Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/12/24

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 4/12/24

by Cumulus Podcast Network

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117:56 minutes

published 1 month ago


2023 Cumulus Podcast Network | Mark R. Levin

Speaker 00s - 23.34s

This hour, the podcast that's exclusively sponsored by my good friends at Advantage Gold ORG. Advantage Gold is a five-star rated gold company with one-of-a-kind customer service. And when it comes to gold and precious metals, Advantage Gold ORG is the only company I'll work with. Call Advantage Gold today. And make sure you let them know that Mark Levins PERSON sent you.And now, let's begin. He's here. He's here.

Speaker 324.72s - 39.6s

Now, broadcasting them from the underground command post. Deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a non-district building, we've once again made contact with our leader, Mark Levin PERSON.

Speaker 2543.6s - 50.2s

Israel is preparing for a direct attack from Iran as soon as today, according to a new report by the Wall Street Journal ORG.

Speaker 351.2s - 53.44s

Well, it gives you the warm and fuzzies, right?

Speaker 2554.6s - 57.64s

Just another day in the neighborhood.

Speaker 359.54s - 62.32s

Brian Mudd in for the great one, Mark Levin PERSON.

Speaker 2563.24s - 64.08s

Mark PERSON's on a mission.

Speaker 364.2s - 66.24s

He'll be back with us next week. But in the

Speaker 2566.24s - 71.94s

meantime, well, Joe Biden PERSON, he's on his own kind of mission. He makes the world less safe every

Speaker 371.94s - 79.86s

single day. That man is president of the United States GPE. The world is less safe.

Speaker 2581.28s - 85.44s

And if you think about it, every day that Donald Trump was president of the United States GPE,

Speaker 2485.74s - 87.28s

the world was a safer place.

Speaker 2088.14s - 895.5s

That was always one of the great ironies. Remember having all those conversations going back to the 2016 cycle with Trump PERSON. You know, you'd have the, oh, he's going to be the crazy orange man with the nukes. And those conversations were always fascinating to me because trying to rationalize with people that were, yeah, he's going to be the crazy orange man with the nukes. Like, okay, let's imagine for a moment, you really do believe Donald Trump as president of the United States GPE would be the crazy orangeman with the nukes. would be the crazy orange men with the nukes.If you're a bad actor anywhere around the world, does that make you more or less likely to want to act badly? See, the irony of it always was. If they believed their own BS, the world would still be a safer place. So for whatever reason, whatever reason, credibility, true peace through strength, bombing the blank out of ISIS ORG as soon as he was president and eliminating their caliphate, that kind of credibility.Whatever the reasons are, Donald Trump PERSON made the world safer but man has world gone to hell in a hand basket with this jack wagon as president of the United States, Joe Biden PERSON. So there aretwo sides of stories, one side of facts. Those are the facts. It is demonstrable. The world is less safe because of Joe and the world was safer because of the Donald PERSON.Now, over the past day, we have heard first from the Wall Street Journal as you are hearing Fox ORG's Greg Paul PERSON caught there, the clip,that Israel GPE preparing for a direct attack, a direct attack from Iran within 48 hours. I mean, that's always fun. Which, by the way, if they're reporting as accurate, we're down to somewhere in the neighborhood of like 24-ish right now. We've also learned that the United States has pledged to defend Israel GPE if that happens.Okay. First of all, what exactly does that mean? What does it mean when the Biden administration says, yeah, we'll defend Israel GPE. We'll do that. Okay. Do we as Americans even trust the Biden PERSON administration when they say that?Do we have any context for what that would look like? At best, this entire situation is a bluff and Iran GPE is just going to continue to use its proxies to carry out the evil that they do. At worst, it's what? Biblical?If Iran really does directly attack Israel GPE, I mean, A, what does that mean? What does that look like? B, how successful could they potentially be? C, well, if the United States steps in directly, are we looking at World War III EVENT? Remember, Iran GPE is not just Iran.Iran is China GPE. Iran is Russia GPE. Iran GPE is a rocket man. In North Korea GPE. Iran is Cuba GPE. Iran is Venezuela GPE.Iran is Nicaragua GPE. And perhaps you've noticed a trend with all of these new access countries. They're all bad actors. And what have they been doing? They've all been acting especially bad. And progressively more so, started when Joe became president of the United States GPE,it's become more pervasive. And now this little window of time we're in, mentioned this to start the year. I was concerned heading into this year that you're going to have a lot of these bad actors that think it's go time. They're going to take a look at Joe PERSON and go, this might be our last shot to do whatever it is that we're going to do. Because we feel like we can get away with it with Joe Biden PERSON as president. So here we are. That's all part of the world being less safe as well.Now, unfortunately, all this was predictable from the moment that Biden PERSON showed weakness on the world stage. From the moment of that failed withdrawal from Afghanistan GPE. There's so much that was tragic with that. The situation itself was just deplorable in every way. But what it represented was actually the most dangerous and heinous aspect to that entire deal. You know, I was thinking about it with this direct attack, a threat from Iran on Israel GPE. I went back to my notes from that day in 2021 when Afghanistan collapsed, when we lost 13 of our servicemen and women to the terrorist attack as part of the failed, which are the terrorist attack as part of the failed withdrawal. I took a look at my notes on that. And it was like, it's as relevant today as it was then. Here's what I said back in August of 2021. And just see how true this rings right now. Joe Biden PERSON has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy andnational security issue of the past four decades. Well, that streaks intact. The words of Obama PERSON's Secretary of Defense Robert Gates.True once again? After all, should we really have expected the only Obama cabinet member opposed to the right that took out Osama bin Laden PERSON to suddenly start making better decisions? So in wake of yesterday's terror attack, and again, I was referring to the collapse in Afghanistan GPE, I want you to think about what's happened here in practical terms for most of us. Prior to a few weeks ago, when was the last time that you thought about the Taliban ORG?15, maybe close to 20 years ago. Prior to a few weeks ago, when was the last time you thought about al-Qaeda? Probably would have been about the time that bin Laden was taken out over a decade ago. Prior to this week, when was the last time that you worried about ISIS ORG? Would have been about four years when Trump PERSON finished bombing the blank out of them, right? And notice how when the U.S. took out the Taliban and al-Qaeda, their terror attacks on Americans NORP stopped?And did you notice when Trump bombed the blank out of ISIS ORG, the terror attacks stopped here too? All it's taken is a few months of misguided policy and incompetent leadership, and we've unnecessarily lost 13 American heroes and have untold hundreds, perhaps more of Americans NORP trapped behind enemy lines. Joe Biden PERSON has been wrong on nearly every major foreign policy and national security issue of the past four decades.Only now he has the power to make the entire world less safe. And that's exactly what he's done in addition to destroying the U.S. GPE's credibility around the world and all in just a matter of months. Notice how the intelligence warning of a terror attack wasn't received through U.S. channels, but through the Brits NORP. What does that tell you about our credibility with informants?The strength of our intelligence on the ground. Consider our intelligence is so broken, along with the directives from the Biden PERSON administration, that a terror attack was known to be imminent at that airport, again, this and Kabul, for over 15 hours, and yet we were so flat-footed and compromised,it still was allowed to happen. This is what happens when your plan is to trust a terrorist organization to aid the safe passage of Americans. The decline of the United States GPE and the rate at which it's happening is simply staggering. Every world superpower has fallen. We're ignorant and we've learned nothing from history if we aren't aware of what's currently at stake,especially with China GPE standing as the superpower set to supplant us. My expectations for the Biden PERSON administration were low. I was generally the most concerned for our country that I've been in my lifetime when Biden PERSON became president.He's managed to be far worse than I had envisioned. In his address yesterday, he stated, we will hunt down everyone who perpetrated the attack. By the way, did that ever happen? Did we ever go back? He was very, very adamant at that moment that we're going to go get those terrorists that killed the 13 American servicemen and women, the collapse of Afghanistan GPE, well, that withdrawal. Did we ever do it?No, never happened. I checked in on numerous occasions with the folks involved with the Pineapple Express ORG. If you remember the Pineapple Express and the aftermath of the collapse of Afghanistan GPE, those were the Patriots that took on the rescue mission of Americans NORP that were caught behind enemy lines because the Biden PERSON administration just abandoned them. Anyway, I was told repeatedly that no action was ever taken by the Biden PERSON administrationto track and to take out those responsible. So he was full of crap there too. Continuing, though, again, what I said back in August of 2021, however, if he, talking about Biden PERSON, were to address everyone responsible for the attack, he'd start by resigning. From our southern border to Afghanistan GPE,this country and this world is a less safe place because Joe Biden is president of the United States GPE. Joe Biden isn't competent enough to be the president of an HOA ORG, let alone the United States GPE. But he is because the dishonest news media didn't properly vet him and too many Americanstake our freedom and our safety for granted. May God help us all. And please pray for the fallen and those in harm's way. Because that's just all there is to it. It's important that we control what we can control and it starts with engagement in politics at every level, every election. So again, my sentiment, August 27, 2021. And what's changed? What's happened since? Well, let's see. Well, Russia invaded Ukraine. China completed the takeover of Hong Kong GPE, turning their sights on Taiwan and the Philippines GPE.Hamas carried out the largest attack on Jews since the Holocaust EVENT, bringing about the Israel GPE-Hamas war. Recently, we saw that ISIS ORG has regained the size and strength to carry out a highly sophisticated terrorist attack, claiming the lives of at least 137 innocent people in Moscow GPE. And on that note, here we go again.You know, it's only been about three weeks since ISIS ORG carried out, the largest attack they'd carried out since President Trump PERSON bombed the blank out of them ending their caliphate. And once that attack in Moscow GPE happened, what did they teach you? It would only be a matter of time before they'd proved to be a problem elsewhere. And so earlier this week, we learned that ISIS ORG, once again, has been actively recruiting and radicalizing within the United States GPE.There was an 18-year-old in Idaho who was arrested the last weekend for his planned plot to carry out a series of Islamic NORP terror attacks at churches. Good times, right? According to FBI director Christopher Ray, the defendant allegedly pledged loyalty to ISIS and sought to attack people attending churches in Idaho GPE, a truly horrific plan, which was detected and thwarted by the FBI's Joint Terrorism Task Force ORG. Well, thank God the FBI ORG caught him before he carried out the attacks.But the question is, how many more are out there? How much longer will ISIS ORG be allowed to proliferate once again? Until a second coming to President Trump PERSON? But there's also something else that's changed since then as well. Nearly 10 million undocumented people. Back to the oppressor, just a bit ago, former and perhaps future president of the United Statessaid that he believes in numbers closer to 16 million, but we'll run with 10, including close to 2 million people not been interdicted, even by Border Patrol ORG. What the FBI director Christopher Ray PERSON have to say about all this? We'll dive into all that. Next, I'm Brian Mud PERSON, in for the great one. Mud PERSON Love in.

Speaker 23901s - 904.46s

Are once mighty dollars under siege from runaway inflation?

Speaker 20904.46s - 910.46s

For those still working, your paychecks buy less while costs for gas, food, cars, utilities, skyrocket.

Speaker 23910.6s - 911.42s

Thanks to inflation.

Speaker 20911.62s - 918.64s

That's why I'm urging all my listeners to register for the upcoming gold and silver summit hosted by our friends at Advantage Gold ORG.

Speaker 23918.78s - 920.26s

It's a fantastic seminar.

Speaker 20920.44s - 927.46s

They'll teach you how to take steps to help guard your wealth from inflation using asset diversification into physical precious metals.

Speaker 0927.8s - 969.28s

Gold and silver hold intrinsic value that should remain untouched by government manipulation. Folks, don't wait for the Fed ORG's reckless policies to completely devalue the dollar and steal your life savings. Call now. While free registration is open, I'm telling you, this is a fantastic seminar. Call 800, 900, 8,000 right now. The gold and silver summit could provide the vital insights we need to protectour families. 800, 900,000. Tell them Mark Levins PERSON sent you. Performance may vary. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Always consult your financial and tax professionals.

Speaker 1973.92s - 993.68s

Until now, the U.S. has been facing Iranian proxies, but in the wake of the Israeli air strike on April 1st in Damascus that killed the Iranian Revolutionary Guard ORG General and six other top Iran GPEian commanders responsible for arming Iran's proxy groups, Iran appears poised to avenge that attack with a massive show of force targeting Israeli NORP territory. Fox is Jennifer Griffin PERSON.

Speaker 20993.68s - 1149.24s

And the difference up to this point, you've had the proxies that have been carrying out Iran GPE's evil. The Wall Street Journal reporting a direct attack and also the Biden PERSON administration, including the president himself earlier today, confirming that's what they believe, which, by the way, in the grand scheme of sounding weak, when you're the president of the United States GPE, you're kind of like, yeah, Iran GPE's probably going to attack real soon.That's great, right? I mean, that really, again, projects all kinds of strength. I'm sure that Iran heard Biden PERSON mumble that he expects them to attack Israel GPE directly and felt like they should do something different.Just unreal. Just unreal. Brian Mudd in for Mark Levin PERSON and talking about Joe Biden PERSON making the world less safe. His very existence as president of the United States GPE.And he does it in every possible way. The catalyst for all of this and by all this, I mean every bit of unrestthat has opened up around the world in the past three years. The gateway to all that was the failed withdrawal from Afghanistan GPE and the weakness that displayed on the world stage. But then what we do to undermine our own national security across our border. As 10 million plus undocumented people, that is the official term by the federal government, have entered the United States since Joe Biden PERSON became president.In response to the ways, has all been going down, yet FBI director Christopher Ray testified at Congress ORG warning, quoting Ray PERSON, the number of illegal immigrants evading border patrol agents and escaping into the country is a source of great concern for the agency and threats from the other side of the border are consuming, consuming FBI ORG field offices. Oh, that's fun, isn't it?By the way, you notice how Ray PERSON actually uses the term illegal immigrants. He doesn't use the politically correct terms here in discussing this. Seems like he's actually concerned about a legitimate threat. It's too bad. The Biden PERSON administration in total isn't. We're going to talk about the implications.Maybe get some of your thoughts on this as well. Next, Brian Mudd PERSON, in for the great one. Mark Levin PERSON.

Speaker 01152.96s - 1211.44s

Attention, fellow Americans. Mark Levine PERSON here with a warning and a solution. I feel like our country is being destroyed by out-of-control spending and debt, thanks to Biden and the American Marxists NORP. And your hard-earned savings and retirement could be at risk from their socialist schemes. That's why you should consider advantage Gold, the best of the best, a U.S.-based company that specializes in helping everyday Americans NORP protect their wealth.They have a simple solution to help you even potentially grow your wealth, despite the attacks from Washington. I urge you to register for their upcoming Gold and Silver Summit EVENT. It's fabulous. A free online event. Where you'll learn tips to help safeguard your finances by diversifying into physical precious metals. Call 800,000, $900,000. Call them right now to sign up securely. For this pivotalsummit, it is crucial. Tell the Mark Levins PERSON sent you for a special bonus. Call 800,000, $900,000 right now. Performance may vary. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. You should always consult your financial and tax professional. Mark Levin PERSON, making

Speaker 141211.44s - 1222.02s

conservatism great again. Dial in now 877-381-3811. Israel GPE's military leaders are touring

Speaker 131222.02s - 1232.52s

troop and weapons installations amidst intelligence and state media reports. The Iranian regime is close to conducting some sort of attack on Israel GPE. Joev Galant PERSON is defense minister.

Speaker 221233.44s - 1238.3s

And I am certain that the world understands well today what Iran GPE is.

Speaker 131238.3s - 1247.2s

The terrorist body that incites terror attacks across the Middle East, funds Hamas, Hezbollah, and other forces, and now threatens Israel GPE.

Speaker 01248.56s - 1250.66s

Yeah, so happy Friday, everybody.

Speaker 201251.1s - 1581.24s

Yeah, we might have a direct attack from Iran on Israel GPE. Other than that, it's just sunshine and lollipops. Welcome to Joe Biden's America GPE. Joe Biden's world, really, where we have an open border and we have all kinds of concerns and threats of terrorism from those that have come across the southern border, let alone just the daily crime and dysfunction that's associated with. And a lot of which I'm going to be getting to Brian Mud in for Mark Levin PERSON. You can catch me on social at Brian Mud Radio ORG.By the way, I host the Brian Mud Show, my home station WJNO in West Palm Beach GPE. And you can always catch my podcast as well. The Brian Mud Show ORG, wherever you get your podcast. Pleasure being here with you every time I have the opportunity. And, well, Mark PERSON is on a mission. He's going to be back with us next week.But you actually don't have to wait that long to catch them. Be sure that you have your DVR set for this weekend. The brand new life, Liberty and Levin PERSON shows. You got them 8 Eastern, both tomorrowand Sunday, Saturday and Sunday. Guests for Saturday show, Ted Cruz PERSON and Mike Huckabee and on Sunday, former House Speaker, Kevin McCarthy PERSON, and General Jack Keene PERSON.All right, so left off talking about FBI director Christopher Ray's testimony to Congress ORG recently, where he said the number of illegal immigrants evading border patrol agents in escaping into the country is a great source of concern for the agency and threats from the other side of the border are consuming, consuming FBI ORG field offices. But wait, but wait, there's more. Ray PERSON also warned that the growing influence of worldwide terror organizations once again represented a threat due to the recruitment and radicalization of homegrown terrorists,a la what we began to see during the ISIS caliphate under President Obama PERSON. And what did we say? Oh, that's right. We just had an arrest. It was lightly covered in the news. If you looked for it, you would have found it. But you had an arrest of an 18-year-old in Idaho GPE,radicalized by ISIS ORG. And thank God the FBI ORG did nail him. I mean, to raise credit, said, look, we are being consumed by all these threats. Well, they didn't nail this guy. But he's going to go try to take out as many people as he could in the name of ISIS ORG at churches. We're back in that place.So everything that Ray PERSON was warning about not all that long ago is starting to happen right now. And it all goes back to what I first said at the onset of the show, but well before that, immediately following the collapse of Afghanistan GPE from our southern border to Afghanistan GPE, this country and this world is a less safe place because Joe Biden is president of the United States GPE, period.Full stop. And sadly, that was as true back then as it is today. But hey, hey, it's still no Trump PERSON tweets, right? I mean, for so many people, it's just too much. The mean, uncouth Trump tweets, give me Biden PERSON, those people. I can't imagine sucking so much at life.Just having your head stuck so far in the sand or maybe in another place. That mean Trump tweets, well, it's enough for you to be this stuck on stupid to give us Joe Biden PERSON. It still is remarkable to me that given everything we've seen, there are tens of millions of people that are still that demented, but it's the world we live in. But anyway, here's the question, and we can make it complicated. No need to complicate it, though.If Donald Trump is president of the United States GPE, is any of this happening? Is any of this happening? Is any of this happening? The answer is obviously no. Afghanistan GPE never would have collapsed to the terrorists once again. Russia would not have invaded Ukraine GPE. China GPE would not have been allowed to consolidate and propagate.If Hamas had been dumb enough to try to attack Israel GPE, they would have immediately been dropped into the dust in the history. You want to know what would have happened to Hamas ORG? They pulled the crap they pulled on October 7th. Donald Trump is president of the United States GPE. So now we watch, we wait, we see what will be in an ever more lawless, ever more violent world,one that's lawless and violent because Joe Biden PERSON is feckless and incompetent. Although he is intentional. He is intent, the southern border, completely intentional. And by the way, there is a new scam. There's a new border scam undermining our national security. And I'll end up bringing you the details of that.But first, let's go to Grant in Oklahoma GPE. Grant PERSON, welcome to the show. Hey, thanks.

Speaker 111581.3s - 1581.98s

What's going on?

Speaker 201582.72s - 1585.78s

Yeah, but good to have you. What's on your mind? What but good to have you. What's on your mind?

Speaker 111586.5s - 1612.42s

What I wanted to ask you was that when Trump and Pompeo went to Doha GPE, on February 29th and 2020, and they signed an agreement and surrendered the country of Afghanistan to what other party? Do you remember? It was the Taliban if they were defeatedwhy did he surrender to them so everything

Speaker 201612.42s - 1697.32s

that was conflated ultimately with the Trump administration the arrangement that was in place that Joe Biden PERSON tried to say that oh you know the Trumpforced us to do this and we had to withdraw and it was always going to be this way. And it only was that bad because if Donald Trump PERSON this, no, none of that was going to be in place the way that it was handled. We would have left a outfit, a team special ops in place that would have been able to retain control of that territory. We would not have turned over equipment to the Taliban that then ended up a lot of it in the hands of China GPE. So much of that was a false premise. One of the things regarding peace through strength that is so commonly misconstrued is that you have to have the full military occupation, the full presence in orderto continue to project strength. No, it doesn't necessarily have to be there. It doesn't necessarily have to be that way. And Donald Trump PERSON did not enter into any kind of an agreement that would have turned over the country to terrorists. would not have gone down that way. It's a false premise. It's a false narrative. Let's go to Ron in Oregon GPE.Ron PERSON, welcome to the show. Hey, thanks for taking my call.

Speaker 101697.48s - 1774.88s

Great show. I've got a little different take on what's going on with the border and what happened today when the Speaker of the House ORG cast the deciding vote as far as letting the Pryzer PERSON course going on continue on and functionbasically secretly from the public, etc. It goes back to the old idea of the Democrats creating chaos and having a solution for it by coming in and actually taking control of various aspects of our freedom.So I'm kind of getting the idea more and more that this whole idea of the open border has a long-reased plan to basically cause chaos within the United States GPE, which meant that they had to solve a problem, and so therefore, for instance, we had the vote today. Well, I think which I think is really, really significant what happened today. And so I personally even think that this phone call could be monitored. I'm very cautious about what I put in emails,even to my relatives, about some very bland things when it comes to politics.

Speaker 201775.66s - 1998.02s

Well, Ron PERSON, when, yeah, I mean, look, in terms of being tracked, there's no telling anymore, right? I mean, we have seen given what the government, the federal government has done to target conservative voices, to silence conservative voices. We saw this starting in the Obama administration with the IRS ORG targeting. We have seen it through the use of executive action and executive threats at social media companies to minimize throttle, silence, deep platform, conservative. So to the extent that you're paranoid to a certain extent, I do think there's validity to that.I would also say there's validity to what you're talking about with creating the problem with the southern border. The whole trying to fix it thing, I'm not so. So a couple things about that. First, yes. Look, this is all the playbook out of rules for radicals, right? The progressives have played the long game on this.And what we see, the chaos at the southern border, across the southern border, around the world, all of this, straight out of rules for radicals. It is an overwhelming of the system. And it is ultimately something that creates a demoralizing effect with a lot of people to where they just don't know what to do. They can't handle it.Some people check out, whatever the case may be. In terms of trying to solve the problem, this one is more strategic than that. So the open border policies were in place with Obama. They were put on steroids with the Biden PERSON administration. And this is very much more insidious than just they want to solve a problem. There is no doubt but that there is intent to have these people resettled, to have them on government programs, to have them in place to potentially vote. And at a minimal, whether the illegal immigrants that are in the country right now that are just coming across the border,are there to be able to vote in this election or not? Which, by the way, you're speaking in the House ORG Speaker and the former president. That's what they were addressing election integrity. Talk a little bit about that later in the show, trying to prevent illegal immigrants from voting.What a concept. But if nothing else, the long game, they think, well, maybe we'll get amnesty passed somewhere along the way, and then that'll do the trick. And at a minimum, they'll have kids here. Their kids will end upvoting for Democrats NORP. It's all part of the long game that goes back to rules radicals. What Obama PERSON's playbook was, what he was brought up with as a young man,what his political compass was. Biden is just seeing through that Obama PERSON mission. So that I think is more strategic. On the FISA LAW vote, yeah, I mean, a couple things about that. You had the first vote that will clear a vote in the House ORG on the new revised FISA plan. That'll come up next week. So nothing is firm today. You heardformer President Trump speak about that too. He said he does not like FISA LAW that it's been used against him. But he was going to let the House ORG do what they're going to do on it. So it sounds like the former president is not going to stand in the way of this thing. Today's vote was a bipartisan vote in the House, but you did have more Democrats vote for it than Republicans NORP. And we'll see the way that whole deal goes down. Let's go to Jane in upstate New York GPE.Jane PERSON, welcome to the show. Hi. Hi.

Speaker 71998.32s - 2074.58s

How are you? Okay. This is something that's really bothering me. First of all, I want to see Biden PERSON held accountable. Last December, there was a report that came out, and then it was buried, that he spent $858 billion on a drug appropriation,first of all, to aid Syria GPE. And it was something called the Caphtagon Act LAW. And it's involving a very serious amphetamine. As a result, Hamas started importing that drug to go to their training camps before October 7th. Now, Biden PERSON knows about this. He knew about it.And it's insane. It's a very tiny pill, which is usually they say around 5 cents. Now, the government is getting $15 per pill. And you cannot tell me that Biden PERSON does not know about this. And this amphetamine causes something called bloodlust. It causes.I'm a retired abuse counselor, so I know about these things.

Speaker 202074.76s - 2089.86s

Well, I appreciate the call. And you take a look at the fentanyl situation in China GPE. And where is that predominantly coming across the southern border? And so is there anything that's actually being done to stop any of this to really address any of it? Well, of course not. I'm Brian Mud PERSON, and for the great one.

Speaker 232090.28s - 2101.18s

Mud PERSON Love in. My fellow Americans NORP were living in very perilous economic times.

Speaker 02101.44s - 2157.62s

Washington GPE seems determined to bankrupt our nation with endless stimulus spending as they devalue our dollar. Hardworking Americans NORP like you could lose everything. That's why I urge you strongly. Register for the upcoming Gold and Silver Summit hosted by our friends at Advantage Gold ORG. They'll teach you how to help guard your wealth using asset diversification into physical precious metals. Gold and silver can offer a defense against the dollar's devaluation,and the experts at advantage gold will explain how you can convert some of your savings into precious metals that can protect and potentially grow your wealth. With currency debasement from Washington GPE and global uncertainty on the rise, gold and silver diversification could offer you some stability. Call 800,000,000 right now to sign up. 800,000 now.Tell them Mark Levins PERSON sent you. Performance may vary. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future results. You should always consult your financial and tax professional.

Speaker 12164.5s - 2180.72s

Israel's Iron Dome and Air Defenses were activated when 40 rockets were fired into northern Israel from southern Lebanon along with two drones. I'm told by well-placed U.S. officials that this is not the anticipated Iran GPE retaliation, but it did light up the night sky.

Speaker 202182.06s - 2344.06s

Yeah, Fox is Jennifer Griffin PERSON there as we're on standby to see what the theoretical direct Iranian attack on Israel is going to be. Good times, good times.Brian Muddy PERSON in for Mark Levin and it's all interconnected. Talking about the wars that have broken out since Joe Biden PERSON has become president. The chaos across our southern border. The resurgence of ISIS ORG and the threats we face in thehomeland now because of it. Joe Biden's PERSON illegal immigration operation, it's actually worse than you knew. Just when you think the illegal immigration crisis really can't get any worse, it actually is. It actually has been worse and we are just now learning about it.And actually, the only reason we're now learning about it, due to the outstanding investigative journalism of Todd Benzman from the Center for Immigration Studies ORG, by the way, if you've not checked out any of CIS's work or Todd Binsman PERSON in particular,just phenomenal. He's in Juarez, or at least he was earlier this week, most recently, and he is in the trenches getting the real information that really doesn't get reported otherwise. But anyway, his recent analysis and the CIS tracking of the Biden PERSON administration's migrant relocation program, which relocates processed illegal immigrants crossing the southern border, well, it's shown what's happened since the onset of the Biden PERSON administration, but alsomore recently they showed something else. Since the start of the government's, but also, more recently, they showed something else. Since the start of the government's current fiscal year, that started in October, there are over 326,000 undocumented persons who are flown into Florida by the Biden PERSON administration. Most of any state in the country, other states that have been the recipients of covert migrant flights include Texas, California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Maryland, Illinois GPE. Now, these are not your run-of-the-mill Biden PERSON migrant flights, no. These aren't the ones where the Border Patrol processes the illegal immigrants after theypretended to be asylum seekers, you know, where they meet Border Patrol and the Border Patrol processes the illegal immigrants after they pretended to be asylum seekers. You know, where they meet Border Patrol and the Border Patrol, you know, we'll ask them and something that they'll go, no intuendo. And then they say, what are you here for? And they go, asylum? Not that kind of deal. And then they fly them to you. This is much more insidious. I'll tell you exactly what's going on next. Brian Mud PERSON, in for the great one.

Speaker 02346.24s - 2365.3s

This segment of the podcast is exclusively sponsored by Pure Talk ORG. Pure Talk offers great coverage and can save your family money on your wireless bill every single month. Go to to find the plan that's right for you. Thank you again for listening, and thank you so much for this sponsorship. Pure Talk ORG.

Speaker 32365.3s - 2384.18s

He's here. He's here. Now, broadcasting from the underground command post, deep in the boughs of a hidden bunker, somewhere under the brick and steel of a non-discreet building. We've once again made contact with our leader, Mark Levin PERSON.

Speaker 252387.76s - 2392.84s

This week's inflation reports dampened chances. The Fed ORG cuts interest rates anytime soon,

Speaker 162392.92s - 2410.32s

and some analysts say the news eliminates the possibility of multiple rate cuts this year, potentially dragging voter pessimism about the economy closer to the election. The president defended himself over stubbornly high prices, pointing to how much inflation has cooled, but it was just 1.4% when he came into office and all prices

Speaker 202410.32s - 3116.66s

are up nearly 19%. Yeah, I mean, details. You have to be making 19% more at a minimum today compared to the day that Joe Biden PERSON became president, just to break even, just to break even. And guess what? You probably aren't. The average American is actually making about 16% more. So the average American is 3% worse off than the day that Joe Biden became president of the United States GPE. But yeah, there's the inflation piece too. Brian Mud in for Mark Levin PERSON.Mark PERSON is on a mission. It's going to be back with us next week. As we are on standby for the possible direct attack of Israel by Iran GPE, whatever that will end up meaning As we are taking a look at the utter chaos across our southern border orchestrated by the Biden PERSON administrationThe inflation piece, we had the inflation report this week That showed that inflation running much hotter Than the so-called experts had expected And has actually been re-accelerating for the first quarter of the year. That's also fun.One of the reasons, one of the reasons, the illegal immigration crisis, I'm going to get into some of those details in just a bit. I want to talk to you about the illegal immigration operation, Joe Biden's PERSON illegal immigration operation. The end of the first hour began telling you about the latest covert illegal immigration operation.And it's really the illegal illegal immigration operation. There's a lot that Joe Biden PERSON has done that is unlawful regarding the abuse of our southern border, not enforcing our country's laws, the utter abuse of the asylum system. But there has been another program more recently. They didn't speak about. They haven't owned up to, but has been uncovered by Todd Benzman, the Center for Immigration Studies ORG.A program where we know that at least since the start of the new government fiscal year in October, there have been hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants that have been flown directly into the United States GPE, directly into states across the country, mostly Florida GPE, but also Texas, California, Georgia, Massachusetts, Maryland, in Illinois GPE. And when I first was coming across the CIS information, when it first broke last week,I was thinking, okay, well, this is going to be the standard Biden PERSON administration, migrant flight program, the kind where Border Patrol ORG processes them, then they put them on flights and send them into your neighborhood so they can soak up all of the affordable housing. By the way, it's part of the inflation story. What is the single biggest issue for many Americans NORP, especially those that are having the hardest time getting by? It's affordable housing, right? What's happening with all the affordable housing? How many millions of illegal immigrants?Oh, I'm sorry, asylum seekers, 97% of which end up in the end being nothing more than illegal immigrants because they're bogus asylum seekers. How many millions of them are taking up all the affordable housing across the country? All the affordable housing that's paid for by what and by who? Oh, that's right. Your tax dollars. So you have to live with housing inflation that you're also paying for.This is what the Biden PERSON administration does to you. That's just one example. But to bring this back into the underhanded migrant flight program. So no, this isn't the standard Biden PERSON administration migrant flight program where they cross the border. Border Patrol ORG processes them and then they hop on planes and buses. It is so much more underhanded than that.And it's more underhanded than I think what Americans NORP would have envisioned. Even people have been paying attention. We are flying them directly into the United States GPE.Apparently from wherever they want to come from. We've set up an app. We've set up a website. And it's being advertised to migrants around the world. Around the world. As long as they say they are from one of nine countries that the Biden PERSON administration has extended full open border status to,they could hop on that app or hop on the website anywhere from around the world and be flown directly into your neighborhood if that's where they want to go. No kidding. No having to make their way to our southern border before they could say the magic asylum wards. No need to have to kind of work their way through Mexico GPE. No drug cartels to navigate. Just direct access into our country's interior for seemingly anyone and everyone who learns of this from one of nine countries and wants to take advantage of it.Now, when we take a look at what's behind all this, you have CIS that detailed, and I'm quoting from Benzman's report, he said CIS began seeking airport locations plus foreign departure airport locations early last year in a FOIA request. They said the administration has declined, citing law enforcement exceptions. FOIA request. They said the administration has declined, citing law enforcement exceptions. CIS has sued on grounds that the government violated the Freedom of Information Act LAW. The information would be a matter of strong public interest to city leaderships, lawmakers, and voting publics to press for better planning of budgets and resources for those who might show up this way, or perhaps to demand redress from it or demand that federal officials reduceor cease entirely the flight authorizations. As for the foreign departure airports, transparency would provide visibility into who the government is actually approving for these flights, enabling reporters and advocates to interview participants abroad about their circumstances in the government's application processes before the beneficiaries are lost amid general air traffic. And that's the next piece of this. The illegal immigrants who are making use of this from foreign countries that are hopping on the app that are hopping on the website,once they hop on a plane, you can't tell them from anybody else. They are just, as Benzman PERSON notes, lost amid general air traffic. And that's the end of the story. You talk about the abuses that can take place. And the Biden PERSON administration refuses to provide any information of this whatsoever. Why exactly is this happening?Well, it's pretty clear because Joe Biden's PERSON intent is to create as open of a border as possible, but also a border that is so open that the illegal immigrants don't even have to arrive at it. I mean, how beautiful is that? No, shoot, they can just fly straight over the border because they know the optics of the southern border crisis are a political liability so this is the new next level nefarious border policy by the Biden PERSON administration the politics of this are not good for themanytime you have a lot that cameras can capture and that people can see it's not good so we are just going to covertly put them on planes from wherever they want to hop on around the world and fly them straight in your backyard. Nobody's going to know about it but us.By flying illegal immigrants straight into this country, they can achieve their lawless anti-American NORP policy objective, all without the potentially damaging optics that go along with it.And as for what happens with all these warm, fluffy migrants, these well-intentioned people that are in no way abusing our system. Yeah, the illegal immigrants once they get here, well, according to Benzman PERSON, same as ever before. They commonly have two priorities. Some actually do try to find work. Well, according to Benzman, same as ever before. They commonly have two priorities. Some actually do try to find work. Pretty much all of them just try to get on government assistance programs,whether they try to find work or not. And as for the cost to the rest of us, I detail this when I was guesting for Mark earlier this year. A little refresh on this. This is something I want you to think about as tax day is on Monday and you are havingthe rest of your blood extracted from you for the benefit of the Biden administration to do this with your money. The net financial impact of each illegal immigrant is a taxpayer cost of$68,000. During the course of their life in this country, the net financial impact is negative $68,000 to you and me. But wait, there's more because it's just it. Non-citizens, they commit crimes at a rate that is914% higher than citizens. The old narrative. Oh, you know, those that are here illegally or the warm, fluffy migrants that are seeking asylum, they are much less likely to commit crimes than citizens be stinking ass. 914% more likely to commit a crime than an American NORP citizen. They are responsible now for 24% of all drug trafficking, 25% of all property crimes,28% of all fraud. Think about this. You want to get rid of a quarter, basically all these federal crimes, a quarter of drug trafficking, a quarter of property crime, over a quarter of fraud, get rid of the freaking illegal immigrants. That's all you got to do.I'm sorry, the asylum seekers, approximately 3% of which actually are deemed in the end to be legitimate. And aside from being at greater risk of being a victim of crime, each and every federal taxpayer now paying $1,156 annually to facilitate it. Again, Monday, tax day, you think about this. You're paying federal taxes, you are paying $1,156 annually now just to facilitate Joe Biden's PERSON open border BS immigration policy. For the benefits of being a victim of all these crimes, for the benefit of all the inflation they're bringing,including taking up all the affordable housing. This is what Joe Biden PERSON has already done to us. Just imagine what comes next. And I'll bring that to you. Next, Brian Mud PERSON, in for the great one.

Speaker 233117.16s - 3118.98s

Mud PERSON Love in.

Speaker 203124.72s - 3127.7s

Nowadays, 20 bucks barely gets you burger and fries.

Speaker 233127.8s - 3129.44s

There may be a quarter tank of gasoline.

Speaker 203129.8s - 3131.22s

You know what it will get you, though?

Speaker 233131.32s - 3138.92s

For just $20 a month, you can get unlimited talk, text, and plenty of 5G data for my cell phone company, Pure Talk ORG.

Speaker 03138.92s - 3193.28s

You'll get the same quality of service as AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile, but for half the cost, the average family saves almost $1,000 a year, all with no contracts and no activation fees. You can trade your phone or get great deals on the latest iPhones and Android PRODUCT. Make the switch today and save an additional 50% of your first month.Choose a wireless company that shares our values that supports our military and veterans, that creates American NORP jobs, and refuses to advertise on fake news networks. Instead, they're right here with us. Just go to slash Levine PERSON, slash L-E-V-I-N and make the switch right now so you can actually afford that burger and fries. That's slash Levine PERSON, L-E-V-I-N. We are devoted to the defense of Israel GPE.

Speaker 53193.9s - 3198.94s

We will support Israel GPE. We will help defend Israel GPE. And Iran GPE will not succeed.

Speaker 203200.44s - 3481.4s

Boy, I mean, crisis averted, right? Problem solved. Who doesn't feel that, wow, Iran GPE's going to go, oh, I really think we should rethink this whole attacking Israel GPE thing. When you have no credibility in the world stage, that's bad. Then when you're Joe Biden PERSON and you just sound like you are as weak as you project on theworld stage, I mean, just the whole thing's pathetic. I mean, I actually root for him. We need Joe Biden PERSON to be successful here. It really is not a good thing. If Iran does follow through directly attacking Israel GPE. The implications are many, including obviously things that could get biblical at a certain level.I, January 20th. It's a long way off. All right. Now, Brian Mudd, in for Mark Levim PERSON. So we're talking about the interconnectivity between the weakness of the Biden PERSON administration,the lawlessness, the violence, the allowance for what's coming across our southern border, talking about illegal immigration and the rising crime rate. So as I've been talking about, we have, as is well known, the record levels of illegal immigration facilitated across our southern border. Now we've learned of the even more nefarious system that Biden PERSON has put in place where, shoot, you don't even need to come across the southern border and go, oh, is this where I say,? Yeah. Asylum.They don't have to do that anymore. No, no, no, no. They can just go on an app. They just go on the website and just be flown directly into our neighborhoods, into your backyard. That's how the Biden PERSON administration is doing it. Now, in addition to the standard practice, standard operating procedure of the open southern border. We've learned most recently that aside from all the gotaways, the approximate 2 milliongotaways, latest from Custom and Border Patrol ORG, they've encountered and processed a total of 7.4 million non-citizens since the onset of the Biden PERSON administration at our southern border, a total that in a little over three years is almost triple. since the onset of the Biden PERSON administration at our southern border, a total that in a little over three years is almost triple the entire number of the four years of the Trump PERSON administration. I want to think about this.Again, there are a lot of numbers here. They're pretty alarming. Just the ones that have been processed by Customs and Border Patrol through the first three years of the Biden administration triple, triple the number of the entire four years of the Trump PERSON administration.Then you start taking a look again at the cost of all this and the crimes. As I mentioned, the hard cost to us as federal taxpayers, now $1,156 annually. Non-citizens have been evidenced to commit crimes at a rate that is 914% higher than citizens. They're responsible for approximately a quarter of drug trafficking, property crimes, fraud. So naturally, if we have record numbers of illegal immigrants, non-citizens, I'm sorry, the official government term, non-citizens pouring into this country, and if they're greater than nine times more likely to commit crimes, you're going to have a lot of higher crime rates, right? Well, that's also what we now have new information on.The first two years of the Biden PERSON administration, crime rate information from across the country for the first two years. What happened with crime during year one of the era of Joe Biden? A 29% increase in crime in the United States. And the second year, an additional 6% increase in crime, a net total of a 36% increase in crime from Trump PERSON administration levels. I want you to think about this for a moment. The United States, we are a country of greater than 330 million people. Do you know howfreaking hard it is to have year-over-year increases with that many people at a rate of 29% in any category, an increase of 29%? And that we're talking about a 29% increase in crimes committed from one year to the next? There is so much more here. I'll bring it to you. Take some of your calls, too.Brian Mud PERSON, in for the great one. Mark Levitt PERSON.

Speaker 03483.32s - 3544.66s

Nowadays, 20 bucks barely gets you burger and fries. There may be a quarter tank of gasoline. You know what it will get you, though? For just $20 a month, you can get unlimited talk, text, and plenty of 5G data. For my cell phone company, Pure Talk ORG. You'll get the same quality of service as AT&T, Verizon, or T-Mobile, but for half the cost,the average family saves almost $1,000 a year, all with no contracts and no activation fees. You can trade your phone or get great deals on the latest iPhones and Androids PRODUCT. Make the switch today and save an additional 50% off your first month. Choose a wireless company that shares our values that supports our military and veterans, that creates American NORP jobs, and refuses to advertise on fake news networks. Instead, they're right here with us.Just go to ORG slash Levine, slash L-E-V-I-N and make the switch right now so you can actually afford that burger and fries. That's slash Levine PERSON, L-E-V-I-N.

Speaker 143545.28s - 3558.28s

Mark LaV-N PERSON, an unapologetic patriot and unapologetic constitutionalist. You can reach him at 877-381-3811.

Speaker 213558.94s - 3584.2s

A top Chinese official in North Korea GPE. It's the two nations's highest level meeting at about five years, the chairman of China GPE's National People's Congress ORG, who's considered the number three official on the ruling party met his North Korean NORP counterpartpromoting exchanges and cooperation in all areas, including politics, economy, and culture. The North wants to Yeah, so

Speaker 203584.2s - 4065.78s

oh, this is good. This is good. China GPE and North Korea again together again, because that's right, as we're awaiting for Iran GPE to potentially directly attack Israel GPE,Iran isn't just Iran. China GPE isn't just China. China GPE is Iran. China is Russia GPE. Iran is Russia GPE. Iran is Russia. Iran is a little rocket man in North Korea who apparently that he's meeting with Xi Jinping's PERSON officials. So they work out little rocket man maneuvers and oh, they're also Cuba, they're Venezuela, they're Nicaragua GPE.Not a surprise that we are seeing the new Axis powers here, flex, and that there's coordination at the same time that, well, Russia GPE's been doing what Russia GPE's doing, that Iran has been doing what they've been doing and what theymay get ready to do. While we also recently have had a spy within the federal government that had been working for Cuba GPE, that was found out. Oh, by the way, a lot of these things just don't end up making the news. Even the countries that don't necessarily have a lot of the ability militarily to flex, like a Cuba GPE, for example. They're still working.They're still doing their part to be part of the whole access situation here. Brian Mud in for Mark Levin PERSON. Mark PERSON is on a mission. He's going to be back with us next week. Do not have to wait that long to catch them, though. Brand new, Life Liberty and Levin's this weekend.So 8 o'clock, Saturday and Sunday, Eastern Fox News Channel ORG. Tomorrow, Saturday's guest, Senator Ted Cruz and former Governor Mike Cuckabee PERSON. And Sunday's guests, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and General Jack King PERSON. Catch Life Liberty, Levin PERSON. Make sure you hit up your DVR. Always record those episodes.8 o'clock Eastern Fox News Channel. I'm Brian Mud PERSON. And you can catch me, by the way, at Brian Mud Radio socially, pretty much anywhere you will go. And you can also check out the Brian Mud Show podcast. I host the Brian Mud Show, my home station, WJNO, in West Palm Beach GPE. It is always an honor and a pleasure to be here with you. By the way, one of the things I often get requests on when I do the show, when I do any show, the sources, the information, I cite a lot of my source material rhetorically, but I also,in all of my blog posts, I always have the source material there. And so if you check out the Brian Mud Show PERSON blog, you can find related stories that will have all the links to the source material. So you can see exactly where it's all coming from. And you can go ahead and share it with other people too. All right. So as we're taking a look at the increase in crime rate, I last was talking about how remarkably at a country of over 330 million people. Year one of the Biden administration, this country experienced a 29% increase in crimes.And what happened a year two? Went up another 6% from that. So the two-year rate, 36%. And we only have the first two years. We don't even know. We don't have the numbers for a year or threeof the Biden PERSON administration yet. One could only imagine, right? I mean, it obviously has been getting so much better, right? Now, what does that represent? I mean, when you talk about numbers this large, in the country this large, turns out the records,there is not another year in American NORP history since record keeping on criminal activity began, since crime rate information was available, that we had an increase in crime as large from one year to another as we did during the first year of the Biden PERSON administration.There's never been a two-year increase in crime and recorded American history as large as the first two years of the Biden PERSON administration. Now, it's entirely logical given the record volume of illegal immigrants that have been allowed into this country and given that they commit crimes at a rate that is greater than nine times citizens, killing the age-old narrative, the big lie that is perpetuated by open border type, said, oh, no, they're all warm and fluffy, and they all just want agricultural jobs and a happy life, and they'll never do anything bad to anybody else. It's these bad, evil Americans NORP, you know, they're like the actual citizens here.They're the bad people. No, they are lying saxipu. Those people. They lie through their teeth. The people that are not here legally or the people that are simply, quote, unquote, non-citizens. These faux asylum seekers, they are greater than nine times more likely to commit a crime than you.I know. Shocking, right? But anyway, when we take a look at what we're faced with, you put all this in context, we are really at a point where things are getting ready to break.And so a lot of what you're seeing right now. I had a clip about inflation at the onset of the hour, and I'm going to be getting into the inflation. One of the things that's breaking right now, and it's one of the things that the economists, which are commonly wrong about, one of the things that the economists, which are commonly wrong about,one of the things they're getting wrong is the impact of all this on our society. One of the things that's breaking in our society is the economy. And part of the reason that it's breaking and part of the reason the Federal Reservehasn't been able to get its arms around inflation, part of the reason why all those rate cuts that were going to happen this year are not going to happen this year. The reason that inflation is accelerating in real time, so much of it comes right back to this illegal immigration crisis.So we have things breaking from a criminal standpoint, so many communities breaking down. And what happened in Memphis today? Police officer being murdered by somebody who had just been run up on an automatic weapons charge recently, let out without any bail? Are you kidding me?A guy, he had this thug who stole cars, altered a gun so that it would be an automatic. He gets arrested for all this stuff. They just put him right back out on the street, no bail. Because he got a SOROCA in Memphis GPE. So we're at the breaking point in so many places with crime.We're at a breaking point in our economy. People can't afford things anymore. Housing crisis. Why do we have a housing crisis? Has anybody taken a look at how many freaking millions of illegal immigrants we're putting in all the affordable housing? Everybody wants to talk about there's no affordable housing. Why do you think that is? What do you think would happen if we as American NORP taxpayers stopped paying to put illegal immigrants in affordable housing? I mean, it is unconscionable what's happening here. And it's also just amazing how stuck on stupid so many people in this country are, that they don't actually realize these things that we're talking about right now. But yeah, we have so many different things that are at that boiling,that breaking point all at one time. And it's why various different elements in our society are not functioning the way that people think they will. Even the ever so reasoned Federal Reserve, for example. I've got a lot more for you, including on the economy piece tied to illegal immigration. But let's go to Marie and California.Marie PERSON, welcome to the show. I've got to go. Okay, so I guess, hey, Marie PERSON, welcome to the show. I got to go.

Speaker 84066.78s - 4068.6s

Okay, so I guess, hey, Marie PERSON.

Speaker 204068.7s - 4069.86s

You are with us.

Speaker 84069.9s - 4073.62s

All right, glad to have you. Here. Hello. Can you hear me?

Speaker 204073.96s - 4078.32s

We got you loud and clear, Marie PERSON. Yep. All right, going once.

Speaker 84078.32s - 4130.24s

Okay. So I'm here in L.A. County GPE. We have a liberal DA, George Gascon PERSON, and we live in a beautiful guard-gated community. We're in the neighborhood where some shameless self-promoting reality stars have exposed all of our backyards on Googlerswith their movies and their TV shows and their postings, and the Chilean NORP gangs and the burglary tourism have caught on to all of this shameless self-promoting, and they know all the back roads into everybody's homes, yards. We've been robbed twice since Biden PERSON. The last time the robbers came with power tools, and they cut open our doors to rob our house.

Speaker 204131.28s - 4132.5s

It's got to be terrifying.

Speaker 84134.08s - 4135.36s

My five-foot section. What?

Speaker 204136.12s - 4144.06s

It's got to be terrifying. I mean, my first thought is, why are you still theirs? And then my second would be is, are you going to stay?

Speaker 84147.92s - 4186.24s

Oh, we are, we are original Californians. You know, we are strong, we are conservative, and there's a whole bunch of us out here. But the media and the local politicians and the people that are in office, they don't want to believe there's conservatives out here. There are conservatives in California.And even the D people are starting to rethink this because they don't like the way the crime is going. We've had on our street encampments, motor homes, prostitution, you know, all kinds of horrible stuff happening. Just down the street on Ventura Boulevard FAC. Because the liberal policy... Marie, I... horrible stuff happening. Just down the street on Ventura Boulevard FAC. Yeah.

Speaker 204187.56s - 4233.36s

Marie PERSON, I, I'm so sorry to hear your situation. I mean, that is, I can't imagine having my home broken into a couple of times and then living under that fear and everything else. And, I mean, God bless you that you're staying there. You know, I certainly hope that you can figure, you know, a way to get from here to there. You know, I always think in these situations, so maybe the pendulum will finally swing the other way.Maybe the, but sometimes that pendulum just kind of keeps going. So I just don't know about that. In some cases, I do think you, it just have to get out. But since you're staying, God bless you and best wishes. Pray for you and your family. And work a miracle was with Steve Garvey PERSON.How about that? Flip that sentence. Let's go to Mark PERSON. Mark in Florida GPE. Welcome to the show. Hey, good morning, Brian.

Speaker 24233.36s - 4349.68s

Thanks. I mean, good evening, Brian. Thanks for covering for Mark PERSON. Within. Yeah, the prior caller, boy, she sounded like an eventual emigratethe great state of Florida where we don't even know what a state tax income filing form is. But what I wanted to say is, and it's funny, while I was holding, you actually nailed everything and pulled the words right out of my mouth, but illegal immigration equals inflation. As we know, inflation is a function of supply and demand, and with the increased demand of the illegal immigrants, everything is, I mean, I estimate the illegal immigrant population to be probably 33 million or 10% of America GPE.And so, basically, the whole asylum process is a giant joke. You don't, like, take an asylum person at the border and let them in, and then we figure out if they're actually a legitimate asylum. They stay outside. They stay outside the nation. It's kind of like that old Simpson PERSON's cartoon where the bartender, she said, you don't have togo home, but you can't stay here. I don't care if they stay on a raft outside San Francisco Bay LOC, but sorry, you don't come in and make inflationary impacts on the American NORP job market and resources here like, you know, groceries and apartments. So the whole asylum program needs to be ditched. 99.99% of them are bogus. We know that the H-1B visa program needs to be pretty much substantially reducedby about 90%. We can have, you know, hockey players and baseball players and a few guru techs that we need here and there. And, you know, the farm labor program can continue. But by and large, this whole thing needs to be shut down and not just that. We need to find them all and get them outside the borders while they get proper asylum claim processing. They can do it.

Speaker 204349.68s - 4400.26s

100%. 100%. Exactly what Trump did with Remain in Mexico WORK_OF_ART. And you would have all the asylum process run with them on the other side of Mexico GPE. And the funny thing was about all these faux asylum seekers, even a lot of them, once they were like, hold on, we have to remain in Mexico GPE.They suddenly realized, oh, well, maybe I'm not an asylum seeker after all. So you're right. All that works. Good call. And he's also right. A lot of people don't necessarily know this. But actually, for the past couple of years, one of the top states.And at times it's been the top state. Net inbound migration. California. Long way to get from here to there from there to here as the case happens to be as I sit in South Florida speaking of Florida GPE got another one here Daniel in Florida welcome to the show hey thank you for letting me talk to you guys

Speaker 114400.26s - 4412.18s

you bet what's on your mind? So what's going on with the border? I mean, what do you think is going to happen?

Speaker 204413.72s - 4460.88s

What I think is going to happen? I think we're in for a really long haul here because the Biden PERSON administration, I think what has just been exposed with this covert flight program is going to be accelerated and i i think they are going to try to reduce what you see at the southern border by increasing the net migration in through flights that are untract and that even public officials aren't aware of i think that's where it's going in addition to you're liable to see a crush later on this year at the southern border simultaneously,especially if you have a lot of folks that think that Trump PERSON is going to win this election. And it's going to be the kind of last call to try to crash the border. So I think we're in for a tough haul between here and January 20th. I'm Brian Mudd PERSON and for the great one.

Speaker 234461.44s - 4468.82s

Muddloven. and for the great one. Matt Lovin PERSON.

Speaker 04471.82s - 4540.1s

Nowadays, 20 bucks barely gets you a burger and fries. There may be a quarter tank of gasoline. You know what it will get you, though? For just $20 a month, you can get unlimited talk, text, and plenty of 5G data. For my cell phone company, Pure Talk ORG. You'll get the same quality of service as AT&T, Verizon or T-Mobile, but for half the cost, the average family saves almost $1,000 a year, all with no contracts and no activation fees.You can trade your phone or get great deals on the latest iPhones and Android PRODUCT. Make the switch today and save an additional 50% off your first month. Choose a wireless company that shares our values that supports our military and veterans. That creates American NORP jobs and refuses to advertise on fake news networks. Instead, they're right here with us. Just go to slash Levine, slash L-E-V-I-N and make the switch right now.So you can actually afford that burger and fries. That's slash Levine PERSON, L-E-V-I-N and make the switch right now so you can actually afford that burger and fries. That's slash Levine PERSON, L-E-V-I-N. Under a new law signed by Governor Ron DeSantis PERSON, public hospitals are required to ask patients

Speaker 174540.1s - 4554.62s

about their immigration status when they check in. Based on those answers, 54,000 migrants disclosed they visited a hospital from June to December in 2023, costing Florida an estimated $56 million in just six months.

Speaker 204555.5s - 4687.96s

That's awesome, right? Awesome. Over half a billion dollars in six months, good times. In just Florida. That is Dana Marie McNichol, Fox News on that report. What's happening in your state? How much is that costing you?You think health care costs are too expensive? You think your health insurance is too expensive? Everything associated too expensive? How much of that is being driven by illegal immigration? How much more are you paying for your health care costs, everything associated with it because of them? We talked abouthousing and the lack of affordable housing. How much housing inflation is because of illegal immigrants. And the best part there, too, is we pay for it, right? We pay for our own health care. We pay for our own housing. Then we also pay for these illegal immigrants for their health care, for their housing. They get treated better than Americans NORP. It's been said many times. But it is on display in an incredible fashion.And that report about health care for six months in Florida, a non-s ORG sanctuary state, there are no sanctuary cities here. But the Biden PERSON administration brings them in. Governor doesn't know where they are. And they go about doing their business. Big problem. Law enforcement.Even if they detain them, have a really hard time getting detainer requests from ICE because the Biden PERSON administration doesn't want to deport them. So what happens? Well, then they just end up back in society because once law enforcement has done what they can do with them, if ICE ORG isn't going to deport them, let them go. You know, the top counting actually in the country for pending deportations the Biden administration's not falling through on. It's actually Miami-Dade County GPE over 140,000 right now. LA County is actually number two, just over 104,000. Even when states do what they can,they're being screwed by the Biden PERSON administration. Talk about the inflation impact on illegals on you next.

Speaker 04691.98s - 4750.4s

In today's digital age, where cyber threats loom larger than ever, safeguarding your personal information is paramount. So why is Congress ORG considering a law that can put your credit card data at greater risk of being hacked and exposed to foreign networks? This Durbin Marshall ORG credit card bill could jeopardize your financial data, make it more susceptible to cyber intrusions. It's a controversial bill that proposes a shift in billions of dollars worth of consumer transactions to payment networks that lack the robust security measures consumers rely on.Who could possibly want that? Well, the answer, woke corporate megastores seeking to inflate their multi-billion dollar profit margins. The Durbin Marshall LAW Credit Card Bill will undermine our safe and convenient payment systems and endanger your data security. It's time to take a stand. Visit Electronic, ORG make your voice heard. Tell your senators to oppose the radical Durban Marshall EVENT credit card billpaid for it by the Electronic Payments Coalition. He's here.

Speaker 34751.32s - 4768.3s

He's here. Now, broadcasting from the underground command post deep in the bowels of a hidden bunker somewhere under the brick and steel of a non-district building. We've once again made contact with our leader, Mark Levin PERSON.

Speaker 254771.64s - 4773.68s

The expectation suited to the later.

Speaker 34775.36s - 4777.06s

I don't know. You know what he said?

Speaker 254779.14s - 4781.78s

Mr. Producer PERSON, you have any idea what he really said there?

Speaker 54781.78s - 4783.72s

The expectation suited to the later.

Speaker 204787.24s - 4789.78s

This whole part of the president of the United States

Speaker 54791.58s - 4794.06s

reassuring you that everything's going to be okay.

Speaker 204794.18s - 4796.12s

Oh, actually, no, he was doing just the opposite.

Speaker 54796.24s - 4802.64s

He was asked the question today about Iran directly attacking Israel GPE.

Speaker 204803.38s - 5586.14s

And his response was, yeah, it's going to happen sooner than later. Oh, awesome. I mean, peas through strength right there, baby. Holy cow. Again, January 20th. And get that old Calagon PRODUCT bottle out and just kind of take me away until then.Actually, it does sound pretty good right now. I don't actually know if I've used Calagon PRODUCT, though. The concept, anyways. Hey, Brian Mud in for Mark Levin PERSON. The great one is on a mission. He'll be back with us next week.And I've been walking you through the paces on the quote unquote direct threat to Israel by Iran GPE, which has any number of different implications. Everything from a bit of a bluff and they continue to do the proxy thing where they set their proxies up to attack Israel to, I don't know, biblical territory in World War III EVENT. And when you have a fearless leader like Joe Biden PERSON, man, I mean, what could go wrong, right? So there's that. Also, the crisis across the southern border and how our national security is being undermined that way.And not just national security, but just regular security. We have record increases in crime in this country. We now know that. Oh, and the inflation impact. And the inflation impact of illegal immigration as well. So let's talk about that a little bit.Let's talk about inflation. So on the one hand, not anything you didn't already know. That's because when the Consumer Price Index report came out this week, and it said, hey, oh, yeah, you paid a lot more for stuff in March. You probably already knew that. I mean, it's doubtful that you need a government report to know that the inflation rate is still highand that it's been getting worse. Probably every time you go to pay a bill, you know these things. But on the other hand, after three years of consistently paying for the highest rate of inflation, we have been faced with in over 40 years,you still have the hope, right? You have the hope that there is light at the end of the tunnel and that the end of that tunnel is not that far away at this point. And that's the bigger problem here. So entering this year, most of the economic, quote-unquote,experts believed that the era of extraordinarily high inflation had pretty much run its course, and that it would just be a matter of months, perhaps as few as a few, and certainly not more than six, before the inflation crisis would finally have run its course. Well, look at this. Not only hasn't inflation returned to more normal levels during the first few months of the year, but it's been steadily re-accelerating to start the year, rising from a 3.2% annual rate in February to a 3.5% rate in March. I figure that is now a point in a half above the Federal Reserve's ORG target inflation rate.But even that breakout doesn't really tell the potentially bigger story of what's happening right now. In March, the year-over-year rate for energy was well below the overall inflation rate. They have, you know, these various different metrics. One excludes food and energy. Guess what? The one that excludes food and energy was actually even higher.It's at 3.8%. Now, the reason that currently matters among other factors is that, well, you've probably been noticing what you're paying at the pump. And probably the highest prices that you paid in quite a while. For example, if you just take a look at gas prices right now versus this time a month ago, they're about 5% higher.And there's a bigger issue still. So you have oil prices. It's an indication of future gas prices. Well, they're currently about 10% higher than a month ago, meaning that there's even more of a cost increase coming at the pump. Also, oil prices back to the highest level since last fall.And what do you think is going to happen? If Iran GPE does follow through with a direct attack on Israel GPE, what do you think that's going to end up doing to oil prices? So what had, as recently as last month, provided a tailwind in helping reduce the rate of inflation, is in real time serving as a driver of inflation. In other words, if all other drivers of inflation were otherwise equal, inflation in real time serving as a driver of inflation. In other words, if all other drivers of inflation were otherwise equal,inflation real time is actually still accelerating higher, this much we know. It's still getting worse right now. Now, it's not terribly surprising because the primary catalyst for high inflation are still in place. Do we have record government debt spending creating artificially high demand? Check, got that. Do we have a devalued dollar due to the record government debt?Check. Do we have executive actions restricting U.S. GPE energy policy, which makes us relying on foreign sources of energy like OPEC ORG? Are we putting money in the pocket of OPEC ORG? Check, we are doing that. And by the way, this is worth mentioning the whole energy deal, too.Not only did the Biden PERSON administration, did President Biden through executive actions, make us rely on foreign sources of energy again, taking us away from U.S. energy independence under President Trump PERSON. But you know the whole deal with Russian NORP energy? You know how we were really going to stick it to Russia GPE and, you know, that one's going to take it? You know that Russia GPE is wealthier than they have ever been?In part because oil prices are inflated because we don't actually do what we could from an energy supply standpoint of this country, but also because of all the conflict. And did you actually know that you are still buying Russian NORP energy? You know, one of the really great stories around the world. There are not many economies you can point to and go, you know what? Things are a lot better there in recent years.One of the very few is actually India GPE. If you take a look at India GPE, like their stock market, everything, it has been the best performer. Why? So what happened when everything went down with Russia GPE? And so Biden PERSON is going to make us rely on foreign sources of energy again. So we were actually still importing Russian energy after they had attacked Ukraine GPE.Once word got out about that, he's like, oh, we got to do this. So then we did, you know, in a series of, we're getting really tough on Russia GPE policies. Biden PERSON said, okay, we're not going to do it anymore. So you know what Russia GPE ended up doing? Assigned it from sending a lot of their energy over to China, they send energy to India GPE. So India gets Russian NORP oil, and then they refine it.They refine it into what it's used for, whatever that particular product is. And then guess what? It gets shipped out of India. And because we do not put any trade embargoes in place with India, you are buying Russian NORP oil. So you are helping fund the Ukrainian war. The same one that Biden PERSON says we need to give Ukraine money for. Kind of like when, hey, we need more money for Israel GPE, but we're going to give an equalamount effectively to Hamas because, you know, hey, we need more money for Israel GPE, but we're going to give an equal amount effectively to Hamas ORG, because, you know, we got to give aid to the Palestinians NORP, which it's all Hamas ORG over there. It's where that money goes. Same kind of deal. So anyway,that is going on. Do we still have wars that are straining the supply chains, as I'm talking about inflation here? War straining supply chains because of this leadership vacuum in the world, check so that's still happening.So like, none of this stuff is complicated, but we also have something else that I've been talking about, and that is the record levels of the illegal immigration. You know, the only caveat that would make things different is if the economy were to enter a recession. It's the only way you could reduce inflation under these conditions.And that would simply come because of consumer demand. And, well, what do you think we could begin set up for, given that all of this poor policy is continued? Now, that is what the Fed ORG has gotten wrong. Fed ORG has gotten so much of this wrong, and a lot of it does have to do with the inflation impact of the illegal immigrants in particular.So to the extent that the topic of illegal immigration is ever discussed in inflation, you'll have a lot of the whizbang experts, the economists, the open borders types. They'll say, oh, it's actually deflationary because of wage deflation.However, here's a given. With employment at historically high levels, the impact of migrants entering the United States, potentially working for lower wages,then legal citizens theoretically would likely would not have the same impact as it would during times of high unemployment, right? Also, no doubt that with a record number of non-citizens in the United States GPE and evermore that come across every day due to the Biden PERSON administration's open border policies, what's referred to as the shadow economy is larger than ever before. So how much pricing pressure is coming from it?Could this be a significant catalyst for the ever stubbornly high rate of inflation? So as I mentioned earlier in the show, so we get ready for tax day on Monday, the hard cost to federal taxpayers now to float the boat for every migrant, every one of these non-citizens being allowed here, $1,156. That's how much you are now paying annually to facilitate all this lawlessness. So that gives you an idea of how big the overall national number is going to be, and we do get this. The U.S. House HomelandSecurity Committee has recently provided the big picture. So as of last November, taking a look at the total annual cost over the previous fiscal year, quoting the House Homeland Security Committee ORG, they say, the report details the immense financial costs of the unprecedented border crisis being borne by American NORP taxpayers, including the cost for health care, shelter, education, and law enforcement, as well as costs forced on private property owners and businesses.According to one estimate, housing and other services, just to those who have been released into the United States on Majorcas PERSON's watch or entered known as Godaways, could exceed $451 billion. $451 billion. $451 billion. I think that's inflationary? So that introduces one significant piece of the migrant inflation puzzle.Taxpayers ultimately on the hook for shouldering the cost of all that spending. But in the interim, how much of that cost is accounted for? Well, it's all additional debt spending, right? We don't have the money. So you have all this additional debt spending, which further weakens the U.S. GPE dollar, adding to the rate of inflation.You have the extra demand that's created by the additional debt spending, further adds to pricing pressure for goods, for services, for housing that I've been talking about. And you take a look at the housing piece in particular. Of everything that is inflationary, there is no doubt this is of the greatest impact in our society right now attributed to illegal immigrants.When you hear these numbers that we have millions upon millions, and the estimates are all over the map, we know that officially you've had 7.4 million that have been processed. You do have some on occasion that get deported. You have all these gotaways. Pick your number. Whatever the number of millions are that you think are here that shouldn't be.Where are they living? They're not all homeless, right? And so we know that the majority end up on government programs. And once they're in the government programs, they get government assisted housing. So they end up in the affordable housing. So how many millions of affordable housing units are taken up?What is the inflationary impact of that? And so you start to take a look at all these different pieces. I'm going to bring you the actual estimated number of the inflation impact attributed to illegal immigrants next. I'm Brian Mud PERSON, and for the great one. Mud PERSON.

Speaker 235586.14s - 5609.54s

Matt Lovin. Federal source tells our David Spunt. Muhammad Carwin crossed into the U.S. at San Jacindro in March of 23.

Speaker 195609.64s - 5633.72s

At the time, he was not on a terror watch list, so he was released. However, Carwin reportedly is a member of Hezbbi Islam ORG, an anti-Western group responsible for the deaths of nine American NORP soldiers and civilians. He was picked up again in February, but information about his radical connections, for reasons unknown, was not presented to the judge.So Carwin PERSON was released on bail. Man, it's good to know.

Speaker 205633.8s - 5815.88s

We've got such competent leadership to where you can have a terrorist who is responsible for the death of nine Americans NORP, just come across the southern border, get processed and release, and then get detained again,and then get released. Unreal. Accepted Israel GPE. Brian Mudin from Mark Levin PERSON talking about the inflation impact now on illegal immigration. I've been working you into an actual estimate, an actual inflation estimate due to all of the illegal immigration, all of the, I'm sorry, non-citizens, the warm, fluffy asylum seekers and the like, all these people thatBiden PERSON has led in across the open border. And in some cases now just bringing them in, just flying them in straight over our border from whatever country they want to come in from. You start putting these numbers together. I'm going to spare you a lot of the hard details here. Right now, it is at the high-end estimate, the high-end estimate would be about 6 to 7% of the demand for goods and servicesto be coming from those lacking legal status. So I want you to think about what things would look like if there were 6 to 7% less demand for goods and services. What things would look like if however many millions of people that are lacking status but are here if they weren't living in affordable housing units paid for by you, I want you to think about what it would look likeif we weren't paying untold billions of dollars in health care costs for those lacking legal status in addition to our own health care costs. So we start to see, okay, just for stuff that we buy, we're paying, the floor is going to be 3% more, possibly 6, all the way up to 7% more for stuff just because of the warm, fluffy migrants. We're paying, I gave you the number earlier just from Florida GPE. It's hard to get these numbers because a lot of it's not disclosed,but in Florida GPE we passed a law, so we have transparency. In six months, over $500 million in health care costs for those lacking legal status. That bill is being foot by taxpayers. What is it in your state? So whatever that is, in terms of that health care costs. So you begin to put all these pieces together.You know what the inflation rate would be if we didn't have all this illegal immigration? About what it was when Trump PERSON was in office. Know what interest rates would be about what they were when Trump PERSON came into office. You know what interest rates would be? About what they were when Trump PERSON came into office. It's what it's going to take to fix this, obviously, as well. Take some of your calls next.

Speaker 35819.84s - 5826.5s

The Liberals and the Republicans NORP don't like him. But America does. You can call Mark Levin PERSON at 877-381-3-811.

Speaker 125827.3s - 5848.28s

I think this is an easy vulnerability for our enemies to exploit. It's the soft underbelly of American NORP security. And it's not something that just happened beyond our control. It's something that happened through deliberate neglect of the president's oath of office. And so Majorcas PERSON, as being the maestro of this policy deserves to be impeached.

Speaker 205849.4s - 6154.08s

No question. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis PERSON. He was on with Harris Faulkner, the Faulkner focus earlier today talking about that. And specifically, he's sounding off on the Afghan NORP terrorist who had been released on multiple occasions. First, being allowed into the United States after having been processed by Border Patrol ORG. After having not only the terror ties, but having killed, having killed nine Americans NORP. This is the Biden PERSON administration for you.Hey, just remarkable around every turn. Brian Mud in for Mark Levin PERSON. You can catch me at Brian Mud Radio ORG socially. The Brian Mud Show PERSON podcast, wherever you get your podcast, the Brian Mud Show blog as well. I am the host of the Brian Mud Show WORK_OF_ART. My home station, WJ&O in West Palm Beach GPE.Always a pleasure to be here with you. And the great one, he's on the mission. He's going to be back in the fold with us next week. But you can catch him before then. Brand new. Life, Liberty, and Levin's this week. with you and the great one he's on the mission he's going to be back in the fold with us next week but you can catch him before then brand new life liberty and levens this weekend make sure that you catch them eight o'clock eastern fox news channel saturday and sunday hit up your dvr no matter whatso you don't miss them uh the guest on saturday senator ted cruz and former governor mike kukuby and sunday former house speaker kevinabee, and Sunday, former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy and General Jack Keene PERSON. All right, so I want to wrap up what I've been talking about with inflation and illegal immigration. Just before the break, it's breaking down the actual impact. And we know that at a minimum, 3% of the rate of inflation that's out there, bare minimum is attributed to illegal immigration. Looks like very well could be six.The high end could be 7%. And I want to tie things up with killing the narrative about migrants being deflationary. Because the age old lie has been first that they commit fewer crimes than citizens do. We've talked about that. They're more than nine times more likely to commit crimes.They're responsible for a quarter or over a quarter based upon the type of federal crime of federal crimes that have happened. Since Biden became president, we had the two record years for crime rate increases in U.S. GPE history. Not a coincidence, right? But one more narrative killer here. I've talked about the Center for Immigration Studies ORG, the great work they do, Todd Benzman and his crew there.They also, in January, analyzed the impact of wages in the workforce. These so-called wage deflation impact of illegal immigrants because they will work for less than Americans NORP. But they only do the jobs that Americans NORP want to, right? I mean, another big lie. But they only do the jobs that Americans NORP want to, right? I mean, another big lie. But nevertheless,you know what the actual impact that CIS ORG determined was on wages? Negative 0.32%. So having all these non-citizens, all the warm, fluffy migrants, all these legal immigrants in this country,the net impact on wages that has an impact on consumer prices, 0.32%. So the moment that there is more demand created than that, it's inflationary. And I just gave you the numbers, the many multiples of that to illustrate just how inflationary it really is. So you put all this stuff together and it's evidence that one, there is no doubt that the net effect of those lacking legal status is inflationary.Two, the narrative that illegal immigration is deflationary under any circumstances is false. Three, housing is the sector of the economy with the most inflationary pressure from illegal immigrants. What's also a given, all these inflationary pressures are growing by the dayas the border is what? It's wide open, right? And so wide open that the Biden PERSON administration is covertly flying illegal immigrants into the country from countries all over the world through their app and their website they set up for. And it's likely that the reason economists and Federal Reserve ORG governors alike have consistently underestimated inflation pressures in our economy, It's attributable to these realities.You know, economic modeling and forecasting. What is it based on? Well, it's based on unknowns. And it's based on historical trends. But those aren't reliable when historic numbers of people lacking legal status just pouring into the country,often becoming part of an ever-growing shadow economy that we all pay for coming and going. All right, let's go to the phones. Jim PERSON in Arkansas. Jim, welcome to the

Speaker 96154.08s - 6185.38s

show. Hello, Brian. Last week, I was listening to Mark talk to a Congress lady from northern New York GPE, and she was telling Mark about how easy it is for someone to cross or breachthe northern border. And they go straight to New York City GPE. That's a great point.

Speaker 206185.74s - 6238.04s

The northern border is every bit as open as the southern border. You know, obviously the proximity there is not the same. So it's a lot easier in many cases for those that are in Central America LOC and wherever to go there. But, of course, we know that so many of the illegal immigrants, so many of the warm, fluffy migrants, they're not even from, you know, this hemisphere.You've got them coming in from all over the world, right? And so, yeah, in some cases, you do have people that are packing it into, flying into, you know, wherever in Canada and coming across the northern border as well. It is an issue in, you know, the northern border as well. It is an issue. And, you know, untold there as well.But, yeah, I mean, every single way that our borders can be compromised, they are being compromised. In fact, one of the items that's

Speaker 06238.04s - 6240.36s

been worked on in the House ORG, and in fact, I think

Speaker 186240.36s - 6277.46s

the vote took place on it today, you have a measure that is looking to expand the Coast Guard's ORG ability to interdict vessels because we are pretty limited right now, only about 12 miles offshore that we can interdict in this country. They're looking to try to double that because that's another problem is, you know, you have all the migrants are coming in by, you know, by water, too,and getting on land and then saying the asylum words and all that nonsense, that way too. All right. Let's go to Tony, Tony, in New Jersey GPE. Tony PERSON, welcome to the show. Hi, Brian.

Speaker 66277.54s - 6279.56s

Great show tonight. You know, appreciate him.

Speaker 206280.02s - 6283.12s

Great details, but overriding the whole night.

Speaker 66283.12s - 6372.34s

And I have to always say this, you know, because Mark's on his, his journey today, this weekend, but we have in our, in our office running our country, a person who now today, we use the term Benedict Arnold because Benedict Arnold sold West Point LOC out. He was appointed to, to guard West Point by George Washington PERSON. And he got caught selling all the information about West Point to the British. And what I feel we have in our country that makes everything much more eminentbecause the numbers are showing that the criminal activity of this government is increasing as we see the spike in crime, the spike in inflation, which is stunning. But the crime in this government is increasing as well. And I think, Brian, every day that this administration, whoever they are, sold out to someone, it could be the Soros PERSON is, it could be sold out to the world, you know, the world order. This administration has been going on tons of visits to different countries, you know, the world order. This administration has been going on tons of visitsto different countries, humanitarian effort, Bill Clinton PERSON has been involved in all of this. Our country has been sold out piece by piece. And so I just encourage everyone to always remember that we are not in the regular same old, same old government that's making honest mistakes. These are genuinely corrupt people that want to see the United States GPE be broken down piece by piece so that we are just a shell of who we are.

Speaker 206372.84s - 6625.24s

It's a great point. Now, I mean, Tony PERSON, you are right on point. I appreciate the call. Your analogy, I think, is interesting. I'll elaborate on that because I've thought about the Benedict Arnold PERSON comparisons as well, but I actually think it's in many respects worse than that.And to your point, you know, people, one of the things is really hard for people who aren't all that informed. Casual observers of the news are people that maybe aren't even that. How, I mean, okay, so things aren't good, right? I mean, you only have 26% of Americans NORP that say the country's moving in the right direction. By the way, if you come across those people, I mean, God PERSON help them, right? Best probably to steer clear.The people go, yeah, this is great. Give me some more of this week Biden PERSON administration action, right? So you actually do have close to three quarters of the country that has a clue. But it's still hard for a lot of them to go, why is it that they would intentionally do something? I mean, that is where I can't buy it. They're trying really hard.And it was probably the bad orange men who did things that Biden PERSON just couldn't overcome or whatever the excuses are. And the answer is right there in rules radicals. Right there in rules. That, you know, if you take a look and you put the pieces together, right? And the answer is right there in rules for radicals. Right there in rules. That, you know, if you take a look and you put the pieces together, it's not terribly complicated. Who was, who mentored Barack Obama's PERSON young man? What environment did he grow up in?What did the book say? What's happening now? I mean, fine, everything's going on in our society. Everything that's playing out right there in that book. And I think that helps the context for why it is that you could have an administration, a president, that would want to intentionally do things to undermine this country,to undermine the best interests of the average American NORP. On the Benedict Arnold PERSON piece, no doubt, you know, given the circumstances because had Benedict Arnold been successful, this country doesn't exist, that said, in many ways it's worse what's going on now. And the reason I say that is, Benedict Arnold PERSON was a rogue actor, right? He was out there on his own doing this. right? He was out there on his own doing this.If you had, even if we were the president of the United States and Benedict PERSON wasn't at that level obviously, right? I mean, he wasn't Washington GPE. He wasn't leading the charge. So, I mean, but even if we're justBiden PERSON or insert another top administration official here and you had a one off, that would be one thing. If everybody else around was trying to do the right thing by the country, if everybody, take for example, Alejandro Mayorkas PERSON, if he threw down the, the gauntletand said, no, it is wrong to have this open border. It is wrong to flout our laws. I'm going to do my, I am the Secretary of Homeland Security, I'm going to do my job. He might get fired. But the problem is, he is in on it, right? And all the other administration officials.So you have a pervasiveness to where you don't just have one powerful rogue actor undermining this country. You've got an administration full of people that are doing it from every angle. That is the bigger challenge here. And the one person, and don't get me wrong, I'm not giving him a pass on so many different things, and many problems with Christopher Wright. The one person you do hear that does sing somewhat frequently a different tuneis the FBI ORG director. Christopher Ray toes the party line on a lot of this stuff, but when push comes to shove, he's telling you, I mean, he's using the words illegal immigrants, he's telling you thatthey're overwhelmed. He's saying that the threat is the worst it's been in this country's history. And that certainly isn't something that Joe Biden PERSON himself wants to hear. So of all the people and powerful places and everything,he might be like the only one that is not down for the destructive cause that way. Let's go to Danny PERSON and Texas. Danny, welcome to the show. Oh, hi, Brian.

Speaker 46625.48s - 6711s

And the corporate and political establishment, they want this invasion of America GPE and what the establishment wants they get. What they are doing right now are neutralizing people like us conservatives to be just marginal people inside this country as they drowned us out with numbers, just sheer numbers, is coming in. They want to flip Texas GPE.That's why Texas GPE is totally being invaded from the southern border. We're getting invaded to the airports, to all our ports and everything. People come in this country. No one talks about it. They come in the country with visas. They overstay their visas.It's never talked about because China is number one visa violator inside America GPE. And China GPE is business partners with the corporate establishment. And then you get every other country in the world, third world is coming in here. They're drowning us out. They're creating, talking about inflation,price-wise, but also inflating congressional districts of hard left people, political people inside this country. The Democratic Party, the majority of people in the Democratic Party ORG, want this invasion to take place. That's what they want inside this country, and that's why it's taking place. You have a lot of Republicans NORP who want it, too.Now, here it is, folks. The last 20 years, only two men in America GPE were fighting the invasion of America. One being Patriot, Joseph Buchanan PERSON, and the other being the legendary call it a talk radio, Steve from Manhattan GPE.

Speaker 206712.86s - 6750.68s

Yeah, I mean, I would say that the former president of the United States GPE would have done more to address this issue than anybody actually has done previously, just by a little bit. I'm Brian Mud PERSON, in for the great one. Muddloven PERSON. Something that they plan to focus on here with regard to election integrity is the issue of non-citizens voting in this election.

Speaker 156750.84s - 6764.52s

The RNC has been making this contentious effort in the courts to ensure in a number of states in Texas, Arizona GPE, and several more that they're trying to protect the vote so that non-citizens cannot vote in this.

Speaker 206765.28s - 6893.28s

Yeah, as Fox is Brooke Singman, she's reporting for Mar-a-Lago FAC. Of course, you had the former president and House Speaker Mike Johnson PERSON get together at Mar-a-Lago. They held a presser a little bit earlier today, and they did talk about election integrity. And there are a couple things that are really important about that. Remember how for many cycles now, the Democrats NORP, they have their playbook, they execute their playbook, and then Republicans wait until after election day and then tried to figure outwhat went wrong and then tried to, you know, step in legally and do, I mean, always caught with their pants down. You hear what's happening here. There are two things that are important. The first and probably the biggest is not actually the proposed bill. Although, if that can get done, that would be huge.The biggest is probably the proactiveness of the new party leadership. Trump PERSON got his people in there, including the family member, and look what's happening. They're being proactive. They're getting out ahead of the game right now. Huge. That's what weall need to be, is informed, aware, become a poll watcher, become a poll worker, get engaged, get involved, don't sit back and go oh gee, you know, this stinks after the fact. And so that is huge.And on the election integrity bill that they're talking about, that as well is really significant because one of two things is going to happen here. Well, it's going to pass the House ORG no matter what. A bill that would federally make it illegal under any circumstances for these non-citizens to be voting. But it also puts Democrats NORP on the record and puts them to rock in a hard place. Legal immigration, already a losing issue for them.And what if they vote against something that almost all Americans NORP agree with? So that could actually happen too. So some good news here. And then you've got Stormy Freaking Daniels in a hush money case on Monday along with tax day. So there's that. Hey, it's been a pleasure.Brian Mud, in for the great one, Mark Levin PERSON.