What If the Minnesota Vikings (GULP)... Can't Trade Into the Top 5 | The Minnesota Football Party

What If the Minnesota Vikings (GULP)... Can't Trade Into the Top 5 | The Minnesota Football Party

by Locked On Podcast Network, Luke Braun

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56:41 minutes

published 2 months ago

American English

Speaker 00s - 7.22s

It's the lockdown podcast network, your team every day.

Speaker 710.16s - 40.18s

We're driven by the search for better, but when it comes to hiring, the best way to search for a candidate isn't to search at all. Don't search, match with Indeed ORG. 93% of employers agree. Indeed ORG delivers the highest quality matches compared to other job sites, according to a recent Indeed ORG survey.And listeners of this show, we'll get a $75-sponsored job credit to get your jobs more visibility at Indeed.com ORG slash podcast. Just go to Indeed.com slash podcast right now and support our show by saying you heard about Indeed on this podcast. Indeed.com ORG slash podcast. Terms and conditions apply need to hire. You need Indeed ORG.

Speaker 940.64s - 56.86s

Kyle Crabs here, host of Locked on NFL scouting. Join Joe Marino and me every day as we provide position-by-position analysis of the upcoming NFL draft. Check out the Locked-on NFL Scouting podcast with the draft dudes on YouTube ORG or wherever you listen to your favorite podcasts.

Speaker 760.72s - 65.16s

Welcome to the party. I'm Sam Ex from of Lockdown Sports, Minnesota GPE.

Speaker 965.82s - 66.5s

What if?

Speaker 270.3s - 73.34s

Dun, dun, dun, the Vikings don't trade into the top five.

Speaker 1077.16s - 79.14s

Hey, this is Arefasan PERSON from the wide left substack, and I cannot wait to drop your hips.

Speaker 1182.08s - 89.48s

I'm Luke Braun of Locked-on Vikings and my hips have been dropped for years. They hurt pretty bad now.

Speaker 690.94s - 104.32s

Luke Inman on Twitter at Luke underscore Spinman PERSON. March Madness as we speak. You got the masters coming up. T-Wolf's playoffs right around the corner, 31 days until the NFL ORG draft. Without a doubt, my favorite time of year doesn't get any better than this.

Speaker 4104.32s - 116.08s

Locked-on Sports Minnesota podcast. It's endless Minnesota Vikings ORG talk with the diverse voices of your local experts. It's time for the Minnesota Football Party.

Speaker 2119.04s - 263.58s

One month until the NFL draft. Yes, welcome into a new week on the Minnesota GPE Football Party, Lockdown Sports, Minnesota. We are live Mondays and Thursdays here on this channel. Please subscribe to Lockdown Sports Minnesota on YouTube and listen to the show after the fact on the Lockdown Vikings ORG audio feed wherever you get your podcasts. And that includes the Sirius XM app. You can also catch us on the 24-7 live stream here at Locked on Sports, Minnesota, Amazon Fire PRODUCT, Aroku PRODUCT, lots of ways to watch and listen. You met the Luke's, you met Ari Fasan PERSON. I'm Sam Ekstrom talking Vikings for the next 45 to 50 minutes or so, including the what-if questionthat nobody wants to really think about what if the Vikings can't get into the top five, what is the backup plan if that occurs? And if they get to number three, which a lot of people are projecting, that would be probably the best case scenario. Is it still McCarthy PERSON? Or do they pivot to a May or a Daniels? Who would you prefer in that instance? Also, day three draft crushes. Yeah, the Vikings have other picks in the draft, probably. Who do you want to pick with them that's all coming up on today's minnesota football party that is brought to you by game time download the game time app create an account and usecode locked on for $20 off your first purchase per area sahn's request hip drop tackle talk in the show, and we'll also get to some of your fan questions, including potentially Aaron wondering about Michael Pennix at 11. Yes, we will talk about that. But actually, let's talk about it early. If the Vikings can't get in the top five, and I don't think it'll be for lack of trying, I think it would be getting outbid. Vikings are trying to eliminate that possibility by acquiring another first round pick. They've got a good package to offer. I get the sense that Quasi PERSON is going to be willing to overpay. He has to be willing to overpay to get that number three pick. Number four, maybe a little bit different. Maybe number four you wouldn't give up that fourth first three pick. Number four, maybe a little bit different. Maybe number four, you wouldn't give up that fourth, first round pick. But if the Vikings ORG can't get into the topfive guys, I mean, is it an abject failure? Is the world ending? What happens if they don't execute the trade up? Let's start with Lockdown Vikings host, Luke Braun PERSON. You offer another first

Speaker 11263.58s - 276.64s

round pick. If you can't do the trade up, do the trade up. Forced and then do the trade up. This is not like, this is not an option, I don't think. Once they've done the trade with Houston ORG,

Speaker 0277.3s - 301.16s

I don't think that Quasi PERSON's going to let this get to that point at all. And I don't think bidding against someone else is necessarily the issue. Like, I don't think the Raiders ORG are able to keep up. The Broncos ORG, I don't think are able to keep up. The only team that you could, like, potentially lose out to here is the Giants ORG. And that could just because, like, Arizona could do what they did last year anddecide, oh, we'll only go down a couple spots kind of thing.

Speaker 11303.5s - 333.22s

But, like, I don't see the Giants being quite as aggressive as like Houston ORG was last year. So I don't think it's like bidding against someone else and you go, oh, they paid more than the Vikings ORG were willing to bet. I think it's, you're trying to move somebody like Washington or New England LOC off of their pick.And that is really hard to persuade them of. And if everyone tells you no, call them again and say, okay, what about another one? What about another one?

Speaker 2333.62s - 335.3s

Right. Yeah, DJ Khalid PERSON.

Speaker 9336.2s - 341.48s

The Vikings, too, have four first round picks in the next three years, which is the maximum

Speaker 11341.48s - 347.56s

first round picks they're allowed to offer, which I believe is one more than anybody else.

Speaker 9348.08s - 350.3s

Nobody else can offer four first round picks.

Speaker 11350.42s - 360.04s

Am I correct in that? So that automatically gives the Vikings ORG the edge and that they have the max capital unless you get into later picks that they can offer.

Speaker 10360.28s - 364.7s

Very silly because the Vikings manufactured that first round pick in the same way that any other team could.

Speaker 2365.08s - 368.24s

I don't disagree with you, Sam PERSON. I just think that the NFL ORG is very funny.

Speaker 10369.46s - 373.52s

Like any team could just get a first round pick the same way the Vikings ORG just got one.

Speaker 2376.2s - 390.54s

And I'm sure that that's, I'm sure calls are being made, right? Like that's, I guess that's why you would like Quasi to wrap this up sooner than later and maybe not take it to April 25th, which by the way is one month from today. Yeah.

Speaker 11390.78s - 392.16s

I don't know if that's up to him.

Speaker 2392.94s - 393.1s


Speaker 11393.24s - 395.48s

I think he would love to, but I don't know.

Speaker 2395.64s - 409.88s

Like, if you're New England, for example, let's say you have super different opinions of Jaden Daniels or Drake May, you might want to see which one of them you're working with me before you make a decision like that. I think Quasi would love to wrap it up if if it's with Washington ORG. I don't know

Speaker 9409.88s - 416.6s

that he's like I don't. Do you think he'd be shocked and drop his weight? Yeah. I wouldn't I wouldn't

Speaker 10416.6s - 423.12s

be shocked if it was, uh, if he had like a very similar opinion. Um, also yeah, I was going to say

Speaker 9423.12s - 425.94s

this. Hello to the viewers from Spain and Los Angeles.

Speaker 10426.1s - 426.78s

Thanks for...

Speaker 11426.78s - 428.44s

Oh, nice.

Speaker 10428.68s - 429.62s

We love that.

Speaker 11430.94s - 434.82s

Come on over to Lockdown Sports Minnesota ORG on YouTube if you want to join the chat

Speaker 10434.82s - 436.92s

live, Mondays and Thursdays.

Speaker 11437.5s - 442.38s

I also want to say, like, okay, let's say that for whatever reason the Vikings ORG can't trade

Speaker 10442.38s - 479.8s

up. They offer as many first round picks as they can. They offer as many second round picks as they can. They offer as many second round picks as they can. Whatever, it's not possible. I don't, like, I think it's a failure of the trade up to 23 or whatever, right? I don't think it's a failure of the draft.This is purportedly one of the best first rounds of a draft that we've seen in quite some time. This is a remarkably talented draft. And so if you end up, you know, walking way 11 and 23 with like Terry and Arnold and Chop Robinson, boy, does that sound fun to me, right? Like obviously the Vikings would need a quarterback, right? Like Sam Darnold PERSON is not

Speaker 9479.8s - 500.02s

exciting. But that might have to happen next year, even in a quarterback class that people aren't as excited about. But I don't think it's a failure. You could only do as much as you're allowed to do. And so if you are in a spot where you don't have that capacity, this is a good draft to have

Speaker 10500.02s - 569.22s

that particular failure, right? Just because of how good all of these players are supposed to be. Now, we don't know beforehand, but, like, sometimes, like, I feel like in 2013, we had a general understanding that that draft wasn't that great. In 2014, we had a general understanding that that draft was quite good. Same thing in 2011. And those all turned out. Those were excellent drafts, quarterback or not, right? And 2013 was a very bad draft, you know. So I don't know that that would necessarilybe an incorrect judgment based off of, you know, the way that history has judged a lot of the way these drafts have fallen out. I think that like 2020 turned out to be a much better draft than people expected, but I don't think anyone was calling it a bad draft. There's a bunch of really interesting, crazy, good talent to be had in this draft. And I think that if you don't end up being able to trade up into the top five, you will end up with a potentially elite talent with either one of those first-round picks.And hey, maybe at 23, you end up grabbing Michael Panix or Bonix PERSON, which I wouldn't love, but, you know, is an option. And maybe they trade down from 23 once the draft actually occurs and they might actually be able to get the same surplus value that Houston just got from the Vikings ORG.

Speaker 6569.46s - 675.16s

Right. Yeah, I think you're both right. Like, A reef, you're right because worst case here, you're still leaving day one with two studs, one way or another, two new high end starters, some, you know, one way or another. Luke PERSON, I think you're right, too. Like, there's not a lot of worlds here or scenarios where theVikings ORG don't move up when this is all said and done. Like you made your bed now. Everybody knows the plan. Now you got to sleep in that bed. Everyone's got their price when it comes to these top five teams. You find a way to get it done. You know, G, G, G, G, G, G, G, go get your guys. Now, I will say, you know, Reef mentioned Bo Nix and Michael Pennix. For me, this scenario is a little bit easier because I'm one of these people who, if worse comes to worst here and you miss out on the big four quarterbacks, I'm still okay with Michael Penix PERSON as your plan B because you do have to leave this draftwith a quote unquote top tier quarterback one way or another. If you were to tell me you're going to get the fifth quarterback in this draft class and then tell me that guy's Michael Penix PERSON, I'd still be pretty pumped. It's the medicals that really scare you with Penix PERSON. That's, I think, the biggest thing holding him back right now. But if he can check those boxes, which we'll never know how those conversations and interviews go, but from a pure prospect standpoint, a pure thrower of the football, in my opinion,I think he's a great consolation prize if you do miss out on those top four quarterbacks. The only question is, do you have to take them at 11 or can you wait till 23? Obviously, you feel a lot better about it if you can wait till 23. If you can wait till 23, then the world of options and flexibility, Quasi PERSON always talks about, just opened up, you know, exponentially. Now you can take, like Reef said, you can take the best defensive player like Jared Verst or Quinyon Mitchell, Newton, uh, Byron Murphy, the defensive tackle from Texas GPE,any of those guys you'd be ecstatic with adding them to a Brian Flores PERSON defense.

Speaker 0675.84s - 676.64s

All over good.

Speaker 2676.72s - 677.9s

There's so many options.

Speaker 0678.34s - 681.66s

And that's why I like what you mentioned, Arif PERSON, you could even trade down and still go

Speaker 6681.66s - 684.56s

get one of those guys and recoup some extra picks that you lost along the way.

Speaker 0684.56s - 743.62s

So maybe you trade down into the late teens and take Pennix there, you know, at 17 or 18. I think it's Denver that you really got to be worried about if you do like Pennix PERSON. I don't think Vegas ORG is going to go quarterback just from everything I've seen and heard. I think they kind of have a game plan with Minshu and Aiden O'Connell, at least for this first year. So Denver ORG needs a quarterback in the worst way we know that. I haven't heard anything as far as, you know, who they like.And, you know, I don't really love player comps. But I could see Sean Payton looking at Bow Nix PERSON, the accuracy, the mechanics, the intangibles, all that stuff, and seeing some Drew Brees PERSON in his game. And I think if they're on the clock at 12 and they were going to take one of those two quarterbacks, I would guess. If I was a betting man, I would just guess they would take Bo Nix over Pennix PERSON.But you don't know. Do you want to gamble on that and risk losing Michael Pennix, you know, because of that gamble? So, yeah, it remains to be seen. But worse comes to worse, guys, I would still be okay with Michael Pennix.

Speaker 2743.82s - 761.9s

Couple orders of business before we continue for Machu Meach PERSON. Bron, Luke Braun will be eating molten hot wings in the month of May. After his wedding during the offseason post-draft, we will have the punishment for losing the gambling contest. Thank you for your interest, Machu Meach PERSON. And one more thing.

Speaker 10761.9s - 764.26s

And thank you for holding Luke PERSON accountable. Yes.

Speaker 2764.46s - 765.1s

Most importantly. We're all about accountability on the show. And you for holding Luke PERSON accountable. Yes. Most importantly.

Speaker 10765.32s - 772.08s

We're all about accountability on this show. And also, he's requested a dab. Uh-oh.

Speaker 2772.72s - 774.4s

Oh, there is.

Speaker 4774.46s - 774.82s


Speaker 6775.74s - 776.02s

It's crispy.

Speaker 2776.02s - 777.68s

That's about the type of dab I would expect.

Speaker 6777.84s - 778.26s


Speaker 10778.76s - 780.02s

Check out the YouTube channel.

Speaker 6781.08s - 782.64s

I think if you don't.

Speaker 10782.64s - 784.02s

Audio content for the listeners.

Speaker 6784.42s - 788.66s

If you don't, as always, give up four first round picks to trade up,

Speaker 2789.22s - 794.06s

the burden for your quarterback to have success,

Speaker 11794.06s - 796.44s

I think is significantly lower.

Speaker 2796.44s - 801.06s

And I feel so much better about taking a flyer,

Speaker 10801.06s - 805.7s

if you will, on a quarterback you're less confident in like Michael Penix PERSON.

Speaker 2805.88s - 806.56s

Oh, my goodness.

Speaker 6806.64s - 807.96s

I super disagree with that.

Speaker 10808.52s - 809.88s

Take a quarterback you think is good.

Speaker 4810.5s - 811.82s

Not a quarterback you think is cheap.

Speaker 2812.12s - 813.08s

So you would endorse.

Speaker 11813.8s - 816.28s

Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.

Speaker 2816.28s - 824.18s

So you would endorse going through days one and two and you don't have a quarterback to show for it.

Speaker 11824.46s - 825.66s

If you don't like the option.

Speaker 2825.66s - 827.22s

I'm saying the opposite of that.

Speaker 11827.9s - 828.5s

What are you saying?

Speaker 2828.74s - 830.04s

If you can't get in the top five,

Speaker 11830.12s - 831.1s

that's how we're framed.

Speaker 2831.1s - 831.78s

Oh, you can't get.

Speaker 11831.82s - 832.24s

I'm sorry.

Speaker 2832.38s - 832.92s

I misunderstood.

Speaker 11833.24s - 836.48s

I thought you were saying you prefer that to like trading too much up to get somebody.

Speaker 2836.48s - 837.1s

No, no, no.

Speaker 11837.1s - 838.74s

This is all couched around.

Speaker 2838.9s - 840.38s

If you don't get in the top five,

Speaker 11840.76s - 842.16s

I would feel okay.

Speaker 2843.06s - 881.12s

I would feel much more okay getting a quarterback that maybe there's a question mark or two about, but you've still got first round picks in future years. You've still got the ability to move on. You've got Darnold in case things are horrible in the first year. I am more okay. I think I would feel better actually getting that quarterback in the building than gettingtwo talented non-quarterbacks. A ref, would you say you, based on what you said, you would endorse getting two talents, not a quarterback at 11 and 23, and you don't get a quarterback the first two days?

Speaker 10881.12s - 897.94s

Are you cool with that? I am cool. I don't know if I would say endorse is like the strong. I'm cool with that. It really like I think Luke PERSON says like it depends on the Vikings evaluation of these quarterbacks. I'm very skeptical of Bo Nix PERSON. I'm pretty skeptical

Speaker 9897.94s - 905.06s

of Michael Panics. And so if they passed on both of them, I would be a little bit more comfortable with that, right?

Speaker 10909.38s - 950.38s

Like, and I think there's a difference here between this and my take on Will Levis last year, which I think I'm going to have to eat dirt on, which is that the Vikings ORG probably should have taken him as he was falling, not realizing that the entire league had him as a second round pick, which is that my pre-draft prior on Will Levis is that he was a top 10-ish type guy at quarterback. My pre-draft prior on Michael Panix and Bo Nix are that they are second-round guys, right?And so I'm not as comfortable making the same kind of decision as I would have been with Will Levis last year in the same spot, right? And so I think that when you're at a spot where a quarterback is largely projected to go in the second round, at quarterback, I think there's like a reason to be fairly

Speaker 0950.38s - 956.72s

skeptical about the type of value that they provide, even knowing that they're at a position

Speaker 10956.72s - 1021.42s

that is, you know, paramount in the NFL ORG, right? So I would be comfortable with them taking two talents. I think maybe the best move in that situation is to maybe kind of eat it a little bit and trade down from 23, even though you just trade it up, it's going to look weird. And the trade calculation is not going to look great in the nets. But the point is not to win the net trade calculation. The point is to make the right decision at every possible moment, giving the informationyou have at the time. And the new information at 23 when you're picking is that you didn't get to pick at five, right, or four or three. And so the new calculus might require you to trade down. And if they trade down and then grab a quarterback and then grab another talent with the third round pick that they get from it or whatever, right?That might be the best possible scenario. So, yeah, I'm comfortable with them grabbing two guys in the first round that are non-quarterbacks that are quite good. I just, I think that I'm so, like,concerned about panics and nicks that I think that there's reason to not overvalue either of them in an effort to get a quarterback in the building.

Speaker 111022.32s - 1030.36s

I'd be a little bit more comfortable with like passing on them if next year's quarterback class wasn't supposed to be like really bad.

Speaker 01030.8s - 1033.48s

Like next year is not a year to want a quarterback necessarily.

Speaker 101033.8s - 1034.2s


Speaker 01034.4s - 1039.6s

So maybe you're just sort of like priced into overdrafting someone that you don't feel very good about.

Speaker 111040.56s - 1057.36s

But if you are, if you're Kevin O'Connell and you just hate it and you just don't like these guys, I don't feel like you should feel forced to light a pick on fire just because of the importance of the position. If you don't think that guy is good.

Speaker 101059.18s - 1064.02s

Oh, Scott Wright makes a good point in the chat that J.J. McCarthy could drop to 23, let alone likely be at 11.

Speaker 111064.82s - 1110.04s

McCarthy's like whole, like everyone is kind of assuming he'll be picked in the top five. This is all a product of maybe information is too strong of a word, but information that we've received in the past maybe month, month and a half. The idea that he's risen into the top five is a fairly recent one. And that is the kind of rise that we've seen for other quarterbacks that don't actually materialize on draft day, not saying that he definitely is going to be there at 11 or 23. But that is something that we should consider that, yeah, we're considering him as a topfour quarterback picked in the top six picks. But that might not actually be the case. Like, he might be there at 11. I mean, in January, we were thinking of him as the top of the second tier of quarterbacks that would be going at the top of the second round,

Speaker 01110.34s - 1114.18s

right? Which is like where Lamar Jackson was considered and he went in the first round,

Speaker 91114.24s - 1122.12s

where Teddy Bridgewater, I guess, was considered and he went in the first rounds. You might have to spend a first round pick on that kind of guy, but it doesn't have to be at 11. So that's a good point.

Speaker 21122.56s - 1125.78s

Jim, Jim Harbaugh is running the McCarthy PERSON propaganda right now.

Speaker 101125.78s - 1134.28s

He's trying to take such a great. We have people at five. Don't be surprised. Don't be surprised.

Speaker 21134.28s - 1139.18s

There's been a lot of steam about J.J. McCarthy like not making it past the Giants at six.

Speaker 111139.38s - 1143.98s

Dude, I just got to say real quick, a reef kind of alluded to this, no matter how this all shakes out,

Speaker 21144.16s - 1145.04s

this draft,

Speaker 61145.14s - 1146.36s

this 2024 class,

Speaker 111146.42s - 1149.52s

especially with everything that's happening at the top with these

Speaker 61149.52s - 1150.02s


Speaker 111150.5s - 1202.46s

I think for me and my money, I've been doing this for 11 years, I think it's got to be the most fascinating draft we've seen. Who's straightened up, who's straightened down, which quarterback is the right one?You've got four different guys being debated and depending on who you ask, you get four different answers. Plus, it's another insane wide receiver class. Other position battles going on as far as like who's the top guy. Edge, for example, is it Dallas Turner? Is it Latu, Latu, Jared Verst? Yes, three different experts. You get three different answers. You can say the same thing for cornerback, Aquinian Mitchell, Terry and Arnold, Nate Wiggins from Clemson, Joe Alt, Olufoshanu PERSON. I mean, the list goes on and on. I know you can say thisevery year, but it really feels like this year's draft, more so than others is really going to make or break a lot of teams and the direction that they go from here, you know, for the next four or five,

Speaker 21202.46s - 1283.24s

six years. Okay, opposite question when we come back. What if the Vikings do not only trade in the top five, but they get number three? And then you're forced to choose which quarterback you want. Who do you take? That's next on the Minnesota Football Party. We are brought to you today by Robin Hood PERSON.Did you know that even if you have a 401k for retirement, you can still have an IRA? Robin Hood has the only IRA that gives you a 3% boost on every dollar you contribute when you subscribe to Robin Hood Gold. But get this. Now through April 30th, Robin Hood PERSON is even boosting every single dollar you transfer in from other retirement accounts with a 3% match. That's right. No cap on the 3% match. Robin Hood Gold gets you the most for your retirement thanks to their IRA with a 3% match. That's right. No cap on the 3% match. Robin Hood Gold gets you the most for your retirement thanks to their IRA with a 3% match. This offer is good through April 30th. Get started atRobinhood.com ORG slash boost. Subscription fees apply. And now for some legal info, claim as of Q1, 2024 validated by Radius Global Market Research ORG. Investing involves risk, including loss. Limitations apply to IRAs and 401Ks. 3% match requires Robin Hood Gold for one year from the date of first 3% match. Must keep Robin Hood IRA for five years. The 3% matching on transfers is subject to specific terms and conditions. Robin Hood IRA available to U.S. GPE customers in good standing. Robin Hood FinancialLLC, member SIPC ORG, is a registered broker dealer.

Speaker 71285.14s - 1315.04s

We're driven by the search for better, but when it comes to hiring, the best way to search for a candidate isn't to search at all. Don't search match with Indeed ORG. 93% of employers agree. Indeed ORG delivers the highest quality matches compared to other job sites, according to a recent Indeed ORG survey.And listeners of this show, we'll get a $75-sponsored job credit to get your jobs more visibility at Indeed ORG.com slash podcast. Just go to Indeed.com slash podcast right now and support our show by saying you heard about Indeed on this podcast. Indeed.com ORG slash podcast terms and conditions apply. Need to hire. You need indeed.

Speaker 21318.38s - 1355.36s

All right. Back at it, Minnesota football party. Big week of programming on Lockdown Sports, Minnesota. Ron Johnson's show tomorrow. He's got Michael Grady, voice of the Timberwolves on. Wednesday, Minnesota GPE basketball party talking more hoops. On Thursday, we're back going live on the Minnesota football party. And on Friday, it's the Lockdown Sports ORG Minnesota Roundtable. So here's the next scenario. Vikings give up the bounty to get to number three, four first round picks, whatever it takes. You know, the Mayo PERSON, the Drod Mayo PERSON, he's already posturing sayingthe teams have to show us the bag if they want to get up to number three. Okay, say the Vikings ORG give it to him. That, I am already...

Speaker 101355.36s - 1357.5s

He doesn't make that decision, though, right? He's just the coach.

Speaker 21358.44s - 1370.76s

Yeah, well, he's doing the same thing Harbaugh is doing. These coaches are part of the propaganda arm. I honestly already have anxiety thinking about it because I know how franchises get compared.

Speaker 111370.76s - 1371.74s

Sounds like a personal issue.

Speaker 21373.14s - 1376.8s

Vikings ORG are going to disappoint you. Just accept it. That's why I use better help.

Speaker 101376.8s - 1379.28s

We're going to pick whichever one busts. That's Quasi PERSON's plan.

Speaker 21379.92s - 1382.62s

Well, that is looking at him saying, I think that guy's worse. Let's do it.

Speaker 111382.98s - 1390.92s

Yeah, he wrote it on a post-it note. Yeah. But, okay, so, but would it not be nerve-wracking to you if at number three, we're looking

Speaker 101390.92s - 1396.56s

at Jaden Daniels PERSON or J.J. McCarthy, and we like Jaden Daniels.

Speaker 21396.9s - 1399.56s

Jadnials PERSON is such an entertaining option.

Speaker 111400.22s - 1405.02s

He would be electric, and he obviously showed that on film in college.

Speaker 21405.74s - 1411.34s

But because of the system, J.J. McCarthy's PERSON accuracy or his pocket presence or whatnot,

Speaker 111411.46s - 1413.4s

they go with McCarthy at number three.

Speaker 21413.96s - 1421.28s

Would that not be a painful comparison if you don't take Jaden Daniels PERSON? Or maybe it's Drake May PERSON.

Speaker 111421.28s - 1429.3s

If they went that hard against consensus, yes, that would become a narrative immediately and forever.

Speaker 101432.9s - 1434.76s

Yes, but I don't think, and I'm excited to see what the consensus will, will end up producing.

Speaker 111435.18s - 1447.38s

Yeah. If I, I mean, I would, I would guess pretty confidently that J.J. McCarthy will be fairly distant from Drake May PERSON and Jaden Daniels, that those two will be much closer to each other. Certainly from Drake May. Yeah.

Speaker 61452.82s - 1460.5s

Yeah. And I will say, too, the closer we get here, I think Jaden Daniels is the guy Washington ends up taking that number two. It just seems like everything's going that direction, unless we're being, you know, totally played, which, okay. It makes a lot of sense.

Speaker 111460.8s - 1466.06s

Like, I think a lot of it is. With Cliff Kingsbury, I think it does. Yeah, with Aereh PERSON and all that, like, I,

Speaker 61466.06s - 1467.84s

I wonder how much of

Speaker 111467.84s - 1476.06s

the steam is just like people observing the same thing that we would observe and saying, oh yeah, that makes sense. Versus people saying, oh yeah, I was talking to Washington

Speaker 61476.06s - 1479.92s

and they said, like, that's a different kind of thing. Yeah, connecting dots, or

Speaker 111479.92s - 1481.84s

do you actually know something? Did you

Speaker 101481.84s - 1532.06s

hear something from an actual real source inside that building? I will say, Sam PERSON, in that scenario, I don't know how distressed I would be, right? Like, I want the Vikings ORG to do the correct thing. I think that that would not be the correct thing. But also, like, my incentives are largely aligned towards an interesting team. And even though Jaden Daniels PERSON, to me, produces more interesting on-field play or whatever,the ability to write about J.J. McCarthy or J.J. McArthur or J.J.N.S. PERSON or whatever, it's all kind of similar. And I would have fun breaking down either of them. So long as they don't pick Bo Nix PERSON, I will have fun breaking down whichever quarterback. So here's the real.

Speaker 111532.12s - 1534.42s

That doesn't really bother me that much.

Speaker 91534.42s - 1562.46s

And it produces a lot of interesting talking points. And we can have some discussions. Like we can talk about like the interesting ways that J. J.J. McCarthy and Kirk PERSON cousins are actually very similar. Like they're both extremely tough in the pocket right in ways that i think um are not necessarilycharacteristic of of the entire quarterback class right um the fact that they are fairly reliant on reliant is maybe the wrong word but fairly built around a timing oriented offense in a way that

Speaker 01562.46s - 1593.76s

maybe jaden daniels or drake may or. Right. Like that's interesting, right? And so you can begin to have conversations about it and kind of what that means and whether or not there's going to be explosive opportunities for Justin Jefferson PERSON and we can kind of dig beneath kind of all that. Like that's fine. I'm fine with all of that.I do want the Vikings ORG to make the right choice. I don't think that that would be the right choice. And so in that sense, I would be, I don't know, disappointed. But I don't know how distressed I would be because at that point, my job just takes over and I just want to talk about what it means. Yeah, you have the guy you have. Here's the real

Speaker 111593.76s - 1612.22s

distressing scenario because I think at three, I don't think that J.J. McCarthy goes over one of the top three guys. Agreed. But if you get up to two, which look, Adam Peters and Dan Quinn PERSON have been talking a little bit. They've had, Dan Quinn's had some similar quotes to the Gerard Mayo PERSON.

Speaker 61612.22s - 1629.44s

The office is open. The open sign is on. If you get up to two and now you have to choose between Drake May and Jane and Daniels PERSON, that is one you're going to get a lot more disagreement on. And that's one where you can say, wow, you know, in five years, wow, they totally made the wrong choice and the right choice.

Speaker 01629.74s - 1631.82s

So if you want to really be nervous about something,

Speaker 61632.06s - 1633.06s

think about that scenario.

Speaker 111633.36s - 1637.64s

You really need to just like stress and you can't relax about anything.

Speaker 61637.88s - 1638.98s

If it is Drake PERSON, though,

Speaker 111638.98s - 1641.18s

if it is Drake at three or JJ PERSON,

Speaker 61641.42s - 1665.3s

I just have a really hard time sitting here thinking they're going to move all the way up to three with Drake May on the board and somehow pass on that guy. Just knowing everything we know, the McCown connection now, take that for what you want. But I think this was maybe one of their plans all along is that if he were to slip to three, then they were gearing up to make, you know, a godfather type of offer, a king's ransom to move up and take

Speaker 01665.3s - 1697.52s

Dray May. And you can talk about, you know, again, all the positives for J.J. McCarthy PERSON and everything he brings to the table, why that's a good fit too. But I just can't see them passing up on the opportunity to bring Drake May in because I do think he's by far of the two, just the two. He's by far the, you know, the safer of the two, the bigger ceiling of the two. He's the guy that I think if Quasi, try to put yourselves in their shoes, Quasi and KOC, our jobs are on the line. I mean, in a lot of ways here. And I got to pick between the two. I don't see how they gamble on J.J. McCarthy over Drake me at the end of the day.

Speaker 21698.36s - 1733.54s

Yeah, that's all fair. Question from Machu Meach about a discrepancy in the projected cost of getting in the top five. I think, and I'll read what it says. Beat riders have said the first two picks plus a little change, get the Vikings in the top five. The athletics said three firsts plus another early round pick. I think the difference would be the Vikings ORG beat riders are using the trade chart, which they are correct in that. The athletic is probably projecting the premium that they will be forced to pay to move up that.

Speaker 61733.86s - 1735.02s

Maybe it's somewhere in the middle.

Speaker 111735.5s - 1744.76s

It might just be the difference between top five and top three, too, which I also think that I think the beat writers are a little bit closer on this one.

Speaker 21744.76s - 1750.3s

So the trade charts are typically not great when it comes to trading up for a quarterback.

Speaker 111750.72s - 1756.54s

But two firsts and change is actually higher than what the trade charts typically suggest,

Speaker 101756.6s - 1758.24s

at least historically, right?

Speaker 61758.28s - 1761.84s

If you take a look at like the Rich Hill PERSON trade chart, which takes a look at historic trades, right?

Speaker 101761.84s - 1771.58s

So if you look at, for example, a really cheap trade up into the third overall pick from 12, which was what the Miami Dolphins ORG did for Dion

Speaker 61771.58s - 1776.18s

Jordan. Deon Jordan. That took a second round pick and their first round time. That was crazy.

Speaker 101776.32s - 1781.62s

That's it. Yeah, that was crazy, by the way. That was a nuts move. Also, like, one of the only

Speaker 61781.62s - 1786.68s

times the Raiders ORG, like, made the right move. I was going to say, who did, yeah, who traded out as the Raiders, okay.

Speaker 101787.02s - 1886.28s

But, so that was a really cheap one. But if you take a look at, like, picks like the Tray Lance trade, right, which required, I believe also trade up from 12 or 11 or something like that. Two picks and I don't know about change, but two picks and change is actually pretty close to what the 49ers ORG gave up. The 49ers didn't have to give up their second round pick that year, which is what I based on my zone coverage box off of. They gave up just as much as the Vikings ORG give up,which also includes not giving up their second round pick that year. Then the Vikings can trade down in the second round a couple of times, trade down in the third round a couple of times, end up with eight picks and make a very annoying day three for a bunch of beatwriters. But the trade up, like I think that people remember some of these insane trades that have been worked historically and are projecting that.But even trade ups for quarterbacks recently have been over the chart, but have not been franchise crippling. People just kind of don't do that that much anymore. Even if you take a look at the Washington trade with the Rams for RG3 PRODUCT, and you take a look at the trade chart, it's still close so long as you all have the same understanding of what the future discount is, right?The first round pick is worth, you know, second round pick or whatever, right? A future first is worth the second round now. Right. They're not that catastrophic, even if the number of picks seems large. So I wouldn't say the two first round picks this year and change, but I would say the two first round picks and probably not a ton more than like. I saw some conversation yesterday on Twitter ORG.

Speaker 61886.36s - 1905.18s

I think it was Matt PERSON fries throughout the idea. If you got to give up another first, 2026 first should more than do it. I mean, between the two first round picks you're getting this year, if you're a team getting this King's Ransom, that should be enough.That's Sweetener, 2026. And then obviously you don't have, you know, to go into next year without your first and second round pick. That should still be enough. The modernization and evolution of the don't have, you know, to go into next year without your first and second

Speaker 21905.18s - 1938.32s

round pick. That should still be enough. The modernization and evolution of the trade chart is in the Vikings ORG favor here, I believe, because the newer versions actually put less value on the high picks and they probably put more value on just having first round picks. So the Jimmy Johnson, for instance, 11 and 23 gets you to four easily. Whereas I believe on the new like the Spielberger Fitzgerald chart, 11 and 23 on paper gets you to number one.

Speaker 101938.86s - 1942.52s

That's how valuable they view 11 and 23 compared to.

Speaker 21942.52s - 1947.66s

Yeah, I want to caution against the, Luke PERSON and I just received an extremely long email about this.

Speaker 101948.16s - 1951.54s

I want a caution from it was a really remarkable email.

Speaker 21951.74s - 1968.46s

I love you, Brad Davis PERSON. Thank you for talking to us. But it's just very funny that this came up. I would caution against using either the approximate value chart or the Fitzgerald Spielberger PERSON chart, because those are really just meant to measure trade impact. They are not meant to measure...

Speaker 101968.46s - 1969.44s

It's like the market.

Speaker 111969.84s - 1973.1s

The market. That's not what teams are like allowing you to trade up and down for.

Speaker 101973.48s - 2052.66s

Yeah, exactly. So that might be like, hey, this is like a really great trade chart for us determining the total value of what these trades end up producing. But these are not great trade charts for estimating what a team is likely to give up, which is why I use the Rich Hill chart so often, because it's built off of a decade of trades that NFL ORG teams have made, and that's the only input, essentially.And so it's a historically derived trade chart, which shout out to Rich Hill from Pat PERSON's Pulpit, not Rich Hill PERSON to Pat's Pulpit, not Rich Hill, the pitcher, different people, to, you know, to kind of determine what's happening here. And again, these trade charts just don't work in the case where a team is trading up for a quarterback, because teams demand much more if they know the team trading up is looking for a quarterback, and teams looking fora quarterback are willing to give up much more. I mean, take a look at the discussion that we've been having for the past couple of weeks. You know, the way that we've been talking about, like, hey, man, if you have to give up another first, it's a quarterback. You got to go get your guy, right? The way we've been talking about it, teams talk about it, right? Like, I think that that is another reason for us to be pretty cautious about some of these trade charts, especially ones that are not meant to project what teams are likely to do.Good explanation by a reef there.

Speaker 22052.66s - 2121.54s

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Speaker 52123.12s - 2155.52s

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Speaker 22158.92s - 2173.68s

Okay, let's move out of the top five just for a little bit and talk about day three draft crushes. Vikings might only get one pick in the first three rounds and then wait until Saturday to get the rest of their picks. Let's start with Luke Inman. And let's call it a four minute drill. In fact,

Speaker 02173.68s - 2179.88s

let's play the graph. Start the clock. It's time to execute the four minute drill.

Speaker 22182.28s - 2186.46s

All right, give me a minute each. Day three, last dudes. Who do you want?

Speaker 62187.12s - 2219.52s

I think once you get past the quarterback position here, you look around the league, what's most valuable for a lot of teams now? It's premium defensive tackles, interior pressure. We know that's the biggest quarterback killer there is. All you got to do, by the way,look at what Chris Jones, Christian Wilkins PERSON, Matt Abrique, they all got paid this offseason. So I know Flores PERSON' scheme is a little bit different. So you got to look outside the group. Think a little bit on that. But defensive tackle, no matter how you slice it at the end of the day, is still a huge need for the Vikings ORG.Michael Hall Jr. from Ohio State, what he did down at the Senior Bowl EVENT, I think, really impressed a lot of people.

Speaker 02220.14s - 2241.14s

He made Jackson Powers Johnson a center from Oregon, who's probably going to go top 40-ish, I would think, maybe even first round. He made him look silly a few times. He would be a guy if he's still there on day three. I'm thinking probably early fourth round, that fourth round range most likely. He would be a guy that I would love for the Vikings ORG to target for sure. Luke Braun PERSON.

Speaker 112242.9s - 2349.04s

I'm a big Miles Murphy PERSON guy. I'm with Inman PERSON that it's like D tackle is the thing here. You've got Harrison Phillips. You've got Jaqueline Roy PERSON. There's nobody else in the defense that weighs more than 300 pounds. You need another body just to fill out that group.They had three of those kind of bigger body like nose types last year. And they only have two now because Kyrie PERSON's Tonga is a commander, I think, or a cardinal maybe. Cardinal. Cardinal. So I'm a big Miles Murphy guy at a UNC ORG. I think that he,I like the way he sheds blocks. I like the way he keeps his feet moving and drives all the time, which can help make up for, we'll go with pedestrian jumps. They're okay. They're like six out of 10 on the, on the RAS kind of thing, not a great 40. So athleticism wise, it's notgoing to rise him up to the top 100 picks or anything like that. So I think he'll be there on day three. But I do think that he's somebody that at the very least, like, he can come out day one and be a contributor because he has enough good habits to like survive in the NFL ORG and he knows how to um how to survive when you have like when you're taking a double as a 310 pound nose um you can get washed out when you're 310 if you're 320 330 that's like if you're devonre sweat 360 it's a different thing but you can get washed out when you're 310. If you're 320, 3.30, that's like if you're Devandre PRODUCT sweat 360, it's a different thing.But you can get washed away a little bit when you're 310. So you have to be able to feel that double coming and like get either get your shoulder down or get your knee down so that you can accept that contact from two pretty big strong guys. But if you want a couple of other deep cuts, uh, Evan Anderson at a FAU as a D tackle and Roderick Brown out of North Texas are two like small school guys that I really like to. Rie Fassan.

Speaker 22349.74s - 2354.3s

I like the running backs that are probably going to be available on day three quite a lot.

Speaker 102354.46s - 2357.26s

Like obviously, you know, running backs, et cetera, et cetera.

Speaker 02357.44s - 2361.32s

But you take a look at some of the guys that might be available.

Speaker 112361.48s - 2393.52s

Braylon Allen, I think might be potentially a day three guy. I think that he's got a good, you know, grouping of skills that that might be available. Braylon Allen, I think might be potentially a day three guy. I think that he's got a good grouping of skills that allows you to have some pretty good effectiveness. At running back, it seems like he could be, you know, a three-down guy. Marshawn Lloyd PERSON is super interesting to me. I think that he might be available on day three.I think that he's a really great pass catcher. And I think that the way that USC ORG used him, I think the USC ran the offense that they needed to run, but unfortunately sometimes that means some players don't get used in a way that's maximally good for them. And I think that he's an example of that. He actually played

Speaker 102393.52s - 2413.96s

well regardless. I think that he could be in between the tackles runner, but he's a really interesting receiver as well. Audrick Estime, who had an awful 40 at the combine, also like led the FBS an explosive play percentage. So I'm going to take that over what is 40 at the combine also led the FBS and explosive play percentage. So I'm going to take that over what his 40 at the combine was. Plus he had a pretty decent pro day, I think, like in the four-fives or something like that, whatever.

Speaker 62414.44s - 2416.12s

Yeah, because pro-day was a lot better 40 times.

Speaker 102416.32s - 2437.2s

Yeah. And also in my research suggests that athletic testing is actually not that effective at predicting running back performance, in part because running backs don't do very good job at producing running back performance, but also just because, you know, the athletic testing doesn't do a great job of isolating the things that make for successful running backs athletically. And I think Estimay PERSON has that. Bucky Irving PERSON is interesting.

Speaker 22437.52s - 2446.58s

I don't know how much I love him, but as a D3 PRODUCT guy, I wouldn't, I wouldn't hate it. So I think just the running backs in general. Wait, wait, wait, Bucky Irving PERSON, D3? No, he's Oregon GPE. No, he's Oregon.

Speaker 102447.08s - 2448.18s

No, he's Oregon GPE. No, he's a Florida GPE.

Speaker 22448.3s - 2449.34s


Speaker 102450.88s - 2452.4s

I didn't, did I say it was D3?

Speaker 22452.5s - 2453.82s

No, I just said, day three?

Speaker 102454.32s - 2455.04s

Oh, day three.

Speaker 22455.1s - 2455.42s

I'm sorry.

Speaker 102456.06s - 2456.32s


Speaker 22458.06s - 2462.42s

But like, I kind of want to do a little bit more into him because I don't know how much

Speaker 102462.42s - 2464.86s

I love him, but as a day three guy, that's what I meant.

Speaker 22464.86s - 2465.16s

As a day three guy, I like him. And then receivers, I love him, but as a day three guy, that's what I meant.

Speaker 102466.68s - 2467.22s

As a day three guy, I like him.

Speaker 22470.5s - 2470.62s

And then receivers, I mean, like throughout the draft, I mean, there's a ton of receivers.

Speaker 102474.22s - 2532.72s

Like, you might not be able to get like a Ladd-McConkey or a Roman Wilson. They seem like day two guys. But like Ricky Purcell PERSON, I think is like a pretty interesting, you know, player. Unlike Roman Wilson PERSON, I think he might be a slot guy. But I think that as a complimentary receiver, he shows a lot. I'm going to go into a lot of the stereotypes, but I mean, it's true in this case for this guy. He's a really smart route runner that does a really great job of kind of figuring out what defenses are trying to do and leveraging against that.And it's interesting because a lot of people thought that he wasn't a great receiver because of how Anthony Richardson didn't do a great job with him at Florida GPE. But actually, I think that they were just not on the same page for a lot of reasons that might have more to do with Richardson than with Purcell PERSON, who I think is a really great receiver. So I like him a lot. Chat's mentioning Luke McCaffrey. I actually don't like Luke McCaffrey that much. I just, I don't think he has the juice to get open all that, all that easily.But I think with personal, he has it. So, I mean, Jalen Polk PERSON, there's a lot of receivers that are.

Speaker 62532.72s - 2563.4s

Yeah, McMillan or Polk PERSON, either way. If you want to get your monies or if you're all about value, I mean, you got to cash in on one of these receivers that fall in your lap that normally would go maybe in round three, that maybe you can get now in round four, round five. Javon Baker from UCF former Alabama transfer. He's another guy I really like as far as those receivers that you mentioned. And then I just want to say real quick, Audric Estime, I know he's dropped a lot as you mentioned because of the bad combine, the bad 40 time. He's not a home run hitter, but if you need singles and doubles, he is like one of my favorite

Speaker 22563.4s - 2566.68s

running backs. He gets a ton of doubles. He gets a ton of doubles, man.

Speaker 102566.68s - 2568.66s

Number three on PFF last year.

Speaker 62568.66s - 2571.38s

He says that Braun hated Purcell last year.

Speaker 102571.82s - 2572.64s

I did too, man.

Speaker 62572.72s - 2573.6s

I was mad.

Speaker 112574.18s - 2577.62s

I don't know. I don't even know who Ricky Purcell PERSON is.

Speaker 102578.22s - 2579.82s

Florida GPE receiver and.

Speaker 112580.36s - 2585.64s

Oh, Florida GPE receiver. Part of the deal last. I probably just got annoyed watching Anthony Richardson PERSON. Were very bad. And I don't, watching Anthony Richardson PERSON. That is receivers were very bad.

Speaker 102586.22s - 2610.06s

And I don't, watching Persol this year, I don't know that that was necessarily true. I think they just disagreed a lot on what that route should have been. And I don't know that Richardson was right every time. And I still think Richardson was a great prospect. But like I, Purcell PERSON is, is good at getting open and good at finding space. And I feel like yourquarterback should be able to to figure that out. But I didn't like him.

Speaker 62611.14s - 2614.2s

Unfortunately, I don't think Pierce is going to be there day three.

Speaker 112614.44s - 2618.36s

And guys yeah, guys grow a lot in there in there from year to year in college.

Speaker 102618.48s - 2619.82s

Like guys change their game a lot.

Speaker 112620s - 2629.28s

Guys will change like a lot. So whatever I thought about you in the year before the year we're looking at is not important. You don't have to care. Yeah. Well, that's what you're based on.

Speaker 22629.28s - 2632.08s

You shouldn't care what I think about you in this year either, honestly. Aref PERSON,

Speaker 112632.2s - 2638.84s

you omitted Trey Benson PERSON from your running back talk. Maybe he goes in the second or third round and the Vikings ORG can't get him.

Speaker 62638.84s - 2669.64s

But I like, I like him a lot. I'd be rooting for him in round four. There's no, you know, Jamar Gibbs or Bejohn Robinson.So everybody's kind of, there's no even like Kenneth Walker's PERSON, right, or Breesholz PERSON, but everybody's kind of sleeping on this running back class almost too much. It's kind of like Quasi PERSON talked about like the market like overs compensated now at running back when he talked about, you know, the signing of Aaron Jones PERSON. There's some really good running backs in this draft class that aren't going to go until day three and some of them won't even get drafted.So I do hope the Vikings ORG dip their toes in that water as well for sure.

Speaker 102669.84s - 2670.84s

Just pure values.

Speaker 62671.08s - 2679.04s

The dad is killing it, naming some guys. Mason McCormick PERSON. Joe Cohn PERSON, South Dakota State ORG. Jack PERSON, yeah.

Speaker 112679.04s - 2683.36s

Yeah, yeah. Yeah, pulling out guards from San Diego State ORG. This rules. Yeah,

Speaker 102683.36s - 2689.12s

well, he had an incredible combine. I think he was he the one that was like, I'm the most athletic offensive linemen in the draft?

Speaker 62689.28s - 2689.58s


Speaker 102689.74s - 2745.36s

Love it. Nice. Yes. But I mean, he was. He had an incredible combine. I haven't been able to like watch him or anything like that.So I can't say with any certainty. But, you know, the key combine drill for that position is the short shuttle. And he killed it both in terms of, you know, adjusting for weight and then also just in raw short shuttle score. Really great there.Chuan Jackson, we got to see him at the Senior Bowl EVENT. And I was able to watch him a little bit because I wanted to watch the Tulane quarterback, who actually, it turns out I don't like that much. But Chuan Jackson, I mean, all of those receivers actually at Tulane. This guy. Yeah.Pratt PERSON. I didn't like him. But all of the all of the two lane receivers, I mean, all of those receivers actually at Tulane. This guy. Yeah. Pratt. I didn't like him. But all of the, all of the two lane receivers from the, from, you know, the tape that I watched, we're all really interesting to me. And I think Joaquin Jackson PERSON, I don't know that he's got, you know, deep speed capability or anything like that. But as an underneath guy, I think that he is like lightning quick.And I think that he could be a pretty fun addition to an offense.

Speaker 22746.5s - 2750.1s

I'm curious, this from Scott PERSON can't verify it.

Speaker 102750.34s - 2754.82s

It says that PFF did a live mock with Daniels dropping to the second half of the first

Speaker 22754.82s - 2765.72s

round. Now, Scott PERSON, I don't know if you're still watching. Was this, were these real people mocking or was this a computer that just happened to do like the one in a million scenario that had a

Speaker 102765.72s - 2775.08s

live computer mock would be a very funny concept for for pro football focus to do suppose they could always commentate on it as if it would I imagine that would be the thing

Speaker 62775.08s - 2780.66s

everybody I love the pff mock draft simulator but sometimes it's like okay I'm not getting j j

Speaker 112780.66s - 2787.78s

well yeah I like writers will not will write mocks like that too like that's They're going to do interesting. Yeah, I wrote a piece over at the athletic

Speaker 102787.78s - 2794.32s

about simulators and like a good simulator will throw out what they're called unicorn drafts

Speaker 112794.32s - 2799.94s

where somebody unexpected falls. It should do that because that way you know it's generating

Speaker 102799.94s - 2804.94s

a lot of variety for you. And then also like the actual draft is a lot like that. And so it should

Speaker 62804.94s - 2805.9s

be able to simulate those.

Speaker 102805.9s - 2807.5s

You don't know which one of the players.

Speaker 112807.5s - 2810.62s

And that's what box are for to go over every different scenario possible and to see

Speaker 102810.62s - 2811.58s

what that would look like.

Speaker 112812.18s - 2813.82s

Yeah, but I think that that's cool and that's interesting.

Speaker 102813.92s - 2816.76s

And I imagine in the PFF mock, especially if it was like live for afterers,

Speaker 62816.76s - 2821.04s

a lot of that just has to do with, you know, Jane Daniels's frame and how often he gets hit

Speaker 102821.04s - 2841.28s

and how old he is and how he's kind of a one-year wonder. And then the JJ McCarthy ORG doesn't have any of those. And maybe that was kind of going into their decision. But that's really cool because it also suggests that the people doing that mock draft really love the rest of this draft class. Right.Like they're like they love Johnny Newton PERSON, right? They love Jared Verse PERSON. Right.

Speaker 02841.34s - 2843.2s

That's what that suggests to me, right?

Speaker 92843.22s - 2851.88s

Is that they're like really high on like Nate Wiggins PERSON, which that's cool. I like that. Hip drop.

Speaker 102855.08s - 2859.24s

Hip drop specifically has been banned.

Speaker 22859.74s - 2862.4s

Twitter ORG is running amok with this news.

Speaker 102863.4s - 2864.24s

What do we think?

Speaker 22864.72s - 2880.5s

This feels to me like the rule that will be over-enforced early and then slowly phased out until it is called in an egregiously bad way in a critical game late in the season or the playoffs.

Speaker 112882.32s - 2884.1s

For whatever it's worth to you,

Speaker 22884.7s - 2892.6s

they've been like, they've, the like officials have like publicly specified that they're probably not going to call it as much in game.

Speaker 02892.88s - 2900.88s

And it'll be more of a after the fact find thing, warning, which is its own wild system. Yeah. That raises a lot of questions to me.

Speaker 92900.88s - 2907.6s

But for us fans who don't necessarily have to care about the pocketbooks

Speaker 02907.6s - 2911.74s

of players, probably as much as we care about the 15-yard penalty, at least there's that.

Speaker 112913.32s - 2918.16s

So I will say this. The video that's being shared right now, which comes from the meeting

Speaker 92918.16s - 2924.18s

about what officials we're looking at, demonstrates to me a very inconsistent understanding

Speaker 102924.18s - 2929.76s

of what this tackle technically, from a technical perspective, is supposed to be. And the way the rule is

Speaker 112929.76s - 2935.7s

written looks a lot different than what the video shows are no longer allowed tackles, right?

Speaker 92935.7s - 2973.94s

And so, you know, elements like whether or not a player swivels, which to me suggests that a player is moving their center of mass and rotating it around the ball carrier, at least a little bit, those don't appear in all of the tackles. There's only four tackles in the video. Those don't appear in all the tackles on the video. The idea that a player would lift up off the ground,which is not, I believe, in the text of the rule, but was in an explanation about the rule, does not appear in all of the tackles. So the swivel component, which is what Rich McKay said, so Rich McKay NFL ORG official said on the competition committee, said, you know,

Speaker 102974.04s - 3088.96s

the swivel component that they said was relatively rare in the NFL ORG and a reason that we shouldn't think that it's going to be called all the time does not appear. And I think in all of the tackles that they're demonstrating and to me did not appear in the Tyreek Hill PERSON injury I think in all of the tackles that they're demonstrating, and to me, did not appear in the Tyreek Hill injury, which is one of the two injuries that people are pointing to, the other one being the Logan Wilson tackle of Mark Andrews PERSON, does not appear to me as an element of the process that led to the Tyree Kill PERSON injury. It also requires that a player's body part is trapped underneath at some point, which is the injurycausing component. I'll say that much. But it's also a little bit outside of the defender's control. And it does make, I think, difficult for defenders to do chase down tackles, which, you know, I'm seeing people talking about how, like, hey, in rugby, they were able to successfully ban it. And, hey, this will teach people better tackling technique.But the thing is, the way that people are talking about tackles, first of all, in rugby, there's not as many chase-down tackles just because there's not like a line of scrimmage. It's a lot different the way that rugby plays out and the way that the angles of attack are. But the second, it's a lot more like parallel tackles and stuff like that. The second thing is that it is difficult to run through a guy when you're chasing them from behind, right? And so it really just increases the opportunities the offense has to score points. Now, scoring is down and the NFL ORG has talked a little bit about pumping it back up,which is crazy. And scoring is down relative to the past two years, right? It's still up relative to six years ago. So I think it's kind of nuts to make this a concern. And I think the kickoff rule, which I like a lot, is actually going to resolve that a lot just in terms of fuel position.So they don't need to do that. But the more tools you take away from defenders, and defenders are using this tool because

Speaker 93088.96s - 3092.98s

tools have been taken away from them already, the more tools you take away from defenders,

Speaker 103093.64s - 3180.9s

I think the less interesting the game is, even though in the short term, we like it when offense is score points. I think in the long term, the impact on the game is going to be a less interesting game with less diverse strategies. I like the idea that you've got defense dominant teams that have the ability to win. When I talk about how you build a team, I'm talking about the modern NFL ORG and I say, hey, you have to build a team around your offense and around your quarterback because it's verydifficult to build a team around defense and win. Obviously, there's exceptions every year. The 49ers ORG are a good one. But I think that team should invest in the offense. I don't want that to be the case. I want there to be a number of strategies that you can deploy as a general manager to build a team and have them win. And I think that the way these rules were constructed just gradually increase the number of potential ways for the offense to get better. Plus, if this rule is going to be called so rarely,then there's very few instances where it impacts player injury rate then. Like, I don't, I don't understand. Like, if this event does not occur that often and in only a couple, and only a small percentage of those events does it result in injury. I don't know that this improves player safety that much. Plus the NFLPA ORG is almost unanimously against this rule change, which gives me a little bit of pause about the player safety element of it.

Speaker 113181.8s - 3200.56s

Yeah, it kind of feels like the juice isn't worth to squeeze, right? Like they have this incredibly public and like controversial thing. They're going against the NFLPA ORG. Every defensive player is speaking out against it. And it happens what? Like maybe once a game.

Speaker 63200.98s - 3205.94s

That was the charting that they had was it happens maybe once a game and it caused like four

Speaker 113205.94s - 3213.2s

injuries. Like, yeah, all right. Was the Tony Pollard injury two years ago? Was that a hip drop? Do you guys

Speaker 63213.2s - 3219.6s

remember that on the tape? I feel like it, I remember seeing Pollard PERSON on the tape they showed, but maybe

Speaker 113219.6s - 3223.58s

they did show Pollard on the tape. I don't know if that was from this year or last year. I think,

Speaker 63223.58s - 3228.16s

no, I think it was too years ago. I also want to emphasize that like hip drop is not a

Speaker 113228.16s - 3232.88s

phrase that anyone used until Warren Sharp PERSON called it. That's not a thing that you don't, okay,

Speaker 63232.94s - 3237.84s

let's do our hip drop drill. Like, that's not a thing. You just wrap, you wrap and you bring them down

Speaker 23237.84s - 3243.2s

however you can. Bringing down your center of mass is a critical component of tackling. That's just

Speaker 103243.2s - 3245.04s

what the job is. Yeah. And that is one way to do it. That's just what the chop is. Yeah.

Speaker 63245.12s - 3246.7s

And that is one way to do it.

Speaker 103246.96s - 3250.58s

That like swivel thing is like more of a natural body motion.

Speaker 113250.74s - 3257.16s

So you're asking defenders to essentially resist the the like natural instinct that you have when your brain says,

Speaker 103257.24s - 3258.14s

okay, get down.

Speaker 113258.62s - 3260.7s

You throw your legs out from under you.

Speaker 103260.94s - 3263.3s

Now you'll have to like resist that and think about it more.

Speaker 113263.3s - 3274.22s

And essentially what's going to have to happen is coaches are going to have to come up with a way to drill tackling from behind that's safe and better. And yeah, maybe they'll figure something out. But also like I imagine

Speaker 103274.22s - 3279.94s

rugby did. That's what Pete Carroll PERSON did last time. I imagine that like also a lot of this will result

Speaker 113279.94s - 3289.04s

in, um, you're still dropping your hips. You're just not swiveling, and folding your own legs underneath you as an element of tackling,

Speaker 103289.2s - 3301.66s

which does not strike me as necessarily safer for the ball carrier, but certainly seems like it could cause potentially more injuries for the defender. Like I think that the unexpected consequences of this could potentially be somewhat alarming.

Speaker 03302.72s - 3305.92s

Like, you still have to drag the defender down.

Speaker 103306.14s - 3318.22s

And now you have to do it in a way that's a little bit unnatural. And if you're doing it in a way that increases, like, drag against the turf, I don't know. I don't know that that's necessarily better for the ball carrier.

Speaker 23318.22s - 3328.98s

I will say to put a bull on this as we wrap, I was equally skeptical about the body weight on the quarterback rule after the Anthony Barr on Rogers PERSON thing.

Speaker 103329.04s - 3335.46s

I still hate it. But you know what? I feel like the players actually get it. You're wrong, Sam PERSON. I don't know what you're about to say, but you're wrong.

Speaker 23336.04s - 3343.68s

I think, but haven't you noticed that the players are very good at when they hit the quarterback, they roll off immediately.

Speaker 63344.3s - 3347.8s

They seem to have looked that and learned that very well.

Speaker 23348.06s - 3351.1s

Incincy was like the prime example of that.

Speaker 63351.26s - 3356.96s

I will say that players have demonstrated that they are remarkable athletes

Speaker 23356.96s - 3361.76s

and their ability to adjust midair in split second to those kinds of things.

Speaker 103362.36s - 3443.84s

And yeah, it is possible. But first of all, they still get called for it even when they make incredible plays to try and not drop their weight on a quarterback. They still get called for it. It's a bad penalty in that case.But like second, the fact that we have seen players pull up in situations where they really should not have is a product of that rule. Of course. And that sucks.That's bad football. And we've seen so many plays taken away. Like, yeah, we've seen some players, particularly people like DeNeil Hunter and Chris Jones PERSON. I remember had a really fantastic one. Michael Parsons PERSON. And I'm remembering the best players because they produce the bestplays. But I don't want to punish a guy that does not have that skill that still did the job of getting to the quarterback, did it on time, and did as much as he could to fit within the confines of the rule. Plus also, hey, one of the adjustments to this rule is swiveling, is gator tackling, right? Is rotating to generate more torque?That's one of the adjustments to the body weight rule. And it feels like some of those tackles are hip drop tackles. And now we're taking that awayfrom them too? I don't like it. If we could trade,

Speaker 03443.84s - 3453.66s

if we got, if we got rid of the body weight rule and kept the hip drop rule, I actually, I would take that trade. But I still hate that rule.

Speaker 103466.68s - 3473.5s

Small consolation replay assistant can now review certain types of penalties for illegal hits if it's objective. So if someone gets called for a roughing and they did not make contact with the helmet of the quarterback that can now be corrected, which is a win because those are, there's

Speaker 23473.5s - 3476.62s

nothing more maddening than a clean sack getting flagged.

Speaker 03477.04s - 3481.9s

But overall, this is probably a net negative for the league. That was fun.

Speaker 23482.06s - 3507.3s

We'll go live again on Thursday. We'll have more to debate and talk about. Luke Gnman of Lockdown Sports Minnesota ORG doing the postcasts for every single Minnesota sports event, including the Minnesota Twins starting up this week. Luke Braun, Locked on Vikings, Arifasan PERSON, wide left. If you haven't read it yet, go check out his piece on the draft network from last Wednesday.And I'm Sam Ekstrom of Lockdown Sports, Minnesota GPE. Thanks to the chat. You guys rock.

Speaker 03508.3s - 3519.54s

Thanks for all the questions. And subscribe to the channel, please. Lockdown Sports Minnesota on YouTube ORG. Listen to us, the Lockdown Vikings ORG audio feed wherever you get your podcast. Talk to you on Thursday here on the Minnesota GPE football party. Later.

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