, let's say, four points from three games. Okay.

Speaker 12157.72s - 2159.32s

That's fair. Aaron?

Speaker 42159.32s - 2174.94s

So I, yeah, I just think this team has been getting better and better. I actually think a little bit of, this is going to sound strange, but I actually think if we can just get, maybe this last week was a little bit of a versy, a bit of confidence, I do think that this team actually might be a better road teamthan a home team at times.

Speaker 02175.28s - 2178.52s

And I just think because I had to play from deep, we can,

Speaker 12178.68s - 2189.28s

I mean, that was the one thing in this game is that we show that we can play a low block when you see a man down. Like, that's something we've not,well, we haven't said all season. Like, we've not been very good, and I thought we'd be great. Yep.

Speaker 32189.58s - 2193.96s

So I think, we'll get more into predictions, but I think actually just because we have

Speaker 12193.96s - 2206.82s

Columbus ORG's number historically, I think we're going to get, we're going to win at Columbus. I think we're going to draw at L.A.F.C. And I think we're going to draw at Charlotte GPE. I'm quite bullish on this team. I really am. I think it's just all going to click in the way we didn't expect in a lot.

Speaker 42207.02s - 2209.52s

So you're thinking five out of three? Five points out of three games?

Speaker 12209.74s - 2211.96s

I'm thinking five points out, five from nine.

Speaker 42212.2s - 2220.08s

Yeah, five from nine points possible. And by the way, this is pretty fucking bold because neither Columbus or Charlotte GPE have lost at home this season, both are three-on-one.

Speaker 02220.54s - 2245.52s

But I think we'll get more into the Columbus ORG game, but I just feel like this is a trap game for Columbus in a way. Like I really do. They're a great team, by the way. Like they are like arguably, well, they're in the semifinals, which might help us a little bit in the,in the Champions League ORG. Arguably, I think when they're at full tilt, they are the best team in this league. So hard place to go, but I just feel like this is so freaking MLS ORG. Yeah. Something weird is going to happen. But I am. I think L.A.F.C hard place to go, but I just feel like this is so freaking MLS ORG. Yeah.

Speaker 22245.94s - 2261.62s

Something weird is going to happen. But I am. I think L-AFC, recency bias, we were the better team on Saturday, I thought, when we were 11-on-11, and we held our own against 10-on-11. So I think we can get to go get a point in Los Angeles. I mean, you know, they'll miss the first 15 minutes.

Speaker 02261.74s - 2264.08s

They'll leave for the last 15 minutes, so we don't worry about the crowd.

Speaker 62265.16s - 2266.24s

Just like Laker ORG games.

Speaker 32266.62s - 2266.76s


Speaker 62267.8s - 2268.14s


Speaker 02268.42s - 2271.72s

But, and I just think Charlotte GPE, why the fuck not?

Speaker 32271.76s - 2273.06s

We'll just go get a point. All right.

Speaker 52273.26s - 2291.28s

Sounds good. I would love, I feel like it is possible for us to get seven points on this trip. I realistically think four to five is what the expectation is, but I think we really could get seven. We'll talk a bit more about schedule congestion for Columbus ORG and what their rotation.

Speaker 22291.58s - 2327s

Granted, they have a very deep team. They look very good regardless of who's on the field. I think there's an opportunity that we could get three points there. And I don't disagree with you. And I think we do have a little bit of their number. And maybe it's just the finally we get a game to click for us, right?Yep. So I think we could get three points there. I think we're actually going to get a draw at L.AFC ORG. And I actually think we'll beat both unbeaten at home teams in this road trip. Wow. A little skeptical of Charlotte GPE, they've had some lesser opponents come through there,and I think that's...

Speaker 42327s - 2352.96s

Fiasing the results? They're definitely a better team they have been in previous years, because in previous years they've not been very good at all. But they do have some better players. We're not going to jump too much into them, because we'll preview them in a couple weeks.But we should start talking about the Columbus ORG crew, since that is the Timbers ORG next opponent. So Timbers ORG are heading to field, which I almost didn't believe that was the name. Yeah, I had to verify.

Speaker 52353.28s - 2356.96s

Yeah. Head coach is Wilfred PERSON. Did you say Nancy PERSON? Yeah.

Speaker 12357.08s - 2364.94s

I thought it was Nancy PERSON. Maybe it's Nancy PERSON. Wilfred Nancy PERSON. It could be Nancy PERSON because that wouldn't make sense. He played his entire career in France GPE. Yeah.

Speaker 42368.78s - 2376.44s

I think a nonce like the city. Yep. That't make sense he played his entire career in france funny yeah yeah i think i'm not saying like the city yep that would make sense oh look at me i'm air and i'm so well traveled fuck off he coached montreal GPE coached in montreal for

Speaker 52376.44s - 2400.12s

quite a long time actually from 2011 to 22 he had four or five years in the academy from 2011 to 2015 then moved on to be an assistant coach from 2016 to 2021. And then he was head coach from 2021 to 2022. Until then, he ended up moving over to the crew. And is kind of widely regarded as one of the best coaches in the league, I think, at this point.

Speaker 02400.44s - 2406.1s

Which is pretty impressive because, I mean, I don't know why Montreal ORG got rid of him, but you know, whatever.

Speaker 52406.62s - 2407.06s


Speaker 02407.22s - 2408.44s

Ask Jesse Marsh PERSON. Yeah.

Speaker 52409.22s - 2410.14s

That's whatever you do.

Speaker 02410.96s - 2413.26s

We'll talk a bit about their table standing.

Speaker 22413.38s - 2418.48s

So they're currently sitting in fourth on 13 points in the east, which doesn't sound incredible.

Speaker 02418.68s - 2425.36s

When you consider how many games they've played this season and a lot of the matches they've played. That is pretty impressive to be up there.

Speaker 22425.9s - 2427.08s

Here's a wild stat.

Speaker 02427.58s - 2429.68s

Their last five games have all been draws.

Speaker 52430.36s - 2431.48s

That is a wild stat.

Speaker 32431.48s - 2486.1s

They had a no-nil draw away at RSL ORG. They had a one-all draw against Tigres ORG. And then they had a one-all draw against DC where they went down to 10 men because Chucho Hernandez PERSON decided to stud a guy on a knee. So they ended up going down to 10 men and then equalizing to get back to one all.So they scored with 10 men. So that tells you a bit about how good they are. They had the other game against Tigray's with a true 1-1, I believe. And they also had a two-all draw away at Nashville GPE. And they ended up having to win on penalties against Tigray's to go through, which is also important because yesterday it was announced that they played their next leg of Champions Cup, what, four or five days after four days after we play them. So that also adds more scheduled congestion again.They've been every week, they've just been like lined up with different,

Speaker 22486.76s - 2488.68s

different games back to back.

Speaker 52489.56s - 2499.22s

Here's a formation for you. They play a three, four, two, one. So I think that's the first time we've ever talked about that formation on the pod.

Speaker 42499.22s - 2502.92s

But essentially they play a back three and then they have a flat four.

Speaker 12503.22s - 2542.04s

Yeah, they play a flat four essentially. And then two guys sitting behind a striker. Key players, you might know him, Darlington Nagby, former Timbers Midfield, also captain of the Columbus ORG group. Diego Rossi, former L.A.F.C. ORG stand out. He signed as a DP in last year. And then I can't remember if he got injured, but he only played like a handful of games.And he's back this year. I mean, he looks really good again yau yaboa PERSON I had I had to pronounce that correct he is one of their good attacking left side players got four assists on the season fantastic player it usually goes out left and then obviously chucho hernandez Colombian NORP international striker

Speaker 62542.04s - 2545.48s

a lot of drama this season with him.

Speaker 52547.62s - 2547.98s

He had the red card we mentioned the other week.

Speaker 02554.7s - 2565.44s

He also has been benched and suspended by his coach at times this season already for undisclosed reasons. And funny enough, Wilfred PERSON, well to say Wilfred, because I'm not going to pronounce last name wrong, has completely deflected all the questions about this and all the press conferences.

Speaker 32565.62s - 2567.42s

So it's been kind of like a fucking mess.

Speaker 52568.16s - 2575.54s

So yeah, that's kind of like where they're at with Chucho PERSON. It sucks, too, because he's like, he's a fantastic player.

Speaker 02575.7s - 2575.9s


Speaker 12576.02s - 2618.34s

But it's like his head is just fucking gone right now, which might play out in our favor. Some other notable players to talk about Aidan Morris, long time midfielder sitting in the midfield with Nagby for, I think, six or seven seasons. He's having a good year as well. He had a good goal the other day. He's got, I think, a couple of goals and a couple assists so far. And then Jason Russell Rowe PERSON, who has been their backup striker, who's actually played very well.He's played there for like two or three years, and he's kind of been their backup striker the whole time. But he's had to start in a lot of these other games because of all the rotation. He's looked pretty good. You got a goal the other week. So my other little tidbit notes that I put on here, the crew have played a lot of games the last few weeks, kind of already talked about that.It's really been they've played a fuckload of games this season.

Speaker 02618.62s - 2638.68s

Yeah. Their next game is against Monterey GPE, so a big fucking game. That's on Wednesday, the 24th. Another note that I kind of earmarked is like, they've given up a lot of chances. Like, if you watch a lot of their highlights, they give up a lot of chances and a lot of teams are struggling to finish against them. Like, RSL ORG had a boatload of very scorable chances they couldn't convert.

Speaker 52639.06s - 2661.48s

But they're also really susceptible on the counter. And I think that's really important for this Timbers ORG team because if they're going to play, sit deep and play quick, if we have all that speed, right, on the outsides or even now up the middle, if we have Jonathan PERSON up there, this might be an opportunity where the Timbers ORG could steal a result here. So, all right, that was a lot of stuff about the crew.

Speaker 42662.2s - 2665.4s

I'm sorry, I blacked out. What happened? Yeah. What do you think, Matt PERSON?

Speaker 52666s - 2668.44s

I think, I don't think.

Speaker 42668.62s - 2676s

I think that the timbers have a tough job ahead of them in Columbus ORG.

Speaker 52676.62s - 2678.52s

Like you said, they've looked very good this year.

Speaker 42678.62s - 2687.92s

I haven't watched a ton. Just caught a little bit on Apple TV ORG. Use that MLS ORG pass, guys. I'm sorry.

Speaker 62688.34s - 2689.34s

Shilling over here.

Speaker 02689.9s - 2691.36s

I mean, I'm ready with predictions.

Speaker 52691.92s - 2696.56s

Like, that's where I'm at. Okay. We'll jump to Aaron really quick.

Speaker 12696.72s - 2696.98s


Speaker 42696.98s - 2698.88s

You can go for some predictions, Matt PERSON.

Speaker 12699.06s - 2699.66s

Sure, whatever.

Speaker 42699.76s - 2700.1s

I don't care.

Speaker 52700.74s - 2702.06s

So I think that...

Speaker 12702.06s - 2729s

I'm hurt. I would appreciate... I think that the timbers should approach this game I did at L-A-F-C I like to see the samestarting 11 start I think Ajalah PERSON playing I think this is a game particularly if we want to play a little deeper and be a bit more particularly giving Jonathan Rodriguezroom to Rome didn't talk a lot about Jonathan I thought had a monster game you know what I love about him and Anthony PERSON in particular? They freaking track back and get stuck in.

Speaker 62729.12s - 2729.68s

John PERSON, right?

Speaker 12729.7s - 2740.92s

Oh my God, what a fucking bulldog. There's a couple of them, but Jesus Christ PERSON, like he really goes and wins a ball. I love that of works really hard. Just doesn't give a fuck. I love it.

Speaker 02741.58s - 2789.92s

So I think, though, I think playing a little deeper, and I just think having, you know, we talked about, I think Aja PERSON is a great deep ball player, so is Diego Chara, so is Arajo, so is Kamal Miller PERSON. Those are four targets that can sit really centrally. They're able to spray balls to your attacking three.I think we can really get at the crew in this game. Just need to be patient. When we do have the ball, instead of what I think this has been kind of the big difference of, like we've seen the first half if it's going to go to a Jala PERSON or it'sgoing to go to a center back that's not Kamal Miller they need to be a bit more positive with it. This backline will get tired. It does tire that's where I think you do see those chances late and halves happen.So if the timbers can be a little more positive I think and just give the back line a bit of a breather and give a little more confidence to the rest of the team. I really think this is a very pivotal.

Speaker 42790.26s - 2797.28s

It's pivotal, but this is a winnable game, I think, actually, stupid as that might sound. I do think this is, I mean, you have to.

Speaker 32797.28s - 2800.36s

We just don't fear anybody in this league, and we shouldn't. We're that good, I think.

Speaker 52800.6s - 2860.86s

I mean, Columbus ORG look very good. They've had a lot of games as of late. And I know they've had a week's rest here, right? Because they didn't have to play this week. I think they're going to have to rotate some pieces here. And I think they're not going to throw this game. But they're definitely going to have to rotate and expect that it's against a Westernconference team. I think we're going to see a second tier lineup. Now, their second tier lineup is still very good. So I think that is something we need to consider is like it's not going to be a walk in the park. We definitely their second tier lineup is still very good. So I think that is something we need to consider is like it's not going to be a walk in the park. We definitely have to go out there and earn it. But I think this is going to be a different Columbus ORG team than we're used toseeing or I'm used to seeing at least. I expect there's going to be a lot of rotation. Maybe you see half a game from certain guys or maybe they try to pile it on in the first 30 minutes and then bring guys off, right? Something like that. But I imagine they're going to want to take a bite at a Monterey GPE. So that being said, I think if I remember correctly, their first leg against Monterey GPE is also at home. So you have to think that they need to get a result at home, right, before going to Mexico GPE.

Speaker 02861.16s - 2872.2s

So I would assume that we're going to see a weaker lineup and that's going to be an even more opportunity for us to pounce here. I don't think they're going to lay over, though, like any other team. So I think it's still going to be a tough match.

Speaker 52872.8s - 2874.78s

Matt PERSON, what do you got for predictions? Predictions.

Speaker 42875.18s - 2877.84s

I predict 4-0-win timbers.

Speaker 52878.12s - 2878.68s

That's right.

Speaker 42879.08s - 2879.78s


Speaker 52880.44s - 2887.22s

And the wild thing that will happen is Nagby PERSON will score an own goal in our honor.

Speaker 42887.6s - 2887.96s


Speaker 52888.24s - 2888.98s

Possibly not an hour.

Speaker 12889s - 2904.66s

Always a temper. Always a different. What do you got, Aaron? Nice. I'm going to go 2-0. I'm also going to go to the clean sheet.I think for a wild prediction, I think I'm going to be pretty conservative here. I'm going to say Jonathan PERSON scores a goal. I'm just going to say he scores a goal. I'm going to say goal and he's going to score a goal.

Speaker 52904.92s - 2913.46s

Okay. I'm going to go Timbers 3-1. And I'm going to say Jonathan PERSON scores a goal. I'm just going to say a goal. I'm going to say goal and he's going to score a goal. Okay. I'm going to go Timbers 3-1 and I'm going to go that Columbus ORG ends up getting a penalty. Oh, okay. Okay. Okay.

Speaker 32913.76s - 2917.82s

So I just have a weird feeling that that seems like the kind of thing we'd do. It'd probably be

Speaker 52917.82s - 2921.52s

like we're up three-nil and then we give up like a penalty in the 80. Yeah, right. When we

Speaker 32921.52s - 2925.24s

really wanted that clean sheet. Yep, 100%. Fuck the confidence.

Speaker 52925.62s - 2925.84s


Speaker 12926s - 2926.18s

All right.

Speaker 52926.3s - 2929.54s

Can I throw one more thing since a couple minutes?

Speaker 12929.76s - 2929.92s


Speaker 52930.32s - 2941.2s

It was Rally towel day when I cringed, when I saw that earlier in the season and my heart sank, you know what? My heart rose so much because I don't think anyone used them. No. I didn't see anyone use them.

Speaker 32941.3s - 2942.14s

No, I didn't know.

Speaker 52942.22s - 2943.52s

You know what? I didn't get one.

Speaker 32943.76s - 2944.88s

I got one.

Speaker 12944.94s - 2953.3s

I got a couple. It's basically a bar towel. Yeah. No, I didn't know. You know what? I didn't get one. I got one. I got a couple. It's basically a bar towel. Yeah. Which that's what I'm not calling a rally towel. Sebastian PERSON is using his as a TFO.

Speaker 52953.72s - 2962.6s

So that's how he's using his. That's fair. That's fair. I think mine might end up being like a pocket disc golf towel. It's about that.

Speaker 22962.78s - 2962.82s


Speaker 12963.04s - 2973.04s

Yeah. But it's definitely not a rally towel. But I, yeah, I'm glad because I think that was, that was the intent. There was also a $125 brunch. We were talking about.

Speaker 52973.12s - 2973.56s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 02975.24s - 2976.44s

You guys didn't do that?

Speaker 52976.52s - 2976.88s


Speaker 02977.12s - 2979.2s

I did do some good brunch, by the way, before the game.

Speaker 52979.5s - 2980.52s

I have a food review.

Speaker 02981.08s - 2981.52s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 52982.08s - 2983s

Scott PERSON's food reviews.

Speaker 12983.14s - 2985.64s

I had stuff at the stadium.

Speaker 32985.94s - 2986.9s

I think I saw that one.

Speaker 52987.12s - 2988.38s

Toyota Terrace ORG or whatever.

Speaker 12988.8s - 2989.52s

Did you do the value menu?

Speaker 22989.92s - 2990.54s

I did not.

Speaker 32990.68s - 2992.38s

I was going to have a hot dog and I did not.

Speaker 12993.3s - 2997.42s

I had a mixed drink from the bar bit or whatever.

Speaker 52997.66s - 2997.86s


Speaker 12998.22s - 3008.58s

Very healthy pores compared to the rest of the stadium. I was impressed. I have the mashed potato bowl, which I don't know if you've seen that. It's a bowl of the stadium. I was impressed. I had the mashed potato bowl, which I don't know if you've seen that. It's a bowl of mashed potatoes.

Speaker 43008.58s - 3011.74s

It's like drunk at like 11 o'clock in night.

Speaker 13011.74s - 3013.14s

Yeah, well, I thought this is like,

Speaker 43013.32s - 3013.72s

that's how,

Speaker 13014.28s - 3014.5s


Speaker 43014.68s - 3016.7s

They got me because the picture on the sign

Speaker 53016.7s - 3021.04s

looked pretty good. I mean, it was fine, but it was basically like, if you've ever had it.

Speaker 43021.08s - 3022.88s

It looks pretty good, guys. It looks pretty good.

Speaker 53023s - 3030.66s

It looks pretty good. It looked actually good. It was like, okay, that actually looks pretty good. It doesn't look great. But, like, it looked actually good. I was like, okay, that actually looks pretty good. But they give it to you in such a big bowl that it feels like you don't get a lot.

Speaker 13030.96s - 3032.42s

And you actually do get a decent amount.

Speaker 43032.9s - 3039.46s

But it's basically the stadium's version of like a KFC bowl with like popcorn chicken, corn, mat-old.

Speaker 13039.46s - 3050.64s

Oh, okay. It was fine. It was, like, quite a bit of buildup for. Yeah, it was all right. It was like 15 bucks, so it wasn't really worth it compared to the $4 hot dog. No scran.

Speaker 53051.04s - 3054.68s

But they do have the private Killer Burger PRODUCT up there, though, which is dope.

Speaker 13054.72s - 3055.1s

They do.

Speaker 53055.34s - 3057.64s

I mean, there's a killer burger behind 107 FAC.

Speaker 43058.3s - 3061.62s

Yeah, yeah, yeah, but there's one on the Toyota Terrace FAC that no one's ever at.

Speaker 53061.68s - 3063.56s

So you can just walk up and get food and walk away.

Speaker 43063.62s - 3069.38s

It's incredible. So if you're going to the Toyota Terrace FAC, don't's ever at. So you can just walk up and get food and walk away. It's incredible. So if you're going to the Toyota Terrace, don't get a mashed potato book.

Speaker 03069.5s - 3071s

We get a killer burger instead.

Speaker 23071.78s - 3076.88s

Or several $4 hot dogs and have like a Costco ORG buffet. I don't know. Yeah.

Speaker 03077.18s - 3079.1s

But that's all we have for this week.

Speaker 23079.38s - 3080.58s

Thank you everybody for listening.

Speaker 03081.08s - 3082.76s

Everybody say goodbye. Goodbye.

Speaker 53083.16s - 3086.58s

Goodbye. Boles. Bulls.