The Philadelphia Phillies Sweep The Washington Nationals To Move To 20 Games Over .500

The Philadelphia Phillies Sweep The Washington Nationals To Move To 20 Games Over .500

by Locked On Podcast Network, Connor Thomas

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23:43 minutes

published 13 days ago


Speaker 10s - 14.7s

It's the Lockdown Podcast Network, your team every day. Welcome in to another episode of Locked on Phillies.

Speaker 015.2s - 50s

And just like all the other episodes of Locked on Phillies we've done this year, the fills are still incredibly hot. They swept a series with the Washington Nationals over the weekend. We're going to break that down and everything you should have learned about the Phillies ORG from that series. Also, we're going to just talk about the unbelievable pace this team is on this year, the first teamin baseball, to 20 games over 500. And finally, with a series upcoming against the Rangers ORG, will that change anything about a certain narrative? We'll discuss on today's episode.

Speaker 152.04s - 61.42s

You are Locked on Phillies. Your daily Philadelphia Phillies podcast, part of the Locked on Podcast Network, your team every day.

Speaker 063.9s - 571.58s

Yes, this is Locked on Phillies. I'm Connor Thomas PERSON, your host. Thank you so much for checking us out. We're part of the Locked On Podcast Network ORG, your team every day. Please make sure you're rating,reviewing, subscribing to the YouTube ORG, all that great stuff that really helps us out here on Locked on Phillies. I really appreciate that. Let's jump into today's episode right away because it has been a great weekend for the Philadelphia Phillies ORG. Well, it's Monday now about time you're watching this. But the Philadelphia Phillies. Well, it's Monday now about the time you're watching this.But the Philadelphia Phillies took care of business against the Washington Nationals ORG. They ended up sweeping out the nationals, a 4-2 final on Friday night, a 4-3 final on Saturday in one of the wins of the year so far. We'll talk about the Cody Clemens PERSON game. And then 11 to 5 yesterday. Nola PERSON was solid, but the offense was awesome. And the Phillies sweep the Nationals ORG.There are a lot of references to that tweet from the Nationals account in 2020, where it was beating Philadelphia GPE isn't as hard as Philadelphia. Say it is, yeah, you guys have been getting smoked ever since you put that tweet out. So catch these hands one more time, Washington Nationals ORG Twitter admin. I'd be surprised if it's the same person who still handles their tweets, by the way, but not important. Let's talk about the baseball team. The first thing we learned about this team issomething we should have already known, but this team's never dead. And I keep saying it, Saturday was the prime example, right? 4-2 on Friday was more of a wheeler went out and took care of business and dominated type of thing. And he wasn't at his total best, but he was at his good enough to take care of business against the nationals level of pitching. And the offense was kind of quiet. And then Saturday, the offense was kind of quiet again. You go down three, two in the ninth inning.And the Philadelphia Phillies ORG were down to their final out. And Cody Clemens up to the plate just takes one to the right center alley and hits one out of there. It was a crazy environment at Cizons Bank Park FAC. I mean, the place sounded so loud. And of course, you hit a game-thying home run with two outs in the ninth. The play should go nuts, but not every baseball team has that environment. So credits of the Phillies ORG fans were giving that the respect that it deserved for that moment. And Bryce Harper hits Phillies ORG fans were giving that the respect that itdeserved for that moment. And Bryce Harper PERSON hits a walkoff sacrifice fly to center field in the bottom of the 10th. And the next thing you know, you're good. And Gregory Soto PERSON, by the way, great job of locking things down. In the top of the 10th inning with a runner on second, he did a really, really nice job to get the win. Two strikeouts. Great performance by him on the mound in only 11 pitches he threw eight strikes. It's just so efficient. With a runner on second to not let him score, you're basically guaranteeing yourself as the home team a win.And that's what the Philadelphia Phillies ORG did. So that was the Cody Clemens PERSON moment. Like that was awesome to see. And how good has he been since he's come up and replaced Trey Turner's PERSON spot on the roster? He hasn't been playing in Trey Turner's PERSON position, but he was placed in the roster spot. I don't know what you do with Cody Clemens PERSON, but we kind of talked aboutthat last year, how he deserved probably a little bit better of a chance, but Harper PERSON came back, so there was not the same amount of room for him on the roster. It's just great to see in contributing. That kid might be a player one day. It's just great to see in contributing. That kid might be a player one day. Like, I'm not talking about a bench piece. I'm not talking about, well, he gets called up sometimes when someone gets injured.Now, he might be a bona fide major league player, and he certainly looks like one right now. Let's move on to yesterday, because yesterday, Aaronola went seven innings of two hip-ball. And guess what? That wasn't the biggest story in the game. Because the Phillies on 12 hits scored 11 runs. And the guy that, I mean, he had one hit in the game, five RBIs for Alec Bohm. Now, of course, had the big home run in this one.And it's good to see Alec Bowen PERSON showing a little bit of pop. I mean, had a sacrifice fly, another sacrifice fly. And then he went ahead and hit the three-run home run in the eighth to totally put that one out of reach. It was probably still out of reach at eight to three. But considering the national scored two runs in the top of the ninth off of Spencer Turnbull PERSON, well, you're looking at a situation where any extending to make the game more comfortable made it better for the Philadelphia Phillies ORG.But there are a lot of guys that contributed. I mean, Nick Castionis had an RBI single in the bottom of the second. We already talked about BOM, but Cody Clemens had two RBI double, then scored in the fifth inning. So they counted for three runs himself. Bryce Harper and RBI double, sorry, a two RBI double. In the sixth, to make it eight three. The Phillies ORG were actually down in this game.It doesn't feel like when you look at the final score or when you kind of feel back on that game, like, oh, they were in trouble, but they were down three, two, in the fifth inning. That could have easily been a situation where the Philadelphia Phillies ORG struggle a little bit to produce, but instead they just said, okay, we're going to hit the gas. It's as simple as that. Think about it.You're driving on the highway and a car is kind of pulling up next to you and you're not even racing. It doesn't even feel like a race at this point when the Phillies ORG play teams like this. But it's as simple as, oh, I need to go faster than that guy, a little bit down with the right foot. And next thing you know, you're gone. And that's what the Phillies did in the fifth inning of this one. Then the sixth, then the sixth,then the eighth, and then the game's over. This seems unbelievable. And the other guy we got to talk about, right, because I know I brought up Alec Bones five RBIs. He is playing at an MVP caliber level, right? We're not just talking about all-star game anymore for Alec Bohn PERSON. He should be the National League All-Star starter at third base.There's a lot of time still to go, but I don't think he could possibly fall off to a level where he's not in major consideration for that. But I don't know if he keeps doing this for two more months. Is he going to have a chance at MVP? Could you imagine Shohay Otani PERSON with what he's doing out in L.A.Right now, he's having an outstanding season, loses the MVP trophy to Alec Bohn PERSON, a guy that couldn't field his position like a year ago and had issues about, well, like, I don't know, no power has been a criticism of Alec Bome PERSON. He still hasn't shown that much pop this year as far as hitting the ball out of the ballpark, but he's just, he's such a darn good third baseman. Last year, if you had asked me, Austin, Riley, or Alec Bone PERSON?Because we always compare the Phillies and the Braves ORG, right? Divisional rivals, that level of play. I would have taken Austin Riley 10 times out of 10 and not thought twice about it. And that's no disrespect to Alec Bone PERSON. Riley's one of the best third baseman in the sport. But this year, you'd be crazy to not pick Bome over every other third basement in baseball.That's where we're at right now on May, well, this will come out on May 20th. So, yeah, a pretty darn good start to the year for Alec Ball PERSON. And the rest of the team is just plugging along. Trey Turner PERSON goes down, plugging Cody Clements PERSON to the roster spot, move to shortstopper,or give Edmundo So's PERSON the time, keep winning. JT needs some days, keep winning. Garrett Stubbs played yesterday. Didn't affect the fills at all that he didn't have a hit in the game. Anyway, this is not the make fun of Garrett Stubbs PERSON show. I understand why Stubbs PERSON is still on this team.I understand why locker room is important. I think he's a solid defensive catcher offensively. That's an argument for another time, right? But offensively, we got to remember catcher is not a position that's supposed to contribute heavily offensively. You could certainly do more. But anyway, not about Garrett Stub at this point, but I'm just saying like JT PERSON goes down,you still win. Shorebird needs a day, you win. Like, Harper needs a day because the migraine comes back next day, plays you win. Like, it's just I feel really, really good about just about everything with this Philadelphia Phillies team. I don't really have any major concerns right now. The onlything that could derail this team from having an outstanding season is injuries. They're the first team in baseball this year to 20 games above 500. They were the first team to 30 wins. They were the firstteam to 20 wins. It's been kind of top to bottom dominance since that first two series stretch against the Braves and the Reds ORG where they lost both those series. Those are the only series losses on the year for the Philadelphia Phillies ORG. Now we're going to talk a little bit about later on in the show the upcoming series with the Rangers that starts on Tuesday.So this episode will be up Monday. Then we'll talk a little bit of Rangers on Tuesday ahead of that series starting. That's going to be a measuring stick series, even if the Rangers are 500 right now.

Speaker 1571.66s - 575.4s

But we'll go ahead and talk about that and break that down.

Speaker 0575.5s - 1428.1s

We'll do a crossover with Bryce who hosts Lockthor and Rangers ORG. Ultimately, what I'm looking at right now and who the Phillies ORG are playing, I don't care. If you're putting together at this type of pace, you're a darn good baseball team. And coming up next, we're going to talk about that pace that the Philadelphia Phillies ORG are on. And what does it mean? Should it worry you?It might sound crazy to say, oh, you should be worried about a team 20 games over 500 on May 20th. But we're going to talk through some stuff because I do think there are some mental gymnastics that some members of the fan base are doing. And I don't know that I necessarily blame you that much. So we'll talk about that coming up as we continue today's episode of Lockhole and Phillies ORG. Let's talk about PolicyGenius first, though.They're the country's leading online insurance marketplace. PolicyGenius saves you time and money, two of the most important things in everybody's life. 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That's just not realistic, considering that would be a record for most wins in a single season.And hell, maybe the Phillies will go out there and win the most games in the history of a Major League Baseball ORG regular season. More likely than not, they're probably not going to do that. So what do we feel about the pace? I'm not even talking about like sustainability because I know this pace is not sustainable. But how do they take advantage of the pace that they're on right now? Well, the first step is you've got to continue to beat the bad opponents.People who have been complaining left and right, this schedule, that schedule, the Phillies haven't played anybody, Braves fans. I see you in all of MLB ORG's posts and all their tweets and everything like that saying, well, the Phillies ORG haven't played anybody. Wake me up when they play a team above 500. Guess what? We don't care. Our team's better than yours right now. And I'm not too worried about the narrative outside of it. But my point is, if you don't do this right now, right, looking from a Phillies ORG fan's perspective and from the team's perspective, if you don't take advantage of the lesser teams,the month of July has some tough stretches in it. Right now we're in May. June isn't too bad, but July is going to be the toughest stretch of the season. And imagine if you're, I don't know, I'm just throwing a number out there, 30 games above 500 by the time you hit July. It's possible with the way the Phillies ORG are played. You don't have to worry about anything in that month.I mean, you're not going to go like 10 games under 500 in a month with the talent on this team, how well they're pitching, all of that stuff, unless there's catastrophic injuries. And I don't see that as a realistic thing. No, knock on wood for that. But my point is you want to stack wins against these teams when you're playing hot. The Phillies ORG have a perfect storm for getting off to a big buffer. I mean, look at the division.There are five games up on the Atlanta Braves ORG right now. Do you imagine if I told you that before the season? The Philadelphia Phillies have a five-game lead in the NL East in May. Now, that doesn't mean it's going to hold that way. There's a lot more time to go. So don't buy any banners or anything. It's May. But my point in all of this is, this is the perfect storm of a hot start. You've got a favorable schedule. You've got great pitching.You've got great offense. You've got a focused team. And you can get out to a big enough lead, whether that's in division or wildcards. I want it to beat division. Don't get me wrong. But I'm just saying you can build a great enough resume by improving your record that when you hit the tough stretch of your schedule, you don't have to worry about it anymore. So as much as I say, well, they don't have to keep this pace all year and they'll still be fine. I want you to be peddled to the medal now if you're the Phillies ORG because there will be timeswhen the schedule is not as kind to you as it is right now for the Phillies ORG. I'm not denying that they had an easy schedule. Like they have. But I also just don't think there are that many good teams in baseball. And I don't think there's that many stretches of the Phillies ORG schedule that lend to you playing all of those good teams or a bunch of those good teams at once. Like it's just, it's not how the schedule breaks out for them this year. And just a reminder, everybody plays everybody. So it's not like, oh, well, the Phillies got to play the Marlins ORG however many times.Like the Braves ORG will too. The Dodgers will get to play the Marlins ORG not as many times because they're not a divisional opponent, but they'll get to play them to. You're going to play easy team. So if you're not a Phillies fan, you're watching this just because you're hating on the Philadelphia Phillies ORG being the best team in baseball right now. You want to whine about the schedule and all of that stuff.Let me just remind you, okay? You're going to play them too. As the Braves found out over the weekend, right, they were complaining about the Phillies ORG and who they played. Well, they lost two games to the Padres, a team that the Phillies ORG swept. And now they got a double-headed today to finish out that four-game set with San Diego GPE. Atlanta ORG does.Who knows what happens if they lose three of four to a team you took three of three from? That's a pretty darn good indicator that what the Philadelphia GPE affiliates are doing is not as easy as other fan bases would have you believe it is. I am thoroughly impressed with the individual efforts on this team, and we've talked about that before. But the overall pace of this team is something that I did not think was possible considering the early struggles that the Phillies have had in seasons the past two years. And I knew the talent was here, but I don't think anybody foresaw this coming for the Philadelphia Phillies ORG.The problem is, do they have a regression coming that brings them back towards the rest of the pack? I don't know that they don't have to. They can keep playing this well. But I think we're going to see it at some point. The good news is hopefully it's a minor regression. Maybe they play 500 ball for a week and a half.And then they go back on this pace. They'll still be just fine. So that's my thoughts on the pace the Phillies ORG are on. Coming up, we're going to do a full preview of this series with the Rangers on tomorrow's episode. We're going to have that crossover episode with Locked on Rangers ORG.But I want to talk about whether or not that series will change anything when it comes to what you're looking at from what we were just talking about, the narrative about who the Phillies ORG have played and who they haven't. So we'll talk about that coming up as we wrap up locked on Phillies ORG. First, LinkedIn ORG Sales Navigator. You got to check it out because you might be struggling to close deals.Business to business selling is tougher than ever. And that's why I want to tell you about LinkedIn ORG Sales Navigator. It's a sales intelligence platform that helps professionals effectively prospect and engage high value customers, drive higher revenue, and increase sales performance. Sales Navigator PRODUCT helps you target the right buyers, surface key signals such as job changes or which account you should prioritize. So it tells you what direction to head in.It shows you hidden allies. 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Finally here.And again, trust me, this is going to be a light dive into this talk about the Rangers ORG series. We'll preview all of us in major depth. Tomorrow's episode will be full preview Phillies Rangers ORG, which will be fun because we'll get to talk about what a World Series EVENT team feels like, at least in this era of baseball, since the Rangers are the defending World Series EVENT champion. I'll ask this question I'm going to talk about now to Bryce, who hosts Lockstone Rangers ORG,who's going to be joining me tomorrow. But will the series with the Rangers ORG change anything? Here's what I mean. If the Philadelphia Phillies go out and win two of three against the Rangers ORG, do you think the comments are going to stop about the schedule? I'll tell you right now they won't.The Rangers are 500. I know they're defending World Series EVENT champions, but there's an easy way to explain that away. That's to say, that was last year's team. This year's team, middle of the pack right now. And 500 actually has you more than middle of the pack better than that. But at the same time, they don't come in with a sterling record to put up against the Phillies 20 games over 500 record. And the series is in Philly GPE. So people complain about that. But we also have to look at it the Phillies 20 games over 500 record. And the series is in Philly.So people complain about that. But we also have to look at it the other way. Let's say the Phillies go out and they drop two of three to the Rangers ORG. They don't have their best series. It'll be the first series they have lost in well over a month, for a month and a half at this point.But will there be people in the fan base that get antsy and say, oh, this seems only good because they're playing. You'll start to believe a little bit of what the haters are telling you that don't actually root for your team. And I'm here to tell you that's not the way you should react to this. Regardless of the outcome, even if the Phillies ORG go out and they get swept and they're notgoing to get swept. But even if the Phillies go out starting Tuesday and get swept, like it doesn't change the ceiling of this team. It doesn't change the talent level of this team. It'll barely change the record of this team. It doesn't change the talent level of this team. It'll barely change the record of this team. This will be 17 games above 500.And that's like I don't believe it's going to happen. But my point is this. Just because it's the first series that you can kind of make an argument that the Phillies ORG are playing a team that's a quality opponent for a while now, it doesn't make these three games any more valuable than anything more than just a narrative. And narratives don't win championships. Narratives don't win divisions. Winning the most games in your division do. Winning in the postseason wins you championships.It doesn't matter what every other fan base is saying about yours as long as you believe in the ceiling of your team. And I believe it in the ceiling of this Phillies team. And after weekends like this, it'd be pretty darn hard not to. But again, we'll talk deeper into how you avoid a setback in this Rangers series as we talk to Bryce of Locked on Rangers tomorrow for our crossover. That's all for today's episode, though. Again, thank you so much for checking us out. We're part of the Locked On podcast network, your team every day. Please make sure you're rating, reviewing,subscribing to the YouTube ORG, all that great stuff. And I'll talk to you next time on tomorrow's episode.