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38:58 minutes

published 13 days ago

American English

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Speaker 00s - 34.68s

I'm Victoria Cash PERSON. Thanks for calling the Luckyland Hotline ORG. If you feel like you do the same thing every day, press 1. If you're ready to have some serious fun, for the chance to redeem some serious prizes, press 2. We heard you loud and clear.So go to right now and play over 100 social casino-style games for free. Get lucky today. At Available to players in the U.S. excluding Washington and Michigan GPE. No purchase necessary. VigW. At lucky Available to players in the U.S. excluding Washington and Michigan GPE.No purchase necessary. Vigua ORG. Prohibit by law. 18 plus turns and condition supply. Radio. Radio.

Speaker 835.32s - 48.1s

Radio. Radio. 104.1. Hey, welcome out of the monsters. Morning. We're already on 104.1.

Speaker 748.18s - 58.36s

Boy, it's so good to be able to talk and hear myself with two ears. I woke up on Saturday morning and both ears were working and that is a plus, just so you know.

Speaker 358.52s - 68.48s

Pretty happy about that because it was sounding so weird to talk into my headphones and do the show. Walking around life, listening to Life PRODUCT in mono instead of stereo.

Speaker 768.98s - 76.64s

That's got to suck. Well, now it's good. So, you know, I didn't freak out, and things ended up working out just fine.

Speaker 676.76s - 78.62s

There you go. Just don't go swimming yet, buddy.

Speaker 779.04s - 80.92s

Yeah, I'll wait and talk to my doctor before I do that.

Speaker 681.04s - 83.94s

Hey, tickets are now alive on sale.

Speaker 784.08s - 87.56s

Got a message from Jack PERSON, real slash comedy

Speaker 687.56s - 90.54s

to get tickets for the Monster Comedy Night.

Speaker 790.7s - 166.4s

That's going to be on June the 27th. VIP tickets available. And then also General Mission of Tickets available. What's the difference someone may ask? Well, I know that the VIP tickets, you get to come in early, get good, you know, you get seats right up front.Angel LeBomb PERSON is going to be DJing. He's going to be making a little party. So for those VIP people, you get to party a little bit beforehand, get the party afterwards with us. They are going to get special stuff like a monster t-shirt that, you know, commemorates the night.Also, I think there are going to be posters. There's going to be a bottle of tequila that you're going to get from Daisy del Toro ORG. So the VIP tickets get, you know, they get a special little package, and then the general admission tickets,you kind of just, you know, come in when you can come in, get to the seat you can get. And the, there will be T-shirts available to purchase. If you want to purchase a shirt, you know, if you don't get the VIPtickets, but it's up now thanks to Kaufman and Lynn PERSON. They're sponsoring it. And Ryan Holmes is headlining that night. So, Ryan PERSON, are you doing any I know you've got, you're going to be out this week, you've been doingsome stand-up comedy and stuff. Are you doing a new set, or is it going to be some of the other stuff? Like, what kind of set can we see on June 27th?

Speaker 6166.9s - 170.2s

Well, I'll probably be drinking, so it'll be an interesting

Speaker 7170.2s - 178.08s

set. Because I like to hang out with the people beforehand also. And depending on

Speaker 6178.08s - 203.04s

like how the night goes, I mean, like, with however long people take up time, I could be at the end, just like 20 minutes of fire like last time. So it's a fun show. I love interacting with our audience and the listeners who come out and do this stuff.So it's a ton of fun. I'm trying new stuff, which is risky, but, you know, I might as well do it. I'm at the improv. Yeah. Because I hate my old set. Funny bone.

Speaker 7203.56s - 203.88s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 6203.98s - 204.44s

Funny bone.

Speaker 7204.44s - 221.58s

That's right. I mean, after 10 years of comedy, it's going to take me a minute to get used old set. Funny bone. Oh, yeah. Funny bone. That's right. I mean, after 10 years of comedy, it's going to take me a minute to get used to that, Krista PERSON. I'm sorry. But it's literally the best club in town. Yeah.And I'm super excited for it. Yeah. People, some people, how come you're going to go to that club because it's a small club? Because it's a real comedy club.

Speaker 6221.68s - 241.18s

Yes. And it's the mecca. It's the place to go. And that's what we're excited about. I'll be hosting that night. Angel PERSON, you'll be, you'll be DJing, and you'll be, like, in the room with us.So when the different comics or different people are coming up to perform, you can play the walk-up music. Their walk-up intro. I'm doing a death jam set with Angel PERSON. Okay.

Speaker 7242.08s - 250.5s

That's like a dream of mine. If we can work that out, Angel, at some point, we're just taking five minutes, and I do a little Bernie Mac PERSON. Now, schedule to appear.

Speaker 6250.62s - 255.62s

I will say this, there are some people that we are talking about bringing up that are

Speaker 7255.62s - 258.58s

surprises right now, but scheduled to appear that we can talk about.

Speaker 6258.58s - 259.82s

I'm not getting hit with the stick again.

Speaker 7260.06s - 264.94s

No, no, no, we're not doing that. This is your night. This is, I'm bigging you up this night. We're not, you know.

Speaker 6265.36s - 265.84s

Winky, winky, winky. Yeah, you're wearing a is your night. This is, we're, I'm bigging you up this night. We're not, you know. Winky, winky.

Speaker 5266.02s - 267.98s

Yeah, you're wearing a Batman PERSON outfit again.

Speaker 6268.08s - 275.32s

This is, I am not wearing a Batman PERSON outfit. I will not do that this time. I'm going to host, so I'm probably wearing my red suit. I'll probably do the red suit. Okay.

Speaker 8275.62s - 276.32s

I'll probably do that.

Speaker 5276.4s - 299.22s

Look like, you know, like a host of a big time event. This is a big time event, you know. Oh, yeah. Amber Nova PERSON, scheduled to appear. We're going to have her cut some promos live on stage with some listeners. I think that will be interesting, and she's got something planned that she's going to do.Angelique PERSON, from what I understand, wants to roast you. So it's an angelique.

Speaker 3299.48s - 301.72s

Is that any different than any of the time that she's in here?

Speaker 7302.02s - 304.94s

It's not, but it's going to be more...

Speaker 3304.94s - 306.2s

I can't interrupt

Speaker 6306.2s - 307.44s

her, I guess. More roasty.

Speaker 3308.32s - 318.3s

She could use whatever words she wants. Okay. And she might roast all of us. I don't know. She won't say anything bad about Angel PERSON, but she might roast me and you. I don't think she'll roast in the other girls.

Speaker 7319s - 321.36s

She should. If you're going to be roasted, you've got to roast everybody.

Speaker 6321.56s - 323.64s

You're supposed to. I think you've got to tell her that.

Speaker 7323.94s - 326.08s

Just remember, I'm the last one to hold a microphone,

Speaker 6326.26s - 327.32s

Angelique PERSON. That's true.

Speaker 7328s - 330s

Yeah. Yeah. That's

Speaker 6330s - 331.92s

a good point. She did

Speaker 7331.92s - 333.96s

really well last time. I was really proud of her.

Speaker 6334.26s - 335.96s

I'd be honest me, I was too. I was

Speaker 7335.96s - 337.94s

a little nervous, and that was one

Speaker 6337.94s - 339.76s

she went over on her time.

Speaker 7340.24s - 341.86s

And some people brought that up to me.

Speaker 6341.98s - 343.68s

I'm like, so what? Who cares? She was

Speaker 7343.68s - 346.2s

Listen, I'm not watching the clock.

Speaker 6346.4s - 349.2s

This is not like a regular stand-up comedy deal.

Speaker 8349.2s - 364.4s

We're not watching the clock. We're just going to, I want people just to laugh and have a good time with members of the show. So, you know, if Angel League ORG's getting laughs, let her do her thing. Now, Daisy Deltoro PERSON, she told me some of the stuff that she was going to talk about.

Speaker 6364.68s - 396.62s

And it's filthy. Really? Uh-huh. She said that, like, that they, because she took, I believe he took the comedy class with Carmen Villone at the Funny Bone ORG, and she was saying, like, yeah, her stuff was so dirty that, like, they were like, you really need to stop doing that.Because, like, because dirty, dirty sets don't really work out in the open, in the public. You don't think? Not, not, because some people just take it as like, like, they'll go real hard in the dirty zone. And it's like, it's sort of unnecessary. And it makes the audience uncomfortable. So I hope that happens.

Speaker 7396.76s - 425.52s

Well, we'll see. We'll see what happens. Now, Jeff Kaufman PERSON, he says he's been working on his stand-up comedy. And he's crafted his bit. and I haven't seen it. I haven't seen Kaufman stand up in a couple of years. Yeah, but he wanted to go on before you, and so I'm like, I ain't fine.You know, if you want to go on before Ryan PERSON, that's fine. He's very excited about doing his bits of a Kaufman, uh and then Ryan Holmes PERSON with uh with with

Speaker 6425.52s - 431.3s

with cleanup yeah headline and baby and then I got yeah so I'm going out until then I'm trying to

Speaker 7431.3s - 453.18s

hit as many like uh as many mics as possible to get prepared for that's that's that's actually why I agreed to the secret show uh in the first place I was trying not to take shows before our big comedy night because I didn't want to dilute the audience you know what I mean so yeah but this or the show this Saturday night is already sold out. Like you can't, there's no sense of me promoting it because you can't get tickets to go to it anyway because it's a sold out show.

Speaker 6453.44s - 462.26s

Yeah, but so I want to do a couple of the shows. People always ask like, when can I get on? Can I see you before this comedy show? No, I got it. I got to prepare for this comedy show. Right, right.

Speaker 3462.38s - 474.48s

We're getting hit up, Russ PERSON. If you want to go and purchase your tickets, it's real radio. Dot FM backslash comedy. Yeah. That's the website. You go jump right there, and you can get your tickets right on that link.

Speaker 7474.58s - 513.22s

Right. There's VIP tickets and there's general admission tickets. Once again, VIP, you get a bunch of extra stuff, like a little bottle of tequila, and you get the T-shirt and you get the poster. And there's all kinds of cool stuff that you get, if you get the VIP, General Mission. And look, it's going to be a party beforehand, and it's going to be a party afterwards.We are not working the next day. We worked this out. So I don't know how we did this. Somehow we worked this out with Jack when we were talking about the comedy night. And we're like, well, if we do it on Thursday night, I said, I can't get up on Friday morning. No.And you'll be dead. And you all back me up on it. And Jack PERSON was like, okay, fine, we'll just play best stuff. So, so we get to do, you know, we get to stay out late and party on a Thursday night.

Speaker 6513.34s - 521.7s

Yeah, there's no way I could do the show the next morning and get up at before. Like, because if the show goes really well, which it will, there's, like, I don't know if people understand.

Speaker 0522.12s - 535.5s

It's like, it's a high. It's like a drug. It really is like a drug. And you stay high all the way through to like the next day. But like if I'm partying with these monster fans and our YouTube ORG family and all that stuff, it's, yeah, I will be a wreck. Yeah.

Speaker 6536.18s - 538s

I'm not coming in. Play that best of, baby.

Speaker 7538.14s - 552.7s

And I think we have, like, there's some other things that I can't tell you about that, you know, I'm really bad at giving away stuff, you know. And it's hard for me to keep secrets. But there's things that are going to happen that night that I'm supposed to keep under my hat.

Speaker 6553.22s - 559.84s

Okay. Well, yeah, basically, if you want something told to everybody, tell Russ PERSON it's a secret, 100%.

Speaker 7559.84s - 562.42s

No, I'm going to keep a mouse out. I'm going to keep those secret secret.

Speaker 6562.54s - 565.06s

I can see it on the tip of your mouth right now. That's a lie. Between now and before the show, he's going to drop it. I'm not. I'm going to keep a mouse out. I'm going to keep those secret secret. I can see it on the tip of your mouth right now. That's a lie.

Speaker 3565.82s - 567.96s

Between now and before the show, he's going to drop it.

Speaker 7568.02s - 568.54s

I'm not.

Speaker 3568.66s - 569s

I'm not.

Speaker 7569.44s - 572.06s

Just know that it's going to be a special night.

Speaker 3572.22s - 573.4s

June 27th.

Speaker 7573.4s - 574.84s

No, that you will drop it.

Speaker 3574.86s - 578.62s

Monster comedy night at the Funny Bone ORG, which used to be the improv,

Speaker 7578.74s - 595.68s

and tickets are on sale right now, real, backslash, comedy, and get them why you can because when they're gone, they are gone. And when we come back, it's time for Angel PERSON to bring you monster sports. Don't go anywhere. You're listening to themonster of the morning. This Memorial Day weekend,

Speaker 2595.84s - 599.58s

get ready to set sail on a three-day voyage into the world of Yod Rock LOC.

Speaker 8606.44s - 606.68s

Hello, it is Ryan PERSON,

Speaker 1609.4s - 632.6s

and we could all use an extra bright spot in our day, couldn't we? Just to make up for things like sitting in traffic, doing the dishes, counting your steps, you know, all the mundane stuff. That is why I'm such a big fan of Chumba Casino ORG. Chumba Casino ORG has all your favorite social casino-style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere, with daily bonuses.That should brighten your day, a little. Actually, a lot. So sign up now at chumba That's

Speaker 2632.76s - 637.32s

No purchase necessary. VGW. Void and prohibited by loss. See terms and conditions, 18 plus. Reefat Radio ORG.

Speaker 8637.62s - 638.5s

Reefat Radio ORG.

Speaker 2639.72s - 641.38s


Speaker 8642.12s - 644.06s

Hey, so I just went to the website.

Speaker 2644.18s - 644.92s

Just look at it myself.

Speaker 8645.02s - 646.12s

I always like to see what it looks like.

Speaker 7646.64s - 723.88s

And it's Monster Night of Comedy. And you do go to real slash comedy. And when you go to the page, you get to see what the poster is going to look like, which is cool, and the t-shirt and all that kind of stuff. And then they've got general admission tickets, VIP tickets, and there's the dinner package. And I didn't know there was that, but I will say this, every time I goto, it used to be the improv, now it's called the Funny Bone, but anyway, same management, everything, same thing, just change the name. The food is great there. Like, they really got good food there, so I like to go, you know, I like to go everything early, but I like to go early and getfood and drinks and hang out before the comedy show starts. So, apparently you can do that with the dinner package, which is available if you go right now. Welcome back. Hey, a chance to win $1,000 coming up here in a little bit. We've given away $11,000 so far, and you very well could win $1,000 today just by takingthe keyword and plugging it in over at real And when you plug it in and be prepared to answer the phone about an hour afterwards. If you get a phone call from a number you don't recognize, that could be I-heart calling you to tell you you won $1,000, and that's the only way to win. Welcome back, guys.I'm Russ Rollins along with Ryan Holmes PERSON, and now it's time for Angel to bring you Monster Sports ORG. Hey, yo, Monster Sports brought to you by Orlando Fringe ORG.

Speaker 3724.06s - 847.3s

That's going on. ORG, get your button and get your by Orlando Fringe. That's going on. Get your button and get your tickets. We've got shows going on all week, but I do want to remind you that this Friday, May the 24th from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. I'll be doing my thing at the outdoor stage down there.I'd love for you guys to come out and hang out for a little bit. It'll be a good fun, and it's warm up before the night show of what the hell is you listening to. So please come out and hang out. Make sure you get your buttons and your tickets to Orlando GPE, for instance. It's an incredible, incredible event that happens here in Orlando supporting theater and performances and original content made by these players. So definitely get out there and support them. We'll start here, Orlando City GPE on the road. The men's team,Russ, was out in San Jose GPE. They win that match. Shout out to the Heineken USA star of the match, and that was Jack Lynn. Jack Lynn scores the one goal to put us over the top and get that victory. And then on the other side, shout out to the Orlando Pride, who are currently 7 and 0. And they've been, I mean, again, we've talked about it. And we were talking about it earlier this morning, Russ PERSON, about supporting women's sports and becoming more aware of it and all these things.And the Orlando Pride ORG of consistently being one of the better teams in the women's league. And they're right here in our backyard. Barbara Banda PERSON, she's helped get the goal to put us over the top. They win three to two, get their seventh straight win over Seattle ORG. So congratulations to the women's team as well. Just again, a real fantastic output that they have.The men's team, we play this Saturday against Columbus ORG. Yeah. That'll be here at home. And so make sure you're able to, if we can't get out there and support them. And the women's team's next match is going to be Friday,May the 24th, and they're going to be playing the Portland Tom's. The Portland Tom's ORG. Oh, wow. Congratulations to them. And some NBA ORG playoff action yesterday, Russ PERSON.Man, there was a tale of two cities, huh? Yeah, it's really, um, it's, so I feel for you, Knicks ORG fans.

Speaker 7847.48s - 849.56s

Man, I was pulling for the Knicks ORG.

Speaker 3849.66s - 851.18s

I wanted to see, I thought, you know,

Speaker 7851.22s - 853.82s

New York versus Boston GPE would be a great, you know,

Speaker 3853.88s - 856.96s

series, but, man. I'm sure the N-Bade would have thought the same way.

Speaker 7857.08s - 857.26s


Speaker 3857.38s - 881.26s

But talk about a team that just has been decimated. I mean, Knicks ORG fans, I get it. This is an unceremonious way to go out, but there is nothing for y'all to hang your head on. You guys had an incredible season with the amount of injuries that decimated your team,and then Jalen Brunson PERSON breaking his hand in the beginning of the third, fourth quarter. How did he break his hand?

Speaker 7881.38s - 934.44s

He went to swipe down on a ball, and it looks like he broke, he broke one of his fingers. Oh, man. And so he was done, at that point he was done for, and he's, you know, he's the soul of the team and it was, you could, you could feel it. You could see the energy kind of dissipate through the team and this, and the stadium. But it's fun when the Knicks ORG are good in the sense of just their fans and the fan base of how that goes through. But they lose to the Pacers last night, 130 to 109.And then what a lot of people are calling a stunning upset, the Timberwolves came back from 20 points down and beat the defending NBA champions 98 to 90. That was surprising, right? Yeah, I'll say this. Like when I went to bed, Denver was up 20,. That was surprising, right? Yeah, caught a lot. I will say this. Like when I went to bed,Denver was up 20, and I was like, oh, they're going to win. Right. You know, so they, um, excuse me.

Speaker 3935s - 942.72s

So we've got our conference finals set, Russ PERSON. We've got the Pacers ORG of Indiana versus the Celtics of Boston GPE. That starts tomorrow.

Speaker 7942.94s - 946.54s

Okay, so I'm, I'm calling it right now. Boston GPE's going to win that series.

Speaker 3946.68s - 955.98s

Okay. And then you will have the Mavericks and the Timberwolves ORG, and they will start on Wednesday, May the 22nd. That's an 830 game.

Speaker 7956.22s - 959.08s

I haven't watched enough for the West LOC.

Speaker 3960.18s - 964.18s

Because usually, Russ PERSON, those are the late games, and we're usually in bed by that.

Speaker 7964.38s - 969.42s

So who do you think between those two teams, who do you think will end up being in the finals?

Speaker 3970.76s - 973.4s

I think the Celtics ORG will get to the finals.

Speaker 7973.52s - 997.2s

Yeah. And then over in the West, it's interesting, Russ, because like I said, the Timberwolves are, I think, the second or third youngest team, maybe even the fourth youngest team in the league. And so for them to get this far, it's interesting, going up against the Mavericks ORG, which is going to be Kyrie and Luca PERSON. So I think the Mavericks get it in six.

Speaker 3997.66s - 1001.28s

You know, I think, you know, I would, that's my guess.

Speaker 61001.78s - 1006.86s

Who would your gut say to root for, Russ PERSON? Between the Mavericks? And the Timberwool. I Russ? Between the Mavericks and the Timberwolves ORG.

Speaker 71007.54s - 1014.88s

I'm rooting for the Mavericks ORG, I think, only because of the connection with, and I don't even think he's part owner anymore, but Mark Cuban PERSON.

Speaker 61015.36s - 1017.92s

Okay, well, I will be betting on the Timberwolves ORG.

Speaker 31018.08s - 1028.32s

So basically everyone that plays the game, we know what the finals will be. The finals would be the Pacers versus the Timberwolves ORG. No, it's going to be Boston and the Mavericks ORG.

Speaker 71028.42s - 1029.32s

Okay, we'll see.

Speaker 31030.44s - 1043.98s

Now, if I called it, then that means whatever, who do, whatever kind of thing you guys think I have. No, it's dead. It's on your teams, man. We talked aboutthis. You've tried this before. It's your teams.

Speaker 71044.72s - 1045.86s

You've jinxed your teams.

Speaker 31045.96s - 1051.48s

Yep. So we'll see how that goes. When you start calling games for the magic and the dolphins and all that kind of stuff.

Speaker 51051.64s - 1056.56s

I want to use his power for evil. Gambling purposes. Right.

Speaker 31058.4s - 1066.34s

Russ PERSON, we were talking earlier and people were taking exception to your observation about Caitlin Clark PERSON. So just so we, everyone's understands what's going on here.

Speaker 71066.52s - 1076.06s

All I was saying was that she's been hyped up a lot, and it seemed like she was going to come into the league on fire, and she was kind of mediocre.

Speaker 31076.62s - 1095.94s

Well, okay, so she's averaging 14.5 points a game, 3.5 rebounds a game, and assists per game was 4.5. So that's what she's averaging right now. Someone took exception to the fact that we were being unduly harsh on her. I don't think that that's all. You pointed out one play where she got screened, and she dropped, she dropped

Speaker 71095.94s - 1099.84s

like a bag of potatoes. She got picked, and I watched it.

Speaker 31099.98s - 1141.08s

She was trying to take some three-point shots, and she'd miss them, and then, you know, the players who are professional, who have been pros for a while, the girl that has been three-time MVP, takes it, goes right down and hits that three. So she was getting schooled a little bit. You know, she's a younger player. But, yeah, I guess because we didn't say these parts out loud, all right, yes.So she did score 22 points against the Liberty ORG and understood. But if you look at the of how efficient she was, and again, the fever are 0 and 3, the observation was, is that, again, to Russ PERSON's, the way that she was hyped up to Russ, you know, you thought she was going to be all well.

Speaker 71141.08s - 1156.04s

Like the new Michael Jordan PERSON, you know, that the way it's, Listen, I'm still pulling for her, and I'm also pulling for Angel Reese. I like both those players. And it's, for whatever reason, it's got me interested in the WNBA ORG. I've never been interested before, and it was fun to watch. Yeah, so

Speaker 31156.04s - 1157.96s

again, that has happened

Speaker 61157.96s - 1159.94s

with a lot of college players, though, too,

Speaker 31159.98s - 1162.04s

where they, you know, they're hot, hot in college

Speaker 61162.04s - 1163.94s

and they transfer whatever pro

Speaker 31163.94s - 1165.66s

sports team and kind of fizzle out.

Speaker 61165.7s - 1168.48s

Well, like that Zion guy, the Zion guy that went to the Pelicans ORG.

Speaker 71168.64s - 1172.56s

Like, they were hyping him. He was into the next coming of, you know, of Shaq PERSON,

Speaker 31172.64s - 1175.62s

and he finally had a good season this past season.

Speaker 71176.08s - 1176.96s

Good, but not.

Speaker 31177.1s - 1179.22s

They got to the playoffs, and then he got injured.

Speaker 71179.36s - 1179.5s


Speaker 31180s - 1182.86s

But, again, I understand what you're saying. And that's Monster Sports ORG.

Speaker 71183.06s - 1198s

Why, thank you very much. Remember, tickets right now are available. You get them why you can because when they sell out, they sell it. It's a Monster Night of Comedy, presented by injury firm of Kaufman and Lynn PERSON, and Jeff Kaufman PERSON will be in here with the nerdy news when we come back. Don't go anywhere.You're listening to the Monster the Morning WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 11199.04s - 1226.44s

Hello, it is Ryan, and I was on a flight the other day playing one of my favorite social spin-slot games on Chumba I looked over the person sitting next to me and you know what they were doing. They were also playing Chumba Casino ORG. Coincidence? I think not. Everybody's loving, having fun with it. Chumba Casino's home to hundreds of casino style games that you can play for free anytime, anywhere, even at 30,000 feet. So sign up now at to claim your free welcome bonus. That's and live the Chumba life. No purchase necessary. VTW. That's chumba and ORG live the chumba life.

Speaker 21226.6s - 1232.54s

No purchase necessary. VTW ORG. Voidware prohibited by loss. E terms and conditions, 18 plus. Radio. Radio.

Speaker 81233.08s - 1234.5s


Speaker 21234.5s - 1234.7s


Speaker 81234.7s - 1243.68s

104.1. Hey, welcome out of the monstrous morning.

Speaker 71243.68s - 1296.44s

We're radio 1.4.1. Brockhausen live on Iheart Radio. Remember when you're on IHeart Radio, you can click on that microphone and leave us a message. And we'll play those messages a little bit later on. We call them hot takes. It could be questions.I like when you do questions. Whatever. Click on the microphone. Record it and sit back and wait, and you might hear yourself on the radio. Also, a little bit later on, we'll do raw calls. Your calls right off the board.Hear what you got to say to wrap up the weekend. Welcome back. I'm Russ Rollins, along with Angel, and Ryan Holmes here today. I think Jeff Kaufman PERSON will be in there a little bit. He's outside the door. Oh, is he?Come on in, Jeff PERSON. What are you doing, man? Hey, this is something. I tied this into the nerdy news because this is sort of a nerdy thing, at least it reminds me of a nerdy thing. But I don't know if you'll get the reference, Ryan, because you weren't a Star Trek WORK_OF_ART guy, were you?

Speaker 51297.08s - 1299.94s

Star Trek, no. Not Track, Trek.

Speaker 71300.54s - 1305.8s

Star Trek, it's not Trek, it's It's Trek WORK_OF_ART Okay So I was

Speaker 51305.8s - 1307.62s

Tying this into the nerdy news

Speaker 61307.62s - 1309.74s

Because have you seen the portal

Speaker 51309.74s - 1311.08s

To Dublin

Speaker 61311.08s - 1312.02s

Have you seen that?

Speaker 81312.26s - 1312.62s


Speaker 61312.62s - 1313.78s

It's been hysterical

Speaker 71313.78s - 1340.66s

What a dumb Two dumb cities to put that in So in Star Trek There was a thing Where they landed on this planet And there was a portalAnd it was just like this thing It was like this big screen And you could see But you could see what was happening In the past right right? So you could jump into the past and that was like one of the episodes. But this basically is a portal linking Dublin and New York City GPE. And so it's a big screen and people, you know, could stand in front of the screen. It looks like a portal.

Speaker 01341.86s - 1350.72s

And they could do whatever. There were people in Dublin GPE that had the big screen as well, and it connected them both. But of course, what do humans do?

Speaker 31351.1s - 1352.1s

Humans are going to human.

Speaker 71352.76s - 1358.14s

You don't think anyone, I don't know. I mean, they knew somebody was looking, but you got women were flashing.

Speaker 31358.54s - 1363.2s

Well, that chick, actually, she's the one that's a big winner out of all this, because she has an only fans account.

Speaker 71363.38s - 1369.8s

Yeah. And so her subscriptions have gone through the roof. But the very first images was kind of... Like, a dude shooting a bird.

Speaker 61370.04s - 1374.48s

Yeah, it's two towns. They're, like, are known for their, you know, getting shenanigans.

Speaker 31374.82s - 1378.46s

Some of the first images were, like, dudes in Dublin were putting up the Twin Towers FAC.

Speaker 71378.76s - 1380.8s

Oh, I didn't know that.

Speaker 31380.8s - 1386.82s

People were doing Nazi NORP salute, all that's... Oh, so the Dublin people were worse than the New York GPE people? Yep.

Speaker 71387.12s - 1388.44s

Oh, that's surprising.

Speaker 31388.94s - 1393.64s

They've shut it down at least two or three times, I think, but today they reopened it up again.

Speaker 71393.74s - 1398.86s

They open it back up, and now they're able to scramble it if somebody does something inappropriate.

Speaker 31399.52s - 1403.08s

But I know somebody mooned, you know, like moon Dublin GPE.

Speaker 01403.26s - 1412.76s

I know that happened. I know someone, they lifted their shirt. I didn't hear anything about people from Dublin GPE doing stuff inappropriate. I thought it was just...

Speaker 31412.76s - 1418.2s

No, no, no. It's been a turnabout, it's been fair play. They've been given as good as they're receiving.

Speaker 71418.52s - 1428.06s

Oh, but damn. Well, it's up again, and I think it's cool. But a lot of inappropriate behavior was going on and they've fixed the live stream so anyway

Speaker 41428.06s - 1436.02s

Jeff Kaufman PERSON how you doing ma'am? I'm doing excellent on a fun weekend at the at the Amerib FAC what do they call it beer America GPE? Bear America

Speaker 71436.02s - 1437.8s

Bear America GPE. That's with the

Speaker 41437.8s - 1445.58s

Orlando Weekly right? Yeah that was a lot of fun there was a lot of people had a good time there a lot of good, a lot of monster fans were there yeah where was it? It was downtown.

Speaker 71445.88s - 1450.42s

It was around Ivanhoe GPE. Okay, all right. So it kind of near where you live. Yeah, it was nice.

Speaker 41450.48s - 1459.78s

I Ubered over there and then I did some stand-up in a place called Summerland GPE at the joke joint down there. Okay. So that was fun. So you're getting all tuned up? Oh, yeah. We're getting ready.

Speaker 71459.94s - 1462.62s

Because remember on June 20, tickets just went on sale today.

Speaker 41463.06s - 1502.14s

It's the monster night of comedy. June the 27th is going to be at the Funny Bone ORG. Brought you by Kaufman and Lynn PERSON, and thank you very much for that. Injury firm, Coffin and Lynn brings you the night. And tickets are on sale right now. There's VIP tickets and Journal Admission ORG tickets.And VIP tickets, they get a bottle of tequila. They get a shirt. They get, I think, a poster, right? We're doing the posters. All kinds of cool stuff for VIP. And I haven't seen your set yet,so you're going to do it that night. No, no. I've been, you know, I've been, I'm with the real laughs guys. So I've been, I do about four or five nights a month. So yeah, I'll be ready. So you're tuned up and ready to go. Yeah, I can't wait. I can't waitto see Ryan PERSON's set. We're going to see a full

Speaker 71502.14s - 1508.08s

Ryan PERSON set, which I, which I haven't been, I've only got to see Ryan's full set once. And I love watching

Speaker 41508.08s - 1537.78s

Ryan PERSON. Very good. Yeah, so that's a tickets are on sale right now. If you go to Real, backslash comedy, you can get those in and get them why you can't, because when it sells out, it sells out, I can't get you in. That it happens all the time. It'll sell out. People, friendsof mine, be like, hey, can you get me in. Like, no, man, sold out. Can't do it. What else you do this weekend? Well, actually, you know, we do the radio shows. We do this. You know, stand-up takes a look, but we got rained out at Beer America ORG. Oh, did it? Because about four o'clock, the rains came, and I was like monsoon, all our tents took off.

Speaker 31537.84s - 1541.18s

It was great. Oh, I saw that. Yeah, I had buddy of mine that was out there.

Speaker 41541.18s - 1546.32s

Uh, DJ and my buddy Kermit PERSON was out there, DJ. Yeah, and there was some really, uh, like the tent that they were at got taken down. There was a bounce house tent in front of theirs. was out there, DJ and my buddy Kermit was out there DJ. Yeah, Kermit. Yeah, and there was some really, like

Speaker 81546.32s - 1548.1s

the tent that they were at got taken down. There was

Speaker 41548.1s - 1549.8s

a bounce house tent in front of theirs.

Speaker 81549.96s - 1552.1s

Like, of them that got taken down. Was that Friday

Speaker 41552.1s - 1553.62s

or Saturday? Saturday.

Speaker 31554.16s - 1570.76s

It was a great event. We were having a good time taking care of business, and then the wins came in. And I want you know, we have a, I have a little Asian NORP girl, Bridget PERSON, who works for me and she's holding this tent down. And it literally took off. Oh, did it? She was like, and she girl, Bridget PERSON, who works for me, and she's holding this tent down. And it literally took off.Oh, did it? She was like, and she was so funny because her husband was there, and she's screaming. It's just hysterical.

Speaker 71570.76s - 1578.22s

Some of my, some of my worst nightmares have to do with tents and weather like that, because I had my party rental business.

Speaker 41578.38s - 1591.78s

And I had, you know, I had hundreds of tents, and we would rent them out. And every tent would be out, you know, for the weekend. And when weather like that would come through, it's like, oh, my God, which ones are going to blow down, which, you know, like, you know, inevitably. House take off, too. Yeah, yeah.Bounce houses get airborne.

Speaker 71591.98s - 1604.34s

And I want you to know something. Those will go to another country. You have to stake those down. If you don't stake those down and then what would happen is, like, like, guys would run out of stakes and then be like, how did that thing blow over? Well, I forgot to stake it down.

Speaker 41604.42s - 1622.28s

We didn't have any steak. Oh, I'm going to kill you. God, man, I'm so glad I'm out of that business that thing blow over? Well, I forgot to stake it down. No. Oh, I'm going to kill you. God, man, I'm so glad I'm out of that business. But it was a blast, and a lot of monster fans were there. So it was, and some guy came up to me, it was very weird. He said, you know something?You don't look the way I thought you'd look on the radio. What does that mean? He goes, I thought you'd look like fat with a beard. I said, so I'm fat without a beard.

Speaker 71622.86s - 1623.28s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 81625.86s - 1627.18s

He goes, no, I just, I appreciate you look this way. I said, I don't know. Oh, that's nice. I said, he I'm fat without a beard? You know? He goes, no, I just, I appreciate you look this way. I said, I don't know. Oh, that's nice.

Speaker 71628.86s - 1628.94s

I said, he should go on the YouTube channel.

Speaker 81630.5s - 1632.58s

He could see all these good-looking faces. I don't think he's hitting on you. I don't know.

Speaker 71633.72s - 1634.06s

Hey, listen, I'll take it.

Speaker 41634.68s - 1634.94s

I'm easy.

Speaker 71637.48s - 1637.54s

So, uh, oh, I did a couple nerdy things this week.

Speaker 41641.16s - 1654.14s

Like the portal to Dublin, I thought was kind of nerdy. But I, give me yourdy stuff, and I'll tell you some nerdy stuff I saw this week. Okay, but the one thing about the portal, you already do that. What? Think about this way. You pay for a service to allow you to watch, you know, you watch a bar in Dublin GPE.

Speaker 71654.44s - 1662.84s

Yeah, yeah. I would, at my house, I've got the, I forget what the name of it is, but it's an app where you can sit and watch certain, you know, anywhere in the world.

Speaker 41662.84s - 1677.8s

Come drunk out of bars. They, like, fall out of bars and you get to watch it. Well, I watch Dublin GPE a lot because it kind of fits with my bar theme at the house, you know. So I'll sit and watch a bar in Dublin GPE live. But, yeah, it is kind of the same thing. And some of them know that the camera's up and they actually do things in the camera.

Speaker 71678s - 1687.94s

Yeah, when I went to New Orleans, when Mary Ellen and I went to New Orleans, we found the world cam PRODUCT or whatever it's called. It's a, I forget the name of it right now, but we found the world cam, and we knew we'd be on it,

Speaker 41687.96s - 1700.08s

we're sitting there waving, you know, people are going to do that, they can't help it. But here's the thing, it's scary right now, scary time right now, if opened up, the Ryan Reynolds PERSON movie about imaginary

Speaker 71700.08s - 1701.78s

friends. Yeah, it looks pretty cute.

Speaker 41701.78s - 1742.96s

$35 million. Yeah, it's, and here's what I'm figuring out. Kingdom of the Planet Aves did another $25 million. Yeah, it looks pretty cute. $35 million. Yeah. And here's what I'm figuring out. Kingdom of the Planet Apes did another $25 million. Yeah. So they really didn't fall that much in comparison to, you know, coming up against a supposedly a huge movie.And what I'm realizing this, I think the people going to see movies are ones who are stuck in certain things. Like, for example, the movies that have done really well over the time, Godzilla PERSON, you know, Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART. We can't, Ryan Reynolds PERSON, which is supposed to be a huge movie, it was supposed to be good, tanked.That $35 million is a tank? Tank, yeah, for him? Oh, yeah. Huh. I mean, think of the way, you got Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART. I mean, what, the ninth version or the 12th version?

Speaker 71742.96s - 1743.88s

That's a fourth, yeah.

Speaker 41743.88s - 1753.52s

You got Godzilla PERSON, you know, killing it. And Ryan Reynolds, who's considered, you know, one of the top draws as I mean, what, the ninth version or the 12th version? That's the fourth, yeah. You got Godzilla, you know, killing it. And Ryan Reynolds PERSON, who's considered, you know, one of the top draws, as far as movie actors go, his movie basically does $35 million.

Speaker 71753.58s - 1763.92s

Now, I'll say this, when they talked about it this morning on NBC ORG, they talked about like it was a huge hit for Ryan Reynolds because movies aren't making $35 million now. Oh, certain movies

Speaker 41763.92s - 1768.68s

are, you know, Ghostbusters, Godzilla, I mean, Civil War WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 71768.82s - 1781.24s

I mean, these movies have done Kung Fu Panda WORK_OF_ART. On their first weekend? Oh, yeah. Yeah, $35 million is terrible for if you're the top movie, 35, that's low, especially since Planet the Apes held.

Speaker 41781.82s - 1785.54s

So more people would rather see Planetanned the Apes than Ryan Reynolds PERSON.

Speaker 71785.64s - 1790.62s

See, I like the Planet of the Apes WORK_OF_ART movies. I just heard this one wasn't, it wasn't the best of the...

Speaker 41790.62s - 1791.62s

It was good?

Speaker 71791.78s - 1792.56s

Yeah, I enjoyed it.

Speaker 41792.58s - 1793.36s

It was better than the last one.

Speaker 71793.5s - 1793.82s

Oh, really?

Speaker 41794s - 1794.22s


Speaker 71794.42s - 1800.48s

You know, it's so tough because you're going, well, it was better than the third, the eighth, and the 12th, and which Star Wars WORK_OF_ART, you know, there's...

Speaker 41800.48s - 1802.12s

I don't like the sixth or the fourth.

Speaker 71802.46s - 1804.66s

I mean, when you do that many movies, you know, it's hard.

Speaker 41804.76s - 1806.28s

Well, you're comparing it to different movies.

Speaker 71806.28s - 1808.8s

But, for example, I'm going to go see if with Jacob on Tuesday.

Speaker 41809.06s - 1809.22s


Speaker 71809.38s - 1815.08s

So when I saw this number, it was really frightening because these movies wind up costing about $200 million to make.

Speaker 41815.2s - 1824.22s

And there's no way this movie's going to make it up. But unless they have that deal with Amazon ORG or something else that they get paid a ridiculous amount of money on the streaming service to make up for it.

Speaker 61824.32s - 1829.9s

There's no way. $110 million budget for this for streaming service to make up for it. There's no way. $110 million budget for this for if, but they're celebrating it like it's a win.

Speaker 71830.02s - 1830.26s


Speaker 61831.16s - 1838.46s

I don't want to argue with Jeff, but on the news this morning, it was like this big win, $35 million was amazing for Ryan Reynolds PERSON.

Speaker 31838.7s - 1846.02s

That's the way it's being talked about. They're saying globally it took in $55 million. So it was another $20 million overseas, so it's in that 55. Yeah.

Speaker 71846.2s - 1849.14s

And I think he's got another movie coming out where he'll be all right.

Speaker 61849.24s - 1850.32s

Well, that's different.

Speaker 41850.44s - 1850.86s

That's Deadpool WORK_OF_ART.

Speaker 61851.66s - 1854.82s

You know, we're expecting that movie to just crush it.

Speaker 41854.96s - 1855.14s


Speaker 61855.28s - 1856.52s

That guy's whole life crushes it.

Speaker 41856.58s - 1859.64s

Somebody sent me a text over the weekend, or they were buying drinks in total one,

Speaker 61859.64s - 1861.94s

and they were buying his wife's drinks.

Speaker 41862.18s - 1862.44s


Speaker 61863.16s - 1864.6s

Is Blake PERSON lively his wife?

Speaker 41864.7s - 1864.94s


Speaker 61865.22s - 1865.42s

She has some kind of beverage out. Lively PERSON his wife? Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 41865.8s - 1870.1s

She has some kind of beverage out. Oh, does she? Yeah. I know he's aviator gin. Yeah.

Speaker 61870.48s - 1872.88s

So, you know, I guess she has her own.

Speaker 71873.2s - 1880.1s

Blake PERSON's Lively's. I mean, that's a great name for an alcohol, though. I will say this. I saw, you know, it's called Betty Buzz PRODUCT.

Speaker 41880.22s - 1884.04s

I saw such a ridiculous movie yesterday, but I must admit that we liked it.

Speaker 71884.14s - 1886.18s

It's like, okay, do you watch movies?

Speaker 41886.26s - 1899.92s

You're like, okay, I know this is stupid. I know this is dumb, but I'm enjoying this stupidity, and it's ridiculous as hell. And we fall into, we don't really want to get all dressed up and go to a movie theater. We like to watch it at the house, right?

Speaker 01900.28s - 1918.86s

So we can justify, okay, this is going to be 20 bucks to rent it, but it's just like we went to the movies, baby. So let's get it. We'll get some popcorn. We'll watch it. We rented Abigail. So we can justify, okay, this is going to be 20 bucks to rent it, but it's just like we went to the movies, baby. So let's get, you know, we'll get some popcorn. We'll watch it. We rented Abigail PRODUCT. Now, Abigail PRODUCT is basically about, I see you laughing over there, is a little girl who is a ballerina vampire.

Speaker 81920.22s - 1920.34s

Okay, it makes no sense.

Speaker 41921.3s - 1923.78s

Right. And they kidnap her, right?

Speaker 01924s - 1931.46s

And then she happens to be a baller, a ballerina vampire. And is as dumb as dumb can be.

Speaker 81931.52s - 1934.52s

It was good, though, wasn't it? But it was interesting. It was good, though, wasn't it?

Speaker 31934.54s - 1935.22s

It was stupid.

Speaker 01935.48s - 1938.7s

But I'm like, okay, look at it.

Speaker 31938.7s - 1943.86s

She's doing what do you call, pierres or whatever you call it? She's doing a periase? She's doing whatever that is.

Speaker 01944s - 1959.52s

Paroets. Paroets, right? And spinning around and then she'll bite them. And then she's dancing on the, it's like a vampire ballerina. And it's as stupid as it can be.But man, we sat there and laughed and enjoyed it. And that's all a movie's supposed to do, right?

Speaker 41961.08s - 1966.34s

That's exactly what a movie is supposed to. But you're supposed to go in and just lose every bad thing you've been dealing with for a while.

Speaker 71966.46s - 1967.68s

You walk in there and dump it.

Speaker 61967.82s - 1985.32s

It's weird how my suspension of disbelief works. It's the reason I can get into a dumb movie if the premise is like something like I can be like, okay, if there's a character and she's a vampire, fine. I can never get into the planet of the apes movies because there's no way the monkeys would win. I don't know. They're stronger.

Speaker 71985.68s - 1995.82s

We got F-16s PRODUCT and guns, and as soon as monkeys start rattling up, we would like Florida GPE itself would win against the monkeys. People would love to go out. You're saying monkey. These are

Speaker 61995.82s - 1998.2s

apes. Well, hold on.

Speaker 41998.28s - 1999.72s

Ryan PERSON, you're absolutely right,

Speaker 81999.82s - 2001.2s

except you don't know the premise.

Speaker 62001.64s - 2011.7s

The premise is this, is that some kind of disease went out there, and it's making human stupid and monkey smarter. No, if I know anything, humans, when there's some kind of pandemic that happens,

Speaker 72011.76s - 2015.48s

we get very smart and we act very rationally. Or.

Speaker 62015.88s - 2018.22s

Oh, wait. Or it's the exact opposite.

Speaker 42018.36s - 2040.16s

Yeah. I do need to see it, but once again, I think I've told myself I can wait and see it when it gets into it. You can't, first off, it's not right. You can't see an epic movie like that. I do it. I once again, I think I've told myself, I can wait and see it when it gets into the... You can't, first off, it's not right. You can't see an epic movie like that. I do it. I know you do. But the fact is, it's not great.And theaters are meant to be, you're meant to watch certain things, like Avengers movies, superhero movies, stuff like that. You don't need to see it on your phone, your iPad PRODUCT.

Speaker 72040.32s - 2048.7s

I'm not to see on my phone. I have a huge TV at the house. I know. 85. But you put your TV onto the screen, you can't see it. I mean, when I say that, compared to a movie screen.

Speaker 42049.22s - 2050.64s

Well, I have time this week.

Speaker 72050.72s - 2054.44s

Maybe I'll go see. So you like Planet of the Age WORK_OF_ART. It was good. I liked it. Okay.

Speaker 42054.72s - 2056.58s

Yeah. It's long, though. Sorry.

Speaker 72057.18s - 2058.86s

Because it's, it's... Now you just blew it.

Speaker 62058.92s - 2065.5s

I was going to go, I got to warn you because I don't want to lie to you. That's just a setup for, like like the movie that's coming next.

Speaker 42065.72s - 2073.36s

It's mostly like doing a lot of world building. I mean, it doesn't end. I mean, it concludes, but you see that there's a future and what's going on.

Speaker 72073.46s - 2086.06s

They open it up. But like I said, I'm not a big planet 8th and I found myself paying attention. I tell you what I, this falls in nerdy news. I wrote it down to talk about for nerdy news today. And once again, I know Ryan PERSON, you're going to laugh. But once again,

Speaker 42086.1s - 2098.06s

you have to be able, certain shows, you've got to go, okay, I know this is going to be silly. I'm going to embrace the silly, and I'm going to, you know, take in and think this, you know, this, Zena Warrior Princess PERSON. It's finally

Speaker 62098.06s - 2102s

back. I used to love Zina. Zina's back on Amazon ORG. They just put it back on Amazon.

Speaker 02102s - 2103.86s

You want to go? No, no.

Speaker 62103.92s - 2105.94s

These are the old episodes. It has to be anywhere

Speaker 02105.94s - 2107.92s

for a decade. Lucy Lawless

Speaker 62107.92s - 2115.86s

was hot. I mean, Lucy Lawless was super hot, and I know it's silly. Like, she hits you in certain spots and she

Speaker 32115.86s - 2118.12s

can kill you. But it...

Speaker 72118.12s - 2119.88s

What does that sound? I wish

Speaker 32119.88s - 2121.98s

people need to watch this

Speaker 72121.98s - 2123.86s

for Shady PERSON just did. I've never seen that.

Speaker 32124.06s - 2125.56s

I remember Lucy Lawless PERSON. I remember Lucy Lawless.

Speaker 02125.64s - 2131.32s

I remember Lucy Lawless because she was on a cover of either FHM or Maxim ORG or something like that.

Speaker 82131.4s - 2132.76s

She was an attractive lady.

Speaker 72132.92s - 2133.88s

She got weird feet.

Speaker 82134.02s - 2135.26s

But I don't know what that sound is.

Speaker 72135.26s - 2135.72s

You just made.

Speaker 02135.8s - 2136.38s

That's what she does.

Speaker 72136.46s - 2141.44s

That's her battle cry. Her battle cry when she's flipping through the air. And she can hit you in certain spots.

Speaker 32141.74s - 2145.02s

And she's like, listen, you tell me the truth. Or in 15 seconds, you're going to be dead.

Speaker 62145.12s - 2150.6s

And then she could smack them upside to head and they'd be okay again. And she'd sort of get down with her buddy Gabrielle.

Speaker 72150.6s - 2154.46s

No, there was that implied that there might be something.

Speaker 42154.46s - 2156.44s

My teenage brain implied a lot.

Speaker 72156.82s - 2158.62s

Well, I watched the first episode.

Speaker 62158.78s - 2160.16s

Sometimes Callista PERSON was there too.

Speaker 72160.4s - 2162.54s

And Gabrielle kind of hits on Zena PERSON.

Speaker 62162.9s - 2164.28s

I'm a big Zena PERSON fan, buddy.

Speaker 72164.52s - 2165.98s

Yeah, I love Zena Warrior Princess PERSON. And you know what they would do? They would do five episodes where she was a badass and was kind of hits on Zena. I'm a big Zena fan, buddy. Yeah, I love Zena Warrior Princess.

Speaker 62166.32s - 2171.3s

And you know what they would do? They would do five episodes where she was a badass and was kind of like these gritty episodes.

Speaker 42171.5s - 2173.2s

And then they do one comedy episode.

Speaker 72173.5s - 2175.12s

They put her in her dress and she'd be mad.

Speaker 42175.36s - 2177.1s

They did these, like, silly stuff.

Speaker 72177.1s - 2178s

But that came from Hercules PERSON.

Speaker 42178.24s - 2179.38s

That was Kevin Sorbo PERSON.

Speaker 72179.52s - 2183.74s

Yeah, never liked Hercules because, I guess because Zena PERSON was hot.

Speaker 42183.92s - 2185s

I liked Hercules PERSON. Like, that kind of weird high fantasy stuff just didn't exist on TV other than like Hercules because, I guess because Zena was hot. I liked Hercules.

Speaker 62185.16s - 2190.08s

Like that kind of weird high fantasy stuff just didn't exist on TV other than like Hercules and Zina.

Speaker 72190.2s - 2202.98s

It sucks. Kevin Zorbo PERSON is a douche now. But I just sit all day and watch Zina and Hercules PERSON, man. I missed all that stuff. About a year ago, I sat and I almost bought Zena Warrior Princess PERSON because you had to buy it.

Speaker 32203.14s - 2205.84s

It wasn't. And then Amazon ORG finally released it.

Speaker 42205.98s - 2206.62s

Now it's on Prime.

Speaker 32206.7s - 2209.92s

I sat and watched like three episodes this weekend. Yeah, it's on Prime.

Speaker 42209.96s - 2220.74s

It's like going back and watching the old Highlanders and things like that. You just don't know. You remember this and it's such a nostalgic thing. My dad, I used to watch him watch all these old movies. Yeah. And I'm like, why is he doing this?

Speaker 72221.02s - 2245.22s

And it because it took him back to the time where he felt better about it. You know, you're right. Because I remember, as I was watching Zena Warrior Princess PERSON, it reminded me of a certain time in my life when I was still, I still have my party rental company. And the most fun thing I did in the week was wake up on Sunday morning and watch Zena PERSON. That was the best part of my week, you know?And that's what it reminds me of. But, yeah, it is. I know that's got to be considered nerdy news.

Speaker 42245.4s - 2246.06s

Oh, yeah, absolutely.

Speaker 72246.22s - 2252.4s

That's a nerdy stuff. And I was actually thinking about something I dealt with Ryan PERSON. Ryan and I had been talking about the new X-Men 97 PRODUCT.

Speaker 62252.7s - 2254.16s

Love it. Ended beautifully.

Speaker 42254.3s - 2255.46s

Can't wait for the next season.

Speaker 62255.6s - 2259.62s

All right. And you know what? I'm getting tired of this one thing. And I think we should all agree on this.

Speaker 42261.02s - 2290.18s

Every action movie is ending the same way. The villain is killing everybody, he's doing something, and suddenly this God-like something happens to save the end. And that's, and whether it be the Phoenix,whether it be Captain Marvel in Avengers WORK_OF_ART. I remember they're getting killed, and suddenly she shows up to save the day. And it just, it's like it just ruins everything to go. It's what they call,God, it's called act of God. It was Deus X. Machina.

Speaker 02290.46s - 2305.6s

And it's where the hand of God comes out and finishes the movie and it saves the day. Instead of like, it just ruins it for me because it was likeeverything that built up to it meant nothing. Because in the end, it could all been saved by this. Right. So,so yeah. And I love, I think dark, though.

Speaker 62306s - 2324.32s

It is dark. It's awesome. It's everything you could ever want. If you're an X-Man PERSON fan, you're eating real good right now. Because that series was so, such a pivotal time in my life was that original X-Men WORK_OF_ART series. I mean, I used to watch it.Had all, like, would video, like, recorded on VHS and playback the VHS is all the time.

Speaker 42324.68s - 2332.74s

For this to come out and for to be dark and bloody and kind of like morally questionable at points. It was fantastic. But did you see the ending though? Yes.

Speaker 62332.8s - 2334.86s

I mean, the after scene, right? Yes.

Speaker 42335.1s - 2336.12s

You know what that's about, right?

Speaker 62337.74s - 2342.46s

When Apocalypse PERSON is standing there holding the card? Oh, yeah. Wait, which ending?

Speaker 42342.66s - 2346.86s

You didn't watch the flag. You didn't watch the after scene. There's something of the flag that I remember.

Speaker 62346.9s - 2360.22s

Apocalypse PERSON is holding a card. He's looking at one of Gambits PERSON' cards. Oh, yeah, yeah. And in the comic books... Yeah, he becomes one of the horsemen. He becomes a villain.Yeah. Well, in that run is actually really cool, where Gambits PERSON, like, this overpowered and super nerds.

Speaker 42360.62s - 2361.32s

Yeah, he plays death.

Speaker 72361.32s - 2361.88s

Yeah, he plays death. It's awesome.

Speaker 62362.12s - 2370.3s

So it's going to get much card. Yeah, I have no idea what you're talking about. Yeah, I'm just hook him right. I'm totally out with that. All right, we take a little break. I got some nerdy news.

Speaker 02370.3s - 2371.42s

Too nerdy for your nerdy news.

Speaker 42371.46s - 2411.82s

I got some nerdy news to help out, Jeff with, for Angel PERSON, he'll love, some nerdy news that I got here. And we'll have more nerdy news with Jeff Coffin PERSON. By the way, I want to remind you, tickets are available for the comedy show. It's going to be Monster Night of Comedy EVENT. Brought you by Coffman and Lynn PERSON. And if you need to get hold of Jeff Kaufman PERSON, just pick up your cell phone,dial pound 546. You'll be able to call him right away. If you have any injury, any kind of question about, like any, not just injury, but any kind of thing, right, Jeff PERSON? Yeah, I'll answer anything. Yeah, yeah.So it's pound 546. That's pound 546. Tickets are available right now if you go to real radio. Dot FM backslash comedy to get your tickets for the comedy night. You're listening to the monster of the morning.

Speaker 12412.58s - 2440.24s

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Speaker 22440.34s - 2442.94s

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