What Dallas Turner Changes For The Minnesota Vikings, With Locked On Bama

What Dallas Turner Changes For The Minnesota Vikings, With Locked On Bama

by Locked On Podcast Network, Luke Braun

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33:50 minutes

published 25 days ago

American English

Speaker 20s - 15.82s

It's the Lockdown Podcast Network, your team every day. What Dallas Turner brings to the Minnesota Vikings ORG from the guy that covered him for his whole college career,

Speaker 115.94s - 19.42s

it's Locked-on Bama, Locked-on Vikings crossover here on the Lockdown Podcast Network ORG.

Speaker 024.96s - 34.82s

You are Locked-on Vikings, your daily Minnesota Vikings ORG podcast, part of the Locked-on Podcast Network, your team every day.

Speaker 135.28s - 145.14s

What's up, what's up, what's up, everybody? Welcome to the Locked-On Vikings podcast where we're always trying to learn something new. It's part of the Locked-on Podcast Network, your team every day. As always, thank you so much to my hashtag every day. Or does those of you who are hanging out with me throughout this whole weird sort of slowdown time here on Lockdown Vikings ORG while I'm out of town.airing pre-recorded podcasts, I appreciate you all so very much for hanging out. If you are new here, hello and welcome. This is usually a daily podcast that you can find wherever you find your favorite podcasts. You can find it on any podcasting app like Series XM or wherever else you listen to shows, as well as YouTube and Amazon Fire and Roku PRODUCT. Just download the Lockdown Minnesota Sports ORG app.Today's episode is brought to you by Fanduil ORG, make every moment more. Right now, new customers get $150 in bonus bets with any winning $5 bet. It's $150 with any winning $5 bet. Visit fendool.com ORG slash locked on to get started. So today on the show, as I mentioned, this is a pre-recorded podcast.I am recording it in the first bit of May. So if there is any major news that you're wishing for me to cover and I'm not getting to, we'll get to it when I am back, which will be, I think, Monday the, I think it's the 20th. So circle back for that. But for now, it gives us this nice moment of peace.We're not, like, immediately distracted by the next piece of red meat. And that means that we can sort of slow down, talk to people, and really take in the two new major Vikings ORG that join in the draft in J.J. McCarthy and Dallas Turner. Today, we're talking about Dallas Turner. Big long interview with Locked-on-Bama's Luke Robinson PERSON.We talked about the other Bama guys, well, Will Rikard PERSON. So without further ado, here he is Luke Robinson of Locked-on-Bama ORG. All right, welcoming in Luke Robinson of Locked on Bama ORG. A couple of Luke's here talking about Dallas Turner, maybe a little bit of Will Rikard PERSON later. Hey, man, thanks for coming on.

Speaker 2145.72s - 161.54s

Happy to be here. And look, just always thrilled to talk about Alabama GPE players going on with the pros. I love watching them get better and develop. And it's always been something that I've truly enjoyed. I don't really have an NFL ORG team. I just have an NFL team that's got Bama ORG dudes on it.

Speaker 1162.04s - 171.26s

There you go. Who has the most Bama ORG, right? Because the Vikings, we just talked about this before we started. The Vikings had no Crimson Tide until this draft. Phil team that's got Bama ORG dudes on it. There you go. Who has the most Bama, right? Because the Vikings ORG, we just talked about this before we started. The Vikings had no Crimson Tide ORG until this draft. Now they got two.

Speaker 2172.14s - 175.36s

Boy, it's hard. I mean, I used to be able to tell you right off the bat. That's why I grew up with Dolphins ORG fan.

Speaker 1180.1s - 181.04s

They used to have like Bob Baumhauer, Tony Nathan PERSON, and, you know, people like that, right?

Speaker 2186.22s - 190.08s

But I'd say Philadelphia, that'd be my guess, my stab at it, but I'm not 100% sure. Philadelphia's got a lot of Bama dudes. And we include Jalen Hertz in that, by the way.

Speaker 0194.08s - 194.52s

I know that he ended his career at Oklahoma, but he did get a degree from Alabama GPE.

Speaker 2198.52s - 207.62s

I think he would consider himself a Bama guy. He went to Oklahoma ORG out of necessity. He didn't go because he was unhappy with the Crimson Tide ORG. I think that he went out literally out of necessity. I mean, two at Tungle ORG by a low was the better quarterback.

Speaker 0209.78s - 210.52s

I don't think anybody would speak this, especially in college.

Speaker 2214.46s - 227s

And, um, but they have, you know, do they have Devonte Smith PERSON over there? I mean, he's a legend. So they, they've got three or four other ones too. Landon Dickerson PERSON comes to mind. Um, Josh Job PERSON. And I, boy, I can't, it's hard to rattle them all off now. Nick Saban PERSON spoiled us.

Speaker 1227.56s - 237s

I got it. So I looked it up, and you are correct. There's seven Crimson Tide on the Eagles ORG. You also got Eli Ricks, Terrell Lewis, and Tyler Steen PERSON.

Speaker 2237.74s - 249.5s

Oh, wow. I can't believe it. I forgot about Lewis PERSON because he, man, I'm going to tell you, that guy is, he, you talk about looks like Tarzan PERSON. Now look, usually you play that plays like Jane PERSON. He doesn't play like Jane PERSON.He just looked like.

Speaker 1250.5s - 257.3s

And then you got five in Cleveland with Jerry Judo, Judy and Amari Cooper PERSON, Dalvin Tomlinson, Jendrick Wills, Tony Brown PERSON.

Speaker 2257.76s - 263.56s

Yeah, that's, it's funny because Tony Brown's sort of a journeyman and Jerry PERSON, Judy PERSON just got traded over there.

Speaker 1263.66s - 296.06s

And Amari Cooper was just traded there the year before. And Amari Cooper also a legend. I mean, Alabama's had a nice runner wide receivers. Yeah. So here's, I'll tell you, I'm not a big college football guy. I get involved with that. I start, you know, catching up with guys around when draft season starts. And then by the time the draft happens, I pretty much put it away. So I'm not super well versed in the world of Alabama. And I didn't really get to know Dallas Turner until like two weeks ago. So as a sort of fresh set of eyes to this, what do I need to know about Dallas Turner that I can't find by like the cursory Googling that one would do in their first

Speaker 2296.06s - 304.74s

starting to research somebody? Yeah, first of all, yeah, I wouldn't expect y'all would even have had a thought Dallas Turner would end up there, right? I mean, every. Yeah, no, I was thinking,

Speaker 1304.74s - 308.76s

like it's a bear maybe, maybe the Falcons ORG take him. You're thinking top 10 for that guy.

Speaker 2309.16s - 311.12s

Everybody had him going eight to the Falcons ORG.

Speaker 1311.46s - 312.38s

That made them all the sense.

Speaker 2312.8s - 314.62s

I mean, the Falcons ORG went way off the reservation.

Speaker 1315.08s - 317.74s

And you guys should probably dislike the Falcons ORG, right?

Speaker 2317.8s - 322.16s

Didn't they knock y'all out of the plate, out of the Super Bowl EVENT when they went the Super Bowl?

Speaker 1322.36s - 324.18s

When I was a kid, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2325.44s - 326.5s

That's been forgiven.

Speaker 1327.08s - 333.48s

I think because of what the Saints did about a decade later, the Falcons ORG, you know,

Speaker 2333.48s - 338.42s

the Vikings and Falcons ORG have gotten together. And then the Vikings did their Minneapolis miracle to the Saints and the Falcons ORG are.

Speaker 0338.66s - 343.22s

So there's a camaraderie there. But now, now Kirk Cousins PERSON is over there and stuff.

Speaker 1343.4s - 345.34s

So that had just been pretty buried.

Speaker 2346.06s - 353.78s

I got you. But, you know, going back to Dallas Turner, when my co-host Jimmy Stein PERSON and I have a,

Speaker 1354.34s - 361.64s

some terminology for some Bama guys. We call them safe. Some of them are Sabin bots, meaning they're

Speaker 2361.64s - 366.7s

like Sabin robots on the show, right? I think Dallas Turner is,

Speaker 0366.82s - 368.06s

if he's not a Sabin body,

Speaker 2368.06s - 377.3s

he's really close. First of all, he's a good dude. You don't think of your, you don't necessarily want your defensive end. You don't think of them as...

Speaker 1377.3s - 378.86s

You don't want kind eyes on that guy,

Speaker 2378.94s - 387.04s

huh? Yeah. You don't want them to be kind or you don't think of them as being the most intellectual. That may be, you know, a stereotype, whatever.

Speaker 0387.34s - 391.16s

But you want to be mean and vicious and just see ball, get ball kind of guy, right?

Speaker 1391.84s - 394.08s

But Dallas Turner, he is that guy.

Speaker 0394.5s - 402.72s

And in fact, I would say, if anything, a lot of Alabama GPE rivals thought he played almost past the whistle, which I think was a problem.

Speaker 2402.94s - 404.18s

I don't agree with that.

Speaker 0404.3s - 405.3s

I personally don't. But I don't like it. Because Dallas I think was a problem. I don't agree with that. I personally don't.

Speaker 2405.84s - 406.96s

But I don't like it.

Speaker 0407.3s - 413.42s

Because Dallas Turner also is a good dude, you're going to love him. His dad, his parents got great parents.

Speaker 2414.7s - 425.46s

And I think that's something, you know, a lot of times that really helps somebody grow into being a great person. Dallas Turner has been investing his NIO money. He has not been spending his

Speaker 1425.46s - 432.4s

NIO. Oh, okay. So he's smart. Oh, his dad was a wealth manager for a while. His dad was a super athlete

Speaker 2432.4s - 440.32s

for, I think it was, it was one of the Florida schools like Florida A&M, one of the historically black

Speaker 1440.32s - 445.14s

colleges and universities, I think something like that. And he held the all-time scoring

Speaker 2445.14s - 461.96s

lead for a while. But his dad was a wealth manager. He played some professional basketball, I believe, but also a football player. And so that is sort of like Dallas Turner, he's got this long reach. He's got sort of a basketball build about him. Yeah. He's a lot like Will Anderson PERSON.

Speaker 1462.2s - 465.48s

Will Anderson, who went to the Texans last year,

Speaker 2468.44s - 479.72s

defensive rookie of the year, just a superstar. I mean, Will Anderson PERSON's going to be a problem. And I think Dallas Turner is too. If I were ranking them, I would rank Will Anderson PERSON ahead. There are a lot of people who disagree with me.

Speaker 1481.72s - 484.46s

He went third overall, so it makes sense. Yeah, I'm a big Will Anderson PERSON fan.

Speaker 2484.58s - 519.18s

Will Anderson also from a great family has like four or five sisters that help raise him. I mean, he's got great parents too, but like it's just weird. He was the only son and he grew up to this menace. But Dallas Turner is sort of the same way. I mean, he is a menace. And he gets after the ball.And again, I know in the end, if you're a Vikings ORG fan, what you really want is you want a mean football player. Okay, you got that. Yeah. But also understand you got somebody that I think is going to represent your community and your whole institution very well. That's all really exciting.

Speaker 1519.5s - 667.36s

I want to ask a little bit more detail about like what that means on the field. Really excited to get a guy that, you know, is going to be able to represent the Vikings ORG well. He's already showed up with a lot of swagger. He's sort of been taken over the room. Everybody loves it. But I want to ask a little bit more about the on the field, a little bit of detail.So we're going to get to that next. Today's episode of Lockdown Vikings is brought to you by Fanduel, America's number one sports book. You can find anything there if you want to ramble on some sports, whether it's an NFL ORG future, like division odds. The Vikings are plus 250 something of Fanduel right now or even like Rookie of the Year futures. Dallas Turner favored to be defensive rookie of the year. Or you can go gamble on a baseball game, whatever else you want to find.And right now you can get $150 in bonus bets, win or lose if you visit fandwell.com ORG slash locked on and sign up there. So if you are new and sign up at fandwell.com ORG slash locked on, you can get $150 in bonus bets back from your first bet, no matter what it is and whether or not it wins or loses.Just free gambling money. So go claim it on Fanduel, America's number one sports book. Thanks so much for making Lockdown Vikings your first listen of the day. When you're done here, if you want more Minnesota Sports Talk ORG, go to Lockdown, Minnesota Sports. You can find a 24-7 streaming channel that is all Minnesota GPE sports all the time over there on thatYouTube channel. So go assault your ears with Minnesota Sports ORG talk. A lot of going on in Minnesota GPE sports right now. We've got this draft. We've got, you know, twin seasons just kicking up. Timberwell PERSON's in the playoffs, obviously.But here in Minnesota in football land, we are looking forward to Dallas Turner, potentially becoming the premier edge rusher on the Vikings ORG. And that's a kind of hard ask because they signed, they spent the most money by far at edge rusher in free agency. They got two guys, Jonathan Granard and Andrew Van Ginkle PERSON, that are very much slated to be like the starters.And then they add a third guy into the mix with Dallas Turner. Those guys will, of course, compete for reps and all that stuff. But in Alabama, I know Nick Saban PERSON does a lot of rotation. So when I'm watching Bama tape, you know, I'm like fast forwarding through several drives in a row going where's 15. So at Alabama GPE, was he the guy, you know, the edge rusher? Or is it more of a of a dirty workrole sometimes?

Speaker 2668.28s - 672.6s

A little bit of both. I mean, he was really the edge rusher, though. He's SEC defensive player of the year.

Speaker 1673.76s - 678.52s

And he could have made the argument for it probably the previous year if there weren't

Speaker 2678.52s - 684.94s

a Will Anderson PERSON. So, I mean, the fact that Alabama had Will Anderson and Dallas Turner on the same squad is ridiculous.

Speaker 1685.96s - 687.66s

Yeah, they kind of always doing that.

Speaker 2688.16s - 719.38s

Yeah, I mean, but they, I mean, this particular bunch, and look, I grew up in an age of, I grew up in an age with Derek Thomas PERSON. And so, you know, for me, Derek Thomas may be my, despite how many people Sabin has had that had been awesome, like Will Anderson, like Dallas Turner. Mari Cooper, Jerry, Judy, Devante Smith PERSON on down the list. Derek Thomas PERSON may be my favorite player of all time. I mean, people, your age may not know this. He had 27 sacks in one season.And that was before you played 15 games in a year. That was when you played 12 games in a year.

Speaker 0719.38s - 721.9s

That's just unbelievable.

Speaker 2723.26s - 742.52s

But I would say Will Anderson and Dallas Turner, probably in that order, have been the scariest pass rushers for the Crimson Tides since Derek Thomas PERSON. Now, there have been some good pass rushers, but those two back to back have been the scariest pass rushers.

Speaker 1742.72s - 753.66s

What do you mean by scary? Because you said that a couple times like imposing scary. There's guys that are that are a threat that are, okay, we got a game plan for this guy. But it feels like you're going at something a little more horror movie. What do you mean by that?

Speaker 2753.94s - 757.46s

Because I don't think you could. There's not anything you can do.

Speaker 1758.16s - 762.8s

Because you can, you think, okay, he's going to, he's going to try and bull rush us.

Speaker 2762.8s - 780.7s

We're going to have a plan for that. He can. But he's also quick twitch. I mean, Dallas Turner is quick as a hiccup. He can just outrun a phone call. He's just quick around the edge.You just don't see him coming. He doesn't quit. He's relentless like some kind of killer in a horror movie.

Speaker 1782.32s - 782.52s

He does not stop.

Speaker 0784.68s - 785.66s

Again, watch a lot of his tape. And again, if you want to watch

Speaker 2785.66s - 791.8s

some tape that you go, okay, I want to know why you think he's scary. Go see last year's LSU ORG game.

Speaker 0792.62s - 797.1s

Alabama was playing LSU, Jaden Daniels, Jaden Daniels, who was the number two picking this draft.

Speaker 2797.1s - 836.82s

He's a great player. I love him a lot. And LSU as Malik neighbors and Brian Thomas PERSON, they were also drafted here very early. And LSU was just going toe for toe for Alabama GPE, right? To a toe for toe with Alabama GPE, right? And Dallas Turner ends up making a sack towards near the end, not there was the end of the game, but it like sealed the deal because it ended up, I think he also batted a pass that ended up being intercepted by Bama ORG that sort ofmade it out of reach for LSU ORG. But the sack he had on Jane Daniels PERSON, which was, you know, some people called it dirty. I think he actually got called for intentional, you know, what do you call?

Speaker 1837.12s - 837.58s


Speaker 2837.84s - 839.52s

Very roughness, unnecessary roughness.

Speaker 1839.76s - 841.68s

Not the one that gets him thrown out.

Speaker 2842.02s - 849.48s

It didn't get him thrown out, but it was. Frankly, I didn't think it was in this. I just thought it was, you know, look, 10 years ago, it would have been what you call.

Speaker 1849.48s - 856.12s

Yeah, you get these flags that are hit too hard kind of stuff where you hear the noise and you just instinctually throw it out even though no rules got broken.

Speaker 2856.38s - 858.58s

Yeah, they are protecting the quarterback now a little bit.

Speaker 1858.82s - 859.02s


Speaker 2859.44s - 875s

It's one of those things that it changed the game because now, Jane Daniels PERSON, I think, ended up coming back in the game. You had to go out for a minute, but it changed the game because it instilled fear in LSU a little bit. Now, it also took out their best quarterback for a minute, but it really did change the game.

Speaker 0875s - 880.4s

And Dallas Turner also had, you know, he's the unfortunate guy that every night

Speaker 2880.4s - 894.42s

again, he would be after somebody so quickly and he puts his hand out, he might grab a face mask. He did that against Ole Miss a couple of years ago. And it ended up being a horrible looking face mask. It looked like it was just a god-offless thing. But his hand got caught

Speaker 1894.42s - 898.8s

in the face mask and it jerked his thing. Yeah, you put your hands at you grab what you grab. I definitely

Speaker 2898.8s - 908.32s

understand that. What I'm saying, though, is when you have things like that, no matter how unfortunate they are, no matter how unintentional they are, they become associated with you and they stick to you

Speaker 0908.32s - 916.7s

in your reputation. And now you're a dirty player. You're thought of as a dirty player. He's not a dirty player. Just trust me on that. He is a dude that will get after your tail.

Speaker 2917.46s - 928.26s

And I really think you guys are going to love. And I think about the Vikings ORG and the division that they're in, right? And the bears are going to be having a new quarterback. Yeah, Jordan Love PERSON is pretty good.

Speaker 1928.26s - 933.1s

Gordon Love PERSON running around. Caleb Williams running around. You're going to need some relentlessness to chase those guys down.

Speaker 2933.1s - 933.92s

And you're going to need somebody fast.

Speaker 1934.34s - 962.68s

And that's Dallis Turner PERSON. So that's the other thing. Speaking of that speed, there's a versatility to this as well. He would line up on, you know, Five Tech ORG. He'd line up on the inside. He would loop around.He would back off into coverage a lot. This is something that's really important to Brian Flores and what the Vikings ORG do on defense. He does not want these guys hands in the dirt against the same tackle all day long. He's moving them around. So that versatility, that work out for Dallas Turner, or was it one of those things where you're like, man, I kind of wish he just rushed against the tackle all day.What are we getting cute?

Speaker 2963.58s - 980s

Well, that's why I loved when, I mean, some people always thought that Nick Sabin's kryptonite was a mobile quarterback. That's only true if you're a mobile quarterback like Johnny Mansell in college or Cam Newton in college or somebody like that. Yeah.

Speaker 1980.28s - 982.76s

You can extend the play forever and then the match.

Speaker 2982.76s - 990.22s

Correct. Yeah, yeah. By the way, those two guys won the husband trophy. So, I mean, you can't just be a mobile quarterback and be a dude.

Speaker 1990.22s - 991.68s

You've got to be the man.

Speaker 2992.42s - 1026.46s

But Dallas Turner is the perfect, perfect player to take on these kind of mobile quarterbacks. He's also very instinctual. He's also very smart. He is willing to learn. When you play as early as he did in Alabama GPE's defense, and Alabama's defense under Sabin was quite complicated.And you do have to be versatile. And it's also you have to keep your ego in check because, you know, I know that when you go to Alabama these past 16 years, a lot of places most of the time before you got to Bamar GPE, right? You were the guy. Like nobody could touch you. For sure. Yeah. When you get in Tuscaloosa, there's a lot of places most of the time before you got to Bama ORG, right? You were the guy. Like, nobody could touch you.For sure.

Speaker 11026.84s - 1030.58s

Yeah. When you get in Tuscaloosa GPE, there's a lot of guys just like you.

Speaker 01031.02s - 1035.42s

And so you have to, there were guys that couldn't handle. Oh my God, I'm not the guy anymore.

Speaker 21035.86s - 1047.92s

But if they ever could figure out where they fit in the system and accept it, they could excel because then they had so much help that was around them. You think it's so easy to coach all these five stars. It's just like it's, oh, it should be so easy. You're managing

Speaker 11047.92s - 1052.36s

egos. That's part of the job. Yeah. Managing egos is the toughest part of the job when you're a

Speaker 21052.36s - 1103.2s

talented team. You know, it's because look at the NFL when a team wins a Super Bowl EVENT, what happens? Everybody raids them for their free agents, right? And but because you don't have them long. So, but in college, before all this transfer portal stuff, you might have had a lot of five stars on your team. And you've got to be able to stroke all these egos. You've got to be able to tap into what makes these guys tick.You didn't have to really do that with Dallas Turner. He never, you never had to reach him. You never had to wait for the light to turn on. The light was on when he got there. And he was ready to learn. He was ready to rock.And the dudes that were like that, the other guys, that's why I know he's going to be successful at Minnesota. The other guys who were like that were Julio Jones and Amari Cooper to O'Tungalawa PERSON. They already knew we're the dude. We just need to, when we get out there, we're going to make it happen. And that's what they did. That is so interesting because I hear about that a lot, too,

Speaker 11103.2s - 1124.8s

from the world of going from college to the NFL ORG, especially if you were the dude in high school and then you were the one that humbled everybody else when you got to college because they were all bound down to you. And then you get to the NFL ORG and everybody's like that and you like experience it for the first time, which I think is why, you know, especially these big schools. I mean, look, they got the best players, but also like that can be a helpful thing of like, okay, yeah, I've like been humbled already.

Speaker 01124.8s - 1139.08s

I know how to like be a cog in a greater machine. And like in the tape that I've watched, I've definitely seen what I would call like unselfish plays, like just being able to kind of say, okay, I'm just going to run contain here. And this is someone else's sack. And there's,

Speaker 21139.08s - 1147.68s

there's a maturity to that. And you know this from watching a lot of NFL ORG. A lot of times your defensive scheme is going to be something that funnels. Yeah.

Speaker 11147.82s - 1159.2s

Offensive player to another tackle. And you get no stats for that. Okay. Right. Like if you're the edge doing box fits, you're just, you're, you're, you're just containing. You just see gap contain and that run is never going to come to you. And then you've done

Speaker 21159.2s - 1164s

your job. And somebody else gets the glory. But it's a lot like an offensive line. I mean,

Speaker 11164s - 1167.18s

I know they keep track with pancake blocks and blah, blah, blah.

Speaker 21167.6s - 1167.62s


Speaker 11167.62s - 1170.7s

You never talk about O line until they mess up, yeah.

Speaker 21171.08s - 1180.84s

And for whatever reason, a lot of people don't think you're a great defensive line unless you have X amount of sacks. Well, Dallas Turner had X amount of sacks, plus he knew how to funnel somebody

Speaker 11180.84s - 1185.34s

to wherever they need to be for the other guy to make the time. Yeah, like that understanding. Yeah, that like that understanding.

Speaker 21186.22s - 1188.78s

Yeah, that's the smart stuff you're talking about.

Speaker 11189.4s - 1280.1s

Man, I could sit here and talk ball with you all day, but I do want to make sure that we get a little bit of time in to talk about the kicker. Will Riker PERSON and tell me, tell me the ballot of the kicker. There's always a great story there. So that'll be next. Today's episode of Lockdown Vikings is brought to you by Monopoly Go PRODUCT,the hit twist on classic Monopoly PRODUCT, where you can be as friendly or unfriendly with your friends as you want. You can download it free at the app store or Google Play ORG, and you can get into hyper-competitive games of Monopoly PRODUCT, just like you used to play at home, where you can destroy your friends' properties with a wrecking ball.You can also steal all their money in a bank heist. So that's pretty fun. Or you can work together and try to build each other up in team challenges as well. So find whatever you want to do at Monopoly Go PRODUCT. Once again, you can download that for free on Google Play or the App Store ORG. Come on right back in here to the Lockdown Vikings ORG podcast.Talking to Lockdown Bama right now talking to Luke Robinson PERSON, who spent many five years watching Will Reichard PERSON kick field goals, had a, I don't think get a single miss in his second season, and then spent three years as around like a high, or a mid- 80% kicker. And some really clutch moments, right?So, I mean, here's, I'll give you the preface. I'm not a big fan of drafting kickers. There's just a value conversation that's not particularly interesting to the people who cover the college game, I don't think.

Speaker 01281.18s - 1287.86s

But the idea of him is, you know kicking under the lights right the pressure constantly

Speaker 11287.86s - 1305.66s

because it's it's bama GPE and you're in playoff games and you're in bowl games and you're in uh you know conference championships and all that so like evaluating kickers is tough it's like did you make it did you miss it it's kind of binary but with kickers there's always a story so what is the story of

Speaker 21305.66s - 1312.5s

Will Riker? First of all, Will Riker is the all-time leading score in the NCAA ORG. That's huge.

Speaker 11312.76s - 1330.92s

Okay. That is, look, when you hear about, again, you talk about stories, there's always some kicker or so that was on a team like Iowa that's not great at, you know, scoring touchdowns, but they kick a lot of field goals or whatever. And that guy is the all-time lead to score. So that's a little bit deceptive.

Speaker 21331.16s - 1358.16s

You would almost think that Will Reicherts PERSON would be deceptive because he plays for Alabama and they score a lot of points. And so he naturally gets to kick a lot of extra points, kick a lot of field goals, whatever. But I think it goes a little bit further than that. Alabama GPE's history with kickers is not great. Okay.Again, I grew up at a time of Van Tiffin and Philip Doyle, NFL ORG diehards may know those names. But went over my head.

Speaker 11358.28s - 1361.08s

I'm either too young or didn't pay attention to kickers early enough.

Speaker 21361.08s - 1448.44s

Well, then there was a string in Nick Saban's time where it's like Alabama GPE just couldn't get the kicker to do it right. I mean, very famously, the kick six, Alabama against Auburn and the Iron Bowl EVENT, kept Auburn, Alabama from winning its third straight national championship, which they would have done had they won that game. And if they'd had a kicker, they would have won it.And they just didn't. And it just blew up in their face. And I think that sort of changed a little bit about the way Nick Saban PERSON recruited kickers. And very fortunately, Alabama GPE had a couple of dudes that come through and from the state of Alabama GPE. Will Reichert PERSON is one of those guys.He's from Hoover, Alabama GPE. He's got to be one of the all-time leading scores in HSA ORG history, which is Alabama High School Athletic Association. Just a fabulous kicker in high school. Now, he got hurt early in his career, ironically punting because Alabama GPE needed him to punt at the time.Now, he was kicking too, but it really hurt the tide. But he came back from that. He was going to test the waters in the draft last year. He ended up coming back to Alabama another year. He's married. So that, again, for some people that may not mean anything, I think it shows stability and it shows maturity.And he is a guy that has, like you said, there is probably no more pressure position in this state, which is a college football diehard state, probably more so anywhere else.

Speaker 11448.56s - 1449.5s

It's religion, yeah.

Speaker 21450.4s - 1460.86s

It's the two most pressure-packed positions to me are the quarterback at Alabama GPE and the kicker at Alabama GPE. Okay. We've had a lot of great running backs, and Auburn ORG's had a lot of great players, too.

Speaker 01460.92s - 1463.82s

I'm not trying to diss them. I'd love to, but I'm not.

Speaker 21463.84s - 1511.26s

a lot of great players too. I'm not trying to diss them. I'd love to, but I'm not. But I think because Alabama has been burned by a kicker so many times, even last year, Will Reichert against Tennessee, Bryce Young gets us in a position to essentially kick a field goal to probably win the game, and Reichert misses like a 49-yarder, which is something he usually makes routinely. He just, that game he missed it, okay? Well, he came back this year just with a vengeance. He ends up being the all-time lead score in NCAA ORG history.He kicks big kicks in the SEC ORG championship game. He really kicked a lot, big kicks in the Iron Bowl against Auburn ORG. He did a lot of great things. And he is, again, he can punn if you need him. I think that is incredibly important in the NFL because you have the limited roster positions.

Speaker 11511.78s - 1515s

Yeah, you don't see a lot of that, but sure, you know, somebody gets hurt.

Speaker 21515.56s - 1519.6s

Hey, look, if your punter gets hurt and you don't have another punter, you've got a problem.

Speaker 11520.24s - 1522.28s

Yeah, you're going forward on fourth downs all of a sudden.

Speaker 21522.52s - 1557.8s

Yeah, all of a sudden. So I think you're going to love Will Reichert PERSON. He is a good dude. He's buttoned up. He's smart. He's played under the limelight for a while now.So I don't think any of the bright lights of the NFL ORG are going to scare him or nothing like that. I think you're going to like Will Reichert PERSON a lot. I mean, again, I've been bragging on Dallas Turner a lot. But I'm going to tell you, Will Reichert PERSON may go down as one of your favorites because it, field goal kicking to me in the NFL is more important. You know, if you've ever, you know, and I know Fanduil ORG is one of our sponsors, right? If you've ever gambled on NFL ORG football, you know it always comes down to a field goal.

Speaker 11558.04s - 1561.26s

It always does. Right. You're always two and a half points off. Yeah.

Speaker 21561.52s - 1567.14s

It's always does. So we need a kicker. And I think Will Ryker PERSON, it's going to make you guys very, very happy.

Speaker 11567.98s - 1581.62s

That would be music to Vikings ORG fans' ears. I don't know how familiar you are with our lore. But there's the Falcons ORG game you were talking about earlier. Very famous missed kick there. Very famous missed kick from Blair Walsh, about a decade ago.

Speaker 21581.62s - 1584.14s

Oh, it was in the cold, right?

Speaker 11584.3s - 1585.5s

In the cold? In the cold. In the cold?

Speaker 21585.5s - 1588.7s

In the stadium before you got the new and built?

Speaker 11589.28s - 1590.84s

Yeah, and we were in the Gopher Stadium FAC.

Speaker 21591.04s - 1591.32s

That's right.

Speaker 11591.38s - 1637.74s

The University ORG, yeah. And then you can even go back to the 70s, and there's a couple of playoff games against San Francisco that have multiple missed kicks from Fred Cox that you can get the old guys all worked up about. So there's a long history, we'll say, of kicking woes.So if that, if he were the guy, he were, you know, the Sebastian Janikowski PERSON type, you know, 15 years, he's our kicker. That would be quite the salve to a lot of very upset people. But let's talk a little more nitty gritty. So he's got a big leg, is it long kicks? So is this guy, I mean, is he like, is the cell of him, you know, good from 50 plus?Or is there like a range that he struggles more with? Is there, you know, on the hash, inside the hash? Like, is there any pattern like that that you have happened to pick up over the years?

Speaker 21638.14s - 1698.58s

No, I think he's got every kick. And, I mean, look, if he had to kick a 54-yarder in college, I would have felt good. I mean, you know, better than 75%. That's how I would have felt. You know, you're always nervous in college specifically. But I think that, you know, and in the pros, now they're making routine 58-yarders.I mean, which is bananas. I mean, that's not human. Yeah. So does he have that strong of a leg? I guess we'll see. And I guess he can develop it,but he was never really called upon to kick one that long at Alabama GPE. So I'm not going to say that he can or can't. I would feel good about it. If you told me, hey, he's got to make a 58-yard to win this game, I'd say, okay, I'd put my money on Will Reichert PERSON. I think he's up much. I don't think it matters which side of the field he's on.I think all that's fine. And, you know, again, I think you can't discount the magnitude that what it takes.

Speaker 11698.58s - 1699.34s

Yeah, the mental.

Speaker 21700.22s - 1705.5s

I mean, it is a stressful position because it's cost us so many times.

Speaker 11706s - 1719.92s

And look, it's like the Wade Boggs PERSON effect, right? You can do all these great things. And then all of a sudden, you let one ball roll through your legs and nobody else or let you forget it. And if you. Blair, well, good kicker for four years, missed one from 27.His whole career fell apart.

Speaker 21720.24s - 1722s

And by the way, he was a Georgia guy too.

Speaker 11722.1s - 1736.6s

So, I mean, he's from the south from Southeast Conference ORG. So I think Will Riker PERSON can help avenge him. And, you know, bro, did Blair Walsh PERSON, you ever even get over that, like, in terms of his career? I don't know they did. No. So they didn't cut him that year.They cut him in the middle of the next season.

Speaker 21736.72s - 1755.54s

He just was a total disaster, total head case. He bounced around a little bit and then pretty much fell apart. Yeah. And again, you know, kickers are like that. I don't think Will Ruggers PERSON is going to be that dude because, again, I'm, I know it's a negative on the short front, on the short side.But if you think about, he misses the kick against Tennessee ORG, right?

Speaker 01756.08s - 1759.98s

And like it caused Alabama GPE not to play for a national championship in the end.

Speaker 21760.96s - 1786.66s

They, you know, they did end up going 10 and 2. They had a great year. They blew out Kansas State ORG. Bryce Young PERSON was a quarterback for that team. And he didn't fall apart. He didn't fall apart.He kept playing through it. And he came back. And in my opinion, he should have won the Luke Grozo Award for Best College Kicker this year. But instead, it went to the kicker from Miami GPE of Ohio, who, incidentally, just transferred to Alabama GPE.There you go. Perfect. So, okay, one last one on the kicker from Miami of Ohio, who, incidentally, just transferred to Alabama GPE. There you go. Perfect.

Speaker 11787.18s - 1801.16s

So, okay, one last one on the kicker, and then we can wrap things out. Give me, what's the Will Reichard PERSON kick? What's, like, give me the one kick that, like, is, when you think about his legacy in Alabama GPE, that's, what's the one you picture? Wow.

Speaker 21802.04s - 1818.94s

Okay. This one's not going to mean as much to y'all. It's going to mean a lot to me. I remember a kick in the Iron Bowl, a couple, 2021, where we're playing in Jordan Hare Stadium FAC. For those who don't know about Alabama- Auburn rivalry, think Minnesota, Chicago, Minnesota, Green Bay.

Speaker 11825.1s - 1825.46s

Oh, yeah. Ancient hatred. Yeah. It is. And we- It's not the same as college in the Midwest. I think it's different down south. Yeah. It is, and we... It's not the same as college in the Midwest.

Speaker 21826.86s - 1827s

I think it's different down south.

Speaker 11827.1s - 1827.28s


Speaker 21827.92s - 1853.4s

Yeah, it is, I mean, like, you all don't understand, like, this is our thing. And I know y'all love the Vikings ORG,but y'all love the T. Wolves ORG. Y'all love on that. We don't have any of that pro-st-st-up. We got colleges. And you either went to Alabama or Auburn ORG. And if you didn't,you know, they call you sidewalk alums and all this other stuff. But we have a, we have a bad history of choking or screwing up a game in Jordan Hare Stadium FAC, which is where Auburn ORG plays, right?

Speaker 01853.4s - 1858.1s

I always say, the stadium is out of the bones of dead unicorns and leprechauns.

Speaker 21858.42s - 1894.96s

I mean, because it's like, it's like the structural steel is all horseshoes. It's unbelievable. But Will Riker PERSON made a kick that we had. He actually made two in that game, one in overtime, one in the regular period, where we had to have them. And it was just perfect for him to miss them.I mean, it was all set up for that to be the lucky moment that Auburn ORG got. And instead, he made them both. And we ended up having Bryce Young hit John Mechie PERSON for, you know, college has this dumb two-point conversion rule in overtime now. It's just dumb.

Speaker 11895.26s - 1897.24s

Right, yeah, the soccer style.

Speaker 21897.66s - 1934.68s

Yeah, it's really dumb. I mean, but we hit a two-point conversion when we stopped Auburn ORG. It was Bryce Young to John Mechie PERSON, who Bryce Young at Carolina and John Mechie for the Texans ORG now. And it worked out. But people forget how important those kicks were.Like you're always going to remember John Mechie and doing the karate kid crane kick thing at the end. But it was if Will Riker PERSON's not on that team, if we have somebody with less gumption, we are in trouble. And we were a much better team.We just never play well down there. And I think, you know, in the NFL ORG, you know how that goes sometimes.

Speaker 01934.8s - 1937.3s

Sometimes you're a better team and a lesser team beat you.

Speaker 21937.8s - 1978s

But, yeah, Will Riker PERSON, to me, is that is the other beauty of Will Riker. I can remember Philip Doyle for beating Tennessee 9 to 6 in 1990. I remember van tiffin beating albren in the iron bowl in birmingham um with a uh 54 yarder as time expired right but will rickart PERSON to me i just don't remember any natural game winners that like he you know i'm like hey will rickett PERSON was the picture of consistency and um not just consistent but was the picture of consistency. And not just consistent, but like excellence, picture of excellence. That's a better way to say it.Because he, you never worried about me. If he ever missed one, you're like, was it a bad snap? I mean, somebody had to do something.

Speaker 11978.24s - 1979.5s

Yeah, somebody else missed up, huh?

Speaker 21979.68s - 1990.66s

Somebody else. You know, you're blaming somebody else. You're like, I mean, it's like, you know, when Dante Culpeper and is a crime or Randy Maw PERSON, she'll like, he dropped the ball? Was it? Does somebody coat it in Vaseline PRODUCT? What they're saying?

Speaker 11990.66s - 2000.66s

Yeah, no, that had to be wrong. Right. No, I get it. I get it. That's awesome. Well, thank you so much.Real quick, tell everybody where they can find you. And then I've taken enough of your time. Yeah.

Speaker 22000.96s - 2022.14s

Check us out at Locked on Bamma ORG. We will definitely be talking more Dallas TurnerTunner and Will Riker tomorrow. Jimmy Stein PERSON will be on. I mean, look, he and I are both the same way. We love the NFL ORG. We just don't really have a team.I mean, we pull for Alabama GPE dudes. And so, boy, you've got two fans now because we love us and Will Riker and Dallas Turner. Excellent stuff.

Speaker 12022.2s - 2042s

Luke PERSON, thank you so much. All right, appreciate it. Thank you so much again for hanging out on the Locked On Vikings WORK_OF_ART podcast. I will be back stateside on May 20th, but we will still have Monday, Wednesday, Friday shows until then. And then in the summer, very cool project coming up. So get excited for that. I will see you all then. And as always, Skull PERSON.

Speaker 02043.36s - 2052s

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