r/EntitledParents Letter To My Disgusting Father Reddit Stories

r/EntitledParents Letter To My Disgusting Father Reddit Stories

by Markee

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32:08 minutes

published 15 days ago



Speaker 10s - 23.48s

Hey, I'm Ryan Reynolds. At MintMobil ORG, we like to do the opposite of what big wireless does. They charge you a lot, we charge you a little. So naturally, when they announced they'd be raising their prices due to inflation, we decided to deflate our prices due to not hating you. That's right. We're cutting the price of Mint Unlimited from $30 a month to just $15 a month. Give it a try at mintmobile.com ORG slash switch.

Speaker 423.88s - 29.88s

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Speaker 032.62s - 393s

Letter to my sperm donor. Disclam. No offense was meant to actual sperm donation children. This was meant to be perceived as an inactive member of my life. Dear star, star, star, star, Star, Star, Star, Star, Star. Over time, I have received the messages that you have sent through my mother. She has often gone against my wishes and responded to you with information concerning my life that I do not feel that you deserve to know as you are not a part of my life anymore.After that last past message of Daddy Loves Here, I feel as though it is time for me to respond to you for the first, only, and last time to give you closure as well as clarity. First, you were only a father to my brother and I when it was convenient to you. You made it very clear that you did not like children, not even your own, and especially my brother. There was never a time that I felt comfortable coming to you about any of my feelings or issues, as you would normallyshut me down with a complete lack of concern. You were cold, unloving, and never showed any compassion. I can remember maybe once that you attended any of the football games that I performed at. My mother was there helping out at the concession stands, painting the any of the football games that I performed at. My mother was there helping out at the concession stands, painting the banner of the parade, and helping in any possible way she could before she moved out. You were supposed to take over her responsibilities then, of which you did not. There were years that my best friend's mother financed band trips,stockings, and shoes for me. My band director paid for my uniform in order for me to be on the flag team because you never resisted with my extracurricular activities, which happened to be very important to me. There were too many horribly uncomfortable instances within your home that scarred me. A daughter should never have to see a father's penis as much as I did when I was a child, teenager or adult. The first time was around Christmas.I was about six or seven when you came into the living room while my brother and I were picking out toys in a catalog, and you stood naked in front of both of us. This was not okay on any level. Oftentimes, I felt like you put it on display as you would stand in the bathroom naked with the door open as my mother moved out. You drank all the time.I hate the sound of a top being popped on a beer can and never drink so much as canned coke because of that sound. You were always hanging out with some trash scum, like this person or that that person getting drunk and high when I needed you home spending time with me as soon as you shut down your shop at five o'clock you were gone I knew that I could count on you being gone until late night I spent countless nights at auntie PERSON's house eating hot meals and being around a family in order to get anysort of comfort for my loneliness when I was in the third grade you took us to your mistress's home many times and left us in the living room, playing Nintendo while you had your way with her in the room. Even then, I knew that something was not right about you going in there with her. You were caught years later with her in my bed. After all, you put my mother through concerning that disgusting woman, you let her move into your house, of which I lived in my bed. After all you put my mother through concerning that disgusting woman, you let her move into your house, of which I lived in as well. Someone told me that shehad an affair with you for ten years. At this point, you and my mother had not been divorced that long. For that, you were scum. I have never, and will never trust a man because of your sneaky, heartless actions. I remember you choking my mother right before a funeral. I remember her tears and the red marks on her neck. Why?Because her dogs were urinating on your floor. What was your solution? You have 30 days to get them out or I will kill them all. I know also about the kittens' heads that you smashed in with your heels instead of bringing them to the pound. What kind of sick monster does such a thing?You. When you came to my graduation, you showed up filthy like it was just another day. Your pants had grease all over them and your shirt was a mess. I was so embarrassed. That day you told me that I was coming to live with you, and I honestly feel that the only reason was because you did not want to pay extra child support.My family friend took care of me. You never called to check on me. She even helped to get my first car. Do you remember the day that I asked you to help me put the door in my car? You were, quote-unquote, too busy, yet stood and watched me struggle at one point. I'll never forget it. As a child, I was always happiestwhen we were away from you. Every time you showed up at our doorstep, I was angry. I hated you for always coming around after my mother was doing fine. You were even there through two of her marriages, sneaking around like that snake you are. I'll never forget the crude, inappropriate things that you used to see in front of us. I remember, smoke them hams. I also remember you yelling at my mother about inappropriate things that she let us watch, hypocritical to say the least. I will never forget how you always spoke to my mother,and how you never showed her any affection or love. I do not have many good memories of you at all. They are all too clouded by all of the horrible, inconsiderate, selfish things that you have done. The last time that I saw you, I was in light at Walmart ORG. I turned my back to you and prayed that you did not see me.I cringe at the idea of seeing you in person again, or what I would do if my emotions got the best of me. I want nothing to do with you. I cannot say the same for my brother, nor do I understand why he would ever consider listening to anything you have to say to him after the way you treated him for years. I for one cannot wait until your name is permanently removed from mine.I have thought about changing it several times.

Speaker 1393s - 398.5s

There are many, many other instances or reasons I can give you for not wanting to speak

Speaker 2398.5s - 401.5s

to you, or have anything to do with you.

Speaker 1401.5s - 407.34s

But frankly, I don't have enough paper nor time to waste getting into it. Happy holidays.

Speaker 0410s - 586.88s

Our next story was posted by user, Damn, it's me. Titled, parents can be disgusting. So, the other day I was wandering around a popular zoo, which is not local to me, and we were in line for a train ride. Now, the train ride line happens to be over an enclosure. There was a woman in front of me whose little girl needed to go to the bathroom, and the woman was carrying a potty with her.She put the potty down, sat the little girl in, in full view of everyone, and when the girl finished her business, she emptied the potty into the enclosure below. Now, me and many others saw her immediately and reported her to the zoo people, who I was told had to clean the mess, which is only we, but still. Who does that? There were toilets not far away, and it wasn't like she had missed the ride if she had taken her kid there. People can be disgusting. Our next story was posted by user Pinnakin PERSON underscore 14, titled,Entitled Mum WORK_OF_ART claims my car belongs to her and proceeds to try to steal it from me. Note, I've posted on this sub-reditor before in my last posted pretty well, so it's time to share another story. Context. I recently moved into a pretty nice neighborhood due to my new job, as well as so I could be closer to my family. So this area teamed with incredibly arrogant and bitchy people. I also recently got a Tesla Model 3, which was a giant upgrade from my 2010 Nissan ORG, and I am incrediblyjealous of this man. Now, Tesla ORG's in this area are pretty rare, so when people looked or commented at mine, I didn't think much of it. So now the story begins. E.M. PERSON is entitled Mum, Kid is her kid, and Me is Me. One day I made a quick trip to Jewel Osco ORG for some groceries. When I was done, I went into the parking lot and saw a kid looking at my car. I approached him and said, Hey, you like the car? And he's like, yeah, I love Teslas PRODUCT. Is this the extended or standard range? Standard? Cool. We talked for a bit, and then in a flash, the entitled mother approached me in her son.Why are you talking to my baby? Your son was looking at my car and said it was cool, so we had just talked about it. Mom, it's fine. You have no right to talk to my son. Kid, let's go. But that, by the way, that probably isn't your car.You're probably just a spoiled kid who has rich parents. I'm 23, which is young, but whatever. Actually, this is my own car, which I did buy with my own money, but okay. No, you didn't. Give me your keys. You don't deserve this. You know, Tesla ORG's don't have cleas. Can you please leave me alone? Listen here, I know this isn't your car. I know you stole this.Give me the keys so I can give it back to the police.

Speaker 1587.52s - 592.2s

No, can you please freak off lady? That's it, you little crap. I'm calling the cops.

Speaker 0593.18s - 890.14s

About five minutes later, a police officer shows up and says, okay, what seems to be the problem? This little tramp stole my car, and I followed him here to take it back. What? No, officer, this lady's been harassing me for the past ten minutes and now she's claiming that this car is in fact hers.Officer to the kid, son, is she telling the truth? No, mum, can we go now? You're taking this too far. Can you show me some registration? Sure. I then unlocked the car, took the registration out of the glove box and showed it to the officer, and he says, everything checks out, no problem here, you can carry on with your day.Thanks. That registration is fake officer, this is my car. No, it's not. Please leave this man alone. I quickly went into my car and left, screaming entitled mother still yelling at the officer and the kid is still trying to calm her down.Our next story was posted by user Mervyn Murchin PERSON, titled, You Are Killing My Child, My Encounter of the Karen Kind. I used to work in Anne Summers, think Victoria's Secret ORG but with dildos, that was situated in a shopping centre. We had our fair share of entitled parents, even though part of our store was 18 plus, from kids breaking items and the parents not wanting to pay for them, to one woman actually shouting at me because I refuse to believe that Loub PRODUCT is a contraceptivebecause, quote-unquote, my partner told me, hence the baby in the push chair next to her. But one story always sticks out in my mind. EM is entitled Karen PERSON, me, the perverted employee, and M is the manager. Backstory. For some reason, we had a regular occurrence where people, when paying on the card machine, would leave their cards in.We checked the machine with each purchase, and if the person had already left, we would put the card on the office safe for two days, then send them back to the bank. But if the person came back, we would check their ID and return it to them. So here's the story. Once upon a time, in Entitled WORK_OF_ART land, we had a sale.We had long sail rails at the front of the shop to the till. We had a slow trickle of customers into the shop because of the sale. But about halfway through the day, Entitled Mother and her child in a pramcovered in bags from her shopping spree rushes, up to the till where I am on duty. Smiling entitled mother says to me, Hi, I was here earlier, and I think I left my car to the machine. Do you have it? I said back to her,Ah, okay, can I please have your name? And I'll go check that if we have that in the safe. She gives me her name, and I go into the office to tell the manager, and go back to the till, while the manager is checking for it. I say, Hi, sorry for the wait, but while my manager is getting it, could you please show me some ID?Entitled mother says, But I don't have any ID on me. See, as I only have a small purse. And she flashes her purse. And I have my kid with me, so don't carry any with me. Hmm, have you got anything else like a driver's license? No, like I said, I haven't. The Karenmeter starts to fill. At this point, the manager comes out and I explained to her that entitled mother doesn't have any ID on her, so manager takes over and I stand by in case of another customer and the manager says to them, I'm sorry ma'am, but it's our store policy to not hand out the cards unless you can show us some ID. The entitled mother is slowly getting more defensive and says, but why? I told you my name. I don't have time for this. Just give me the card. I'm sorry, I can't do that, but could you come back with some ID as we do keep the cardsfor a few days? Entitled Mother is furious. Seriously? I need that card to get home, as it's the only card that I have. I can't afford the bus without it. I'm sorry, we can't give you it without some ID.Now, with a face as red as her hair, the entitled mother says, I have to feed my kid. Look at her. And she points to the half-year-old, mind the entitled mother says, I have to feed my kid, look at her. And she points to the half-year-old, minding her own business, just content with looking around. She's going to starve because of you.She needs food and hasn't eaten in hours. You are really going to deprive a child of food? The only cards I have are my husband's cards, and I can't use them. She opens the purse and shows the cards to make a point, then moves on to berating the store, mocking the staff and manager.So at this point, the manager has had it and goes towards the phone. Ma'am, I'm sorry we can't help you, either you leave the store and return with ID, or I'm calling security." Entitled Mother now screaming like a lunatic, you are killing my child, your shop is a crap hole and your staff are all wankers.

Speaker 1890.14s - 905.5s

How dare you treat me like this? I will make you pay. Just bear in mind, like I said earlier, the pram was covered in bags, one which was from our store, so she could have tried to exchange the items for money if she explained her situation.

Speaker 0910.68s - 990.4s

As she knew she was being defeated, she starts to stomp off as the manager called security, but as soon as Entitled Mother heard her on the phone, she hits her berserker mode. She crashes the prem into one of the sail rails, thankfully missed the child, but spooked her a little from her daydreaming, and starts tearing things off the rails, screeching like a cat in heat, then pushes over two of the big rails. At this point, Manager PERSON is still on the phone, so shouts over her screams, she's now destroying the shop,call the police! Her Karen PERSON sense starts to tingle, and like a deer in the headlights, she grabs the pram and legs it out of the store. Me and Manager PERSON end up staring at each other in disbelief and laughing about it until the police came. Manager told them everything, along with the fact that the husband's cards, about two or threethat she pointed out in her purse, seemed to be of different names, along with the card she left here. Epilogue. The day after I asked Manager PERSON if she ever seemed to be of different names along with the card she left here. Epilogue PERSON. The day after I asked manager if she ever found out what happened with Entitled Mother as she stayed after my shift ended. Apparently, the police and security chased her up and down the shopping center for a goodhalf an hour and only managed to catch her when she fled into one of the car parks, then got arrested for identity theft for the damage to our shop and possibly child indebt.

Speaker 5992.48s - 1022.54s

The mamas, bonus moms, office moms, moms of moms. This Mother's Day, give back to the ones that have given us so much. 1-800 flowers helps you celebrate all your amazing moms with handmade bouquets, sweet treats, gourmet food, and one-of-a-kind gifts. Ordered easily and delivered fresh. For a limited time, you can save up to 40% off Mother's Day bestsellers at 1,800flowers.comslash ACAST. Don't wait. Order today and save up to 40% at 1,800flowers.com slash ACAST.

Speaker 61022.78s - 1037.48s

I'm Sandra PERSON, and I'm just the professional your small business was looking for. But you didn't hire me because you didn't use LinkedIn ORG jobs. LinkedIn ORG has professionals you can't find anywhere else, including those who aren't actively looking for a new job, but might be open to the perfect role. Like me.

Speaker 31037.94s - 1052.56s

In a given month, over 70% of LinkedIn ORG users don't visit other leading job sites. So if you're not looking on LinkedIn, you'll miss out on great candidates like Sandra PERSON. Start hiring professionals like a professional. Post your free job on LinkedIn.com slash people today.

Speaker 01054.72s - 1442.32s

Our next story was posted by user KK. Albert, titled Entitled Mother and Daughter WORK_OF_ART Attempt Home Invasion. So this particular incident happened when I was 14. Oh, you gotta love those puberty years. So this all began when my man, Tramp PERSON of an uncle, on mum's side of the family, decided he was going to marry this bat-crap crazy 6'2-Amazon of a woman who happens to be the entitled daughter of the story. Now, this lady was insanely controlling, manipulative, and a compulsive liar. As you can guess, this really soured the relationship between her and my mom.There are a ton of stories I can tell you about her, but I'm just going to give you this juicy one. So it was Christmas holidays. My uncle, entitled daughter, and their toddler are down to visit the family. All while my uncle is at his in-laws, entitled daughter is picking fights about everything and trying to start arguments that her whole family could witness. Instead of dealing with that, he decides to leave and hide out at our house.My uncle chilling with my family for what seems to be like the rest of the holidays, which infuriates entitled daughter to the point that she calls the police to report that the SUV that my uncle is rolling around in is stolen. She even gives a description on the whereabouts of said vehicle. To be fair, the vehicle is an entitled daughter's name, but my uncle is the one who actually bought it. The police arrive with a tow truck and knock on the door. Uncle answers and explains the situation,which they seem to be satisfied with, but nevertheless the vehicle is impounded. Jeez, that sounds really fair, that sounds so fair. My uncle couldn't give less of a crap, just another reason for him not to go back. This is where things get a little wacky. My family was leaving to attend a birthday party, but since my mom and I were a little sick, we decided to stay home.But really, she just went grocery shopping while me and my uncle watched The Matrix WORK_OF_ART. My mom gets back, and just as she walks in, there's a knock at the door. Mom answers, and its entitled daughter, her mother, entitled mother, and some random lady. They are asking for my uncle. So just to set the stage, there's a three-step staircase that led to the front door. My uncle is at the top of the staircase, asking whatshe wants, and entitled daughter says that the toddler needs his favorite movie, because he can't go to bed without it. She knows he has it just to make her life difficult, and that he is being a POS father for leaving his kid. My uncle doesn't have the movie because it's with the impounded SUV. He also tries to bring his kids, but entitled daughter doesn't like them around our family. So this starts an argument, and all three ladies start slowly nudging into the door and on the landing.All the while, my mum is passing back and forth, hauling in groceries. and all three ladies start slowly nudging into the door and on the landing. All the while, my mum is passing back and forth, hauling in groceries. Mum finishes with the groceries, turns to the women and says, obviously he doesn't have the movie, and it's time for them to leave. This was her entitled mother pipes up and says something along the lines of, Don't talk to my daughter, this has nothing to do with you. you mom replies that they are on her property so all of this is her businessnow entitled daughter is around two months pregnant at this point as my mom and entitled mother are arguing entitled mother is slowly nudging her daughter up the stairs kind of using her as a meat shield it wasn't till they reached the top of the stairs that they realized, holy frick, entitled mother is also like a six foot Amazon. My mom is five foot seven on a good day. So now it's like full-blown get the frick out of my house, with the replies like, we cando whatever we want and we ain't leaving until we get that movie. Here, I'm sitting on the couch like, what the hell is going on? Like, these are adults going off like this. No one is calling the cops, so obviously I shouldn't. Then, before I know it, Entitled Daughter is pushing my mom back into a corner, with Entitled Mother WORK_OF_ART throwing punches from behind. I'm guessing the Third Lady WORK_OF_ART wasn't a ride or die, because she just stood there screaming,Come on, ladies, stop it! My uncle rushes in and grabs entitled daughter, and holds her back, and no, the pregnant lady wasn't harmed in any way, except for maybe her knuckles from her own doing. Then holy freak, street Jesus PERSON emerges, and starts baptizing the curly-headed freak. My mum has Entitled Mother WORK_OF_ART by the hair with her left hand and is just force-feeding Entitled Mother straight rights.If you watch a hockey fight, you can see it. But dang, Street Jesus ain't done. An Entitled Mother is flopped on the ground, absolutely starched. My mom is still feeding shots. I can still hear her head bouncing off the floor. Ain't done yet either because this born-again Christian NORP is getting curb stomped,literally just healed a stomach. Finally, my uncle steps in and stops my mom. I'm sitting there, still deciding if I should be amazed or traumatized. My mom calls the police, while she is on the phone with them, entitled daughter and entitled mother still won't leave. Amazingly enough, though,entitled mother is still talking mad crap with two swollen eyes, and one is completely shut. Finally, they take off before six cop cars surrounded my house. Let's just say they were the talk of the neighborhood. In the aftermath, entitled daughter and entitled mother claimed my mom locked the door behind them and essentially trapped them inside.They also claimed my uncle held down entitled mother while my mom curbs stomped her. In the end, all charges were dropped because my mom was satisfied with the outcome, and entitled Mother and Entitled Doris stories changed and were different from one another's. Big shout out to Pixar ORG, because that was the best source of entertainment they've given me to date. What the hell?

Speaker 11442.32s - 1446.86s

And our next story is posted by a user,

Speaker 01447.36s - 1997.56s

I indeed like pasta. Titled, Entitled Mother WORK_OF_ART can take whatever she likes because I'm your elder. Some backgrounds. I am a 12-year-old boy, and I live in a nice neighborhood with nice neighbors.My parents had got me a razor scooter and a pair of headphones. I loved them and took their headphones almost everywhere. Now the cast is, me, entitled mother, and my crush. This all happened a few hours ago, but I have the memory of a goldfish cracker, so I forgot some of the things said. Anyways, I was riding my scooter around my block while listening to some video game music, as 12-year-olds do, and after a while I fall.I was in the middle of the sidewalk, checking for bleeding when I feel a tap on my shoulder. Excuse me, may you please move over? Oh, shoot, I'm sorry, ma'am. And I start moving out of her way. Entitled Mother says,And by the way, it's rude to talk to an adult with headphones on. Oh, sorry, I'll just... B-B-B-B-B-Bumbbling about how teens are so disrespectful. I'm... Slight pause. Sorry?I regretted this right after I said it. Entitled Mother, who is getting annoyed, grumbles. Why do you even need those? Oh, I'm just listening to music. You're too old for that. Let my daughter have them. I just then noticed C PERSON, who is in my grade, is my exact age, and at the same school, looking embarrassed.With all due respect, ma'am, I'm 12. You're such a bad liar. Just look at you. You're well over 13." I'm 5'11 and almost 200 pounds. Big flex. I'm broad, big and a little chunky. So I see how she might have thought that I was 13, 14 tops.But well over 13? Really? Entitled mother says, just give my daughter your headphones. Me, kind of talking slowly. No. Mom, I really don't need those headphones.Quiet, sweetheart. Now to me, getting louder, just give me your goddamn headphones! She rips them off my head, making my phone, which is in my pocket, rip out too, then disconnect from the while and fall onto the sidewalk. Ironically, she ripped off my headphones while I was listening to Smash Ultimate Theme PRODUCT at the exact point the lady said, every soul has a whisper of light. I picked up my phone and checked for cracks when entitled Mother snatches that from me too.What the hell, lady? So Crush PERSON says in a very annoyed tone, Mom, stop harassing your pee! You are being very disrespectful to me, so I am taking this as punishment. Now to Crush PERSON, you know this man?Yes, he goes to my school, please give him his stuff back. Why on earth would I do that? He was very disrespectful to his elders, and you are too. Just give you my stuff back, please.You are so desperate to get them back. Why? Are you listening to something bad? No. You're clearly lying. She then grabs the plugs to the headphones and the audio jack and screams. What satanic BS was that? I was very confused because the only things that could be considered satanic, a megalovania and Asreal NORP theme, both undertail songs. I guess my phone was silently running through my songs because I catch myphone falling and see sands on the screen. She called Megalovania PRODUCT Satanic. People go to hell for listening to crap like that. Ma'am, I'm an atheist and by. I'm gonna go to hell anyways. Mom, calm down. My crush rips the headphones off of entitled mother's head and hands them back to me.Thanks, crush. I got into Nubted PRODUCT while saying her name. I'm telling your parents about your satanic rituals. She said it like she caught me molesting a goat on a pentegram. Bring me to your house.I must tell your parents about your evil son. And why on earth would I do that? Sins they can free you from your sins. I began laughing hysterically at this woman. Are you laughing at me? Me through tears.Yeah. My crush says, come on, calm down. Entitled mother goes to slap me while I'm laughing, but I just put my arm up to block her. I am your elder and you have to respect me. I'm wiping up my tears.No, I don't. My crush at the same time, no he doesn't. Entitled mother's really pissy right now and says, Just being me to your freaking parents. I get an idea like a brick was thrown against my head. Sure.So I grab my scooter, phones and headphones, then lead them in the opposite direction of my house. After what was only like three minutes, Entitled Mother gets impatient and says, Are we there yet? Mom, just stop! Jesus Christ PERSON, how far away do you live? About ten minutes the other way. An entitled mother gives me a glare like Luigi's Mario Kart PRODUCT death glare.Mom, just leave Opie PERSON alone and just go home. She gets cut off by Entitled Mother again. Listen here, you little crap, you will take me to your parents or God PERSON, help me! She's cut off by the crush. Mom PERSON, shut the hell up! Entitled Mother shuts up and Claire PERSON's a crush.You didn't just talk to me like that, gets cut off again. You do this crap every other day. Stop being an entitled bitch and just so we can go home. Entitled mother was dead silent. She looked like she was in total shock. In fairness, I was too.I had never, ever heard her yell, but... Crush PERSON begins walking away, and entitled mother walks away with her, still in dead silence. It baffles me that someone such as my crush could be produced by someone such as the entitled mother. I asked for Crush PERSON's permission to share this, and she said that it was fine, as long as I don't use her real name. Update, today I asked Crush PERSON if she was okay. She said she was fine but that her parents didn't want a satanic guy to be talking toher daughter. We still talked anyway. Ha ha ha epic. Dab. And our last story was posted by user Konowuchi PERSON, titled, One Entitled Mother tried to get me fired,another charged my job $80 for a blanket. Quick stories, so sorry for format. I've worked with kids for 13 years. I've had two Entitled Mother interactions. New to the sub, not sure on the rules, but I'll post both here. Sorry if I break the rules.Entitled Mother Number 1. I worked at a home daycare. Every Friday after nap time, all sheets and blankets are gathered to be sent out for washing. There was this kid named Jake PERSON. He was an entitled brat who threw tantrums over nothing, and after this I knew it was because of his mother.He had two blankets, and he would bring one at a time to the daycare each day. One Friday, I did accidentally put it out for washing because we were behind, and I grabbed stuff quickly. His mother came to pick him up. I apologized and said he would have it back Monday. She tells me she has the other one, and it's fine.Monday, the blanket is back, and my boss comes to speak to me. Jake was apparently so distraught all day on Friday, they had to buy him another one, and they built the daycare for lost property. The new baby-sized blanket was $80. My boss paid it because the mother made a huge fuss and got confrontational.EM number two. So I got a job at a comic book store and it's free comic book day. That means we buy comics companies make and give them out for free on the first Saturday of May. My boss tells me we only have so much, so let's keep it three per person. I'm new, it's my first one of these, and I wanted to follow orders. Entitled Mother comes up with her son, who's about six. He has a few comics.I politely say to the little boy, You have quite a few, and I'm sorry I can only let you have three. Do you want to pick out your favorite ones and just take those? He nodded and picked out three, and Entitled Mother WORK_OF_ART was giving me stink eye, but didn't say anything. Next day my boss gets an email. Entitled mother said she was a long-time customer, she wasn't, and was upset at how horribly I spoke to her son.I swore at him and made him cry. I snatched all his comics out of his hand. He handed them to me, by the way, and I put them in a bag. And because of my boss's poor choice in hiring such an unpleasant and rude girl, they will no longer be shopping with us, and we're going to the other store they were forced to go to to get comics from,after I abused her son, unless my boss fires me. If they were really customers, they would have known the man standing next to me the entire interaction with her is the owner. He told me don't worry about it. He only sees her on free comic book day, and she tries to take a bunch every year. No loss.

Speaker 21999.4s - 2004.2s

All right guys, I hope you enjoyed that one. Tell me what you think about it down in the

Speaker 02004.2s - 2011s

description below. It was an epic comic. There's been two really good stories in this episode today, so I hope you enjoyed this one.

Speaker 22011s - 2055.34s

I hope you have a lovely day and I'll seeless dinner three days in a row. Dreaming of something better? Well, Hello Fresh is your guilt-free dream come true, baby. It's me, Gigi Palmer PERSON. Let's wake up those taste buds with hot, juicy, pecan-crusted chicken or garlic buttershrimps scampy. Hello, Fresh. with hot juicy pecan-crusted chicken or garlic buttershrim scampy. Mm-hmm.Hello Fresh. Stop dreaming of all the delicious possibilities and dig in at hellofresh.com ORG. Let's get this dinner party started.