2339: The Fastest Way to Get Strong in Powerlifting, What to Do if You Have Lost Motivation to Go to the Gym, Ways to Address Post Meal Bloat & More (Listener Live Coaching)

2339: The Fastest Way to Get Strong in Powerlifting, What to Do if You Have Lost Motivation to Go to the Gym, Ways to Address Post Meal Bloat & More (Listener Live Coaching)

by Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer, Justin Andrews, Doug Egge

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107:45 minutes

published 15 days ago


Copyright 2017+

Speaker 50s - 13.12s

If you want to pump your body and expand your mind, there's only one place to go. Mind Pump ORG. Mind Pump with your hosts. Sal DeStefano, Adam Schaefer, and Justin Andrews PERSON.

Speaker 813.36s - 133.74s

You just found the most downloaded fitness health and entertainment podcast. You guessed it. This is Mind Pump ORG. Right? In today's episode, we answered live callers questions. People called in.We got to help them out on air. But that was after our intro portion. Today was 57 minutes long. This is where we talk about current events, family life studies. We have a lot of fun.It's good, entertaining time. Anyway, you can check the show notes for timestamps if you're just looking for something specific. Also, if you want to be on an episode like this one, email us live at mindpumpmedia.com. By the way, we're going to be in Vegas, June 15th,meeting with fans. We are selling tickets. It's a good time. Mindpumpmedia.com. By the way, we're going to be in Vegas, June 15th, meeting with fans. We are selling tickets. It's a good time. MindPumpLive.com ORG. This episode is brought to you by some sponsors. The first one is Joy Mode PRODUCT.This is a pre-workout or pre-sex supplement. It boosts blood flow. It gives you a better pump. You know where. Anyway, the stuff works. Go check it out.Go to usejoymode.com forward slash mind pump. Use the code mind pump at checkout. Get yourself 20% off. Also, this episode is brought to you by Butcher Box ORG. They deliver grass-fed meats, wild caught fish, heritage pork, and more to your door. So it's like really high-quality meat and protein at great prices.And right now, if you go through our link, butcherbox.com ORG forward slash mind pump, you can choose salmon, chicken breast, or steak tips for free in every order for an entire year, and you get $20 off your first order. One last thing, our program sales this month are as follows. Maps Strong and Maps Powerlift are both 50% off.You can find them at Maps Fitness Products.com ORG, but you have to use the code May 50 for the discount. All right, here comes the show. When you're lifting weights, the rest period is almost as important as the exercise itself. In fact, the rest periods are what makes strength training, strength training. Take those out.You're no longer building muscle. You're just building endurance and stamina. Take those rest periods. I know it's boring sometimes, but that's what makes it strength training. That's what trains the right energy systems so that you build muscle. Rest in between your sets. That's how you do it.

Speaker 7134.1s - 142.88s

Is this coming from one of our most recent callers? Yeah. Totally. It's, you know, it's funny is without the rest period, that's literally what would make it not strength training more.

Speaker 0143.18s - 146.02s

Take the rest period out. It is no longer strength training. It's just you're using weights, but you're not building strength and muscle. And that's literally what would make it not strength anymore. You take the rest period out. It's no longer strength training.

Speaker 7146.12s - 150.36s

It's just you're using weights, but you're not building strength and muscle. And that's the part that.

Speaker 3150.78s - 177.84s

And it's uncomfortable. You know, a lot of people that really get in the rhythm of the training. And it's like, you know, they just get antsy and they want to get back after it. But you're doing yourself a massive disservice, especially if you're going in just with the intention of this is strength training. I'm trying to build muscle. I'm trying to be focused on this.I got to start learning to incorporate other practices, maybe meditation and focus in between those sets to occupy you.

Speaker 7178.08s - 185.34s

You can, it's so easy to predict the person that needs this by like like when they when they break down like they

Speaker 10185.34s - 189.5s

what they like to do or how they've been training it's always your cardio your cardio

Speaker 7189.5s - 195.84s

your cardio bunnies your group X people people that love the the classes that you go to

Speaker 3195.84s - 202.48s

they just have the value the sweat just really have a hard time with the rest of you know

Speaker 0202.48s - 208.04s

and what's so great about getting a client like that is if you can get them to follow

Speaker 3208.04s - 214.32s

a like a maps power lift, like a powerlifting routine and make them rest for three minutes

Speaker 7214.32s - 220.94s

and focus on getting really strong in the core lifts, you radically change that person.

Speaker 8221.06s - 382.48s

You know, what's funny is I had somebody asked me, a family member asked me about the conversational skills that we have on the podcast. They listen to the show. They're like, you guys are really good at conversation and stuff. I'm like, you know, it's funny. I said, we learn that as personal trainers. Because when you're training clients like that, which is actually a large percentage of the clients that we would get. This was the typical person. Remember, strength training, when I started in the late 90s and then early 2000s, especially for women, was not popular whatsoever. Nobody's strength trained, except for guys that want to build big muscles or some athletes. It just wasn't popular. So we get a lot of peoplethat had problems with rest periods. They didn't want to rest. What can I do in between? I feel like I'm wasting my time. So you had to get really good at conversation. You had to get really good at entertaining them in between sets to make them kind of more comfortable. But yeah, one of the big misconceptions around rest periods is the reason why a strength training routine, so this is the myth, the reason why a strength training routine has a rest period is because you need a break. You have to take that break. Otherwise you can't keep going. So rest until you feellike you can go again. That's not why the rest period exists. The rest period exists because there is a particular energy pathway or system in the body that you're training that leads to your signaling more muscle, more strength, growth, right? Faster metabolism, the hormone positive things that we talk about with strain training. You have to train that energy system. That energy system burns hot, but it burns out very quickly.So sprinting would be the strength training version of cardio. If you sprint versus long distance run and you do no strength training, the sprinter will build significantly more muscle in their legs than the long distance runner. In fact, the long distance runner is typically at risk of losing some muscle because the body's trying to become more efficient at what you're doing. The sprinter is literally sprinting at full speed and then waiting and resting. If you ever watch a track, you know,training with sprinters, they rest for a long period of time between sprints because the coach wants them fully rested to exert maximum power. So when you train that energy system, the way the body adapts to that is it makes bigger muscles because bigger muscles burn fast, hot, and contract with a lot of power. So that's what you have to train. If you don't take those rest periods, the body will start to adapt in the stamina and enduranceway, which is smaller energy efficient muscle. It's starting to train for energy efficiency, which is fine if that's what you want. But if you're working out because you want the faster metabolism, you want the insulin sensitizing effects, you want to shape and sculpt the body. Well, that's building muscle. And rest periods are so important to that.Again, if you take that out, it's no longer strength training.

Speaker 3382.48s - 423.56s

Something completely different. This same avatar person, I've found the majority have a really hard time with increasing load within these sets as well. And so this is something that, too, it's a different shift of mentality completely in terms of approaching the exercise. I'm trying to increase intensity. I'm trying to increase the max force capacity, like how much I could summon versus just trying to get the reps in,get the reps done. It's not about getting done with the workout. This isn't like a task of, you know, I have to get through all this stuff and like what I have on my list.

Speaker 10423.8s - 428.78s

This is like, what am I capable of? Like how much, how much,

Speaker 7428.88s - 489.18s

uh, weight can I move? You know, it's a totally different mentality. It's such a good point to because it, you know, it's been a long time, obviously since I've trained people in person. Uh, one of the last clients I had, though, this was, this is where the transition. We were trying to get to this point. And I can remember, uh, one of the things that she was challenged with is, you know, she'd get done with a set after I've been communicating this. And she'd be like, okay, I'm ready to go.And I go, oh, well, we obviously didn't exert enough energy lifting enough weight there. No, no, no, that was heavy. Like, not heavy enough. If it's, if it's that point where you're ready to go again in 30 seconds for like that, we're not learning to summon all that power and energy to lift as much weight as possible. And you're still lifting go again in 30 seconds for like that. We're not learning to summon all that power and energy to lift as much weight as possibleand you're still lifting with that same mentality of like circuit and like, you know, only pushing the body so hard and then I'm ready to do it again.It really is you have to get them to not only apply to by the, like adhere to the rest periods, but then also learn to shift the mentality of going in to lift the weight. And that is part of this process that's difficult.

Speaker 8489.18s - 530.14s

Yeah. Now, there is some value to some shorter rest periods, to waste buildup, getting the pump. There's definitely value to that, but that also still includes rest periods. So it's not like there's no rest periods. There's still rest periods, but now you're working a little bit more strength endurance. And the pump does contribute to some muscle growth as well. But for the average person, for most people listening, okay, because that's more advanced, right? For the average person listening, you should rest until you feel completely prepared to lift with your maximum strength again. That's how you should feel.It should not feel like, okay, I caught my breath. I can go again. I think I can go again. No, no, no. You should feel like, am I going to be able to be as strong as I won the last set? No, okay, I'll rest a little longer. That's what you should feel like.

Speaker 7530.22s - 543.02s

Full recharge. By the way, it's a different feeling you're measuring. Totally. Right? Because it's like, I know when I goand I'm like, let's say I'm squatting, right? And I'm lifting 300 plus pounds. When I'm, after I've been resting for one minute,

Speaker 5543.14s - 565.78s

it's not my breath that's telling me I'm ready to go. It's like my legs. My legs still feel like they're recovering from the lift they just did before. And it's like it's that once you hit that about that three minute TIME mark, it's like, okay, they feel fully recovered again. Now let me go after it again. You're not, it's not your heart rate and your breathing, which is what the class people or the circuit training type of person. That's what they're measuring. They're like, oh. That's what they're associated with a good workout.

Speaker 0565.78s - 566.2s

That's what I mean.

Speaker 5566.28s - 568.52s

And they go, oh, my heart rates come down.

Speaker 0568.58s - 569.22s

I'm not breathing heavy.

Speaker 8569.28s - 570.02s

I can go again.

Speaker 0570.08s - 572.74s

It's like, no, I'm wanting you to feel the legs.

Speaker 8572.84s - 573.92s

Like, how do your legs feel?

Speaker 7573.96s - 577.58s

Oh, their legs are fine. Oh, okay, well, we didn't. We're not hitting close to your.

Speaker 8577.58s - 655.9s

We're not pressing it. Just to give an example, if you had two people doing a strength training routine, let's say, in 45 minutes. And one person just did, let's say, four sets. And the other person did 15 sets, but the way they were able to accomplish 15 setswas they had no rest. The one who did the four sets with rest is going to build more muscle and more strength. Even though they didn't do nearly as many sets, they're the one that are going to build muscle and strength. The other person is going to build stamina and endurance,which again is fine. But if you're after the following, which is it's not the work I'm doing in my workout that I'm looking for the value in, it's the adaptations. That's the value that I want because the adaptations are with you all the time. You're working out three days a week for an hour.That's three hours out of the week that you might get some value from movement. Three hours. That's it. Out of your whole week. How many hours are there in a week? Way more than that, right?Strength training, the value isn't really in the activity itself. There's some value, but not a ton. The values in the adaptations, the muscle building process, the recovery, the strength that you build, which is with you all day long. This is why someone who does strength training can burn a fourth or even a tenth of the calories that someone who does a ton of cardio does in theirworkout yet have a metabolism that burns so many more calories that it not only makes up the difference it goes above and beyond and it makes being lean so much easier it requires less work

Speaker 7655.9s - 676.88s

that's the value of this you know this this tip too reminds me of the like the real value of like a really like a really good trainer so they're like they're worth their weight in gold right here. Like twice the investment you spend on them. When they train you accordingly and they use those two to three minute TIME rest periods to like educate you.

Speaker 1676.88s - 677.16s


Speaker 10677.4s - 685.08s

Because then you think about like that you not only do you get this incredible program, programmed by a professional and expert that's teaching you great

Speaker 0685.08s - 715.52s

biomechanics and technique and putting you through the best routine possible for your body. Then in addition to that, they have, you know, this entire hour, almost half TIME that is in rest periods. And if in those rest periods, you're being educated on why we're doing this, what programming is, what the difference between sets and reps, talking to you about nutrition,like, boy, that's huge, man. You're getting, you're getting this, this deep education about your body and, in your health, in addition to this incredible workout,

Speaker 7715.72s - 719.1s

it's hard to put a price tag on that if you have, if you caught yourself a trainer like that.

Speaker 8719.1s - 725.4s

I'll tell you what my tricks were for the rest periods for clients that had a tough, because you get those clients, they have a tough time, sitting for three minutes and you can tell. They're like, I'm paying for this time. This for three minutes and you can tell. They're like,

Speaker 7725.94s - 749.04s

I'm paying for this time. This is wasting my time type of deal. One was good conversation, obviously. Two was what you're saying. Be able to educate them during that process.So they felt like they got something out of it. And they did. And the third one would be just a little mild fashion release that I learned from the massage therapist that I work with. So in between sets,I could work on certain muscle groups and people enjoy that. And it would give them value. And this is a tip for trainers

Speaker 8749.04s - 760.36s

because you're going to run into clients who are going to push back. You get that cardio fanatic and you tell them to rest in between sets and they literally feel like, okay, they're paying you for nothing.I've actually heard people say this.

Speaker 9760.46s - 762.38s

Why am I paying you? I'm just sitting here. That's right, yeah.

Speaker 8762.44s - 772.5s

You know? So those things right there, I think, could help out. Anyway, speaking to workout, so earlier, I don't know you guys heard Andrew PERSON say that he went to go play baseball and he tried the joy mode as a

Speaker 7772.5s - 776s

pre-workout. Do you already said? No. Oh, yeah. He said he was in the zone. Oh, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 8776s - 792.1s

You swear by that. It is a great. So, Joy mode is for sexual performance. And the reason why it's made that way. The reason why it's, it increases blood flow. And it's very effective at increasing blood flow. Boost nitric oxide. So obviously more blood flow means...

Speaker 7792.1s - 793.96s

There's going to be like some bat jokes in there.

Speaker 3793.98s - 794.42s


Speaker 8795.1s - 796.2s

Or men and tights.

Speaker 3796.2s - 796.48s

I don't know.

Speaker 7796.58s - 797.9s

What is it about men and tights, Andrew PERSON?

Speaker 8797.9s - 798.9s

That makes you want to take joy most.

Speaker 7798.9s - 800.2s

That's the whole it was.

Speaker 1803.7s - 806.76s

But you want more blood flow when you work out too.

Speaker 7806.88s - 808.28s

Like that's what gives you a better pump.

Speaker 8808.34s - 809.46s

That's what gives you a better performance,

Speaker 7809.58s - 810.96s

better nutrient delivery.

Speaker 1811.68s - 812.9s

And it's not a stimulant.

Speaker 7813.08s - 813.88s

So when you take it,

Speaker 8813.92s - 817.4s

it's not like caffeine. In fact, I take it with caffeine sometimes. Great.

Speaker 3817.5s - 817.6s


Speaker 7817.68s - 817.76s


Speaker 3817.76s - 824.94s

it's a different energy. It's a great thing. You got us to take it before before podcast. It's weird. Yeah. Like how much it energizes you.It's a good energy. It is.

Speaker 9825.46s - 830.84s

It feels really good. Yeah. But I do, do i do worry like if i get too much energy what could happen

Speaker 7830.84s - 837.7s

hey speaking of energy uh so i saw this stat and maybe doug can factor it you think it's true

Speaker 9837.7s - 844.86s

80% of one dollar bills have traces of cocaine on it i've heard that bro PERSON look that up dog

Speaker 7844.86s - 845s

i thought it was the tony monta no it's it's one dollar heard that, bro. Look that up, Doug PERSON.

Speaker 8846.08s - 846.38s

I thought it was the $1.

Speaker 7848.04s - 848.2s

No, it's $1 bills.

Speaker 8849.4s - 850.64s

That's what this, well, that was what the... Who does cocaine with a $1 bill?

Speaker 7850.74s - 859.8s

Isn't that like a dirty ass cocaine? Isn't it like a big like no-no? I don't know. I don't know. So I'm curious if there's any truth to that, Doug PERSON.

Speaker 8859.94s - 860.16s


Speaker 7861.02s - 862.86s

What do you got? What do you got for us?

Speaker 11863.82s - 865.96s

Yeah, it seems to be real, actually.

Speaker 8866.16s - 866.88s

Oh, what?

Speaker 7867.06s - 867.4s

Wait, wait.

Speaker 8867.58s - 870.56s

Oh, it's a study to another study by the journal. Look at that, Sal PERSON.

Speaker 3870.9s - 875.06s

Noting a still substantial contamination of 80% of U.S. GPE currency.

Speaker 1876.06s - 879.68s

So what's the other person was made up of feces then, yeah?

Speaker 8880.18s - 881.18s

Why feces?

Speaker 3881.38s - 882s


Speaker 10882.44s - 884s

Yeah, the strippers are dirty.

Speaker 3884.46s - 885.98s

I think that's actually what...

Speaker 10885.98s - 891.4s

So the clip that I saw was that every night the stripper comes home and she actually

Speaker 3891.4s - 892.6s

washes her dollar bills.

Speaker 7892.7s - 897.62s

Like she puts it all in her sink, fills it up with dawn and, and lets it sit and then

Speaker 3897.62s - 898.92s

and then drys it every day.

Speaker 7899.28s - 899.42s


Speaker 3899.42s - 901.68s

And then I saw that, I saw that stat.

Speaker 7901.78s - 902.98s

I was like, oh, that's really interesting.

Speaker 10903.52s - 907.3s

If you wash your money, I mean, you run a little too far.

Speaker 8907.34s - 907.92s

I don't think so.

Speaker 10907.96s - 908.44s

I like that.

Speaker 9908.68s - 909.24s

Clean stripper.

Speaker 7909.24s - 913.98s

According to this, paper money can be, carry more germs than a household toilet.

Speaker 8914.4s - 914.68s


Speaker 7915.1s - 916.96s

I've also heard that about a doorknob.

Speaker 11917.08s - 919.46s

I heard a doornav has more germs on it than a toilet seat.

Speaker 7919.66s - 920.2s

You know what?

Speaker 11920.32s - 923s

Listen to me, you guys, you don't fall for the propaganda, bro.

Speaker 8923.06s - 924.86s

They want to take away all your paper currency.

Speaker 7925.44s - 929.08s

They want you digital sick and control everything. for the propaganda, bro. They want to take away all your paper currency. They want you digital. They can control everything. That's what's happening. Wow.

Speaker 8929.24s - 934.22s

Yeah. You think that's really deterring people? I think a bunch of people are sticking to their dollar bills now.

Speaker 10934.34s - 936.22s

You'll see some nasty shit on there.

Speaker 9936.22s - 943.36s

I don't think that's deterring anybody. Everyone's like, what? There's some cocaine traces of my dollar bills. I don't think it's an effective way to get enough coke, though.

Speaker 8943.5s - 953.26s

Yeah. I don't think so either. How many dollar bills do you need? That's more expensive than buying it. Yeah, every dollar bills do you need to get? Why is so much cocaine everywhere?I don't understand. I don't realize cocaine is so, like it's all over the place.

Speaker 3953.38s - 955.36s

Yeah, well, I guess that's the tool of choice.

Speaker 8955.52s - 959.84s

You just roll it up and, I mean, that's what I see in the movies, but I mean, I know, right?

Speaker 3960.54s - 961.22s

Why is there so much?

Speaker 7961.32s - 969.92s

That's an insane amount. 80%. I don't think you can find 80% of any of the chemical on money. That's why I thought it was an interesting stat. I thought that was so fascinating.

Speaker 8970.06s - 971.14s

And it's a real statistic.

Speaker 7971.46s - 973.36s

It's backed by studies, bro.

Speaker 8973.42s - 977.74s

I knew you were going to try and fact check me there, but it's backed up.

Speaker 7977.8s - 978.76s

I got another one for you guys.

Speaker 8978.94s - 979.74s

You got more studies?

Speaker 7980.06s - 981.32s

Well, it's a stat, right?

Speaker 8981.38s - 984.4s

So more stats. Is this one going to tell me dinosaurs aren't real? No, no, no.

Speaker 7984.4s - 1010.9s

No, no. I thought that one. So I think it's called callbacks. There's like a 5% of, so Capital One ORG is the, I think, the number one credit card as far as how many people have Capital One credit cards. Capital One ORG, I think it discovers up there. I forget what some of the other ones were.And they're at a 5.4, I think, percent, somewhere like that, five point something, callback, which is the highest since the 08 crash, which is interesting, right? So it's...

Speaker 81010.9s - 1016.12s

So 5% of users... A callback is them basically canceling their card because you're not making payments.

Speaker 61016.32s - 1018.9s

So you're basically defaulting on your debt...

Speaker 81018.9s - 1019.64s

And that's a high number.

Speaker 61020.04s - 1021.58s

It's the highest since 08. Oh.

Speaker 81021.7s - 1032.7s

So we haven't seen this high of numbers since 08. And this is coming from one of... It's a report coming from one of the highest or the most popular card cards out there. So everything is so expensive. It's crazy. It's got a pop.

Speaker 71032.8s - 1034.28s

Like food is expensive.

Speaker 81034.42s - 1035.56s

No, it absolutely has to.

Speaker 71035.64s - 1040.9s

So I think what, I think what why this has got everybody fooled for so long is that we'd never

Speaker 81040.9s - 1043.22s

seen that much money infused into the market.

Speaker 71043.44s - 1046.52s

We had the big COVID relief stuff that's going on.

Speaker 11046.56s - 1055.66s

So the Stimmy LAW checks like crazy. And then all the, what was it called when you, when you could apply? What was the thing that we could have applied for for the. Yeah, the PPP.

Speaker 101055.96s - 1058.54s

The PPP loans or PVA whatever loans. Yeah.

Speaker 01058.64s - 1079.74s

You have all of those. Like everything is kind. And then everybody obviously running up the debt. I just think that we just haven't seen the fallout yet. It's still to come. And it just takes a lot longer when you,when you have record amounts of money that you've infused in the economy. And these are like one of the front end signs of that is when you start seeing people default on credit cards.

Speaker 81079.74s - 1081.38s

What was the number in 08? You said it was the highest in 08.

Speaker 71081.64s - 1083.56s

So this is, it got higher.

Speaker 81083.62s - 1105.56s

I think it got all the way up to like eight to 12. Maybe Doug can check that for me. This was like, so if you looked at it, I saw a graph, right? So you could see the two peaks. So yeah. So like let's say here's the, the median line. Um, and then here and then this is the peak of 08. We're on the upward trend right now. So we're, we're trending this way. We've already passed the medium it's ever been. And so it's at the lower

Speaker 71105.56s - 1110.82s

end of 08, but the highest it's ever been since 08. Credit's interesting. So it's basically

Speaker 01110.82s - 1116s

showing that it's trending in that direction. Credit's interesting because for markets to

Speaker 81116s - 1136.52s

work well, for, you know, investment and innovation, it's very important. So not having credit is not a good idea in markets. However, there's also a bad side to it where people don't no longer live by, I can afford this because I have this money, but rather,

Speaker 71136.84s - 1138.8s

I can afford this because I can make the payments. That's right.

Speaker 81139.52s - 1140.38s

And so then they end up building.

Speaker 71140.38s - 1141.78s

I mean, I was guilty of this as a kid.

Speaker 81141.78s - 1146.2s

I mean, whenever I looked at both car payments and a house payment, that's how I always viewed it.

Speaker 71146.22s - 1146.96s

You just looked at the payment.

Speaker 81147.08s - 1147.28s


Speaker 71147.36s - 1148s

And just carried the debt.

Speaker 81148.1s - 1159.72s

Which, by the way, it's like every, you know, realtor slash car dealer's dream is to hear someone say that because they can, they can finagle the, you know, the loan, you know, how long

Speaker 31159.72s - 1162.32s

the loan is and all those things like that to draw out.

Speaker 71162.38s - 1167.68s

Yeah, to get it to the payment that you, that you want. But it's like it's not the thing that you should be negotiated.

Speaker 81168.1s - 1173.62s

But we've been conditioned that way. We've been conditioned that way to think that that's. Everything's about payments. What are your payments? What are your payments?

Speaker 71173.72s - 1178.74s

Not what the total debt is. And that puts the people on a bad, a really, really bad situation.

Speaker 81178.84s - 1182.6s

I know the average household has got like crazy debt. We don't count home.

Speaker 71182.6s - 1193.34s

Records. Records. It's record high. Everything, everything is record high right now. Car payments too. The fact that the average car payments are over $700 is crazy. That's on the entire unit. I can't believe that. That's crazy.

Speaker 81193.34s - 1199.12s

That's crazy. Is that because some are so high? Because that sounds insane to me. A $700

Speaker 71199.12s - 1215.86s

car payment, that's crazy. It's really not when you look at all these, the average cars right now. It's like, you know, it was that long ago when you could buy a $20,000 car. Like your base model car now is $30,000, $40,000.That was like middle to high just 20 years ago.

Speaker 81215.86s - 1216.26s

Yes, you're right.

Speaker 71216.76s - 1231.52s

Although, although it's because none of them are like they were back. Like I bought, like some of my first cars were so cheap, but they didn't have air conditioning, no power windows, no power steering.I don't think you could buy a car like that, right? You can't find a car like that anymore. No, no, no, no. Used.

Speaker 81231.88s - 1235.34s

No, it was brand new. I bought a brand new, brand new pickup.

Speaker 71235.6s - 1237.36s

Yeah, you could do roll up windows.

Speaker 81237.66s - 1239.12s

Oh, it was like 13 grand out the door.

Speaker 71239.34s - 1254.52s

Yeah. It was a pickup four cylinder Toyota ORG. It had no power steering. So like for people that know, kids don't understand, like, if you're at a full stop and you got a turn. Oh, yeah, you'd get a nice little workout.My buddy used to drive, so my best friend, he drove a 54 Chevy ORG pickup truck with no power steering.

Speaker 81254.88s - 1256.66s

And he had one of those little GT PRODUCT wheels.

Speaker 11256.68s - 1257.62s

And it was small, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 81257.62s - 1258.66s

I did the same thing.

Speaker 91258.76s - 1259.34s

I used to sit.

Speaker 71259.58s - 1263.26s

So he used to pick me up for school. And then we used to back into our parking spot.

Speaker 91263.36s - 1266.06s

And I used to have to, so he would crank and I would help him.

Speaker 11266.18s - 1266.56s

We both.

Speaker 91267.2s - 1269.08s

We'd be pulled on this side.

Speaker 101269.16s - 1272.26s

I'd be pulled on this side and to crank the wheel to get it back to in.

Speaker 71272.44s - 1273.22s

What do you got for me, does?

Speaker 81273.22s - 1273.66s

So cheap.

Speaker 101273.82s - 1275.26s

Well, there's some $20,000 cars there.

Speaker 81275.68s - 1275.98s


Speaker 71276.14s - 1279.88s

So sub $20,000 MONEY cars are going to go the way of the Dodo Sue.

Speaker 81280.26s - 1280.56s


Speaker 101280.68s - 1280.9s


Speaker 81281.3s - 1281.78s

Look at that.

Speaker 111282.12s - 1283.92s

So 18,160 CARDINAL, it's the cheapest.

Speaker 71284.18s - 1287.84s

Get out of here with a carola. You can still get a coroll. I mean, these are like the. The basic base level. Yeah. So 18,160, it's the cheapest. Get out of here with a Corolla PRODUCT. You can still get a Corolla PRODUCT. I mean, these are like the...

Speaker 111287.84s - 1289.02s

They're basic base level.

Speaker 81289.12s - 1289.84s

Yeah, of course.

Speaker 71290.14s - 1290.6s

Of course.

Speaker 111291.08s - 1292s

But that's what I'm trying to say.

Speaker 71292.4s - 1297.5s

Made out of plastic. Now you have computers in every single car. You know what I mean? I had analog radio.

Speaker 81297.5s - 1298.06s

That's pretty good.

Speaker 71298.1s - 1298.82s

You can get a Corolla PRODUCT.

Speaker 81299.02s - 1317.42s

You can get a Corolla still for 23. That's not bad. See, now I bought my Corolla S PRODUCT, which was the highest level of the corolla for about 24. So it's almost the same price now as their lowest model. That was back when I bought mine in. Yeah. I want to get an old car with my kids just to trip them out.

Speaker 31317.42s - 1322.82s

Hey, open the windler and manual stick shift because, dude, that's the best insurance policy.

Speaker 71322.82s - 1323.26s

It is.

Speaker 31323.9s - 1325.9s

Cops will say it's the best. Nobody can drive those anymore.

Speaker 81325.9s - 1327.6s

It's the number one deterrent from car theft.

Speaker 31327.66s - 1329.46s

I wonder, who was it that told me this?

Speaker 81329.52s - 1330.42s

I think my wife told me this.

Speaker 31330.52s - 1332.52s

It's a turn-on when a man can drive stick.

Speaker 81332.64s - 1334.36s

Because I guess a lot of men can't drive stick.

Speaker 31334.6s - 1335.22s

Is it turn on?

Speaker 81335.3s - 1336.52s

Yeah, she's like most women.

Speaker 71336.6s - 1338.64s

She told me, she said women think it's hot when a guy could drive.

Speaker 81338.8s - 1339.52s

Stick shift.

Speaker 71339.82s - 1340.54s

I think it's a lot of that.

Speaker 91340.54s - 1342.86s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 81344.42s - 1345.46s

I learned on that. Did you guys learn on it? That's how I got my driver's it. Yeah, yeah. I learned on that.

Speaker 91345.54s - 1346.22s

Did you guys learn on it?

Speaker 81346.22s - 1347.3s

That's how I got my driver's license.

Speaker 91347.38s - 1347.96s

Yeah, yeah, me too.

Speaker 81348.22s - 1350.34s

I drove a Dodge Colt, a 19,

Speaker 91350.46s - 1351.34s

I don't know what year it was,

Speaker 81351.4s - 1353.28s

80-something Dodge Colt PRODUCT.

Speaker 71353.34s - 1355.04s

It actually had stick shift,

Speaker 81355.12s - 1356.1s

and then there was another stick

Speaker 71356.1s - 1357.62s

that could go power or economy.

Speaker 81357.62s - 1359.18s

So the thing, I mean, I put it in power.

Speaker 71359.28s - 1359.72s

Let me tell you.

Speaker 81359.84s - 1360.7s

Mine was a shitty Honda ORG.

Speaker 71360.7s - 1361.66s

It was like 75 horsepower.

Speaker 31362.02s - 1362.9s

Yeah, manual.

Speaker 11363.02s - 1367.4s

But what I loved was my dad took me to this lumber yard.

Speaker 31367.4s - 1395.26s

And in the back, it was like all these huge puddles. And it was a big, like, parking lot. And so the whole thing was for me to go as fast as possible and then hit and hydroplane and then work my way out of it. And it was like so much fun. And it was crazy, you know, and like, but it, honestly, to this day,it saved me a few times because I was super calm. One time when I hit black ice, what I totally could have lost control and, like, killed everybody in myself in the car.

Speaker 01396.1s - 1397.52s

And quite a few times.

Speaker 91397.58s - 1400.02s

Yeah, it's just like, it's a handling thing.

Speaker 71400.14s - 1403.5s

It's knowing how to be able to stay calm and not over correct.

Speaker 01403.64s - 1403.82s


Speaker 71404.16s - 1405.72s

So I'm totally doing that with my kids.

Speaker 31405.8s - 1407.02s

What's the medium price, Doug PERSON?

Speaker 71407.12s - 1410.66s

Can me give me the medium price for a car right now? Like, you know you gave us the cheaper.

Speaker 81410.66s - 1417.68s

Let me ask you guys this. How do you do, maybe you know this, Adam PERSON? How do you do a e-break turn now that you can't? There's no more e-breaks. Oh, yeah.

Speaker 71417.82s - 1425.04s

No, it's all a button. Or like a step on it. Because remember, I used to do you guys, you break turn. Sure. You can't do that anymore. You can't.No, no, you can't do that anymore.

Speaker 81425.46s - 1426.04s

Well, that's stupid.

Speaker 31426.16s - 1434.76s

Yeah, you can't do that. And then cars that they make now. Well, you only really needed that with the manual, right? Because if you're on a hill, like, I would have to pull e-break sometimes in San Francisco GPE.

Speaker 71434.98s - 1435.36s

Oh, really?

Speaker 31435.56s - 1440.56s

Yeah. The average car sold now. So look at that. The average car sold for $47,000 a salary.

Speaker 81440.74s - 1443.76s

That used to be a luxury car, bro. That's crazy.

Speaker 71443.84s - 1458.92s

Yeah. Yeah, 47,000? That was a top end for sure. It was like a really nice Mercedes back in the day. Oh, yeah. Yeah, no, that's, so you add that and then you figure the interest rates now are on car loansare minimum 5 to 8%.

Speaker 81458.92s - 1470.4s

So that's how you get the car payment that high. I think I've only ever had a car payment once in my entire life. And I only had it for like six months and I paid it off. I've never had a car payment. Even when you were younger, huh?

Speaker 71470.66s - 1471.14s


Speaker 01471.46s - 1471.66s


Speaker 71471.9s - 1472.28s


Speaker 91474.74s - 1474.88s

So two things, my saving grace.

Speaker 71475.64s - 1476.88s

One is... You and I are in different camps on that.

Speaker 91476.94s - 1477.2s


Speaker 101477.44s - 1477.76s

I know.

Speaker 11477.86s - 1479.86s

Well, don't act like you had a plan.

Speaker 91480s - 1482.36s

I think you just wanted nice stuff.

Speaker 11482.74s - 1483.46s

You weren't sitting there like...

Speaker 01483.46s - 1483.84s

No, no.

Speaker 101483.84s - 1485s

I mean, even now I'll finance things, right? Yeah, but now you're different. Now you understand wanted nice stuff. You weren't sitting there like, no, no, I mean, even now,

Speaker 71485s - 1487.04s

even now I'll finance things, right?

Speaker 101487.04s - 1488.1s

Yeah, but now you're different.

Speaker 71488.28s - 1490.16s

Now you understand money and finance.

Speaker 81490.26s - 1490.74s

I actually,

Speaker 71491.12s - 1503.18s

so I, yeah, I like, so I, and it, sometimes it doesn't make logical sense, right?Because I know that I'll, I'll finance something and I'm, I'm making less, let's say, in my, you know,my savings account or high interest on making less than the loan or whatever.

Speaker 81503.18s - 1504.34s

But when you were a kid, you weren't doing these numbers.

Speaker 71504.44s - 1516.32s

No, but what, what, what I like, just for me, for budget reasons, is I pretend like it doesn't because it's a bill, it's like I don't own that money. I don't have that money. And so I like to do that. And then I like to have that capital to be able to go do other things with that.

Speaker 81516.32s - 1523.54s

If you're smart and you understand finance, then there's a way to work it to where you really come out on top. But most people don't know that.

Speaker 71523.74s - 1528.32s

Most people don't look at their interest right here and realize, wow, instead of paying

Speaker 81528.32s - 1533.54s

off that $50,000 car, I'm paying this much interest and I can make more of that if I invested

Speaker 11533.54s - 1550.82s

over here. Yeah. So it'd be dumb to pay it off. Let me take that money and put it over here. Most people don't do that. Now, when I was a kid, I don't understand that either. What I did was I was brought up by poor immigrants and the debt was like a bad word when I was a kid. Like you never owe any money. That was all the money advice I got as a kid.

Speaker 81550.82s - 1555.82s

Yeah. So and then the other part is I'm so disorganized. I was afraid I could miss a bill. So I'm like,

Speaker 31555.94s - 1570.5s

what if I forget to pay? So I just don't want to bill. Oh, I mean, that's smart. I've gone through a whole journey of levels of that. So it's just like everything paid off. That was like the mantra, you know, same thing from the beginning. And then it was credit card to build your credit score and then you pay it off every month.

Speaker 101570.64s - 1577.76s

Yeah. Whatever you paid, I had to pay off like every single month. And then later on, I'm like, well,okay, so I could also invest this here

Speaker 81577.76s - 1578.9s

and then like keep that going.

Speaker 71579.14s - 1580.08s

I still pay everything else.

Speaker 81580.38s - 1581.3s

I'm still not a debt guy.

Speaker 71581.46s - 1582.52s

Now do you use so,

Speaker 31582.52s - 1583.06s

because this,

Speaker 81583.32s - 1593.84s

like I don't, I don't use my debit card at all, all my my amics for everything. Get the points. And at the end of the month, I get points. Yeah, yeah.Because credit cards can give you some great, like, I get free points.

Speaker 71593.84s - 1605.1s

And not only that, the, you know, the main reason that made me do that more than the points because that's like a bonus to it was actually fraud reasons. Yes. So if you, if you get your, your debit card, and if you buy a lot of things online like I do

Speaker 01605.1s - 1609.46s

and you use your debit card, they get that. You're fucked and they take the money up. Oh,

Speaker 101609.46s - 1613.54s

the bank. Oh, bro. That's a headache. And then your accounts froze. Credit card just like you don't

Speaker 01613.54s - 1618.52s

know. Credit card, they go, they go battle it for you. So they don't mess. They'll do right away.

Speaker 101618.52s - 1623.98s

They flag it. They flag it as flaw, the fraud. They go handle all of it. You don't, nothing stops for you.

Speaker 01623.98s - 1626.4s

You know, that was their main reason why I switched to that.

Speaker 81626.4s - 1630.04s

You know, one of the top places that steals your, your credit card or debit card info?

Speaker 01630.32s - 1630.48s


Speaker 81630.6s - 1631.2s

The gas pump.

Speaker 71632.12s - 1632.82s

Yeah, I've heard that.

Speaker 81632.82s - 1633.44s

The gas pump.

Speaker 31633.56s - 1633.84s


Speaker 81633.96s - 1635.94s

You know what they do? They put, I don't know what they call skimmers.

Speaker 31636.24s - 1638.6s

It's like a chip that they put in there.

Speaker 81638.82s - 1651.14s

They'll cover it with this perfect replica of what it looks like to put your credit card. And there's a chip in there that just gets the number. And it still works. It'll still pay the gas and everything, but it collects all the data. Then due to whoever drives by.

Speaker 31651.14s - 1652.28s

He ever came out as a genius.

Speaker 81652.46s - 1652.7s

That is a good.

Speaker 31652.8s - 1654.54s

It collects their skimmer and has on the other.

Speaker 81654.54s - 1655.22s

You know, you always think, okay,

Speaker 31655.3s - 1658.22s

the guy who came over that would have been rich doing something else.

Speaker 71658.32s - 1658.78s

I always think,

Speaker 31658.88s - 1660.3s

it's always interesting to me,

Speaker 71660.38s - 1664.88s

the smartest of criminals would also have been the smartest that they played by the rules.

Speaker 81665.06s - 1665.24s

I know. It's like, it's so crazy to me, like, the smartest of criminals would also have been the smartest that they played by the rules. I know.

Speaker 01665.54s - 1669.28s

It's like, it's so crazy to me, like, why you chose that direction?

Speaker 11669.46s - 1675.18s

Because to apply yourself enough to figure that out and to create that, it's like, there's brilliance there.

Speaker 01675.38s - 1680.52s

I wonder if they have that same deficiency, like, adrenaline or like, same thing with like these

Speaker 31680.52s - 1682.72s

extreme rock climbers.

Speaker 101682.86s - 1683.46s

You're probably right.

Speaker 71683.52s - 1684.06s

You know what I mean?

Speaker 81684.06s - 1690.54s

Like, they need the rush of the fact that like this is illegal. Or they never had a really good mentor, you know?

Speaker 31690.64s - 1694.36s

Or they grew up. I had a lot of people like that work for me in the past.

Speaker 101694.48s - 1694.56s


Speaker 31694.56s - 1694.76s


Speaker 101694.9s - 1699.1s

I've run a lot of clubs with people who work for me who definitely, you know,

Speaker 31699.34s - 1718.12s

did things on that other side. But then through working with them mentorship, they became incredible performers and salespeople. I know them all now. They're all fathers and very successful, because they had some mentorship there.So I think that makes the big difference. Because you're right, the skills that make you very successful at creating shit like skimmers

Speaker 81718.12s - 1718.74s

and stuff like that,

Speaker 31718.74s - 1732.92s

you can apply that to the market. The amount of ingenuity you see in prisons, you know, alone, it's pretty insane. Yes. To see how they, like, come up with you see in prisons, you know, alone, it's, it's pretty insane. To see how they, like, come up with ways to get stuff from the outside, like how they could make, like, how they make one. You ever see how they make alcohol?

Speaker 11732.92s - 1733.54s


Speaker 91733.98s - 1734.78s

Have you seen how they make alcohol?

Speaker 81734.92s - 1735.66s

Oh, yeah, alcohol.

Speaker 91735.82s - 1736.56s

Yeah, exactly.

Speaker 31736.7s - 1738s

Or how they talk to each other through the toilets.

Speaker 81738.16s - 1738.7s

Have you seen that?

Speaker 71738.8s - 1739.94s

They make their own languages up.

Speaker 91740s - 1741.1s

They do all kinds of crazy stuff.

Speaker 71741.1s - 1742.74s

You got a bunch of dudes with nothing better to do.

Speaker 91742.8s - 1744.28s

No, I had some serious ingenuity.

Speaker 71744.62s - 1749.6s

I mean, it just shows you that, again, directed, right mentorship, whatever, applied the right direction.

Speaker 91750.02s - 1750.42s


Speaker 71750.6s - 1752.32s

Because there's brilliance there for you to be able to deal.

Speaker 91752.32s - 1753.36s

Hey, I got to tell you guys something.

Speaker 71753.48s - 1754.88s

This is going to piss everybody off, but I don't care.

Speaker 91755.08s - 1755.68s

So, so.

Speaker 71755.94s - 1756.26s


Speaker 81756.64s - 1757.98s

I saw this this morning.

Speaker 91758.68s - 1771.38s

And, you know, I get really upset when I see this because, by the way, I predicted this. I predicted that there would be an ebnesia when we look back at the complete clown show.

Speaker 71771.64s - 1781.28s

In utter governmental, traumatizing, just corrupt garbage that COVID, that whole narrative was all complete lies in garbage, 100%.

Speaker 01781.28s - 1782.74s

And the amnesia is this.

Speaker 71782.8s - 1785.84s

There's still people watching right now who are like, no, no.

Speaker 11785.96s - 1786.88s

Yes, it was.

Speaker 81786.96s - 1787.74s

Could have been so much worse.

Speaker 71787.74s - 1789.08s

No, it was terrible.

Speaker 81789.24s - 1791.28s

Listen, AstraZeneca ORG's COVID vaccine

Speaker 71791.28s - 1793.44s

has just gotten withdrawn globally. Do you hear about this?

Speaker 31793.84s - 1794.86s

I just hear about that.

Speaker 91794.96s - 1796.48s

Because of thrombosis.

Speaker 71797.38s - 1807.96s

So, okay, if you said blood clotting or thrombosis at all during that whole period, you would have got de-platformed. Your business would have been lost. In some cases.

Speaker 31807.96s - 1809.2s

There's so many people I want to slap.

Speaker 81810.4s - 1810.88s


Speaker 31811.14s - 1811.82s

Oh, so hard.

Speaker 81811.96s - 1812.08s


Speaker 31812.26s - 1812.72s

So hard.

Speaker 81812.88s - 1819.1s

I remember when people lost their jobs for not agreeing to inject themselves with an experimental.

Speaker 31819.52s - 1823.16s

It was an experiment at the time, vaccine, which, by the way, if you said that, that would

Speaker 81823.16s - 1827.14s

have got kicked off. I remember a lot of the stuff that happened back there.

Speaker 31827.14s - 1828.44s

Biggest hustle of all time, dude.

Speaker 91828.62s - 1829.74s

It's crazy.

Speaker 31829.98s - 1835.42s

It's crazy. And now they're pulling them off the market for the exact same things that the quote-unquote

Speaker 81835.42s - 1838.06s

conspiracy theorists said were true.

Speaker 31838.24s - 1838.52s


Speaker 81838.68s - 1845.34s

Blows me away. And there's still people like, oh, we never forced anyone. That didn't happen. We still saved a lot of lives.

Speaker 31845.34s - 1862.88s

Dude, in the amount of verbal diarrhea, like, I saw a few of the reps. I don't know if it's from Pfizer or like Moderna ORG, but they were like grilling them about like the efficacy of the vaccine. And it was just like trying to, trying to pull the, yes or no questions. And then they're, well, you know, some data was unclear about this.

Speaker 01863.06s - 1864.18s

Like, yes or no.

Speaker 101864.34s - 1867.92s

Like did it, did it prevent, you know, uh, transmission?

Speaker 01868.22s - 1875.82s

Did it, you know, and like, they won't just be like, no, we, no. We thought it would, but no, you know, and it's just like, it's very clear.

Speaker 81875.96s - 1907.68s

No, actually the data is really clear now. There's a, there's a group of people that got a net positive and they were like sick old people. Everybody else, almost everybody else did not get a net positive from And they were like sick, old people. Everybody else, almost everybody else, did not get a net positive from these. But we also, on top of it, shut down and destroyed small businesses, caused people to lose their jobs,traumatized and permanently caused cognitive issues with children because you took a bunch of kids out of school or forced them to wear masks. The part of the brain that reads faces had to develop differently. They're showing this strong evidence now.

Speaker 31907.8s - 1917s

That's always been the case. You cause more suicides. You caused more drug overdoses. You destroyed the economy. You caused inflation. It was a complete failure.

Speaker 81917.32s - 1921.4s

And data is now showing that we probably killed more people because of our policies.

Speaker 71921.96s - 1929.48s

Not just saved people. We actually killed more people as a result. Did you see the interview that Patrick by David did with Chris Como PERSON? He was talking.

Speaker 81929.58s - 1931.2s

He was talking about. He's on ivermectin ORG.

Speaker 71931.22s - 1936.4s

Yeah, he's talking about it. Yeah, he's talking about it. He was like, one of the guys like,

Speaker 31936.44s - 1938.32s


Speaker 71938.32s - 1939.9s

exactly. What he said, though,

Speaker 81939.9s - 1942.8s

is that like it was the information that they were giving them.

Speaker 31943.34s - 1943.72s

Like that's like,

Speaker 81943.72s - 1951.24s

so you had all the... Here's the predictions that I made. Amnesia. That didn't happen. And the next is going to pass the buck, blame it on someone else.

Speaker 01951.32s - 1954s

And then they're going to pick fall guys because people are like,

Speaker 71954.14s - 1955s

oh, this is crazy.

Speaker 01955.56s - 1955.82s


Speaker 71956.06s - 1957.4s

And they're going to start, you know,

Speaker 11957.48s - 1958.9s

they're going to pick sacrificial lambs.

Speaker 71958.96s - 1963s

It's all going to be on Dizzy PERSON now. I was just going to bring him up. Speaking of fall guys,

Speaker 81963s - 1968.3s

we're just dead he at. I don't know. But did you see there were a bunch of, there were a bunch of cars outside Drake PERSON's house. Did you see that? Look that up. Speaking of fall, guys, we're just dead he at? I don't know. But did you see there were a bunch of cars outside Drake's house?

Speaker 71968.38s - 1973.32s

Did you see that? Look that up, Doug PERSON. Oh, well, you know what's, you don't know what's going on right now. No, I don't. You just brush them up you don't even know about, do you?

Speaker 101973.32s - 1974.44s

Yeah, that's a whole other thing, right?

Speaker 71974.44s - 1976.84s

Yeah, there's a whole other thing, right? Yeah, there's beef going on between Drake and Kendrick PERSON right now.

Speaker 101976.92s - 1982s

Why is there, like, the craziest? Okay, you remember Tupac Biggie PERSON, like, battles back and forth?

Speaker 81982.58s - 1984.92s

Kendrick and Drake PERSON are like on another level right now.

Speaker 101984.98s - 1985.52s

But why are they caught, why are there a bunch of cops cars up? But is it really that intense? There was, yeah, like, battles back and forth? Kendrick and Drake PERSON are like on another level right now. But why are they caught?

Speaker 81985.56s - 1986.42s

Why are they a bunch of cop partners?

Speaker 71986.42s - 1992.3s

Because there was, yeah, well, there ended up someone getting, like shooting guns in front of Drake PERSON's house.

Speaker 81992.84s - 1996s

So last week, this all happened last week. You guys are.

Speaker 31996s - 1998.44s

A bunch of rich ass entertainers shooting each other.

Speaker 101998.44s - 1999.88s

They don't even seem that gangster.

Speaker 32000.06s - 2000.96s

It's just kind of funny to me.

Speaker 102000.96s - 2004.22s

Well, that's why, I mean, that's the critique right now is like, get out of here.

Speaker 32004.3s - 2007.5s

You guys, you guys are both ridiculous with this like, it's not even that. It's not even that. It started. Well, that's why, I mean, that's the critique right now. It's like, get out of here. You guys. You guys are both ridiculous with this, like, it's not even that.

Speaker 72007.5s - 2007.52s

It's not even that.

Speaker 32007.52s - 2025.26s

It started off with just shit talking in their songs. And then it got like, but it was, you know, it's like the most viral sensation that's happening last week, right? Like, it's, it caused more like views to their songs. Because they were, they were dropping these like by the hour. So just like a couple days ago, like three.

Speaker 82025.26s - 2031.62s

The disc tracks? Yeah. And they're really good. They're actually really good. Adam PERSON, come on. I'm surprised you didn't say this because you're the first person I always go here.

Speaker 72031.64s - 2032.72s

Well, I don't bring, I don't bring this time.

Speaker 82032.72s - 2033.5s

No, no, not that.

Speaker 72033.94s - 2034.72s

What do you think?

Speaker 82034.78s - 2037.48s

Do you think this is real or do you think they talk to each other and find it out to sell?

Speaker 72037.48s - 2058.78s

I was talking to my brother-in-law about that. So the only reason why I think it's real is because this goes back a long time ago. Like, so they've said stuff about each other like lightly in songs in the past. And so there, it was already known that they didn't like each other. Now, it escalated like crazy right now. And they're, and Kendrick PERSON's saying things like saying some things that are like saying thatDrake PERSON's a pedophile.

Speaker 102058.98s - 2059.72s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 02059.72s - 2083.84s

So yeah. So, yeah. So they're talking about each other's girls, their family, their kids. So it's got, that's why it's escalated to this is because it's gotten really, really personal. That's the only reason why I don't think it's staged. Normally, I would think it's staged.But these guys are, like, taking shots at, like, family and pedophilia. Like, you know what I'm saying? Like, if you decide a stage, it's like, you probably set some rules and boundaries. Like, hey, leave my wife and kids out of this.

Speaker 32083.88s - 2086.56s

Yeah. But they're going like. Your face looks dumb. and leave like, yeah, but they're going like... Your face looks dumb.

Speaker 72087.2s - 2090.9s

Start there. Yeah, so they're going pretty hard right now.

Speaker 82091.2s - 2093.44s

And so what happened, it was outside Drake PERSON's house.

Speaker 72093.56s - 2095.02s

There was a shooting outside.

Speaker 82095.02s - 2097.02s

A security guard got hit. Did someone get hit?

Speaker 72097.36s - 2103.4s

Yeah. Now, Drake PERSON, wasn't he... Who was that actress from Stranger Things WORK_OF_ART, that girl? 11?

Speaker 92103.9s - 2113.16s

Yeah, but what's her name name? I don't know. You just know the character name? I forgot. Maybe I was her 11. Yeah, that girl, that... 11? Yeah, but what's her name, name? I don't know. You just know the character name? I forgot. Maybe look her up to that guy from 11. Yeah, that was her name of the show.You know what I'm talking about? Okay.

Speaker 82113.58s - 2122.9s

When she was 15, she was interviewed, and she said that Drake PERSON was her friend and that he gives her all this dating advice, talks about boys. So people are pulling that up because of the... Because of the pedophilia talk.

Speaker 72123.08s - 2135.44s

Yeah, yeah. So that's, and that's kind of like where this all stems from is that he's got all these young girl. I mean, he's like the, all the girls love him, right? And he gets, he has a young audience. And so Kendrick PERSON's been coming.

Speaker 12136.2s - 2139.24s

And it doesn't help with like all the P. Diddy PERSON stuff that's coming out.

Speaker 02139.36s - 2144.08s

And so that's how this got escalated really fast was that Kendrick PERSON made a, made that shot.

Speaker 12144.2s - 2148.6s

And then he came back at Kendrick PERSON. Wow. Some of the best songs I've heard in a long time.

Speaker 32149.8s - 2153.28s

So you guys know that Jake Cole is like my favorite rapper at this era.

Speaker 72153.92s - 2155.64s

And he actually, this is what he did.

Speaker 32155.7s - 2168.22s

He came out and he dissed Kendrick PERSON, and then Kendrick PERSON came back really hard. And then Jay Cole PERSON came back and actually like, like apologize and pulled it off his record. And he basically said, I don't want to be an example of the young men today, like of shit like this.

Speaker 92168.26s - 2168.68s

Oh, that's good.

Speaker 72168.76s - 2172.92s

That's right. That's why I mean, he's got class like that, dude. That's why I'm such a fan of all that shit.

Speaker 32172.92s - 2178.62s

Of course, a bunch of kids that want to see the beef and all that stuff happen on, but it's like, man, that's what's wrong with a lot of these rappers.

Speaker 12178.76s - 2183.06s

And that's one of the things I like Jay Cole PERSON about is the stuff that he wraps about is about being, he's about growth.

Speaker 102183.14s - 2184.26s

He's about being a better person.

Speaker 12184.38s - 2190.02s

And he's lyrically talented. And so he started to engage and then he removed himself and said you know

Speaker 82190.02s - 2194.2s

good yeah i don't know who he is but i like that yeah yeah i thought so too and so he was originally

Speaker 72194.2s - 2199.4s

in all this too all right you want some more crazy stuff did you hear that's did you see what robert

Speaker 82199.4s - 2205.6s

f kennedy posted no recently you just told me this. I mean, it's kind of like, duh.

Speaker 72205.8s - 2209.92s

Like, I mean, who here thinks that polls are accurate?

Speaker 82210.12s - 2215.04s

So Robert Kennedy PERSON did a post on X, which I'm sure they won't show anywhere else.

Speaker 72215.76s - 2225.4s

He says, hey, Trump, I'm grateful for you calling attention to the rig polling methodologies that the biased DNC ORG influenced media have used against you.

Speaker 12225.48s - 2227.58s

He goes, I basically agreeing like they are.

Speaker 32227.66s - 2229.14s

The polls are, they're lies.

Speaker 82229.22s - 2229.7s

They're full of shit.

Speaker 72230.16s - 2236.72s

So he did his own poll with Zogby or Zogby, which is the largest and most accurate poll of this election cycle.

Speaker 32236.72s - 2238.24s

So he paid a third party.

Speaker 92238.82s - 2239.36s

Do a poll.

Speaker 82239.6s - 2253.46s

Do a real poll. Let's see what the real number show. Trump PERSON versus Biden, Trump beats him big time. Robert Kennedy also beats Biden PERSON. In a three-way matchup, Trump wins, but RFK ORG is right behind him.

Speaker 02253.58s - 2255.08s

Now, here's why this is crazy.

Speaker 12255.24s - 2263.12s

The polls show RFK ORG in single-digit numbers. So he did this other poll and says, no, he's way above what they're showing.

Speaker 82264.08s - 2267.12s

So that's so slimy, if that's true. It's so slimy. I mean, he's way above what they're showing. So, yeah, that's, that's so slimy if that's true.

Speaker 72267.32s - 2267.96s

It's so slimy.

Speaker 82267.96s - 2282.82s

I mean, it's believable because I think Kennedy PERSON pulls to both sides better than any of them do. Yeah. He's the most, he's the most centric one of all three. Also, and I don't know, maybe I'm biased, but does anybody really support Biden PERSON? I mean, does really anybody?

Speaker 32282.82s - 2286.92s

Have you talked to anybody like ever who's like, yeah, I totally love him.

Speaker 72286.92s - 2292.4s

No, he doesn't look like. The thing that everybody, anybody who supports him what they say is he's better than Trump PERSON.Yeah,

Speaker 82292.46s - 2294.2s

but nobody can say. You know someone who said that? Yeah,

Speaker 72294.28s - 2295.36s

yeah. Oh yeah. Oh yeah.

Speaker 82295.36s - 2318.54s

Oh, yeah. Oh, yeah. No, I still have the same, I have the same amnesia friends you're talking about that still think that what we do.They don't think he's like, they still think that the way we handled COVID EVENT, we did it the best that we could have. Wow. They still think that what we did. They don't think he's like, they don't think he's mentally. They still think that the way we handled COVID, we did it the best that we could have. Wow. They still think that Biden is a better choice than Trump PERSON.Wow. Well, that second part, okay, fine, because politics or whatever. But the first part, they think we handled it right?It's not that they think we had a right.

Speaker 72318.62s - 2320.34s

They think with the information that we had.

Speaker 82320.34s - 2320.56s


Speaker 72320.56s - 2322.12s

so they're apologetic.

Speaker 82322.24s - 2322.4s


Speaker 102322.46s - 2323.26s

it's like that.

Speaker 82323.26s - 2323.3s

It's like,

Speaker 102323.38s - 2331.86s

it's like, you know, we did it the best way. We did it the best way They're apologetic. Yeah, it's like that. It's like, it's like, you know, with the information that we had, we did it the best way it was coming, we did it the best way that we could have. And who knows how many lives we actually saved because of the vaccine.

Speaker 32331.86s - 2336.98s

We do know. That's the problem now. No, there's, there's people that still really believe that

Speaker 72336.98s - 2341.14s

it would have been, it would have been massively worse had we not did the vaccine. And there's

Speaker 32341.14s - 2346.32s

still, it would have been better. There's still... It just points me to the power of the internet.

Speaker 72346.54s - 2346.8s


Speaker 32346.9s - 2353.16s

If you can get, um, if you can get enough of these platforms that you have control of, which we

Speaker 72353.16s - 2360.14s

saw with Twitter ORG. Um, and, and of course, that's, you know, when you get really into all these other companies

Speaker 02360.14s - 2365.52s

that are involved, you're going to see like a backdoor hand in a lot of these influential

Speaker 12365.52s - 2367.68s


Speaker 02368.08s - 2383.38s

And dude, this reminds me of, okay, you guys saw this ad on Instagram ORG, right? It was the ad for you could do a live stream, but now you could show that you have like 20 to 30,000 people all of a sudden watching your live stream.

Speaker 92383.38s - 2385.32s

I share that with you guys. It's 100% fake.

Speaker 102385.4s - 2386.32s

Yeah, I showed you guys that.

Speaker 92386.76s - 2391.58s

And not only that, they had to do multiple screenings of like getting rid of everybody's

Speaker 32391.58s - 2396.76s

followers because like half to like more than half of their following were all fake.

Speaker 102397.2s - 2402.62s

And so it's like what we're seeing is a literally an artificial environment.

Speaker 72403.5s - 2405.94s

I don't believe any of the shit. That was a video I shared that with you guys.

Speaker 32406s - 2411.18s

There was a video of the guy. He's picking up a girl in the bar. And he's like, hey, I'm on live. He's at like a bar in like Mexico GPE.

Speaker 82411.58s - 2412.18s

By the way.

Speaker 92412.2s - 2414.7s

And the girl sees that he's got like thousands of people famous.

Speaker 82414.7s - 2415.64s

Are you famous?

Speaker 92415.94s - 2416.52s

You're famous.

Speaker 82416.84s - 2417.42s

Can I see?

Speaker 72417.72s - 2419.74s

Some of the most embarrassing videos I've ever seen.

Speaker 92419.78s - 2421.06s

There's a lot of douchebags out there too.

Speaker 72421.28s - 2421.42s


Speaker 92421.46s - 2436.82s

There's a lot of dudes that are obviously. But the embarrassing ones for women are the ones where the guy goes up to a girl. He tries to talk to her. She totally like, I don't have time for you. Whatever. I got a boyfriend. They goes, okay. And he walks over to his Lamborghini. And all of a sudden, oh, this is your car? Oh, hey, baby, let's hang out.

Speaker 82436.88s - 2441.38s

Oh, I haven't seen those. How. Have you seen those? So many. Oh, really? How embarrassing?

Speaker 72441.38s - 2456.76s

Like, what a, you look like such a terrible human being that you just did that. That's what happened with that Facebook ORG one, because the dude goes up to a girl, she sees he's got a bunch of followers and instantly changes her energy. So it's, okay, so it's interesting that you think that because you love to take things all the way back to evolution.

Speaker 82456.76s - 2467.86s

I know why it's there. Okay? So evolutionary, that is no different than the dude who came, who, say, you know, thousand years ago was, she says, no, thank you. Then he walks over and he gets his three deer that he just killed.

Speaker 02467.94s - 2468.2s

Of course.

Speaker 12468.32s - 2470.86s

And she goes, oh my God.

Speaker 02470.98s - 2473s

So it's not really different than that.

Speaker 72473s - 2478s

That is modern times a way of flexing your capability of hunting.

Speaker 82478.1s - 2478.5s

Of course.

Speaker 02478.6s - 2480.16s

Same thing. I know. I know that.

Speaker 82480.28s - 2488.42s

So that's less cringe to me. In the moment. It's more cringed to me that the dude who's like, look, I got a thousand people following me on this fucking artificial.

Speaker 102488.42s - 2490.46s

This doesn't mean shit. Yeah, that means nothing.

Speaker 92490.58s - 2491.38s

Doesn't mean you can hunt.

Speaker 102491.46s - 2494.68s

Doesn't mean anything. It means you understand how to hack tech.

Speaker 92494.84s - 2495.9s

It's just phony baloney, dude.

Speaker 32495.9s - 2497.7s

That to me is way more cringe.

Speaker 02497.92s - 2502.84s

The Ferrari PRODUCT thing, face value says cringe, but that's just modern times ability,

Speaker 32502.92s - 2509.66s

your ability to hunt. If you can afford that thing, that means the guy's been able to go probably provide, could potentially provide for the family.

Speaker 82510.32s - 2510.66s

I totally understand that. I get it.

Speaker 72510.7s - 2516.28s

It's just when it's in the moment, when she literally said, screw you, and then two seconds later, Axel PERSON, ah.

Speaker 12516.42s - 2516.98s

I mean, I get it.

Speaker 72517.04s - 2517.3s

I get it.

Speaker 82517.34s - 2520.58s

It's not, it's poor taste, no matter how you draw it up.

Speaker 12520.58s - 2522.3s

But I get it, too, though.

Speaker 02522.34s - 2528.38s

I mean, I understand that that's like, that's, I think that's innate. It's in, it's in, it's in, it's in you and it's like, this is why,

Speaker 12528.38s - 2533.02s

here, this is my favorite statistic that highlights, you know, kind of how different men and

Speaker 82533.02s - 2539.06s

women are. A scar on a woman's face will almost always bring her attractiveness down from,

Speaker 12539.06s - 2544.9s

for men. Yeah. A scar on a man's face makes him more attractive. Why? Because evolutionarily,

Speaker 02544.9s - 2547.18s

you're like, oh, he's, I never fixed my nose.

Speaker 82547.18s - 2549.26s

He's fought before and survived. He's battle tested.

Speaker 72549.4s - 2551.44s

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know. That's why you never fixed your nose.

Speaker 82551.48s - 2551.72s


Speaker 102554.6s - 2555.54s

He became hotter.

Speaker 72555.96s - 2558.22s

Yeah. You know, it doesn't even look like you broke it.

Speaker 102558.44s - 2561.98s

What do you mean? I did a good job because I did it myself.

Speaker 72562.08s - 2564.74s

It's very straight. You did it yourself? Yeah, it was like all the way over here.

Speaker 82564.9s - 2568.2s

Was it really? Yes. You were smelling sideways? I wish you had a picture of that. I was. I know.

Speaker 72568.2s - 2571.34s

I wish I wish I would you, what do you mean you do yourself? How? You just brought

Speaker 82571.34s - 2575.78s

I looked at the, I looked at the mirror and I just slowly, uh, it hurt real bad.

Speaker 72575.78s - 2582.14s

Oh, just pushed it. Because even when I, it's still, it's still this way. Like, like, like, as I

Speaker 32582.14s - 2586.14s

breathe, I'm breathing like diagonally. No, you I breathe, I'm breathing, like, diagonally.

Speaker 82586.62s - 2587.36s

No, you're not.

Speaker 32587.46s - 2588.12s

I'm serious.

Speaker 82588.24s - 2589.3s

You have a deviated septum?

Speaker 32589.3s - 2590.48s

I'm going to have you feel it later.

Speaker 82590.7s - 2591.64s

No, I don't want to do that.

Speaker 32591.68s - 2592.52s

Do you have a deviated septum?

Speaker 82592.62s - 2593.1s

That's not a weird.

Speaker 02594.06s - 2594.36s


Speaker 92594.76s - 2595.34s

You sure?

Speaker 82595.58s - 2596.54s

Was it from a football hit?

Speaker 92597.2s - 2597.84s

No, no, no.

Speaker 32597.9s - 2599.16s

This is from a fight, yeah.

Speaker 92599.28s - 2600.12s

Oh, it's from a fight.

Speaker 32600.18s - 2602.2s

I got Justin PERSON always gets a little embarrassed.

Speaker 72602.32s - 2602.98s

We talked about it.

Speaker 02602.98s - 2604.08s

I don't like talking about it.

Speaker 32604.08s - 2605.08s

It sounds like a douche.

Speaker 82605.18s - 2605.62s

You know why?

Speaker 92605.64s - 2606.54s

Because you probably started the fight.

Speaker 32606.64s - 2608.08s

That's what I probably did.

Speaker 82608.6s - 2608.9s

Hold on.

Speaker 32608.94s - 2609.92s

Did you win or lose the fight?

Speaker 82610.06s - 2610.8s

I won that fight.

Speaker 92610.82s - 2611.84s

You still won after that?

Speaker 82611.92s - 2612.22s


Speaker 92612.32s - 2613.28s

That pissed me off.

Speaker 32613.46s - 2615s

Yeah, I kind of went crazy.

Speaker 92616s - 2617.02s

I don't want to talk about it.

Speaker 32617.48s - 2618.44s

You ever lost the fight?

Speaker 92618.8s - 2619.02s


Speaker 112619.42s - 2619.9s

Oh, really?

Speaker 92620.08s - 2620.46s

Oh, yeah.

Speaker 112620.68s - 2621.34s

What was that like?

Speaker 92622.48s - 2625.44s

So it was embarrassing more than it was, like, painful.

Speaker 32625.98s - 2626.5s

Of course.

Speaker 82626.66s - 2631.22s

Yeah, it was more like, so I was talking shit about this guy.

Speaker 112631.98s - 2634.72s

And he, this is when I was younger.

Speaker 82634.72s - 2638.3s

And he was actually, like, with his friend, like, hiding.

Speaker 112638.9s - 2643.98s

So I was down where this, like, one of my neighbor's houses, there was this, like,

Speaker 82644.02s - 2644.7s

basketball court.

Speaker 92644.96s - 2667.3s

And there's this retaining wall. And they were kind of, like, one of my neighbor's houses, there was this like basketball court and there's this retaining wall and they were kind of like hiding down the retaining wall. I think they were trying to like mess with me anyways. And I was, and I got in kind of like a verbal spat with them down at the bus stop. And I come back and I'm like talking shit, you know, one of my friends about them and they're down there hiding. And then jumps up, hey, what's up, man, he's talking shit?

Speaker 32667.38s - 2685.3s

And I'm like, yeah, you know, like, I'm all scared because they, like, took me by surprise. And then we just got into it. And, like, it was one of these weird fights where I'm like, it's in slow motion. I'm kind of punching, hitting air. I'm like, this isn't working, you know. And then he kicked me a few times and, like, kicked?Kick me. Like, martial artist and shit? Yeah. then he kicked me a few times and like, kicked? Kicked? Like,

Speaker 92685.3s - 2697.7s

martial artist and shit? Yeah. And he kicked me in the, in the ribs. And I, like, it took the, the air out of me. And I was like, I could breathe of, you know, start crying. And I was like, oh, no.

Speaker 32697.92s - 2698.48s

It was so embarrassing.

Speaker 92698.48s - 2699.54s

I've never been kicked before.

Speaker 32699.92s - 2702.66s

I was so, because everything was so unexpected.

Speaker 92702.82s - 2704.2s

Yeah, I wouldn't expect to kick at all.

Speaker 32704.26s - 2709.4s

And, well, when he jumped out from the fingers, like, I was like, already, like, I don't know.

Speaker 102709.48s - 2709.92s

I had a buddy.

Speaker 32709.92s - 2712.38s

I was already scared and so it made me even more like, ah.

Speaker 102712.58s - 2715.86s

One of the fights we got into went down like this, we were at a party.

Speaker 32715.92s - 2717.76s

We at my buddy's house, the guy who got laid out.

Speaker 102718.02s - 2724.08s

He was talking shit about this other guy at the, so imagine like a suburban house, right?

Speaker 32724.56s - 2725.94s

And we're at the bottom of the

Speaker 72725.94s - 2730.4s

driveway and people are in the garage drinking smoking and so of that and the garage is cracked

Speaker 92730.4s - 2734.74s

open. And my buddy is drunk talking shit about a guy who's in the garage could hear everything.

Speaker 72734.74s - 2739.26s

And dude just like slides out from the drug and running downhill. And buddy turns around it

Speaker 102739.26s - 2746.6s

is blah. Brack. He sends his ass, bro, lights out from that. I was like, I got, I got a, I got a, every take?

Speaker 72746.66s - 2748.48s

I got a little fight at 24.

Speaker 82749.14s - 2750.6s

In the gym?

Speaker 72750.72s - 2752.34s

So Don PERSON was my general manager.

Speaker 82752.68s - 2775.04s

I was a weekend manager. I just moved over for fitness manager. And there was the, the, the, another senior sales counselor or whatever, or one of the top sales guys, him and I were getting an argument. And Don PERSON, I hope he doesn't get mad at me saying this. He was like, why don't you guys just,why don't you guys just like iron it out right here or whatever? So he started pushing me, we started fighting, and I put him in a guillotine, and I put him to sleep. I choked him out.

Speaker 12775.5s - 2779.7s

Yeah, he fell on the ground. And he got up and he got really scared. Using your purple belt news.

Speaker 02779.7s - 2780.42s

No, this is before.

Speaker 12780.56s - 2780.94s

This was just,

Speaker 02780.94s - 2782.16s

yeah, I just, UFC ORG watching.

Speaker 12782.16s - 2785.42s

I have, I knew I had something else.

Speaker 82785.86s - 2787.04s

I used to think I knew karate,

Speaker 72787.04s - 2789.2s

I'd never lost in a fight,

Speaker 12789.36s - 2790.54s

but I haven't been in a ton,

Speaker 92790.68s - 2791.24s

like outside,

Speaker 12791.44s - 2792.68s

but in a jiu-jitsu tournament,

Speaker 92792.76s - 2793.28s

I got embarrassed.

Speaker 12793.78s - 2794.16s


Speaker 92794.44s - 2795.1s


Speaker 12795.34s - 2796.44s

I had won a tournament.

Speaker 92797.04s - 2798.16s

Nobody scored a point on me.

Speaker 12798.22s - 2799.9s

I was super cocky going to the next tournament,

Speaker 92800.28s - 2803.32s

and it took the guy 15 seconds to submit me.

Speaker 12803.4s - 2804.7s

And I had my family there.

Speaker 92805.04s - 2805.56s

Everybody's there. Sal PERSON's going to do so great. And it was single elimination. So to submit me. And I had my family there. Everybody's there.

Speaker 32805.7s - 2806.78s

Sal PERSON's going to do so great.

Speaker 82806.98s - 2808.08s

And it was single elimination.

Speaker 102808.5s - 2814.48s

So they showed up. They waited all day for me to fight. Purple Belt Division ORG. Yeah. 15 seconds tap out. All right, guys, we're going home.

Speaker 82816s - 2817.2s

I'm so embarrassed.

Speaker 92818s - 2819.48s

I was so bad.

Speaker 82819.58s - 2820.52s

I had an embarrassing.

Speaker 72820.8s - 2827.76s

You talk about 24th Fitness ORG and fighting. Embarrassing. So remember, I'm only like 20 years old, 20, 21 years old. And so.

Speaker 102827.8s - 2855.86s

An adult. Well, I didn't, so this is, this is, no, this is even more embarrassing because I didn't even get into a fight. I actually, so I had been talking to my staff about the one of the last fights I had been in. And I was telling him how I, like, whoop this guy's ass, right? And, oh, they were talking shit to me that they didn't believe me. So they've got photos of it. So they're like, get out of here. I'm like, yeah, no, this was like a big deal. Like everybody was a huge crowd there. People took photos, video, right? And, oh, they were talking shit to me that they didn't believe me. So, they've got photos of it. So, and they're like, get out of here. I'm like, yeah, no, this was like a big deal. Like, everybody was a huge crowd there. People took photos, video of everything like that. So I had all these photos of it. I had brought it to work. You saved the photos? Yeah. You still have

Speaker 92855.86s - 2859.32s

them? No, I don't. No, HR took them. So I got, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute.

Speaker 82859.32s - 2866.9s

Wait a minute. The next day, the next day, the next day, the next day, the next day, the next day, the next day, the next day, the next day I was audited. And I didn't even remember that they, I had brought him to work the day before.

Speaker 102867.1s - 2869.02s

And they were in, like, my manager buying.

Speaker 82869.02s - 2869.38s

Wait a minute.

Speaker 102869.38s - 2870.26s

I'm the fucking man.

Speaker 82872.84s - 2875.38s

You got audited for something else.

Speaker 72875.5s - 2875.78s


Speaker 82875.9s - 2878.6s

And they audit you, they find photos of your street fight.

Speaker 102878.7s - 2879.02s


Speaker 82879.22s - 2879.86s

That's hilarious.

Speaker 102879.86s - 2880.46s

Swear to God.

Speaker 82880.46s - 2881.86s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 12882.1s - 2883.38s

You know, I think back old times.

Speaker 92883.72s - 2885.54s

I'm so lucky I kept my job with. Hey, listen, it was only because, you and I, wow. You know, I think back at old times, like, I'm so lucky I kept my job with it.

Speaker 72885.56s - 2885.96s

Hey, listen.

Speaker 102886.12s - 2891.92s

It was only because, you know, okay, I feel like one of the reasons why people kept telling me to work with you and vice versa.

Speaker 82892.08s - 2892.36s


Speaker 72892.72s - 2893.88s

Because we have a very similar story.

Speaker 102894.12s - 2894.24s


Speaker 72894.5s - 2895.42s

We were both.

Speaker 102895.76s - 2896.42s


Speaker 72896.52s - 2909.48s

Yeah, should have been fired multiple times. At least. But our performance kept us in the job. At least four times I've been in the office with HR ORG and then they wanted to fire me. Like I was known by like they knew who I was. I'd been down to visit me more than once.

Speaker 82909.48s - 2912.28s

I wish I worked with you for different. I wish you asked to work together to cloud.

Speaker 92912.28s - 2918.08s

Yeah. We would have got out of blazing glory. Oh my God. So embarrassing. What am I doing? What am I?

Speaker 72918.08s - 2923.56s

I'm like, I'm an adult managing other men and women. I'm like, I got a high school street fight.

Speaker 102923.68s - 2925.58s

Dude, check this out. In my binder.

Speaker 82925.78s - 2926.24s

You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 102926.38s - 2928s

Like, oh my God, what am I doing?

Speaker 72928.28s - 2935.34s

And then to get caught by the HR like rep, like what is this? You know? Like, yeah, yeah, that was bad.

Speaker 82935.46s - 2958.92s

Wow. Embarrassing. Yeah, I got, I got pulled in to, I told you guys this. I left the company and I left in a blaze glory and told the president F off or whatever. I thought I'd never get hired back. I got Brock PERSON and then while I was gone, I was, you know, had a gym down in Palm Desert GPE and I got shopped by a 24th Fitness vice president who's a good friend of ours now, Mike Apple PERSON, right? So he won't know who he was.

Speaker 02959.28s - 2990.14s

He's pretending to be a member shopping us as he walks out, Dawn PERSON recognizes him. I'm like, oh, that's a VP for whatever. Fuck you. As he's on his way out. That's what I said to him. So, you know, I don't know, a year later, I get hired back to 24.And they gave me the club I wanted, which was up here in San Jose GPE. They had re-grand open Hillsdale GPE. And I go in there and like, hey, before you start, this was actually before, not the audit, but before you start, we want you to come up to headquarters up in Mountain View GPE and meet with your VP and your I'm like okay cool introduced you to my

Speaker 12990.14s - 2996.2s

I thought it was Curtis PERSON I thought that was my VP I love him yeah yeah so I walk in and it's the

Speaker 92996.2s - 3001.76s

dude that shot me as he walked out that I said F off yeah oh this is gonna suck that's my boss

Speaker 13001.76s - 3006.16s

he turned out to be great we'd be I know it's I know he's a fan of the show too. Shout out to

Speaker 93006.16s - 3009.66s

Mike. I don't think Mike liked me either when we first started. So, because I can't remember

Speaker 13009.66s - 3013.36s

my first running with him, but it wasn't good. I definitely had like that reputation. And it's,

Speaker 93013.42s - 3018.68s

it was all like stupid things. Like, like just bad luck. Yeah. Young stuff, though. You're a young guy,

Speaker 13018.78s - 3022.92s

you know, and I feel like a lot of that kind of played into. Totally. I was hell immature. Come on. I

Speaker 93022.92s - 3026.3s

didn't have a father parties and slap me around and tell me that was stupid.

Speaker 73026.42s - 3026.76s

You know what I'm saying?

Speaker 93027s - 3028.58s

You don't party with your employees.

Speaker 13028.74s - 3029s


Speaker 73029s - 3029.36s

That was,

Speaker 13029.48s - 3029.78s

I mean,

Speaker 73029.78s - 3031.56s

I made so many dumb mistakes like that.

Speaker 83031.58s - 3031.72s


Speaker 33031.88s - 3032.72s

we were young.

Speaker 73033.28s - 3033.64s


Speaker 33033.64s - 3034.2s


Speaker 73034.2s - 3034.64s


Speaker 83034.64s - 3035.32s

I mean,

Speaker 33035.32s - 3036.6s

you can't expect the 20-year-old

Speaker 83036.6s - 3037.44s

to me. I hate saying that.

Speaker 73037.58s - 3043.62s

Hey, biggest lesson, though, I mean, I, I mean, the biggest thing from it, take away more anything else is like, is perform, man.I tell you what.

Speaker 93043.62s - 3045.5s

You get away with the lots of, that's it. You get a lot of latitude. You get a lot of latitude when you, forgiveness. When anything else, is like, is perform, man. I tell you what. You get away with the lot. That's it. That's it.

Speaker 73045.62s - 3047.96s

You get a lot of latitude when you,

Speaker 93048.16s - 3053.28s

when you prefer, you show up. Hey, that's no different, like, professional sports to fight, too. They put up with some personalities

Speaker 103053.28s - 3070.62s

on teams. If you're the top score, you know what I'm saying? You score, you score a lot. And then it's like, okay, we can, we can figure this other shit out. So they definitely do it. Hey, I thought, I thought for sure when you brought up the, the Kendrick PERSON and I gave you the,the beef thing, you were going to do a transition to commercial. Oh, butcher boss.

Speaker 83070.66s - 3075.02s

Yeah, I thought that was a layup for you. I thought, oh, I got beef. I thought Sal PERSON would be like,

Speaker 73075.18s - 3078.18s

speaking of beef, speaking of beef, here's your butcher box commercial.

Speaker 103080.22s - 3083.26s

You miss it, brother. You're missing what I'm doing. You got to give me a week.

Speaker 83084.2s - 3085.64s

That's not it. That's too obvious.

Speaker 103085.88s - 3088.7s

Hey, listen, but serious, though, what are the steak tips?

Speaker 73088.74s - 3089.62s

Who had the steak tips?

Speaker 93089.8s - 3090.54s

I've had them, yeah.

Speaker 83090.62s - 3091.4s

Everybody's talking about it.

Speaker 93091.46s - 3092.5s

I think Doug PERSON's had them, too.

Speaker 83092.76s - 3094.38s

So they're just, there's chunks of steak?

Speaker 33094.44s - 3095.82s

Yeah, they're almost like cubed.

Speaker 103095.96s - 3097.38s

Like, they're really good.

Speaker 33097.46s - 3099.58s

I do skewers with them sometimes.

Speaker 83099.58s - 3100.88s

Are they pre-cooked or you cook them yourself?

Speaker 33100.92s - 3101.5s

No, cook them yourself.

Speaker 83101.5s - 3101.9s

They cook them.

Speaker 33102.06s - 3102.76s

Oh, wow.

Speaker 83102.92s - 3105.24s

And so, and what do you marinate them or what?

Speaker 93105.38s - 3105.64s


Speaker 33105.64s - 3105.9s

You can.

Speaker 73106.08s - 3111.76s

Yeah, or just season them. If you do skewers, it's slice an onion or a bell pepper in between and do like a barbecue

Speaker 83111.76s - 3116.92s

peppers. But I'm seeing people are posting about the steak tips. Apparently, it's a really.

Speaker 113117.42s - 3119.18s

It's one of the freemiums this month, right?

Speaker 73119.3s - 3119.7s

It is.

Speaker 113119.94s - 3124.6s

You can get those free in every box for a year if you order.

Speaker 73125s - 3125.4s

Oh, awesome.

Speaker 113125.82s - 3127.12s

And or salmon?

Speaker 73127.52s - 3129.68s

Yeah, or you could choose salmon or chicken breasts.

Speaker 83129.92s - 3131.18s

So you have a choice between the three.

Speaker 113131.18s - 3133.4s

Oh, I just remember, I got to show you guys something.

Speaker 83133.52s - 3135.44s

I thought of the perfect gift for each other.

Speaker 113135.56s - 3136.52s

I think all of us would enjoy this.

Speaker 73136.6s - 3136.88s


Speaker 83137.08s - 3139.68s

Doug, Google ORG. It's not often.

Speaker 73139.8s - 3140.36s

We all have the same.

Speaker 83140.36s - 3141.4s

Paintball security camera.

Speaker 73141.52s - 3145.24s

Oh, that sounds cool. It's exactly what I said it is. It's a security camera. That's way sounds cool. It's exactly what I said it is.

Speaker 93146.64s - 3146.84s

It's a security camera.

Speaker 73148.04s - 3149.42s

That's way better than nest. That shoots paintballs at people.

Speaker 93149.84s - 3151.38s

Stupid. That's ridiculous.

Speaker 83151.46s - 3152.1s

That's amazing.

Speaker 73152.28s - 3155.06s

Imagine having that in front of your house and just.

Speaker 83155.14s - 3156.08s

Well, you remember the ring one?

Speaker 93156.12s - 3160.58s

I told you guys that about that super cool where you actually, it's actually a drone that just takes off

Speaker 83160.58s - 3162.18s

and then flies around. Yeah, but you can't shoot them.

Speaker 73162.2s - 3162.94s

So this thing shoots?

Speaker 83163.1s - 3163.98s

Shoots. Come on.

Speaker 73164.06s - 3165.42s

I swear to God, pull it up. Let me see this. I'm going to buy one. For sure. I think this would be. Mainly because I have a crow that comes and then flies around. Yeah, but you can't shoot them. So this thing shoots? Shoots. Come on. I swear to God, pull it up.

Speaker 83165.42s - 3166.04s

Let me see this.

Speaker 73166.12s - 3167.48s

I'm going to buy one for sure.

Speaker 83167.56s - 3173.26s

I think this would be. Mainly because I have a crow that comes and eats my garbage, pulls a garbage out of my garbage. Oh, do you really?

Speaker 73173.46s - 3174.72s

It's a crow that's doing that?

Speaker 83174.78s - 3175.72s

I'm not going to shoot a crow.

Speaker 93175.82s - 3176.46s

Not a raccoon?

Speaker 73176.96s - 3177.58s

I don't want to say that.

Speaker 93177.64s - 3178.38s

What is this?

Speaker 73178.6s - 3179.46s

That's it right there.

Speaker 93179.92s - 3180.92s

How does this work?

Speaker 73181.82s - 3181.94s


Speaker 93181.94s - 3182.8s

Where do you mount it?

Speaker 73182.88s - 3185.88s

So push play on the play on the video there.

Speaker 93185.92s - 3186.3s

Watch this.

Speaker 83186.34s - 3186.94s

Let me see this.

Speaker 93187.02s - 3187.32s

Blow it up.

Speaker 83187.36s - 3188.52s

I want to see it. Blow it up.

Speaker 33189.56s - 3190.42s

So on the bottom right.

Speaker 83190.42s - 3190.76s

Here we are.

Speaker 13190.92s - 3192.02s

We got to wait for the ad.

Speaker 83192.08s - 3192.28s

Can you?

Speaker 33192.78s - 3195.64s

That neighbor's dog that takes a shit on my lawn all the time?

Speaker 83195.94s - 3197s

Yeah, this could be cool.

Speaker 33198.12s - 3199.86s

Are you, I mean, how amazing would this be?

Speaker 83200s - 3200.88s

Yeah, no, this is cool.

Speaker 33201.44s - 3202.04s

There we are.

Speaker 83202.04s - 3203.22s

Trying to skip the ad here.

Speaker 33203.64s - 3203.88s


Speaker 83205.44s - 3206.64s

Your first time on the internet.

Speaker 113207.74s - 3208.02s

Oh, wait.

Speaker 83209.04s - 3210.1s

Doug's a big Google ORG guy.

Speaker 113210.22s - 3211.72s

It's an AI security camera.

Speaker 83212.84s - 3213.54s

Oh, wait.

Speaker 113213.98s - 3215.14s

It literally shoots.

Speaker 103215.76s - 3217.52s

I think it might be motion detected.

Speaker 83217.76s - 3218.76s

This is hilarious.

Speaker 103219.06s - 3220.38s

No way, dude.

Speaker 93221.28s - 3222.64s

Oh, he's a little.

Speaker 103223.8s - 3225.16s

Dude, how awesome is that?

Speaker 93226.2s - 3227.88s

Tell me right now you're not going to want to go buy one.

Speaker 83228.14s - 3228.82s

I do want to buy this.

Speaker 73228.82s - 3230.76s

You have five seconds to leave the premises.

Speaker 33230.76s - 3235s

So I want to know if it's if it just automatically fires on anybody who is like,

Speaker 83235.12s - 3236.8s

because I get people that walk back.

Speaker 33236.92s - 3240.58s

My camera goes off every day and every night around dusk because everyone walks their dogs around the.

Speaker 83240.58s - 3243.34s

Probably a problem because we do have neighbor kids coming over.

Speaker 33243.44s - 3244.8s

Is every here to play?

Speaker 83245.28s - 3246.58s

Oh, but look, this guy's aiming.

Speaker 73247.14s - 3248.1s

You can aim with it.

Speaker 83248.22s - 3249.4s

So you pull up your phone.

Speaker 33249.6s - 3250.84s

Oh, that is.

Speaker 93251.02s - 3251.76s

You can aim and fire.

Speaker 83251.76s - 3251.98s

All right.

Speaker 73252.06s - 3252.56s

This is a company.

Speaker 103252.72s - 3252.88s

We got,

Speaker 33252.98s - 3255.24s

we got to shout this company out, even though we're not paid by this. You know,

Speaker 83255.24s - 3258.76s

in my oldest would hack in and figure out, you know,

Speaker 73258.88s - 3259.78s

blast people.

Speaker 83259.82s - 3260.4s

Paint cam.

Speaker 33260.78s - 3261.48s

Paint cam.

Speaker 83261.68s - 3261.9s


Speaker 113262.02s - 3262.74s

This is brilliant.

Speaker 83262.82s - 3268.46s

Also, also, did you know you could buy a drone dog that has a flamethrower on it?

Speaker 113268.58s - 3269.3s

I did see that.

Speaker 33269.38s - 3269.64s


Speaker 113269.94s - 3271.34s

Is that Boston Dynamics ORG?

Speaker 83271.52s - 3273.46s

Because it looked like one of their robots.

Speaker 33273.68s - 3274.5s

No, I don't know.

Speaker 83274.62s - 3276.26s

But I think you could buy it. I think you.

Speaker 33276.52s - 3283.92s

It's a flame or I. Thrower. Flame thrower drone dog or robot dog. That makes no sense why somebody be allowed to buy that.

Speaker 83284s - 3289.54s

I don't know, but I almost... I mean, I kind of feel like if you had one and I had one, yeah.We can train that.

Speaker 33289.82s - 3290.56s

No, we could battle.

Speaker 73290.56s - 3291.26s

Oh, like battle.

Speaker 33291.4s - 3292.02s

Flamethrow battle.

Speaker 93292.1s - 3293.78s

No, what I want to get is...

Speaker 73293.78s - 3295.1s

And I want this for the truckie house

Speaker 93295.1s - 3296.42s

for the ice is the...

Speaker 83296.42s - 3297.18s

There's an attachment

Speaker 73297.18s - 3299.66s

for Doug PERSON's guns that's a flame thrower.

Speaker 113299.84s - 3302.42s

Why does it have to go on a gun? Doesn't go... Yeah, just...

Speaker 73302.42s - 3306.32s

No, no, no, they make... There's... Hey, look at this dog. Is it an attachment for your gun. Look at this dog. It's a fucking... It doesn't go. Yeah, just, it's, no, no, they make, no, there's, hey, look at this dog, there's an attachment for your gun. Look at this dog.

Speaker 13306.7s - 3307.4s

It's a fucking,

Speaker 113307.74s - 3308.5s

it's terrifying.

Speaker 13308.82s - 3309.42s

Look at that.

Speaker 33309.42s - 3310s

That is terrifying.

Speaker 13310.24s - 3310.78s

Look at that,

Speaker 33310.86s - 3314.56s

dude. We're so, oh my God. It's going to get weird.

Speaker 113314.86s - 3322.14s

There's going to be so many, like, you can buy it. You can buy that? It's called the Terminator PRODUCT. It's $9,400.Like,

Speaker 33322.14s - 3323.04s

what could go wrong?

Speaker 83323.1s - 3323.5s

Listen to me.

Speaker 113324.5s - 3324.78s


Speaker 83324.78s - 3325.02s

like, listen to me. Listen to me. Like, who?

Speaker 113325.38s - 3325.86s

Listen to me.

Speaker 83326s - 3326.22s

I mean,

Speaker 113326.32s - 3326.94s

if the shit hits,

Speaker 73327s - 3333.08s

imagine you have a property where you've got the, the, the dog flame thrower, you got the paintball thing, like, sick.

Speaker 83333.34s - 3337.2s

Yeah, but think about it right now. Let's say there's a solar, this can't be good for the climate, you guys.

Speaker 103337.38s - 3337.56s


Speaker 73337.66s - 3338.34s

Well, okay, listen.

Speaker 13339s - 3341.24s

Imagine there's a solar flare, power goes out.

Speaker 103341.34s - 3342.08s

Shit, it's the fan.

Speaker 73342.38s - 3343.32s

You got this.

Speaker 13343.36s - 3344.22s

You're set, man.

Speaker 73344.52s - 3345.36s

You just stay in your house.

Speaker 83345.44s - 3351.52s

You're like, nobody's coming inside. If your neighbors know you got a flame throwing dog.

Speaker 73351.52s - 3352.56s

That's actually legal?

Speaker 83353.38s - 3353.74s


Speaker 93354.62s - 3355.28s

Good question.

Speaker 73355.32s - 3356.02s

Not in California.

Speaker 33356.56s - 3357.52s

Nothing's legal in California.

Speaker 83357.68s - 3360.14s

Does that say it's $8,400 or something?

Speaker 113360.28s - 3361.06s


Speaker 83361.24s - 3362.12s

$9,000? Well, yeah.

Speaker 113362.2s - 3369.34s

That's like a middle of the country. Okay, yeah. So are flame throwers legal in my area. The only state that's red is California.

Speaker 73370.34s - 3371.68s

Oh, the only one.

Speaker 113371.84s - 3373.72s

Does that mean we can't use it for the turkey house?

Speaker 93373.82s - 3374.92s

We can't have nothing fun here.

Speaker 83375s - 3376.78s

Gavin Newsom PERSON doesn't allow any fun.

Speaker 113377.14s - 3377.5s


Speaker 83377.92s - 3379.96s

I want to have a flame throwing dog.

Speaker 93380.04s - 3380.54s

What is that?

Speaker 33380.6s - 3380.84s


Speaker 73381.22s - 3382.16s

They're showing how it's made.

Speaker 33382.28s - 3382.78s


Speaker 73382.88s - 3394.62s

So hold a second. Why did you think you attach a flamethrower to his guns? Because where we were Doug PERSON and I get. I'm so glad he didn't do that. We're, we're Doug PERSON and I get,Doug PERSON and I get the gun, our guns. There's, that's exactly what it is. It attaches right to the, the AR PRODUCT.Really?

Speaker 33394.62s - 3403.58s

It goes right to it. And it just blows flying. So you can have a flame throwing robot dog, but they still don't figure out how to like have a, a dishwashing. Yeah.

Speaker 83403.84s - 3404.24s

That's right.

Speaker 93404.52s - 3405s

Like, come on. Well, because there's less precision. You know what I've always, what people have always said that is so interesting to me is, have a dishwashing. Yeah. That's right. Like, come on.

Speaker 73405.06s - 3406.72s

Well, because there's less precision.

Speaker 83406.72s - 3408.92s

You know what I've always, what people have always said that is so interesting

Speaker 73408.92s - 3413.04s

me is, you know how many miles to, to travel to the moon and back?

Speaker 93413.04s - 3419.66s

And we have, and we can, and it can, and it can, rocket can go and do that. We can't get a car to go past 100,000 miles QUANTITY. Like, that's fucking, think about that for a second.

Speaker 103419.76s - 3430.98s

They can. They can. They totally can. Of course they can. You mean to tell me, like, for some reason for the last, like, I don't know, what is it? 70 years, 50 or $100,000 miles QUANTITY is like just the max, like cars go?

Speaker 83431.38s - 3436.02s

Wasn't there a guy that figured out how to get engines to run on water and then he disappeared?

Speaker 93436.32s - 3437.14s

Justin PERSON, is that real?

Speaker 73437.32s - 3438.08s

Did you remember that guy?

Speaker 33438.26s - 3443.8s

Yeah, that sounds like an urban legend, but it does, yeah, it sounds like it ran off of, like, hydrogen, right?

Speaker 83443.96s - 3448.8s

Something. Yeah. It was like water powered something, and he was he was like showing people and then he disappeared.

Speaker 33448.8s - 3456.34s

I heard like a lot of stories like that are like the first flying car and like the guy, you know, got like mysteriously, you know, suicide.

Speaker 73456.34s - 3460.46s

It's so weird that a company wouldn't come out. I know you brought up that Rolls Roy PRODUCT stat, which I thought was really fascinating.

Speaker 33460.56s - 3461.96s

I did not know that about Rolls Roy's PRODUCT.

Speaker 83462.38s - 3483.36s

But it's interesting that a company like that wouldn't come out with a really expensive car. And it's like, listen, you like lifetime warranty. And we just, we take care of it. You lose money eventually. Huh? You stretch it out long enough if you lose money. Not if you get them on the service side of it. You get them on the service side. Do you know why? Do you know one of the challenges along those lines? One of the challenges with some of these new therapies with psychedelics. For example.

Speaker 73483.92s - 3485.26s

It works too well.

Speaker 83486.64s - 3486.8s

Yeah, one treatment.

Speaker 73487.02s - 3487.1s


Speaker 83488.48s - 3490.92s

Or two or three treatments. And then you went out to see you again for three years or two years.

Speaker 73491.06s - 3492.1s

It's not like a good business model.

Speaker 83492.22s - 3492.5s


Speaker 103492.66s - 3501.12s

And so the pharma company is like, how do we make money off of this? How do we make money off of this one? You know, okay, you know what cluster headaches are? Have you ever heard of cluster headaches?

Speaker 33501.52s - 3504.3s

They're the worst, right? It's not just a migraine.

Speaker 83504.3s - 3519.4s

It's like like compounded, right? Yeah, they commit suicide. And there's no treatment except for psilocybin once every six months. And they don't get the cluster headaches anymore. Wow. But there's no way to make money off that.It's not patented. And what are you going to sell you two pills? Yeah.

Speaker 73519.5s - 3520.48s

A year? I don't know.

Speaker 83520.74s - 3523.86s

That's sad. Yep. All right. Let's do a shout out. Vegas GPE.

Speaker 73524.86s - 3525.24s

Vegas GPE. Keep shouting it out from the rooftops. Let's do a shout out. Vegas. Vegas.

Speaker 83525.56s - 3526.96s

Keep shouting it out from the rooftops.

Speaker 73527s - 3530.16s

Well, I mean, I do want it to because the countdown's happening.

Speaker 83530.28s - 3538.76s

I mean, we're within the last 30 days until it goes down. So it's mind pump live.com. Sign up. Come see us in Vegas GPE. It's going to be a really good time. Yes, it is.

Speaker 73538.88s - 3551.78s

We have a lot of friends coming. We do have a lot of friends. I haven't told you guys. I've been on the horn with quite a few. So I should have a lot of cool people that you guys have heard us hang out with in the past. It should be coming along.There's a company called Dynasty ORG.

Speaker 83552s - 3582.4s

It's extremely disruptive in the trust market. Here's what I mean by that. You can get yourself a trust for free. It takes about 10 minutes online. I'm not joking. You don't have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars.You don't have to go through a lawyer. You go to get dynasty.com. You sign yourself up with a trust. It costs you nothing. And it only takes about 10 minutes. And then you can go from there.It's amazing. Again, get dynasty.com. All right, back to the show. Our first caller is Kyle from Illinois GPE. What up, Kyle PERSON?

Speaker 73582.48s - 3584.22s

Oh, yeah. That's guy reads.

Speaker 83584.32s - 3591s

Okay, yeah. I want to say you got the John Deere ORG polo on and you got tons of books behind it. What do you do for work? I'm super, I'm super curious now.

Speaker 63591.9s - 3596.76s

Yeah, I'm a software developer. So I develop a mobile app for John Deere ORG. Oh, good deal.

Speaker 73596.96s - 3597.2s


Speaker 13597.32s - 3598.32s

That makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 103598.44s - 3598.68s

All right.

Speaker 63598.88s - 3759.12s

All right, cool. What's your question, man? All right. Well, hey, a huge thank you for all the great content you guys put out so consistently and being willing to take my question. So I've been consistently, I'm 36, been consistently going to the gym every morning for the last six years. But the bulk of that time,my focus was cardio. And I would occasionally throw in some light resistance training. But I found your show last fall and totally changed my time at the gyms. So I do just, you know, 10 or 15 minutes of cardio and otherwise spend the entire time doing resistance training. So, and just as I've gotten into it, I think one of the big factors that's slowing me down and slowing my recovery. And really, you guys' emphasis on the importance of sleep is what made me realize this, is that I don't get great sleep.And that's not because I'm not trying. So I've tried my best to ensure that I allow myself eight hours a night, but I never really get eight hours. I fall asleep very quickly. It's never an issue of falling asleep. But I get up multiple times through the night.And then the big deal is that I stay awake for between 30 minutes or an hour. And I track my sleep using my Apple Watch PRODUCT. I know that that's imperfect. That's not scientific. But it definitely is enough to give me a measure. And I can see very consistently, you know, fall asleep right away.And I get about, you know, usually like 40 minutes of deep sleep, rarely more than that. Like the maximum I've ever seen of deep sleep is around an hour, which I know is way less than what it should be. And then I find myself waking up in the middle of the night and then wake for 20 minutes, 30 minutes an hour, sometimes more. I've tried following your three to two, one rule on mostevenings. Sometimes it's challenging to follow it really strictly. But I try limiting my fluids and try to wind down into bedtime as best I can. I've tried high carb, low carb. So the only diet-related connection I can make is that it seems to be way worse when I'm in a calorie deficit versus a surplus. But I've not been able to make any connection between lifting days versus rest days. You know, I usually Saturday, Sunday or more my rest days.And so it seems like it doesn't really correlate. I've tried looking at different sleep products, like some of the ones that you've mentioned, but a lot of them are positioned to help you fall asleep faster, which is something I don't really struggle with necessarily. I've experimented some with low doses of melatonin, but just kind of makes me, doesn't really fix the root of the issue, just kind of makes me more drowsy. So that's where I'm at.

Speaker 33759.24s - 3760.96s

I wish, pardon?

Speaker 73761.2s - 3762.52s

Does your temperature fluctuate?

Speaker 33762.6s - 3764s

And that's what kind of brings you up?

Speaker 73764.14s - 3769.78s

Yeah, what wakes you up? Are you having to go pee or are you just randomly waking up out of nowhere? It's bold.

Speaker 63769.9s - 3796.1s

I definitely have to go pee, you know, three times a night-ish or sometimes more. So you're like that. But sometimes it's not even that. Sometimes I wake up and I don't even have to go necessarily.So it's not just that. And it's not like I wake up sweating or extremely cold. Like I feel like, you know, we manage our temperature, you know, normally. We, you know, try to get it down to like 67, either by opening the window or run in the air or what,

Speaker 83796.14s - 3801.56s

you know, whatever it takes. So there's a, uh, uh, I think I know why, but first I'll ask you,

Speaker 63801.56s - 3812.48s

do you consume alcohol or cannabis? Um, not cannabis. Not cannabis. I do have like a glass of wine on the weekends, but very light amount. I mean, I'm talking like less than two glasses QUANTITY a week.

Speaker 83812.6s - 3814.78s

Okay. Okay. And then you get sunlight during the day, right?

Speaker 63816.72s - 3830.6s

Yeah, that's a, I mean, that's a challenge. So I work, I work a, so I work remotely. So I'm in like a shed next to my house. So I come out here in the morning before sunlight. And I usually, by the time I'm coming in, it's, you know, five, six p.m. And then I work remotely, so I'm in like a shed next to my house. So I come out here in the morning before sunlight. And I usually, by the time I'm coming in, it's, you know, 5, 6 p.m. And then I have a family.

Speaker 83830.9s - 3846.36s

So that could help. Okay. Don't get a lot of sunlight. So two things. Sunlight does impact sleep quite a bit. So I would really try to make an effort either sit right next to the window or if you could workoutside for an hour.

Speaker 73846.36s - 3847.84s

Or you can get a 10-minute break salad.

Speaker 83848s - 3853.7s

Yeah. It just gets sun. Just get some sun because, I mean, we sit in the studio and we have electronic light, you know, in here.

Speaker 73853.7s - 3854.58s

It definitely affects us.

Speaker 63854.64s - 3857.34s

This affects my sleep for sure versus the weekends when I'm outside.

Speaker 73858s - 3858.88s

But the second thing.

Speaker 63858.88s - 3860.5s

Does it matter what time of day?

Speaker 83860.7s - 3865.8s

Like, early, earlier the better. Earlier the better, but all day would be great. When the sun's out, gets some sunlight.

Speaker 63866s - 3881.16s

That just makes a difference. But I don't think that's the root issue. I definitely think that's contributing, and I think it'll be, it'll help to get sunlight. But what you're saying sounds like textbook over stress, over, over, over training. Very textbook.

Speaker 03881.52s - 3888.28s

So typically, if your body is not managing stress, which includes workouts, it could be mental

Speaker 93888.28s - 3890.74s

stress, it could be personal stress.

Speaker 03891.54s - 3904.46s

When those things are overwhelming for the body, very classic textbook sign is waking up throughout the night. By the way, having to pee throughout the night, that happens when you wake up.

Speaker 83904.54s - 3908.74s

You're not waking up because you have to pee. It's, you wake up and then you have to

Speaker 13908.74s - 3913.5s

pee. Sure. The body does a very good job of shutting that down if you're able to stay in a really,

Speaker 03913.5s - 3940.34s

really good, you know, stages of sleep. So, uh, I would look at workout. I would look at your personal stress. Um, I don't know, you know, if it is indeed your workout, like one thing you could try is you could take a week or two off exercise and just walk, just stay active. And then three, four, five days into it, if you notice your sleep dramatically improves, okay,then this probably has to do with stress.

Speaker 13940.46s - 3958.56s

But it's very textbook, okay? In my experience working with clients, what you're explaining, and sometimes it's hormone issues, this and the other could be, but generally speaking, it's just the body's handling too much stress. Did you say you're drinking caffeine? You're

Speaker 73958.56s - 3966.98s

not drinking caffeine? I do, certainly. I did cycle off of it for a while over Christmas break.

Speaker 63967.08s - 3983.74s

That was a good time to like, you know, reduce. I wasn't, you know, I don't know. It was just, I wasn't waking up as early, that type of thing. I didn't have to worry about work for, you know, for quite a while, you know, two weeks or so around Christmas. So I did get off of it 100%, but then I'm right back on it. So I absolutely rely on that.

Speaker 73983.86s - 3988.46s

What's your, what's the latest time that you're drinking a caffeine drink or coffee?

Speaker 63988.46s - 4001.18s

Oh, yeah, how much? I only, I only have it. So I work out right when I get up. I only have it right just before I work out and then I have none for the rest of the day. And I usually do like 200-ish, 200 to 300 milligrams QUANTITY.

Speaker 84001.6s - 4002.9s

And you go to, and then what time do you go to bed?

Speaker 64004.24s - 4007.46s

It's pretty early. Yeah, we usually are in bed by nine. Oh, you're fine and then what time do you go to bed? It's pretty early. Yeah, we usually are in bed by nine.

Speaker 84007.62s - 4011.26s

Oh, you're fine. Yeah. We put our kids to bed and we're ready. Yeah, you're fine.

Speaker 64011.54s - 4058.52s

Yeah, it's a stress thing. So what does your workout look like? Yeah. So I've done, so I have Maps power lift. And I can't say that I follow it super, super strictly. Like I, you know, watch the videos and do the workouts, but I have more or less like,I know this is totally anti everything you guys preach. So this is, you know, confession time. But I kind of just do whatever I, you know, I try not to leave the gym exhausted. But I try to just fill the, you know, whatever time I have, I try to fill it. And it also depends on how good I'm feeling at the time. So I definitely flirt some with over training, but I try to like it and it also depends on how good I'm feeling at the time.So I definitely flirt some with overtraining, but I try to like be conscious of the fact that like I want to leave the gym feeling good, like you guys say, but I definitely don't like follow the prescription to a T.

Speaker 74059.82s - 4080.74s

So this helps right now. And I'm curious what you think. Right away what comes to mind for me is Maps PRODUCT 15 advanced. And instead of spending 50 minutes to an hour in the gym, getting outside and getting in the sun. So it's like if you're dedicating 50 minutes to an hour to the gym, and I'm saying, give me 20 minutes in the gym and then get outside for 40 minutes and getting sun, I think would benefit you more.

Speaker 84080.86s - 4093.06s

Yeah. So here's the textbook, textbook symptom of too much stress on the body. You fall asleep quickly and then you wake up several times throughout the evening. You fall asleep quickly because you're exhausted.

Speaker 04093.66s - 4094.62s

Your body's exhausted.

Speaker 84094.62s - 4096.14s

So you hit the pillow and it's like,

Speaker 04096.22s - 4096.76s

I'm out.

Speaker 84097.42s - 4099.28s

But then you end up waking up throughout the night.

Speaker 04099.62s - 4106.22s

That's textbook over training, over stress. You know, you do have two kids. I know what that's like. How old are your kids?

Speaker 64107.64s - 4109.52s

So I've actually got four kids.

Speaker 84109.76s - 4117.12s

So I've got a 10-year-old, an 8-year-old, a 5-year-old, and then a 1-5-year-old DATE. So, yeah.

Speaker 64117.32s - 4118.32s

Yeah, we're busy.

Speaker 84118.52s - 4118.9s

Yeah, bro.

Speaker 64118.98s - 4119.44s

What's going on?

Speaker 84119.46s - 4119.96s

How are you doing, buddy?

Speaker 74122.12s - 4122.92s

It's too much stress.

Speaker 64122.92s - 4123.96s

We might prescribe hugs.

Speaker 74124.2s - 4126.42s

Yeah, you're doing too much. So, you know, might prescribe hugs. Yeah, you're doing too much.

Speaker 84127.02s - 4129.42s

So, you're managing too much.

Speaker 74129.84s - 4131.94s

You're also software, you know, engineer.

Speaker 84132.38s - 4137.26s

So your work is probably stressful in the sense of high performance,

Speaker 74137.44s - 4137.94s


Speaker 94138.3s - 4144.4s

And then on top of it, it is stressful in the body to sit and look at a computer and do that all day long.

Speaker 74144.96s - 4145.08s

I do that for 12 hours a computer and do that all day long.

Speaker 94146.6s - 4146.88s

I do that for 12 hours a day. Yeah.

Speaker 64147.08s - 4147.32s


Speaker 94147.32s - 4147.68s


Speaker 64147.68s - 4148.28s


Speaker 94148.28s - 4149.44s

I literally.

Speaker 14149.44s - 4150.88s

No, Adam PERSON's prescription is it.

Speaker 104151.02s - 4151.32s


Speaker 64151.32s - 4151.7s

That's what I would do.

Speaker 74151.7s - 4155.22s

Map 15 and then the other 30, 40 minutes TIME you have, go outside.

Speaker 64155.22s - 4155.8s

Go outside.

Speaker 74155.8s - 4156.66s

Just nice walk.

Speaker 64156.78s - 4157.14s

That's it.

Speaker 84157.22s - 4159.3s

And actually do something for yourself, very enjoyable.

Speaker 64159.4s - 4162.2s

I don't know if you like listening to audio books or certain music.

Speaker 84162.62s - 4162.72s


Speaker 74162.72s - 4162.76s


Speaker 84163.3s - 4167.66s

Choose something therapeutic to put in your ears and walk.

Speaker 74167.86s - 4168.54s

Just get outside.

Speaker 84168.54s - 4172.38s

And you know what will happen? By the way, here's what will happen. You'll get stronger in the genus.

Speaker 74172.38s - 4173.14s

Yes, yes.

Speaker 84173.36s - 4175.56s

That's how you know, like, oh, my God, I'm way stronger.

Speaker 74175.74s - 4177.56s

Like, okay, this is moving in the right direction.

Speaker 84178.48s - 4178.52s


Speaker 74178.72s - 4195.34s

And this one, I'm going to ask you to follow to a T. So don't be doing your own shit. Follow it to a T as it's laid out. Maps Anabolic Advanced. Excuse me, Maps 15 PRODUCT advanced version, which is the barbell version. And then the other 30 to 40 minutes TIME, go outside the gym and just go walk out in the

Speaker 04195.34s - 4199.1s

sunlight and put something in that you, that'll have a huge thing for you.

Speaker 34199.14s - 4209.4s

That'll be very very. Relaxing music or audio book and just really. That's the biggest movers. I mean, we haven't talked about it a long time but i don't know if you wear any of the blue blockers in front of the screen the whole time you're on there

Speaker 64209.4s - 4219.6s

and you know i've i've looked at them i've looked them up and then i get like i'm not sure which one to get and so i kind of get this paralysis of decision and i just not not purchased any yeah so

Speaker 84219.6s - 4231.34s

you think of a stress bucket okay and it's filled with water to the. Blue light blocking glasses is taking a teaspoon of water out of there. Changing your workout, like we said, is dumping a decent amount.

Speaker 74231.7s - 4236.74s

So, so, and then when your sleep gets better, your ability to handle more stress goes up.

Speaker 04236.74s - 4239.28s

And adding, adding the sunlight in there is going to grow your bucket.

Speaker 74239.4s - 4240.52s

Yeah, so, so I would.

Speaker 84240.52s - 4254.08s

Those are the big ones. Yeah, I just, just literally follow maps 15 advanced bar, barelt, you're in the gym, you're doing two exercises. That's it. You're out. Don't go to failure. Spend some time outside and then do the rest of your day.And you'll notice, you should notice some pretty profound impact.

Speaker 74254.34s - 4260.94s

Doug PERSON's going to send that to you. And I'd love for you to follow back with us and let us know how this, you know, give it a few weeks of doing this consistently.

Speaker 84261.24s - 4263.3s

And then let us know how things are going.

Speaker 74263.56s - 4265.46s

I have a pretty confident you're going to see.

Speaker 84265.46s - 4273.34s

I would do this because we're talking. What's today? Today's Tuesday. I would take the rest of the week off, start, MAPS 15 advanced next week. And then that'll be a good start.

Speaker 64274.28s - 4276.5s

I don't know if I've ever taken, I mean, I know.

Speaker 74276.5s - 4284.3s

Oh, bro, you're just giving us more. This will be good for you. Take it off. This is good. This is good. The more you talk,the more information that you just keep firm.

Speaker 64284.3s - 4284.44s

You just keep firm.

Speaker 74284.58s - 4309.44s

I feel like the gym is my stress street. Like, that is my way. Yeah. Yeah. Okay, Sal. Hey, so this is like, hey, what you, and if, to take Sal's advice, so it doesn't feel like you're, you know, you're losing a limb to just go for the walk for the rest of the week. So go outside. So start right now, getting outside, instead of going lifting weights and hitting anything or running or doing anything intense, go for a nice walk. You're going to burn

Speaker 84309.44s - 4316.72s

some calories, get some movement. I like what Adam PERSON's saying, because I'm assuming you leave the house, but if you stayed home for an extra hour and a half, then you got to deal with the kids and all that

Speaker 74316.72s - 4338.64s

shit. So you're not really getting stress relief. So yeah, do it out of so. Go for a nice walk outside. I would love it. It's probably good weather. I don't know where you're at. Over here, it's nice weather right now. But if it's good enough weather to be outside, go outside, do that for the rest of the week. Next week, start the Maps 15 program the way we had it laid out. Don't add anything to it. And then the extra time add that walk. And I promise you, give me a few weeks of that. And I think you'll feel different. I think you'll notice within a week or two.

Speaker 64338.76s - 4343.1s

Yep. Yeah, that sounds solid. I'll give that a shot. I mean, it's certainly plausible.

Speaker 84343.1s - 4346.08s

I, um, and thank you.

Speaker 74346.5s - 4356.76s

But as it relates to overtraining, I've been living under the assumption that as long as I'm progressing, you know, strength-wise, you know, I can keep upping progressive overload.

Speaker 64357.08s - 4361.82s

As long as that seems to be going well, like I'm not overtraining. Is that not necessarily.

Speaker 74361.82s - 4368.96s

Well, the reason why it's not necessarily true, Kyle PERSON, with you is because this is relatively new for you. You are a run, run type of guy,

Speaker 64368.96s - 4372.8s

and you're just now really becoming a weightlifting guy. So you're actually getting,

Speaker 74372.8s - 4377.04s

you're getting a lot of the newbie gains and benefits of getting strength. And so what's

Speaker 64377.04s - 4380.18s

happening is it's telling you're getting that and you're like, oh, I'm doing fine because I'm

Speaker 74380.18s - 4384.08s

getting stronger. I'm doing better. So I must be fine. But that a lot, you're getting in spite of

Speaker 64384.08s - 4385.86s

yeah. But what you're noticing right now

Speaker 04385.86s - 4386.82s

is you're waking up,

Speaker 84387.12s - 4390.88s

uh, but if you keep going down this path, it'll, you'll start getting louder signals.

Speaker 74391.08s - 4393.34s

Yeah, it'll eventually, it'll eventually stall.

Speaker 84393.48s - 4407.02s

What's cool, it's very clear. I've seen this personally with clients, at least a dozen times. And then with other trainers and stuff like many times. It's a very classic textbook.Too much, too much stress. Literally fall asleep quickly, wake up throughout the night.

Speaker 74407.16s - 4413.5s

That's like that's 85% of the people who do that. That's what's happening. I think you're going to see a profound difference just from the advice right here.

Speaker 84413.66s - 4416.84s

If you follow it, that's going to be the key is to take it and follow it.

Speaker 64417.3s - 4419.18s

And I promise you'll feel a difference.

Speaker 84421.18s - 4421.7s

All right.

Speaker 64421.74s - 4422.44s

Well, thank you guys.

Speaker 84422.54s - 4423.82s

I really, really appreciate it.

Speaker 64424.24s - 4449.32s

That sounds spot on. I'll give it a shot. Cool. Follow up with us. All right, Kyle. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you so much. Do you know who did the same thing? What? Mike Matthews. And I were talking back and forth and he was having issues with sleep and he would tell us about it, you know, like whatever. And he dropped his by a third. He's like, all of a sudden he could sleep. He's like, bro, I was over

Speaker 84449.32s - 4454.12s

training. It's a very classic textbook. And there could be other reasons. You know, it's funny.

Speaker 64454.12s - 4457.14s

I'm not saying, it's always true, but it's often true. The more he talked, the more, I was like,

Speaker 84457.24s - 4461.02s

oh, okay. I was like, I don't know. This is a kid. You have four kids. Yeah. Yeah.

Speaker 14461.02s - 4468.24s

Listen, come on. To anybody. To anybody who's listening. Any time I sit for a couple of hours straight looking at a screen, it fucks with me. And by the way desk for 12 hours a day. To anybody who's listening. Anytime I sit for a couple hours straight looking at a screen, it fucks with me.

Speaker 74468.52s - 4472.2s

And by the way, to anybody who's listening right now, especially a trainer or coach,

Speaker 14472.28s - 4473.92s

who's like, oh my God, how did they know?

Speaker 74474.56s - 4476.24s

It's just purely based off the experience.

Speaker 14476.36s - 4481.9s

We've trained so many people for so long that I've seen enough people like this where I could guess.

Speaker 74482s - 4483.96s

And then he confirms it as he continues along.

Speaker 84484.4s - 4488.74s

By the way, for trainers and coaches, this is why we made our trainer course the way we

Speaker 74488.74s - 4489.04s

made it.

Speaker 84489.12s - 4491s

We literally put our experience in there.

Speaker 34491.04s - 4491.9s

It's not like other certifications.

Speaker 84492.44s - 4493.38s

This is our experience.

Speaker 34493.54s - 4497.8s

So you could go in there learn and then you'll be able to work with people like we just did

Speaker 84497.8s - 4498.58s

on this.

Speaker 74498.64s - 4507.16s

I'm glad he brought up the fact that he was still seeing positive things as far as like strength in the gym and stuff like that because we've talked about, that's like one of the number one indicators,

Speaker 34507.16s - 4533.04s

but it doesn't mean it's the only one or doesn't mean that you're necessarily... It's not foolproof. Yeah, especially with a guy who's really just introduced strength training. So of course he's seeing positive.And that's why too. He's not even following our novelty games. He's not even following our programs. So you could almost do anything weight training-wise and you're going to see positive change because it's this new adept, it's novel, and his body's going to have those newbie gains. And even though he's not taking care of his sleep, even though

Speaker 84533.04s - 4538.58s

he's got all this stress going on. But what's great is that if he takes the advice, he should be able

Speaker 04538.58s - 4543.04s

to do less. He's stranglinging. He'll go faster. Exactly. He'll see even better results in the gym,

Speaker 84543.04s - 4546.26s

and the sleep will improve, and he'll be doing less inside the gym.

Speaker 04546.8s - 4549.48s

Our next caller is Michael from New York GPE.

Speaker 84549.68s - 4550.2s

What's up, Michael?

Speaker 74550.76s - 4551.52s

How you doing, man?

Speaker 84551.62s - 4552s

Hey, guys.

Speaker 114552s - 4552.42s

How you doing?

Speaker 24552.58s - 4552.8s


Speaker 114552.9s - 4553.34s

I'm going to help you.

Speaker 24554.92s - 4564.8s

Well, I got some questions about power lift and grip strength. So I figured I'll give you guys just a quick bit of background because I promised my wife I wouldn't fan girl too hard.

Speaker 14567.3s - 4568.44s

Well, you guys are amazing.

Speaker 24568.64s - 4569.68s

I know you hear it all the time.

Speaker 14570.18s - 4572.42s

The impact you're having on the fitness community is profound.

Speaker 24574.58s - 4582.1s

I was always doing push-ups kind of on and off, quit smoking cigarettes almost four years ago and got really into weightlifting.

Speaker 14582.3s - 4584.56s

And then six months in, I found you guys.

Speaker 24584.78s - 4615.34s

I've been a tremendous help to me. So I guess I'll just get right into it. So Maps Powerlift phase one, the last week of phase one where you add weight until you hit eight reps. When I do that, the estimated one rep max is usually significantly, my one rep max is usually significantly higher than what I did with eight reps. So should I stick to the estimate or should I use what I got eight reps for or my last tested one rep max?

Speaker 74615.46s - 4616.58s

Use yours.

Speaker 24616.92s - 4659.2s

The formula, you know, this is that one of our challenges. The problem with RPE. And why we don't do RPE in any other program, right? We knew we had to do it for a power lifting program because people would be following this to get ready for a meet and they would need something specific like this. But this is part of the reason why we always coach to you guys or we talk on the show about learning to feel this stuff out because there is no perfect mathematical formula to give to somebody to like follow this protocol. It's a good base and a generic start for somebody who's absolutely clueless on what weight they should put on the bar.But somebody who's got experience like you even knows that like, oh, I can feel that I've got this much more in the tank. Even though it's telling me I only need to do this, I would tell you to go off your feel.

Speaker 84659.2s - 4743.4s

So I'm going to go, I'm going to push back just a little bit here because I'm like you are. So whenever I do an estimate based off of, you know, I can my one rep max is always higher than what the, what I'm going to push back just a little bit here because I'm like you are. So whenever I do an estimate based off of, you know, my one rep max is always higher than what I'm supposed to be able to do based off of what I do for X amount of reps. And I think it's, I don't know if it's fast switch muscle fibers, whatever the case may be. Now, I found with myself and with other people I've worked with and some friends that are power lifters that when you follow the programming,even though your one rep max is different than what it may be calculating, it tends to be better to go towards that side than it is to go towards pushing the intensity at a higher level. In other words, it's probably better to underdo it a little bit. And as long as you're seeing yourself getting stronger and stronger and stronger, it might be better to go that waybecause what tends to happen when you go off of what your actual one rep maxes each time is the intensity gets pushed a little too hard in my experience with a lot of people, especially with people who are newer to powerlifting or this style of training, especially if you've done any bodybuilding training in the past where intensity is a little bit, it's gauged differently than it is for powerlifting. Powerlifters rarely train for intensity.It's really based off of numbers. And if they go in and today it says, I'm supposed to do five reps with this weight. And they're like, wow, that was easy. Coach is like, I don't care. We're not adding weight to the bar.Do five reps with that weight. It's typically what they'll do. Same thing with Olympic EVENT coaches.

Speaker 34743.76s - 4756.86s

Until they start to really fine-tune things. It's typically with this. I think it's reps just like anything else. Like, I mean, is this like a very recent venture for you in terms of powerlifting? Is this the first time you've really tried to kind of hone in on that?

Speaker 24757.96s - 4772.52s

So this is my second time running the program. I did take a break. At the end of the first time I did power lift, I switched right into phase two and phase three of aesthetic, but with unilateral movements instead of barbell.

Speaker 14772.96s - 4782.98s

And I just restarted. So now I think I'm weak three of phase two of power lift right now.

Speaker 24783.04s - 4801.32s

How are the strength gains? So so far it's been great. Last time I ran power lift right now. How are the strength gains? So so far it's been great. Last time I ran power lift, I hit PRs on all of my lifts. This time I'm on track to. I think I kind of have been overdoing it with the intensity or I've just like my stress management is maybe off because like my joints are really talking to me.

Speaker 84802.44s - 4852.7s

So follow the calculations. Don't go off of your actual, what you think of one rep max is. And consider this too, Michael. The stronger you get, your volume is going up. The load on the body is going up. So you may be doing the same sets, same program,but maybe last time when you did power lift, your squat sets were, you know, 135, 185, 225, or whatever. And now you're 225, 245, 265. And you're like, well, I'm doing the same amount of sets. But your weight has gone up. So the volume has gone up.And what you'll find is the stronger you get, the more important it is to reduce intensity than when you're weaker because it's increased the volume. And so what you're feeling right now is probably a result of that. You're lifting more weight than you needed before. You're probably more confident, maybe pushing yourself a little harder.I would back off and follow the programming and let it do its work.

Speaker 74852.7s - 4910.9s

I mean, in a perfect world, like if this was me like trying to figure this out for myself, in a perfect world, I'm going to run this two different times in two different ways, right? I'm going to run at one timewhere I'm going to be like so true to the RPE and what it says. And even if I feel like I'm like I'm sticking to it, right? And I'm going to leave the gym going like, I know I could have done more. But that's okay. I'm following this time around.I'm following a tree. Then I'm going to do another one where I'm like, hey, when I feel like I got more of me, I'm going to add more. I'm going to do off how I feel. And then compare the two's the results and decide like what because probably the truth. It's probably somewhere in the middle of those two. I think to Sal PERSON's point and whyhe kind of countered what I said, it's like you're probably almost always, and this tends to be the truth with when we're training anybody, especially a power lifter or somebody who's been training for a long time, leaning towards the less is more. I mean, we tend to fool ourselves to, oh, I can handle, you know, I can tolerate, I can handle more, but is that necessarily optimal for me to get

Speaker 84910.9s - 4913.72s

stronger and keep heading in that direction? Especially if you're feeling your joints, right?

Speaker 74913.76s - 4918.88s

That's usually a sign that you're going a little too much. Okay, so then I'll just

Speaker 24918.88s - 4955.8s

cut back on the weight a little bit. That's what I did this. I went in today. I cut the weight down to my last tested one rep max and I felt a lot better. Good. So I'm just going to keep doing that until my joints feel better. And I've been doing the mobility stuff on my off days or afterwards. Awesome. Good. So my next question is also related to power lift when peaking in the last phase, is there a percentage range of increase over my one rep max I should aim for? Like a two to five percent over my one rep max is like that's going to be the target that I hit after, you know, when I go for a meet or when,

Speaker 84955.94s - 4960.66s

you know, after the last week. Oh, that's a good question. That's, there's such an individual.

Speaker 24960.74s - 4970.4s

That's a really good question. So have you done a meet before? No, I don't plan to. I just want to, I have certain numbers in mind before I potentially do anything else.

Speaker 84970.64s - 4977.62s

So I've only been to one and they give you multiple, you get to go do the lifts multiple times.

Speaker 74977.84s - 4995.86s

You'll come out and do three dead lifts or three, whatever. I would go with what you know you can do first. What you don't want to do is bomb. So I'd go and then go from there. Ooh, that felt good. Let's go another 15 pounds or whatever.And then based it off of that. That's going to take some experience to kind of figure out what that's going to look like. Okay, cool.

Speaker 24996.02s - 4996.22s


Speaker 84997.74s - 5003s

And finally, I just got one of those great strength testers because I've heard you guys talk about it.

Speaker 25003s - 5006.48s

I know you had, I forgot his name is some trainer. DeFranco. Joe DeFranco PERSON. You guys talked about it with him, because I've heard you guys talk about it. I know you've had, I forgot his name is some trainer. DeFranco PERSON.

Speaker 75006.6s - 5007.06s

Joe DeFranco PERSON.

Speaker 25008.34s - 5041.9s

You guys talked about it with him, but I don't remember many specific, like, specifically about percentages and how they relate to training. I just know that if it's lower than average, then you go a little easier. But I was wondering if you could give me any sort of, like, closer to a specific metric. I know it's going to be individual, but like if it's down 25% should I just get the gym in total, total or like just do like walking and maybe trigger sessions or, you know, is it 60 to 70% below when I'm,you know, 60% of my one rep max is what I should train at that day.

Speaker 85041.9s - 5056.7s

I would only go, I would only get specific, like really, really detailed if I've been training for someone, training someone for a long time and able to identify their own patterns. Basically, you're not going to go wrong. It's with your non-dominate hand.

Speaker 05057.08s - 5069.88s

You squeeze it as hard as you can. And you get yourself an average. And if it's a little below that, yeah, you're probably okay. If it's a little above it, you're probably okay. If it's like, wow, I'm, you know, that's a lot lower than I average. And if it's a little below that, yeah, you're probably okay. If it's a little above it, you're probably okay. If it's like, wow, I'm, you know, that's a lot lower than I average.

Speaker 35069.88s - 5075.46s

And you feel low. Like, it's confirming how you are going into that day. That's kind of how I would gauge it

Speaker 85075.46s - 5125.82s

is more of like, this is like a metric now kind of producing what I thought, or sometimes it surprises me, like I still have a pretty good grip strength reading. And so, you know, I'll still play with somewhere in between that, though, you know, based off of like, I like to lean on how I feel more. And I know people hate to hear this, but so much of your workouts and how successfully you're always going to be based off a feel.So, you know, you're doing the, you're doing this grip strength test. And you're like, well, you know, I'm averaging, you know, on're doing the, you're doing this grip strength test. You're like, well, you know, I'm averaging, you know, on average, I do 130 pounds with each squeeze. And today was 125, you know, and I feel okay, probably fine. Or I was 100. Okay, that's 30 pound difference. I probably should take it easy. And then based off of how that works for you over time, you'll get a better idea of how to be more accurate with what you're reading.

Speaker 35125.82s - 5134.38s

Well, this requires a long period of time of data. So you got to be doing that before every workout. So you have any kind of point to go back

Speaker 75134.38s - 5135.52s

and kind of look at trends.

Speaker 85135.96s - 5137.46s

Michael, what do you do for a living?

Speaker 75138.16s - 5138.82s

I know, you're very numbers.

Speaker 35138.82s - 5139.38s

I'm a mechanic.

Speaker 75139.7s - 5140s


Speaker 35140.52s - 5140.72s


Speaker 75140.82s - 5141.36s

I'm just curious.

Speaker 35141.82s - 5143.44s

Very detailed type questions,

Speaker 75143.64s - 5145.68s

came off very engineer, like that type of guy that would

Speaker 35145.68s - 5146.98s

organize his books by color.

Speaker 15146.98s - 5148.24s

He also just got certified.

Speaker 85148.52s - 5150.4s

Are you trying to train people?

Speaker 35151.98s - 5156.58s

So if it was a lateral move for me financially, then yes, I'd be a trainer.

Speaker 85156.82s - 5157.98s

My wife organized the books.

Speaker 25159.4s - 5160.48s

She's the OCD one.

Speaker 75161.22s - 5161.6s


Speaker 25162.28s - 5164.08s

My dad's also an engineer.

Speaker 95164.36s - 5165.42s

So that's maybe where I get.

Speaker 75165.42s - 5167.92s

Yeah, you sound like one of my engineer clients.

Speaker 15168.04s - 5170.42s

That's how, like, my engineers ask questions just like this.

Speaker 75170.56s - 5173.1s

Yeah, you're not going to, it's not going to be a lateral financial move to be a

Speaker 15173.1s - 5174.86s

trainer for a mechanic, unfortunately.

Speaker 25175.16s - 5177.18s

But, but I just, you can supplement.

Speaker 75177.38s - 5177.5s


Speaker 85177.64s - 5180.68s

You could supplement in the moment with like online coaching or something like that and then

Speaker 75180.68s - 5181.56s

take it from there.

Speaker 25182.52s - 5184.38s

I help my friends and family out for free.

Speaker 75184.38s - 5189.02s

And I'm like the guy to go to like in my circle with like anyone has a question about

Speaker 25189.02s - 5190.76s

vitamins or exercise routine.

Speaker 75190.76s - 5192.48s

And I always point them in your direction.

Speaker 25192.78s - 5200.4s

And you know, anything I share from you guys, I kind of distill that for them. Awesome. Yeah. So that's really what I've been doing.

Speaker 85200.7s - 5201.7s

I mean, you'll have to go through the court.

Speaker 75201.8s - 5203.34s

Definitely go through the course if you decide to make the week.

Speaker 85203.34s - 5204.3s

Did you do our three day training? Yeah.

Speaker 25204.3s - 5208.16s

The free training that we did? The webinar?

Speaker 75208.42s - 5208.68s


Speaker 85210.14s - 5212.6s

I know it was probably a long time ago.

Speaker 75212.72s - 5217.44s

I did all your webinars, the Prime Pro PRODUCT, the Maps Prime and Prime Pro webinars.

Speaker 85217.58s - 5217.98s

No, no.

Speaker 75218.1s - 5220.04s

This one was for trainers.

Speaker 25220.3s - 5221.48s

This is where I teach you.

Speaker 75221.94s - 5226.88s

Adam PERSON and I are up there teaching trainers how to build a better business, how to present.

Speaker 85227s - 5229.02s

It's really, really cool if you're interested in that kind of stuff.

Speaker 25229.2s - 5232.44s

I mean, if you're interested in that space at all, it's worth, it's free.

Speaker 85232.6s - 5232.96s

So it's worth it time.

Speaker 25232.96s - 5236.32s

It's mind pump trainer course.com and it's a three day free webinar for trainers.

Speaker 75238.18s - 5240.04s

Yeah, I would definitely be interested in that.

Speaker 85243.88s - 5244.44s

All right.

Speaker 25247.1s - 5262.8s

I, I, yeah, I've just been trying to help people as much as I can. And like I said, if it was a lateral move, I would definitely be in the health and wellness industry. I kind of found it out after I'm already a career mechanic, but that's okay.I still really enjoy it, so it doesn't matter.

Speaker 85262.98s - 5263.34s

Oh, good.

Speaker 25263.52s - 5265.26s

Good for you, man. Well, thanks for calling in, bro. Thank you so Oh, good. Good for you, man. Well, thanks for calling in, bro.

Speaker 85266.16s - 5267.26s

Thank you so much, guys.

Speaker 25267.38s - 5267.8s

You got it, man.

Speaker 85267.82s - 5274.54s

All right. Yeah, for, I mean, true. If he's a career mechanic, it would be a step down and pay for a little while.

Speaker 75274.58s - 5278.78s

Yeah, at least. Yeah, but I mean, we're at a time now where you could do kind of both.

Speaker 85278.88s - 5280.18s

Exactly. Cool. Exactly.

Speaker 75280.6s - 5288.18s

Yeah, you know, when it comes to, like, to give an example of what I'm talking about. It's so hard to answer this questions, by the way, which is why I think there's very few times you hear us like,

Speaker 85288.52s - 5296.36s

disagree or like, I'll never forget. I'll never forget. There was this Soviet NORP style of training. I'll never forget,

Speaker 75296.52s - 5304.68s

if you guys ever tried it or anybody watching, try it's really crazy. They would take an athlete, and I'll use a number. Is this a two and a half pound thing?No, no. They could, every day.

Speaker 35304.76s - 5313.94s

Let's say somebody could squat three, 15 for 15 reps. And they would go, you're going to squat 315, three days a week for 10 reps, and you're going to do it for 45 days.

Speaker 05314.4s - 5330.5s

Regardless how easy it gets. Yeah. Just three days a week, you do, you're going to go in. You're going to do 10 reps, even though you could do 15. Then at the end of the 45 days DATE, you see what you can lift. And you often add like 30, 40 pounds to your lift.And by the end of that 45 days DATE, it's just easy. So you're like, well, how could I be getting stronger?

Speaker 85330.58s - 5334.16s

This is just feeling like a piece of cake. Well, this is how the body gets stronger. So when it comes

Speaker 35334.16s - 5338.54s

like power lifting training, if you ever watch a living in that lift now, you've really like honed in.

Speaker 85338.58s - 5347.94s

You've really, like your body like the right mechanics. You rarely ever see an Olympic EVENT lifter, like a real Olympic lifter or power lifter training with this, oh, that crazy like bodybuilder type intensity. Sometimes it looks like

Speaker 35347.94s - 5351.24s

they're just kind of practicing the movements. That's what, that's what gets you strong.

Speaker 85351.96s - 5356.64s

Our next caller is Randy PERSON from Arizona. What's up, Randy? How are you doing? How can we help you?

Speaker 115356.7s - 5362.34s

Hello. Um, hi. I'm a lot more nervous than I thought I was going to be. Um,

Speaker 05362.34s - 5367.22s

but, um, I'm just going to start out. I'm just going to

Speaker 85367.22s - 5372.68s

kind of read off my phone. I know that everybody starts off by saying thank you, but I really do

Speaker 115372.68s - 5377.12s

feel like I do have to say thanks. I have been listening to you guys for several years now.

Speaker 05377.66s - 5382.62s

And you guys have just really helped my relationship with food and exercise. I had like a whole

Speaker 85382.62s - 5386.14s

cycle throughout my life of just like restricting and binge eating.

Speaker 15387.04s - 5391.92s

So you guys really showed me that I can like eat more food and still be okay with that.

Speaker 05392.02s - 5396.78s

So I've gone from like 1,700 maintenance calories up to like 2,300 now.

Speaker 15397.04s - 5397.36s


Speaker 05399.48s - 5404.46s

I guess I'll just get back into what I wanted to say.

Speaker 15404.82s - 5405.86s

That's for my question.

Speaker 05407.94s - 5506.9s

So I am 32 years old and I'm 5 foot 2. I have been working out consistently for four years and then for a few years before that inconsistently while I was in school. At the beginning of my fitness journey, I started at 177 pounds with the weight circumference of 37 inches. To now, I am 171 pounds with the weight circumference of 31 inches.And my last body scan showed that I am 29% body fat. I've always struggled with belly fat, however. Last June, I did take Stephen Cabral's PERSON food sensitivity test and found out I'm intolerant to dairy and sesame. So since June, I have cut both of those out. I've noticed a significant decrease in chronic painful bloating.Oh, and then also at the same time, I did change from being a pescatarian for 10 years to incorporating meat back in. Since then, I have noticed significant strength and just overall, like, body composition. However, I do feel like my, like, midsection really hasn't changed at all. I'm also still experiencing intermittent bloating, sometimes with an increase of seven inches in circumference that is both painful on just all. I'm also still experiencing intermittent bloating, sometimes with an increase of seven inchesin circumference that is both painful and just overall uncomfortable. I also have fatigue, low libido, and then a high stress job. So I'm just trying to figure out like what direction to take, whether this is just like not enough discipline and I just need to trust the process or maybe there might be something more like hormonal imbalances.

Speaker 85507.34s - 5519.72s

Yeah, Randy PERSON, so let me get this straight. So, well, two things. Number one, your maintenance calories went from 17 to 23, but you lost weight on the scale, which is exceptional. That's phenomenal. Is that that that's correct?

Speaker 05520.82s - 5530.48s

Yeah, that really was over the span of like a long time. I will, I guess, yeah, I guess I went from like 1,800 and then to 23 within a couple months. Yeah.

Speaker 85530.58s - 5542.68s

Okay, cool, cool. All right. So what's the difference in your circumference of waste between meals? I'm reading here on this, on your question that it could be a change of seven inches in diameter in a matter of a meal.

Speaker 05542.96s - 5545.98s

I'm in, yeah, I'm in circumference, but I realize that.

Speaker 85546.14s - 5547.94s

But, um, yeah.

Speaker 05548.2s - 5559s

So it's like not all the time, but then it's also just like really just random. It can be like I had just like a couple drinks out with friends or like I'm eating a meal that I've already been like eating.

Speaker 75559s - 5559.58s

That's definitely a reaction.

Speaker 85560s - 5560.94s

Seven inches is.

Speaker 75561.02s - 5561.4s

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 85561.58s - 5562.86s

There's something going on.

Speaker 75562.96s - 5565.82s

It sounds like it could be Candida.

Speaker 05566s - 5567.18s

It could also be a parasite.

Speaker 15567.88s - 5570.62s

It could be Cbo or it could be all three.

Speaker 05570.82s - 5573.5s

The only way to know is to do some gut testing.

Speaker 85573.88s - 5578.32s

But that's that, I'm almost positive is what's happening.

Speaker 05578.44s - 5579.26s

That shouldn't happen.

Speaker 95579.34s - 5585.74s

You shouldn't get a change in the, in the circumference of your waist, you know, close to seven inches, which sounds painful.

Speaker 05585.9s - 5615.96s

Sounds like you get really bloated. And by the way, you know, this symptom can happen in men as well. But I've seen this in women where I had one client, she would, she sent me, she would send me pictures. And it was like before she ate after she ate. And it was like flat and then pregnant. And we ended up doing gut testing allstuff and she had several issues that she had to treat over the course of six months and then it was gone so I would I would work with you already did Dr. Cabral ORG's food intolerance test I would actually

Speaker 75615.96s - 5621.18s

hire one of their people are you in the forum already with them we have that free forum are you in

Speaker 85621.18s - 5625.36s

there I'm not in there no yeah now now Yeah. Now, here's the good news.

Speaker 75625.58s - 5627.46s

It's probably something you can treat.

Speaker 05627.56s - 5629.08s

And then once you treat it, it's gone.

Speaker 85629.88s - 5633.68s

But it's something because that's not supposed to happen.

Speaker 75633.68s - 5638.4s

And many times it's stalling progress in building muscle and burning body fat.

Speaker 85638.6s - 5642.56s

I mean, just by simply healing that, everything else tends to fall into place.

Speaker 55642.64s - 5650.62s

I mean, you know, a parasite or candida or SIBO can also cause ups and downs and energy,

Speaker 15650.82s - 5651.64s

energy crashes.

Speaker 55651.92s - 5656.62s

It can cause anxiety, sleep disturbances, changes in libido and mood.

Speaker 85657s - 5674.14s

If any of these are ringing a bell, you know, they don't have to, by the way, just the change in the circumference between a meal is telling me that's a big red flag. But if you have those other symptoms that I'm talking about or some of those other ones, then I would go get tested. They'll find what the problem is and then you'll be able to fix it.

Speaker 05674.46s - 5687.46s

Okay. So more because like I saw like on like Stephen Cabral PERSON, like he has a bunch of testing and stuff for that. But like do you think, I don't know, should I just go to like one like functional medicine doctor that could maybe be a little more.

Speaker 75687.7s - 5688.44s

Yes. Well, yeah.

Speaker 05693.44s - 5698.78s

You can actually hire one of their, one of their doctors to do like a, you need to do a one-on console. Instead of you buying a bunch of over the like test and trying to guess based off the results.

Speaker 85698.78s - 5700.16s

No, they'll be able to direct you in the right direction.

Speaker 05700.16s - 5705.42s

You have enough signals that something's going on that even like the advice we're giving,

Speaker 85705.82s - 5710.66s

Cabral ORG's team will be able to go deeper into this and have better answers than we have.

Speaker 05710.82s - 5715.88s

And it'll be worth the investment to hire someone to get to the bottom of this because it'll be life changing for you.

Speaker 85716.68s - 5717.12s


Speaker 05717.52s - 5717.76s


Speaker 15718.12s - 5718.44s

All right.

Speaker 05718.54s - 5719.82s

All right.

Speaker 95719.9s - 5720.26s

Thank you.

Speaker 05720.34s - 5720.96s

Yeah, you got it.

Speaker 95720.96s - 5721.9s

Please circle back to you.

Speaker 05721.98s - 5722.7s

I'd love to hear back.

Speaker 95722.86s - 5726.9s

And then the forum, because we're in there also, is the MP holistic health forum.

Speaker 05727.08s - 5727.96s

So it's on Facebook ORG.

Speaker 95728.18s - 5728.68s

It's free.

Speaker 05729.3s - 5730.26s

That's Cabral ORG's team.

Speaker 75730.3s - 5734.7s

In fact, you could just post in there, hey, I'm looking to hire or do a console for the doctor.

Speaker 95735s - 5735.3s


Speaker 75735.6s - 5738.54s

And then somebody will probably reach out to you right away on there.

Speaker 95739.54s - 5739.78s


Speaker 05739.94s - 5740.2s

All right.

Speaker 75740.24s - 5741.04s

Yeah, that would be great.

Speaker 85741.04s - 5746.36s

Because, yeah, like, I just noticed, like, in the mornings when I wake up, I'm like, okay, like, I could see some progress.

Speaker 75746.36s - 5749.72s

And then, like, literally after breakfast, then all of a sudden, and just a huge difference.

Speaker 05749.84s - 5750.08s


Speaker 15750.24s - 5751.72s

And kind of discouraging.

Speaker 85751.96s - 5753.72s

Well, no, well, this is good news.

Speaker 15753.8s - 5757.4s

This is a very obvious sign that there's something that you could treat.

Speaker 05758.24s - 5760.46s

So this doesn't, at this point, it's not, fixable.

Speaker 15760.62s - 5761.28s

It's not mysterious.

Speaker 05761.46s - 5764.64s

You just got to do some testing to find out how to treat it the right way.

Speaker 15765.8s - 5766.04s

Okay. All right. Thank you. You got it. do some testing to find out how to treat it the right way. Okay.

Speaker 35766.3s - 5767.7s

All right.

Speaker 15767.76s - 5768s

Thank you.

Speaker 35768s - 5769.36s

You got it.

Speaker 15769.36s - 5771.6s

I mean, look, let's just use my own personal example.

Speaker 05771.9s - 5776.38s

Like, I tried treating my own gut issues so many times.

Speaker 85776.46s - 5779.52s

And I'd get better and worse and better and worse.

Speaker 15779.9s - 5809.78s

Finally, I'm like, let's just test it. And I had a parasite. Treated the parasite and everything's gone. So it's like once you figure out what it is and you treat it, then you're good. But that's a red flag. If you eat meals and unless it's like a major food intolerance you have, but she alreadyreduced, she cut those out. If you eat a meal or eat meals and it doesn't matter almost what you eat or if it's just carbs in general, for example, that's another one. And you get this huge blow right afterwards and uncomfortable and it's like matter almost what you eat or if it's just carbs in general, for example, that's another one. And you get this huge blow right afterwards and uncomfortable and it's like you can measure it. That's a red flag.

Speaker 75809.94s - 5814.78s

Dude, if it was a couple inches, it would be a red flag. Seven inches?

Speaker 85814.96s - 5818.94s

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bro, that's dramatic. Yeah, it is. That's a huge difference. So there's definitely something going on.

Speaker 75819.66s - 5823.74s

Our next caller is Zach from Florida GPE. What's up, Zach PERSON? So, Zach PERSON.

Speaker 45823.78s - 5824.26s

How can we help you?

Speaker 115824.74s - 5825.58s

Hey, what's going on, guys?

Speaker 75825.6s - 5826s

How are you doing?

Speaker 45826.12s - 5839.6s

What's going on? Good, man. I'm starstruck, just like everyone else says. You know, I know you guys are probably tired of hearing it, but, you know, so my bad. Got to give a shout out to my brother, Ben, for introducing me to you guys over two years ago now. Right.

Speaker 15839.8s - 5845.36s

So you guys are giving me so much time over the years, and it's just been, you know, it's been really great listening to you guys.

Speaker 35845.46s - 5845.74s

Thank you.

Speaker 85845.76s - 5849.22s

I'll get right in my phone. Won't waste too much of you guys time. Okay.

Speaker 45849.84s - 5911.26s

So basically, I want to know, I know you guys talk about establishing a why for your training. And so I've been training for a little over a decade, I'd say. I'm 27 now. And I used to compete in bodybuilding. And, you know, that really, you know, the I used to compete in bodybuilding. And that really, you know, the contest prep of that really helps with my, you know, establishing consistency anddiscipline and all that. And even without contest prep as a motivator, I've always been relatively consistent with it. But over the past probably two or three years DATE now, I've really had trouble maintaining that consistency and just either program hopping or just kind of going through the motions in terms of exercises and just not really having a clear established plan with it. And in turn, it's kind of, it's really ruined my relationship with food and having binge eating tendencies. And so I was wondering, how do youreignite that kind of spark, I guess, if you want to call it, call it that without being always aesthetically motivated.

Speaker 85912.16s - 5919.14s

Ooh, that's a good, that's a really good question. Are there any other interests you have besides aesthetics when it comes to physical fitness?

Speaker 45920.6s - 5959.36s

Yeah, so I find with that it's, I only know it if I come across it. And so an example of that for me is last year I was introduced to Kravma Gha ORG training because my brother and mom got into it. And so I just joined them for, they had a free class. And so I just said, you know, why not? I didn't really think I'd get into it that much, but I actually really did end up enjoyingit. But I didn't end up continuing because I had moved. And so there were obviously logistical problems with that. But, you know, even I've been looking to get into that, but I still haven't got back into it. So it's like, I know I'd have these performance-based interests. I just feel as if I haven't discovered them yet.

Speaker 85959.62s - 6017.24s

Yeah. You know, I mean, I think that's a great, some great insight. Like, you know, I did Brazilian jiu-jitsu for a while, and I strength training took a back seat for about six years. And it was great. It was really great for me to do that. Now, I love lifting weights.It's my favorite thing in the world. So I don't think I'll ever veer away from that. But for someone like you, you'd bodybuild for a while. You've been lifting weights for 10 years. I would say venture outside of the gym. Krav Maga, good example, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu ORG, another example, kickboxing, or something else that's active and then use strength training as a way to support it.That, in my experience, has always been really a recipe for success for people who maintain fitness for their whole lives. Very rarely do you find somebody who maintains fitness their whole life doing the exact same thing. Those are the fanatics, but I know more people who are fit for their whole lives. Very rarely do you find somebody who maintains fitness their whole life doing the exact same thing. Those are the fanatics. But I know more people who are fit for their whole lives who tend to do that. Like they'll cycle sometimes and they'll swim other times. They'll do other type of endeavors. And then you can use a strength training to support that.

Speaker 76017.32s - 6023.5s

Zach PERSON, what programs of ours have you ran? Yeah. So I've started anabolic advance. And then,

Speaker 86023.5s - 6027.16s

of course, due to my program hopping tendencies,

Speaker 46027.4s - 6058.22s

I fall off of it because I always try to prioritize the aesthetic aspect of it. So for example, on the days with the more corrective exercise and mobility days, which have been very helpful for me to learn and implement into my training, but still I try to implement both things at the same time, establish trying to do high volume work and adding more onto what you guys already have in there.In addition to all this other stuff. And it's, you know, and I know I need to stop doing that. It's just hard to convince myself to do so.

Speaker 86058.22s - 6060.02s

Zach PERSON, how many times did you compete in bodybuilding?

Speaker 46061.6s - 6065.96s

I did about three or four competitions. It's been five years since I've done it.

Speaker 86066.2s - 6071.98s

Do you remember the mental state that you were in for the diet, the pre-contest diet? How long would you diet going into the show?

Speaker 46073.48s - 6076.06s

I do 12 to 16 weeks about. Okay.

Speaker 86076.26s - 6085.9s

Here's what I want you to do with MAPS Anabolic Advanced. I want you to take that mindset. Are you able to get that mindset back if you think back to it? Because pre-contest diet sucks. You're just eating. You're just eating what you're supposed to it? Because pre-chontas diet sucks. You're just eating.

Speaker 76086.04s - 6088.62s

You're just eating what you're supposed to. I actually want to switch this program.

Speaker 86088.82s - 6098.04s

Yeah. I want to do old-time strength. Yeah, exactly. I think old-time strength or you need to do something that's, because the reason what's happening is completely different.

Speaker 96098.12s - 6098.66s

Yeah, good idea.

Speaker 86098.66s - 6110.94s

You are, you keep tipping back into your old, like, I'm aesthetic-driven guy, which I could totally write to this, which is why when I did mobility, what I couldn't do was do both.

Speaker 106111.02s - 6114.68s

I couldn't be MAP's aesthetic and then lots of mobility with it because then I kept getting

Speaker 06114.68s - 6138.52s

excited about aesthetics because that's what I love to do. That's what I'm good at. So I had to become the full mobility guy. I had to give up, like, caring about how strong I was, what I looked like. I quit. It became everything was centered around mobility stuff.And that was the way that I committed to that. That's how I got all the great results from it. It was incredible. So I think you need to do the same thing. I think MAPS, Anabolic Advances PRODUCT too much aesthetic driven.

Speaker 106138.82s - 6139.14s

It's bodybuilder.

Speaker 06139.14s - 6152.3s

Yeah, it's still bodybuilder-esque. You need to go the opposite direction. Old-timey, performance, OCR, strong, some of these other ones that are not aesthetic-focused at all.

Speaker 86152.34s - 6160.84s

And I love old-timey because there's you, and that was exactly where I was thinking, Justin PERSON was because there's lots of unique exercises and moves in there. That you're going to suck at it.

Speaker 76160.92s - 6179.38s

You'll have to get good at them. And let that discipline side of you where you really get into something, like get into those moves, like get into performing and getting good at a windmill, you know, like get into that and allow that to be the thing that you focus on,your drive, your why, and stick to it and stick to it for the entire program.

Speaker 36179.46s - 6207.66s

That's a great idea. Yeah. And at the end of the day, the byproduct is that like you're going to build strength in different parts of your body. You didn't have, which then is going to reflect that. So when you go back to aesthetic training, you know, it's going to build out a lot of, you know, of your physique. You didn't know you had potential there. So it's like you just got to vest all the way into a different mindset. And I think this is the easiest way to do that is to jump into an entire environment that's not conducive to like the bodybuilder style.

Speaker 46208.66s - 6216.3s

Yeah. And you guys, I know you're absolutely right about that because I guess thinking back, I just try to stick close to home, so to speak.

Speaker 06216.54s - 6223.14s

So I don't, I just want to avoid looking stupid in the gym because it's mindset of in there for, you know, over a decade.

Speaker 16223.14s - 6227.52s

You know, of course I need to look like I know what I'm doing, but I know you guys are absolutely right. Yeah,

Speaker 76227.58s - 6227.98s

that's what I did.

Speaker 46228.08s - 6232.8s

And by doing anabolic advance, you're still flirting too much with the same thing. It's like you said,

Speaker 86232.86s - 6240.52s

it'd be like me, uh, still doing map split PRODUCT, but it's not aesthetic. So it's not exactly what I do. You know what I'm saying?No, map ORG's anabolic advanced is a bodybuilder program.

Speaker 76240.52s - 6244.4s

Yeah, it's too much like bodybuilding. You need to go the total opposite or adopt,

Speaker 86244.4s - 6268.9s

like, what Sal originally say like, you know, lean into the Krav Maga PRODUCT or lean into Jiu-Jitsu, lean into a physical sport that you love and allow that to dictate your training and drive it or choose one of our programs that you would never choose. Like, you would be like, I don't, that is an appeal to me. But hey, give it a shot and commit to it and make your commitment.I'm going to get good at this. I'm going to get good at these movements. And the irony is that

Speaker 96268.9s - 6274.02s

you probably will end up with still the great physique afterwards. But you're not focused on that.

Speaker 16274.18s - 6278.9s

You're focused on the movement and getting good at these exercises you're not familiar with.

Speaker 36279.2s - 6282.2s

And nobody does those lifts. So I wouldn't even worry about sucking at it.

Speaker 16282.62s - 6285.9s

Nobody watching you do that. They can make what? And then they'll try it

Speaker 36285.9s - 6287.52s

and they'll suck even worse than you. So,

Speaker 76287.7s - 6289.88s

yeah, that's the beauty of it. Yeah, we'll send that

Speaker 86289.88s - 6291.92s

to you. That's a good, that's good, that's good advice.

Speaker 46292.04s - 6293.62s

Oh, great. Thank you, good. Yeah, you got it, man.

Speaker 86295.06s - 6295.56s

Awesome, yeah.

Speaker 46295.98s - 6297.48s

That's, that was my question.

Speaker 76297.68s - 6299.12s

All right, brother. Stick to it, Zach PERSON.

Speaker 46299.12s - 6301.9s

Okay, don't quit on me. Stick all the way through it, okay?

Speaker 76302.82s - 6303.72s

Well do. Thanks, guys.

Speaker 86303.84s - 6304.14s

All right, man.

Speaker 46305.94s - 6306.68s

Great advice. A hundred percent, right? Well do. Thanks, you guys. All right, man. Yeah, man. Great advice.

Speaker 86306.94s - 6317.9s

100%, right? 100% that would be, because he's still in the gym. You're doing some different lifts. He'll probably, it definitely could spark that interest,that fun that you got the first time he started working out.

Speaker 36318s - 6326.18s

I mean, 10 years, he does, you know, he's bench pressed, curled overhead press so many times. I mean, that's what originally led me in that direction with the unconventional stuff.

Speaker 76326.18s - 6330.38s

It was just like, I got bored, you know, and I was like doing the same thing all the time,

Speaker 86330.42s - 6332.26s

and I just wanted to challenge myself in any way.

Speaker 76332.26s - 6349.72s

I actually think this is such an important question. I mean, you got to remember, we all really like lifting weights, too. Imagine a person who doesn't really like it and has been disciplined enough to stick to a way of training long enough to get good aesthetic results or get a good healthy body fat percentage or whatever it would be it's really tough to extend that to five

Speaker 06349.72s - 6356.36s

years 10 years 15 years without interrupting it with other pursuits and fitness and you know it took

Speaker 16356.36s - 6359.94s

me a while to figure that out then that's become a hack like I know that like man if I'm not

Speaker 06359.94s - 6363.88s

motivated to go to the gym and follow like man I'm going to do something totally different you know

Speaker 16363.88s - 6369.88s

and it also is okay because when you you're at it, you're not like judging yourself like,

Speaker 06369.96s - 6374.5s

oh, man, I was benching whatever. Like just, it's like, there's no previous record. Yeah, there's no

Speaker 96374.5s - 6385.04s

previous record of you doing this movement or training this way. So everything's kind of a positive upswing for you, which is is super motivating. Totally. Look, do you want to get big arms?

Speaker 86387.04s - 6396.22s

We have a get big arm guide. It's free at mind pump free.com ORG. You can also find all of us on Instagram. Justin PERSON is at Mind Pump, Justin. I'm at Mind Pump DeStefano and Adam PERSON is at Mind Pump Adam.

Speaker 116396.8s - 6462.8s

He's back. Thank you for listening to Mind Pump ORG. If your goal is to build and shape your body, dramatically improve your health and energy, and maximize your overall performance, check out our discounted RGB Superbundle at Mind Pumpmedia.com ORG. The RGB Superbundle includes MAPS Anabolic, Maps Performance, and Maps Aesthetic,nine months of phased expert exercise programming designed by Sal, Adam PERSON, and Justin to systematically transform the way your body looks, feels, and performs. With detailed workout blueprints and over 200 videos, the RGB Superbundle is like having Sal Adam and Justin PERSON as your own personal trainers, but at a fraction of the price. The RGB Superbundle has a full 30-day money-back guarantee, and you can get it now,plus other valuable free resources at mindpumpmedia.com ORG. If you enjoy this show, please share the love by leaving us a five-star rating and review on iTunesand by introducing MindPump to your friends and family. We thank you for your support, and until next time, this is MindPump ORG.