More Than Dice: Episode 297 Ending your campaign.

More Than Dice: Episode 297 Ending your campaign.

by Muse On Minis

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About This Episode

91:18 minutes

published 16 days ago


Speaker 00s - 51.26s

Calling all nerds, this is More Than Dice WORK_OF_ART, the podcast where we dive deep into the realms of everything nerdy. Whether you're a nerd culture connoisseur, a tabletop titan, a miniature gaming marveler, or just someone who proudly embraces their inner geek, this is the podcast for you. And now here's your host, Gonzo, John, and Nerd PERSON. Oh, and, uh, sometimes Missy. And welcome to an episode of More Than Dice WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 151.26s - 95.72s

We're on episode 297. Almost a 300. Wow. I mean, that's... It's over 9,000. I was, so, as I was getting ready today, I was just kind of thinking about that.And we've been doing this podcast since 2017. And to be 300 episodes, almost 300 episodes in. And this is not counting all the other things we have on our network. They're just talking about podcast episodes. It is pretty freaking crazy to be almost 300 episodes doing this from 2017 outlasting and outdoing and outperforming and out shining and you know we're such aprofessional podcast that you know we do everything professionally right job yeah

Speaker 295.72s - 100.46s

couldn't give me enough time to go make my drink hey when you're a professional pirate

Speaker 4100.46s - 107.08s

look remember unlike you eat Ethan PERSON's, I measure.

Speaker 2108.14s - 108.32s

So welcome to the episode.

Speaker 1108.92s - 110.7s

I'm Gonzo PERSON. I'm John PERSON.

Speaker 4111.36s - 111.88s

I'm nerd.

Speaker 1116.02s - 196.78s

But today I was thinking, because I was writing up, you know, what episode we were on, I was like 297. So by the middle of the next month, we should be in episode 300. And I was looking at things. And I was fixing some stuff with all of our other channels and everything else and you know we're over 2,000 25 20 2200 subscribers on Facebook about 300 or so on YouTube blah blah blah blah you know so and so forth and we've got almost 700 things on our SoundCloud. I think we're like 663 things because we have all over a little small podcast. Everybody that's underneath us.John's ORG one of our biggest episodes was one of John's Minis and Movies episode. Yeah. What? Yeah. What? Yeah. Do you tell. Well, so somebody was asking how they were doing.One of the people that we distribute for was asking how they were doing and how many listens they've got. And I told them, and I was just kind of playing around and looking at stuff. And I was like, oh, and then, you know, for a certain time frame, it was up and then this one was up and then this one was up and then this one was up and then one of them was John PERSON's minis and movies rant or whatever was up there pretty high I think it was like 700 or so listens was it the cats one I don't remember which one it was

Speaker 2196.78s - 203.84s

I just saw it on there now I'm curious yeah I'll have to go on there so one that so people

Speaker 1203.84s - 209.16s

always ask why I host everything on SoundCloud because we have to pay for it.

Speaker 2209.58s - 212.2s

It lets me see where our demographic is.

Speaker 1212.86s - 225.42s

Two, let us know how many plays we're getting. And also, our RSS feed from SoundCloud goes to all the other things, Spotify Heart Radio iTunes Muse on Minis PRODUCT everything

Speaker 4225.42s - 227.88s

Spotify ORG yeah Spotify

Speaker 1227.88s - 300.72s

everything and so it collects the data from all of those also inputs it together which is good because I don't want to go to Spotify ORG and see how many we got on Spotify how many on Podbean ORG how many it just collects it all which is goodbecause it makes it a whole lot easier you know if I can tell somebody who's like hey we don't think we're getting enough listens. And I'm like, oh, you got, and someone this weekend was like, so we're getting like, what, a couple of hundred. And I'm like, no, you're getting about roughly 500 CARDINAL listens per episode. And they're like, wow. And I'm like, yeah, that's the reason why I like this, because, you know, we don't get a lot of feedback. And there's nothing wrong with this. People don't have to like come and say stuff all the time we don't get a lot of umof feedback on the episodes or you know how we're doing we just did to see the listens and you know the plays which is fine but i mean if someone doesn't do that and doesn't know they're like um do are people listening to me? I'm like, yeah. Here, you can see if yourself, you've got, you know, in the last four days, you've had 500 listens. So, that's just crazy.Nerd, camera's freaking out. It's not during nerd. It's, don't worry about it.

Speaker 2302.82s - 311.96s

Oh, it's one of my battle reports, actually. One of my rolling dice. Oh, is there a rolling dice one?

Speaker 1312.9s - 315.12s

And then a theming and paint scheme.

Speaker 2315.36s - 318.72s

That's one of our episodes, actually, yeah. Yeah, so it's a rolling nice one.

Speaker 1318.82s - 319.8s

It's freaking out.

Speaker 4320.16s - 323.1s

Yeah, it has to do with network stability.

Speaker 1324.12s - 326.38s

It's like people like battle reports.

Speaker 4327.7s - 328.86s

Well, yeah, people like battle reports.

Speaker 1329.06s - 334.52s

I mean, it's like, you know, Captain Mizzy PERSON and I, when we do ours, we're not going to do, we're not going to film it and show everything.

Speaker 2334.84s - 337.58s

We're just going to take pitches of stages and then talk about it.

Speaker 1337.58s - 340.08s

Because, I mean, it can just take so long.

Speaker 2343.32s - 347.54s

So, oh, we also got some new things coming out

Speaker 1347.54s - 369.78s

Captain Mizzy PERSON and I will be doing a relic blade battle discussion. Once we've painted everything, we got everything ready to go. If you haven't seen us painting up, that'll be on there. And then Captain Mizzy PERSON and I are going to a comic convention. We're reporting on a comic convention called SoonerCon EVENT.

Speaker 4371.66s - 372.2s


Speaker 1372.38s - 372.86s


Speaker 4373.5s - 373.88s


Speaker 1373.88s - 376.9s

Like S-O-O-O-N-E-R, Boomer Sooner.

Speaker 4377.02s - 398.26s

Okay. And we got press passes, so we're going to go and report on that, which I thought was pretty cool. Nice. And we're just doing a day trip and going to report on it. It's supposed to be a big, you know, Comic Con EVENT type convention with, um, cosplay and stuff like that.But, uh, we wanted to do it because, I mean, they do have like a painting competition and stuff like that.

Speaker 1398.52s - 412.72s

Um, but I figured it'd be kind of neat. It's only like, it's only like three hours away for me. So it's a good day trip. Go there early, get there, start, do all the reporting, make all the pictures, do all the hashtagging, and then come back and then, you know, be done for the day.

Speaker 3413.68s - 415.08s

The hashtaging.

Speaker 2415.32s - 416.24s

All the hashtaging.

Speaker 1417s - 424.96s

And then, um, also nerd and I are going to be streaming on Wednesday night together.

Speaker 3424.96s - 434.64s

We're going to be streaming on Wednesday night together. We're going to be painting together with, you know, sometimes when John PERSON isn't able, you know, isn't working late. He'll probably jump in too, but we've got to wait until John.

Speaker 2435.08s - 437.4s

Pick me, pick me, pick me, pick me.

Speaker 1437.52s - 439.36s

No, nerd, how's it going? John PERSON.

Speaker 4441.44s - 443s

I work till late.

Speaker 2443.14s - 448.22s

I work late every Wednesday. Yeah. Sometimes. It's an always. Gotcha.

Speaker 4449.32s - 450.92s

Just so you guys know, isn't always.

Speaker 1451.94s - 454.14s

That's our freest night for us to do things.

Speaker 4454.22s - 455.52s

I have things I have to do on Thursday.

Speaker 2455.72s - 456.86s

Nerd has something to do on Monday.

Speaker 1457.28s - 460.2s

I have something I do on Tuesday. Wednesday are free as night.

Speaker 4461.42s - 465.54s

Monday's going to become a workout night. And then

Speaker 1465.54s - 510.68s

great. What else? When we are done with Relic Blade PRODUCT, we probably are going to do judgment.And paint up our judgment models and do a judgment battle discussion. Because I have like four models to paint for that so that'll be coming around that'll be our next one I think is judgment but I do havewhat else an RPG starting up this Friday. We're going to be creating characters during our session zero with all newbies using the Pathfinder PRODUCT.

Speaker 3510.68s - 511.38s

Is that the Pathfinder PRODUCT?

Speaker 4511.64s - 512.74s

Yeah, it's the Pathfinder PRODUCT system.

Speaker 0513.38s - 521.46s

Got them to say, so if you play Pathfinder, it is a, you know, a twist on fifth edition D&D.

Speaker 4521.86s - 532.14s

Some people think it's actually going more toward the newer edition is a little bit more towards fourth edition um and i never played fourth edition so i don't know um but i like the way

Speaker 0532.14s - 537.86s

they're doing it but they've got a free character builder app um online that is really really really

Speaker 1537.86s - 547.44s

really simple and easy and i'm like this will be really good for you know brand new people to walk them through it step by step type thing. So we're going to be doing that.

Speaker 4549.12s - 561.72s

I said I had session two of my dagger heart campaign that I'm in. I'm really enjoying the system so far. Daggerheart PRODUCT? Daggerheart is the new RPG from Darrington Press, aka Critical Role PRODUCT.

Speaker 3562.04s - 565.52s

It's in beta right now, but it...

Speaker 4565.52s - 596.12s

I'm liking it. It reminds me in a lot of ways of Blades in the Dark WORK_OF_ART. And just because you use, like, fear and hope and you take different, like,the different wounds and stuff that you would take. And it's much more role play heavy and much less combat. Gotcha. And it's all based on like D12s PRODUCT. The only time I don't think you almost never roll a D20 PRODUCT. Yeah.

Speaker 0596.5s - 600.7s

But yeah, I'm in a campaign with like Zambis ORG and folks and it's a lot of fun.

Speaker 4603.84s - 606.72s

Do we have any shoutouts this week, by the way?

Speaker 1607.74s - 608.82s

I don't think any.

Speaker 4610.12s - 611.58s

I didn't hear about anything.

Speaker 1611.82s - 651s

I didn't either. Me either. Didn't hear any shoutouts. We've got to give the good shoutouts for all of our sponsors. We've got to thank CreatureCaster. So we're sponsored on the channel.Be on the lookout. They're doing something special, I believe, in June. We'll be helping promote that. And also, we'll be doing some judgment stuff. We want to thank Muse on Minis ORG for hosting our channel. Make sure you check out their page.And they've got some new terrain stuff coming out. We want to thank Cuddlefish ORG colors for their paint line. If you do like some good glazing and base conning colors and a good plethora of spectrum go and check them out a plethora a plethora a

Speaker 2651s - 660.22s

a plethora spectrum yes we're gonna thank turbo dork for giving us the color shifting you know turbo shifting and metallic paints

Speaker 1660.22s - 688.14s

and we want to thank midnight heroes for making a good chibi game and making chibi artwork. Make sure to go check them out on all of their pages, social or otherwise. Everybody's always trying to make a little bit of extra money this time. So if you have a little new conspirator, go check out some of our sponsors. What else? I think that's it.Let's get to the super stupid important part of our podcast. Nerd, what are you drinking?

Speaker 4691.3s - 692.58s

I am drinking simply spiked lime aid.

Speaker 2693.4s - 693.96s

That sounds good.

Speaker 4695s - 698.24s

It's quite delicious.

Speaker 2698.76s - 701.4s


Speaker 4702.2s - 706.22s

I believe. I'm not surprised

Speaker 3706.22s - 709.52s

it does not say

Speaker 1709.52s - 712.42s

it's spiked

Speaker 4712.42s - 713.32s

it's funny

Speaker 2713.32s - 714.76s


Speaker 1714.76s - 716.96s

oh the good shit

Speaker 4716.96s - 718.54s

it's spiked with arsenic

Speaker 2718.54s - 720.58s

so I'll be dead by the end of this

Speaker 4720.58s - 723.2s

um okay

Speaker 1723.2s - 724.22s

John PERSON what are you drinking

Speaker 4724.22s - 725.22s

I have a dark and stormy dark and what is that in that again the end of this. Okay. John PERSON, what are you drinking?

Speaker 1726.42s - 726.66s

I have a dark and stormy.

Speaker 2728.14s - 729.16s

Dark and stormy. And what's that in that again?

Speaker 1735.24s - 735.5s

It's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a, it's a dark and stormy.

Speaker 2739.28s - 746.06s

It's a, sorry, technically it's not dark and stormy, because I'm not using the official Rome GPE, the official ginger beer, but fuck off. It's a dark and stormy. I'm a Roman NORP ginger beer and all.

Speaker 1746.62s - 747.2s


Speaker 2748.82s - 751.86s

I'm still taking, got this last bit of this sinus infection.

Speaker 1752s - 811.3s

I'm trying to get over, trying to get, got all my antibiotics going through my body type thing. No, Captain Mizzi PERSON, I have not set up a donation go. We will talk about that in a little bit. But, um, guys, please make sure you're taking care of yourself.Please look after each other. There's a lot of crap going on that's not cool. And, um, we just got to make sure we check out and, you know,just reach out every so often. If you haven't heard somebody in a while, even if you're just kind of friends, just like send a little quick message saying, hey dude, you're doing all right. And you'll, you'll you know hear something or whatever but always check itas you always as we always say um if you see something say something if you hear something say something and if you can do something, do something. If you can't find somebody, it will, because we've got to look after each other. Cheers. Cheers.

Speaker 4815.42s - 823.52s

Um, so, uh, Captain Mizzy PERSON was talking and, um, so on the stream, we were talking about

Speaker 1823.52s - 867.88s

donation goals. And we usually like to do a donation, and this is not donations for us. But if you do certain things within the donation, we'll do something because we break certain barriers. Sort of like a Kickstarter donation type thing. But I was trying to figure out something we could donate to, and I was thinking like local animal shelter type thing, which is always a good one because you know that they need, you know, things. So we're, we're going to, I'm going to talk with the crew.We're going to be getting into it and see if we can get, you know, like we can find some good nonprofits that we can donate to because, you know, this is, I always like animal shelters because I'm a huge dog person. And, you know, a lot of these people do a lot of work for free type thing.

Speaker 3868.36s - 869.6s

And, you know, talking about doing it.

Speaker 1869.66s - 890.28s

But we were thinking about if we get to certain points within the donation tracker, we would do thing. And one of them already says that if we get to a certain goal, I would have to wear eyeliner again, which I did for one time because someone made a goal. And I said I would do it. And I'll wear eyeliner again. I don't know about that. So we can all wear eyeliner.

Speaker 4892.24s - 909.94s

I can already see John PERSON going like, the hell we are. There it is. There idea also not really comfortable with putting anything remotely sharp near my eye.

Speaker 1910.02s - 911.58s

It's a good way to me to fucking murder somebody.

Speaker 4911.8s - 913.2s

I had a bad experience.

Speaker 2913.5s - 914.2s

That's fair.

Speaker 3914.48s - 915s

That's fair.

Speaker 2915s - 915.34s

As you can tell.

Speaker 4917.48s - 917.92s


Speaker 2918.42s - 922.14s

So, John PERSON, you know, as soon as you said, I'm like, no, John's not in for that.

Speaker 1924.18s - 924.62s


Speaker 4926.4s - 927.72s

Okay, I'm down for a pedicure.

Speaker 1927.84s - 928.38s

I need one.

Speaker 2930.12s - 930.14s

No, they just got a pedicure cookie.

Speaker 4930.14s - 934.22s

No, they have to give someone a pedicure.

Speaker 1936.14s - 936.76s

Oh, that's fun.

Speaker 2937.24s - 941.44s

So, but we have to talk about it as a team to find out, you know, what our donation, you

Speaker 1941.44s - 945.28s

know, goals would be, you know, if you get to this thing, we'll do this. You get to this thing.

Speaker 2945.3s - 951.52s

You'll do this. So we'll figure it out. We don't know. It just got thrown around. And I don't mind doing charity stuff.

Speaker 1951.58s - 977.02s

I don't mind donating money to a local animal shelter or, you know, something that's going to help, you know, around us locally. Yeah. We'll just figure out who and what we're going to do. And then our, like, goals along there. Maybe John has to, like, do a video on transforming 10 of his transformers and talking about each one. I don't know.He's got probably, like, 60. He's counting them up right now.

Speaker 4977.24s - 979s

I don't have 60 transformers.

Speaker 1979.3s - 980.38s

10's actually a taller.

Speaker 4980.76s - 983.72s

How we want to celebrate episode 300. Yeah.

Speaker 1983.84s - 989.12s

We do have episode 300 coming up, too. We've got to figure out how we may to celebrate episode 300. Yeah, we do have episode 300 coming up too. We've got to figure out how we may do something.

Speaker 4990.76s - 996.16s

What if I ran a one shot for you, Mizzy, and John PERSON? As our 300th episode.

Speaker 1998.34s - 999.6s

I mean, John PERSON's in.

Speaker 4999.9s - 1000.94s

I'll do it.

Speaker 11000.94s - 1003.88s

Very uncomfortable calling himself in third person like that.

Speaker 21004.58s - 1006.38s

We could do Oopsall ORG podcast.

Speaker 11007.02s - 1008.06s

Outs all podcast.

Speaker 41011.12s - 1016.74s

We could do, they can get us a two-hour, you know, so we can start at it.

Speaker 11016.74s - 1018.66s

We won't do a pre-ramble to it.

Speaker 41019.14s - 1021.28s

We would just do, we start at 6.30.

Speaker 11021.58s - 1023.46s

We'll have our characters made before the podcast.

Speaker 41023.6s - 1024.32s

We'll describe them.

Speaker 11024.94s - 1029.32s

And then we'll play till 6.30. We'll have our characters made before the podcast. We'll describe them. And then we'll play till 8.30.

Speaker 21030.76s - 1032.36s

Yeah. So two-hour podcast.

Speaker 41033.8s - 1037.1s

One shot. All right. That's it. Nerd's got it. Nerds ORG got it.

Speaker 11037.22s - 1042.3s

It's the one I've run the most. So like I've got this one down. It's basically the hangover.

Speaker 41042.88s - 1047.8s

Okay. All right. So let's figure out how we make and how we run stuff.

Speaker 11048s - 1049.54s

But nerd, you're in charge of that.

Speaker 31050.18s - 1050.38s


Speaker 41050.38s - 1053.5s

Which will happen probably in three weeks.

Speaker 31056s - 1057.42s

You can look at dates in a row.

Speaker 11058.28s - 1060.5s

Is that the 25th when I'm going to be gone?

Speaker 31060.8s - 1063.36s

No, it's the one before the 25th, the 17th.

Speaker 11063.64s - 1064.16s


Speaker 41064.44s - 1065.36s

No, I'm looking at it for, I 25th, the 17th. 17th. No, thank you.

Speaker 11066.36s - 1066.94s

I'm looking at it for, I can do it.

Speaker 21067.46s - 1069.76s

28, 29th. 19th.

Speaker 41069.9s - 1071.96s

19th. There we go. I was looking at the wrong month.

Speaker 21073.92s - 1074.62s

28. 28. 28.

Speaker 41074.62s - 1077.16s

I was looking at Thursdays for some reason.

Speaker 11077.74s - 1079.66s

Yeah, I was looking at like Thursday, Friday also.

Speaker 21080.42s - 1082.02s

I'm like, oh. Yeah, it'll be the 19th will be

Speaker 41082.02s - 1085.34s

our 300th. And we will do a...

Speaker 11085.34s - 1087.54s

I'm putting that on my calendar now before I forget.

Speaker 41087.86s - 1092.24s

So, nerd, you'll have to tell us what we need to make and how we need to make it or whatever, so...

Speaker 11092.24s - 1096.18s

Level 4, one magic, one common or uncommon magic item.

Speaker 41096.84s - 1099.66s

And, yeah, you're going to help John PERSON out.

Speaker 11100.54s - 1100.94s


Speaker 41102.5s - 1104.8s

John PERSON, are you comfortable with using D&D beyond?

Speaker 21105.8s - 1108.08s

I actually own the D&D ORG books.

Speaker 11108.18s - 1109.82s

I ran a D&D game for a little bit.

Speaker 21109.94s - 1110.6s

I have the books.

Speaker 11110.6s - 1111.1s

No, you don't know it's D&D Beyond PRODUCT.

Speaker 21112.28s - 1115.42s

Oh, I've poked a little bit.

Speaker 11115.5s - 1116.62s

I have a login somewhere.

Speaker 41117.24s - 1120.1s

Okay, because that's how I have an extension

Speaker 11120.1s - 1123.4s

that allows you to roll directly from your D&D Beyond PRODUCT character sheet

Speaker 41123.4s - 1124.14s

into Roll 20.

Speaker 11125.7s - 1127.58s

That sounds like communism, but okay.

Speaker 41128.64s - 1130.6s

It's been around since the pandemic.

Speaker 11132.34s - 1133.62s

Also sounds like communism.

Speaker 21134.92s - 1137.86s

Hey, they released it in March of 2020.

Speaker 11138.86s - 1141.74s

So I'm not allowed to play a bard is what you're telling me, though, right?

Speaker 21143.36s - 1144.8s

Oh, if you want to play a bard?

Speaker 11154.56s - 1155.36s

No, it's published classes subclasses and races only are you are you going to set up a

Speaker 21161.44s - 1174.56s

beyond 24 us so we can log in yeah yeah all right all right so there you go guys our 300th episode is going to be a one shot ran by by nerd with Captain Mizzy, John Gonzo PERSON, and we will see what I'll set up a whole new screen and see what's going on.

Speaker 41175.72s - 1182.3s

Are you going to do this on, are you going to do it on Roll 20 or are we just using D&D Beyond PRODUCT?

Speaker 21182.42s - 1185.36s

So you'll have to, all right, so you may have to set up the screen,

Speaker 41186.92s - 1187.64s

and you may have to stream it.

Speaker 21188.16s - 1189.14s

That's fine.

Speaker 11191.76s - 1192.12s

I may have to, I will have to figure it out because I'll have to say,

Speaker 41195.62s - 1196.02s

I can get the screen for, I can get it all.

Speaker 11196.86s - 1197.4s

You've got to get together.

Speaker 41198.3s - 1199.78s

We'll get together briefly. Yeah, you can just stream your end.

Speaker 11199.96s - 1200.14s


Speaker 41200.94s - 1201.78s

That way you can do it.

Speaker 11202.22s - 1202.9s

And so we'll do it.

Speaker 41202.9s - 1206.9s

That may not everybody see all of my little creatures and stuff that's on the GM layer.

Speaker 11206.9s - 1208.12s

Yeah, we see what Gonzo PERSON sees.

Speaker 41208.86s - 1209.1s


Speaker 11209.74s - 1210.22s

Got it.

Speaker 41210.48s - 1210.96s

All right.

Speaker 11211.42s - 1212.3s

So there it is.

Speaker 41212.4s - 1218.6s

Episode 300, we will do a one-shot nerd running, and Gonzo, John, and Captain Mizzy PERSON will be playing.

Speaker 11220.02s - 1220.5s


Speaker 41221.94s - 1224.66s

So maybe cameras won't freeze either.

Speaker 11224.66s - 1225.76s

Well, if you don't need cameras.

Speaker 41225.92s - 1229.32s

Yeah. I mean, with my machine, it probably, I've had to be here.

Speaker 11229.96s - 1230.22s


Speaker 41230.88s - 1245.22s

But I think it's more when I'm streaming, Mizzy, that the camera freezes because of Rule 20. And this is, and that's mostly because of dynamic lighting in Rule 20. Yeah. It uses up all my resources and freezes my camera. All right. There we go. Episode 300. Let's go and get 20. Yeah. It uses up all my resources and freezes my camera. All right.

Speaker 11245.98s - 1246.54s

There we go.

Speaker 41246.64s - 1247.16s

Episode 300.

Speaker 11248.38s - 1285.7s

Let's go and get to our topic because we're like seven, we're at seven 20. We're in our topic. So last week we touched on creating an epic campaign and playing an epic campaign and what makes a campaign epic. Now we're going to talk about ending a campaign epic because, you know, when do you end it? How do you end it? Why do you end it?You know, so on and so forth. And while we're talking about that, I'm going to switch over to the paint cam and start working on one of my miniatures for relic plates. So switching over that and let's get this going. John PERSON, when do you...

Speaker 21285.7s - 1288.2s

Oh, what I mean?

Speaker 11289.04s - 1291.7s

If you have planned the campaign to happen

Speaker 21291.7s - 1301.02s

you'll know when that is. Because you have your outline and what's going to happen and you know your players are getting close and you can start planning at that point. Correct.

Speaker 11302.5s - 1305.58s

If you've got it written out and done, you're good.

Speaker 21306.9s - 1319.54s

And, yeah, if you're running like a set campaign, you've gotten, or if you're running pre-made campaigns. Like, for example, when I ran the D&E Fourth Edition PRODUCT, all their pre-made campaigns, I kind of knew when the end was coming because we ran the last module.

Speaker 31320.04s - 1323.2s

You know, kind of like, hey, look, the end is nigh.

Speaker 21326.2s - 1365.86s

But the hardest would be if you are running a not, you know, pre-planned campaign, if you're running a theoretically endless sandbox one, the hardest thing is when to end that and how to end that, I think. I mean, we could start with the pre-planned one. It's pretty easy. You should have your plan, but you need to be willing to, you know, tweak it a bit basedon player ideas. And if you've done it right, your players will know it's ending, and hopefully they're coming up with ideas to end it epically, too. My nerves probably get more experience that than me I've just had

Speaker 41365.86s - 1368.02s

one really

Speaker 21368.02s - 1370.4s

I've either had like

Speaker 41370.4s - 1389.98s

I've either played in pre-written campaigns or my last homebrew one I ran like they got to a high level they beat a big ass boss and then I just kind of wrapped it up from there.Yeah, we did... Going for two and a half years.

Speaker 21391s - 1425.08s

Yeah, when we did all the D&D four position ones, it was sort of, you know, we saw it come in, final confrontation with Orkist PERSON. We did a little wrap-up afterwards. That was sort of easy, though, because, I mean, we had thoroughly...I don't want to say broken, but let's just say bent that system enough. Yeah. But, you know, so for those, it's pretty easy. You'll see it come in.You want to have a little bit of wrap-up so people know, so they feel like their characters are actually done. Yeah, you know, wrap up or walk into the horizon, absolutely. actually done yeah

Speaker 11425.08s - 1447.16s

wrap up or walk into the walking the horizon absolutely but you also want to make sure that you finish any of the storylines that the characters are created themselves because if there's beensome of them that's created themselves they'll be like well what happened to you know Billy Bob whenever I saved him or, you know, someone and so forth.

Speaker 21447.58s - 1449.24s

But that should be done as you go.

Speaker 11449.34s - 1450.26s

You should be keeping track

Speaker 21450.26s - 1455.16s

of those plot lines and knowing, you know, basically when to hold them and when to fold them. Yeah.

Speaker 11455.96s - 1457.26s

But that's something that you do

Speaker 21457.26s - 1460.48s

be making sure you're paying attention to, not just the man plot line.

Speaker 11460.86s - 1461.08s


Speaker 21461.14s - 1516.86s

as you go. And sometimes players will start something and it won't be, um, something you want to run with. That's not something you're going to want to complete. You're going to be like, it's not really pertinent.That's like an extra side-quest-y side-quest from this particular thing. If it was a role play, you know, if it was a J-R-PG PRODUCT, that's like the little side-quest. You have side-quest. Sometimes you don't need that, but JRP, that's like the little side quest, you have side quests. Sometimes you don't need that, but you need to make it clear as you're going that you don't intend to wrapping that up.It's not, you know, you're going to let that thread die. But you should be aware of all the cool side quests that are going on, all the goals people have. So you can make sure that they can accomplish them if it all possible. But don't be afraid if they had a goal and they didn't do enough to achieve the goal, don't hesitate to let them fail.Yeah.

Speaker 11517.76s - 1519.98s

Failure is an option, no matter what everyone tells you.

Speaker 21521.1s - 1540.44s

Like, there is binary. Either failure or succeed, so it's always there as an option and honestly sometimes I'll leave them there if you want this sounds kind of harsh sometimes you need to teach thembut it's not just going to be handed there and stuff or flyer like here's everything all wrapped up in a nice package sometimes it can be like hey you you didn't do enough

Speaker 11540.44s - 1556.48s

you could also do you know if it's going to be a wrap up it doesn't have to be like an epic wrap up too you could do like oh you know, if it's going to be a wrap-up, it doesn't have to be like an epic wrap-up too. You could do like, oh, you know, remember John PERSON? Well, here's the stinger of, you know, the after-credit scene of what happened to that town that y'all decided not to help

Speaker 21556.48s - 1563.16s

and rescue or whatever. Oh, I wouldn't do that that. I don't have a problem with it as long as it's,

Speaker 11563.16s - 1565.84s

you know. Oh, no, that's, ending on a downer is, you know, I'm not saying a downer. I don't have a problem with it as long as it's... Oh, no, that's... Ending on a downer is...

Speaker 21565.84s - 1571.7s

No, no, I'm not saying a downer. I'm just saying, you know, if something didn't get cleared up,

Speaker 11571.74s - 1578.26s

you don't have to make a whole adventure or, you know, a 10-day, you know, multi-thing, but wrap it up somehow.

Speaker 21578.72s - 1582.32s

You don't have to have the scourging of the scryor to end your campaign. Correct.

Speaker 11582.48s - 1591.34s

That's what I'm talking about. It doesn't have to be something big and fancy, just something that, you know, a stinger type thing. But it doesn't have to be a downer.

Speaker 21591.96s - 1602.84s

Yeah, I would definitely advise against downer. That's a good, that's, that's, you will change your campaign from epic to the exact, I mean, epic still, but to be more infamous than famous.

Speaker 31603.64s - 1605.92s

And you don't want that. And honestly, you know, it's just not

Speaker 21605.92s - 1606.88s

a way you want things to end.

Speaker 31608.32s - 1609.84s

I mean, let's set your goal going in.

Speaker 21609.9s - 1636.02s

If they go in knowing, like, you've got the hardcore players, you know, like those OSR guys, they would be fully cognizant of the fact that they could fail and shit could go sideways and they could, the worldcould end and, you know, hey, that's an option. Or if you're playing a pre, a pre-campaign for another campaign you played where there was some cataclysmic event and something bad needs to happen, maybe it's going to happen regardless. Yeah.

Speaker 31637.32s - 1639.6s

You just can't always get Brennan Lee Mulligan PERSON to run it for you.

Speaker 21643.84s - 1685.56s

So you should really have an idea of what your ending is. You know, like I said, if you're playing an epic campaign, you're going to have an idea of what your ending is going to be. We're working towards that. And you need to make sure, even if you have to do it on, you know, as a meta thing, like, hey, guys, we're getting close to the end.So you should start thinking of things like that, you know. The last one I did that had any point in mind was the three known and a half giant. And we as we got at the end, they knew it was getting close to the end. There was no delusion in their head. And, you know, they played for the win and were okay with the consequences since half the party died. And they were okay with it.That's always, if you've made. I the consequences since half the party died and they were okay with it.

Speaker 11686.14s - 1687.24s

That's always... And if you've made...

Speaker 21687.24s - 1690.2s

I was going to say the party death.

Speaker 11692s - 1693.92s

I don't ever have a problem with the character

Speaker 21693.92s - 1695.98s

dying as long as it's not a space cow

Speaker 11695.98s - 1706.22s

type thing, you know, where it's, you know, anything, but especially at the very end if someone dies, I'm like, oh, yeah, that's great. You know, if it's done in the last heroic battle, you know,

Speaker 21706.26s - 1709.3s

yeah, everyone's okay going out like Boromir PERSON.

Speaker 11710s - 1711s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 21711.5s - 1716.18s

But no one wants to go out like fucking, uh, the other, the wood elf dude who that fucking

Speaker 11716.18s - 1718.64s

murk in the two towers.

Speaker 21719.82s - 1720.72s

No one wants to do that.

Speaker 11721.94s - 1723.12s

So, no, is that him?

Speaker 21723.64s - 1724.38s

That's the big dude.

Speaker 31724.48s - 1725.16s

I forget his name. Been a while. But, you know, you need to be to do that. Solomon PERSON, no, is that him? That's the big dude. I forget his name.

Speaker 21727.28s - 1752.64s

But you know, you need to be careful of that. No one wants to, I mean, and sometimes it happens. You know, sometimes the character will die and you've got a chance to introduce something else in there. And honestly, if you're going to do that, and depending of how, let's say, deadly, you want the game to be, be prepared to havesomething for that player to do. No one wants to sit around the table for an hour of how, let's say, deadly you want the game to be, be prepared to have something for that player to do. No one wants to sit around the table for an hour or two while everyone else finishes up while they're doing nothing.

Speaker 11752.94s - 1753.32s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 21753.52s - 1755.38s

Have an idea of what they can do.

Speaker 11755.8s - 1758.66s

Let them roll for the monsters. I've had that.

Speaker 21758.68s - 1831.92s

Something like that. Have them, you know, do something. If you've got NPCs who are fighting with you, let them run the NPCs or something. Just have an idea. It's going to help a lot. Or have effects.If you've got any sort of meta effects from luck or fate type of things, make sure you've got one that would let someone continue fighting till the end and then drop dead at the end.That is what I did for an operation of Dave's character. I'm like, look, you know, you're going to do this if you fail your death check and it's going to be significant, you're going to die, die. He's like, that's fine. And, you know, sometimes that's the appropriate answer for that. It's okay.And by letting it be heroic and appropriate, you'll get, you'll get that epicness, I'll be honest. Because that's sort of the thing a lot of games are missing. People get attached to their characters and they're going to want to, we want to do a spinoff, and yeah, but not always is that the right thing. Know if you want the option of a spinoff or not beforehand or by the time you're getting there, so you know you can play appropriately.Yeah, you don't want to,

Speaker 41833.06s - 1841.18s

and, like, you can leave it on a cliffhanger, but it's the end of the campaign, so you want to have some sort of resolution?

Speaker 21842.18s - 1846.38s

I would only cliffhanger it if everyone's going off for a bit and you plan on continuing it.

Speaker 11846.96s - 1849.68s

Or a future generation will come and do it.

Speaker 21849.8s - 1887.22s

Or, you know, you're playing the kids of the kids of the kids or the kids. No, if it's the kids of the kids of the kids, I'd still want to have a resolution, resolution for that. It's only if they're going to, if we're like, okay, we, you know, it's, it's run fair season. We're not playing for two months or whatever. Let's, uh, we'll end in a cliffhanger and pick it back up after that,that kind of thing. Um, um, and then the harder would of course be if you have a sandbox slash ongoing campaign and no one went to end those.

Speaker 31887.6s - 1888.98s

Because often there's just sort of

Speaker 41888.98s - 1892.08s

stop suddenly and no one was expecting it.

Speaker 31894.62s - 1895.66s


Speaker 21897.52s - 1898.82s

Not much you can do.

Speaker 41898.96s - 1900.54s

Sometimes players move on and stuff.

Speaker 21900.7s - 1905.56s

Maybe sometimes you stop for rent fair season and then suddenly no day or just don't come back because life. Or sometimes you stop for Renfair season and then suddenly they just don't come back because life.

Speaker 41906.1s - 1911.96s

Or sometimes you write yourself into a hole or into a corner

Speaker 21911.96s - 1940.52s

and... Yeah, yeah. That's a problem. Been there. Yeah, I don't know what to do if you write yourself in a corner. Just you know,maybe hit your character, see what your players are doing as far as ideas and let them get you out of it. Remember, cooperative means you can steal any ideas they have. Be like, that was my plan all along. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 41940.6s - 1947.18s

Like, one of my players going into the thieves guild, going into Thieves Guild ORG joking that it was going to be a rave, so I made it a rave.

Speaker 21947.9s - 1952.58s

Yep, that makes them feel good. Like, oh, my God, I'm in tune. Yee.

Speaker 41956.44s - 1959.6s

But yeah, so, and also sometimes you'll get to a point in the game,

Speaker 21959.66s - 1989.38s

you'd be like, and this would be the perfect ending. Sometimes you just got to. Yeah. Like, if it would be the perfect ending. Sometimes you just got to. Yeah. Like if it would be the absolute perfect ending, just hit it, just end it. You know, give them a wrap up, you know, UOG,like, yeah, this and this happens in a short term. And then, you know, go on. You know, we sometimes get stuck in the keep and go in a campaign when it should have ended. Yeah.

Speaker 41990.62s - 2008.68s

I'm honestly struggling with that right now because I'm running two campaigns and I'm struggling with one way more than the other and debating on whether or not to keep going and keep going or call it yeah it's it's tough sometimes

Speaker 22008.68s - 2024.5s

you also got to read the room a bit with that sometimes like the new hotness is out or some new things out and they want to try it and you've heard them heard the rumblings give them a chance yeah or in my case like i know the new turtles game is coming out later this year and we're

Speaker 32024.5s - 2026.32s

only playing gi jo until it comes out like we know that uh Turtles game is coming out later this year and we're only playing GI Joe PRODUCT until it comes out.

Speaker 22027.62s - 2068.78s

Like we know that. Zandervoir PERSON says, well, when the characters come up with better ideas because it sounds great and it leads to a different game. Yeah, absolutely. Yeah.That's part of the cooperatively. You know, they're coming up good ideas and they feel great when you're using their ideas. Um, on Michael Boyce says, their ideas. Unreckelvoys ORG says there's a gun in the box. Sure. You have no idea what this contraption is,but it's made for a rare metal that you can melt down. You just got to be ready to sort of wing it. I mean, plans are all good, well and good, but sometimes you've got to be ready to wing it. I mean, plans are all good, well and good, but sometimes you've got to be ready to wing it. Yeah.

Speaker 32071.3s - 2072.04s

Zander PERSON says,

Speaker 22072.12s - 2120.48s

I want to play a Transformers game and came up for the Combiner ORG's book to come out. Yeah. That's the system's pretty good. It's the same one for G.I. Joe PRODUCT. So it's got a couple potential broken bits I need to look at some more. But it's pretty good. And honestly, certain games like a Transformers PRODUCT broken bits I need to look at some more. But it's pretty good. And honestly, certain games like a Transformers PRODUCT game, I feel, is much more scripted, open.You've got not necessarily a dedicated arc, but you have like a vague. It's a battle, you know, Transformer, you know, Out of Bust WORK_OF_ART versus Aceptic items. G.I. Joe PRODUCT is set up more as a mission by mission once. So when I want to end it, they send a mission and we're done. It's okay. It's an interesting thing because there's not a lotof like necessarily character development in it because of the way it is. Feels a bit like Shatter Run WORK_OF_ART like that.

Speaker 02120.92s - 2122.38s

Where it was always a little less.

Speaker 22122.94s - 2147.42s

You occasionally get those ones. You know, it's like a TV less. You occasionally get those ones. You know, it's like a TV episode. You case you get those character episodes, but mostly it's just, you know, Mission of the ORG Week. So. And those are tough.Like if it's Mission of the Week, it's tough to, I mean, they're set up inherently to not end, as long as you won.

Speaker 42147.7s - 2148.6s


Speaker 32152.14s - 2152.98s

So those would be the hardest to end, and those you generally just end.

Speaker 22157.7s - 2166s

Maybe someone does something impressive, like impressive, and you can, you know, maybe for Shadow or maybe you get that one last run that's going to be super hard, and like, they're going to make enough money to retire. To retire

Speaker 02166s - 2169.94s

finally. And go buy that yacht and sail

Speaker 22169.94s - 2176.44s

the Caribbean LOC like I always wanted to. Or you can buy the farm, literally or figuratively.

Speaker 32179.56s - 2181.58s

That's probably the best one.

Speaker 22181.68s - 2197.74s

The military game, of course, guys get promoted and transferred out. His Unicon PRODUCT shows something needs to play. Well, yeah, that ends it sometimes. But this, do you want to do that? That's not as it's a downer. You can be careful about that.I have a family member calling. I'll be right back.

Speaker 42200.2s - 2202.02s

So, yeah, so you just sort of have to, for

Speaker 22202.02s - 2210s

the ongoing campaigns, you kind of got to play it by ear, figure out what's going to work and what's not going to work based off your players, you know?

Speaker 12210.48s - 2217.64s

Yeah, like I said, some of you already know, because it's, hey, you know, it's the final battle type thing or whatever.

Speaker 22218.18s - 2219.84s

You're going against a big bad guy.

Speaker 12220.86s - 2221.94s

For a lot you don't, you know,

Speaker 22222.02s - 2224.44s

maybe it's just like you guys are tired for a bit.

Speaker 12224.5s - 2225.7s

You have every attention to coming back,

Speaker 22225.74s - 2274.5s

you may not, let me warn you, you're probably not coming back in the same way. It's, there's a saying you could never come, never go back, it's true, you can't. Your best bet is to take the outline of thatand go on with something new. Some of the characters maybe transfer over, you know, we've done that in the past, but people always have new ideas for new characters and sometimes some people are always uh are are fixated on that one character because it just speaks them you know soand that's the one you want to be careful with as well when you're ending a campaign if you've got someone who really, really obviously loves their character and like obviously would be fucking broken up if they die, you might want to make that person live.

Speaker 32276.62s - 2278.26s

Zenderborder PERSON says, sometimes the social

Speaker 22278.26s - 2279.9s

contract is if we play until we lose interest

Speaker 32279.9s - 2281.9s

and play a new plow comes your game

Speaker 22281.9s - 2307.58s

okay, poker, board games, like to start a new. Yep. They're going to do that, like, and start a new. Yep. They're going to do that, you know? I'm funny. It's, it's, the social contract is, you know, you do have a little bit of responsibility to try and show up and play with everyone,you know, because it's a collaborative game, but you don't keep going after your, after your, the obvious stopping point. It's a lot of the same brown on that, Con PERSON. Are you going to change any of it up?

Speaker 12307.74s - 2309.46s

I got a lot of highlighting I need to do.

Speaker 22311.54s - 2316.64s

I was looking at like the bag and pouch, and I'm like, that could be a different brown, but I'd probably, is that stick done too?

Speaker 12317.24s - 2320.54s

Yeah, the stick is actually, it's actually a dark, dark brown. I haven't highlighted it.

Speaker 22320.54s - 2329.2s

Yeah, I can tell it's a totally different color, but it's sort of like the color I would have painted the, uh, the belt with the pouches and all to show like a different type of leather.

Speaker 12329.48s - 2331.1s

Yeah, I'm going to. Maybe goes, I don't know.

Speaker 22331.8s - 2337.3s

I'd go super dark with those, maybe even like a rhinox hide scorched brown type of color.

Speaker 12337.94s - 2339.48s

Hold, I got the straps.

Speaker 22348.22s - 2350s

The straps are going to do with this little light tan color okay that could work too

Speaker 12350s - 2352.34s

that way it'll stand out a little bit more

Speaker 22352.34s - 2354.16s

but yeah so

Speaker 12354.16s - 2358.04s

as we said

Speaker 22358.04s - 2360.58s

the epic games are pretty easy you sort of see it come in

Speaker 12360.58s - 2362.56s

you just got to make sure you're

Speaker 22362.56s - 2478.38s

reading the room for the resolutions and you've got everything ready to go. Sometimes you might, you see the ending coming and go, oh, wait, we're not quite ready for that. You've got to back up and putt and you've got to do whatever you need to do beforehand, whateverneeds to be resolved, get it resolved. Or set up with back that's not going to be resolved. I mean, that's an option as well. And then for the sandbox ones, just sort of if you see the good ending point strike,if you see it coming enough in advance, you can talk to your players about it, because they may not be, I mean, and you have to look at your mental health too as a GM. Like sometimes you're like, I'm fucking done with this campaign. So you're going to say, hey, guys, uh, let's, uh, end this campaign. And, you know, you can be nice initially.And if they give you new pushback, like, well, keep in mind, I'm out of ideas about fucking done with it. So what are we going to do? You know, I know you want everyone to have fun as a gym, but sometimes you just don't do it. You're like, I don't know where to go with this anymore. It's, you know, like we had one we were doing that was a old DNA 3.5 PRODUCT,and it was high level. I'm just like, guys, we're wrapping this because I can't spend the time to fucking create the monsters for you to fight every fucking week. Every, it's just too much. Like, it became the only thing I did.And sure, they had fun, but man. Again, it's collaborative. You've got to be looking at what you're doing too. And a lot of people like to forget that. Like, oh, hey, you know, it's important. You've got to be looking at what you're doing too. And a lot of people like to forget that. Like, oh, hey, you know, it's important. Your mental health, you're having fun and everything as well.You can't just worry about that.

Speaker 32478.42s - 2479.08s

I mean, I know, right?

Speaker 12479.28s - 2479.6s


Speaker 22481.2s - 2484.1s

A lot of people don't, I mean, and I'm sure they do.

Speaker 12484.1s - 2506.68s

The old school players and the old, the people that, you know, have been running a long time know that it's actually quite a bit of work that you have to do as a GM ORG. It's not just, you know, looking at stuff. And there's a way to mitigate it. Like it says, by, you know, you bought a pre-made game or whatever. But that's still, you've got to keep track of a lot of stuff.

Speaker 22507.82s - 2507.84s


Speaker 12507.92s - 2511.28s

Even if you start having so many abilities

Speaker 22511.28s - 2567.44s

that you're like, just trying to keep track of. Like, if anything, it's the thing that makes, uh, it is maybe D&D ORG's biggest problem is high-level campaigns get to be a lot of workit's one of the things where I always found something like champion rehearses to be better because it's not like things just get more powerful it's all based off the same scaling and points so things things don't generally get, maybe just some numbers are bigger. It's not just like, oh, you know, this monster's got like three different special abilities and is only damaged by you peeing on it from 20 feet away. It's a giraffe. I mean, yeah, sure.Do you damage to tarasca peeing on it? No. Yeah, I didn't think so. I punched a yeah, sure. Do you damage the tarasca are peeing on it? No. Yeah, I didn't think so.

Speaker 42567.86s - 2573.16s

I punched a dragon to death once. That was fun. That sounds great.

Speaker 22573.96s - 2574.96s

It was pretty good.

Speaker 42578.5s - 2579.4s

The only dragon

Speaker 22579.4s - 2613.62s

one I have is when there was a dragon and he had this stun ability, but one of the player characters had a, found an item in that module that whenever they're stunned, the enemy has to make this huge save or is stunned as well. So literally was stunned, stunned,all right, to watch next. So every time the PACES got stunned, the dragon got stunned, and it was just a watch. No one got extra actions. It was quite stupid and funny. My Honor Michael Boyce PERSON says my players are notorious for forgetting what they have, both items and clues.Yes, that's tough.

Speaker 42613.96s - 2614.4s


Speaker 22614.9s - 2631.58s

I get a little, I don't know. I'll poke them, like, make sure you remember your stuff. You know, I can't do everything for you guys. You need to remember. Like, I'm not about taking all the notes in the universe anymore, but I'll take notes of importantstuff. Yeah.

Speaker 42632.28s - 2658.78s

And that's one of the issues that I come across with one of my parties is they don't take notes or take very, like, unimportant notes. And yeah.Like, what I hate to say that. I have one group that's like way more and yeah like what I hate I hate to say that I have one group that's like way more invested than the other than the other groupand it's very obvious like some of them I can't even get a hold of outside of game time

Speaker 22658.78s - 2680.56s

and that makes it really hard as a DM and I think you need to in that case you need to I mean you got to And that makes it really hard as a DM. I think you need to, in that case, you need to, I mean, you got to tailor the game for the players. One people obviously want the not real continuity aside from going from point A to point B and point B to point C down the line. Yep.

Speaker 42680.84s - 2683.38s

You know, they want the episodic version.

Speaker 22683.9s - 2691.2s

That's one of things I love about the big edition of Champions was the fourth edition, which is the big blue book.

Speaker 32692.58s - 2696.66s

And in the back of it, it had all these GM tools, and it was like, here's your campaign sheet.

Speaker 22696.82s - 2718.36s

What kind of campaign you're running? Episodic or serial? I'm like, this is all the sheet you fill out. And if you do that with your players, session zero, you can have it know, like, oh, hey, I don't want to keep track, you know, my life's crazy,I don't want to have to keep track of stuff between game sessions. I'm sorry. Great, no, don't be sorry. Just let us know in advance, and we can make sure we're playing the right game.

Speaker 42718.6s - 2720.92s


Speaker 22725.04s - 2725.64s

And that's the kind of game where you're more likely to just end it when it feels right.

Speaker 42725.88s - 2726.6s


Speaker 22727.58s - 2735.4s

You don't have to worry. It's like, hey, I'm just going to end it. Let's play something else. Especially if you were started under the idea that they're going to pay a lot more attention than they are.

Speaker 32736.78s - 2739.18s

Yeah, because I was running two serial campaigns.

Speaker 42739.44s - 2743.18s

And this one, I think it's going to have to get converted into episodic. Yeah.

Speaker 22743.54s - 2756.08s

Either you convert it or you go, hey, this is a good ending point for this. We're going to do something a little more loose. Probably better word of fret. Heart of Michael.

Speaker 42756.2s - 2776.72s

Yeah, they remember the plus one skeleton. Exactly. Or the meth skeleton, as they called it in one session that we had. I described this icy skeleton covered in blue crystals, and they're just like, oh, it's a meth skeleton. I'm just like, oh, God. Sort of like the heroin-pissing dinosaur.

Speaker 12777.76s - 2778.2s


Speaker 22778.92s - 2794s

I was thinking of the colored water elemental that flowed up out of the ground into the glass armor. Then a face appeared. Oh, yeah! So there was a...

Speaker 12794s - 2795.84s

Someone did that all the lives like a legend.

Speaker 22796.22s - 2797.12s

That's fantastic.

Speaker 32797.52s - 2798.06s

That was amazing.

Speaker 12798.6s - 2834.14s

There was a creature in Exalted WORK_OF_ART, which was originally done by White Wolf PERSON. And you played pretty much gods. And it was like a Dragon Ball Z WORK_OF_ART episode. You could pick up trees and hit people with, you know, trees. It's a super powerful campaign.Really, really fun. I enjoyed the shit out of it, but there was a dinosaur that went it, and it was like a dinosaur, and its piss was heroin. And we went to a town and they had one chained up and were using it as, you know, a drug and collecting it. I was like, okay, we never knew about it.And, you know, it was just interesting. But yeah, a heroin-pacing dinosaur.

Speaker 22835.14s - 2840.68s

That's kind of on brand for White Wolf PERSON at a certain point. Their shit was a little nuts. Yeah.

Speaker 12841.48s - 2844.66s

Exaltz ORG was a fun game, though, by the way. I enjoyed the shit on that campaign.

Speaker 22845.96s - 2849.5s

That was a lot of fun. I'm pretty sure it came out in my I don't like White Wolf Face PRODUCT.

Speaker 12852.6s - 2861.34s

It's a lot of fun. You get a lot of cool stuff. You're super, super powerful because you're your children's of gods and blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 22861.94s - 2864.78s

That reminds me of the game Scion PRODUCT that came out.

Speaker 12865.18s - 2865.94s

Very much similar. Yeah. Except for this was a fantasy setting, not a, blah, blah. That reminds me of the game Cyan PRODUCT that came out. Very much similar.

Speaker 22866.84s - 2867.08s


Speaker 12867.38s - 2869.92s

Except for this was a fantasy setting, not a

Speaker 22869.92s - 2871.96s


Speaker 12871.96s - 2876.8s

modern day setting.

Speaker 22877.72s - 2878.2s

Same concept.

Speaker 12878.2s - 2880.24s

All right. Sartre Magel Boy PERSON, what they did

Speaker 42880.24s - 2882.2s

forget was the fact that the skeleton was holding

Speaker 12882.2s - 2883.4s

a key. Yes.

Speaker 22883.58s - 2886.1s

Captain Izzy says Zedish PERSON has a plan

Speaker 12886.1s - 2888.34s

that involves peaches, quotation

Speaker 22888.34s - 2889.36s

marks, queen peaches,

Speaker 42890s - 2891.98s

for Wrenish NORP, so I can get to that opportunity to make

Speaker 22891.98s - 2922.98s

great, assuming the emperors are like me first. That art says, I got a crew nearby, cooking up zombies, turning their ashes into a magic truck. And see, this is where players cannot be left with their own devices. Sometimes they just get a little crazy.We had one where they were in an elven town in a forest, and they were worried about undead coming. So the artificer who had made up firearms in a non-firearms campaign, just fine. Same rules as crossbows and all I didn't care.

Speaker 32924.34s - 2928.68s

But he also was like, well, we're going to take this ale and we're going to have the priest bless it.

Speaker 22928.72s - 2943.92s

And we're going to put it in barrels around so we can shoot that and make it explode into flaming holy liquid. That was their plan in a forest. The forest catch fire?

Speaker 12944.92s - 2946.02s

Never got to that point

Speaker 22946.02s - 2967.58s

I actually didn't intend to have a horde of undead they were just being paranoid well sorry I hadn't originally planned for a horde of undead at that point I'm like wellkind of fucking have to at that point don't I like when they see some undead and they start planning for a horde of undead and you weren't playing it on it like oh shit i guess now we're playing on it

Speaker 42967.58s - 2978.5s

have ever had players just nope like the entire party just like nope out of a situation in a game where they're just like oh this room's too spooky nope and you're just like but there's plot in here

Speaker 22978.5s - 2987.04s

my players are braver than that they don't generally nope by the stuff like that for the best

Speaker 12987.04s - 2993.26s

and then I'll just like move it to a different room if I have to yeah

Speaker 22993.26s - 2995.52s

I don't know what it is if it's like

Speaker 12995.52s - 2997.7s

if it's a bonus thing

Speaker 22997.7s - 2999.48s

if they nope if they were no bite of it I'd be like

Speaker 12999.48s - 3000.82s

you missed it sorry

Speaker 23000.82s - 3004.92s

yeah like I can understand

Speaker 43004.92s - 3008.94s

like I accidentally unleashed a spider on a player with

Speaker 03008.94s - 3014.66s

with arachnophobia. They noped out of that room. That makes sense. But when the entire party goes,

Speaker 33014.78s - 3020.22s

nope, we don't want to go here, this looks stupid or this looks scary. And I'm just like,

Speaker 43020.3s - 3024.7s

come on. I put all this work into this. And you guys are just going to, nope.

Speaker 13025.76s - 3028.68s

Go somewhere. Just make it somewhere else. Yeah.

Speaker 43030.94s - 3034.24s

Yeah, that's, that's a hard one to decide what you're going to do when they,

Speaker 23034.36s - 3038.5s

wait if they were to totally avoid something you're supposed to. Yeah.

Speaker 43039.56s - 3042.18s

Sometimes just like, all right, back up and punt.

Speaker 33042.98s - 3046.6s

Yeah. It's trying to figure out what interests the party. And I think that's what I'm just like, all right, back up and punt. Yeah, it's trying to figure out what interests the party.

Speaker 23046.94s - 3058.22s

And I think that's what I'm struggling with, because, like, certain things seem to grab their attention, but then the other things that I've been building, like, they don't seem to care as much.

Speaker 43058.22s - 3059.38s

So I'm struggling.

Speaker 23060.3s - 3060.46s


Speaker 43060.66s - 3065.34s

Well, like, so, like, if you're trying to make an epic campaign and they're not,

Speaker 23065.92s - 3093.92s

and they're expecting it, but they're not interested in the plot line, move on. I don't know what you do then. Yeah. It's tough. Like, luckily, my players tend to just go, like, they sort of see, like, oh, this is theoverarching plot we're going to do, so they just sort of fucking accept it and just try to make the most of it. You know, my current group of players to sort of go out of their way to make the things work, which is helpful.

Speaker 33095.46s - 3098s

They won't do things like completely out of character, but they'll

Speaker 23098s - 3113.92s

try and find ways to make their character. And that's sort of a thing. We had a discussion at that lunch, you know, about how much a problem of a chaotic evil player is. And at that lunch, you know, about how much a problem, a chaotic evil player is. And I'm like,her characters, I'm like, actually the lawful good character is more of a problem to a party. Yeah.

Speaker 33115.24s - 3115.62s


Speaker 23115.86s - 3136.68s

people forget that. Like, he literally will not do, I played paladin NORP as a lawful good. And I'm like, literally I'm like,now we're not doing that. He's like, well, we voted. That's cool. I don't actually care about your vote you guys have the moral flexibility to make a vote I havethis is what I'm doing you can either be on board or fuck right off I don't care be gay to

Speaker 43136.68s - 3143.7s

cry I mean that's that's the paladin NORP problem I was I you know back in paladin's had a lot

Speaker 23143.7s - 3147.64s

bad rap justifiable bad rap let's be honest I'm gonna be playing my first paladin NORP problem. That's like, you know, back in, paladin's had a lot of bad rap. Justifiable bad rap, let's be honest.

Speaker 43155.52s - 3156.06s

I'm going to be playing my first paladin coming up, but I decided to throw the archetype on its head and play a horny paladin.

Speaker 23156.18s - 3157.48s


Speaker 43162.9s - 3162.96s

Like, that's the thing people forget is that palatons are still warriors of their gods.

Speaker 23164.62s - 3172.72s

And I think they've backed off. Like, back in the day, it was lawful good. You're the exemplar. I'm like, but what if you've got a fucking war? You want you to murder shit.

Speaker 13174.94s - 3175.34s

Yeah, they've changed it so you can be just whatever.

Speaker 23175.6s - 3310.58s

Yeah. So I got around that by being the paladin of the god of justice. So I don't really care about law. I care about justice. You know, when the one town's like, we're going to make you do this.You're blackmailing you do this? Oh, no, motherfucker. It's time to die. That caused problems again. But, you know, that's interesting, interesting conundrum for a party to have.You know, they either sort of the kind of evil player, but the kind of player can do what the fuck they want. That's sort of the point of chaotic evil. Literally do whatever the fuck you want. It's sort of the point of chaotic evil. Literally do whatever the fuck you want. So, like, they can't follow laws. They're just, like, laws are dumb.I don't want to follow them. Well, they just can if they need to. Let's see. We had a player playing a paladin and got, he got all the domes, had a spas because he was not not in charge of the party, because he was the paladin. Yeah, you should not let the paladin me in charge of the party. Yeah. Well, actually, having the paladin in charge of the partysolves the problem of the lawful goodness because your party's now lawful good. I don't know what you were planning on doing, but it solves the problem. I'm of the opinion nowadays, regardless how much I enjoy them,just don't let, just don't get typologies like that. And now it's, I'd rather you have the thieving, murdering, backstabbing, son of a bitch, because he can do teamwork. He's got the moral flexibility to do whatever the party needs. Oh, we're going to be good in two shoes. I can be good at two shoes.I don't necessarily like it, but I can do it. I've got no moral quandaries. Yep, I serve my needs of having friends around. That's the thing. That's probably a whole other discussion, but hopefully you get long enough in a campaignwhere that becomes something you have to look at. So I think to finish up the topic, if you're planned and you're got an epic campaign, you should have an idea when you're getting close to the end, and you should be able to set up to finish all the plot lines you need to, and then end it.And if you're a ongoing campaign, just suddenly at an end, potentially at an end point, just wait for that perfect ending point, seize it and talk to your players and go, hey, we're going to end this.

Speaker 33311.22s - 3313.44s

And then give them a suitable, like, final battle,

Speaker 23313.64s - 3355.44s

like solve all the outstanding plot lines that you want to. You know, if you've got, like, villains who are recurring, you're like, we can solve this real quick. Sort of aim for an ending point for all the big egregious plot line. Solve everything, but like all the big ones.You know, if Dr. Struer PERSON's coming around and be in a pain of the ass, go finish the whoopin on Dr. Destroyer and then go from there. Other than that, sometimes it's just going to end without you wanting it to.About you really know and suddenly just ends. Summer Bear did that. We went on a hiatus and have not come back from hiatus. I do not believe we will be coming back from hiatus. That's been a while.

Speaker 13356.66s - 3357.68s

Well, it's been years.

Speaker 23358.02s - 3358.84s


Speaker 13360.6s - 3366.02s

They went from run Fair season into the holidays

Speaker 23366.02s - 3403.98s

into COVID. And I liked it. The older to get, the more I hate alignment, yes, I agree, alignment had its place. And actually, it's plenty good for the old school gamers,old school role guys, OSR guys, because they don't make characters, they make characters. And alignments are very good for making characters. You know, someone says, I'm a catac evil fighter. I'm like, oh, I got an idea what you are.You are the win-it-all-cost, sand-in-the-face, you know, sneaky tricks, fighter, cool. Yeah.

Speaker 33404.86s - 3409.62s

But, yeah, the more you get it, the more you guys alignment is an almost unnecessary

Speaker 23409.62s - 3412.46s

restraint on how people act.

Speaker 43413.46s - 3424.78s

I mean, every party's, like every party I've ever played in, our alignment overall is just chaotic, stupid. Which is better than lawful dumb in case anyone was wondering.

Speaker 23430.08s - 3431.32s

And way, way bad, both are way better than lawful dumb in case anyone was wondering and way way bad both are way better than neutral boring

Speaker 33431.32s - 3432.68s


Speaker 23432.68s - 3436.32s

there was like dragon magazine did this whole thing

Speaker 33436.32s - 3440.4s

of all like all these alternate alignments

Speaker 23440.4s - 3455.3s

and chaotic stupid and lawful dumb were both ones of them um part of a group where the guy was playing at paladin NORP alignments and chaotic, stupid, and lawful dumb were both ones of them. Part of a group where the guy was playing at Paladin, Thrill Robs ORG were bad and, like, no, kind of good, I'm not evil, exactly.

Speaker 43456.46s - 3456.8s

Look around and find out.

Speaker 23457.94s - 3468.68s

Yeah, I'm going to find out. Yeah, like snacking. I mean, kind of. We're like chaotic entitled. Or no, that was a, that was a Dimension 21 PRODUCT. That was a Dungeon 20 clip.

Speaker 43469.28s - 3472.32s

That sounds like something out of Dimension 20.

Speaker 23472.98s - 3482.26s

It was the guy playing Pinocchio PERSON. He was chaotic entitled. I watch all their clips on YouTube because they're just, like, the short clips are just so funny.

Speaker 43482.72s - 3483.66s

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 23483.7s - 3490.74s

They are, if you're ever feeling down, just fucking find some dimension 20 clips, they're probably going to brighten their day.

Speaker 43491.24s - 3494.22s

Or just Brennan Lee Mulligan PERSON being chaotic and evil.

Speaker 23494.22s - 3497.52s

Or Game Changer WORK_OF_ART ones, just little skits at a game.

Speaker 43497.62s - 3500.4s

Oh, my God. Make some noise. Yes.

Speaker 23500.96s - 3503.28s

Just check out some of their clips. They're funny.

Speaker 43503.28s - 3504s

Chaotic Karen PERSON.

Speaker 23504.24s - 3506.58s

Oh, God, no. That's the worst alignment. The their clips. They're funny. Chaotic Karen PERSON. Oh, God, no. That's the worst alignment.

Speaker 43507.14s - 3510.5s

The absolute worst. They can both die in fires.

Speaker 23511.28s - 3521s

The same fire for all I care. But they wouldn't be happy about it. One of them would want their own fire. You're not wrong.

Speaker 43521.7s - 3522.08s


Speaker 23523.68s - 3541.14s

So there you go. There are some ideas. If you have any, always reach out to us. So there you go. There are some ideas. If you have any, always reach out to us with any questions you got. We're happy to help out. Do you got any topics for role playing?Hit us up, as Gonzo PERSON said last time. We're all really into it and happy to do it. I've got decades of experience. You know.

Speaker 43541.4s - 3545.42s

Got about six years. I'm not going to do math.

Speaker 23545.88s - 3548.3s

It's been a while. Like,

Speaker 43548.4s - 3565.26s

well, I started, I started, I didn't start running fifth ed until I started watching campaign dueof critical role. That's how I know when. So, because that was what prompted me to want to DM. I'm like,okay, this system looks fun. I can get into this.

Speaker 23566.62s - 3570.82s

I ran most of the game starting the elementary school. Ditto.

Speaker 13572.86s - 3575.68s

I mean, it was always good when you found a game.

Speaker 43575.74s - 3576.3s

You didn't have to run.

Speaker 23576.46s - 3588.08s

You're like, yeah. But I am kind of the forever DM. Same. Same, same, same, same.

Speaker 13588.26s - 3590.44s

Before we meet you, I need to eat a lot.

Speaker 23590.64s - 3591.62s

So while John PERSON's doing that,

Speaker 13591.72s - 3656.9s

I'm going to try to finish up this model real quick. And just get the last bit and stuff. I don't have to wait on it. Oh, crap. Yeah, I mean, there's getting stuff done and getting yourcampaign over with, it's, it's all speculative of what you're doing, in my opinion. Yeah. It all depends on your campaign. Are theyabout to fit the big, bad guy? Or is everybody just done? Because if everybody's just done easy let's go a different campaign yeah a different thing I'm almost done with this model I'm back but oh manthere's that professionalism we were talking about

Speaker 23656.9s - 3663.56s

I'm back

Speaker 33663.56s - 3666.52s

yes cookie riffs and TMNT well I mean it wasn't I'm back Yes, cookie. Riffs and TMNT.

Speaker 23666.7s - 3667.8s

Well, I mean, it wasn't

Speaker 33667.8s - 3668.66s

Hi back, I'm nerds.

Speaker 23669.66s - 3671.32s

It was DMNT, Rifts PRODUCT didn't come out

Speaker 33671.32s - 3673s

until I was well out of elementary school.

Speaker 23676.44s - 3676.84s


Speaker 43677.64s - 3679.22s

Model done for the most part.

Speaker 23679.36s - 3680.96s

I gotta wait until it dries and then I can dry brush it.

Speaker 13681.12s - 3681.8s

And then...

Speaker 23681.8s - 3701.22s

Yeah, yeah, Banyan Rifts PRODUCT is a good setting an idea. It's just a really, really, really, no offense to anyone who loves a cheating system. It's the definition of, wow, all these great ideas, it just doesn't fucking work.Does not. It doesn't.

Speaker 13701.22s - 3704.32s

But in another system, it would work really well.

Speaker 23706.8s - 3708.32s

But I'll also say

Speaker 13708.32s - 3710.22s

Barr PERSON goes out to

Speaker 23710.22s - 3731.96s

Kevin Siambara from Pladium Books ORG. He has have a fuck of a life. I think his partner just passed. I mean, like a life partner, not business partner. And like years ago, he had that guyembezzling from him. He does not. No man deserves that shit. does not no man deserves that shit well one man deserves that shit maybe two you have to you who think it was

Speaker 13731.96s - 3737.18s

um how many media things we got to talk about today John PERSON how many you got

Speaker 23737.18s - 3742.04s

I mean multiple okay I got a few

Speaker 13742.04s - 3744.74s

nerds said she has 17 so we're good on that

Speaker 23744.74s - 3748.84s

though it'll be pretty cool um I wanted to talk about some Okay. I got a few. Nerd said she has 17, so we're good on that, though. It'll be pretty cool.

Speaker 13752.76s - 3801.82s

I wanted to talk about something that's typically on topic right now. So I finally got and finished reading all the Pathfinder PRODUCT rules and got into it. I like it better than fifth edition. I'm going to say that now. I like the rule system a little bit better. Add to a little bit more customization. It's a little bit more things that I like that are in my genre of games. I also like the races, which is you can have that in any of them. There's no reason that you can't bring, you know, a fungal type creature into fifth edition D&D. But I don't have to do anything with it. I like the way the hell of skills are set up.I've created a bunch of different characters, a bunch of different ways, created a few MPCs. It's not a rating, but I've never done Pathfinder PRODUCT. But I like Pathfinder more than I like fifth edition right now.

Speaker 23803.74s - 3804.14s

It's not really a surprise.

Speaker 13804.32s - 3805.92s

No. It's a level of advanced

Speaker 23805.92s - 3807.92s

more. Yes. Which is sort of the

Speaker 13807.92s - 3809.76s

idea because D&D ORG wants to be

Speaker 23809.76s - 3812.08s

anyone can get into it. It's the

Speaker 13812.08s - 3813.18s

gateway role-playing game.

Speaker 23814.14s - 3816s

But, I mean, so far I'm liking it.

Speaker 13816.1s - 3818.06s

I'll, like I says, once we get

Speaker 23818.06s - 3820.06s

into the game, we're not recording the game that's coming

Speaker 13820.06s - 3832.14s

up, but I'll definitely talk about it because it'll be kind of interesting and fun to hear newbies to do it it we might record when we do TMNT but we didn't with GI Joe PRODUCT just because

Speaker 23832.14s - 3835.64s

we weren't sure where's going to go I will so want to play TMNT because I want to play my

Speaker 13835.64s - 3867.42s

porcupine again I liked him so um into into Pathfinder PRODUCT liking it um I could see it definitely it could be a good one for, you know, starting people. Nothing wrong with it. I'm waiting for a couple other books to come out. A new GM ORG screen they got coming out, which I'm okay with. And then there's like a core, another player core book that's supposed to add some new things.And I'm like, I'll pick it up just because it sounds like pretty cool. John PERSON, what's your phone media thing?

Speaker 23867.6s - 3870.64s

Oh, sorry. My first, no, that's fine. I would say we all like splat books.

Speaker 13870.84s - 3872.96s

That's, you know, we were 80s role players.

Speaker 23873.2s - 3878.78s

Splat books were the thing. And honestly, playing books did the best version of them.

Speaker 13878.84s - 3880.34s

Because it's like, here's a $7 split book.

Speaker 33880.38s - 3884s

I'm like, fuck, yeah, I'm broke, but I can afford a $7 splat block. That's my shit. Yeah.

Speaker 13884.92s - 3885.76s

Hey, Midnight, Harris PERSON. How's it going? So my first is, I'm going, fuck, yeah, I'm broke, but I can afford $7. Black, that's my shit. Yeah. Hey, Middite, Harris.

Speaker 23885.76s - 3898.86s

How's it going? So my first is, I'm going to tell these in order, so I, that I watched them. I watched the new reimagining of Roadhouse ORG. Okay.

Speaker 43898.86s - 3902.92s

Okay. All right. Oh, okay. That's on my list. It's on mine.

Speaker 23904.52s - 3966.66s

So, I'm going to start with the only unforgivable negative in it. Okay. Connor McGregor PERSON cannot fucking act. No. And I'm not talking,Connie McGregor PERSON is playing the bad guys. Yeah. Like, and not like, you know, oh, hey, he's like a wrestler from the 80s in a movie. No, no. He's really, really cannot act.It is bad. Anything else in the movie, any of the other issues, and there are plenty of issues, but they're all minor. You could forgive. But just it is, every time you're like, oh, fucking someone, can he shut his mouth? Can someone shut his mouth, please? It's got a basic, it's the samebasic idea and some of the details were used, but it's not the same movie, really at all. They have, it is kind of like 90-slok, butis done in the 2020s. Okay.

Speaker 43967.34s - 3969.28s

So it's not like to say like a bad thing.

Speaker 23969.32s - 4059.6s

If you like a standard 90s action movie with all the standard tropes to come with it, you'll like it. Some of the fights are good and solid. His background is interesting and a good update. Some of the parts, they have some good secondary characters and all,but it just doesn't have, it never quite hits like the first one, pun intended. You know, they don't have as many likable things. The early fights were really good mena heroes. I don't like the later fights.Later fights were a little much. They got to be a little little egregious, let's say. But overall, I mean, it's going to be my definition of a 2.5. It's perfectly fine.Some people are going to like it more, some of it like it less, but I don't really foresee me I mean, I might be watching it like a couple years from now. But it doesn't have enough going for it to rewatch it. The fights aren't good enough to watch it just on that.And it doesn't have a lot of the heart of the first one. But still, you know, it's the service of the action movie. I'm very glad they did not put it out in the theaters. It would have failed horrifically in the theaters. It would have gotten terrible reviews in the theater. It is not a theater movie. But asa like direct to streaming, direct to cable type of deal, it's fine. It's better than a lot of that direct to cable shit that came out in the 90s.

Speaker 34060.6s - 4061.9s

Jake Jelenhall PERSON's good.

Speaker 24062.24s - 4084.92s

He's good and everything. I'm going to, I'll say it. He is just one of those actors. You know he's going to bring the quality in it. And most of the other actors are solid. I don't remember what's amazing, but they're all solid. I don't really like his love interest as an actress.She's been in the Suicide Squad as Ratcatcher PERSON. She's some other things. I just don't like her. She doesn't have the charisma that grabs me.

Speaker 44086.6s - 4107.62s

Okay. You know, maybe it's her act. It's just something, you know, it's just not quite hit. But, you know, the bad guy family dynamic, did that work for me? Yeah, yeah, they, there's a lot of ideas they tried. I think it needed one more good pass with someone to punch up the script

Speaker 24107.62s - 4117.6s

and then someone to kick Conrader PERSON out and get anyone else to be the bad guy. But anyways, nerd, what's yours one?

Speaker 44118.18s - 4121.98s

I went to go see the new Ghostbusters movie, Ghostbusters Frozen Empire,

Speaker 24121.98s - 4129.68s

and it had some great callbacks to the originals, but not like directly.

Speaker 44130.28s - 4141.16s

Like, unless you knew the old ones well, you may not catch them like a single pan shot up over the face of the lion at the library in New York GPE and stuff like that.

Speaker 34141.26s - 4147.22s

It's like things that they did in the originals, not necessarily lines, but like actual

Speaker 44147.22s - 4150.32s

shots for the movie or like.

Speaker 24150.32s - 4155.34s

So one you might notice if you do a rewatch and watch them all and we're like, oh, I saw that a couple days ago and that one.

Speaker 44155.88s - 4163.26s

Yep, yep, yep, yep. And not in a way that felt like it was pandering. That's good.

Speaker 34163.82s - 4164.1s


Speaker 44164.7s - 4173.94s

However, I liked the girl in the first one. I didn't care about her in the second

Speaker 34173.94s - 4175.36s

one. Like,

Speaker 44175.36s - 4196.16s

I understand that it's not, like, it's, yes, it's kind of marketed to our age group, but also definitely trying to get a younger demographic based on the actors that are at it. But it felt like Paul Rudd PERSON carried the movie. Like he had the best

Speaker 24196.16s - 4199.98s

lines. Oh, yeah. That's Paul Rudd PERSON. He's going to do that. He's good.

Speaker 44200.7s - 4205.1s

Yeah, yeah. No, he did not disappoint.

Speaker 24208.16s - 4208.52s

I give it a solid, like, one and a half.

Speaker 44209.42s - 4210s

Okay, that's good.

Speaker 24215s - 4216.38s

Like, it, I liked afterlife a little better, but it's about on par.

Speaker 44218.84s - 4222.88s

Fair enough. I haven't seen Afterlife yet, so I skip that one. I will get them all. I will do a Ghost Watcher's Ghost Clusters Watch WORK_OF_ART at some point.

Speaker 24222.88s - 4225.62s

You will not understand Frozen Empire WORK_OF_ART if you've not seen after life.

Speaker 44225.84s - 4227.4s

I'm going to do it all at some point.

Speaker 24227.56s - 4227.64s


Speaker 44227.8s - 4228s


Speaker 24229.32s - 4229.9s

All right.

Speaker 44229.96s - 4230.32s


Speaker 24231.04s - 4235.56s

So I watched and finished all three seasons of Resident Alien WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 14236.76s - 4237.28s


Speaker 34237.88s - 4240.74s

So this is a recommendation from Captain Mizzy PERSON.

Speaker 04241.76s - 4251.58s

And so that was my whole thing because they're nice episodes and I wanted to see the end because the last season, season three is on Peacock ORG or whatever.

Speaker 14251.74s - 4268.7s

It's not on Netflix ORG. And so I was like, and it had commercials. So it was a pain in the butt. But I wanted to see and watch it. And it's not a bad show. I have a feeling I hope it gets renewed.So it gives us another season because it is based off of a comic book.

Speaker 24269.46s - 4270.26s

Oh, I didn't know that.

Speaker 34270.32s - 4273.22s

Yeah, it's based off of a Dark Horse comic from what I understand.

Speaker 24273.64s - 4276.08s

There's a lot of movies like that for series.

Speaker 34277.38s - 4277.94s

Oh, I'm sure.

Speaker 24278.86s - 4285.84s

This, the last season, it kind of, it's less about the Resident Alien WORK_OF_ART and it just

Speaker 34285.84s - 4287.98s

starts branching out in all these subplots, which is

Speaker 24287.98s - 4289.36s

okay, but

Speaker 14289.36s - 4291.68s

Alan Tardick PERSON is the show. I'm going to say right now.

Speaker 24291.88s - 4293.08s

He is the show.

Speaker 14293.72s - 4295.92s

With scenes without him in it just aren't

Speaker 24295.92s - 4297.9s

as good, although I like all the characters

Speaker 34297.9s - 4299.94s

and all the acting is great, but he just

Speaker 14299.94s - 4301.94s

elevates the show a whole

Speaker 34301.94s - 4303.9s

lot more. His physical comedy

Speaker 14303.9s - 4320.68s

is perfect in this. His facial expressions are amazing. He knows how to get the physical comedy from his face and the way he acts and the way he talks and his mannerisms and his everything on him.

Speaker 04321.82s - 4326.72s

It is great. I love him. He, you know. He's great. I love him. He, you know.

Speaker 14327.28s - 4329.22s

He's great at awkward. Yeah.

Speaker 44329.34s - 4333.24s

You know what's funny? I'm watching this and I go, he reminds me of Robin Williams PERSON.

Speaker 34333.96s - 4347.98s

You know, how Robin Williams PERSON, you know, he's got that awkward face and can make those weird expressions and can just be very physical comedy without trying really hard, you know, without slap sticking it type thing. And he does that really well with Resident Alien WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 24348.96s - 4350.54s

So just shy of like a Jim Carrey PERSON.

Speaker 14350.7s - 4358.94s

Yes. Yes. Without overdoing it. And his lines, son of a bitch.

Speaker 04359.3s - 4363.54s

You're just like, you laugh every time he says it and the way he does it.

Speaker 14364.42s - 4366.9s

And I will call you Dickhead PERSON.

Speaker 34367.1s - 4368.52s

Yes, your name is Dickhead PERSON.

Speaker 24368.88s - 4370.2s

They both went to Juilliard ORG.

Speaker 04370.72s - 4371.52s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 14371.68s - 4372.66s

I'm not surprised.

Speaker 44373.86s - 4376.56s

That's one of my favorite clips of Alan Tonick PERSON is him doing.

Speaker 24376.9s - 4387.6s

I went to Juilliard ORG. That's why I came to my mind. And I thought I heard that Robin Williams PERSON went there too. So I'd just double-check Wikipedia ORG. And I'm like, yeah, he wants Trillyard FAC. They want the Chilliard ORG.

Speaker 14388.14s - 4416.72s

He does this really, really well. His, his physical comedy is really good. His facial expressions are great. The way he looks whenever he's trying to like, you know, the alien is trying to smile. And you're just like, holy shit, that's uncomfortable to look at. And he just, he's got it.Him and this, perfect. Season one through three, good fun, simple, nothing too crazy.

Speaker 44417.72s - 4419.32s

It's what, half hour episodes?

Speaker 14419.92s - 4421.86s

45. 45 minutes.

Speaker 44421.98s - 4422.14s


Speaker 14422.32s - 4438.18s

And it's great. I love the show. It's good and fun. I'd give it like a one because some of it just kind of gets bogged down with a lot of the other characters. But you feel for the other characters too. But he just overshadows everybody.You look forward to seeing him in scenes because he's funny.

Speaker 44438.18s - 4441.56s

His chemistry with the kid in that show is also just.

Speaker 14441.86s - 4450.74s

Yeah, they're really good. Everything he does is just pure perfection in this and i enjoy it uh ellen PERSON if you're listening you're awesome you know you're not but you're

Speaker 24450.74s - 4459.76s

awesome thank you i mean not listening you're awesome yeah john just to be clear um well i'm sure

Speaker 14459.76s - 4465.32s

you could probably guess given what i watched there, what I watched second.

Speaker 24467.18s - 4467.42s

I watched the original Roadhouse ORG.

Speaker 14468.04s - 4470.88s


Speaker 24474.98s - 4488.46s

Apparently, this is the first time I watched my Blu-ray copy of it, because I forgot, Roadhouse ORG is technically rated R. Oh, yeah. Really? And all I saw was cable, you know, I saw Rhode House on cable seven million times, and it is cut. Yeah. There's a lot more boobs and stuff.Mm-hmm.

Speaker 34490.52s - 4492.44s

And maybe a lot more cursing, too.

Speaker 24492.52s - 4519.2s

A couple scenes I didn't necessarily remember, and I'm like, did I just, like, tune out the movie in the middle? It's possible when I was younger, but... I don't know Roadhouse ORG, yeah. And, of course, if you don't know Roadhouse ORG, the original is Patrick Tsuiz PERSON. He's a cooler, so he's like the head bouncer,and he's the second best in the business. But the best is getting slow, and the best is Wade Garrett PERSON, who's played by Sam Ellie PERSON, who shows up later in the movie, and Sam Elliott PERSON, and this is great.

Speaker 44520.28s - 4522.86s

Almost better than Patrick Shwayze PERSON himself.

Speaker 24523.16s - 4526.06s

Oh, my God. So good.

Speaker 44526.3s - 4536.48s

Like, I was talking to my husband about it. He was talking about how, like, this was, like, the first empathetic action hero. Yeah.

Speaker 24536.48s - 4537.52s

I mean, like.

Speaker 44538.48s - 4540.84s

Like, that was a big deal at the time.

Speaker 24541.16s - 4542.86s

He feels like a person.

Speaker 44542.96s - 4543.34s

That's character.

Speaker 24543.46s - 4544.38s

He has doubts.

Speaker 44544.54s - 4546.3s

He changes his mind on what he's going to do based on things going around him. Like feels like a person. That's character. He has doubts. He changes his mind

Speaker 24546.3s - 4549.48s

on what he's going to do based on things going around him. Like, it makes sense.

Speaker 44549.48s - 4553.34s

He beats up a bunch of bikers and takes him to the hospital afterwards. That's the

Speaker 24553.34s - 4562.14s

remake. That's the remake. Oh, is it? Yeah. The remake, he beats up a bunch of biker, takes him to the hospital. It's funny. We haven't

Speaker 44562.14s - 4563.96s

seen the new one. Well,

Speaker 24564.72s - 4569.42s

because in this one, he beats up a lot of people. He takes no one in the hospital except himself.

Speaker 44569.42s - 4572.34s

Okay. Then my husband was way off. My bad.

Speaker 24573.08s - 4574.26s

But no, but that does happen.

Speaker 44575.02s - 4577.5s

That's ironic because we've not seen the new one.

Speaker 24577.76s - 4685.26s

Yeah. But Patrick PERSON's Wazy's great in this. He got in shape for it. He's convincing as someone who can fight. The fight scenes are good, especially for the time.They're not a lot of cuts. You're always pretty sure what's going on with everything. The bar scenes are a bit exaggerated, but they're supposed to be that sort of the idea. It is a guy bought a bar, and he's coming to some money, and he wants to clean it up.He's got too much trash for a frathe needs, the best damn cooler in the business to do it. Musician, yes. Jeff Healy. Jeff Healy band does all the music, like the housemusicians, and he is, if you do not know, the blind guitarist would pass some years ago. And the music's all good because it's just his band doing it. And he was quite a good musician. I love that they build a background with himand the main character, Dalton PERSON, where, you know, they obviously know each other. He and the band know each other. There's a lot of little notes like that that make the world feel real.Now, it's still like in an over-the-top 80s small-town problems type of thing at the end of the day. And if there is a criticism, it's that they don't really sort of introduce the main, what's going to be the main plot of it until the second act. When they started introducing the real problem. They lay a little groundwork early, but you don't really see it until second act.But it's still enjoyable, has enjoyable fights. Dialogue could probably use a little work, too. But it's fun. You're going to love the chemistry between Patrick Swayze and my brain just stopped. Sam Elliott PERSON, great.

Speaker 34686.32s - 4687.94s

Like Sam Elliott PERSON, under-

Speaker 24687.94s - 4689.54s

underrated actor. Yeah.

Speaker 34690.26s - 4692.5s

And all the bit parts do their job,

Speaker 24693.5s - 4695.84s

I thought you'd be bigger. So I thought you'd be bigger.

Speaker 34697.44s - 4699.34s

Specifically bigger, because they all say it.

Speaker 24700.14s - 4756.72s

When they go to hire him, he was like, I thought you'd be bigger. And then the doctor, when she's stitching him up, stapling him up, sorry. He's like, you know, for this time I work, I thought you'd be bigger. And that's the blind, Jeff Hay PERSON he makes that joke as well. You know, he goes like, you play pretty well for a blind white boy. He's like, and I thought you'd be bigger.So it's all the fun stuff. It doesn't, no other thing in it overstays it's welcome. It's a little over the top towards the end, but it's an 80s action movie. What the hell do you expect? I'm going to give it one. And most of those things weren't really flaws when it came out.The sort of parts, little parts haven't aged super well, but worth it. I mean, worth owning on Blu-ray for the extent. I mean, it's not only worth you care about the extended. It's just, it's a movie worth earning on Blu-ray because it's just a fun watch. Nerd, do you have anything else want to talk about?

Speaker 44757.4s - 4762.52s

I started a new book, but I don't think I'm far enough into it to really review it yet.

Speaker 24762.52s - 4767.76s

Do you want to talk about the Deadpool and Wolverine PERSON trailer? Oh, gladly.

Speaker 44768.14s - 4779.62s

That looks freaking awesome. I'm stupid excited. The chemistry already between Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds PERSON is just superb.

Speaker 14781.04s - 4784.2s

Well, you know, I mean, they were friends before this.

Speaker 44784.52s - 4784.94s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 14785.24s - 4785.4s

They would prank each other. You know, they were friends before this. Oh, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 44785.56s - 4792.12s

They would prank each other, you know, you can, they pranked each other in real life before this even came out.

Speaker 34792.2s - 4800.68s

And you can tell that, that he, Ryan Reynolds says, I know you said that you wouldn't do Wolverine PERSON again, but shit, dude, I got this.

Speaker 14800.72s - 4804.06s

And he's like, fucking A, let's do it. Yeah. He's like, oh, yeah.

Speaker 24804.74s - 4805.04s

I mean,

Speaker 14805.4s - 4806.54s

Hume Jackman PERSON already had

Speaker 24806.54s - 4814.86s

the bonus of having one of the few comic characters to go out in a perfect manner. Correct. That was perfect.That, I mean,

Speaker 44814.9s - 4820.38s

I saw the clip from, it comes out right before my birthday, so I'm like, I know what I'm doing that weekend. Perfect.

Speaker 24820.56s - 4828.1s

Yeah. Looks good. Happy to see it. Love that they're going to, they're going to multiverse. I love that they're using it as like a big deal movie to,

Speaker 04828.32s - 4836.36s

I feel like this is going to reinvigorate the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It's weird to say that about like one of the biggest cinematic universes ever.

Speaker 24837.14s - 4841s

But it's going to reinvigorate it. It should get people more excited again. Yeah.

Speaker 44841.16s - 4844.64s

I feel like we need more of these kind of Marvel ORG movies.

Speaker 24845.02s - 4853s

Yeah. I mean, not just that. Just less movies, more hype, more, more quality to them.

Speaker 34853.24s - 4859.4s

Like, honestly, make an hour special on Disney Plus like fucking, like fucking Werewolf by night.

Speaker 24859.4s - 4866.28s

I've not to Wearwolf by Midnight WORK_OF_ART. Yeah. That's the perfect thing. And these actors love doing this because they've got,

Speaker 44866.44s - 4867.88s

they know, like, I've got a job.

Speaker 24869.2s - 4870.64s

And it's important for them.

Speaker 44870.88s - 4872.16s

Like, oh, hey, you want me to show up at this?

Speaker 34872.36s - 4873.36s

Yeah, I'll show up with this.

Speaker 44873.82s - 4875.66s

So I love all those guys about, like,

Speaker 24875.66s - 4892.8s

the only person who made it stink had a warranted reason and resolved it. It's all good. I'm looking forward to seeing that movie and what they do going forward with that. There's been the X-Men in the Marvel Universe ORG. I know that should be awesome.

Speaker 14892.92s - 4898.2s

A lot of people have been dissecting the trailer and some of the Easter eggs that have been in there kind of funny.

Speaker 24898.8s - 4905.58s

Like two of the guns that Deadpool is holding are the guns from Golden Eye. I wondered about that. And then like one of the signs was. Yeah, the guns from Golden Eye. I wondered about that.

Speaker 44906.12s - 4907.68s

And then like one of the signs

Speaker 14907.68s - 4910.94s

was... Yeah, the Rob Leefield's PERSON feet or whatever.

Speaker 24911.08s - 4911.44s

Like, ooh.

Speaker 14912.54s - 4914.94s

And the funny thing is, is Rob Leefield PERSON himself

Speaker 44914.94s - 4918.06s

like copied that image in post is like, this looks

Speaker 14918.06s - 4919.66s

great and I'm happy to see it.

Speaker 24919.66s - 4926.2s

And like, this is... Like, I love it doesn't take himself too seriously. He understands he had a style that was...

Speaker 44926.2s - 4926.36s


Speaker 24927.08s - 4929.2s

And the song that they used for the trailer,

Speaker 44929.62s - 4929.86s


Speaker 24930.54s - 4931.04s

you know,

Speaker 44931.24s - 4934.2s

like the music choices for the Deadpool PERSON movies

Speaker 24934.2s - 4955.18s

have just been fantastic. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah. Like, I don't know why Deadpool 2 WORK_OF_ART is forgotten almost. It was a very fun movie. I know they fridge theged the girlfriend early,and that's not good. But it fit the story. It wasn't like they fridged her just a fridger. They fridged it to get the movie going. Yeah.

Speaker 14955.34s - 4955.58s


Speaker 34955.92s - 4957.54s

I'm looking forward to it.

Speaker 14957.54s - 4972.28s

It looks like it's going to be a ton of fun. It looks like, you know, it looks like that bridging, gaping movie that I hope that they bring the X-Men in the MCU ORG, which I think it really, you really need that in the MCU ORG which I think it really you really need that in the MCUI think you need that mutant type thing and it'll help boost the

Speaker 24972.28s - 4976.78s

MCU ORG and also everyone now gets that to ask the same question that Marvel

Speaker 14976.78s - 4979.44s

Christmas protocol players asked a couple years ago who's

Speaker 44979.44s - 4986.14s

Cassandra Nova PERSON? Yeah who the fuck is that? I was just going to ask, I've never

Speaker 24986.14s - 4987.76s

heard of her. Oh yeah, she's very

Speaker 14987.76s - 4990.34s

She was a big deal, but she still,

Speaker 24990.58s - 4991.58s

you don't know about her.

Speaker 14992.22s - 4995.1s

But she was a big deal in a lull in comics.

Speaker 44995.26s - 4995.86s

That's the problem.

Speaker 14996.1s - 4996.26s


Speaker 24997.4s - 5000s

Yeah. No, not many people knew about her,

Speaker 15000s - 5001.42s

and everybody's like, who?

Speaker 25002.02s - 5004.04s

And you're like, yes, this is, okay, here's the

Speaker 15004.04s - 5005.06s

subplot. You're never going to see this. It's stupid small, and it you're like, yes, this is, okay, here's the subplot.

Speaker 25006.36s - 5011.34s

You're never going to see this. It's stupid small and it was not a, it was not done well.

Speaker 45011.54s - 5013.02s


Speaker 25019.02s - 5019.5s

But, I mean, it's perfect for, for a movie like this because the good thing is, they can use everything and it's quote unquote disposable.

Speaker 15019.68s - 5020.1s


Speaker 25024.34s - 5025.08s

And with the integration of TVA ORG?

Speaker 45026.4s - 5026.86s

TVA ORG, yeah.

Speaker 25028.88s - 5029.38s

Like, are we going to get variants?

Speaker 45033.3s - 5034.6s

There was a hint at a possible Lady Deadpool PERSON.

Speaker 35039.44s - 5039.84s

And I'm trying to remember what the Easter egg was in the trailer, but it's there.

Speaker 15042.88s - 5043.04s

I mean, the whole Deadpool PERSON family, there's a bunch of deadpoles.

Speaker 25043.3s - 5043.5s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 45043.78s - 5045.16s

Yeah. And, yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 25045.9s - 5049.9s

And Gwen Pool PERSON.

Speaker 45054s - 5054.12s

My last one to talk about, I haven't finished it yet.

Speaker 25055.12s - 5055.7s

It's on my list.

Speaker 15059.6s - 5059.66s

I did watch X-Men 97 WORK_OF_ART and still loving it.

Speaker 45059.9s - 5060.08s

Still loving it. Still great.

Speaker 15060.2s - 5061.88s

Not saying anything about it because some people haven't seen it.

Speaker 45063.12s - 5064.84s

So just keep watching it.

Speaker 15065.56s - 5070.4s

I hope they continue with it because it's been really, really good. So I started Dead Boys Detectives WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 35071.32s - 5099.46s

Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Which is a story about two ghosts that are detectives that help other ghosts and supernatural beings. What I really like about the show, and of course it is done by Neil Gaiman PERSON. And death from Sandman PERSON makes an appearance in the show, which is great because I loved her in Sandman and I like this. And Neil Gaiman PERSON says, no, I'm not trying to builda Sandman PERSON universe. Sandman universe. But

Speaker 45099.46s - 5103.94s

why not? You know, put her in here. Why not have characters

Speaker 15103.94s - 5105.04s

show up in different movies?

Speaker 25105.2s - 5105.86s

That's cool.

Speaker 15106.22s - 5106.42s


Speaker 25106.56s - 5106.84s


Speaker 15107.44s - 5111.38s

All those 80s movies that had the same newscaster and it was just cool.

Speaker 25111.5s - 5116.1s

Like, oh, cool. I recognize this guy. You don't need to explain that is because people have seen it. Yeah.

Speaker 15116.56s - 5117.88s

I'm only two episodes in.

Speaker 25117.92s - 5120.98s

I'm going to get started after I'm done here and get some more episodes in.

Speaker 15121.58s - 5128.94s

I'm enjoying it. It kind of, it, if anything, it reminds you like of a Hardy Boys with goats. Okay.

Speaker 45128.94s - 5132.5s

I heard goats, not ghosts. For a second.

Speaker 15132.72s - 5159.02s

I'm down for either. Both are on point with them. Yeah. But it's been enjoyable. It was fun. I'll watch the rest of themand then give a full review. But it definitely, I hope it gets renewed. Because it's got a pretty good fan base and then give a full review. But it definitely, I hope it gets renewed. Because it's got a pretty good fan base and so on and so forth. So,way to flicker. Other than that, I'm enjoying it. So hopefully we'll finish it and soon and I'll give you a review next week. Cool.

Speaker 25160.4s - 5262.88s

Not brush it, Dave and I are four episodes and to fall out and enjoying it. And then this week, I actually listened to the whole thing of a podcast. I usually like a clips off on YouTube ORG. It's called the unsubscribe podcast. Okay.It's a bunch of gun tubers and related things. And, man, those guys are irreverent, funny, but they're generally good dudes. Like, I always worry about them because some of them are a little Republican NORP for me, if you know what I mean, and I don't like to make it political. Butlistening to this, you hear those guys, like, these guys are all good dudes. You know, those are the kind of Republicans NORP we need around, the kind of just good dudes who have slightly different priorities. That's fine. But this last one, it wasthe fat electrician who goes on a channel. If you don't check, if you haven't checked it out, please do. He is the funniest of them. And then, of course, his co-host normally is there. And then they've got Angry Cop PERSON, who has his own channel, and he's funny because he's acop and a Army Reserve ORG drill sergeant. So he does a lot of fun stuff with that. He's very, very not politically correct, but sometimes in all the right way, sometimes in the wrong ways. And thenit had habitual line crosser who has his own burgeoning YouTube channel where he does a lot of funny talks on current events from a sort of military perspective, but they're humorous. And the four of them just talking for like an hour and a half,it's just super fun. There's such a conversation going. It's sort of like what we do, but they're humorous. And the four of them just talking for like an hour and a half. It's just super fun. There's such a conversation going. It's sort of like what we do, but a little more gun and military oriented. It was super fun. I suggest checking it out if you're into that thing at all. And check out the individual guides if you're interested, because they're all pretty amusing by themselves. Nice.

Speaker 45264.56s - 5269.86s

I started a book that I'll be reviewing. It's called Legends and Lates WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 05270.86s - 5272.38s

It's about an adventure.

Speaker 35272.46s - 5276.42s

It's a fantasy book about an adventurer who basically hangs up their swords,

Speaker 05276.58s - 5278.7s

decides to retire and open a coffee shop,

Speaker 45279.14s - 5290.76s

and all the shenanigans that happen thereafter. And there's like two or three books in this series, and I've had several people recommended to me. And I just borrowed it from the library a couple days ago.

Speaker 25291.96s - 5325.78s

I should be done with the second Shatterman PERSON book I'm reading here soon. I just have a lot of times I've been done on the computer and be like, I need to die. Go lie down and immediately asleep. No time to read. But trying to finish it up going on and to also need to get back into the readingthe library nearest just opened yes I'm going to bring a pile of books and be like have books enjoy I want to see if they need anything once in a whilemaybe they want to have someone run the indie or something we'll see we'll see what they need and help them out where I can help your local libraries oh yeah great well guys that is pretty much we'll see what they need and help them out where I can. Help your local libraries. Oh, yeah. Great.

Speaker 15327.66s - 5330.86s

Well, guys, that is pretty much our podcast.

Speaker 25332.78s - 5334.48s

We will be back next week.

Speaker 15334.68s - 5365.16s

We'll give you a new topic and so on and so forth. But we also know what our episode 300 is going to be. We will get started on that as soon as possible. We'll make a big old post and a big old thing about it. And it's all going to be on nerd PRODUCT. I'll do the streaming.Nerd PERSON will do all the running and we'll make all the jokes. And we will see if we can derail this campaign quicker than anybody else. I mean, have a good time playing. It'll just be a one shot. Just as I say, you know, thanks for sticking with us for 300 episodes.

Speaker 45365.16s - 5371.74s

Yeah, I'm just going to take what I've got and trim it down so that we can get it into two hours instead of like three and a half. Yeah.

Speaker 15372.8s - 5378.72s

All right, guys, we are going to actually send y'all off to No Gutsmoglory PRODUCT TV. They are streaming right now.

Speaker 25378.96s - 5385.88s

And it's going to be his final session of the original battle tech unmodded game. Okay.

Speaker 15386.78s - 5406.44s

We'll get you some battle tech and stuff. But guys, as usual, please look after each other. Please take care of each other. Just simple, hey, how's it going? Whatever you want to do, it'll be great. But if you see us at a convention, I if you know we're going to be theremake sure to look us up

Speaker 25406.44s - 5407.78s

be on the lookout

Speaker 15407.78s - 5410.36s

John PERSON's going to Nova Open

Speaker 25410.36s - 5413.5s

My first con in like five years

Speaker 15413.5s - 5416.74s

We'll have some new stickers coming out too

Speaker 25416.74s - 5418.46s

We have our Captain Mizzy

Speaker 15418.46s - 5420.2s

Redesigning some stuff for us

Speaker 25420.2s - 5423.86s

They will be pretty pretty cool

Speaker 05423.86s - 5431.88s

When she gets a chance to do it. We'll see it. As usual, look after each other.

Speaker 15432.1s - 5443.56s

If you see something, say something. If you hear something, say something. If you can do something, do something. If you can't find somebody that will. We're running the dice. I'm Gonzo PERSON.I'm John PERSON. I'm nerd. Good night.

Speaker 05444.68s - 5476.3s

Thanks for listening to More Than Dice WORK_OF_ART, making the world a better, nerdier place, one dumb joke at a time. Be sure to subscribe wherever you heard this podcast so you never miss a future episode. For more nerdy action or to connect with your hosts,check them out on slash more than dice and ORG slash more underscore then underscore dice. Until next time, stay nerdy, stay proud, and we'll see you soon on the More Than Dice podcast.