POSTCAST: Aaron Nola COMPLETE GAME SHUTOUT, Phillies beat the Mets, 4-0

POSTCAST: Aaron Nola COMPLETE GAME SHUTOUT, Phillies beat the Mets, 4-0

by Locked On Podcast Network, Connor Thomas

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33:56 minutes

published 19 days ago


Speaker 20s - 22.9s

It's the Lockedon Podcast Network, your team every day. You are Locked on Philly's Postcast, part of Locked on Sports, Philadelphia, on the Locked on Podcasts Network ORG.

Speaker 024.6s - 26.9s

Your team every day.

Speaker 329.1s - 35.6s

Just what makes that silly old ant think he can move a rubber tree plant.

Speaker 236.12s - 41.08s

Everyone knows an ant can't move a rubber tree plant,

Speaker 341.08s - 195.48s

but he's got Aaronola pitcher for the Phillies today, and he's dominant against the Newies today, and he's dominant against the New York Mets ORG, and he tosses a complete game, shutout, and it's a complete game of his career, and fourth is a shutdownout of his career. Absolutely incredible, baby.How about that? I don't care that it was the New York Mets ORG, and I know a lot of people are going to be like, oh, it's a Mets ORG. It was the Mets ORG, okay? I don't care that it was the New York Mets ORG. I care that the PhiladelphiaPhillies have used, what, 12, 13 pitchers over a two game span, two separate 10 inning ball games, and you needed your pitcher to go out there and say, hey, you know what? Give me seven innings, Aaron Nola PERSON. I'll push for eight. Give me eight pitches, Aaron Nola. But you know what he does? Complete game. Everybody, the bullpen, take the rest of the day off. I got you. And when I say, I got you, I mean, I got you. And today, Aaron Nola had the Phillies ORG bullpen's backs. He even had the Phillies ORG bats, backs when they weren't hitting with runners to score a position,which has become fortunately an abnormality of this season. But Aaron Nola gets the winning, improves the five and two, completely and utterly dominating the New York Mets today. You love to see it. 30 wins for the fells. Hard to believe, Harry PERSON, but here we are.Here we are. And this show is brought you by the wonderful, the incredible people. Oh, my goodness gracious. Of prize picks. Prize picks, the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports. Go to slash locked on MLB ORG. Use all lowercase,locked on MLB for the promo code, locked on MLB for a first deposit match up to $100. Let's start it off as we always do with three big things leading off. Aaron Nola, that knuckle curveball today specifically of the eight strikeouts that Aaron Nola had today, he used the knuckle curve six times to get punchouts as the putaway pitch. It was beautiful.I know they alluded to it a number of times during the broadcast, but if you're watching Aeronola all season, you know what this guy is using for that putaway pitch. More often than not, that knuckle curve has become his bread and butter. Like the change up was to Cole Hamels PERSON, all those years ago, the knuckle curve has become that pitch for Aaronola PERSON.And we all know when Arenola PERSON was coming up through the minors and his brief stint in the minors after his college career at LSU comes up to the big league.

Speaker 2195.5s - 197.2s

He's not going to blow you away with a fastball.

Speaker 3198.04s - 199.56s

He might not even be that good.

Speaker 2199.72s - 203.94s

He's only got a 93 mile power fastball. Maybe here it's 94, but he's not going to be that good.

Speaker 3204.9s - 1118.32s

Aaron Nola PERSON has been that good. I know it's been a rocky road in terms of the ups and the downs, the ups and the downs, the downs and the ups when it comes to Aaron Nola PERSON. But for the most part, you look at what he's able to control, how he's able to dot the corners, you know, dot the eye, paint the corners, the whole thing, you know, dot the lowercase jays at times.It has been absolutely unreal to watch his maturation process in the big leagues. And to see those other off-speed pitches become his bread and butter more than anything. And to see that knuckle curve emerge as that put-away pitch is unreal. And you watch him in today's ballgame, for instance, he gets his first strike out of the game in the second inning of JD Martinez PERSON. He drops in that knuckle curve, punches them right out. Then he goes at it again later in the inning. Should me, later in the game. He dials thatknuckle curve up again. This one against a Brandon Nimmo there to lead off the fourth inning. He had already gone through the first three innings of the game, only needing 32 pitches to go through the order one time. Not too bad, Aaron Nola PERSON. He comes out in that fourth inning. He gets Brandon Nemo PERSON to strike out on that knuckle curve, finishes him off at an eight pitch at bat,and he just continued to be on cruise control. Then he actually got Beatty in the fifth inning. This one was on a cut fastball, and it was the first time he used anything other than a knuckle curve to get a punch out. And this one, he used the cut fastball on Beatty PERSON. Delete off that fifth inning.Peter Lanzo PERSON stepped up to the plate. It actually worked a good at bat, worked the full count. Nola was down 3-0 in that at bat against Pete Alonzo in the fifth inning. And you know what Aaron Nola PERSON was able to do? He was able to come roaring back to force the full count. And then he got the punch out on the knuckle curve.And Pete Alonzo PERSON didn't know what he was flailing at to get the out. Later on to the ball game, he goes into the seventh inning, has that incredible three-pitch inning in the seventh inning. The sixth, I didn't even realize this. They read the standoff during the broadcast. The sixth three-pitch inning of the season, the Phillies were a victim of it against Pop in the Toronto ORG,the brief two-game Toronto set they had earlier in the season a week ago. But Nola goes out there for a three-pitch inning. I didn't hear him say it. I'm still waiting to hear it. I don't know what the number is, but I can't imagine there's been too many three-pitch inningsthat also featured a hit. So Nola gives up the hit to Marte PERSON, to lead off the inning, a single to right field. Then he gets Lindor to line out to Bryson PERSON, to Cody Clemens, who is at second base today. And then Pete Alonzo hits a bullet of a bouncer to Whitmeryfield PERSON,a third base, and Whitmaneryfield turns the 5,4, 3 double play, the twin killing, three pitches, three outs, bottom line, and Aaronnola PERSON is out of the inning. Just like that. The end of the eighth inning, he cook it up with something nice when he faces Martinez PERSON again. He enters the eighth inning at 75 pitches.He gets Martinez PERSON to strikeout using that knuckle curve again. He gets baited to line out to Brandon Marsh PERSON in left. I thought Brandon Marsh PERSON was going to overrun it. He did not. He reached up and made the grab. And then Taylor steps up and he dives or, excuse me, he has a line drive to Bryson PERSON'snot at shortstop. He makes the diving stop there. Now, while I'm talking about Taylor PERSON, I have to mention the fact that, and here's the thing's interesting, Aaron Nola PERSON said after the game, he didn't even know that it was a no-hatter. I mean, he knew it was a no-hitter, but he wasn't worried about a no-hitter. He wasn't worried about a perfect game in the fifth inning when Taylor stepped up to the plate to lead off that fifth inning,excuse me, that sixth inning with a single to left field that broke up the no-no. After that, he just settled in. He was able to get Wendell, Wendell, excuse me, just to line out to left field, and then he got Navaraz PERSON to strike out. That one was on a fastball, looking at a fastball. Navariz wasn't expecting that, and he got Nimmo to line out to Yon. And then he got Navaraz PERSON to strike out. That one was on a fastball, looking at a fastball. Navaraz PERSON wasn't expecting that. And he got Nimmo to line out to Yohan Rojas in center field in that six inning.So even though he'd give it up his first hit of the ball game, and even though he had surrendered his first base runner of the ball game, Erindola is still very much locked in through that six inning. And as we definitely know, through the rest of the ball game. He is number one, clear cut when it comes to the big three things in this game without question. Number two, Bryson Stott PERSON is on fire.We acknowledged it yesterday. He won you the game. He was incredible. Came up with three great things in the ninth and the tenth in the tenth inning to be able to help you out. No better example than the home run. And then, of course, fielding the final out of the ball game as well. So that's all great from Bryce and stuff. He wasn't done. Just like he wasn't done in Miami GPE with catching another win and just squeeze it and wrapping that ball down the right field line around the first base bag anddown the right field line into the corner like he did in Miami GPE like he was able to do in yesterday's game and like he was able to do today when he worked three walks for you people Bryce and Stott worked three walks and then when you needed an insurance run because again we'll get to this coming up in the next segment but oh my goodness gracious when you needed the insurance run bryson stott stepped up to the plate and delivered and that's what he was able to do for up in the next segment. But oh, my goodness gracious, when you needed the insurance run, Bryson Stott PERSON stepped up to the plate and delivered. And that's what he was able to do for you in that ninth inning.You get Stubbs to lead off, unfortunately, by fouling out in third base. Schwarber gets the double, so we stand in there on second base. Castiano PERSON's gets the single to right field. You get first and third with one out. Bryson Stott PERSON steps up to the plate and delivers an RBI single in the right field, bringing home Kyle Schwarber. It's now a 3-0 ball game. 12 RBIs for Bryson Stott PERSON in themonth of May. Leads all of Major League Baseball in the month of May with his batting average of 33, I want to say in the month of May now. Don't quote me on it just yet. But absolutely incredible. And we talked about his rise on yesterday's show. Well, now Garrett PERSON, how about this? How about this?Bryson Stott now batting third in the order today has now raised its average to 281 on the season. We highlighted this yesterday. I'll hit it again. Bryson Stott now 281 is his batting average on the season. You go back as far back as the 29th of April. Well, let's go back even further.The 27th of April, Bryson Stott has raised its batting average from 210 to 281, his overall batting average of the season. Kids are ball player, folks. And you look at some of those at bats that he had today. Vintage Bryson Stott, able to work the walk in the first inning.Then he's able to come back when he gets his next goal around, works a seven pitch at bat in that third inning. Really, in that third inning. I mean, this is hat tip to a lot of the guys in the lineup. Side note here, this will be 2A. In that third inning where the Phillies were able to get their first two runsof the ball game, just barely squeaking them out, Johan Rojas gets a single to right field to lead off that third inning after a nine pitch it back. He was down to the count, I believe, 02, and then fought his way back to get that single. Then stub steps up, unfortunately, strikes out on a fastball. Schwarber works a quick walk. Cassiano's grounds out to third. Rojas moves to third on that one.A little bit of a tricky play there. Schwabber gets thrown out at second base. Bady PERSON didn't have a play, or excuse me, Schwerber takes second base. Beatty did not have a play at second, so he couldn't try to turn the double play. Stott works another seven pitch at bat. Boehm PERSON goes up there, gets hit by a pitch. more on that in a second, and then Marsh PERSON is able to draw the walk for another run to score.So you get hit by a pitch, and RBI walk for the Phillies to go up 2-0 in that third inning. But a lot of good at bats there. Marsh PERSON had a good at bat. Of course, Stott PERSON had a good at bat,and Johan Rojas PERSON, probably the best at bat, well, not probably, but the best at bat of that third inning. And it all led, put all those good at bats together. You're going to score runs.And the Phillies scored two runs in that inning. So Bryson Stott PERSON in the middle of all that. Love to see it from Bryson Stott PERSON. And that was great. Number three. Let's talk about number three here.I am just really excited for the fact that Garrett Stubbs PERSON was catching in this game. This is off the beaten path, I know, but you had two clear-cut stars. We've talked about Alec Bohn PERSON and how great he's been able to do. He gets hit by the pitch, whatever. But Garrett Stubbs has had really nothing going for him this season. And we all love Garrett Stubbs PERSON.Let's get this out of the way. We love Garrett Stubbs PERSON. Let's get this out of the way. We love Garrett Stubbs. He's great. I've had Garrett Stubbs on my daily show, and he's great, and, you know, he says he's got the best job in all the sports where he's the backup catcher to J.T. Rural Muto, so he gets to play a little bit, but not a lot, you know.He gets to enjoy himself, gets to put, you know, empty beer cases on his head during celebrations for the postseason and the overalls we all know and love, right? The guys on this team absolutely love him, but you still need to see production from him on the field. And over the last two games, he has brought you home an RBI, his first of the season, good for him, did that yesterday on the sacrifice, but with two outs. And then today, he catches acomplete game shutout from Aaron Nola PERSON. Nola gave him his credit, certainly after the game. Stubbs has been through it a little bit. Even though Zach Wheeler PERSON and Zach Wheeler's implosion in Miami, Wheeler PERSON did not at all, don't take this out of context. Wheeler did not at all blame Garrett Stubbs for Wheeler PERSON's imperfections and problems and inaccuracy. He took it on the chin. He did say that there's a little bit of a communication issue with Garrett Stubbs PERSON simply becausethey haven't worked together a lot. He usually has J.T. Real Muto PERSON. But by Zach Wheeler's words, not on Garrett Stubbs PERSON. This is on me. I'm not making pitches. But still, if you're Garrett Stubbs PERSON, that's got to make you feel.If you're at all a competitor, which obviously he is, you got to take that to heart and that can't feel good if you hear those words, if you hear those words. So to see him get the last two games, see J.T. Real Muto trying to warm up Aaron Nola PERSON and you see that little wince. Could be anything. They even pointed out during the broadcast. Could be anything. Could be something. Could be nothing.Could be something. Could be nothing. But you don't know how much longer J.T. Romuto PERSON is going to be out. So if he's going to be out for any considerable time, you want Garrett Stubbs PERSON to be feeling pretty good about himself. The one RBI he had yesterday isn't everything.It's not huge, but I think to Garrett Stubbs PERSON, it's big. Not huge, but big. Then Garrett Stubbs goes out there today and catches nine innings of a complete game shutout from one of the Phillies Aces in Aaronola PERSON. That's got to have you feeling pretty good. And if you've watched Garrett Stubbs throughout the limited play that he has gotten this season, even though this year it seems like he's gotten a little bit more than what we're used to seeing from him, you know,he's also taking a beaten behind home plate. Balls off the forearm, balls off the kneecap, balls off the wrist, all that stuff. He just keeps on going for you behind home play. Through a runner out yesterday, you love to see that from Garrett Stubbs PERSON. Now the game's running together. Night game followed by the day game runs together a little bit in my big dumb brain.I can't even remember if that was today or not. No, they didn't have a base runner. Of course that wasn't today. What the heck? So that was pretty special. Pretty special to say the least. So I feel good.Feel great for Garrett Stubbs PERSON. Here's one honorable mention for you. Mets ORG fans sleeping in the ballpark. This isn't the first time. I want to say it was about four years ago, that lovely couple at City Field, each other's heads resting on the wall. One was on theshoulder, one was on top of their head. Oh, man, they're just napping. And then today, and I want to say the fourth inning, there was another Mets ORG fan just passed out in the stands that not look comfortable. So I'm just going to suggest this for Mets ORG fans. I'm just going to suggest this. Hear me out here, okay. Um, eye masks for Mets ORG fans, you know just going to suggest this. Hear me out of here, okay? Eye masks for Mets ORG fans? You know, like you would have on a plane,or maybe if you sleep and maybe if your wife or your husband or your significant other or whatever, your partner. Maybe, maybe they sleep in a bright room and you like the darker room and you put the eye mask on. Mets fans can get, you know, New York Mets ORG eye masks for when you sleep. And maybe a little cooling system so you don't get the swelling as well under the, I don't know.Maybe the neck rolls, the neck braces that you see there on planes a lot of times. There you go. That's a little thing you can do. How about a New York Mets ORG, a heated blanket? Maybe to help you sleep a little bit. It might be a little chilly up there in New York GPE.I don't know. Weather in the Philadelphia GPE area isn't exactly great right now. So, you know, there's just ideas. I'm spitballing ideas here. Maybe it'll be a new sponsor for Locked on Sports Philadelphia ORG. I don't know.I don't know. Or I guess it would be locked on sports in New York GPE. Anyway, when we come back, we're going to talk about not just for the fact that the pitching staff was so great, or how great this was for the pitching staff for Aaron O'd to go nine games. We're also going to talk about why this was great for the lineup. Because good Lord, this Phillies lineup today for as great as they've been.Oh, ho. What? Struggling with runners is scoring position? Let's not start that trend, babe. Let's not start that trend. We come back.We'll focus on that when we return here. We'll also get some of your comments in here as well. You're locked on, locked on Philadelphia Phillies postcasts on the Locked On Sports Philadelphia YouTube channel. Let's tell you a little bit more about those great people at PrizePix ORG, the easiest and most exciting way to play daily fantasy.Oh man, it's a good time. Prize Picks. Go to slash locked on and use lowercase locked on MLB ORG. For a first deposit match up to $100. Prize Picks even offers injury insurance. So if you're playing daily fantasy sports,how about music to your ears, right? Injury insurance. Now what does that mean? 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Speaker 11118.46s - 1174.82s

Prize Picks is the most fun I've had to playing daily fantasy baseball and winning up to 25 times my money. Download the app today and use the code Locked on MLB for first deposit matchup to $100. Exploring my skills on prize picks this season adds an extra layer of excitement to daily fantasy sports. With just a few taps, you can transform $10 into $1,000 if you've got the skills. Prize fix is incredibly user-friendly. I can make my selections and submit my entries in less than 60 seconds.And as the host of Locked-on Fantasy Baseball, here's some great picks for you. Off for Tyler Glassnow to have higher than six strikeouts in his next game. Offer Casey Mize to have higher than 5.5 total hits in his next outing. Offer Kyle Tucker to have higher than 0.5 doubles in his next game. Download the app today and use the code Locked-on MLB for first deposit matchup to $100.Again, download the app today and use the code Locked-on MLB deposit matchup to $100. Again, download the app today and use the code locked on MLB for first deposit matchup to $100. Pick more, pick less. It's that easy with price picks.

Speaker 31179.66s - 1286.42s

Before I go any further here, I want to make sure that I highlight some of these amazing stats here, one including this Philadelphia, Philly GPE's team. I mentioned earlier, 30 and 13. This is a Phillies team. I mentioned earlier. 30 and 13. This is a Phillies ORG record right now. Best record in baseball. Still.Tide for the second fastest team in franchise history to reach 30 wins. That's 43 games for those scoring at home. 1993 they were able to do that. Can you see it? That's the right there. That's the 93 year book. It is that. Can you see it? That's the, that right there. That's the 93 yearbook.It is the 93 yearbook, right? Yeah, it is. Okay. 1993 and 1913. You can see the 19, I don't have the 1913 yearbook. Miss Goosey. Fastest, 1976, 41 games.Second fastest team in franchise history. You get the 30, the fastest. Took them 41 games. All right. So I guess it's the race for 40 wins now. Let's get the 40 wins faster than anybody.You know what I'm saying? You know what I'm saying? Yeah, there you go. There you go. Let me get some comments in here. Uh, crazy.Nolan PERSON, Nola didn't give up a home run a successful day. Oh, come on, crazy. That's what we're going to focus on today. Come on. You, you really are crazy.Uh, Star Wars 99, first, uh, 30-win team. Heck, yeah. Go Sixers, Friday, 30 and 13. Hello, crazy. Hello, I like when you guys say, I know each other. It's great. Uh, what's up, let's just, keep on rolling, continue to roll. All, crazy. Hello, I like when you guys say I know each other. It's great.What's up? Keep on rolling, continue to roll. Ari PERSON, what's going on? Just here to smash the like button. Thanks, Ari PERSON. Yeah, make sure you hit the like button and subscribe.Of course, as always. Oh, hey, Ari's Cardinals won two in a row. All right, is our resident Cardinals ORG fan. I'll do the voice for you. Here you go. Here's Lou Brown. The Cardinals ORG fan. I'll do the voice for you. Here you go. Here's Lou Brown PERSON.

Speaker 21289.38s - 1290.02s

The Cardinals won two in a row.

Speaker 31291.1s - 1291.7s

They win today.

Speaker 21293.7s - 1294.5s

That's called a winning streak.

Speaker 31297.32s - 1348.88s

One of my favorite lines from any sports movie ever. Thank you, Ari PERSON. Thank you for teaming me up for that. So let's talk about this Philadelphia GPE, Philadelphia, Phillies ORG team. Because you know what?They're pretty good. And I have found that I'm really trying to avoid being spoiled because I don't think we can be spoiled as Philadelphia GPE sports fans, right? Come out. Phillies lost the World Series.They came up a World Series EVENT appearance shy a year ago. You know what I'm saying? So I don't think we're necessarily spoiled. But one thing that I, and when you think about the Phillies starts to the season, they don't, as we've covered and mentioned many times, they don't think we're necessarily spoiled. But one thing that I, and when you think about the Phillies starts to the season,they don't, as we've covered it and mentioned many times, they don't start playing baseball until June. Okay. So to see them actually start playing baseball before June is pretty awesome. However, when you're used to the Phillies ORG being the one of the best teams in baseball with runners in scoring position, you expect them to hit every time with runnersand scoring position. They do not really hit that much with runners and scoring position, unfortunately.

Speaker 21353.56s - 1355.72s

Overall, when you look at the numbers from the Phillies today, there were three for 13 with runners in scoring position.

Speaker 31356.04s - 1631.68s

And I believe they were just 0 for 8, if I'm not mistaken, going into the 8th inning. Or coming out of the 8th inning, they're 0 for 8. So, you know, not great. And then the ninth inning that started hitting a little bit. But there are a couple of instances where if they're playing any lesser team than if they were playing any team that was slightly better than the New YorkMetropolitan, for instance, if they're playing any better team than that, I'd be a little bit more concerned that in the third inning, you only squeaked out two runs when you had runners on first and second with one out. I would be a little bit more concerned if the Phillies went out there, for instance, what was it, the sixth inning? Alec Bowen PERSON leads off with a single to right field. Brandon Marsh PERSON then right after that gets single.Ramirez was in the game at that point for the Mets ORG. They get back-to-back singles to lead off the sixth inning. Witt-Mariefield steps up to the plate. He's got runners on first and second with nobody out. Wild pitch. Then all of a sudden, he's got runners on second and third with nobody out. So what does Whitmerryfield PERSON do in this unfortunate, horrendous slump that he is in right now? Well, he grounds out to the shortstop, unfortunately. Nobody moves.Cody Clemens PERSON comes up, strikeout. Johan Rojas, who worked that great at bat for the single in the third inning, also worked a great at bat, unfortunately grounded out to second in the fourth inning. He was down in the count 02, worked the count full. Not able to do anything, unfortunately. In this at bat, in the sixth inning.And then he ends the threat by striking out in the sixth inning. So that made me think, hmm, runners on second and third, nobody out. You don't get anything? That's not a good vibe. That makes you feel like something bad's going to happen. But then you got to get to remember you're playing the Mets ORG.Seventh inning, Schwabre PERSON works a walk. Castianos works a walk on four pitches. You had stopped going up there. He works a walk. And then Bome, unfortunately, grounds out to third. And the Phillies couldn't do much there in that seventh inning.And again, I'm thinking, oh, this isn't going to be good. Boom PERSON grounded into the fielder's choice there that ended the threat. Then the Phillies ORG somehow, magically, they're able to get the job done in that ninth inning by giving you two insurance runs, one off the bat of Bryce and Stott PERSON, a single to right field,and then Boehm PERSON's RBI ground roll double. Also, can we have them? We need like, I don't know, some good vibes. We need some prayers for Alec Baum PERSON. I really like, I know he's producing runs when he gets hit by pitches with the basis loaded, but I kind of like that to stop. I don't want him to keep on getting hit. It looks like today with his second ground, or excuse me, his second hit by pitch RBI in as manydays, it looked like it got him a little bit more in the arm. I was a little bit more concerned yesterday his second hit-by-pitch RBI in as many days. It looked like it got him a little bit more in the arm. I was a little bit more concerned yesterday when it hit him in a hand, especially the pinky. And he was fine. He was fine.Wasn't even swollen, according to the broadcast team today. And yeah, swung the bat, I thought fairly well today. So it was good.But I'd still like him to not get hit anymore. But I'd still like him to not get hit anymore. I'd very much like him to not get hit anymore. Uh-oh, it looks like we put the quarter in the machine here. Baseball movies, conversation is breaking out. Ari PERSON, I love all your references. Are also my references.It makes me happy. Well, I'm here to identify with you especially, Ari PERSON. Wait, hold on. I just bought Major League ORG on 4K. Like the movie Major League in 4 PRODUCTK? Wow.That's pretty great. Oh, Ari's giving us the top five movies. Bulldorf ORG. I'm sorry. Major League, number one. Bulldorum. I'm sorry. Major League number one. Bulldoran number two, Field of Dreams number three.League of their own? Oh, and the sandlot. That's pretty solid. That's pretty solid top five. I do have to tell you, right before we get to this break, I do have to tell you that the other day I dropped my wife off and her co-workerand friend, I dropped the two of them off at the train station to get the train into the city. And they looked really confused because they hadn't taken the train in a while. So I got to say the classic John Lovett's PERSON line. See how it works is the train moves, not the station. And it was the greatest moment of my. Okay, my children being born, being able to say that in an applicable situation,and then my wedding day, I would say, is right after that.

Speaker 01631.8s - 1634.88s

That's the rating I'll give you. That's the rating I'll give you. All right.

Speaker 31634.92s - 2102.32s

When we come back, we're going to take a look at what the Phillies ORG got on tap next. Spoiler, more Mets ORG. So that's fun. All right. We'll be back in a moment. You're a locked on sportsPhiladelphia's YouTube channel Locked on Philly's Postcast ORG. Oh, this is fantastic. Come on. Speaking of family a second ago, I just mentioned my children. All right. I mentioned my wife. We've been looking for life insurance policies. At least we were, not so much anymore. Thanks to the amazing people at policy genius. We all know how life insurance is an important safety net for your family. We try and make sure that we always provide the best for our family, don't we? And by trying to find the right policy, it can be a little overwhelming, it can be extremelyconfusing, not anymore, not with the people of policy genius. That's why we're lucky to have policy genius. 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Let's look ahead. Phillies and Mets are going to be right back at it tomorrow night,640 start time in South Philadelphia GPE. The Phillies now 30 and 13 on the season. They'll be playing host to the New York Mets in this split four-game home-and-home series. The Mets are 19 and 22 on the season. Jose Cantana will get the start for the Mets ORG. Left-handed pitcher will go against Rangers, Suarez PERSON.Oh, God, I just feel so bad for the Mets ORG. Anyway, Jose Cantana PERSON will start. Left-handed pitcher, the veteran, as we all know, 35 years old. He is coming off a five-inning four-run, all-earned six-hit performance where he surrendered three home runs against the Atlanta Braves ORG. Prior to that, he surrendered eight runs on 10 hits, but no home runs.Against the Tampa Bay raise in a 10-8 loss. So Jose Catana PERSON, you might say, is due to a better performance. We shall see. He's one and four on the season with a 544 ERA. Rangers Suarez, in case you've been living under a rock this season, has been awesome, has been dominant,has been Sandy Kofak, Steve Carlton PERSON, knock on wood, that's the last, I didn't jinks him, you know, but he's fantastic. As of right now, he's got the third best ERA in all of baseball with a 150 ERA. He is 7 and 0 on the season. That's the best in Major League Baseball ORG. So, yeah, he is doing pretty good.And he's got the best whip as well with a 0.72 whip on the year. That's who the Phillies ORG got going for him. Tomorrow night, 640 start time. And the Phillies ORG are feeling pretty pretty darn good about themselves. So if they're feeling good, I'm feeling good, we're all feeling good. Hey, let me reflect for a second on where we're at right now with this Phillies ORG team.One of the stories that was told during the game today was how Rob Thompson PERSON just has the utmost confidence in everybody on this roster. And if he takes a couple of guys out of the starting lineup for whatever reason, need a break. Now, Bryce Harper got a break today. Wasn't feeling that great. Supposedly had a headache during the game yesterday. If you caught yesterday's postcast, I was questioning why Bryce Harper in the sixth inning,I think it was, took two pitches on a 3-1 count. After swinging at the first pitch of the at bat and fouling it away, he then worked a 3-1 count. And then he took a fastball right down the middle of the plate, took a sinker right down the middle of the plate, didn't even offer at it.Then he took another sinker, letter high. Strike three called. Didn't even offer at it. After fouling off the first pitch, he didn't offer at anything for the rest of the at bat. Little concerned, little concerned. The reason that I bring up that he fouled off the first pitch of the at bat. A little concerned, little concerned.The reason I bring up that he fouled off the first pitch of the at bat is because he at least saw the ball out of, I forget the lefty's hand that was pitching at the time, but he fouled it off. If he can't locate where the pitch is coming from, the arm slot, the angle, whatever it is,he just really looks dumbfounded at the plate. I haven't seen him look that weak at the plate since last year's at bat against Holby Milner or the Brewers ORG, former Philly GPE as well. So I was a little concerned that it might be something, and I did reference when he got hit in the head on the throw by Nito PERSON,back to Mayena in his first at bat of the game. Turns out afterwards he did have a little bit of a headache. So hopefully nothing beyond that. He was on the bench today. Looked like he was talking to his team. I don't know.He can't tell much from that. But at least he was on the bench. So I'll cross my fingers at all is right with Bryce Harper PERSON for the foreseeable future and the very near future as well. So hopefully he'll be able to get back in the lineup tomorrow. It was good to see Kyle Schwarber get back in the lineup today.Work and walk. That was great. Nick Castiano PERSON's cooled off just a wee bit. Hopefully that gets going again. But Rob Thompson PERSON talking about giving some guys breaks, Garrett Stubbs PERSON getting an opportunity here.The depth of this team is just incredible. And it showed itself again today. When you have guys that are heating up throughout this lineup, and then they go cold, it seems like it's somebody else's turn to heat up. Whether that's Nick Cassiano's for like a two-week period,whether now it's Bryson Stott PERSON, Alec Bohm continues to hit. That guy doesn't seem like he's cooling off anytime. Whitmerfield was hot, now he's ice cold. This team just finds ways to pick each other up. And Mundo Sosa comes off the bench is one of your best hitters over your last four games.What? Five games, excuse me. Well, they didn't play today. It's four games. That's pretty awesome. That's pretty awesome.So you love to see it. And it's one of the biggest reasons, if not the biggest reason, you can have confidence. I think the pitching staff is the biggest reason. And then the depth in this lineup is another reason. That's why. I mean, the pitching staff shows another biggest reason, and then the depth in this lineup is another reason. That's why. I mean, the pitching staff shows another flex of depth.When you talk about the arms on this team. Phillies, Matt's back at it for game three of this split four game series. Split home and home four game series. Game three in South Philly tomorrow night, 640. Aaron Nola will be on the hill against Jose Cantata PERSON. Thanks for watching.Thanks for listening. Hey, once again, make sure you guys smash the like button. Make sure you guys subscribe to Locked On Sports Philadelphia. We got Keith Pompeii talking Sixers with you guys on the Locked on 76ers podcast. We got Connor Thomas talking Phillies baseball on the Locked on Phillies podcast as well. We got it all, baby.We got it all covered. Thanks for watching. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. Once again, hit the like button and subscribe to Locked On Sports Philadelphia's YouTube channel, the all new Locked On Sports Philadelphia YouTube channel.Until tomorrow afternoon, excuse me, tomorrow night. Thanks for watching. Thanks for listening. My name is Mark Foresa PERSON. This is Locked on Sports Philadelphia ORG. Catch you guys tomorrow.See you.