No Excuses 20/05/2024

No Excuses 20/05/2024

by vaughanradio

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57:03 minutes

published 13 days ago


© 2024 vaughanradio

Speaker 00s - 5.54s

Amazing. Let's say 8 o'clock, Wednesday, 5th of June. Kaya Amaniel, 23.

Speaker 16.08s - 36.44s

Von Trivia Night, don, no excuses.

Speaker 037.04s - 37.14s

All right. Good morning.

Speaker 238.42s - 139.64s

Welcome to No Excuses WORK_OF_ART. This is Fitz PERSON. This is Vaughn Radio, Radio, Radio ORG, it's Monday. I remember the Monday, men. Good morning.Good morning. How are you? Fine. Fine. Let's Monday. I remember the Monday, men. Good morning. Good morning. How are you? Fine. Fine. Let's go. A short answer drill for comprehension.Is life worth living? Yes, it is. Does a gold nugget way more than a feather? Yes, it does. How do you say gold nuggets in Spanish LANGUAGE? A piece of metal.Yeah. No. A pepita of gold. A pepita, like a little piece. Okay. And a feather?A pluma. Will I live beyond the 22nd century? I hope so. Wow, I'll be about 300 years old. Do Christiansworship in synagogues? No, they don't. How do you say synagogue in Spanish LANGUAGE? Synagogas. And how do you say synagogue in Spanish LANGUAGE? Synagogas. And how do you say worship? Orar.No, it's more than or arar. It's to worship something or somebody is to be completely devoted. Like you can, I worship, I don't know, I worship this person or you can worship a thing. Have there been any prolific authors in French NORP history?Yes, they have. Very good. Are you a religious fanatic? No, I'm not. Now, how do you say religious fanatic? A fanatic or religious.Yeah, very good. Does eating spaghetti ensure a long life? No, it doesn't. Sure? Yeah. Did China produce famous business leaders in the 19th century?No, they didn't. Good or no, it didn't very good. Does a fly, a fly, sting its prey? A sting? What's to sting? Picard PERSON.Yeah.

Speaker 3141.44s - 150.32s

Sorry, does a common house fly sting its prey? No, it doesn't. How do you say common house fly in Spanish LANGUAGE? La Mosca, it doesn't. How do you say a common house fly in Spanish? La Mosca common. Yeah. And how do you say a horse fly?

Speaker 2152.9s - 154.28s

Isn't you see a libelula?

Speaker 3155.12s - 155.56s


Speaker 1156.04s - 157.5s

No, this is a dragon fly.

Speaker 0157.76s - 164.58s

Yeah. The horse fly is a big brown fly that you only find in the countryside and actually horses are afraid of it because it can sting them.

Speaker 2165.88s - 219.78s

A horse fly. A taverno. Okay. All right. Can inorganic matter feel emotions? No, it can't. Could the early Christians own and operate microwave ovens?No, they couldn't. Does the animal kingdom share certain traits with the plant kingdom? Yes, they do. Now, careful, because it's single, it's uncomfortable. The animal kingdom.Is it, it does? Very good. Are there any cockroaches behind your refrigerator? I hope not. Very good. How do you say cockroaches in Spanish LANGUAGE?Ego-garata. Very good. Does it take long to travel from one galaxy to another one? Is it does? Should public libraries be well stocked with books? Yes, it should.Very good. How do you say stocked? Approvisionnadas. Is Spain going to abolish taxes soon? No, it doesn't.

Speaker 3220.04s - 222.34s

No, it isn't. Very good. How do you say abolish?

Speaker 2222.72s - 233.52s

Abolid. And taxes? Impostas. Was Shakespeare PERSON an outspoken defender of racial equality? I don't know, but I think he wasn't. Yeah.

Speaker 3233.72s - 242.58s

He did have, I think it was it, um, um, one of his heroes was, um, was a Moore PERSON.

Speaker 2242.76s - 243.66s

I can't remember his name was it.

Speaker 3243.66s - 244.3s

Was it Iago PERSON?

Speaker 2246.4s - 254.48s

Do the problems in the Middle East LOC to make you feel uneasy? No, they didn't. Now, do they? Do they?

Speaker 3254.48s - 255.12s

No, they don't.

Speaker 0255.2s - 258.44s

Very good. Are skin problems an ongoing concern in your family?

Speaker 2259.26s - 378.8s

No, they aren't. They aren't. They aren't. No, careful. They aren't. They aren't.Yeah. Is the polar ice cap slowly melting? Yes, they are. Is the polar ice cap? The polar ice cap is the northern one. Yeah.But it is. Yes, it is. Very good. Let's do a bit of practice with too much, too many, and enough. El English is NORP too difficult for me. English LANGUAGE is too tough for me.Difficit. Too difficult for me. Again, English LANGUAGE is too difficult. Now, careful of English LANGUAGE. English LANGUAGE is too difficult for me. Difficult.English LANGUAGE is too difficult for me. It's a muchad complicated. Difficult. English LANGUAGE is too difficult for me. Very good. It's too difficult. It's too difficult. Complicated. It's too complicated.Very good. Tere demasias propositions. It has too many propositions. Very good. Worship is, I was looking at this now, reverencia. La adorationas the adjective. Tene de massia complex. It has too much complex grammar. Fumas demasiado.You smoke too much. Fumas demasiatios puros. You smoke too many cigars. teardos. You smoke too many cigars. Cigars.You smoke too many cigars. What does it mean if somebody says to you?Close but no cigar. You almost achieved something but you didn't. So close butno cigar. No reward. How do you say reward? Preparrecompense. Yeah reward. How does it reward? Prepar. Yeah.Why do you smoke so much? Why do you smoke so much? The techo is too high for me to touch it.

Speaker 3379.4s - 379.84s


Speaker 2380.34s - 476.84s

To touch. Again? The city is too high for me to touch. No for me. The city is too high to touch. Good one more time. The ceiling is too high to touch. To touch. Again? The ceiling needs to hide for me to touch. No for me. The city needs to high to touch. Good.One more time. The ceiling is too high to touch. One more time with no hesitation. The ceiling needs too high to touch. Good. No so I'm not tall enough.Very good. I'm too short. The teche is lo sufficiently low. The ceiling isn't the ceiling isn't low enough. Very good. One more time. The ceiling isn't low enough.The water is too cold to drink. Very good. Again. The water is too cold to drink. Very good. Again. The water is too cold to drink. It's too expensive. More eggs.It's too expensive. And a synonym of expensive here? How do you say, esteemado, Estimado, Juan PERSON. Dear. So it's too much caro?It's too dear yeah very good too dear yeah yeah yeah but dea areyeah it's too dear no I don't have enough money to buy itno so I'm not sufficiently rich for it I'm not rich enoughto buy it no is not take enough to buy it. It's not... It's not... It's not cheap enough. It's too pesado to get it. It's too heavy to carry it.

Speaker 10477.26s - 490.46s

But it's too heavy to carry. No, I'm not the low sufficiently strong enough to carry it. Good. I'm too weak.

Speaker 2491.12s - 573.46s

It's too far too far to read it. It's too far to read it. Without it, it's too far to read. And you could add one more word. It's fine, but you could add one more word with far. It's too far to read it.No, I want you to add a word. It's too far away. It's too far away to read it without it. It's too far away to read. No is that sufficiently fair to learn. It's not near enough to read.Very good. And what synonym could you use instead of near? Close. Very good. Now is too close. Now is too close.And the other word? Now is too near. Now is near enough. Okay. And the other word? Now is close enough.No, I don't have enough time. No, there aren't enough chairs. Very good. All right. So a little bit of vocabulary. This is book five.List 13. Precision. Accurrency? Accurate. No, put the two together and you get it. Accuracy or precision? Accuracy or precision, yeah. Accuracy Accurate? No, put the two together and you get it. Accuracy or precision?Accuracy or precision, yeah. Accuracy. Or? Precision. Very good. That I know.As long as I know.

Speaker 3574.12s - 575.58s

Or as far as I say no.

Speaker 2575.6s - 694.66s

As far as I know. Yeah. Catholic. Careful of the pronunciation. Catholic NORP. Very good.Yeah. Commodidad. Commodity? No, the false friend. Um. Con? Vin.Convenience. Yes. Exigent. Demanding. Fondo or aguante. Resiliency.Background? No. No, not in the sense. No. Endurance. Endurance.For now or the moment? So far? As far? For the... For the... For the time being.Good. For the time being. Gancho PERSON, Angelo or Gaffio PERSON. Hook. Locura.Madness. Okay. Or? Illness? No. Insane. Insane. Insanity. Insanity. Insanity. Yeah. Yeah. Okay. Illness? No. Insane.Insane and sea. Insanity. Insanity. Yeah. A long term. Do other mode or if no. Otherwise.Good. Ron PERSON. Rum. Gerez. Cherry. Sherry.Good. And cerezo. Sorry. Cereza. Cereza? Cherry. Cherry. Yeah. Cherry. Cerre. Cerre. Good. And cerezo. Sorry, cereza. Cereza? Cherry.Cherry. Yeah. Cherry, cereza and hereth, sherry. Ah. So, Gereth? Sherry.And ceresa? Cherry. And cedarthole. Cherry three. Yeah. Picante or condimentado.Spicy. Spicy. Spicy. See for the pronunciation. Spicy. Spicy. Spicy. Careful the pronunciation. Spicy. Spicy. Spicy.Yeah. Sudoroso. Sweaty. To so stubborn. Or thick. Thick minded.Thick-headed. Thick-headed. Delotard. To defeat. Or to win with B. To beat.To beat. Exigier. Demand. Insist. to win with B to beat to beat Exigir demand Insinuar InsinuateYeah Insinuate

Speaker 0694.66s - 697.3s

Insinuate Again To insinuate

Speaker 2697.3s - 787.94s

Irse a montandonandoando Sorry Irse amontonando To pile up And if you If there's a traffic pile up, what does it mean? A traffic jam.Now it's worse. It's where there's a big, big accident where cars run into each other one after the other one. Yeah. Incorporate. To stand up? No.To stand up. To straight up. To sit up. To sit up. To sit up. Yeah. To stand to straight up To sit up To sit up To sit up YeahTo set up To say a form of the ser Fraisal verb To Ressemble No butBut phrase the verb To take after To take after Gritar To shout GoodAnother word That Americans Use it up beginning with the letter Y. To yell.To yell. Yeah. Buitre. Vulture. Very good. Most famous Spanishfootball player was known in English as the vulture. Mutrarian. So let's do that again. Precision.Accuracy? No. Accuracy. No. Accuracy. Accuracy or position. Accuracy or precision. Accuracy? Accurate? Accuracy? Accuracy or position. Accuracy or precision. That I know.As far as I know. Catholic. Comodity. Convenience. Exigente. Demanding.Fund or aguante. It was in resiliency. It was endurance. Endurance. For now or aguante? It was in Brazilian NORP city. It was endurance. Endurance.

Speaker 3789.46s - 790.18s

For now or the moment?

Speaker 2790.84s - 791.86s

So far.

Speaker 3792.22s - 792.36s


Speaker 2793.04s - 794.28s

By the time being. At the time?

Speaker 3795.64s - 796.36s

For the time being.

Speaker 2796.78s - 816.76s

Gancho PERSON, anzuel or garcio. Hook. Locura. Um. E. No.Insanity. Insanity. Insanity. Insanity. Insanity. Insanity. Insanity Insanity Insanity Insanity Insanity Dotho OtherwiseBastantes Bastantes Three words

Speaker 3816.76s - 820.48s

Enough Enough

Speaker 2820.48s - 1182.28s

Quite a few Quite a few RON Rame Gareth PERSON Enough. Quite a few. Oh. Quite a few. Quite a few. Ron PERSON. Rum. Herreth.Sherry. And cereza? Cherry. Good. Picante or condimentado. Spicy.Spicy. Yeah. Spicy. Spicy. Good. How do you say? Mar.Si. Spicy. Sudo. Sudo. Sude. Tosudo. Ah. thick. Spicy. Sude. Sury. Tosudo. Uh, thick-headed.Good. Derot. To defeat. Or? To beat. Very good.Exigir. To demand. Good. Insinuate. Very good. Very good.Irse amonterando. To pile up. Incorporarse. Uh, um. incorporate to no I'm I'm a quarter to sit up to sit upparapherse a form of the cell phrase the verb to look after to take after yeah so you take after somebody if you look after somebodywhat's that you're looking somebody. If you look after somebody, what's that? You're looking for? No. If you look after somebody. It's the same as you take care of. To take care.Yeah. Yeah. But not look for. Okay. Yeah. Grit that. To shout.Or American English LANGUAGE? Yeah. To yell. Careful with the pronunciation. To yell. Good.Buitre. Vulture. Vulture. Vulture. Good. Buitre. Vuljur. Care for the pronunciation. Vulture. Vulture. Vulture.Vulture. One more time. Vulture. Okay, so a little bit of the passive voice. How many languages officially are spoken in Canada GPE? Two languages.No, careful of the plural. Two? Two languages are spoken in Canada GPE of the plural. Two? Two languages are spoken in Canada. Is smoking allowed here? No, it isn't. Are trucks permitted on the M-30?Yes, they are. Is the Communist Party prohibited in Spain? No, it isn't. Is German spoken in Switzerland GPE? Yes, it is. How many languages are spoken in Switzerland GPE?Four languages are spoken in Switzerland GPE. Is Vienna GPE known for its musicians? Yes, it is. Ask me if he's been to Vienna GPE. Have you been to Vienna GPE? Yes, I have.Ask me if he's been to Vienna GPE. Have you been to Vienna GPE? Yes, I have. Ask me if I've been to Vienna GPE. Have you been to Vienna GPE? No, I haven't.You should? I know, yeah. It's a very beautiful city, right? Yes, it is. Are you exploited by your company? No, I'm not. Ask him if he's exploited by his company. Are you exploited by your company? No, I'm not. All right. Were you told you to take English LANGUAGE classes? Yes, I were. I were. Yes, I was. Who told him to take English LANGUAGE classes?Who told you to take English LANGUAGE classes? My wife and my daughters. So you had no choice? Well, I had. Okay. And finally I decided to follow their advice.Very good. All right. Are you visited by the Mormons NORP from time to time? No, I'm not. Ask him if he's ever been visited by the Mormons NORP. Have you Are you visited by the Mormons from time to time? No, I'm not. Ask him if he's ever been visited by the Mormons NORP. Have you ever been visited by the Mormons? Yes, I have. Very good. Ask me if I've ever been ever been visited by the Mormons NORP.Have you ever been visited by the Mormons NORP? By the Mormons NORP. Have you ever been visited by the Mormons NORP? Yeah, just once. But I was saying this before. When I came to Spain first, I noticed a lot more Mormons NORP, the young people, and now not so many,asking if he's ever been given a fine. Have you ever been given a fine? Yes, I have. Asking if his house has ever been searched by the police. Has your house even been searched? Ever. Has your house ever been searched by the police? your house ever been searched ever has your house ever been searched by thepolice no it haven't it ha ha it bah no it hasn't asked if the water has ever been cut off in his house have the water have the water have no has the water ever been... Been? Been, what? Cut off. Have the water...Has the water ever been cut off in your house? Yes, it has. Very good. Will you be invited to a Christmas party this year? Yes, I would. Yes, I would. Will you be invited? Yes, I would. Yes, I would.Will you be invited? Yes, I will. Have you ever been operated on? Yes, I have. Were you operated on last year? No, I haven't.No, I haven't. Good. Ask him if he removes wisdom teeth. Do you remove wisdom teeth? Yes, I do. Very good. Ask him how often he removes wisdom teeth. Do you remove wisdom teeth? Yes, I do. Very good. Ask him how often he removes wisdom teeth.How often do you remove wisdom teeth? Maybe once a week. Once a week. How do you say wisdom teeth in Spanish LANGUAGE? Amu la juiceo. Was your boss hit by a car last week?No, he wasn't. All right. When was Spain admitted to the European Union ORG? In the late 80s. Okay. More precisely?1985. Had one year. 86. Yeah. What other country was admitted on the same day? Portugal GPE.Very good. When was America discovered by Christopher Columbus PERSON? Portugal GPE? Very good. When was America discovered by Christopher Columbus PERSON? In 14, 92. Good.When was America discovered by St. Brendan of Ireland GPE? By who? St. Brendan, the Navigator, an Irish month. I'm no idea. 700 years before, yeah. But then the Māoris, how do you say Maoris in Spanish LANGUAGE?Maurizio PERSON? Maurizio PERSON. Mauriz PERSON. Mauriz. And the Polynesians NORP also say that they were there before. When were you hired by your current company? I was hired two years ago.Very good. How many times has your car been stolen?

Speaker 31183.9s - 1186.28s

My car has never been stolen.

Speaker 21186.52s - 1233.34s

Ask him if his bike has ever been stolen. Has your bike ever been stolen? No, it hasn't. All right. Ask him if his car has ever been broken into. Has your car ever been broken into?Yes, it has. Now, how do you say broken into in Spanish LANGUAGE? Robado. How do you say robado? Okay. And, how do you say broken into in Spanish LANGUAGE? Robado. Are you said robado? Okay. And then how do you say the car was stolen? Me had robbed in el coche FAC or me have robbed El coach ORG. Okay, all right.Ask him, ask him when it happened. When did it happen? It happened, I don't know, maybe seven or eight years ago. Ask him what was stolen? What was stolen? They took all my tools from the trunk.

Speaker 31233.78s - 1234.06s


Speaker 21234.44s - 1280.68s

Yeah. Did you have a lot of tools in the trunk? At this very moment, I had, yeah. Wow. Okay. Have you ever been misunderstood?How do you say tools in Spanish LANGUAGE? Raminas. How do you say, so there's a thing in English LANGUAGE we call it a ratchet. When you're trying to remove bolts, it has a kharaka. Say it again? Carraka.Carraka. We call it a ratchet. The same name as the music instrument. You know what a karaka is? Oh. It's the music instrument. You know what a caracca is? So? It's a wooden instrument.Ah, okay. With a stick. Yeah. No, no, no. It's a maraca. Ah.And it spins. Okay. Making a noise. Ah, when I was a kid, they used these at soccer matches.

Speaker 31280.98s - 1285.58s

Yeah, exactly that. Not anymore for some reason. Yep. Have you ever been misunderstood? Yes, I have reason. Yeah. Have you ever been misunderstood?

Speaker 21287.32s - 1327.86s

Yes, I have. All right. Have you ever been sent to prison? No, I haven't. When was your house built? Do you live in a house or in an apartment?In a house. When was your house built? My house was built in 1975. Okay. When was Napoleon PERSON finally defeated? I don't know. When was Napoleon PERSON finally defeated? I don't know.When? Yeah. 1815. Where was Napoleon PERSON finally defeated? It was finally defeated. He was?He was finally defeated at Waterloo GPE. Very good, yeah. I think if I've been there. Have you ever been there? Yeah. I think I've told this story before.My father worked in Brussels for many years.

Speaker 31328.7s - 1330.06s

And when I was about 15 or 16,

Speaker 21330.3s - 1460.34s

he would work there during the week and come back to Ireland at the weekends. And so all of us, my mother, my sisters, we all went there for a week at Easter, I think. And I said, I want to see Waterloo GPE. And he said, there's not much to see.I said, I want to see it anyway. When I got to, there's nothing to see. Of course he said, there's not much to see. I said, I want to see anyway. When I got there was nothing to see. Of course. Now, maybe there's like a museum now or something, but all you saw was... That's the field. Well, an artificial mound.How do you say a mound? A monte, a colina. Okay, that they made. And on top was a lion. The lion being the symbol of Britain GPE. So I came back and my father said, what do you think?I said, I told you. I said, as you said, pay attention being the symbol of Britain GPE. So I came back and my father said, what do you think? I said, he said, I told you. Yeah. So you should pay attention, as he said, pay attention to what your father says. Yeah. Let's work a little bit before the break with As If WORK_OF_ART, all right. So if I say to you, for example, he acts as if he's the boss.How do you say it in Spanish LANGUAGE? El atuagum what you're first of the chef. Yeah, all right. Does your boss act as... Is your boss a man or woman? A man. Does your boss act as if he were the chairperson? No, he don't.He doesn't. Good. How do you say the chairperson of a company in Spanish LANGUAGE? The president is? Yes. Yeah, yeah.Does your boss talk to you as if you were a child? No, he doesn't. Ask him who his bosses? Who's your boss? I'm my own boss. All right.Do I look as if I hadn't slept last night? No, you don't. Do I look as if I had just seen a ghost? No, you don't. Does the President of Spain speak as if he were a ghost? No, you don't. Does the President of Spain speak as if he were a priest? No, he don't.He doesn't. Good, all right. How would you see that in Spanish LANGUAGE? The question, does the President of Spain speak as if he were a priest? Abla the President of Spain as if he was a curate? Yeah.Do you conduct business as if you were the king of the world? No, I don't. Ask him if he would like to be the king of the world. Would you like to were the king of the world? No, I don't. Ask him if he would like to be the king of the world. Would you like to be the king of the world? No, I wouldn't. Which British Prime Minister, former, recent, when he was a young man,said his ambition in life was to be king of the world? I'm sure it was Boris Jones PERSON. Correct. Correct.

Speaker 31460.42s - 1465.62s

That's right. Yeah. Do you drive as if you were a Formula One PRODUCT champion? No, I don't. Ask me if he likes Formula One PRODUCT you were a Formula One champion? No, I don't.

Speaker 21465.8s - 1554.14s

Ask me if he likes Formula One PRODUCT. Do you like Formula One PRODUCT? Yes, I do. Ask me if you likes motorbike racing. Do you like motorbike racing? Yes, I do.All right. Do I treat you as if you were a child? No, you don't. Ask him if he deals with people as if they were idiots. Do you talk? Now, do you deal with people?Do you deal with people like if they were? As if they were. Do you talk? Now, do you deal with people? Do you deal with people like if they were... As if they were. Do you talk? Do you deal with people as like... No, as if they were. As if they were idiots?No, I don't. Say I ask him the question again. Do you deal with people as if they were idiots? No, I don't. Very good. Ask me if he's ever been stung by a question again. Do you deal with people as if they were idiots? No, I don't. Very good. Ask me if he's ever been stung by a horsefly.Have you ever been stung? No, stung. Stung? Yeah. Okay. Have you ever been stung by a horsefly?No, I haven't. How do you say horse fly in Spanish LANGUAGE? I think it's tabano. Tabano, yeah. It's a pretty, yes. I ask me if I've ever been stung by a horsefly.Have you ever been stung by a horsefly? Yeah. It's a, I asked me if I've ever been stung by a horsefly. Have you ever been stunned by a horsefly? Yeah. It's a pretty nasty experience. Yeah. Have you been stung by a horsefly? Yeah.In the countryside? Yeah. Yeah. It's a pretty nasty experience. Sayless, folks. We'll be right back. If you have a smartphone or a tablet, no

Speaker 101554.14s - 1569.42s

your app of Bowgan Radio ORG, and you can't listen our radio in direct, enviarned your tweets, to know our parrilla, acced to our podcasts, and enterate of all the newties of Bougain PRODUCT.Apret in any time and in the app of Bougan Radio ORG.

Speaker 111570.98s - 1574.84s

Your children are in Madrid the months of June and July?They're

Speaker 31574.84s - 1579.84s

to live a verano in English LANGUAGE, Baog. The Urban

Speaker 111579.84s - 1615.4s

Camps are emersions in English LANGUAGE, since the last 8 to themorning to the 5, where they're English while they're in life in adventures and sportand they're with the good monitors anglo-parlant of Bahag Enquenchrayour Mejorer your different locations in Madrid GPE.Sure, that there's one near you. Yamanos on 91711 99. And not close to you. Yamanos ORG on 91 711. 99. And not forgets consult usfor other campments in Varan O'Bogan. Inversions of adventureand diversion, for the English LANGUAGE.

Speaker 11618.06s - 1634s

I'm going to say this but it's very very difficult and thepeople are superendae the people and the volunteers are analucinante I have flipped with them. I'm very, very compromissed in help us and have tried to do all the possible because we're feeling well and have collaborated much.

Speaker 91634s - 1658.88s

Magantown FAC is a program intensive of immersion in Spain, specifically designed for you ables and you ables English with natives during six days, without scabatoria. Bauhaus is thebest for you consolidates your confidence with the idiom and your comprehension auditive, without classes. Informate yeahin the 911-1-13-5-8-33 or in You'd like

Speaker 61658.88s - 1703.66s

that your kids learn English with his personalities Disney ORG-favorites? In Bougain PRODUCT, they're still,Buss PERSON, Mickey PERSON, Elsa PERSON, the Sirenita and the Red Leoneand much more in a collection that reune the 20 manydifferent best of our teachers guide them thepeople who can't make the activities to form autonomousand to explain the story that's thethe times in the audio in the audio discardables that are to get youwith the show with the show in the delegationsBougain in Spain or visit our web www. www.www. www. www. Bawandtienta. The childrenare all the English LANGUAGE. And there

Speaker 81703.66s - 1719.54s

the team of the kids and the monitor of English is there And there's The Ateean The Monitor PERSON of English Is prepared and he's incredibleHow all responden to the questions Rapid and without Toeruech A question, And one of theNew York And one of the English LANGUAGE that These kids Every day is more

Speaker 71719.54s - 1738.6s

Alton Camp of the Atletic of Madrid Your Huss His Hurt Your Hurt'sSentirn't Parte of the Family Atletica Mientient Agengen A campamento Unique In which the In the Bougan camp of the Athletic of Madrid ORG, your children will be part of the family atlietic, while they're better in their level of English LANGUAGE. A campamento unique, in which the childrenwork with the monitors nativos and the team technical of the Athletic of Madrid ORG. Viviran PERSON an experience in oldivable in English LANGUAGE, and will have that opportunitythat you not have used?

Speaker 101738.98s - 1743.94s

Yamanos 911-199 or enter in ORG.

Speaker 91744.1s - 1773.28s

Empower your English LANGUAGE. Empower yourself. This is the telephone of the English LANGUAGE. 91-13-5-8-33. Aun-on-no-connoces thetelephone of English LANGUAGE? 91-13-5-8-33. 91-13-5-8-33. You know, the telephone of English LANGUAGE, 91-13-3-5-8-33. You know, the telephone of the English. 91-13-5-8-33. Hello, you've decided that are your

Speaker 51773.28s - 1833.98s

children this summer? Espeleology, natation, multi-adventura, paddle surf, or to know those friends, or to make a little bit of a lot.In our Bowen Summer Camps, can't do all. new friends or to make a start to do a little in our Vaughan GPE summer camps can't do they're doing the best adventures and activitieswith our monitors and they'll do you're learning and they'rein the place or in the mountain without to get to placeyou know to get in place to know to learn with us at Baogam ORG you're at Ba-1199 and you know your best option. Come to learn with us at Bowman ORG.You appuntas? Let's get ready to the program.

Speaker 31836.78s - 1837.94s

Okay, welcome back to the program.

Speaker 21838.06s - 2039.34s

This is Fitz, and I'm here with the Monday men. Good morning. Morning. We were talking during the break about the intelligence of animals. And very often, birds are more intelligent than people. How do you say ureca?Magpie. Magpie. For example, Newcastle United Football Club ORG, the north of England GPE, the people there have a huge affinity for soccer, for football. Especially, well, in the northeast, in the northwest, you have Liverpool and Manchester United ORG, who are very successful clubs, but United not so much now, but Liverpool ORG still.And then you have the northeast, Newcastle, Middlesbrough, who are very successful in the 30s and the 40s, not now. But Newcastle United ORG wear a black and white vertical striped jersey. How do you say striped jersey? Garcia PERSON, yes. And apparently the jersey that Juventus ORG uses is from, was because of that.And also apparently the jersey the jersees the Athletic de Bilbao ORG and Atletico Madrid wear is because of another team in the start in the northeast called Sunderland ORG. I think this is possibly because engineerscame from these cities and came and came to living in Spain and brought this with them. What's the oldest soccer club in in Spain? I don't brought this with them. What's the oldest soccer club in Spain? I don't know. No, Recritivo ORG.I don't worry. I don't care. I don't care. All right. No, but you know, it's always good to have knowledge. Recritivo, the Welva ORG.Let's do a little bit of translation book. See, simply has a alto concept of the two company. I always have had a high regard of your company. For your company. Again.I've always had a high regard for your company. It was to nobody would be. I covered it so anyone could see it. No, careful in the negative. I covered it? I covered it so anyone could see it. Okay, in the negative. I covered it? I covered it.So, nobody could see it. Yeah, but not anybody. One more time, but nobody. Okay. I covered it so anybody could see. So nobody could see.One more time. I covered it so nobody could see it. You would see it. Okay. I covered it so nobody could see it You would see it Okay I covered it so nobody would see itI have a reunion prevista for tomorrow Why do you fix The reunions with tantalance PERSON? Why do you set The meetings?Without them Why do you set meetings in so advanced almost so so so in advance so far in advance now one more time you have it um you always say why do you set meetings so far in advance very good, very good I hope your memory doesn't fail you Well done, very goodSay the reglas of the I know the game rules, the rules of the game

Speaker 02039.34s - 2041.48s

Mejor than the majority

Speaker 22041.48s - 2060.44s

Better than most people. Yeah, and you you need to use people. Okay. I know the rules of the game. Best? Better.Better. I mean, I mean, is that I'm going to say the rules that the game, more than the majority.

Speaker 112062.02s - 2066.04s

I know the rules of the game

Speaker 22066.04s - 2161.66s

better than most. Very good. Dej me, one day to investigate the assunt. Let me let me.Give me a day to look over to look after, to look into the matter. Very good. One more time. Give me a day to look into the matter. Very good.One more time. Give me a day to look into the matter. What's the difference between, give me a day to look into the matter and give me a day to look over the matter? To look into is to review the matter and look over.To look into is more investigate and the other one is reviewing. Yeah. We've gone there for three consecutive years. We've gone there for three consecutive years. Another way of saying it. For three following years.Let me say, Raymar ORG. The row. Yeah. So we've gone there. We've gone there for three years in. Let me say Remar. The row. Yeah. So we've gone there. We've gone there for three years in a row. Very good.Me very obligated to change the provider. I'll be forced to change the provider. Very good. Another word, no, provider is perfectly correct. Another word? Supplier. I use the plural.Suppliers. Good. Say for your accent that no you are Spanish LANGUAGE. I know by your accent that you are not Spanish LANGUAGE. Good.And another way of saying it, I can. Think of a Rod Stewart's PERSON tongue. I can feel. I can tell. Yes.Like, what's the song? A rod Stewart PERSON.

Speaker 112161.82s - 2167.16s

I can tell by your eyes. Yeah. So tell me again. I can tell. I can tell by your eyes. So tell me again, I can tell.

Speaker 22170s - 2218.8s

I can tell by your accent that you are not Spanish LANGUAGE. Very good. Ask me if anybody has ever asked me if I'm from Luxembourg GPE. Has anybody ever asked you? Has anybody ever asked you if you are from Luxembourg GPE? Yes.I think it was in like a public office, I don't know, like for the NIA ORG or something. And the man said, pardon, he said, he said, ah, no, because he said, no, because you sound like someone I know from Luxembourg GPE, but how, like, one of the smallest countries in the world. My wife, always is a smallest countries in the world. My wife always get bored. My wife always gets bored in this dinners.

Speaker 32219.1s - 2219.98s

No, not in.

Speaker 22220.68s - 2276.96s

On the other one. Yes. Okay. So my wife always gets bored at this dinner. No, at him. My wife always gets bored at this dinner.Your exit has much to be with the image that project. Your success has a lot to do with the image. You project. Very good. with the image. You project. Very good. Project. Project.Very good. Very good. They say that a picture worth more than... You need a verb. They say a picture. A picture is worth more than a thousand words.Good. We have years of experience, we have years of experience dealing with media.

Speaker 32278.02s - 2279.22s

Yeah, you would use the media.

Speaker 22279.44s - 2349.92s

With the media. We have years of experience dealing with the media. Very good. How do you plan to solve or to fix this good. How do you plan to solve or to fix this matter? Very good. Question.Puezes PERSON disclosed this for groups? Can you break down? Now, this. Can you break this down into pieces? For groups. By groups. Very good again. Can you break this down into pieces? By groups. Very good again. Can you break this down by groups?Hold on. The tendency in general is favorable. The general trend is favorable. Favorable. Again. The general trend is favorable.We're dedicated to a noble. We are dedicated to a noble cost. Good. Another way of saying it. We are.DeVoted. Very good. What famous film is this from? A song. A famous musical film. Hopelessly devoted to you?I agree. Well done. Well, done. Very good. What was the name of the woman?

Speaker 12350.66s - 2352.48s

Did she try? Did she die?

Speaker 02352.68s - 2353.96s

No, she died. She did?

Speaker 32354.12s - 2355.46s

Yes, she passed. Recently.

Speaker 02355.46s - 2357.2s

I think two or three years.

Speaker 32357.34s - 2357.98s

I'm sorry, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 02360.2s - 2361.5s

I cannot wait this tradist.

Speaker 22361.6s - 2416.44s

This phrase. How is it apostar? I bet you cannot translate this phraseThis phrase? This phrase or paragraph? Sentence. Sentence. Yeah.I bet you cannot translate this sentence. Yeah, very good.Yeah, phrase is usually more like, for example, an expression. Yeah. This, yeah Te-o PERSON good. Yeah, phrase is usually more, like, for example, an expression. Yeah.This, yeah, te lo dike. Do you see? No, without you. See? Yeah. I told you.One more word. I've told you. No, no, no. I told you. Before? I told you so.I told you so. Yeah. See, I told you so. Asking me if he likes it when people say, I told you so. Do you like when people say? No, people say.Do you like it? Do you like it when people say, I told you so? No, I don't. Yeah, me neither.

Speaker 02416.54s - 2428.04s

Because usually they didn't. See, I told you. Really? When did you tell me? Ah, no, no, no, I thought it. Ah, but did you say anything?No. Well, anyway. Go back over all the lists.

Speaker 22429.16s - 2537.08s

Go back over all the lists. Very good. Well done. Hasn't a 10,000 hours of study to learn a idioma.10... No, start with it. It takes 10,000 hours of study to learn a language. Well, done. Ask if that's true.Is that true? Well, I think so. Yeah, yeah. No, I get tacos, any formulas magicas. There are not, sharp. There aren't.Yeah. No, I want you to use, there are no. There are no circuits, are no shortcuts nor what? Formulas magic. Okay. There are no shortcuts nor magic formulas.Magic. Magic formulas. Very good again. There are no shortcuts nor magic formulas. Yeah, magic, magic. Magic.So there are no shortcuts nor magic formulas. Magic, magic. Magic. So there are no shortcuts nor magic formulas. Now, same sentence using aren't any. There aren't any shortcuts normagic formula. Now, one more time. There aren't shortcuts nor... Now use any. There aren't any shortcutsnor magic formulas Very good El secreto radica Into propia Force of the Voluntad The secretLace Almost lies Lies On your The secret liesIn your Willing Now Into Propia In your own Willing The secret L. In your own willing.The secret lies in your own willing. I thought I had to repeat. I know. The secret life, willing.

Speaker 02537.44s - 2539.14s

In your own will.

Speaker 12540.14s - 2540.7s


Speaker 02540.82s - 2542.28s

Will strength or will force.

Speaker 22542.28s - 2617.96s

Will power. The secret lies in your own willpower. The secret lies in your own Will power. The secret lies in your own willpower. The secret lies in your own willpower. Ask me if I know a person called willpower. Do you know anyone called willpower? Yeah.Power is a very common Irish NORP surname. It comes from De Puerre ORG. It's one of the Norman PERSON surnames. I'll say Norman in Spanish LANGUAGE. Normando PERSON. Very good.Ask me if I'm Norman. Are you Norman? Yeah. How do you say Norman in Spanish? Normando PERSON. Very good. Ask me if I'm Norman PERSON. Are you Norman? Yeah, I'm Celt. I'm Norman Celt PERSON. Yeah, all names with Fitzgerald PERSON, except for Fitzgerald, except for Fitzpatrick, arguably, are Norman PERSON. Yeah. So I know a guy, his name is William Power PERSON,Willpower PERSON. Yeah, yeah. Very good. You've improved. This is maybe your third time doing this book, and now you've nailed it. How do you say I've nailed it? Clavarlo. Yeah, Very good. You've improved. This is maybe your third time doing this book, and now you've nailed it. How do you say I've nailed it? Glavarlo PERSON.Yeah, very good. How do you say, quervo? Raven PERSON. Very good. Now, the thing is, I can never find the distinction between a raven and a crow.A crow is quervo. Raven also, quirbo. But the ravenism is the biggest member of the crow family. I remember both of them by the films. Raven Clow from Harry Potter and the Crown WORK_OF_ART.And the Crown WORK_OF_ART. Why the Crown WORK_OF_ART? What was the Raven and the Crown?

Speaker 02618.38s - 2623.16s

There is a film called The Crown WORK_OF_ART. Ah, the film called The Crown WORK_OF_ART. Okay, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 22623.52s - 2686.18s

So the Raven is one of the most intelligent, one of the most intelligent birds. Ask him if he's been to the Tower of London FAC. Have you been to the Tower of London FAC? No, I haven't. Asked me if he's been to the Tower of London FAC.Have you ever been to the Tower of London FAC? Yes, I have. Asked me if he saw the ravens. Did you see the ravens? Yes, I did. Yeah, so the ravens who live there permanently,very intelligent creatures. Ask him if he used to watch Felix Rodriguez-Dela-Fuente PERSON. Asked me if he used to watch Felix Rodriguez-Delphonte PERSON when he was young. Did you use to watch Felix Rodriguez-Delda-Fuente PERSON when you were young? Yes, I did. Very good.Ask him how he died. Do you know how he died? Yes, he died in a plane accident. Is there a conspiracy theory? Yes, there is. Because he was proposed to be the prime minister by Uffere PERSON, I think. Really?Yeah. I never knew that. Yeah. Ask him if he believes the conspiracy theory. Do you believe the conspiracy? No, the conspiracy?

Speaker 02687.08s - 2702.16s

The conspiracy theory? No, I don't. Okay. I never knew that. Okay. He was proposed, but he didn't want to do it.No, he didn't want to do it. No, he was very famous. He was very famous. Ask me if I, no, approximately when did he die?

Speaker 22702.94s - 2706.02s

In 1980, 85. Okay. Asked me if I used to watch him on YouTube. Now, approximately, when did he die? In 1985? Okay.

Speaker 02706.56s - 2736.76s

Ask me if I used to watch him on YouTube. Did you used to watch him on YouTube? Yes, because somebody said to me, it's a very good way of... Because something like that, a documentary is better than a film or even a TV series. TV series are fine. It's good.It's good. Films can sometimes do more harm than good. How do you see that in Spanish LANGUAGE? The movies sometimes can make more damage than good. Films can sometimes do more harm than good. How do you see that in Spanish? The movies, sometimes, can make more damage than... Yeah, sometimes.Depending on the type of film, etc. But a documentary, for example, especially something like his, because he...

Speaker 22736.76s - 2856.18s

You almost never saw him. I remember there was one famous one of a fight between an eagle and a young fox. What's a fox? A fox. A furrow. Yeah, and the eagle was eagle and a young fox. What's a fox? Olusarro. Yeah. And the eagle was trying to take the fox.Yeah. And he was, you know, this was on camera and Felix Rodriguez-Selofonte PERSON was commenting on it. So you see directly what the person is talking about. There's no background music.For me, at least he was relatively easy to understand. I don't think he had a strong accent or... No. Or anything. And the fox fought off the eagle. How do you say it in Spanish LANGUAGE?The fox fought off the eagle. El Thorough, Benzio, al-Aude ORG. Yeah, maybe not Ben- Theo, but he didn't get killed. He was able to defend himself, which is interesting. All right. Present conditional, second conditional.I teach English LANGUAGE because I need money. If you didn't need money, you wouldn't teach English LANGUAGE. He makes a lot of money because he invests wisely. If he didn't invest wisely, he wouldn't make a lot of money. Very good. He never goes to the beach because he doesn't know how to swim.If he knew how to swim, he wouldn't make a lot of money. Very good. He never goes to the beach because he doesn't know how to swim. If he knew how to swim, he would go to the beach more often. Very good. He doesn't make dresses because he can't sew. If he could sew, he would make dresses. How did he do you sew in Spanish LANGUAGE? Kosher.He wins a lot of money because he's an expert poker player. If he weren't an expert poker player. Now, start again. If he's an expert poker player if he weren't an expert poker player now start again if he were an expert poker player he wouldn't make a lot of money he wouldn't win he wouldn't win a lot of moneyI know him because he lives near me if he didn't live near you you wouldn't know him I don't go to the doctor because I rarely become ill say the game please didn't live near you, you wouldn't know him. I don't go to the doctor because I rarely become ill. Say it again, please. If you became ill more often, you would go to the doctor. If you became ill more often, you would call the doctor.

Speaker 102857.22s - 2861.42s

If you became ill more often, you would go to the doctor.

Speaker 22861.92s - 2907.02s

If you became ill more often, you would go to the doctor. He's always cold because he doesn't wear warm clothes. If he wore warm clothes, he wouldn't be cold. I'm not worried about deflation because prices never fall.If prices did... Not without it. If prices... If prices felt... No, without it. If prices... If prices felt... Careful. If prices fell...Yeah. If prices fell, I would be worried about inflation. Deflation. Deflation. If prices fell, I would be worried by deflection.

Speaker 32907.74s - 2910.1s

About deflation.

Speaker 22910.46s - 2916.62s

Not deflection. Not deflection. Deflection. Deflation. Yeah. What is deflection?

Speaker 32917.52s - 2923.64s

The goalkeeper was deceived by a deflection. What does that mean? It's a very common event in soccer.

Speaker 22924.66s - 2931.76s

The opposing player takes a shot. It hates a player. It changes direction and it deceives the goalkeeper.

Speaker 32932.76s - 2940.84s

So we would say deflection. Yeah. How do you say that in Spanish LANGUAGE? Deflection. Yeah. No see. Dez Rio.

Speaker 22941.26s - 2972.48s

Okay. Yeah. So I'm not worried about deflation because prices never fall. If the prices fell, I would be worried by deflection. About deflection. Deflation. Deflation.Very important word. So again, if prices fell. If prices fell, I would be worried about deflection. Deflection. Deflation. Deflation.Deflation. Deflation.

Speaker 32973.4s - 2978.66s

If prices fell, I would be worried about deflection.

Speaker 22980.12s - 2981.48s

Deflation. Deflation.

Speaker 02981.48s - 2983.52s

Deflation. One more time.

Speaker 22984.34s - 2985.38s

If prices fell, I would be worried Not deflection. Deflation. One more time. If prices fell.

Speaker 02985.78s - 2991.72s

I would be worried about deflation. Good. All right. I get a discount because I pay in advance.

Speaker 22992.62s - 3031.7s

If you didn't pay in advance, you wouldn't get a discount. I'm Irish NORP because my mother is Irish. If your mother weren't Irish NORP, you wouldn't be Irish. Very good. Now, one more time. I'm not worried about deflation becauseprices never fall if prices fell i would be worried about deflation good now deflae deflation one more time deflation one more time if prices fell i would be worried about deflation how is the deflation in spanish uh um desvio dexial deflation so How is the deflation in Spanish LANGUAGE? Desvio. Deflation. So inflation of increase prices? Deflation?

Speaker 33031.9s - 3033.2s

Yeah. Deflaction.

Speaker 03033.6s - 3034.68s

Defliction. And that's why.

Speaker 23034.92s - 3079.54s

So it's not, it's deflation. Deflation. Yeah. How is it inflation in Spanish LANGUAGE? Inflaccion. And how do you see deflation in Spanish LANGUAGE?Deflection. How is it in English LANGUAGE? Deflation. Responsibly. Responsible. Okay.Now there's another word, for example. In charge of. Another one. He must be held accountable. Accountable. He must be held accountable. Artificial.Artificial. Entiero. Very good. Controversia. Controversity. Controversity.

Speaker 33079.82s - 3083.76s

Yeah. You can say controversy or controversy. Both are right.

Speaker 23084.56s - 3202.48s

Controversy. Enchantador. Charming. Out of the word, beginning with tea. Delightful. Good.What's the opposite of inflation? Deflation. Good. Allentador. Encouraging. Very good.For good. For good. Pueblo Natal ORG. Hometown. Loco. Insane.Very good. A large plaza. In the long term. Good. Another one. In the long range.Very good. Optimism. Very good. Monedero. Porch. Good.Regla to Medir. Rule. Ruler. Porch. Good. Regla for medir. Rule. Raller. Ruler. Yeah. Cobijo.Settlement. Cobijo PERSON. Settlement. Shelter. Give me shelter. Who sang?Give me shelter. The orange stones. Yeah, great song. Maybe my favorite rolling stones. Yeah. Species.Spice. Good. Soudor. Swecies. Spices. Good. Soudor. Sweat. For lo Tanto.How do you say? There. Therefore? Very good. Estar BajoJuremento. To be under oath. Very good. Encanar. To enchant or to charm. Another one, begin with D.To deal. No, to dear. To delight. To delight. Incapacitar. To incapacitate.Yep. Pellar. To peel. Very good. Ask him if he peels apples before he eats them. Do you peel apples before you eat them?No, I don't. Ask him if apples are really good for your teeth. Are apples really good for your teeth? Yes, I think so. Ask them why they're good for your teeth? Why are they good for your teeth?I don't know. Maybe they... Because maybe they strengthen the bone or something. Ah.

Speaker 03203s - 3219.34s

And maybe they also clean your teeth because of the types. Yes, maybe. Ask him if he eats apples. Do you eat apples? No, I never eat apples. Ask him what he eats.I don't eat anything. What do you eat? Well, I eat water melon. No, a melon. Melon?

Speaker 23219.34s - 3243.24s

No, how do you say melon in Spanish LANGUAGE? Melon. Melon. Melon. Yes, no, I, melon. Okay.No, no. What else he eats? As on what else he eats. What else do you eat? Well, I eat oranges and kiwis. Ask him what he ate for lunch yesterday.What did you eat for lunch yesterday? No, I ate a pie. A pie? Yeah, a tart.

Speaker 33244.5s - 3246.74s

A tart. Ask him what kind of pie he ate? What kind of pie? A cheese. This is a pie. A pie? Yeah, a tart. Ask him what kind of pie he ate.

Speaker 23247.28s - 3252.1s

What kind of pie? A cheese. Did you eat cheesecake? A cheesecake. You ate cheesecake for lunch?

Speaker 03252.56s - 3253s

I don't think it's.

Speaker 13253s - 3253.38s

No, no.

Speaker 03253.78s - 3255.8s

After that thought of the set.

Speaker 13255.8s - 3262.68s

Okay. Ask him what he had. No, we're talking about. Like about desserts. Yes. Now ask him what he ate for his main meal yesterday.

Speaker 23263.4s - 3373.14s

What did you eat for your main meal yesterday? I ate lasagna of meat, yes. Beef. Of Carrillo PRODUCT. Lassana de Carrillo. Oh, I'm not sure how to say that.Because Carrier PRODUCT is like the cheeks and the nose. Yeah. I don't know how to say it. I mean, when I was, no, ask me if my father ate pigs' heads. Did your father eat pig's heads?No, pigs' heads. Pigs' heads? Yes, because you would buy them. They were cut in half, and he would boil them. But we would say pig's cheek. I don't know if we've got a particular word for that.Ask me if I ate pig's ear sandwiches on San Isidro FAC. Did you eat pig ear? No, no, Saxon NORP genitive. Did you eat pigs ears? Now, pig's ears sandwiches. One more time.Did you eat picks ear sandwiches sandwiches in Stanisido GPE? Yes, I did. Yes, I did. Ask me if I liked them. Did you, did you like it? Yes, I did.I think they called minuteos. Minutejos. Menutejos. Minutejos. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right.Appuntarse for, phrase, verb. To sign up. Minutejos. Yeah, yeah, yeah. All right. Appointarce, para, phrase the verb. To sign up. For? Good. How do you say,what's the opposite of inflation? Difflation. Difflation. Very good. That's everything. Folks, don't forget.9-1-13-58-33. Bye-bye. Transform the future of your

Speaker 43373.14s - 3387.72s

Our course are the key to bring the door to international of your business. Visit or call to or Gama ORG at 91,108, 3,4-8.Do you want to learn

Speaker 113387.72s - 3423.74s

your own your orrary? Bougain PRODUCT has the solution perfect for you. With the classes particular online of Bougain PRODUCT, you'll enjoy to the maximum flexibility of your apprenticeship of English LANGUAGE.You eligest. Preferred you to enter into the conversation or in the grammatica. No, there's problem.With Bougain PRODUCT, you can selects the modality that more you can't.And not only so that, but you also that you know,the time, the hour, and the duration of your classes. Only youjust have been two minutes? Perfect. In Bougan PERSON, we're we're notwe're not to be